
Defines functions .DefaultSafetyWindowConst SafetyWindowConst .DefaultSafetyWindowSize SafetyWindowSize .DefaultSafetyWindow .DefaultCohortSizeOrdinal CohortSizeOrdinal .DefaultCohortSizeMin CohortSizeMin CohortSizeMax .DefaultCohortSizeMax .DefaultCohortSizeParts CohortSizeParts .DefaultCohortSizeConst CohortSizeConst .DefaultCohortSizeDLT CohortSizeDLT .DefaultCohortSizeRange CohortSizeRange .DefaultCohortSize StoppingExternal .DefaultStoppingOrdinal StoppingOrdinal .DefaultStoppingAny StoppingAny .DefaultStoppingAll StoppingAll .DefaultStoppingList StoppingList .DefaultStoppingMaxGainCIRatio StoppingMaxGainCIRatio .DefaultStoppingTDCIRatio StoppingTDCIRatio .DefaultStoppingHighestDose StoppingHighestDose .DefaultStoppingSpecificDose StoppingSpecificDose .DefaultStoppingTargetBiomarker StoppingTargetBiomarker .DefaultStoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta .DefaultStoppingMTDCV StoppingMTDCV .DefaultStoppingMTDdistribution StoppingMTDdistribution .DefaultStoppingTargetProb StoppingTargetProb .DefaultStoppingMinPatients StoppingMinPatients .DefaultStoppingMinCohorts StoppingMinCohorts .DefaultStoppingPatientsNearDose StoppingPatientsNearDose .DefaultStoppingCohortsNearDose StoppingCohortsNearDose .DefaultStoppingMissingDose StoppingMissingDose .DefaultCohortSize .DefaultIncrementsOrdinal IncrementsOrdinal .DefaultIncrementsMin IncrementsMin .DefaultIncrementsHSRBeta IncrementsHSRBeta .DefaultIncrementsDoseLevels IncrementsDoseLevels .DefaultIncrementsRelativeParts IncrementsRelativeParts .DefaultIncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent .DefaultIncrementsRelativeDLT IncrementsRelativeDLT .DefaultIncrementsRelative IncrementsRelative .DefaultIncrements .DefaultNextBestOrdinal NextBestOrdinal .DefaultNextBestProbMTDMinDist NextBestProbMTDMinDist .DefaultNextBestProbMTDLTE NextBestProbMTDLTE .DefaultNextBestMaxGainSamples NextBestMaxGainSamples .DefaultNextBestMaxGain NextBestMaxGain .DefaultNextBestTDsamples NextBestTDsamples NextBestTD .DefaultNextBestTD .DefaultNextBestInfTheory NextBestInfTheory .DefaultNextBestMinDist NextBestMinDist .DefaultNextBestDualEndpoint NextBestDualEndpoint .DefaultNextBestThreePlusThree NextBestThreePlusThree .DefaultNextBestNCRMLoss NextBestNCRMLoss .DefaultNextBestNCRM NextBestNCRM .DefaultNextBestMTD NextBestMTD .DefaultNextBest

Documented in CohortSizeConst CohortSizeDLT CohortSizeMax CohortSizeMin CohortSizeOrdinal CohortSizeParts CohortSizeRange .DefaultCohortSize .DefaultCohortSizeConst .DefaultCohortSizeDLT .DefaultCohortSizeMax .DefaultCohortSizeMin .DefaultCohortSizeOrdinal .DefaultCohortSizeParts .DefaultCohortSizeRange .DefaultIncrements .DefaultIncrementsDoseLevels .DefaultIncrementsHSRBeta .DefaultIncrementsMin .DefaultIncrementsOrdinal .DefaultIncrementsRelative .DefaultIncrementsRelativeDLT .DefaultIncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent .DefaultIncrementsRelativeParts .DefaultNextBest .DefaultNextBestDualEndpoint .DefaultNextBestInfTheory .DefaultNextBestMaxGain .DefaultNextBestMaxGainSamples .DefaultNextBestMinDist .DefaultNextBestMTD .DefaultNextBestNCRM .DefaultNextBestNCRMLoss .DefaultNextBestOrdinal .DefaultNextBestProbMTDLTE .DefaultNextBestProbMTDMinDist .DefaultNextBestTD .DefaultNextBestTDsamples .DefaultNextBestThreePlusThree .DefaultSafetyWindow .DefaultSafetyWindowConst .DefaultSafetyWindowSize .DefaultStoppingAll .DefaultStoppingAny .DefaultStoppingCohortsNearDose .DefaultStoppingHighestDose .DefaultStoppingList .DefaultStoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta .DefaultStoppingMaxGainCIRatio .DefaultStoppingMinCohorts .DefaultStoppingMinPatients .DefaultStoppingMissingDose .DefaultStoppingMTDCV .DefaultStoppingMTDdistribution .DefaultStoppingOrdinal .DefaultStoppingPatientsNearDose .DefaultStoppingSpecificDose .DefaultStoppingTargetBiomarker .DefaultStoppingTargetProb .DefaultStoppingTDCIRatio IncrementsDoseLevels IncrementsHSRBeta IncrementsMin IncrementsOrdinal IncrementsRelative IncrementsRelativeDLT IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent IncrementsRelativeParts NextBestDualEndpoint NextBestInfTheory NextBestMaxGain NextBestMaxGainSamples NextBestMinDist NextBestMTD NextBestNCRM NextBestNCRMLoss NextBestOrdinal NextBestProbMTDLTE NextBestProbMTDMinDist NextBestTD NextBestTDsamples NextBestThreePlusThree SafetyWindowConst SafetyWindowSize StoppingAll StoppingAny StoppingCohortsNearDose StoppingExternal StoppingHighestDose StoppingList StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta StoppingMaxGainCIRatio StoppingMinCohorts StoppingMinPatients StoppingMissingDose StoppingMTDCV StoppingMTDdistribution StoppingOrdinal StoppingPatientsNearDose StoppingSpecificDose StoppingTargetBiomarker StoppingTargetProb StoppingTDCIRatio

#' @include helpers.R
#' @include Rules-validity.R
#' @include CrmPackClass-class.R

# NextBest ----

## class ----

#' `NextBest`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBest`] is a virtual class for finding next best dose, from which all
#' other specific next best dose classes inherit.
#' @seealso [`NextBestMTD`], [`NextBestNCRM`], [`NextBestDualEndpoint`],
#'   [`NextBestThreePlusThree`], [`NextBestDualEndpoint`], [`NextBestMinDist`],
#'   [`NextBestInfTheory`], [`NextBestTD`], [`NextBestTDsamples`],
#'   [`NextBestMaxGain`], [`NextBestMaxGainSamples`].
#' @aliases NextBest
#' @export
  Class = "NextBest",
  contains = "CrmPackClass"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBest-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `DefaultNextBest()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBest <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class NextBest should not be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# NextBestMTD ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestMTD`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBestMTD`] is the class for next best dose based on MTD estimate.
#' @slot target (`proportion`)\cr target toxicity probability, except 0 or 1.
#' @slot derive (`function`)\cr a function which derives the final next best MTD
#'   estimate, based on vector of posterior MTD samples. It must therefore accept
#'   one and only one argument, which is a numeric vector, and return a number.
#' @aliases NextBestMTD
#' @export
.NextBestMTD <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestMTD",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric",
    derive = "function"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = 0.3,
    derive = function(mtd_samples) {
      quantile(mtd_samples, probs = 0.3)
  contains = "NextBest",
  validity = v_next_best_mtd

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestMTD-class
#' @param target (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param derive (`function`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-NextBestMTD.R
NextBestMTD <- function(target, derive) {
    target = target,
    derive = derive

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestMTD-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestMTD()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestMTD <- function() {
    target = 0.33,
    derive = function(mtd_samples) {
      quantile(mtd_samples, probs = 0.25)

# NextBestNCRM ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestNCRM`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBestNCRM`] is the class for next best dose that finds the next dose
#' with high posterior probability to be in the target toxicity interval.
#' @details To avoid numerical problems, the dose selection algorithm has been
#' implemented as follows: First admissible doses are found, which are those
#' with probability to fall in `overdose` category being below `max_overdose_prob`.
#' Next, within the admissible doses, the maximum probability to fall in the
#' `target` category is calculated. If that is above 5% (i.e. it is not just
#' numerical error), then the corresponding dose is the next recommended dose.
#' Otherwise, the highest admissible dose is the next recommended dose.
#' @slot target (`numeric`)\cr the target toxicity interval (limits included).
#' @slot overdose (`numeric`)\cr the overdose toxicity interval (lower limit
#'   excluded, upper limit included). It is used to filter probability samples.
#' @slot max_overdose_prob (`proportion`)\cr maximum overdose posterior
#'   probability that is allowed, except 0 or 1.
#' @aliases NextBestNCRM
#' @export
.NextBestNCRM <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestNCRM",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric",
    overdose = "numeric",
    max_overdose_prob = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = c(0.2, 0.35),
    overdose = c(0.35, 1),
    max_overdose_prob = 0.25
  contains = "NextBest",
  validity = v_next_best_ncrm

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestNCRM-class
#' @param target (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param overdose (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param max_overdose_prob (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-NextBestNCRM.R
NextBestNCRM <- function(target,
                         max_overdose_prob) {
    target = target,
    overdose = overdose,
    max_overdose_prob = max_overdose_prob

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestNCRM-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestNCRM()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestNCRM <- function() {
  NextBestNCRM(target = c(0.2, 0.35), overdose = c(0.35, 1), max_overdose_prob = 0.25)

# NextBestNCRMLoss ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestNCRMLoss`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBestNCRMLoss`] is the class based on NCRM rule and loss function.
#' This class is similar to [`NextBestNCRM`] class, but differences are the
#' addition of loss function and re-defined toxicity intervals, see each
#' toxicity interval documentation and the note for details. As in NCRM rule, first admissible doses are found,
#' which are those with probability to fall in overdose category being below
#' `max_overdose_prob`. Next, within the admissible doses, the loss function is
#' calculated, i.e. `losses` %*% `target`. Finally, the corresponding
#' dose with lowest loss function (Bayes risk) is recommended for the next dose.
#' @slot target (`numeric`)\cr the target toxicity interval (limits included).
#'   It has to be a probability range excluding 0 and 1.
#' @slot overdose (`numeric`)\cr the overdose toxicity interval (lower limit
#'   excluded, upper limit included) or the excessive toxicity interval (lower
#'   limit excluded, upper limit included) if unacceptable is not provided.
#'   It has to be a probability range. It is used to filter probability samples.
#' @slot unacceptable (`numeric`)\cr an unacceptable toxicity
#'   interval (lower limit excluded, upper limit included). This must be
#'   specified if the `overdose` does not include 1. Otherwise, it is `c(1, 1)`
#'   (default), which is essentially a scalar equals 1. It has to be a
#'   probability range.
#' @slot losses (`numeric`)\cr a vector specifying the loss function. If the
#'   `unacceptable` is provided, the vector length must be 4, otherwise 3.
#' @note The loss function should be a vector of either 3 or 4 values.
#'   This is because the loss function values must be specified for each
#'   interval, that is under-dosing, target toxicity, and overdosing toxicity or
#'   under-dosing, target toxicity, overdosing (excessive) toxicity, and
#'   unacceptable toxicity intervals.
#' @aliases NextBestNCRMLoss
#' @export
.NextBestNCRMLoss <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestNCRMLoss",
  slots = c(
    unacceptable = "numeric",
    losses = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    unacceptable = c(1, 1),
    losses = c(1, 0, 2)
  contains = "NextBestNCRM",
  validity = v_next_best_ncrm_loss

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestNCRMLoss-class
#' @param target (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param overdose (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param unacceptable (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param max_overdose_prob (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition in [`NextBestNCRM`].
#' @param losses (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-NextBestNCRMLoss.R
NextBestNCRMLoss <- function(target,
                             unacceptable = c(1, 1),
                             losses) {
    target = target,
    overdose = overdose,
    unacceptable = unacceptable,
    max_overdose_prob = max_overdose_prob,
    losses = losses

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestNCRMLoss-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestnCRMLoss()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestNCRMLoss <- function() {
    target = c(0.2, 0.35),
    overdose = c(0.35, 0.6),
    unacceptable = c(0.6, 1),
    max_overdose_prob = 0.25,
    losses = c(1, 0, 1, 2)

# NextBestThreePlusThree ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestThreePlusThree`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBestThreePlusThree`] is the class for next best dose that
#' implements the classical 3+3 dose recommendation. No input is required,
#' hence this class has no slots.
#' @aliases NextBestThreePlusThree
#' @export
.NextBestThreePlusThree <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestThreePlusThree",
  contains = "NextBest"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestThreePlusThree-class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Next best dose class object using the classical 3+3 design.
#' my_next_best <- NextBestThreePlusThree()
NextBestThreePlusThree <- function() {

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestThreePlusThree-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestThreePlusThree()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestThreePlusThree <- function() {

# NextBestDualEndpoint ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestDualEndpoint`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`NextBestDualEndpoint`] is the class for next best dose that is based on the
#' dual endpoint model.
#' @details Under this rule, at first admissible doses are found, which are those
#' with toxicity probability to fall in `overdose` category and being below
#' `max_overdose_prob`. Next, it picks (from the remaining admissible doses) the
#' one that maximizes the probability to be in the `target` biomarker range. By
#' default (`target_relative = TRUE`) the target is specified as relative to the
#' maximum biomarker level across the dose grid or relative to the `Emax`
#' parameter in case a parametric model was selected (i.e. [`DualEndpointBeta`],
#' [`DualEndpointEmax`]). However, if `target_relative = FALSE`, then the
#' absolute biomarker range can be used as a target.
#' @slot target (`numeric`)\cr the biomarker target range that needs to be
#'   reached. For example, the target range \eqn{(0.8, 1.0)} and
#'   `target_relative = TRUE` means that we target a dose with at least
#'   \eqn{80\%} of maximum biomarker level. As an other example,
#'   \eqn{(0.5, 0.8)} would mean that we target a dose between \eqn{50\%} and
#'   \eqn{80\%} of the maximum biomarker level.
#' @slot overdose (`numeric`)\cr the overdose toxicity interval (lower limit
#'   excluded, upper limit included).
#' @slot max_overdose_prob (`proportion`)\cr maximum overdose probability that
#'   is allowed.
#' @slot target_relative (`flag`)\cr is `target` specified as relative? If
#'   `TRUE`, then the `target` is interpreted relative to the maximum, so it
#'   must be a probability range. Otherwise, the `target` is interpreted as
#'   absolute biomarker range.
#' @slot target_thresh (`proportion`)\cr a target probability threshold that
#'   needs to be fulfilled before the target probability will be used for
#'   deriving the next best dose (default to 0.01).
#' @aliases NextBestDualEndpoint
#' @export
.NextBestDualEndpoint <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestDualEndpoint",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric",
    overdose = "numeric",
    max_overdose_prob = "numeric",
    target_relative = "logical",
    target_thresh = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = c(0.9, 1),
    overdose = c(0.35, 1),
    max_overdose_prob = 0.25,
    target_relative = TRUE,
    target_thresh = 0.01
  contains = "NextBest",
  validity = v_next_best_dual_endpoint

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestDualEndpoint-class
#' @param target (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param overdose (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param max_overdose_prob (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param target_relative (`flag`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param target_thresh (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-NextBestDualEndpoint.R
NextBestDualEndpoint <- function(target,
                                 target_relative = TRUE,
                                 target_thresh = 0.01) {
    target = target,
    overdose = overdose,
    max_overdose_prob = max_overdose_prob,
    target_relative = target_relative,
    target_thresh = target_thresh

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestDualEndpoint-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestDualEndpoint()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestDualEndpoint <- function() {
    target = c(200, 300),
    overdose = c(0.35, 1),
    max_overdose_prob = 0.25,
    target_relative = FALSE

# NextBestMinDist ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestMinDist`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBestMinDist`] is the class for next best dose that is based on minimum
#' distance to target probability.
#' @slot target (`proportion`)\cr single target toxicity probability, except
#'   0 or 1.
#' @aliases NextBestMinDist
#' @export
.NextBestMinDist <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestMinDist",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = 0.3
  contains = "NextBest",
  validity = v_next_best_min_dist

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestMinDist-class
#' @param target (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-NextBestMinDist.R
NextBestMinDist <- function(target) {
  .NextBestMinDist(target = target)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestMinDist-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestMinDist()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestMinDist <- function() {
  NextBestMinDist(target = 0.3)

# NextBestInfTheory ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestInfTheory`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBestInfTheory`] is the class for next best dose that is based on
#' information theory as proposed in https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.8450.
#' @slot target (`proportion`)\cr target toxicity probability, except 0 or 1.
#' @slot asymmetry (`number`)\cr value of the asymmetry exponent in the
#'   divergence function that describes the rate of penalization for overly
#'   toxic does. It must be a value from \eqn{(0, 2)} interval.
#' @aliases NextBestInfTheory
#' @export
.NextBestInfTheory <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestInfTheory",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric",
    asymmetry = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = 0.3,
    asymmetry = 1
  contains = "NextBest",
  validity = v_next_best_inf_theory

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestInfTheory-class
#' @param target (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param asymmetry (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
NextBestInfTheory <- function(target, asymmetry) {
  .NextBestInfTheory(target = target, asymmetry = asymmetry)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestInfTheory-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestInfTheory()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestInfTheory <- function() {
  NextBestInfTheory(0.33, 1.2)

# NextBestTD ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestTD`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBestTD`] is the class to find a next best dose based on pseudo
#' DLT model without samples. Namely, it is to find two next best doses, one
#' for allocation during the trial and the second for final recommendation at
#' the end of a trial without involving any samples, i.e. only DLT responses
#' will be incorporated for the dose-allocation. This is based solely on the
#' probabilities of the occurrence of a DLT obtained by using the modal estimates
#' of the model parameters. There are two target probabilities of the
#' occurrence of a DLT that must be specified: target probability to be used
#' during the trial and target probability to be used at the end of the trial.
#' It is suitable to use it only with the [`ModelTox`] model class.
#' @slot prob_target_drt (`proportion`)\cr the target probability (except 0 or 1)
#'   of the occurrence of a DLT to be used during the trial.
#' @slot prob_target_eot (`proportion`)\cr the target probability (except 0 or 1)
#'   of the occurrence of a DLT to be used at the end of the trial.
#' @aliases NextBestTD
#' @export
.NextBestTD <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestTD",
  slots = c(
    prob_target_drt = "numeric",
    prob_target_eot = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    prob_target_drt = 0.35,
    prob_target_eot = 0.3
  contains = "NextBest",
  validity = v_next_best_td

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestTD-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestTD()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestTD <- function() {
  NextBestTD(0.35, 0.3)

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestTD-class
#' @param prob_target_drt (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param prob_target_eot (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' my_next_best <- NextBestTD(0.35, 0.3)
NextBestTD <- function(prob_target_drt, prob_target_eot) {
    prob_target_drt = prob_target_drt,
    prob_target_eot = prob_target_eot

# NextBestTDsamples ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestTDsamples`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBestTDsamples`] is the class to find a next best dose based on Pseudo
#' DLT model with samples. Namely, it is to find two next best doses, one
#' for allocation during the trial and the second for final recommendation at
#' the end of a trial. Hence, there are two target probabilities of the
#' occurrence of a DLT that must be specified: target probability to be used
#' during the trial and target probability to be used at the end of the trial.
#' @slot derive (`function`)\cr derives, based on a vector of posterior dose
#'   samples, the target dose that has the probability of the occurrence of
#'   DLT equals to either the `prob_target_drt` or `prob_target_eot`. It must
#'   therefore accept one and only one argument, which is a numeric vector, and
#'   return a number.
#' @aliases NextBestTDsamples
#' @export
.NextBestTDsamples <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestTDsamples",
  slots = c(
    derive = "function"
  prototype = prototype(
    derive = function(dose_samples) {
      quantile(dose_samples, prob = 0.3)
  contains = "NextBestTD",
  validity = v_next_best_td_samples

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestTDsamples-class
#' @param prob_target_drt (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition in [`NextBestTD`].
#' @param prob_target_eot (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition in [`NextBestTD`].
#' @param derive (`function`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-NextBestTDsamples.R
NextBestTDsamples <- function(prob_target_drt, prob_target_eot, derive) {
    prob_target_drt = prob_target_drt,
    prob_target_eot = prob_target_eot,
    derive = derive

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestTDsamples-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestTDsamples()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestTDsamples <- function() {
    prob_target_drt = 0.35,
    prob_target_eot = 0.3,
    derive = function(samples) {
      as.numeric(quantile(samples, probs = 0.3))

# NextBestMaxGain ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestMaxGain`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBestMaxGain`] is the class to find a next best dose with maximum gain
#' value based on a pseudo DLT and efficacy models without samples. It is based
#' solely on the probabilities of the occurrence of a DLT and the values
#' of the mean efficacy responses obtained by using the modal estimates of the
#' DLT and efficacy model parameters. There are two target probabilities of the
#' occurrence of a DLT that must be specified: target probability to be used
#' during the trial and target probability to be used at the end of the trial.
#' It is suitable to use it only with the [`ModelTox`] model and [`ModelEff`]
#' classes (except [`EffFlexi`]).
#' @slot prob_target_drt (`proportion`)\cr the target probability of the
#'   occurrence of a DLT to be used during the trial.
#' @slot prob_target_eot (`proportion`)\cr the target probability of the
#'   occurrence of a DLT to be used at the end of the trial.
#' @aliases NextBestMaxGain
#' @export
.NextBestMaxGain <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestMaxGain",
  slots = c(
    prob_target_drt = "numeric",
    prob_target_eot = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    prob_target_drt = 0.35,
    prob_target_eot = 0.3
  contains = "NextBest",
  validity = v_next_best_td

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestMaxGain-class
#' @param prob_target_drt (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param prob_target_eot (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' my_next_best <- NextBestMaxGain(0.35, 0.3)
NextBestMaxGain <- function(prob_target_drt, prob_target_eot) {
    prob_target_drt = prob_target_drt,
    prob_target_eot = prob_target_eot

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestMaxGain-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestMaxGain()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestMaxGain <- function() {
  NextBestMaxGain(0.35, 0.3)

# NextBestMaxGainSamples ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestMaxGainSamples`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`NextBestMaxGainSamples`] is the class to find a next best dose with maximum
#' gain value based on a pseudo DLT and efficacy models and DLT and efficacy
#' samples. There are two target probabilities of the occurrence of a DLT that
#' must be specified: target probability to be used during the trial and target
#' probability to be used at the end of the trial.
#' It is suitable to use it only with the [`ModelTox`] model and [`ModelEff`]
#' classes.
#' @slot derive (`function`)\cr derives, based on a vector of posterior dose
#'   samples, the target dose that has the probability of the occurrence of
#'   DLT equals to either the `prob_target_drt` or `prob_target_eot`. It must
#'   therefore accept one and only one argument, which is a numeric vector, and
#'   return a number.
#' @slot mg_derive (`function`)\cr derives, based on a vector of posterior dose
#'   samples that give the maximum gain value, the final next best estimate of
#'   the dose that gives the maximum gain value. It must therefore accept one
#'   and only one argument, which is a numeric vector, and return a number.
#' @aliases NextBestMaxGainSamples
#' @export
.NextBestMaxGainSamples <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestMaxGainSamples",
  slots = c(
    derive = "function",
    mg_derive = "function"
  prototype = prototype(
    prob_target_drt = 0.35,
    prob_target_eot = 0.3,
    derive = function(dose_samples) {
      as.numeric(quantile(dose_samples, prob = 0.3))
    mg_derive = function(dose_samples) {
      as.numeric(quantile(dose_samples, prob = 0.5))
  contains = "NextBestMaxGain",
  validity = v_next_best_max_gain_samples

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestMaxGainSamples-class
#' @param prob_target_drt (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition in [`NextBestMaxGain`].
#' @param prob_target_eot (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition in [`NextBestMaxGain`].
#' @param derive (`function`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param mg_derive (`function`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-NextBestMaxGainSamples.R
NextBestMaxGainSamples <- function(prob_target_drt,
                                   mg_derive) {
    prob_target_drt = prob_target_drt,
    prob_target_eot = prob_target_eot,
    derive = derive,
    mg_derive = mg_derive

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestMaxGainSamples-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestMaxGainSamples()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestMaxGainSamples <- function() {
    prob_target_drt = 0.35,
    prob_target_eot = 0.3,
    derive = function(samples) {
      as.numeric(quantile(samples, prob = 0.3))
    mg_derive = function(mg_samples) {
      as.numeric(quantile(mg_samples, prob = 0.5))

# NextBestProbMTDLTE ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestProbMTDLTE`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`NextBestProbMTDLTE`] is the class of finding a next best dose that selects
#' the dose with the highest probability of having a toxicity rate less or equal
#' to the toxicity target.
#' The dose is determined by calculating the posterior toxicity probability
#' for each dose per iteration and select the maximum dose that has a toxicity
#' probability below or equal to the target. The dose with the highest frequency
#' of being selected as MTD across iterations is the next best dose. Placebo
#' is not considered in the calculation and removed from the dose grid for
#' any calculations.
#' @slot target (`numeric`)\cr the target toxicity probability.
#' @aliases NextBestProbMTDLTE
#' @export
.NextBestProbMTDLTE <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestProbMTDLTE",
  slots = c(target = "numeric"),
  prototype = prototype(target = 0.3),
  contains = "NextBest",
  validity = v_next_best_prob_mtd_lte

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestProbMTDLTE-class
#' @param target (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-NextBestProbMTDLTE.R
NextBestProbMTDLTE <- function(target) {
  .NextBestProbMTDLTE(target = target)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestProbMTDLTE-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestProbMTDLTE()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestProbMTDLTE <- function() {
  NextBestProbMTDLTE(target = 0.3)

# NextBestProbMTDMinDist ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestProbMTDMinDist`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`NextBestProbMTDMinDist`] is the class of finding a next best dose that selects
#' the dose with the highest probability of having a toxicity rate with the
#' smallest distance to the toxicity target.
#' The dose is determined by calculating the posterior toxicity probability
#' for each dose per iteration and select the dose that has the smallest toxicity
#' probability distance to the target. The dose with the highest frequency
#' of being selected as MTD across iterations is the next best dose. Placebo
#' is not considered as the next dose and for that reason not used in
#' calculations. I.e. for placebo the toxicity probability distance to target
#' is not calculated and taken into account for determination of the next dose.
#' @slot target (`numeric`)\cr the target toxicity probability.
#' @aliases NextBestProbMTDMinDist
#' @export
.NextBestProbMTDMinDist <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestProbMTDMinDist",
  slots = c(target = "numeric"),
  prototype = prototype(target = 0.3),
  contains = "NextBest",
  validity = v_next_best_prob_mtd_min_dist

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestProbMTDMinDist-class
#' @param target (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-NextBestProbMTDMinDist.R
NextBestProbMTDMinDist <- function(target) {
  .NextBestProbMTDMinDist(target = target)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestProbMTDMinDist-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestProbMTDMinDist()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestProbMTDMinDist <- function() {
  NextBestProbMTDMinDist(target = 0.3)

# NextBestOrdinal ----

## class ----

#' `NextBestOrdinal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`NextBestOrdinal`] is the class for applying a standard `NextBest` rule to
#' the results of an ordinal CRM trial.
#' @slot grade (`integer`)\cr the toxicity grade to which the `rule` should be
#' applied.
#' @slot rule (`NextBest`)\cr the standard `NextBest` rule to be applied
#' @aliases NextBestOrdinal
#' @export
.NextBestOrdinal <- setClass(
  Class = "NextBestOrdinal",
  slots = c(grade = "numeric", rule = "NextBest"),
  contains = "NextBest",
  validity = v_next_best_ordinal

## constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestOrdinal-class
#' @param grade (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param rule (`NextBest`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-NextBestOrdinal.R
NextBestOrdinal <- function(grade, rule) {
  .NextBestOrdinal(grade = grade, rule = rule)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname NextBestOrdinal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultNextBestOrdinal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultNextBestOrdinal <- function() {
    grade = 1L,
    rule = NextBestMTD(
      function(mtd_samples) {
        quantile(mtd_samples, probs = 0.25)

# Increments ----

## class ----

#' `Increments`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`Increments`] is a virtual class for controlling increments, from which all
#' other specific increments classes inherit.
#' @seealso [`IncrementsRelative`], [`IncrementsRelativeDLT`],
#'   [`IncrementsDoseLevels`], [`IncrementsHSRBeta`], [`IncrementsMin`].
#' @aliases Increments
#' @export
  Class = "Increments",
  contains = "CrmPackClass"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname Increments-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultIncrements()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultIncrements <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class Increments cannot be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# IncrementsRelative ----

## class ----

#' `IncrementsRelative`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`IncrementsRelative`] is the class for increments control based on relative
#' differences in intervals.
#' @slot intervals (`numeric`)\cr a vector with the left bounds of the relevant
#'   intervals. For example, `intervals  = c(0, 50, 100)` specifies three intervals:
#'   \eqn{(0, 50)}, \eqn{[50, 100)} and \eqn{[100, +Inf)}. That means, the right
#'   bound of the intervals are exclusive to the interval and the last interval
#'   goes from the last value to infinity.
#' @slot increments (`numeric`)\cr a vector of the same length with the maximum
#'   allowable relative increments in the `intervals`.
#' @aliases IncrementsRelative
#' @export
.IncrementsRelative <- setClass(
  Class = "IncrementsRelative",
  slots = c(
    intervals = "numeric",
    increments = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    intervals = c(0, 2),
    increments = c(2, 1)
  contains = "Increments",
  validity = v_increments_relative

## constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsRelative-class
#' @param intervals (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param increments (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-IncrementsRelative.R
IncrementsRelative <- function(intervals, increments) {
    intervals = intervals,
    increments = increments

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsRelative-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultIncrementsRelative()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultIncrementsRelative <- function() {
  IncrementsRelative(intervals = c(0, 20), increments = c(1, 0.33))

# IncrementsRelativeDLT ----

## class ----

#' `IncrementsRelativeDLT`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`IncrementsRelativeDLT`] is the class for increments control based on
#' relative differences in terms of DLTs.
#' @slot intervals (`integer`)\cr a vector with the left bounds of the
#'   relevant DLT intervals. For example, `intervals  = c(0, 1, 3)` specifies
#'   three intervals (sets of DLTs: first, 0 DLT; second 1 or 2 DLTs; and the third
#'   one, at least 3 DLTs. That means, the right bound of the intervals are
#'   exclusive to the interval and the last interval goes from the last value to
#'   infinity.
#' @slot increments (`numeric`)\cr a vector of maximum allowable relative
#'   increments corresponding to `intervals`. IT must be of the same length
#'   as the length of `intervals`.
#' @note This considers all DLTs across all cohorts observed so far.
#' @seealso [IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent] which only considers the DLTs
#'   in the current cohort.
#' @aliases IncrementsRelativeDLT
#' @export
.IncrementsRelativeDLT <- setClass(
  Class = "IncrementsRelativeDLT",
  slots = representation(
    intervals = "integer",
    increments = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    intervals = c(0L, 1L),
    increments = c(2, 1)
  contains = "Increments",
  validity = v_increments_relative_dlt

## constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsRelativeDLT-class
#' @param intervals (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param increments (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-IncrementsRelativeDLT.R
IncrementsRelativeDLT <- function(intervals, increments) {
  assert_integerish(intervals, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)
  assert_numeric(increments, any.missing = FALSE, lower = 0)

    intervals = as.integer(intervals),
    increments = increments

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsRelativeDLT-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultIncrementsRelativeDLT()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultIncrementsRelativeDLT <- function() {
  IncrementsRelativeDLT(intervals = c(0L, 1L, 3L), increments = c(1, 0.33, 0.2))

# IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent ----

## class ----

#' `IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent`] is the class for increments control based on
#' relative differences and current DLTs. The class is based on the number of
#' DLTs observed in the current cohort, but not cumulatively over all cohorts
#' so far.
#' @seealso [IncrementsRelativeDLT].
#' @aliases IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent
#' @export
.IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent <- setClass(
  Class = "IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent",
  contains = "IncrementsRelativeDLT"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent-class
#' @inheritParams IncrementsRelativeDLT
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent.R
IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent <- function(intervals = c(0L, 1L),
                                         increments = c(2L, 1L)) {
  assert_integerish(intervals, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)
  assert_numeric(increments, any.missing = FALSE, lower = 0)

    intervals = as.integer(intervals),
    increments = increments

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultIncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultIncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent <- function() { # nolint
  IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent(intervals = c(0L, 1L, 3L), increments = c(1, 0.33, 0.2))

# IncrementsRelativeParts ----

## class ----

#' `IncrementsRelativeParts`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`IncrementsRelativeParts`] is the class for increments control based on
#' relative differences in intervals, with special rules for part 1 and
#' beginning of part 2.
#' @details This class works only in conjunction with [`DataParts`] objects. If
#' part 2 will just be started in the next cohort, then the next maximum dose
#' will be either `dlt_start` (e.g. -1) shift of the last part 1 dose in case
#' of a DLT in part 1, or `clean_start` shift (e.g. -1) in case of no DLTs in
#' part 1, given that `clean_start <= 0` (see description of `clean_start`
#' slot for more details). If part 1 will still be on in the next cohort,
#' then the next dose level will be the next higher dose level in the
#' `part1Ladder` slot of the data object. If part 2 has been started before,
#' the usual relative increment rules apply, see [`IncrementsRelative`].
#' @slot dlt_start (`integer`)\cr a scalar, the dose level increment for starting
#'   part 2 in case of at least one DLT event in part 1.
#' @slot clean_start (`integer`)\cr a scalar, the dose level increment for
#'   starting part 2 in case of no DLTs in part 1. If `clean_start <= 0`,
#'   then the part 1 ladder will be used to find the maximum next dose.
#'   Otherwise, the relative increment rules will be applied to find the next
#'   maximum dose level.
#' @note We require that `clean_start >= dlt_start`. However, this precondition
#'   is not a prerequisite for any function (except of the class' validation
#'   function) that works with objects of this class. It is rather motivated by
#'   the semantics. That is, if we observe a DLT in part 1, we cannot be more
#'   aggressive than in case of a clean part 1 without DLT.
#' @aliases IncrementsRelativeParts
#' @export
.IncrementsRelativeParts <- setClass(
  Class = "IncrementsRelativeParts",
  slots = representation(
    dlt_start = "integer",
    clean_start = "integer"
  prototype = prototype(
    dlt_start = -1L,
    clean_start = 1L
  contains = "IncrementsRelative",
  validity = v_increments_relative_parts

## constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsRelativeParts-class
#' @param dlt_start (`count`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param clean_start (`count`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @inheritDotParams IncrementsRelative
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-IncrementsRelative-DataParts.R
IncrementsRelativeParts <- function(dlt_start, clean_start, ...) {

    dlt_start = as.integer(dlt_start),
    clean_start = as.integer(clean_start),

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsRelativeParts-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultIncrementsRelativeParts()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultIncrementsRelativeParts <- function() {
  IncrementsRelativeParts(dlt_start = 0L, clean_start = 1L)

# IncrementsDoseLevels ----

## class ----

#' `IncrementsDoseLevels`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`IncrementsDoseLevels`] is the class for increments control based on the
#' number of dose levels.
#' @slot levels (`count`)\cr maximum number of dose levels to increment for
#'   the next dose. It defaults to 1, which means that no dose skipping is
#'   allowed, i.e. the next dose can be maximum one level higher than the current
#'   base dose. The current base dose level is the dose level used to increment
#'   from (see `basis_level` parameter).
#' @slot basis_level (`string`)\cr defines the current base dose level. It can
#'   take one out of two possible values: `last` or `max`.
#'   If `last` is specified (default), the current base dose level is set to the
#'   last dose given. If `max` is specified, then the current base dose level is
#'   set to the maximum dose level given.
#' @aliases IncrementsDoseLevels
#' @export
.IncrementsDoseLevels <- setClass(
  Class = "IncrementsDoseLevels",
  slots = representation(
    levels = "integer",
    basis_level = "character"
  prototype = prototype(
    levels = 1L,
    basis_level = "last"
  contains = "Increments",
  validity = v_increments_dose_levels

## constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsDoseLevels-class
#' @param levels (`count`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param basis_level (`string`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-IncrementsDoseLevels.R
IncrementsDoseLevels <- function(levels = 1L, basis_level = "last") {
  assert_count(levels, positive = TRUE)
  assert_subset(basis_level, c("last", "max"))

    levels = as.integer(levels),
    basis_level = basis_level

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsDoseLevels-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultIncrementsDoseLevels()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultIncrementsDoseLevels <- function() {
  IncrementsDoseLevels(levels = 2L, basis_level = "last")

# IncrementsHSRBeta ----

## class ----

#' `IncrementsHSRBeta`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`IncrementsHSRBeta`] is a class for limiting further increments using
#' a Hard Safety Rule based on the Bin-Beta model.
#' Increment control is based on the number of observed DLTs and number of
#' subjects at each dose level. The probability of toxicity is calculated
#' using a Bin-Beta model with prior (a,b). If the probability exceeds
#' the threshold for a given dose, that dose and all doses above are excluded
#' from further escalation.
#' This is a hard safety rule that limits further escalation based on the
#' observed data per dose level, independent from the underlying model.
#' @slot target (`proportion`)\cr the target toxicity, except
#'   0 or 1.
#' @slot prob (`proportion`)\cr the threshold probability (except 0 or 1) for
#'   a dose being toxic.
#' @slot a (`number`)\cr shape parameter \eqn{a > 0} of probability distribution
#'   Beta (a,b).
#' @slot b (`number`)\cr shape parameter \eqn{b > 0} of probability distribution
#'   Beta (a,b).
#' @aliases IncrementsHSRBeta
#' @export
.IncrementsHSRBeta <- setClass(
  Class = "IncrementsHSRBeta",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric",
    prob = "numeric",
    a = "numeric",
    b = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = 0.3,
    prob = 0.95,
    a = 1,
    b = 1
  contains = "Increments",
  validity = v_increments_hsr_beta

## constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsHSRBeta-class
#' @param target (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param prob (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param a (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param b (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-IncrementsHSRBeta.R
#' @export
IncrementsHSRBeta <- function(target = 0.3,
                              prob = 0.95,
                              a = 1,
                              b = 1) {
    target = target,
    prob = prob,
    a = a,
    b = b

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsHSRBeta-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultIncrementsHSRBeta()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultIncrementsHSRBeta <- function() {
  IncrementsHSRBeta(target = 0.3, prob = 0.95)

# IncrementsMin ----

## class ----

#' `IncrementsMin`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`IncrementsMin`] is the class that combines multiple increment rules with
#' the `minimum` operation. Slot `increments_list` contains all increment rules,
#' which are itself the objects of class [`Increments`]. The minimum of these
#' individual increments is taken to give the final maximum increment.
#' @slot increments_list (`list`)\cr list with increment rules.
#' @aliases IncrementsMin
#' @export
.IncrementsMin <- setClass(
  Class = "IncrementsMin",
  slots = c(increments_list = "list"),
  prototype = prototype(
    increments_list = list(
      IncrementsRelativeDLT(intervals = c(0L, 1L), increments = c(2, 1)),
      IncrementsRelative(intervals = c(0, 2), increments = c(2, 1))
  contains = "Increments",
  validity = v_increments_min

## constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsMin-class
#' @param increments_list (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-IncrementsMin.R
#' @export
IncrementsMin <- function(increments_list) {
  .IncrementsMin(increments_list = increments_list)
## default constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsMin-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultIncrementsMin()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultIncrementsMin <- function() {
    increments_list = list(
      IncrementsRelativeDLT(intervals = c(0, 1, 3), increments = c(1, 0.33, 0.2)),
      IncrementsRelative(intervals = c(0, 20), increments = c(1, 0.33))

# IncrementsOrdinal ----

## class ----

#' `IncrementsOrdinal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`IncrementsOrdinal`] is the class for applying a standard `Increments` rule to
#' the results of an ordinal CRM trial.
#' @slot grade (`integer`)\cr the toxicity grade to which the `rule` should be
#' applied.
#' @slot rule (`Increments`)\cr the standard `Increments` rule to be applied
#' @aliases IncrementsOrdinal
#' @export
.IncrementsOrdinal <- setClass(
  Class = "IncrementsOrdinal",
  slots = c(grade = "numeric", rule = "Increments"),
  contains = "Increments",
  validity = v_increments_ordinal

## constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsOrdinal-class
#' @param grade (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param rule (`Increments`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-IncrementsOrdinal.R
IncrementsOrdinal <- function(grade, rule) {
  .IncrementsOrdinal(grade = grade, rule = rule)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname IncrementsOrdinal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultIncrementsOrdinal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultIncrementsOrdinal <- function() {
    grade = 1L,
    rule = IncrementsRelative(intervals = c(0, 20), increments = c(1, 0.33))

# Stopping ----

## class ----

#' `Stopping`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`Stopping`] is a class for stopping rules.
#' @slot report_label (`string`)\cr a label for the stopping report. The meaning
#'   of this parameter is twofold. If it is equal to `NA_character_` (default),
#'   the `report_label` will not be used in the report at all. Otherwise, if it
#'   is specified as an empty character (i.e. `character(0)`) in a user constructor,
#'   then a default, class-specific label will be created for this slot.
#'   Finally, for the remaining cases, a user can provide a custom label.
#' @seealso [`StoppingList`], [`StoppingCohortsNearDose`], [`StoppingPatientsNearDose`],
#'   [`StoppingMinCohorts`], [`StoppingMinPatients`], [`StoppingTargetProb`],
#'   [`StoppingMTDdistribution`], [`StoppingTargetBiomarker`], [`StoppingHighestDose`]
#'   [`StoppingMTDCV`], [`StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta`], [`StoppingSpecificDose`].
#' @aliases Stopping
#' @export
  Class = "Stopping",
  contains = "CrmPackClass",
  slots = c(report_label = "character"),
  prototype = prototype(report_label = character(0))

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSize-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `DefaultCohortSize()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultCohortSize <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class CohortSize should not be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# StoppingMissingDose ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingMissingDose`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`StoppingMissingDose`] is the class for stopping based on NA returned by
#'  next best dose.
#' @aliases StoppingMissingDose
#' @export
.StoppingMissingDose <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingMissingDose",
  contains = "Stopping"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMissingDose-class
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingMissingDose.R
#' @export
StoppingMissingDose <- function(report_label = NA_character_) {
  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste("Stopped because of missing dose")

  .StoppingMissingDose(report_label = report_label)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMissingDose-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingMissingDose()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingMissingDose <- function() {

# StoppingCohortsNearDose ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingCohortsNearDose`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingCohortsNearDose`] is the class for stopping based on number of
#' cohorts near to next best dose.
#' @slot nCohorts (`number`)\cr number of required cohorts.
#' @slot percentage (`number`)\cr percentage (between and including 0 and 100)
#'   within the next best dose the cohorts must lie.
#' @aliases StoppingCohortsNearDose
#' @export
.StoppingCohortsNearDose <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingCohortsNearDose",
  slots = c(
    nCohorts = "integer",
    percentage = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    nCohorts = 2L,
    percentage = 50
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_cohorts_near_dose

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingCohortsNearDose-class
#' @param nCohorts (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param percentage (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingCohortsNearDose.R
#' @export
StoppingCohortsNearDose <- function(nCohorts = 2L,
                                    percentage = 50,
                                    report_label = NA_character_) {
  assert_count(nCohorts, positive = TRUE)
  assert_numeric(percentage, lower = 0)

  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste("\u2265", nCohorts, "cohorts dosed in", percentage, "% dose range around NBD")

    nCohorts = as.integer(nCohorts),
    percentage = percentage,
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingCohortsNearDose-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingCohortsNearDose()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingCohortsNearDose <- function() { # nolint
    nCohorts = 3L,
    percentage = 0.2

# StoppingPatientsNearDose ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingPatientsNearDose`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingPatientsNearDose`] is the class for stopping based on number of
#' patients near to next best dose.
#' @slot nPatients (`number`)\cr number of required patients.
#' @slot percentage (`number`)\cr percentage (between and including 0 and 100)
#'   within the next best dose the patients must lie.
#' @aliases StoppingPatientsNearDose
#' @export
.StoppingPatientsNearDose <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingPatientsNearDose",
  slots = c(
    nPatients = "integer",
    percentage = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    nPatients = 10L,
    percentage = 50
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_patients_near_dose

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingPatientsNearDose-class
#' @param nPatients (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param percentage (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingPatientsNearDose.R
#' @export
StoppingPatientsNearDose <- function(nPatients = 10L,
                                     percentage = 50,
                                     report_label = NA_character_) {
  assert_count(nPatients, positive = TRUE)
  assert_number(percentage, lower = 0, upper = 100)

  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste("\u2265", nPatients, "patients dosed in", percentage, "% dose range around NBD")

    nPatients = as.integer(nPatients),
    percentage = percentage,
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingPatientsNearDose-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingPatientsNearDose()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingPatientsNearDose <- function() { # nolint
    nPatients = 9L,
    percentage = 20,
    report_label = NA_character_

# StoppingMinCohorts ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingMinCohorts`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingMinCohorts`] is the class for stopping based on minimum number of
#' cohorts.
#' @slot nCohorts (`number`)\cr minimum required number of cohorts.
#' @aliases StoppingMinCohorts
#' @export
.StoppingMinCohorts <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingMinCohorts",
  slots = c(nCohorts = "integer"),
  prototype = prototype(nCohorts = 2L),
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_min_cohorts

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMinCohorts-class
#' @param nCohorts (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingMinCohorts.R
#' @export
StoppingMinCohorts <- function(nCohorts = 2L,
                               report_label = NA_character_) {
  assert_count(nCohorts, positive = TRUE)

  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste("\u2265", nCohorts, "cohorts dosed")

    nCohorts = as.integer(nCohorts),
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMinCohorts-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingMinCohorts()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingMinCohorts <- function() {
    nCohorts = 6L

# StoppingMinPatients ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingMinPatients`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingMinPatients`] is the class for stopping based on minimum number of
#' patients
#' @slot nPatients (`number`)\cr minimum allowed number of patients.
#' @aliases StoppingMinPatients
#' @export
.StoppingMinPatients <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingMinPatients",
  slots = c(nPatients = "integer"),
  prototype = prototype(nPatients = 20L),
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_min_patients

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMinPatients-class
#' @param nPatients (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingMinPatients.R
#' @export
StoppingMinPatients <- function(nPatients = 20L,
                                report_label = NA_character_) {
  assert_count(nPatients, positive = TRUE)

  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste("\u2265", nPatients, "patients dosed")

    nPatients = as.integer(nPatients),
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMinPatients-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingMinPatients()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingMinPatients <- function() {
    nPatients = 20L

# StoppingTargetProb ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingTargetProb`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingTargetProb`] is the class for stopping based on the probability of
#' the DLT rate being in the target toxicity interval.
#' @slot target (`number`)\cr the target toxicity interval, e.g. `c(0.2, 0.35)`.
#' @slot prob (`proportion`)\cr required target toxicity probability (except 0 or 1)
#'   for reaching sufficient precision.
#' @aliases StoppingTargetProb
#' @export
.StoppingTargetProb <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingTargetProb",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric",
    prob = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = c(0.2, 0.35),
    prob = 0.4
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_target_prob

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingTargetProb-class
#' @param target (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param prob (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingTargetProb.R
#' @export
StoppingTargetProb <- function(target = c(0.2, 0.35),
                               prob = 0.4,
                               report_label = NA_character_) {
  assert_numeric(target, len = 2)
  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste0("P(", target[1], " \u2264 prob(DLE | NBD) \u2264 ", target[2], ") \u2265 ", prob)

    target = target,
    prob = prob,
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingTargetProb-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingTargetProb()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingTargetProb <- function() {
    target = c(0.2, 0.35),
    prob = 0.5

# StoppingMTDdistribution ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingMTDdistribution`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingMTDdistribution`] is the class for stopping based on the posterior
#' distribution of the MTD. It is used for the cases where the stopping occurs
#' when the probability of `MTD > thresh * next_dose` is greater than or equal
#' to `prob`, where the `next_dose` is the recommended next best dose.
#' Here, the MTD is defined as the dose that reaches a specific `target`
#' probability of the occurrence of a DLT.
#' @slot target (`proportion`)\cr the target toxicity probability (except 0 or 1)
#'   defining the MTD.
#' @slot thresh (`proportion`)\cr the threshold (except 0 or 1) relative to the
#'   recommended next best dose.
#' @slot prob (`proportion`)\cr required minimum probability, except 0 or 1.
#' @aliases StoppingMTDdistribution
#' @export
.StoppingMTDdistribution <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingMTDdistribution",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric",
    thresh = "numeric",
    prob = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = 0.33,
    thresh = 0.5,
    prob = 0.9
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_mtd_distribution

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMTDdistribution-class
#' @param target (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param thresh (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param prob (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingMTDdistribution.R
#' @export
StoppingMTDdistribution <- function(target = 0.33,
                                    thresh = 0.5,
                                    prob = 0.9,
                                    report_label = NA_character_) {
  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste0("P(MTD > ", thresh, " * NBD | P(DLE) = ", target, ") \u2265 ", prob)

    target = target,
    thresh = thresh,
    prob = prob,
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMTDdistribution-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingMTDDistribution()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingMTDdistribution <- function() {
    target = 0.33,
    thresh = 0.5,
    prob = 0.9

# StoppingMTDCV ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingMTDCV`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`StoppingMTDCV`] is a class for stopping rule based on precision of MTD
#' which is calculated as the coefficient of variation (CV) of the MTD.
#' Here, the MTD is defined as the dose that reaches a specific `target`
#' probability of the occurrence of a DLT.
#' @slot target (`proportion`)\cr toxicity target of MTD (except 0 or 1).
#' @slot thresh_cv (`number`)\cr threshold (percentage > 0) for CV to be
#'   considered accurate enough to stop the trial. The stopping occurs when the
#'   CV is less than or equal to `tresh_cv`.
#' @aliases StoppingMTDCV
#' @export
.StoppingMTDCV <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingMTDCV",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric",
    thresh_cv = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = 0.3,
    thresh_cv = 40
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_mtd_cv

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMTDCV-class
#' @param target (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param thresh_cv (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingMTDCV.R
StoppingMTDCV <- function(target = 0.3,
                          thresh_cv = 40,
                          report_label = NA_character_) {
  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste("CV(MTD) >", target)

    target = target,
    thresh_cv = thresh_cv,
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMTDCV-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingMTDCV()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingMTDCV <- function() {
    target = 0.3,
    thresh_cv = 40

# StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta`] is a class for stopping based on a Hard Safety
#' Rule using the Beta posterior distribution with Beta(a,b) prior and a
#' Bin-Beta model based on the observed data at the lowest dose level.
#' The rule is triggered when the first dose is considered to be toxic
#' (i.e. above threshold probability) based on the observed data at the
#' lowest dose level and a Beta(a,b) prior distribution.
#' The default prior is Beta(1,1).
#' In case that placebo is used, the rule is evaluated at the second dose of the
#' dose grid, i.e. at the lowest non-placebo dose.
#' @note This stopping rule is independent from the underlying model.
#' @slot target (`proportion`)\cr the target toxicity.
#' @slot prob (`proportion`)\cr the threshold probability for the lowest dose
#'   being toxic.
#' @slot a (`number`)\cr shape parameter \eqn{a > 0} of probability distribution
#'   Beta (a,b).
#' @slot b (`number`)\cr shape parameter \eqn{b > 0} of probability distribution
#'   Beta (a,b).
#' @aliases StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta
#' @export
.StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric",
    prob = "numeric",
    a = "numeric",
    b = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = 0.3,
    prob = 0.95,
    a = 1,
    b = 1
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_increments_hsr_beta

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta-class
#' @param target (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param prob (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param a (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param b (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta.R
StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta <- function(target = 0.3,
                                      prob = 0.95,
                                      a = 1,
                                      b = 1,
                                      report_label = NA_character_) {
  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste0("P\u03B2(lowest dose > P(DLE) = ", target, ") > ", prob)

    target = target,
    prob = prob,
    a = a,
    b = b,
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta <- function() { # nolint
    target = 0.3,
    prob = 0.95,
    a = 1,
    b = 1

# StoppingTargetBiomarker ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingTargetBiomarker`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingTargetBiomarker`] is a class for stopping based on probability of
#' target biomarker.
#' @slot target (`numeric`)\cr the biomarker target range that needs to be
#'   reached. For example, `target = c(0.8, 1.0)` with `is_relative = TRUE`
#'   means that we target a dose with at least 80% of maximum biomarker level.
#' @slot is_relative (`flag`)\cr is target relative? If it so (default), then
#'   the `target` is interpreted relative to the maximum, so it must be a
#'   probability range. Otherwise, the `target` is interpreted as absolute
#'   biomarker range.
#' @slot prob (`proportion`)\cr required target probability (except 0 or 1) for
#'   reaching sufficient precision.
#' @aliases StoppingTargetBiomarker
#' @export
.StoppingTargetBiomarker <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingTargetBiomarker",
  slots = c(
    target = "numeric",
    is_relative = "logical",
    prob = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target = c(0.9, 1),
    is_relative = TRUE,
    prob = 0.3
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_target_biomarker

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingTargetBiomarker-class
#' @param target (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param prob (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param is_relative (`flag`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingTargetBiomarker.R
StoppingTargetBiomarker <- function(target = c(0.9, 1),
                                    prob = 0.3,
                                    is_relative = TRUE,
                                    report_label = NA_character_) {
  assert_numeric(target, len = 2)

  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
      "P(", target[1], " \u2264 ", "Biomarker \u2264 ", target[2], ") \u2265 ", prob,
      ifelse(is_relative, " (relative)", " (absolute)")

    target = target,
    is_relative = is_relative,
    prob = prob,
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingTargetBiomarker-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingTargetBiomarker()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingTargetBiomarker <- function() {
    target = c(0.9, 1),
    prob = 0.5,
    is_relative = TRUE

# StoppingSpecificDose ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingSpecificDose`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`StoppingSpecificDose`] is the class for testing a stopping rule at specific
#' dose of the dose grid and not at the next best dose.
#' @slot rule (`Stopping`)\cr a stopping rule available in this package.
#' @slot dose (`positive_number`)\cr a dose that is defined as part of the dose
#'   grid of the data.
#' @aliases StoppingSpecificDose
#' @export
.StoppingSpecificDose <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingSpecificDose",
  slots = c(
    rule = "Stopping",
    dose = "positive_number"
  contains = "Stopping"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingSpecificDose-class
#' @param rule (`Stopping`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param dose (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`) \cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingSpecificDose.R
StoppingSpecificDose <- function(rule = StoppingTargetProb(target = c(0, 0.3), prob = 0.8),
                                 dose = 80,
                                 report_label = NA_character_) {
  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste0("Dose ", dose, " used for testing a stopping rule")

    rule = rule,
    dose = positive_number(dose),
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingSpecificDose-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingSpecificDose()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingSpecificDose <- function() {
    rule = StoppingTargetProb(target = c(0, 0.3), prob = 0.8),
    dose = positive_number(80)

# StoppingHighestDose ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingHighestDose`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`StoppingHighestDose`] is the class for stopping based on the highest dose.
#' That is, the stopping occurs when the highest dose is reached.
#' @aliases StoppingHighestDose
#' @export
.StoppingHighestDose <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingHighestDose",
  contains = "Stopping"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingHighestDose-class
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingHighestDose.R
StoppingHighestDose <- function(report_label = NA_character_) {
  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    "NBD is the highest dose"

  .StoppingHighestDose(report_label = report_label)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingHighestDose-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingHighestDose()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingHighestDose <- function() {

# StoppingTDCIRatio ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingTDCIRatio`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingTDCIRatio`] is the class for testing a stopping rule that is based
#' on a target ratio of the 95% credibility interval. Specifically, this is the
#' ratio of the upper to the lower bound of the 95% credibility interval's
#' estimate of the target dose (i.e. a dose that corresponds to a given target
#' probability of the occurrence of a DLT `prob_target`).
#' @slot target_ratio (`numeric`)\cr target for the ratio of the 95% credibility
#'   interval's estimate, that is required to stop a trial.
#' @slot prob_target (`proportion`)\cr the target probability of the occurrence
#'   of a DLT.
#' @aliases StoppingTDCIRatio
#' @export
.StoppingTDCIRatio <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingTDCIRatio",
  slots = c(
    target_ratio = "numeric",
    prob_target = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target_ratio = 5,
    prob_target = 0.3
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_tdci_ratio

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingTDCIRatio-class
#' @param target_ratio (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param prob_target (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingTDCIRatio.R
StoppingTDCIRatio <- function(target_ratio = 5,
                              prob_target = 0.3,
                              report_label = NA_character_) {
  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste("TD", target_ratio, "for", prob_target, "target prob")

    target_ratio = target_ratio,
    prob_target = prob_target,
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingTDCIRatio-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingTDCIRatio()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingTDCIRatio <- function() {
    target_ratio = 5,
    prob_target = 0.3

# StoppingMaxGainCIRatio ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingMaxGainCIRatio`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingMaxGainCIRatio`] is the class for testing a stopping rule that is based
#' on a target ratio of the 95% credibility interval. Specifically, this is the
#' ratio of the upper to the lower bound of the 95% credibility interval's
#' estimate of the:
#' (1) target dose (i.e. a dose that corresponds to a given target
#' probability of the occurrence of a DLT `prob_target`), or
#' (2) max gain dose (i.e. a dose which gives the maximum gain),
#' depending on which one out of these two is smaller.
#' @slot target_ratio (`numeric`)\cr target for the ratio of the 95% credibility
#'   interval's estimate, that is required to stop a trial.
#' @slot prob_target (`proportion`)\cr the target probability of the occurrence
#'   of a DLT.
#' @aliases StoppingMaxGainCIRatio
#' @export
.StoppingMaxGainCIRatio <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingMaxGainCIRatio",
  slots = c(
    target_ratio = "numeric",
    prob_target = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    target_ratio = 5,
    prob_target = 0.3
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_tdci_ratio

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMaxGainCIRatio-class
#' @param target_ratio (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param prob_target (`proportion`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingMaxGainCIRatio.R
StoppingMaxGainCIRatio <- function(target_ratio = 5,
                                   prob_target = 0.3,
                                   report_label = NA_character_) {
  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste("GStar", target_ratio, "for", prob_target, "target prob")

    target_ratio = target_ratio,
    prob_target = prob_target,
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingMaxGainCIRatio-class
#' @examples
#' .DefaultStoppingMaxGainCIRatio()
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingMaxGainCIRatio <- function() {
    target_ratio = 5,
    prob_target = 0.3

# StoppingList ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingList`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingList`] is the class for testing a stopping rule that consists of
#' many single stopping rules that are in turn the objects of class `Stopping`.
#' The `summary` slot stores a function that takes a logical vector of the size
#' of `stop_list` and returns a single logical value. For example, if the function
#' `all` is specified as a `summary` function, then that all stopping rules
#' defined in `stop_list` must be satisfied in order the result of this rule to
#' be `TRUE`.
#' @slot stop_list (`list`)\cr list of stopping rules.
#' @slot summary (`function`)\cr a summary function to combine the results of
#'   the stopping rules into a single result.
#' @aliases StoppingList
#' @export
.StoppingList <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingList",
  slots = c(
    stop_list = "list",
    summary = "function"
  prototype = prototype(
    stop_list = list(StoppingMinPatients(50), StoppingMinCohorts(5)),
    summary = all
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_list

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingList-class
#' @param stop_list (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param summary (`function`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingList.R
StoppingList <- function(stop_list, summary) {
    stop_list = stop_list,
    summary = summary

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingList-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingList()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingList <- function() {
    stop_list = c(
      StoppingMinCohorts(nCohorts = 3L),
      StoppingTargetProb(target = c(0.2, 0.35), prob = 0.5),
      StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 20L)
    summary = any

# StoppingAll ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingAll`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingAll`] is the class for testing a stopping rule that consists of
#' many single stopping rules that are in turn the objects of class `Stopping`.
#' All single stopping rules must be satisfied in order the result of this rule
#' to be `TRUE`.
#' @slot stop_list (`list`)\cr list of stopping rules.
#' @slot report_label label for reporting
#' @aliases StoppingAll
#' @export
.StoppingAll <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingAll",
  slots = c(
    stop_list = "list"
  prototype = prototype(
    stop_list = list(
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_all

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingAll-class
#' @param stop_list (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string`) \cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingAll.R
StoppingAll <- function(stop_list, report_label = NA_character_) {
    stop_list = stop_list,
    report_label = report_label
## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingAll-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingAll()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingAll <- function() {
    stop_list = c(
      StoppingMinCohorts(nCohorts = 3L),
      StoppingTargetProb(target = c(0.2, 0.35), prob = 0.5),
      StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 20L)

# StoppingAny ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingAny`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`StoppingAny`] is the class for testing a stopping rule that consists of
#' many single stopping rules that are in turn the objects of class `Stopping`.
#' At least one single stopping rule must be satisfied in order the result of
#' this rule to be `TRUE`.
#' @slot stop_list (`list`)\cr list of stopping rules.
#' @slot report_label label for reporting
#' @aliases StoppingAny
#' @export
.StoppingAny <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingAny",
  slots = c(
    stop_list = "list"
  prototype = prototype(
    stop_list = list(StoppingMinPatients(50), StoppingMinCohorts(5))
  contains = "Stopping",
  validity = v_stopping_all

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingAny-class
#' @param stop_list (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param report_label (`string`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingAny.R
StoppingAny <- function(stop_list, report_label = NA_character_) {
    stop_list = stop_list,
    report_label = report_label

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingAny-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingAny()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingAny <- function() {
    stop_list = c(
      StoppingMinCohorts(nCohorts = 3L),
      StoppingTargetProb(target = c(0.2, 0.35), prob = 0.5),
      StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 20L)

# StoppingOrdinal ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingOrdinal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`StoppingOrdinal`] is the class for stopping based on a Stopping rule applied
#' to a specific toxicity grade in an ordinal CRM trial
#' @slot grade (`integer`)\cr the grade to which the rule should be applied
#' @slot rule (`Stopping`)\cr the rule to apply
#' @aliases StoppingOrdinal
#' @export
.StoppingOrdinal <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingOrdinal",
  slots = c(grade = "integer", rule = "Stopping"),
  contains = "Stopping"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingOrdinal-class
#' @param grade (`integer`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param rule (`Stopping`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingOrdinal.R
#' @export
StoppingOrdinal <- function(grade, rule) {
  .StoppingOrdinal(grade = grade, rule = rule)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingOrdinal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingOrdinal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingOrdinal <- function() {
    StoppingTargetProb(target = c(0.2, 0.35), prob = 0.6)

# StoppingExternal ----

## class ----

#' `StoppingExternal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`StoppingExternal`] is the class for stopping based on an external flag.
#' @aliases StoppingExternal
#' @export
.StoppingExternal <- setClass(
  Class = "StoppingExternal",
  contains = "Stopping"

## constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingExternal-class
#' @param report_label (`string` or `NA`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @example examples/Rules-class-StoppingExternal.R
#' @export
StoppingExternal <- function(report_label = NA_character_) {
  report_label <- h_default_if_empty(
    paste("Stopped because of external flag")
  .StoppingExternal(report_label = report_label)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname StoppingExternal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultStoppingExternal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultStoppingExternal <- StoppingExternal

# CohortSize ----

## class ----

#' `CohortSize`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`CohortSize`] is a class for cohort sizes.
#' @seealso [`CohortSizeRange`], [`CohortSizeDLT`], [`CohortSizeConst`],
#'   [`CohortSizeParts`], [`CohortSizeMin`], [`CohortSizeMin`].
#' @aliases CohortSize
#' @export
  Class = "CohortSize",
  contains = "CrmPackClass"

## default constructor

#' @rdname CohortSize-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `DefaultCohortSize()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultCohortSize <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class CohortSize should not be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# CohortSizeRange ----

## class ----

#' `CohortSizeRange`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`CohortSizeRange`] is the class for cohort size based on dose range.
#' @slot intervals (`numeric`)\cr a vector with the left bounds of the relevant
#'   dose intervals.
#' @slot cohort_size (`integer`)\cr an integer vector with the cohort sizes
#'   corresponding to the elements of `intervals`.
#' @aliases CohortSizeRange
#' @export
.CohortSizeRange <- setClass(
  Class = "CohortSizeRange",
  slots = c(
    intervals = "numeric",
    cohort_size = "integer"
  prototype = prototype(
    intervals = c(0, 20),
    cohort_size = c(1L, 3L)
  contains = "CohortSize",
  validity = v_cohort_size_range

## constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeRange-class
#' @param intervals (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param cohort_size (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-CohortSizeRange.R
CohortSizeRange <- function(intervals, cohort_size) {
  # Cohort size 0 is needed to allow for no-placebo designs
  assert_integerish(cohort_size, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)

    intervals = intervals,
    cohort_size = as.integer(cohort_size)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeRange-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultCohortSizeRange()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultCohortSizeRange <- function() {
  CohortSizeRange(intervals = c(0L, 30L), cohort_size = c(1L, 3L))

# CohortSizeDLT ----

## class ----

#' `CohortSizeDLT`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`CohortSizeDLT`] is the class for cohort size based on number of DLTs.

#' @slot intervals (`integer`)\cr a vector with the left bounds of the
#'   relevant DLT intervals.
#' @slot cohort_size (`integer`)\cr a vector with the cohort sizes corresponding
#'   to the elements of `intervals`.
#' @aliases CohortSizeDLT
#' @export
.CohortSizeDLT <- setClass(
  Class = "CohortSizeDLT",
  slots = c(
    intervals = "integer",
    cohort_size = "integer"
  prototype = prototype(
    intervals = c(0L, 1L),
    cohort_size = c(1L, 3L)
  contains = "CohortSize",
  validity = v_cohort_size_dlt

## constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeDLT-class
#' @param intervals (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param cohort_size (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-CohortSizeDLT.R
CohortSizeDLT <- function(intervals, cohort_size) {
  assert_integerish(intervals, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)
  # Cohort size 0 is needed to allow for no-placebo designs
  assert_integerish(cohort_size, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)

    intervals = as.integer(intervals),
    cohort_size = as.integer(cohort_size)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeDLT-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultCohortSizeDLT()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultCohortSizeDLT <- function() {
  CohortSizeDLT(intervals = c(0L, 1L), cohort_size = c(1L, 3L))

# CohortSizeConst ----

## class ----

#' `CohortSizeConst`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`CohortSizeConst`] is the class for fixed and constant size of cohort.
#' @slot size (`integer`)\cr cohort size.
#' @aliases CohortSizeConst
#' @export
.CohortSizeConst <- setClass(
  Class = "CohortSizeConst",
  slots = c(size = "integer"),
  prototype = prototype(size = 3L),
  contains = "CohortSize",
  validity = v_cohort_size_const

## constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeConst-class
#' @param size (`number`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-CohortSizeConst.R
CohortSizeConst <- function(size) {
  # Cohort size 0 is needed to allow for no-placebo designs
  assert_integerish(size, lower = 0)
  .CohortSizeConst(size = as.integer(size))

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeConst-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultCohortSizeConst()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultCohortSizeConst <- function() {
  CohortSizeConst(size = 3L)

# CohortSizeParts ----

## class ----

#' `CohortSizeParts`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`CohortSizeParts`] is the class for cohort size that changes for the second
#' part of the dose escalation. It works only in conjunction with [`DataParts`]
#' objects.
#' @slot cohort_sizes (`integer`)\cr a vector of length two with two sizes, one for
#'   part 1, and one for part 2 respectively.
#' @aliases CohortSizeParts
#' @export
.CohortSizeParts <- setClass(
  Class = "CohortSizeParts",
  slots = c(cohort_sizes = "integer"),
  prototype = prototype(cohort_sizes = c(1L, 3L)),
  contains = "CohortSize",
  validity = v_cohort_size_parts

## constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeParts-class
#' @param cohort_sizes (`numeric`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-CohortSizeParts.R
CohortSizeParts <- function(cohort_sizes) {
  # Cohort size 0 is needed to allow for no-placebo designs
  assert_integerish(cohort_sizes, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)
  .CohortSizeParts(cohort_sizes = as.integer(cohort_sizes))

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeParts-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultCohortSizeParts()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultCohortSizeParts <- function() {
  CohortSizeParts(cohort_sizes = c(1L, 3L))

# CohortSizeMax ----

## class ----

#' `CohortSizeMax`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`CohortSizeMax`] is the class for cohort size that is based on maximum of
#' multiple cohort size rules. The `cohort_sizes` slot stores a set of cohort
#' size rules, which are again the objects of class [`CohortSize`]. The maximum
#' of these individual cohort sizes is taken to give the final cohort size.
#' @slot cohort_sizes (`list`)\cr a list of cohort size rules, i.e. objects
#' of class [`CohortSize`].
#' @aliases CohortSizeMax
#' @export
.CohortSizeMax <- setClass(
  Class = "CohortSizeMax",
  slots = c(cohort_sizes = "list"),
  prototype = prototype(
    cohort_sizes = list(
      CohortSizeRange(intervals = c(0, 30), cohort_size = c(1, 3)),
      CohortSizeDLT(intervals = c(0, 1), cohort_size = c(1, 3))
  contains = "CohortSize",
  validity = v_cohort_size_max

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeMax-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultCohortSizeMax()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultCohortSizeMax <- function() {
    cohort_sizes = list(
      CohortSizeRange(intervals = c(0, 10), cohort_size = c(1L, 3L)),
      CohortSizeDLT(intervals = c(0L, 1L), cohort_size = c(1L, 3L))

## constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeMax-class
#' @param cohort_sizes (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-CohortSizeMax.R
CohortSizeMax <- function(cohort_sizes) {
  .CohortSizeMax(cohort_sizes = cohort_sizes)

# CohortSizeMin ----

## class ----

#' `CohortSizeMin`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`CohortSizeMin`] is the class for cohort size that is based on minimum of
#' multiple cohort size rules. The `cohort_sizes` slot stores a set of cohort
#' size rules, which are again the objects of class [`CohortSize`]. The minimum
#' of these individual cohort sizes is taken to give the final cohort size.
#' @slot cohort_sizes (`list`)\cr a list of cohort size rules, i.e. objects
#' of class [`CohortSize`].
#' @aliases CohortSizeMin
#' @export
.CohortSizeMin <- setClass(
  Class = "CohortSizeMin",
  slots = c(cohort_sizes = "list"),
  prototype = prototype(
    cohort_sizes =
        CohortSizeRange(intervals = c(0, 30), cohort_size = c(1, 3)),
        CohortSizeDLT(intervals = c(0, 1), cohort_size = c(1, 3))
  contains = "CohortSize",
  validity = v_cohort_size_max

## constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeMin-class
#' @param cohort_sizes (`list`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-CohortSizeMin.R
CohortSizeMin <- function(cohort_sizes) {
  .CohortSizeMin(cohort_sizes = cohort_sizes)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeMin-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultCohortSizeMin()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultCohortSizeMin <- function() {
    cohort_sizes = list(
      CohortSizeRange(intervals = c(0, 10), cohort_size = c(1L, 3L)),
      CohortSizeDLT(intervals = c(0L, 1L), cohort_size = c(1L, 3L))

# CohortSizeOrdinal ----

## class ----

#' `CohortSizeOrdinal`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' [`CohortSizeOrdinal`] is the class for cohort size for an ordinal CRM trial.
#' @slot grade (`integer`)\cr the grade at which the rule should be applied
#' @slot rule (`CohortSize`)\cr the `CohortSize` rule to apply.
#' @aliases CohortSizeOrdinal
#' @export
.CohortSizeOrdinal <- setClass(
  Class = "CohortSizeOrdinal",
  slots = c(
    grade = "integer",
    rule = "CohortSize"
  prototype = prototype(
    grade = 1L,
    rule = CohortSizeRange(intervals = c(0, 30), cohort_size = c(1L, 3L))
  contains = "CohortSize",
  validity = v_cohort_size_ordinal

## constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeOrdinal-class
#' @param grade (`integer`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @param rule (`CohortSize`)\cr see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-CohortSizeOrdinal.R
CohortSizeOrdinal <- function(grade, rule) {
  # Cohort size 0 is needed to allow for no-placebo designs
  assert_integer(grade, lower = 1, len = 1)
  assert_class(rule, "CohortSize")

  .CohortSizeOrdinal(grade = grade, rule = rule)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname CohortSizeOrdinal-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultCohortSizeOrdinal()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultCohortSizeOrdinal <- function() {
    grade = 1L,
    rule = CohortSizeRange(intervals = c(0L, 30L), cohort_size = c(1L, 3L))

# SafetyWindow ----

## class ----

#' `SafetyWindow`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`SafetyWindow`] is a class for safety window.
#' @seealso [`SafetyWindowSize`], [`SafetyWindowConst`].
#' @aliases SafetyWindow
#' @export
  Class = "SafetyWindow",
  contains = "CrmPackClass"

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname SafetyWindow-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultSafetyWindow()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultSafetyWindow <- function() {
  stop(paste0("Class SafetyWindow cannot be instantiated directly.  Please use one of its subclasses instead."))

# SafetyWindowSize ----

## class ----

#' `SafetyWindowSize`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`SafetyWindowSize`] is the class for safety window length based on cohort
#' size. This class is used to decide the rolling rule from the clinical
#' perspective.
#' @slot gap (`list`)\cr observed period of the previous patient before
#'   the next patient can be dosed. This is used as follows. If for instance,
#'   the cohort size is 4 and we want to specify three time intervals between
#'   these four consecutive patients, i.e. 7 units of time between the 1st and
#'   the 2nd patient, 5 units between the 2nd and the 3rd one, and finally 3
#'   units between the 3rd and the 4th one, then,
#'   `gap` = `list(c(7L, 5L, 3L))`. Sometimes, we want that the interval
#'   only between the 1st and 2nd patient should be increased for the
#'   safety consideration and the rest time intervals should remain constant,
#'   regardless of what the cohort size is. Then, `gap` = `list(c(7L, 3L))`
#'   and the the package will automatically repeat the last element of the vector
#'   for the remaining time intervals.
#' @slot size (`integer`)\cr a vector with the left bounds of the
#'   relevant cohort size intervals. This is used as follows. For instance, when
#'   we want to change the `gap` based on the cohort size, i.e. the time
#'   interval between the 1st and 2nd patient = 9 units of time and the rest
#'   time intervals are of 5 units of time when the cohort size is equal to or
#'   larger than 4. And the time interval between the 1st and 2nd patient = 7 units
#'   of time and the rest time intervals are 3 units of time when the cohort size
#'   is smaller than 4, then we specify both `gap = list(c(7, 3), c(9, 5))` and
#'   `size = c(0L, 4L)`. This means, the right bounds of the intervals are
#'   excluded from the interval, and the last interval goes from the last value
#'   to infinity.
#' @slot follow (`count`)\cr the period of time that each patient in the
#'   cohort needs to be followed before the next cohort opens.
#' @slot follow_min (`count`)\cr at least one patient in the cohort needs
#'   to be followed at the minimal follow up time.
#' @aliases SafetyWindowSize
#' @export
.SafetyWindowSize <- setClass(
  Class = "SafetyWindowSize",
  slots = c(
    gap = "list",
    size = "integer",
    follow = "integer",
    follow_min = "integer"
  prototype = prototype(
    gap = list(1:2, 1:2),
    size = c(1L, 3L),
    follow = 1L,
    follow_min = 1L
  contains = "SafetyWindow",
  validity = v_safety_window_size

## constructor ----

#' @rdname SafetyWindowSize-class
#' @param gap see slot definition.
#' @param size see slot definition.
#' @param follow see slot definition.
#' @param follow_min see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-SafetyWindowSize.R
SafetyWindowSize <- function(gap,
                             follow_min) {
  assert_integerish(follow, lower = 0)
  assert_integerish(follow_min, lower = 0)
  for (g in gap) {
    assert_integerish(g, lower = 0)
  assert_integerish(size, lower = 0)
  if (follow > follow_min) {
    warning("The value of follow_min is typically larger than the value of follow")
  gap <- lapply(gap, as.integer)
    gap = gap,
    size = as.integer(size),
    follow = as.integer(follow),
    follow_min = as.integer(follow_min)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname SafetyWindowSize-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultSafetyWindowSize()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultSafetyWindowSize <- function() {
    gap = list(c(7, 3), c(9, 5)),
    size = c(1, 4),
    follow = 7,
    follow_min = 14

# SafetyWindowConst ----

## class ----

#' `SafetyWindowConst`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' [`SafetyWindowConst`] is the class for safety window length and it is used
#' when the `gap` should be kept constant across cohorts (though it may vary
#' within a cohort).
#' @slot gap (`integer`)\cr a vector, the constant gap between patients.
#' @slot follow (`count`)\cr how long to follow each patient. The period of time
#'   that each patient in the cohort needs to be followed before the next cohort
#'   opens.
#' @slot follow_min (`count`)\cr minimum follow up. At least one patient in the
#'   cohort needs to be followed at the minimal follow up time.
#' @aliases SafetyWindowConst
#' @export
.SafetyWindowConst <- setClass(
  Class = "SafetyWindowConst",
  slots = c(
    gap = "integer",
    follow = "integer",
    follow_min = "integer"
  prototype = prototype(
    gap = 0L,
    follow = 1L,
    follow_min = 1L
  contains = "SafetyWindow",
  validity = v_safety_window_const

## constructor ----

#' @rdname SafetyWindowConst-class
#' @param gap see slot definition.
#' @param follow see slot definition.
#' @param follow_min see slot definition.
#' @export
#' @example examples/Rules-class-SafetyWindowConst.R
SafetyWindowConst <- function(gap,
                              follow_min) {
  assert_integerish(follow, lower = 0)
  assert_integerish(follow_min, lower = 0)
  assert_integerish(gap, lower = 0)

  if (follow > follow_min) {
    warning("The value of follow_min is typically larger than the value of follow")
    gap = as.integer(gap),
    follow = as.integer(follow),
    follow_min = as.integer(follow_min)

## default constructor ----

#' @rdname SafetyWindowConst-class
#' @note Typically, end users will not use the `.DefaultSafetyWindowConst()` function.
#' @export
.DefaultSafetyWindowConst <- function() {
    gap = 7,
    follow = 7,
    follow_min = 14
Roche/crmPack documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:31 a.m.