Biocview "GeneTarget"

Analysis and Visualisation of the Human Phenotype Ontology
Analysis of Single-Cell CRISPR Screen Data
Analysis of Single-Cell CRISPR Screen Data
An integrated analysis package of miRNA and mRNA expression data
An integrated analysis package of miRNA and mRNA expression data
An R Package for Comprehensive Filtration and Selection of Cancer Somatic Mutations
Assessing the regulatory potential of DNA methylation regions or sites on gene transcription
Assessing the regulatory potential of DNA methylation regions or sites on gene transcription
BayesKnockdown: Posterior Probabilities for Edges from Knockdown Data
BayesKnockdown: Posterior Probabilities for Edges from Knockdown Data
Detecting hidden batch factors through data adaptive adjustment for biological effects
Detecting hidden batch factors through data adaptive adjustment for biological effects
Detecting hidden batch factors through data adaptive adjustment for biological effects
Detecting hidden batch factors through data adaptive adjustment for biological effects
Detection of miRNAs that regulate interacting groups of pathways
Differentially regulated genes from scRNA-seq data
distinct: a method for differential analyses via hierarchical permutation tests
Engineering Evaluation by Gene Categorization (eegc)
Engineering Evaluation by Gene Categorization (eegc)
Enrichment Approach to Predict Which Transcription Factors are Regulated
Ensemble of Gene Set Enrichment Analyses
Ensemble of Gene Set Enrichment Analyses
EWCE for Multiple Gene Lists
Fast Correlation Based Filter for Feature Selection
Fast Correlation Based Filter for Feature Selection
find influential TF and Target based on multi-omics data
Functionality to Read and Manipulate SomaLogic ADAT files
GDCRNATools: an R/Bioconductor package for integrative analysis of lncRNA, mRNA, and miRNA data in GDC
GDCRNATools: an R/Bioconductor package for integrative analysis of lncRNA, mRNA, and miRNA data in GDC
Generation of null ranges via bootstrapping or covariate matching
Gene regulator enrichment analysis
Gene regulator enrichment analysis
Gene-Specific Phenotype EstimatoR
Gene-Specific Phenotype EstimatoR
Genetic inteRaction and EssenTiality neTwork mApper
Identifying Similar T Cell Receptor Hyper-Variable Sequences with 'ClusTCR2'
Inferring miRNA sponge modules in heterogeneous data
Inferring miRNA sponge modules in heterogeneous data
In-silico methods for genetic finemapping in inbred mice
In-silico methods for genetic finemapping in inbred mice
In-silico methods for genetic finemapping in inbred mice
Integrative Analysis Pipeline for Pooled CRISPR Functional Genetic Screens
Integrative Analysis Pipeline for Pooled CRISPR Functional Genetic Screens
Integrative Pathway Analysis with Modern PCA Methodology and Gene Selection
Integrative Pathway Analysis with Modern PCA Methodology and Gene Selection
Interactive Multi-Omics Cancers Data Visualization and Analysis
Interactive Multi-Omics Cancers Data Visualization and Analysis
Leveraging Genetic Evidence to Prioritise Drug Targets at the Gene and Pathway Level
Leveraging Genetic Evidence to Prioritise Drug Targets at the Gene and Pathway Level
Mean Alterations Using Discrete Expression
MetaboSignal: a network-based approach to overlay and explore metabolic and signaling KEGG pathways
miRDriver: A Tool to Infer Copy Number Derived miRNA-Gene Networks in Cancer
Multi-Scale Target Explorer
NoRCE: Noncoding RNA Sets Cis Annotation and Enrichment
NoRCE: Noncoding RNA Sets Cis Annotation and Enrichment
OnASSIs Ontology Annotation and Semantic SImilarity software
OnASSIs Ontology Annotation and Semantic SImilarity software
Outlier Protein and Phosphosite Target Identifier
Outlier Protein and Phosphosite Target Identifier
Overlay omics data onto SBGN pathway diagram
Pathway-based data integration of omics data
Pathway-based data integration of omics data
Pathway-based data integration of omics data
Plots and annotation for choosing BrainFlow target probe sequence
Plots and annotation for choosing BrainFlow target probe sequence
Precict cis-co-accessibility from single-cell chromatin accessibility data
Predict cis-co-accessibility from single-cell chromatin accessibility data
Predict cis-co-accessibility from single-cell chromatin accessibility data
Predicting Targets for Drosophila Intragenic miRNAs
Predicting Targets for Drosophila Intragenic miRNAs
RcisTarget: Identify transcription factor binding motifs enriched on a gene list
RcisTarget Identify transcription factor binding motifs enriched on a list of genes or genomic regions
Regression-based network inference using Bayesian Model Averaging
RNA Centric Annotation System
RNA Centric Annotation System
samExploreR package: high-performance read summarisation to count vectors with avaliability of sequencing depth reduction simulation
samExploreR package: high-performance read summarisation to count vectors with avaliability of sequencing depth reduction simulation
"SBGNview: Data Analysis, Integration and Visualization on SBGN Pathways"
"SBGNview: Data Analysis, Integration and Visualization on SBGN Pathways"
Single Cell Inference of Regulatory Activity
spatialHeatmap: Visualizing Spatial Assays in Anatomical Images and Large-Scale Data Extensions
Statistical analysis of RNA editing sites and hyper-editing regions
Statistical analysis of RNA editing sites and hyper-editing regions
Systems biology tool to simulate gene regulatory circuits
Systems biology tool to simulate gene regulatory circuits
Systems biology tool to simulate gene regulatory circuits
Systems biology tool to simulate gene regulatory circuits
Systems EPigenomics Inference of Regulatory Activity
Systems EPigenomics Inference of Regulatory Activity
Temporal and Multiplex PageRank for Gene Regulatory Network Analysis
Temporal and Multiplex PageRank for Gene Regulatory Network Analysis
Tools for the analysis of heterogeneous tissues
Tools for the analysis of heterogeneous tissues
Transcriptional Rewiring
Transcription Factors Enrichment Analysis
Transcription Factors Enrichment Analysis
visualization and interpretation of textual information from omics summary data through network analysis
Weighting protein-protein interactions