
Defines functions calc_agg_bulk

Documented in calc_agg_bulk

#' Calculate UPM expression values across pData values
#' This will calculate UMIs per million UPM expression values across pData columns. Useful for heatmaps and networking analysis.
#' @param input the input ex_sc.
#' @param aggregate_by The pData variables to break by
#' @param group_by The pData variables that contains distinct groups if included in aggregate_by (eg Timepoint, Condition, etc)
#' This is used to calculate portions internally to this group
#' @param cutoff_frac a  fraction expressing value below which gene expression values will be set to 0 for the mean.
#' @param cutoff_num a total number cells expressing value below which gene expression values will be set to 0 for the mean.
#' @param cutoff_cpm, the minimum CPM values below which set to 0
#' This is useful for removing nodes from networks that contain only a couple of cells.
#' @export
#' @details
#' Utilize information stored in pData to control the plot display.
#' @examples
#' plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc_example, color_by = "UMI_sum", title = "UMI_sum across clusters", facet_by = "Cluster", ncol = 3)

calc_agg_bulk <- function(input, aggregate_by, group_by = FALSE, cutoff_frac = FALSE, cutoff_num = FALSE, cutoff_cpm = FALSE){
  if(group_by != FALSE){
    ind <- match(group_by, aggregate_by)
    if(ind != 1){
      stop("Please provide the group_by value first in the aggreggate_by argument")
  check <- grep("bulk", colnames(fData(input)))
  if(length(check) > 0){
    fData(input) <- fData(input)[,-check]
  to_expand <- vector("list", length(aggregate_by))
  for(i in 1:length(aggregate_by)) {
    var <- aggregate_by[i]
    vars <- unique(pData(input)[,var])
    vars <- sort(vars)
    to_expand[[i]] <- vars
  names(to_expand) <- aggregate_by
  bulks <- expand.grid(to_expand, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(bulks) <- c(aggregate_by)
  groups <- sort(unique(pData(input)[,group_by]))
  upm_vals <- c()
  num_cells_vals <- c()
  num_genes_vals <- c()
  rem_genes <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(bulks))
  for (j in 1:nrow(bulks)) {
    int <- bulks[j,]
    full_match <- c()
    for (k in 1:length(int)) {
      ind <- which(pData(input)[,colnames(bulks)[k]] == int[[k]])
      if (k == 1){
        full_match <- c(full_match, ind)
      } else {
        full_match <- intersect(full_match, ind)
    num_cells <- length(full_match)
    num_cells_vals <- c(num_cells_vals, num_cells)
    if(length(full_match) > 1){
      tmp <- exprs(input)[,full_match]
      upm <- (apply(tmp, 1, sum)/sum(tmp))*1000000
      if(cutoff_frac != FALSE || cutoff_num != FALSE){
        zero_out_frac <- c()
        zero_out_num <- c()
        tmp2 <- tmp
        tmp2[which(tmp2 > 0)] <- 1
        gSums <- apply(tmp2,1,sum)
        if(cutoff_frac != FALSE){
          frac <- gSums / num_cells
          zero_out_frac <- which(frac < cutoff_frac)
        if(cutoff_num != FALSE){
          zero_out_num <- which(gSums < cutoff_num)
        if(group_by != FALSE){
          rem_genes[[j]] <- unique(names(c(zero_out_num, zero_out_frac)))
        } else {
          upm[unique(c(zero_out_num, zero_out_frac))] <- 0
    expressed <- length(which(upm > 0))#not right!!!! for the fraction calc is different..
    upm_vals <- c(upm_vals, upm)
    num_genes_vals <- c(num_genes_vals, expressed)
  names(rem_genes) <- apply(bulks,1, FUN = paste, collapse = "_")
  bulks$numcells <- num_cells_vals
  bulks$numgenes <- num_genes_vals
  bulks$proportion <- 0
  if(group_by != FALSE){
    for (i in 1:length(groups)) {
      ind <- grep(groups[i], bulks[,group_by])
      total <- sum(bulks$numcells[ind])
      bulks$proportion[ind] <- round((bulks$numcells[ind]/total)*100,2)
  } else {
    total <- sum(bulks$numcells)
    bulks$proportion <- round((bulks$numcells/total)*100,2)
  bulk <- matrix(upm_vals, nrow = nrow(exprs(input)))
  rownames(bulk) <- rownames(exprs(input))
  colnames(bulk) <- seq(1:ncol(bulk))
  for (l in 1:nrow(bulks)) {
    cname <- bulks[l,-c(match(c("numcells", "proportion", "numgenes"), colnames(bulks)))]
    cname2 <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(cname)) {
      cint <- as.character(cname[[i]])
      cname2 <- c(cname2, cint)
    cname <- cname2
    cnum <- bulks[l,"numcells"]
    cpro <- bulks[l,"proportion"]
    cgen <- bulks[l,"numgenes"]
    cname <- paste0(c(cname, "num_genes", cgen, "num_cells", cnum, "percent", cpro, "bulk"), collapse = "_")
    colnames(bulk)[l] <- cname
  if(group_by != FALSE){
      for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
        int_cell <- vars[i]
        ind <- grep(int_cell, names(rem_genes))
        vals <- table(unlist(rem_genes[ind]))
        zero_out <- names(which(vals == max(vals)))
        bulk[zero_out,ind] <- 0
    for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
      int_cell <- vars[i]
      ind <- grep(int_cell, colnames(bulk))
      if(length(ind) > 1){
        gCount <- apply(bulk[,ind],1,function(x) length(which(x>=cutoff_cpm)))
        zero_out <- which(gCount == 0)
      } else {
        zero_out <- which(bulk[,ind] < cutoff_cpm)
      bulk[zero_out,ind] <- 0
  fData(input) <- cbind(fData(input), bulk)
kgellatl/SignallingSingleCell documentation built on Dec. 29, 2021, 4:12 p.m.