AddNewMetaColumn | Add a new Seurat object metadata column based on current... |
AppendCiteSeq | Read/Append CITE-seq/ADT data to a Seurat Object |
AppendPerCellSaturation | Append Per Cell Saturation |
AppendPerCellSaturationInBulk | Append Per Cell Saturation in Bulk |
AvgExpression | Calculate Avg Expression |
CalculateClusterEnrichment | CalculateClusterEnrichment |
CalculatePercentMito | Calculate Mitochrondrial Percentage |
CalculateTcrDiversity | Calculate TCR diversity |
CalculateTcrDiversityFromSeurat | Calculate TCR diversity from a seurat object |
CalculateUcellPerFeature | CalculateUcellPerFeature |
cdGenes | Table mapping gene symbol to CD gene name |
CellCycleScoring_UCell | CellCycleScoring_UCell |
CiteSeqDimRedux.Dist | Perform DimRedux on CiteSeq using euclidean distance |
CiteSeqDimRedux.PCA | Perform DimRedux on CiteSeq using PCA input |
ClrNormalizeByGroup | ClrNormalizeByGroup |
ClusteredDotPlot | ClusteredDotPlot |
ConstructEnrichmentDataFrameAndDoStatistics | ConstructEnrichmentDataFrameAndDoStatistics |
CreateSeuratObj | Wrapper around Seurat::CreateSeuratObject |
DesignModelMatrix | DesignModelMatrix |
DetectCellStructuresBasedOnCellType | DetectCellStructuresBasedOnCellType |
DoLdaParameterScan | DoLdaParameterScan |
dot-addRegulationInformationAndFilterDEGs | .addRegulationInformationAndFilterDEGs |
dot-GenerateSizeFactor | .GenerateSizeFactor |
dot-RemoveSpecialCharacters | RemoveSpecialCharacters |
dot-swapContrast | .swapContrast |
dot-UpdateGeneModel | Update Gene Model |
DownsampleSeurat | Downsample Seurat |
FeaturePlotAcrossReductions | FeaturePlot Across Reductions |
FilterCloneNames | FilterCloneNames |
FilterPseudobulkContrasts | FilterPseudobulkContrasts |
FilterRawCounts | Perform Cell Filtering on the cells of the seurat object |
FindClustersAndDimRedux | Find Clusters And Perform DimRedux |
FindDoublets | Find Doublets using scDblFinder |
Find_Markers | Find_Markers |
FitRegularizedClassificationGlm | FitRegularizedClassificationGlm |
GetAssayMetadataSlotName | GetAssayMetadataSlotName |
GetChiDF | Create a dataframe with chi-squared statistics of clones |
GetG2MGenes | Get G2M Phase Genes |
GetGeneIds | Retrieve the gene IDs from a seuratObj created using... |
GetMsigdbGeneSet | GetMsigdbGeneSet |
GetSeed | Get random seed |
GetSPhaseGenes | Get S Phase Genes |
GetXYDataFromPlot | GetXYDataFromPlot |
HasSplitLayers | HasSplitLayers |
HighlightCellsOnSeuratPlot | HighlightCellsOnSeuratPlot |
InspectSeurat | Inspect Seurat |
LogNormalizeUsingAlternateAssay | LogNormalizeUsingAlternateAssay |
MakeEnrichmentDotPlot | MakeEnrichmentDotPlot |
MergeSeuratObjs | Merge Seurat Objects |
MergeSplitLayers | MergeSplitLayers |
NanoString_Housekeeping_Normalization | NanoString_Housekeeping_Normalization |
NormalizeAndScale | Run the primary seurat processing steps. |
PerformDifferentialExpression | PerformDifferentialExpression |
PerformEmptyDropletFiltering | PerformEmptyDropletFiltering |
PerformGlmFit | PerformGlmFit |
PerformIntegration | PerformIntegration |
PlotAverageAdtCounts | Plot Average ADT counts |
PlotSdaCellScores | Plot SDA Cell Scores |
Plot_SDAScoresPerFeature | Plot SDA Cell Scores By Feature |
PlotSeuratVariables | Plot Seurat Variables |
PlotTfData | Plot TF Data |
PredictScTourPseudotime | PredictScTourPseudotime |
PseudobulkingBarPlot | PseudobulkingBarPlot |
PseudobulkingDEHeatmap | PseudobulkingDEHeatmap |
PseudobulkSeurat | Pseudobulk Seurat |
Q3_Normalization | Q3_Normalization |
QuantifyTcrClones | Append Clone Properties |
ReadAndFilter10xData | Read and Filter 10X files. |
RegressCellCycle | Regress Cell Cycle |
RenameUsingCD | Rename a vector of genes using CD nomenclature |
ResolveLocGenes | Resolve NCBI Loc Genes |
RLE_Plot | RLE_Plot |
RunCoNGA | Run CoNGA |
RunCsCore | Run CS-CORE |
RunDecoupleR | Run decoupleR |
RunEscape | Run escape ssGSEA |
RunFilteredContrasts | RunFilteredContrasts |
runLDA | Runs LDA Model |
RunPcaSteps | Run Seurat PCA |
RunSDA | RunSDA |
RunSeuratWnn | Perform Seurat WNN on CiteSeq |
RunSingleR | Run SingleR For A Seurat Object |
RunUmapOnSDA | Run UMAP using SDA results |
RUVg_Housekeeping_Normalization | RUVg_Housekeeping_Normalization |
ScaleFeaturesIfNeeded | Scale Features If Needed |
ScoreCellCycle | Score Cell Cycle |
SDA_GO_Enrichment | Compute and score GO enrichment for SDA components |
SDAToSeuratMetadata | SDAToSeuratMetadata |
SDAToSeuratReduction | SDAToSeuratReduction |
SetSeed | Set random seed |
SeuratToCoNGA | SeuratToCoNGA |
SpatialNormalizeByGroup | SpatialNormalizeByGroup |
SplitSeurat | Split Seurat |
SubsetSeurat | Subset Seurat Using String Expressions |
TrainSctourModel | TrainSctourModel |
UpdateMacaqueMmul10NcbiGeneSymbols | Update Seurat Object Gene Model From Monkey LOCs to Human... |
WriteCellBarcodes | Write Cell Barcodes |
WriteSummaryMetrics | Write Summary Metrics |
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