
# This is package mvbutils 

"%!in%" <-
function (a, b) 
!(a %in% b)

"%&%" <-
function (a, b) 
  paste(a, b, sep = "")

"%**%" <-
function (x, y) 
    dimnames(x) <- NULL
    dimnames(y) <- NULL
    if (length(dim(x)) == 2 && length(dim(y)) == 2 && dim(x)[2] == 
        1 && dim(y)[1] == 1) 
        return(c(x) %o% c(y))
    if ((!is.null(dim(x)) && any(dim(x) == 1))) 
        dim(x) <- NULL
    if ((!is.null(dim(y)) && any(dim(y) == 1))) 
        dim(y) <- NULL
    if (is.null(dim(x)) && is.null(dim(y))) {
        if (length(x) == length(y)) 
            x <- x %*% y
        else {
            if ((length(x) != 1) && (length(y) != 1)) 
                stop("lengths of x (" %&% length(x) %&% ") and y (" %&% 
                  length(y) %&% ") are incompatible")
            else x <- x * y
    else x <- x %*% y
    if ((!is.null(dim(x)) && any(dim(x) == 1))) 
        dim(x) <- NULL

"%<-%" <-
function( a, value){
  # a must be of the form '{thing1;thing2;...}'
  a <- as.list( substitute( a))[-1]
  e <- parent.frame()
  stopifnot( length( value) == length( a))
  stopifnot( all( sapply( a, is.name)))
  for( i in seq_along( a)) 
    assign( as.character( a[[i]]), value[[i]], envir=e)
    # eval( call( '<-', a[[ i]], value[[i]]), envir=e)

"%downto%" <-
function( from, to) if( from >= to) from:to else numeric( 0)

"%except%" <-
function (vector, condition) 
vector[match(vector, condition, 0) == 0]

"%grepling%" <-
function( x, patt) grepl( patt, x)

"%in.range%" <-
function (a, b) 
(a >= min(b)) & (a <= max(b))

"%is.a%" <-
function (x, what) 
inherits(x, what, FALSE)

"%is.an%" <-
function (x, what) 
inherits(x, what, FALSE)

"%is.not.a%" <-
function (x, what) 
!inherits(x, what, FALSE)

"%is.not.an%" <-
function (x, what) 
!inherits(x, what, FALSE)

"%matching%" <-
function( x, patt) 
  unique( unlist( lapply( patt, grep, x=as.character( x), value=TRUE)))

"%not.in%" <-
function (a, b) 
!(a %in% b)

"%not.in.range%" <-
function( a, b) {
  (a < min( b)) | (a > max( b))

"%perling%" <-
function( x, patt) grepl( patt, x, perl=TRUE)

"%such.that%" <-
function( a, b)
  a[ eval( do.call( 'substitute', list( substitute( b), list( '.'=quote( a)))),  list( a=a), enclos=sys.frame( mvb.sys.parent()) )]

"%SUCH.THAT%" <-
function( a, b) {
  if( !length( a))
return( a)
  fun <- function( .) .
  body( fun) <- substitute( b)
  environment( fun) <- sys.frame( sys.parent())
  ind <- logical( length( a))
  for( i in seq( along=a))
    ind[ i] <- fun( a[[ i]])
  a[ ind]

"%that.are.in%" <-
function( a, b) 
  a[ a %in% b]

"%that.dont.match%" <-
function( x, patt) {
  if( !length( patt))
stop( "invalid pattern argument") 
  x[ seq_along( x) %except% unlist( lapply( patt, grep, x=as.character( x)))]

"%that.match%" <-
function( x, patt) {
  if( !length( patt))
stop( "invalid pattern argument") 
  unique( unlist( lapply( patt, grep, x=as.character( x), value=TRUE)))

"%upto%" <-
function (from, to) 
if (from <= to) from:to else numeric(0)

"%where%" <-
function( x, cond) {
  # x is coerced to data.frame; cond is expression to evaluate, subbing first in x then in caller
  # Example: if x has a column 'stuff'
  # x %where% (stuff < 3)
  # is the same as x[ x$stuff<3,]
  # Note the brackets, required by operator precedence rules
  mum <- mvb.sys.parent()
  if( mum==0)
    mum <- .GlobalEnv
    mum <- sys.frames()[[ mum]]
  cond <- eval( substitute( cond), as.data.frame( x), enclos=mum)
  cond[ is.na( cond)] <- FALSE
  x[ cond,]

"%where.warn%" <-
function( x, cond) {
  # x is data.frame; cond is expression to evaluate, subbing first in x then in caller
  # Example: if x has a column 'stuff'
  # x %where.warn% (stuff < 3)
  # is the same as x[ x$stuff<3,]
  # but if any of the conditions is NA or FALSE, a warning is given for those rows
  # Note the brackets, required by operator precedence rules
  sub.cond <- deparse( substitute( cond), nlines=1, width.cutoff=50)
  sub.x <- deparse( substitute( x), nlines=1, width.cutoff=20)
  rx <- row.names( x)

  mum <- mvb.sys.parent()
  if( mum==0)
    mum <- .GlobalEnv
    mum <- sys.frames()[[ mum]]
  cond <- eval( substitute( cond), x, enclos=mum)
  cond[ is.na( cond)] <- FALSE
  if( !all( cond))
    warning( sprintf( 'Check of %s fails on row(s) [%s] of %s', sub.cond, 
        paste( rx[ !cond], collapse=','), sub.x))
  x[ cond,]

"%without.name%" <-
function( x, what) {
  new.names <- names( x) %except% what
  x[ new.names]

".onLoad" <-
function( libname, pkgname) {
  if( 'mvb.session.info' %in% search())
return() # create only once per session

  wd <- getwd()
  # Attach "mvb.session.info". Bloody CRAN pedantry gets worse and bloody worse
  # Not sure if I need to do this before defining ATTACH, but whatever...
  a.bloody.ttach <- get( 'at' %&% 'tach', baseenv())
  a.bloody.ttach( pos = 2, name = "mvb.session.info", list( .First.top.search = wd,
     .Path = c( ROOT=wd), session.start.time = Sys.time(), partial.namespaces=character(0)))
  rm( a.bloody.ttach)

  nsenv <- environment( sys.function())
  evalq( {
      mvboptions <- new.env( parent=emptyenv()) # internal option-holder

      # Anti CRANkiness
      tools <- asNamespace( 'tools')
      utils <- asNamespace( 'utils')

      # To override rbind.data.frame()
      body.rbind <- body( baseenv()$rbind) # for re-exporting generic rbind()
      body.print.function <- body( baseenv()$print.function)

      # plus, hack to allow matrices of POSIXct to rbind nicely...
      # ... extends to other classes if 'length<-' provided
      brdf <- local({ # to avoid temp var clutter
        brdf <- base::rbind.data.frame
        e <- new.env( parent=environment( brdf))
        newarray <- array
        body( newarray) <- substitute( {
            atts <- attributes( data)
            atts$dim <- atts$dimnames <- atts$names <- NULL
            data <- BODY # assignment needed in "newer" R (certainly >=3.3, perhaps younger); used to be OK just with BODY
            attributes( data) <- c( attributes( data), atts)
          }, list( BODY=body( array)))
        e$array <- newarray
        environment( brdf) <- e

      # Idiotic subterfuges imposed by CRANally-retentive checks
      ATTACH <- CRANky( 'hcatta')
      untetherBalloon <- CRANky( 'gnidniBkcolnu')
      tetherBalloon <- CRANky( 'gnidniBkcol')
      balloonIsTethered <- CRANky( 'dekcoLsIgnidnib')

      LLDBflush <- function( file) 0
      body( LLDBflush) <- if( is.loaded( 'R_lazyLoadDBflush', PACKAGE='base'))
          substitute( unmentionable( 'R_lazyLoadDBflush', as.character( file)[1], PACKAGE=bottom),
              list( unmentionable=as.name( rawToChar( rev( charToRaw( 'llaC.')))), bottom='base'))
          substitute( unmentionable( lazyLoadDBflush( as.character( file)[1])),
              list( unmentionable=as.name( rawToChar( rev( charToRaw( 'lanretnI.'))))))
      environment( LLDBflush) <- baseenv()
      LLDBflush <- CRANky( 'hsulfBDLL', environment())

      get.nsreg <- function() 0
      body( get.nsreg) <- substitute( unmentionable( getNamespaceRegistry()),
              list( unmentionable=as.name( rawToChar( rev( charToRaw( 'lanretnI.'))))))
      environment( get.nsreg) <- baseenv()
      get.nsreg <- CRANky( 'gersn.teg', environment())

      maintained.packages <- originals.mp <- dont.lock.envs <- presave.hooks <- list()
      mvb.base.S3.generics <- names( get.S3.generics( baseenv(), ns=FALSE))
      mvb.base.S3.generics <- c( '[', '[<-', '$', '$<-', '[[', '[[<-', 'cbind', 'rbind',
          'Ops', 'Math', 'Summary', 'Complex', mvb.base.S3.generics)
      mvb.base.S3.generics <- structure( rep( 'base', length( mvb.base.S3.generics)),
      fix.list <- empty.data.frame( name= , file= , where=, where.type=, dataclass='',
          has.source=FALSE, file.time=0)
      dont.lock.envnames <- character(0)

      # Re-register print methods in base--- otherwise autoprint messes up
      REGS3M <- CRANky( 'dohtem3Sretsiger')
      S3MT <- get( '.__S' %&% '3MethodsTable__.')
      do.on( lsall( S3MT, patt='^print[.]') %except% 'print.default',
          REGS3M( 'print', sub( 'print.', '', .), get( .), baseenv())
  eapply( nsenv, force) # no lazyload

  # Bindings are only locked *after* .onLoad-- so can't unlock them here...
  dont.lockBindings( 'dont.lock.envs', pkgname)
  dont.lockBindings( 'dont.lock.envnames', pkgname)

#   Now putting fix.list & maintained.packages into mvb.session.info, instead of package:mvbutils
#    copy.ns.objects( cq( fix.list, maintained.packages), pkgname)
  f <- function( val) blah-blah-blah
  for( x in cq( fix.list, maintained.packages, presave.hooks)) {
    body( f) <- substitute( if( missing( val)) x else x <<- val, list( x=as.name( x)))
    environment( f) <- asNamespace( 'mvbutils')
    makeActiveBinding( x, f, as.environment( 'mvb.session.info'))
    dont.lockBindings( x, pkgname)

  set.path.attr( pos.to.env( 1), .Path)
  setup.mcache( .GlobalEnv) # in case of cached objects in ROOT, which 'load' won't understand

  # assign.to.base( 'rbind.data.frame', mvb.rbind.data.frame, override.env=FALSE) # no choice on this one

  my.reps <- getOption( 'mvbutils.replacements', TRUE)
  # Circumvent user stuff-ups...
  my.reps <- switch( typeof( my.reps),
    'logical' = !identical( FALSE, my.reps[1]),
    'character' = my.reps,

  # Slimmed-down list Sep 2012; others moved to 'nicetime'
  my.reps.opts <- named( cq( loadhistory, savehistory, save.image,
      library, lockEnvironment, importIntoEnv, loadNamespace))

  my.reps <- my.reps.opts[ my.reps] %except% NA # storm the last bastion of user stuff-ups

  # Only do nominated replacements
  # Next is mlocal so that ATB correctly picks up import env-- ATB limitation
  assign.to.base.opt <- function( what, ..., nlocal=sys.parent())
      mlocal( if( what %in% my.reps) assign.to.base( what, ...))

  assign.to.base.opt( 'lockEnvironment', hack.lockEnvironment(), override.env=FALSE)
  assign.to.base.opt( 'importIntoEnv', hack.importIntoEnv(), override.env=FALSE)
  assign.to.base.opt( 'loadNamespace', hack( 'loadNamespace',
        ok <- try( {
          pn <- as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')$partial.namespaces
          (length( pn)>0) && ((pn == "EVERY PACKAGE") || (package %in% pn))
        !inherits(ok, 'try-error') && ok

  # Now let ME (only) maintain mvbutils itself
  if( exists( 'tasks', .GlobalEnv, mode='character', inherits=FALSE)
      && !is.na( tasks[ 'mvbutils']))
    load.maintained.package( 'mvbutils', full.path( tasks[ 'mvbutils'], wd), cq( ROOT, mvbutils),
        autopatch=!is.null( getOption( 'autopatch.mvbutils')))

  for( i in cq( load, save) %&% 'history')
    assign.to.base.opt( i, hack( i,
        file=if( nzchar( histfile <- Sys.getenv( 'R_HISTFILE'))) histfile else '.Rhistory'))
  # Only reason for try(...) next is to avoid my stuffing mvbutils up while editing this...
  try( if( ('loadhistory' %in% my.reps.opts) && !nzchar( Sys.getenv( 'R_HISTFILE')))
    Sys.setenv( R_HISTFILE=file.path( .First.top.search, '.Rhistory')))

  assign.to.base.opt( "library", hack( library, pos=local({
      poz <- try( 1+rev( mvbutils::search.task.trees())[1])
      if( inherits( poz, 'try-error'))
        poz <- 2

  hack.save.image <- function( ...) {
      # formals will be replaced by those of 'save.image'
      # Evaluate args and check if they match defaults
      mc <- match.call( as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')$base.save.image)
      mc <- as.list( mc)[-1]
      mc[] <- mget( names( mc), sys.frame( sys.nframe()))
      form <- formals( base.save.image)
      if( length( mc) && !identical( form[ names( mc)], mc)) {
        mc <- c( quote( base.save.image), mc)
        eval( as.call( mc), sys.parent())
      } else # length(mc)==0 => default params anyway
  formals( hack.save.image) <- formals( save.image)
  assign.to.base.opt( "save.image", hack.save.image)

  # Needed by 'set.pkg.and.dir' in eg 'install.pkg'
  assign( 'R.rebuild.vers', numeric_version( R.rebuild.versions), nsenv)

  # Things below here no longer used
  if( FALSE)

  # packageStartupMessage( 'MVBUTILS loaded\n') # apparently "not good practice"-- can't be bothered arguing

".onUnload" <-
function( libpath){
  s <- try( as.environment( 'mvb.session.info'))
  if( s %is.a% 'try-error')

  for( i in ls( s, pattern='^base\\.'))
    assign.to.base( sub( '^base\\.', '', i), s[[i]])

  autoedit( FALSE)
  detach( 'mvb.session.info') # gulp

"?" <-
function ( e1, e2) {
  # `?` <- get("base.?", pos = "mvb.session.info")
  mc <- as.list(match.call())
  mc[[1]] <- quote( asNamespace( 'utils')$'?') # anti CRANky

  if( missing( e2)) {
    # Set 'mvb_help_type', just in case it's needed
    mvb_help_type <- mc$help_type
    if( is.null( mvb_help_type))
      mvb_help_type <- getOption( 'mvb_help_type', getOption( 'help_type', "text"))

    h1 <- try(eval(as.call(mc), parent.frame()), silent = TRUE)
    if( (h1 %is.not.a% "try-error") && (length(unclass(h1)) > 0)) 
return( h1)

    h1 <- dochelp( as.character( mc$e1), help_type=mvb_help_type) 
    if( h1 %is.a% c( "pagertemp", "browsertemp"))

    # If that failed too, just call it again & permit the crash...

  eval(as.call(mc), parent.frame())

"[.dull" <-
function( x, ...) {
  res <- NextMethod( '[', x)
  oldClass( res) <- 'dull'
return( res)

"add.flatdoc.to" <-
function( x=NULL, char.x=NULL, pkg=NULL, env=NULL, convert.to.source=FALSE) {
  if( is.null( env))
    env <- if( !is.null( pkg)) maintained.packages[[ pkg]] else parent.frame()
  if( is.null( char.x))
    char.x <- as.character( substitute( x))

  if( is.function( x)) { # TRUE except for fixr( existing.general.object)
    text <- docskel( x=x, char.x=char.x, env=env)
    class( text) <- 'docattr'
    if( is.null( x))
      x <- env[[ char.x]]
  } else
    text <- as.cat( '# Your scriptlet goes here...')

  if( !is.null( srcref <- attr( x, 'srcref'))){
    # Turn into 'source' attribute, so that it's handled by write.sourceable.function
    attr( x, 'source') <- if( attr( srcref, 'srcfile')$filename=='dummyfile') # ie from previous fixr
        attr( srcref, 'srcfile')$lines
        capture.output( print( srcref))
    attr( x, 'srcref') <- NULL
  attr( x, 'doc') <- text

"as.cat" <-
function( x) { stopifnot( is.character( x)); oldClass( x) <- 'cat'; x}

"as.docattr" <-
function( x) {
  stopifnot( is.character( x))
  class( x) <- 'docattr'

"as.env" <-
function ( x) UseMethod( 'as.env')

"as.env.character" <-
function( x) {
  glob <- names( attr( .GlobalEnv, 'path'))
  if( is.character( glob) && (length( glob)==1) && (x==glob))
return( .GlobalEnv)

return( as.environment( x)) # will trigger error if invalid

"as.env.default" <-
function( x)
  as.environment( x)

"assign.to.base" <-
function( x, what=lapply( named( x),
    function( x, where) get( 'replacement.' %&% x, pos=where), where=where), 
  in.imports=sys.parent() != 0 && exists( '.__NAMESPACE__.', environment( sys.function( sys.parent()))),
  override.env=TRUE) {
  if( !is.list( what))
    what <- list( what)

  if( is.null( names( what)))
    names( what) <- x

  reassign <- function( obj, value, env) {
      if( tethered <- balloonIsTethered( obj, env))
        untetherBalloon( obj, env)
      if( override.env)
        environment( value) <- environment( get( obj, env))
      assign( obj, value, env)
      if( tethered) {
        w <- options("warn")
        options(warn = -1)
        tetherBalloon( obj, env)
  penv <- if( in.imports) # ? extra parent.env 15/11/2010 
      parent.env( environment( sys.function( sys.parent())))

  get.S3.methods.tables <- function( wherestr, meth) {
#        generic <- sub( '.* for +([# ]+) +from.*', '\\1', wherestr)
#        where.gen <- do.call( 'getAnywhere', list( generic))$where
#        where.gen <- unique( sub( '(namespace|package):', '', where.gen))
        # scatn( 'Looking for "%s" in: %s', meth, paste( where.gen, collapse=', '))
        where.gen <- lapply( wherestr, function( x) asNamespace( x)$.__S3MethodsTable__.)
        has.meth <- sapply( where.gen, function( x) exists( meth, x, inherits=FALSE))
      return( where.gen[ has.meth])

  for( xi in x) {
    this <- what[[ xi]]
    if( !is.null( penv) && exists( xi, penv, inherits=FALSE))
      reassign( xi, this, penv)

    # Hidden S3 methods will be duplicated in the package namespace
    where.xi <- do.call( 'getAnywhere', list( xi))$where
#    pkgs <- unique( sub( 'namespace:', 'package:', where.xi))
#        # sub( 'registered S3 method for .* from namespace ', 'package:', where.xi)))
#    pkgs <- sub( 'package:', '', grep( 'package:', pkgs, value=TRUE))
    # ?Should this search parent-envs of namespaces too? That seems a bit forward...

    if( !length( where.xi))

    system.xi <- NULL
    envs.xi <- unlist( c( 
        FOR( where.xi %that.match% '^registered S3', get.S3.methods.tables( 
            sub( ' +.*', '', sub( '.*namespace *', '', .)), meth=xi)),
        FOR( where.xi %that.match% '^package:', as.environment(.)),
        FOR( where.xi %that.match% '^namespace:', asNamespace( sub( 'namespace:', '', .)))
    envs.xi <- unique( unlist( envs.xi))
    for( ienv in envs.xi) {
      if( exists( xi, ienv, inherits=FALSE)) {
        if( is.null( system.xi)) {
          system.xi <- ienv[[ xi]]
        reassign( xi, this, ienv)

    # Keep original-- only the first one found though, which is a bit random
    if( !exists( 'base.' %&% xi, where='mvb.session.info', inherits=FALSE))
      assign( 'base.' %&% xi, system.xi, 'mvb.session.info')

  invisible( NULL)

"attach.mlazy" <-
function( dir, pos=2,
    name='data:' %&% attr( .GlobalEnv, 'name') %&% ':' %&% basename( dir)) {
  ATTACH( list(), pos=pos, name=name)
  e <- pos.to.env( pos)
  attr( e, 'path') <- dir <- task.home( dir)
  load.refdb( envir=e) # does nothing if no file

"autoedit" <-
function( do=TRUE){
  s <- as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')
  if( do) {
    if( !exists( 'autoedit.callback', envir=s, inherits=FALSE) ||
        is.null( s$autoedit.callback))
      assign( 'autoedit.callback', addTaskCallback( 
          function( ...) { 
            try( FF())
  } else if( !is.null( s$autoedit.callback)) {
    removeTaskCallback( s$autoedit.callback)
    s$autoedit.callback <- NULL

"build.pkg" <-
function( pkg, character.only=FALSE, flags=character(0), cull.old.builds=TRUE){
  # In case of path arg
  if( missing( pkg)) {
    orig.pkg <- character.only
  } else {
    thing <- substitute( pkg)
    orig.pkg <- if( thing %is.a% 'name') as.character( thing) else pkg
  set.pkg.and.dir( TRUE)
  result <- rcmdgeneric.pkg2( pkg=pkg, outdir=outdir, indir=sourcedir,
    cmd='build', flags=flags) 
  if( cull.old.builds) {
    cull.old.builds( orig.pkg, character.only=TRUE) # pkg reset to string
invisible( result)

"build.pkg.binary" <-
function( pkg, character.only=FALSE, flags=character(0), cull.old.builds=TRUE, multiarch=NA, preclean=TRUE){
  i <- 1
    temp.inst.lib <- file.path( tempdir(), 'templib' %&% i)
    if( !file.exists( temp.inst.lib))
    i <- i+1
  mkdir( temp.inst.lib)
  on.exit( unlink( temp.inst.lib, recursive=TRUE))

  # In case of path arg
  if( missing( pkg)) {
    orig.pkg <- character.only
  } else {
    thing <- substitute( pkg)
    orig.pkg <- if( thing %is.a% 'name') as.character( thing) else pkg
  set.pkg.and.dir( TRUE)  
  if( preclean) {
    flags <- c( '--preclean', flags) # good idea
  if( is.na( multiarch)) {
  if( !multiarch) {
    flags <- c( '--no-multiarch', flags)
  } else { # R (3.3) is buggy here; see install.pkg for workaround
    flags <- c( '--compile-both', '--force-biarch', flags)
  result <- rcmdgeneric.pkg2( pkg, outdir=outdir, indir=sourcedir, cmd='INSTALL',  
      flags=c( flags, '--build -l ' %&% temp.inst.lib))

  if( cull.old.builds) {
    cull.old.builds( orig.pkg, character.only=TRUE) # pkg reset to string
invisible( result)

"cachefile.path" <-
function (..., fsep = .Platform$file.sep) 
    if (any(sapply(list(...), length) == 0)) 
    paste(..., sep = fsep)

"called.by" <-
function( fname, can.match, where) {
  where <- if( is.environment( where)) list( where) else as.list( where)
  which <- unlist( lapply( where, exists, x=fname), use.names=FALSE)
  if( !any( which)) {
    f <- if( exists( fname)) get( fname) else list() }
    f <- get( fname, pos=where[[ index( which)[ 1] ]])

#  flist_ as.character( unlist( f[length(f)], use=FALSE))
  flist <- char.unlist( f)

  if( !length( flist))
return( numeric( 0))

# Check for functions occurring in default parameters!
# R version does this automatically
#  everything_ unique( c( flist, as.character( unlist( as.list( f)[-length(f)], use=FALSE))))
  everything <- flist

# Main task:
  everything <- match( everything, can.match, nomatch=0)
  everything <- everything[ everything>0]

# Check for generic functions:
# Ignore for now in R
#  if( mode(f[[length(f)]])=='internal' | flist[1]=='UseMethod')
#    everything_ c( everything, index(substring( can.match, 1, nchar( fname)+1) == fname %&% '.'))


"callees.of" <-
function( funs, fw, recursive=FALSE) {
  if( fw %is.a% 'foodweb')
    fw <- fw[[1]]
  all <- dimnames( fw)[[1]]
  orig.funs <- funs
  out <- character()
  while( length( funs)) {
    vec <- all %in% funs
    these <- all[ vec %*% fw > 0] # ie: these <- callees.of( funs, fw)
    funs <- these %except% c( out, orig.funs) # orig.funs to cut off loops
    out <- unique( c( out, these))
    if( !recursive)
sort( out)  

"callers.of" <-
function( funs, fw, recursive=FALSE) {
  if( fw %is.a% 'foodweb')
    fw <- fw[[1]]
  all <- dimnames( fw)[[1]]
  orig.funs <- funs
  out <- character()
  while( length( funs)) {
    vec <- all %in% funs
    these <- all[ fw %*% vec > 0] # ie: these <- callers.of( funs, fw)
    funs <- these %except% c( out, orig.funs) # orig.funs to cut off loops
    out <- unique( c( out, these))
    if( !recursive)
sort( out)    

"cd" <-
function ( to, execute.First = TRUE, execute.Last = TRUE) {

  # This to allow cd(..) from task "mvbutils" itself or a subtask...
  penv <- environment( sys.function())
  if( identical( penv, .GlobalEnv) || identical( penv, pos.to.env( 2))) {
    mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
    mc[[1]] <- quote( mvbutils::cd) # anti CRANky
return( eval( mc, sys.frame( sys.parent())))

  need.to.promote.on.failure <- FALSE
    if (need.to.promote.on.failure) promote.2.to.1()
    if (!is.null(wd <- attr(.GlobalEnv, "path"))) setwd(wd)
    if (.Path[length(.Path)] != wd) {
      .Path <<- if (any(.Path == wd))
          .Path[1:max(index(.Path == wd))]
          c("??" = character(0), "??" = wd)
  orig.path <- attr(.GlobalEnv, "path")
  if (is.null(orig.path) || !my.all.equal(orig.path, .Path[length(.Path)]))
stop("problem with taskly status of .GlobalEnv!")

  if (missing(to))
    to <- get.cd.from.menu()
  else to <- substitute(to)
  to <- strsplit(deparse(to), "/", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  if (to[1] == "0")
    to <- c(rep("..", length(.Path) - 1), to[-1])
  to <- to %except% "."
  if (!length(to))

  ii <- to[-length(to)] != ".." & to[-1] == ".."
  ii <- c(ii, FALSE) | c(FALSE, ii)
  to <- to[!ii]
  if (!length(to))

  if (to[1] == ".." && length(.Path) == 1)
stop("Can't move backwards from ROOT!")

  # Tedious temporaries...
  if( getOption( 'mvbutils.quick.cd', FALSE))
        mlazy( what=cq( .Random.seed, last.warning, .Traceback, .Saved.plots)
            %SUCH.THAT% exists( ., where=1, inherits=FALSE)))

  #save.image() # replaced by...
  Save.pos( 1) # 12/04, to work with all.rda & lazy-Load

  if( !nzchar( Sys.getenv( 'R_HISTFILE')))
    Sys.setenv( R_HISTFILE=file.path( .First.top.search, '.Rhistory'))

  if( getOption( 'mvbutils.update.history.on.cd', TRUE))
    try( savehistory(), silent=TRUE) # won't work if embedded; never mind

  need.to.promote.on.failure <- TRUE
  if (to[1] == "..") {
    for (i in 1 %upto% sum(to == ".."))
  } else
    load.mvb( file.path( orig.path, '.RData'), names(orig.path),
        pos = 2, attach.new = TRUE, path = orig.path)
  remove(list = lsall(pos = 1), pos = 1)
  attributes(.GlobalEnv) <- list()
  if (length(to)) {
    for (i in 2 %upto% length( to)) {
      cd.load(to[1], pos = 2, attach.new = TRUE)
      to <- to[-1]
    cd.load(to[1], pos = 1, attach.new = FALSE)

    if( getOption( 'mvbutils.update.history.on.cd', TRUE))
      try( loadhistory(), silent=TRUE) # won't work if embedded; never mind
    need.to.promote.on.failure <- FALSE

"cd.." <-
function( pos, nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  # Do .Last before checking move, because this might detach rubbish
  if( execute.Last) {
    .Last.task <- if( exists( '.Last.task', where=pos, inherits=FALSE))
        get( '.Last.task', pos=pos)
        function( pos) {}
    try( .Last.task( 1))

  # For MPs with loaded namespaces:
  if( regexpr( '^temp.nsobj:', search()[pos+1])>0)
    detach( pos=pos+1)
  can.go.up <- !is.null( names( attr( as.environment( pos+1), 'path')))
  if( can.go.up)
    update.maintained.package( names( .Path)[ length( .Path)])
  else {
    need.to.promote.on.failure <- pos>1
stop( "Can't cd up; there's a non-task in position 2", call.=FALSE)

  if( pos>1) {
    need.to.promote.on.failure <- TRUE
    detach( pos=pos)

  to <- to[-1]
  orig.cd.path <- paste( names( .Path), collapse='/')
  .Path <<- .Path[ -length( .Path)]
  setwd( .Path[ length( .Path)])
  # All good; change fix.list if cd'ing up from a maintained package
  if( (names( orig.path) %in% names( maintained.packages)) &&
      (attr( maintained.packages[[ names( orig.path)]], 'path') == orig.path)) {
    fixing.in.pkg <- fix.list$where==orig.cd.path
    fix.list$where.type[ fixing.in.pkg] <<- 'package'

"cd.change.all.paths" <-
function( from.text='0', old.path, new.path) {
  case <- if( .Platform$OS=='windows') 
      function( x) x # case-sensitive

  cditerate( from.text, cd.change.all.paths.guts, '', old.path=case( old.path), 
      new.path=case( new.path), case=case)

"cd.change.all.paths.guts" <-
function( found, task.dir, task.name='??', env, old.path, new.path, case) {
  cat( task.name, '\n')
  if( exists( 'tasks', envir=env, inherits=FALSE) && is.character( tasks)) {
    tasks <- get( 'tasks', envir=env)
    tasks[] <- otasks <- gsub( '\\\\', '/', tasks) # [] to keep names
    tasks[] <- gsub( old.path, new.path, case( tasks))
    if( any( tasks != otasks)) {
      assign( 'tasks', tasks, envir=env)
      save.refdb( env, file=file.path( task.dir, '.RData'))

      if( getOption( 'write.mvb.tasks', FALSE))
        write.mvb.tasks( env=env, dir=task.dir)


"cd.load" <-
function (taskname, pos, attach.new, nlocal = sys.parent()) mlocal({
  if( taskname %in% names( maintained.packages))
stop( "No longer allowed to 'cd' into maintained packages-- if you must, then first use 'unmaintain.package'")

  if (!exists("tasks", where = 2, inherits = FALSE))
    tasks <- character(0)
  full.path <- tasks[taskname]
  if (is.na(full.path)) {
    if (yes.no("Task " %&% taskname %&% " does not exist yet. Create it? "))
      full.path <- make.new.cd.task(taskname)
    else {
      cat("No ")
      stop("Just exiting cd", call.=FALSE)
  if( regexpr( '^[.]{1,2}/', full.path)>0) # rel paths OK; 24/6/2005
    full.path <- file.path( getwd(), full.path)

  # Strip out .. and .
  full.path <- gsub( '/\\./', '/', full.path)
  full.path <-  gsub( '[^/]*/\\.\\./', '', full.path)
  names( full.path) <- taskname

  filename <- file.path( full.path, '.RData')
  if( is.na( filename) || !file.exists( full.path)) # || added 1/7/2005
stop( "Can't find an image file to load for '" %&% taskname %&% "'!")

  # Will *assume* there is just one possible package
  # Make sure saved image is up-to-date
  # save.refdb OK because can't mtrace in m.p. itself
  if( any( names( maintained.packages)==taskname)) {
    save.refdb( file=filename, envir=maintained.packages[[ taskname]])
    fixing.in.pkg <- index( fix.list$where == paste( c( names(.Path), taskname), collapse='/'))
    fix.list$where.type[ fixing.in.pkg] <<- 'task'

  load.mvb( filename, name = taskname,
    pos = pos, attach.new = attach.new, path = full.path)

  .Path <<- c(.Path, full.path)
  setwd( full.path) # new 24/6/2005, to allow rel paths

  epos <- as.env( pos)
  if( any( names( maintained.packages)==taskname)) {
    if( packageHasNamespace( taskname, full.path)
        && (taskname %not.in% loadedNamespaces()))
      warning( "Package version of '" %&% taskname %&% "' not loaded yet-- may behave slightly differently")
    else if( taskname %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
      # Make "copies" of all extra stuff that's in namespace, using active bindings to ensure namespace
      # is synchronized. Copies go into a new search environment just below task
      ns <- asNamespace( taskname)
      etemp <- ATTACH( NULL, pos=pos+1, name='temp.nsobj:' %&% taskname)
      # Don't copy weird stuff
      extroids <- lsall( ns) %except% lsall( epos)
      extroids <- extroids %such.that% (regexpr( '^\\.__.*__\\.$', .)<0)
      for( x in extroids) {
#        f <- substitute( if( missing( val)) x else x <<- val, list( x=as.name( x)))
#        makeActiveBinding( x, as.function( alist( val=, f), envir=ns), etemp)
        f <- function( val) 0
        body( f) <- substitute( if( missing( val)) x else x <<- val, list( x=as.name( x)))
        environment( f) <- ns
        makeActiveBinding( x, f, etemp)
    } # if loaded namespace

    # Change fix list to point to here rather than m.p.
    repfl <- index( fix.list$where==search.task.trees()[1])
    if( length( repfl))
      fix.list[ repfl, 'where.type'] <<- 'task'
  } # if maintained

  if (execute.First && exists(".First.task", where = pos, inherits = FALSE)) {
    .First.task <- epos$.First.task # reassign for clarity of any error msg

"cd.write.mvb.tasks" <-
function( from=., from.text=substitute( from)) 
  invisible( cditerate( from.text, cd.write.mvb.tasks.guts, vector( 'list', 0)))

"cd.write.mvb.tasks.guts" <-
function( found, task.dir, task.name, env) {
#  cat( task.name, task.dir); print( env)
  if( exists( 'tasks', envir=env, inherits=FALSE))
    write.mvb.tasks( env=env, dir=task.dir)

"cdfind" <-
function( pattern, from=., from.text, show.task.name=FALSE) {
  if( missing( from.text))
    from.text <- substitute( from) 
  answer <- cditerate( from.text, cdfind.guts, vector( 'list', 0), pattern, show.task.name=show.task.name)
  attributes( answer) <- list( names=names( answer))

"cdfind.guts" <-
function (found, task.dir, task.name, pattern, env) {
  if (length( o <- lsall(envir = env))) {
    o <- o %that.match% pattern
    if (length(o)) {
      a <- match(o, names(found), 0)
      if (sum(a)) 
        found[names(found)[a]] <- lapply(found[names(found)[a]], 
          c, task.name)
      if (sum(a == 0)) 
        found <- c(found, structure(.Data = rep(task.name, 
          sum(a == 0)), names = o[a == 0], mode = "list"))

"cditerate" <-
function( from.text, what.to.do, so.far=vector('NULL',0), ..., show.task.name=FALSE) {
  assign( '[[', my.index, envir=sys.frame( sys.nframe()))
  assign( '[[<-', my.index.assign, envir=sys.frame( sys.nframe()))

  nodes <- find.path( char.rel.path=from.text)
  if( dos.or.windows())
    nodes <- upper.case( nodes)
  node.list <- list(1)
  names( node.list) <- names( nodes)
  parents <- 0

  is.task <- function( x) {
      if( !is.null( x <- attr( pos.to.env( x), 'path')) &&  !is.null( x <- names( x)[1]))

  attached.tasks <- sapply( 1:length( search()), is.task)

  orig.env <- env <- new.env()
  i <- 1
  while( my.index.exists( i, node.list)) { # length( node.list[[i]])) {
    # Look first to see if task is attached
    this.name <- names( nodes[ node.list[[ i]]]) 
    if( show.task.name)
      cat( '\n' %&% names( unlist( node.list))[ match( node.list[[ i]], unlist( node.list))])
    m <- match( this.name, attached.tasks, 0)
    if( m)
      env <- as.environment( m)
    else if( file.access( this.file <- file.path( nodes[ node.list[[i]] ], '.RData'))==0) {
      # was: this.file <- file.path( nodes[ node.list[[i]] ], '.RData')
      # Clear last batch of objects
      env <- orig.env
      remove( list=lsall( env), envir=env)
      attr( env, 'path')  <- dirname( this.file)
      checko <- suppressWarnings( try( load.mvb( this.file, envir=env, name=this.name), silent=TRUE))
      if( checko %is.a% 'try-error') # hopefully things will just work anyway...
        warning( "Problem loading " %&% this.file)
    } else {
      warning( "Can't find " %&% this.file)
      env <- NULL # flag

    if( !is.null( env)) {
      so.far <- what.to.do( found=so.far, task.dir=nodes[ node.list[[i]]],
              task.name=find.prefix( node.list[[i]], nodes, parents), env=env, ...)

      deeper <- exists( 'tasks', envir=env, inherits=FALSE)
    } else
      deeper <- FALSE # couldn't find, don't even try
    if( deeper) {
      new.nodes <- get( 'tasks', envir=env)
      deeper <- length( new.nodes) > 0 }

    if( deeper) {
      new.nodes <- sapply( new.nodes, full.path, start=nodes[[ node.list[[i]]]])
      if( dos.or.windows())
        new.nodes <- upper.case( new.nodes)

#       Eliminate self-referential subtasks!
      if( any( drop <- !is.na( sr <- match( new.nodes, nodes)))) {
        prefix <- find.prefix( node.list[[i]], nodes, parents)
        other.prefix <- character( sum( drop))
        for( j in 1:sum( drop))
          cat( 'Loop or self-reference in task hierarchy: ',
              prefix %&% '/' %&% names(new.nodes)[drop][ j], '=',
              find.prefix( sr[ drop][j], nodes, parents), '\n')
        new.nodes <- new.nodes[ !drop]
      } #self-reference

      nodes <- c( nodes, new.nodes)
      parents <- c( parents, rep( node.list[[i]], length( new.nodes)))
      new.nodes[] <- seq( to=length(nodes), by=1, length=length(new.nodes))
      mode( new.nodes) <- 'numeric'
      mode( new.nodes) <- 'list'
      node.list[[i]] <- c( node.list[[i]], new.nodes)
      i <- c( i, 2)
    } else { # !deeper
#     Move up while no more sibs.
      while( length( i)>1 && i[ length(i)] == length( node.list[[ i[-length(i)] ]]))
        i <- i[ -length(i)]

#     Move to next sib, if any.
      i[ length(i)] <- i[ length(i)] + 1
    } # deeper or not
  } # of master loop
  if( show.task.name)
    cat( '\n')

  attr( so.far, 'nodes') <- nodes
  attr( so.far, 'node.list') <- node.list

"cdprompt" <-
function() {
  opened <- what.is.open()
  if( length( opened)) 
    opened <- paste( c( '', opened), collapse='<')
  prompt <- names( .Path)[-1]
  if( length( prompt)>1 && (abbr.char <- getOption( 'abbreviate.cdprompt', 0)) > 0)
    prompt[ -length( prompt)] <- substring( prompt[ -length( prompt)], 1, abbr.char)

  invisible( options( prompt = paste( prompt, collapse = "/") %&% opened %&% "> ")) 

"cdregexpr" <-
function( regexp, from=., from.text, ..., show.task.name=FALSE) {
  if( missing( from.text))
    from.text <- substitute( from) 
  answer <- cditerate( from.text, cdregexpr.guts, vector( 'list', 0), regexp,
      show.task.name=show.task.name, ...)
  attributes( answer) <- list( names=names( answer))

"cdregexpr.guts" <-
function (found, task.dir, task.name, regexp, env, ...) {
  if (length(o <- search.for.regexpr(regexp, where = env, ...))) {
    found <- c(found, structure(.Data = rep(task.name, length(o)), 
        names = o, mode = "list"))

"cdtree" <-
function( from=., from.text=substitute( from), charlim=90) {
  indices <- cditerate( from.text, cdtree.guts, empty.data.frame( full.name=, own.name='', parent=0))

# Now produce function matrix etc.
  funs <- indices$own.name
  n <- length( funs)

# Avoid problems with duplicated names
  pre.X <- rep( 1, n)
  while( !is.na( d <- index( duplicated( funs))[1])) {
    pre.X[ d] <- pre.X[ d]+1
    funs[ d] <- 'X' %&% funs[ d] }

  funmat <- matrix( 0, n, n, dimnames=list( funs, funs))
  funmat[ cbind( indices$parent[-1], 2 %upto% n)] <- 1
  funs <- substring( funs, pre.X, nchar( funs))
  dimnames( funmat) <- list( funs, funs)
  names( level) <- funs

  answer <- list( funmat=funmat, level=level, x=x, nodes=attr( indices, 'nodes'), 
    node.list=attr( indices, 'node.list'))
  class( answer) <- cq( cdtree, foodweb)

"cdtree.guts" <-
function (found, task.dir, task.name, env) 
    task.info <- strsplit(task.name, "/")[[1]]
    this.task.name <- task.info[length(task.info)]
    parent <- paste(task.info[-length(task.info)], collapse = "/")
    i <- match(parent, found$full.name, 0)
    rbind(found, list(full.name = task.name, parent = i, own.name = this.task.name))

"changed.funs" <-
function( egood, ebad, topfun=NULL, fw=NULL){
  if( is.null( fw))
    fw <- foodweb( egood, plotting=FALSE)
  if( is.null( topfun))
  to.do <- topfun
  fchanges <- character( 0)
  done <- 0
  while( done < length( to.do)) {
    fun <- to.do[ done+1]
    if( fun %not.in% lsall( ebad)) {
      fchanges <- c( fchanges, fun)
    } else {
      changed <- !my.all.equal( egood[[ fun]], ebad[[ fun]])
      if( changed) {
        fchanges <- c( fchanges, fun)
        more <- callees.of( fun, fw) %except% c( to.do, fchanges)
        to.do <- c( to.do, more)

    done <- done + 1
return( fchanges)

"char.unlist" <-
function (x) {
  if (!(listable <- is.list(x))) {
    if( isS4( x) && ('.Data' %in% names( getSlots( class( x)))))
      x <- x@.Data
    if (listable <- (!is.atomic(x) && !is.symbol(x))) {
      # x <- as.list( x) worked well for years, but weird sh*t like externalptr can occur, so... 
      xx <- try( as.list(x), silent=TRUE)
      if( x %is.a% 'try-error') {
        listable <- FALSE
      } else {
        x <- xx
  if (listable) 
    unlist(lapply(x, char.unlist), use.names = FALSE)
    paste(deparse(x), collapse = "\n")

"check.patch.versions" <-
function( care=NULL) {
  nmp <- names( maintained.packages)
  instances <-   cq( MP, installed, source, tarball, binary)

  mat <- matrix( NA_character_, length( nmp), length( instances), 
      dimnames=list( nmp, instances))
  character.only <- FALSE
  for( pkg in nmp) {
    pv <- maintained.packages[[ pkg]][[ pkg %&% '.VERSION']]
    if( !is.null( pv)) {
      mat[ pkg, 'MP'] <- as.character( pv)
    try( mat[ pkg, 'installed'] <- as.character( packageVersion( pkg)), silent=TRUE)
    set.pkg.and.dir( TRUE, FALSE) # want outdir calculated, but not created
    try( mat[ pkg, 'source'] <- read.dcf( file.path( sourcedir, 
        'DESCRIPTION'))[1,'Version'], silent=TRUE)
        tarballs <- dir( outdir, pattern=sprintf( '^%s_[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)*[.]tar[.]gz$', pkg), 
        mat[ pkg, 'tarball'] <- as.character( max( numeric_version( sub( '.*_', '', 
            sub( '.tar.gz$', '', tarballs)))))
      }, silent=TRUE)
        binaries <- dir( outdir, pattern=sprintf( '^%s_[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)*[.]zip$', pkg), 
        mat[ pkg, 'binary'] <- as.character( max( numeric_version( sub( '.*_', '', 
            sub( '.zip$', '', binaries)))))
      }, silent=TRUE)
  keep <- rep( TRUE, length( nmp))
  for( icare in care) {
    keep <- keep | (mat[ ,icare] != mat[ , 'MP'])
return( mat[ keep,])

"check.pkg" <-
function( pkg, character.only=FALSE, build.flags=character(0), check.flags=character(0), CRAN=FALSE) {
  # Advice is to build into tarball first, then RCMD CHECK that
  orig.pkg <- substitute( pkg)
  set.pkg.and.dir( TRUE)
  force( build.flags)
  force( check.flags)
  force( CRAN)
  mc <- match.call()
  mc[[1]] <- build.pkg
  mc$pkg <- orig.pkg # in case of path arg
  mc$build.flags <- mc$check.flags <- mc$CRAN <- NULL
  mc$flags <- build.flags
  extract.named( eval.parent( mc)) # dir. etc

  i <- 1
    temp.inst.lib <- file.path( tempdir(), 'templib' %&% i)
    if( !file.exists( temp.inst.lib))
    i <- i+1
  mkdir( temp.inst.lib)
  on.exit( unlink( temp.inst.lib, recursive=TRUE))

 rcmdgeneric.pkg2( orig.pkg, outdir=outdir, indir=file.path( outdir, pkg), cmd='check',
     postfix= '_' %&% read.dcf( file.path( sourcedir, 'DESCRIPTION'))[,'Version'] %&% '.tar.gz',
     flags=c( check.flags, if( CRAN) '--as-cran', '-l ' %&% temp.inst.lib))

"check_multiarch" <-
function( nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  multiarch <- TRUE # default sans biarch
  dcf <- read.dcf( file.path( dir., pkg, 'DESCRIPTION'))
  biarch_field <- match( 'BIARCH', toupper( colnames( dcf)), 0)
  if( biarch_field) {
    multiarch <- as.logical( dcf[1,biarch_field])
    if( is.na( multiarch)) {
      warning( "Malformed BIARCH field; trying multiarch=TRUE")
      multiarch <- TRUE

"clip" <-
function( x, n=1) x[ 1 %upto% ( length( x) - n)]

"close.selfdeleting.file" <-
function( con, ...) {
  fname <- summary( con)$description
  NextMethod( 'close')
  unlink( fname)

"copy.ns.objects" <-
function( objects, pkgname) {
  objects <- objects # force
  icns <- function( pkgname, pkgpath){
      senv <- as.environment( 'package:' %&% pkgname)
      cat( 'Locked?\n')
      print( environmentIsLocked( senv))
      print( objects)
      ns <- asNamespace( pkgname)
      f <- function( val) blah-blah-blah
      for( x in objects) {
        body( f) <- substitute( if( missing( val)) x else x <<- val, list( x=as.name( x)))
        environment( f) <- ns
        makeActiveBinding( x, f, senv)
  setHook( packageEvent( pkgname, 'attach'), icns)

"cq" <-
function( ...) {
# Saves putting in quotes!
# E.G.: quoted( first, second, third) is the same as c( 'first', 'second', 'third')
# wrapping by as.character means cq() returns character(0) not list()
  as.character( sapply( as.list( match.call( expand.dots=TRUE))[-1], as.character))

"CRANky" <-
function( blurb, env=baseenv()){
  # Returns an undetectable synonym of an unmentionable function in baseenv() or elsewhere
  # Sigh........
  fun <- env[[ rawToChar( rev( charToRaw( blurb)))]]
  e <- new.env( parent=env)
  e$fun <- fun
  environment( fun) <- e
  body( fun) <- quote( {
    mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
    mc[[1]] <- environment( sys.function())$fun
    eval.parent( mc)
return( fun)

"create.backups" <-
function( pos=1) {
  pos <- as.env( pos)
  if( is.null( t <- attr( pos, 'path')))
stop( "Don't know what path to use for search environment:" %&% pos)

  mkdir( file.path( t, '.Backup.mvb'))
  fob <- read.bkind( t)

  # changed 5/4/2005 for speed with mcache
  cand <- lsall( pos) %SUCH.THAT% !bindingIsActive( ., env=pos)
  cand <- cand %SUCH.THAT% (mode(.)=='function')
  sapply( cand %except% fob$object.names, deal.with.backups, where=pos)
  invisible( NULL)

"create.bkind.if.needed" <-
function( dir) {
  dir <- file.path( dir, '.Backup.mvb')
  if( !is.dir( dir ))
    try( mkdir( dir))
  if( !is.dir( dir))
return('') # mucho problemo

  index.file <- file.path( dir, "index")

"create.wrappers.for.dll" <-
function( this.dll.info, ns=new.env( parent=parent.frame(2))) {
# 'ns' is normally a namespace, but can be any old env for devel purposes

  dll.name <- unclass( this.dll.info)$name
  dll.env <- new.env( parent=ns) # will return empty if no registrands
  routs <- getDLLRegisteredRoutines( this.dll.info)
  n.routs.by.callmech <- sapply( routs, length)
  if( sum( n.routs.by.callmech)) {
    for( irout.class in names( n.routs.by.callmech %except% 0)) {
      # eg C_myrout; prefix is C or Call or F or Ext
      rout.class.prefix <- sub( 'ortran|ernal', '', sub( '.', '', irout.class)) %&% '_'
      for( irout in seq_along( routs[[ irout.class]])) {
        # Might be slightly faster to just use this.un$address, but limiting 
        this.un <- routs[[ irout.class]][[ irout]]
        dll.env[[ rout.class.prefix %&% this.un$name]] <- this.un 
return( dll.env)

"cull.old.builds" <-
function( pkg, character.only=FALSE) {
  set.pkg.and.dir( FALSE) # just to deal with 'pkg'
  zipdirs <- dir( dir., # dir( attr( maintained.packages[[ pkg]], 'path'), 
      pattern='^[rR][0-9]+', full.names=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE) %such.that% is.dir( .)
  for( izipdir in zipdirs) {
    tarballs <- dir( izipdir, pattern=sprintf( '^%s_([0-9]+[.])+tar[.]gz$', pkg))
    tarver <- numeric_version( sub( '.*_', '', sub( '.tar.gz', '', tarballs, fixed=TRUE)))
    zippos <- dir( izipdir, pattern=sprintf( '^%s_([0-9]+[.])+zip$', pkg))
    zipver <- numeric_version( sub( '.*_', '', sub( '.zip', '', zippos, fixed=TRUE)))
    maxver <- max( c( zipver, tarver))
    unlink( file.path( izipdir, zippos[ zipver < maxver]))  
    unlink( file.path( izipdir, tarballs[ tarver < maxver]))

"current.source" <-
function() {
  cs <- stdin()
  if (exists("source.list", "mvb.session.info")) {
    sl <- get("source.list", "mvb.session.info")
    if( length( sl)) {
      cs <- sl[[ length( sl)]]
      attr( cs, 'source.list.num') <- length( sl) # so we know..!
return( cs)  

"deal.with.backups" <-
function( name, where) {
  infeasible.R.line <- "'\"@\"@'@ START OF BACKUP @'@\"@\"'"
  backup.fix <- getOption( "backup.fix", c( 0, 0))
  if( backup.fix[1] == 0)

  where <- as.env( where)
  bdd <- attr( where, "path")
  if( !nchar( create.bkind.if.needed( bdd))) {
    warning( "Can't create backup directory!")
return() }

  filename <- get.bkfile( name, bdd, create = TRUE)
  ow <- options( warn = -1)
  previous.backups <- readLines( filename)
  options( ow)
  char.type <- !has.source( where[[name]])
  if( length( previous.backups)) {
    line.breaks <- index( previous.backups == infeasible.R.line)
    if( char.type) {
      # Line after infeasible is number of lines until next infeasible 
      next.break <- line.breaks <- line.breaks[ 1]
        next.break <- next.break + 3 + 
            as.numeric( previous.backups[ next.break+2])
        if( next.break > length( previous.backups))
        if( previous.backups[ next.break] != infeasible.R.line) {
warning( "Stuffed backup for " %&% name %&% "; keeping extra stuff")
        line.breaks <- c( line.breaks, next.break)
    if( !length( line.breaks))
      previous.backups <- character( 0)
  cat( c( previous.backups, infeasible.R.line, "SESSION=" %&% unclass( session.start.time)),
      file = filename, sep = "\n")
  if( where[[name]] %is.a% 'function')
    write.sourceable.function( where[[ name]], filename, append = TRUE,
        print.name = TRUE, xn=name)
  else if( char.type) 
    cat( length( where[[name]]), where[[name]], file=filename, sep='\n', append=TRUE)
  else # general
    cat( '`' %&% name %&% '` <- local(', 
        attr( where[[name]], 'source'), ') # end local', file=filename, sep='\n', append=TRUE)

"demlazy" <-
function( ..., what, envir=.GlobalEnv) {
  if( missing( what))
    what <- sapply( match.call( expand.dots=FALSE)$..., deparse)

  envir <- as.env( envir)

  mcache <- attr( envir, 'mcache')
  what <- what %such.that% (. %in% names( mcache))
  if( !length( what))

  for( i in what) {
    temp <- envir[[ i]]
    remove( list=i, envir=envir)
    envir[[ i]] <- temp

  fp <- attr( envir, 'path')
  if( getOption( 'mlazy.subdir', TRUE)) 
    fp <- file.path( fp, 'mlazy')
  file.remove( file.path( fp, 'obj' %&% abs( mcache[ what]) %&% '.rda'))
  attr( envir, 'mcache') <- mcache %without.name% what
  invisible( NULL)

"deparse.names.parsably" <-
function( x) {
  if( typeof( x)=='symbol')
    'as.name("' %&% as.character( x) %&% '")'
    deparse( x)

"discard.mouldering.backups" <-
function (nlocal = sys.parent()) 
    if (line.breaks[1] > 1) {
        previous.backups <- previous.backups[line.breaks[1]:length(previous.backups)]
        line.breaks <- line.breaks - line.breaks[1] + 1
    keepo <- rep(TRUE, length(line.breaks))
    prev.times <- sapply(strsplit(previous.backups[line.breaks + 
        1], "=", fixed=TRUE), function(x) as.numeric(paste(x[-1], 
        collapse = "")))
    old.sessions <- unique(prev.times) %except% session.start.time
    if (length(old.sessions) > backup.fix[2]) 
        old.sessions <- rev(sort(old.sessions))[1 %upto% backup.fix[2]]
    keepo <- keepo & (prev.times %in% c(old.sessions, session.start.time))
    is.this.session <- prev.times == session.start.time
    if (sum(is.this.session) >= backup.fix[1]) 
        keepo <- keepo & (!is.this.session | (cumsum(is.this.session) > 
            sum(is.this.session) + 1 - backup.fix[1]))
    copy.lengths <- diff(c(line.breaks, length(previous.backups) + 
    keepo <- rep(keepo, copy.lengths)
    previous.backups <- previous.backups[keepo]

"ditto.list" <-
function( ...){
  mc <- as.list( match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)[-1])
  nondit <- sapply( mc, function( x) !is.name( x) || nzchar( x))
  mc[ nondit] <- lapply( mc[ nondit], eval, envir=parent.frame())
  mc[ !nondit] <- unname( mc[ findInterval( index( !nondit), index( nondit))])
return( mc)

"do.in.envir" <-
function( fbody, envir=parent.frame(2)) {
  ff <- sys.function( sys.parent())
  body( ff) <- substitute( fbody)
  environment( ff) <- envir
  cc <- sys.call( sys.parent())
  cc[[1]] <- ff
  eval.parent( cc, 2)

"do.on" <-
function( x, expr, ..., simplify=TRUE){
  fungo <- function( .) bod
  l <- list( ...)
  environment( fungo) <- if( length( l))
      list2env( l, parent=parent.frame())
  body( fungo) <- substitute( expr)
  if( is.atomic( x) && is.null( names( x)))
    x <- named( x)
  sapply( x, fungo, simplify=simplify) 

"doc2Rd" <-
function( text, file=NULL, append=formals(cat)$append, warnings.on=TRUE, Rd.version=NULL,
    def.valids=NULL, check.legality=TRUE) {
  if( is.function( text)) {
    forig <- text
    text <- attr( text, 'doc')
  stopifnot( is.character( text))
  } else
    forig <- NULL

  class( text) <- NULL

  # Enforce PERL syntax in regexes
  for( regexo in cq( grep, grepl, sub, gsub, regexpr, gregexpr)) {
    ff <- get( regexo)
    formals( ff)$perl <- quote( !fixed)
    formals( ff)$useBytes <- TRUE
    assign( regexo, ff, envir=sys.frame( sys.nframe()))

  if( is.null( Rd.version))
    Rd.version <- if( getRversion() >= '2.10.0') '2' else '1'
  is.Rd2 <- numeric_version( Rd.version) >= '2'

  # Fucken syntax fucken change, thanks R
  if( 'keep.source' %not.in% names( formals( parse))) {
    formals( parse) <- c( formals( parse), alist( keep.source=TRUE))

  # ... and for 'subco' (which uses Rd.version, for example)
  subco <- subco
  environment( subco) <- sys.frame( sys.nframe())

  # Strip EOL whitespace
  text <- sub( ' +$', '', text)

  # ... and tabs...
  text <- gsub( '\t', '  ', text)

  # Pre-empt backslash and brace woes-- Rdoc 1 is very buggy about this
  notcom <- grep( '^[^%]', text)
  # if( !is.Rd2) ??
  text[notcom] <- gsub( '\\', '\016', text[notcom], fixed=TRUE) # now leave til end
  text[notcom] <- gsub( '{', '\020', text[notcom], fixed=TRUE)
  text[notcom] <- gsub( '}', '\021', text[notcom], fixed=TRUE)

  # Code blocks first: indent all contents by 2. This stops capitalized words in codeblocks from becoming sections
  cbstart <- index( text=='%%#')+1
  if( length( cbstart)) {
    cbend <- index( !nzchar( text))
    cbend <- cbend[ findInterval( cbstart, cbend)+1]-1
    cblines <- unlist( mapply( seq, from=cbstart, to=cbend, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
    text[ cblines] <- '  ' %&% text[ cblines]

  # Check for completely informal doco...
  if( !match( 'DESCRIPTION', text, 0) && !match( 'Description:', text, 0)) {
    if( warnings.on)
      cat( "Looks like informal doco to 'doc2Rd', in " %&% text[1] %&% '\n')
    if( !nzchar( sub( ' +', '', text[1])))
      text <- c( 'INFORMAL DOCO', text)
    first.blank <- index( !nzchar( text))[1]
    if( is.na( first.blank)) {
      if( warnings.on)
        warning( "No blank lines-- so no aliasses will be set")
      text <- c( text[ 1], '', text[-1])
      first.blank <- 2

    # Prepare to ignore other section-like lines-- just bold them
    seclines <- grep( '^([.]*[A-Z][a-z0-9 ]*[a-zA-Z0-9])(\\([Ss]\\))?:$', text)
    text[ seclines] <- '*' %&% seclines %&% '*'
    seclines <- grep( '^[.]*[A-Z][A-Z0-9.]+(\\(S\\))?$', text)
    text[ seclines] <- '*' %&% seclines %&% '*'

    # Add DESCRIPTION field, containing everything:
    text <- multinsert( text, first.blank, list( c( 'Documentation for ' %&% text[1], '',
        'DESCRIPTION', '')))

    if( !is.null( forig)) {
      text <- c( text, '', 'USAGE', '', '# This section is machine-generated...',
          sub( '^ *([^ ]+) .*', '\\1', text[1]) %&% sub( '^NULL$', '()',
              sub( 'list', '', deparse( formals( forig)))))
      if( length( formals( forig)))
        text <- c( text, '', 'ARGUMENTS', '', 'This section is machine-generated...',
            paste( ' ', names( formals( forig)), ': ???', sep=''))

  # Global sub of colonized section & subsection titles to caps
  first.blank <- index( !nzchar( text))[1]
  seclines <- grep( '^[.]*[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.]*[a-zA-Z0-9](\\([Ss]\\))?:$', text)
  seclines <- c( seclines, grep(
      '^[.]*[A-Z][A-Z0-9.-][A-Z0-9]+(\\([Ss]\\))?$', text)) %such.that% (. > first.blank)
  text[ seclines] <- toupper( sub( '(\\([Ss]\\))?:?$', '', text[ seclines]))

  # Global sub of refs to (sub)section titles-- AUTHOR(S) as well as AUTHOR
  # .. subsections are like sections, but the line starts with 1 or more periods
  sectitles <- grep( '^[.]*[A-Z][A-Z0-9.-]+[A-Z0-9]$', text, value=TRUE)
  for( secti in sectitles) {
    # No leading dots
    short.secti <- sub( '^[.]*', '', secti)

    # How xref appears in flat-format doco
    rss <- '\\b' %&% to.regexpr( short.secti) %&% '($|\\W)'

    # How it will look in Rd; bolded, first char Upper, rest lower
    xref <- '*' %&% toupper( substring( short.secti, 1, 1)) %&%
        tolower( gsub( '.', ' ', substring( short.secti, 2), fixed=TRUE)) %&%
    xref2 <- sub( '2$', '3', xref) # cases when a 2nd optional paren is used

    # "in MYSECTION"
    text <- gsub( '\\b([Ii])n ' %&% rss,
        '\\1n ' %&% xref,

    # "under MYSECTION"
    text <- gsub( '\\b([Uu])nder ' %&% rss,
        '\\1nder ' %&% xref,

    # "as per MYSECTION"
    text <- gsub( '\\b([Aa])s per ' %&% rss,
        '\\1s per ' %&% xref,

    # "See MYSECTION" and "see also MYSECTION"
    text <- gsub( '\\b([Ss])ee (also )?' %&% rss,
        '\\1ee \\2' %&% xref2,

    # "The MYSECTION section"; NB no afterspace because of \\W
    text <- gsub( '\\b([Tt])he ' %&% rss %&% 'section',
        '\\1he ' %&% xref %&% 'section',

    # "Section MYSECTION" and "section on MYSECTION"
    text <- gsub( '\\b([Ss])ection (on )?' %&% rss,
        '\\1ection \\2' %&% xref2,

    # "MYSECTION (qv)"; NB no afterspace
    text <- gsub( rss %&% ' *\\(qv\\)',

    # "MYSECTION (see below)"; NB no afterspace
    text <- gsub( rss %&% ' *\\(see below\\)',
        xref %&% '[(]see below[)]',

  } # for sectitles

  #tcon <- textConnection( text)
  #on.exit( close( tcon))
  lptr <- 0
  nlines <- length( text)

  Rd <- character( 0)

# Definitions:
  verbatim <- function( string) {
    string <- gsub( '\\', '\001', string, fixed=TRUE)
    string <- gsub( '{', '\\{', string, fixed=TRUE)
    string <- gsub( '}', '\\}', string, fixed=TRUE)
    string <- gsub( '%', '\\%', string, fixed=TRUE)
    string <- gsub( '\001', '\\\\', string, fixed=TRUE)

  maxchar <- c( usage=80, synopsis=80, examples=100)

  out <- function( string, string2, strip.spaces.at.start=FALSE) {
      # length( string)>1 with keyword blocks
      if( length( string)==1 && grepl( '^subsection[{]', string)) {
        new.nesting <- nchar( sub( 'subsection[{]([.]*).*', '\\1', string))
        new.nesting <- min( new.nesting, nesting + 1)
        string <- sub( '[{][.]*', '{', string)
      } else
        new.nesting <- 0
      if( new.nesting <= nesting)
        Rd <<- c( Rd, rep( '}', 1+nesting-new.nesting))

      nesting <<- new.nesting

      if( !missing( string2)) {
        if( strip.spaces.at.start)
          string2 <- sub( '^ +', '', string2)

        string <- if( length( string2)==1)
          paste( '\\', string, '{', string2,  sep='') # no closing brace
          c( '\\' %&% string %&% '{', string2) # no closing brace
      } else
        string[ length( string)] <- sub( '[}] *$', '', string[ length( string)]) # final keyword
      Rd <<- c( Rd, string)
    } # out function

  line <- function( skip.blanks=TRUE, do.subs=TRUE, auto.link=FALSE, uncomment=TRUE, valid.links=NULL) {
        # line <- readLines( tcon, 1)
        # if( !length( line)) {
        # return( line)
        # }
        if( lptr==nlines) {
          EOF <<- TRUE
    return( character(0))

        lptr <<- lptr+1
        line <- text[ lptr]

        if( uncomment && substring( line, 1, 1)=='%')
      return( substring( line, 2)) # unmodified apart from removing %

        line <- sub( ' +$', '', line) # strip spaces at the end
        if( uncomment)
          line <- gsub( '%', '\\%', line, fixed=TRUE)

        if( !skip.blanks || nzchar( line))

      if( do.subs)
        line <- subco( line, auto.link=auto.link, valid.links=def.valids)

  block <- function( do.subs=TRUE, bs17=FALSE, blank.stop=FALSE, auto.link=FALSE, Rd2.Rlike=FALSE,
      width=NA, methodize=FALSE) {
      block <- character( 0)
        new.line <- line( do.subs=do.subs, skip.blanks=!blank.stop, auto.link=auto.link,
        if( EOF)
        if( blank.stop && !nzchar( new.line))
        # Check for field names
        if( length( grep( '^[.]*[A-Z][A-Z0-9.-]+(\\(S\\))?$', new.line))) {
          # replace AUTHOR(S) by AUTHOR
          #pushBack(  sub( '(S)', '', new.line, fixed=TRUE), tcon)
          text[ lptr] <- sub( '(S)', '', new.line, fixed=TRUE)
          lptr <<- lptr-1

        # Pre-formatted?
        if( !bs17 && substring( new.line, 1, 2)=='%#') {
          pref.block <- block( do.subs=FALSE, bs17=TRUE, blank.stop=TRUE)
          # All into one line for now...
          block <- c( block, paste( c( '\\preformatted{', pref.block, '}'), collapse='\n'))
        } else
          block <- c( block, new.line)

      if( bs17) {
        # Flag backslashes and braces for different treatment in verbatim-style bits
        # Same thing happens in 'line' inside code blocks
        block <- gsub( '\016', '\017', block, fixed=TRUE)
        block <- gsub( '\020', '\022', block, fixed=TRUE)
        block <- gsub( '\021', '\023', block, fixed=TRUE)

      if( Rd2.Rlike) {
        block <- gsub( '\016', '\\', block, fixed=TRUE) # now leave til end
        block <- gsub( '\020', '{', block, fixed=TRUE)
        block <- gsub( '\021', '}', block, fixed=TRUE)

        block <- make.Rd2( block, width=width, methodize=methodize)


  insert.para.breaks <- function( block) {
      if( length( block)>1) {
        n <- length( block)
        block <- rep( block, each=2)
        block[ 2*(1:n)] <- ''
        block <- block[ -2*n]

  itemize <- function( block) {
      # Unlabelled (bulleted) lists
      while( length( block) && length( items <- index( grepl( '^ +[*-] ', block)))) {
        n.items <- min( index( diff( c( items, length(block)+5)) %!in% 1:2))

        # Start \itemize{
        block <- multinsert( block, items[1]-1, '\\itemize{')
        items <- items + 1 # to allow for the new \\itemize{ line
        if( n.items>1) # zap any blank lines between items
          block <- block[ -( items[1]:items[n.items] %except% items[1:n.items])]

        # Add \item
        items <- items[1]+(1:n.items)-1
        block[ items] <- '\\item ' %&% sub( '^ +[*-] ', '', block[ items])

        # End with back-brace for \itemize
        block <- multinsert( block, items[ n.items], '}')

      # Labelled lists, e.g. value: result
      while( length( block) && length( items <- index( grepl( '^ +[^:]*: ', block)))) {
        n.items <- min( index( diff( c( items, length(block)+5)) %!in% 1:2))

        # Start \describe{
        block <- multinsert( block, items[1]-1, '\\describe{')
        items <- items + 1 # to allow for the new \\describe{ line
        if( n.items>1) # zap any blank lines between items
          block <- block[ -( items[1]:items[n.items] %except% items[1:n.items])]

        # Add \item{label}{body}
        items <- items[1]+(1:n.items)-1
        block[ items] <- '\\item{' %&% sub( '^ +([^:]*): +', '\\1}{', block[ items]) %&% '}'

        # End with back-brace for \describe
        block <- multinsert( block, items[ n.items], '}')


  list.block <- function( sub.item.names=FALSE, auto.link=FALSE) {
      block <- character( 0)
        new.line <- line( do.subs=FALSE) # subs done later
        if( EOF)
        # Check for field names
        if( length( grep( '^[.]*[A-Z][A-Z0-9.-]+$', new.line))) {
          #pushBack(  new.line, tcon)
          text[ lptr] <- new.line
          lptr <<- lptr-1
        # Check for list item: line starts with space, then comma-separated words ending with a colon
        if( grepl( '^ ', new.line)) {
          # NB: whole item text is assumed to be on one line
          item <- strsplit( new.line, ': ')[[1]]
          item[1] <- if( sub.item.names) subco( item[1]) else gsub( "'", '', item[1])
          new.line <- paste( '\\item{', item[1], '}{',
              subco( paste( item[ -1], collapse=':')), '}', sep='')
        } else
          new.line <- subco( new.line, auto.link=auto.link, valid.links=def.valids)
        block <- c( block, new.line)

  seealso.block <- function() {
      block <- ' ' %&% block() %&% ','
      block <- block[ !grepl( '^%', block)] # comment lines
      # Strip out anything already in \code{}...
      block <- gsub( '\\\\code\\{([^}]*)\\}', "'\\1'", block)
      # ...and put single words ended by comma or semicolon into \code{\link{}}
      block <- gsub( " ([a-zA-Z.][---a-zA-Z.0-9]*)('*)[,;]",
          ' \\\\code\\{\\\\link\\{\\1\\}\\}\\2,', block)
      # ...and strip quotes around these
      block <- gsub( "'(\\\\code\\{\\\\link\\{[^}]*\\}\\})'", '\\1', block)
      # ... and any remaining quotes back into \code{}
      block <- gsub( " '([^']+)'", " \\\\code\\{\\1\\}", block)
      block <- substring( block, 1, nchar( block)-1)

  keyword.block <- function() {
      block <- block()
      block <- grep( '^[^%]', block, value=TRUE) # drop comment lines
      block <- paste( block, collapse=' ')
      block <- gsub( '[,;]', ' ', block)
      block <- gsub( ' +', ' ', block)
      block <- strsplit( block, ' ')[[ 1]]
      block[ nchar( block) > 0]

  nice.title <- function( section.title) {
      # Now handles subsections too, which start with a sequence of periods
      # section.title <- gsub( '\\.', ' ', section.title)
      # substring( section.title, 1, 1) <- upper.case( substring( section.title, 1, 1))
      section.title <- sub( '^([.]*)(.)', '\\1\\U\\2', section.title, perl=TRUE)
      section.title <- sub( '^([.]*).*', '\\1', section.title) %&%
          gsub( '.', ' ', sub( '^[.]*', '', section.title), fixed=TRUE)


  sectionize <- function( niced.up.title) {
    field.name <- if( substring( niced.up.title, 1, 1) == '.') 'subsection' else 'section'
    sprintf( '%s{%s}', field.name, niced.up.title)

#  fields <- cq( description, usage, synopsis, arguments, arguments., value, details, examples,
#      author, references, note, see.also, keywords)
#  fields <- c( fields, 'author(s)')

# Code starts here
  nesting <- -1
  name <- strsplit( line(), ' ')[[1]][1]
  out( 'name', name)
  overall.name <- name

  if( is.package <- grepl( '\\-package', name))
    out( 'alias', sub( '\\-package.*', '', name))

  while( nzchar( name)){
    if( !is.null( def.valids))
      def.valids <- def.valids %except% name # don't link to myself
    out( 'alias', verbatim( name), strip.spaces.at.start=TRUE)
    name <- line( FALSE, FALSE, uncomment=FALSE)

  if( is.package)
    out( 'docType', 'package')

  if( is.data <- match( 'FORMAT', text, 0)>0)
    out( 'docType', 'data')

  out( 'title', line( do.subs=FALSE)) # no special stuff allowed in title

  #  Itemizing rules are:
  #   - don't use \code subs in item names in VALUE or ARGUMENTS
  #   - optional to use it in other fields
  #   - don't use \itemize except for unnamed bullet-point lists (like this para)

  while( !EOF) {
    next.field <- tolower( line())
    if( EOF)
    switch( next.field,
      note= out( next.field, itemize( insert.para.breaks( block( auto.link=!is.null( def.valids))))),
      usage= out( next.field,
          block( do.subs=FALSE, Rd2.Rlike=is.Rd2, bs17=!is.Rd2, width=maxchar[ 'usage'],
      see.also= out( 'seealso', insert.para.breaks(
          block( auto.link=!is.null( def.valids)))), #seealso.block())),
      arguments= out( next.field, list.block(FALSE, auto.link=!is.null( def.valids))),
      keywords= out( '\\keyword{' %&% keyword.block() %&% '}'),
      out( sectionize( nice.title( next.field)),
      #out( 'section{' %&% nice.title( next.field) %&% '}',
                  itemize( insert.para.breaks( block( auto.link=!is.null( def.valids)))))

    # For user's own sections, used to have
    #        if( regexpr( '\\.$', next.field)<0)
    #          itemize( insert.para.breaks( block()))
    #        else
    #          list.block(TRUE))
    # but it didn't work with funny characters anyway
  } # while new field

  Rd <- c( Rd, rep( '}', 1+nesting))
#  Rd <- Rd[ nchar( Rd)>0]

  Rd <- setup.dontruns( Rd)

  # Already methodized USAGE
  # methodize.USAGE() # sigh

  # \keywords{} is mandatory...
  if( !length( grep( '^\\\\keyword\\{', Rd)))
    Rd <- c( Rd, '\\keyword{' %&% (if( is.data) 'data' else 'misc') %&% '}')

  # Split \preformatted; don't zap blanks
  preflines <- grep( '\n', Rd, fixed=TRUE)
  Rd <- multirep( Rd, preflines, strsplit( Rd[ preflines], '\n'))

  if( is.Rd2) {
    Rd <- gsub( '\016', '\\\\', Rd, fixed=TRUE)
    Rd <- gsub( '\020', '\\{', Rd, fixed=TRUE)
    Rd <- gsub( '\021', '\\}', Rd, fixed=TRUE)

    # ... and in verbatim bits:
    Rd <- gsub( '\017', '\\\\', Rd, fixed=TRUE)
    Rd <- gsub( '\022', '{', Rd, fixed=TRUE)
    Rd <- gsub( '\023', '}', Rd, fixed=TRUE)

    # Fix split one-liners-- not that they need fixing-- this is "improvement" in R 2.12
    one.liners <- cq( name, alias, docType, title, author)
    olsplit <- grep( '^\\\\(' %&% paste( one.liners, collapse='|') %&% ') *\\{[^}]*$', Rd)
    if( length( olsplit))
      olsplit <- olsplit[ grepl( '^ *\\} *$', Rd[ olsplit+1])]
    if( length( olsplit)){
      Rd[ olsplit] <- Rd[ olsplit] %&% '}'
      Rd <- Rd[ -(olsplit+1)]
  } else {
    # Old format Rd had problems with some weird-but-legal sequences...
    # Restore backslashes & braces in normal text -- get round buggy Rd
    Rd <- gsub( '\016', '\\\\\\enc{}{}', Rd, fixed=TRUE)
    Rd <- gsub( '\020', '\\{\\enc{}{}', Rd, fixed=TRUE)
    Rd <- gsub( '\021', '\\}\\enc{}{}', Rd, fixed=TRUE)

    # ... and in verbatim bits:
    Rd <- gsub( '\017', '\\\\\\link{}', Rd, fixed=TRUE)
    Rd <- gsub( '\022', '\\{\\link{}', Rd, fixed=TRUE)
    Rd <- gsub( '\023', '\\}\\link{}', Rd, fixed=TRUE)

    reduce.empty.links() # minimize offence to Rcmd check...

  if( !is.null( file))
    cat( Rd, sep='\n', file=file, append=append)

  Rd <- as.cat( Rd)
  if( is.Rd2 && check.legality && getRversion() >= '2.10.0') {
    # parse_Rd unreliable in 2.9.x so only do this in 2.10 onwards, regardless of Rd.version
    ow <- options( warn=2)
    check.file <- tempfile( legal.filename( overall.name))
    on.exit( { options( ow); unlink( check.file)}, add=TRUE)
    cat( Rd, sep='\n', file=check.file)
    p1 <- try( parse_Rd( check.file))  # warning => error
    if( p1 %is.a% 'try-error')
      class( Rd) <- c( 'try-error', class( Rd))

return( Rd)

"dochelp" <-
function( topic, doc, help_type=c( 'text', 'html')) {
  # "doc" might point to another object. Start by looping til we have a character "doc".
  current.topic <- topic
  if( missing( doc)) { # TRUE unless this is being used as a pager
    doc <- 0 
    while( !is.character( doc) && exists( current.topic) && 
        length( doc <- attr( get( current.topic), 'doc'))) 
      if( is.list( doc))
        current.topic <- doc[[1]] # unwrap list 
    # If no functions/things with such doco, look for a 'thing.doc' character object        
    if( !is.character( doc)) {
      for( ext in c( '', '.doc')) {
        t1 <- topic %&% ext
        if( exists( t1, mode='character'))
          doc <- get( t1, mode='character')

  fff <- FALSE # default
  if( has.doc <- is.character( doc)) {
    help_type <- try( match.arg( help_type))
    if( help_type %is.a% 'try-error')
      help_type <- 'text'

    if( help_type=='html') {
      help_type <- 'text' # in case we fail
      if( !nzchar( sub( ' +', '', doc[1])))
        doc <- c( topic, doc)
      drd <- try( doc2Rd( doc, warnings.on=FALSE))
      if( drd %is.not.a% 'try-error') {
        tf1 <- tempfile()
        fff <- tf1 %&% '.html' # will get class 'browsertemp', and be autoprinted
        tf1 <- tf1 %&% '.Rd'
        on.exit( try( unlink( tf1)), add=TRUE)
        cat( drd, file=tf1, sep='\n')
        drd <- try( Rd2HTML( tf1, fff))
        if( drd %is.not.a% 'try-error') {
          # All good-- no need for pager fallback
          help_type <- 'html'
    if( help_type=='text') {
      fff <- tempfile() 
      doc <- doc[ regexpr( '^%', doc) < 0] # drop "%" lines
      doc <- strsplit( doc, '\n')
      doc[ !sapply( doc, length)] <- ''
      doc <- strwrap( unlist( doc), simplify=FALSE)
      doc[ !sapply( doc, length)] <- ''
      #   writeLines( paste( unlist( doc), collapse='\n'), con=fff) # writelines seems to zap empty lines
      cat( paste( unlist( doc), collapse='\n'), file=fff)
      names( fff) <- topic
    class( fff) <- if( help_type=='text') 'pagertemp' else 'browsertemp'
#  invisible( has.doc) changed for 2.x
  invisible( fff)

"docotest" <-
function( fun.or.text, ...) {
  doco <- doc2Rd( fun.or.text)
  tf <- tempfile( fileext='.Rd')
  tf2 <- tempfile( fileext='.html')
  on.exit( unlink( tf)) # can't unlink tf2 because browser might still need it
  cat( doco, file=tf, sep='\n')
  ok <- try( Rd2HTML( tf, tf2, ...))
  if( ok %is.not.a% 'try-error') {
    browseURL( tf2)
  } else {
    unlink( tf2) # might as well
invisible( NULL)  

"docskel" <-
structure( function( x=NULL, char.x=NULL, env=.GlobalEnv, assign.=FALSE){
  if( !identical( env, .GlobalEnv)) {
    env <- as.environment( env)
    pkg <- sub( 'package:', '', attr( env, 'name'))
  } else
    pkg <- 'not-yet-a-package'

  if( is.null( char.x)) {
    sx <- substitute( x)
    if( is.call( sx)) {
      x <- as.character( sx)
      if( x[1] %not.in% c( '::', ':::') || length( x)<3)
stop( "Don't know how to fixr '" %&% deparse( sx) %&% "'")
      pkg <- x[2]
      char.x <- x[3]
      if( any( search()==pkg))
        env <- as.environment( pkg)
      else if( is.null( env <- maintained.packages[[ pkg]])) {
        if( any( search()=='package:' %&% pkg))
          env <- as.environment( 'package:' %&% pkg)
        else if( pkg %in% loadedNamespaces())
          env <- asNamespace( pkg)
stop( "Package '" %&% pkg %&% "' not available")
    } else
      char.x <- deparse( sx)[1]

  if( is.null( x))
    x <- env[[ char.x]]

  text <- c( paste( char.x, "    package:", pkg, "\n", sep=''), attr( sys.function(), 'att1'),
      make.usage.section( char.x, NULL, env))

  if( length( formals( x)))
    text <- c( text, attr( sys.function(), 'att2'),  make.arguments.section( char.x, NULL, env))

  text <- c( text, attr( sys.function(), 'att3'))

  #text <- unlist( strsplit( text, '\n'))
  if( assign.) {
    class( text) <- 'docattr'
    attr( x, 'doc') <- text
    env[[ char.x]] <- x # will do the assign for real...

  class( text) <- 'cat'
, att1 = structure(c("", "Do something-or-other", "", "DESCRIPTION", "",  "A splendid function that does something jolly useful", "", "",  "USAGE", "", "# This section is a formal requirement, and as such often isn't useful...",  "# ...in showing how to use the function(s). You can show more realistic usages...",  "# ...in comment lines, and/or refer to the EXAMPLES section.",  ""), class = "docattr") 
, att2 = structure(c("", "ARGUMENTS", "", "You can put normal text in ARGUMENTS, too, like this. Remember to indent all arguments, as below.",  ""), class = "docattr") 
, att3 = structure(c("", "VALUE", "", "Immense. NB this section isn't compulsory.",  "", "", "DETAILS", "", "Not compulsory. Other section headings, e.g. AUTHOR, should also go here. Use *single* quotes around object names and code fragments, e.g. 'bit.of.code()'. Use *double* quotes for \"text\" or \"file.name\". See 'doc2Rd' for full details of format.",  "", "", "SEE.ALSO", "", "'doc2Rd', 'flatdoc'", "", "", "EXAMPLES ",  "", "# Not compulsory to have an EXAMPLES -- you can put examples into other sections.",  "# Here's how to make a \"don't run\" example:", "", "## Don't run",  "reformat.my.hard.drive()", "## End don't run", "", "", "KEYWORDS",  "", "%% You can delete the KEYWORDS section-- it will be auto-added by 'doc2Rd'",  "%% These lines starting with \"%%\" won't appear in user-visible help.",  "", "misc"), class = "docattr") 

"dont.lock.me" <-
function( env=environment( sys.function( -1))){
  assign.to.base( 'lockEnvironment', hack.lockEnvironment())
  attr( env, 'dont.lock.me') <- TRUE

"dont.lockBindings" <-
function( what, pkgname, namespace.=TRUE) {
  # cat( 'dlb on ', what, 'in', pkgname, 'with namespace=', namespace., '\n')   
  what <- what # force ??
  # Used to have mvbutils:::untetherBalloon below, but u.B. should be found automatically
  # ... now putting it back in because that didn't seem to work, but in a CRANpatible way 
  f <- function( pkgname, pkgpath) 99 
  if( namespace.)
    body( f) <- substitute( sapply( what, untetherBalloon, env=asNamespace( pkgname)), 
        list( what=what, untetherBalloon=asNamespace( 'mvbutils')$untetherBalloon))
    body( f) <- substitute( sapply( what, untetherBalloon, 
        env=as.environment( paste( 'package:', pkgname, sep=''))), 
        list( what=what, untetherBalloon=asNamespace( 'mvbutils')$untetherBalloon))
  environment( f) <- baseenv()
  setHook.once( pkgname, if( namespace.) "onLoad" else "attach", f, 'append')

"dont.save" <-
  getOption("dont.Save", cq( .packageName, .SavedPlots, last.warning, .Last.value, .Traceback))

"dos.or.windows" <-
function () 
.Platform$OS.type == "windows"

"empty.data.frame" <-
function (...) {
    mc <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
    m <- sapply(mc, mode)
    is.a.name <- m == "name"
    is.a.name[is.a.name] <- !nzchar(as.character(mc[is.a.name]))
    mc[is.a.name] <- mc[!is.a.name][(cumsum(!is.a.name) + 1)[is.a.name]]
    df <- do.call("list", mc)
    # df <- do.call("list", mc)
    # df <- as.data.frame.I(df)

    mc$stringsAsFactors <- FALSE
    df <- do.call( 'data.frame', mc)

    df <- df[-(1:nrow(df)), , drop = FALSE]

"env.name.string" <-
function( env){
stopifnot( env %is.an% 'environment')
  namio <- attr( env, 'name')
  if( is.null( namio))
    namio <- names( attr( env, 'path'))
  namio <- if( is.null( namio) || !is.character( namio) || length( namio)<1) '' else namio[1]
  namio <- namio %&% capture.output( print( env))[1]
return( namio)

"eval.scriptlet" <-
function (expr, envir = parent.frame(), enclos = if (is.list(envir) || 
    is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv()){
  force( envir)
  force( enclos)
  eval( expr, envir, enclos)

"everyth" <-
function( x, by=1, from=1)
  x[ seq( from=from, by=by, length=(length( x)-from+by) %/% by)]

"expand.match" <-
function( short, long, any.case=FALSE) {
# Expands unique partial matches of 'short' in 'long'. 
# Leaves non-matches or non-uniques alone
  if( any.case)
    i <- pmatch( toupper( short), toupper( long), duplicates.ok=TRUE)
    i <- pmatch( short, long, duplicates.ok=TRUE)
  short[ !is.na( i)] <- long[ i[ !is.na(i)]]
#  short[ is.na( i)] <- NA

"expanded.call" <-
function( nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal(
  lapply( named( names( formals( sys.function( mvb.sys.nframe())))), function( x) eval( as.name( x)))

"extract.named" <-
function( l, to=parent.frame()) {
  n <- names( l)
  for( i in n[ nchar( n)>0])
    assign( i, l[[ i]], envir=to)

"fast.read.fwf" <-
function( file, width,
    col.names=if( !is.null( colClasses)) names( colClasses) else 'V' %&% 1:ncol( fields),
    colClasses=character(0), na.strings=character(0L), tz='', ...) {
  fs <- file.info( file)$size
  if( is.na( tail( width, 1))) {
    # Determine padding at EOL experimentally
    lengo <- 2*sum( abs( width))
    repeat {
      if( lengo > fs)
stop( "Can't find enough newlines")
      reado <- readChar( file, lengo)
      fullw <- regexpr( '\\n', reado, 0)
      if( fullw > 0)
      lengo <- lengo * 2
    width <- c( clip( width), -( fullw - sum( abs( clip( width)))))
  } else if( tail( width, 1) < 0)
    width <- c( clip( width), tail( width, 1) - 1) # EOL char
    width <- c( width, -1) # 1 char for EOL
  acw <- abs( width)
  nl <- fs %/% sum( acw)
  if( fs %% sum( acw) != 0)
stop( "Line length mismatch")

  fields <- readChar( file, rep( acw, nl))
  dim( fields) <- c( length( width), nl)
  fields <- t( fields[ width>0,])
  dimnames( fields)[[2]] <- col.names
  df <- data.frame( matrix( 0, nl, 0)) # must have correct number of rows

  # For col classes, methods package may be needed, but
  # ...if so will usually have been loaded already, and
  # ...if not we don't want to bother

  # Defeat the RCMD CHECK NANNY which is getting a bit bloody above itself
  libr.sodding.ary <- library
  methas <- if( 'package:methods' %in% search()) get( 'as', 'package:methods') else
      function( x, y) { libr.sodding.ary( methods); {get( 'as', 'package:methods')}(x, y) }

  for( fi in col.names)
        df[[fi]] <- if (is.na(colClasses[fi]))
            type.convert(fields[,fi], as.is = TRUE, dec = '.', na.strings = na.strings)
        else if (colClasses[fi] == "factor")
        else if (colClasses[fi] == "Date")
        else if ( grepl( '^POSIXct', colClasses[fi]))
            as.POSIXct(fields[,fi], tz=tz, format=sub( '^POSIXct', '', colClasses[fi]))
        else methas(data[[fi]], colClasses[fi])

"FF" <-
function() {
  # Check list of filenames to see if they've been updated
  new.file.times <- unclass( file.info( fix.list$file)[,'mtime'])
  modified <- is.na( new.file.times) | new.file.times!= fix.list$file.time
  if( !any( modified))
return( structure( character( 0), for.info='No modifications'))

  FF.find.homes() # check that the homes are attached...

  if( !any( modified))
return( structure( character( 0), for.info='No modifications (but some updated files)'))

  set.srcfilecopy <- function( x, lines) {
      sc <- attr( x, 'srcref')
      if( !is.null( sc)) {
        attr( sc, 'srcfile') <- srcfilecopy( 'dummyfile', lines)
        last.line <- max( index( nzchar( lines)))
        last.char <- nchar( lines[ last.line])
        sc[] <- as.integer( c( 1, 1, last.line, last.char, 1, last.char, 1, last.line))
        attr( x, 'srcref') <- sc
    return( x)

  old.warn <- options( 'warn')[[1]]
  on.exit( options( warn=old.warn))

  for( mod in index( modified)) {
    name <- unclass( fix.list$name)[ mod]
    cat( name, ': ')
    stuffed <- FALSE
    if( !fix.list$has.source[ mod]) { # grepl( '\\<character\\>', fix.list$dataclass[ mod])) {
      ff <- readLines( fix.list$file[ mod])
      the.class <- strsplit( fix.list$dataclass[ mod], ',', fixed=TRUE)[[1]] %except% 'character'
      if( !length( the.class))
        the.class <- 'cat' # print.as.cat
      class( ff) <- the.class
      cat( 'OK\n')
    } else {
      # Could be anything...
      should.be.func <- grepl( '\\<function\\>', fix.list$dataclass[ mod])
      source.code <- readLines( fix.list$file[ mod]) # everything incl. any errors
      mt <- new.env( parent=.GlobalEnv) # asNamespace( 'mvbutils')) # limit damage
      # code <- try( list( value=source.mvb( fix.list$file[ mod], max.n.expr=1, envir=mt,
      #     debug.script=!should.be.func)))

      code <- try( list( value=source.mvb( fix.list$file[ mod], max.n.expr=1, envir=mt)))

      if( code %is.a% 'try-error') {
        stuffed <- TRUE
        if( should.be.func) {
            fftext <- sub( 'I', to.regexpr( name), "function( ...) stop( 'I failed to parse')")
            ff <- eval( parse( text=fftext, keep.source=TRUE))
            ff <- set.srcfilecopy( ff, source.code) # all lines
            environment( ff) <- mt
          } else
            ff <- list( 'Scriptlet for "' %&% name %&% '" failed to parse')
        attr( ff, 'source') <- source.code # otherwise code is lost!!!
      } else {
        ff <- code$value
        if( is.null( ff)) {
          warning( 'Scriptlet for "' %&% name %&% '" generates NULL; replacing with list()')
          ff <- list()

        if( !is.function( ff)) {
          class( ff) <- c( 'thing.with.source', oldClass( ff))
          attr( ff, 'source') <- as.cat( source.code)
        # Shouldn't need to set srcref or source attributes

        cat( 'OK\n')

    # Reset environment of functions. Modified 5/11/2011, to allow 'local()' defs to keep their own envir
    if( is.function( ff) && identical( environment( ff), mt) ) {
      # Use old environment if available
      if( exists( name, mode='function', w[[ mod]], inherits=FALSE))
        environment( ff) <- environment( w[[ mod]][[ name]])
        environment( ff) <- .GlobalEnv # why not?

    assign(name, ff, w[[ mod]])
    if( has.source( ff) || is.character( ff)) # should now work with charvecs too
      try( deal.with.backups( name, w[[ mod]])) # ought not to crash, but...

    if( !stuffed && mods.in.packages[ mod])
      update.loaded.pkg( attr( w[[mod]], 'name'), name, ff)
  } # loop over modifiees

  autosave <- getOption( 'FF.autosave', FALSE)
  for( i in unique( w[ mods.in.tasks | mods.in.packages]))
    if( !identical( i, .GlobalEnv) &&
        ( autosave || yes.no( "Save task '" %&% attr( i, 'name') %&% "'? ")))
      Save.pos( i)

  answer <- unclass( fix.list$name[ modified])
  if( 'package:debug' %in% search() && any( is.traced <- (answer %in% names( tracees)))) {
    cat( 'Reapplying trace(s)...')
    lapply( answer[ is.traced], mtrace, fname=NULL, # fname=NULL forces char.fname
        from=.GlobalEnv, # NOT ideal--- but until "from" is added to trace info, better than the alternative, which goes straight to baseenv
    cat( 'done\n')

  # fix.list <<- fix.list[ !modified,]
  fix.list$file.time <<- new.file.times # doesn't seem to work in one step

"FF.find.homes" <-
function( nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  w <- vector( 'list', nrow( fix.list))
  mods.in.tasks <- modified & fix.list$where.type=='task'
  if( any( mods.in.tasks)) {
    stt <- search.task.trees()
    where.tasks <- match( fix.list$where, names( stt))
    not.here <- mods.in.tasks & is.na( where.tasks) # nowhere to go. Warn?
    modified[ not.here] <- FALSE
    where.tasks[ not.here] <- NA
    use <- modified & !is.na( where.tasks)
    w[ use] <- lapply( stt[ where.tasks[ use]], as.env)

  mods.in.packages <- modified & fix.list$where.type=='package'
  if( any( mods.in.packages)) {
    task.trees <- sapply( lapply( maintained.packages, attr, which='task.tree'), paste, collapse='/')
    where.packs <- match( fix.list$where, task.trees, NA)
    not.here <- mods.in.packages & is.na( where.packs)
    modified[ not.here] <- FALSE
    where.packs[ not.here] <- NA
    use <- modified & !is.na( where.packs)
    w[ use] <- maintained.packages[ where.packs[ use]]

  mods.in.attached <- modified & fix.list$where.type=='attached'
  if( any( mods.in.attached)) {
    where.att <- match( fix.list$where, search(), NA)
    not.here <- mods.in.attached & is.na( where.att)
    modified[ not.here] <- FALSE
    where.att[ not.here] <- NA
    use <- modified & !is.na( where.att)
    w[ use] <- lapply( where.att[ use], pos.to.env)

"file.path.as.absolute" <-
function( x) {
  # file_path_as_absolute rejects nonexistent paths-- ANNOYING, UNNECESSARY!!
  # Another hack required
  fpa <- file_path_as_absolute
  e <- new.env( parent=environment( fpa))
  e$stop <- function( ...) 0
  environment( fpa) <- e
  fpa( x)

"find.and.get" <-
function( nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  if( is.null( pkg)) {
    if( new)
      num.load.from <-  1
    else {
      num.load.from <- find( name, numeric=TRUE)[1]
      if( is.na( num.load.from)) {
        if( length( maintained.packages)) {
          mpls <- lapply( maintained.packages, lsall)
          m <- sapply( mpls, match, x=name, nomatch=0)
          if( sum( m>0)==1)
            pkg <- names( maintained.packages)[ m>0] # handle below
          else if( sum( m>0)>1)
  stop( "'" %&% name %&% "' found in more than one live package ('" %&%
          paste( names( maintained.packages)[ m>0], collapse="', '") %&% "'): must specify which one")
        if( is.null( pkg)) { # can't find anywhere
          new <- TRUE
          num.load.from <- 1
      } else if( regexpr( '^package:', search()[ num.load.from])>0) {
        # check for maintained version
        pkg <- substring( search()[ num.load.from], nchar( 'package:')+1) # handle below
        if( is.null( maintained.packages[[ pkg]])) {
          if( fixing)
            warning( "Reluctantly fixing '" %&% name %&% "' directly in 'package:" %&% pkg %&%
                "'-- won't affect any namespace copies and won't be saved",
          pkg <- NULL

  if( !is.null( pkg)) { # could be set during last
    num.load.from <- NA
    if( pkg %is.an% 'environment') # eg ..mypack
      pkg <- attr( pkg, 'name')
    load.from <- maintained.packages[[ pkg]]
    if( is.null( load.from)) {
      if( fixing)
stop( "Package '" %&% pkg %&% "' not set up for editing-- see 'maintain.packages'")
      else { # just readr something from a loaded package 
        load.from <- asNamespace( pkg)
        name.load.from <- 'package:' %&% pkg
        type.load.from <- 'attached'
    } else {
      name.load.from <- paste( attr( load.from, 'task.tree'), collapse='/')
      type.load.from <- 'package'
    new <- new || !exists( name, load.from, inherits=FALSE)
  } else { # num.load.from cannot be NA
    load.from <- pos.to.env( num.load.from)
    if( !is.null( names( attr( pos.to.env( num.load.from), 'path')))) {
      name.load.from <- rev( unlist( lapply( num.load.from:length( search()),
          function( x) names( attr( pos.to.env( x), 'path')))))
      type.load.from <- 'task'
    } else {
      name.load.from <- search()[ num.load.from]
      type.load.from <- 'attached'

  name.load.from <- paste( name.load.from, collapse='/')

  trace.was.on <- FALSE
  if(!new) {
    x <- get( name, load.from)
    trace.was.on <- exists( 'tracees', 'mvb.session.info') && (name %in% names( tracees)) }
  else {
    x <- what
    attributes( x) <- list() # ****ing srcref...

"find.derefs" <-
function( envir) {
  if( is.null( mcache <- attr( envir, 'mcache')))
    attr( envir, 'mcache') <- mcache <- named( integer( 0))
  names( mcache) %SUCH.THAT% ( envir[[.]] %is.not.a% 'promise')

"find.docholder" <-
function( what, pos=find( what[1])){
  pos <- as.env( pos)
  o <- lsall( pos) %except% mcachees( pos)
  searchfun.Rd <- function( x) {
    if( is.function( xo <- pos[[x]])) 
      doco <- attr( xo, 'doc')
    else if( length( grep( '\\.doc$', x)) && is.character( xo))
      doco <- xo
      doco <- character(0)
    what %in% named.in.doc( doco)
  } # searchfun.Rd

  searchfun.casual <- function( x) if( !is.null( doc <- attr( pos[[x]], 'doc')) &&
      is.list( doc)) doc[[1]] else character(0)
  searchfun.own <- function( x) if( !is.null( doc <- attr( pos[[x]], 'doc')) && 
      is.character( doc)) x else character(0)

  keepo1 <- list( length( what))
  Rds <- sapply( o, searchfun.Rd)
  dim( Rds) <- c( length( what), length( o))
  # apply over-simplifies, so...
  keepo <- lapply( split( Rds, row( Rds)), function( ins) o[ins])
  keepo2 <- lapply( named( what), searchfun.own) # what not o
  keepo <- mapply( c, keepo, keepo2, SIMPLIFY=FALSE) 
  keepo3 <- lapply( named( what), searchfun.casual) # what not o
  keepo <- mapply( c, keepo, keepo3, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
  names( keepo) <- what
  lapply( keepo, unique)

"find.documented" <-
function( pos=1, doctype=c( 'Rd', 'casual', 'own', 'any'), 
    only.real.objects=TRUE) {
# 'pos' can have length > 1-- so guts live inside function

  findo <- function( pos) {
    pos <- as.env( pos)
    oallall <- lsall( pos) 
    oall <- oallall %except% mcachees( pos)
    ofuns <- oall %SUCH.THAT% exists( ., mode='function', envir=pos)
    odoc <- (oall %except% ofuns) %that.match% '\\.doc$'
    searchfun.docobj.Rd <- function( x) named.in.doc( pos[[x]])
    searchfun.Rd <- function( x) named.in.doc( attr( pos[[x]], 'doc'))
    searchfun.casual <- function( x) x[ !is.null( attr( pos[[x]], 'doc')) ]
    searchfun.own <- function( x) x[ !is.null( doc <- attr( pos[[x]], 'doc')) && 
        is.character( doc) ]

    keepo <- character( 0)
    for( dt in doctype)
      keepo <- c( keepo, unlist( lapply( ofuns, FUN='searchfun.' %&% dt)))
    if( 'Rd' %in% doctype)
      keepo <- c( keepo, unlist( lapply( odoc, searchfun.docobj.Rd)))
  returnList( keepo=unique( keepo), oall=oallall)
  } # findo

  doctype <- match.arg( doctype)
  if( doctype=='any')
    doctype <- c( 'Rd', 'casual')

  if( is.environment( pos))
    pos <- list( pos)
  res <- lapply( pos, findo)
  keepo <- unique( unlist( lapply( res, '[[', x='keepo')))
  obs <- unlist( lapply( res, '[[', x='oall'))
  if( only.real.objects)
    keepo <- keepo %that.are.in% obs

return( keepo)

"find.funs" <-
function( pos=1, ..., exclude.mcache=TRUE, mode='function') {
# In this version, "pos" can have length > 1
  findo <- function( pos2) {
      o <- named( lsall( pos=pos2, ...)) 
      if( exclude.mcache)
        o <- o %except% mcachees( pos2)
      if( !length( o))
    return( character( 0))
      old.warn <- options( warn=-1)$warn
      on.exit( options( warn=old.warn))
      keep <- sapply( o, exists, where=pos2, mode=mode, inherits=FALSE)
      if( !any( keep))
    return( character( 0))

      names( o) <- NULL

  if( is.environment( pos))
    pos <- list( pos)
    pos <- lapply( pos, as.env)
  unlist( lapply( pos, findo), use.names=FALSE)

"find.lurking.envs" <-
function( obj, delve=FALSE, trace=FALSE){
  listo <- list( quote( obj))
  out.str <- character(0)
  out.size <- numeric( 0)
  while( length( listo)) {
    if( trace)
      print( listo[[1]])
    thing <- eval( listo[[1]])
    out.str <- c( out.str, deparse( listo[[1]])[1])
    if( missing( thing)) {
      out.size <- c( out.size, object.size( formals( sys.function())$obj))
    } else if( is.environment( thing)) {
      out.str[ length( out.str)] <- paste( out.str[ length( out.str)], 
        sub( 'environment', '', format( thing)))
      out.size <- c( out.size, Inf)
      # do not add environments to this list...
    } else {
      # process it, and add to list...
      thing <- unclass( thing)
      out.size <- c( out.size, object.size( thing))
      if( is.recursive( thing)) {
        if( is.function( thing)) {
          listo <- c( listo, substitute( environment( x), list( x=listo[[1]])))
          if( delve)
            listo <- c( listo,
              substitute( body( x), list( x=listo[[1]])),
              substitute( formals( x), list( x=listo[[1]])))
        } else {
          # Label list-like elts with $name if avail, or [[num]] if not
          if( is.null( namio <- names( thing)))
            namio <- rep( '', length( thing))
          listo <- c( listo, lapply( seq_along( thing), 
              function( x) if( nzchar( namio[x]))
                  substitute( a$b, list( a=listo[[1]], b=as.name( namio[x])))
                  substitute( a[[b]], list( a=listo[[1]], b=x))))
        } # if recursive nonfunc

      attro <- names( attributes( thing)) %except% 
          cq( dim, dimnames, class, levels, names, comment, row.names, tsp)

      if( length( attro))
        listo <- c( listo, lapply( attro, 
            function( x) substitute( attr( a, b), list( a=listo[[1]], b=x))))
    listo <- listo[-1]
  o <- order( out.size)
  data.frame( what=out.str[o], size=out.size[o])

"find.mp" <-
function( x, mode='any'){
  sx <- find( x, mode=mode, numeric=TRUE)[1]
  if( is.na( sx)) {
    sx <- index( sapply( maintained.packages,
        function( env) exists( x, env, mode=mode, inherits=FALSE))[1])
    if( is.na( sx))
stop( "Can't find '" %&% x %&% "' in search path or maintained packages")
    sx <- maintained.packages[[ sx]]
  } else
    sx <- as.environment( sx)


"find.path" <-
function( rel.path, char.rel.path, return.all=FALSE) {
  if( !missing( char.rel.path))
    rel.path <- as.character( char.rel.path) # in case of the number 0
    rel.path <- deparse( substitute( rel.path))

  if( substring( rel.path, 1, 2)=='..' &&
      exists( rel.path, as.environment( 'mvb.session.info'), mode='environment', inherits=FALSE)) 
return( as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')[[ rel.path]])

  # Parse input string: NB that R interprets a/b/c as function calls!
  rel.path <- strsplit( rel.path, '/', fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  rel.path <- as.character( unlist( rel.path))
  rel.path <- rel.path[ rel.path!="/"]

  search.list <- sapply( seq( search()),
      function( x) {
        x <- names( attr( pos.to.env( x), 'path'))
        if( is.null( x))
          x <- ''
        x }

  get.tasks.if.present <- function( env.or.pos) {
      env.or.pos <- as.env( env.or.pos) 
      if( exists( 'tasks', envir=env.or.pos, inherits=FALSE))
        get( 'tasks', envir=env.or.pos)
        character( 0)

  env <- new.env()
  wp <- get( '.Path', pos='mvb.session.info')
  for( igo in seq( rel.path)) {
    go <- rel.path[ igo]
    if( go=='..') {
      if( length( wp))
        wp <- wp[-length(wp)] }
    else if( go=='0')
      wp <- .Path['ROOT']
    else if( go!='.') {
      if( identical( wp, .Path[ 1:length( wp)]))
        ctasks <- get.tasks.if.present( names( .Path)[ length( wp)])
      else {
#        cat( 'loading tasks from', wp[ length( wp)], '\n')
        load( file.path( wp[ length( wp)], '.RData'), envir=env)
        ctasks <- get.tasks.if.present( env)
        remove( list=lsall( env), envir=env)

      if( !any( go==names( ctasks)))
stop( 'can\'t find task named ' %&% go %&% ' in ' %&% wp[length(wp)])
      else {
        old.wd <- getwd()
        actual.ctask <- try( {
            setwd( wp[ length( wp)])
            setwd( ctasks[ go])
        setwd( old.wd)
        if( actual.ctask %is.a% 'try-error')
stop( "can't find dir of task named '" %&% go %&% "' in '" %&% wp[ length( wp)])

        names( actual.ctask) <- go
        wp <- c( wp, actual.ctask)
    } # if: different types of 'go'
  } # for

  if( !return.all)
    wp <- wp[ length( wp)]


"find.prefix" <-
function (j, nodes, parents) 
    s <- names(nodes[j])
    while ((j <- parents[j]) > 0) s <- names(nodes[j]) %&% "/" %&% 

"find.web" <-
function( nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  funs <- unique( c( funs, generics))
  n <- length( funs)
  if( !n)
stop( 'Nothing there!')

  funmat <- matrix( 0, n, n, dimnames=list( MASTER=funs, SLAVE=funs))
  master.of <- lapply( funs, called.by, can.match=funs, where=where)
  n.master <- unlist( lapply( master.of, length))
  if( !sum( n.master))
stop( 'Bo-RING! No food chain here!')

  setup <- c( rep( 1:length(funs), n.master), unlist( master.of))
  dim( setup) <- c( sum( n.master), 2)
  funmat[ setup] <- 1
  diag( funmat) <- 0 # to drop self-references

# Not interested in calls TO generic functions:
  funmat[ ,generics] <- 0

# check whether any methods of generic functions:
  drop.generics <- funmat[ generics, ] %**% rep( 1, n) == 0
  if( any( drop.generics)) {
    funs <- funs[ -match( generics[drop.generics], funs)]
    funmat <- funmat[ funs, funs]
    n <- n-sum( drop.generics) }

  color <- rep( textcolor, n)

  if( length( prune)) {
    prunio <- matrix( 0, length( prune), n)
    prunio <- sapply( to.regexpr( prune), regexpr, text=funs) # to.regexpr(): oct 2011
    prunio <- as.logical( (prunio != -1) %**% rep( 1, length( prune)))
    color[ prunio] <- highlight

  # Everything descended from a prune
    if( descendents) {
      old.descendents <- rep( FALSE, n)
      descendents <- prunio
      while( sum( descendents)!=sum( old.descendents)) {
        old.descendents <- descendents
        descendents <- descendents | (descendents %**% funmat > 0) } }
      descendents <- prunio

  # All ancestors of a prune
    if( ancestors) {
      old.ancestors <- rep( FALSE, n)
      ancestors <- prunio
      while( sum( ancestors) != sum( old.ancestors)) {
        old.ancestors <- ancestors
        ancestors <- ancestors | (funmat %**% ancestors > 0) } }
      ancestors <- prunio

    color <- color[ ancestors | descendents]
    funs <- funs[ ancestors | descendents]
    funmat <- funmat[ funs, funs, drop=FALSE]
    n <- length( funs)

# Now we have to figure out what level in the hierarchy each fn. belongs at.
# Simple-minded approach: anything NOT called by any other function is top-
# level; anything called only by top-levels is second-level; etc.

  if( !n)
stop( 'Nothing there!')
  level <- rep(0, n); names( level) <- funs
  current.level <- 1
  while( any( level==0)) {
    tops <- rep( 1, sum( level==0)) %**% funmat[level==0, level==0] == 0
    if( !any( tops))  # we have to sort out functions that call each other
      tops <- least.mutual.dependency( funmat, funs, level)

    level[ dimnames( funmat)[[1]] [ level==0] [tops] ] <- current.level
    current.level <- current.level+1

"fix.order" <-
function( env=1) {
  oenv <- env
  env <- as.env( env)
  if( is.null( path <- attr( env, 'path')) || is.null( names( path))) 
stop( 'Not a task')

  fob <- read.bkind( path)
  if( !length( fob[[1]]))
stop( 'Can\'t deduce fix.order')

  fdates <- file.info( file.path( path, '.Backup.mvb', fob$files))$mtime
  o <- order( fdates)
  fob <- fob$object.names[ o]
  fob <- fob[ fob %in% find.funs( oenv) ] # remove deleted functions still with backups

"fixr" <-
function( x, new=FALSE, install=FALSE, what=list( function(){}, '')[[1]], fixing=TRUE,
    pkg=NULL, character.only=FALSE, new.doc=FALSE, force.srcref=FALSE) {
    if( missing( x) && missing( character.only))
return( 'Nothing to edit!')

  prog <- 'program.' %&% ifelse( fixing, 'editor', 'reader')
  proged <- getOption( prog)
  if( is.null( proged) || install)
    proged <- install.proged( option.name=prog)

  if( is.character( character.only)) {
    x <- character.only
    character.only <- TRUE

  if( !character.only) {
    sx <- substitute( x)
    if( is.call( sx)) {
      x <- as.character( sx)
      if( x[1] %not.in% c( '::', ':::', '$') || length( x)<3)
stop( "Don't know how to fixr '" %&% deparse( sx) %&% "'")
      pkg <- x[2]
      if( substring( pkg, 1, 2)=='..') { # ..mypack$fun
        pkg <- substring( pkg, 3)
        if( pkg %not.in% names( maintained.packages))
stop( "Package '" %&% pkg %&% "' is not a 'maintained package'!")
      name <- x[3]
    } else
      name <- deparse( substitute( x), width.cutoff=30, nlines=1)
  } else
    name <- x


  if( is.function( x))
    environment( x) <- .GlobalEnv # to prevent the environment string being printed after the definition.
    # ...mostly for new functions; bad practice to set environments otherwise.

  if( new.doc)
    x <- add.flatdoc.to( x, char.x=name, env=load.from)

  dir <- c( getOption( 'edit.scratchdir'), Sys.getenv( 'TMP'), Sys.getenv( 'TEMP'))
  dir <- dir[ nchar( dir)>0][1]
  if( is.na( dir))
stop( "Don't know where to put scratch files:" %&%
    " none of options( 'edit.scratchdir') or TMP or TEMP are set!")

  # Filename including "version" number if required
  exact.same <- index( name==fix.list$name & name.load.from==fix.list$where)[1]
  if( !is.na( exact.same))
    filename <- fix.list$file[ exact.same]
  else {
    if( !length( partial <- index( name==fix.list$name)))
      version.suffix <- ''
    else {
      ofnames <- fix.list$file[ partial]
      versions <- suppressWarnings( as.integer( sub( '(.*)#([0-9]+)\\.R$', '\\2', ofnames)))
      versions[ is.na( versions)] <- 0
      new.version <- min( (1:max( versions)) %except% versions)
      version.suffix <- '#' %&% new.version

    # Changed 1/2017 to allow other objects to get dot-R suffix instead of dot-txt; good for syntax-highlighting
    fsuffix <- if( has.source( x)) {
    } else {
      getOption( 'fixr.suffices', character())[ file_ext( name)]

    if( is.na( fsuffix)) { # default for texty things
      fsuffix <- '.txt'

    filename <- file.path( dir, legal.filename( name %&% version.suffix %&% fsuffix))

  old.warn <- options(warn = -1, width = 180)[1:2] # wide to avoid line breaks
  failed.to.edit <- TRUE # usual pessimism
    if( failed.to.edit && file.exists( filename))
    if( trace.was.on)
      mtrace( char.fname=name)
    options(old.warn) })

  # Do backup only if task
  if( fixing && !new && type.load.from %in% cq( package, task) && has.source( x))
    deal.with.backups( name, load.from) # takes env or number

  if( x %is.a% 'function') {
    if( !is.null( sr <- attr( x, 'srcref')) && !is.null( src <- attr( sr, 'srcfile')$lines)) {
      # Might want entire original source if func didn't parse
      if( force.srcref) { # added 2018 to resolve messed-up cases with attributes
        write.sourceable.function( x, filename)
      } else if( attr( sr, 'srcfile')$filename=='dummyfile') { # produced by 'fixr' before; print all
        cat( src, file=filename, sep='\n')
      } else { # standard R srcref; just take what's there
        capture.output( print( x, useSource=TRUE), file=filename)
    } else
      write.sourceable.function( x, filename)
  } else if( has.source( x))
    cat( attr( x, 'source'), file=filename, sep='\n')
  else # text object
    cat( x, file=filename, sep='\n')

#  OK <- shell( proged(name, filename), translate=TRUE, wait = FALSE) # shell doesn't work on Linux
  cmd <- proged( name, filename)
  if( dos.or.windows())
    cmd <- gsub( '([^ ])/', '\\1\\\\', cmd)

  OK <- system( cmd, wait=FALSE) # before 12/2005 'wait' was only set FALSE on Windows; dunno why

  if(OK != 0)
stop("Couldn't launch editor")

# Avoid returning focus to console
  put.in.session( just.created.window=TRUE)

# Zap duplicates
  if( fixing) {
    fix.list <<- fix.list[ fix.list$name != name | fix.list$where != name.load.from,]
    fix.list <<- rbind(fix.list,
        list( name = name, file = filename, where = name.load.from, where.type= type.load.from,
        has.source=!is.character( x),
        dataclass = paste( unique( c( class( x),
            if( is.character( x)) 'character')), collapse=','),
        file.time=unclass( file.info( filename)[1,'mtime'])))

  failed.to.edit <- FALSE

"fixr.guts" <-
function( name, new=FALSE, proged, fixing=TRUE, what=list( function(){}, '')[[1]], obj) {
# Just like
  if( missing( name))
return( "Nothing to edit!")

  trace.was.on <- FALSE

# Function to edit, and its name (may be different from 'name' if method)
  if( !missing( obj)) {
    load.from <- 1
    x <- obj
    is.new <- trace.was.on <- FALSE
  } else {
    load.from <- if( new) NA else find( name, numeric=TRUE)[1] # mode check removed 28/7/2005
    is.new <- is.na( load.from)
    if(!is.new) {
      x <- if( missing( obj)) get( name, pos=load.from) else obj
      trace.was.on <- exists( 'tracees', 'mvb.session.info') && (name %in% names( tracees)) }
    else {
      x <- what
      load.from <- 1 }

  if( is.function( x))
    environment( x) <- .GlobalEnv # to prevent the environment string being printed after the definition.
    # ...mostly for new functions; bad practice to set environments otherwise.

  try.load.from <- NULL
  num.load.from <- load.from
  if( load.from>1) {
    try.load.from <- names( attr( pos.to.env( load.from), 'path'))
    if( is.null( try.load.from))
      load.from <- search()[ load.from]
      load.from <- try.load.from
  } else {
    load.from <- try.load.from <- names( attr( pos.to.env( 1), 'path')) # else ".GlobalEnv" will cause problems if there's a "cd"
    if( is.null( load.from)) {
      warning( search()[ load.from] %&% ' doesn\'t seem to be a task: object will be saved into .GlobalEnv')
      load.from <- '.GlobalEnv' }

  dir <- options('edit.scratchdir')[1]
  if( is.null( dir)) {
    dir <- Sys.getenv( 'TMP')
    if( !nchar( dir))
      dir <- Sys.getenv( 'TEMP')
    if( !nchar( dir))
stop( "Don't know where to put scratch files: none of options( 'edit.scratchdir') or TEMP or TMP are set!")

  filename <- file.path( dir, legal.filename( name)) # used to append.R to avoid...
  #... editors loading e.g. .First.lib as a binary file! Now assuming this is done outside

  old.warn <- options(warn = -1, width = 180)[1:2] # wide to avoid line breaks
  failed.to.edit <- TRUE # usual pessimism
    if( failed.to.edit && file.exists( filename))
    if( trace.was.on)
      mtrace( char.fname=name)
    options(old.warn) })

  if( fixing && !is.new && !is.null( try.load.from) && is.function( x)) # only do backup if task
    deal.with.backups( name, num.load.from)

  if( is.function( x))
    write.sourceable.function( x, filename)
    cat( x, file=filename, sep='\n')

#  OK <- shell( proged(name, filename), translate=TRUE, wait = FALSE) # shell doesn't work on Linux
  cmd <- proged( name, filename)
  callo <- quote( system( cmd))
  if( 'wait' %in% names( formals( system)))
    callo$wait <- FALSE
  OK <- eval( callo)

  if(OK != 0)
stop("Couldn't launch editor")

# Avoid returning focus to console
  put.in.session( just.created.window=TRUE)

# Zap duplicates
  if( fixing) {
    fix.list <<- fix.list[ fix.list$name != name,]
    fix.list <<- rbind(fix.list,
        list( name = name, file = filename, where = load.from,
        dataclass = paste( class( x), collapse=','), file.time=unclass( file.info( filename)[1,'mtime'])))

  failed.to.edit <- FALSE

"fixtext" <-
function( x, ...) {
  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc$what <- ''
  mc[[1]] <- quote( fixr)
  eval( mc, parent.frame())

"fixup.DLLs" <-
function( in.memory, ipath, rpath, spath, pkg, use.newest=FALSE, nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  suffix <- '[.]' %&% (if( .Platform$OS.type=='windows') '(dll|DLL)' else 'so') %&% '$'

  dlls1 <- sort( dir( rpath, pattern=suffix))
  libs <- 'libs'
  dlls2 <- suppressWarnings( sort( dir( file.path( rpath, 'inst', libs), pattern=suffix)))
  # R 2.12: DLLs in arch subfolder under "/libs" which... 
  # ... will be ref'd by 'libs' object, which controls installation dir...
  # ... Otherwise (pre 2.12), 'libs' is just "libs" folder
  # Allow any storage arrangement in task package
  # 2.12+: If task DLLs found *not* in subarch, assume the installed versions go to the current subarch
  if( nzchar( .Platform$r_arch)) {
    libs <- file.path( libs, .Platform$r_arch)
    dlls3 <- suppressWarnings( sort( dir( file.path( rpath, 'inst', libs), pattern=suffix)))
  } else
    dlls3 <- character( 0)
  dlls <- c( dlls1, dlls2, dlls3)
  dll.paths <- c( file.path( rpath, dlls1), file.path( rpath, 'inst', 'libs', dlls2), 
      file.path( rpath, 'inst', libs, dlls3))
  names( dll.paths) <- dlls

  # Definitely overwrite the versions in the source package
  if( length( dll.paths)) {
    mkdir( file.path( spath, 'inst', libs)) # probably should build into mvb.file.copy
    mvb.file.copy( dll.paths, file.path( spath, 'inst', libs, dlls))
  if( !is.null( ipath)) {
    if( is.dir( ipath.libs <- file.path( ipath, libs)))
      idlls <- sort( dir( ipath.libs, pattern=suffix))
      idlls <- character(0)
    inst.dll.paths <- file.path( ipath.libs, idlls)
    names( inst.dll.paths) <- idlls
    # New DLLs in raw get copied; new DLLs in inst get deleted
    use.raw <- dlls %except% idlls # provisionally, ones to replace

    if( length( both <- intersect( idlls, dlls))) {
      time.raw <- file.info( dll.paths[ both])$mtime
      time.inst <- file.info( inst.dll.paths[ both])$mtime
      md5.raw <- md5sum( dll.paths[ both])
      md5.inst <- md5sum( inst.dll.paths[ both])
      names( time.raw) <- names( time.inst) <- 
          names( md5.raw) <- names( md5.inst) <- both

      if( use.newest) { # also make sure files have different contents
        if( length( newer.inst <- both[ (time.raw < time.inst) & (md5.raw != md5.inst) ])) {
          mvb.file.copy( inst.dll.paths[ newer.inst], dll.paths[ newer.inst], overwrite=TRUE)
          # raw package-- in case overwritten already by older vers in raw task package!
          mvb.file.copy( inst.dll.paths[ newer.inst], 
              file.path( spath, 'inst', libs, newer.inst), overwrite=TRUE)

      # If raw is newer, handle below via 'use.raw'  
      use.raw <- c( use.raw, both[ time.raw > time.inst])
    } # if duplicated
    not.installed.yet <- use.raw %except% names( inst.dll.paths)
    inst.dll.paths[ not.installed.yet] <- file.path( ipath.libs, not.installed.yet)

    # in.memory=TRUE for reloading DLLs as appropriate-- always TRUE in current code
    # Unload / unlink
    try.dyn.load <- function( x) try( dyn.load( x))
    try.dyn.unload <- function( x) try( dyn.unload( x))
    try.library.dynam.load <- function( x) try( library.dynam( 
        sub( '[.]' %&% file_ext( x) %&% '$', '', basename( x)), package=pkg, lib.loc=dirname( ipath)))
    try.library.dynam.unload <- function( x) try( library.dynam.unload( 
        sub( '[.]' %&% file_ext( x) %&% '$', '', basename( x)), libpath=ipath))
    # DLLs could be loaded either via dyn.load or library.dynam; the latter is now recommended. 
    # ... Assume 'library.dynam' for new DLLs, and only assume 'dyn.load' if there's definite evidence!

    ldlist <- sapply( library.dynam(), '[[', i='path')
    loadeds <- sapply( getLoadedDLLs(), '[[', i='path')

    if( length( use.raw)) {
      # Unload, replace, reload
      cat( "Updating DLLs in source of '", pkg, "' from newer installed DLLs...", sep='')
      via.dyn.loads <- (loadeds %that.are.in% inst.dll.paths[ use.raw]) %except% ldlist
      via.library.dynams <- inst.dll.paths[ use.raw] %except% via.dyn.loads
      if( in.memory) {
        lapply( via.dyn.loads %that.are.in% loadeds, try.dyn.unload)
        lapply( via.library.dynams %that.are.in% loadeds, try.library.dynam.unload)
      } # if in.memory
      mvb.file.copy( dll.paths[ use.raw], inst.dll.paths[ use.raw], overwrite=TRUE)
      if( in.memory) {
        lapply( via.library.dynams, try.library.dynam.load)
        lapply( via.dyn.loads, try.dyn.load)
      cat( 'done\n')
    } # if changed dlls in raw package

    # DLLs in inst that now shouldn't be (because not in raw):
    inxs.dlls <- idlls %except% dlls 
    # Ones with source shouldn't be zapped either
    if( is.dir( file.path( rpath, 'src'))) {
      src.files <- dir( file.path( rpath, 'src'), pattern='[.](c|cc|cpp|C|f|f90|f95|m|mm|M|pas|lpr)$')
      if( length( src.files)) {
        # Include mypack.c-- though I recommend naming your dynlibs specifically, not with pkgname
        src.files <- c( src.files, pkg %&% '.c')
        src.dlls <- to.regexpr( sub( '[.][^.]*$', '', src.files)) # strip ext 
        src.dlls <- src.dlls %&% suffix # prepare for match
        inxs.dlls <- inxs.dlls %that.dont.match% src.dlls
    lapply( inst.dll.paths[ inxs.dlls] %that.are.in% (loadeds %except% ldlist), try.dyn.unload)
    lapply( inst.dll.paths[ inxs.dlls] %that.are.in% ldlist, try.library.dynam.unload)

    file.remove( inst.dll.paths[ inxs.dlls])

"fixup.exports" <-
function( pkg) {
  # Make sure exported functions are visible
  ns <- asNamespace( pkg)
  # Export list must be read directly from the NAMESPACE file, ugggh
  things.to.export <- parseNamespaceFile( pkg, 
      package.lib=dirname( getNamespaceInfo( ns, 'path')))$exports
  expenv <- ns$.__NAMESPACE__.$exports
  unexportees <- lsall( expenv) %except% things.to.export
  rm( list=unexportees, envir=expenv)
  for( new.exportee in things.to.export %except% lsall( expenv)) 
    assign( new.exportee, structure( new.exportee, names=new.exportee), envir=expenv)
  visible <- list()
  if( ('package:' %&% pkg) %in% search())
    visible <- list( list( env=as.environment( 'package:' %&% pkg), 
        can.reset=FALSE)) # see below for can.reset

  loaded.users <- getNamespaceUsers( pkg) 
  loaded.users <- loaded.users %SUCH.THAT% (("package:" %&% .) %in% search())
  loaded.users <- loaded.users %SUCH.THAT% (try( asNamespace( .)) %is.not.a% 'try-error')
  for( lu in loaded.users)
    visible <- c( visible, list( list( env=parent.env( asNamespace( lu)), can.reset=FALSE)))
  # Space for code to look thru importing environments of other packages that 
  # might import this one; should add the parent.env of the namespace of the 
  # importing package to the list 'visible'
  # These might be locked, in which case it would be possible to fudge by 
  # resetting their parent.env to a new environment to contain these exports, 
  # and whose own parent is the original parent.env. That is a bit RISKY 
  # so if I do code this, be sure to make it optional. The 'can.reset' field 
  # is used to indicate whether this is OK; it isn't OK for the search path copy, 
  # but that shouldn't be locked in the first place.
  for( vis in visible) {    
    things.to.make.vis <- things.to.export %except% lsall( vis$env)
    things.to.zap <- unexportees %that.are.in% lsall( vis$env)
    if( length( c( things.to.make.vis, things.to.zap))) {
      assenv <- NULL # default: can't do it
      if( environmentIsLocked( vis$env)) {
        if( vis$can.reset && identical( parent.env( vis$env), asNamespace( 'base'))) {
          assenv <- new.env( parent=parent.env( vis$env))
          parent.env( vis$env) <- assenv # scary...
        } else if( environmentIsLocked( parent.env( vis$env)))
          warning( "Can't or daren't add to imports for " %&% format( vis$env))
          assenv <- parent.env( vis$env) # not locked; probably fudged like this already
      } else # not locked
        assenv <- vis$env
      if( !is.null( assenv)) {
        rm( list=things.to.zap, envir=assenv)
        for( thing in things.to.make.vis)
          assign( thing, ns[[ thing]], assenv)
    } # if anything to assign
  } # loop over places where the funcs should be visible

"fixup.help" <-
function( nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  # Work out which Rd files are new
  # md5sum is incredibly fast for this!
  manpath <- file.path( spath, 'man')
  Rd.files <- dir( manpath, pattern='[.]Rd$')
  new.Rd.info <- md5sum( file.path( manpath, Rd.files))
  names( new.Rd.info) <- Rd.files
  alias <- matrix( scan( file.path( ipath, 'help', 'AnIndex'), what='', sep='\t', quiet=TRUE), 
      ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  uaf <- unique( alias[,2])
  alias.files <- alias[,2] %&% '.Rd'
  alias <- alias[,1]

  # In theory, could check against the man/pkg.Rd.gz file in the installation
  # ...but no guaranteed unzip method available. Instead, use a from-last-time file. 
  Rd.info.file <- file.path( ipath, 'Meta', 'Rd.info.rda')      
  if( !force.all.docs && file.exists( Rd.info.file))
    load( Rd.info.file) # creates old.Rd.info
  else {
    old.Rd.info <- rep( -1, length( uaf))
    # Next reflects fossilized bug in %&%: should return ch(0) if any arg is len 0
    names( old.Rd.info) <- if( length( uaf)) uaf %&% '.Rd' else uaf
  zipped <- file.exists( file.path( ipath, 'help', 'Rhelp.zip'))

  new.files <- names( new.Rd.info) %except% names( old.Rd.info)
  changed.files <- names( new.Rd.info) %that.are.in% names( old.Rd.info)
  changed.files <- changed.files[ old.Rd.info[ changed.files] != new.Rd.info[ changed.files]]
  gone.files <- names( old.Rd.info) %except% names( new.Rd.info)

  # Fudge for R2.10 to get round parse_Rd/lazyLoad bugs: force re-parsing
  if( dynamic.help && !file.exists( file.path( ipath, 'help', 'patched'))) {
    new.files <- names( new.Rd.info)
    changed.files <- character( 0)
  # Function to prepare shell & then run commands in it
  log <- character( 0)
  system2 <- function( commands, intern=TRUE, ...) {
    bf <- tempfile()
    on.exit( unlink( bf))
    if( .Platform$OS.type=='windows') {
      commands <- sub( '\\bR CMD\\b', 'RCMD', commands, perl=TRUE)
      bf <- bf %&% '.bat'
    } else
      commands <- sub( '\\bRCMD\\b', 'R CMD', commands, perl=TRUE)
    cat( getOption( 'rcmd.shell.setup', character( 0)), # 'CALL SET-R-BUILD-PATH.BAT'
        commands, sep='\n', file=bf) 
    if( !is.null( mvboptions$debug_fixup_help)) {
      cat( c( readLines( bf), '...'), sep='\n', file=stderr())
    log <<- c( log, system( bf, intern=intern, ...))
    if( !is.null( mvboptions$debug_fixup_help)) {
      cat( 'done\n', file=stderr())
  if( length( gone.files)) {
    fzap <- sub( '[.]Rd$', '', gone.files)
    if( !zipped)
      try( suppressWarnings( file.remove( file.path( ipath, 'help', fzap))), silent=TRUE)
      system2( 'zip -d ' %&% file.path( ipath, 'help', 'Rhelp.zip') %&% fzap)
    try( suppressWarnings( file.remove( file.path( ipath, 'html', fzap %&% '.html'))), silent=TRUE)
  dealias.files <- c( changed.files, gone.files)
  if( length( dealias.files)) {
    alias <- alias[ alias.files %not.in% dealias.files]
    alias.files <- alias.files %except% dealias.files
    uaf <- unique( alias.files)

  files.to.update <- c( new.files, changed.files)

  if( length( files.to.update)) {
    fnew <- sub( '[.]Rd$', '', files.to.update)
    full.fnew <- file.path( spath, 'man', fnew %&% '.Rd')

    # from .build_Rd_db:    
    enco <- try( tools$.get_package_metadata( ipath, FALSE)["Encoding"])
    if( (enco %is.a% 'try-error') || is.na(enco)) 
      enco <- "unknown"

    if( dynamic.help) {
      # Magic to avoid lazyLoad trouble:
      if( !is.null( mvboptions$debug_fixup_help)) {
        cat( 'flushing cache in help.rdb...', file=stderr())

      LLDBflush( file.path( ipath, 'help', pkg %&% '.rdb'))
      if( !is.null( mvboptions$debug_fixup_help)) {
        cat( 'done\n', file=stderr())
      if( force.all.docs)
        file.remove( file.path( ipath, 'help', pkg %&% c( '.rdb', '.rdx')))
      # Next routine is smart about updating
      if( !is.null( mvboptions$debug_fixup_help)) {
        cat( 'installing Rd...', file=stderr())
      testo <- try( tools$.install_package_Rd_objects( spath, ipath, enco=enco)) 
      if( !is.null( mvboptions$debug_fixup_help)) {
        cat( 'done\n', file=stderr())
      # ...try() should only be to trap any errors with user's own Rd files..?

      # Fastest to get aliases from parsed Rd
      if( !is.null( mvboptions$debug_fixup_help)) {
        cat( '2nd flushing cache in help.rdb...', file=stderr())
      LLDBflush( file.path( ipath, 'help', pkg %&% '.rdb'))
      if( !is.null( mvboptions$debug_fixup_help)) {
        cat( 'done\n', file=stderr())
      Rdlist <- tools$fetchRdDB( file.path( ipath, 'help', pkg))
      aliases <- lapply( Rdlist, tools$.Rd_get_metadata, kind='alias') 
      alias <- unlist( aliases)
      alias.files <- rep( names( aliases), sapply( aliases, length))
      names( alias.files) <- alias
      saveRDS( alias.files, file.path( ipath, 'help', 'aliases.rds'))
      tools$.install_package_Rd_indices( spath, ipath)
      tools$.writePkgIndices( spath, ipath)
    } else {
      text.fnew <- file.path( ipath, 'help', fnew)
      html.fnew <- file.path( ipath, 'html', fnew %&% '.html')
      Rd.fnew <- file.path( ipath, 'man', fnew %&% '.Rd')

      if( is.Rd2) { # if( exists( 'Rd2txt', mode='function'))  # assume Rd2HTML does, too
        for( i in seq_along( fnew)) {
          p1 <- try( tools$prepare_Rd( full.fnew[i], encoding=enco, defines = .Platform$OS.type, 
                    stages = "install", warningCalls = FALSE))

          # p1 <- try( parse_Rd( full.fnew[i])) doesn't do macro subs
          if( p1 %is.a% 'try-error')
            warning( "Can't parse_Rd " %&% fnew[ i] %&% "; no help for this one")
          else {
            attr( p1, 'prepared') <- 3L # from .build_rd_db
            Rd2txt( p1, out=text.fnew[i], package=pkg)
            Rd2HTML( p1, out=html.fnew[i], package=pkg)
          } # parse_Rd OK
        } # for i
      } else { # Rdoc 1
        cat( 'Rdconv-ing ', length( fnew), ' Rd files, twice...\n')
        system2( 'RCMD Rdconv ' %&% c( 
            paste( '--package=', pkg, '-t=txt', '-o=' %&% text.fnew, full.fnew),
            paste( '-t=html', '-o=' %&% html.fnew, full.fnew)))

        if( .Platform$OS.type=='windows') { # ...then hack links
          # Endless work needed to do this right for pre-2.10, so just make all point here
          for( i.html in html.fnew) {
            reado <- readLines( i.html)
            reado <- gsub( '"[.][.]/[.][.]/[.][.]/doc/html/search/SearchObject.html[?]([^"]+)"', 
                '"\\1.html"', reado)
            cat( reado, sep='\n', file=i.html)
        } # windows

        cat( '...done\n')
      } # which Rd version

      # ?Need to do something about 00index.html? (both versions)

      if( zipped) {
        system2( 'zip -j ' %&% file.path( ipath, 'help', 'Rhelp.zip') %&% ' ' %&% text.fnew)
        try( suppressWarnings( file.remove( text.fnew)), silent=TRUE)

      # Alias info
      for( ifnew in fnew) {
        filio <- readLines( file.path( spath, 'man', ifnew %&% '.Rd'))
        sections <- grep( '^[\\][A-Za-z0-9]+\\{', filio) # }
        namas <- sections[ grep( '^[\\](name|alias)[{]', filio[ sections])]
        not.namas <- c( sections %except% namas, Inf)
        namas <- namas[ namas < min( not.namas)]
        this.alias <- unique( sub( '.*[{]([^}]+)[}].*', '\\1', filio[ namas]))
        alias <- c( alias, this.alias)
        alias.files <- c( alias.files, rep( ifnew, length( this.alias)))
    } # if not dynamic help

    # Index
    alias.files <- sub( '[.]Rd$', '', alias.files)
    cat( paste( alias, alias.files, sep='\t'), 
        sep='\n', file=file.path( ipath, 'help', 'AnIndex'))
  } # if length( files.to.update)
  # old.Rd.info
  old.Rd.info <- new.Rd.info
  save( old.Rd.info, file=Rd.info.file)
  # help.search index... TO DO I guess... now obsolete post R-2.10, phew

"fixup.vignettes" <-
function( nlocal=sys.parent(), empty.list) mlocal({
  if( !getOption( 'mvbutils.vignettes', FALSE))
return( local.return())

  # Vignette index for homebrewed PDFs
  if( is.dir( own.vig.dir <- file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'doc')) &&
      length( own.vigs <- dir( own.vig.dir, pattern='[.]pdf$')) &&
      !file.exists( file.path( own.vig.dir, 'index.html'))) {
    ## Make it up, either from mypack.VIGNETTES first, then adding other missing bits
    if( is.character( vig.info <- ewhere[[ pkg %&% '.VIGNETTES']])) {
      vig.info <- sub( '^ *([^ :]+) *: *', '\\1:', vig.info)
      vig.info <- vig.info %that.match% '^[^ :]+:'
      if( length( vig.info)) {
        vig.info <- strsplit( vig.info, ':')
        vig.info <- structure( sapply( vig.info, '[', i=2), names=sapply( vig.info, '[', i=1))
        vig.info <- vig.info %such.that% ((names( .) %&% '.pdf') %in% own.vigs)
    } else
      vig.info <- character() # then make it up
    own.vigs <- sub( '[.]pdf$', '', own.vigs)
    need.rudi <- own.vigs %except% names( vig.info)
    vig.info <- c( vig.info, named( need.rudi))
    vig.R.files <- file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'doc', names( vig.info) %&% '.R')
    names( vig.R.files) <- vig.info

    # Create .Rnw stubs so vignettes get found: thanks to Henrik Bengtsson's nonsweave doco
    for( ivig in own.vigs) {
      ivig.rnw <- file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'doc', ivig %&% '.Rnw')
      if( !file.exists( ivig.rnw)) {
        stubbo <- gsub( 'VIGNAME', to.regexpr( ivig), attr( sys.function(), 'vignette.stub'))
        if( file.exists( vig.R.files[ ivig])) {
          last.line <- grep( 'end.*document', stubbo)
          stubbo <- multinsert( stubbo, last.line-1, c( '<<>>=', readLines( vig.R.files[ ivig]), '@'))
        scatn( '%s', stubbo, file=ivig.rnw)
      } # if no stub
    } # for own.vigs

    empty.list <- I( rep( list( character( 0)), length( vig.info)))
    vig.index <- data.frame( File=names( vig.info) %&% '.Rnw', Title=vig.info, PDF=names( vig.info) %&% '.pdf', 
        Depends=empty.list, Keywords=empty.list,
        R=ifelse( file.exists( vig.R.files), vig.R.files, ''), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    tools$.writeVignetteHtmlIndex( pkg, file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'doc', 'index.html'), vig.index)
    saveRDS( vig.index, file=file.path( sourcedir, 'R', 'meta.vignette.rds'))
    # so patch.installed() can copy this across to Meta
    # saveRDS( vig.index, file = file.path( sourcediroutDir, "Meta", "vignette.rds"))
  } else { # if no vig stuff
    if( !is.dir( own.vig.dir))
      own.vigs <- character( 0)
    sweave.vig.dir <- file.path( sourcedir, 'vignettes')
    if( is.dir( sweave.vig.dir)) 
      own.vigs <- c( own.vigs, dir( sweave.vig.dir, pattern='[.]Rnw$'))
    # Should check filedates and rebuild if required
    # Maybe include pdfs in source pack even if Sweave, but use Rbuildignore
    # This does not deal case of changing from homebrewed to Sweave vignettes
    # but why would you?!
    if( !length( own.vigs)) {
      # clean out anything installed
      old.pdfs <- dir( file.path( ipath, 'inst', 'doc'), pattern='[.]pdf$', full.names=TRUE)
      unlink( old.pdfs)
      unlink( sub( 'pdf$', 'R', old.pdfs)) # R source
      unlink( sub( 'pdf$', 'Rnw', old.pdfs)) # vignette source
      unlink( file.path( ipath, 'inst', 'doc', 'index.html'))
      unlink( file.path( ipath, 'meta', 'vignette.rds'))

"flatdoc" <-
function( EOF="<<end of doc>>") {
  doctext <- readLines.mvb( current.source(), EOF=EOF, line.count=TRUE)
  class( doctext) <- 'docattr'
  attr( doctext, 'line.count') <- NULL

"foodweb" <-
function( funs, where=1, charlim=80, prune=character(0), rprune,
    ancestors=TRUE, descendents=TRUE,
    plotting=TRUE, plotmath=FALSE,
    generics=c( 'c','print','plot', '['), lwd=0.5, xblank=0.18,
    border='transparent', boxcolor='white', textcolor='black', color.lines=TRUE, highlight='red', ...) {
  oldpar <- par( ..., no.readonly=TRUE)
  on.exit( par( oldpar))

  charlim <- charlim/par('cex')
  par( lwd=lwd) # lwd included as a parameter, in case this screws up

  skip.computations <- FALSE
  if( missing( funs)) {
    if( is.environment( where))
      where <- list( where)
    funs <- unique( unlist( lapply( where, find.funs)))
  } else if( funs %is.a% 'foodweb') { # basically redisplay
    skip.computations <- TRUE
    extract.named( funs)
    funs <- names( level)
    n <- length(level) }

  if( !skip.computations) {
    if( !missing( rprune))
      prune <- funs %matching% rprune
    funs <- unique( c( funs, prune))

    if( !length( funs))
return( structure( list( funmat=matrix( 0,0,0), x=numeric( 0), level=numeric( 0)),

    organize.web.display( plotmath=plotmath) }

  answer <- list( funmat=funmat, x=x, level=level)
  class( answer) <- 'foodweb'

  if( plotting) {
    # Dreadful Rgui-windows bug with 'ps'...
    opar <- par( 'ps')
    if( names( dev.cur())=='windows') {
      on.exit( par( ps=opar+1L))
    plot( answer, border=border, boxcolor=boxcolor, xblank=xblank, textcolor=textcolor,
        color.lines=color.lines, plotmath=plotmath, ...)
  invisible( answer)

"FOR" <-
function( x, expr, ...){
  fungo <- function( .) bod
  l <- list( ...)
  environment( fungo) <- if( length( l))
      list2env( l, parent=parent.frame())
  body( fungo) <- substitute( expr)
  if( is.atomic( x) && is.null( names( x)))
    x <- named( x)
  lapply( x, fungo)

"force.assign" <-
function( x, value, envir) {
  envir <- as.environment( envir)
  if( bl <- exists( x, envir, inherits=FALSE) && balloonIsTethered( x, envir))
    untetherBalloon( x, envir)
  assign( x, value, envir=envir)
  if( bl)
    tetherBalloon( x, envir)

"format.dull" <-
function( x, ...) rep( '...', NROW( x))

"from.here" <-
function( EOF=as.character( NA)) {
  f1 <- tempfile()
#  cat( 'FILENAME: ', f1, '\n')
  cat( readLines.mvb( current.source(), EOF=EOF), file=f1, sep='\n')
  c1 <- file( f1)
  class( c1) <- c( 'selfdeleting.file', class( c1))

"full.path" <-
function( path, start='.'){
  spath <- strsplit( path, '/', fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  if( spath[1] %in% c( '.', '..'))
    path <- file.path( start, path)

  # Eliminate . and ..

  spath <- strsplit( path, '/')[[1]]
  spath <- spath %except% '.'

  while( !is.na( first.parent <- index( spath == '..')[1]))
    spath <- spath[ -( first.parent + -1:0)]

  paste( spath, collapse='/')

"generic.dll.loader" <-
function( libname, pkgname, ignore_error=FALSE){
   # Generic DLL loader
   dll.path <- file.path( libname, pkgname, 'libs')
   if( nzchar( subarch <- .Platform$r_arch))
     dll.path <- file.path( dll.path, subarch)
   this.ext <- .Platform$dynlib.ext %&% '$' # strictly, should wrap first in 'mvbutils:::to.regexpr'

   dlls <- dir( dll.path, pattern=this.ext, full.names=FALSE, ignore.case=.Platform$OS.type=='windows')
   names( dlls) <- dlls

   ns <- asNamespace( pkgname)
   for( idll in dlls) {
     dll.name <- sub( this.ext, '', idll)
     this.dll.info <- try( library.dynam( dll.name, package=pkgname, lib.loc=libname))
     if( this.dll.info %is.not.a% 'try-error') {
       assign( 'LL_' %&% dll.name, create.wrappers.for.dll( this.dll.info, ns), ns)
     } else if( !ignore_error) {
       print( this.dll.info) # error message
   } # for dlls


"get.backup" <-
function( name, where=1, rev=TRUE, zap.name=TRUE, unlength=TRUE) {
  bdd <- get.path.from.where( where)
  if( !is.dir( bdd)) {
    warning( "Can't find backup directory")
return() }

  filename <- get.bkfile( name, bdd, create = FALSE)
  if( !nchar( filename)) {
    warning( "Can't find backup file")
return() }

  # Zap warnings about unterminated lines
  ow <- options(warn = -1); on.exit( options( ow))
  bu <- readLines(filename); options(ow); on.exit()

  if( !length( bu)) {
    warning( "Nothing in the backup file")

  nonblanks <- regexpr( '[^ ]', c( bu, 'x'))>0
  bu <- bu[ min( index( nonblanks)) %upto% length( bu)]

  # Next line must match 'get.bkfile'
  infeasible.R.line <- "'\"@\"@'@ START OF BACKUP @'@\"@\"'"

  line.breaks <- bu == infeasible.R.line
  if( !sum(line.breaks)) {
    warning( "No marker lines in the backup file")
  bu <- split( bu, cumsum( line.breaks))
  bu <- lapply( bu, '[', -(1:2))
  if( zap.name) {
    zap.name.function <- function( x) {
        x[ 1] <- sub( '"[^"]*" <- *', '', x[ 1])
    bu <- lapply( bu, zap.name.function)
  # Character object backups are preceded by one line giving the length of the object. Remove.
  if( unlength) 
    bu <- lapply( bu, function( x) {
      l <- suppressWarnings( as.numeric( x[1]))
      if( !is.na( l) && length( x)==l+1)
        x <- x[-1]
      return( x)
  if( rev)
    bu <- rev( bu)

"get.bkfile" <-
function (name, bkdir, create = FALSE) 
    fob <- read.bkind(bkdir)
    i <- match(name, fob$object.names)
    if (is.na(i)) {
        if (!create) 
        file.nums <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(fob$files, "BU", fixed=TRUE)))
        n <- min(1:(length(file.nums) + 1) %except% file.nums)
        filename <- "BU" %&% n
        fob$files <- c(fob$files, filename)
        fob$object.names <- c(fob$object.names, name)
        cat(paste(fob$files, fob$object.names, sep = "="), sep = "\n", 
            file = file.path(bkdir, ".Backup.mvb", "index"))
    else filename <- fob$files[i]
    filename <- file.path(bkdir, ".Backup.mvb", filename)
    if (!file.exists(filename)) 

"get.cd.from.menu" <-
function() {
  if(!exists( "tasks", where=1, inherits=FALSE))
    tasks <- structure( character(0), names=character(0)) # avoid sort complaining about names

  catstop <- function() {
      cat( 'No ')
stop( 'merely quitting cd', call.=FALSE) 
  line.end <- if( getOption( 'cd.extra.CR', FALSE)) '\n' else ''
  can.go.up <- ifelse( length( .Path) > 1, 1, 0)
  to <- menu( c( sort(names(tasks)), if( can.go.up) '..' else NULL, 
      "CREATE NEW TASK"), graphics = !is.null(getOption('gui')), title = "Task menu")
  if(to == 0) 

  if(to == 1 + can.go.up +length(tasks)) {
    cat( "Name of new task (ENTER to quit): " %&% line.end)
    to <- readline()
catstop() } 
  else if( to > length( tasks))
    to <- '..'
    to <- sort( names(tasks))[to]

return( parse( text=to)[[1]])

"get.info.for.mcache" <-
function( x, envir, name=TRUE) {
  if( name)
    x <- envir[[ x]]
  lapply( named( cq( mode, class, dim, length, object.size)),
      function( f) get(f)(x))

"get.last.R.mandatory.rebuild.version" <-
function() {
  # Self-explanatory. NB R.rebuild.vers created in mvbutils:::.onLoad
  last.R.major <- numeric_version( sub( '[.][0-9]+[^.]*$', '', as.character( getRversion())))
  Rrebver=max( R.rebuild.vers %such.that% (. <= last.R.major)),

"get.mcache.reffun" <-
function( whati, envir) {
  # Must avoid name clash between 'whati' and internal vars of fx
  fx <- function( x) NULL
  body( fx) <- substitute(
      if( missing( x))
      else {
        mc <- attr( envir, 'mcache')
        mci <- as.list( attr( mc, 'info'))
        mc[ whati] <- -abs( mc[ whati]) # signal a change
        mci[[ whati]] <- get.info.for.mcache( x, name=FALSE)
        attr( mc, 'info') <- mci
        oldClass( mc) <- 'nullprint'
        attr( envir, 'mcache') <- mc
        qwhati <<- x
    }, list( whati=whati, qwhati=as.name( whati), x=as.name( 'x' %&% whati),
        mc=as.name( 'mc' %&% whati)))
  names( formals( fx)) <- 'x' %&% whati

  e <- new.env( parent=asNamespace( 'mvbutils'))
  e$envir <- envir # doesn't work if I sub envir directly into body( fx)
  environment( fx) <- e

"get.mcache.store.name" <-
function( envir) {
  lsnc <- lsall( envir=envir, patt='^\\.mcache[0-9]+$')
  if( !length( lsnc))
    cache.name <- '.mcache0'
    cache.name <- lsnc[ order( nchar( lsnc), decreasing=TRUE)[1]]

"get.new.file.numbers" <-
function( derefs, file.numbers) {
  had.numbers <- derefs %such.that% (. %in% names( file.numbers))
  file.numbers <- file.numbers %without.name% derefs
  derefs <- derefs %except% had.numbers
  new.file.numbers <- (1 %upto% max( file.numbers)) %except% file.numbers
  new.file.numbers <- c( new.file.numbers, max( c( 0, file.numbers)) +
      1 %upto% (length( derefs)-length(new.file.numbers)))[ 1:length(derefs)]
  names( new.file.numbers) <- derefs

"get.path.from.where" <-
function( where){
  if( is.character( where) && is.dir( where))
return( where)

  if( !is.environment( where)) {
    if( length( where) != 1)
stop( "'where' should be length 1")

    where <- named( search())[ where] # to character
    where <- index( search()==where) # to numeric
    if( !is.numeric( where) || is.na( where))
  stop( "'where'?")

    pfw <- file.path(attr(pos.to.env(where), "path"))
  } else 
    pfw <- attr( where, 'path')
return( pfw)

"get.path.list" <-
function () 
    path.list <- search()
    apfun <- function(x) {
        x <- attr(pos.to.env(x), "path")
        if (!is.null(x)) 
            x <- names(x)[1]
        if (is.null(x)) 
            x <- ""
    ap <- sapply(seq(path.list), apfun)
    path.list[nchar(ap) > 0] <- ap[nchar(ap) > 0]

"get.ref.info" <-
function( envo, nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  if( is.null( cache <- attr( envo, 'cache')))
    attr( envo, 'cache') <- cache <- new.env( hash=TRUE, envo)
  lscache <- lsall( cache)
  refs <- derefs <- promises <- character(0)
  file.numbers <- numeric( 0)
  if( length( lscache)) {
    refs <- names( which( unlist( eapply( envo, inherits, 'mref'))))
    derefs <- lscache %that.are.in% (lsall( envo) %except% refs)
    prom.func <- function( x) {cache[[x]] %is.a% 'promise'}
    promises <- names( which( sapply( lscache, prom.func)))
    fnum.func <- function( x) unclass( envo[[ x]])$nfile
    if( length( refs))
      file.numbers <- sapply( refs, fnum.func)

"get.S3.generics" <-
function( pack, ns=TRUE){
  if( ns) {
    packname <- pack
    pack <- asNamespace( pack)
    meths <- lsall( pack$.__S3MethodsTable__.) 
  } else {
    packname <- '' # nameless
    meths <- find.funs( pack)
  prefixes <- character( 0)
  for( imeth in meths) {
    spl <- clip( strsplit( imeth, '.', fixed=TRUE)[[1]])
    prefixes <- c( prefixes, sapply( 1 %upto% length( spl), 
        function( x) paste( spl[ 1:x], collapse='.')))

  packgens <- unique( prefixes %that.are.in% find.funs( pack))
  packgens <- packgens[ unlist( lapply( packgens, 
      function( f) 'UseMethod' %in% all.names( body( pack[[f]]))))]
  structure( rep( packname, length( packgens)), names=packgens)

"group" <-
function( m, ...) {
  l <- list( ...)
  if( length( l)==1 && is.list( l))
    l <- l[[ 1]]
  rep( names( l), sapply( l, length))[ match( m, unlist( l), NA)]

"hack" <-
function( fun, ...){
  if( is.character( fun))
    fun <- get( fun)
  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=FALSE)$...
  for( i in names( mc))
    formals( fun)[[ i]] <- mc[[ i]]

"hack.importIntoEnv" <-
function () { # impenv, impnames, expenv, expnames) {
  le <- if( exists( 'base.importIntoEnv', where='mvb.session.info', inherits=FALSE))
        get( 'base.importIntoEnv', 'mvb.session.info')

  # NB NB: Probably should do this with activeBinding() not delayedAssign(), to 
  # ... proof it against subsequent changes
  # Also (though not for this function) would be nice to have on-the-fly changes to "Imports"
  # ... reflected by 'patch.install'
  subbo <- substitute(
        if( environmentName( expenv) %in% names( maintained.packages)) {
          for( i in seq_along( impnames))
            do.call( 'delayedAssign', list( x=impnames[ i], value=call( 'get', expnames[i]), 
                eval.env=expenv, assign.env=impenv))
        } else
      }, list( default=body( le)))
  body( le) <- subbo
  environment( le) <- asNamespace( 'mvbutils')

"hack.lockEnvironment" <-
  le <- if( exists( 'base.lockEnvironment', where='mvb.session.info', inherits=FALSE))
        get( 'base.lockEnvironment', 'mvb.session.info')
  subbo <- substitute(
      #cat( 'Checking '); print( env)
      #cat( '  '); print( exists( '.__NAMESPACE__.', env, mode='environment', inherits=FALSE))
      #cat( '  '); print( exists( '.packageName', env, mode='character', inherits=FALSE))
      #cat( '  '); print( sum( match( env$.packageName, names( maintained.packages), 0)))
      is.mp.ns <- exists( '.__NAMESPACE__.', env, mode='environment', inherits=FALSE) &&
            exists( '.packageName', env, mode='character', inherits=FALSE) &&
            sum( match( env$.packageName, names( maintained.packages), 0))
        if( is.mp.ns || any( sapply( dont.lock.envs, identical, y=env)) ||
            !is.null( attr( env, 'dont.lock.me')) ||
            sum( match( attr( env, 'name'), dont.lock.envnames, 0))) {
          # cat( "Not locking\n") 
          if( is.mp.ns) {
            dont.lock.envnames <<- c( dont.lock.envnames, 'package:' %&% env$.packageName)
            dont.lock.envs <<- c( dont.lock.envs, structure( list( parent.env( env)),
                names='imports:' %&% env$.packageName))
        } else
      }, list( default=body( le)))
  body( le) <- subbo
  environment( le) <- asNamespace( 'mvbutils')

"has.source" <-
function( x) is.function( x) || !is.null( attr( x, 'source'))

"help" <-
function (topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"), 
    try.all.packages = getOption("help.try.all.packages"), help_type = getOption("help_type")) {
  # help <- get("base.help", pos = "mvb.session.info")
  mc <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
  mc[[1]] <- quote( utils::help) # as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')$base.help)

  # Set 'mvb_help_type', just in case it's needed
  mvb_help_type <- mc$help_type
  if( is.null( mvb_help_type))
    mvb_help_type <- getOption( 'mvb_help_type', 'text')

  if (!is.null(mc$topic) && !is.call(mc$topic) && is.null(mc$type) &&
      is.null(mc$lib.loc)) { #  && is.null(mc$try.all.packages)) {
    h1 <- try(eval(as.call(mc), parent.frame()), silent = TRUE)
    if( (h1 %is.not.a% "try-error") && (length(unclass(h1)) > 0)) 
  return( h1)
    h1 <- dochelp( as.character( mc$topic), help_type=mvb_help_type) 
    if( h1 %is.a% c( "pagertemp", "browsertemp"))

  eval(as.call(mc), parent.frame())

"help2flatdoc" <-
function( fun.name, pkg=NULL, text=NULL, aliases=NULL){
  # These were buried inside the if() below

  if( is.null( text)) {
    libpath <- dirname( find.package( pkg))
    if( getRversion() >= "2.10") {
      al <- readRDS( file.path( libpath, pkg, 'help', 'aliases.rds'))
      hfilename <- al[ fun.name]
      p1 <- tools$fetchRdDB( file.path( libpath, pkg, 'help', pkg), hfilename)
      text <- Rd2txt_easy( p1)
    } else {
      # Get 'help' to create text, via fake 'pager' function
      text <- character( 0)
      repager <- function( file, header, title, delete.file) {
        text <<- readLines( file)
        if( delete.file)
          unlink( file)
    # Now 'print' will invoke 'repager'       

    # Non-standard treatment of 'package' arg in 'help' requires the following hack:
      ufq <- options( useFancyQuotes=FALSE)
      eval( substitute( 
          print( help( fun.name, package=pkg, htmlhelp=FALSE, chmhelp=FALSE, pager=repager, 
          list( pkg=pkg)))
      options( ufq)
    if( !length( text))
stop( "No help found for " %&% fun.name)

  if( !grepl( '(?i) R Documentation', text[1])) { # new styleee
    text <- c( sprintf( '%s      package:%s     R Documentation', fun.name, pkg), '', text)

  text <- help2flatdoc_guts( text, aliases=unique( c( fun.name, aliases)))

  class( text) <- 'cat'

"help2flatdoc_guts" <-
function( text, aliases=NULL) {
  text <- gsub( '[' %&% sQuote( '') %&% ']', "'", text)
  text <- gsub( '[' %&% dQuote( '') %&% ']', '"', text)

  # "Things" are separated by one or more blank lines; convert to single blanks, even in usage/examples
  text <- sub( '^ +$', '', text)
  text <- c( text, '') # add empty line, maybe to be trimmed 
  blanko <- which( !nzchar( text))
  consec <- diff( c( 0, blanko)) == 1
  text <- text[ -blanko[ consec]]

  # Headings have weird colour decorations
  # Subheadings don't but start in char 1
  # Sub-subs start after char 1 
  # All heading-lines end in a colon; AFAICS nothing else does except an argument with no documentation...
  # which deserves punishment and will become a subheading...
  # ... or a comment in a R-like bit that happens to end in colon. Assume things with hash can't be headings.

  # Tidy up headings  
  iheadings <- grep( '\b', text, fixed=TRUE)
  # ... but first one is the title
  headings <- gsub( '_\b', '', text[ iheadings])  
  text[ iheadings[ 1]] <- headings[ 1]
  iheadings <- iheadings[-1]
  headings <- headings[-1]
  # Tidy the rest of the headings
  headings <- toupper( sub( ':$', '', headings))
  heading_indents <- regexpr( '[^ ]', headings) # needed later
  uhi <- sort( unique( heading_indents)) # 1, x+1, 2x+1, ...

  nonblanks <- which( nzchar( text)) # easier to re-do after condensing multiblanks      
  first_typical <- ( nonblanks %such.that% (. > iheadings[ headings=='DESCRIPTION']))[1]
  def_indent <- c( regexpr( '[^ ]', text[ first_typical]))
  # Special sections not to be tweaked
  noli_me_tangere <-  'xxx' # no indent, clearly odd  
  specials <- character()
  special_ranges <- numeric()
  for( special in cq( USAGE, EXAMPLES) %such.that% (. %in% headings)) { # non-funcs might not have this
    this <- which( headings==special)
    range <- (iheadings[ this]+2) %upto% ( c( iheadings, length( text)+2)[ this+1]-2) # leave blanks around headings
    tr <- text[ range]
    minind <- min( regexpr( '[^ ]', tr) %such.that% (.>0))
    tr <- substring( tr, minind)
    if( special=='USAGE') {
      # Aliasses: all functions named in USAGE
      alias_lmethods <- grep( '## S3( replacement)? method for class|Default S3( replacement)? method', tr)
      alias_lines1 <- grep( "^[a-zA-Z0-9._]+\\(", tr, value=TRUE)
      alias_funs <- sub( '^([a-zA-Z0-9._]+)\\(.*', '\\1', alias_lines1)
      # If there's already an S3-type comment at the end of a method line, then just leave it
      # Assume method usages are single-line
      if( length( alias_lmethods)) {
        subat <- 1+alias_lmethods[ !grepl( '# S3( replacement)? method for ', tr[ 1+alias_lmethods])]
        tr[ subat] <- tr[ subat] %&%
            sub( '##', '  #', fixed=TRUE,  
            sub( 'class ', '', fixed=TRUE,
            sub( "''", "'", fixed=TRUE,
            sub( "'", '"', fixed=TRUE, 
            tr[ subat-1]))))
        tr[ alias_lmethods] <- '\002'
        alias_methods <- alias_funs[ alias_lines1 %in% (1+alias_lmethods)]
        alias_funs <- alias_funs %except% alias_methods
      } else {
        alias_methods <- character()
      alias_lines2 <- grep( "^[^(]+%[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+%", tr, value=TRUE)
      alias_ops <- sub( "^[^(]+(%[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+%).*", '\\1', alias_lines2)
      aliases <- unique( c( aliases, alias_funs, alias_methods, alias_ops)) %except% sub( ' .*', '', text[1])
    specials <- c( specials, tr)
    special_ranges <- c( special_ranges, range)
    text[ range] <- noli_me_tangere

  # Dot-points are more indented... AFAIK dotch can only occur at start-of-line
  dotch <- substring( Rd2txt_easy( options=TRUE)$itemBullet ,1, 1)
  # text <- gsub( dotch, '\001', text, fixed=TRUE) # the dotch is a bit hard to manipulate in regexps... though I'm using it here, I guess
  # Group adjacent lines. Stop the group either at blank line, or at "verbatim" (over-indented) text
  # Don't twiddle headings

  gaps <- which( !nzchar( text)) %such.that% (. > iheadings[1])
  prev_iheading <- findInterval( gaps, iheadings)
  # new_text <- character( length( gaps)-1)
  evalq( # for debug speed
  for( i in which( head( gaps, -1) %not.in% (iheadings-1))) {
    range <- (gaps[i]+1) %upto% (gaps[i+1]-1) 
    lines <- text[ range]
    # How indented do we expect?
    indent <- def_indent + regexpr( '[^ ]', headings[ prev_iheading[ i]]) - 1
    idot <- regexpr( sprintf( '^ *[%s]', dotch), lines[1], fixed=TRUE)
    if( idot>0) {
      indent <- idot
    # Check indentation; if non-code, collapse & unindent all lines of the group
    ich1 <- regexpr( '[^ ]', lines[ 1])
    if( (ich1>1) && (ich1 <= indent)) { # standard para, or list item
      lines <- paste( sub( '^ +', '', lines), collapse=' ')
      text[ range[-1]] <- '\002' # mark to kill later

      # List items should be *less* indented thx2 Rd2txt_easy
      prefix <- if( ich1 < indent) '  ' else '' # list item
      text[ range[1]] <- prefix %&% lines
    } else if( ich1>indent) {
      lines <- substring( lines, ich1)
      lines[1] <- '%%#\n' %&% lines[1] # code block
      text[ range] <- lines
    } # else noli me tangere!
  } # for gaps

  text[ special_ranges] <- specials
  text <- sub( dotch, ' -', text, fixed=TRUE) # dot-points

  headings <- sub( '^ +', '', headings)
  subness <- match( heading_indents, uhi)
  # Precede all headings with blank line; spaces to dots; prefix subheadings
  headings <- '\n' %&% do.on( subness, rawToChar( rep( charToRaw( '.'), .-1))) %&% 
      gsub( ' +', '.', sub( '^ +', '', headings))
  text[ iheadings] <- headings
  # Split lines with code blocks (and extra blank line before headings)
  start_of_code <- grep( '\n', text)
  text <- multirep( text, start_of_code, strsplit( text[ start_of_code], '\n'))

  text <- text[ text != '\002']  
  text <- c( sub( ' +R Documentation *$', '', text[1]), aliases, text[-1])
return( text)

"hook.set.already" <-
function( pkg, hook.type, f, action=cq( append, prepend, replace)){
  identical.to.f <- function( x) {
    y <- x
    attr( y, '.Environment') <- NULL
    identical( y, f) }
  mangle <- packageEvent( pkg, hook.type)
  hooks <- getHook( mangle)
  if( !any( sapply( hooks, identical.to.f))) {
    action <- match.arg( action)
    setHook( mangle, f, action)

"index" <-
function (lvector) 
seq_along( lvector)[lvector]

"install.pkg" <-
function( pkg, character.only=FALSE, lib=.libPaths()[1],
    flags=character(0), multiarch=NA, preclean=TRUE)
  set.pkg.and.dir( FALSE)

  # Fucking R continues to fuck up BINPREF and BINPREF64 despite bug report 16919 (from someone else)
  # Only solution appears to be to hack <R>/etc/x64/Makeconf to something like this
  ## BINPREF ?= c:/Rtools/mingw_64/bin/
  # BINPREF ?= X:/.../mingw_64/bin
  # ifdef BINPREF64
  # endif

  if( preclean) {
    flags <- c( '--preclean', flags)

  if( is.na( multiarch)) {

  if( !multiarch) {
    flags <- c( '--no-multiarch', flags)

  rcmdgeneric.pkg2( pkg, '', indir=sourcedir, outdir='.', cmd='INSTALL',
        flags= c( flags, '-l ' %&% shQuote( lib)))

"install.proged" <-
function( option.name='program.editor') {
  readonly <- ifelse( option.name=='program.reader', 'in read-only mode', '')
  cat( 'Must set up program editor information before "fixr" works.')
  repeat {
    cat( '\nType whatever you\'d type in a command window to',
      'invoke your editor', readonly, 'on a file called "myfun.r".',
      '  For example, on Unix-like systems: myedit myfun.r &',
      '  In Windows, use double quotes around a path if it contains spaces,',
      '  and use \\ not \\\\ or / as the separator;',
      'to find the path, look at Properties/Shortcut/Target of the icon or shortcut.',
      '  Otherwise, type <ENTER> to quit: ', sep='\n')
    pe.path <- readline()
    if( !nchar( pe.path))
    if( length( grep( 'myfun\\.r', pe.path))==1)
  pe.path <- strsplit( pe.path, 'myfun.r', fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
  if( length( pe.path)==1)
    pe.path <- c( pe.path, '')
  pe <- substitute( function( name, fname) paste( path1, fname, path2, sep=''), 
      list( path1=pe.path[1], path2=pe.path[2]))
  edit.scratchdir <- Sys.getenv( 'TEMP')
  if( !nchar( edit.scratchdir))
    edit.scratchdir <- Sys.getenv( 'TMP')
    cat( 'Enter directory for scratch files (single backslashes only in Windows)')
    if( nchar( edit.scratchdir))
      cat( 'or <ENTER> for', edit.scratchdir)
    cat( ': ')
    check <- readline()
    if( nchar( check))
      edit.scratchdir <- check
    if( !is.dir( edit.scratchdir))
      mkdir( edit.scratchdir)
    if( is.dir( edit.scratchdir))
    cat( "Can't create directory", edit.scratchdir, "!")

  edit.scratchdir <- as.vector( edit.scratchdir)[1] 
  if( option.name=='program.editor') {
    backup.fix <- NULL # don't backup by default
      cat( 'Automatic backups #1: how many backups per session (0 for no backups)? ')
      n.per.session <- as.integer( readline())
      if( is.na( n.per.session) || n.per.session < 0)
      if( n.per.session==0)
      cat( 'Automatic backups #2: how many sessions to keep last version from? ')
      n.sessions <- as.integer( readline())
      if( is.na( n.sessions) || n.sessions<0)
      backup.fix <- c( n.sessions, n.per.session)

    o <- substitute( options( program.editor=pe, edit.scratchdir=edit.scratchdir, backup.fix=backup.fix))
  } else
    o <- substitute( options( program.reader=pe))
  eval( o)
  cat( 'You should use "fixr" to make sure that the following appears in your .First:',
    deparse( o), 'autoedit( TRUE)', '', sep='\n')
  options()[[ option.name]]

"integ" <-
function( expr, lo, hi, what='x', ..., args.to.integrate=list()) {
  f <- function() {}
  body( f) <- substitute( expr)
  formals( f) <- c( list( x=NULL), as.list( match.call( expand.dots=FALSE)$...))
  names( formals( f))[1] <- what
  environment( f) <- parent.frame()
  do.call( 'integrate', c( list( f, lo, hi), args.to.integrate))$value

"internal.copy.ns.objects" <-
function( pkgname, pkgpath){
  senv <- as.environment( 'package:' %&% pkgname)
  ns <- asNamespace( pkgname)
  f <- function( val) blah-blah-blah
  environment( f) <- ns
  print( objects)
  for( x in objects) {
    body( f) <- substitute( if( missing( val)) x else x <<- val, list( x=as.name( x)))
    makeActiveBinding( x, f, senv)

"is.dir" <-
function (dir) 
    ok <- file.exists(dir)
    ok[ok] <- file.info(dir[ok])$isdir

"is.nonzero" <-
function (x) 
    val <- FALSE
    if (length(x) == 1) {
        if (is.character(x) || is.factor(x)) 
            val <- pmatch(x, "FALSE", 0) == 0
        else if (is.logical(x)) 
            val <- x
        else if (is.numeric(x)) 
            val <- x != 0

"is.package.installed" <-
function(package, ...) {
  # Taken from R.utils whatever that is
  # thanks to Henrik Bengtsson for the tip
  path <- system.file(package=package)
  (path != "")

"isF" <-
function( x) {
  if( length( x) != 1) {
     warning( 'isT/isF expect length-1 arguments; returning FALSE')
  is.logical( x) && (length( x)==1) && (!is.na( x)) && !x

"isT" <-
function( x) {
  if( length( x) != 1) {
     warning( 'isT/isF expect length-1 arguments; returning FALSE')
  is.logical( x) && (length( x)==1) && (!is.na( x)) && x

"lazify" <-
function( path, package, pkgpath) {
# Taken from tools:::makeLazyLoading
  e <- new.env( hash=TRUE)
  load( path, e)
  file.remove( path)
  tools$makeLazyLoadDB( e, file.path( dirname( path), package), compress=TRUE)

  # Next line to avoid use of bad cache if reloaded:
  LLDBflush( file.path( dirname( path), package %&% '.rdb'))

  loaderFile <- file.path( R.home(), "share", "R",
      ( if( packageHasNamespace( package, dirname( pkgpath))) 'ns') %&% "packloader.R")
  file.copy( loaderFile, file.path( dirname( path), package), TRUE)

"ldyn.tester" <-
function( chname) {
  # Circumvent the package lookup mechanism: package must be a path!
  package <- gsub( '[\\]', '/', dirname( chname))
  package <- sub( '/libs(/[^/]*)?$', '', package)
stopifnot( is.dir( package))
  chname <- file_path_sans_ext( basename( chname))

  find.package <- function( package, ...) package
  ldyn <- baseenv()$library.dynam
  environment( ldyn) <- environment()
  rezzo <- ldyn( chname, package, lib.loc='')
return( rezzo)

"ldyn.unload" <-
function( l1) {
# l1 from previous call to ldyn.tester
  patho <- unclass( l1)$path
  dl <- .dynLibs()
  whicho <- which( do.on( dl, unclass(.)$path==patho))
stopifnot( length( whicho)==1)

  OK <- dyn.unload( patho)
  .dynLibs( dl[ -whicho])
return( OK)

"least.mutual.dependency" <-
function (funmat, funs, level) 
    group <- funmat[level == 0, level == 0, drop = FALSE]
    mode(group) <- "logical"
    old.group <- group & FALSE
    while (any(group != old.group)) {
        old.group <- group
        for (i in funs[level == 0]) {
            newbies <- group[, group[, i], drop = FALSE] %*% 
                rep(1, sum(group[, i]))
            group[, i] <- group[, i] | (newbies > 0)
    nn <- sum(level == 0)
    keep <- c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, nn - 1))
    for (i in 2:nn) {
        old.group <- matrix(as.vector(group[, i]) == as.vector(group[, 
            keep]), nrow = nn)
        keep[i] <- !any(rep(1, nn) %*% old.group == nn)
    group <- group[, keep, drop = FALSE]
    if (ncol(group) > 1) {
        nn <- ncol(group)
        old.group <- matrix(0, nn, nn)
        for (i in 1:nn) for (j in (1:nn)[1:nn != i]) {
            old.group[i, j] <- set.test(group[, i], group[, j])
            old.group[j, i] <- -old.group[i, j]
        old.group[old.group < 0] <- 0
        not.keep <- old.group %*% rep(1, nn) > 0
        group <- group[, !not.keep, drop = FALSE]
    group <- dimnames(group)[[1]][apply(group, 1, any)]
    match(group, funs[level == 0])

"legal.filename" <-
function (name) 
    length.limit <- 250
    filenames <- strsplit(substr(name, 1, length.limit), "")[[1]]
    filenames[filenames %in% c(":", "*", "?", "'", "/", "\\", '|',
        "\"", ">", "<", '+', ' ')] <- "."
    if (!(upper.case(filenames[1]) %in% LETTERS)) 
        filenames <- c("X", filenames)
    paste(filenames, collapse = "")

"library.dynam.reg" <-
function( chname, package, lib.loc, ...) {
  ld <- library.dynam( chname, package, lib.loc, ...)
  rr <- getDLLRegisteredRoutines( ld, addNames=TRUE)
  gnsym <- getNativeSymbolInfo( 
      c( names( rr$.C), names( rr$.Call), names( rr$.Fortran), names( rr$.External)), 
  ns <- asNamespace( package)
  chname <- 'C_' %&% chname
  assign( chname, new.env( parent=emptyenv()), envir=ns)
  FOR( names( gnsym), assign( ., gnsym[[.]], envir=ns[[ chname]]))

"load.maintained.package" <-
function( name, path, task.tree, autopatch=TRUE){
  e <- new.env( parent=if( exists( 'emptyenv', mode='function')) emptyenv() else baseenv())
  attr( e, 'path') <- structure( path, names=name)
  attr( e, 'name') <- name
  attr( e, 'task.tree') <- task.tree

  # Hooks and maintained.packages[[]] are adjusted before the load, 
  # ... in case the latter triggers namespacing...
  # ... which shouldn't happen, but will if a fun sourcepack accidentally has
  # ... the namespace enviro

  # Used to test for existence of .onLoad before next line, but
  # 1. not sure the test was needed anyway, and
  # 2. all packages should have namespaces now
  # 3. can't do the test before the load
  # if( exists( '.onLoad', e, mode='function')) 
  setHook( packageEvent( name, 'onLoad'), no.lazyLoad.hook, 'prepend')
  setHook( packageEvent( name, 'attach'), no.lazyLoad.attach.hook, 'prepend')
  maintained.packages[[ name]] <<- e 
  assign( '..' %&% name, e, as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')) # alias for ease of access
  tryo <- try( load.refdb( envir=e))
  if( (tryo %is.a% 'try-error') || !length( lsall( e))) {
    warning( "No package '" %&% name %&% "' found during 'maintain.packages'")
    rm( e)
    try( rm( '..' %&% name, as.environment( mvb.session.info)), silent=TRUE)
    maintained.packages <<- maintained.packages %without.name% name
  } else {
    # Anything being edited from that task?
    editees <- fix.list$where == paste( task.tree, collapse='/')
    fix.list$where.type[ editees] <<- 'package'    

"load.mvb" <-
function (filename, name, pos, attach.new=is.null( envir) && pos != 1, 
    path=attr( envir, 'path'), envir=NULL, ...) {
  if (attach.new)
    envir <- ATTACH(NULL, pos = pos, name = name)
  else {
    if( is.null( envir))
      envir <- as.env(pos)
    attr( envir, "name") <- name # which won't work on .GlobalEnv in R3.0+, but never mind

# This stuff used to be after the load, but load.refdb needs the path attr set

  if( tail( splitto <- strsplit( filename, '.', fixed=TRUE)[[1]], 1)=='rdb') {
    LLDBflush( paste( clip( splitto), collapse='.') %&% '.rdb')
    lazyLoad( paste( clip( splitto), collapse='.'), envir=envir)
  } else
    load.refdb(filename, envir = envir, fpath=path)

  attr( envir, 'path') <- path
  ll <- list(...)
  if (length(ll))
    for (attro in names(ll)) attr(envir, attro) <- ll[[attro]]

"load.refdb" <-
function( file=file.path( fpath, '.RData'), envir, fpath=attr( envir, 'path')) {
  envir <- as.env( envir)
  if( !file.exists( file))

  load( file, envir)
  setup.mcache( envir, fpath)

  invisible( lsall( envir))

"local.on.exit" <-
function( expr, add=FALSE) {
# Assigns expr to on.exit.code in mlocal manager. See local.return for explanation of 'where'
# Don't know what should "really" happen if expr is missing but add is TRUE

  subex <- if( missing( expr)) NULL else substitute( expr)
  where <- get( 'enclos', envir=parent.frame(2))
  if( add) {
    oldex <- get( 'on.exit.code', where)
    subex <- substitute( { oldex; subex }, returnList( oldex, subex))

  assign( 'on.exit.code', subex, envir=where)

"local.return" <-
function( ...) { # Returns its arguments; unnamed arguments are named using deparse & substitute
  orig.mc <- mc <- as.list( match.call())[ -1]

  if( length( mc)) {
    if( length( mc)==1)
      mc <- eval( mc[[1]], envir=parent.frame())
    else { # multiple arguments, so return as named list
      if( is.null( names( mc)))
        which <- 1:length( mc)
        which <- names( mc)==''

      for( i in index( which))
        if( is.symbol( orig.mc[[ i]]))
          names( mc)[ i] <- as.character( orig.mc[[ i]] )
      mc <- lapply( mc, eval, envir=parent.frame())

# R version. This uses a trick: the call to "eval" that invokes the mlocalized routine
# containing this call to "local.return", sets up a frame with 3 args including "enclos"
# which is actually ignored. However I deliberately set this argument in the final call
# to "eval" inside "mlocal", so that "local.return" knows where to put the answer. This
# is probably dependent on a quirk of implementation.
# The need to do this at all, is that loops terminated with a "break" in R _don't_ have
# the value of the last expression before the break. They do in S.

  # Need to hide "override.answer" from stupid CRANiac checks
  override.answer <- 'override.answer' # FFS...
  assign( override.answer, mc, envir=get( 'enclos', envir=parent.frame(2)))

"localfuncs" <-
function( funcs) {
  pf <- parent.frame()
  funcs <- lapply( named( funcs), get, envir=pf, inherits=TRUE)
  for( i in names( funcs)) {
    f <- funcs[[ i]]
    environment( f) <- pf
    assign( i, f, envir=pf)
  invisible( NULL)

"lsall" <-
function( ...) {
  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc$all.names <- TRUE
  mc[[1]] <- as.name( 'ls')
  eval( mc, parent.frame())

"lsize" <-
function( envir=.GlobalEnv){
  envir <- as.env( envir)
  mcache <- attr( envir, 'mcache')
  mcs <- names( mcache) %that.are.in% lsall( envir)

  if( length( mcs)) {
    mcfiles <- file.path( attr( envir, 'path'), 'mlazy', 'obj' %&% abs( mcache[ mcs]) %&% '.rda')
    mcsize <- file.info( mcfiles)$size
    names( mcsize) <- mcs
  } else
    mcsize <- numeric( 0)

  obs <- lsall( envir=envir) %except% mcs
  if( length( obs))
    obsize <- sapply( named( obs), function( x) object.size( envir[[x]]))
    obsize <- numeric( 0)
  o <- order( c( obsize, mcsize))
  obsize <- c( obsize, -mcsize)[o]
return( obsize)

"maintain.packages" <-
function( ..., character.only=FALSE, autopatch=FALSE){
  if( character.only)
    packs <- unlist( list(...))
  else {
    mc <- as.list( match.call( expand.dots=FALSE)$...)
    packs <- sapply( mc, as.character)

  # Don't reload
  # packs <- packs %such.that% (. %not.in% names( maintained.packages))
  packs <- packs %except% names( maintained.packages)

  # Can't be retrospective
  if( length( packs) && (
      any( already <- packs %in% loadedNamespaces() ||
      !is.na( match( 'package:' %&% packs, search()))))) {
    cat( "Can't maintain package(s) {", paste( packs[ already], collapse=','),
        "}: already loaded!\n")
    packs <- packs[ !already]

  # Can't be cd'ed into or below the
  if( length( packs) && (
      any( already <- packs %in% names( .Path)))) {
    cat( "Can't maintain package(s) {", paste( packs[ already], collapse=','),
        "}: already cd'ed into\n")
    packs <- packs[ !already]

  if( length( packs)) {
    snames <- lapply( seq( along=search()), function( x) names( attr( pos.to.env( x), 'path'))[1])
    snames[ sapply( snames, is.null)] <- ''
    snames <- unlist( snames)
    snames <- match( rev( names( .Path)), snames)
    tasks <- lapply( snames, function( x)
        if( exists( 'tasks', pos.to.env( x), mode='character')) pos.to.env( x)$tasks else character( 0))

    owner <- match( packs, names( unlist( tasks)), 0)
    packs <- packs[ owner>0]
    owner <- rep( 1:length( tasks), sapply( tasks, length))[ owner[ owner>0]]

    # Need fully qualified path name, using path attr + task thing which might be relative
    for( ipkg in seq( along=packs)) {
      pe <- pos.to.env( snames[ owner[ ipkg]])
      task.tree <- c( names( .Path)[ 1:(length( snames) + 1 - owner[ ipkg])], packs[ ipkg])
      load.maintained.package( packs[ ipkg],
          full.path( pe$tasks[ packs[ ipkg]], attr( pe, 'path')),
    } # for ipkg
  } # if length( packs)

  if( autopatch) {
    for( ipack in packs)
      try({ # eg in case not installed
        instpath <- dirname( system.file( '.', package=ipack))
        if( instpath=='.')

        instdate <- file.info( file.path( instpath, 'R', ipack))$mtime
        moddate <- file.info( file.path( attr( maintained.packages[[ipack]], 'path'), '.RData'))$mtime
        if( moddate > instdate) {
          cat( sprintf( "Updating installation of '%s'...", ipack))
          try( flush.console()) # try() in case it doesn't exist on this platform
          patch.installed( ipack, character.only=TRUE)
          cat( 'done\n')
        } else
          patch.installed( ipack, character.only=TRUE, pre.inst=FALSE, DLLs.only=TRUE) # update "source" DLLs

return( names( maintained.packages))

"make.arguments.section" <-
function( funs=find.funs( env) %except% find.documented( env, doctype='Rd'), file=stdout(),
    env=.GlobalEnv) {
  arguments <- function( x) {
      ax <- names( formals( env[[ x]]))
      if( length( ax))
        ' ' %&% ax %&% ': (' %&% x %&% ')'
        character( 0)
 funs <- unlist( lapply( funs, arguments), use.names=FALSE)
 if( !is.null( file))
   cat( funs, sep='\n', file=file)
 invisible( funs)

"make.internal.doc" <-
structure( function( funs, package, pkenv) {
  if( !length( funs))
return( character( 0))

  # xfuns is to cope with operators,
  # whose names start with %. This is interpreted as a "don't-show-rest-of-line"
  # by the standard flatdoc system, and is removed by 'doc2Rd'.
  # So we need to add an extra % symbol.
  xfuns <- ifelse( regexpr( '^%', funs)>0, '%', '') %&% funs
  text <- c( "PACKAGE-internal package:PACKAGE",
      attr( sys.function(), 'usage.header.text'), 
      make.usage.section( funs, file=NULL, env=pkenv), 
      attr( sys.function(), 'usage.footer.text')) 
  text <- gsub( 'PACKAGE', to.regexpr( package), text)
  # Split CRs; dunno if there are any nowadays-- this may be fixing something that doesn't happen
  # unlist( strsplit( text, '\n')) no, because zaps blank lines
  if( length( embedCR <- grep( '\n', text)))
    text <- massrep( text, embedCR, strsplit( text[ embedCR], '\n'))
return( unname( text))
, usage.header.text = structure(c("", "Internal functions for PACKAGE", "", "DESCRIPTION",  "", "Internal functions for 'PACKAGE', not meant to be called directly.",  "", "", "USAGE", ""), class = "docattr") 
, usage.footer.text = structure(c("", "KEYWORDS", "", "internal"), class = "docattr") 

"make.NAMESPACE" <-
function( env=1, path=attr( env, 'path'),
    description=read.dcf( file.path( path, 'DESCRIPTION'))[1,], more.exports=character( 0)) {
  env <- as.environment( env)
  import <- paste( description[ 'Depends'], description[ 'Imports'], sep=',')
  import <- gsub( '\\([^)]*\\)', '', import)
  import <- gsub( ' *', '', import)
  import <- strsplit( import, ',')[[1]]
  import <- sub( '[<>].*', '', import)
  import <- unique( import %except% c( 'R', 'NA'))
  # Eliminate non-NAMESPACE packages
  has.NAMESPACE <- rep( NA, length( import))
  names( has.NAMESPACE) <- import
  for( lp in .libPaths()) {
    packs <- .packages( T, lp)
    new.imps.here <- import[ is.na( has.NAMESPACE) & (import %in% packs)]
    if( length( new.imps.here))
      has.NAMESPACE[ new.imps.here] <- packageHasNamespace( new.imps.here, lp)
    if( !any( is.na( has.NAMESPACE)))
  if( any( is.na( has.NAMESPACE)))
stop( "Can't find depended package " %&% import[ is.na( has.NAMESPACE)])

  import <- import[ has.NAMESPACE]
  owndoc <- find.documented( env, doctype='own')
#  internals <- character(0)
#  for( internaldoc in owndoc[ sapply( owndoc, function( x) regexpr( '-internal', attr( get( x), 'doc')[1])>0)]) {
#    tc <- unclass( attr( get( internaldoc), 'doc'))[-1]
#    gap <- index( regexpr( '[^ ]', tc)<0)[1]
#    internals <- c( internals, gsub( ' +', '', tc[ 1 %upto% (gap-1)]))
#  }
  force.exports <- possible.methods <- ffe <- find.funs( env)
  force.exports <- force.exports %SUCH.THAT% !is.null( attr( env[[.]], 'export.me'))
  possible.methods <- possible.methods %except% force.exports
  export <- unique( c( ffe %that.are.in% find.documented( env),
      force.exports, more.exports)) %that.are.in% lsall( env)

  methods <- list()
  group.generics <- c( "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "%%", "%/%", 
     "&", "|", "!",
     "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">") # from ?S3groupGeneric
  # Arguably, should also have the other Groups' group-generics
  # but I've never written methods for them, and I can see confusion with eg 'all.equal'. They are:
  group.generics <- c( group.generics, cq( 
    abs, sign, sqrt, floor, ceiling, trunc, round, signif, exp, log, expm1, log1p,
    cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan, cosh, sinh, tanh, acosh, asinh, atanh, 
    lgamma, gamma, digamma, trigamma, cumsum, cumprod, cummax, cummin,   
    all, any, sum, prod, min, max, range,
    Arg, Conj, Im, Mod, Re))
  prims <- c( .S3PrimitiveGenerics, group.generics)
  # Built-in version of '.knownS3Generics' is glaringly crap
  .knownS3Generics <- mvb.base.S3.generics
  S3.generics <- c( .knownS3Generics, structure( rep( 'base', length( prims)), names=prims))
  S3.generics <- S3.generics[ !duplicated( cbind( S3.generics, names( S3.generics)))]
  for( ipack in import) 
    S3.generics <- c( S3.generics, get.S3.generics( ipack, ns=TRUE))
  S3.generics <- c( S3.generics, get.S3.generics( env, ns=FALSE))
  for( gen in names( S3.generics))
    methods[[ gen]] <- possible.methods %that.match% ('^' %&% to.regexpr( gen) %&% '\\.')
  methods <- methods %SUCH.THAT% (length(.)>0)
  generics <- rep( names( methods), sapply( methods, length)) 
  if( length( methods)) {
    # Weed out apparent non-methods
    # Default env in arg1 is namespace of package where generic 'x' lives
    pseudo.ns <- function( pack) if( nzchar( pack)) asNamespace( pack) else env
    arg1 <- function( x, env=pseudo.ns( S3.generics[ x])) {
        if( x=='Summary') # the S4 generic in base has first arg 'x', but the S3 has '...'
          x <- '...' 
        else {
          x <- names( formals( env[[x]]))[1]
          if( is.null( x))
            x <- ''
    genarg1 <- sapply( named( names( methods)), arg1)
    genarg1 <- rep( genarg1, sapply( methods, length))
    methods <- unlist( methods, use.names=FALSE)
    metharg1 <- sapply( named( methods), arg1, env=env)
    is.meth <- genarg1=='' | metharg1==genarg1
    methods <- methods[ is.meth]
    generics <- generics[ is.meth]

    if( length( methods)) {
      # Check doco to see if possible methods really are methods
      # ...USAGE section should not refer to specific method but to generic
      # No doc => no evidence against being a method, but otherwise...
      methdoc <- find.docholder( methods, env)
      is.meth <- rep( TRUE, length( methods))
      methdoclen <- sapply( methdoc, length)
      has.doc <- index( methdoclen != 0)
      for( i in has.doc) {
        docobj <- get( methdoc[[ i]][1], envir=env)
        docobj <- if( is.function( docobj)) attr( docobj, 'doc') else docobj
        USAGE.line <- grep( '^%?USAGE$', docobj)[1]
        ARGUMENTS.line <- grep( '^%?ARGUMENTS$', docobj)[1]
        # Is it called by its own name?
        if( !is.na( USAGE.line + ARGUMENTS.line))
          is.meth[ i] <- !length( grep( '\\<' %&% to.regexpr( methods[ i]) %&% ' *\\(',  #)
              docobj[ (USAGE.line+1) %upto% (ARGUMENTS.line-1)]))
      methods <- methods[ is.meth]
      generics <- generics[ is.meth]
    } # if any possible methods with OK args
  } # if any possible methods at all
  if( !length( methods)) {
    methdoclen <- integer( 0) # avoid woe below
  classes <- substring( methods, nchar( generics)+2)
  # Methods not exported unless explicitly documented
  export <- export %except% (methods[ methdoclen==0])
  S3 <- matrix( c( generics, classes), ncol=2)

  returnList( import, export, S3)

"make.new.cd.task" <-
function( task.name, nlocal=sys.parent(), answer, dir.name) mlocal({
  # dir.name <- file.path( task.home(), legal.filename( task.name))
  dir.name <- './' %&% legal.filename( task.name) # syntax for rel paths: 26/6/2005
  line.end <- if( getOption( 'cd.extra.CR', FALSE)) '\n' else ''

  repeat {
    cat("Default directory = ", dir.name, "\n(names will be expanded relative to ", task.home(),
        ")\nDirectory: " %&% line.end)
    answer <- readline()
    if(answer == "")
      answer <- dir.name
    else {
      answer <- gsub( '\\\\', '/', answer)
    if( (.Platform$OS.type=='windows' && (substring( answer, 1, 1) != '/') && 
          (substring( answer, 2, 2) != ':')) ||
        (.Platform$OS.type=='unix' && (substring( answer, 1, 1) %not.in% c('~','/')))  ) {
      # want relative path
      if( substring( answer, 1, 2) != './')
        answer <- './' %&% answer

    if( file.exists( answer)) {
      if( !is.dir( answer))
        cat("Directory already exists, as a file!\n")
  break }
    else # if !file.exists
      if( mkdir( answer))
        cat( 'Failed to create directory ', answer,
           '\nWarning: unwanted directories may have been created!\n')

  dir.name <- answer

  if( !exists( 'tasks', where=2, inherits=FALSE))
    tasks <- character( 0)
  tasks <- c( tasks, dir.name)
  names( tasks)[length( tasks)] <- task.name
  assign( 'tasks', tasks, pos=2)
  pe2 <- pos.to.env( 2)
  if( getOption( 'write.mvb.tasks', FALSE))
    write.mvb.tasks( tasks, pe2)
  Save.pos( 2) #  save( list=objects( pos=2, all=TRUE), envir=pe2, file=file.path( attr( pe2, 'path'), '.RData'))
  rdata.path <- file.path( dir.name, '.RData')
  if( !file.exists( rdata.path))
    save( list=character(0), file=rdata.path)
  names( dir.name) <- task.name

"make.Rd2" <-
function( strings, width=NA, methodize=FALSE){
# width NYI: to allow autoclipping of code lines
# basic idea is strwrap, but need to watch for strings and comments
  badatt <- FALSE
  strings <- gsub( '\\\\%', '%', strings) # because line() will pre-insert backslash before percent

  pp <- parse_and_maybe_methodize_USAGE( strings, methodize)

  # Reason for {} next, is to avoid incomplete-parsing "errors" eg with if/else
  # if( try( pp <- parse( text=c( '{', strings, '}')), silent=TRUE) %is.a% 'try-error') {
  if( pp %is.a% 'try-error') {
    warning( "Unparsable R-like text") # prolly orta indicate WHERE..!
    # but that requires lots of args to be passed in
    # Mostly, doc2Rd() says what it is parsing, so user can figga it
    # Make everything a comment, and do escapes accordingly
    strings <- '#' %&% strings # what about %-starters?
    badatt <- TRUE
  } else {
    strings <- pp # methodized, if requested

  # Hide escaped quotes
  search.string <- "(^|[^\\])([\\\\])+\\"
  strings <- gsub( search.string %&% "'", '\\1\\2\001', strings)
  strings <- gsub( search.string %&% '"', '\\1\\2\002', strings)
  strings <- gsub( search.string %&% "`", '\\1\\2\003', strings)
#  strings <- gsub( search.string %&% "n", '\004', strings) # also special
  strings <- strings %&% '\n'

  sq <- charToRaw( "'")
  dq <- charToRaw( '"')
  bq <- charToRaw( '`')
  hash <- charToRaw( '#')
  eol <- charToRaw( '\n') # all hash-modes end at EOL, which is always found

  brace <- charToRaw( '{')
  backbrace <- charToRaw( '}')
  backslash <- charToRaw( '\\')
  percent <- charToRaw( '%')
  rep.brace <- '\005'
  rep.backbrace <- '\006'
  rep.backslash <- '\007'
  rep.percent <- '\010'

  specials <- end.specials <- c( sq, dq, bq, hash)
  end.specials[ end.specials==hash] <- eol

  state <- 0  # string states are carried across lines
  for( istr in seq_along( strings)) {
    rch <- charToRaw( strings[ istr])
    l <- length( rch)
    states <- rep( state, length( rch)) # default
    to.do <- rep( TRUE, length( rch))
    done <- 0
    while( done < length( rch)) {
      if( state==0) {
        # Match any special
        matcho <- sapply( specials, match, table=rch[ to.do], nomatch=l+1-done) + done
        next.state <- which.min( matcho)
        matcho <- matcho[ next.state]
      } else {
        # Match only the end-special for this state
        matcho <- match( end.specials[ state], rch[ to.do], nomatch=l+1-done) + done
        next.state <- 0

      states[ (done+1) %upto% (matcho-1)] <- state
      done <- matcho
      to.do <- (done+1) %upto% l
      if( matcho <= l)
        state <- next.state

    # Flag characters in rch that need escaping
    rch[ rch==backslash] <- charToRaw( rep.backslash)
    rch[ rch==percent] <- charToRaw( rep.percent)
    escape.braces <- states %in% c( 0, 4)
    rch[ escape.braces & rch==brace] <- charToRaw( rep.brace)
    rch[ escape.braces & rch==backbrace] <- charToRaw( rep.backbrace)

    strings[ istr] <- rawToChar( clip( rch))

  if( methodize) {
    # String-concealing trick was used earlier to hide
    # ... method{func}{class} from the semi-parser. Undo trick.
    strings <- sub( '( *)"method[{]([^}]*[}])[{]([^}]*[}])"', '\\1\\\\method{\\2{\\3', strings,
        perl=FALSE) # NFI why perl=FALSE is needed :/

  strings <- gsub( '\001', "\\'", strings, fixed=TRUE)
  strings <- gsub( '\002', '\\"', strings, fixed=TRUE)
  strings <- gsub( '\003', '\\`', strings, fixed=TRUE)
  strings <- gsub( '\004', '\\n', strings, fixed=TRUE)
  strings <- gsub( rep.percent, '\\%', strings, fixed=TRUE)
  strings <- gsub( rep.brace, '\\{', strings, fixed=TRUE)
  strings <- gsub( rep.backbrace, '\\}', strings, fixed=TRUE)
  strings <- gsub( rep.backslash, '\\\\', strings, fixed=TRUE) # ?is this correct #backslashes?

  attr( strings, 'badatt') <- badatt # NULL if parsed OK
return( strings)

"make.usage.section" <-
function( funs=find.funs( env) %except% find.documented( env, doctype='Rd'), file=stdout(),
    env=.GlobalEnv) {
  usage <- function( x) {
      if( regexpr( '^%[^%]*%$', x)>0) {
        # Assumes binary op with no defaults
        y <- names( formals( env[[ x]]))
        y <- paste( y[1], x, y[2], sep=' ')
      } else {
        y <- clip( deparse( args( env[[x]])))
        y <- sub( '^ +', ' ', y)
        if( make.names( x) != x) # need backquote
          x <- '`' %&% x %&% '`'
        y[1] <- sub( '^function ', to.regexpr( x), y[1])
        y <- paste( y, collapse='')
 funs <- unlist( lapply( funs, usage), use.names=FALSE)
 if( !is.null( file))
   cat( funs, sep='\n', file=file)
 invisible( funs)

"make_dull" <-
function( df, cols) {
  for( icol in cols) {
    class( df[[ icol]]) <- unique( c( 'dull', oldClass( df[[ icol]])))
return( df)

"masked" <-
function (pos) {
  if( is.character( pos))
    pos <- match( pos, search())

  if (any(pos < 2)) 
return(structure(.Data = character(0), info = "Nothing in .Global.env can be masked!"))

  o <- unique(unlist(lapply(pos, objects, all = TRUE)))
  all.objects <- unlist(lapply(1:(min(pos) - 1), objects, 
      all = TRUE), use.names = FALSE)
  mm <- match(all.objects, o, 0)
  tabu <- tabulate(mm, nbins = length(o))
  o[tabu > 0]

"masking" <-
function (pos = 1) {
  if( is.character( pos))
    pos <- match( pos, search())
  if (any(pos >= (sl <- length(search())))) 
return(structure(.Data = character(0), info = "Objects at the bottom can't mask anything!"))

  o <- unique(unlist(lapply(pos, objects, all = TRUE)))
  all.objects <- unlist(lapply((max(pos) + 1):sl, objects, 
      all = TRUE), use.names = FALSE)
  mm <- match(all.objects, o, 0)
  tabu <- tabulate(mm, nbins = length(o))
  o[tabu > 0]

"massrep" <-
function( orig, atlist, replist, sorted.at=TRUE){
  if( !length( atlist))
return( orig)

  repextend <-  function( a, r)
      if( length( a)==1)
        c( r, rep( list( character(0)), length(a)-1) )
  la <- sapply( atlist, length)
  rl <- rep( list( orig[0]), sum( la)) # preserves type of 'orig'
  rl[ 1 + c( 0, cumsum( clip( la)))] <- replist
return( multirep( orig, unlist( atlist), rl, sorted.at))

"max_pkg_ver" <-
function( pkg, libroot, pattern='^[rR][ -]?[0-9]+') {
  max.ver <- numeric_version( '0')
  while( length( libroot)) {
    lib <- libroot[ 1]
    ver <- try( packageVersion( pkg, lib), silent=TRUE)
    if( ver %is.not.a% 'try-error') {
      max.ver <- max( ver, max.ver)

    potlibs <- dir( lib, pattern=pattern, full.names=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE) %such.that% is.dir(.)
    libroot <- multirep( libroot, 1, list( potlibs))
return( max.ver)

"maybe.save.after.move" <-
function (to.from) {
  if( is.na( to.from$saving)) {
    thing.for.message <- if( !is.null( names( to.from$path)))
        '"' %&% names( to.from$path) %&% '" [' %&% to.from$path %&% ']'
    to.from$saving <- yes.no( 'Save workspace of ' %&% thing.for.message %&% '? ') 
  if( to.from$saving) 
    Save.pos( to.from$env, to.from$path)

"mcachees" <-
function( envir=.GlobalEnv)
  if( is.null( mcache <- attr( as.environment( envir), 'mcache'))) character(0) else names( mcache)

"mcut" <-
function( x, breaks, pre.lab='', mid.lab='', post.lab='', digits=getOption( 'digits')){
  lbreaks <- format( round( breaks, digits=digits)) %&% mid.lab
  labs <- pre.lab %&% '[' %&% c( '<' %&% lbreaks[1],  
      clip( lbreaks) %&% ',' %&% lbreaks[ -1], '>=' %&% rev( lbreaks)[1]) %&% ']' %&% post.lab
  if( length( breaks)==1)
    labs <- labs[-2]
  else if( length( breaks)==0)
    labs <- labs[2]
  xc <- 1+findInterval( x, breaks)
  factor( labs[ xc], levels=labs, ordered=TRUE)

"mintcut" <-
function( x, breaks=NULL,
    prefix='', all.levels=!is.null( attr( breaks, 'all.levels')), by.breaks=1) {
  # Labels of the form 2-7 or 3, or 8+ (for last in range)
  # x<breaks[1] := NA
  all.levels <- force( all.levels)
  x <- as.integer( x)
  breaks <- if( is.null( breaks))
      seq( floor( min(x, na.rm=TRUE)), ceiling( max( x, na.rm=TRUE)), by=by.breaks)
      sort( as.integer( breaks))

  xc <- findInterval( x, breaks)
  xc[ xc==0] <- NA
  xlabs <- breaks %&% '-' %&% c( breaks[ -1]-1, Inf)
  gap1 <- c( clip( breaks)==breaks[-1]-1, FALSE)
  xlabs[ gap1] <- breaks[ gap1]
  xlabs[ length( breaks)] <- breaks[ length( breaks)] %&% '+'
  xlabs <- prefix %&% xlabs
  factor( xlabs[ xc], levels=if( all.levels) xlabs else xlabs[ 1 %upto% max( xc, na.rm=TRUE)],

"mkdir" <-
function( dirlist) {
  outcome <- logical(length(dirlist))
  for (dir in 1 %upto% length(dirlist)) {
    answer <- strsplit(strsplit(dirlist[dir], "/", fixed=TRUE)[[1]], "\\", fixed=TRUE)
    # Deal with absolute strings starting with '/'
    if( !length( answer[[1]])) {
      answer <- answer[-1]
      answer[[1]] <- '/' %&% answer[[1]]
    next.dir <- character(0)
    for (i in answer) 
      if( !is.dir( next.dir <- paste( c( next.dir, i), collapse = "/")) &&
          !( substring( next.dir, nchar( next.dir), nchar( next.dir))==':')) 
    outcome[dir] <- is.dir(next.dir)

"mlazy" <-
function( ..., what, envir=.GlobalEnv, save.now=TRUE) {
  if( missing( what))
    what <- sapply( match.call( expand.dots=FALSE)$..., deparse)
  if( !length( what))

  envir <- as.environment( envir)

  what <- what %such.that% (. %in% lsall( envir))
  if( !length( what)) {
    warning( 'nothing exists to be mlazyed')

  # Next call used to have a getfrom arg, set to sys.frame( mvb.sys.parent()) ..?
  move.to.mcache( what, envir, save.now=save.now) 
  if( !identical( envir, .GlobalEnv))
    save.refdb( envir=envir) # not until asked

"mlocal" <-
function( expr) {
  sp <- sys.parent()
  sp.env <- sys.frame(sp)
  # nlocal_ eval( as.name( 'nlocal'), envir=sp.env) # used to work in S but not in R
  nlocal <- get( 'nlocal', envir=sp.env)
  nlocal.env <- if( is.numeric( nlocal)) sys.frame( nlocal) else as.environment( nlocal)

# on.exit stuff changed 7/2/2005; looks like old version was for Splus
  on.exit( {
#    eval( sys.on.exit()[[nlocal]], envir=nlocal.env) # zapped

#   Get rid of temporaries
    remove( list=names( params) %that.are.in%
        (lsall( env=nlocal.env) %except% names( savers)), envir=nlocal.env)

#   Restore things hidden by params
    for( i in names( savers))
      assign( i, savers[[ i]], envir=nlocal.env)

#    eval( old.on.exit, envir=nlocal.env) # so old code will execute on return to 'nlocal' # zapped

  eval( expression( on.exit())[[1]], envir=nlocal.env)

  params <- formals( sys.function( sp))
  params <- params[ names(params)!='nlocal']
  savers <- names( params)

  if( length( params)) {
    names( savers) <- savers
    savers <- sapply( savers, exists, envir=nlocal.env, inherits=FALSE)
    savers <- names( savers)[ savers]
    if( length( savers)) {
      names( savers) <- savers
      savers <- lapply( savers, function( x) mget( x, envir=nlocal.env)[[1]])
#   Parameters and temporary working variables:

    for( i in names( params)) {
      if( eval( call( 'missing', i), envir=sp.env)) {
        if( is.symbol( params[[ i]]) && !nzchar( as.character( params[[ i]])) &&
            exists( i, envir=nlocal.env, inherits=FALSE))
          remove( list=i, envir=nlocal.env)
          assign( i, params[[i]], envir=nlocal.env) }
          #delayedAssign( i, params[[i]], eval.env=nlocal.env, assign.env=nlocal.env) }
      else # CHANGED from: bugs here? doesn't force... should do so or use delayedAssign?
        assign( i, sp.env[[i]], envir=nlocal.env)
        #assign( i, eval( call( 'get', i), envir=sp.env), envir=nlocal.env)
        #delayedAssign( i, call( 'eval', i, envir=sp.env), assign.env=nlocal.env)
    } # else NORMAL case
  } # parameter loop

# Embed "expr" in an artificial loop, so that calls to 'break' at top-level will quit the function. This feature
# is only for S-compatibility. Preferred syntax in R is return( local.return( ...)) which works inside any depth of
# loops

  expr <- substitute( repeat{ assign( 'answer', expr, envir=env); break },
      list( expr=substitute( expr), env=sys.frame(sys.nframe())))

# The business end!
  on.exit.code <- quote( NULL)
  eval( expr, envir=nlocal.env, enclos=sys.frame( sys.nframe()))

# New bug fix, 7/2/2005
  eval( on.exit.code, envir=nlocal.env, enclos=sys.frame( sys.nframe()))

  if( exists( 'override.answer', envir=sys.frame( sys.nframe()), inherits=FALSE)) # set by a call to "local.return"
    answer <- override.answer
  if( exists( 'answer', envir=sys.frame( sys.nframe()), inherits=FALSE))
    answer # else return NULL. Will only happen if user has a "return" call
           # without "local.return"-- bad practice.

"most.recent" <-
function( lvec) {
stopifnot( is.logical( lvec))
  nmax <- length( lvec)
  ivec <- index( lvec)
  rep( c( 0, ivec), diff( c( 1, ivec, nmax+1)))

"move" <-
function( x='.', from='.', to='.', what, overwrite.by.default=FALSE, copy=FALSE) {
  if( !missing( what)) {
    to <- substitute( from)
    from <- substitute( x) }
  else {
    what <- as.character( substitute( x))
    from <- substitute( from)
    to <- substitute( to) }

  if( (to %is.a% 'call') && (to[[1]]==quote( `$`))) { # maintained package
    to <- eval( to, parent.frame())
  } else { # normal
    if( !is.character( to))
      to <- deparse( to)
    to <- find.path( char.rel.path=to)

  if( (from %is.a% 'call') && (from[[1]]==quote( `$`))) { # maintained package
    from <- eval( from, parent.frame())
  } else { # normal
    if( !is.character( from))
      from <- deparse( from)
    from <- find.path( char.rel.path=from)

  from <- prepare.for.move( from)
  to <- prepare.for.move( to)

  if( identical( from$env, to$env) || from$path==to$path)
stop( '"from" and "to" point to the same place!')

  found <- !is.na( match( what, from$obj))
  if( !all( found))
    warning( 'Can\'t find ' %&% paste( what[!found], collapse=','))
  what <- what[ found]
  if( !length( what)) {
    cat( 'Nothing to move!')
return( invisible( character(0))) }

  overwrite <- is.na( match( what, to$obj)) | overwrite.by.default
  names( overwrite) <- what
  for( i in what[!overwrite]) {
    all.over <- FALSE
      cat( 'Overwrite ', i, ' [Y(es)/N(o)/A(ll)]? ')
      answer <- upper.case( substring( readline(), 1,1))
      overwrite[ i] <- NA
      if( answer=='Y')
        overwrite[ i] <- TRUE
      else if( answer=='N')
        overwrite[ i] <- FALSE
      else if( answer=='A') {
        overwrite[ index( i==what):length( overwrite)] <- TRUE
        all.over <- TRUE }
      if( !is.na( overwrite[i]))
    break }

    if( all.over)
  break }

  what <- what[ overwrite]
  if( !length( what)) {
    cat( 'Nothing to move!')
return( invisible( character(0))) }

  # Changed 14/3/2004 to cope with mrefs
  to.mcache <- attr( to$env, 'mcache')
  from.mcache <- attr( from$env, 'mcache') # replaces info from to$env

  whatrefs <- what %such.that% (. %in% names( from.mcache))
  mtidy( what=whatrefs, from$env)

  for( i in what %except% whatrefs) {
    obj <- from$env[[ i]]
    assign( i, obj, envir=to$env)
    update.loaded.pkg( names( attr( to$env, 'path')), i, obj) # live pkgs: 6/7/2006
    move.backup.file( i, old.dir=from$path, new.dir=to$path)

  if( length( whatrefs)) {
    mkdir( file.path( to$path, 'mlazy')) # otherwise file.rename below won't work
    # mcache not applicable to loaded packages, phew
    new.to.mcache <- mupdate.mcache( whatrefs, to.mcache, from$env)

    from.obj.files <- file.path( from$path, 'mlazy',
        'obj' %&% from.mcache[ whatrefs] %&% '.rda')
    to.obj.files <- file.path( to$path, 'mlazy',
        'obj' %&% new.to.mcache[ whatrefs] %&% '.rda')

    suppressWarnings( file.remove( to.obj.files))
    renamed <- logical( length( from.obj.files))
    for( i in seq_along( from.obj.files))
      renamed[i] <- file.rename( from.obj.files[i], to.obj.files[i])
    if( any( !renamed))
      file.copy( from.obj.files[ !renamed], to.obj.files[ !renamed] )

    attr( to$env, 'mcache') <- new.to.mcache
    setup.mcache( to$env, refs=whatrefs) # change nfile & env


  maybe.save.after.move( to)

  if( !copy) {
    remove( list=what, envir=from$env)
    if( length( maintained.packages) &&
        !is.na( mp <- index( sapply( maintained.packages, identical, from$env))[1]))
      rm.pkg( names( maintained.packages)[ mp], list=what, save.=FALSE)
    if( length( whatrefs)) {
      suppressWarnings( file.remove( from.obj.files))
      attr( from$env, 'mcache') <- from.mcache %without.name% whatrefs
    maybe.save.after.move( from)

  invisible( what)

"move.backup.file" <-
function( name, old.dir, new.dir, copy=FALSE) {
  if( !nchar( old.file <- get.bkfile( name, old.dir, create=FALSE)))

  new.index <- create.bkind.if.needed( new.dir)
  new.file <- get.bkfile( name, new.dir, create=TRUE)
  file.copy( from=old.file, to=new.file, overwrite=TRUE)
  unlink( old.file)
  if( !copy) {
    old.index <- create.bkind.if.needed( old.dir) # sure to exist
    old.index.contents <- read.bkind( old.dir)
    which <- match( name, old.index.contents$object.names)
    cat( paste( old.index.contents$files[ -which], old.index.contents$object.names[ -which], sep='='), sep='\n', 

"move.fix.list" <-
function( nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  fixing <- match( fix.list$name, what, 0) > 0
  if( any( fixing)) { # must all be moving to the same place
    stt <- search.task.trees()
    path.list <- sapply( stt, function( x) attr( pos.to.env( x), 'path'))
    if( !is.na( to.match <- match( attr( to$env, 'path'), path.list)[1])) {
      fix.list$where[ fixing] <<- names( stt)[ to.match]
      fix.list$where.type[ fixing] <<- 'task'
    } else {
      if( !is.null( attr( to$env, 'name')) && (attr( to$env, 'name') %in% names( maintained.packages))) {
        fix.list$where[ fixing] <<- paste( attr( to$env, 'task.tree'), collapse='/')
        fix.list$where.type[ fixing] <<- 'package'
      } else {
        cat( 'Warning: the following have moved out of memory and further fixes will not be committed: ',
            paste( fix.list$name[ fixing], collapse=','), '\n')
        fix.list <<- fix.list[ !fixing,]

"move.to.mcache" <-
function( what, envir, save.now) { # used to have a getfrom arg
  mcache <- attr( envir, 'mcache')
  if( is.null( mcache))
    mcache <- numeric(0)

  if( !length( what))
return( mcache)

  what <- (what %SUCH.THAT% exists( ., envir=envir)) %SUCH.THAT% !bindingIsActive( ., env=envir)
#  what <- what %SUCH.THAT% exists( ., envir=getfrom, inherits=TRUE)

  ow <- options( warn=-1)
  on.exit( options( ow))
  attr( envir, 'mcache') <- mcache <- mupdate.mcache( what, mcache, envir)

  path <- attr( envir, 'path')
  if( getOption( 'mlazy.subdir', TRUE)) {
    dir.create( file.path( path, 'mlazy'), showWarnings=FALSE)
    objpath <-  file.path( 'mlazy', 'obj')
  } else
    objpath <- 'obj'

  for( i in what) {
    # Anything moved to the cache must be saved
    this.file <- file.path( path, objpath %&% mcache[ i] %&% '.rda')
    xsave( list=i, file=this.file, envir=envir) # used to have envir=getfrom ???

    fx <- get.mcache.reffun( i, envir)
    environment( fx)[[ i]] <- envir[[ i]]
    remove( list=i, envir=envir)
    suppressWarnings( makeActiveBinding( i, fx, envir))
  mupdate.mcache.index.if.opt( mcache, file.path( path, objpath))

return( mcache)

"mp.synch" <-
function( pkg){
  nspos <- try( asNamespace( pkg), silent=TRUE)
  if( nspos %is.not.a% 'try-error') {
    # use identical to check whether *really* changed

    if( exports.have.changed)
    users <- getNamespaceUsers( pkg)


  pkpos <- match( 'package:' %&% pkg, search(), 0)
  if( pkpos>0) {



"mtidy" <-
function( ..., what, envir=.GlobalEnv) {
  if( missing( what))
    what <- sapply( match.call( expand.dots=FALSE)$..., deparse)
  if( !length( what))

  envir <- as.environment( envir)
  mcache <- attr( envir, 'mcache')

  if( !missing( what)) {
    what <- what %such.that% ( . %in% lsall( envir))
    mlazy( what=what, envir=envir) #  %except% names( mcache), envir=envir) # caused trouble with direct assign
  } else
    what <- names( mcache) %such.that% ( . %in% lsall( envir))

  if( !length( what))
return( invisible( what))

  path <- attr( envir, 'path')
  if( is.null( path))
stop( 'environment has no path attribute')

  save.mchanged( what, envir)

  # Replace cachees by new active bindings
  remove( list=what, envir=envir)
  setup.mcache( refs=what, envir=envir)

  invisible( what)

"multinsert" <-
function( orig, at, ins, sorted.at=TRUE){
  if( !length( at))
return( orig)

  if( !is.list( ins))
    ins <- if( length( at)==1) list( ins) else as.list( ins) # assumes each ins elt is length-1
  if( length( ins) < length( at))
    ins <- rep( ins, length( at) / length( ins))

  if( !sorted.at) {
    o <- order( at)
    at <- at[ o]
    ins <- ins[ o]

  inslen <- sapply( ins, length)
  # NB replace call in next line: in case at[1]==0
  new <- orig[ rep( seq_along( orig), c( 1, 1+inslen)[ 1+match( seq_along( orig),
      replace( at, at==0, 1), nomatch=0)])]
  new[ rep( at, inslen) + 1:sum( inslen)] <- unlist( ins)

"multirep" <-
function( orig, at, repl, sorted.at=TRUE){
  if( !length( at))
return( orig)

if( !sorted.at) {
  o <- order( at)
  at <- at[ o]
  repl <- repl[ o]

  replen <- sapply( repl, length)
  new <- orig[ rep( seq_along( orig), c( 1, replen)[ 1+match(
      seq_along( orig), at, nomatch=0)])]
  new[ rep( at, replen) + 1:sum( replen) - rep( 1:length(at), replen)] <- unlist( repl)

"mupdate.mcache" <-
function( what, mcache, envir) {
  had.num <- what %such.that% (. %in% names( mcache))
  need.num <- what %except% had.num
  if( !length( need.num))
return( mcache)
  mci <- attr( mcache, 'info')

  if( !length( mcache))
    new.mcache <- seq( along=need.num)
  else {
    new.mcache <- (1 %upto% (max( c( 0, abs( mcache)), na.rm=TRUE) + length( need.num))
        ) %except% abs( mcache)
    new.mcache <- new.mcache[ 1:length( need.num)]

  names( new.mcache) <- need.num
  new.mci <- lapply( need.num, get.info.for.mcache, envir=envir, name=TRUE)

  mcache <- c( mcache, new.mcache)
  attr( mcache, 'info') <- c( mci, new.mci)

"mupdate.mcache.index.if.opt" <-
    mcache=attr( env, 'mcache'), 
    objpath=file.path( attr( env, 'path'), 'mlazy', 'obj'),
    mlazy.index=getOption( 'mlazy.index', FALSE),
  if( !is.null( mcache) && mlazy.index)
    cat( names( mcache) %&% '\t' %&% abs( mcache), sep='\n', file= objpath %&% '.ind')

"mvb.eval.parent" <-
function( expr, n=1){
  p <- mvb.parent.frame( n+1)
  eval( expr, p)

"mvb.file.copy" <-
function( file1, file2, overwrite=TRUE) {
  # file.copy used to stuff up 'mtime' so I wrote a special version. Presumably no longer needed...
  # ... and my version (using system calls) was very slow

  if( getRversion() >= '3.3.3') { # bug in R's file.copy here; Sys.setFileTime only does one at a time
    ok <- file.copy( from=file1, to=file2, overwrite=overwrite,
        recursive=FALSE, copy.mode=TRUE, copy.date=FALSE)
    for( iok in which( ok)) {
      Sys.setFileTime( file2[iok], file.info( file1[iok], extra_cols=FALSE)$mtime)
return( ok)
  } else if( getRversion() >= '3.4.0') { # nope still not bloody fixed in 3.4.4
return( file.copy( from=file1, to=file2, overwrite=overwrite,
    recursive=FALSE, copy.mode=TRUE, copy.date=TRUE))

  if( .Platform$OS.type=='windows') {
    syscopy <- Sys.getenv( 'COMSPEC') %&% ' /c copy /y'
    file1 <- '"' %&% gsub( '/', '\\\\', file1) %&% '"'
    file2 <- '"' %&% gsub( '/', '\\\\', file2) %&% '"'
    copy.same.mtime <- function( f1, f2)
      system( paste( syscopy, f1, f2), show.output.on.console=FALSE)
  } else {
    syscopy <- 'cp'
    # Escape spaces and backslashes... and probably all sorts of other crap NFN
    subbo <- function( f) {
      f <- gsub( '\\', '\001', f, fixed=TRUE)
      f <- gsub( ' ', '\\ ', f, fixed=TRUE)
      f <- gsub( '\001', '\\\\', f, fixed=TRUE)

    copy.same.mtime <- function( f1, f2) {
      result <- system( paste( syscopy, subbo( f1), subbo( f2)))
      if( result==0) {
        f1.mtime <- format( file.info( f1)$mtime, '%Y%m%d%H%M.%S')
        system( paste( 'touch -m -t ', f1.mtime, subbo( f2)))

  ok <- rep( FALSE, length( file1))
  for( i in seq_along( file1))
    if( overwrite || !file.exists( file2[i]))
      ok[ i] <- copy.same.mtime( file1[i], file2[i])
  return( ok)

"mvb.formalize.package.hook" <-
function( default.list) {
  default.list$exclude.funs <- character( 0)

"mvb.match.call" <-
function (definition = sys.function( mvb.sys.parent()), 
    call = sys.call(mvb.sys.parent()), 
    expand.dots = TRUE,
    envir= mvb.parent.frame( 2)) {
  # This has to be tricky to get it to work in 'debug'
  # eg f <- function( ...) g(...), g <- function( alpha=1) match.call(), f(1)
  # It's not clear to me that ... is consistently handled when call is non-default
  # ... because it still depends on the calling context
  # envir arg added in base-R at some point <= R 3.3
  callo <- quote( baseenv()$match.call())
  callo[[2]] <- definition
  callo[[3]] <- baseenv()$call( 'quote', call)
  callo$envir <- envir
  callo$expand.dots <- expand.dots
  eval( callo, mvb.parent.frame(2))

"mvb.nargs" <-
  length( sys.calls()[[ mvb.sys.parent()]])-1

"mvb.parent.frame" <-
function (n = 1) 
  sys.frame( mvb.sys.parent( n+1)) # +1 added Oct 09

"mvb.rbind.data.frame" <-
function( ..., deparse.level=1) {
  scatn( "'mvb.rbind.data.frame' is obsolete, but still being called!")
  allargs <- list( ...) %SUCH.THAT% !is.null( .)
  if( !length( allargs))
return( brdf()) # weird-ass 0*0 DF, as base-R doco mandates (why??!!); should not be reached by dispatch

  # This for some kind of compatibility with potty base-R behaviour
  is.scalar <- sapply( allargs, is.atomic) & sapply( allargs, is.vector)
  allargs[ !is.scalar] <- lapply( allargs[ !is.scalar], data.frame)
  ncols <- sapply( allargs[ !is.scalar], ncol)
  if( any( ncols != ncols[1]))
stop( 'Differing number of columns')

  # Make all scalars into single-row data frames: crazy base-R. Should not be allowed!
  if( any( is.scalar)) {
    warning( "risky to supply scalar argument(s) to 'rbind.data.frame'")
    target <- names( allargs[ !is.scalar][[ 1]])
    make.like.target <- function( x) {
        xout <- rep( x[1], length( target))
        xout[] <- x
        names( xout) <- target
        data.frame( as.list( xout))
    allargs[ is.scalar] <- lapply( allargs[ is.scalar], make.like.target)

  if( length( allargs)==1)
return( allargs[[1]])

  rows <- sapply( allargs, nrow)
  norows <- rows==0

  # 0-row args get a row of NAs. Must avoid calling rbind!
  allargs[ norows] <- lapply( allargs[ norows], function( x) {
      x <- data.frame( x) # since matrices don't like next line...
      x[1,] <- x[1,] # ... which adds a row of NAs, even for cols of DF that are matrices
  # brdf = base::rbind.data.frame, modded to handle classed matrices
  rbindo <- do.call( brdf, c( allargs, list( deparse.level=deparse.level)))
  if( any( norows)) # should work anyway but...
    rbindo <- rbindo[ -cumsum( rows + norows)[norows],,drop=FALSE]

"mvb.sys.call" <-
function( which=0) {
  if( which>0)
    sys.call( which) # dotInternal( sys.call( which))
  else {
    which <- try( mvb.sys.parent( 1-which), silent=TRUE)
    if( which %is.a% 'try-error')
stop( 'not that many enclosing functions')
    else if( which==0)
      NULL # that's what R 1.8.1 does
      sys.call( which) # dotInternal( sys.call( which))

"mvb.sys.function" <-
function( n) {
  if( missing( n))
    n <- mvb.sys.parent()
  sys.function( n)

"mvb.sys.nframe" <-
function() mvb.sys.parent(1)

"mvb.sys.parent" <-
function(n=1) {
  p <- sys.nframe()
  frames <- lapply( sys.frames(), list) # this wrapper seems to be necessary to get it to work. R "feature"
  parents <- sys.parents()
  for( gen in 0 %upto% n)
    p <- parents[ which( sapply( frames, identical, frames[[p]]) )[ 1] ] # parent of FIRST pointer to this env in frame list


"mvbutils.dollar.assign.data.frame" <-
function (x, name, value) {
  cl <- oldClass(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  nrows <- .row_names_info(x, 2L)
  if (!is.null(value)) {
    N <- NROW(value)
    if (N > nrows) {
      if( nrows>0) {
stop(sprintf(ngettext(N, "replacement has %d row, data has %d", 
        "replacement has %d rows, data has %d"), N, nrows), domain = NA)
      } else { # create "empty" version of value
        if( length( dv <- dim( value)) > 1L) {
          emptyval <- structure( as.vector( value)[0L], dim=c( 0L, dv[-1L]))
          if( !is.null( dn <- dimnames( value))) {
            newdn <-  c( list( character()), dn[-1L])
            names( newdn) <- NULL # because I say so
            dimnames( emptyval) <- newdn
          } # if dimnames
          attributes( emptyval) <- c( attributes( emptyval), # dim and maybe dimnames
              attributes( value) %without.name% c( 'dim', 'dimnames'))
          value <- emptyval
        } else {
          value <- value[0]
        } # ?empty vector, or empty array?
      } # if need empty
    } else if (N < nrows) {
      if (N > 0L && (nrows%%N == 0L) && length(dim(value)) <= 1L) 
        value <- rep(value, length.out = nrows)
stop(sprintf(ngettext(N, "replacement has %d row, data has %d", 
        "replacement has %d rows, data has %d"), N, nrows), domain = NA)
    if (is.atomic(value) && !is.null(names(value))) 
      names(value) <- NULL
  } # if something to replace with
  x[[name]] <- value
  class(x) <- cl

"mvbutils.subassign.data.frame" <-
function (x, i, j, value) {
  if (!all(names(sys.call()) %in% c("", "value"))) 
    warning("named arguments are discouraged")

  cl <- oldClass(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  nrows <- .row_names_info(x, 2L)
  if (is.atomic(value) && !is.null(names(value))) 
    names(value) <- NULL

  if (nargs() < 4L) {
    nc <- length(x)
    if (!is.null(value)) {
      N <- NROW(value)
      if (N > nrows) {
        if( nrows>0) {
stop(sprintf(ngettext(N, "replacement has %d row, data has %d", 
         "replacement has %d rows, data has %d"), N, nrows), domain = NA)
        } else { # create "empty" version of value
          if( length( dv <- dim( value)) > 1L) {
            emptyval <- structure( as.vector( value)[0L], dim=c( 0L, dv[-1L]))
            if( !is.null( dn <- dimnames( value))) {
              newdn <-  c( list( character()), dn[-1L])
              names( newdn) <- NULL # because I say so
              dimnames( emptyval) <- newdn
            } # if dimnames
            attributes( emptyval) <- c( attributes( emptyval), # dim and maybe dimnames
                attributes( value) %without.name% c( 'dim', 'dimnames'))
            value <- emptyval
          } else {
            value <- value[0]
          } # ?empty vector, or empty array?
        } # if need empty
      } else if (N < nrows) {
        if (N > 0L && (nrows%%N == 0L) && length(dim(value)) <= 1L) 
          value <- rep(value, length.out = nrows)
stop(sprintf(ngettext(N, "replacement has %d row, data has %d", 
         "replacement has %d rows, data has %d"), N, nrows), domain = NA)
    x[[i]] <- value
    if (length(x) > nc) {
      nc <- length(x)
      if (names(x)[nc] == "") 
        names(x)[nc] <- paste0("V", nc)
      names(x) <- make.unique(names(x))
    class(x) <- cl
  if (missing(i) || missing(j)) 
    stop("only valid calls are x[[j]] <- value or x[[i,j]] <- value")
  rows <- attr(x, "row.names")
  nvars <- length(x)
  if (n <- is.character(i)) {
    ii <- match(i, rows)
    n <- sum(new.rows <- is.na(ii))
    if (n > 0L) {
      ii[new.rows] <- seq.int(from = nrows + 1L, length.out = n)
      new.rows <- i[new.rows]
    i <- ii
  if (all(i >= 0L) && (nn <- max(i)) > nrows) {
    if (n == 0L) {
      nrr <- (nrows + 1L):nn
      if (inherits(value, "data.frame") && (dim(value)[1L]) >= length(nrr)) {
        new.rows <- attr(value, "row.names")[seq_len(nrr)]
        repl <- duplicated(new.rows) | match(new.rows, rows, 0L)
        if (any(repl)) 
         new.rows[repl] <- nrr[repl]
      } else {
        new.rows <- nrr
    x <- xpdrows.data.frame(x, rows, new.rows)
    rows <- attr(x, "row.names")
    nrows <- length(rows)
  iseq <- seq_len(nrows)[i]
  if (anyNA(iseq)) 
stop("non-existent rows not allowed")

  if (is.character(j)) {
    if ("" %in% j) 
stop("column name \"\" cannot match any column")

    jseq <- match(j, names(x))
    if (anyNA(jseq)) 
stop(gettextf("replacing element in non-existent column: %s", 
        j[is.na(jseq)]), domain = NA)
  } else if (is.logical(j) || min(j) < 0L) 
    jseq <- seq_along(x)[j]
  else {
    jseq <- j
    if (max(jseq) > nvars) 
      stop(gettextf("replacing element in non-existent column: %s", 
        jseq[jseq > nvars]), domain = NA)
  if (length(iseq) > 1L || length(jseq) > 1L) 
stop("only a single element should be replaced")

  x[[jseq]][[iseq]] <- value
  class(x) <- cl

"my.all.equal" <-
function (x, y, ...) {
  # This *really* shouldn't be needed--- but is :/
  # R has, delightfully, changed the behaviour of all.equal() over the years
  # I am in a polite frame of mind today (late 2018) so will refrain from further comment
  # the ... is so you can tell R to just effin do it, for example
  stupid <- all.equal(x, y, ...)
  if (!is.logical(stupid))
      stupid <- FALSE
return( stupid)

"my.fixup.package.URLs" <-
function (pkg, force = FALSE) 
    top <- paste("file:///", chartr("\\", "/", R.home()), sep = "")
    fixedfile <- file.path(pkg, "fixedHTMLlinks")
    if (file.exists(fixedfile)) {
        oldtop <- readLines(fixedfile)
        if (!force && (length(oldtop) == 1) && top == oldtop) 
        olddoc <- paste(oldtop, "/doc", sep = "")
        oldbase <- paste(oldtop, "/library/base", sep = "")
        oldutils <- paste(oldtop, "/library/utils", sep = "")
        oldgraphics <- paste(oldtop, "/library/graphics", sep = "")
        oldstats <- paste(oldtop, "/library/stats", sep = "")
        olddata <- paste(oldtop, "/library/datasets", sep = "")
        oldgrD <- paste(oldtop, "/library/grDevices", sep = "")
        oldmeth <- paste(oldtop, "/library/methods", sep = "")
    else {
        olddoc <- "../../../doc"
        oldbase <- "../../base"
        oldutils <- "../../utils"
        oldgraphics <- "../../graphics"
        oldgrDevices <- "../../grDevices"
        oldstats <- "../../stats"
        olddata <- "../../datasets"
        oldgrD <- "../../grDevices"
        oldmeth <- "../../methods"
    if (!file.create(fixedfile)) 
    cat(top, "\n", sep = "", file = fixedfile)
    htmldir <- file.path(pkg, "html")
    if (!file.exists(htmldir)) 
    files <- list.files(htmldir, pattern = "\\.html$", full.names = TRUE)
    doc <- paste(top, "/doc", sep = "")
    base <- paste(top, "/library/base", sep = "")
    utils <- paste(top, "/library/utils", sep = "")
    graphics <- paste(top, "/library/graphics", sep = "")
    stats <- paste(top, "/library/stats", sep = "")
    datasets <- paste(top, "/library/datasets", sep = "")
    grD <- paste(top, "/library/grDevices", sep = "")
    meth <- paste(top, "/library/methods", sep = "")
    # altered by MVB 3/2009, to avoid changing unmodified files
    for (f in files) {
        page <- readLines(f)
        old.page <- page # MVB
        page <- gsub(olddoc, doc, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
        page <- gsub(oldbase, base, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
        page <- gsub(oldutils, utils, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
        page <- gsub(oldgraphics, graphics, page, fixed = TRUE, 
            useBytes = TRUE)
        page <- gsub(oldstats, stats, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
        page <- gsub(olddata, datasets, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
        page <- gsub(oldgrD, grD, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
        page <- gsub(oldmeth, meth, page, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
        if( identical( page, old.page))
        out <- try(file(f, open = "w"), silent = TRUE)
        if (inherits(out, "try-error")) {
            warning(gettextf("cannot update '%s'", f), domain = NA)
        writeLines(page, out)

"my.index" <-
function( var, ...) {
#  pg <- .Primitive( '[[') # doesn't cope with pairlists
#  pg <- function( x, i) .Primitive( '[[')( as.list( x), i) # screws up e.g. on factors
  if( getRversion() >= '2.12') {
    cc <- unlist( list( ...))
    if( length( cc))
return( (baseenv()$'[[')( var, cc))
return( var)

  pg <- function( x, i) .Primitive( '[[')( if( is.pairlist( x)) as.list( x) else x, i)
  vv <- as.name( 'var')
  for( i in c(...))
    vv <- call( 'pg', vv, i)
  eval( vv)

"my.index.assign" <-
function (var, ..., value) {
  if( getRversion() >= '2.12') {
    cc <- unlist( list( ...))
    if( length( cc))
return( (baseenv()$'[[<-')( var, cc, value))
return( value)
  i <- c(...)
  if (length(i) < 2) 
return(.Primitive("[[<-")(var, i, value))
  pa <- .Primitive("[[<-")
  pg <- .Primitive("[[")
  vario <- as.name("var")
  for (ii in i[-length(i)]) vario <- call("pg", vario, ii)
  callio <- substitute(value, env = parent.frame())
  for (ii in rev(i)) {
    callio <- call("pa", vario, ii, callio)
    if (length(vario) > 1) 
      vario <- vario[[2]]

"my.index.exists" <-
function( i, var) {
  for( ii in 1 %upto% length( i))
    if( missing( var) || !is.recursive( var) || i[ ii] > length( var))
return( FALSE)
      var <- as.list( var)[[ i[ ii] ]]
return( TRUE) }

"named" <-
function (x) {
  if( !length( x))
return( x)

  names(x) <- as.character(x)

"named.in.doc" <-
function( doc) {
  if( is.null( doc) || !is.character( doc))
return( character( 0))

  doc <- gsub( '\t', ' ', doc)

  doc <- c( doc, ' ') # guarantees blank
  blank <- seq( along=doc) %except% grep( '[^ ]', doc)
  namelines <- doc[ 1 %upto% (min(blank)-1)] # 2: to ignore first line
  namelines <- sub( '^ +', '', namelines) # leading spaces
  namelines <- gsub( ' +[^ ]+', '', namelines) # keep first word only
  namelines <- gsub( ' *$', '', namelines) # trailing spaces

"NEG" <-
function( f) { 
  if( is.null( f))
return( f) # useful for

  if( is.primitive( f)) {
    fargs <- formals( args( f)) # primitives don't have formals
    argo <- lapply( names( fargs), as.name)
    gbod <- list( as.name( '-'), as.call( c( list( substitute( f)), argo)))
    g <- function() 0
    body( g) <- as.call( gbod)
    formals( g) <- fargs
    environment( g) <- .GlobalEnv
  } else {
    # f is normal function
    g <- f
    body( g) <- substitute( { 
      mc <- match.call()
      mc[[1]] <- f
      -eval( mc, parent.frame())
    }, list( f=f))
    formals( g) <- formals( f)
    environment( g) <- environment( f) 
return( g)

"no.lazyLoad.attach.hook" <-
function( pkgname, pkglib) {
  # Identical to no.lazyLoad.hook, but for search-path version
  # Hook to force immediate loading, and to avoid trouble with lazyLoad being out-of-synch later  
  # Don't force loading of mlazies
  ns <- as.environment( 'package:' %&% pkgname) 
  for( obj in lsall( ns)) {
    get.promise <- call( 'substitute', as.name( obj))
    c1 <- eval( get.promise, ns) 
    if( (c1 %is.a% 'call') && (c1[[1]]==as.name( 'lazyLoadDBfetch'))) {
      assign( obj, ns[[ obj]], envir=ns) # force and overwrite promise

"no.lazyLoad.hook" <-
function( pkgname, pkglib) {
  # Hook to force immediate loading, and to avoid trouble with lazyLoad being out-of-synch later  
  # Don't force loading of mlazies
  ns <- asNamespace( pkgname) 
  for( obj in lsall( ns)) {
    get.promise <- call( 'substitute', as.name( obj))
    c1 <- eval( get.promise, ns) 
    if( (c1 %is.a% 'call') && (c1[[1]]==as.name( 'lazyLoadDBfetch'))) {
      # Can force just via ns[[ obj]], but it still leaves the promise lying around... 
      # ... paranoia wins
      # ns[[ obj]] # force
      assign( obj, ns[[ obj]], envir=ns) # force and overwrite promise

"noice" <-
function( cc, ...) { # Args of cc on separate lines
  cc <- as.list( cc)
  zub <- unname( do.on( 2 %upto% length( cc), {
      thing <- deparse( as.call( c( list( quote( X)), cc[ .])), ...)
      if( length( thing) > 1) {
        thing <- thing[1] %&% '...)'
      sub( ')$', ',', sub( 'X(', '', thing, fixed=TRUE))
  zub[ length( zub)] <- sub( ',$', ')', zub[ length( zub)])
  zub <- c( deparse( cc[[ 1]]) %&% '(', '  ' %&% zub)
as.cat( zub)

"not.for.packaging" <-
function( env){
  nfp <- cq( tasks, .Traceback, .packageName, last.warning, .Random.seed, .SavedPlots)
  if( !is.null( pkgname <- attr( env, 'name')))
    nfp <- c( nfp, pkgname %&% '.package.doc')
  if( exists( 'exclude.from.package', mode='character', env))
    nfp <- c( nfp, env$exclude.from.package, 'exclude.from.package')

"nscat" <-
function( fmt, ..., sep='\n', file='') {
  s <- sprintf( fmt, ...)
  s[1] <- '\n' %&% s[1]
  s <- paste( s, collapse='\n')
  cat( s, file=file)

"nscatn" <-
function( fmt, ..., sep='\n', file='') cat( '', sprintf( fmt, ...), sep=sep, file=file)

"old.$[[<-.data.frame" <-
function (x, i, j, value) {
  if (!all(names(sys.call()) %in% c("", "value"))) 
    warning("named arguments are discouraged")

  cl <- oldClass(x)
  class(x) <- NULL
  nrows <- .row_names_info(x, 2L)
  if (is.atomic(value) && !is.null(names(value))) 
    names(value) <- NULL

  if (nargs() < 4L) {
    nc <- length(x)
    if (!is.null(value)) {
      N <- NROW(value)
      if (N > nrows) {
        if( nrows>0) {
stop(sprintf(ngettext(N, "replacement has %d row, data has %d", 
         "replacement has %d rows, data has %d"), N, nrows), domain = NA)
        } else { # create "empty" version of value
          if( length( dv <- dim( value)) > 1L) {
            emptyval <- structure( as.vector( value)[0L], dim=c( 0L, dv[-1L]))
            if( !is.null( dn <- dimnames( value))) {
              newdn <-  c( list( character()), dn[-1L])
              names( newdn) <- NULL # because I say so
              dimnames( emptyval) <- newdn
            } # if dimnames
            attributes( emptyval) <- c( attributes( emptyval), # dim and maybe dimnames
                attributes( value) %without.name% c( 'dim', 'dimnames'))
            value <- emptyval
          } else {
            value <- value[0]
          } # ?empty vector, or empty array?
        } # if need empty
      } else if (N < nrows) {
        if (N > 0L && (nrows%%N == 0L) && length(dim(value)) <= 1L) 
          value <- rep(value, length.out = nrows)
stop(sprintf(ngettext(N, "replacement has %d row, data has %d", 
         "replacement has %d rows, data has %d"), N, nrows), domain = NA)
    x[[i]] <- value
    if (length(x) > nc) {
      nc <- length(x)
      if (names(x)[nc] == "") 
        names(x)[nc] <- paste0("V", nc)
      names(x) <- make.unique(names(x))
    class(x) <- cl
  if (missing(i) || missing(j)) 
    stop("only valid calls are x[[j]] <- value or x[[i,j]] <- value")
  rows <- attr(x, "row.names")
  nvars <- length(x)
  if (n <- is.character(i)) {
    ii <- match(i, rows)
    n <- sum(new.rows <- is.na(ii))
    if (n > 0L) {
      ii[new.rows] <- seq.int(from = nrows + 1L, length.out = n)
      new.rows <- i[new.rows]
    i <- ii
  if (all(i >= 0L) && (nn <- max(i)) > nrows) {
    if (n == 0L) {
      nrr <- (nrows + 1L):nn
      if (inherits(value, "data.frame") && (dim(value)[1L]) >= length(nrr)) {
        new.rows <- attr(value, "row.names")[seq_len(nrr)]
        repl <- duplicated(new.rows) | match(new.rows, rows, 0L)
        if (any(repl)) 
         new.rows[repl] <- nrr[repl]
      } else {
        new.rows <- nrr
    x <- xpdrows.data.frame(x, rows, new.rows)
    rows <- attr(x, "row.names")
    nrows <- length(rows)
  iseq <- seq_len(nrows)[i]
  if (anyNA(iseq)) 
stop("non-existent rows not allowed")

  if (is.character(j)) {
    if ("" %in% j) 
stop("column name \"\" cannot match any column")

    jseq <- match(j, names(x))
    if (anyNA(jseq)) 
stop(gettextf("replacing element in non-existent column: %s", 
        j[is.na(jseq)]), domain = NA)
  } else if (is.logical(j) || min(j) < 0L) 
    jseq <- seq_along(x)[j]
  else {
    jseq <- j
    if (max(jseq) > nvars) 
      stop(gettextf("replacing element in non-existent column: %s", 
        jseq[jseq > nvars]), domain = NA)
  if (length(iseq) > 1L || length(jseq) > 1L) 
stop("only a single element should be replaced")

  x[[jseq]][[iseq]] <- value
  class(x) <- cl

"old.methodize.USAGE" <-
function( nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
# Post-process to set "\method" pedantry in USAGE
# Check for aliases that don't appear in USAGE-- if these appear to be methods of S3 generics, then
# ... tag the USAGE calls with \method

  USAGE.start <- grep( '^\\\\usage\\{', Rd)[1]
  if( !is.na( USAGE.start)) { # Not all docos have USAGE or ARGUMENTS, e.g. package doco
    # All on one line? If so, split
    if( grepl( '}', Rd[ USAGE.start], fixed=TRUE)) {
      bits <- sub( ' *\\} *$', '', sub( '^\\\\usage\\{ *', '', Rd[ USAGE.start]))
      Rd <- multirep( Rd, USAGE.start, list( c( '\\usage{', bits, '}')))
    } else if( grepl( '[{] *[^ ]', Rd[ USAGE.start])) {
      Rd <- multirep( Rd, USAGE.start, list( c( '\\usage{', substring( Rd[ USAGE.start], nchar( '.usage{')+1))))

    USAGE.end <- match( '}', Rd[ -(1:USAGE.start)], NA)+USAGE.start

    ulines <- (USAGE.start+1) %upto% (USAGE.end-1)

    if( FALSE) { # Old code
      aliases <- unique( c( overall.name, sub( '\\\\alias\\{ *', '', sub( ' *\\}.*', '',
          grep( '\\alias{', Rd, fixed=TRUE, value=TRUE)))))

      parzo <- uparzo <- parse( text=gsub( '\\%', '%', Rd[ ulines], fixed=TRUE), keep.source=TRUE)
      if( length( parzo)) {
        is.a.call <- sapply( parzo, is.call)
        is.complass <- is.a.call # complex assignments, e.g. dim(y) <- ...
        is.complass[ is.a.call] <- do.on( parzo[ is.a.call],
            identical( .[[1]], as.name( '<-')) && is.call( .[[2]]))
        which.calls <- which( is.a.call)
        srcref <- do.on( which.calls,
            unclass( attr( parzo[.], 'srcref')[[1]][ 3:4]))
        comments <- substring( Rd[ ulines][ srcref[1,]], srcref[2,]+1)

        rx <- regexpr("^ *# *S3 +method +for +(?:class +)?(?<class>(?:(\\w|[.])+|\"[^\"]+\"|'[^']+'))",
            comments, perl = TRUE)
        is.S3.meth <- rx>0

        if( any( is.S3.meth)) {
          cs <- attr( rx, 'capture.start')[ is.S3.meth, 'class']
          ce <- cs + attr( rx, 'capture.length')[ is.S3.meth, 'class'] - 1
          S3.class <- substring( comments[ is.S3.meth], cs, ce)

          # CRANia checks no longer like funny-named functions in normal quotes; need backticks
          S3.class <- gsub( '^["\']', '`', S3.class)
          S3.class <- gsub( '["\']$', '`', S3.class)
          # S3.class <- gsub( '\\{', '{', S3.class, fixed=TRUE) # fixes earlier mistake; Lcurly shouldn't be escaped

          meth.calls <- which.calls[ which( is.S3.meth)]

          for( i in which( is.complass) %that.are.in% meth.calls) {
            parzo[[ c( i, 2, 1)]] <- as.name( '@@method@@' %&% as.character( parzo[[ c( i, 2, 1)]]))

          for( i in which( !is.complass) %that.are.in% meth.calls) {
            parzo[[ c( i, 1)]] <- as.name( '@@method@@' %&% as.character( parzo[[ c( i, 1)]]))

          deparzo <- do.on( parzo, paste( deparse( ., width.cutoff=500), collapse=' '))
          deparzo <- gsub( '%', '\\%', deparzo, fixed=TRUE)
          deparzo[ which.calls] <- deparzo[ which.calls] %&% comments
          deparzo[ meth.calls] <- sprintf( sub( '`@@method@@([^`]+)`', '\\\\method{\\1}{%s}', deparzo[ meth.calls]),

          Rd <- massrep( Rd, list( ulines), list( deparzo))
        } # if any S3 meths
      } # if length parzo
    } # END OLD CODE

    # New code tested in 'glungo', Dec 2018...
    Rcode <- Rd[ ulines]
    Rcode <- ' ' %&% Rcode %&% ' ' # so gap ops are legit
    Rcode <- c( '{', Rcode, '}')

    pp <- try( parse( text=Rcode))
    # Parse-error *shouldn't* happen, since code should have been parsed/disinfected
    # back in make.Rd2(). But... Also, contentless text (eg all comments) requires no action!
    if( (pp %is.a% 'try-error') || (length( pp[[1]])==1)) {
return( local.return())

    src <- attr( pp[[1]], 'srcref')[-1] # drop with the {}
    # Add a spurious final line
    src <- c( src, list( rep( src[[ length( src)]][ 3:4] + c( 0, 1), 2)))
    pp <- as.expression( as.list( pp[[1]])[-1])

    # Gaps between R expressions
    for( ipp in seq_along( pp)) {
      gappi <- c( src[[ ipp]][3:4]+c(0,1), src[[ipp+1]][1:2]-c(0,1))
      at_gap_start <- substring( Rcode[ gappi[ 1]], gappi[ 2])

      rx <- regexpr("^ *# *S3 +method +for +(?:class +)?(?<class>(?:(\\w|[.])+|\"[^\"]+\"|'[^']+'))",
            at_gap_start, perl = TRUE)
      if( rx>0) { # METHOD AHOY! modify preceding function call
        cs <- attr( rx, 'capture.start')[ 1, 'class']
        ce <- cs + attr( rx, 'capture.length')[ 1, 'class'] - 1
        S3.class <- substring( at_gap_start[ 1], cs, ce)

        # CRANia checks no longer like funny-named functions in normal quotes; need backticks
        S3.class <- gsub( '^["\']', '`', S3.class)
        S3.class <- gsub( '["\']$', '`', S3.class)
        # S3.class <- gsub( '\\{', '{', S3.class, fixed=TRUE) # fixes earlier mistake; Lcurly shouldn't be escaped

        # Now identify the method--- might be an assignment or subset
        metho <- as.character( pp[[ c( ipp, 1)]])
        is_assign <- metho=='<-'
        if( is_assign) {
          metho <- as.character( pp[[ c( ipp, 1, 2, 1)]])
        if( metho %in% c( '[', '[[', '$')) {
          # Require the actual call and the S3 message to be all on one line ..!
          # subset/assign methods should after all be simple

          if( src[[ ipp]][ 1] == src[[ ipp]][ 3]){
            warning( "Subset/replace method in USAGE needs to be all on one line. Sorry.'")
            # ... but I don't really want to cause a crash, so just do nothing...
            # ie "more than my job's worth mate"
          } else {
            # then we need to replace the actual usage-line(s)--- which should be short--- by fake version
            # First, concat the args
            args <- paste( deparse( pp[[ c( ipp, 2)]]), collapse=' ')
            args <- sub( '\\]+', '', sub( '(\\[+)|\\$)', ',', args))
            args <- sprintf( '(%s)', args)
            if( is_assign) {
              args <- args %&% ' <- ' %&% as.character( pp[[ c( ipp, 3)]])

            Rcode[ gappi[1]] <- ' ' %&% metho %&% args %&% substring( Rcode[ gappi[ 1]], gappi[2])

        Rcode[ src[[ ipp]][ 1]] <- sprintf( ' \\method{%s}{%s}', metho, S3.class) %&% sub( '^[^(]*[(]', '(', Rcode[ src[[ ipp]][ 1]])
      } # if method
    } # for expressions

    # Remember to strip wrapping {}
    Rcode <- Rcode[ -c( 1, length( Rcode))]
    # ... and extra starting/trailing spaces
    Rcode <- substring( Rcode, 2, nchar( Rcode)-1)

    # Reinsert backslashes...
#    strings <- gsub( rep.percent, '\\%', strings, fixed=TRUE)
#    strings <- gsub( rep.brace, '\\{', strings, fixed=TRUE)
#    strings <- gsub( rep.backbrace, '\\}', strings, fixed=TRUE)
#    strings <- gsub( rep.backslash, '\\\\', strings, fixed=TRUE) # ?is this correct #backslashes?

    Rd[ ulines] <- Rcode
  }  # if USAGE

"old.onLoad.stuff" <-
function ( nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  hack.help <- function ( ...) {
    # help <- get("base.help", pos = "mvb.session.info")
    mc <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
    mc[[1]] <- quote( as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')$base.help)
    # Set 'mvb_help_type', just in case it's needed
    mvb_help_type <- mc$help_type
    if( is.null( mvb_help_type))
      mvb_help_type <- getOption( 'mvb_help_type', getOption( 'help_type', "text"))
    if (!is.null(mc$topic) && !is.call(mc$topic) && is.null(mc$type) &&
        is.null(mc$lib.loc) && is.null(mc$try.all.packages)) {
        h1 <- try(eval(as.call(mc), sys.frame( sys.parent())), silent = TRUE)
        if (((h1 %is.not.a% "try-error") && length(unclass(h1)) >
            0) || ((h1 <- dochelp( as.character( mc$topic), help_type=mvb_help_type)) %is.a%
            c( "pagertemp", "browsertemp")))

    eval(as.call(mc), sys.frame( sys.parent()))
  formals( hack.help) <- formals( help)
  # assign.to.base.opt( 'help', hack.help)

  hack.query <- function ( e1, e2) {
    # `?` <- get("base.?", pos = "mvb.session.info")
    mc <- as.list(match.call())
    mc[[1]] <- quote( as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')$'base.?')
    if( is.null( mc$e2)) {
      # Set 'mvb_help_type', just in case it's needed
      mvb_help_type <- mc$help_type
      if( is.null( mvb_help_type))
        mvb_help_type <- getOption( 'mvb_help_type', getOption( 'help_type', "text"))

      h1 <- try(eval(as.call(mc), parent.frame()), silent = TRUE)
      if( (h1 %is.not.a% "try-error") && (length(unclass(h1)) > 0)) 
  return( h1)
      h1 <- dochelp( as.character( mc$e1), help_type=mvb_help_type) 
      if( h1 %is.a% c( "pagertemp", "browsertemp"))
      # If that failed too, just call it again & permit the crash...

    eval(as.call(mc), parent.frame())
  if( FALSE && (getRversion() >= '2.14') && ('print.function' %in% my.reps))
    assign.to.base( 'print.function', pfn)
#    source.print( TRUE)

"old_help2flatdoc_bits" <-
function () {
  if( FALSE) { # old code
    # cat( length( text), 'lines of help read; class=', class( text), '\n')
    otext <- text
    text <- c( text, '')
    text <- gsub( '[' %&% sQuote( '') %&% ']', "'", text)
    text <- gsub( '[' %&% dQuote( '') %&% ']', '"', text)

    # Remove bolding of section headings; could have told Rd2txt not to do it...
    # ... but it makes them easy to find
    is.heading <- regexpr( '^_\b', text) > 0 & regexpr( ':$', text) > 0
    text <- gsub( '_\b', '', text)
    text[ is.heading] <- upper.case( substring( text[ is.heading], 1, nchar( text[ is.heading])-1))

    # Trim leading spaces, but only as far as the indent in DESCRIPTION
    is.descrip <- index( text=='DESCRIPTION')[1]
    is.normal.line <- grep( '^ *[^ ]', text) 
    descrip.text.1 <- min( is.normal.line %such.that% (. > is.descrip))
    def.indent <- sub( '[^ ].*', '', text[ descrip.text.1])
    text <- gsub( '^' %&% def.indent, '', text)
    # old brutal version: text <- gsub( '^ +', '', text)

    # Zap xtuple spaces *inside* headings
    text[ is.heading] <- gsub( '([^ ]+) +', '\\1 ', text[ is.heading])

    # Infer subsec level
    text[ is.heading] <- sub( secindent, '', text[ is.heading], fixed=TRUE)
    text[ is.heading] <- gsub( persubsecindent, '.', text[ is.heading], fixed=TRUE)

    expando <- rep( seq( along=text), 1+is.heading)
    text <- text[ expando]
    is.heading <- is.heading[ expando]
    zappo <- 1+index( diff( is.heading)==1)
    is.heading[ zappo] <- FALSE
    text[ zappo] <- ''

    nc <- nchar( text)
    nc.next <- c( nc[-1], 0)
    nc.prev <- c( 0, clip( nc))
    is.heading <- is.heading & nc>0

    myhead <- c( '', text[ is.heading])[ 1+cumsum( is.heading)]

    is.argdef <- myhead=='ARGUMENTS' & nc>0 & nc.prev==0 & 
        regexpr( '^( *[[:alpha:]]+,)* *[[:alpha:]]+ *: ', text)>0
    text[ is.argdef] <- ' ' %&% text[ is.argdef]

    if( any( is.argdef)) {
      # Nonblank lines right after an argdef, ie before next blank line, should be joined to previous
      is.argdef.contline <- !is.argdef & 
          (most.recent( is.argdef) > most.recent( nc==0))
      text[ is.argdef.contline] <- sub( '^ +', ' ', text[ is.argdef.contline])

    start.cont <- (myhead %not.in% cq( USAGE, EXAMPLES)) & nc.prev==0 & nc>0 & nc.next>0
    mid.cont <- (myhead %not.in% cq( USAGE, EXAMPLES)) & nc>0 & nc.prev>0
    end.cont <- (myhead %not.in% cq( USAGE, EXAMPLES)) & nc.prev >0 & nc>0 & nc.next==0
    if( any( start.cont | mid.cont)) {
      splitto <- split( text[ start.cont | mid.cont], cumsum( start.cont)[ start.cont | mid.cont])
      text[ start.cont] <- sapply( splitto, paste, collapse=' ')

    # All lists left-justified, not colon-justified:
    text <- sub( '^ +([A-Za-z0-9_.]+:)', ' \\1', text)



"option.or.default" <-
function (opt.name, default=NULL) {
  value <- getOption(opt.name)
  if (!is.null(value)) 
  else default

"organize.web.display" <-
function( resequence=TRUE, merge01=FALSE, plotmath=FALSE, nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
# Now we have to figure out what level in the hierarchy each fn. belongs at.
# Simple-minded approach: anything NOT called by any other function is top-
# level; anything called only by top-levels is second-level; etc.

  level <- rep(0, n); names( level) <- funs
  current.level <- 1
  if( n>1)
  while( any( level==0)) {
    tops <- rep( 1, sum( level==0)) %**% funmat[level==0, level==0] == 0
    if( !any( tops))  # we have to sort out functions that call each other
      tops <- least.mutual.dependency( funmat, funs, level)

    level[ (1:n)[ level==0] [tops] ] <- current.level # dimnames( funmat)[[1]]
    current.level <- current.level+1 }
    level[] <- 1

# Super. Now we need to organize things on each level, placing slaves below
# their masters. This OUGHT to be a 'forwards-and-backwards' algorithm,
# because the appropriate placement of masters may depend on which slaves
# they call. EG if you have masters A, B, C, calling slaves (a,c), (b), (c)
# respectively, then  ACB is better than ABC, to avoid crossings.
# Bugger that for now! I am going to fix each layer in concrete, and let the
# underlings sort themselves out.

  x <- numeric( n)
  n.masters <- sum( level==1)

# Now sift out 'level 0 functions'; that is, top-level functions that don't
# call any others. No logical reason for this, but may improve clarity.
  if( !merge01) {
    level[ level==1 & ((funmat %*% rep(1,n))==0)] <- 0
    if( !sum( level==1)) # then we have 'taken the top biscuit'!
      level[level==0] <- 1
  for( current.level in min(level):max(level)) {
    if( resequence) {
      if( current.level>1) {
  #     Position of slave 's' is based on mean position of s's callers
        slave.of <- funmat[ funs[level<current.level], funs[level==current.level],
        pos.order <- (x[ level<current.level] %*% slave.of) /
            (rep( 1, sum( level<current.level)) %*% slave.of)
        pos.order <- jitter( c( 0, 1, pos.order))[ -(1:2)] }
      else if( current.level==1) {
  #     Rough ordering algorithm for the top layer. The aim is to put heavy
  #     callers in the middle, light ones at either end.
        pos.order <- rank( jitter( c( -2, -1, funmat[ level==1,] %*% rep( 1, n)))[-(1:2)])
        pos.order[ pos.order %% 2==0] <-
            2*length( pos.order)-pos.order[ pos.order %% 2==0] }
      else # level 0 order is arbitrary
        pos.order <- 1:sum( level==0)

      pos.order <- order( pos.order)
    } else # if not resequence
      pos.order <- 1:sum(level==current.level)
    # Offset x-positions in intermediate levels, to reduce line overlap
    # max offset = +/- 0.5 char
    # Added 12/2011
    level.shift <- if( current.level %in% c( 0, 1, max( level))) 0 else
      (current.level-1) / (max( level)-1) - 0.5

#   Space out function names ppnl to # of letters
    if( plotmath) {
      fn <- lapply( funs[ level==current.level], function( x) parse( text=x)[[1]])
      nch <- sapply( fn, strwidth)
      charlim <- strwidth( paste( rep( 'x', charlim), collapse='')) }
      nch <- nchar( funs[ level==current.level])
    if( exists( 'minstrl', frame=sys.nframe()))
      nch <- pmax( nch, minstrl)
    nch <- cumsum( nch[ pos.order])
    x[ level==current.level][pos.order] <-
       (c(0, clip( nch)) + nch + level.shift)/ (2*nch[length(nch)])
    layers <- nch[length(nch)] %/% charlim
    if( layers)
      layers <- rep( 0.1*seq( from=-layers, to=layers, by=2),
          sum( level==current.level) / (1+layers) + 1)[
    level[level==current.level][pos.order] <-
        level[level==current.level][pos.order] + layers

  level <- 1+max(round(level))-level

"osource.mvb" <-
function( con, envir=parent.frame(), max.n.expr=Inf, 
    echo=getOption( 'verbose', FALSE), prompt.echo=getOption( 'prompt'), 
    evaluate=TRUE, debug.script=FALSE) {
# Obsolete version I haven't had the guts to cull
  if( !exists( 'source.list', 'mvb.session.info'))
    source.list <- list()
    source.list <- get( 'source.list', 'mvb.session.info')
  if( is.character( con))
    con <- file( con)

  source.list[[ length( source.list)+1]] <- con
  put.in.session( source.list=source.list)
  if( !isOpen( con)) {
    open( con, 'r') # if you want fancy options on e.g. blocking, you need to pre-open 'con'
    on.exit( try( close( con)))

  on.exit( { put.in.session( source.list=clip( source.list)) },

  orig.line <- 0

  ow <- options( warn=-1)
  on.exit( options( ow), add=TRUE)

  expr.count <- 1
  while( expr.count <= max.n.expr) {
    # Loop until EOF or a non-blank line
      check.EOF <- readLines( con, n=1, ok=TRUE)
      if( !length( check.EOF) || nchar( check.EOF))

    if( !length( check.EOF))
    pushBack( check.EOF, con)

#    cat( 'Con =', seek( con)); print( con)
#    cat( 'Inc=', isIncomplete( con), '\n')

    tryo <- try( list( parse( file=con, n=1)), silent=TRUE)
    if( tryo %is.a% 'try-error') {
#      print( readLines( con))
      if( echo)
        cat( "parse error; not echoing expression\n")
      errline <- as.numeric( rev( strsplit( geterrmessage(), ' ')[[1]])[1])
      if( !is.na( errline))
stop( "parse error in line " %&% errline, call.=FALSE)
stop( geterrmessage(), call.=FALSE)

    if( echo) {
      dp <- unlist( lapply( tryo[[1]], deparse), use.names=FALSE)
      dp[ 1] <- prompt.echo %&% dp[1]
      dp[ 2 %upto% length( dp)] <- getOption( 'continue') %&% dp[ 2 %upto% length( dp)]
      cat( '', dp, sep='\n')

#    Experimental code to only evaluate if it seems "useful"-- probably not a good idea
#    do.eval <- !is.na( evaluate) && evaluate
#    if( is.na( evaluate)) {
#      do.eval <- is.call( tryo[[1]][[1]]) && (tryo[[1]][[1]][[1]]=='structure') && 
#          is.call( lt <- tryo[[1]][[1]][[ length( tryo[[1]][[1]]) ]] ) && 
#          is.name( lt[[1]]) && (as.character(lt[[1]]) %in% cq( readLines.mvb, flatdoc))
#    }
#    if( do.eval)
    if( evaluate) {
      last <- {if( identical( unname( debug.script), TRUE)) eval.scriptlet else eval}( 
          tryo[[ 1]], env=envir) 
    } else 
      last <- tryo[[1]][[1]] # get through the 'expression'
    if( echo)
      try( print( last))

    expr.count <- expr.count + 1


"parse_and_maybe_methodize_USAGE" <-
function( Rcode, methodize=NA) {
# Called directly from make.Rd2
# Can be called with methodize=FALSE simply to check parsing--- eg for EXAMPLES
# Previously (mvbutils <- 2.8.210) there was methodize.USAGE which was called
# post hoc on a dot-Rd--- but when revising that to deal with longer lines,
# I hit problems because USAGE already had
# backslash before percent, brace, etc at that stage

  orig_Rcode <- Rcode
  Rcode <- ' ' %&% Rcode %&% ' ' # so gap ops are legit
  Rcode <- c( '{', Rcode, '}')

  pp <- try( parse( text=Rcode, keep.source=TRUE), silent=TRUE)

  if( (pp %is.a% 'try-error')) {
return( pp)

  # Content-free text (eg all comments) requires no action
  if( (length( pp[[1]])==1) || !methodize) {
return( orig_Rcode)

  src <- attr( pp[[1]], 'srcref')[-1] # drop with the {}
  # Add a spurious final line
  src <- c( src, list( rep( src[[ length( src)]][ 3:4] + c( 0, 1), 2)))
  pp <- as.expression( as.list( pp[[1]])[-1])
  # print( pp)
  # print( src)

  # Gaps between R expressions
  for( ipp in seq_along( pp)) {
    gappi <- c( src[[ ipp]][3:4]+c(0,1), src[[ipp+1]][1:2]-c(0,1))
    at_gap_start <- substring( Rcode[ gappi[ 1]], gappi[ 2])

    rx <- regexpr("^ *# *S3 +method +for +(?:class +)?(?<class>(?:(\\w|[.])+|\"[^\"]+\"|'[^']+'))",
          at_gap_start, perl = TRUE)
    if( rx>0) { # METHOD AHOY! modify preceding function call
      cs <- attr( rx, 'capture.start')[ 1, 'class']
      ce <- cs + attr( rx, 'capture.length')[ 1, 'class'] - 1
      S3.class <- substring( at_gap_start[ 1], cs, ce)

      # CRANia checks no longer like funny-named functions in normal quotes; need backticks
      S3.class <- gsub( '^["\']', '`', S3.class)
      S3.class <- gsub( '["\']$', '`', S3.class)
      # S3.class <- gsub( '\\{', '{', S3.class, fixed=TRUE) # fixes earlier mistake; Lcurly shouldn't be escaped

      # Now identify the method--- might be an assignment or subset
      metho <- as.character( pp[[ c( ipp, 1)]])
      is_assign <- metho=='<-'
      if( is_assign) {
        metho <- as.character( pp[[ c( ipp, 1, 2, 1)]])
      if( metho %in% c( '[', '[[', '$')) {
        # Require the actual call and the S3 message to be all on one line ..!
        # subset/assign methods should after all be simple

        if( src[[ ipp]][ 1] == src[[ ipp]][ 3]){
          warning( "Subset/replace method in USAGE needs to be all on one line. Sorry.'")
          # ... but I don't really want to cause a crash, so just do nothing...
          # ie "more than my job's worth mate"
        } else {
          # then we need to replace the actual usage-line(s)--- which should be short--- by fake version
          # First, concat the args
          args <- paste( deparse( pp[[ c( ipp, 2)]]), collapse=' ')
          args <- sub( '\\]+', '', sub( '(\\[+)|\\$)', ',', args))
          args <- sprintf( '(%s)', args)
          if( is_assign) {
            args <- args %&% ' <- ' %&% as.character( pp[[ c( ipp, 3)]])

          # Put a nice version of the call
          Rcode[ gappi[1]]  <- ' ' %&% metho %&% args %&% substring( Rcode[ gappi[ 1]], gappi[2])

      Rcode[ src[[ ipp]][ 1]] <- sprintf( ' "method{%s}{%s}"', metho, S3.class) %&%
          sub( '^[^(]*[(]', '(', Rcode[ src[[ ipp]][ 1]])
    } # if method
  } # for expressions

  # Remember to strip wrapping {}
  Rcode <- Rcode[ -c( 1, length( Rcode))]
  # ... and extra starting/trailing spaces
  Rcode <- substring( Rcode, 2, nchar( Rcode)-1)
return( Rcode)

"patch.install" <-
  # Synonym for patch.installed
  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc[[1]] <- as.name( 'patch.installed')
  eval( mc, parent.frame())

"patch.installed" <-
function( pkg, character.only=FALSE, force.all.docs=FALSE, help.patch=TRUE, DLLs.only=FALSE,
    update.installed.cache=getOption( 'mvb.update.installed.cache', TRUE),
    pre.inst=!DLLs.only, dir.above.source='+', R.target.version=getRversion(), autoversion=getOption( 'mvb.autoversion', TRUE)){
  set.pkg.and.dir() # dir. sourcedir ewhere pkg (as character)
  rpath <- dir.
  spath <- sourcedir
  if( is.null( rpath))
stop( "Can't find path of raw package '" %&% pkg %&% "'")
  is.Rd2 <- R.target.version >= '2.10'

  find.pkg <- index( search()=='package:' %&% pkg)[1]
  ipath <- if( !is.na( find.pkg))
        attr( as.environment( find.pkg), 'path')
      else if( pkg %in% loadedNamespaces())
        asNamespace( pkg)$.__NAMESPACE__.$path
        dirname( system.file( '.', package=pkg)) # returns '.' if pkg not installed

  if( is.null( ipath) || (ipath=='.'))
stop( "Can't find path of installed package '" %&% pkg %&% "'")

  ipath <- ipath[1] # if multiple installations, then fix only topmost
  dynamic.help <- is.Rd2 && file.exists( file.path( ipath, 'help', 'paths.rds'))

  if( pre.inst) {
    pre.install( pkg, character.only=TRUE, force.all.docs=force.all.docs,
        R.target.version=R.target.version, dir.above.source=dir.above.source, 
    # If specific docs are forced (via force.all.docs as character), need fixup.help below to notice
    force.all.docs <- is.character( force.all.docs) || force.all.docs
  # DLLs: if new(er)/better, copy to installed place; re-load if in memory
  fixup.DLLs( pkg %in% loadedNamespaces(), ipath, rpath, spath, pkg, use.newest=TRUE)
  if( DLLs.only)
return( invisible( NULL))  
  # files to copy
  update.installed.dir( spath, ipath, 'demo')
  update.installed.dir( spath, ipath, 'exec')
  update.installed.dir( spath, ipath, 'data')
  if( is.dir( file.path( spath, 'inst'))) {
    update.installed.dir( spath, ipath, 'inst', '.', FALSE) # don't zap dirs in installed pkg but not in inst
  # R functions
  if( !file.exists( from <- file.path( spath, 'R', 'funs.rda')))
stop( "No 'funs.rda' file available for quick reinstall")

  if( file.exists( nsfile <- file.path( spath, 'NAMESPACE'))) {
    file.copy( nsfile, file.path( ipath, 'NAMESPACE'), TRUE)
  } else
    suppressWarnings( unlink( file.path( ipath, 'NAMESPACE'))) # changed to non-NAMESPACE package!
  # Force direct use of NAMESPACE, if any
  suppressWarnings( unlink( file.path( ipath, 'Meta', 'nsInfo.rds'))) 
  is.rda <- file.exists( to <- file.path( ipath, 'R', 'all.rda'))
  is.rdb <- !is.rda && file.exists( file.path( ipath, 'R', pkg %&% '.rdb'))
  # is.rdb==TRUE if lazy-loading

  lazy.loading <- getRversion() >= '2.14'
  if( !lazy.loading) {
    lazy.loading <- tools$.read_description( file.path( ipath, 'DESCRIPTION'))[ 'LazyLoad']
    lazy.loading <- is.na( lazy.loading) | (toupper( lazy.loading) %in% c( 'Y', 'YES'))
  if( lazy.loading)
    is.rdb <- TRUE # from R 2.14 on, lazy.loading is always TRUE

  must.unload <- FALSE
  nsreg <- NULL
  if( packageHasNamespace( pkg, dirname( ipath))) {
    loader.file <- 'nspackloader.R'

    must.unload <- pkg %not.in% loadedNamespaces()
    if( !must.unload) {
      ns <- asNamespace( pkg)
    } else {
      ns <- try( loadNamespace( pkg, partial=TRUE))
      if( ns %is.a% 'try-error')
stop( "Package isn't loadable; must be sorted out before 'patch.install' will work")

      unloadio <- function() {
        try( unloadNamespace( ns), silent=TRUE) # prints Error cos of unregistered ns cos of partial load in first place
        try( suppressWarnings( rm( list=pkg, envir=nsreg)), silent=TRUE) # actually done 
      on.exit( if( must.unload) unloadio(), add=TRUE)

      # Next bit needed otherwise 'identity' below fails to find the namespace, warns, and then replaces it with .GlobalEnv ... :/
      nsreg <- get.nsreg()
      assign( pkg, ns, envir=nsreg)
  } else { 
    ns <- .GlobalEnv
    loader.file <- 'packloader.R'
  } # loader files may not be used

  eapply( ns, identity) # force lazy-loads--- avoid out-of-date lazyload promises later evalling wrong

  if( !lazy.loading) { # Raw source
    src <- readLines( file.path( spath, 'R', pkg %&% '.R'))
    src <- c( ".packageName <- '" %&% pkg %&% "'", src)
    cat( src, file=file.path( ipath, 'R', pkg), sep='\n')
  } else
    file.copy( file.path( R.home(), "share", "R", loader.file), file.path( ipath, 'R', pkg),

  # For some reason, R2.10 makes a pkg.rdb even if not lazy-loading
  if( is.rda | is.rdb) {
    e <- new.env()
    load( from, envir=e)
    f <- find.funs( e) # should be all of them
    for( i.f in f) {
      g <- e[[i.f]]
      environment( g) <- ns
      e[[ i.f]] <- g

    if( is.rda) # Saved image
      save( list=lsall( e), envir=e, file=to)
    else { # Lazy load
      # NB all in-package promises are forced at load-time for maintained packages, so should be no risk
      # of loading the wrong bit of the file. 
      # Should apply to importees, too, thanks to hack of importIntoEnv
      tools$makeLazyLoadDB( e, file.path( ipath, 'R', pkg), compress=TRUE)
      LLDBflush( file.path( ipath, 'R', pkg %&% '.rdb'))
    rm( e)
  if( must.unload) {
    must.unload <- FALSE # so it's not repeated on exit    
  # Non-functions
  if( file.exists( from.nonfuns <- file.path( spath, 'R', 'sysdata.rda'))) {
    # As of ~R2.9, extra data *must* be lazy-loaded
    to.nonfuns <- file.path( ipath, 'R', 'sysdata')
    e <- new.env()
    load( from.nonfuns, envir=e)
    tools$makeLazyLoadDB( e, to.nonfuns, compress=TRUE)
    LLDBflush( to.nonfuns %&% '.rdb')
    rm( e)
    # if( file.exists( to.nonfuns %&% '.rdb')) {
    # ...code above
    # } else
    #   file.copy( from.nonfuns, to.nonfuns %&% '.rda', TRUE)

  #fixup.package.info()-- luckily done by:
  #tools:::.vinstall_package_descriptions_as_RDS( sub( '/[^/]+$', '', ipath), pkg)
  owidth <- options( width=72)
  on.exit( options( owidth))
  tools$.install_package_description( spath, ipath)
  if( file.exists( file.path( ipath, 'NAMESPACE'))) {
    tools$.install_package_namespace_info( ipath, ipath) 
    # Re-register S3 methods
    nsInfo <- readRDS( file.path( ipath, 'Meta', 'nsInfo.rds'))
    evalq( S3methods <- matrix( '', 0, 3), ns$.__NAMESPACE__.) # purge
    evalq( rm( list=ls( all.names=TRUE)), ns$.__S3MethodsTable__.) # purge
    registerS3methods( nsInfo$S3methods, pkg, ns)

  rindex <- file.path( spath, 'INDEX')
  iindex <- file.path( ipath, 'INDEX')
  if( !identical( md5sum( rindex), md5sum( iindex))) # OK with non-existent files
    mvb.file.copy( rindex, iindex)

  if( file.exists( vigind <- file.path( spath, 'R', 'meta.vignette.rds')))
    file.copy( vigind, file.path( ipath, 'Meta', 'vignette.rds'), overwrite=TRUE)
  # more.fixup.vignettes

  if( help.patch)
    fixup.help() # doesn't yet link properly into search system
  if( pkg %in% loadedNamespaces())
    fixup.exports( pkg)

  if( update.installed.cache)
    installed.packages( noCache=TRUE) # reset info
invisible( NULL)

"pfn" <-
function( x, useSource=TRUE, ...){
  # Obsolete??
  if( is.null( sr <- attr( x, 'srcref')) && !is.null( osrc <- attr( x, 'source'))) {
    last.line <- max( which( nzchar( osrc)))
    last.char <- nchar( osrc[ last.line])
    attr( x, 'srcref') <- srcref( srcfilecopy( 'dummy', osrc), 
        c( 1, 1, last.line, last.char))
  #  AntiCRANKiness FFS; oooh doesn't like mvbutils:::bpf; hates print.function( x, useSource, ...))
  eval( asNamespace( 'mvbutils')$body.print.function) 

"plot.cdtree" <-
function( x, ...) {
  foodweb( x, ...)
  invisible( x)

"plot.foodweb" <-
function( x, textcolor, boxcolor, xblank, border, textargs=list(), use.centres=TRUE, color.lines=TRUE, 
    poly.args=list(), expand.xbox=1.05, expand.ybox=expand.xbox*1.2, plotmath=FALSE, cex=par( 'cex'), 
    ...) {
  for( ipar in cq( boxcolor, xblank, border, textcolor))
    if( do.call( 'missing', list( ipar)))
      assign( ipar, formals( foodweb)[[ ipar]])

  # Weird buggy R bollox with changing the font sizes--- the 'ps' param gets decremented by 1 *every* time it's reset!!!
  # FFS... have had to work round this in foodweb itself

  oldwarn <- options( warn=-1)$warn
  oldpar <- par( no.readonly=TRUE) %without.name% 'ps' # %such.that% grepl( 'cex', names( .)) # , new=FALSE)
  on.exit( par( oldpar))
  if( names( dev.cur())=='RGUI-BUG-windows') { # par( 'ps') SNAFU
    oldpar$ps <- par( 'ps') + 1L
    on.exit( scatn( '%i %i', par( ps=5)$ps, par( 'ps')), add=T) # oldpar$ps+2L), add=TRUE)
  options( warn=oldwarn)
  do.call( 'par', list( mar=c(1,2,1,2), ...))

  web <- x # called 'x' in arglist only to match generic 'plot'
  level <- web$level; funmat <- web$funmat; x <- web$x; funs <- names(level)
  n <- length( level)

#  if( names(dev.cur()[1])=='graphsheet') {
#    gs <- guiGetCurrMetaDoc( 'GraphSheet')
#    colortab <- guiGetPropertyValue( 'GraphSheet', Name=gs, 'ColorTable')
#    colortab <- unlist( unpaste( colortab, '|'), use=FALSE)
#    boxcolor <- background <- length( colortab)
##   Can't get background color directly as a number. Make it the negative of the first colour!
#    background.color <- 255 - as.numeric( unlist( unpaste( colortab[1], ','), FALSE))
#    colortab[ background] <- paste( background.color, collapse=',') # '255,255,255'
#    colortab <- paste( colortab, collapse='|')
#    guiModify( 'GraphSheet', Name=gs, ColorTable=colortab)
#  }

  plot( 0:1, c(min(level)-0.5, max( level)+0.5), axes=FALSE, type='n',
      xlab='', ylab='', main='')
  from <- rep( 1:n, n)[ funmat>0]
  to <- rep( 1:n, rep(n,n))[ funmat>0]
  same <- round(level[from])== round(level[to])
  if( any( same)) {
    segments( (x[from[same]]+x[to[same]])/2, level[from[same]]+0.5,
        x[ to[same]], level[ to[same]], col=if( color.lines) level[from[same]] else 1 )
    arrows( x[from[same]], level[from[same]], (x[from[same]]+x[to[same]])/2,
        level[from[same]]+0.5, #size=par('cin'), open=TRUE, works in Splus
        col=if( color.lines) level[from[same]] else 1)
    from <- from[!same]; to <- to[!same] }

# Now just the different-level calls (the vast majority). Used to have arrows
# here too, but can make for too much clutter!

  if( identical( version$language, 'R')) {
    if( plotmath)
      funs <- lapply( funs, function( x) parse( text=x)[[1]])
    sw <- sapply( funs, strwidth); sh <- sapply( funs, strheight) # works for plotmath expressions as well as text
  } else
    sw <- sh <- 0

  if( length( from)) {
    if( use.centres)
      segments( x[from], level[from], x[to], level[to], col=if( color.lines) level[from] else 1 )
      segments( x[from], level[from]-sh[from]/2, x[to], level[to]+sh[to]/2, col=if( color.lines) level[from] else 1)

#  arrows( x[from], level[from], (x[to]+x[from])/2,
#      (level[from]+level[to])/2, size=par('cin'), open=TRUE)

# Empty boxes for text. Doesn't work in Splus 4.0.
#  charscale <- par('1em')
#  if( is.null( charscale))
  charscale <- par( 'cxy')
  if( is.null( xblank))
    xblank <- 1
  if( identical( version$language, 'R'))
    do.call( 'rect', c( list( x-expand.xbox*sw/2, level-expand.ybox*sh/2,
        x+expand.xbox*sw/2, level+expand.ybox*sh/2, border=border, col=boxcolor), poly.args))
    do.call( 'polygon', c( list( rep( x, rep( 5, n))+xblank*charscale[1]*rep( nchar( funs), rep( 5, n))*c(-1,-1,1,1,NA),
        rep( level, rep( 5, n))+0.5*charscale[2]*c(-1,0.5,0.5,-1,NA), col=boxcolor), poly.args))
  retlist <- returnList( x, level, funs)
  for( i in seq( along=x))
    text( x[i], level[i], funs[[i]], col=textcolor, cex=cex)
#  do.call( 'text', c( unname( retlist), list( col=textcolor), textargs))
  mc <- as.list( match.call( expand.dots=TRUE))
  print( mc)
  ac <- formals( sys.function())
  not.named <- names( ac) %except% c( names( mc), '...')
  for( i in not.named)
    mc[[ i]] <- get( i)
  mode( mc) <- 'call'
  attr( retlist, 'call') <- mc
  invisible( retlist)

"pos" <-
function(substrs, mainstrs, any.case = FALSE, names.for.output) {
  ls <- length(substrs)
  lm <- length(mainstrs)
  .pos <- function(substr, mainstr)
    ns <- nchar(substr)
    nm <- nchar(mainstr)
    if(ns > nm)
    mainstr <- substring(mainstr, 1:(nm - ns + 1), ns:nm)
    t <- (1:length(mainstr))[mainstr == substr]
    if(length(t) == 0)
    else t
  if(any.case) {
    substrs <- upper.case(substrs)
    mainstrs <- upper.case(mainstrs)
  if((ls == 1) && (lm == 1))
    return(matrix(.pos(substrs, mainstrs), 1))
  if((ls %% lm) * (lm %% ls))
    warning( "Length of longer not a multiple of length of shorter")
  if(ls < lm) {
      names.for.output <- names(mainstrs)
    substrs <- rep(substrs, (lm %/% ls) + 1)
  else if(ls > lm) {
      names.for.output <- names(substrs)
    mainstrs <- rep(mainstrs, (ls %/% lm) + 1)
  else if(missing(names.for.output))
    names.for.output <- names(mainstrs)
  ls <- max(ls, lm)
  j <- vector("list", ls)
  for(i in (1:ls))
    j[[i]] <- .pos(substrs[i], mainstrs[i])
  max.n.pos <- max(sapply(j, length))
  if(max.n.pos == 1)
    jj <- matrix(unlist(j), 1)
  else {
    jj <- sapply(j, function(x, w)
    c(x, rep(0, w - length(x))), w = max.n.pos)
  dimnames(jj) <- list(character(0), names.for.output)

"pre.install" <-
structure( function( pkg, character.only=FALSE, force.all.docs=FALSE,
    dir.above.source='+', autoversion=getOption( 'mvb.autoversion', TRUE),
    R.target.version=getRversion(), ...) {
  set.pkg.and.dir( FALSE) # set 'dir.', 'sourcedir', and 'ewhere', and ensure 'pkg' is character

  # Herewith a fudge to avoid unnecessary file-copies of mlazy objects later on
  # ... move all existing inst/mlazy/obj**.rda files into a tempdir
  mlazy.temp.dir <- NULL
  if( is.dir( mlazy.inst.dir <- file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'mlazy'))) {
    # Some fairly paranoid programming here
    tdctr <- 0
    while( file.exists( mlazy.temp.dir <- file.path( dir., 'temp-inst-mlazy' %&% tdctr)))
      tdctr <- tdctr + 1
    mkdir( mlazy.temp.dir)
    mlazy.OK <- FALSE # reset later if all goes well
      if( !mlazy.OK) {
        suppressWarnings( mkdir( mlazy.inst.dir))
        mlazy.inst.files <- dir( mlazy.temp.dir, pattern='^obj[0-9]+.rda$')
        for( fi in mlazy.inst.files)
          file.rename( file.path( mlazy.temp.dir, fi),
              file.path( mlazy.inst.dir, fi)) # won't overwrite newer versions
      unlink( mlazy.temp.dir, TRUE)
    }) # on.exit

    old.mlazy.files <- dir( mlazy.inst.dir, pattern='^obj[0-9]+.rda$')
    for( fi in old.mlazy.files)
      file.rename( file.path( mlazy.inst.dir, fi), file.path( mlazy.temp.dir, fi))

  unlink( file.path( sourcedir), recursive=TRUE)
  if( !all( mkdir( file.path( sourcedir, cq( R, man, inst)))))
stop( "couldn't make essential directories")

  # Precedence now given to an internal text object 'mypack.DESCRIPTION'
  if( !is.null( description <- ewhere[[ pkg %&% '.DESCRIPTION']])) {
    cat( description, sep='\n', file=file.path( dir., 'DESCRIPTION'))

  if( file.exists( description.file <- file.path( dir., 'DESCRIPTION'))) {
    # Can't do in one step as gsub strips names
    description <- read.dcf( description.file)[1,]
    description[] <- gsub( '\n', ' ', description)
  } else {
    description <- c( Package=pkg, Title='What the package does',
        Version='1.0.0', Author='R.A. Fisher', Description='More about what it does',
        Maintainer='Who to complain to <yourfault@somewhere.net>',
        License='???') # adapted from 'package.skeleton'
    cat( sprintf( '%s: %s', names( description), description),
        file=file.path( dir., 'DESCRIPTION'), sep='\n')

  # Autoversion: package must already be installed, and have at least 3 parts to version number
  if( autoversion) {
    should.inc.version <- TRUE
    ood.version <- ewhere[[ pkg %&% '.VERSION']]
    if( is.null( ood.version)) {
      ood.version <- try( package_version( ood.version, strict=TRUE))
      if( (ood.version %is.a% 'try-error') || (length( ood.version) != 1)) {
        warning( sprintf( "Illegal package version in '%s.VERSION': %s", pkg, ewhere[[ pkg %&% '.VERSION']]))
        ood.version <- NULL

    if( is.null( ood.version)) {
      # Choose newer of installed and DESCRIPTION...
      # ... but these may not be all possible installed versions
      # ... eg for later versions of R than is now running
      inst.version <- max_pkg_ver( pkg, .libPaths())
      desc.version <- try( package_version( description[ 'Version']))
      if( inst.version %is.a% 'try-error') {
        inst.version <- desc.version
      } else if( desc.version %is.a% 'try-error') {
        desc.version <- inst.version

      if( inst.version %is.a% 'try-error') {
        warning( "Can't deduce version: setting to 1.0.0")
        ood.version <- numeric_version( '1.0.0')
        should.inc.version <- FALSE
      } else {
        ood.version <- if( inst.version > desc.version) inst.version else desc.version

    # Update the description
    ood.version <- as.character( ood.version)
    if( should.inc.version) {
      ok.bit <- sub( '([.-])[0-9]+$', '\\1', ood.version)
      last.bit <- as.numeric( substring( ood.version, nchar( ok.bit)+1))
      last.bit <- last.bit + 1
      new.version.str <- ok.bit %&% last.bit
    } else {
      new.version.str <- ood.version

    description[ 'Version'] <- new.version.str
    assign( pkg %&% '.VERSION', new.version.str, envir=ewhere)
    Save.pos( ewhere)

  description <- description %without.name% c( 'Built', 'LazyLoad', 'SaveImage')
#  description[ 'SaveImage'] <- 'yes'
#  description[ cq( LazyLoad, LazyData)] <- 'no'

  changes.file <- file.path( dir., 'changes.txt')
  changes.exists <- exists( 'changes.txt', mode='character', ewhere, inherits=FALSE)
  has.changelog <- changes.exists || file.exists( changes.file)
  if( has.changelog) {
    # description[ 'ChangeLog'] <- 'inst/changes.txt' # removed for R 3.0 CRANal checks
    if( changes.exists)
      cat( ewhere$changes.txt, file=file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'changes.txt'),
      mvb.file.copy( changes.file, file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'changes.txt'), TRUE)

  # Sometimes makefiles live in the main dir, instead of / as well as in src:
  if( length( makes.in.top <- dir( dir., pattern='^Makefile')))
    mvb.file.copy( file.path( dir., makes.in.top), file.path( sourcedir, makes.in.top))

  fixup.DLLs( TRUE, NULL, dir., sourcedir, pkg)

  excludo <- ewhere[[ pkg %&% '.file.exclude.regexes']]
  if( !length( excludo))
    unexcluded <- identity
    unexcluded <- function( strs) {
        o <- do.call( 'rbind', lapply( excludo, grepl, x=strs))
        strs[ !apply( o, 2, any)]

  get.nondirs <- function( x, recursive=TRUE) {
      if( is.dir( cdir <- file.path( dir., x))) {
        f <- unexcluded( file.path( x, list.files( cdir, all.files=TRUE, full.names=FALSE, recursive=recursive)))
    return( f)
      } else
    return( character( 0))
  copies <- lapply( named( cq( inst, src, data, demo, vignettes, exec, tests)), get.nondirs, recursive=TRUE)

  # Allow non-functions to be documented via aliasses in func doco
  allfuns <- find.funs( ewhere)
  allthings <- lsall( ewhere)
  alldoc <- find.documented( ewhere, doctype='Rd', only.real.objects=FALSE)
  nonfuncs.docoed.in.funcs <- alldoc %except% allfuns

  # Documented non-functions and ine
  extra.docs <- (allthings %that.match% '\\.doc$') %SUCH.THAT% exists( ., ewhere,
  named.in.extra.docs <- unlist( lapply( extra.docs,
      function( x) named.in.doc( ewhere[[x]])))
  # avoid mvbutils-utils
  named.in.extra.docs <- unique( c( named.in.extra.docs, nonfuncs.docoed.in.funcs)
      ) %that.are.in% allthings

  # Namespace
  use.existing.NAMESPACE <- FALSE
  if( NAMESPACE.exists <- file.exists( file.path( dir., 'NAMESPACE'))) {
    nscontents <- readLines( file.path( dir., 'NAMESPACE'))
    use.existing.NAMESPACE <- any( regexpr( '^ *export(Pattern)? *\\(', nscontents) > 0)
  has.namespace <- NAMESPACE.exists || exists( '.onLoad', ewhere, inherits=FALSE) ||
      !is.na( description[ 'Imports']) || (R.target.version >= '2.14')
  # Next line is default namespace stuff-- may not use
  forced.exports <- if( exists( 'forced!exports', ewhere, mode='character',
      character( 0)
  nsinfo <- make.NAMESPACE( ewhere, description=description,
      more.exports=c( named.in.extra.docs, forced.exports))

  # *** HOOK CALLED HERE ***
  default.list <- c( copies, dll.paths, returnList(
      exclude.funs= c( 'pre.install.hook.' %&% pkg, '.First.task'),
      exclude.data=  c( extra.docs, pkg %&% '.DESCRIPTION', pkg %&% '.UNSTABLE',
          cq( 'forced!exports',
              .required, .Depends, tasks, .Traceback, .packageName, last.warning,
              .Random.seed, .SavedPlots, .Last.value)),
      dont.check.visibility=getOption( 'mvb_dont_check_visibility', TRUE))

  if( is.function( fphook <- ewhere[[ 'pre.install.hook.' %&% pkg]]))
    default.list <- fphook( default.list, ...)
  extract.named( default.list %without.name% cq( task.path, env))

  cat( paste( names( description), description, sep=': '),
      file = file.path( sourcedir, 'DESCRIPTION'), sep = '\n')

  # Straight file copies:
  for( cdir in names( copies))
    if( length( cfiles <- default.list[[cdir]])) {
      mkdir( file.path( sourcedir, cdir))
      csourcedirs <- unique( dirname( cfiles)) %except% cq( ., ..)
      mkdir( file.path( sourcedir, csourcedirs))

      mvb.file.copy( file.path( dir., cfiles), file.path( sourcedir, cfiles), TRUE)

  # Sep 2016
  # 'extra.filecontents' should be a list of character vectors; names should include paths eg "inst/src/utils.pas" as ONE name; elements are file contents.
  # Hook can create each element via readLines() or "manually"
  write_the_bloody_Lines <- function( text, filename) { # create dir if necessary
      if( !dir.exists( dirname( filename))) {
        mkdir( dirname( filename))
      writeLines( text, filename)
  FOR( names( extra.filecontents),
    write_the_bloody_Lines( extra.filecontents[[.]], file.path( sourcedir, .)))

  # Demo index
  if( is.dir( demo.dir <- file.path( sourcedir, 'demo')) &&
      !file.exists( file.path( demo.dir, '00Index'))) {
    # make one!
    demos <- dir( demo.dir, pattern='\\.(r|R)$')
    first.comment <- function( f) {
      txt <- readLines( file.path( demo.dir, f))
      hash <- grep( '^#', txt, value=TRUE)[1]
      if( !is.na( hash))
        stuff <- sub( '# +', '', hash)
        stuff <- 'Demo of ' %&% sub( '\\.(r|R)$', '', basename( f))
    return( stuff)
    demo.lines <- sapply( demos, first.comment)
    cat( paste( sub( '\\.(r|R)$', '', demos), demo.lines, sep='\t'),
        file=file.path( demo.dir, '00Index'), sep='\n')


  # Zap inst if empty, otherwise R 2.10 complains...
  if( !length( dir( file.path( sourcedir, 'inst'), all.files=TRUE) %except% c( '.', '..')))
    unlink( file.path( sourcedir, 'inst'), recursive=TRUE)

  # DLLs
  if( length( dll.paths)) {
    slibpath <- file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'libs')
    if( getRversion() > '2.12')
      slibpath <- file.path( slibpath, .Platform$r_arch)
    mkdir( slibpath)
    mvb.file.copy( dll.paths, file.path( slibpath, names( dll.paths)))

  # Augment functions to include all that are named in each others aliasses
  funs <- find.funs( ewhere) %except% exclude.funs
  # Search env for functions: son of ewhere so on-the-fly changes can go there
  ewhereson <- new.env( parent=ewhere)

  # mlazy objects, and code to auto-load them (involves hacking .onLoad or .First.lib
  mlazies <- mcachees( ewhere) %except% c( '.Random.seed', exclude.data)
  if( length( mlazies)) {
    mkdir( file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'mlazy'))
    objfiles <- 'obj' %&% attr( ewhere, 'mcache')[ mlazies] %&% '.rda'
    md5new <- sapply( file.path( dir., 'mlazy', objfiles), md5sum)
    if( !is.null( mlazy.temp.dir)) {
      md5old <- sapply( file.path( mlazy.temp.dir, objfiles), md5sum)
  #    fsnew <- file.info( file.path( dir., 'mlazy', objfiles))
  #    fsold <- file.info( file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'mlazy', objfiles)) # some may not exist
  #    different.file <- (fsnew$size != fsold$size) | (fsnew$mtime != fsold$mtime)
      different.file <- md5old != md5new
      different.file[ is.na( different.file)] <- TRUE
    } else
      different.file <- rep( TRUE, length( objfiles))
    if( any( different.file))
      mvb.file.copy( file.path( dir., 'mlazy', objfiles[ different.file]),
          file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'mlazy', objfiles[ different.file]))
    for( fi in objfiles[ !different.file])
      file.rename( file.path( mlazy.temp.dir, fi), file.path( sourcedir, 'inst', 'mlazy', fi))
    mlazy.OK <- TRUE # files sorted out

    if( has.namespace) {
      wot.env <- 'environment( sys.function())'
      wot.fun <- '.onLoad'
    } else {
      wot.env <- 'as.environment( "package:" %&% pkgname))'
      wot.fun <- '.First.lib'

    plb <- substitute( nsenv <- wot.env, list( wot.env=parse( text=wot.env)[[1]]))
    for( i in mlazies)
      plb <- c( plb, substitute( delayedAssign( x=i, {
          load( file.path( libname, pkgname, 'mlazy', objfile), nsenv)
          nsenv[[ i]]
        }, assign.env=nsenv, eval.env=environment()),
        returnList( i, objfile='obj' %&% attr( ewhere, 'mcache')[i] %&% '.rda')))

    # Ensure these data are unlocked, so that they can be loaded.
    # ...use 'dont.lockBindings' mechanism but ensure package is indept of mvbutils
    dlb <- dont.lockBindings
    sho <- setHook.once
    environment( dlb) <- environment( sho) <- .GlobalEnv
    plb <- c( plb, substitute( {
        dont.lockBindings <- dlb
        setHook.once <- sho}, returnList( dlb, sho)))
    plb <- c( plb, substitute( dont.lockBindings( mlazies, pkgname),
        list( mlazies=mlazies)))

    loader <- get( wot.fun, ewhere)
    if( is.null( loader))
      loader <- function( libname, pkgname) NULL

    # Now have to prepend plb to body of loader
    # ...not easy
    thing <- quote( {a})
    for( i in seq_along( plb))
      thing[[ i+1]] <- plb[[i]]
    body( loader) <- call( '{', thing, body( loader))
    assign( wot.fun, loader, envir=ewhereson)
    mlazy.OK <- TRUE

  # Source code:
  # hide.vars and ifun are for workaround to silly CRAN check below
  hide.vars <- vector( 'list', length( funs))
  ifun <- 1

  ff <- function( x) {
    cat( '\n"', x, '" <-\n', sep='', file=rfile, append=TRUE)
    fx <- get( x, ewhereson, inherits=TRUE) # ewhere[[ x]] is broken
    if( is.function( fx)) {
      attributes( fx) <- attributes( fx) %without.name% 'doc'
      write.sourceable.function( fx, rfile, append=TRUE, doc.special=FALSE)
      hide.vars[[ ifun]] <<- c( all.names( body( fx), unique=TRUE),
          unlist( lapply( formals( fx), all.names, unique=TRUE), use.names=FALSE))
      ifun <<- ifun+1
    } else
      print( fx)

    file.path( sourcedir, 'R',
        dir( file.path( sourcedir, 'R'), all.files=TRUE))) # clean out oldies
  rfile <- file.path( sourcedir, 'R', pkg %&% '.R')
  # cat( '.packagename <- "', pkg, '"\n', sep='', file=rfile)
  cat( '# This is package', pkg, '\n', file=rfile)
  sapply( funs, ff)

  if( is.logical( dont.check.visibility) && isT( dont.check.visibility[1])) {
    # Workaround silly CRAN check
    # No point in hiding imports or existing functions
    dont.hide.vars <- c( funs, lsall( baseenv()))
    for( imp in nsinfo$import)
      dont.hide.vars <- c( dont.hide.vars, getNamespaceExports( asNamespace( imp)))
    dont.hide.vars <- unique( dont.hide.vars)

    hide.vars <- unique( unlist( hide.vars, use.names=FALSE)) %except% dont.hide.vars
    # NB Feb 2013: Checking code is in codetools:::checkUsageEnterGlobal...
    # ... hidden vars are specified in tools:::.check_code_usage_in_package by calling globalVariables()
  } else if( is.character( dont.check.visibility))
    hide.vars <- dont.check.visibility
    hide.vars <- character( 0)

  if( length( hide.vars)) {
    # .Traceback gets excluded during pre.install because it exists in baseenv()...
    # ... but it may not exist during RCMD CHECK, so add the bloody thing!
    # In any case, need some var on first line for first comma to latch onto
    cat( "# MVB's workaround for futile CRAN 'no visible blah' check:",
        sprintf( 'globalVariables( package="%s",', pkg),
        '  names=c( ".Traceback"',
        file=rfile, sep='\n', append=TRUE)
    cat( sprintf( '    ,"%s"', hide.vars), '))', '', file=rfile, sep='\n', append=TRUE)

  # Non-functions:
  extra.data <- allthings %except% c( allfuns, exclude.data, mlazies)
  if( length( extra.data))
    save( list=extra.data, file=file.path( sourcedir, 'R', 'sysdata.rda'), envir=ewhere,

  # Save file ready for patch.installed
  epar <- new.env()
  epar$globalVariables <- function( ...) 0 # not sure if this is required, but avoid side-effects from 'source'...
  e <- new.env( parent=epar) # will hold stuff to save for patch.installed
  # ... did have 'parent=ewhere' but parent( ewhere)==EmptyEnv for maintained package so..?
  eval( substitute( source( rfile, local=TRUE, keep.source=TRUE)), envir=e)
  for( ff in find.funs( e))
    environment( e[[ff]]) <- .GlobalEnv
  e$.packageName <- pkg # ready for quick install
  save( list=lsall( e), file=file.path( sourcedir, 'R', 'funs.rda'), envir=e,
  rm( e)

  # Try to tell RCMD not to build "funs.rda" into package... doesn't seem to work
  if( file.exists( RBI <- file.path( dir., '.Rbuildignore')))
    mvb.file.copy( RBI, file.path( sourcedir, '.Rbuildignore'))
  cat( c( '[.]/R/funs[.]rda', ''), file=file.path( sourcedir, '.Rbuildignore'), append=TRUE, sep='\n')

  # Obsolete: Object list, used by maintain.packages-- funny name to avoid clashing
  # cat( '\n`original!object!list` <-', deparse( c( funs, extra.data)), '', sep='\n',
  #    file=rfile, append=TRUE)

  # Documentation:
  # Code is set to only update files if they've changed. However, they're *all* deleted anyway
  # ...by the unlink( recruvsive=TRUE) above

  doc2Rd.info.file <- file.path( dir., 'doc2Rd.info.rda')
  if( is.character( force.all.docs)) {
    forcible.redoc <- force.all.docs
    force.all.docs <- FALSE
  } else {
    forcible.redoc <- character()

  if( !force.all.docs && file.exists( doc2Rd.info.file)) {
    load( doc2Rd.info.file) # creates doc2Rd.info
    if( length( forcible.redoc)) {
      doc2Rd.info <- doc2Rd.info %without.name% forcible.redoc
      force.all.docs <- FALSE
  } else {
    doc2Rd.info <- list()

  # Check for handwritten Rd files-- must live in a sourcedir called Rd
  Rd.files.to.keep <- character(0)
  if( is.dir( Rd.dir <- file.path( dir., 'Rd'))) {
    existing.Rd.files <- dir( Rd.dir, pattern='\\.Rd$', all.files=TRUE)
    Rd.files.to.keep <- existing.Rd.files
    Rd.already <- character( 0)
    mvb.file.copy( file.path( Rd.dir, existing.Rd.files),
        file.path( sourcedir, 'man', existing.Rd.files), TRUE)
    for( i in existing.Rd.files) {
      rl <- readLines( file.path( Rd.dir, i))
      docced <- rl %that.match% c( '^\\name\\{', '^\\alias\\{')
      Rd.already <- c( Rd.already, sub( '.*\\{([^}])\\}.*', '\\1', rl))
  } else
    Rd.already <- character(0)

  # The point here is to avoid calling the Rdconv function if the requisite output already exists
  # Rdconv will basically be doc2Rd but can vary slightly depending on how get.updated.Rd is called
  get.updated.Rd <- function( docname, new.docco, Rdconv, ...) {
      if( !identical( new.docco, doc2Rd.info[[ docname]]$docattr)) {
        scatn( "Generating Rd for '%s'", docname)
        Rd <- try( Rdconv( ...))
        doc2Rd.info[[ i]] <<- if( Rd %is.not.a% 'try-error')
            list( docattr=new.docco, Rd=Rd)
      } else # no change
        Rd <- doc2Rd.info[[ docname]]$Rd

  provisionally.add.man.file <- function( docname, text, fname) {
    new.md5 <- doc2Rd.info[[ docname]]$md5
    already <- file.path( sourcedir, 'man', fname)

    if( !force.all.docs && !is.null( new.md5) && !is.na( new.md5) &&
        file.exists( already)) {
      do.write <- md5sum( already) != new.md5
    } else
      do.write <- TRUE

    if( do.write) {
      cat( text, file=already, sep='\n')
      doc2Rd.info[[ docname]]$md5 <<- md5sum( already)

    Rd.files.to.keep <<- c( Rd.files.to.keep, fname)

  Rd.version <- if( R.target.version < '2.10') "1" else "2"
  docfuns <- (funs %except% Rd.already) %that.are.in%
      find.documented( ewhere, doctype='own')
  for( i in docfuns) {
    geti <- ewhere[[i]]
    Rd <- get.updated.Rd( i, attr( geti, 'doc'), doc2Rd, geti, Rd.version=Rd.version,
    if( Rd %is.not.a% 'try-error') {
      fname <- sub( '\\}', '', sub( '\\\\name\\{', '', Rd[1])) %&% '.Rd'
      fname <- legal.filename( fname)
      if( length( grep( '^\\.', fname)))
        fname <- '01' %&% fname
      provisionally.add.man.file( i, Rd, fname)

  if( !has.namespace) {
    Rdconv.internals <- function()
        doc2Rd( make.internal.doc( undoc.funs, pkg, pkenv=ewhere), Rd.version=Rd.version)
    undoc.funs <- funs %except% c( find.documented( ewhere, doctype='any'),
        cq( .First.lib, .Last.lib, .onLoad, .onAttach))
    if( length( undoc.funs)) {
      raw.undocco <- unlist( lapply( cq( mlazy, cd),
          function( x) clip( deparse( args( get( x))))))
      Rd.undoc <- get.updated.Rd( pkg %&% '-internal', raw.undocco, Rdconv.internals)
      provisionally.add.man.file( pkg %&% '-internal', Rd.undoc, pkg %&% '-internal.Rd')

  # Could possibly check for clash with Rd.already, but will assume user's brain is working
  for( i in extra.docs) {
    geti <- ewhere[[ i]]
    Rd.extra <- get.updated.Rd( i, geti, doc2Rd, geti, Rd.version=Rd.version, def.valids=alldoc)
    # For package doc, put 00 first to get indexing right...
    # ...and change . into -
    docname <- if( length( grep( '\\.package\\.doc$', i)))
        '00' %&% sub( '\\.', '-', sub( '\\.doc$', '', i))
        sub( '\\.doc$', '', i)
    provisionally.add.man.file( i, Rd.extra, docname %&% '.Rd')
    # cat( file=file.path( sourcedir, 'man', docname %&% '.Rd'), Rd.extra, sep='\n')
  suppressWarnings(   file.remove( file.path( sourcedir, 'man',
        dir( file.path( sourcedir, 'man'), all.files=TRUE) %except% Rd.files.to.keep)))

  save( doc2Rd.info, file=doc2Rd.info.file)

  if( has.namespace) {
    if( use.existing.NAMESPACE)
      mvb.file.copy( file.path( dir., 'NAMESPACE'), file.path( sourcedir, 'NAMESPACE'), TRUE)
      write.NAMESPACE( nsinfo, file.path( sourcedir, 'NAMESPACE'))

  # Index last, so it looks up-to-date for RCMD BUILD
  index.file <- file.path( sourcedir, 'INDEX')
  Rdindex( file.path( sourcedir, 'man'), index.file)
  # Put the ***-package file first, if it exists
  index.stuff <- scan( index.file, what='', sep='\n', quiet=TRUE)
  if( !is.na( i <- grep( '^' %&% pkg %&% '\\-package', index.stuff)[1]))
    cat( index.stuff[ c( i, (1:length( index.stuff)) %except% i)], sep='\n',

  invisible( NULL)
, vignette.stub = structure(c("%\\VignetteIndexEntry{User manual}", "\\documentclass{article}",  "\\begin{document}", "\\end{document}"), class = "docattr") 

"pre.install.hook.mvbutils" <-
function( default.list) {
  # Just for demo purposes really; its only role is to include itself in the package!
  default.list$exclude.funs <- default.list$exclude.funs %except% 'pre.install.hook.mvbutils'

"prepare.for.move" <-
function( path) {
  if( is.environment( path)) { # maintained.packages$packagename
    saving <- NA # used to have TRUE, which forced auto-save; bit bossy
    env <- path
    path <- attr( env, 'path')
  } else {
    found.me <- function( x) (!is.null( spath <- attr( as.env( x), 'path')) && spath==path)

    env <- index( sapply( 1:length( search()), found.me))[1]
    if( found <- !is.na( env)) 
      env <- as.environment( env)
    else if( length( maintained.packages)) {
      env <- index( sapply( maintained.packages, found.me))[1]
      if( found <- !is.na( env))
        env <- maintained.packages[[ env]]

    if( !found) {
      env <- new.env()
      attr( env, 'path') <- path
      load.refdb( file=file.path( path, '.RData'), envir=env)
      saving <- TRUE
    } else
      saving <- if( path != .Path[ length( .Path)]) NA else FALSE # don't explicitly save globalenv
  obj <- lsall( envir=env)
  list( env=env, saving=saving, obj=obj, path=path)

"print" <-
function( x, ...)
  UseMethod( 'print')

"print.(" <-
function( x, ...) {
  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc[[1]] <- quote( baseenv()$print.default)
  eval.parent( mc)

"print.{" <-
function( x, ...) { 
  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc[[1]] <- quote( baseenv()$print.default)
  eval.parent( mc)

"print.<-" <-
function( x, ...) { 
# This seemed to work, but makes me nervous...
#  x <- substitute( x)
#  base:::print.default( eval.parent( x), ...)

  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc[[1]] <- quote( baseenv()$print.default)
  eval.parent( mc)

"print.browsertemp" <-
function( x, ...){
  # Display the file, *and delete it!!!*
  browseURL( 'file://' %&% x, getOption( 'browser'))
  unlink( x)
invisible( NULL)

"print.call" <-
function( x, ...) { 
# This seemed to work, but makes me nervous...
#  x <- substitute( x)
#  base:::print.default( eval.parent( x), ...)

  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc[[1]] <- quote( baseenv()$print.default)
  eval.parent( mc)

"print.cat" <-
function( x, ...) { cat( x, sep='\n'); invisible( x) }

"print.cdtree" <-
function( x, ...) {
  levs <- round( x$level)
  max.lev <- max( levs)
  indents <- sapply( split( names( levs), levs), function( nn) max( nchar( nn)))
  indents <- cumsum( c( 0, rev( indents[-1])+1))
  indents <- sapply( indents, function( x) paste( rep( ' ', x), collapse=''))
  indents <- rev( indents)[ levs] %&% names( levs)
  cat( indents, sep='\n')
  invisible( x)

"print.default" <-
function( x, ...) {
  # Access S3 methods known to base::print but not mvbutils::print
  # cat( "Class of x:", class( x), '', sep='\n')
  # base::print( x, ...) # leads to recursion if default selected, as do other tricks
  l <- c( list( quote( print), x), list( ...)) # eval all args
  eval( as.call( l), baseenv()) # ensure that only ORIGINAL S3 method table is searched

invisible( x)

"print.docattr" <-
function (x, ...) 

"print.for" <-
function( x, ...) { 
# This seemed to work, but makes me nervous...
#  x <- substitute( x)
#  base:::print.default( eval.parent( x), ...)

  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc[[1]] <- quote( baseenv()$print.default)
  eval.parent( mc)

"print.function" <-
function(x, useSource=TRUE, ...) {
  if( is.null( sr <- attr( x, 'srcref')) && !is.null( osrc <- attr( x, 'source'))) {
    # Concoct artificial srcref
    last.line <- max( which( nzchar( osrc)))
    last.char <- nchar( osrc[ last.line])
    attr( x, 'srcref') <- srcref( srcfilecopy( 'dummy', osrc), 
        c( 1, 1, last.line, last.char))

  #  Patch to avoid explicit useless printing of x@source in newer R
  if( exists( 'getRversion', mode='function') && getRversion() > '3.2') {
    attr( x, 'source') <- NULL
  # Call base method
  eval( body.print.function) #   unmentionable( print.function( x, useSource, ...)) # sigh...

"print.if" <-
function( x, ...) { 
# This seemed to work, but makes me nervous...
#  x <- substitute( x)
#  base:::print.default( eval.parent( x), ...)

  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc[[1]] <- quote( baseenv()$print.default)
  eval.parent( mc)

"print.name" <-
function( x, ...)
  cat( as.character( x), '\n')

"print.nullprint" <-
function( x, ...) 

"print.pagertemp" <-
function( x, ...) {
  file.show( x, title="mvbutils-style informal help on '" %&% names( x) %&% "'", delete.file=TRUE)
  put.in.session( just.created.window=TRUE)
  invisible( x)

"print.specialprint" <-
function( x, ...){
  # scatn( "G'day!")
  printo <- attr( x, 'print')
  if( printo %is.not.an% 'expression') {
    scatn( "No 'print' attribute found-- using default")
  } else {
    mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
    thrub <- new.env()
    # scatn( 'Filling...')
    for( i in names( mc)[-1])
      thrub[[ i]] <- get( i) # force
    # scatn( 'Ready to eval...')
    eval( printo, thrub)
    # scatn( 'Done!')
invisible( x) # so won't call print again

"print.thing.with.source" <-
function( x, ...) {
  cat( '# SOURCED FROM THIS:', attr( x, 'source'), sep='\n', ...)
invisible( x)

"print.while" <-
function( x, ...) { 
# This seemed to work, but makes me nervous...
#  x <- substitute( x)
#  base:::print.default( eval.parent( x), ...)

  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc[[1]] <- quote( baseenv()$print.default)
  eval.parent( mc)

"promote.2.to.1" <-
function () {
    full.path <- attr(pos.to.env(2), "path")
    load.mvb( filename = file.path( full.path, '.RData'), name=names( full.path), pos=1, path=full.path)
    env <- .GlobalEnv
    attr(env, "path") <- full.path

"put.in.session" <-
function (...) 
    orig.mc <- mc <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
    if (length(mc)) {
        if (is.null(names(mc))) 
            which <- 1:length(mc)
        else which <- names(mc) == ""
        for (i in index(which)) if (is.symbol(orig.mc[[i]])) 
            names(mc)[i] <- as.character(orig.mc[[i]])
        mc <- lapply(mc, eval, envir = parent.frame())
        for (i in 1:length(mc)) assign(names(mc)[i], mc[[i]], 
            pos = "mvb.session.info")

"rbdf" <-
function( ..., deparse.level=1) {
  mc <- match.call()
  mc[[1]] <- rbind.data.frame # should find mvbutils version...
  # ... so don't need to upset the CRANIAcs with quote( mvbutils:::rbind.data.frame)
  eval( mc, parent.frame())

"rbind" <-
function (..., deparse.level = 1) 
  eval( body.rbind)

"rbind.data.frame" <-
function( ..., deparse.level=1) {
  allargs <- list( ...) %SUCH.THAT% !is.null( .)
  if( !length( allargs))
return( brdf()) # weird-ass 0*0 DF, as base-R doco mandates (why??!!); should not be reached by dispatch

  # This for some kind of compatibility with potty base-R behaviour
  is.scalar <- sapply( allargs, is.atomic) & sapply( allargs, is.vector)
  allargs[ !is.scalar] <- lapply( allargs[ !is.scalar], data.frame)
  ncols <- sapply( allargs[ !is.scalar], ncol)
  if( any( ncols != ncols[1]))
stop( 'Differing number of columns')

  # Make all scalars into single-row data frames: crazy base-R. Should not be allowed!
  if( any( is.scalar)) {
    warning( "risky to supply scalar argument(s) to 'rbind.data.frame'")
    target <- names( allargs[ !is.scalar][[ 1]])
    make.like.target <- function( x) {
        xout <- rep( x[1], length( target))
        xout[] <- x
        names( xout) <- target
        data.frame( as.list( xout), check.names=FALSE)
    allargs[ is.scalar] <- lapply( allargs[ is.scalar], make.like.target)

  if( length( allargs)==1)
return( allargs[[1]])

  rows <- sapply( allargs, nrow)
  norows <- rows==0

  # 0-row args get a row of NAs. Must avoid calling rbind!
  allargs[ norows] <- lapply( allargs[ norows], function( x) {
      x <- data.frame( x, check.names=FALSE) # since matrices don't like next line...
      x[1,] <- x[1,] # ... which adds a row of NAs, even for cols of DF that are matrices
  # brdf = base::rbind.data.frame, modded to handle classed matrices
  rbindo <- do.call( brdf, c( allargs, list( deparse.level=deparse.level)))
  if( any( norows)) # should work anyway but...
    rbindo <- rbindo[ -cumsum( rows + norows)[norows],,drop=FALSE]

"rcmdgeneric.pkg2" <-
  flags=character( 0),
  ...) {
  cd <- getwd()
  old.rlibs <- Sys.getenv( 'R_LIBS') # must at least set R_LIBS...
  tf <- tempfile()
    setwd( cd)
    Sys.setenv( R_LIBS=old.rlibs)
    unlink( tf)

  setwd( outdir) #   dirname( subdir)) # pre-7/2013, was (dir.)
  Sys.setenv( R_LIBS=paste( .libPaths(), collapse=';'))
  comm <- paste( c( 'RCMD', cmd, paste( flags, collapse=' '), indir %&% postfix), collapse=' ')
  has.tee <- nzchar( Sys.which( 'tee'))
  if( has.tee) {
    comm <- comm %&% '| tee ' %&% tf
  } else {
    warno <- "'tee' not available-- return value (error status) will be NA"
    if( .Platform$OS.type=='windows') {
      warno <- warno %&% "; install 'coreutils' from Gnuwin32 and check '?build.pkg'"
    warning( warno)
  stuff <- shell( comm, intern=!has.tee, invisible=has.tee, ...)
  if( has.tee) {
    tc <- readLines( tf) 
  } else {
    tc <- stuff
    stuff <- NA
  attributes( stuff) <- returnList( pkg, outdir, output=tc)
return( stuff)

"Rd2txt_easy" <-
function( p1, options=FALSE) { # p1 from parse_Rd()
  rdo <- Rd2txt_options( width=10000, 
      itemBullet= '* ',
      sectionIndent= 80, sectionExtra= 2,
      minIndent= -24, extraIndent=0, # ignore list nesting
      enumFormat= function( n) sprintf( '%d. ', n),
  on.exit( Rd2txt_options( rdo))
  if( options) {
return( Rd2txt_options()) # the new lot
  t1 <- tempfile()
  on.exit( { unlink( t1); Rd2txt_options( rdo)})

  Rd2txt( p1, t1)
readLines( t1)

"read.bkind" <-
function( where=1) {
  dir <- get.path.from.where( where)
  files <- object.names <- character( 0) # in case can't find
  index.file <- file.path( dir, '.Backup.mvb/index')
  if( file.exists( index.file)) {
    ow <- options( warn=-1)
    files <- readLines( index.file)
    options( ow)
    files <- files[ substr( files, 1, 2)=='BU']
  if( length(files)) {
    object.names <- strsplit( files, '=', fixed=TRUE)
    files <- sapply( object.names, '[', 1)
    object.names <- lapply( object.names, '[', -1)
    object.names <- sapply( object.names, paste, collapse='=') # e.g. for something called 'per=verse'

  returnList( files, object.names)

"readLines.mvb" <-
function( con = stdin(), n = -1, ok = TRUE, EOF=as.character( NA), line.count=FALSE) {
  if( con %is.a% 'character')
    con <- file( con)
  if( !isOpen( con, 'r')) {
    open( con, open='r')
    on.exit( close( con))
  n[ n < 0] <- Inf 
  answer <- character( 0)  
  lines.read <- 0
  while( lines.read < n) { 
    new.answer <- readLines( con=con, n=1, ok=TRUE)
    if( length( new.answer))
      lines.read <- lines.read + 1
    if( !length( new.answer) || match( new.answer, EOF, 0))
    answer <- c( answer, new.answer)

  if( line.count) {
    attr( answer, 'line.count') <- lines.read
      if( !is.null( sli <- attr( con, 'source.list.num'))) {
        if( !is.null( olc <- attr( con, 'line.count'))) {
          mvbsi <- as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')
          sl <- mvbsi$source.list
          attr( sl[[ sli]], 'line.count') <- olc + lines.read
          assign( 'source.list', sl, envir=mvbsi)
    ) # end try
return( answer)

"readr" <-
function( x, ...) {
  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc$fixing <- FALSE
  mc$new <- FALSE
  mc[[1]] <- quote( fixr)
  eval( mc, parent.frame())

"reduce.empty.links" <-
function( nlocal=sys.parent()) mlocal({
  # Rather pointless since empty links are harmless
  # Shouldn't be any occurrences of \link{} except to avoid Rd bugs...
  # ... because \link{} itself would appear as something different!
  # I *think* that...
  # ... if character after \link{} is not special, we can delete the \link{} 
  # ... do it sequentially, deleting last one in each line in turn
  # Note that \code is always a risky thing, so "c" is treated as special here
  mtlinx <- seq_along( Rd)
    mtlinx <- mtlinx[ grep( '\\\\link\\{\\}([^c{\\\\%]|$|\\\\\\})', Rd[ mtlinx])]
    if( !length( mtlinx))
    Rd[ mtlinx] <- sub( '\\\\link\\{\\}([^c{\\\\%]|$|\\\\\\})', '\\1', Rd[ mtlinx])

"remove.from.package" <-
function( ...) { # identical to rm.pkg
  mc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE)
  mc[[1]] <- quote( rm.pkg)
  eval( mc, sys.parent())

"returnList" <-
function( ...) { 
# Returns its arguments; unnamed arguments are named using deparse & substitute
# Does what the deprecated version of 'return' used to do before R 1.8
  orig.mc <- mc <- as.list( match.call())[ -1]

  if( length( mc)) {
    if( length( mc)==1)
      mc <- eval( mc[[1]], envir=parent.frame())
    else { # multiple arguments, so return as named list
      if( is.null( names( mc)))
        which <- 1:length( mc)
        which <- names( mc)==''

      for( i in index( which))
        if( is.symbol( orig.mc[[ i]]))
          names( mc)[ i] <- as.character( orig.mc[[ i]] )
      mc <- lapply( mc, eval, envir=parent.frame())

"rm.pkg" <-
function( pkg, ..., list=NULL, save.=NA) {
  if( is.null( list))
    list <- sapply( match.call( expand.dots=FALSE)$..., as.character)

  if( is.null( list)) # nothing to do-- can happen in patch.package

  if( is.environment( pkg)) {
    pkenv <-  pkg
    pkg <- attr( pkenv, 'name')
  } else {
    pkenv <- maintained.packages[[ pkg]]
  suppressWarnings( rm( list=list, envir=pkenv)) # that bit was easy
  maybe.save.after.move( list( env=pkenv, path=attr( pkenv, 'path'), saving=save.))

  attacho <- index( search()=='package:' %&% pkg)[1]
  if( !is.na( attacho))
    suppressWarnings( rm( list=list, envir=pos.to.env( attacho)))

  lns <- loadedNamespaces()
  if( pkg %in% lns) {
    nspkg <- asNamespace( pkg)
    suppressWarnings( rm( list=list, envir=nspkg))

    exlist <- list %that.are.in% lsall( nspkg$.__NAMESPACE__.$exports)
    if( length( exlist)) {
      # Import envs are locked, so can't remove
      # Could possibly hack round that with 'hack.lockEnvironment' but hard & ?dangerous?
      # Can't use active binding instead of existing binding either
      # Best is to use delayedAssign to try to fetch the object from baseenv
      gnu <- getNamespaceUsers( pkg)
      impenvs <- lapply( named( gnu), function( x) parent.env( asNamespace( x)))
      impls <- lapply( impenvs, ls)
      impacks <- rep( gnu, sapply( impls, length))
      impls <- unlist( impls, use.names=FALSE)
      for( x in exlist %that.are.in% impls) {
        for( impenv in impenvs[ impacks[ impls==x]]) {
          if( bl <- balloonIsTethered( x, impenv)) # should be locked
            untetherBalloon( x, impenv)
          do.call( 'delayedAssign', list( x=x, value=substitute( get( x, baseenv()), list( x=x)),
              eval.env=baseenv(), assign.env=impenv))
          if( bl)
            tetherBalloon( x, impenv)
        } # for ihas in has
      } # for x in exlist...
    } # if length exlist

    # meths <- pmatch( names( .knownS3Generics) %&% '.', list, dup=TRUE)
    # For now, just zap methods known to base

    suppressWarnings( rm( list=list, envir=baseenv()$.__S3MethodsTable__.))

"safe.rbind" <-
function( df1, df2) {
  # As of 2013:
  .Deprecated( 'rbind', package='mvbutils', msg='Better to look after column classes manually')
  # In R, can hit problems when vars take all-NA or "numeric" values in one df, but character values in the other
  if( is.null( df1))
return( df2)
  if( is.null( df2))
return( df1)

  fac1 <- sapply( df1, is.factor)
  fac2 <- sapply( df2, is.factor)
  if( any( fac2 & !fac1))
    df1[ fac2 & !fac1] <- lapply( df1[ fac2 & !fac1], factor)
  if( any( fac1 & !fac2))
    df2[ fac1 & !fac2] <- lapply( df2[ fac1 & !fac2], factor)  
  rbind( df1, df2)

"Save" <-
function() {
  Save.pos( 1)
  try( savehistory())

"save.mchanged" <-
function( objs, envir) {
  path <- attr( envir, 'path')
  mcache <- omcache <- attr( envir, 'mcache')
  mcache <- mcache %such.that% (names(.) %in% lsall( envir))
  # Check to avoid "objNA.rda"; but this fun is called only
  # ...by  mtidy & save.refdb, which should check anyhow
  objs <- objs %such.that% (. %in% lsall( envir)) 
  changed.objs <- objs %such.that% (mcache[.]<0)
  if( any( is.na( mcache[ changed.objs])))
warning( "mcache is corrupted somehow-- use 'demlazy' and 'mlazy' again for these objects: " %&% 
    paste( changed.objs %such.that% is.na( mcache[ .]), collapse=', '))

  if( length( changed.objs) || length( mcache)<length(omcache)) {
    if( getOption( 'mlazy.subdir', TRUE)) {
      dir.create( file.path( path, 'mlazy'), showWarnings=FALSE)
      objpath <-  file.path( 'mlazy', 'obj') }
      objpath <- 'obj'
#   e <- new.env() # looks as if 'e' is unnecessary-- acbins get saved as normal objects
    for( i in changed.objs) 
      xsave( list=i, file=file.path( path, objpath %&% -mcache[ i] %&% '.rda'), envir=envir)

    mcache[ changed.objs] <- -mcache[ changed.objs]
    mupdate.mcache.index.if.opt( mcache, objpath)

  attr( envir, 'mcache') <- mcache

"Save.pos" <-
function (pos, path, ascii = FALSE) {
#    on.exit(save.pos(pos)) # in R2.0, can't safely default to this

  if ("mvb.session.info" %!in% search()) {
    warning("Can't find session info")

  if( ('package:debug' %in% search()) && exists( 'tracees', 'package:debug')
      && length( pos.tracees <- check.for.tracees( pos))) {
    retracees <- pos.tracees %that.are.in% names( tracees)
    restoro <- sapply( named( retracees), get, envir=pos)
    temp.unmtraced <- tracees[ retracees]
    on.exit( {
      for( fname in retracees)
        lapply( retrace.envs[[ fname]], assign, x=fname, value=restoro[[ fname]])
      tp <- asNamespace( 'debug')$tracees # debug:::tracees annoys RCMD CHECK...
      tp[ retracees] <- temp.unmtraced
      assign( 'tracees', tp, 'package:debug') # does namespace version as well!
    # Now untrace them, and store the environment(s) containing (un)traced functions...
    # ... this may not be 'pos' if there is namespacing
    retrace.envs <- lapply( named( retracees), mtrace, fname=NULL, tracing=FALSE, 
        from=pos, return.envs=TRUE) # fname=NULL forces char.fname
    # Now functions that are in a debugged state, but that debug has forgotten...    
    lapply( pos.tracees %except% retracees, mtrace, fname=NULL, tracing=FALSE, 
        from=pos, return.envs=FALSE) # fname=NULL forces char.fname

  save.refdb( file=file.path( path, '.RData'), pos)
  if( !is.null( getOption( 'backup.fix', NULL)))
    create.backups( pos)


"save.refdb" <-
function( file, envir, ...) {
  envir <- as.env( envir)

  if( missing( file)) {
    path <- attr( envir, 'path')
    if( !is.dir( path))
      mkdir( path)
    file <- file.path( path, '.RData')
  } else
    path <- dirname( file)

  mcache <- attr( envir, 'mcache')
  mcache <- mcache %such.that% (names( .) %in% lsall( envir))
  attr( envir, 'mcache') <- mcache
  if( is.null( mcache))
    mcache <- numeric(0)

  # Housekeep dead files

  mpath <- attr( envir, 'path')
  if( getOption( 'mlazy.subdir', TRUE))
    mpath <- file.path( mpath, 'mlazy')
  if( is.dir( mpath)) {
    objfiles <- list.files( mpath, '^obj(NA|[0-9]+)\\.rda$')
    file.remove( file.path( mpath, objfiles %except% ('obj' %&% abs( mcache) %&% '.rda')))

  # Save into temporary file and keep old one, in case of stuff-up
  # Changed Sept 07 so safety-check works even without mcached objects
  new.file <- file
  while( file.exists( new.file))
    new.file <- file.path( dirname( new.file), 'n' %&% basename( new.file))

  # Check for ..mypackage accidentally stored here...
  badness <- lsall( envir) %that.match% '^[.][.][^.]'
  badness <- badness %SUCH.THAT% is.environment( envir[[.]])
  badness <- badness %SUCH.THAT% (all( cq( path, name, task.tree) %in% 
      names( attributes( envir[[.]]))))
  if( length( badness))
    warning( "Not saving '" %&% paste( badness, collapse="', '") %&% "' which didn't ought to be here...")

  if( length( mcache)) {
    cache.name <- get.mcache.store.name( envir) %&% '0' # guaranteed not to exist & to be findable
    e <- new.env( parent=envir)
    assign( cache.name, abs( mcache), e) # avoid assigning into envir
    # was.there etc check if any changes have been made. If not, leave original file...
    # strictly unchanged datewise.
    ans <- xsave( list = c( cache.name, lsall( envir=envir) %except% c( names( mcache), badness,
        dont.save())), file=new.file, envir=e, ...)
    rm( e) # ?not necessary?

    save.mchanged( names( mcache), envir)
  } else
    ans <- xsave( list=lsall( envir=envir) %except% c( badness, dont.save()), file=new.file,
        envir=envir, ...)

  if( new.file != file) {
    checksums <- md5sum( c( file, new.file))
    if( checksums[1]==checksums[2])
      file.remove( new.file)
    else {
      file.remove( file)
      file.rename( from=new.file, to=file)


"scatn" <-
function( fmt, ..., sep='\n', file='') cat( sprintf( fmt, ...), sep=sep, file=file)

"search.for.regexpr" <-
function( pattern, where=1, lines=FALSE, doc=FALSE, code.only=FALSE, ...) {
  if( doc %is.a% 'character') {
 stopifnot( length( doc) == 1)
    docmatch <- doc
    doc <- TRUE
  } else if( doc) {
    docmatch <- "\\.doc$"

  ## Function definitions

  get.source <- if( doc) {
    function( f)
      as.character( if( is.function( f)) { # as.list() next to catch NULL
        do.call( 'paste', as.list( attributes( f) %SUCH.THAT% is.character( .)))
        #attr( f, 'doc')
      } else if( is.character( f))
  } else {
    function( f) {
      if( !code.only && !is.null( source <- attr( f, 'source')))
      else {
        attributes( f) <- list()
        deparse( f)
  } # if doc

  found <- function( f, pattern, where) {
    f <- get.source( get( f, envir=where))
    any( grepl( pattern, f, ...))

  search.one <- function( where) {
    ff <- find.funs( where)
    if( doc)
      ff <- c( ff, (lsall( where) %except% ff) %that.match% docmatch)
    if( length( ff)) {
      successful <- sapply( ff, found, pattern=pattern, where=as.environment( where))
      ff <- ff[ successful]


  ## actual code here ####

  if( is.environment( where))
    where <- list( where)
  answer <- lapply( where, search.one)
  if( is.numeric( where) || is.character( where))
    names( answer) <- search()[ where]

  has.some <- sapply( answer, length)>0

  if( lines) {
    for( e in index( has.some))
      answer[[ e]] <- lapply( named( answer[[ e]]),
        function( x) grep( pattern, get.source( get( x, envir=where[[e]])), value=TRUE, ...))

  answer[ has.some]

"search.task.trees" <-
  tasks <- lapply( seq( along=search()), function( x) names( attr( pos.to.env( x), 'path')[1]))
  taski <- index( sapply( tasks, is.character))
  tasks <- unlist( tasks)
  task.trees <- sapply( 1:length( tasks), function( x) paste( tasks[length( tasks):x], collapse='/'))
  names( taski) <- task.trees

"set.finalizer" <-
function( handle, finalizer.name, PACKAGE=NULL) {
  # Should make this flexi enuf for .Call as well as .C

  # Avoid creation unless we can finalize
  # Check for existence of finalizer FIRST

  if( is.character( finalizer.name)) {
    finalizer.name <- getNativeSymbolInfo( finalizer.name, PACKAGE=PACKAGE)
  } else {
    oc <- oldClass( finalizer.name)
stopifnot( any( (oc == 'CRoutine') | (oc == 'RegisteredNativeSymbol')))

  # NOW trigger creation, thanks to lazy eval
  handle <- as.integer( handle)

  if( all( handle==0)) # all() in case 64 bit, when handle is length 2
return( list( handle=handle, trigger=emptyenv()))

  e <- new.env( parent=.GlobalEnv)
  e$handle <- handle # not really needed

  finalize.me <- function( x) .C( finalizer, handle)
  e1 <- new.env( parent=baseenv()) # so .C is found
  e1$finalizer <- finalizer.name
  e1$handle <- handle
  environment( finalize.me) <- e1

  reg.finalizer( e, finalize.me, onexit=TRUE)
return( list( handle=handle, trigger=e))

"set.path.attr" <-
function (env, the.path, task.name = character(0)) 
    if (length(task.name)) 
        names(the.path) <- task.name
    attr(env, "path") <- the.path

"set.pkg.and.dir" <-
function( need.outdir=FALSE, force.outdir=need.outdir, nlocal=sys.parent(), where, loaded.as.task) mlocal({
  # Create dir. sourcedir ewhere outdir; maybe modify pkg
  if( is.character( character.only)) {
    pkg <- character.only
  } else if( !character.only) {
    pkg <- as.character(substitute( pkg))
    # Allow eg ..mypack, technically a mistake
    if( (substring( pkg, 1, 2)=='..') & (substring( pkg, 3) %in% names( maintained.packages))) {
      pkg <- substring( pkg, 3)
  } else if( is.environment( pkg)) { # can happen with eg build.pkg( ..mypack)
    pkg <- names( attr( pkg, 'path')) # and if this is null, eg if not actually a maintained package, then it will barf later

  loaded.as.task <- regexpr( '/' %&% pkg %&% '$', names( search.task.trees()) %&% '$',
  where <- index( loaded.as.task)[1]
  if( !is.na( where))
    ewhere <- as.environment( where)
  else {
    ewhere <- maintained.packages[[ pkg]]
    if( is.null( ewhere)) {
      # Might be a path...
      if( dir.exists( pkg)) {
        ewhere <- structure( 0, path=pkg)
        pkg <- basename( pkg)
      } else {
stop( "Can't find raw package '" %&% pkg %&% "'")

  dir. <- file.path.as.absolute( attr( ewhere, 'path'))
  sourcedir <- file.path( dir., pkg %&% getOption( 'mvbutils.sourcepkgdir.postfix', ''))

  if( need.outdir) {
    extract.named( get.last.R.mandatory.rebuild.version()) # Rrebver, last.R.major

    outdir <- dir(dir., include.dirs=TRUE, 
        pattern = "^[Rr][ _-]?[0-9]+", full.names=TRUE) %such.that% is.dir( .)

    if( length( outdir)) {
      # Find most up-to-date, but not in R's future...
      udver <- numeric_version( sub( '^[^0-9]+', '', sub( '([0-9])[^0-9]+$', '\\1', 
          basename( outdir))))
      not.in.future <- udver <= last.R.major
      outdir <- outdir[ not.in.future]
      udver <- udver[ not.in.future]
      wmax <- match( max( udver), udver) # no 'which.max'
      udver <- udver[ wmax]
      outdir <- outdir[ wmax]

      # ... or too far in R's past!
      if( !length( udver) || (udver < Rrebver)) {
        # Trigger new folder, for last R major
        outdir <- NULL

    if( !length( outdir) && eval( force.outdir)) { # eval() because of non-lazy-eval in mlocal()
      outdir <- file.path( dir., 'R' %&% as.character( last.R.major))
      mkdir( outdir)
  } else { # not required
    outdir <- NULL

"set.pos.and.path" <-
function (nlocal = sys.parent()) mlocal({
  pos <- as.environment( pos)
  if (missing(path)) {
    path <- attr( pos, "path")
    if (is.null(path))
      cat("No obvious place to save it. What is the filename (single forward slashes only please)? ")
      path <- readline()


"set.presave.hook.mvb" <-
function( hook, set=TRUE){
  if( set)
    presave.hooks <<- c( presave.hooks, list( hook))
  else {
    which <- lapply( presave.hooks, hook, identical)
    presave.hooks <<- presave.hooks[ !which]

"set.rcmd.vars" <-
function( ...) {
######## NYI NYI NYI #########
# Supposed to let users set env vars specifically for R-related system calls, so that
# eg system( 'R CMD whatever') will just work.
# NYI!

  vars <- unlist( list( ...))
  sysvars <- Sys.getenv()
  already <- names( vars) %that.are.in% names( sysvars)
  new <- names( vars) %except% names( sysvars)
  old.sysvars <- sysvars[ already]
  names( sysvars) <- sep %&% names( sysvars) %&% sep
  m <- gregexpr( paste( names( sysvars), collapse='|'), names( vars))
  for( ivar in seq_along( vars)) { 
    if( m[[ ivar]][1] > 0) {
      starts <- m[[ ivar]]
      ends <- starts + + attr( m[[ ivar]], 'match.length') - 1
      bits <- substring( vars[ ivar], starts, ends)
      valbits <- sysvars[ bits]
      vars[ ivar] <- rawToChar( massrep( charToRaw( vars[ ivar]), 
          atlist = mapply( ':', starts, ends),
          replist = lapply( valbits, charToRaw)))
  on.exit( {
    Sys.unsetenv( new)
    do.call( 'Sys.setenv', old.sysvars)

  do.call( 'Sys.setenv', vars)

"set.test" <-
function (a, b) 
    r <- range(a - b)
    if (all(r == c(-1, 0))) 
    else if (all(r == c(0, 1))) 
    else 0

"setHook.once" <-
function( pkg, hook.type, f, action=c( 'append', 'prepend', 'replace')){
  # the WEIRD thing here is that if I use cq instead of c in the args, R can't find it...
  identical.to.f <- function( x) {
    y <- x
    attr( y, '.Environment') <- NULL
    identical( y, f) }
  mangle <- packageEvent( pkg, hook.type)
  hooks <- getHook( mangle)
  if( !any( sapply( hooks, identical.to.f))) {
    action <- match.arg( action)
    setHook( mangle, f, action)

"setup.dontruns" <-
function( Rd) {
  # Post-process to set /dontrun examples
  if( !length( ex <- grep( '^[\\]examples[{]', Rd)))
return( Rd)

  # If example on first line, give it its own line
  if( !grepl( '^[\\]examples[{] *$', Rd[ ex])) {
    Rd <- multirep( Rd, ex, list( c( '\\examples{', substring( Rd[ ex], nchar( '\\examples{')+1))))
  end.ex <- (grep( '^[}]', Rd) %such.that% (.>ex)) [1] # braces must be escaped in ex so this is fine

  min <- function( ...) suppressWarnings( base::min( ...)) # annoying R "improvement"  
  repeat{ # once unless error; twice at most
    dontrun <- grep( "^ *## +(DON'T|NOT) +RUN *(:)? *$", Rd, ignore.case=TRUE) %such.that% 
        (. %in.range% c( ex, end.ex))
    if( length( dontrun)) {
      end.dontrun <- grep( "^## +END( +| *\\( *)(DON'T|NOT) +RUN\\b", Rd, ignore.case=TRUE)
      if( (length( end.dontrun) != length( dontrun)) || !all( diff( c( t( 
          matrix( c( dontrun, end.dontrun), ncol=2)))) > 0)) {
        # Don't allow fatal error
        oww <- getOption( 'warn')
        if( oww==2)
          options( warn=1)
        warning( "Unmatched DON'T RUN will be made as big as possible, " %&%
            "in doc with header:\n%s" %&% Rd[1] )
        options( warn=oww)
        # Add a dontrun immediately after unmatched ones
        unmatched <- rep( FALSE, length( dontrun))
        for( i in seq_along( dontrun)) {
          mind <- min( end.dontrun %such.that% (. > dontrun[ i]))
          unmatched[ i] <- mind >= min( dontrun[ -(1:i)]) 
        unmatched <- index( unmatched)
        dontrun <- c( dontrun, end.ex)
        Rd <- multinsert( Rd, dontrun[ unmatched+1]-1, "## END DON'T RUN")
      } else { # ie dontrun & end.dontrun are consistent
        Rd[ dontrun] <- '\\dontrun{'
        Rd[ end.dontrun] <- '}'

return( Rd)

"setup.mcache" <-
function( envir, fpath=attr( envir, 'path'), refs) {
  envir <- as.environment( envir)

  mcache <- attr( envir, 'mcache') # usually NULL & overwritten by next bit
  if( missing( refs)) {
    cache.name <- get.mcache.store.name( envir)
    if( !exists( cache.name, envir=envir, inherits=FALSE))
return() # nothing to do; pre-mcache DB
    mcache <- get( cache.name, envir)
    refs <- names( mcache)
    remove( list=cache.name, envir=envir)

  if( !length( refs)) # post-mcache nothing to do

  objpath <- 'obj'
  if( getOption( 'mlazy.subdir', TRUE)) {
    # Back-compatibility tedious here; move files if in wrong place
    files.to.move <- (objpath %&% mcache[ refs] %&% '.rda') %such.that% (
        file.exists( file.path( fpath, .)) & !file.exists( file.path( fpath, 'mlazy', .)))
    # Normally, next if won't happen    
    if( length( files.to.move)) {
      dir.create( file.path( fpath, 'mlazy'), showWarnings=FALSE) # harmless fail if exists
      file.rename( file.path( fpath, files.to.move), file.path( fpath, 'mlazy', files.to.move))
    objpath <- file.path( 'mlazy', 'obj')
  # Create promises to load
  remove( list=refs %such.that% (. %in% lsall( envir=envir)), envir=envir) # only needed with 'move'
  for( i in refs) {
    objfile <- file.path( fpath, objpath %&% mcache[ i] %&% '.rda')
    if( !file.exists( objfile)) {
      warning( 'Can\'t find file "' %&% objfile %&% '"; deleting object "' %&% i %&% '"')
      mcache <- mcache %without.name% i
    } else {
      fx <- get.mcache.reffun( i, envir)
      efx <- environment( fx)
      # For efficiency (?), do this via promise, rather than directly coding 'if(!loaded)' in fx
      subbo <- substitute( { load( file, e); e[[i]]}, list( e=efx, file=objfile, i=i))
      do.call( 'delayedAssign', list( x=i, value=subbo, eval.env=efx, assign.env=efx))
      suppressWarnings( makeActiveBinding( i, fx, envir))

  attr( envir, 'mcache') <- mcache

"sleuth" <-
function( pattern, ...) {
  ss <- named( search())
  if( 'mvb.session.info' %in% ss) {
    mp <- as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')$maintained.packages
    ss <- ss %except% ( 'package:' %&% names( mp))
    ss <- c( as.list( ss), mp)
  ss <- FOR( ss, { obj <- lsall( pos=.); grep( pattern=pattern, obj, ..., value=TRUE)} )
return( ss[ lengths( ss) > 0])

"source.mvb" <-
function( con, envir=parent.frame(), max.n.expr=Inf,
  echo=getOption( 'verbose'), print.eval=echo,
  prompt.echo=getOption( 'prompt'), continue.echo=getOption( 'continue')) {
  mvbsi <- as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')
  if( is.null( source.list <- mvbsi$source.list))
    source.list <- list()
  if( is.character( con))
    con <- file( con)
  else if( con==stdin())
stop( 'source.mvb cannot read from stdin()')

  attr( con, 'line.count') <- 0
  source.list[[ length( source.list)+1]] <- con
  mvbsi$source.list <- source.list
  if( !isOpen( con)) {
    open( con, 'r') # if you want fancy options on e.g. blocking, you need to pre-open 'con'
    on.exit( try( close( con)))

  on.exit( { put.in.session( source.list=clip( source.list)) },

  all.lines <- readLines(con)
  pushBack( all.lines, con)

  ow <- options( warn=-1)
  on.exit( options( ow), add=TRUE)

  lines.read <- 0
  total.lines <- -1
  expr.count <- 1
  while( expr.count <= max.n.expr) {
    # Because srcfilecopy objects are environments, can't just change the lines each time---
    # ... need a new one each time
    sf <- srcfilecopy( 'dummyfile', all.lines[ (lines.read +1) %upto% length( all.lines)])

    old.lines.read <- lines.read
    thrub <- try( parse( con, n=1, srcfile=sf, keep.source=TRUE), silent=TRUE)
    if( !length( thrub))
  break # done

    if( thrub%is.a% 'try-error') {
      # old-style
      errline <- as.numeric( rev( strsplit( geterrmessage(), ' ')[[1]])[1])
      if( is.na( errline)) # try new-style
        errline <- as.numeric( sub( '.*dummyfile:([0-9]+):.*', '\\1', geterrmessage()))

      errmsg <- if( !is.na( errline))
          sprintf( "line %i", errline+lines.read)
          sprintf( 'after line %i: %s', lines.read, geterrmessage())
stop( sprintf( 'parsing %s in %s', errmsg, summary( con)$description), call.=FALSE)

    if( echo) {
      stuff <- deparse( thrub)
      stuff[1] <- prompt.echo %&% stuff[1]
      stuff[-1] <- continue.echo %&% stuff[-1]
      cat( stuff, sep='\n')

    tryo <- try( list( eval( thrub, envir=envir)), silent=TRUE)
    if( tryo %is.a% 'try-error') {
      # Try to deduce line--- I don't think this ever works in the eval() phase
      errline <- as.numeric( rev( strsplit( geterrmessage(), ' ')[[1]])[1])
      errmsg <- if( !is.na( errline))
          sprintf( "at line %i", errline+lines.read)
          sprintf( 'after line %i, in %s: %s', lines.read, paste( capture.output( print( thrub[[1]])), collapse=''),
              sub( '[^:]*: *', '', geterrmessage()))
stop( sprintf( 'in %s, %s', summary( con)$description, errmsg), call.=FALSE)

    lines.just.read <- unclass( attr( thrub, 'srcref')[[1]])[3]
    sl <- mvbsi$source.list
    lines.read <- attr( sl[[ length( sl)]], 'line.count')
    lines.read <- lines.read + lines.just.read
    attr( sl[[ length( sl)]], 'line.count') <- lines.read
    assign( 'source.list', sl, mvbsi)

    last <- tryo[[1]]
    if( print.eval)
      print( tryo[[1]])
    expr.count <- expr.count + 1


"source.print" <-
function( on=TRUE){
  # Obsolete ??
  if( on) {
    body( pfn) <- do.call( 'substitute', list( body( pfn), 
        list( unmentionable=as.name( '.' %&% 'Internal'))))
    assign.to.base( 'print.function', pfn)
  } else if( is.function( bpfn <- as.environment( 'mvb.session.info')$base.print.function)) {
    assign.to.base( 'print.function', bpfn)
invisible( NULL)

"spkg" <-
function( pkg) {
  character.only <- FALSE
  dir.above.source <- '+'
  set.pkg.and.dir( FALSE)
return( sourcedir)

"strip.missing" <-
function( obs) {
  sp <- sys.frame( mvb.sys.parent())
  for( i in obs) {
    get.i <- mget( i, sp)[[1]]
    if( try( mode( get.i), silent=TRUE) %is.a% 'try-error')
      obs <- obs %except% i

"subco" <-
function( line, auto.link=!is.null( valid.links), valid.links=NULL){
  # This is the most recent version that had comments. I don't know why they were stripped
  # don't quite trust just using this version, and don't have an easy way to check the diff

  # PERL syntax in regexes
  line <- ' ' %&% line %&% ' '  
  chsubs <- raw(0)
  fullsubs <- character(0)
  rawl <- function( i, n.clip=0) rawToChar( rl[clip( i, n.clip)])

  # This must come before code & auto-link tests
  pkg1.frags <- gregexpr( "\\b[Pp]ackage '[a-zA-Z.][a-zA-Z.0-9]*'", line)[[1]]
  pkg2.frags <- gregexpr( "[Tt]he '[a-zA-Z.][a-zA-Z.0-9]*' package\\b", line)[[1]]
  pkg.frags <- c( pkg1.frags, pkg2.frags)
  o <- order( pkg.frags)
  o <- o[ pkg.frags[o]>0]
  pkg.frags <- pkg.frags[o]
  if( any( pkg.frags>0)) { # then they all will be
    pkg.len <- c( attr( pkg1.frags, 'match.length'), attr( pkg2.frags, 'match.length'))[o]
    pkg.seq <- mapply( seq, from=pkg.frags, length=pkg.len, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    rl <- charToRaw( line)
    pkg.sub <- sapply( pkg.seq, rawl)
    pkg.sub <- sub( "'([^']+)'", "\\\\pkg\\{\\1\\}", pkg.sub)
    rl[ pkg.frags] <- charToRaw( '\003')
    chsubs <- c( chsubs, rep( '\003', length( pkg.sub)))
    fullsubs <- c( fullsubs, pkg.sub)
    line <- rawToChar( rl[ -unlist( lapply( pkg.seq, '[', -1))])

  if( (link.qv.frags <- gregexpr( "[( -]'[a-zA-Z.][a-zA-Z.0-9]*' +\\(qv\\)", line)[[1]])[1] > 0) {
    link.qv.frags[] <- link.qv.frags + 1
    link.qv.len <- attr( link.qv.frags, 'match.length') - 1
    link.qv.seq <- mapply( seq, from=link.qv.frags+1, length=link.qv.len-1, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    rl <- charToRaw( line)
    link.qv.sub <- sapply( link.qv.seq, rawl) # start AFTER sQuote
    link.qv.sub <- sub( "([^']+)'.*", "\\\\code\\{\\\\link\\{\\1\\}\\}", link.qv.sub)
    rl[ link.qv.frags] <- charToRaw( '\001')
    chsubs <- c( chsubs, rep( '\001', length( link.qv.sub)))
    fullsubs <- c( fullsubs, link.qv.sub)
    line <- rawToChar( rl[ -unlist( link.qv.seq)])
  if( (link.see.frags <- gregexpr( "\\b[Ss]ee '[a-zA-Z.][a-zA-Z.0-9]*'", line)[[1]])[1] > 0) {
    link.see.len <- attr( link.see.frags, 'match.length')
    link.see.seq <- mapply( seq, from=link.see.frags, length=link.see.len, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    rl <- charToRaw( line)
    link.see.sub <- sapply( link.see.seq, rawl)
    link.see.sub <- sub( "'([^']+)'", "\\\\code\\{\\\\link\\{\\1\\}\\}", link.see.sub)
    rl[ link.see.frags] <- charToRaw( '\002')
    chsubs <- c( chsubs, rep( '\002', length( link.see.sub)))
    fullsubs <- c( fullsubs, link.see.sub)
    line <- rawToChar( rl[ -unlist( lapply( link.see.seq, '[', -1))])

  if( auto.link && ((
      link.auto.frags <- gregexpr( "[( -]'([a-zA-Z.][a-zA-Z0-9._]*)'", line)[[1]])[1] > 0)) {
    link.auto.frags[] <- link.auto.frags
    link.auto.len <- attr( link.auto.frags, 'match.length') 
    link.auto.seq <- mapply( seq, from=link.auto.frags+2, length=link.auto.len-2, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    rl <- charToRaw( line)
    link.auto.sub <- sapply( link.auto.seq, rawl, n.clip=1) # between quotes
    if( !is.null( valid.links)) {
      ok <- link.auto.sub %in% valid.links
      link.auto.sub <- link.auto.sub[ok]
      link.auto.frags <- link.auto.frags[ok]
      link.auto.seq <- link.auto.seq[ok]
    if( length( link.auto.sub)) {
      rl[ link.auto.frags+1] <- charToRaw( '\007')
      chsubs <- c( chsubs, rep( '\007', length( link.auto.sub)))
      fullsubs <- c( fullsubs, '\\code{\\link{' %&% link.auto.sub %&% '}}')
      line <- rawToChar( rl[ -unlist( link.auto.seq)])

  if( (code.frags <- gregexpr( "([ (])'([^']+)'", line)[[1]])[1] > 0) {
    code.len <- attr( code.frags, 'match.length')
    code.seq <- mapply( seq, from=code.frags+2, length=code.len-2, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    rl <- charToRaw( line)
    code.sub <- sapply( code.seq, rawl)
    code.sub <- substring( code.sub, 1, nchar( code.sub)-1)
    # Some characters need to be escaped:
    # code.sub <- gsub( '{', '\\{', gsub( '%', '\\%', code.sub, fixed=TRUE), fixed=TRUE)
    code.sub <- '\\code{' %&% code.sub %&% '}'
    rl[ code.frags+1] <- charToRaw( '\006')
    # Backslash and braces in \code will be treated differently...
    code.sub <- gsub( '\016', '\017', code.sub, fixed=TRUE)
    code.sub <- gsub( '\020', '\022', code.sub, fixed=TRUE)
    code.sub <- gsub( '\021', '\023', code.sub, fixed=TRUE)    
    chsubs <- c( chsubs, rep( '\006', length( code.sub)))
    fullsubs <- c( fullsubs, code.sub)
    line <- rawToChar( rl[ -unlist( code.seq)])
  emph.frags <- gregexpr( '[ (]_[^"_]+_', line)[[1]]
  if( emph.frags[1]>0) {
    emph.len <- attr( emph.frags, 'match.length')
    emph.seq <- mapply( seq, from=emph.frags+2, length=emph.len-2, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    rl <- charToRaw( line)
    emph.sub <- sapply( emph.seq, rawl)
    emph.sub <- '\\emph{' %&% substring( emph.sub, 1, nchar( emph.sub)-1) %&% '}'
    rl[ emph.frags+1] <- charToRaw( '\004')
    chsubs <- c( chsubs, rep( '\004', length( emph.sub)))
    fullsubs <- c( fullsubs, emph.sub)
    line <- rawToChar( rl[ -unlist( emph.seq)])

  bold.frags <- gregexpr( '[ (]\\*[^"*]+\\*', line)[[1]]
  if( bold.frags[1]>0) {
    bold.len <- attr( bold.frags, 'match.length')
    bold.seq <- mapply( seq, from=bold.frags+2, length=bold.len-2, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    rl <- charToRaw( line)
    bold.sub <- sapply( bold.seq, rawl)
    bold.sub <- '\\bold{' %&% substring( bold.sub, 1, nchar( bold.sub)-1) %&% '}'
    rl[ bold.frags+1] <- charToRaw( '\005')
    chsubs <- c( chsubs, rep( '\005', length( bold.sub)))
    fullsubs <- c( fullsubs, bold.sub)
    line <- rawToChar( rl[ -unlist( bold.seq)])

  url.frags <- gregexpr( "<[a-z]+://[0-9a-zA-Z%$_.+!*'()/-]+>", line)[[1]]
  if( url.frags[1]>0) {
    url.len <- attr( url.frags, 'match.length')
    url.seq <- mapply( seq, from=url.frags+1, length=url.len-1, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    rl <- charToRaw( line)
    url.sub <- sapply( url.seq, rawl)
    url.sub <- '\\url{' %&% substring( url.sub, 1, nchar( url.sub)-1) %&% '}'
    rl[ url.frags] <- charToRaw( '\010')
    chsubs <- c( chsubs, rep( '\010', length( url.sub)))
    fullsubs <- c( fullsubs, url.sub)
    line <- rawToChar( rl[ -unlist( url.seq)])

  email.frags <- gregexpr( '<[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]+>', line)[[1]]
  if( email.frags[1]>0) {
    email.len <- attr( email.frags, 'match.length')
    email.seq <- mapply( seq, from=email.frags+1, length=email.len-1, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    rl <- charToRaw( line)
    email.sub <- sapply( email.seq, rawl)
    email.sub <- '\\email{' %&% substring( email.sub, 1, nchar( email.sub)-1) %&% '}'
    rl[ email.frags] <- charToRaw( '\013')
    chsubs <- c( chsubs, rep( '\013', length( email.sub)))
    fullsubs <- c( fullsubs, email.sub)
    line <- rawToChar( rl[ -unlist( email.seq)])

  # Escape other special characters - {}\ already done
  # line <- gsub( '([#\\_${}])', '\\\\\\1', line)
  if( numeric_version( Rd.version) < '2')
    line <- gsub( '([#_$])', '\\\\\\1', line)

  # R 
  line <- gsub( "( |\\()R([ .,;:'])", "\\1\\R{}\\2", line)
  # Ellipsis: not within dquotes
  # 2013: not converting ... any more, because it was INCREDIBLY slow. Unbelievable actually.
  if( FALSE) {
    # Seems to be an R bug that can't cope with nested backref numbers. Nesting per se works fine.
    # old.line <- line
    repeat {
    break # check!
      findots <- regexpr( "^([^\"]*(\"[^\"]*\")*)*[.]{3}", line)
      if( findots<0)
      ml <- attr( findots, 'match.length')
      line <- substring( line, 1, ml-3) %&% "\\dots{}" %&% substring( line, ml+1)
      #line <- gsub("^([^\"]*(\"[^\"]*\")*)*[.]{3}", "\\1\\\\dots{}", old.line)
      #if (all(line == old.line)) 
      # old.line <- line

    # Very old code that presumably did some unwanted conversions
    # line <- gsub( '...', '\\dots{}', line, fixed=TRUE)
  } # if FALSE: dots

  # Multiple tabs & spaces go down to 1 space, except keep a double space at the start
  line <- gsub( '(.)[ \t]+', '\\1 ', line)

  # Put things back
  for( isub in seq_along( chsubs))
    line <- sub( chsubs[ isub], fullsubs[ isub], line, fixed=TRUE)
  substring( line, 2, nchar( line)-1) # remove first and last spaces

"task.home" <-
function(fname) {
  if(!missing(fname)) {
    if(fname == "" || substr( fname, 1, 1) %in% c( '/', '\\') || pos(":", fname)[1])
return( file.path( .Path[ length( .Path)], fname))    
  } else
return( as.vector( .Path[ length( .Path)]))

"to.regexpr" <-
function (x) 
    x <- strsplit(x, "")
    repfun <- function(xx) {
        m <- match(xx, c("&", ".", "%", "\\", "[", "]", "(", 
            ")", "^", "{", "}", "+", "|", "$", "?", "*"), 0)
        xx[m > 0] <- "\\" %&% xx[m > 0]
        paste(xx, collapse = "")
    sapply(x, repfun)

"unmaintain.package" <-
function( pkg, character.only=FALSE){
  if( !character.only) 
    pkg <- as.character( substitute( pkg))

  maintained.packages <<- maintained.packages %without.name% pkg
  rm( list='..' %&% pkg, envir=as.environment( 'mvb.session.info'))
  # Anything being fixr-ed?
  editees <- (do.on( fix.list$where, tail( strsplit( ., '/', fixed=TRUE)[[1]], 1))==pkg) &  
  fix.list$where.type[ editees] <<- 'task'

"unmaintain.packages" <-
function( ..., character.only=FALSE, autosave=NA){
  if( character.only)
    packs <- list(...)[[1]]
  else {
    mc <- as.list( match.call( expand.dots=FALSE)$...)
    packs <- sapply( mc, as.character)

  if( is.na( autosave) || save)
    for( i in packs %that.are.in% names( maintained.packages))
      if( !is.na( autosave) || yes.no( "Save maintained package '" %&% i %&% "'? "))
        Save.pos( maintained.packages[[ i]])
  maintained.packages <<- maintained.packages %without.name% packs

  # Clear load hooks
  for( i in packs) {
    setHook( packageEvent( i, 'onLoad'), NULL, 'replace')
    setHook( packageEvent( i, 'attach'), NULL, 'replace')

  dont.lock.envs <<- dont.lock.envs %without.name% 'imports:' %&% packs
  dont.lock.envnames <<- dont.lock.envnames %except% 'package:' %&% packs

return( names( maintained.packages))

"unpackage" <-
function( spath, force=FALSE) {
  if( getRversion() < '2.10')
stop( "help2flatdoc only works with R 2.10 & up")

  oppo <- options( useFancyQuotes=FALSE, keep.source=TRUE)
  on.exit( options( oppo))
  # DESCRIPTION.in used to be legal; not sure it is now but let's be nice
  if( !is.dir( spath) || is.na( 
      desc <- grep( '^DESCRIPTION([.]in)?$', dir( spath), perl=TRUE, value=TRUE)[1]))
stop( dQuote( spath) %&% " doesn't seem to be a source package")

  x <- tools$.read_description( file.path( spath, desc))[ 'Package']
  descro <- readLines( file.path( spath, desc))
  if( !force && is.dir( x) && length( dir( x, all.files=TRUE) %except% c( '.', '..'))>2) {
    force <- yes.no( 'Directory "' %&% x %&% 
    '" already exists and has stuff in it, which will be deleted if you proceed. OK? ')
  } else if( !force && file.exists( x) && !is.dir( x)) {
    cat( '"x" already exists, as a file\n')
    force <- FALSE
  }  else
    force <- TRUE
  if( force) {
    tpath <- file.path( getwd(), x)
    mkdir( tpath)
    unlink( file.path( tpath, dir( tpath) %except% c( '.', '..')), recursive=TRUE)
  } else
stop( "Not overwriting")    

  # one file goes straight to task: DESCRIPTION, Makefile.*  
  # some files disappear: CONTENTS, INDEX, MD5, NAMESPACE (
  # other files go to "inst" (this will include CITATION)
  # some dirs disappear: chtml, html, latex, meta, R-ex
  # some dirs get used (R, help, data)
  # some dirs go straight to task (src) (??)
  # all other dirs (incl. libs, demos) go to "inst"
  # Recursive file- or directory-copy
  filecop <- function( fname, ...) {
      # fname: either a single dir or a bunch of non-dirs
      if( !any( file.exists( file.path( spath, fname))))
      tpath... <- do.call( 'file.path', c( list( tpath), unlist( list( ...))))
      mkdir( tpath...)
      if( is.dir( file.path( spath, fname[1]))) {
        mkdir( file.path( tpath..., fname))
        mcf <- mcd <- as.list( match.call( expand.dots=TRUE))
        fd <- dir( file.path( spath, fname), all.files=TRUE) %except% c( '.', '..')
        # Copy all *files* at once...
        fd.dirs <- fd[ is.dir( file.path( spath, fname, fd))]
        mcf$fname <- file.path( fname, fd %except% fd.dirs)
        eval( as.call( mcf), sys.parent())  
        # ... and subdirs one at a time...
        for( this.dir in fd.dirs) {
          mcd$fname <- file.path( fname, this.dir)
          eval( as.call( mcd), sys.parent())
      } else 
        file.copy( file.path( spath, fname), 
            file.path( tpath..., fname))
  # not filecop( 'DESCRIPTION') in case DESCRIPTION.in
  # was: mvb.file.copy( file.path( spath, desc), file.path( tpath, 'DESCRIPTION'))
  # now insert text object later
  nondirs <- dir( spath, all.files=TRUE) %such.that% !is.dir( file.path( spath, .))
  nondirs <- nondirs %except% c( desc, cq( CONTENTS, INDEX, MD5, NAMESPACE))
  filecop( nondirs, '.')
  filecop( 'src')
  filecop( 'demo')
  filecop( 'tests')
  filecop( 'exec')
  filecop( 'inst')
  filecop( 'vignettes')
  instdirs <- (dir( spath, all.files=TRUE) %such.that% is.dir( .)) 
  instdirs <- instdirs %except% 
      cq( ., .., src, chtml, html, latex, meta, 'R-ex', R, help, data, libs)
  filecop( instdirs, 'inst')
  filecop( 'libs', file.path( 'inst', 'libs'))
  # Deal wih R code, data, and help
  # R code: changed 11/2017 to deal better with labyrinthine srcref arcana
  e <- new.env( parent=.GlobalEnv)
  e[[ x %&% '.DESCRIPTION']] <- as.cat( descro)
  # sapply( dir( file.path( spath, 'R'), pattern='[.][RrSsq]$', full.names=TRUE), source, local=e)
  srcfiles <- dir(file.path(spath, "R"), pattern = "[.][RrSsq]$", full.names = TRUE)
  FOR( srcfiles, source( ., keep.source=TRUE, local = e))
  # Set srcrefs to 
  tf <- tempfile()
  on.exit( unlink( tf), add=TRUE)

  for( stuff in lsall( e)) { 
    thing <- e[[stuff]]
    if( is.function( thing)) {
      temp_thing <- thing
      attributes( temp_thing) <- attributes( thing)[ 'srcref']
      write.sourceable.function( temp_thing, tf, append=FALSE, print.name=FALSE)
      lines <- readLines( tf)
      last.line <- max( index( nzchar( lines)))
      last.char <- nchar( lines[ last.line])
      if( length( attributes( thing))>1) { # write out all inclu attrs, but srcref will only point to the "core" function
        write.sourceable.function( thing, tf, append=FALSE, print.name=FALSE, doc.special=TRUE)
        lines <- readLines( tf)

      sc <- as.integer( c( 1, regexpr( 'function', lines[1]), last.line, last.char, 1, last.char, 1, last.line))
      attr( sc, 'srcfile') <- srcfilecopy( 'dummyfile', lines)
      oldClass( sc) <- 'srcref'
      attr( thing, 'srcref') <- sc
      e[[stuff]] <- thing

  if( file.exists( file.path( spath, 'NAMESPACE')) && is.null( e$.onLoad))
    e$.onLoad <- function( libname, pkgname){} # so pre.install will NAMESPACE

  funs <- find.funs(e)
  do.on( funs, environment( e[[.]]) <- .GlobalEnv) # OK unless weird stuff has been done (poss legit, but deffo weird)
  droppo <- lsall( e) %except% funs
  droppo <- droppo %SUCH.THAT% (e[[.]] %is.an% 'environment')
  if( length( droppo)) {
    cat( "Warning: dropping some environments:", droppo, sep='\n')
    rm( list=droppo, envir=e) 

  # Unexported data:
  if( file.exists( sysdat <- file.path( spath, 'R', 'sysdata.rda')))
    load( sysdat, envir=e)
  # Next: exported data
  if( is.dir( datdir <- file.path( spath, 'data'))) {
    exdata <- dir( datdir, pattern='[.](R|r|rda|Rdata|txt|TXT|tab|csv|CSV)$')
    lapply( sub( '[.][^.]+$', exdata), data, package=x, lib.loc=dirname( spath), verbose=FALSE, envir=e)

  # Help:
  Rd.files <- dir( file.path( spath, 'man'), pattern='Rd$', full.names=TRUE)
  for( rdf in Rd.files) {
    p1 <- parse_Rd( rdf)
    rdt <- tools$RdTags( p1)
    name <- unlist( p1[ rdt=='\\name'])
    aliases <- unlist( p1[ rdt=='\\alias'])
    namal <- unique( c( name, aliases))
    helpo <- help2flatdoc( fun.name=name, pkg=x, aliases=aliases, text=Rd2txt_easy( p1))
    class( helpo) <- 'docattr'
    # What fun to associate this with? Try 'name' first, otherwise 
    matcho <- match( name, funs, 0)
    if( !matcho) {
      matcho <- min( match( namal, funs, 0))
    if( matcho) {
      # Make sure the doco is included in srcref. src@srcfile$lines contains *all*, but src itself
      # ... only points to a part of it
      attr( e[[ funs[ matcho]]], 'doc') <- helpo
      write.sourceable.function( e[[ funs[ matcho]]], tf, append=FALSE, print.name=FALSE, doc.special=TRUE)
      lines <- readLines( tf)
      attr( attr( e[[ funs[ matcho]]], 'srcref'), 'srcfile')$lines <- lines
      attr( e[[ funs[ matcho]]], 'srcref')[ 2] <- regexpr( 'function', lines[1]) 
    } else {
      e[[ name %&% '.doc']] <- helpo
  # And save...
  save( list=lsall( e), file=file.path( tpath, '.RData'), envir=e)
  # Update tasks...
  if( is.null( tasks <- .GlobalEnv$tasks))
    tasks <- character( 0)
  tasks <- c( tasks, structure( './' %&% x, names=x))
  top.workspace <- .GlobalEnv # CRANally retentive check coming up...
  assign( 'tasks', tasks, top.workspace)
  cat( sprintf( 
      '"tasks" vector has been augmented with "%1$s"-- remember to Save()...\n' %&% 
      '...otherwise R won\'t be able to find task pkg for "%1$s" next time\n', x))
return( invisible( NULL))

"update.installed.dir" <-
function( opath, ipath, source, installed=source, delete.obsolete=TRUE, excludo=character( 0)) {
  if( is.dir( file.path( opath, source))) {
    mkdir( file.path( ipath, installed))
    # Avoid a/./b
    fp <- function( ...) normalizePath( file.path( ...), winslash='/', mustWork=FALSE)
    if( !length( excludo))
      unexcluded <- identity
      unexcluded <- function( strs) {
          o <- do.call( 'rbind', lapply( excludo, grepl, x=strs))
          strs[ !apply( o, 2, any)]
    source.dirs <- unexcluded( list.dirs( fp( opath, source)))
    inst.dirs <- list.dirs( fp( ipath, installed))
    nipath <- fp( ipath, installed)
    nopath <- fp( opath, source)
    ibasename <- function( fpath) substring( fpath, nchar( nipath) + 2)
    sbasename <- function( fpath) substring( fpath, nchar( nopath) + 2)
    if( delete.obsolete) {
      is.xs <- ibasename( inst.dirs) %not.in% sbasename( source.dirs)
      unlink( inst.dirs[ is.xs])
      inst.dirs <- inst.dirs[ !is.xs]

    is.new.dir <- sbasename( source.dirs) %not.in% ibasename( inst.dirs)
    mkdir( fp( ipath, sbasename( source.dirs[ is.new.dir])))
    # Used to use dir() here, but list.files doesn't include folders; better
    sources <- unexcluded( list.files( fp( opath, source), full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE))
    installeds <- list.files( fp( ipath, installed), full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
    if( delete.obsolete) {
      is.xs <- ibasename( installeds) %not.in% sbasename( sources)
      unlink( installeds[ is.xs])
      installeds <- installeds[ !is.xs]
    if( length( sources)) {
      # Really should check whether files have turned into dirs or vice versa...
      old.md5 <- md5sum( installeds)
      names( old.md5) <- ibasename( names( old.md5))
      new.md5 <- md5sum( sources)
      names( new.md5) <- sbasename( names( new.md5))

      new.files <- sbasename( sources) %except% ibasename( installeds)
      changed.files <- names( new.md5) %that.are.in% names( old.md5)
      changed.files <- changed.files[ new.md5[ changed.files] != old.md5[ changed.files]]
      to.copy <- c( new.files, changed.files)
      if( length( to.copy)) # keep file times
        mvb.file.copy( fp( opath, source, to.copy), fp( ipath, installed, to.copy),
    } # if anything potentially to copy
  } else if( delete.obsolete)
    unlink( file.path( ipath, installed), recursive=TRUE)

"update.loaded.pkg" <-
function( pkg, name, ff, disatt= ff %is.a% 'function') {
  ffatt <- attributes( ff)
  if( disatt) {
    if( ff %is.a% 'function') {
      keepo <- names( ffatt) %except% cq( doc, export.me)
      if( !getOption( 'keep.source.pkgs', TRUE))
        keepo <- keepo %except% 'source'
      attributes( ff) <- ffatt[ keepo]
    } # else attributes( ff) <- list() # too brutal? what about 'source' attr for call-types etc?
  } # if disatt

  if( !is.na( j <- index( search()=='package:' %&% pkg)[1])
      && (pkg %not.in% loadedNamespaces()))
    assign( name, ff, j) # shouldn't be locked

  # Put into namespace & importers thereof
  if( pkg %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
    nspkg <- asNamespace( pkg)

    if( is.function( ff)) {
      # respect existing environment, in case of weird stuff like my soap hacks
      if( exists( name, envir=nspkg, mode='function', inherits=FALSE))
        environment( ff) <- environment( nspkg[[ name]])
        environment( ff) <- nspkg # don't muck about

    if( name %in% lsall( nspkg$.__NAMESPACE__.$exports)
        || any( names( ffatt) %in% cq( doc, export.me)) 
        || exists( name %&% '.doc', envir=nspkg, mode='character', inherits=FALSE) ) {
      if( match( 'package:' %&% pkg, search(), 0)) # still with source
        try( force.assign( name, ff, as.environment( 'package:' %&% pkg)))
      # Check importers that are loaded:
      gnu <- getNamespaceUsers( pkg) %that.are.in% loadedNamespaces()
      for( j in lapply( gnu, function( x) parent.env( asNamespace( x))))
        if( exists( name, j, inherits=FALSE))
          force.assign( name, ff, j)
    # If a doc object or function, be sure to export the thing(s) being docced
    exclude.me <- character(0)
    if( length( grep( '\\.doc$', name)) && is.character( ff) 
        && exists( sub( '\\.doc$', '', name), envir=nspkg, inherits=FALSE))
      doc.to.check <- ff 
    else if( is.function( ff) && ('doc' %in% names( ffatt))) {
      doc.to.check <- ffatt$doc
      exclude.me <- name # have already arranged my own export
    } else
      doc.to.check <- NULL
    for( doccee in named.in.doc( doc.to.check) %except% exclude.me) {
      if( exists( doccee, envir=nspkg, inherits=FALSE)) {
        if( match( 'package:' %&% pkg, search(), 0)) # ?on search path?
          force.assign( doccee, get( doccee, envir=nspkg), as.environment( 'package:' %&% pkg))
        nspkg$.__NAMESPACE__.$exports[[ doccee]] <- doccee

        for( j in lapply( getNamespaceUsers( pkg), function( x) parent.env( asNamespace( x))))
          if( !environmentIsLocked( j) || exists( name, j, inherits=FALSE))
            force.assign( name, ff, j)
      } # if docced object exists yet
    } # loop over docced objects

    force.assign( name, ff, nspkg)
    if( ('package:' %&% pkg) %in% search())
      force.assign( name, ff, as.environment( 'package:' %&% pkg))

    is.S3method<- !is.na( pmatch( names( .knownS3Generics) %&% '.', name))
    if( any( is.S3method))
      force.assign( name, ff, asNamespace( .knownS3Generics[ is.S3method])$.__S3MethodsTable__.)
  } # if namespaced

"update.maintained.package" <-
function( pkg, nlocal = sys.parent()) mlocal({
  if( !is.null( mp <- maintained.packages[[ pkg]])) {
    rm( list=lsall( mp), envir=mp)
    load.refdb( envir=mp) # filename is deduced
    try( pre.install( pkg, character.only=TRUE))
    try( patch.installed( pkg, character.only=TRUE))

"upper.case" <-
function (s) 
    a <- attributes(s)
    if (exists("casefold", mode = "function")) 
        s <- casefold(s, upper = TRUE)
    else {
        s <- strsplit(s, "")
        lets <- LETTERS
        names(lets) <- letters
        transfer <- function(x) {
            change <- x %in% letters
            x[change] <- lets[x[change]]
            paste(x, collapse = "")
        s <- sapply(s, transfer)
    do.call("structure", c(list(.Data = s), a))

"warn.and.subset" <-
function( x, cond, 
    mess.head=deparse( substitute( x), width.cutoff=20, control=NULL, nlines=1), 
    mess.cond=deparse( substitute( cond), width.cutoff=40, control=NULL, nlines=1), 
    row.info=rownames( x), sub=TRUE) {
  mum <- mvb.sys.parent()
  mum <- if( mum==0)
      sys.frames()[[ mum]]

  force( mess.cond)    
  if( sub)
    cond <- substitute( cond)
  cond <- eval( cond, x, enclos=mum)
  cond[ is.na( cond)] <- FALSE
  if( !all( cond)) {
    warning( mess.head %&% ': dropping cases that fail ' %&% mess.cond %&% ':', call.=FALSE) 
    outo <- paste( row.info[ !cond], collapse='; ')
    cat( file=stderr(), strwrap( outo, indent=2), '\n')
  x[ cond,,drop=FALSE]

"what.is.open" <-
function () 
    if (!exists(".Open", "mvb.session.info")) 
    else get(".Open", "mvb.session.info")

"write.mvb.tasks" <-
function( tasks=env$tasks, env=.GlobalEnv, dir=attr( env, 'path'))  
  cat( '\ntasks <- ', deparse( as.call( c( as.name( 'c'), tasks))), 
    file=file.path( dir, 'tasks.R'), append=TRUE)

"write.NAMESPACE" <-
function( ns, file){
  sink( file)
  on.exit( sink())
  if( !is.null( ns$useDynLib))
    cat( 'useDynLib\n')
  if( length( ns$export)) {
    cat( 'export( ')
    # I used to have dQuote here but it just leads to trouble AAAAARGH
    cat( paste( '"' %&% ns$export %&% '"', collapse=",\n"))
    cat( ')\n')
  if( length( ns$import))
    scatn( 'import( %s)', ns$import)
  if( length( ns$importFrom))
    scatn( 'importFrom( %s, %s)', ns$importFrom[,1], ns$importFrom[,2])
  if( length( ns$S3))
      scatn( sprintf( 'S3method( "%s", "%s")', ns$S3[,1], ns$S3[,2]))
  cat( '\n')

"write.sourceable.function" <-
function( x, con, append=FALSE, print.name=FALSE, doc.special=TRUE, xn=NULL) {
  if( is.character( con))
    con <- file( con)
  if( need.to.close <- !isOpen( con))
    open( con, open=ifelse( append, 'a', 'w'))

  if( !identical( con, stdout())) {
    sink( con)
    on.exit( sink())

  on.exit( if( need.to.close) try( close( con)), add=TRUE)

  if( print.name && is.null( xn)) {
    xn <- x
    if( !is.character( x)) {
      if( is.name( substitute( x)))
        xn <- deparse( substitute( x))
stop( "Can't figure out what name to print")
    cat( '"', xn, '" <- ', sep='')

  if( is.character( x))
    x <- get( x)

  natts <- names( attributes( x)) %except% cq( source, bug.position, srcref)
  if( is.function( x) && length( natts)) {
    # Prepare to have other attributes
    cat( 'structure( ')
    atts <- attributes( x)[ natts]
    attributes( x)[ natts] <- NULL

  if( is.function( x)) {
    environment( x) <- .GlobalEnv # avoid <environment: x> after definition
    if( is.null( sr <- attr( x, 'srcref')) && !is.null( osr <- attr( x, 'source')) && (getRversion() >= '2.14'))
      print( as.cat( osr))
      print( x)
  } else {
    x <- as.cat( attr( x, 'source'))

  if( is.function( x) && length( natts)) {
    # Treat class "docattr" attributes specially. Non-character doc's (references) are OK.
    freeforms <- if( doc.special)
        natts[ sapply( atts, 'inherits', 'docattr') ]
        character( 0)

    for( iatt in natts %except% freeforms)
      cat( ',', iatt, '=',
          paste( deparse.names.parsably( atts[[ iatt]]), collapse=' '), '\n')

    if( length( freeforms)) { # bizarre syntax of next line is to avoid misleading a syntax-highlighting editor
      if( any( freeforms=='doc'))
        freeforms <- c( freeforms %except% 'doc', 'doc') # move doc to last
      eof.markers <- '<<end of ' %&% freeforms %&% '>>'
      names( eof.markers) <- freeforms
      for( iatt in freeforms)
        while( any( atts[[ iatt]] == eof.markers[ iatt]))
          eof.markers[ iatt] <- paste( eof.markers[ iatt], '<', iatt, '>', sep='')
#      eof.markers[ length( eof.markers)] <- '' # default for doc; help syntax highlighters
      cat( ',', paste( freeforms %&% '=flatdoc( EOF="' %&% eof.markers %&% '")',
          collapse=',\n'), ')\n', sep='')
      for( iatt in freeforms)
        cat( atts[[iatt]], eof.markers[ iatt], sep='\n') } # last one will be end of doc
      cat( ')')
    cat( '\n')


"xsave" <-
function( list, file, envir, ...){
  # Jul 2011: user-controlled compression options
  compress <- getOption( 'mvbutils.compress', TRUE)
  compression_level <- getOption( 'mvbutils.compression_level', NULL)
  if( is.null( compression_level))
    save( list=list, file=file, envir=envir, compress=compress, ...)
    save( list=list, file=file, envir=envir, compress=compress,
          compression_level=compression_level, ...)

"yes.no" <-
function (prompt, default) 
repeat {
    answer <- upper.case(readline())
    if (answer == "" && !missing(default)) 
        answer <- default
    if (!is.na(answer <- pmatch(answer, c("YES", "NO")))) 
        return(answer == 1)

# MVB's workaround for futile CRAN 'no visible blah' check:
globalVariables( package="mvbutils",
  names=c( ".Traceback"

Try the mvbutils package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

mvbutils documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:32 a.m.