Biocview "WholeGenome"

Absolute Copy Number Estimation from Low-coverage Whole Genome Sequencing
Absolute Copy Number Estimation from Low-coverage Whole Genome Sequencing
Accurate Inference of Genetic Ancestry from Cancer Sequencing
A GAM based framework for analysis of ChIP-Seq data
A GAM based framework for analysis of ChIP-Seq data
A GAM based framework for analysis of ChIP-Seq data
Analysis of Copy Number Variation in Single-Cell-Sequencing Data
Analysis of Copy Number Variation in Single-Cell-Sequencing Data
A normalization and copy number estimation method for single-cell DNA sequencing
A normalization and copy number estimation method for single-cell DNA sequencing
A normalization method for Copy Number Aberration in cancer samples
A suite for analysis of rare genomic variants in whole genome sequencing data
A suite for analysis of rare genomic variants in whole genome sequencing data
A tool for differential expression analysis and DEGs based investigation to complex diseases by bi-clustering analysis
A tool for differential expression analysis and DEGs based investigation to complex diseases by bi-clustering analysis
A Tool to Analyze and Design NGS Based Custom Gene Panels
A Tool to Analyze and Design NGS Based Custom Gene Panels
A Tool to Analyze and Design NGS Based Custom Gene Panels
BadRegionFinder: an R/Bioconductor package for identifying regions with bad coverage
cfDNAPro extracts and Visualises biological features from whole genome sequencing data of cell-free DNA
Client for GREAT Analysis
Client for GREAT Analysis
Clonal ordering and visualization
CNproScan detects and annotates CNVs in bacterial genomes.
Computes estimates of the probability of related individuals sharing a rare variant
Compute the automorphisms between DNA's Abelian group representations
DataSHIELD client site Omics association functions.
DataSHIELD server site Omic functions
DChIPRep - Analysis of chromatin modification ChIP-Seq data with replication
DChIPRep - Analysis of chromatin modification ChIP-Seq data with replication
Detection and inference of differentially methylated regions from Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing
Detection and inference of differentially methylated regions from Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing
Detection, Characterization and Visualization of Kataegis in Sequencing Data
Detection of Differentially Methylated Regions
Detection of Differentially Methylated Regions
Differential methylation anlsysis for bisulfite sequencing data
Differential methylation anlsysis for bisulfite sequencing data
Differential methylation anlsysis for bisulfite sequencing data
Estimate the cell composition of whole blood in DNA methylation samples
Estimate the cell composition of whole blood in DNA methylation samples
Fragmen-length analysis package from high-throughput sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA)
Fragmen-length analysis package from high-throughput sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA)
GEM: fast association study for the interplay of Gene, Environment and Methylation
Gene Break Detection
Global Test for Counts
Global Test for Counts
GREAT Analysis - Functional Enrichment on Genomic Regions
Identification of cancer cell lines based on their weighted mutational/ variational fingerprint
Identification of cancer cell lines based on their weighted mutational/ variational fingerprint
Identification of cancer cell lines based on their weighted mutational/ variational fingerprint
Improves Early Build Genome Assemblies using Strand-Seq Data
Improves Early Build Genome Assemblies using Strand-Seq Data
Inference And Analysis Of Synteny Networks
Integrated Copy Number Variation detection
Integrated Copy Number Variation detection
LowMACA - Low frequency Mutation Analysis via Consensus Alignment
LowMACA - Low frequency Mutation Analysis via Consensus Alignment
LowMACA - Low frequency Mutation Analysis via Consensus Alignment
Methylation array and sequencing spatial analysis methods
Methylation array and sequencing spatial analysis methods
Mining, Calling, and Importing Epigenomic Peaks in R
NGScopy: Detection of Copy Number Variations in Next Generation Sequencing sequencing
Perform methylation analysis
Perform methylation analysis and facilitates differential expression analyses
Permutation-Based Analysis associating Conserved Differentially Methylated Elements Across Multiple Generations to a Treatment Effect
Permutation-Based Analysis associating Conserved Differentially Methylated Elements Across Multiple Generations to a Treatment Effect
Position-Dependent Kernel Association Test
Position-Dependent Kernel Association Test
Pre-process DNA Copy Number (CN) Data for Detection of CN Events
Profiles and targets subpopulations with high Treatment EEFects
R package for Manhattan Plots
R package for Manhattan Plots
samExploreR package: high-performance read summarisation to count vectors with avaliability of sequencing depth reduction simulation
samExploreR package: high-performance read summarisation to count vectors with avaliability of sequencing depth reduction simulation
Simulating Whole-Genome Inherited Bisulphite Sequencing Data
Simulating Whole-Genome Inherited Bisulphite Sequencing Data
Simulating Whole-Genome Inherited Bisulphite Sequencing Data
Standardise summary statistics from GWAS
Strength of Selected Codon Usage
Subclonal copy number and LOH prediction from whole genome sequencing of tumours
Subclonal copy number and LOH prediction from whole genome sequencing of tumours
Subclonal copy number and LOH prediction from whole genome sequencing of tumours
Summix2: A suite of methods to estimate, adjust, and leverage substructure in genetic summary data
Supervised mutational signatures
The slim version of signac
This Package Helps Characterise and Visualise Whole Genome Sequencing Data from Liquid Biopsy
Tools for curating, analyzing, and manipulating biological sequences
TVTB: The VCF Tool Box
TVTB: The VCF Tool Box
Visualization of genomic structural variants