Man pages for
'Amazon Web Services' Storage Services

backupAWS Backup
backup_cancel_legal_holdThis action removes the specified legal hold on a recovery...
backup_create_backup_planCreates a backup plan using a backup plan name and backup...
backup_create_backup_selectionCreates a JSON document that specifies a set of resources to...
backup_create_backup_vaultCreates a logical container where backups are stored
backup_create_frameworkCreates a framework with one or more controls
backup_create_legal_holdThis action creates a legal hold on a recovery point (backup)
backup_create_logically_air_gapped_backup_vaultThis request creates a logical container to where backups may...
backup_create_report_planCreates a report plan
backup_create_restore_testing_planThis is the first of two steps to create a restore testing...
backup_create_restore_testing_selectionThis request can be sent after CreateRestoreTestingPlan...
backup_delete_backup_planDeletes a backup plan
backup_delete_backup_selectionDeletes the resource selection associated with a backup plan...
backup_delete_backup_vaultDeletes the backup vault identified by its name
backup_delete_backup_vault_access_policyDeletes the policy document that manages permissions on a...
backup_delete_backup_vault_lock_configurationDeletes Backup Vault Lock from a backup vault specified by a...
backup_delete_backup_vault_notificationsDeletes event notifications for the specified backup vault
backup_delete_frameworkDeletes the framework specified by a framework name
backup_delete_recovery_pointDeletes the recovery point specified by a recovery point ID
backup_delete_report_planDeletes the report plan specified by a report plan name
backup_delete_restore_testing_planThis request deletes the specified restore testing plan
backup_delete_restore_testing_selectionInput the Restore Testing Plan name and Restore Testing...
backup_describe_backup_jobReturns backup job details for the specified BackupJobId
backup_describe_backup_vaultReturns metadata about a backup vault specified by its name
backup_describe_copy_jobReturns metadata associated with creating a copy of a...
backup_describe_frameworkReturns the framework details for the specified FrameworkName
backup_describe_global_settingsDescribes whether the Amazon Web Services account is opted in...
backup_describe_protected_resourceReturns information about a saved resource, including the...
backup_describe_recovery_pointReturns metadata associated with a recovery point, including...
backup_describe_region_settingsReturns the current service opt-in settings for the Region
backup_describe_report_jobReturns the details associated with creating a report as...
backup_describe_report_planReturns a list of all report plans for an Amazon Web Services...
backup_describe_restore_jobReturns metadata associated with a restore job that is...
backup_disassociate_recovery_pointDeletes the specified continuous backup recovery point from...
backup_disassociate_recovery_point_from_parentThis action to a specific child (nested) recovery point...
backup_export_backup_plan_templateReturns the backup plan that is specified by the plan ID as a...
backup_get_backup_planReturns BackupPlan details for the specified BackupPlanId
backup_get_backup_plan_from_jsonReturns a valid JSON document specifying a backup plan or an...
backup_get_backup_plan_from_templateReturns the template specified by its templateId as a backup...
backup_get_backup_selectionReturns selection metadata and a document in JSON format that...
backup_get_backup_vault_access_policyReturns the access policy document that is associated with...
backup_get_backup_vault_notificationsReturns event notifications for the specified backup vault
backup_get_legal_holdThis action returns details for a specified legal hold
backup_get_recovery_point_restore_metadataReturns a set of metadata key-value pairs that were used to...
backup_get_restore_job_metadataThis request returns the metadata for the specified restore...
backup_get_restore_testing_inferred_metadataThis request returns the minimal required set of metadata...
backup_get_restore_testing_planReturns RestoreTestingPlan details for the specified...
backup_get_restore_testing_selectionReturns RestoreTestingSelection, which displays resources and...
backup_get_supported_resource_typesReturns the Amazon Web Services resource types supported by...
backup_list_backup_jobsReturns a list of existing backup jobs for an authenticated...
backup_list_backup_job_summariesThis is a request for a summary of backup jobs created or...
backup_list_backup_plansReturns a list of all active backup plans for an...
backup_list_backup_plan_templatesReturns metadata of your saved backup plan templates,...
backup_list_backup_plan_versionsReturns version metadata of your backup plans, including...
backup_list_backup_selectionsReturns an array containing metadata of the resources...
backup_list_backup_vaultsReturns a list of recovery point storage containers along...
backup_list_copy_jobsReturns metadata about your copy jobs
backup_list_copy_job_summariesThis request obtains a list of copy jobs created or running...
backup_list_frameworksReturns a list of all frameworks for an Amazon Web Services...
backup_list_legal_holdsThis action returns metadata about active and previous legal...
backup_list_protected_resourcesReturns an array of resources successfully backed up by...
backup_list_protected_resources_by_backup_vaultThis request lists the protected resources corresponding to...
backup_list_recovery_points_by_backup_vaultReturns detailed information about the recovery points stored...
backup_list_recovery_points_by_legal_holdThis action returns recovery point ARNs (Amazon Resource...
backup_list_recovery_points_by_resourceReturns detailed information about all the recovery points of...
backup_list_report_jobsReturns details about your report jobs
backup_list_report_plansReturns a list of your report plans
backup_list_restore_jobsReturns a list of jobs that Backup initiated to restore a...
backup_list_restore_jobs_by_protected_resourceThis returns restore jobs that contain the specified...
backup_list_restore_job_summariesThis request obtains a summary of restore jobs created or...
backup_list_restore_testing_plansReturns a list of restore testing plans
backup_list_restore_testing_selectionsReturns a list of restore testing selections
backup_list_tagsReturns a list of key-value pairs assigned to a target...
backup_put_backup_vault_access_policySets a resource-based policy that is used to manage access...
backup_put_backup_vault_lock_configurationApplies Backup Vault Lock to a backup vault, preventing...
backup_put_backup_vault_notificationsTurns on notifications on a backup vault for the specified...
backup_put_restore_validation_resultThis request allows you to send your independent self-run...
backup_start_backup_jobStarts an on-demand backup job for the specified resource
backup_start_copy_jobStarts a job to create a one-time copy of the specified...
backup_start_report_jobStarts an on-demand report job for the specified report plan
backup_start_restore_jobRecovers the saved resource identified by an Amazon Resource...
backup_stop_backup_jobAttempts to cancel a job to create a one-time backup of a...
backupstorageAWS Backup Storage
backupstorage_delete_objectDelete Object from the incremental base Backup
backupstorage_get_chunkGets the specified object's chunk
backupstorage_get_object_metadataGet metadata associated with an Object
backupstorage_list_chunksList chunks in a given Object
backupstorage_list_objectsList all Objects in a given Backup
backupstorage_notify_object_completeComplete upload
backupstorage_put_chunkUpload chunk
backupstorage_put_objectUpload object that can store object metadata String and data...
backupstorage_start_objectStart upload containing one or many chunks
backup_tag_resourceAssigns a set of key-value pairs to a recovery point, backup...
backup_untag_resourceRemoves a set of key-value pairs from a recovery point,...
backup_update_backup_planUpdates an existing backup plan identified by its...
backup_update_frameworkUpdates an existing framework identified by its FrameworkName...
backup_update_global_settingsUpdates whether the Amazon Web Services account is opted in...
backup_update_recovery_point_lifecycleSets the transition lifecycle of a recovery point
backup_update_region_settingsUpdates the current service opt-in settings for the Region
backup_update_report_planUpdates an existing report plan identified by its...
backup_update_restore_testing_planThis request will send changes to your specified restore...
backup_update_restore_testing_selectionMost elements except the RestoreTestingSelectionName can be...
dlmAmazon Data Lifecycle Manager
dlm_create_lifecycle_policyCreates an Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager lifecycle policy
dlm_delete_lifecycle_policyDeletes the specified lifecycle policy and halts the...
dlm_get_lifecycle_policiesGets summary information about all or the specified data...
dlm_get_lifecycle_policyGets detailed information about the specified lifecycle...
dlm_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags for the specified resource
dlm_tag_resourceAdds the specified tags to the specified resource
dlm_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tags from the specified resource
dlm_update_lifecycle_policyUpdates the specified lifecycle policy
ebsAmazon Elastic Block Store
ebs_complete_snapshotSeals and completes the snapshot after all of the required...
ebs_get_snapshot_blockReturns the data in a block in an Amazon Elastic Block Store...
ebs_list_changed_blocksReturns information about the blocks that are different...
ebs_list_snapshot_blocksReturns information about the blocks in an Amazon Elastic...
ebs_put_snapshot_blockWrites a block of data to a snapshot
ebs_start_snapshotCreates a new Amazon EBS snapshot
efsAmazon Elastic File System
efs_create_access_pointCreates an EFS access point
efs_create_file_systemCreates a new, empty file system
efs_create_mount_targetCreates a mount target for a file system
efs_create_replication_configurationCreates a replication configuration that replicates an...
efs_create_tagsDEPRECATED - CreateTags is deprecated and not maintained
efs_delete_access_pointDeletes the specified access point
efs_delete_file_systemDeletes a file system, permanently severing access to its...
efs_delete_file_system_policyDeletes the FileSystemPolicy for the specified file system
efs_delete_mount_targetDeletes the specified mount target
efs_delete_replication_configurationDeletes a replication configuration
efs_delete_tagsDEPRECATED - DeleteTags is deprecated and not maintained
efs_describe_access_pointsReturns the description of a specific Amazon EFS access point...
efs_describe_account_preferencesReturns the account preferences settings for the Amazon Web...
efs_describe_backup_policyReturns the backup policy for the specified EFS file system
efs_describe_file_system_policyReturns the FileSystemPolicy for the specified EFS file...
efs_describe_file_systemsReturns the description of a specific Amazon EFS file system...
efs_describe_lifecycle_configurationReturns the current LifecycleConfiguration object for the...
efs_describe_mount_targetsReturns the descriptions of all the current mount targets, or...
efs_describe_mount_target_security_groupsReturns the security groups currently in effect for a mount...
efs_describe_replication_configurationsRetrieves the replication configuration for a specific file...
efs_describe_tagsDEPRECATED - The DescribeTags action is deprecated and not...
efs_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags for a top-level EFS resource
efs_modify_mount_target_security_groupsModifies the set of security groups in effect for a mount...
efs_put_account_preferencesUse this operation to set the account preference in the...
efs_put_backup_policyUpdates the file system's backup policy
efs_put_file_system_policyApplies an Amazon EFS FileSystemPolicy to an Amazon EFS file...
efs_put_lifecycle_configurationUse this action to manage storage for your file system
efs_tag_resourceCreates a tag for an EFS resource
efs_untag_resourceRemoves tags from an EFS resource
efs_update_file_systemUpdates the throughput mode or the amount of provisioned...
efs_update_file_system_protectionUpdates protection on the file system
finspacedataFinSpace Public API
finspacedata_associate_user_to_permission_groupAdds a user to a permission group to grant permissions for...
finspacedata_create_changesetCreates a new Changeset in a FinSpace Dataset
finspacedata_create_datasetCreates a new FinSpace Dataset
finspacedata_create_data_viewCreates a Dataview for a Dataset
finspacedata_create_permission_groupCreates a group of permissions for various actions that a...
finspacedata_create_userCreates a new user in FinSpace
finspacedata_delete_datasetDeletes a FinSpace Dataset
finspacedata_delete_permission_groupDeletes a permission group
finspacedata_disable_userDenies access to the FinSpace web application and API for the...
finspacedata_disassociate_user_from_permission_groupRemoves a user from a permission group
finspacedata_enable_userAllows the specified user to access the FinSpace web...
finspacedata_get_changesetGet information about a Changeset
finspacedata_get_datasetReturns information about a Dataset
finspacedata_get_data_viewGets information about a Dataview
finspacedata_get_external_data_view_access_detailsReturns the credentials to access the external Dataview from...
finspacedata_get_permission_groupRetrieves the details of a specific permission group
finspacedata_get_programmatic_access_credentialsRequest programmatic credentials to use with FinSpace SDK
finspacedata_get_userRetrieves details for a specific user
finspacedata_get_working_locationA temporary Amazon S3 location, where you can copy your files...
finspacedata_list_changesetsLists the FinSpace Changesets for a Dataset
finspacedata_list_datasetsLists all of the active Datasets that a user has access to
finspacedata_list_data_viewsLists all available Dataviews for a Dataset
finspacedata_list_permission_groupsLists all available permission groups in FinSpace
finspacedata_list_permission_groups_by_userLists all the permission groups that are associated with a...
finspacedata_list_usersLists all available users in FinSpace
finspacedata_list_users_by_permission_groupLists details of all the users in a specific permission group
finspacedata_reset_user_passwordResets the password for a specified user ID and generates a...
finspacedata_update_changesetUpdates a FinSpace Changeset
finspacedata_update_datasetUpdates a FinSpace Dataset
finspacedata_update_permission_groupModifies the details of a permission group
finspacedata_update_userModifies the details of the specified user
fsxAmazon FSx
fsx_associate_file_system_aliasesUse this action to associate one or more Domain Name Server...
fsx_cancel_data_repository_taskCancels an existing Amazon FSx for Lustre data repository...
fsx_copy_backupCopies an existing backup within the same Amazon Web Services...
fsx_copy_snapshot_and_update_volumeUpdates an existing volume by using a snapshot from another...
fsx_create_backupCreates a backup of an existing Amazon FSx for Windows File...
fsx_create_data_repository_associationCreates an Amazon FSx for Lustre data repository association...
fsx_create_data_repository_taskCreates an Amazon FSx for Lustre data repository task
fsx_create_file_cacheCreates a new Amazon File Cache resource
fsx_create_file_systemCreates a new, empty Amazon FSx file system
fsx_create_file_system_from_backupCreates a new Amazon FSx for Lustre, Amazon FSx for Windows...
fsx_create_snapshotCreates a snapshot of an existing Amazon FSx for OpenZFS...
fsx_create_storage_virtual_machineCreates a storage virtual machine (SVM) for an Amazon FSx for...
fsx_create_volumeCreates an FSx for ONTAP or Amazon FSx for OpenZFS storage...
fsx_create_volume_from_backupCreates a new Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP volume from an...
fsx_delete_backupDeletes an Amazon FSx backup
fsx_delete_data_repository_associationDeletes a data repository association on an Amazon FSx for...
fsx_delete_file_cacheDeletes an Amazon File Cache resource
fsx_delete_file_systemDeletes a file system
fsx_delete_snapshotDeletes an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS snapshot
fsx_delete_storage_virtual_machineDeletes an existing Amazon FSx for ONTAP storage virtual...
fsx_delete_volumeDeletes an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP or Amazon FSx for...
fsx_describe_backupsReturns the description of a specific Amazon FSx backup, if a...
fsx_describe_data_repository_associationsReturns the description of specific Amazon FSx for Lustre or...
fsx_describe_data_repository_tasksReturns the description of specific Amazon FSx for Lustre or...
fsx_describe_file_cachesReturns the description of a specific Amazon File Cache...
fsx_describe_file_system_aliasesReturns the DNS aliases that are associated with the...
fsx_describe_file_systemsReturns the description of specific Amazon FSx file systems,...
fsx_describe_shared_vpc_configurationIndicates whether participant accounts in your organization...
fsx_describe_snapshotsReturns the description of specific Amazon FSx for OpenZFS...
fsx_describe_storage_virtual_machinesDescribes one or more Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP storage...
fsx_describe_volumesDescribes one or more Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP or Amazon...
fsx_disassociate_file_system_aliasesUse this action to disassociate, or remove, one or more...
fsx_list_tags_for_resourceLists tags for Amazon FSx resources
fsx_release_file_system_nfs_v3_locksReleases the file system lock from an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS...
fsx_restore_volume_from_snapshotReturns an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS volume to the state saved...
fsx_start_misconfigured_state_recoveryAfter performing steps to repair the Active Directory...
fsx_tag_resourceTags an Amazon FSx resource
fsx_untag_resourceThis action removes a tag from an Amazon FSx resource
fsx_update_data_repository_associationUpdates the configuration of an existing data repository...
fsx_update_file_cacheUpdates the configuration of an existing Amazon File Cache...
fsx_update_file_systemUse this operation to update the configuration of an existing...
fsx_update_shared_vpc_configurationConfigures whether participant accounts in your organization...
fsx_update_snapshotUpdates the name of an Amazon FSx for OpenZFS snapshot
fsx_update_storage_virtual_machineUpdates an FSx for ONTAP storage virtual machine (SVM)
fsx_update_volumeUpdates the configuration of an Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP...
glacierAmazon Glacier
glacier_abort_multipart_uploadThis operation aborts a multipart upload identified by the...
glacier_abort_vault_lockThis operation aborts the vault locking process if the vault...
glacier_add_tags_to_vaultThis operation adds the specified tags to a vault
glacier_complete_multipart_uploadYou call this operation to inform Amazon S3 Glacier (Glacier)...
glacier_complete_vault_lockThis operation completes the vault locking process by...
glacier_create_vaultThis operation creates a new vault with the specified name
glacier_delete_archiveThis operation deletes an archive from a vault
glacier_delete_vaultThis operation deletes a vault
glacier_delete_vault_access_policyThis operation deletes the access policy associated with the...
glacier_delete_vault_notificationsThis operation deletes the notification configuration set for...
glacier_describe_jobThis operation returns information about a job you previously...
glacier_describe_vaultThis operation returns information about a vault, including...
glacier_get_data_retrieval_policyThis operation returns the current data retrieval policy for...
glacier_get_job_outputThis operation downloads the output of the job you initiated...
glacier_get_vault_access_policyThis operation retrieves the access-policy subresource set on...
glacier_get_vault_lockThis operation retrieves the following attributes from the...
glacier_get_vault_notificationsThis operation retrieves the notification-configuration...
glacier_initiate_jobThis operation initiates a job of the specified type, which...
glacier_initiate_multipart_uploadThis operation initiates a multipart upload
glacier_initiate_vault_lockThis operation initiates the vault locking process by doing...
glacier_list_jobsThis operation lists jobs for a vault, including jobs that...
glacier_list_multipart_uploadsThis operation lists in-progress multipart uploads for the...
glacier_list_partsThis operation lists the parts of an archive that have been...
glacier_list_provisioned_capacityThis operation lists the provisioned capacity units for the...
glacier_list_tags_for_vaultThis operation lists all the tags attached to a vault
glacier_list_vaultsThis operation lists all vaults owned by the calling user's...
glacier_purchase_provisioned_capacityThis operation purchases a provisioned capacity unit for an...
glacier_remove_tags_from_vaultThis operation removes one or more tags from the set of tags...
glacier_set_data_retrieval_policyThis operation sets and then enacts a data retrieval policy...
glacier_set_vault_access_policyThis operation configures an access policy for a vault and...
glacier_set_vault_notificationsThis operation configures notifications that will be sent...
glacier_upload_archiveThis operation adds an archive to a vault
glacier_upload_multipart_partThis operation uploads a part of an archive
omicsAmazon Omics
omics_abort_multipart_read_set_uploadStops a multipart upload
omics_accept_shareAccept a resource share request
omics_batch_delete_read_setDeletes one or more read sets
omics_cancel_annotation_import_jobCancels an annotation import job
omics_cancel_runCancels a run
omics_cancel_variant_import_jobCancels a variant import job
omics_complete_multipart_read_set_uploadConcludes a multipart upload once you have uploaded all the...
omics_create_annotation_storeCreates an annotation store
omics_create_annotation_store_versionCreates a new version of an annotation store
omics_create_multipart_read_set_uploadBegins a multipart read set upload
omics_create_reference_storeCreates a reference store
omics_create_run_groupCreates a run group
omics_create_sequence_storeCreates a sequence store
omics_create_shareCreates a cross-account shared resource
omics_create_variant_storeCreates a variant store
omics_create_workflowCreates a workflow
omics_delete_annotation_storeDeletes an annotation store
omics_delete_annotation_store_versionsDeletes one or multiple versions of an annotation store
omics_delete_referenceDeletes a genome reference
omics_delete_reference_storeDeletes a genome reference store
omics_delete_runDeletes a workflow run
omics_delete_run_groupDeletes a workflow run group
omics_delete_sequence_storeDeletes a sequence store
omics_delete_shareDeletes a resource share
omics_delete_variant_storeDeletes a variant store
omics_delete_workflowDeletes a workflow
omics_get_annotation_import_jobGets information about an annotation import job
omics_get_annotation_storeGets information about an annotation store
omics_get_annotation_store_versionRetrieves the metadata for an annotation store version
omics_get_read_setGets a file from a read set
omics_get_read_set_activation_jobGets information about a read set activation job
omics_get_read_set_export_jobGets information about a read set export job
omics_get_read_set_import_jobGets information about a read set import job
omics_get_read_set_metadataGets details about a read set
omics_get_referenceGets a reference file
omics_get_reference_import_jobGets information about a reference import job
omics_get_reference_metadataGets information about a genome reference's metadata
omics_get_reference_storeGets information about a reference store
omics_get_runGets information about a workflow run
omics_get_run_groupGets information about a workflow run group
omics_get_run_taskGets information about a workflow run task
omics_get_sequence_storeGets information about a sequence store
omics_get_shareRetrieves the metadata for the specified resource share
omics_get_variant_import_jobGets information about a variant import job
omics_get_variant_storeGets information about a variant store
omics_get_workflowGets information about a workflow
omics_list_annotation_import_jobsRetrieves a list of annotation import jobs
omics_list_annotation_storesRetrieves a list of annotation stores
omics_list_annotation_store_versionsLists the versions of an annotation store
omics_list_multipart_read_set_uploadsLists multipart read set uploads and for in progress uploads
omics_list_read_set_activation_jobsRetrieves a list of read set activation jobs
omics_list_read_set_export_jobsRetrieves a list of read set export jobs
omics_list_read_set_import_jobsRetrieves a list of read set import jobs
omics_list_read_setsRetrieves a list of read sets
omics_list_read_set_upload_partsThis operation will list all parts in a requested multipart...
omics_list_reference_import_jobsRetrieves a list of reference import jobs
omics_list_referencesRetrieves a list of references
omics_list_reference_storesRetrieves a list of reference stores
omics_list_run_groupsRetrieves a list of run groups
omics_list_runsRetrieves a list of runs
omics_list_run_tasksRetrieves a list of tasks for a run
omics_list_sequence_storesRetrieves a list of sequence stores
omics_list_sharesRetrieves the resource shares associated with an account
omics_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieves a list of tags for a resource
omics_list_variant_import_jobsRetrieves a list of variant import jobs
omics_list_variant_storesRetrieves a list of variant stores
omics_list_workflowsRetrieves a list of workflows
omics_start_annotation_import_jobStarts an annotation import job
omics_start_read_set_activation_jobActivates an archived read set
omics_start_read_set_export_jobExports a read set to Amazon S3
omics_start_read_set_import_jobStarts a read set import job
omics_start_reference_import_jobStarts a reference import job
omics_start_runStarts a workflow run
omics_start_variant_import_jobStarts a variant import job
omics_tag_resourceTags a resource
omics_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a resource
omics_update_annotation_storeUpdates an annotation store
omics_update_annotation_store_versionUpdates the description of an annotation store version
omics_update_run_groupUpdates a run group
omics_update_variant_storeUpdates a variant store
omics_update_workflowUpdates a workflow
omics_upload_read_set_partThis operation uploads a specific part of a read set
recyclebinAmazon Recycle Bin
recyclebin_create_ruleCreates a Recycle Bin retention rule
recyclebin_delete_ruleDeletes a Recycle Bin retention rule
recyclebin_get_ruleGets information about a Recycle Bin retention rule
recyclebin_list_rulesLists the Recycle Bin retention rules in the Region
recyclebin_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags assigned to a retention rule
recyclebin_lock_ruleLocks a retention rule
recyclebin_tag_resourceAssigns tags to the specified retention rule
recyclebin_unlock_ruleUnlocks a retention rule
recyclebin_untag_resourceUnassigns a tag from a retention rule
recyclebin_update_ruleUpdates an existing Recycle Bin retention rule
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
s3Amazon Simple Storage Service
s3_abort_multipart_uploadThis operation aborts a multipart upload
s3_complete_multipart_uploadCompletes a multipart upload by assembling previously...
s3controlAWS S3 Control
s3control_associate_access_grants_identity_centerAssociate your S3 Access Grants instance with an Amazon Web...
s3control_create_access_grantCreates an access grant that gives a grantee access to your...
s3control_create_access_grants_instanceCreates an S3 Access Grants instance, which serves as a...
s3control_create_access_grants_locationThe S3 data location that you would like to register in your...
s3control_create_access_pointThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_create_access_point_for_object_lambdaThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_create_bucketThis action creates an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket
s3control_create_jobThis operation creates an S3 Batch Operations job
s3control_create_multi_region_access_pointThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_create_storage_lens_groupCreates a new S3 Storage Lens group and associates it with...
s3control_delete_access_grantDeletes the access grant from the S3 Access Grants instance
s3control_delete_access_grants_instanceDeletes your S3 Access Grants instance
s3control_delete_access_grants_instance_resource_policyDeletes the resource policy of the S3 Access Grants instance
s3control_delete_access_grants_locationDeregisters a location from your S3 Access Grants instance
s3control_delete_access_pointThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_delete_access_point_for_object_lambdaThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_delete_access_point_policyThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_delete_access_point_policy_for_object_lambdaThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_delete_bucketThis action deletes an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket
s3control_delete_bucket_lifecycle_configurationThis action deletes an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's...
s3control_delete_bucket_policyThis action deletes an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket policy
s3control_delete_bucket_replicationThis operation deletes an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's...
s3control_delete_bucket_taggingThis action deletes an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's tags
s3control_delete_job_taggingRemoves the entire tag set from the specified S3 Batch...
s3control_delete_multi_region_access_pointThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_delete_public_access_blockThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_delete_storage_lens_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_delete_storage_lens_configuration_taggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_delete_storage_lens_groupDeletes an existing S3 Storage Lens group
s3control_describe_jobRetrieves the configuration parameters and status for a Batch...
s3control_describe_multi_region_access_point_operationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_dissociate_access_grants_identity_centerDissociates the Amazon Web Services IAM Identity Center...
s3control_get_access_grantGet the details of an access grant from your S3 Access Grants...
s3control_get_access_grants_instanceRetrieves the S3 Access Grants instance for a Region in your...
s3control_get_access_grants_instance_for_prefixRetrieve the S3 Access Grants instance that contains a...
s3control_get_access_grants_instance_resource_policyReturns the resource policy of the S3 Access Grants instance
s3control_get_access_grants_locationRetrieves the details of a particular location registered in...
s3control_get_access_pointThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_access_point_configuration_for_object_lambdaThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_access_point_for_object_lambdaThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_access_point_policyThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_access_point_policy_for_object_lambdaThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_access_point_policy_statusThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_access_point_policy_status_for_object_lambdaThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_bucketGets an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket
s3control_get_bucket_lifecycle_configurationThis action gets an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's lifecycle...
s3control_get_bucket_policyThis action gets a bucket policy for an Amazon S3 on Outposts...
s3control_get_bucket_replicationThis operation gets an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's...
s3control_get_bucket_taggingThis action gets an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's tags
s3control_get_bucket_versioningThis operation returns the versioning state for S3 on...
s3control_get_data_accessReturns a temporary access credential from S3 Access Grants...
s3control_get_job_taggingReturns the tags on an S3 Batch Operations job
s3control_get_multi_region_access_pointThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_multi_region_access_point_policyThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_multi_region_access_point_policy_statusThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_multi_region_access_point_routesThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_public_access_blockThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_storage_lens_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_storage_lens_configuration_taggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_get_storage_lens_groupRetrieves the Storage Lens group configuration details
s3control_list_access_grantsReturns the list of access grants in your S3 Access Grants...
s3control_list_access_grants_instancesReturns a list of S3 Access Grants instances
s3control_list_access_grants_locationsReturns a list of the locations registered in your S3 Access...
s3control_list_access_pointsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_list_access_points_for_object_lambdaThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_list_jobsLists current S3 Batch Operations jobs as well as the jobs...
s3control_list_multi_region_access_pointsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_list_regional_bucketsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_list_storage_lens_configurationsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_list_storage_lens_groupsLists all the Storage Lens groups in the specified home...
s3control_list_tags_for_resourceThis operation allows you to list all the Amazon Web Services...
s3control_put_access_grants_instance_resource_policyUpdates the resource policy of the S3 Access Grants instance
s3control_put_access_point_configuration_for_object_lambdaThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_put_access_point_policyThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_put_access_point_policy_for_object_lambdaThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_put_bucket_lifecycle_configurationThis action puts a lifecycle configuration to an Amazon S3 on...
s3control_put_bucket_policyThis action puts a bucket policy to an Amazon S3 on Outposts...
s3control_put_bucket_replicationThis action creates an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's...
s3control_put_bucket_taggingThis action puts tags on an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket
s3control_put_bucket_versioningThis operation sets the versioning state for S3 on Outposts...
s3control_put_job_taggingSets the supplied tag-set on an S3 Batch Operations job
s3control_put_multi_region_access_point_policyThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_put_public_access_blockThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_put_storage_lens_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_put_storage_lens_configuration_taggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_submit_multi_region_access_point_routesThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3control_tag_resourceCreates a new Amazon Web Services resource tag or updates an...
s3control_untag_resourceThis operation removes the specified Amazon Web Services...
s3control_update_access_grants_locationUpdates the IAM role of a registered location in your S3...
s3control_update_job_priorityUpdates an existing S3 Batch Operations job's priority
s3control_update_job_statusUpdates the status for the specified job
s3control_update_storage_lens_groupUpdates the existing Storage Lens group
s3_copy_objectCreates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon...
s3_create_bucketThis action creates an Amazon S3 bucket
s3_create_multipart_uploadThis action initiates a multipart upload and returns an...
s3_create_sessionCreates a session that establishes temporary security...
s3_delete_bucketDeletes the S3 bucket
s3_delete_bucket_analytics_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_bucket_corsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_bucket_encryptionThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_bucket_intelligent_tiering_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_bucket_inventory_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_bucket_lifecycleThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_bucket_metrics_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_bucket_ownership_controlsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_bucket_policyDeletes the policy of a specified bucket
s3_delete_bucket_replicationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_bucket_taggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_bucket_websiteThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_objectRemoves an object from a bucket
s3_delete_objectsThis operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a...
s3_delete_object_taggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_delete_public_access_blockThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_download_fileDownload a file from S3 and store it at a specified file...
s3_generate_presigned_urlGenerate a presigned url given a client, its method, and...
s3_get_bucket_accelerate_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_aclThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_analytics_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_corsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_encryptionThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_intelligent_tiering_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_inventory_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_lifecycleFor an updated version of this API, see...
s3_get_bucket_lifecycle_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_locationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_loggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_metrics_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_notificationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_notification_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_ownership_controlsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_policyReturns the policy of a specified bucket
s3_get_bucket_policy_statusThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_replicationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_request_paymentThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_taggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_versioningThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_bucket_websiteThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_objectRetrieves an object from Amazon S3
s3_get_object_aclThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_object_attributesRetrieves all the metadata from an object without returning...
s3_get_object_legal_holdThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_object_lock_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_object_retentionThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_object_taggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_object_torrentThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_get_public_access_blockThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_head_bucketYou can use this operation to determine if a bucket exists...
s3_head_objectThe HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without...
s3_list_bucket_analytics_configurationsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_list_bucket_intelligent_tiering_configurationsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_list_bucket_inventory_configurationsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_list_bucket_metrics_configurationsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_list_bucketsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_list_directory_bucketsReturns a list of all Amazon S3 directory buckets owned by...
s3_list_multipart_uploadsThis operation lists in-progress multipart uploads in a...
s3_list_objectsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_list_objects_v2Returns some or all (up to 1,000) of the objects in a bucket...
s3_list_object_versionsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_list_partsLists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific...
s3outpostsAmazon S3 on Outposts
s3outposts_create_endpointCreates an endpoint and associates it with the specified...
s3outposts_delete_endpointDeletes an endpoint
s3outposts_list_endpointsLists endpoints associated with the specified Outpost
s3outposts_list_outposts_with_s3Lists the Outposts with S3 on Outposts capacity for your...
s3outposts_list_shared_endpointsLists all endpoints associated with an Outpost that has been...
s3_put_bucket_accelerate_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_aclThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_analytics_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_corsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_encryptionThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_intelligent_tiering_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_inventory_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_lifecycleThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_lifecycle_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_loggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_metrics_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_notificationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_notification_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_ownership_controlsThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_policyApplies an Amazon S3 bucket policy to an Amazon S3 bucket
s3_put_bucket_replicationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_request_paymentThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_taggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_versioningThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_bucket_websiteThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_objectAdds an object to a bucket
s3_put_object_aclThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_object_legal_holdThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_object_lock_configurationThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_object_retentionThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_object_taggingThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_put_public_access_blockThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_restore_objectThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_select_object_contentThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
s3_upload_partUploads a part in a multipart upload
s3_upload_part_copyUploads a part by copying data from an existing object as...
s3_write_get_object_responseThis operation is not supported by directory buckets
storagegatewayAWS Storage Gateway
storagegateway_activate_gatewayActivates the gateway you previously deployed on your host
storagegateway_add_cacheConfigures one or more gateway local disks as cache for a...
storagegateway_add_tags_to_resourceAdds one or more tags to the specified resource
storagegateway_add_upload_bufferConfigures one or more gateway local disks as upload buffer...
storagegateway_add_working_storageConfigures one or more gateway local disks as working storage...
storagegateway_assign_tape_poolAssigns a tape to a tape pool for archiving
storagegateway_associate_file_systemAssociate an Amazon FSx file system with the FSx File Gateway
storagegateway_attach_volumeConnects a volume to an iSCSI connection and then attaches...
storagegateway_cancel_archivalCancels archiving of a virtual tape to the virtual tape shelf...
storagegateway_cancel_retrievalCancels retrieval of a virtual tape from the virtual tape...
storagegateway_create_cachedi_scsi_volumeCreates a cached volume on a specified cached volume gateway
storagegateway_create_nfs_file_shareCreates a Network File System (NFS) file share on an existing...
storagegateway_create_smb_file_shareCreates a Server Message Block (SMB) file share on an...
storagegateway_create_snapshotInitiates a snapshot of a volume
storagegateway_create_snapshot_from_volume_recovery_pointInitiates a snapshot of a gateway from a volume recovery...
storagegateway_create_storedi_scsi_volumeCreates a volume on a specified gateway
storagegateway_create_tape_poolCreates a new custom tape pool
storagegateway_create_tapesCreates one or more virtual tapes
storagegateway_create_tape_with_barcodeCreates a virtual tape by using your own barcode
storagegateway_delete_automatic_tape_creation_policyDeletes the automatic tape creation policy of a gateway
storagegateway_delete_bandwidth_rate_limitDeletes the bandwidth rate limits of a gateway
storagegateway_delete_chap_credentialsDeletes Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)...
storagegateway_delete_file_shareDeletes a file share from an S3 File Gateway
storagegateway_delete_gatewayDeletes a gateway
storagegateway_delete_snapshot_scheduleDeletes a snapshot of a volume
storagegateway_delete_tapeDeletes the specified virtual tape
storagegateway_delete_tape_archiveDeletes the specified virtual tape from the virtual tape...
storagegateway_delete_tape_poolDelete a custom tape pool
storagegateway_delete_volumeDeletes the specified storage volume that you previously...
storagegateway_describe_availability_monitor_testReturns information about the most recent high availability...
storagegateway_describe_bandwidth_rate_limitReturns the bandwidth rate limits of a gateway
storagegateway_describe_bandwidth_rate_limit_scheduleReturns information about the bandwidth rate limit schedule...
storagegateway_describe_cacheReturns information about the cache of a gateway
storagegateway_describe_cachedi_scsi_volumesReturns a description of the gateway volumes specified in the...
storagegateway_describe_chap_credentialsReturns an array of Challenge-Handshake Authentication...
storagegateway_describe_file_system_associationsGets the file system association information
storagegateway_describe_gateway_informationReturns metadata about a gateway such as its name, network...
storagegateway_describe_maintenance_start_timeReturns your gateway's weekly maintenance start time...
storagegateway_describe_nfs_file_sharesGets a description for one or more Network File System (NFS)...
storagegateway_describe_smb_file_sharesGets a description for one or more Server Message Block (SMB)...
storagegateway_describe_smb_settingsGets a description of a Server Message Block (SMB) file share...
storagegateway_describe_snapshot_scheduleDescribes the snapshot schedule for the specified gateway...
storagegateway_describe_storedi_scsi_volumesReturns the description of the gateway volumes specified in...
storagegateway_describe_tape_archivesReturns a description of specified virtual tapes in the...
storagegateway_describe_tape_recovery_pointsReturns a list of virtual tape recovery points that are...
storagegateway_describe_tapesReturns a description of virtual tapes that correspond to the...
storagegateway_describe_upload_bufferReturns information about the upload buffer of a gateway
storagegateway_describe_vtl_devicesReturns a description of virtual tape library (VTL) devices...
storagegateway_describe_working_storageReturns information about the working storage of a gateway
storagegateway_detach_volumeDisconnects a volume from an iSCSI connection and then...
storagegateway_disable_gatewayDisables a tape gateway when the gateway is no longer...
storagegateway_disassociate_file_systemDisassociates an Amazon FSx file system from the specified...
storagegateway_join_domainAdds a file gateway to an Active Directory domain
storagegateway_list_automatic_tape_creation_policiesLists the automatic tape creation policies for a gateway
storagegateway_list_file_sharesGets a list of the file shares for a specific S3 File...
storagegateway_list_file_system_associationsGets a list of FileSystemAssociationSummary objects
storagegateway_list_gatewaysLists gateways owned by an Amazon Web Services account in an...
storagegateway_list_local_disksReturns a list of the gateway's local disks
storagegateway_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags that have been added to the specified resource
storagegateway_list_tape_poolsLists custom tape pools
storagegateway_list_tapesLists virtual tapes in your virtual tape library (VTL) and...
storagegateway_list_volume_initiatorsLists iSCSI initiators that are connected to a volume
storagegateway_list_volume_recovery_pointsLists the recovery points for a specified gateway
storagegateway_list_volumesLists the iSCSI stored volumes of a gateway
storagegateway_notify_when_uploadedSends you notification through CloudWatch Events when all...
storagegateway_refresh_cacheRefreshes the cached inventory of objects for the specified...
storagegateway_remove_tags_from_resourceRemoves one or more tags from the specified resource
storagegateway_reset_cacheResets all cache disks that have encountered an error and...
storagegateway_retrieve_tape_archiveRetrieves an archived virtual tape from the virtual tape...
storagegateway_retrieve_tape_recovery_pointRetrieves the recovery point for the specified virtual tape
storagegateway_set_local_console_passwordSets the password for your VM local console
storagegateway_set_smb_guest_passwordSets the password for the guest user smbguest
storagegateway_shutdown_gatewayShuts down a Tape Gateway or Volume Gateway
storagegateway_start_availability_monitor_testStart a test that verifies that the specified gateway is...
storagegateway_start_gatewayStarts a gateway that you previously shut down (see...
storagegateway_update_automatic_tape_creation_policyUpdates the automatic tape creation policy of a gateway
storagegateway_update_bandwidth_rate_limitUpdates the bandwidth rate limits of a gateway
storagegateway_update_bandwidth_rate_limit_scheduleUpdates the bandwidth rate limit schedule for a specified...
storagegateway_update_chap_credentialsUpdates the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol...
storagegateway_update_file_system_associationUpdates a file system association
storagegateway_update_gateway_informationUpdates a gateway's metadata, which includes the gateway's...
storagegateway_update_gateway_software_nowUpdates the gateway virtual machine (VM) software
storagegateway_update_maintenance_start_timeUpdates a gateway's weekly maintenance start time...
storagegateway_update_nfs_file_shareUpdates a Network File System (NFS) file share
storagegateway_update_smb_file_shareUpdates a Server Message Block (SMB) file share
storagegateway_update_smb_file_share_visibilityControls whether the shares on an S3 File Gateway are visible...
storagegateway_update_smb_local_groupsUpdates the list of Active Directory users and groups that...
storagegateway_update_smb_security_strategyUpdates the SMB security strategy on a file gateway
storagegateway_update_snapshot_scheduleUpdates a snapshot schedule configured for a gateway volume
storagegateway_update_vtl_device_typeUpdates the type of medium changer in a tape gateway documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:03 a.m.