
Defines functions mc2d_comp_cell_coord mc2d_comp_graph_coord mc2d_comp_graph_coord_umap mc2d_comp_mgraph_param mc2d_comp_mgraph mcell_mc2d_force_knn_on_cells mcell_mc2d_force_knn

Documented in mcell_mc2d_force_knn mcell_mc2d_force_knn_on_cells

#' Metacell layout using force directed projection of a low degree mc graph
#' @param mc2d_id 2d object to add
#' @param mc_id meta cell id to work with
#' @param graph_id graph_id of the similarity graph on cells from the metacell. This should always be specified, even if an mgraph is supplied since we use the obejct to position cells releative to metacels
#' @param mgraph_id mgraph_id of the metacell graph to use. If this is null the function will compute an mgraph itself using the cell graph
#' @param symetrize should the mc confusion matrix be symmetrized before computing layout?
#' @param ignore_mismatch determine if mismatch in mc names are to be ignored.
#' @param feats_gset gene set name for use in parametric graph and/or umap 2d projection
#' @param feats_exclude list of genes to exclude from the features gene set
#' @param graph_parametric if this is True, mc edges will be determined using parametric distances and not the cells k-nn graph.
#' @param logist_loc the location parametr of the logistic function used to determine parametric distances between metacelles
#' @param logist_scale the lscale parametr of the logistic function used to determine parametric distances between metacelles
#' @export
mcell_mc2d_force_knn = function(mc2d_id, mc_id, graph_id,
			mgraph_id = NULL,
			ignore_mismatch=F, symmetrize=F, 
			ignore_edges = NULL, 
			feats_gset = NULL, 
			feats_exclude =NULL,
			graph_parametric = F, logist_loc = 1, logist_scale = 0.2, 
			logist_eps = 4e-5, max_d_fold = 3,
			use_umap_for_2d_pos=F, umap_mgraph=F,
	mc = scdb_mc(mc_id)
	if (is.null(mc)) {
		stop(sprintf("mc %s not found"), mc_id)
	if(is.null(mgraph_id) & is.null(graph_id) & !graph_parametric) {
		stop("to generate an mc2d object, supply one of the 3: an mgraph object, a cell graph object, or define the graph_parametric option as T")

	feat_genes = NULL
	if(!is.null(feats_gset)) {
		gset = scdb_gset(feats_gset)
		if(is.null(gset)) {
			stop("Unkown gset ", feats_gset, " defined in mc2d graph construction")
		feat_genes = names(gset@gene_set)
		if(!is.null(feat_genes)) {
			feat_genes = setdiff(feat_genes, feats_exclude)
		message("got ", length(feat_genes), " feat genes for mc graph construction")

	if(!graph_parametric) {
		if(!is.null(mgraph_id)) {
			mgraph = scdb_mgraph(mgraph_id)
			if(is.null(mgraph)) {
				stop("bad mgraph id when trying to generate an mc2d object ", mgraph_id)
			mgraph = mgraph@mgraph
		} else {
			mgraph = mc2d_comp_mgraph(mc_id, graph_id, ignore_mismatch=ignore_mismatch, symmetrize=symmetrize)
	} else {
		if(is.null(feat_genes)) {
			stop("must specify feat gene set to build parametric mc2d graph")
		mgraph = mc2d_comp_mgraph_param(mc, feat_genes, logist_loc, logist_scale, logist_eps, max_d_fold)
	if(!is.null(ignore_edges)) {
		all_e = paste(mgraph$mc1, mgraph$mc2, sep="-")
		ig_e = paste(ignore_edges$mc1, ignore_edges$mc2, sep="-")
		ig_re = paste(ignore_edges$mc2, ignore_edges$mc1, sep="-")
		f = all_e %in% c(ig_e,ig_re)
		mgraph= mgraph[!f,]
		message("igoring ", sum(f), " edges")
	if(use_umap_for_2d_pos) {
		if(is.null(feat_genes)) {
			stop("Specifiy a gene set for layout using umap on mc egc")
		if(is.null(uconf)) {
			#uconf = umap.defaults
			uconf = list()
		mc_xy = mc2d_comp_graph_coord_umap(mc, feat_genes, mgraph, uconf, umap_mgraph)
	} else {
		mc_xy = mc2d_comp_graph_coord(mgraph, N=ncol(mc@mc_fp))
	xy = mc2d_comp_cell_coord(mc_id, graph_id, mgraph, mc_xy, symmetrize=symmetrize)
	scdb_add_mc2d(mc2d_id, tgMC2D(mc_id, mc_xy$mc_x, mc_xy$mc_y, xy$x, xy$y, mgraph))

#' Compute cells 2d coordinates based on the mc graph when the mc coordinates are supplied externally 
#' @param mc2d_id 2d object to add
#' @param mc_id meta cell id to work with
#' @param graph_id graph_id of the similarity graph on cells from the metacell
#' @param mc_xy pre-defined metacells coordinates (so only coordinates of cells will be computed). Data frame with 2 columns named mc_x and mc_y (x and y coodinates, respectively). 
#' @param ignore_mismatch
#' @export
mcell_mc2d_force_knn_on_cells = function(mc2d_id, mc_id, graph_id, mc_xy, ignore_mismatch=F)
	mgraph = mc2d_comp_mgraph(mc_id, graph_id, ignore_mismatch=ignore_mismatch)
	xy = mc2d_comp_cell_coord(mc_id, graph_id, mgraph, mc_xy)
	scdb_add_mc2d(mc2d_id, tgMC2D(mc_id, mc_xy$mc_x, mc_xy$mc_y, xy$x, xy$y, mgraph))

#' @export
mc2d_comp_mgraph = function(mc_id, graph_id, ignore_mismatch=F, symmetrize=F)
	mc2d_K = get_param("mcell_mc2d_K")
	mc2d_T_edge = get_param("mcell_mc2d_T_edge")
	mc2d_max_confu_deg = get_param("mcell_mc2d_max_confu_deg")
	mc2d_edge_asym = get_param("mcell_mc2d_edge_asym")
	mc2d_k_expand_inout_factor = get_param("mcell_mc2d_expand_inout_factor")
	mc2d_max_fpcor_indeg = get_param("mcell_mc2d_max_fpcor_indeg")
	mc2d_max_fpcor_outdeg = get_param("mcell_mc2d_max_fpcor_outdeg")

	if(is.null(mc2d_max_confu_deg) & is.null(mc2d_max_fpcor_outdeg)) {
		stop("MC-ERR: Either max_confu_deg or max_fpcor_deg must be defined - currently both are null")

	graph = scdb_cgraph(graph_id)
	if(is.null(graph)) {
		stop("MC-ERR: cell graph id ", graph_id, " is missing when mc 2d projection")
	mc = scdb_mc(mc_id)
	if(is.null(mc)) {
		stop("MC-ERR: mc id ", mc_id, " is missing when running add_mc_from_graph")
	restrict_in_degree = T

	if(!is.null(mc2d_max_confu_deg)) {

		message("comp mc graph using the graph ", graph_id, " and K ", mc2d_K)
		confu = mcell_mc_confusion_mat(mc_id, graph_id, mc2d_K, 
		if(symmetrize) {
			confu =confu + t(confu)
# k_expand_inout_factor=k_expand_inout_factor

		csize = as.matrix(table(mc@mc))
		csize = pmax(csize, 20)
		csize2 = csize %*% t(csize)
		csize2 = csize2 / median(csize)**2
		confu = confu / csize2

		confu_p_from = confu/rowSums(confu)
		confu_p_to = t(confu)/colSums(confu)

		if(!is.null(mc2d_max_confu_deg)) {
			rank_fr = t(apply(confu_p_from, 1, rank))
			rank_to = t(apply(confu_p_to, 1, rank))
			rank2 = rank_fr * rank_to
			diag(rank2) = 1e+6
			amgraph = apply(rank2, 1, function(x) {  rank(-x) <= (1+mc2d_max_confu_deg) })
			mgraph = amgraph * ((confu_p_from + confu_p_to) > mc2d_T_edge)
			if(restrict_in_degree) {
				amgraph2 = t(apply(rank2, 2, function(x) {  rank(-x) <= (1+mc2d_max_confu_deg) }))
				mgraph = mgraph * amgraph2

			if(mc2d_edge_asym) {
				mgraph = amgraph * (confu_p_from>mc2d_T_edge)
				mgraph = amgraph * (t(confu_p_to)>mc2d_T_edge)
			mgraph = mgraph>0 | t(mgraph>0)
		} else {
			mgraph = (confu_p_from + confu_p_to) > mc2d_T_edge

	if(!is.null(mc2d_max_fpcor_outdeg)) {
		f = apply(abs(log2(mc@mc_fp)),1,max)>0.5
		fp_cor = tgs_cor(log2(mc@mc_fp[f,]))
		fp_rnk = t(apply(-fp_cor,1,function(x) rank(x)<=(mc2d_max_fpcor_outdeg+1)))
		fp_rnk_in = apply(-fp_cor,1,function(x) rank(x)<=(1+mc2d_max_fpcor_indeg))
		if(!is.null(mc2d_max_confu_deg)) {
				  mgraph = mgraph * fp_rnk * fp_rnk_in
		} else {
				  mgraph = fp_rnk * fp_rnk_in

	N = nrow(mgraph)
	e = which(mgraph>0)
	n1 = ceiling((e)/N)
	n2 = 1+((e-1) %% N)
	return(data.frame(mc1 = n1, mc2 = n2))

#' @export
mc2d_comp_mgraph_param = function(mc, genes, loc, scale, eps, max_d_fold)
	max_deg = get_param("mcell_mc2d_max_confu_deg")
	legc = log2(mc@e_gc[genes,] + eps)

	logist_d = function(x) {
		d = abs(legc - x)
		d = plogis(d, loc, scale)
	a = apply(legc, 2, logist_d) 

#connect - d-best outgoing. filter by d_best_ratio < 2
	diag(a) = 1000;
	d_T = apply(a, 1, function(x) sort(x,partial=2)[2])
	a_n = a/d_T
	diag(a) = 0;
	diag(a_n) = 0;

   rank_fr = t(apply(a, 1, rank))
   rank_fr_m = rank_fr
   rank_fr_m[a_n > max_d_fold] = 1000
   rank_fr_m2 = rank_fr_m
   rank_fr_m2[t(a_n) > max_d_fold] = 1000

   edges = apply(rank_fr_m2, 1, function(x) {
                        mc2 = which(x > 0 & x <= max_deg+1);
                        mc1 = rep(which.min(x), length(mc2));
                        return(data.frame(mc1 = mc1, mc2=mc2)) })
   ed_df = as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, edges))
	ed_df$dist = apply(ed_df, 1, function(x) 1+a[x[1],x[2]])

#' @export
mc2d_comp_graph_coord_umap = function(mc, genes, mgraph, uconf, use_mgraph)
	legc = log2(mc@e_gc[genes,] + 1e-5)
#	um = umap(t(legc), uconf)
if(0) {
	um = umap(t(legc), n_neighbors=uconf$n_neighbors, min_dist=uconf$min_dist,bandwidth=uconf$bandwidth, local_connectivity=uconf$local_connectivity, metric="cosine")
	return(list(mc_x=um[,1], mc_y=um[,2]))
} else {
	if(use_mgraph) {
		m = sparseMatrix(mgraph$mc1, mgraph$mc2, x=1/mgraph$dist)
		m = as.matrix(m)
		diag(m) = 0
		m = m/(0.5+rowSums(m))
		diag(m) = 0.5+apply(m,1, max)
		m  = m %*% m
		um = umap(as.matrix(m), uconf);
	} else {
		um = umap(t(legc) , uconf)
	return(list(mc_x = um$layout[,1], mc_y = um$layout[,2]))

#' @export
mc2d_comp_graph_coord = function(mc_graph, N)
	n1 = mc_graph$mc1
	n2 = mc_graph$mc2
	rEG <- new("graphNEL", nodes=as.character(1:N), edgemode="undirected")

	rEG = addEdge(as.character(n1[n1!=n2]), as.character(n2[n1!=n2]), rEG, rep(1, length(n1[n1!=n2])))

	g = layoutGraph(rEG, layoutType="neato")
	x_cl = nodeRenderInfo(g)$nodeX
	y_cl = nodeRenderInfo(g)$nodeY
	names(x_cl) = 1:N
	names(y_cl) = 1:N
	return(list(g=g, mc_x=x_cl, mc_y=y_cl))

#' @export
mc2d_comp_cell_coord = function(mc_id, graph_id, mgraph, cl_xy, skip_missing=F, symmetrize=F)
	mc2d_proj_blur = get_param("mcell_mc2d_proj_blur")
	mc2d_K_cellproj = get_param("mcell_mc2d_K_cellproj")

	mc = scdb_mc(mc_id)
	graph = scdb_cgraph(graph_id)

	x_cl = cl_xy$mc_x
	y_cl = cl_xy$mc_y

	N_mc = length(x_cl)
	N_c = length(mc@mc)+length(mc@outliers)
	if(N_mc != length(mc@colors)) {
		stop("MC-ERR: Length mismatch in number of projected MC and overal mc")

	blurx = mc2d_proj_blur*(max(x_cl) - min(x_cl))
	blury = mc2d_proj_blur*(max(y_cl) - min(y_cl))

#defining all pairs of MCs that are connected on the mc graph sekelton as active
	is_active = rep(FALSE, N_mc*N_mc)
	is_active[(mgraph$mc1-1) * N_mc + mgraph$mc2] = TRUE
	if(symmetrize) {
		message("project on symmetrized graph")
		is_active[(mgraph$mc2-1) * N_mc + mgraph$mc1] = TRUE
#including the diagnoal
	is_active[((1:N_mc)-1) * N_mc + 1:N_mc] = TRUE

	mc_key1 = mc@mc[levels(graph@edges$mc1)]
	mc_key2 = mc@mc[levels(graph@edges$mc2)]
	mc1 = mc_key1[graph@edges$mc1]
	mc2 = mc_key2[graph@edges$mc2]
	e_wgts = graph@edges$w
	if(symmetrize) {
		amc1 = c(mc1, mc2)
		amc2 = c(mc2, mc1)
		mc1 = amc1
		mc2 = amc2
		e_wgts = c(e_wgts, e_wgts)

	f_in_mc = !is.na(mc1) & !is.na(mc2) #missing mc's, for example orphans
	f_active = is_active[(mc1-1)*N_mc + mc2]
	f = !is.na(f_active) & f_in_mc & f_active

	deg = nrow(graph@edges[f,])/length(graph@nodes)
	if(symmetrize) {
		deg = 2*deg
	T_w = 1-(mc2d_K_cellproj+1)/deg
	f = f & e_wgts > T_w

	to_x = x_cl[mc2]
	to_y = y_cl[mc2]
	if(symmetrize) {
		edges_mcs = c(as.character(graph@edges$mc1), as.character(graph@edges$mc2))[f]
		c_x = tapply(to_x[f], edges_mcs, mean)
		c_y = tapply(to_y[f], edges_mcs, mean)
		c_x = c_x[names(mc@mc)]
		c_y = c_y[names(mc@mc)]
		names(c_x) = names(mc@mc)
		names(c_y) = names(mc@mc)
	} else {
		c_x = tapply(to_x[f], as.character(graph@edges$mc1[f]), mean)
		c_y = tapply(to_y[f], as.character(graph@edges$mc1[f]), mean)

	base_x = min(c_x)
	base_y = min(c_y)
	max_x = max(c_x)
	base_x = base_x - (max_x-base_x)*0.1

	miss = setdiff(names(mc@mc), names(c_x))
	if(length(miss) > 0) {
		message("Missing coordinates in some cells that are not ourliers or ignored - check this out! (total ", length(miss), " cells are missing, maybe you used the wrong graph object?", " first nodes ", head(miss,10))
#		stop("existing")
	x = c_x[names(mc@mc)]
	y = c_y[names(mc@mc)]
	x = x + rnorm(mean=0, sd=blurx, n=length(x))
	y = y + rnorm(mean=0, sd=blury, n=length(y))

	return(list(x=x, y=y))
tanaylab/metacell documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 1:01 p.m.