
Defines functions em_solve summaryMcmcChain plotMcmcChain controlBayesFdr estimatePi0WithQbf estimatePi0WithEbf adjustThreshGalwey effNbIndepTestsPerChr effNbIndepTests adjustPvaluesSidak adjustThreshSidak adjustThreshBonf significantTests qqplotPval plotHistPval sampleWX2019 h2v2WX2019 h2v1WX2019 powerWX2019 rhoWX2019 n0WX2019 precMatAR1 covMatAR1 corrMatAR1 tridiag rmatnorm isSingular cor2cov quantNorm getNbPCsMinimAvgSqPartCor orthoRotate2D pca matrixTrace mpInv log10WeightedSum binaryClassif getMeanVarBetaDist getParamsBetaDist pseudoR2 msd mae rmse prettyPrintBetterSummary betterSummary

Documented in adjustPvaluesSidak adjustThreshBonf adjustThreshGalwey adjustThreshSidak betterSummary binaryClassif controlBayesFdr cor2cov corrMatAR1 covMatAR1 effNbIndepTests effNbIndepTestsPerChr em_solve estimatePi0WithEbf estimatePi0WithQbf getMeanVarBetaDist getNbPCsMinimAvgSqPartCor getParamsBetaDist h2v1WX2019 h2v2WX2019 isSingular log10WeightedSum mae matrixTrace mpInv msd n0WX2019 orthoRotate2D pca plotHistPval plotMcmcChain powerWX2019 precMatAR1 prettyPrintBetterSummary pseudoR2 qqplotPval quantNorm rhoWX2019 rmatnorm rmse sampleWX2019 significantTests summaryMcmcChain tridiag

## Contains functions useful for statistics.

##' Better summary
##' Format the output of \code{\link{summary}} in a single line, as well as the total number of observations, the number and percentage of missing data, the variance and standard deviation, and the coefficient of variation.
##' @param x vector (or 1-column matrix) of numbers
##' @return vector of 12 values
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @seealso \code{\link{prettyPrintBetterSummary}}
##' @export
betterSummary <- function(x){
    stopifnot(ncol(x) == 1)
    x <- as.vector(x[,1])

  out <- stats::setNames(rep(NA, 12),
                         c("n", "num.na", "perc.na",
                           "mean", "var", "sd", "cv",
                           "min", "q1", "med", "q3", "max"))

  out["n"] <- length(x)
  isNa <- is.na(x)
  out["num.na"] <- sum(isNa)
  out["perc.na"] <- 100 * out["num.na"] / out["n"]
  out["mean"] <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  out["var"] <- stats::var(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  out["sd"] <- stats::sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  out["cv"] <- out["sd"] / out["mean"]
  out["min"] <- min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  out["q1"] <- stats::quantile(x, probs=0.25, na.rm=TRUE)
  out["med"] <- stats::median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  out["q3"] <- stats::quantile(x, probs=0.75, na.rm=TRUE)
  out["max"] <- max(x, na.rm=TRUE)


##' Print better summary
##' Print the output of \code{\link{betterSummary}} in a single line.
##' @param x vector of numbers; if NULL, \code{smy} should be provided
##' @param smy output of \code{\link{betterSummary}}; if NULL, \code{x} should be provided; if data frame, will be converted to vector
##' @param spec specifier to format floats, see \code{\link{sprintf}}
##' @param header optional character to be placed in front of what will be printed
##' @return invisible summary
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
prettyPrintBetterSummary <- function(x=NULL, smy=NULL, spec="%.2f", header=NULL){
  stopifnot(xor(is.null(x), is.null(smy)),
            ifelse(is.null(header), TRUE, is.character(header)))

    smy <- betterSummary(x)
  else if(is.data.frame(smy))
    smy <- unlist(smy)

  txt <- ""
  if(! is.null(header))
    txt <- paste0(txt, header)

  fmt <- paste(paste0(c("n","num.na"), "=", "%i"), collapse=" ")
  txt <- paste(txt,
                       smy["n"], smy["num.na"]))
  fmt <- paste(paste0(names(smy)[-c(1,2)], "=", spec), collapse=" ")
  txt <- paste(txt,
                       smy["mean"], smy["var"], smy["sd"], smy["cv"],
                       smy["min"], smy["q1"], smy["med"],
                       smy["q3"], smy["max"]))


##' Root mean squared error
##' Returns the root mean squared error (RMSE).
##' @param error vector \eqn{\hat{\theta}_i - \theta_i}
##' @return numeric
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
rmse <- function(error){

##' Mean absolute error
##' Returns the mean absolute error (MAE).
##' @param error vector \eqn{\hat{\theta}_i - \theta_i}
##' @return numeric
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
mae <- function(error){

##' Mean signed difference
##' Returns the mean signed difference (MSD).
##' @param error vector \eqn{\hat{\theta}_i - \theta_i}
##' @return numeric
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
msd <- function(error){

##' Pseudo R squared
##' Compute a \href{https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/other/mult-pkg/faq/general/faq-what-are-pseudo-r-squareds/}{pseudo R squared}.
##' @param dat N-vector of data
##' @param res N-vector of residuals
##' @param pred N-vector of predictions
##' @param method method
##' @return pseudo R squared
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
pseudoR2 <- function(dat, res, pred, method="Efron"){
  stopifnot(length(res) == length(dat),
            length(pred) == length(dat))
  if(! method %in% c("Efron")){
    msg <- "method should be 'Efron'"

  pseudo.R2 <- NA

  if(method == "Efron"){
    SS.residuals <- sum(res^2)
    SS.total <- sum((dat - mean(dat))^2)
    pseudo.R2 <- 1 - (SS.residuals^2 / SS.total^2)


##' Beta distribution
##' Return the value of both parameters for the \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_distribution}{Beta distribution} given its mean and variance.
##' @param m mean of the Beta distribution
##' @param v variance of the Beta distribution
##' @return vector
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{set.seed(1859)
##' (beta.params <- getParamsBetaDist(m=0.5, v=0.1))
##' x <- rbeta(n=10^3, shape1=beta.params[1], shape2=beta.params[2])
##' mean(x)
##' var(x)
##' }
##' @export
getParamsBetaDist <- function(m, v){
  stopifnot(all(is.numeric(m), is.numeric(v)),
            all(m >= 0, m <= 1),
            v > 0)

  alpha <- ((1 - m) / v - 1 / m) * m ^ 2

  beta <- alpha * (1 / m - 1)

  return(c(alpha=alpha, beta=beta))

##' Beta distribution
##' Return the values of the mean and variance for the \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_distribution}{Beta distribution} given its parameters.
##' @param alpha first parameter
##' @param beta second parameter
##' @return vector
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
getMeanVarBetaDist <- function(alpha, beta){
  stopifnot(all(is.numeric(alpha), is.numeric(beta)),
            all(alpha > 0, beta > 0))

  m <- alpha / (alpha + beta)

  v <- (alpha * beta) / ((alpha + beta)^2 * (alpha + beta + 1))

  return(c(mean=m, var=v))

##' Hypothesis testing
##' Return the number of true positives, false positives, true negatives,
##' false negatives, true positive proportion (sensitivity), false positive
##' proportion, accuracy, true negative proportion (specificity), false
##' discovery proportion, false negative proportion, positive predictive
##' value (precision) and Matthews correlation coefficient.
##' More details on Wikipedia (\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitivity_and_specificity}{[1]}, \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthews_correlation_coefficient}{[2]}).
##' @param known.nulls vector of booleans (TRUE if the null is true)
##' @param called.nulls vector of booleans (TRUE if the null is accepted); should be in the same order as the othr vector!
##' @return vector with names
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
binaryClassif <- function(known.nulls, called.nulls){
  ## http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitivity_and_specificity
  ##                                  CALLED
  ##                     Accepted null     Rejected null
  ##       true null         TN (U)            FP (V)          n0
  ## TRUTH
  ##       false null        FN (T)            TP (S)          n1
  ##                         a                 r               n
  stopifnot(is.vector(known.nulls), is.vector(called.nulls),
            length(known.nulls) == length(called.nulls),
            sum(! is.logical(known.nulls)) == 0,
            sum(! is.logical(called.nulls)) == 0)

  n <- length(known.nulls) # total number of tests
  n0 <- sum(known.nulls)   # nb of true nulls
  n1 <- n - n0             # nb of "false nulls" (i.e. "true alternatives")
  a <- sum(called.nulls)   # nb of accepted nulls ("called not significant")
  r <- n - a               # nb of rejected nulls ("called significant", "discoveries")

  ## true positive = reject a false null
  tp <- sum(which(! called.nulls) %in% which(! known.nulls))

  ## false positive = reject a true null (type I error, "false alarm")
  fp <- sum(which(! called.nulls) %in% which(known.nulls))

  ## true negatives = accept a true null
  tn <- sum(which(called.nulls) %in% which(known.nulls))

  ## false negatives = accept a false null (type II error, "miss")
  fn <- sum(which(called.nulls) %in% which(! known.nulls))

  tpp <- tp / n1        # true positive prop (sensitivity)
  fnp <- fn / n1        # false negative prop
  tnp <- tn / n0        # true negative prop (specificity) = 1 - fpp
  fpp <- fp / n0        # false positive prop
  fdp <- fp / r         # false discovery prop
  ppv <- tp / r         # positive predictive value (precision)
  acc <- (tp + tn) / n  # accuracy
  mcc <- (tp * tn - fp * fn) / sqrt((tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) * (tn + fn))

  return(c(n=n, n0=n0, n1=n1,
           r=r, tp=tp, fp=fp,
           a=a, tn=tn, fn=fn,
           tpp=tpp, fnp=fnp, tnp=tnp, fpp=fpp, fdp=fdp, ppv=ppv, acc=acc,

##' Log of weighted sum
##' Performs the stable computation of \eqn{log_{10}(\sum_i w_i 10^x_i)}.
##' @param x vector of log10 values
##' @param weights weights (use equal weights if not specified)
##' @return numeric
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
log10WeightedSum <- function(x, weights=NULL){
  stopifnot(is.numeric(x), is.vector(x))
  if(! is.null(weights)){
              length(weights) == length(x))
  } else
    weights <- rep(1/length(x), length(x))
  m <- max(x)
  m + log10(sum(weights * 10^(x - m)))

##' Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse
##' Return the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of a matrix (Golub & Van Loan, Matrix Computations, 3rd edition, ch5, p257).
##' If the \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=MASS}{MASS} package is available, the \code{ginv} function is used.
##' @param x matrix
##' @return matrix
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
mpInv <- function(x){
  out <- NULL

  requireNamespace("MASS", quietly=TRUE)
  if("MASS" %in% loadedNamespaces()){
    out <- MASS::ginv(X=x)
  } else{
    mat.svd <- svd(x)
    out <- mat.svd$v %*% diag(1/mat.svd$d) %*% t(mat.svd$u)

  dimnames(out) <- dimnames(x)

##' Trace of a matrix
##' Return the trace of a matrix by summing its eigenvalues.
##' @param x matrix to be decomposed; ignored if \code{l} is provided
##' @param l vector of eigenvalues
##' @return numeric
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
matrixTrace <- function(x=NULL, l=NULL){
  stopifnot(xor(is.null(x), is.null(l)))

    l <- eigen(x=x, only.values=TRUE)$values

  trace <- sum(l)


##' Principal component analysis
##' Given a data matrix X with N rows and P columns, principal component analysis can be performed using the singular value decomposition (SVD), X = U D V^T, where U is NxN, D is NxN and diagonal (singular values), and V is PxN.
##' Another way to perform it, is to first compute a symmetric matrix, S (e.g. the scatter matrix X X^T, but not necessarily), and then to use the eigendecomposition (EVD) of it, S = Q Delta Q^-1, where Q is NxN and Delta is NxN and diagonal (eigenvalues).
##' TODO: for large matrices, use the \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=RSpectra}{RSpectra} package which allows to calculate only the k largest singular values and corresponding singular vectors.
##' @param X data matrix with N rows ("units") and P columns ("variables"); P can be equal to N but X shouldn't be symmetric; a data frame will be converted into a matrix; specify X or S, but not both
##' @param S symmetric matrix with N rows and columns; a data frame will be converted into a matrix; specify X or S, but not both
##' @param ct if TRUE, the columns of X will be centered (recommended); a good reason to center the data matrix for PCA is given in \href{http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11063-007-9069-2}{Miranda et al (2008)}
##' @param sc if TRUE, the columns of X will be scaled/standardized (if different units)
##' @param plot if not NULL, use "points" to show a plot with \code{\link[graphics]{points}} of PC1 versus PC2, and "text" to use \code{\link[graphics]{text}} with row names of \code{X} as labels (use \code{\link{plotPca}} to use other axes)
##' @param main main title of the plot
##' @param cols N-vector of colors (will be \code{"black"} by default)
##' @param pchs N-vector of point symbols; used if \code{plot="points"}; will be \code{20} by default
##' @param ES10 if TRUE (and X is specified), the Lambda (= U) and F (= D V^T) matrices from \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1001117}{Engelhart and Stephens (2010)} are also returned
##' @return list with (1) if X is given, the rotated data matrix (= X V) which rows correspond to the original rows after translation towards the sample mean (if center=TRUE) and rotation onto the "principal components" (eigenvectors of the sample covariance matrix), (2) if X is given, the singular values, (3) the eigen values, and (4) the proportions of variance explained per PC
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @seealso \code{\link{plotPca}}
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{## simulate genotypes from 3 populations
##' set.seed(1859)
##' genomes <- simulCoalescent(nb.inds=300, nb.pops=3, mig.rate=3)
##' X <- genomes$genos
##' table(inds.per.pop <- kmeans(X, 3)$cluster)
##' A <- estimGenRel(X)
##' imageWithScale(A, main="Additive genetic relationships") # we clearly see 3 clusters
##' ## prcomp() uses svd()
##' out.prcomp <- prcomp(x=X, retx=TRUE, center=TRUE, scale.=FALSE)
##' summary(out.prcomp)$importance[,1:4]
##' out.prcomp$sdev[1:4]
##' (out.prcomp$sdev^2 / sum(out.prcomp$sdev^2))[1:4]
##' head(out.prcomp$rotation[, 1:4]) # first four PCs (i.e. eigenvectors)
##' head(out.prcomp$x[, 1:4]) # rotated data (= data x rotation matrix)
##' ## princomp() uses eigen() and requires more units than variables
##' out.princomp <- princomp(x=X)
##' ## this function fed with the data matrix
##' out.pca.X <- pca(X=X, ct=TRUE, sc=FALSE)
##' out.pca.X$sgl.values[1:4]
##' out.pca.X$eigen.values[1:4]
##' out.pca.X$prop.vars[1:4]
##' head(out.pca.X$rot.dat[, 1:4]) # rotated data
##' ## this function fed with the scatter matrix
##' S <- tcrossprod(scale(X, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE))
##' out.pca.S <- pca(S=S)
##' out.pca.S$eigen.values[1:4]
##' out.pca.S$prop.vars[1:4]
##' head(out.pca.S$rot.dat[, 1:4]) # rotated data
##' }
##' @export
pca <- function(X=NULL, S=NULL, ct=TRUE, sc=FALSE, plot=NULL, main="PCA",
                cols=NULL, pchs=NULL, ES10=FALSE){
  stopifnot(xor(! is.null(X), ! is.null(S)))
  if(! is.null(X)){
    if(! is.matrix(X))
      X <- as.matrix(X)
              ! isSymmetric(X),
              all(! is.na(X)),
  } else if(! is.null(S)){
    if(! is.matrix(S))
      S <- as.matrix(S)
  if(! is.null(plot)){
      cols <- rep("black", ifelse(is.null(S), nrow(X), nrow(S)))
      pchs <- rep(20, ifelse(is.null(S), nrow(X), nrow(S)))
    stopifnot(plot %in% c("points", "text"),
              ifelse(is.null(S), length(cols) == nrow(X),
                     length(cols) == nrow(S)),
              ifelse(is.null(S), length(pchs) == nrow(X),
                     length(pchs) == nrow(S)))

  output <- list()

  if(! is.null(X)){
    X <- scale(x=X, center=ct, scale=sc)
    svd.X <- svd(x=X)
    sgl.values <- svd.X$d
    eigen.values <- sgl.values^2
    rot.dat <- X %*% svd.X$v
  } else if(! is.null(S)){
    sgl.values <- NULL
    evd.S <- eigen(S)
    eigen.values <- evd.S$values
    rot.dat <- evd.S$vectors
    rownames(rot.dat) <- rownames(S)

  colnames(rot.dat) <- paste0("PC", 1:ncol(rot.dat))
  prop.vars <- eigen.values / sum(eigen.values)
  names(prop.vars) <- colnames(rot.dat)

  output$sgl.values <- sgl.values
  output$eigen.values <- eigen.values
  output$prop.vars <- prop.vars
  output$rot.dat <- rot.dat

  if(! is.null(plot))
    plotPca(rotation=rot.dat, prop.vars=prop.vars, plot=plot, main=main,
            cols=cols, pchs=pchs)

  if(! is.null(X) & ES10){
    ## Lambda = U
    ## F = D V' and is N x P
    output$Lambda <- svd.X$u
    rownames(output$Lambda) <- rownames(X)
    output$F <- diag(svd.X$d) %*% t(svd.X$v)
    colnames(output$F) <- colnames(X)


##' Rotation
##' Rotates the input matrix by a certain angle (useful for the output of PCA).
##' @param x 2-column matrix to be rotated
##' @param angle angle of rotation (in degrees)
##' @return matrix
##' @seealso \code{\link{pca}}, \code{\link{plotPca}}
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
orthoRotate2D <- function(x, angle=90){
  stopifnot(ncol(x) == 2)
  rotmat <- matrix(c(cos(angle), -sin(angle),
                     sin(angle), cos(angle)),
                   nrow=2, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  x %*% rotmat

##' Choose the number of PCs
##' Return the number of PCs that minimizes the average squared partial correlation, from Shriner (Heredity, 2011).
##' @param X matrix (e.g. genotypes in {0,1,2} with SNPs in rows and individuals in columns)
##' @return integer
##' @author Daniel Shriner [aut], Timothee Flutre [cre]
##' @export
getNbPCsMinimAvgSqPartCor <- function(X){

  mu <- apply(X, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
  X <- X - mu
  X2 <- stats::cor(X, use="complete.obs")
  a <- eigen(X2)
  a$values[a$values < 0] <- 0
  b <- diag(a$values, nrow=length(a$values))
  loadings <- a$vectors %*% sqrt(b)

  partial <- function(x){
    c <- loadings[, 1:x]
    partcov <- X2 - (c %*% t(c))
    d <- diag(partcov)
    if(any(is.element(NaN,d), is.element(0,d), length(d[d<0])!=0)) {
      map <- 1
    } else {
      d <- 1 / sqrt(d)
      e <- diag(d, nrow=length(d))
      pr <- e %*% partcov %*% e
      map <- (sum(pr^2) - ncol(X2)) / (ncol(X2) * (ncol(X2) - 1))
  fm <- sapply(1:(ncol(X2) - 1), partial)
  fm <- c((sum(X2^2) - ncol(X2)) / (ncol(X2) * (ncol(X2) - 1)), fm)

  return(max(1, which.min(fm) - 1))

##' Quantile-normalize a vector of numbers to a standard normal distribution.
##' Bolstad et al, Bioinformatics, 2003
##' @param x vector of numeric data
##' @param break.ties.rand break ties randomly (default=TRUE)
##' @param seed see for the pseudo-random number generator (default=1859)
##' @return vector
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
quantNorm <- function(x, break.ties.rand=TRUE, seed=1859){
  stopifnot(is.vector(x), is.numeric(x), is.logical(break.ties.rand),

  out <- stats::setNames(object=rep(NA, length(x)), nm=names(x))

    if(! is.null(seed))
    idx <- sample.int(n=length(x))
    tmp <- stats::qqnorm(y=x[idx], plot.it=FALSE)$x
    out <- tmp[sort(idx, index.return=TRUE)$ix]
  } else
    out <- stats::qqnorm(y=x, plot.it=FALSE)$x


##' Scales a correlation matrix into the corresponding covariance matrix efficiently.
##' Use sweep.
##' See \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covariance_matrix#Correlation_matrix}.
##' @param x correlation matrix
##' @param sd standard deviations
##' @return matrix
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
cor2cov <- function(x, sd){
  ## D <- diag(sd); return(D %*% x %*% D)
  return(sweep(sweep(x, 1, sd, "*"), 2, sd, "*"))

##' Singular matrix
##' Assess if a matrix is singular, i.e. not full rank, by comparing its condition number with the relative machine precision.
##' As \href{http://www.stat.wisc.edu/~st849-1/Rnotes/ModelMatrices.html#sec-2_2}{explained by Douglas Bates}, "a matrix is regarded as being numerically singular when its reciprocal condition number is less than the relative machine precision".
##' @param x matrix
##' @return logical
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
isSingular <- function(x){
  return(1 / kappa(x) <= 100 * .Machine$double.eps)

##' Matrix-variate Normal distribution
##' Random generation for the matrix-variate Normal distribution.
##' See \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_normal_distribution}.
##' @param n number of observations
##' @param M mean matrix; if \code{dimnames(M)} is not NULL, the column and row names will be compared to those of U and V (if any) and, in the absence of conflict, propagated to the output
##' @param U between-row covariance matrix
##' @param V between-column covariance matrix
##' @param pivot 2-element vector with values TRUE/FALSE/"auto", where TRUE (FALSE) means using pivoting (or not) for Choleski decomposition of U and/or V (see \code{\link[base]{chol}}); useful when U and/or V are singular; with "auto", this will be automatically determined
##' @return array
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{set.seed(1859)
##' Sigma <- matrix(c(3,2,2,4), nrow=2, ncol=2)
##' rho <- Sigma[2,1] / prod(sqrt(diag(Sigma)))
##' samples <- rmatnorm(n=100, M=matrix(0, nrow=10^3, ncol=2),
##'                     U=diag(10^3), V=Sigma)
##' tmp <- t(apply(samples, 3, function(mat){
##'   c(var(mat[,1]), var(mat[,2]), cor(mat[,1], mat[,2]))
##' }))
##' summary(tmp) # corresponds well to Sigma
##' }
##' @export
rmatnorm <- function(n=1, M, U, V, pivot=c(U="auto", V="auto")){
            nrow(M) == nrow(U),
            ncol(M) == nrow(V),
            nrow(U) == ncol(U),
            nrow(V) == ncol(V),
            all(c("U","V") %in% names(pivot)),
            all(pivot %in% c(TRUE, FALSE, "auto")))
  if(! is.null(colnames(M))){
    if(! is.null(colnames(V)))
      stopifnot(all(colnames(M) == colnames(V)))
    if(! is.null(rownames(V)))
      stopifnot(all(colnames(M) == rownames(V)))
  if(! is.null(rownames(M))){
    if(! is.null(colnames(U)))
      stopifnot(all(rownames(M) == colnames(U)))
    if(! is.null(rownames(U)))
      stopifnot(all(rownames(M) == rownames(U)))

  ## chol() returns upper triangular factor of Cholesky decomp
  if(pivot["U"] == "auto"){
    chol.tU <- chol(t(U), pivot=isSingular(U)) # A
  } else
    chol.tU <- chol(t(U), pivot=pivot["U"]) # A
  if(pivot["V"] == "auto"){
    chol.V <- chol(V, pivot=isSingular(V)) # B
  } else
    chol.V <- chol(V, pivot=pivot["V"]) # B

  ## for X ~ MN(M, AA', B'B): draw Z ~ MN(0, I, I), then X = M + A Z B
  tmp <- lapply(1:n, function(i){
    Z <- matrix(data=stats::rnorm(n=nrow(M) * ncol(M), mean=0, sd=1),
                nrow=nrow(M), ncol=ncol(M))
    matrix(data=M + chol.tU %*% Z %*% chol.V,
           nrow=nrow(M), ncol=ncol(M))

  out <- array(data=do.call(c, tmp),
               dim=c(nrow(M), ncol(M), n))
  dimnames(out) <- list(rownames(M), colnames(M), NULL)


##' Tridiagonal matrix
##' Make a tridiagonal matrix.
##' @param main vector for the main diagonal
##' @param upper vector for the upper diagonal
##' @param lower vector for the lower diagonal
##' @param as.covar if TRUE, the matrix is interpreted as a variance-covariance matrix, with \code{main} giving the variances, and \code{upper} giving the correlations (the covariance will be deduced)
##' @return matrix
##' @author Jthorpe (https://stackoverflow.com/a/28974577/597069)
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{main <- 3:6
##' upper <- 1:3
##' lower <- 2:4
##' tridiag(main, upper, lower)
##' main <- sample(x=1:2, size=4, replace=TRUE)
##' upper <- lower <- rep(-0.4, 3)
##' tridiag(main, upper, lower)
##' }
##' @export
tridiag <- function(main, upper, lower, as.covar=FALSE){
            length(upper) == length(main) - 1)
  if(! as.covar)
              length(lower) == length(main) - 1)

  n <- length(main)
  out <- matrix(data=0, nrow=n, ncol=n)

  diag(out) <- main

  idx <- seq.int(length(upper))
  out[cbind(idx, idx + 1)] <- upper

  if(! as.covar){
    out[cbind(idx + 1, idx)] <- lower
  } else{
    ## cov.12 = cor.12 * sqrt(var.1 * var.2)
    out[1, 2] <- upper[1] * sqrt(main[1] * main[2])
    for(i in 2:(n-1))
      out[i, i+1] <- upper[i] * sqrt(main[i] * main[i+1])
    out[lower.tri(out)] = t(out)[lower.tri(out)]


##' AR(1)
##' Return a first-order auto-regressive correlation matrix, as noted in equation 4 of \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/x02-111}{Dutkowski et al (2002)}.
##' @param n dimension of the matrix (number of rows and columns)
##' @param rho correlation between successive variables
##' @return matrix
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
corrMatAR1 <- function(n, rho){
            n >= 0,
            abs(rho) <= 1)

  M <- diag(n)
  M <- row(M) - col(M)
  M <- abs(M)


##' AR(1)
##' Return a first-order auto-regressive covariance matrix.
##' @param n dimension of the matrix (number of rows and columns)
##' @param rho correlation between successive variables
##' @param sigma2 variance of the errors (also called "innovations" in the time-series literature)
##' @return matrix
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
covMatAR1 <- function(n, rho, sigma2){
            n >= 0,
            abs(rho) <= 1,
            sigma2 > 0)

  corrMat <- corrMatAR1(n=n, rho=rho)

  Sigma <- (sigma2 / (1 - rho^2)) * corrMat


##' AR(1)
##' Return a first-order auto-regressive precision matrix, as in section 1.1.1 of Rue and Held (2005).
##' @param n dimension of the matrix (number of rows and columns)
##' @param rho correlation between successive variables
##' @param sigma2 variance of the errors (also called "innovations" in the time-series literature)
##' @return sparse matrix
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
precMatAR1 <- function(n, rho, sigma2){
            n >= 0,
            abs(rho) <= 1,
            sigma2 > 0)

  tmp <- Matrix::bandSparse(n=n, m=n, k=c(1, -1),
                            diagonals=list(rep(- rho, n - 1),
                                           rep(- rho, n - 1)))

  Q <- (1 / sigma2) * (Matrix::Diagonal(x=c(1, rep(1 + rho^2, n - 2), 1)) +


##' GWAS power analysis
##' Computes the effective population size.
##' Useful for the power analysis of a GWAS from \href{http://www.nature.com/articles/s41437-019-0205-3}{Wang and Xu (2019)}.
##' Code from \href{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/csc2.20692}{White et al (2020)}.
##' @param lambda lambda
##' @param eigvalues eigenvalues of the kinship matrix
##' @return numeric
##' @author Jon White
##' @export
n0WX2019 <- function(lambda=1, eigvalues){
  return((lambda+1) * sum(1 / (eigvalues*lambda+1)))

##' GWAS power analysis
##' Computes the effective correlation coefficient from the sample.
##' Useful for the power analysis of a GWAS from \href{http://www.nature.com/articles/s41437-019-0205-3}{Wang and Xu (2019)}.
##' Code from \href{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/csc2.20692}{White et al (2020)}.
##' @param n actual population size
##' @param lambda lambda
##' @param n0 effective population size
##' @return numeric
##' @author Jon White
##' @export
rhoWX2019 <- function(n=500,lambda=1,n0=500){
  y <- n0
  fn <- function(x,y){
    f <- (lambda+1) * ( (n-1)/((1-x)*lambda+1) + 1/( (1+n*x-x)*lambda + 1)) - y
  myrho <- uniroot(f=fn, y=y, lower=0, upper=1)

##' GWAS power analysis
##' Useful for the power analysis of a GWAS from \href{http://www.nature.com/articles/s41437-019-0205-3}{Wang and Xu (2019)}.
##' Code from \href{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/csc2.20692}{White et al (2020)}.
##' @param n actual population size
##' @param h2 heritability
##' @param lambda lambda
##' @param rho effective correlation coefficient
##' @param m number of markers
##' @param alpha alpha
##' @return numeric
##' @author Jon White
##' @export
powerWX2019 <- function(n=500, h2=0.05, lambda=1, rho=0.5, m=1e5, alpha=0.05){
  alpha <- alpha/m
  x <- qchisq(1-alpha,1)
  n0 <- (n-1)/((1-rho)*lambda+1) + 1/((1+n*rho-rho)*lambda+1)
  delta <- h2/(1-h2)*(lambda+1)*n0
  beta <- pchisq(x,1,delta)
  power <- 1-beta

##' GWAS power analysis
##' Computes a QTL using heritability effective population size.
##' Useful for the power analysis of a GWAS from \href{http://www.nature.com/articles/s41437-019-0205-3}{Wang and Xu (2019)}.
##' Code from \href{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/csc2.20692}{White et al (2020)}.
##' @param lambda lambda
##' @param n0 effective population size
##' @param power power
##' @param m number of markers
##' @param alpha alpha
##' @return numeric
##' @author Jon White
##' @export
h2v1WX2019 <- function(lambda=1,n0=2000,power=0.85,m=1e5,alpha=0.05){
   alpha <- alpha/m
   x <- qchisq(1-alpha,1)
   delta <- (qnorm(1-alpha/2)+qnorm(power))^2
   h2 <- delta/(n0+delta)

##' GWAS power analysis
##' Computes a QTL heritability using effective correlation.
##' Useful for the power analysis of a GWAS from \href{http://www.nature.com/articles/s41437-019-0205-3}{Wang and Xu (2019)}.
##' Code from \href{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/csc2.20692}{White et al (2020)}.
##' @param n actual sample size
##' @param lambda lambda
##' @param rho effective correlation coefficient from the sample
##' @param power power
##' @param m number of markers
##' @param alpha alpha
##' @return numeric
##' @author Jon White
##' @export
h2v2WX2019 <- function(n=2000,lambda=1,rho=0.5,power=0.85,m=1e5,alpha=0.05){
   alpha <- alpha/m
   x <- qchisq(1-alpha,1)
   delta <- (qnorm(1-alpha/2)+qnorm(power))^2
   n0 <- (lambda+1)*((n-1)/((1-rho)*lambda+1) + 1/((1+n*rho-rho)*lambda+1))
   h2 <- delta/(n0+delta)

##' GWAS power analysis
##' Computes the minimum sample for the desired QTL heritability.
##' Useful for the power analysis of a GWAS from \href{http://www.nature.com/articles/s41437-019-0205-3}{Wang and Xu (2019)}.
##' Code from \href{https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/csc2.20692}{White et al (2020)}.
##' @param h2 QTL heritability
##' @param lambda lambda
##' @param rho effective correlation coefficient
##' @param power power
##' @param m number of markers
##' @param alpha alpha
##' @return numeric
##' @author Jon White
##' @export
sampleWX2019 <- function(h2=0.05,lambda=1,rho=0.5,power=0.85,m=1e5,alpha=0.05){
   alpha <- alpha/m
   y <- (qnorm(1-alpha/2)+qnorm(power))^2
   fn <- function(x,y){
      n0 <- (x-1)/((1-rho)*lambda+1) + 1/((1+x*rho-rho)*lambda+1)
      f <- h2*(lambda+1)/(1-h2)*n0-y
   myh2 <- uniroot(f=fn,y=y,lower=0,upper=1e8)

##' P values
##' Plot the histogram of p values with freq=FALSE to imitate figure 1 of Storey & Tibshirani (2003).
##' The x-axis goes from 0 to 1 with equidistant bins of width 0.05, and the y-axis is in the density scale.
##' For a given bin, the density of p values in this bin corresponds to the relative frequency in this bin divided by the bin width, where the relative frequency is the absolute frequency (i.e. raw counts in this bin) divided by the sum of all counts (i.e. over all bins).
##' In the density scale, the area of a given bin is equal to its density times the bin width, thus the area of the whole histogram is equal to 1.
##' Assuming all null hypotheses are true, the "density" histogram represents the density of the discrete version of the Uniform distribution, where the height of each bin is 1, so that the whole histogram area remains equal to 1.
##' @param pvalues vector of raw p values (missing values will be omitted)
##' @param breaks vector giving the breakpoints between histogram cells (see \code{\link[graphics]{hist}})
##' @param freq as in \code{\link[graphics]{hist}}; if TRUE, the histogram graphic is a representation of frequencies, the "counts" component of the result; if FALSE, probability densities, component "density", are plotted (so that the histogram has a total area of one)
##' @param main an overall title for the plot (default: "Density of <nb of non-NA p values> p values")
##' @param col a colour to be used to fill the bars (see \code{\link[graphics]{hist}})
##' @param border the color of the border around the bars (see \code{\link[graphics]{hist}})
##' @param pi0 estimate of the proportion of null hypotheses
##' @param ylim optional limits for the y-axis (only if freq=TRUE)
##' @param legend.x x coordinate to be used to position the legend; not shown if set to NULL
##' @param verbose verbosity level (0/1)
##' @return invisible output of \code{\link[graphics]{hist}}
##' @seealso \code{\link{qqplotPval}}
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{set.seed(1859)
##' P <- 1000; P1 <- 100; thresh <- 0.05
##' pvalues.0 <- setNames(runif(n=P-P1, min=0, max=1),
##'                       paste0("null",1:(P-P1)))
##' pvalues.1 <- setNames(rbeta(n=P1, shape1=1, shape2=10^3),
##'                       paste0("alt", 1:P1))
##' pvalues <- c(pvalues.0, pvalues.1)
##' pvalues[c(1,10)] <- NA
##' plotHistPval(pvalues, pi0=(P-P1)/P, freq=TRUE)
##' pval.bonf <- p.adjust(pvalues, method="bonferroni")
##' sum(pval.bonf <= thresh, na.rm=TRUE) # 9
##' pval.bh <- p.adjust(pvalues, method="BH")
##' sum(pval.bh <= thresh, na.rm=TRUE) # 104
##' if(require(qvalue)){
##'   qv <- qvalue(p=pvalues, fdr.level=thresh, pfdr=TRUE)
##'   summary(qv)
##' }
##' }
##' @export
plotHistPval <- function(pvalues, breaks=seq(0, 1, 0.05), freq=FALSE,
                         main=NULL, col="grey", border="white", pi0=NULL,
                         ylim=NULL, legend.x="topright", verbose=1){
  if(! is.null(ylim))
              length(ylim) == 2)

  isna <- is.na(pvalues)
    if(verbose > 0){
      msg <- paste0(sum(isna), " NA are discarded")
      write(msg, stdout())
    pvalues <- pvalues[! is.na(pvalues)]

    main <- paste0("Histogram of ", length(pvalues), " p values")

  out <- graphics::hist(pvalues, breaks=breaks,
                        xlim=c(0,1), ylim=ylim,
                        freq=freq, las=1,
                        xlab=expression(italic(p)~values), main=main,
                        ## ylab=ifelse(freq, "Frequency", "Density"),
                        col=col, border=border)

  ## height one would expect if all tested hypotheses were null
    graphics::abline(h=length(pvalues) / length(breaks), lty=2)
  } else
    graphics::abline(h=1, lty=2)

  legs <- paste0("expected ", ifelse(freq, "frequency", "density"),
                 " if all hypotheses are null")
  cols <- "black"
  ltys <- 2
  lwds <- 1

  ## height of the estimate of the proportion of null hypotheses
  if(! is.null(pi0)){
      graphics::abline(h=pi0 * length(pvalues) / length(breaks), lty=3)
    } else
      graphics::abline(h=pi0, lty=3)
    legs <- c(legs, paste0("estimated ", ifelse(freq, "frequency", "density"),
                           " of null hypotheses"))
    cols <- c(cols, "black")
    ltys <- c(ltys, 3)
    lwds <- c(lwds, 1)

  if(! is.null(legend.x))
    graphics::legend(legend.x, legend=legs, col=cols, lty=ltys, lwd=lwds,


##' Q-Q plot for p values
##' Produce a quantile-quantile plot for p values and display its confidence interval.
##' A quantile is an order statistic, and the j-th order statistic from a Uniform(0,1) sample has a Beta(j,N-j+1) distribution (Casella & Berger, 2001, 2nd edition, p230).
##' Let us assume we have N independent p values, \eqn{\{p_1,\ldots,p_N\}}.
##' Under the null, they are independent and identically uniformly distributed: \eqn{\forall i \; p_i \sim \mathcal{U}_{[0,1]}}.
##' Therefore, the 95\% confidence interval for the j-th quantile of the set of p values can be calculated with: qbeta(0.95, j, N-j+1).
##' See also the \href{https://cran.r-project.org/package=qqman}{qqman} package.
##' @param pvalues vector of raw p values (missing values will be omitted)
##' @param use.density if TRUE, uses \code{\link[graphics]{smoothScatter}}
##' @param nrpoints if \code{use.density=TRUE}, number of points to be superimposed on the density image
##' @param pch vector of point symbol(s) (default is 1 for all points)
##' @param plot.conf.int show the confidence interval
##' @param xlab a title for the x axis (see default)
##' @param ylab a title for the x axis (see default)
##' @param thresh significance threshold at which to control the FWER and the FDR
##' @param ctl.fwer.bonf control the family-wise error rate with the Bonferroni procedure
##' @param ctl.fwer.sidak control the family-wise error rate with the Sidak procedure
##' @param ctl.fdr.bh control the false discovery rate with the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure
##' @param ctl.fdr.storey control the false discovery rate with Storey's procedure in the \href{http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/qvalue.html}{qvalue} package
##' @param pfdr logical passed to \code{qvalue()}
##' @param lim.custom custom limit on p values (optional)
##' @param lty.custom line style for the custom limit (compulsory if \code{lim.custom} is supplied)
##' @param lgd.custom legend for the custom limit (compulsory if \code{lim.custom} is supplied)
##' @param plot.signif show line(s) corresponding to the significance threshold (compulsory if \code{lim.custom} is supplied)
##' @param main an overall title for the plot (default: "Q-Q plot (<length(pvalues)> p values)")
##' @param col vector of plotting color(s) for the points (default is all points in black)
##' @param verbose verbosity level (0/1)
##' @return invisible data.frame with a column of p values (NA omitted) and the adjusted p values if any of \code{ctl.fwer.bonf} and \code{ctl.fdr.bh} is set; look also at the attributes
##' @seealso \code{\link{plotHistPval}}, \code{\link{significantTests}}
##' @author Timothee Flutre (inspired by an anonymous comment at http://gettinggeneticsdone.blogspot.fr/2009/11/qq-plots-of-p-values-in-r-using-ggplot2.html)
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{set.seed(1859)
##' P <- 1000; P1 <- 100; thresh <- 0.05
##' pvalues.0 <- setNames(runif(n=P-P1, min=0, max=1),
##'                       paste0("null",1:(P-P1)))
##' pvalues.1 <- setNames(rbeta(n=P1, shape1=1, shape2=10^3),
##'                       paste0("alt", 1:P1))
##' pvalues <- c(pvalues.0, pvalues.1)
##' pvalues[c(1,10)] <- NA
##' plotHistPval(pvalues, pi0=(P-P1)/P, freq=TRUE)
##' qqplotPval(pvalues)
##' out <- qqplotPval(pvalues, ctl.fwer.bonf=TRUE, ctl.fdr.bh=TRUE, plot.signif=TRUE)
##' pvalues <- out$pvalues # NA omitted
##' sum(out$pv.bonf <= thresh)
##' sum(out$pv.bh <= thresh)
##' }
##' @export
qqplotPval <- function(pvalues, use.density=FALSE, nrpoints=1000, pch=1,
                       thresh=0.05, ctl.fwer.bonf=FALSE, ctl.fwer.sidak=FALSE,
                       ctl.fdr.bh=FALSE, ctl.fdr.storey=FALSE, pfdr=TRUE,
                       lim.custom, lty.custom, lgd.custom, plot.signif=FALSE,
                       main=NULL, col=NULL, verbose=1){
  if(! is.null(col))
              length(col) == length(pvalues))
  if(length(pch) == 1){
    pch <- rep(pch, length(pvalues))
  } else
    stopifnot(length(pch) == length(pvalues))
  if(! is.null(thresh))
              length(thresh) == 1,
              thresh >= 0,
              thresh <= 1)

    col <- rep(1, length(pvalues))

  ## discard missing p values
  isna <- is.na(pvalues)
    if(verbose > 0){
      msg <- paste0(sum(isna), " NA are discarded")
      write(msg, stdout())
    pvalues <- pvalues[! isna]
    col <- col[! isna]

  N <- length(pvalues)
  expected <- - log10(1:N / N)
  observed <- - log10(pvalues)
  MAX <- max(c(expected, observed))

  ## calculate and plot the confidence interval
    c95 <- rep(0, N)
    c05 <- rep(0, N)
    for(j in 1:N){
      c95[j] <- stats::qbeta(0.95, j, N-j+1)
      c05[j] <- stats::qbeta(0.05, j, N-j+1)
    c95 <- - log10(c95)
    c05 <- - log10(c05)
    graphics::plot(expected, c95, ylim=c(0,MAX), xlim=c(0,MAX), type="l",
         axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
    graphics::plot(expected, c05, ylim=c(0,MAX), xlim=c(0,MAX), type="l",
         axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")

  ## add the Q-Q plot
    main <- paste0("Q-Q plot (", N, " p values)")
    graphics::smoothScatter(x=sort(expected), y=sort(observed),
                            xlim=c(0,MAX), ylim=c(0,MAX),
                            las=1, nrpoints=nrpoints, pch=pch,
                            xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main)
  } else
    graphics::plot(x=sort(expected), y=sort(observed),
                   xlim=c(0,MAX), ylim=c(0,MAX),
                   las=1, col=col[order(observed)],
                   xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main)
  graphics::abline(0, 1, col="red")

  ## multiple testing correction: FWER with Bonferroni
  pv.bonf <- NULL
    pv.bonf <- stats::p.adjust(pvalues, method="bonferroni")
    if(verbose > 0){
      msg <- paste0("signif tests at ", format(100*thresh, digits=2),
                    "% (FWER, Bonf): ", sum(pv.bonf <= thresh))
      write(msg, stdout())
    lim.pv.bonf <- adjustThreshBonf(length(pvalues), thresh)
      graphics::segments(x0=graphics::par("usr")[1], y0=-log10(lim.pv.bonf),
                         x1=-log10(lim.pv.bonf), y1=-log10(lim.pv.bonf),

  ## multiple testing correction: FWER with Sidak
  pv.sidak <- NULL
    pv.sidak <- adjustPvaluesSidak(pvalues)
    if(verbose > 0){
      msg <- paste0("signif tests at ", format(100*thresh, digits=2),
                    "% (FWER, Sidak): ", sum(pv.sidak <= thresh))
      write(msg, stdout())
    lim.pv.sidak <- adjustThreshSidak(length(pvalues), thresh)
      graphics::segments(x0=graphics::par("usr")[1], y0=-log10(lim.pv.sidak),
                         x1=-log10(lim.pv.sidak), y1=-log10(lim.pv.sidak),

  ## multiple testing correction: FDR with B-H
  pv.bh <- NULL
    pv.bh <- stats::p.adjust(pvalues, method="BH")
    if(verbose > 0){
      msg <- paste0("signif tests at ", format(100*thresh, digits=2),
                    "% (FDR, BH): ", sum(pv.bh <= thresh))
      write(msg, stdout())
    lim.pv.bh <- sort(pvalues[pv.bh <= thresh], decreasing=TRUE)[1]
      graphics::segments(x0=graphics::par("usr")[1], y0=-log10(lim.pv.bh),
                         x1=-log10(lim.pv.bh), y1=-log10(lim.pv.bh),

  ## multiple testing correction: FDR with Storey
  qv.st <- NULL
    out.st <- qvalue::qvalue(p=pvalues, fdr.level=thresh, pfdr=pfdr)
    qv.st <- out.st$qvalues
    if(verbose > 0){
      msg <- paste0("signif tests at ", format(100*thresh, digits=2),
                    "% (FDR, Storey): ", sum(out.st$significant))
      write(msg, stdout())
    lim.pv.st <- sort(pvalues[out.st$qvalues <= thresh], decreasing=TRUE)[1]
      graphics::segments(x0=graphics::par("usr")[1], y0=-log10(lim.pv.st),
                         x1=-log10(lim.pv.st), y1=-log10(lim.pv.st),

  ## multiple testing correction: plot custom limit
  if(plot.signif & ! missing(lim.custom)){
    graphics::segments(x0=graphics::par("usr")[1], y0=-log10(lim.custom),
                       x1=-log10(lim.custom), y1=-log10(lim.custom),

  ## plot threshold lines on p value scale
    lgd <- c()
    lty <- c()
      lgd <- c(lgd,
               "threshold (FWER-Bonferroni)")
      lty <- c(lty, 2)
      lgd <- c(lgd,
               "threshold (FWER-Sidak)")
      lty <- c(lty, 2)
      lgd <- c(lgd,
               expression(largest~significant~italic(p)~"value (FDR-BH)"))
      lty <- c(lty, 3)
      lgd <- c(lgd,
               expression(largest~significant~italic(p)~"value (FDR-Storey)"))
      lty <- c(lty, 4)
    if(! missing(lim.custom)){
      lgd <- c(lgd,
      lty <- c(lty, lty.custom)
    graphics::legend("bottomright", legend=lgd,
                     lty=lty, bty="n", y.intersp=2)

  output <- data.frame(pvalues=pvalues)
  if(! is.null(pv.bonf)){
    output$pv.bonf <- pv.bonf
    attr(output, "lim.pv.bonf") <- lim.pv.bonf
  if(! is.null(pv.sidak)){
    output$pv.sidak <- pv.sidak
    attr(output, "lim.pv.sidak") <- lim.pv.sidak
  if(! is.null(pv.bh)){
    output$pv.bh <- pv.bh
    attr(output, "lim.pv.bh") <- lim.pv.bh
  if(! is.null(qv.st)){
    output$qv.st <- qv.st
    attr(output, "lim.pv.st") <- lim.pv.st


##' Multiple tests correction
##' Call significance tests after multiplicity correction based on various criteria (FWER, FDR) and various procedure for each of them.
##' @param pvalues vector of p values (can contain NA's)
##' @param thresh.fwer.bonf if not NULL, vector of significance thresholds for the FWER criterion and the Bonferroni procedure
##' @param thresh.fwer.sidak if not NULL, vector of significance thresholds for the FWER criterion and the Sidak procedure
##' @param thresh.fdr.bh if not NULL, vector of significance thresholds for the FDR criterion and the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure
##' @param thresh.fdr.storey if not NULL, vector of significance thresholds for the FDR criterion and the Storey procedure (via the \href{http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/qvalue.html}{qvalue} package)
##' @param pfdr logical passed to \code{qvalue()}
##' @return list
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @seealso \code{\link{qqplotPval}}, \code{\link{binaryClassif}}, \code{\link{adjustPvaluesSidak}}
##' @export
significantTests <- function(pvalues,
                             thresh.fwer.bonf=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1),
                             thresh.fwer.sidak=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1),
                             thresh.fdr.bh=c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1),
                             thresh.fdr.storey=NULL, pfdr=TRUE){
  if(! is.null(thresh.fwer.bonf))
              all(thresh.fwer.bonf >= 0),
              all(thresh.fwer.bonf <= 1))
  if(! is.null(thresh.fwer.sidak))
              all(thresh.fwer.sidak >= 0),
              all(thresh.fwer.sidak <= 1))
  if(! is.null(thresh.fdr.bh))
              all(thresh.fdr.bh >= 0),
              all(thresh.fdr.bh <= 1))
  if(! is.null(thresh.fdr.storey)){
              all(thresh.fdr.storey >= 0),
              all(thresh.fdr.storey <= 1))

  output <- list(pvalues=pvalues)

  if(! is.null(thresh.fwer.bonf)){
    output[["fwer.bonf"]] <-
      data.frame(pv.adj=stats::p.adjust(pvalues, method="bonferroni"))
    for(thresh in thresh.fwer.bonf)
      output[["fwer.bonf"]][[as.character(thresh)]] <-
        output[["fwer.bonf"]][["pv.adj"]] <= thresh

  if(! is.null(thresh.fwer.sidak)){
    output[["fwer.sidak"]] <-
    for(thresh in thresh.fwer.sidak)
      output[["fwer.sidak"]][[as.character(thresh)]] <-
        output[["fwer.sidak"]][["pv.adj"]] <= thresh

  if(! is.null(thresh.fdr.bh)){
    output[["fdr.bh"]] <-
      data.frame(pv.adj=stats::p.adjust(pvalues, method="BH"))
    for(thresh in thresh.fdr.bh)
      output[["fdr.bh"]][[as.character(thresh)]] <-
        output[["fdr.bh"]][["pv.adj"]] <= thresh

  if(! is.null(thresh.fdr.storey)){
    tmp <- qvalue::qvalue(p=pvalues, pfdr=pfdr)
    output[["fdr.storey"]][["qv"]] <- tmp$qvalues
    for(thresh in thresh.fdr.storey)
      output[["fdr.storey"]][[as.character(thresh)]] <-
        output[["fdr.storey"]][["qv"]] <= thresh
    attr(output[["fdr.storey"]], "pi0") <- tmp$pi0


##' Multiple testing
##' Return the significance threshold adjusted according to the Bonferroni correction.
##' @param nbPvals number of p values (without NA's)
##' @param thresh nominal significance threshold on the familywise error rate (FWER)
##' @return numeric
##' @seealso \code{\link{adjustThreshSidak}}
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
adjustThreshBonf <- function(nbPvals, thresh=0.05){
            length(nbPvals) == 1,
            length(thresh) == 1,
            thresh >= 0,
            thresh <= 1)

  out <- NA

  if(nbPvals > 0){
    out <- thresh / nbPvals


##' Multiple testing
##' Return the significance threshold adjusted according to the Sidak correction.
##' @param nbPvals number of p values (without NA's)
##' @param thresh nominal significance threshold on the familywise error rate (FWER)
##' @return numeric
##' @seealso \code{\link{adjustThreshBonf}}
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
adjustThreshSidak <- function(nbPvals, thresh=0.05){
            length(nbPvals) == 1,
            length(thresh) == 1,
            thresh >= 0,
            thresh <= 1)

  out <- NA

  if(nbPvals > 0){
    out <- 1 - (1 - thresh)^(1 / nbPvals)


##' Multiple testing
##' Return the p values adjusted according to the Sidak correction.
##' @param pvalues vector of p values (can contain NA's)
##' @return numeric
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
adjustPvaluesSidak <- function(pvalues){

  out <- NA

  ## if any NA in "pvalues", omit them
  hasNA <- FALSE
    hasNA <- TRUE
    pvaluesInit <- pvalues
    pvalues <- stats::na.omit(pvalues)

  if(length(pvalues) > 0){
    tmp <- data.frame(initord=order(pvalues),
    tmp$sidak <- 1 - (1 - tmp$pvalue)^(tmp$k)
    idx <- 1 + which(tmp$sidak[2:nrow(tmp)] - tmp$sidak[1:(nrow(tmp)-1)] < 0)
    while(length(idx) > 0){
      tmp$sidak[idx] <- tmp$sidak[idx-1]
      idx <- 1 + which(tmp$sidak[2:nrow(tmp)] - tmp$sidak[1:(nrow(tmp)-1)] < 0)
    out <- tmp$sidak[order(tmp$initord)]

    ## reintroduce the NA's
    ## copied from the code of naresid.exclude()
      n <- length(pvalues)
      omit <- attr(pvalues, "na.action")
      keep <- rep.int(NA, n + length(omit))
      keep[-omit] <- 1L:n
      out <- out[keep]


##' Multiple testing
##' Return the effective number of independent tests according to the method of \href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gepi.20408}{Galwey (2009)}.
##' @param evCorX eigenvalues of the correlation matrix between SNP genotypes
##' @param corX correlation matrix between SNP genotypes (optional if \code{evCorX} is supplied)
##' @param X SNP genotypes in allele dose (i.e., 0, 1, 2) with individuals in rows and SNPs in columns (optional if \code{corX} is supplied)
##' @param method for now, only "galwey" is implemented
##' @param pkg package to compute the eigenvalues of \code{corX} if \code{evCorX} is not supplied (base/RSpectra)
##' @param k number of eigenvalues requested (used by the RSpectra package)
##' @return numeric
##' @seealso \code{\link{adjustThreshGalwey}}
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
effNbIndepTests <- function(evCorX, corX, X, method="galwey", pkg="base", k){
  stopifnot(method %in% c("galwey"),
            pkg %in% c("base", "RSpectra"))

  out <- NA

        stop("missing X", call.=FALSE)
      corX <- stats::cor(X)
    ## corX <- as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(corX)$mat)
    if(pkg == "base"){
      evCorX <- eigen(corX)$values
    } else if(pkg == "RSpectra"){
      stopifnot(requireNamespace("RSpectra", quietly=TRUE))
      tmp <- RSpectra::eigs_sym(corX, k, which="LM", opts=list(retvec=FALSE))
      evCorX <- tmp$values

  if(method == "galwey"){
    evCorX[evCorX < 0] <- 0
    out <- sum(sqrt(evCorX))^2 / sum(evCorX)

  out <- floor(out)


##' Multiple testing
##' Return the effective number of independent tests according to the method of \href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gepi.20408}{Galwey (2009)} for a given chromosome after estimating the LD along it.
##' @param lcorX list of correlation matrices between SNP genotypes, one per chromosome (see \code{estimLdPerChr})
##' @param method for now, only "galwey" is implemented
##' @param pkg package to compute the eigenvalues of \code{corX} if \code{evCorX} is not supplied (base/RSpectra)
##' @param k number of eigenvalues requested (used by the RSpectra package)
##' @param nb.cores number of cores to to run each chromosome in parallel
##' @return numeric
##' @seealso \code{\link{effNbIndepTests}}, \code{\link{adjustThreshGalwey}}
##' @author Maxence Remerand, Timothee Flutre
##' @export
effNbIndepTestsPerChr <- function(lcorX, method="galwey", pkg="base", k,
            all(sapply(lcorX, is.matrix)),
            method %in% c("galwey"))

  out <- parallel::mclapply(lcorX, function(corX){
    effNbIndepTests(corX=corX, method=method, pkg=pkg, k=k)


##' Multiple testing
##' Return the significance threshold adjusted according to the \href{https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gepi.20408}{Galwey correction (2009)}.
##' @param effNbIndepTests effective number of independent tests
##' @param thresh nominal significance threshold on the familywise error rate (FWER)
##' @return numeric
##' @seealso \code{\link{effNbIndepTests}}
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
adjustThreshGalwey <- function(effNbIndepTests, thresh=0.05){
  ## see equation 21 in Galwey (2009)
  return(adjustThreshSidak(effNbIndepTests, thresh))

##' FDR
##' Estimate pi0 (proba for a null hypothesis to be true) via the EBF procedure from Wen (Statistics in Biosciences, 2016).
##' @param log10.bfs vector containing the log10(BF) of each test (NA will be discarded)
##' @param verbose verbosity level (0/1)
##' @return numeric
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @seealso \code{\link{estimatePi0WithQbf}}, \code{\link{controlBayesFdr}}
##' @export
estimatePi0WithEbf <- function(log10.bfs, verbose=1){

  pi0.ebf <- 1

  isna <- is.na(log10.bfs)
    warning(paste0(sum(isna), " NA are discarded"))
    log10.bfs <- log10.bfs[! isna]
  if(verbose > 0)
    message(paste0("nb of tests: ", length(log10.bfs)))

  tmp <- log10.bfs[order(log10.bfs)] # sort in increasing order

  d0 <- which(cumsum(10^tmp) / seq_along(10^tmp) >= 1)[1]
  if(length(d0) > 0 & ! is.na(d0)){
    if(verbose > 0)
      message(paste0("cutoff at the ", d0, "-th BF"))

    pi0.ebf <- d0 / length(tmp)
    if(verbose > 0)
      message(paste0("estimate pi0-hat = ",
                     format(x=pi0.ebf, scientific=TRUE, digits=6)))


##' FDR
##' Estimate pi0 (proba for a null hypothesis to be true) via the QBF procedure from Wen (Statistics in Biosciences, 2016).
##' @param log10.bfs matrix with tests in rows and two columns, the true log10(BF) and the gamma-quantile log10(BF) under the null
##' @param gamma level of the quantile (e.g. 0.5 for the median)
##' @param verbose verbosity level (0/1)
##' @return numeric
##' @seealso \code{\link{estimatePi0WithEbf}}, \code{\link{controlBayesFdr}}
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
estimatePi0WithQbf <- function(log10.bfs, gamma=0.5, verbose=1){
            ncol(log10.bfs) == 2,
            ! any(is.na(log10.bfs)))
  if(verbose > 0)
    message(paste0("nb of tests: ", nrow(log10.bfs)))

  pi0.qbf <- sum(log10.bfs[,1] <= log10.bfs[,2]) / (nrow(log10.bfs) * gamma)
  if(verbose > 0)
    message(paste0("estimate pi0-hat = ",
                   format(x=pi0.qbf, scientific=TRUE, digits=6)))


##' FDR
##' Call significant tests by controlling the Bayesian FDR via the procedure from Newton et al (Biostatistics, 2004) also described in Muller et al (JASA, 2006).
##' @param log10.bfs vector containing the log10(BF) of each test
##' @param pi0 estimate of the proba for a null hypothesis to be true
##' @param fdr.level threshold below which a null is rejected
##' @param verbose verbosity level (0/1)
##' @return logical vector with TRUE if null is rejected (thus called significant)
##' @seealso \code{\link{estimatePi0WithEbf}}, \code{\link{estimatePi0WithQbf}}
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{set.seed(1859)
##' log10.bfs <- rgamma(n=1000, shape=0.5, rate=1) - 0.5 # fake but looks realistic
##' pi0 <- estimatePi0WithEbf(log10.bfs)
##' signif <- controlBayesFdr(log10.bfs, pi0)
##' }
##' @export
controlBayesFdr <- function(log10.bfs, pi0, fdr.level=0.05, verbose=1){
            ! is.na(pi0))
  if(verbose > 0)
    message(paste0(length(log10.bfs), " tests and pi0-hat = ",
                   format(x=pi0, scientific=TRUE, digits=6)))

  ## compute the posterior probability of each test being null
  post.null <- pi0 / (pi0 + (1-pi0) * 10^log10.bfs)

  ## find the cutoff for which their cumulative mean is >= fdr.level
  idx <- order(post.null)
  post.null <- post.null[idx]
  for(L in 1:length(post.null))
    if(mean(post.null[1:L]) >= fdr.level)
  log10.bf.L <- log10.bfs[idx[L]]
  if(verbose > 0)
    message(paste0(L, " significant tests, at cutoff log10(BF)=", log10.bf.L))

  significants <- log10.bfs >= log10.bf.L


##' MCMC diagnostics
##' Plot the trace, autocorrelation, running average and density side by side for a single chain.
##' TODO: show dark background for burn-in in traceplot
##' @param res.mcmc object of class "mcmc" (not "mcmc.list"!)
##' @param param.name parameter name in the columns of res.mcmc
##' @param subplots vector indicating which sub-plot(s) to make (1 for trace, 2 for autocorrelation, 3 for running quantiles, 4 for density)
##' @param pe point estimate (optional, but required if "hi" is given)
##' @param hi half-interval (optional)
##' @return nothing
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
plotMcmcChain <- function(res.mcmc, param.name, subplots=1:4,
                          pe=NULL, hi=NULL){
            param.name %in% colnames(res.mcmc),
            is.vector(subplots), is.numeric(subplots))
  if(! is.null(hi))
    stopifnot(! is.null(pe))

  changed.par <- FALSE
  if(1 %in% subplots & 2 %in% subplots & 3 %in% subplots & 4 %in% subplots &
     all(graphics::par("mfrow") == c(1, 1))){
    changed.par <- TRUE

  if(1 %in% subplots){
    ## ts.plot(res.mcmc[, param.name],
    coda::traceplot(res.mcmc[, param.name],
                    ## xlab="Iterations",
    if(! is.null(pe)){
      graphics::abline(h=pe, col="red")
      if(! is.null(hi)){
        graphics::abline(h=pe + 2 * hi, col="red", lty=2)
        graphics::abline(h=pe - 2 * hi, col="red", lty=2)

  if(2 %in% subplots){
    ## acf(res.mcmc[, param.name],
    coda::autocorr.plot(res.mcmc[, param.name],
                        ## xlab="Lag",
                        ## ylab="Autocorrelation",

  if(3 %in% subplots){
    ## ts.plot(cumsum(res.mcmc[, param.name]) / seq(along=res.mcmc[, param.name]),
    coda::cumuplot(res.mcmc[, param.name],
                   probs=c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975),
                   ## xlab="Iterations",
                   ylab="Running quantiles",
    if(! is.null(pe)){
      graphics::abline(h=pe, col="red")
      if(! is.null(hi)){
        graphics::abline(h=pe + 2 * hi, col="red", lty=2)
        graphics::abline(h=pe - 2 * hi, col="red", lty=2)

  if(4 %in% subplots){
    ## plot(density(res.mcmc[, param.name]), type="l",
    coda::densplot(res.mcmc[, param.name],
    if(! is.null(pe)){
      graphics::abline(v=pe, col="red")
      if(! is.null(hi)){
        graphics::abline(v=pe + 2 * hi, col="red", lty=2)
        graphics::abline(v=pe - 2 * hi, col="red", lty=2)


##' MCMC results
##' Return effective sample size, posterior mean, time-series standard error of the posterior mean (i.e. without ignoring autocorrelation; based on an estimate of the spectral density at 0 via \code{\link[coda]{spectrum0.ar}}), posterior standard deviation, and posterior quantiles (at 0.025, 0.5, 0.975).
##' @param res.mcmc object of class "mcmc" (not "mcmc.list"!)
##' @param param.names parameter names in the columns of res.mcmc
##' @return matrix with parameters in rows
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @export
summaryMcmcChain <- function(res.mcmc, param.names){
            all(param.names %in% colnames(res.mcmc)))

  ## safespec0 in coda is not exported
  safespectrum0 <- function(x){
    result <- try(coda::spectrum0.ar(x)$spec)
    if(methods::is(result, "try-error")) result <- NA

  out <- t(apply(res.mcmc[, param.names, drop=FALSE], 2, function(samples){
      sqrt(safespectrum0(samples) / length(samples)),
      stats::quantile(samples, c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)))
  colnames(out) <- c("ess", "mean", "se.mean", "sd",
                     "0.025q", "0.5q", "0.975q")


##' EM algorithm
##' Run the EM algorithm.
##' @param data object containing the data
##' @param params list with the initial values of the parameters
##' @param em_Estep function implementing the E step taking \code{data} and \code{params} as inputs; can be parallelized
##' @param em_Mstep function implementing the M step taking \code{data}, \code{params} and the output of \code{em_Estep} as inputs; can be parallelized
##' @param em_loglik function taking \code{data} and \code{params} as inputs, and returning the value of the observed-data log-likelihood as a numeric; can be parallelized
##' @param thresh.cvg threshold on the absolute difference between the observed-data log-likelihood of two successive iterations below which convergence is reached
##' @param nb.iters number of iterations
##' @param logliks vector in which the value of the observed-data log-likelihood will be recorded
##' @param print_position if not NULL, should be a connection to which a debugging log will be printed
##' @return list with MLEs of the parameters and values of the observed-data log-likelihood
##' @author Timothee Flutre
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{## I. example of the EM algorithm for the univariate Gaussian mixture
##' ## I.1. simulate some data
##' simulDat <- function(K=2, N=100, gap=6){
##'   means <- seq(0, gap*(K-1), gap)
##'   stdevs <- runif(n=K, min=0.5, max=1.5)
##'   tmp <- floor(rnorm(n=K-1, mean=floor(N/K), sd=5))
##'   ns <- c(tmp, N - sum(tmp))
##'   memberships <- as.factor(matrix(unlist(lapply(1:K, function(k){rep(k, ns[k])})),
##'                            ncol=1))
##'   data <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:K, function(k){
##'     rnorm(n=ns[k], mean=means[k], sd=stdevs[k])
##'   })))
##'   new.order <- sample(1:N, N)
##'   data <- data[new.order]
##'   rownames(data) <- NULL
##'   memberships <- memberships[new.order]
##'   return(list(data=data, memberships=memberships,
##'               means=means, stdevs=stdevs, weights=ns/N))
##' }
##' set.seed(1859)
##' K <- 3
##' N <- 300
##' simul <- simulDat(K, N)
##' simul$means
##' simul$stdevs
##' simul$weights
##' ## I.2. visualize the data
##' hist(simul$data, breaks=30, freq=FALSE, col="grey", border="white",
##'      main="Simulated data from univariate Gaussian mixture",
##'      ylab="", xlab="data", las=1,
##'      xlim=c(-4,15), ylim=c(0,0.28))
##' ## I.3. define functions required to run the EM algorithm
##' loglik <- function(data, params){
##'   sum(sapply(data, function(datum){
##'     log(sum(unlist(Map(function(mu, sigma, weight){
##'       weight * dnorm(x=datum, mean=mu, sd=sigma)
##'     }, params$means, params$stdevs, params$weights))))
##'   }))
##' }
##' loglik(simul$data, simul[-c(1,2)])
##' ## function performing the E step
##' stepE <- function(data, params){
##'   N <- length(data)
##'   K <- length(params$means)
##'   tmp <- matrix(unlist(lapply(data, function(datum){
##'     norm.const <- sum(unlist(Map(function(mu, sigma, weight){
##'       weight * dnorm(x=datum, mean=mu, sd=sigma)
##'     }, params$means, params$stdevs, params$weights)))
##'     unlist(Map(function(mu, sigma, weight){
##'         weight * dnorm(x=datum, mean=mu, sd=sigma) / norm.const
##'       }, params$means[-K], params$stdevs[-K], params$weights[-K]))
##'   })), ncol=K-1, byrow=TRUE)
##'   membership.probas <- cbind(tmp, apply(tmp, 1, function(x){1 - sum(x)}))
##'   names(membership.probas) <- NULL
##'   return(membership.probas)
##' }
##' head(mb.pr <- stepE(simul$data, simul[-c(1,2)]))
##' stepM <- function(data, params, out.stepE){
##'   N <- length(data)
##'   K <- length(params$means)
##'   sum.membership.probas <- apply(out.stepE, 2, sum)
##'   ## MLEs of the means
##'   new.means <- sapply(1:K, function(k){
##'     sum(unlist(Map("*", out.stepE[,k], data))) /
##'     sum.membership.probas[k]
##'   })
##'   ## MLEs of the standard deviations
##'   new.stdevs <- sapply(1:K, function(k){
##'       sqrt(sum(unlist(Map(function(p.ki, x.i){
##'       p.ki * (x.i - new.means[k])^2
##'     }, out.stepE[,k], data))) /
##'     sum.membership.probas[k])
##'   })
##'   ## MLEs of the weights
##'   new.weights <- sapply(1:K, function(k){
##'     1/N * sum.membership.probas[k]
##'   })
##'   return(list(means=new.means, stdevs=new.stdevs, weights=new.weights))
##' }
##' stepM(simul$data, simul[-c(1,2)], mb.pr)
##' ## I.4. run the EM algorithm
##' params0 <- list(means=runif(n=K, min=min(simul$data), max=max(simul$data)),
##'                 stdevs=rep(1, K),
##'                 weights=rep(1/K, K))
##' fit <- em_solve(data=simul$data, params=params0,
##'                 em_Estep=stepE, em_Mstep=stepM, em_loglik=loglik)
##' ## I.5. plot the log likelihood per iteration
##' plot(fit$logliks, xlab="iterations", ylab="observed log-likelihood",
##'      main="Convergence of the EM algorithm", type="b")
##' ## I.6. plot the data along with the inferred density
##' hist(simul$data, breaks=30, freq=FALSE, col="grey", border="white",
##'      main="Simulated data from univariate Gaussian mixture",
##'      ylab="", xlab="data", las=1,
##'      xlim=c(-4,15), ylim=c(0,0.28))
##' rx <- seq(from=min(simul$data), to=max(simul$data), by=0.1)
##' ds <- lapply(1:K, function(k){dnorm(x=rx, mean=fit$params$means[k], sd=fit$params$stdevs[k])})
##' f <- sapply(1:length(rx), function(i){
##'   fit$params$weights[1] * ds[[1]][i] + fit$params$weights[2] * ds[[2]][i] + fit$params$weights[3] * ds[[3]][i]
##' })
##' lines(rx, f, col="red", lwd=2)
##' ## I.7. look at the classification of the data
##' mb.pr <- stepE(simul$data, fit$params)
##' memberships <- apply(mb.pr, 1, function(x){which(x > 0.8)})
##' table(memberships)
##' ## II. example of the EM algorithm for the univariate linear mixed model
##' ## y = X beta + Z u + epsilon
##' ## II.1. simulate some data
##' simulDat <- function(I=4, Q=100, mu=50, min.y=20, cv.u=0.15, h2=0.5){
##'   N <- I * Q
##'   var.y <- ((mu - min.y) / 3)^2
##'   var.u <- (cv.u * mu)
##'   var.epsilon <- ((1 - h2) / h2) * var.u
##'   data <- data.frame(lev.u=rep(paste0("u", 1:Q), I),
##'                      fact=rep(paste0("fact", 1:I), each=Q),
##'                      resp=NA)
##'   X <- model.matrix(~ 1 + fact, data=data)
##'   sd.beta <- NA
##'   beta <- c(mu, rnorm(n=I-1, mean=0, sd=sd.beta))
##'   Z <- model.matrix(~ -1 + lev.u, data=data)
##'   G <- var.u * diag(Q)
##'   u <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=1, mu=rep(0,Q), Sigma=G)
##'   R <- var.epsilon * diag(N)
##'   epsilon <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=1, mu=rep(0,N), Sigma=R)
##'   y <- X %*% beta + Z %*% u + epsilon
##'   data$resp <- y
##'   return(list(data=data, X=X, beta=beta, Z=Z, u=u,
##'               var.u=var.u, var.epsilon=var.epsilon))
##' }
##' set.seed(1859)
##' I <- 4
##' Q <- 100
##' simul <- simulDat(I, Q)
##' simul$var.u
##' simul$var.epsilon
##' ## II.2. visualize the data
##' hist(simul$data$resp, breaks="FD", col="grey", border="white",
##'      main="Simulated data from univariate linear mixed model",
##'      ylab="", xlab="response", las=1)
##' ## II.3. define functions required to run the EM algorithm
##' ## TODO
##' loglik <- function(data, params){
##' }
##' stepE <- function(data, params){
##' }
##' stepM <- function(data, params, out.stepE){
##' }
##' ## II.4. run the EM algorithm
##' params0 <- list()
##' fit <- em_solve(data=simul$data, params=params0,
##'                 em_Estep=stepE, em_Mstep=stepM, em_loglik=loglik)
##' ## II.5. plot the log likelihood per iteration
##' plot(fit$logliks, xlab="iterations", ylab="observed log-likelihood",
##'      main="Convergence of the EM algorithm", type="b")
##' ## III. other possible examples of the EM algorithm
##' ## * factor analysis
##' ## * hidden Markov models
##' ## * multivariate Student distribution
##' ## * robust regression models
##' ## * censored/truncated models
##' ## * ...
##' }
##' @export
em_solve <- function(data, params, em_Estep, em_Mstep, em_loglik,
                     thresh.cvg=10^(-3), nb.iters=10^3,
                     logliks=rep(NA, 1 + nb.iters),
  ## check inputs
            length(thresh.cvg) == 1,
            thresh.cvg > 0,
            length(nb.iters) == 1,
            nb.iters >= 0,
            length(logliks) >= 1 + nb.iters)

  ## compute the observed-data log-likelihood of the initial parameters
  i <- 0
  logliks[i + 1] <- em_loglik(data, params)

  ## iterate
  while(i <= nb.iters){
    i <- i + 1

    ## E step
    outE <- em_Estep(data, params)

    ## M step
    params <- em_Mstep(data, params, outE)

    ## compute the observed-data log-likelihood of the new parameters
    logliks[i + 1] <- em_loglik(data, params)
    if(! is.null(print_position))
      write(paste0("iter ", i, ":",
                   " loglik=", round(logliks[i+1], 2)),
    ## check for bug(s) in the input functions
    if(logliks[i+1] < logliks[i]){
      msg <- paste("the observed-data log-likelihood is decreasing (",
                   logliks[i+1], "<", logliks[i], ")")

    ## check for convergence
    if(abs(logliks[i+1] - logliks[i]) <= thresh.cvg)

  if(i < nb.iters)
    logliks <- logliks[1:(i+1)]

  return(list(params=params, logliks=logliks))
timflutre/rutilstimflutre documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 8:17 a.m.