
Defines functions forest.meta

Documented in forest.meta

#' Forest plot to display the result of a meta-analysis
#' @description
#' Draws a forest plot in the active graphics window (using grid
#' graphics system).
#' @aliases forest forest.meta
#' @param x An object of class \code{meta}.
#' @param sortvar An optional vector used to sort the individual
#'   studies (must be of same length as \code{x$TE}).
#' @param studlab A logical indicating whether study labels should be
#'   printed in the graph. A vector with study labels can also be
#'   provided (must be of same length as \code{x$TE} then).
#' @param layout A character string specifying the layout of the
#'   forest plot (see Details).
#' @param common A logical indicating whether common effect estimate
#'   should be plotted.
#' @param random A logical indicating whether random effects estimate
#'   should be plotted.
#' @param overall A logical indicating whether overall summaries
#'   should be plotted. This argument is useful in a meta-analysis
#'   with subgroups if summaries should only be plotted on group
#'   level.
#' @param text.common A character string used in the plot to label the
#'   pooled common effect estimate.
#' @param text.random A character string used in the plot to label the
#'   pooled random effects estimate.
#' @param lty.common Line type (pooled common effect estimate).
#' @param lty.random Line type (pooled random effects estimate).
#' @param col.common Line colour (pooled common effect estimate).
#' @param col.random Line colour (pooled random effects estimate).
#' @param text.w.common A character string used to label weights of
#'   common effect model.
#' @param text.w.random A character string used to label weights of
#'   random effects model.
#' @param prediction A logical indicating whether a prediction
#'   interval should be printed.
#' @param text.predict A character string used in the plot to label
#'   the prediction interval.
#' @param subgroup A single logical or logical vector indicating
#'   whether / which subgroup results should be shown in forest
#'   plot. This argument is useful in a meta-analysis with subgroups
#'   if summaries should not be plotted for (some) subgroups.
#' @param subgroup.hetstat A single logical or logical vector
#'   indicating whether / which information on heterogeneity in
#'   subgroups should be shown in forest plot. This argument is useful
#'   in a meta-analysis with subgroups if heterogeneity statistics
#'   should not be printed for (some) subgroups.
#' @param print.subgroup.labels A logical indicating whether subgroup
#'   label should be printed.
#' @param subgroup.name A character string with a label for the
#'   grouping variable.
#' @param print.subgroup.name A logical indicating whether the name of
#'   the grouping variable should be printed in front of the group
#'   labels.
#' @param sep.subgroup A character string defining the separator
#'   between label and levels of grouping variable.
#' @param text.common.w A character string to label the pooled common
#'   effect estimate within subgroups, or a character vector of same
#'   length as number of subgroups with corresponging labels.
#' @param text.random.w A character string to label the pooled random
#'   effect estimate within subgroups, or a character vector of same
#'   length as number of subgroups with corresponging labels.
#' @param text.predict.w A character string to label the prediction
#'   interval within subgroups, or a character vector of same length
#'   as number of subgroups with corresponging labels.
#' @param sort.subgroup A logical indicating whether groups should be
#'   ordered alphabetically.
#' @param pooled.totals A logical indicating whether total number of
#'   observations should be given in the figure.
#' @param pooled.events A logical indicating whether total number of
#'   events should be given in the figure.
#' @param pooled.times A logical indicating whether total person time
#'   at risk should be given in the figure.
#' @param study.results A logical indicating whether results for
#'   individual studies should be shown in the figure (useful to only
#'   plot subgroup results).
#' @param xlab A label for the x-axis.
#' @param xlab.pos A numeric specifying the center of the label on the
#'   x-axis.
#' @param smlab A label for the summary measure (printed at top of
#'   figure).
#' @param smlab.pos A numeric specifying the center of the label for
#'   the summary measure.
#' @param xlim The x limits (min,max) of the plot, or the character
#'   string "symmetric" to produce symmetric forest plots.
#' @param allstudies A logical indicating whether studies with
#'   inestimable treatment effects should be included in the forest
#'   plot.
#' @param weight.study A character string indicating weighting used to
#'   determine size of squares or diamonds (argument
#'   \code{type.study}) to plot individual study results. One of
#'   missing, \code{"same"}, \code{"common"}, or \code{"random"}, can
#'   be abbreviated. Plot symbols have the same size for all studies
#'   or represent study weights from common effect or random effects
#'   model.
#' @param pscale A numeric giving scaling factor for printing of
#'   single event probabilities or risk differences, i.e. if argument
#'   \code{sm} is equal to \code{"PLOGIT"}, \code{"PLN"},
#'   \code{"PRAW"}, \code{"PAS"}, \code{"PFT"}, or \code{"RD"}.
#' @param irscale A numeric defining a scaling factor for printing of
#'   single incidence rates or incidence rate differences, i.e. if
#'   argument \code{sm} is equal to \code{"IR"}, \code{"IRLN"},
#'   \code{"IRS"}, \code{"IRFT"}, or \code{"IRD"}.
#' @param irunit A character specifying the time unit used to
#'   calculate rates, e.g., person-years.
#' @param ref A numerical giving the reference value to be plotted as
#'   a line in the forest plot. No reference line is plotted if
#'   argument \code{ref} is equal to \code{NA}.
#' @param lower.equi A numerical giving the lower limit of equivalence
#'   to be plotted as a line in the forest plot. Or a vector to
#'   provide several limits, e.g., for large, moderate and small
#'   effects. No line is plotted if argument \code{lower.equi} is
#'   equal to \code{NA}.
#' @param upper.equi A numerical giving the upper limit of equivalence
#'   to be plotted as a line in the forest plot. Or a vector to
#'   provide several limits, e.g., for small, moderate and large
#'   effects. No line is plotted if argument \code{upper.equi} is
#'   equal to \code{NA}.
#' @param lty.equi Line type (limits of equivalence).
#' @param col.equi Line colour (limits of equivalence).
#' @param fill.equi Colour(s) for area between limits of equivalence
#'   or more general limits.
#' @param fill.lower.equi Colour of area between lower limit(s) and
#'   reference value. Can be equal to the number of lower limits or
#'   the number of limits plus 1 (in this case the the region between
#'   minimum and smallest limit is also filled).
#' @param fill.upper.equi Colour of area between reference value and
#'   upper limit(s). Can be equal to the number of upper limits or the
#'   number of limits plus 1 (in this case the region between largest
#'   limit and maximum is also filled).
#' @param leftcols A character vector specifying (additional) columns
#'   to be printed on the left side of the forest plot or a logical
#'   value (see Details).
#' @param rightcols A character vector specifying (additional) columns
#'   to be printed on the right side of the forest plot or a logical
#'   value (see Details).
#' @param leftlabs A character vector specifying labels for
#'   (additional) columns on left side of the forest plot (see
#'   Details).
#' @param rightlabs A character vector specifying labels for
#'   (additional) columns on right side of the forest plot (see
#'   Details).
#' @param label.e Label to be used for experimental group in table
#'   heading.
#' @param label.c Label to be used for control group in table heading.
#' @param label.e.attach A character specifying the column name where
#'   label \code{label.e} should be attached to in table heading.
#' @param label.c.attach A character specifying the column name where
#'   label \code{label.c} should be attached to in table heading.
#' @param label.left Graph label on left side of forest plot.
#' @param label.right Graph label on right side of forest plot.
#' @param bottom.lr A logical indicating whether labels on right and
#'   left side should be printed at bottom or top of forest plot.
#' @param lab.NA A character string to label missing values.
#' @param lab.NA.effect A character string to label missing values in
#'   individual treatment estimates and confidence intervals.
#' @param lab.NA.weight A character string to label missing weights.
#' @param lwd The line width, see \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param at The points at which tick-marks are to be drawn, see
#'   \code{grid.xaxis}.
#' @param label A logical value indicating whether to draw the labels
#'   on the tick marks, or an expression or character vector which
#'   specify the labels to use. See \code{\link{grid.xaxis}}.
#' @param type.study A character string or vector specifying how to
#'   plot treatment effects and confidence intervals for individual
#'   studies (see Details).
#' @param type.common A character string specifying how to plot
#'   treatment effect and confidence interval for common effect
#'   meta-analysis (see Details).
#' @param type.random A character string specifying how to plot
#'   treatment effect and confidence interval for random effects
#'   meta-analysis (see Details).
#' @param type.subgroup A character string specifying how to plot
#'   treatment effect and confidence interval for subgroup results
#'   (see Details).
#' @param type.subgroup.common A character string specifying how to
#'   plot treatment effect and confidence interval for subgroup
#'   results (common effect model).
#' @param type.subgroup.random A character string specifying how to
#'   plot treatment effect and confidence interval for subgroup
#'   results (random effects model).
#' @param col.study The colour for individual study results and
#'   confidence limits.
#' @param col.inside The colour for individual study results and
#'   confidence limits if confidence limits are completely within
#'   squares.
#' @param col.inside.common The colour for result of common effect
#'   meta-analysis if confidence limit lies completely within square.
#' @param col.inside.random The colour for result of random effects
#'   meta-analysis if confidence limit lies completely within square.
#' @param col.square The colour for squares reflecting study's weight
#'   in the meta-analysis.
#' @param col.square.lines The colour for the outer lines of squares
#'   reflecting study's weight in the meta-analysis.
#' @param col.diamond The colour of diamonds representing the results
#'   for common effect and random effects models.
#' @param col.diamond.common The colour of diamonds for common effect
#'   estimates.
#' @param col.diamond.random The colour of diamonds for random effects
#'   estimates.
#' @param col.diamond.lines The colour of the outer lines of diamonds
#'   representing the results for common effect and random effects
#'   models.
#' @param col.diamond.lines.common The colour of the outer lines of
#'   diamond for common effect estimate.
#' @param col.diamond.lines.random The colour of the outer lines of
#'   diamond for random effects estimate.
#' @param col.predict Background colour of prediction interval.
#' @param col.predict.lines Colour of outer lines of prediction
#'   interval.
#' @param col.subgroup The colour to print information on subgroups.
#' @param col.label.right The colour for label on right side of null
#'   effect.
#' @param col.label.left The colour for label on left side of null
#'   effect.
#' @param hetstat Either a logical value indicating whether to print
#'   results for heterogeneity measures at all or a character string
#'   (see Details).
#' @param overall.hetstat A logical value indicating whether to print
#'   heterogeneity measures for overall treatment comparisons. This
#'   argument is useful in a meta-analysis with subgroups if
#'   heterogeneity statistics should only be printed on subgroup
#'   level.
#' @param hetlab Label printed in front of results for heterogeneity
#'   measures.
#' @param resid.hetstat A logical value indicating whether to print
#'   measures of residual heterogeneity in a meta-analysis with
#'   subgroups.
#' @param resid.hetlab Label printed in front of results for residual
#'   heterogeneity measures.
#' @param print.I2 A logical value indicating whether to print the
#'   value of the I-squared statistic.
#' @param print.I2.ci A logical value indicating whether to print the
#'   confidence interval of the I-squared statistic.
#' @param print.tau2 A logical value indicating whether to print the
#'   value of the between-study variance \eqn{\tau^2}.
#' @param print.tau2.ci A logical value indicating whether to print
#'   the confidence interval of \eqn{\tau^2}.
#' @param print.tau A logical value indicating whether to print
#'   \eqn{\tau}, the square root of the between-study variance
#'   \eqn{\tau^2}.
#' @param print.tau.ci A logical value indicating whether to print the
#'   confidence interval of \eqn{\tau}.
#' @param print.Q A logical value indicating whether to print the
#'   value of the heterogeneity statistic Q.
#' @param print.pval.Q A logical value indicating whether to print the
#'   p-value of the heterogeneity statistic Q.
#' @param print.Rb A logical value indicating whether to print the
#'   value of the I-squared statistic.
#' @param print.Rb.ci A logical value indicating whether to print the
#'   confidence interval of the I-squared statistic.
#' @param text.subgroup.nohet A logical value or character string
#'   which is printed to indicate subgroups with less than two studies
#'   contributing to meta-analysis (and thus without
#'   heterogeneity). If FALSE, heterogeneity statistics are printed
#'   (with NAs).
#' @param LRT A logical value indicating whether to report
#'   Likelihood-Ratio or Wald-type test of heterogeneity for
#'   generalized linear mixed models.
#' @param test.overall A logical value indicating whether to print
#'   results of test for overall effect.
#' @param test.overall.common A logical value indicating whether to
#'   print results of test for overall effect (common effect model).
#' @param test.overall.random A logical value indicating whether to
#'   print results of test for overall effect (random effects model).
#' @param label.test.overall.common Label printed in front of results
#'   of test for overall effect (common effect model).
#' @param label.test.overall.random Label printed in front of results
#'   of test for overall effect (random effects model).
#' @param print.stat A logical value indicating whether z- or t-value
#'   for test of treatment effect should be printed.
#' @param test.subgroup A logical value indicating whether to print
#'   results of test for subgroup differences.
#' @param test.subgroup.common A logical value indicating whether to
#'   print results of test for subgroup differences (common effect
#'   model).
#' @param test.subgroup.random A logical value indicating whether to
#'   print results of test for subgroup differences (random effects
#'   model).
#' @param prediction.subgroup A single logical or logical vector
#'   indicating whether / which prediction intervals should be printed
#'   for subgroups.
#' @param print.Q.subgroup A logical value indicating whether to print
#'   the value of the heterogeneity statistic Q (test for subgroup
#'   differences).
#' @param label.test.subgroup.common Label printed in front of results
#'   of test for subgroup differences (common effect model).
#' @param label.test.subgroup.random Label printed in front of results
#'   of test for subgroup differences (random effects model).
#' @param test.effect.subgroup A single logical or logical vector
#'   indicating whether / which tests for effect in subgroups should
#'   be printed.
#' @param test.effect.subgroup.common A single logical or logical
#'   vector indicating whether / which tests for effect in subgroups
#'   should be printed (common effect model).
#' @param test.effect.subgroup.random A single logical or logical
#'   vector indicating whether / which tests for effect in subgroups
#'   should be printed (random effects model).
#' @param label.test.effect.subgroup.common Label printed in front of
#'   results of test for effect in subgroups (common effect model).
#' @param label.test.effect.subgroup.random Label printed in front of
#'   results of test for effect in subgroups (random effects model).
#' @param text.addline1 Text for first additional line (below
#'   meta-analysis results).
#' @param text.addline2 Text for second additional line (below
#'   meta-analysis results).
#' @param header.line A logical value indicating whether to print a
#'   header line or a character string ("both", "below", "").
#' @param fontsize The size of text (in points), see
#'   \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fontfamily The font family, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.heading The size of text for column headings, see
#'   \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.common The size of text for results of common effect
#'   model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.random The size of text for results of random effects
#'   model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.predict The size of text for results of prediction
#'   interval, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.common.labels The size of text for label of common effect
#'   model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.random.labels The size of text for label of random
#'   effects model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.predict.labels The size of text for label of prediction
#'   interval, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.study The size of text for results of individual studies,
#'   see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.study.labels The size of text for labels of individual
#'   studies, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.hetstat The size of text for heterogeneity measures, see
#'   \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.test.overall The size of text of test for overall effect,
#'   see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.test.subgroup The size of text of test of subgroup
#'   differences, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.test.effect.subgroup The size of text of test of effect
#'   in subgroups, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.addline The size of text for additional lines, see
#'   \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.axis The size of text on x-axis, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.smlab The size of text of label for summary measure, see
#'   \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.xlab The size of text of label on x-axis, see
#'   \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param fs.lr The size of text of label on left and right side of
#'   forest plot, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.heading The fontface for column headings, see
#'   \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.common The fontface of text for results of common effect
#'   model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.random The fontface of text for results of random effects
#'   model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.predict The fontface of text for results of prediction
#'   interval, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.common.labels The fontface of text for label of common
#'   effect model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.random.labels The fontface of text for label of random
#'   effects model, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.predict.labels The fontface of text for label of
#'   prediction interval, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.study The fontface of text for results of individual
#'   studies, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.study.labels The fontface of text for labels of
#'   individual studies, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.hetstat The fontface of text for heterogeneity measures,
#'   see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.test.overall The fontface of text of test for overall
#'   effect, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.test.subgroup The fontface of text for test of subgroup
#'   differences, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.test.effect.subgroup The fontface of text for test of
#'   effect in subgroups, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.addline The fontface of text for additional lines, see
#'   \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.axis The fontface of text on x-axis, see
#'   \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.smlab The fontface of text of label for summary measure,
#'   see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.xlab The fontface of text of label on x-axis, see
#'   \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param ff.lr The fontface of text of label on left and right side
#'   of forest plot, see \code{\link{gpar}}.
#' @param squaresize A numeric used to increase or decrease the size
#'   of squares in the forest plot.
#' @param plotwidth Either a character string, e.g., "8cm", "60mm", or
#'   "3inch", or a \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying width of
#'   the forest plot.
#' @param colgap Either a character string or a
#'   \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between columns
#'   printed on left and right side of forest plot.
#' @param colgap.left Either a character string or a
#'   \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between columns
#'   printed on left side of forest plot.
#' @param colgap.right Either a character string or a
#'   \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between columns
#'   printed on right side of forest plot.
#' @param colgap.studlab Either a character string or a
#'   \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between column
#'   with study labels and subsequent column.
#' @param colgap.forest Either a character string or a
#'   \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between column
#'   adjacent to forest plot and the forest plot.
#' @param colgap.forest.left Either a character string or a
#'   \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between column on
#'   the left side of forest plot and the forest plot.
#' @param colgap.forest.right Either a character string or a
#'   \code{\link[grid]{unit}} object specifying gap between column on
#'   the right side of forest plot and the forest plot.
#' @param calcwidth.pooled A logical indicating whether text for
#'   common effect and random effects model should be considered to
#'   calculate width of the column with study labels.
#' @param calcwidth.common A logical indicating whether text given in
#'   arguments \code{text.common} and \code{text.common.w} should be
#'   considered to calculate width of the column with study labels.
#' @param calcwidth.random A logical indicating whether text given in
#'   arguments \code{text.random} and \code{text.random.w} should be
#'   considered to calculate width of the column with study labels.
#' @param calcwidth.predict A logical indicating whether text given in
#'   argument \code{text.predict} and \code{text.predict.w} should be
#'   considered to calculate width of the column with study labels.
#' @param calcwidth.hetstat A logical indicating whether text for
#'   heterogeneity statistics should be considered to calculate width
#'   of the column with study labels.
#' @param calcwidth.tests A logical indicating whether text for tests
#'   of overall effect or subgroup differences should be considered to
#'   calculate width of the column with study labels.
#' @param calcwidth.subgroup A logical indicating whether text with
#'   subgroup labels should be considered to calculate width of the
#'   column with study labels.
#' @param calcwidth.addline A logical indicating whether text for
#'   additional lines should be considered to calculate width of the
#'   column with study labels.
#' @param just Justification of text in all columns but columns with
#'   study labels and additional variables (possible values: "left",
#'   "right", "center").
#' @param just.studlab Justification of text for study labels
#'   (possible values: "left", "right", "center").
#' @param just.addcols Justification of text for additional columns
#'   (possible values: "left", "right", "center").
#' @param just.addcols.left Justification of text for additional
#'   columns on left side of forest plot (possible values: "left",
#'   "right", "center"). Can be of same length as number of additional
#'   columns on left side of forest plot.
#' @param just.addcols.right Justification of text for additional
#'   columns on right side of forest plot (possible values: "left",
#'   "right", "center"). Can be of same length as number of additional
#'   columns on right side of forest plot.
#' @param spacing A numeric determining line spacing in a forest plot.
#' @param addrow A logical value indicating whether an empty row is
#'   printed above study results.
#' @param addrow.overall A logical value indicating whether an empty
#'   row is printed above overall meta-analysis results.
#' @param addrow.subgroups A logical value indicating whether an empty
#'   row is printed between results for subgroups.
#' @param addrows.below.overall A numeric value indicating how many
#'   empty rows are printed between meta-analysis results and
#'   heterogeneity statistics and test results.
#' @param new A logical value indicating whether a new figure should
#'   be printed in an existing graphics window.
#' @param backtransf A logical indicating whether results should be
#'   back transformed in forest plots. If \code{backtransf = TRUE},
#'   results for \code{sm = "OR"} are presented as odds ratios rather
#'   than log odds ratios and results for \code{sm = "ZCOR"} are
#'   presented as correlations rather than Fisher's z transformed
#'   correlations, for example.
#' @param digits Minimal number of significant digits for treatment
#'   effects, see \code{print.default}.
#' @param digits.se Minimal number of significant digits for standard
#'   errors, see \code{print.default}.
#' @param digits.stat Minimal number of significant digits for z- or
#'   t-statistic for test of overall effect, see \code{print.default}.
#' @param digits.tau2 Minimal number of significant digits for
#'   between-study variance, see \code{print.default}.
#' @param digits.tau Minimal number of significant digits for square
#'   root of between-study variance, see \code{print.default}.
#' @param digits.pval Minimal number of significant digits for p-value
#'   of overall treatment effect, see \code{print.default}.
#' @param digits.pval.Q Minimal number of significant digits for
#'   p-value of heterogeneity test, see \code{print.default}.
#' @param digits.Q Minimal number of significant digits for
#'   heterogeneity statistic Q, see \code{print.default}.
#' @param digits.I2 Minimal number of significant digits for I-squared
#'   statistic, see \code{print.default}.
#' @param digits.weight Minimal number of significant digits for
#'   weights, see \code{print.default}.
#' @param digits.mean Minimal number of significant digits for means;
#'   only applies to \code{\link{metacont}} objects.
#' @param digits.sd Minimal number of significant digits for standard
#'   deviations; only applies to \code{\link{metacont}} objects.
#' @param digits.cor Minimal number of significant digits for
#'   correlations; only applies to \code{\link{metacor}} objects.
#' @param digits.time Minimal number of significant digits for times;
#'   only applies to \code{\link{metainc}} and \code{\link{metarate}}
#'   objects.
#' @param digits.TE Minimal number of significant digits for list
#'   element 'TE'.
#' @param digits.addcols A vector or scalar with minimal number of
#'   significant digits for additional columns.
#' @param digits.addcols.left A vector or scalar with minimal number
#'   of significant digits for additional columns on left side of
#'   forest plot.
#' @param digits.addcols.right A vector or scalar with minimal number
#'   of significant digits for additional columns on right side of
#'   forest plot.
#' @param scientific.pval A logical specifying whether p-values should
#'   be printed in scientific notation, e.g., 1.2345e-01 instead of
#'   0.12345.
#' @param big.mark A character used as thousands separator.
#' @param zero.pval A logical specifying whether p-values should be
#'   printed with a leading zero.
#' @param JAMA.pval A logical specifying whether p-values for test of
#'   overall effect should be printed according to JAMA reporting
#'   standards.
#' @param warn.deprecated A logical indicating whether warnings should
#'   be printed if deprecated arguments are used.
#' @param \dots Additional graphical arguments.
#' @details
#' A forest plot, also called confidence interval plot, is drawn in
#' the active graphics window. The forest functions in R package
#' \bold{meta} are based on the grid graphics system. In order to
#' print the forest plot, resize the graphics window and either use
#' \code{\link{dev.copy2eps}} or \code{\link{dev.copy2pdf}}. Another
#' possibility is to create a file using \code{\link{pdf}},
#' \code{\link{png}}, or \code{\link{svg}} and to specify the width and
#' height of the graphic (see Examples).
#' \subsection{Default layout for studies and pooled effects}{
#' By default, treatment estimates and confidence intervals are
#' plotted in the following way:
#' \itemize{
#' \item For an individual study, a square with treatment estimate in
#'   the center and confidence interval as line extending either side
#'   of the square (\code{type.study = "square"})
#' \item For meta-analysis results, a diamond with treatment estimate
#'   in the center and right and left side corresponding to lower and
#'   upper confidence limits (\code{type.common = "diamond"},
#'   \code{type.random = "diamond"}, and \code{type.subgroup = "diamond"})
#' }
#' In a forest plot, size of the squares typically reflects the precision of
#' individual treatment estimates based either on the common effect
#' (\code{weight.study = "common"}) or random effects meta-analysis
#' (\code{weight.study = "random"}). Information from meta-analysis object
#' \code{x} is utilised if argument \code{weight.study} is missing. Weights
#' from the common effect model are used if argument \code{x$common} is
#' \code{TRUE}; weights from the random effects model are used if argument
#' \code{x$random} is \code{TRUE} and \code{x$common} is \code{FALSE}.
#' The same square sizes are used if \code{weight.study = "same"}.
#' A prediction interval for treatment effect of a new study (Higgins
#' et al., 2009) is given in the forest plot if arguments
#' \code{prediction} and \code{random} are \code{TRUE}. For
#' graphical presentation of prediction intervals the approach by
#' Guddat et al. (2012) is used.
#' }
#' \subsection{Columns printed on left side of forest plot}{
#' Argument \code{leftcols} can be used to specify columns which are
#' printed on the left side of the forest plot. By default, i.e. if
#' argument \code{leftcols} is \code{NULL} and \code{layout = "meta"},
#' and depending on the class of the meta-analysis object (which is
#' defined by the R function used to generate the object) a different
#' set of \emph{\bold{columns}} is printed \emph{\bold{on the left
#' side of the forest plot}}:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \bold{Function} \tab \bold{Value of argument leftcols} \cr
#' \code{\link{metabin}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "event.e", "n.e",
#'   "event.c", "n.c")} \cr
#' \code{\link{metacont}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "n.e", "mean.e",
#'   "sd.e", "n.c", "mean.c", "sd.c")} \cr
#' \code{\link{metacor}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "n")} \cr
#' \code{\link{metagen}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "TE", "seTE")} \cr
#' \code{\link{metainc}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "event.e", "time.e",
#'   "event.c", "time.c")} \cr
#' \code{\link{metamean}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "n", "mean", "sd")}
#'   \cr
#' \code{\link{metaprop}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "event", "n")} \cr
#' \code{\link{metarate}} \tab \code{c("studlab", "event", "time", "n")}
#'   \cr
#' \code{\link{metacum}} \tab \code{"studlab"} \cr
#' \code{\link{metainf}} \tab \code{"studlab"}
#' }
#' For three-level models, the cluster variable is printed next to the
#' study labels (value \code{"cluster"} in argument \code{leftcols}).
#' By default, study labels and labels for pooled estimates and
#' heterogeneity statistics will be printed in the first column on the
#' left side of the forest plot. The character string \code{"studlab"}
#' is used to identify study labels as this is the name of the list
#' element of a meta-analysis object.
#' If the character string \code{"studlab"} is not provided in
#' \code{leftcols} and \code{rightcols}, the first \emph{additional}
#' variable specified by the user is used as study labels (and labels
#' for pooled estimates are printed in this column). Additional
#' variables are any variables not mentioned in the section on
#' predefined column names below. For example, \code{leftcols =
#' "studlab"} and \code{leftcols = "study"} would result in the same
#' forest plot if the variable \code{"study"} was used in the command
#' to conduct the meta-analysis. If no additional variable is provided
#' by the user, no study labels will be printed.
#' }
#' \subsection{Overlapping information on left side of forest plot}{
#' Depending on the number of columns printed on the left side of the
#' forest plot, information on heterogeneity measures or statistical
#' tests (see below) can be overlapping with the x-axis. Argument
#' \code{addrows.below.overall} can be used to specify the number of
#' empty rows that are printed between meta-analysis results and
#' information on heterogeneity measures and statistical tests. By
#' default, no additional rows are added to the forest plot. If
#' \code{addrows.below.overall = NULL}, the function tries to add a
#' sufficient number of empty rows to prevent overlapping
#' text. Another possibility is to manually increase the space between
#' the columns on the left side (argument \code{colgap.left}) or
#' between the columns on the left side and the forest plot (argument
#' \code{colgap.forest.left}).
#' }
#' \subsection{Columns printed on right side of forest plot}{
#' Argument \code{rightcols} can be used to
#' specify columns which are printed on the right side of the
#' forest plot. If argument \code{rightcols} is
#' \code{FALSE}, no columns will be printed on the right side. By
#' default, i.e. if argument \code{rightcols} is
#' \code{NULL} and \code{layout = "meta"}, the following
#' \emph{\bold{columns}} will be printed \emph{\bold{on the right side
#' of the forest plot}}:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \bold{Meta-analysis results} \tab \bold{Value of argument
#'   rightcols} \cr
#' No summary \tab \code{c("effect", "ci")} \cr
#' Only common effect model \tab \code{c("effect", "ci", "w.common")}
#'   \cr
#' Only random effects model \tab \code{c("effect", "ci", "w.random")}
#'   \cr
#' Both models \tab \code{c("effect", "ci", "w.common", "w.random")}
#' }
#' By default, estimated treatment effect and corresponding confidence
#' interval will be printed. Depending on arguments \code{common} and
#' \code{random}, weights of the common effect and/or random effects
#' model will be given too.
#' For an object of class \code{\link{metacum}} or
#' \code{\link{metainf}} the following columns will be printed:
#' \code{c("effect", "ci", "pval", "tau2", "tau", "I2")}. This
#' information corresponds to the printout with
#' \code{\link{print.meta}}.
#' }
#' \subsection{Predefined column names}{
#' The arguments \code{leftlabs} and \code{rightlabs} can be used to
#' specify column headings which are printed on left or right side of
#' the forest plot. For certain columns predefined labels exist which
#' are used by default, i.e., if arguments \code{leftlabs} and
#' \code{rightlabs} are \code{NULL}:
#' \tabular{rcccccc}{
#' Column: \tab \code{studlab} \tab \code{TE} \tab \code{seTE} \tab
#'   \code{cluster} \tab \code{n.e} \tab \code{n.c} \cr 
#' Label: \tab "Study" \tab "TE" \tab "seTE" \tab "Cluster" \tab
#'   "Total" \tab "Total" \cr
#' \cr
#' Column: \tab \code{n} \tab \code{event.e} \tab \code{event.c} \tab
#'   \code{event} \tab \code{mean.e} \tab \code{mean.c} \cr
#' Label: \tab "Total" \tab "Events" \tab "Events" \tab "Events" \tab
#'   "Mean" \tab "Mean" \cr
#' \cr
#' Column: \tab \code{sd.e} \tab \code{sd.c} \tab \code{time.e}
#'   \tab \code{time.c} \tab \code{effect} \tab \cr
#' Label: \tab "SD" \tab "SD" \tab "Time" \tab "Time" \tab
#'   \code{x$sm} \tab \cr
#' \cr
#' Column: \tab \code{ci} \tab \code{effect.ci} \tab
#'   \code{w.common} \tab \code{w.random} \tab \tab \cr
#' Label: \tab \code{x$level}"\%-CI" \tab \emph{effect+ci} \tab
#'   "W(common)" \tab "W(random)" \tab \tab
#' }
#' For other columns, the column name will be used as a label if no
#' column label is defined. It is possible to only provide labels for
#' new columns (see Examples). Otherwise the length of \code{leftlabs}
#' and \code{rightlabs} must be the same as the number of printed
#' columns. The value \code{NA} can be used to specify columns which
#' should use default labels (see Examples).
#' In pairwise meta-analysis comparing two groups (i.e.,
#' \code{\link{metabin}}, \code{\link{metacont}},
#' \code{\link{metainc}}, and \code{\link{metagen}} depending on the
#' outcome), arguments \code{label.e} and \code{label.c} are used to
#' label columns belonging to the two treatment groups. By default,
#' labels defined in the meta-analysis object are used. The columns
#' where treatment labels are attached can be changed using arguments
#' \code{label.e.attach} and \code{label.c.attach}.
#' }
#' \subsection{Information on heterogeneity and statistical tests}{
#' Argument \code{hetstat} can be a character string to specify where
#' to print heterogeneity information:
#' \itemize{
#' \item row with results for common effect model (\code{hetstat =
#' "common"}),
#' \item row with results for random effects model (\code{hetstat =
#' "random"}).
#' }
#' Otherwise, information on heterogeneity measures is printed below
#' the meta-analysis results if argument \code{overall.hetstat = TRUE}
#' (default). The heterogeneity measures to print can be specified
#' (see list of arguments following \code{overall.hetstat}).
#' In addition, the following arguments can be used to print results
#' for various statistical tests:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \bold{Argument} \tab \bold{Statistical test} \cr
#' \code{test.overall.common} \tab Test for overall effect (common
#'   effect model) \cr
#' \code{test.overall.random} \tab Test for overall effect (random
#'   effects model) \cr
#' \code{test.effect.subgroup.common} \tab Test for effect in subgroup
#'   (CE model) \cr
#' \code{test.effect.subgroup.random} \tab Test for effect in subgroup
#'   (RE model) \cr
#' \code{test.subgroup.common} \tab Test for subgroup differences (CE
#'   model) \cr
#' \code{test.subgroup.random} \tab Test for subgroup differences (RE
#'   model)
#' }
#' By default, these arguments are \code{FALSE} with exception of
#' tests for subgroup differences which are \code{TRUE}. R function
#' \code{\link{settings.meta}} can be used to change this default for
#' the entire R session. For example, use the following command to
#' always print results of tests for an overall effect:
#' \code{settings.meta(test.overall = TRUE)}.
#' }
#' \subsection{Flexible printing of subgroup results}{
#' Argument \code{subgroup} determines whether summary results are
#' printed for subgroups. A logical vector of length equal to the
#' number of subgroups can be provided to determine which subgroup
#' summaries are printed. By default, only subgroup results based on
#' at least two studies are printed which is identical to use argument
#' \code{subgroup = k.w > 1}. The order of the logical vector
#' corresponds to the order of subgroups in list element 'subgroup.levels' of a
#' meta-analysis object. Argument \code{subgroup = k.w >= 1} can be
#' used to show results for all subgroups (including those with a
#' single study).
#' The following arguments can be used in a similar way:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{subgroup.hetstat} (heterogeneity statistic in
#'   subgroups),
#' \item \code{prediction.subgroup} (prediction interval in
#'   subgroups),
#' \item \code{test.effect.subgroup} (test for effect in subgroups),
#' \item \code{test.effect.subgroup.common} (test for effect in
#'   subgroups, common effect model),
#' \item \code{test.effect.subgroup.random} (test for effect in
#'   subgroups, random effects model).
#' }
#' }
#' \subsection{Additional general settings}{
#' Arguments \code{text.common}, \code{text.random}, and
#' \code{text.predict} can be used to change the label to identify
#' overall results (common effect and random effects model as well as
#' prediction interval). By default the following text is printed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "Common effect model" (argument \code{text.common})
#' \item "Random effects model" (\code{text.random})
#' \item "Prediction interval" (\code{text.predict})
#' }
#' If confidence interval levels are different for individual studies,
#' meta-analysis, and prediction interval (arguments \code{level},
#' \code{level.ma}, \code{level.predict} in meta-analysis functions,
#' e.g., \code{\link{metabin}}), additional information is printed,
#' e.g., " (99\%-CI)" for a 99\% confidence interval in the
#' meta-analysis.
#' Argument \code{pscale} can be used to rescale single proportions or
#' risk differences, e.g., \code{pscale = 1000} means that proportions
#' are expressed as events per 1000 observations. This is useful in
#' situations with (very) low event probabilities.
#' Argument \code{irscale} can be used to rescale single rates or rate
#' differences, e.g., \code{irscale = 1000} means that rates are
#' expressed as events per 1000 time units, e.g., person-years. This is
#' useful in situations with (very) low rates. Argument \code{irunit}
#' can be used to specify the time unit used in individual studies
#' (default: "person-years"). This information is printed in summaries
#' and forest plots if argument \code{irscale} is not equal to 1.
#' }
#' \subsection{Forest plots in RevMan5 layout}{
#' If argument \code{layout = "RevMan5"} (and arguments \code{leftcols} and
#' \code{rightcols} are \code{NULL}), the layout for forest plots used for
#' Cochrane reviews (which are generated with Review Manager 5,
#' \url{https://training.cochrane.org/online-learning/core-software/revman})
#' is reproduced:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item All columns are printed on the left side of the forest plot
#'   (see arguments \code{leftcols} and \code{rightcols})
#' \item Tests for overall effect and subgroup differences are printed
#'   (\code{test.overall}, \code{test.effect.subgroup},
#'   \code{test.subgroup})
#' \item Diamonds representing meta-analysis results are printed in
#'   black (\code{diamond.common}, \code{diamond.random})
#' \item Colour of squares depends on the meta-analysis object
#'   (\code{col.square}, \code{col.square.lines})
#' \item Information on effect measure and meta-analysis method is
#'   printed above the forest plot (\code{smlab})
#' \item Label "Study or Subgroup" is printed for meta-analysis with
#'   subgroups (\code{leftlabs})
#' }
#' }
#' \subsection{Forest plots in JAMA layout}{
#' If argument \code{layout = "JAMA"} (and arguments \code{leftcols} and
#' \code{rightcols} are \code{NULL}), instructions for authors of the
#' \emph{Journal of the American Medical Association}, see
#' \url{https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/pages/instructions-for-authors/},
#' are taken into account:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Graph labels on right and left side are printed in bold font
#'   at top of forest plot (see arguments \code{bottom.lr} and
#'   \code{ff.lr})
#' \item Information on effect measure and level of confidence
#'   interval is printed at bottom of forest plot (\code{xlab})
#' \item Tests for overall effect are printed (\code{test.overall})
#' \item Diamonds representing meta-analysis results are printed in
#'   lightblue (\code{diamond.common}, \code{diamond.random})
#' \item Squares representing individual study results are printed in
#'   darkblue (\code{col.square}, \code{col.square.lines})
#' \item Between-study variance \eqn{\tau^2} is not printed
#' \item Empty rows are omitted (\code{addrow}, \code{addrow.overall},
#'   \code{addrow.subgroups})
#' \item Label "Source" is printed instead of "Study" (\code{leftlabs})
#' \item P-values are printed without leading zeros (\code{zero.pval})
#' \item P-values are rounded to three digits (for 0.001 < p \eqn{\le}
#'   0.01) or two digits (p > 0.01) (\code{JAMA.pval})
#' }
#' Study labels according to JAMA guidelines can be generated using
#' \code{\link{labels.meta}}.
#' }
#' \subsection{Forest plots showing results of subgroups}{
#' The following changes are conducted if argument
#' \code{layout = "subgroup"} (and arguments \code{leftcols} and
#' \code{rightcols} are \code{NULL}) and a subgroup analysis was
#' conducted:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Individual study results are omitted (see argument
#'   \code{study.results})
#' \item Total number of observations is not printed
#'   (\code{pooled.totals})
#' \item Label "Subgroup" is printed instead of "Study"
#'   (\code{leftlabs})
#' }
#' } 
#' @author Guido Schwarzer \email{guido.schwarzer@@uniklinik-freiburg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{metabin}}, \code{\link{metacont}},
#'   \code{\link{metagen}}, \code{\link{forest.metabind}},
#'   \code{\link{settings.meta}}, \code{\link{labels.meta}}
#' @references
#' Guddat C, Grouven U, Bender R, Skipka G (2012):
#' A note on the graphical presentation of prediction intervals in
#' random-effects meta-analyses.
#' \emph{Systematic Reviews},
#' \bold{1}, 34
#' Higgins JPT, Thompson SG, Spiegelhalter DJ (2009): 
#' A re-evaluation of random-effects meta-analysis.
#' \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A},
#' \bold{172}, 137-59
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' data(Olkin1995)
#' m1 <- metabin(ev.exp, n.exp, ev.cont, n.cont,
#'   data = Olkin1995, subset = c(41, 47, 51, 59),
#'   sm = "RR", method = "I",
#'   studlab = paste(author, year))
#' \dontrun{
#' # Do standard (symmetric) forest plot
#' #
#' forest(m1)
#' }
#' # Layout of forest plot similar to Review Manager 5
#' #
#' # Furthermore, add labels on both sides of forest plot and
#' # prediction interval
#' #
#' forest(m1, layout = "RevMan5", common = FALSE,
#'   label.right = "Favours control", col.label.right = "red",
#'   label.left = "Favours experimental", col.label.left = "green",
#'   prediction = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a PDF file forest-m1.pdf with the forest plot
#' #
#' pdf("forest-m1.pdf", width = 10, height = 3)
#' forest(m1)
#' dev.off()
#' # Define equivalence limits: 0.75 and 1 / 0.75
#' #
#' forest(m1, layout = "RevMan5", common = FALSE,
#'   lower.equi = 0.75, upper.equi = 1 / 0.75, fill.equi = "lightgray")
#' # Fill areas with beneficial and detrimental effects
#' #
#' forest(m1, layout = "RevMan5", common = FALSE,
#'   lower.equi = 0.75, upper.equi = 1 / 0.75,
#'   fill.lower.equi = c("green", "lightgray"),
#'   fill.upper.equi = c("lightgray", "red"))
#' # Define thresholds for small, moderate and large effects
#' # and use hcl.colors() to define colours to fill areas
#' #
#' thresholds <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
#' n.cols <- length(thresholds) + 1
#' forest(m1, layout = "RevMan5", common = FALSE,
#'   label.right = "Undesirable effect", 
#'   label.left = "Desirable effect", 
#'   lty.equi = 3, col.equi = "darkgray",
#'   lower.equi = thresholds, upper.equi = 1 / rev(thresholds),
#'   fill.lower.equi =
#'     hcl.colors(n.cols, palette = "Blues 2", alpha = 0.6),
#'   fill.upper.equi =
#'     hcl.colors(n.cols, palette = "Oranges", alpha = 0.6, rev = TRUE))
#' # Conduct subgroup meta-analysis
#' #
#' m2 <- update(m1,
#'   subgroup = ifelse(year < 1987, "Before 1987", "1987 and later"),
#'   print.subgroup.name = FALSE)
#' # Show summary results for subgroups with at least two studies
#' #
#' forest(m2, sortvar = -TE, random = FALSE)
#' # Show results for all subgroups
#' #
#' forest(m2, sortvar = -TE, random = FALSE, subgroup = k.w >= 1)
#' # Forest plot specifying argument xlim
#' #
#' forest(m1, xlim = c(0.01, 10))
#' # Print results of test for overall effect
#' #
#' forest(m1, test.overall.common = TRUE, test.overall.random = TRUE)
#' # Forest plot with 'classic' layout used in R package meta,
#' # version < 1.6-0
#' #
#' forest(m1, col.square = "black", hetstat = FALSE)
#' # Change set of columns printed on left side of forest plot
#' # (resulting in overlapping text)
#' #
#' forest(m1, random = FALSE, leftcols = "studlab")
#' # Use argument 'calcwidth.hetstat' to consider text for heterogeneity
#' # measures in width of column with study labels
#' #
#' forest(m1, random = FALSE, leftcols = "studlab",
#'   calcwidth.hetstat = TRUE)
#' # Use argument 'addrows.below.overall' to manually add two empty
#' # rows
#' #
#' forest(m1, random = FALSE, leftcols = "studlab", addrows = 2)
#' # Do not print columns on right side of forest plot
#' #
#' forest(m1, rightcols = FALSE)
#' # Change study label to "Author"
#' #
#' forest(m1, random = FALSE, leftlabs = c("Author", NA, NA, NA, NA))
#' # Just give effect estimate and 95% confidence interval on right
#' # side of forest plot (in one column)
#' #
#' forest(m1, rightcols = c("effect.ci"))
#' # Just give effect estimate and 95% confidence interval on right
#' # side of forest plot
#' #
#' forest(m1, rightcols = c("effect", "ci"))
#' # 1. Change order of columns on left side
#' # 2. Attach labels to columns 'event.e' and 'event.c' instead of
#' #    columns 'n.e' and 'n.c'
#' #
#' forest(m1,
#'   leftcols = c("studlab", "n.e", "event.e", "n.c", "event.c"),
#'   label.e.attach = "event.e", label.c.attach = "event.c")
#' # Specify column labels only for variables 'year' and 'author'
#' # (and define digits for additional variables)
#' #
#' forest(m1,
#'   leftcols = c("studlab", "event.e", "n.e", "event.c", "n.c", "author", "year"),
#'   leftlabs = c("Author", "Year of Publ"))
#' # Center text in all columns
#' #
#' forest(m1,
#'   leftcols = c("studlab", "event.e", "n.e", "event.c", "n.c",
#'                "author", "year"),
#'   leftlabs = c("Author", "Year of Publ"), hetstat = FALSE,
#'   just = "center", just.addcols = "center", just.studlab = "center")
#' # Same result
#' #
#' forest(m1,
#'   leftcols = c("studlab", "event.e", "n.e", "event.c", "n.c",
#'              "author", "year"),
#'   leftlabs = c("Author", "Year of Publ"), hetstat = FALSE,
#'   just = "c", just.addcols = "c", just.studlab = "c")
#' # Change some fontsizes and fontfaces
#' #
#' forest(m1,
#'   fs.study = 10, ff.study = "italic",
#'   fs.study.label = 11, ff.study.label = "bold",
#'   fs.axis = 5, ff.axis = "italic",
#'   ff.smlab = "bold.italic",
#'   ff.common = "plain", ff.hetstat = "plain")
#' # Change some colours
#' #
#' forest(m1,
#'   col.diamond = "green", col.diamond.lines = "red",
#'   col.study = c("green", "blue", "red", "orange"),
#'   col.square = "pink", col.square.lines = "black")
#' # Sort by weight in common effect model
#' #
#' forest(m1, sortvar = w.common, random = FALSE)
#' # Sort by decreasing weight in common effect model
#' #
#' forest(m1, sortvar = -w.common, random = FALSE)
#' # Sort by size of treatment effect
#' #
#' forest(m1, sortvar = TE, random = FALSE)
#' # Sort by size of treatment effect
#' #
#' forest(m1, sortvar = -TE, random = FALSE)
#' # Sort by decreasing year of publication
#' #
#' forest(m1, sortvar = -year, random = FALSE)
#' # Print results of test for subgroup differences (random effects
#' # model)
#' #
#' forest(m2, sortvar = -TE, common = FALSE)
#' # Print only subgroup results
#' #
#' forest(m2, layout = "subgroup")
#' # Print only subgroup results (and consider text for tests of
#' # subgroup differences in width of subgroup column)
#' #
#' forest(m2, layout = "subgroup", calcwidth.tests = TRUE)
#' # Print only subgroup results (and consider text for heterogeneity
#' # in width of subgroup column)
#' #
#' forest(m2, layout = "subgroup", calcwidth.hetstat = TRUE)
#' }
#' @method forest meta
#' @export
#' @export forest.meta

forest.meta <- function(x,
                        studlab = TRUE,
                        layout = gs("layout"),
                        common = x$common,
                        random = x$random,
                        overall = x$overall,
                        text.common = x$text.common,
                        text.random = x$text.random,
                        lty.common = gs("lty.common"),
                        lty.random = gs("lty.random"),
                        col.common = gs("col.common"),
                        col.random = gs("col.random"),
                        text.w.common = x$text.w.common,
                        text.w.random = x$text.w.random,
                        prediction = x$prediction,
                        text.predict = x$text.predict,
                        subgroup = TRUE,
                        subgroup.hetstat =
                          subgroup & (is.character(hetstat) || hetstat),
                        print.subgroup.labels = TRUE,
                        subgroup.name = x$subgroup.name,
                        print.subgroup.name = x$print.subgroup.name,
                        sep.subgroup = x$sep.subgroup,
                        text.common.w = text.common,
                        text.random.w = text.random,
                        text.predict.w = text.predict,
                        sort.subgroup = gs("sort.subgroup"),
                        pooled.totals = common | random,
                        pooled.events = gs("pooled.events"),
                        pooled.times = gs("pooled.times"),
                        study.results = gs("study.results"),
                        xlab = "", xlab.pos,
                        smlab = NULL, smlab.pos, xlim = "symmetric",
                        allstudies = TRUE,
                        weight.study = NULL,
                        pscale = x$pscale,
                        irscale = x$irscale, irunit = x$irunit,
                        lower.equi = gs("lower.equi"),
                        upper.equi = gs("upper.equi"),
                        lty.equi = gs("lty.equi"),
                        col.equi = gs("col.equi"),
                        fill.equi = gs("fill.equi"),
                        fill.lower.equi = fill.equi,
                        fill.upper.equi = rev(fill.equi),
                        leftcols = NULL, rightcols = NULL,
                        leftlabs = NULL, rightlabs = NULL,
                        label.e = x$label.e,
                        label.c = x$label.c,
                        label.e.attach = NULL,
                        label.c.attach = NULL,
                        label.right = x$label.right,
                        label.left = x$label.left,
                        bottom.lr = gs("bottom.lr"),
                        lab.NA = gs("lab.NA"),
                        lab.NA.effect = gs("lab.NA.effect"),
                        lab.NA.weight = gs("lab.NA.weight"),
                        lwd = gs("lwd"),
                        at = NULL,
                        label = TRUE,
                        type.study = gs("type.study"),
                        type.common = gs("type.common"),
                        type.random = type.common,
                        type.subgroup =
                          ifelse(study.results, "diamond", "square"),
                        type.subgroup.common = type.subgroup,
                        type.subgroup.random = type.subgroup,
                        col.study = gs("col.study"),
                        col.square = gs("col.square"),
                        col.square.lines = col.square,
                        col.inside = gs("col.inside"),
                        col.inside.common = col.inside,
                        col.inside.random = col.inside,
                        col.diamond = gs("col.diamond"),
                        col.diamond.common = col.diamond,
                        col.diamond.random = col.diamond,
                        col.diamond.lines = gs("col.diamond.lines"),
                        col.diamond.lines.common = col.diamond.lines,
                        col.diamond.lines.random = col.diamond.lines,
                        col.predict = gs("col.predict"),
                        col.predict.lines = gs("col.predict.lines"),
                        col.subgroup = gs("col.subgroup"),
                        col.label.right = gs("col.label.right"),
                        col.label.left = gs("col.label.left"),
                        hetstat = common | random | overall.hetstat,
                        overall.hetstat = x$overall.hetstat,
                        hetlab = gs("hetlab"),
                        resid.hetstat = gs("resid.hetstat"),
                        resid.hetlab = gs("resid.hetlab"),
                        print.I2 = gs("forest.I2"),
                        print.I2.ci = gs("forest.I2.ci"),
                        print.tau2 = gs("forest.tau2"),
                        print.tau2.ci = gs("forest.tau2.ci"),
                        print.tau = gs("forest.tau"),
                        print.tau.ci = gs("forest.tau.ci"),
                        print.Q = gs("forest.Q"),
                        print.pval.Q = gs("forest.pval.Q"),
                        print.Rb = gs("forest.Rb"),
                        print.Rb.ci = gs("forest.Rb.ci"),
                        text.subgroup.nohet = gs("text.subgroup.nohet"),
                        LRT = gs("LRT"),
                        test.overall = gs("test.overall"),
                        test.overall.common = common & overall & test.overall,
                        test.overall.random =
                          random & overall & test.overall,
                        print.stat = gs("forest.stat"),
                        test.subgroup = x$test.subgroup,
                        test.subgroup.common = test.subgroup & common,
                        test.subgroup.random = test.subgroup & random,
                        prediction.subgroup = x$prediction.subgroup,
                        print.Q.subgroup = gs("forest.Q.subgroup"),
                        test.effect.subgroup = gs("test.effect.subgroup"),
                        fontsize = gs("fontsize"),
                        fontfamily = gs("fontfamily"),
                        fs.heading = fontsize,
                        fs.common = gs("fs.common"),
                        fs.random = gs("fs.random"),
                        fs.predict = gs("fs.predict"),
                        fs.common.labels = gs("fs.common.labels"),
                        fs.random.labels = gs("fs.random.labels"),
                        fs.predict.labels = gs("fs.predict.labels"),
                        fs.study = fontsize,
                        fs.study.labels = fs.study,
                        fs.hetstat = gs("fs.hetstat"),
                        fs.test.overall = gs("fs.test.overall"),
                        fs.test.subgroup = gs("fs.test.subgroup"),
                        fs.test.effect.subgroup = gs("fs.test.effect.subgroup"),
                        fs.addline = gs("fs.addline"),
                        fs.axis = fontsize,
                        fs.smlab = fontsize,
                        fs.xlab = fontsize,
                        fs.lr = fontsize,
                        ff.heading = "bold",
                        ff.common = gs("ff.common"),
                        ff.random = gs("ff.random"),
                        ff.predict = gs("ff.predict"),
                        ff.common.labels = gs("ff.common.labels"),
                        ff.random.labels = gs("ff.random.labels"),
                        ff.predict.labels = gs("ff.predict.labels"),
                        ff.study = "plain",
                        ff.study.labels = ff.study,
                        ff.hetstat = gs("ff.hetstat"),
                        ff.test.overall = gs("ff.test.overall"),
                        ff.test.subgroup = gs("ff.test.subgroup"),
                        ff.test.effect.subgroup = gs("ff.test.effect.subgroup"),
                        ff.addline = gs("ff.addline"),
                        ff.axis = gs("ff.axis"),
                        ff.smlab = gs("ff.smlab"),
                        ff.xlab = gs("ff.xlab"),
                        ff.lr = gs("ff.lr"),
                        squaresize = 0.8 / spacing,
                        plotwidth = if (layout == "JAMA") "8cm" else "6cm",
                        colgap = gs("colgap"),
                        colgap.left = colgap,
                        colgap.right = colgap,
                        colgap.studlab = colgap.left,
                        colgap.forest = colgap,
                        colgap.forest.left = colgap.forest,
                        colgap.forest.right = colgap.forest,
                        calcwidth.pooled =
                          (common | random) &
                          (overall | !is.null(x$subgroup)),
                        calcwidth.common = calcwidth.pooled,
                        calcwidth.random = calcwidth.pooled,
                        calcwidth.predict = gs("calcwidth.predict"),
                        calcwidth.hetstat = gs("calcwidth.hetstat"),
                        calcwidth.tests  = gs("calcwidth.tests"),
                        calcwidth.subgroup = gs("calcwidth.subgroup"),
                        calcwidth.addline = gs("calcwidth.addline"),
                        just = if (layout == "JAMA") "left" else "right",
                        just.studlab = gs("just.studlab"),
                        just.addcols = gs("just.addcols"),
                        just.addcols.left = just.addcols,
                        just.addcols.right = just.addcols,
                        spacing = gs("spacing"),
                        addrow = gs("addrow"),
                        addrow.overall = gs("addrow.overall"),
                        addrow.subgroups = gs("addrow.subgroups"),
                        addrows.below.overall = gs("addrows.below.overall"),
                        new = TRUE,
                        backtransf = x$backtransf,
                        digits = gs("digits.forest"),
                        digits.se = gs("digits.se"),
                        digits.stat = gs("digits.stat"),
                        digits.pval = max(gs("digits.pval") - 2, 2),
                        digits.pval.Q = max(gs("digits.pval.Q") - 2, 2),
                        digits.Q = gs("digits.Q"),
                        digits.tau2 = gs("digits.tau2"),
                        digits.tau = gs("digits.tau"),
                        digits.I2 = max(gs("digits.I2") - 1, 0),
                        digits.weight = gs("digits.weight"),
                        digits.mean = digits,
                        digits.sd = digits.se,
                        digits.cor = digits,
                        digits.time = digits,
                        digits.TE = gs("digits.TE.forest"),
                        digits.addcols = digits,
                        digits.addcols.right = digits.addcols,
                        digits.addcols.left = digits.addcols,
                        scientific.pval = gs("scientific.pval"),
                        big.mark = gs("big.mark"),
                        zero.pval =
                          if (layout == "JAMA") FALSE else gs("zero.pval"),
                        JAMA.pval =
                          if (layout == "JAMA") TRUE else gs("JAMA.pval"),
                        warn.deprecated = gs("warn.deprecated"),
                        ...) {
  ## (1) Check for meta object and upgrade older meta objects
  chkclass(x, "meta")
  x.name <- deparse(substitute(x))
  x <- updateversion(x)
  K.all <- length(x$TE)
  sm <- x$sm
  metabin <- inherits(x, "metabin")
  metacont <- inherits(x, "metacont")
  metacor <- inherits(x, "metacor")
  metagen <- inherits(x, "metagen")
  metainc <- inherits(x, "metainc")
  metamean <- inherits(x, "metamean")
  metaprop <- inherits(x, "metaprop")
  metarate <- inherits(x, "metarate")
  metabind <- inherits(x, "is.metabind")
  metainf.metacum <- inherits(x, "metainf") | inherits(x, "metacum")
  meta <- !metabind &&
    (metabin | metacont | metacor | metagen | metainc | metamean |
     metaprop | metarate | metainf.metacum)
  ftr <- x$func.transf
  atr <- x$args.transf
  fbt <- x$func.backtransf
  abt <- x$args.backtransf
  ## (2) Extract data on subgroup analysis
  by <- !is.null(x$subgroup)
  if (by) {
    n.by <- length(x$subgroup.levels)
    TE.common.w <- collapsemat(x$TE.common.w)
    statistic.common.w <- collapsemat(x$statistic.common.w)
    pval.common.w <- collapsemat(x$pval.common.w)
    lower.common.w <- collapsemat(x$lower.common.w)
    upper.common.w <- collapsemat(x$upper.common.w)
    if (!is.matrix(x$TE.random.w) & is.matrix(x$seTE.random.w)) {
      TE.random.w <-
                           nrow = nrow(x$seTE.random.w),
                           ncol = ncol(x$seTE.random.w),
                           dimnames = list(rownames(x$seTE.random.w),
      TE.random.w <- collapsemat(x$TE.random.w)
    lower.random.w <- collapsemat(x$lower.random.w)
    upper.random.w <- collapsemat(x$upper.random.w)
    statistic.random.w <- collapsemat(x$statistic.random.w)
    pval.random.w <- collapsemat(x$pval.random.w)
    lower.predict.w <- collapsemat(x$lower.predict.w)
    upper.predict.w <- collapsemat(x$upper.predict.w)
    n.by <- 0
  ## (3) Determine columns on left and right side of forest plot
  missing.leftcols <- missing(leftcols)
  missing.rightcols <- missing(rightcols)
  layout <- setchar(layout, c("meta", "RevMan5", "JAMA", "subgroup"))
  if (layout == "subgroup" & is.null(x$subgroup)) {
    warning("Argument 'layout' set to \"meta\" (default) as ",
            "no subgroup analysis was conducted.")
    layout <- "meta"
  missing.type.subgroup.common <- missing(type.subgroup.common)
  if (layout == "subgroup") {
    if (missing(type.subgroup))
      type.subgroup <- "square"
    if (missing.type.subgroup.common)
      type.subgroup.common <- "square"
    if (missing(type.subgroup.random))
      type.subgroup.random <- "square"
    if (missing(pooled.totals))
      pooled.totals <- FALSE
  revman5 <- layout == "RevMan5"
  jama <- layout == "JAMA"
  revman5.jama <- revman5 | jama
  lsel <- TRUE
  if (is.logical(leftcols)) {
    if (!leftcols)
      lsel <- FALSE
    leftcols <- NULL
  rsel <- !(is.logical(rightcols) && length(rightcols) == 1 && !rightcols)
  if (revman5.jama)
    rsel <- FALSE
  if (!rsel)
    rightcols <- NULL
  ## Check for duplicate columns
  if (length(c(rightcols, leftcols)) > 0 &&
      any(duplicated(c(rightcols, leftcols))))
    stop("Duplicate entries in 'leftcols' and 'rightcols'.")
  colnames <- c("studlab",
                "TE", "seTE",
                "n.e", "n.c",
                "event.e", "event.c",
                "mean.e", "mean.c",
                "sd.e", "sd.c",
                "time.e", "time.c",
                "effect", "ci",
                "w.fixed", "w.common", "w.random",
  if (metainf.metacum)
    colnames <- c(colnames, "tau2", "tau", "I2")
  ## If any of the following list elements is NULL, these 'special'
  ## variable names are searched for in original data set (i.e., list
  ## element x$data)
  colnames.notNULL <- colnames
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "cluster")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "n.e")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "n.c")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "event.e")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "event.c")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "mean.e")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "mean.c")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "sd.e")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "sd.c")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "cor")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "time.e")
  colnames.notNULL <- removeNULL(x, colnames.notNULL, "time.c")
  ## Identify and process columns in addition to columns
  ## defined above in variable 'colnames'
  colnames.new <-
    c(leftcols, rightcols)[!c(leftcols, rightcols) %in% colnames.notNULL]
  newcols <- length(colnames.new) > 0
  withstudlab <-
    (lsel & missing(leftcols)) |
    (lsel & !missing(leftcols) & "studlab" %in% leftcols) |
    (rsel & !missing(rightcols) & "studlab" %in% rightcols)
  if (!withstudlab || newcols) {
    dataset2 <- as.data.frame(x)
    if (!is.null(x$data))
      dataset1 <- x$data
    else if (!is.null(x$x$data))
      dataset1 <- x$x$data
      dataset1 <- dataset2
    if (!is.null(x$subset))
      dataset1 <- dataset1[x$subset, ]
    if (!withstudlab && newcols) {
      ## Check whether first additional variable is part of
      ## meta-object
      firstvar <- colnames.new[1]
      colnames.new <- colnames.new[-1]
      newcols <- length(colnames.new) > 0
      if (length(dataset1[[firstvar]]) == 0 &
          length(dataset2[[firstvar]]) == 0)
        stop("Variable '", firstvar, "' not available in '",
             x.name, "'.",
             call. = FALSE)
      else {        
        if (length(dataset1[[firstvar]]) != 0)
         studlab.new <- dataset1[[firstvar]]
        else if (length(dataset2[[firstvar]]) != 0)
          studlab.new <- dataset2[[firstvar]]
        if (metainf.metacum)
          studlab.new <- c(studlab.new, "", rev(x$studlab)[1])
        if (length(x$studlab) != length(studlab.new))
          stop("Variable '", firstvar, "' has different length ",
               "than list element '", x.name, "' with study labels.",
               call. = FALSE)
        x$studlab <- studlab.new
        switch.l <- leftcols == firstvar
        switch.r <- rightcols == firstvar
        if (any(switch.l))
          leftcols[switch.l] <- "studlab"
        if (any(switch.r))
          rightcols[switch.r] <- "studlab"
  if (newcols) {
    ## Determine labels for new columns
    ## 1. Use column name as label if no label is given
    ## 2. Otherwise use specified labels
    rightcols.new <- rightcols[!rightcols %in% colnames.notNULL]
    leftcols.new <- leftcols[!leftcols %in% colnames.notNULL]
  ## (3) Check other arguments
  sfsp <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
  mc <- match.call()
  error <-
    try(sortvar <- catch("sortvar", mc, x, sfsp),
        silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(error, "try-error")) {
    sortvar <- catch("sortvar", mc, x$data, sfsp)
    if (isCol(x$data, ".subset"))
      sortvar <- sortvar[x$data$.subset]
  if (!is.null(sortvar) & metainf.metacum)
    warning("Argument 'sortvar' ignored for objects ",
            "created with metacum() or metainf().")
  sort <- !is.null(sortvar) & !metainf.metacum
  if (sort && (length(sortvar) != K.all))
    stop("Number of studies in object 'x' and argument 'sortvar' ",
         "have different length.")
  if (!sort)
    sortvar <- 1:K.all
  missing.subgroup <- missing(subgroup)
  missing.subgroup.hetstat <- missing(subgroup.hetstat)
  missing.prediction.subgroup <- missing(prediction.subgroup)
  if (!by) {
    if (!missing.subgroup)
      warning("Argument 'subgroup' only considered for ",
              "meta-analysis with subgroups.",
              call. = FALSE)
    if (!missing.subgroup.hetstat)
      warning("Argument 'subgroup.hetstat' only considered for ",
              "meta-analysis with subgroups.",
              call. = FALSE)
    if (!missing.prediction.subgroup)
      warning("Argument 'prediction.subgroup' only considered for ",
              "meta-analysis with subgroups.",
              call. = FALSE)
    if (!missing(test.effect.subgroup))
      warning("Argument 'test.effect.subgroup' only considered for ",
              "meta-analysis with subgroups.",
              call. = FALSE)
    if (!missing(test.effect.subgroup.common))
      warning("Argument 'test.effect.subgroup.common' only considered for ",
              "meta-analysis with subgroups.",
              call. = FALSE)
    if (!missing(test.effect.subgroup.random))
      warning("Argument 'test.effect.subgroup.random' only considered for ",
              "meta-analysis with subgroups.",
              call. = FALSE)
  missing.studlab <- missing(studlab)
  if (!missing.studlab) {
    error <-
      try(studlab <- catch("studlab", mc, x, sfsp),
          silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(error, "try-error")) {
      studlab <- catch("studlab", mc, x$data, NULL)
      if (isCol(x$data, ".subset"))
        studlab <- studlab[x$data$.subset]
  slab <- TRUE
  if (length(studlab) == 1 & is.logical(studlab)) {
    if (studlab == FALSE) {
      studlab <- rep("", K.all)
      slab <- FALSE
    else studlab <- x$studlab
  if (missing.studlab && K.all == 1 && studlab == "")
    studlab <- "1"
  if (length(studlab) != (K.all - 2 * (metainf.metacum & !missing.studlab)))
    stop("Number of studies in object 'x' and argument 'studlab' have ",
         "different length.")
  ## Additional arguments in '...'
  args <- list(...)
  ## Check whether first argument is a list. In this case only use
  ## this list as input.
  if (length(args) > 0 && is.list(args[[1]]))
    args <- args[[1]]
  common <- deprecated(common, missing(common), args, "fixed",
  overall <- replaceNULL(overall, common | random)
  lty.common <- deprecated(lty.common, missing(lty.common), args, "lty.fixed",
  if (!is.null(lty.common))
    chknumeric(lty.common, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(lty.random))
    chknumeric(lty.random, length = 1)
  col.common <- deprecated(col.common, missing(col.common), args, "col.fixed",
  chkcolor(col.common, length = 1)
  chkcolor(col.random, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(print.subgroup.name))
  if (!is.null(sep.subgroup))
  sort.subgroup <- deprecated(sort.subgroup, missing(sort.subgroup),
                              args, "bysort", warn.deprecated)
  ## chknumeric(xlab.pos) ??
  ## chknumeric(smlab.pos) ??
  if (!is.null(pscale))
    chknumeric(pscale, length = 1)
    pscale <- 1
  if (!is.null(irscale))
    chknumeric(irscale, length = 1)
    irscale <- 1
  if (!is.null(irunit) && !is.na(irunit))
  missing.ref <- missing(ref)
  ## Use logarithmic x-axis?
  ## (for back-transformed relative effect measures)
  log.xaxis <-
    backtransf & (is_relative_effect(sm) | (!is.null(fbt) && fbt == "exp"))
  if (missing.ref) {
    if (is_prop(sm) | is_rate(sm) | is_mean(sm))
      ref <- NA
    else if (log.xaxis)
      ref <- 1
      ref <- 0
    chknumeric(ref, length = 1)
  if (all(is.na(lower.equi)))
    max.lower.equi <- NA
  else {
    max.lower.equi <- max(lower.equi, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(ref) && any(lower.equi[!is.na(lower.equi)] > ref))
      stop("All values provided for argument 'lower.equi' must be ",
           "smaller than reference value of ", ref, ".",
           call. = FALSE)
  if (all(is.na(upper.equi)))
    min.upper.equi <- NA
  else {
    min.upper.equi <- min(upper.equi, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (!is.na(ref) && any(upper.equi[!is.na(upper.equi)] < ref))
      stop("All values provided for argument 'upper.equi' must be ",
           "larger than reference value of ", ref, ".",
           call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.na(max.lower.equi) && !is.na(min.upper.equi) &&
      max.lower.equi > min.upper.equi)
    stop("Value", if (length(lower.equi) > 1) "s " else " ",
         "of 'lower.equi' must be smaller than 'upper.equi'.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (any(lower.equi != sort(lower.equi), na.rm = TRUE))
    stop("Values of 'lower.equi' must be increasing.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (any(upper.equi != sort(upper.equi), na.rm = TRUE))
    stop("Values of 'upper.equi' must be increasing.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.na(max.lower.equi))
    if (length(fill.lower.equi) == 1 & sum(!is.na(lower.equi)) > 1)
      fill.lower.equi <- rep(fill.lower.equi, sum(!is.na(lower.equi)))
    else if (all(length(fill.lower.equi) != sum(!is.na(lower.equi)) + 0:1))
      stop("Number of fill colours must be equal to the number of values ",
           "for 'lower.equi' or +1.",
           call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.na(min.upper.equi))
    if (length(fill.upper.equi) == 1 & sum(!is.na(upper.equi)) > 1)
      fill.upper.equi <- rep(fill.upper.equi, sum(!is.na(upper.equi)))
    else if (all(length(fill.upper.equi) != sum(!is.na(upper.equi)) + 0:1))
      stop("Number of fill colours must be equal to the number of values ",
           "for 'upper.equi' or +1.",
           call. = FALSE)
  type.study <- setchar(type.study, c("square", "diamond", "predict"))
  type.common <- setchar(type.common, c("square", "diamond", "predict"))
  type.random <- setchar(type.random, c("square", "diamond", "predict"))
  type.subgroup <- setchar(type.subgroup, c("square", "diamond", "predict"))
  type.subgroup.common <- setchar(type.subgroup.common,
                                 c("square", "diamond", "predict"))
  type.subgroup.random <- setchar(type.subgroup.random,
                                  c("square", "diamond", "predict"))
  if (is.null(lab.NA.effect))
    if (metainf.metacum)
      lab.NA.effect <- lab.NA
      lab.NA.effect <- ""
  if (!is.null(at))
  col.subgroup <- deprecated(col.subgroup, missing(col.subgroup), args,
                             "col.by", warn.deprecated)
  missing.hetstat <- missing(hetstat)
  missing.overall.hetstat <- missing(overall.hetstat)
  overall.hetstat <- replaceNULL(overall.hetstat, TRUE)
  if (is.null(print.I2))
    if (is.character(hetstat) || hetstat || overall.hetstat)
      print.I2 <- TRUE
      print.I2 <- FALSE
  if (is.null(print.tau2))
    if (is.character(hetstat) || hetstat || overall.hetstat)
      print.tau2 <- TRUE
      print.tau2 <- FALSE
  print.tau2.tau <- print.tau2 | print.tau
  if (print.tau2 & print.tau)
    print.tau2 <- FALSE
  if (print.tau2.ci & print.tau.ci)
    print.tau2.ci <- FALSE
  if (is.null(print.pval.Q))
    if (is.character(hetstat) || hetstat || overall.hetstat)
      print.pval.Q <- TRUE
      print.pval.Q <- FALSE
  if (!is.logical(text.subgroup.nohet))
  else if (text.subgroup.nohet)
    text.subgroup.nohet <- "not applicable"
  hetstat.pooled <- ""
  if (is.character(hetstat)) {
    hetstat <- setchar(hetstat, c("common", "random", "study", "fixed"))
    hetstat[hetstat == "fixed"] <- "common"
    hetstat.pooled <- hetstat
    if (!metabind & hetstat.pooled == "study") {
      warning("Argument 'hetstat = \"study\"' ",
              "only considered for 'metabind' objects.")
      hetstat <- print.I2 | print.tau2.tau | print.Q | print.pval.Q | print.Rb
  if (hetstat.pooled == "common") {
    common <- TRUE
    overall <- TRUE
  if (hetstat.pooled == "random") {
    if (length(x$TE.random) == 1) {
      random <- TRUE
      overall <- TRUE
      hetstat.pooled <- ""
  if (missing.overall.hetstat) {
    if (!missing.hetstat)
      if (is.character(hetstat))
        overall.hetstat <- FALSE
        overall.hetstat <- hetstat
  if (LRT & all(x$method != "GLMM")) {
    warning("Likelihood-Ratio test of heterogeneity only ",
            "available for generalized linear mixed models.")
    LRT <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(resid.hetstat))
  else {
    if (overall && (is.character(hetstat) || hetstat) && !LRT &&
        !is.null(x$tau.common) && x$tau.common)
      resid.hetstat <- TRUE
      resid.hetstat <- FALSE
  test.overall.common <-
    deprecated(test.overall.common, missing(test.overall.common),
               args, "test.overall.fixed",
  test.subgroup <- replaceNULL(test.subgroup, TRUE)
  test.subgroup.common <-
    deprecated(test.subgroup.common, missing(test.subgroup.common),
               args, "test.subgroup.fixed",
  if (missing(header.line)) {
    if (is.character(gs("header.line")))
      header.line <- gs("header.line")
      header.line <- gs("header.line") |
        (layout %in% c("JAMA", "RevMan5"))
  if (is.character(header.line)) {
    header.line.pos <- setchar(header.line, c("below", "both", ""))
    header.line <- header.line.pos != ""
  else {
    if (header.line)
      header.line.pos <- "below"
      header.line.pos <- ""
  chknumeric(fontsize, length = 1)
  chknumeric(fs.heading, length = 1)
  missing.fs.common <- missing(fs.common)
  missing.fs.fixed <- is.na(argid(names(args), "fs.fixed"))
  if (!missing.fs.fixed) {
    fs.common <-
      deprecated(fs.common, missing.fs.common, args, "fs.fixed",
    missing.fs.common <- FALSE
  if (!missing.fs.common)
    chknumeric(fs.common, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.random))
    chknumeric(fs.random, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.predict))
    chknumeric(fs.predict, length = 1)
  missing.fs.common.labels <- missing(fs.common.labels)
  missing.fs.fixed.labels <- is.na(argid(names(args), "fs.fixed.labels"))
  if (!missing.fs.fixed.labels) {
    fs.common.labels <-
      deprecated(fs.common.labels, missing.fs.common.labels,
                 args, "fs.fixed.labels",
    missing.fs.common.labels <- FALSE
  if (!missing.fs.common.labels)
    chknumeric(fs.common.labels, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.random.labels))
    chknumeric(fs.random.labels, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.predict.labels))
    chknumeric(fs.predict.labels, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.study))
    chknumeric(fs.study, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.study.labels))
    chknumeric(fs.study.labels, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.hetstat))
    chknumeric(fs.hetstat, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.test.overall))
    chknumeric(fs.test.overall, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.test.subgroup))
    chknumeric(fs.test.subgroup, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.test.effect.subgroup))
    chknumeric(fs.test.effect.subgroup, length = 1)
  if (!is.null(fs.addline))
    chknumeric(fs.addline, length = 1)
  chknumeric(fs.axis, length = 1)
  chknumeric(fs.smlab, length = 1)
  chknumeric(fs.xlab, length = 1)
  chknumeric(fs.lr, length = 1)
  missing.ff.common <- missing(ff.common)
  missing.ff.fixed <- is.na(argid(names(args), "ff.fixed"))
  if (!missing.ff.fixed) {
    ff.common <-
      deprecated(ff.common, missing.ff.common, args, "ff.fixed",
    missing.ff.common <- FALSE
  missing.ff.common.labels <- missing(ff.common.labels)
  missing.ff.fixed.labels <- is.na(argid(names(args), "ff.fixed.labels"))
  if (!missing.ff.fixed.labels) {
    ff.common.labels <-
      deprecated(ff.common.labels, missing.ff.common.labels,
                 args, "ff.fixed.labels",
    missing.ff.common.labels <- FALSE
  chknumeric(squaresize, length = 1)
  calcwidth.common <-
    deprecated(calcwidth.common, missing(calcwidth.common),
               args, "calcwidth.fixed",
  just.cols <- setchar(just, c("right", "center", "left"))
  just.studlab <- setchar(just.studlab, c("right", "center", "left"))
  just.addcols <- setchar(just.addcols, c("right", "center", "left"))
  just.addcols.left <- setchar(just.addcols.left, c("right", "center", "left"))
  just.addcols.right <-
    setchar(just.addcols.right, c("right", "center", "left"))
  chknumeric(spacing, length = 1)
  missing.text.addline1 <- missing(text.addline1)
  if (!missing.text.addline1) {
    if (text.addline1 == "")
      missing.text.addline1 <- TRUE
    text.addline1 <- ""
  missing.text.addline2 <- missing(text.addline2)
  if (!missing.text.addline2) {
    if (text.addline2 == "")
      missing.text.addline2 <- TRUE
    text.addline2 <- ""
  ## Check and set additional empty rows in forest plot
  if (!is.null(addrow))
    addrow <- !jama
  if (!is.null(addrow.overall)) {
    if (!(overall & (common | random | prediction)))
      addrow.overall <- FALSE
    addrow.overall <- !jama & overall & (common | random | prediction)
  if (!is.null(addrow.subgroups))
    addrow.subgroups <- !jama
  chknumeric(digits, min = 0, length = 1)
  chknumeric(digits.tau2, min = 0, length = 1)
  chknumeric(digits.pval, min = 1, length = 1)
  chknumeric(digits.pval.Q, min = 1, length = 1)
  chknumeric(digits.Q, min = 0, length = 1)
  chknumeric(digits.I2, min = 0, length = 1)
  chknumeric(digits.se, min = 0, length = 1)
  if (!missing(digits.mean))
    chknumeric(digits.mean, min = 0, length = 1)
  if (!missing(digits.sd))
    chknumeric(digits.sd, min = 0, length = 1)
  if (!missing(digits.cor))
    chknumeric(digits.cor, min = 0, length = 1)
  missing.digits.time <- missing(digits.time)
  if (!missing.digits.time)
    chknumeric(digits.time, min = 0, length = 1)
  missing.digits.TE <- missing(digits.TE)
  if (!missing.digits.TE)
    chknumeric(digits.TE, min = 0, length = 1)
  missing.addcols.left <-
    missing(digits.addcols) & missing(digits.addcols.left)
  missing.addcols.right <-
    missing(digits.addcols) & missing(digits.addcols.right)
  if (!missing(digits.addcols))
    chknumeric(digits.addcols, min = 0)
  if (!missing(digits.addcols.right))
    chknumeric(digits.addcols.right, min = 0)
  if (!missing(digits.addcols.left))
    chknumeric(digits.addcols.left, min = 0)
  ## Check for deprecated arguments in '...'
  weight.study <-
      deprecated(weight.study, missing(weight.study), args, "weight",
  if (missing(weight.study) || is.null(weight.study))
    weight.study <- ifelse(random & !common, "random", "common")
  weight.study <- setchar(weight.study, c("same", "common", "random", "fixed"))
  weight.study[weight.study == "fixed"] <- "common"
  digits.stat <-
    deprecated(digits.stat, missing(digits.stat), args, "digits.zval",
  chknumeric(digits.stat, min = 0, length = 1)
  print.stat <-
    deprecated(print.stat, missing(print.stat), args, "print.zval",
  label <- deprecated(label, missing(label), args, "labels",
  label.e <- deprecated(label.e, missing(label.e), args, "lab.e",
  label.c <- deprecated(label.c, missing(label.c), args, "lab.c",
  label.e.attach <- deprecated(label.e.attach, missing(label.e.attach),
                               args, "lab.e.attach.to.col",
  label.c.attach <- deprecated(label.c.attach, missing(label.c.attach),
                               args, "lab.c.attach.to.col",
  col.inside <-
    deprecated(col.inside, missing(col.inside), args, "col.i.inside.square",
  if (!is.na(argid(names(args), "col.diamond.lines.fixed"))) {
    col.diamond.lines.common <-
      deprecated(col.diamond.lines.common, missing(col.diamond.lines.common),
                 args, "col.diamond.lines.fixed",
  else if (!is.na(argid(names(args), "col.diamond.fixed.lines"))) {
    col.diamond.lines.common <-
      deprecated(col.diamond.lines.common, missing(col.diamond.lines.common),
                 args, "col.diamond.fixed.lines",
  col.diamond.lines.random <-
    deprecated(col.diamond.lines.random, missing(col.diamond.lines.random),
               args, "col.diamond.random.lines",
  ## Additional assignments
  if (jama) {
    if (missing.ff.common)
      ff.common <- "plain"
    if (missing(ff.random))
      ff.random <- ff.common
    if (missing(ff.predict))
      ff.predict <- ff.common
    if (missing.ff.common.labels)
      ff.common.labels <- ff.common
    if (missing(ff.random.labels))
      ff.random.labels <- ff.random
    if (missing(ff.predict.labels))
      ff.predict.labels <- ff.predict
    if (missing.fs.common)
      fs.common <- fontsize
    if (missing(fs.random))
      fs.random <- fs.common
    if (missing(fs.predict))
      fs.predict <- fs.common
    if (missing.fs.common.labels)
      fs.common.labels <- fs.common
    if (missing(fs.random.labels))
      fs.random.labels <- fs.random
    if (missing(fs.predict.labels))
      fs.predict.labels <- fs.predict
  else {
    if (missing.ff.common)
      ff.common <- "bold"
    if (missing(ff.random))
      ff.random <- ff.common
    if (missing(ff.predict))
      ff.predict <- ff.common
    if (missing.ff.common.labels)
      ff.common.labels <- ff.common
    if (missing(ff.random.labels))
      ff.random.labels <- ff.random
    if (missing(ff.predict.labels))
      ff.predict.labels <- ff.predict
    if (missing.fs.common)
      fs.common <- fontsize
    if (missing(fs.random))
      fs.random <- fs.common
    if (missing(fs.predict))
      fs.predict <- fs.common
    if (missing.fs.common.labels)
      fs.common.labels <- fs.common
    if (missing(fs.random.labels))
      fs.random.labels <- fs.random
    if (missing(fs.predict.labels))
      fs.predict.labels <- fs.predict
  hetseparator <- " = "
  if (revman5) {
    if (missing(ff.hetstat))
      ff.hetstat <- "plain"
    if (missing(ff.test.overall))
      ff.test.overall <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(ff.test.subgroup))
      ff.test.subgroup <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(ff.test.effect.subgroup))
      ff.test.effect.subgroup <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(ff.addline))
      ff.addline <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.hetstat))
      fs.hetstat <- fontsize - 1
    if (missing(fs.test.overall))
      fs.test.overall <- fs.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.test.subgroup))
      fs.test.subgroup <- fs.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.test.effect.subgroup))
      fs.test.effect.subgroup <- fs.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.addline))
      fs.addline <- fs.hetstat
  else if (jama) {
    if (missing(ff.hetstat))
      ff.hetstat <- "plain"
    if (missing(ff.test.overall))
      ff.test.overall <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(ff.test.subgroup))
      ff.test.subgroup <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(ff.test.effect.subgroup))
      ff.test.effect.subgroup <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(ff.addline))
      ff.addline <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.hetstat))
      fs.hetstat <- fontsize - 1
    if (missing(fs.test.overall))
      fs.test.overall <- fs.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.test.subgroup))
      fs.test.subgroup <- fs.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.test.effect.subgroup))
      fs.test.effect.subgroup <- fs.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.addline))
      fs.addline <- fs.hetstat
  else {
    if (missing(ff.hetstat))
      ff.hetstat <- "plain"
    if (missing(ff.test.overall))
      ff.test.overall <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(ff.test.subgroup))
      ff.test.subgroup <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(ff.test.effect.subgroup))
      ff.test.effect.subgroup <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(ff.addline))
      ff.addline <- ff.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.hetstat))
      fs.hetstat <- fontsize - 1
    if (missing(fs.test.overall))
      fs.test.overall <- fs.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.test.subgroup))
      fs.test.subgroup <- fs.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.test.effect.subgroup))
      fs.test.effect.subgroup <- fs.hetstat
    if (missing(fs.addline))
      fs.addline <- fs.hetstat
  ## (4) Check length of variables
  fun <- "forest.meta"
  if (length(col.study) == 1)
    col.study <- rep(col.study, K.all)
    chklength(col.study, K.all, fun)
  if (length(col.inside) == 1)
    col.inside <- rep(col.inside, K.all)
    chklength(col.inside, K.all, fun)
  miss.col.square <- missing(col.square)
  miss.col.square.lines <- missing(col.square.lines)
  if (length(col.square) == 1)
    col.square <- rep(col.square, K.all)
    chklength(col.square, K.all, fun)
  if (length(col.square.lines) == 1)
    col.square.lines <- rep(col.square.lines, K.all)
    chklength(col.square.lines, K.all, fun)
  ## (5) Some assignments and additional checks
  n.com <- max(length(x$TE.common), 1)
  n.ran <- max(length(x$seTE.random), 1)
  n.prd <- max(length(x$lower.predict), 1)
  prediction <- prediction &
    any(!is.na(x$lower.predict) & !is.na(x$upper.predict))
  if (by) {
    if (!missing.subgroup & !metabind)
      subgroup <- catch("subgroup", mc, x, sfsp)
    if (length(subgroup) == 1)
      subgroup.logical <- rep(subgroup, n.by) &
        (x$k.w > 1 | layout == "subgroup")
    else {
      chklength(subgroup, n.by,
                text = paste("Length of argument 'subgroup' must be",
                             "equal to 1 or number of subgroups."))
      subgroup.logical <- subgroup
    if (!missing.subgroup.hetstat & !metabind)
      subgroup.hetstat <- catch("subgroup.hetstat", mc, x, sfsp)
    if (length(subgroup.hetstat) == 1 & is.character(subgroup.hetstat))
      subgroup.hetstat.logical <- rep(TRUE, n.by)
    else if (length(subgroup.hetstat) == 1) {
      subgroup.hetstat.logical <- subgroup.hetstat &
        (x$k.w > 1 | layout == "subgroup")
    else {
      chklength(subgroup.hetstat, n.by,
                text = paste("Length of argument 'subgroup.hetstat' must be",
                             "equal to 1 or number of subgroups."))
      subgroup.hetstat.logical <- subgroup.hetstat
    if (!missing.prediction.subgroup & !metabind)
      prediction.subgroup <- catch("prediction.subgroup", mc, x, sfsp)
    prediction.subgroup <- replaceNULL(prediction.subgroup, FALSE)
    if (length(prediction.subgroup) == 1) {
      if (is.matrix(x$lower.predict.w))
        prediction.subgroup.logical <-
          prediction.subgroup &
          apply(x$lower.predict.w, 1, notallNA) &
          apply(x$upper.predict.w, 1, notallNA)
      else {
        prediction.subgroup.logical <-
          prediction.subgroup &
          notallNA(x$lower.predict.w) &
        prediction.subgroup.logical <-
          rep(prediction.subgroup.logical, n.by)
    else {
      chklength(prediction.subgroup, n.by,
                text = paste("Length of argument 'prediction.subgroup' must be",
                             "equal to 1 or number of subgroups."))
      prediction.subgroup.logical <-
    if (!missing(test.effect.subgroup)) {
      test.effect.subgroup <-
        catch("test.effect.subgroup", mc, x, sfsp)
      test.effect.subgroup <- replaceNULL(test.effect.subgroup, FALSE)
      if (length(test.effect.subgroup) == 1) {
        test.effect.subgroup.logical <-
          rep(test.effect.subgroup, n.by) &
          (x$k.w > 1 | layout == "subgroup")
      else {
        chklength(test.effect.subgroup, n.by,
                  text = paste("Length of argument 'test.effect.subgroup'",
                               "must be equal to 1 or number of subgroups."))
        test.effect.subgroup.logical <- test.effect.subgroup
      test.effect.subgroup.logical <- rep(test.effect.subgroup, n.by)
    if (missing(test.effect.subgroup.common))
      test.effect.subgroup.common.logical <-
        common & test.effect.subgroup.logical
    else {
      test.effect.subgroup.common <-
        catch("test.effect.subgroup.common", mc, x, sfsp)
      test.effect.subgroup.common <-
        replaceNULL(test.effect.subgroup.common, FALSE)
      if (length(test.effect.subgroup.common) == 1) {
        test.effect.subgroup.common.logical <-
          rep(test.effect.subgroup.common, n.by) &
          (x$k.w > 1 | layout == "subgroup")
      else {
        chklength(test.effect.subgroup.common, n.by,
                  text = paste("Length of argument",
                               "must be equal to 1 or number of subgroups."))
        test.effect.subgroup.common.logical <- test.effect.subgroup.common
    if (missing(test.effect.subgroup.random))
      test.effect.subgroup.random.logical <-
        random & test.effect.subgroup.logical
    else {
      test.effect.subgroup.random <-
        catch("test.effect.subgroup.random", mc, x, sfsp)
      test.effect.subgroup.random <-
        replaceNULL(test.effect.subgroup.random, FALSE)
      if (length(test.effect.subgroup.random) == 1) {
        test.effect.subgroup.random.logical <-
          rep(test.effect.subgroup.random, n.by) &
          (x$k.w > 1 | layout == "subgroup")
      else {
        chklength(test.effect.subgroup.random, n.by,
                  text = paste("Length of argument",
                               "must be equal to 1 or number of subgroups."))
        test.effect.subgroup.random.logical <- test.effect.subgroup.random
  level <- x$level
  level.ma <- x$level.ma
  level.predict <- x$level.predict
  if (is.null(label.right))
    label.right <- ""
  if (is.null(label.left))
    label.left <- ""
  subgroup <- x$subgroup
  three.level <- !is.null(x$three.level) && any(x$three.level)
  if (!by) {
    common.random <- common & random
    test.subgroup.common <- FALSE
    test.subgroup.random <- FALSE
    common.random <-
      any(common | test.subgroup.common | test.effect.subgroup.common.logical) &
      any(random | test.subgroup.random | test.effect.subgroup.random.logical)
  if (layout == "subgroup") {
    if (!missing(study.results) & study.results)
      warning("Argument 'study.results' set to FALSE as ",
              "argument 'layout' is \"subgroup\".")
    study.results <- FALSE
  missing.text.common <- missing(text.common)
  missing.text.fixed <- is.na(argid(names(args), "text.fixed"))
  if (!missing.text.fixed) {
    text.common <-
      deprecated(text.common, missing.text.common, args, "text.fixed",
    missing.text.common <- FALSE
  if (missing.text.common | is.null(text.common)) {
    if (is.null(text.common) || length(text.common) == 1) {
      if (study.results & (x$level != x$level.ma | revman5)) {
        if (revman5.jama)
          text.common <- paste0("Total (",
                                if (common.random)
                                  paste0(gs("text.w.common"), " effect, "),
                                round(x$level.ma * 100), "% CI)")
        else if (!is.null(text.common))
          text.common <- paste0(text.common, " (",
                                round(x$level.ma * 100), "%-CI)")
          text.common <- paste0(gs("text.common"), " (",
                                round(x$level.ma * 100), "%-CI)")
      else {
        if (revman5.jama) {
          text.common <- "Total"
          if (common.random)
            text.common <- paste0(text.common, " (", gs("text.w.common"),
                                  " effect)")
        else if (is.null(text.common))
          text.common <- gs("text.common")
  missing.text.random <- missing(text.random)
  if (missing.text.random | is.null(text.random)) {
    if (is.null(text.random) || length(text.random) == 1) {
      if (study.results & (x$level != x$level.ma | revman5)) {
        if (revman5.jama) {
          text.random <- paste0("Total (",
                                if (common.random)
                                  paste0(gs("text.w.random"), " effect, "))
          if (length(x$lower.random) > 1) {
            meth.r <- gsub("classic", "", x$method.random.ci)
            text.random <-
              paste0(text.random, meth.r,
                     ifelse(meth.r == "HK" & x$adhoc.hakn.ci != "",
                                   toupper(substring(x$adhoc.hakn.ci, 1, 2))),
                     ifelse(meth.r != "", ", ", ""))
          text.random <- paste0(text.random,
                                round(x$level.ma * 100), "% CI)")
        else if (!is.null(text.random))
          text.random <- paste0(text.random, " (",
                                round(x$level.ma * 100), "%-CI)")
          text.random <- paste0(gs("text.random"), " (",
                                round(x$level.ma * 100), "%-CI)")
      else {
        if (revman5.jama) {
          text.random <- "Total"
          if (common.random || length(x$lower.random) > 1) {
            text.random <- paste0(text.random, " (", gs("text.w.random"),
                                  " effect")
            if (length(x$lower.random) > 1) {
              meth.r <- gsub("classic", "", x$method.random.ci)
              text.random <-
                       ifelse(meth.r != "", ", ", ""),
                       ifelse(meth.r == "HK" & x$adhoc.hakn.ci != "",
                                     toupper(substring(x$adhoc.hakn.ci, 1, 2))),
            text.random <- paste0(text.random, ")")
        else if (is.null(text.random)) {
          text.random <- gs("text.random")
          if (length(x$lower.random) > 1) {
            meth.r <- gsub("classic", "", x$method.random.ci)
            text.random <-
                     ifelse(meth.r != "", "(", ""),
                     ifelse(meth.r == "HK" & x$adhoc.hakn.ci != "",
                                   toupper(substring(x$adhoc.hakn.ci, 1, 2))),
                     ifelse(meth.r != "", ")", ""))
  if (length(text.random) == 1 & n.ran > 1)
    text.random <- rep(text.random, n.ran)
  missing.text.predict <- missing(text.predict)
  if (missing.text.predict | is.null(text.predict)) {
    if (is.null(text.predict))
      text.predict <- rep("Prediction interval", n.prd)
    if (!(length(x$level.predict) == 0) &&
        (study.results & (x$level != x$level.predict |
                          x$level.ma != x$level.predict)))
      text.predict <- paste0(text.predict, " (",
                             round(x$level.predict * 100), "%-PI)")
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    overall.hetstat <- FALSE
    test.overall.common <- FALSE
    test.overall.random <- FALSE
    resid.hetstat <- FALSE
    test.subgroup.common <- FALSE
    test.subgroup.random <- FALSE
    hetstat <- FALSE
    prediction <- FALSE
  if (is.null(x$null.effect) || is.na(x$null.effect)) {
    test.overall.common <- FALSE
    test.overall.random <- FALSE
  if (!overall) {
    if (test.overall)
      test.overall <- FALSE
    if (test.overall.common)
      test.overall.common <- FALSE
    if (test.overall.random)
      test.overall.random <- FALSE
  ## Add space for heterogeneity statistics (if needed)
  if (is.null(addrows.below.overall)) {
    addrows.below.overall <- 0
    if (layout == "JAMA")
      addrows.below.overall <- 3
    else if (layout == "meta" & (metacor | metagen) &
             missing.leftcols &
             (overall.hetstat | test.overall.common |
              test.overall.random) &
             !(calcwidth.hetstat | calcwidth.tests))
      addrows.below.overall <- 2
    else if (layout %in% c("meta", "subgroup") &
             (test.subgroup.common & test.subgroup.random) &
             !calcwidth.tests) {
      addrows.below.overall <- 1
      if (layout == "meta")
        addrows.below.overall <-
          addrows.below.overall +
          as.numeric((label.left != "" | label.right != "")) +
          as.numeric(xlab != "")
  chknumeric(addrows.below.overall, min = 0, length = 1, integer = TRUE)
  notmiss.xlim <- !missing(xlim)
  if (just.studlab == "left")
    xpos.s <- 0
  else if (just.studlab == "center")
    xpos.s <- 0.5
  else if (just.studlab == "right")
    xpos.s <- 1
  if (just.cols == "left")
    xpos.c <- 0
  else if (just.cols == "center")
    xpos.c <- 0.5
  else if (just.cols == "right")
    xpos.c <- 1
  if (log.xaxis) {
    ref <- log(ref)
    lower.equi <- log(lower.equi)
    upper.equi <- log(upper.equi)
  if (!backtransf & !missing(pscale) & pscale != 1 & !is_untransformed(sm)) {
    warning("Argument 'pscale' set to 1 as argument 'backtransf' is FALSE.")
    pscale <- 1
  if (!backtransf & pscale != 1)
    pscale <- 1
  if (!backtransf & !missing(irscale) & irscale != 1 & !is_untransformed(sm)) {
    warning("Argument 'irscale' set to 1 as argument 'backtransf' is FALSE.")
    irscale <- 1
  if (!backtransf & irscale != 1)
    irscale <- 1
  if (is.null(xlab))
    xlab <- xlab(sm, backtransf, newline = revman5.jama, revman5 = revman5,
                 big.mark = big.mark)
  smlab.null <- is.null(smlab)
  if (smlab.null)
    if (is_rate(sm))
      smlab <- xlab(sm, backtransf, irscale = irscale, irunit = irunit,
                    newline = !revman5.jama, revman5 = revman5,
                    big.mark = big.mark)
      smlab <- xlab(sm, backtransf, pscale = pscale,
                    newline = !revman5.jama, revman5 = revman5,
                    big.mark = big.mark)
  print.label <- (label.left != "" | label.right != "") & !is.na(ref)
  if (print.label & !bottom.lr) {
    if (!smlab.null)
      warning("Argument 'smlab' ignored as argument 'bottom.lr' is FALSE.")
    smlab <- ""
  if (!by)
    addrow.subgroups <- FALSE
  if (resid.hetstat &&
      (!by || (by && is.null(x$tau.common) || !x$tau.common))) {
    if (!missing(resid.hetstat))
      warning("Information on residual heterogeneity only added to ",
              "forest plot of meta-analysis with subgroups ",
              "assuming common estimator for between-study heterogeneity ",
              "(argument 'tau.common = TRUE' in meta-analysis functions)",
              call. = FALSE)
    resid.hetstat <- FALSE
  plotwidth <- setunit(plotwidth)
  colgap <- setunit(colgap)
  colgap.left <- setunit(colgap.left)
  colgap.right <- setunit(colgap.right)
  colgap.studlab <- setunit(colgap.studlab)
  colgap.forest <- setunit(colgap.forest)
  colgap.forest.left <- setunit(colgap.forest.left)
  colgap.forest.right <- setunit(colgap.forest.right)
  missing.label.test.overall.common <- missing(label.test.overall.common)
  missing.label.test.overall.fixed <-
    is.na(argid(names(args), "label.test.overall.fixed"))
  if (!missing.label.test.overall.fixed) {
    label.test.overall.common <-
      deprecated(label.test.overall.common, missing.label.test.overall.common,
                 args, "label.test.overall.fixed",
    missing.label.test.overall.common <- FALSE
  if (missing.label.test.overall.common)
    label.test.overall.common <-
      paste0("Test for overall effect",
             if (common.random)
               paste0(" (", gs("text.w.common"), " effect)"),
             ": ")
  if (missing(label.test.overall.random))
    label.test.overall.random <-
      paste0("Test for overall effect",
             if (common.random)
               paste0(" (", gs("text.w.random"), " effects)"),
             ": ")
  missing.label.test.subgroup.common <- missing(label.test.subgroup.common)
  missing.label.test.subgroup.fixed <-
    is.na(argid(names(args), "label.test.subgroup.fixed"))
  if (!missing.label.test.subgroup.fixed) {
    label.test.subgroup.common <-
                 args, "label.test.subgroup.fixed",
    missing.label.test.subgroup.common <- FALSE
  if (missing.label.test.subgroup.common)
    label.test.subgroup.common <-
      paste0("Test for subgroup differences",
             if (common.random)
               paste0(" (", gs("text.w.common"), " effect)"),
             ": ")
  if (missing(label.test.subgroup.random))
    label.test.subgroup.random <-
      paste0("Test for subgroup differences",
             if (common.random)
               paste0(" (", gs("text.w.random"), " effects)"),
             ": ")
  missing.label.test.effect.subgroup.common <-
  missing.label.test.effect.subgroup.fixed <-
    is.na(argid(names(args), "label.test.effect.subgroup.fixed"))
  if (!missing.label.test.effect.subgroup.fixed) {
    label.test.effect.subgroup.common <-
                 args, "label.test.effect.subgroup.fixed",
    missing.label.test.effect.subgroup.common <- FALSE
  if (missing.label.test.effect.subgroup.common)
    label.test.effect.subgroup.common <-
      paste0(if (revman5.jama)
               "Test for overall effect"
               "Test for effect in subgroup",
             if (common.random)
               paste0(" (", gs("text.w.common"), " effect)"),
             ": ")
  if (missing(label.test.effect.subgroup.random))
    label.test.effect.subgroup.random <-
      paste0(if (revman5.jama)
               "Test for overall effect"
               "Test for effect in subgroup",
             if (common.random)
               paste0(" (", gs("text.w.random"), " effects)"),
             ": ")
  fs.head <- fs.heading
  ff.head <- ff.heading
  just.c <- just.cols
  just.s <- just.studlab
  ## (6) Labels for columns on left and right side of forest plot
  sm.lab <- sm
  if (backtransf) {
    if (sm == "ZCOR")
      sm.lab <- "COR"
    else if (is_prop(sm)) {
      if (pscale == 1)
        sm.lab <- "Proportion"
        sm.lab <- "Events"
    else if (is_rate(sm)) {
      if (irscale == 1)
        sm.lab <- "Rate"
        sm.lab <- "Events"
    else if (sm == "proportion")
      sm.lab <- "Proportion"
    else if (sm == "MLN")
      sm.lab <- "Mean"
  else if (is_relative_effect(sm) | (!is.null(fbt) && fbt == "exp"))
    sm.lab <- paste0("log", sm)
  sel.studlab <- pmatch(layout, c("meta", "RevMan5", "JAMA", "subgroup"))
  lab.studlab <- c("Study", "Study", "Source", "Subgroup")[sel.studlab]
  if (revman5 & by)
    lab.studlab <- c("Study or\nSubgroup")
  if (revman5.jama)
    cisep <- " "
    cisep <- "-"
  if (study.results)
    ci.lab <- paste0(100 * level, "%", cisep, "CI")
    ci.lab <- paste0(100 * level.ma, "%", cisep, "CI")
  missing.col.diamond.common <- missing(col.diamond.common)
  missing.col.diamond.fixed <- is.na(argid(names(args), "col.diamond.fixed"))
  if (!missing.col.diamond.fixed) {
    col.diamond.common <-
      deprecated(col.diamond.common, missing.col.diamond.common,
                 args, "col.diamond.fixed",
    missing.col.diamond.common <- FALSE
  if (jama) {
    if (missing(ff.lr))
      ff.lr <- "bold"
    if (xlab == "")
      xlab <- paste0(sm.lab, " (", ci.lab, ")")
    if (miss.col.square)
      col.square <- rep("darkblue", K.all)
    if (miss.col.square.lines)
      col.square.lines <- rep("darkblue", K.all)
    if (missing.col.diamond.common)
      col.diamond.common <- "lightblue"
    if (missing(col.diamond.random))
      col.diamond.random <- "lightblue"
    smlab <- ""
    bottom.lr <- FALSE
  else {
    if (revman5) {
      if (miss.col.square) {
        if (metacont | metamean)
          col.square <- rep("green", K.all)
        else if (metabin)
          col.square <- rep("blue", K.all)
          col.square <- rep("red", K.all)
      if (miss.col.square.lines) {
        if (metacont | metamean)
          col.square.lines <- rep("green", K.all)
        else if (metabin)
          col.square.lines <- rep("darkblue", K.all)
          col.square.lines <- rep("red", K.all)
      if (missing.col.diamond.common)
        col.diamond.common <- "black"
      if (missing(col.diamond.random))
        col.diamond.random <- "black"
      sel.method <- pmatch(x$method, c("Inverse", "MH", "Peto", "GLMM"))
      lab.method <- c("IV", "MH", "Peto", "GLMM")[sel.method]
      if (common.random)
        lab.model <- "Fixed + Random, "
      else if (common)
        lab.model <- "Fixed, "
      else if (random)
        lab.model <- "Random, "
        lab.model <- ""
      if (smlab.null)
        smlab <- paste0(smlab, "\n", lab.method[1], ", ", lab.model, ci.lab)
  if (jama | gs("CIbracket") == "(")
    ci.lab.bracket <- paste0("(", ci.lab, ")")
  else if (gs("CIbracket") == "[")
    ci.lab.bracket <- paste0("[", ci.lab, "]")
  else if (gs("CIbracket") == "{")
    ci.lab.bracket <- paste0("{", ci.lab, "}")
  else if (gs("CIbracket") == "")
    ci.lab.bracket <- ci.lab
  if (!common.random) {
    text.w.common <- "Weight"
    text.w.random <- "Weight"
  else {
    text.w.common <-
      deprecated(text.w.common, missing(text.w.common), args, "text.w.fixed",
    if (is.null(text.w.common))
      text.w.common <- paste0("Weight\n(", gs("text.w.common"), ")")
      text.w.common <- paste0("Weight\n(", text.w.common, ")")
    if (is.null(text.w.random))
      text.w.random <- paste0("Weight\n(", gs("text.w.random"), ")")
      text.w.random <- paste0("Weight\n(", text.w.random, ")")
  lab.TE <- sm
  if (log.xaxis | sm == "VE")
    lab.TE <- paste0("log", sm)
  else if (!log.xaxis & !is.null(ftr)) {
    lab.TE <-
      paste0(ftr, "(", sm,
             if (!is.null(atr) && length(names(atr)) >= 1)
               paste0(", ",
                      paste0(names(atr), "=", paste(atr), collapse = ", ")),
  else if (sm == "")
    lab.TE <- "TE"
  labnames <- c(lab.studlab,
                if (revman5) "SE" else paste0("SE(", lab.TE, ")"),
                "Total", "Total", "Events", "Events",
                "Mean", "Mean", "SD", "SD",
                "Time", "Time",
                if (revman5 & smlab.null)
                  paste(sm.lab, ci.lab.bracket),
  if (metainf.metacum)
    labnames <- c(labnames, "Tau2", "Tau", "I2")
  if (newcols) {
    if (length(rightcols.new) > 0) {
      if (missing(rightlabs)) {
        rightlabs.new <- rightcols.new
        if ((metacor | metaprop | metamean | metarate) &
            any(rightcols.new == "n"))
          rightlabs.new[rightlabs.new == "n"] <- "Total"
        if (metamean & any(rightcols.new == "mean"))
          rightlabs.new[rightlabs.new == "mean"] <- "Mean"
        if (metamean & any(rightcols.new == "sd"))
          rightlabs.new[rightlabs.new == "sd"] <- "SD"
        if (metarate & any(rightcols.new == "time"))
          rightlabs.new[rightlabs.new == "time"] <- "Time"
        if (any(rightcols.new == "pval"))
          rightlabs.new[rightlabs.new == "pval"] <- "P-value"
        if (any(rightcols.new == "tau2"))
          rightlabs.new[rightlabs.new == "tau2"] <- "Tau2"
        if (any(rightcols.new == "tau"))
          rightlabs.new[rightlabs.new == "tau"] <- "Tau"
        if (any(rightcols.new == "I2"))
          rightlabs.new[rightlabs.new == "I2"] <- "I2"
        if (three.level & any(rightcols.new == "cluster"))
          rightlabs.new[rightlabs.new == "cluster"] <- "Cluster"
      else {
        if (length(rightcols.new) == length(rightlabs))
          rightlabs.new <- rightlabs
        else if (length(rightcols.new) > length(rightlabs))
          stop("Too few labels defined for argument 'rightcols'.")
        else {
          rightlabs.new <- rightcols.new
          for (i in seq_along(rightcols.new)) {
            match1.i <- match(rightcols.new[i], rightcols)
            if (!is.na(rightlabs[match1.i]))
              rightlabs.new[i] <- rightlabs[match1.i]
            else {
              match2.i <- match(rightcols.new[i], colnames)
              if (!is.na(match2.i))
                rightlabs.new[i] <- labnames[match2.i]
              else if (rightcols.new[i] == "pval")
                  rightlabs.new[i] <- "P-value"
              else if (rightcols.new[i] == "tau2")
                rightlabs.new[i] <- "Tau2"
              else if (rightcols.new[i] == "tau")
                rightlabs.new[i] <- "Tau"
              else if (rightcols.new[i] == "I2")
                rightlabs.new[i] <- "I2"
    if (length(leftcols.new) > 0) {
      if (missing(leftlabs)) {
        leftlabs.new <- leftcols.new
        if ((metacor | metaprop | metamean | metarate) &
            any(leftcols.new == "n"))
          leftlabs.new[leftlabs.new == "n"] <- "Total"
        if (metamean & any(leftcols.new == "mean"))
          leftlabs.new[leftlabs.new == "mean"] <- "Mean"
        if (metamean & any(leftcols.new == "sd"))
          leftlabs.new[leftlabs.new == "sd"] <- "SD"
        if (metarate & any(leftcols.new == "time"))
          leftlabs.new[leftlabs.new == "time"] <- "Time"
        if (any(leftcols.new == "pval"))
          leftlabs.new[leftlabs.new == "pval"] <- "P-value"
        if (any(leftcols.new == "tau2"))
          leftlabs.new[leftlabs.new == "tau2"] <- "Tau2"
        if (any(leftcols.new == "tau"))
          leftlabs.new[leftlabs.new == "tau"] <- "Tau"
        if (any(leftcols.new == "I2"))
          leftlabs.new[leftlabs.new == "I2"] <- "I2"
        if (three.level & any(leftcols.new == "cluster"))
            leftlabs.new[leftlabs.new == "cluster"] <- "Cluster"
      else {
        if (length(leftcols.new) == length(leftlabs))
          leftlabs.new <- leftlabs
        else if (length(leftcols.new) > length(leftlabs))
          stop("Too few labels defined for argument 'leftcols'.")
        else {
          leftlabs.new <- leftcols.new
          for (i in seq_along(leftcols.new)) {
            match1.i <- match(leftcols.new[i], leftcols)
            if (!is.na(leftlabs[match1.i]))
              leftlabs.new[i] <- leftlabs[match1.i]
            else {
              match2.i <- match(leftcols.new[i], colnames)
              if (!is.na(match2.i))
                leftlabs.new[i] <- labnames[match2.i]
              else if (leftcols.new[i] == "pval")
                leftlabs.new[i] <- "P-value"
              else if (leftcols.new[i] == "tau2")
                leftlabs.new[i] <- "Tau2"
              else if (leftcols.new[i] == "tau")
                leftlabs.new[i] <- "Tau"
              else if (leftcols.new[i] == "I2")
                leftlabs.new[i] <- "I2"
  ## Default set of columns if argument leftcols and / or
  ## rightcols not specified
  if (is.null(leftcols) && lsel) {
    leftcols <- "studlab"
    if (three.level)
      leftcols <- c(leftcols, "cluster")
    if (jama) {
      leftcols <- c(leftcols, "effect.ci")
    else {
      if (metabin) {
        if (study.results)
          leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                        "event.e", "n.e",
                        "event.c", "n.c")
        else {
          leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                        if (pooled.events) "event.e",
                        if (pooled.totals) "n.e",
                        if (pooled.events) "event.c",
                        if (pooled.totals) "n.c")
          if (pooled.events & !pooled.totals) {
            if (is.null(label.e.attach))
              label.e.attach <- "event.e"
            if (is.null(label.c.attach))
              label.c.attach <- "event.c"
      if (metacont) {
        if (study.results) {
          if (revman5)
            leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                          "mean.e", "sd.e", "n.e",
                          "mean.c", "sd.c", "n.c")
            leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                          "n.e", "mean.e", "sd.e",
                          "n.c", "mean.c", "sd.c")
        else if (pooled.totals) {
          leftcols <- c(leftcols, "n.e", "n.c")
          if (is.null(label.e.attach))
            label.e.attach <- "n.e"
          if (is.null(label.c.attach))
            label.c.attach <- "n.c"
      if (metagen & study.results) {
        leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                      "TE", "seTE")
        if (!is.null(x$n.e)) {
          leftcols <- c(leftcols, "n.e")
          if (is.null(label.e.attach))
            label.e.attach <- "n.e"
        if (!is.null(x$n.c)) {
          leftcols <- c(leftcols, "n.c")
          if (is.null(label.c.attach))
            label.c.attach <- "n.c"
      if (metamean) {
        if (study.results) {
          if (revman5)
            leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                          "mean.e", "sd.e", "n.e")
            leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                          "n.e", "mean.e", "sd.e")
        else if (pooled.totals) {
          leftcols <- c(leftcols, "n.e")
          if (is.null(label.e.attach))
            label.e.attach <- "n.e"
      if (metaprop) {
        if (study.results)
          leftcols <- c(leftcols, "event.e", "n.e")
        else {
          leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                        if (pooled.events) "event.e",
                        if (pooled.totals) "n.e")
          if (pooled.events & !pooled.totals) {
            if (is.null(label.e.attach))
              label.e.attach <- "event.e"
      if (metarate) {
        if (study.results)
          leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                        "event.e", "time.e",
                        if (!is.null(x$n)) "n.e")
        else {
          leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                        if (pooled.events) "event.e",
                        if (pooled.times) "time.e")
          if (pooled.events & !pooled.times) {
            if (is.null(label.e.attach))
              label.e.attach <- "event.e"
      if (metacor) {
        if (study.results | pooled.totals)
          leftcols <- c(leftcols,
      if (metainc) {
        if (study.results)
          leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                        "event.e", "time.e",
                        "event.c", "time.c")
        else {
          leftcols <- c(leftcols,
                        if (pooled.events) "event.e",
                        if (pooled.times) "time.e",
                        if (pooled.events) "event.c",
                        if (pooled.times) "time.c")
          if (pooled.events & !pooled.times) {
            if (is.null(label.e.attach))
              label.e.attach <- "event.e"
            if (is.null(label.c.attach))
              label.c.attach <- "event.c"
    ## Add columns for RevMan 5 layout
    if (revman5) {
      if (!metainf.metacum & overall & study.results & !any(x$method == "GLMM")) {
        if (common)
          leftcols <- c(leftcols, "w.common")
        if (random)
          leftcols <- c(leftcols, "w.random")
      leftcols <- c(leftcols, "effect.ci")
  leftcols[leftcols == "w.fixed"] <- "w.common"
  leftcols <- unique(leftcols)
  if (is.null(rightcols) && rsel) {
    rightcols <- c("effect", "ci")
    if (!metainf.metacum & overall & study.results & !any(x$method == "GLMM")) {
      if (common)
        rightcols <- c(rightcols, "w.common")
      if (random)
        rightcols <- c(rightcols, "w.random")
    if (metainf.metacum)
      rightcols <- c(rightcols, "pval", "tau2", "tau", "I2")  
  rightcols[rightcols == "w.fixed"] <- "w.common"
  rightcols <- unique(rightcols)
  if (any(leftcols == "w.common") & any(rightcols == "w.common"))
    leftcols <- leftcols[!leftcols == "w.common"]
  ## (6) Select data for forest plot
  if (metacor) {
    x$n.e <- x$n
  if (metamean) {
    x$n.e <- x$n
    x$mean.e <- x$mean
    x$sd.e <- x$sd
    if (!is.null(rightcols)) {
      if (any(rightcols == "n"))
        rightcols[rightcols == "n"] <- "n.e"
      if (any(rightcols == "mean"))
        rightcols[rightcols == "mean"] <- "mean.e"
      if (any(rightcols == "sd"))
        rightcols[rightcols == "sd"] <- "sd.e"
    if (!is.null(leftcols)) {
      if (any(leftcols == "n"))
        leftcols[leftcols == "n"] <- "n.e"
      if (any(leftcols == "mean"))
        leftcols[leftcols == "mean"] <- "mean.e"
      if (any(leftcols == "sd"))
        leftcols[leftcols == "sd"] <- "sd.e"
  if (metaprop) {
    x$event.e <- x$event
    x$n.e <- x$n
    if (!is.null(rightcols)) {
      if (any(rightcols == "n"))
        rightcols[rightcols == "n"] <- "n.e"
      if (any(rightcols == "event"))
        rightcols[rightcols == "event"] <- "event.e"
    if (!is.null(leftcols)) {
      if (any(leftcols == "n"))
        leftcols[leftcols == "n"] <- "n.e"
      if (any(leftcols == "event"))
        leftcols[leftcols == "event"] <- "event.e"
  if (metarate) {
    x$event.e <- x$event
    x$time.e <- x$time
    x$n.e <- x$n
    if (!is.null(rightcols)) {
      if (any(rightcols == "time"))
        rightcols[rightcols == "time"] <- "time.e"
      if (any(rightcols == "event"))
        rightcols[rightcols == "event"] <- "event.e"
      if (any(rightcols == "n"))
        rightcols[rightcols == "n"] <- "n.e"
    if (!is.null(leftcols)) {
      if (any(leftcols == "time"))
        leftcols[leftcols == "time"] <- "time.e"
      if (any(leftcols == "event"))
        leftcols[leftcols == "event"] <- "event.e"
      if (any(leftcols == "n"))
        leftcols[leftcols == "n"] <- "n.e"
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    x$TE.common <- rev(x$TE)[1]
    x$seTE.common <- rev(x$seTE)[1]
    x$lower.common <- rev(x$lower)[1]
    x$upper.common <- rev(x$upper)[1]
    x$TE.random <- rev(x$TE)[1]
    x$seTE.random <- rev(x$seTE)[1]
    x$lower.random <- rev(x$lower)[1]
    x$upper.random <- rev(x$upper)[1]
    x$n.harmonic.mean.ma <- rev(x$n.harmonic.mean)[1]
    x$t.harmonic.mean.ma <- rev(x$t.harmonic.mean)[1]
    x$w.all <- rev(x$w)[1]
    x$TE <- rev(rev(x$TE)[-(1:2)])
    x$seTE <- rev(rev(x$seTE)[-(1:2)])
    x$studlab <- rev(rev(x$studlab)[-(1:2)])
    x$lower <- rev(rev(x$lower)[-(1:2)])
    x$upper <- rev(rev(x$upper)[-(1:2)])
    x$w.common <- rev(rev(x$w)[-(1:2)])
    x$w.random <- rev(rev(x$w)[-(1:2)])
    x$n.harmonic.mean <- rev(rev(x$n.harmonic.mean)[-(1:2)])
    x$t.harmonic.mean <- rev(rev(x$t.harmonic.mean)[-(1:2)])
    x$pval.common <- x$pval.random <- rev(x$pval)[1]
    x$tau2.overall <- rev(x$tau2)[1]
    x$tau.overall <- rev(x$tau)[1]
    x$I2.overall <- rev(x$I2)[1]
    x$pval <- rev(rev(x$pval)[-(1:2)])
    x$tau2 <- rev(rev(x$tau2)[-(1:2)])
    x$tau <- rev(rev(x$tau)[-(1:2)])
    x$I2 <- rev(rev(x$I2)[-(1:2)])
    if (overall & x$pooled == "common") {
      common <- TRUE
      random <- FALSE
      if (weight.study != "same")
        weight.study <- "common"
    else if (overall & x$pooled == "random") {
      common <- FALSE
      random <- TRUE
      if (weight.study != "same")
        weight.study <- "random"
  ## Total number of studies to plot (*not* number of studies combined)
  k.all <- length(x$TE)
  if (allstudies)
    n.stud <- k.all # all studies
    n.stud <- sum(!is.na(x$TE)) # number of studies with treatment estimates
  if (length(type.study) == 1)
    type.study <- rep(type.study, k.all)
  else if (length(type.study) != k.all)
    stop("Argument 'type.study' must be a single character or of ",
         "same length as number of studies.")
  if (!by)
    subgroup <- rep(1, k.all)
  if (by & anyNA(subgroup))
    stop("Missing values in 'subgroup'")
  if (allstudies)
    sel <- rep(TRUE, k.all)
    sel <- !is.na(x$TE)
  x$n.e <- x$n.e[sel]
  x$n.c <- x$n.c[sel]
  x$event.e <- x$event.e[sel]
  x$event.c <- x$event.c[sel]
  x$mean.e <- x$mean.e[sel]
  x$mean.c <- x$mean.c[sel]
  x$sd.e <- x$sd.e[sel]
  x$sd.c <- x$sd.c[sel]
  x$cor <- x$cor[sel]
  x$time.e <- x$time.e[sel]
  x$time.c <- x$time.c[sel]
  x$TE <- x$TE[sel]
  x$seTE <- x$seTE[sel]
  x$lower <- x$lower[sel]
  x$upper <- x$upper[sel]
  if (is.matrix(x$w.common))
    x$w.common <- x$w.common[sel, , drop = FALSE]
    x$w.common <- x$w.common[sel]
  if (is.matrix(x$w.random))
    x$w.random <- x$w.random[sel, , drop = FALSE]
    x$w.random <- x$w.random[sel]
  studlab <- studlab[sel]
  type.study <- type.study[sel]
  x$n.harmonic.mean <- x$n.harmonic.mean[sel]
  x$t.harmonic.mean <- x$t.harmonic.mean[sel]
  x$pval <- x$pval[sel]
  x$cluster <- x$cluster[sel]
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    x$tau2 <- x$tau2[sel]
    x$tau <- x$tau[sel]
    x$I2 <- x$I2[sel]
  subgroup <- subgroup[sel]
  sortvar <- sortvar[sel]
  col.study <- col.study[sel]
  col.square <- col.square[sel]
  col.square.lines <- col.square.lines[sel]
  col.inside <- col.inside[sel]
  null.exclude <- is.null(x$exclude)
  if (!null.exclude)
    exclude <- x$exclude[sel]
  if (sort | by) {
    if (sort.subgroup)
      subgroup.levels <- sort(x$subgroup.levels)
      subgroup.levels <- x$subgroup.levels
    subgroup.factor <- factor(subgroup, levels = subgroup.levels)
    o <- order(subgroup.factor, sortvar)
    x$cluster <- x$cluster[o]
    x$n.e <- x$n.e[o]
    x$n.c <- x$n.c[o]
    x$event.e <- x$event.e[o]
    x$event.c <- x$event.c[o]
    x$mean.e <- x$mean.e[o]
    x$mean.c <- x$mean.c[o]
    x$sd.e <- x$sd.e[o]
    x$sd.c <- x$sd.c[o]
    x$cor <- x$cor[o]
    x$time.e <- x$time.e[o]
    x$time.c <- x$time.c[o]
    x$TE   <- x$TE[o]
    x$seTE <- x$seTE[o]
    x$lower <- x$lower[o]
    x$upper <- x$upper[o]
    if (is.matrix(x$w.common))
      x$w.common <- x$w.common[o, , drop = FALSE]
      x$w.common <- x$w.common[o]
    if (is.matrix(x$w.random))
      x$w.random <- x$w.random[o, , drop = FALSE]
      x$w.random <- x$w.random[o]
    studlab  <- studlab[o]
    type.study  <- type.study[o]
    x$n.harmonic.mean <- x$n.harmonic.mean[o]
    x$t.harmonic.mean <- x$t.harmonic.mean[o]
    x$pval <- x$pval[o]
    if (metainf.metacum) {
      x$tau2 <- x$tau2[o]
      x$tau <- x$tau[o]
      x$I2 <- x$I2[o]
    subgroup <- subgroup[o]
    sortvar <- sortvar[o]
    col.study <- col.study[o]
    col.square <- col.square[o]
    col.square.lines <- col.square.lines[o]
    col.inside <- col.inside[o]
    if (!null.exclude)
      exclude <- exclude[o]
    if (newcols) {
      dataset1 <- dataset1[o, ]
      dataset2 <- dataset2[o, ]
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    TE    <- x$TE
    seTE  <- x$seTE
    lowTE <- x$lower
    uppTE <- x$upper
    TE.common    <- x$TE.common
    lowTE.common <- x$lower.common
    uppTE.common <- x$upper.common
    TE.random    <- x$TE.random
    lowTE.random <- x$lower.random
    uppTE.random <- x$upper.random
    lowTE.predict <- NA
    uppTE.predict <- NA
    Q    <- NA
    df.Q <- NA
    pval.Q <- NA
    I2   <- NA
    tau2 <- NA
    lower.tau2 <- NA
    upper.tau2 <- NA
    tau <- NA
    lower.tau <- NA
    upper.tau <- NA
    sign.lower.tau <- ""
    sign.upper.tau <- ""
    lowI2 <- NA
    uppI2 <- NA
    Rb   <- NA
    lowRb <- NA
    uppRb <- NA
    Q.b.common <- NA
    Q.b.random <- NA
    df.Q.b <- NA
    df.Q.b.common <- NA
    df.Q.b.random <- NA
    pval.Q.b.common <- NA
    pval.Q.b.random <- NA
  else {
    TE <- x$TE
    seTE <- x$seTE
    lowTE <- x$lower
    uppTE <- x$upper
    if ((metaprop | metarate) & !backtransf) {
      ciTE <- ci(TE, seTE, level = level)
      lowTE <- ciTE$lower
      uppTE <- ciTE$upper
    TE.common <- x$TE.common
    lowTE.common <- x$lower.common
    uppTE.common <- x$upper.common
    TE.random <- x$TE.random
    lowTE.random <- x$lower.random
    uppTE.random <- x$upper.random
    if (n.ran > 1 && length(TE.random) == 1)
      TE.random <- rep(TE.random, n.ran)
    lowTE.predict <- x$lower.predict
    uppTE.predict <- x$upper.predict
    if (LRT)
      Q <- x$Q.LRT
      Q <- unlist(x$Q)
    df.Q <- unlist(x$df.Q)
    pval.Q <- replaceNULL(unlist(x$pval.Q), pvalQ(Q, df.Q))
    ## Keep the first heterogeneity statistics
    if (length(Q) > 1) {
      Q <- Q[1]
      df.Q <- df.Q[1]
      pval.Q <- pval.Q[1]
    tau2 <- x$tau2
    lower.tau2 <- x$lower.tau2
    upper.tau2 <- x$upper.tau2
    if (is.null(tau2)) {
      tau2 <- x$tau^2
      lower.tau2 <- upper.tau2 <- NA
    if (length(tau2) > 1) {
      if (three.level) {
        tau2 <- sum(tau2)
        lower.tau2 <- NA
        upper.tau2 <- NA
      else {
        tau2 <- tau2[1]
        lower.tau2 <- lower.tau2[1]
        upper.tau2 <- upper.tau2[1]
    tau <- x$tau
    lower.tau <- x$lower.tau
    upper.tau <- x$upper.tau
    if (length(tau) > 1) {
      if (three.level) {
        tau <- sqrt(sum(tau^2))
        lower.tau2 <- NA
        upper.tau2 <- NA
      else {
        tau <- tau[1]
        lower.tau <- lower.tau[1]
        upper.tau <- upper.tau[1]
    sign.lower.tau <- x$sign.lower.tau
    sign.upper.tau <- x$sign.lower.tau
    if (is.null(lower.tau)) {
      lower.tau <- upper.tau <- NA
      sign.lower.tau <- sign.upper.tau <- ""
    I2 <- unlist(x$I2)
    lowI2 <- unlist(x$lower.I2)
    uppI2 <- unlist(x$upper.I2)
    if (length(I2) > 1) {
      I2 <- I2[1]
      lowI2 <- lowI2[1]
      uppI2 <- uppI2[1]
    Rb <- unlist(x$Rb)
    lowRb <- unlist(x$lower.Rb)
    uppRb <- unlist(x$upper.Rb)
    if (length(Rb) > 1) {
      Rb <- Rb[1]
      lowRb <- lowRb[1]
      uppRb <- uppRb[1]
    if (by) {
      df.Q.b <- x$df.Q.b
      df.Q.b.random <- replaceNULL(x$df.Q.b.random, df.Q.b)    
      Q.b.common <- x$Q.b.common
      df.Q.b.common <- replaceNULL(x$df.Q.b.common, df.Q.b)
      pval.Q.b.common <-
        replaceNULL(x$pval.Q.b.common, pvalQ(Q.b.common, df.Q.b.common))
      ## Only consider test for subgroup differences for first random
      ## effects meta-analysis method
      Q.b.random <- x$Q.b.random[1]
      if (is.list(df.Q.b.random))
        df.Q.b.random <- df.Q.b.random[[1]]
      if (length(df.Q.b.random) == 1)
        pval.Q.b.random <-
          replaceNULL(x$pval.Q.b.random[1], pvalQ(Q.b.random, df.Q.b.random))
      else if (length(df.Q.b.random) == 2)
        pval.Q.b.random <-
                      pf(Q.b.random, df.Q.b.random[1], df.Q.b.random[2],
                         lower.tail = FALSE))
        pval.Q.b.random <- x$pval.Q.b.random
      Q.resid <- x$Q.resid
      df.Q.resid <- x$df.Q.resid
      pval.Q.resid <- x$pval.Q.resid
      tau2.resid <- x$tau2.resid
      lower.tau2.resid <- x$lower.tau2.resid
      upper.tau2.resid <- x$upper.tau2.resid
      if (is.null(tau2.resid)) {
        tau2.resid <- x$tau.resid^2
        lower.tau2.resid <- upper.tau2.resid <- NA
      tau.resid <- x$tau.resid
      lower.tau.resid <- x$lower.tau.resid
      upper.tau.resid <- x$upper.tau.resid
      sign.lower.tau.resid <- x$sign.lower.tau.resid
      sign.upper.tau.resid <- x$sign.lower.tau.resid
      if (is.null(lower.tau.resid)) {
        lower.tau.resid <- upper.tau.resid <- NA
        sign.lower.tau.resid <- sign.upper.tau.resid <- ""
      I2.resid <- x$I2.resid
      lowI2.resid <- x$lower.I2.resid
      uppI2.resid <- x$upper.I2.resid
    else {
      Q.b.common <- NA
      Q.b.random <- NA
      df.Q.b <- NA
      df.Q.b.common <- NA
      df.Q.b.random <- NA
  hetstat.overall <- ""
  if (overall.hetstat || is.character(hetstat)) {
    hetstat.I2 <-
             formatN(100 * I2, digits.I2, "NA"), "%",
             if (print.I2.ci && !(is.na(lowI2) | is.na(uppI2)))
               pasteCI(100 * lowI2, 100 * uppI2,
                       digits.I2, big.mark,
                       text.NA = lab.NA, unit = "%"))
    hetstat.tau2 <-
      paste0(formatPT(tau2, digits = digits.tau2, big.mark = big.mark,
                      lab = TRUE, labval = "", lab.NA = "NA"),
             if (print.tau2.ci && !(is.na(lower.tau2) | is.na(upper.tau2)))
               pasteCI(lower.tau2, upper.tau2, digits.tau2, big.mark,
                       sign.lower.tau, sign.upper.tau, lab.NA))
    hetstat.tau <-
      paste0(formatPT(tau, digits = digits.tau, big.mark = big.mark,
                      lab = TRUE, labval = "", lab.NA = "NA"),
             if (print.tau.ci && !(is.na(lower.tau) | is.na(upper.tau)))
               pasteCI(lower.tau, upper.tau, digits.tau, big.mark,
                       sign.lower.tau, sign.upper.tau, lab.NA))
    hetstat.Q <-
             formatN(Q, digits.Q, "NA", big.mark = big.mark),
             if (revman5) ", df",
             if (revman5) hetseparator,
             if (revman5) df.Q)
    hetstat.pval.Q <-
               lab = TRUE, labval = "",
               digits = digits.pval.Q,
               zero = zero.pval, JAMA = JAMA.pval,
               scientific = scientific.pval,
               lab.NA = "NA")
    if (print.Rb)
      hetstat.Rb <-
               formatN(100 * Rb, digits.I2, "NA", big.mark = big.mark),
               if (print.Rb.ci && !(is.na(lowRb) | is.na(uppRb)))
                 pasteCI(100 * lowRb, 100 * uppRb,
                         digits.I2, big.mark,
                         text.NA = lab.NA, unit = "%"))
    ## Remove superfluous spaces
    while(grepl("  ", hetstat.I2))
      hetstat.I2 <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.I2)
    while(grepl("  ", hetstat.tau2))
      hetstat.tau2 <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.tau2)
    while(grepl("  ", hetstat.Q))
      hetstat.Q <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.Q)
    while(grepl("  ", hetstat.pval.Q))
      hetstat.pval.Q <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.pval.Q)
    if (print.Rb)
      while(grepl("  ", hetstat.Rb))
        hetstat.Rb <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.Rb)
    if (revman5)
      hetstat.overall <- substitute(paste(hl,
                                          "Tau"^2, ht, "; ",
                                          "Chi"^2, hq,
                                          " (",
                                          P, hp,
                                          "); ",
                                          I^2, hi),
                                    list(hl = hetlab,
                                         hi = hetstat.I2,
                                         ht = hetstat.tau2,
                                         hq = hetstat.Q,
                                         hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
    else if (jama)
      hetstat.overall <- substitute(paste(hl,
                                          chi[df]^2, hq,
                                          " (",
                                          italic(P), hp,
                                          "), ",
                                          italic(I)^2, hi
                                    list(hl = hetlab,
                                         hi = hetstat.I2,
                                         hq = hetstat.Q,
                                         hp = hetstat.pval.Q,
                                         df = df.Q))
    else {
      ## One
      if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi),
                     list(hl = hetlab, hi = hetstat.I2))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <- substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht),
                                        list(hl = hetlab, ht = hetstat.tau2))
          hetstat.overall <- substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht),
                                        list(hl = hetlab, ht = hetstat.tau))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.overall <-
          substitute(paste(hl, chi[df]^2, hq),
                     list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q, hq = hetstat.Q))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.overall <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(p), hp),
                     list(hl = hetlab, hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.overall <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = hetlab, hb = hetstat.Rb))
      ## Two
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
            substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                             ", ",
                             tau^2, ht),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau2))
          hetstat.overall <-
            substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                             ", ",
                             tau, ht),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau))
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                           ", ",
                           chi[df]^2, hq),
                     list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                          hi = hetstat.I2, hq = hetstat.Q))
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                           ", ",
                           italic(p), hp),
                     list(hl = hetlab,
                          hi = hetstat.I2, hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                           ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = hetlab,
                          hi = hetstat.I2, hb = hetstat.Rb))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht,
                             ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2, hq = hetstat.Q))
          hetstat.overall <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht,
                             ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            ht = hetstat.tau, hq = hetstat.Q))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht,
                             ", ",
                             italic(p), hp),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2, hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
          hetstat.overall <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht,
                             ", ",
                             italic(p), hp),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau, hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht,
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2, hb = hetstat.Rb))
          hetstat.overall <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht,
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau, hb = hetstat.Rb))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
          substitute(paste(hl, chi[df]^2, hq,
                           " (",
                           italic(p), hp, ")"),
                     list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                          hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
          substitute(paste(hl, chi[df]^2, hq,
                           ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                          hq = hetstat.Q, hb = hetstat.Rb))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(p), hp,
                           ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = hetlab,
                          hp = hetstat.pval.Q, hb = hetstat.Rb))
      ## Three
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hq = hetstat.Q))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hq = hetstat.Q))
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q))

      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
                           italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                           chi[df]^2, hq,
                           " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                     list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                          hi = hetstat.I2,
                          hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb))          
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
                           italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                           chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                          hi = hetstat.I2,
                          hq = hetstat.Q,
                          hb = hetstat.Rb))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hq = hetstat.Q,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hq = hetstat.Q,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb))          
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
                           italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                           italic(p), hp, ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = hetlab,
                          hi = hetstat.I2, hp = hetstat.pval.Q,
                          hb = hetstat.Rb))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
                           chi[df]^2, hq,
                           " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                           ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                          hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q,
                          hb = hetstat.Rb))      
      ## Four
      if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q))          
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hq = hetstat.Q, hb = hetstat.Rb))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hq = hetstat.Q, hb = hetstat.Rb))
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q, hb = hetstat.Rb))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q, hb = hetstat.Rb))
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        hetstat.overall <-
                           italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                           chi[df]^2, hq,
                           " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                           ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                          hi = hetstat.I2,
                          hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q,
                          hb = hetstat.Rb))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb))
      ## Five
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q & print.Rb)
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau2,
                            hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb))
          hetstat.overall <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = hetlab, df = df.Q,
                            hi = hetstat.I2, ht = hetstat.tau,
                            hq = hetstat.Q, hp = hetstat.pval.Q,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb))
  ## Line with residual heterogeneity
  hetstat.resid <- ""
  if (by && (length(tau2.resid) == 0 || is.na(tau2.resid)))
    print.tau2.tau.resid <- FALSE
    print.tau2.tau.resid <- print.tau2.tau
  if (resid.hetstat) {
    hetstat.I2.resid <-
             formatN(100 * I2.resid, digits.I2, "NA"), "%",
             if (print.I2.ci && !(is.na(lowI2.resid) | is.na(uppI2.resid)))
               pasteCI(100 * lowI2.resid, 100 * uppI2.resid,
                       digits.I2, big.mark,
                       text.NA = lab.NA, unit = "%"))
    hetstat.tau2.resid <-
      paste0(formatPT(tau2.resid, digits = digits.tau2, big.mark = big.mark,
                      lab = TRUE, labval = "", lab.NA = "NA"),
             if (print.tau2.ci &&
                 !(is.na(lower.tau2.resid) | is.na(upper.tau2.resid)))
               pasteCI(lower.tau2.resid, upper.tau2.resid, digits.tau2,
                       sign.lower.tau.resid, sign.upper.tau.resid, lab.NA))
    hetstat.tau.resid <-
      paste0(formatPT(tau.resid, digits = digits.tau, big.mark = big.mark,
                      lab = TRUE, labval = "", lab.NA = "NA"),
             if (print.tau.ci &&
                 !(is.na(lower.tau.resid) | is.na(upper.tau.resid)))
               pasteCI(lower.tau.resid, upper.tau.resid, digits.tau,
                       sign.lower.tau.resid, sign.upper.tau.resid, lab.NA))
    hetstat.Q.resid <-
             formatN(Q.resid, digits.Q, "NA", big.mark = big.mark),
             if (revman5) ", df",
             if (revman5) hetseparator,
             if (revman5) df.Q.resid)
    hetstat.pval.Q.resid <-
               lab = TRUE, labval = "",
               digits = digits.pval.Q,
               zero = zero.pval, JAMA = JAMA.pval,
               scientific = scientific.pval,
               lab.NA = "NA")
    hetstat.Rb.resid <- ""
    print.Rb.resid <- FALSE
    ## Remove superfluous spaces
    while(grepl("  ", hetstat.I2.resid))
      hetstat.I2.resid <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.I2.resid)
    while(grepl("  ", hetstat.tau2.resid))
      hetstat.tau2.resid <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.tau2.resid)
    while(grepl("  ", hetstat.tau.resid))
      hetstat.tau.resid <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.tau.resid)
    while(grepl("  ", hetstat.Q.resid))
      hetstat.Q.resid <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.Q.resid)
    while(grepl("  ", hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
      hetstat.pval.Q.resid <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.pval.Q.resid)
    while(grepl("  ", hetstat.Rb.resid))
      hetstat.Rb.resid <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.Rb.resid)
    if (revman5)
      hetstat.resid <- substitute(paste(hl,
                                          "Tau"^2, ht, "; ",
                                          "Chi"^2, hq,
                                          " (",
                                          P, hp,
                                          "); ",
                                          I^2, hi),
                                    list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                                         hi = hetstat.I2.resid,
                                         ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                                         hq = hetstat.Q.resid,
                                         hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
    else if (jama)
      hetstat.resid <- substitute(paste(hl,
                                          chi[df]^2, hq,
                                          " (",
                                          italic(P), hp,
                                          "), ",
                                          italic(I)^2, hi
                                    list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                                         hi = hetstat.I2.resid,
                                         hq = hetstat.Q.resid,
                                         hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid,
                                         df = df.Q.resid))
    else {
      ## One
      if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, hi = hetstat.I2.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, ht = hetstat.tau2.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, ht = hetstat.tau.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
          substitute(paste(hl, chi[df]^2, hq),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid, hq = hetstat.Q.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(p), hp),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
      ## Two
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
            substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                             ", ",
                             tau^2, ht),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau2.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
            substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                             ", ",
                             tau, ht),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau.resid))
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                           ", ",
                           chi[df]^2, hq),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                          hi = hetstat.I2.resid, hq = hetstat.Q.resid))
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                           ", ",
                           italic(p), hp),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                          hi = hetstat.I2.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                           ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                          hi = hetstat.I2.resid, hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht,
                             ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2.resid, hq = hetstat.Q.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht,
                             ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            ht = hetstat.tau.resid, hq = hetstat.Q.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht,
                             ", ",
                             italic(p), hp),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht,
                             ", ",
                             italic(p), hp),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht,
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2.resid, hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
            substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht,
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau.resid, hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
          substitute(paste(hl, chi[df]^2, hq,
                           " (",
                           italic(p), hp, ")"),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                          hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
          substitute(paste(hl, chi[df]^2, hq,
                           ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                          hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
          substitute(paste(hl, italic(p), hp,
                           ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                          hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid, hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
      ## Three
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid))
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
                           italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                           chi[df]^2, hq,
                           " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                          hi = hetstat.I2.resid,
                          hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
                           italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                           chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                          hi = hetstat.I2.resid,
                          hq = hetstat.Q.resid,
                          hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))          
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
                           italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                           italic(p), hp, ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                          hi = hetstat.I2.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid,
                          hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))          
      else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
                           chi[df]^2, hq,
                           " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                           ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                          hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid,
                          hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))      
      ## Four
      if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid))          
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))          
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             italic(p), hp, ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid, hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
                           italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                           tau, ht, ", ",
                           italic(p), hp, ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab,
                          hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                          hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid, hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
      else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
        hetstat.resid <-
                           italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                           chi[df]^2, hq,
                           " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                           ", ",
                           italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                     list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                          ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                          hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid,
                          hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
      else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))          
      ## Five
      else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau.resid & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
        if (print.tau2)
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau^2, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau2.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))
          hetstat.resid <-
                             italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                             tau, ht, ", ",
                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                             " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                             ", ",
                             italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                       list(hl = resid.hetlab, df = df.Q.resid,
                            hi = hetstat.I2.resid, ht = hetstat.tau.resid,
                            hq = hetstat.Q.resid, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.resid,
                            hb = hetstat.Rb.resid))          
  ## Label of test for overall effect
  pvals.overall <- formatPT(c(x$pval.common, x$pval.random),
                            lab = TRUE, labval = "",
                            digits = digits.pval,
                            zero = zero.pval, JAMA = JAMA.pval,
                            scientific = scientific.pval,
                            lab.NA = "NA")
  statistics.overall <- formatN(c(x$statistic.common, x$statistic.random),
                                digits.stat, "NA", big.mark = big.mark)
  ## Remove superfluous spaces
  pvals.overall <- rmSpace(pvals.overall, end = TRUE)
  while(any(grepl("  ", pvals.overall)))
    pvals.overall <- gsub("  ", " ", pvals.overall)
  while(any(grepl("  ", statistics.overall)))
    statistics.overall <- gsub("  ", " ", statistics.overall)
  if (test.overall.common) {
    if (print.stat) {
      if (revman5)
        text.overall.common <-
                           Z, hetseparator, tt,
                           " (P", tp, ")"),
                     list(tl = label.test.overall.common,
                          hetseparator = hetseparator,
                          tt = statistics.overall[1],
                          tp = pvals.overall[1]))
      else if (jama)
        text.overall.common <-
                           italic(z), hetseparator, tt,
                           " (", italic(P), tp, ")"),
                     list(tl = label.test.overall.common,
                          hetseparator = hetseparator,
                          tt = statistics.overall[1],
                          tp = pvals.overall[1]))
        text.overall.common <-
                           italic(z), hetseparator, tt,
                           " (", italic(p), tp, ")"),
                     list(tl = label.test.overall.common,
                          hetseparator = hetseparator,
                          tt = statistics.overall[1],
                          tp = pvals.overall[1]))
    else {
      if (revman5)
        text.overall.common <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " P", tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.overall.common,
                          tp = pvals.overall[1]))
      else if (jama)
        text.overall.common <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " ", italic(P), tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.overall.common,
                          tp = pvals.overall[1]))
        text.overall.common <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " ", italic(p), tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.overall.common,
                          tp = pvals.overall[1]))     
    text.overall.common <- ""
  hakn.kero <- x$method.random.ci[1] %in% c("HK", "KR")
  if (test.overall.random) {
    if (print.stat) {
      if (!hakn.kero) {
        if (revman5)
          text.overall.random <-
                             Z, hetseparator, tt,
                             " (P", tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.overall.random,
                            hetseparator = hetseparator,
                            tt = statistics.overall[2],
                            tp = pvals.overall[2]))
        else if (jama)
          text.overall.random <-
                             italic(z), hetseparator, tt,
                             " (", italic(P), tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.overall.random,
                            hetseparator = hetseparator,
                            tt = statistics.overall[2],
                            tp = pvals.overall[2]))
          text.overall.random <-
                             italic(z), hetseparator, tt,
                             " (", italic(p), tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.overall.random,
                            hetseparator = hetseparator,
                            tt = statistics.overall[2],
                            tp = pvals.overall[2]))
      else {
        if (revman5)
          text.overall.random <-
                             t[df], hetseparator, tt,
                             " (P", tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.overall.random,
                            hetseparator = hetseparator,
                            tt = statistics.overall[2],
                            tp = pvals.overall[2],
                            df = round(x$df.random, 1)))
        else if (jama)
          text.overall.random <-
                             italic(t)[df], hetseparator, tt,
                             " (", italic(P), tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.overall.random,
                            hetseparator = hetseparator,
                            tt = statistics.overall[2],
                            tp = pvals.overall[2],
                            df = round(x$df.random, 1)))
          text.overall.random <-
                             italic(t)[df], hetseparator, tt,
                             " (", italic(p), tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.overall.random,
                            hetseparator = hetseparator,
                            tt = statistics.overall[2],
                            tp = pvals.overall[2],
                            df = round(x$df.random, 1)))
    else {
      if (revman5)
        text.overall.random <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " P", tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.overall.random,
                          tp = pvals.overall[2]))
      else if (jama)
        text.overall.random <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " ", italic(P), tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.overall.random,
                          tp = pvals.overall[2]))
        text.overall.random <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " ", italic(p), tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.overall.random,
                          tp = pvals.overall[2]))
    text.overall.random <- ""
  ## Label of test for subgroup differences
  if (by) {
    Q.bs <- c(Q.b.common, Q.b.random)
    pval.Q.bs <- c(pval.Q.b.common, pval.Q.b.random)
  else {
    Q.bs <- NA
    pval.Q.bs <- NA
  hetstat.Q.bs <-
           gsub(" ", "", formatN(Q.bs, digits.Q, "NA", big.mark = big.mark)),
           if (!jama) ", df",
           if (!jama) hetseparator,
           if (!jama) c(df.Q.b.common,
                        if (length(df.Q.b.random) == 2)
                          paste(df.Q.b.random, collapse = ", ")
  hetstat.Q.bs <- rmSpace(hetstat.Q.bs, end = TRUE)
  hetstat.pval.Q.bs <-
                    lab = TRUE, labval = "",
                    digits = digits.pval.Q,
                    zero = zero.pval, JAMA = JAMA.pval,
                    scientific = scientific.pval,
                    lab.NA = "NA"))
  ## Remove superfluous spaces
  hetstat.pval.Q.bs <- rmSpace(hetstat.pval.Q.bs, end = TRUE)
  while(any(grepl("  ", hetstat.pval.Q.bs)))
    hetstat.pval.Q.bs <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.pval.Q.bs)
  while(any(grepl("  ", hetstat.Q.bs)))
    hetstat.Q.bs <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.Q.bs)
  if (test.subgroup.common) {
    if (print.Q.subgroup) {
      if (revman5)
        text.subgroup.common <-
                           "Chi"^2, tq,
                           " (P", tp, ")"),
                     list(tl = label.test.subgroup.common,
                          tq = hetstat.Q.bs[1],
                          tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[1]))
      else if (jama)
        text.subgroup.common <-
                           chi[df]^2, tq,
                           " (", italic(P), tp, ")"),
                     list(tl = label.test.subgroup.common,
                          tq = hetstat.Q.bs[1],
                          tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[1],
                          df = df.Q.b.common))
        text.subgroup.common <-
                           chi[df]^2, tq,
                           " (", italic(p), tp, ")"),
                     list(tl = label.test.subgroup.common,
                          tq = hetstat.Q.bs[1],
                          tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[1],
                          df = df.Q.b.common))
    else {
      if (revman5)
        text.subgroup.common <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " P", tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.subgroup.common,
                          tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[1]))
      else if (jama)
        text.subgroup.common <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " ", italic(P), tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.subgroup.common,
                          tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[1]))
        text.subgroup.common <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " ", italic(p), tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.subgroup.common,
                          tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[1]))
    text.subgroup.common <- ""
  if (test.subgroup.random) {
    if (print.Q.subgroup) {
      if (revman5) {
        if (length(df.Q.b.random) == 2)
          text.subgroup.random <-
                             "F", tq,
                             " (P", tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.subgroup.random,
                            tq = hetstat.Q.bs[2],
                            tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[2]))
          text.subgroup.random <-
                             "Chi"^2, tq,
                             " (P", tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.subgroup.random,
                            tq = hetstat.Q.bs[2],
                            tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[2]))
      else if (jama) {
        if (length(df.Q.b.random) == 2)
          text.subgroup.random <-
                             F[df], tq,
                             " (", italic(P), tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.subgroup.random,
                            tq = hetstat.Q.bs[2],
                            tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[2],
                            df = paste(df.Q.b.random, collapse = ", ")))
          text.subgroup.random <-
                             chi[df]^2, tq,
                             " (", italic(P), tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.subgroup.random,
                            tq = hetstat.Q.bs[2],
                            tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[2],
                            df = df.Q.b.random))          
      else {
        if (length(df.Q.b.random) == 2)
          text.subgroup.random <-
                             F[df], tq,
                             " (", italic(p), tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.subgroup.random,
                            tq = hetstat.Q.bs[2],
                            tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[2],
                            df = paste(df.Q.b.random, collapse = ", ")))
          text.subgroup.random <-
                             chi[df]^2, tq,
                             " (", italic(p), tp, ")"),
                       list(tl = label.test.subgroup.random,
                            tq = hetstat.Q.bs[2],
                            tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[2],
                            df = df.Q.b.random))
    else {
      if (revman5)
        text.subgroup.random <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " P", tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.subgroup.random,
                          tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[2]))
      else if (jama)
        text.subgroup.random <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " ", italic(P), tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.subgroup.random,
                          tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[2]))
        text.subgroup.random <-
          substitute(paste(tl, " ", italic(p), tp),
                     list(tl = label.test.subgroup.random,
                          tp = hetstat.pval.Q.bs[2]))
    text.subgroup.random <- ""
  ## (7) Prepare data for subgroup analysis
  NAs <- rep(NA, n.com + n.ran + n.prd)
  NAs.com <- rep(NA, n.com)
  NAs.ran <- rep(NA, n.ran)
  NAs.prd <- rep(NA, n.prd)
  NAs.com1 <- rep(NA, n.com - 1)
  NAs.ran1 <- rep(NA, n.ran - 1)
  blanks <- rep("", n.com + n.ran + n.prd)
  blanks.prd <- rep("", n.prd)
  emp.com <- 1 + seq_len(n.com - 1)
  emp.ran <- n.com + 1 + seq_len(n.ran - 1)
  all.com <- seq_len(n.com)
  all.ran <- n.com + seq_len(n.ran)
  all.prd <- n.com + n.ran + seq_len(n.prd)
  all.res <- c(all.com, all.ran, all.prd)
  if (by) {
    NAs.by <- rep(NA, n.by)
    k.w.hetstat <- if (metabind) x$k.w.orig else x$k.w
    o.w <- order(factor(x$subgroup.levels, levels = subgroup.levels))
    k.w.hetstat <- k.w.hetstat[o.w]
    if (hakn.kero)
      df.random.w <- x$df.random.w[o.w]
    TE.common.w <- ordermat(TE.common.w, subgroup.levels)
    lower.common.w <- ordermat(lower.common.w, subgroup.levels)
    upper.common.w <- ordermat(upper.common.w, subgroup.levels)
    statistic.common.w <- ordermat(statistic.common.w, subgroup.levels)
    pval.common.w <- ordermat(pval.common.w, subgroup.levels)
    TE.random.w <- ordermat(TE.random.w, subgroup.levels)
    lower.random.w <- ordermat(lower.random.w, subgroup.levels)
    upper.random.w <- ordermat(upper.random.w, subgroup.levels)
    statistic.random.w <- ordermat(statistic.random.w, subgroup.levels)
    pval.random.w <- ordermat(pval.random.w, subgroup.levels)
    lower.predict.w <- ordermat(lower.predict.w, subgroup.levels)
    upper.predict.w <- ordermat(upper.predict.w, subgroup.levels)
    Q.w <- x$Q.w[o.w]
    pval.Q.w <- x$pval.Q.w[o.w]
    I2.w <- x$I2.w[o.w]
    lowI2.w <- x$lower.I2.w[o.w]
    uppI2.w <- x$upper.I2.w[o.w]
    Rb.w <- x$Rb.w[o.w]
    lowRb.w <- x$lower.Rb.w[o.w]
    uppRb.w <- x$upper.Rb.w[o.w]
    tau2.w <- x$tau2.w[o.w]
    tau.w <- x$tau.w[o.w]
    w.common.w <- x$w.common.w[o.w]
    w.random.w <- x$w.random.w[o.w]
    e.e.w <- if (metaprop | metarate) x$event.w[o.w] else x$event.e.w[o.w]
    t.e.w <- if (metainc | metarate) x$time.e.w[o.w] else NAs.by
    n.e.w <-
      if (metacor | metaprop | metamean | metarate)
    e.c.w <- x$event.c.w[o.w]
    t.c.w <- if (metainc) x$time.c.w[o.w] else NAs.by
    n.c.w <- x$n.c.w[o.w]
    n.harmonic.mean.w <- x$n.harmonic.mean.w[o.w]
    t.harmonic.mean.w <- x$t.harmonic.mean.w[o.w]
    k.all.w <- x$k.all.w[o.w]
    k.study.w <- x$k.study.w[o.w]
    k.w <- x$k.w[o.w]
    k.TE.w <- x$k.TE.w[o.w]
    subgroup.logical <- subgroup.logical[o.w]
    subgroup.hetstat.logical <- subgroup.hetstat.logical[o.w]
    prediction.subgroup.logical <-
    ## Do (not) drop subgroups without studies in subgroup
    ## meta-analysis
    if (allstudies)
      sel.w <- rep(TRUE, length(k.all.w))
      sel.w <- k.w > 0
    if (hakn.kero)
      df.random.w <- df.random.w[sel.w]
    TE.common.w <- TE.common.w[repl(sel.w, n.com, n.by)]
    lower.common.w <- lower.common.w[repl(sel.w, n.com, n.by)]
    upper.common.w <- upper.common.w[repl(sel.w, n.com, n.by)]
    statistic.common.w <- statistic.common.w[repl(sel.w, n.com, n.by)]
    pval.common.w <- pval.common.w[repl(sel.w, n.com, n.by)]
    TE.random.w <- TE.random.w[repl(sel.w, n.ran, n.by)]
    lower.random.w <- lower.random.w[repl(sel.w, n.ran, n.by)]
    upper.random.w <- upper.random.w[repl(sel.w, n.ran, n.by)]
    statistic.random.w <- statistic.random.w[repl(sel.w, n.ran, n.by)]
    pval.random.w <- pval.random.w[repl(sel.w, n.ran, n.by)]
    lower.predict.w <- lower.predict.w[repl(sel.w, n.prd, n.by)]
    upper.predict.w <- upper.predict.w[repl(sel.w, n.prd, n.by)]
    Q.w <- Q.w[sel.w]
    pval.Q.w <- pval.Q.w[sel.w]
    I2.w    <- I2.w[sel.w]
    lowI2.w <- lowI2.w[sel.w]
    uppI2.w <- uppI2.w[sel.w]
    Rb.w    <- Rb.w[sel.w]
    lowRb.w <- lowRb.w[sel.w]
    uppRb.w <- uppRb.w[sel.w]
    tau2.w <- tau2.w[sel.w]
    tau.w <- tau.w[sel.w]
    w.common.w <- w.common.w[sel.w]
    w.random.w <- w.random.w[sel.w]
    e.e.w <- e.e.w[sel.w]
    t.e.w <- t.e.w[sel.w]
    n.e.w <- n.e.w[sel.w]
    e.c.w <- e.c.w[sel.w]
    t.c.w <- t.c.w[sel.w]
    n.c.w <- n.c.w[sel.w]
    n.harmonic.mean.w <- n.harmonic.mean.w[sel.w]
    t.harmonic.mean.w <- t.harmonic.mean.w[sel.w]
    k.all.w <- k.all.w[sel.w]
    k.study.w <- k.study.w[sel.w]
    k.w <- k.w[sel.w]
    k.TE.w <- k.TE.w[sel.w]
    subgroup.logical <- subgroup.logical[sel.w]
    subgroup.hetstat.logical <- subgroup.hetstat.logical[sel.w]
    prediction.subgroup.logical <-
    subgroup.levels <- subgroup.levels[sel.w]
    n.by <- length(subgroup.levels)
    n.com.w <- n.com * n.by
    n.ran.w <- n.ran * n.by
    n.prd.w <- n.prd * n.by
    NAs.by <- rep(NA, n.by)
    NAs.com.w <- rep(NA, n.com.w)
    NAs.ran.w <- rep(NA, n.ran.w)
    NAs.prd.w <- rep(NA, n.prd.w)
    NAs.stat.w <- rep(NA, 3 * n.by)
    NAs.w <- rep(NA, n.com.w + n.ran.w + n.prd.w)
    NAs.all <- c(NAs, NAs.w, NAs.stat.w)
    blanks.com.w <- rep("", n.com.w)
    blanks.ran.w <- rep("", n.ran.w)
    blanks.prd.w <- rep("", n.prd.w)
    blanks.stat.w <- rep("", 3 * n.by)
    blanks.w <- rep("", n.com.w + n.ran.w + n.prd.w + 3 * n.by)
    idx.com.w <- 1 + (seq_len(n.by) * n.com) - n.com
    idx.ran.w <- 1 + (seq_len(n.by) * n.ran) - n.ran
    idx.prd.w <- 1 + (seq_len(n.by) * n.prd) - n.prd
    notfirst.com.w <- seq_len(n.com.w)[!(seq_len(n.com.w) %in% idx.com.w)]
    notfirst.ran.w <- seq_len(n.ran.w)[!(seq_len(n.ran.w) %in% idx.ran.w)]
    notfirst.prd.w <- seq_len(n.prd.w)[!(seq_len(n.prd.w) %in% idx.prd.w)]
    ## Do not consider limits of prediction intervals in subgroups to
    ## format confidence limits
    sel.NA <- !repl(prediction.subgroup.logical, n.prd, n.by)
    lower.predict.w[sel.NA] <- NA
    upper.predict.w[sel.NA] <- NA
    first.com.w <- n.com + n.ran + n.prd + idx.com.w
    first.ran.w <- n.com + n.ran + n.prd + n.com.w + idx.ran.w
    first.prd.w <- n.com + n.ran + n.prd + n.com.w + n.ran.w + idx.prd.w
    all.com.w <-
        n.com + n.ran + n.prd + seq_len(n.com.w))
    all.ran.w <-
      c(n.com + seq_len(n.ran),
        n.com + n.ran + n.prd + n.com.w + seq_len(n.ran.w))
    all.prd.w <-
      c(all.prd, first.prd.w,
        n.com + n.ran + n.prd + n.com.w + n.ran.w + seq_len(n.prd.w))
    all.het.w <- n.com + n.ran + n.prd + n.com.w + n.ran.w + n.prd.w +
    all.efc.w <- n.com + n.ran + n.prd + n.com.w + n.ran.w + n.prd.w +
      n.by + seq_len(n.by)
    all.efr.w <- n.com + n.ran + n.prd + n.com.w + n.ran.w + n.prd.w +
      2 * n.by + seq_len(n.by)
    all.stat.w <- c(all.het.w, all.efc.w, all.efr.w)
    emp.w <- c(all.prd.w, all.stat.w)
    emp.com.w <- c(1 + seq_len(n.com - 1),
                   n.com + n.ran + n.prd + notfirst.com.w)
    emp.ran.w <- c(n.com + 1 + seq_len(n.ran - 1),
                   n.com + n.ran + n.prd + n.com.w + notfirst.ran.w)
    emp.prd.w <- c(all.prd,
                   n.com + n.ran + n.prd + n.com.w + n.ran.w + notfirst.prd.w)
    emp.w <- c(emp.com.w, emp.ran.w, emp.prd.w,
               all.het.w, all.efc.w, all.efr.w)
    sel.w <- c(first.com.w, first.ran.w, first.prd.w, all.stat.w)
    if (!metainf.metacum & common) {
      if (!overall) {
        i <- 0
        for (bylev.i in subgroup.levels) {
          i <- i + 1
          sel.i <- subgroup == bylev.i
          x$w.common[sel.i] <- x$w.common[sel.i] / w.common.w[i]
        w.common.w.p <- ifelse(is.na(w.common.w), NA, 100)
      else {
        if (!all(is.na(w.common.w)) && sum(w.common.w) > 0)
          w.common.w.p <-
            round(100 * w.common.w / sum(w.common.w, na.rm = TRUE),
          w.common.w.p <- w.common.w
    else {
      TE.common.w <- lower.common.w <- upper.common.w <- NAs.by
      w.common.w.p <- NAs.by
      missing.text.common.w <- missing(text.common.w)
      missing.text.common.w <- is.na(argid(names(args), "text.common.w"))
      if (!missing.text.common.w) {
        text.common.w <-
          deprecated(text.common.w, missing.text.common.w, args,
        missing.text.common.w <- FALSE
      if (missing(text.common.w))
        text.common.w <- rep("Overall", n.com.w)
    if (!metainf.metacum & random) {
      if (!overall) {
        i <- 0
        for (bylev.i in subgroup.levels) {
          i <- i + 1
          sel.i <- subgroup == bylev.i
          x$w.random[sel.i] <- x$w.random[sel.i] / w.random.w[i]
        w.random.w.p <- ifelse(is.na(w.random.w), NA, 100)
      else {
        if (!all(is.na(w.random.w)) && sum(w.random.w) > 0)
          w.random.w.p <-
            round(100 * w.random.w / sum(w.random.w, na.rm = TRUE),
          w.random.w.p <- w.random.w
    else {
      TE.random.w <- lower.random.w <- upper.random.w <- NAs.by
      w.random.w.p <- NAs.ran.w
      text.random.w <- blanks.ran.w
    hetstat.w <- vector("list", n.by)
    if (is.character(hetstat) || hetstat) {
      hetstat.I2.w <-
               round(100 * I2.w, digits.I2), "%",
               if (print.I2.ci)
                 ifelse(!(is.na(lowI2.w) | is.na(uppI2.w)),
                        pasteCI(100 * lowI2.w, 100 * uppI2.w,
                                digits.I2, big.mark,
                       text.NA = lab.NA, unit = "%"),
      hetstat.tau2.w <-
               ifelse(is.na(tau.w), "NA",
               ifelse(tau2.w == 0, "0",
                      formatPT(tau2.w, digits = digits.tau2,
                               big.mark = big.mark, lab.NA = "NA"))))
      hetstat.tau.w <-
               ifelse(is.na(tau.w), "NA",
               ifelse(tau.w == 0, "0",
                      formatPT(tau.w, digits = digits.tau,
                               big.mark = big.mark, lab.NA = "NA"))))
      hetstat.Q.w <-
        paste0(hetseparator, round(Q.w, digits.Q),
               if (revman5)
                 paste0(", df",  hetseparator, k.w.hetstat - 1))
      hetstat.pval.Q.w <-
        paste0(formatPT(replaceNULL(pval.Q.w, pvalQ(Q.w, k.w - 1)),
                        lab = TRUE, labval = "",
                        digits = digits.pval.Q,
                        zero = zero.pval, JAMA = JAMA.pval,
                        scientific = scientific.pval,
                        lab.NA = "NA"))
      hetstat.Rb.w <-
               round(100 * Rb.w, digits.I2), "%",
               if (print.Rb.ci)
                 ifelse(!(is.na(lowRb.w) | is.na(uppRb.w)),
                        pasteCI(100 * lowRb.w, 100 * uppRb.w,
                                digits.I2, big.mark,
                       text.NA = lab.NA, unit = "%"),
      ## Remove superfluous spaces
      hetstat.pval.Q.w <- rmSpace(hetstat.pval.Q.w, end = TRUE)
      while(any(grepl("  ", hetstat.I2.w)))
        hetstat.I2.w <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.I2.w)
      while(any(grepl("  ", hetstat.tau2.w)))
        hetstat.tau2.w <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.tau2.w)
      while(any(grepl("  ", hetstat.tau.w)))
        hetstat.tau.w <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.tau.w)
      while(any(grepl("  ", hetstat.Q.w)))
        hetstat.Q.w <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.Q.w)
      while(any(grepl("  ", hetstat.pval.Q.w)))
        hetstat.pval.Q.w <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.pval.Q.w)
      while(any(grepl("  ", hetstat.Rb.w)))
        hetstat.Rb.w <- gsub("  ", " ", hetstat.Rb.w)
      for (i in seq_len(n.by)) {
        if (revman5)
          hetstat.w[[i]] <- substitute(paste(hl,
                                             "Tau"^2, ht, "; ",
                                             "Chi"^2, hq,
                                             " (",
                                             P, hp,
                                             "); ",
                                             I^2, hi),
                                       list(hl = hetlab,
                                            hi = hetstat.I2.w[i],
                                            ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                            hq = hetstat.Q.w[i],
                                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
        else if (jama)
          hetstat.w[[i]] <- substitute(paste(hl,
                                             chi[df]^2, hq,
                                             " (",
                                             italic(P), hp,
                                             "), ",
                                             italic(I)^2, hi
                                       list(hl = hetlab,
                                            hi = hetstat.I2.w[i],
                                            hq = hetstat.Q.w[i],
                                            hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i],
                                            df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1))
        else {
          ## One
          if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
              substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi),
                         list(hl = hetlab, hi = hetstat.I2.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht),
                           list(hl = hetlab, ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht),
                           list(hl = hetlab, ht = hetstat.tau.w[i]))              
          else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
              substitute(paste(hl, chi[df]^2, hq),
                         list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                              hq = hetstat.Q.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
              substitute(paste(hl, italic(p), hp),
                         list(hl = hetlab, hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
              substitute(paste(hl, italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                         list(hl = hetlab, hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          ## Two
          else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                                 ", ",
                                 tau^2, ht),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                                 ", ",
                                 tau, ht),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau.w[i]))              
          else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
              substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                               ", ",
                               chi[df]^2, hq),
                         list(hl = hetlab,
                              hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], hq = hetstat.Q.w[i]))
          else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
              substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                               ", ",
                               italic(p), hp),
                         list(hl = hetlab,
                              hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
          else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
              substitute(paste(hl, italic(I)^2, hi,
                               ", ",
                               italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                         list(hl = hetlab,
                              hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht,
                                 ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i], hq = hetstat.Q.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht,
                                 ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                ht = hetstat.tau.w[i], hq = hetstat.Q.w[i]))              
          else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht,
                                 ", ",
                                 italic(p), hp),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht,
                                 ", ",
                                 italic(p), hp),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))             
          else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                substitute(paste(hl, tau^2, ht,
                                 ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i], hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                substitute(paste(hl, tau, ht,
                                 ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                ht = hetstat.tau.w[i], hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
              substitute(paste(hl, chi[df]^2, hq,
                               " (",
                               italic(p), hp, ")"),
                         list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                              hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
              substitute(paste(hl, chi[df]^2, hq,
                               ", ",
                               italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                         list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                              hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
              substitute(paste(hl, italic(p), hp,
                               ", ",
                               italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                         list(hl = hetlab,
                              hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i], hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          ## Three
          else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i]))              
          else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 italic(p), hp),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 italic(p), hp),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
          else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                               italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                               chi[df]^2, hq,
                               " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                         list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                              hi = hetstat.I2.w[i],
                              hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq,
                                 " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq,
                                 " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
          else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                               italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                               chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                               italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                         list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                              hi = hetstat.I2.w[i],
                              hq = hetstat.Q.w[i],
                              hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i],
                                hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i],
                                hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                               italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                               italic(p), hp, ", ",
                               italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                         list(hl = hetlab,
                              hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i],
                              hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 italic(p), hp, ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i],
                                hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 italic(p), hp, ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i],
                                hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                               chi[df]^2, hq,
                               " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                               ", ",
                               italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                         list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                              hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i],
                              hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))      
          ## Four
          if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q & !print.Rb)
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq,
                                 " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq,
                                 " (", italic(p), hp, ")"),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i]))
          else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & !print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq, ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & !print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 italic(p), hp, ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i], hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 italic(p), hp, ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i], hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (print.I2 & !print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                               italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                               chi[df]^2, hq,
                               " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                               ", ",
                               italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                         list(hl = hetlab,
                              hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                              hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i],
                              hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          else if (!print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq,
                                 " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                                 ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i],
                                hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq,
                                 " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                                 ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i],
                                hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
          ## Five
          else if (print.I2 & print.tau2.tau & print.Q & print.pval.Q &
            if (print.tau2)
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau^2, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq,
                                 " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                                 ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau2.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i],
                                hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
              hetstat.w[[i]] <-
                                 italic(I)^2, hi, ", ",
                                 tau, ht, ", ",
                                 chi[df]^2, hq,
                                 " (", italic(p), hp, ")",
                                 ", ",
                                 italic(R)[italic(b)], hb),
                           list(hl = hetlab, df = k.w.hetstat[i] - 1,
                                hi = hetstat.I2.w[i], ht = hetstat.tau.w[i],
                                hq = hetstat.Q.w[i], hp = hetstat.pval.Q.w[i],
                                hb = hetstat.Rb.w[i]))
        if (hetstat.pooled != "study" &
            !is.logical(text.subgroup.nohet) & k.w.hetstat[i] < 2)
          hetstat.w[[i]] <- paste0(hetlab, text.subgroup.nohet)
    TE.w <- c(TE.common.w, TE.random.w, NAs.prd.w, NAs.stat.w)
    lowTE.w <-
      c(lower.common.w, lower.random.w, lower.predict.w, NAs.stat.w)
    uppTE.w <-
      c(upper.common.w, upper.random.w, upper.predict.w, NAs.stat.w)
    n.harmonic.mean.w <-
      c(rep(n.harmonic.mean.w, n.com + n.ran + n.prd), NAs.stat.w)
    t.harmonic.mean.w <-
      c(rep(t.harmonic.mean.w, n.com + n.ran + n.prd), NAs.stat.w)
    ## Label of test for effect in subgroups
    pvals.effect.w <-
      formatPT(c(pval.common.w, pval.random.w),
               lab = TRUE, labval = "",
               digits = digits.pval,
               zero = zero.pval, JAMA = JAMA.pval,
               scientific = scientific.pval,
               lab.NA = "NA")
    statistics.effect.w <-
      formatN(c(statistic.common.w, statistic.random.w),
              digits.stat, "NA", big.mark = big.mark)
    ## Remove superfluous spaces
      pvals.effect.w <- rmSpace(pvals.effect.w, end = TRUE)
    while(any(grepl("  ", pvals.effect.w)))
      pvals.effect.w <- gsub("  ", " ", pvals.effect.w)
    while(any(grepl("  ", statistics.effect.w)))
      statistics.effect.w <- gsub("  ", " ", statistics.effect.w)
    if (any(test.effect.subgroup.common.logical)) {
      text.effect.subgroup.common <- vector("list", n.by)
      for (i in seq_len(n.by)) {
        if (print.stat) {
          if (revman5)
            text.effect.subgroup.common[[i]] <-
                               Z, hetseparator, tt,
                               " (P", tp, ")"),
                         list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.common,
                              hetseparator = hetseparator,
                              tt = statistics.effect.w[i],
                              tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[i], end = TRUE)))
          else if (jama)
            text.effect.subgroup.common[[i]] <-
                               italic(z), hetseparator, tt,
                               " (", italic(P), tp, ")"),
                         list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.common,
                              hetseparator = hetseparator,
                              tt = statistics.effect.w[i],
                              tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[i], end = TRUE)))
            text.effect.subgroup.common[[i]] <-
                               italic(z), hetseparator, tt,
                               " (", italic(p), tp, ")"),
                         list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.common,
                              hetseparator = hetseparator,
                              tt = statistics.effect.w[i],
                              tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[i], end = TRUE)))
        else {
          if (revman5)
            text.effect.subgroup.common[[i]] <-
                               " P", tp),
                         list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.common,
                              tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[i], end = TRUE)))
          else if (jama)
            text.effect.subgroup.common[[i]] <-
                               " ", italic(P), tp),
                         list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.common,
                              tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[i], end = TRUE)))
            text.effect.subgroup.common[[i]] <-
                               " ", italic(p), tp),
                         list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.common,
                              tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[i], end = TRUE)))
    else {
      text.effect.subgroup.common <- vector("list", n.by)
      for (i in seq_len(n.by))
        text.effect.subgroup.common[[i]] <- ""
    if (any(test.effect.subgroup.random.logical)) {
      text.effect.subgroup.random <- vector("list", n.by)
      for (i in seq_len(n.by)) {
        if (print.stat) {
          if (!hakn.kero) {
            if (revman5)
              text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]] <-
                                 Z, hetseparator, tt,
                                 " (P", tp, ")"),
                           list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.random,
                                hetseparator = hetseparator,
                                tt = statistics.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                             end = TRUE)))
            else if (jama)
              text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]] <-
                                 italic(z), hetseparator, tt,
                                 " (", italic(P), tp, ")"),
                           list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.random,
                                hetseparator = hetseparator,
                                tt = statistics.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                             end = TRUE)))
              text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]] <-
                                 italic(z), hetseparator, tt,
                                 " (", italic(p), tp, ")"),
                           list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.random,
                                hetseparator = hetseparator,
                                tt = statistics.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                             end = TRUE)))
          else {
            if (revman5)
              text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]] <-
                                 t[df], hetseparator, tt,
                                 " (P", tp, ")"),
                           list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.random,
                                hetseparator = hetseparator,
                                tt = statistics.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                             end = TRUE),
                                df = df.random.w[i]))
            else if (jama)
              text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]] <-
                                 italic(t)[df], hetseparator, tt,
                                 " (", italic(P), tp, ")"),
                           list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.random,
                                hetseparator = hetseparator,
                                tt = statistics.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                             end = TRUE),
                                df = df.random.w[i]))
              text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]] <-
                                 italic(t)[df], hetseparator, tt,
                                 " (", italic(p), tp, ")"),
                           list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.random,
                                hetseparator = hetseparator,
                                tt = statistics.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                             end = TRUE),
                                df = df.random.w[i]))
        else {
          if (revman5)
            text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]] <-
                               " P", tp),
                         list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.random,
                              tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                           end = TRUE)))
          else if (jama)
            text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]] <-
                               " ", italic(P)),
                         list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.random,
                              tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                           end = TRUE)))
            text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]] <-
                               " ", italic(p), tp),
                         list(tl = label.test.effect.subgroup.random,
                              tp = rmSpace(pvals.effect.w[n.by + i],
                                           end = TRUE)))
    else {
      text.effect.subgroup.random <- vector("list", n.by)
      for (i in seq_len(n.by))
        text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]] <- ""
  ## (8) Backtransform data
  TE.orig <- TE
  if (backtransf) {
    ## Freeman-Tukey Arcsin transformation
    if (metainf.metacum | metabind) {
      if (sm == "IRFT") {
        npft <- x$t.harmonic.mean
        npft.ma <- x$t.harmonic.mean.ma
      else {
        npft <- x$n.harmonic.mean
        npft.ma <- x$n.harmonic.mean.ma
    else {
      if (sm == "IRFT") {
        npft <- x$time
        npft.ma <- 1 / mean(1 / x$time)
      else {
        npft <- x$n
        npft.ma <- 1 / mean(1 / x$n)
    ## Individual study results
    if (metaprop) {
      TE <- x$event.e / x$n.e
    else if (metarate) {
      TE <- x$event.e / x$time.e
    else if (!log.xaxis) {
      TE <- backtransf(TE, sm, "mean", npft, fbt, abt)
      lowTE <- backtransf(lowTE, sm, "lower", npft, fbt, abt)
      uppTE <- backtransf(uppTE, sm, "upper", npft, fbt, abt)
    ## Results of meta-analysis
    if (!log.xaxis) {
      TE.common    <- backtransf(TE.common, sm, "mean", npft.ma, fbt, abt)
      lowTE.common <- backtransf(lowTE.common, sm, "lower", npft.ma, fbt, abt)
      uppTE.common <- backtransf(uppTE.common, sm, "upper", npft.ma, fbt, abt)
      TE.random <- backtransf(TE.random, sm, "mean", npft.ma, fbt, abt)
      lowTE.random <- backtransf(lowTE.random, sm, "lower", npft.ma, fbt, abt)
      uppTE.random <- backtransf(uppTE.random, sm, "upper", npft.ma, fbt, abt)
      if (!metainf.metacum) {
        lowTE.predict <-
          backtransf(lowTE.predict, sm, "lower", npft.ma, fbt, abt)
        uppTE.predict <-
          backtransf(uppTE.predict, sm, "upper", npft.ma, fbt, abt)
      if (by) {
        if (sm == "IRFT")
          npft.w <- t.harmonic.mean.w
          npft.w <- n.harmonic.mean.w
        TE.w    <- backtransf(TE.w, sm, "mean", npft.w, fbt, abt)
        lowTE.w <- backtransf(lowTE.w, sm, "lower", npft.w, fbt, abt)
        uppTE.w <- backtransf(uppTE.w, sm, "upper", npft.w, fbt, abt)
    ## Apply argument 'pscale' to proportions / risk differences
    if (is_prop(sm) | sm == "RD") {
      TE <- pscale * TE
      lowTE <- pscale * lowTE
      uppTE <- pscale * uppTE
      TE.common    <- pscale * TE.common
      lowTE.common <- pscale * lowTE.common
      uppTE.common <- pscale * uppTE.common
      TE.random    <- pscale * TE.random
      lowTE.random <- pscale * lowTE.random
      uppTE.random <- pscale * uppTE.random
      lowTE.predict <- pscale * lowTE.predict
      uppTE.predict <- pscale * uppTE.predict
      if (by) {
        TE.w    <- pscale * TE.w
        lowTE.w <- pscale * lowTE.w
        uppTE.w <- pscale * uppTE.w
  ## Apply argument 'irscale' to rates / incidence rate differences
  if (is_rate(sm) | sm == "IRD") {
    TE <- irscale * TE
    lowTE <- irscale * lowTE
    uppTE <- irscale * uppTE
    TE.common    <- irscale * TE.common
    lowTE.common <- irscale * lowTE.common
    uppTE.common <- irscale * uppTE.common
    TE.random    <- irscale * TE.random
    lowTE.random <- irscale * lowTE.random
    uppTE.random <- irscale * uppTE.random
    lowTE.predict <- irscale * lowTE.predict
    uppTE.predict <- irscale * uppTE.predict
    if (by) {
      TE.w    <- irscale * TE.w
      lowTE.w <- irscale * lowTE.w
      uppTE.w <- irscale * uppTE.w
  ## Switch lower and upper limit for VE if results have been
  ## backtransformed
  if (backtransf & sm == "VE") {
    tmp.l <- lowTE
    lowTE <- uppTE
    uppTE <- tmp.l
    tmp.l <- lowTE.common
    lowTE.common <- uppTE.common
    uppTE.common <- tmp.l
    tmp.l <- lowTE.random
    lowTE.random <- uppTE.random
    uppTE.random <- tmp.l
    tmp.l <- lowTE.predict
    lowTE.predict <- uppTE.predict
    uppTE.predict <- tmp.l
    if (by) {
      tmp.l <- lowTE.w
      lowTE.w <- uppTE.w
      uppTE.w <- tmp.l
  ## Exclude study results from forest plot
  TE.exclude <- TE
  lowTE.exclude <- lowTE
  uppTE.exclude <- uppTE
  if (!null.exclude) {
    TE.exclude[exclude] <- NA
    lowTE.exclude[exclude] <- NA
    uppTE.exclude[exclude] <- NA
  if (!common) {
    TE.common    <- NAs.com
    lowTE.common <- NAs.com
    uppTE.common <- NAs.com
    if (by) {
      TE.common.w    <- NAs.com.w
      lowTE.common.w <- NAs.com.w
      uppTE.common.w <- NAs.com.w
  method.random.ci <- x$method.random.ci
  if (!random) {
    TE.random    <- NAs.ran
    lowTE.random <- NAs.ran
    uppTE.random <- NAs.ran
    if (by) {
      TE.random.w    <- NAs.ran.w
      lowTE.random.w <- NAs.ran.w
      uppTE.random.w <- NAs.ran.w
  if (!prediction) {
    lowTE.predict <- NAs.prd
    uppTE.predict <- NAs.prd
  if (!metainf.metacum) {
    if (by & !overall)
      w.common.p <- round(100 * x$w.common, digits.weight)
    else {
      if (!all(is.na(x$w.common)) && sum(x$w.common) > 0) {
        if (is.matrix(x$w.common))
          w.common.p <-
            round(apply(x$w.common, 2, calcPercent), digits.weight)
          w.common.p <-
            round(calcPercent(x$w.common), digits.weight)
        w.common.p <- x$w.common
    if (by & !overall)
      w.random.p <- round(100 * x$w.random, digits.weight)
    else {
      if (!all(is.na(x$w.random)) && sum(x$w.random) > 0) {
        if (is.matrix(x$w.random))
          w.random.p <-
            round(apply(x$w.random, 2, calcPercent), digits.weight)
          w.random.p <-
            round(calcPercent(x$w.random), digits.weight)
        w.random.p <- x$w.random
  else {
    w.common.p <- rep(NA, length(TE))
    w.random.p <- rep(NA, length(TE))
  if (is.matrix(w.common.p))
    w.common.p <- as.vector(w.common.p[, 1])
  if (is.matrix(w.random.p))
    w.random.p <- as.vector(w.random.p[, 1])
  ## (9) Determine column labels
  labs <- list()
  if (lsel) {
    if (missing(leftlabs) || length(leftcols) != length(leftlabs)) {
      for (i in seq_along(leftcols)) {
        j <- match(leftcols[i], colnames)
        if (!is.na(j))
          labs[[paste0("lab.", leftcols[i])]] <- labnames[j]
    else if (length(leftcols) == length(leftlabs)) {
      for (i in seq_along(leftcols)) {
        j <- match(leftcols[i], colnames)
        if (!is.na(leftlabs[i]))
          labs[[paste0("lab.", leftcols[i])]] <- leftlabs[i]
          if (!is.na(j))
          labs[[paste0("lab.", leftcols[i])]] <- labnames[j]
  if (missing(rightlabs) || length(rightcols) != length(rightlabs)) {
    for (i in seq_along(rightcols)) {
      j <- match(rightcols[i], colnames)
      if (!is.na(j))
        labs[[paste0("lab.", rightcols[i])]] <- labnames[j]
  else if (length(rightcols) == length(rightlabs)) {
    for (i in seq_along(rightcols)) {
      j <- match(rightcols[i], colnames)
      if (!is.na(rightlabs[i]))
        labs[[paste0("lab.", rightcols[i])]] <- rightlabs[i]
        if (!is.na(j))
          labs[[paste0("lab.", rightcols[i])]] <- labnames[j]
  if (!slab)
    labs[["lab.studlab"]] <- ""
  ## Check for "%" in weight labels
  w.common.percent <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(labs[["lab.w.common"]])) {
    if (grepl("%", labs[["lab.w.common"]]))
      w.common.percent <- FALSE
  w.random.percent <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(labs[["lab.w.random"]])) {
    if (grepl("%", labs[["lab.w.random"]]))
      w.random.percent <- FALSE
  ## "studlab", "TE", "seTE",
  ## "cluster",
  ## "n.e", "n.c",
  ## "event.e", "event.c",
  ## "mean.e", "mean.c",
  ## "sd.e", "sd.c",
  ## "cor",
  ## "time.e", "time.c",
  ## "pval", "tau2", "tau", "I2" (for metainf.metacum)
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'studlab'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.studlab"]], "studlab")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.studlab <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.studlab"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.studlab <- clines$top
    longer.studlab <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.studlab <- FALSE
    longer.studlab <- labs[["lab.studlab"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'TE'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.TE"]], "TE")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.TE <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.TE"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.TE <- clines$top
    longer.TE <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.TE <- FALSE
    longer.TE <- labs[["lab.TE"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'seTE'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.seTE"]], "seTE")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.seTE <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.seTE"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.seTE <- clines$top
    longer.seTE <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.seTE <- FALSE
    longer.seTE <- labs[["lab.seTE"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'cluster'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.cluster"]], "cluster")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.cluster <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.cluster"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.cluster <- clines$top
    longer.cluster <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.cluster <- FALSE
    longer.cluster <- labs[["lab.cluster"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'n.e'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.n.e"]], "n.e")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.n.e <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.n.e"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.n.e <- clines$top
    longer.n.e <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.n.e <- FALSE
    longer.n.e <- labs[["lab.n.e"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'n.c'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.n.c"]], "n.c")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.n.c <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.n.c"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.n.c <- clines$top
    longer.n.c <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.n.c <- FALSE
    longer.n.c <- labs[["lab.n.c"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'event.e'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.event.e"]], "event.e")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.event.e <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.event.e"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.event.e <- clines$top
    longer.event.e <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.event.e <- FALSE
    longer.event.e <- labs[["lab.event.e"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'event.c'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.event.c"]], "event.c")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.event.c <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.event.c"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.event.c <- clines$top
    longer.event.c <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.event.c <- FALSE
    longer.event.c <- labs[["lab.event.c"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'mean.e'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.mean.e"]], "mean.e")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.mean.e <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.mean.e"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.mean.e <- clines$top
    longer.mean.e <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.mean.e <- FALSE
    longer.mean.e <- labs[["lab.mean.e"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'mean.c'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.mean.c"]], "mean.c")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.mean.c <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.mean.c"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.mean.c <- clines$top
    longer.mean.c <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.mean.c <- FALSE
    longer.mean.c <- labs[["lab.mean.c"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'sd.e'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.sd.e"]], "sd.e")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.sd.e <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.sd.e"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.sd.e <- clines$top
    longer.sd.e <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.sd.e <- FALSE
    longer.sd.e <- labs[["lab.sd.e"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'sd.c'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.sd.c"]], "sd.c")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.sd.c <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.sd.c"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.sd.c <- clines$top
    longer.sd.c <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.sd.c <- FALSE
    longer.sd.c <- labs[["lab.sd.c"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'cor'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.cor"]], "cor")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.cor <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.cor"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.cor <- clines$top
    longer.cor <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.cor <- FALSE
    longer.cor <- labs[["lab.cor"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'time.e'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.time.e"]], "time.e")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.time.e <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.time.e"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.time.e <- clines$top
    longer.time.e <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.time.e <- FALSE
    longer.time.e <- labs[["lab.time.e"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'time.c'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.time.c"]], "time.c")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.time.c <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.time.c"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.time.c <- clines$top
    longer.time.c <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.time.c <- FALSE
    longer.time.c <- labs[["lab.time.c"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'effect'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.effect"]], "effect")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.effect <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.effect"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.effect <- clines$top
    longer.effect <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.effect <- FALSE
    longer.effect <- labs[["lab.effect"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'ci'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.ci"]], "ci")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.ci <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.ci"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.ci <- clines$top
    longer.ci <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.ci <- FALSE
    longer.ci <- labs[["lab.ci"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'effect.ci'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.effect.ci"]], "effect.ci")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.effect.ci <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.effect.ci"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.effect.ci <- clines$top
    longer.effect.ci <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.effect.ci <- FALSE
    longer.effect.ci <- labs[["lab.effect.ci"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'w.common'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.w.common"]], "w.common")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.w.common <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.w.common"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.w.common <- clines$top
    longer.w.common <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.w.common <- FALSE
    longer.w.common <- labs[["lab.w.common"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'w.random'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.w.random"]], "w.random")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.w.random <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.w.random"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.w.random <- clines$top
    longer.w.random <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.w.random <- FALSE
    longer.w.random <- labs[["lab.w.random"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'pval'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.pval"]], "pval")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.pval <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.pval"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.pval <- clines$top
    longer.pval <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.pval <- FALSE
    longer.pval <- labs[["lab.pval"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'tau2'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.tau2"]], "tau2")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.tau2 <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.tau2"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.tau2 <- clines$top
    longer.tau2 <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.tau2 <- FALSE
    longer.tau2 <- labs[["lab.tau2"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'tau'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.tau"]], "tau")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.tau <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.tau"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.tau <- clines$top
    longer.tau <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.tau <- FALSE
    longer.tau <- labs[["lab.tau"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in label of column 'I2'
  clines <- twolines(labs[["lab.I2"]], "I2")
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.I2 <- TRUE
    labs[["lab.I2"]] <- clines$bottom
    add.I2 <- clines$top
    longer.I2 <- clines$longer
  else {
    newline.I2 <- FALSE
    longer.I2 <- labs[["lab.I2"]]
  ## Check for "\n" in argument 'smlab'
  clines <- twolines(smlab, arg = TRUE)
  if (clines$newline) {
    smlab1 <- clines$top
    smlab2 <- clines$bottom
    newline.smlab <- TRUE
  else {
    smlab1 <- smlab
    smlab2 <- ""
    newline.smlab <- FALSE
  ## Check for "\n" in argument 'xlab'
  clines <- twolines(xlab, arg = TRUE)
  if (clines$newline) {
    newline.xlab <- TRUE
    xlab <- clines$top
    xlab.add <- clines$bottom
  else {
    xlab.add <- ""
    newline.xlab <- FALSE
  ## Check for "\n" in argument 'label.left'
  clines <- twolines(label.left, arg = TRUE)
  if (clines$newline) {
    ll1 <- clines$top
    ll2 <- clines$bottom
    newline.ll <- TRUE
  else {
    ll1 <- label.left
    ll2 <- ""
    newline.ll <- FALSE
  ## Check for "\n" in argument 'label.right'
  clines <- twolines(label.right, arg = TRUE)
  if (clines$newline) {
    lr1 <- clines$top
    lr2 <- clines$bottom
    newline.lr <- TRUE
  else {
    lr1 <- label.right
    lr2 <- ""
    newline.lr <- FALSE
  ## Check for "\n" in additional columns
  newline.addcol.left  <- FALSE
  newline.addcol.right <- FALSE
  if (newcols) {
    if (length(leftcols.new) > 0) {
      for (i in seq_along(leftcols.new)) {
        ## Check for "\n" in label of new column
        clines <- twolines(leftlabs.new[i], leftcols.new[i])
        newline.addcol.left <- c(newline.addcol.left, clines$newline)
      newline.addcol.right <- sum(newline.addcol.right) > 0
    if (length(leftcols.new) > 0) {
      for (i in seq_along(leftcols.new)) {
        ## Check for "\n" in label of new column
        clines <- twolines(leftlabs.new[i], leftcols.new[i])
        newline.addcol.left <- c(newline.addcol.left, clines$newline)
      newline.addcol.left <- sum(newline.addcol.left) > 0
  newline <- newline.studlab | newline.effect | newline.ci | newline.effect.ci |
    newline.w.common | newline.w.random | newline.TE | newline.seTE |
    newline.cluster |
    newline.n.e | newline.n.c | newline.event.e | newline.event.c |
    newline.mean.e | newline.mean.c | newline.sd.e | newline.sd.c |
    newline.cor | newline.time.e | newline.time.c |
    newline.pval | newline.tau2 | newline.tau | newline.I2 |
    newline.smlab | newline.addcol.left | newline.addcol.right
  newline.all <- newline | (!newline & (newline.ll | newline.lr) & !addrow)
  ## (10) Define columns in forest plot as well as x- and y-limits
  type.common <-
    deprecated(type.common, missing(type.common),
               args, "type.common",
  type.subgroup.common <-
    deprecated(type.subgroup.common, missing.type.subgroup.common,
               args, "type.subgroup.common",
  col.inside.common <-
    deprecated(col.inside.common, missing(col.inside.common),
               args, "col.inside.common",
  if (by) {
    subgroup.name <-
      bylabel(subgroup.name, subgroup.levels, print.subgroup.name,
              sep.subgroup, big.mark = big.mark)
    wrong.common <- FALSE
    wrong.random <- FALSE
    wrong.predict <- FALSE
    if (n.by > 1) {
      if (length(text.common.w) == 1)
        text.common.w <- rep(text.common.w, n.com.w)
      else if (length(text.common.w) == n.com)
        text.common.w <- rep(text.common.w, n.by)
      else if (length(text.common.w) == n.by)
        text.common.w <- rep(text.common.w, n.com)
        wrong.common <- TRUE
      if (length(text.random.w) == 1)
        text.random.w <- rep(text.random.w, n.ran.w)
      else if (length(text.random.w) == n.ran)
        text.random.w <- rep(text.random.w, n.by)
      else if (length(text.random.w) == n.by)
        text.random.w <- rep(text.random.w, n.ran)
        wrong.random <- TRUE
      if (length(text.predict.w) == 1)
        text.predict.w <- rep(text.predict.w, n.prd.w)
      else if (length(text.predict.w) == n.prd)
        text.predict.w <- rep(text.predict.w, n.by)
      else if (length(text.predict.w) == n.by)
        text.predict.w <- rep(text.predict.w, n.prd)
        wrong.predict <- TRUE
    else if (n.by == 1) {
      if (length(text.common.w) != n.com)
        wrong.common <- TRUE
      if (length(text.random.w) != n.ran)
        wrong.random <- TRUE
      if (length(text.predict.w) != n.prd)
        wrong.predict <- TRUE
    if (wrong.common)
      stop("Argument 'text.common.w' must be a single character string",
           if (n.by > 1 | n.com > 1)
             paste0(" or of length\n  -", n.by, " (number of subgroups) or",
                    " \n  -", n.com, " (number of common effect analyses)")
    if (wrong.random)
      stop("Argument 'text.random.w' must be a single character string",
           if (n.by > 1 | n.ran > 1)
             paste0(" or of length\n  -", n.by, " (number of subgroups) or",
                    " \n  -", n.ran, " (number of random effects analyses)")
    if (wrong.predict)
      stop("Argument 'text.predict.w' must be a single character string",
           if (n.by > 1 | n.prd > 1)
             paste0(" or of length\n  -", n.by, " (number of subgroups) or",
                    " \n  -", n.prd, " (number of prediction intervals)")
    if (hetstat.pooled == "common") {
      text.common <- hetstat.overall
      text.common.w <- hetstat.w
      hetstat <- FALSE
    else if (hetstat.pooled == "random") {
      text.random <- hetstat.overall
      text.random.w <- hetstat.w
      hetstat <- FALSE
    else if (hetstat.pooled == "study") {
      studlab <- hetstat.w
      hetstat <- FALSE
    modlabs <- c(text.common, text.random, text.predict,
                 hetstat.overall, hetstat.resid,
                 text.overall.common, text.overall.random,
                 text.subgroup.common, text.subgroup.random,
                 text.addline1, text.addline2,
                 subgroup.name, text.common.w, text.random.w, text.predict.w,
    TEs    <- c(TE.common, TE.random, NAs.prd, TE.w, TE)
    lowTEs <- c(lowTE.common, lowTE.random, lowTE.predict, lowTE.w, lowTE)
    uppTEs <- c(uppTE.common, uppTE.random, uppTE.predict, uppTE.w, uppTE)
    TEs.exclude <- c(TE.common, TE.random, NAs.prd,
                     TE.w, TE.exclude)
    lowTEs.exclude <- c(lowTE.common, lowTE.random, lowTE.predict, lowTE.w,
    uppTEs.exclude <- c(uppTE.common, uppTE.random, uppTE.predict, uppTE.w,
    TEs.study <- c(blanks, blanks.w,
                   formatN(TE.orig, digits.TE, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark))
    seTEs.study <- c(blanks, blanks.w,
                     formatN(seTE, digits.se, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark))
    w.commons <- c(NAs.com, NAs.ran, NAs.prd,
                   NAs.com.w, NAs.ran.w, NAs.prd.w,
    w.randoms <- c(NAs.com, NAs.ran, NAs.prd,
                   NAs.com.w, NAs.ran.w, NAs.prd.w,
    format.w.commons <- c(rep(100, n.com), NAs.ran, NAs.prd,
                          repl(w.common.w.p, n.com, n.by),
                          NAs.ran.w, NAs.prd.w, NAs.stat.w,
    format.w.randoms <- c(NAs.com, rep(100, n.ran), NAs.prd,
                          repl(w.random.w.p, n.ran, n.by),
                          NAs.prd.w, NAs.stat.w,
    Wc.format <-
      formatN(format.w.commons, digits.weight, text.NA = lab.NA.weight)
    Wr.format <-
      formatN(format.w.randoms, digits.weight, text.NA = lab.NA.weight)
    sel.common <- Wc.format == lab.NA.weight
    sel.random <- Wr.format == lab.NA.weight
    sel.common[first.ran.w] <- TRUE
    sel.random[first.com.w] <- TRUE
    type.pooled <- c(rep(type.common, n.com),
                     rep(type.random, n.ran),
                     rep("predict", n.prd),
                     rep(type.subgroup.common, n.com.w),
                     rep(type.subgroup.random, n.ran.w),
                     rep("predict", n.prd.w),
    col.diamond.pooled <-
      c(rep(col.diamond.common, n.com),
        rep(col.diamond.random, n.ran),
        rep(col.predict, n.prd),
        rep(col.diamond.common, n.com.w),
        rep(col.diamond.random, n.ran.w),
        rep(col.predict, n.prd.w),
    col.diamond.lines.pooled <-
      c(rep(col.diamond.lines.common, n.com),
        rep(col.diamond.lines.random, n.ran),
        rep(col.predict.lines, n.prd),
        rep(col.diamond.lines.common, n.com.w),
        rep(col.diamond.lines.random, n.ran.w),
        rep(col.predict.lines, n.prd.w),
    col.inside.pooled <-
      c(rep(col.inside.common, n.com),
        rep(col.inside.random, n.ran),
        rep(col.inside.common, n.com.w),
        rep(col.inside.random, n.ran.w),
        rep("", n.prd.w),
  else {
    if (hetstat.pooled == "common")
      text.common <- hetstat.overall
    else if (hetstat.pooled == "random")
      text.random <- hetstat.overall
    modlabs <- c(text.common, text.random, text.predict,
                 hetstat.overall, hetstat.resid,
                 text.overall.common, text.overall.random,
                 text.subgroup.common, text.subgroup.random,
                 text.addline1, text.addline2,
    TEs    <- c(TE.common, TE.random, NAs.prd, TE)
    lowTEs <- c(lowTE.common, lowTE.random, lowTE.predict, lowTE)
    uppTEs <- c(uppTE.common, uppTE.random, uppTE.predict, uppTE)
    TEs.exclude    <- c(TE.common, TE.random, NAs.prd, TE.exclude)
    lowTEs.exclude <- c(lowTE.common, lowTE.random,
                        lowTE.predict, lowTE.exclude)
    uppTEs.exclude <- c(uppTE.common, uppTE.random,
                        uppTE.predict, uppTE.exclude)
    TEs.study <- c(blanks,
                   formatN(TE.orig, digits.TE, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark))
    seTEs.study <- c(blanks,
                     formatN(seTE, digits.se, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark))
    w.commons <- c(NAs, w.common.p)
    w.randoms <- c(NAs, w.random.p)
    format.w.common <- formatN(c(100, w.common.p), digits.weight)
    format.w.random <- formatN(c(100, w.random.p), digits.weight)
    Wc.format <- c(rep(format.w.common[1], n.com),
                   rep(lab.NA.weight, n.ran),
    Wr.format <- c(rep(lab.NA.weight, n.com),
                   rep(format.w.random[1], n.ran),
    sel.common <- Wc.format == lab.NA.weight
    sel.random <- Wr.format == lab.NA.weight
    type.pooled <- c(rep(type.common, n.com),
                     rep(type.random, n.ran),
                     rep("predict", n.prd))
    col.diamond.pooled <-
      c(rep(col.diamond.common, n.com),
        rep(col.diamond.random, n.ran),
        rep(col.predict, n.prd))
    col.diamond.lines.pooled <-
      c(rep(col.diamond.lines.common, n.com),
        rep(col.diamond.lines.random, n.ran),
        rep(col.predict.lines, n.prd))
    col.inside.pooled <- c(rep(col.inside.common, n.com),
                           rep(col.inside.random, n.ran),
  ## Treatment effect and confidence interval
  if (backtransf & log.xaxis) {
    effect.format <-
      formatN(exp(TEs), digits, lab.NA.effect, big.mark = big.mark)
    ci.format <-
      ifelse(is.na(lowTEs) | is.na(uppTEs), lab.NA.effect,
             formatCI(formatN(exp(lowTEs), digits = digits, text.NA = lab.NA,
                              big.mark = big.mark),
                      formatN(exp(uppTEs), digits = digits, text.NA = lab.NA,
                              big.mark = big.mark)))
  else {
    effect.format <- formatN(TEs, digits, lab.NA.effect, big.mark = big.mark)
    ci.format <-
      ifelse(is.na(lowTEs) | is.na(uppTEs), lab.NA.effect,
             formatCI(formatN(lowTEs, digits = digits, text.NA = lab.NA,
                              big.mark = big.mark),
                      formatN(uppTEs, digits = digits, text.NA = lab.NA,
                              big.mark = big.mark)))
  effect.ci.format <- paste0(effect.format,
                             ifelse(is.na(TEs), "", " "),
  ## No treatment effect for prediction interval
  effect.format[all.prd] <- ""
  ## Only print prediction interval if requested
  if (!prediction) {
    ci.format[all.prd] <- ""
    effect.ci.format[all.prd] <- ""
  ## No treatment effect and confidence interval in statistics lines
  if (by) {
    effect.format[all.stat.w] <- ""
    ci.format[all.stat.w] <- ""
    effect.ci.format[all.stat.w] <- ""
  ## Weights of common and random effects model
  Wc.format <- paste0(Wc.format, if (w.common.percent) "%")
  Wr.format <- paste0(Wr.format, if (w.random.percent) "%")
  Wc.format[Wc.format == "%"] <- ""
  Wr.format[Wr.format == "%"] <- ""
  Wc.format[sel.common] <- lab.NA.weight
  Wr.format[sel.random] <- lab.NA.weight
  ## Treatment estimate and its standard error
  TE.format <- TEs.study
  seTE.format <- seTEs.study
  ## Number of patients, events, and person times
  if (!is.null(x$n.e.pooled))
    sum.n.e <- x$n.e.pooled
    sum.n.e <- sum(x$n.e, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(x$n.c.pooled))
    sum.n.c <- x$n.c.pooled
    sum.n.c <- sum(x$n.c, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(x$event.e.pooled))
    sum.e.e <- x$event.e.pooled
    sum.e.e <- sum(x$event.e, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(x$event.c.pooled))
    sum.e.c <- x$event.c.pooled
    sum.e.c <- sum(x$event.c, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(x$time.e.pooled))
    sum.t.e <- x$time.e.pooled
    sum.t.e <- sum(x$time.e, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(x$time.c.pooled))
    sum.t.c <- x$time.c.pooled
    sum.t.c <- sum(x$time.c, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (is.character(x$cluster))
    as.character.cluster <- TRUE
  else if (is.factor(x$cluster)) {
    if (anyNA(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(x$cluster)))))
      as.character.cluster <- TRUE
      as.character.cluster <- FALSE
    x$cluster <- as.character(x$cluster)
    as.character.cluster <- FALSE
  if (by) {
    if (pooled.totals) {
      Ne <- c(c(sum.n.e, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.n.e, NAs.ran1),
              repl(n.e.w, n.com, n.by),
              repl(n.e.w, n.ran, n.by),
              NAs.prd.w, NAs.stat.w,
      Nc <- c(c(sum.n.c, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.n.c, NAs.ran1),
              repl(n.c.w, n.com, n.by),
              repl(n.c.w, n.ran, n.by),
              NAs.prd.w, NAs.stat.w,
    else {
      Ne <- c(NAs.all, x$n.e)
      Nc <- c(NAs.all, x$n.c)
    if (pooled.events) {
      Ee <- c(c(sum.e.e, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.e.e, NAs.ran1),
              repl(e.e.w, n.com, n.by),
              repl(e.e.w, n.ran, n.by),
              NAs.prd.w, NAs.stat.w,
      Ec <- c(c(sum.e.c, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.e.c, NAs.ran1),
              repl(e.c.w, n.com, n.by),
              repl(e.c.w, n.ran, n.by),
              NAs.prd.w, NAs.stat.w,
    else {
      Ee <- c(NAs.all, x$event.e)
      Ec <- c(NAs.all, x$event.c)
    if (pooled.times) {
      Te <- c(c(sum.t.e, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.t.e, NAs.ran1),
              repl(t.e.w, n.com, n.by),
              repl(t.e.w, n.ran, n.by),
              NAs.prd.w, NAs.stat.w,
      Tc <- c(c(sum.t.c, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.t.c, NAs.ran1),
              repl(t.c.w, n.com, n.by),
              repl(t.c.w, n.ran, n.by),
              NAs.prd.w, NAs.stat.w,
    else {
      Te <- c(NAs.all, x$time.e)
      Tc <- c(NAs.all, x$time.c)
  else {
    if (pooled.totals) {
      Ne <- c(c(sum.n.e, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.n.e, NAs.ran1),
      Nc <- c(c(sum.n.c, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.n.c, NAs.ran1),
    else {
      Ne <- c(NAs,
      Nc <- c(NAs,
    if (pooled.events) {
      Ee <- c(c(sum.e.e, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.e.e, NAs.ran1),
      Ec <- c(c(sum.e.c, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.e.c, NAs.ran1),
    else {
      Ee <- c(NAs,
      Ec <- c(NAs,
    if (pooled.times) {
      Te <- c(c(sum.t.e, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.t.e, NAs.ran1),
      Tc <- c(c(sum.t.c, NAs.com1),
              c(sum.t.c, NAs.ran1),
    else {
      Te <- c(NAs,
      Tc <- c(NAs,
  if (by) {
    bla <- rep("", length(Ne))
    scom.w <- sran.w <- sprd.w <- bla
    scom.w[first.com.w] <- "yes"
    sran.w[first.ran.w] <- "yes"
    sprd.w[first.prd.w] <- "yes"
    ncom.w <- nran.w <- nprd.w <- notfirst <- bla
    ncom.w[emp.com.w] <- "yes"
    nran.w[emp.ran.w] <- "yes"
    nprd.w[emp.prd.w] <- "yes"
    notfirst[emp.w] <- "yes"
    if (FALSE)
    print(data.frame(TEs = round(TEs, 2),
                     lowTEs = round(lowTEs, 2),
                     uppTEs = round(uppTEs, 2)
    if (FALSE)
    print(data.frame(row = c(paste0("C", seq_len(n.com)),
                             paste0("R", seq_len(n.ran)),
                             paste0("P", seq_len(n.prd)),
                             paste0("C.w", seq_len(n.com.w)),
                             paste0("R.w", seq_len(n.ran.w)),
                             paste0("P.w", seq_len(n.prd.w)),
                             paste0("het.w", seq_len(n.by)),
                             paste0("efc.w", seq_len(n.by)),
                             paste0("efr.w", seq_len(n.by)),
                             paste0("TE", seq_len(k.all))),
                     Ne, notfirst))
  Ne.format <- formatN(Ne, digits = 0, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  Nc.format <- formatN(Nc, digits = 0, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  Ee.format <- formatN(Ee, digits = 0, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  Ec.format <- formatN(Ec, digits = 0, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  if (all(is_wholenumber(Te), na.rm = TRUE) & missing.digits.time)
    Te.format <-
      formatN(Te, digits = 0, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
    Te.format <- formatN(Te, digits.time, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  if (all(is_wholenumber(Tc), na.rm = TRUE) & missing.digits.time)
    Tc.format <-
      formatN(Tc, digits = 0, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
    Tc.format <- formatN(Tc, digits.time, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  ## Print nothing in lines with prediction interval
  Ne.format[all.prd] <- Nc.format[all.prd] <- ""
  Ee.format[all.prd] <- Ec.format[all.prd] <- ""
  Te.format[all.prd] <- Tc.format[all.prd] <- ""
  Wc.format[all.prd] <- Wr.format[all.prd] <- ""
  Wc.format[emp.com] <- Wr.format[emp.com] <- ""
  Wc.format[emp.ran] <- Wr.format[emp.ran] <- ""
  if (by) {
    ## Print nothing in selected subgroup lines
    Ne.format[emp.w] <- Nc.format[emp.w] <- ""
    Ee.format[emp.w] <- Ec.format[emp.w] <- ""
    Te.format[emp.w] <- Tc.format[emp.w] <- ""
    Wc.format[emp.w] <- Wr.format[emp.w] <- ""
  if (common.random) {
    ## Print nothing in lines with results for random effects model
    Ne.format[all.ran] <- Nc.format[all.ran] <- ""
    Ee.format[all.ran] <- Ec.format[all.ran] <- ""
    Te.format[all.ran] <- Tc.format[all.ran] <- ""
    if (by) {
      Ne.format[all.ran.w] <- Nc.format[all.ran.w] <- ""
      Ee.format[all.ran.w] <- Ec.format[all.ran.w] <- ""
      Te.format[all.ran.w] <- Tc.format[all.ran.w] <- ""
  ## Print nothing in lines for second, third etc. common effect or
  ## random effects model
  Ne.format[emp.com] <- Nc.format[emp.com] <- ""
  Ee.format[emp.com] <- Ec.format[emp.com] <- ""
  Te.format[emp.com] <- Tc.format[emp.com] <- ""
  Ne.format[emp.ran] <- Nc.format[emp.ran] <- ""
  Ee.format[emp.ran] <- Ec.format[emp.ran] <- ""
  Te.format[emp.ran] <- Tc.format[emp.ran] <- ""
  if (by) {
    Ne.format[emp.com.w] <- Nc.format[emp.com.w] <- ""
    Ee.format[emp.com.w] <- Ec.format[emp.com.w] <- ""
    Te.format[emp.com.w] <- Tc.format[emp.com.w] <- ""
    Ne.format[emp.ran.w] <- Nc.format[emp.ran.w] <- ""
    Ee.format[emp.ran.w] <- Ec.format[emp.ran.w] <- ""
    Te.format[emp.ran.w] <- Tc.format[emp.ran.w] <- ""
  ## Only print total number of events if pooled.events is TRUE
  if (!pooled.events) {
    Ee.format[all.com] <- Ec.format[all.com] <- ""
    Ee.format[all.ran] <- Ec.format[all.ran] <- ""
    if (by) {
      Ee.format[all.com.w] <- Ec.format[all.com.w] <- ""
      Ee.format[all.ran.w] <- Ec.format[all.ran.w] <- ""
  ## Only print total person times if pooled.times is TRUE
  if (!pooled.times) {
    Te.format[all.com] <- Tc.format[all.com] <- ""
    Te.format[all.ran] <- Tc.format[all.ran] <- ""
    if (by) {
      Te.format[all.com.w] <- Tc.format[all.com.w] <- ""
      Te.format[all.ran.w] <- Tc.format[all.ran.w] <- ""
  ## Mean and standard deviation
  if (by) {
    Me <- c(NAs.all, x$mean.e)
    Mc <- c(NAs.all, x$mean.c)
    Se <- c(NAs.all, x$sd.e)
    Sc <- c(NAs.all, x$sd.c)
  else {
    Me <- c(NAs, x$mean.e)
    Mc <- c(NAs, x$mean.c)
    Se <- c(NAs, x$sd.e)
    Sc <- c(NAs, x$sd.c)
  digits.R <- options()$digits
  if (is.null(digits.mean)) {
    if (all(is_wholenumber(Me), na.rm = TRUE))
      Me.format <-
        formatN(Me, digits = 0, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
      Me.format <-
        formatN(Me, digits = digits.R, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
    if (all(is_wholenumber(Mc), na.rm = TRUE))
      Mc.format <-
        formatN(Mc, digits = 0, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
      Mc.format <-
        formatN(Mc, digits = digits.R, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  else {
    Me.format <- formatN(Me, digits.mean, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
    Mc.format <- formatN(Mc, digits.mean, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  if (is.null(digits.sd)) {
    if (all(is_wholenumber(Se), na.rm = TRUE))
      Se.format <-
        formatN(Se, digits = 0, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
      Se.format <-
        formatN(Se, digits = digits.R, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
    if (all(is_wholenumber(Sc), na.rm = TRUE))
      Sc.format <-
        formatN(Sc, digits = 0, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
      Sc.format <-
        formatN(Sc, digits = digits.R, text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  else {
    Se.format <- formatN(Se, digits.sd, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
    Sc.format <- formatN(Sc, digits.sd, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  ## Print nothing for lines with summary results
  Me.format[all.res] <- Mc.format[all.res] <-
    Se.format[all.res] <- Sc.format[all.res] <- ""
  if (by) {
    Me.format[sel.w] <- Mc.format[sel.w] <- ""
    Se.format[sel.w] <- Sc.format[sel.w] <- ""
  ## Correlation
  if (by)
    cor <- c(NAs.all, x$cor)
    cor <- c(NAs, x$cor)
  if (is.null(digits.cor))
    cor.format <- formatN(cor, digits = digits.R, text.NA = lab.NA)
    cor.format <- formatN(cor, digits.cor, lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
  ## Print nothing for lines with summary results
  cor.format[all.res] <- ""
  if (by)
    cor.format[sel.w] <- ""
  ## P-value of effect
  pval.format <-
    formatPT(c(x$pval.common, x$pval.random, NAs.prd, x$pval),
             digits = digits.pval,
             big.mark = big.mark,
             lab = FALSE, labval = "",
             zero = zero.pval, JAMA = JAMA.pval,
             scientific = scientific.pval,
             lab.NA = lab.NA)
  pval.format[all.prd] <- ""
  ## Cluster variable
  if (by)
    cluster.format <- c(NAs.all, x$cluster)
    cluster.format <- c(NAs, x$cluster)
  ## Print nothing for lines with summary results
  cluster.format[all.res] <- ""
  if (by)
    cluster.format[sel.w] <- ""
  ## Leave-one-out / cumulative meta-analysis
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    tau2.format <- c(x$tau2.overall, x$tau2.overall, NA, x$tau2)
    tau.format <- c(x$tau.overall, x$tau.overall, NA, x$tau)
    I2.format <- c(x$I2.overall, x$I2.overall, NA, x$I2)
    tau2.format <- formatPT(tau2.format, digits = digits.tau2,
                            big.mark = big.mark,
                            lab = FALSE, labval = "",
                            lab.NA = lab.NA)
    tau.format <- formatPT(tau.format, digits = digits.tau,
                           big.mark = big.mark,
                           lab = FALSE, labval = "",
                           lab.NA = lab.NA)
    I2.format <- formatN(100 * I2.format, digits.I2, lab.NA)
    I2.format <- paste0(I2.format, ifelse(I2.format == lab.NA, "", "%"))
    ## Print nothing for lines with prediction interval
    tau2.format[all.prd] <- tau.format[all.prd] <- I2.format[all.prd] <- ""
  ## y-axis:
  if ((!(metaprop | metacor) &
       (any(rightcols %in% c("n.e", "n.c")) |
        any(leftcols  %in% c("n.e", "n.c")))
  ) |
  (metainc &
   (any(rightcols %in% c("time.e", "time.c")) |
    any(leftcols  %in% c("time.e", "time.c")))
  ) |
  (metacont &
   (any(rightcols %in% c("sd.e", "sd.c")) |
    any(leftcols  %in% c("sd.e", "sd.c")))
  ) |
  (metamean &
   (any(rightcols %in% c("sd.e")) |
    any(leftcols  %in% c("sd.e")))
  ) |
  (!is.null(label.e.attach) & !is.null(label.e)) |
  (!is.null(label.c.attach) & !is.null(label.c)) |
  ) {
    yHead <- 2
    yHeadadd <- 1
  else {
    yHead <- 1
    yHeadadd <- NA
  if (!by) {
    N <- n.stud
    if (study.results)
      yTE <- 1:N
      yTE <- rep(NA, N)
  else {
    j <- 1
    k <- 0
    yBylab <- NAs.by
    yTE <- rep(NA, n.stud)
    yTE.common.w <- rep(yBylab, n.com)
    yTE.random.w <- rep(yBylab, n.ran)
    yTE.predict.w <- rep(yBylab, n.prd)
    yTE.hetstat.w <- yBylab
    yTE.effect.common.w <- yBylab
    yTE.effect.random.w <- yBylab
    seq.com.w <- seq_len(n.com)
    seq.ran.w <- seq_len(n.ran)
    seq.prd.w <- seq_len(n.prd)
    n.by.i <- 0
    for (i in seq_len(n.by)) {
      if (allstudies)
        k.i <- k.all.w[i]
        k.i <- k.TE.w[i]
      k <- k + k.i
      if (print.subgroup.labels) {
        yBylab[i] <- j
        j <- j + 1
      if (study.results) {
        yTE[(k - k.i + 1):k] <- j:(j + k.i - 1)
        j <- j + k.i
        yTE[(k - k.i + 1):k] <- NA
      ## Common effect model
      if (common & subgroup.logical[i]) {
        yTE.common.w[n.by.i * n.com + seq.com.w] <-
          j + seq.com.w - 1
        j <- j + max(seq.com.w)
        yTE.common.w[n.by.i * n.com + seq.com.w] <- NA
      ## Random effects model
      if (random & subgroup.logical[i]) {
        yTE.random.w[n.by.i * n.ran + seq.ran.w] <-
          j + seq.ran.w - 1
        j <- j + max(seq.ran.w)
        yTE.random.w[n.by.i * n.ran + seq.ran.w] <- NA
      ## Only pooled totals
      if (pooled.totals & subgroup.logical[i] & !(common | random)) {
        yTE.common.w[n.by.i * n.com + seq.com.w] <-
          j + seq.com.w - 1
        j <- j + max(seq.com.w)
      ## Prediction interval in subgroups
      ##yTE.predict.w[n.by.i * n.prd + seq.prd.w] <- NA
      if (prediction.subgroup.logical[i]) {
        yTE.predict.w[n.by.i * n.prd + seq.prd.w] <-
          j + seq.prd.w - 1
        j <- j + max(seq.prd.w)
      ## Heterogeneity statistics
      if (subgroup.hetstat.logical[i]) {
        yTE.hetstat.w[i] <- j
        j <- j + 1
        yTE.hetstat.w[i] <- NA
      ## Test for effect in subgroup (common effect)
      if (test.effect.subgroup.common.logical[i]) {
        yTE.effect.common.w[i] <- j
        j <- j + 1
        yTE.effect.common.w[i] <- NA
      ## Test for effect in subgroup (random effects)
      if (test.effect.subgroup.random.logical[i]) {
        yTE.effect.random.w[i] <- j
        j <- j + 1
        yTE.effect.random.w[i] <- NA
      y.w.i <- c(yTE.common.w[i], yTE.random.w[i], yTE.predict.w[i],
      if (!study.results & !any(!is.na(y.w.i))) {
        yBylab[i] <- NA
        if (print.subgroup.labels)
          j <- j - 1
      if (!is.na(yBylab[i]) & addrow.subgroups)
        j <- j + 1
      n.by.i <- n.by.i + 1
    if (!addrow.subgroups)
      j <- j + 1
    yTE.w <- c(yTE.common.w, yTE.random.w, yTE.predict.w, yTE.hetstat.w,
               yTE.effect.common.w, yTE.effect.random.w)
  ## x-axis:
  if (notmiss.xlim && is.numeric(xlim[1]))
    if (log.xaxis)
      xlim <- log(xlim)
  if (is.null(xlim)) {
    if (metaprop | metarate) {
      xlim <- c(min(lowTEs, na.rm = TRUE),
                max(uppTEs, na.rm = TRUE))
      if (!is.na(ref) && ref < xlim[1])
        xlim[1] <- ref
      if (!is.na(ref) && ref > xlim[2])
        xlim[2] <- ref
      if (!is.na(lower.equi) && lower.equi < xlim[1])
        xlim[1] <- lower.equi
      if (!is.na(lower.equi) && lower.equi > xlim[2])
        xlim[2] <- lower.equi
      if (!is.na(upper.equi) && upper.equi < xlim[1])
        xlim[1] <- upper.equi
      if (!is.na(upper.equi) && upper.equi > xlim[2])
        xlim[2] <- upper.equi
    else {
      sel.low <- is.finite(lowTEs)
      sel.upp <- is.finite(uppTEs)
      if (all(!sel.low))
        minTE <- -0.5
        minTE <- min(lowTEs[sel.low], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (all(!sel.upp))
        maxTE <- 0.5
        maxTE <- max(uppTEs[sel.upp], na.rm = TRUE)
      xlim <- c(minTE, maxTE)
      if (!is.na(ref) && ref < xlim[1])
        xlim[1] <- ref
      if (!is.na(ref) && ref > xlim[2])
        xlim[2] <- ref
      if (!is.na(lower.equi) && lower.equi < xlim[1])
        xlim[1] <- lower.equi
      if (!is.na(lower.equi) && lower.equi > xlim[2])
        xlim[2] <- lower.equi
      if (!is.na(upper.equi) && upper.equi < xlim[1])
        xlim[1] <- upper.equi
      if (!is.na(upper.equi) && upper.equi > xlim[2])
        xlim[2] <- upper.equi
  symmetric <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(xlim) && is.character(xlim[1])) {
    xlim <- setchar(xlim, "symmetric",
                    paste0("should be a numeric vector (min, max) or ",
                           "the character string \"symmetric\""))
    symmetric <- TRUE
    if (metaprop | metarate | metamean) {
      xlim <- c(min(lowTEs, na.rm = TRUE),
                max(uppTEs, na.rm = TRUE))
    else {
      sel.low <- is.finite(lowTEs)
      sel.upp <- is.finite(uppTEs)
      if (all(!sel.low))
        minTE <- -0.5
        minTE <- min(lowTEs[sel.low], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (all(!sel.upp))
        maxTE <- 0.5
        maxTE <- max(uppTEs[sel.upp], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (minTE < 0 & maxTE < 0)
        xlim <- c(minTE, -minTE)
      else if (minTE > 0 & maxTE > 0)
        xlim <- c(-maxTE, maxTE)
        xlim <- c(-max(abs(c(minTE, maxTE))), max(abs(c(minTE, maxTE))))
  if (!is.na(ref) &&
      round(xlim[2] - ref, 6) == round(ref - xlim[1], 6))
    symmetric <- TRUE
  if (by) {
    if (all(is.na(c(yTE, yTE.w))))
      max.yTE <- 0
      max.yTE <- max(c(yTE, yTE.w), na.rm = TRUE)
  else {
    if (all(is.na(yTE)))
      max.yTE <- 0
      max.yTE <- max(yTE, na.rm = TRUE)
  yNext <- max.yTE + ifelse(max.yTE == 0 | !addrow.overall, 1, 2)
  if (missing(xlab.pos))
    xlab.pos <- mean(xlim)
  if (missing(smlab.pos))
    smlab.pos <- mean(xlim)
  yTE.common  <- rep(NA, n.com)
  yTE.random <- rep(NA, n.ran)
  yPredict <- rep(NA, n.prd)
  yHetstat <- NA
  yResidHetstat <- NA
  yOverall.common  <- NA
  yOverall.random <- NA
  ySubgroup.common  <- NA
  ySubgroup.random <- NA
  yText.addline1 <- NA
  yText.addline2 <- NA
  seq.com <- seq_len(n.com) - 1
  seq.ran <- seq_len(n.ran) - 1
  seq.prd <- seq_len(n.prd) - 1
  if (common & random & overall) {
    yTE.common <- yNext + seq.com
    yNext <- yNext + 1 + max(seq.com)
    yTE.random <- yNext + seq.ran
    yNext <- yNext + 1 + max(seq.ran)
  else if (common & !random & overall) {
    yTE.common <- yNext + seq.com
    yNext <- yNext + 1 + max(seq.com)
  else if (!common & random & overall) {
    yTE.random <- yNext + seq.ran
    yNext <- yNext + 1 + max(seq.ran)
  else if (!common & !random & pooled.totals & overall) {
    yTE.common <- yNext + seq.com
    yNext <- yNext + 1 + max(seq.com)
    if (missing(text.common))
      text.common <- "Overall"
  if (prediction & overall) {
    yPredict <- yNext + seq.prd
    yNext <- yNext + 1 + max(seq.prd)
  yNext <- yNext + addrows.below.overall
  if (overall.hetstat) {
    yHetstat <- yNext
    yNext <- yNext + 1
  if (resid.hetstat) {
    yResidHetstat <- yNext
    yNext <- yNext + 1
  if (test.overall.common) {
    yOverall.common <- yNext
    yNext <- yNext + 1
  if (test.overall.random) {
    yOverall.random <- yNext
    yNext <- yNext + 1
  if (test.subgroup.common) {
    ySubgroup.common <- yNext
    yNext <- yNext + 1
  if (test.subgroup.random) {
    ySubgroup.random <- yNext
    yNext <- yNext + 1
  if (!missing.text.addline1) {
    yText.addline1 <- yNext
    yNext <- yNext + 1
  if (!missing.text.addline2)
    yText.addline2 <- yNext
  if (!common & !pooled.totals) text.common <- ""
  if (!random) text.random <- ""
  if (!prediction) text.predict <- ""
  yTE <- yHead + yTE + addrow
  yTE.common <- yHead + yTE.common + addrow
  yTE.random <- yHead + yTE.random + addrow
  yPredict   <- yHead + yPredict   + addrow
  yHetstat <- yHead + yHetstat + addrow
  yResidHetstat <- yHead + yResidHetstat + addrow
  yOverall.common <- yHead + yOverall.common + addrow
  yOverall.random <- yHead + yOverall.random + addrow
  ySubgroup.common <- yHead + ySubgroup.common + addrow
  ySubgroup.random <- yHead + ySubgroup.random + addrow
  yText.addline1 <- yHead + yText.addline1 + addrow
  yText.addline2 <- yHead + yText.addline2 + addrow
  yStats <- c(yHetstat,
              yOverall.common, yOverall.random,
              ySubgroup.common, ySubgroup.random,
              yText.addline1, yText.addline2)
  if (by) {
    yBylab <- yHead + yBylab + addrow
    yTE.w  <- yHead + yTE.w + addrow
    yLab <- c(yHead,
              yTE.common, yTE.random, yPredict,
              yBylab, yTE.w,
    yS <- c(yHead, yTE.common, yTE.random, yPredict, yTE.w, yTE)
  else {
    yLab <- c(yHead, yTE.common, yTE.random, yPredict,
    yS <- c(yHead, yTE.common, yTE.random, yPredict, yTE)
  ## (11) Format columns in forest plot
  col.studlab <- list(labels = 
                        lapply(as.list(c(labs[["lab.studlab"]], modlabs)),
                               xpos = xpos.s, just = just.s,
                               fs = fs.study.labels,
                               ff = ff.study.labels,
                               fontfamily = fontfamily),
                      rows = yLab
  ## Study label:
  col.studlab$labels[[1]] <- tg(labs[["lab.studlab"]], xpos.s,
                                just.s, fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  ## Common effect estimate:
  strt <- j <- 1
  for (i in seq_len(n.com)) {
    col.studlab$labels[[strt + i]] <-
      tg(text.common[i], xpos.s, just.s,
         fs.common.labels, ff.common.labels, fontfamily)
    j <- j + 1
  ## Random effects estimate:
  strt <- j
  for (i in seq_len(n.ran)) {
    col.studlab$labels[[strt + i]] <-
      tg(text.random[i], xpos.s, just.s,
         fs.random.labels, ff.random.labels, fontfamily)
    j <- j + 1
  ## Prediction interval:
  strt <- j
  for (i in seq_len(n.prd)) {
    col.studlab$labels[[strt + i]] <-
      tg(text.predict[i], xpos.s, just.s,
         fs.predict.labels, ff.predict.labels, fontfamily)
    j <- j + 1
  ## Heterogeneity statistics:
  col.studlab$labels[[j + 1]] <-
    tg(hetstat.overall, xpos.s, just.s, fs.hetstat, ff.hetstat, fontfamily)
  ## Statistic for residual heterogeneity:
  col.studlab$labels[[j + 2]] <-
    tg(hetstat.resid, xpos.s, just.s, fs.hetstat, ff.hetstat, fontfamily)
  ## Test for overall effect (common effect model):
  col.studlab$labels[[j + 3]] <-
    tg(text.overall.common, xpos.s, just.s, fs.test.overall, ff.test.overall,
  ## Test for overall effect (random effects model):
  col.studlab$labels[[j + 4]] <-
    tg(text.overall.random, xpos.s, just.s, fs.test.overall, ff.test.overall,
  ## Test for subgroup differences (common effect model):
  col.studlab$labels[[j + 5]] <-
    tg(text.subgroup.common, xpos.s, just.s, fs.test.subgroup, ff.test.subgroup,
  ## Test for subgroup differences (random effects model):
  col.studlab$labels[[j + 6]] <-
    tg(text.subgroup.random, xpos.s, just.s, fs.test.subgroup, ff.test.subgroup,
  ## First additional line:
  col.studlab$labels[[j + 7]] <-
    tg(text.addline1, xpos.s, just.s, fs.addline, ff.addline, fontfamily)
  ## Second additional line:
  col.studlab$labels[[j + 8]] <-
    tg(text.addline2, xpos.s, just.s, fs.addline, ff.addline, fontfamily)
  if (by) {
    ## Subgroup labels:
    strt <- j <- j + 8
    for (i in seq_len(n.by)) {
      col.studlab$labels[[strt + i]] <-
        tg(subgroup.name[i], xpos.s, just.s,
           fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily, col.subgroup)
      j <- j + 1
    ## Common effect estimates:
    strt <- j
    for (i in seq_len(n.com.w)) {
      col.studlab$labels[[strt + i]] <-
        tg(text.common.w[i], xpos.s, just.s,
           fs.common.labels, ff.common.labels, fontfamily, col.subgroup)
      j <- j + 1
    ## Random effects estimates:
    strt <- j
    for (i in seq_len(n.ran.w)) {
      col.studlab$labels[[strt + i]] <-
        tg(text.random.w[i], xpos.s, just.s,
           fs.random.labels, ff.random.labels, fontfamily, col.subgroup)
      j <- j + 1
    ## Prediction interval:
    strt <- j
    for (i in seq_len(n.prd.w)) {
      col.studlab$labels[[strt + i]] <-
        tg(text.predict.w[i], xpos.s, just.s,
           fs.predict.labels, ff.predict.labels, fontfamily, col.subgroup)
      j <- j + 1
    ## Heterogeneity statistics:
    strt <- j
    for (i in seq_len(n.by)) {
      col.studlab$labels[[strt + i]] <-
        tg(hetstat.w[[i]], xpos.s, just.s,
           fs.hetstat, ff.hetstat, fontfamily, col.subgroup)
      j <- j + 1
    ## Test for effect in subgroup (common effect model):
    strt <- j
    for (i in seq_len(n.by)) {
      col.studlab$labels[[strt + i]] <-
        tg(text.effect.subgroup.common[[i]], xpos.s, just.s,
           fs.test.effect.subgroup, ff.test.effect.subgroup,
           fontfamily, col.subgroup)
      j <- j + 1
    ## Test for effect in subgroup (random effects model):
    strt <- j
    for (i in seq_len(n.by)) {
      col.studlab$labels[[strt + i]] <-
        tg(text.effect.subgroup.random[[i]], xpos.s, just.s,
           fs.test.effect.subgroup, ff.test.effect.subgroup,
           fontfamily, col.subgroup)
      j <- j + 1
  fcs <- list(fs.study = fs.study, ff.study = ff.study,
              fs.heading = fs.head, ff.heading = ff.head,
              fs.common = fs.common, ff.common = ff.common,
              fs.random = fs.random, ff.random = ff.random,
              fs.predict = fs.predict, ff.predict = ff.predict,
              by = by, n.by = n.by, col.subgroup = col.subgroup)
  col.effect <- formatcol(labs[["lab.effect"]], effect.format,
                          yS, just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                          n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.ci <- formatcol(labs[["lab.ci"]], ci.format, yS, just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                      n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.effect.ci <-
    formatcol(labs[["lab.effect.ci"]], effect.ci.format, yS,
              if (revman5) "center" else just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
              n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.w.common  <- formatcol(labs[["lab.w.common"]], Wc.format, yS,
                             just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                             n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.w.random <- formatcol(labs[["lab.w.random"]], Wr.format, yS,
                            just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                            n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.TE <- formatcol(labs[["lab.TE"]], TE.format, yS, just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                      n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.seTE <- formatcol(labs[["lab.seTE"]], seTE.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                        n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.cluster <-
    formatcol(labs[["lab.cluster"]], cluster.format, yS,
              if (as.character.cluster) "left" else just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
              n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.n.e <- formatcol(labs[["lab.n.e"]], Ne.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                       n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.n.c <- formatcol(labs[["lab.n.c"]], Nc.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                       n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.event.e <- formatcol(labs[["lab.event.e"]], Ee.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                           n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.event.c <- formatcol(labs[["lab.event.c"]], Ec.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                           n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.mean.e <- formatcol(labs[["lab.mean.e"]], Me.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                          n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.mean.c <- formatcol(labs[["lab.mean.c"]], Mc.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                          n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.sd.e <- formatcol(labs[["lab.sd.e"]], Se.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                        n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.sd.c <- formatcol(labs[["lab.sd.c"]], Sc.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                        n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.cor <- formatcol(labs[["lab.cor"]], cor.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                       n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.time.e <- formatcol(labs[["lab.time.e"]], Te.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                          n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.time.c <- formatcol(labs[["lab.time.c"]], Tc.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                          n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.pval <- formatcol(labs[["lab.pval"]], pval.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                        n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    col.tau2 <- formatcol(labs[["lab.tau2"]], tau2.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                          n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
    col.tau <- formatcol(labs[["lab.tau"]], tau.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                         n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
    col.I2 <- formatcol(labs[["lab.I2"]], I2.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                        n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.effect.calc <- formatcol(longer.effect, effect.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                               n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.ci.calc <- formatcol(longer.ci, ci.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                           n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.effect.ci.calc <- formatcol(longer.effect.ci, effect.ci.format, yS,
                                  just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                                  n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.w.common.calc  <- formatcol(longer.w.common, Wc.format, yS,
                                 just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                                 n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.w.random.calc <- formatcol(longer.w.random, Wr.format, yS,
                                 just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                                 n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.TE.calc <- formatcol(longer.TE, TE.format, yS, just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                           n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.seTE.calc <- formatcol(longer.seTE, seTE.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                             n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.cluster.calc <- formatcol(longer.cluster, cluster.format,
                                yS, just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                                n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.n.e.calc <- formatcol(longer.n.e, Ne.format, yS, just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                            n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.n.c.calc <- formatcol(longer.n.c, Nc.format, yS, just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                            n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.event.e.calc <- formatcol(longer.event.e, Ee.format, yS,
                                just.c, fcs, fontfamily,
                                n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.event.c.calc <- formatcol(longer.event.c, Ec.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                                n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.mean.e.calc <- formatcol(longer.mean.e, Me.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                               n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.mean.c.calc <- formatcol(longer.mean.c, Mc.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                               n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.sd.e.calc <- formatcol(longer.sd.e, Se.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                             n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.sd.c.calc <- formatcol(longer.sd.c, Sc.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                             n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.cor.calc <- formatcol(longer.cor, cor.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                            n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.time.e.calc <- formatcol(longer.time.e, Te.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                               n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.time.c.calc <- formatcol(longer.time.c, Tc.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                               n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.pval.calc <- formatcol(longer.pval, pval.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                             n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    col.tau2.calc <- formatcol(longer.tau2, tau2.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                               n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
    col.tau.calc <- formatcol(longer.tau, tau.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                              n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
    col.I2.calc <- formatcol(longer.I2, I2.format, yS, just.c, fcs,
                             n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.forest <- list(eff = TEs.exclude,
                     low = lowTEs.exclude,
                     upp = uppTEs.exclude,
                     rows = yS[-1],
                     ## "square"  - normal confidence interval
                     ## "diamond" - meta-analysis diamond
                     ## "predict" - prediction interval
                     type = c(type.pooled, type.study),
                     col = c(col.diamond.lines.pooled, col.study),
                     col.square = c(col.diamond.pooled, col.square),
                     col.square.lines =
                       c(col.diamond.lines.pooled, col.square.lines),
                     col.inside = c(col.inside.pooled, col.inside),
                     col.diamond = c(col.diamond.pooled, col.square),
                     col.diamond.lines =
                       c(col.diamond.lines.pooled, col.square.lines),
                     lwd = lwd
  ## Sizes of squares
  if (weight.study == "same") {
    information <- rep(0.9, length(TEs))
  else {
    if (weight.study == "common")
      information <- sqrt(w.commons)
    else if (weight.study == "random")
      information <- sqrt(w.randoms)
    ## Square height equal to 1 for most precise study result
    if (!all(is.na(information)))
      information <- information / max(information, na.rm = TRUE)
      information <- rep(0.9, length(TEs))
    ## Same / maximum polygon height for all meta-analytical results
    ## (both overall and subgroup results)
    information[is.na(information)] <- 1
  col.forest$sizes <- information
  col.forest$sizes <- col.forest$sizes * squaresize
  ## Width of column 3
  col.forestwidth <- plotwidth
  ## Range on the x-axis for column 3
  col.forest$range <- xlim
  cols <- list(col.studlab = col.studlab,
               col.effect = col.effect,
               col.ci = col.ci,
               col.effect.ci = col.effect.ci,
               col.w.common = col.w.common,
               col.w.random = col.w.random,
               col.TE = col.TE,
               col.seTE = col.seTE)
  cols.calc <- list(col.studlab = col.studlab,
                    col.effect = col.effect.calc,
                    col.ci = col.ci.calc,
                    col.effect.ci = col.effect.ci.calc,
                    col.w.common = col.w.common.calc,
                    col.w.random = col.w.random.calc,
                    col.TE = col.TE.calc,
                    col.seTE = col.seTE.calc)
  cols[["col.cluster"]] <- col.cluster
  cols[["col.n.e"]] <- col.n.e
  cols[["col.n.c"]] <- col.n.c
  cols[["col.event.e"]] <- col.event.e
  cols[["col.event.c"]] <- col.event.c
  cols[["col.mean.e"]] <- col.mean.e
  cols[["col.mean.c"]] <- col.mean.c
  cols[["col.sd.e"]] <- col.sd.e
  cols[["col.sd.c"]] <- col.sd.c
  cols[["col.cor"]] <- col.cor
  cols[["col.time.e"]] <- col.time.e
  cols[["col.time.c"]] <- col.time.c
  cols[["col.pval"]] <- col.pval
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    cols[["col.tau2"]] <- col.tau2
    cols[["col.tau"]] <- col.tau
    cols[["col.I2"]] <- col.I2
  ## Calculate
  cols.calc[["col.cluster"]] <- col.cluster.calc
  cols.calc[["col.n.e"]] <- col.n.e.calc
  cols.calc[["col.n.c"]] <- col.n.c.calc
  cols.calc[["col.event.e"]] <- col.event.e.calc
  cols.calc[["col.event.c"]] <- col.event.c.calc
  cols.calc[["col.mean.e"]] <- col.mean.e.calc
  cols.calc[["col.mean.c"]] <- col.mean.c.calc
  cols.calc[["col.sd.e"]] <- col.sd.e.calc
  cols.calc[["col.sd.c"]] <- col.sd.c.calc
  cols.calc[["col.cor"]] <- col.cor.calc
  cols.calc[["col.time.e"]] <- col.time.e.calc
  cols.calc[["col.time.c"]] <- col.time.c.calc
  cols.calc[["col.pval"]] <- col.pval.calc
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    cols.calc[["col.tau2"]] <- col.tau2.calc
    cols.calc[["col.tau"]] <- col.tau.calc
    cols.calc[["col.I2"]] <- col.I2.calc
  if (newcols) {
    ## Check just.addcols
    if (length(leftcols.new) > 0)
      if (length(just.addcols.left) != 1) {
        if (length(just.addcols.left) != length(leftcols.new))
          stop("Length of argument 'just.addcols.left' must be one or ",
               "same as number of additional columms in argument 'leftcols'.")
        just.addcols.left <- rep(just.addcols.left, length(leftcols.new))
    if (length(rightcols.new) > 0)
      if (length(just.addcols.right) != 1) {
        if (length(just.addcols.right) != length(rightcols.new))
          stop("Length of argument 'just.addcols.right' must be one or ",
               "same as number of additional columms in argument 'rightcols'.")
        just.addcols.right <- rep(just.addcols.right, length(rightcols.new))
    ## Check digits.addcols
    if (length(leftcols.new) > 0)
      if (length(digits.addcols.left) != 1) {
        if (length(digits.addcols.left) != length(leftcols.new))
          stop("Length of argument 'digits.addcols.left' must be one or ",
               "same as number of additional columms in argument 'leftcols'.")
        digits.addcols.left <- rep(digits.addcols.left, length(leftcols.new))
    if (length(rightcols.new) > 0)
      if (length(digits.addcols.right) != 1) {
        if (length(digits.addcols.right) != length(rightcols.new))
          stop("Length of argument 'digits.addcols.right' must be one or ",
               "same as number of additional columms in argument 'rightcols'.")
        digits.addcols.right <- rep(digits.addcols.right, length(rightcols.new))
    if (by) {
      for (i in seq_along(rightcols.new)) {
        tname <- paste0("col.", rightcols.new[i])
        if (length(dataset1[[rightcols.new[i]]]) != 0)
          tmp.r <- dataset1[[rightcols.new[i]]]
        else if (length(dataset2[[rightcols.new[i]]]) != 0)
          tmp.r <- dataset2[[rightcols.new[i]]]
          stop("Variable '", rightcols.new[i],
               "' not available in meta-analysis object.",
               call. = FALSE)
        if (!is.character(tmp.r)) {
          if (is.factor(tmp.r))
            tmp.r <- as.character(tmp.r)
          else if (missing.addcols.right &
                   all(is_wholenumber(tmp.r), na.rm = TRUE))
            tmp.r <- formatN(tmp.r, digits = 0,
                             text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
          else if (is.numeric(tmp.r)) {
            if (rightcols.new[i] == "pval")
              tmp.r <- formatPT(tmp.r, digits = digits.pval,
                                big.mark = big.mark)
            else if (rightcols.new[i] == "tau2")
              tmp.r <- formatPT(tmp.r, digits = digits.tau2,
                                big.mark = big.mark)
            else if (rightcols.new[i] == "tau")
              tmp.r <- formatPT(tmp.r, digits = digits.tau,
                                big.mark = big.mark)
            else if (rightcols.new[i] == "I2") {
              format.r <- formatN(100 * tmp.r, digits.I2, lab.NA)
              tmp.r <- ifelse(format.r == lab.NA, lab.NA,
                              paste0(format.r, "%"))
              tmp.r <- formatN(tmp.r, digits = digits.addcols.right[i],
                               text.NA = "", big.mark = big.mark)
        tmp.r <- ifelse(is.na(tmp.r), lab.NA, tmp.r)
        ## Check for "\n" in label of new column
        clines <- twolines(rightlabs.new[i], rightcols.new[i])
        if (clines$newline) {
          lab.new <- clines$bottom
          longer.new <- clines$longer
          lab.new <- longer.new <- rightlabs.new[i]
        cols[[tname]] <-
                    c("", "", "", rep("", length(TE.w)), tmp.r),
                    if (rightcols.new[i] %in%
                        c("pval", "tau2", "tau", "I2", "Q", "pval.Q"))
                    fcs, fontfamily,
                    n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
        cols.calc[[tname]] <- formatcol(longer.new,
                                        c("", "", "", rep("", length(TE.w)),
                                        fcs, fontfamily,
                                        n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
      for (i in seq_along(leftcols.new)) {
        tname <- paste0("col.", leftcols.new[i])
        if (length(dataset1[[leftcols.new[i]]]) != 0)
          tmp.l <- dataset1[[leftcols.new[i]]]        
        else if (length(dataset2[[leftcols.new[i]]]) != 0)
          tmp.l <- dataset2[[leftcols.new[i]]]
          stop("Variable '", leftcols.new[i],
               "' not available in meta-analysis object.",
               call. = FALSE)
        if (!is.character(tmp.l)) {
          if (is.factor(tmp.l))
            tmp.l <- as.character(tmp.l)
          else if (missing.addcols.left &
                   all(is_wholenumber(tmp.l), na.rm = TRUE))
            tmp.l <- formatN(tmp.l, digits = 0,
                             text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
          else if (is.numeric(tmp.l)) {
            if (leftcols.new[i] == "pval")
              tmp.l <- formatPT(tmp.l, digits = digits.pval,
                                big.mark = big.mark)
            else if (leftcols.new[i] == "tau2")
              tmp.l <- formatPT(tmp.l, digits = digits.tau2,
                                big.mark = big.mark)
            else if (leftcols.new[i] == "tau")
              tmp.l <- formatPT(tmp.l, digits = digits.tau,
                                big.mark = big.mark)
            else if (leftcols.new[i] == "I2") {
              format.l <- formatN(100 * tmp.l, digits.I2, lab.NA)
              tmp.l <- ifelse(format.l == lab.NA, lab.NA,
                              paste0(format.l, "%"))
              tmp.l <- formatN(tmp.l, digits = digits.addcols.left[i],
                               text.NA = "", big.mark = big.mark)
        tmp.l <- ifelse(is.na(tmp.l), lab.NA, tmp.l)
        ## Check for "\n" in label of new column
        clines <- twolines(leftlabs.new[i], leftcols.new[i])
        if (clines$newline) {
          lab.new <- clines$bottom
          longer.new <- clines$longer
          lab.new <- longer.new <- leftlabs.new[i]
        cols[[tname]] <-
                    c("", "", "",
                      rep("", length(TE.w)), tmp.l),
                    if (leftcols.new[i] %in%
                        c("pval", "tau2", "tau", "I2", "Q", "pval.Q"))
                    fcs, fontfamily,
                    n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
        cols.calc[[tname]] <- formatcol(longer.new,
                                        c("", "", "",
                                          rep("", length(TE.w)), tmp.l),
                                        fcs, fontfamily,
                                        n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
    else {
      for (i in seq_along(rightcols.new)) {
        tname <- paste0("col.", rightcols.new[i])
        if (length(dataset1[[rightcols.new[i]]]) != 0)
          tmp.r <- dataset1[[rightcols.new[i]]]
        else if (length(dataset2[[rightcols.new[i]]]) != 0)
          tmp.r <- dataset2[[rightcols.new[i]]]
          stop("Variable '", rightcols.new[i],
               "' not available in meta-analysis object.",
               call. = FALSE)
        if (!is.character(tmp.r)) {
          if (is.factor(tmp.r))
            tmp.r <- as.character(tmp.r)
          else if (missing.addcols.left &
                   all(is_wholenumber(tmp.r), na.rm = TRUE))
            tmp.r <- formatN(tmp.r, digits = 0,
                             text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
          else if (is.numeric(tmp.r)) {
            if (rightcols.new[i] == "pval")
              tmp.r <- formatPT(tmp.r, digits = digits.pval,
                                big.mark = big.mark,
                                lab = FALSE, labval = "",
                                zero = zero.pval, JAMA = JAMA.pval,
                                scientific = scientific.pval,
                                lab.NA = "NA")
            else if (rightcols.new[i] == "tau2")
              tmp.r <- formatPT(tmp.r, digits = digits.tau2,
                                big.mark = big.mark,
                                lab = FALSE, labval = "",
                                lab.NA = "NA")
            else if (rightcols.new[i] == "tau")
              tmp.r <- formatPT(tmp.r, digits = digits.tau,
                                big.mark = big.mark,
                                lab = FALSE, labval = "",
                                lab.NA = "NA")
            else if (rightcols.new[i] == "I2")
              tmp.r <-
                paste0(formatN(100 * tmp.r, digits.I2, "NA"), "%")
              tmp.r <- formatN(tmp.r, digits = digits.addcols.right[i],
                               text.NA = "", big.mark = big.mark)
        tmp.r <- ifelse(is.na(tmp.r), "", tmp.r)
        ## Check for "\n" in label of new column
        clines <- twolines(rightlabs.new[i], rightcols.new[i])
        if (clines$newline) {
          lab.new <- clines$bottom
          longer.new <- clines$longer
          lab.new <- longer.new <- rightlabs.new[i]
        cols[[tname]] <-
                    c("", "", "", tmp.r),
                    if (rightcols.new[i] %in% c("pval", "tau2", "tau", "I2"))
                    fcs, fontfamily,
                    n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
        cols.calc[[tname]] <- formatcol(longer.new,
                                        c("", "", "", tmp.r),
                                        fcs, fontfamily,
                                        n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
      for (i in seq_along(leftcols.new)) {
        tname <- paste0("col.", leftcols.new[i])
        if (length(dataset1[[leftcols.new[i]]]) != 0)
          tmp.l <- dataset1[[leftcols.new[i]]]        
        else if (length(dataset2[[leftcols.new[i]]]) != 0)
          tmp.l <- dataset2[[leftcols.new[i]]]
          stop("Variable '", leftcols.new[i],
               "' not available in meta-analysis object.",
               call. = FALSE)
        if (!is.character(tmp.l)) {
          if (is.factor(tmp.l))
            tmp.l <- as.character(tmp.l)
          else if (missing.addcols.left &
                   all(is_wholenumber(tmp.l), na.rm = TRUE))
            tmp.l <- formatN(tmp.l, digits = 0,
                             text.NA = lab.NA, big.mark = big.mark)
          else if (is.numeric(tmp.l)) {
            if (leftcols.new[i] == "pval")
              tmp.l <- formatPT(tmp.l, digits = digits.pval,
                                big.mark = big.mark,
                                lab = FALSE, labval = "",
                                zero = zero.pval, JAMA = JAMA.pval,
                                scientific = scientific.pval,
                                lab.NA = "NA")
            else if (leftcols.new[i] == "tau2")
              tmp.l <- formatPT(tmp.l, digits = digits.tau2,
                                big.mark = big.mark,
                                lab = FALSE, labval = "",
                                lab.NA = "NA")
            else if (leftcols.new[i] == "tau")
              tmp.l <- formatPT(tmp.l, digits = digits.tau,
                                big.mark = big.mark,
                                lab = FALSE, labval = "",
                                lab.NA = "NA")
            else if (leftcols.new[i] == "I2")
              tmp.l <-
                paste0(formatN(100 * tmp.l, digits.I2, "NA"), "%")
              tmp.l <- formatN(tmp.l, digits = digits.addcols.left[i],
                               text.NA = "", big.mark = big.mark)
        tmp.l <- ifelse(is.na(tmp.l), "", tmp.l)
        ## Check for "\n" in label of new column
        clines <- twolines(leftlabs.new[i], leftcols.new[i])
        if (clines$newline) {
          lab.new <- clines$bottom
          longer.new <- clines$longer
          lab.new <- longer.new <- leftlabs.new[i]
        cols[[tname]] <-
                    c("", "", "", tmp.l),
                    if (leftcols.new[i] %in% c("pval", "tau2", "tau", "I2"))
                    fcs, fontfamily,
                    n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
        cols.calc[[tname]] <- formatcol(longer.new,
                                        c("", "", "", tmp.l),
                                        fcs, fontfamily,
                                        n.com, n.ran, n.prd)
  col.label.e <- tgl(label.e, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  col.label.c <- tgl(label.c, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  if (newline.studlab)
    col.add.studlab <- tgl(add.studlab, xpos.s, just.s, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (newline.effect)
    col.add.effect <- tgl(add.effect, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (newline.ci)
    col.add.ci <- tgl(add.ci, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  if (newline.effect.ci)
    col.add.effect.ci <- tgl(add.effect.ci,
                             if (revman5) 0.5 else xpos.c,
                             if (revman5) "center" else just.c,
                             fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  if (newline.w.common)
    col.add.w.common <- tgl(add.w.common, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (newline.w.random)
    col.add.w.random <- tgl(add.w.random, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (newline.TE)
    col.add.TE <- tgl(add.TE, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (newline.seTE)
    col.add.seTE <- tgl(add.seTE, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  if (newline.cluster)
    col.add.cluster <-
          if (as.character.cluster) 0 else xpos.c,
          if (as.character.cluster) "left" else just.c,
          fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  if (newline.n.e)
    col.add.n.e <- tgl(add.n.e, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  if (newline.n.c)
    col.add.n.c <- tgl(add.n.c, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  if (newline.event.e)
    col.add.event.e <- tgl(add.event.e, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (newline.event.c)
    col.add.event.c <- tgl(add.event.c, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (newline.mean.e)
    col.add.mean.e <- tgl(add.mean.e, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (newline.mean.c)
    col.add.mean.c <- tgl(add.mean.c, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (newline.sd.e)
    col.add.sd.e <- tgl(add.sd.e, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  if (newline.sd.c)
    col.add.sd.c <- tgl(add.sd.c, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  if (newline.cor)
    col.add.cor <- tgl(add.cor, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily)
  if (newline.time.e)
    col.add.time.e <- tgl(add.time.e, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (newline.time.c)
    col.add.time.c <- tgl(add.time.c, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    if (newline.pval)
      col.add.pval <- tgl(add.pval, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
    if (newline.tau2)
      col.add.tau2 <- tgl(add.tau2, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
    if (newline.tau)
      col.add.tau <- tgl(add.tau, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
    if (newline.I2)
      col.add.I2 <- tgl(add.I2, xpos.c, just.c, fs.head, ff.head,
  leftcols  <- paste0("col.", leftcols)
  rightcols <- paste0("col.", rightcols)
  ## (12) Calculate width of columns in forest plot
  ## Exclude lines with summary measures from calculation of column
  ## width for study labels
  del.lines <- NULL
  if (!calcwidth.common)
    del.lines <- 1 + seq_len(n.com)
  if (!calcwidth.random)
    del.lines <-
      c(del.lines, 1 + n.com + seq_len(n.ran))
  if (!calcwidth.predict)
    del.lines <-
      c(del.lines, 1 + n.com + n.ran + seq_len(n.prd))
  if (!calcwidth.hetstat)
      del.lines <-
        c(del.lines, 1 + n.com + n.ran + n.prd + 1:2)
  if (!calcwidth.tests)
    del.lines <-
      c(del.lines, 1 + n.com + n.ran + n.prd + 2 + 1:4)
  if (!calcwidth.addline)
    del.lines <-
      c(del.lines, 1 + n.com + n.ran + n.prd + 2 + 4 + 1:2)
  if (by) {
    if (!calcwidth.subgroup)
      del.lines <-
          1 + n.com + n.ran + n.prd + 2 + 4 + 2 + seq_len(n.by))
    if (!calcwidth.common)
      del.lines <-
          1 + n.com + n.ran + n.prd + 2 + 4 + 2 + n.by +
          seq_len(n.by * n.com))
    if (!calcwidth.random)
      del.lines <-
          1 + n.com + n.ran + n.prd + 2 + 4 + 2 + n.by +
          n.by * n.com + seq_len(n.by * n.ran))
    if (!calcwidth.predict)
      del.lines <-
          1 + n.com + n.ran + n.prd + 2 + 4 + 2 + n.by +
          n.by * n.com + n.by * n.ran + seq_len(n.by * n.prd))
    if (!calcwidth.hetstat)
      del.lines <-
          1 + n.com + n.ran + n.prd + 2 + 4 + 2 + n.by +
          n.by * n.com + n.by * n.ran + n.by * n.prd +
    ## test for effect (CE)
    if (!calcwidth.tests)
      del.lines <-
          1 + n.com + n.ran + n.prd + 2 + 4 + 2 + n.by +
          n.by * n.com + n.by * n.ran + n.by * n.prd +
          n.by + seq_len(n.by))
    ## test for effect (RE)
    if (!calcwidth.tests)
      del.lines <-
          1 + n.com + n.ran + n.prd + 2 + 4 + 2 + n.by +
          n.by * n.com + n.by * n.ran + n.by * n.prd +
          n.by + n.by + seq_len(n.by))
  if (lsel) {
    for (i in seq_along(leftcols)) {
      if (i == 1) {
        if (leftcols[[i]] == "col.studlab" & !is.null(del.lines))
          x1 <- unit.c(wcalc(cols.calc[[leftcols[i]]]$labels[-del.lines]))
          x1 <- unit.c(wcalc(cols.calc[[leftcols[i]]]$labels))
      else {
        if (leftcols[[i]] == "col.studlab" & !is.null(del.lines))
          x1 <- unit.c(x1,
          x1 <- unit.c(x1,
                       if (leftcols[[i - 1]] == "col.studlab")
                       else colgap.left,
    x1 <- unit.c(x1, colgap.forest.left, col.forestwidth)
    x1 <- unit.c(col.forestwidth)
  if (rsel) {
    for (i in seq_along(rightcols)) {
      x1 <- unit.c(x1,
                   if (i == 1) colgap.forest.right else colgap.right,
  ## (13) Process arguments smlab, label.left and label.right
  if (by) {
    addline <- addrow * (!any(c(overall.hetstat,
                                test.overall.common, test.overall.random,
                                test.subgroup.common, test.subgroup.random)))
    nrow <- max(addline + c(yTE, yTE.common, yTE.random, yPredict,
                            yStats, yTE.w), na.rm = TRUE)
  else {
    addline <- addrow * (!any(c(test.overall.common, test.overall.random,
    nrow <- max(addline + c(yTE, yTE.common, yTE.random, yPredict,
                            yStats), na.rm = TRUE)
  ## Determine minimal value on y-axis for lines of common / random
  ## effect estimate or reference line
  n.lines <- sum(!is.na(yStats))
  ymin.line <- max(addrow | addrow.overall,
                   n.lines + (n.lines > 0) * addrows.below.overall)
  if (!by) {
    if (overall & (common | random | prediction)) {
      if (ymin.line == addrows.below.overall & !(!addrow.overall | !addrow))
        ymin.line <- ymin.line + 1
      if ((!missing.text.addline1 | !missing.text.addline2) &
          (!missing.text.addline1 + !missing.text.addline2) == n.lines &
          !(!addrow.overall | !addrow))
        ymin.line <- ymin.line + 1
      if (addrow.overall & !addrow & n.lines == 0)
        ymin.line <- ymin.line - 1
    if (!overall & addrow & n.lines == 0)
      ymin.line <- ymin.line - 1
  else {
    if (!overall & !overall.hetstat & addrow &
        ((n.lines > !missing.text.addline1 + !missing.text.addline2) |
         n.lines == 0))
      ymin.line <- ymin.line - 1
  if (hetstat %in% c("common", "random") &
      (!missing.text.addline1 | !missing.text.addline2))
    ymin.line <- ymin.line + 1
  ymin.common <- spacing * (ymin.line + prediction * n.prd + random * n.ran + 0.5)
  ymin.random <- spacing * (ymin.line + prediction * n.prd + 0.5)
  ymin.ref    <- spacing * (ymin.line + (!(overall | overall.hetstat) & addrow))
  ymax <- spacing * (nrow - ifelse(is.na(yHeadadd), 1, 2) - 1 * addrow)
  ## Position on y-axis of left and right labels (at bottom of forest plot)
  y.bottom.lr <- ymin.line - 2.5 + (!(overall | overall.hetstat) & addrow)
  ## Position on y-axis of label below x-axis
  xlab.ypos <- y.bottom.lr - 1 * (print.label & bottom.lr) -
    1 * (print.label & bottom.lr & (newline.lr | newline.ll))
  ## Summary label at top of forest plot
  smlab1 <- tgl(smlab1, unit(smlab.pos, "native"), "center",
                fs.smlab, ff.smlab,
                fontfamily, rows = 1 + (!is.na(yHeadadd) & !newline.smlab))
  if (newline.smlab)
    smlab2 <- tgl(smlab2, unit(smlab.pos, "native"),
                  "center", fs.smlab, ff.smlab, fontfamily,
                  rows = 2)
  ## Left and right label on x-axis:
  if (!bottom.lr & !is.na(ref)) {
    row1.lr <- if (!newline & (newline.ll | newline.lr) & !addrow)
               else if (!is.na(yHeadadd) & addrow)
               else if (is.na(yHeadadd))
    ll1 <- tgl(ll1, unit(ref - (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / 30, "native"),
               "right", fs.lr, ff.lr, fontfamily, col.label.left,
               rows = row1.lr)
    if (newline.ll)
      ll2 <- tgl(ll2, unit(ref - (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / 30, "native"),
                 "right", fs.lr, ff.lr, fontfamily, col.label.left,
                 rows = row1.lr + 1)
    lr1 <- tgl(lr1, unit(ref + (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / 30, "native"),
               "left", fs.lr, ff.lr, fontfamily, col.label.right,
               rows = row1.lr)
    if (newline.lr)
      lr2 <- tgl(lr2, unit(ref + (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / 30, "native"),
                 "left", fs.lr, ff.lr, fontfamily, col.label.right,
                 rows = row1.lr + 1)
  ## (14) Generate forest plot
  if (new)
  pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(
                          widths = x1,
                          heights = unit(spacing, "lines"))))
  ## Left side of forest plot
  j <- 1
  if (lsel) {
    for (i in seq_along(leftcols)) {
      add.text(cols[[leftcols[i]]], j)
      if (!is.na(yHeadadd)) {
        if (!is.null(label.e.attach)) {
          if (leftcols[i] == paste0("col.", label.e.attach))
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
        else if (metabin) {
          if (leftcols[i] == "col.n.e" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
          else if (leftcols[i] == "col.event.e" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
        else if (metacont) {
          if (leftcols[i] == "col.sd.e" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
          else if (leftcols[i] == "col.mean.e" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
        else if (metainc) {
          if (leftcols[i] == "col.time.e" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
          else if (leftcols[i] == "col.event.e" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
        else if (metamean) {
          if (revman5 & leftcols[i] == "col.n.e" &
              just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
          else if (!revman5 & leftcols[i] == "col.sd.e" &
                   just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
          else if (leftcols[i] == "col.sd.e" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
        if (!is.null(label.c.attach)) {
          if (leftcols[i] == paste0("col.", label.c.attach))
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
        else if (metabin) {
          if (leftcols[i] == "col.n.c" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
          else if (leftcols[i] == "col.event.c" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
        else if (metacont) {
          if (leftcols[i] == "col.sd.c" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
          else if (leftcols[i] == "col.mean.c" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
        else if (metainc) {
          if (leftcols[i] == "col.time.c" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
          else if (leftcols[i] == "col.event.c" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
        if (newline.studlab & leftcols[i] == "col.studlab")
          add.text(col.add.studlab, j)
        if (newline.effect & leftcols[i] == "col.effect")
          add.text(col.add.effect, j)
        if (newline.ci & leftcols[i] == "col.ci")
          add.text(col.add.ci, j)
        if (newline.effect.ci & leftcols[i] == "col.effect.ci")
          add.text(col.add.effect.ci, j)
        if (newline.w.common & leftcols[i] == "col.w.common")
          add.text(col.add.w.common, j)
        if (newline.w.random & leftcols[i] == "col.w.random")
          add.text(col.add.w.random, j)
        if (newline.TE & leftcols[i] == "col.TE")
          add.text(col.add.TE, j)
        if (newline.seTE & leftcols[i] == "col.seTE")
          add.text(col.add.seTE, j)
        if (newline.cluster & leftcols[i] == "col.cluster")
          add.text(col.add.cluster, j)
        if (newline.n.e & leftcols[i] == "col.n.e")
          add.text(col.add.n.e, j)
        if (newline.n.c & leftcols[i] == "col.n.c")
          add.text(col.add.n.c, j)
        if (newline.event.e & leftcols[i] == "col.event.e")
          add.text(col.add.event.e, j)
        if (newline.event.c & leftcols[i] == "col.event.c")
          add.text(col.add.event.c, j)
        if (newline.mean.e & leftcols[i] == "col.mean.e")
          add.text(col.add.mean.e, j)
        if (newline.mean.c & leftcols[i] == "col.mean.c")
          add.text(col.add.mean.c, j)
        if (newline.sd.e & leftcols[i] == "col.sd.e")
          add.text(col.add.sd.e, j)
        if (newline.sd.c & leftcols[i] == "col.sd.c")
          add.text(col.add.sd.c, j)
        if (newline.cor & leftcols[i] == "col.cor")
          add.text(col.add.cor, j)
        if (newline.time.e & leftcols[i] == "col.time.e")
          add.text(col.add.time.e, j)
        if (newline.time.c & leftcols[i] == "col.time.c")
          add.text(col.add.time.c, j)
        if (metainf.metacum) {
          if (newline.pval & leftcols[i] == "col.pval")
            add.text(col.add.pval, j)
          if (newline.tau2 & leftcols[i] == "col.tau2")
            add.text(col.add.tau2, j)
          if (newline.tau & leftcols[i] == "col.tau")
            add.text(col.add.tau, j)
          if (newline.I2 & leftcols[i] == "col.I2")
            add.text(col.add.I2, j)
        ## Add text in first line of forest plot for new columns
        if (newcols)
          if (length(leftcols.new) > 0 &
              leftcols[i] %in% paste0("col.", leftcols.new)) {
            sel <- paste0("col.", leftcols.new) == leftcols[i]
            ## Check for "\n" in label of new column
            clines <- twolines(leftlabs.new[sel], leftcols[i])
            just.new <- just.addcols.left[sel]
            if (just.new == "left")
              xpos.new <- 0
            else if (just.new == "center")
              xpos.new <- 0.5
            else if (just.new == "right")
              xpos.new <- 1
            ## Add first line
            if (clines$newline)
              add.text(tgl(clines$top, xpos.new, just.new, fs.head, ff.head,
                           fontfamily), j)
      j <- j + 2
  ## Produce forest plot
  draw.lines(col.forest, j,
             ref, TE.common, unique(TE.random),
             overall, common, random, prediction,
             ymin.common, ymin.random, ymin.ref,
             ymax + 0.5 * header.line * addrow,
             lwd, lty.common, lty.random, col.common, col.random,
             xlim[1], xlim[2],
             lower.equi, upper.equi, lty.equi, col.equi,
             fill.lower.equi, fill.upper.equi)
  draw.axis(col.forest, j, yS, log.xaxis, at, label,
            fs.axis, ff.axis, fontfamily, lwd,
            xlim, notmiss.xlim)
  if (bottom.lr) {
    add.text(smlab1, j, xscale = col.forest$range)
    if (newline.smlab)
      add.text(smlab2, j, xscale = col.forest$range)
  if (print.label) {
    if (!bottom.lr) {
      if (!is.na(ref)) {
        add.text(ll1, j, xscale = col.forest$range)
        if (newline.ll)
          add.text(ll2, j, xscale = col.forest$range)
        add.text(lr1, j, xscale = col.forest$range)
        if (newline.lr)
          add.text(lr2, j, xscale = col.forest$range)
    else {
      add.label(ll1, j,
                unit(ref - (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / 30, "native"),
                unit(y.bottom.lr, "lines"),
                fs.lr, ff.lr, col.label.left, fontfamily,
                xscale = col.forest$range)
      if (newline.ll)
        add.label(ll2, j,
                  unit(ref - (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / 30, "native"),
                  unit(y.bottom.lr - 1, "lines"),
                  fs.lr, ff.lr, col.label.left, fontfamily,
                  xscale = col.forest$range)
      add.label(lr1, j,
                unit(ref + (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / 30, "native"),
                unit(y.bottom.lr, "lines"),
                fs.lr, ff.lr, col.label.right, fontfamily,
                xscale = col.forest$range)
      if (newline.lr)
        add.label(lr2, j,
                  unit(ref + (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) / 30, "native"),
                  unit(y.bottom.lr - 1, "lines"),
                  fs.lr, ff.lr, col.label.right, fontfamily,
                  xscale = col.forest$range)
  add.xlab(col.forest, j, xlab, xlab.add, newline.xlab,
           xlab.pos, xlab.ypos, fs.xlab, ff.xlab,
  draw.forest(col.forest, j)
  j <- j + 2
  ## Right side of forest plot
  if (rsel) {
    for (i in seq_along(rightcols)) {
      add.text(cols[[rightcols[i]]], j)
      if (!is.na(yHeadadd)) {
        if (!is.null(label.e.attach)) {
          if (rightcols[i] == paste0("col.", label.e.attach))
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
        else if (metabin) {
          if (rightcols[i] == "col.n.e" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
          else if (rightcols[i] == "col.event.e" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
        else if (metacont) {
          if (rightcols[i] == "col.sd.e" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
          else if (rightcols[i] == "col.mean.e" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
        else if (metainc) {
          if (rightcols[i] == "col.time.e" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
          else if (rightcols[i] == "col.event.e" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
        else if (metamean) {
          if (revman5 & rightcols[i] == "col.n.e" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
          else if (!revman5 & rightcols[i] == "col.sd.e" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
          else if (rightcols[i] == "col.sd.e" & just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.e, j)
        if (!is.null(label.c.attach)) {
          if (rightcols[i] == paste0("col.", label.c.attach))
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
        else if (metabin) {
          if (rightcols[i] == "col.n.c" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
          else if (rightcols[i] == "col.event.c" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
        else if (metacont) {
          if (rightcols[i] == "col.sd.c" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
          else if (rightcols[i] == "col.mean.c" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
        else if (metainc) {
          if (rightcols[i] == "col.time.c" & just.c == "right")
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
          else if (rightcols[i] == "col.event.c" &
                   just.c %in% c("left", "center"))
            add.text(col.label.c, j)
        if (newline.studlab & rightcols[i] == "col.studlab")
          add.text(col.add.studlab, j)
        if (newline.effect & rightcols[i] == "col.effect")
          add.text(col.add.effect, j)
        if (newline.ci & rightcols[i] == "col.ci")
          add.text(col.add.ci, j)
        if (newline.effect.ci & rightcols[i] == "col.effect.ci")
          add.text(col.add.effect.ci, j)
        if (newline.w.common & rightcols[i] == "col.w.common")
          add.text(col.add.w.common, j)
        if (newline.w.random & rightcols[i] == "col.w.random")
          add.text(col.add.w.random, j)
        if (newline.TE & rightcols[i] == "col.TE")
          add.text(col.add.TE, j)
        if (newline.seTE & rightcols[i] == "col.seTE")
          add.text(col.add.seTE, j)
        if (newline.cluster & rightcols[i] == "col.cluster")
          add.text(col.add.cluster, j)
        if (newline.n.e & rightcols[i] == "col.n.e")
          add.text(col.add.n.e, j)
        if (newline.n.c & rightcols[i] == "col.n.c")
          add.text(col.add.n.c, j)
        if (newline.event.e & rightcols[i] == "col.event.e")
          add.text(col.add.event.e, j)
        if (newline.event.c & rightcols[i] == "col.event.c")
          add.text(col.add.event.c, j)
        if (newline.mean.e & rightcols[i] == "col.mean.e")
          add.text(col.add.mean.e, j)
        if (newline.mean.c & rightcols[i] == "col.mean.c")
          add.text(col.add.mean.c, j)
        if (newline.sd.e & rightcols[i] == "col.sd.e")
          add.text(col.add.sd.e, j)
        if (newline.sd.c & rightcols[i] == "col.sd.c")
          add.text(col.add.sd.c, j)
        if (newline.cor & rightcols[i] == "col.cor")
          add.text(col.add.cor, j)
        if (newline.time.e & rightcols[i] == "col.time.e")
          add.text(col.add.time.e, j)
        if (newline.time.c & rightcols[i] == "col.time.c")
          add.text(col.add.time.c, j)
        if (metainf.metacum) {
          if (newline.pval & rightcols[i] == "col.pval")
            add.text(col.add.pval, j)
          if (newline.tau2 & rightcols[i] == "col.tau2")
            add.text(col.add.tau2, j)
          if (newline.tau & rightcols[i] == "col.tau")
            add.text(col.add.tau, j)
          if (newline.I2 & rightcols[i] == "col.I2")
            add.text(col.add.I2, j)
        ## Add text in first line of forest plot for new columns
        if (newcols)
          if (length(rightcols.new) > 0 &
              rightcols[i] %in% paste0("col.", rightcols.new)) {
            sel <- paste0("col.", rightcols.new) == rightcols[i]
            ## Check for "\n" in label of new column
            clines <- twolines(rightlabs.new[sel], rightcols[i])
            just.new <- just.addcols.right[sel]
            if (just.new == "left")
              xpos.new <- 0
            else if (just.new == "center")
              xpos.new <- 0.5
            else if (just.new == "right")
              xpos.new <- 1
            ## Add first line
            if (clines$newline)
              add.text(tgl(clines$top, xpos.new, just.new,
                           fs.head, ff.head, fontfamily), j)
      j <- j + 2
  ## Add header line
  pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(
                          widths = x1,
                          heights = unit(spacing, "lines"))))
  if (jama)
    hcols <- lsel * 2 * length(leftcols)
    hcols <-
      lsel * 2 * length(leftcols) + 1 + rsel * 2 * length(rightcols)
  if (header.line) {
    if (header.line.pos == "both") {
      for (i in seq_len(hcols)) {
        pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = i, xscale = col.forest$range))
        grid.lines(x = unit(0:1, "npc"),
                   y = unit(nrow + 0.5 * addrow, "lines"),
                   gp = gpar(lwd = lwd))
    for (i in seq_len(hcols)) {
      pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = i, xscale = col.forest$range))
      grid.lines(x = unit(0:1, "npc"),
                 y = unit(ymax + 0.5 * addrow, "lines"),
                 gp = gpar(lwd = lwd))
  ## Add JAMA lines
  if (jama & header.line & !by) {
    for (i in seq_len(hcols)) {
      pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = i, xscale = col.forest$range))
      for (j in seq_len(k.all + n.com * common + n.ran * random +
                        n.prd * prediction))
        grid.lines(x = unit(0:1, "npc"),
                   y = unit(ymax + 0.5 * addrow - j, "lines"),
                   gp = gpar(lwd = 0.5 * lwd, col = col.subgroup))

  res <- list(xlim = xlim, addrows.below.overall = addrows.below.overall,
              colgap = colgap,
              colgap.left = colgap.left,
              colgap.right = colgap.right,
              colgap.studlab = colgap.studlab,
              colgap.forest = colgap.forest.left,
              colgap.forest.left = colgap.forest,
                 colgap.forest.right = colgap.forest.right,
              studlab = studlab,
              TE.format = TE.format,
              seTE.format = seTE.format,
              cluster.format = cluster.format,
              effect.format = effect.format,
              ci.format = ci.format)
  if (metainf.metacum) {
    res$pval.format <- pval.format
    res$tau2.format <- tau2.format
    res$tau.format <- tau.format
    res$I2.format <- I2.format

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meta documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:08 p.m.