
Defines functions countPairwiseOverlaps grTile grGeneAnnot grSignedDistance grLiftOver df2granges matchStrand getTilingRegions getGenomeGr setGenomeProps getSeqlengths4assembly getGenomeObject granges2bed.igv granges2igv granges2bed bedTobigBed sortGr

Documented in bedTobigBed countPairwiseOverlaps df2granges getGenomeGr getGenomeObject getSeqlengths4assembly getTilingRegions granges2bed granges2bed.igv granges2igv grGeneAnnot grLiftOver grSignedDistance grTile matchStrand setGenomeProps sortGr

# Extensions and utitility functions for GRanges
#' sortGr
#' sort a \code{GRanges} object
#' @param gr    \code{GRanges} object to sort
#' @param alnum sort chromosomes alphanumerically instead of by number
#' @return sorted \code{GRanges} object
#' @export
sortGr <- function(gr, alnum=FALSE){
	if (alnum){
		gr[order(as.character(seqnames(gr)), start(gr), end(gr), as.integer(strand(gr)))]
	} else {
		gr[order(as.integer(seqnames(gr)), start(gr), end(gr), as.integer(strand(gr)))]

#' bedTobigBed
#' Convert a bed file to bigBed. requires the 'bedToBigBed' tool
#' @param bedFn filename of the bed file
#' @param chromSizes named vector of chromosome sizes
#' @param bbFn  filename to save the bigBed file to
#' @param bedToBigBed executable of the 'bedToBigBed' tool
#' @return nothing of particular interest
bedTobigBed <- function(bedFn, chromSizes, bbFn=paste0(gsub("\\.bed$", "", bedFn), ".bb"), bedToBigBed="bedToBigBed"){
	chromSizesFn <- tempfile(pattern="chromSizes")
	chromSizesTab <- data.frame(chrom=names(chromSizes), size=chromSizes, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	write.table(chromSizesTab, chromSizesFn, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
	convertRes <- system2("bedToBigBed", c(bedFn, chromSizesFn, bbFn), stdout=TRUE)

#' granges2bed
#' Save a GRanges object to a bed file
#' @param gr GRanges object
#' @param fn filename to save bed file to
#' @param sc score vector or column in elementMetadata of GRanges
#' @param addAnnotCols add the columns stored in elementMetadata of GRanges
#' @param colNames add column names
#' @param doSort sort the regions before writing the output
#' @param bedgraph export to bedgraph instead of bed
#' @param bigBed also save as bigbed file. Requires that the GRanges object has chromosome sizes stored.
#' @param tabix compress and index by tabix
#' @param strandCharNA character to be used if strand is NA, '*' or '.'
#' @param coordOnly output only the coordinates and strand information (only taken into account if \code{addAnnotCols==FALSE}). If all strand information is NA, it will be dropped as well.
#' @return (invisibly) the written results as a data.frame
#' @export 
granges2bed <- function(gr, fn, score=NULL, addAnnotCols=FALSE, colNames=FALSE, doSort=TRUE, bedgraph=FALSE, bigBed=FALSE, tabix=FALSE, strandCharNA=".", coordOnly=FALSE){
	if (doSort){
		oo <- order(as.integer(seqnames(gr)),start(gr), end(gr), as.integer(strand(gr)))
		gr <- gr[oo]
	nns <- rep(".", length(gr))
	if (!is.null(names(gr))) nns <- names(gr)
	sc <- rep(".", length(gr))
	if (!is.null(score)){
		sc <- score
	tt <- data.frame(
		start=format(start(gr)-1, trim=TRUE, scientific=FALSE),
		end=format(end(gr), trim=TRUE, scientific=FALSE),
	if (!addAnnotCols && coordOnly){
		tt <- tt[,c("chrom", "start", "end", "strand")]
	strandNaIdx <- is.na(tt[,"strand"]) | tt[,"strand"] %in% setdiff(c(".", "*"), strandCharNA)
	if (!addAnnotCols && coordOnly && all(strandNaIdx)){
		tt <- tt[,c("chrom", "start", "end")]
	} else if (!is.null(strandCharNA) && is.character(strandCharNA) && length(strandCharNA)==1){
		tt[strandNaIdx,"strand"] <- strandCharNA
	if (bedgraph){
		if (is.null(score)){
			logger.error(c("Could not convert to bedgraph without a score argument"))
		tt <- tt[,c("chrom", "start", "end", "score")]
	if (!bedgraph && addAnnotCols){
		tt <- data.frame(tt, elementMetadata(gr))
	write.table(tt, file=fn, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=colNames)

	if (!bedgraph && bigBed){
		sls <- seqlengths(gr)
		if (is.null(sls)){
			logger.error(c("Could not convert to bigBed. Valid seqlengths are required."))
		bedTobigBed(fn, sls)
	if (tabix){
		zipped <- bgzip(fn, dest=paste0(fn, ".gz"))
		indexTabix(zipped, "bed")

#' granges2igv
#' Save a GRanges object to a IGV file
#' @param gr GRanges object
#' @param fn filename to save IGV file to
#' @param sc score vector or column in elementMetadata of GRanges
#' @param addAnnotCols add the columns stored in elementMetadata of GRanges
#' @param doSort sort the regions before writing the output
#' @param toTDF convert to TDF file. Requires that "igvtools" is executable from the current path
#' @return result of writing the table (see \code{write.table})
#' @export 
granges2igv <- function(gr, fn, addStrand=FALSE, addAnnotCols=TRUE, doSort=TRUE, toTDF=FALSE){
	if (doSort){
		oo <- order(as.integer(seqnames(gr)),start(gr), end(gr), as.integer(strand(gr)))
		gr <- gr[oo]
	nns <- rep(".", length(gr))
	if (!is.null(names(gr))) nns <- names(gr)
	tt <- data.frame(
		Start=format(start(gr)-1, trim=TRUE, scientific=FALSE),
		End=format(end(gr), trim=TRUE, scientific=FALSE),
	if (addStrand){
		tt <- data.frame(tt, Strand=strand(gr), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	if (addAnnotCols){
		tt <- data.frame(tt, elementMetadata(gr), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	res <- write.table(tt, file=fn, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE)
	if (toTDF){
		assembly <- unique(genome(gr))
		if (length(assembly) != 1){
			stop("Could not convert to TDF: invalid value for genome(GRangesObject)")
		# igvtools does not support genomes hg38/GRCh38 yet --> create chrom.sizes file
		if (is.element(assembly, c("hg38", "GRCh38"))){
			chromSizes <- getSeqlengths4assembly(assembly, onlyMainChrs=FALSE, adjChrNames=FALSE)
			chromSizesFn <- tempfile(pattern="chromSizes", fileext=".chrom.sizes")
			chromSizesTab <- data.frame(chrom=names(chromSizes), size=chromSizes, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
			write.table(chromSizesTab, chromSizesFn, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
			assembly <- chromSizesFn
		# print(paste(c("igvtools", c("toTDF", fn, paste0(fn, ".tdf"), assembly)), collapse=" "))
		convertRes <- system2("igvtools", c("toTDF", fn, paste0(fn, ".tdf"), assembly), stdout=TRUE)

#' granges2bed.igv
#' Save a GRanges object to a bed file which can be displayed by IGV
#' @param gr        GRanges object
#' @param fn        filename to save bed file to
#' @param trackName track name to be displayed
#' @param scoreCol  the score column (in the GRanges elementMetadata) that is optionally used for coloring
#' @param na.rm     flag indicating whether items with NA score should be removed
#' @param nameCol   the name column (in the GRanges elementMetadata) that is used for labelling the items
#' @param col.cat   color panel for coloring categorical scores
#' @param col.cont  color panel for coloring numerical scores
#' @param col.na    color used for NA scores
#' @param col.range vector of length 2 indicating the range of scores for the color scales to be applied (continuous scores only)
#' @param na.rm     flag indicating whether items with NA score should be removed
#' @param doSort sort the regions before writing the output
#' @return invisibly, the resulting data frame containing the bed file columns
#' @export 
granges2bed.igv <- function(gr, fn, trackName=NULL, scoreCol=NULL, na.rm=FALSE, nameCol=NULL, col.cat=colpal.bde, col.cont=c("#EDF8B1","#41B6C4","#081D58"), col.na="#bdbdbd", col.range=NULL, doSort=TRUE){
	if (doSort){
		oo <- order(as.integer(seqnames(gr)),start(gr), end(gr), as.integer(strand(gr)))
		gr <- gr[oo]
	naCol <- rep(".", length(gr))
	itemNames <- naCol
	if (!is.null(nameCol)){
		itemNames <- elementMetadata(gr)[, nameCol]

	scores <- naCol
	itemColors <- naCol
	col.na.rgb <- as.integer(col2rgb(col.na)[,1])
	sc <- NULL
	if (!is.null(scoreCol)){
		sc <- elementMetadata(gr)[, scoreCol]
		isCategorical <- FALSE

		#score column is categorical
		if (is.character(sc)){
			itemNames.sc <- sc
			isCategorical <- TRUE
		if (is.factor(sc)){
			itemNames.sc <- as.character(sc)
			isCategorical <- TRUE

		#match the colors to names
		if (isCategorical){
			scores <- rep(0, length(gr)) #strangely the score needs to be 0 when itemRgb should be applied in IGV

			lvls <- sort(unique(itemNames.sc))
			if (!is.null(names(col.cat))){
				if (!all(lvls %in% names(col.cat))){
					stop("Not all categories have a mapped color")
			} else {
				col.cat <- rep(col.cat, length.out=length(lvls))
				names(col.cat) <- lvls
			col.cat.rgb.str <- apply(col2rgb(col.cat), 2, FUN=function(x){paste(as.integer(x), collapse=",")})
			names(col.cat.rgb.str) <- names(col.cat)
			itemColors <- col.cat.rgb.str[itemNames.sc]

			if (!is.null(nameCol)){
				itemNames <- paste0(itemNames, " (", itemNames.sc, ")")
			} else {
				itemNames <- itemNames.sc

		#score column is numeric
		if (is.numeric(sc)){
			#rescale to be between 0 and 1000
			# scores <- as.integer(round(rescale(sc, c(0, 1000))))
			scores <- rep(0, length(gr)) #strangely the score needs to be 0 when itemRgb should be applied in IGV

			#match the values to colors
			cr <- colorRamp(col.cont)
			itemColors <- cr(rescale(sc, c(0, 1)))
			if (!is.null(col.range)){
				#extend the scores with the min and max values to rescale the color scheme
				sc.padded <- c(col.range[1], sc, col.range[2])
				#truncate if values exceed the range
				sc.padded[sc.padded < col.range[1]] <- col.range[1]
				sc.padded[sc.padded > col.range[2]] <- col.range[2]
				itemColors <- cr(rescale(sc.padded, c(0, 1)))[2:(length(sc)+1),]
			itemColors[is.na(sc),] <- col.na.rgb
			itemColors <- apply(itemColors, 1, FUN=function(x){paste(as.integer(x), collapse=",")})

			#write the core to the name column
			scStr <- signif(sc)
			if (!is.null(nameCol)){
				itemNames <- paste0(itemNames, " (", scStr, ")")
			} else {
				itemNames <- scStr

	strands <- as.character(strand(gr))
	strands[strands=="*"] <- "."

	starts <- format(start(gr)-1, trim=TRUE, scientific=FALSE)
	ends   <- format(end(gr), trim=TRUE, scientific=FALSE)
	tt <- data.frame(

	#discard rows where the score is NA if demanded
	if (na.rm & !is.null(sc)){
		tt <- tt[!is.na(sc), ]

	if (is.null(trackName)) trackName <- "GRanges track"

	trackLine <- paste0('track name="', trackName, '" description="', trackName, '" visibility=1 itemRgb="On"')
	write(trackLine, file=fn)
	write.table(tt, file=fn, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, na=".", append=TRUE)
#granges2bed.igv(gr, "~/tmp/gr_conv.bed", trackName="blubb", scoreCol="cmp_LiHe_CTvST")
#granges2bed.igv(gr, "~/tmp/gr_conv_cat.bed", trackName="blubb", scoreCol="category")

#' getGenomeObject
#' retrieve the appropriate \code{BSgenome} for an assembly string
#' @param assembly     string specifying the assembly
#' @param adjChrNames  should the prefix "chr" be added to main chromosomes if not already present and chrMT be renamed to chrM?
#' @return \code{BSgenome} object
#' @export
getGenomeObject <- function(assembly, adjChrNames=TRUE){
	mainREnum <- "^([1-9][0-9]?|[XYM]|MT)$"
	if (is.element(assembly, c("hg19"))){
		res <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19::Hsapiens
	} else if (is.element(assembly, c("GRCh37", "GRCh37_chr"))){
		res <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5
	} else if (is.element(assembly, c("hg38", "hg38_chr"))){
		res <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38::Hsapiens
	} else if (is.element(assembly, c("GRCh38", "GRCh38_chr"))){
		res <- BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38::Hsapiens
	} else if (is.element(assembly, c("mm9"))){
		res <- BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9::Mmusculus
	} else if (is.element(assembly, c("mm10"))){
		res <- BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10::Mmusculus
	} else {
		stop(paste0("Unknown assembly:", assembly))
	if (adjChrNames){
		prep <- grepl(mainREnum, seqnames(res))
		seqnames(res)[prep] <- paste0("chr", seqnames(res)[prep])
		if (is.element("chrMT", seqnames(res)) & !is.element("chrM", seqnames(res))){
			seqnames(res)[seqnames(res)=="chrMT"] <- "chrM"

#' getSeqlengths4assembly
#' retrieve chromosomes/contigs and their sequence lengths for known assemblies
#' @param assembly     assembly
#' @param onlyMainChrs should only main chromosomes, i.e. chr[1-N] + chr[XYM] be returned (e.g. not ChrUn*, *_random, ...)
#' @param adjChrNames  should the prefix "chr" be added to main chromosomes if not already present and chrMT be renamed to chrM?
#' @return named vector of chromosomes/contigs and sequence lengths
#' @export
getSeqlengths4assembly <- function(assembly, onlyMainChrs=FALSE, adjChrNames=TRUE){
	mainRE <- "^(chr)?([1-9][0-9]?|[XYM]|MT)$"
	res <- seqlengths(getGenomeObject(assembly, adjChrNames))
	if (onlyMainChrs){
		res <- res[grepl(mainRE, names(res))]
#' setGenomeProps
#' Set the genome properties for a GRanges or GAlignments object given the name of a genome assembly
#' @param gr          GRanges object or GAlignments object to modify
#' @param assembly    assembly
#' @param dropUnknownChrs discard entries with seqnames not supported by assembly
#' @param adjChrNames  should the prefix "chr" be added to main chromosomes if not already present and chrMT be renamed to chrM?
#' @param silent      Limit logging to most important messages
#' @param ...         arguments passed on to \code{getSeqlengths4assembly}
#' @return GRanges object with genome properties set
#' @export
setGenomeProps <- function(gr, assembly, dropUnknownChrs=TRUE, adjChrNames=TRUE, silent=FALSE, ...){
	sls <- getSeqlengths4assembly(assembly, adjChrNames=adjChrNames, ...)
	if (adjChrNames){
		mainREnum <- "^([1-9][0-9]?|[XYM]|MT)$"
		seqlevels(gr) <- union(names(sls), seqlevels(gr))
		if (is.element(class(gr), c("GRanges", "GRangesList"))){
			prep <- grepl(mainREnum, seqnames(gr))
			seqnames(gr)[prep] <- paste0("chr", seqnames(gr)[prep])
			seqnames(gr)[seqnames(gr)=="chrMT"] <- "chrM"
	supportedChrs <- as.vector(seqnames(gr)) %in% names(sls)
	if (sum(supportedChrs)!=length(gr)){
		if (!silent){
			ss <- setdiff(seqlevels(gr), names(sls))
			logger.warning(c("The following seqnames are not supported by the genome assembly:", paste(ss, collapse=", ")))
		if (dropUnknownChrs){
			n <- length(gr) - sum(supportedChrs)
			logger.warning(c(paste0(n, " of ", length(gr), " (", round(100*n/length(gr), 2), "%)"), "entries with unsupported seqnames will be discarded"))
			gr <- gr[supportedChrs]
	seqlevels(gr) <- names(sls)
	seqlengths(gr) <- sls
	genome(gr) <- assembly

#' getGenomeGr
#' retrieve the full genome as GRanges object
#' @param assembly     assembly
#' @param ...          other arguments passed on to \code{setGenomeProps}
#' @return \code{GRanges} object
#' @export
getGenomeGr <- function(assembly, ...){
	sls <- getSeqlengths4assembly(assembly, ...)
	res <- GRanges(seqnames=names(sls), ranges=IRanges(1, sls))
	res <- setGenomeProps(res, assembly, ...)

#' getTilingRegions
#' Get a GRanges object of tiling regions for a specified genome assembly
#' @param assembly    assembly
#' @param width       tiling window size
#' @param ...         arguments passed on to \code{getSeqlengths4assembly}
#' @return GRanges object containing tiling windows
#' @export
getTilingRegions <- function(assembly, width=1000L, ...){
	gr <- getGenomeGr(assembly, ...)
	gr <- unlist(slidingWindows(gr, width=width, step=width))
	# gr <- unlist(tile(gr, width=width)) #does not truncate but makes approximately equal sized windows
#' matchStrand
#' match commonly used strand names to \code{"+", "-", "*"}
#' @param values    character vector or factor of strand names
#' @return Factor of genomic strand (with levels \code{"+", "-", "*"})
matchStrand <- function(values) {
	if (is.factor(values) && setequal(levels(values), c("+", "-", "*"))) {
		values[is.na(values)] <- "*"
	} else {
		values <- as.character(values)
		values[is.na(values)] <- "*"
		i.positive <- values %in% c("+", "1", "+1", "F", "f", "TOP")
		i.negative <- values %in% c("-", "-1", "R", "r", "BOT")
		values[i.positive] <- "+"
		values[i.negative] <- "-"
		values[!(i.positive | i.negative)] <- "*"
		values <- factor(values, levels = c("+", "-", "*"))
#' df2granges
#' Converts a \code{data.frame} that defines genomic regions to object of type \code{GRanges}.
#' @param df         Table defining genomic regions.
#' @param ids        Region names (identifiers) as a \code{character} vector, or \code{NULL} if no names are present.
#' @param chrom.col  Column name or index that lists the chromosome names.
#' @param start.col  Column name or index that lists the start positions of the regions.
#' @param end.col    Column name or index that lists the end positions of the regions.
#' @param strand.col Column name or index that lists the strands on which the regions are located. Set this to
#'                   \code{NULL} if this region set is not strand-specific.
#' @param coord.format Coordinate format \code{"B1RI"} for 1-based right-inclusive (default), \code{"B0RE"} for
#' 					 0-based right-exclusive.
#' @param assembly   Genome assembly of interest. See \code{\link{rnb.get.assemblies}} for the list of supported
#'                   genomes.
#' @param doSort     Should the resulting table be sorted
#' @param adjNumChromNames Should numeric chromosome names be adjusted for by adding the prefix "chr". Additionally chrMT becomes chrM.
#'                   useful for converting GRC identifiers to NCBI identifiers
#' @return \code{GRanges} object encapsulating of regions included in \code{df}.
#' 	       As GRanges, the coordinates will be 1-based right-inclusive.
#'         Columns other that the ones listed as parameters in this function are included as elementMetadata.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(chrom=c(rep("chr5", 7), rep("chr21", 3)), start=1:10, end=seq(20, by=10, length.out=10), strand=rep(c("+","+", "-", "*"), length.out=10), letter=letters[1:10], score=rnorm(10))
#' df
#' df2granges(df, assembly="GRCh38_chr")
df2granges <- function(df, ids=rownames(df), chrom.col=1L, start.col=2L, end.col=3L, strand.col=NULL, coord.format="B1RI", assembly=NULL, doSort=FALSE, adjNumChromNames=FALSE) {
	if (is.character(chrom.col)) { chrom.col <- which(colnames(df) == chrom.col) }
	if (is.character(start.col)) { start.col <- which(colnames(df) == start.col) }
	if (is.character(end.col)) { end.col <- which(colnames(df) == end.col) }
	if (is.character(strand.col)) { strand.col <- which(colnames(df) == strand.col) }

	# get sequence lengths
	validChroms <- c()
	seqlengths <- c()
	if (!is.null(assembly)){
		seqlengths <- getSeqlengths4assembly(assembly)
		validChroms <- names(seqlengths)

	# Process the chromosome names
	chroms <- as.character(df[, chrom.col])
	# chroms <- paste0("chr", sub("^chr", "", chroms))
	if (adjNumChromNames){
		chroms[chroms=="MT"] <- "M"
		chroms <- sub("^([0-9XYM]+$)", "chr\\1", chroms)
	param.list <- list()
	param.list[["seqnames"]] <- chroms

	df <- df[!(is.na(df[, start.col]) | is.na(df[, end.col])), ]

	# adjust format
	if (coord.format=="B1RI"){
		#1-based, right-inclusive --> nothing to do
		tmp <- NA
	} else if (coord.format=="B0RE"){
		#0-based, right-exclusive --> adjust start coordinate
		df[, start.col] <- df[, start.col] + 1L
	} else if (coord.format=="B0RI"){
		#0-based, right-inclusive --> adjust start and end coordinate
		df[, start.col] <- df[, start.col] + 1L
		df[, end.col] <- df[, end.col] + 1L
	} else {
		stop("unknown coordinate format")

	# Region coordinates
	param.list[["ranges"]] <- IRanges::IRanges(start=df[, start.col], end=df[, end.col], names=ids)

	# Match strands
	if (!is.null(strand.col)) {
		param.list[["strand"]] <- matchStrand(df[, strand.col])

	# other columns
	for (cname in colnames(df)[-c(chrom.col, start.col, end.col, strand.col)]) {
		param.list[[cname]] <- df[[cname]]

	# valid chromosomes
	if (length(validChroms) > 0) {
		i.valid <- (chroms %in% validChroms)
		if (sum(i.valid) < 1) stop("No valid chromosome/contig name was matched. Consider using the *_chr version of the assembly fo deal with missing 'chr' prefix")
		if (sum(!i.valid) > 0){
			warning(paste0(sum(!i.valid), " invalid chromosome names detected. --> discarding corresponding entries"))
		param.list <- lapply(param.list, function(x) { x[i.valid] })
	res <- do.call(GRanges, param.list)

	# Assembly info
	if (!is.null(assembly)) {
		seqlevels(res) <- validChroms
		seqlengths(res) <- seqlengths
		genome(res) <- assembly

	# optional sorting
	if (doSort){
		res <- sortGr(res)

#' grLiftOver
#' Converts coordinates of a GRanges object to target genome assembly. Wraps around rtracklayer::liftOver
#' and automatically downloads and selects the correct chain file
#' @param gr    \code{GRanges} object to liftOver
#' @param targetAssembly character string specifying the target assembly
#' @return \code{GRanges} object with coordinates that could uniquely be
#' @export
grLiftOver <- function(gr, targetAssembly, onlyUnique=TRUE){
	require(GEOquery) #gunzip
	# require(liftOver)
	sourceAssembly <- genome(gr)[1]
	targetAssemblyStr <- paste0(toupper(substring(targetAssembly, 1,1)), substring(targetAssembly, 2))
	chFnUrl <- paste0("http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/", sourceAssembly, "/liftOver/", paste0(sourceAssembly, "To", targetAssemblyStr, ".over.chain.gz"))
	chFn <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(sourceAssembly, "To", targetAssemblyStr, ".chain"))
	if (!file.exists(chFn)){
		download.file(chFnUrl, paste0(chFn,".gz"))
	ch <- import.chain(chFn)
	res <- liftOver(gr, ch)
	mapLens <- elementNROWS(res)
	idx <- mapLens==1
	if (!onlyUnique) idx <- idx | mapLens>1
	res <- unlist(res[idx])
	if (sum(mapLens>1) > 0 && onlyUnique) logger.info(c("Discarding", sum(mapLens>1), "sites with multiple mapped locations"))
	if (sum(mapLens==0) > 0) logger.info(c("Discarding", sum(mapLens==0), "sites that could not be mapped"))
	res <- setGenomeProps(res, targetAssembly)

#' grSignedDistance
#' Compute pairwise distances between the elements of two \code{GRanges} objects,
#' taking orientation and position into account.
#' (wrapper for \code{GRanges::distance}) 
#' @param gr1   \code{GRanges} object 1
#' @param gr2   \code{GRanges} object 2
#' @return vector of pairwise distances
#' Elements in which the region in gr2 is upstream of the region in gr1 will be assigned negative distances.
#' "Upstream" is defined based on the orientation of the regions in \code{gr1}.
#' @export
grSignedDistance <- function(gr1, gr2){
	if (length(gr1)!=length(gr2)) logger.error("gr1 and gr2 must have equal lengths")
	gr1.c <- resize(gr1, width=1, fix="center")
	gr2.c <- resize(gr2, width=1, fix="center")
	dd <- distance(gr1, gr2, ignore.strand=TRUE)
	# -1>  -2>  ==> +
	# -1>  <2-  ==> +
	# <1-  -2>  ==> +
	# <1-  <2-  ==> -
	# -2>  -1>  ==> -
	# -2>  <1-  ==> +
	# <2-  -1>  ==> -
	# <2-  <1-  ==> +
	isUpstream <- (strand(gr1) == "+" & start(gr1.c) > start(gr2.c)) |
	              (strand(gr1) == "-" & start(gr1.c) < start(gr2.c))
	dd[isUpstream] <- -dd[isUpstream]

#' grGeneAnnot
#' get gene annotation for a \code{GRanges} object using a \code{RegionSetDB} region database object by linking to the nearest gene
#' @param gr    \code{GRanges} object to liftOver
#' @param rsdb  \code{RegionSetDB} object containing a region set database from which gene annotation can be retrieved
#' @param geneSetName Name of the region set containng gene annotation in the \code{RegionSetDB}
#' @param geneSetCollection Name of the region set collection containng gene annotation in the \code{RegionSetDB}
#' @param maxDist maximum distance for matching to nearest gene
#' @return \code{data.frame} containing information on the nearest gene for each element in \code{gr}
#' @export
grGeneAnnot <- function(gr, rsdb, geneSetName="genes_protein_coding", geneSetCollection="Gencode", maxDist=1e5){
	assembly <- genome(gr)[1]
	geneGr <- regionSetGr(rsdb, geneSetName, geneSetCollection, assembly)
	if (is.null(geneGr)) logger.error("Could not find gene annotation")
	# find the corresponding annotation columns (first hit in elementMetadata)
	geneIdCol <- intersect(c("gene_id"), colnames(elementMetadata(geneGr)))[1]
	if (length(geneIdCol) < 1) logger.error(c("Could not find metadata column for the gene identifier"))
	geneNameCol <- intersect(c("gene_name"), colnames(elementMetadata(geneGr)))[1]
	if (length(geneNameCol) < 1) logger.error(c("Could not find metadata column for the gene identifier"))

	tssGr <- promoters(geneGr, upstream=0, downstream=1) #get the TSS coordinate
	dd <- distanceToNearest(gr, tssGr, ignore.strand=TRUE, select="arbitrary")
	dd <- dd[mcols(dd)[,"distance"] <= maxDist,] # remove too far matches

	res <- data.frame(
		gene_id=rep(as.character(NA), length(gr)),
		gene_name=rep(as.character(NA), length(gr)),
		dist_to_tss=rep(as.integer(NA), length(gr)),
	geneGr.sub <- geneGr[subjectHits(dd)]
	geneStrand <- as.character(strand(geneGr.sub))
	emd <- elementMetadata(geneGr.sub)
	# assign negative distances for elements that are downstream of the gene
	dist.signed <- mcols(dd)[,"distance"]
	coord.q <- start(resize(gr[queryHits(dd)], width=1, fix="center", ignore.strand=TRUE))
	# isNeg.q <- strand(gr[queryHits(dd)])=="-"
	coord.s <- start(tssGr[subjectHits(dd)])
	isNeq.s <- geneStrand=="-"
	isDownstream <- (dist.signed > 0) & ((!isNeq.s & (coord.q > coord.s)) | (isNeq.s & (coord.q < coord.s)))
	dist.signed[isDownstream] <- -dist.signed[isDownstream]

	res[queryHits(dd),"gene_id"]     <- emd[,geneIdCol]
	res[queryHits(dd),"gene_name"]   <- emd[,geneNameCol]
	res[queryHits(dd),"dist_to_tss"] <- dist.signed
	res[queryHits(dd),"gene_chrom"]  <- as.character(seqnames(geneGr.sub))
	res[queryHits(dd),"gene_chromStart"]  <- start(geneGr.sub)
	res[queryHits(dd),"gene_chromEnd"]  <- end(geneGr.sub)
	res[queryHits(dd),"gene_strand"]  <- geneStrand

#' grTile
#' Tile each element in a \code{GRanges} object into equally-sized windows.
#' If the length of an element is not divisible by the window-size, each element will be adjusted to match a multiple of the desired window-size
#' @param gr    \code{GRanges} object to liftOver
#' @param tile.width  length of the tiling window
#' @param keepMetadata Should the metadata columns for each element be preserved in the resulting object
#' @return \code{GRanges} containing the tiling regions. Additional metadata columns named \code{.orgIdx}, \code{.winIdx} denote the indices
#'         of the original element and the window respectively
#' @export
grTile <- function(gr, tile.width=200, keepMetadata=TRUE){
	nWin <- ceiling(width(gr)/tile.width)
	tileGrl <- slidingWindows(resize(gr, nWin*tile.width, fix="start"), width=tile.width, step=tile.width)
	idx <- rep(seq_along(gr), times=elementNROWS(tileGrl))
	res <- unlist(tileGrl, use.names=FALSE)
	if (keepMetadata){
		elementMetadata(res) <- elementMetadata(gr[idx])
	# get window indices (revert the order if on - strand)
	strandRevert <- as.character(strand(gr)) == "-"
	winIdx <- do.call("c", lapply(seq_along(tileGrl), FUN=function(i){
		if (strandRevert[i]){
		} else {
	elementMetadata(res)[,".orgIdx"] <- idx
	elementMetadata(res)[,".winIdx"] <- winIdx

#' countPairwiseOverlaps
#' Fast counting of pairwise overlaps between two lists of region sets
#' @param grl1    list of \code{GRanges} or \code{GRangesList} object 1
#' @param grl2    list of \code{GRanges} or \code{GRangesList} object 2
#' @param ...	  arguments passed on to \code{findOverlaps}
#' @return an integer matrix containing pairwise overlaps between elements in \code{grl1} and \code{grl1}
#' @export
countPairwiseOverlaps <- function(grl1, grl2, ...){
	logger.status("[DEBUG] STARTED")
	if (class(grl1)!="GRangesList") grl1 <- GRangesList(grl1)
	if (class(grl2)!="GRangesList") grl2 <- GRangesList(grl2)
	gr1 <- unlist(grl1, use.names=FALSE)
	gr2 <- unlist(grl2, use.names=FALSE)

	idx1 <- rep(1:length(grl1), times=elementNROWS(grl1))
	idx2 <- rep(1:length(grl2), times=elementNROWS(grl2))
	logger.status("[DEBUG] unlisted")

	res <- matrix(as.integer(NA), nrow=length(grl1), ncol=length(grl2))
	rownames(res) <- names(grl1)
	colnames(res) <- names(grl2)

	rm(grl1, grl2)
	logger.status("[DEBUG] finding overlaps")
	oo <- findOverlaps(gr1, gr2, ...) # this step can take up a lot of memory, if there are a lot of overlaps
	logger.status("[DEBUG] found overlaps")
	idxDt <- as.data.table(cbind(
		idx1[queryHits(oo)], #row indices in resulting count matrix
		idx2[subjectHits(oo)] #column indices in resulting count matrix
	logger.status("[DEBUG] Created index DT")
	# count the number of occurrences between each index pair
	idxDt <- idxDt[,.N, by=names(idxDt)]
	logger.status("[DEBUG] Summarized index DT")
	idxM <- as.matrix(idxDt[,c(1,2)])
	res[idxM] <- idxDt$N
demuellae/muRtools documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 4:32 p.m.