
Defines functions GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaIDVCFs GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaSBSVCFs GetMutationLoadsFromMutectVCFs AddRunInformation CalculateNumberOfSpace VCFsToIDCatalogs CheckAndReturnIDCatalog VCFsToDBSCatalogs CheckAndReturnDBSCatalogs VCFsToSBSCatalogs CheckAndReturnSBSCatalogs ReadAndSplitVCFs ReadAndSplitMutectVCFs ReadStrelkaIDVCFs ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs VCFsToCatalogs CombineAndReturnCatalogsForVCFs MutectVCFFilesToCatalog CombineAndReturnCatalogsForMutectVCFs StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog CombineAndReturnCatalogsForStrelkaSBSVCFs VCFsToZipFileXtra VCFsToZipFile MutectVCFFilesToZipFile StrelkaIDVCFFilesToZipFile StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile

Documented in AddRunInformation CalculateNumberOfSpace CheckAndReturnDBSCatalogs CheckAndReturnIDCatalog CheckAndReturnSBSCatalogs GetMutationLoadsFromMutectVCFs GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaIDVCFs GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaSBSVCFs MutectVCFFilesToCatalog MutectVCFFilesToZipFile ReadAndSplitMutectVCFs ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs ReadAndSplitVCFs ReadStrelkaIDVCFs StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog StrelkaIDVCFFilesToZipFile StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile VCFsToCatalogs VCFsToDBSCatalogs VCFsToIDCatalogs VCFsToSBSCatalogs VCFsToZipFile VCFsToZipFileXtra

#' Create a zip file which contains catalogs and plot PDFs from Strelka SBS VCF files
#' Create 3 SBS catalogs (96, 192, 1536), 3 DBS catalogs (78, 136, 144) from the
#' Strelka SBS VCFs specified by \code{dir}, save the catalogs as CSV files,
#' plot them to PDF and generate a zip archive of all the output files. The
#' function will find and merge adjacent SBS pairs into DBS if their VAFs are
#' very similar. The default threshold value for VAF is 0.02.
#' This function calls \code{\link{StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog}},
#' \code{\link{PlotCatalogToPdf}}, \code{\link{WriteCatalog}} and
#' \code{zip::zipr}.
#' @param dir Pathname of the directory which contains \strong{only} the Strelka
#'   SBS VCF files. Each Strelka SBS VCF \strong{must} have a file extension
#'   ".vcf" (case insensitive) and share the \strong{same} \code{ref.genome} and
#'   \code{region}.
#' @inheritParams MutectVCFFilesToZipFile
#' @importFrom utils glob2rx
#' @importFrom zip zipr
#' @inheritSection StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Value
#' @inheritSection StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Note
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToZipFile Comments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir <- c(system.file("extdata/Strelka-SBS-vcf",
#'                      package = "ICAMS"))
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catalogs <-
#'     StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile(dir,
#'                                 zipfile = file.path(tempdir(), "test.zip"),
#'                                 ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                                 trans.ranges = trans.ranges.GRCh37,
#'                                 region = "genome",
#'                                 base.filename = "Strelka-SBS")
#'   unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "test.zip"))}
StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile <-
           trans.ranges = NULL,
           region = "unknown",
           names.of.VCFs = NULL,
           base.filename = "",
           return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
  files <- list.files(path = dir, pattern = "\\.vcf$",
                      full.names = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
  vcf.names <- basename(files)
  catalogs0 <-
    StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog(files, ref.genome, trans.ranges,
                                region, names.of.VCFs,
  mutation.loads <- GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaSBSVCFs(catalogs0)
  strand.bias.statistics<- NULL

  # Retrieve the catalog matrix from catalogs0
  catalogs <- catalogs0
  catalogs$discarded.variants <- catalogs$annotated.vcfs <- NULL
  # Create a new tmp dir
  tmpdir <- tempfile()
  output.file <- ifelse(base.filename == "",
                        paste0(tmpdir, .Platform$file.sep),
                        file.path(tmpdir, paste0(base.filename, ".")))

  for (name in names(catalogs)) {
                 file = paste0(output.file, name, ".csv"))

  for (name in names(catalogs)) {
                     file = paste0(output.file, name, ".pdf"))

    if (name == "catSBS192") {
      list <- PlotCatalogToPdf(catalogs[[name]],
                               file = paste0(output.file, "SBS12.pdf"),
                               plot.SBS12 = TRUE)
      strand.bias.statistics<- c(strand.bias.statistics,

  zipfile.name <- basename(zipfile)
  AddRunInformation(files, vcf.names, zipfile.name, vcftype = "strelka.sbs",
                    ref.genome, region, mutation.loads, strand.bias.statistics,
  file.names <- list.files(path = tmpdir, pattern = "\\.(pdf|csv|txt)$",
                           full.names = TRUE)
  zip::zipr(zipfile = zipfile, files = file.names)

#' Create a zip file which contains ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog
#' and plot PDF from Strelka ID VCF files
#' Create ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog from the Strelka ID VCFs
#' specified by \code{dir}, save the catalog as CSV file, plot it to PDF and
#' generate a zip archive of all the output files.
#' This function calls \code{\link{StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog}},
#' \code{\link{PlotCatalogToPdf}}, \code{\link{WriteCatalog}} and
#' \code{zip::zipr}.
#' @inheritParams MutectVCFFilesToZipFile
#' @param dir Pathname of the directory which contains \strong{only} the Strelka
#'   ID VCF files. Each Strelka ID VCF \strong{must} have a file extension
#'   ".vcf" (case insensitive) and share the \strong{same} \code{ref.genome} and
#'   \code{region}.
#' @param base.filename Optional. The base name of the CSV and PDF file to be
#'   produced; the file is ending in \code{catID.csv} and \code{catID.pdf}
#'   respectively.
#' @importFrom utils glob2rx
#' @importFrom zip zipr
#' @inheritSection StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog Value
#' @inheritSection VCFsToIDCatalogs ID classification
#' @inheritSection VCFsToIDCatalogs Note
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir <- c(system.file("extdata/Strelka-ID-vcf",
#'                      package = "ICAMS"))
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catalogs <-
#'     StrelkaIDVCFFilesToZipFile(dir,
#'                                zipfile = file.path(tempdir(), "test.zip"),
#'                                ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                                region = "genome",
#'                                base.filename = "Strelka-ID")
#'   unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "test.zip"))}
StrelkaIDVCFFilesToZipFile <-
           region = "unknown",
           names.of.VCFs = NULL,
           base.filename = "",
           flag.mismatches = 0,
           return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
    files <- list.files(path = dir, pattern = "\\.vcf$",
                        full.names = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
    vcf.names <- basename(files)
    catalogs0 <-
      StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog(files, ref.genome, region, names.of.VCFs,
                                 flag.mismatches, return.annotated.vcfs,
    mutation.loads <- GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaIDVCFs(catalogs0)
    strand.bias.statistics<- NULL

    # Retrieve the catalog matrix from catalogs0
    catalogs <- catalogs0
    catalogs$discarded.variants <- catalogs$annotated.vcfs <- NULL
    # Create a new tmp dir
    tmpdir <- tempfile()
    output.file <- ifelse(base.filename == "",
                          paste0(tmpdir, .Platform$file.sep),
                          file.path(tmpdir, paste0(base.filename, ".")))

                 file = paste0(output.file, "catID.csv"))

                     file = paste0(output.file, "catID.pdf"))

    zipfile.name <- basename(zipfile)
    AddRunInformation(files, vcf.names, zipfile.name, vcftype = "strelka.id",
                      ref.genome, region, mutation.loads, strand.bias.statistics,
    file.names <- list.files(path = tmpdir, pattern = "\\.(pdf|csv|txt)$",
                             full.names = TRUE)
    zip::zipr(zipfile = zipfile, files = file.names)

#' Create a zip file which contains catalogs and plot PDFs from Mutect VCF files
#' Create 3 SBS catalogs (96, 192, 1536), 3 DBS catalogs (78, 136, 144) and
#' Indel catalog from the Mutect VCFs specified by \code{dir}, save the catalogs
#' as CSV files, plot them to PDF and generate a zip archive of all the output files.
#' This function calls \code{\link{MutectVCFFilesToCatalog}},
#' \code{\link{PlotCatalogToPdf}}, \code{\link{WriteCatalog}} and
#' \code{zip::zipr}.
#' @param dir Pathname of the directory which contains \strong{only} the Mutect
#'   VCF files. Each Mutect VCF \strong{must} have a file extension ".vcf" (case
#'   insensitive) and share the \strong{same} \code{ref.genome} and
#'   \code{region}.
#' @param zipfile Pathname of the zip file to be created.
#' @param ref.genome  A \code{ref.genome} argument as described in
#'   \code{\link{ICAMS}}.
#' @param trans.ranges Optional. If \code{ref.genome} specifies one of the
#'   \code{\link{BSgenome}} object
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item \code{BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5}
#'     \item \code{BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38}
#'     \item \code{BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10}
#'   }
#'   then the function will infer \code{trans.ranges} automatically. Otherwise,
#'   user will need to provide the necessary \code{trans.ranges}. Please refer to
#'   \code{\link{TranscriptRanges}} for more details.
#'   If \code{is.null(trans.ranges)} do not add transcript range
#'   information.
#' @param region A character string designating a genomic region;
#'  see \code{\link{as.catalog}} and \code{\link{ICAMS}}.
#' @param names.of.VCFs Optional. Character vector of names of the VCF files.
#'   The order of names in \code{names.of.VCFs} should match the order of VCFs
#'   listed in \code{dir}. If \code{NULL}(default), this function will remove
#'   all of the path up to and including the last path separator (if any) in
#'   \code{dir} and file paths without extensions (and the leading dot) will be
#'   used as the names of the VCF files.
#' @param tumor.col.names Optional. Character vector of column names in VCFs which contain
#'   the tumor sample information. The order of names in \code{tumor.col.names}
#'   should match the order of VCFs listed in \code{dir}. If
#'   \code{tumor.col.names} is equal to \code{NA}(default), this function will
#'   use the 10th column in all the VCFs to calculate VAFs.
#'   See \code{\link{GetMutectVAF}} for more details.
#' @param base.filename Optional. The base name of the CSV and PDF files to be
#'   produced; multiple files will be generated, each ending in
#'   \eqn{x}\code{.csv} or \eqn{x}\code{.pdf}, where \eqn{x} indicates the type
#'   of catalog.
#' @param flag.mismatches Deprecated. If there are ID variants whose \code{REF}
#'   do not match the extracted sequence from \code{ref.genome}, the function
#'   will automatically discard these variants and an element
#'   \code{discarded.variants} will appear in the return value. See
#'   \code{\link{AnnotateIDVCF}} for more details.
#' @param return.annotated.vcfs Logical. Whether to return the annotated VCFs
#'   with additional columns showing mutation class for each variant. Default is
#'   FALSE.
#' @param suppress.discarded.variants.warnings Logical. Whether to suppress
#'   warning messages showing information about the discarded variants. Default
#'   is TRUE.
#' @importFrom utils glob2rx
#' @importFrom zip zipr
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Value
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf ID classification
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Note
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Comments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir <- c(system.file("extdata/Mutect-vcf",
#'                      package = "ICAMS"))
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catalogs <-
#'     MutectVCFFilesToZipFile(dir,
#'                             zipfile = file.path(tempdir(), "test.zip"),
#'                             ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                             trans.ranges = trans.ranges.GRCh37,
#'                             region = "genome",
#'                             base.filename = "Mutect")
#'   unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "test.zip"))}
MutectVCFFilesToZipFile <-
           trans.ranges = NULL,
           region = "unknown",
           names.of.VCFs = NULL,
           tumor.col.names = NA,
           base.filename = "",
           flag.mismatches = 0,
           return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
    files <- list.files(path = dir, pattern = "\\.vcf$",
                        full.names = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
    vcf.names <- basename(files)
    catalogs0 <- MutectVCFFilesToCatalog(files, ref.genome, trans.ranges,
                                         region, names.of.VCFs, tumor.col.names,
                                         flag.mismatches, return.annotated.vcfs,
    mutation.loads <- GetMutationLoadsFromMutectVCFs(catalogs0)
    strand.bias.statistics <- NULL

    # Retrieve the catalog matrix from catalogs0
    catalogs <- catalogs0
    catalogs$discarded.variants <- catalogs$annotated.vcfs <- NULL
    # Create a new tmp dir
    tmpdir <- tempfile()
    output.file <- ifelse(base.filename == "",
                          paste0(tmpdir, .Platform$file.sep),
                          file.path(tmpdir, paste0(base.filename, ".")))

    for (name in names(catalogs)) {
                     file = paste0(output.file, name, ".csv"))

    for (name in names(catalogs)) {
                       file = paste0(output.file, name, ".pdf"))

      if (name == "catSBS192") {
        list <- PlotCatalogToPdf(catalogs[[name]],
                                 file = paste0(output.file, "SBS12.pdf"),
                                 plot.SBS12 = TRUE)
        strand.bias.statistics <-
          c(strand.bias.statistics, list$strand.bias.statistics)

    zipfile.name <- basename(zipfile)
    AddRunInformation(files, vcf.names, zipfile.name, vcftype = "mutect",
                      ref.genome, region, mutation.loads, strand.bias.statistics,
    file.names <- list.files(path = tmpdir, pattern = "\\.(pdf|csv|txt)$",
                             full.names = TRUE)
    zip::zipr(zipfile = zipfile, files = file.names)

#' Create a zip file which contains catalogs and plot PDFs from VCFs
#' Create 3 SBS catalogs (96, 192, 1536), 3 DBS catalogs (78, 136, 144) and
#' Indel catalog from the VCFs specified by \code{dir}, save the catalogs
#' as CSV files, plot them to PDF and generate a zip archive of all the output files.
#' This function calls \code{\link{VCFsToCatalogs}},
#' \code{\link{PlotCatalogToPdf}}, \code{\link{WriteCatalog}} and
#' \code{zip::zipr}.
#' @param dir Pathname of the directory which contains VCFs that come from the
#'   \strong{same} variant caller. Each VCF \strong{must} have a file extension
#'   ".vcf" (case insensitive) and share the \strong{same} \code{ref.genome} and
#'   \code{region}.
#' @param files Character vector of file paths to the VCF files. Only \strong{one} of 
#' argument \code{dir} or \code{files} need to be specified.
#' @param zipfile Pathname of the zip file to be created.
#' @param ref.genome  A \code{ref.genome} argument as described in
#'   \code{\link{ICAMS}}.
#' @param variant.caller Name of the variant caller that produces the VCF, can
#'   be either \code{"strelka"}, \code{"mutect"}, \code{"freebayes"} or
#'   \code{"unknown"}. This information is needed to calculate the VAFs (variant
#'   allele frequencies). If variant caller is \code{"unknown"}(default) and
#'   \code{get.vaf.function} is NULL, then VAF and read depth will be NAs. If
#'   variant caller is \code{"mutect"}, do \strong{not} merge SBSs into DBS.
#' @param num.of.cores The number of cores to use. Not available on Windows
#'   unless \code{num.of.cores = 1}.
#' @param trans.ranges Optional. If \code{ref.genome} specifies one of the
#'   \code{\link{BSgenome}} object
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item \code{BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5}
#'     \item \code{BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38}
#'     \item \code{BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10}
#'   }
#'   then the function will infer \code{trans.ranges} automatically. Otherwise,
#'   user will need to provide the necessary \code{trans.ranges}. Please refer to
#'   \code{\link{TranscriptRanges}} for more details.
#'   If \code{is.null(trans.ranges)} do not add transcript range
#'   information.
#' @param region A character string designating a genomic region;
#'  see \code{\link{as.catalog}} and \code{\link{ICAMS}}.
#' @param names.of.VCFs Optional. Character vector of names of the VCF files.
#'   The order of names in \code{names.of.VCFs} should match the order of VCFs
#'   listed in \code{dir}. If \code{NULL}(default), this function will remove
#'   all of the path up to and including the last path separator (if any) in
#'   \code{dir} and file paths without extensions (and the leading dot) will be
#'   used as the names of the VCF files.
#' @param tumor.col.names Optional. Only applicable to \strong{Mutect} VCFs.
#'   Character vector of column names in \strong{Mutect} VCFs which contain the
#'   tumor sample information. The order of names in \code{tumor.col.names}
#'   should match the order of \strong{Mutect} VCFs specified in \code{files}.
#'   If \code{tumor.col.names} is equal to \code{NA}(default), this function
#'   will use the 10th column in all the \strong{Mutect} VCFs to calculate VAFs.
#'   See \code{\link{GetMutectVAF}} for more details.
#' @param filter.status The status indicating a variant has passed all filters.
#'   An example would be \code{"PASS"}. Variants which don't have the specified
#'   \code{filter.status} in the \code{FILTER} column in VCF will be removed. If
#'   \code{NULL}(default), no variants will be removed from the original VCF.
#' @param get.vaf.function Optional. Only applicable when \code{variant.caller} is
#' \strong{"unknown"}. Function to calculate VAF(variant allele frequency) and read
#'   depth information from original VCF. See \code{\link{GetMutectVAF}} as an example.
#'   If \code{NULL}(default) and \code{variant.caller} is "unknown", then VAF
#'   and read depth will be NAs.
#' @param ... Optional arguments to \code{get.vaf.function}.
#' @param max.vaf.diff \strong{Not} applicable if \code{variant.caller =
#'   "mutect"}. The maximum difference of VAF, default value is 0.02. If the
#'   absolute difference of VAFs for adjacent SBSs is bigger than \code{max.vaf.diff},
#'   then these adjacent SBSs are likely to be "merely" asynchronous single base
#'   mutations, opposed to a simultaneous doublet mutation or variants involving
#'   more than two consecutive bases.
#' @param base.filename Optional. The base name of the CSV and PDF files to be
#'   produced; multiple files will be generated, each ending in
#'   \eqn{x}\code{.csv} or \eqn{x}\code{.pdf}, where \eqn{x} indicates the type
#'   of catalog.
#' @param return.annotated.vcfs Logical. Whether to return the annotated VCFs
#'   with additional columns showing mutation class for each variant. Default is
#'   FALSE.
#' @param suppress.discarded.variants.warnings Logical. Whether to suppress
#'   warning messages showing information about the discarded variants. Default
#'   is TRUE.
#' @importFrom utils glob2rx
#' @inheritSection VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf Value
#' @inheritSection VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf ID classification
#' @inheritSection VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf Note
#' @inheritSection VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf Comments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir <- c(system.file("extdata/Mutect-vcf",
#'                      package = "ICAMS"))
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catalogs <-
#'     VCFsToZipFile(dir,
#'                   zipfile = file.path(tempdir(), "test.zip"),
#'                   ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                   variant.caller = "mutect",
#'                   region = "genome",
#'                   base.filename = "Mutect")
#'   unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "test.zip"))}
VCFsToZipFile <-
           variant.caller = "unknown",
           num.of.cores = 1,
           trans.ranges = NULL,
           region = "unknown",
           names.of.VCFs = NULL,
           tumor.col.names = NA,
           filter.status = NULL,
           get.vaf.function = NULL,
           max.vaf.diff = 0.02,
           base.filename = "",
           return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
    if (missing(dir) && missing(files)) {
      stop("One of argument dir or files need to be specified")
    if (!missing(dir) && !missing(files)) {
      stop("Only one of argument dir or files can be specified")
    if (missing(files) && !missing(dir)) {
      files <- list.files(path = dir, pattern = "\\.vcf$",
                          full.names = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
    vcf.names <- basename(files)
    num.of.cores <- AdjustNumberOfCores(num.of.cores)
    catalogs0 <-
      VCFsToCatalogs(files = files, 
                     ref.genome = ref.genome,
                     variant.caller = variant.caller, 
                     num.of.cores = num.of.cores,
                     trans.ranges = trans.ranges, 
                     region = region,
                     names.of.VCFs = names.of.VCFs, 
                     tumor.col.names = tumor.col.names,
                     filter.status = filter.status, 
                     get.vaf.function = get.vaf.function,
                     ... = ..., max.vaf.diff = max.vaf.diff,
                     return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                     suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = 

    mutation.loads <- GetMutationLoadsFromMutectVCFs(catalogs0)
    strand.bias.statistics <- NULL

    # Retrieve the catalog matrix from catalogs0
    catalogs <- catalogs0
    catalogs$discarded.variants <- catalogs$annotated.vcfs <- NULL
    # Create a new tmp dir
    tmpdir <- tempfile()
    output.file <- ifelse(base.filename == "",
                          paste0(tmpdir, .Platform$file.sep),
                          file.path(tmpdir, paste0(base.filename, ".")))

    for (name in names(catalogs)) {
                   file = paste0(output.file, name, ".csv"))

    for (name in names(catalogs)) {
                       file = paste0(output.file, name, ".pdf"))

      if (name == "catSBS192") {
        list <- PlotCatalogToPdf(catalogs[[name]],
                                 file = paste0(output.file, "SBS12.pdf"),
                                 plot.SBS12 = TRUE)
        strand.bias.statistics <-
          c(strand.bias.statistics, list$strand.bias.statistics)

    zipfile.name <- basename(zipfile)
    AddRunInformation(files, vcf.names, zipfile.name, vcftype = variant.caller,
                      ref.genome, region, mutation.loads, strand.bias.statistics,
    file.names <- list.files(path = tmpdir, pattern = "\\.(pdf|csv|txt)$",
                             full.names = TRUE)
    zip::zipr(zipfile = zipfile, files = file.names)

#' Analogous to \code{\link{VCFsToZipFile}}, also generates density CSV and PDF files in the zip
#' archive.
#' @keywords internal
VCFsToZipFileXtra <-
           variant.caller = "unknown",
           num.of.cores = 1,
           trans.ranges = NULL,
           region = "unknown",
           names.of.VCFs = NULL,
           tumor.col.names = NA,
           filter.status = NULL,
           get.vaf.function = NULL,
           max.vaf.diff = 0.02,
           base.filename = "",
           return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
    files <- list.files(path = dir, pattern = "\\.vcf$",
                        full.names = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)
    vcf.names <- basename(files)
    num.of.cores <- AdjustNumberOfCores(num.of.cores)
    catalogs0 <-
      VCFsToCatalogs(files = files, 
                     ref.genome = ref.genome,
                     variant.caller = variant.caller, 
                     num.of.cores = num.of.cores,
                     trans.ranges = trans.ranges, 
                     region = region,
                     names.of.VCFs = names.of.VCFs, 
                     tumor.col.names = tumor.col.names,
                     filter.status = filter.status, 
                     get.vaf.function = get.vaf.function,
                     ... = ..., max.vaf.diff = max.vaf.diff,
                     return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                     suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = 
    mutation.loads <- GetMutationLoadsFromMutectVCFs(catalogs0)
    strand.bias.statistics <- NULL
    # Retrieve the catalog matrix from catalogs0
    catalogs <- catalogs0
    catalogs$discarded.variants <- catalogs$annotated.vcfs <- NULL
    # Retrieve the catalog matrix from catalogs0
    catalogs <- catalogs0
    catalogs$discarded.variants <- catalogs$annotated.vcfs <- NULL
    catalogs.counts <- catalogs

    # Remove the ID counts catalog as it does not have abundance for
    # it to be transformed to density catalog
    catalogs$catID <- NULL

    TransCountsCatalogToDensity <- function(list) {
      # Create an empty list for storing the density catalogs
      list1 <- vector(mode = "list")

      for (name in names(list)) {
        name1 <- paste0(name, ".density")
        catalog <- list[[name]]
        catalog.density <-
          TransformCatalog(catalog, target.catalog.type = "density")
        list1[[name1]] <- catalog.density

    # Transform the counts catalogs to density catalogs
    catalogs.density <- TransCountsCatalogToDensity(catalogs)
    # Create a new tmp dir
    tmpdir <- tempfile()
    output.file <- ifelse(base.filename == "",
                          paste0(tmpdir, .Platform$file.sep),
                          file.path(tmpdir, paste0(base.filename, ".")))

    for (name in names(catalogs.counts)) {
                   file = paste0(output.file, name, ".counts.csv"))

    # Write the density catalogs to CSV files
    for (name in names(catalogs.density)) {
                   file = paste0(output.file, name, ".csv"))

    for (name in names(catalogs.counts)) {
                       file = paste0(output.file, name, ".counts.pdf"))
      if (name == "catSBS192") {
        list <- PlotCatalogToPdf(catalogs.counts[[name]],
                                 file = paste0(output.file, "SBS12.counts.pdf"),
                                 plot.SBS12 = TRUE)
        strand.bias.statistics <-
          c(strand.bias.statistics, list$strand.bias.statistics)

    # Plotting the density catalogs to PDFs
    for (name in names(catalogs.density)) {
                       file = paste0(output.file, name, ".pdf"))
      if (name == "catSBS192.density") {
        list <- PlotCatalogToPdf(catalogs.density[[name]],
                                 file = paste0(output.file, "SBS12.density.pdf"),
                                 plot.SBS12 = TRUE)
        strand.bias.statistics <-
          c(strand.bias.statistics, list$strand.bias.statistics)
    zipfile.name <- basename(zipfile)
    AddRunInformation(files, vcf.names, zipfile.name, vcftype = variant.caller,
                      ref.genome, region, mutation.loads, strand.bias.statistics,

    file.names <- list.files(path = tmpdir, pattern = "\\.(pdf|csv|txt)$",
                             full.names = TRUE)
    zip::zipr(zipfile = zipfile, files = file.names)

#' @keywords internal
CombineAndReturnCatalogsForStrelkaSBSVCFs <-
  function(split.vcfs.list, SBS.list, DBS.list) {
    # Get the SBS96 catalog
    catSBS96 <- SBS.list$catSBS96
    num.of.col <- ncol(catSBS96)
    vcf.names <- colnames(catSBS96)
    discarded.variants.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = num.of.col)
    for (i in 1:num.of.col) {
      discarded.variants <-
      if (nrow(discarded.variants) > 0) {
        discarded.variants.list[[i]] <- discarded.variants
    names(discarded.variants.list) <- vcf.names

    annotated.vcfs.list <- list(SBS = SBS.list$annotated.vcfs,
                                DBS = DBS.list$annotated.vcfs)
    # Remove NULL elements from the list
    discarded.variants.list2 <- Filter(Negate(is.null), discarded.variants.list)
    if (length(discarded.variants.list2) == 0) {
      discarded.variants.list2 <- NULL
    annotated.vcfs.list2 <- Filter(Negate(is.null), annotated.vcfs.list)
    if (length(annotated.vcfs.list2) == 0) {
      annotated.vcfs.list2 <- NULL

    combined.list <- list(catSBS96 = SBS.list$catSBS96,
                          catSBS192 = SBS.list$catSBS192,
                          catSBS1536 = SBS.list$catSBS1536,
                          catDBS78 = DBS.list$catDBS78,
                          catDBS136 = DBS.list$catDBS136,
                          catDBS144 = DBS.list$catDBS144,
                          discarded.variants = discarded.variants.list2,
                          annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs.list2)
    # Remove NULL elements from the list
    combined.list2 <- Filter(Negate(is.null), combined.list)

#' Create SBS and DBS catalogs from Strelka SBS VCF files
#' Create 3 SBS catalogs (96, 192, 1536) and 3 DBS catalogs (78, 136, 144) from
#' the Strelka SBS VCFs specified by \code{files}. The function will find and
#' merge adjacent SBS pairs into DBS if their VAFs are very similar. The default
#' threshold value for VAF is 0.02.
#' This function calls \code{\link{VCFsToSBSCatalogs}} and
#' \code{\link{VCFsToDBSCatalogs}}.
#' @param files Character vector of file paths to the Strelka SBS VCF files.
#' @inheritParams MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
#' @inheritSection StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Value
#' @inheritSection StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Note
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Comments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Strelka-SBS-vcf",
#'                       "Strelka.SBS.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catalogs <- StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog(file, ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                                           trans.ranges = trans.ranges.GRCh37,
#'                                           region = "genome")}
StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog <-
  function(files, ref.genome, trans.ranges = NULL, region = "unknown",
           names.of.VCFs = NULL, return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
    split.vcfs <-
      ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs(files, names.of.VCFs,
    SBS.list <- VCFsToSBSCatalogs(list.of.SBS.vcfs = split.vcfs$SBS.vcfs,
                                  ref.genome = ref.genome,
                                  trans.ranges = trans.ranges,
                                  region = region,
                                  return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                                  suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =
    DBS.list <- VCFsToDBSCatalogs(list.of.DBS.vcfs = split.vcfs$DBS.vcfs,
                                  ref.genome = ref.genome,
                                  trans.ranges = trans.ranges,
                                  region = region,
                                  return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                                  suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =
    CombineAndReturnCatalogsForStrelkaSBSVCFs(split.vcfs.list = split.vcfs,
                                              SBS.list = SBS.list,
                                              DBS.list = DBS.list)

#' Create ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog from Strelka ID VCF files
#' Create ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog from the Strelka ID VCFs
#' specified by \code{files}
#' This function calls \code{\link{VCFsToIDCatalogs}}
#' @param files Character vector of file paths to the Strelka ID VCF files.
#' @inheritParams MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
#' @section Value:
#' A \strong{list} of elements:
#'   * \code{catalog}: The ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog with
#'   attributes added. See \code{\link{as.catalog}} for more details.
#'   * \code{discarded.variants}: \strong{Non-NULL only if} there are variants
#'   that were excluded from the analysis. See the added extra column
#'   \code{discarded.reason} for more details.
#'   * \code{annotated.vcfs}:
#'   \strong{Non-NULL only if} \code{return.annotated.vcfs} = TRUE. A list of
#'   data frames which contain the original VCF's ID mutation rows with three
#'   additional columns \code{seq.context.width}, \code{seq.context} and
#'   \code{ID.class} added. The category assignment of each ID mutation in VCF can
#'   be obtained from \code{ID.class} column.
#' @md
#' @inheritSection VCFsToIDCatalogs ID classification
#' @inheritSection VCFsToIDCatalogs Note
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Strelka-ID-vcf",
#'                       "Strelka.ID.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catID <- StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog(file, ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                                       region = "genome")}
StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog <-
  function(files, ref.genome, region = "unknown", names.of.VCFs = NULL,
           flag.mismatches = 0, return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
    vcfs <- ReadStrelkaIDVCFs(files = files, names.of.VCFs = names.of.VCFs)

    ID.list <- VCFsToIDCatalogs(list.of.vcfs = vcfs,
                                ref.genome = ref.genome,
                                region = region,
                                flag.mismatches = flag.mismatches,
                                return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                                suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =

#' @keywords internal
CombineAndReturnCatalogsForMutectVCFs <-
  function(split.vcfs.list, SBS.list, DBS.list, ID.list) {
    # Get the SBS96 catalog
    catSBS96 <- SBS.list$catSBS96
    num.of.col <- ncol(catSBS96)
    vcf.names <- colnames(catSBS96)
    discarded.variants.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = num.of.col)
    for (i in 1:num.of.col) {
      discarded.variants <-
      if (nrow(discarded.variants) > 0) {
        discarded.variants.list[[i]] <- discarded.variants
    names(discarded.variants.list) <- vcf.names

    annotated.vcfs.list <- list(SBS = SBS.list$annotated.vcfs,
                                DBS = DBS.list$annotated.vcfs,
                                ID = ID.list$annotated.vcfs)
    # Remove NULL elements from the list
    discarded.variants.list2 <- Filter(Negate(is.null), discarded.variants.list)
    if (length(discarded.variants.list2) == 0) {
      discarded.variants.list2 <- NULL
    annotated.vcfs.list2 <- Filter(Negate(is.null), annotated.vcfs.list)
    if (length(annotated.vcfs.list2) == 0) {
      annotated.vcfs.list2 <- NULL

    combined.list <- list(catSBS96 = SBS.list$catSBS96,
                          catSBS192 = SBS.list$catSBS192,
                          catSBS1536 = SBS.list$catSBS1536,
                          catDBS78 = DBS.list$catDBS78,
                          catDBS136 = DBS.list$catDBS136,
                          catDBS144 = DBS.list$catDBS144,
                          catID = ID.list$catalog,
                          discarded.variants = discarded.variants.list2,
                          annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs.list2)
    # Remove NULL elements from the list
    combined.list2 <- Filter(Negate(is.null), combined.list)

#' Create SBS, DBS and Indel catalogs from Mutect VCF files
#' Create 3 SBS catalogs (96, 192, 1536), 3 DBS catalogs (78, 136, 144) and
#' Indel catalog from the Mutect VCFs specified by \code{files}
#' This function calls \code{\link{VCFsToSBSCatalogs}},
#' \code{\link{VCFsToDBSCatalogs}} and \code{\link{VCFsToIDCatalogs}}
#' @param files Character vector of file paths to the Mutect VCF files.
#' @inheritParams MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Value
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf ID classification
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Note
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Comments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Mutect-vcf",
#'                       "Mutect.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catalogs <- MutectVCFFilesToCatalog(file, ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                                       trans.ranges = trans.ranges.GRCh37,
#'                                       region = "genome")}
MutectVCFFilesToCatalog <-
  function(files, ref.genome, trans.ranges = NULL, region = "unknown",
           names.of.VCFs = NULL, tumor.col.names = NA, flag.mismatches = 0,
           return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
    split.vcfs <-
      ReadAndSplitMutectVCFs(files, names.of.VCFs, tumor.col.names,

    SBS.list <- VCFsToSBSCatalogs(list.of.SBS.vcfs = split.vcfs$SBS,
                                  ref.genome = ref.genome,
                                  trans.ranges = trans.ranges,
                                  region = region,
                                  return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                                  suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =
    DBS.list <- VCFsToDBSCatalogs(list.of.DBS.vcfs = split.vcfs$DBS,
                                  ref.genome = ref.genome,
                                  trans.ranges = trans.ranges,
                                  region = region,
                                  return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                                  suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =
    ID.list <- VCFsToIDCatalogs(list.of.vcfs = split.vcfs$ID,
                                ref.genome = ref.genome,
                                region = region,
                                flag.mismatches = flag.mismatches,
                                return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                                suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =
    CombineAndReturnCatalogsForMutectVCFs(split.vcfs.list = split.vcfs,
                                          SBS.list = SBS.list,
                                          DBS.list = DBS.list,
                                          ID.list = ID.list)

#' @keywords internal
CombineAndReturnCatalogsForVCFs <-
  function(split.vcfs.list, SBS.list, DBS.list, ID.list) {
    # Get the SBS96 catalog
    catSBS96 <- SBS.list$catSBS96
    num.of.col <- ncol(catSBS96)
    vcf.names <- colnames(catSBS96)
    discarded.variants.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = num.of.col)
    for (i in 1:num.of.col) {
      discarded.variants <-
      if (nrow(discarded.variants) > 0) {
        discarded.variants.list[[i]] <- discarded.variants
    names(discarded.variants.list) <- vcf.names

    annotated.vcfs.list <- list(SBS = SBS.list$annotated.vcfs,
                                DBS = DBS.list$annotated.vcfs,
                                ID = ID.list$annotated.vcfs)
    # Remove NULL elements from the list
    discarded.variants.list2 <- Filter(Negate(is.null), discarded.variants.list)
    if (length(discarded.variants.list2) == 0) {
      discarded.variants.list2 <- NULL
    annotated.vcfs.list2 <- Filter(Negate(is.null), annotated.vcfs.list)
    if (length(annotated.vcfs.list2) == 0) {
      annotated.vcfs.list2 <- NULL

    combined.list <- list(catSBS96 = SBS.list$catSBS96,
                          catSBS192 = SBS.list$catSBS192,
                          catSBS1536 = SBS.list$catSBS1536,
                          catDBS78 = DBS.list$catDBS78,
                          catDBS136 = DBS.list$catDBS136,
                          catDBS144 = DBS.list$catDBS144,
                          catID = ID.list$catalog,
                          discarded.variants = discarded.variants.list2,
                          annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs.list2)
    # Remove NULL elements from the list
    combined.list2 <- Filter(Negate(is.null), combined.list)

#' Create SBS, DBS and Indel catalogs from VCFs
#' Create 3 SBS catalogs (96, 192, 1536), 3 DBS catalogs (78, 136, 144) and
#' Indel catalog from the Mutect VCFs specified by \code{files}
#' This function calls \code{\link{VCFsToSBSCatalogs}},
#' \code{\link{VCFsToDBSCatalogs}} and \code{\link{VCFsToIDCatalogs}}
#' @inheritParams VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf
#' @inheritSection VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf Value
#' @inheritSection VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf ID classification
#' @inheritSection VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf Note
#' @inheritSection VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf Comments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Mutect-vcf",
#'                       "Mutect.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catalogs <- VCFsToCatalogs(file, ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                              variant.caller = "mutect", region = "genome")}
VCFsToCatalogs <- function(files,
                           variant.caller = "unknown",
                           num.of.cores = 1,
                           trans.ranges = NULL,
                           region = "unknown",
                           names.of.VCFs = NULL,
                           tumor.col.names = NA,
                           filter.status = NULL,
                           get.vaf.function = NULL,
                           max.vaf.diff = 0.02,
                           return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
                           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
  num.of.cores <- AdjustNumberOfCores(num.of.cores)
  split.vcfs <-
    ReadAndSplitVCFs(files = files, 
                     variant.caller = variant.caller,
                     num.of.cores = num.of.cores, 
                     names.of.VCFs = names.of.VCFs,
                     tumor.col.names = tumor.col.names, 
                     filter.status = filter.status,
                     get.vaf.function = get.vaf.function, 
                     ... = ...,
                     max.vaf.diff = max.vaf.diff,
                     suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = 
  SBS.list <- VCFsToSBSCatalogs(list.of.SBS.vcfs = split.vcfs$SBS,
                                ref.genome = ref.genome,
                                num.of.cores = num.of.cores,
                                trans.ranges = trans.ranges,
                                region = region,
                                return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                                suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =
  DBS.list <- VCFsToDBSCatalogs(list.of.DBS.vcfs = split.vcfs$DBS,
                                ref.genome = ref.genome,
                                num.of.cores = num.of.cores,
                                trans.ranges = trans.ranges,
                                region = region,
                                return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                                suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =
  ID.list <- VCFsToIDCatalogs(list.of.vcfs = split.vcfs$ID,
                              ref.genome = ref.genome,
                              num.of.cores = num.of.cores,
                              region = region,
                              return.annotated.vcfs = return.annotated.vcfs,
                              suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =
  CombineAndReturnCatalogsForVCFs(split.vcfs.list = split.vcfs,
                                  SBS.list = SBS.list,
                                  DBS.list = DBS.list,
                                  ID.list = ID.list)

#' Read and split Strelka SBS VCF files
#' The function will find and merge adjacent SBS pairs into DBS if their VAFs
#' are very similar. The default threshold value for VAF is 0.02.
#' @param files Character vector of file paths to the Strelka SBS VCF files.
#' @inheritParams MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
#' @section Value:
#' A list of elements as follows:
#'    * \code{SBS.vcfs}: List of data.frames of pure SBS mutations -- no DBS or
#'    3+BS mutations.
#'    * \code{DBS.vcfs}: List of data.frames of pure DBS mutations -- no SBS or
#'    3+BS mutations.
#'    * \code{discarded.variants}: \strong{Non-NULL only if} there are variants
#'    that were excluded from the analysis. See the added extra column
#'    \code{discarded.reason} for more details.
#' @md
#' @seealso \code{\link{StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Strelka-SBS-vcf",
#'                       "Strelka.SBS.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' list.of.vcfs <- ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs(file)
ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs <-
  function(files, names.of.VCFs = NULL,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
    vcfs <- ReadStrelkaSBSVCFs(files = files, names.of.VCFs = names.of.VCFs)
    split.vcfs <-
      SplitListOfStrelkaSBSVCFs(list.of.vcfs = vcfs,
                                suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =

#' Read Strelka ID (small insertion and deletion) VCF files
#' @inheritParams ReadMutectVCFs
#' @return A list of data frames containing data lines of the VCF files.
#' @inheritSection VCFsToIDCatalogs Note
#' @seealso \code{\link{StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Strelka-ID-vcf",
#'                       "Strelka.ID.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' list.of.vcfs <- ReadStrelkaIDVCFs(file)
ReadStrelkaIDVCFs <- function(files, names.of.VCFs = NULL) {
  vcfs <-
    lapply(files, FUN = ReadStrelkaIDVCF, name.of.VCF = names.of.VCFs)
  if (is.null(names.of.VCFs)) {
    names(vcfs) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(files))
  } else {
    # Check whether the number of VCFs match the number of names
    # in names.of.VCFs
    CheckNamesOfVCFs(files, names.of.VCFs)
    names(vcfs) <- names.of.VCFs


#' Read and split Mutect VCF files
#' @param files Character vector of file paths to the Mutect VCF files.
#' @inheritParams MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
#' @section Value: A list containing the following objects:
#'   * \code{SBS}: List of VCFs with only single base substitutions.
#'   * \code{DBS}: List of VCFs with only doublet base substitutions as called
#'   by Mutect.
#'   * \code{ID}: List of VCFs with only small insertions and deletions.
#'   * \code{discarded.variants}: \strong{Non-NULL only if} there are variants
#'   that were excluded from the analysis. See the added extra column
#'   \code{discarded.reason} for more details.
#' @md
#' @seealso \code{\link{MutectVCFFilesToCatalog}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Mutect-vcf",
#'                       "Mutect.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' list.of.vcfs <- ReadAndSplitMutectVCFs(file)
ReadAndSplitMutectVCFs <-
  function(files, names.of.VCFs = NULL, tumor.col.names = NA,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
    vcfs <- ReadMutectVCFs(files = files, names.of.VCFs = names.of.VCFs,
                           tumor.col.names =  tumor.col.names)
    split.vcfs <-
      SplitListOfMutectVCFs(list.of.vcfs = vcfs,
                            suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =

#' Read and split VCF files
#' @param files Character vector of file paths to the VCF files.
#' @param variant.caller Name of the variant caller that produces the VCF, can
#'   be either \code{"strelka"}, \code{"mutect"}, \code{"freebayes"} or
#'   \code{"unknown"}. This information is needed to calculate the VAFs (variant
#'   allele frequencies). If variant caller is \code{"unknown"}(default) and
#'   \code{get.vaf.function} is NULL, then VAF and read depth will be NAs. If
#'   variant caller is \code{"mutect"}, do \strong{not} merge SBSs into DBS.
#' @param num.of.cores The number of cores to use. Not available on Windows
#'   unless \code{num.of.cores = 1}.
#' @param names.of.VCFs Character vector of names of the VCF files. The order
#'   of names in \code{names.of.VCFs} should match the order of VCF file paths
#'   in \code{files}. If \code{NULL}(default), this function will remove all of
#'   the path up to and including the last path separator (if any) and file
#'   paths without extensions (and the leading dot) will be used as the names of
#'   the VCF files.
#' @param tumor.col.names Optional. Only applicable to \strong{Mutect} VCFs.
#'   Character vector of column names in \strong{Mutect} VCFs which contain the
#'   tumor sample information. The order of names in \code{tumor.col.names}
#'   should match the order of \strong{Mutect} VCFs specified in \code{files}.
#'   If \code{tumor.col.names} is equal to \code{NA}(default), this function
#'   will use the 10th column in all the \strong{Mutect} VCFs to calculate VAFs.
#'   See \code{\link{GetMutectVAF}} for more details.
#' @param filter.status The status indicating a variant has passed all filters.
#'   An example would be \code{"PASS"}. Variants which don't have the specified
#'   \code{filter.status} in the \code{FILTER} column in VCF will be removed. If
#'   \code{NULL}(default), no variants will be removed from the original VCF.
#' @param get.vaf.function Optional. Only applicable when \code{variant.caller} is
#' \strong{"unknown"}. Function to calculate VAF(variant allele frequency) and read
#'   depth information from original VCF. See \code{\link{GetMutectVAF}} as an example.
#'   If \code{NULL}(default) and \code{variant.caller} is "unknown", then VAF
#'   and read depth will be NAs.
#' @param max.vaf.diff \strong{Not} applicable if \code{variant.caller =
#'   "mutect"}. The maximum difference of VAF, default value is 0.02. If the
#'   absolute difference of VAFs for adjacent SBSs is bigger than \code{max.vaf.diff},
#'   then these adjacent SBSs are likely to be "merely" asynchronous single base
#'   mutations, opposed to a simultaneous doublet mutation or variants involving
#'   more than two consecutive bases.
#' @param ... Optional arguments to \code{get.vaf.function}.
#' @param max.vaf.diff \strong{Not} applicable if \code{variant.caller =
#'   "mutect"}. The maximum difference of VAF, default value is 0.02. If the
#'   absolute difference of VAFs for adjacent SBSs is bigger than \code{max.vaf.diff},
#'   then these adjacent SBSs are likely to be "merely" asynchronous single base
#'   mutations, opposed to a simultaneous doublet mutation or variants involving
#'   more than two consecutive bases.
#' @param suppress.discarded.variants.warnings Logical. Whether to suppress
#'   warning messages showing information about the discarded variants. Default
#'   is TRUE.
#' @section Value: A list containing the following objects:
#'   * \code{SBS}: List of VCFs with only single base substitutions.
#'   * \code{DBS}: List of VCFs with only doublet base substitutions.
#'   * \code{ID}: List of VCFs with only small insertions and deletions.
#'   * \code{discarded.variants}: \strong{Non-NULL only if} there are variants
#'   that were excluded from the analysis. See the added extra column
#'   \code{discarded.reason} for more details.
#' @md
#' @seealso \code{\link{VCFsToCatalogs}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Mutect-vcf",
#'                       "Mutect.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' list.of.vcfs <- ReadAndSplitVCFs(file, variant.caller = "mutect")
ReadAndSplitVCFs <-
  function(files, variant.caller = "unknown", num.of.cores = 1,
           names.of.VCFs = NULL, tumor.col.names = NA,
           filter.status = NULL, get.vaf.function = NULL, ...,
           max.vaf.diff = 0.02,
           suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
    num.of.cores <- AdjustNumberOfCores(num.of.cores)
    vcfs <- ReadVCFs(files = files, 
                     variant.caller = variant.caller,
                     num.of.cores = num.of.cores,
                     names.of.VCFs = names.of.VCFs,
                     tumor.col.names =  tumor.col.names,
                     filter.status = filter.status,
                     get.vaf.function = get.vaf.function, ...)

    split.vcfs <-
      SplitListOfVCFs(list.of.vcfs = vcfs,
                      variant.caller = variant.caller,
                      max.vaf.diff = max.vaf.diff,
                      num.of.cores = num.of.cores,
                      suppress.discarded.variants.warnings =

#' Check and return SBS catalogs
#' @param catSBS96 An SBS96 catalog.
#' @param catSBS1536 An SBS1536 catalog.
#' @param catSBS192 An SBS192 catalog.
#' @param discarded.variants A list of discarded variants.
#' @param annotated.vcfs A list of annotated VCFs.
#' @return A list of SBS catalogs. Also return the discarded variants and
#'   annotated VCFs if they exit.
#' @keywords internal
CheckAndReturnSBSCatalogs <-
  function(catSBS96, catSBS1536, catSBS192 = NULL, discarded.variants,
           annotated.vcfs) {
    if (is.null(catSBS192)) {
      if (length(discarded.variants) == 0) {
        if (length(annotated.vcfs) == 0) {
          return(list(catSBS96 = catSBS96, catSBS1536 = catSBS1536))
        } else {
          return(list(catSBS96 = catSBS96, catSBS1536 = catSBS1536,
                      annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))
      } else {
        if (length(annotated.vcfs) == 0) {
          return(list(catSBS96 = catSBS96, catSBS1536 = catSBS1536,
                      discarded.variants = discarded.variants))
        } else {
          return(list(catSBS96 = catSBS96, catSBS1536 = catSBS1536,
                      discarded.variants = discarded.variants,
                      annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))
    } else {
      if (length(discarded.variants) == 0) {
        if (length(annotated.vcfs) == 0) {
          return(list(catSBS96 = catSBS96, catSBS192 = catSBS192,
                      catSBS1536 = catSBS1536))
        } else {
          return(list(catSBS96 = catSBS96, catSBS192 = catSBS192,
                      catSBS1536 = catSBS1536,
                      annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))
      } else {
        if (length(annotated.vcfs) == 0) {
          return(list(catSBS96 = catSBS96, catSBS192 = catSBS192,
                      catSBS1536 = catSBS1536,
                      discarded.variants = discarded.variants))
        } else {
          return(list(catSBS96 = catSBS96, catSBS192 = catSBS192,
                      catSBS1536 = catSBS1536,
                      discarded.variants = discarded.variants,
                      annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))

#' Create SBS catalogs from SBS VCFs
#' Create a list of 3 catalogs (one each for 96, 192, 1536)
#' out of the contents in list.of.SBS.vcfs. The SBS VCFs must not contain
#' DBSs, indels, or other types of mutations.
#' @param list.of.SBS.vcfs List of in-memory data frames of pure SBS mutations
#'   -- no DBS or 3+BS mutations. The list names will be the sample ids in the
#'   output catalog.
#' @param num.of.cores The number of cores to use. Not available on Windows
#'   unless \code{num.of.cores = 1}.
#' @inheritParams MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
#' @section Value:
#' A list containing the following objects:
#' * \code{catSBS96}, \code{catSBS192}, \code{catSBS1536}: Matrix of
#' 3 SBS catalogs (one each for 96, 192, and 1536).
#' * \code{discarded.variants}: \strong{Non-NULL only if} there are variants
#' that were excluded from the analysis. See the added extra column
#' \code{discarded.reason} for more details.
#' * \code{annotated.vcfs}:
#' \strong{Non-NULL only if} \code{return.annotated.vcfs} = TRUE.
#'     SBS VCF annotated by \code{\link{AnnotateSBSVCF}} with
#'     three new columns \code{SBS96.class}, \code{SBS192.class} and
#'     \code{SBS1536.class} showing the mutation class for each SBS variant.
#' If \code{trans.ranges} is not provided by user and cannot be inferred by
#' ICAMS, SBS 192 catalog will not be generated. Each catalog has attributes
#' added. See \code{\link{as.catalog}} for more details.
#' @md
#' @note SBS 192 catalogs only contain mutations in transcribed regions.
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Comments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Mutect-vcf",
#'                       "Mutect.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' list.of.SBS.vcfs <- ReadAndSplitMutectVCFs(file)$SBS
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catalogs.SBS <- VCFsToSBSCatalogs(list.of.SBS.vcfs, ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                                     trans.ranges = trans.ranges.GRCh37,
#'                                     region = "genome")}
VCFsToSBSCatalogs <- function(list.of.SBS.vcfs,
                              num.of.cores = 1,
                              trans.ranges = NULL,
                              region = "unknown",
                              return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
                              suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
  ncol <- length(list.of.SBS.vcfs)

  catSBS96 <- empty.cats$catSBS96
  catSBS192 <- empty.cats$catSBS192
  catSBS1536 <- empty.cats$catSBS1536
  trans.ranges <- InferTransRanges(ref.genome, trans.ranges)

  annotated.vcfs <- discarded.variants <- list()

  GetSBSCatalogs <- 
    function(i, list.of.SBS.vcfs) {
    SBS.vcf <- list.of.SBS.vcfs[[i]]
    sample.id <- names(list.of.SBS.vcfs)[i]
    annotated.SBS.vcf <- 
      AnnotateSBSVCF(SBS.vcf = SBS.vcf, 
                     ref.genome = ref.genome, 
                     trans.ranges = trans.ranges, 
                     name.of.VCF = sample.id)
    if (suppress.discarded.variants.warnings == TRUE) {
      SBS.cat <-
        suppressWarnings(CreateOneColSBSMatrix(vcf = annotated.SBS.vcf,
                                               sample.id = sample.id,
                                               return.annotated.vcf =
    } else {
      SBS.cat <- CreateOneColSBSMatrix(annotated.SBS.vcf, sample.id,
    catSBS96 <- cbind(catSBS96, SBS.cat$catSBS96)
    if (!is.null(trans.ranges)) {
      catSBS192 <- cbind(catSBS192, SBS.cat$catSBS192)
    catSBS1536 <- cbind(catSBS1536, SBS.cat$catSBS1536)
    if (return.annotated.vcfs == TRUE) {
      annotated.vcfs <- c(annotated.vcfs, list(SBS.cat$annotated.vcf))
      names(annotated.vcfs) <- sample.id
    if (!is.null(SBS.cat$discarded.variants)) {
      discarded.variants <-
        c(discarded.variants, list(SBS.cat$discarded.variants))
      names(discarded.variants) <- sample.id

    return(list(catSBS96 = catSBS96, catSBS1536 = catSBS1536,
                catSBS192 = catSBS192, discarded.variants = discarded.variants,
                annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))

  list0 <- parallel::mclapply(1:ncol, 
                              FUN = GetSBSCatalogs,
                              list.of.SBS.vcfs = list.of.SBS.vcfs,
                              mc.cores = num.of.cores)
  catSBS96.1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 1)
  catSBS96.2 <- do.call("cbind", catSBS96.1)

  catSBS1536.1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 2)
  catSBS1536.2 <- do.call("cbind", catSBS1536.1)

  catSBS96.3 <- as.catalog(catSBS96.2, ref.genome = ref.genome,
                           region = region, catalog.type = "counts")
  catSBS1536.3 <- as.catalog(catSBS1536.2, ref.genome = ref.genome,
                             region = region, catalog.type = "counts")

  discarded.variants1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 4)
  discarded.variants2 <- do.call("c", discarded.variants1)

  annotated.vcfs1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 5)
  annotated.vcfs2 <- do.call("c", annotated.vcfs1)

  if (is.null(trans.ranges)) {
    retval <-
      CheckAndReturnSBSCatalogs(catSBS96 = catSBS96.3, catSBS1536 = catSBS1536.3,
                                catSBS192 = NULL,
                                discarded.variants = discarded.variants2,
                                annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs2)

  catSBS192.1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 3)
  catSBS192.2 <- do.call("cbind", catSBS192.1)
  in.transcript.region <- ifelse(region == "genome", "transcript", region)
  catSBS192.3 <- as.catalog(catSBS192.2, ref.genome = ref.genome,
                          region = in.transcript.region,
                          catalog.type = "counts")

  CheckAndReturnSBSCatalogs(catSBS96 = catSBS96.3, catSBS1536 = catSBS1536.3,
                            catSBS192 = catSBS192.3,
                            discarded.variants = discarded.variants2,
                            annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs2)

#' Check and return DBS catalogs
#' @param catDBS78 An DBS78 catalog.
#' @param catDBS136 An DBS136 catalog.
#' @param catDBS144 An DBS144 catalog.
#' @param discarded.variants A list of discarded variants.
#' @param annotated.vcfs A list of annotated VCFs.
#' @return A list of DBS catalogs. Also return the discarded variants and
#'   annotated VCFs if they exit.
#' @keywords internal
CheckAndReturnDBSCatalogs <-
  function(catDBS78, catDBS136, catDBS144 = NULL, discarded.variants,
           annotated.vcfs) {
    if (is.null(catDBS144)) {
      if (length(discarded.variants) == 0) {
        if (length(annotated.vcfs) == 0) {
          return(list(catDBS78 = catDBS78, catDBS136 = catDBS136))
        } else {
          return(list(catDBS78 = catDBS78, catDBS136 = catDBS136,
                      annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))
      } else {
        if (length(annotated.vcfs) == 0) {
          return(list(catDBS78 = catDBS78, catDBS136 = catDBS136,
                      discarded.variants = discarded.variants))
        } else {
          return(list(catDBS78 = catDBS78, catDBS136 = catDBS136,
                      discarded.variants = discarded.variants,
                      annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))
    } else {
      if (length(discarded.variants) == 0) {
        if (length(annotated.vcfs) == 0) {
          return(list(catDBS78 = catDBS78, catDBS136 = catDBS136,
                      catDBS144 = catDBS144))
        } else {
          return(list(catDBS78 = catDBS78, catDBS136 = catDBS136,
                      catDBS144 = catDBS144,
                      annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))
      } else {
        if (length(annotated.vcfs) == 0) {
          return(list(catDBS78 = catDBS78, catDBS136 = catDBS136,
                      catDBS144 = catDBS144,
                      discarded.variants = discarded.variants))
        } else {
          return(list(catDBS78 = catDBS78, catDBS136 = catDBS136,
                      catDBS144 = catDBS144,
                      discarded.variants = discarded.variants,
                      annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))

#' Create DBS catalogs from VCFs
#' Create a list of 3 catalogs (one each for DBS78, DBS144 and DBS136)
#' out of the contents in list.of.DBS.vcfs. The VCFs must not contain
#' any type of mutation other then DBSs.
#' @param list.of.DBS.vcfs List of in-memory data frames of pure DBS mutations
#'   -- no SBS or 3+BS mutations. The list names will be the sample ids in the
#'   output catalog.
#' @param num.of.cores The number of cores to use. Not available on Windows
#'   unless \code{num.of.cores = 1}.
#' @inheritParams MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
#' @section Value:
#' A list containing the following objects:
#' * \code{catDBS78}, \code{catDBS136}, \code{catDBS144}: Matrix of
#' 3 DBS catalogs (one each for 78, 136, and 144).
#' * \code{discarded.variants}: \strong{Non-NULL only if} there are variants
#' that were excluded from the analysis. See the added extra column
#' \code{discarded.reason} for more details.
#' * \code{annotated.vcfs}: \strong{Non-NULL only if}
#' \code{return.annotated.vcfs} = TRUE. DBS VCF annotated by
#' \code{\link{AnnotateDBSVCF}} with three new columns \code{DBS78.class},
#' \code{DBS136.class} and \code{DBS144.class} showing the mutation class for
#' each DBS variant.
#' If \code{trans.ranges} is not provided by user and cannot be inferred by
#' ICAMS, DBS 144 catalog will not be generated. Each catalog has
#' attributes added. See \code{\link{as.catalog}} for more details.
#' @md
#' @note DBS 144 catalog only contains mutations in transcribed regions.
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf Comments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Mutect-vcf",
#'                       "Mutect.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' list.of.DBS.vcfs <- ReadAndSplitMutectVCFs(file)$DBS
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catalogs.DBS <- VCFsToDBSCatalogs(list.of.DBS.vcfs, ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                                     trans.ranges = trans.ranges.GRCh37,
#'                                     region = "genome")}
VCFsToDBSCatalogs <- function(list.of.DBS.vcfs,
                              num.of.cores = 1,
                              trans.ranges = NULL,
                              region = "unknown",
                              return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
                              suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
  ncol <- length(list.of.DBS.vcfs)

  catDBS78 <- empty.cats$catDBS78
  catDBS136 <- empty.cats$catDBS136
  catDBS144 <- empty.cats$catDBS144
  trans.ranges <- InferTransRanges(ref.genome, trans.ranges)

  annotated.vcfs <- discarded.variants <- list()

  GetDBSCatalogs <- function(i, list.of.DBS.vcfs) {
    DBS.vcf <- list.of.DBS.vcfs[[i]]
    sample.id <- names(list.of.DBS.vcfs)[i]
    annotated.DBS.vcf <- 
      AnnotateDBSVCF(DBS.vcf = DBS.vcf, 
                     ref.genome = ref.genome, 
                     trans.ranges = trans.ranges, 
                     name.of.VCF = sample.id)
    if (suppress.discarded.variants.warnings == TRUE) {
      DBS.cat <-
        suppressWarnings(CreateOneColDBSMatrix(annotated.DBS.vcf, sample.id,
    } else {
      DBS.cat <- CreateOneColDBSMatrix(annotated.DBS.vcf, sample.id,
    catDBS78 <- cbind(catDBS78, DBS.cat$catDBS78)
    catDBS136 <- cbind(catDBS136, DBS.cat$catDBS136)
    if (!is.null(trans.ranges)) {
      catDBS144 <- cbind(catDBS144, DBS.cat$catDBS144)
    if (return.annotated.vcfs == TRUE) {
      annotated.vcfs <- c(annotated.vcfs, list(DBS.cat$annotated.vcf))
      names(annotated.vcfs) <- sample.id
    if (!is.null(DBS.cat$discarded.variants)) {
      discarded.variants <-
        c(discarded.variants, list(DBS.cat$discarded.variants))
      names(discarded.variants) <- sample.id

    return(list(catDBS78 = catDBS78, catDBS136 = catDBS136,
                catDBS144 = catDBS144, discarded.variants = discarded.variants,
                annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))

  list0 <- parallel::mclapply(1:ncol, FUN = GetDBSCatalogs,
                              list.of.DBS.vcfs = list.of.DBS.vcfs,
                              mc.cores = num.of.cores)
  catDBS78.1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 1)
  catDBS78.2 <- do.call("cbind", catDBS78.1)

  catDBS136.1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 2)
  catDBS136.2 <- do.call("cbind", catDBS136.1)

  catDBS78.3 <- as.catalog(catDBS78.2, ref.genome = ref.genome,
                         region = region, catalog.type = "counts")
  catDBS136.3 <- as.catalog(catDBS136.2, ref.genome = ref.genome,
                          region = region, catalog.type = "counts")

  discarded.variants1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 4)
  discarded.variants2 <- do.call("c", discarded.variants1)

  annotated.vcfs1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 5)
  annotated.vcfs2 <- do.call("c", annotated.vcfs1)
  if (is.null(trans.ranges)) {
    retval <- CheckAndReturnDBSCatalogs(catDBS78 = catDBS78.3,
                                        catDBS136 = catDBS136.3,
                                        catDBS144 = NULL,
                                        discarded.variants = discarded.variants2,
                                        annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs2)

  catDBS144.1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 3)
  catDBS144.2 <- do.call("cbind", catDBS144.1)

  in.transcript.region <- ifelse(region == "genome", "transcript", region)
  catDBS144.3 <- as.catalog(catDBS144.2, ref.genome = ref.genome,
               region = in.transcript.region, catalog.type = "counts")

  CheckAndReturnDBSCatalogs(catDBS78 = catDBS78.3,
                            catDBS136 = catDBS136.3,
                            catDBS144 = catDBS144.3,
                            discarded.variants = discarded.variants2,
                            annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs2)

#' Check and return ID catalog
#' @param catID An ID catalog.
#' @param discarded.variants A list of discarded variants.
#' @param annotated.vcfs A list of annotated VCFs.
#' @return A list of ID catalog. Also return the discarded variants and
#'   annotated VCFs if they exit.
#' @keywords internal
CheckAndReturnIDCatalog <-
  function(catID, discarded.variants, annotated.vcfs) {
    if (length(discarded.variants) == 0) {
      if (length(annotated.vcfs) == 0) {
        return(list(catalog = catID))
      } else {
        return(list(catalog = catID, annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))
    } else {
      if (length(annotated.vcfs) == 0) {
        return(list(catalog = catID, discarded.variants = discarded.variants))
      } else {
        return(list(catalog = catID, discarded.variants = discarded.variants,
                    annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))

#' Create ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog from ID VCFs
#' @param list.of.vcfs List of in-memory ID VCFs. The list names will be
#' the sample ids in the output catalog.
#' @param ref.genome A \code{ref.genome} argument as described in
#'   \code{\link{ICAMS}}.
#' @param num.of.cores The number of cores to use. Not available on Windows
#'   unless \code{num.of.cores = 1}.
#' @param region A character string acting as a region identifier, one of
#' "genome", "exome".
#' @inheritParams MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf
#' @section Value:
#' A \strong{list} of elements:
#'   * \code{catalog}: The ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog with
#'   attributes added. See \code{\link{as.catalog}} for details.
#'   * \code{discarded.variants}: \strong{Non-NULL only if} there are variants
#'   that were excluded from the analysis. See the added extra column
#'   \code{discarded.reason} for more details.
#'   * \code{annotated.vcfs}:
#' \strong{Non-NULL only if} \code{return.annotated.vcfs} = TRUE. A list of
#' data frames which contain the original VCF's ID mutation rows with three
#' additional columns \code{seq.context.width}, \code{seq.context} and
#' \code{ID.class} added. The category assignment of each ID mutation in VCF can
#' be obtained from \code{ID.class} column.
#' @md
#' @inheritSection MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf ID classification
#' @section Note:
#'  In ID (small insertion and deletion) catalogs, deletion repeat sizes range
#'  from 0 to 5+, but for plotting and end-user documentation deletion repeat
#'  sizes range from 1 to 6+.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' file <- c(system.file("extdata/Strelka-ID-vcf/",
#'                       "Strelka.ID.GRCh37.s1.vcf",
#'                       package = "ICAMS"))
#' list.of.ID.vcfs <- ReadStrelkaIDVCFs(file)
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5",
#'  quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   catID <- VCFsToIDCatalogs(list.of.ID.vcfs, ref.genome = "hg19",
#'                             region = "genome")}
VCFsToIDCatalogs <- function(list.of.vcfs,
                             num.of.cores = 1,
                             region = "unknown",
                             flag.mismatches = 0,
                             return.annotated.vcfs = FALSE,
                             suppress.discarded.variants.warnings = TRUE) {
  ncol <- length(list.of.vcfs)

  # Create a 0-column matrix with the correct row labels.
  catID <- matrix(0, nrow = length(ICAMS::catalog.row.order$ID), ncol = 0)
  rownames(catID) <- ICAMS::catalog.row.order$ID
  annotated.vcfs <- discarded.variants <- list()

  GetIDCatalogs <- function(i, list.of.vcfs) {
    ID <- list.of.vcfs[[i]]
    sample.id <- names(list.of.vcfs)[i]

    if (suppress.discarded.variants.warnings == TRUE) {
      list <-
        suppressWarnings(AnnotateIDVCF(ID.vcf = ID, ref.genome = ref.genome,
                                       flag.mismatches = flag.mismatches,
                                       name.of.VCF = sample.id))
    } else {
      list <- AnnotateIDVCF(ID.vcf = ID, ref.genome = ref.genome,
                            flag.mismatches = flag.mismatches,
                            name.of.VCF = sample.id)

    # Create an empty data frame for discarded variants
    df <- ID[0, ]

    if (!is.null(list$discarded.variants)) {
      df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df, list$discarded.variants)
    # Unlike the case for SBS and DBS, we do not add transcript information.
    if (suppress.discarded.variants.warnings == TRUE) {
      tmp <- suppressWarnings({
                             sample.id = sample.id,
                             return.annotated.vcf = return.annotated.vcfs)
    } else {
      tmp <- CreateOneColIDMatrix(list$annotated.vcf, sample.id = sample.id,
                                  return.annotated.vcf = return.annotated.vcfs)
    one.ID.column <- tmp$catalog

    if (return.annotated.vcfs == TRUE) {
      annotated.vcfs <- c(annotated.vcfs, list(tmp$annotated.vcf))
      names(annotated.vcfs) <- sample.id
    if (!is.null(tmp$discarded.variants)) {
      df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df, tmp$discarded.variants)
    if (nrow(df) != 0) {
      discarded.variants <- c(discarded.variants, list(df))
      names(discarded.variants) <- sample.id

    return(list(ID.column = one.ID.column,
                discarded.variants = discarded.variants,
                annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs))

  list0 <- parallel::mclapply(1:ncol, FUN = GetIDCatalogs,
                              list.of.vcfs = list.of.vcfs,
                              mc.cores = num.of.cores)

  ID.cat <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 1)
  ID.cat1 <- do.call("cbind", ID.cat)
  catID <- as.catalog(ID.cat1, ref.genome = ref.genome,
                      region = region, catalog.type = "counts")

  discarded.variants1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 2)
  discarded.variants2 <- do.call("c", discarded.variants1)

  annotated.vcfs1 <- lapply(list0, FUN = "[[", 3)
  annotated.vcfs2 <- do.call("c", annotated.vcfs1)

  CheckAndReturnIDCatalog(catID = catID, discarded.variants = discarded.variants2,
                          annotated.vcfs = annotated.vcfs2)

#' Calculate the number of space needed to add strand bias statistics to
#' the run-information.txt file.
#' @param list A list containing strand bias statistics.
#' @return A matrix containing the space information.
#' @keywords internal
CalculateNumberOfSpace <- function(list) {
  mat <- matrix(0, nrow = 6, ncol = 3)
  rownames(mat) <- rownames(list[[1]])
  colnames(mat) <- c("space.counts", "space.q.value", "space.total")

  GetInformation <- function(df, info) {
    if (info == "counts") {
      df1 <- df[, c("transcribed", "untranscribed")]
      df1$max.counts <- apply(df1, MARGIN = 1, FUN = max)
      df1$counts.space <- nchar(df1$max.counts)
      return(df1[, "counts.space", drop = FALSE])
    } else if (info == "q.value") {
      df$q.values.sci <- formatC(df$q.values, format = "e", digits = 2)
      df$q.values.space <- nchar(df$q.values.sci)
      return(df[, "q.values.space", drop = FALSE])
  list.counts.space <- lapply(list, FUN = GetInformation, info = "counts")
  list.q.values.space <- lapply(list, FUN = GetInformation, info = "q.value")
  df.counts.space <- do.call("cbind", list.counts.space)
  df.q.values.space <- do.call("cbind", list.q.values.space)

  mat[, "space.counts"] <-
    pmax(apply(df.counts.space, MARGIN = 1, FUN = max), nchar("counts"))
  mat[, "space.q.value"] <-
    pmax(apply(df.q.values.space, MARGIN = 1, FUN = max), nchar("p-value"))
  mat[, "space.total"] <- rowSums(mat) + 3

#' Create a run information text file from generating zip archive from VCF
#' files.
#' @importFrom  stringi stri_pad
#' @importFrom tools md5sum
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @keywords internal
AddRunInformation <-
  function(files, vcf.names, zipfile.name, vcftype, ref.genome,
           region, mutation.loads, strand.bias.statistics, tmpdir) {

    run.info <-
      file(description = file.path(tmpdir, "run-information.txt"), open = "w")

    # Add the header information
    time.info <- strftime(Sys.time(), usetz = TRUE) # Get time zone information
    time.info1 <-
      gsub(pattern = "+", replacement = "UTC+", x = time.info, fixed = TRUE)
    header <- paste0("run-information.txt file for ", zipfile.name,
                     " created on ", time.info1)
    char.length <- nchar(header)
    writeLines(paste(rep("-", char.length), collapse = ""), run.info)
    writeLines(header, run.info)
    writeLines(paste(rep("-", char.length), collapse = ""), run.info)

    # Add section on purpose of ICAMS software
    writeLines("", run.info)
    writeLines("--- About ICAMS ---", run.info)
    writeLines(c("Analysis and visualization of experimentally elucidated mutational",
                 "signatures - the kind of analysis and visualization in Boot et al.,",
                 '"In-depth characterization of the cisplatin mutational signature in',
                 'human cell lines and in esophageal and liver tumors", ',
                 "Genome Research 2018, https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.230219.117 and ",
                 '"Characterization of colibactin-associated mutational signature ',
                 'in an Asian oral squamous cell carcinoma and in other mucosal tumor types",',
                 'Genome Research 2020, https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.255620.119.',
                 '"ICAMS" stands for In-depth Characterization and Analysis of',
                 'Mutational Signatures. "ICAMS" has functions to read in variant',
                 "call files (VCFs) and to collate the corresponding catalogs of",
                 "mutational spectra and to analyze and plot catalogs of mutational",
                 'spectra and signatures. Handles both "counts-based" and ',
                 '"density-based" catalogs of mutational spectra or signatures.'),
    writeLines("", run.info)
    writeLines(c("For complete documentation of ICAMS, please refer to ",
                 "https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/ICAMS/index.html"), run.info)

    # Add ICAMS and R version used
    writeLines("", run.info)
    writeLines("--- Version of the software ---", run.info)
    writeLines(paste0("ICAMS version: ", packageVersion("ICAMS")), run.info)
    writeLines(paste0("R version:     ", getRversion()), run.info)

    # Add input parameters specified by the user
    writeLines("", run.info)
    writeLines("--- Input parameters ---", run.info)
    if (is.null(vcftype)) {
      vcftype <- "Unknown"
    } else if (vcftype == "strelka") {
      vcftype <- "Strelka"
    } else if (vcftype == "freebayes") {
      vcftype <- "FreeBayes"
    } else if (vcftype == "mutect") {
      vcftype <- "Mutect"
    ref.genome <- NormalizeGenomeArg(ref.genome)
    if (ref.genome@pkgname == "BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5") {
      ref.genome <- "Human GRCh37/hg19"
    } else if (ref.genome@pkgname == "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38") {
      ref.genome <- "Human GRCh38/hg38"
    } else if (ref.genome@pkgname == "BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10") {
      ref.genome <- "Mouse GRCm38/mm10"
    writeLines(paste0("Variant caller:   ", vcftype), run.info)
    writeLines(paste0("Reference genome: ", ref.genome), run.info)
    writeLines(paste0("Region:           ", region), run.info)

    # Add input files information
    writeLines("", run.info)
    writeLines("--- Input files ---", run.info)
    max.num.of.char <- max(nchar(vcf.names))
    # Add a description of the information listed for input files
    writeLines(paste0(stri_pad("Name", width = max.num.of.char,
                               side = "right"), "  ",
                      "# of data lines", "  ",
                      stri_pad("MD5", width = 32,
                               side = "right"), "  ",
                      "# of SBS", "  ",
                      "# of DBS", "  ",
                      "# of ID", "  ",
                      "# of discarded variants*", "  "),

    num.of.file <- length(files)

    for (i in 1:num.of.file) {
                                 width = max.num.of.char,
                                 side = "right"), "  ",
                                 width = 15, side = "right"), "  ",
                        tools::md5sum(files[i]), "  ",
                        stri_pad(mutation.loads$SBS[i], width = 8,
                                 side = "right"), "  ",
                        stri_pad(mutation.loads$DBS[i], width = 8,
                                 side = "right"), "  ",
                        stri_pad(mutation.loads$ID[i], width = 7,
                                 side = "right"), "  ",
                                 width = 23, side = "right")),

    # Add a disclaimer about discarded variants in the analysis
    writeLines("", run.info)
    writeLines(paste0("* Please refer to element discarded.variants ",
                      "in the return value for more details."), run.info)

    # Add strand bias statistics for SBS12 plot
    if (!is.null(strand.bias.statistics)) {
      writeLines("", run.info)
      writeLines("--- Transcription strand bias statistics ---", run.info)
      list0 <- strand.bias.statistics
      num.of.sample <- length(names(list0))
      space.mat <- CalculateNumberOfSpace(list0)

      for (i in 1:num.of.sample) {
        transcribed.counts <- list0[[i]][, "transcribed"]
        untranscribed.counts <- list0[[i]][, "untranscribed"]
        q.values <- list0[[i]][, "q.values"]
        q.values.symbol <- lapply(q.values, FUN = AssignNumberOfAsterisks)
        q.values.sci <- formatC(q.values, format = "e", digits = 2)

        transcribed.info <- character(0)
        untranscribed.info <- character(0)
        header1 <- header2 <- character(0)
        mutation.class <- rownames(list0[[1]])

        for (j in 1:6) {
          header1 <- paste0(header1, stri_pad(mutation.class[j],
                                     width = space.mat[j, "space.total"],
                                     side = "both"), "|")

          header2 <-
            paste0(header2, " ",
                            width = space.mat[j, "space.counts"],
                            side = "right"), " ",
                            width = space.mat[j, "space.q.value"],
                            side = "right"), " ", "|")

          transcribed.info <-
            paste0(transcribed.info, " ",
                            width = space.mat[j, "space.counts"],
                            side = "right"), " ",
                            width = space.mat[j, "space.q.value"],
                            side = "right"), " ", "|")

          untranscribed.info <-
            paste0(untranscribed.info, " ",
                            width = space.mat[j, "space.counts"],
                            side = "right"), " ",
                                   "", q.values.symbol[[j]]),
                            width = space.mat[j, "space.q.value"],
                            side = "right"), " ", "|")

        # Add description lines of the information listed for strand bias statistics
        writeLines(paste0(stri_pad("", width = 13), " |", header1), run.info)
        writeLines(paste0(stri_pad("Strand", width = 13, side = "right"), " |",
                          header2, "Sample name"), run.info)

        # Write the transcription strand bias statistics
        writeLines(paste0(stri_pad("transcribed", width = 13, side = "right"),
                          " |", transcribed.info, names(list0)[i]), run.info)
        writeLines(paste0(stri_pad("untranscribed", width = 13, side = "right"),
                          " |", untranscribed.info, names(list0)[i]), run.info)

        writeLines("", run.info)

      # Add a description about the symbol denoting p-value
        paste0("Legend: *Q<0.05, **Q<0.01, ***Q<0.001 (Benjamini-Hochberg ",
               "false discovery rates based on two-tailed binomial tests)"), run.info)

      # Add a note about direction of strand bias
      writeLines(paste0("Direction of strand bias: Fewer mutations on ",
                        "transcribed strand indicates that DNA damage occurred on ",
                        "pyrimidines,"), run.info)
      writeLines(paste0("                          Fewer mutations on ",
                        "untranscribed strand indicates that DNA damage occurred on ",
                        "purines."), run.info)

#' Get mutation loads information from Mutect VCF files.
#' @param catalogs A list generated by calling function
#'   \code{\link{MutectVCFFilesToCatalog}} to Mutect VCF files.
#' @return A list containing mutation loads information from Mutect VCF files:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item \code{total.variants} Total number of mutations.
#'  \item \code{SBS} Number of single base substitutions.
#'  \item \code{DBS} Number of double base substitutions.
#'  \item \code{ID} Number of small insertions and deletions.
#'  \item \code{discarded.variants} Number of other types of mutations which are
#'  excluded in the analysis in \code{\link{ICAMS}}.
#' }
#' @keywords internal
GetMutationLoadsFromMutectVCFs <- function(catalogs) {
  catSBS96 <- catalogs$catSBS96
  catDBS78 <- catalogs$catDBS78
  catID <- catalogs$catID
  vcf.names <- colnames(catSBS96)
  num.of.SBS <- colSums(catSBS96)
  num.of.DBS <- colSums(catDBS78)
  num.of.ID <- colSums(catID)

  if (is.null(catalogs$discarded.variants)) {
    num.of.total.variants <- num.of.SBS + num.of.DBS + num.of.ID
    num.of.discarded.variants <-
      stats::setNames(rep(0, length(vcf.names)), vcf.names)
  } else {
    discarded.variants <- catalogs$discarded.variants
    num.of.discarded.variants <-
      stats::setNames(rep(0, length(vcf.names)), vcf.names)
    for(name in names(discarded.variants)) {
      num.of.discarded.variants[name] <- nrow(discarded.variants[[name]])
    num.of.total.variants <-
      num.of.SBS + num.of.DBS + num.of.ID + num.of.discarded.variants
  return(list(total.variants = num.of.total.variants,
              SBS = num.of.SBS, DBS = num.of.DBS, ID = num.of.ID,
              discarded.variants = num.of.discarded.variants))

#' Get mutation loads information from Strelka SBS VCF files.
#' @param split.vcfs A list generated by calling function
#'   \code{\link{StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog}} to Strelka SBS VCF files.
#' @return A list containing mutation loads information from Strelka SBS VCF
#'   files:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item \code{total.variants} Total number of mutations.
#'  \item \code{SBS} Number of single base substitutions.
#'  \item \code{DBS} Number of double base substitutions.
#'  \item \code{ID} Number of small insertions and deletions.
#'  \item \code{discarded.variants} Number of other types of mutations which are
#'  excluded in the analysis in \code{\link{ICAMS}}.
#' }
#' @keywords internal
GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaSBSVCFs <- function(catalogs) {
  catSBS96 <- catalogs$catSBS96
  catDBS78 <- catalogs$catDBS78
  vcf.names <- colnames(catSBS96)
  num.of.SBS <- colSums(catSBS96)
  num.of.DBS <- colSums(catDBS78)
  num.of.ID <- stats::setNames(rep(0, length(vcf.names)), vcf.names)

  if (is.null(catalogs$discarded.variants)) {
    num.of.total.variants <- num.of.SBS + num.of.DBS + num.of.ID
    num.of.discarded.variants <-
      stats::setNames(rep(0, length(vcf.names)), vcf.names)
  } else {
    discarded.variants <- catalogs$discarded.variants
    num.of.discarded.variants <-
      stats::setNames(rep(0, length(vcf.names)), vcf.names)
    for(name in names(discarded.variants)) {
      num.of.discarded.variants[name] <- nrow(discarded.variants[[name]])
    num.of.total.variants <-
      num.of.SBS + num.of.DBS + num.of.ID + num.of.discarded.variants
  return(list(total.variants = num.of.total.variants,
              SBS = num.of.SBS, DBS = num.of.DBS, ID = num.of.ID,
              discarded.variants = num.of.discarded.variants))

#' Get mutation loads information from Strelka ID VCF files.
#' @param list.of.vcfs A list generated by calling function
#'   \code{\link{ReadStrelkaIDVCFs}} to Strelka ID VCF files.
#' @return A list containing mutation loads information from Strelka ID VCF
#'   files:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item \code{total.variants} Total number of mutations.
#'  \item \code{SBS} Number of single base substitutions.
#'  \item \code{DBS} Number of double base substitutions.
#'  \item \code{ID} Number of small insertions and deletions.
#'  \item \code{excluded.variants} Number of other types of mutations which are
#'  excluded in the analysis in \code{\link{ICAMS}}.
#' }
#' @keywords internal
GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaIDVCFs <- function(catalogs) {
  catID <- catalogs$catalog
  vcf.names <- colnames(catID)
  num.of.ID <- colSums(catID)
  num.of.SBS <- stats::setNames(rep(0, length(vcf.names)), vcf.names)
  num.of.DBS <- stats::setNames(rep(0, length(vcf.names)), vcf.names)

  if (is.null(catalogs$discarded.variants)) {
    num.of.total.variants <- num.of.SBS + num.of.DBS + num.of.ID
    num.of.discarded.variants <-
      stats::setNames(rep(0, length(vcf.names)), vcf.names)
  } else {
    discarded.variants <- catalogs$discarded.variants
    num.of.discarded.variants <-
      stats::setNames(rep(0, length(vcf.names)), vcf.names)
    for(name in names(discarded.variants)) {
      num.of.discarded.variants[name] <- nrow(discarded.variants[[name]])
    num.of.total.variants <-
      num.of.SBS + num.of.DBS + num.of.ID + num.of.discarded.variants
  return(list(total.variants = num.of.total.variants,
              SBS = num.of.SBS, DBS = num.of.DBS, ID = num.of.ID,
              discarded.variants = num.of.discarded.variants))

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ICAMS documentation built on April 3, 2021, 5:07 p.m.