
Defines functions rnonRLIV bvnorm.pdf rnonRLIII rnonRLII rnonRLI rassoc rassocG rassocU rassocC rassocI Zdir.nnct Zdir.nnct.ct Zdir.nnct.ss Zdir.nnct.ss.ct Pseg.ss Pseg.ss.ct cell.spec.ss cell.spec.ss.ct Xsq.seg.coeff Xsq.seg.coeff.ct Zseg.coeff Zseg.coeff.ct cov.seg.coeff var.seg.coeff ind.seg.coeff varPseg.coeff seg.coeff Pseg.coeff Znnself.sum Znnself.sum.ct Xsq.spec.cor Xsq.spec.cor.ct Znnself Znnself.ct EV.Nii covNii covNii.ct varNii varNii.ct scct scct.ct Xsq.nnref Xsq.nnref.ct Zmixed.nonref Zmixed.nonref.ct Zself.ref Zself.ref.ct sharedNNmc Xsq.nnsym Xsq.nnsym.dx Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct cov.nnsym Znnsym Znnsym.dx Znnsym.dx.ct var.nnsym ind.nnsym Znnsym.ss Znnsym.ss.ct Znnsym2cl Znnsym2cl.dx Znnsym2cl.dx.ct Znnsym2cl.ss Znnsym2cl.ss.ct Xsq.nnsym.ss Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct overall.seg overall.seg.ct overall.tct overall.tct.ct overall.nnct overall.nnct.ct class.spec class.spec.ct NN.class.spec NN.class.spec.ct base.class.spec base.class.spec.ct nnct.cr2 nnct.cr1 correct.cf2 correct.cf1 cell.spec cell.spec.ct Zcell.tct Zcell.tct.ct cov.tct cov.tctIV cov.tct3 cov.tctIII cov.tctI covCiCj cov.2cols covNijCk cov.cell.col cov.2cells var.tct var.tctIV var.tctIII var.tctI covNrow2col cov.nnct mat2vec Zcell.nnct.rs Zcell.nnct.ls Zcell.nnct.2s Zcell.nnct.pval Zcell.nnct Zcell.nnct.ct var.nnct pk P1112 p1112 P1122 p1122 P1123 p1123 p1223 P1234 p1234 P123 p123 p122 P112 p112 P1111 p1111 P111 Znnref Znnref.ct EV.rct rct Qsym.test Qsym.ct p111 P12 p12 P11 p11 cellsTij tct EV.tct EV.tctI EV.nnct Zseg.ind Zseg.ind.ct seg.ind col.sum row.sum pairwise.lab classirest lab.onevsrest nnct.boot.dis nnct.sub nnct NNsub kNNdist2cl kthNNdist2cl NNdist2cl kNNdist kthNNdist NNdist kNN NN Tval QRval Ninv Rval sharedNN Qvec Qval Wmat euc.dist ipd.mat.euc dist2full ipd.mat

Documented in base.class.spec base.class.spec.ct bvnorm.pdf cell.spec cell.spec.ct cell.spec.ss cell.spec.ss.ct cellsTij classirest class.spec class.spec.ct col.sum correct.cf1 correct.cf2 cov.2cells cov.2cols cov.cell.col covCiCj covNii covNii.ct covNijCk cov.nnct cov.nnsym covNrow2col cov.seg.coeff cov.tct cov.tct3 cov.tctI cov.tctIII cov.tctIV dist2full euc.dist EV.Nii EV.nnct EV.rct EV.tct EV.tctI ind.nnsym ind.seg.coeff ipd.mat ipd.mat.euc kNN kNNdist kNNdist2cl kthNNdist kthNNdist2cl lab.onevsrest mat2vec Ninv NN NN.class.spec NN.class.spec.ct nnct nnct.boot.dis nnct.cr1 nnct.cr2 nnct.sub NNdist NNdist2cl NNsub overall.nnct overall.nnct.ct overall.seg overall.seg.ct overall.tct overall.tct.ct p11 P11 p111 P111 p1111 P1111 p1112 P1112 p112 P112 p1122 P1122 p1123 P1123 p12 P12 p122 p1223 p123 P123 p1234 P1234 pairwise.lab pk Pseg.coeff Pseg.ss Pseg.ss.ct QRval Qsym.ct Qsym.test Qval Qvec rassoc rassocC rassocG rassocI rassocU rct rnonRLI rnonRLII rnonRLIII rnonRLIV row.sum Rval scct scct.ct seg.coeff seg.ind sharedNN sharedNNmc tct Tval varNii varNii.ct var.nnct var.nnsym varPseg.coeff var.seg.coeff var.tct var.tctI var.tctIII var.tctIV Wmat Xsq.nnref Xsq.nnref.ct Xsq.nnsym Xsq.nnsym.dx Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct Xsq.nnsym.ss Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct Xsq.seg.coeff Xsq.seg.coeff.ct Xsq.spec.cor Xsq.spec.cor.ct Zcell.nnct Zcell.nnct.2s Zcell.nnct.ct Zcell.nnct.ls Zcell.nnct.pval Zcell.nnct.rs Zcell.tct Zcell.tct.ct Zdir.nnct Zdir.nnct.ct Zdir.nnct.ss Zdir.nnct.ss.ct Zmixed.nonref Zmixed.nonref.ct Znnref Znnref.ct Znnself Znnself.ct Znnself.sum Znnself.sum.ct Znnsym Znnsym2cl Znnsym2cl.dx Znnsym2cl.dx.ct Znnsym2cl.ss Znnsym2cl.ss.ct Znnsym.dx Znnsym.dx.ct Znnsym.ss Znnsym.ss.ct Zseg.coeff Zseg.coeff.ct Zseg.ind Zseg.ind.ct Zself.ref Zself.ref.ct

#Contains the ancillary functions used in NNCT calculations, 
#such as NNCT for two classes of points

#####AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS#################
#in all these functions
#data sets are either matrices or data frames

#' @import stats
#' @import MASS
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom pcds Dist
#' @title Interpoint Distance Matrix
#' @description 
#' This function computes and returns the distance matrix computed 
#' by using the specified distance measure to
#' compute the distances between the rows of 
#' the set of points \code{x} and \code{y} using the 
#' \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function 
#' in the \code{stats} package of the standard R distribution.
#' If \code{y} is provided (default=\code{NULL}) it yields 
#' a matrix of distances between the rows of \code{x} and 
#' rows of \code{y}. Otherwise, it provides a square matrix 
#' with  \eqn{i,j}-th entry being the distance between row 
#' \eqn{i} and row \eqn{j} of \code{x}.
#' This function is different from the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function 
#' in the \code{stats} package.
#' \code{dist} returns the distance matrix in a lower triangular form, 
#' and \code{ipd.mat} returns in a full matrix.
#' \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @param x A set of points in matrix or data frame form 
#' where points correspond to the rows.
#' @param y A set of points in matrix or data frame form 
#' where points correspond to the rows (default=\code{NULL}).
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to be passed on the \code{dist} function.
#' @return A distance matrix whose  \eqn{i,j}-th entry is the distance 
#' between row \eqn{i} of \code{x} and row \eqn{j} of \code{y} 
#' if \code{y} is provided,
#' otherwise  \eqn{i,j}-th entry is the distance between 
#' rows \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} of \code{x}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{dist}}, \code{\link{ipd.mat.euc}}, 
#' and \code{\link{dist.std.data}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #3D data points
#' n<-3
#' X<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' mtd<-"euclidean" #try also "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary"
#' ipd.mat(X,method=mtd)
#' ipd.mat(X,method="minkowski",p=6)
#' n<-5
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd.mat(X,Y,method=mtd)
#' ipd.mat(X[1,],Y,method=mtd)
#' ipd.mat(c(.1,.2,.3),Y,method=mtd)
#' ipd.mat(X[1,],Y[3,],method=mtd)
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(3)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column 
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(3) would not work
#' ipd.mat(X)
#' Y<-as.matrix(runif(5))
#' ipd.mat(X,Y)
#' ipd.mat(X[1,],Y)
#' ipd.mat(X[1,],Y[3,])
#' @export
ipd.mat <- function(x,y=NULL, ...)
  if (!is.numeric(x) | (!is.null(y) & !is.numeric(y)))
  {stop('first argument and (if provided) second argument must be of type numeric')}
  if (is.null(y))
  } else
} #end for the function


#' @title Converts a lower triangular distance matrix to a full distance matrix
#' @description 
#' Converts a lower triangular distance matrix to a full distance matrix
#' with zeroes in the diagonal.
#' The input is usually the result of the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function 
#' in the \code{stats} package.
#' This function is adapted from Everitt's book 
#' (\insertCite{everitt:2004;textual}{nnspat})
#' @param dis A lower triangular matrix, 
#' resulting from the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} 
#' function in the \code{stats} package
#' @return A square (symmetric) distance matrix with zeroes in the diagonal.
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{dist}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #3D data points
#' n<-3
#' X<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' dst<-dist(X)
#' dist2full(dst)
#' @export
dist2full <- function(dis) {
} #end for the function


#' @title Euclidean Interpoint Distance Matrix
#' @description
#' Returns the Euclidean interpoint distance (IPD) matrix of 
#' a given the set of points \code{x} and \code{y} using two for loops 
#' with the \code{\link{euc.dist}} function of the current package.
#' If \code{y} is provided (default=\code{NULL}) 
#' it yields a matrix of Euclidean distances 
#' between the rows of \code{x} and rows of \code{y},
#' otherwise it provides a square matrix with \eqn{i,j}-th entry 
#' being the Euclidean distance between row \eqn{i} and row \eqn{j} of \code{x}. 
#' This function is different from 
#' the \code{\link{ipd.mat}} function in this package.
#' \code{\link{ipd.mat}} returns the full distance matrix 
#' for a variety of distance metrics (including the Euclidean metric),
#' while \code{\link{ipd.mat.euc}} uses the Euclidean distance metric only.
#' \code{ipd.mat.euc(X)} and \code{ipd.mat(X)} yield 
#' the same output for a set of points \code{X},
#' as the default metric in \code{\link{ipd.mat}} is also \code{"euclidean"}.
#' @param x A set of points in matrix or data frame form 
#' where points correspond to the rows.
#' @param y A set of points in matrix or data frame form 
#' where points correspond to the rows (default=\code{NULL}).
#' @return A distance matrix whose  \eqn{i,j}-th entry is 
#' the Euclidean distance between row \eqn{i} of \code{x} and
#' row \eqn{j} of \code{y} if \code{y} is provided, 
#' otherwise  \eqn{i,j}-th entry is 
#' the Euclidean distance between rows \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} of \code{x}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{dist}}, \code{\link{ipd.mat.euc}}, 
#' and \code{\link{dist.std.data}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #3D data points
#' n<-3
#' X<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd.mat.euc(X)
#' n<-5
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd.mat.euc(X,Y)
#' ipd.mat.euc(X[1,],Y)
#' ipd.mat.euc(c(.1,.2,.3),Y)
#' ipd.mat.euc(X[1,],Y[3,])
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(3)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(3) would not work
#' ipd.mat.euc(X)
#' Y<-as.matrix(runif(5))
#' ipd.mat.euc(X,Y)
#' ipd.mat.euc(X[1,],Y)
#' ipd.mat.euc(X[1,],Y[3,])
#' @export
ipd.mat.euc <- function(x,y=NULL)
  if (nx==1)
  } else
    if (is.null(y))
      for (i in 1:(nx-1))
        for (j in (i+1):nx)
    } else
      for (i in 1:nx)
        for (j in 1:ny)
} #end for the function


#' @title The Euclidean distance between two vectors, matrices, or data frames
#' @description Returns the Euclidean distance between \code{x} and \code{y} 
#' which can be vectors #' or matrices or data frames of
#'  any dimension (\code{x} and \code{y} should be of same dimension).
#' This function is equivalent to \code{\link[pcds]{Dist}} function 
#' in the \code{pcds} package but is 
#' different from the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function 
#' in the \code{stats} package of the standard R distribution.
#' \code{dist} requires its argument to be a data matrix and 
#' \code{\link[stats]{dist}} computes and returns 
#' he distance matrix computed by using the specified distance measure 
#' to compute the distances between the rows of a data matrix
#' (\insertCite{S-Book:1998;textual}{nnspat}),
#' while \code{euc.dist} needs two arguments to find the distances between. 
#' For two data matrices \code{A} and \code{B},
#' \code{dist(rbind(as.vector(A),as.vector(B)))} and 
#' \code{euc.dist(A,B)} yield the same result.
#' @param x,y Vectors, matrices or data frames 
#' (both should be of the same type).
#' @return Euclidean distance between \code{x} and \code{y}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{dist}} from the base package \code{stats} and
#' \code{\link[pcds]{Dist}} from the package \code{pcds}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' B<-c(1,0); C<-c(1/2,sqrt(3)/2);
#' euc.dist(B,C);
#' euc.dist(B,B);
#' x<-runif(10)
#' y<-runif(10)
#' euc.dist(x,y)
#' xm<-matrix(x,ncol=2)
#' ym<-matrix(y,ncol=2)
#' euc.dist(xm,ym)
#' euc.dist(xm,xm)
#' dat.fr<-data.frame(b=B,c=C)
#' euc.dist(dat.fr,dat.fr)
#' euc.dist(dat.fr,cbind(B,C))
#' @export
euc.dist <- function(x,y)
} #end of the function


#' @title The incidence matrix \code{W} for the NN digraph
#' @description 
#' Returns the \eqn{W=(w_ij)} matrix which is used to compute 
#' \eqn{Q}, \eqn{R} and \eqn{T} values in the NN structure.
#' \eqn{w_{ij}=I(} point \eqn{j} is a NN of point \eqn{i))} 
#' i.e., \eqn{w_{ij}=1} if point \eqn{j} is a NN of
#' point \eqn{i} and 0 otherwise.
#' The argument \code{ties} is a logical argument (default=\code{FALSE}) 
#' to take ties into account or not. If \code{TRUE} the function
#' takes ties into account by making \eqn{w_{ij}=1/m} 
#' if point \eqn{j} is a NN of point \eqn{i}
#' and there are \eqn{m} tied NNs and 0 otherwise. 
#' If \code{FALSE}, \eqn{w_{ij}=1} if point \eqn{j} is 
#' a NN of point \eqn{i} and 0 otherwise.
#' The matrix \eqn{W} is equivalent to 
#' \eqn{A=(a_{ij})} matrix with \eqn{k=1}, 
#' i.e., \code{Wmat(X)=aij.mat(X,k=1)}.
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) 
#' to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be 
#' the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) 
#' or a data set of points in matrix or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param ties A logical parameter (default=\code{FALSE}) 
#' to take ties into account in computing the \eqn{W} matrix,
#' so, if it is \code{TRUE}, \eqn{w_{ij}=1/m} if point \eqn{j} is 
#' a NN of point \eqn{i} and there are \eqn{m} tied NNs and 0 otherwise
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \eqn{w_{ij}=1} 
#' if point \eqn{j} is a NN of point \eqn{i} and 0 otherwise.
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance matrix, 
#' otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set 
#' with rows representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return The incidence matrix \eqn{W=(w_ij)} 
#' where \eqn{w_{ij}=I(} point \eqn{j} is a NN of point \eqn{i))},
#' i.e., \eqn{w_{ij}=1} if point \eqn{j} is a NN of 
#' point \eqn{i} and 0 otherwise.
#' @seealso \code{\link{aij.mat}}, \code{\link{aij.nonzero}}, 
#' and \code{\link{aij.theta}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-3
#' X<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' Wmat(ipd)
#' Wmat(X,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' n<-5
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' Wmat(ipd)
#' Wmat(Y,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' Wmat(Y,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' Wmat(Y,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' aij.mat(Y,k=1)
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(5)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(5) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' Wmat(ipd)
#' Wmat(X,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' #with ties=TRUE in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(15)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' Wmat(ipd,ties=TRUE)
#' Wmat(Y,ties=TRUE,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' @export
Wmat <- function(x,ties=FALSE,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  for (i in 1:n)
    if (ties==FALSE)
    } else
} #end for the function


# funsQandR
#' @title Functions for the number of shared NNs, 
#' shared NN vector, and the number of reflexive NNs
#' @description
#' Four functions: \code{Qval}, \code{Qvec}, \code{sharedNN} and \code{Rval}.
#' \code{Qval} returns the \eqn{Q} value, the number of points with 
#' shared nearest neighbors (NNs), which occurs when two or 
#' more points share a NN, for data in any dimension. 
#' \code{Qvec} returns the Q-value and also yields 
#' the \eqn{Qv} vector \eqn{Qv=(Q_0,Q_1,\ldots)} as well 
#' for data in any dimension, 
#' where \eqn{Q_j} is the number of points shared as 
#' a NN by \eqn{j} other points. 
#' \code{sharedNN} returns the \code{vector} of number of points 
#' with shared NNs, \eqn{Q=(Q_0,Q_1,\ldots)} 
#' where \eqn{Q_i} is the number of points that are NN to \eqn{i} points, 
#' and if a point is a NN of \eqn{i} points, 
#' then there are \eqn{i(i-1)} points that share a NN. 
#' So, \eqn{Q=\sum_{i>1} i(i-1)Q_i}.
#' \code{Rval} returns the number of reflexive NNs, 
#' \eqn{R} (i.e., twice the number of reflexive NN pairs).
#' These quantities are used, e.g., in computing the variances 
#' and covariances of the entries of the
#' nearest neighbor contingency tables used for Dixon's tests 
#' and other NNCT tests. 
#' The input must be the incidence matrix, \eqn{W}, of the NN digraph. 
#' @param W The incidence matrix, \eqn{W}, for the NN digraph
#' @return The function \code{Qval} returns the \eqn{Q} value
#' The function \code{Qvec} returns a \code{list} with two elements
#'  \item{q}{the \eqn{Q} value, the number of shared NNs}
#'  \item{qvec}{the \code{vector} of \eqn{Q_j} values} 
#' The function \code{sharedNN} returns a \code{matrix} with 2 rows, 
#' where first row is the \eqn{j} values and second row is
#' the corresponding vector of \eqn{Q_j} values
#' The function \code{Rval} returns the \eqn{R} value, 
#' the number of reflexive NNs.
#' See the description above for the details of these quantities.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Tval}}, \code{\link{QRval}}, \code{\link{sharedNNmc}},
#' and \code{\link{Ninv}}
#' @name funsQandR
#' @rdname funsQandR
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #Examples for Qval
#' #3D data points
#' n<-10
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qval(W)
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(10)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(10) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qval(W)
#' #with ties=TRUE in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(15)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd,ties=TRUE)
#' Qval(W)
#' #with ties=TRUE in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(15)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd,ties=TRUE)
#' Qval(W)
#' @export
Qval <- function(W)
  W<-ceiling(W) #this is to correct for the ties in W matrix
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsQandR
#' @examples
#' #Examples for Qvec
#' #3D data points
#' n<-10
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qvec(W)
#' #2D data points
#' n<-15
#' Y<-matrix(runif(2*n),ncol=2)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qvec(W)
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(15)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(15) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qvec(W)
#' #with ties=TRUE in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(15)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd,ties=TRUE)
#' Qvec(W)
#' @export
Qvec <- function(W)
  W<-ceiling(W) #this is to correct for the ties in W matrix
  Nfac<-(1:Nlen-1)*(1:Nlen-2) #this is the i*(i-1) vector
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsQandR
#' @examples
#' #Examples for sharedNN
#' #3D data points
#' n<-10
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' sharedNN(W)
#' Qvec(W)
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(15)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(5) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' sharedNN(W)
#' Qvec(W)
#' #2D data points
#' n<-15
#' Y<-matrix(runif(2*n),ncol=2)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' sharedNN(W)
#' Qvec(W)
#' #with ties=TRUE in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(30)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd,ties=TRUE)
#' sharedNN(W)
#' @export
sharedNN <- function(W)
  W<-ceiling(W) #this is to correct for the ties in W matrix
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsQandR
#' @examples
#' #Examples for Rval
#' #3D data points
#' n<-10
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Rval(W)
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(15)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(5) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Rval(W)
#' #with ties=TRUE in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(30)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd,ties=TRUE)
#' Rval(W)
#' @export
Rval <- function(W)
  W<-ceiling(W) #this is to correct for the ties in W matrix
} #end for the function


#' @title Vector of Shared NNs and Number of Reflexive NNs
#' @description Returns the \code{Qvec} and \code{R} 
#' where \eqn{Qvec=(Q_0,Q_1,\ldots)} with
#' \eqn{Q_j} is the number of points shared as a NN
#' by \eqn{j} other points i.e., number of points 
#' that are NN of \eqn{i} points, for \eqn{i=0,1,2,\ldots}
#' and \code{R} is the number of reflexive pairs 
#' where points A and B are reflexive 
#' iff they are NN to each other.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) 
#' or a data set of points in matrix or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance
#' matrix, otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set 
#' with rows representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns a \code{list} with two elements
#'  \item{Qvec}{vector of \eqn{Q_j} values}
#'  \item{R}{number of reflexive points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Qval}}, \code{\link{Qvec}}, \code{\link{sharedNN}}, 
#' \code{\link{Rval}}, and \code{\link{QRval}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #3D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' sharedNN(W)
#' Qvec(W)
#' Ninv(ipd)
#' Ninv(Y,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' Ninv(Y,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' #1D data points
#' n<-15
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column 
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' sharedNN(W)
#' Qvec(W)
#' Ninv(ipd)
#' #with possible ties in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(30)*10),ncol=3)
#' ny<-nrow(Y)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' sharedNN(W)
#' Qvec(W)
#' Ninv(ipd)
#' @export
Ninv <- function(x,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  inv.nn <- rep(0,n); 
  Rf <- 0;
  NN.ls <- list() 
  for (i in 1:n)
    NN.ls[[i]] <- NN(ipd,i); #list of indices of NNs of subject i
  for (k in 1:n)
    for (j in 1:L)
      inv.nn[NN.indk[j]] <- inv.nn[NN.indk[j]]+1
      if ( sum(k==NN.ls[[NN.indk[j] ]])>0 )
        Rf<- Rf+1
} #end for the function


#' @title Number of Shared and Reflexive NNs
#' @description Returns the \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} values 
#' where \eqn{Q} is the number of points shared as a NN
#' by other points i.e., number of points 
#' that are NN of other points (which occurs when two or 
#' more points share a NN, for data in any dimension) and \eqn{R} is 
#' the number of reflexive pairs
#' where A and B are reflexive iff they are NN to each other.
#' These quantities are used, e.g., 
#' in computing the variances and covariances of the entries of the
#' nearest neighbor contingency tables used for Dixon's tests 
#' and other NNCT tests. 
#' @param njr A \code{list} that is the output of \code{\link{Ninv}} 
#' (with first entry in the \code{list} is \code{vector} of number of shared NNs
#' and second is the \eqn{R} value, number of reflexive points)
#' @return A \code{list} with two elements
#' \item{Q}{the \eqn{Q} value, the number of shared NNs}
#' \item{R}{the \eqn{R} value, the number of reflexive NNs}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Qval}}, \code{\link{Qvec}}, \code{\link{sharedNN}}, 
#' \code{\link{Rval}}, and \code{\link{Ninv}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #3D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' ninv<-Ninv(ipd)
#' QRval(ninv)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qvec(W)$q
#' #1D data points
#' n<-15
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column 
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' ninv<-Ninv(ipd)
#' QRval(ninv)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qvec(W)$q
#' #with possible ties in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(30)*10),ncol=3)
#' ny<-nrow(Y)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' ninv<-Ninv(ipd)
#' QRval(ninv)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qvec(W)$q
#' @export
QRval <- function(njr)
  njfac<-(1:njlen-1)*(1:njlen-2) #this is the i*(i-1) vector
} #end for the function


#' @title \eqn{T} value in NN structure
#' @description Returns the \eqn{T} value, 
#' which is the number of triplets \eqn{(z_i, z_j, z_k)} with 
#' "\eqn{NN(z_i) = NN(z_j) = z_k} and \eqn{NN(z_k) = z_j}" 
#' where \eqn{NN(\cdot)} is the nearest neighbor function.
#' Note that in the NN digraph, 
#' \eqn{T+R} is the sum of the indegrees of the points in the reflexive pairs.
#' This quantity (together with \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R}) is used in 
#' computing the variances and covariances of the entries of the
#' reflexivity contingency table. 
#' See (\insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017;textual}{nnspat}) 
#' for further details.
#' @param W The incidence matrix, \eqn{W}, for the NN digraph
#' @param R The number of reflexive NNs 
#' (i.e., twice the number of reflexive NN pairs)
#' @return Returns the \eqn{T} value. 
#' See the description above for the details of this quantity.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Qval}}, \code{\link{Qvec}}, \code{\link{sharedNN}},
#' and \code{\link{Rval}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #3D data points
#' n<-10
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' R<-Rval(W)
#' Tval(W,R)
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(15)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(5) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' R<-Rval(W)
#' Tval(W,R)
#' #with ties=TRUE in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(30)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd,ties=TRUE)
#' R<-Rval(W)
#' Tval(W,R)
#' @export 
Tval <- function(W,R)
  W<-ceiling(W) #this is to correct for the ties in W matrix
  #sum of the indegrees of points in the reflexive pairs
} #end for the function


#' @title Finding the index of the NN of a given point
#' @description
#' Returns the index (or indices) of the nearest neighbor(s) of 
#' subject \eqn{i} given data set or IPD matrix \code{x}.
#' It will yield a \code{vector} if there are ties, 
#' and subject indices correspond to rows 
#' (i.e., rows \code{1:n} ) if \code{x} 
#' is the data set and to rows or columns 
#' if \code{x} is the IPD matrix.  
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument 
#' (default=\code{TRUE}) to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be 
#' the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, 
#' \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) 
#' or a data set of points in matrix or 
#' data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param i index of (i.e., row number for) the subject 
#' whose NN is to be found. 
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance matrix, 
#' otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set 
#' with rows representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, 
#' such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns the index (indices) i.e., 
#' row number(s) of the NN of subject \eqn{i}
#' @seealso \code{\link{kNN}} and \code{\link{NNsub}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #3D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' NN(ipd,1)
#' NN(Y,1,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' NN(ipd,5)
#' NN(Y,5,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' NN(Y,5,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(15)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(5) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' NN(ipd,1)
#' NN(ipd,5)
#' #with possible ties in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(30)*10),ncol=3)
#' ny<-nrow(Y)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' for (i in 1:ny)
#'   cat(i,":",NN(ipd,i),"|",NN(Y,i,is.ipd = FALSE),"\n")
#' @export 
NN <- function(x,i,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  if (n<=1 || i>n)
  ind <- 1:ncol(ipd)
  dis.row <- ipd[i,]
  min.dis <- min(dis.row[-i])
  dis.row[i] <- 2*D #to avoid if min distance is zero!
  labind <- ind[dis.row==min.dis]
} #end for the function


#' @title Finding the indices of the \code{k} NNs of a given point
#' @description
#' Returns the indices of the \code{k} nearest neighbors of 
#' subject \eqn{i} given data set or IPD matrix \code{x}.
#' Subject indices correspond to rows (i.e., rows \code{1:n} ) 
#' if \code{x} is the data set and to rows or columns
#' if \code{x} is the IPD matrix.  
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument 
#' (default=\code{TRUE}) to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be 
#' the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' @inheritParams NN
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject \eqn{i}).
#' @return Returns the indices (i.e., row numbers) of 
#' the \code{k} NNs of subject \eqn{i}
#' @seealso \code{\link{NN}}, \code{\link{NNdist}},
#' and \code{\link{NNdist2cl}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' k<-sample(1:5,1)
#' k
#' NN(ipd,1)
#' kNN(ipd,1,k)
#' kNN(Y,1,k,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' kNN(Y,1,k,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' NN(ipd,5)
#' kNN(ipd,5,k)
#' kNN(Y,5,k,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(15)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(5) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' kNN(ipd,3,k)
#' #with possible ties in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(30)*10),ncol=3)
#' ny<-nrow(Y)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' for (i in 1:ny)
#'   cat(i,":",kNN(ipd,i,k),"\n")
#' @export
kNN <- function(x,i,k,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  if (n<=1 || max(i,k+1)>n)
  ind <- 1:ncol(ipd)
  dis.row <- ipd[i,]
  knndis <- order(dis.row)[2:(k+1)]
} #end for the function


#' @title Distances between subjects and their NNs
#' @description
#' Returns the distances between subjects and their NNs. 
#' The output is an \eqn{n \times 2} matrix 
#' where \eqn{n} is the data size
#' and first column is the subject index and 
#' second column contains the corresponding distances to NN subjects.
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument 
#' (default=\code{TRUE}) to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be 
#' the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) 
#' or a data set of points in matrix or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance matrix, 
#' otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set 
#' with rows representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, 
#' such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns an \eqn{n \times 2} matrix where \eqn{n} is data size 
#' (i.e., number of subjects) and first column is the subject
#' index and second column is the NN distances.
#' @seealso \code{\link{kthNNdist}}, \code{\link{kNNdist}}, 
#' and \code{\link{NNdist2cl}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #3D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' NNdist(ipd)
#' NNdist(Y,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' NNdist(Y,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(5)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(5) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' NNdist(ipd)
#' NNdist(X,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' @export
NNdist <- function(x,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  if (n<=1)
  for (i in 1:n)
    dis.row <- ipd[i,]
    min.dis <- c(min.dis,min(dis.row[-i]))
} #end for the function


# funs.kNNdist
#' @title Functions for the \eqn{k^{th}} and \code{k} NN distances
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{kthNNdist} and \code{kNNdist}.
#' \code{kthNNdist} returns the distances between subjects and their \eqn{k^{th}} NNs. The output is an \eqn{n \times 2} matrix where 
#' \eqn{n} is the data size and first column is the subject index and second column contains the corresponding 
#' distances to \eqn{k^{th}} NN subjects. 
#' \code{kNNdist} returns the distances between subjects and their \code{k} NNs.
#' The output is an \eqn{n \times (k+1)} matrix where 
#' \eqn{n} is the data size and first column is the subject index and the remaining \code{k} columns contain the corresponding 
#' distances to \code{k} NN subjects. 
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) or a data set of points in matrix or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subjects).
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance
#' matrix, otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set with rows representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return \code{kthNNdist} returns an \eqn{n \times 2} matrix where \eqn{n} is data size (i.e., number of subjects) and
#' first column is the subject index and second column is the \eqn{k^{th}} NN distances.
#' \code{kNNdist} returns an \eqn{n \times (k+1)} matrix where \eqn{n} is data size (i.e., number of subjects) and
#' first column is the subject index and the remaining \code{k} columns contain the corresponding 
#' distances to \code{k} NN subjects. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{NNdist}} and \code{\link{NNdist2cl}}
#' @name funs.kNNdist
#' @rdname funs.kNNdist
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #Examples for kthNNdist
#' #3D data points, gives NAs when n<=k
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' kthNNdist(ipd,3)
#' kthNNdist(Y,3,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' kthNNdist(ipd,5)
#' kthNNdist(Y,5,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' kthNNdist(Y,3,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(5)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(5) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' kthNNdist(ipd,3)
#' @export
kthNNdist <- function(x,k,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  for (i in 1:n)
    dis.row <- ipd[i,]
    kth.dis <- c(kth.dis,dis.row[order(dis.row)[k+1]] )
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.kNNdist
#' @examples
#' #Examples for kNNdist
#' #3D data points, gives NAs if n<=k for n,n+1,...,kNNs
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' kNNdist(ipd,3)
#' kNNdist(ipd,5)
#' kNNdist(Y,5,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' kNNdist(Y,5,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' kNNdist(ipd,1)
#' kthNNdist(ipd,1)
#' #1D data points
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(5)) # need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(5) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' kNNdist(ipd,3)
#' @export
kNNdist <- function(x,k,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  for (i in 1:n)
    dist.row <- ipd[i,]
    kdist <- rbind(kdist,dist.row[order(dist.row)[2:(k+1)]] )
} #end for the function


#' @title Distances between subjects from class \eqn{i} 
#' and their NNs from class \eqn{j}
#' @description
#' Returns the distances between subjects from class \eqn{i} 
#' and their nearest neighbors (NNs) from class \eqn{j}. 
#' The output is a \code{list} with first entry (\code{nndist}) 
#' being an \eqn{n_i \times 3} matrix 
#' where \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i}
#' and first column is the subject index in class \eqn{i}, 
#' second column is the subject index in NN class \eqn{j},  
#' and third column contains the corresponding distances 
#' of each class \eqn{i} subject to its NN among class \eqn{j}
#' subjects. Class \eqn{i} is labeled as base class 
#' and class \eqn{j} is labeled as NN class.
#' The argument \code{within.class.ind} is a logical argument 
#' (default=\code{FALSE}) to determine the indexing of 
#' the class \eqn{i} subjects. 
#' If \code{TRUE}, 
#' index numbering of subjects is within the class, 
#' from 1 to class size (i.e., \code{1:n_i}), 
#' according to their order in the original data;
#' otherwise, index numbering within class is just 
#' the indices in the original data.
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument 
#' (default=\code{TRUE}) to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be 
#' the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) 
#' or a data set of points in matrix or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param i,j class label of base class and NN classes, respectively.
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param within.class.ind A logical parameter (default=\code{FALSE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, index numbering of subjects 
#' is within the class, from 1 to class size (i.e., \code{1:n_i}), 
#' according to their order in the original data;
#' otherwise, index numbering within class is just 
#' the indices in the original data.
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance matrix, 
#' otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set 
#' with rows representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, 
#' such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns a \code{list} with three elements
#'  \item{nndist}{\eqn{n_i \times 3} matrix 
#'  where \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i} and 
#'  first column is the subject index in 
#'  class \eqn{i}, second column is the subject index in NN class \eqn{j}, 
#'  and third column contains the corresponding
#'  distances of each class \eqn{i} subject to its NN among class \eqn{j} subjects.}
#'  \item{base.class}{label of base class} 
#'  \item{nn.class}{label of NN class} 
#' @seealso \code{\link{kthNNdist}}, \code{\link{kNNdist}}, 
#' and \code{\link{NNdist2cl}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #3D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' #two class case
#' clab<-sample(1:2,n,replace=TRUE) #class labels
#' table(clab)
#' NNdist2cl(ipd,1,2,clab)
#' NNdist2cl(Y,1,2,clab,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' NNdist2cl(ipd,1,2,clab,within = TRUE)
#' #three class case
#' clab<-sample(1:3,n,replace=TRUE) #class labels
#' table(clab)
#' NNdist2cl(ipd,2,1,clab)
#' #1D data points
#' n<-15
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' #two class case
#' clab<-sample(1:2,n,replace=TRUE) #class labels
#' table(clab)
#' NNdist2cl(ipd,1,2,clab)
#' NNdist2cl(X,1,2,clab,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' @export 
NNdist2cl <- function(x,i,j,lab,within.class.ind=FALSE,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  if (any(lab==i)*any(lab==j)==0)
  {stop('given labels i and j are not among the class labels')}
  if (within.class.ind==FALSE)
    ns<-length(lab) #sample size of data for which IPDM is computed
  } else
  for (ind in 1:ni)
    dist.row <- ipdij[ind,]
    min.dist <- c(min.dist,min.dist.row)
} #end for the function


# funs.kNNdist2cl
#' @title Functions for the \eqn{k^{th}} and \code{k} NN distances
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{kthNNdist2cl} and \code{kNNdist2cl}.
#' \code{kthNNdist2cl} returns the distances between subjects from 
#' class \eqn{i} and their \eqn{k^{th}} NNs from class \eqn{j}.
#' The output is a \code{list} with first entry (\code{kth.nndist}) 
#' is an \eqn{n_i \times 3} matrix 
#' where \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i}
#' and first column is the subject index for class \eqn{i},
#' second column is the index of the \eqn{k^{th}} NN of 
#' class \eqn{i} subjects among class \eqn{j} subjects and third column 
#' contains the corresponding \eqn{k^{th}} NN distances. 
#' The other entries in the \code{list} are labels of base class 
#' and NN class and the value of \code{k}, respectively.
#' \code{kNNdist2cl} returns the distances between subjects from class \eqn{i} 
#' and their \code{k} NNs from class \eqn{j}.
#' The output is a \code{list} with first entry (\code{ind.knndist}) is 
#' an \eqn{n_i \times (k+1)} matrix 
#' where \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i},
#' first column is the indices of class \eqn{i} subjects, 
#' second to \eqn{(k+1)}-st  columns are the indices of 
#' \code{k} NNs of class \eqn{i} subjects among class \eqn{j} subjects. 
#' The second \code{list} entry (\code{knndist}) is 
#' an \eqn{n_i \times k} matrix where \eqn{n_i} is the 
#' size of class \eqn{i} and the columns are
#' the \code{k}NN distances of class \eqn{i} subjects 
#' to class \eqn{j} subjects. 
#' The other entries in the \code{list} are labels of base class 
#' and NN class and the value of \code{k}, respectively. 
#' The argument \code{within.class.ind} is a logical argument 
#' (default=\code{FALSE}) to determine the indexing of 
#' the class \eqn{i} subjects. 
#' If \code{TRUE}, index numbering of subjects is within the class, 
#' from 1 to class size (i.e., \code{1:n_i}), 
#' according to their order in the original data; otherwise, 
#' index numbering within class is just the indices
#' in the original data.
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) 
#' to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, 
#' \code{x} is taken to be the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) 
#' or a data set of points in matrix or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subjects).
#' @param i,j class label of base class and NN classes, respectively.
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param within.class.ind A logical parameter (default=\code{FALSE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, index numbering of subjects is within the class, 
#' from 1 to class size (i.e., \code{1:n_i}), 
#' according to their order in the original data; 
#' otherwise, index numbering within class is just the indices
#' in the original data.
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance
#' matrix, otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set with rows 
#' representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return  \code{kthNNdist2cl} returns the \code{list} of elements
#'  \item{kth.nndist}{\eqn{n_i \times 3} matrix 
#'  where \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i}
#' and first column is the subject index for class \eqn{i}, 
#' second column is the index of the \code{k}-th NN of class \eqn{i} 
#' subjects among class \eqn{j} subjects and third column contains 
#' the corresponding \code{k}-th NN distances,
#' , returned by \code{Zseg.ind.ct} only} 
#'  \item{base.class}{label of base class} 
#'  \item{nn.class}{label of NN class} 
#'  \item{k}{value of \code{k} in \code{k}NN}
#' \code{kNNdist2cl} returns the \code{list} of elements
#'  \item{ind.knndist}{\eqn{n_i \times (k+1)} matrix 
#'  where \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i}, 
#'  first column is the indices of class \eqn{i}
#'  subjects, 2nd to \eqn{(k+1)}-st  columns are 
#'  the indices of \eqn{k} NNs of class \eqn{i} subjects 
#'  among class \eqn{j} subjects.}
#' \item{knndist}{\eqn{n_i \times k} matrix 
#' where \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i} and 
#' the columns are the \eqn{k}NN distances of class \eqn{i}
#' subjects to class \eqn{j} subjects.}
#'  \item{base.class}{label of base class} 
#'  \item{nn.class}{label of NN class} 
#'  \item{k}{value of \code{k} in \code{k}NN}  
#' @seealso \code{\link{NNdist2cl}}, \code{\link{kthNNdist}},
#' and \code{\link{kNNdist}}
#' @name funs.kNNdist2cl
#' @rdname funs.kNNdist2cl
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #Examples for kthNNdist2cl
#' #3D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' #two class case
#' clab<-sample(1:2,n,replace=TRUE) #class labels
#' table(clab)
#' kthNNdist2cl(ipd,3,1,2,clab)
#' kthNNdist2cl(Y,3,1,2,clab,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' kthNNdist2cl(ipd,3,1,2,clab,within = TRUE)
#' #three class case
#' clab<-sample(1:3,n,replace=TRUE) #class labels
#' table(clab)
#' kthNNdist2cl(ipd,3,2,3,clab)
#' #1D data points
#' n<-15
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' #two class case
#' clab<-sample(1:2,n,replace=TRUE) #class labels
#' table(clab)
#' kthNNdist2cl(ipd,3,1,2,clab) # here kthNNdist2cl(ipd,3,1,12,clab) 
#' #gives an error message
#' kthNNdist2cl(ipd,3,"1",2,clab)
#' @export
kthNNdist2cl <- function(x,k,i,j,lab,within.class.ind=FALSE,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  if (any(lab==i)*any(lab==j)==0)
  {stop('given labels i and j are not among the class labels')}
  if (within.class.ind==FALSE)
    ns<-length(lab) #sample size of data for which IPDM is computed
  } else
  for (ind in 1:ni)
    dist.row <- ipdij[ind,]
    kth.dist <- c(kth.dist,dist.row[ord[k]] )
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.kNNdist2cl
#' @examples
#' #Examples for kNNdist2cl
#' #3D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' #two class case
#' clab<-sample(1:2,n,replace=TRUE) #class labels
#' table(clab)
#' kNNdist2cl(ipd,3,1,2,clab)
#' kNNdist2cl(Y,3,1,2,clab,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' kNNdist2cl(ipd,3,1,2,clab,within = TRUE)
#' #three class case
#' clab<-sample(1:3,n,replace=TRUE) #class labels
#' table(clab)
#' kNNdist2cl(ipd,3,1,2,clab)
#' #1D data points
#' n<-15
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' #two class case
#' clab<-sample(1:2,n,replace=TRUE) #class labels
#' table(clab)
#' kNNdist2cl(ipd,3,1,2,clab)
#' kNNdist2cl(ipd,3,"1",2,clab) #here kNNdist2cl(ipd,3,"a",2,clab) 
#' #gives an error message
#' @export
kNNdist2cl <- function(x,k,i,j,lab,within.class.ind=FALSE,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  if (any(lab==i)*any(lab==j)==0)
  {stop('given labels for i and j are not among the class labels')}
  if (within.class.ind==FALSE)
    ns<-length(lab) #sample size of data for which IPDM is computed
  } else
  for (ind in 1:n)
    dist.row <- ipdij[ind,]
    kdist <- rbind(kdist,dist.row[ord[1:k]] )
} #end for the function


#' @title Finding the index of the NN of a given point among a subset of points
#' @description
#' Returns the index (indices) of the nearest neighbor(s) of subject \eqn{i} 
#' (other than subject \eqn{i}) among the indices of points 
#' provided in the subsample \code{ss} using 
#' the given data set or IPD matrix \code{x}. 
#' The indices in \code{ss} determine the
#' columns of the IPD matrix to be used in this function. 
#' It will yield a \code{vector} if there are ties, 
#' and subject indices correspond to rows 
#' (i.e., rows \code{1:n} ) if \code{x} 
#' is the data set and to rows or columns 
#' if \code{x} is the IPD matrix.  
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) 
#' to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be 
#' the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' @param ss indices of subjects (i.e., row indices in the data set) 
#' among with the NN of subject is to be found
#' @inheritParams NN
#' @return Returns a \code{list} with the elements
#'  \item{base.ind}{index of the base subject}
#'  \item{ss.ind}{the index (indices) i.e., 
#'  row number(s) of the NN of subject \eqn{i} 
#'  among the subjects with indices
#' provided in \code{ss}}
#'  \item{ss.dis}{distance from subject \eqn{i} 
#'  to its NN among the subjects in \code{ss}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{NN}} and \code{\link{kNN}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #3D data points 
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' #indices of the subsample ss
#' ss<-sample(1:n,floor(n/2),replace=FALSE)
#' NNsub(ss,ipd,2)
#' NNsub(ss,Y,2,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' NNsub(ss,ipd,5)
#' #1D data points
#' n<-15
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' #two class case
#' clab<-sample(1:2,n,replace=TRUE) #class labels
#' #indices of the subsample ss
#' ss<-sample(1:n,floor(n/2),replace=FALSE)
#' NNsub(ss,ipd,2)
#' NNsub(ss,ipd,5)
#' #with possible ties in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(60)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' ss<-sample(1:20,10,replace=FALSE) #class labels
#' NNsub(ss,ipd,2)
#' NNsub(ss,ipd,5)
#' @export
NNsub <- function(ss,x,i,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  if (n<=1 || i>n)
  if (sum(ss==i)==1)
    #distances from i to points whose indices are in \code{ss}
  } else
    #distances from i to points whose indices are in \code{ss}
} #end for the function


#' @title Nearest Neighbor Contingency Table (NNCT)
#' @description
#' Returns the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT given the IPD matrix or data set \code{x} 
#' where \eqn{k} is the number of classes in the data set.
#' Rows and columns of the NNCT are labeled with the corresponding class labels.
#' The argument \code{ties} is a logical argument 
#' (default=\code{FALSE}) to take ties into account or not.
#' If \code{TRUE} a NN 
#' contributes \eqn{1/m} to the NN count 
#' if it is one of the \eqn{m} tied NNs of a subject.
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) 
#' to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be 
#' the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' See also 
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:eest-2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE})
#' or a data set of points in matrix 
#' or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param ties A logical argument (default=\code{FALSE}) 
#' to take ties into account or not. 
#' If \code{TRUE} a NN 
#' contributes \eqn{1/m} to the NN count 
#' if it is one of the \eqn{m} tied NNs of a subject.
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, 
#' \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance matrix, 
#' otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set with rows 
#' representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, 
#' such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT 
#' where \eqn{k} is the number of classes in the data set.
#' @seealso \code{\link{nnct.sub}}, \code{\link{scct}}, \code{\link{rct}}, 
#' and \code{\link{tct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' nnct(ipd,cls)
#' nnct(ipd,cls,ties = TRUE)
#' nnct(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' nnct(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' nnct(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE,method="mink",p=6)
#' #with one class, it works but really uninformative
#' cls<-rep(1,n)
#' nnct(ipd,cls)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' #cls as an unsorted factor
#' fcls1<-sample(c("a","b"),n,replace = TRUE)
#' nnct(ipd,fcls1)
#' fcls2<-sort(fcls1)
#' nnct(ipd,fcls2) 
#' #ipd needs to be sorted as well, otherwise this result will not agree with fcls1
#' nnct(Y,fcls1,ties = TRUE,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' nnct(ipd,cls)
#' nnct(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' #cls as a factor
#' fcls<-rep(letters[1:4],rep(10,4))
#' nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' #1D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' nnct(ipd,cls)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' #with possible ties in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(3*n)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' nnct(ipd,cls)
#' nnct(ipd,cls,ties = TRUE)
#' @export
nnct <- function(x,lab,ties=FALSE,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  ord<-order(lab)#ordering the class label lab first 
  #(to be consistent with row and column labeling in the NNCT)
  flab<-as.factor(lab) #converting class labels to factors
  rownames(ct)<-colnames(ct)<-clnames #row and column names for the NNCT
  if (n<=1)
  nlab<-as.numeric(flab)  #converting class labels to numbers
  for(i in 1:n)
    ind <- NN(ipd,i);
    for (j in 1:lind)
      ct[nlab[i],nlab[ind[j]]]<- ct[nlab[i],nlab[ind[j]]]  + addend
} #end for the function


#' @title Nearest Neighbor Contingency Table (NNCT) with (only) 
#' base points restricted to a subsample
#' @description
#' Returns the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT with (only) base points are restricted 
#' to be in the subset of indices \code{ss} using
#' the IPD matrix or data set \code{x} where \eqn{k} is 
#' the number of classes in the data set. 
#' That is, the base points
#' are the points with indices in \code{ss} 
#' but for the NNs the function checks all the points in the data set 
#' (including the points in \code{ss}). 
#' Row and columns of the NNCT are labeled with 
#' the corresponding class labels.
#' The argument \code{ties} is a logical argument 
#' (default=\code{FALSE}) to take ties into account or not. 
#' If \code{TRUE} a NN contributes \eqn{1/m} to the NN count 
#' if it is one of the \eqn{m} tied NNs of a subject.
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) 
#' to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be 
#' the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' @param ss indices of subjects (i.e., row indices in the data set) 
#' chosen to be the base points
#' @inheritParams nnct
#' @return Returns the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT 
#' where \eqn{k} is the number of classes in the data set with (only) base points
#' restricted to a subsample \code{ss}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{nnct}} and \code{\link{nnct.boot.dis}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' nnct(ipd,cls)
#' #subsampling indices
#' ss<-sample(1:n,floor(n/2))
#' nnct.sub(ss,ipd,cls)
#' nnct.sub(ss,Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' nnct.sub(ss,ipd,cls,ties = TRUE)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' nnct.sub(ss,ipd,fcls)
#' #cls as an unsorted factor
#' fcls<-sample(c("a","b"),n,replace = TRUE)
#' nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' nnct.sub(ss,ipd,fcls)
#' fcls<-sort(fcls)
#' nnct.sub(ss,ipd,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ss<-sample(1:40,30)
#' nnct.sub(ss,ipd,cls)
#' #cls as a factor
#' fcls<-rep(letters[1:4],rep(10,4))
#' nnct.sub(ss,ipd,cls)
#' #1D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' nnct(ipd,cls)
#' #subsampling indices
#' ss<-sample(1:n,floor(n/2))
#' nnct.sub(ss,ipd,cls)
#' #with possible ties in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(120)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ss<-sample(1:40,30)
#' nnct.sub(ss,ipd,cls)
#' nnct.sub(ss,ipd,cls,ties = TRUE)
#' @export
nnct.sub <- function(ss,x,lab,ties=FALSE,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  N<-nrow(ipd) #sample size
  lab<-sort(lab) #ordering the class label lab first 
  #(to be consistent with row and column labeling in the NNCT)
  flab<-as.factor(lab) #converting class labels to factors
  nss<-length(ss) #length of the indices to select for NNCT construction
  rownames(ct)<-colnames(ct)<-clnames #row and column names for the NNCT
  if (nss<=1)
  nlab<-as.numeric(flab)  #converting class labels to numbers
  for(i in 1:nss)
    ind <- NN(ipd,ss[i]);
    for (j in 1:lind)
      ct[nlab[ss[i]],nlab[ind[j]]]<- ct[nlab[ss[i]],nlab[ind[j]]]  + addend
} #end for the function


#' @title Bootstrap Nearest Neighbor Contingency Table (NNCT)
#' @description
#' Returns the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT with sampling replacement of 
#' the points for each base point. 
#' That is, for each base point, 
#' the rows in the IPD matrix are sampled with replacement 
#' and the NN counts are updated accordingly.
#' Row and columns of the NNCT are labeled 
#' with the corresponding class labels.
#' The argument self is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) 
#' for including the base point in the resampling or not.
#' If \code{TRUE}, 
#' for each base point all entries in the row are sampled (with replacement) so, 
#' the point itself can
#' also be sampled multiple times and 
#' if \code{FALSE} the point is excluded from the resampling 
#' (i.e., other points are sampled with replacement).
#' The argument \code{ties} is a logical argument (default=\code{FALSE}) 
#' to take ties into account or not. If \code{TRUE} a NN 
#' contributes \eqn{1/m} to the NN count 
#' if it is one of the \eqn{m} tied NNs of a subject.
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument 
#' (default=\code{TRUE}) to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be 
#' the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' @inheritParams nnct
#' @param self A logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, for each base point, 
#' all entries in the row are sampled (with replacement) 
#' and if \code{FALSE} the point is excluded from 
#' the resampling (i.e., other points
#' are sampled with replacement).
#' @return Returns the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT 
#' where \eqn{k} is the number of classes in the data set 
#' with sampling replacement of the rows of the IPD matrix.
#' @seealso \code{\link{nnct}} and \code{\link{nnct.sub}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,cls)
#' nnct.boot.dis(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE) 
#' #may give different result from above due to random sub-sampling
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,cls,self = FALSE)
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,cls,ties = FALSE) 
#' #differences are due to ties and resampling of distances
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,fcls)
#' #cls as an unsorted factor
#' fcls<-sample(c("a","b"),n,replace = TRUE)
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,fcls)
#' fcls<-sort(fcls)
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,cls)
#' #cls as a factor
#' fcls<-rep(letters[1:4],rep(10,4))
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,fcls)
#' #1D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,cls)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,fcls)
#' #with possible ties in the data
#' Y<-matrix(round(runif(3*n)*10),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,cls)
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,cls,self = FALSE)
#' nnct.boot.dis(ipd,cls,ties = FALSE) 
#' #differences are due to ties and resampling of distances
#' @export 
nnct.boot.dis <- function(x,lab,self=TRUE,ties=TRUE,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  ord<-order(lab)#ordering the class label lab first 
  #(to be consistent with row and column labeling in the NNCT)
  flab<-as.factor(lab) #converting class labels to factors
  rownames(ct)<-colnames(ct)<-clnames #row and column names for the NNCT
  if (n<=1)
  # pr<-rep(1,n)
  nlab<-as.numeric(flab)  #converting class labels to numbers
  for(i in 1:n)
    if (self==FALSE) { pr[i]<-0 }
    # sampling with replacement of column indices of the ipd
    ind <- NNsub(ss,ipd,i)$ss.ind;
    for (j in 1:lind)
      ct[nlab[i],nlab[ind[j]]]<- ct[nlab[i],nlab[ind[j]]]  + addend
} #end for the function


# funsOnevsRest
#' @title Functions for one versus rest type labeling
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{lab.onevsrest} and \code{classirest}.
#' Both functions relabel the points, 
#' keeping class \eqn{i} label as is and 
#' relabeling the other classes as "rest".
#' Used in the one-vs-rest type comparisons after 
#' the overall segregation test is found to be significant.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param i label of the class that is to be retained in the post-hoc comparison. 
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @return Both functions return the data relabeled 
#' as class \eqn{i} label is retained and the remaining is
#' relabeled as "rest".
#' @seealso \code{\link{pairwise.lab}}
#' @name funsOnevsRest
#' @rdname funsOnevsRest
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' lab.onevsrest(1,cls)
#' classirest(2,cls)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' lab.onevsrest("a",fcls)
#' lab.onevsrest("b",fcls)
#' classirest("b",fcls)
#' #cls as a factor
#' fcls<-rep(letters[1:4],rep(10,4))
#' lab.onevsrest("b",fcls)
#' classirest("b",fcls)
#' @export
lab.onevsrest <- function(i,lab)
  if (any(lab==i)==FALSE)
  {stop('given label i is not among the class labels')}
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsOnevsRest
#' @export
classirest <- function(i,lab)
  if (any(lab==i)==FALSE)
  {stop('given label i is not among the class labels')}
} #end for the function


#' @title Keeping the pair of the specified labels in the data
#' @description
#' Keeps only the specified labels \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} 
#' and returns the data from classes with these labels and also
#' the corresponding label vector having 
#' class labels \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} only.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions,
#' each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param i,j Label of the classes that are to be retained 
#' in the post-hoc comparison.
#' @return A \code{list} with two elements
#' \item{data.pair}{The type of the pattern 
#' from which points are to be generated}
#' \item{lab.pair}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lab.onevsrest}} and \code{\link{classirest}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' pairwise.lab(Y,cls,1,2)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' pairwise.lab(Y,cls,2,3)
#' #cls as a factor
#' fcls<-rep(letters[1:4],rep(10,4))
#' pairwise.lab(Y,fcls,"b","c")
#' @export
pairwise.lab <- function(dat,lab,i,j)
  if (any(lab==i)*any(lab==j)==0)
  {stop('at least one of the given labels for i and j are not among the class labels')}
  ind<-(lab==i | lab == j)
  pair.dat <-dat[ind,];
} #end for the function


# funsRowColSums
#' @title Functions for row and column sums of a matrix
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{row.sum} and \code{col.sum}.
#' \code{row.sum} returns the row sums of a given matrix 
#' (in particular a contingency table) as a vector and 
#' \code{col.sum} returns the column sums of a given matrix as a vector. 
#' \code{row.sum} is equivalent to 
#' \code{\link[base]{rowSums}} function and 
#' \code{col.sum} is equivalent to \code{\link[base]{colSums}}
#' function in the \code{base} package.
#' @param ct A matrix, in particular a contingency table
#' @return 
#' \code{row.sum} returns the row sums of \code{ct} as a vector
#' \code{col.sum} returns the column sums of \code{ct} as a vector
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{rowSums}} and \code{\link[base]{colSums}}
#' @name funsRowColSums
#' @rdname funsRowColSums
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' row.sum(ct)
#' rowSums(ct)
#' col.sum(ct)
#' colSums(ct)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' row.sum(ct)
#' rowSums(ct)
#' col.sum(ct)
#' colSums(ct)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' row.sum(ct)
#' rowSums(ct)
#' col.sum(ct)
#' colSums(ct)
#' @export
row.sum <- function(ct)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsRowColSums
#' @export
col.sum <- function(ct)
} #end for the function


#' @title Dixon's Segregation Indices for NNCTs
#' @description
#' Returns Dixon's segregation indices in matrix form based on 
#' entries of the NNCT, \code{ct}. 
#' Segregation index for cell \eqn{i,j} is defined as 
#' \eqn{log(N_{ii}(n-n_i)/((n_i-N_{ii})(n_i-1))} if \eqn{i=j}
#' and
#' as \eqn{log(N_{ij}(n-n_j-1)/((n_i-N_{ij})(n_j))} 
#' if \eqn{i \ne j}. 
#' See (\insertCite{dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat}).
#' The argument \code{inf.corr} is a logical argument 
#' (default=\code{FALSE}) to avoid \eqn{\pm \infty} 
#' for the segregation indices. 
#' If \code{TRUE} indices are modified so that 
#' they are finite and if \code{FALSE} the above definition is used. 
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' @param ct A contingency table, in particular an NNCT
#' @param inf.corr A logical argument (default=\code{FALSE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, indices are modified so that 
#' they are finite and 
#' if \code{FALSE} the above definition in the description is used.
#' @return Returns a \code{matrix} of segregation indices 
#' which is of the same dimension as \code{ct}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Pseg.coeff}}, \code{\link{seg.coeff}},
#'  \code{\link{Zseg.ind}}, and \code{\link{Zseg.ind.ct}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' seg.ind(ct)
#' seg.ind(ct,inf.corr = TRUE)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' seg.ind(ct)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' seg.ind(ct)
#' seg.ind(ct,inf.corr = TRUE)
#' ct<-matrix(c(0,10,5,5),ncol=2)
#' seg.ind(ct)
#' seg.ind(ct,inf.corr = TRUE)
#' @export
seg.ind <- function(ct,inf.corr=FALSE)
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  Sdix<- matrix(0,k,k);
  if (inf.corr==FALSE) #without infinity index correction
    for (i in 1:k)
      for (j in 1:k)
        if (i == j)
          Sdix[i,i]<- log((ct[i,i]/(rs[i]-ct[i,i]))/((rs[i]-1)/(n-rs[i]))) 
          Sdix[i,j]<- log((ct[i,j]/(rs[i]-ct[i,j]))/(rs[j]/(n-rs[j]-1)));
  } else  #with infinity index correction
    for (i in 1:k)
      for (j in 1:k)
        if (i == j)
          Sdix[i,i]<- log(((ct[i,i]+1)/(rs[i]-ct[i,i]+1))/( (rs[i]*(rs[i]-1)+n-1)/(rs[i]*(n-rs[i])+n-1) )) 
          Sdix[i,j]<- log(((ct[i,j]+1)/(rs[i]-ct[i,j]+1))/( (rs[i]*rs[j]+n-1)/(rs[i]*(n-rs[j]-1)+n-1) ));
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(Sdix)<-colnames(Sdix)<-clnames #row and column names for the matrix
  if (any(is.na(Sdix)))
  { warning("some of the segregation indices are NaN, 
  so, use inf.corr=TRUE in the function call!")
  if( (any(abs(Sdix)==Inf)))
  {warning("some of the segregation indices are +- infinity, 
  so, use inf.corr=TRUE in the function call!")}
} #end for the function


# funsZsegind
#' @title Z Tests for Segregation Indices
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Zseg.ind.ct} and \code{Zseg.ind}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"cellhtest"} 
#' but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' segregation indices from their expected values 
#' under RL or CSR for each segregation index in the NNCT.
#' The test for each cell \eqn{i,j} is based on the normal approximation 
#' of the corresponding segregation index.
#' Each function yields a contingency table of the test statistics, 
#' \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, lower and upper confidence levels, 
#' sample estimates (i.e., observed values) and 
#' null value(s) (i.e., expected values) for the segregation indices
#' and also names of the test statistics, estimates, 
#' null value, the description of the test, and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis for each cell \eqn{i,j} is 
#' that the corresponding segregation index 
#' equal to the expected value (which is 0) under RL or CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, 
#' used in \code{Zseg.ind.ct} only 
#' @param varN The variance matrix for cell counts in the NNCT, 
#' \code{ct}; used in \code{Zseg.ind.ct} only 
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, 
#' each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Zseg.ind} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), 
#' used in \code{Zseg.ind} only
#' @param inf.corr A logical argument (default=\code{FALSE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, indices are modified so that 
#' they are finite and 
#' if \code{FALSE} the above definition in the description is used.
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, 
#' one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, 
#' default is \code{0.95}, for the segregation indices
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, 
#' such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function,
#'  used in \code{Zseg.ind} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{matrix} of test statistics 
#' for the segregation indices}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{p}-values 
#' for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{LCL,UCL}{Matrix of lower and upper confidence levels for 
#' the segregation indices at the given confidence
#' level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.}
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the upper 
#' and lower confidence limits of the segregation indices,
#' provided in \code{conf.level}.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, 
#' i.e., matrix of the observed segregation indices}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates,
#'  both are same in this function}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized values for the parameters, 
#' i.e., the null values of the segregation indices, 
#' which are all 0 under RL or CSR.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null value}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, 
#' one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, 
#' returned by \code{Zseg.ind.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, 
#' returned by \code{Zseg.ind} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{seg.ind}} and \code{\link{Zseg.coeff}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZsegind
#' @rdname funsZsegind
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' seg.ind(ct)
#' seg.ind(ct,inf.corr=TRUE)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' varN
#' Zseg.ind(Y,cls)
#' Zseg.ind(Y,cls,inf.corr=TRUE)
#' Zseg.ind.ct(ct,varN)
#' Zseg.ind(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Zseg.ind.ct(ct,varN,alt="g")
#' Zseg.ind(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Zseg.ind(Y,cls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' varN
#' Zseg.ind(Y,cls)
#' Zseg.ind(Y,cls,inf.corr = TRUE)
#' Zseg.ind.ct(ct,varN)
#' Zseg.ind.ct(ct,varN,inf.corr = TRUE)
#' #1D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' Zseg.ind(X,cls)
#' Zseg.ind.ct(ct,varN)
#' Zseg.ind.ct(ct,varN,inf.corr=TRUE)
#' @export 
Zseg.ind.ct <- function(ct,varN,inf.corr=FALSE,
                        alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                        conf.level = 0.95)
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  #inf.corr takes care of infinity correction in the indices
  estimate.name <-"Dixon's segregation indices"
  if (all(is.na(dsi)) || all(is.na(varN)))
  {stop('All of the segregation indices or all entries of the variance, varN, are NaN, 
        so, the tests are not defined')}
  names.null <-"(expected value of each of the) Dixon's segregation indices"
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  ts<-stderrS<- matrix(0,k,k);
  if (inf.corr==FALSE) #without infinity index correction
    for (i in 1:k)
      for (j in 1:k)
        if (i == j)
        { stderrS[i,i]<-(sqrt(varN[i,i])*(n-1)^2)/(rs[i]*(n-rs[i])*(rs[i]-1))
        ts[i,i]<- dsi[i,i]/stderrS[i,i] 
        } else 
          ts[i,j]<- dsi[i,j]/stderrS[i,j] 
    #for +infinity correction
    for (i in 1:k)
      for (j in 1:k)
        if (!is.na(dsi[i,j]) & dsi[i,j]==Inf)
          ts[i,j]<- 10^10
    #for -infinity correction
    for (i in 1:k)
      for (j in 1:k)
        if (!is.na(dsi[i,j]) & dsi[i,j]==-Inf)
          ts[i,j]<- -10^10
  } else  #with infinity index correction
    for (i in 1:k)
      for (j in 1:k)
        if (i == j)
        { stderrS[i,i]<-(sqrt(varN[i,i])*(rs[i]+2)*(n-1)^2)/((rs[i]*(rs[i]-1)+n-1)*(rs[i]*(n-rs[i])+n-1))
        ts[i,i]<- dsi[i,i]/stderrS[i,i] 
        } else 
          ts[i,j]<- dsi[i,j]/stderrS[i,j] 
  if (all(is.na(ts)))
  {stop('All of the test stat statistics are NaN, the test are not well defined')}
  if (alternative == "less") {
    pval <-pnorm(ts)
    lcl <-NULL
    ucl <-estimate+qnorm(conf.level)*stderrS
  else if (alternative == "greater") {
    pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
    ucl <-NULL
    lcl <-estimate-qnorm(conf.level)*stderrS
  else {
    pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
    alpha <-1 - conf.level
    crit.val <-qnorm(1-alpha/2)
    lcl <-estimate-crit.val*stderrS
    ucl <-estimate+crit.val*stderrS
         method  <- c("Large Sample z-Test for Dixon's Segregation Indices"),
         method  <- c("Large Sample z-Test for Dixon's Segregation Indices\n
                    with correction for zero cell counts"))
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(ts)<-colnames(ts)<-clnames #row and column names for the test stat matrix
  if (!is.null(lcl)) {rownames(lcl)<-colnames(lcl)<-clnames}
  if (!is.null(ucl)) {rownames(ucl)<-colnames(ucl)<-clnames}
  ts.names <-"standardized segregation indices (i.e., z-scores)"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    LCL = lcl,UCL = ucl,
    conf.int = NULL,
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name, 
    #this is for other functions to have a different description for the sample estimates
    null.value = null.seg.ind,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"cellhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZsegind
#' @export
Zseg.ind <- function(dat,lab,inf.corr=FALSE,
                     alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                     conf.level = 0.95,...)
  res<- Zseg.ind.ct(ct,varN,inf.corr=inf.corr,
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


#' @title Expected Values of the Cell Counts in NNCT
#' @description Returns a \code{matrix} of same dimension as, \code{ct}, 
#' whose entries are the expected cell counts of
#' the NNCT under RL or CSR. The class sizes given as 
#' the row sums of \code{ct} and the row and column names are
#' inherited from \code{ct}.
#' See also (\insertCite{dixon:1994,ceyhan:eest-2010;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @return A \code{matrix} of the expected values of cell counts in the NNCT.
#' @seealso \code{\link{nnct}} and \code{\link{EV.tct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' EV.nnct(ct)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' EV.nnct(ct)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' EV.nnct(ct)
#' ct<-matrix(c(0,10,5,5),ncol=2)
#' EV.nnct(ct)
#' @export
EV.nnct <- function(ct)
  rs <- row.sum(ct)
  EN<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:k)
      if (i == j)
        EN[i,j]<- rs[i]*(rs[i]-1)/(n-1)  
        EN[i,j]<- rs[i]*rs[j]/(n-1)
  rownames(EN)<-colnames(EN)<-clnames #row and column names from the NNCT
} #end for the function


#' @title Expected Values of the Type I cell-specific tests
#' @description Returns a \code{matrix} of same dimension as, \code{ct}, 
#' whose entries are the expected values
#' of the Type I cell-specific test statistics, \eqn{T^I_{ij}}. 
#' The row and column names are inherited from \code{ct}. 
#' These expected values are valid under RL or CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}) 
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @return A \code{matrix} of the expected values of Type I cell-specific tests.
#' @seealso \code{\link{EV.tct}}, \code{\link{tct}} and \code{\link{EV.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' EV.tctI(ct)
#' @export
EV.tctI <- function(ct)
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  expT<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:k)
      if (i == j)
        expT[i,j]<- rs[i]*(rs[i]-n)/(n*(n-1))  
        expT[i,j]<- rs[i]*rs[j]/(n*(n-1))
  rownames(expT)<-colnames(expT)<-clnames #row and column names from the NNCT
} #end for the function


#' @title Expected Values of the Types I-IV cell-specific tests
#' @description Returns a \code{matrix} of same dimension as, \code{ct}, 
#' whose entries are the expected values
#' of the \eqn{T_{ij}} values which are the Types I-IV cell-specific 
#' test statistics (i.e., \eqn{T^I_{ij}-T^{IV}_{ij}})
#' under RL or CSR. 
#' The row and column names are inherited from \code{ct}.
#' The type argument specifies the type
#' of the cell-specific test among the types I-IV tests.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}) 
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @param type The type of the cell-specific test, default=\code{"III"}. 
#' Takes on values \code{"I"}-\code{"IV"} (or 
#' equivalently \code{1-4}, respectively.
#' @return A \code{matrix} of the expected values of 
#' Type I-IV cell-specific tests.
#' @seealso \code{\link{EV.tctI}}, \code{\link{tct}}, and \code{\link{EV.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' EV.tct(ct,2)
#' EV.tct(ct,"II")
#' EV.tctI(ct)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' EV.tct(ct,2)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' EV.tct(ct,2)
#' ct<-matrix(c(0,10,5,5),ncol=2)
#' EV.tct(ct,2)
#' @export
EV.tct <- function(ct,type="III")
  ET<-  switch(type,
               I = { ET<- EV.tctI(ct) },
               II = { ET<- EV.tctI(ct) },
               III = { k<-nrow(ct)
               ET<- matrix(0,k,k) },
               IV = { k<-nrow(ct)
               ET<- matrix(0,k,k) }
  if (is.null(ET)) stop("Enter numbers 1-4 or I-IV in quotes for type")
  rownames(ET)<-colnames(ET)<-clnames #row and column names from the nnct
} #end for the function


#' @title \eqn{T} Contingency Table (TCT)
#' @description Returns the \code{T} contingency table (TCT), 
#' which is a matrix of same dimension as, \code{ct}, 
#' whose entries are the values of 
#' the Types I-IV cell-specific test statistics, 
#' \eqn{T^I_{ij}-T^{IV}_{ij}}. 
#' The row and column names are inherited from \code{ct}. 
#' The type argument specifies the type
#' of the cell-specific test among the types I-IV tests. 
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}) 
#' and the references therein.
#' @inheritParams EV.tct
#' @return A \code{matrix} of the values of Type I-IV cell-specific tests
#' @seealso \code{\link{cellsTij}} and \code{\link{nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' type.lab<-c("I","II","III","IV")
#' for (i in 1:4)
#' { print(paste("T_ij values for cell specific tests for type",type.lab[i]))
#'   print(tct(ct,i))
#' }
#' tct(ct,"II")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' tct(ct,2)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' tct(ct,2)
#' ct<-matrix(c(0,10,5,5),ncol=2)
#' tct(ct,2)
#' @export 
tct <- function(ct,type="III") 
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  cs <- col.sum(ct); 
  cells<- matrix(0,k,k);
  cells <- switch(type,
                  I = { 
                    for (i in 1:k)
                      for (j in 1:k)
                        cells[i,j]<- ct[i,j]-(rs[i]*cs[j])/n 
                  II = { 
                    for (i in 1:k)
                      for (j in 1:k)
                        cells[i,j]<- ct[i,j]-(rs[i]*rs[j])/n 
                  III = {   
                    for (i in 1:k)
                      for (j in 1:k)
                        if (i == j)
                          cells[i,j]<- ct[i,j]-(rs[i]-1)*cs[j]/(n-1)  
                          cells[i,j]<- ct[i,j]-rs[i]*cs[j]/(n-1)
                  IV = { 
                    for (i in 1:k)
                      for (j in 1:k)
                        if (i == j)
                          cells[i,j]<- (rs[i]/n)* ((n-1)*ct[i,j]/(rs[i]-1)-cs[j])  
                          cells[i,j]<- (1/n)*((n-1)*ct[i,j]-rs[i]*cs[j])
  if (is.null(cells)) stop("Enter numbers 1-4 or I-IV in quotes for type")
  #row and column names from the NNCT 
} #end for the function


#' @title Entries for the Types I-IV cell-specific tests
#' @description Returns a \code{matrix} of same dimension as, \code{ct}, 
#' whose entries are the values
#' of the Types I-IV cell-specific test statistics, 
#' \eqn{T^I_{ij}-T^{IV}_{ij}}. 
#' The row and column names are inherited from \code{ct}. 
#' The type argument specifies the type
#' of the cell-specific test among the types I-IV tests. 
#' Equivalent to the function \code{\link{tct}} in this package.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}) 
#' and the references therein.
#' @inheritParams EV.tct
#' @return A \code{matrix} of the values of Type I-IV cell-specific tests
#' @seealso \code{\link{tct}} and \code{\link{nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' type.lab<-c("I","II","III","IV")
#' for (i in 1:4)
#' { print(paste("T_ij values for cell specific tests for type",type.lab[i]))
#'   print(cellsTij(ct,i))
#' }
#' cellsTij(ct,"II")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' cellsTij(ct,2)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' cellsTij(ct,2)
#' ct<-matrix(c(0,10,5,5),ncol=2)
#' cellsTij(ct,2)
#' @export 
cellsTij <- function(ct,type="III")  
  cs<- col.sum(ct)
  cells<- matrix(0,k,k);
  cells <- switch(type,
                  I = { 
                    for (i in 1:k)
                      for (j in 1:k)
                        cells[i,j]<- ct[i,j]-(rs[i]*cs[j])/n 
                  II = { 
                    for (i in 1:k)
                      for (j in 1:k)
                        cells[i,j]<- ct[i,j]-(rs[i]*rs[j])/n 
                  III = {   
                    for (i in 1:k)
                      for (j in 1:k)
                        if (i == j)
                          cells[i,j]<- ct[i,j]-(rs[i]-1)*cs[j]/(n-1)  
                          cells[i,j]<- ct[i,j]-rs[i]*cs[j]/(n-1)
                  IV = { 
                    for (i in 1:k)
                      for (j in 1:k)
                        if (i == j)
                          cells[i,j]<- (rs[i]/n)* ((n-1)*ct[i,j]/(rs[i]-1)-cs[j])  
                          cells[i,j]<- (1/n)*((n-1)*ct[i,j]-rs[i]*cs[j])
  if (is.null(cells)) stop("Enter numbers 1-4 or I-IV in quotes for type")
  #row and column names from the NNCT 
} #end for the function


# funs.pijPij
#' @title The functions for probability of selecting a number of points 
#' from respective classes
#' @description
#' The ancillary probability functions used in computation of
#' the variance-covariance matrices
#' of various NN spatial tests such as NNCT tests and 
#' tests based on other contingency tables.
#' These functions can be classified as \code{pij} 
#' and \code{Pij} type functions. 
#' The \code{pij} functions are for individual 
#' probabilities and the corresponding \code{Pij} functions are 
#' the summed \code{pij} values.
#' For example \eqn{p_{iijk}}
#' is the probability of any 4 points with 2 from class \eqn{i}, 
#' and others are from classes \eqn{j} and \eqn{k}. 
#' These probabilities are for data from RL or CSR.
#' @param n A positive integer representing the size of the data set 
#' (i.e., number of observations in the data
#' set).
#' @param k,l,m,p Positive integers, usually representing the class sizes, 
#' used in \code{pij} type functions only.
#' Number of these arguments required depends on the number of 
#' distinct indices of \eqn{p}, e.g. \eqn{p_{ij}} requires
#' \code{k,l,n} and \eqn{p_{iijk}} requires \code{k,l,m,n} as input.
#' @param nvec A \code{vector} of positive integers representing 
#' the sizes of classes in the data set, used in 
#' \code{Pij} type functions only.
#' @return Probability values for the selected points being 
#' from the indicated classes.
#' @name funs.pijPij
#' @seealso \code{\link{pk}}
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p11 <- function(k,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
P11 <- function(nvec)
  for (i in 1:k)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p12 <- function(k,l,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
P12 <- function(nvec)
  for (i in 1:(k-1))
    for (j in (i+1):k)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p111 <- function(k,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
P111 <- function(nvec)
  for (i in 1:k)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p1111 <- function(k,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
P1111 <- function(nvec)
  for (i in 1:k)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p112 <- function(k,l,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
P112 <- function(nvec)
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in jind)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p122 <- function(k,l,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p123 <- function(k,l,m,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
P123 <- function(nvec)
  for (i in 1:(k-2))
    for (j in (i+1):(k-1))
      for (l in (j+1):k)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p1234 <- function(k,l,m,p,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
P1234 <- function(nvec)
  for (i in 1:(k-3))
    for (j in (i+1):(k-2))
      for (l in (j+1):(k-1))
        for (m in (l+1):k)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p1223 <- function(k,l,m,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p1123 <- function(k,l,m,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
P1123 <- function(nvec)
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in jind)
      for (l in lind)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p1122 <- function(k,l,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
P1122 <- function(nvec)
  for (i in 1:(k-1))
    for (j in (i+1):k)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
p1112 <- function(k,l,n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.pijPij
P1112 <- function(nvec)
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in jind)
} #end for the function


#' @title Probability of \code{k} items selected from the class with size \eqn{n_1}
#' @description
#' Returns the ratio \eqn{n_1(n_1-1) \cdots (n_1-(k-1))/(n(n-1) \cdots (n-(k-1))}, 
#' which is the probability that the \code{k} selected
#' objects are from class 1 with size \eqn{n_1} (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument)
#' and the total data size is \code{n}.
#' This probability is valid under RL or CSR.
#' @param n A positive integer representing the size of the data set 
#' (i.e., number of observations in the data set).
#' @param n1 A positive integer, representing the class size of interest
#'  which has size \eqn{n_1}
#' @param k Number of items selected from the data set
#' @return Returns the probability of \code{k} items selected 
#' from \code{n} items are from the class of interest
#'(i.e., from the class whose size is \eqn{n_1})
#' @seealso \code{\link{p11}} and \code{\link{p12}} etc.
pk <- function(n,n1,k)


#' @title Variances of Cell Counts in an NNCT
#' @description Returns the variances of cell counts \eqn{N_{ij}} 
#' for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} in the NNCT, \code{ct} in matrix form which
#' is of the same dimension as \code{ct}. 
#' These variances are valid under RL or 
#' conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' See also 
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:eest-2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @param Q The number of shared NNs
#' @param R The number of reflexive NNs (i.e., 
#' twice the number of reflexive NN pairs)
#' @return A \code{matrix} of same dimension as, \code{ct}, 
#' whose entries are the variances of the cell counts 
#' in the NNCT with class sizes given as the row sums of \code{ct}. 
#' The row and column names are inherited from \code{ct}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{var.tct}}, \code{\link{var.nnsym}},
#' and \code{\link{cov.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' @export
var.nnct <- function(ct,Q,R) 
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  var<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:k)
      if (i == j)
        Paa <- p11(rs[i],n); Paaa <- p111(rs[i],n); Paaaa <- p1111(rs[i],n)
        var[i,j]<- (n+R)*Paa+(2*n-2*R+Q)*Paaa+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paaaa-(n*Paa)^2
        Pab <- p12(rs[i],rs[j],n); Paab <- p112(rs[i],rs[j],n); 
        Paabb <- p1122(rs[i],rs[j],n)
        var[i,j]<- n*Pab+Q*Paab+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paabb-(n*Pab)^2
  rownames(var)<-colnames(var)<-clnames #row and column names from the NNCT
} #end for the function


# funsZcell.nnct
#' @title Dixon's Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCT
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Zcell.nnct.ct} and \code{Zcell.nnct}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"cellhtest"} 
#' but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' cell counts from the expected values under RL 
#' or CSR for each cell (i.e., entry) in the NNCT.
#' The test for each cell \eqn{i,j} is based on
#' the normal approximation of the corresponding cell count, \eqn{N_{ij}}
#' and are due to \insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields a contingency table of the test statistics, 
#' \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, expected values (i.e., null value(s)), 
#' lower and upper confidence levels, 
#' sample estimates (i.e., observed values)
#' for the cell counts and also names of the test statistics, 
#' estimates, null values, the description of the test, 
#' and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis for each cell \eqn{i,j} is that 
#' the corresponding cell count is equal to the expected value
#' under RL or CSR, that is \eqn{E[N_{ii}] = n_i(n_i - 1)/(n - 1)} 
#' and \eqn{E[N_{ij}] = n_i n_j/(n - 1)}
#' where \eqn{n_i} is the size of 
#' class \eqn{i} and \eqn{n} is the size of the data set.
#' See also 
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:eest-2010;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, 
#' used in \code{\link{Zcell.nnct.ct}} only 
#' @param varN The variance matrix for cell counts in the NNCT, \code{ct}; 
#' used in \code{\link{Zcell.nnct.ct}} only 
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions,
#' each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{\link{Zcell.nnct}} only 
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical),
#'  used in \code{\link{Zcell.nnct}} only 
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, 
#' one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, 
#' default is \code{0.95}, for the cell counts, i.e.
#' \eqn{N_{ij}} values
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, 
#' such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function,
#' used in \code{\link{Zcell.nnct}} only 
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{matrix} of Dixon's cell-specific test statistics}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{p}-values for 
#' the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{LCL,UCL}{Matrix of lower and upper confidence levels 
#' for the cell counts at the given confidence
#' level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.}
#' \item{conf.int}{The confidence interval for the estimates, 
#' it is \code{NULL} here, since we provide the \code{UCL} and \code{LCL}
#' in \code{matrix} form.}
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the upper and 
#' lower confidence limits of the cell counts,
#' provided in \code{conf.level}.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, i.e., 
#' matrix of the observed cell counts which is the NNCT}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, 
#' both are same in this function}
#' \item{null.value}{Matrix of hypothesized null values 
#' for the parameters which are expected values of 
#' the cell counts.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, 
#' one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, 
#' returned by \code{\link{Zcell.nnct.ct}} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, 
#' returned by \code{\link{Zcell.nnct}} only }
#' @seealso \code{\link{Zcell.nnct.2s}}, \code{\link{Zcell.nnct.rs}}, 
#' \code{\link{Zcell.nnct.ls}}, \code{\link{Zcell.nnct.pval}},
#' and \code{\link{Zcell.tct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZcell.nnct
#' @rdname funsZcell.nnct
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' varN
#' Zcell.nnct(Y,cls)
#' Zcell.nnct(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Zcell.nnct.ct(ct,varN)
#' Zcell.nnct.ct(ct,varN,alt="g")
#' Zcell.nnct(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Zcell.nnct(Y,cls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' Zcell.nnct(Y,cls)
#' Zcell.nnct.ct(ct,varN)
#' @export
Zcell.nnct.ct <- function(ct,varN,
                          alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                          conf.level = 0.95)
  if (all(is.na(varN)))
  {stop('All entries of the variance, varN, are NaN (due to data size <=3), 
        so, the tests are not defined')}
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  estimate.name <-c("NNCT entries")
  names.null <-"NNCT entries"
  ts<-stderrN<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:k)
    { stderrN[i,j]<-sqrt(varN[i,j])
    ts[i,j] <- (ct[i,j]-EV.[i,j])/stderrN[i,j]
  if (all(is.na(ts)))
  {stop('All of the test stat statistics are NaN, 
        these cell-specific tests are not defined')}
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 lcl <-NULL
                 ucl <-estimate+qnorm(conf.level)*stderrN
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 ucl <-NULL
                 lcl <-estimate-qnorm(conf.level)*stderrN
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 crit.val <-qnorm(1-alpha/2)
                 lcl <-estimate-crit.val*stderrN
                 ucl <-estimate+crit.val*stderrN
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, 
                         or two.sided in quotes")
  method  <- c("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  #row and column names for the test stat matrix
  if (!is.null(lcl)) {rownames(lcl)<-colnames(lcl)<-clnames}
  if (!is.null(ucl)) {rownames(ucl)<-colnames(ucl)<-clnames}
  ts.names <-"Dixon's NNCT cell-specific tests of segregation, Z"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    LCL = lcl,UCL = ucl,
    conf.int = NULL,
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name, 
    #this is for other functions to have a different description for the sample estimates
    null.value = nullNij,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"cellhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZcell.nnct
#' @export
Zcell.nnct <- function(dat,lab,
                       alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                       conf.level = 0.95,...)
  res<- Zcell.nnct.ct(ct,varN,alternative=alternative,
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsZcell.nnct.pval
#' @title \eqn{p}-values for Cell-specific Z Test Statistics for NNCT
#' @description
#' Four functions: \code{Zcell.nnct.2s}, \code{Zcell.nnct.rs}, 
#' \code{Zcell.nnct.ls} and \code{Zcell.nnct.pval}.
#' These functions yield a contingency table (i.e., a matrix) of 
#' the \eqn{p}-values for the cell-specific \eqn{Z}
#' test statistics for the NNCT 
#' and take the cell-specific \eqn{Z} test statistics 
#' in matrix form as their argument.
#' \code{Zcell.nnct.pval} yields an array of size 
#' \eqn{k \times k \times 3} 
#' where 1st entry of the array is the matrix of \eqn{p}-values for the
#' two-sided alternative, 
#' 2nd entry of the array is the matrix of \eqn{p}-values 
#' for the left-sided alternative
#' and 3rd entry of the array is the matrix of \eqn{p}-values 
#' for the right-sided alternative.
#' And each of \code{Zcell.nnct.2s}, \code{Zcell.nnct.rs} 
#' and \code{Zcell.nnct.ls} yield a \eqn{k \times k} matrix of 
#' \eqn{p}-values for the two-sided, 
#' right-sided and left-sided alternative, respectively. 
#' The functions \code{Zcell.nnct.2s}, \code{Zcell.nnct.rs} 
#' and \code{Zcell.nnct.ls} are equivalent to
#' \code{\link{Zcell.nnct}(...,alt)$p.val} 
#' where \code{alt="two-sided"}, \code{"greater"} and \code{"less"}, 
#' respectively, with the appropriate
#' arguments for the function \code{\link{Zcell.nnct}} 
#' (see the examples below).
#' See also 
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:eest-2010;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param zt A \eqn{k \times k} matrix of 
#' the cell-specific \eqn{Z} test statistics
#' @return 
#' \code{Zcell.nnct.pval} returns a \eqn{k \times k \times 3} array 
#' whose 1st entry is the matrix of \eqn{p}-values for the
#' two-sided alternative, 
#' 2nd entry is the matrix of \eqn{p}-values 
#' for the left-sided alternative
#' and 3rd entry is the matrix of \eqn{p}-values 
#' for the right-sided alternative
#' \code{Zcell.nnct.2s} returns a \eqn{k \times k} 
#' matrix of \eqn{p}-values for the two-sided alternative
#' \code{Zcell.nnct.rs} returns a \eqn{k \times k} 
#' matrix of \eqn{p}-values for the right-sided alternative
#' \code{Zcell.nnct.ls} returns a \eqn{k \times k} 
#' matrix of \eqn{p}-values for the left-sided alternative
#' @seealso \code{\link{Zcell.nnct}} and \code{\link{Zcell.nnct.ct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZcell.nnct.pval
#' @rdname funsZcell.nnct.pval
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' TS<-Zcell.nnct(Y,cls)$statistic
#' TS
#' pv<-Zcell.nnct.pval(TS)
#' pv
#' Zcell.nnct(Y,cls,alt="t")$p.val
#' Zcell.nnct(Y,cls,alt="l")$p.val
#' Zcell.nnct(Y,cls,alt="g")$p.val
#' Zcell.nnct.2s(TS)
#' Zcell.nnct.ls(TS)
#' Zcell.nnct.rs(TS)
#' @export
Zcell.nnct.pval <- function(zt) 
  pval<- array(0,dim=c(k,k,3));
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:k)
    { pls<- pnorm(zt[i,j]); prs<-1-pls; p2s<-2*min(pls,prs)
    pval[i,j,] <- c(p2s,pls,prs)
  ct.names <- c("p-values for two-sided tests",
                "p-values for left-sided tests",
                "p-values for right-sided tests")
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZcell.nnct.pval
#' @export 
Zcell.nnct.2s <- function(zt) 
  pval<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:k)
    { pls<-pnorm(zt[i,j])
    pval[i,j] <- 2*min(pls,1-pls)
  #row and column names from the NNCT
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZcell.nnct.pval
#' @export
Zcell.nnct.ls <- function(zt) 
  pval<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:k)
      pval[i,j] <- pnorm(zt[i,j])
  #row and column names from the NNCT
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZcell.nnct.pval
#' @export
Zcell.nnct.rs <- function(zt) 
  pval<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:k)
      pval[i,j] <- 1-pnorm(zt[i,j])
  #row and column names from the NNCT
} #end for the function


#' @title Conversion of a Matrix to a Vector
#' @description
#' Converts the contingency table (or any matrix) \code{ct} to a \code{vector} 
#' by default row-wise (i.e., by appending
#' each row one after the other) or column-wise, 
#' and also returns the entry indices (in the original matrix \code{ct})
#' in a \eqn{k^2 \times 2} matrix
#' @param ct A matrix, in particular a contingency table
#' @param byrow A logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, rows of \code{ct} are appended to obtain the vector
#' and if \code{FALSE} columns of \code{ct} are appended to obtain the vector.
#' @return A \code{list} with two elements
#' \item{vec}{The \code{vector}ized form the matrix \code{ct}, 
#' by default appending the rows of \code{ct}}
#' \item{ind}{The \eqn{k^2 \times 2} matrix of 
#' entry indices (in the original matrix \code{ct}) 
#' whose i-th row corresponds to the i-th entry in \code{vec}.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ind.nnsym}} and \code{\link{ind.seg.coeff}},
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' mat2vec(ct)
#' mat2vec(ct,byrow=FALSE)
#' #an arbitrary 3x3 matrix
#' M<-matrix(sample(10:20,9),ncol=3)
#' M
#' mat2vec(M)
#' mat2vec(M,byrow=FALSE)
#' @export
mat2vec <- function(ct,byrow=TRUE)
  if (k==1)
  if (byrow==TRUE)
  for (j in 2:k)
  } else
    for (j in 2:k)
} #end for the function


#' @title Covariance Matrix of the Cell Counts in an NNCT
#' @description Returns the covariance matrix of 
#' cell counts \eqn{N_{ij}} for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} 
#' in the NNCT, \code{ct}. 
#' The covariance matrix is of dimension \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} 
#' and its entries are \eqn{cov(N_{ij},N_{kl})} 
#' when \eqn{N_{ij}} values are
#' by default corresponding to the row-wise vectorization of \code{ct}. 
#' If \code{byrow=FALSE}, the column-wise 
#' vectorization of \code{ct} is used.
#' These covariances are valid under RL 
#' or conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' See also 
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:eest-2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @param varN The \eqn{k \times k} variance matrix of 
#' cell counts of NNCT, \code{ct}.
#' @param Q The number of shared NNs
#' @param R The number of reflexive NNs (i.e.,
#' twice the number of reflexive NN pairs)
#' @param byrow A logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, rows of \code{ct} are appended to obtain the vector
#' and if \code{FALSE} columns of \code{ct} are appended to obtain the vector.
#' @return The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of 
#' cell counts \eqn{N_{ij}} for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} in the NNCT, \code{ct} 
#' @seealso \code{\link{covNrow2col}}, \code{\link{cov.tct}},
#' and \code{\link{cov.nnsym}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv,byrow=FALSE)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv,byrow=FALSE)
#' #1D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' @export
cov.nnct <- function(ct,varN,Q,R,byrow=TRUE)
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  for (i in 1:(m^2))
    for (j in i:(m^2))
      if (i==j)
        cov[i,j] <- Vsq[i]
  {if (ind[i,1]==ind[i,2] & ind[j,1]==ind[j,2])
    k <- ind[i,1]; l<-ind[j,1]
    Paa<- p11(rs[k],n); Pbb<- p11(rs[l],n); Paabb<- p1122(rs[k],rs[l],n)
    cov[i,j] <- (n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paabb-n^2*Paa*Pbb
    cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
    {if (ind[i,1]==ind[i,2] & ind[i,1]==ind[j,1])
      k <- ind[i,1]; l<-ind[j,2]
      Paa<- p11(rs[k],n); Pbb<- p11(rs[l],n); Paaab<- p1112(rs[k],rs[l],n);
      Pab<- p12(rs[k],rs[l],n); Paab<- p112(rs[k],rs[l],n);
      cov[i,j] <- (n-R)*Paab+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paaab-n^2*Paa*Pab
      cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
      {if (ind[j,1]==ind[j,2] & ind[j,1]==ind[i,1])
        k <- ind[j,1]; l<-ind[i,2]
        Paa<- p11(rs[k],n); Pbb<- p11(rs[l],n); Paaab<- p1112(rs[k],rs[l],n);
        Pab<- p12(rs[k],rs[l],n); Paab<- p112(rs[k],rs[l],n);
        cov[i,j] <- (n-R)*Paab+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paaab-n^2*Paa*Pab
        cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
        {if (ind[i,1]==ind[i,2] & ind[i,1]==ind[j,2])
          k <- ind[i,1]; l<-ind[j,1]
          Paa<- p11(rs[k],n); Paaab<- p1112(rs[k],rs[l],n);
          Pab<- p12(rs[k],rs[l],n); Paab<- p112(rs[k],rs[l],n);
          cov[i,j] <- (n-R+Q)*Paab+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paaab-n^2*Paa*Pab
          cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
          {if (ind[j,1]==ind[j,2] & ind[j,1]==ind[i,2])
            k <- ind[j,1]; l<-ind[i,1]
            Paa<- p11(rs[k],n); Paaab<- p1112(rs[k],rs[l],n);
            Pab<- p12(rs[k],rs[l],n); Paab<- p112(rs[k],rs[l],n);
            cov[i,j] <- (n-R+Q)*Paab+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paaab-n^2*Paa*Pab
            cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
            {if (ind[i,1]==ind[i,2])
              k <- ind[i,1]; l<-ind[j,1]; q<-ind[j,2] 
              Paa<- p11(rs[k],n); Paabc<- p1123(rs[k],rs[l],rs[q],n); Pbc<- p12(rs[l],rs[q],n); 
              cov[i,j] <- (n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paabc-n^2*Paa*Pbc
              cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
              {if (ind[j,1]==ind[j,2])
                k <- ind[j,1]; l<-ind[i,1]; q<-ind[i,2] 
                Paa<- p11(rs[k],n); Paabc<- p1123(rs[k],rs[l],rs[q],n); Pbc<- p12(rs[l],rs[q],n); 
                cov[i,j] <- (n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paabc-n^2*Paa*Pbc
                cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
                {if (ind[i,1]==ind[j,1])
                  k <- ind[i,1]; l<-ind[i,2]; q<-ind[j,2] 
                  Pab<- p12(rs[k],rs[l],n); Paabc<- p1123(rs[k],rs[l],rs[q],n); 
                  Pac<- p12(rs[k],rs[q],n); 
                  cov[i,j] <- (n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paabc-n^2*Pab*Pac
                  cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
                  {if (ind[i,1]==ind[j,2] & ind[i,2]==ind[j,1] )
                    k <- ind[i,1]; l<-ind[j,1]; 
                    Pba<-Pab<- p12(rs[k],rs[l],n); Paabb<- p1122(rs[k],rs[l],n); 
                    Paab<- p112(rs[k],rs[l],n); Pabb<- p122(rs[k],rs[l],n)
                    cov[i,j] <- R*Pab+(n-R)*(Paab+Pabb)+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paabb-n^2*Pab*Pba
                    cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
                    {if (ind[i,2]==ind[j,1])
                      k <- ind[i,1]; l<-ind[i,2]; q<-ind[j,2]
                      Pab<- p12(rs[k],rs[l],n); Pbc<- p12(rs[l],rs[q],n); 
                      Pabc<- p123(rs[k],rs[l],rs[q],n); 
                      Pabbc<- p1223(rs[k],rs[l],rs[q],n)
                      cov[i,j] <- (n-R)*Pabc+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Pabbc-n^2*Pab*Pbc
                      cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
                      {if (ind[j,2]==ind[i,1])
                        k <- ind[j,1]; l<-ind[j,2]; q<-ind[i,2]
                        Pab<- p12(rs[k],rs[l],n); Pbc<- p12(rs[l],rs[q],n); 
                        Pabc<- p123(rs[k],rs[l],rs[q],n); 
                        Pabbc<- p1223(rs[k],rs[l],rs[q],n)
                        cov[i,j] <- (n-R)*Pabc+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Pabbc-n^2*Pab*Pbc
                        cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
                        {if (ind[i,2]==ind[j,2])
                          k <- ind[i,1]; l<-ind[i,2]; q<-ind[j,1]
                          Pab<- p12(rs[k],rs[l],n); Pbc<- p12(rs[l],rs[q],n); 
                          Pabc<- p123(rs[k],rs[l],rs[q],n); 
                          Pabbc<- p1223(rs[k],rs[l],rs[q],n)
                          cov[i,j] <- Q*Pabc+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Pabbc-n^2*Pab*Pbc
                          cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
                            k <- ind[i,1]; l<-ind[i,2]; q<-ind[j,1]; p<-ind[j,2]
                            Pab<- p12(rs[k],rs[l],n); Pcd<- p12(rs[q],rs[p],n); 
                            Pabcd<- p1234(rs[k],rs[l],rs[q],rs[p],n)
                            cov[i,j] <- (n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Pabcd-n^2*Pab*Pcd
                            cov[j,i] <- cov[i,j]
  if (byrow==TRUE)
    rcov<-cov #rcov is the result for covariance
  } else # if byrow==FALSE
    #the part for the covariance of the colum-wise vectorization of N vector
    for (j in 1:q)
      ind<- c(ind,j+seq(0,q-1)*q)
} #end for the function


#' @title Conversion of the Covariance Matrix of the Row-wise Vectorized Cell Counts 
#' to Column-wise Vectorized Cell Counts in an NNCT
#' @description Converts the \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix 
#' of row-wise vectorized cell counts \eqn{N_{ij}} for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} 
#' in the NNCT, \code{ct} to the covariance matrix 
#' of column-wise vectorized cell counts.
#' In the output, the covariance matrix entries are \eqn{cov(N_{ij},N_{kl})}
#' when \eqn{N_{ij}} values are
#' corresponding to the column-wise vectorization of \code{ct}.
#' These covariances are valid under RL or 
#' conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' See also 
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:eest-2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise 
#' vectorized cell counts of NNCT, \code{ct}.
#' @return The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of column-wise 
#' vectorized cell counts \eqn{N_{ij}} for 
#' \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} in the NNCT, \code{ct}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cov.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covNrow<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' covNcol1<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv,byrow=FALSE)
#' covNcol2<-covNrow2col(covNrow)
#' covNrow
#' covNcol1
#' covNcol2
#' all.equal(covNcol1,covNcol2)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covNrow<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' covNcol1<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv,byrow=FALSE)
#' covNcol2<-covNrow2col(covNrow)
#' covNrow
#' covNcol1
#' covNcol2
#' all.equal(covNcol1,covNcol2)
#' #1D data points
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' X<-as.matrix(runif(n))# need to be entered as a matrix with one column
#' #(i.e., a column vector), hence X<-runif(n) would not work
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(X)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' @export
covNrow2col <- function(covN)
  for (j in 1:k)
    ind<- c(ind,j+seq(0,k-1)*k)
} #end for the function


# funs.vartct
#' @title Functions for Variances of Cell Counts 
#' in the Types I, III and IV TCTs
#' @description
#' Three functions: \code{var.tctI}, \code{var.tctIII}, and \code{var.tctIV}.
#' These functions return the variances of \eqn{T_{ij}} values 
#' for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} in the TCT in matrix form which
#' is of the same dimension as TCT for types I, III and IV tests. 
#' The argument \code{covN} must be the covariance 
#' between \eqn{N_{ij}} values which are obtained 
#' from the NNCT by row-wise vectorization.
#' These variances are valid under RL or 
#' conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of 
#' row-wise vectorized cell counts of NNCT, \code{ct}.
#' @return Each of these functions returns a \code{matrix} of 
#' same dimension as, \code{ct}, whose entries are the variances of
#' the entries in the TCT for the corresponding type of cell-specific test.
#' The row and column names are inherited from \code{ct}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{var.tct}} and \code{\link{var.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.vartct
#' @rdname funs.vartct
var.tctI <- function(ct,covN) 
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  var<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (j in 1:k)
    for (i in 1:k)
      var[i,j]<- covN[(i-1)*k+j,(i-1)*k+j]+(rs[i]/n)^2*VarCj-2*(rs[i]/n)*covNijCj
  rownames(var)<-colnames(var)<-clnames #row and column names from the NNCT 
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.vartct
var.tctIII <- function(ct,covN) 
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  var<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (j in 1:k)
    for (i in 1:k)
      if (i == j)
        var[i,j]<- covN[(i-1)*k+j,(i-1)*k+j]+(rs[i]-1)^2/(n-1)^2*VarCj-2*(rs[i]-1)/(n-1)*covNijCj
        var[i,j]<- covN[(i-1)*k+j,(i-1)*k+j]+rs[i]^2/(n-1)^2*VarCj-2*rs[i]/(n-1)*covNijCj
  rownames(var)<-colnames(var)<-clnames #row and column names from the NNCT 
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.vartct
var.tctIV <- function(ct,covN) 
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  var<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (j in 1:k)
    for (i in 1:k)
      if (i == j)
        var[i,j]<- (rs[i]/n)^2*((n-1)^2/(rs[i]-1)^2*covN[(i-1)*k+j,(i-1)*k+j]+VarCj-2*(n-1)/(rs[i]-1)*covNijCj)
        var[i,j]<- (1/n)^2*((n-1)^2*covN[(i-1)*k+j,(i-1)*k+j]+rs[i]^2*VarCj-2*rs[i]*(n-1)*covNijCj)
  rownames(var)<-colnames(var)<-clnames #row and column names from the NNCT 
} #end for the function


#' @title Variances of Entries in a TCT
#' @description Returns the variances of \eqn{T_{ij}} values 
#' for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} in the TCT in matrix form which
#' is of the same dimension as TCT for types I-IV tests. 
#' The argument \code{covN} must be the covariance 
#' between \eqn{N_{ij}} values which are obtained 
#' from the NNCT by row-wise
#' vectorization. type determines the type of the test
#' for which variances are to be computed, with default=\code{"III"}.
#' These variances are valid under RL 
#' or conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' See also 
#' (\insertCite{ceyhan:SJScorrected2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized cell counts of NNCT, \code{ct}.
#' @param type The type of the cell-specific test, default=\code{"III"}. Takes on values \code{"I"}-\code{"IV"} (or 
#' equivalently \code{1-4}, respectively.
#' @return A \code{matrix} of same dimension as, \code{ct}, 
#' whose entries are the variances of
#' the entries in the TCT for the corresponding type of cell-specific test.
#' The row and column names are inherited from \code{ct}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{var.nnct}}, \code{\link{var.tctI}}, 
#' \code{\link{var.tctIII}}, \code{\link{var.tctIV}} ,
#' and \code{\link{cov.tct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' var.tct(ct,covN,"I")
#' var.tct(ct,covN,2)
#' var.tct(ct,covN,"III")
#' var.tct(ct,covN,"IV")
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' var.tct(ct,covN,"I")
#' var.tct(ct,covN,2)
#' @export
var.tct <- function(ct,covN,type="III") 
  var <-  switch(type,
                 I = { var <- var.tctI(ct,covN) },
                 II = { k<-nrow(ct)
                 var <- matrix(diag(covN),nrow=k,byrow = TRUE) },
                 III = { var <- var.tctIII(ct,covN) },
                 IV = { var <- var.tctIII(ct,covN)  }
  if (is.null(var)) stop("Enter numbers 1-4 or I-IV in quotes for type")
  rownames(var)<-colnames(var)<-clnames #row and column names from the NNCT 
} #end for the function


# funs.auxcovtct
#' @title Auxiliary Functions for Computing Covariances 
#' Between Cell Counts in the TCT
#' @description
#' Five functions: \code{cov.2cells}, \code{cov.cell.col}, \code{covNijCk}, \code{cov2cols}
#' and \code{covCiCj}
#' These are auxiliary functions for computing covariances 
#' between entries in the TCT for the types I-IV
#' cell-specific tests. 
#' The covariances between \eqn{T_{ij}} values for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} 
#' in the TCT require covariances
#' between two cells in the NNCT, between a cell and column sum, 
#' and between two column sums in the NNCT.
#' \code{cov.2cells} computes the covariance 
#' between two cell counts \eqn{N_{ij}} and \eqn{N_{kl}} in an NNCT,
#' \code{cov.cell.col} and \code{covNijCk} are equivalent 
#' and they compute the covariance between cell count \eqn{N_{ij}}
#' and sum of column \eqn{k}, \eqn{C_k},
#' \code{cov2cols} and \code{covCiCj} are equivalent 
#' and they compute the covariance between sums of two columns, 
#' \eqn{C_i} and \eqn{C_j}.
#' The index arguments refer to which entry or 
#' column sum is intended in the NNCT. 
#' The argument \code{covN} must be the covariance 
#' between \eqn{N_{ij}} values which are obtained 
#' from NNCT by row-wise vectorization.
#' These covariances are valid under RL or 
#' conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' @param i,j,k,l Indices of the cell counts or 
#' column sums whose covariance is to be computed. 
#' All four are needed for \code{cov.2cells} 
#' referring to cells \eqn{(i,j)} and \eqn{(k,l)}; 
#' only three indices \eqn{i,j,k} are needed for
#' \code{cov.cell.col} and \code{covNijCk} 
#' referring to cell \eqn{(i,j)} and column \eqn{k};
#' only two indices \eqn{i,j} are needed for \code{cov2cols} 
#' and \code{covCiCj} referring to columns \eqn{i} and \eqn{j}. 
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of 
#' row-wise vectorized cell counts of NNCT, \code{ct}.
#' @return 
#' \code{cov.2cells} returns the covariance 
#' between two cell counts \eqn{N_{ij}} and \eqn{N_{kl}} in an NNCT,
#' \code{cov.cell.col} and \code{covNijCk} 
#' return the covariance between cell count \eqn{N_{ij}}
#' and sum of column \eqn{k}, \eqn{C_k},
#' \code{cov2cols} and \code{covCiCj} 
#' return the covariance between sums of two columns, 
#' \eqn{C_i} and \eqn{C_j}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cov.tct}} and \code{\link{cov.nnct}}
#' @name funs.auxcovtct
#' @rdname funs.auxcovtct
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.2cells(1,1,1,2,ct,covN)
#' cov.cell.col(2,2,1,ct,covN)
#' covNijCk(2,2,1,ct,covN)
#' cov.2cols(2,1,ct,covN)
#' covCiCj(2,1,ct,covN)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.2cells(2,3,1,2,ct,covN)
#' cov.cell.col(1,1,2,ct,covN)
#' covNijCk(1,1,2,ct,covN)
#' cov.2cols(3,4,ct,covN)
#' covCiCj(3,4,ct,covN)
#' @export
cov.2cells <- function(i,j,k,l,ct,covN)  
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.auxcovtct
#' @export
cov.cell.col <- function(i,j,k,ct,covN)
  for (r in 1:nr)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.auxcovtct
#' @export
covNijCk <- function(i,j,k,ct,covN)
  if (any(c(i,j,k)>nr))
  {stop('Subscript(s) out of bounds of the ct')}
  indlis<-which(ind[,3]==i & ind[,4]==j & ind[,6]==k)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.auxcovtct
#' @export
cov.2cols <- function(i,j,ct,covN)
  for (s in 1:nr)
    for (r in 1:nr)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.auxcovtct
#' @export
covCiCj <- function(i,j,ct,covN)
  if (any(c(i,j)>nr))
  {stop('Subscript(s) out of bounds of the ct')}
  indlis<-which(ind[,4]==i & ind[,6]==j)
} #end for the function


# funs.covtct
#' @title Functions for Covariances of the Entries of the 
#' Types I, III and IV TCTs
#' @description
#' Four functions: \code{cov.tctI}, \code{cov.tctIII}, \code{cov.tct3},
#' and \code{cov.tctIV}.
#' These functions return the covariances 
#' between entries in the TCT for the types I, III, and IV
#' cell-specific tests in matrix form 
#' which is of dimension \eqn{k^2 \times k^2}.
#' The covariance matrix entries are \eqn{cov(T_{ij},T_{kl})}
#' when \eqn{T_{ij}} values are by default corresponding to 
#' the row-wise vectorization of TCT. 
#' The argument \code{CovN} must be the covariance 
#' between \eqn{N_{ij}} values which are obtained from the NNCT by row-wise
#' vectorization.
#' The functions \code{cov.tctIII} and \code{cov.tct3} are equivalent.
#' These covariances are valid under RL or 
#' conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @param CovN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of 
#' row-wise vectorized cell counts of NNCT, \code{ct}.
#' @return Each of these functions returns 
#' a \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix, 
#' whose entries are the covariances of
#' the entries in the TCTs for the corresponding 
#' type I-IV cell-specific test.
#' The row and column names are inherited from \code{ct}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cov.tct}} and \code{\link{cov.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.covtct
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples 
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.tctI(ct,covN)
#' cov.tctIII(ct,covN)
#' cov.tctIV(ct,covN)
#' @rdname funs.covtct
#' @export
cov.tctI <- function(ct,CovN) 
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  cov<- matrix(0,q^2,q^2);
  for (r in 1:(q^2))
    for (s in 1:(q^2))
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.covtct
#' @export
cov.tctIII <- function(ct,CovN) 
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  cov<- matrix(0,qsq,qsq);
  for (r in 1:(qsq))
    for (s in 1:(qsq))
      if (i==j & k==l)
      {if (i==j & k!=l)
        {if (i!=j & k==l)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.covtct
#' @export
cov.tct3 <- function(ct,CovN)
  rs <- row.sum(ct);
  n <- sum(ct)
  for (t in 1:qsq)
    for (u in 1:qsq)
      j<- ifelse(t %% q==0,q,t %% q) #%% is the modulus or mod operator, like 5%%2 is 1
      i<- (t-j)/q+1
      l<- ifelse(u %% q==0,q,u %% q)
      k<- (u-l)/q+1
      if (i==j & k==l)
      if (i==j & k!=l)
      if (i!=j & k==l)
      if (i!=j & k!=l)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.covtct
#' @export
cov.tctIV <- function(ct,CovN) 
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  cov<- matrix(0,q^2,q^2);
  for (r in 1:(q^2))
    for (s in 1:(q^2))
      if (i==j & k==l)
      {if (i==j & k!=l)
        {if (i!=j & k==l)
} #end for the function


#' @title Covariance Matrix of the Entries of the Type I-IV TCTs
#' @description Returns the covariance matrix of the entries \eqn{T_{ij}} 
#' for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} in the TCT for the types I, III, 
#' and IV cell-specific tests. 
#' The covariance matrix is of dimension \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} 
#' and its entries are \eqn{cov(T_{ij},T_{kl})}
#' when \eqn{T_{ij}} values are by default corresponding 
#' to the row-wise vectorization of TCT. 
#' The argument \code{covN} must be the covariance matrix of 
#' \eqn{N_{ij}} values which are obtained from the NNCT by row-wise
#' vectorization.
#' The functions \code{cov.tctIII} and \code{cov.tct3} are equivalent.
#' These covariances are valid under RL 
#' or conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @inheritParams var.tct
#' @return The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of
#' the entries \eqn{T_{ij}} for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} in the Type I-IV TCTs
#' @seealso \code{\link{cov.nnct}} and \code{\link{cov.nnsym}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.tct(ct,covN,type=1)
#' cov.tct(ct,covN,type="I")
#' cov.tct(ct,covN,type="II")
#' cov.tct(ct,covN,type="III")
#' cov.tct(ct,covN,type="IV")
#' cov.tctI(ct,covN)
#' cov.tct(ct,covN)
#' cov.tctIII(ct,covN)
#' cov.tct3(ct,covN)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.tct(ct,covN,type=3)
#' cov.tct(ct,covN,type="III")
#' cov.tctIII(ct,covN)
#' cov.tct3(ct,covN)
#' @export
cov.tct <- function(ct,covN,type="III") 
  cov <- switch(type,
                I = { cov <- cov.tctI(ct,covN) },
                II = { cov <- covN },
                III = { cov <- cov.tctIII(ct,covN) },
                IV = { cov <- cov.tctIII(ct,covN)  }
  if (is.null(cov)) stop("Enter numbers 1-4 or I-IV in quotes for type")  
} #end for the function


# funsZcell.tct
#' @title Types I-IV Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation based on NNCTs
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Zcell.tct.ct} and \code{Zcell.tct}.
#' All functions are objects of class \code{"cellhtest"} 
#' but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' entries of types I-IV TCT, \eqn{T_{ij}}, 
#' from their expected values under RL 
#' or CSR for each entry.
#' The test for each entry \eqn{i,j} is based on 
#' the normal approximation of the corresponding \eqn{T_{ij}} value
#' and are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields a contingency table of the test statistics, 
#' \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, expected values (i.e., null value(s)), 
#' lower and upper confidence levels, and sample estimates
#' (i.e., observed values) for the \eqn{T_{ij}} values 
#' and also names of the test statistics, estimates, 
#' null values, the description of the test, 
#' and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis for each entry \eqn{i,j} is that 
#' the corresponding value \eqn{T_{ij}} is equal to 
#' the expected value under RL or CSR, 
#' see \insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}
#' for more detail.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}) 
#' and references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, 
#' used in \code{Zcell.tct.ct} only 
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of 
#' row-wise vectorized cell counts of NNCT, \code{ct};
#' used in \code{Zcell.tct.ct} only.
#' @param type The type of the cell-specific test, 
#' default=\code{"III"}. 
#' Takes on values \code{"I"}-\code{"IV"} (or 
#' equivalently \code{1-4}, respectively.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, 
#' each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Zcell.tct} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), 
#' used in \code{Zcell.tct} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, 
#' one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, 
#' default is \code{0.95}, for the \eqn{T_{ij}} values
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, 
#' such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function, 
#' used in \code{Zcell.tct} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{matrix} of Types I-IV cell-specific test statistics}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{p}-values 
#' for the hypothesis test 
#' for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{LCL,UCL}{Matrix of lower and upper confidence levels for 
#' the \eqn{T_{ij}} values at the given confidence
#' level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.}
#' \item{conf.int}{The confidence interval for the estimates, 
#' it is \code{NULL} here, since we provide the \code{UCL} and \code{LCL}
#' in \code{matrix} form.}
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the upper and 
#' lower confidence limits of the entries,
#' provided in \code{conf.level}.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, 
#' i.e., matrix of the observed \eqn{T_{ij}} values which is the TCT}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, 
#' both are same in this function}
#' \item{null.value}{Matrix of hypothesized null values 
#' for the parameters which are expected values of 
#' \eqn{T_{ij}} values in the TCT.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, 
#' one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, 
#' returned by \code{Zcell.tct.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, 
#' returned by \code{Zcell.tct} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Zcell.nnct.ct}} and \code{\link{Zcell.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZcell.tct
#' @rdname funsZcell.tct
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' type<-"I" #try also "II", "III", and "IV"
#' Zcell.tct(Y,cls,type)
#' Zcell.tct(Y,cls,type,alt="g")
#' Zcell.tct(Y,cls,type,method="max")
#' Zcell.tct.ct(ct,covN)
#' Zcell.tct.ct(ct,covN,type)
#' Zcell.tct.ct(ct,covN,type,alt="g")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Zcell.tct(Y,cls,type)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' Zcell.tct(Y,cls,type)
#' Zcell.tct.ct(ct,covN,type)
#' @export
Zcell.tct.ct <- function(ct,covN,type="III",
                         alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                         conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  if (all(is.na(varT)))
  {stop('All entries of the variance, varT, are NaN (due to data size <= 3), 
        so, the tests are not defined')}
  estimate.name <- names.null <-paste("TCT ",type," entries",sep="")
  ts<-stderrT<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:k)
    { stderrT[i,j]<-sqrt(varT[i,j])
    ts[i,j] <- (Tct[i,j]-ET[i,j])/stderrT[i,j]
  if (all(is.na(ts)))
  {stop('All of the test stat statistics are NaN, 
        the test are not well defined')}
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 lcl <-NULL
                 ucl <-estimate+qnorm(conf.level)*stderrT
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 ucl <-NULL
                 lcl <-estimate-qnorm(conf.level)*stderrT
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 crit.val <-qnorm(1-alpha/2)
                 lcl <-estimate-crit.val*stderrT
                 ucl <-estimate+crit.val*stderrT
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater,
                         or two.sided in quotes")
  method <-paste("Type ",type," Contingency Table (TCT ",type,") Cell-Specific Tests",sep="")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  #row and column names for the test stat matrix
  if (!is.null(lcl)) {rownames(lcl)<-colnames(lcl)<-clnames}
  if (!is.null(ucl)) {rownames(ucl)<-colnames(ucl)<-clnames}
  ts.names <-paste("Type ",type," cell-specific tests of segregation, Z",sep="")
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    LCL = lcl,UCL = ucl,
    conf.int = NULL,
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name, 
    #this is for other functions to have a different description for the sample estimates
    null.value = nullTij,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"cellhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZcell.tct
#' @export
Zcell.tct <- function(dat,lab,type="III",
                      alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                      conf.level = 0.95,...)
  res<- Zcell.tct.ct(ct,covN,type,alternative=alternative,
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function

################################################################# bura

# funsZcell.spec
#' @title Cell-specific Z Tests of Segregation for NNCTs
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Zcell.spec.ct} and \code{Zcell.spec}.
#' All functions are objects of class \code{"cellhtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' entries of NNCT or types I-IV TCTs from the expected values under RL or CSR for each entry.
#' The test for each entry \eqn{i,j} is based on the normal approximation of the corresponding \eqn{T_{ij}} value
#' and are due to \insertCite{dixon:NNCTEco2002;textual}{nnspat}
#' and \insertCite{ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}, respectively.
#' The \code{type="dixon"} or \code{"nnct"} refers to Dixon's cell-specific test of segregation, and
#' \code{type="I"}-\code{"IV"} refers to types I-IV cell-specific tests, respectively.
#' Each function yields a contingency table of the test statistics, \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, expected values (i.e., null value(s)), lower and upper confidence levels and sample estimates (i.e., observed values)
#' for the \eqn{N_{ij}} or \eqn{T_{ij}} values and also names of the test statistics, estimates, null values, the description of the test, and
#' the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis for each entry \eqn{i,j} is that the corresponding value \eqn{N_{ij}} or \eqn{T_{ij}} is equal to the 
#' expected value under RL or CSR.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:eest-2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{Zcell.spec.ct} only 
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT, \code{ct};
#' used in \code{Zcell.spec.ct} only.
#' @param type The type of the cell-specific test with no default.
#' Takes on values \code{"dixon"} or \code{"nnct"} for Dixon's cell-specific tests and \code{"I"}-\code{"IV"} for types I-IV cell-specific
#' tests (or equivalently \code{1-6}, respectively).
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Zcell.spec} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Zcell.spec} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, for the \eqn{N_{ij}} or \eqn{T_{ij}} values
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function, used in \code{Zcell.spec} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{matrix} of cell-specific test statistics}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{p}-values for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{LCL,UCL}{Matrix of lower and upper confidence levels for the \eqn{N_{ij}} or \eqn{T_{ij}} values at the given confidence
#' level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.}
#' \item{conf.int}{The confidence interval for the estimates, it is \code{NULL} here, since we provide the \code{UCL} and \code{LCL}
#' in \code{matrix} form.}
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the upper and lower confidence limits of the entries, provided in \code{conf.level}.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, NNCT or TCT, i.e., matrix of the observed \eqn{N_{ij}} or \eqn{T_{ij}} values
#' which is NNCT or TCT, respectively.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, both are same in this function}
#' \item{null.value}{Matrix of hypothesized null values for the parameters which are expected values of the 
#' the null \eqn{N_{ij}} values in an NNCT or \eqn{T_{ij}} values in an TCT.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Zcell.spec.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Zcell.spec} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Zcell.nnct.ct}}, \code{\link{Zcell.nnct}}, \code{\link{Zcell.tct.ct}} 
#' and \code{\link{Zcell.tct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZcell.spec
#' @rdname funsZcell.spec
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' type<-"IV" #"dixon" #try also "nnct", "I", "II", "III", and "IV"
#' cell.spec(Y,cls,type)
#' cell.spec(Y,cls,type,alt="g")
#' cell.spec.ct(ct,covN,type)
#' cell.spec.ct(ct,covN,type="II",alt="g")
#' cell.spec(Y,cls,type,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' cell.spec(Y,cls,type="I")
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cell.spec(Y,cls,type)
#' cell.spec.ct(ct,covN,type)
#' @export
cell.spec.ct <- function(ct,covN,type,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  if ((type %in% c("dixon","nnct","I","II","III","IV"))==FALSE)
  {stop("type is misspecified, should be one of dixon, nnct, I, II, III or IV (in quotes)")}
  if (type %in% c("dixon","nnct"))
    res<- Zcell.nnct.ct(ct,varN,alternative=alternative,conf.level=conf.level)
  } else
    res<- Zcell.tct.ct(ct,covN,type=type,alternative=alternative,conf.level=conf.level) 
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZcell.spec
#' @export
cell.spec <- function(dat,lab,type,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...)
  if ((type %in% c("dixon","nnct","I","II","III","IV"))==FALSE)
  {stop("type is misspecified, should be one of dixon, nnct, I, II, III or IV (in quotes)")}
  if (type %in% c("dixon","nnct"))
    res<- Zcell.nnct(dat,lab,alternative=alternative,conf.level=conf.level,...)
  } else
    res<- Zcell.tct(dat,lab,type=type,alternative=alternative,conf.level=conf.level,...) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsC_MI_II
#' @title Correction Matrices for the Covariance Matrix of NNCT entries
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{correct.cf1} and \code{correct.cf1}.
#' Each function yields matrices which are used in obtaining covariance matrices of \eqn{T_{ij}} values for 
#' types I and II tests from the usual Chi-Square test of contingency tables (i.e., Pielou's test) applied
#' on NNCTs.
#' The output matrices are to be term-by-term multiplied with the covariance matrix of 
#' the entries of NNCT. See Sections 3.1 and 3.2 in 
#' (\insertCite{ceyhan:SJScorrected2010;textual}{nnspat})
#' or
#' Sections 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 in 
#' (\insertCite{ECarXivCorrected:2008;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @return 
#' Both functions return a correction matrix which is to be multiplied with the covariance matrix of
#' entries of the NNCT so as to obtain types I and II overall tests from Pielou's test of segregation.
#' See the description above for further detail.
#' @seealso \code{\link{nnct.cr1}} and \code{\link{nnct.cr2}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsC_MI_II
#' @rdname funsC_MI_II
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' #correction type 1
#' CM1<-correct.cf1(ct)
#' CovN.cf1<-covN*CM1
#' #correction type 2
#' CM2<-correct.cf2(ct)
#' CovN.cf2<-covN*CM2
#' covN
#' CovN.cf1
#' CovN.cf2
#' @export
correct.cf1 <- function(ct)
  rs <- row.sum(ct);
  cs <- col.sum(ct); 
  for (i in 1:(m^2))
    for (j in i:(m^2))
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsC_MI_II
#' @export
correct.cf2 <- function(ct)
  rs <- row.sum(ct);
  for (i in 1:(m^2))
    for (j in i:(m^2))
} #end for the function


# funsN_I_II
#' @title Correction Matrices for the NNCT entries
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{nnct.cr1} and \code{nnct.cr1}.
#' Each function yields matrices which are used in obtaining the correction term to be added to 
#' the usual Chi-Square test of contingency tables (i.e., Pielou's test) applied
#' on NNCTs to obtain types I and II overall tests.
#' The output contingency tables are to be row-wise vectorized to obtain \eqn{N_I} and \eqn{N_{II}} vectors. 
#' See Sections 3.1 and 3.2 in 
#' (\insertCite{ceyhan:SJScorrected2010;textual}{nnspat})
#' or
#' Sections 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 in 
#' (\insertCite{ECarXivCorrected:2008;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @return 
#' Both functions return a \eqn{k \times k} contingency table which is to be row-wise vectorized to obtain \eqn{N_I} and \eqn{N_{II}}
#' vectors which are used in the correction summands to obtain types I and II overall tests from Pielou's 
#' test of segregation.
#' See the description above for further detail.
#' @seealso \code{\link{correct.cf1}} and \code{\link{correct.cf2}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsN_I_II
#' @rdname funsN_I_II
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' #correction type 1
#' ct1<-nnct.cr1(ct)
#' #correction type 2
#' ct2<-nnct.cr2(ct)
#' ct
#' ct1
#' ct2
#' @export
nnct.cr1 <- function(ct)
  rs <- row.sum(ct);
  cs <- col.sum(ct); 
  for (i in 1:m)
    for (j in 1:m)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsN_I_II
#' @export
nnct.cr2 <- function(ct)
  rs <- row.sum(ct);
  for (i in 1:m)
    for (j in 1:m)
} #end for the function


# funs.base.class.spec
#' @title Base Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{base.class.spec.ct} and \code{base.class.spec}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"classhtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs class specific segregation tests due to Dixon for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes. That is,
#' each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' entries in each row of NNCT from the expected values under RL or CSR for each row. 
#' Recall that row labels in the NNCT are base class labels.
#' The test for each row \eqn{i} is based on the chi-squared approximation of the corresponding quadratic form
#' and are due to \insertCite{dixon:NNCTEco2002;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} for each base class \eqn{i}, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) for the row \eqn{i}, estimates for the entries in row \eqn{i}
#' for \eqn{i=1,\ldots,k}. The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis for each row is that the corresponding \eqn{N_{ij}} entries in row \eqn{i} are equal to their 
#' expected values under RL or CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:stat-neer-class2009;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{base.class.spec.ct} only 
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT, \code{ct};
#' used in \code{base.class.spec.ct} only.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{base.class.spec} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{base.class.spec} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function. 
#' used in \code{base.class.spec} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{type}{Type of the class-specific test, which is \code{"base"} for this function}
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{vector} of base class-specific test statistics}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{vector} of \eqn{p}-values for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k-1} for this function.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, NNCT, i.e., matrix of the observed \eqn{N_{ij}} values
#' which is the NNCT.}
#' \item{null.value}{Matrix of hypothesized null values for the parameters which are expected values of 
#' the \eqn{N_{ij}} values in the NNCT.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{base.class.spec.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{base.class.spec} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{NN.class.spec.ct}}, \code{\link{NN.class.spec}}, \code{\link{class.spec.ct}} 
#' and \code{\link{class.spec}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.base.class.spec
#' @rdname funs.base.class.spec
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' base.class.spec(Y,cls)
#' base.class.spec.ct(ct,covN)
#' base.class.spec(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' base.class.spec(Y,fcls)
#' base.class.spec.ct(ct,covN)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' base.class.spec(Y,cls)
#' base.class.spec.ct(ct,covN)
#' @export
base.class.spec.ct <- function(ct,covN)
  typ="base" #type of the class-specific test, it is base here (for the columns) in the NNCT
  nsq<-mat2vec(ct)$vec #row-wise vectorization
  Ensq <- mat2vec(EN)$vec
  for (i in 1:k)
    Ns <- nsq[(k*(i-1)+1):(k*i)];
    ts<- c(ts,t(Ns-ENs) %*% ginv(CovN) %*% (Ns-ENs))
  pval<- 1-pchisq(ts,df=k-1)
  method  <- c("Dixon's Base Class-Specific Tests")
  ts.names <-"Dixon's base class-specific tests of segregation"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    estimate = ct,
    null.value = EN,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"classhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.base.class.spec
#' @export
base.class.spec <- function(dat,lab,...)
  Qv<-Qvec(W)$q; Rv<-Rval(W)
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsNNclass.spec
#' @title NN Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{NN.class.spec.ct} and \code{NN.class.spec}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"classhtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs class specific segregation tests for the columns, i.e., NN categories for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is,
#' each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' entries in each column of NNCT from the expected values under RL or CSR for each column. 
#' Recall that column labels in the NNCT are NN class labels.
#' The test for each column \eqn{i} is based on the chi-squared approximation of the corresponding quadratic form
#' and are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:stat-neer-class2009;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The argument \code{covN} must be covariance of column-wise vectorization of NNCT if the logical argument \code{byrow=FALSE}
#' otherwise the function converts \code{covN} (which is done row-wise) to columnwise version with \code{\link{covNrow2col}}
#' function.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} for each base class \eqn{i}, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) for the column \eqn{i}, estimates for the entries in column \eqn{i}
#' for \eqn{i=1,\ldots,k}. The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis for each column is that the corresponding \eqn{N_{ij}} entries in column \eqn{i} are equal to their 
#' expected values under RL or CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:stat-neer-class2009;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{NN.class.spec.ct} only 
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of column-wise vectorized entries of NNCT, \code{ct};
#' used in \code{NN.class.spec.ct} only.
#' @param byrow A logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}). If \code{TRUE}, rows of \code{ct} are appended to obtain the vector
#' of \eqn{N_{ij}} values and \code{covN} is the covariance matrix for this vector and if \code{FALSE} columns of \code{ct} are appended 
#' to obtain the \eqn{N_{ij}} vector and \code{covN} is converted to the row-wise version by covNrow2col function;used in \code{NN.class.spec.ct} only.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{NN.class.spec} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{NN.class.spec} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function. 
#' used in \code{NN.class.spec} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{type}{Type of the class-specific test, which is \code{"NN"} for this function}
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{vector} of NN class-specific test statistics}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{vector} of \eqn{p}-values for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k} for this function.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, transpose of the NNCT, i.e., transpose of the matrix of the 
#' observed \eqn{N_{ij}} values which is the transpose of NNCT.}
#' \item{null.value}{Transpose of the matrix of hypothesized null values for the parameters which are expected
#' values of the \eqn{N_{ij}} values in the NNCT.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{NN.class.spec.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{NN.class.spec} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{base.class.spec.ct}}, \code{\link{base.class.spec}}, \code{\link{class.spec.ct}} 
#' and \code{\link{class.spec}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsNNclass.spec
#' @rdname funsNNclass.spec
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covNrow<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' covNcol<-covNrow2col(covNrow)
#' NN.class.spec(Y,cls)
#' NN.class.spec(Y,cls,method="max")
#' NN.class.spec.ct(ct,covNrow)
#' NN.class.spec.ct(ct,covNcol,byrow = FALSE)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' NN.class.spec(Y,fcls)
#' NN.class.spec.ct(ct,covNrow)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covNrow<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' covNcol<-covNrow2col(covNrow)
#' NN.class.spec(Y,cls)
#' NN.class.spec.ct(ct,covNrow)
#' NN.class.spec.ct(ct,covNcol,byrow = FALSE)
#' @export
NN.class.spec.ct <- function(ct,covN,byrow=TRUE)
  typ="NN" #type of the class-specific test, it is NN here (for the columns) in the NNCT
  nsq<-mat2vec(ct,byrow=FALSE)$vec #row-wise vectorization
  Ensq <- mat2vec(EN,byrow=FALSE)$vec
  if (all(is.na(covN)))
  {stop('All entries of the covariance matrix, covN, are NaN, 
        so, the tests are not defined')}
  for (i in 1:k)
    Ns <- nsq[(k*(i-1)+1):(k*i)];
    ts<- c(ts,t(Ns-ENs) %*% solve(CovN) %*% (Ns-ENs))
  pval<- 1-pchisq(ts,df=k)
  method  <- c("NN Class-Specific Tests")
  ts.names <-"NN class-specific tests of segregation"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    estimate = t(ct), # to have columns as rows in the print function
    null.value = t(EN), # to have columns as rows in the print function
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"classhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsNNclass.spec
#' @export
NN.class.spec <- function(dat,lab,...)
  Qv<-Qvec(W)$q; Rv<-Rval(W)
  covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #row-wise vectorization
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funs.class.spec
#' @title Class-specific Chi-square Tests based on NNCTs
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{class.spec.ct} and \code{class.spec}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"classhtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs class specific segregation tests for the rows if \code{type="base"} and 
#' columns if \code{type="NN"} for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is,
#' each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' entries in each row (column) of NNCT from the expected values under RL or CSR for each row (column)
#' if \code{type="base"} (\code{"NN"}). 
#' Recall that row labels of the NNCT are base class labels and
#' column labels in the NNCT are NN class labels.
#' The test for each row (column) \eqn{i} is based on the chi-squared approximation of the corresponding quadratic form
#' and are due to \insertCite{dixon:NNCTEco2002;textual}{nnspat} 
#' (\insertCite{ceyhan:stat-neer-class2009;textual}{nnspat}).
#' The argument \code{covN} must be covariance of row-wise (column-wise) vectorization of NNCT if \code{type="base"}
#' (\code{type="NN"}).
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} for each base class \eqn{i}, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) for the row (column) \eqn{i}, estimates for the entries in 
#' row (column) \eqn{i} for \eqn{i=1,\ldots,k} if \code{type="base"} (\code{type="NN"}).
#' The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis for each row (column) is that the corresponding \eqn{N_{ij}} entries in row (column) \eqn{i} are 
#' equal to their expected values under RL or CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:stat-neer-class2009;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{class.spec.ct} only 
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT, \code{ct};
#' used in \code{class.spec.ct} only.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{class.spec} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{class.spec} only
#' @param type The type of the class-specific tests with default=\code{"base"}. 
#' Takes on values\code{"base"} for (Dixon's) base class-specific test
#' and\code{"NN"} for NN class-specific test.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function. 
#' used in \code{class.spec} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{type}{Type of the class-specific test, which is \code{"base"} or \code{"NN"} for this function}
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{vector} of class-specific test statistics}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{vector} of \eqn{p}-values for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k-1} for base class-specific test
#' and \eqn{k} for NN class-specific test.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, NNCT, i.e., the matrix of the 
#' observed \eqn{N_{ij}} values for base class-specific test and transpose of the NNCT for
#' the NN class-specific test.}
#' \item{null.value}{The \code{matrix} of hypothesized null values for the parameters which are expected values
#' of the \eqn{N_{ij}} values for the base class-specific test and transpose of this
#' matrix for the NN-class specific test.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{class.spec.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{class.spec} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{base.class.spec.ct}}, \code{\link{base.class.spec}}, \code{\link{NN.class.spec.ct}} 
#' and \code{\link{NN.class.spec}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.class.spec
#' @rdname funs.class.spec
#' @examples
#' n<-20
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
#' class.spec(Y,cls)
#' class.spec(Y,cls,type="NN")
#' class.spec.ct(ct,covN)
#' class.spec.ct(ct,covN,type="NN")
#' class.spec(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' class.spec(Y,fcls)
#' class.spec(Y,fcls,type="NN")
#' class.spec.ct(ct,covN)
#' class.spec.ct(ct,covN,type="NN")
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' class.spec(Y,cls)
#' class.spec(Y,cls,type="NN")
#' class.spec.ct(ct,covN)
#' class.spec.ct(ct,covN,type="NN")
#' @export
class.spec.ct <- function(ct,covN,type="base")
  if ((type %in% c("NN","base"))==FALSE)
  {stop("type is misspecified, should be one of base or NN (in quotes)")}
  if (type == "base")
    res<- base.class.spec.ct(ct,covN)
  } else
    res<- NN.class.spec.ct(ct,covN) 
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.class.spec
#' @export
class.spec <- function(dat,lab,type="base",...)
  Qv<-Qvec(W)$q; Rv<-Rval(W)
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funs.overall.nnct
#' @title Dixon's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{overall.nnct.ct} and \code{overall.nnct}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"Chisqtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' cell counts from the expected values under RL or CSR for all cells (i.e., entries) combined in the NNCT.
#' That is, each test is Dixon's overall test of segregation based on NNCTs for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' This overall test is based on the chi-squared approximation of the corresponding quadratic form
#' and are due to \insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Both functions exclude the last column of the NNCT (in fact any column will do and last column
#' is chosen without loss of generality), to avoid ill-conditioning of the covariance matrix (for its inversion
#' in the quadratic form).
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is \eqn{k(k-1)}, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of NNCT entries, sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of the entries in NNCT.
#' The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{N_{ij}} entries are equal to their expected values under RL or CSR.
#' See also 
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:eest-2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{overall.nnct.ct} only 
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT, \code{ct};
#' used in \code{overall.nnct.ct} only.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{overall.nnct} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{overall.nnct} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function. 
#' used in \code{overall.nnct} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The overall chi-squared statistic}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistic}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k(k-1)} for this function.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, NNCT, i.e., matrix of the observed \eqn{N_{ij}} values
#' which is the NNCT.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, former is a longer description of the estimates
#' than the latter.}
#' \item{null.value}{Matrix of hypothesized null values for the parameters which are expected values of the
#' the \eqn{N_{ij}} values in the NNCT.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{overall.nnct.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{overall.nnct} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{overall.seg.ct}}, \code{\link{overall.seg}}, \code{\link{overall.tct.ct}}
#' and \code{\link{overall.tct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.overall.nnct
#' @rdname funs.overall.nnct
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
#' overall.nnct(Y,cls)
#' overall.nnct.ct(ct,covN)
#' overall.nnct(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' overall.nnct(Y,fcls)
#' overall.nnct.ct(ct,covN)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' overall.nnct(Y,cls)
#' overall.nnct.ct(ct,covN)
#' @export
overall.nnct.ct <- function(ct,covN)
  nsq<-mat2vec(ct)$vec #row-wise vectorization
  Ensq <- mat2vec(EN)$vec
  ind<-(1:k)*k #removes the last column in the NNCT, to avoid the rank deficiency
  ts<- t(Nsq-ENsq) %*% ginv(Covar,tol=1.490116e-20) %*% (Nsq-ENsq)
  pval<- 1-pchisq(ts,df=nu)
  method <-"Dixon's Overall Test of Segregation"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  estimate.name <-"Nearest Neighbor Contingency Table (NNCT) entries"
  estimate.name2 <-"NNCT entries"
  rval <-list(
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name2,
    null.value = EN,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"Chisqtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.overall.nnct
#' @export
overall.nnct <- function(dat,lab,...)
  Qv<-Qvec(W)$q; Rv<-Rval(W)
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funs.overall.tct
#' @title Types I-IV Overall Tests of Segregation for NNCT
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{overall.tct.ct} and \code{overall.tct}.
#' All functions are objects of class \code{"Chisqtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' cell counts from the expected values under RL or CSR for all cells (i.e., entries) combined in the TCT.
#' That is, each test is one of Types I-IV overall test of segregation based on TCTs for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' This overall test is based on the chi-squared approximation of the corresponding quadratic form
#' and are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:SJScorrected2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Both functions exclude some row and/or column of the TCT, to avoid ill-conditioning of the covariance matrix
#' of the NNCT (for its inversion in the quadratic form).
#' In particular, type-II removes the last column, and all other types remove the last row and column.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is \eqn{k(k-1)} for type II test and \eqn{(k-1)^2} 
#' for the other types, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of TCT entries, sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of the entries in TCT.
#' The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all Tij entries for the specified type are equal to their expected values
#' under RL or CSR.
#' See also 
#' (\insertCite{ceyhan:SJScorrected2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{overall.tct.ct} only
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT, \code{ct};
#' used in \code{overall.tct.ct} only.
#' @param type The type of the overall segregation test, default=\code{"III"}.
#' Takes on values \code{"I"}-\code{"IV"} (or equivalently \code{1-4}, respectively.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{overall.tct} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{overall.tct} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function. 
#' used in \code{overall.tct} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The overall chi-squared statistic for the specified type}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistic}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k(k-1)} for type=\code{"II"} and \eqn{(k-1)^2} for others.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, TCT, i.e., matrix of the observed \eqn{T_{ij}} values
#' which is the TCT.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, former is a longer description of the estimates
#' than the latter.}
#' \item{null.value}{Matrix of hypothesized null values for the parameters which are expected values of the
#' the \eqn{T_{ij}} values in the TCT.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{overall.tct.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{overall.tct} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{overall.seg.ct}}, \code{\link{overall.seg}}, \code{\link{overall.nnct.ct}}
#' and \code{\link{overall.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.overall.tct
#' @rdname funs.overall.tct
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
#' overall.tct(Y,cls)
#' overall.tct(Y,cls,type="I")
#' overall.tct(Y,cls,type="II")
#' overall.tct(Y,cls,type="III")
#' overall.tct(Y,cls,type="IV")
#' overall.tct(Y,cls,method="max")
#' overall.tct.ct(ct,covN)
#' overall.tct.ct(ct,covN,type="I")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' overall.tct(Y,fcls)
#' overall.tct.ct(ct,covN)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' overall.tct(Y,cls)
#' overall.tct.ct(ct,covN)
#' @export
overall.tct.ct <- function(ct,covN,type="III")
  estimate.name <-paste("Type ",type," Contingency Table (TCT ",type,") entries",sep="")
  estimate.name2 <-paste("TCT ",type," entries",sep="")
  tsq<-mat2vec(Tct)$vec #row-wise vectorization
  Etsq <- mat2vec(ET)$vec
  if (type == "II")
  ind<-(1:k)*k #removes the last column in the ct
  } else
    ind<-c((1:(k-1))*k,(k^2-k)+(1:k))#removes the last row and column in the ct
    #this makes type IV equivalent to type III
    #ind<-(k^2-k)+(1:k)#removes last row (makes type IV equivalent to Dixon's)
  ts<- t(Tsq-ETsq) %*% ginv(Covar,tol=1.490116e-20) %*% (Tsq-ETsq)
  pval<- 1-pchisq(ts,df=nu)
  method <-paste("Type ",type," Overall Segregation Test",sep="")
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name2,
    null.value = ET,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"Chisqtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.overall.tct
#' @export
overall.tct <- function(dat,lab,type="III",...)
  Qv<-Qvec(W)$q; Rv<-Rval(W)
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funs.overall.seg
#' @title Overall Segregation Tests for NNCTs
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{overall.seg.ct} and \code{overall.seg}.
#' All functions are objects of class \code{"Chisqtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' cell counts from the expected values under RL or CSR for all cells (i.e., entries) combined in the NNCT or TCT.
#' That is, each test is one of Dixon's or Types I-IV overall test of segregation based on NNCTs or TCTs
#' for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' Each overall test is based on the chi-squared approximation of the corresponding quadratic form
#' and are due to \insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002;textual}{nnspat}
#' and to \insertCite{ceyhan:SJScorrected2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat}, respectively.
#' All functions exclude some row and/or column of the TCT, to avoid ill-conditioning of the covariance matrix
#' of the NNCT (for its inversion in the quadratic form), see the relevant functions under See also section below.
#' The \code{type="dixon"} or \code{"nnct"} refers to Dixon's overall test of segregation, and
#' \code{type="I"}-\code{"IV"} refers to types I-IV overall tests, respectively.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is \eqn{k(k-1)} for type II and Dixon's test 
#' and \eqn{(k-1)^2} for the other types, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of TCT entries, sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of the entries in TCT.
#' The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{N_{ij}} or \eqn{T_{ij}} entries for the specified type are equal to their expected values
#' under RL or CSR, respectively.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,dixon:NNCTEco2002,ceyhan:eest-2010,ceyhan:SJScorrected2010,ceyhan:jkss-posthoc-2017;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{overall.seg.ct} only 
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT, \code{ct};
#' used in \code{overall.seg.ct} only.
#' @param type The type of the overall test with no default.
#' Takes on values \code{"dixon"} or \code{"nnct"} for Dixon's overall test and \code{"I"}-\code{"IV"} for types I-IV cell-specific
#' test (or equivalently \code{1-6}, respectively).
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{overall.seg} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{overall.seg} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{overall.seg} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The overall chi-squared statistic for the specified type}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistic}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k(k-1)} for type II and Dixon's tests
#' and \eqn{(k-1)^2} for others.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, NNCT for Dixon's test and type I-IV TCT for others.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, former is a longer description of the estimates
#' than the latter.}
#' \item{null.value}{Matrix of hypothesized null values for the parameters which are expected values of the
#' the \eqn{N_{ij}} values in the NNCT or \eqn{T_{ij}} values in the TCT.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{overall.seg.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{overall.seg} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{overall.nnct.ct}}, \code{\link{overall.nnct}}, \code{\link{overall.tct.ct}}
#' and \code{\link{overall.tct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.overall.seg
#' @rdname funs.overall.seg
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
#' type<-"dixon" #try also "nnct", I", "II", "III", and "IV"
#' overall.seg(Y,cls,type)
#' overall.seg(Y,cls,type,method="max")
#' overall.seg(Y,cls,type="I")
#' overall.seg.ct(ct,covN,type)
#' overall.seg.ct(ct,covN,type="I")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' overall.seg(Y,fcls,type="I")
#' overall.seg.ct(ct,covN,type)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' overall.seg(Y,cls,type="I")
#' overall.seg.ct(ct,covN,type)
#' @export
overall.seg.ct <- function(ct,covN,type)
  if ((type %in% c("dixon","nnct","I","II","III","IV"))==FALSE)
  {stop("type is misspecified, should be one of dixon, nnct, I, II, III or IV (in quotes)")}
  if (type %in% c("dixon","nnct"))
    res<- overall.nnct.ct(ct,covN)
  } else
    res<- overall.tct.ct(ct,covN,type)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.overall.seg
#' @export
overall.seg <- function(dat,lab,type,...)
  if ((type %in% c("dixon","nnct","I","II","III","IV"))==FALSE)
  {stop("type is misspecified, should be one of dixon, nnct, I, II, III or IV (in quotes)")}
  if (type %in% c("dixon","nnct"))
    res<- overall.nnct(dat,lab,...)
  } else
    res<- overall.tct(dat,lab,type,...)
} #end for the function

#functions for symmetry, reflexivity, and niche specificity

# funsXsq.nnsym.ss
#' @title Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes
#' (for Sparse Sampling)
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct} and \code{Xsq.nnsym.ss}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"Chisqtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs the hypothesis test of equality of the expected value of the off-diagonal 
#' cell counts (i.e., entries) under RL or CSR in the NNCT for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is, each performs Pielou's first type of NN symmetry test which is also equivalent to McNemar's
#' test on the NNCT. The test is appropriate (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' provided that data is obtained by sparse sampling.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each symmetry test is based on the chi-squared approximation of the corresponding quadratic form
#' and are due to \insertCite{pielou:1961;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The argument cont.corr is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) for continuity correction to this test.
#' If \code{TRUE} the continuity correction to McNemar's test is implemented, 
#' and if \code{FALSE} such a correction is not implemented. 
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is \eqn{k(k-1)/2}, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of differences of the off-diagonal entries,(which is
#' 0 for this function) and also the sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of absolute differences of th
#' off-diagonal entries of NNCT (in the upper-triangular form).
#' The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that \eqn{E(N_{ij})=E(N_{ji})} for all entries for \eqn{i \ne j} (i.e., symmetry in the 
#' mixed NN structure).
#' In the output, the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} are valid only for (properly) sparsely sampled data.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{pielou:1961,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct} only 
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Xsq.nnsym.ss} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Xsq.nnsym.ss} only
#' @param cont.corr A logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE} the continuity correction to McNemar's test is implemented, 
#' and if \code{FALSE} such a correction is not implemented. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Xsq.nnsym.ss} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The chi-squared test statistic for Pielou's first type of NN symmetry test}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistic}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k(k-1)/2} for this function.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates, i.e., absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of 
#' NNCT (in the upper-triangular form).}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, former is a shorter description of the estimates
#' than the latter.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null values for the differences between the expected values of the off-diagonal 
#' entries, which is 0 for this function.}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Xsq.nnsym.ss} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.ss.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.ss}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.ss.ct}},
#' \code{\link{Znnsym.ss}}, \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct}}, \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym.dx}}
#' and \code{\link{Qsym.test}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsXsq.nnsym.ss
#' @rdname funsXsq.nnsym.ss
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' Xsq.nnsym.ss(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct(ct)
#' Xsq.nnsym.ss(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Xsq.nnsym.ss(Y,cls,cont.corr=FALSE)
#' Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct(ct,cont.corr=FALSE)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Xsq.nnsym.ss(Y,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' Xsq.nnsym.ss(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct(ct)
#' Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct(ct,cont.corr = FALSE)
#' @export
Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct <- function(ct,cont.corr=TRUE) 
  if (k==1)
  {stop('contingency table must be kxk with k>=2')}
  for (i in 1:(k-1))
    for (j in (i+1):k)
    { if (ct[i,j]+ct[j,i]!=0)
      if (cont.corr==TRUE)
      {ts <- ts +(abs(ct[i,j]-ct[j,i])-1)^2/(ct[i,j]+ct[j,i])
      } else
      {ts <- ts +(ct[i,j]-ct[j,i])^2/(ct[i,j]+ct[j,i])}
  pval<- 1-pchisq(ts,df=nu)
         method <-"Pielou's Test of NN symmetry for Sparse Sampling - Type I (with Continuity Correction)",
         method <-"Pielou's Test of NN symmetry for Sparse Sampling - Type I (without Continuity Correction)")
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  diff.mat<-abs(ct[upper.tri(ct)]- t(ct)[upper.tri(ct)])
  estimate[upper.tri(estimate, diag=FALSE)]<-diff.mat 
  estimate.name <-c("absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of NNCT")
  estimate.name2 <-c("absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of NNCT (in the upper-triangular form)")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(estimate)<-colnames(estimate)<-clnames #row and column names for the difference matrix
  rval <-list(
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name2,
    null.value = 0,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"Chisqtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsXsq.nnsym.ss
#' @export
Xsq.nnsym.ss <- function(dat,lab,cont.corr=TRUE,...) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsZnnsym2cl.ss
#' @title Pielou's First Type of NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes
#' (for Sparse Sampling)
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Znnsym2cl.ss.ct} and \code{Znnsym2cl.ss}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"htest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of equality of the expected value of the off-diagonal 
#' cell counts (i.e., entries) under RL or CSR in the NNCT for \eqn{k=2} classes.
#' That is, each performs Pielou's first type of NN symmetry test which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' provided that data is obtained by sparse sampling.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each symmetry test is based on the normal approximation of the difference of the off-diagonal entries
#' in the NNCT and are due to \insertCite{pielou:1961;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value for the
#' corresponding alternative, the confidence interval, estimate and null value for the parameter of interest
#' (which is the difference of the off-diagonal entries in the NNCT), and method and name of the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that \eqn{E(N_{12})=E(N_{21})} in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT (i.e., symmetry in the 
#' mixed NN structure).
#' In the output, the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and the confidence interval are valid only 
#' for (properly) sparsely sampled data.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{pielou:1961,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{Znnsym2cl.ss.ct} only 
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Znnsym2cl.ss} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Znnsym2cl.ss} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}}
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Znnsym2cl.ss} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for Pielou's first type of NN symmetry test}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}} in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate, i.e., the difference of the off-diagonal entries of the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}}.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the expected difference between the off-diagonal entries, 
#' \eqn{E(N_{12})-E(N_{21})} in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT, which is 0 for this function.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, or name of the contingency table, \code{ct}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct}}, \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym.ss}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.ss.ct}} and
#' \code{\link{Znnsym.ss}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZnnsym2cl.ss
#' @rdname funsZnnsym2cl.ss
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' Znnsym2cl.ss(Y,cls)
#' Znnsym2cl.ss.ct(ct)
#' Znnsym2cl.ss(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Znnsym.ss.ct(ct)
#' Znnsym2cl.ss(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Znnsym2cl.ss.ct(ct,alt="g")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Znnsym2cl.ss(Y,fcls)
#' #############
#' ct<-matrix(sample(1:20,4),ncol=2)
#' Znnsym2cl.ss.ct(ct) #gives an error message if ct<-matrix(sample(1:20,9),ncol=3)
#' @export
Znnsym2cl.ss.ct <- function(ct,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  kr<-nrow(ct); kc<-ncol(ct);
  if (kr!=2 || kc!=2)
  {stop('number of classes must be 2 for this function')}
  ts<-stderr<- 0
  {stderr <-sqrt(ct[1,2]+ct[2,1])
    if (stderr!=0)
    { ts <-(ct[1,2]-ct[2,1])/stderr}
  names(ts) <-"standardized difference between # of mixed NNs, Z"
  names(estimate) <-c("difference between # of mixed NNs")
  method  <- c("Pielou's NN Symmetry Test for Two Classes (for Sparse Sampling)")
  names(nullij) <-"(expected) difference between # of mixed NNs"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = nullij,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZnnsym2cl.ss
#' @export
Znnsym2cl.ss <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsZnnsym2cl.dx
#' @title Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Znnsym2cl.dx.ct} and \code{Znnsym2cl.dx}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"htest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs the hypothesis test of equality of the expected value of the off-diagonal 
#' cell counts (i.e., entries) under RL or CSR in the NNCT for \eqn{k=2} classes.
#' That is, each performs Dixon's NN symmetry test which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each symmetry test is based on the normal approximation of the difference of the off-diagonal entries
#' in the NNCT and are due to \insertCite{dixon:1994;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value for the
#' corresponding alternative, the confidence interval, estimate and null value for the parameter of interest
#' (which is the difference of the off-diagonal entries in the NNCT), and method and name of the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{E(N_{12})=E(N_{21})} in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT (i.e., symmetry in the 
#' mixed NN structure).
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{Znnsym2cl.dx.ct} only 
#' @param Q The number of shared NNs, used in \code{Znnsym2cl.dx.ct} only
#' @param R The number of reflexive NNs (i.e., twice the number of reflexive NN pairs),
#' used in \code{Znnsym2cl.dx.ct} only
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Znnsym2cl.dx} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Znnsym2cl.dx} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}}
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Znnsym2cl.dx} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for Pielou's first type of NN symmetry test}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}} in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate, i.e., the difference of the off-diagonal entries of the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}}.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the expected difference between the off-diagonal entries, 
#' \eqn{E(N_{12})-E(N_{21})} in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT, which is 0 for this function.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, or name of the contingency table, \code{ct}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.ss.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.ss}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.dx.ct}},
#' \code{\link{Znnsym.dx}}, \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct}} and \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym.dx}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZnnsym2cl.dx
#' @rdname funsZnnsym2cl.dx
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' Znnsym2cl.dx(Y,cls)
#' Znnsym2cl.dx.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' Znnsym2cl.dx(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Znnsym2cl.dx(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Znnsym2cl.dx.ct(ct,Qv,Rv,alt="g")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Znnsym2cl.dx(Y,fcls)
#' #############
#' ct<-matrix(sample(1:20,4),ncol=2)
#' Znnsym2cl.dx.ct(ct,Qv,Rv) #gives an error message if ct<-matrix(sample(1:20,9),ncol=3)
#' #here, Qv and Rv values are borrowed from above, to highlight a point
#' @export
Znnsym2cl.dx.ct <- function(ct,Q,R,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  kr<-nrow(ct); kc<-ncol(ct);
  if (kr!=2 || kc!=2)
  {stop('number of classes must be 2 for this function')}
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  n1<-rs[1]; n2<-rs[2];
  n12<-ct[1,2]; n21<-ct[2,1]
  stderr <-sqrt(VarN12+VarN21-2*CovN12N21)
  if (is.na(ts))
  {stop('The test statistic is NaN, so, the NN symmetry test is not defined')}
  names(ts) <-"standardized difference between # of mixed NNs, Z"
  names(estimate) <-c("difference between # of mixed NNs")
  method  <- c("Dixon's NN Symmetry Test for Two Classes")
  names(nullij) <-"(expected) difference between # of mixed NNs"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = nullij,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZnnsym2cl.dx
#' @export
Znnsym2cl.dx <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


#' @title NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation for Two Classes
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"htest"} performing hypothesis test of equality of the expected value of the off-diagonal 
#' cell counts (i.e., entries) under RL or CSR in the NNCT for \eqn{k=2} classes.
#' That is, the test performs Dixon's or Pielou's (first type of) NN symmetry test which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data and for sparsely sample data, respectively.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' The symmetry test is based on the normal approximation of the difference of the off-diagonal entries
#' in the NNCT and are due to \insertCite{pielou:1961,dixon:1994;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The \code{type="dixon"} refers to Dixon's NN symmetry test and 
#' \code{type="pielou"} refers to Pielou's first type of NN symmetry test.
#' The function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value for the
#' corresponding alternative, the confidence interval, estimate and null value for the parameter of interest
#' (which is the difference of the off-diagonal entries in the NNCT), and method and name of the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{E(N_{12})=E(N_{21})} in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT (i.e., symmetry in the 
#' mixed NN structure).
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{pielou:1961,dixon:1994,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param type The type of the NN symmetry test with default=\code{"dixon"}.
#' Takes on values \code{"dixon"} and \code{"pielou"} for Dixon's and Pielou's (first type) NN symmetry test
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}}
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for Pielou's first type of NN symmetry test}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}} in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate, i.e., the difference of the off-diagonal entries of the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}}.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the expected difference between the off-diagonal entries, 
#' \eqn{E(N_{12})-E(N_{21})} in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT, which is 0 for this function.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, or name of the contingency table, \code{ct}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.ss.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.ss}}, \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.dx.ct}},
#' \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.dx}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.ss.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.ss}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.dx.ct}},
#' \code{\link{Znnsym.dx}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.dx.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.dx}} and \code{\link{Znnsym}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' Znnsym2cl(Y,cls)
#' Znnsym2cl(Y,cls,type="pielou")
#' Znnsym2cl(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Znnsym2cl(Y,cls,type="pielou",alt="g")
#' @export
Znnsym2cl <- function(dat,lab,type="dixon",alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95)
  if ((type %in% c("dixon","pielou"))==FALSE)
  {stop("type is misspecified, should be one of dixon or pielou (in quotes)")}
  if (type == "dixon")
    res<- Znnsym2cl.dx(dat,lab,alternative=alternative,conf.level = conf.level) 
  } else
    res<- Znnsym2cl.ss(dat,lab,alternative=alternative,conf.level = conf.level) 
} #end for the function


# funsZnnsym.ss
#' @title Pielou's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling)
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Znnsym.ss.ct} and \code{Znnsym.ss}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"cellhtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of equality of the expected values of the off-diagonal 
#' cell counts (i.e., entries) for each pair \eqn{i,j} of classes under RL or CSR in the NNCT for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is, each performs Pielou's first type of NN symmetry test which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' provided that data is obtained by sparse sampling.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each symmetry test is based on the normal approximation of the differences of the off-diagonal entries
#' in the NNCT and are due to \insertCite{pielou:1961;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields a contingency table of the test statistics, \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, expected values, lower and upper confidence levels, sample estimates (i.e., observed values)
#' and null value(s) (i.e., expected values) for the
#' \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} values for \eqn{i \ne j} (all in the upper-triangular form except for the null value, which is 0 for all
#' pairs) and also names of the test statistics, estimates, null values, the description of the test, and the data
#' set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{E(N_{ij})=E(N_{ji})} for \eqn{i \ne j} in the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT (i.e., symmetry in the 
#' mixed NN structure) for \eqn{k \ge 2}.
#' In the output, the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and the lower and upper confidence limits are valid only 
#' for (properly) sparsely sampled data.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{pielou:1961,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{Znnsym.ss.ct} only 
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Znnsym.ss} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Znnsym.ss} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}}
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Znnsym.ss} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{Z} test statistics for Pielou's first type of NN symmetry test
#' (in the upper-triangular form)}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{p}-values for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative
#' (in the upper-triangular form)}
#' \item{LCL,UCL}{Matrix of Lower and Upper Confidence Levels (in the upper-triangular form) for the \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}}
#' values for \eqn{i \ne j} at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{conf.int}{The confidence interval for the estimates, it is \code{NULL} here, since we provide the \code{UCL} and \code{LCL}
#' in \code{matrix} form.}
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the upper and lower confidence limits (i.e., conf.level) of the differences of the
#' off-diagonal entries.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, i.e., matrix of the difference of the off-diagonal entries 
#' (in the upper-triangular form) of the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} for \eqn{i \ne j}.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, former is a shorter description of the estimates
#' than the latter.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the expected difference between the off-diagonal entries, 
#' \eqn{E(N_{ij})-E(N_{ji})} for \eqn{i \ne j} in the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, which is 0 for this function.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Znnsym.ss.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Znnsym.ss} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnsym.dx.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.dx}}, \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.ss.ct}} and
#' \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.ss}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZnnsym.ss
#' @rdname funsZnnsym.ss
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' Znnsym.ss(Y,cls)
#' Znnsym.ss.ct(ct)
#' Znnsym.ss(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Znnsym.ss(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Znnsym.ss.ct(ct,alt="g")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Znnsym.ss(Y,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' Znnsym.ss(Y,cls)
#' Znnsym.ss.ct(ct)
#' @export
Znnsym.ss.ct <- function(ct,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  if (k==1)
  {stop('contingency table must be kxk with k>=2')}
  diff.mat<-abs(ct[upper.tri(ct)]- t(ct)[upper.tri(ct)])
  estimate[upper.tri(estimate, diag=FALSE)]<-diff.mat 
  estimate.name <-c("absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of NNCT")
  estimate.name2 <-c("absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of NNCT (in the upper-triangular form)")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(estimate)<-colnames(estimate)<-clnames #row and column names for the difference matrix
  names.null <-"differences of off-diagonal NNCT entries"
  ts<-stderr<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (i in 1:(k-1))
    for (j in (i+1):k)
    {stderr[i,j] <-sqrt(ct[i,j]+ct[j,i])
    if (stderr[i,j]!=0)
    { ts[i,j] <-ts[i,j] +(ct[i,j]-ct[j,i])/stderr[i,j]}
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 lcl <-NULL
                 ucl <-estimate+qnorm(conf.level)*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 ucl <-NULL
                 lcl <-estimate-qnorm(conf.level)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 crit.val <-qnorm(1-alpha/2)
                 lcl <-estimate-crit.val*stderr
                 ucl <-estimate+crit.val*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  method  <- c("Pielou's Pairwise NN Symmetry Tests (for Sparse Sampling)")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(ts)<-colnames(ts)<-clnames #row and column names for the test stat matrix
  if (!is.null(lcl)) { lcl[!upper.tri(lcl)]<-0;
  if (!is.null(ucl)) { ucl[!upper.tri(ucl)]<-0;
  ts.names <-"Pielou's pairwise NN tests of symmetry (in the upper-triangular form)"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    LCL = lcl,UCL = ucl,
    conf.int = NULL,
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name2,
    null.value = nullij,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"cellhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZnnsym.ss
#' @export
Znnsym.ss <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


#' @title Index Matrix for Computing the Covariance of Dixon's Overall NN Symmetry Test
#' @description Returns the index matrix for choosing the entries in the covariance matrix for NNCT 
#' used for computing the covariance for Dixon's NN symmetry test.
#' The matrix is \eqn{k(k-1)/2 \times 2} with each row is the \eqn{i,j} 
#' corresponding to \eqn{N_{ij}} in the NNCT.
#' @param k An integer specifying the number of classes in the data set
#' @return The \eqn{k(k-1)/2 \times 2} index matrix with each row is the \eqn{i,j} 
#' corresponding to \eqn{N_{ij}} in the NNCT
#' @seealso \code{\link{cov.nnsym}} and \code{\link{ind.seg.coeff}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
ind.nnsym <- function(k)
  if (k==1)
  {stop('k must be > 1')}
  for (i in 1:(k-1))
    for (j in (i+1):k)
  ind.mat1<-matrix(ind1,ncol=2,byrow=T) #indices for the \code{T} vector
} #end for the function


#' @title Variances of Differences of Off-Diagonal Entries in an NNCT
#' @description Returns the variances of differences of off-diagonal cell counts \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} and \eqn{i \ne j}
#' in the NNCT, \code{ct} in a vector of length \eqn{k(k-1)/2}, the order of \eqn{i,j} for \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}}
#' is as in the output of \code{\link{ind.nnsym}(k)}.
#' These variances are valid under RL or conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{dixon:1994,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT
#' @return A \code{vector} of length \eqn{k(k-1)/2}, whose entries are the variances of differences of off-diagonal 
#' cell counts \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} and \eqn{i \ne j} in the NNCT.
#' @seealso \code{\link{var.nnct}}, \code{\link{var.tct}} and \code{\link{cov.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
#' var.nnsym(covN)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' var.nnsym(covN)
#' @export
var.nnsym <- function(covN)
  for (i in 1:kl)
    rc1<-ind.mat1[i,] #row and column indices for the N vector
    ri1<-which(ent2[,1]==r1 & ent2[,2]==c1) #row indices for the N vector
    ri2<-which(ent2[,1]==c1 & ent2[,2]==r1)
    varT<-c(varT, covN[ri1,ri1]-covN[ri1,ri2]-covN[ri2,ri1]+covN[ri2,ri2])
} #end for the function


# funsZnnsym.dx
#' @title Dixon's Pairwise NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Znnsym.dx.ct} and \code{Znnsym.dx}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"cellhtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of equality of the expected values of the off-diagonal 
#' cell counts (i.e., entries) for each pair \eqn{i,j} of classes under RL or CSR in the NNCT for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is, each performs Dixon's NN symmetry test which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{dixon:1994,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each symmetry test is based on the normal approximation of the difference of the off-diagonal entries
#' in the NNCT and are due to \insertCite{dixon:1994;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields a contingency table of the test statistics, \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, expected values (i.e., null value(s)), lower and upper confidence levels and sample estimates (i.e., observed values)
#' for the \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} values for \eqn{i \ne j} (all in the upper-triangular form except for the null value, which is 0
#' for all pairs) and also names of the test statistics, estimates, null values, the description of the test, and the data
#' set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{E(N_{ij})=E(N_{ji})} for \eqn{i \ne j} in the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT (i.e., symmetry in the 
#' mixed NN structure) for \eqn{k \ge 2}.
#' In the output, the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and the lower and upper confidence limits are valid  
#' for completely mapped data.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{dixon:1994,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{Znnsym.dx.ct} only 
#' @param varS The variance vector of differences of off-diagonal cell counts in NNCT, \code{ct} , usually output 
#' of var.nnsym function.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Znnsym.dx} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Znnsym.dx} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}}
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Znnsym.dx} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{Z} test statistics for Dixon's NN symmetry test
#' (in the upper-triangular form)}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{p}-values for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative
#' (in the upper-triangular form)}
#' \item{LCL,UCL}{Matrix of Lower and Upper Confidence Levels (in the upper-triangular form) for the \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}}
#' values for \eqn{i \ne j} at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{conf.int}{The confidence interval for the estimates, it is \code{NULL} here, since we provide the \code{UCL} and \code{LCL}
#' in \code{matrix} form.}
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the upper and lower confidence limits (i.e., conf.level) of the differences of the
#' off-diagonal entries.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, i.e., matrix of the difference of the off-diagonal entries
#' (in the upper-triangular form) of the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} for \eqn{i \ne j}.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, former is a shorter description of the estimates
#' than the latter.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the expected difference between the off-diagonal entries, 
#' \eqn{E(N_{ij})-E(N_{ji})} for \eqn{i \ne j} in the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, which is 0 for this function.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Znnsym.dx.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Znnsym.dx} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.dx.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnsym2cl.dx}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.ss.ct}},
#' \code{\link{Znnsym.ss}}, \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct}} and \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym.dx}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZnnsym.dx
#' @rdname funsZnnsym.dx
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
#' varS<-var.nnsym(covN)
#' Znnsym.dx(Y,cls)
#' Znnsym.dx.ct(ct,varS)
#' Znnsym.dx(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Znnsym.dx(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Znnsym.dx.ct(ct,varS,alt="g")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Znnsym.dx(Y,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
#' varS<-var.nnsym(covN)
#' Znnsym.dx(Y,cls)
#' Znnsym.dx.ct(ct,varS)
#' @export
Znnsym.dx.ct <- function(ct,varS,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  diff.mat<-abs(ct[upper.tri(ct)]- t(ct)[upper.tri(ct)])
  estimate[upper.tri(estimate, diag=FALSE)]<-diff.mat 
  estimate.name <-c("absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of NNCT")
  estimate.name2 <-c("absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of NNCT (in the upper-triangular form)")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(estimate)<-colnames(estimate)<-clnames #row and column names for the difference matrix
  names.null <-"differences of off-diagonal NNCT entries"
  for (i in 1:kl)
    rc1<-ind.mat1[i,] #row and column indices for the \code{T} vector
    Tvec<-c(Tvec,ct[r1,c1]-ct[c1,r1]) #entry in ct corresponding to index i of T
  ZT<- Tvec/sqrt(varS)
  if (all(is.na(ZT)))
  {stop('The test statistics are all NaN, so, the NN symmetry tests are not defined')}
  ts<-stderr<- matrix(0,k,k);
  stderr[lower.tri(stderr, diag=FALSE)] <- sqrt(varS)
  stderr <- t(stderr)
  ts[lower.tri(ts, diag=FALSE)] <- ZT
  ts <- t(ts)
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 lcl <-NULL
                 ucl <-estimate+qnorm(conf.level)*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 ucl <-NULL
                 lcl <-estimate-qnorm(conf.level)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 crit.val <-qnorm(1-alpha/2)
                 lcl <-estimate-crit.val*stderr
                 ucl <-estimate+crit.val*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  method  <- c("Dixon's Pairwise NN Symmetry Tests")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(ts)<-colnames(ts)<-clnames #row and column names for the test stat matrix
  if (!is.null(lcl)) { lcl[!upper.tri(lcl)]<-0;
  if (!is.null(ucl)) { ucl[!upper.tri(ucl)]<-0;
  ts.names <-"Dixon's pairwise NN tests of symmetry (in the upper-triangular form)"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    LCL = lcl,UCL = ucl,
    conf.int = NULL,
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name2,
    null.value = nullij,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"cellhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZnnsym.dx
#' @export
Znnsym.dx <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


#' @title NN Symmetry Test with Normal Approximation
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"cellhtest"} performing hypothesis test of equality of the expected values of the
#' off-diagonal cell counts (i.e., entries) for each pair \eqn{i,j} of classes under RL or CSR in the NNCT
#' for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is, the test performs Dixon's or Pielou's (first type of) NN symmetry test which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data or for sparsely sample data, respectively.
#' (See \insertCite{pielou:1961,dixon:1994,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' The \code{type="dixon"} refers to Dixon's NN symmetry test and 
#' \code{type="pielou"} refers to Pielou's first type of NN symmetry test.
#' The symmetry test is based on the normal approximation of the difference of the off-diagonal entries
#' in the NNCT and are due to \insertCite{pielou:1961,dixon:1994;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The function yields a contingency table of the test statistics, \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, expected values (i.e., null value(s)), lower and upper confidence levels and sample estimate
#' for the \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} values for \eqn{i \ne j} (all in the upper-triangular form except for the null value, which is 0
#' for all pairs) and also names of the test statistics, estimates, null values, the description of the test, and the data
#' set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{E(N_{ij})=E(N_{ji})} for \eqn{i \ne j} in the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT (i.e., symmetry in the 
#' mixed NN structure) for \eqn{k \ge 2}.
#' In the output, if if \code{type="pielou"}, 
#' the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and the lower and upper confidence limits are valid only 
#' for (properly) sparsely sampled data.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{pielou:1961,dixon:1994,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param type The type of the NN symmetry test with default=\code{"dixon"}.
#' Takes on values \code{"dixon"} and \code{"pielou"} for Dixon's and Pielou's (first type) NN symmetry test
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}}
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{Z} test statistics for the NN symmetry test (in the upper-triangular form)}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{p}-values for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative
#' (in the upper-triangular form)}
#' \item{LCL,UCL}{Matrix of Lower and Upper Confidence Levels (in the upper-triangular form) for the \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}}
#' values for \eqn{i \ne j} at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{conf.int}{The confidence interval for the estimates, it is \code{NULL} here, since we provide the \code{UCL} and \code{LCL}
#' in \code{matrix} form.}
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the upper and lower confidence limits (i.e., conf.level) of the differences of the
#' off-diagonal entries.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, i.e., matrix of the difference of the off-diagonal entries
#' (in the upper-triangular form) of the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} for \eqn{i \ne j}.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, former is a shorter description of the estimates
#' than the latter.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the expected difference between the off-diagonal entries, 
#' \eqn{E(N_{ij})-E(N_{ji})} for \eqn{i \ne j} in the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, which is 0 for this function.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, or name of the contingency table, \code{ct}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnsym.ss.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.ss}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.dx.ct}},
#' \code{\link{Znnsym.dx}} and \code{\link{Znnsym2cl}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' Znnsym(Y,cls)
#' Znnsym(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Znnsym(Y,cls,type="pielou")
#' Znnsym(Y,cls,type="pielou",method="max")
#' Znnsym(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Znnsym(Y,cls,type="pielou",alt="g")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Znnsym(Y,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' Znnsym(Y,cls)
#' Znnsym(Y,cls,type="pielou")
#' @export
Znnsym <- function(dat,lab,type="dixon",
                   alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                   conf.level = 0.95,...)
  if ((type %in% c("dixon","pielou"))==FALSE)
  {stop("type is misspecified, should be one of dixon or pielou (in quotes)")}
  if (type == "dixon")
    res<- Znnsym.dx(dat,lab,alternative=alternative,conf.level = conf.level,...) 
  } else
    res<- Znnsym.ss(dat,lab,alternative=alternative,conf.level = conf.level,...) 
} #end for the function


#' @title Covariance Matrix of the Differences of the Off-Diagonal Cell Counts in an NNCT
#' @description Returns the covariance matrix of the differences of the cell counts, \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} 
#' for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} and \eqn{i \ne j}, in the NNCT, \code{ct}.
#' The covariance matrix is of dimension \eqn{k(k-1)/2 \times k(k-1)/2} and its entries are
#' \eqn{cov(N_{ij}-N_{ji}, N_{kl}-N_{lk})} where the order of \eqn{i,j} for \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} is as
#' in the output of \code{\link{ind.nnsym}(k)}. 
#' These covariances are valid under RL or conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' The argument \code{covN} is the covariance matrix of \eqn{N_{ij}} (concatenated rowwise).
#' See also (\insertCite{dixon:1994,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT
#' @return The \eqn{k(k-1)/2 \times k(k-1)/2} covariance matrix of the differences of the off-diagonal cell counts \eqn{N_{ij}-N_{ji}} 
#' for \eqn{i,j=1,\ldots,k} and \eqn{i \ne j} in the NNCT, \code{ct} 
#' @seealso \code{\link{var.nnsym}}, \code{\link{cov.tct}}, \code{\link{cov.nnct}} and \code{\link{cov.seg.coeff}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
#' cov.nnsym(covN)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.nnsym(covN)
#' @export
cov.nnsym <- function(covN)
  for (i in 1:kl)
    rc1<-ind.mat1[i,] #row and column indices for the \code{T} vector
    ri1<-which(ent2[,1]==r1 & ent2[,2]==c1) #row indices for the N vector
    ri2<-which(ent2[,1]==c1 & ent2[,2]==r1)
    for (j in i:kl)
      ci1<-which(ent2[,1]==r1n & ent2[,2]==c1n) #column indices for the N vector
      ci2<-which(ent2[,1]==c1n & ent2[,2]==r1n) 
} #end for the function


# funsXsq.nnsym.dx
#' @title Dixon's NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation for multiple classes
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct} and \code{Xsq.nnsym.dx}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"Chisqtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs the hypothesis test of equality of the expected value of the off-diagonal 
#' cell counts (i.e., entries) under RL or CSR in the NNCT for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is, each performs Dixon's overall NN symmetry test.
#' The test is appropriate (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each symmetry test is based on the chi-squared approximation of the corresponding quadratic form
#' and is an extension of Dixon's NN symmetry test, which is extended by
#' \insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is \eqn{k(k-1)/2}, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of differences of the off-diagonal entries,(which is
#' 0 for this function) and also the sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of 
#' NNCT (in the upper-triangular form).
#' The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{E(N_{ij})=E(N_{ji})} entries for all \eqn{i \ne j} (i.e., symmetry in the 
#' mixed NN structure).
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct} only
#' @param covS The \eqn{k(k-1)/2 \times k(k-1)/2} covariance matrix of the differences of the off-diagonal entries in the NNCT,
#' \code{ct}, usually the output of the function \code{\link{cov.nnsym}}.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Xsq.nnsym.dx} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Xsq.nnsym.dx} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Xsq.nnsym.dx} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The chi-squared test statistic for Dixon's overall NN symmetry test}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistic}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k(k-1)/2} for this function.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates, i.e., absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of 
#' NNCT (in the upper-triangular form).}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, former is a shorter description of the estimates
#' than the latter.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null values for the differences between the expected values of the off-diagonal 
#' entries, which is 0 for this function.}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Xsq.nnsym.dx} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnsym.dx.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.dx}}, \code{\link{Znnsym}},
#' \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym}}, \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym.ss.ct}}, \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym.ss}}
#' and \code{\link{Qsym.test}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsXsq.nnsym.dx
#' @rdname funsXsq.nnsym.dx
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
#' covS<-cov.nnsym(covN)
#' Xsq.nnsym.dx(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct(ct,covS)
#' Xsq.nnsym.dx(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' Xsq.nnsym.dx(Y,fcls)
#' Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct(ct,covS)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' covS<-cov.nnsym(covN)
#' Xsq.nnsym.dx(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct(ct,covS)
#' @export
Xsq.nnsym.dx.ct <- function(ct,covS)
  for (i in 1:kl)
    rc1<-ind.mat1[i,] #row and column indices for the \code{T} vector
    Tvec<-c(Tvec,ct[r1,c1]-ct[c1,r1]) #entry in ct corresponding to index i of T
  ts<- t(Tvec) %*% ginv(covS,tol=1.490116e-20) %*% (Tvec)
  pval<- 1-pchisq(ts,df=nu)
  method <-"Dixon's Test of NN symmetry"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  diff.mat<-abs(ct[upper.tri(ct)]- t(ct)[upper.tri(ct)])
  estimate[upper.tri(estimate, diag=FALSE)]<-diff.mat 
  estimate.name <-c("absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of NNCT")
  estimate.name2 <-c("absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of NNCT (in the upper-triangular form)")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(estimate)<-colnames(estimate)<-clnames #row and column names for the difference matrix
  rval <-list(
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name2,
    null.value = 0,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"Chisqtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsXsq.nnsym.dx
#' @export
Xsq.nnsym.dx <- function(dat,lab,...)
  covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


#' @title Overall NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"Chisqtest"} performing the hypothesis test of equality of the expected
#' values of the off-diagonal cell counts (i.e., entries) under RL or CSR in the NNCT for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is, the test performs Dixon's or Pielou's (first type of) overall NN symmetry test which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data or for sparsely sample data, respectively.
#' (See \insertCite{pielou:1961,dixon:1994,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' The \code{type="dixon"} refers to Dixon's overall NN symmetry test and 
#' \code{type="pielou"} refers to Pielou's first type of overall NN symmetry test.
#' The symmetry test is based on the chi-squared approximation of the corresponding quadratic form
#' and \code{type="dixon"} yields an extension of Dixon's NN symmetry test, which is extended by
#' \insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} and \code{type="pielou"} yields
#' Pielou's overall NN symmetry test.
#' The function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is \eqn{k(k-1)/2}, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of differences of the off-diagonal entries,(which is
#' 0 for this function) and also the sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of 
#' NNCT (in the upper-triangular form).
#' The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{E(N_{ij})=E(N_{ji})} for \eqn{i \ne j} in the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT (i.e., symmetry in the 
#' mixed NN structure) for \eqn{k \ge 2}.
#' In the output, if if \code{type="pielou"}, 
#' the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and the df are valid only for (properly) sparsely sampled data.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{pielou:1961,dixon:1994,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param type The type of the overall NN symmetry test with default=\code{"dixon"}.
#' Takes on values \code{"dixon"} and \code{"pielou"} for Dixon's and Pielou's (first type) overall NN symmetry test
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The chi-squared test statistic for Dixon's or Pielou's (first type of)
#' overall NN symmetry test}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistic}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k(k-1)/2} for this function.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates, i.e., absolute differences of the off-diagonal entries of 
#' NNCT (in the upper-triangular form).}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, former is a shorter description of the estimates
#' than the latter.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null values for the differences between the expected values of the off-diagonal 
#' entries, which is 0 for this function.}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, or name of the contingency table, \code{ct}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnsym.ss}}, \code{\link{Znnsym.dx}} and \code{\link{Znnsym2cl}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' Xsq.nnsym(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.nnsym(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Xsq.nnsym(Y,cls,type="pielou")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Xsq.nnsym(Y,fcls)
#' Xsq.nnsym(Y,fcls,type="pielou")
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' Xsq.nnsym(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.nnsym(Y,cls,type="pielou")
#' @export
Xsq.nnsym <- function(dat,lab,type="dixon",...)
  if ((type %in% c("dixon","pielou"))==FALSE)
  {stop("type is misspecified, should be one of dixon or pielou (in quotes)")}
  if (type == "dixon")
    res<- Xsq.nnsym.dx(dat,lab,...)
  } else
    res<- Xsq.nnsym.ss(dat,lab,...)


#' @title The Shared NN Vectors for Multiple Classes
#' @description 
#' Returns a \code{matrix} with \eqn{k} rows 
#' where each row is the vector of number of points with shared NNs,
#' \eqn{Q_i=(Q_{i0},Q_{i1},\ldots)} 
#' where \eqn{Q_{ij}} is the number of class \eqn{i} points 
#' that are NN to class \eqn{j} points.
#' The function also returns the indices of columns with nonzero sums as a vector.
#' The output matrix of shared NNs is used in testing symmetry 
#' in shared NN structure (i.e., \eqn{Q}-symmetry
#' or Pielou's second type of symmetry), 
#' e.g., in functions \code{\link{Qsym.ct}} and \code{\link{Qsym.test}}.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{pielou:1961,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) 
#' or a data set of points in matrix or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). 
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance
#' matrix (IPD matrix), otherwise, 
#' \code{x} is taken as the data set with rows representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, 
#' such as \code{method} and \code{p}, 
#' passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return The function \code{Qval} returns the \eqn{Q} value
#' The function \code{Qvec} returns a \code{list} with two elements
#'  \item{q}{the \eqn{Q} value, the number of shared NNs}
#'  \item{qvec}{the \code{vector} of \eqn{Q_j} values} 
#' The function \code{sharedNN} returns a \code{matrix} with 2 rows, 
#' where first row is the \eqn{j} values and second row is
#' the corresponding vector of \eqn{Q_j} values
#' The function \code{Rval} returns the \eqn{R} value, the number of reflexive NNs.
#' @return Returns a \code{list} with two elements
#'  \item{Nv}{A \eqn{k}-row matrix of shared NNs by class 
#'  where each row of the matrix is the vector of number of
#'  points with shared NNs \eqn{Q_i=(Q_{i0},Q_{i1},\ldots)} 
#'  where \eqn{Q_{ij}} is the number of class \eqn{i} points that are NN
#'  to \eqn{j} points.}
#'  \item{col.ind}{The \code{vector} of indices of columns with nonzero sums} 
#' @seealso \code{\link{Qval}}, \code{\link{Qvec}} and \code{\link{sharedNN}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' sharedNNmc(ipd,cls)
#' sharedNNmc(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' sharedNNmc(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' sharedNNmc(ipd,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' sharedNNmc(ipd,cls) 
#' @export
sharedNNmc <- function(x,lab,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  flab<-as.factor(lab) #converting class labels to factors
  invnn <- matrix(0,k,n); 
  ind <- rep(0,n)
  for (i in 1:n)
    ind[i] <- NN(ipd,i);
  for (j in 1:n)
    invnn[lab[ind[j]],ind[j]] <- invnn[lab[ind[j]],ind[j]]+1
  N<-matrix(0,k,100) #should have been 7
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:n)
      if (lab[j]==i)
        N[i,invnn[i,j]+1] <- N[i,invnn[i,j]+1]+1
  for (i in 1:q)
} #end for the function


#' @title \eqn{Q}-symmetry Contingency Table (QCT)
#' @description
#' Returns the \eqn{k \times 3} contingency table for \eqn{Q}-symmetry (i.e., \eqn{Q}-symmetry contingency table (QCT)) given the 
#' IPD matrix or data set \code{x} where \eqn{k} is the number of classes in the data set.
#' Each row in the QCT is the vector of number of points with shared NNs,
#' \eqn{Q_i=(Q_{i0},Q_{i1},Q_{i2})} where \eqn{Q_{ij}} is the number of class \eqn{i} points that are NN to class \eqn{j} points
#' for \eqn{j=0,1} and \eqn{Q_{i2}} is the number of class \eqn{i} points that are NN to class \eqn{j} or more points.
#' That is, this function pools the cells 3 or larger together for \eqn{k} classes, so, \eqn{Q_2}, \eqn{Q_3} etc. are pooled,
#' so, the column labels are \eqn{Q_0}, \eqn{Q_1} and \eqn{Q_2} with the last one is actually sum of \eqn{Q_j} for \eqn{j \ge 2}.
#' Rows the QCT are labeled with the corresponding class labels.
#' \eqn{Q}-symmetry is also equivalent to Pielou's second type of NN symmetry
#' or the symmetry in the shared NN structure for all classes.
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{pielou:1961,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) or a data set of points in matrix or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance
#' matrix, otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set with rows representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns the \eqn{k \times 3} QCT where \eqn{k} is the number of classes in the data set.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sharedNNmc}}, \code{\link{Qsym.test}} and \code{\link{scct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(n*3),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' Qsym.ct(ipd,cls)
#' Qsym.ct(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' Qsym.ct(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Qsym.ct(ipd,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' Qsym.ct(ipd,cls)
#' @export
Qsym.ct <- function(x,lab,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  flab<-as.factor(lab) #converting class labels to factors
  if (nc>3)
    for (i in 1:k)
  } else
} #end for the function


#' @title Pielou's Second Type of NN Symmetry Test with Chi-square Approximation
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"Chisqtest"} performing the hypothesis test of equality of the probabilities for the rows
#' in the \eqn{Q}-symmetry contingency table (QCT).
#' Each row of the QCT is the vector of Qi\eqn{j} values where \eqn{Q_{ij}} is the number of class \eqn{i} points that are NN
#' to \eqn{j} points.
#' That is, the test performs Pielou's second type of NN symmetry test which is also equivalent to Pearson's
#' test on the QCT (\insertCite{pielou:1961;textual}{nnspat}).
#' Pielou's second type of NN symmetry is the symmetry in the shared NN structure for all classes, which is also 
#' called \eqn{Q}-symmetry.
#' The test is appropriate (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' provided that data is obtained by sparse sampling, although simulations suggest it seems to work for
#' completely mapped data as well.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' The argument combine is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) to determine whether to combine the 3rd column 
#' and the columns to the left.
#' If \code{TRUE}, this function pools the cells 3 or larger together for \eqn{k} classes in the QCT, 
#' so, \eqn{Q_2}, \eqn{Q_3} etc. are pooled, so, the column
#' labels are \eqn{Q_0}, \eqn{Q_1} and \eqn{Q_2} with the last one is actually sum of \eqn{Q_j} for \eqn{j \ge 2} in the QCT.
#' If \code{FALSE}, the function does not perform the pooling of the cells.
#' The function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is \eqn{(k-1)(n_c-1)} where \eqn{n_c} is the number of
#' columns in QCT (which reduces to \eqn{2(k-1)}, if \code{combine=TRUE}). It also provides the description of
#' the alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of the entries of the QCT and also the sample estimates 
#' of the entries of QCT (i.e., the observed QCT).
#' The function also provides names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is the symmetry in the shared NN structure for each class, that is,
#' all \eqn{E(Q_{ij})=n_i Q_j/n} where \eqn{n_i} the size of class \eqn{i} and \eqn{Q_j} is the sum of column \eqn{j} 
#' in the QCT (i.e., the total number of points serving as NN to class \eqn{j} other points). (i.e., symmetry in the 
#' mixed NN structure).
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{pielou:1961,ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) or a data set of points in matrix or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance
#' matrix (IPD matrix), otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set with rows representing the data points. 
#' @param combine A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). If \code{TRUE}, 
#' the cells in column 3 or columns to the left are merged in the QCT, so, \eqn{Q_2}, \eqn{Q_3} etc. are pooled, so, the column
#' labels are \eqn{Q_0}, \eqn{Q_1} and \eqn{Q_2} with the last one is actually sum of \eqn{Q_j} for \eqn{j \ge 2} in the QCT. 
#' If \code{FALSE}, the function does not perform the pooling of the cells.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The chi-squared test statistic for Pielou's second type of NN symmetry test (i.e., \eqn{Q}-symmetry 
#' which is equivalent to symmetry in the shared NN structure)}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{(k-1)(n_c-1)} where \eqn{n_c} is the number of
#' columns in QCT (which reduces to \eqn{2(k-1)} if \code{combine=TRUE}).}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates, i.e., the observed QCT.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, they are identical for this function.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null values for the entries of the QCT, i.e., the matrix with entries 
#' \eqn{E(Q_{ij})=n_i Q_j/n} where \eqn{n_i} the size of class \eqn{i} and \eqn{Q_j} is the sum of column \eqn{j} in the QCT (i.e., the total
#' number of points serving as NN to class \eqn{j} other points).}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{x}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnsym}} and \code{\link{Xsq.nnsym}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' Qsym.ct(ipd,cls)
#' Qsym.test(ipd,cls)
#' Qsym.test(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' Qsym.test(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' Qsym.test(ipd,cls,combine = FALSE)
#' #cls as a faqctor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Qsym.test(ipd,fcls)
#' Qsym.test(Y,fcls,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' Qsym.test(ipd,cls)
#' Qsym.test(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' @export
Qsym.test <- function(x,lab,is.ipd=TRUE,combine=TRUE,...)
  ifelse(combine,qct<-Qsym.ct(x,lab,is.ipd,...) ,qct<-sharedNNmc(x,lab,is.ipd,...)$Nv)
  ifelse(combine,method <-"Pielou's Test of Q Symmetry (i.e., Symmetry in Shared NN structure)\n 
        with the entries in columns Qk for k>=2 (if exist) are combined in the Q symmetry contingency table",
         method <-"Pielou's Test of Q Symmetry (i.e., Symmetry in Shared NN structure)\n 
        with the entire Q symmetry contingency table")
  dname <-TS$data.name
  estimate.name <-c("Q symmetry Contingency Table (QsymCT) entries")
  rval <-list(
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name,
    null.value = EN,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"Chisqtest"
} #end for the function


#' @title Reflexivity Contingency Table (RCT)
#' @description
#' Returns the RCT given the IPD matrix or data set \code{x}, the RCT is \eqn{2 \times 2} regardless of the 
#' number of classes in the data set.
#' RCT is constructed by categorizing the NN pairs according to pair type as self or mixed and whether
#' the pair is reflexive or non-reflexive. 
#' A base-NN pair is called a reflexive pair, if the elements of the pair are NN to each other;
#' a non-reflexive pair, if the elements of the pair are not NN to each other;
#' a self pair, if the elements of the pair are from the same class; a mixed pair, if the
#' elements of the pair are from different classes.
#' Row labels in the RCT are \code{"ref"} for reflexive and \code{"non-ref"} for non-reflexive and 
#' column labels are \code{"self"} and \code{"mixed"}.
#' The argument \code{is.ipd} is a logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) to determine the structure of the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix, and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the data set
#' with rows representing the data points.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017,ceyhan:NNreflex1D2018;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{is.ipd=TRUE}) or a data set of points in matrix or data frame form where points
#' correspond to the rows (if \code{is.ipd = FALSE}).
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical)
#' @param is.ipd A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken as the inter-point distance
#' matrix, otherwise, \code{x} is taken as the data set with rows representing the data points. 
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns the \eqn{2 \times 2} RCT, see the description above for more detail.
#' @seealso \code{\link{nnct}}, \code{\link{tct}} and \code{\link{scct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' rct(ipd,cls)
#' rct(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE)
#' rct(Y,cls,is.ipd = FALSE,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' rct(ipd,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' rct(ipd,cls)
#' @export
rct <- function(x,lab,is.ipd=TRUE,...)
  if (n<=1)
  {stop('n must be >=2 for the reflexivity contingency table, rct, to be defined')}
  Rf <- 0; SRf<-0; SNR<-0;
  nn.ind <- list()
  Lind <- vector()
  for (i in 1:n)
    nn.ind[[i]] <- nn.pti;
  for (j in 1:n)
    for (k in 1:Lind[j])
      if (sum(j==nn.ind[[ nn.ind[[j]][k] ]]) == 1)
      {Rf<- Rf +(1/Lind[j])*(1/Lind[nn.ind[[j]][k]]);
      if (lab[j]==lab[nn.ind[[j]][k]])
        SRf<-SRf +(1/Lind[j])*(1/Lind[nn.ind[[j]][k]])
      {if (lab[j]==lab[nn.ind[[j]][k]])
} #end for the function


#' @title Expected Values of the Cell Counts in RCT
#' @description Returns a \code{matrix} of same dimension as the RCT, \code{rfct}, 
#' whose entries are the expected cell counts of
#' the RCT under RL or CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param rfct An RCT
#' @param nvec The \code{vector} of class sizes
#' @return A \code{matrix} of the expected values of cell counts in the RCT.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rct}}, \code{\link{EV.nnct}} and \code{\link{EV.tct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' nvec<-as.numeric(table(cls))
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,cls)
#' EV.rct(rfct,nvec)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' nvec<-as.numeric(table(fcls))
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,fcls)
#' EV.rct(rfct,nvec)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,cls)
#' EV.rct(rfct,nvec)
#' @export
EV.rct <- function(rfct,nvec)
  if (k<4) 
  R<-sum(rfct[1,]) #number of reflexive NNs
} #end for the function


# funsZnnref
#' @title Z Tests for NN Reflexivity
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Znnref.ct} and \code{Znnref}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"refhtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of equality of the expected values of the
#' diagonal cell counts (i.e., entries) under RL or CSR in the RCT for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is, each test performs NN reflexivity test (i.e., a test of self reflexivity and a test of
#' mixed non-reflexivity, corresponding to entries \eqn{(1,1)} and \eqn{(2,2)}, respectively, in the RCT) which is
#' appropriate (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution) for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' The reflexivity test is based on the normal approximation of the diagonal entries
#' in the RCT and are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistics, \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, expected values (i.e., null value(s)), confidence intervals and sample estimates (i.e., observed values)for the
#' self reflexivity and mixed non-reflexivity values (i.e., entries \eqn{(1,1)} and \eqn{(2,2)} values, respectively)
#' in the RCT. Each function also gives names of the test statistics, null values, the description of the test, and the data
#' set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that \eqn{E(N_{11})=R P_{aa}} and \eqn{E(N_{22})=R P_{ab}} in the RCT, where \eqn{R} is the number of reflexive
#' NNs and \eqn{P_{aa}} is the probability of any two points selected are being from the same class
#' and \eqn{P_{ab}} is the probability of any two points selected are being from two different classes.
#' The \code{Znnref} functions (i.e., \code{Znnref.ct} and \code{Znnref}) are different from 
#' the \code{Znnself} functions (i.e., \code{\link{Znnself.ct}} and \code{\link{Znnself}}) and 
#' from \code{Zself.ref} functions (i.e., \code{\link{Zself.ref.ct}} and \code{\link{Zself.ref}}), and also
#' from \code{Znnself.sum} functions (i.e., \code{Znnself.sum.ct} and \code{Znnself.sum}).
#' \code{Znnref} functions are for testing the self reflexivity and mixed non-reflexivity
#' using the diagonal entries in the RCT while \code{Znnself} functions are testing the self reflexivity at a
#' class-specific level (i.e., for each class) using the first column in the SCCT, and
#' \code{Zself.ref} functions are for testing the self reflexivity for the entire data set
#' using entry \eqn{(1,1)} in RCT, and \code{Znnself.sum} functions are testing the cumulative species correspondence using
#' the sum of the self column (i.e., the first column) in the SCCT.
#' @param rfct An RCT, used in \code{Znnref.ct} only
#' @param nvec The \code{vector} of class sizes, used in \code{Znnref.ct} only
#' @param Qv The number of shared NNs, used in \code{Znnref.ct} only
#' @param Tv \eqn{T} value, which is the number of triplets \eqn{(z_i, z_j, z_k)} with 
#' "\eqn{NN(z_i) = NN(z_j) = z_k} and \eqn{NN(z_k) = z_j} where \eqn{NN(\cdot)} is the nearest neighbor function, used in \code{Znnref.ct} only.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Znnref} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Znnref} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}}
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function, used in \code{Znnref} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistics for self reflexivity and mixed non-reflexivity, corresponding to entries
#' \eqn{(1,1)} and \eqn{(2,2)} in the RCT}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-values for self reflexivity and mixed non-reflexivity tests}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence intervals for the self reflexivity and mixed non-reflexivity values
#' (i.e., diagonal entries \eqn{(1,1)} and \eqn{(2,2)} values, respectively) in the RCT at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the onfidence intervals of the diagonal entries, provided in \code{conf.level}.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, i.e., the observed diagonal entries \eqn{(1,1)} and \eqn{(2,2)}
#' in the RCT, \code{rfct}.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null values for the self reflexivity and mixed non-reflexivity values
#' (i.e., expected values of the diagonal entries \eqn{(1,1)} and \eqn{(2,2)} values, 
#' which are \eqn{E(N_{11})=R P_{aa}} and \eqn{E(N_{22})=R P_{ab}}, respectively) in the RCT.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{rfct}, returned by \code{Znnref.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Znnref} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnself.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnself}}, \code{\link{Zmixed.nonref.ct}},
#' \code{\link{Zmixed.nonref}}, \code{\link{Xsq.nnref.ct}} and \code{\link{Xsq.nnref}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZnnref
#' @rdname funsZnnref
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' Tv<-Tval(W,Rv)
#' nvec<-as.numeric(table(cls))
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,cls)
#' Znnref(Y,cls)
#' Znnref(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Znnref.ct(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv)
#' Znnref.ct(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv,alt="g")
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' R<-Rval(W)
#' Tv<-Tval(W,R)
#' nvec<-as.numeric(table(cls))
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,cls)
#' Znnref(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Znnref.ct(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv)
#' Znnref.ct(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv,alt="l")
#' @export
Znnref.ct <- function(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  clnames<-c("self-ref","mixed-non-ref") #names of the tests for the diagonal entries of rfct
  if (k<4) 
  R<-sum(rfct[1,]) #row sum for rfct
  if (all(is.na(ts)))
  {stop('Both test statistics are NaN, so, the Reflexivity Z-tests are not defined')}
  names.null <-"diagonal rct entries"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint[1,] <-estimate[1]+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr[1]
                 cint[2,] <-estimate[2]+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr[2]
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint[1,] <-estimate[1]+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr[1]
                 cint[2,] <-estimate[2]+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr[2]
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 Cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint[1,] <-estimate[1]+c(-Cint, Cint)*stderr[1]
                 cint[2,] <-estimate[2]+c(-Cint, Cint)*stderr[2]
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  method <-"Z-tests for NN Reflexivity Patterns"
  ts.names <-"Reflexivity Z-tests (for Diagonals of Reflexivity Contingency Table (rct)) for"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(rfct))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "refhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZnnref
#' @export
Znnref <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsZself.ref
#' @title Self-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Zself.ref.ct} and \code{Zself.ref}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"htest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of self reflexivity in the NN structure using the
#' number of self-reflexive NN pairs (i.e., the first diagonal entry, \eqn{(1,1)}) in the RCT for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is, each test performs a test of self reflexivity corresponding to entry \eqn{(1,1)} in the RCT)
#' which is appropriate (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution) for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' The self reflexivity test is based on the normal approximation of the diagonal entry \eqn{(1,1)}
#' in the RCT and are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value for the
#' corresponding alternative, the confidence interval, sample estimate (i.e., observed value) and null (i.e., expected) value for the
#' self reflexivity value (i.e., diagonal entry \eqn{(1,1)} value, respectively) in the RCT, 
#' and method and name of the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that \eqn{E(N_{11})=R P_{aa}} in the RCT, where \eqn{R} is the number of reflexive
#' NNs and \eqn{P_{aa}} is the probability of any two points selected are being from the same class.
#' The \code{Zself.ref} functions (i.e., \code{Zself.ref.ct} and \code{Zself.ref}) are different from the \code{Znnref}
#' functions (i.e., \code{\link{Znnref.ct}} and \code{\link{Znnref}}) and from \code{Znnself} functions (i.e., \code{\link{Znnself.ct}} and \code{\link{Znnself}}), and also
#' from \code{Znnself.sum} functions (i.e., \code{Znnself.sum.ct} and \code{Znnself.sum}).
#' \code{Zself.ref} functions are for testing the self reflexivity for the entire data set
#' using entry \eqn{(1,1)} in RCT while \code{Znnself} functions are testing the self reflexivity at a class-specific level
#' (i.e., for each class) using the first column in the SCCT, \code{Znnref} functions are for testing the self
#' reflexivity and mixed non-reflexivity using the diagonal entries in the RCT, and
#' \code{Znnself.sum} functions are testing the cumulative species correspondence using the sum of the self column (i.e.,
#' the first column) in the SCCT.
#' @param rfct An RCT, used in \code{Zself.ref.ct} only
#' @param nvec The \code{vector} of class sizes, used in \code{Zself.ref.ct} only
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Zself.ref} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Zself.ref} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}}
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function, used in \code{Zself.ref} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for self reflexivity corresponding to entry \eqn{(1,1)} in the RCT}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the self reflexivity value (i.e., diagonal entry \eqn{(1,1)} value)
#' in the RCT at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, i.e., the observed diagonal entry \eqn{(1,1)} in the RCT, \code{rfct}.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the self reflexivity value (i.e., expected value of the 
#' diagonal entry \eqn{(1,1)} which is \eqn{E(N_{11})=R P_{aa}}) in the RCT.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{rfct}, returned by \code{Zself.ref.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Zself.ref} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnref.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnref}}, \code{\link{Zmixed.nonref.ct}} and
#' \code{\link{Zmixed.nonref}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZself.ref
#' @rdname funsZself.ref
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' nvec<-as.numeric(table(cls))
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,cls)
#' Zself.ref(Y,cls)
#' Zself.ref(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Zself.ref.ct(rfct,nvec)
#' Zself.ref.ct(rfct,nvec,alt="g")
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' nvec<-as.numeric(table(cls))
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,cls)
#' Zself.ref(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Zself.ref.ct(rfct,nvec)
#' Zself.ref.ct(rfct,nvec,alt="l")
#' @export
Zself.ref.ct <- function(rfct,nvec,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  names(estimate) <-"number of self-reflexive NN pairs"
  if (k<4) 
  R<-sum(rfct[1,]) #row sum for rfct
  if (is.na(ts))
  {stop('The test statistic is NaN, so, the self reflexivity test is not defined')}
  names(null.val)<- "(expected) number of self-reflexive NN pairs"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  method <-"Z-test for Self-Reflexive NN Pattern"
  names(ts) <-"Self-Reflexivity Z-test"
  dname <-c("contingency table = ",deparse(substitute(rfct)))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZself.ref
#' @export
Zself.ref <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  rfct<-rct(dat,lab,is.ipd = FALSE,...)
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsZmixed.nonref
#' @title Mixed-Non-Reflexivity Test with Normal Approximation
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Zmixed.nonref.ct} and \code{Zmixed.nonref}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"htest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of mixed non-reflexivity in the NN structure using the
#' number of mixed-non-reflexive NN pairs (i.e., the second diagonal entry, \eqn{(2,2)}) in the RCT for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is, each test performs a test of mixed non-reflexivity corresponding to entry \eqn{(2,2)} in the RCT)
#' which is appropriate (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution) for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' The mixed non-reflexivity test is based on the normal approximation of the diagonal entry \eqn{(2,2)}
#' in the RCT and are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value for the
#' corresponding alternative, the confidence interval, sample estimate (i.e., observed value) and null (i.e., expected) value for the
#' mixed non-reflexivity value (i.e., diagonal entry \eqn{(2,2)} value, respectively) in the RCT, 
#' and method and name of the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that \eqn{E(N_{22})=R P_{ab}} in the RCT, where \eqn{R} is the number of reflexive
#' NNs and \eqn{P_{ab}} is the probability of any two points selected are being from two different classes.
#' @param rfct An RCT, used in \code{Zmixed.nonref.ct} only
#' @param nvec The \code{vector} of class sizes, used in \code{Zmixed.nonref.ct} only
#' @param Qv The number of shared NNs, used in \code{Zmixed.nonref.ct} only
#' @param Tv \eqn{T} value, which is the number of triplets \eqn{(z_i, z_j, z_k)} with 
#' "\eqn{NN(z_i) = NN(z_j) = z_k} and \eqn{NN(z_k) = z_j} where \eqn{NN(\cdot)} is the nearest neighbor function, used in \code{Zmixed.nonref.ct} only.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Zmixed.nonref} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Zmixed.nonref} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference of the off-diagonal entries, \eqn{N_{12}-N_{21}}
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Zmixed.nonref} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for mixed non-reflexivity corresponding to entry \eqn{(2,2)} in the RCT}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the mixed non-reflexivity value (i.e., diagonal entry \eqn{(2,2)} value)
#' in the RCT at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, i.e., the observed diagonal entry \eqn{(2,2)} in the RCT, \code{rfct}.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the mixed non-reflexivity value (i.e., expected value of the 
#' diagonal entry \eqn{(2,2)} which is \eqn{E(N_{22})=R P_{ab}}) in the RCT.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{rfct}, returned by \code{Zmixed.nonref.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Zmixed.nonref} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Zself.ref.ct}}, \code{\link{Zself.ref}}, \code{\link{Znnref.ct}} and
#' \code{\link{Znnref}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZmixed.nonref
#' @rdname funsZmixed.nonref
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' R<-Rval(W)
#' Tv<-Tval(W,R)
#' nvec<-as.numeric(table(cls))
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,cls)
#' Zmixed.nonref(Y,cls)
#' Zmixed.nonref.ct(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv)
#' Zmixed.nonref(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Zmixed.nonref(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' R<-Rval(W)
#' Tv<-Tval(W,R)
#' nvec<-as.numeric(table(cls))
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,cls)
#' Zmixed.nonref(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Zmixed.nonref.ct(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv)
#' Zmixed.nonref.ct(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv,alt="l")
#' @export
Zmixed.nonref.ct <- function(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  names(estimate) <-"number of mixed non-reflexive NN pairs"
  if (k<4) 
  R<-sum(rfct[1,]) #row sum for rfct
  if (is.na(ts))
  {stop('The test statistic is NaN, so, the mixed non-reflexivity test is not defined')}
  names(null.val)<- "(expected) number of mixed non-reflexive NN pairs"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  method <-"Z-test for Mixed Non-Reflexive NN Pattern"
  names(ts) <-"Mixed Non-Reflexivity Z-test"
  dname <-c("contingency table = ",deparse(substitute(rfct)))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZmixed.nonref
#' @export
Zmixed.nonref <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsXsq.nnref
#' @title Reflexivity Test with Chi-square Approximation
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Xsq.nnref.ct} and \code{Xsq.nnref}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"Chisqtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of equality of the expected values of the
#' diagonal cell counts (i.e., entries) under RL or CSR in the RCT for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' That is, each test performs an overall NN reflexivity test (for the vector of entries \eqn{(1,1)} and \eqn{(2,2)},
#' respectively, in the RCT) which is
#' appropriate (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution) for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each reflexivity test is based on the chi-squared approximation of the corresponding quadratic form
#' for the vector of diagonal entries 
#' in the RCT and are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:NNreflexivity2017;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is 2, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of the diagonal entries
#' and also the sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of the diagonal entries of RCT (as a vector).
#' The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that \eqn{E(N_{11},N_{22})=(R P_{aa},R P_{ab})} in the RCT, where \eqn{R} is the number of reflexive
#' NNs and \eqn{P_{aa}} is the probability of any two points selected are being from the same class
#' and \eqn{P_{ab}} is the probability of any two points selected are being from two different classes.
#' @param rfct An RCT, used in \code{Xsq.nnref.ct} only
#' @param nvec The \code{vector} of class sizes, used in \code{Xsq.nnref.ct} only
#' @param Qv The number of shared NNs, used in \code{Xsq.nnref.ct} only
#' @param Tv \eqn{T} value, which is the number of triplets \eqn{(z_i, z_j, z_k)} with 
#' \eqn{NN(z_i) = NN(z_j) = z_k} and \eqn{NN(z_k) = z_j} where \eqn{NN(\cdot)} is the nearest neighbor function, used in \code{Xsq.nnref.ct} only.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Xsq.nnref} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Xsq.nnref} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function, used in \code{Xsq.nnref} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The chi-squared test statistic for overall NN reflexivity test}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is 2 for this function.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, i.e., the observed diagonal entries \eqn{(1,1)} and \eqn{(2,2)}
#' in the RCT, \code{rfct}.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, they are identical for this function.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null values for the diagonal entries \eqn{(1,1)} and \eqn{(2,2)} in the RCT, 
#' which are \eqn{E(N_{11})=R P_{aa}} and \eqn{E(N_{22})=R P_{ab}}, respectively).}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{rfct}, returned by \code{Xsq.nnref.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Xsq.nnref} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnref.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnref}}, \code{\link{Zself.ref.ct}},
#' \code{\link{Zself.ref}}, \code{\link{Zmixed.nonref.ct}} and \code{\link{Zmixed.nonref}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsXsq.nnref
#' @rdname funsXsq.nnref
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' R<-Rval(W)
#' Tv<-Tval(W,R)
#' nvec<-as.numeric(table(cls))
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,cls)
#' Xsq.nnref(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.nnref.ct(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv)
#' Xsq.nnref(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' R<-Rval(W)
#' Tv<-Tval(W,R)
#' nvec<-as.numeric(table(cls))
#' rfct<-rct(ipd,cls)
#' Xsq.nnref(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.nnref.ct(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv)
#' @export
Xsq.nnref.ct <- function(rfct,nvec,Qv,Tv)
  if (k<4) 
  R<-sum(rfct[1,]) #row sum for rfct
  covar<- matrix(c(VNsr,CovNsrNmn,CovNsrNmn,VNmn),nrow=2,byrow="T")
  ts<- t(ref.vec-c(ENsr,ENmn)) %*% solve(covar) %*% (ref.vec-c(ENsr,ENmn))
  if (is.na(ts))
  {stop('The test statistic is NaN, so, the chi-squared test of NN self reflexivity is not defined')}
  pval<- 1-pchisq(ts,df=nu)
  method <-"chi-squared Test of NN Self-Reflexivity and Mixed Non-Reflexivity"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(rfct))
  names(estimate)<-names(null.val)<-c("self-reflexive","mixed non-reflexive")
  estimate.name <-c("diagonal entries of rct")
  rval <-list(
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name,
    null.value =null.val,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"Chisqtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsXsq.nnref
#' @export
Xsq.nnref <- function(dat,lab,...)
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funs.scct
#' @title Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{scct.ct} and \code{scct}.
#' Both functions return the \eqn{k \times 2} species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) 
#' but have different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' SCCT is constructed by categorizing the NN pairs according to pair type as self or mixed. 
#' A base-NN pair is called a self pair, if the elements of the pair are from the same class;
#' a mixed pair, if the elements of the pair are from different classes.
#' Row labels in the RCT are the class labels and the column labels are \code{"self"} and \code{"mixed"}.
#' The \eqn{k \times 2} SCCT (whose first column is self column with entries \eqn{S_i} and second column is mixed with entries \eqn{M_i})
#' is closely related to the \eqn{k \times k} nearest neighbor contingency table (NNCT) whose entries are \eqn{N_{ij}},
#' where \eqn{S_i=N_{ii}} and \eqn{M_i=n_i-N_{ii}} with \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i}.
#' The function \code{scct.ct} returns the SCCT given the inter-point distance (IPD) matrix or data set \code{x},
#' and the  function \code{scct} returns the SCCT given the IPD matrix. SCCT is a \eqn{k \times 2} matrix where \eqn{k} is 
#' number of classes in the data set.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018;textual}{nnspat} for more detail,
#' where SCCT is labeled as CCT for correspondence contingency table).
#' The argument \code{ties} is a logical argument (default=\code{FALSE} for both functions) to take ties into account or not.
#' If \code{TRUE} a NN contributes \eqn{1/m} to the NN count if it is one of the \eqn{m} tied NNs of a subject.
#' The argument nnct is a logical argument for \code{scct.ct} only (default=\code{FALSE}) to determine the structure of the
#' argument \code{x}. If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the IPD matrix.
#' The argument lab is the \code{vector} of class labels (default=\code{NULL} when \code{nnct=TRUE} in the function \code{scct.ct} and no default
#' specified for scct).
#' @param x The IPD matrix (if \code{nnct=FALSE}) or the NNCT (if \code{nnct=TRUE}), used in \code{scct.ct} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), default=\code{NULL} when \code{nnct=FALSE} in the function \code{scct.ct} and no default
#' specified for scct.
#' @param ties A logical argument (default=\code{FALSE}) to take ties into account or not. If \code{TRUE} a NN 
#' contributes \eqn{1/m} to the NN count if it is one of the \eqn{m} tied NNs of a subject.
#' @param nnct A logical parameter (default=\code{FALSE}). If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the IPD matrix, used in \code{scct.ct} only.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{scct} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function, used in \code{scct} only
#' @return Returns the \eqn{k \times 2} SCCT where \eqn{k} is the number of classes in the data set.
#' @seealso \code{\link{nnct}}, \code{\link{tct}}, \code{\link{rct}} and \code{\link{Qsym.ct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.scct
#' @rdname funs.scct
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' NNCT<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' scct(Y,cls)
#' scct(Y,cls,method="max")
#' scct.ct(ipd,cls)
#' scct.ct(ipd,cls,ties = TRUE)
#' scct.ct(NNCT,nnct=TRUE)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' scct.ct(ipd,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' NNCT<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' scct(Y,cls)
#' scct.ct(ipd,cls)
#' scct.ct(NNCT,nnct=TRUE)
#' @export
scct.ct <- function(x,lab=NULL,ties=FALSE,nnct=FALSE)
  if (nnct==FALSE)
    if (is.null(lab))
    {stop('lab must be provided as the list of class labels')}
    ord<-order(lab)#ordering the class label lab first 
    #(to be consistent with row and column labeling in the NNCT)
    flab<-as.factor(lab) #converting class labels to factors
    if (n<=1)
    { colnames(ct)<-c("self","mixed")
    nlab<-as.numeric(flab)  #converting class labels to numbers
    for(i in 1:n)
      ind <- NN(ipd,i);
      for (j in 1:lind)
        ifelse(nlab[i]==nlab[ind[j]],ct[nlab[i],1]<- ct[nlab[i],1]  + addend,ct[nlab[i],2]<- ct[nlab[i],2]  + addend)
    rownames(ct)<-clnames #row names for the SCCT
  } else
  { k<-nrow(x)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.scct
#' @export
scct <- function(dat,lab,ties=FALSE,...)
} #end for the function


# funs.varNii
#' @title Variances of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{varNii.ct} and \code{varNii}.
#' Both functions return a \code{vector} of length \eqn{k} of variances of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the variances of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT,
#' but have different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' These variances are valid under RL or conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' The argument \code{ct} which is used in \code{varNii.ct} only, can be either the NNCT or SCCT.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct The NNCT or SCCT, used in \code{varNii.ct} only
#' @param Q The number of shared NNs, used in \code{varNii.ct} only
#' @param R The number of reflexive NNs (i.e., twice the number of reflexive NN pairs), used in \code{varNii.ct} only
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{varNii} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{varNii} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function, used in \code{varNii} only
#' @return A \code{vector} of length \eqn{k} whose entries are the variances of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or of the diagonal entries in an NNCT.
#' @seealso \code{\link{scct}}, \code{\link{var.nnct}}, \code{\link{var.tct}}, \code{\link{var.nnsym}}
#' and \code{\link{covNii}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.varNii
#' @rdname funs.varNii
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varNii(Y,cls)
#' varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' varNii(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' varNii(Y,fcls)
#' varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varNii(Y,cls)
#' varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' @export
varNii.ct <- function(ct,Q,R) 
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  for (i in 1:k)
    Paa <- p11(rs[i],n); Paaa <- p111(rs[i],n); Paaaa <- p1111(rs[i],n)
    var<- c(var,(n+R)*Paa+(2*n-2*R+Q)*Paaa+(n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paaaa-(n*Paa)^2)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.varNii
#' @export
varNii <- function(dat,lab,...) 
} #end for the function


# funs.covNii
#' @title Covariance Matrix of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{covNii.ct} and \code{covNii}.
#' Both functions return the covariance matrix of the self entries (i.e., first column entries) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT)
#' but have different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' The covariance matrix is of dimension \eqn{k \times k} and its entries are \eqn{cov(S_i,S_j)} where \eqn{S_i} values are
#' the entries in the first column of SCCT (recall that \eqn{S_i} equals diagonal entry \eqn{N_{ii}} in the NNCT).
#' These covariances are valid under RL or conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' The argument \code{ct} which is used in \code{covNii.ct} only, can be either the NNCT or SCCT.
#' And the argument \code{Vsq} is the vector of variances of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in the NNCT or the self entries
#' (i.e., the first column) in the SCCT.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct The NNCT or SCCT, used in \code{covNii.ct} only
#' @param Vsq The \code{vector} of variances of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in the NNCT or the self entries
#' (i.e., the first column) in the SCCT, used in \code{covNii.ct} only
#' @param Q The number of shared NNs, used in \code{covNii.ct} only
#' @param R The number of reflexive NNs (i.e., twice the number of reflexive NN pairs), used in \code{covNii.ct} only
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{covNii} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{covNii} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function, used in \code{covNii} only
#' @return A \code{vector} of length \eqn{k} whose entries are the variances of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT).
#' @return The \eqn{k \times k} covariance matrix of cell counts \eqn{S_i} in the self (i.e., first) column of the SCCT
#' or of the diagonal cell counts \eqn{N_{ii}} for \eqn{i=1,\ldots,k} in the NNCT.
#' @seealso \code{\link{scct}}, \code{\link{cov.nnct}}, \code{\link{cov.tct}} and \code{\link{cov.nnsym}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.covNii
#' @rdname funs.covNii
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' vsq<-varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covNii(Y,cls)
#' covNii.ct(ct,vsq,Qv,Rv)
#' covNii(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' covNii(Y,fcls)
#' covNii.ct(ct,vsq,Qv,Rv)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' vsq<-varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covNii(Y,cls)
#' covNii.ct(ct,vsq,Qv,Rv)
#' @export
covNii.ct <- function(ct,Vsq,Q,R)
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  for (i in 1:m)
    for (j in i:m)
      if (i==j)
        cov.diag[i,j] <- Vsq[i]
    {Paa<- p11(rs[i],n); Pbb<- p11(rs[j],n); Paabb<- p1122(rs[i],rs[j],n)
    cov.diag[i,j] <- (n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paabb-n^2*Paa*Pbb
    cov.diag[j,i] <- cov.diag[i,j]
} #end for the function 
#' @rdname funs.covNii
#' @export
covNii <- function(dat,lab,...) 
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  for (i in 1:m)
    for (j in i:m)
      if (i==j)
        cov.diag[i,j] <- Vsq[i]
    {Paa<- p11(rs[i],n); Pbb<- p11(rs[j],n); Paabb<- p1122(rs[i],rs[j],n)
    cov.diag[i,j] <- (n^2-3*n-Q+R)*Paabb-n^2*Paa*Pbb
    cov.diag[j,i] <- cov.diag[i,j]
} #end for the function 


#' @title Expected Values of the Self Entries in a Species Correspondence Contingency Table (SCCT)
#' @description Returns a \code{vector} of length \eqn{k} of expected values of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the expected values of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT.
#' These expected values are valid under RL or CSR.
#' The argument \code{ct} can be either the NNCT or SCCT.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct The NNCT or SCCT
#' @return A \code{vector} of length \eqn{k} whose entries are the expected values of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or of the diagonal entries in an NNCT.
#' @seealso \code{\link{scct}} and \code{\link{EV.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' EV.Nii(ct)
#' ct<-scct(ipd,cls)
#' EV.Nii(ct)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' EV.Nii(ct)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' EV.Nii(ct)
#' ct<-scct(ipd,cls)
#' EV.Nii(ct)
#' @export
EV.Nii <- function(ct)
  EN<- vector();
  for (i in 1:k)
    EN<- c(EN,nvec[i]*(nvec[i]-1)/(n-1))  
} #end for the function


# funsZnnself
#' @title Self-Reflexivity Tests with Normal Approximation
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Znnself.ct} and \code{Znnself}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"cellhtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of equality of the expected values of the self entries (i.e., first column)
#' in a species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the expected values of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in
#' an NNCT to the ones under RL or CSR.
#' That is, each performs NN self reflexivity for each class test which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data.
#' NN self reflexivity is for each class can be viewed as a decomposition of species correspondence for
#' each class.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each test is based on the normal approximation of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT and
#' are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields a \code{vector} of length \eqn{k} of the test statistics, \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, null values (i.e., expected values), sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of self entries 
#' in the SCCT or diagonal entries in the NNCT, a \eqn{k \times 2} matrix of confidence intervals (where each row is the
#' confidence interval for self entry \eqn{S_i} in the SCCT or diagonal entry \eqn{N_{ii}} in the NNCT) and
#' also names of the test statistics, estimates, null values, the description of the test, and the data
#' set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{E[S_i] = E[N_{ii}] = n_i(n_i - 1)/(n - 1)} where \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i} and
#' \eqn{n} is the data size.
#' The \code{Znnself} functions (i.e., \code{Znnself.ct} and \code{Znnself}) are different from the \code{Znnref} functions 
#' (i.e., \code{\link{Znnref.ct}} and \code{\link{Znnref}}) and from \code{Zself.ref} functions (i.e., \code{\link{Zself.ref.ct}} and \code{\link{Zself.ref}}) and also from
#' \code{Znnself.sum} functions (i.e., \code{Znnself.sum.ct} and \code{Znnself.sum}).
#' \code{Znnself} functions are testing the self reflexivity at a class-specific level (i.e., for each class) using the
#' first column in the SCCT, while \code{Zself.ref} functions are for testing the self reflexivity for the entire data set
#' using entry \eqn{(1,1)} in RCT, and \code{Znnref} functions are for testing the self reflexivity and mixed non-reflexivity
#' using the diagonal entries in the RCT, and
#' \code{Znnself.sum} functions are testing the cumulative species correspondence using the sum of the self column (i.e.,
#' the first column) in the SCCT.
#' @param ct The NNCT or SCCT, used in \code{Znnself.ct} only 
#' @param VarNii The variance vector of differences of self entries in the SCCT or diagonal entries in the NNCT,
#' used in \code{Znnself.ct} only
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Znnself} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Znnself} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the self entries in the SCCT or diagonal entries in the NNCT
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Znnself} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{vector} (of length k) of \eqn{Z} test statistics for NN self reflexivity test}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{vector} of \eqn{p}-values for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{LCL,UCL}{Lower and Upper Confidence Levels, it is \code{NULL} here since we provide confidence intervals
#' as a \eqn{k \times 2} matrix.} 
#' \item{conf.int}{The \eqn{k \times 2} matrix of confidence intervals for the estimates, (where each row is the
#' confidence interval for self entry \eqn{S_i} in the SCCT or diagonal entry \eqn{N_{ii}} in the NNCT).}
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the confidence intervals (i.e., conf.level) for the self entries in the SCCT or
#' diagonal entries in the NNCT.}
#' \item{estimate}{The \code{vector} of estimates of the parameters, i.e., observed values of self entries 
#' in the SCCT or diagonal entries in the NNCT.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, both are same in this function.}
#' \item{null.value}{The \code{vector} of null values of the parameters, i.e., expected values of self entries 
#' in the SCCT or diagonal entries in the NNCT under RL or CSR.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Znnself.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Znnself} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Zself.ref.ct}}, \code{\link{Zself.ref}}, \code{\link{Znnref.ct}},
#' \code{\link{Znnref}}, \code{\link{Xsq.spec.cor}} and \code{\link{Xsq.spec.cor.ct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZnnself
#' @rdname funsZnnself
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' VarN.diag<-varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' Znnself(Y,cls)
#' Znnself(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Znnself.ct(ct,VarN.diag)
#' Znnself.ct(ct,VarN.diag,alt="g")
#' Znnself(Y,cls,method="max")
#' ct<-scct(ipd,cls)
#' Znnself.ct(ct,VarN.diag)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' Znnself(Y,fcls)
#' Znnself.ct(ct,VarN.diag)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' VarN.diag<-varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' Znnself(Y,cls,alt="l")
#' Znnself.ct(ct,VarN.diag)
#' Znnself.ct(ct,VarN.diag,alt="l")
#' @export
Znnself.ct <- function(ct,VarNii,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  estimate<-diag(ct) #diagonal vector of NNCT
  estimate.name <-"diagonal entries of NNCT (i.e., number of self NNs)"
  # rs<-row.sum(ct)
  names.null <-"diagonal entries of NNCT"
  if (all(is.na(ts)))
  {stop('Both test statistics are NaN, so, the self NN Z-tests are not defined')}
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 for (i in 1:k)
                 {cint[i,] <-estimate[i]+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr[i]}
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
               greater = { 
                 for (i in 1:k)
                 {cint[i,] <-estimate[i]+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr[i]}
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
               two.sided = { 
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 Cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 for (i in 1:k)
                 {cint[i,] <-estimate[i]+c(-Cint, Cint)*stderr[i]}
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  method  <- c("z-Tests for Diagonal NNCT Entries (for Self NN Pairs)")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  names(null.val)<-clnames #names for the diagonal NNC\eqn{T} values
  ts.names <-"Self NN Z-tests (for diagonal entries of NNCT)"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name, #this is for other functions to have a different description for the sample estimates
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"cellhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZnnself
#' @export
Znnself <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsXsq.spec.cor
#' @title Overall Species Correspondence Test with Chi-square Approximation
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Xsq.spec.cor.ct} and \code{Xsq.spec.cor}.
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of (simultaneous) equality of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the expected values of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT
#' to the ones under RL or CSR.
#' That is, each performs the overall species correspondence test which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each test is based on the Chi-square approximation of the corresponding quadratic form for the first column
#' in a species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT and
#' are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is \eqn{k}, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of the self entries (i.e., first column) in the SCCT
#' or the diagonal entries in the NNCT and also the sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of these entries.
#' The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all 
#' \eqn{E[S_1,S_2,\ldots,S_k] = E[N_{11},N_{22},\ldots,N_{kk}] = ((n_1(n_1 - 1)/(n - 1),(n_2(n_2 - 1)/(n - 1),\ldots,(n_k(n_k - 1)/(n - 1) )}
#' where \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i} and \eqn{n} is the data size.
#' @param ct The NNCT or SCCT, used in \code{Xsq.spec.cor.ct} only
#' @param covSC The covariance matrix for the self entries (i.e., first column) in the SCCT
#' or the diagonal entries in the NNCT, used in \code{Xsq.spec.cor.ct} only. Usually output of the functions 
#' \code{\link{covNii.ct}} or \code{\link{covNii}}.
#' @param nnct A logical parameter (default=\code{FALSE}). If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the IPD matrix, used in \code{Xsq.spec.cor.ct} only
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Xsq.spec.cor} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Xsq.spec.cor} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Xsq.spec.cor} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The chi-squared test statistic for overall species correspondence test}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k} for this function.}
#' \item{estimate}{The \code{vector} of estimates of the parameters, i.e., observed values of self entries 
#' in the SCCT or diagonal entries in the NNCT.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, they are identical for this function.}
#' \item{null.value}{The \code{vector} of null values of the parameters, i.e., expected values of self entries 
#' in the SCCT or diagonal entries in the NNCT under RL or CSR.}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Xsq.spec.cor.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Xsq.spec.cor} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Zself.ref.ct}}, \code{\link{Zself.ref}}, \code{\link{Xsq.nnref.ct}} and \code{\link{Xsq.nnref}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsXsq.spec.cor
#' @rdname funsXsq.spec.cor
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-scct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' vsq<-varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' cv<-covNii.ct(ct,vsq,Qv,Rv)
#' Xsq.spec.cor.ct(ct,cv)
#' Xsq.spec.cor(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.spec.cor(Y,cls,method="max")
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' Xsq.spec.cor.ct(ct,cv,nnct = TRUE)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-scct(ipd,fcls)
#' Xsq.spec.cor.ct(ct,cv)
#' Xsq.spec.cor(Y,fcls)
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' Xsq.spec.cor.ct(ct,cv,nnct=TRUE)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-scct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' vsq<-varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' cv<-covNii.ct(ct,vsq,Qv,Rv)
#' Xsq.spec.cor.ct(ct,cv)
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' Xsq.spec.cor.ct(ct,cv,nnct = TRUE)
#' Xsq.spec.cor(Y,cls)
#' @export
Xsq.spec.cor.ct <- function(ct,covSC,nnct=FALSE)
  if (nnct==FALSE)
    estimate.name <-c("self NN pairs (i.e., first column) in SCCT")
  } else
    estimate.name <-c("self NN pairs (i.e., diagonal entries) in NNCT")
  ts<- t(nsq-Ensq) %*% ginv(covSC,tol=1.490116e-20) %*% (nsq-Ensq)
  pval<- 1-pchisq(ts,df=nu)
  method <-"chi-squared Test of (Overall) Species Correspondence in NN Structure"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name,
    null.value =null.val,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"Chisqtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsXsq.spec.cor
#' @export
Xsq.spec.cor <- function(dat,lab,...)
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsZnnself.sum
#' @title Cumulative Species Correspondence Test with Normal Approximation
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Znnself.sum.ct} and \code{Znnself.sum}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"htest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of equality of the expected value of the sum of the self entries (i.e.
#' first column) in a species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the expected values of the sum of the 
#' diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT to the one under RL or CSR.
#' That is, each performs a cumulative species correspondence test which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each test is based on the normal approximation of the sum of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the sum of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT and
#' are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value for the
#' corresponding alternative, the confidence interval, sample estimate (i.e., observed value) and null (i.e., expected) value for the
#' sum of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the sum of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT, 
#' and method and name of the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all 
#' \eqn{E[S] = \sum_{i=1}^k n_i(n_i - 1)/(n - 1)} where \eqn{S} is the sum of the self column
#' in the SCCT, \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i} and \eqn{n} is the data size. 
#' The \code{Znnself.sum} functions (i.e., \code{Znnself.sum.ct} and \code{Znnself.sum}) are different from the Znnself
#' functions (i.e., \code{Znnself.ct} and \code{Znnself}), and from the \code{Znnref} functions 
#' (i.e., \code{\link{Znnref.ct}} and \code{\link{Znnref}}) and also from \code{Zself.ref} functions (i.e., \code{\link{Zself.ref.ct}} and \code{\link{Zself.ref}}).
#' \code{Znnself.sum} functions are testing the cumulative species correspondence using the sum of the self column (i.e.,
#' the first column) in the SCCT, while \code{Znnself} functions are testing the self reflexivity at a class-specific level (i.e., for each class) using the
#' first column in the SCCT, while \code{Zself.ref} functions are for testing the self reflexivity for the entire data set
#' using entry \eqn{(1,1)} in RCT, and \code{Znnref} functions are for testing the self reflexivity and mixed non-reflexivity
#' using the diagonal entries in the RCT.
#' @param ct The NNCT or SCCT, used in \code{Znnself.sum.ct} only 
#' @param covSC The covariance matrix for the self entries (i.e., first column) in the SCCT
#' or the diagonal entries in the NNCT, used in \code{Znnself.sum.ct} only. Usually output of the functions 
#' \code{\link{covNii.ct}} or \code{\link{covNii}}.
#' @param nnct A logical parameter (default=\code{FALSE}). If \code{TRUE}, \code{x} is taken to be the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, 
#' and if \code{FALSE}, \code{x} is taken to be the IPD matrix, used in \code{Znnself.sum.ct} only
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Znnself.sum} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Znnself.sum} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the self entries in the SCCT or diagonal entries in the NNCT
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Znnself.sum} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for the overall species correspondence test}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the sum of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the sum of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, i.e., the observed sum of the self entries (i.e., first column)
#' in a species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the sum of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the sum of the self entries (i.e., first column) in a
#' species correspondence contingency table (SCCT) or the sum of the diagonal entries \eqn{N_{ii}} in an NNCT
#' which is \eqn{E[S] = \sum_{i=1}^k n_i(n_i - 1)/(n - 1)} where \eqn{S} is the sum of the self column
#' in the SCCT, \eqn{n_i} is the size of class \eqn{i} and \eqn{n} is the data size.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Znnself.sum.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Znnself.sum} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Znnself.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnself}}, \code{\link{Znnref.ct}}, \code{\link{Znnref}},
#' \code{\link{Zself.ref.ct}} and \code{\link{Zself.ref}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZnnself.sum
#' @rdname funsZnnself.sum
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-scct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' vsq<-varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' cv<-covNii.ct(ct,vsq,Qv,Rv)
#' Znnself.sum(Y,cls)
#' Znnself.sum.ct(ct,cv)
#' Znnself.sum.ct(ct,cv,alt="g")
#' Znnself.sum(Y,cls,method="max")
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' Znnself.sum.ct(ct,cv,nnct = TRUE)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' ct<-scct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' vsq<-varNii.ct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' cv<-covNii.ct(ct,vsq,Qv,Rv)
#' Znnself.sum(Y,cls)
#' Znnself.sum.ct(ct,cv)
#' Znnself.sum.ct(ct,cv,alt="g")
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' Znnself.sum.ct(ct,cv,nnct = TRUE)
#' Znnself.sum(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' @export
Znnself.sum.ct <- function(ct,covSC,nnct=FALSE,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  ifelse(nnct==FALSE, nsq<-ct[,1], nsq<-diag(ct))
  ifelse(nnct==FALSE, names(estimate) <-"sum of self NN pairs (i.e., sum of first column in SCCT)",
         names(estimate) <-"sum of self NN pairs (i.e., diagonal entries in NNCT)")
  if (is.na(ts))
  {stop('The test statistic is NaN, so, the Z-test for sum of self NN pairs is not defined')}
  names(null.val)<- "(expected) sum of self NN pairs"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  method <-"Z-test for Sum of Self NN Pairs"
  names(ts) <-"Cumulative Species-Correspondence Z-test"
  dname <-c("contingency table = ",deparse(substitute(ct)))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZnnself.sum
#' @export
Znnself.sum <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  rval<- Znnself.sum.ct(ct,cv,alternative=alternative,conf.level=conf.level) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funs.seg.coeff
#' @title Pielou's Segregation Coefficients for NNCTs
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Pseg.coeff} and \code{seg.coeff}.
#' Each function computes segregation coefficients based on NNCTs.
#'The function \code{Pseg.coeff} computes Pielou's segregation coefficient (\insertCite{pielou:1961;textual}{nnspat})
#' for the two-class case (i.e., based on \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCTs)
#' and \code{seg.coeff} is the extension of \code{Pseg.coeff} to the multi-class case (i.e., for \eqn{k \times k} NNCTs with \eqn{k \ge 2})
#' and provides a \eqn{k \times k} matrix of segregation coefficients
#' (\insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat}).
#' Both functions use the same argument, \code{ct}, for NNCT.
#' Pielou's segregation coefficient (for two classes) is \eqn{S_P = 1-(N_{12} + N_{21})/(E[N_{12}] + E[N_{21}])}
#' and the extended segregation coefficents (for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes) are 
#' \eqn{S_c = 1 -(N_{ii})/(E[N_{ii}])} for the diagonal cells in the NNCT
#' and
#' \eqn{S_c = 1 -(N_{ij} + N_{ji})/(E[N_{ij}] + E[N_{ji}])} for the off-diagonal cells in the NNCT.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in both functions
#' @return
#' \code{Pseg.coeff} returns Pielou's segregation coefficient for \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT
#' \code{seg.coeff} returns a \eqn{k \times k} matrix of segregation coefficients (which are extended versions
#' of Pielou's segregation coefficient)
#' @seealso \code{\link{seg.ind}}, \code{\link{Zseg.coeff.ct}} and \code{\link{Zseg.coeff}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.seg.coeff
#' @rdname funs.seg.coeff
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #Examples for Pseg.coeff
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' Pseg.coeff(ct)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' Pseg.coeff(ct)
#' #############
#' ct<-matrix(sample(1:25,9),ncol=3)
#' #Pseg.coeff(ct)
#' @export
Pseg.coeff <- function(ct)
  kr<-nrow(ct); kc<-ncol(ct);
  if (kr!=2 || kc!=2)
  {stop('number of classes must be 2 for this function')}
  rs <- row.sum(ct)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.seg.coeff
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #Examples for seg.coeff
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' seg.coeff(ct)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' seg.coeff(ct)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' seg.coeff(ct)
#' @export
seg.coeff <- function(ct)
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  if (n<=1)
  {stop('sample size, n, must be >=2 for the coefficient of segregation to be defined')}
  Scf<- matrix(0,k,k); 
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in i:k)
      if (i == j)
        Scf[i,i]<- 1-(n-1)*ct[i,i]/(rs[i]*(rs[i]-1)) 
        Scf[i,j]<- 1-(n-1)*(ct[i,j]+ct[j,i])/(2*rs[i]*(rs[j])) 
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(Scf)<-colnames(Scf)<-clnames #row and column names for the segregation coefficient matrix
} #end for the function


#' @title Variance of Pielou's Segregation Coefficient for 2 Classes
#' @description Returns the variance of Pielou's coefficient of segregation for the two-class case
#' (i.e., based on \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCTs)in a \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT. 
#' This variance is valid under RL or conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat}) for more detail.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT
#' @return The variance of Pielou's coefficient of segregation for the two-class case.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Pseg.coeff}}, \code{\link{seg.coeff}} and \code{\link{var.seg.coeff}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' varPseg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' varPseg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' #############
#' ct<-matrix(sample(1:25,9),ncol=3)
#' #varPseg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' @export
varPseg.coeff <- function(ct,covN) 
  kr<-nrow(ct); kc<-ncol(ct);
  if (kr!=2 || kc!=2)
  {stop('number of classes must be 2 for this function')}
  rs <- row.sum(ct); 
  Var.SP<- ((n-1)/(2*rs[1]*rs[2]))^2*(covN[2,2]+covN[3,3]+2*covN[2,3])
} #end for the function


#' @title Index Matrix for Computing the Covariance of Segregation Coefficients
#' @description Returns the index matrix for choosing the entries in the covariance matrix for NNCT 
#' used for computing the covariance for the extension of Pielou's segregation coefficient to the multi-class
#' case. The matrix is \eqn{k(k+1)/2 \times 2} with each row is the \eqn{i,j} 
#' corresponding to \eqn{N_{ij}} in the NNCT.
#' @param k An integer specifying the number of classes in the data set
#' @return The \eqn{k(k+1)/2 \times 2} index matrix with each row is the \eqn{i,j} 
#' corresponding to \eqn{N_{ij}} in the NNCT
#' @seealso \code{\link{cov.seg.coeff}}, \code{\link{seg.coeff}} and \code{\link{ind.nnsym}} 
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
ind.seg.coeff <- function(k)
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in i:k)
  ind.mat1<-matrix(ind1,ncol=2,byrow=T) #indices for the \code{T} vector
} #end for the function


#' @title Variances of Segregation Coefficients in a Multi-class Case
#' @description Returns the variances of segregation coefficients in a multi-class case based on the NNCT, \code{ct} 
#' in a \code{vector} of length \eqn{k(k+1)/2}, the order of the variances are as in the order of rows output of 
#' \code{\link{ind.seg.coeff}(k)}. These variances are valid under RL or conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat}).
#' The argument \code{covN} is the covariance matrix of \eqn{N_{ij}} (concatenated rowwise).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT
#' @return A \code{vector} of length \eqn{k(k+1)/2}, whose entries are the variances of segregation coefficients for the
#' entry \eqn{i,j} in the NNCT, where the order of the variances are as in the order of rows output of 
#' \code{\link{ind.seg.coeff}(k)}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{seg.coeff}}, \code{\link{cov.seg.coeff}}, \code{\link{var.nnsym}}
#' and \code{\link{var.nnct}} and 
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' var.seg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' varPseg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' var.seg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' var.seg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' @export
var.seg.coeff <- function(ct,covN)
  for (i in 1:kl)
    rc1<-ind.mat1[i,] #row and column indices for the \code{T} vector
    ri1<-which(ent2[,1]==r1 & ent2[,2]==c1) #row indices for the N vector
    ri2<-which(ent2[,1]==c1 & ent2[,2]==r1)
    varT<-c(varT, (covN[ri1,ri1]+covN[ri1,ri2]+covN[ri2,ri1]+covN[ri2,ri2])/((2*EN[r1,c1])^2))
} #end for the function


#' @title Covariance Matrix of Segregation Coefficients in a Multi-class Case
#' @description Returns the covariance matrix of the segregation coefficients in a multi-class case based on
#' the NNCT, \code{ct}. The covariance matrix is of dimension \eqn{k(k+1)/2 \times k(k+1)/2} and its entry \eqn{i,j} correspond to the
#' entries in the rows \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} of the output of \code{\link{ind.seg.coeff}(k)}. 
#' The segregation coefficients in the multi-class case are the extension of Pielou's segregation coefficient
#' for the two-class case.
#' These covariances are valid under RL or conditional on \eqn{Q} and \eqn{R} under CSR.
#' The argument \code{covN} is the covariance matrix of \eqn{N_{ij}} (concatenated rowwise).
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT
#' @return The \eqn{k(k+1)/2} x \eqn{k(k+1)/2} covariance matrix of the segregation coefficients for the multi-class case
#' based on the NNCT, \code{ct} 
#' @seealso \code{\link{seg.coeff}}, \code{\link{var.seg.coeff}}, \code{\link{cov.nnct}}
#' and \code{\link{cov.nnsym}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.seg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' cov.seg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' cov.seg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' @export
cov.seg.coeff <- function(ct,covN)
  for (i in 1:kl)
    rc1<-ind.mat1[i,] #row and column indices for the \code{T} vector
    ri1<-which(ent2[,1]==r1 & ent2[,2]==c1) #row indices for the N vector
    ri2<-which(ent2[,1]==c1 & ent2[,2]==r1)
    for (j in i:kl)
      ci1<-which(ent2[,1]==r1n & ent2[,2]==c1n) #column indices for the N vector
      ci2<-which(ent2[,1]==c1n & ent2[,2]==r1n) 
} #end for the function


# funsZseg.coeff
#' @title Z Tests for Segregation Coefficients
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Zseg.coeff.ct} and \code{Zseg.coeff}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"cellhtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' segregation coefficients from their expected values under RL or CSR for each segregation coefficient
#' in the NNCT.
#' The test for each cell \eqn{i,j} is based on the normal approximation of the corresponding segregation coefficient.
#' That is, each performs the segregation coefficient tests which are appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data.
#' The segregation coefficients in the multi-class case are the extension of Pielou's segregation coefficient
#' for the two-class case.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each function yields a contingency table of the test statistics, \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, lower and upper confidence levels, sample estimates (i.e., observed values) and null value
#' (i.e., expected value, which is 0) for the segregation coefficients
#' and also names of the test statistics, estimates, null value, the description of the test, and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis for each cell \eqn{i,j} is that the corresponding segregation coefficient equal to the expected value
#' (which is 0) under RL or CSR.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{Zseg.coeff.ct} only 
#' @param VarSC The variance matrix for the segregation coefficients in the NNCT, \code{ct}; used in \code{Zseg.coeff.ct} only 
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Zseg.coeff} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Zseg.coeff} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, for the segregation 
#' coefficients
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Zseg.coeff} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{matrix} of test statistics for the segregation coefficients}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{p}-values for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{LCL,UCL}{Matrix of lower and upper confidence levels for the segregation coefficients at the given
#' confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for segregation coefficients, it is \code{NULL} here since we provide the upper 
#' and lower confidence limits as \eqn{k \times k} matrices.} 
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the upper and lower confidence limits of the segregation coefficients,
#' provided in \code{conf.level}.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, i.e., matrix of the observed segregation coefficients}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, both are same in this function}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null values for the parameters, i.e., expected values of the segregation 
#' coefficients, which are all 0 under RL or CSR.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null value}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Zseg.coeff.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Zseg.coeff} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{seg.coeff}} and \code{\link{Zseg.ind}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZseg.coeff
#' @rdname funsZseg.coeff
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' varT<-var.seg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' Zseg.coeff(Y,cls)
#' Zseg.coeff.ct(ct,varT)
#' Zseg.coeff(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Zseg.coeff(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Zseg.coeff.ct(ct,varT,alt="g")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' Zseg.coeff.ct(ct,varT)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' varT<-var.seg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' Zseg.coeff(Y,cls)
#' Zseg.coeff.ct(ct,varT)
#' Zseg.coeff(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Zseg.coeff.ct(ct,varT,alt="g")
#' @export
Zseg.coeff.ct <- function(ct,VarSC,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  estimate.name <-c("segregation coefficients for pairs of classes")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(estimate)<-colnames(estimate)<-clnames #row and column names for the difference matrix
  names.null <-"segregation coefficients"
  for (i in 1:kl)
    rc1<-ind.mat1[i,] #row and column indices for the \code{T} vector
    r1<-rc1[1]; c1<-rc1[2]
    Tvec<-c(Tvec,scf[r1,c1]) #entry in ct corresponding to index i of T
  ZT<- Tvec/sqrt(VarSC)
  if (all(is.na(ZT)))
  {stop('The test statistics are all NaN, so, the segregation coefficient tests are not defined')}
  TS<-stderr0<- matrix(0,k,k);
  stderr0[lower.tri(stderr0, diag=TRUE)] <- sqrt(VarSC)
  stderr0 <- t(stderr0)
  TS[lower.tri(TS, diag=TRUE)] <- ZT
  tstat <- t(TS)
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 lcl <-NULL
                 ucl <-estimate+qnorm(conf.level)*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 ucl <-NULL
                 lcl <-estimate-qnorm(conf.level)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 crit.val <-qnorm(1-alpha/2)
                 lcl <-estimate-crit.val*stderr
                 ucl <-estimate+crit.val*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  method  <- c("Z-Tests for Segregation Coefficients between Pairs of Classes")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(ts)<-colnames(ts)<-clnames #row and column names for the test stat matrix
  if (!is.null(lcl)) {rownames(lcl)<-colnames(lcl)<-clnames}
  if (!is.null(ucl)) {rownames(ucl)<-colnames(ucl)<-clnames}
  ts.names <-"z-tests for segregation coefficients"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    LCL = lcl,UCL = ucl,
    conf.int = NULL,
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name,
    null.value = nullij,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"cellhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZseg.coeff
#' @export
Zseg.coeff <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  rval<- Zseg.coeff.ct(ct,varT,alternative=alternative,conf.level=conf.level) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsXsq.seg.coeff
#' @title Chi-square Test for Segregation Coefficients
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Xsq.seg.coeff.ct} and \code{Xsq.seg.coeff}.
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of (simultaneous) equality of the segregation coefficients in an NNCT
#' to the ones under RL or CSR.
#' That is, each performs the combined Chi-square test for segregation coefficients which is appropriate 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each test is based on the Chi-square approximation of the corresponding quadratic form for the segregation
#' coefficients in an NNCT.
#' The segregation coefficients in the multi-class case are the extension of Pielou's segregation coefficient
#' for the two-class case.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is \eqn{k(k+1)/2-1}, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of the segregation coefficients in the NNCT
#' (which are 0 for this function) and also the sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of the segregation
#' coefficients. The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis for all cells \eqn{(i,j)} is that the corresponding segregation coefficients are all 
#' equal to the expected value (which is 0) under RL or CSR.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{Xsq.seg.coeff.ct} only 
#' @param covSC The covariance matrix for the segregation coefficients in the NNCT, used in \code{Xsq.seg.coeff.ct} only.
#' Usually output of the function \code{\link{cov.seg.coeff}}
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Xsq.seg.coeff} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Xsq.seg.coeff} only
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Xsq.seg.coeff} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The chi-squared test statistic for the combined segregation coefficients}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{k(k+1)/2-1} for this function.}
#' \item{estimate}{The \code{vector} of estimates of the parameters, i.e., observed values of segregation coefficients 
#' in the NNCT.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, they are identical for this function.}
#' \item{null.value}{The null value of the parameters, i.e., expected values of segregation coefficients
#' in the NNCT under RL or CSR (which is 0).}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Xsq.seg.coeff.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Xsq.seg.coeff} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{seg.coeff}}, \code{\link{Zseg.coeff.ct}} and \code{\link{Zseg.coeff}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsXsq.seg.coeff
#' @rdname funsXsq.seg.coeff
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' covSC<-cov.seg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' Xsq.seg.coeff(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.seg.coeff.ct(ct,covSC)
#' Xsq.seg.coeff(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' Xsq.seg.coeff.ct(ct,covSC)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' covSC<-cov.seg.coeff(ct,covN)
#' Xsq.seg.coeff(Y,cls)
#' Xsq.seg.coeff.ct(ct,covSC)
#' @export
Xsq.seg.coeff.ct <- function(ct,covSC)
  for (i in 1:kl)
    rc1<-ind.mat1[i,] #row and column indices for the \code{T} vector
    r1<-rc1[1]; c1<-rc1[2]
    Tvec<-c(Tvec,scf[r1,c1]) #entry in ct corresponding to index i of T
  ts<- t(Tvec) %*% ginv(covSC,tol=1.490116e-20) %*% (Tvec)
  pval<- 1-pchisq(ts,df=nu)
  method <-"Combined Test for Segregation Coefficients"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  estimate.name <-c("segregation coefficients for pairs of classes")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(estimate)<-colnames(estimate)<-clnames #row and column names for the difference matrix
  rval <-list(
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name,
    null.value = 0,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"Chisqtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsXsq.seg.coeff
#' @export
Xsq.seg.coeff <- function(dat,lab,...)
  covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv) #default is byrow
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funs.cell.spec.ss
#' @title Pielou's Cell-specific Segregation Test with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling)
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{cell.spec.ss.ct} and \code{cell.spec.ss}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"cellhtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of equality of the expected values of the 
#' cell counts (i.e., entries) in the NNCT for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' Each test is appropriate (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' when that data is obtained by sparse sampling.
#' Each cell-specific segregation test is based on the normal approximation of the entries
#' in the NNCT and are due to \insertCite{pielou:1961;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields a contingency table of the test statistics, \eqn{p}-values for the corresponding 
#' alternative, expected values, lower and upper confidence levels, sample estimates (i.e., observed values)
#' and null value(s) (i.e., expected values) for the \eqn{N_{ij}} values for \eqn{i,j=1,2,\ldots,k} and also names of the test
#' statistics, estimates, null values, the description of the test, and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{E(N_{ij})=n_i c_j /n} where \eqn{n_i} is the sum of row \eqn{i} (i.e., size of class \eqn{i})
#' \eqn{c_j} is the sum of column \eqn{j} in the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT for \eqn{k \ge 2}.
#' In the output, the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and the lower and upper confidence limits are valid only 
#' for (properly) sparsely sampled data.
#' See also
#' (\insertCite{pielou:1961,ceyhan:eest-2010;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{cell.spec.ss.ct} only 
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{cell.spec.ss} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{cell.spec.ss} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the entries, \eqn{N_{ij}} in the NNCT
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{cell.spec.ss} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{Z} test statistics for cell-specific tests}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistics}
#' \item{p.value}{The \code{matrix} of \eqn{p}-values for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{LCL,UCL}{Matrix of lower and upper confidence levels for the entries \eqn{N_{ij}} in the NNCT 
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{conf.int}{The confidence interval for the estimates, it is \code{NULL} here, since we provide the \code{UCL} and \code{LCL}
#' in \code{matrix} form.}
#' \item{cnf.lvl}{Level of the upper and lower confidence limits (i.e., conf.level) of the NNCT entries.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, i.e., matrix of the NNCT entries of the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT, Nij
#' for i,j=1,2,\ldots,k.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, former is a shorter description of the estimates
#' than the latter.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the expected values of the NNCT entries, 
#' E(Nij) for i,j=1,2,\ldots,k.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{cell.spec.ss.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{cell.spec.ss} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{cell.spec.ct}} and \code{\link{cell.spec}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funs.cell.spec.ss
#' @rdname funs.cell.spec.ss
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' cell.spec.ss(Y,cls)
#' cell.spec.ss.ct(ct)
#' cell.spec.ss.ct(ct,alt="g")
#' cell.spec.ss(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' cell.spec.ss(Y,fcls)
#' cell.spec.ss.ct(ct)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' cell.spec.ss(Y,cls,alt="l")
#' cell.spec.ss.ct(ct)
#' cell.spec.ss.ct(ct,alt="l")
#' @export
cell.spec.ss.ct <- function(ct,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95) 
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  estimate.name <-c("NNCT entries")
  rs <- row.sum(ct); cs <- col.sum(ct)
  ts<- stderrN<- Exp<- matrix(0,k,k);
  for (i in 1:k)
    for (j in 1:k)
    { stderrN[i,j]<-sqrt(ct[i,j]*(n-ct[i,j])/n)
    ts[i,j] <- (ct[i,j]-Exp[i,j])/stderrN[i,j]
  if (all(is.na(ts)))
  {stop('All of the test stat statistics are NaN, these cell-specific tests are not well defined')}
  names.null <-"NNCT entries"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 lcl <-NULL
                 ucl <-estimate+qnorm(conf.level)*stderrN
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 ucl <-NULL
                 lcl <-estimate-qnorm(conf.level)*stderrN
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 crit.val <-qnorm(1-alpha/2)
                 lcl <-estimate-crit.val*stderrN
                 ucl <-estimate+crit.val*stderrN
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  method  <- c("NNCT Cell-Specific Tests (for Sparse Sampling)")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the NNCT, \code{ct} 
  rownames(ts)<-colnames(ts)<-clnames #row and column names for the segregation indices test stat matrix
  if (!is.null(lcl)) {rownames(lcl)<-colnames(lcl)<-clnames}
  if (!is.null(ucl)) {rownames(ucl)<-colnames(ucl)<-clnames}
  ts.names <-"(NNCT) cell-specific segregation test statistics (for sparse sampling)"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    LCL = lcl,UCL = ucl,
    conf.int = NULL,
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name, #this is for other functions to have a different description for the sample estimates
    null.value = nullNij,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"cellhtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funs.cell.spec.ss
#' @export
cell.spec.ss <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsPseg.ss
#' @title Pielou's Overall Test of Segregation for NNCT (for Sparse Sampling)
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Pseg.ss.ct} and \code{Pseg.ss}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"Chisqtest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of deviations of 
#' cell counts from the expected values under independence for all cells (i.e., entries) combined in the NNCT.
#' That is, each test is Pielou's overall test of segregation based on NNCTs for \eqn{k \ge 2} classes.
#' This overall test is based on the chi-squared approximation,
#' is equivalent to Pearson's chi-squared test on NNCT and
#' is due to \insertCite{pielou:1961;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Each test is appropriate (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' when that data is obtained by sparse sampling.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value and \code{df} which is \eqn{(k-1)^2}, description of the 
#' alternative with the corresponding null values (i.e., expected values) of NNCT entries,
#' sample estimates (i.e., observed values) of the entries in NNCT.
#' The functions also provide names of the test statistics, the description of the test and the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that \eqn{E(N_{ij})=n_i c_j /n} for all entries in the NNCT
#' where \eqn{n_i} is the sum of row \eqn{i} (i.e., size of class \eqn{i}), \eqn{c_j} is the sum of column \eqn{j} in the \eqn{k \times k} NNCT for \eqn{k \ge 2}.
#' In the output, the test statistic and the \eqn{p}-value are valid only 
#' for (properly) sparsely sampled data.
#' See also (\insertCite{pielou:1961,ceyhan:eest-2010;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param ct A nearest neighbor contingency table, used in \code{Pseg.ss.ct} only 
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Pseg.ss} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Pseg.ss} only
#' @param yates A logical parameter (default=\code{TRUE}). If \code{TRUE}, Yates continuity correction is applied,
#' and if \code{FALSE} the continuity correction is not applied. 
#' Equivalent to the \code{correct} argument in the base function \code{\link[stats]{chisq.test}}
#' @param sim A logical parameter (default=\code{FALSE}). If \code{TRUE}, \eqn{p}-values are computed by Monte Carlo simulation
#' and if \code{FALSE} the \eqn{p}-value is based on the chi-squared approximation.
#' Equivalent to the \code{simulate.p.value} argument in the base function \code{\link[stats]{chisq.test}}
#' @param Nsim A positive integer specifying the number of replicates used in the Monte Carlo test.
#' Equivalent to the \code{B} argument in the base function \code{\link[stats]{chisq.test}}
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function. 
#' used in \code{Pseg.ss} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The overall chi-squared statistic}
#' \item{stat.names}{Name of the test statistic}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is (k-1)^2 for this function. 
#' Yields \code{NA} if \code{sim=TRUE} and \code{NSim} is provided.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates of the parameters, NNCT, i.e., matrix of the observed \eqn{N_{ij}} values
#' which is the NNCT.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, they are identical for this function.}
#' \item{null.value}{Matrix of hypothesized null values for the parameters which are expected values of the
#' the \eqn{N_{ij}} values in the NNCT.}
#' \item{null.name}{Name of the null values}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Pseg.ss.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Pseg.ss} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{overall.nnct.ct}}, \code{\link{overall.nnct}}, \code{\link{overall.seg.ct}},
#' \code{\link{overall.seg}} and \code{\link[stats]{chisq.test}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsPseg.ss
#' @rdname funsPseg.ss
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' Pseg.ss(Y,cls)
#' Pseg.ss.ct(ct)
#' Pseg.ss.ct(ct,yates=FALSE)
#' Pseg.ss.ct(ct,yates=FALSE,sim=TRUE)
#' Pseg.ss.ct(ct,yates=FALSE,sim=TRUE,Nsim=10000)
#' Pseg.ss(Y,cls,method="max")
#' Pseg.ss(Y,cls,yates=FALSE,sim=TRUE,Nsim=10000,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' Pseg.ss(Y,fcls)
#' Pseg.ss.ct(ct)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' Pseg.ss(Y,cls)
#' Pseg.ss.ct(ct,yates=FALSE)
#' Pseg.ss(Y,cls, sim = TRUE, Nsim = 2000)
#' Pseg.ss.ct(ct,yates=FALSE) 
#' @export
Pseg.ss.ct <- function(ct,yates=TRUE,sim = FALSE, Nsim = 2000)
  ifelse(yates==TRUE,method <-"Pielou's Test of Segregation with Yates correction (for Sparse Sampling)",
         method <-"Pielou's Test of Segregation without Yates correction (for Sparse Sampling)")
  dname <-TS$data.name
  estimate.name <-c("NNCT entries")
  clnames<-rownames(ct) #row and column names for the nnct, ct
  rownames(estimate)<-colnames(estimate)<-clnames #row and column names for the difference matrix
  rval <-list(
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name,
    null.value = EN,
    method = method,
    ct.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"Chisqtest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsPseg.ss
#' @export
Pseg.ss <- function(dat,lab,yates=TRUE,sim = FALSE, Nsim = 2000,...)
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsZdir.nnct.ss
#' @title Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation (for Sparse Sampling)
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Zdir.nnct.ss.ct} and \code{Zdir.nnct.ss}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"htest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of independence in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT which implies \eqn{Z_P=0}
#' or equivalently \eqn{N_{11}/n_1=N_{21}/n_2}.
#' \eqn{Z_P=(N_{11}/n_1-N_{21}/n_2)\sqrt{n_1 n_2 n/(C_1 C_2)}} 
#' where \eqn{N_{ij}} is the cell count in entry \eqn{i,j}, \eqn{n_i} is the sum of row \eqn{i} (i.e., size of class \eqn{i}),
#' \eqn{c_j} is the sum of column \eqn{j} in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT;
#' \eqn{N_{11}/n_1} and \eqn{N_{21}/n_2} are also referred to as the phat estimates in row-wise binomial framework
#' for \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT (see \insertCite{ceyhan:jnps-NNCT-2010;textual}{nnspat}).
#' That is, each performs directional (i.e., one-sided) tests based on the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT and is appropriate
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' when that data is obtained by sparse sampling.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:jnps-NNCT-2010;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' Each test is based on the normal approximation of \eqn{Z_P} which is the directional \eqn{Z}-tests for the chi-squared
#' tests of independence for the contingency tables \insertCite{bickel:1977}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value for the
#' corresponding alternative, the confidence interval, sample estimate (i.e., observed value) and
#' null (i.e., expected) value for the difference in the phat values (which is 0 for this test) in an NNCT, 
#' and method and name of the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that \eqn{E[Z_P] = 0} or equivalently \eqn{N_{11}/n_1 = N_{21}/n_2}.
#' @param ct The NNCT, used in \code{Zdir.nnct.ss.ct} only 
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Zdir.nnct.ss} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Zdir.nnct.ss} only
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference in phat values in the NNCT
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Zdir.nnct.ss} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for the directional (i.e., one-sided) test of segregation based on
#' the NNCT}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the difference in phat values in the NNCT
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, i.e., the observed difference in phat values in the NNCT.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the difference in phat values in the NNCT
#' which is 0 for this function.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Zdir.nnct.ss.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Zdir.nnct.ss} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Zdir.nnct.ct}}, \code{\link{Zdir.nnct}}, \code{\link{Pseg.ss.ct}} and \code{\link{Pseg.ss}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZdir.nnct.ss
#' @rdname funsZdir.nnct.ss
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' Zdir.nnct.ss(Y,cls)
#' Zdir.nnct.ss.ct(ct)
#' Zdir.nnct.ss(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Zdir.nnct.ss(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' Zdir.nnct.ss(Y,fcls)
#' Zdir.nnct.ss.ct(ct)
#' #############
#' ct<-matrix(1:4,ncol=2)
#' Zdir.nnct.ss.ct(ct) #gives an error message if ct<-matrix(1:9,ncol=3)
#' @export
Zdir.nnct.ss.ct <- function(ct,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95)
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  kr<-nrow(ct); kc<-ncol(ct);
  if (kr!=2 || kc!=2)
  {stop('number of classes must be 2 for this function')}
  rs <- row.sum(ct); cs <- col.sum(ct)
  stderr <-sqrt((cs[1]*cs[2])/(rs[1]*rs[2]*n))
  names(ts) <-"directional Z-test statistic for 2 x 2 NNCT"
  names(estimate) <-c("difference between phat estimates")
  method  <- c("Directional Z-Test for 2 x 2 NNCT (for Sparse Sampling)")
  names(null.val) <-"(expected) difference between phat estimates in row-wise binomial framework for 2 x 2 NNCT"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  dname <-c("contingency table = ",deparse(substitute(ct)))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZdir.nnct.ss
#' @export
Zdir.nnct.ss <- function(dat,lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...)
  rval<-  Zdir.nnct.ss.ct(ct,alternative=alternative,conf.level=conf.level) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


# funsZdir.nnct
#' @title Directional Segregation Test for Two Classes with Normal Approximation
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{Zdir.nnct.ct} and \code{Zdir.nnct}.
#' Both functions are objects of class \code{"htest"} but with different arguments (see the parameter list below).
#' Each one performs hypothesis tests of equality of the expected value of the the difference between the
#' phat estimates in a \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT to the one under RL or CSR (which is \eqn{-1/(n-1)}) where
#' phat estimates are \eqn{N_{11}/n_1} and \eqn{N_{21}/n_2}.
#' That is, each performs directional (i.e., one-sided) tests based on the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT 
#' (i.e., have the appropriate asymptotic sampling distribution)
#' for completely mapped data.
#' (See \insertCite{ceyhan:jnps-NNCT-2010;textual}{nnspat} for more detail).
#' The one-sided (or directional) test has two types, specified with the type argument, with default
#' \code{type="II"}. The second type is 
#' \eqn{Z_{II}=(T_n-E T_n)/\sqrt{Var(T_n)}} where \eqn{T_n=N_{11}/n_1 - N_{21}/n_2}
#' (which is the difference between
#' phat values) and the first type is \eqn{Z_I=U_n T_n} where \eqn{U_n=\sqrt{n_1 n_2/(C_1 C_2)}}.
#' Each test is based on the normal approximation of the \eqn{Z_I} and \eqn{Z_{II}} based on the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT and
#' are due to \insertCite{ceyhan:jnps-NNCT-2010}{nnspat}.
#' Each function yields the test statistic, \eqn{p}-value for the
#' corresponding alternative, the confidence interval, sample estimate (i.e., observed value) and null
#' (i.e., expected) value for the difference in phat values which is \eqn{-1/(n-1)} for this function 
#' and method and name of the data set used.
#' The null hypothesis is that all \eqn{E[Z_{II}] = 0} and \eqn{E[Z_I]} converges to 0 as class sizes go to infinity (or
#' \eqn{T_n} has mean equal to \eqn{-1/(n-1)} where \eqn{n} is the data size. 
#' @param ct The NNCT, used in \code{Zdir.nnct.ct} only 
#' @param covN The \eqn{k^2 \times k^2} covariance matrix of row-wise vectorized entries of NNCT
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point,
#' used in \code{Zdir.nnct} only
#' @param lab The \code{vector} of class labels (numerical or categorical), used in \code{Zdir.nnct} only
#' @param type The type of the directional (i.e., one-sided) test with default=\code{"II"}.
#' Takes on values \code{"I"} and \code{"II"} for types I and II directional tests (see the description above).
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the difference in phat estimates in the NNCT
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' used in \code{Zdir.nnct} only
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for the directional (i.e., one-sided) test of segregation based on
#' the NNCT}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the difference in phat values in an NNCT
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, i.e., the observed difference in phat values in an NNCT.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the difference in phat values in an NNCT
#' which is \eqn{-1/(n-1)} for this function.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{ct.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}, returned by \code{Zdir.nnct.ct} only}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}, returned by \code{Zdir.nnct} only}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Zdir.nnct.ss.ct}}, \code{\link{Zdir.nnct.ss}}, \code{\link{overall.nnct.ct}}
#' and \code{\link{overall.nnct}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZdir.nnct
#' @rdname funsZdir.nnct
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' W<-Wmat(ipd)
#' Qv<-Qvec(W)$q
#' Rv<-Rval(W)
#' varN<-var.nnct(ct,Qv,Rv)
#' covN<-cov.nnct(ct,varN,Qv,Rv)
#' Zdir.nnct(Y,cls)
#' Zdir.nnct.ct(ct,covN)
#' Zdir.nnct(Y,cls,alt="g")
#' Zdir.nnct.ct(ct,covN,type="I",alt="l")
#' Zdir.nnct(Y,cls,method="max")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,fcls)
#' Zdir.nnct(Y,fcls)
#' Zdir.nnct.ct(ct,covN)
#' #############
#' ct<-matrix(1:4,ncol=2) 
#' Zdir.nnct.ct(ct,covN) #gives an error message if ct is defined as ct<-matrix(1:9,ncol=3)
#' @export
Zdir.nnct.ct <- function(ct,covN,type="II",alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95)
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  kr<-nrow(ct); kc<-ncol(ct);
  if (kr!=2 || kc!=2)
  {stop('number of classes must be 2 for this function')}
  rs <- row.sum(ct); cs <- col.sum(ct); n<-sum(rs)
  stderr <-sqrt(VarTn)
  estimate<-ct[1,1]/rs[1]-ct[2,1]/rs[2] #Tn value
  if (is.na(ts))
  {stop('The test statistic is NaN, so, the directional Z-test is not defined')}
  names(ts) <-paste("Type ",type," directional Z-test statistic for 2 x 2 NNCT",sep="")
  names(estimate) <-c("difference between phat estimates")
  method <-paste("Type ",type," Directional Z-Test for 2 x 2 NNCT",sep="")
  null.val<- -1/(n-1) #ETn value
  names(null.val) <-"(expected) difference between phat estimates under RL for 2 x 2 NNCT"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 ifelse(type=="I",cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr/Un,
                        cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr)
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 ifelse(type=="I",cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr/Un,
                        cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr)
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 ifelse(type=="I",cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr/Un,cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr)
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZdir.nnct
#' @export
Zdir.nnct <- function(dat,lab,type="II",alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,...)
  rval<-  Zdir.nnct.ct(ct,covN,type=type,alternative=alternative,conf.level=conf.level) 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
} #end for the function


#' @title Generation of Points Associated in the Type I Sense with a Given Set of Points
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Generates \code{n_2} 2D points associated with the given set of points (i.e., reference points) \eqn{X_1} in the
#' type I fashion with circular (or radial) between class attraction parameter \code{p}, which is a probability value between 0 and 1.
#' The generated points are intended to be from a different class, say class 2 (or \eqn{X_2} points) than the reference
#' (i.e., \eqn{X_1} points, say class 1 points, denoted as \code{X1} as an argument of the function). 
#' To generate \eqn{n_2} (denoted as \code{n2} as an argument of the function) \eqn{X_2} points, \eqn{n_2} of \eqn{X_1} points are randomly selected (possibly with replacement) and
#' for a selected \code{X1} point, say \eqn{x_{1ref}}, a \eqn{Uniform(0,1)} number, \eqn{U}, is generated.
#' If \eqn{U \le p}, a new point from the class 2, say \eqn{x_{2new}}, is generated within a
#' circle with radius equal to the distance to the closest \eqn{X_1} point (uniform in the polar coordinates),
#' else the new point is generated uniformly
#' within the smallest bounding box containing \eqn{X_1} points.
#' That is, if \eqn{U \le p}, \eqn{x_{2new} = x_{1ref}+r_u c(\cos(t_u),\sin(t_u))}
#' where \eqn{r_u \sim U(0,rad)} and \eqn{t_u \sim U(0, 2\pi)} with \eqn{rad=\min(d(x_{1ref},X_1\setminus \{x_{1ref}\}))},
#' else \eqn{x_{2new} \sim rect(X_1)} where \eqn{rect(X_1)} is the smallest bounding box containing \eqn{X_1} points.
#' Note that, the level of association increases as \code{p} increases, and the association vanishes
#' when \code{p} approaches to 0.
#' Type I association is closely related to Type C association in
#' \insertCite{ceyhan:serra-2014;textual}{nnspat}, see the function \code{\link{rassocC}}
#' and also other association types.
#' In the type C association pattern
#' the new point from the class 2, \eqn{x_{2new}}, is generated (uniform in the polar coordinates) within a circle
#' centered at \eqn{x_{1ref}} with radius equal to \eqn{r_0},
#' in type U association pattern \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated similarly except it is uniform in the circle.
#' In type G association, \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated from the bivariate normal distribution centered at \eqn{x_{1ref}} with covariance
#' \eqn{\sigma I_2} where \eqn{I_2} is \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix. 
#' @param X1 A set of 2D points representing the reference points, also referred as class 1 points.
#' The generated points are associated in a type I sense (in a circular/radial fashion) with these points.
#' @param n2 A positive integer representing the number of class 2 (i.e., \eqn{X_2}) points to be generated.
#' @param p A real number between 0 and 1 representing the attraction probability of class 2 points associated
#' with a randomly selected class 1 point (see the description below).  
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements 
#' \item{pat.type}{equals \code{"ref.gen"} for the bivariate pattern of association of class 2 (i.e., \eqn{X_2}) points with the reference
#' points (i.e., \eqn{X_1}), indicates reference points are required to be entered as an argument in the function}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{Radial (i.e., circular) between class attraction parameter controlling the level of association}
#' \item{gen.points}{The output set of generated points (i.e., class 2 points) associated with reference (i.e.
#' \eqn{X_1} points)}
#' \item{ref.points}{The input set of reference points \eqn{X_1}, i.e., points with which generated class 2
#' points are associated.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{lab}{The class labels of the generated points, it is \code{NULL} for this function, since only class 2
#' points are generated in this pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of generated class 2 points and
#' the number of reference (i.e., \eqn{X_1}) points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and
#' the reference points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rassocC}}, \code{\link{rassocG}}, \code{\link{rassocU}}, and \code{\link{rassoc}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n1<-20; n2<-1000;  #try also n1<-10; n2<-1000;
#' p<- .75 #try also .25, .5, .9, runif(1)
#' #with default bounding box (i.e., unit square)
#' X1<-cbind(runif(n1),runif(n1))  #try also X1<-1+cbind(runif(n1),runif(n1))
#' Xdat<-rassocI(X1,n2,p)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rassocI <- function(X1,n2,p)
  for (i in 1:n2)
  rmax<- min(ipdx1[ind,]) #this is equivalent to case with r0=rmax for Type C association in SERRA article
  if ( U <= p )
  { X2[i,]<-c(runif(1,rx[1],rx[2]),runif(1,ry[1],ry[2])) }
  pname <-deparse(substitute(p))
  names(param)<-"attraction probability"
  typ<-paste("Type I Association of ",n2, " Class 2 points with ", n1," Class 1 points with circular (or radial) between class attraction parameter = ",p,sep="")
  txt<-"Type I Association with the Reference Points"
  main.txt<-paste("Type I Association of Two Classes \n with Attraction Parameter p = ",rparam,sep="")
    pat.type="ref.gen", #ref.gen for bivariate pattern of association of X2 wrt reference points X1
    gen.points=X2, #generated points associated with Y points
    ref.points=X1, #attraction points, i.e., points to which generated points are associated
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Generation of Points Associated in the Type C Sense with a Given Set of Points
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Generates \code{n_2} 2D points associated with the given set of points (i.e., reference points) \eqn{X_1} in the
#' type C fashion with a radius of association \eqn{r_0} (denoted as \code{r0} as
#' an argument of the function) which is a positive real number.
#' The generated points are intended to be from a different class, say class 2 (or \eqn{X_2} points) than the reference
#' (i.e., \eqn{X_1} points, say class 1 points, denoted as \code{X1} as an argument of the function), say class 1 points). 
#' To generate \eqn{n_2} \eqn{X_2} points, \eqn{n_2} of \eqn{X_1} points are randomly selected (possibly with replacement) and
#' for a selected \code{X1} point, say \eqn{x_{1ref}},
#' a new point from the class 2, say \eqn{x_{2new}}, is generated within a
#' circle with radius equal to \eqn{r_0} (uniform in the polar coordinates).
#' That is, \eqn{x_{2new} = x_{1ref}+r_u c(\cos(t_u),\sin(t_u))}
#' where \eqn{r_u \sim U(0,r_0)} and \eqn{t_u \sim U(0, 2\pi)}.
#' Note that, the level of association increases as \eqn{r_0} decreases, and the association vanishes when \eqn{r_0} is 
#' sufficiently large.
#' For type C association, it is recommended to take \eqn{r_0 \le 0.25} times length of the shorter
#' edge of a rectangular study region, or take \eqn{r_0 = 1/(k \sqrt{\hat \rho})} with the appropriate choice of \eqn{k} 
#' to get an association pattern more robust to differences in relative abundances
#' (i.e., the choice of \eqn{k} implies \eqn{r_0 \le 0.25} times length of the shorter edge to have alternative patterns more 
#' robust to differences in sample sizes).
#' Here \eqn{\hat \rho} is the 
#' estimated intensity of points in the study region (i.e., # of points divided by the area of the region). 
#' Type C association is closely related to Type U association, see the function \code{\link{rassocC}}
#' and the other association types.
#' In the type U association pattern
#' the new point from the class 2, \eqn{x_{2new}}, is generated uniformly within a circle
#' centered at \eqn{x_{1ref}} with radius equal to \eqn{r_0}.
#' In type G association, \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated from the bivariate normal distribution centered at \eqn{x_{1ref}} with covariance
#' \eqn{\sigma I_2} where \eqn{I_2} is \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix. 
#' In type I association, first a \eqn{Uniform(0,1)} number, \eqn{U}, is generated.
#' If \eqn{U \le p}, \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated (uniform in the polar coordinates) within a
#' circle with radius equal to the distance to the closest \eqn{X_1} point,
#' else it is generated uniformly within the smallest bounding box containing \eqn{X_1} points.
#' See \insertCite{ceyhan:serra-2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail.
#' @param X1 A set of 2D points representing the reference points, also referred as class 1 points.
#' The generated points are associated in a type C sense (in a circular/radial fashion) with these points.
#' @param n2 A positive integer representing the number of class 2 points to be generated.
#' @param r0 A positive real number representing the radius of association of class 2 points associated with a
#' randomly selected class 1 point (see the description below). 
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{=\code{"ref.gen"} for the bivariate pattern of association of class 2 points with the reference points
#' (i.e., \eqn{X_1}), indicates reference points are required to be entered as an argument in the function}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{Radius of association controlling the level of association}
#' \item{gen.points}{The output set of generated points (i.e., class 2 points) associated with reference (i.e.
#' \eqn{X_1} points)}
#' \item{ref.points}{The input set of reference points \eqn{X_1}, i.e., points with which generated class 2 points
#' are associated.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of generated class 2 points and
#' the number of reference (i.e., \eqn{X_1}) points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and the reference points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rassocI}}, \code{\link{rassocG}}, \code{\link{rassocU}}, and \code{\link{rassoc}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n1<-20; n2<-1000;  #try also n1<-10; n2<-1000;
#' r0<-.15 #try also .10 and .20, runif(1)
#' #with default bounding box (i.e., unit square)
#' X1<-cbind(runif(n1),runif(n1))  #try also X1<-1+cbind(runif(n1),runif(n1))
#' Xdat<-rassocC(X1,n2,r0)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #radius adjusted with the expected NN distance
#' x<-range(X1[,1]); y<-range(X1[,2])
#' ar<-(y[2]-y[1])*(x[2]-x[1]) #area of the smallest rectangular window containing X1 points
#' rho<-n1/ar
#' r0<-1/(2*sqrt(rho)) #r0=1/(2rho) where \code{rho} is the intensity of X1 points
#' Xdat<-rassocC(X1,n2,r0)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rassocC <- function(X1,n2,r0)
  for (i in 1:n2)
  pname <-deparse(substitute(r0))
  names(param)<-"radius of association"
  typ<-paste("Type C Association of ",n2, " Class 2 points with ", n1," Class 1 points with radius = ",r0,sep="")
  txt<-"Type C Association with the Reference Points"
  main.txt<-paste("Type C Association of Two Classes \n with radius = ",round(r0,2),sep="")
    pat.type="ref.gen", #ref.gen for bivariate pattern of association of X2 wrt reference points X1
    gen.points=X2, #generated points associated with Y points
    ref.points=X1, #attraction points, i.e., points to which generated points are associated
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Generation of Points Associated in the Type U Sense with a Given Set of Points
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Generates \code{n_2} 2D points associated with the given set of points (i.e., reference points) \eqn{X_1} in the
#' type U fashion with a radius of association \eqn{r_0} (denoted as \code{r0} as an argument of the function) which is a positive real number.
#' The generated points are intended to be from a different class, say class 2 (or \eqn{X_2} points) than the reference
#' (i.e., \eqn{X_1} points, say class 1 points, denoted as \code{X1} as an argument of the function), say class 1 points). 
#' To generate \eqn{n_2} (denoted as \code{n2} as an argument of the function)\eqn{X_2} points, \eqn{n_2} of \eqn{X_1} points are randomly selected (possibly with replacement) and
#' for a selected \code{X1} point, say \eqn{x_{1ref}},
#' a new point from the class 2, say \eqn{x_{2new}}, is generated uniformly within a
#' circle with radius equal to \eqn{r_0}.
#' That is, \eqn{x_{2new} = x_{1ref}+r_u c(\cos(t_u),\sin(t_u))}
#' where\eqn{r_u=sqrt(U)*r_0} with \eqn{U \sim U(0,1)} and \eqn{t_u \sim U(0, 2\pi)}.
#' Note that, the level of association increases as \eqn{r_0} decreases, and the association vanishes when \eqn{r_0} is 
#' sufficiently large.
#' For type U association, it is recommended to take \eqn{r_0 \le 0.10} times length of the shorter
#' edge of a rectangular study region, or take \eqn{r_0 = 1/(k \sqrt{\hat \rho})} with the appropriate choice of \eqn{k} 
#' to get an association pattern more robust to differences in relative abundances
#' (i.e., the choice of \eqn{k} implies \eqn{r_0 \le 0.10} times length of the shorter edge to have alternative patterns more 
#' robust to differences in sample sizes).
#' Here \eqn{\hat \rho} is the 
#' estimated intensity of points in the study region (i.e., # of points divided by the area of the region). 
#' Type U association is closely related to Type C association, see the function \code{\link{rassocC}}
#' and the other association types.
#' In the type C association pattern
#' the new point from the class 2, \eqn{x_{2new}}, is generated (uniform in the polar coordinates) within a circle
#' centered at \eqn{x_{1ref}} with radius equal to \eqn{r_0}.
#' In type G association, \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated from the bivariate normal distribution centered at \eqn{x_{1ref}} with covariance
#' \eqn{\sigma I_2} where \eqn{I_2} is \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix.
#' In type I association, first a \eqn{Uniform(0,1)} number, \eqn{U}, is generated.
#' If \eqn{U \le p}, \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated (uniform in the polar coordinates) within a
#' circle with radius equal to the distance to the closest \eqn{X_1} point,
#' else it is generated uniformly within the smallest bounding box containing \eqn{X_1} points.  
#' See \insertCite{ceyhan:serra-2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail.
#' @param X1 A set of 2D points representing the reference points, also referred as class 1 points.
#' The generated points are associated in a type U sense (in a circular/radial fashion) with these points.
#' @param n2 A positive integer representing the number of class 2 points to be generated.
#' @param r0 A positive real number representing the radius of association of class 2 points associated with a
#' randomly selected class 1 point (see the description below).
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{=\code{"ref.gen"} for the bivariate pattern of association of class 2 points with the reference points
#' (i.e., \eqn{X_1}), indicates reference points are required to be entered as an argument in the function}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{Radius of association controlling the level of association}
#' \item{gen.points}{The output set of generated points (i.e., class 2 points) associated with reference (i.e.
#' \eqn{X_1} points)}
#' \item{ref.points}{The input set of reference points \eqn{X_1}, i.e., points with which generated class 2 points
#' are associated.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of generated class 2 points and
#' the number of reference (i.e., \eqn{X_1}) points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and the reference points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rassocI}}, \code{\link{rassocG}}, \code{\link{rassocC}}, and \code{\link{rassoc}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n1<-20; n2<-1000;  #try also n1<-10; n2<-1000;
#' r0<-.15 #try also .10 and .20
#' #with default bounding box (i.e., unit square)
#' X1<-cbind(runif(n1),runif(n1))  #try also X1<-1+cbind(runif(n1),runif(n1))
#' Xdat<-rassocU(X1,n2,r0)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #radius adjusted with the expected NN distance
#' x<-range(X1[,1]); y<-range(X1[,2])
#' ar<-(y[2]-y[1])*(x[2]-x[1]) #area of the smallest rectangular window containing X1 points
#' rho<-n1/ar
#' r0<-1/(2*sqrt(rho)) #r0=1/(2rho) where \code{rho} is the intensity of X1 points
#' Xdat<-rassocU(X1,n2,r0)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rassocU <- function(X1,n2,r0)
  for (i in 1:n2)
  pname <-deparse(substitute(r0))
  names(param)<-"radius of association"
  typ<-paste("Type U Association of ",n2, " Class 2 points with ", n1," Class 1 points with radius = ",r0,sep="")
  txt<-"Type U Association with the Reference Points"
  main.txt<-paste("Type U Association of Two Classes \n with radius = ",round(r0,2),sep="")
    pat.type="ref.gen", #ref.gen for bivariate pattern of association of X2 wrt reference points X1
    gen.points=X2, #generated points associated with Y points
    ref.points=X1, #attraction points, i.e., points to which generated points are associated
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Generation of Points Associated in the Type G Sense with a Given Set of Points
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Generates \code{n_2} 2D points associated with the given set of points (i.e., reference points) \eqn{X_1} in the
#' type G fashion with the parameter sigma which is a positive real number representing the variance of the
#' Gaussian marginals.
#' The generated points are intended to be from a different class, say class 2 (or \eqn{X_2} points) than the reference
#' (i.e., \eqn{X_1} points, say class 1 points, denoted as \code{X1} as an argument of the function), say class 1 points). 
#' To generate \eqn{n_2} (denoted as \code{n2} as an argument of the function)\eqn{X_2} points, \eqn{n_2} of \eqn{X_1} points are randomly selected (possibly with replacement) and
#' for a selected \code{X1} point, say \eqn{x_{1ref}},
#' a new point from the class 2, say \eqn{x_{2new}}, is generated from a bivariate normal distribution centered at \eqn{x_{1ref}}
#' where the covariance matrix of the bivariate normal is a diagonal matrix with sigma in the diagonals.
#' That is, \eqn{x_{2new} = x_{1ref}+V} where \eqn{V \sim BVN((0,0),\sigma I_2)} with \eqn{I_2} being the \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix.
#' Note that, the level of association increases as \code{sigma} decreases, and the association vanishes when \code{sigma} 
#' goes to infinity.
#' For type G association, it is recommended to take \eqn{\sigma \le 0.10}  times length of the shorter
#' edge of a rectangular study region, or take \eqn{r_0 = 1/(k \sqrt{\hat \rho})} with the appropriate choice of \eqn{k} 
#' to get an association pattern more robust to differences in relative abundances
#' (i.e., the choice of \eqn{k} implies \eqn{\sigma \le 0.10} times length of the shorter edge to have alternative patterns more 
#' robust to differences in sample sizes).
#' Here \eqn{\hat \rho} is the 
#' estimated intensity of points in the study region (i.e., # of points divided by the area of the region). 
#' Type G association is closely related to Types C and U association,
#' see the functions \code{\link{rassocC}} and \code{\link{rassocU}} and
#' the other association types.
#' In the type C association pattern
#' the new point from the class 2, \eqn{x_{2new}}, is generated (uniform in the polar coordinates) within a circle
#' centered at \eqn{x_{1ref}} with radius equal to \eqn{r_0},
#' in type U association pattern \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated similarly except it is uniform in the circle.
#' In type I association, first a \eqn{Uniform(0,1)} number, \eqn{U}, is generated.
#' If \eqn{U \le p}, \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated (uniform in the polar coordinates) within a
#' circle with radius equal to the distance to the closest \eqn{X_1} point,
#' else it is generated uniformly within the smallest bounding box containing \eqn{X_1} points.
#' See \insertCite{ceyhan:serra-2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail.
#' @param X1 A set of 2D points representing the reference points, also referred as class 1 points.
#' The generated points are associated in a type G sense with these points.
#' @param n2 A positive integer representing the number of class 2 points to be generated.
#' @param sigma A positive real number representing the variance of the Gaussian marginals, where
#' the bivariate normal distribution has covariance \code{BVN((0,0),sigma*I_2)} with \eqn{I_2} being the \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{=\code{"ref.gen"} for the bivariate pattern of association of class 2 points with the reference points
#' (i.e., \eqn{X_1}), indicates reference points are required to be entered as an argument in the function}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{The variance of the Gaussian marginals controlling the level of association, where
#' the bivariate normal distribution has covariance \eqn{\sigma I_2} with \eqn{I_2} being the \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix.}
#' \item{gen.points}{The output set of generated points (i.e., class 2 points) associated with reference (i.e.
#' \eqn{X_1} points)}
#' \item{ref.points}{The input set of reference points \eqn{X_1}, i.e., points with which generated class 2 points
#' are associated.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of generated class 2 points and
#' the number of reference (i.e., \eqn{X_1}) points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and the reference points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rassocI}}, \code{\link{rassocG}}, \code{\link{rassocC}}, and \code{\link{rassoc}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n1<-20; n2<-1000;  #try also n1<-10; n2<-1000;
#' stdev<-.05  #try also .075 and .15
#' #with default bounding box (i.e., unit square)
#' X1<-cbind(runif(n1),runif(n1))   #try also X1<-1+cbind(runif(n1),runif(n1))
#' Xdat<-rassocG(X1,n2,stdev)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #sigma adjusted with the expected NN distance
#' x<-range(X1[,1]); y<-range(X1[,2])
#' ar<-(y[2]-y[1])*(x[2]-x[1]) #area of the smallest rectangular window containing X1 points
#' rho<-n1/ar
#' stdev<-1/(4*sqrt(rho)) #r0=1/(2rho) where \code{rho} is the intensity of X1 points
#' Xdat<-rassocG(X1,n2,stdev)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rassocG <- function(X1,n2,sigma)
  for (i in 1:n2)
    x<-rnorm(1, mean = 0, sd = sigma)
    y<-rnorm(1, mean = 0, sd = sigma)
  pname <-deparse(substitute(sigma))
  names(param)<-"standard deviation"
  typ<-paste("Type G Association of ",n2, " Class 2 points with ", n1," Class 1 points with standard deviation = ",sigma,sep="")
  txt<-"Type G Association with the Reference Points"
  main.txt<-paste("Type G Association of Two Classes \n with Standard Deviation = ",round(sigma,2),sep="")
    pat.type="ref.gen", #ref.gen for bivariate pattern of association of X2 wrt reference points X1
    gen.points=X2, #generated points associated with Y points
    ref.points=X1, #attraction points, i.e., points to which generated points are associated
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Generation of Points Associated with a Given Set of Points
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Generates \code{n_2} 2D points associated with the given set of points (i.e., reference points) \eqn{X_1} in the
#' \code{type=type} fashion with the parameter=asc.par which specifies the level of association.
#' The generated points are intended to be from a different class, say class 2 (or \eqn{X_2} points) 
#' than the reference (i.e., \eqn{X_1} points, say class 1 points, denoted as \code{X1} as an argument 
#' of the function), say class 1 points). 
#' To generate \eqn{n_2} (denoted as \code{n2} as an argument of the function)\eqn{X_2} points, 
#' \eqn{n_2} of \eqn{X_1} points are randomly selected (possibly with replacement) and
#' for a selected \code{X1} point, say \eqn{x_{1ref}},
#' a new point from the class 2, say \eqn{x_{2new}}, is generated from a distribution specified
#' by the type argument.
#' In type I association, i.e., if \code{type="I"}, first a \eqn{Uniform(0,1)} number, \eqn{U}, is generated.
#' If \eqn{U \le p}, \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated (uniform in the polar coordinates) within a
#' circle with radius equal to the distance to the closest \eqn{X_1} point,
#' else it is generated uniformly within the smallest bounding box containing \eqn{X_1} points.
#' In the type C association pattern
#' the new point from the class 2, \eqn{x_{2new}}, is generated (uniform in the polar coordinates) within a circle
#' centered at \eqn{x_{1ref}} with radius equal to \eqn{r_0},
#' in type U association pattern \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated similarly except it is uniform in the circle.
#' In type G association, \eqn{x_{2new}} is generated from the bivariate normal distribution centered at \eqn{x_{1ref}} with covariance
#' \eqn{\sigma I_2} where \eqn{I_2} is \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix.
#' See \insertCite{ceyhan:serra-2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail.
#' @param X1 A set of 2D points representing the reference points, also referred as class 1 points.
#' The generated points are associated in a type=type sense with these points.
#' @param n2 A positive integer representing the number of class 2 points to be generated.
#' @param asc.par A positive real number representing the association parameter. For \code{type="I"},
#' it is attraction probability, \code{p}, of class 2 points associated with a randomly selected class 1 point; 
#' for \code{type="C"} or \code{"U"}, it is the radius of association, \code{r0}, of class 2 points associated with a
#' randomly selected class 1 point;
#' for \code{type="G"}, it is the variance of the Gaussian marginals, where
#' the bivariate normal distribution has covariance \eqn{\sigma I_2} with \eqn{I_2} being the \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix.
#' @param type The type of the association pattern. Takes on values \code{"I"}, \code{"C"}, \code{"U"} and \code{"G"} 
#' for types I, C, U and G association patterns (see the description above).
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{=\code{"ref.gen"} for the bivariate pattern of association of class 2 points with the reference points
#' (i.e., \eqn{X_1}), indicates reference points are required to be entered as an argument in the function}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{The \code{asc.par} value specifying the level of association}
#' \item{ref.points}{The input set of reference points \eqn{X_1}, i.e., points with which generated class 2 points
#' are associated.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of generated class 2 points and
#' the number of reference (i.e., \eqn{X_1}) points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and the reference points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rassocI}}, \code{\link{rassocC}}, \code{\link{rassocU}}, and \code{\link{rassocG}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n1<-20; n2<-1000;  #try also n1<-10; n2<-1000;
#' #with default bounding box (i.e., unit square)
#' X1<-cbind(runif(n1),runif(n1))
#' Xdat<-rassoc(X1,n2,asc.par=.05,type="G") #try other types as well
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #with type U association
#' Xdat<-rassoc(X1,n2,asc.par=.1,type="U")
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #with type C association
#' Xdat<-rassoc(X1,n2,asc.par=.1,type=2) #2 is for "C"
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rassoc <- function(X1,n2,asc.par,type)
  res<- switch(type,
               I = { res <- rassocI(X1,n2,asc.par) },
               C = { res <- rassocC(X1,n2,asc.par) },
               U = { res <- rassocU(X1,n2,asc.par) },
               G = { res <- rassocG(X1,n2,asc.par)  }
  if (is.null(res)) stop("Enter numbers 1-4 or I, C, U, G in quotes for type")
} #end for the function


#' @title Type I Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Given the set of \eqn{n} points, \code{dat}, in a region, this function assigns \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)} of them as cases,
#' and the rest as controls with first selecting a point, \eqn{Z_i}, as a case and assigning the
#' label case to the remaining points with infection probabilities 
#' \code{prob=c(prop+((1-prop)*rho)/(1:k))} where \code{rho} is a
#' parameter adjusting the NN dependence of infection probabilities.
#' The number of cases will be \eqn{n_1} on the average if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}
#' (i.e., \eqn{n_1=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*prop,0))}), otherwise \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)}.
#' We stop when we first exceed \eqn{n_1} cases. \code{rho} must be between \code{-prop/(1-prop)} and 1 for the infection
#' probabilities to be valid.
#' The \code{init.from.cases} is a logical argument (with default=\code{TRUE}) to determine the initial cases are from the
#' cases or controls (the first initial case is always from controls), so, if \code{TRUE}, initial cases (other than
#' the first initial case) are selected randomly among the cases (as if they are contagious), otherwise,
#' they are selected from controls as new cases infecting their \code{k}NNs.
#' otherwise first entry is chosen as the case (or case is recorded as the first entry) in the data set, \code{dat}.  
#' Algorithmically, first all dat points are treated as non-cases (i.e., controls or healthy subjects).
#' Then the function follows the following steps for labeling of the points:  
#' step 0: \eqn{n_1} is generated randomly from a Poisson distribution with \code{mean = n*prop}, so that the 
#' average number of cases is \code{n*prop}. 
#' step 0: \eqn{n_1} is generated randomly from a Poisson distribution with \code{mean = round(n*prop,0)}, so that the 
#' average number of cases will be \code{round(n*prop,0)}
#' if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}, else \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)}.
#' step 1: Initially, one point from dat is selected randomly as a case. In the first round this point is selected
#' from the controls, and the subsequent rounds, it is selected from cases if the argument \code{init.from.cases=TRUE},
#' and from controls otherwise. Then it assigns the label case to the \code{k}NNs among controls of the initial case
#' selected in step 1 with infection probabilities \code{prob=c(prop+((1-prop)*rho)/(1:k))}, see the description for the details
#' of the parameters in the \code{prob}.
#' step 2: Then this initial case and cases among its \code{k}NNs (possibly all \eqn{k+1} points) in step 2 are removed from
#' the data, and for the remaining control points step 1 is applied where initial point is from cases or control
#' based on the argument init.from.cases.
#' step 3: The procedure ends when number of cases \eqn{n_c} exceeds \eqn{n_1}, and \eqn{n_c-n_1} of the cases (other than the
#' initial cases) are randomly selected and relabeled as controls, i.e., 0s,
#' so that the number of cases is exactly \eqn{n_1}.
#' In the output cases are labeled as 1 and controls as 0.
#' Note that the infection probabilities of the \code{k}NNs of each initial case increase
#' with increasing rho, and infection probability decreases for increasing k in the \code{k}NNs. 
#' See \insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail where type I non-RL pattern is the 
#' case 1 of non-RL pattern considered in Section 6 with \eqn{n_1} is
#' fixed as a parameter rather than being generated from a Poisson distribution and \code{init=FALSE}.
#' Although the non-RL pattern is described for the case-control setting, it can be adapted for any two-class
#' setting when it is appropriate to treat one of the classes as cases or one of the classes behave like cases
#' and other class as controls.
#' @param dat A set of points the non-RL procedure is applied to obtain cases and controls randomly in the 
#' type I fashion (see the description).
#' @param prop A real number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) representing the proportion of new cases (on the average)
#' infected by the initial cases, i.e., number of newly infected cases (in addition to the initial cases) is
#' Poisson with \code{mean=round(n*prop)} where \eqn{n} is the number of points in \code{dat}, if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE},
#' else it is \code{round(n*prop)}.
#' @param k An integer representing the number of NNs considered for each initial case, i.e., \code{k}NNs of each
#' initial case are candidates to be infected to become cases.
#' @param rho A parameter for labeling the \code{k}NNs of each initial case as cases such that \code{k}NNs of each initial case
#' is infected with decreasing probabilities \code{prob=c(prop+((1-prop)*rho)/(1:k))} where
#' \code{rho} has to be between \code{-prop/(1-prop)} and 1 for \code{prob} to be a \code{vector} of probabilities. 
#' @param poisson A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether the number of cases \eqn{n_1},
#' will be random or fixed. If \code{poisson=TRUE} then the \eqn{n_1} is from a Poisson distribution, 
#' \eqn{n_1=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*prop,0))} 
#' otherwise it is fixed, \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)}.
#' @param init.from.cases A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the initial cases at each
#' round will be take from cases or controls. At first round, the initial cases are taken from controls.
#' And in the subsequent rounds, the initial cases are taken from cases if \code{init.from.cases=TRUE},
#' and from controls otherwise.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements 
#' \item{pat.type}{\code{="cc"} for the case-control patterns for RL or non-RL of the given data points, \code{dat}}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{\code{prop}, \code{rho}, and \code{k} values for this non-RL pattern, see the description for these
#' parameters.}
#' \item{dat.points}{The set of points non-RL procedure is applied to obtain cases and controls randomly in the 
#' type I fashion}
#' \item{lab}{The labels of the points as 1 for cases and 0 for controls after the type I nonRL procedure is
#' applied to the data set, \code{dat}. Cases are denoted as red dots and controls as black circles in the plot.}
#' \item{init.cases}{The initial cases in the data set, \code{dat}. Marked with red crosses in the plot of the points.}
#' \item{gen.points,ref.points}{Both are \code{NULL} for this function, as initial set of points, \code{dat}, are provided
#' for the non-RL procedure.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of cases and controls.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and the reference points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rnonRLII}}, \code{\link{rnonRLIII}}, \code{\link{rnonRLIV}}, and \code{\link{rnonRL}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-40;  #try also n<-20; n<-100;
#' #data generation
#' dat<-cbind(runif(n,0,1),runif(n,0,1))
#' prop<-.5; #try also .25, .75
#' rho<- .3
#' knn<-3 #try 2 or 5
#' Xdat<-rnonRLI(dat,prop,knn,rho,poisson=FALSE,init=FALSE) 
#' #labeled data try also poisson=TRUE or init=FALSE
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #normal original data
#' n<-40;  #try also n<-20; n<-100;
#' #data generation
#' dat<-cbind(rnorm(n,0,1),rnorm(n,0,1))
#' prop<-.50; #try also .25, .75
#' rho<- .3
#' knn<-5 #try 2 or 3
#' Xdat<-rnonRLI(dat,prop,knn,rho,poisson=FALSE) #labeled data try also poisson=TRUE
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rnonRLI <- function(dat,prop=.50,k,rho,poisson=FALSE,init.from.cases=TRUE)
  if (prop<0 | prop>1)
  {stop('prop must be in [0,1]')}
  lam <- max(round(n*prop-1,0),0) #to avoid -1 for lam
  ifelse(poisson==TRUE, N1<-rpois(1,lam), N1<-lam)
  if (k>=n)
  {stop('k must be less than the data size, n')}
  if (rho < -prop/(1-prop) | rho > 1)
  {stop(paste('rho must be between ',-prop/(1-prop),' and 1 for infection probabilities to be valid'))}
  init.cases<-NULL  #initial cases
  cond<-which(c(N1==0, #1
                N1+1>=n, #2
                N1>0 & N1+1<n #3
         "1" = { lab<-lab },
         "2" = { 
           ind0<-sample(ind.list,1) #initial case
           init.cases<- dat[ind0,]
           lab<-rep(1,n) },
         "3" = { 
           ind0<-sample(ind.list,1) #initial case
           pr<-c(prop+((1-prop)*rho)/(1:k)) #case probability for k NNs
           while ( cnt <= N1+1 )
             ifelse(init.from.cases==TRUE,ind0<-sample(ind.cases,1),ind0<-sample(ind.ctrl,1)) #initial case at each round
             ind.init.cases<-unique(c(ind.init.cases,ind0)) # the set of initial cases
             ind.ctrl<-ind.list[lab==0]  #index of the controls
             lab.can<- rbinom(k,1,prob=pr) #to have cases as 1 and controls as 0
           if (cnt>N1+1) 
  n1<-sum(lab==1); n0<-n-n1
  pname <-"parameters"
  names(param)<-c("proportion of cases","adjusting parameter for NN infection probabilities","Number of NNs")
  typ<-paste("Type I non-RL pattern with ",n1, " cases and ", n0," controls with ",pname, 
             ": proportion of cases = ",param[1],", adj param for NN infection prob = ",param[2],
             " and number of NNs = ",param[3],sep="")
  txt<-"type I non-RL pattern (for disease clustering)"
  rparam<-sub('^(-)?0[.]', '\\1.', round(param,2)) # to write decimal 0.1 as .1
  main.txt<-paste("Type I Non-RL Pattern with Parameters\n ","infected prop=",rparam[1],", adj param for infect prob=",rparam[2],", # of NNs=",param[3],sep="")
    pat.type="cc", #cc for case-control patterns for RL or non-RL of the given data points
    lab=lab, #labels of the data points
    init.cases=init.cases, #initial cases
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Type II Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Given the set of \eqn{n} points, \code{dat}, in a region, this function assigns \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)} of them as cases,
#' and the rest as controls with first selecting \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)} as cases initially, then selecting
#' a contagious case and then assigning the label case to the remaining points with infection probabilities 
#' inversely proportional to their position among the \code{k}NNs.
#' The initial and ultimate number of cases will be \eqn{k_0} and \eqn{n_1} on the average if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}
#' (i.e., \eqn{k_0=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*init.prop,0)}) and \eqn{n_1=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*ult.prop,0))} ), otherwise
#' they will be exactly equal to \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)} and \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)}.
#' More specifically, let \eqn{z_1,\ldots,z_{k_0}} be the initial cases. Then one of the cases is selected as a
#' contagious case, say \eqn{z_j} and then its \code{k}NNs (among the non-cases) are found.
#' Then label these \code{k}NN non-case points as cases with infection probabilities \code{prob} equal to the value
#' of the \code{rho*(1/(1:k))^pow} values at these points, where \code{rho} is a scaling parameter for
#' the infection probabilities and \code{pow} is a parameter in the power adjusting the \code{k}NN dependence.
#' We stop when we first exceed \eqn{n_1} cases. \code{rho} has to be in \eqn{(0,1)} for \code{prob} to be a \code{vector} of probabilities,
#' and for a given \code{rho}, \code{pow} must be \eqn{>  \ln(rho)/\ln(k)}.
#' If \code{rand.init=TRUE}, first \eqn{k_0} entries are chosen as the initial cases in the data set,
#' \code{dat}, otherwise, \eqn{k_0} initial cases are selected randomly among the data points.
#' Algorithmically, first all dat points are treated as non-cases (i.e., controls or healthy subjects).
#' Then the function follows the following steps for labeling of the points: 
#' step 0: \eqn{n_1} is generated randomly from a Poisson distribution with \code{mean = round(n*ult.prop,0)}, so that the 
#' average number of ultimate cases will be \code{round(n*ult.prop,0)} if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}, else \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)}.
#' And \eqn{k_0} is generated randomly from a Poisson distribution with \code{mean = round(n*init.prop,0)}, so that the 
#' average number of initial cases will be \code{round(n*init.prop,0)} if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}, else \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)}.
#' step 1: Initially, \eqn{k_0} many points from dat are selected as cases.
#' The selection of initial cases are determined based on the argument \code{rand.init} (with default=\code{TRUE})
#' where if \code{rand.init=TRUE} then the initial cases are selected randomly from the data points, and if \code{rand.init=}
#' \code{FALSE}, the first \eqn{k_0} entries in the data set, \code{dat}, are selected as the cases.
#' step 2: Then it selects a contagious case among the cases, and randomly labels its \code{k} control NNs as cases with
#' decreasing infection probabilities \code{prob=rho*(1/(1:k))^pow}. See the description for the details
#' of the parameters in the \code{prob}.
#' step 3: The procedure ends when number of cases \eqn{n_c} exceeds \eqn{n_1}, and \eqn{n_c-n_1} of the cases (other than the
#' initial cases) are randomly selected and relabeled as controls, i.e., 0s,
#' so that the number of cases is exactly \eqn{n_1}.
#' Note that the infection probabilities of the \code{k}NNs of each initial case increase
#' with increasing rho; and probability of infection decreases as further NNs are considered from 
#' a contagious case (i.e., as \code{k} increases in the \code{k}NNs).
#' See \insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail where type II non-RL pattern is the 
#' case 2 of non-RL pattern considered in Section 6 with \eqn{n_1} is
#' fixed as a parameter rather than being generated from a Poisson distribution and \code{pow=1}.
#' Although the non-RL pattern is described for the case-control setting, it can be adapted for any two-class
#' setting when it is appropriate to treat one of the classes as cases or one of the classes behave like cases
#' and other class as controls.
#' @param dat A set of points the non-RL procedure is applied to obtain cases and controls randomly in the 
#' type II fashion (see the description).
#' @param k An integer representing the number of NNs considered for each contagious case, i.e., 
#' \code{k}NNs of each contagious case are candidates to be infected to become cases.
#' @param rho A scaling parameter for the probabilities of labeling the points as cases
#' (see the description).
#' @param pow A parameter in the power adjusting the \code{k}NN dependence in the probabilities of labeling the
#' points as cases (see the description).
#' @param init.prop A real number between 0 and 1 representing the initial proportion of cases in the data set,
#' \code{dat}. The selection of the initial cases depends on the parameter \code{rand.init} (see the description).
#' @param ult.prop A real number between 0 and 1 representing the ultimate proportion of cases in the data set,
#' \code{dat} after the non-RL assignment.
#' @param rand.init A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine the choice of the initial cases in the data set, \code{dat}.
#' If \code{rand.init=TRUE} then the initial cases are selected randomly from the data points, and if \code{rand.init=}
#' \code{FALSE}, the first \code{init.prop*n} entries in the data set, \code{dat}, are labeled as the cases.
#' @param poisson A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether the number of initial and ultimate
#' cases, \eqn{k_0} and \eqn{n_1}, will be random or fixed. If \code{poisson=TRUE} then the \eqn{k_0} and \eqn{n_1} are from a Poisson distribution,
#' \eqn{k_0=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*init.prop,0)}) and \eqn{n_1=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*ult.prop,0))}
#' otherwise they are fixed, \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)} and \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)}.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{\code{="cc"} for the case-control patterns for RL or non-RL of the given data points, \code{dat}}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{Number of NNs, \code{k}, a scaling parameter for the infection probabilities of \code{k}NNs, rho,
#' a parameter in the power adjusting the \code{k}NN dependence of the infection probabilities, initial proportion
#' of cases, \code{init.prop}, and the ultimate proportion of cases, \code{ult.prop}.}
#' \item{dat.points}{The set of points non-RL procedure is applied to obtain cases and controls randomly in the 
#' type II fashion}
#' \item{lab}{The labels of the points as 1 for cases and 0 for controls after the type II nonRL procedure is
#' applied to the data set, \code{dat}. Cases are denoted as red dots and controls as black circles in the plot.}
#' \item{init.cases}{The initial cases in the data set, \code{dat}. Denoted as red crosses in the plot of the points.}
#' \item{cont.cases}{The contagious cases in the data set, \code{dat}. Denoted as blue points in the plot of the points.}
#' \item{gen.points,ref.points}{Both are \code{NULL} for this function, as initial set of points, \code{dat}, are provided
#' for the non-RL procedure.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of cases and controls.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and the reference points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rnonRLI}}, \code{\link{rnonRLIII}}, \code{\link{rnonRLIV}}, and \code{\link{rnonRL}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-40;  #try also n<-20; n<-100;
#' #data generation
#' dat<-cbind(runif(n,0,1),runif(n,0,1))
#' rho<-.8
#' pow<-2
#' knn<-5 #try 2 or 3
#' ip<-.3 #initial proportion
#' up<-.5 #ultimate proportion
#' Xdat<-rnonRLII(dat,knn,rho,pow,ip,up,poisson=FALSE) #labeled data, try poisson=TRUE
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #normal original data
#' n<-40;  #try also n<-20; n<-100;
#' #data generation
#' dat<-cbind(rnorm(n,0,1),rnorm(n,0,1))
#' rho<-0.8
#' pow<-2
#' knn<-5 #try 2 or 3
#' ip<-.3 #initial proportion
#' up<-.5 #ultimate proportion
#' Xdat<-rnonRLII(dat,knn,rho,pow,ip,up,poisson=FALSE) #labeled data, try poisson=TRUE
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rnonRLII <- function(dat,k,rho,pow,init.prop,ult.prop,rand.init=TRUE,poisson=FALSE)
  if (k>=n)
  {stop('k must be less than the data size, n')}
  if (init.prop > ult.prop )
  {stop('initial proportion must be smaller than or equal to ultimate proportion')}
  if (init.prop<0 | ult.prop>1 )
  {stop("both init.prop and ult.prop must be in [0,1]")}
  if (rho < 0 | rho > 1)
  {stop(paste('rho must be between 0 and 1 for infection probabilities to be valid'))}
  lam.k0<-round(n*init.prop,0) #number of initial cases (on the average)
  lam.N1<-round(n*(ult.prop-init.prop),0) #number of new cases (on the average)
  ifelse(poisson==TRUE, {k0<-rpois(1,lam.k0);  N1<-rpois(1,lam.N1)},{k0<-lam.k0; N1<-lam.N1})
  init.cases<-cont.cases<-NULL #initial and contagious cases
  cond<-which(c(k0==0 & N1==0, #1
                k0==0 & N1!=0 , #2
                k0!=0 & N1==0, #3
                k0!=0 & N1!=0 & N1+k0>=n, #4
                k0!=0 & N1>0 & N1+k0<n #5
  ind.list<-1:n #index list
         "1" = { lab<-lab
         "2" = { 
         "3" = {
           ifelse(rand.init==TRUE,ind0<-sample(ind.list,k0), ind0<-ind.list[1:k0]) #initial cases
           indc<-sample(ind0,1) #initial contagious case
           ind.cc<-indc #indices of contagious cases
         "4" = { 
           ifelse(rand.init==TRUE,ind0<-sample(ind.list,k0), ind0<-ind.list[1:k0]) #initial cases
           indc<-sample(ind0,1) #initial contagious case
           ind.cc<-indc #indices of contagious cases
           org.ind.list<-ind.list[-ind0] #original index \code{list} 
         "5" = { 
           ifelse(rand.init==TRUE,ind0<-sample(ind.list,k0), ind0<-ind.list[1:k0]) #initial cases
           indc<-sample(ind0,1) #initial contagious case
           ind.cc<-indc #indices of contagious cases
           org.ind.list<-ind.list[-ind0] #original index \code{list} 
           while ( cnt <= N1+k0 )
             #labels of the candidates
             lab.can<- rbinom(kn,1,prob=pr)
             indc<-sample(ind.cases,1) #contagious case
           if (cnt>N1+k0) 
  n1<-sum(lab==1); n0<-n-n1
  pname <-"parameters"
  init.prop<-k0/n; ult.prop<-n1/n
  names(param)<-c("Number of NNs","infection prob of kNNs","initial proportion of cases",
                  "ultimate proportion of cases")
  typ<-paste("Type II non-RL pattern with ",n1, " cases and ", n0," controls with ",pname, 
             " number of NNs = ",param[1],", scaling parameter = ",param[2],", power for NN dependence = ",param[3],
             ", initial proportion of cases = ",param[5]," and ultimate proportion of cases = ",param[5],sep="")
  rparam<-sub('^(-)?0[.]', '\\1.', round(param,2)) # to write decimal 0.1 as .1
  txt<-"type II non-RL pattern (for disease clustering)"
  main.txt<-paste("Type II Non-RL Pattern with Parameters\n ","  # of NNs=",param[1],", scaling param=",rparam[2],
                  ", power for NN dep=",rparam[3],", init prop=",rparam[4],", ult prop=",rparam[5],sep="")
    pat.type="cc", #cc for case-control patterns for RL or non-RL of the given data points
    lab=lab, #labels of the data points
    init.cases=init.cases, #initial cases
    cont.cases=cont.cases, #contagious cases
    gen.points=NULL, #generated points associated with Y points
    ref.points=NULL, #attraction points, i.e., points to which generated points are associated
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Type III Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Given the set of \eqn{n} points, \code{dat}, in a region, this function assigns \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)} of them as cases,
#' and the rest as controls with first selecting a point, \eqn{Z_i}, as a case and assigning the
#' label case to the remaining points with infection probabilities \eqn{prob=rho (1-d_{ij}/d_{\max})^{pow}} where \eqn{d_{ij}} is the
#' distance from \eqn{Z_j} to \eqn{Z_i} for \eqn{j \ne i}, \eqn{d_{\max}} is the maximum of  \eqn{d_{ij}}  values, \code{rho} is a scaling parameter for
#' the infection probabilities and \code{pow} is a parameter in the power adjusting the distance dependence.
#' The number of cases will be \eqn{n_1} on the average if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}
#' (i.e., \eqn{n_1=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*prop,0))} ), otherwise \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)}.
#' We stop when we first exceed \eqn{n_1} cases. \code{rho} has to be positive for \code{prob} to be a \code{vector} of probabilities,
#' and for a given \code{rho}, \code{pow} must be \eqn{> - \ln(rho)/\ln(1-d_{ij}/d_{\max})},
#' also when \code{pow} is given, \code{rho} must be \eqn{< (1-d_{ij}/d_{\max})^{-pow}}.
#' If \code{rand.init=TRUE}, initial case is selected randomly among the data points,
#' otherwise first entry is chosen as the case (or case is recorded as the first entry) in the data set, \code{dat}. 
#' Algorithmically, first all dat points are treated as non-cases (i.e., controls or healthy subjects).
#' Then the function follows the following steps for labeling of the points: 
#' step 0: \eqn{n_1} is generated randomly from a Poisson distribution with \code{mean = round(n*prop,0)}, so that the 
#' average number of cases will be round(n*prop,0) if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}, else \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)}.
#' step 1: Initially, one point from dat is selected as a case.
#' The selection of initial case is determined based on the argument \code{rand.init} (with default=\code{TRUE})
#' where if \code{rand.init=TRUE} then the initial case is selected randomly from the data points, and if \code{rand.init=}
#' \code{FALSE}, the first entry in the data set, \code{dat}, is selected as the case.
#' step 2: Then it assigns the label case to the remaining points
#' with infection probabilities \eqn{prob=rho (1-d_{ij}/d_{\max})^{pow}}, see the description for the details
#' of the parameters in the \code{prob}.
#' step 3: The procedure ends when number of cases \eqn{n_c} exceeds \eqn{n_1}, and \eqn{n_c-n_1} of the cases (other than the
#' initial contagious case) are randomly selected and relabeled as controls, i.e., 0s,
#' so that the number of cases is exactly \eqn{n_1}.
#' In the output cases are labeled as 1 and controls as 0, and initial contagious case is marked with a red cross
#' in the plot of the pattern.
#' Note that the infection probabilities of the points is inversely proportional to their distances to the
#' initial case and increase with increasing \code{rho}. 
#' This function might take a long time for certain choices of the arguments. For example, if \code{pow} is taken to be
#' too large, the infection probabilities would be too small, and case assignment will take a rather long time. 
#' See \insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail where type III non-RL pattern is the 
#' case 3 of non-RL pattern considered in Section 6 with \eqn{n_1} is
#' fixed as a parameter rather than being generated from a Poisson distribution and \eqn{k_{den}=1} and pow
#' is represented as \eqn{k_{pow}}.
#' Although the non-RL pattern is described for the case-control setting, it can be adapted for any two-class
#' setting when it is appropriate to treat one of the classes as cases or one of the classes behave like cases
#' and other class as controls.
#' @param dat A set of points the non-RL procedure is applied to obtain cases and controls randomly in the 
#' type III fashion (see the description).
#' @param prop A real number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) representing the proportion of new cases (on the average)
#' infected by the initial case, i.e., number of newly infected cases (in addition to the first case) is Poisson
#' with \code{mean=round(n*prop)} where \eqn{n} is the number of points in \code{dat}, if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}, else it is \code{round(n*prop)}.
#' @param rho A scaling parameter for the probabilities of labeling the points as cases
#' (see the description).
#' @param pow A parameter in the power adjusting the distance dependence in the probabilities of labeling the
#' points as cases (see the description).
#' @param rand.init A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine the choice of the initial case in the data set, \code{dat}.
#' If \code{rand.init=TRUE} then the initial case is selected randomly from the data points, and if \code{rand.init=}
#' \code{FALSE}, the first entry in the data set, \code{dat}, is labeled as the initial case.
#' @param poisson A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether the number of cases \eqn{n_1},
#' will be random or fixed. If \code{poisson=TRUE} then the \eqn{n_1} is from a Poisson distribution, 
#' \eqn{n_1=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*prop,0))} otherwise it is fixed, \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)}.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{\code{="cc"} for the case-control patterns for RL or non-RL of the given data points, \code{dat}}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{rho and pow, where \code{rho} is the scalign parameter and \code{pow} is the parameter in the power
#' adjusting the distance dependence in probabilities of labeling the points as cases.}
#' \item{dat.points}{The set of points non-RL procedure is applied to obtain cases and controls randomly in the 
#' type III fashion}
#' \item{lab}{The labels of the points as 1 for cases and 0 for controls after the type III nonRL procedure is
#' applied to the data set, \code{dat}. Cases are denoted as red dots and controls as black circles in the plot.}
#' \item{init.cases}{The initial case in the data set, \code{dat}. Marked with a red cross in the plot of the points.}
#' \item{cont.cases}{The contagious cases in the data set, \code{dat}. Denoted as blue points in the plot of the points.}
#' \item{gen.points,ref.points}{Both are \code{NULL} for this function, as initial set of points, \code{dat}, are provided
#' for the non-RL procedure.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of cases and controls.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and the reference points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rnonRLI}}, \code{\link{rnonRLII}}, \code{\link{rnonRLIV}}, and \code{\link{rnonRL}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-40;  #try also n<-20; n<-100;
#' prop<- .5; #try also .25, .75
#' #data generation
#' dat<-cbind(runif(n,0,1),runif(n,0,1))
#' rho<-.8
#' pow<-2
#' Xdat<-rnonRLIII(dat,prop,rho,pow,poisson=FALSE) #labeled data, try also poisson=TRUE
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #normal original data
#' n<-40;  #try also n<-20; n<-100;
#' dat<-cbind(rnorm(n,0,1),rnorm(n,0,1))
#' prop<- .5; #try also .25, .75
#' rho<-.8
#' pow<-2
#' Xdat<-rnonRLIII(dat,prop,rho,pow,poisson=FALSE) #labeled data, try also poisson=TRUE
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rnonRLIII <- function(dat,prop,rho,pow,rand.init=TRUE,poisson=FALSE)
  if (prop<0 | prop>1)
  {stop('prop must be in [0,1]')}
  lam <- max(round(n*prop-1,0),0) #to avoid -1 for lam
  ifelse(poisson==TRUE, N1<-rpois(1,lam), N1<-lam)
  init.cases<-NULL  #initial cases
  cond<-which(c(N1==0, #1
                N1+1>=n, #2
                N1>0 & N1+1<n #3
         "1" = { lab<-lab },
         "2" = { 
           ifelse(rand.init==TRUE,ind0<-sample(ind.list,1), ind0<-1) #initial case
           init.cases<- dat[ind0,]
           lab<-rep(1,n) },
         "3" = { 
           ifelse(rand.init==TRUE,ind0<-sample(ind.list,1), ind0<-1) #initial case
           init.cases<- dat[ind0,]
           while ( cnt <= N1+1 )
             ind.can<-ind.list[-ind.cases]  #index of the candidates
             #labels of the candidates
             pr<- rho*((1-ipd[ind0,-ind.cases]/max.dis)^pow)
             lab.can<- rbinom(num.left,1,prob=pr) #to have cases as 1 and controls as 0
           if (cnt>N1+1) 
  n1<-sum(lab==1); n0<-n-n1 #n1 = # of cases, n0=# of controls
  pname <-"parameters"
  names(param)<-c("scaling parameter","power for distance dependence")
  typ<-paste("Type III non-RL pattern with ",n1, " cases and ", n0," controls with proportion of cases =", param[1],
             ", scaling parameter =", param[2], " and power for distance dependence = ",param[3],sep="")
  rparam<-sub('^(-)?0[.]', '\\1.', round(param,2)) # to write decimal 0.1 as .1 
  txt<-"type III non-RL pattern (for disease clustering)"
  main.txt<-paste("Type III Non-RL Pattern with\n prop of cases=",rparam[1],", scaling param=",rparam[2],", power for dist dep=",rparam[3],sep="")
    pat.type="cc", #cc for case-control patterns for RL or non-RL of the given data points
    lab=lab, #labels of the data points
    init.cases=init.cases, #initial case
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title pdf of the Bivariate Normal Distribution
#' @description
#' Computes the value of the probability density function (i.e., density) of the bivariate normal distribution
#' at the specified point \code{X}, with mean \code{mu} and standard deviations of the first and second components being \eqn{s_1}
#' and \eqn{s_2} (denoted as \code{s1} and \code{s2} in the arguments of the function, respectively) 
#' and correlation between them being \code{rho} (i.e., the covariance matrix is \eqn{\Sigma=S} where \eqn{S_{11}=s_1^2},
#' \eqn{S_{22}=s_2^2}, \eqn{S_{12}=S_{21}=s_1 s_2 rho}). 
#' @param X A set of 2D points of size \eqn{n} (i.e an \eqn{n \times 2} matrix or array) at which the density of the bivariate normal distribution
#' is to be computed.
#' @param mu A \eqn{1 \times 2} \code{vector} of real numbers representing the mean of the bivariate normal distribution,
#' default=\eqn{(0,0)}. 
#' @param s1,s2 The standard deviations of the first and second components of the bivariate normal distribution,
#' with default is \code{1} for both
#' @param rho The correlation between the first and second components of the bivariate normal distribution
#' with default=0.
#' @return 
#' The value of the probability density function (i.e., density) of the bivariate normal distribution
#' at the specified point \code{X}, with mean \code{mu} and standard deviations of the first and second components being \eqn{s_1}
#' and \eqn{s_2} and correlation between them being \code{rho}.
#' @seealso \link[MASS]{mvrnorm}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' mu<-c(0,0)
#' s1<-1
#' s2<-1
#' rho<-.5
#' n<-5
#' Xp<-cbind(runif(n),runif(n))
#' bvnorm.pdf(Xp,mu,s1,s2,rho)
#' @export 
bvnorm.pdf <- function(X,mu=c(0,0),s1=1,s2=1,rho=0)
} #end for the function


#' @title Type IV Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Given the set of \eqn{n} points, \code{dat}, in a region, this function assigns \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)} of them as cases,
#' and the rest as controls with first selecting \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)} as cases initially and assigning the
#' label case to the remaining points with infection probabilities equal to the scaled bivariate normal density values
#' at those points.
#' The initial and ultimate number of cases will be \eqn{k_0} and \eqn{n_1} on the average if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}
#' (i.e., \eqn{k_0=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*init.prop,0)}) and \eqn{n_1=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*ult.prop,0))} ), otherwise
#' they will be exactly equal to \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)} and \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)}.
#' More specifically, let \eqn{z_1,\ldots,z_{k_0}} be the initial cases and for \eqn{j=1,2,\ldots,k_0}
#' let \eqn{\phi_{G,j}(z_i)} be the value of the pdf of the \eqn{BVN(z_j,s_1,s_2,rho)}, which is the bivariate normal 
#' distribution mean=z_j and standard deviations of the first and second components being \eqn{s_1}
#' and \eqn{s_2} (denoted as \code{s1} and \code{s2} as arguments of the function) and 
#' correlation between them being \eqn{\rho} (denoted as \code{rho} as an argument of the function)
#' (i.e., the covariance matrix is \eqn{\Sigma=S} where \eqn{S_{11}=s_1^2},
#' \eqn{S_{22}=s_2^2}, \eqn{S_{12}=S_{21}=s_1 s_2 \rho}). Add these pdf values as
#' \eqn{p_j=\sum_{j=1}^{k_0} \phi_{G,j}(z_i)} for each \eqn{i=1,2,\ldots,n} and find \eqn{p_{\max}=\max p_j}. 
#' Then label the points (other than the initial cases) as cases with infection probabilities \code{prob} equal to the value
#' of the \eqn{p_j/p_{\max}} values at these points. 
#' We stop when we first exceed \eqn{n_1} cases. \eqn{\rho} has to be in (-1,1) for \code{prob} to be
#' a valid probability and \eqn{s_1} and \eqn{s_2} must be positive (actually these are required for the BVN density
#' to be nondegenerately defined).
#' If \code{rand.init=TRUE}, first \eqn{k_0} entries are chosen as the initial cases in the data set,
#' \code{dat}, otherwise, \eqn{k_0} initial cases are selected randomly among the data points.
#' Algorithmically, first all dat points are treated as non-cases (i.e., controls or healthy subjects).
#' Then the function follows the following steps for labeling of the points: 
#' step 0: \eqn{n_1} is generated randomly from a Poisson distribution with \code{mean = round(n*ult.prop,0)}, so that the 
#' average number of ultimate cases will be \code{round(n*ult.prop,0)} if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}, else \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)}.
#' And \eqn{k_0} is generated randomly from a Poisson distribution with \code{mean = round(n*init.prop,0)}, so that the 
#' average number of initial cases will be round(n*init.prop,0) if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}, else \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)}. 
#' step 1: Initially, \eqn{k_0} many points from dat are selected as cases.
#' The selection of initial cases are determined based on the argument \code{rand.init} (with default=\code{TRUE})
#' where if \code{rand.init=TRUE} then the initial cases are selected randomly from the data points, and if \code{rand.init=}
#' \code{FALSE}, the first \eqn{k_0} entries in the data set, \code{dat}, are selected as the cases.
#' step 2: Then it assigns the label case to the remaining points
#' with infection probabilities \eqn{prob=\sum_{j=1}^{k_0} \phi_{G,j}(z_i)/p_{\max}},
#' which is the sum of the BVN densities scaled by the maximum of such sums.
#' See the description for the details of the parameters in the \code{prob}.
#' step 3: The procedure ends when number of cases \eqn{n_c} exceed \eqn{n_1}, and \eqn{n_c-n_1} of the cases (other than the initial
#' cases) are randomly selected and relabeled as controls, i.e., 0s, so that the number of cases is
#' exactly \eqn{n_1}.
#' In the output cases are labeled as 1 and controls as 0, and initial contagious case is marked with a red cross
#' in the plot of the pattern.
#' See \insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat} for more detail where type IV non-RL pattern is the 
#' case 4 of non-RL pattern considered in Section 6 with \eqn{n_1} and \eqn{k_0} are
#' fixed as parameters and \code{rho} is represented as \eqn{k_{pow}} and \eqn{rho/k_{den}=1} in the article.
#' Although the non-RL pattern is described for the case-control setting, it can be adapted for any two-class
#' setting when it is appropriate to treat one of the classes as cases or one of the classes behave like cases
#' and other class as controls.
#' @param dat A set of points the non-RL procedure is applied to obtain cases and controls randomly in the 
#' type IV fashion (see the description).
#' @param init.prop A real number between 0 and 1 representing the initial proportion of cases in the data set,
#' \code{dat}. The selection of the initial cases depends on the parameter \code{rand.init} and the number of initial cases
#' depends on the parameter poisson (see the description).
#' @param ult.prop A real number between 0 and 1 representing the ultimate proportion of cases in the data set,
#' \code{dat} after the non-RL assignment. The number of ultimate cases depends on the parameter poisson
#' (see the description).
#' @param s1,s2 Positive real numbers representing the standard deviations of the first and second components
#' of the bivariate normal distribution.
#' @param rho A real number between -1 and 1 representing the correlation between the first and second components
#' of the bivariate normal distribution.
#' @param rand.init A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine the choice of the initial case in the data set, \code{dat}.
#' If \code{rand.init=TRUE} then the initial case is selected randomly from the data points, and if \code{rand.init=}
#' \code{FALSE}, the first \eqn{k_0} entries in the data set, \code{dat}, is labeled as the initial case.
#' @param poisson A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether the number of initial and ultimate
#' cases, \eqn{k_0} and \eqn{n_1}, will be random or fixed. If \code{poisson=TRUE} then the \eqn{k_0} and \eqn{n_1} are from a Poisson distribution,
#' \eqn{k_0=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*init.prop,0))} and \eqn{n_1=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*ult.prop,0))}
#' otherwise they are fixed, \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)} and \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)}.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{\code{="cc"} for the case-control patterns for RL or non-RL of the given data points, \code{dat}}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{initial and ultimate proportion of cases after the non-RL procedure is applied to the data,
#' \code{s1}, \code{s2} and \code{rho} which are standard deviations and the correlation for the components of
#' the bivariate normal distribution.}
#' \item{dat.points}{The set of points non-RL procedure is applied to obtain cases and controls randomly in the 
#' type IV fashion}
#' \item{lab}{The labels of the points as 1 for cases and 0 for controls after the type IV nonRL procedure is
#' applied to the data set, \code{dat}. Cases are denoted as red dots and controls as black circles in the plot.}
#' \item{init.cases}{The initial cases in the data set, \code{dat}. Marked with red crosses in the plot of the points.}
#' \item{gen.points,ref.points}{Both are \code{NULL} for this function, as initial set of points, \code{dat}, are provided
#' for the non-RL procedure.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of cases and controls.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and the reference points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rnonRLI}}, \code{\link{rnonRLII}}, \code{\link{rnonRLIII}}, and \code{\link{rnonRL}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-40;  #try also n<-20; n<-100;
#' ult<-.5; #try also .25, .75
#' #data generation
#' dat<-cbind(runif(n,0,1),runif(n,0,1))
#' int<-.1
#' s1<-s2<-.4
#' rho<- .1
#' Xdat<-rnonRLIV(dat,int,ult,s1,s2,rho,poisson=FALSE) #labeled data, try also with poisson=TRUE
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #normal original data
#' n<-40;  #try also n<-20; n<-100;
#' dat<-cbind(rnorm(n,0,1),rnorm(n,0,1))
#' ult<-.5; #try also .25, .75
#' int<-.1
#' s1<-s2<-.4
#' rho<-0.1
#' Xdat<-rnonRLIV(dat,int,ult,s1,s2,rho,poisson=FALSE) #labeled data, try also with poisson=TRUE
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rnonRLIV <- function(dat,init.prop,ult.prop,s1,s2,rho,rand.init=TRUE,poisson=FALSE)
  if (init.prop > ult.prop )
  {stop('initial proportion must be smaller than or equal to ultimate proportion')}
  if (init.prop<0 | ult.prop>1 )
  {stop("both init.prop and ult.prop must be in [0,1]")}
  if (rho <= -1 | rho >= 1)
  {stop(paste('rho must be between -1 and 1 for BVN pdf to be nondegenerate (i.e for infection probabilities to be valid)'))}
  if (min(s1,s2) <= 0)
  {stop(paste('both s1 and s2 must be positive for BVN pdf to be nondegenerate (i.e for infection probabilities to be valid)'))}
  lam.k0<-round(n*init.prop,0) #number of initial cases (on the average)
  lam.N1<-round(n*(ult.prop-init.prop),0) #number of new cases (on the average)
  ifelse(poisson==TRUE, {k0<-rpois(1,lam.k0);  N1<-rpois(1,lam.N1)},{k0<-lam.k0; N1<-lam.N1})
  init.cases<-NULL #initial cases
  cond<-which(c(k0==0 & N1==0, #1
                k0==0 & N1!=0 , #2
                k0!=0 & N1==0, #3
                k0!=0 & N1!=0 & N1+k0>=n, #4
                k0!=0 & N1>0 & N1+k0<n #5
  ind.list<-1:n #index list
         "1" = { lab<-lab
         "2" = { 
         "3" = {
           ifelse(rand.init==TRUE,ind0<-sample(ind.list,k0), ind0<-ind.list[1:k0]) #initial cases
         "4" = { 
           ifelse(rand.init==TRUE,ind0<-sample(ind.list,k0), ind0<-ind.list[1:k0]) #initial cases
         "5" = { 
           ifelse(rand.init==TRUE & k0<=n,ind0<-sample(ind.list,k0), ind0<-ind.list[1:k0]) #initial cases
           for (i in 1:k0)
             pdf<- cbind(pdf, bvnorm.pdf(dat,dat[ind0[i],],s1,s2,rho) )
           while ( cnt <= N1+k0 )
             ind.can<-ind.list[-ind.cases] #index of the candidates
             #labels of the candidates
             pr<- prob[-ind.cases] /max.prob
             lab.can<- rbinom(num.left,1,prob=pr) #to have cases as 1 and controls as 0
           if (cnt>N1+k0) 
  n1<-sum(lab==1);  n0<-n-n1 #n1 = # of cases, n0=# of controls
  pname <-"parameters"
  init.prop<-k0/n; ult.prop<-n1/n
  names(param)<-c("initial proportion of cases","ultimate proportion of cases",
                  "sigma1", "sigma2","corr. coeff.")
  typ<-paste("Type IV non-RL pattern with ",n1, " cases and ", n0," controls with ",pname, 
             " initial proportion of cases = ",param[1],", ultimate proportion of cases = ",param[2],
             ", sigma1 = ",param[3],", sigma2 = ",param[4],
             " and correlation coefficient = ",param[5],sep="")
  for (i in 1:5)
  txt<-"type IV non-RL pattern (for disease clustering)"
  main.txt<-bquote(atop("Type IV Non-RL Pattern with Parameters",
                        "init prop" ==.(rparam[1]) *"," ~ "ult prop" ==.(rparam[2]) *"," ~sigma[1]== .(rparam[3]) *","~
                          sigma[2]== .(rparam[4]) *"," ~rho== .(rparam[5]) ))
    pat.type="cc", #cc for case-control patterns for RL or non-RL of the given data points
    lab=lab, #labels of the data points
    init.cases=init.cases, #initial cases
    gen.points=NULL, #generated points associated with Y points
    ref.points=NULL, #attraction points, i.e., points to which generated points are associated
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Non-Random Labeling of a Given Set of Points
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Given the set of \eqn{n} points, \code{dat}, in a region, this function assigns some of them as cases,
#' and the rest as controls in a non-RL \code{type=type} fashion. 
#' Type I nonRL pattern assigns \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)} of the data points as cases,
#' and the rest as controls with first selecting a point, \eqn{Z_i}, as a case and assigning the
#' label case to the remaining points with infection probabilities \code{prob=c(prop+((1-prop)*rho)/(1:k))} where \code{rho} is a
#' parameter adjusting the NN dependence of infection probabilities.
#' Type II nonRL pattern assigns \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)} of them as cases,
#' and the rest as controls with first selecting \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)} as cases initially, then selecting
#' a contagious case and then assigning the label case to the remaining points with infection probabilities 
#' inversely proportional to their position in the \code{k}NNs.
#' Type III nonRL pattern assigns \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)} of them as cases,
#' and the rest as controls with first selecting a point, \eqn{Z_i}, as a case and assigning the
#' label case to the remaining points with infection probabilities \eqn{prob=rho (1-d_{ij}/d_{\max})^{pow}} where \eqn{d_{ij}} is the
#' distance from \eqn{Z_j} to \eqn{Z_i} for \eqn{j \ne i}, \eqn{d_{\max}} is the maximum of  \eqn{d_{ij}}  values, \code{rho} is a scaling parameter for
#' the infection probabilities and \code{pow} is a parameter in the power adjusting the distance dependence.
#' Type IV nonRL pattern assigns \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)} of them as cases,
#' and the rest as controls with first selecting \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)} as cases initially and assigning the
#' label case to the remaining points with infection probabilities equal to the scaled bivariate normal density values
#' at those points.
#' The number of cases in Types I and III will be \eqn{n_1} on the average if the argument \code{poisson=TRUE}
#' (i.e., \eqn{n_1=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*prop,0))} ), otherwise \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*prop,0)}.
#' The initial and ultimate number of cases in Types II and IV will be \eqn{k_0} and \eqn{n_1} on the average if the argument
#' \code{poisson=TRUE} (i.e., \eqn{k_0=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*init.prop,0)}) and \eqn{n_1=}\code{rpois(1,round(n*ult.prop,0))}), otherwise
#' they will be exactly equal to \eqn{n_1=}\code{round(n*ult.prop,0)} and \eqn{k_0=}\code{round(n*init.prop,0)}.
#' At each type, we stop when we first exceed \eqn{n_1} cases. That is, the procedure ends when number of cases \eqn{n_c}
#' exceed \eqn{n_1}, and \eqn{n_c-n_1} of the cases (other than the initial case(s)) are randomly selected and relabeled as
#' controls, i.e., 0s, so that the number of cases is exactly \eqn{n_1}.
#' In the output cases are labeled as 1 and controls as 0, and initial contagious case is marked with a red cross
#' in the plot of the pattern.
#' See \insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat} and the functions \code{\link{rnonRLI}},
#' \code{\link{rnonRLII}}, \code{\link{rnonRLIII}}, and \code{\link{rnonRLIV}} for more detail on each type of
#' non-RL pattern.
#' Although the non-RL pattern is described for the case-control setting, it can be adapted for any two-class
#' setting when it is appropriate to treat one of the classes as cases or one of the classes behave like cases
#' and other class as controls.
#' The parameters of the non-RL patterns are specified in the argument \code{par.vec}, and the logical arguments \code{rand.init}
#' and poisson pass on to the types where required. \code{rand.init} is not used in type I but used in all other types,
#' poisson is used in all types, and init.from.cases is used in type I non-RL only.
#' @param dat A set of points the non-RL procedure is applied to obtain cases and controls randomly in the 
#' \code{type=type} fashion (see the description).
#' @param par.vec The parameter vector. It is \code{c(prop,k,rho)} for type I, \code{c(k,rho,pow,init.prop,ult.prop)}
#' for type II, \code{c(prop,rho,pow)} for type III, and \code{c(init.prop,ult.prop,s1,s2,rho)} for type IV non-RL patterns.
#' The parameters must be entered in this order in \code{par.vec} as a vector.
#' See the respective functions for more detail on the parameters.
#' @param type The type of the non-RL pattern. Takes on values \code{"I"}-\code{"IV"} for types I-IV non-RL
#' patterns (see the description above).
#' @param rand.init A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine the choice of the initial case(s)
#' in the data set, \code{dat} for types II-IV non-RL pattern. If \code{rand.init=TRUE} then the initial case(s) is (are)
#' selected randomly from the data points, and if \code{rand.init=FALSE}, the first one is labeled as a case for type III
#' and the first \code{init.prop*n} entries in the data set, \code{dat}, are labeled as the cases types II and IV.
#' @param poisson A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether the number of cases is random or fixed.
#' In types II and IV initial and ultimate number of cases, \eqn{k_0} and \eqn{n_1}, will be random if \code{poisson=TRUE} and fixed
#' otherwise. In types I and III the number of cases, \eqn{n_1}, will be random if poisson=TRUEURE and fixed otherwise.
#' See the description.
#' @param init.from.cases A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the initial cases at each
#' round will be take from cases or controls in type I non-RL pattern. 
#' The initial cases are taken from cases if \code{init.from.cases=TRUE}, and from controls otherwise.
#' See the function \code{\link{rnonRLI}}.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{\code{="cc"} for the case-control patterns for RL or non-RL of the given data points, \code{dat}}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{\code{par.vec}, the parameters required for each type of non-RL pattern. See the description
#' in the parameter list.}
#' \item{lab}{The labels of the points as 1 for cases and 0 for controls after the nonRL procedure is
#' applied to the data set, \code{dat}. Cases are denoted as red dots and controls as black circles in the plot.}
#' \item{init.cases}{The initial cases in the data set, \code{dat}. Marked with red crosses in the plot of the points.}
#' \item{cont.cases}{The contagious cases in the data set, \code{dat} in type II non-RL pattern.
#' Denoted as blue points in the plot of the points.}
#' \item{gen.points,ref.points}{Both are \code{NULL} for this function, as initial set of points, \code{dat}, are provided
#' for all of the non-RL procedures.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of cases and controls.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and the reference points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rnonRLI}}, \code{\link{rnonRLII}}, \code{\link{rnonRLIII}}, and \code{\link{rnonRLIV}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' #data generation
#' n<-40;  #try also n<-20; n<-100;
#' dat<-cbind(runif(n,0,1),runif(n,0,1))
#' #Type I non-RL pattern
#' #c(prop,k,rho) for type I
#' prop<-.5; knn<-3; rho<- .3
#' prv<-c(prop,knn,rho)
#' Xdat<-rnonRL(dat,type="I",prv) #labeled data 
#' # or try Xdat<-rnonRL(dat,type="I",prv) for type I non-RL
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #Type II non-RL pattern
#' #c(k,rho,pow,init.prop,ult.prop) for type II
#' rho<-.8; pow<-2; knn<-5; ip<-.3; up<-.5
#' prv<-c(knn,rho,pow,ip,up)
#' Xdat<-rnonRL(dat,type="II",prv) #labeled data 
#' # or try Xdat<-rnonRL(dat,type="I",prv) for type I non-RL
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #Type III non-RL pattern
#' #c(prop,rho,pow) for type III
#' prop<- .5; rho<-.8; pow<-2
#' prv<-c(prop,rho,pow)
#' Xdat<-rnonRL(dat,type="III",prv) #labeled data 
#' # or try Xdat<-rnonRL(dat,type="I",prv) for type I non-RL
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #Type IV non-RL pattern
#' #c(init.prop,ult.prop,s1,s2,rho) for type IV
#' ult<-.5; int<- .1; s1<-s2<-.4; rho<- .1
#' prv<-c(int,ult,s1,s2,rho)
#' Xdat<-rnonRL(dat,type="IV",prv) #labeled data 
#' # or try Xdat<-rnonRL(dat,type="I",prv) for type I non-RL
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat) 
#' @export 
rnonRL <- function(dat,par.vec,type,rand.init=TRUE,poisson=FALSE,init.from.cases=TRUE)
  res <- switch(type,
                I = { res <- rnonRLI(dat,par.vec[1],par.vec[2],par.vec[3],poisson=poisson,init.from.cases = init.from.cases) },
                II = { res <- rnonRLII(dat,par.vec[1],par.vec[2],par.vec[3],par.vec[4],par.vec[5],rand.init=rand.init,poisson=poisson) },
                III = { res <- rnonRLIII(dat,par.vec[1],par.vec[2],par.vec[3],rand.init=rand.init,poisson=poisson) },
                IV = { res <- rnonRLIV(dat,par.vec[1],par.vec[2],par.vec[3],par.vec[4],par.vec[5],rand.init=rand.init,poisson=poisson)  }
  if (is.null(res)) stop("Enter numbers 1-4 or I-IV in quotes for type")
} #end for the function


#' @title Generation of Points under Segregation of Two Classes
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Generates \code{n_i} 2D points from class \eqn{j} with parameters  \eqn{r_j} for \eqn{j=1,2}.
#' The generated points are from two different classes which are segregated from each other.
#' The pattern generation starts with the initial points \code{X1.init} and \code{X2.init} (with default=\code{NULL} for both).
#' If both \code{X1.init=NULL} and \code{X2.init=NULL}, both \code{X1.init} and \code{X2.init} are generated uniformly in the unit square.
#' If only \code{X1.init=NULL}, \code{X1.init} is the sum of a point uniformly generated in the unit square and \code{X2.init} and
#' if only \code{X2.init=NULL}, \code{X2.init} is the sum of a point uniformly generated in the unit square and \code{X1.init}.
#' After the initial points from each class are available, \eqn{n_j} points from class \eqn{j} are generated
#' as \code{Xj[i,]<-Xj[(i-1),]+ru*c(cos(tu),sin(tu))}  
#' where \code{ru<-runif(1,0,rj)} and \code{tu<-runif(1,0,2*pi)} for \eqn{i=2,\ldots,n_j}
#' with \code{Xj[1,]=Xj.init} for \eqn{j=1,2}.
#' That is, at each step the new point in class \eqn{j} is generated within a circle with radius equal to \eqn{r_j}
#' (uniform in the polar coordinates).
#' Note that, the level of segregation is stronger if the initial points are further apart, and the level
#' of segregation increases as the radius values gets smaller.
#' @param n1,n2 Positive integers representing the number of class 1 and class 2 (i.e., \eqn{X_1} and \eqn{X_2}) points
#' to be generated under the segregation pattern.
#' @param r1,r2 Positive real numbers representing the radius of attraction within class, i.e., radius of the
#' circle center and generated points are from the same class.  
#' @param X1.init,X2.init 2D points representing the initial points for the segregated classes, default=\code{NULL}
#' for both. If both \code{X1.init=NULL} and \code{X2.init=NULL}, both \code{X1.init} and \code{X2.init} are generated uniformly in the
#' unit square.
#' If only \code{X1.init=NULL}, \code{X1.init} is the sum of a point uniformly generated in the unit square and \code{X2.init} and
#' if only \code{X2.init=NULL}, \code{X2.init} is the sum of a point uniformly generated in the unit square and \code{X1.init}.
#' The initial points are
#' marked with crosses in the plot of the points.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{\code{"2c"} for the 2-class pattern of segregation of the two classes}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{Radial (i.e., circular) within class radii of segregation, \code{r1} and \code{r2},
#' controlling the level of segregation}
#' \item{lab}{The class labels of the generated points, it is 1 class 1 or \eqn{X_1} points and 
#' 2 for class 2 or \eqn{X_2} points}
#' \item{init.cases}{The initial points for class 1 and class 2, one initial point for each class.}
#' \item{gen.points}{The output set of generated points (i.e., class 1 and class 2 points) segregated 
#' from each other.}
#' \item{ref.points}{The input set of reference points, it is \code{NULL} for this function.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The \code{vector} of two numbers, which are the number of generated class 1 and class 2 points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated and
#' the initial points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rassoc}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n1<-20;  #try also n1<-10; n1<-100;
#' n2<-20; #try also n1<-40; n2<-50
#' r1<-.3; r2<-.2
#' #data generation
#' Xdat<-rseg(n1,n2,r1,r2) #labeled data
#' Xdat
#' table(Xdat$lab)
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #with one initial point
#' X1init<-c(3,2)
#' Xdat<-rseg(n1,n2,r1,r2,X1.init=X1init)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #with two initial points
#' X1init<-c(3,2)
#' X2init<-c(4,2)
#' Xdat<-rseg(n1,n2,r1,r2,X1init,X2init)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat) 
#' @export 
rseg <- function(n1,n2,r1,r2,X1.init=NULL,X2.init=NULL)
  #initial class 1 and class 2 points
  cond<-which(c(is.null(X1.init)==TRUE & is.null(X2.init)==TRUE, #1
                is.null(X1.init)==TRUE & is.null(X2.init)==FALSE, #2
                is.null(X1.init)==FALSE & is.null(X2.init)==TRUE, #3
                is.null(X1.init)==FALSE & is.null(X2.init)==FALSE #4
         "1" = { X1[1,]<-runif(2,0,1); X2[1,]<-runif(2,0,1) },
         "2" = { X1[1,]<-X2.init+runif(1,0,1); X2[1,]<-X2.init },
         "3" = { X1[1,]<-X1.init; X2[1,]<-X1.init+runif(1,0,1) },
         "4" = { X1[1,]<-X1.init; X2[1,]<-X2.init }
  if (n1>1)
    for (i in 2:n1)
  if (n2>1)
    for (j in 2:n2)
  pname <-"radii of segregation"
  typ<-paste("Segregation pattern with ",n1, " class 1 points and ", n2," class 2 points with ",pname," r1=",
             param[1]," and r2=",param[2],sep="")
  txt<-"Segregation of Two Classes"
  main.txt<-bquote(atop("Segregation Pattern with Radii of Segregation",
                        ~r[1]== .(rparam[1]) ~"and" ~r[2]==.(rparam[2])))
    pat.type="2c", #2c for 2-class pattern of segregation
    lab=lab, #labels of the data points
    init.cases=rbind(X1[1,],X2[1,]), #initial points
    gen.points=dat, #generated points under segregation
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Generation of Uniform Points in a Circle
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Generates \code{n} 2D points uniformly in the circle with center=\code{cent} and radius=\code{rad} using the rejection 
#' sampling approach (i.e., the function generates points in the smallest square containing the circle, keeping
#' only the points inside the circle until \eqn{n} points are generated).
#' The defaults for \code{cent=c(0,0)} and \code{rad=1}.
#' @param n A positive integer representing the number of points to be generated uniformly in the circle
#' @param cent A 2D point representing the center of the circle, with default=\code{c(0,0)}
#' @param rad A positive real number representing the radius of the circle.  
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{\code{"1c"} for the 1-class pattern of the uniform data in the circle}
#' \item{type}{The type of the point pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{center of the circle, \code{cent}, and the radius of the circle, \code{rad}}
#' \item{lab}{The class labels of the generated points, \code{NULL} for this function, since points belong to the same 
#' class}
#' \item{init.cases}{The initial points, \code{NULL} for this function}
#' \item{gen.points}{The output set of generated points uniform in the circle.}
#' \item{ref.points}{The input set of reference points, it is \code{NULL} for this function.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the point pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The number of generated points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated points}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{runif}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1);  #try also 10, 100, or 1000;
#' r<-.1; #try also r<-.3 or .5
#' cent<-c(1,2)
#' #data generation
#' Xdat<-runif.circ(n,cent,r) #generated data
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
runif.circ <- function(n,cent=c(0,0),rad=1)
{  x1<-y1<-vector()
while (i <= n)


dat<-t(t(pts0)+cent) #to translate the points to have center = cent


pname <-"center and radius"
typ<-paste(n, " Uniform Points in the Circle with Center (c1,c2) = (",cent[1],",",cent[2], ") and Radius = ", rad,sep="")


for (i in 1:3)

txt<-"Uniform Distribution in a Circle"
main.txt<-bquote(atop("Uniform Points in the Circle with",
                      "center" == ~(.(rparam[1]) *"," ~.(rparam[2])) ~"and "~r[0]== .(rparam[3])))
  pat.type="1c", #1c for 1-class pattern from a distribution
  lab=NULL, #labels of the data points
  init.cases=NULL, #initial points
  gen.points=dat, #generated points uniformly in the circle
  desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern

res$call <-match.call()
} #end for the function


#' @title Generation of Points with Clusters along the First Diagonal
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"Clusters"}.
#' Generates \code{n} 2D points with \code{k} (\eqn{k \ge 2}) clusters along the first diagonal 
#' where about \eqn{n/k} points belongs to each cluster.
#' If \code{distribution="uniform"}, the points are uniformly generated in their square
#' supports where one square is the unit square (i.e., with vertices \eqn{(0,0), (1,0), (1,1),(0,1)}), and 
#' the others are unit squares translated \eqn{j \sqrt{2} d}  units along the first diagonal for \eqn{j=1,2,\ldots,k-1}
#' (i.e., with vertices \eqn{(j d,j d), (1+j d,j d), (1+j d,1+j d),(j d,1+j d)}). 
#' If \code{distribution="bvnormal"}, the points are generated from the bivariate normal distribution with means equal to the
#' centers of the above squares (i.e., for each cluster with \code{mean=}\eqn{((1+j d)/2,(1+j d)/2)} for \eqn{j=0,1,\ldots,k-1}
#' and the covariance matrix \eqn{sd I_2}, where \eqn{I_2} is the \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix.
#' Notice that the clusters are more separated, i.e., generated data indicates more clear clusters as \eqn{d} increases
#' in either positive or negative direction with \eqn{d=0} indicating one cluster in the data. For a fixed \eqn{d}, when \code{distribution="bvnormal"},
#' the clustering gets stronger if the variance of each component, \eqn{sd^2}, gets smaller, and clustering gets weaker
#' as the variance of each component gets larger where default is \eqn{sd=1/6}.
#' @param n A positive integer representing the number of points to be generated from the two clusters
#' @param k A positive integer representing the number of clusters to be generated
#' @param d Shift in the first diagonal indicating the level of clustering in the data. Larger absolute values in
#' either direction (i.e., positive or negative) would yield stronger clustering.
#' @param sd The standard deviation of the components of the bivariate normal distribution with default \eqn{sd=1/6}, 
#' used only when \code{distribution="bvnormal"}.
#' @param distribution The argument determining the distribution of each cluster. Takes on values \code{"uniform"} and
#' \code{"bvnormal"} whose centers are \eqn{d} units apart along the first diagonal direction.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{type}{The type of the clustering pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{The number of clusters, \code{k}, the diagonal shift d representing the level of clustering
#' (for both distribution types) and standard deviation, \code{sd}, for the bivariate normal distribution only}
#' \item{gen.points}{The output set of generated points from the clusters.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the clustering pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The number of generated points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rhor.clust}} and \code{\link{rrot.clust}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1);  #try also n<-50; n<-1000;
#' d<-.5 #try also -75,.75, 1
#' k<-3 #try also 5
#' #data generation
#' Xdat<-rdiag.clust(n,k,d)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #data generation (bvnormal)
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1);  #try also n<-50; n<-1000;
#' d<-.5 #try also -.75,.75, 1
#' k<-3 #try also 5
#' Xdat<-rdiag.clust(n,k,d,distr="bvnormal") #try also Xdat<-rdiag.clust(n,k,d,sd=.09,distr="bvnormal")
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rdiag.clust <- function(n,k,d,sd=1/6,distribution=c("uniform","bvnormal"))
  distribution <-match.arg(distribution)
  if (length(distribution) > 1 || is.na(distribution))
    stop("distribution must be one \"uniform\", \"bvnormal\"")
  kl<-sample(1:k, n, replace=T) #sample to choose the clusters for the points
  X1<-X1+kl.add #s12=k points are translated (k-1)*d units in x and y directions
  pname <-"parameters"
         names(param)<-c("number of clusters","diagonal shift")},
         names(param)<-c("number of clusters","diagonal shift","std dev")})
  for (i in 2:3)
  {  ifelse(param[i]%%1==0,rparam[i]<-param[i],rparam[i]<-round(param[i],2))  }
  if (distribution=="uniform")
  {typ<-paste("Clustering pattern with uniform data on diagonally shifting squares with ",pname," k = ",param[1]," and d = ",param[2],sep="")
  txt<-"uniform clustering (with diagonally shifting squares)"
  main.txt<-bquote("Uniform Clusters with Parameters k" ==.(k) *"," ~delta ==.(rparam[2]) )
  } else
    typ<-paste("Clustering pattern with bivariate normal data with diagonally shifting centers with ",pname," k = ",param[1]," d = ",param[2]," and sd = ",param[3],sep="")
    txt<-"bivariate normal clustering (with diagonally shifting centers)"
    main.txt<-bquote("Bivariate Normal Clusters with" ~ .(pname)~ "k" ==.(k) *"," ~delta ==.(rparam[2]) *", sd = " ~.(rparam[3]) )  
    gen.points=X1, #generated points according to the clustering pattern
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  class(res)<- "Clusters"
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Generation of Points with Clusters along the Horizontal Axis
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"Clusters"}.
#' Generates \code{n} 2D points with \code{k} (\eqn{k \ge 2}) clusters along the horizontal axis
#' where about \eqn{n/k} points belongs to each cluster.
#' If \code{distribution="uniform"}, the points are uniformly generated in their square
#' supports where one square is the unit square (i.e., with vertices \eqn{(0,0), (1,0), (1,1),(0,1)}), and 
#' the others are \eqn{d} units shifted horizontally from each other so that their lower end vertices are
#' \eqn{(j-1)+(j-1) d} for \eqn{j=1,2,\ldots,k}.
#' If \code{distribution="bvnormal"}, the points are generated from the bivariate normal distribution with means equal to the
#' centers of the above squares (i.e., for each cluster with mean=(j+(j-1)d-1/2,1/2) for \eqn{j=1,2,\ldots,k}
#' and the covariance matrix \eqn{sd I_2}, where \eqn{I_2} is the \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix.
#' Notice that the clusters are more separated, i.e., generated data indicates more clear clusters as \eqn{d} increases
#' in either direction with \eqn{d=0} indicating one cluster in the data. For a fixed \eqn{d}, when \code{distribution="bvnormal"},
#' the clustering gets stronger if the variance of each component, \eqn{sd^2}, gets smaller, and clustering gets weaker
#' as the variance of each component gets larger where default is \eqn{sd=1/6}.
#' @param n A positive integer representing the number of points to be generated from all the clusters
#' @param k A positive integer representing the number of clusters to be generated
#' @param d Horizontal shift indicating the level of clustering in the data. Larger absolute values in either
#' direction (i.e., positive or negative) would yield stronger clustering.
#' @param sd The standard deviation of the components of the bivariate normal distribution with default \eqn{sd=1/6}, 
#' used only when \code{distribution="bvnormal"}.
#' @param distribution The argument determining the distribution of each cluster. Takes on values \code{"uniform"} and
#' \code{"bvnormal"} whose centers are \eqn{d} units apart along the horizontal direction.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{type}{The type of the clustering pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{The number of clusters, \code{k}, and the horizontal shift, \code{d}, representing the level of clustering
#' (for both distribution types) and standard deviation, \code{sd}, for the bivariate normal distribution only.}
#' \item{gen.points}{The output set of generated points from the \code{k} clusters.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the clustering pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The number of generated points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rdiag.clust}} and \code{\link{rrot.clust}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-100;  #try also n<-50; or n<-1000;
#' d<-.5 #try also -.5,.75, 1
#' k<-3 #try also 5
#' #data generation
#' Xdat<-rhor.clust(n,k,d)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #data generation (bvnormal)
#' n<-100;  #try also n<-50; n<-1000;
#' d<-.1 #try also -.1, .75, 1
#' k<-3 #try also 5
#' Xdat<-rhor.clust(n,k,d,distr="bvnormal") #try also Xdat<-rhor.clust(n,k,d,sd=.15,distr="bvnormal")
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rhor.clust <- function(n,k,d,sd=1/6,distribution=c("uniform","bvnormal"))
  distribution <-match.arg(distribution)
  if (length(distribution) > 1 || is.na(distribution))
    stop("distribution must be one \"uniform\", \"bvnormal\"")
  if (d<0 & distribution=="uniform")
  {stop('d must be nonnegative for uniform square clusters')}
  kl<-sample(1:k, n, replace=T)  #sample to choose the clusters for the points
  pname <-"parameters"
         names(param)<-c("number of clusters","horizontal shift")},
         names(param)<-c("number of clusters","horizontal shift","std dev")})
  for (i in 2:3)
  {  ifelse(param[i]%%1==0,rparam[i]<-param[i],rparam[i]<-round(param[i],2))  }
  if (distribution=="uniform")
  {typ<-paste("Clustering pattern with uniform data on horizontally shifting squares with ",pname," k = ",param[1]," and d = ",param[2],sep="")
  txt<-"uniform clustering (with horizontally shifting squares)"
  main.txt<-bquote("Uniform Clusters with Parameters k" ==.(k) *"," ~delta ==.(rparam[2]) )
  } else
    typ<-paste("Clustering pattern with bivariate normal data with horizontally shifting centers with ",pname," k = ",param[1]," d = ",param[2]," and sd = ",param[3],sep="")
    txt<-"bivariate normal clustering (with horizontally shifting centers)"
    main.txt<-bquote("Bivariate Normal Clusters with" ~ .(pname)~ "k" ==.(k) *"," ~delta ==.(rparam[2]) *", sd = " ~.(rparam[3]) )  
    gen.points=X1, #generated points according to the clustering pattern
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  class(res)<- "Clusters"
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Generation of Points with Rotational Clusters
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"Clusters"}.
#' Generates \code{n} 2D points with \code{k} (\eqn{k \ge 2}) clusters with centers d unit away from origin and angles
#' between the rays joining successive centers and origin is \eqn{2 \pi/k} where about \eqn{n/k} points belongs to each cluster.
#' If \code{distribution="uniform"}, the points are uniformly generated in their square
#' supports with unit edge lengths and centers at \eqn{(d \cos(j 2 \pi/k),d \cos(j 2\pi/k))} for \eqn{j=1,2,\ldots,k}.
#' If \code{distribution="bvnormal"}, the points are generated from the bivariate normal distribution with means equal to the
#' centers of the above squares (i.e., for each cluster with \code{mean=}\eqn{(d \cos(j 2 \pi/k),d \cos(j 2\pi/k))}
#' for \eqn{j=1,2,\ldots,k} and the covariance matrix \eqn{sd I_2}, where \eqn{sd=d\sqrt{2 (1-cos(2 \pi/k))}/3}
#' and \eqn{I_2} is the \eqn{2 \times 2} identity matrix.
#' Notice that the clusters are more separated, i.e., generated data indicates more clear clusters as \eqn{d} increases
#' in either direction with \eqn{d=0} indicating one cluster in the data. For a fixed \eqn{d}, when \code{distribution="bvnormal"},
#' the clustering gets stronger if the variance of each component, \eqn{sd^2}, gets smaller, and clustering gets weaker
#' as the variance of each component gets larger where default is \eqn{sd=d\sqrt{2 (1-cos(2 \pi/k))}/3}.
#' @param n A positive integer representing the number of points to be generated from all the clusters
#' @param k A positive integer representing the number of clusters to be generated
#' @param d Radial shift indicating the level of clustering in the data. Larger absolute values in either
#' direction (i.e., positive or negative) would yield stronger clustering.
#' @param sd The standard deviation of the components of the bivariate normal distribution with default 
#' \eqn{sd=d\sqrt{2 (1-cos(2 \pi/k))}/3}, used only when \code{distribution="bvnormal"}.
#' @param distribution The argument determining the distribution of each cluster. Takes on values \code{"uniform"} and
#' \code{"bvnormal"} whose centers are \eqn{d} units apart along the horizontal direction.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{type}{The type of the clustering pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{The number of clusters, \code{k}, and the radial shift, \code{d}, representing the level of clustering
#' (for both distribution types) and standard deviation, \code{sd}, for the bivariate normal distribution only.}
#' \item{gen.points}{The output set of generated points from the \code{k} clusters.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the clustering pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The number of generated points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{rdiag.clust}} and \code{\link{rhor.clust}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-100;  #try also n<-50; n<-1000;
#' d<- 1.5 #try also -1, 1, 1.5, 2
#' k<-3 #try also 5
#' #data generation
#' Xdat<-rrot.clust(n,k,d)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #data generation (bvnormal)
#' n<-100;  #try also n<-50; n<-1000;
#' d<- 1.5 #try also -1, 1, 1.5, 2
#' k<-3 #try also 5
#' Xdat<-rrot.clust(n,k,d,distr="bvnormal") #also try Xdat<-rrot.clust(n,k,d,sd=.5,distr="bvnormal")
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rrot.clust <- function(n,k,d,sd=d*sqrt(2*(1-cos(2*pi/k)))/3,distribution=c("uniform","bvnormal"))
  distribution <-match.arg(distribution)
  if (length(distribution) > 1 || is.na(distribution))
    stop("distribution must be one \"uniform\", \"bvnormal\"")
  kl<-sample(1:k, n, replace=T) #sample to choose the clusters for the points
  X1<-X1+kl.add #s12=k points are translated rotationally around (1/2,1/2)
  pname <-"parameters"
         names(param)<-c("number of clusters","radial shift")},
         names(param)<-c("number of clusters","radial shift","std dev")})
  for (i in 2:3)
  {  ifelse(param[i]%%1==0,rparam[i]<-param[i],rparam[i]<-round(param[i],2))  }
  if (distribution=="uniform")
  {typ<-paste("Clustering pattern with uniform data on rotationally shifting squares with ",pname," k = ",param[1]," and d = ",param[2],sep="")
  txt<-"uniform clustering (with rotationally shifting squares)"
  main.txt<-bquote("Uniform Clusters with Parameters k" ==.(k) *"," ~delta ==.(rparam[2]) )
  } else
    typ<-paste("Clustering pattern with bivariate normal data with rotationally shifting centers with ",pname," k = ",param[1]," d = ",param[2]," and sd = ",param[3],sep="")
    txt<-"bivariate normal clustering (with rotationally shifting centers)"
    main.txt<-bquote("Bivariate Normal Clusters with" ~ .(pname)~ "k" ==.(k) *"," ~delta ==.(rparam[2]) *", sd = " ~.(rparam[3]) )  
    gen.points=X1, #generated points according to the clustering pattern
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  class(res)<- "Clusters"
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Generation of Points from Self Correspondence Pattern
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"SpatPatterns"}.
#' Generates \eqn{n_1} 2D points from class 1 and  \eqn{n_2} (denoted as \code{n2} as an argument)
#' 2D points from class 2 in such a way that
#' self-reflexive pairs are more frequent than expected under CSR independence.
#' If \code{distribution="uniform"}, the points from class 1, say \eqn{X_i} are generated as follows: 
#' \eqn{X_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim} Uniform(S_1)} for \eqn{S_1=(c1r[1],c1r[2])^2} for \eqn{i=1,2,\ldots,n_{1h}}
#' where \eqn{n_{1h}=\lfloor n_1/2 \rfloor},
#' and for \eqn{k=n_{1h},+1,\ldots,n_1}, \eqn{X_k=X_{k-n_{1h}}+r (\cos(T_k), \sin(T_k))} where \eqn{r \sim Uniform(0,r_0)}
#' and \eqn{T_k} are iid \eqn{\sim Uniform(0,2 \pi)}.
#' Similarly, the points from class 2, say \eqn{Y_j} are generated as follows: 
#' \eqn{Y_j \stackrel{iid}{\sim} Uniform(S_2)} for \eqn{S_2=(c2r[1],c2r[2])^2} for \eqn{j=1,2,\ldots,n_{2h}} where \eqn{n_{2h}=\lfloor n_2/2\rfloor)},
#' and for \eqn{l=n_{2h},+1,\ldots,n_2}, \eqn{Y_l=Y_{l-n_{2h}}+r (\cos(T_l), \sin(T_l))} where \eqn{r \sim Uniform(0,r_0)} and
#' \eqn{T_l \stackrel{iid}{\sim} Uniform(0,2 \pi)}.
#' This version is the case IV in the article (\insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018;textual}{nnspat}).
#' If \code{distribution="bvnormal"}, the points from class 1, 
#' say \eqn{X_i} are generated as follows: 
#' \eqn{X_i \stackrel{iid}{\sim} BVN(CM(S_1),I_{2x})} 
#' where \eqn{CM(S_1)} is the center of mass of \eqn{S_1} 
#' and \eqn{I_{2x}} is a \eqn{2 \times 2} matrix with diagonals
#' equal to \eqn{s_1^2} with \eqn{s_1=(c1r[2]-c1r[1])/3} 
#' and off-diagonals are 0 for \eqn{i=1,2,\ldots,n_{1h}} 
#' where \eqn{n_{1h}=\lfloor{n_1/2\rfloor}},
#' and for \eqn{k=n_{1h}+1,\ldots,n_1}, \eqn{X_k = Z_k+r (\cos(T_k), \sin(T_k))} 
#' where \eqn{Z_k \sim BVN(X_{k-n_{1h}}, I_2(r_0))}
#' with \eqn{I_2(r_0)} being the \eqn{2 \times 2} matrix 
#' with diagonals \eqn{r_0/3} and 0 off-diagonals, \eqn{r \sim Uniform(0,r_0)} and
#' \eqn{T_k} are iid \eqn{\sim Uniform(0,2 \pi)}.
#' Similarly, the points from class 2, say \eqn{Y_j} are generated as follows: 
#' \eqn{Y_j \stackrel{iid}{\sim} BVN(CM(S_2),I_{2y})} 
#' where \eqn{CM(S_1)} is the center of mass of \eqn{S_1} and 
#' \eqn{I_{2y}} is a \eqn{2 \times 2} matrix with diagonals
#' equal to \eqn{s_2^2} with \eqn{s_2=(c2r[2]-c2r[1])/3} and 
#' off-diagonals are 0 for \eqn{j=1,2,\ldots,n_{2h}} 
#' where \eqn{n_{2h}=\lfloor n_2/2\rfloor)},
#' and for \eqn{l=n_{2h},+1,\ldots,n_2}, \eqn{Y_l = W_k+r (\cos(T_l), \sin(T_l))} 
#' where \eqn{W_l \sim BVN(Y_{l-n_{2h}}, I_2(r_0))}
#' with \eqn{I_2(r_0)} being the \eqn{2 \times 2} matrix 
#' with diagonals \eqn{r_0/3} and 0 off-diagonals, \eqn{r \sim Uniform(0,r_0)} and
#' \eqn{T_l \stackrel{iid}{\sim} Uniform(0,2 \pi)}.
#' Notice that the classes will be segregated 
#' if the supports \eqn{S_1} and \eqn{S_2} are separated, with more separation
#' implying stronger segregation. Furthermore, \eqn{r_0} 
#' (denoted as \code{r0} as an argument) determines 
#' the level of self-reflexivity or self correspondence,
#' i.e., smaller \eqn{r_0} implies a higher level of self correspondence 
#' and vice versa for higher \eqn{r_0} .
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:NNCorrespond2018;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param n1,n2 Positive integers representing the numbers of points to be generated from the two classes
#' @param c1r,c2r Ranges of the squares which constitute the supports of the two classes
#' @param r0 The radius of attraction which determines the level of self-reflexivity (or self correspondence) in 
#' both the uniform and bvnormal distributions for the two classes
#' @param distribution The argument determining the distribution of each class. Takes on values \code{"uniform"} and
#' \code{"bvnormal"} (see the description for the details).
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{pat.type}{\code{"2c"} for the 2-class pattern of self-correspondence of the two classes}
#' \item{type}{The type of the spatial pattern}
#' \item{parameters}{The radius of attraction \eqn{r_0} which determines the level of self-correspondence.}
#' \item{lab}{The class labels of the generated points, it is 1 class 1 or X1 points and 
#' 2 for class 2 or \eqn{X_2} points}
#' \item{init.cases}{The initial points for class 1 and class 2, one initial point for each class, marked
#' with a cross in the plot.}
#' \item{gen.points}{The output set of generated points from the self-correspondence pattern.}
#' \item{ref.points}{The input set of reference points, it is \code{NULL} for this function.}
#' \item{desc.pat}{Description of the species correspondence pattern}
#' \item{mtitle}{The \code{"main"} title for the plot of the point pattern}
#' \item{num.points}{The number of generated points.}
#' \item{xlimit,ylimit}{The possible ranges of the \eqn{x}- and \eqn{y}-coordinates of the generated points}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Zself.ref}} and \code{\link{Xsq.spec.cor}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n1<-50;  #try also n1<-50; n1<-1000;
#' n2<-50;  #try also n2<-50; n2<-1000;
#' c1r<-c(0,1) #try also c(0,5/6), C(0,3/4), c(0,2/3)
#' c2r<-c(0,1) #try also c(1/6,1), c(1/4,1), c(1/3,1)
#' r0<-1/9 #try also 1/7, 1/8
#' #data generation
#' Xdat<-rself.ref(n1,n2,c1r,c2r,r0)
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' #data generation (bvnormal)
#' Xdat<-rself.ref(n1,n2,c1r,c2r,r0,distr="bvnormal")
#' Xdat
#' summary(Xdat)
#' plot(Xdat,asp=1)
#' plot(Xdat)
#' @export 
rself.ref <- function(n1,n2,c1r,c2r,r0,distribution=c("uniform","bvnormal")) 
  distribution <-match.arg(distribution)
  if (length(distribution) > 1 || is.na(distribution))
    stop("distribution must be one \"uniform\", \"bvnormal\"")
  if (n1<=1 || n2<=1)
  {stop('class sizes n1 and n2 must both be larger than 1')}
  x1<-c1r[1]; x2<-c1r[2]
  y1<-c2r[1]; y2<-c2r[2]
  n1f<-floor(n1/2); #floor of n1/2
  n2f<-floor(n2/2); #floor of n2/2
  if (distribution=="uniform")
  } else
  { m1<-(x1+x2)/2; 
  if (distribution=="uniform")
    for (i in (n1f+1):n1)
    for (j in (n2f+1):n2)
  } else
    for (i in (n1f+1):n1)
      mi<-X1[i-n1f,]; sdi<-r0/3
    for (j in (n2f+1):n2)
      mj<-X2[j-n2f,]; sdj<-r0/3
  pname <-"radius of attraction"
  typ<-paste("Self-Reflexivity Pattern with ",n1, " Class 1 Points and ", n2," Class 2 Points with Radius of Attraction r0 = ",
  txt<-"self-reflexivity for two classes"
  main.txt<-bquote("Self-Reflexivity with Radius of Attraction," ~r[0]== .(rparam))
    pat.type="2c", #2c for bivariate pattern from a distribution
    lab=lab, #labels of the data points
    init.cases=rbind(X1[1,],X2[1,]), #initial points
    gen.points=dat, #generated points associated with Y points
    ref.points=NULL, #attraction points, i.e., points to which generated points are associated
    desc.pat=txt, #description of the pattern
  res$call <-match.call()
} #end of the function


#' @title Tocher's randomized correction to the exact \eqn{p}-value
#' @description 
#' Tocher's modification is used for the Fisher's exact test on the contingency tables making it less conservative,
#' by including the probability for the current table based on a randomized test
#' (\insertCite{tocher:1950;textual}{nnspat}). It is applied When table-inclusive version of the \eqn{p}-value,
#' \eqn{p^>_{inc}}, is larger, but table-exclusive version, \eqn{p^>_{exc}}, is less than the level of the test \eqn{\alpha},
#' a random number, \eqn{U}, is generated from uniform distribution in \eqn{(0,1)}, and if \eqn{U \leq (\alpha-p^>_{exc})/p_t},
#' \eqn{p^>_{exc}} is used, otherwise \eqn{p_{inc}} is used as the \eqn{p}-value.
#' Table-inclusive and exclusive \eqn{p}-values are defined as follows. 
#' Let the probability of the contingency table itself
#' be \eqn{p_t=f(n_{11}|n_1,n_2,c_1;\theta)} where \eqn{\theta} is the odds ratio
#' under the null hypothesis (e.g. \eqn{\theta=1} under independence) and 
#' \eqn{f} is the probability mass function of the hypergeometric distribution.
#' In testing the one-sided alternative \eqn{H_o:\,\theta=1} versus \eqn{H_a:\,\theta>1},
#' let \eqn{p=\sum_S f(t|n_1,n_2,c_1;\theta=1)}, then
#' with \eqn{S=\{t:\,t \geq n_{11}\}}, we get the \emph{table-inclusive version} which is denoted as \eqn{p^>_{inc}}
#' and with \eqn{S=\{t:\,t> n_{11}\}}, we get the \emph{table-exclusive version}, denoted as \eqn{p^>_{exc}}.
#' See (\insertCite{ceyhan:exact-NNCT;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param ptable Probability of the contingency table under the null hypothesis using the hypergeometric 
#' distribution for Fisher's exact test.
#' @param pval Table inclusive \eqn{p}-value for Fisher's exact test on the contingency table.
#' @return A modified \eqn{p}-value based on the Tocher's randomized correction.
#' @seealso \code{\link{prob.nnct}}, \code{\link{exact.pval1s}}, and \code{\link{exact.pval2s}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' ptab<-.03
#' pval<-.06
#' tocher.cor(ptab,pval)
#' @export 
tocher.cor <- function(ptable,pval)
  if (pexcl<.05 || pval >= .05)
    ifelse(runif(1)<= (.05-pexcl)/ptable,PV<-pexcl,PV<-pval)
} #end for the function


#' @title Probability of the current nearest neighbor contingency table
#' @description 
#' Computes the probability of the observed \eqn{2 \times 2} nearest neighbor contingency table (NNCT) 
#' \eqn{p_t=f(n_{11}|n_1,n_2,c_1;\theta)} where \eqn{\theta=(n_1-1)(n_2-1)/(n_1 n_2)} which is the odds ratio
#' under RL or CSR independence and
#' \eqn{f} is the probability mass function of the hypergeometric distribution.
#' That is, given the margins of the current NNCT, the probability of obtaining the current table with the odds
#' ratio \eqn{\theta} being the value under the null hypothesis.
#' This value is used to compute the table-inclusive and exclusive \eqn{p}-values for the exact inference on NNCTs.
#' See (\insertCite{ceyhan:exact-NNCT;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param ct A NNCT
#' @return The probability of getting the observed NNCT, \code{ct} , under the null hypothesis.
#' @seealso \code{\link{exact.pval1s}} and \code{\link{exact.pval2s}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' ct<-matrix(sample(20:40,4),ncol=2)
#' prob.nnct(ct)
#' ct<-matrix(sample(20:40,4),ncol=2)
#' prob.nnct(ct)
#' @export 
prob.nnct <- function(ct)
  kr<-nrow(ct); kc<-ncol(ct);
  if (kr>2 || kc>2)
  {stop('number of classes must be 2 for this function')}
  n1<-rs[1]; n2<-rs[2]
  or<-(n1-1)*(n2-1)/(n1*n2) #odds ratio under CSR or RL
  lo <- max(0,n1+c1-n)
  hi <- min(n1,c1)
  support <- lo:hi
  logdc <- dhyper(support, n1, n2, c1, log = TRUE)
  dnhyper <- function(ncp) { #density of non-central hyp geo distribution with ncp(noncent para)=ncp
    d <- logdc + log(ncp) * support
    d <- exp(d - max(d))
} #end for the function


#' @title \eqn{p}-value correction to the one-sided version of exact NNCT test
#' @description 
#' In using Fisher's exact test on the \eqn{2 \times 2} nearest neighbor contingency tables (NNCTs) a correction
#' may be needed for the \eqn{p}-value. For the one-sided alternatives, the probabilities of 
#' more extreme tables are summed up, including or excluding the 
#' probability of the table itself (or some middle way). 
#' Let the probability of the contingency table itself be \eqn{p_t=f(n_{11}|n_1,n_2,c_1;\theta_0)}
#' where \eqn{\theta_0=(n_1-1)(n_2-1)/(n_1 n_2)} which is the odds ratio
#' under RL or CSR independence and
#' \eqn{f} is the probability mass function of the hypergeometric distribution.
#' For testing the one-sided alternative \eqn{H_o:\,\theta=\theta_0} versus \eqn{H_a:\,\theta>\theta_0},
#' we consider the following four methods in calculating the \eqn{p}-value:
#' \itemize{
#' \item [(i)] with \eqn{S=\{t:\,t \geq n_{11}\}}, we get the
#' \emph{table-inclusive version} which is denoted as \eqn{p^>_{inc}},
#' \item [(ii)] with \eqn{S=\{t:\,t> n_{11}\}}, we get the
#' \emph{table-exclusive version}, denoted as \eqn{p^>_{exc}}.
#' \item [(iii)] Using \eqn{p=p^>_{exc}+p_t/2}, we get the \emph{mid-\eqn{p} version}, denoted as \eqn{p^>_{mid}}.
#' \item [(iv)] We can also use \emph{Tocher corrected version} which is denoted as \eqn{p^>_{Toc}}
#' (see \code{\link{tocher.cor}} for details).
#' }
#' See (\insertCite{ceyhan:exact-NNCT;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param ptable Probability of the observed \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT under the null hypothesis using the hypergeometric distribution
#' for Fisher's exact test.
#' @param pval Table inclusive \eqn{p}-value for Fisher's exact test on the NNCT.
#' @param type The type of the \eqn{p}-value correction for the one-sided exact test on the NNCT, default=\code{"inc"}.
#' Takes on values \code{"inc"}, \code{"exc"}, \code{"mid"}, \code{"tocher"} (or equivalently \code{1-4}, respectively) for table inclusive,
#' table-exclusive, mid-\eqn{p}-value, and Tocher corrected \eqn{p}-value, respectively.
#' @return A modified \eqn{p}-value based on the correction specified in \code{type}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{exact.pval2s}} and \code{\link{tocher.cor}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' ct<-matrix(sample(20:40,4),ncol=2)
#' ptab<-prob.nnct(ct)
#' pv<-.3
#' exact.pval1s(ptab,pv)
#' exact.pval1s(ptab,pv,type="exc")
#' exact.pval1s(ptab,pv,type="mid")
#' @export 
exact.pval1s <- function(ptable,pval,type="inc") #exact pvalue for one-sided tests
  Pv <- switch(type,
               inc = { pv <- pval;
               names(pv)<-"table-inclusive p-value (with more extreme tables in one direction than the current table)"},
               exc = { pv <- pval-ptable;
               names(pv)<-"table-exclusive p-value (with more extreme tables in one direction than the current table)"},
               mid = { pv <- pval-ptable/2;
               names(pv)<-"mid-p-value (with more extreme tables in one direction than the current table)"},
               tocher = { pv <- tocher.cor(ptable,pval);
               names(pv)<-"Tocher randomized p-value (with more extreme tables in one direction than the current table)"}
  if (is.null(Pv)) stop("Enter numbers 1-4 or inc, exc, mid, tocher in quotes for type")
} #end for the function


#' @title \eqn{p}-value correction to the two-sided version of exact NNCT test
#' @description 
#' In using Fisher's exact test on the \eqn{2 \times 2} nearest neighbor contingency tables (NNCTs) a correction may be needed
#' for the \eqn{p}-value. For the one-sided alternatives, the probabilities of 
#' more extreme tables are summed up, including or excluding the 
#' probability of the table itself (or some middle way). 
#' There is additional complexity in \eqn{p}-values for the two-sided alternatives.
#' A recommended method is adding up probabilities of the same
#' size and smaller than the probability associated with the current table.
#' Alternatively, one can double the one-sided \eqn{p}-value (see (\insertCite{agresti:1992;textual}{nnspat}).
#' Let the probability of the contingency table itself be \eqn{p_t=f(n_{11}|n_1,n_2,c_1;\theta_0)}
#' where \eqn{\theta_0=(n_1-1)(n_2-1)/(n_1 n_2)} which is the odds ratio
#' under RL or CSR independence and
#' \eqn{f} is the probability mass function of the hypergeometric distribution.
#' **Type (I):** For double the one-sided \eqn{p}-value, we propose the following four variants:
#'   \itemize{
#' \item [(i)] twice the minimum of \eqn{p_{inc}} for the one-sided tests, which is
#' table-inclusive version for this type of two-sided test, and denoted as \eqn{p^I_{inc}},
#' \item [(ii)] twice the minimum of \eqn{p_{inc}} minus twice the table
#' probability \eqn{p_t}, which is table-exclusive version of this type of
#' two-sided test, and denoted as \eqn{p^I_{exc}},
#' \item [(iii)] table-exclusive version of this type of
#' two-sided test plus \eqn{p_t}, which is mid-\eqn{p}-value for
#' this test, and denoted as \eqn{p^I_{midd}},
#' \item [(iv)]Tocher corrected version (see \code{\link{tocher.cor}} for details).
#' }
#' **Type (II):** For summing the \eqn{p}-values of more extreme ---than that of the table--- cases
#' in both directions, the following variants are obtained.
#' The \eqn{p}-value is \eqn{p=\sum_S f(t|n_1,n_2,c_1;\theta=1)} with
#' \itemize{
#' \item [(i)] \eqn{S=\{t:\,f(t|n_1,n_2,c_1;\theta=1) \leq p_t\}}, which is
#' called \emph{table-inclusive version}, \eqn{p^{II}_{inc}},
#' \item [(ii)] the probability of the observed table is included twice, once for each side;
#' that is \eqn{p=p^{II}_{inc}+p_t}, which is called \emph{twice-table-inclusive version}, \eqn{p^{II}_{tinc}},
#' \item [(iii)] table-inclusive minus \eqn{p_t}, which is referred as \emph{table-exclusive version}, \eqn{p^{II}_{exc}},
#' \item [(iv)] table-exclusive plus one-half
#' the \eqn{p_t}, which is called \emph{mid-\eqn{p} version}, \eqn{p^{II}_{mid}} and,
#' \item [(v)]\emph{Tocher corrected version}, \eqn{p^{II}_{Toc}}, is obtained as before.
#' }
#' See (\insertCite{ceyhan:exact-NNCT;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param ptable Probability of the observed \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT under the null hypothesis using the hypergeometric
#' distribution for Fisher's exact test.
#' @param pval Table inclusive \eqn{p}-value for Fisher's exact test on the NNCT.
#' @param type The type of the \eqn{p}-value correction for the two-sided exact test on the NNCT, default=\code{"inc"}.
#' Takes on values \code{"inc"}, \code{"exc"}, \code{"mid"}, \code{"tocher"} (or equivalently \code{1-4}, respectively) for table inclusive,
#' table-exclusive, mid-\eqn{p}-value, and Tocher corrected \eqn{p}-value, respectively.
#' @param double A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether type I or II correction should be 
#' applied to the two-sided \eqn{p}-value. If \code{TRUE} type I correction (for doubling the minimum of the one-sided \eqn{p}-value) 
#' is applied, otherwise, type II correction (using the probabilities for the more extreme tables) is applied.
#' @return A modified \eqn{p}-value based on the correction specified in \code{type}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{exact.pval1s}} and \code{\link{tocher.cor}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' ct<-matrix(sample(20:40,4),ncol=2)
#' ptab<-prob.nnct(ct)
#' pv<-.23
#' exact.pval2s(ptab,pv)
#' exact.pval2s(ptab,pv,type="exc")
#' exact.pval2s(ptab,pv,type="mid")
#' @export 
exact.pval2s <- function(ptable,pval,type="inc",double=FALSE) #exact pvalue for two-sided tests
  if (double==FALSE)
    Pv <- switch(type,
                 inc = { pv <- pval;
                 names(pv)<-"table-inclusive p-value (with more extreme tables in both directions than the current table)"},
                 twice.inc = { pv <- pval+ptable;
                 names(pv)<-"twcie-table-inclusive p-value (with more extreme tables in both directions than the current table)"},
                 exc = { pv <- pval-ptable;
                 names(pv)<-"table-exclusive p-value (with more extreme tables in both directions than the current table)"},
                 mid = { pv <- pval-ptable/2;
                 names(pv)<-"mid-p-value (with more extreme tables in both directions than the current table)"},
                 tocher = { pv <- tocher.cor(ptable,pval);
                 names(pv)<-"Tocher randomized p-value (with more extreme tables in both directions than the current table)"}
  } else 
    Pv <- switch(type,
                 inc = { pv <- 2*min(pval,1-pval);
                 names(pv)<-"table-inclusive p-value (with doubling the one-sided p-value)"},
                 exc = { pv <- 2*min(pval,1-pval)-2*ptable;
                 names(pv)<-"table-exclusive p-value (with doubling the one-sided p-value)"},
                 mid = { pv <- 2*min(pval,1-pval)-ptable;
                 names(pv)<-"mid-p-value (with doubling the one-sided p-value)"},
                 tocher = { pv <- tocher.cor(ptable,pval);
                 names(pv)<-"Tocher randomized p-value (with doubling the one-sided p-value)"}
  if (is.null(Pv)) stop("Enter numbers 1-4 or inc, twice.inc, exc, mid, tocher in quotes for type")
} #end for the function


#' @title Exact version of Pearson's chi-square test on NNCTs 
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"htest"} performing exact version of Pearson's chi-square test on nearest neighbor contingency
#' tables (NNCTs) for the RL or CSR independence for 2 classes.
#' Pearson's \eqn{\chi^2} test is based on the test statistic 
#' \eqn{\mathcal X^2=\sum_{j=1}^2\sum_{i=1}^2 (N_{ij}-\mu_{ij})^2/\mu_{ij}},
#' which has \eqn{\chi^2_1} distribution in the limit provided
#' that the contingency table is constructed under the independence null hypothesis.
#' The exact version of Pearson's test uses the exact distribution of \eqn{\mathcal X^2} rather than large sample 
#' \eqn{\chi^2} approximation.
#' That is, for the one-sided alternative, we calculate
#' the \eqn{p}-values as in the function \code{\link{exact.pval1s}};
#' and for the two-sided alternative, we calculate
#' the \eqn{p}-values as in the function \code{\link{exact.pval2s}} with double argument determining
#' the type of the correction. 
#' This test would be equivalent to Fisher's exact test \code{\link[stats]{fisher.test}} if the odds ratio=1
#' (which can not be specified in the current version), and the odds ratio for the RL or CSR independence null
#' hypothesis is \eqn{\theta_0=(n_1-1)(n_2-1)/(n_1 n_2)} which is used in the function and
#' the \eqn{p}-value and confidence interval computations are are adapted from \code{\link[stats]{fisher.test}}.
#' See \insertCite{ceyhan:SWJ-spat-sym2014;textual}{nnspat} for more details.
#' @param ct A \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for the odds ratio
#' @param pval.type The type of the \eqn{p}-value correction for the exact test on the NNCT, default=\code{"inc"}.
#' Takes on values \code{"inc"}, \code{"exc"}, \code{"mid"}, \code{"tocher"} (or equivalently \code{1-4}, respectively) for table inclusive,
#' table-exclusive, mid-\eqn{p}-value, and Tocher corrected \eqn{p}-value, respectively.
#' @param double A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether type I or II correction should be 
#' applied to the two-sided \eqn{p}-value. Used only when \code{alternative="two.sided"}. 
#' If \code{TRUE} type I correction (for doubling the minimum of the one-sided \eqn{p}-value) 
#' is applied, otherwise, type II correction (using the probabilities for the more extreme tables) is applied.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The test statistic, it is \code{NULL} for this function}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the odds ratio in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate, i.e., the observed odds ratio the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the odds ratio in the \eqn{2 \times 2} NNCT, which is
#' \eqn{\theta_0=(n_1-1)(n_2-1)/(n_1 n_2)} for this function.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the contingency table, \code{ct}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{fisher.test}}, \code{\link{exact.pval1s}}, and \code{\link{exact.pval2s}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' cls<-sample(1:2,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(1:2,c(10,10))
#' ct<-nnct(ipd,cls)
#' ct
#' exact.nnct(ct)
#' fisher.test(ct)
#' exact.nnct(ct,alt="g")
#' fisher.test(ct,alt="g")
#' exact.nnct(ct,alt="l",pval.type = "mid")
#' #############
#' ct<-matrix(sample(10:20,9),ncol=3)
#' fisher.test(ct) #here exact.nnct(ct) gives error message, since number of classes > 2
#' @export
exact.nnct <- function(ct,alternative="two.sided",conf.level = 0.95,pval.type="inc",double=FALSE)
  kr<-nrow(ct); kc<-ncol(ct);
  if (kr!=2 || kc!=2)
  {stop('number of classes must be 2 for this function')}
  alternative <- char.expand(alternative, c("two.sided","less", "greater"))
  if (alternative!="two.sided" & double==TRUE)
  {stop('argument mismatch: double=TRUE can only be used with two.sided alternative only')}
  n1<-rs[1]; n2<-rs[2]
  or<-(n1-1)*(n2-1)/(n1*n2) #odds ratio under CSR or RL
  lo <- max(0,n1+c1-n)
  hi <- min(n1,c1)
  support <- lo:hi
  logdc <- dhyper(support, n1, n2, c1, log = TRUE)
  dnhyper <- function(ncp) { #density of non-central hyp geo distribution with ncp(noncent para)=ncp
    d <- logdc + log(ncp) * support
    d <- exp(d - max(d))
  if (is.na(ptab))
  {stop('The probability of the current table is NaN, so, the exact test is not defined')}
  pnhyper <- function(q, ncp = 1, upper.tail = FALSE) {
    if (ncp == 1) {
      return(if (upper.tail) phyper(n11 - 1, n1, n2, c1,lower.tail = FALSE) else phyper(n11,n1, n2, c1))
    if (ncp == 0) {
      return(as.numeric(if (upper.tail) q <= lo else q >= lo))
    if (ncp == Inf) {
      return(as.numeric(if (upper.tail) q <= hi else q >= hi))
    sum(dnhyper(ncp)[if (upper.tail) support >= q else support <= q])
         less = {pv<-pnhyper(n11, or);
         greater ={ pv<-pnhyper(n11, or, upper.tail = TRUE);
         two.sided = {
           if (or == 0) as.numeric(n11 == lo) 
           else if (or == Inf) as.numeric(n11 == hi) 
           else { relErr <- 1 + 10^(-7)
           d <- dnhyper(or)
           pv<-sum(d[d <= d[n11 - lo + 1] * relErr])
  ncp.U <- function(x, alpha) {
    if (x == hi) 
    p <- pnhyper(x, or)
    if (p < alpha) 
      uniroot(function(t) pnhyper(x, t) - alpha, c(0, 1))$root
    else if (p > alpha) 
      1/uniroot(function(t) pnhyper(x, 1/t) - alpha, c(.Machine$double.eps, 1))$root
    else 1
  ncp.L <- function(x, alpha) {
    if (x == lo) 
    p <- pnhyper(x, or, upper.tail = TRUE)
    if (p > alpha) 
      uniroot(function(t) pnhyper(x, t, upper.tail = TRUE) - 
                alpha, c(0, 1))$root
    else if (p < alpha) 
      1/uniroot(function(t) pnhyper(x, 1/t, upper.tail = TRUE) - 
                  alpha, c(.Machine$double.eps, 1))$root
    else 1
  cint <- switch(alternative, 
                 less = c(0, ncp.U(n11,1 - conf.level)), 
                 greater = c(ncp.L(n11, 1 - conf.level),Inf),
                 two.sided = {alpha <- (1 - conf.level)/2
                 c(ncp.L(n11, alpha), ncp.U(n11, alpha))}
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  method  <- c("Fisher's Exact Test for NNCT with",names(pval))
  names(estimate) <-c("odds ratio")
  null.val<- or #Expected odds ratio under CSR or RL
  names(null.val) <-"odds ratio in NNCT"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(ct))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function


#' @title Interpoint Distance Matrix for Standardized Data
#' @description 
#' This function computes and returns the distance matrix computed by using the specified distance measure 
#' to compute the distances between the rows of a data matrix which is standardized row or column-wise.
#' That is, the output is the interpoint distance (IPD) matrix of the rows of the given set of points \code{x}
#' \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function in the \code{stats} package of the standard R distribution.
#' The argument column is the logical argument (default=\code{TRUE}) to determine row-wise or column-wise standardization.
#' If \code{TRUE} each column is divided by its standard deviation, else each row is divided by its standard deviation.
#' This function is different from the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function in the \code{stats} package.
#' \code{dist} returns the distance matrix in a lower triangular form, and dist.std.data returns in a full matrix
#' of distances of standardized data set.
#' \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @param x A set of points in matrix or data frame form where points correspond to the rows.
#' @param column A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether standardization is row-wise or
#' column-wise. If \code{TRUE} it is column-wise else row-wise standardization.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to be passed on the \code{dist} function.
#' @return A distance matrix whose  \eqn{i,j}-th entry is the distance between rows \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} of \code{x}, which is
#' standardized row-wise or column-wise.
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{dist}}, \code{\link{ipd.mat}}, and \code{\link{ipd.mat.euc}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' range(ipd)
#' ipd2<-dist.std.data(Y) #distance of standardized data
#' range(ipd2)
#' ipd2<-dist.std.data(Y,method="max") #distance of standardized data
#' range(ipd2)
#' #############
#' Y<-matrix(runif(60,0,100),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' range(ipd)
#' ipd2<-dist.std.data(Y) #distance of standardized data
#' range(ipd2)
#' @export
dist.std.data <- function(x,column=TRUE,...)
  if (column==TRUE)
  } else
  if (all(is.na(x.std)))
  {stop('The standardized data is not defined')}
  dist2full(dis) #uses dist2full function to complete it to full matrix distance
} #end for the function


#' @title Smallest and Largest Distances in a Distance Matrix
#' @description 
#' This function finds and returns the \code{k} smallest and \code{k} largest distances in a distance matrix or distance object,
#' and also provides pairs of objects these distances correspond to.
#' The code is adapted from 
#' \url{http://people.stat.sc.edu/Hitchcock/chapter1_R_examples.txt}.
#' @param ds A distance matrix or a distance object
#' @param k A positive integer representing the number of (min and max) distances to be presented, default is \eqn{k=1}
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{min.dis}{The \code{k} smallest distances in \code{ds}}
#' \item{ind.min.dis}{The indices (i.e., row numbers) of the \code{k} pairs of object which has the
#' \code{k} smallest distances in \code{ds}}
#' \item{max.dis}{The \code{k} largest distances in \code{ds}}
#' \item{ind.max.dis}{The indices (i.e., row numbers) of the \code{k} pairs of object which has the
#' \code{k} largest distances in \code{ds}}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{dist}}, \code{\link{ipd.mat}}, and \code{\link{ipd.mat.euc}}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' ipd<-ipd.mat(Y)
#' pick.min.max(ipd)
#' #or
#' pick.min.max(dist(Y))
#' pick.min.max(ipd,2)
#' @export
pick.min.max <- function(ds, k=1)
  ds <- as.matrix(ds)
  if (k>=n)
  {stop('k must be less than the sample size, n')}
  if (n<=1)
  {stop('sample size, n, must be >= 2')}
  if (is.matrix(ds)) {
    ds2 <- ds
    disLT <- ds[lower.tri(ds)]
  } else {
    ds2 <- dist2full(ds)
    disLT <- ds2[lower.tri(ds2)]
  kmin <- matrix(sort(disLT)[1:k],ncol=k)
  kmax <- matrix(sort(disLT,decreasing=T)[1:k],ncol=k)
  kmin.pairs <- kmax.pairs <- matrix(0,nrow=k,ncol=2)
  for (i in 1:k){
    kmin.pairs[i,] <- which(ds2==kmin[i],arr.ind=T)[2,]
  for (i in 1:k){
    kmax.pairs[i,] <- which(ds2==kmax[i],arr.ind=T)[2,]
  if (k==1)
  {rownames(kmin)<-"smallest distance="
  rownames(kmax)<-"largest distance="
  colnames(kmin.pairs) <- colnames(kmax.pairs) <-c("corresponding to pair of objects","")
  } else
  {rownames(kmin)<-paste("smallest", k, "distances=")
  rownames(kmax)<-paste("largest", k, "distances=")
  colnames(kmin.pairs) <- colnames(kmax.pairs) <-c("corresponding to pairs of objects","")
} #end for the function


#' @title Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} Test statistic
#' @description
#' This function computes Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic based on the number of cases within \code{k}NNs of the cases
#' in the data.
#' For disease clustering, \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat} suggested a \code{k}-NN test based on number of cases
#' among \code{k} NNs of the case points. 
#' Let \eqn{z_i} be the \eqn{i^{th}} point and \eqn{d_i^k} be the number cases among \code{k} NNs of \eqn{z_i}.
#' Then Cuzick-Edwards' \code{k}-NN test is \eqn{T_k=\sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i d_i^k}, where \eqn{\delta_i=1} 
#' if \eqn{z_i} is a case, and 0 if \eqn{z_i} is a control.
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL}, 
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's 
#' and 1's accordingly.
#' Also, \eqn{T_1} is identical to the count for cell \eqn{(1,1)} in the nearest neighbor contingency table (NNCT)
#' (See the function \code{\link{nnct}} for more detail on NNCTs).
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014,cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject \eqn{i}), default is \code{1}.
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic for disease clustering
#' @seealso \code{\link{Tcomb}}, \code{\link{seg.ind}}, \code{\link{Pseg.coeff}} and \code{\link{ceTkinv}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' ceTk(Y,cls)
#' ceTk(Y,cls,method="max")
#' ceTk(Y,cls,k=3)
#' ceTk(Y,cls+1,case.lab = 2)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ceTk(Y,fcls,case.lab="a") #try also ceTk(Y,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  # here ceTk(Y,cls) gives an error message
#' @export 
ceTk <- function(dat,cc.lab,k=1,case.lab=NULL,...)
  if (k>=n)
  { k<-min(k,n-1)
  warning("k is greater than or equal to data size, n, so, n-1 is used for k")}
  if (length(table(cc.lab))!=2)
  {stop('cc.lab must have two types/labels for the case-control setting')}
  if (!is.null(case.lab))
  if (sum(cc.lab==1)==0)
  {stop('case-control labeling is incorrect, either label the cases as 1 and controls as 0 or specify the case.lab')}
  nlist<-which(cc.lab==1) #indices of cases in cc.lab
  for (i in nlist)
} #end for the function


# funsExpTk
#' @title Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} Test statistic
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{EV.Tk} and \code{EV.Tkaij}.
#' Both functions compute the expected value of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic based on the number of cases 
#' within \code{k}NNs of the cases in the data under RL or CSR independence.
#' The number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument)
#' for both functions and number of controls as \eqn{n_0} (denoted as \code{n0} as an argument) in \code{EV.Tk},
#' to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The function \code{EV.Tkaij} uses Toshiro Tango's moments formulas based on the \eqn{A=(a_{ij})} matrix
#' (and is equivalent to the function \code{EV.Tk}, see \insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat},
#' where \eqn{a_{ij}(k) = 1} if \eqn{z_j} is among the \code{k}NNs of \eqn{z_i} and 0 otherwise.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject \eqn{i}).
#' @param n1,n0 The number of cases and controls, \eqn{n_1} used for both functions, and \eqn{n_0} used in \code{EV.Tk} only.
#' @param a The \eqn{A=(a_{ij})} matrix
#' @return The expected value of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic for disease clustering
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTk}} and \code{\link{EV.Tcomb}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsExpTk
#' @rdname funsExpTk
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n1<-20
#' n0<-25
#' k<-1 #try also 3, 5, sample(1:5,1)
#' EV.Tk(k,n1,n0)
#' ###
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' n0<-sum(cls==0)
#' a<-aij.mat(Y,k)
#' EV.Tk(k,n1,n0)
#' EV.Tkaij(k,n1,a)
#' @export
EV.Tk <- function(k,n1,n0)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsExpTk
#' @export
EV.Tkaij <- function(k,n1,a) 
} #end for the function


# funsAijmat
#' @title Aij matrices for computation of Moments of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} Test statistic
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{aij.mat} and \code{aij.nonzero}.
#' The function \code{aij.mat} yields the \eqn{A=(a_{ij}(k))} matrix where \eqn{a_{ij}(k) = 1} if \eqn{z_j} is among the \code{k}NNs of \eqn{z_i}
#' and 0 otherwise due to \insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}.
#' This matrix is useful in calculation of the moments of Cuzick-Edwards \eqn{T_k} tests.
#' The function \code{aij.nonzero} keeps only nonzero entries, i.e., row and column entries where 
#' in each row, for the entry \eqn{(r_1,c_1)} \eqn{r_1} is the row entry and \eqn{c_1} is the column entry. Rows are from
#' 1 to n, which stands for the data point or observation, and column entries are from 1 to \code{k}, where \code{k} is specifying
#' the number of \code{k}NNs (of each observation) considered. This function saves in storage memory, but needs to be
#' carefully unfolded in the functions to represent the actual the \eqn{A} matrix.
#' See also (\insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject \eqn{i}), default is \code{1}.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return The function \code{aij.mat} returns the \eqn{A_{ij}} matrix for computation of moments of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k}
#' Test statistic while the function \code{aij.nonzero} returns the (locations of the) non-zero entries in the \eqn{A_{ij}}
#' matrix
#' @seealso \code{\link{aij.theta}} and \code{\link{EV.Tkaij}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsAijmat
#' @rdname funsAijmat
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' k<-3 #try also 2,3
#' Aij<-aij.mat(Y,k)
#' Aij
#' Aij2<-aij.mat(Y,k,method="max")
#' range(Aij,Aij2)
#' apply(Aij,2,sum) #row sums of Aij
#' aij.nonzero(Y,k)
#' aij.nonzero(Y,k,method="max")
#' @export
aij.mat <- function(dat,k,...)
  if (n<=1)
  { return(a)}
  if (k>=n)
  { k<-min(k,n-1)
  warning("k is greater than or equal to data size, n, so, n-1 is used for k")}
  for (i in 1:n)
    for (j in 1:n)
      a[i,j]<-sum(j==ord[i,2:(k+1)]) #order(ipd[i,])[2:(k+1)])
}#end for the function
#' @rdname funsAijmat
#' @export
aij.nonzero <- function(dat,k,...)
  if (n<=1)
  if (k>=n)
  { k<-min(k,n-1)
  warning("k is greater than or equal to data size, n, so, n-1 is used for k")}
  cmat<-matrix(0,nrow=n,ncol=k) #for nonzero indices
  for (i in 1:n)
    for (j in 1:n)
      alpha<-sum(j==ord[i,2:(k+1)]) #order(ipd[i,])[2:(k+1)])
      if (alpha==1)
  for (i in 1:k)
} #end for the function


#' @title Asymptotic Variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} Test statistic
#' @description
#' This function computes the asymptotic variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic based on the number
#' of cases within \code{k}NNs of the cases in the data. 
#' The argument, \eqn{n_1}, is the number of cases (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument).
#' The number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} and number of controls as \eqn{n_0} in this function
#' to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The logical argument \code{nonzero.mat} (default=\code{TRUE}) is for using the \eqn{A} matrix if \code{FALSE} or just the matrix of nonzero
#' locations in the \eqn{A} matrix (if \code{TRUE}) for computing \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t}, which are required in the computation of the
#' asymptotic variance. \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t} are defined on page 78 of (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) as follows.
#' \eqn{N_s=\sum_i\sum_j a_{ij} a_{ji}} (i.e., number of ordered pairs for which \code{k}NN relation is symmetric)
#' and \eqn{N_t= \sum \sum_{i \ne l}\sum a_{ij} a_{lj}} (i.e, number of triplets \eqn{(i,j,l)} \eqn{i,j}, and \eqn{l} distinct so that
#' \eqn{j} is among \code{k}NNs of \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} is among \code{k}NNs of \eqn{l}).
#' For the \eqn{A} matrix, see the description of the functions \code{aij.mat} and \code{aij.nonzero}.
#' See (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param n1 Number of cases
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject \eqn{i})
#' @param nonzero.mat A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the \eqn{A} matrix or the matrix of
#' nonzero locations of the \eqn{A} matrix will be used in the computation of \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t}.
#' If \code{TRUE} the nonzero location matrix is used, otherwise the \eqn{A} matrix itself is used.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{asy.var}{The asymptotic variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic for disease clustering}
#' \item{Ns}{The \eqn{N_s} value standing for the number of ordered pairs for which \code{k}NN relation is symmetric,
#' see the description.}
#' \item{Nt}{The \eqn{N_t} value standing for the number of triplets \eqn{(i,j,l)} \eqn{i,j}, and \eqn{l} distinct so that
#' \eqn{j} is among \code{k}NNs of \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} is among \code{k}NNs of \eqn{l} see the description.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTk}}, \code{\link{varTk}}, and \code{\link{varTkaij}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' k<-3 #try also 2,3
#' asyvarTk(Y,n1,k)
#' asyvarTk(Y,n1,k,nonzero.mat=FALSE)
#' asyvarTk(Y,n1,k,method="max")
#' @export 
asyvarTk <- function(dat,n1,k,nonzero.mat=TRUE,...)
  if (n<=1)
  if (k>=n)
  { k<-min(k,n-1)
  warning("k is greater than or equal to data size, n, so, n-1 is used for k")}
  a<-aij.mat(dat,k,...) #needed for Ns and Nt
  if (nonzero.mat)
    row.ak<-ak[,1]; col.ak<-ak[,-1]
    for (i in 1:n)
    { for (el in 1:k)
    { ifelse(k==1, col.aki<-col.ak[i],col.aki<-col.ak[i,])
    for (j in 1:n)
  } else
    Ns<-Nt<-0 #for Ns and Nt see C&E 1990 page 78
    for (j in 1:n)
      for (i in 1:n)
} #end for the function


#' @title \eqn{N_t} Value (found with the definition formula)
#' @description
#' This function computes the \eqn{N_t} value which is required in the computation of the asymptotic variance
#' of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test. Nt is defined on page 78 of (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) as follows.
#' \eqn{N_t= \sum \sum_{i \ne l}\sum a_{ij} a_{lj}} (i.e, number of triplets \eqn{(i,j,l)} \eqn{i,j}, and \eqn{l} distinct so that
#' \eqn{j} is among \eqn{k}NNs of \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} is among \eqn{k}NNs of \eqn{l}).
#' This function yields the same result as the \code{asyvarTk} and \code{varTk} functions with \code{$Nt} inserted at the
#' end.
#' See (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param a The \eqn{A=(a_{ij})} matrix. The argument \code{a} is the \eqn{A} matrix, obtained as output fromm \code{aij.mat}.
#' @return Returns the \eqn{N_t} value standing for the number of triplets \eqn{(i,j,l)} \eqn{i,j}, and \eqn{l} distinct so that
#' \eqn{j} is among \eqn{k}NNs of \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} is among \eqn{k}NNs of \eqn{l}. See the description.
#' @seealso \code{\link{asyvarTk}}, \code{\link{varTk}}, and \code{\link{varTkaij}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' k<-2 #try also 2,3
#' a<-aij.mat(Y,k)
#' Nt.def(a)
#' @export
Nt.def <- function(a)
  for (i in 1:n)
    for (l in lseq)
      for (j in 1:n)
} #end for the function


#' @title \eqn{p_k} Value (used in the computation of the variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} statistic)
#' @description
#' This function computes the \eqn{p_k} value which is required in the computation of the variance
#' of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test. 
#' \eqn{p_k} is defined as the ratio \eqn{n_1(n_1-1)\cdots (n_1-(k-1))/(n(n-1)\cdots (n-(k-1))}.
#' The argument, \eqn{n_1}, is the number of cases (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument).
#' The number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} and number of controls as \eqn{n_0} in this function
#' to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' See (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param n A positive integer representing the number of points in the data set
#' @param n1 Number of cases
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject \eqn{i})
#' @return Returns the \eqn{p_k} value. See the description.
#' @seealso \code{\link{asyvarTk}}, \code{\link{varTk}}, and \code{\link{varTkaij}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
pk <- function(n,n1,k)
} #end for the function


# funsVarTk
#' @title Variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} Test statistic
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{VarTk} and \code{VarTkaij}.
#' Both functions compute the (finite sample) variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic based on the 
#' number of cases within \code{k}NNs of the cases in the data under RL or CSR independence.
#' The common arguments for both functions are \code{n1}, representing the number of cases and \code{k}.
#' The number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} and number of controls as \eqn{n_0} in this function
#' to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The logical argument \code{nonzero.mat} (default=\code{TRUE}) is for using the \eqn{A} matrix if \code{FALSE} or just the matrix of nonzero
#' locations in the \eqn{A} matrix (if \code{TRUE}) for computing \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t}, which are required in the computation of the
#' variance. \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t} are defined on page 78 of (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) as follows.
#' \eqn{N_s=\sum_i\sum_j a_{ij} a_{ji}} (i.e., number of ordered pairs for which \code{k}NN relation is symmetric)
#' and \eqn{N_t= \sum \sum_{i \ne l}\sum a_{ij} a_{lj}} (i.e, number of triplets \eqn{(i,j,l)} \eqn{i,j}, and \eqn{l} distinct so that
#' \eqn{j} is among \code{k}NNs of \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} is among \code{k}NNs of \eqn{l}).
#' The function \code{VarTkaij} uses Toshiro Tango's moments formulas based on the \eqn{A=(a_{ij})} matrix
#' (and is equivalent to the function \code{VarTk}, see \insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat},
#' where \eqn{a_{ij}(k) = 1} if \eqn{z_j} is among the \code{k}NNs of \eqn{z_i} and 0 otherwise.
#' The function \code{varTkaij} is equivalent to \code{varTk} (with \code{$var} extension).
#' See (\insertCite{cuzick:1990,tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point, used in \code{VarTk} only.
#' @param n1 Number of cases
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject \eqn{i})
#' @param nonzero.mat A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the \eqn{A} matrix or the matrix of
#' nonzero locations of the \eqn{A} matrix will be used in the computation of \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t}.
#' If \code{TRUE} the nonzero location matrix is used, otherwise the \eqn{A} matrix itself is used. Used in \code{VarTk} only.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function. Used in \code{VarTk} only.
#' @param a The \eqn{A=(a_{ij})} matrix, used in \code{VarTkaij} only.
#' @return The function \code{VarTk} returns a \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{var.Tk}{The (finite sample) variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic for disease clustering}
#' \item{Ns}{The \eqn{N_s} value standing for the number of ordered pairs for which \code{k}NN relation is symmetric,
#' see the description.}
#' \item{Nt}{The \eqn{N_t} value standing for the number of triplets \eqn{(i,j,l)} \eqn{i,j}, and \eqn{l} distinct so that
#' \eqn{j} is among \code{k}NNs of \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} is among \code{k}NNs of \eqn{l} see the description.}
#' The function \code{VarTkaij} returns only \code{var.Tk} as above.
#' @seealso \code{\link{asyvarTk}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsVarTk
#' @rdname funsVarTk
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' k<-2 #try also 2,3
#' a<-aij.mat(Y,k)
#' varTk(Y,n1,k)
#' varTk(Y,n1,k,nonzero.mat=FALSE)
#' varTk(Y,n1,k,method="max")
#' @export
varTk <- function(dat,n1,k,nonzero.mat=TRUE,...)
  if (n<=1)
  { return(list(
  if (k>=n)
  warning("k is greater than or equal to data size, n, so, n-1 is used for k")}
  if (nonzero.mat)
    row.ak<-ak[,1]; col.ak<-ak[,-1]
    for (i in 1:n)
    { for (el in 1:k)
    { ifelse(k==1, col.aki<-col.ak[i],col.aki<-col.ak[i,])
    for (j in 1:n)
  } else
    for (j in 1:n)
      for (i in 1:n)
  p2<-pk(n,n1,2); p3<-pk(n,n1,3); p4<-pk(n,n1,4)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsVarTk
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' k<-1 #try also 2,3, sample(1:5,1)
#' a<-aij.mat(Y,k)
#' varTkaij(n1,k,a)
#' varTk(Y,n1,k)$var
#' @export
varTkaij <- function(n1,k,a)
  if (n<=1)
  if (k>=n)
  warning("k is greater than or equal to data size, n, so, n-1 is used for k")}
  p2<-pk(n,n1,2); p3<-pk(n,n1,3); p4<-pk(n,n1,4)
  S31<-sum(bi.*b) #this part avoids the two for loops 
} #end for the function


#' @title \eqn{Z}-test for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} statistic 
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"htest"} performing a \eqn{z}-test for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic based on the 
#' number of cases within \code{k}NNs of the cases in the data.
#' For disease clustering, \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat} suggested a \code{k}-NN test \eqn{T_k} based on number of cases
#' among \code{k} NNs of the case points.
#' Under RL of \eqn{n_1} cases and \eqn{n_0} controls to the given locations in the study region,
#' \eqn{T_k} approximately has \eqn{N(E[T_k],Var[T_k]/n_1)} distribution for large \eqn{n_1}.
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL}, 
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's 
#' and 1's accordingly. 
#' Also, \eqn{T_1} is identical to the count for cell \eqn{(1,1)} in the nearest neighbor contingency table (NNCT)
#' (See the function \code{\link{nnct}} for more detail on NNCTs).
#' Thus, the \eqn{z}-test for \eqn{T_k} is same as the cell-specific \eqn{z}-test for cell \eqn{(1,1)} in the NNCT (see
#' \code{\link{cell.spec}}).
#' The logical argument \code{nonzero.mat} (default=\code{TRUE}) is for using the \eqn{A} matrix if \code{FALSE} or just the matrix of nonzero
#' locations in the \eqn{A} matrix (if \code{TRUE}) in the computations.
#' The logical argument \code{asy.var} (default=\code{FALSE}) is for using the asymptotic variance or the exact (i.e., finite
#' sample) variance for the variance of \eqn{T_k} in its standardization.
#' If \code{asy.var=TRUE}, the asymptotic variance is used for \eqn{Var[T_k]} (see \code{asyvarTk}), otherwise the exact
#' variance (see \code{varTk}) is used.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014,cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject \eqn{i}).
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} statistic
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}
#' @param nonzero.mat A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the \eqn{A} matrix or the matrix of
#' nonzero locations of the \eqn{A} matrix will be used in the computation of \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t} (argument is passed on to
#' \code{asyvarTk}). If \code{TRUE} the nonzero location matrix is used, otherwise the \eqn{A} matrix itself is used.
#' @param asy.var A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether the asymptotic variance or 
#' the exact (i.e., finite sample) variance for the variance of \eqn{T_k} in its standardization. 
#' If \code{TRUE}, the asymptotic variance is used for \eqn{Var[T_k]}, otherwise the exact variance is used.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} value
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, i.e., the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} value.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} value
#' which is \eqn{k n_1 (n_1-1)/(n-1)} for this function.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTk}}, \code{\link{cell.spec}}, and \code{\link{Xsq.ceTk}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' k<-1 #try also 2,3, sample(1:5,1)
#' ZceTk(Y,cls,k)
#' ZceTk(Y,cls,k,nonzero.mat=FALSE)
#' ZceTk(Y,cls,k,method="max")
#' ZceTk(Y,cls+1,k,case.lab = 2,alt="l")
#' ZceTk(Y,cls,k,asy.var=TRUE,alt="g")
#' @export
ZceTk <- function(dat,cc.lab,k,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
         n1<-sum(cc.lab==1), n1<-sum(cc.lab==case.lab)) #n1 is number of cases
  n0<-n-n1 #n0 is number of controls
  stderr <-sqrt(var.Tk)
  ts<-(Tk-ETk)/stderr #TS.CE
  if (is.na(ts))
  {stop("The test statistic is NaN, so, z-test for Cuzick-Edwards Tk is not defined")}
  names(ts) <-ifelse(asy.var==TRUE,paste("Test statistic for Cuzick-Edwards Tk for k=",k," (with asymptotic variance), Z ",sep=""),
                     paste("Test statistic for Cuzick-Edwards Tk for k=",k," (with finite sample variance), Z ",sep=""))
  names(estimate) <-c("Cuzick-Edwards Tk")
  method <-ifelse(asy.var==TRUE,paste("Z-Test for Cuzick-Edwards kNN test, Tk, with asymptotic variance ",sep=""),
                  paste("Z-Test for Cuzick-Edwards kNN test, Tk, with finite sample variance ",sep=""))
  null.val<- ETk
  names(null.val) <-"(expected) value of Cuzick-Edwards Tk under the null hypothesis"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function

#see page 87 of C&E 1990 for Tcomb, which combines multiple Tk's in one test

#' @title \eqn{N_{tkl}} Value
#' @description
#' This function computes the \eqn{N_{tkl}} value which is required in the computation of the exact and asymptotic variance
#' of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} test, which is a linear combination of some \eqn{T_k} tests. 
#' \eqn{N_{tkl}} is defined on page 80 of (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) as follows.
#' Let \eqn{a_{ij}(k)} be 1 if \eqn{j} is a \code{k} NN of \eqn{i} and zero otherwise and 
#' \eqn{N_t(k,l) = \sum \sum_{i \ne m}\sum a_{ij}(k) a_{mj}(l)}.
#' The logical argument \code{nonzero.mat} (default=\code{TRUE}) is for using the \eqn{A} matrix if \code{FALSE} or just the matrix of nonzero
#' locations in the \eqn{A} matrix (if \code{TRUE}) in the computations.
#' See (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param k,l Integers specifying the number of NNs (of subjects \eqn{i} and \eqn{m} in \eqn{a_{ij}(k) a_{mj}(l)}).
#' @param nonzero.mat A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the \eqn{A} matrix or the matrix of
#' nonzero locations of the \eqn{A} matrix will be used in the computation of \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t} (argument is passed on to
#' \code{asycovTkTl} and \code{covTkTl}).
#' If \code{TRUE} the nonzero location matrix is used, otherwise the \eqn{A} matrix itself is used.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns the \eqn{N_{tkl}} value. See the description.
#' @seealso \code{\link{asycovTkTl}}, and \code{\link{covTkTl}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' k<-1 #try also 2,3 or sample(1:5,1)
#' l<-1 #try also 2,3 or sample(1:5,1)
#' c(k,l)
#' Ntkl(Y,k,l)
#' Ntkl(Y,k,l,nonzero.mat = FALSE)
#' Ntkl(Y,k,l,method="max")
#' @export
Ntkl <- function(dat,k,l,nonzero.mat=TRUE,...)
  if (nonzero.mat) #if nonzero.mat=T
    for (i in 1:n)
      for (m in mseq)
  } else #i.e., nonzero.mat=FALSE
    for (i in 1:n)
      for (m in mseq)
        Nt<-Nt+sum(ak[i,]*al[m,]) #this is short for "for (j in 1:n)"
} #end for the function


#' @title Asymptotic Covariance between \eqn{T_k} and \eqn{T_l} Values
#' @description
#' This function computes the asymptotic covariance between \eqn{T_k} and \eqn{T_l} values
#' which is used in the computation of the asymptotic variance
#' of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} test, which is a linear combination of some \eqn{T_k} tests. 
#' The limit is as \eqn{n_1} goes to infinity.
#' The argument, \eqn{n_1}, is the number of cases (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument).
#' The number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} and number of controls as \eqn{n_0} in this function
#' to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The logical argument \code{nonzero.mat} (default=\code{TRUE}) is for using the \eqn{A} matrix if \code{FALSE} or just the matrix of nonzero
#' locations in the \eqn{A} matrix (if \code{TRUE}) in the computations.
#' See page 80 of (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param n1 Number of cases
#' @param k,l Integers specifying the number of NNs (of subjects \eqn{i} and \eqn{m} in \eqn{a_{ij}(k) a_{mj}(l)}).
#' @param nonzero.mat A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the \eqn{A} matrix or the matrix of
#' nonzero locations of the \eqn{A} matrix will be used in the computation of \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t}.
#' If \code{TRUE} the nonzero location matrix is used, otherwise the \eqn{A} matrix itself is used.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns the asymptotic covariance between \eqn{T_k} and \eqn{T_l} values.
#' @seealso \code{\link{covTkTl}}, \code{\link{covTcomb}}, and \code{\link{Ntkl}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' k<-1 #try also 2,3 or sample(1:5,1)
#' l<-1 #try also 2,3 or sample(1:5,1)
#' c(k,l)
#' asycovTkTl(Y,n1,k,l)
#' asycovTkTl(Y,n1,k,l,nonzero.mat = FALSE)
#' asycovTkTl(Y,n1,k,l,method="max")
#' @export
asycovTkTl <- function(dat,n1,k,l,nonzero.mat=TRUE,...)
  if (n<=1)
  if (k>=n)
  { k<-min(k,n-1)
  warning("k is greater than or equal to data size, n, so, n-1 is used for k")}
  if (l>=n)
  { l<-min(l,n-1)
  warning("l is greater than or equal to data size, n, so, n-1 is used for l")}
  if (nonzero.mat)
    {for (i in 1:n)
  } else
    {for (i in 1:n)
      Ns<-Ns+sum(ak[i,]*al[,i]) #this is short for "for (j in 1:n) Ns<-Ns+ak[i,j]*al[j,i]"
} #end for the function


#' @title Finite Sample Covariance between \eqn{T_k} and \eqn{T_l} Values
#' @description
#' This function computes the exact (i.e., finite sample) covariance between \eqn{T_k} and \eqn{T_l} values
#' which is used in the computation of the exact variance
#' of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} test, which is a linear combination of some \eqn{T_k} tests.
#' The logical argument \code{nonzero.mat} (default=\code{TRUE}) is for using the \eqn{A} matrix if \code{FALSE} or just the matrix of nonzero
#' locations in the \eqn{A} matrix (if \code{TRUE}) in the computations.
#' See page 80 of (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @inheritParams asycovTkTl
#' @return Returns the exact covariance between \eqn{T_k} and \eqn{T_l} values.
#' @seealso \code{\link{asycovTkTl}}, \code{\link{covTcomb}}, and \code{\link{Ntkl}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' k<-1 #try also 2,3 or sample(1:5,1)
#' l<-1 #try also 2,3 or sample(1:5,1)
#' c(k,l)
#' covTkTl(Y,n1,k,l)
#' covTkTl(Y,n1,k,l,method="max")
#' asycovTkTl(Y,n1,k,l)
#' covTkTl(Y,n1,k,l,nonzero.mat = FALSE)
#' asycovTkTl(Y,n1,k,l,nonzero.mat = FALSE)
#' @export
covTkTl <- function(dat,n1,k,l,nonzero.mat=TRUE,...)
  if (n<=1)
  if (k>=n)
  { k<-min(k,n-1)
  warning("k is greater than or equal to data size, n, so, n-1 is used for k")}
  if (l>=n)
  { l<-min(l,n-1)
  warning("l is greater than or equal to data size, n, so, n-1 is used for l")}
  if (nonzero.mat)
    {for (i in 1:n)
  } else
    {for (i in 1:n)
      Ns<-Ns+sum(ak[i,]*al[,i]) #this is short for "for (j in 1:n) Ns<-Ns+ak[i,j]*al[j,i]"
} #end for the function


#' @title Covariance matrix for \eqn{T_k} values in \code{Tcomb}
#' @description
#' This function computes the covariance matrix for the \eqn{T_k} values used in the \eqn{T_{comb}} test statistics,
#' which is a linear combination of some \eqn{T_k} tests. 
#' The argument, \eqn{n_1}, is the number of cases (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument).
#' The number of cases is denoted as \eqn{n_1} to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The argument \code{klist} is the \code{vector} of integers specifying the indices of the \eqn{T_k} values used
#' in obtaining the \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' The logical argument \code{nonzero.mat} (default=\code{TRUE}) is for using the \eqn{A} matrix if \code{FALSE} or just the matrix of nonzero
#' locations in the \eqn{A} matrix (if \code{TRUE}) in the computations.
#' The logical argument \code{asy.cov} (default=\code{FALSE}) is for using the asymptotic covariance or the exact (i.e., finite
#' sample) covariance for the vector of \eqn{T_k} values used in \code{Tcomb}.
#' If \code{asy.cov=TRUE}, the asymptotic covariance is used, otherwise the exact covariance is used.
#' See page 87 of (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param n1 Number of cases
#' @param klist \code{list} of integers specifying the indices of the \eqn{T_k} values used in obtaining the \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' @param nonzero.mat A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the \eqn{A} matrix or the matrix of
#' nonzero locations of the \eqn{A} matrix will be used in the computation of \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t}.
#' If \code{TRUE} the nonzero location matrix is used, otherwise the \eqn{A} matrix itself is used.
#' @param asy.cov A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether asymptotic or exact (i.e., finite
#' sample) covariances between \eqn{T_k} and \eqn{T_l} values are to be used to obtain the entries of the covariance matrix.
#' If \code{TRUE} the asymptotic covariance values are used, otherwise exact covariance values are used.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns the covariance matrix for the \eqn{T_k} values used in \code{Tcomb}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{asycovTkTl}}, \code{\link{covTcomb}}, and \code{\link{Ntkl}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' kl<-sample(1:5,3) #try also sample(1:5,2)
#' kl
#' covTcomb(Y,n1,kl)
#' covTcomb(Y,n1,kl,method="max")
#' covTcomb(Y,n1,kl,nonzero.mat = FALSE)
#' covTcomb(Y,n1,kl,asy=TRUE)
#' @export 
covTcomb <- function(dat,n1,klist,nonzero.mat=TRUE,asy.cov=FALSE,...) 
  if (n<=1)
  if (max(klist)>=n)
  { klist<-unique(c(klist[klist<=n-1],n-1))
  warning("klist has elements greater than or equal to data size, n, so, klist= {", toString(klist),"} is used instead")}
  r<-length(klist) #must be renewed when max(klist)>=n
  for (k in klist)
  if (r==1)
  for (i in 1:(r-1))
    for (j in (i+1):r)
      k<-klist[i]; l<-klist[j]
} #end for the function


#' @title Square root of a matrix
#' @description
#' Computes the square root of the matrix \eqn{A}, where \eqn{A} does not have to be a square matrix, 
#' when the square root exists.
#' See https://people.orie.cornell.edu/davidr/SDAFE2/Rscripts/SDAFE2.R
#' @param A A matrix, not necessarily square
#' @return Returns the square root of \eqn{A}, if exists, otherwise gives an error message.
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' A<-matrix(sample(20:40,4),ncol=2)
#' matrix.sqrt(A)
#' A<-matrix(sample(20:40,16),ncol=4)
#' matrix.sqrt(A)
#' #sqrt of inverse of A, or sqrt inverse of A
#' matrix.sqrt(solve(A))
#' #non-square matrix
#' A<-matrix(sample(20:40,20),ncol=4)
#' matrix.sqrt(A)
#' @export
matrix.sqrt <- function(A) 
  sva <- svd(A) 
  if (min(sva$d)>=0) 
  { Asqrt <- t(sva$v %*% (t(sva$u) * sqrt(sva$d))) 
  } else 
  {stop("Matrix square root is not defined") }
} #end for the function


#' @title Cuzick & Edwards Tcomb Test Statistic
#' @description
#' This function computes the value of Cuzick & Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} test statistic in disease clustering, where \eqn{T_{comb}}
#' is a linear combination of some \eqn{T_k} tests.
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL}, 
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's 
#' and 1's accordingly. 
#' The argument \code{klist} is the \code{vector} of integers specifying the indices of the \eqn{T_k} values used
#' in obtaining the \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' The logical argument \code{nonzero.mat} (default=\code{TRUE}) is for using the \eqn{A} matrix if \code{FALSE} or just the matrix of nonzero
#' locations in the \eqn{A} matrix (if \code{TRUE}) in the computations.
#' The logical argument \code{asy.cov} (default=\code{FALSE}) is for using the asymptotic covariance or the exact (i.e., finite
#' sample) covariance for the vector of \eqn{T_k} values used in \code{Tcomb} in the standardization of \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' If \code{asy.cov=TRUE}, the asymptotic covariance is used, otherwise the exact covariance is used. 
#' See page 87 of (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control
#' @param klist \code{list} of integers specifying the indices of the \eqn{T_k} values used in obtaining the \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param nonzero.mat A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the \eqn{A} matrix or the matrix of
#' nonzero locations of the \eqn{A} matrix will be used in the computation of \eqn{N_s} and \eqn{N_t}.
#' If \code{TRUE} the nonzero location matrix is used, otherwise the \eqn{A} matrix itself is used.
#' @param asy.cov A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether asymptotic or exact (i.e., finite
#' sample) covariances between \eqn{T_k} and \eqn{T_l} values are to be used to obtain the entries of the covariance matrix.
#' If \code{TRUE} the asymptotic covariance values are used, otherwise exact covariance values are used.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return Returns the value of the \eqn{T_{comb}} test statistic
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTk}}, \code{\link{EV.Tcomb}}, and \code{\link{ZTcomb}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1) #try also n<-50, 100
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' kl<-sample(1:5,3) #try also sample(1:5,2)
#' kl
#' Tcomb(Y,cls,kl)
#' Tcomb(Y,cls,kl,method="max")
#' Tcomb(Y,cls+1,kl,case.lab=2)
#' Tcomb(Y,cls,kl,nonzero.mat = FALSE)
#' Tcomb(Y,cls,kl,asy.cov = TRUE)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' Tcomb(Y,fcls,kl,case.lab="a")
#' @export 
Tcomb <- function(dat,cc.lab,klist,case.lab=NULL,nonzero.mat=TRUE,asy.cov=FALSE,...)
  if (max(klist)>=n)
  { klist<-unique(c(klist[klist<=n-1],n-1))
  warning("klist has elements greater than or equal to data size, n, so, klist= {", toString(klist),"} is used instead")}
         n1<-sum(cc.lab==1), n1<-sum(cc.lab==case.lab)) #n1 is number of cases
  n0<-n-n1 #n0 is number of controls
  for (k in klist)
  ifelse(asy.cov==TRUE,Sigma<-covTcomb(dat,n1,klist,nonzero.mat,asy.cov = TRUE,...) ,
         Sigma<-covTcomb(dat,n1,klist,nonzero.mat,...) ) #cov matrix for Tcomb
  Sinvrt<-matrix.sqrt(solve(Sigma)) #sqrt of inverse of Sigma
  Tcomb<-sum(Sinvrt %*% Tv)
} #end for the function


#' @title Expected Value for Cuzick & Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} Test Statistic
#' @description
#' This function computes the expected value of Cuzick & Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} test statistic in disease clustering,
#' where \eqn{T_{comb}} is a linear combination of some \eqn{T_k} tests. 
#' The argument, \eqn{n_1}, is the number of cases (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument).
#' The number of cases is denoted as \eqn{n_1} to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The argument \code{klist} is the \code{vector} of integers specifying the indices of the \eqn{T_k} values used
#' in obtaining the \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' The argument \code{sig} is the covariance matrix of the vector of \eqn{T_k} values used in \code{Tcomb}, and can be computed
#' via the the \code{\link{covTcomb}} function.
#' See page 87 of (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' @param n1 Number of cases
#' @param n A positive integer representing the number of points in the data set
#' @param klist \code{list} of integers specifying the indices of the \eqn{T_k} values used in obtaining the \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' @param sig The covariance matrix of the vector of \eqn{T_k} values used in \code{Tcomb}
#' @return Returns the expected value of the \eqn{T_{comb}} test statistic
#' @seealso \code{\link{Tcomb}}, and \code{\link{ZTcomb}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1) #try also n<-50, 100
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' kl<-sample(1:5,3) #try also sample(1:5,2)
#' kl
#' sig<-covTcomb(Y,n1,kl)
#' EV.Tcomb(n1,n,kl,sig)
#' @export 
EV.Tcomb <- function(n1,n,klist,sig)
  if (max(klist)>=n)
  { klist<-unique(c(klist[klist<=n-1],n-1))
  warning("klist has elements greater than or equal to data size, n, so, klist= {", toString(klist),"} is used instead")}
  sig.inv.rt<-matrix.sqrt(solve(sig)) #sqrt of inverse of Sigma
  EV<-n*p2*sum(klist*sig.inv.rt) #this is incorrect in C&E, and fixed here
} #end for the function


#' @title \eqn{Z}-test for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} statistic 
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"htest"} performing a \eqn{z}-test for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} test statisticin disease clustering,
#' where \eqn{T_{comb}} is a linear combination of some \eqn{T_k} tests. 
#' For disease clustering, \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat} developed a \eqn{k}-NN test \eqn{T_k} based on 
#' number of cases among \eqn{k} NNs of the case points, and also proposed a test combining various \eqn{T_k} tests,
#' denoted as \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' See page 87 of (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) for more details.
#' Under RL of \eqn{n_1} cases and \eqn{n_0} controls to the given locations in the study region,
#' \eqn{T_{comb}} approximately has \eqn{N(E[T_{comb}],Var[T_{comb}])} distribution for large \eqn{n_1}.
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL}, 
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's 
#' and 1's accordingly. 
#' The argument \code{klist} is the \code{vector} of integers specifying the indices of the \eqn{T_k} values used
#' in obtaining the \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' The logical argument \code{nonzero.mat} (default=\code{TRUE}) is for using the \eqn{A} matrix if \code{FALSE} or just the matrix of nonzero
#' locations in the \eqn{A} matrix (if \code{TRUE}) in the computations.
#' The logical argument \code{asy.cov} (default=\code{FALSE}) is for using the asymptotic covariance or the exact (i.e., finite
#' sample) covariance for the vector of \eqn{T_k} values used in \code{Tcomb} in the standardization of \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' If \code{asy.cov=TRUE}, the asymptotic covariance is used, otherwise the exact covariance is used.
#' See also (\insertCite{ceyhan:SiM-seg-ind2014,cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat})
#' and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control
#' @param klist \code{list} of integers specifying the indices of the \eqn{T_k} values used in obtaining the \eqn{T_{comb}}.
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} statistic
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param nonzero.mat A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the \eqn{A} matrix or the matrix of
#' nonzero locations of the \eqn{A} matrix will be used in the computation of covariance of \eqn{T_k} values forming the
#' \code{T_{comb}} statistic (argument is passed on to \code{covTcomb}). If \code{TRUE} the nonzero location matrix is used,
#' otherwise the \eqn{A} matrix itself is used.
#' @param asy.cov A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether asymptotic or exact (i.e., finite
#' sample) covariances between \eqn{T_k} and \eqn{T_l} values are to be used to obtain the entries of the covariance matrix.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} test}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} value
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, i.e., the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} value.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{comb}} value
#' which is \eqn{E[T_{comb}]} for this function, which is the output of \code{EV.Tcomb} function.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Tcomb}}, \code{\link{EV.Tcomb}}, and \code{\link{covTcomb}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' kl<-sample(1:5,3) #try also sample(1:5,2)
#' ZTcomb(Y,cls,kl)
#' ZTcomb(Y,cls,kl,method="max")
#' ZTcomb(Y,cls,kl,nonzero.mat=FALSE)
#' ZTcomb(Y,cls+1,kl,case.lab = 2,alt="l")
#' ZTcomb(Y,cls,kl,conf=.9,alt="g")
#' ZTcomb(Y,cls,kl,asy=TRUE,alt="g")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ZTcomb(Y,fcls,kl,case.lab="a")
#' @export
ZTcomb <- function(dat,cc.lab,klist,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
  if (max(klist)>=n)
  { klist<-unique(c(klist[klist<=n-1],n-1))
  warning("klist has elements greater than or equal to data size, n, so, klist= {", toString(klist),"} is used instead")}
         n1<-sum(cc.lab==1), n1<-sum(cc.lab==case.lab)) #n1 is number of cases
  n0<-n-n1 #n0 is number of controls
  for (k in klist)
  ifelse(asy.cov==TRUE,Sigma<-covTcomb(dat,n1,klist,nonzero.mat,asy.cov = TRUE,...) ,
         Sigma<-covTcomb(dat,n1,klist,nonzero.mat,...) ) #cov matrix for Tcomb
  Sinvrt<-matrix.sqrt(solve(Sigma)) #sqrt of inverse of Sigma
  ETcomb<-n*p2*sum(klist*Sinvrt) #or use EV.Tcomb(n1,n,klist,Sigma)
  Tcomb<-sum(Sinvrt %*% Tv)
  m<-length(klist) #also Var[Tcomb]
  names(ts) <-ifelse(asy.cov==TRUE,
                     "Test statistic for Cuzick-Edwards Tcomb which combines Tk for k in klist with asymptotic covariance, Z",
                     "Test statistic for Cuzick-Edwards Tcomb which combines Tk for k in klist with finite sample covariance, Z")
  names(estimate) <-c("Cuzick-Edwards Tcomb")
  method <- ifelse(asy.cov==TRUE,
                   paste(c("Z-Test for Cuzick-Edwards combined Tk for k in klist={", klist0,"} with asymptotic covariance"), collapse=" "),
                   paste(c("Z-Test for Cuzick-Edwards combined Tk for k in klist={", klist0,"} with finite sample covariance"), collapse=" "))
  null.val<- ETcomb
  names(null.val) <-"(expected) value of Cuzick-Edwards combined Tk under the null hypothesis"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function


#' @title Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} Test statistic
#' @description
#' This function computes Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} test statistic based on the sum of the number of successive 
#' cases from each cases until a control is encountered in the data for detecting rare large clusters.
#' \eqn{T_{run}} test statistic is defined as \eqn{T_{run}=\sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i d_i^r} where \eqn{\delta_i=1} 
#' if \eqn{z_i} is a case, and 0 if \eqn{z_i} is a control and \eqn{d_i^r} is the number successive cases encountered beginning
#' at \eqn{z_i} until a control is encountered. 
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL},
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's and 1's
#' accordingly.
#' See also (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return A \code{list} with two elements
#' \item{Trun}{Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} test statistic for disease clustering}
#' \item{run.vec}{The \code{vector} of number of consecutive cases till the first control for each point in the data set}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTk}}, \code{\link{Tcomb}} and \code{\link{ceTkinv}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' ceTrun(Y,cls)
#' ceTrun(Y,cls,method="max")
#' ceTrun(Y,cls+1,case.lab = 2)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ceTrun(Y,fcls,case.lab="a") #try also ceTrun(Y,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #here ceTrun(Y,cls) #gives an error message
#' @export 
ceTrun <- function(dat,cc.lab,case.lab=NULL,...)
  if (length(table(cc.lab))!=2)
  {stop('cc.lab must have two types/labels for the case-control setting')}
  if (!is.null(case.lab))
  if (sum(cc.lab==1)==0)
  {stop('case-control labeling is incorrect, either label the cases as 1 and controls as 0 or specify the case.lab')}
  Trun<-0; rv<-rep(0,n) #runvector
  nlist<-which(cc.lab==1) #indices of cases in cc.lab
  for (i in nlist)
    crit<-1; k<-1
    while (crit>0)
    Trun<-Trun+(k-2) #k-2 to exclude the original case point and the first ctrl reached
} #end for the function


# funsExpTrun
#' @title Expected Value for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} Test statistic
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{EV.Trun} and \code{EV.Trun.alt}.
#' Both functions compute the expected value of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} test statistic based on the number of 
#' consecutive cases from the cases in the data under RL or CSR independence.
#' The number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument)
#' and number of controls as \eqn{n_0} for both functions (denoted as \code{n0} as an argument),
#' to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The function \code{EV.Trun.alt} uses a loop and takes slightly longer than the function \code{EV.Trun},
#' hence \code{EV.Trun} is used in other functions. 
#' See also (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param n1,n0 The number of cases and controls used as arguments for both functions.
#' @return The expected value of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} test statistic for disease clustering
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTrun}} and \code{\link{EV.Tk}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsExpTrun
#' @rdname funsExpTrun
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n1<-20
#' n0<-25
#' EV.Trun(n1,n0)
#' @export
EV.Trun <- function(n1,n0)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsExpTrun
EV.Trun.alt <- function(n1,n0)
  for (j in 1:(n1-1))
} #end for the function


# funsVarTrun
#' @title Variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} Test statistic
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{varTrun} and \code{varTrun.sim}.
#' The function \code{varTrun} computes the (finite sample) variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} test statistic 
#' which is based on the number of consecutive cases from the cases in the data under RL or CSR independence.
#' And the function \code{varTrun.sim} estimates this variance based on simulations under the RL hypothesis.
#' The only common argument for both functions is \code{dat}, the data set used in the functions.
#' \eqn{n_1} is an argument for \code{varTrun} and is the number of cases (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument).
#' The number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} and number of controls as \eqn{n_0} in this function
#' to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL}, 
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's 
#' and 1's accordingly. The argument \code{Nsim} represents the number of resamplings (without replacement) in the
#' RL scheme, with default being \code{1000}. \code{cc.lab}, \code{case.lab} and \code{Nsim} are arguments for \code{varTrun.sim} only.
#' The function \code{varTrun} might take a very long time when data size is large (even larger than 50),
#' hence the need for the \code{varTrun.sim} function. 
#' See (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}).
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point, 
#' used in both functions.
#' @param n1 Number of cases, used in \code{varTrun} only.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control, used in \code{varTrun.sim} only.
#' @param Nsim The number of simulations, i.e., the number of resamplings under the RL scheme to estimate the 
#' variance of \eqn{T_{run}}, used in \code{varTrun.sim} only.
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}, used in \code{varTrun.sim} only.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' Used in \code{varTrun} only.
#' @return The function \code{varTrun} returns the variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} test statistic
#' under RL or CSR independence.
#' And the function \code{varTrun.sim} estimates the same variance based on simulations under the RL hypothesis.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTrun}} and \code{\link{EV.Trun}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsVarTrun
#' @rdname funsVarTrun
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1) #try also 40, 50, 60
#' set.seed(123)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' n0<-sum(cls==0)
#' c(n1,n0)
#' varTrun(Y,n1)
#' varTrun(Y,n1,method="max")
#' @export
varTrun <- function(dat,n1,...)
  if (n<=1)
  for (i in 1:n)
  {for (j in (1:n))
    for (k in 1:(n1-1))
      for (l in 1:(n1-1))
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsVarTrun
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-15  #or try sample(1:20,1) #try also 40, 50, 60
#' set.seed(123)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' varTrun(Y,n1) #the actual value (might take a long time if n is large)
#' Nmc<-1000
#' varTrun.sim(Y,cls,Nsim=Nmc)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' varTrun.sim(Y,fcls,Nsim=Nmc,case.lab="a")
#' @export
varTrun.sim <- function(dat,cc.lab,Nsim=1000,case.lab=NULL)
  if (length(table(cc.lab))!=2)
  {stop('cc.lab must have two types/labels for the case-control setting')}
  if (!is.null(case.lab))
  for (i in 1:Nsim)
    slab<-sample(cc.lab) #random labeling of cases and ctrls
} #end for the function


#' @title \eqn{Z}-test for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} statistic 
#' @description
#' An object of class \code{"htest"} performing a \eqn{z}-test for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} test statistic 
#' which is based on the number of consecutive cases from the cases in the data under RL or CSR independence.
#' Under RL of \eqn{n_1} cases and \eqn{n_0} controls to the given locations in the study region,
#' \eqn{T_{run}} approximately has \eqn{N(E[T_{run}],Var[T_{run}])} distribution for large \eqn{n}.
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL}, 
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's 
#' and 1's accordingly. 
#' The logical argument var.sim (default=\code{FALSE}) is for using the simulation estimated variance or the exact 
#' variance for the variance of \eqn{T_{run}} in its standardization.
#' If \code{var.sim=TRUE}, the simulation estimated variance is used for \eqn{Var[T_{run}]} (see \code{varTrun.sim}), 
#' otherwise the exact variance (see \code{varTrun}) is used.
#' Moreover, when \code{var.sim=TRUE}, the argument \code{Nvar.sim} represents the number of resamplings 
#' (without replacement) in the RL scheme, with default being \code{1000}.
#' The function \code{varTrun} might take a very long time when data size is large (even larger than 50);
#' in this case, it is recommended to use \code{var.sim=TRUE} in this function.
#' See also (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"}.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} statistic
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param var.sim A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether the simulation estimated variance or
#' the exact variance be used for the variance of \eqn{T_{run}} in its standardization.
#' If \code{var.sim=TRUE}, the simulation estimated variance is used for \eqn{Var[T_{run}]} (see \code{varTrun.sim}), 
#' otherwise the exact variance (see \code{varTrun}) is used.
#' @param Nvar.sim The number of simulations, i.e., the number of resamplings under the RL scheme to estimate the 
#' variance of \eqn{T_{run}}, used only when \code{var.sim=TRUE}.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} test}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} value
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.} 
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, i.e., the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} value.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_{run}} value
#' which is \eqn{n_1 (n_1-1)/(n_0+1)} for this function.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTrun}}, \code{\link{ZceTk}}, and \code{\link{ZTcomb}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1) #try also 40, 50, 60
#' set.seed(123)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' ZTrun(Y,cls)
#' ZTrun(Y,cls,method="max")
#' ZTrun(Y,cls,var.sim=TRUE)
#' ZTrun(Y,cls+1,case.lab = 2,alt="l") #try also ZTrun(Y,cls,conf=.9,alt="g")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ZTrun(Y,fcls,case.lab="a")
#' @export
ZTrun <- function(dat,cc.lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
         n1<-sum(cc.lab==1), n1<-sum(cc.lab==case.lab)) #n1 is number of cases
  n0<-n-n1 #n0 is number of controls
         varTr<-varTrun(dat,n1,...) ) #var of Trun
  names(ts) <-ifelse(var.sim==TRUE,
                     "Test statistic for Cuzick-Edwards Trun with variance estimated via simulation, Z ",
                     "Test statistic for Cuzick-Edwards Trun with the actual variance, Z ")
  names(estimate) <-c("Cuzick-Edwards Trun")
  method <- ifelse(var.sim==TRUE,
                   "Z-Test for Cuzick-Edwards Trun for clustering with variance estimated via simulation",
                   "Z-test for Cuzick-Edwards Trun for clustering with the actual variance")
  null.val<- ETr
  names(null.val) <-"(expected) value of Cuzick-Edwards Trun under the null hypothesis"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function


#' @title Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} Test statistic
#' @description
#' This function computes Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test statistic based on the sum of number of cases closer to 
#' each case than the \code{k}-th nearest control to the case.
#' \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test statistic is an extension of the run length test allowing a fixed number of controls in the run 
#' sequence. 
#' \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test statistic is defined as \eqn{T_k^{inv}=\sum_{i=1}^n \delta_i \nu_i^k} where \eqn{\delta_i=1} 
#' if \eqn{z_i} is a case, and 0 if \eqn{z_i} is a control and \eqn{\nu_i^k} is the number of cases closer
#' to the index case than the \code{k} nearest control, i.e., number of cases encountered beginning
#' at \eqn{z_i} until \code{k}-th control is encountered. 
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL},
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's and 1's
#' accordingly.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of the closest controls to subject \eqn{i}.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return A \code{list} with two elements
#' \item{Tkinv}{Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test statistic for disease clustering}
#' \item{run.vec}{The \code{vector} of number of cases till the \code{k}-th control for each point in the data set}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTrun}}, \code{\link{ceTk}}, and \code{\link{Tcomb}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' cls
#' k<-2 #also try 3,4
#' ceTkinv(Y,k,cls)
#' ceTkinv(Y,k,cls+1,case.lab = 2)
#' ceTkinv(Y,k,cls,method="max")
#' ceTrun(Y,cls)
#' ceTkinv(Y,k=1,cls)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ceTkinv(Y,k,fcls,case.lab="a") #try also ceTrun(Y,fcls)
#' #############
#' n<-40
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(1:4,n,replace = TRUE)  #here ceTkinv(Y,k,cls) #gives error
#' @export 
ceTkinv <- function(dat,k,cc.lab,case.lab=NULL,...)
  if (length(table(cc.lab))!=2)
  {stop('cc.lab must have two types/labels for the case-control setting')}
  if (!is.null(case.lab))
  if (n0==0)
  {stop('case-control labeling is incorrect, either label the cases as 1 and controls as 0 or specify the case.lab')}
  if (k>n0)
  {stop('k can not be larger than the number of controls in the sample')}
  Tkinv<-0; rv<-rep(0,n) #runvector
  nlist<-which(cc.lab==1) #indices of cases in cc.lab
  for (i in nlist)
    crit<-0; j<-k
    while (crit<k)
    Tkinv<-Tkinv+(j-k-1) #j-k-1 to exclude the original case point and the \eqn{k^{th}} ctrl reached
} #end for the function


#' @title Expected Value of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} Test statistic
#' @description
#' This function computes the expected value of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test statistic which is based on the 
#' sum of number of cases closer to each case than the \code{k}-th nearest control to the case.
#' The number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument)
#' and number of controls as \eqn{n_0} for both functions (denoted as \code{n0} as an argument),
#' to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' See the function \code{\link{ceTkinv}} for the details of the \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test.
#' See (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) and references therein.
#' @param n1,n0 The number of cases and controls
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of the closest controls to subject \eqn{i}.
#' @return The expected value of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test statistic for disease clustering
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTkinv}}, \code{\link{ceTrun}}, and \code{\link{EV.Trun}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n1<-20
#' n0<-25
#' k<-2 #try also 2, 3
#' EV.Tkinv(n1,n0,k)
#' EV.Tkinv(n1,n0,k=1)
#' EV.Trun(n1,n0)
#' @export 
EV.Tkinv <- function(n1,n0,k)
} #end for the function


#' @title Simulated Variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} Test statistic
#' @description
#' This function estimates the variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test statistic by Monte Carlo simulations
#' under the RL hypothesis.
#' The exact variance of \eqn{T_k^{inv}} is currently not available and (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) say
#' that "The permutational variance of \eqn{T_k^{inv}} becomes unwieldy for \eqn{k > 1} and is more easily simulated", hence
#' we estimate the variance of \eqn{T_k^{inv}} by RL of cases and controls to the given point data.
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL}, 
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's 
#' and 1's accordingly. The argument \code{Nsim} represents the number of resamplings (without replacement) in the
#' RL scheme, with default being \code{1000}. 
#' See (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}).
#' See the function \code{\link{ceTkinv}} for the details of the \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point, 
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of the closest controls to subject \eqn{i}.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control
#' @param Nsim The number of simulations, i.e., the number of resamplings under the RL scheme to estimate the 
#' variance of \eqn{T_k^{inv}}
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}.
#' @return The simulation estimated variance of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test statistic for disease clustering
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTkinv}} and \code{\link{EV.Tkinv}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' k<-2
#' Nmc<-1000
#' varTkinv.sim(Y,k,cls,Nsim=Nmc)
#' set.seed(1)
#' varTrun.sim(Y,cls,Nsim=Nmc)
#' set.seed(1)
#' varTkinv.sim(Y,k=1,cls,Nsim=Nmc)
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' varTkinv.sim(Y,k,fcls,Nsim=Nmc,case.lab="a")
#' @export 
varTkinv.sim <- function(dat,k,cc.lab,Nsim=1000,case.lab=NULL)
  if (length(table(cc.lab))!=2)
  {stop('cc.lab must have two types/labels for the case-control setting')}
  if (!is.null(case.lab))
  for (i in 1:Nsim)
    slab<-sample(cc.lab) #random labeling of cases and ctrls
} #end for the function


# funsZTkinv
#' @title Z-Test for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} statistic
#' @description
#' Two functions: \code{ZTkinv} and \code{ZTkinv.sim}, each of which is an object of class \code{"htest"} performing a
#' \eqn{z}-test for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test statistic. See \code{\link{ceTkinv}} for a description of 
#' \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test statistic.
#' The function \code{ZTkinv} performs a \eqn{Z}-test for \eqn{T_k^{inv}} using asymptotic normality with a simulation estimated
#' variance under RL of cases and controls to the given points.
#' And the function \code{ZTkinv.sim} performs test for\eqn{T_k^{inv}} based on MC simulations under the RL hypothesis.
#' Asymptotic normality for the \eqn{T_k^{inv}} is not established yet, but this seems likely according to 
#' \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}. 
#' If asymptotic normality holds, it seems a larger sample size would be needed before this becomes
#' an effective approximation.
#' Hence the simulation-based test \code{ZTkinv.sim} is recommended for use to be safe. 
#' When \code{ZTkinv} is used, this is also highlighted with the warning "asymptotic normality of \eqn{T_k^{inv}} is not yet established, 
#' so, simulation-based test is recommended".
#' All arguments are common for both functions, except for \dots, Nvar.sim which are used in \code{ZTkinv} only,
#' and \code{Nsim}, which is used in \code{ZTkinv.sim} only.
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL}, 
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's 
#' and 1's accordingly.
#' The argument \code{Nvar.sim} represents the number of resamplings (without replacement) in the
#' RL scheme, with default being \code{1000} for estimating the variance of \eqn{T_k^{inv}} statistic in \code{ZTkinv}.
#' The argument \code{Nsim} represents the number of resamplings (without replacement) in the
#' RL scheme, with default being \code{1000} for estimating the \eqn{T_k^{inv}} values in \code{ZTkinv.sim}.
#' Both functions might take a very long time when data size is large or \code{Nsim} is large.
#' See also (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}) and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point, 
#' used in both functions.
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of the closest controls to subject \eqn{i}, used in both functions.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control, used in both functions.
#' @param alternative Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"} or \code{"greater"},
#' used in both functions.
#' @param conf.level Level of the upper and lower confidence limits, default is \code{0.95}, 
#' for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} statistic. Used in both functions.
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}, used in both functions.
#' @param Nvar.sim The number of simulations, i.e., the number of resamplings under the RL scheme to estimate the 
#' variance of Tkinv, used in \code{ZTkinv} only.
#' @param Nsim The number of simulations, i.e., the number of resamplings under the RL scheme to estimate the 
#' \eqn{T_k^{inv}} values, used in \code{ZTkinv.sim} only.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function. Used in \code{ZTkinv} only.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The \eqn{Z} test statistic for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} test}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test for the corresponding alternative. In \code{ZTkinv}
#' this is computed using the standard normal distribution, while in \code{ZTkinv.sim}, it is based on which percentile
#' the observed \eqn{T_k^{inv}} value is among the generated \eqn{T_k^{inv}} values.}
#' \item{conf.int}{Confidence interval for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} value
#' at the given confidence level \code{conf.level} and depends on the type of \code{alternative}.}
#' \eqn{z}-critical values are used in the construction of the confidence interval in \code{ZTkinv}, 
#' while the percentile values are used in the generated sample of \eqn{T_k^{inv}} values in \code{ZTkinv.sim} 
#' \item{estimate}{Estimate of the parameter, i.e., the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} value.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k^{inv}} value
#' which is \eqn{k n_1 (n_1-1)/(n_0+1)} under RL, where the number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} and number of controls as \eqn{n_0}.}
#' \item{alternative}{Type of the alternative hypothesis in the test, one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"less"}, \code{"greater"}}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTkinv}} and \code{\link{EV.Tkinv}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsZTkinv
#' @rdname funsZTkinv
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-10 #try also 20, 50, 100
#' set.seed(123)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' k<-2
#' ZTkinv(Y,k,cls)
#' ZTkinv(Y,k,cls+1,case.lab = 2,alt="l")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ZTkinv(Y,k,fcls,case.lab="a")
#' @export
ZTkinv <- function(dat,k,cc.lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
         n1<-sum(cc.lab==1), n1<-sum(cc.lab==case.lab)) #n1 is number of cases
  n0<-n-n1 #n0 is number of controls
  varTki<-varTkinv.sim(dat,k,cc.lab,Nsim=Nvar.sim,case.lab) #var of Tkinv
  names(ts) <-paste(c("Test statistic for Cuzick-Edwards Tkinv test for k =", k," with variance estimated via simulation, Z"), collapse=" ")
  names(estimate) <-c("Cuzick-Edwards Tkinv")
  method <- "Z-Test for Cuzick-Edwards Tkinv Test for Clustering"
  null.val<- ETki
  names(null.val) <-"(expected) value of Cuzick-Edwards Tkinv under the null hypothesis"
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-Inf, qnorm(conf.level))*stderr
               greater = { 
                 pval <-pnorm(ts, lower.tail = FALSE)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-qnorm(conf.level),Inf)*stderr
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * pnorm(-abs(ts))
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
                 cint <-estimate+c(-cint, cint)*stderr
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
  warning("asymptotic normality of Tkinv is not yet established, so, simulation-based test is recommended")
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsZTkinv
#' @examples
#' n<-10 #try also 20, 50, 100
#' set.seed(123)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)  #or try cls<-rep(0:1,c(10,10))
#' k<-2 # try also 3,5
#' ZTkinv.sim(Y,k,cls)
#' ZTkinv.sim(Y,k,cls,conf=.9,alt="g")
#' #cls as a factor
#' na<-floor(n/2); nb<-n-na
#' fcls<-rep(c("a","b"),c(na,nb))
#' ZTkinv.sim(Y,k,fcls,case.lab="a")
#' #with k=1
#' ZTkinv.sim(Y,k=1,cls)
#' ZTrun(Y,cls)
#' @export
ZTkinv.sim <- function(dat,k,cc.lab,alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),conf.level = 0.95,
  alternative <-match.arg(alternative)
  if (length(alternative) > 1 || is.na(alternative))
    stop("alternative must be one \"greater\", \"less\", \"two.sided\"")
  if (!missing(conf.level))
    if (length(conf.level) != 1 || is.na(conf.level) || conf.level < 0 || conf.level > 1)
      stop("conf.level must be a number between 0 and 1")
         n1<-sum(cc.lab==1), n1<-sum(cc.lab==case.lab)) #n1 is number of cases
  n0<-n-n1 #n0 is number of controls
  if (!is.null(case.lab))
  for (i in 1:Nsim)
    slab<-sample(cc.lab) #random labeling of cases and ctrls
  names(ts) <-paste(c("Cuzick-Edwards Tkinv value with k =", k," for the current data"), collapse=" ")
  names(estimate) <-c("Cuzick-Edwards Tkinv")
  method <- "Monte Carlo Test for Cuzick-Edwards Tkinv for Clustering"
  null.val<- ETk0
  names(null.val) <-"(expected) value of Cuzick-Edwards Tkinv under the null hypothesis of RL"
  alpha <-1 - conf.level
  pval.ls <-(sum(ce.vec<=Tk0)+1)/(Nsim+1); pval.rs <-(sum(ce.vec>=Tk0)+1)/(Nsim+1)
  alt<- switch(alternative,
               less = { 
                 cint <-c(-Inf, quants[3])
               greater = { 
                 cint <-c(quants[2],Inf)
               two.sided = { 
                 pval <-2 * min(pval.ls,pval.rs)
                 alpha <-1 - conf.level
                 cint <-c(quants[1],quants[4])
  if (is.null(alt)) stop("Alternative must be one of less, greater, or two.sided in quotes")
  attr(cint, "conf.level") <-conf.level 
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
  rval <-list(
    conf.int = cint,
    estimate = estimate,
    null.value = null.val,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  class(rval) <- "htest"
} #end for the function


# funsW345values
#' @title \eqn{W_k} values for Tango's \eqn{T} test statistic
#' @description
#' Three functions: \code{W3val}, \code{W4val} and \code{W5val}, each of which is needed to compute \eqn{E[T^3]}
#' (i.e., for the skewness of \eqn{T})
#' where \eqn{T=T(\theta)} which is defined in Equation (2) of \insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat} as follows:
#' Let \eqn{(z_1,\ldots,z_n )}, \eqn{n = n_0 + n_1}, denote the locations of the points in the combined sample 
#' when the indices have been randomly permuted so that the \eqn{z_i} contain no information about group membership.
#' \deqn{T(\theta)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{n}\delta_i \delta_j a_{ij}(\theta)=
#' \boldsymbol \delta^t \boldsymbol A(\theta)) \boldsymbol \delta} where \eqn{\delta_i=1} if \eqn{z_i} is a case,
#' and 0 if \eqn{z_i} is a control,  \eqn{\boldsymbol A(\theta) = (a_{ij} (\theta))} could be any matrix of a measure of
#' the closeness between two points \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} with \eqn{a_{ii} = 0} for all \eqn{i = 1,\ldots,n}, and \eqn{\boldsymbol \theta = 
#' (\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_p)^t} denotes the unknown parameter vector related to cluster size and 
#' \eqn{\boldsymbol \delta = (\delta_1,\ldots,\delta_n)^t}. 
#' Here the number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} and number of controls as \eqn{n_0}  to match the case-control class
#' labeling, which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}.
#' If \eqn{\theta=k} in the nearest neighbors model with \eqn{a_{ij}(k) = 1} if \eqn{z_j} is among the \eqn{k}NNs of \eqn{z_i} and 0 
#' otherwise, then the test statistic \eqn{T(\theta) = T_k} is the Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{k}NN test statistic, \eqn{T_k}
#' \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}, see also \code{\link{ceTk}}.
#' \eqn{W_k} values are used for Tango's correction to Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{k}NN test statistic, \eqn{T_k} and
#' \eqn{W_k} here corresponds to \eqn{W_{k-1}} in \insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}
#' (defined for consistency with \eqn{p_k}'s and \eqn{alpha_r} having \eqn{r} distinct elements).
#' The argument of the function is the \eqn{A_{ij}} matrix, \code{a}, which is the output of the function \code{\link{aij.mat}}.
#' However, inside the function we symmetrize the matrix \code{a} as \code{b <- (a+a^t)/2}, to facilitate the formulation.
#' @param a \eqn{A_{ij}} matrix which is the output of the function \code{\link{aij.mat}}.
#' @return Each function \code{Wkval} returns the \eqn{W_k} value for \eqn{k=3,4,5}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTk}}, \code{\link{EV.Tk}}, \code{\link{varTk}}, \code{\link{Xsq.ceTk}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name funsW345values
#' @rdname funsW345values
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' k<-sample(1:5,1) # try also 3, 5, sample(1:5,1)
#' k
#' a<-aij.mat(Y,k)
#' W3val(a)
#' W4val(a)
#' W5val(a)
#' a<-aij.mat(Y,k,method="max")
#' W3val(a)
#' W4val(a)
#' W5val(a)
#' @export 
W3val <- function(a)
{ b<-1/2*(a+t(a))
for (i in 1:n)
for (j in 1:n)
  Sij<-sum(b[i,]*b[j,]) #short for the below for loop
  #S<-0 #for (m in 1:n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsW345values
#' @export
W4val <- function(a)
  for (i in 1:n)
  for (j in 1:n)
  { bj<-sum(b[j,])
  Sij<-sum(b[i,]*b[j,]) #short for the below for loop
  # S<-0      for (m in 1:n)
} #end for the function
#' @rdname funsW345values
#' @export 
W5val <- function(a)
{ b<-1/2*(a+t(a))
for (i in 1:n)
for (j in (1:n)[-i])
Sij<-sum(b[i,]*b[j,]) #short for the below for loop
#S<-0     for (m in 1:n)
} #end for the function


#' @title Skewness of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} Test statistic
#' @description
#' This function estimates the skewness of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic under the RL hypothesis.
#' Skewness of a random variable \eqn{T} is defined as \eqn{E(T-\mu)^3/(E(T-\mu)^2)^{1.5}} where \eqn{\mu=E T}.
#' Skewness is used for Tango's correction to Cuzick and Edwards \code{k}NN test statistic, \eqn{T_k}.
#' Tango's correction is a chi-square approximation, and its degrees of freedom is estimated using the skewness
#' estimate (see page 121 of \insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}).
#' The argument, \eqn{n_1}, is the number of cases (denoted as \code{n1} as an argument) 
#' and \code{k} is the number of NNs considered in \eqn{T_k} test statistic.
#' The argument of the function is the \eqn{A_{ij}} matrix, \code{a}, which is the output of the function \code{\link{aij.mat}}.
#' However, inside the function we symmetrize the matrix \code{a} as \code{b <- (a+a^t)/2}, to facilitate the formulation.
#' The number of cases are denoted as \eqn{n_1} and number of controls as \eqn{n_0} in this function
#' to match the case-control class labeling,
#' which is just the reverse of the labeling in \insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}.
#' @param n1 Number of cases
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject \eqn{i})
#' @param a \eqn{A_{ij}} matrix which is the output of the function \code{\link{aij.mat}}.
#' @return The skewness of Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic for disease clustering
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTk}}, \code{\link{EV.Tk}}, and \code{\link{varTk}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)
#' n1<-sum(cls==1)
#' k<-sample(1:5,1) # try also 3, 5, sample(1:5,1)
#' k
#' a<-aij.mat(Y,k)
#' SkewTk(n1,k,a)
#' @export 
SkewTk <- function(n1,k,a)
{ b<-1/2*(a+t(a))

for (i in 1:n)
for (j in (1:n)[-i])
{ bj.<-sum(b[j,])



p2<-pk(n,n1,2); p3<-pk(n,n1,3); p4<-pk(n,n1,4)
p5<-pk(n,n1,5); p6<-pk(n,n1,6)

} #end for the function


#' @title Chi-square Approximation to Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} Test statistic
#' @description  
#' An object of class \code{"Chisqtest"} performing  a chi-square approximation for Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} test statistic
#' based on the number of cases within \code{k}NNs of the cases in the data.
#' This approximation is suggested by \insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat} since \eqn{T_k} statistic had high 
#' skewness rendering the normal approximation less efficient. The chi-square approximation is as follows:
#' \eqn{\frac{T_k- ET_k}{\sqrt{Var T_k}} \approx \frac{\chi^2_\nu-\nu}{\sqrt{2 \nu}}} where \eqn{\chi^2_\nu} is a chi-square
#' random variable with \eqn{\nu} df, and \eqn{\nu=8/skewnees(T_k)} (see \code{\link{SkewTk}} for the skewness).
#' The argument \code{cc.lab} is case-control label, 1 for case, 0 for control, if the argument \code{case.lab} is \code{NULL}, 
#' then \code{cc.lab} should be provided in this fashion, if \code{case.lab} is provided, the labels are converted to 0's 
#' and 1's accordingly.
#' The logical argument \code{nonzero.mat} (default=\code{FALSE}) is for using the \eqn{A} matrix if \code{FALSE} or just the matrix of nonzero
#' locations in the \eqn{A} matrix (if \code{TRUE}).
#' The logical argument \code{asy.var} (default=\code{FALSE}) is for using the asymptotic variance or the exact (i.e., finite
#' sample) variance for the variance of \eqn{T_k} in its standardization.
#' If \code{asy.var=TRUE}, the asymptotic variance is used for \eqn{Var[T_k]} (see \code{asyvarTk}), otherwise the exact
#' variance (see \code{varTk}) is used.
#' See also (\insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}) and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param cc.lab Case-control labels, 1 for case, 0 for control
#' @param k Integer specifying the number of NNs (of subject \eqn{i}).
#' @param case.lab The label used for cases in the \code{cc.lab} (if \code{cc.lab} is not provided then the labels are converted
#' such that cases are 1 and controls are 0), default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param nonzero.mat A logical argument (default is \code{TRUE}) to determine whether the \eqn{A} matrix or the matrix of
#' nonzero locations of the \eqn{A} matrix will be used in the computations.
#' If \code{TRUE} the nonzero location matrix is used, otherwise the \eqn{A} matrix itself is used.
#' @param asy.var A logical argument (default is \code{FALSE}) to determine whether the asymptotic variance or 
#' the exact (i.e., finite sample) variance for the variance of \eqn{T_k} in its standardization. 
#' If \code{TRUE}, the asymptotic variance is used for \eqn{Var[T_k]}, otherwise the exact variance is used.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return A \code{list} with the elements
#' \item{statistic}{The chi-squared test statistic for Tango's chi-square approximation to Cuzick & Edwards' \eqn{T_k}
#' test for disease clustering.}
#' \item{p.value}{The \eqn{p}-value for the hypothesis test}
#' \item{df}{Degrees of freedom for the chi-squared test, which is \eqn{8/}skewness where skewness is the output of
#' \code{\link{SkewTk}} function.}
#' \item{estimate}{Estimates, i.e., the observed \eqn{T_k} value.}
#' \item{est.name,est.name2}{Names of the estimates, they are almost identical for this function.}
#' \item{null.value}{Hypothesized null value for Cuzick & Edwards' \eqn{T_k}, which is \eqn{ET_k}.}
#' \item{method}{Description of the hypothesis test}
#' \item{data.name}{Name of the data set, \code{dat}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ceTk}}, \code{\link{ZceTk}} and \code{\link{SkewTk}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' n<-20
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' cls<-sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE)
#' k<-sample(1:5,1) # try also 1, 3, 5,
#' k
#' Xsq.ceTk(Y,cls,k)
#' Xsq.ceTk(Y,cls,k,nonzero.mat=FALSE)
#' Xsq.ceTk(Y,cls+1,k,case.lab = 2)
#' Xsq.ceTk(Y,cls,k,method="max")
#' Xsq.ceTk(Y,cls,k,asy.var=TRUE)
#' @export
Xsq.ceTk <- function(dat,cc.lab,k,case.lab=NULL,nonzero.mat=TRUE,asy.var=FALSE,...)
         n1<-sum(cc.lab==1), n1<-sum(cc.lab==case.lab)) #n1 is number of cases
  n0<-n-n1 #n0 is number of controls
  stderr <-sqrt(var.Tk)
  zTk<-(Tk-ETk)/stderr #TS.CE
  if (is.na(ts))
  {stop("The test statistic is NaN, so, chisquare approximation for Cuzick-Edwards Tk is not defined")}
  pval<-pchisq(ts,nu,lower.tail = F)
  method <-"Chi-square Approximation for Cuzick-Edwards kNN Test"
  dname <-deparse(substitute(dat))
  estimate.name <-paste("Cuzick-Edwards Tk for k=",k,sep="")
  estimate.name2 <-"Cuzick-Edwards Tk"
  null.val<- ETk
  names(null.val) <-"(expected) value of Cuzick-Edwards Tk under the null hypothesis"
  rval <-list(
    estimate = estimate,
    est.name = estimate.name,
    est.name2 = estimate.name2,
    null.value = ETk,
    method = method,
    data.name = dname
  attr(rval, "class") <-"Chisqtest"
} #end for the function


#' @title Closeness or Proximity Matrix for Tango's Spatial Clustering Tests
#' @description 
#' This function computes the \eqn{A=a_{ij}(\theta)} matrix useful in calculations for Tango's test \eqn{T(\theta)} 
#' for spatial (disease) clustering (see Eqn (2) of \insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}.
#' Here, \eqn{A=a_{ij}(\theta)} is any matrix of a measure of the closeness between two points \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} with \eqn{aii = 0} for all
#' \eqn{i = 1, \ldots,n}, and \eqn{\theta = (\theta_1,\ldots,\theta_p)^t} denotes the unknown parameter vector related 
#' to cluster size and \eqn{\delta = (\delta_1,\ldots,\delta_n)^t}, where \eqn{\delta_i=1} if \eqn{z_i} is a case and 0 
#' otherwise.
#' The test is then
#' \deqn{T(\theta)=\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^n\delta_i \delta_j a_{ij}(\theta)=\delta^t A(\theta) \delta}
#' where \eqn{A=a_{ij}(\theta)}.
#' \eqn{T(\theta)} becomes Cuzick and Edwards \eqn{T_k} tests statistic (\insertCite{cuzick:1990;textual}{nnspat}),
#' if \eqn{a_{ij}=1} if \eqn{z_j} is among the \code{k}NNs of \eqn{z_i} and 0 otherwise.
#' In this case \eqn{\theta=k} and \code{aij.theta} becomes \code{aij.mat} (more specifically,
#' \code{aij.mat(dat,k)} and \code{aij.theta(dat,k,model="NN")}.
#' In Tango's exponential clinal model (\insertCite{tango:2000;textual}{nnspat}),
#' \eqn{a_{ij}=\exp\left(-4 \left(\frac{d_{ij}}{\theta}\right)^2\right)} if \eqn{i \ne j}  and 0 otherwise,
#' where \eqn{\theta} is a predetermined scale of cluster such that any pair of cases far apart beyond the distance 
#' \eqn{\theta} cannot be considered as a cluster and \eqn{d_{ij}} denote the Euclidean distance between 
#' two points \eqn{i} and \eqn{j}. 
#' In the exponential model (\insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}),
#' \eqn{a_{ij}=\exp\left(-\frac{d_{ij}}{\theta}\right)} if \eqn{i \ne j}  and 0 otherwise,
#' where \eqn{\theta} and \eqn{d_{ij}} are as above.
#' In the hot-spot model (\insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}),
#' \eqn{a_{ij}=1} if \eqn{d_{ij} \le \theta} and \eqn{i \ne j}  and 0 otherwise,
#' where \eqn{\theta} and \eqn{d_{ij}} are as above.
#' The argument \code{model} has four options, \code{NN}, \code{exp.clinal}, \code{exponential}, and 
#' \code{hot.spot}, with \code{exp.clinal} being the default.
#' And the \code{theta} argument specifies the scale of clustering or the clustering parameter in the particular
#' spatial disease clustering model.
#' See also (\insertCite{tango:2007;textual}{nnspat}) and the references therein.
#' @param dat The data set in one or higher dimensions, each row corresponds to a data point.
#' @param theta A predetermined cluster scale so that any pair of cases farther apart then the distance 
#' \eqn{\theta} is unlikely to be cluster.
#' @param model Type of Tango's spatial clustering model with four options: 
#' \code{NN}, \code{exp.clinal} (default), \code{exponential}, and \code{hot.spot}.
#' @param \dots are for further arguments, such as \code{method} and \code{p}, passed to the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} function.
#' @return The \eqn{A=a_{ij}(\theta)} matrix useful in calculations for Tango's test \eqn{T(\theta)}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{aij.mat}}, \code{\link{aij.nonzero}} and \code{\link{ceTk}}
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @author Elvan Ceyhan
#' @examples
#' n<-20  #or try sample(1:20,1)
#' Y<-matrix(runif(3*n),ncol=3)
#' k<-3#1 #try also 2,3
#' #aij for CE's Tk
#' Aij<-aij.theta(Y,k,model = "NN")
#' Aij2<-aij.mat(Y,k)
#' sum(abs(Aij-Aij2)) #check equivalence of aij.theta and aij.mat with model="NN"
#' Aij<-aij.theta(Y,k,method="max")
#' Aij2<-aij.mat(Y,k)
#' range(Aij-Aij2)
#' theta=.2
#' aij.theta(Y,theta,model = "exp.clinal")
#' aij.theta(Y,theta,model = "exponential")
#' aij.theta(Y,theta,model = "hot.spot")
#' @export
aij.theta <- function(dat,theta,model="exp.clinal",...)
  if (n<=1)
  { return(a)}
  a<- switch(model,
             NN = { a<-aij.mat(dat,theta,...) },
             exp.clinal = {   a<-matrix(0,n,n)
             for (i in 1:(n-1))
               for (j in (i+1):n)
             a },
             exponential = {   a<-matrix(0,n,n)
             for (i in 1:(n-1))
               for (j in (i+1):n)
             a },
             hot.spot = {   a<-matrix(0,n,n)
             for (i in 1:(n-1))
               for (j in (i+1):n)
                 a[i,j]<-sum(ipd[i,j] <= theta)
  if (is.null(a)) stop("Enter numbers 1-4 or NN, exp.clinal, exponential, hotspot in quotes for model")
} #end for the function

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