
Defines functions getChrInfo lumiMethyStatus methylationCall plotGammaFit .initialGammaEstimation gammaFitEM produceMethylationGEOSubmissionFile plotDensity colorBiasSummary plotColorBias2D plotColorBias1D boxplotColorBias estimateBeta estimateM m2beta beta2m estimateIntensity normalizeMethylation.quantile .quantileNormalization.reference .estimate.quantile.reference normalizeMethylation.ssn estimateMethylationBG smoothQuantileNormalization adjColorBias.quantile adjColorBias.ssn bgAdjustMethylation lumiMethyB lumiMethyC lumiMethyN addControlData2methyLumiM addAnnotationInfo importMethyIDAT lumiMethyR

Documented in addAnnotationInfo addControlData2methyLumiM adjColorBias.quantile adjColorBias.ssn beta2m bgAdjustMethylation boxplotColorBias colorBiasSummary estimateBeta estimateIntensity estimateM estimateMethylationBG gammaFitEM getChrInfo importMethyIDAT lumiMethyB lumiMethyC lumiMethyN lumiMethyR lumiMethyStatus m2beta methylationCall normalizeMethylation.quantile normalizeMethylation.ssn plotColorBias1D plotColorBias2D plotDensity plotGammaFit produceMethylationGEOSubmissionFile smoothQuantileNormalization

lumiMethyR <- function(filename, lib=NULL, controlData=NULL, qcfile=NULL, sampleDescriptions=NULL, 
    sep = NULL) {
  methyLumiSet <- methylumiR(filename, qcfile=qcfile, sampleDescriptions=sampleDescriptions, sep=sep)
  methyLumiM <- as(methyLumiSet, "MethyLumiM")
  if (!is.null(lib)) {
    # methyLumiM <- addColorChannelInfo(methyLumiM, lib=lib)
    methyLumiM <- addAnnotationInfo(methyLumiM, lib=lib)
  if (!is.null(controlData)) {
    if (is.character(controlData)) {
      controlData <- methylumiR(controlData)
    if (is(controlData, "MethyLumiQC")) {
      controlData(methyLumiM) <- controlData
    } else {
      cat("Provided controlData is not supported!\n")

## import Illumina Infinium methylation IDAT files based on barcodes.
## This is an extension of the methylumi::lumIDAT function 
importMethyIDAT <- function(sampleInfo, dataPath=getwd(), lib=NULL, bigMatrix=FALSE, dir.bigMatrix='.', savePrefix.bigMatrix, ...) {
  if (missing(sampleInfo)) {
    stop('Please provide "sampleInfo"!')
	if (is.character(sampleInfo)) {
		barcodes <- sampleInfo
		sampleInfo <- NULL
    barcodeInfo <- strsplit(barcodes, split='_')
    if (!all(sapply(barcodeInfo, length) == 2)) {
      warning('Some barcodes not in the correct format!')
      barcodeInfo <- lapply(barcodeInfo, function(x) {
        if (length(x) == 1) {
          x <- c(x, '')
        } else {
          x <- x[1:2]
    barcodeInfo <- matrix(unlist(barcodeInfo), ncol=2)
    colnames(barcodeInfo) <- c('SENTRIX_BARCODE', 'SENTRIX_POSITION')
	} else {
		colnames(sampleInfo) <- toupper(colnames(sampleInfo))
		if (any(colnames(sampleInfo) == 'SENTRIX_ID') && !('SENTRIX_BARCODE' %in% colnames(sampleInfo))) {
			colnames(sampleInfo)[colnames(sampleInfo) == 'SENTRIX_ID'] <- 'SENTRIX_BARCODE'
    if (!all(c('SENTRIX_BARCODE', 'SENTRIX_POSITION') %in% colnames(sampleInfo))) {
      stop("'SENTRIX_POSITION' and 'SENTRIX_BARCODE' or 'SENTRIX_ID' and are required in 'sampleInfo'!")
    barcodeInfo <- sampleInfo[,c('SENTRIX_BARCODE', 'SENTRIX_POSITION')]
    barcodes <- paste(barcodeInfo[, 'SENTRIX_BARCODE'], barcodeInfo[, 'SENTRIX_POSITION'], sep='_')
  ## read IDAT files
  ## check the folder location
  ## read data path could be either dataPath or dataPath/SENTRIX_BARCODE
  realDataPath <- dataPath
  for (i in 1:length(barcodes)) {
    file.pattern.i <- paste(barcodes[i], '.*\\.idat$', sep='')
    data.path.i <- file.path(dataPath, barcodeInfo[i, 'SENTRIX_BARCODE'])
    if (length(dir(data.path.i, pattern=file.pattern.i, ignore.case=T)) == 2) {
      realDataPath[i] <- data.path.i
    } else if (length(dir(dataPath, pattern=file.pattern.i, ignore.case=T)) != 2) {
      realDataPath[i] <- NA
  if (any(is.na(realDataPath))) {
    stop(paste('IDAT files cannot be located for barcodes:', paste(barcodes[is.na(realDataPath)], collapse=',')))
  ## read IDAT files by individual dataPath
  barcodesList <- split(barcodes, factor(realDataPath, levels=unique(realDataPath)))
	if (bigMatrix) {
		## read first batch of samples and create a BigMatrix with all sample information
		## Then fill in the rest sample information
		if (missing(savePrefix.bigMatrix)) {
			warnings('savePrefix.bigMatrix is missing! bigMatrixFiles is used!')
			savePrefix.bigMatrix <- 'bigMatrixFiles'
		for (i in 1:length(barcodesList)) {
			lumi450k.i <- lumIDAT(barcodesList[[i]], idatPath=names(barcodesList)[i], ...)
			if (i == 1) {
				dimNames <- list(featureNames(lumi450k.i), barcodes)
				## predefine a big matrix
				lumi450k <- lumi::asBigMatrix(lumi450k.i, nCol=length(barcodes), dimNames=dimNames, saveDir=dir.bigMatrix, savePrefix=savePrefix.bigMatrix)
			} else {
				## fill in data information of new samples
				for (ad.name in assayDataElementNames(lumi450k.i)) {
	        matrixAll.i <- assayDataElement(lumi450k, ad.name)
					if (is.null(matrixAll.i)) next
	        matrix.i <- assayDataElement(lumi450k.i, ad.name)
					matrixAll.i[, colnames(matrix.i)] <- matrix.i
	} else {
	  lumi450k <- lapply(1:length(barcodesList), function(i) lumIDAT(barcodesList[[i]], idatPath=names(barcodesList)[i], ...)) # return MethyLumiM object
	  suppressWarnings(lumi450k <- do.call('combine', lumi450k))
  ## add sample info 
  if (!is.null(sampleInfo)) {
    ## update the barcodes, the order may change after split barcodes to barcodesList
    barcodes <- colnames(lumi450k)
    rownames(sampleInfo) <- paste(barcodeInfo[, 'SENTRIX_BARCODE'], barcodeInfo[, 'SENTRIX_POSITION'], sep='_')
    pData(lumi450k) <- sampleInfo[barcodes,]
    ## rename the samples if SAMPLE_NAME is provided in sampleInfo
    if (!is.null(sampleInfo$SAMPLE_NAME)) {
      samplename <- make.unique(sampleInfo[barcodes,'SAMPLE_NAME'])
      sampleNames(lumi450k) <- as.character(samplename)
	if (!is.null(lib)) {
		## add annotation information: 'COLOR_CHANNEL', 'CHROMOSOME', 'POSITION'
		lumi450k <- addAnnotationInfo(lumi450k, lib=lib)


addAnnotationInfo <- function(methyLumiM, lib='FDb.InfiniumMethylation.hg19', annotationColumn=c('COLOR_CHANNEL', 'CHROMOSOME', 'POSITION')) {
 	if (is(methyLumiM, 'MethyLumiM')) {
	  # retrieve feature data
	  ff <- fData(methyLumiM)
    probeList <- featureNames(methyLumiM)
	} else if (is.character(methyLumiM)) {
		probeList <- methyLumiM
		ff <- data.frame()
	} else {
		stop('methyLumiM should be either a MethyLumiM object of a character vectors of probe names!')
	if (!is.null(lib) && require(lib, character.only=TRUE)) {
		## For FeatureDb annotation libraries
		ff <- NULL
		if (exists(lib)) {
			lib <- get(lib)
			if (is(lib, 'FeatureDb')) {
				allAnnotation <- features(lib)
			ff <- data.frame(ProbeID=probeList, CHROMOSOME=NA, POSITION=NA, COLOR_CHANNEL=NA)
			rownames(ff) <- probeList
			if (any(!(probeList %in% names(allAnnotation)))) {
			  missingProbe <- probeList[!(probeList %in% names(allAnnotation))]
				probeList <- probeList[probeList %in% names(allAnnotation)]
				warnings(paste(paste(missingProbe, collapse=','), 'probes do not exist in the annotation library!'))
			allAnnotation <- allAnnotation[probeList]
			ff[probeList, 'CHROMOSOME'] <- as.character(seqnames(allAnnotation))
			ff[probeList, 'POSITION'] <- as.numeric(IRanges::start(allAnnotation))
			ff[probeList, 'COLOR_CHANNEL'] <- as.character(allAnnotation$channel450)

		if (is.null(ff)) {
			## For old annotation libraries: IlluminaHumanMethylation450k.db
			colorInfo <- chr <- loc <- rep(NA, length(probeList))
			names(colorInfo) <- names(chr) <- names(loc) <- probeList

	    obj <- get(paste(sub("\\.db$", "", lib), "COLORCHANNEL", sep=""))
			pp <- probeList[probeList %in% keys(obj)]
	    colorInfo[pp] <- sapply(AnnotationDbi::mget(pp, obj), function(x) x[1])
	    ff$COLOR_CHANNEL <- colorInfo

			## Check whether multiple versions of chromosome information is available,
			## If so, only use the latest version.
			chrPattern <- paste(sub("\\.db$", "", lib), "CHR", sep="")
			chrObjs <- ls(paste("package:", lib, sep=""), pattern=paste(chrPattern, "[0-9]+$", sep=""))
			if (length(chrObjs) > 1) {
				chrVersion <- sub(".*[^0-9]([0-9]+)$", "\\1", chrObjs)
				obj <- get(chrObjs[which.max(as.numeric(chrVersion))])
			} else {
				obj <- get(chrPattern)
			pp <- probeList[probeList %in% keys(obj)]
	    chr[pp] <- sapply(AnnotationDbi::mget(pp, obj), function(x) x[1])
	    ff$CHROMOSOME <- as.character(chr)

	    obj <- get(paste(sub("\\.db$", "", lib), "CPGCOORDINATE", sep=""))
	 		pp <- probeList[probeList %in% keys(obj)]
	    loc[pp] <- sapply(AnnotationDbi::mget(pp, obj), function(x) x[1])
	    ff$POSITION <- as.numeric(as.character(loc))

	} else {
		if (all(c('CHR', 'MAPINFO') %in% names(ff))) {
	    ff$CHROMOSOME <- ff$CHR
	    ff$POSITION <- as.numeric(ff$MAPINFO)
		if (!all(c('CHROMOSOME', 'POSITION', 'COLOR_CHANNEL') %in% names(ff))) {
			stop('Probe annotation information is not available. Please provide annotation library!')
	if (!is.data.frame(ff)) ff <- as.data.frame(ff, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	rownames(ff) <- ff$ProbeID
	if (is(methyLumiM, 'MethyLumiM')) {
	  fData(methyLumiM) <- ff
	} else {

addControlData2methyLumiM <- function(controlData, methyLumiM, checkConsistency = TRUE, ...) 
  if (missing(methyLumiM) || missing(controlData)) stop('Both controlData and methyLumiM are required!')
  if (is.character(controlData)) {
    controlData <- methylumiR(controlData, ...)
  if (is(controlData, "MethyLumiQC")) {
    ## Match the column names of controlData and LumiBatch object 
    ## Only keep the samples matching methyLumiM
    if (checkConsistency) {
      sampleID <- sampleNames(methyLumiM)
      controlSampleID <- sampleNames(controlData)
      if (all(sampleID %in% controlSampleID)) {
        controlData(methyLumiM) <- controlData[, sampleID]
      } else {
        stop('SampleNames do not match up between controlData and methyLumiM!')
    } else {
      controlData(methyLumiM) <- controlData[, sampleID]
  } else {
    cat("Provided controlData is not supported!\n")


# normalization
lumiMethyN <- function(methyLumiM, method = c('quantile', 'ssn', 'none'), separateColor=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, overwriteBigMatrix=FALSE, ...) 
  if (!is.function(method)) method <- match.arg(method)

  if (!is(methyLumiM, 'MethyLumiM') && !is(methyLumiM, 'MethyGenoSet')) {
    stop('The object should be class "MethyLumiM" or "MethyGenoSet"!')
	if (is(assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs'), "BigMatrix") && !overwriteBigMatrix) {
		stop('BigMatrix was identified in the AssayData, please set overwriteBigMatrix parameter as TRUE if you want to overwrite the existing data.')
  history.submitted <- as.character(Sys.time())
  if (!(is.function(method))) {
    if (!(method %in% c('ssn', 'rssn', 'quantile', 'none'))) {
      cat('This method is not supported!\n')
    } else if (method == 'none') {
    if (verbose) cat(paste('Perform', method, 'normalization ...\n'))
  } else {
    if (verbose) cat('Perform user provided normalization ...\n')    
  if (is.function(method)) {
    unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated')
    methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated')
    if (separateColor) {
      annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
      if (is.null(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL)) {
        cat("No color balance adjustment because lack of COLOR_CHANNEL information!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
        combData <- rbind(methy, unmethy)
        processed.comb <- method(combData, ...)
        if (!is(processed.comb, 'matrix')) stop("The return of user defined method should be a matrix!\n")
        methy <- processed.comb[1:(nrow(processed.comb)/2), ]
        unmethy <- processed.comb[(nrow(processed.comb)/2+1):nrow(processed.comb), ]
      } else {
        allRedInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red')
        allGrnInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn')
        allRed <- rbind(methy[allRedInd,], unmethy[allRedInd,])
        allGrn <- rbind(methy[allGrnInd,], unmethy[allGrnInd,])
        processed.red <- method(allRed, ...)
        if (!is(processed.red, 'matrix')) stop("The return of user defined method should be a matrix!\n")
        processed.grn <- method(allGrn, ...)
        methy[allRedInd,] <- processed.red[1:(nrow(processed.red)/2), ]
        unmethy[allRedInd,] <- processed.red[(nrow(processed.red)/2+1):nrow(processed.red), ]
        methy[allGrnInd,] <- processed.grn[1:(nrow(processed.grn)/2), ]
        unmethy[allGrnInd,] <- processed.grn[(nrow(processed.grn)/2+1):nrow(processed.grn), ]
    } else {
      combData <- rbind(methy, unmethy)
      processed.comb <- method(combData, ...)
      if (!is(processed.comb, 'matrix')) stop("The return of user defined method should be a matrix!\n")
      methy <- processed.comb[1:(nrow(processed.comb)/2), ]
      unmethy <- processed.comb[(nrow(processed.comb)/2+1):nrow(processed.comb), ]
    methylated(methyLumiM) <- methy
    unmethylated(methyLumiM) <- unmethy
    methyLumiM <- estimateM(methyLumiM)
  } else {
    if (method == 'quantile') {
      methyLumiM <- normalizeMethylation.quantile(methyLumiM, separateColor=separateColor, ...)
    } else if (method == 'ssn') {
      methyLumiM <- normalizeMethylation.ssn(methyLumiM, separateColor=separateColor, ...)
    #} else if (method == 'rssn') {
    #  methyLumiM <- normalizeMethylation.robust.ssn(methyLumiM, separateColor=separateColor, ...)
  history.finished <- as.character(Sys.time())
  # history.command <- capture.output(print(match.call(lumiMethyN)))
  history.command <- paste(deparse(match.call(lumiMethyN)), collapse='') 
  lumiVersion <- packageDescription('lumi')$Version
  methyLumiM@history<- rbind(methyLumiM@history, data.frame(submitted=history.submitted, 
      finished=history.finished, command=history.command, lumiVersion=lumiVersion))

# color balance adjustmentdim
lumiMethyC <- function(methyLumiM, method = c('quantile', 'ssn', 'none'), verbose=TRUE, overwriteBigMatrix=FALSE, ...) 
  if (!is.function(method)) method <- match.arg(method)

  if (!is(methyLumiM, 'MethyLumiM') && !is(methyLumiM, 'MethyGenoSet')) {
    stop('The object should be class "MethyLumiM" or "MethyGenoSet"!')

	if (is(assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs'), "BigMatrix") && !overwriteBigMatrix) {
		stop('BigMatrix was identified in the AssayData, please set overwriteBigMatrix parameter as TRUE if you want to overwrite the existing data.')

  annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
  if (is.null(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL))
    cat("No color balance adjustment because lack of COLOR_CHANNEL information!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
  history.submitted <- as.character(Sys.time())
  if (!(is.function(method))) {
    if (!(method %in% c('quantile', 'ssn', 'none'))) {
      cat('This method is not supported!\n')
    } else if (method == 'none') {
    if (verbose) cat(paste('Perform', method, 'color balance adjustment ...\n'))
  } else {
    if (verbose) cat('Perform user provided color balance adjustment ...\n')    
  if (is.function(method)) {
    unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated')
    methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated')
    allRedInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red')
    allGrnInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn')
    allRed <- rbind(methy[allRedInd,], unmethy[allRedInd,])
    allGrn <- rbind(methy[allGrnInd,], unmethy[allGrnInd,])

    processedData <- method(allRed, allGrn, ...)
    processed.red <- processedData$red
    if (is.null(processed.red)) stop("The return of user defined method should be a list including 'red' and 'green' matrix!\n")
    processed.grn <- processedData$green
    methy[allRedInd,] <- processed.red[1:(nrow(processed.red)/2), ]
    unmethy[allRedInd,] <- processed.red[(nrow(processed.red)/2+1):nrow(processed.red), ]
    methy[allGrnInd,] <- processed.grn[1:(nrow(processed.grn)/2), ]
    unmethy[allGrnInd,] <- processed.grn[(nrow(processed.grn)/2+1):nrow(processed.grn), ]
    methylated(methyLumiM) <- methy
    unmethylated(methyLumiM) <- unmethy
    methyLumiM <- estimateM(methyLumiM)
  } else {
    if (method == 'quantile') {
      methyLumiM <- adjColorBias.quantile(methyLumiM, verbose=verbose, ...)
    } else if (method == 'ssn') {
      methyLumiM <- adjColorBias.ssn(methyLumiM, ...)
  history.finished <- as.character(Sys.time())
  # history.command <- capture.output(print(match.call(lumiMethyC)))
  history.command <- paste(deparse(match.call(lumiMethyC)), collapse='') 
  lumiVersion <- packageDescription('lumi')$Version
  methyLumiM@history<- rbind(methyLumiM@history, data.frame(submitted=history.submitted, 
      finished=history.finished, command=history.command, lumiVersion=lumiVersion))

lumiMethyB <- function(methyLumiM, method = c('bgAdjust2C', 'forcePositive', 'none'), separateColor=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, overwriteBigMatrix=FALSE, ...) 
  if (!is.function(method)) method <- match.arg(method)

  if (is(methyLumiM, 'MethyLumiM') || is(methyLumiM, 'MethyGenoSet')) {
    unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated')
    methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated')
  } else {
    stop('The object should be class "MethyLumiM" or "MethyGenoSet" inherited!')
	if (is(assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs'), "BigMatrix") && !overwriteBigMatrix) {
		stop('BigMatrix was identified in the AssayData, please set overwriteBigMatrix parameter as TRUE if you want to overwrite the existing data.')
  history.submitted <- as.character(Sys.time())
  if (!(is.function(method))) {
    if (!(method %in% c('bgAdjust2C', 'none', 'forcePositive'))) {
      cat('This method is not supported!\n')
    } else if (method == 'none') {
    } else if (method == 'forcePositive') {
      mm <- min(c(min(methy, na.rm=TRUE), min(unmethy, na.rm=TRUE)))
      if (mm > 0)  return(methyLumiM)
    if (verbose) cat(paste('Perform', method, 'background correction ...\n'))
  } else {
    if (verbose) cat('Perform user provided background correction ...\n')    
  if (is.function(method)) {
    if (separateColor) {
      annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
      if (is.null(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL)) {
        cat("No color balance adjustment because lack of COLOR_CHANNEL information!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
        combData <- rbind(methy, unmethy)
        bgAdj.comb <- method(combData, ...)
        if (!is(bgAdj.comb, 'matrix')) stop("The return of user defined method should be a matrix!\n")
        methy <- bgAdj.comb[1:(nrow(bgAdj.comb)/2), ]
        unmethy <- bgAdj.comb[(nrow(bgAdj.comb)/2+1):nrow(bgAdj.comb), ]
      } else {
        allRedInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red')
        allGrnInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn')
        allRed <- rbind(methy[allRedInd,], unmethy[allRedInd,])
        allGrn <- rbind(methy[allGrnInd,], unmethy[allGrnInd,])
        bgAdj.red <- method(allRed, ...)
        if (!is(bgAdj.red, 'matrix')) stop("The return of user defined method should be a matrix!\n")
        bgAdj.grn <- method(allGrn, ...)
        methy[allRedInd,] <- bgAdj.red[1:(nrow(bgAdj.red)/2), ]
        unmethy[allRedInd,] <- bgAdj.red[(nrow(bgAdj.red)/2+1):nrow(bgAdj.red), ]
        methy[allGrnInd,] <- bgAdj.grn[1:(nrow(bgAdj.grn)/2), ]
        unmethy[allGrnInd,] <- bgAdj.grn[(nrow(bgAdj.grn)/2+1):nrow(bgAdj.grn), ]
    } else {
      combData <- rbind(methy, unmethy)
      bgAdj.comb <- method(combData, ...)
      if (!is(bgAdj.comb, 'matrix')) stop("The return of user defined method should be a matrix!\n")
      methy <- bgAdj.comb[1:(nrow(bgAdj.comb)/2), ]
      unmethy <- bgAdj.comb[(nrow(bgAdj.comb)/2+1):nrow(bgAdj.comb), ]
    methylated(methyLumiM) <- methy
    unmethylated(methyLumiM) <- unmethy
  } else {
    if (method == 'bgAdjust2C') {
      methyLumiM <- bgAdjustMethylation(methyLumiM, separateColor=separateColor, ...)
    } else if (method == 'forcePositive') {
      x.matrix <- rbind(methy, unmethy)
      offset <- apply(x.matrix, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE)
      offset[offset <= 0] <- offset[offset <= 0] - 0.01
      offset[offset > 0] <- 0
      offset <- rep(1, nrow(x.matrix)) %*% t(offset)
      x.matrix <- x.matrix - offset
      methylated(methyLumiM) <- x.matrix[1:nrow(methy),]
      unmethylated(methyLumiM) <- x.matrix[(nrow(unmethy)+1):nrow(x.matrix),]
  methyLumiM <- estimateM(methyLumiM)
  history.finished <- as.character(Sys.time())
  # history.command <- capture.output(print(match.call(lumiMethyB)))
  history.command <- paste(deparse(match.call(lumiMethyB)), collapse='') 
  lumiVersion <- packageDescription('lumi')$Version
  methyLumiM@history<- rbind(methyLumiM@history, data.frame(submitted=history.submitted, 
      finished=history.finished, command=history.command, lumiVersion=lumiVersion))

bgAdjustMethylation <- function(methyLumiM, separateColor=FALSE, targetBGLevel=300, negPercTh=0.25) {
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  methy <- methylated(methyLumiM)
  unmethy <- unmethylated(methyLumiM)
  ## check whether control data is available in the MethyLumiM object
  bglevel <- estimateMethylationBG(methyLumiM, separateColor=separateColor)
  if (is.null(colnames(bglevel))) separateColor <- FALSE
  if (separateColor) {
    bg.red <- bglevel[,'red']
    bg.grn <- bglevel[,'green']
    annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
    allRedInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red')
    allGrnInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn')

    ## For 450K chip, the Infinium II type only has one type of probe for each CpG site. 
    ## The color channel will depend on the methylation status
    allBothInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Both' | annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == '')
    methy[allRedInd, ] <- methy[allRedInd, ] - rep(1, length(allRedInd)) %*% t(bg.red)
    methy[allGrnInd, ] <- methy[allGrnInd, ] - rep(1, length(allGrnInd)) %*% t(bg.grn)
    unmethy[allRedInd, ] <- unmethy[allRedInd, ] - rep(1, length(allRedInd)) %*% t(bg.red)
    unmethy[allGrnInd, ] <- unmethy[allGrnInd, ] - rep(1, length(allGrnInd)) %*% t(bg.grn)
    if (length(allBothInd) > 0) {
      ## the methylated probe has 'Grn' color, while the unmethylated probe has 'Red' color
      unmethy[allBothInd, ] <- unmethy[allBothInd,] - rep(1, length(allBothInd)) %*% t(bg.red) 
      methy[allBothInd, ] <- methy[allBothInd,] - rep(1, length(allBothInd)) %*% t(bg.grn) 
  } else {
    if (is.matrix(bglevel)) bglevel <- rowMeans(bglevel)
		if (is(methy, 'BigMatrix')) {
			for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
		    methy[,i] <- methy[,i] - bglevel[i]
		    unmethy[,i] <- unmethy[,i] - bglevel[i]
		} else {
	    methy <- methy - rep(1, nrow(methy)) %*% t(bglevel)
	    unmethy <- unmethy - rep(1, nrow(unmethy)) %*% t(bglevel)

  ## check possible error of BG estimation model
	if (is(methy, 'BigMatrix')) {
	  negPerc.methy <- bigmemoryExtras::apply(methy, 2, function(x) length(which(x < 0))/nrow(methy))
	  negPerc.unmethy <- bigmemoryExtras::apply(unmethy, 2, function(x) length(which(x < 0))/nrow(unmethy))
	} else {
	  negPerc.methy <- apply(methy, 2, function(x) length(which(x < 0))/nrow(methy))
	  negPerc.unmethy <- apply(unmethy, 2, function(x) length(which(x < 0))/nrow(unmethy))
  negPerc <- pmax(negPerc.methy, negPerc.unmethy)

  if (any(negPerc > negPercTh)) {
    warning("Possible bad quality samples or possible error of Background estimation model: \n")
    cat("\t", paste(colnames(methy)[negPerc > negPercTh], collapse=", "), "\n")
	if (is(methy, 'BigMatrix')) {
		for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
	    methy[,i] <- methy[,i] + targetBGLevel
	    unmethy[,i] <- unmethy[,i] + targetBGLevel
	} else {
		methy <- methy + targetBGLevel
	  unmethy <- unmethy + targetBGLevel
	methylated(methyLumiM) <- methy 
  unmethylated(methyLumiM) <- unmethy

  if (is(methyLumiM, "MethyLumiM") || is(methyLumiM, 'MethyGenoSet')) methyLumiM <- estimateM(methyLumiM)
  attr(methyLumiM, "EstimatedBG") <- list(rawBG=bglevel, adjBG=rep(targetBGLevel, ncol(methy)))  

## ---------------------------------------------------------------
# methy.raw1.adj <- adjColorBias(methy.raw1)
# methy.raw2.adj <- adjColorBias(methy.raw2)
# methy.adj <- cbind(methylated(methy.raw1.adj), methylated(methy.raw2.adj))
# unmethy.adj <- cbind(unmethylated(methy.raw1.adj), unmethylated(methy.raw2.adj))
# M.adj <- log2(methy.adj/unmethy.adj)
adjColorBias.ssn <- function(methyLumiM, refChannel=c("green", "red", "mean")) {
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  if (storageMode(assayData(methyLumiM)) == "environment") storageMode(assayData(methyLumiM)) <- "lockedEnvironment"
  refChannel <- match.arg(refChannel)
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated') 
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated') 
  if (is.null(unmethy) || is.null(methy)) stop("methylated or unmethylated data is not included in the dataset!\n")
  annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
  if (is.null(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL)) {
    cat("No color balance adjustment because lack of COLOR_CHANNEL information!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
  allRedInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red')
  allGrnInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn')

  ## For 450K chip, the Infinium II type only has one type of probe for each CpG site. 
  ## The color channel will depend on the methylation status
  allBothInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Both' | annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == '')
  bg <- estimateMethylationBG(methyLumiM, separateColor=TRUE)
  bg.red <- bg[,"red"]
  bg.grn <- bg[,"green"]
	## To be compatible with BigMatrix data
	for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
	  intensity.grn <- unmethy[allGrnInd,i] + methy[allGrnInd,i]
	  intensity.red <- unmethy[allRedInd,i] + methy[allRedInd,i]
	  m.int.grn <- mean(intensity.grn) - bg.grn[i]
	  m.int.red <- mean(intensity.red) - bg.red[i]
	  if (refChannel == 'green') {
	    m.ref <- m.int.grn
	    bg.ref <- bg.grn[i]
	  } else if (refChannel == 'red') {
	    m.ref <- m.int.red
	    bg.ref <- bg.red[i]
	  } else {
	    m.ref <- (m.int.grn + m.int.red)/2
	    bg.ref <- (bg.grn[i] + bg.red[i])/2
	  unmethy[allRedInd, i] <- unmethy[allRedInd,i] -  bg.red[i] * m.ref / m.int.red + bg.ref
	  unmethy[allGrnInd, i] <- unmethy[allGrnInd,i] - bg.grn[i] * m.ref / m.int.grn + bg.ref
	  methy[allRedInd, i] <- methy[allRedInd,i] - bg.red[i] * m.ref / m.int.red + bg.ref
	  methy[allGrnInd, i] <- methy[allGrnInd,i] - bg.grn[i] * m.ref / m.int.grn + bg.ref

	  if (length(allBothInd) > 0) {
	    ## the methylated probe has 'Grn' color, while the unmethylated probe has 'Red' color
	    unmethy[allBothInd, i] <- unmethy[allBothInd,i] - bg.red[i] * m.ref / m.int.red + bg.ref
	    methy[allBothInd, i] <- methy[allBothInd,i] - bg.grn[i] * m.ref / m.int.grn + bg.ref
  methy.adj <- methyLumiM
  assayDataElement(methy.adj, 'unmethylated') <- unmethy
  assayDataElement(methy.adj, 'methylated') <- methy
  if (is(methy.adj, "MethyLumiM") || is(methy.adj, 'MethyGenoSet')) methy.adj <- estimateM(methy.adj)

adjColorBias.quantile <- function(methyLumiM, refChannel=c("green", "red"), logMode=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ...) {
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  if (storageMode(assayData(methyLumiM)) == "environment") storageMode(assayData(methyLumiM)) <- "lockedEnvironment"
  refChannel <- match.arg(refChannel)
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated') 
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated') 
  annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
  if (is.null(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL)) {
    cat("No color balance adjustment because lack of COLOR_CHANNEL information!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
  redInd <- annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red'
  grnInd <- annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn'

  ## For 450K chip, the Infinium II type only has one type of probe for each CpG site. 
  ## The color channel will depend on the methylation status
  bothInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Both' | annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == '')
  bandwidth <- ifelse(logMode, 0.3, 200)
  for (i in 1:ncol(unmethy)) {
		if (verbose) cat('Processing sample', colnames(unmethy)[i], '...\n')
    red.a.i <- unmethy[redInd, i]
    red.b.i <- methy[redInd, i]
    red.i <- c(red.a.i, red.b.i)
    grn.a.i <- unmethy[grnInd, i]
    grn.b.i <- methy[grnInd, i]
    grn.i <- c(grn.a.i, grn.b.i)

    if (refChannel == 'green') {
      ## For 450K data
      if (length(bothInd) > 0) {
        ## the methylated probe has 'Grn' color, while the unmethylated probe has 'Red' color
        y.out.i <- smoothQuantileNormalization(red.i, grn.i, adjData=c(red.i, unmethy[bothInd,i]), logMode=logMode, bandwidth=bandwidth, verbose=verbose, ...)
        unmethy[bothInd,i] <- y.out.i[(length(red.i)+1):length(y.out.i)]
        # y.out.i <- smoothQuantileNormalization(red.i, grn.i, adjData=c(red.i, methy[bothInd,i]), logMode=logMode, bandwidth=bandwidth, verbose=verbose, ...)
        # methy[bothInd,i] <- y.out.i[(length(red.i)+1):length(y.out.i)]
      } else {
        y.out.i <- smoothQuantileNormalization(red.i, grn.i, logMode=logMode, bandwidth=bandwidth, verbose=verbose, ...)
      unmethy[redInd, i] <- y.out.i[1:length(red.a.i)]
      methy[redInd, i] <- y.out.i[(length(red.a.i)+1):length(red.i)]
    } else {
      if (length(bothInd) > 0) {
        ## the methylated probe has 'Grn' color, while the unmethylated probe has 'Red' color
        y.out.i <- smoothQuantileNormalization(grn.i, red.i, adjData=c(grn.i, methy[bothInd,i]), logMode=logMode, bandwidth=bandwidth, verbose=verbose, ...)
        methy[bothInd,i] <- y.out.i[(length(grn.i)+1):length(y.out.i)]
      } else {
        y.out.i <- smoothQuantileNormalization(grn.i, red.i, logMode=logMode, bandwidth=bandwidth, verbose=verbose, ...)
      unmethy[grnInd, i] <- y.out.i[1:length(grn.a.i)]
      methy[grnInd, i] <- y.out.i[(length(grn.a.i)+1):length(grn.i)]

  methy.adj <- methyLumiM
  assayDataElement(methy.adj, 'unmethylated') <- unmethy
  assayDataElement(methy.adj, 'methylated') <- methy
  if (is(methy.adj, "MethyLumiM") || is(methy.adj, 'MethyGenoSet')) methy.adj <- estimateM(methy.adj)

smoothQuantileNormalization <- function(dataMatrix, ref=NULL, adjData=NULL, logMode=TRUE, bandwidth=NULL, degree=1, verbose=FALSE, ...) {
  # require(KernSmooth)
  bandwidth <- ifelse(logMode, 0.3, 200)
  if (!is.matrix(dataMatrix)) dataMatrix <- matrix(dataMatrix, ncol=1)
  if (is.null(ref)) {
    # normData <- normalize.quantiles.robust(dataMatrix + 0.0)
    normData <- limma::normalizeQuantiles(dataMatrix)
    ref <- normData[,1]
  if (!is.null(adjData)) {
    if (!is.matrix(adjData)) adjData <- matrix(adjData, ncol=1)
    if (ncol(dataMatrix) != ncol(adjData))
      stop("The number of columns of adjData should be consistent with dataMatrix!") 
  interpolationMode <- ifelse(length(ref) != nrow(dataMatrix), TRUE, FALSE) 
  if (logMode) {
    ## remove those equal or less than 0, which are unreliable values
    if (interpolationMode) ref <- ref[ref > 0]
    if (min(ref, na.rm=TRUE) < 1) ref <- ref - min(ref, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
    ref <- log2(ref)
	## remove NA in ref
	ref <- ref[!is.na(ref)]
  len <- nrow(dataMatrix)
  refLen <- length(ref)
  gridsize <- min(min(len, refLen)/2, 1000)

  # In the case of different lengthes between reference and data, interpolation will be performed.
  if (interpolationMode) {
    x <- (1:refLen)/refLen
    y <- sort(ref, decreasing=FALSE)
  } else {
    y <- sort(ref, decreasing=FALSE)
  # smoothing the quantile normalization results
  if (is.null(adjData)) {
    normData <- dataMatrix
  } else {
    normData <- adjData
  for (i in 1:ncol(dataMatrix)) {
	  # if (verbose)  cat('Processing sample', colnames(dataMatrix)[i], '...\n')
    profile.i <- dataMatrix[,i]
		profile.naInd.i <- which(is.na(profile.i))
		if (length(profile.naInd.i) > 0)
			profile.i <- profile.i[-profile.naInd.i]
    if (!is.null(adjData)) {
      adjData.i <- adjData[,i]
    } else {
      adjData.i <- profile.i
    ## remove possible NAs
    naInd.i <- is.na(adjData.i)
    adjData.i <- adjData.i[!naInd.i]

    if (logMode) {
      mm.i <- min(c(profile.i, adjData.i), na.rm=TRUE)
      if (mm.i < 1) {
        adjData.i <- log2(adjData.i - mm.i + 1)
        profile.i <- log2(profile.i - mm.i + 1)
      } else {
        adjData.i <- log2(adjData.i)
        profile.i <- log2(profile.i)

    if (interpolationMode) {
      ## remove those equal or less than 0, which are unreliable values
      selProfile.i <- profile.i[profile.i > 0]
      len <- length(selProfile.i)
      # perform linear interpolation when the length of two profiles different
      x.out.i <- rank(selProfile.i)/len 
      y.out.i <- approx(x=x, y=y, xout=x.out.i, method="linear", rule=2)$y    
    } else {
      selProfile.i <- profile.i
      y.out.i <- y[rank(selProfile.i)]
    ## remove outliers points at two ends
		rank.i <- rank(selProfile.i, ties.method='min')
    lowInd.i <- which(rank.i <= 500)
    highInd.i <- which(rank.i > max(rank.i) - 500)
    #boundary.i <- quantile(selProfile.i, c(0.3, 0.7))
    #lowInd.i <- selProfile.i < boundary.i[1]
    #highInd.i <- selProfile.i > boundary.i[2]
    ## fit the low segment
    suppressWarnings(rlm.i <- rlm(selProfile.i[lowInd.i], y.out.i[lowInd.i]))
    dd.i <- y.out.i[lowInd.i] - rlm.i$fitted.values
    outlier.ind.low.i <- lowInd.i[which(abs(dd.i) > 3 * sd(dd.i))]
    ## fit the high segment
    suppressWarnings(rlm.i <- rlm(selProfile.i[highInd.i], y.out.i[highInd.i]))
    dd.i <- y.out.i[highInd.i] - rlm.i$fitted.values
    outlier.ind.high.i <- highInd.i[which(abs(dd.i) > 3 * sd(dd.i))]
    outlier.ind.i <- c(outlier.ind.low.i, outlier.ind.high.i)
    if (length(outlier.ind.i) > 0) {
      tt <- locpoly(selProfile.i[-outlier.ind.i], y.out.i[-outlier.ind.i], degree=degree,  gridsize=gridsize, bandwidth=bandwidth, ...)
      # test <- monoSpline(x=selProfile.i[-outlier.ind.i], y=y.out.i[-outlier.ind.i], newX=adjData.i, nKnots=50, ifPlot=FALSE)
    } else {
      tt <- locpoly(selProfile.i, y.out.i, degree=degree,  gridsize=gridsize, bandwidth=bandwidth, ...)    

    norm.i <- approx(x=tt$x, y=tt$y, xout=adjData.i, rule=2)$y
    ## check the rank difference before and after fitting
    rank.old.i <- rank(adjData.i, ties.method='min')
    rank.new.i <- rank(norm.i, ties.method='min')
    suppressWarnings(rank.fit.i <- rlm(new~old, data.frame(new=rank.new.i, old=rank.old.i)))
    rank.diff.ind.i <- which(abs(rank.fit.i$residuals) > 1)
    ## Add na and infinite indexes
    rank.diff.ind.i <- unique(c(rank.diff.ind.i, which(is.na(norm.i)), which(is.infinite(norm.i))))
    if (length(rank.diff.ind.i) > 0) {
      rank.na.i <- rank.old.i[rank.diff.ind.i]
      replaceVal.i <- NULL
      for (rank.na.ij in unique(rank.na.i)) {
        down.ij <- sort(norm.i[rank.old.i < rank.na.ij & !(rank.old.i %in% rank.na.i)], decreasing=TRUE)[1]
        up.ij <- sort(norm.i[rank.old.i > rank.na.ij & !(rank.old.i %in% rank.na.i)], decreasing=FALSE)[1]
				norm.i[rank.diff.ind.i[rank.na.i == rank.na.ij]] <- mean(c(up.ij, down.ij), na.rm=TRUE)
		if (length(profile.naInd.i) > 0) {
			tmp.i <- norm.i
			norm.i <- rep(NA, nrow(normData))
			norm.i[-profile.naInd.i] <- tmp.i
    # plot(selProfile.i, y.out.i, pch='.')
    # lines(tt, col=2)
    # if (max(norm.i) > 30) browser()

    if (logMode) {
      normData[!naInd.i,i] <- 2^norm.i
    } else {
      normData[!naInd.i,i] <- norm.i


estimateMethylationBG <- function(methyLumiM, separateColor=FALSE, nbin=1000) {
  estimateBG <- function(dataMatrix, nbin=1000) {
    if (is(dataMatrix, 'BigMatrix')) {
      bg <- bigmemoryExtras::apply(dataMatrix, 2, function(x) {
         hh.x <- hist(x, nbin, plot=FALSE)
         Th <- hh.x$breaks[which.max(hh.x$counts) + 1] * 2
         dd.x <- density(x[x < Th], na.rm=TRUE)
         bg.x <- dd.x$x[which.max(dd.x$y)]    
    } else {
      bg <- apply(dataMatrix, 2, function(x) {
        hh.x <- hist(x, nbin, plot=FALSE)
        Th <- hh.x$breaks[which.max(hh.x$counts) + 1] * 2
        dd.x <- density(x[x < Th], na.rm=TRUE)
        bg.x <- dd.x$x[which.max(dd.x$y)]    

  ## check whether the control data is available
  controlData <- NULL
  if (is(methyLumiM, "MethyLumiM")) {
    controlData <- controlData(methyLumiM)
  if (is(methyLumiM, "MethyLumiSet")) {
    controlData <- QCdata(methyLumiM)
  if (is(controlData, "MethyLumiQC")) {
    # For control data, methylated data corresponds to green channel, "Signal_Grn"
    # For control data, unmethylated data corresponds to red channel, "Signal_Red"
    grnData <- assayDataElement(controlData, "methylated") 
    redData <- assayDataElement(controlData, "unmethylated")
    allControlType <- sapply(strsplit(featureNames(controlData), "\\."), function(x) x[1])
    allControlType <- toupper(allControlType)
    neg.ind <- which(allControlType == "NEGATIVE") 
    if (length(neg.ind) > 0) {
      bg.grn <- apply(grnData[neg.ind, ,drop=F], 2, median)
      bg.red <- apply(redData[neg.ind, ,drop=F], 2, median)
      if (separateColor) {
        bg <- cbind(red=bg.red, green=bg.grn)
      } else {
        bg <- pmin(bg.red, bg.grn)
  ## In the case the negative control data is not available, the background will be estimated based on the mode positions of unmethylated or methylated distribution (the smaller one)
  if (is(methyLumiM, "eSet")) {
		if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
      stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
    unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated')
    methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated')
    if (separateColor) {
      annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
      if (is.null(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL)) {
        cat("No color balance adjustment because lack of COLOR_CHANNEL information!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
        bg.methy <- estimateBG(methy, nbin=nbin)
        bg.unmethy <- estimateBG(unmethy, nbin=nbin)
        bg <- pmin(bg.methy, bg.unmethy)
      } else {
        allRedInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red')
        allGrnInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn')
        bg.methy.red <- estimateBG(methy[allRedInd,], nbin=nbin)
        bg.unmethy.red <- estimateBG(unmethy[allRedInd,], nbin=nbin)
        bg.red <- pmin(bg.methy.red, bg.unmethy.red)

        bg.methy.grn <- estimateBG(methy[allGrnInd,], nbin=nbin)
        bg.unmethy.grn <- estimateBG(unmethy[allGrnInd,], nbin=nbin)
        bg.grn <- pmin(bg.methy.grn, bg.unmethy.grn)
        bg <- cbind(red=bg.red, green=bg.grn)
    } else {
      bg.methy <- estimateBG(methy, nbin=nbin)
      bg.unmethy <- estimateBG(unmethy, nbin=nbin)
      bg <- pmin(bg.methy, bg.unmethy)
  } else if (is(methyLumiM, 'matrix')) {
    bg <- estimateBG(methyLumiM, nbin=nbin)
  } else {
    stop("The input data class is not supported!\n")

normalizeMethylation.ssn <- function(methyLumiM, separateColor=FALSE) {
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  if (storageMode(assayData(methyLumiM)) == "environment") storageMode(assayData(methyLumiM)) <- "lockedEnvironment"  
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated')
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated')
  # estimate the background based on methy
  bg <- estimateMethylationBG(methyLumiM, separateColor=separateColor)
  if (is.null(colnames(bg))) separateColor <- FALSE
  if (separateColor) {
    bg.red <- bg[,'red']
    bg.grn <- bg[,'green']
    meanBg.red <- mean(bg.red)
    meanBg.grn <- mean(bg.grn)

    annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
    allRedInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red')
    allGrnInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn')

    intensity.red <- unmethy[allRedInd, ] + methy[allRedInd, ]
    totalIntensity.red <- colSums(intensity.red)
    meanTotalIntensity.red <- mean(totalIntensity.red)

    intensity.grn <- unmethy[allGrnInd, ] + methy[allGrnInd, ]
    totalIntensity.grn <- colSums(intensity.grn)
    meanTotalIntensity.grn <- mean(totalIntensity.grn)
    methy[allRedInd, ] <- (methy[allRedInd, ] - rep(1, length(allRedInd)) %*% t(bg.red)) * (rep(1, length(allRedInd)) %*% t(meanTotalIntensity.red/totalIntensity.red)) + meanBg.red
    methy[allGrnInd, ] <- (methy[allGrnInd, ] - rep(1, length(allGrnInd)) %*% t(bg.grn)) * (rep(1, length(allGrnInd)) %*% t(meanTotalIntensity.grn/totalIntensity.grn)) + meanBg.grn
    unmethy[allRedInd, ] <- (unmethy[allRedInd, ] - rep(1, length(allRedInd)) %*% t(bg.red)) * (rep(1, length(allRedInd)) %*% t(meanTotalIntensity.red/totalIntensity.red)) + meanBg.red
    unmethy[allGrnInd, ] <- (unmethy[allGrnInd, ] - rep(1, length(allGrnInd)) %*% t(bg.grn)) * (rep(1, length(allGrnInd)) %*% t(meanTotalIntensity.grn/totalIntensity.grn)) + meanBg.grn
  } else {
    meanBg <- mean(bg)
		if (is(methy, 'BigMatrix')) {
			totalIntensity <- NULL
			for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
		    intensity.i <- unmethy[,i] + methy[,i]
		    totalIntensity <- c(totalIntensity, sum(intensity.i))
		  meanTotalIntensity <- mean(totalIntensity)
			for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
		  	unmethy[,i] <- (unmethy[,i] - bg[i]) * (meanTotalIntensity[i]/totalIntensity) + meanBg
		    methy[,i] <- (methy[,i] - bg[i]) * (meanTotalIntensity[i]/totalIntensity) + meanBg
		} else {
	    intensity <- unmethy + methy
	    totalIntensity <- colSums(intensity)
	    meanTotalIntensity <- mean(totalIntensity)
	    unmethy <- (unmethy - rep(1, nrow(intensity)) %*% t(bg)) * (rep(1, nrow(intensity)) %*% t(meanTotalIntensity/totalIntensity)) + meanBg
	    methy <- (methy - rep(1, nrow(intensity)) %*% t(bg)) * (rep(1, nrow(intensity)) %*% t(meanTotalIntensity/totalIntensity)) + meanBg
  assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated') <- unmethy
  assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated') <- methy
  if (is(methyLumiM, "MethyLumiM") || is(methyLumiM, "MethyGenoSet")) methyLumiM <- estimateM(methyLumiM)

## this internal function was based on limma::normalizeQuantiles
.estimate.quantile.reference <- function(dataMatrix, ..., batchSize=50, repTime=NULL, ties=TRUE) {
	otherDataMatrix <- list(...)

	## subsampling the data to estimate the reference when the size is bigger than the batchSize
	reference <- NULL
	if (ncol(dataMatrix) > batchSize) {
		repTime <- ncol(dataMatrix) / batchSize * 2
		if (ncol(dataMatrix) < batchSize) {
			batchSize <- ncol(dataMatrix)
			repTime <- 1
		for (i in 1:repTime) {
			ind.i <- sample(1:ncol(dataMatrix), batchSize)
			dataMatrix.i <- dataMatrix[, ind.i]
			if (length(otherDataMatrix) > 0) {
				for (j in 1:length(otherDataMatrix)) {
					dataMatrix.i <- rbind(dataMatrix.i, otherDataMatrix[[j]][, ind.i])
			reference.i <- .estimate.quantile.reference(dataMatrix.i)
			reference <- cbind(reference, reference.i)
		reference <- rowMeans(reference)
	} else {
		dataMatrix <- dataMatrix[,]
		if (length(otherDataMatrix) > 0) {
			for (j in 1:length(otherDataMatrix)) {
				dataMatrix <- rbind(dataMatrix, otherDataMatrix[[j]][,])
	  dm <- dim(dataMatrix)
	  if (is.null(dm)) 
	  if (dm[2] == 1) 
	  O <- S <- array(, dm)
	  nobs <- rep(dm[1], dm[2])
	  i <- (0:(dm[1] - 1))/(dm[1] - 1)
	  for (j in 1:dm[2]) {
	      Si <- sort(dataMatrix[, j], method = "quick", index.return = TRUE)
	      nobsj <- length(Si$x)
	      if (nobsj < dm[1]) {
	          nobs[j] <- nobsj
	          isna <- is.na(dataMatrix[, j])
	          S[, j] <- approx((0:(nobsj - 1))/(nobsj - 1), Si$x, 
	              i, ties = "ordered")$y
	          O[!isna, j] <- ((1:dm[1])[!isna])[Si$ix]
	      else {
	          S[, j] <- Si$x
	          O[, j] <- Si$ix
	  reference <- rowMeans(S)	

## this internal function was based on limma::normalizeQuantiles
.quantileNormalization.reference <- function(dataMatrix, reference=NULL, ties = TRUE) {
	dm <- dim(dataMatrix)
  if (is.null(dm)) {
		dataMatrix <- matrix(dataMatrix, ncol=1)
		dm <- dim(dataMatrix)

  if (dm[2] == 1 && is.null(reference)) 
	if (!is.null(reference)) {
		if (length(reference) != dm[1]) stop('The length of reference does not match the dimension of dataMatrix!')
  O <- S <- array(, dm)
  nobs <- rep(dm[1], dm[2])
  i <- (0:(dm[1] - 1))/(dm[1] - 1)
  for (j in 1:dm[2]) {
      Si <- sort(dataMatrix[, j], method = "quick", index.return = TRUE)
      nobsj <- length(Si$x)
      if (nobsj < dm[1]) {
          nobs[j] <- nobsj
          isna <- is.na(dataMatrix[, j])
          S[, j] <- approx((0:(nobsj - 1))/(nobsj - 1), Si$x, 
              i, ties = "ordered")$y
          O[!isna, j] <- ((1:dm[1])[!isna])[Si$ix]
      else {
          S[, j] <- Si$x
          O[, j] <- Si$ix
	if (is.null(reference)) {
		reference <- rowMeans(S)
	} else {
		reference <- sort(reference, method='quick')

	nobs <- rep(dm[1], dm[2])
	index <- (0:(dm[1] - 1))/(dm[1] - 1)

 for (j in 1:dm[2]) {
      if (ties) 
          rk <- rank(dataMatrix[, j])
      if (nobs[j] < dm[1]) {
          isna <- is.na(dataMatrix[, j])
          if (ties) 
              dataMatrix[!isna, j] <- approx(index, reference, (rk[!isna] - 1)/(nobs[j] - 
                1), ties = "ordered")$y
          else dataMatrix[O[!isna, j], j] <- approx(index, reference, (0:(nobs[j] - 
              1))/(nobs[j] - 1), ties = "ordered")$y
      else {
          if (ties) 
              dataMatrix[, j] <- approx(index, reference, (rk - 1)/(dm[1] - 1), ties = "ordered")$y
          else dataMatrix[O[, j], j] <- reference

normalizeMethylation.quantile <- function(methyLumiM, separateColor=FALSE, reference=NULL, ...) {
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  if (storageMode(assayData(methyLumiM)) == "environment") storageMode(assayData(methyLumiM)) <- "lockedEnvironment"
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated')
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated')

  if (separateColor) {
    annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
    if (is.null(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL)) {
      cat("No color balance adjustment because lack of COLOR_CHANNEL information!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
      separateColor <- FALSE
    } else {
      allRedInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red')
      allGrnInd <- which(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn')
	## It will perform normalization sample by sample when the data is a BigMatrix
	if (is(assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs'), "BigMatrix")) {
		## estimate the reference by randomly pick columns
		if (is.null(reference)) {
			reference <- .estimate.quantile.reference(dataMatrix=assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated'), dataMatrix2=assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated'), batchSize=50)
		for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
		  x.matrix.i <- rbind(methy[,i, drop=FALSE], unmethy[,i, drop=FALSE])
	    # Normalize the intensity using quantile normalization
	    x.matrix.i <- .quantileNormalization.reference(x.matrix.i, reference=reference, ...)
			methy[,i] <- x.matrix.i[1:nrow(methy),1]
		  unmethy[,i] <- x.matrix.i[(nrow(methy)+1):nrow(x.matrix.i),1]    
			# estimate the M-value
			if (is(methyLumiM, "MethyLumiM")) assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs')[,i] <- lumi::estimateM(methyLumiM[,i], returnType='matrix')	
	} else {
	  if (separateColor) {
	    methy.n <- methy; unmethy.n <- unmethy
	    methy.red <- methy[allRedInd, ]
	    methy.grn <- methy[allGrnInd, ]
	    unmethy.red <- unmethy[allRedInd, ]
	    unmethy.grn <- unmethy[allGrnInd, ]
	    x.matrix.red <- rbind(methy.red, unmethy.red)
	    x.matrix.grn <- rbind(methy.grn, unmethy.grn)
	    # Normalize the intensity using quantile normalization
			if (!is.null(reference)) {
		    x.matrix.red <- .quantileNormalization.reference(x.matrix.red, reference=reference, ...)
		    x.matrix.grn <- .quantileNormalization.reference(x.matrix.red, reference=reference, ...)
			} else {
		    x.matrix.red <- limma::normalizeQuantiles(x.matrix.red, ...)
		    x.matrix.grn <- limma::normalizeQuantiles(x.matrix.grn, ...)
		    # x.matrix.red <- normalize.quantiles.robust(x.matrix.red + 0.0, ...)
		    # x.matrix.grn <- normalize.quantiles.robust(x.matrix.grn + 0.0, ...)
	    len.red <- length(allRedInd)
	    len.grn <- length(allGrnInd)
	    methy.n[allRedInd,] <- x.matrix.red[1:len.red,]
	    unmethy.n[allRedInd,] <- x.matrix.red[(len.red+1):nrow(x.matrix.red),]
	    methy.n[allGrnInd,] <- x.matrix.grn[1:len.grn,]
	    unmethy.n[allGrnInd,] <- x.matrix.grn[(len.grn+1):nrow(x.matrix.grn),]
	  } else {
	    x.matrix <- rbind(methy, unmethy)
	    # Normalize the intensity using quantile normalization
			if (!is.null(reference)) {
		    x.matrix <- .quantileNormalization.reference(x.matrix, reference=reference, ...)
	    } else {
				x.matrix <- limma::normalizeQuantiles(x.matrix, ...)
	    	#x.matrix <- normalize.quantiles.robust(x.matrix + 0.0, ...)
			methy.n <- x.matrix[1:nrow(methy),]
	    unmethy.n <- x.matrix[(nrow(unmethy)+1):nrow(x.matrix),]    
	  colnames(methy.n) <- colnames(unmethy.n) <- colnames(methy)
	  rownames(methy.n) <- rownames(unmethy.n) <- rownames(methy)
	  assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated') <- unmethy.n
	  assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated') <- methy.n
	  if (is(methyLumiM, "MethyLumiM") || is(methyLumiM, "MethyGenoSet")) methyLumiM <- estimateM(methyLumiM)


# estimate the intensity measured by Illumina Infinium methylation probes
# which basically is the sum of methylated and unmethylated probe intensity
estimateIntensity <- function(methyLumiM, returnType=c("ExpressionSet", "matrix")) {
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  returnType <- match.arg(returnType)
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated') 
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated') 

  if (returnType == "matrix") {
    intensity <- unmethy[,] + methy[,]
  } else {
    # methyLumiM <- as(methyLumiM, "ExpressionSet")
    # exprs(methyLumiM) <- intensity
		if ('dataType' %in% slotNames(methyLumiM)) {
			dataType(methyLumiM) <- 'Intensity'
    # if (is(assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs'), 'BigMatrix')) {
    #   for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
    #     assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs')[,i] <- unmethy[,i] + methy[,i]
    #   }
    # } else {
			assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs') <- unmethy[,] + methy[,]
    # }


# convert beta-value to m-value
beta2m <- function(beta) {
  m <- log2(beta/(1-beta))

# convert m-value to beta-value 
m2beta <- function(m) {
  beta <- 2^m/(2^m + 1)

# estimate the M-value based on methylated and unmethylated probe intensities
estimateM <- function(methyLumiM, returnType=c("ExpressionSet", "matrix"), offset=100) {
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  returnType <- match.arg(returnType)
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated') 
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated') 
	## in case of BigMatrix
	if (is(methy, 'BigMatrix')) {
	  mm <- min(c(bigmemoryExtras::apply(unmethy, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE), bigmemoryExtras::apply(methy, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE)
	} else {
		mm <- min(c(apply(unmethy, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE), apply(methy, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE)
  if (mm < 0.01) {
		if (is(methy, 'BigMatrix')) {
			for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
				if (any(unmethy[,i] < 0.01)) unmethy[which(unmethy[,i] < 0.01), i] <- 0.01 
		    if (any(methy[,i] < 0.01)) methy[which(methy[,i] < 0.01), i] <- 0.01 
		} else {
	    unmethy[unmethy < 0.01] <- 0.01 
	    methy[methy < 0.01] <- 0.01 
	if (returnType == 'matrix') {
	  M <- log2((methy[,] + offset) / (unmethy[,] + offset))
	} else {
		if ('dataType' %in% slotNames(methyLumiM)) {
			dataType(methyLumiM) <- 'M'
		if (is(assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs'), 'BigMatrix')) {
			for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
				assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs')[,i] <- log2((methy[,i] + offset) / (unmethy[,i] + offset))
		} else {
			assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs') <- log2((methy[,] + offset) / (unmethy[,] + offset))

# estimate the Beta-value based on methylated and unmethylated probe intensities
estimateBeta <- function(methyLumiM, returnType=c("ExpressionSet", "matrix"), offset=100) {
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  returnType <- match.arg(returnType)
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated') 
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated') 
	## in case of BigMatrix
	if (is(methy, 'BigMatrix')) {
	  mm <- min(c(bigmemoryExtras::apply(unmethy, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE), bigmemoryExtras::apply(methy, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE)
	} else {
		mm <- min(c(apply(unmethy, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE), apply(methy, 2, min, na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE)
  if (mm < 0.01) {
		if (is(methy, 'BigMatrix')) {
			for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
				if (any(unmethy[,i] < 0.01)) unmethy[which(unmethy[,i] < 0.01), i] <- 0.01 
		    if (any(methy[,i] < 0.01)) methy[which(methy[,i] < 0.01), i] <- 0.01 
		} else {
	    unmethy[unmethy < 0.01] <- 0.01 
	    methy[methy < 0.01] <- 0.01 
  if (returnType == "matrix") {
	  beta <- methy[,] / (unmethy[,] + methy[,] + offset)
  } else {
    # methyLumiBeta <- as(methyLumiM, "ExpressionSet")
		if ('dataType' %in% slotNames(methyLumiM)) {
			dataType(methyLumiM) <- 'Beta'
		if (is(assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs'), 'BigMatrix')) {
			for (i in 1:ncol(methy)) {
				assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs')[,i] <- methy[,i] / (unmethy[,i] + methy[,i] + offset)
		} else {
			assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'exprs') <- methy[,] / (unmethy[,] + methy[,] + offset)

# boxplot unique for MethyLumiM-class
# setMethod("boxplot",signature(x="MethyLumiM"),
#   function(x, main, prob=c(seq(10,90, by=10), 95), col=gray(rev(seq(prob)/length(prob))), logMode=TRUE, ...) {
setMethod("boxplot",signature(x="MethyLumiM"), function(x, main, logMode=TRUE, ...) {
  tmp <- description(x)
  if (missing(main) && (is(tmp, "MIAME")))
     main <- tmp@title

  dataMatrix <- exprs(x)
  labels <- colnames(dataMatrix)
  if (is.null(labels)) labels <- as.character(1:ncol(dataMatrix))
  ## set the margin of the plot
  mar <- c(max(nchar(labels))/2 + 4.5, 5, 5, 3)
  old.mar <- par(mar=mar)

	if (.hasSlot(x, 'dataType')) {
		datatype <- dataType(x)
		if (datatype == '' || length(datatype) == 0) datatype <- 'M'
		ylab <- switch(datatype,
		if (datatype == 'Intensity' && logMode) {
			dataMatrix[dataMatrix <= 0] <- NA
			dataMatrix <- log2(dataMatrix)
			ylab <- 'Log2-Intensity of CpG-sites'
	} else {
		ylab <- 'M-value'
		datatype <- 'M'

 	if (datatype == 'Intensity') {
		boxplot(as(x, 'ExpressionSet'), main=main, xlab='', ylab=ylab, xaxt='n', ...)
	  axis(1, at=1:ncol(dataMatrix), labels=labels, tick=TRUE, las=2)
	} else {
	  # tmp <- lapply(1:ncol(dataMatrix), function(i) dataMatrix[,i])
	  tmp <- data.frame(M=as.vector(dataMatrix), sample=factor(col(dataMatrix), labels=colnames(dataMatrix)))
	  print(bwplot(M ~ sample, data=tmp, ylab=ylab, main=main, scales=list(rot=90),
		       panel = function(..., box.ratio) {
		           panel.violin(..., col = "grey", varwidth = FALSE, box.ratio = box.ratio)
	  # hdr.boxplot(tmp, main=main, xlab='', ylab=ylab, prob=prob, col=col, ...)


## boxplotColorBias
# boxplotColorBias(methyLumiM)
boxplotColorBias <- function(methyLumiM, logMode=TRUE, channel=c('both', 'unmethy', 'methy', 'sum'), grid=TRUE, main=NULL, mar=NULL, verbose=F, subset=NULL, ...) {
  channel <- match.arg(channel)
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    if (!is.numeric(subset)) stop('subset should be numeric.')
    if (length(subset) == 1) {
      index <- sample(1:nrow(methyLumiM), min(subset, nrow(methyLumiM)))
    } else {
      index <- subset
      index <- index[index > 0 & index <= nrow(methyLumiM)]
    methyLumiM <- methyLumiM[index,]

  annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
  if (is.null(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL)) {
    cat("No color balance adjustment because lack of COLOR_CHANNEL information!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
  redInd <- annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red'
  grnInd <- annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn'
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated') 
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated') 
  if (logMode) {
    unmethy[unmethy < 1] <- 1
    methy[methy < 1] <- 1
    unmethy <- log2(unmethy)
    methy <- log2(methy)
  nSample <- ncol(unmethy)
  allRed <- allGrn <- NULL
  tmp <- lapply(1:nSample, function(i) {
    red.a.i <- unmethy[redInd, i]
    red.b.i <- methy[redInd, i]
    grn.a.i <- unmethy[grnInd, i]
    grn.b.i <- methy[grnInd, i]
    if (channel == 'both') {
      red <- c(red.a.i, red.b.i)
      grn <- c(grn.a.i, grn.b.i)
    } else if (channel == 'unmethy') {
      red <- red.a.i
      grn <- grn.a.i
    } else if (channel == 'methy') {
      red <- red.b.i
      grn <- grn.b.i
    } else {
      red <- red.a.i + red.b.i
      grn <- grn.a.i + grn.b.i
    allRed <<- cbind(allRed, red)
    allGrn <<- cbind(allGrn, grn)
  labels <- colnames(unmethy)
  if (is.null(main)) {
    main <- "Boxplots of Red and Green color channels"
  if (is.null(mar)) {
    mar <- c(max(nchar(labels))/2 + 4.5, 5, 5, 3)
    mar[mar > 15] <- 15
    if (verbose) cat("mar:", mar, "\n")
  old.par <- par(mar=mar, xaxt='n')
  info <- switch(channel, 
    "both"="intensity of both methylated and unmethylated probes",
    "methy"="intensity of methylated probes only",
    "unmethy"="intensity of unmethylated probes only",
    "sum"="CpG-site Intensity")
  if (logMode) {
    ylab <- paste("Log2", info)
  } else {
    substr(info, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(info, 1, 1))
    ylab <- info
  boxplot(allRed ~ col(allRed), col = "red", boxwex = 0.25, at = 1:nSample - 0.175,  ylab=ylab, xlab="", main=main, ...)
  boxplot(allGrn ~ col(allGrn), col = "green", boxwex = 0.25, at = 1:nSample + 0.175, axis=F, add=TRUE, ylab="", xlab="")
  axis(1, at=1:ncol(allRed), labels=labels, tick=TRUE, las=2)
  if (grid) abline(v=1:(nSample-1) + 0.5, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted")

# plotColorBias1D(methyLumiM)
## plot either density or scatter plot of two color channels
plotColorBias1D <- function(methyLumiM, channel=c('both', 'unmethy', 'methy', 'sum'), colorMode=TRUE, removeGenderProbes=FALSE, logMode=TRUE, subset=NULL, ...) {

  channel <- match.arg(channel)
  otherPar <- list(...)
  densityPar <- otherPar[names(otherPar) %in% names(formals(density.default))]
  otherPar[names(otherPar) %in% names(formals(density.default))] <- NULL
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")

  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    if (!is.numeric(subset)) stop('subset should be numeric.')
    if (length(subset) == 1) {
      index <- sample(1:nrow(methyLumiM), min(subset, nrow(methyLumiM)))
    } else {
      index <- subset
      index <- index[index > 0 & index <= nrow(methyLumiM)]
    methyLumiM <- methyLumiM[index,]
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated') 
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated') 
  annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
  if (is.null(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL)) {
    cat("No color balance adjustment because lack of COLOR_CHANNEL information!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
  if (removeGenderProbes && !is.null(annotation$CHR)) {
    redInd <- annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red' & !(annotation$CHR %in% c('X', 'Y'))
    grnInd <- annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn' & !(annotation$CHR %in% c('X', 'Y'))
  } else {
    redInd <- annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red'
    grnInd <- annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn'
  nSample <- ncol(unmethy)
  density.list <- lapply(1:nSample, function(i) {
    red.a.i <- unmethy[redInd, i]
    red.b.i <- methy[redInd, i]
    grn.a.i <- unmethy[grnInd, i]
    grn.b.i <- methy[grnInd, i]
    if (channel == 'both') {
      red <- c(red.a.i, red.b.i)
      grn <- c(grn.a.i, grn.b.i)
    } else if (channel == 'unmethy') {
      red <- red.a.i
      grn <- grn.a.i
    } else if (channel == 'methy') {
      red <- red.b.i
      grn <- grn.b.i
    } else {
      red <- red.a.i + red.b.i
      grn <- grn.a.i + grn.b.i
    if (colorMode) {
      if (logMode) {
        red[red < 1] <- 1
        grn[grn < 1] <- 1
        if (length(densityPar) > 0) {
          dd.red <- do.call('density', c(list(log2(red)), densityPar))
          dd.grn <- do.call('density', c(list(log2(grn)), densityPar))
        } else {
          dd.red <- density(log2(red))
          dd.grn <- density(log2(grn))
      } else {
        if (length(densityPar) > 0) {
          dd.red <- do.call('density', c(list(red), densityPar))
          dd.grn <- do.call('density', c(list(grn), densityPar))
        } else {
          dd.red <- density(red)
          dd.grn <- density(grn)
    } else {
      pool <- c(red, grn)
      if (logMode) {
        pool[pool < 1] <- 1
        if (length(densityPar) > 0) {
          dd.pool <- do.call('density', c(list(log2(pool)), densityPar))
        } else {
          dd.pool <- density(log2(pool))
      } else {
        if (length(densityPar) > 0) {
          dd.pool <- do.call('density', c(list(pool), densityPar))
        } else {
          dd.pool <- density(pool)
      dd.red <- dd.grn <- dd.pool
    return(list(red=dd.red, green=dd.grn))
  mm.density <- max(sapply(density.list, function(x) max(c(x$red$y, x$green$y))))
  xrange <- range(sapply(density.list, function(x) range(c(x$red$x, x$green$x))))

  info <- switch(channel, 
    "both"="intensity of both methylated and unmethylated probes",
    "methy"="intensity of methylated probes only",
    "unmethy"="intensity of unmethylated probes only",
    "sum"="CpG-site Intensity")
  if (logMode) {
    xlab <- paste("Log2", info)
  } else {
    substr(info, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(info, 1, 1))
    xlab <- info
  if (is.null(otherPar$xlab)) otherPar$xlab <- xlab
  if (is.null(otherPar$ylab)) otherPar$ylab <- "Density"
  if (is.null(otherPar$xlim)) otherPar$xlim <- xrange
  if (is.null(otherPar$ylim)) otherPar$ylim <- c(0,mm.density)
  if (is.null(otherPar$main)) otherPar$main <- ifelse(colorMode, "Compare density distribution of two color channels", "Compare density distribution")
  if (is.null(otherPar$type)) otherPar$type <- 'l'
  if (colorMode) {
    if (is.null(otherPar$col)) otherPar$col <- 2
  } else {
    if (is.null(otherPar$col)) {
      otherPar$col <- 1:nSample
    } else if (length(otherPar$col) < nSample)
      otherPar$col <- rep(otherPar$col[1], nSample)
  for (i in 1:nSample) {
    dd.red.i <- density.list[[i]]$red
    dd.grn.i <- density.list[[i]]$green
    if (i == 1) {
      do.call('plot', c(list(dd.red.i), otherPar))
      if (colorMode) lines(dd.grn.i, col=3)
    } else {
      if (colorMode) {
        lines(dd.red.i, col=otherPar$col, lty=i)
        lines(dd.grn.i, col=3, lty=i)
      } else {
        lines(dd.red.i, col=otherPar$col[i], lty=i)

## plotColorBias2D(methyLumiM, selSample=1)
plotColorBias2D <- function(methyLumiM, selSample=1, combineMode=F, layoutRatioWidth=c(0.75,0.25), layoutRatioHeight=c(0.25, 0.75), 
      margins = c(5, 5, 2, 2), cex=1.25, logMode=TRUE, subset=NULL, ...) {

	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  otherPar <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    if (!is.numeric(subset)) stop('subset should be numeric.')
    if (length(subset) == 1) {
      index <- sample(1:nrow(methyLumiM), min(subset, nrow(methyLumiM)))
    } else {
      index <- subset
      index <- index[index > 0 & index <= nrow(methyLumiM)]
    methyLumiM <- methyLumiM[index,]

  ff <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
  color.channel <- ff[,"COLOR_CHANNEL"]
  if (is.null(color.channel) && !combineMode) stop("No color channel information included in the data!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated')[, selSample[1]]
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated')[, selSample[1]]

  if (logMode) {
    unmethy[unmethy < 1] <- 1
    methy[methy < 1] <- 1
    unmethy <- log2(unmethy)
    methy <- log2(methy)
  if (!combineMode) {
    grn.a <- unmethy[color.channel == "Grn"]
    red.a <- unmethy[color.channel == "Red"]
    grn.b <- methy[color.channel == "Grn"]
    red.b <- methy[color.channel == "Red"]

  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    layout(matrix(c(2,1,0,3), nrow=2), widths = layoutRatioWidth, heights = layoutRatioHeight, respect = FALSE)
  # layout.show(3)
  ## plot the scatter plot 
  par(mar = c(margins[1], margins[2], 0, 0))
  plottype <- ifelse(combineMode, "p", "n")

  if (is.null(otherPar$pch)) otherPar$pch <- '.'
  if (is.null(otherPar$type)) otherPar$type <- plottype
  if (is.null(otherPar$xlim)) otherPar$xlim <- range(unmethy)
  if (is.null(otherPar$ylim)) otherPar$ylim <- range(methy)
  if (is.null(otherPar$xlab)) otherPar$xlab <- 'Unmethylated Probe Intensity'
  if (is.null(otherPar$ylab)) otherPar$ylab <- 'Methylated Probe Intensity'
  if (is.null(otherPar$main)) otherPar$main <- ''

  if (logMode) {
    if (is.null(otherPar$xlab)) otherPar$xlab <- 'Unmethylated Probe Intensity (log2)'
    if (is.null(otherPar$ylab)) otherPar$ylab <- 'Methylated Probe Intensity (log2)'
  do.call('plot', c(list(unmethy), list(methy), otherPar))

  if (combineMode) {
    dd.a <- density(unmethy)
    dd.b <- density(methy)
    par(mar = c(1, margins[2], margins[3], 0))
    plot(dd.a, xlab='', ylab='Density', xlim=otherPar$xlim, xaxt='n', col='black', type='l', main='')
    ## plot the density plot of methylated probes
    par(mar = c(margins[1], 1, 0, margins[4]))
    plot(dd.b$y, dd.b$x, xlab='Density', ylab='', ylim=otherPar$ylim, yaxt='n', col='black', type='l', main='')
  } else {
    points(red.a, red.b, pch='.', cex=cex, col='red')
    points(grn.a, grn.b, pch='.', cex=cex, col='green')    

    dd.grn.a <- density(grn.a)
    dd.grn.b <- density(grn.b)
    dd.red.a <- density(red.a)
    dd.red.b <- density(red.b)
    ## plot the density plot of unmethylated probes
    par(mar = c(1, margins[2], margins[3], 0))
    plot(dd.red.a, xlab='', ylab='Density', xlim=otherPar$xlim, ylim=range(c(dd.grn.a$y, dd.red.a$y)), xaxt='n', col='red', type='l', main='')
    lines(dd.grn.a, col='green')
    ## plot the density plot of methylated probes
    par(mar = c(margins[1], 1, 0, margins[4]))
    plot(dd.red.b$y, dd.red.b$x, xlab='Density', ylab='', xlim=range(c(dd.grn.b$y, dd.red.b$y)), ylim=otherPar$ylim, yaxt='n', col='red', type='l', main='')
    lines(dd.grn.b$y, dd.grn.b$x, col='green')



# scatterPlotWithDensity <- function(x, y, channel=NULL, col=NULL, layoutRatioWidth=c(0.75,0.25), layoutRatioHeight=c(0.25, 0.75), 
#       margins = c(5, 5, 2, 2), cex=1.25, ...) {
#   if (!is.null(channel)) {
#     grn.a <- unmethy[color.channel == "Grn"]
#     red.a <- unmethy[color.channel == "Red"]
#     grn.b <- methy[color.channel == "Grn"]
#     red.b <- methy[color.channel == "Red"]
#   } else {
#     channel <- rep(1, length(x))
#   }
#   oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#   layout(matrix(c(2,1,0,3), nrow=2), widths = layoutRatioWidth, heights = layoutRatioHeight, respect = FALSE)
#   # layout.show(3)
#   ## plot the scatter plot 
#   par(mar = c(margins[1], margins[2], 0, 0))
#   plot(x, y, type='n', ...)
#   uniChannels <- unique(channel)
#   if (is.null(col)) col <- 1:length(uniChannels)
#   density.all <- NULL
#   for (i in seq(uniChannels)) {
#     x.i <- x[channel == uniChannels[i]]
#     y.i <- y[channel == uniChannels[i]]
#     dd.x.i <- density(x.i)
#     dd.y.i <- density(y.i)
#     density.all <- c(density.all, list(x=dd.x.i, y=dd.y.i))
#   }
#   ## plot densitis
#   for (i in seq(uniChannels)) {
#     x.i <- x[channel == uniChannels[i]]
#     y.i <- y[channel == uniChannels[i]]
#     points(x.i, y.i, pch='.', cex=cex, col=col[i])
#     ## plot the density plot of unmethylated probes
#     par(mar = c(1, margins[2], margins[3], 0))
#     plot(dd.x.i, xlab='', ylab='Density', xlim=otherPar$xlim, ylim=range(c(dd.grn.a$y, dd.red.a$y)), xaxt='n', col='red', type='l', main='')
#     lines(dd.grn.a, col='green')
#     ## plot the density plot of methylated probes
#     par(mar = c(margins[1], 1, 0, margins[4]))
#     plot(dd.red.b$y, dd.red.b$x, xlab='Density', ylab='', xlim=range(c(dd.grn.b$y, dd.red.b$y)), ylim=otherPar$ylim, yaxt='n', col='red', type='l', main='')
#     lines(dd.grn.b$y, dd.grn.b$x, col='green')
#   }
#   par(oldpar)
# }

colorBiasSummary <- function(methyLumiM, logMode=TRUE, channel=c('both', 'unmethy', 'methy', 'sum')) {

  channel <- match.arg(channel)
	if (!all(c("unmethylated", "methylated") %in% assayDataElementNames(methyLumiM))) {
    stop("The input should include 'methylated' and 'unmethylated' elements in the assayData slot!\n")
  unmethy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'unmethylated') 
  methy <- assayDataElement(methyLumiM, 'methylated') 
  annotation <- pData(featureData(methyLumiM))
  if (is.null(annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL)) {
    cat("No color balance adjustment because lack of COLOR_CHANNEL information!\n Please add it using addAnnotationInfo function.\n")
  redInd <- annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Red'
  grnInd <- annotation$COLOR_CHANNEL == 'Grn'
  nSample <- ncol(unmethy)
  summary.list <- lapply(1:nSample, function(i) {
    red.a.i <- unmethy[redInd, i]
    red.b.i <- methy[redInd, i]
    grn.a.i <- unmethy[grnInd, i]
    grn.b.i <- methy[grnInd, i]
    if (channel == 'both') {
      red <- c(red.a.i, red.b.i)
      grn <- c(grn.a.i, grn.b.i)
    } else if (channel == 'unmethy') {
      red <- red.a.i
      grn <- grn.a.i
    } else if (channel == 'methy') {
      red <- red.b.i
      grn <- grn.b.i
    } else {
      red <- red.a.i + red.b.i
      grn <- grn.a.i + grn.b.i
    if (logMode) {
      ss.red <- summary(log2(red))
      ss.grn <- summary(log2(grn))
    } else {
      ss.red <- summary(red)
      ss.grn <- summary(grn)
    return(list(red=ss.red, green=ss.grn))
  red.summary.matrix <- sapply(summary.list, function(x) x$red)
  grn.summary.matrix <- sapply(summary.list, function(x) x$green)
  colnames(red.summary.matrix) <- colnames(grn.summary.matrix) <- sampleNames(methyLumiM)
  return(list(red=red.summary.matrix, green=grn.summary.matrix))

plotDensity <- function(dataMatrix, logMode=TRUE, addLegend=TRUE, legendPos="topright", subset=NULL, ...) {
  otherPar <- list(...)
  if (is(dataMatrix, 'MethyLumiM')) {
    if (dataType(dataMatrix) == 'M')  logMode <- FALSE

  if (is(dataMatrix, 'ExpressionSet')) {
      dataMatrix <- exprs(dataMatrix)
  } else if (is.numeric(dataMatrix)) {
    dataMatrix <- as.matrix(dataMatrix)
  } else {
    stop('Un-supported class of dataMatrix.')

  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    if (!is.numeric(subset)) stop('subset should be numeric.')
    if (length(subset) == 1) {
      index <- sample(1:nrow(dataMatrix), min(subset, nrow(dataMatrix)))
    } else {
      index <- subset
      index <- index[index > 0 & index <= nrow(dataMatrix)]
    dataMatrix <- dataMatrix[index,,drop=FALSE]
  if (logMode) {
    if (any(dataMatrix <= 0)) dataMatrix[dataMatrix <= 0.1] <- 0.1 
    tmp <- apply(log2(dataMatrix), 2, density)
  } else {
    tmp <- apply(dataMatrix, 2, density)
  xx <- sapply(tmp, function(x) x$x)
  yy <- sapply(tmp, function(x) x$y)

  if (is.null(otherPar$type)) otherPar$type <- 'l'
  if (is.null(otherPar$xlab)) otherPar$xlab <- "Intensity"
  if (is.null(otherPar$ylab)) otherPar$ylab <- 'Density'
  if (is.null(otherPar$lty)) otherPar$lty <-  1:ncol(dataMatrix)
  if (is.null(otherPar$col)) otherPar$col <-  1:ncol(dataMatrix)
  if (is.null(otherPar$lwd)) otherPar$lwd <-  1
  if (is.null(otherPar$main)) otherPar$main <- "Density plot"
  if (logMode)  otherPar$xlab <- paste(otherPar$xlab, " (log2)", sep="")

  do.call('matplot', c(list(xx), list(yy), otherPar))

  ## add legend
  if (addLegend) {
    labels <- colnames(dataMatrix)
    if (is.null(labels)) labels <- as.character(1:ncol(dataMatrix))

    if (length(legendPos) > 1) {
      x.pos <- legendPos[1]
      y.pos <- legendPos[2]
    } else {
      x.pos <- legendPos[1]
      y.pos <- NULL
    legend(x.pos, y.pos, legend=labels, box.lwd=0, col=otherPar$col, lty=otherPar$lty, lwd=otherPar$lwd)

produceMethylationGEOSubmissionFile <- function(methyLumiM, methyLumiM.raw=NULL, lib.mapping=NULL, idType='Probe', sampleInfo=NULL, fileName='GEOSubmissionFile.txt', supplementaryRdata=TRUE, ...) {
  if (missing(methyLumiM)) stop('Please provide all required input parameters!\n')
  if (is(methyLumiM, "MethyLumiM")) expr.norm <- estimateBeta(methyLumiM, returnType='matrix')
  if (is.null(methyLumiM.raw)) {
    detect <- detection(methyLumiM)
    methyData <- methylated(methyLumiM)
    unmethyData <- unmethylated(methyLumiM)
    expr <- NULL
  } else {
    detect <- detection(methyLumiM.raw)
    methyData <- methylated(methyLumiM.raw)
    unmethyData <- unmethylated(methyLumiM.raw)
    expr <- estimateBeta(methyLumiM.raw)
  if (is.null(sampleInfo)) {
    sampleInfo <- produceGEOSampleInfoTemplate(methyLumiM, lib.mapping=lib.mapping, fileName=NULL)
  } else if (length(sampleInfo) == 1 && is.character(sampleInfo)) {
    sampleInfo <- read.table(sampleInfo, sep='\t', colClasses='character', skip=1, header=TRUE, strip.white=TRUE, quote='')
  } else if (is.null(nrow(sampleInfo))) {
    stop('Please provide correct sample information (a data.frame, matrix, or sampleInfo file)!\n')
  sampleInfoTitle <- colnames(sampleInfo)
  if (any(sapply(sampleInfo[,-1, drop=F], nchar) == 0)) stop('No blank fields are allowed in the sampleInfo table!\nYou can check some example submissions, like GSM296418, at the GEO website.\n')
  if (supplementaryRdata) sampleInfo[, "Sample_supplementary_file"] <- 'supplementaryData.Rdata'
  nuID <- featureNames(methyLumiM)
  probeId <- nuID
  if (length(which(is.nuID(sample(nuID, 100)))) < 20) {
    nuID <- NULL
  } else {
    if (!is.null(lib.mapping)) {
      probeId <- nuID2IlluminaID(nuID, lib=lib.mapping, idType=idType, ...)
    } else {
      nuID <- NULL
  sampleID <- sampleInfo[, "sampleID"]
  sampleTitle <- sampleInfo[,'Sample_title']
  for (i in seq(sampleID)) {
    if (i == 1) {
      cat('^SAMPLE =', sampleTitle[i], '\n', sep='', file=fileName, append=FALSE)
    } else {
      cat('^SAMPLE =', sampleTitle[i], '\n', sep='', file=fileName, append=TRUE)      
    sampleInfo.i <- paste('!', sampleInfoTitle[-1], ' = ', sampleInfo[i,-1], '\n', sep='', collapse='')
    sampleInfo.i <- gsub("'", "\\'", sampleInfo.i)
    cat(sampleInfo.i, file=fileName, append=TRUE, sep='')
    tableHead <- "ID_REF"
    cat("#ID_REF = Illumina ID\n", file=fileName, append=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(nuID)) {
      cat("#nuID = nucleotide universal IDentifier (nuID), convertible to and from probe sequence. See Bioconductor lumi package for more details.\n", file=fileName, append=TRUE)
      tableHead <- c(tableHead, "nuID")
    cat("#VALUE = Beta-value\n", file=fileName, append=TRUE)
    if (!is.null(expr)) cat("#RAW_VALUE = raw Beta-value\n", file=fileName, append=TRUE)
    tableHead <- c(tableHead, "VALUE")
    if (!is.null(expr)) tableHead <- c(tableHead, "RAW_VALUE")
    if (!is.null(methyData)) {
      cat("#METHYLATED = the intensities measured by methylated probes\n", file=fileName, append=TRUE)
      tableHead <- c(tableHead, "METHYLATED")
    if (!is.null(unmethyData)) {
      cat("#UNMETHYLATED = the intensities measured by unmethylated probes\n", file=fileName, append=TRUE)
      tableHead <- c(tableHead, "UNMETHYLATED")
    if (!is.null(detect)) {
      cat("#Detection_Pval = the detection p-value of the probe\n", file=fileName, append=TRUE)
      tableHead <- c(tableHead, "Detection_Pval")
    sampleTable.i <- probeId
    if (!is.null(nuID)) sampleTable.i <- cbind(sampleTable.i, nuID)
    sampleTable.i <- cbind(sampleTable.i, expr.norm[,sampleID[i]])
    if (!is.null(expr)) sampleTable.i <- cbind(sampleTable.i, expr[,sampleID[i]])
    if (!is.null(methyData)) sampleTable.i <- cbind(sampleTable.i, methyData[,sampleID[i]])
    if (!is.null(unmethyData)) sampleTable.i <- cbind(sampleTable.i, unmethyData[,sampleID[i]])
    if (!is.null(detect)) sampleTable.i <- cbind(sampleTable.i, detect[,sampleID[i]])
    sampleTable.i <- rbind(tableHead, sampleTable.i)
    cat("!sample_table_begin\n", file=fileName, append=TRUE)
    write.table(sampleTable.i, sep='\t', quote=FALSE, file=fileName, append=TRUE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
    cat("!sample_table_end\n", file=fileName, append=TRUE)
  if (supplementaryRdata) {
    methyLumiM <- methyLumiM[,sampleID]
    if (!is.null(methyLumiM.raw)) {
      methyLumiM.raw <- methyLumiM.raw[,sampleID]
      save(methyLumiM, methyLumiM.raw, sampleInfo, file='supplementaryData.Rdata')
    } else {
      save(methyLumiM, sampleInfo, file='supplementaryData.Rdata')

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions related with estimating methylation status
## EM estimation of the parameters s1, s2 and theta
## E-step: determine the class of each probe
## M-step: 
## 1. estimation the proportion of two classes
## 2. Estimate of optimized s1 and s2 using optimization method
## 3. Estimate theta based on equation

# fittedGamma <- gammaFitEM(M[,1], initialFit=NULL, maxIteration=50, tol=0.0001, plotMode=T, verbose=T)
gammaFitEM <- function(M, initialFit=NULL, fix.k=NULL, weighted=TRUE, maxIteration=50, tol=0.0001, plotMode=FALSE, truncate=FALSE, verbose=FALSE) {
  eps <- 10^-5
  # if (!require(nleqslv))   stop("Please install nleqslv package!\n")
  if (!is.null(fix.k)) {
    if (length(fix.k) == 1) fix.k <- c(fix.k, fix.k)
  if (!is.null(fix.theta)) {
    if (length(fix.theta) == 1) fix.theta <- c(fix.theta, fix.theta)
  fs1 <- function(s1, mi, zi, theta, k, n) {
    nonNegativeInd <- which(mi > s1) # this setting will allow to shift the profile without considering the small part of the trailing points
    sum(zi[nonNegativeInd]/(mi[nonNegativeInd]-s1)) - n /((k-1)*theta)  
    # mi[mi < s1] <- s1 + eps  
    # sum(zi/(mi-s1)) - n /((k-1)*theta)  
    #sum(zi/abs(mi-s1)) - n /((k-1)*theta)    

  fs2 <- function(s2, mi,  zi, theta, k, n) {
    nonNegativeInd <- which(mi < s2)  # this setting will allow to shift the profile without considering the small part of the trailing points
    sum(zi[nonNegativeInd]/(s2-mi[nonNegativeInd])) - n /((k-1)*theta)  
    #mi[mi > s2] <- s2 - eps
    #sum(zi/(s2-mi)) - n /((k-1)*theta)  
    # sum(zi/abs(s2-mi)) - n /((k-1)*theta)  

  fk1 <- function(k1, mi, zi, s, n) {
    nonNegativeInd <- which(mi > s) # this setting will allow to shift the profile without considering the small part of the trailing points
    log(k1) - digamma(k1) - log(sum(zi[nonNegativeInd]*(mi[nonNegativeInd]-s)/n)) + sum(zi[nonNegativeInd]*log(mi[nonNegativeInd]-s)/n)
    # mi[mi < s] <- s + eps
    # log(k1) - digamma(k1) - log(sum(zi*(mi-s)/n)) + sum(zi*log(mi-s)/n)

  fk2 <- function(k2, mi, zi, s, n) {
    nonNegativeInd <- which(mi < s) # this setting will allow to shift the profile without considering the small part of the trailing points
    log(k2) - digamma(k2) - log(sum(zi[nonNegativeInd]*(s-mi[nonNegativeInd])/n)) + sum(zi[nonNegativeInd]*log(s-mi[nonNegativeInd])/n)
    # mi[mi > s] <- s - eps
    # log(k2) - digamma(k2) - log(sum(zi*(s-mi)/n)) + sum(zi*log(s-mi)/n)
  if (is.matrix(M)) {
    if (ncol(M) > 1) cat("Only the first column of the matrix was processed!\n")
    x <- M[,1]
  } else {
    x <- M

  # Initial value estimation got from grid search
  initialFit <- .initialGammaEstimation(x, initialFit=initialFit)
  k <- initialFit$k
  theta <- initialFit$theta
  s <- initialFit$shift
  p <- initialFit$proportion
  Mode <- initialFit$mode
  k[k < 2] <- 2
  theta[theta < 0.2] <- 0.2

  if (!is.null(fix.k)) k[!is.na(fix.k)] <- fix.k[!is.na(fix.k)]
  if (!is.null(fix.theta)) theta[!is.na(fix.theta)] <- fix.theta[!is.na(fix.theta)]
  if (!is.null(fix.k) || !is.null(fix.theta)) s <- c(Mode[1] - (k[1]-1)*theta[1], Mode[2] + (k[2]-1)*theta[2])

  if (verbose) {
    if (plotMode) plotGammaFit(x, k=k, theta=theta, shift=s, proportion=p)
    cat("\nInitial estimation:\n")
    cat("k:", k, "\n")
    cat("s:", s, "\n")
    cat("theta:", theta, "\n")
    cat("p:", p, "\n")
    f1 <- dgamma(x-s[1], shape=k[1], scale=theta[1])
    f2 <- dgamma(s[2]-x, shape=k[2], scale=theta[2])
    logLikelihood <- sum(log(p[1] * f1 + p[2]*f2))
    cat("logLikelihood:", logLikelihood, "\n")
  iter <- 1
  N <- length(x)
  while (iter < maxIteration) {
    if (any(theta < eps) || any(k < 2)) {
      cat('It does not converge based on the current initial values!\n')
      logLikelihood <- -Inf
      return(list(logLikelihood=logLikelihood, k=k, theta=theta, shift=s, proportion=p, mode=Mode, probability=NULL))
    Mode <- c(s[1] + (k[1]-1)*theta[1], s[2] - (k[2]-1)*theta[2])

    ## E-step
    f1 <- dgamma(x-s[1], shape=k[1], scale=theta[1])
    f2 <- dgamma(s[2]-x, shape=k[2], scale=theta[2])
    ## TO DO: add weighted function instead of truncate 10/25/2010
    if (weighted) {
      # down weight the long tails of two component densities beyond their modes
      w1 <- rep(1, length(f1)); w2 <- rep(1, length(f2))
      w1[x > Mode[2]] <- f2[x > Mode[2]] / max(f2)
      w2[x < Mode[1]] <- f1[x < Mode[1]] / max(f1)
      f1 <- f1 * w1
      f2 <- f2 * w2
      # adjust the density values because of the trunction
      # f1 <- f1 / (pgamma(Mode[2]-s[1], shape=k[1], scale=theta[1], lower.tail = TRUE))
      # f2 <- f2 / (pgamma(s[2]-Mode[1], shape=k[2], scale=theta[2], lower.tail = TRUE))
      # z1 <- p[1] * f1 / (p[1] * f1 + p[2] * f2) # + eps * 10)
      # z1[x > Mode[2]] <- 0
      # z1[x < Mode[1]] <- 1
      # f1[x > Mode[2]] <- 0
      # f2[x < Mode[1]] <- 0
    z1 <- p[1] * f1 / (p[1] * f1 + p[2] * f2 + eps * 10)  # posterior probability of unmethylated
    z2 <- 1 - z1

    if (verbose && iter > 1) {
      # logLikelihood <- sum((z1*log(p[1] * f1))[z1 > 0]) + sum((z2* log(p[2]*f2))[z2 > 0])
      ll <- p[1] * f1 + p[2]*f2
      ll[ll < eps] <- eps
      logLikelihood <- sum(log(ll))    
      cat("logLikelihood:", logLikelihood, "\n")      
    ## M-step (estimate parameters: s, theta and k)
    # update the proportion of each class
    n1 <- sum(z1, na.rm=TRUE); n2 <- N - n1
    p.new <- n1 / N
    p.new <- c(p.new, 1 - p.new)
      if (abs(p.new[1]-p[1]) < tol) break
    p <- p.new

    ## Estimation of s, theta and k
    iter.inter <- 1
    while (iter.inter <= 10) {
      # set the range of s parameter    fss(s1, mi, zi, theta, k, n)
      s1.new <- nleqslv(s[1], fs1, mi=x, zi=z1, theta=theta[1], k=k[1], n=n1)$x
      s2.new <- nleqslv(s[2], fs2, mi=x, zi=z2, theta=theta[2], k=k[2], n=n2)$x
      s.new <- c(s1.new, s2.new)

      ## Estimation of k # fk1(k1, mi, zi, s, n)
      if (is.null(fix.k)) {
        k1.new <- nleqslv(k[1], fk1, mi=x, zi=z1, s=s.new[1], n=n1)$x
        k2.new <- nleqslv(k[2], fk2, mi=x, zi=z2, s=s.new[2], n=n2)$x
        k.new <- c(k1.new, k2.new)
      } else {
        k.new <- fix.k
        if (any(is.na(k.new))) {
          if (is.na(fix.k[1])) k.new[1] <- nleqslv(k[1], fk1, mi=x, zi=z1, s=s.new[1], n=n1)$x
          if (is.na(fix.k[2])) k.new[2] <- nleqslv(k[2], fk2, mi=x, zi=z2, s=s.new[2], n=n2)$x

      ## Estimation of theta
      if (is.null(fix.theta)) {
        theta.new <- c(sum(z1*(x - s.new[1]))/(k.new[1]*n1), sum(z2*(s.new[2] - x))/(k.new[2]*n2))
      } else {
        theta.new <- fix.theta
        if (any(is.na(theta.new))) {
          if (is.na(fix.theta[1])) theta.new[1] <- sum(z1*(x - s.new[1]))/(k.new[1]*n1)
          if (is.na(fix.theta[2])) theta.new[2] <- sum(z2*(s.new[2] - x))/(k.new[2]*n2)

      if (min(abs(s.new - s), na.rm=TRUE) < tol && min(abs(k.new - k), na.rm=TRUE) < tol && min(abs(theta.new - theta), na.rm=TRUE) < tol)  break
      # if (verbose) cat("s:", s, " k:", k, " theta:", theta, "\n")
      s <- s.new; k <- k.new; theta <- theta.new
      # if (any(theta < 0.2) || any(k < 2)) {
      if (any(theta < eps) || any(k < 2)) {
        cat('It does not converge based on the current initial values!\n')
        logLikelihood <- -Inf
        return(list(logLikelihood=logLikelihood, k=k, theta=theta, shift=s, proportion=p, mode=Mode, probability=NULL))
      iter.inter <- iter.inter + 1
    if (verbose) {
      cat("\nIteration ", iter, "\n")
      cat("k:", k, "\n")
      cat("s:", s, "\n")
      cat("theta:", theta, "\n")
      cat("p:", p, "\n")
      cat("Mode:", Mode, "\n")
      if (plotMode) plotGammaFit(x, k=k, theta=theta, shift=s, proportion=p)
    iter <- iter + 1
  if (iter == maxIteration) {
    Mode <- c(s[1] + (k[1]-1)*theta[1], s[2] - (k[2]-1)*theta[2])
    f1 <- dgamma(x-s[1], shape=k[1], scale=theta[1])
    f2 <- dgamma(s[2]-x, shape=k[2], scale=theta[2])
    if (truncate) {
      f1 <- f1 / (pgamma(Mode[2]-s[1], shape=k[1], scale=theta[1], lower.tail = TRUE))
      f2 <- f2 / (pgamma(s[2]-Mode[1], shape=k[2], scale=theta[2], lower.tail = TRUE))
      z1 <- p[1] * f1 / (p[1] * f1 + p[2] * f2) # + eps)
      z1[x > Mode[2]] <- 0
      z1[x < Mode[1]] <- 1
      f1[x > Mode[2]] <- 0
      f2[x < Mode[1]] <- 0
    } else {
      z1 <- p[1] * f1 / (p[1] * f1 + p[2] * f2) # + eps)  # posterior probability of unmethylated
    z2 <- 1 - z1

  # estimate log-likelihood 
  ll <- p[1] * f1 + p[2]*f2
  ll[ll < eps] <- eps
  logLikelihood <- sum(log(ll))    
  if (iter == maxIteration && verbose) cat("logLikelihood:", logLikelihood, "\n")

  # return the methylation/unmethylation estimation of each probe
  ## check class index to make sure those extreme probe belonging to the corresponding group
  probability <- cbind(z1, z2)
  colnames(probability) <- c('unmethylated', 'methylated')
  Mode <- c(s[1] + (k[1]-1)*theta[1], s[2] - (k[2]-1)*theta[2])
  if (plotMode) plotGammaFit(x, k=k, theta=theta, shift=s, proportion=p)

  fitResult <- list(logLikelihood=logLikelihood, k=k, theta=theta, shift=s, proportion=p, mode=Mode, probability=probability)
  class(fitResult) <- 'gammaFit'


# initial gamma parameters estimation
.initialGammaEstimation <- function(x, initialFit=NULL) {

  k <- theta <- s <- p <- Mode <- NULL
  if (!is.null(initialFit)) {
    k <- initialFit$k
    theta <- initialFit$theta
    s <- initialFit$shift
    p <- initialFit$proportion
    Mode <- initialFit$mode
  if (!is.null(k) && !is.null(theta) &&!is.null(s) && !is.null(p) && !is.null(Mode))   return(initialFit)
  # mode positions
  if (is.null(Mode)) {
    dd <- density(x)
    density.m <- dd$y
    density.x <- dd$x  # x-axis of density plot (methylation ratio)
    midpoint <- mean(quantile(x, c(0.01, 0.99)))
    unmethy.ind <- density.x <= midpoint
    P1 <- density.x[unmethy.ind][which.max(density.m[unmethy.ind])]
    if (abs(P1 - midpoint) < 0.1) P1 <- (midpoint + quantile(x, 0.01))/2
    methy.ind <- density.x >= midpoint
    P2 <- density.x[methy.ind][which.max(density.m[methy.ind])]    
    if (abs(P2 - midpoint) < 0.1) P2 <- (midpoint + quantile(x, 0.99))/2
    Mode <- c(P1, P2)

  # update the class index
  unmethy.ind <- which(x < (Mode[1] + Mode[2])/2)
  methy.ind <- which(x > (Mode[1] + Mode[2])/2)

  # percentage of two classes
  if (is.null(p)) {
    p <- c(length(unmethy.ind)/length(x), length(methy.ind)/length(x))

  mean.unmethy <- mean(x[unmethy.ind])
  mean.methy <- mean(x[methy.ind])
  var.unmethy <- var(x[unmethy.ind])
  var.methy <- var(x[methy.ind])
  if (is.null(theta)) {
    theta <- c(mean.unmethy - Mode[1], Mode[2] - mean.methy)
    theta[theta < 0.2] <- 0.2
  if (is.null(k))  {
    k <- c(round(var.unmethy/theta[1]^2), round(var.methy/theta[2]^2))
    k[k < 2] <- 2
  if (is.null(s))  s <- c(mean.unmethy - k[1]*theta[1], mean.methy + k[2]*theta[2])

  fitResult <- list(k=k, theta=theta, shift=s, proportion=p, mode=Mode)
  class(fitResult) <- 'gammaFit'

# plot gammFit results
plotGammaFit <- function(x, gammaFit=NULL, k=NULL, theta=NULL, shift=NULL, proportion=NULL, plotType=c('histogram', 'density'), ...) {
  plotType <- match.arg(plotType)
  if (!is.null(gammaFit)) {
    if (class(gammaFit) != 'gammaFit') stop("gammaFit should be an object of 'gammaFit' class!")
    k <- gammaFit$k
    theta <- gammaFit$theta
    shift <- gammaFit$shift
    proportion <- gammaFit$proportion
  x <- sort(x)

  if (is.null(k) || is.null(theta) || is.null(shift) || is.null(proportion)) stop("Information of parameters k, theta, shift and proportion is required!\n")
  y1 = dgamma(x-shift[1], shape=k[1], scale=theta[1]) 
  y2 = dgamma(shift[2]-x, shape=k[2], scale=theta[2])
  if (plotType == 'histogram') {
    hist(x, 50, probability=TRUE, main='Compare data histogram and fitted distribution', xlab='M value', ...)
  } else {
    plot(density(x), type='l', lwd=1.5, main='Compare data density and fitted distribution', xlab="M value", ...)
  lines(x, y1*proportion[1] + y2 * proportion[2], col=2, lty=3, lwd=1.5)
  lines(x, y1*proportion[1], col=3, lty=2)
  lines(x, y2*proportion[2], col=4, lty=2)

# estimate methylation call probability based on gamma fit parameters
methylationCall <- function(x, threshold=0.95, ...) {
  if (length(threshold) == 1) threshold <- rep(threshold, 2)
  probability <- NULL
  if (class(x) != 'gammaFit') {
    fit <- gammaFitEM(x, ...) 
  } else {
    fit <- x
  probability <- fit$probability
  # methyCall <- probability > threshold
  methyCall <- apply(probability, 1, function(x) {
    cc <- "Margin"
    if (x[1] > threshold[1]) {
      cc <- "Unmethy"
    } else if (x[2] > threshold[2]) {
      cc <- "Methy"

  attr(methyCall, "probability") <- probability[,"methylated"]

# methylation status
lumiMethyStatus <- function(methyLumiM, ...) 

  if (!is(methyLumiM, 'MethyLumiM')) {
    stop('The object should be class "MethyLumiM" inherited!')
  history.submitted <- as.character(Sys.time())
  M <- exprs(methyLumiM)
  M.status <- M.prob <- NULL
  for (i in 1:ncol(M)) {
    status.i <- methylationCall(M[,i], ...)
    prob.i <- attr(status.i, "probability")
    M.status <- cbind(M.status, status.i)
    M.prob <- cbind(M.prob, prob.i)
  rownames(M.status) <- rownames(M.prob) <- rownames(M)
  colnames(M.status) <- colnames(M.prob) <- colnames(M)

  history.finished <- as.character(Sys.time())
  # history.command <- capture.output(print(match.call(lumiMethyStatus)))
  history.command <- paste(deparse(match.call(lumiMethyStatus)), collapse='') 
  lumiVersion <- packageDescription('lumi')$Version
  attr(M.status, "history") <- rbind(methyLumiM@history, data.frame(submitted=history.submitted, 
      finished=history.finished, command=history.command, lumiVersion=lumiVersion))
  attr(M.status, "probability") <- M.prob  

## Get chromosome information of a MethyLumiM or MethyGenoSet object
# chrInfo <- getChrInfo(methyLumiM, lib=lib)
getChrInfo <- function(methyData, lib=NULL, ...) {
 if (is(methyData, 'MethyLumiM')) {
    methyData <- addAnnotationInfo(methyData, lib=lib, ...)
    ff <- fData(methyData)
    probeList <- featureNames(methyData)
  } else if (is.character(methyData)) {
    ff <- addAnnotationInfo(methyData, lib=lib, ...)
    probeList <- rownames(methyData)
	} else {
    stop('methyData should be a MethyLumiM object or a character vector')

  chrInfo <- data.frame(PROBEID=probeList, ff[,c('CHROMOSOME', 'POSITION')])  
  if (!is.null(ff$END))
    chrInfo <- data.frame(chrInfo, END=ff$END)


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lumi documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:27 p.m.