
Defines functions read_bed_by_index read_index read_beds

Documented in read_bed_by_index read_beds read_index

#' Versatile BedGraph reader.
#' @details Reads BED files and generates methylation matrices.
#' Optionally arrays can be serialized as on-disk HDFS5 arrays.
#' colData should be input as a headered data.table with a column called "Sample" with names matching the input filenames. Any other columns may be added to include relevant data (e.g. cell type, collection date, etc). During input, this is done as a left join on the inputted files, so the input colData may contain rows for samples that are not actually included in the analysis. This data will be updated on any relevant subsets or merges, etc.
#' There is an assumption that the first input file will contain the maximum methylation score. It would be extremely unlikely that this assumption is invalid. 
#' @param files list of strings; file.paths of BED files
#' @param ref_cpgs data.table; list of CpG sites in the tab-delimited format of chr-start-end. Must be zero-based genome.
#' @param colData list of strings; Sample names. Will be derived from filenames if not provided
#' @param stranded boolean; Whether in input data is stranded. Default FALSE
#' @param strand_collapse boolean; whether to collapse the crick strand into watson strand. Default FALSE
#' @param genome_name string; Name of genome. Default hg19
#' @param batch_size integer; Max number of files to hold in memory at once. Default 20
#' @param n_threads integer; number of threads to use. Default 1.
#' Be-careful - there is a linear increase in memory usage with number of threads. This option is does not work with Windows OS.
#' @param h5 boolean; Should the coverage and methylation matrices be stored as \code{\link{HDF5Array}}
#' @param h5_dir string; directory to store H5 based object. This can be NULL and the experiment can be manually saved later
#' @param h5_temp string; temporary directory to store hdf5
#' @param desc string; Description of the experiment
#' @param verbose boolean; flag to output messages or not.
#' @param zero_based boolean; flag for whether the input data is zero-based or not
#' @param replace boolean; flag for whether to delete the contents of h5_dir before saving
#' @param fill boolean; flag whether to fill the output matrixes with all CpGs in ref_cpgs. This must be TRUE for HDF5-based experiments.
#' @param pipeline string; Default NULL. Currently supports "Bismark_cov", "MethylDackel", "MethylcTools", "BisSNP", "BSseeker2_CGmap"
#' If not known use idx arguments for manual column assignments.
#' @param chr_idx integer; column index for chromosome in bedgraph files
#' @param start_idx integer; column index for start position in bedgraph files
#' @param end_idx integer; column index for end position in bedgraph files
#' @param beta_idx integer; column index for beta values in bedgraph files
#' @param M_idx integer; column index for read counts supporting Methylation in bedgraph files
#' @param U_idx integer; column index for read counts supporting Un-methylation in bedgraph files
#' @param strand_idx integer; column index for strand information in bedgraph files
#' @param cov_idx integer; column index for total-coverage in bedgraph files
#' @export
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{scMethrix}}
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = c(shift, first, second))
#' @import SingleCellExperiment GenomicRanges tools
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Do Nothing
#' }
# Must generate an index CpG file first:
#   sort-bed [input files] | bedops --chop 1 --ec - > CpG_index

read_beds <- function(files, ref_cpgs = NULL, colData = NULL, genome_name = "hg19", batch_size = min(20,length(files)), n_threads = 1, 
                      h5 = FALSE, h5_dir = NULL, h5_temp = NULL, desc = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
                      zero_based = FALSE, replace = FALSE, fill = TRUE,
                      pipeline = c("Custom","Bismark_cov", "MethylDackel", "MethylcTools", "BisSNP", "BSseeker2_CGmap"),
                      stranded = FALSE, strand_collapse = FALSE, chr_idx = NULL, start_idx = NULL, end_idx = NULL, beta_idx = NULL,
                      M_idx = NULL, U_idx = NULL, strand_idx = NULL, cov_idx = NULL) {

  #- Input Validation --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  #sapply(files,function(file) .validateType(file,"string")) #TODO: this doesn't work for some reason...
  .validateValue(batch_size,">= 1",paste("<=", length(files)))
  #batch_size <- max(min(batch_size,length(files)),1)
  n_threads <- .validateThreads(n_threads)
  if (h5) .validateType(h5_dir,c("string","null"))
  if (h5 && fill == FALSE) {
    warning("For HDF5 storage, fill must be TRUE in order to index the HDF5 file.") 
    fill = TRUE
  pipeline <- .validateArg(pipeline,read_beds)
  if (verbose) message("File import starting...")
  # if (!all(grepl("\\.(bed|bedgraph)", files))) {
  #   stop("Input files must be of type .bed or .bedgraph", call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # if (is.null(ref_cpgs) && h5) {
  #   stop("Reference CpGs must be provided for HDF5 format", call. = FALSE)
  # }

  if (n_threads > length(files)/2){ #TODO: Make single file input to thread possible
    n_threads <- min(n_threads,length(files)/2) # cannot have multiple threads with a single file being input
    warning("Too many threads specified. Each thread must have at least 2 files to process. 
            Defaulting to n_thread = ", n_threads)
  #- Function code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Get the correct indexes of the input beds
  if (pipeline == "Custom") {
    if (verbose) message(paste0("BED column format:  Custom"))
    col_list <- parse_source_idx(chr_idx = chr_idx, start_idx = start_idx, end_idx = end_idx,
                                 beta_idx = beta_idx, cov_idx = cov_idx, strand_idx = strand_idx, 
                                 M_idx = M_idx, U_idx = U_idx, verbose = verbose)
  } else {

    if (verbose) message(paste0("BED column format:  ", pipeline))
    col_list <- get_source_idx(protocol = pipeline)
    if (any(pipeline %in% c("Bismark_cov"))) {
      if (zero_based) {
        warning("*BismarkCov files are one based. You may want to re-run with zero_based=FALSE")

  #Check the reference cpgs
  if (is.null(ref_cpgs)) {
    #Generate references from input files
    ref_cpgs <- read_index(files = files, col_list = col_list, n_threads = n_threads,
                           batch_size = batch_size, zero_based = zero_based)
  } else {
    # Check stranding of reference genome and add - strand if nec.
    if (stranded) {
      if (verbose) message("Generating stranded ref_cpgs...")
      ref_plus <- data.table::copy(ref_cpgs)
      ref_plus[, `:=`(strand, "+")]
      ref_cpgs[, `:=`(start, start + 1)]
      ref_cpgs[, `:=`(strand, "-")]
      ref_cpgs <- data.table::rbindlist(list(ref_cpgs, ref_plus), use.names = TRUE)
      if (verbose) message(paste0("   CpGs stranded: ", format(nrow(ref_cpgs), big.mark = ",")))
    data.table::setkeyv(ref_cpgs, cols = c("chr", "start"))
  # This makes an assumption that the first file will have the max value
  col_list$max_value = max(read_bed_by_index(files = files[1], col_list = col_list,fill=F)$beta,na.rm = TRUE)

  # Get colData
  parse_colData <- function(colData,reads) {

    if(is.null(colData)) {
      colData <- data.frame()[1:(length(files)), ]
      row.names(colData) <- colnames(reads$score)
    } else {
      cd <- data.frame()[1:(length(files)), ]
      cd$Sample <- colnames(reads$score)
      cd <- merge(cd,colData,by="Sample")
      row.names(cd) <- cd$Sample
      cd$Sample <- NULL
      colData <- cd
  if (h5) {
    #if (is.null(h5_dir)) stop("Output directory must be specified", call. = FALSE)
    if(!is.null(h5_dir) && !replace) {
      if (dir.exists(h5_dir)) {
      stop("h5_dir already exists! Use 'replace=TRUE' to replace it. All 
                                              existing data in that directory will be deleted.") 
    #if (zero_based) {ref_cpgs[,2:3] <- ref_cpgs[,2:3]+1}
    reads <- read_hdf5_data(files = files, ref_cpgs = ref_cpgs, col_list = col_list, 
                                                n_threads = n_threads, h5_temp = h5_temp, batch_size = batch_size,
                                                zero_based = zero_based, verbose = verbose, strand_collapse = strand_collapse)
    if (verbose) message("Building scMethrix object")
    # if (is.null(colData)) colData <- data.frame()[1:(length(files)), ]
    # row.names(colData) <- unlist(lapply(files,get_sample_name))
    if (strand_collapse) ref_cpgs <- ref_cpgs[strand == "+",][,c("strand") := NULL]
    ref_cpgs <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ref_cpgs)
    chrom_size = sapply(GenomicRanges::coverage(ref_cpgs), function(x) {length(x)-x@lengths[1]})
    colData <- parse_colData(colData,reads)

    m_obj <- create_scMethrix(assays = reads, rowRanges=ref_cpgs, is_hdf5 = TRUE, 
                              h5_dir = h5_dir, genome_name = genome_name,desc = desc,colData = colData,
                              replace = replace,chrom_size = chrom_size)
    message("Object built!\n")

  } else {

    message("Reading in BED files") 
    reads <- read_mem_data(files, ref_cpgs, col_list = col_list, batch_size = batch_size, n_threads = n_threads,
                           zero_based = zero_based,verbose = verbose, strand_collapse = strand_collapse, fill = fill)
    message("Building scMethrix object")
    if (strand_collapse) ref_cpgs <- ref_cpgs[strand == "+",][,c("strand") := NULL]
    ref_cpgs <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ref_cpgs)
    chrom_size = sapply(GenomicRanges::coverage(ref_cpgs), function(x) {length(x)-x@lengths[1]})
    colData <- parse_colData(colData,reads)

    m_obj <- create_scMethrix(assays = reads, 
                              rowRanges=ref_cpgs, is_hdf5 = FALSE, genome_name = genome_name, 
                              desc = desc, colData = colData, chrom_size = chrom_size )
  message("Object built!\n")

#' Parse BED files for unique genomic coordinates
#' @details Create list of unique genomic regions from input BED files. Populates a list of batch_size+1 with 
#' the genomic coordinates from BED files, then runs \code{\link{unique}} when the list is full and keeps the running
#' results in the batch_size+1 position. Also indexes based on 'chr' and 'start' for later searching.
#' @inheritParams read_beds
#' @param col_list string; The column index object for the input BED files
#' @return data.table containing all unique genomic coordinates
#' @import parallel doParallel
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Do Nothing
#' }
#' @export
read_index <- function(files, col_list, n_threads = 1, zero_based = FALSE, batch_size = 200, verbose = TRUE) {

  #- Input Validation --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # .validateType(files,"string")
  # .validateType(col_list)
  # n_threads <- .validateThreads(n_threads)
  # .validateType(zero_based,"boolean")
  # .validateType(batch_size,"integer")
  # .validateType(verbose,"boolean")

  #- Function code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Parallel functionality
  if (n_threads != 1) {
    # if (n_threads > parallel::detectCores(logical = TRUE)) {
    #   n_threads <- parallel::detectCores(logical = TRUE)-1
    #   warning("Too many threads. Defaulting to n_threads =",n_threads)
    # }
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n_threads)  
    parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, c(library(data.table),library(scMethrix)))
    if (verbose) message("Generating CpG index")
    chunk_files <- split(files, ceiling(seq_along(files)/(length(files)/n_threads)))
    rrng <- c(parallel::parLapply(cl,chunk_files,fun=read_index, 
                                  batch_size=round(batch_size/n_threads), col_list = col_list,
                                  n_threads = 1, zero_based = zero_based, verbose = FALSE))
    rrng <- data.table::rbindlist(rrng)
    data.table::setkeyv(rrng, c("chr","start"))
    rrng <- unique(rrng)
  # Single thread functionality  
  # Determine all unique CpG sites from input files
  if (verbose) message("Generating index",start_time())
  rrng <- vector(mode = "list", length = batch_size+1)

  for (i in 1:length(files)) {
    if (verbose) message("   Parsing: ",get_sample_name(files[i]),appendLF=FALSE)
    data <- data.table::fread(files[i], select = unname(col_list$col_idx[c("chr","start")]))
    # Concat the batch list if last element, otherwise save and iterate
    if (i%%batch_size == 0) {
      rrng[[batch_size]] <- data
      data <- data.table::rbindlist(rrng)
      data <- unique(data) #data <- distinct(data)# #data <- data[!duplicated(data),]
      rrng <- vector(mode = "list", length = batch_size+1)
      rrng[[batch_size+1]] <- data
    } else {
      rrng[[i%%batch_size]] <- data
    if (verbose) message(" (",split_time(),")")
  #Concat the final list
  rrng <- data.table::rbindlist(rrng)
  colnames(rrng) <- c("chr","start")
  data.table::setkeyv(rrng, c("chr","start"))
  rrng <- unique(rrng)
  # Remove the consecutive subsequent sites
  #rrng <- rrng[data.table::rowid(collapse::seqid(rrng$start)) %% 2 == 1]
  #Add the end position and offset if zero based
  if (zero_based) rrng$start <- rrng$start+1
  rrng$end <- rrng$start+1
  rrng <- data.table::setkeyv(rrng, c("chr","start"))
  if (verbose) message("Index generated! (",stop_time(),")")#, Avg.", (stop_time()/length(files)),")")

#' Parses BED files for methylation values using previously generated index genomic coordinates
#' @details Creates an NA-based vector populated with methlylation values from the input BED file in the
#' respective indexed genomic coordinates
#' @param files string; file.paths of BED files to parse to parse
#' @param ref_cpgs data.table; The index of all unique coordinates from the input BED files
#' @param zero_based boolean; Whether the input data is 0 or 1 based
#' @param col_list string; The column index object for the input BED files
#' @param strand_collapse boolean; Default FALSE
#' @param fill boolean; Fill the output matrix to match the ref_cpgs. This must be used for HDF5 input formats to ensure consistent
#' spacing for the grid. It is optional for in-memory formats.
#' @return data.table containing vector of all indexed methylation values for the input BED
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Do Nothing
#' }
#' @export
# read_bed_by_index <- function(file, ref_cpgs, col_list = NULL, zero_based=FALSE) {
#   . <- chr <- start <- beta <- meth1 <- meth2 <- cov <- cov1 <- cov2 <- NULL
#   # Format will be: chr | start | meth | cov
#   data <- suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(file, select = unname(col_list$col_idx), 
#                                              col.names = names(col_list$col_idx), key = c("chr", "start")))
#   data[, `:=`(chr, as.character(chr))]
#   data[, `:=`(start, as.integer(start))]
#   if (!is.null(col_list$col_idx["beta"]) && !is.null(col_list$max_value) && col_list$max_value != 1) {
#     data[,beta := (beta/col_list$max_value)]
#   }
#   if (!is.null(col_list$fix_missing)) {
#     for (cmd in col_list$fix_missing) {
#       data[, eval(parse(text = cmd))]
#     }
#   }
#   #if (zero_based) data[,start] <- data[,start]+1L
#   if (col_list$has_cov) {
#     #Do the search
#     sample <- cbind(data[.(ref_cpgs$chr, ref_cpgs$start)][,.(beta,cov)],
#                     data[.(ref_cpgs$chr, ref_cpgs$end)][,.(beta,cov)])
#     colnames(sample) <- c("beta1", "cov1", "beta2","cov2")
#     #Get the meth values from start and end CpG by weighted mean for both reads (meth*cov)
#     sample[,meth1 := meth1 * cov1]
#     sample[,meth2 := meth2 * cov2]
#     sample[,beta := rowSums(.SD, na.rm = TRUE), .SDcols = c("beta1", "beta2")]
#     sample[,cov := rowSums(.SD, na.rm = TRUE), .SDcols = c("cov1", "cov2")]
#     sample[cov == 0, cov := NA] #since above line evals NA+NA as 0
#     sample[,beta := beta / cov]
#     sample <- sample[,.(beta,cov)]
#     s <- nrow(ref_cpgs)-sum(is.na(sample[,(beta)]))
#   } else {
#     #Get the methylation value as the mean of start and end site
#     sample <- rowMeans(cbind(
#       data[.(ref_cpgs$chr, ref_cpgs$start)][,(beta)], 
#       data[.(ref_cpgs$chr, ref_cpgs$end)][,(beta)]), na.rm=TRUE)
#     s <- nrow(ref_cpgs)-sum(is.na(sample))
#   }
#   d <- nrow(data)
#   if (s < 0.9*d) 
#   {warning(paste0("Only ",round(s/d*100,1) ,"% of CpG sites in '",basename(file),"' are present in ref_cpgs"))}
#   # Save the sample name data
#   if (col_list$has_cov) {
#     sample <- data.table(sapply(sample, as.integer))
#     sample <- list(beta = sample[,.(beta)], cov = sample[,.(cov)])
#     names(sample$beta) <- get_sample_name(file)
#     names(sample$cov) <- get_sample_name(file)
#   } else {
#     sample <- data.table(as.integer(sample))
#     names(sample) <- get_sample_name(file)
#     sample <- list(beta = sample)
#   }
#   return(sample)
# }

# read_bed_by_index2 <- function(files, ref_cpgs, col_list = NULL, zero_based=FALSE) {
#   . <- chr <- start <- beta <- meth1 <- meth2 <- cov <- cov1 <- cov2 <- NULL
#   reads <- lapply(files, function (file) {
#     # Format will be: chr | start | meth | cov
#     data <- suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(file, select = unname(col_list$col_idx), 
#                                                col.names = names(col_list$col_idx), key = c("chr", "start")))
#     if (!is.null(col_list$col_idx["beta"]) && !is.null(col_list$max_value) && col_list$max_value != 1) {
#       data[,beta := (beta/col_list$max_value)]
#     }
#     if (!is.null(col_list$fix_missing)) {
#       for (cmd in col_list$fix_missing) {
#         data[, eval(parse(text = cmd))]
#       }
#     }
#     #if (zero_based) data[,start] <- data[,start]+1L
#     if (col_list$has_cov) {
#       #Do the search
#       sample <- cbind(data[.(ref_cpgs$chr, ref_cpgs$start)][,.(beta,cov)],
#                       data[.(ref_cpgs$chr, ref_cpgs$end)][,.(beta,cov)])
#       colnames(sample) <- c("beta1", "cov1", "beta2","cov2")
#       #Get the meth values from start and end CpG by weighted mean for both reads (meth*cov)
#       sample[,beta1 := beta1 * cov1]
#       sample[,beta2 := beta2 * cov2]
#       sample[,beta := rowSums(.SD, na.rm = TRUE), .SDcols = c("beta1", "beta2")]
#       sample[,cov := rowSums(.SD, na.rm = TRUE), .SDcols = c("cov1", "cov2")]
#       sample[cov == 0, cov := NA] #since above line evals NA+NA as 0
#       sample[,beta := beta / cov]
#       sample <- sample[,.(beta,cov)]
#       s <- nrow(ref_cpgs)-sum(is.na(sample[,(beta)]))
#     } else {
#       #Get the methylation value as the mean of start and end site
#       sample <- rowMeans(cbind(
#         data[.(ref_cpgs$chr, ref_cpgs$start)][,(beta)], 
#         data[.(ref_cpgs$chr, ref_cpgs$end)][,(beta)]), na.rm=TRUE)
#       s <- nrow(ref_cpgs)-sum(is.na(sample))
#     }
#     d <- nrow(data)
#     if (s < 0.9*d) 
#     {warning(paste0("Only ",round(s/d*100,1) ,"% of CpG sites in '",basename(file),"' are present in ref_cpgs"))}
#     # Save the sample name data
#     if (col_list$has_cov) {
#       sample <- data.table(sapply(sample, as.integer))
#       sample <- list(beta = sample[,.(beta)], cov = sample[,.(cov)])
#       names(sample$beta) <- get_sample_name(file)
#       names(sample$cov) <- get_sample_name(file)
#     } else {
#       sample <- data.table(as.integer(sample))
#       names(sample) <- get_sample_name(file)
#       sample <- list(beta = sample)
#     }
#     return(sample)
#   })
#   browser()
#   if (length(reads) == 1) {
#     return (reads[[1]])
#   } else {
#     return(list(beta = as.matrix(do.call(cbind, lapply(reads, `[[`, "beta"))),
#                 cov = as.matrix(do.call(cbind, lapply(reads, `[[`, "cov")))))
#   }
# }
read_bed_by_index <- function(files, ref_cpgs = NULL, col_list = NULL, zero_based=FALSE, strand_collapse = FALSE, fill = TRUE) {

  #- Input Validation --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # .validateType(files,"string")
  # .validateType(ref_cpgs,)
  # .validateType(col_list)
  # .validateType(zero_based,"boolean")
  # .validateType(strand_collapse,"boolean")
  # .validateType(fill,"boolean")
  . <- meths <- covs <- M <- U <- chr <- NULL
  #- Function code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  for (i in 1:length(files)) {

    bed <- suppressWarnings(data.table::fread(files[[i]], select = unname(col_list$col_idx),
                             col.names = names(col_list$col_idx), key = c("chr", "start")))
    n_bed <- nrow(bed)
    if (!grepl("chr", bed[1,chr], fixed = TRUE)) bed[,chr := paste0("chr",chr)]
    #Scale beta to [0,1]
    if (!is.na(col_list$col_idx["beta"])) {
      if(!is.null(col_list$max_value) && col_list$max_value != 1) {
        bed[,beta := (beta/col_list$max_value)]
      } else {
        sample_row_idx = sample(x = seq_len(nrow(bed)), size = min(1000,nrow(bed)), replace = FALSE)
        max_beta = max(bed[sample_row_idx, beta], na.rm = TRUE)
        bed[,beta := (beta/max_beta)]

    #Fill in other columns
    if (!is.null(col_list$fix_missing)) {
      for (cmd in col_list$fix_missing) {
        bed[, eval(parse(text = cmd))]
    suppressWarnings(bed[, c("end","strand"):=NULL]) # TODO: this probably breaks stuff
    # Bring bedgraphs to 1-based cordinate
    if (zero_based) {
      bed[, `:=`(start, start + 1)]
    # if (!is.null(ref_cpgs)) {
    #   #bed <- merge(ref_cpgs,bed,by=c("chr","start"))
    # }

    # If strand information needs to collapsed, bring start position of
    # crick strand to previous base (on watson base) and estimate new M, U
    # and beta values
    if (strand_collapse) {
      if (!all(c("M", "U") %in% names(bed))) stop("strand_collapse works only when M and U are available!")
      bed[, `:=`(start, ifelse(strand == "-", yes = start - 1, no = start))]
      bed = bed[, .(M = sum(M, na.rm = TRUE), U = sum(U, na.rm = TRUE)), .(chr, start)]
      bed[, `:=`(cov, M + U)]
      #bed[cov == 0, cov := NA]
      bed[, `:=`(beta, M/cov)]
      bed[, `:=`(strand, "+")]
    bed <- bed[!duplicated(bed,by=key(bed))] #TODO: Is this the best way to handle it?
    meth <- bed[,c("chr","start","beta")]
    setnames(meth, "beta", get_sample_name(files[[i]]))
    if (is.null(meths)) meths <- meth else meths <- merge(meths,meth,all=TRUE)
    if (col_list$has_cov) {
      cov <- bed[,c("chr","start","cov")]
      setnames(cov, "cov", get_sample_name(files[[i]]))
      if (is.null(covs)) covs <- cov else covs <- merge(covs,cov,all=TRUE)


  if (fill && !is.null(ref_cpgs)) {
    if (strand_collapse) ref_cpgs <- ref_cpgs[strand == "+",]
    suppressWarnings(meths <- merge(ref_cpgs,meths,all.x=TRUE)[,c("end","strand"):=NULL])
    if (col_list$has_cov) suppressWarnings(covs <- merge(ref_cpgs,covs,all.x=TRUE)[,c("end","strand") := NULL])
  if (col_list$has_cov) {
    return (list(beta = meths[,c("chr","start"):=NULL], cov = covs[,c("chr","start"):=NULL]))
  } else {
    return (list(beta = meths[,c("chr","start"):=NULL]))

#' Writes values from input BED files into an in-disk \code{\link{HDF5Array}}
#' @details Using the generated index for genomic coordinates, creates a NA-based dense matrtix of methylation
#' values for each BED file/sample. Each column contains the meth. values for a single sample.
#' @inheritParams read_beds
#' @param col_list string; The column index object for the input BED files
#' @param verbose boolean; flag to output messages or not.
#' @param batch_size integer; The number of file to hold in memory at once
#' @return List of \code{\link{HDF5Array}}. 1 is methylation, 2 is coverage. If no cov_idx is specified, 2 will be NULL
#' @import DelayedArray HDF5Array parallel doParallel
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Do Nothing
#' }
read_hdf5_data <- function(files, ref_cpgs, col_list, batch_size = 20, n_threads = 1, h5_temp = NULL, 
                           zero_based = FALSE, strand_collapse = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
  #- Input Validation --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # .validateType(files,"string")
  # .validateType(ref_cpgs,"boolean")
  # .validateType(col_list,"boolean")
  # .validateType(batch_size,"integer")
  # n_threads <- .validateThreads(n_threads)
  # .validateType(h5_temp,c("string","null"))
  # .validateType(zero_based,"boolean")
  # .validateType(verbose,"boolean")
  #- Function code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (verbose) message("Starting HDF5 object",start_time()) 
  if (is.null(h5_temp)) {h5_temp <- tempdir()}
  # Generate the realization sinks
  dimension <- as.integer(nrow(ref_cpgs))
  if (strand_collapse) dimension <- as.integer(dimension/2)
  colData <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(files,get_sample_name)))
  M_sink <- HDF5Array::HDF5RealizationSink(dim = c(dimension, length(files)),
                                           dimnames = list(NULL,colData), type = "double",
                                           filepath = tempfile(pattern="M_sink_",tmpdir=h5_temp),
                                           name = "M", level = 6)
  cov_sink <- if(!col_list$has_cov) NULL else 
    HDF5Array::HDF5RealizationSink(dim = c(dimension, length(files)),
                                   dimnames = list(NULL, colData), type = "integer",
                                   filepath = tempfile(pattern = "cov_sink_", tmpdir = h5_temp),
                                   name = "C", level = 6)
  # Determine the grids for the sinks
  if (n_threads == 1) {
    files <- split_vector(files, size = batch_size)
    grid <- DelayedArray::ArbitraryArrayGrid(list(dimension, cumsum(lengths(files)))) 
  } else {
    files <- split_vector(files,size = ceiling(batch_size/n_threads))
    grid <- DelayedArray::ArbitraryArrayGrid(list(dimension, cumsum(lengths(files)))) 
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n_threads)  
    parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, c(library(data.table),library(scMethrix)))
  # Read data to the sinks
  for (i in 1:length(files)) {
    if (verbose) message("   Parsing: Chunk ", i,appendLF=FALSE)
    if (n_threads == 1) {
      bed <- read_bed_by_index(files = files[[i]], ref_cpgs = ref_cpgs, col_list = col_list, zero_based = zero_based, 
                               strand_collapse=strand_collapse, fill=TRUE)

      if (!identical(dim(bed$beta),dim( grid[[as.integer(i)]]))) stop("Error in input. dim(read_bed_by_index) = (", toString(dim(bed$beta)), ") and dim(grid) = (",toString(dim(grid[[as.integer(i)]])),"). This should never happen.")
      DelayedArray::write_block(block = as.matrix(bed[["beta"]]), viewport = grid[[as.integer(i)]], sink = M_sink)
      if (col_list$has_cov) DelayedArray::write_block(block = as.matrix(bed[["cov"]]),
                                                      viewport = grid[[as.integer(i)]], sink = cov_sink)
    } else {

      bed <- parallel::parLapply(cl,split_vector(files[[i]],chunks=n_threads),
                                 fun=read_bed_by_index, ref_cpgs = ref_cpgs,
                                 col_list = col_list, zero_based = zero_based,
                                 strand_collapse = strand_collapse, fill = TRUE)
      DelayedArray::write_block(block = as.matrix(do.call(cbind, lapply(bed, `[[`, "beta"))), 
                                viewport = grid[[as.integer(i)]], sink = M_sink)      
      if (!is.null(col_list$cov)) {
        DelayedArray::write_block(block = as.matrix(do.call(cbind, lapply(bed, `[[`, "cov"))), 
                                  viewport = grid[[as.integer(i)]], sink = cov_sink)
    if (i%%5==0) gc()
    if (verbose) message(" (",split_time(),")")
  if (verbose) message("Data parsed in ",stop_time()) 
  if (col_list$has_cov) {
    reads = list(score = M_sink, counts = cov_sink)
  } else {
    reads = list(score = M_sink)
  reads <- lapply(reads,function(x) as(x, "HDF5Array"))

# read_hdf5_data2 <- function(files, ref_cpgs, col_list, n_threads = 0, n_chunks = 1, h5_temp = NULL, zero_based = FALSE, 
#                            verbose = TRUE) {
#   if (verbose) message("Starting HDF5 object",start_time()) 
#   if (is.null(h5_temp)) {h5_temp <- tempdir()}
#   # Generate the realization sinks
#   n_cpg <- as.integer(nrow(ref_cpgs))
#   colData <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(files,get_sample_name)))
#   M_sink <- HDF5Array::HDF5RealizationSink(dim = c(n_cpg, length(files)),
#                                            dimnames = list(NULL,colData), type = "integer",
#                                            filepath = tempfile(pattern="M_sink_",tmpdir=h5_temp),
#                                            name = "M", level = 6)
#   cov_sink <- if(!col_list$has_cov) NULL else 
#               HDF5Array::HDF5RealizationSink(dim = c(n_cpg, length(files)),
#                                              dimnames = list(NULL,colData), type = "integer",
#                                              filepath = tempfile(pattern = "cov_sink_", tmpdir = h5_temp),
#                                              name = "C", level = 6)
#   files <- split_vector(files,n_chunks,by="chunks")
#   grid <- DelayedArray::RegularArrayGrid(refdim = c(n_cpg, length(unlist(files))),
#                                            spacings = c(n_cpg, length(files[[1]]))) 
#   cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n_threads)  
#   doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl)  
#   parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, c(library(data.table)))
#   parallel::clusterExport(cl,list('read_bed_by_index2','get_sample_name'))
#   on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl))
#   # Read data to the sinks
#   for (i in 1:length(files)) {
#     i <- as.integer(i) #TODO: figure out why this is necessary or grid[[i]] throws
#                        #each subscript must be a single integer when subsetting an RegularArrayGrid object with [['
#     if (verbose) message("   Parsing: Chunk ",i,appendLF=FALSE)
#     bed <- parallel::parLapply(cl,split_vector(files[[i]],n_threads,by="chunks"),fun=read_bed_by_index2, 
#                                  ref_cpgs = ref_cpgs, col_list = col_list, zero_based = zero_based)
#     DelayedArray::write_block(block = as.matrix(do.call(cbind, lapply(bed, `[[`, "beta"))), 
#                                 viewport = grid[[i]], sink = M_sink)      
#     if (!is.null(col_list$cov)) {
#       DelayedArray::write_block(block = as.matrix(do.call(cbind, lapply(bed, `[[`, "cov"))), 
#                                   viewport = grid[[i]], sink = cov_sink)
#     }
#     rm(bed)
#     gc()
#     if (verbose) message(" (",split_time(),")")
#   }
#   if (verbose) message("Object created in ",stop_time()) 
#   if (col_list$has_cov) {
#     reads = list(score = M_sink, counts = cov_sink)
#   } else {
#     reads = list(score = M_sink)
#   }
#   reads <- lapply(reads,function(x) as(x, "HDF5Array"))
#   return(reads)
# }
# read_hdf5_data3 <- function(files, ref_cpgs, col_list, n_threads = 0, n_chunks = 1, h5_temp = NULL, zero_based = FALSE, 
#                             verbose = TRUE) {
#   if (verbose) message("Starting HDF5 object",start_time()) 
#   if (is.null(h5_temp)) {h5_temp <- tempdir()}
#   # Generate the realization sinks
#   n_cpg <- as.integer(nrow(ref_cpgs))
#   colData <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(files,get_sample_name)))
#   M_sink <- HDF5Array::HDF5RealizationSink(dim = c(n_cpg, length(files)),
#                                            dimnames = list(NULL,colData), type = "integer",
#                                            filepath = tempfile(pattern="M_sink_",tmpdir=h5_temp),
#                                            name = "M", level = 6)
#   cov_sink <- if(!col_list$has_cov) NULL else 
#     HDF5Array::HDF5RealizationSink(dim = c(n_cpg, length(files)),
#                                    dimnames = list(NULL,colData), type = "integer",
#                                    filepath = tempfile(pattern = "cov_sink_", tmpdir = h5_temp),
#                                    name = "C", level = 6)
#   files <- split_vector(files,n_chunks,by="chunks")
#   grid <- DelayedArray::RegularArrayGrid(refdim = c(n_cpg, length(unlist(files))),
#                                          spacings = c(n_cpg, length(files[[1]]))) 
#   cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n_threads)  
#   doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl)  
#   parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, c(library(data.table)))
#   parallel::clusterExport(cl,list('read_bed_by_index2','get_sample_name'))
#   on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl))
#   # Read data to the sinks
#   for (i in 1:length(files)) {
#     i <- as.integer(i) #TODO: figure out why this is necessary or grid[[i]] throws
#     #each subscript must be a single integer when subsetting an RegularArrayGrid object with [['
#     if (verbose) message("   Parsing: Chunk ",i,appendLF=FALSE)
#     bed <- parallel::parLapply(cl,split_vector(files[[i]],n_threads,by="chunks"),fun=read_bed_by_index2, 
#                                ref_cpgs = ref_cpgs, col_list = col_list, zero_based = zero_based)
#     DelayedArray::write_block(block = as.matrix(do.call(cbind, lapply(bed, `[[`, "beta"))), 
#                               viewport = grid[[i]], sink = M_sink)      
#     if (!is.null(col_list$cov)) {
#       DelayedArray::write_block(block = as.matrix(do.call(cbind, lapply(bed, `[[`, "cov"))), 
#                                 viewport = grid[[i]], sink = cov_sink)
#     }
#     rm(bed)
#     gc()
#     if (verbose) message(" (",split_time(),")")
#   }
#   if (verbose) message("Object created in ",stop_time()) 
#   if (col_list$has_cov) {
#     reads = list(score = M_sink, counts = cov_sink)
#   } else {
#     reads = list(score = M_sink)
#   }
#   reads <- lapply(reads,function(x) as(x, "HDF5Array"))
#   return(reads)
# }

#' Writes values from input BED files into an in-memory \code{\link{matrix}}
#' @details Using the generated index for genomic coordinates, creates a NA-based dense matrtix of methylation
#' values for each BED file/sample. Each column contains the meth. values for a single sample.
#' @inheritParams read_beds
#' @param col_list The column index object for the input BED files
#' @return matrix of the methylation values for input BED files
#' @import parallel doParallel
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Do Nothing
#' }
read_mem_data <- function(files, ref_cpgs, col_list, batch_size = 20, n_threads = 1, zero_based = FALSE,
                          strand_collapse = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, fill = TRUE) {
  #- Input Validation --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # .validateType(files,"string")
  # .validateType(ref_cpgs,"boolean")
  # .validateType(col_list,"boolean")
  # .validateType(batch_size,"integer")
  # n_threads <- .validateThreads(n_threads)
  # .validateType(zero_based,"boolean")
  # .validateType(verbose,"boolean")
  #- Function code -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (verbose) message("Reading BED data...",start_time()) 

  if (n_threads != 1) {
    # Parallel functionality
    if (verbose) message("Starting cluster with ",n_threads," threads.")
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n_threads)  
    parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, c(library(data.table),library(scMethrix)))
    chunk_files <- split(files, ceiling(seq_along(files)/(length(files)/n_threads)))
    reads <- c(parallel::parLapply(cl,files,fun=read_bed_by_index, ref_cpgs = ref_cpgs, 
                                   zero_based = zero_based, strand_collapse=strand_collapse, col_list = col_list))
  } else {
    # Single thread functionality
    # if (verbose) message("   Parsing: Chunk ",i,appendLF=FALSE) #TODO: Get this workings
    files <- split_vector(files,size=batch_size)
    reads <- lapply(files,read_bed_by_index,ref_cpgs = ref_cpgs,zero_based = zero_based, strand_collapse=strand_collapse, col_list = col_list, fill = fill)
  if (col_list$has_cov) {
    reads <- list(score = colbind(lapply(reads, `[[`, "beta")),
                  counts = colbind(lapply(reads, `[[`, "cov")))
  } else {
    reads <- list(score = colbind(lapply(reads, `[[`, "beta")))
  reads <- lapply(reads,function(x) as.matrix(do.call(cbind, x)))
    # if (verbose) message(" (",split_time(),")")
  if (verbose) message("Data parsed in ",stop_time()) 
  return (reads)

CompEpigen/scMethrix documentation built on Nov. 6, 2021, 3:09 p.m.