
Defines functions mnlAveEffPlot combTest

Documented in combTest mnlAveEffPlot


pGumbel <- function (q, mu = 0, sigma = 1){
  stopifnot(sigma > 0)
  exp(-exp(-((q - mu)/sigma)))

#' Scalar Measures of Fit for Binary Variable Models
#' Calculates scalar measures of fit for models with binary dependent variables
#' along the lines described in Long (1997) and Long and Freese (2005).
#' \code{binfit} calculates scalar measures of fit (many of which are
#' pseudo-R-squared measures) to describe how well a model fits data with a
#' binary dependent variable.
#' @param mod A model of class \code{glm} with \code{family=binomial}.
#' @return A named vector of scalar measures of fit
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Long, J.S.  1997.  Regression Models for Categorical and Limited
#' Dependent Variables.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
#' Long, J.S. and J. Freese.  2005.  Regression Models for Categorical Outcomes
#' Using Stata, 2nd ed.  College Station, TX: Stata Press.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(france)
#' left.mod <- glm(voteleft ~ male + age + retnat + 
#' 	poly(lrself, 2), data=france, family=binomial)
#' binfit(left.mod)
binfit <-
function (mod)
    mod <- update(mod, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
    y <- mod$y
    null.mod <- update(mod, ".~1", data=model.frame(mod))
    b <- mod$coef[-1]
    var.ystar <- t(b) %*% var(model.matrix(mod)[, -1]) %*% b
    G <- -2 * (logLik(null.mod) - logLik(mod))
    res.col1 <- c(logLik(null.mod), deviance(mod), NA, 1 - (logLik(mod)/logLik(null.mod)),
        1 - exp(2*(logLik(null.mod) - logLik(mod))/length(mod$residuals)),
        var.ystar/(var.ystar + switch(mod$family[[2]], logit = pi^2/3,
            probit = 1)), mean(mod$y == as.numeric(fitted(mod) >
            0.5)), BIC(mod))
    res.col2 <- c(logLik(mod), G, pchisq(G, 8, lower.tail = FALSE),
        1 - ((logLik(mod) - mod$rank)/logLik(null.mod)), res.col1[5]/(1 -
        1 - (sum((y - fitted(mod))^2)/sum((y - mean(y))^2)),
        (sum(mod$y == as.numeric(fitted(mod) > 0.5)) - max(table(y)))/(length(mod$residuals) -
            max(table(y))), AIC(mod))
    res.vec <- c(res.col1, res.col2)[-3]
    res.col1 <- sprintf("%3.3f", res.col1)
    res.col1[3] <- ""
    res.df <- data.frame(Names1 = c("Log-Lik Intercept Only:",
        paste("D(", mod$df.residual, "):", sep = ""), " ", "McFadden's R2:",
        "ML (Cox-Snell) R2:", "McKelvey & Zavoina R2:", "Count R2:",
        "BIC:"), vals1 = res.col1, Names2 = c("Log-Lik Full Model:",
        paste("LR(", mod$rank - 1, "):", sep = ""), "Prob > LR:",
        "McFadden's Adk R2:", "Cragg-Uhler (Nagelkerke) R2:",
        "Efron's R2:", "Adj Count R2:", "AIC:"), vals2 = sprintf("%3.3f",
        res.col2), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

#' Generate Spells for Binary Variables
#' Beck et. al. (1998) identified that binary time-series cross-section data
#' are discrete-time duration data and time dependence can be modeled in a
#' logistic regression by including a flexible function (e.g., cubic spline) of
#' time since the last event as a covariate.  This function creates the
#' variable identifying time since last event.
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param event Character string giving the name of the dichotomous variable
#' identifying the event (where an event is coded 1 and the absence of an event
#' is coded 0).
#' @param tvar Character string giving the name of the time variable.
#' @param csunit Character string giving the name of the cross-sectional unit.
#' @param pad.ts Logical indicating whether the time-series should be filled
#' in, when panels are unbalanced.
#' @return The original data frame with one additional variable.  The
#' \code{spell} variable identifies the number of observed periods since the
#' last event.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Alvarez, M., J.A. Cheibub, F. Limongi and A. Przeworski. 1996.
#' Classifying political regimes. Studies in Comparative International
#' Development 31 (Summer): 1-37.
#' Beck, N.. J. Katz and R. Tucker. 1998. Beyond Ordinary Logit: Taking Time
#' Seriously in Binary-Time-Series-Cross-Section Models. American Journal of
#' Political Science 42(4): 1260-1288.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(splines)
#' ## Data from Alvarez et. al. (1996)
#' data(aclp)
#' newdat <- btscs(aclp, "democ", "year", "country")	
#' # Estimate Model with and without spell
#' full.mod <- glm(democ ~ log(gdpw) + popg + bs(spell, df=4), data=newdat, family=binomial)	
#' restricted.mod <- glm(democ ~ log(gdpw) + popg, data=newdat, family=binomial)	
#' # Incremental F-test of time dependence
#' anova(restricted.mod, full.mod, test='Chisq')	
btscs <-
function (data, event, tvar, csunit, pad.ts = FALSE)
    data$orig_order <- 1:nrow(data)
    data <- data[order(data[[csunit]], data[[tvar]]), ]
    spells <- function(x) {
        tmp <- rep(0, length(x))
        runcount <- 0
        for (j in 2:length(x)) {
            if (x[j] == 0 & x[(j - 1)] == 0) {
                tmp[j] <- runcount <- runcount + 1
            if (x[j] != 0 & x[(j - 1)] == 0) {
                tmp[j] <- runcount + 1
                runcount <- 0
            if (x[j] == 0 & x[(j - 1)] != 0) {
                tmp[j] <- runcount <- 0
    sp <- split(data, data[[csunit]])
    if (pad.ts) {
        sp <- lapply(sp, function(x) x[match(seq(min(x[[tvar]],
            na.rm = TRUE), max(x[[tvar]], na.rm = TRUE)), x[[tvar]]),
        for (i in 1:length(sp)) {
            if (any(is.na(sp[[i]][[event]]))) {
                sp[[i]][[event]][which(is.na(sp[[i]][[event]]))] <- 1
            if (any(is.na(sp[[i]][[tvar]]))) {
                sp[[i]][[tvar]] <- seq(min(sp[[i]][[tvar]], na.rm = TRUE),
                  max(sp[[i]][[tvar]], na.rm = TRUE))
            if (any(is.na(sp[[i]][[csunit]]))) {
                sp[[i]][[csunit]][which(is.na(sp[[i]][[csunit]]))] <- mean(sp[[i]][[csunit]],
                  na.rm = TRUE)
    sp <- lapply(1:length(sp), function(x) {
        cbind(sp[[x]], data.frame(spell = spells(sp[[x]][[event]])), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    data <- do.call(rbind, sp)
    if (!pad.ts) {
        if (any(is.na(data$orig_order))) {
            data <- data[-which(is.na(data$orig_order)), ]
        data <- data[data$orig_order, ]
    else {
        data <- data[order(data[[csunit]], data[[tvar]]), ]

#' Test for Combining Categories in Multinomial Logistic Regression Models.
#' Tests the null hypothesis that categories can be combined in Multinomial
#' Logistic Regression Models
#' @param obj An object of class \code{multinom}.
#' @return A matrix of test statistics and p-values.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(nnet)
#' data(france)
#' mnl.mod <- multinom(vote ~ age + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' combTest(mnl.mod)
combTest <- function(obj){
	y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
	b <- c(t(coef(obj)))
	names(b) <- rownames(vcov(obj))
    names(b) <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\:.]", "", names(b))
	l <- levels(y)
	l <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9\\:.]", "", l)
	combs <- combn(l, 2)
	res <- array(dim=dim(t(combs)))
	k <- 1
	inds1 <- which(combs[1,] == l[1])
	for(j in 1:length(inds1)){
		inds <- grep(paste("^", combs[2,inds1[j]], ":", sep=""), names(b))
		inds <- inds[-grep("Intercept", names(b)[inds])]
		Q <- matrix(0, ncol=length(b), nrow=length(inds))
		Q[cbind(1:nrow(Q), inds)] <- 1
		w <- t(Q %*% b) %*% solve(Q %*% vcov(obj) %*% t(Q)) %*% Q %*%b
		p <- pchisq(w, nrow(Q), lower.tail=FALSE)
		res[k,]<- c(w,p)
		k <- k+1
	inds2 <- (1:ncol(combs))[-inds1]
	for(j in 1:length(inds2)){
		indsa <- grep(paste("^", combs[2,inds2[j]], ":", sep=""), names(b))
		indsa <- indsa[-grep("Intercept", names(b)[indsa])]
		indsb <- grep(paste("^", combs[1,inds2[j]], ":", sep=""), names(b))
		indsb <- indsb[-grep("Intercept", names(b)[indsb])]
		Q <- matrix(0, ncol=length(b), nrow=length(inds))
		Q[cbind(1:nrow(Q), indsa)] <- 1
		Q[cbind(1:nrow(Q), indsb)] <- -1
		w <- t(Q %*% b) %*% solve(Q %*% vcov(obj) %*% t(Q)) %*% Q %*%b
		p <- pchisq(w, nrow(Q), lower.tail=FALSE)
		res[k,]<- c(w,p)
		k <- k+1
	ns <- max(nchar(as.character(round(res[,1], 0))))
	r1 <- sprintf(paste("%", ns+4, ".3f", sep=""), res[,1])
    r2 <- sprintf("%.3f", res[,2])
    res <- cbind(r1, r2)
	rownames(res) <- apply(combs, 2, paste, collapse="-")
	colnames(res) <- c("Estimate", "p-value")
	print(res, quote=FALSE)

#' Surface Plots for Two-Way Interactions
#' Makes surface plots to display interactions between two continuous variables
#' This function makes a surface plot of an interaction between two continuous
#' covariates.  If the model is \cr \deqn{y_{i} = b_{0} + b_{1}x_{i1} +
#' b_{2}x_{i2} + b_{3}x_{i1}\times x_{i2} + \ldots + e_{i},}{y = b[0] + b[1]x1
#' + b[2]x2 + b[3]x1*x2 + ... + e[i],}\cr this function plots \eqn{b_{1}x_{i1}
#' + b_{2}x_{i2} + b_{3}x_{i1}\times x_{i2}}{b[1]x1 + b[2]x2 + b[3]x1*x2} for
#' values over the range of \eqn{X_{1}}{X1} and \eqn{X_{2}}{X2}.  The highest
#' 75\%, 50\% and 25\% of the bivariate density of \eqn{X_{1}}{X1} and
#' \eqn{X_{2}}{X2} (as calculated by \code{sm.density} from the \code{sm}
#' package) are colored in with colors of increasing gray-scale.
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{lm}
#' @param varnames A two-element character vector where each element is the
#' name of a variable involved in a two-way interaction.
#' @param theta Angle defining the azimuthal viewing direction to be passed to
#' \code{persp}
#' @param phi Angle defining the colatitude viewing direction to be passed to
#' \code{persp}
#' @param xlab Optional label to put on the x-axis, otherwise if \code{NULL},
#' it will take the first element of \code{varnames}
#' @param ylab Optional label to put on the y-axis, otherwise if \code{NULL},
#' it will take the second element of \code{varnames}
#' @param zlab Optional label to put on the z-axis, otherwise if \code{NULL},
#' it will be \sQuote{Predictions}. 
#' @param adjustY Scalar indicating a constant that should be added to all of 
#' fitted values.  Defaults to 0. 
#' @param plot Logical indicating whether the plot should be returned.  If 
#' \code{FALSE}, the data are returned instead.
#' @param hcols Vector of four colors to color increasingly high density areas
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to the initial call to
#' \code{persp}
#' @return \item{x1}{Values of the first element of \code{varnames} used to
#' make predictions.} \item{x2}{Values of the second element of \code{varnames}
#' used to make predictions.} \item{pred}{The predictions based on the values
#' \code{x1} and \code{x2}.} \item{graph}{A graph is produced, but no other
#' information is returned.}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(InteractionEx)
#' mod <- lm(y ~ x1*x2 + z, data=InteractionEx)
#' DAintfun(mod, c("x1", "x2"))
DAintfun <-
function (obj, varnames, theta = 45, phi = 10, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, 
          zlab=NULL, adjustY=0, plot=TRUE, hcols=NULL, ...)
    if (length(varnames) != 2) {
        stop("varnames must be a vector of 2 variable names")
	if(!all(varnames %in% names(obj$coef) )){
		stop("not all variables in varnames are in the model")
    else {
        v1 <- varnames[1]
        v2 <- varnames[2]
        v1 <- gsub(")", "\\)", gsub("(", "\\(", v1, fixed=TRUE), fixed=TRUE)
        v2 <- gsub(")", "\\)", gsub("(", "\\(", v2, fixed=TRUE), fixed=TRUE)
        ind <- unique(c(grep(v1, names(obj$coef)), grep(v2, names(obj$coef))))
        ind <- ind[order(ind)]
        b <- obj$coef[ind]
        mod.x <- model.matrix(obj)
        not.ind <- c(1:ncol(mod.x))[!(c(1:ncol(mod.x)) %in% ind)]
        mod.x[, not.ind] <- 0
        dens <- kde2d(mod.x[, varnames[1]], mod.x[,varnames[2]])
        b <- obj$coef[ind]
        v1.seq <- dens$x
        v2.seq <- dens$y
        eff.fun <- function(x1, x2) {
            b[1] * x1 + b[2] * x2 + b[3] * x1 * x2
          hcols <- paste("gray", seq(from = 20, to = 80, length = 4),
            sep = "")
        if(length(hcols) != 4){
          warning("hcols must have 4 values, using gray palette\n")
          hcols <- paste("gray", seq(from = 20, to = 80, length = 4),
            sep = "")
        predsurf <- outer(v1.seq, v2.seq, eff.fun)
        predsurf <- predsurf + adjustY
        cutoff <- quantile(c(dens$z), prob = c(0.25, 0.5,
        pred1 <- predsurf
        pred1[dens$z < cutoff[1]] <- NA
        pred2 <- predsurf
        pred2[dens$z < cutoff[2]] <- NA
        pred3 <- predsurf
        pred3[dens$z < cutoff[3]] <- NA
        persp(v1.seq, v2.seq, predsurf,
    			xlab = ifelse(is.null(xlab), toupper(v1), xlab),
    			ylab = ifelse(is.null(ylab), toupper(v2), ylab),
          zlab = ifelse(is.null(zlab), toupper("Predictions"), zlab),
			    col = hcols[1], theta = theta, phi = phi,...)
        par(new = TRUE)
          persp(v1.seq, v2.seq, pred1, col = hcols[2], axes = FALSE,
            xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "", theta = theta, phi = phi,
            zlim = c(min(c(predsurf)), max(c(predsurf))), ylim = c(min(v2.seq),
                max(v2.seq)), xlim = c(min(v1.seq), max(v1.seq)))
        par(new = TRUE)
          persp(v1.seq, v2.seq, pred2, col = hcols[3], axes = FALSE,
            xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "", theta = theta, phi = phi,
            zlim = c(min(c(predsurf)), max(c(predsurf))), ylim = c(min(v2.seq),
                max(v2.seq)), xlim = c(min(v1.seq), max(v1.seq)))
        par(new = TRUE)
          persp(v1.seq, v2.seq, pred3, col = hcols[4], axes = FALSE,
            xlab = "", ylab = "", zlab = "", theta = theta, phi = phi,
            zlim = c(min(c(predsurf)), max(c(predsurf))), ylim = c(min(v2.seq),
                max(v2.seq)), xlim = c(min(v1.seq), max(v1.seq)))
        return(list(x1=v1.seq, x2=v2.seq, pred=predsurf))

#' Conditional Effects Plots for Interactions in Linear Models
#' Generates two conditional effects plots for two interacted continuous
#' covariates in linear models.
#' This function produces graphs along the lines suggested by Brambor, Clark
#' and Golder (2006) and Berry, Golder and Milton (2012), that show the
#' conditional effect of one variable in an interaction given the values of the
#' conditioning variable.  This is an alternative to the methods proposed by
#' John Fox in his \code{effects} package, upon which this function depends
#' heavily.\cr\cr Specifically, if the model is \cr \deqn{y_{i} = b_{0} +
#' b_{1}x_{i1} + b_{2}x_{i2} + b_{3}x_{i1}\times x_{i2} + \ldots + e_{i},}{y =
#' b[0] + b[1]x1 + b[2]x2 + b[3]x1*x2 + ... + e[i],}\cr this function plots
#' calculates the conditional effect of \eqn{X_{1}}{X1} given
#' \eqn{X_{2}}{X2}\cr \deqn{\frac{\partial y}{\partial X_{1}} = b_{1} +
#' b_{3}X_{2}}{dy/dX1 = b[1] + b[3]X2} and the variances of the conditional
#' effects\cr \deqn{V(b_{1} + b_{3}X_{2}) = V(b_{1} + X_{2}^{2}V(b_{3}) +
#' 2(1)(X_{2})V(b_{1},b_{3}))}{V(b[1] + b[3]X[2]) = V(b[1] + (X[2]^2)V(b[3]) +
#' 2(1)(X[2])V(b[1],b[3]))} for different values of \eqn{X_{2}}{X2} and then
#' switches the places of \eqn{X_{1}}{X1} and \eqn{X_{2}}{X2}, calculating the
#' conditional effect of \eqn{X_{2}}{X2} given a range of values of
#' \eqn{X_{1}}{X1}.  95\% confidence bounds are then calculated and plotted for
#' each conditional effects along with a horizontal reference line at 0.
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{lm}
#' @param varnames A two-element character vector where each element is the
#' name of a variable involved in a two-way interaction.
#' @param varcov A variance-covariance matrix with which to calculate the
#' conditional standard errors.  If \code{NULL}, it is calculated with
#' \code{vcov(obj)}.
#' @param rug Logical indicating whether a rug plot should be included.
#' @param ticksize A scalar indicating the size of ticks in the rug plot (if
#' included) positive values put the rug inside the plotting region and
#' negative values put it outside the plotting region.
#' @param level Level for the confidence bounds. 
#' @param hist Logical indicating whether a histogram of the x-variable should
#' be included in the plotting region.
#' @param hist.col Argument to be passed to \code{polygon} indicating the color
#' of the histogram bins.
#' @param nclass vector of two integers indicating the number of bins in the
#' two histograms, which will be passed to \code{hist}.
#' @param scale.hist A scalar in the range (0,1] indicating how much vertical
#' space in the plotting region the histogram should take up.
#' @param border Argument passed to \code{polygon} indicating how the border of
#' the histogram bins should be printed (\code{NA} for no border).
#' @param name.stem A character string giving filename to which the appropriate
#' extension will be appended
#' @param xlab Optional vector of length two giving the x-labels for the two
#' plots that are generated.  The first element of the vector corresponds to
#' the figure plotting the conditional effect of the first variable in
#' \code{varnames} given the second and the second element of the vector
#' corresponds to the figure plotting the conditional effect of the second
#' variable in \code{varnames} conditional on the first.
#' @param ylab Optional vector of length two giving the y-labels for the two
#' plots that are generated.  The first element of the vector corresponds to
#' the figure plotting the conditional effect of the first variable in
#' \code{varnames} given the second and the second element of the vector
#' corresponds to the figure plotting the conditional effect of the second
#' variable in \code{varnames} conditional on the first.
#' @param plot.type One of \sQuote{pdf}, \sQuote{png}, \sQuote{eps} or
#' \sQuote{screen}, where the one of the first three will produce two graphs
#' starting with \code{name.stem} written to the appropriate file type and the
#' third will produce graphical output on the screen.
#' @return \item{graphs}{Either a single graph is printed on the screen (using
#' \code{par(mfrow=c(1,2))}) or two figures starting with \code{name.stem} are
#' produced where each gives the conditional effect of one variable based on
#' the values of another.}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Brambor, T., W.R. Clark and M. Golder.  (2006) Understanding
#' Interaction Models: Improving Empirical Analyses.  Political Analysis 14,
#' 63-82.\cr Berry, W., M. Golder and D. Milton.  (2012) Improving Tests of
#' Theories Positing Interactions.  Journal of Politics.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(InteractionEx)
#' mod <- lm(y ~ x1*x2 + z, data=InteractionEx)
#' DAintfun2(mod, c("x1", "x2"), hist=TRUE, scale.hist=.3)
DAintfun2 <-
function (obj, varnames, varcov=NULL, rug = TRUE, ticksize = -0.03, hist = FALSE,
    level=.95, hist.col = "gray75", nclass = c(10, 10), scale.hist = 0.5,
    border = NA, name.stem = "cond_eff",
	xlab = NULL, ylab=NULL, plot.type = c("screen", "pdf", "png", "eps", "none"))
  plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type)
    rseq <- function(x) {
        rx <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        seq(rx[1], rx[2], length = 25)
    MM <- model.matrix(obj)
    v1 <- varnames[1]
    v2 <- varnames[2]
    v1 <- gsub(")", "\\)", gsub("(", "\\(", v1, fixed=TRUE), fixed=TRUE)
    v2 <- gsub(")", "\\)", gsub("(", "\\(", v2, fixed=TRUE), fixed=TRUE)
    ind1 <- grep(paste0("^",v1,"$"), names(obj$coef))
    ind2 <- grep(paste0("^",v2,"$"), names(obj$coef))
    indboth <- which(names(obj$coef) %in% c(paste0(v1,":",v2),paste0(v2,":",v1)))
    ind1 <- c(ind1, indboth)
    ind2 <- c(ind2, indboth)
    s1 <- rseq(MM[, v1])
    s2 <- rseq(MM[, v2])
    a1 <- a2 <- matrix(0, nrow = 25, ncol = ncol(MM))
    a1[, ind1[1]] <- 1
    a1[, ind1[2]] <- s2
    a2[, ind2[1]] <- 1
    a2[, ind2[2]] <- s1
    eff1 <- a1 %*% obj$coef
        varcov <- vcov(obj)
    se.eff1 <- sqrt(diag(a1 %*% varcov %*% t(a1)))
    low1 <- eff1 - qt((1-((1-level)/2)), obj$df.residual) * se.eff1
    up1 <- eff1 + qt((1-((1-level)/2)), obj$df.residual) * se.eff1
    eff2 <- a2 %*% obj$coef
    se.eff2 <- sqrt(diag(a2 %*% varcov %*% t(a2)))
    low2 <- eff2 - qt((1-((1-level)/2)), obj$df.residual) * se.eff2
    up2 <- eff2 + qt((1-((1-level)/2)), obj$df.residual) * se.eff2
    if(plot.type == "none"){
      outdf <- data.frame(
        vals_var2 = s2, 
        eff_var1 = eff1, 
        se_var1 = se.eff1,
        low_var1 = low1, 
        up_var1 = up1, 
        vals_var1 = s1, 
        eff_var2 = eff2, 
        se_var2 = se.eff2, 
        low_var2 = low2, 
        up_var2 = up2)
      names(outdf) <- gsub("var1", v1, names(outdf))
      names(outdf) <- gsub("var2", v2, names(outdf))
    if (plot.type == "pdf") {
        pdf(paste(name.stem, "_", v1, ".pdf", sep = ""),
            height = 6, width = 6)
    if (plot.type == "png") {
        png(paste(name.stem, "_", v1, ".png", sep = ""))
    if (plot.type == "eps") {
        old.psopts <- ps.options()
        postscript(paste(name.stem, "_", v1, ".eps", sep = ""))
    if (plot.type == "screen") {
        oldpar <- par()
        par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
    plot(s2, eff1, type = "n", ylim = range(c(low1, up1)),
        xlab = ifelse(is.null(xlab), toupper(v2), xlab[1]), ylab = ifelse(is.null(ylab), paste("Conditional Effect of ",
            toupper(v1), " | ", toupper(v2), sep = ""), ylab[1]))
    if (hist == TRUE) {
        rng <- diff(par()$usr[3:4])
        h2 <- hist(MM[, v2], nclass = nclass[1], plot = FALSE)
        prop2 <- h2$counts/sum(h2$counts)
        plot.prop2 <- (prop2/max(prop2)) * rng * scale.hist +
        av2 <- pretty(prop2, n = 3)
        axis(4, at = (av2/max(prop2)) * rng * scale.hist +
            par()$usr[3], labels = av2)
        br2 <- h2$breaks
        for (i in 1:(length(br2) - 1)) {
            polygon(x = c(br2[i], br2[(i + 1)], br2[(i +
              1)], br2[i], br2[i]), y = c(par()$usr[3], par()$usr[3],
              plot.prop2[i], plot.prop2[i], par()$usr[3]),
              col = hist.col, border = border)
    if (rug == TRUE) {
        rug(MM[,v2], ticksize = ticksize)
    if (par()$usr[3] < 0 & par()$usr[4] > 0) {
        abline(h = 0, col = "gray50")
    lines(s2, eff1)
    lines(s2, low1, lty = 2)
    lines(s2, up1, lty = 2)
    if (plot.type != "screen") {
    if (plot.type == "pdf") {
        pdf(paste(name.stem, "_", v2, ".pdf", sep = ""),
            height = 6, width = 6)
    if (plot.type == "png") {
        png(paste(name.stem, "_", v2, ".png", sep = ""))
    if (plot.type == "eps") {
        postscript(paste(name.stem, "_", v2, ".eps", sep = ""))
    plot(s1, eff2, type = "n", ylim = range(c(low2, up2)),
        xlab = ifelse(is.null(xlab), toupper(v1), xlab[2]),
	ylab = ifelse(is.null(ylab), paste("Conditional Effect of ",
            toupper(v2), " | ", toupper(v1), sep = ""), ylab[2]))
    if (hist == TRUE) {
        rng <- diff(par()$usr[3:4])
        h1 <- hist(MM[,v1], nclass = nclass[2], plot = FALSE)
        prop1 <- h1$counts/sum(h1$counts)
        plot.prop1 <- (prop1/max(prop1)) * rng * scale.hist +
        av1 <- pretty(prop1, n = 3)
        axis(4, at = (av1/max(prop1)) * rng * scale.hist +
            par()$usr[3], labels = av1)
        br1 <- h1$breaks
        for (i in 1:(length(br1) - 1)) {
            polygon(x = c(br1[i], br1[(i + 1)], br1[(i +
              1)], br1[i], br1[i]), y = c(par()$usr[3], par()$usr[3],
              plot.prop1[i], plot.prop1[i], par()$usr[3]),
              col = hist.col, border = border)
    if (rug == TRUE) {
        rug(MM[, v1], ticksize = ticksize)
    if (par()$usr[3] < 0 & par()$usr[4] > 0) {
        abline(h = 0, col = "gray50")
    lines(s1, eff2)
    lines(s1, low2, lty = 2)
    lines(s1, up2, lty = 2)
    if (plot.type != "screen") {
    if (plot.type == "eps") {
        ps.options <- old.psopts
    if (plot.type == "screen") {
        par <- oldpar

#' Maximal First Differences for Generalized Linear Models
#' For objects of class \code{glm}, it calculates the change in predicted
#' responses, for maximal discrete changes in all covariates holding all other
#' variables constant at typical values.
#' The function calculates the changes in predicted responses for maximal
#' discrete changes in the covariates, for objects of class \code{glm}.  This
#' function works with polynomials specified with the \code{poly} function.  It
#' also works with multiplicative interactions of the covariates by virtue of
#' the fact that it holds all other variables at typical values.  By default,
#' typical values are the median for quantitative variables and the mode for
#' factors. The way the function works with factors is a bit different.  The
#' function identifies the two most different levels of the factor and
#' calculates the change in predictions for a change from the level with the
#' smallest prediction to the level with the largest prediction.
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{glm}.
#' @param data Data frame used to fit \code{object}.
#' @param V An optional variance-covariance matrix for the coefficients, if 
#' \code{NULL}, will be obtained through a call to \code{vcov}. 
#' @param typical.dat Data frame with a single row containing values at which
#' to hold variables constant when calculating first differences.  These values
#' will be passed to \code{predict}, so factors must take on a single value,
#' but have all possible levels as their levels attribute.
#' @param change.dat A named list of values over which the variables of interest 
#' will be changed.  If \code{NULL} or partially specified, unspecified variables
#' will use \code{diffchange}.  If a categorical variable is specified in here, this 
#' overrides the \code{catdiff} argument and only the specified contrast will be 
#' generated.  
#' @param diffchange A string indicating the difference in predictor values to
#' calculate the discrete change.  \code{range} gives the difference between
#' the minimum and maximum, \code{sd} gives plus and minus one-half standard
#' deviation change around the median and \code{unit} gives a plus and minus
#' one-half unit change around the median.
#' @param outcome For quantitative variables, should the difference over the range of chosen values be calculated 
#' (the default) or should the maximum probability difference over the range be 
#' calculated.  These will be the same for single-term quantitative variables, 
#' but could be different for multi-term variables, like splines and polynomials. 
#' @param n number of units of \code{diffchange} to move.  Only active for \code{unit}
#' or \code{sd}. 
#' @param catdiff String identifying how differences in factor variables
#' is handled.  Options are \code{"all"} in which case all pairwise differences are
#' returned, or \code{"biggest"} in which case the biggest difference is returned. 
#' @param sim Logical indicating whether simulated confidence bounds on the
#' difference should be calculated and presented.
#' @param R Number of simulations to perform if \code{sim} is \code{TRUE}
#' @param qtiles Quantiles to calculate if \code{sim=TRUE}. 
#' @param adjust String identifying how range should be changed if it goes out of
#' the bounds of the observed data.  Trimming will simply truncate the size of 
#' the change to make it fit in bounds.  Shifting will shift the interval so 
#' both ends are in bounds. If the shifted interval is wider than the range of
#' the data, the change will be truncated to the range of the data. 
#' @return A list with the following elements: \item{diffs}{A matrix of
#' calculated first differences} \item{minmax}{A matrix of values that were
#' used to calculate the predicted changes}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @importFrom dplyr across rename left_join bind_rows
#' @importFrom stats delete.response nobs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(france)
#' left.mod <- glm(voteleft ~ male + age + retnat + 
#' 	poly(lrself, 2), data=france, family=binomial)
#' typical.france <- data.frame(
#' 	retnat = factor(1, levels=1:3, labels=levels(france$retnat)), 
#' 	age = 35, stringsAsFactors=TRUE
#' 	)
#' glmChange(left.mod, data=france, typical.dat=typical.france)
glmChange <-
function (obj, 
          V = NULL,
          typical.dat = NULL, 
          change.dat = NULL, 
          diffchange = c("range", "sd", "unit"), 
          outcome = c("diff", "maxdiff"),
          n = 1, 
          catdiff = c("biggest", "all"), 
          qtiles=c(.025, .975), 
          adjust=c("none", "shift", "trim"))
  diffchange <- match.arg(diffchange)
  catdiff <- match.arg(catdiff)
  adj <- match.arg(adjust)
  outcome <- match.arg(outcome)
  allvars <- all.vars(formula(obj))
  data <- data %>% select(all_of(allvars)) %>% na.omit
  vars <- names(c(unlist(sapply(allvars, function(x)grep(x, attr(terms(obj), "term.labels"))))))
  dv <- setdiff(allvars, vars)
  if(any(!(vars %in% names(data)))){
      vars <- vars[-which(!vars %in% names(data))]
  rn <- vars
  var.classes <- sapply(vars, function(x) class(data[[x]]))
  levs <- obj$xlevels
  meds <- vector(mode="list", length=length(vars))
  names(meds) <- vars 
  for(i in 1:length(vars)){
      if(vars[i] %in% names(typical.dat)){
        meds[[vars[i]]] <- typical.dat[[vars[i]]]
        tab <- table(data[[vars[i]]])
        meds[[vars[i]]] <- factor(names(tab)[which.max(tab)], levels = levels(data[[vars[i]]]))
      if(vars[i] %in% names(typical.dat)){
        meds[[vars[i]]] <- typical.dat[[vars[i]]]
        meds[[vars[i]]] <- median(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE)
  prob.dat <- list()
  k <- 1
  for(i in 1:length(vars)){
    tmp <- meds
    tmp <- tmp[-which(names(tmp) == vars[i])]
      if(vars[i] %in% names(change.dat)){
        dlist <- list(change.dat[[vars[i]]])
        names(dlist) <- vars[i]
        prob.dat[[k]] <- do.call(expand.grid, c(tmp, dlist))
        names(prob.dat)[k] <- vars[i]
        prob.dat[[k]]$fit <- predict(obj, newdata=prob.dat[[k]], type="response")
        prob.dat[[k]]$focal <- vars[i]
        prob.dat[[k]]$side <- factor(c(1,2), labels=c("Low", "High"))
        k <- k+1
        rg <- switch(diffchange, 
                     range = range(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), 
                     sd = median(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE) + 
                       c(-n*.5, n*.5)*sd(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), 
                     unit = median(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE) + c(-n*.5, n*.5))
        if(adj == "trim"){
          rg[1] <- max(min(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), rg[1])
          rg[2] <- min(max(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), rg[2])
        if(adj == "shift"){
          if(diff(rg) > diff(range(data[[vars[i]]])))rg <- range(data[[vars[i]]])
          if(rg[1] < min(data[[vars[i]]])){rg <- rg + abs(diff(c(rg[1], min(data[[vars[i]]]))))}
          if(rg[2] > max(data[[vars[i]]])){rg <- rg - abs(diff(c(rg[2], max(data[[vars[i]]]))))}
        if(outcome == "maxdiff"){
          tmpd <- list(seq(rg[1], rg[2], length=1000))
          names(tmpd) <- vars[i]
          tmp2 <- do.call(data.frame, c(tmp, tmpd))
          tmpfit <- predict(obj, newdata=tmp2, type="link")
          tmprg <- tmpd[[1]][c(which.min(tmpfit), which.max(tmpfit))]
          rg <- sort(tmprg)
        dlist <- list(rg)
        names(dlist) <- vars[i]
        prob.dat[[k]] <- do.call(expand.grid, c(tmp, dlist))
        names(prob.dat)[k] <- vars[i]
        prob.dat[[k]]$fit <- predict(obj, newdata=prob.dat[[k]], type="response")
        prob.dat[[k]]$focal <- vars[i]
        prob.dat[[k]]$side <- factor(c(1,2), labels=c("Low", "High"))
        k <- k+1
      if(vars[i] %in% names(change.dat)){
        dlist <- list(change.dat[[vars[i]]])
        names(dlist) <- vars[i]
        prob.dat[[k]] <- do.call(expand.grid, c(tmp, dlist))
        names(prob.dat)[k] <- vars[i]
        prob.dat[[k]]$fit <- predict(obj, newdata=prob.dat[[k]], type="response")
        prob.dat[[k]] <- tmpdat[c(mn,mx), ]
        prob.dat[[k]]$focal <- vars[i]
        prob.dat[[k]]$side <- factor(c(1,2), labels=c("Low", "High"))
        k <- k+1
        if(catdiff == "biggest"){
          dl <- list(factor(levs[[vars[i]]], levels=levels(data[[vars[i]]])))
          names(dl) <- vars[i]
          tmpdat <- do.call(expand.grid, c(tmp, dl))
          tmpdat$fit <- predict(obj, newdata=tmpdat, type="response")
          mn <- which.min(tmpdat$fit)
          mx <- which.max(tmpdat$fit)
          prob.dat[[k]] <- tmpdat[c(mn,mx), ]
          names(prob.dat)[k] <- vars[i]
          prob.dat[[k]]$focal <- vars[i]
          prob.dat[[k]]$side <- factor(c(1,2), labels=c("Low", "High"))
          k <- k+1
          combs <- combn(length(levs[[vars[i]]]), 2)
          tmplevs <- apply(combs, c(1,2), function(x)levs[[vars[i]]][x])
          for(j in 1:ncol(tmplevs)){
            dlist <- list(factor(tmplevs[,j], levels=levels(data[[vars[i]]])))
            names(dlist) <- vars[i]
            prob.dat[[k]] <- do.call(expand.grid, c(tmp, dlist))
            names(prob.dat)[k] <- paste(vars[i], j, sep="_")
            prob.dat[[k]]$fit <- predict(obj, newdata=prob.dat[[k]], type="response")
            prob.dat[[k]]$focal <- vars[i]
            prob.dat[[k]]$side <- factor(c(1,2), labels=c("Low", "High"))
            k <- k+1
  } # close loop over i
  probw <- lapply(seq_along(prob.dat), function(i){ 
    prob.dat[[i]] %>% 
      select(all_of(c("focal", "side", "fit", prob.dat[[i]]$focal[1]))) %>% 
      rename("val" = prob.dat[[i]]$focal[1]) %>% 
      mutate(v = names(prob.dat)[i]) %>% 
      pivot_wider(names_from="side", values_from=c("val", "fit")) %>% 
      mutate(diff = .data$fit_High-.data$fit_Low,
             across(all_of(c("val_Low", "val_High")), ~sprintf("%.3f",.x)))
  probw <- do.call(bind_rows, probw)
      V <- vcov(obj)
      if(nrow(V) != ncol(V) | ncol(V) != length(coef(obj))){
        stop("Provided variance covariance matrix is of wrong dimensions\n")
    B <- MASS::mvrnorm(R, coef(obj), V)
    se.dat <- lapply(prob.dat, function(x){
      dvdat <- na.omit(data)[dv][1,, drop=FALSE]
      rownames(dvdat) <- NULL
      x <- cbind(x,dvdat)
      tt <- terms(obj)
      Terms <- delete.response(tt)
      m <- model.frame(Terms, x, xlev = obj$xlevels)
      X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = obj$contrasts)
      p <- family(obj)$linkinv(X %*% t(B))
      ap <- apply(p, 2, diff)
      q <- quantile(ap, probs=qtiles)
      names(q) <- paste("q_", gsub("\\%", "", names(q)), sep="")
      q <- do.call(data.frame, as.list(q))
      q$focal <- x$focal[1]
    se.dat <- do.call(rbind, se.dat)
    se.dat$v <- rownames(se.dat)
    rownames(se.dat) <- NULL
    probw <- left_join(probw, se.dat)
  probw <- probw %>% select(-c("v"))
  attr(probw, "meds") <- do.call(data.frame, meds)

#' Functions for Estimating Interaction Effects in Logit and Probit Models
#' Norton and Ai (2003) and Norton, Wang and Ai (2004) discuss methods for
#' calculating the appropriate marginal effects for interactions in binary
#' logit/probit models.  These functions are direct translations of the Norton,
#' Wang and Ai (2004) Stata code.
#' @param obj A binary logit or probit model estimated with \code{glm}.
#' @param vars A vector of the two variables involved in the interaction.
#' @param data A data frame used in the call to \code{obj}.
#' @return A list is returned with two elements - \code{byobs} and
#' \code{atment}.  The \code{byobs} result gives the interaction effect
#' evaluated at each observation.  The \code{atmean} element has the marginal
#' effect evaluated at the mean.  Each eleement contains an element \code{int}
#' which is a data frame with the following variable: \item{int_eff}{The
#' correctly calucalted marginal effect.} \item{linear}{The incorrectly
#' calculated marginal effect following the linear model analogy.}
#' \item{phat}{Predicted Pr(Y=1|X).} \item{se_int_eff}{Standard error of
#' \code{int_eff}.} \item{zstat}{The interaction effect divided by its standard
#' error}
#' The \code{X} element of each returned result is the X-matrix used to
#' generate the result.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Norton, Edward C., Hua Wang and Chunrong Ai.  2004.  Computing
#' Interaction Effects and Standard Errors in Logit and Probit Models.  The
#' Stata Journal 4(2): 154-167.\cr
#' Ai, Chunrong and Edward C. Norton.  2003.  Interaction Terms in Logit and
#' Probit Models.  Economics Letters 80(1): 123-129.
#' Norton, Edward C., Hua Wang and Chunrong Ai.  2004.  inteff: Computing
#' Interaction Effects and Standard Errors in Logit and Probit Models, Stata
#' Code.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(france)
#' mod <- glm(voteleft ~ age*lrself + retnat + male, data=france, family=binomial)
#' out <- intEff(obj=mod, vars=c("age", "lrself"), data=france)
#' out <- out$byobs$int
#' plot(out$phat, out$int_eff, xlab="Predicted Pr(Y=1|X)", 
#' 	ylab = "Interaction Effect")
#' ag <- aggregate(out$linear, list(out$phat), mean)
#' lines(ag[,1], ag[,2], lty=2, col="red", lwd=2)
#' legend("topright", c("Correct Marginal Effect", "Linear Marginal Effect"), 
#' 	pch=c(1, NA), lty=c(NA, 2), col=c("black", "red"), lwd=c(NA, 2), inset=.01)
intEff <-
function (obj, vars, data)
    if (obj$family$family != "binomial")
        stop("intEff only works for binomial GLMs")
    dat.cl <- attr(obj$terms, "dataClasses")[vars]
    if (dat.cl[vars[1]] == "factor" & length(unique(data[[vars[1]]])) ==
        2) {
        vars[1] <- paste(vars[1], colnames(contrasts(data[[vars[1]]])),
            sep = "")
    if (dat.cl[vars[1]] == "factor" & length(unique(data[[vars[1]]])) >
        2) {
        stop("factor variables must only have two unique values, violated by v1")
    if (dat.cl[vars[2]] == "factor" & length(unique(data[[vars[2]]])) ==
        2) {
        vars[2] <- paste(vars[2], colnames(contrasts(data[[vars[2]]])),
            sep = "")
    if (dat.cl[vars[2]] == "factor" & length(unique(data[[vars[2]]])) >
        2) {
        stop("factor variables must only have two unique values, violated by v2")
    v1 <- paste(vars, collapse = ":")
    v2 <- paste(vars[c(2, 1)], collapse = ":")
    inb <- any(c(v1, v2) %in% names(obj$coef))
    X <- model.matrix(obj, obj$model)
    if (!inb)
        stop("Specified variables not interacted in model\n")
    if (v2 %in% names(obj$coef)) {
        vars <- vars[c(2, 1)]
    int.var <- paste(vars, collapse = ":")
    b <- obj$coef
    lens <- apply(X[, vars], 2, function(x) length(unique(x)))
    if (any(dat.cl == "numeric"))
        dat.cl[which(dat.cl == "numeric")] <- "c"
    if (any(dat.cl == "factor"))
        dat.cl[which(dat.cl == "factor")] <- "d"
    if (any(lens == 2))
        dat.cl[which(lens == 2)] <- "d"
    type.int <- paste(sort(dat.cl), collapse = "")
    if (obj$family$link == "logit")
        type.int <- paste("l", type.int, sep = "")
    if (obj$family$link == "probit")
        type.int <- paste("p", type.int, sep = "")
    if (!(obj$family$link %in% c("probit", "logit")))
        stop("Link must be either logit or probit")
    out.dat <- switch(type.int, lcc = logit_cc(obj = obj, int.var = int.var,
        vars = vars, b = b, X = X), lcd = logit_cd(obj = obj,
        int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X), ldd = logit_dd(obj = obj,
        int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X), pcc = probit_cc(obj = obj,
        int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X), pcd = probit_cd(obj = obj,
        int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X), pdd = probit_dd(obj = obj,
        int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X))
    meanX <- matrix(colMeans(X), nrow=1)
    colnames(meanX) <- colnames(X)
    mean.out.dat <- switch(type.int, lcc = logit_cc(obj = obj, int.var = int.var,
        vars = vars, b = b, X = meanX), lcd = logit_cd(obj = obj,
        int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = meanX), ldd = logit_dd(obj = obj,
        int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = meanX), pcc = probit_cc(obj = obj,
        int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = meanX), pcd = probit_cd(obj = obj,
        int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = meanX), pdd = probit_dd(obj = obj,
        int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = meanX))
    res <- list(byobs = list(int = out.dat, X=X), atmean = list(mean.out.dat, X=meanX))

#' Functions for Estimating Interaction Effects in Logit and Probit Models
#' Norton and Ai (2003) and Norton, Wang and Ai (2004) discuss methods for
#' calculating the appropriate marginal effects for interactions in binary
#' logit/probit models.  These functions are direct translations of the Norton,
#' Wang and Ai (2004) Stata code.  These functions are not intended to be
#' called by the user directly, rather they are called as needed by
#' \code{intEff}.
#' @aliases logit_cc logit_cd logit_dd probit_cc probit_cd probit_dd
#' @param obj A binary logit or probit model estimated with \code{glm}.
#' @param int.var The name of the interaction variable.
#' @param vars A vector of the two variables involved in the interaction.
#' @param b Coefficients from the \code{glm} object.
#' @param X Model matrix from the \code{glm} object.
#' @return A data frame with the following variable: \item{int_eff}{The
#' correctly calucalted marginal effect.} \item{linear}{The incorrectly
#' calculated marginal effect following the linear model analogy.}
#' \item{phat}{Predicted Pr(Y=1|X).} \item{se_int_eff}{Standard error of
#' \code{int_eff}.} \item{zstat}{The interaction effect divided by its standard
#' error}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Norton, Edward C., Hua Wang and Chunrong Ai.  2004.  Computing
#' Interaction Effects and Standard Errors in Logit and Probit Models.  The
#' Stata Journal 4(2): 154-167.\cr
#' Ai, Chunrong and Edward C. Norton.  2003.  Interaction Terms in Logit and
#' Probit Models.  Economics Letters 80(1): 123-129.
#' Norton, Edward C., Hua Wang and Chunrong Ai.  2004.  inteff: Computing
#' Interaction Effects and Standard Errors in Logit and Probit Models, Stata
#' Code.
#' @export
logit_cc <-
function (obj = obj, int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X)
    xb <- (X %*% b)[,,drop=F]
    phat <- plogis(xb)
    phi <- phat * (1 - phat)
    linear <- b[int.var] * phi
    logitcc <- b[int.var] * phi + (b[vars[1]] + b[int.var] *
        X[, vars[2]]) * (b[vars[2]] + b[int.var] * X[, vars[1]]) *
        phi * (1 - (2 * phat))
    d2f <- phat * (1 - phat) * (1 - 2 * phat)
    d3f <- phat * (1 - phat) * (1 - 6 * phat + 6 * phat^2)
    b1b4x2 <- b[vars[1]] + b[int.var] * X[, vars[2]]
    b2b4x1 <- b[vars[2]] + b[int.var] * X[, vars[1]]
    deriv11 <- b[int.var] * d2f * X[, vars[1]] + b2b4x1 * d2f +
        b1b4x2 * b2b4x1 * d3f * X[, vars[1]]
    deriv22 <- b[int.var] * d2f * X[, vars[2]] + b1b4x2 * d2f +
        b1b4x2 * b2b4x1 * X[, vars[2]] * d3f
    deriv44 <- phi + b[int.var] * d2f * X[, vars[1]] * X[, vars[2]] +
        X[, vars[2]] * b2b4x1 * d2f + X[, vars[1]] * b1b4x2 *
        d2f + b1b4x2 * b2b4x1 * X[, vars[1]] * X[, vars[2]] *
    derivcc <- b[int.var] * d2f + b1b4x2 * b2b4x1 * d3f
    others <- X[, -c(1, match(c(vars, int.var), names(b)))]
    if (!("matrix" %in% class(others))) {
        others <- matrix(others, nrow = nrow(X))
    colnames(others) <- colnames(X)[-c(1, match(c(vars, int.var),
    nn <- apply(others, 2, function(x) b[int.var] * d2f * x +
        b1b4x2 * b2b4x1 * x * d3f)
    nn <- array(nn, dim=dim(others))
    dimnames(nn) <- dimnames(others)
    mat123 <- cbind(deriv11, deriv22, deriv44, nn, derivcc)[,,drop=F]
    colnames(mat123) <- c(vars, int.var, colnames(nn), "(Intercept)")
    mat123 <- mat123[, match(colnames(X), colnames(mat123)), drop=F]
    logit_se <- sqrt(diag(mat123 %*% vcov(obj) %*% t(mat123)))
    logit_t <- logitcc/logit_se
    out <- data.frame(int_eff = logitcc, linear = linear, phat = phat,
        se_int_eff = logit_se, zstat = logit_t, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
#' @export
logit_cd <-
function (obj = obj, int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X)
    xb <- X %*% b
    phat <- plogis(xb)
    phi <- phat * (1 - phat)
    linear <- b[int.var] * phi
    dum <- vars[which(sapply(apply(model.matrix(obj)[, vars, drop=FALSE], 2, table), length) ==
    cont <- vars[which(vars != dum)]
    X1 <- X2 <- X
    X1[, dum] <- 1
    X1[, int.var] <- X1[, cont, drop=FALSE] * X1[, dum, drop=FALSE]
    phat1 <- plogis(X1 %*% b)
    phi1 <- phat1 * (1 - phat1)
    d2f1 <- phi1 * (1 - 2 * phat1)
    ie1 <- (b[cont] + b[int.var]) * phi1
    X2[, dum] <- 0
    X2[, int.var] <- X2[, cont, drop=FALSE] * X2[, dum, drop=FALSE]
    phat2 <- plogis(X2 %*% b)
    phi2 <- phat2 * (1 - phat2)
    d2f2 <- phi2 * (1 - 2 * phat2)
    ie2 <- b[cont] * phi2
    logitcd <- ie1 - ie2
    deriv1 <- phi1 - phi2 + b[cont] * X[, cont, drop=FALSE] * (d2f1 - d2f2) +
        b[int.var] * X[, cont, drop=FALSE] * d2f1
    deriv2 <- (b[cont] + b[int.var]) * d2f1
    deriv3 <- phi1 + (b[cont] + b[int.var]) * d2f1 * X[, cont, drop=FALSE]
    deriv0 <- (b[cont] + b[int.var]) * d2f1 - b[cont] * d2f2
    others <- X[, -c(1, match(c(vars, int.var), names(b))), drop=FALSE]
    if (!("matrix" %in% class(others))) {
        others <- matrix(others, nrow = nrow(X))
    colnames(others) <- colnames(X)[-c(1, match(c(vars, int.var),
    nn <- apply(others, 2, function(x) ((b[cont] + b[int.var]) *
        d2f1 - b[cont] * d2f2) * x)
    nn <- array(nn, dim=dim(others))
    dimnames(nn) <- dimnames(others)
    mat123 <- cbind(deriv1, deriv2, deriv3, nn, deriv0)[,,drop=F]
    colnames(mat123) <- c(vars, int.var, colnames(nn), "(Intercept)")
    mat123 <- mat123[, match(colnames(X), colnames(mat123)), drop=F]
    logit_se <- sqrt(diag(mat123 %*% vcov(obj) %*% t(mat123)))
    logit_t <- logitcd/logit_se
    out <- data.frame(int_eff = logitcd, linear = linear, phat = phat,
        se_int_eff = logit_se, zstat = logit_t, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
#' @export
logit_dd <-
function (obj = obj, int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X)
    xb <- X %*% b
    phat <- plogis(xb)
    phi <- phat * (1 - phat)
    linear <- b[int.var] * phi
    X11 <- X01 <- X10 <- X00 <- X
    X11[, vars[1]] <- 1
    X11[, vars[2]] <- 1
    X10[, vars[1]] <- 1
    X10[, vars[2]] <- 0
    X01[, vars[1]] <- 0
    X01[, vars[2]] <- 1
    X00[, vars[1]] <- 0
    X00[, vars[2]] <- 0
    X00[, int.var] <- X00[, vars[1]] * X00[, vars[2]]
    X11[, int.var] <- X11[, vars[1]] * X11[, vars[2]]
    X01[, int.var] <- X01[, vars[1]] * X01[, vars[2]]
    X10[, int.var] <- X10[, vars[1]] * X10[, vars[2]]
    phat11 <- plogis(X11 %*% b)
    phat00 <- plogis(X00 %*% b)
    phat10 <- plogis(X10 %*% b)
    phat01 <- plogis(X01 %*% b)
    phi11 <- phat11 * (1 - phat11)
    phi10 <- phat10 * (1 - phat10)
    phi01 <- phat01 * (1 - phat01)
    phi00 <- phat00 * (1 - phat00)
    logitdd <- (phat11 - phat10) - (phat01 - phat00)
    deriv1 <- phi11 - phi10
    deriv2 <- phi11 - phi01
    deriv3 <- phi11
    deriv0 <- (phi11 - phi01) - (phi10 - phi00)
    others <- X[, -c(1, match(c(vars, int.var), names(b)))]
    if (!("matrix" %in% class(others))) {
        others <- matrix(others, nrow = nrow(X))
    colnames(others) <- colnames(X)[-c(1, match(c(vars, int.var),
    nn <- apply(others, 2, function(x) ((phi11 - phi01) - (phi10 -
        phi00)) * x)
    nn <- array(nn, dim=dim(others))
    dimnames(nn) <- dimnames(others)
    mat123 <- cbind(deriv1, deriv2, deriv3, nn, deriv0)[,,drop=F]
    colnames(mat123) <- c(vars, int.var, colnames(nn), "(Intercept)")
    mat123 <- mat123[, match(colnames(X), colnames(mat123)), drop=F]
    logit_se <- sqrt(diag(mat123 %*% vcov(obj) %*% t(mat123)))
    logit_t <- logitdd/logit_se
    out <- data.frame(int_eff = logitdd, linear = linear, phat = phat,
        se_int_eff = logit_se, zstat = logit_t, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

#' Print Statistically Significant MNL Coefficients
#' By default, the summary for objects of class \code{multinom} is not
#' particularly helpful.  It still requires a lot of work on the part of the
#' user to figure out which coefficients are significantly different from zero
#' and which ones are not.  \code{mnlSig} solves this problem by either
#' flagging significant coefficients with an asterisk or only printing
#' significant coefficients, leaving insignificant ones blank.
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{multinom}.
#' @param pval The desired Type I error rate to identify coefficients as
#' statistically significant.
#' @param two.sided Logical indicating whether calculated p-values should be
#' two-sided (if \code{TRUE}) or one-sided (if \code{FALSE}).
#' @param flag.sig Logical indicating whether an asterisk should be placed
#' beside coefficients which are significant at the \code{pval} level.
#' @param insig.blank Logical indicating whether coefficients which are not
#' significant at the \code{pval} level should be blank in the output.
#' @return A data frame suitable for printing with the (optionally
#' significance-flagged) coefficients from a multinomial logit model.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(nnet)
#' data(france)
#' mnl.mod <- multinom(vote ~ retnat + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' mnlSig(mnl.mod)
mnlSig <-
function (obj, pval = 0.05, two.sided = TRUE, flag.sig = TRUE,
    insig.blank = FALSE)
    smulti <- summary(obj)
    multi.t <- smulti$coefficients/smulti$standard.errors
    multi.p <- (2^as.numeric(two.sided)) * pnorm(abs(multi.t),
        lower.tail = FALSE)
    b <- matrix(sprintf("%.3f", smulti$coefficients), ncol = ncol(multi.t))
    sig.vec <- c(" ", "*")
    sig.obs <- as.numeric(multi.p < pval) + 1
    if (flag.sig) {
        b <- matrix(paste(b, sig.vec[sig.obs], sep = ""), ncol = ncol(multi.t))
    if (insig.blank) {
        b[which(multi.p > pval, arr.ind = TRUE)] <- ""
    rownames(b) <- rownames(multi.t)
    colnames(b) <- colnames(multi.t)
    b <- as.data.frame(b)

#' Average Effects Plot for Multinomial Logistic Regression
#' Produces a plot of average effects for one variable while holding the others
#' constant at observed values.
#' @param obj An object of class \code{multinom}.
#' @param varname A string indicating the variable for which the plot is
#' desired.
#' @param data The data used to estimate \code{obj}.
#' @param R Number of simulations used to generate confidence bounds.
#' @param nvals Number of evaluation points for the predicted probabilities.
#' @param plot Logical indicating whether a plot should be produced (if
#' \code{TRUE}) or numerical results should be returned (if \code{FALSE}).
#' @param \dots Other arguments to be passed down to \code{xyplot}.
#' @return Either a plot or a data frame with variables \item{mean}{The average
#' effect (i.e., predicted probability)} \item{lower}{The lower 95\% confidence
#' bound} \item{upper}{The upper 95\% confidence bound} \item{y}{The values of
#' the dependent variable being predicted} \item{x}{The values of the
#' independent variable being manipulated}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Hanmer, M.J. and K.O. Kalkan.  2013.  \sQuote{Behind the Curve:
#' Clarifying the Best Approach to Calculating Predicted Probabilities and
#' Marginal Effects from Limited Dependent Variable Models}.  American Journal
#' of Political Science.  57(1): 263-277.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(nnet)
#' data(france)
#' mnl.mod <- multinom(vote ~ age + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' \dontrun{mnlAveEffPlot(mnl.mod, "lrself", data=france)}
mnlAveEffPlot <- function(obj, varname, data, R=1500, nvals=25, plot=TRUE,...){
    vars <- all.vars(formula(obj))[-1]
    if(any(!(vars %in% names(data)))){
        vars <- vars[-which(!vars %in% names(data))]
    rn <- vars
    var.classes <- sapply(vars, function(x) class(data[[x]]))
    b <- mvrnorm(R, c(t(coef(obj))), vcov(obj))
    d0 <- list()
	  s <- seq(min(data[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE), max(data[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE), length=nvals)
	  for(i in 1:length(s)){
		d0[[i]] <- data
		d0[[i]][[varname]] <- s[i]
     s <- obj$xlevels[[varname]]
      for(j in 1:length(s)){
        d0[[j]] <- data
        d0[[j]][[varname]] <- factor(j, levels=1:length(s), labels=s)
	Xmats <- lapply(d0, function(x)model.matrix(formula(obj), data=x))
	y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
	ylev <- levels(y)
    b <- mvrnorm(R, c(t(coef(obj))), vcov(obj))
	xb <- lapply(Xmats, function(x)lapply(1:nrow(b), function(z)cbind(1, exp(x %*% t(matrix(c(t(b[z,])), ncol=ncol(coef(obj)), byrow=TRUE))))))
	probs <- lapply(xb, function(x)lapply(x, function(z)z/rowSums(z)))
	out.ci <- lapply(probs, function(x)sapply(x, colMeans))
	out.ci <- lapply(out.ci, apply, 1, quantile, c(.5,.025,.975))
	tmp <- data.frame(
		mean = do.call("c", lapply(out.ci, function(x)x[1,])),
		lower = do.call("c", lapply(out.ci, function(x)x[2,])),
		upper = do.call("c", lapply(out.ci, function(x)x[3,])),
		y = rep(ylev, length(out.ci)), stringsAsFactors=TRUE
	if(is.numeric(data[[varname]])){tmp$s <- rep(s, each=length(ylev))}
	else{tmp$s <- factor(rep(1:length(s), each=length(ylev)), labels=s)}
			pl <- xyplot(mean ~ s | y, data=tmp, xlab="", ylab="Predicted Value", ...,
				lower=tmp$lower, upper=tmp$upper,
				prepanel = prepanel.ci,
				scales=list(x=list(at=1:length(s), labels=s)),
				panel = function(x,y, lower, upper, subscripts){
					panel.points(x,y, col="black", lty=1, pch=16)
					panel.segments(x, lower[subscripts], x, upper[subscripts], lty=1, col="black")
			pl <- xyplot(mean ~ s | y, data=tmp, xlab="", ylab="Predicted Value", ...,
				lower=tmp$lower, upper=tmp$upper,
				prepanel = prepanel.ci,
				panel=panel.ci, zl=FALSE)

#' Maximal First Differences for Multinomial Logistic Regression Models
#' For objects of class \code{multinom}, it calculates the change in predicted
#' probabilities, for maximal discrete changes in all covariates holding all
#' other variables constant at typical values.
#' The function calculates the changes in predicted probabilities for maximal
#' discrete changes in the covariates for objects of class \code{multinom}.
#' This function works with polynomials specified with the \code{poly}
#' function.  It also works with multiplicative interactions of the covariates
#' by virtue of the fact that it holds all other variables at typical values.
#' By default, typical values are the median for quantitative variables and the
#' mode for factors. The way the function works with factors is a bit
#' different.  The function identifies the two most different levels of the
#' factor and calculates the change in predictions for a change from the level
#' with the smallest prediction to the level with the largest prediction.
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{multinom}.
#' @param data Data frame used to fit \code{object}.
#' @param typical.dat Data frame with a single row containing values at which
#' to hold variables constant when calculating first differences.  These values
#' will be passed to \code{predict}, so factors must take on a single value,
#' but have all possible levels as their levels attribute.
#' @param diffchange A string indicating the difference in predictor values to
#' calculate the discrete change.  \code{range} gives the difference between
#' the minimum and maximum, \code{sd} gives plus and minus one-half standard
#' deviation change around the median and \code{unit} gives a plus and minus
#' one-half unit change around the median.
#' @param n Number of \code{diffchange} units to change. 
#' @param sim Logical indicating whether simulated confidence bounds should be
#' produced.
#' @param R Number of simulations to perform if \code{sim = TRUE}
#' @return A list with the following elements: \item{diffs}{A matrix of
#' calculated first differences} \item{minmax}{A matrix of values that were
#' used to calculate the predicted changes} \item{minPred}{A matrix of
#' predicted probabilities when each variable is held at its minimum value, in
#' turn.} \item{maxPred}{A matrix of predicted probabilities when each variable
#' is held at its maximum value, in turn.}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(nnet)
#' data(france)
#' mnl.mod <- multinom(vote ~ age + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' typical.france <- data.frame(
#' 	age = 35, 
#' 	retnat = factor(1, levels=1:3, labels=levels(france$retnat)), 
#' 	stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
#' mnlChange(mnl.mod, data=france, typical.dat=typical.france)	
mnlChange <-
function (obj, data, typical.dat = NULL, diffchange=c("range", "sd", "unit"),
 	n = 1, sim=TRUE, R=1500){
	y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
    vars <- all.vars(formula(obj))[-1]
    if(any(!(vars %in% names(data)))){
        vars <- vars[-which(!vars %in% names(data))]
    rn <- vars
    var.classes <- sapply(vars, function(x) class(data[[x]]))
    minmax <- lapply(vars, function(x) c(NA, NA))
    meds <- lapply(vars, function(x) NA)
    names(minmax) <- names(meds) <- vars
    levs <- obj$xlevels
    if (length(levs) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(levs)) {
            tmp.levs <- paste(names(levs)[i], unlist(levs[i]),
                sep = "")
            col.inds <- match(tmp.levs, obj$coef)
            # if (length(grep("1$", obj$coef[col.inds])) >
            #     0) {
            #     col.inds <- c(col.inds[which(is.na(col.inds))],
            #       col.inds[grep("1$", names(col.inds))])
            #     names(col.inds) <- gsub("1$", "", names(col.inds))
            #     col.inds <- col.inds[match(tmp.levs, names(col.inds))]
            # }
            tmp.coefs <- coef(obj)[,col.inds]
            tmp.coefs[which(is.na(tmp.coefs))] <- 0
            mm <- c(which.min(colMeans(tmp.coefs)), which.max(colMeans(tmp.coefs)))
            minmax[[names(levs)[i]]] <- factor(levs[[i]][mm],
                levels = levs[[i]])
            tmp.tab <- table(data[[names(levs)[i]]])
            meds[[names(levs)[i]]] <- factor(names(tmp.tab)[which.max(tmp.tab)],
                levels = levs[[i]])
    vars <- vars[sapply(minmax, function(x) is.na(x[1]))]
	if(length(vars) > 0){
    mmc <- match.arg(diffchange)
    for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
		if(mmc == "range"){
        minmax[[vars[i]]] <- range(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm = TRUE)
		if(mmc == "sd"){
		  tmp <- median(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm = TRUE) + c(-.5,.5)*n*sd(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE)
		  tmp[1] <- ifelse(tmp[1] < min(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), min(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), tmp[1])
		  tmp[2] <- ifelse(tmp[2] > max(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), max(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), tmp[2])
		  minmax[[vars[i]]] <- tmp
		if(mmc == "unit"){
        minmax[[vars[i]]] <- median(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm = TRUE) + c(-.5,.5)*n
        meds[[vars[i]]] <- median(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm = TRUE)
    tmp.df <- do.call(data.frame, c(lapply(meds, function(x) rep(x,
        length(meds) * 2)), stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
    if (!is.null(typical.dat)) {
        notin <- which(!(names(typical.dat) %in% names(tmp.df)))
        if (length(notin) > 0) {
            cat("The following variables in typical.dat were not found in the prediction data: ",
                names(typical.dat)[notin], "\n\n", sep = "")
            typical.dat <- typical.dat[, -notin]
        for (j in 1:ncol(typical.dat)) {
            tmp.df[[names(typical.dat)[j]]] <- typical.dat[1,
            meds[names(typical.dat)[j]] <- as.numeric(typical.dat[1,
    inds <- seq(1, nrow(tmp.df), by = 2)
    for (j in 1:length(minmax)) {
        tmp.df[inds[j]:(inds[j] + 1), j] <- minmax[[j]]
	    preds <- predict(obj, newdata = tmp.df, type = "probs")
	    preds.min <- as.matrix(preds[seq(1, nrow(preds), by = 2), ])
	    preds.max <- as.matrix(preds[seq(2, nrow(preds), by = 2), ])
	    diffs <- preds.max - preds.min
	    rownames(preds.min) <- rownames(preds.max) <- rownames(diffs) <- rn
    preds <- predict(obj, newdata = tmp.df, type = "probs")
    preds.min <- as.matrix(preds[seq(1, nrow(preds), by = 2), ])
    preds.max <- as.matrix(preds[seq(2, nrow(preds), by = 2), ])
    b <- mvrnorm(R, c(t(coef(obj))), vcov(obj))
	X <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~", as.character(formula(obj))[3], sep="")), data=tmp.df)
	xb <- lapply(1:nrow(b), function(z)cbind(1, exp(X %*% t(matrix(c(t(b[z,])), ncol=ncol(coef(obj)), byrow=TRUE)))))
	probs <- lapply(xb, function(x)t(apply(x, 1, function(z)z/sum(z))))
	pminlist <- lapply(probs, function(x)x[seq(1, nrow(probs[[1]]), by=2), ])
	pmaxlist <- lapply(probs, function(x)x[seq(2, nrow(probs[[1]]), by=2), ])
	difflist <- lapply(1:length(probs), function(i)pmaxlist[[i]]-pminlist[[i]])
	eg <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nrow(difflist[[1]]), 1:ncol(difflist[[1]])))
	means <- matrix(sapply(1:nrow(eg), function(ind)mean(sapply(difflist, function(x)x[eg[ind,1], eg[ind,2]]))), ncol=ncol(difflist[[1]]), nrow=nrow(difflist[[1]]))
	lower <- matrix(sapply(1:nrow(eg), function(ind)quantile(sapply(difflist, function(x)x[eg[ind,1], eg[ind,2]]), .025)), ncol=ncol(difflist[[1]]), nrow=nrow(difflist[[1]]))
	upper <- matrix(sapply(1:nrow(eg), function(ind)quantile(sapply(difflist, function(x)x[eg[ind,1], eg[ind,2]]), .975)), ncol=ncol(difflist[[1]]), nrow=nrow(difflist[[1]]))

	colnames(means) <- colnames(lower) <- colnames(upper) <- colnames(preds.min) <- colnames(preds.max) <- levels(y)
	rownames(means) <- rownames(lower) <- rownames(upper) <- rownames(preds.min) <- rownames(preds.max) <- colnames(tmp.df)
	diffs <- list(mean = means, lower=lower, upper=upper)
minmax.mat <- do.call(data.frame, c(minmax, stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
minmax.mat <- rbind(do.call(data.frame, c(meds, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)), minmax.mat)
rownames(minmax.mat) <- c("typical", "min", "max")

ret <- list(diffs = diffs, minmax = minmax.mat, minPred = preds.min,
    maxPred = preds.max)
class(ret) <- "ordChange"

#' Average Effects for Multinomial Logistic Regression Models
#' Calculates average effects of a variable in multinomial logistic regression
#' holding all other variables at observed values.
#' @param obj An object of class \code{multinom}
#' @param varnames A string identifying the variable to be manipulated.
#' @param data Data frame used to fit \code{object}.
#' @param diffchange A string indicating the difference in predictor values to
#' calculate the discrete change. \code{sd} gives plus and minus one-half
#' standard deviation change around the median and \code{unit} gives a plus and
#' minus one-half unit change around the median.
#' @param n Number of \code{diffchange} units to change. 
#' @param R Number of simulations.
#' @return A list with elements: \item{mean}{Average effect of the variable for
#' each category of the dependent variable.} \item{lower}{Lower 95 percent
#' confidence bound} \item{upper}{Upper 95 percent confidence bound}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(nnet)
#' data(france)
#' mnl.mod <- multinom(vote ~ age + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' mnlChange2(mnl.mod, "lrself", data=france, )	
mnlChange2 <-
  function (obj, varnames, data, diffchange=c("unit", "sd"), n=1, R=1500)
      vars <- all.vars(formula(obj))[-1]
      if(any(!(vars %in% names(data)))){
          vars <- vars[-which(!vars %in% names(data))]
    rn <- vars
    var.classes <- sapply(vars, function(x) class(data[[x]]))
    b <- mvrnorm(R, c(t(coef(obj))), vcov(obj))
    change <- match.arg(diffchange)
    allmean <- alllower <- allupper <- NULL
    for(m in 1:length(varnames)){
          delt <- switch(change,
                         sd = sd(data[[varnames[m]]], na.rm=TRUE))
        } else{
          delt <- 1
        d0 <- list()
          d0[[1]] <- d0[[2]] <- data
          tmp0 <- d0[[1]][[varnames[m]]]-(.5*delt*n)
          tmp1 <- d0[[2]][[varnames[m]]]+(.5*delt*n)
          tmp0 <- ifelse(tmp0 < min(d0[[1]][[varnames[m]]], na.rm=TRUE), 
                         min(d0[[1]][[varnames[m]]], na.rm=TRUE), tmp0)
          tmp1 <- ifelse(tmp1 > max(d0[[2]][[varnames[m]]], na.rm=TRUE), 
                         max(d0[[2]][[varnames[m]]], na.rm=TRUE), tmp1)
          d0[[1]][[varnames[m]]] <- tmp0
          d0[[2]][[varnames[m]]] <- tmp1
          l <- obj$xlevels[[varnames[m]]]
          for(j in 1:length(l)){
            d0[[j]] <- data
            d0[[j]][[varnames[m]]] <- factor(j, levels=1:length(l), labels=l)
    	y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
    	ylev <- levels(y)
    	Xmats <- lapply(d0, function(x)model.matrix(formula(obj), data=x))
    	xb0 <- Xmats[[1]] %*% cbind(0, t(coef(obj)))
    	p0 <- apply(xb0, 1, function(x)exp(x)/sum(exp(x)))
    	xb1 <- Xmats[[2]] %*% cbind(0, t(coef(obj)))
    	p1 <- apply(xb1, 1, function(x)exp(x)/sum(exp(x)))
    	pdiffmean <- p1-p0
    	ave.pdiffmean <- colMeans(t(pdiffmean))
    	names(ave.pdiffmean) <- ylev
    	xb <- lapply(Xmats, function(x)lapply(1:nrow(b), function(z)cbind(1, exp(x %*% t(matrix(c(t(b[z,])), ncol=ncol(coef(obj)), byrow=TRUE))))))
    	probs <- lapply(xb, function(x)lapply(x, function(z)z/rowSums(z)))
    	diffs <- lapply(1:R, function(x)probs[[2]][[x]] - probs[[1]][[x]])
    	probdiffs <- sapply(diffs, colMeans)

    	pwdiffmean <- apply(probdiffs, 1, quantile, c(.5,.025,.975))
    	means <- matrix(pwdiffmean[1,], ncol=1)
    	lower <- matrix(pwdiffmean[2,], ncol=1)
    	upper <- matrix(pwdiffmean[3,], ncol=1)

    	combs <- combn(length(probs), 2)
    	pwdiffprob <- list()
    	for(j in 1:ncol(combs)){
    		pwdiffprob[[j]] <- lapply(1:R, function(i)probs[[combs[2,j]]][[i]] - probs[[combs[1,j]]][[i]])

    	out <- lapply(pwdiffprob, function(x)sapply(x, colMeans))
    	out.ci <- lapply(out, apply, 1, quantile, c(.5,.025,.975))
    	means <- sapply(out.ci, function(x)x[1,])
    	lower <- sapply(out.ci, function(x)x[2,])
    	upper <- sapply(out.ci, function(x)x[3,])
    	l <- obj$xlevels[[varnames[m]]]
    	if(is.numeric(data[[varnames[m]]])){cn <- varnames[m]}
    		cn <- paste(varnames[m], ": ", l[combs[2,]], "-", l[combs[1,]], sep="")
    	colnames(means) <- colnames(lower) <- colnames(upper) <- cn
    	rownames(means) <- rownames(lower) <- rownames(upper) <- ylev
        allmean <- cbind(allmean, means)
        alllower <- cbind(alllower, lower)
        allupper <- cbind(allupper, upper)

	res <- list(diffs=list(mean = matrix(ave.pdiffmean, nrow=1), lower=t(alllower), upper=t(allupper)))
    class(res) <- "ordChange"

#' Maximal First Differences for Proportional Odds Logistic Regression Models
#' For objects of class \code{polr}, it calculates the change in predicted
#' probabilities, for maximal discrete changes in all covariates holding all
#' other variables constant at typical values.
#' The function calculates the changes in predicted probabilities for maximal
#' discrete changes in the covariates for objects of class \code{polr}.  This
#' function works with polynomials specified with the \code{poly} function.  It
#' also works with multiplicative interactions of the covariates by virtue of
#' the fact that it holds all other variables at typical values.  By default,
#' typical values are the median for quantitative variables and the mode for
#' factors. The way the function works with factors is a bit different.  The
#' function identifies the two most different levels of the factor and
#' calculates the change in predictions for a change from the level with the
#' smallest prediction to the level with the largest prediction.
#' @aliases ordChange 
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{polr}.
#' @param data Data frame used to fit \code{object}.
#' @param typical.dat Data frame with a single row containing values at which
#' to hold variables constant when calculating first differences.  These values
#' will be passed to \code{predict}, so factors must take on a single value,
#' but have all possible levels as their levels attribute.
#' @param diffchange A string indicating the difference in predictor values to
#' calculate the discrete change.  \code{range} gives the difference between
#' the minimum and maximum, \code{sd} gives plus and minus one-half standard
#' deviation change around the median and \code{unit} gives a plus and minus
#' one-half unit change around the median.
#' @param n Number of \code{diffchange} units to change. 
#' @param sim Logical indicating whether or not simulations should be done to
#' generate confidence intervals for the difference.
#' @param R Number of simulations.
#' @return A list with the following elements: \item{diffs}{A matrix of
#' calculated first differences} \item{minmax}{A matrix of values that were
#' used to calculate the predicted changes} \item{minPred}{A matrix of
#' predicted probabilities when each variable is held at its minimum value, in
#' turn.} \item{maxPred}{A matrix of predicted probabilities when each variable
#' is held at its maximum value, in turn.}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(MASS)
#' data(france)
#' polr.mod <- polr(vote ~ age + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' typical.france <- data.frame(
#' 	age = 35, 
#' 	retnat = factor(1, levels=1:3, labels=levels(france$retnat)), 
#' 	stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
#' ordChange(polr.mod, data=france, typical.dat=typical.france, sim=FALSE)	
ordChange <-
function (obj, data, typical.dat = NULL, diffchange=c("range", "sd", "unit"),
 	n=1, sim=TRUE, R=1500){
    vars <- all.vars(formula(obj))[-1]
    if(any(!(vars %in% names(data)))){
        vars <- vars[-which(!vars %in% names(data))]
    rn <- vars
    var.classes <- sapply(vars, function(x) class(data[[x]]))
	probfun <- function(x){
		c(cbind(matrix(x, ncol=(ncol(dmat)-1)), 1) %*% dmat)
    minmax <- lapply(vars, function(x) c(NA, NA))
    meds <- lapply(vars, function(x) NA)
    names(minmax) <- names(meds) <- vars
    levs <- obj$xlevels
    if (length(levs) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(levs)) {
            tmp.levs <- paste(names(levs)[i], unlist(levs[i]),
                sep = "")
            col.inds <- match(tmp.levs, names(obj$coef))
            # if (length(grep("1$", names(obj$coef)[col.inds])) >
            #     0) {
            #     col.inds <- c(col.inds[which(is.na(col.inds))],
            #       col.inds[grep("1$", names(obj$coef))])
            #     names(col.inds) <- gsub("1$", "", names(col.inds))
            #     col.inds <- col.inds[match(tmp.levs, names(col.inds))]
            # }
            tmp.coefs <- obj$coef[col.inds]
            tmp.coefs[which(is.na(tmp.coefs))] <- 0
            mm <- c(which.min(tmp.coefs), which.max(tmp.coefs))
            minmax[[names(levs)[i]]] <- factor(levs[[i]][mm],
                levels = levs[[i]])
            tmp.tab <- table(data[[names(levs)[i]]])
            meds[[names(levs)[i]]] <- factor(names(tmp.tab)[which.max(tmp.tab)],
                levels = levs[[i]])
    vars <- vars[sapply(minmax, function(x) is.na(x[1]))]
	mmc <- match.arg(diffchange)
    for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
		if(mmc == "range"){
        minmax[[vars[i]]] <- range(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm = TRUE)
		if(mmc == "sd"){
		    tmp <- median(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm = TRUE) + c(-.5,.5)*n*sd(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE)
		    tmp[1] <- ifelse(tmp[1] < min(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), min(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), tmp[1])
		    tmp[2] <- ifelse(tmp[2] > max(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), max(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), tmp[2])
		    minmax[[vars[i]]] <- tmp
		if(mmc == "unit"){
        minmax[[vars[i]]] <- median(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm = TRUE) + c(-.5,.5)*n
        meds[[vars[i]]] <- median(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm = TRUE)
    tmp.df <- do.call(data.frame, c(lapply(meds, function(x) rep(x,
        length(meds) * 2)), stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
    if (!is.null(typical.dat)) {
        notin <- which(!(names(typical.dat) %in% names(tmp.df)))
        if (length(notin) > 0) {
            cat("The following variables in typical.dat were not found in the prediction data: ",
                names(typical.dat)[notin], "\n\n", sep = "")
            typical.dat <- typical.dat[, -notin]
        for (j in 1:ncol(typical.dat)) {
            tmp.df[[names(typical.dat)[j]]] <- typical.dat[1,
            meds[names(typical.dat)[j]] <- as.numeric(typical.dat[1,
    inds <- seq(1, nrow(tmp.df), by = 2)
    for (j in 1:length(minmax)) {
        tmp.df[inds[j]:(inds[j] + 1), j] <- minmax[[j]]
	    preds <- predict(obj, newdata = tmp.df, type = "probs")
	    preds.min <- as.matrix(preds[seq(1, nrow(preds), by = 2), ])
	    preds.max <- as.matrix(preds[seq(2, nrow(preds), by = 2), ])
	    diffs <- preds.max - preds.min
	    rownames(preds.min) <- rownames(preds.max) <- rownames(diffs) <- rn
        if("polr" %in% class(obj)){
            b <- mvrnorm(R, c(-coef(obj), obj$zeta), vcov(obj))
        if("clm" %in% class(obj)){
            zeta.ind <- grep("|", names(coef(obj)), fixed=TRUE)
            b.ind <- (1:length(coef(obj)))[-zeta.ind]
            b <- mvrnorm(R, c(-coef(obj)[b.ind], coef(obj)[zeta.ind]),
                vcov(obj)[c(b.ind, zeta.ind),c(b.ind, zeta.ind)])
        if(!(class(obj) %in% c("clm", "polr"))){stop("Simulation requires either a clm or polr object\n")}

    X <- model.matrix(update(formula(obj), NULL ~ .), data=tmp.df)
	intlist <- list()
    if(class(obj) == "polr"){
        ylev <- obj$lev
    if(class(obj) == "clm"){
        ylev <- obj$y.levels

    	for(i in 1:(length(ylev)-1)){
			intlist[[i]] <- matrix(0, ncol=(length(ylev)-1), nrow=nrow(X))
			intlist[[i]][,i] <- 1
	X <- X[,-1]
	tmp <- do.call(rbind, lapply(intlist, function(y)cbind(X,y)))
	cprobs <- plogis(tmp %*% t(b))

	dmat <- matrix(0, ncol=length(ylev), nrow=length(ylev))
	dmat[1,1] <- 1
	for(j in 2:length(ylev)){
		dmat[(j-1), j] <- -1
		dmat[j,j] <- 1
	probs <- t(apply(cprobs, 2, probfun))
	cats <- rep(1:length(ylev), each=nrow(tmp.df))
	problist <- lapply(1:max(cats), function(x)probs[, which(cats == x)])
	pminlist <- lapply(problist, function(x)x[,seq(1, ncol(problist[[1]]), by=2)])
	pmaxlist <- lapply(problist, function(x)x[,seq(2, ncol(problist[[1]]), by=2)])
	difflist <- lapply(1:length(problist), function(i)pmaxlist[[i]]-pminlist[[i]])
	means <- sapply(difflist, colMeans)
	lower <- sapply(difflist, apply, 2, quantile, .025)
	upper <- sapply(difflist, apply, 2, quantile, .975)
	rownames(means) <- rownames(lower) <- rownames(upper) <- colnames(tmp.df)
	colnames(means) <- colnames(lower) <- colnames(upper) <- ylev
	preds.min <- sapply(pminlist, colMeans)
	preds.max <- sapply(pmaxlist, colMeans)
    rownames(preds.min) <- rownames(preds.max)  <- colnames(tmp.df)
	colnames(preds.min) <- colnames(preds.max) <- ylev
	diffs <- list(mean = means, lower=lower, upper=upper)
minmax.mat <- do.call(data.frame, c(minmax, stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
minmax.mat <- rbind(do.call(data.frame, c(meds, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)), minmax.mat)
rownames(minmax.mat) <- c("typical", "min", "max")

ret <- list(diffs = diffs, minmax = minmax.mat, minPred = preds.min,
    maxPred = preds.max)
class(ret) <- "ordChange"

#' Average Effects for Proportional Odds Logistic Regression Models
#' For objects of class \code{polr}, it calculates the average change in
#' predicted probabilities, for discrete changes in a covariate holding all
#' other variables at their observed values.
#' The function calculates the changes in predicted probabilities for maximal
#' discrete changes in the covariates for objects of class \code{polr}.  This
#' function works with polynomials specified with the \code{poly} function.  It
#' also works with multiplicative interactions of the covariates by virtue of
#' the fact that it holds all other variables at typical values.  By default,
#' typical values are the median for quantitative variables and the mode for
#' factors. The way the function works with factors is a bit different.  The
#' function identifies the two most different levels of the factor and
#' calculates the change in predictions for a change from the level with the
#' smallest prediction to the level with the largest prediction.
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{polr}.
#' @param varnames A vector of strings identifying the variable to be
#' manipulated.
#' @param data Data frame used to fit \code{object}.
#' @param diffchange A string indicating the difference in predictor values to
#' calculate the discrete change. \code{sd} gives plus and minus one-half
#' standard deviation change around the median and \code{unit} gives a plus and
#' minus one-half unit change around the median.
#' @param n Number of \code{diffchange} units to change. 
#' @param R Number of simulations.
#' @return A list with the following elements: \item{diffs}{A matrix of
#' calculated first differences} \item{minmax}{A matrix of values that were
#' used to calculate the predicted changes} \item{minPred}{A matrix of
#' predicted probabilities when each variable is held at its minimum value, in
#' turn.} \item{maxPred}{A matrix of predicted probabilities when each variable
#' is held at its maximum value, in turn.}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(MASS)
#' data(france)
#' polr.mod <- polr(vote ~ age + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' typical.france <- data.frame(
#' 	age = 35, 
#' 	retnat = factor(1, levels=1:3, labels=levels(france$retnat)), 
#' 	stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
#' ordChange2(polr.mod, "age", data=france, diffchange="sd")	
ordChange2 <- function (obj, varnames, data, diffchange=c("sd", "unit"),
      n=1, R=1500){
    vars <- all.vars(formula(obj))[-1]
    if(any(!(vars %in% names(data)))){
        vars <- vars[-which(!vars %in% names(data))]
    rn <- vars
    var.classes <- sapply(vars, function(x) class(data[[x]]))
    if("polr" %in% class(obj)){
        b <- mvrnorm(R, c(-coef(obj), obj$zeta), vcov(obj))
    if("clm" %in% class(obj)){
        zeta.ind <- grep("|", names(coef(obj)), fixed=TRUE)
        b.ind <- (1:length(coef(obj)))[-zeta.ind]
        b <- mvrnorm(R, c(-coef(obj)[b.ind], coef(obj)[zeta.ind]),
            vcov(obj)[c(b.ind, zeta.ind),c(b.ind, zeta.ind)])
    if(!(class(obj) %in% c("clm", "polr"))){stop("Simulation requires either a clm or polr object\n")}
    change <- match.arg(diffchange)
    allmean <- alllower <- allupper <- NULL

    for(m in 1:length(varnames)){
        delt <- switch(change,
                       sd = sd(data[[varnames[m]]], na.rm=TRUE))
      } else{
        delt <- 1
        d0 <- list()
          d0[[1]] <- d0[[2]] <- data
          tmp0 <- d0[[1]][[varnames[m]]]-(.5*delt*n)
          tmp1 <- d0[[2]][[varnames[m]]]+(.5*delt*n)
          tmp0 <- ifelse(tmp0 < min(d0[[1]][[varnames[m]]], na.rm=TRUE), 
                         min(d0[[1]][[varnames[m]]], na.rm=TRUE), tmp0)
          tmp1 <- ifelse(tmp1 > max(d0[[2]][[varnames[m]]], na.rm=TRUE), 
                         max(d0[[2]][[varnames[m]]], na.rm=TRUE), tmp1)
          d0[[1]][[varnames[m]]] <- tmp0
          d0[[2]][[varnames[m]]] <- tmp1
          l <- obj$xlevels[[varnames[m]]]
          for(j in 1:length(l)){
            d0[[j]] <- data
            d0[[j]][[varnames[m]]] <- factor(j, levels=1:length(l), labels=l)
    	Xmats <- lapply(d0, function(x)model.matrix(formula(obj), data=x)[,-1])
    	intlist <- list()
            if("polr" %in% class(obj)){
                ylev <- obj$lev
            if("clm" %in% class(obj)){
                ylev <- obj$y.levels
        		for(i in 1:(length(ylev)-1)){
    			intlist[[i]] <- matrix(0, ncol=(length(ylev)-1), nrow=nrow(Xmats[[1]]))
    			intlist[[i]][,i] <- 1
    	tmp <- lapply(Xmats, function(x)do.call(rbind, lapply(intlist, function(y)cbind(x,y))))
    	cprobs <- lapply(tmp, function(x)cbind(plogis(x %*% t(b))))

    	dmat <- matrix(0, ncol=length(ylev), nrow=length(ylev))
    	dmat[1,1] <- 1
    	for(j in 2:length(ylev)){
    		dmat[(j-1), j] <- -1
    		dmat[j,j] <- 1
    	probfun <- function(x){
    		c(cbind(matrix(x, ncol=(ncol(dmat)-1)), 1) %*% dmat)
    	probs <- lapply(cprobs, apply, 2, probfun)
    	combs <- combn(length(probs), 2)
    	pwdiffprob <- list()
    	for(j in 1:ncol(combs)){
    		pwdiffprob[[j]] <- probs[[combs[2,j]]] - probs[[combs[1,j]]]
    	pwdiffmean <- sapply(pwdiffprob, rowMeans)
    	means <- apply(pwdiffmean, 2, function(x)colMeans(matrix(x, ncol=length(ylev))))
    	lower <- apply(pwdiffmean, 2, function(x)apply(matrix(x, ncol=length(ylev)), 2, quantile, .025))
     	upper <- apply(pwdiffmean, 2, function(x)apply(matrix(x, ncol=length(ylev)), 2, quantile, .975))
    	if(is.numeric(data[[varnames[m]]])){cn <- varnames[m]}
    		cn <- paste(varnames[m], ": ", l[combs[2,]], "-", l[combs[1,]], sep="")
    	colnames(means) <- colnames(lower) <- colnames(upper) <- cn
    	rownames(means) <- rownames(lower) <- rownames(upper) <- ylev
        allmean <- cbind(allmean, means)
        alllower <- cbind(alllower, lower)
        allupper <- cbind(allupper, upper)
	res <- list(diffs=list(mean = t(allmean), lower=t(alllower), upper=t(allupper)))
    class(res) <- "ordChange"

##' Print method for ordChange objects
##' @description Print methods for objects of class \code{ordChange}
##' @param x Object of class \code{ordChange}
##' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to the function
##' @param digits Number of digits to print
##' @export
##' @method print ordChange
print.ordChange <- function(x, ..., digits=3){
    diffs <- x$diffs
    if("list" %in% class(diffs)){
        sig <- ifelse(sign(diffs$lower) == sign(diffs$upper), "*", " ")
        leads <- ifelse(sign(diffs$mean) == -1, "", " ")
        out <- array(paste(leads, sprintf(paste("%0.", digits, "f", sep=""), diffs$mean), sig, sep=""), dim=dim(diffs$mean))
        dimnames(out) <- dimnames(diffs$mean)
        out <- array(sprintf(paste("%0.", digits, "f", sep=""), diffs), dim=dim(diffs))
        dimnames(out) <- dimnames(diffs)
    print(out, quote=FALSE)

#' Fit Statistics and Specification Test for Multinomial Logistic Regression
#' Provides fit statistics (pseudo R-squared values) and the Fagerland, Hosmer
#' and Bonfi (2008) specification test for Multinomial Logistic Regression
#' models.
#' @aliases mnlfit print.mnlfit
#' @param obj An object of class \code{multinom}
#' @param permute Logical indicating whether to check all base categories for
#' the Fagerland et. al. specification test.
#' @return A list with elements: \item{result}{Fit statistics.}
#' \item{permres}{The results of the base category permutation exercise.}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Fagerland M. W., D. W. Hosmer and A. M. Bonfi.  2008.
#' \sQuote{Multinomial goodness-of-fit tests for logistic regression models.}
#' Statistics in Medicine.  27(21): 4238-4253.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(nnet)
#' data(france)
#' mnl.mod <- multinom(vote ~ age + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' mnlfit(mnl.mod)
mnlfit <- function(obj, permute=FALSE){
	obj <- update(obj, trace=FALSE)
	y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
	pp <- predict(obj, type="probs")
	s <- 1-pp[,1]
    qtile <- unique(quantile(s, seq(0,1,by=.1)))
    if(length(qtile) == 11){
        g_fac <- cut(s, breaks=quantile(s, seq(0,1,by=.1)), right=FALSE, include.lowest=FALSE)
        w <- lapply(1:length(levels(g_fac)), function(x)which(g_fac == levels(g_fac)[x]))
        obs <- sapply(w, function(x)table(factor(as.numeric(y[x]), levels=1:length(levels(y)), labels=levels(y))))
        exp <- sapply(w, function(x)colSums(pp[x, ]))
        lt5 <- mean(exp < 5)
        if(lt5 != 0 ){warning(paste(round(lt5*100), "% of expected counts < 5", sep=""))}
        Cg <- sum(c((obs-exp)^2/exp))
        Cgrefdf <- (nlevels(g_fac)-2)*(ncol(pp)-1)
        Cg_p <- pchisq(Cg, Cgrefdf, lower.tail=FALSE)
        Cg <- Cgrefdf <- Cg_p <- NA
    predcat <- predict(obj, type="class")
	r2_count <- mean(predcat == y)
	modal <- max(table(y))
	r2_counta <- (sum(y == predcat) - modal)/(length(y) - modal)
	r2_mcf <- 1-(logLik(obj)/logLik(update(obj, .~1)))
	r2_mcfa <- 1-((logLik(obj) - (obj$edf + ncol(pp)))/logLik(update(obj, .~1)))
	g2 <- -2*(logLik(update(obj, .~1)) - logLik(obj))
	r2_ml <- 1-exp(-g2/length(y))
    r2cu <- (r2_ml)/(1-exp(2*logLik(update(obj, .~1))/nrow(pp)))
	res <- matrix(nrow=7, ncol=2)
	colnames(res) <- c("Estimate", "p-value")
	rownames(res) <- c("Fagerland, Hosmer and Bonfi", "Count R2", "Count R2 (Adj)",
		"ML R2", "McFadden R2", "McFadden R2 (Adj)", "Cragg-Uhler(Nagelkerke) R2")
	res[1,1] <- Cg
	res[1,2] <- Cg_p
	res[2,1] <- r2_count
	res[3,1] <- r2_counta
	res[4,1] <- r2_ml
	res[5,1] <- r2_mcf
	res[6,1] <- r2_mcfa
	res[7,1] <- r2cu

	permres <- NULL
	if(permute & length(qtile == 11)){
		X <- model.matrix(obj)
		l <- levels(y)
		for(i in 1:length(l)){
		y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
		y <- relevel(y, l[i])
		tmpmod <- multinom(y ~ X-1, trace=FALSE)
		pp <- predict(tmpmod, type="probs")
		s <- 1-pp[,1]
		g_fac <- cut(s, breaks=quantile(s, seq(0,1,by=.1)), right=FALSE, include.lowest=FALSE)
		w <- lapply(1:length(levels(g_fac)), function(x)which(g_fac == levels(g_fac)[x]))
		obs <- sapply(w, function(x)table(factor(as.numeric(y[x]), levels=1:length(levels(y)), labels=levels(y))))
		exp <- sapply(w, function(x)colSums(pp[x, ]))
		Cg <- sum(c((obs-exp)^2/exp))
		Cgrefdf <- (nlevels(g_fac)-2)*(ncol(pp)-1)
		Cg_p <- pchisq(Cg, Cgrefdf, lower.tail=FALSE)
		permres <- rbind(permres, data.frame(base = l[i], Cg = Cg, p = Cg_p, stringsAsFactors=TRUE))

		out <- list(result=res)
		out <- list(result=res, permres=permres)
	class(out) <- "mnlfit"

##' @method print mnlfit
print.mnlfit <- function(x, ..., digits=3){
	fmt <- paste("%.", digits, "f", sep="")
	est <- sprintf(fmt, x$result[,1])
	p <- gsub("NA", "", sprintf(fmt, x$result[,2]))
	newx <- cbind(est, p)
	dimnames(newx) <- dimnames(x$result)
	cat("Fit Statistics\n")
	print(newx, quote=FALSE)
	if(exists("permres", x)){
		permbase <- as.character(x$permres[,1])
		permest <- sprintf(fmt, x$permres[,2])
		permp <- gsub("NA", "", sprintf(fmt, x$permres[,3]))
		newp <- cbind(permbase, permest, permp)
		dimnames(newp) <- dimnames(x$permres)
		cat("\nPermutations for Fagerland et. al\n")
		print(newp, quote=FALSE)

##' @method print ordfit
print.ordfit <- function(x,..., digits=3){
	fmt <- paste("%.", digits, "f", sep="")
	est <- sprintf(fmt, x[,1])
	p <- gsub("NA", "", sprintf(fmt, x[,2]))
	newx <- cbind(est, p)
	dimnames(newx) <- dimnames(x)
	print(newx[-(1:4), 1, drop=FALSE], quote=FALSE)

#' Fit Statistics for Proportional Odds Logistic Regression Models
#' For objects of class \code{polr}, it calculates a number of fit statistics
#' and specification tests.
#' @aliases ordfit print.ordfit
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{polr}.
#' @return An object of class \code{ordfit} which is a matrix containing
#' statistics and specification tests.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Lipsitz, S. R., Fitzmaurice, G. M. and Mohlenberghs, G.  1996.
#' Goodness-of-fit Tests for Ordinal Response Regression Models.  Applied
#' Statistics, 45: 175-190.\cr Pulkstenis, E. and Robinson, T. J. 2004.
#' Goodness-of-fit Test for Ordinal Response Regression Models.  Statistics in
#' Medicine, 23: 999-1014. \cr Fagerland, M. W. and Hosmer, D. W.  2013.  A
#' Goodness-of-fit Test for the Proportional Odds Regression Model.  Statistics
#' in Medicine 32(13): 2235-2249.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(MASS)
#' data(france)
#' polr.mod <- polr(vote ~ age + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' ordfit(polr.mod)
ordfit <- function(obj){
	# combfun <- function(mytab){
	# 	lt <- sum(mytab[,2] < 5)
	# 	while(lt > 0){
	# 		myw <- which(mytab[,2] < 5)
	# 		combrow <- ifelse(max(myw) == 1, 2, max(myw)-1)
	# 		mytab[combrow, ] <- apply(mytab[c(combrow, max(myw)), ], 2, sum)
	# 		mytab <- matrix(mytab[-max(myw), ], ncol=2)
	# 		lt <- sum(mytab[,2] < 5)
	# 	}
	# 	mytab
	# }
	# combcount <- function(mytab){
	# 	k <- 0
	# 	lt <- sum(mytab[,2] < 5)
	# 	while(lt > 0){
	# 		myw <- which(mytab[,2] < 5)
	# 		combrow <- ifelse(max(myw) == 1, 2, max(myw)-1)
	# 		mytab[combrow, ] <- apply(mytab[c(combrow, max(myw)), ], 2, sum)
	# 		mytab <- matrix(mytab[-max(myw), ], ncol=2)
	# 		lt <- sum(mytab[,2] < 5)
	# 		k <- k+1
	# 	}
	# 	k
	# }
  type_pred <- "probs"
  if(inherits(obj, "clm")){
    type_pred <- "prob"
	pp <- predict(obj, type=type_pred)
	# ints <- 1:ncol(pp)
	# n <- nrow(pp)
	# up <- floor(n/(5*ncol(pp)))
	# g <- ifelse(up > 10, 10, max(6, up))
	# s <- pp %*% ints
	# g_fac <- cut(s, breaks=(g))
	X <- model.matrix(obj)
	if(inherits(X, "matrix"))X <- X[,-1, drop=FALSE]
	if(inherits(X, "list"))X <- X$X[,-1, drop=FALSE]
	y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
	orig <- MASS::polr(y ~ X)
	# upmod <- polr(y ~ X + g_fac)
	# lrt <- lrtest(orig, upmod)
	# facs <- which(attr(obj$terms, "dataClasses") == "factor")[-1]
	# mf <- model.frame(obj)
	# pats <- factor(apply(mf[, facs, drop=F], 1, function(x)paste(x, collapse=":")))
	predcat <- predict(obj, type="class")
	if(inherits(predcat, "list"))predcat <- predcat$fit
	# prchi2 <- 0
	# prD <- 0
	# combcountPR <- 0
	# for(i in 1:length(levels(pats))){
	# 	w <- which(pats == levels(pats)[i])
	# 	tmpg <- cut(s[w], breaks=2)
	# 	tmpdat <- data.frame(obs = y[w], expect = predcat[w], stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
	# 	m1 <- apply(tmpdat[which(tmpg == levels(tmpg)[1]), ], 2, function(x)table(factor(x, levels=levels(y))))
	# 	combcountPR <- combcountPR + combcount(m1)
	# 	lt51 <- sum(m1[,2] < 5)
	# 	while(lt51 > 0 & nrow(m1) > 1){
	# 		w1 <- which(m1[,2] < 5)
	# 		combrow <- ifelse(max(w1) == 1, 2, max(w1)-1)
	# 		m1[combrow, ] <- apply(m1[c(combrow, max(w1)), ], 2, sum)
	# 		m1 <- m1[-max(w1), ]
	# 		if(is.null(nrow(m1))){m1 <- matrix(m1, ncol=2)}
	# 		lt51 <- sum(m1[,2] < 5)
	# 	}
	# 	m2 <- apply(tmpdat[which(tmpg == levels(tmpg)[2]), ], 2, function(x)table(factor(x, levels=levels(y))))
	# 	combcountPR <- combcountPR + combcount(m2)
	# 	lt52 <- sum(m2[,2] < 5)
	# 	while(lt52 > 0 & nrow(m2) >1){
	# 		w2 <- which(m2[,2] < 5)
	# 		combrow <- ifelse(max(w2) == 1, 2, max(w2)-1)
	# 		m2[combrow, ] <- apply(m2[c(combrow, max(w2)), ], 2, sum)
	# 		m2 <- m2[-max(w2), ]
	# 		if(is.null(nrow(m2))){m2 <- matrix(m2, ncol=2)}
	# 		lt52 <- sum(m2[,2] < 5)
	# 	}
	# 	if(combcountPR > 0){warning(paste(combcountPR, " rows combined due to low expected counts for P&R tests", sep=""), call.=FALSE)}
	# 	d1 <- (m1[,1] - m1[,2])^2/m1[,2]
	# 	d2 <- (m2[,1] - m2[,2])^2/m2[,2]
	# 	prchi2 <- prchi2 + sum(d1, d2)
	# 	d1a <- m1[,1] * log(m1[,1]/m1[,2])
	# 	d2a <- m2[,1] * log(m2[,1]/m2[,2])
	# 	prD <- prD + sum(d1a, d2a)
	# }
	# prD <- 2*prD
	# refdf <- (2*nlevels(pats) -1)*(ncol(pp)-1) - length(facs) - 1
	# prchi2_p <- pchisq(prchi2, refdf, lower.tail=F)
	# prD_p <- pchisq(prD, refdf, lower.tail=F)
	# tmp <- data.frame(y = y, exp = predcat, g = g_fac, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
	# tabs <- by(tmp[,c("y", "exp")], list(tmp$g), apply, 2, function(x)table(factor(x, levels=levels(y))))
	# combk <- sum(sapply(tabs, combcount))
	# if(combk > 0){warning(paste(combk, " rows combined due to low expected counts for F&H tests", sep=""), call.=FALSE)}
	# tabs <- lapply(tabs, combfun)
	# Cg <- sum(unlist(lapply(tabs, function(x)sum((x[,1]-x[,2])^2/x[,2]))))
	# Cgrefdf <- (nlevels(g_fac)-2)*(ncol(pp)-1) + (ncol(pp) - 2)
	# Cg_p <- pchisq(Cg, Cgrefdf, lower.tail=F)
	r2_count <- mean(predcat == y)
	modal <- max(table(y))
	r2_counta <- (sum(y == predcat) - modal)/(length(y) - modal)
	b <- obj$coef
	gp <- grep("\\|", names(b))
	if(length(gp) > 0){
	  b <- b[-gp]
	b <- matrix(c(0, b), ncol=1)
	X <- model.matrix(obj)
	if(inherits(X, "list"))X <- X$X
	r2_mz <- (t(b)%*%var(X)%*%b)/(t(b)%*%var(X)%*%b + (pi^2/3))
	r2_mcf <- 1-(logLik(obj)/logLik(update(obj, .~1)))
	r2_mcfa <- 1-((logLik(obj) - obj$edf)/logLik(update(obj, .~1)))
	g2 <- -2*(logLik(update(obj, .~1)) - logLik(obj))
	r2_ml <- 1-exp(-g2/length(y))

	res <- matrix(nrow=10, ncol=2)
	colnames(res) <- c("Estimate", "p-value")
	rownames(res) <- c("Lipsitz et al", "Pulkstein and Robinson (chi-squared)", "Pulkstein and Robinson (D)", "Fagerland and Hosmer", "Count R2", "Count R2 (Adj)",
		"ML R2", "McFadden R2", "McFadden R2 (Adj)", "McKelvey & Zavoina R2")
	# res[1,1] <- lrt[2,4]
	# res[1,2] <- lrt[2,5]
	# res[2,1] <- prchi2
	# res[2,2] <- prchi2_p
	# res[3,1] <- prD
	# res[3,2] <- prD_p
	# res[4,1] <- Cg
	# res[4,2] <- Cg_p
	res[5,1] <- r2_count
	res[6,1] <- r2_counta
	res[7,1] <- r2_ml
	res[8,1] <- r2_mcf
	res[9,1] <- r2_mcfa
	res[10,1] <- r2_mz
	# res <- res[-which(is.na(res[,1])), ]
	class(res) <- c("ordfit", "matrix")

#' Plot Average Effects of Variables in Proportional Odds Logistic Regression
#' For objects of class \code{polr} the function plots the average effect of a
#' single variable holding all other variables at their observed values.
#' Following the advice of Hanmer and Kalkan (2013) the function calculates the
#' average effect of a variable holding all other variables at observed values
#' and then plots the result.
#' @param obj An object of class \code{polr}
#' @param varname A string providing the name of the variable for which you
#' want the plot to be drawn.
#' @param data Data used to estimate \code{obj}.
#' @param R Number of simulations to generate confidence intervals.
#' @param nvals Number of evaluation points of the function
#' @param plot Logical indicating whether or not the result should be plotted
#' (if \code{TRUE}) or returned to the console (if \code{FALSE}).
#' @param returnInd Logical indicating whether average individual probabilities
#' should be returned.
#' @param returnMprob Logical indicating whether marginal probabilities,
#' averaged over individuals, should be returned.
#' @param \dots Arguments passed down to the call to \code{xyplot}
#' @return Either a plot or a list with a data frame containing the variables
#' \item{mean}{The average effect (i.e., predicted probability)}
#' \item{lower}{The lower 95\% confidence bound} \item{upper}{The upper 95\%
#' confidence bound} \item{y}{The values of the dependent variable being
#' predicted} \item{x}{The values of the independent variable being
#' manipulated} and the elements Ind or Mprob, as requested.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Hanmer, M.J. and K.O. Kalkan.  2013.  \sQuote{Behind the Curve:
#' Clarifying the Best Approach to Calculating Predicted Probabilities and
#' Marginal Effects from Limited Dependent Variable Models}.  American Journal
#' of Political Science.  57(1): 263-277.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(MASS)
#' data(france)
#' polr.mod <- polr(vote ~ age + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' \dontrun{ordAveEffPlot(polr.mod, "lrself", data=france)	}
ordAveEffPlot <- function(obj, varname, data, R=1500, nvals=25, plot=TRUE, returnInd=FALSE, returnMprob=FALSE,...){
  if(inherits(obj, "clm")){
    f1 <- as.character(obj$formula)
    f1 <- paste(f1[[2]], f1[[3]], sep="~")
    obj <- MASS::polr(f1, data=data, Hess=TRUE)
  pfun <- switch(obj$method, logistic = plogis, probit = pnorm,
           loglog = pgumbel, cloglog = pGumbel, cauchit = pcauchy)
    rI <- rMP <- list()
    vars <- all.vars(formula(obj))[-1]
    if(any(!(vars %in% names(data)))){
        vars <- vars[-which(!vars %in% names(data))]
    rn <- vars
    var.classes <- sapply(vars, function(x) class(data[[x]]))
    b <- mvrnorm(R, c(coef(obj), obj$zeta), vcov(obj))
    ints <- list()
    nc <- length(obj$coef)
    for(i in 1:(length(obj$lev)-1)){
        ints[[i]] <- matrix(b[,(nc+i)], byrow=TRUE, nrow=nrow(model.matrix(obj)), ncol=R)
	  s <- seq(min(data[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE), max(data[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE), length=nvals)
        s <- obj$xlevels[[varname]]
        nvals <- length(s)
    d0 <- data
    m <- l <- u <- matrix(NA, nrow=nvals, ncol=length(obj$lev))
    for(i in 1:length(s)){
    		d0[[varname]] <- s[i]
            d0[[varname]] <- factor(i, levels=1:length(s), labels=s)
       d0[[varname]][which(is.na(data[[varname]]))] <- NA
       X <- model.matrix(formula(obj), data=d0)[,-1]
       XB <- X %*% t(b[,1:length(obj$coef)])
       Q <- lapply(ints, function(x)pfun(x-XB))
       P <- list()
       for(j in 1:length(Q)){
           if(j == 1){
               P[[j]] <- Q[[j]]
               P[[j]] <- Q[[j]]-Q[[(j-1)]]
        P[[(length(Q)+1)]] <- 1-Q[[length(Q)]]
            rI[[i]] <- sapply(P, rowMeans)
            rMP[[i]] <- sapply(P, colMeans)
        P2 <- sapply(P, colMeans)
        m[i,] <- colMeans(P2)
        l[i,] <- apply(P2, 2, quantile, .025)
        u[i,] <- apply(P2, 2, quantile, .975)

	tmp <- data.frame(
		mean = c(m),
		lower = c(l),
		upper = c(u),
		y = rep(obj$lev, each = length(s)), 
	if(is.numeric(data[[varname]])){tmp$s <- s}
	else{tmp$s <- factor(1:length(s), labels=s)}
			pl <- xyplot(mean ~ s | y, data=tmp, xlab="", ylab="Predicted Value", ...,
				lower=tmp$lower, upper=tmp$upper,
				prepanel = prepanel.ci,
				scales=list(x=list(at=1:length(s), labels=s)),
				panel = function(x,y, lower, upper, subscripts){
					panel.points(x,y, col="black", lty=1, pch=16)
					panel.segments(x, lower[subscripts], x, upper[subscripts], lty=1, col="black")
			pl <- xyplot(mean ~ s | y, data=tmp, xlab="", ylab="Predicted Value", ...,
				lower=tmp$lower, upper=tmp$upper,
				prepanel = prepanel.ci,
				panel=panel.ci, zl=FALSE)
            ret <- list()
            ret$data <- tmp
                ret$Ind <- rI
                ret$Mprob <- rMP

#' Deviance and Chi-squared Goodness-of-Fit Test for Poisson Models
#' Deviance and Chi-squared goodness-of-fit test of the null hypothesis that
#' poisson variance is appropriate to model the conditional dispersion of the
#' data, given a particular model.
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{glm} (with \code{family=poisson}).
#' @return A 2x2 data frame with rows representing the different types of
#' statistics (Deviance and Chi-squared) and columns representing the test
#' statistic and p-value.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Dobson, A. J. (1990) An Introduction to Generalized Linear
#' Models. London: Chapman and Hall.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Example taken from MASS help file for glm, identified to be
#' ## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial :
#' counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
#' outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
#' treatment <- gl(3,3)
#' print(d.AD <- data.frame(treatment, outcome, counts, stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
#' glm.D93 <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family=poisson())
#' poisGOF(glm.D93)
poisGOF <-
function (obj)
    if (!("glm" %in% class(obj))) {
        stop("poisGOF only works on objects of class glm (with a poisson family)\n")
    if (!("y" %in% names(obj))) {
        obj <- update(obj, y = TRUE)
    ind.chisq <- (((obj$y - obj$fitted)^2)/obj$fitted)
    dev <- obj$deviance
    df <- obj$df.residual
    p.chisq <- pchisq(sum(ind.chisq), df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
    p.dev <- pchisq(dev, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
    vec <- sprintf("%.3f", c(sum(ind.chisq), dev, p.chisq, p.dev))
    mat <- matrix(vec, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)
    rownames(mat) <- c("Chi-squared", "Deviance")
    colnames(mat) <- c("Stat", "p-value")
    mat <- as.data.frame(mat)

#' Proportional and Expected Proportional Reductions in Error
#' Calculates proportional reduction in error (PRE) and expected proportional
#' reduction in error (epre) from Herron (1999).
#' Proportional reduction in error is calculated as a function of correct and
#' incorrect predictions (and the probabilities of correct and incorrect
#' predictions for ePRE).  When \code{sim=TRUE}, a parametric bootstrap will be
#' used that draws from the multivariate normal distribution centered at the
#' coefficient estimates from the model and using the estimated
#' variance-covariance matrix of the estimators as Sigma.  This matrix is used
#' to form \code{R} versions of XB and predictions are made for each of the
#' \code{R} different versions of XB.  Confidence intervals can then be created
#' from the bootstrap sampled (e)PRE values.
#' @param mod1 A model of class \code{glm} (with family \code{binomial}),
#' \code{polr} or \code{multinom} for which (e)PRE will be calculated.
#' @param mod2 A model of the same class as \code{mod1} against which
#' proportional reduction in error will be measured.  If \code{NULL}, the null
#' model will be used.
#' @param sim A logical argument indicating whether a parametric bootstrap
#' should be used to calculate confidence bounds for (e)PRE.  See
#' \code{Details} for more information.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap samples to be drawn if \code{sim=TRUE}.
#' @return An object of class \code{pre}, which is a list with the following
#' elements: \item{pre}{The proportional reduction in error} \item{epre}{The
#' expected proportional reduction in error} \item{m1form}{The formula for
#' model 1} \item{m2form}{The formula for model 2} \item{pcp}{The percent
#' correctly predicted by model 1} \item{pmc}{The percent correctly predicted
#' by model 2} \item{epcp}{The expected percent correctly predicted by model 1}
#' \item{epmc}{The expected percent correctly predicted by model 2}
#' \item{pre.sim}{A vector of bootstrapped PRE values if \code{sim=TRUE}}
#' \item{epre.sim}{A vector of bootstrapped ePRE values if \code{sim=TRUE}}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Herron, M.  1999.  Postestimation Uncertainty in Limited
#' Dependent Variable Models.  Political Analysis 8(1): 83--98.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(france)
#' left.mod <- glm(voteleft ~ male + age + retnat + 
#' 	poly(lrself, 2), data=france, family=binomial)
#' pre(left.mod)
pre <-
function (mod1, mod2 = NULL, sim = FALSE, R = 2500)
    if (!is.null(mod2)) {
        if (mean(class(mod1) == class(mod2)) != 1) {
            stop("Model 2 must be either NULL or of the same class as Model 1\n")
    if (!any(class(mod1) %in% c("polr", "clm", "multinom", "glm"))) {
        stop("pre only works on models of class glm (with binomial family), polr or multinom\n")
    if(inherits(mod1, "clm")){
        data <- mod1$model
        f1 <- as.character(mod1$formula)
        f1 <- paste(f1[[2]], f1[[3]], sep="~")
        mod1 <- MASS::polr(f1, data=data)
    if(inherits(mod2, "clm")){
      data2 <- mod2$model
      f2 <- as.character(mod1$formula)
      f2 <- paste(f2[[2]], f2[[3]], sep="~")
      mod2 <- MASS::polr(f2, data=data2)
    if ("glm" %in% class(mod1)) {
        if (!(family(mod1)$link %in% c("logit", "probit", "cloglog",
            "cauchit"))) {
            stop("PRE only calculated for models with logit, probit, cloglog or cauchit links\n")
        if (is.null(mod2)) {
            y <- mod1[["y"]]
            mod2 <- update(mod1, ". ~ 1", data=model.frame(mod1))
        pred.mod2 <- as.numeric(predict(mod2, type = "response") >=
        pmc <- mean(mod2$y == pred.mod2)
        pred.y <- as.numeric(predict(mod1, type = "response") >=
        pcp <- mean(pred.y == mod1$y)
        pre <- (pcp - pmc)/(1 - pmc)
        pred.prob1 <- predict(mod1, type = "response")
        pred.prob2 <- predict(mod2, type = "response")
        epcp <- (1/length(pred.prob1)) * (sum(pred.prob1[which(mod1$y ==
            1)]) + sum(1 - pred.prob1[which(mod1$y == 0)]))
        epmc <- (1/length(pred.prob2)) * (sum(pred.prob2[which(mod2$y ==
            1)]) + sum(1 - pred.prob2[which(mod2$y == 0)]))
        epre <- (epcp - epmc)/(1 - epmc)
        if (sim) {
            b1.sim <- mvrnorm(R, coef(mod1), vcov(mod1))
            b2.sim <- mvrnorm(R, coef(mod2), vcov(mod2))
            mod1.probs <- family(mod1)$linkinv(model.matrix(mod1) %*%
            mod2.probs <- family(mod2)$linkinv(model.matrix(mod2) %*%
            pmcs <- apply(mod2.probs, 2, function(x) mean(as.numeric(x >
                0.5) == mod2$y))
            pcps <- apply(mod1.probs, 2, function(x) mean(as.numeric(x >
                0.5) == mod1$y))
            pre.sim <- (pcps - pmcs)/(1 - pmcs)
            epmc.sim <- apply(mod2.probs, 2, function(x) (1/length(x)) *
                (sum(x[which(mod2$y == 1)]) + sum(1 - x[which(mod2$y ==
            epcp.sim <- apply(mod1.probs, 2, function(x) (1/length(x)) *
                (sum(x[which(mod1$y == 1)]) + sum(1 - x[which(mod1$y ==
            epre.sim <- (epcp.sim - epmc.sim)/(1 - epmc.sim)
    if ("multinom" %in% class(mod1)) {
        mod1 <- update(mod1, ".~.", model = TRUE, trace = FALSE)
        if (is.null(mod2)) {
            mod2 <- update(mod1, ". ~ 1", data = mod1$model,
                trace = FALSE)
        pred.prob1 <- predict(mod1, type = "prob")
        pred.prob2 <- predict(mod2, type = "prob")
        pred.cat1 <- apply(pred.prob1, 1, which.max)
        pred.cat2 <- apply(pred.prob2, 1, which.max)
        pcp <- mean(as.numeric(mod1$model[, 1]) == pred.cat1)
        pmc <- max(table(as.numeric(mod2$model[, 1]))/sum(table(mod2$model[,
        pre <- (pcp - pmc)/(1 - pmc)
        epcp <- mean(pred.prob1[cbind(1:nrow(pred.prob1), as.numeric(mod1$model[,
        tab <- table(mod1$model[, 1])/sum(table(mod1$model[,
        epmc <- mean(tab[as.numeric(mod2$model[, 1])])
        epre <- (epcp - epmc)/(1 - epmc)
        if (sim) {
            b1.sim <- mvrnorm(R, c(t(coef(mod1))), vcov(mod1))
            b2.sim <- mvrnorm(R, c(t(coef(mod2))), vcov(mod2))
            mod.levs <- rownames(coef(mod1))
            var.levs <- rownames(contrasts(mod1$model[, 1]))
            tmp.reord <- c(match(mod.levs, var.levs), (1:length(var.levs))[-match(mod.levs,
            reord <- match(1:length(var.levs), tmp.reord)
            tmp <- lapply(1:nrow(b1.sim), function(x) matrix(b1.sim[x,
                ], ncol = ncol(coef(mod1)), byrow = TRUE))
            tmp2 <- lapply(tmp, function(x) cbind(model.matrix(mod1) %*%
                t(x), 0))
            tmp2 <- lapply(tmp2, function(x) x[, reord])
            mod1.probs <- lapply(tmp2, function(x) exp(x)/apply(exp(x),
                1, sum))
            tmp <- lapply(1:nrow(b2.sim), function(x) matrix(b2.sim[x,
                ], ncol = ncol(coef(mod2)), byrow = TRUE))
            tmp2 <- lapply(tmp, function(x) cbind(model.matrix(mod2) %*%
                t(x), 0))
            tmp2 <- lapply(tmp2, function(x) x[, reord])
            mod2.probs <- lapply(tmp2, function(x) exp(x)/apply(exp(x),
                1, sum))
            pred.cat1 <- lapply(mod1.probs, function(x) apply(x,
                1, which.max))
            pred.cat2 <- lapply(mod2.probs, function(x) apply(x,
                1, which.max))
            pcp.sim <- sapply(pred.cat1, function(x) mean(x ==
                as.numeric(mod1$model[, 1])))
            pmc.sim <- sapply(pred.cat2, function(x) mean(x ==
                as.numeric(mod1$model[, 1])))
            pre.sim <- (pcp.sim - pmc.sim)/(1 - pmc.sim)
            epcp.sim <- sapply(mod1.probs, function(z) mean(z[cbind(1:nrow(mod1$model),
                as.numeric(mod1$model[, 1]))]))
            epmc.sim <- sapply(mod2.probs, function(z) mean(z[cbind(1:nrow(mod1$model),
                as.numeric(mod1$model[, 1]))]))
            epre.sim <- (epcp.sim - epmc.sim)/(1 - epmc.sim)
    if ("polr" %in% class(mod1)) {
        if (is.null(mod1$Hess)) {
            mod1 <- update(mod1, Hess = TRUE)
        if (is.null(mod2)) {
            mod2 <- update(mod1, ". ~ 1", data = mod1$model,
                model = TRUE, Hess = TRUE)
        if (is.null(mod2$Hess)) {
          mod2 <- update(mod2, Hess = TRUE)
        pred.prob1 <- predict(mod1, type = "prob")
        pred.prob2 <- predict(mod2, type = "prob")
        pred.cat1 <- apply(pred.prob1, 1, which.max)
        pred.cat2 <- apply(pred.prob2, 1, which.max)
        pcp <- mean(as.numeric(mod1$model[, 1]) == pred.cat1)
        pmc <- max(table(as.numeric(mod2$model[, 1]))/sum(table(mod2$model[,
        pre <- (pcp - pmc)/(1 - pmc)
        epcp <- mean(pred.prob1[cbind(1:nrow(pred.prob1), as.numeric(mod1$model[,
        tab <- table(mod1$model[, 1])/sum(table(mod1$model[,
        epmc <- mean(tab[as.numeric(mod2$model[, 1])])
        epre <- (epcp - epmc)/(1 - epmc)
        if (sim) {
            b1 <- c(coef(mod1), mod1$zeta)
            b2 <- c(coef(mod2), mod2$zeta)
            v1 <- invisible(vcov(mod1))
            v2 <- invisible(vcov(mod2))
            b1.sim <- mvrnorm(R, b1, v1)
            b2.sim <- mvrnorm(R, b2, v2)
            mod1.probs <- lapply(1:nrow(b1.sim), function(x) simPredpolr(mod1,
                b1.sim[x, ], n.coef = length(coef(mod1))))
            mod2.probs <- lapply(1:nrow(b2.sim), function(x) simPredpolr(mod2,
                b2.sim[x, ], n.coef = length(coef(mod2))))
            pred.cat1 <- lapply(mod1.probs, function(x) apply(x,
                1, which.max))
            pred.cat2 <- lapply(mod2.probs, function(x) apply(x,
                1, which.max))
            pcp.sim <- sapply(pred.cat1, function(x) mean(x ==
                as.numeric(mod1$model[, 1])))
            pmc.sim <- sapply(pred.cat2, function(x) mean(x ==
                as.numeric(mod1$model[, 1])))
            pre.sim <- (pcp.sim - pmc.sim)/(1 - pmc.sim)
            epcp.sim <- sapply(mod1.probs, function(z) mean(z[cbind(1:nrow(mod1$model),
                as.numeric(mod1$model[, 1]))]))
            epmc.sim <- sapply(mod2.probs, function(z) mean(z[cbind(1:nrow(mod1$model),
                as.numeric(mod1$model[, 1]))]))
            epre.sim <- (epcp.sim - epmc.sim)/(1 - epmc.sim)

    ret <- list()
    ret$pre <- pre
    ret$epre <- epre
    form1 <- formula(mod1)
    form2 <- formula(mod2)
    ret$m1form <- paste(form1[2], form1[1], form1[3], sep = " ")
    ret$m2form <- paste(form2[2], form2[1], form2[3], sep = " ")
    ret$pcp <- pcp
    ret$pmc <- pmc
    ret$epmc <- epmc
    ret$epcp <- epcp
    if (sim) {
        ret$pre.sim <- pre.sim
        ret$epre.sim <- epre.sim
    class(ret) <- "pre"

#' Print method for objects of class pre
#' Prints the output from an object of class \code{pre}.  The function prints
#' all components of the calculation and optionally simulated confidence
#' bounds.
#' @param x An object of class \code{pre}.
#' @param sim.ci Coverage for the simulated confidence interval, if
#' \code{sim=TRUE} in the call to \code{pre}.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to print, currently not implemented
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @method print pre
#' @seealso \code{pre}
print.pre <-
function (x, ..., sim.ci = 0.95)
    cat("mod1: ", as.character(x$m1form), "\n")
    cat("mod2: ", as.character(x$m2form), "\n\n")
    cat("Analytical Results\n")
    cat(" PMC = ", sprintf("%2.3f", x$pmc), "\n")
    cat(" PCP = ", sprintf("%2.3f", x$pcp), "\n")
    cat(" PRE = ", sprintf("%2.3f", x$pre), "\n")
    cat("ePMC = ", sprintf("%2.3f", x$epmc), "\n")
    cat("ePCP = ", sprintf("%2.3f", x$epcp), "\n")
    cat("ePRE = ", sprintf("%2.3f", x$epre), "\n\n")
    low <- (1 - sim.ci)/2
    up <- 1 - low
    if (exists("pre.sim", x)) {
        pre.ci <- sprintf("%2.3f", quantile(x$pre.sim, c(0.5,
            low, up)))
        epre.ci <- sprintf("%2.3f", quantile(x$epre.sim, c(0.5,
            low, up)))
        tmp <- rbind(pre.ci, epre.ci)
        rownames(tmp) <- c(" PRE", "ePRE")
        colnames(tmp) <- c("median", "lower", "upper")
        cat("Simulated Results\n")
        print(tmp, quote = FALSE)
#' @export
probit_cc <-
function (obj = obj, int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X)
    xb <- X %*% b
    phat <- pnorm(xb)
    phi <- dnorm(xb)
    linear <- b[int.var] * phi
    probitcc <- (b[int.var] - (b[vars[1]] + b[int.var] * X[,
        vars[2]]) * (b[vars[2]] + b[int.var] * X[, vars[1]]) *
        xb) * phi
    d2f <- -xb * phi
    d3f <- (xb^2 - 1) * phi
    b1b4x2 <- b[vars[1]] + b[int.var] * X[, vars[2]]
    b2b4x1 <- b[vars[2]] + b[int.var] * X[, vars[1]]
    deriv11 <- b[int.var] * d2f * X[, vars[1]] + b2b4x1 * d2f +
        b1b4x2 * b2b4x1 * d3f * X[, vars[1]]
    deriv22 <- b[int.var] * d2f * X[, vars[2]] + b1b4x2 * d2f +
        b1b4x2 * b2b4x1 * X[, vars[2]] * d3f
    deriv44 <- phi + b[int.var] * d2f * X[, vars[1]] * X[, vars[2]] +
        X[, vars[2]] * b2b4x1 * d2f + X[, vars[1]] * b1b4x2 *
        d2f + b1b4x2 * b2b4x1 * X[, vars[1]] * X[, vars[2]] *
    derivcc <- b[int.var] * d2f + b1b4x2 * b2b4x1 * d3f
    others <- X[, -c(1, match(c(vars, int.var), names(b)))]
    if (!("matrix" %in% class(others))) {
        others <- matrix(others, nrow = nrow(X))
    colnames(others) <- colnames(X)[-c(1, match(c(vars, int.var),
    nn <- apply(others, 2, function(x) b[int.var] * d2f * x +
        b1b4x2 * b2b4x1 * x * d3f)
    nn <- array(nn, dim=dim(others))
    dimnames(nn) <- dimnames(others)
    mat123 <- cbind(deriv11, deriv22, deriv44, nn, derivcc)[,,drop=F]
    colnames(mat123) <- c(vars, int.var, colnames(nn), "(Intercept)")
    mat123 <- mat123[, match(colnames(X), colnames(mat123)), drop=F]
    probit_se <- sqrt(diag(mat123 %*% vcov(obj) %*% t(mat123)))
    probit_t <- probitcc/probit_se
    out <- data.frame(int_eff = probitcc, linear = linear, phat = phat,
        se_int_eff = probit_se, zstat = probit_t, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
#' @export
probit_cd <-
function (obj = obj, int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X)
    xb <- X %*% b
    phat <- pnorm(xb)
    phi <- dnorm(xb)
    linear <- b[int.var] * phi
    dum <- vars[which(sapply(apply(model.matrix(obj)[, vars], 2, table), length) ==
    cont <- vars[which(vars != dum)]
    X1 <- X2 <- X
    X1[, dum] <- 1
    X1[, int.var] <- X1[, cont] * X1[, dum]
    phi1 <- dnorm(X1 %*% b)
    d2f1 <- -(X1 %*% b) * phi1
    ie1 <- (b[cont] + b[int.var]) * phi1
    X2[, dum] <- 0
    X2[, int.var] <- X2[, cont] * X2[, dum]
    phi2 <- dnorm(X2 %*% b)
    d2f2 <- -(X2 %*% b) * phi2
    ie2 <- b[cont] * phi2
    probitcd <- ie1 - ie2
    deriv1 <- phi1 - phi2 + b[cont] * X[, cont] * (d2f1 - d2f2) +
        b[int.var] * X[, cont] * d2f1
    deriv2 <- (b[cont] + b[int.var]) * d2f1
    deriv3 <- phi1 + (b[cont] + b[int.var]) * d2f1 * X[, cont]
    deriv0 <- (b[cont] + b[int.var]) * d2f1 - b[cont] * d2f2
    others <- X[, -c(1, match(c(vars, int.var), names(b)))]
    if (!("matrix" %in% class(others))) {
        others <- matrix(others, nrow = nrow(X))
    colnames(others) <- colnames(X)[-c(1, match(c(vars, int.var),
    nn <- apply(others, 2, function(x) ((b[cont] + b[int.var]) *
        d2f1 - b[cont] * d2f2) * x)
    nn <- array(nn, dim=dim(others))
    dimnames(nn) <- dimnames(others)
    mat123 <- cbind(deriv1, deriv2, deriv3, nn, deriv0)[,,drop=F]
    colnames(mat123) <- c(vars, int.var, colnames(nn), "(Intercept)")
    mat123 <- mat123[, match(colnames(X), colnames(mat123)), drop=F]
    probit_se <- sqrt(diag(mat123 %*% vcov(obj) %*% t(mat123)))
    probit_t <- probitcd/probit_se
    out <- data.frame(int_eff = probitcd, linear = linear, phat = phat,
        se_int_eff = probit_se, zstat = probit_t, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
#' @export
probit_dd <-
function (obj = obj, int.var = int.var, vars = vars, b = b, X = X)
    xb <- X %*% b
    phat <- pnorm(xb)
    phi <- dnorm(xb)
    linear <- b[int.var] * phi
    X11 <- X01 <- X10 <- X00 <- X
    X11[, vars[1]] <- 1
    X11[, vars[2]] <- 1
    X10[, vars[1]] <- 1
    X10[, vars[2]] <- 0
    X01[, vars[1]] <- 0
    X01[, vars[2]] <- 1
    X00[, vars[1]] <- 0
    X00[, vars[2]] <- 0
    X00[, int.var] <- X00[, vars[1]] * X00[, vars[2]]
    X11[, int.var] <- X11[, vars[1]] * X11[, vars[2]]
    X01[, int.var] <- X01[, vars[1]] * X01[, vars[2]]
    X10[, int.var] <- X10[, vars[1]] * X10[, vars[2]]
    Xb11 <- X11 %*% b
    Xb00 <- X00 %*% b
    Xb10 <- X10 %*% b
    Xb01 <- X01 %*% b
    phat11 <- pnorm(Xb11)
    phat00 <- pnorm(Xb00)
    phat10 <- pnorm(Xb10)
    phat01 <- pnorm(Xb01)
    phi11 <- dnorm(Xb11)
    phi00 <- dnorm(Xb00)
    phi10 <- dnorm(Xb10)
    phi01 <- dnorm(Xb01)
    probitdd <- (phat11 - phat10) - (phat01 - phat00)
    deriv1 <- phi11 - phi10
    deriv2 <- phi11 - phi01
    deriv3 <- phi11
    deriv0 <- (phi11 - phi01) - (phi10 - phi00)
    others <- X[, -c(1, match(c(vars, int.var), names(b)))]
    if (!("matrix" %in% class(others))) {
        others <- matrix(others, nrow = nrow(X))
    colnames(others) <- colnames(X)[-c(1, match(c(vars, int.var),
    nn <- apply(others, 2, function(x) ((phi11 - phi01) - (phi10 -
        phi00)) * x)
    nn <- array(nn, dim=dim(others))
    dimnames(nn) <- dimnames(others)
    mat123 <- cbind(deriv1, deriv2, deriv3, nn, deriv0)[,,drop=F]
    colnames(mat123) <- c(vars, int.var, colnames(nn), "(Intercept)")
    mat123 <- mat123[, match(colnames(X), colnames(mat123)), drop=F]
    probit_se <- sqrt(diag(mat123 %*% vcov(obj) %*% t(mat123)))
    probit_t <- probitdd/probit_se
    out <- data.frame(int_eff = probitdd, linear = linear, phat = phat,
        se_int_eff = probit_se, zstat = probit_t, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

#' Search Variable Labels Attribute
#' Data imported from SPSS or Stata comes with the variable labels set (if they
#' were set in the original dataset) as one of the dataframe's attributes.
#' This allows you to search the variable labels and returns the variable
#' column number, name and label for all variables that have partially match
#' the search term either in their labels or names.
#' For an imported Stata dataset, variable labels are in the \code{var.labels}
#' attribute of the dataset and in an SPSS dataset, they are in the
#' \code{variable.labels} attribute.  These are searched, ignoring case, for
#' the desired string
#' @aliases searchVarLabels searchVarLabels.data.frame searchVarLabels.tbl_df
#' @param dat a data frame whose variable labels you want to search.
#' @param str string used to search variable labels.
#' @return \item{matrix}{A matrix of dimensions n-matches x 2 is returned,
#' where the first column is the column number of the matching variable and the
#' second column is the variable label.  The row names of the matrix are the
#' variable names.}
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
searchVarLabels <- function(dat, str) UseMethod("searchVarLabels")

#' @export
#' @method searchVarLabels data.frame
searchVarLabels.data.frame <-
function (dat, str)
    if ("var.labels" %in% names(attributes(dat))) {
        vlat <- "var.labels"
    if ("variable.labels" %in% names(attributes(dat))) {
        vlat <- "variable.labels"
    ind <- sort(union(grep(str, attr(dat, vlat), ignore.case = TRUE), grep(str, names(dat), ignore.case = TRUE)))
    vldf <- data.frame(ind = ind, label = attr(dat, vlat)[ind], stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    rownames(vldf) <- names(dat)[ind]

#' @export
#' @method searchVarLabels tbl_df
searchVarLabels.tbl_df <-
function (dat, str)
    vlat <- unlist(sapply(1:ncol(dat), function(i)attr(dat[[i]], "label")))
    ind <- sort(union(grep(str, vlat, ignore.case = TRUE), grep(str, names(dat), ignore.case = TRUE)))
    vldf <- data.frame(ind = ind, label = vlat[ind], stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    rownames(vldf) <- names(dat)[ind]

#' Calculate Predictions for Proportional Odds Logistic Regression
#' Calculates predicted probabilities from models of class \code{polr} from a
#' model object and a vector of coefficient values.  This is an auxiliary
#' function used in \code{pre} if \code{sim=TRUE}.
#' @param object An object of class \code{polr}.
#' @param n.coef Number of coefficients (minus intercepts) for the \code{polr}
#' model.
#' @param coefs A vector of coefficients where elements 1 to \code{n.coef} give
#' model coefficients and elements \code{n.coef}+1 to k have intercepts.
#' @return An n x m-category matrix of predicted probabilities
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
simPredpolr <-
function (object, coefs, n.coef)
    X <- model.matrix(object)
    xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X), nomatch = 0L)
    if (xint > 0L)
        X <- X[, -xint, drop = FALSE]
    n <- nrow(X)
    q <- length(coefs) - n.coef
    eta <- {
        if (n.coef > 0) {
            drop(X %*% coefs[1:n.coef])
        else {
            rep(0, n)
    pfun <- switch(object$method, logistic = plogis, probit = pnorm,
        cauchit = pcauchy)
    cumpr <- pfun(matrix(coefs[(n.coef + 1):length(coefs)],
        n, q, byrow = TRUE) - eta)
    if(!is.matrix(cumpr))cumpr <- matrix(cumpr, q)
    cumpr <- cbind(cumpr, 1)
    prob <- cumpr
    for(j in ncol(cumpr):2){
      prob[,j] <- prob[,j] - prob[,(j-1)]
#    Y <- t(apply(cumpr, 1L, function(x) diff(c(0, x, 1))))

#' Maximal First Differences for Zero-Inflated Models
#' Calculates the change in predicted counts or optionally the predicted
#' probability of being in the zero-count group, for maximal discrete changes
#' in all covariates holding all other variables constant at typical values.
#' The function calculates the changes in predicted counts, or optionally the
#' predicted probability of being in the zero group, for maximal discrete
#' changes in the covariates.  This function works with polynomials specified
#' with the \code{poly} function.  It also works with multiplicative
#' interactions of the covariates by virtue of the fact that it holds all other
#' variables at typical values.  By default, typical values are the median for
#' quantitative variables and the mode for factors. The way the function works
#' with factors is a bit different.  The function identifies the two most
#' different levels of the factor and calculates the change in predictions for
#' a change from the level with the smallest prediction to the level with the
#' largest prediction.
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{zeroinfl}.
#' @param data Data frame used to fit \code{object}.
#' @param typical.dat Data frame with a single row containing values at which
#' to hold variables constant when calculating first differences.  These values
#' will be passed to \code{predict}, so factors must take on a single value,
#' but have all possible levels as their levels attribute.
#' @param type Character string of either \sQuote{count} (to obtain changes in
#' predicted counts) or \sQuote{zero} (to obtain changes in the predicted
#' probability of membership in the zero group).
#' @return A list with the following elements: \item{diffs}{A matrix of
#' calculated first differences} \item{minmax}{A matrix of values that were
#' used to calculate the predicted changes}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
ziChange <-
function (obj, data, typical.dat = NULL, type = "count")
    vars <- all.vars(formula(obj))[-1]
    if(any(!(vars %in% names(data)))){
        vars <- vars[-which(!vars %in% names(data))]
    rn <- vars
    vars.type <- as.character(formula(obj))[3]
    vars.type <- gsub("*", "+", vars.type, fixed = TRUE)
    vars.type <- strsplit(vars.type, split = "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][ifelse(type ==
        "count", 1, 2)]
    vars.type <- c(unlist(strsplit(vars.type, "+", fixed = TRUE)))
    vars.type <- unique(trimws(vars.type))
    pols <- grep("poly", vars.type)
    if (length(pols) > 0) {
        poly.split <- strsplit(vars.type[pols], split = "")
        start <- lapply(poly.split, function(x) grep("(", x,
            fixed = TRUE) + 1)
        stop <- lapply(poly.split, function(x) grep(",", x, fixed = TRUE) -
        pol.vars.type <- sapply(1:length(poly.split), function(x) paste(poly.split[[x]][start[[x]]:stop[[x]]],
            collapse = ""))
        vars.type[pols] <- pol.vars.type
    var.classes <- sapply(vars, function(x) class(data[[x]]))
    minmax <- lapply(vars, function(x) c(NA, NA))
    meds <- lapply(vars, function(x) NA)
    names(minmax) <- names(meds) <- vars
    levs <- obj$levels
    if (length(levs) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(levs)) {
            tmp.levs <- paste(names(levs)[i], unlist(levs[i]),
                sep = "")
            tmp.coefs <- obj$coef[[type]][match(tmp.levs, names(obj$coef[[type]]))]
            tmp.coefs[which(is.na(tmp.coefs))] <- 0
            mm <- c(which.min(tmp.coefs), which.max(tmp.coefs))
            minmax[[names(levs)[i]]] <- factor(levs[[i]][mm],
                levels = levs[[i]])
            tmp.tab <- table(data[[names(levs)[i]]])
            meds[[names(levs)[i]]] <- factor(names(tmp.tab)[which.max(tmp.tab)],
                levels = levs[[i]])
    vars <- vars[sapply(minmax, function(x) is.na(x[1]))]
    for (i in 1:length(vars)) {
        minmax[[vars[i]]] <- range(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm = TRUE)
        meds[[vars[i]]] <- median(data[[vars[i]]], na.rm = TRUE)
    tmp.df <- do.call(data.frame, c(lapply(meds, function(x) rep(x,
        length(meds) * 2)), stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
    if (!is.null(typical.dat)) {
        notin <- which(!(names(typical.dat) %in% names(tmp.df)))
        if (length(notin) > 0) {
            cat("The following variables in typical.dat were not found in the prediction data: ",
                names(typical.dat)[notin], "\n\n", sep = "")
            typical.dat <- typical.dat[, -notin]
        for (j in 1:ncol(typical.dat)) {
            tmp.df[[names(typical.dat)[j]]] <- typical.dat[1,
            meds[names(typical.dat)[j]] <- as.numeric(typical.dat[1,
    inds <- seq(1, nrow(tmp.df), by = 2)
    for (j in 1:length(minmax)) {
        tmp.df[inds[j]:(inds[j] + 1), j] <- minmax[[j]]
    preds <- matrix(predict(obj, newdata = tmp.df, type = type),
        ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    diffs <- cbind(preds, apply(preds, 1, diff))
    colnames(diffs) <- c("min", "max", "diff")
    rownames(diffs) <- rn
    diffs <- diffs[which(rownames(diffs) %in% vars.type), ]
    minmax.mat <- do.call(cbind, minmax)
    minmax.mat <- rbind(c(unlist(meds)), minmax.mat)
    rownames(minmax.mat) <- c("typical", "min", "max")
    ret <- list(diffs = diffs, minmax = minmax.mat)
    class(ret) <- "change"

#' Fitted Values and CIs for 2-Categorical Interactions
#' This function makes a table of fitted values and confidence intervals for
#' all of the combinations of two categorical variables in an interaction.
#' @param eff.obj An object generated by \code{effect} from the \code{effects}
#' package where the effect is calculated for two factors involved in an
#' interaction.
#' @param digits Number of digits of the fitted values and confidence intervals
#' to print.
#' @param rownames An optional vector of row names for the table, if
#' \code{NULL}, the levels of the factor will be used
#' @param colnames An optional vector of column names for the table, if
#' \code{NULL}, the levels of the factor will be used
#' @return A matrix of fitted values and confidence intervals
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(effects)
#' data(Duncan, package="carData")
#' Duncan$inc.cat <- cut(Duncan$income, 3)
#' mod <- lm(prestige ~ inc.cat*type + income, data=Duncan)
#' e1 <- effect("inc.cat*type", mod)
#' cat2Table(e1)
cat2Table <- function(eff.obj, digits=2, rownames = NULL, colnames=NULL){
	print.digs <- paste("%.", digits, "f", sep="")
	cis <- paste("(",
		sprintf(print.digs, eff.obj$lower),
		sprintf(print.digs, eff.obj$upper),
		")", sep="")
	cis.mat <- matrix(cis,
		nrow = length(levels(eff.obj$x[[1]])),
		ncol = length(levels(eff.obj$x[[2]])))

	out.mat <- NULL
	est.mat <- matrix(sprintf(print.digs, eff.obj$fit),
		nrow = length(levels(eff.obj$x[[1]])),
		ncol = length(levels(eff.obj$x[[2]])))
	for(i in 1:nrow(est.mat)){
		out.mat <- rbind(out.mat, est.mat[i,], cis.mat[i,])
		colnames(out.mat) <- levels(eff.obj$x[[2]])
		rn <- levels(eff.obj$x[[1]])
		rn <- rownames
		rn2 <- NULL
		for(i in 1:length(rn)){
			rn2 <- c(rn2, rn[i], paste(rep(" ", i), collapse=""))
		rownames(out.mat) <- rn2

#' Tests the five Berry, Golder and Milton (2012) Interactive Hypothesis
#' This function tests the five hypotheses that Berry, Golder and Milton
#' identify as important when two quantitative variables are interacted in a
#' linear model.
#' @param obj An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @param vars A vector of two variable names giving the two quantitative
#' variables involved in the interaction.  These variables must be involved in
#' one, and only one, interaction.
#' @param digits Number of digits to be printed in the summary.
#' @param level Type I error rate for the tests.
#' @param two.sided Logical indicating whether the tests should be two-sided
#' (if \code{TRUE}, the default) or one-sided (if \code{FALSE}).
#' @return A matrix giving five t-tests.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Duncan, package="carData")
#' mod <- lm(prestige ~ income*education + type, data=Duncan)
#' BGMtest(mod, c("income", "education"))
BGMtest <- function(obj, vars, digits = 3, level = 0.05, two.sided=TRUE){
	cl <- attr(terms(obj), "dataClasses")
    if(any(cl[vars] != "numeric"))stop("Both variables in vars must be numeric")
    facs <- apply(attr(terms(obj), "factors"), 1, sum)
	if(any(facs[vars] != 2))stop("Each variable in vars must be involved in only 2 terms")
    r.x <- range(obj$model[, vars[1]])
	r.z <- range(obj$model[, vars[2]])
	b <- coef(obj)
	V <- vcov(obj)
	nb <- names(b)
	inds <- lapply(vars, function(x)grep(x, names(b)))
	A <- matrix(0, nrow=5, ncol=length(b))
    A[1:2, inds[[1]]] <- cbind(1, r.z)
	A[3:4, inds[[2]]] <- cbind(1, r.x)
    A[5, do.call(intersect, inds)] <- 1
	cond.b <- A %*% b
	sp1 <- do.call(max, lapply(strsplit(gsub("-", "", as.character(cond.b)), split=".", fixed=TRUE), function(x)nchar(x[1])))
	cond.se <- sqrt(diag(A %*% V %*% t(A)))
	sp2 <- do.call(max, lapply(strsplit(as.character(cond.se), split=".", fixed=TRUE), function(x)nchar(x[1])))
	cond.t <- cond.b/cond.se
	sp3 <- do.call(max, lapply(strsplit(gsub("-", "", as.character(cond.t)), split=".", fixed=TRUE), function(x)nchar(x[1])))
	cond.p <- (2^two.sided)*pt(abs(cond.t), obj$df.residual, lower.tail=FALSE)
	pdigs1 <- paste("%", (sp1), ".", (digits), "f", sep="")
	pdigs2 <- paste("%", (sp2), ".", (digits), "f", sep="")
	pdigs3 <- paste("%", (sp3), ".", (digits), "f", sep="")
	pdigs4 <- paste("%.", digits, "f", sep="")
	rn <- c("P(X|Zmin)", "P(X|Zmax)", "P(Z|Xmin)", "P(Z|Xmax)", "P(XZ)")
	out <- cbind(sprintf(pdigs1, cond.b), sprintf(pdigs2, cond.se),
		sprintf(pdigs3, cond.t), sprintf(pdigs4, cond.p))
	if(any(out[,1] < 0)){
		indp <- which(out[,1] > 0)
		out[indp,1] <- paste(" ", out[indp,1], sep="")
		out[indp,3] <- paste(" ", out[indp,3], sep="")
	pad <- apply(out, 2, function(x)max(nchar(x)))
	nchars <- nchar(out)
	newchars <- t(apply(nchars, 1, function(x)pad-x))
	tmp <- apply(newchars, c(1,2), function(x)ifelse(x > 0, rep(" ", x), ""))
	out <- matrix(paste(tmp, out, sep=""), nrow=nrow(out), ncol=ncol(out))
	rownames(out) <- rn
	colnames(out) <- c(
		paste(paste(rep(" ", pad[1]-3), collapse=""), "est", sep=""),
		paste(paste(rep(" ", pad[2]-2), collapse=""), "se", sep=""),
		paste(paste(rep(" ", pad[3]-1), collapse=""), "t", sep=""),
		ifelse(pad[4] > 6,
			paste(paste(rep(" ", pad[4]-6), collapse=""), "p-value", collapse=""),
	print(out, quote=FALSE)

#' Predictions for Factor-Numeric Interactions in Linear Models
#' This function works on linear models with a single interaction between a
#' continuous (numeric) variable and a factor.  The output is a data frame that
#' gives the predicted effect of moving from each category to each other
#' category of the factor over the range of values of the continuous
#' conditioning variable.
#' @aliases intQualQuant 
#' @param obj An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @param vars A vector of two variable names giving the two quantitative
#' variables involved in the interaction.  These variables must be involved in
#' one, and only one, interaction.
#' @param level Confidence level desired for lower and upper bounds of
#' confidence interval.
#' @param varcov A potentially clustered or robust variance-covariance matrix
#' of parameters used to calculate standard errors.  If \code{NULL}, the
#' \code{vcov} function will be used.
#' @param labs An optional vector of labels that will be used to identify the
#' effects, if \code{NULL}, the factor levels will be used.
#' @param n Number of values of the conditioning variable to use.
#' @param onlySig Logical indicating whether only contrasts with significant
#' differences should be returned.  Significance is determined to exist if the
#' largest lower bound is greater than zero or the smallest upper bound is
#' smaller than zero.
#' @param type String indicating whether the conditional partial effect of the
#' factors is plotted (if \sQuote{facs}), or the conditional partial effect of
#' the quantitative variable (if \sQuote{slopes}) is produced.
#' @param plot Logical indicating whether graphical results (if \code{TRUE}) or
#' numerical results (if \code{FALSE}) are produced.
#' @param vals A vector of values at which the continuous variable will be held
#' constant.  If \code{NULL}, a sequence of length \code{n} across the
#' variable's range will be used.
#' @param rug Logical indicating whether rug plots should be plotted in the
#' panels.
#' @param ci Logical indicating whether confidence bounds should be drawn.
#' @param digits Number indicating how many decimal places to round the numeric
#' output.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{effect} if
#' \code{plot.type} = \sQuote{slopes}.
#' @return For \code{type} = \sQuote{facs} and \code{plot} = \code{FALSE}, a
#' data frame with the following values: \item{fit}{The expected difference
#' between the two factor levels at the specified value of the conditioning
#' variable.} \item{se.fit}{The standard error of the expected differences. }
#' \item{x}{The value of the continuous conditioning variable}
#' \item{contrast}{A factor giving the two values of the factor being
#' evaluated.} \item{lower}{The lower 95\% confidence interval for \code{fit}}
#' \item{upper}{The upper 95\% confidence interval for \code{fit}} For
#' \code{type} = \sQuote{facs} and \code{plot} = \code{TRUE}, a lattice display
#' is returned For \code{type} = \sQuote{slopes} and \code{plot} =
#' \code{FALSE}, A character matrix with the following columns: \item{B}{The
#' conditional effect of the quantitative variable for each level of the
#' factor.} \item{SE(B)}{The standard error of the conditional effect.}
#' \item{t-stat}{The t-statistic of the conditional effect.}
#' \item{Pr(>|t|)}{The two-sided p-value.} For \code{type} = \sQuote{slopes}
#' and \code{plot} = \code{TRUE}, a lattice display is returned
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Prestige, package="carData")
#' Prestige$income <- Prestige$income/1000
#' mod <- lm(prestige ~ income * type + education, data=Prestige)
#' intQualQuant(mod, c("income", "type"), n=10, 
#' 	plot.type="none")
#' intQualQuant(mod, c("income", "type"), n=10, 
#' 	plot.type="facs")
#' intQualQuant(mod, c("income", "type"), n=10, 
#' 	plot.type="slopes")
intQualQuant <- function(obj, vars, level = .95 , varcov=NULL,
	labs = NULL, n = 10 , onlySig = FALSE, type = c("facs", "slopes"),
	plot=TRUE, vals = NULL, rug=TRUE, ci=TRUE, digits=3,...){
cl <- attr(terms(obj), "dataClasses")[vars]
if(length(cl) != 2){
	stop("vars must identify 2 and only 2 model terms")
if(!all(c("numeric", "factor") %in% cl)){
	stop("vars must have one numeric and one factor")
facvar <- names(cl)[which(cl == "factor")]
quantvar <- names(cl)[which(cl == "numeric")]
faclevs <- obj$xlevels[[facvar]]
	labs <- faclevs
if(!is.null(vals)){n <- length(vals)}
	quantseq <- vals
	qrange <- range(obj$model[[quantvar]], na.rm=TRUE)
	quantseq <- seq(qrange[1], qrange[2], length=n)
b <- coef(obj)
    varcov <- vcov(obj)
faccoef <- paste(facvar, faclevs, sep="")
main.ind <- sapply(faccoef, function(x)
	grep(paste("^", x, "$", sep=""), names(b)))
main.ind <- sapply(main.ind, function(x)
	ifelse(length(x) == 0, 0, x))
int.ind1 <- sapply(faccoef, function(x){
	g1 <- grep(paste("[a-zA-Z0-9]*\\:", x, "$", sep=""),
	ifelse(length(g1) == 0, 0, g1)
int.ind2 <- sapply(faccoef, function(x){
	g2 <- grep(paste("^", x, "\\:[a-zA-Z0-9]*", sep=""),
	ifelse(length(g2) == 0, 0, g2)
{if(sum(int.ind1) != 0){int.ind <- int.ind1}
else{int.ind <- int.ind2}}

inds <- cbind(main.ind, int.ind)
nc <- ncol(inds)
dn <- dimnames(inds)
if(!("matrix" %in% class(inds))){inds <- matrix(inds, nrow=1)}
outind <- which(main.ind == 0)
inds <- inds[-outind, ]
if(length(inds) == nc){
	inds <- matrix(inds, ncol=nc)
rownames(inds) <- dn[[1]][-outind]
colnames(inds) <- dn[[2]]

if(length(faclevs) < 2){stop("Factor must have at least two unique values")}
{if(length(faclevs) > 2){
combs <- combn(length(faclevs)-1, 2)
	combs <- matrix(1:length(faclevs), ncol=1)
mf <- model.frame(obj)
c2 <- combn(1:length(faclevs), 2)
dc <- dim(c2)
fl2 <- matrix(faclevs[c2], nrow=dc[1], ncol=dc[2])
l <- list()
for(i in 1:ncol(c2)){
	l[[i]] <- list()
	l[[i]][[fl2[[1,i]]]] <- mf[which(mf[[facvar]] == fl2[1,i]), quantvar]
	l[[i]][[fl2[[2,i]]]] <- mf[which(mf[[facvar]] == fl2[2,i]), quantvar]

tmp.A <- matrix(0, nrow=length(quantseq), ncol=length(b))
A.list <- list()
k <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(inds)){
	A.list[[k]] <- tmp.A
	A.list[[k]][,inds[i,1]] <- 1
	A.list[[k]][,inds[i,2]] <- quantseq
	k <- k+1
if(nrow(inds) > 1){
for(i in 1:ncol(combs)){
	A.list[[k]] <- tmp.A
	A.list[[k]][,inds[combs[1,i], 1]] <- -1
	A.list[[k]][,inds[combs[2,i], 1]] <- 1
	A.list[[k]][,inds[combs[1,i], 2]] <- -quantseq
	A.list[[k]][,inds[combs[2,i], 2]] <- quantseq
	k <- k+1

effs <- lapply(A.list, function(x)x%*%b)
se.effs <- lapply(A.list, function(x)sqrt(diag(x %*% varcov %*%t(x))))
allcombs <- combn(length(faclevs), 2)
list.labs <- apply(rbind(labs[allcombs[2,]],
	labs[allcombs[1,]]), 2,
	function(x)paste(x, collapse=" - "))

names(A.list) <- list.labs
dat <- data.frame(
	fit = do.call("c", effs),
	se.fit = do.call("c", se.effs),
	x = rep(quantseq, length(A.list)),
	contrast = rep(names(A.list), each=n), 
level <- level + ((1-level)/2)
dat$lower <- dat$fit - qt(level,
dat$upper <- dat$fit + qt(level,
res <- dat
for(i in c(1,2,3,5,6)){
    res[,i] <- round(res[,i], digits)
	sigs <- do.call(rbind,
		by(dat[,c("lower", "upper")],
		list(dat$contrast), function(x)
		c(max(x[,1]), min(x[,2]))))
	notsig <- which(sigs[,1] < 0 & sigs[,2] > 0)
    res <- res[-which(dat$contrast %in% names(notsig)), ]

if(type == "facs"){
        res <- list(out = res, mainvar = facvar, givenvar = quantvar)
        class(res) <- "iqq"
		rl <- range(c(res[, c("lower", "upper")]))
		if(rug)rl[1] <- rl[1] - (.05*length(faclevs))*diff(rl)
		p <- xyplot(fit ~ x | contrast, data=res, xlab = quantvar, ylab = "Predicted Difference", ylim = rl,
			lower=res$lower, upper=res$upper,
			prepanel = prepanel.ci, zl=TRUE,
				panel.lines(x,lower[subscripts], col="black", lty=2)
				panel.lines(x,upper[subscripts], col="black", lty=2)
			if(zl)panel.abline(h=0, lty=3, col="gray50")
#	plot(p)
if(type == "slopes"){
	gq1 <- grep(paste(".*\\:", quantvar, "$", sep=""), names(b))
	gq2 <- grep(paste("^", quantvar, ".*\\:", sep=""), names(b))
	{if(length(gq1) == 0){qint <- gq2}
	else{qint <-  gq1}}
	if(length(qint) == 0){stop("Problem finding interaction coefficients")}
	qint <- c(grep(paste("^", quantvar, "$", sep=""), names(b)), qint)

	W <- matrix(0, nrow=length(faclevs), ncol=length(b))
	W[, qint[1]] <- 1
	W[cbind(1:length(faclevs), qint)] <- 1

	V <- vcov(obj)
	qeff <- c(W %*% b)
	qvar <- W %*% V %*% t(W)
	qse <- c(sqrt(diag(qvar)))
	qtstats <- c(qeff/qse)
	qpv <- c(2*pt(abs(qtstats), obj$df.residual, lower.tail=FALSE))

	qres <- sapply(list(qeff, qse, qtstats, qpv), function(x)sprintf("%.3f", x))
	colnames(qres) <- c("B", "SE(B)", "t-stat", "Pr(>|t|)")
	rownames(qres) <- faclevs
	names(qeff) <- faclevs
	res <- list(out = data.frame(eff = qeff, se = qse, tstat=qtstats, pvalue=qpv, stringsAsFactors=TRUE), varcor = qvar, mainvar = quantvar, givenvar = facvar)
    class(res) <- "iqq"
	intterm <- NULL
	if(paste(facvar, quantvar, sep=":") %in% colnames(attr(terms(obj), "factors"))){
		intterm <- paste(facvar, quantvar, sep="*")
	if(paste(quantvar, facvar, sep=":") %in% colnames(attr(terms(obj), "factors"))){
		intterm <- paste(quantvar, facvar, sep="*")
		stop("No interaction in model\n")
	e <- do.call(effect, c(list(term=intterm, mod=obj, default.levels=n, ...)))
	le <- as.list(by(mf[[quantvar]], list(mf[[facvar]]), function(x)x))

	edf <- data.frame(fit = e$fit, x = e$x[,quantvar],
	   fac = e$x[,facvar], se = e$se, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
	edf$lower <- edf$fit - qt(.975, obj$df.residual)*edf$se
	edf$upper <- edf$fit + qt(.975, obj$df.residual)*edf$se

	yl <- range(c(edf$upper, edf$lower))
	xl <- range(edf$x) + c(-1,1)*.01*diff(range(edf$x))
	if(rug)yl[1] <- yl[1] - (.05*length(faclevs))*diff(yl)

	p <- xyplot(fit ~ x, group = edf$fac, data=edf,
		lower=edf$lower, upper=edf$upper,
		ylim = yl, xlim=xl,
		xlab = quantvar, ylab="Predicted Values",
		key=simpleKey(faclevs, lines=TRUE, points=FALSE),
		panel = function(x,y,groups, lower, upper, ...){
			panel.transci(x,y,groups,lower,upper, ...)
			panel.superpose(x=x,y=y, ..., panel.groups="panel.xyplot", type="l", groups=groups)
			for(i in 1:length(faclevs)){
				st <- (0) + (i-1)*.03
				end <- st + .02
				panel.rug(x=le[[i]],y=NULL,col=trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$col[i], start=st, end=end)

	# plot(p)

#' Lattice panel function for translucent confidence intervals
#' This panel function is defined to plot translucent confidence intervals in a
#' single-panel, grouped (i.e., superposed) lattice display. Note, both lower
#' and upper must be passed directly to \code{xyplot} as they will be passed
#' down to the panel function.
#' @param x,y Data from the call to \code{xyplot}.
#' @param groups Variable used to created the superposed panels.
#' @param lower,upper 95\% lower and upper bounds of \code{y}.
#' @param ca Value of the alpha channel in [0,1]
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to the plotting functions.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
panel.transci <- function(x,y,groups,lower,upper, ca=.25, ...){
	ungroup <- unique(groups)
	sup.poly <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon")
	sup.poly.rgb <- col2rgb(sup.poly$col)/255
	sup.poly.rgb <- rbind(sup.poly.rgb, ca)
	rownames(sup.poly.rgb)[4] <- "alpha"
	ap <- apply(sup.poly.rgb, 2, function(x)lapply(1:4, function(y)x[y]))
	sup.poly$col <- sapply(ap, function(x)do.call(rgb, x))
    sup.poly$col <- rep(sup.poly$col, ceiling(length(ungroup)/length(sup.poly$col)))
	sup.line <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
    sup.line$col <- rep(sup.line$col, ceiling(length(ungroup)/length(sup.line$col)))
    sup.line$lwd <- rep(sup.line$lwd, ceiling(length(ungroup)/length(sup.line$lwd)))
    sup.line$lty <- rep(sup.line$lty, ceiling(length(ungroup)/length(sup.line$lty)))
	for(i in 1:length(ungroup)){
		x=c(x[groups == ungroup[i]], rev(x[groups == ungroup[i]])),
		y = c(lower[groups == ungroup[i]], rev(upper[groups == ungroup[i]])),
		col = sup.poly$col[i], border="transparent")
	panel.lines(x[groups == ungroup[i]], y[groups == ungroup[i]], col=sup.line$col[i], lwd=sup.line$lwd[i], lty= sup.line$lty[i])

#' Lattice panel function for two rug plots
#' This panel function is defined to plot two rugs, one on top of the other in
#' a multi-panel lattice display.
#' @param xa,xb Numeric vectors to be plotted.
#' @param regular Logical flag indicating whether rug is to be drawn on the
#' usual side (bottom/left) as opposed to the other side (top/right).
#' @param start,end Start and end points for the rug ticks on the y-axis.
#' @param x.units Character vectors, replicated to be of length two. Specifies
#' the (grid) units associated with start and end above. x.units are for the
#' rug on the x-axis and y-axis respectively (and thus are associated with
#' start and end values on the y and x scales respectively). See
#' \code{panel.rug} for more details.
#' @param lty,lwd Line type and width arguments (see \code{par} for more
#' details).
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
panel.doublerug <- function (xa = NULL, xb = NULL,
	regular = TRUE, start = if (regular) 0 else 0.97,
    end = if (regular) 0.03 else 1, x.units = rep("npc", 2),
    lty = 1, lwd = 1)
    x.units <- rep(x.units, length.out = 2)
    grid.segments(x0 = unit(xa, "native"), x1 = unit(xa, "native"),
        y0 = unit(start, x.units[1]), y1 = unit(end*.75, x.units[2]),
		gp=gpar(col.line="black", lty=lty, lwd=lwd))
	grid.segments(x0 = unit(xb, "native"), x1 = unit(xb, "native"),
		y0 = unit(end*1.25, x.units[1]), y1 = unit((2*end), x.units[2]),
		gp=gpar(col.line="black", lty=lty, lwd=lwd))

#' Lattice panel function for confidence intervals
#' This panel function is defined to plot confidence intervals in a multi-panel
#' lattice display. Note, both lower and upper must be passed directly to
#' \code{xyplot} as they will be passed down to the prepanel function.
#' @param x,y Data from the call to \code{xyplot}.
#' @param subscripts Variable used to created the juxtaposed panels.
#' @param lower,upper 95\% lower and upper bounds of \code{y}.
#' @param zl Logical indicating whether or not a horizontal dotted line at zero
#' is desired.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
panel.ci <- function(x,y,subscripts,lower,upper,zl){
	panel.lines(x,lower[subscripts], col="black", lty=2)
	panel.lines(x,upper[subscripts], col="black", lty=2)
	if(zl)panel.abline(h=0, lty=3, col="gray50")

#' Lattice prepanel function for confidence intervals
#' This prepanel function is defined so as to allow room for all confidence
#' intervals plotted in a lattice display. Note, both lower and upper must be
#' passed directly to \code{xyplot} as they will be passed down to the prepanel
#' function.
#' @param x,y Data from the call to \code{xyplot}.
#' @param subscripts Variable used to created the juxtaposed panels.
#' @param lower,upper 95\% lower and upper bounds of \code{y}.
#' @return A list giving the ranges and differences in ranges of x and the
#' lower and upper bounds of y.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
prepanel.ci <- function(x,y,subscripts, lower,upper){
    x2 <- as.numeric(x)
    list(xlim = range(x2, finite = TRUE),
         ylim = range(c(lower[subscripts], upper[subscripts]),
            finite = TRUE),
         dx = diff(range(x2, finite = TRUE)),
         dy = diff(range(c(lower[subscripts], upper[subscripts]),
            finite = TRUE)))

#' Lattice panel function for confidence intervals with capped bars
#' This panel function is defined to plot confidence intervals in a multi-panel
#' lattice display where the x-variable is categorical. Note, both lower and
#' upper must be passed directly to \code{xyplot} as they will be passed down
#' to the panel function.
#' @param x,y Data from the call to \code{xyplot}.
#' @param subscripts Variable used to created the juxtaposed panels.
#' @param lower,upper 95\% lower and upper bounds of \code{y}.
#' @param length Length of the arrow head lines.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(lattice)
#' library(effects)
#' data(Duncan, package="carData")
#' Duncan$inc.cat <- cut(Duncan$income, 3)
#' mod <- lm(prestige~ inc.cat * type + education,
#'   data=Duncan)
#' e1 <- effect("inc.cat*type", mod)
#' update(plot(e1), panel=panel.2cat)
panel.2cat <- function(x,y,subscripts,lower,upper, length=.2){
	panel.points(x,y, pch=16, col="black")
	panel.arrows(x, lower[subscripts], x, upper[subscripts], code=3, angle=90, length=length)

#' Test of linearity for Component + Residual Plots
#' This function estimates a linear model and a loess model on the
#' component-plus-residual plot (i.e., a partial residual plot) for each
#' quantitative variable in the model.  The residual sums of squares for each
#' are used to calculate an F-test for each quantitative variable.
#' @param model A model object of class \code{lm}
#' @param adjust.method Adjustment method for multiple-testing procedure, using
#' \code{p.adjust} from \code{stats}.
#' @param cat Number of unique values below which numeric variables are
#' considered categorical for the purposes of the smooth.
#' @param var Character string indicating the term desired for testing.  If
#' left \code{NULL}, the default value, all numeric variables will be tested.
#' @param span.as Logical indicating whether the span should be automatically
#' selected through AICC or GCV
#' @param span Span to be passed down to the \code{loess} function if
#' \code{span.as=FALSE}.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to the call to \code{loess}.
#' @return A matrix with the following columns for each variable:
#' \item{RSSp}{Residual sum-of-squares for the parametric (linear) model.}
#' \item{RSSnp}{Residual sum-of-squares for the non-parametric (loess) model.}
#' \item{DFnum}{Numerator degrees of freedom for the F-test: tr(S)-(k+1).}
#' \item{DFdenom}{Denominator degrees of freedom for the F-test: n-tr(S)}
#' \item{F}{F-statistic} \item{p}{p-value, potentially adjusted for multiple
#' comparisons.}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Prestige, package="carData")
#' mod <- lm(prestige ~ income + education + women, data=Prestige)
#' crTest(mod)
crTest <- function(model, 
                   cat = 5, 
                   span.as = TRUE, 
                   span = 0.75, ...){
  # Consistent with Fox (2016, 546)
    cl <- attr(terms(model), "dataClasses")
	cl <- cl[which(cl != "factor")]
    mf <- model.frame(model)
    tabs <- apply(mf, 2, table)
    lens <- sapply(tabs, length)
    cats <- names(mf)[which(lens <= cat)]
    if(length(intersect(names(cl), cats)) > 0){
        cl <- cl[-which(names(cl) %in% cats)]
    terms <- predictor.names(model)
	terms <- intersect(terms, names(cl))
    if (any(attr(terms(model), "order") > 1)) {
        stop("C+R plots not available for models with interactions.")
        terms <- intersect(terms, var)
    if(length(terms) == 0){
        stop(paste0(var, " not in list of model terms"))
	terms.list <- list()
	orders <- sapply(terms, function(x)df.terms(model, x))
	for(i in 1:length(terms)){
        tmp.x <- {
            if (df.terms(model, terms[i]) > 1) predict(model, type = "terms", term = terms[i])
            else model.matrix(model)[, terms[i]]
    	if(!is.null(colnames(tmp.x))){colnames(tmp.x) <- "x"}
    	terms.list[[i]] <- data.frame(x=tmp.x,
    		y = residuals.glm(model, "partial")[,terms[i]], stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    lo.mods <- lapply(terms.list, function(z)loess(y ~ x, data=z, span=span, ...))
    lo.mods <- lapply(terms.list, function(z)loess.as(z$x, z$y, family="symmetric", ...))
lin.mods <- lapply(terms.list, function(z)lm(y ~ x, data=z))
n <- nrow(model.matrix(model))
lo.rss <- sapply(lo.mods, function(x)sum(residuals(x)^2))
lm.rss <- sapply(lin.mods, function(x)sum(residuals(x)^2))
lo.df <- sapply(lo.mods, function(x)x$trace.hat)
lin.df <- sapply(lin.mods, function(x)x$rank)
num.df <- lo.df-lin.df
denom.df <-n-lo.df
F.stats <- ((lm.rss-lo.rss)/num.df)/(lo.rss/denom.df)
pvals <- p.adjust(pf(F.stats, num.df, denom.df, lower.tail=FALSE), method=adjust.method)
out <- data.frame(
	RSSp = sprintf("%.2f", lm.rss),
	RSSnp = sprintf("%.2f", lo.rss),
	DFnum = sprintf("%.3f", num.df),
	DFdenom = sprintf("%.3f", denom.df),
	F = sprintf("%.3f", F.stats),
	p = sprintf("%.3f", pvals), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
rownames(out) <- terms

#' Test of Span Parameter in linearity for Component + Residual Plots
#' This function performs \code{crTest} for a user-defined range of span
#' parameters, optionally allowing for multiple testing corrections in the
#' p-values.
#' @param model A model object of class \code{lm}
#' @param spfromto A vector of two values across which a range of \code{n} span
#' values will be generated and tested.
#' @param n Number of span parameters to test.
#' @param adjust.method Adjustment method for multiple-testing procedure, using
#' \code{p.adjust} from \code{stats}.
#' @param adjust.type String giving the values over which the multiple testing
#' correction will be performed.  Here, \sQuote{both} refers to a multiple
#' testing correction done over all span parameters and all variables in the
#' model.  \sQuote{within} means the multiple testing correction should be done
#' within each model, but not across the span parameters and \sQuote{across}
#' means that the multiple testing correction should be for each variable
#' across the various span parameters, but not across variables within the same
#' model.  \sQuote{none} refers to a pass-through option of no multiple testing
#' procedure.
#' @return A list with two elements: \item{x}{Sequence of span values used in
#' testing} \item{y}{p-values for each variable for each span parameter}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Prestige, package="carData")
#' mod <- lm(prestige ~ income + education + women, data=Prestige)
#' tmp <- crSpanTest(mod, c(.1, .9), adjust.method="holm", 
#' 	adjust.type="both")
#' matplot(tmp$x, tmp$y, type="l")
crSpanTest <-
function(model, spfromto, n=10, adjust.method = "none", adjust.type = c("none", "across", "within", "both")){
	span.seq <- seq(from=spfromto[1], to=spfromto[2],
	adjust.type <- match.arg(adjust.type)
	out.list <- list()
	for(i in 1:length(span.seq)){
		out.list[[i]] <- crTest(model, adjust.method="none",
			span = span.seq[i])
	pvals <- sapply(out.list, function(x)
		pvals <- matrix(pvals, nrow=1)
	if(adjust.type == "within"){
		pvals <- apply(pvals, 2, p.adjust,
	if(adjust.type == "across"){
		pvals <- t(apply(pvals, 1, p.adjust,
	if(adjust.type == "both"){
		pvals <- matrix(p.adjust(c(pvals),
	rownames(pvals) <- predictor.names(model)
	ret = list(x=span.seq, y=t(pvals))

#' Standardize quantitative variables in a data frame
#' This function standardizes quantitative variables in a data frame while
#' leaving the others untouched.  This leaves not only factors, but also binary
#' variables (those with values 0, 1, or NA).
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param numsd Number of standard deviations to divide by - defaults to 1. 
#' @param nvals_fac Number of unique values required to standardize - variables with fewer than `nvals_fac` unique values will not be standardized. 
#' @param exclude A character vector of names of variables to exclude from the standardization. 
#' @return A data frame with standardized quantitative variables
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate across 
#' @importFrom tidyselect vars_select_helpers
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
scaleDataFrame <-function(data, numsd=1, nvals_fac = 11, exclude=NULL){
  isNum <- function(x){
    !(all(x%in% c(0,1,NA)) | inherits(x, "factor") | inherits(x, "character") | length(unique(na.omit(x))) < nvals_fac)
  newdat <- data %>% mutate(across(vars_select_helpers$where(isNum), 
                                   ~(.x-mean(.x, na.rm=TRUE))/(numsd*sd(.x, na.rm=TRUE))))
    newdat <- newdat %>% 
      mutate(across(all_of(exclude), ~ data$.x))

#' Create LaTeX or CSV versions of an Object Produced by CrossTable
#' \code{outXT} takes the output from \code{CrossTable} in the \code{gmodels}
#' package and produces either LaTeX code or CSV file that can be imported into
#' word processing software.
#' @param obj A list returned by \code{CrossTable} from the \code{gmodels}
#' package.
#' @param count Logical indicating whether the cell frequencies should be
#' returned.
#' @param prop.r Logical indicating whether the row proportions should be
#' returned.
#' @param prop.c Logical indicating whether the column proportions should be
#' returned.
#' @param prop.t Logical indicating whether the cell proportions should be
#' returned.
#' @param col.marg Logical indicating whether the column marginals should be
#' printed.
#' @param row.marg Logical indicating whether the row marginals should be
#' printed.
#' @param digits Number of digits to use in printing the proportions.
#' @param type String where \code{word} indicates a CSV file will be produced
#' and \code{latex} indicates LaTeX code will be generated.
#' @param file Connection where the file will be written, if \code{NULL} the
#' output will only be written to the console
#' @return A file containing LaTeX Code or CSV data to make a table
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
outXT <- function(obj, count=TRUE, prop.r = TRUE, prop.c = TRUE, prop.t = TRUE,
	col.marg=TRUE, row.marg=TRUE, digits = 3, type = "word", file=NULL){
	if(!(type %in% c("word", "latex"))){stop("type must be one of 'word' or 'latex'")}
	tmp.list <- list()
	k <- 1
	if(count){tmp.list[[k]] <- matrix(sprintf("%.0f", c(t(obj$t))), ncol=nrow(obj$t)); k <- k+1}
	if(prop.r){tmp.list[[k]] <- matrix(sprintf(paste("%.", digits, "f", sep=""),
		c(t(obj$prop.r))), ncol=nrow(obj$prop.r)); k <- k+1}
	if(prop.c){tmp.list[[k]] <- matrix(sprintf(paste("%.", digits, "f", sep=""),
		c(t(obj$prop.c))), ncol=nrow(obj$prop.c)); k <- k+1}
	if(prop.t){tmp.list[[k]] <- matrix(sprintf(paste("%.", digits, "f", sep=""),
		c(t(obj$prop.t))), ncol=nrow(obj$prop.t)); k <- k+1}
	out <- do.call(rbind, tmp.list)
	mat <- matrix(c(out), ncol=nrow(tmp.list[[1]]), byrow=TRUE)
	rownames(mat) <- NULL
	rn <- rep("", length=nrow(mat))
	rn[seq(1,nrow(mat), by=length(tmp.list))] <- rownames(obj$t)
	mat <- cbind(rn, mat)
	colnames(mat) <- c("", colnames(obj$t))
	if(col.marg){mat <- rbind(mat, c("Total", as.character(apply(obj$t, 2, sum))))}
		rmarg <- rep("", nrow(mat))
		rmarg[seq(1, length(rmarg)-as.numeric(col.marg), by=length(tmp.list))] <- as.character(apply(obj$t, 1, sum))
		mat <- cbind(mat, rmarg)
		colnames(mat)[ncol(mat)] <- "Total"
	if(row.marg & col.marg){mat[nrow(mat), ncol(mat)] <- sum(c(obj$t))}
	sink(file=ifelse(is.null(file), "tmp_xt.txt", file), type="output", append=FALSE)
	print(xtable(mat), include.rownames=FALSE, include.colnames=TRUE)
	rl <- readLines(ifelse(is.null(file), "tmp_xt.txt", file))
	if(type == "word"){
		rl <- rl[-c(1:6,8)]
		rl <- rl[-c((length(rl)-3):length(rl))]
		rl <- gsub("\\\\", "", rl, fixed=TRUE)
		rl <- gsub(" & ", ",", rl, fixed=TRUE)
		if(!is.null(file)){writeLines(rl, con=file)}
	print(rl, quote=FALSE)

#' Maximal First Differences for Generalized Linear Models
#' For objects of class \code{glm}, it calculates the change in predicted
#' responses, for discrete changes in a covariate holding all other variables
#' at their observed values.
#' The function calculates the average change in predicted probabiliy for a
#' discrete change in a single covariate with all other variables at their
#' observed values, for objects of class \code{glm}.  This function works with
#' polynomials specified with the \code{poly} function.
#' @aliases glmChange2
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{glm}.
#' @param varname Character string giving the variable name for which average
#' effects are to be calculated.
#' @param data Data frame used to fit \code{object}.
#' @param V An optional variance-covariance matrix for the coefficients, if 
#' \code{NULL}, will be obtained through a call to \code{vcov}. 
#' @param diffchange A string indicating the difference in predictor values to
#' calculate the discrete change.  \code{sd} gives plus and minus one-half
#' standard deviation change around the median and \code{unit} gives a plus and
#' minus one-half unit change around the median.
#' @param outcome For quantitative variables, should the difference over the range of chosen values be calculated 
#' (the default) or should the maximum probability difference over the range be 
#' calculated.  These will be the same for single-term quantitative variables, 
#' but could be different for multi-term variables, like splines and polynomials. 
#' @param n Number of \code{diffchange} to move. 
#' @param baseline Character string representing the baseline to use for the 
#' change.  It can be one of \code{"obs"}, in which case each observations value
#' is used as the baseline or \code{"median"}, in which case the median is 
#' used as a common baseline for all observations.
#' @param catdiff String identifying how differences in factor variables
#' is handled.  Options are \code{"all"} in which case all pairwise differences are
#' returned, or \code{"biggest"} in which case the biggest difference is returned. 
#' @param R Number of simulations to perform.
#' @param adjust String identifying how range should be changed if it goes out of
#' the bounds of the observed data.  Trimming will simply truncate the size of 
#' the change to make it fit in bounds.  Shifting will shift the interval so 
#' both ends are in bounds. If the shifted interval is wider than the range of
#' the data, the change will be truncated to the range of the data. 
#' @param ... Allows user to specify legacy argument \code{change}
#' @return \item{res}{A vector of values giving the average and 95 percent
#' confidence bounds} \item{ames}{The average change in predicted probability
#' (across all N observations) for each of the R simulations.}
#' \item{avesamp}{The average change in predicted probability for each of the N
#' observation (across all of the R simulations). }
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(france)
#' left.mod <- glm(voteleft ~ male + age + retnat + 
#' 	poly(lrself, 2), data=france, family=binomial)
#' glmChange2(left.mod, "age", data=france, 
#' diffchange="sd")
glmChange2 <-
function (obj, 
          V = NULL, 
          diffchange=c("unit", "sd"), 
          outcome = c("diff", "maxdiff"), 
          baseline = c("obs", "median"), 
          catdiff = c("biggest", "all"), 
          adjust=c("none", "shift", "trim"), 
  el.args <- list(...)
  n.el.args <- names(el.args)
  if("change" %in% n.el.args){
    diffchange <- do.call("[", el.args)["change"]
  change <- match.arg(diffchange)
  baseline <- match.arg(baseline)
  adj <- match.arg(adjust)
  outcome <- match.arg(outcome)
  catdiff <- match.arg(catdiff)
  allvars <- all.vars(formula(obj))
  data <- data %>% select(all_of(allvars)) %>% na.omit
  vars <- names(c(unlist(sapply(allvars, function(x)grep(x, attr(terms(obj), "term.labels"))))))
  dv <- setdiff(allvars, vars)
  if(any(!(vars %in% names(data)))){
    vars <- vars[-which(!vars %in% names(data))]
  rn <- vars
  var.classes <- sapply(vars, function(x) class(data[[x]]))
    V <- vcov(obj)
  b <- MASS::mvrnorm(R, coef(obj), V)
  delt <- switch(change, unit = 1, sd = sd(data[[varname]],
      na.rm = TRUE))*n
    delt <- 1
  if (is.numeric(data[[varname]])) {
    tmpd1 <- as.list(data[1,] )
    tmpd1[[varname]] <- seq(min(data[[varname]]), max(data[[varname]]), length=1000)
    tmp2 <- do.call(data.frame, tmpd1)
    tmpfit <- predict(obj, newdata=tmp2, type="link")
    tmprg <- data.frame(x=tmpd1[[varname]], 
                        fit = tmpfit)
    d0 <- d1 <- data
        if(baseline == "median"){
          tmp0 <- median(d0[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE) - (0.5 * delt)
          tmp1 <- median(d1[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE) + (0.5 * delt)
          tmp0 <- d0[[varname]] - (0.5 * delt)
          tmp1 <- d1[[varname]] + (0.5 * delt)
      if(adj == "trim"){
        tmp0 <- ifelse(tmp0 < min(d0[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE), min(d0[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE), tmp0)
        tmp1 <- ifelse(tmp1 > max(d1[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE), max(d1[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE), tmp1)
      if(adj == "shift"){
        for(i in 1:length(tmp0)){
          if(diff(c(tmp0[i], tmp1[i])) >= diff(range(d0[[varname]]))){
            tmp0[i] <- min(d0[[varname]])
            tmp1[i] <- max(d0[[varname]])
            if(tmp0[i] < min(data[[varname]])){
              tmp1[i] <- tmp1[i] + abs(diff(c(tmp0[i], min(data[[varname]])))) 
              tmp0[i] <- tmp0[i] + abs(diff(c(tmp0[i], min(data[[varname]])))) 
            if(tmp1[i] > max(data[[varname]])){
              tmp0[i] <- tmp0[i] - abs(diff(c(tmp1[i], max(data[[varname]]))))
              tmp1[i] <- tmp1[i] - abs(diff(c(tmp1[i], max(data[[varname]]))))
        if(outcome == "maxdiff"){
          t01 <- cbind(tmp0, tmp1)
          tout <- t(apply(t01, 1, function(z){
            w <- tmprg[which(tmprg$x >= z[1] & tmprg$x <= z[2]), ]
            w <- w[order(w$fit), ]
            w$x[c(1, nrow(w))]
          cmt <- colMeans(tout)
          if(cmt[2] < cmt[1])tout <- tout[,c(2,1)]
          tmp0 <- tout[,1]
          tmp1 <- tout[,2]
        d0[[varname]] <- tmp0
        d1[[varname]] <- tmp1
        tt <- terms(obj)
        Terms <- delete.response(tt)
        m0 <- model.frame(Terms, d0, xlev = obj$xlevels)
        X0 <- model.matrix(Terms, m0, contrasts.arg = obj$contrasts)
        m1 <- model.frame(Terms, d1, xlev = obj$xlevels)
        X1 <- model.matrix(Terms, m1, contrasts.arg = obj$contrasts)
        p0 <- family(obj)$linkinv(X0 %*% t(b))
        p1 <- family(obj)$linkinv(X1 %*% t(b))
        diff <- p1 - p0
        eff <- colMeans(diff)
        res <- matrix(c(mean(eff), quantile(eff, c(0.025, 0.975))),
            nrow = 1)
        colnames(res) <- c("mean", "lower", "upper")
        rownames(res) <- varname
        outres = list(res = res, ames=eff, avesamp = rowMeans(diff), 
                      x0 = tmp0, x1=tmp1)
    if (!is.numeric(data[[varname]]) & length(unique(na.omit(data[[varname]]))) ==
        2) {
        l <- obj$xlevels[[varname]]
        D0 <- D1 <- data
        D0[[varname]] <- factor(1, levels=1:2, labels=l)
        D1[[varname]] <- factor(2, levels=1:2, labels=l)
        tt <- terms(obj)
        Terms <- delete.response(tt)
        m0 <- model.frame(Terms, D0, xlev = obj$xlevels)
        X0 <- model.matrix(Terms, m0, contrasts.arg = obj$contrasts)
        m1 <- model.frame(Terms, D1, xlev = obj$xlevels)
        X1 <- model.matrix(Terms, m1, contrasts.arg = obj$contrasts)
        p0 <- family(obj)$linkinv(X0 %*% t(b))
        p1 <- family(obj)$linkinv(X1 %*% t(b))
        diff <- p1 - p0
        eff <- colMeans(diff)
        res <- matrix(c(mean(eff), quantile(eff, c(0.025, 0.975))),
            nrow = 1)
        colnames(res) <- c("mean", "lower", "upper")
        rownames(res) <- varname
        outres = list(res = res, ames=eff, avesamp = rowMeans(diff))

    if (!is.numeric(data[[varname]]) & length(unique(na.omit(data[[varname]]))) >
        2) {
        l <- obj$xlevels[[varname]]
        tt <- terms(obj)
        Terms <- delete.response(tt)
        X.list <- list()
        for (j in 1:length(l)) {
            tmp <- data
            tmp[[varname]] <- factor(j, levels=1:length(l), labels=l)
            tmp.m <- model.frame(Terms, tmp, xlev = obj$xlevels)
            X.list[[j]] <- model.matrix(Terms, tmp.m, contrasts.arg = obj$contrasts)
        combs <- combn(length(X.list), 2)
        d.list <- list()
        for (j in 1:ncol(combs)) {
            d.list[[j]] <- family(obj)$linkinv(X.list[[combs[2,
                j]]] %*% t(b)) - family(obj)$linkinv(X.list[[combs[1,
                j]]] %*% t(b))
        eff <- sapply(d.list, colMeans)
        res <- apply(eff, 2, function(x) c(mean(x), quantile(x,
            c(0.025, 0.975))))
        cl <- array(l[combs], dim = dim(combs))
        rownames(res) <- c("mean", "lower", "upper")
        colnames(res) <- apply(cl[c(2, 1), ], 2, paste, collapse = "-")
        res <- t(res)
        asamp <- sapply(d.list, rowMeans)
        if(catdiff == "biggest"){
          w <- which.max(abs(res[,1]))
          res <- res[w, , drop=FALSE]
          eff <- eff[,w]
          asamp <- asamp[,w]
        outres = list(res = res, ames=eff, avesamp = asamp)
    class(outres) <- "glmc2"

#' Average Effect Plot for Generalized Linear Models
#' For objects of class \code{glm}, it calculates the change the average
#' predicted probability (like the one calculated by \code{glmChange2}) for a
#' hypothetical candidate set of values of a covariate.
#' The function plots the average effect of a model covariate, for objects of
#' class \code{glm}.  The function does not work with \code{poly} unless the
#' coefficients are provided as arguments to the command in the model (see
#' example below).
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{glm}.
#' @param varname Character string giving the variable name for which average
#' effects are to be calculated.
#' @param data Data frame used to fit \code{object}.
#' @param R Number of simulations to perform.
#' @param nvals Number of evaluation points at which the average probability
#' will be calculated.
#' @param level Scalar giving the confidence level of the point-wise confidence 
#' intervals. 
#' @param ciType Type of confidence interval to be created.  If \code{"perc"}, a 
#' percentile interval will be created from the distribution of effects.  If 
#' \code{"normal"} a normal-theory interval will be calculated using the standard
#' deviation of the fitted response from the simulation. 
#' @param return Character string indicating what should be returned.  Multiple 
#' entries are supported. 
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{xyplot}.
#' @return A plot or a data frame
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(france)
#' p <- poly(france$lrself, 2)
#' left.mod <- glm(voteleft ~ male + age + retnat + 
#' 	poly(lrself, 2, coefs=attr(p, "coefs")), data=france, family=binomial)
#' aveEffPlot(left.mod, "age", data=france, plot=FALSE)
aveEffPlot <- function (obj, 
                        ciType = c("percent", "normal"), 
                        return=c("ci", "plot", "sim")
                        , ...)
  cit <- match.arg(ciType)
  ret <- match.arg(return, several.ok=TRUE)
    vars <- all.vars(formula(obj))[-1]
    if(any(!(vars %in% names(data)))){
        vars <- vars[-which(!vars %in% names(data))]
    rn <- vars
    var.classes <- sapply(vars, function(x) class(data[[x]]))
	b <- mvrnorm(R, coef(obj), vcov(obj), empirical=TRUE)
	tt <- terms(obj)
	Terms <- delete.response(tt)
		s <- seq(min(data[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE), max(data[[varname]], na.rm=TRUE), length=nvals)
		dat.list <- list()
		for(i in 1:length(s)){
			dat.list[[i]] <- data
			dat.list[[i]][[varname]] <- s[i]
	  s <- obj$xlevels[[varname]]
	  dat.list <- list()
	  for(j in 1:length(s)){
	    dat.list[[j]] <- data
	    dat.list[[j]][[varname]] <- factor(rep(j, nrow(data)), levels=1:length(s), labels=s)
	  s <- factor(1:length(s), labels=s)
	s <- data.frame(s=s)
	mm <- lapply(dat.list, function(x){
		  m <- model.frame(Terms, x, xlev = obj$xlevels)
		  model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts.arg = obj$contrasts)})
		cmprobs <- NULL
		for(i in seq_along(mm)){
		  cmprobs <- cbind(cmprobs, colMeans(family(obj)$linkinv(mm[[i]] %*% t(b))))
		if(cit == "percent"){
		  ciprobs <- t(apply(cmprobs, 2, function(x)
		    c(mean(x), quantile(x, c((1-level)/2,1-(1-level)/2)))))
		if(cit == "normal"){
		  ciprobs <- t(apply(cmprobs, 2, function(x)
		      mean(x) + qnorm((1-level)/2)*sd(x), 
		      mean(x) + qnorm(1-(1-level)/2)*sd(x))))
		colnames(ciprobs) <- c("mean", "lower", "upper")
		ciprobs <- cbind(s, ciprobs)
		tmp <- as.data.frame(ciprobs)
		if("plot" %in% ret){
		    pl <- xyplot(mean ~ s, data=tmp,  xlab=varname, ylab="Predicted Value", ...,
		                 lower=tmp$lower, upper=tmp$upper,
		                 prepanel = prepanel.ci,
		                 panel = function(x,y, lower, upper){
		                   panel.lines(x,y, col="black", lty=1)
		                   panel.lines(x, lower, col="black", lty=2)
		                   panel.lines(x, upper, col="black", lty=2)
		    l <- levels(data[[varname]])
		    pl <- xyplot(mean ~ s, data=tmp, xlab="", ylab="Predicted Value", ...,
		                 lower=tmp$lower, upper=tmp$upper,
		                 prepanel = prepanel.ci,
		                 scales=list(x=list(at=1:length(l), labels=l)),
		                 panel = function(x,y, lower, upper){
		                   panel.points(x,y, col="black", lty=1, pch=16)
		                   panel.segments(x, lower, x, upper, lty=1, col="black")
  out <- list()
  k <- 1
  if("ci" %in% ret){
    out[[k]] <- tmp
    names(out)[k] <- "ci"
    k <- k+1
  if("plot" %in% ret){
    out[[k]] <- pl
    names(out)[k] <- "plot"
    k <- k+1
  if("sim" %in% ret){
    out[[k]] <- cmprobs
    names(out)[k] <- "sim"

#' AIC and BIC selection of number of spline knots
#' Calculates AIC and BIC for the selection of knots in a spline over values
#' (potentially including polynomials) up to a user-defined maximum.
#' @param form A formula detailing the model for which smoothing is to be
#' evaluated.
#' @param var A character string identifying the variable for which smoothing
#' is to be evaluated.
#' @param data Data frame providing values of all variables in \code{form}.
#' @param degree Degree of polynomial in B-spline basis functions.
#' @param min.knots Minimum number of internal B-spline knots to be evaluated.
#' @param max.knots Maximum number of internal B-spline knots to be evaluated.
#' @param includePoly Include linear and polynomial models up to, and including
#' \code{degree}-th order polynomials.
#' @param plot Logical indicating whether a plot should be returned.
#' @param criterion Statistical criterion to minimize in order to find the best
#' number of knots - AIC, BIC or Cross-validation.
#' @param cvk Number of groups for cross-validation
#' @param cviter Number of iterations of cross-validation to average over.  10
#' is the default but in real-world applications, this should be somewhere
#' around 200.
#' @return A plot, if \code{plot=TRUE}, otherwise a data frame with the degrees
#' of freedom and corresponding fit measure.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Prestige, package="carData")
#' NKnots(prestige ~ education + type, var="income", data=na.omit(Prestige), plot=FALSE)
NKnots <- function(form, var, data, degree=3, min.knots=1,
   max.knots=10, includePoly = FALSE, plot=FALSE, criterion=c("AIC", "BIC", "CV"),
   cvk=10, cviter=10){
   crit <- match.arg(criterion)
   k <- seq(min.knots, max.knots, by=1)
   forms <- vector("list", ifelse(includePoly, length(k)+3, length(k)))
   m <- 1
      forms[[1]]<- as.formula(paste(as.character(form)[2], "~",
      as.character(form)[3], " + ", var, sep=""))
      forms[[2]]<- as.formula(paste(as.character(form)[2], "~",
      as.character(form)[3], "+ poly(", var,  ", 2)", sep=""))
      forms[[3]]<- as.formula(paste(as.character(form)[2], "~",
      as.character(form)[3], "+ poly(", var,  ", 3)", sep=""))
      m <- 4
   for(i in 1:length(k)){
      forms[[m]]<- as.formula(paste(as.character(form)[2], "~",
      as.character(form)[3], "+ bs(", var, ", df=", degree+k[i],
        ", Boundary.knots=c(", min(data[[var]], na.rm=TRUE),", ", max(data[[var]], na.rm=TRUE), "))", sep=""))
      m <- m+1
   if(crit %in% c("AIC", "BIC")){
       mods <- lapply(forms, function(x)lm(x, data=data))
       stats <- sapply(mods, function(x)do.call(crit, list(object=x)))
   if(crit == "CV"){
      tmp.stats <- NULL
      for(j in 1:cviter){
       mods <- list()
       for(i in 1:length(forms)){
           tmp <- glm(forms[[i]], data=data, family=gaussian)
           tmpdat <- data[rownames(model.frame(tmp)), ]
           mods[[i]] <- cv.glm(tmpdat, tmp, K=cvk)
       tmp.stats <- rbind(tmp.stats, sapply(mods, function(x)x$delta[1]))
     stats <- colMeans(tmp.stats)
      k <- k+3
      if(includePoly){k <- c(1:3, k)}
      plot(k, stats, type="o", pch=16, col="black", xlab="# Degrees of Freedom", ylab = crit)
      points(k[which.min(stats)], min(stats), pch=16, col="red")
     return(data.frame(df = k, stat=stats))

#' Test of functional form assumption using B-splines
#' Estimate hypothesis test of lower- and higher-order non-linear relationships
#' against an assumed target relationship.
#' @param form A formula detailing the model for which smoothing is to be
#' evaluated.
#' @param var A character string identifying the variable for which smoothing
#' is to be evaluated.
#' @param data Data frame providing values of all variables in \code{form}.
#' @param targetdf The assumed degrees of freedom against which the tests will
#' be conducted.
#' @param degree Degree of polynomial in B-spline basis functions.
#' @param min.knots Minimum number of internal B-spline knots to be evaluated.
#' @param max.knots Maximum number of internal B-spline knots to be evaluated.
#' @param adjust Method by which p-values will be adjusted (see
#' \code{\link{p.adjust}})
#' @return A matrix with the following columns: \item{F}{F statistics of test
#' of candidate models against target model} \item{DF1}{Numerator DF from
#' F-test} \item{DF2}{Denominator DF from F-test} \item{p(F)}{p-value from the
#' F-test} \item{Clarke}{Test statistic from the Clarke test}
#' \item{Pr(Better)}{The Clarke statistic divided by the number of
#' observations} \item{p(Clarke)}{p-value from the Clarke test.  (T) means that
#' the significant p-value is in favor of the Target model and (C) means the
#' significant p-value is in favor of the candidate (alternative) model.}
#' \item{Delta_AIC}{AIC(candidate model) - AIC(target model)}
#' \item{Delta_AICc}{AICc(candidate model) - AICc(target model)}
#' \item{Delta_BIC}{BIC(candidate model) - BIC(target model)}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Prestige, package="carData")
#' NKnotsTest(prestige ~ education + type, var="income", data=na.omit(Prestige), targetdf=3)
NKnotsTest <- function(form, var, data, targetdf = 1, degree=3, min.knots=1,
   max.knots=10, adjust="none"){
   k <- seq(min.knots, max.knots, by=1)
   forms <- vector("list", length(k)+3)
   m <- 1
   forms[[1]]<- as.formula(paste(as.character(form)[2], "~",
   as.character(form)[3], " + ", var, sep=""))
   forms[[2]]<- as.formula(paste(as.character(form)[2], "~",
   as.character(form)[3], "+ poly(", var,  ", 2)", sep=""))
   forms[[3]]<- as.formula(paste(as.character(form)[2], "~",
   as.character(form)[3], "+ poly(", var,  ", 3)", sep=""))
   m <- 4
   for(i in 1:length(k)){
      forms[[m]]<- as.formula(paste(as.character(form)[2], "~",
      as.character(form)[3], "+ bs(", var, ", df=", degree+k[i], ")", sep=""))
      m <- m+1
   mods <- lapply(forms, function(x)lm(x, data=data))
   mods.df <- c(1:3, k+3)

   target.mod <- mods[[which(mods.df == targetdf)]]
   cand.mods <- mods
   cand.mods[[which(mods.df == targetdf)]] <- NULL
   tests <- lapply(cand.mods, function(x)as.matrix(anova(target.mod, x)))
   tests2 <- lapply(cand.mods, function(x)clarke_test(target.mod, x))
   num.df <- sapply(tests, function(x)abs(diff(x[,1])))
   denom.df <- sapply(tests, function(x)min(x[,1]))
   Fstats <- sapply(tests, function(x)x[2,5])
   pval <- p.adjust(sapply(tests, function(x)x[2,6]), method=adjust)
   cstats <- sapply(tests2, function(x)x$stat)
   cprobs <- sapply(tests2, function(x)x$stat/x$nobs)
   cminstat <- sapply(tests2, function(x)min(x$stat, x$nobs - x$stat))
   cbetter <-
   cp <- 2 * pbinom(cminstat, sapply(tests2, function(x)x$nobs), 0.5)
   pref <- sapply(tests2, function(x)ifelse(x$stat > x$nobs - x$stat,  "(T)", "(C)"))
   pref <- ifelse(cp > .05, "", pref)
   delta.aic <- sapply(cand.mods, AIC) - AIC(target.mod)
   delta.aicc <- sapply(cand.mods, AICc) - AICc(target.mod)
   delta.bic <- sapply(cand.mods, BIC) - BIC(target.mod)
   res <- cbind(Fstats, num.df, denom.df, pval, cstats, cprobs, cp, delta.aic, delta.aicc, delta.bic)
   sigchar <- ifelse(res[,4] < .05, "*", " ")
   sigchar2 <- ifelse(res[,7] < .05, "*", " ")
   strres <- NULL
   digs <- c(3,0,0,3, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3)
   for(i in 1:10){
      tmp <- sprintf(paste("%.", digs[i], "f", sep=""), res[,i])
      if(i == 1){
         tmp <- paste(tmp, sigchar, sep="")
      if(i == 5){
         tmp <- paste(tmp, sigchar2, sep="")
      if(i == 7){
          tmp <- paste(tmp, pref,  sep=" ")

      strres <- cbind(strres,tmp )
   colnames(strres) <- c("F", "DF1", "DF2", "p(F)", "Clarke", "Pr(Better)", "p(Clarke)", "Delta_AIC", "Delta_AICc", "Delta_BIC")
   rownames(strres) <- paste("DF=", targetdf, " vs. DF=", mods.df[-targetdf], sep="")
   if(targetdf > 1){
      below <- strres[1:(targetdf-1), , drop=F]
      above <- strres[targetdf:nrow(strres),, drop=F]
      strres <- rbind(below, rep("", 10), above)
      rownames(strres)[targetdf] <- "   Target"
   print(strres, quote=FALSE)

#' Significance Test for Loess vs. LM
#' Calculates an F test to evaluate significant differences between a LOESS
#' model and a parametric alternative estimated with \code{lm}
#' @param lmobj An object of class \code{lm}.
#' @param loessobj An object of class \code{loess}.
#' @param alpha Desired Type I error rate of test.
#' @return Printed output describing the results of the test.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Prestige, package="carData")
#' linmod <- lm(prestige ~ income, data=Prestige)
#' lomod <- loess(prestige ~ income, data=Prestige)
#' testLoess(linmod, lomod)
testLoess <- function(lmobj, loessobj, alpha=.05){
  ## From Fox (2016) p. 546
     n <- nrow(model.matrix(lmobj))
   if(n != loessobj$n){
       stop("Models estimated on different numbers of observations")
n <- nobs(lmobj)
rss0 <- sum(lmobj$residuals^2)
rss1 <- sum(loessobj$residuals^2)
df.linmod <- lmobj$rank
df.lomod <- loessobj$trace.hat
df.res <- n-df.lomod
F0 <- ((rss0-rss1)/(df.lomod-df.linmod))/
    (rss1 / df.res)
cat("F = ", round(F0, 2), "\n", sep="")
pval <- pf(F0, (df.lomod-df.linmod), df.res, lower.tail=FALSE)
cat("Pr( > F) = ", sprintf("%.3f", pval), "\n", sep="")
if(pval < alpha){
    cat("LOESS preferred to alternative\n")
    cat("LOESS not statistically better than alternative\n")

#' Inspect a Variable in a Data Frame
#' Shows the variable label, factor levels (i.e., value labels) and frequency
#' distribution for the specified variable.
#' @aliases inspect inspect.data.frame inspect.tbl_df
#' @param data A data frame of class \code{data.frame} or \code{tbl_df}.
#' @param x A string identifying the name of the variable to be inspected.
#' @param includeLabels Logical indicating whether value labels should also be included.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down, currently unimplemented.
#' @return A list with a variable label (if present), factor levels/value
#' labels (if present) and a frequency distribution
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(france)
#' inspect(france, "vote")
inspect <- function(data, x, includeLabels=FALSE, ...)UseMethod("inspect")

#' @method inspect tbl_df
#' @export
inspect.tbl_df <- function(data, x, includeLabels = FALSE, ...){
  tmp <- data[[as.character(x)]]
    tmp <- as_factor(tmp)
  var.lab <- attr(tmp, "label")
  if(is.null(var.lab)){var.lab <- "No Label Found"}
  val.labs <- attr(tmp, "labels")
  if(is.null(val.labs)){val.labs <- sort(unique(tmp))}
  tab <- cbind(freq = table(tmp), prop = round(table(tmp)/sum(table(tmp), na.rm=TRUE), 3))
  out <- list(variable_label = var.lab, freq_dist = tab)
    out$value_labels <- t(t(val.labs))

##' @method inspect data.frame
##' @export
inspect.data.frame <- function(data, x, includeLabels=FALSE, ...){
  tmp <- data[[as.character(x)]]
    data[[x]] <- as_factor(data[[x]])
  var.lab <- attr(data, "var.label")[which(names(data) == x)]
  if(is.null(var.lab)){var.lab <- "No Label Found"}
  val.labs <- if(!is.null(levels(data[[x]]))){levels(data[[x]])}
    else {sort(unique(data[[x]]))}
  tab <- cbind(freq = table(data[[x]]), prop = round(table(data[[x]])/sum(table(data[[x]]), na.rm=TRUE), 3))
  out <- list(variable_label = var.lab, freq_dist = tab)
    out$value_labels <- t(t(val.labs))

#' Bayesian Alternating Least Squares Optimal Scaling
#' Estimates a Bayesian analog to the the Alternating Least Squares Optimal
#' Scaling (ALSOS) solution for qualitative dependent variables.
#' \code{balsos} estimates a Bayesian analog to the Alternating Least Squares
#' Optimal Scaling solution on the dependent variable.  This permits testing
#' linearity assumptions on the original scale of the dependent variable.
#' @param formula A formula with a dependent variable that will be optimally
#' scaled
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param iter Number of samples for the MCMC sampler.
#' @param chains Number of parallel chains to be run.
#' @param alg Algorithm used to do sampling.  See \code{stan} for more
#' details.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{stanfit}.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \item{fit}{The fitted stan output}
#' \item{y}{The dependent variable values used in the regression. }
#' \item{X}{The design matrix for the regression}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @references
#' Jacoby, William G.  1999.  \sQuote{Levels of Measurement and Political
#' Research: An Optimistic View} American Journal of Political Science 43(1):
#' 271-301.
#' Young, Forrest.  1981.  \sQuote{Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data}
#' Psychometrika, 46: 357-388.
#' Young, Forrest, Jan de Leeuw and Yoshio Takane.  1976.  \sQuote{Regression
#' with Qualitative and Quantitative Variables: An Alternating Least Squares
#' Method with Optimal Scaling Features} Psychometrika, 41:502-529.
balsos <- function(formula, data, iter=2500, chains = 1, 
                   alg = c("NUTS", "HMC", "Fixed_param"), ...){
  stop("The rstan package must be installed to use balsos.\n")
alg <- match.arg(alg)
stancode <- "data{
  int N; //number of observations
  int M; //number of DV categories
  int k; //number of columns of model matrix
  real ybar; //mean of y
  real sy; //sd of y
  int y[N]; //untransformed DV
  matrix[N,k] X; //model matrix
parameters {
  vector[k] beta; //regression coefficients
  real<lower=0> sigma; //standard deviation
  ordered[M] y_star; //transformed dependent variable
transformed parameters {
  vector[N] linpred; //linear predictor
  vector[N] y_new; //vector of transformed DV values
  real sd_new; //sd of transformed y
  real mean_new; //mean of transformed y
  vector[N] y_new2; //rescaled y_new;
  linpred = X*beta;
  for(i in 1:N){
    y_new[i] = y_star[y[i]]; //vector of transformed DV values
  sd_new = sd(y_new);
  mean_new = mean(y_new);
  y_new2 = (y_new - mean_new)*(sy/sd_new) + ybar;
  beta[1] ~ cauchy(0,10); //prior on intercept
  for(i in 2:k){
    beta[i] ~ cauchy(0, 2.5); //prior on regression coefficients
    target += normal_lpdf(y_new2 | linpred, sigma);

X <- model.matrix(formula, data)
y <- as.integer(model.response(model.frame(formula, data)))
y <- (y - min(y)) + 1L
balsos.dat <- list(
  M=max(y), N=length(y), k = ncol(X), ybar = mean(y), sy = sd(y),
  y=y, X=X)
fit <- rstan::stan(model_code=stancode, data = balsos.dat,
            iter = iter, chains = chains, algorithm=alg, ...)
ret <- list(fit = fit, y=y, X=X, form=formula)
class(ret) <- "balsos"

#figure out whether we need the col.alpha parameter in the panel.transci function.

#' Plot LOESS curve.
#' Plots the loess curve of the fitted values against a focal x-variable. .
#' Plots the fitted loess curve potentially with point-wise confidence bounds.
#' @param x An object of class \code{loess}.
#' @param ci Logical indicating whether point-wise confidence intervals should
#' be included around the fitted curve.
#' @param level The confidence level of the confidence intervals
#' @param linear Logical indicating whether the OLS line should also be
#' included.
#' @param addPoints Logical indicating whether or not points should be added to
#' the figure idtntifying the postion of individual observations.
#' @param col.alpha Value for alpha channel of the RGB color palette.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{xyplot}.
#' @return A plot.
#' @method plot loess
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
plot.loess <- function(x, ..., ci=TRUE, level=.95, linear=FALSE, addPoints=FALSE, col.alpha=.5){
    alpha <- (1-level)/2
    tmp <- data.frame(x=x$x, y=x$y, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    xn <- as.character(formula(x$call)[[3]])
    yn <- as.character(formula(x$call)[[2]])
    names(tmp) <- c(xn, yn)
#    plot(formula(x$call), data=tmp, ...)
    xs <- seq(min(x$x), max(x$x), length=100)
    tmp2 <- data.frame(x=xs, y=rep(0, length(xs)), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    names(tmp2) <- names(tmp)
    preds <- predict(x, newdata=tmp2, se=TRUE)
    crit <- abs(qnorm(alpha))
    plot.dat <- data.frame(fit=preds$fit,
        lower=preds$fit - crit*preds$se.fit,
        upper = preds$fit + crit*preds$se.fit,
        x = xs,
        g = "loess", stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
     p <-    xyplot(fit ~ x, data=plot.dat, groups=plot.dat$g, ...,
        mod <- lm(formula(x$call), data=tmp)
        linpred <- predict(mod, newdata=tmp2, interval="confidence", level=level)
        linpred <- as.data.frame(linpred)
        names(linpred) <- c("fit", "lower", "upper")
        linpred$x <- xs
        linpred$g <- "linear"
        plot.dat <- rbind(plot.dat, linpred)
        p <- xyplot(fit ~ x, data=plot.dat, groups=plot.dat$g, ...,

        panel.points(x$x, x$y, col="black")

#' Estimate Derivatives of LOESS Curve.
#' Estimates the first derivatives of the LOESS curve.
#' @param obj An object of class \code{loess}.
#' @param delta Small change to be induced to estimate derivative.
#' @return A vector of first derivative values evaluated at each original
#' x-value.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
loessDeriv <- function(obj, delta=.00001){
    newdf <- data.frame(y = obj$y, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    newdf[[obj$xnames[1]]] <- obj$x
    fit1 <- predict(obj, newdata=newdf, se=TRUE)
    newdf[[obj$xnames[1]]] <- obj$x + delta
    fit2 <- predict(obj, newdata=newdf, se=TRUE)
    deriv <- (fit2$fit - fit1$fit)/delta

#' Regions of Statistical Significance in Interactions
#' Calculates the regions of statistical significance in interaction and
#' identifies the points at which the statistical significance of conditional
#' coefficients changes.
#' @param obj A model of class \code{glm} or class \code{lm}.
#' @param vars A character vector of the names of the two variables involved in
#' the interaction.
#' @param alpha Critical p-value of the test.
#' @return Printed output that identifies the change-points in statistical
#' significance.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
changeSig <- function(obj, vars, alpha=.05){
    v1 <- which(names(obj$coef) == vars[1])
    v2 <- which(names(obj$coef) == vars[2])
    n12 <- ifelse(paste(vars, collapse=":") %in% names(coef(obj)), paste(vars, collapse=":"), paste(vars[2:1], collapse=":"))
    v12 <- which(names(obj$coef) == n12)

    B <- coef(obj)
    B.star <- B/qt(1-(alpha/2), obj$df.residual)
    V <- vcov(obj)

    # calculate solution for var1
    b <- 2*(V[v1,v12] - B.star[v1]*B.star[v12])
    a <- V[v12,v12] - B.star[v12]^2
    c <- V[v1,v1] - B.star[v1]^2

    x <- (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)
    x <- c(x, (-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a))
    x1 <- x
    est <- B[v1] + B[v12]*x
    v <- V[v1,v1] + x^2*V[v12,v12] + 2*x*V[v1,v12]
    s <- sqrt(v)
    lb1 <- est-qt(.975, obj$df.residual)*s
    ub1 <- est+qt(.975, obj$df.residual)*s

    # calculate solution for var2
    b <- 2*(V[v2,v12] - B.star[v2]*B.star[v12])
    a <- V[v12,v12] - B.star[v12]^2
    c <- V[v2,v2] - B.star[v2]^2

    x <- (-b + sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)
    x <- c(x, (-b - sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a))
    x2 <- x
    est <- B[v2] + B[v12]*x
    v <- V[v2,v2] + x^2*V[v12,v12] + 2*x*V[v2,v12]
    s <- sqrt(v)
    lb2 <- est-qt(.975, obj$df.residual)*s
    ub2 <- est+qt(.975, obj$df.residual)*s

    tp1 <- mean(model.matrix(obj)[,v2] < x1[which.min(abs(lb1))])*100
    tp2 <- mean(model.matrix(obj)[,v2] < x1[which.min(abs(ub1))])*100
    tp3 <- mean(model.matrix(obj)[,v1] < x2[which.min(abs(lb2))])*100
    tp4 <- mean(model.matrix(obj)[,v1] < x2[which.min(abs(ub2))])*100
    lpc0 <- "(< Minimum Value in Data)"
    lpc100 <- "(> Maximum Value in Data)"
    lpcmid <- "(%.0fth pctile)"

    if(tp1 == 0){p1l <- lpc0}
    if(tp1 == 100){p1l <- lpc100}
    if(tp1 > 0 & tp1 < 100){p1l <- sprintf(lpcmid, tp1)}
    if(tp2 == 0){p1u <- lpc0}
    if(tp2 == 100){p1u <- lpc100}
    if(tp2 > 0 & tp2 < 100){p1u <- sprintf(lpcmid, tp2)}
    if(tp3 == 0){p2l <- lpc0}
    if(tp3 == 100){p2l <- lpc100}
    if(tp3 > 0 & tp3 < 100){p2l <- sprintf(lpcmid, tp3)}
    if(tp4 == 0){p2u <- lpc0}
    if(tp4 == 100){p2u <- lpc100}
    if(tp4 > 0 & tp4 < 100){p2u <- sprintf(lpcmid, tp4)}

    cat("LB for B(", vars[1], " | ", vars[2], ") = 0 when ", vars[2], "=", round(x1[which.min(abs(lb1))], 4), " ", p1l, "\n", sep="")
    cat("UB for B(", vars[1], " | ", vars[2], ") = 0 when ", vars[2], "=", round(x1[which.min(abs(ub1))], 4), " ", p1u, "\n", sep="")
    cat("LB for B(", vars[2], " | ", vars[1], ") = 0 when ", vars[1], "=", round(x2[which.min(abs(lb2))], 4), " ", p2l, "\n", sep="")
    cat("UB for B(", vars[2], " | ", vars[1], ") = 0 when ", vars[1], "=", round(x2[which.min(abs(ub2))], 4), " ", p2u, "\n", sep="")
    m1 <- round(rbind(x1, lb1, ub1), 5)
    colnames(m1) <- rep(vars[2], 2)
    m2 <- round(rbind(x2, lb2, ub2), 5)
    colnames(m2) <- rep(vars[1], 2)
    rownames(m1) <- rownames(m2) <- c("x", "Lower", "Upper")
    res <- list(m1, m2)
    names(res) <- vars

#' Testing Measurement Level Assumptions.
#' Uses the algorithm discussed in Armstrong and Jacoby 2018) to test the
#' intervality of a variable scaled by the Bayesian ALSOS method.
#' @param obj An object of class \code{balsos}.
#' @param cor.type Type of correlation to be used in the p-value calculation.
#' @return Printed output giving the Bayesian p-value evaluating the null that
#' ther eis no interesting difference between the original values and the
#' optimally scaled values.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
test.balsos <- function(obj, cor.type=c("pearson", "spearman")){
    cor.type <- match.arg(cor.type)
    chains <- as.matrix(obj$fit)
    chains <- t(chains[,grep("y_new2", colnames(chains))])
    yvals <- aggregate(1:length(obj$y), list(obj$y), min)
    chains <- chains[yvals[,2], ]
    r1 <- c(cor(chains, yvals[,1], method=cor.type)^2)
    refs <- sample(1:ncol(chains), ncol(chains), replace=FALSE)
    r0 <- diag(cor(chains, chains[,refs])^2)
    cat("Test of Linearity (higher values indicate higher probability of linearity)\n")
    sprintf("%.3f", mean(r1 >= r0))

#' Optimizing Yeo-Johnson Transformation
#' Uses \code{nlminb} to find the optimal Yeo-Johnson transformation parameters
#' conditional on a parametric model specification.
#' @param form A formula with a dependent variable that will be optimally
#' scaled
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param trans.vars A character string identifying the variables that should
#' be transformed
#' @param round.digits Number of digits to round the transformation parameters.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{lm}.
#' @return A linear model object that was estimated on the optimally
#' transformed variables.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
yj_trans <- function(form, data, trans.vars, round.digits = 3, ...){
optim_yj <- function(pars, form, data, trans.vars, ...){
    form <- as.character(form)
    for(i in 1:length(trans.vars)){
        form <- gsub(trans.vars[i], paste("yeo.johnson(", trans.vars[i], ",", pars[i], ")", sep=""), form)
    form <- as.formula(paste0(form[2], form[1], form[3]))
    m <- lm(form, data=data)
    ll <- logLik(m)
    opt.pars <- nlminb(rep(1, length(trans.vars)), optim_yj, form=form, data=data, trans.vars = trans.vars, lower=0, upper=2)
        opt.pars$par <- round(opt.pars$par, round.digits)
    form <- as.character(form)
    for(i in 1:length(trans.vars)){
        form <- gsub(trans.vars[i], paste("yeo.johnson(", trans.vars[i], ",", opt.pars$par[i], ")", sep=""), form)
    form <- as.formula(paste0(form[2], form[1], form[3]))
    out <- lm(form, data=data, ...)

#' Cross-validating Loess curve
#' Function provides the cross-validation error for the loess curve in a manner
#' that is amenable to optimization of the span.
#' @param span The span of the loess smoother.
#' @param form The formula that identifies the model
#' @param data A data frame containing the required variables.
#' @param cost Cost function to be passed down to loess.
#' @param K Number of folds for the cross-validation
#' @param numiter Number of times over which the cv error will be aggregated
#' @param which Return raw or corrected cv error
#' @return The cross-validation error from the loess curve.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
cv.lo2 <- function (span, form, data, cost = function(y, yhat) mean((y - yhat)^2, na.rm=TRUE),
    K = n, numiter = 100, which=c("corrected", "raw")) {
    sample0 <- function (x, ...)x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]
    w <- match.arg(which)
    n <- nrow(data)
    f <- ceiling(n/K)
    tmp.y <- model.response(model.frame(as.formula(form), data=data))
	out.cv <- out.cost0 <- rep(NA, numiter)
	for(l in 1:numiter){
        s <- sample0(rep(1:K, f), n)
    	samps <- by(1:n, s, function(x)x)
        n.s <- sapply(samps, length)
        ms <- max(s)
        mod <- loess(formula=as.formula(form), data=data, span=span)
        cost.0 <- cost(tmp.y, fitted(mod))
        CV <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(samps)) {
            j.out <- samps[[i]]
            j.in <- setdiff(1:n, samps[[i]])
            d.mod <- loess(as.formula(form), data=data[j.in, ], span=span)
            p.alpha <- n.s[i]/n
            cost.i <-  cost(tmp.y[j.out], predict(d.mod, data[j.out,
                , drop = FALSE]))
            CV <- CV + p.alpha * cost.i
            cost.0 <- cost.0 - p.alpha * cost(tmp.y, predict(d.mod, data))
	out.cv[l] <- CV
	out.cost0[l] <- cost.0
	names(out.cv) <- names(out.cost0) <- NULL
    return(switch(w, raw=mean(out.cv), corrected=mean(out.cv+out.cost0)))

#' Plot Results from BALSOS
#' Plots the optimally scaled points with posterior 95\% credible intervals.
#' @param x Object of class \code{balsos}.
#' @param freq Logical indicating whether you want the frequentist result
#' plotted alongside the Bayesian result.
#' @param offset If \code{freq=T}, the Bayesian points will be plotted at
#' \code{x-offset} and the frequentist points will be plotted at
#' \code{x+offset}.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down, currently not implement and
#' may conflict with the lattice figure.  To change the figure the best advice
#' would be to save the plot as an oject and use the \code{update} function to
#' change its features.
#' @param plot Logical indicating whether the plot should be returned or just the data. 
#' @return A lattice graph produce by a call to \code{xyplot}.
#' @method plot balsos
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
plot.balsos <- function(x, ..., freq=TRUE, offset=.1, plot=TRUE){
    Xdat <- as.data.frame(x$X[,-1])
    names(Xdat) <- paste("var", 1:ncol(Xdat), sep="")
    Xdat$y <- x$y

    a1 <- alsosDV(y ~ ., data=Xdat)

mins <- aggregate(1:length(x$y), list(x$y), min)
chains <- as.matrix(x$fit)
chains <- chains[,grep("y_new2", colnames(chains))]
os <- chains[, mins[,2]]

s<- summary(as.mcmc(os))

newdf <- data.frame(
    freq = a1$result$os[mins[,2]],
    os = s$statistics[,1],
    lower = s$quantiles[,1],
    upper = s$quantiles[,5],
    orig = sort(unique(x$y)), stringsAsFactors=TRUE
tp <- trellis.par.get()$superpose.symbol
xyplot(os ~ orig, data=newdf,
    panel = function(x,y, ...){
        panel.points(x,y, cex=.6, col=tp$col[1], pch=tp$pch[1])
        panel.segments(x, newdf$lower, x, newdf$upper, col="black", cols=tp$col[1])
    xyplot(os ~ orig, data=newdf,
        panel = function(x,y, ...){
            panel.points(x-offset,y, cex=.6, col=tp$col[1], pch=tp$pch[1])
            panel.segments(x-offset, newdf$lower, x-offset, newdf$upper, col=tp$col[1])
            panel.points(x+offset, newdf$freq, col=tp$col[2], pch=tp$pch[2])


##' Summry method for Bayesian ALSOS
##' @description summary method for objects of class \code{balsos}
##' @param object Object of class \code{balsos}
##' @param ... Other arguments, currently unimplemented
##' @export
##' @method summary balsos
summary.balsos <- function(object, ...){
    coef.inds <- grep("^b", names(object$fit))
    mins <- aggregate(1:length(object$y), list(object$y), min)
    os.inds <- sapply(paste("y_new2[", mins[,2], "]", sep=""), function(z)grep(z, names(object$fit), fixed=TRUE))
    names(object$fit)[c(coef.inds, os.inds)] <- c(colnames(object$X),
        paste0("y_", sort(unique(object$y))))
    summary(object$fit, pars=c(colnames(object$X), paste0("y_", sort(unique(object$object)))))

central <- function(x){
        tab <- table(x)
        m <- which.max(tab)
        cent <- factor(m, levels=1:length(levels(x)), labels=levels(x))
    if(!is.factor(x) & length(unique(na.omit(x))) <= 10){
        tab <- table(x)
        cent <- as.numeric(names(tab)[which.max(tab)])
    if(!is.factor(x) & length(unique(na.omit(x))) > 10){
        cent <- median(x, na.rm=TRUE)

#' Print Confidence Intervals for Predicted Probabilities and Their Differences
#' Print method for output from the \code{probci} function.
#' @param x A object of class \code{diffci} produced by \code{\link{probci}}.
#' @param type Which kind of result to print - predictions (\code{pr}) or 
#'        pairwise differences in predictions (\code{pw}).
#' @param digits How many digits to round output.
#' @param filter A named list of values where the names indicate the variable
#' to be filtered and the values in the vector indicate the values to include
#' for the filtering variable.
#' @param const A string identifying the name of the variable to be held
#' constant across comparisons.  Only applies if \code{type = "pw"}. 
#' @param onlySig Logical indicating whether all differes should be displayed
#' or only those significant at the 95\% two-tailed level.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to print, currently
#' unimplemented.
#' @return An data frame with the following variables: \item{variables}{The
#' variables and the values at which they are held constant.  For example,
#' \code{tmp1} would be the first value of \code{tmp} used in the probability
#' calculation and \code{tmp2} would be the second value of \code{tmp} used in
#' the probability calculation. } \item{pred_prob}{The difference in predicted
#' probability given the following change in \code{X}:
#' \code{tmp2}-\code{tmp1}.} \item{lower, upper}{The lower and upper 95\%
#' confidence bounds.}
#' @method print diffci
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(france)
#' left.mod <- glm(voteleft ~ male + age + retnat + 
#' 	poly(lrself, 2, raw=TRUE), data=france, family=binomial)
#' data(france)
#' left.mod <- glm(voteleft ~ male + age + retnat + 
#'                   poly(lrself, 2, raw=TRUE), data=france, family=binomial)
#' out <- probci(left.mod, france, numQuantVals=3, 
#'               changeX=c("retnat", "lrself"), calcPW = TRUE)
#' print(out, filter=list(retnat=c("Better", "Worse")))
#' print(out, type="pw", 
#'       filter=list(retnat=c("Better", "Worse")),
#'       const="lrself")
print.diffci <- function(x, type = c("pr", "pw"), 
                        ..., digits=4, filter=NULL, const = NULL, onlySig=FALSE){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(type == "pr"){
    D <- x$plot.data
    D <- x$`Difference in Predicted Probabilities`
  if(type == "pw"){
        vn <- names(filter)
        w <- array(dim=c(nrow(D), length(vn)))
        for(i in 1:length(filter)){
            w[,i] <- apply(D[,grep(paste("^", vn[i], "[1-2]", sep=""), names(D))], 1,
                function(x)(x[1] %in% filter[[i]] & x[2] %in% filter[[i]]))
        w <- which(apply(w, 1, prod) == 1)
        if(length(w) == 0){
            stop("No observations matching filter conditions")
            D <- D[w, ]
        D <- D[which(D[[paste0(const, "1")]] == D[[paste0(const, "2")]]), ]
      for(i in 1:length(filter)){
        D <- D %>% filter(get(names(filter)[i]) %in% filter[[i]]) 
      if(nrow(D) == 0){
        stop("No observations matching filter conditions")
      sig <- which(sign(D$lower) == sign(D$upper))
      if(length(sig) == 0){
        stop("No observations matching filter conditions that are also significant")
        D <- D[sig, ]
    cnd <- colnames(D)
    D2 <- array(dim=dim(D))
    fmts <- c(paste0("%.", digits, "f"), "%.1i")
    for(i in 1:ncol(D)){
            D2[,i] <- sprintf(ifelse(is.integer(D[[i]]) |
                all(round(D[[i]], 5) == as.integer(D[[i]])),
                fmts[2], fmts[1]), D[[i]])
        if(is.factor(D[[i]]) | is.character(D[[i]])){
            D2[,i] <- as.character(D[[i]])
    colnames(D2) <- cnd
    rownames(D2) <- 1:nrow(D2)

#' Confidence Intervals for Predicted Probabilities and Their Differences
#' Calculates predicted probabilities for any combination of x-variable values
#' holding all other variables constant at either typical values (average case
#' approach) or at observed values (average effect approach).
#' Calculates predicted probabilities for any combination of x-variable values
#' holding all other variables constant at either typical values (average case
#' approach) or at observed values (average effect approach).  The function
#' uses a parametric bootstrap to provide generate confidence bounds for
#' predicted probabilities and their differences.  The confidence intervals
#' produced are raw percentile interviews (at the 5\% level).
#' @param obj A model of class \code{glm}, particularly those with
#' \code{binomial} family.
#' @param data Data frame used to estimate \code{obj}.
#' @param .b A vector of coefficients to be passed down to the simulation.  If
#' \code{NULL}, \code{coef()} will be used to obtain coefficients from
#' \code{obj}.
#' @param .vcov A parameter variance covariance matrix to be passed to the
#' simulation.  If \code{NULL}, \code{vcov()} will be used to obtain the
#' variance-covariance matrix of the parameters.
#' @param changeX A vector of strings giving the names of variables for which
#' changes are desired.
#' @param numQuantVals For quantitative variables, if no x-values are specified
#' in \code{xvals}, then \code{numQuantVals} gives the number of values used
#' across the range of the variable.
#' @param xvals A named list of values used to make the predictions.  The names
#' in the list should correspond with the variable names specified in
#' \code{changeX}.
#' @param type Type of effect to be generated.  \code{aveEff} produces the
#' average first difference across all observed values of \code{X}, while
#' \code{aveCase} gives the first difference holding all other variables
#' constant at typical values.
#' @param returnProbs Whether or not the vecot/matrix of predicted probabilities
#' should be returned as well. 
#' @param calcPW Should the pairwise differences be calculated?
#' @return An data frame with the following variables: \item{variables}{The
#' variables and the values at which they are held constant.  For example,
#' \code{tmp1} would be the first value of \code{tmp} used in the probability
#' calculation and \code{tmp2} would be the second value of \code{tmp} used in
#' the probability calculation. } \item{pred_prob}{The difference in predicted
#' probability given the following change in \code{X}:
#' \code{tmp2}-\code{tmp1}.} \item{lower, upper}{The lower and upper 95\%
#' confidence bounds.}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(france)
#' left.mod <- glm(voteleft ~ male + age + retnat + 
#' 	poly(lrself, 2, raw=TRUE), data=france, family=binomial)
#' out <- probci(left.mod, france, changeX="retnat")
#' out
#' out2 <- probci(left.mod, france, changeX="lrself",
#'     xvals = list(lrself = c(1,10)))
#' out2
#' out3 <- probci(left.mod, france, changeX=c("lrself", "retnat"), 
#'     xvals = list(lrself = c(1,10)))
#' out3
probci <- function(obj, 
                   .b = NULL, 
                   xvals = NULL, 
                   type=c("aveEff", "aveCase"), 
                   calcPW = FALSE){
    type <- match.arg(type)
    vn <- changeX
    if(length(vn) == 0){stop("Need at least one variable to change")}
    vals <- vector(length=length(vn), mode="list")
    names(vals) <- vn
    for(i in 1:length(vn)){
            vals[[i]] <- factor(1:length(levels(data[[vn[i]]])), labels=levels(data[[vn[i]]]))
          vals[[i]] <- xvals[[vn[i]]]
        if(!is.factor(data[[vn[i]]]) & length(unique(na.omit(data[[vn[i]]]))) <= numQuantVals){
            vals[[i]] <- sort(unique(na.omit(data[[vn[i]]])))
        if(!is.factor(data[[vn[i]]]) & length(unique(na.omit(data[[vn[i]]]))) > numQuantVals){
                vals[[i]] <- seq(min(data[[vn[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), max(data[[vn[i]]], na.rm=TRUE), length = numQuantVals)
    egvals <- do.call(expand.grid, vals)
        b <- coef(obj)
        b <- .b
        v <- vcov(obj)
        v <- .vcov
    bmat <- t(mvrnorm(2500, b, v, empirical=TRUE))
    if(type == "aveCase"){
        av <- all.vars(obj$formula)
        others <- av[-which(av %in% vn)]
        othervals <- lapply(1:length(others), function(i)central(data[[others[i]]]))
        names(othervals) <- others
        otherdat <- do.call(data.frame, c(othervals, stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
        alldat <- do.call(expand.grid, c(vals, otherdat))
        X <- model.matrix(formula(obj), data=alldat)
        probs <- t(family(obj)$linkinv(X %*% bmat))
        probci <- t(apply(probs, 2, quantile, c(.5,.025,.975)))[,,drop=FALSE]
          dc <- combn(nrow(X), 2)
          D <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(X), ncol=ncol(dc))
          D[cbind(dc[1,], 1:ncol(dc))] <- -1
          D[cbind(dc[2,], 1:ncol(dc))] <- 1
          diffprobs <- probs %*% D
          ev <- sapply(1:ncol(egvals), function(i)paste(colnames(egvals)[i], "=", egvals[,i], sep=""))[,,drop=FALSE]
          probn <- apply(ev, 1, paste, collapse=", ")
          rownames(probci) <- probn
          ev2 <- egvals[dc[2,], , drop=FALSE]
          ev2 <- as.matrix(sapply(1:ncol(ev2), function(i)paste(colnames(ev2)[i], "=", ev2[,i], sep="")))
          n1 <- apply(ev2, 1, paste, collapse=", ")
          ev1 <- egvals[dc[1,], , drop=FALSE]
          ev1 <- as.matrix(sapply(1:ncol(ev1), function(i)paste(colnames(ev1)[i], "=", ev1[,i], sep="")))
          n2 <- apply(ev1, 1, paste, collapse=", ")
          n <- paste("(", n1,  ") - (", n2, ")", sep="")
          diffci <- t(apply(diffprobs, 2, quantile, c(.5,.025,.975)))[,,drop=FALSE]
          rownames(diffci) <- n
          colnames(diffci) <- colnames(probci) <- c("pred_prob", "lower", "upper")
          tmp1 <- egvals[dc[1,], ]
          tmp2 <- egvals[dc[2,], ]
          names(tmp1) <- paste(names(tmp1), "1", sep="")
          names(tmp2) <- paste(names(tmp2), "2", sep="")
          diffci <- cbind(tmp1, tmp2, as.data.frame(diffci))[,,drop=FALSE]
        probci <- as.data.frame(probci)
    if(type == "aveEff"){
        probs <- vector(mode="list", length=nrow(egvals))
        for(i in 1:nrow(egvals)){
            tmp <- data
            for(j in 1:ncol(egvals)){
                tmp[, names(egvals)[j]] <- egvals[i,j]
            X <- model.matrix(formula(obj), data=tmp)
            probs[[i]] <- family(obj)$linkinv(X %*% bmat)
        probci <- t(apply(sapply(probs, colMeans), 2, quantile, c(.5,.025, .975)))[,,drop=FALSE]
        ev <- sapply(1:ncol(egvals), function(i)paste(colnames(egvals)[i], "=", egvals[,i], sep=""))[,,drop=FALSE]
        probn <- apply(ev, 1, paste, collapse=", ")
        rownames(probci) <- probn
          dc <- combn(nrow(egvals), 2)
          diffprobs <- matrix(NA, nrow=2500, ncol=ncol(dc))
          for(i in 1:ncol(dc)){
              diffprobs[,i] <- colMeans(probs[[dc[2,i]]] - probs[[dc[1,i]]])
          ev2 <- egvals[dc[2,], , drop=FALSE]
          ev2 <- as.matrix(sapply(1:ncol(ev2), function(i)paste(colnames(ev2)[i], "=", ev2[,i], sep="")))
          n1 <- apply(ev2, 1, paste, collapse=", ")
          ev1 <- egvals[dc[1,], , drop=FALSE]
          ev1 <- as.matrix(sapply(1:ncol(ev1), function(i)paste(colnames(ev1)[i], "=", ev1[,i], sep="")))
          n2 <- apply(ev1, 1, paste, collapse=", ")
          n <- paste("(", n1,  ") - (", n2, ")", sep="")
          diffci <- t(apply(diffprobs, 2, quantile, c(.5,.025,.975)))[,,drop=FALSE]
          rownames(diffci) <- n
          colnames(diffci) <- colnames(probci) <- c("pred_prob", "lower", "upper")
          tmp1 <- egvals[dc[1,], ]
          tmp2 <- egvals[dc[2,], ]
          names(tmp1) <- paste(names(tmp1), "1", sep="")
          names(tmp2) <- paste(names(tmp2), "2", sep="")
          diffci <- cbind(tmp1, tmp2, as.data.frame(diffci))[,,drop=FALSE]
        probci <- as.data.frame(probci)
    res <- list("Predicted Probabilities"=probci, 
                plot.data = cbind(egvals, probci))
      g <- grep("^tmp[1-2]", names(diffci))
      if(length(g) == 2 & length(changeX) == 1){
        names(diffci) <- gsub("tmp", changeX, names(diffci))
      rownames(diffci) <- NULL
      res[["Difference in Predicted Probabilities"]] <- diffci 
      res$probs <- probs
    class(res) <- "diffci"

##' @method plot diffci
plot.diffci <- function(x, ..., xvar = NULL, condvars = NULL){
    D <- x$plot.data
    rg <- range(D[,c("lower", "upper")])
    yl <- rg +abs(diff(rg))*.1 %o% c(-1,1)
    Dnp <- names(D)[which(!(names(D) %in% c("pred_prob", "lower", "upper")))]
        if(length(Dnp) == 1){
            xvar <- Dnp
        if(length(Dnp) > 1){
            lens <- apply(D[,Dnp, drop=F], 2, function(x)length(unique(x)))
            xvar <- Dnp[which.max(lens)]
        if(length(Dnp) > 1){
            condvars <- Dnp[-which(Dnp == xvar)]
        for(i in 1:length(condvars)){
            levels(D[[condvars[i]]]) <- paste(condvars[i], levels(D[[condvars[i]]]), sep=": ")
        ncondvars <- length(condvars)
        condvars <- paste(condvars, collapse="+")
    l.arrow <- 1/(2*length(unique(D[[xvar]])))
    form <- as.formula(paste("pred_prob ~ ", xvar,  ifelse(is.null(condvars), "", paste("|", condvars))))
    plotargs <- list(x = form, data=D, lower=D$lower, upper=D$upper,
        par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col="gray80")))
    pa2 <- list(...)
    if("length" %in% names(pa2)){
        l.arrow <- pa2[["length"]]
        pa2[[which(names(pa2) == "length")]] <- NULL
    plotargs <- c(plotargs, pa2)
    if(!("zl" %in% names(plotargs))){
        plotargs$zl <- TRUE
    if(!("ylim" %in% names(plotargs))){
        plotargs$ylim <- c(yl)
    if(!("panel" %in% names(plotargs))){
        plotargs$panel <- function (x, y, subscripts, lower, upper, length=l.arrow){
        panel.points(x, y, pch = 16, col = "black")
        panel.arrows(x, lower[subscripts], x, upper[subscripts],
            code = 3, angle = 90, length = length)

    p <- do.call(xyplot, plotargs)
        if(ncondvars >= 2){

#' Simulated F-test for Linear Interactions
#' Simluates the sampling distribution of the F statistic when comparing a
#' linear intreraction model to a generalized additive model with a smooth over
#' the two variables in the interaction.
#' In simple simulations, an F-test of a linear interaction relative to a
#' smooth interaction with a GAM using a nominal .05 type I error rate, has an
#' actual type I error rate of more than double the nominal rate (this tended
#' to be in the low teens).  This function tries to build the F-distribution
#' using simulation.  First, it uses the coefficients from the linear
#' interaction model, multiplies them by the coefficients from the linear
#' interaction model and for each iteration of the simulation, it creates the
#' simulated dependent variable by adding a random error to the linear
#' predictor with the same standard deviation as the residual standard
#' deviation from the linear interaction model.  All of that is to say that
#' this model has all of the same features as the linear interaction model,
#' except that we are certain that this is the right model.  The algorithm then
#' estimates both the linear interaction model and the GAM with a smooth
#' interaction on the original X variables and the new simulated y variable.
#' The F-test is performed and the F-statistic saved for each iteraction.  The
#' algorithm then calculates the probability of being to the right of the
#' observed F-statistic in the simulated F-distribution.
#' @param m1 An object of class \code{gam} estimated with the \code{mgcv}
#' package.  This model should be linear in the interaction of the two
#' x-variables of interest.
#' @param m2 An object of class \code{gam} esimtated with the \code{mgcv}
#' package.  This model should contain a smooth interaction.  For two
#' continuous variables, this should be done with \code{te()} unless the
#' variables are measured in the same units (e.g., spatial coordinates) in
#' which case the usual thin-plate regression spline will work.  For
#' categorical moderators, you should use the \code{s(x, by=D0)} and \code{s(x,
#' by=D)} (for a dummy variable moderator, \code{D}, where \code{D0=1} when
#' \code{D=0}.  Remember to include \code{D} as a parametric term in the model
#' as well to account for the intercept difference between the two smooth
#' terms.)
#' @param data Data frame used to estimate both models
#' @param R Number of simulated F values to create.
#' @param ranCoef Logcial indicating whether the coefficients should be treated
#' as fixed or whether they should be drawn from their implied sampling
#' distribution for each iteration of the simulation.
#' @return \item{obsF}{The observed F-statistic from the test on the original
#' models.} \item{Fdist}{The \code{R} different F-statistics calculated at each
#' iteration of the simulation.}
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
testGAMint <- function(m1, m2, data, R=1000, ranCoef=FALSE){
    v1 <- all.vars(formula(m1))
    v2 <- all.vars(formula(m2))
    av <- union(v1, v2)
    tmp <- data[,av]
    tmp <- na.omit(tmp)
    b1 <- coef(m1)
    X <- model.matrix(m1)
    obsF <- anova(m1, m2, test="F")[2,5]
    Fstat <- rep(NA, R)
    i <- 1
    while(i <= R){
            b1 <- mvrnorm(1, coef(m1), vcov(m1))
        if(all("lm" %in% class(m1))){
            sig <- summary(m1)$sigma
        if("gam" %in% class(m1)){
            sig <- sqrt(summary(m1)$scale)
        e <- rnorm(nrow(X), 0, sig)
        tmp$ynew <- X %*% b1 + e
        m2a <- update(m2, ynew ~ ., data=tmp)
        m1a <- update(m1, ynew ~ ., data=tmp)
        tmpF <- anova(m1a, m2a, test="F")[2,5]
            Fstat[i] <- tmpF
            i <- i+1
    return(list(obsF = obsF, Fdist = Fstat))

#' Conditional Effects Plots for Interactions in Linear Models
#' Generates two conditional effects plots for two interacted continuous
#' covariates in linear models.
#' This function does the same thing as \code{\link{DAintfun2}}, but presents
#' effects only at the mean of the conditioning variable and the mean +/- 1
#' standard deviation.
#' @param obj A model object of class \code{lm}
#' @param varnames A two-element character vector where each element is the
#' name of a variable involved in a two-way interaction.
#' @param varcov A variance-covariance matrix with which to calculate the
#' conditional standard errors.  If \code{NULL}, it is calculated with
#' \code{vcov(obj)}.
#' @param name.stem A character string giving filename to which the appropriate
#' extension will be appended
#' @param xlab Optional vector of length two giving the x-labels for the two
#' plots that are generated.  The first element of the vector corresponds to
#' the figure plotting the conditional effect of the first variable in
#' \code{varnames} given the second and the second element of the vector
#' corresponds to the figure plotting the conditional effect of the second
#' variable in \code{varnames} conditional on the first.
#' @param ylab Optional vector of length two giving the y-labels for the two
#' plots that are generated.  The first element of the vector corresponds to
#' the figure plotting the conditional effect of the first variable in
#' \code{varnames} given the second and the second element of the vector
#' corresponds to the figure plotting the conditional effect of the second
#' variable in \code{varnames} conditional on the first.
#' @param plot.type One of \sQuote{pdf}, \sQuote{png}, \sQuote{eps} or
#' \sQuote{screen}, where the one of the first three will produce two graphs
#' starting with \code{name.stem} written to the appropriate file type and the
#' third will produce graphical output on the screen.
#' @return \item{graphs}{Either a single graph is printed on the screen (using
#' \code{par(mfrow=c(1,2))}) or two figures starting with \code{name.stem} are
#' produced where each gives the conditional effect of one variable based on
#' the values of another.}
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @references Brambor, T., W.R. Clark and M. Golder.  (2006) Understanding
#' Interaction Models: Improving Empirical Analyses.  Political Analysis 14,
#' 63-82.\cr Berry, W., M. Golder and D. Milton.  (2012) Improving Tests of
#' Theories Positing Interactions.  Journal of Politics.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(InteractionEx)
#' mod <- lm(y ~ x1*x2 + z, data=InteractionEx)
#' DAintfun3(mod, c("x1", "x2"))
DAintfun3 <-
function (obj, varnames, varcov=NULL, name.stem = "cond_eff",
	xlab = NULL, ylab=NULL, plot.type = "screen")
    rseq <- function(x) {
        rx <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        seq(rx[1], rx[2], length = 25)
    MM <- model.matrix(obj)
    v1 <- varnames[1]
    v2 <- varnames[2]
    v1 <- gsub(")", "\\)", gsub("(", "\\(", v1, fixed=TRUE), fixed=TRUE)
    v2 <- gsub(")", "\\)", gsub("(", "\\(", v2, fixed=TRUE), fixed=TRUE)
    ind1 <- grep(paste0("^",v1,"$"), names(obj$coef))
    ind2 <- grep(paste0("^",v2,"$"), names(obj$coef))
    indboth <- which(names(obj$coef) %in% c(paste0(v1,":",v2),paste0(v2,":",v1)))
    ind1 <- c(ind1, indboth)
    ind2 <- c(ind2, indboth)
    s1 <- c(mean(MM[,v1]) - sd(MM[,v1]), mean(MM[,v1]), mean(MM[,v1]) + sd(MM[,v1]))
    s2 <- c(mean(MM[,v2]) - sd(MM[,v2]), mean(MM[,v2]), mean(MM[,v2]) + sd(MM[,v2]))
    a1 <- a2 <- matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = ncol(MM))
    a1[, ind1[1]] <- 1
    a1[, ind1[2]] <- s2
    a2[, ind2[1]] <- 1
    a2[, ind2[2]] <- s1
    eff1 <- a1 %*% obj$coef
        varcov <- vcov(obj)
    se.eff1 <- sqrt(diag(a1 %*% varcov %*% t(a1)))
    low1 <- eff1 - qt(0.975, obj$df.residual) * se.eff1
    up1 <- eff1 + qt(0.975, obj$df.residual) * se.eff1
    eff2 <- a2 %*% obj$coef
    se.eff2 <- sqrt(diag(a2 %*% varcov %*% t(a2)))
    low2 <- eff2 - qt(0.975, obj$df.residual) * se.eff2
    up2 <- eff2 + qt(0.975, obj$df.residual) * se.eff2
    if (!plot.type %in% c("pdf", "png", "eps", "screen")) {
        print("plot type must be one of - pdf, png or eps")
    else {
        if (plot.type == "pdf") {
            pdf(paste(name.stem, "_", v1, ".pdf", sep = ""),
                height = 6, width = 6)
        if (plot.type == "png") {
            png(paste(name.stem, "_", v1, ".png", sep = ""))
        if (plot.type == "eps") {
            old.psopts <- ps.options()
            postscript(paste(name.stem, "_", v1, ".eps", sep = ""))
        if (plot.type == "screen") {
            oldpar <- par()
            par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
        plot(s2, eff1, type = "n", ylim = range(c(low1, up1)), axes=FALSE,
            xlab = ifelse(is.null(xlab), toupper(v2), xlab[1]), ylab = ifelse(is.null(ylab), paste("Conditional Effect of ",
                toupper(v1), " | ", toupper(v2), sep = ""), ylab[1]))
            axis(1, at=s2, labels=c("Mean-SD", "Mean", "Mean+SD"))

        if (par()$usr[3] < 0 & par()$usr[4] > 0) {
            abline(h = 0, col = "gray50")
        points(s2, eff1, pch=16)
        segments(s2, low1, s2, up1)
        if (plot.type != "screen") {
        if (plot.type == "pdf") {
            pdf(paste(name.stem, "_", v2, ".pdf", sep = ""),
                height = 6, width = 6)
        if (plot.type == "png") {
            png(paste(name.stem, "_", v2, ".png", sep = ""))
        if (plot.type == "eps") {
            postscript(paste(name.stem, "_", v2, ".eps", sep = ""))
        plot(s1, eff2, type = "n", ylim = range(c(low2, up2)),
            xlab = ifelse(is.null(xlab), toupper(v1), xlab[2]),
			ylab = ifelse(is.null(ylab), paste("Conditional Effect of ",
                toupper(v2), " | ", toupper(v1), sep = ""), ylab[2]))
            axis(1, at=s1, labels=c("Mean-SD", "Mean", "Mean+SD"))
        if (par()$usr[3] < 0 & par()$usr[4] > 0) {
            abline(h = 0, col = "gray50")
        points(s1, eff2, pch=16)
        segments(s1, low2, s1, up2)
        if (plot.type != "screen") {
        if (plot.type == "eps") {
            ps.options <- old.psopts
        if (plot.type == "screen") {
            par <- oldpar

##' Print method for glmChange objects
##' @description Print method for object of class \code{glmc2}. 
##' @param x Object of class \code{glmc2}
##' @param ... Currently unimplemented. 
##' @export
##' @method print glmc2
print.glmc2 <- function(x, ...){

##' Print method for intQualQuant objects. 
##' @description Print method for objects of class \code{iqq} calculated
##' with the \code{intQualQuant} function.
##' @param x Object of class \code{iqq}
##' @param ... Currently unimplmeneted
##' @export 
##' @method print iqq
print.iqq <- function(x, ...){
    cat("Conditional Effect of ", x$mainvar, " given ", x$givenvar, "\n")
    printCoefmat(x$out, digits=4)

central <- function(x, ...){

##' @method central factor
central.factor  <- function(x, ...){
    tab <- table(droplevels(x))
    res <- x[1]
    res[1] <- names(tab)[which.max(tab)]

##' @method central numeric
central.numeric <- function(x, type=c("median", "mean"), ...){
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if(type == "median"){
        res <- median(x, na.rm=TRUE, ...)
        res <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE, ...)

#' Calculate Cross-Derivative and its Variability
#' Calculates the cross-derivative required to evaluate interactions in
#' logistic/probit regression models.
#' The function calculates the second difference as (Pr(Y=1|x1=max, x2=max) -
#' Pr(Y=1|x1=min, x2=max)) - (Pr(Y=1|x1=max, x2=min) - Pr(Y=1|x1=min, x2=min)).
#' The function uses a parametric bootstrap to calculate the sampling
#' distribution of the second difference.
#' @aliases secondDiff 
#' @param obj An object of class \code{glm} that will be used to find the
#' cross-derivative.
#' @param vars A vector of two variables to be used in calculating the
#' derivative.
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param method Indicate whether you want to use average marginal effects
#' (AME) or marginal effects at representative values (MER).
#' @param vals A named list of length 2 where each element gives the minimum
#' and maximum values used in the calculation.
#' @param typical A named vector of values at which to hold variables constant.
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' \item{ave}{The average second difference in each iteration of the
#' bootstrap.} \item{ind}{If \code{type == 'AME'}, \code{ind} is returned with
#' the second difference and measures of uncertainty for each individual
#' observation in the original dataset} \item{probs}{If \code{type == 'MER'},
#' \code{probs} is returned with the full matrix of simulated predicted
#' probabilities for the four conditions.}
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
secondDiff <- function(obj, vars, data, method=c("AME", "MER"), vals = NULL, typical = NULL){
    disc <- sapply(vars, function(x)is.factor(data[[x]]))
    meth <- match.arg(method)
    mf <- model.frame(obj)
    b <- coef(obj)
          min1 <- min(data[[vars[1]]], na.rm=TRUE)
          max1 <- max(data[[vars[1]]], na.rm=TRUE)
          cn1 <- paste(vars[1], levels(droplevels(mf[, vars[1]])), sep="")
          b1 <- b[cn1]
          b1 <- ifelse(is.na(b1), 0, b1)
          names(b1) <- levels(droplevels(mf[, vars[1]]))
          min1 <- max1 <- mf[1,vars[1]]
          min1[1] <- names(b1)[which.min(b1)]
          max1[1] <- names(b1)[which.max(b1)]
          min2 <- min(data[[vars[2]]], na.rm=TRUE)
          max2 <- max(data[[vars[2]]], na.rm=TRUE)
          cn2 <- paste(vars[2], levels(droplevels(mf[, vars[2]])), sep="")
          b2 <- b[cn2]
          b2 <- ifelse(is.na(b2), 0, b2)
          names(b2) <- levels(droplevels(mf[, vars[2]]))
          min2 <- max2 <- mf[1,vars[2]]
          min2[1] <- names(b2)[which.min(b2)]
          max2[1] <- names(b2)[which.max(b2)]
        l1 <- levels(mf[, vars[1]])
        w1 <- which(l1 == vals[[vars[1]]][1])
        w2 <- which(l1 == vals[[vars[1]]][2])
        if(length(w1) == 0){
                      " not a level of ", 
        if(length(w2) == 0){
                      " not a level of ", 
        v1 <- factor(w1, levels=1:length(l1), labels=l1)
        v2 <- factor(w2, levels=1:length(l1), labels=l1)
        min1 <- v1
        max1 <- v2
        min1 <- vals[[vars[1]]][1]
        max1 <- vals[[vars[1]]][2]
        l1 <- levels(mf[, vars[2]])
        w1 <- which(l1 == vals[[vars[2]]][1])
        w2 <- which(l1 == vals[[vars[2]]][2])
        if(length(w1) == 0){
                      " not a level of ", 
        if(length(w2) == 0){
                      " not a level of ", 
        v1 <- factor(w1, levels=1:length(l1), labels=l1)
        v2 <- factor(w2, levels=1:length(l1), labels=l1)
        min2 <- v1
        max2 <- v2
        min2 <- vals[[vars[2]]][1]
        max2 <- vals[[vars[2]]][2]
     valid.inds <- which(!is.na(coef(obj))) 
      valid.inds <- 1:length(coef(obj))
    b <- mvrnorm(1500, coef(obj)[valid.inds], vcov(obj)[valid.inds, valid.inds])

    if(meth == "AME"){
        dat1 <- dat2 <- dat3 <- dat4 <- data
        dat1[[vars[1]]] <- max1
        dat2[[vars[1]]] <- min1
        dat3[[vars[1]]] <- max1
        dat4[[vars[1]]] <- min1
        dat1[[vars[2]]] <- max2
        dat2[[vars[2]]] <- max2
        dat3[[vars[2]]] <- min2
        dat4[[vars[2]]] <- min2
    modmats <- list()
    modmats[[1]] <- model.matrix(formula(obj), dat1)[,valid.inds]
    modmats[[2]] <- model.matrix(formula(obj), dat2)[,valid.inds]
    modmats[[3]] <- model.matrix(formula(obj), dat3)[,valid.inds]
    modmats[[4]] <- model.matrix(formula(obj), dat4)[,valid.inds]
    probs <- lapply(modmats, function(x)family(obj)$linkinv(x%*%t(b)))
    D <- c(1,-1,-1,1)
    secdiff <- sapply(1:1500, function(x)(cbind(probs[[1]][,x], probs[[2]][,x], probs[[3]][,x], probs[[4]][,x]) %*%D))
    avesecdiff <- colMeans(secdiff)
    indsecdiff <- rowMeans(secdiff)
    indp <- apply(secdiff, 1, function(x)mean(x > 0))
    indp <- ifelse(indp > .5, 1-indp, indp)
    indci <- t(apply(secdiff, 1, quantile, c(.025,.975)))
    ret <- list(ave = avesecdiff, ind=data.frame(secddiff = indsecdiff, pval = indp, lower=indci[,1], upper=indci[,2], stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
    v <- all.vars(formula(obj))[-1]
    rn <- v
    tmp.df <- do.call(data.frame, c(lapply(v, function(x)central(data[[x]])), stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
    names(tmp.df) <- v
        for(i in 1:length(typical)){
            tmp.df[[names(typical)[[i]]]] <- typical[[i]]
    tmp.df <- tmp.df[c(1,1,1,1), ]
    tmp.df[[vars[1]]][1] <- max1
    tmp.df[[vars[1]]][2] <- min1
    tmp.df[[vars[1]]][3] <- max1
    tmp.df[[vars[1]]][4] <- min1
    tmp.df[[vars[2]]][1] <- max2
    tmp.df[[vars[2]]][2] <- max2
    tmp.df[[vars[2]]][3] <- min2
    tmp.df[[vars[2]]][4] <- min2
    f <- formula(obj)
    f[[2]] <- NULL
    modmat <- model.matrix(f, data=tmp.df)[, valid.inds]
    preds <- t(family(obj)$linkinv(modmat%*%t(b)))
    D <- c(1,-1,-1,1)
    secdiff <- (preds %*% D)
    ret <- list(ave = secdiff, probs=preds)
    class(ret) <- "secdiff"

##' Summary for Second Difference Objects
##' @description Summary method for objects of class \code{secdiff}. 
##' @param object An object of class \code{secdiff}
##' @param level Confidence level for the confidence intervals
##' @param digits Number of digits to print
##' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{summary}. 
##' @method summary secdiff
##' @export
summary.secdiff <- function(object, ..., level=0.95, digits=3){
  ll <- (1-level)/2
  ul <- 1-ll
  type <- ifelse("ind" %in% names(object), "Average Marginal Effect", "Marginal Effect at Typical Values")
  cat("Second Difference Using the", type, "Approach\n\n")
  s <- c(mean(object$ave), quantile(object$ave, c(ll, ul)))
  s <- sprintf(paste0("%.", digits, "f"), s)
  if(type == "Average Marginal Effect"){
    cat("Overall: \n")
  cat("Average Second Difference: ", s[1], ", ", level*100, "% CI: (", s[2], ",", s[3], ")\n\n", sep="")
  if(type == "Average Marginal Effect"){
  sigpos <- sum(object$ind$lower > 0)
  signeg <- sum(object$ind$upper < 0)
  insig <- sum(object$ind$lower <=0 & object$ind$upper >=0)
  cat("Significant Negative Individual Second Differences:", signeg, "\n")
  cat("Significant Positive Individual Second Differences:", sigpos, "\n")
  cat("Inignificant Individual Second Differences:", insig, "\n")

##' Plotting Method for Second Difference Objects
##' @description Plots the results of the \code{secondDiff} function.
##' @param x An object of class \code{secdiff} 
##' @param level The confidence level of the confidence interval(s)
##' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down, currently not implemented. 
##' @method plot secdiff
##' @export
plot.secdiff <- function(x, level=.95, ...){
  ll <- (1-level)/2
  ul <- 1-ll
  type <- ifelse("ind" %in% names(x), "Average Marginal Effect", "Marginal Effect at Typical Values")
  s <- c(mean(x$ave), quantile(x$ave, c(ll, ul)))
  ave.df <- data.frame(difference = s[1], lower=s[2], upper=s[3], stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
  if(!("ind" %in% names(x))){
    ave.df$x <- factor(1, levels=1, labels="Average")
    g <- ggplot(ave.df) + 
      geom_point(aes_string(y="difference", x="x")) + 
      geom_segment(aes_string(x="x", xend="x", y="lower", yend="upper")) + 
      theme_bw() + 
      labs(x="", y="Second Difference") + 
      ggtitle(paste0("Plot of Second Differences\n", type, " Approach"))
    if("ind" %in% names(x)){
    ind.df <- x$ind
    ind.df <- ind.df[order(ind.df$secddiff), ] 
    ind.df$obs <- 1:nrow(ind.df)
    d <- abs(ave.df$difference - ind.df$secddiff)
    w <- which.min(d)
    ave.df <- data.frame(secddiff = s[1], lower=s[2], upper=s[3], obs=w, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    g <- ggplot(ind.df) + 
      geom_point(aes_string(y="secddiff", x="obs"), size=.5) + 
      geom_segment(aes_string(x="obs", xend="obs", y="lower", yend="upper"), 
                   size=.25, col="gray75", alpha=.5) + 
      geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), lty=2, size=.75) + 
      geom_point(data=ave.df, aes_string(y="secddiff", x="obs"), size=.75, col="red") +
      geom_segment(data=ave.df, aes_string(x="obs", xend="obs", y="lower", yend="upper"), 
                   size=1, col="red", alpha=.5) +
      theme_bw() + 
      labs(x="", y="Second Difference") + 
      ggtitle(paste0("Plot of Individual Second Differences\n", type, " Approach"))

#' Plot Effects of Removing Outliers
#' Plots the effect of a variable sequentially removing outlying observations.
#' @param obj An object of class \code{glm} that will be used to plot the
#' outlier removed lines.
#' @param var A character string giving the name of the variable to be used.
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param stat Which statistic to use to evaluate \sQuote{outlyingness}.
#' @param nOut Number of outliers to be removed.
#' @param whichOut If not \code{NULL}, a vector of observation numbers to be
#' removed manually, rather than using \code{stat}.
#' @param cumulative Logical indicating whether the outliers should be removed
#' cumulatively, or each one in turn, replacing the other outlying
#' observations.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
outEff <- function(obj, var, data, stat =c("cooksD", "hat", "deviance", "pearson"), nOut = 10, whichOut=NULL, cumulative=FALSE){
    stat <- match.arg(stat)
        vec <- switch(stat,
            cooksD = cooks.distance(obj),
            hat = hatvalues(obj),
            deviance = residuals(obj, type="deviance"),
            pearson = residuals(obj, type="pearson"))
        tmp <- abs(vec)
        rnk <- rank(-tmp)
        w <- which(rnk %in% 1:nOut)
        w <- whichOut
        nOut <- length(w)
    mf <- model.frame(obj)
    eff.list <- fits <- list()
    eff.list[[1]] <- effect(var, obj, xlevels=25)
    sigs <- rep(0, nOut)
    k <- 2
    for(i in 1:nOut){
            outs <- w[1:i]
            outs <- w[i]
        tmp <- data[-outs, ]
        tmpObj <- update(obj, data=tmp)
        s <- Anova(tmpObj)
        pval <- s[which(rownames(s) == var), 3]
        sigs[i] <- ifelse(pval < 0.05, 1, 0)
        eff.list[[k]] <- effect(var, tmpObj, xlevels=25)
        fits[[k]] <- eff.list[[k]]$transformation$inverse(eff.list[[k]]$fit)
        k <- k+1
    fits <- do.call(cbind, fits)
    yrg <- c(min(c(fits)), max(c(fits)))
    if(is.numeric(mf[[var]]) & length(unique(mf[[var]])) > 2){
        plot(eff.list[[1]]$x[[var]], fits[,1], type="n", ylim=yrg,
            xlab = var, ylab = "Fitted Values")
        cols <- c("gray65", "red")
        for(i in 2:ncol(fits)){
            lines(eff.list[[1]]$x[[var]], fits[,i], col=cols[(sigs[i]+1)])
        lines(eff.list[[1]]$x[[var]], fits[,1], col="black", lwd=1.5)
        ins <- strwidth(eff.list[[1]]$x[[var]], units="inches")
        ins <- max(ins)
        pmai <- par()$mai
        pmai[1] <- .25+ins
        par(mai = pmai)
        plot(1:length(eff.list[[1]]$x[[var]]), fits[,1], type="n", ylim=yrg,
            xlab = "", ylab = "Fitted Values", axes=FALSE)
        axis(1, at=1:length(eff.list[[1]]$x[[var]]), labels=eff.list[[1]]$x[[var]], las=2)
                cols <- c("gray65", "red")
                for(i in 2:ncol(fits)){
                    points(jitter(1:length(eff.list[[1]]$x[[var]]), 1), fits[,i], col=cols[(sigs[i]+1)])
                points(1:length(eff.list[[1]]$x[[var]]), fits[,1], col="black", pch=16)

#' Plot First Differences from Ordinal DV Model
#' Takes the output from \code{\link{ordChange}} and turns it into a plot.
#' @param ordc The output from \code{ordChange}.
#' @param plot Logical indicating whether a plot (if \code{TRUE}) or data (if
#' \code{FALSE}) should be returned.
#' @return Either a \code{lattice} plot or a \code{data.frame} depending on the
#' specification of the \code{plot} argument.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(MASS)
#' data(france)
#' polr.mod <- polr(vote ~ age + male + retnat + lrself, data=france)
#' typical.france <- data.frame(
#' 	age = 35, 
#' 	retnat = factor(1, levels=1:3, labels=levels(france$retnat)), 
#' 	stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
#' oc.res <- ordChange(polr.mod, data=france, typical.dat=typical.france, sim=TRUE)	
#' oc2plot(oc.res)
oc2plot <- function(ordc, plot=TRUE){
    tmpdat <- data.frame(
        var = rep(rownames(ordc$diffs$mean), ncol(ordc$diffs$mean)),
        lev = rep(colnames(ordc$diffs$mean), each = nrow(ordc$diffs$mean)),
        mean = c(ordc$diffs$mean),
        upper = c(ordc$diffs$upper), 
    p1 <- xyplot(mean ~ lev | var, data=tmpdat,
        xlab = "", ylab = "Predicted Change in Pr(y=m)",
        lower = tmpdat$lower, upper=tmpdat$upper,
        panel = function(x,y,subscripts, lower, upper,...){
            panel.abline(h=0, lty=2)
            panel.arrows(x, lower[subscripts], x, upper[subscripts], angle=90, length=.05, code=3)
            panel.points(x,y,pch=16, cex=.75, col="black")
        }, prepanel=prepanel.ci)

#' Plog Probabilities by Group
#' Plots predicted probabilities by value of the dependent variable for
#' proportional odds logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression
#' models
#' Plots the predicted probabilities by value of the dependent variable.  Each
#' panel only includes the observations that had the identified value of the
#' dependent variable.
#' @aliases probgroup probgroup.polr probgroup.multinom
#' @param obj Object of class \code{polr} or \code{multinom} where appropraite.
#' @param ... Currently not implemented.
#' @return A plot.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
probgroup <- function(obj, ...){

##' @method probgroup polr
##' @export
probgroup.polr <- function(obj, ...){
    pr <- predict(obj, type="probs")
    y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
    pr2 <- pr[cbind(1:nrow(pr), as.numeric(y))]
    tmpdat <- data.frame(probs=c(pr2),
        y = factor(as.numeric(y), labels=obj$lev), 
    ly <- length(table(y))
    return(histogram(~probs | y, data=tmpdat, col="gray75", ylim = c(0, 100),
        layout=c(ly,1), xlab="Predicted Probabilities",

##' @method probgroup multinom
##' @export
probgroup.multinom <- function(obj, ...){
    pr <- predict(obj, type="probs")
    y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
    pr2 <- pr[cbind(1:nrow(pr), as.numeric(y))]

    tmpdat <- data.frame(probs=c(pr2),
        y = y, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    ly <- length(table(y))
    return(histogram(~probs | y, data=tmpdat, col="gray75", ylim = c(0, 100),
        layout=c(ly,1), xlab="Predicted Probabilities",

#' Scalar Measures of Fit for Poisson GLMs Models
#' Calculates scalar measures of fit for models with count dependent variables
#' along the lines described in Long (1997) and Long and Freese (2005).
#' \code{poisfit} calculates scalar measures of fit (many of which are
#' pseudo-R-squared measures) to describe how well a model fits data with a
#' count dependent variable.
#' @param obj A model of class \code{glm} with \code{family=poisson}.
#' @return A named vector of scalar measures of fit
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @references Long, J.S.  1997.  Regression Models for Categorical and Limited
#' Dependent Variables.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
#' Long, J.S. and J. Freese.  2005.  Regression Models for Categorical Outcomes
#' Using Stata, 2nd ed.  College Station, TX: Stata Press.
poisfit <- function(obj){
	y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
	if(family(obj)$family == "poisson"){
	  nullMod <- glm(y ~ 1, family=poisson)
	}else if(inherits(obj, "negbin")){
	  nullMod <- glm.nb(y ~ 1)
	} else{
	  stop("Model must be either poisson or negative binomial")
	llNull <- logLik(nullMod)
	r2_mcf <- 1-(logLik(obj)/llNull)
	r2_mcfa <- 1-((logLik(obj) - obj$rank)/llNull)
	g2 <- -2*(llNull - logLik(obj))
	r2_ml <- 1-exp(-g2/length(y))
    r2cu <- (r2_ml)/(1-exp(2*llNull/length(y)))
	res <- matrix(nrow=6, ncol=2)
	colnames(res) <- c("Estimate", "p-value")
	rownames(res) <- c("GOF (Pearson)", "GOF (Deviance)", "ML R2", "McFadden R2", "McFadden R2 (Adj)", "Cragg-Uhler(Nagelkerke) R2")
	gof <- poisGOF(obj)
	res[1:2,1] <- as.numeric(as.character(gof[,1]))
	res[1:2,2] <- as.numeric(as.character(gof[,2]))
	res[3,1] <- r2_ml
	res[4,1] <- r2_mcf
	res[5,1] <- r2_mcfa
	res[6,1] <- r2cu
	if(inherits(obj, "negbin")){res <- res[-(1:2), ]}
	pres <- matrix(apply(res, 2, function(x)sprintf("%.3f", x)), ncol=2)
	dimnames(pres) <- dimnames(res)
	print(pres, quote=FALSE)

#' Make Hypothetical Predictions for Survey Data
#' Calculates survival probabilities for hypothetical data.
#' @param l A named list where variable names are the names and values of the
#' variables are the values.  Combinations will be made with
#' \code{expand.grid}.
#' @param obj A model object estimated with \code{survreg}.
#' @param ... currently not implemented.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
makeHypSurv <- function(l,obj, ...){
    tmp <- do.call(expand.grid, l)
    p <- seq(.99,0,by=-.01)
    preds <- predict(obj, newdata=tmp,
    type="quantile", p=p)
    plot.data <- data.frame(
        p.fail = rep(p, each=nrow(preds)),
        time = c(preds), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
    plot.data <- cbind(plot.data, tmp[rep(1:3, nrow(plot.data)/3), ])
    rownames(plot.data) <- NULL

#' Lag a time-series cross-sectional variables
#' Lags (or leads) a variable in a time-series corss-sectional dataset.
#' @param dat A data frame.
#' @param x A string identifying variable to be lagged.
#' @param id A string identifying the name of the cross-sectional identifier.
#' @param time A string identifying the name of the time variable.
#' @param lagLength The length of the lag, use negative values for leading
#' variables.
#' @return A vector giving the lagged values of \code{x}.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
tscslag <- function(dat, x, id, time, lagLength=1){
	obs <- apply(dat[, c(id, time)], 1,
	    paste, collapse=".")
	tm1 <- dat[[time]] - lagLength
	lagobs <- apply(cbind(dat[[id]], tm1),
	    1, paste, collapse=".")
	lagx <- dat[match(lagobs, obs), x]

#' Test Transformations and Polynomials in Non-linear Models
#' Tests for model improvements for non-linear transformations and polynomials
#' with Clarke's (2007) distribution-free test for non-nested models.
#' Three hypotheses are tested with this function.  The first is whether the
#' original specification is preferred to the power transformation.  The second
#' is whether the original specification is preferred to the polynomial model.
#' The third is whether the power transformation is preferred to the polynomial
#' model.  All tests are done with the Clarke test.
#' @aliases testNL testNL.glm testNL.lm
#' @param obj Object of a supported class in which non-linear functional forms
#' will be tested.
#' @param var String giving name of variable to be tested.
#' @param transPower The power used in the transformation.  For transformations
#' in the range (-0.01, 0.01), the log transformation is used.
#' @param polyOrder The order of the polynomial to be used.
#' @param plot Logical indicating whether the effects should be plotted
#' @param ... Currently not implemented.
#' @return A plot or a data frame giving the results of the tests identified
#' above.
#' @author Dave Armstrong
#' @export
#' @references Kevin Clarke.  2007.  "A Simple Distribution-Free Test for
#' Nonnested Hypotheses."  \emph{Political Analysis} 15(3): 347--363.
testNL <- function(obj, var, transPower, polyOrder, plot=FALSE, ...){

##' Power Transformation Function
##' @description Power transformation function that treats everything with
##' absolute power transform < .01 as the log transform.  
##' @param x Vector of values to be transformed
##' @param transPower The power of the transformation
##' @return A vector of transformed values
##' @export
powerTrans <- function(x, transPower){
  if(abs(transPower) > .01){
    x <- I(x^transPower)
  }  else {
    x <- log(x)

##' @rdname testNL
##' @export
##' @method testNL glm
testNL.glm <- function(obj, var, transPower, polyOrder, plot=FALSE, ...){
  res <- data.frame(Model1 = c("Original", "Original", "Power Transform"),
                    Model2 = c("Power Transform", "Polynomial", "Polynomial"),
                    pval = NA,
                    preferred = NA, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

  form1 <- paste0("~ . -", var, " + powerTrans(", var, ", ", transPower, ")")
  form2 <- paste0("~ . -", var, " + poly(", var, ", ", polyOrder, ", raw=TRUE)")
  o1 <- update(obj, form1)
  t1 <- clarke_test(obj, o1)
  b <- min(t1$stat, t1$nobs - t1$stat)
  p <- 2 * pbinom(b, t1$nobs, 0.5)
  pref <- ifelse(t1$stat > t1$nobs - t1$stat, 1, 2)
  res$pval[1] <- p
  if(p < .05 & pref == 1){
    res$preferred[1] <- "Original"
  if(p < .05 & pref == 2){
    res$preferred[1] <- "Power Transform"
  if(p >= .05){
    res$preferred[1] <- "Neither"

  o2 <- update(obj, form2)
  t2 <- clarke_test(obj, o2)
  b <- min(t2$stat, t2$nobs - t2$stat)
  p <- 2 * pbinom(b, t2$nobs, 0.5)
  pref <- ifelse(t2$stat > t2$nobs - t2$stat, 1, 2)
  res$pval[2] <- p
  if(p < .05 & pref == 1){
    res$preferred[2] <- "Original"
  if(p < .05 & pref == 2){
    res$preferred[2] <- "Polynomial"
  if(p >= .05){
    res$preferred[2] <- "Neither"

  t3 <- clarke_test(o1, o2)
  b <- min(t3$stat, t3$nobs - t3$stat)
  p <- 2 * pbinom(b, t3$nobs, 0.5)
  pref <- ifelse(t3$stat > t3$nobs - t3$stat, 1, 2)
  res$pval[3] <- p
  if(p < .05 & pref == 1){
    res$preferred[3] <- "Power Transform"
  if(p < .05 & pref == 2){
    res$preferred[3] <- "Polynomial"
  if(p >= .05){
    res$preferred[3] <- "Neither"
  res$pval <- sprintf("%.3f", res$pval)
  xl <- list(25)
  names(xl)[1] <- var
    e1 <- Effect(var, obj, xlevels=xl)
    se1 <- do.call(data.frame, c(summary(e1)[c("effect", "lower", "upper")], stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
    se1$model <- factor(1, levels=1:3,
                        labels=c("Original", "Power", "Polynomial"))
    se1$x <- e1$x[[var]]

    e2 <- Effect(var, o1, xlevels=xl)
    se2 <- do.call(data.frame, c(summary(e2)[c("effect", "lower", "upper")], stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
    se2$model <- factor(2, levels=1:3,
                        labels=c("Original", "Power", "Polynomial"))
    se2$x <- e2$x[[var]]

    e3 <- Effect(var, o2, xlevels=xl)
    se3 <- do.call(data.frame, c(summary(e3)[c("effect", "lower", "upper")], stringsAsFactors=TRUE))
    se3$model <- factor(3, levels=1:3,
                        labels=c("Original", "Power", "Polynomial"))
    se3$x <- e3$x[[var]]
    plotData <- rbind(se1, rbind(se2, se3))
    ggplot(plotData, aes_string(x="x", y="effect", ymin = "lower", 
            ymax="upper", fill="model")) + 
      geom_ribbon(colour=NA, alpha=.25) + 
      geom_line(aes_string(colour="model")) +
      theme_bw() +  
      theme(legend.position="bottom") + 


##' @rdname testNL
##' @export
##' @method testNL lm
testNL.lm <- testNL.glm

#' Plot Effects from Firth Logit
#' Plots the effect of a variable in a model estimated with Firth Logit.
#' The \code{effect.logistf} function calculates the effect (predicted
#' probabilities) of a variable in a Firth logit model estimated with the
#' \code{logistf} function.  The function estimates the analogous glm.
#' It then replaces the coefficient vector in that model object with the Frith
#' logit coefficients.  It also puts the variance-covariance matrix from the
#' Firth logit in the model object and uses a custom extractor function in the
#' \code{Effect} function to extract that variance-covariance matrix rather
#' than the one usually extracted with \code{vcov}.  Note that variability and
#' confidence intervals for the effects will not be calculated using profile
#' likelihood as they are in the Firth logit, but will be calculated using the
#' appropriate variance-covariance matrix.
#' @param var A character string giving the name of the variable whose effect
#' is to be generated.
#' @param obj An object of class \code{logistf}.
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to the \code{\link{Effect}}
#' function.
#' @return An object of class \code{eff} that can be used with other functions
#' from the \code{effects} package.
#' @export
#' @author Dave Armstrong
effect_logistf <- function(var, obj, data, ...){
  v <- function(obj, complete=FALSE)return(obj$var)
  form <- substitute(obj$formula)
  tmp.mod <- glm(as.formula(form), data=data, family=binomial)
  tmp.mod$coefficients <- as.vector(obj$coefficients)
  tmp.mod$var <- obj$var
  e <- Effect(var, tmp.mod, vcov.=v, ...)

#' PDF of the Gumbel Distribution
#' Returns the PDF of the Gumbel distribution. 
#' This code and the details of the help file were taken from the \code{VGAM} package.  
#' @param q Vector of quantiles
#' @param location The location parameter, \eqn{mu}.  This is not the mean of the Gumbel distribution.  
#' @param scale The scale parameter \eqn{sigma}. 
#' @param log.p Logical, if \code{TRUE} probabilities are given in their log. 
#' @param lower.tail Logical, whether lower, if \code{TRUE} or upper, if \code{FALSE}, tail probabilities should be returned. 
#' @details The Gumbel distribution is a special case of the \emph{generalized extreme value} 
#' (GEV) distribution where the shape parameter \eqn{\xi}{xi} = 0. The latter has 3 parameters, so 
#' the Gumbel distribution has two.  The Gumbel distribution function is 
#' \deqn{G(y) = \exp \left( - \exp \left[ - \frac{y-\mu}{\sigma} \right]\right) }
#' where \eqn{-\infty<y<\infty}, \eqn{-\infty<\mu<\infty}and \eqn{\sigma>0}.
#' Its mean is
#' \deqn{\mu - \sigma * \gamma}
#' and its variance is
#' \deqn{\sigma^2 * \pi^2 / 6}
#' where \eqn{\gamma}{gamma} is Euler's constant (which can be obtained as \code{-digamma(1)}).
#' @return A vector of probabilities
#' @author Thomas Yee
#' @export
pgumbel <- function (q, location = 0, scale = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) 
  if (!is.logical(lower.tail) || length(lower.tail) != 1) 
    stop("bad input for argument 'lower.tail'")
  if (!is.logical(log.p) || length(log.p) != 1) 
    stop("bad input for argument 'log.p'")
  if (lower.tail) {
    if (log.p) {
      ans <- -exp(-(q - location)/scale)
      ans[q <= -Inf] <- -Inf
      ans[q == Inf] <- 0
    else {
      ans <- exp(-exp(-(q - location)/scale))
      ans[q <= -Inf] <- 0
      ans[q == Inf] <- 1
  else {
    if (log.p) {
      ans <- log(-expm1(-exp(-(q - location)/scale)))
      ans[q <= -Inf] <- 0
      ans[q == Inf] <- -Inf
    else {
      ans <- -expm1(-exp(-(q - location)/scale))
      ans[q <= -Inf] <- 1
      ans[q == Inf] <- 0
  ans[scale <= 0] <- NaN

#' Yeo-Johnson Transformation
#' Computes the normalizing Yeo-Johnson transformation. #' This code and the details of the help file were taken from the \code{VGAM} package.  
#' @param y Numeric, a vector or matrix. 
#' @param lambda Numeric. It is recycled to the same length as \code{y} 
#' if necessary. 
#' @param derivative Non-negative integer. The default is the ordinary function 
#' evaluation, otherwise the derivative with respect to \code{lambda}.
#' @param epsilon  Numeric and positive value. The tolerance given to values of 
#' \code{lambda} when comparing it to 0 or 2. 
#' @param inverse  Logical. Return the inverse transformation?
#' @details   The Yeo-Johnson transformation can be thought of as an extension 
#' of the Box-Cox transformation. It handles both positive and negative values, 
#' whereas the Box-Cox transformation only handles positive values. Both can be 
#' used to transform the data so as to improve normality. They can be used to 
#' perform LMS quantile regression.
#' @return A vector of transformed values. 
#' @author Thomas Yee
#' @export
yeo.johnson <- function (y, lambda, derivative = 0, epsilon = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 
          inverse = FALSE) 
  if (!is.Numeric(derivative, length.arg = 1, integer.valued = TRUE) || 
      derivative < 0) 
    stop("argument 'derivative' must be a non-negative integer")
  ans <- y
  if (!is.Numeric(epsilon, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE)) 
    stop("argument 'epsilon' must be a single positive number")
  L <- max(length(lambda), length(y))
  if (length(y) != L) 
    y <- rep_len(y, L)
  if (length(lambda) != L) 
    lambda <- rep_len(lambda, L)
  if (inverse) {
    if (derivative != 0) 
      stop("argument 'derivative' must 0 when inverse = TRUE")
    if (any(index <- y >= 0 & abs(lambda) > epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- (y[index] * lambda[index] + 1)^(1/lambda[index]) - 
    if (any(index <- y >= 0 & abs(lambda) <= epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- expm1(y[index])
    if (any(index <- y < 0 & abs(lambda - 2) > epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- 1 - (-(2 - lambda[index]) * y[index] + 
                           1)^(1/(2 - lambda[index]))
    if (any(index <- y < 0 & abs(lambda - 2) <= epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- -expm1(-y[index])
  if (derivative == 0) {
    if (any(index <- y >= 0 & abs(lambda) > epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- ((y[index] + 1)^(lambda[index]) - 1)/lambda[index]
    if (any(index <- y >= 0 & abs(lambda) <= epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- log1p(y[index])
    if (any(index <- y < 0 & abs(lambda - 2) > epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- -((-y[index] + 1)^(2 - lambda[index]) - 
                        1)/(2 - lambda[index])
    if (any(index <- y < 0 & abs(lambda - 2) <= epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- -log1p(-y[index])
  else {
    psi <- Recall(y = y, lambda = lambda, derivative = derivative - 
                    1, epsilon = epsilon, inverse = inverse)
    if (any(index <- y >= 0 & abs(lambda) > epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- ((y[index] + 1)^(lambda[index]) * (log1p(y[index]))^(derivative) - 
                       derivative * psi[index])/lambda[index]
    if (any(index <- y >= 0 & abs(lambda) <= epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- (log1p(y[index]))^(derivative + 1)/(derivative + 
    if (any(index <- y < 0 & abs(lambda - 2) > epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- -((-y[index] + 1)^(2 - lambda[index]) * 
                        (-log1p(-y[index]))^(derivative) - derivative * 
                        psi[index])/(2 - lambda[index])
    if (any(index <- y < 0 & abs(lambda - 2) <= epsilon)) 
      ans[index] <- (-log1p(-y[index]))^(derivative + 1)/(derivative + 

is.Numeric <- function (x, length.arg = Inf, integer.valued = FALSE, positive = FALSE) 
  if (all(is.numeric(x)) && all(is.finite(x)) && (if (is.finite(length.arg)) length(x) == 
                                                  length.arg else TRUE) && (if (integer.valued) all(x == round(x)) else TRUE) && 
      (if (positive) all(x > 0) else TRUE)) TRUE else FALSE

#' Summary Statistics 
#' Provides summary statistics (mean, sd, quartiles, IQR, missing n, valid n)
#' for the variables in a data frame. 
#' @aliases sumStats sumStats.data.frame sumStats.survey.design
#' @param data A data frame from which variables will be extracted. 
#' @param vars A character vector of variable names. 
#' @param byvar A character string giving a variable name of a stratifying variable.  The summaries of the \code{vars} will be provided for each level of \code{byvar}. 
#' @param convertFactors Logical indicating whether factors should be converted to numeric first and then summarised. 
#' @importFrom stats weights 
#' @importFrom survey svytotal
#' @export
#' @return a vector of summary statistics for each variable or variable-group combination.
sumStats <- function(data, vars, byvar=NULL, convertFactors=TRUE){

#' @method sumStats data.frame
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise across tibble arrange everything
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest unnest_wider
#' @export
sumStats.data.frame <- function(data, vars, byvar=NULL, convertFactors=TRUE){
## Thanks to John Santos for proposing a solution to a bug. 
    data <- data %>% 
      mutate(across(all_of(vars), as.numeric))
    data <- data %>% 
  out <- data %>%
    summarise(across(all_of(vars), ~list(tibble(
      mean = mean(.x, na.rm=TRUE),
      sd = sd(.x, na.rm=TRUE),
      iqr = diff(quantile(.x, c(.25,.75), na.rm=TRUE)),
      min = min(.x, na.rm=TRUE),
      q25 = quantile(.x, .25, na.rm=TRUE),
      q50 = median(.x, na.rm=TRUE),
      q75 = quantile(.x, .75, na.rm=TRUE),
      max = max(.x, na.rm=TRUE),
      n = n(),
      nNA = sum(is.na(.x)))
    ))) %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = all_of(vars), names_to = "variable") %>%
  if(length(vars) > 1){
    out <- out %>% arrange(vars("variable"), vars(byvar))
  out %>% select("variable", all_of(byvar), everything())

#' @method sumStats survey.design
#' @importFrom srvyr as_survey survey_mean survey_sd survey_quantile survey_count
#' @export
sumStats.survey.design <- function(data, vars, byvar=NULL, convertFactors=FALSE){
  if(!inherits(data, "tbl_svy")){
    d <- as_survey(data) 
    d <- data
      d %>% mutate(across(all_of(vars), as.numeric))
      n <- d %>% 
      nNA <- d %>% 
        mutate(wts = weights(d)) %>% 
        group_by(across(all_of(byvar))) %>% 
        summarise(nwt = sum(.data$wts)) %>% 
        ungroup %>% 
        mutate(nNA = n$n - .data$nwt) 
      n <- d %>% 
        group_by(across(all_of(byvar))) %>% 
      nNA <- d %>% 
        mutate(wts = weights(d)) %>% 
        group_by(across(all_of(byvar))) %>% 
        summarise(nwt = sum(.data$wts)) %>% 
        ungroup %>% 
        mutate(nNA = n$n - .data$nwt) 
    out <- d %>% 
      ungroup %>% 
      group_by(across(all_of(byvar))) %>% 
      summarise(across(all_of(vars), ~list(tibble(
        mean = survey_mean(.x, na.rm=TRUE)$coef,
        sd = survey_sd(.x, na.rm=TRUE)$coef,
        min = survey_quantile(.x, 0, na.rm=TRUE)$`_q00`, 
        q25 = survey_quantile(.x, .25, na.rm=TRUE)$`_q25`, 
        median = survey_quantile(.x, .5, na.rm=TRUE)$`_q50`, 
        q75 = survey_quantile(.x, .75, na.rm=TRUE)$`_q75`, 
        max = survey_quantile(.x, 1, na.rm=TRUE)$`_q100`
      )))) %>% 
    out$n <- n$n
    out$nNA = nNA$nNA

#' Cross-Tabulation of Weighted or Unweighted Data
#' @aliases xt xt.data.frame xt.survey.design print.xt
#' @param data Either a data frame or a survey design object. 
#' @param var Row variable for the cross-tabular. 
#' @param byvar Optional column variable for the cross-tabulation.  If \code{NULL}, a frequency and relative frequency distribution of \code{var} will be produced. 
#' @param controlvar The name of a categorical control variable. 
#' @param weight If using a data frame (rather than a survey design object), specifying the name of a weighting variable will for the function to create a survey design with probability weights equal to the weight variable and then use the survey design object to make the cross-tabulation. 
#' @param weight A vector of weights to be applied to the table. 
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{make_assoc_stats}.  You can use this to calculate different statistics.  By default, you get Chi-squared, Cramer's V, Gamma and Kendall's Tau-b. 
#' Produces a cross-tabulation and Chi-square statistic for weighted or unweighted data. 
#' @return A list with two elements - table of class \code{tabyl} and the returned results from \code{svychisq}.
#' @export
xt <- function(data, var, byvar=NULL, controlvar=NULL, weight=NULL, ...){UseMethod("xt")}

#' @method xt survey.design
#' @export
xt.survey.design <- function(data, var, byvar=NULL, controlvar=NULL, weight=NULL, ...){
  d <- data
  tab <- list()
  chi2 <- list()
  stats <- list()
    tmptab <- svytable(as.formula(paste0("~", var)), d, round=TRUE)
    tmptab <- tmptab %>% as.data.frame() %>% 
      adorn_totals("row") %>%
      adorn_percentages("col") %>% 
      adorn_pct_formatting(rounding = "half up", digits = 0) %>%
    chi2 <- NULL
    tab[[1]] <- tmptab
    chi2[[1]] <- NULL
    stats[[1]] <- NULL
  } else{
        tmptab <- svytable(as.formula(paste0("~", var, "+", byvar)), d, round=TRUE)
        chi2[[1]] <- svychisq(as.formula(paste0("~", var, "+", byvar)), d)
        tmptab <- tmptab %>% 
          as_tibble() %>% 
          pivot_wider(names_from=byvar, values_from = "n") %>% 
        attr(tmptab, "var_names") <- list(row = var, col = byvar)
        tmptab <- tmptab %>% 
          adorn_totals(c("row", "col")) %>%
          adorn_percentages("col") %>% 
          adorn_pct_formatting(rounding = "half up", digits = 0) %>%
          adorn_ns() %>%
        tab[[1]] <- tmptab
        stats[[1]] <- make_assoc_stats(d$variables[[var]], d$variables[[byvar]], weight=weights(d), ...)
        } else{
            levs <- levels(d$variables[[controlvar]])
          } else{
            levs <- unique(na.omit(d$variables[[controlvar]]))
          for(l in 1:length(levs)){
            tmpd <- subset(d, d$variables[[controlvar]] == levs[l])
            tmptab <- svytable(as.formula(paste0("~", var, "+", byvar)), tmpd, round=TRUE)
            chi2[[l]] <- svychisq(as.formula(paste0("~", var, "+", byvar)), tmpd)
            tmptab <- tmptab %>% 
              as_tibble() %>% 
              pivot_wider(names_from=byvar, values_from = "n") %>% 
            attr(tmptab, "var_names") <- list(row = var, col = byvar)
            tmptab <- tmptab %>% 
              adorn_totals(c("row", "col")) %>%
              adorn_percentages("col") %>% 
              adorn_pct_formatting(rounding = "half up", digits = 0) %>%
              adorn_ns() %>%
            tab[[l]] <- tmptab
            stats[[l]] <- make_assoc_stats(tmpd$variables[[var]], tmpd$variables[[byvar]], weight=tmpd$variables[[weight]], ...)
        names(tab) <- levs
  res <- list(tab=tab, chisq=chi2, stats=stats)
  class(res) <- "xt"

#' @method xt data.frame
#' @export
xt.data.frame <- function(data, var, byvar=NULL, controlvar=NULL, weight=NULL,  ...){
  d <- data
  tab <- list()
  chi2 <- list()
  stats <- list()
    tmptab <- table(data[[var]], data[[byvar]])
    tmptab <- tmptab %>% as.data.frame() %>% 
      adorn_totals("row") %>%
      adorn_percentages("col") %>% 
      adorn_pct_formatting(rounding = "half up", digits = 0) %>%
    chi2 <- NULL
    tab[[1]] <- tmptab
    chi2[[1]] <- NULL
    stats[[1]] <- NULL
  } else{
      tmptab <- table(d[[var]], d[[byvar]])
      chi2[[1]] <- chisq.test(tmptab)
      tmptab <- tmptab %>% 
        as.data.frame() %>% 
        as_tibble() %>% 
        pivot_wider(names_from="Var2", values_from = "Freq") %>% 
      attr(tmptab, "var_names") <- list(row = var, col = byvar)
      tmptab <- tmptab %>% 
        adorn_totals(c("row", "col")) %>%
        adorn_percentages("col") %>% 
        adorn_pct_formatting(rounding = "half up", digits = 0) %>%
        adorn_ns() %>%
      tab[[1]] <- tmptab
      stats[[1]] <- make_assoc_stats(d[[var]], d[[byvar]], weight=NULL, ...)
    } else{
        levs <- levels(d[[controlvar]])
      } else{
        levs <- unique(na.omit(d[[controlvar]]))
      for(l in 1:length(levs)){
        tmpd <- subset(d, d[[controlvar]] == levs[l])
        tmptab <- table(d[[var]], d[[byvar]])
        chi2[[l]] <- chisq.test(tmptab)
        tmptab <- tmptab %>% 
          as.data.frame() %>% 
          as_tibble() %>% 
          pivot_wider(names_from="Var2", values_from = "Freq") %>% 
        attr(tmptab, "var_names") <- list(row = var, col = byvar)
        tmptab <- tmptab %>% 
          adorn_totals(c("row", "col")) %>%
          adorn_percentages("col") %>% 
          adorn_pct_formatting(rounding = "half up", digits = 0) %>%
          adorn_ns() %>%
        tab[[l]] <- tmptab
        stats[[l]] <- make_assoc_stats(tmpd[[var]], tmpd[[byvar]], weight=NULL, ...)
      names(tab) <- levs
  res <- list(tab=tab, chisq=chi2, stats=stats)
  class(res) <- "xt"

#' @method print xt
#' @export
print.xt <- function(x, ...){
  if(length(x$tab) == 1){
    cat("Measures of Association\n")
  if(length(x$tab) > 1){
    for(i in 1:length(x$tab)){
      cat("Contingency Table for", names(x$tab)[i], "\n")
      cat("Measures of Association\n")
      if(i != length(x$tab)){

#' Pie Charts with ggplot2
#' This function produces pie charts with ggplot2. 
#' @param data A data frame to pass to the ggplot function
#' @param variable A variable to be plotted. 
#' @param addPct Where labels should be added - "none" gives no labels, "legend" addes percentages to the color legend, "pie" addes the legends to the pie pieces. 
#' @return a ggplot
#' @export
ggpie <- function(data, variable, addPct = c("pie", "none", "legend")) {
addPct <- match.arg(addPct)
d <- data %>% filter(!is.na(.data[[variable]])) %>% 
    group_by(.data[[variable]]) %>% 
    summarise(value=n()) %>% 
    mutate(csval = cumsum(rev(.data$value))) %>%  
    mutate(place = (.data$csval + c(0, .data$csval[-length(.data$csval)]))/2, 
           pctlab = paste0(round(rev(.data$value)/sum(.data$value)*100), "%")) 
if(addPct == "legend"){
  levels(d[[variable]]) <- paste0(levels(d[[variable]]), " (", d$pctlab, ")")

g <- d %>% ggplot(aes_string(x="1", y="value", fill=variable)) + 
if(addPct == "pie") g <- g + geom_text(aes_string(y="place", label = "pctlab")) 
    g + coord_polar("y", start=0) + 

#' t-Test function 
#' This function is a wrapper to the \code{t.test} function but produces more information in the output.
#' @param x The dichotmous variable for the test. 
#' @param y The interval/ratio variable for the test. 
#' @param data A data frame where \code{x} and \code{y} can be found. 
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{t.test}. 
#' @return an object of class \code{tTest}
#' @export
tTest <- function(x,y, data, ...){
  formula <- as.formula(paste(y, x, sep=" ~ "))
  tmp <- get_all_vars(formula, data)
  tmp <- na.omit(tmp)
  if(is.factor(tmp[[x]]))tmp[[x]] <- droplevels(tmp[[x]])
  g <- vector(mode="list", length=3)
  ng <- levels(tmp[[x]])
    ng <- sort(unique(tmp[[x]]))
  tt <- t.test(formula, data, ...)
  names(g) <- c(ng, "Difference")
  g[[1]]$mean <- mean(tmp[[y]][which(tmp[[x]] == ng[1])], na.rm=TRUE)
  g[[1]]$n <- sum(tmp[[x]] == ng[1])
  g[[1]]$se <- sd(tmp[[y]][which(tmp[[x]] == ng[1])], na.rm=TRUE)
  g[[2]]$mean <- mean(tmp[[y]][which(tmp[[x]] == ng[2])], na.rm=TRUE)
  g[[2]]$n <- sum(tmp[[x]] == ng[2])
  g[[2]]$se <- sd(tmp[[y]][which(tmp[[x]] == ng[2])], na.rm=TRUE)
  g[[3]]$mean <- g[[1]]$mean - g[[2]]$mean
  g[[3]]$n <- g[[1]]$n+g[[2]]$n
  g[[3]]$se <- tt$stderr
  res <- list(sum=do.call(rbind, g), tt=tt)
  class(res) <- "tTest"

#' @method print tTest
#' @export
print.tTest <- function(x, ...){
  alpha <- c(1.1, .05, .01, .001)
  sig <- sum(alpha > x$tt$p.value)
  alpha2 <- c(.05, .05, .01, .001)
  dir <- c(">", "<", "<", "<")
  cat("p-value", dir[sig], alpha2[sig], sep=" ")

#' Bin a Variable
#' Bins a continuous variable into a categorical variable
#' @param x Continuous variable to be binnged
#' @param bins Number of groups in new variable 
#' @param method Method for generating "intervals" for fixed-width intervals and "proportions" for cut-points based on quantiles of the distribution.
#' @param labels An optional vector of labels to apply to the groups
#' @param include.lowest Logical indicating whether a value equal to the lowest (if \code{right=TRUE}) or highest (if \code{right=FALSE}) should be included. 
#' @param right Logical indicating Whether the intervals should be closed on the right and open on the left (if \code{TRUE}) or vice versa (if \code{FALSE}).  Open intervals are those that do not include the end-point of the range and closed intervals do. 
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{cut}
#' Function adapted from \code{binVariable} from the \pkg{RcmdrMisc} pacakge.  
#' @author John Fox
#' @return A factor
#' @export
binVar <- function (x, bins = 4, method = c("intervals", "proportions"), labels = FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE, right=FALSE, ...) 
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (length(x) < bins) {
    stop("The number of bins exceeds the number of data values")
  x <- if (method == "intervals") 
    cut(x, bins, labels = labels, include.lowest=include.lowest, right=right, ...)
    cut(x, quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/bins), na.rm = TRUE), 
        labels = labels, include.lowest=include.lowest, right=right, ...)

#' Make Categorical Association Statistics
#' Makes several common measures of association for contingency tables.  The 
#' p-values are obtained through simulation. 
#' @aliases make_assoc_stats concordant discordant ord.gamma ord.somers.d tau.b lambda phi V simtable simrho simtab
#' @param x The row-variable in a contingency table
#' @param y The column-variable in a contingency table
#' @param chisq Logical indicating whether the chi-squared statistic should be produced. 
#' @param phi Logical indicating whether the phi statistic should be produced. 
#' @param cramersV Logical indicating whether the Cramer's V statistic should be produced. 
#' @param lambda Logical indicating whether the lambda statistic should be produced. 
#' @param gamma Logical indicating whether the gamma statistic for ordinal data should be produced. 
#' @param d Logical indicating whether Somer's D for ordinal data should be produced. 
#' @param taub Logical indicating whether Kendall's Tau-b statistic should be produced. 
#' @param n Number of iterations in the simulation. 
#' @param weight Vector of weights used to generate the table. 
#' @export
#' @return A matrix of statistics and p-values. 
make_assoc_stats <- function(x,y, chisq=FALSE, phi=FALSE, cramersV=TRUE, lambda=FALSE,
                             gamma=TRUE, d=FALSE, taub=TRUE, n=1000, weight=NULL){
  if(is.null(weight))tab <- table(x,y)
    mydf <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, weight=weight)
    des <- svydesign(ids=~1, strata=NULL, weights=~weight, data=mydf, digits=3)
    tab <- svytable(~x+y, design=des, round=TRUE)
  tabs <- simtab(tab,n)
  allStats <- NULL
    stat0 <- do.call('chisq.test', list(x=tab, correct=FALSE))$statistic
    stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)chisq.test(x, correct=FALSE)$statistic)
    pv <- mean(stats > stat0)
    allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
    rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Chi-squared"
    stat0 <- do.call('phi', list(x=tab))
    stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)phi(x))
    pv <- mean(stats > stat0)
    allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
    rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Phi"
    stat0 <- do.call('V', list(x=tab))
    stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)V(x))
    pv <- mean(stats > stat0)
    allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
    rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Cramers V"
    stat0 <- do.call('lambda', list(x=tab))
    stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)lambda(x))
    pv <- mean(stats > stat0)
    allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
    rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Lambda"
    stat0 <- do.call('ord.gamma', list(x=tab))
    stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)lambda(x))
    pv <- {if(stat0 >= 0)mean(stats > stat0)
      else mean(stats < stat0)}
    allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
    rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Kruskal-Goodman Gamma"
    stat0 <- do.call('ord.somers.d', list(x=tab))$sd.symmetric
    stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)ord.somers.d(x)$sd.symmetric)
    pv <- {if(stat0 >= 0)mean(stats > stat0)
      else mean(stats < stat0)}
    allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
    rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Somers D"
    stat0 <- do.call('tau.b', list(x=tab))
    stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)tau.b(x))
    pv <- {if(stat0 >= 0)mean(stats > stat0)
      else mean(stats < stat0)}
    allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
    rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Tau-b"
  # if(rho){
  #   x2 <-as.numeric(x)
  #   y2 <- as.numeric(y)
  #   r <- simrho(x2,y2,n)
  #   allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(r$rho0, r$pv))[,,drop=F]
  #   rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Spearmans Rho"
  # }
    colnames(allStats) <- c("statistic", "p-value")
    w <- which(allStats[,1] == 0 & allStats[,2] == 0)
    if(length(w) > 0){
      allStats[w,2] <- 1.000
#   allStats <- round(allStats, 4)

#' @export
concordant <- function (x) {
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  mat.lr <- function(r, c) {
    lr <- x[(r.x > r) & (c.x > c)]
  r.x <- row(x)
  c.x <- col(x)
  sum(x * mapply(mat.lr, r = r.x, c = c.x))

#' @export
discordant <- function(x){
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  mat.ll <- function(r, c) {
    ll <- x[(r.x > r) & (c.x < c)]
  r.x <- row(x)
  c.x <- col(x)
  sum(x * mapply(mat.ll, r = r.x, c = c.x))

#' @export
tau.b <- function (x) {
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  c <- concordant(x)
  d <- discordant(x)
  n <- sum(x)
  SumR <- rowSums(x)
  SumC <- colSums(x)
  tau.b <- (2 * (c - d))/sqrt(((n^2) - (sum(SumR^2))) * ((n^2) -

#' @export
ord.gamma <- function(x){
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  c <- concordant(x)
  d <- discordant(x)
  gamma <- (c - d)/(c + d)
  class(gamma) <- "ord.gamma"

#' @export
ord.somers.d <- function(x){
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
  c <- concordant(x)
  d <- discordant(x)
  n <- sum(x)
  SumR <- rowSums(x)
  SumC <- colSums(x)
  sd.cr <- (2 * (c - d))/((n^2) - (sum(SumR^2)))
  sd.rc <- (2 * (c - d))/((n^2) - (sum(SumC^2)))
  sd.s <- (2 * (c - d))/((n^2) - (((sum(SumR^2)) + (sum(SumC^2)))/2))
  res <- list(sd.cr, sd.rc, sd.s)
  names(res) <- c("sd.cr", "sd.rc", "sd.symmetric")
  class(res) <- "ord.somersd"

#' @export
lambda <- function(x){
  wmax <- apply(x, 2, which.max)
  wgmax <- which.max(rowSums(x))
  nullcc <- rowSums(x)[wgmax]
  nullerr <- sum(rowSums(x)[-wgmax])
  corrpred <- x[cbind(wmax, 1:ncol(x))]
  errpred <- colSums(x) - corrpred
  E1 <- nullerr
  E2 <- sum(errpred)

#' @export
phi <- function(x){
  num <- prod(diag(x))- (x[2,1]*x[1,2])
  denom <- sqrt(prod(c(colSums(x), rowSums(x))))

#' @export
V <- function(x){
  if(all(dim(x) == 2)){
    num <- prod(diag(x))- (x[2,1]*x[1,2])
    denom <- sqrt(prod(c(colSums(x), rowSums(x))))
    chi2 <- chisq.test(x, correct=FALSE)$statistic
    sqrt(chi2/(sum(c(x)) * (min(nrow(x), ncol(x)) -1)))

#' @export
simtable <- function(x,y, n=1000, stat=NULL){
  out <- lapply(1:n, function(i)table(x, sample(y, length(y), replace=F)))
    sapply(out, stat)

#' @export
simrho <- function(x,y, n=1000){
  rho0 <- cor(x,y, use="pair", method="spearman")
  simrho <- sapply(1:n, function(i)cor(x, sample(y, length(y), replace=F), use="pair", method="spearman"))
  pv <- {if(rho0 >= 0)mean(simrho > rho0)
    else mean(simrho < rho0)}
  return(list(rho0 = rho0, simrho = simrho, pv = pv))

#' @export
simtab <- function(TAB, n=1000, stat=NULL){
  if(is.null(rownames(TAB)))rownames(TAB) <- paste0("row", 1:nrow(TAB))
  if(is.null(colnames(TAB)))colnames(TAB) <- paste0("col", 1:ncol(TAB))
  eg <- expand.grid(rownames(TAB), colnames(TAB))
  cts <- c(TAB)
  reps <- rep(1:length(cts), cts)
  X <- eg[reps, ]
  out <- lapply(1:n, function(i)table(X[,1], sample(X[,2], nrow(X), replace=F)))
    sapply(out, stat)

#' Pairwise Correlation Matrix
#' Prints pairwise correlation matrix flagging statistically significant
#' correlations using one of a few different methods. 
#' @aliases pwCorrMat sig.cor
#' @param formula A right-sided formula giving the variables to be correlated separated by pluses. 
#' @param data A data frame where the variables in the formula can be found.
#' @param method A method for calculating the significance of the of the 
#' correlation - one of "z", "t" or "sim".  When correlations are 
#' calculated with weights, a bootstrap is used to generate p-values 
#' regardless of the method specified.  See details for more. 
#' @param weight A vector of weightings as long as there are rows in \code{data}. 
#' @param alpha Cutoff for identifying significant correlations. 
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{sig.cor}. 
#' @details The significance is found through one of three ways.  For correlation \code{r}, 
#' the z-transformation is .5*log((1+r)/(1-r)), the p-value for which is found using 
#' the standard normal distribution. The t-transformation is r*sqrt((n-2)/(1-r^2)), 
#' the p-value for which is found using a t-distribution with n-2 degrees of freedom. 
#' The "sim" method uses a permutation test to build the sampling distribution of the 
#' correlation under the null hypothesis and then calculates a p-value from that 
#' distribution. 
#' @return An object of class \code{pwc}, which is a list with elements \code{rSig} 
#' which is a lower-triangular correlation matrix where only significant correlations 
#' are printed, \code{r} which is the raw-data pairwise correlation matrix and 
#' \code{p} which gives the p-values of all of the correlations. 
#' @export
pwCorrMat <- function(formula, data, method=c("z", "t", "sim"), weight=NULL, alpha=.05, ...){
  meth <- match.arg(method)
  X <- get_all_vars(formula, data)
  out <- p.out <- diag(ncol(X))
  if(inherits(X, "tbl_df")){
    X <- as.data.frame(X)
  for(i in 1:(ncol(X)-1)){
    for(j in (i+1):ncol(X)){
      f <- sig.cor(X[,i], X[,j], method=meth, weight=weight, ...)
      out[i,j] <- out[j,i] <- f$r
      p.out[i,j] <- p.out[j,i] <- f$p
  marker <- array(ifelse(c(p.out) < alpha, "*", " "), dim=dim(out))
  outSig <- matrix(sprintf("%.3f", out), ncol=ncol(X))
  outSig <- array(paste(c(outSig), c(marker), sep=""), dim=dim(out))
  diag(outSig) <- ""
  outSig[upper.tri(outSig)] <- ""
  colnames(outSig) <- colnames(out) <- rownames(outSig) <- rownames(out) <- colnames(p.out) <- rownames(p.out) <- colnames(X)
  ret <- list(rSig=outSig, r=out, p = p.out )
  class(ret) <- "pwc"

#' @export
sig.cor <- function(x,y, method=c("z", "t", "sim"), n.sim = 1000, two.sided=TRUE, weight=NULL, ...){
  meth <- match.arg(method)
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  y <- as.numeric(y)
    r <- cor(x,y, use="pairwise.complete.obs", ...)
    n <- sum(!is.na(x)*!is.na(y))
  } else{
    df <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, weight=weight)
    des <- svydesign(ids=~1, strata=NULL, weights=~weight, data=df, digits=3)
    rs <- svycor(~ x+ y, design=des, sig.stats=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)
    r <- rs$cors[2,1]
    meth <- "sim"
  if(meth == "z"){
    z <- .5*log((1+r)/(1-r))
    sez <- 1/sqrt(n-3)
    pv <- (2^two.sided)*pnorm(abs(z), 0, sez, lower.tail=F)
  if(meth == "t"){
    tstat <- r*sqrt((n-2)/(1-r^2))
    pv <- (2^two.sided)*pt(abs(tstat), n-2, lower.tail=F)
  if(meth == "sim"){
      xmat <- sapply(1:n.sim, function(z)sample(x, length(x), replace=F))
      r0 <- c(cor(y, xmat))
      pv <- {if(two.sided){
        mean(r0 < (-abs(r))) + mean(r0 > abs(r))
          if(r > 0){
            mean(r > r0)
            mean(r < r0)
     pv <- rs$p.values[2,1]
  return(list(r=r, p = pv))

#' @method print pwc
#' @export
print.pwc <- function(x, ...){
  cat("Pairwise Correlations\n")

##' Plot Variable Importance.
##' Builds a plot of importance based on Silber, Rosenbaum and Ross's (1995)
##' idea of importance as the variance of the predicted model terms. 
##' @param obj Any objct that permits prediction of model terms using the \code{predict(obj, type="terms")} syntax. 
##' @param pct Logical indicating whether the entries should be percentagized by the 
##' total sum of squares in the predictions.
##' @param names An optional vector of names for the coefficients. 
##' @param orderSize Logical indicating whether the terms are ordered by importance in the graph. 
##' @return Returns an initialized ggplot, but geometries need to be added to produce meaningful output (see examples). 
##' @examples 
##' data(aclp)
##' library(ggplot2)
##' mod <- glm(democ ~ log(gdpw) + popg +  year, data=aclp, family=binomial)	
##' impCoef(mod, pct=TRUE, names=c("GDP", "Population", "Year")) + 
##' geom_point(size=2)  +
##' labs(x="Importance", y="")
##' @references Silber, JH, PR Rosenbaum and RN Ross (1995) Comparing the Contributions of Groups of Predictors: Which Outcomes Vay with Hospital Rather than Patient Characteristics? JASS 90, 7-18.
##' @export
impCoef <- function(obj, pct=FALSE, names=NULL, orderSize=TRUE){
  p <- predict(obj, type="terms")
  if(length(names) != ncol(p) & !is.null(names)){
    stop(paste0("names must be the number of terms in the model: ", ncol(p), "\n"))
  psum <- apply(p, 2, function(x)sum(x^2))
    psum <- psum / sum(rowSums(p)^2)
  tmp <- data.frame(imp = psum)
    tmp$name = names
    tmp$name <- colnames(p)
    g <- ggplot(tmp, aes_string(x="imp", y="name")) 
    g <- ggplot(tmp, aes(x=.data$imp, y=reorder(.data$name, .data$imp, mean)))

##' Alternating Least Squares Optimal Scaling
##' This is a wrapper for the newer \code{alsos} function 
##' which allows optimal scaling of both dependent and independent
##' variables.  I retain the old operationalization of \code{alsosDV} 
##' for backward compatability purposes. 
#' @param form A formula for a linear model where the dependent 
#' variable will be optimally scaled relative to the model. 
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param maxit Maximum number of iterations of the optimal scaling algorithm.
#' @param level Measurement level of the dependent variable 1=Nominal,
#' 2=Ordinal
#' @param process Nature of the measurement process: 1=discrete, 2=continuous.
#' Basically identifies whether tied observations will continue to be tied in
#' the optimally scaled variale (1) or whether the algorithm can untie the
#' points (2) subject to the overall measurement constraints in the model.
#' @param starts Optional starting values for the optimal scaling algorithm.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{lm}.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \item{result}{The result of the optimal scaling process}
#' \item{data}{The original data frame with additional columns adding the
#' optimally scaled DV}
#' \item{iterations}{The iteration history of the algorithm}
#' \item{form}{Original formula}
#' @author Dave Armstrong and Bill Jacoby
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @export
#' @references
#' Jacoby, William G.  1999.  \sQuote{Levels of Measurement and Political
#' Research: An Optimistic View} American Journal of Political Science 43(1):
#' 271-301.
#' Young, Forrest.  1981.  \sQuote{Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data}
#' Psychometrika, 46: 357-388.
#' Young, Forrest, Jan de Leeuw and Yoshio Takane.  1976.  \sQuote{Regression
#' with Qualitative and Quantitative Variables: An Alternating Least Squares
#' Method with Optimal Scaling Features} Psychometrika, 41:502-529.
alsosDV <- function(form, data, maxit = 30, level = 2, process = 1, starts = NULL, ...){
  dv <- names(model.frame(form, data))[1]
  os_form <- paste(dv, " ~ 1")
  raw_form <- paste0("~ ", as.character(form)[[3]])
  out <- alsos(os_form, raw_form, data=data, maxit=maxit, scale_dv=TRUE, 
               level=level, process=process, starts=starts)

#' Alternating Least Squares Optimal Scaling
#' Estimates the Alternating Least Squares Optimal Scaling (ALSOS) solution for
#' qualitative variables.  
#' @param os_form A two-sided formula including the independent variables to 
#' be scaled on the left-hand side.  Optionally, the dependent variable can 
#' also be scaled. 
#' @param raw_form A right-sided formula with covariates that will not be 
#' scaled.  
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param scale_dv Logical indicating whether the dependent variable should 
#' be optimally scaled. 
#' @param maxit Maximum number of iterations of the optimal scaling algorithm.
#' @param level Measurement level of the dependent variable 1=Nominal,
#' 2=Ordinal
#' @param process Nature of the measurement process: 1=discrete, 2=continuous.
#' Basically identifies whether tied observations will continue to be tied in
#' the optimally scaled variale (1) or whether the algorithm can untie the
#' points (2) subject to the overall measurement constraints in the model.
#' @param starts Optional starting values for the optimal scaling algorithm.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{lm}.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \item{result}{The result of the optimal scaling process}
#' \item{data}{The original data frame with additional columns adding the
#' optimally scaled DV}
#' \item{iterations}{The iteration history of the algorithm}
#' \item{form}{Original formula}
#' @author Dave Armstrong and Bill Jacoby
#' @export
#' @references
#' Jacoby, William G.  1999.  \sQuote{Levels of Measurement and Political
#' Research: An Optimistic View} American Journal of Political Science 43(1):
#' 271-301.
#' Young, Forrest.  1981.  \sQuote{Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data}
#' Psychometrika, 46: 357-388.
#' Young, Forrest, Jan de Leeuw and Yoshio Takane.  1976.  \sQuote{Regression
#' with Qualitative and Quantitative Variables: An Alternating Least Squares
#' Method with Optimal Scaling Features} Psychometrika, 41:502-529.
alsos <- function(os_form, raw_form = ~1, data, scale_dv=FALSE, maxit=30, 
                  level=2, process=1, starts=NULL,...){
  rownames(data) <- 1:nrow(data)
  previous.rsquared <- niter <- 0
  rsquared.differ <- 1.0
  record <- c()
  f1 <- as.formula(os_form)
  f2 <- as.formula(raw_form)
  d1 <- get_all_vars(f1, data)
  d2 <- get_all_vars(f2, data)
  if(ncol(d2) != 0){
    tmpdata <- bind_cols(d1, d2)  
  } else{
    tmpdata <- d1
  tmpdata <- orig_data <- na.omit(tmpdata)
  dv <- names(d1)[1]
  scale_vars <- names(d1)[-1]
  if(length(process) > 1 & length(process) != (length(scale_vars) + scale_dv)){
    stop("The process argument must be either a scalar or a vector with one entry for each scaled variable with the DV first, if the DV is being scaled.\n")
  if(length(level) > 1 & length(level) != (length(scale_vars) + scale_dv)){
    stop("The level argument must be either a scalar or a vector with one entry for each scaled variable with the DV first, if the DV is being scaled.\n")
  if(length(process) == 1){
    process <- rep(process, (length(scale_vars) + scale_dv))
  if(length(level) == 1){
    level <- rep(level, (length(scale_vars) + scale_dv))
  form <- paste(dv, "~", 
    if(length(starts) != nrow(tmpdata)){
      stop("Starting values must be the same length as the dataset\n")
    tmpdata[[dv]] <- starts
  reg.os <- lm(form, data=tmpdata, ...)
  r2 <- summary(reg.os)$r.squared
  rsquared.differ <-  r2 - previous.rsquared
  previous.rsquared <- r2
  record <- c(record, niter, r2, rsquared.differ)
  while (rsquared.differ > .001 && niter <= maxit) {
    niter <- niter + 1
      dvar.pred <- predict(reg.os)
      opscaled.dvar <- opscale(orig_data[[dv]], dvar.pred, level = level[1], process = process[1])
      tmpdata[[dv]] <- opscaled.dvar$os
    if(length(scale_vars) > 0){
      for(i in 1:length(scale_vars)){
        reg.os <- update(reg.os, tmpdata)
        b <- coef(reg.os)
        tms <- predict(reg.os, type="terms", newdata=tmpdata)
        scale_var <- orig_data[[scale_vars[i]]]
        others <- rowSums(tms[,-which(colnames(tms) == scale_vars[i])])
        pred.scale <- (model.response(model.frame(reg.os)) - (b[1] + others))/b[scale_vars[i]]
        opscaled.var <- opscale(scale_var, pred.scale, level = level[(i+scale_dv)], process = process[(i+scale_dv)])
        tmpdata[[scale_vars[i]]] <- opscaled.var$os
    reg.os <- update(reg.os, tmpdata)
    r2 <- summary(reg.os)$r.squared
    rsquared.differ <-  r2 - previous.rsquared
    previous.rsquared <- r2
    record <- c(record, niter, r2, rsquared.differ)
  record <- matrix(round(record,4), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
  rownames(record) <- record[,1]
  record <- record[,-1]
  colnames(record) <- c("r-squared", "r-squared dif")
    names(tmpdata) <- gsub(dv, paste0(dv, "_os"), names(tmpdata))
  if(length(scale_vars) > 0){
    for(i in 1:length(scale_vars)){
      names(tmpdata) <- gsub(scale_vars[i], paste0(scale_vars[i], "_os"), names(tmpdata))
  tmpdata <- tmpdata %>% select(grep("_os", names(tmpdata)))
  out <- bind_cols(orig_data, tmpdata)
  res <- list(result=opscaled.dvar, data=out, iterations=record, formula=form)
  class(res) <- "alsos"
##' Plotting method for ALSOS object
##' Makes a plot or optionally returns data for user-generated
##' plots from an alsos object
##' @param x An object of class \code{alsos}. 
##' @param which_var The name of a raw variable that was scaled in the 
##' alsos procedure for which a meausrement function should be returned. 
##' @param return_data Logical indicating whether the data should be returned
##' (if \code{TRUE}) or a plot generated (if \code{FALSE})
##' @param ... arguments to be passed in, currently not implemented.
##' @return A plot.
##' @export
##' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
##' @method plot alsos
plot.alsos <- function(x, which_var=NULL, return_data=FALSE, ...){
  os_names <- grep("_os", names(x$data), value=TRUE)
  raw_names <- gsub("_os", "", os_names)
  os_vals <- x$data %>% 
    select(all_of(os_names)) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols=all_of(os_names), names_to="variable", values_to="os_vals")
  raw_vals <- x$data %>% 
    select(all_of(raw_names)) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols=all_of(raw_names), names_to="variable", values_to="raw_vals")
  tmpvals <- os_vals %>% select(-"variable")
  vals <- bind_cols(raw_vals, tmpvals)
  vals <- vals %>% group_by_at(vars(c("variable", "raw_vals"))) %>% summarise("os_val" = mean(os_vals))
    if(!(which_var %in% vals$variable)){
      stop("which_var must be the name of a raw variable in the model\n")
      vals <- vals[which(vals$variable == which_var), ] 
    ggplot(vals, aes_string(x="raw_vals", y="os_val")) + 
      geom_line() + 
      geom_point() + 
      facet_wrap(vars("variable"), scales="free") + 
      theme_bw() + 
      labs(x = "Raw Values", y = "Optimally Scaled Values")

##' Bootstrapping function for the ALSOS algorithm
##' Executes a non-parametric bootstrap for the 
##' alsos algorithm to get uncertainty estimates
##' for the optimally scaled values of the 
##' variables. 
#' @param os_form A two-sided formula including the independent variables to 
#' be scaled on the left-hand side.  Optionally, the dependent variable can 
#' also be scaled. 
#' @param raw_form A right-sided formula with covariates that will not be 
#' scaled.  
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param scale_dv Logical indicating whether the dependent variable should 
#' be optimally scaled. 
#' @param maxit Maximum number of iterations of the optimal scaling algorithm.
#' @param level Measurement level of the dependent variable 1=Nominal,
#' 2=Ordinal
#' @param process Nature of the measurement process: 1=discrete, 2=continuous.
#' Basically identifies whether tied observations will continue to be tied in
#' the optimally scaled variale (1) or whether the algorithm can untie the
#' points (2) subject to the overall measurement constraints in the model.
#' @param starts Optional starting values for the optimal scaling algorithm.
#' @param R Number of bootstrap samples to be calculated
#' @param conf.level Level of confidence for the confidence intervals. 
#' @param return Whether the aggregated result with percentile confidence intervals, 
#' the bootstrap object or both should be returned. 
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{lm}.
#' @return A list with either \code{data} and/or \code{boot.obj} entries. 
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by_at vars
#' @export 
boot.alsos <- function(os_form, raw_form=~1, data,
                       scale_dv=TRUE, maxit=30, level = 1, 
                       process=1, starts=NULL, R = 50, 
                       return = c("data", "boot.obj", "both"), ...){
  ret = match.arg(return)
  f1 <- as.formula(os_form)
  f2 <- as.formula(raw_form)
  d1 <- get_all_vars(f1, data)
  d2 <- get_all_vars(f2, data)
  if(ncol(d2) != 0){
    tmpdata <- bind_cols(d1, d2)  
  } else{
    tmpdata <- d1
  tmpdata <- na.omit(tmpdata)
  dv <- names(d1)[1]
  x <- boot(statistic=bafun, data=tmpdata, os_form = os_form, raw_form=raw_form,  
            level=level, process=process, maxit=maxit, 
            starts=starts, R=R, strata=tmpdata[[dv]], ...)
  raw_names <- names(d1)[-1]
    raw_names <- c(dv, raw_names)    
  raw_vals <- data %>% 
    select(all_of(raw_names)) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols=all_of(raw_names), names_to="variable", values_to="raw_vals") %>%
    group_by_at(vars(c("variable", "raw_vals"))) %>% 
    summarise("raw_val" = mean(raw_vals)) %>% 
    ungroup %>% 
  raw_vals$os_vals <- x$t0
  crit <- 1-(1-conf.level)/2
  cis <- t(apply(x$t, 2, quantile, c(1-crit, crit)))
  raw_vals$lower = cis[,1]
  raw_vals$upper = cis[,2]
  res <- list()
  if(ret %in% c("data", "both")){
    res$data <- raw_vals
  if(ret %in% c("boot.obj", "both")){
    res$boot.obj <- x

##' @importFrom rlang .data
bafun <- function(data, inds, os_form, raw_form=~1, 
                  level = 1, process=1, scale_dv=TRUE, 
                  starts=NULL, maxit=30, ...){
  tmp <- data[inds, ]
  x <- alsos(os_form, raw_form, data=tmp, scale_dv = scale_dv,
             maxit = maxit, level = level, process=process, 
             starts = starts, ...)
  os_names <- grep("_os", names(x$data), value=TRUE)
  raw_names <- gsub("_os", "", os_names)
  os_vals <- x$data %>% 
    select(all_of(os_names)) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols=all_of(os_names), names_to="variable", values_to="os_vals")
  raw_vals <- x$data %>% 
    select(all_of(raw_names)) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols=all_of(raw_names), names_to="variable", values_to="raw_vals")
  tmpvals <- os_vals %>% select(-"variable")
  vals <- bind_cols(raw_vals, tmpvals)
  vals <- vals %>% group_by_at(vars(c("variable", "raw_vals"))) %>% summarise("os_val" = mean(os_vals))

#' Interactive List of Variables
#' Makes an interactive list of variables and their descriptive labels.  Uses the \pkg{DT} package to generate the table.  
#' @param data A dataset to be described. 
#' @export
#' @importFrom DT datatable
describe_data <- function(data){
labs <- sapply(data, function(x){
  if("label" %in% names(attributes(x))){
    attr(x, "label")
x <- as_tibble(labs, rownames="variable")
names(x)[2] <- "label"

##' Fit a local polynomial regression with automatic smoothing parameter selection 
##' Fit a local polynomial regression with automatic smoothing parameter selection. Two methods are available for the selection of the smoothing parameter: bias-corrected Akaike information criterion (aicc); and generalized cross-validation (gcv).
##' @param x a vector or two-column matrix of covariate values
##' @param y a vector of response values
##' @param degree	the degree of the local polynomials to be used. It can ben 0, 1 or 2.
##' @param criterion the criterion for automatic smoothing parameter selection: "aicc" denotes bias-corrected AIC criterion, "gcv" denotes generalized cross-validation.
##' @param family if "gaussian" fitting is by least-squares, and if "symmetric" a re-descending M estimator is used with Tukey's biweight function.
##' @param user.span the user-defined parameter which controls the degree of smoothing.
##' @param plot if \code{TRUE}, the fitted curve or surface will be generated.
##' @param ... control parameters.
##' Fit a local polynomial regression with automatic smoothing parameter selection. The predictor x can either one-dimensional or two-dimensional. This function was taken directly from `fANCOVA` version 0.5-1 and is wholly attributed to its author Xiao-Feng Wang. 
##' @return An object of class \code{loess}.
##' @author X.F. Wang 
##' @examples
##' ## Fit Local Polynomial Regression with Automatic Smoothing Parameter Selection
##' n1 <- 100
##' x1 <- runif(n1,min=0, max=3)
##' sd1 <- 0.2
##' e1 <- rnorm(n1,sd=sd1)
##' y1 <- sin(2*x1) + e1
##' (y1.fit <- loess.as(x1, y1, plot=TRUE))
##' @export
loess.as <- function (x, 
                      degree = 1, 
                      criterion = c("aicc", "gcv"), 
                      family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), 
                      user.span = NULL, 
                      plot = FALSE, 
  criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
  family <- match.arg(family)
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  if ((ncol(x) != 1) & (ncol(x) != 2)) 
    stop("The predictor 'x' should be one or two dimensional!!")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) 
    stop("argument 'x' must be numeric!")
  if (!is.numeric(y)) 
    stop("argument 'y' must be numeric!")
  if (any(is.na(x))) 
    stop("'x' contains missing values!")
  if (any(is.na(y))) 
    stop("'y' contains missing values!")
  if (!is.null(user.span) && (length(user.span) != 1 || !is.numeric(user.span))) 
    stop("argument 'user.span' must be a numerical number!")
  if (nrow(x) != length(y)) 
    stop("'x' and 'y' have different lengths!")
  if (length(y) < 3) 
    stop("not enough observations!")
  data.bind <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
  if (ncol(x) == 1) {
    names(data.bind) <- c("x", "y")
  else {
    names(data.bind) <- c("x1", "x2", "y")
  args <- list(formula= as.formula("y ~ x"),
               data = data.bind, 
  if (ncol(x) == 1) {
    if (is.null(user.span)) {
      fit0 <- do.call(loess, args)
      span1 <- opt.span(fit0, criterion = criterion)$span
    else {
      args$span <- user.span
    fit <- do.call(loess, args)
  else {
    if (is.null(user.span)) {
      fit0 <- do.call(loess, args)
      span1 <- opt.span(fit0, criterion = criterion)$span
    else {
      args$span <- user.span
    fit <- do.call(loess, args)
  if (plot) {
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      m <- 100
      x.new <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = m)
      fit.new <- predict(fit, data.frame(x = x.new))
      plot(x, y, col = "lightgrey", xlab = "x", ylab = "m(x)", 
      lines(x.new, fit.new, lwd = 1.5, ...)
    else {
      m <- 50
      x1 <- seq(min(data.bind$x1), max(data.bind$x1), len = m)
      x2 <- seq(min(data.bind$x2), max(data.bind$x2), len = m)
      x.new <- expand.grid(x1 = x1, x2 = x2)
      fit.new <- matrix(predict(fit, x.new), m, m)
      persp(x1, x2, fit.new, theta = 40, phi = 30, ticktype = "detailed", 
            xlab = "x1", ylab = "x2", zlab = "y", col = "lightblue", 
            expand = 0.6)

##' Return criterion for span selection 
##' @param x An object of class \code{loess}. 
##' @rdname loess.as
as.crit <- function(x) {
  span <- x$pars$span
  traceL <- x$trace.hat
  sigma2 <- sum(x$residuals^2)/(x$n - 1)
  aicc <- log(sigma2) + 1 + 2 * (2 * (traceL + 1))/(x$n - 
                                                      traceL - 2)
  gcv <- x$n * sigma2/(x$n - traceL)^2
  result <- list(span = span, aicc = aicc, gcv = gcv)

##' Optimize span for loess. 
##' @param model An object of class \code{loess}. 
##' @param criterion The criterion used to find the optimal span
##' @param span.range The range in which to look for the optimal span
##' @rdname loess.as
opt.span <- function(model, criterion = c("aicc", "gcv"), 
                     span.range = c(0.05, 0.95)) {
  criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
  fn <- function(span) {
    mod <- update(model, span = span)
  result <- optimize(fn, span.range)
  return(list(span = result$minimum, criterion = result$objective))

#' Break Apart Model Formula
#' A sort of inverse of the \code{reformulate} function.
#' @param form A formula
#' @param keep_env Logical indicating whether the formula's
#' environment should be returned with the result
#' @description Works as a sort of inverse to \code{reformulate} 
#' by breaking apart the formula into response and the term labels. 
#' It also returns the variable names of all of the variables 
#' implicated in the formula. 
#' @return A list with \code{termlabels} giving the rhs terms of the
#' model, \code{response} give the lhs of the model, \code{env} optionally 
#' giving the environment of the formula and \code{vars} a vector of the 
#' variable names implicated in the formula
#' @export
unformulate <- function(form, keep_env=FALSE){
  rhs <- attr(terms(form), "term.labels")
  vn <- all.vars(form)
  l <- as.list(form)
  if(length(l) == 2){
    lhs <- NULL
  if(length(l) == 3){
    lhs <- as.character(l[[2]])
  if(!(length(l) %in% 2:3)){
    stop("formula must transform into a two- or three-element list\n")
  res <- list(termlabels = rhs, response = lhs, vars = vn)
    res$env <- environment(form)

#' Tidy Bootstrap Confidence Intervals 
#' Returns a tibble with confidence intervals for all parameters from a bootstrapping
#' object estimated with the \code{boot()} function.  
#' @param obj An object of class \code{boot}. 
#' @param type The type of confidence interval to be produced.  Unlike \code{boot.ci()}, 
#' "all" is not an option. 
#' @param conf The confidence level to be used for the interval. 
#' @param indices The column numbers of \code{obj$t} to be used in the calculation. 
#' if \code{NULL}, all columns are used. 
#' @param term_names The names of the parameters to be used as identifiers in the tibble. 
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed down to \code{boot.ci()}
#' @return A tibble with the term name, estimate, lower and upper confidence bounds. 
#' @importFrom boot boot.ci
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble
#' @export
tidy_boot_ci <- function(obj, 
                         type=c("norm", "basic", "stud", "perc", "bca"), 
                         term_names = NULL, 
  last2 <- function(x)x[(length(x)-1):length(x)]
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(is.null(term_names) | length(term_names) != ncol(obj$t)){
    trms <- paste0("parameter", 1:ncol(obj$t))
    trms <- term_names
    indices <- 1:ncol(obj$t)
  cis <- sapply(indices, function(i){
    x <- boot.ci(obj, index=i, type=type, ...)
    cix <- x[[length(x)]]
  tibble(term = trms, 
         estimate = obj$t0[indices], 
         conf.low = cis[1,], 
         conf.high = cis[2,])

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