
Defines functions AddFragments dim.Motif dimnames.Motif Links.Seurat Links.ChromatinAssay Motifs.Seurat Motifs.ChromatinAssay Fragments.Seurat Fragments.ChromatinAssay Annotation.Seurat Annotation.ChromatinAssay merge.ChromatinAssay subset.Fragment subset.ChromatinAssay subset.Motif SetMotifData.Seurat SetMotifData.ChromatinAssay SetMotifData.Motif SetAssayData.ChromatinAssay RenameCells.Fragment RenameCells.ChromatinAssay GetMotifData.Seurat GetMotifData.ChromatinAssay GetMotifData.Motif GetFragmentData LayerData.ChromatinAssay GetAssayData.ChromatinAssay UpdateChromatinObject CreateMotifObject as.ChromatinAssay.Assay CreateChromatinAssay

Documented in Annotation.ChromatinAssay Annotation.Seurat as.ChromatinAssay.Assay CreateChromatinAssay CreateMotifObject Fragments.ChromatinAssay Fragments.Seurat GetFragmentData GetMotifData.ChromatinAssay GetMotifData.Motif GetMotifData.Seurat Links.ChromatinAssay Links.Seurat Motifs.ChromatinAssay Motifs.Seurat SetMotifData.ChromatinAssay SetMotifData.Motif SetMotifData.Seurat subset.Fragment subset.Motif

#' @include generics.R
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom methods setClass setClassUnion setMethod is slot slot<- new as
#' slotNames
#' @importClassesFrom Matrix dgCMatrix
#' @useDynLib Signac

## Class definitions

setClassUnion(name = "AnyMatrix", c("matrix", "dgCMatrix"))

#' The Fragment class
#' The Fragment class is designed to hold information needed for working with
#' fragment files.
#' @slot path Path to the fragment file on disk.
#' See \url{https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-atac/software/pipelines/latest/output/fragments}
#' @slot hash A vector of two md5sums: first element is the md5sum of the
#' fragment file, the second element is the md5sum of the index.
#' @slot cells A named vector of cells where each element is the cell barcode
#' as it appears in the fragment file, and the name of each element is the
#' corresponding cell barcode as stored in the ChromatinAssay object.
#' @name Fragment-class
#' @rdname Fragment-class
#' @exportClass Fragment
#' @concept fragments
Fragment <- setClass(
  Class = "Fragment",
  slots = list(
    path = "character",
    hash = "character",
    cells = "ANY"

#' The Motif class
#' The Motif class is designed to store DNA sequence motif information,
#' including motif PWMs or PFMs, motif positions, and metadata.
#' @slot data A sparse, binary, feature x motif matrix. Columns
#' correspond to motif IDs, rows correspond to genomic features
#' (peaks or bins). Entries in the matrix should be 1 if the
#' genomic feature contains the motif, and 0 otherwise.
#' @slot pwm A named list of position weight matrices
#' @slot motif.names A list containing the name of each motif
#' @slot positions A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRangesList}} object containing
#' exact positions of each motif.
#' @slot meta.data A dataframe for storage of additional
#' information related to each motif. This could include the
#' names of proteins that bind the motif.
#' @name Motif-class
#' @rdname Motif-class
#' @exportClass Motif
#' @concept motifs
Motif <- setClass(
  Class = "Motif",
  slots = list(
    data = "CsparseMatrix",
    pwm = "list",
    motif.names = "list",
    positions = "ANY",
    meta.data = "data.frame"

#' The ChromatinAssay class
#' The ChromatinAssay object is an extended \code{\link[SeuratObject]{Assay}}
#' for the storage and analysis of single-cell chromatin data.
#' @slot ranges A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object describing the
#' genomic location of features in the object
#' @slot motifs A \code{\link{Motif}} object
#' @slot fragments A list of \code{\link{Fragment}} objects.
#' @slot seqinfo A \code{\link[GenomeInfoDb]{Seqinfo}} object containing basic
#' information about the genome sequence used.
#' @slot annotation A  \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object containing
#' genomic annotations. This should be a GRanges object with the following 
#' columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{tx_id: Transcript ID}
#'   \item{gene_name: Gene name}
#'   \item{gene_id: Gene ID}
#'   \item{gene_biotype: Gene biotype (e.g. "protein_coding", "lincRNA")}
#'   \item{type: Annotation type (e.g. "exon", "gap")}
#' }
#' @slot bias A vector containing Tn5 integration bias information
#' (frequency of Tn5 integration at different kmers)
#' @slot positionEnrichment A named list of matrices containing positional
#' enrichment scores for Tn5 integration (for example, enrichment at the TSS)
#' @slot links A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} object describing linked
#' genomic positions, such as co-accessible sites or enhancer-gene regulatory
#' relationships. This should be a \code{GRanges} object, where the start and
#' end coordinates are the two linked genomic positions, and must contain a
#' "score" metadata column.
#' @name ChromatinAssay-class
#' @rdname ChromatinAssay-class
#' @importClassesFrom SeuratObject Assay
#' @exportClass ChromatinAssay
#' @concept assay
ChromatinAssay <- setClass(
  Class = "ChromatinAssay",
  contains = "Assay",
  slots = list(
    "ranges" = "GRanges",
    "motifs" = "ANY",
    "fragments" = "list",
    "seqinfo" = "ANY",
    "annotation" = "ANY",
    "bias" = "ANY",
    "positionEnrichment" = "list",
    "links" = "GRanges"

#' Create ChromatinAssay object
#' Create a \code{\link{ChromatinAssay}} object from a count matrix or
#' normalized data matrix. The expected format of the input matrix is features x
#' cells. A set of genomic ranges must be supplied along with the matrix, with
#' the length of the ranges equal to the number of rows in the matrix. If a set
#' of genomic ranges are not supplied, they will be extracted from the
#' row names of the matrix.
#' @param counts Unnormalized data (raw counts)
#' @param data Normalized data; if provided, do not pass counts
#' @param min.cells Include features detected in at least this many cells.
#' Will subset the counts matrix as well.
#' To reintroduce excluded features, create a new object with a lower cutoff.
#' @param max.cells Include features detected in less than this many cells.
#' Will subset the counts matrix as well.
#' To reintroduce excluded features, create a new object with a higher cutoff.
#' This can be useful for chromatin assays where certain artefactual loci
#' accumulate reads in all cells. A percentage cutoff can also be set using
#' 'q' followed by the percentage of cells, for example 'q90' will discard
#' features detected in 90 percent of cells.
#' If NULL (default), do not apply any maximum value.
#' @param min.features Include cells where at least this many features are
#' detected.
#' @param ranges A set of \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} corresponding to
#' the rows of the input matrix
#' @param motifs A Motif object (not required)
#' @param fragments Path to a tabix-indexed fragments file for the data
#' contained in the input matrix. If multiple fragment files are required,
#' you can add additional \code{\link{Fragment}} object to the assay after it is
#' created using the \code{\link{CreateFragmentObject}} and
#' \code{\link{Fragments}} functions. Alternatively, a list of
#' \code{\link{Fragment}} objects can be provided.
#' @param genome A \code{\link[GenomeInfoDb]{Seqinfo}} object containing basic
#' information about the genome used. Alternatively, the name of a UCSC genome
#' can be provided and the sequence information will be downloaded from UCSC.
#' @param annotation A set of \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}} containing
#' annotations for the genome used
#' @param bias A Tn5 integration bias matrix
#' @param positionEnrichment A named list of matrices containing positional
#' signal enrichment information for each cell. Should be a cell x position
#' matrix, centered on an element of interest (for example, TSS sites).
#' @param sep Separators to use for strings encoding genomic coordinates.
#' First element is used to separate the chromosome from the coordinates,
#' second element is used to separate the start from end coordinate. Only
#' used if \code{ranges} is NULL.
#' @param validate.fragments Check that cells in the assay are present in the
#' fragment file.
#' @param verbose Display messages
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{CreateFragmentObject}}
#' @importFrom SeuratObject CreateAssayObject
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums colSums
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges isDisjoint
#' @concept assay
#' @export
CreateChromatinAssay <- function(
  min.cells = 0,
  min.features = 0,
  max.cells = NULL,
  ranges = NULL,
  motifs = NULL,
  fragments = NULL,
  genome = NULL,
  annotation = NULL,
  bias = NULL,
  positionEnrichment = NULL,
  sep = c("-", "-"),
  validate.fragments = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
) {
  if (missing(x = counts) && missing(x = data)) {
    stop("Must provide either 'counts' or 'data'")
  } else if (!missing(x = counts) && !missing(x = data)) {
    stop("Either 'counts' or 'data' must be missing; both cannot be provided")
  } else if (!missing(x = counts)) {
    data.use <- counts
  } else {
    data.use <- data
  if (!is.null(x = ranges)) {
    if (length(x = ranges) != nrow(x = data.use)) {
      stop("Length of supplied genomic ranges does not match number
           of rows in matrix")
  } else {
    ranges <- StringToGRanges(regions = rownames(x = data.use), sep = sep)
  if (!isDisjoint(x = ranges)) {
    warning("Overlapping ranges supplied. Ranges should be non-overlapping.")
  if (!is.null(x = annotation) & !inherits(x = annotation, what = "GRanges")) {
    stop("Annotation must be a GRanges object.")
  # remove low-count cells
  ncount.cell <- colSums(x = data.use > 0)
  data.use <- data.use[, ncount.cell >= min.features]

  if (ncol(x = data.use) == 0) {
    stop("No cells retained due to minimum feature cutoff supplied")

  ncell.feature <- rowSums(x = data.use > 0)
  if (!is.null(x = max.cells)) {
    if (is(object = max.cells, class2 = "character")) {
      percent.cutoff <- as.numeric(
        x = gsub(pattern = "q", replacement = "", x = max.cells)
      max.cells <- (percent.cutoff / 100) * ncol(x = data.use)
  } else {
    max.cells <- ncol(x = data.use)
  features.keep <- (ncell.feature >= min.cells) & (ncell.feature <= max.cells)
  if (sum(features.keep) == 0) {
    stop("No features retained due to minimum cell cutoff supplied")
  data.use <- data.use[features.keep, ]
  ranges <- ranges[features.keep, ]
  # re-assign row names of matrix so that it's a known granges transformation
  new.rownames <- GRangesToString(grange = ranges, sep = c("-", "-"))
  rownames(x = data.use) <- new.rownames
  if (!missing(x = counts)) {
    seurat.assay <- CreateAssayObject(
      counts = data.use,
      data = data,
      min.cells = -1,
      min.features = -1 # min cell/feature filtering already done
  } else {
    seurat.assay <- CreateAssayObject(
      counts = counts,
      data = data.use,
      min.cells = min.cells,
      min.features = min.features
  if (inherits(x = fragments, what = "list")) {
    # check each object in the list is a fragment object
    # fragment list usually supplied when doing object merge,
    # so don't validate cells here, we can assume that was done in
    # individual object creation
    obj.class <- sapply(
      X = fragments, FUN = function(x) inherits(x = x, what = "Fragment")
    if (!all(obj.class)) {
      stop("All objects in fragments list must be Fragment-class objects")
    frags <- lapply(
      X = fragments,
      FUN = AssignFragCellnames,
      cellnames = colnames(x = seurat.assay)
    # subset to cells in the assay
    frags <- lapply(
      X = fragments,
      FUN = subset,
      cells = colnames(x = seurat.assay)
   } else if (inherits(x = fragments, what = "Fragment")) {
    # single Fragment object supplied
    frags <- AssignFragCellnames(
      fragments = fragments, cellnames = colnames(x = seurat.assay)
    # subset to cells in the assay
    frags <- subset(x = frags, cells = colnames(x = seurat.assay))
  } else {
    # path to fragment file supplied, create fragment object
    frags <- list()
    if (!is.null(x = fragments)) {
      if (nchar(x = fragments) > 0) {
        cells <- colnames(x = seurat.assay)
        names(x = cells) <- cells
        frags[[1]] <- CreateFragmentObject(
          path = fragments,
          cells = cells,
          validate.fragments = validate.fragments,
          verbose = verbose,

  if (!is.null(x = motifs)) {
    # pre-computed motif object, make sure features are formatted the same
    # as peak matrix and subset features
    if (!inherits(x = motifs, what = "Motif")) {
      stop("Provided motif object is not a Motif-class object")
    if (!(all(rownames(x = motifs) == rownames(x = seurat.assay)))) {
      # rownames don't match
      motif.mat <- GetMotifData(object = motifs)
      motif.granges <- StringToGRanges(
        regions = rownames(x = motifs), sep = sep
      rownames(x = motif.mat) <- GRangesToString(grange = motif.granges)
      # subset
      if (!all(rownames(x = seurat.assay) %in% rownames(x = motif.mat))) {
        warning("Some peak regions missing from supplied motif object. ",
                "Motif information will not be added")
        motifs <- NULL
      motif.mat <- motif.mat[rownames(x = seurat.assay), ]
      motifs <- SetMotifData(
        object = motifs, slot = "data", new.data = motif.mat
  chrom.assay <- as.ChromatinAssay(
    x = seurat.assay,
    ranges = ranges,
    seqinfo = genome,
    motifs = motifs,
    fragments = frags,
    annotation = annotation,
    bias = bias,
    positionEnrichment = positionEnrichment

#' @param ranges A GRanges object
#' @param seqinfo A \code{\link[GenomeInfoDb]{Seqinfo}} object containing basic
#' information about the genome used. Alternatively, the name of a UCSC genome
#' can be provided and the sequence information will be downloaded from UCSC.
#' @param annotation Genomic annotation
#' @param motifs A \code{\link{Motif}} object
#' @param fragments A list of \code{\link{Fragment}} objects
#' @param bias Tn5 integration bias matrix
#' @param positionEnrichment A named list of position enrichment matrices.
#' @param sep Characters used to separate the chromosome, start, and end
#' coordinates in the row names of the data matrix
#' @rdname as.ChromatinAssay
#' @export
#' @method as.ChromatinAssay Assay
#' @concept assay
as.ChromatinAssay.Assay <- function(
  ranges = NULL,
  seqinfo = NULL,
  annotation = NULL,
  motifs = NULL,
  fragments = NULL,
  bias = NULL,
  positionEnrichment = NULL,
  sep = c("-", "-"),
) {
  new.assay <- as(object = x, Class = "ChromatinAssay")
  ranges <- SetIfNull(
    x = ranges,
    y = StringToGRanges(regions = rownames(x = x), sep = sep)
  new.assay <- SetAssayData(
    object = new.assay,
    layer = "ranges",
    new.data = ranges
  if (!is.null(x = fragments)) {
    new.assay <- SetAssayData(
      object = new.assay,
      layer = "fragments",
      new.data = fragments
  if (!is.null(x = seqinfo)) {
    new.assay <- SetAssayData(
      object = new.assay,
      layer = "seqinfo",
      new.data = seqinfo
  if (!is.null(x = annotation)) {
    new.assay <- SetAssayData(
      object = new.assay,
      layer = "annotation",
      new.data = annotation
  if (!is.null(x = motifs)) {
    new.assay <- SetAssayData(
      object = new.assay,
      layer = "motifs",
      new.data = motifs
  if (!is.null(x = bias)) {
    new.assay <- SetAssayData(
      object = new.assay,
      layer = "bias",
      new.data = bias
  if (!is.null(x = positionEnrichment)) {
    new.assay <- SetAssayData(
      object = new.assay,
      layer = "positionEnrichment",
      new.data = positionEnrichment

  from = "Assay",
  to = "ChromatinAssay",
  def = function(from) {
    object.list <- sapply(
      X = slotNames(x = from),
      FUN = slot,
      object = from,
      simplify = FALSE,
    object.list <- c(
        "Class" = "ChromatinAssay"
    return(do.call(what = "new", args = object.list))

## Functions

#' Create motif object
#' Create a \code{\link{Motif-class}} object.
#' @param data A motif x region matrix
#' @param pwm A named list of position weight matrices or position frequency
#' matrices matching the motif names in \code{data}.
#' Can be of class PFMatrixList.
#' @param motif.names A named list of motif names. List element names
#' must match the names given in \code{pwm}. If NULL, use the names from the
#' list of position weight or position frequency matrices. This can be used to
#' set a alternative common name for the motif. If a PFMatrixList is passed to
#' \code{pwm}, it will pull the motif name from the PFMatrixList.
#' @param positions A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRangesList}} object containing
#' exact positions of each motif.
#' @param meta.data A data.frame containing metadata
#' @export
#' @return Returns a \code{\link{Motif}} object
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' motif.matrix <- matrix(
#'   data = sample(c(0,1),
#'     size = 100,
#'     replace = TRUE),
#'   ncol = 5
#' )
#' motif <- CreateMotifObject(data = motif.matrix)
CreateMotifObject <- function(
  data = NULL,
  pwm = NULL,
  motif.names = NULL,
  positions = NULL,
  meta.data = NULL
) {
  data <- SetIfNull(x = data, y = new(Class = "dgCMatrix"))
  meta.data <- SetIfNull(x = meta.data, y = data.frame())
  if (
    !(inherits(x = data, what = "matrix") |
      inherits(x = data, what = "CsparseMatrix"))
    ) {
    stop("Data must be matrix or sparse matrix class. Supplied ",
         class(x = data))
  if (inherits(x = data, what = "matrix")) {
    data <- as(Class = "CsparseMatrix", object = data)
  if ((nrow(x = data) > 0) & (length(x = pwm) > 0)) {
    if (!all(names(x = pwm) == colnames(x = data))) {
      stop("Motif names in data matrix and PWM list are inconsistent")
  if ((nrow(x = data) > 0) & (nrow(x = meta.data) > 0)) {
    if (!all(rownames(x = meta.data) == rownames(x = data))) {
      stop("Motif names in data matrix and metadata are inconsistent")
  if (inherits(x = pwm, what = "list")) {
    if (is.null(names(x = pwm))) {
      stop("PWM must be a named list")
  if (!is.null(x = motif.names)) {
    if (length(x = motif.names) != length(x = pwm)) {
      stop("Number of motif names supplied does not match the number of motifs")
  if (
    inherits(x = pwm, what = "PFMatrixList") |
    inherits(x = pwm, what = "PWMatrixList")
    ) {
    pwm.converted <- lapply(X = as.list(x = pwm), FUN = PFMatrixToList)
    pwm <- lapply(X = pwm.converted, FUN = "[[", 1)
    motif.names <- lapply(X = pwm.converted, FUN = "[[", 2)
  # ensure names are unique
  motif.id <- names(x = motif.names)
  mn.stash <- as.character(x = motif.names)
  mn.unique <- make.unique(names = as.character(motif.names))
  if (!identical(x = mn.stash, y = mn.unique)) {
    warning("Non-unique motif names supplied, making unique", immediate. = TRUE)
  motif.names <- as.list(x = mn.unique)
  names(x = motif.names) <- motif.id
  pwm <- SetIfNull(x = pwm, y = list())
  if (is.null(x = motif.names)) {
    motif.names <- as.list(x = names(x = pwm))
    names(motif.names) <- names(x = pwm)
  motif.obj <- new(
    Class = "Motif",
    data = data,
    pwm = pwm,
    motif.names = motif.names,
    positions = positions,
    meta.data = meta.data

# Update chromatin object 
# Create a new \code{\link[SeuratObject]} with the cells only in the 
# chromatin/expression assays. This is used for V5 objects, such as an 
# extended reference object, that can have more cells in the whole object 
# than are in the chromatin assay. 
# @param object A \code{\link[SeuratObject]}
# @param chromatin.assay A list of the name(s) of the chromatin assay 
# @param expression.assay The name of the expression assay
# @param features NULL or a list of features. If features is not null, 
# the expression assay will be added to the object 
# @return Returns a new \code{\link[SeuratObject]} that only contains 
# the cells in the chromatin assay 
#' @importFrom SeuratObject Assays CreateSeuratObject
UpdateChromatinObject <- function(
  expression.assay = NULL,
  features = NULL
) {
  op <- options(Seurat.object.assay.calcn = FALSE)
  on.exit(expr = options(op), add = TRUE)
  lapply(X = chromatin.assay, FUN = function(x) {
    if (!(x %in% Assays(object))) {
      stop("The requested assay is not in the object.")
  # Create new seurat object 
  new.object <- CreateSeuratObject(
    counts = object[[chromatin.assay[[1]]]], 
    assay = chromatin.assay[[1]],
    meta.data = slot(object, name = "meta.data")
  if (length(chromatin.assay) > 1){
    for (i in 2:length(chromatin.assay)){
      if (!identical(colnames(new.object[[chromatin.assay[[1]]]]), 
                     colnames(object[[chromatin.assay[[i]]]]))) {
        stop("All chromatin assays must have the same cells.")
      new.object[[chromatin.assay[[i]]]] <- object[[chromatin.assay[[i]]]]
  # Add expression assay if applicable and if Seurat Object v5 is loaded
  if (!is.null(features)){
    if (!is.null(expression.assay)){
      if (utils::packageVersion("SeuratObject") >= package_version("4.9.9")) {
        if (!(expression.assay %in% Assays(object))){
          stop("The requested assay is not in the object.")
        if (!all(colnames(new.object) %in% colnames(object[[expression.assay]]))){
          stop("Chromatin and expression assays have different cells.")
        # Convert BP Cells to sparse matrix 
        for (i in SeuratObject::Layers(object[[expression.assay]])){
          layer.data <- SeuratObject::LayerData(object = object, 
                                  assay = expression.assay, 
                                  layer = i)
          if(inherits(layer.data, what = "IterableMatrix")) {
            warning("Converting IterableMatrix to sparse dgCMatrix", 
                    call. = FALSE)
            SeuratObject::LayerData(object = object, 
                      assay = expression.assay, 
                      layer = i) <- as(object = layer.data, 
                                       Class = "dgCMatrix")
        # Subset expression data if necessary
        if(!suppressWarnings(all(colnames(object[[expression.assay]]) == colnames(new.object)))){
          warning("Subsetting expression assay to have same cells as chromatin assay.", 
                  call. = FALSE)
          new.object[[expression.assay]] <- subset(x = object[[expression.assay]], 
                                                   cells = colnames(new.object))
        } else {
          new.object[[expression.assay]] <- object[[expression.assay]]
      } else {
        warning("Cannot access layers if SeuratObject version is not 5.0.0 or greater.", 
                "Please update SeuratObject to also visualize expression data when your",
                "object has layers with different numbers of cells.", 
                call. = FALSE, 
                immediate. = TRUE)

#' @importFrom SeuratObject GetAssayData
#' @method GetAssayData ChromatinAssay
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present
#' @export
#' @concept assay
GetAssayData.ChromatinAssay <- function(
  layer = "data",
  assay = NULL,
  slot = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = slot)) {
    layer <- slot
  if (!(layer %in% slotNames(x = object))) {
      "layer must be one of ",
      paste(slotNames(x = object), collapse = ", "),
      call. = FALSE
  return(methods::slot(object = object, name = layer))

#' @importFrom SeuratObject LayerData
#' @method LayerData ChromatinAssay
#' @export
#' @concept assay
LayerData.ChromatinAssay <- function(
    layer = "data",
    assay = NULL,
) {
  return(GetAssayData(object, layer = layer))

#' Get Fragment object data
#' Extract data from a \code{\link{Fragment-class}} object
#' @param object A \code{\link{Fragment}} object
#' @param slot Information to pull from object (path, hash, cells, prefix, suffix)
#' @export
#' @concept assay
GetFragmentData <- function(object, slot = "path") {
  return(methods::slot(object = object, name = slot))

#' @param slot Information to pull from object (data, pwm, meta.data)
#' @rdname GetMotifData
#' @method GetMotifData Motif
#' @export
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' motif.obj <- SeuratObject::GetAssayData(
#'   object = atac_small[['peaks']], slot = "motifs"
#' )
#' GetMotifData(object = motif.obj)
GetMotifData.Motif <- function(object, slot = "data", ...) {
  return(methods::slot(object = object, name = slot))

#' @importFrom SeuratObject GetAssayData
#' @rdname GetMotifData
#' @concept motifs
#' @method GetMotifData ChromatinAssay
#' @export
GetMotifData.ChromatinAssay <- function(object, slot = "data", ...) {
  motif.obj <- GetAssayData(object = object, slot = "motifs")
  if (is.null(x = motif.obj)) {
    stop("Motif object not present in assay")
  } else {
    return(GetMotifData(object = motif.obj, slot = slot, ...))

#' @param assay Which assay to use. Default is the current active assay
#' @rdname GetMotifData
#' @method GetMotifData Seurat
#' @concept motifs
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @examples
#' GetMotifData(object = atac_small)
GetMotifData.Seurat <- function(object, assay = NULL, slot = "data", ...) {
  assay <- SetIfNull(x = assay, y = DefaultAssay(object = object))
    object = object[[assay]],
    slot = slot,

#' @importFrom SeuratObject RenameCells GetAssayData
#' @concept assay
#' @method RenameCells ChromatinAssay
#' @export
RenameCells.ChromatinAssay <- function(object, new.names = NULL, ...) {
  names(x = new.names) <- colnames(x = object)
  for (i in seq_along(along.with = Fragments(object = object))) {
    slot(object = object, name = "fragments")[[i]] <- RenameCells(
      object = slot(object = object, name = "fragments")[[i]],
      new.names = new.names
  pos.enrich <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = "positionEnrichment")
  for (i in seq_along(along.with = pos.enrich)) {
    mat <- pos.enrich[[i]]
    if (!inherits(x = mat, what = "list")) {
      mat <- mat[colnames(x = object), ]
      rownames(x = mat) <- new.names[rownames(x = mat)]
      pos.enrich[[i]] <- mat
  slot(object = object, name = "positionEnrichment") <- pos.enrich

  # TODO need to convert to standard assay, rename cells, convert back
  # this would account for possibility of SCT-normalized data in a ChrAssay
  names(x = new.names) <- NULL
  for (data.slot in c("counts", "data", "scale.data")) {
    old.data <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = data.slot)
    if (ncol(x = old.data) <= 1) {
    colnames(x = slot(object = object, name = data.slot)) <- new.names

#' @importFrom SeuratObject RenameCells
#' @concept fragments
#' @method RenameCells Fragment
#' @export
RenameCells.Fragment <- function(object, new.names, ...) {
  cells <- GetFragmentData(object = object, slot = "cells")
  if (is.null(x = cells)) {
    stop("Cannot rename cells in Fragment object ",
         "with no cell information stored")
  cells <- cells[names(x = new.names)]
  names(x = cells) <- new.names[names(x = cells)]
  slot(object = object, name = "cells") <- cells

#' @importFrom SeuratObject SetAssayData
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb genome Seqinfo
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated is_present
#' @method SetAssayData ChromatinAssay
#' @concept assay
#' @export
SetAssayData.ChromatinAssay <- function(
    slot = deprecated(),
) {
  if (is_present(arg = slot)) {
    layer <- slot
  if (!(layer %in% slotNames(x = object))) {
      "layer must be one of ",
      paste(slotNames(x = object), collapse = ", "),
      call. = FALSE
  if (layer %in% c("counts", "data", "scale.data")) {
    if (!(is(object = new.data, class2 = "AnyMatrix"))) {
      stop("Data must be a matrix or sparseMatrix")
    if (ncol(x = object) != ncol(x = new.data)) {
      stop("Number of columns in the provided matrix does not match
           the number of cells in the object")
    if (layer %in% c("counts", "data")) {
      if (nrow(x = object) != nrow(x = new.data)) {
        stop("Number of rows in provided matrix does not match
           the number of rows in the object")
    } else {
      # scale data
      if (nrow(x = object) < nrow(x = new.data)) {
        stop("Number of rows in provided matrix is greater than
             the number of rows in the object")
    methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- new.data
  } else if (layer == "seqinfo") {
    if (inherits(x = new.data, what = "Seqinfo")) {
      methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- new.data
    } else if (is(object = new.data, class2 = "character")) {
      methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- Seqinfo(genome = new.data)
    } else if(is.null(x = new.data)) {
      methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- NULL
    } else {
      stop("Unknown object supplied. Choose a Seqinfo object or the name
           of a UCSC genome")
  } else if (layer == "fragments") {
    if (inherits(x = new.data, what = "list")) {
      # check that it's a list containing fragment class objects
      for (i in seq_along(new.data)) {
        if (!inherits(x = new.data[[i]], what = "Fragment")) {
          stop("New data is not a Fragment object")
    } else if (inherits(x = new.data, what = "Fragment")) {
      # single fragment object
      new.data <- list(new.data)
    frag.list <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = "fragments")
    if (length(x = frag.list) != 0) {
      warning("Overwriting existing fragment objects")
    methods::slot(object = object, name = "fragments") <- new.data
  } else if (layer == "annotation") {
    if (!is(object = new.data, class2 = "GRanges")) {
      stop("Must provide a GRanges object")
    current.genome <- unique(x = genome(x = object))
    annotation.genome <- unique(x = genome(x = new.data))
    if (!is.null(x = current.genome)) {
      if (!is.na(x = annotation.genome) &
          (current.genome != annotation.genome)) {
        stop("Annotation genome does not match genome of the object")
    methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- new.data
  } else if (layer == "bias") {
    if (!is(object = new.data, class2 = "vector")) {
      stop("Bias must be provided as a vector")
    methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- new.data
  } else if (layer == "positionEnrichment") {
    if (inherits(x = new.data, what = "list")) {
      # list of position enrichment matrices being added
      if (length(x = new.data) == 0) {
        # if list is empty, assign and overwrite slot
        methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- new.data
      } else if (is.null(x = names(x = new.data))) {
        stop("If supplying a list of position enrichment matrices,
             each element must be named")
      } else {
        current.data <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = layer)
        if (length(x = current.data) != 0) {
          warning("Overwriting current list of position enrichement matrices")
        for (i in seq_along(along.with = new.data)) {
          if (!is(object = new.data[[i]], class2 = "AnyMatrix")) {
              "Position enrichment must be provided as a matrix or sparseMatrix"
        methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- new.data
    } else if (!is(object = new.data, class2 = "AnyMatrix")) {
      stop("Position enrichment must be provided as a matrix or sparseMatrix")
    } else {
      # single new matrix being added, needs a key
      args <- list(...)
      if (!("key" %in% names(x = args))) {
        stop("Must supply a key when adding positionEnrichment data")
      } else {
        key <- args$key
      current.pos <- methods::slot(object = object, name = layer)
      current.pos[[key]] <- new.data
      methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- current.pos
  } else if (layer == "ranges") {
    if (!is(object = new.data, class2 = "GRanges")) {
      stop("Must provide a GRanges object")
    } else if (length(x = new.data) != nrow(x = object)) {
      stop("Number of ranges provided is not equal to the number
           of features in the assay")
    methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- new.data
  } else if (layer == "motifs") {
    if (!inherits(x = new.data, what = "Motif")) {
      stop("Must provide a Motif class object")
    # TODO allow mismatching row names, but check that the genomic ranges
    # are equivalent. Requires adding a granges slot to the motif class
    if (!all(rownames(x = object) == rownames(x = new.data))) {
      keep.features <- intersect(x = rownames(x = new.data),
                                 y = rownames(x = object))
      if (length(x = keep.features) == 0) {
        stop("No features in common between the ChromatinAssay
             and Motif objects")
      else {
        warning("Features do not match in ChromatinAssay and Motif object.
                Subsetting the Motif object.")
        new.data <- new.data[keep.features, ]
    methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- new.data
  } else if (layer == "links") {
    methods::slot(object = object, name = layer) <- new.data

#' @importFrom SeuratObject LayerData<- SetAssayData
#' @method LayerData<- ChromatinAssay
#' @concept assay
#' @export
"LayerData<-.ChromatinAssay" <- function(object, layer, ..., value) {
  object <- SetAssayData(object = object, layer = layer, new.data = value)
  # validObject(object = object)

#' @rdname SetMotifData
#' @method SetMotifData Motif
#' @export
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' motif.obj <- SeuratObject::GetAssayData(
#'   object = atac_small[['peaks']], slot = "motifs"
#' )
#' SetMotifData(object = motif.obj, slot = 'data', new.data = matrix(1:2))
SetMotifData.Motif <- function(object, slot, new.data, ...) {
  if (!(slot %in% slotNames(x = object))) {
    stop("slot must be one of ",
         paste(slotNames(x = object), collapse = ", "),
         call. = FALSE)
  if (slot == "data") {
    if (inherits(x = new.data, what = "matrix")) {
      new.data <- as(Class = "CsparseMatrix", object = new.data)
  # TODO check that new data is compatible with existing slots
  # rownames of data must match rownames of meta.data and names of pwm, if not
  # empty
  methods::slot(object = object, name = slot) <- new.data

#' @param new.data motif matrix to add. Should be matrix or sparse matrix class
#' @param slot Name of slot to use
#' @importFrom SeuratObject GetAssayData SetAssayData
#' @rdname SetMotifData
#' @export
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' SetMotifData(
#'   object = atac_small[['peaks']], slot = 'data', new.data = matrix(1:2)
#' )
#' @method SetMotifData ChromatinAssay
SetMotifData.ChromatinAssay <- function(object, slot, new.data, ...) {
  if (slot == "data") {
    if (
      !(inherits(x = new.data, what = "matrix") |
        inherits(x = new.data, what = "CsparseMatrix"))
      ) {
      stop("Data must be matrix or sparse matrix class. Supplied ",
           class(x = new.data))
    if (!all(rownames(x = object) == rownames(x = new.data))) {
      stop("Features do not match existing assay data.
           Column names in motif matrix should match row names in assay data")
    if (inherits(x = new.data, what = "matrix")) {
      new.data <- as(Class = "CsparseMatrix", object = new.data)
  motif.obj <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = "motifs")
  if (is.null(x = motif.obj)) {
    stop("Motif object not present in assay")
  } else {
    motif.obj <- SetMotifData(
      object = motif.obj, slot = slot, new.data = new.data
    object <- SetAssayData(
      object = object, layer = "motifs", new.data = motif.obj

#' @param assay Name of assay whose data should be set
#' @rdname SetMotifData
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @method SetMotifData Seurat
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' motif.matrix <- GetMotifData(object = atac_small)
#' SetMotifData(
#' object = atac_small, assay = 'peaks', slot = 'data', new.data = motif.matrix
#' )
SetMotifData.Seurat <- function(object, assay = NULL, ...) {
  assay <- SetIfNull(x = assay, y = DefaultAssay(object = object))
  object[[assay]] <- SetMotifData(object = object[[assay]], ...)

#' Subset a Motif object
#' Returns a subset of a \code{\link{Motif-class}} object.
#' @param x A Motif object
#' @param features Which features to retain
#' @param motifs Which motifs to retain
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @method subset Motif
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{subset}}
#' @return Returns a subsetted \code{\link{Motif}} object
#' @export
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' motif.obj <- SeuratObject::GetAssayData(
#'   object = atac_small[['peaks']], layer = "motifs"
#' )
#' subset(x = motif.obj, features = head(rownames(motif.obj), 10))
subset.Motif <- function(x, features = NULL, motifs = NULL, ...) {
  features <- SetIfNull(x = features, y = rownames(x = x))
  motifs <- SetIfNull(x = motifs, y = colnames(x = x))
  new.data <- GetMotifData(object = x, slot = "data")[features, motifs, drop = FALSE]
  new.pwm <- GetMotifData(object = x, slot = "pwm")[motifs]
  new.names <- GetMotifData(object = x, slot = "motif.names")[motifs]
  new.meta <- GetMotifData(object = x, slot = "meta.data")[motifs, , drop = FALSE]
  new.positions <- GetMotifData(object = x, slot = "positions")
  if (!is.null(x = new.positions)) {
    new.positions <- new.positions[motifs]
  new.motif <- new(
    Class = "Motif",
    data = new.data,
    pwm = new.pwm,
    motif.names = new.names,
    meta.data = new.meta,
    positions = new.positions

#' @export
#' @importClassesFrom SeuratObject Assay
#' @concept assay
#' @method subset ChromatinAssay
subset.ChromatinAssay <- function(
  features = NULL,
  cells = NULL,
) {
  # subset elements in the standard assay
  standardassay <- as(object = x, Class = "Assay")
  standardassay <- subset(x = standardassay, features = features, cells = cells)

  # recompute meta features
  standardassay <- FindTopFeatures(
    object = standardassay,
    min.cutoff = NA,
    verbose = FALSE

  # subset genomic ranges
  ranges.keep <- granges(x = x)
  if (!is.null(x = features)) {
    idx.keep <- rownames(x = x) %in% features
    ranges.keep <- ranges.keep[idx.keep]

  # subset motifs
  motifs <- Motifs(object = x)
  if (!is.null(x = motifs)) {
    motifs <- subset(x = motifs, features = features)

  # subset cells in positionEnrichment matrices
  cells <- SetIfNull(x = cells, y = colnames(x = x))
  posmat <- GetAssayData(object = x, layer = "positionEnrichment")
  for (i in seq_along(along.with = posmat)) {
    posmat[[i]] <- posmat[[i]][cells, ]

  # subset cells in Fragments objects
  frags <- Fragments(object = x)
  for (i in seq_along(along.with = frags)) {
    frags[[i]] <- subset(x = frags[[i]], cells = cells)

  # convert standard assay to ChromatinAssay
  chromassay <- as.ChromatinAssay(
    x = standardassay,
    ranges = ranges.keep,
    seqinfo = seqinfo(x = x),
    annotation = Annotation(object = x),
    motifs = motifs,
    fragments = frags,
    bias = GetAssayData(object = x, layer = "bias"),
    positionEnrichment = posmat

#' Subset a Fragment object
#' Returns a subset of a \code{\link{Fragment-class}} object.
#' @param x A Fragment object
#' @param cells Vector of cells to retain
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods
#' @method subset Fragment
#' @importFrom fastmatch fmatch
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{subset}}
#' @return Returns a subsetted \code{\link{Fragment}} object
#' @export
#' @concept fragments
#' @examples
#' fpath <- system.file("extdata", "fragments.tsv.gz", package="Signac")
#' cells <- colnames(x = atac_small)
#' names(x = cells) <- paste0("test_", cells)
#' frags <- CreateFragmentObject(path = fpath, cells = cells, verbose = FALSE, tolerance = 0.5)
#' subset(frags, head(names(cells)))
subset.Fragment <- function(
  cells = NULL,
) {
  frag.cells <- GetFragmentData(object = x, slot = "cells")
  keep <- fmatch(x = names(x = frag.cells), table = cells, nomatch = 0L) > 0
  slot(object = x, name = "cells") <- frag.cells[keep]

#' @export
#' @concept assay
#' @method merge ChromatinAssay
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges union findOverlaps
#' @importFrom SeuratObject RowMergeSparseMatrices Key Key<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors subjectHits queryHits mcols
#' @importMethodsFrom GenomeInfoDb merge
merge.ChromatinAssay <- function(
  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  add.cell.ids = NULL,
) {
  # need to do all operations over a list of assays
  assays <- c(x, y)

  # if any are standard Assay class, coerce all to Assay and run merge
  isChromatin <- sapply(
    X = assays, FUN = function(x) inherits(x = x, what = "ChromatinAssay")
  if (!all(isChromatin)) {
    # check that the non-chromatinassays have >1 feature
    nfeature <- sapply(X = assays, FUN = nrow)
    if (all(nfeature > 1)) {
      # genuine assays, coerce to standard assay and run merge.Assay
        "Some assays are not ChromatinAssay class, ",
        "coercing ChromatinAssays to standard Assay"
      assays <- sapply(
        X = assays, FUN = function(x) as(object = x, Class = "Assay")
      new.assay <- merge(
        x = assays[[1]], y = assays[[2:length(x = assays)]], ...
    } else {
      # Find which assays are placeholder
      placeholders <- nfeature == 1 & !isChromatin
      # Set feature name as first peak in first real assay
      peak.use <- rownames(x = assays[isChromatin][[1]])[1]
      converted <- sapply(
        X = assays[placeholders], FUN = function(x) {
          rownames(x = x@counts) <- peak.use
          rownames(x = x@data) <- peak.use
      # Covert placeholder assays to ChromatinAssay
      converted <- sapply(
        X = converted, FUN = function(x) as.ChromatinAssay(x = x)
      # Replace original assays
      assays[placeholders] <- converted
      # Continue with merge function

  # rename cells in each assay
  # merge.Seurat already does this, so should only happen here when merging
  # assay objects outside of a Seurat object
  if (is.null(x = add.cell.ids)) {
    # check if any cell names clash, if so add a prefix
    cellnames.all <- sapply(X = assays, FUN = colnames)
    cellnames.all <- Reduce(f = c, x = cellnames.all)
    cellname.freq <- table(cellnames.all)
    if (max(cellname.freq) > 1) {
        "Cell names not unique, ",
        "adding prefix to enforce unique cell names"
      add.cell.ids <- seq_along(along.with = assays)
  if (!is.null(x = add.cell.ids)) {
    for (i in seq_along(along.with = assays)) {
      assays[[i]] <- RenameCells(
        object = assays[[i]],
        new.names = paste(add.cell.ids[i], colnames(x = assays[[i]]), sep = "_")

  # check genomes are all the same
  genomes <- unlist(
    x = lapply(X = assays, FUN = function(x) unique(x = genome(x = x)))
  if (length(x = unique(x = genomes)) > 1) {
    warning("Genomes do not match, not merging ChromatinAssays")

  # merge seqinfo
  all.seqinfo <- lapply(X = assays, FUN = function(x) seqinfo(x = x))
  seqinfo.present <- !sapply(X = all.seqinfo, FUN = is.null)
  if (any(seqinfo.present)) {
    # need at least one non-NULL seqinfo, otherwise just set it as NULL
    all.seqinfo <- all.seqinfo[seqinfo.present]
    if (length(x = all.seqinfo) > 1) {
      seqinfo.use <- all.seqinfo[[1]]
      # iteratively merge seqinfo objects
      for (x in 2:length(x = all.seqinfo)) {
        seqinfo.use <- merge(x = seqinfo.use, y = all.seqinfo[[x]])
    } else {
      seqinfo.use <- all.seqinfo[[1]]
  } else {
    seqinfo.use <- NULL

  # merge annotations
  all.annot <- lapply(X = assays, FUN = function(x) Annotation(object = x))
  annot.present <- !sapply(X = all.annot, FUN = is.null)
  if (any(annot.present)) {
    all.annot <- all.annot[annot.present]
    annot.use <- all.annot[[1]]
    if (length(x = all.annot) > 1) {
      for (x in 2:length(x = all.annot)) {
        if (!identical(x = annot.use, y = all.annot[[x]])) {
          warning("Annotations do not match, keeping annotation from the
            first object only")
  } else {
    annot.use <- NULL

  # merge fragments
  all.frag <- lapply(X = assays, FUN = function(x) Fragments(object = x))
  all.frag <- Reduce(f = c, x = all.frag)
  valid.frags <- sapply(X = all.frag, FUN = ValidateHash, verbose = FALSE)
  if (!all(valid.frags)) {
    warning("Some fragment files are not valid or not indexed.
            Removing invalid files from merged ChromatinAssay")
    all.frag <- all.frag[valid.frags]

  # check that all features are equal
  all.features <- lapply(X = assays, FUN = rownames)
  all.features <- table(do.call(what = c, args = all.features))
  all.identical <- all(all.features == length(x = assays))

  # find whether the unique ranges are all disjoint
  all.nonoverlapping <- NonOverlapping(x = assays, all.features = all.features)

  if (all.identical | all.nonoverlapping) {
    # no non-identical but overlapping features present
    merged.counts <- list()
    merged.data <- list()
    if (all.identical) {
      feat.use <- rownames(x = assays[[1]])
      for (i in seq_along(along.with = assays)) {
        # check that counts are present
        # can be removed by DietSeurat
        assay.counts <- GetAssayData(object = assays[[i]], layer = "counts")
        if (nrow(x = assay.counts) > 0) {
          merged.counts[[i]] <- assay.counts[feat.use, ]
        } else {
          merged.counts[[i]] <- assay.counts
        merged.data[[i]] <- GetAssayData(
          object = assays[[i]], layer = "data"
        )[feat.use, ]
      # exact same features, can just run cbind
      # can also merge data and scaledata
      merged.counts <- do.call(what = cbind, args = merged.counts)
      merged.data <- do.call(what = cbind, args = merged.data)
      reduced.ranges <- granges(x = assays[[1]])
    } else {
      # disjoint
      all.counts <- list()
      all.data <- list()
      for (i in seq_along(along.with = assays)) {
        all.counts[[i]] <- GetAssayData(object = assays[[i]], layer = "counts")
        all.data[[i]] <- GetAssayData(object = assays[[i]], layer = "data")
      count_nonzero <- lapply(X = all.counts, FUN = ncol)
      data_nonzero <- lapply(X = all.data, FUN = ncol)
      if (all(count_nonzero > 0)) {
        merged.counts <- RowMergeSparseMatrices(
          mat1 = all.counts[[1]],
          mat2 = all.counts[2:length(x = all.counts)]
        reduced.ranges <- StringToGRanges(regions = rownames(x = merged.counts))
      } else {
        merged.counts <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
        reduced.ranges <- NULL
      if (all(data_nonzero > 0)) {
        merged.data <- RowMergeSparseMatrices(
          mat1 = all.data[[1]],
          mat2 = all.data[2:length(x = all.data)]
        reduced.ranges <- SetIfNull(
          x = reduced.ranges,
          y = StringToGRanges(regions = rownames(x = merged.data))
      } else {
        merged.data <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
      if (is.null(x = reduced.ranges)) {
        stop("No counts or data in the assay")

    # create new ChromatinAssay object
    # bias, motifs, positionEnrichment, metafeatures not kept
    # scaledata only kept if features exactly identical
    if (nrow(x = merged.counts) > 0) {
      new.assay <- CreateChromatinAssay(
        counts = merged.counts,
        min.cells = -1,
        min.features = -1,
        max.cells = NULL,
        ranges = reduced.ranges,
        motifs = NULL,
        fragments = all.frag,
        genome = seqinfo.use,
        annotation = annot.use,
        bias = NULL,
        validate.fragments = FALSE
      new.assay <- SetAssayData(
        object = new.assay, layer = "data", new.data = merged.data
    } else {
      new.assay <- CreateChromatinAssay(
        data = merged.data,
        min.cells = -1,
        min.features = -1,
        max.cells = NULL,
        ranges = reduced.ranges,
        motifs = NULL,
        fragments = all.frag,
        genome = seqinfo.use,
        annotation = annot.use,
        bias = NULL,
        validate.fragments = FALSE
  } else {
    # first create a merged set of granges, preserving the assay of origin
    granges.all <- sapply(X = assays, FUN = granges)
    for (i in seq_along(along.with = granges.all)) {
      granges.all[[i]]$dataset <- i
    granges.all <- Reduce(f = c, x = granges.all)

    # create reduced ranges, recording the indices of the merged ranges
    reduced.ranges <- reduce(x = granges.all, with.revmap = TRUE)

    # get the new rownames for the count matrix
    new.rownames <- GRangesToString(grange = reduced.ranges)

    # function to look up original
    tomerge <- GetRowsToMerge(
      assay.list = assays,
      all.ranges = granges.all,
      reduced.ranges = reduced.ranges

    # if the grange is the same, merge matrix rows
    merged.counts <- MergeOverlappingRows(
      mergeinfo = tomerge,
      assay.list = assays,
      slot = "counts",
      verbose = TRUE

    merged.data <- MergeOverlappingRows(
      mergeinfo = tomerge,
      assay.list = assays,
      slot = "data",
      verbose = TRUE

    if (nrow(x = merged.counts[[1]]) > 0) {
      merged.counts <- MergeMatrixParts(
        mat.list = merged.counts,
        new.rownames = new.rownames
      merged.data <- MergeMatrixParts(
        mat.list = merged.data,
        new.rownames = new.rownames
      new.assay <- CreateChromatinAssay(
        counts = merged.counts,
        min.cells = -1,
        min.features = -1,
        max.cells = NULL,
        ranges = reduced.ranges,
        motifs = NULL,
        fragments = all.frag,
        genome = seqinfo.use,
        annotation = annot.use,
        bias = NULL,
        validate.fragments = FALSE
      new.assay <- SetAssayData(
        object = new.assay, layer = "data", new.data = merged.data
    } else {
      merged.data <- MergeMatrixParts(
        mat.list = merged.data,
        new.rownames = new.rownames
      # create new ChromatinAssay object
      # bias, motifs, positionEnrichment, metafeatures not kept
      # need to keep data otherwise integration doesn't work
      new.assay <- CreateChromatinAssay(
        data = merged.data,
        min.cells = 0,
        min.features = 0,
        max.cells = NULL,
        ranges = reduced.ranges,
        motifs = NULL,
        fragments = all.frag,
        genome = seqinfo.use,
        annotation = annot.use,
        bias = NULL,
        validate.fragments = FALSE
  keys <- unlist(x = sapply(X = assays, FUN = Key))
  if (length(x = unique(x = keys)) == 1) {
    Key(object = new.assay) <- keys[1]

#' @param i Which columns to retain
#' @param j Which rows to retain
#' @rdname subset.Motif
#' @export
#' @concept motifs
#' @method [ Motif
#' @examples
#' motif.obj <- SeuratObject::GetAssayData(
#'   object = atac_small, assay = 'peaks', layer = 'motifs'
#' )
#' motif.obj[1:10,1:10]
"[.Motif" <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
  if (missing(x = i) && missing(x = j)) {
  if (missing(x = i)) {
    i <- NULL
  } else if (missing(x = j)) {
    j <- colnames(x = x)
  if (is.logical(x = i)) {
    if (length(i) != nrow(x = x)) {
      stop("Incorrect number of logical values provided to subset features")
    i <- rownames(x = x)[i]
  if (is.logical(x = j)) {
    if (length(j) != ncol(x = x)) {
      stop("Incorrect number of logical values provided to subset cells")
    j <- colnames(x = x)[j]
  if (is.numeric(x = i)) {
    i <- rownames(x = x)[i]
  if (is.numeric(x = j)) {
    j <- colnames(x = x)[j]
  return(subset.Motif(x = x, features = i, motifs = j, ...))

## S4 methods

  f = "show",
  signature = "Motif",
  definition = function(object) {
      "A Motif object containing",
      ncol(x = slot(object = object, name = "data")),
      "motifs in",
      nrow(x = slot(object = object, name = "data")),

  f = "show",
  signature = "Fragment",
  definition = function(object) {
      "A Fragment object for",
      length(x = slot(object = object, name = "cells")),

  f = "show",
  signature = "ChromatinAssay",
  definition = function(object) {
      "ChromatinAssay data with",
      nrow(x = object),
      "features for",
      ncol(x = object),
      "Variable features:",
      length(x = VariableFeatures(object = object)),
      unique(x = genome(x = object)),
      "Annotation present:",
        test = is.null(x = Annotation(object = object)), yes = FALSE, no = TRUE
      "Motifs present:",
        test = is.null(x = Motifs(object = object)),
        yes = FALSE,
        no = TRUE
      "Fragment files:",
      length(x = Fragments(object = object)),

#' @rdname Annotation
#' @method Annotation ChromatinAssay
#' @export
#' @concept assay
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' Annotation(atac_small[["peaks"]])
#' }
Annotation.ChromatinAssay <- function(object, ...) {
  return(slot(object = object, name = "annotation"))

#' @param object A Seurat object or ChromatinAssay object
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @rdname Annotation
#' @method Annotation Seurat
#' @export
#' @concept assay
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' Annotation(atac_small)
#' }
Annotation.Seurat <- function(object, ...) {
  assay <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
  return(Annotation(object = object[[assay]]))

#' @rdname Fragments
#' @method Fragments ChromatinAssay
#' @export
#' @concept assay
#' @concept fragments
#' @examples
#' Fragments(atac_small[["peaks"]])
Fragments.ChromatinAssay <- function(object, ...) {
  return(slot(object, name = "fragments"))

#' @param object A Seurat object or ChromatinAssay object
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @rdname Fragments
#' @method Fragments Seurat
#' @export
#' @concept assay
#' @concept fragments
#' @examples
#' Fragments(atac_small)
Fragments.Seurat <- function(object, ...) {
  assay <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
  return(Fragments(object = object[[assay]]))

#' @rdname Motifs
#' @method Motifs ChromatinAssay
#' @export
#' @concept assay
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' Motifs(atac_small[["peaks"]])
Motifs.ChromatinAssay <- function(object, ...) {
  return(slot(object = object, name = "motifs"))

#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @rdname Motifs
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @method Motifs Seurat
#' @export
#' @concept assay
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' Motifs(atac_small)
Motifs.Seurat <- function(object, ...) {
  assay <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
  return(Motifs(object = object[[assay]]))

#' @rdname Links
#' @method Links ChromatinAssay
#' @export
#' @concept assay
#' @concept links
#' @examples
#' Links(atac_small[["peaks"]])
Links.ChromatinAssay <- function(object, ...) {
  return(slot(object = object, name = "links"))

#' @param object A Seurat object
#' @rdname Links
#' @method Links Seurat
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @export
#' @concept links
#' @concept assay
#' @examples
#' Links(atac_small)
Links.Seurat <- function(object, ...) {
  assay <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
  return(Links(object = object[[assay]]))

#' @method dimnames Motif
#' @concept motifs
#' @export
dimnames.Motif <- function(x) {
  return(dimnames(x = GetMotifData(object = x)))

#' @method dim Motif
#' @concept motifs
#' @export
dim.Motif <- function(x) {
  return(dim(x = GetMotifData(object = x)))

#' @export
#' @rdname Motifs
#' @method Motifs<- ChromatinAssay
#' @concept assay
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' motifs <- Motifs(atac_small)
#' Motifs(atac_small[["peaks"]]) <- motifs
"Motifs<-.ChromatinAssay" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  object <- SetAssayData(object = object, layer = "motifs", new.data = value)

#' @export
#' @rdname Motifs
#' @method Motifs<- Seurat
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @concept assay
#' @concept motifs
#' @examples
#' motifs <- Motifs(atac_small)
#' Motifs(atac_small) <- motifs
"Motifs<-.Seurat" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  assay <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
  Motifs(object = object[[assay]]) <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname Links
#' @method Links<- ChromatinAssay
#' @concept assay
#' @concept links
#' @examples
#' links <- Links(atac_small)
#' Links(atac_small[["peaks"]]) <- links
"Links<-.ChromatinAssay" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  object <- SetAssayData(object = object, layer = "links", new.data = value)

#' @export
#' @rdname Links
#' @method Links<- Seurat
#' @concept assay
#' @concept links
#' @examples
#' links <- Links(atac_small)
#' Links(atac_small) <- links
"Links<-.Seurat" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  assay <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
  Links(object[[assay]]) <- value

#' @export
#' @rdname Annotation
#' @concept assay
#' @method Annotation<- ChromatinAssay
#' @examples
#' genes <- Annotation(atac_small)
#' Annotation(atac_small[["peaks"]]) <- genes
"Annotation<-.ChromatinAssay" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  object <- SetAssayData(object = object, layer = "annotation", new.data = value)

#' @export
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @method Annotation<- Seurat
#' @concept assay
#' @rdname Annotation
#' @examples
#' genes <- Annotation(atac_small)
#' Annotation(atac_small) <- genes
"Annotation<-.Seurat" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  assay <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
  Annotation(object = object[[assay]]) <- value

#' @export
#' @method Fragments<- ChromatinAssay
#' @rdname Fragments
#' @importFrom SeuratObject SetAssayData
#' @concept assay
#' @concept fragments
#' @examples
#' fpath <- system.file("extdata", "fragments.tsv.gz", package="Signac")
#' fragments <- CreateFragmentObject(
#'   path = fpath,
#'   cells = colnames(atac_small),
#'   validate.fragments = FALSE
#' )
#' Fragments(atac_small[["bins"]]) <- fragments
"Fragments<-.ChromatinAssay" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  if (is.null(x = value)) {
    slot(object = object, name = "fragments") <- list()
  if (inherits(x = value, what = "list")) {
    for (i in seq_along(along.with = value)) {
      object <- AddFragments(object = object, fragments = value[[i]])
  } else if (is.null(x = value)) {
    object <- SetAssayData(
      object = object,
      layer = "fragments",
      new.data = list()
  } else {
    object <- AddFragments(object = object, fragments = value)

#' @export
#' @method Fragments<- Seurat
#' @rdname Fragments
#' @concept assay
#' @concept fragments
#' @importFrom SeuratObject DefaultAssay
#' @examples
#' fpath <- system.file("extdata", "fragments.tsv.gz", package="Signac")
#' fragments <- CreateFragmentObject(
#'   path = fpath,
#'   cells = colnames(atac_small),
#'   validate.fragments = FALSE
#' )
#' Fragments(atac_small) <- fragments
"Fragments<-.Seurat" <- function(object, ..., value) {
  assay <- DefaultAssay(object = object)
  Fragments(object = object[[assay]]) <- value

# Add a single Fragment object to a ChromatinAssay
# @param object A \code{\link{ChromatinAssay}} object
# @param fragments A \code{\link{Fragment}} object
AddFragments <- function(object, fragments) {
  # validate hash
  if (!ValidateHash(object = fragments, verbose = FALSE)) {
    stop("Invalid Fragment object")
  # if cells is NULL, set to all cells in the assay
  # ValidateCells is run in the Cells<- method
  # only allowed if there is no fragment object currently set
  if (is.null(x = Cells(x = fragments))) {
    if (length(x = Fragments(object = object)) != 0) {
      stop("Fragment objects already present in the assay.
           To assign more fragment objects, you must provide a list
           of cells that are contained in each fragment object.")
    } else {
      # each element is the cell name as it appears in the fragment file
      # each element name is the cell name as it appears in the assay
      # here they are assumed to be the same
      cells <- colnames(x = object)
      names(x = cells) <- cells
      Cells(x = fragments) <- cells
  } else {
    # subset cells in the fragment file to those in the assay
    # Cells method returns the names as they appear in the assay
    keep.cells <- Cells(x = fragments) %in% colnames(x = object)
    if (!all(keep.cells)) {
      if (sum(keep.cells) == 0) {
          "None of the cells in the fragment object are present in the assay"
      } else {
        # subset the fragment cells, don't need to validate cells again
        # need to make sure to retain the original barcode
        # not the version of the cel name that's stored in the assay
        cell.barcodes <- GetFragmentData(object = fragments, slot = "cells")
        slot(object = fragments, name = "cells") <- cell.barcodes[keep.cells]
    # check that cells not found in any existing fragment objects
    current.frags <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = "fragments")
    for (i in seq_along(along.with = current.frags)) {
      if (any(Cells(x = fragments) %in% Cells(x = current.frags[[i]]))) {
        stop("Cells already present in a fragment object")
  # append fragments to list
  current.frags <- GetAssayData(object = object, layer = "fragments")
  current.frags[[length(x = current.frags) + 1]] <- fragments
  slot(object = object, name = "fragments") <- current.frags

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