
Defines functions logitoffsetlink linkfun.vglm nbcanlink checkCut Cut nbolf2 nbolf polf golf cauchit logc extlogit powerlink foldsqrt multilogit fisherz rhobit igcanlink negreciprocal negloge reciprocal explink probit cloglog loglogloglink loglog logit negidentity identitylink logoff logneg loge damultilogitlink ToString

Documented in cauchit cauchit cloglog cloglog Cut damultilogitlink explink explink extlogit extlogit fisherz fisherz foldsqrt foldsqrt golf identitylink linkfun.vglm logc logc loge loge logit logit logitoffsetlink loglog loglogloglink loglogloglink logneg logneg logoff logoff multilogit multilogit nbcanlink nbolf nbolf2 negidentity negidentity negloge negloge negreciprocal negreciprocal polf powerlink probit probit reciprocal reciprocal rhobit rhobit

# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.

ToString <- function(x)
  paste(x, collapse = ", ")

 damultilogitlink <-
           refLevel = "(Last)",
           M = NULL,  # stop("argument 'M' not specified"),
           whitespace = FALSE,
           bvalue = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           all.derivs = FALSE,
           d.mlm = NULL, eta.d.max = 0,   # New 20211007
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if ((LLL <- length(d.mlm)) == 0) {
    return(multilogitlink(theta, refLevel = refLevel,
      M = M,  whitespace = whitespace, bvalue = bvalue,
      inverse = inverse, deriv = deriv,
      all.derivs = all.derivs, 
      short = short, tag = tag))
  } else {
    sd.mlm <- unique(sort(d.mlm))  # Values must be unique
    if (!is.Numeric(d.mlm, integer.valued = FALSE,
                    length.arg = length(sd.mlm), positive = FALSE))
      stop("bad input for 'd.mlm'")
    if (is.numeric(refLevel) && any(refLevel == sd.mlm))
      stop("cannot have the reference level being deflated")
    eta.d.max <- rep_len(eta.d.max, LLL)  # Recycling
    if (deriv != 0)
      stop("cannot have 'deriv' > 0 when 'd.mlm' is specified")

  fillerChar <- ifelse(whitespace, " ", "")

  if (length(refLevel) != 1)
    stop("the length of argument 'refLevel' must be one")

  if (is.character(refLevel)) {
    if (refLevel != "(Last)")
      stop('if a character, refLevel must be "(Last)"')
    refLevel <- -1   # Special value recognized below
  } else
  if (is.factor(refLevel)) {
    if (is.ordered(refLevel))
      warning("argument 'refLevel' is from an ordered factor")
    refLevel <- as.character(refLevel) == levels(refLevel)
    refLevel <- (seq_along(refLevel))[refLevel]
    if (!is.Numeric(refLevel, length.arg = 1,
                    integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
      stop("could not coerce 'refLevel' into a single ",
           "positive integer")
  } else
  if (!is.Numeric(refLevel, length.arg = 1,
                  integer.valued = TRUE))
    stop("'refLevel' must be a single (positive?) integer")

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    is.M <- is.finite(M) && is.numeric(M)
    string <- if (short) {
        paste("damultilogitlink(", theta, ")", sep = "")
    } else {
        theta <- as.char.expression(theta)

         if (refLevel < 0) {
             paste("log(", theta, "[,j] / ",
                   theta, "[,",
                   ifelse(is.M, M+1, "M+1"),
                   "]), j = 1:",
                   ifelse(is.M, M, "M"), sep = ""),
             paste("log(", theta, "[,j]/",
                   theta, "[,",
                   ifelse(is.M, M+1, "M+1"),
                   "]), j=1:",
                   ifelse(is.M, M, "M"), sep = ""))
         } else {
             if (refLevel == 1) {
               paste("log(", theta, "[,", "j]",
                   fillerChar, "/", fillerChar,
                     "", theta, "[,", refLevel, "]), j",
                     fillerChar, "=", fillerChar, "2:",
                   ifelse(is.M, (M+1), "(M+1)"),
                     sep = "")
             } else {
               paste("log(", theta, "[,", "j]", fillerChar, "/",
                     "", theta, "[,", refLevel, "]), j",
                     fillerChar, "=", fillerChar,
                     "c(1:", refLevel-1, ",",
                     refLevel+1, ":",
                     ifelse(is.M, (M+1), "(M+1)"),
                     ")", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Multinomial logit link:", string)
  }  # is.character(theta)

  M.orig <- M
  M <- NCOL(theta) - !(inverse && deriv == 0)
  if (M < 1)
           stop("argument 'eta' should have at least one column"),
           stop("argument 'theta' should have at least two columns"))
  if (is.numeric(M.orig) && M != M.orig) {
    warning("argument 'M' does not seem right but using it")
    M <- M.orig

  if (length(d.mlm) > 0) {
    use.refLevel <- if (refLevel < 0) ncol(theta) else refLevel
    ind.vec <- setdiff(seq(M + 1),  # Excludes baseline gp
                       use.refLevel)  # unsorted(c(d.mlm, a.mlm))
    a.mlm <- setdiff(ind.vec, sd.mlm )  # A excluding baseline gp

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue
  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta >= 1.0] <- 1 - bvalue

  foo <- function(eta, refLevel = -1, M) {
    phat <- if ((refLevel < 0) || (refLevel == M+1)) {
      cbind(care.exp(eta), 1.0)  # 20181128 this line replaced
    } else if ( refLevel == 1) {
      cbind(1.0, care.exp(eta))  # 20181128 this line replaced
    } else {
      use.refLevel <- if ( refLevel < 0) M+1 else refLevel
      etamat <- cbind(eta[, 1:( refLevel - 1), drop = FALSE],
                      eta[, ( refLevel ):M, drop = FALSE])
    }  # phat matrix assigned

    submat0 <- matrix(eta.d.max, nrow(phat), LLL, byrow = TRUE)
    phat[, sd.mlm] <- exp(submat0) - phat[, sd.mlm]
    if (any(phat < 0, na.rm = TRUE))
      warning("negative probabilities have been computed")
    ans <- phat / rowSums(phat)
    colnames(ans) <- NULL  # Safest for now
  }  # foo

  if (inverse) {
    use.refLevel <- if (refLevel < 0) ncol(theta) else refLevel
      "0" = {
      foo(theta, refLevel, M = M)  # log(theta[, -jay] / theta[, jay])
      "1" = if (all.derivs) {
              warning("only deriv = 0 currently working.")
              index <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
              theta <- theta[, -use.refLevel, drop = FALSE]  # n x M
              wz <- -theta[, index$row, drop = FALSE] *
                     theta[, index$col, drop = FALSE]
              wz[, 1:M] <- wz[, 1:M] + theta
            } else {
              theta[, -use.refLevel,  drop = FALSE] *
              theta[,  use.refLevel] / (
              theta[, -use.refLevel,  drop = FALSE] +
              theta[,  use.refLevel])
      "2" = {
          warning("only deriv = 0 currently working.")
          (theta*(1-theta)*(1-2*theta))[, -use.refLevel,  drop = FALSE]
      "3" = {
              warning("only deriv = 0 currently working.")
              temp1 <- theta * (1 - theta)
              (temp1 * (1 - 6 * temp1))[, -use.refLevel,  drop = FALSE]
      stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {  # Not inverse below here
           "0" = {
        eta.mat <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow(theta), M)
        use.refLevel <- if (refLevel < 0) ncol(theta) else refLevel
        ind.a <- setdiff(seq(1+M), c(use.refLevel, sd.mlm))
        ind.a[use.refLevel < ind.a] <-
        ind.a[use.refLevel < ind.a] - 1  # Scrunch it up
        eta.mat[, ind.a] <-  # No problem with NAs
          log(theta[, ind.a] / theta[, use.refLevel ])

        submat0 <- matrix(eta.d.max, nrow(theta), LLL, byrow = TRUE)
        ind.d <- sd.mlm
        ind.d[use.refLevel < ind.d] <-
        ind.d[use.refLevel < ind.d] - 1  # Scrunch it up
        eta.mat[, ind.d] <-  # May have problems if negative... but
          log(exp(submat0) -  # increase eta.d.max if so.
              theta[, sd.mlm] / theta[, use.refLevel ])
  if (any(is.na(colnas <- colSums(eta.mat))))
    stop("NAs detected in column(s) ",
         paste(which(is.na(colnas)), collapse = ", "),
         " of eta.mat")

        ans <- eta.mat
      colnames(ans) <- NULL
      },  # 0
      "1" = {
          warning("only deriv = 0 currently working.")
          care.exp(-log(theta) - log1p(-theta))
      "2" = {
          warning("only deriv = 0 currently working.")
          (2 * theta - 1) / care.exp(2*log(theta) + 2*log1p(-theta))
      "3" = {
          warning("only deriv = 0 currently working.")
        temp1 <- care.exp(log(theta) + log1p(-theta))
        2 * (1 - 3 * temp1) / temp1^3
      stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # damultilogitlink

 # loglink <-
 loge <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.xmin is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {


  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("loglink(",  theta, ")", sep = "") else
        paste("log(",  theta, ")", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Log:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = exp(theta),
           "1" = theta,
           "2" = theta,
           "3" = theta,
           "4" = theta,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
       "0" = log(theta),
       "1" =  1 / theta,
       "2" = -1 / theta^2,
       "3" =  2 / theta^3,
       "4" = -6 / theta^4,
       stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # loglink

 logneg <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.xmin is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {



  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("logneglink(",  theta, ")",  sep = "") else
        paste( "log(-(",  theta, "))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Log negative:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = -exp(theta),
           "1" = theta,
           "2" = theta,
           "3" = theta,
           "4" = theta,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = log(-theta),
           "1" =  1 / theta,
           "2" = -1 / theta^2,
           "3" =  2 / theta^3,
           "4" = -6 / theta^4,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # logneglink

 logoff <-
           offset = 0,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {


  if (!is.Numeric(offset))
    stop("bad input for argument 'offset'")

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
      paste("logofflink(", theta,
            ", offset = ", as.character(offset),
            ")", sep = "") else
            ")", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Log with offset:", string)

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = exp(theta) - offset,
           "1" = theta + offset,
           "2" = theta + offset,
           "3" = theta + offset,
           "4" = theta + offset,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = log(theta + offset),
           "1" =  1 / (theta + offset),
           "2" = -1 / (theta + offset)^2,
           "3" =  2 / (theta + offset)^3,
           "4" = -6 / (theta + offset)^4,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # logofflink

if (FALSE)
 identitylink <-
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- theta
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Identity:", string)

         "0" = theta,
         "1" = theta * 0 + 1,
         "2" = theta * 0,  # zz Does not handle Inf and -Inf
         "3" = theta * 0,  # zz Does not handle Inf and -Inf
         "4" = theta * 0,  # zz Does not handle Inf and -Inf
         "5" = theta * 0,  # zz Does not handle Inf and -Inf
         stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # identitylink

 negidentity <-
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
    string <- paste("-", theta, sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Negative-identity:", string)

         "0" = -theta,
         "1" = theta * 0 - 1,
         "2" = theta * 0,  # zz Does not handle Inf and -Inf
         "3" = theta * 0,  # zz Does not handle Inf and -Inf
         "4" = theta * 0,  # zz Does not handle Inf and -Inf
         "5" = theta * 0,  # zz Does not handle Inf and -Inf
         stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # negidentitylink

 logit <-
           bvalue = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("logitlink(",  # "logit(",
              ")", sep = "") else
              "))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Logit:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue)) {
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue
    theta[theta >= 1.0] <- 1.0 - bvalue
  if (inverse) {
        "0" = plogis(theta),
        "1" =    1 / Recall(theta = theta,
                      bvalue = bvalue,
                      inverse = FALSE, deriv = deriv),
        "2" = theta * (1 - theta) * (1 - 2 * theta),
        "3" = (1 - 6 * theta * (1 - theta)) *
              theta * (1 - theta),
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
       "0" = qlogis(theta),
       "1" = 1 / (theta * (1 - theta)),
       "2" = (2 * theta - 1) / (theta * (1 - theta))^2,
       "3" = 2 * (1 - 3 * theta * (1 - theta)) / (theta * (1 - theta))^3,
       stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # logitlink

 loglog <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.eps is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {


  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("logloglink(",  theta, ")",  sep = "") else
        paste("log(log(", theta, "))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Log-Log:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta <= 1.0] <- bvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = exp(exp(theta)),
           "1" = (theta * log(theta)),
           "2" = { junk <- log(theta)
                   theta  * junk * (1 + junk) },
           "3" = { Junk <- theta * log(theta)
                   Junk * ((1 + log(theta))^2 + Junk / theta)
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = log(log(theta)),
           "1" = 1 / (theta * log(theta)),
           "2" = { junk <- log(theta)
                   -(1 + junk) / (theta * junk)^2
           "3" = { Junk <- theta * log(theta)
                   (2 * (1 + log(theta))^2 / Junk - 1 / theta) / Junk^2
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # logloglink

if (FALSE)
 loglogloglink <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.eps is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {
  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("loglogloglink(",  theta, ")",  sep = "") else
        paste("log(log(log(", theta, ")))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Log-Log-Log:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta <= exp(1.0)] <- bvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = exp(exp(exp(theta))),
           "1" = theta * log(theta) * log(log(theta)),
           "2" = { junk <- log(theta)
                   logjunk <- log(junk)
                   theta * junk * logjunk * (1 + logjunk * (1 + junk))
           "3" = { junk <- log(theta)
                   logjunk <- log(junk)
                   theta * junk^2 * logjunk^3  * (
                   3 + junk + 1 / junk + 3 / logjunk +
                   3 / (junk * logjunk) +
                   1 / (junk * logjunk^2))
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = log(log(log(theta))),
           "1" = 1 / (theta * log(theta) * log(log(theta))),
           "2" = { junk <- log(theta)
                   logjunk <- log(junk)
                   (-1 / (theta^2 * junk * logjunk)) *
                   (1 + (1 / junk) * (1 + 1 / logjunk))
           "3" = { junk <- log(theta)
                   logjunk <- log(junk)
                   (3 + 2 * junk + 2 / junk +
                   3 / logjunk +
                   3 / (junk * logjunk) +
                   2 / (junk * logjunk^2)) / (
                   theta^3 * junk^2 * logjunk)
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # loglogloglink

 cloglog <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.eps is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("clogloglink(",    theta, ")",  sep = "") else
              "))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Complementary log-log:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue)) {
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue
    theta[theta >= 1.0] <- 1.0 - bvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = { -expm1(-exp(theta)) },
           "1" = -((1 - theta) * log1p(-theta)),
           "2" = { junk <- log1p(-theta)
                   -(1 - theta) * (1 + junk) * junk },
           "3" = {
             junk <- log1p(-theta)
             Junk <- (1 - theta) * junk
             -Junk * (Junk / (1 - theta) + (1 + junk)^2)
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = log(-log1p(-theta)),
           "1" = -1 / ((1 - theta) * log1p(-theta)),
           "2" = {  junk <- log1p(-theta)
               -(1 + junk) / ((1 - theta) * junk)^2
           "3" = {
             junk <- log1p(-theta)
             Junk <- (1 - theta) * junk
             (1 / (1 - theta) - 2 * (1 + junk)^2 / Junk) / Junk^2
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # clogloglink

 probit <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.eps is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("probitlink(", theta, ")", sep = "") else
        paste("qnorm(",  theta, ")", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Probit:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue)) {
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue
    theta[theta >= 1.0] <- 1 - bvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = {
                   ans <- pnorm(theta)
                   if (is.matrix(theta))
                     dim(ans) <- dim(theta)
           "1" = {  # 1st deriv
      1 / Recall(theta = theta,
                 bvalue = bvalue,
                 inverse = FALSE, deriv = deriv)
           "2" = {  # 2nd deriv
        Junk <- qnorm(theta)
        ans <- -Junk * dnorm(Junk)
        if (is.vector(theta)) ans else
        if (is.matrix(theta)) {
          dim(ans) <- dim(theta)
        } else {
          warning("can only handle vectors and matrices;",
                  " converting to vector")
           "3" = {
             Junk <- qnorm(theta)
             junk <- dnorm(Junk)
             junk * (Junk^2 - 1)
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = {
        ans <- qnorm(theta)
        if (is.matrix(theta))
            dim(ans) <- dim(theta)
           "1" = {  # 1st deriv
       if (is.matrix(theta)) {
         ans <- 1 / dnorm(qnorm(theta))
         dim(ans) <- dim(theta)
       } else {
         1 / dnorm(qnorm(as.vector(theta)))
           "2" = {  # 2nd deriv
        Junk <- qnorm(theta)

        ans <- Junk / (dnorm(Junk))^2

        if (is.vector(theta)) ans else
        if (is.matrix(theta)) {
          dim(ans) <- dim(theta)
        } else {
          warning("can only handle vectors and matrices;",
                  " converting to vector")
           "3" = {
             Junk <- qnorm(theta)
             junk <- dnorm(Junk)
             (1 + 2 * Junk^2) / junk^3
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # probitlink

if (FALSE)
 explink <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.eps is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {
  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("explink(", theta, ")", sep = "") else
        paste("exp(", theta, ")", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Exp:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue
  if (inverse) {
           "0" = log(theta),
           "1" =      exp(    -theta),
           "2" = -    exp(-2 * theta),  # 20170610 Fixes up a bug
           "3" =  2 * exp(-3 * theta),
           "4" = -6 * exp(-4 * theta),
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = exp(theta),
           "1" = exp(theta),
           "2" = exp(theta), 
           "3" = exp(theta),
           "4" = exp(theta),
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # explink

 reciprocal <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.eps is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
    string <- paste("1/", theta, sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Reciprocal:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta == 0.0] <- bvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = 1 / theta,
           "1" = -   theta^2,
           "2" =  2 * theta^3,
           "3" = -6 * theta^4,
           "4" = 24 * theta^5,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" =  1 / theta,
           "1" = -1 / theta^2,
           "2" =  2 / theta^3,
           "3" = -6 / theta^4,
           "4" = 24 / theta^5,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # reciprocallink

 negloge <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.eps is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
      string <- if (short)
          paste("negloglink(", theta, ")", sep = "") else
          paste("-log(",  theta, ")", sep = "")
      if (tag)
        string <- paste("Negative log:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue
  if (inverse) {
           "0" = exp(-theta),
           "1" = -theta,
           "2" =  theta,
           "3" = -theta,
           "4" =  theta,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = -log(theta),
           "1" = -1/theta,
           "2" =  1/theta^2,
           "3" = -2/theta^3,
           "4" =  6/theta^4,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # negloglink

 negreciprocal <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.eps is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE,
           deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
    string <- paste("-1/", theta, sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Negative reciprocal:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta == 0.0] <- bvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = -1 / theta,
           "1" =      theta^2,
           "2" =  2 * theta^3,
           "3" =  6 * theta^4,
           "4" = 24 * theta^5,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" =  -1 / theta,
           "1" =   1 / theta^2,
           "2" =  -2 / theta^3,
           "3" =   6 / theta^4,
           "4" = -24 / theta^5,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # negreciprocallink

if (FALSE)
  igcanlink <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.eps is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
    string <- paste("-1/", theta, sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Negative inverse:", string)

  if (inverse) {
           "0" =  1 / sqrt(-2*theta),
           "1" =      theta^3,
           "2" =  3 * theta^5, 
           "3" = 15 * theta^7, 
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" =  -1 / (2 * theta^2),
           "1" =   1 / theta^3,
           "2" =  -3 / theta^4,
           "3" =  12 / theta^5,
           "4" = -60 / theta^6,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # igcanlink

 rhobit <-
           bminvalue = NULL,
           bmaxvalue = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("rhobitlink(", theta, ")", sep = "") else
              "))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Rhobit:", string)

  if (!inverse) {
   if (length(bminvalue)) theta[theta <= -1.0] <- bminvalue
   if (length(bmaxvalue)) theta[theta >=  1.0] <- bmaxvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = { junk <- exp(theta)
                   expm1(theta) / (junk + 1.0) },
           "1" = (1 - theta^2) / 2,
           "2" = (-theta / 2) * (1 - theta^2),
           "3" = (3 * theta^2 - 1) * (1 - theta^2) / 4,
             stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = {
                 log1p(theta) - log1p(-theta) },
           "1" = 2 / (1 - theta^2),
           "2" = (4*theta) / (1 - theta^2)^2,
           "3" = 4 * (1 + 3 * theta^2) / (1 - theta^2)^3,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # rhobitlink

 fisherz <-
           bminvalue = NULL,
           bmaxvalue = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("fisherzlink(", theta, ")", sep = "") else
        paste("(1/2) * log((1+",
              "))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Fisher's Z transformation:", string)

  if (!inverse) {
     if (length(bminvalue)) theta[theta <= -1.0] <- bminvalue
     if (length(bmaxvalue)) theta[theta >=  1.0] <- bmaxvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = tanh(theta),
           "1" = 1 - theta^2,
           "2" = 2 * (-theta) * (1 - theta^2),
           "3" = (3 * theta^2 - 1) * (1 - theta^2) * 2,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = atanh(theta),
           "1" = 1 / (1 - theta^2),
           "2" = (2*theta) / (1 - theta^2)^2,
           "3" = 2 * (1 + 3 * theta^2) / (1 - theta^2)^3,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # fisherzlink

 multilogit <-
           refLevel = "(Last)",
           M = NULL,  # stop("argument 'M' not specified"),
           whitespace = FALSE,
           bvalue = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           all.derivs = FALSE,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {



  fillerChar <- ifelse(whitespace, " ", "")

  if (length(refLevel) != 1)
    stop("the length of argument 'refLevel' must be one")

  if (is.character(refLevel)) {
    if (refLevel != "(Last)")
      stop('if a character, refLevel must be "(Last)"')
    refLevel <- -1
  } else
  if (is.factor(refLevel)) {
    if (is.ordered(refLevel))
      warning("argument 'refLevel' is from an ordered factor")
    refLevel <- as.character(refLevel) == levels(refLevel)
    refLevel <- (seq_along(refLevel))[refLevel]
    if (!is.Numeric(refLevel, length.arg = 1,
                    integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
      stop("could not coerce 'refLevel' into a single positive integer")
  } else
  if (!is.Numeric(refLevel, length.arg = 1,
                  integer.valued = TRUE))
    stop("'refLevel' must be a single (positive?) integer")

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    is.M <- is.finite(M) && is.numeric(M)
    string <- if (short) {
        paste("multilogitlink(", theta, ")", sep = "")
    } else {
        theta <- as.char.expression(theta)

         if (refLevel < 0) {
             paste("log(", theta, "[,j] / ",
                   theta, "[,",
                   ifelse(is.M, M+1, "M+1"),
                   "]), j = 1:",
                   ifelse(is.M, M, "M"), sep = ""),
             paste("log(", theta, "[,j]/",
                   theta, "[,",
                   ifelse(is.M, M+1, "M+1"),
                   "]), j=1:",
                   ifelse(is.M, M, "M"), sep = ""))
         } else {
             if (refLevel == 1) {
               paste("log(", theta, "[,", "j]",
                   fillerChar, "/", fillerChar,
                     "", theta, "[,", refLevel, "]), j",
                     fillerChar, "=", fillerChar, "2:",
                   ifelse(is.M, (M+1), "(M+1)"),
                     sep = "")
             } else {
               paste("log(", theta, "[,", "j]", fillerChar, "/",
                     "", theta, "[,", refLevel, "]), j",
                     fillerChar, "=", fillerChar,
                     "c(1:", refLevel-1, ",",
                     refLevel+1, ":",
                     ifelse(is.M, (M+1), "(M+1)"),
                     ")", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Multinomial logit link:", string)

  M.orig <- M
  M <- NCOL(theta) - !(inverse && deriv == 0)
  if (M < 1)
           stop("argument 'eta' should have at least one column"),
           stop("argument 'theta' should have at least two columns"))
  if (is.numeric(M.orig) && M != M.orig) {
    warning("argument 'M' does not seem right but using it")
    M <- M.orig

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue
  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta >= 1.0] <- 1 - bvalue

  foo <- function(eta, refLevel = -1, M) {
    phat <- if ((refLevel < 0) || (refLevel == M+1)) {
      care.exp2(cbind(eta, 0.0))
    } else if ( refLevel == 1) {
      care.exp2(cbind(0.0, eta))
    } else {
      use.refLevel <- if ( refLevel < 0) M+1 else refLevel
      etamat <- cbind(eta[, 1:( refLevel - 1), drop = FALSE],
                      eta[, ( refLevel ):M, drop = FALSE])
    ans <- phat / rowSums(phat)
    colnames(ans) <- NULL
  }  # foo

  if (inverse) {
    use.refLevel <- if (refLevel < 0) ncol(theta) else refLevel
      "0" = {
      foo(theta, refLevel, M = M)  # log(theta[, -jay] / theta[, jay])
      "1" = if (all.derivs) {
              index <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
              theta <- theta[, -use.refLevel, drop = FALSE]
              wz <- -theta[, index$row, drop = FALSE] *
                     theta[, index$col, drop = FALSE]
              wz[, 1:M] <- wz[, 1:M] + theta
            } else {
              theta[, -use.refLevel,  drop = FALSE] *
              theta[,  use.refLevel] / (
              theta[, -use.refLevel,  drop = FALSE] +
              theta[,  use.refLevel])
      "2" = (theta*(1-theta)*(1-2*theta))[, -use.refLevel,  drop = FALSE],
      "3" = {
              temp1 <- theta * (1 - theta)
              (temp1 * (1 - 6 * temp1))[, -use.refLevel,  drop = FALSE]
      stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = {
      ans <- if (refLevel < 0) {
        log(theta[, -ncol(theta)] / theta[, ncol(theta)])
      } else {
        use.refLevel <- if (refLevel < 0) ncol(theta) else refLevel
        log(theta[, -( use.refLevel )] / theta[, use.refLevel ])
      colnames(ans) <- NULL
      "1" = care.exp(-log(theta) - log1p(-theta)),
      "2" = (2 * theta - 1) / care.exp(2*log(theta) + 2*log1p(-theta)),
      "3" = {
        temp1 <- care.exp(log(theta) + log1p(-theta))
        2 * (1 - 3 * temp1) / temp1^3
      stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # multilogitlink

 foldsqrt <-
  function(theta,  #  = NA  , = NULL,
           min = 0, max = 1, mux = sqrt(2),
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (!is.Numeric(min, length.arg = 1))
    stop("bad input for 'min' component")
  if (!is.Numeric(max, length.arg = 1))
    stop("bad input for 'max' component")
  if (!is.Numeric(mux, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE))
    stop("bad input for 'mux' component")
  if (min >= max)
    stop("'min' >= 'max' is not allowed")

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
      paste("foldsqrtlink(", theta, ")", sep = "") else {
    theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
      if (abs(mux-sqrt(2)) < 1.0e-10)
        paste("sqrt(2*", theta, ") - sqrt(2*(1-", theta, "))",
              sep = "") else
            " * (sqrt(", theta, "-", min, ") - sqrt(",
            max, "-", theta, "))",
            sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Folded square root:", string)

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = {
      mid <- (min + max) / 2
      boundary <- mux * sqrt(max - min)
      temp <- pmax(0, (theta/mux)^2 * (2*(max-min) - (theta/mux)^2))
      ans <- theta
      if (any(ind5 <- theta <  0))
        ans[ind5] <- mid - 0.5 * sqrt(temp[ind5])
      if (any(ind5 <- theta >= 0))
        ans[ind5] <- mid + 0.5 * sqrt(temp[ind5])
      ans[theta < -boundary] <- NA
      ans[theta >  boundary] <- NA
       "1" = (2 / mux ) / (1/sqrt(theta-min) + 1/sqrt(max-theta)),
       "2" = stop("use the chain rule formula to obtain this"),
       "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = mux * (sqrt(theta-min) - sqrt(max-theta)),
           "1" = (1/sqrt(theta-min) + 1/sqrt(max-theta)) * mux / 2,
           "2" = -(mux / 4) * ((theta-min)^(-3/2) - (max-theta)^(-3/2)),
           "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # foldsqrtlink

if (FALSE)
 powerlink <-
           power = 1,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {
    exponent <- power
    if (exponent == 0)
      stop("use the 'loge' link")

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("powerlink(", theta, ", power = ",
              as.character(exponent), ")",
              sep = "") else
              "^(", as.character(exponent), ")", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Power link:", string)

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = theta^(1/exponent),
           "1" = (theta^(1-exponent)) / exponent,
           "2" = ((1-exponent) / exponent^2) * (theta^(1 - 2*exponent)),
      "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = theta^exponent,
           "1" = exponent / (theta^(1-exponent)),
           "2" = exponent * (exponent-1) * (theta^(exponent-2)),
      "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # powerlink

 extlogit <-
           min = 0, max = 1,
           bminvalue = NULL,
           bmaxvalue = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {


    A <- min
    B <- max
   if (!inverse && length(bminvalue)) theta[theta <= A] <- bminvalue
   if (!inverse && length(bmaxvalue)) theta[theta >= B] <- bmaxvalue

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short) {
      if (A != 0 || B != 1)
        paste("extlogitlink(", theta,
              ", min = ", A,
              ", max = ", B, ")", sep = "") else
        paste("extlogitlink(", theta, ")", sep = "")
    } else {
            "))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Extended logit:", string)

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = {
           junk <- care.exp(theta)
           (A + B * junk) / (1.0 + junk) },
           "1" = ((theta - A) * (B - theta)) / (B-A),
           "2" = (A + B - 2 * theta) * (theta - A) *
                 (B - theta) / (B-A)^2,
      "3" = { #3rd deriv
           (theta - A) * (B - theta) * ((2 * theta - A - B)^2 -
       2 * (theta - A) * (B - theta)) / (B - A)^3
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = {
           log((theta - A)/(B - theta))},
           "1" = (B-A) / ((theta - A) * (B - theta)),
           "2" = ((2 * theta - A - B) * (B-A)) / ((theta - A) *
                 (B - theta))^2,
      "3" = { #3rd deriv
           (B - A) * (2 / ((theta - A) * (B - theta))^2) *
           (1 + (2 * theta - A - B)^2 / ((theta - A) * (B - theta)))
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # extlogitlink

 logc <-
           bvalue = NULL,  # .Machine$double.xmin is an alternative
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("logclink(", theta, ")", sep = "") else {
        theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
        paste("log(1-", theta, ")", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Log Complementary:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue)) {
    theta[theta >= 1.0] <- bvalue;
  if (inverse) {
           "0" = -expm1(theta),
           "1" = theta - 1,
           "2" = theta - 1,
           "3" = theta - 1,
           "4" = theta - 1,
           "5" = theta - 1,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = log1p(-theta),
           "1" =  -1 / (1 - theta),
           "2" =  -1 / (1 - theta)^2,
           "3" =  -2 / (1 - theta)^3,
           "4" =  -6 / (1 - theta)^4,
           "5" = -24 / (1 - theta)^5,
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # logclink

 cauchit <-
           bvalue = .Machine$double.eps,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
        paste("cauchitlink(", theta, ")", sep = "") else {
        theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
        paste("tan(pi*(", theta, "-0.5))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Cauchit:", string)

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue)) {
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue
    theta[theta >= 1.0] <- 1.0 - bvalue
  if (inverse) {
           "0" = 0.5 + atan(theta) / pi,
           "1" = (cos(pi * (theta-0.5)))^2  / pi,
           "2" = {
             temp2 <- cos(pi * (theta-0.5))
             temp4 <- sin(pi * (theta-0.5))
             -2 * temp4 * temp2^3 / pi
           "3" = {
             temp2 <- cos(pi * (theta-0.5))
             temp5 <- tan(pi * (theta-0.5))
             2 * temp2^6 * (3 * temp5^2 - 1) / pi
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = tan(pi * (theta-0.5)),
           "1" = pi / (cos(pi * (theta-0.5)))^2,
           "2" =  {
           temp2 <- cos(pi * (theta-0.5))
           temp3 <- tan(pi * (theta-0.5))
           (temp3 * 2 * pi^2) / temp2^2
           "3" =  {
           temp2 <- cos(pi * (theta-0.5))
           temp3 <- tan(pi * (theta-0.5))
           2 * pi^3 * (1 + 3 * temp3^2) / temp2^2
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # cauchitlink

 golf <-
           lambda = 1,
           cutpoint = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {



  if (!is.Numeric(lambda, positive = TRUE))
    stop('could not determine lambda or lambda has negative values')
  if (is.Numeric(cutpoint))
    if (any(cutpoint < 0) ||
        !is.Numeric(cutpoint, integer.valued = TRUE))
    warning("argument 'cutpoint' should contain ",
            "non-negative integer values")

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short) {
      lenl <- length(lambda) > 1
      lenc <- length(cutpoint) > 1
      paste("gordlink(", theta,
            ", lambda = ",
            if (lenl) "c(" else "",
            if (lenl) ")" else "",
            if (is.Numeric(cutpoint))
      paste(", cutpoint = ",
            if (lenc) "c(" else "",
            if (lenc) ")" else "",
      sep = "") else "",
                  ")", sep = "")
    } else {
      theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
      if (is.Numeric(cutpoint)) {
        paste("-3*log(1-qnorm(", theta,
              " + log(cutpoint)", sep = "")
      } else {
        paste("-3*log(1-qnorm(", theta,
              ")/(3*sqrt(lambda)))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Gamma-ordinal link function:", string)

  thmat <- cbind(theta)
  lambda <- rep_len(lambda, ncol(thmat))  # Allow recycling for lambda
  if (is.Numeric(cutpoint))
    cutpoint <- rep_len(cutpoint, ncol(thmat))
  if (ncol(thmat) > 1) {
    answer <- thmat
    for (ii in 1:ncol(thmat))
      answer[, ii] <- Recall(theta = thmat[, ii],
                             lambda = lambda[ii],
                             cutpoint = if (is.Numeric(cutpoint))
                                        cutpoint[ii] else NULL,
                            inverse = inverse, deriv = deriv)

  answer <- if (inverse) {
           "0" = {
      if (is.Numeric(cutpoint)) {
        pnorm((1-care.exp(-(theta-log(cutpoint))/3)) * 3 * sqrt(lambda))
      } else {
        pnorm((1-care.exp(-theta/3)) * 3 * sqrt(lambda))

      "1" = 1 / Recall(theta = theta,
                 lambda = lambda,
                 cutpoint = cutpoint,
                 inverse = FALSE, deriv = deriv),
      "2" = stop('cannot currently handle deriv = 2',
           "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
    smallno <- 1 * .Machine$double.eps
    Theta <- theta
    Theta <- pmin(Theta, 1 - smallno)  # Since theta==1 is a possibility
    Theta <- pmax(Theta, smallno)  # Since theta == 0 is a possibility
    Ql <- qnorm(Theta)
           "0" = {
        temp <- Ql / (3*sqrt(lambda))
        temp <- pmin(temp, 1.0 - smallno)  # 100 / .Machine$double.eps
        origans <- -3*log1p(-temp) +
        if (is.Numeric(cutpoint)) log(cutpoint) else 0
        1 / origans
        "1" = {
        origans <- (1 - Ql / (3*sqrt(lambda))) * sqrt(lambda) * dnorm(Ql)
        1 / origans
        "2" = {  stop('cannot currently handle deriv = 2') },
        "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  if (!is.Numeric(answer))
    warning("the answer contains some NAs")
}  # gordlink, aka golf

 polf <-
  function(theta,  # = 1,
           cutpoint = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {


  if (!is.Numeric(cutpoint))
    stop("could not determine the cutpoint")
  if (any(cutpoint < 0) ||
      !is.Numeric(cutpoint, integer.valued = TRUE))
    warning("argument 'cutpoint' should",
            " contain non-negative integer values")

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short) {
      lenc <- length(cutpoint) > 1
      paste("pordlink(", theta,
             ", cutpoint = ",
            if (lenc) "c(" else "",
            if (lenc) ")" else "",
            ")", sep = "")
    } else {
      theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
      paste("2*log(0.5*qnorm(", theta,
            ") + sqrt(cutpoint+7/8))", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Poisson-ordinal link function:", string)

    thmat <- cbind(theta)
    if (ncol(thmat) > 1) {
        answer <- thmat
        cutpoint <- rep_len(cutpoint, ncol(thmat))
        for (ii in 1:ncol(thmat))
            answer[, ii] <- Recall(theta = thmat[, ii],
                                 cutpoint = cutpoint,
                                 inverse = inverse, deriv = deriv)

  answer <-
  if (inverse) {
           "0" = {
 # deriv == 0
          origans <-
          if (any(cp.index <- cutpoint == 0)) {
              tmp <- theta
              tmp[cp.index] <-
              clogloglink(theta = theta[cp.index],
                      inverse = inverse, deriv = deriv)
              tmp[!cp.index] <-
                pnorm(2 * exp(theta[!cp.index]/2) -
                      2 * sqrt(cutpoint[!cp.index] + 7/8))
          } else {
            pnorm(2 * exp(theta/2) - 2 * sqrt(cutpoint + 7/8))
        1 / origans
      "1" =           1 / Recall(theta = theta,
                     cutpoint = cutpoint,
                     inverse = FALSE, deriv = deriv),
      "2" =        stop('cannot currently handle deriv = 2'),
      "3" =        { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
             stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))

  } else {
    if (any(cp.index <- cutpoint == 0)) {
        clogloglink(theta = theta,
                inverse = inverse, deriv = deriv)

    } else {
      smallno <- 1 * .Machine$double.eps
      SMALLNO <- 1 * .Machine$double.xmin
      Theta <- theta
      Theta <- pmin(Theta, 1 - smallno)  # Since theta == 1 is possible
      Theta <- pmax(Theta, smallno)  # Since theta == 0 is a possibility
      Ql <- qnorm(Theta)

           "0" = {
      temp <- 0.5 * Ql + sqrt(cutpoint + 7/8)
      temp <- pmax(temp, SMALLNO)
      origans <- 2 * log(temp)
      1 / origans
      "1" =  {
      origans <- (Ql/2 + sqrt(cutpoint + 7/8)) * dnorm(Ql)
      1 / origans

      "2" = {  stop('cannot currently handle deriv = 2') },
           "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
      stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  if (!is.Numeric(answer))
    warning("the answer contains some NAs")
}  # pordlink, aka polf

 nbolf <-
           cutpoint = NULL,
           k = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {


  kay <- k
  if (!is.Numeric(kay, positive = TRUE))
    stop("could not determine 'k' or it is not positive-valued")
  if (!is.Numeric(cutpoint))
    stop("could not determine the cutpoint")
  if (any(cutpoint < 0) ||
      !is.Numeric(cutpoint, integer.valued = TRUE))
    warning("argument 'cutpoint' should",
            " contain non-negative integer values")

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short) {
        lenc <- length(cutpoint) > 1
        lenk <- length(kay) > 1
        paste("nbordlink(", theta,
              ", cutpoint = ",
              if (lenc) "c(" else "",
              if (lenc) ")" else "",
              ", k = ",
              if (lenk) "c(" else "",
              if (lenk) ")" else "",
              ")", sep = "")
      } else {
        theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
        paste("2*log(sqrt(k) * sinh(qnorm(", theta,
              ")/(2*sqrt(k)) + ",
              "asinh(sqrt(cutpoint/k))))", sep = "")
      if (tag)
        string <- paste("Negative binomial-ordinal link function:",

  thmat <- cbind(theta)
  kay <- rep_len(kay, ncol(thmat))  # Allow recycling for kay
  cutpoint <- rep_len(cutpoint, ncol(thmat)) # Allow recycling 4 cutpoint
  if (ncol(thmat) > 1) {
    answer <- thmat
    for (ii in 1:ncol(thmat))
        answer[, ii] <- Recall(theta = thmat[, ii],
                             cutpoint = cutpoint[ii],
                             k = kay[ii],
                             inverse = inverse, deriv = deriv)

  answer <-
  if (inverse) {
           "0" = {
      if (cutpoint == 0) {
        1.0 - (kay / (kay + care.exp(theta)))^kay
      } else {
          pnorm((asinh(exp(theta/2)/sqrt(kay)) -
                 asinh(sqrt(cutpoint/kay))) * 2 * sqrt(kay))
       }, "0" =  {
      1 / Recall(theta = theta,
                 cutpoint = cutpoint,
                 k = kay,
                 inverse = FALSE, deriv = deriv)
    }, "0" = {
     stop('cannot currently handle deriv = 2')
           "0" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
             stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))

  } else {
    smallno <- 1 * .Machine$double.eps
    SMALLNO <- 1 * .Machine$double.xmin
    Theta <- theta
    Theta <- pmin(Theta, 1 - smallno)  # Since theta == 1 is possible
    Theta <- pmax(Theta, smallno)  # Since theta == 0 is a possibility
    if (cutpoint == 0) {
           "0" = {
      temp <- (1 - Theta)^(-1/kay) - 1
      temp <- pmax(temp, SMALLNO)
      origans <- log(kay) + log(temp)
      1 / origans
           "1" = {
      origans <- (kay / (1 - Theta)^(1/kay) - kay) *
          (1 - Theta)^(kay+1/kay)
      1 / origans
      "2" = {  stop('cannot handle deriv = 2') },
      "3" = {  stop('cannot handle deriv = 2') },
      stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
    } else {
      Ql <- qnorm(Theta)
           "0" = {
            temp <- sqrt(kay) * sinh(Ql/(2*sqrt(kay)) +
            temp <- pmax(temp, SMALLNO)
            origans <- 2 * log(temp)
            1 / origans
           "1" = {
            arg1 <- (Ql/(2*sqrt(kay)) + asinh(sqrt(cutpoint/kay)))
            origans <- sqrt(kay) * tanh(arg1) * dnorm(Ql)
            1 / origans
           "2" = {  stop('cannot currently handle deriv = 2') },
           "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
            stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  if (!is.Numeric(answer))
    warning("the answer contains some NAs")
}  # nbordlink, aka nbolf

 nbolf2 <-
           cutpoint = NULL,
           k = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {


warning("20150711; this function has not been updated")

  kay <- k
  if (!is.Numeric(kay, positive = TRUE))
    stop("could not determine argument 'k' or ",
         "it is not positive-valued")
  if (!is.Numeric(cutpoint))
    stop("could not determine the cutpoint")
  if (any(cutpoint < 0) ||
      !is.Numeric(cutpoint, integer.valued = TRUE))
    warning("argument 'cutpoint' should ",
            "contain non-negative integer values")

  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short) {
      lenc <- length(cutpoint) > 1
      lenk <- length(kay) > 1
      paste("nbord2link(", theta,
            ", earg = list(cutpoint = ",
            if (lenc) "c(" else "",
            if (lenc) ")" else "",
            ", k = ",
            if (lenk) "c(" else "",
            if (lenk) ")" else "",
            "))", sep = "")
  } else {
    theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
    paste("3*log(<a complicated expression>)", sep = "")
  if (tag)
    string <- paste("Negative binomial-ordinal link function 2:",

    thmat <- cbind(theta)
    kay <- rep_len(kay, ncol(thmat))  # Allow recycling for kay
    if (ncol(thmat) > 1) {
        answer <- thmat
        for (ii in 1:ncol(thmat))
            answer[, ii] <- Recall(theta = thmat[, ii],
                                 cutpoint = cutpoint[ii],
                                 k = kay[ii],
                                 inverse = inverse, deriv = deriv)

    answer <-
    if (inverse) {
        if (deriv > 0) {
            1 / Recall(theta = theta,
                       cutpoint = cutpoint,
                       k = kay,
                       inverse = FALSE, deriv = deriv)
        } else {
            if (cutpoint == 0) {
                1.0 - (kay / (kay + care.exp(theta)))^kay
            } else {

            a1 <- -(9*cutpoint+8) / (cutpoint+1)
            a2 <- (9*kay-1) / (kay * (cutpoint+1)^(1/3))
            a3 <- 9 / (kay * (cutpoint+1)^(2/3))
            a4 <- 9 / (cutpoint+1)
            B <- exp(theta/3)
            mymat <- rbind(a1^2*a2^2 + 2*a1*a2^3*B + B^2*a2^4, 0,
                    -2*a1*a2*a3*B - 2*a2^2*a3*B^2 - a1^2*a3 - a2^2*a4,
                    B^2 * a3^2 + a3 * a4)
            ans <- Re(t(apply(mymat, 2, polyroot)))
            theta2 <- invfun <- pnorm(-ans)  # pnorm(-x) = 1-pnorm(x)
            for (ii in 1:4) {
              theta2[, ii] <-
                Recall(theta = theta2[, ii],
                       cutpoint = cutpoint,
                       k = kay,
                       inverse = FALSE, deriv = deriv)
            rankmat <- t(apply(abs(theta2 - theta), 1, rank))
            for (ii in 2:4) {
              if (any(index4 <- (rankmat[, ii] == 1))) {
                invfun[index4, 1] <- invfun[index4, ii]
            invfun[, 1]
    } else {
        smallno <- 1 * .Machine$double.eps
        SMALLNO <- 1 * .Machine$double.xmin
        Theta <- theta
        Theta <- pmin(Theta, 1 - smallno)  # Since theta == 1 is possible
        Theta <- pmax(Theta, smallno)  # Since theta == 0 is possible
        if (cutpoint == 0) {
           "0" = {
            temp <- (1 - Theta)^(-1/kay) - 1
            temp <- pmax(temp, SMALLNO)
            log(kay) + log(temp)},
            "0" = (kay / (1 - Theta)^(1/kay) - kay) *
                  (1 - Theta)^(kay+1/kay),
            "0" = {  stop("cannot handle 'deriv = 2'") },
           "0" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
            stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
        } else {
            Ql <- qnorm(Theta)
            a1 <- -(9*cutpoint+8) / (cutpoint+1)
            a2 <- (9*kay-1) / (kay * (cutpoint+1)^(1/3))
            a3 <- 9 / (kay * (cutpoint+1)^(2/3))
            a4 <- 9 / (cutpoint+1)
            discrim <- a1^2 * a3 + a2^2 * a4 - Ql^2 * a3 * a4
            denomin <- Ql^2 * a3 - a2^2
            numerat <- (a1*a2 - Ql * sqrt(discrim))
            argmax1 <- numerat / denomin
           "0" = {
                argmax2 <- (a1*a2 + Ql * sqrt(discrim)) / denomin
                temp <- ifelse(argmax1 > 0, argmax1, argmax2)
                temp <- pmax(temp, SMALLNO)
                3 * log(temp)},
           "1" = {
                 BB <- (sqrt(discrim) - Ql^2 * a3 *
                       a4 / sqrt(discrim)) / dnorm(Ql)
                 CC <- 2 * Ql * a3 / dnorm(Ql)
                 dA.dtheta <- (-denomin * BB - numerat * CC) / denomin^2
                 argmax1 / (3 * dA.dtheta)
                "2" = {  stop('cannot currently handle deriv = 2') },
                   "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
                stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  if (!is.Numeric(answer))
    warning("the answer contains some NAs")
}  #  nbord2link, aka nbolf2

 Cut <-
  function(y, breaks = c(-Inf, quantile(c(y), prob = (1:4)/4))) {
  y <- as.matrix(y)

  temp <- cut(y, breaks = breaks, labels = FALSE)
  temp <- c(temp)  # integer vector of integers
  if (anyNA(temp))
    warning("there are NAs")
  answer <- if (ncol(y) > 1) matrix(temp, nrow(y), ncol(y)) else temp
  if (ncol(y) > 1) {
    ynames <- dimnames(y)[[2]]
    if (!length(ynames))
      ynames <- paste("Y", 1:ncol(y), sep = "")
    xnames <- dimnames(y)[[1]]
    if (!length(xnames)) xnames = as.character(1:nrow(y))
    dimnames(answer) <- list(xnames, ynames)
  attr(answer, "breaks") <- breaks
}  # Cut

 checkCut <- function(y) {
  if (!is.Numeric(y, positive = TRUE, integer.valued = TRUE))
    stop("argument 'y' must contain positive integers only")
  uy <- unique(y)
  L <- max(uy)
  oklevels <- 1:L
  if (L == 1)
    stop("only one unique value")
  for (ii in oklevels) {
    if (all(ii != uy))
      stop("there is no ", ii, " value")
}  # checkCut

if (FALSE)
 nbcanlink <-
           size = NULL,
           wrt.param = NULL,
           bvalue = NULL,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {
  if (is.character(theta)) {
    lastchars1 <- substr(theta, nchar(theta), nchar(theta))
    lastchars2 <- ifelse(nchar(theta) > 1,
                    substr(theta, nchar(theta) - 1, nchar(theta) - 1),
                    rep("", length(theta)))

    size.names <- rep("size", length(theta))
    dig1 <- lastchars1 %in% as.character(0:9)
    dig2 <- lastchars2 %in% as.character(0:9)
    size.names <- ifelse(dig1,
                         paste("size",            lastchars1, sep = ""),
    size.names <- ifelse(dig2,
                         paste("size", lastchars2, lastchars1, sep = ""),

    string <- if (short)
      paste("nbcanlink(", theta,
             ", ", theta, "(", size.names, ")",  # Added 20180803
             ")", sep = "") else {
      theta <- as.char.expression(theta)
      paste("log(", theta, " / (", theta, " + ", size.names, "))",
            sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Nbcanlink:", string)

  kmatrix <- size
  theta <- cbind(theta)
  kmatrix <- cbind(kmatrix)
  if (ncol(kmatrix) != ncol(theta))
    stop("arguments 'theta' and 'size' do not have ",
         "an equal number of cols")
  if (nrow(kmatrix) != nrow(theta))
    stop("arguments 'theta' and 'size' do not have ",
         "an equal number of rows")

  if (deriv > 0) {
    if (!(wrt.param %in% 1:2))
      stop("argument 'wrt.param' should be 1 or 2")

  if (!inverse && length(bvalue))
    theta[theta <= 0.0] <- bvalue

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = {
       ans <- (kmatrix / expm1(-theta))
       if (is.matrix(ans))
         dimnames(ans) <- NULL else
         names(ans) <- NULL

        "1" = if (wrt.param == 1)
           (theta * (theta + kmatrix)) / kmatrix else
          -(theta + kmatrix),

       "2" = if (wrt.param == 1)
       (2 * theta + kmatrix) * theta *
           (theta + kmatrix) / kmatrix^2 else
        theta + kmatrix,
           "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
  } else {
    ans <-
           "0" = log(theta / (theta + kmatrix)),

           "1" = if (wrt.param == 1) kmatrix / (theta * (theta +
                                     kmatrix)) else
                 -1 / (theta + kmatrix),

       "2" = if (wrt.param == 1)
             (2 * theta + kmatrix) *
             (-kmatrix) / (theta * (theta + kmatrix))^2 else
             1 / (theta + kmatrix)^2,
       "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")

     if (is.matrix(ans))
       dimnames(ans) <- NULL else
       names(ans) <- NULL
}  # nbcanlink

if (FALSE)
linkfun.vglm <- function(object, earg = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!any(slotNames(object) == "extra"))
    stop("cannot access the 'extra' slot of the object")
  if (!any(slotNames(object) == "misc"))
    stop("cannot access the 'misc' slot of the object")

  M <- npred(object)

  misc <- object@misc
  LINKS1 <- misc$link
  EARGS1 <- misc$earg

  extra <- object@extra
  LINKS2 <- extra$link
  EARGS2 <- extra$earg

  if (length(LINKS1) != M && length(LINKS2) != M) {
    if (LINKS1 != "multilogitlink" && LINKS2 != "multilogitlink")
      warning("the length of the 'links' component is not ", M)

  if (length(LINKS1)) {
    if (earg) list(link = LINKS1, earg = EARGS1) else LINKS1
  } else {
    if (earg) list(link = LINKS2, earg = EARGS2) else LINKS2
}  # linkfun.vglm

if (FALSE)
if (!isGeneric("linkfun"))
  setGeneric("linkfun", function(object, ...)

if (FALSE)
setMethod("linkfun", "vglm", function(object, ...)
    linkfun.vglm(object, ...))

 if (FALSE)
 logitoffsetlink <-
           offset = 0,
           inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0,
           short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) {
  if (is.character(theta)) {
    string <- if (short)
              ", ", offset[1],
              ")", sep = "") else
              " - ", offset[1],
              ")", sep = "")
    if (tag)
      string <- paste("Logit-with-offset:", string)

  if (inverse) {
           "0" = {
           exp.eta <- exp(theta)
           (exp.eta + offset) / (1 + exp.eta + offset)
           "1" = 1 / Recall(theta = theta,
                      offset = offset,
                      inverse = FALSE, deriv = deriv),
           "2" = theta * (1 - theta) * (1 - 2 * theta),
           "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
           stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
  } else {
           "0" = {
       temp2 <- log(theta / (1 - theta) - offset)
       "1" = 1 / ((1 - theta) * (theta - (1-theta) * offset)),
       "2" = (2 * (theta - offset * (1-theta)) - 1) / (
       (theta - (1-theta)*offset) * (1-theta))^2,
           "3" = { #3rd deriv
      stop("3rd deriv not yet implemented")
       stop("argument 'deriv' unmatched"))
}  # logitoffsetlink

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