## normalize_batch.r: Bring together various surrogate/batch
## estimation/correction methods. I want to be able to compare/contrast
## surrogate estimators and batch correction methods. These functions attempt
## to make that possible.
#' Combine all surrogate estimators and batch correctors into one function.
#' For a long time, I have mostly kept my surrogate estimators and batch correctors
#' separate. However, that separation was not complete, and it really did not make
#' sense. This function brings them together. This now contains all the logic from
#' the freshly deprecated get_model_adjust().
#' This applies the methodologies very nicely explained by Jeff Leek at
#' https://github.com/jtleek/svaseq/blob/master/recount.Rmd
#' and attempts to use them to acquire estimates which may be applied to an
#' experimental model by either EdgeR, DESeq2, or limma. In addition, it
#' modifies the count tables using these estimates so that one may play with the
#' modified counts and view the changes (with PCA or heatmaps or whatever).
#' Finally, it prints a couple of the plots shown by Leek in his document. In
#' other words, this is entirely derivative of someone much smarter than me.
#' @param input Dataframe or expt or whatever as the data to analyze/modify.
#' @param design If the data is not an expt, then put the design here.
#' @param estimate_type Name of the estimator.
#' @param batch1 Column in the experimental design for the first known batch.
#' @param batch2 Only used by the limma method, a second batch column.
#' @param surrogates Either a number of surrogates or a method to
#' search for them.
#' @param low_to_zero Move elements which are <0 to 0?
#' @param cpus Use parallel and split intensive operations?
#' @param na_to_zero Set any NA entries to 0?
#' @param expt_state If this is not an expt, provide the state of the data here.
#' @param confounders List of confounded factors for smartSVA/iSVA.
#' @param chosen_surrogates Somewhat redundant with surrogates above,
#' but provides a second place to enter because of the way I use
#' ... in normalize_expt().
#' @param adjust_method Choose the method for applying the estimates
#' to the data.
#' @param filter Filter the data?
#' @param thresh If filtering, use this threshold.
#' @param noscale If using combat, scale the data?
#' @param prior_plots Plot the priors?
#' @return List containing surrogate estimates, new counts, the models, and
#' some plots, as available.
#' @seealso [all_adjuster()] [isva] [sva] [limma::removeBatchEffect()]
#' [corpcor] [edgeR] [RUVSeq] [SmartSVA] [variancePartition] [counts_from_surrogates()]
#' @export
all_adjusters <- function(input, design = NULL, estimate_type = "sva", batch1 = "batch",
batch2 = NULL, surrogates = "be", low_to_zero = FALSE, cpus = 4,
na_to_zero = TRUE, expt_state = NULL, confounders = NULL,
chosen_surrogates = NULL, adjust_method = "ruv",
filter = "raw", thresh = 1, noscale = FALSE, prior_plots = FALSE) {
my_design <- NULL
my_data <- NULL
## Gather all the likely pieces we can use
## Without the following requireNamespace(ruv)
## we get an error 'unable to find an inherited method for function RUVr'
## ruv_loaded <- try(require(package = "ruv", quietly = TRUE))
lib_result <- sm(requireNamespace("ruv"))
att_result <- sm(try(attachNamespace("ruv"), silent = TRUE))
## In one test, this seems to have been enough, but in another, perhaps not.
if ("expt" %in% class(input)) {
## Gather all the likely pieces we can use
my_design <- pData(input)
my_data <- exprs(input)
expt_state <- input[["state"]]
} else { ## This is not an expt
if (is.null(design)) {
stop("If an expt is not passed, then design _must_ be.")
my_design <- design
my_data <- input
if (is.null(expt_state)) {
message("Not able to discern the state of the data.")
message("Going to use a simplistic metric to guess if it is log scale.")
if (max(input) > 100) {
expt_state[["transform"]] <- "raw"
} else {
expt_state[["transform"]] <- "log2"
} ## Ending the tests of the input and its state.
## Once again this is a place where my new stance vis a vis NAs is relevant.
if (isTRUE(na_to_zero)) {
na_idx <- is.na(my_data)
my_data[na_idx] <- 0
## Different tools expect different inputs
linear_mtrx <- NULL
## So here I will be creating separate matrices on the linear and log scales.
log2_mtrx <- NULL
## I also want to record this along with the type of output returned by each method.
input_scale <- NULL
output_scale <- "linear"
if (expt_state[["transform"]] == "linear" || expt_state[["transform"]] == "raw") {
linear_mtrx <- as.matrix(my_data)
log2_mtrx <- as.matrix(log2(linear_mtrx + 1.0))
input_scale <- "linear"
} else if (expt_state[["transform"]] == "log2") {
log2_mtrx <- as.matrix(my_data)
linear_mtrx <- as.matrix((2 ^ my_data) - 1.0)
input_scale <- "log2"
} else if (expt_state[["transform"]] == "log") {
warning("Unexpected call for base e data.")
log2_mtrx <- as.matrix(my_data / log(2))
linear_mtrx <- as.matrix(exp(my_data) - 1.0)
input_scale <- "loge"
zero_rows <- rowSums(linear_mtrx, na.rm = TRUE) == 0
num_zero_rows <- sum(zero_rows, na.rm = TRUE)
if (num_zero_rows > 0) {
mesg("batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, ",
zero_rows, " rows are 0.")
elements <- nrow(linear_mtrx) * ncol(linear_mtrx)
num_normal <- sum(linear_mtrx > 1, na.rm = TRUE)
normal_pct <- scales::percent(num_normal / elements)
mesg("batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, ",
num_normal, " entries are x>1: ", normal_pct, ".")
num_zero <- sum(linear_mtrx == 0, na.rm = TRUE)
zero_pct <- scales::percent(num_zero / elements)
mesg("batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, ",
num_zero, " entries are x==0: ", zero_pct, ".")
num_low <- sum(linear_mtrx < 1 & linear_mtrx > 0, na.rm = TRUE)
low_pct <- scales::percent(num_low / elements)
if (is.null(num_low)) {
num_low <- 0
if (num_low > 0) {
mesg("batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, ",
num_low, " entries are 0<x<1: ", low_pct, ".")
num_neg <- sum(linear_mtrx < 0, na.rm = TRUE)
if (num_neg > 0) {
neg_pct <- scales::percent(num_neg / elements)
message("batch_counts: Before batch/surrogate estimation, ",
num_zero, " entries are x<0: ", neg_pct, ".")
conditions <- droplevels(as.factor(my_design[["condition"]]))
batches <- droplevels(as.factor(my_design[[batch1]]))
conditional_model <- model.matrix(~ conditions, data = my_design)
sample_names <- colnames(input)
null_model <- conditional_model[, 1]
if (is.null(chosen_surrogates) && is.null(surrogates)) {
chosen_surrogates <- 1
} else if (is.null(surrogates)) {
surrogates <- chosen_surrogates
chosen_surrogates <- 1
if (is.null(surrogates)) {
message("No estimate nor method to find surrogates was provided. ",
"Assuming you want 1 surrogate variable.")
} else {
if (class(surrogates) == "character") {
## num.sv assumes the log scale.
if (surrogates == "smartsva") {
lm_rslt <- lm(t(linear_mtrx) ~ condition, data = my_design)
sv_estimate_data <- t(resid(lm_rslt))
chosen_surrogates <- isva::EstDimRMT(sv_estimate_data, FALSE)[["dim"]] + 1
} else if (surrogates == "isva") {
chosen_surrogates <- isva::EstDimRMT(log2_mtrx)
} else if (surrogates != "be" && surrogates != "leek") {
message("A string was provided, but it was neither 'be' nor 'leek', assuming 'be'.")
chosen_surrogates <- sm(sva::num.sv(dat = log2_mtrx, mod = conditional_model))
} else {
chosen_surrogates <- sm(sva::num.sv(dat = log2_mtrx,
mod = conditional_model, method = surrogates))
vword <- "variable"
if (chosen_surrogates > 1) {
vword <- "variables"
mesg("The ", surrogates, " method chose ",
chosen_surrogates, " surrogate ", vword, ".")
} else if (class(surrogates) == "numeric") {
mesg("A specific number of surrogate variables was chosen: ", surrogates, ".")
chosen_surrogates <- surrogates
if (chosen_surrogates < 1) {
warning("One must have greater than 0 surrogates, setting chosen_surrogates to 1.")
chosen_surrogates <- 1
if (is.null(cpus)) {
cpus <- parallel::detectCores() - 2
if (cpus < 0) {
cpus <- 1
if (isTRUE(prior_plots)) {
message("When using ComBat, using prior.plots may result in an error due to infinite ylim.")
## empirical controls can take either log or base 10 scale depending on 'control_type'
control_type <- "norm"
control_likelihoods <- NULL
if (control_type == "norm") {
control_likelihoods <- try(sm(sva::empirical.controls(
dat = log2_mtrx, mod = conditional_model, mod0 = null_model,
n.sv = chosen_surrogates, type = control_type)))
} else {
control_likelihoods <- try(sm(sva::empirical.controls(
dat = linear_mtrx, mod = conditional_model, mod0 = null_model,
n.sv = chosen_surrogates, type = control_type)))
if (class(control_likelihoods) == "try-error") {
mesg("The most likely error in sva::empirical.controls() ",
"is a call to density in irwsva.build. ",
"Setting control_likelihoods to zero and using unsupervised sva.")
warning("It is highly likely that the underlying reason for this ",
"error is too many 0's in the dataset, ",
"please try doing a filtering of the data and retry.")
control_likelihoods <- 0
if (sum(control_likelihoods) == 0) {
if (estimate_type == "sva_supervised") {
message("Unable to perform supervised estimations, changing to unsupervised_sva.")
estimate_type <- "sva_unsupervised"
} else if (estimate_type == "ruv_supervised") {
message("Unable to perform supervised estimations, changing to empirical_ruv.")
estimate_type <- "ruv_empirical"
if (is.null(estimate_type)) {
estimate_type <- "limma"
## I use 'sva' as shorthand fairly often
if (estimate_type == "sva") {
estimate_type <- "sva_unsupervised"
mesg("Estimate type 'sva' is shorthand for 'sva_unsupervised'.")
mesg("Other sva options include: sva_supervised and svaseq.")
if (estimate_type == "ruv") {
estimate_type <- "ruv_empirical"
mesg("Estimate type 'ruv' is shorthand for 'ruv_empirical'.")
mesg("Other ruv options include: ruv_residual and ruv_supervised.")
surrogate_result <- NULL
model_adjust <- NULL
adjusted_counts <- NULL
type_color <- NULL
source_counts <- NULL
new_counts <- NULL
matrx_scale <- "linear"
sword <- "surrogate"
if (chosen_surrogates > 1) {
sword <- "surrogates"
## Just an aside, calling this a base 10 matrix is stupid. Just because something is
## put on a log scale does not suddently make it octal or binary or imaginary!
surrogate_input <- linear_mtrx
switchret <- switch(
"combat" = {
## This peculiar syntax should match combat and combat_noscale
## to the same result.
mesg("batch_counts: Using combat with a prior, no scaling, and a null model.")
new_counts <- sm(sva::ComBat(linear_mtrx, batches, mod = NULL,
par.prior = TRUE, prior.plots = prior_plots,
mean.only = TRUE))
"combat_noprior" = {
mesg("batch_counts: Using combat without a prior and no scaling.")
mesg("This takes a long time!")
new_counts <- sm(sva::ComBat(linear_mtrx, batches, mod = conditions,
par.prior = FALSE, prior.plots = prior_plots,
mean.only = TRUE))
"combat_noprior_scale" = {
mesg("batch_counts: Using combat without a prior and with scaling.")
new_counts <- sm(sva::ComBat(linear_mtrx, batches, mod = conditions,
par.prior = FALSE, prior.plots = prior_plots,
mean.only = FALSE))
"combat_notnull" = {
mesg("batch_counts: Using combat with a prior, no scaling, and a conditional model.")
new_counts <- sm(sva::ComBat(linear_mtrx, batches, mod = conditions,
par.prior = TRUE, prior.plots = prior_plots,
mean.only = TRUE))
"combat_scale" = {
mesg("batch_counts: Using combat with a prior and with scaling.")
new_counts <- sm(sva::ComBat(linear_mtrx, batches, mod = conditions,
par.prior = TRUE, prior.plots = prior_plots,
mean.only = FALSE))
"combatmod" = {
mesg("batch_counts: Using a modified cbcbSEQ combatMod for batch correction.")
new_counts <- cbcb_combat(dat = linear_mtrx, batch = batches,
mod = conditions, noscale = noscale)
"fsva" = {
## Ok, I have a question:
## If we perform fsva using log2(data) and get back SVs on a scale of ~ -1
## to 1, then why are these valid for changing and visualizing the linear
## data. That does not really make sense to me.
mesg("Attempting fsva surrogate estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
type_color <- "darkred"
sva_object <- sm(sva::sva(log2_mtrx, conditional_model,
null_model, n.sv = chosen_surrogates))
surrogate_result <- sva::fsva(log2_mtrx, conditional_model,
sva_object, newdat = as.matrix(log2_mtrx),
method = "exact")
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["newsv"]])
source_counts <- surrogate_result[["new"]]
"isva" = {
mesg("Attempting isva surrogate estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
warning("isva, in my estimation, performs incredibly poorly, or I misread the documentation.")
type_color <- "darkgreen"
condition_vector <- as.numeric(conditions)
batch_vector <- as.numeric(batches)
confounder_lst <- list()
if (is.null(confounders)) {
confounder_lst[["batch"]] <- as.numeric(batches)
} else {
for (c in seq_along(confounders)) {
name <- confounders[c]
confounder_lst[[name]] <- as.numeric(my_design[[name]])
confounder_mtrx <- matrix(data = confounder_lst[[1]], ncol = 1)
colnames(confounder_mtrx) <- names(confounder_lst)[1]
if (length(confounder_lst) > 1) {
for (i in seq(from = 2, to = length(confounder_lst))) {
confounder_mtrx <- cbind(confounder_mtrx, confounder_lst[[i]])
names(confounder_mtrx)[i] <- names(confounder_lst)[i]
mesg("Attempting isva surrogate estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
surrogate_result <- my_isva(data.m = log2_mtrx, pheno.v = condition_vector,
ncomp = chosen_surrogates,
icamethod = "JADE")
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["isv"]])
output_scale <- "log2"
"limma" = {
if (is.null(batch2)) {
mesg("batch_counts: Using limma's removeBatchEffect to remove batch effect.")
new_counts <- limma::removeBatchEffect(log2_mtrx, batch = batches)
} else {
batches2 <- as.factor(design[[batch2]])
new_counts <- limma::removeBatchEffect(log2_mtrx, batch = batches, batch2 = batches2)
message(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "", "If you receive a warning: 'NANs produced', one
potential reason is that the data was quantile normalized."))
if (expt_state[["transform"]] == "raw") {
new_counts <- (2 ^ new_counts) - 1
"limmaresid" = {
## ok a caveat: voom really does require input on the base 10 scale and returns
## log2 scale data. Therefore we need to make sure that the input is
## provided appropriately.
mesg("batch_counts: Using residuals of limma's lmfit to remove batch effect.")
batch_model <- model.matrix(~batches)
batch_voom <- limma::voom(linear_mtrx, batch_model,
normalize.method = "quantile",
plot = FALSE)
batch_fit <- limma::lmFit(batch_voom, design = batch_model)
new_counts <- residuals(batch_fit, batch_voom[["E"]])
## This is still fubar!
##new_counts <- limma::residuals.MArrayLM(batch_fit, batch_voom)
if (expt_state[["transform"]] == "raw") {
new_counts <- (2 ^ new_counts) - 1
"pca" = {
mesg("Attempting pca surrogate estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
type_color <- "green"
data_vs_means <- as.matrix(log2_mtrx - rowMeans(log2_mtrx))
surrogate_result <- corpcor::fast.svd(data_vs_means)
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["v"]][, 1:chosen_surrogates])
"ruvg" = {
mesg("Using RUVSeq and edgeR for batch correction (similar to lmfit residuals.)")
## Adapted from: http://jtleek.com/svaseq/simulateData.html -- but not quite correct yet
ruv_input <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = linear_mtrx, group = conditions)
ruv_input_norm <- ruv_input
if (expt_state[["normalization"]] == "raw") {
ruv_input_norm <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(ruv_input, method = "upperquartile")
ruv_input_glm <- edgeR::estimateGLMCommonDisp(ruv_input_norm, conditional_model)
ruv_input_tag <- edgeR::estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(ruv_input_glm, conditional_model)
ruv_fit <- edgeR::glmFit(ruv_input_tag, conditional_model)
## Use RUVSeq with empirical controls
## The previous instance of ruv_input should work here, and the ruv_input_norm
## Ditto for _glm and _tag, and indeed ruv_fit
## Thus repeat the first 7 lines of the previous RUVSeq before anything changes.
ruv_lrt <- edgeR::glmLRT(ruv_fit, coef = 2)
ruv_control_table <- ruv_lrt[["table"]]
ranked <- as.numeric(rank(ruv_control_table[["LR"]]))
bottom_third <- (summary(ranked)[[2]] + summary(ranked)[[3]]) / 2
ruv_controls <- ranked <= bottom_third ## what is going on here?!
## ruv_controls = rank(ruv_control_table$LR) <= 400 ## some data sets
## fail with 400 hard-set
surrogate_result <- RUVSeq::RUVg(linear_mtrx, ruv_controls, k = chosen_surrogates)
model_adjust <- surrogate_result[["W"]]
source_counts <- surrogate_result[["normalizedCounts"]]
"ruv_empirical" = {
mesg("Attempting ruvseq empirical surrogate estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
type_color <- "orange"
ruv_input <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = linear_mtrx, group = conditions)
ruv_input_norm <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(ruv_input, method = "upperquartile")
ruv_input_glm <- edgeR::estimateGLMCommonDisp(ruv_input_norm, conditional_model)
ruv_input_tag <- edgeR::estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(ruv_input_glm, conditional_model)
ruv_fit <- edgeR::glmFit(ruv_input_tag, conditional_model)
## Use RUVSeq with empirical controls
## The previous instance of ruv_input should work here, and the ruv_input_norm
## Ditto for _glm and _tag, and indeed ruv_fit
## Thus repeat the first 7 lines of the previous RUVSeq before anything changes.
ruv_lrt <- edgeR::glmLRT(ruv_fit, coef = 2)
ruv_control_table <- ruv_lrt[["table"]]
ranked <- as.numeric(rank(ruv_control_table[["LR"]]))
bottom_third <- (summary(ranked)[[2]] + summary(ranked)[[3]]) / 2
ruv_controls <- ranked <= bottom_third ## what is going on here?!
## ruv_controls = rank(ruv_control_table$LR) <= 400 ## some data sets
## fail with 400 hard-set
surrogate_result <- RUVSeq::RUVg(round(linear_mtrx), ruv_controls, k = chosen_surrogates)
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["W"]])
source_counts <- surrogate_result[["normalizedCounts"]]
"ruv_residuals" = {
mesg("Attempting ruvseq residual surrogate estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
type_color <- "purple"
## Use RUVSeq and residuals
ruv_input <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = linear_mtrx, group = conditions)
norm <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(ruv_input)
ruv_input <- try(edgeR::estimateDisp(norm, design = conditional_model, robust = TRUE))
ruv_fit <- edgeR::glmFit(ruv_input, conditional_model)
ruv_res <- residuals(ruv_fit, type = "deviance")
ruv_normalized <- EDASeq::betweenLaneNormalization(linear_mtrx, which = "upper")
## This also gets mad if you pass it a df and not matrix
controls <- rep(TRUE, dim(linear_mtrx)[1])
surrogate_result <- RUVSeq::RUVr(ruv_normalized, controls, k = chosen_surrogates, ruv_res)
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["W"]])
source_counts <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["normalizedCounts"]])
"ruv_supervised" = {
mesg("Attempting ruvseq supervised surrogate estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
type_color <- "black"
## Re-calculating the numer of surrogates with this modified data.
surrogate_estimate <- sm(sva::num.sv(dat = log2_mtrx, mod = conditional_model))
if (min(rowSums(linear_mtrx)) == 0) {
warning("empirical.controls will likely fail because some rows are all 0.")
control_likelihoods <- sm(sva::empirical.controls(
dat = log2_mtrx, mod = conditional_model, mod0 = null_model,
n.sv = surrogate_estimate))
surrogate_result <- RUVSeq::RUVg(round(linear_mtrx), k = surrogate_estimate,
cIdx = as.logical(control_likelihoods))
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["W"]])
source_counts <- surrogate_result[["normalizedCounts"]]
"smartsva" = {
mesg("Attempting svaseq estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
surrogate_result <- SmartSVA::smartsva.cpp(
dat = linear_mtrx, mod = conditional_model, mod0 = null_model, n.sv = chosen_surrogates)
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["sv"]])
"svaseq" = {
mesg("Attempting svaseq estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
surrogate_result <- sm(sva::svaseq(
dat = linear_mtrx, n.sv = chosen_surrogates, mod = conditional_model, mod0 = null_model))
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["sv"]])
"sva_supervised" = {
mesg("Attempting sva supervised surrogate estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
type_color <- "red"
surrogate_result <- sm(sva::ssva(dat = log2_mtrx, controls = control_likelihoods,
n.sv = chosen_surrogates))
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["sv"]])
"sva_unsupervised" = {
mesg("Attempting sva unsupervised surrogate estimation with ",
chosen_surrogates, " ", sword, ".")
type_color <- "blue"
if (min(rowSums(linear_mtrx)) == 0) {
warning("sva will likely fail because some rowSums are 0.")
surrogate_result <- sm(sva::sva(
dat = log2_mtrx, mod = conditional_model, mod0 = null_model, n.sv = chosen_surrogates))
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["sv"]])
"varpart" = {
mesg("Taking residuals from a linear mixed model as suggested by variancePartition.")
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cpus)
batch_model <- as.formula("~ (1|batch)")
mesg("The function fitvarPartModel may take excessive memory, you have been warned.")
batch_fit <- variancePartition::fitVarPartModel(linear_mtrx, formula = batch_model, design)
new_counts <- residuals(batch_fit)
type_color <- "grey"
## If given nothing to work with, use supervised sva
mesg("Did not understand ", estimate_type, ", assuming supervised sva.")
surrogate_result <- sva::svaseq(
dat = linear_mtrx, mod = conditional_model, mod0 = null_model,
n.sv = chosen_surrogates, controls = control_likelihoods)
model_adjust <- as.matrix(surrogate_result[["sv"]])
}) ## End of the switch.
surrogate_plots <- NULL
if (!is.null(model_adjust)) {
rownames(model_adjust) <- sample_names
sv_names <- glue("SV{1:ncol(model_adjust)}")
colnames(model_adjust) <- sv_names
if ("expt" %in% class(input)) {
surrogate_plots <- plot_batchsv(input, model_adjust)
## Only use counts_from_surrogates if the method does not provide counts on its own
if (is.null(new_counts)) {
mesg("Adjusting counts with method: ", adjust_method, ".")
new_counts <- counts_from_surrogates(data = surrogate_input, adjust = model_adjust,
method = adjust_method, design = my_design)
if (output_scale == "log2") {
new_counts <- (2 ^ new_counts) - 1
ret <- list(
"surrogate_result" = surrogate_result,
"null_model" = null_model,
"model_adjust" = model_adjust,
"source_counts" = source_counts,
"new_counts" = new_counts,
"sample_factor" = surrogate_plots[["sample_factor"]],
"factor_svs" = surrogate_plots[["factor_svs"]],
"svs_sample" = surrogate_plots[["svs_sample"]])
#' Perform different batch corrections using limma, sva, ruvg, and cbcbSEQ.
#' I found this note which is the clearest explanation of what happens with
#' batch effect data:
#' https://support.bioconductor.org/p/76099/
#' Just to be clear, there's an important difference between removing a batch
#' effect and modelling a batch effect. Including the batch in your design
#' formula will model the batch effect in the regression step, which means that
#' the raw data are not modified (so the batch effect is not removed), but
#' instead the regression will estimate the size of the batch effect and
#' subtract it out when performing all other tests. In addition, the model's
#' residual degrees of freedom will be reduced appropriately to reflect the fact
#' that some degrees of freedom were "spent" modelling the batch effects. This
#' is the preferred approach for any method that is capable of using it (this
#' includes DESeq2). You would only remove the batch effect (e.g. using limma's
#' removeBatchEffect function) if you were going to do some kind of downstream
#' analysis that can't model the batch effects, such as training a classifier.
#' I don't have experience with ComBat, but I would expect that you run it on
#' log-transformed CPM values, while DESeq2 expects raw counts as input. I
#' couldn't tell you how to properly use the two methods together.
#' @param count_table Matrix of (pseudo)counts.
#' @param method Choose the method for batch/surrogate estimation.
#' @param expt_design Model matrix defining the experimental conditions/batches/etc.
#' @param batch1 String describing the method to try to remove the batch effect
#' (or FALSE to leave it alone, TRUE uses limma).
#' @param current_state Current state of the expt in an attempt to avoid
#' double-normalization.
#' @param current_design Redundant with expt_design above, but
#' provides another place for normalize_expt() to send data.
#' @param expt_state Current state of the data
#' @param surrogate_method Also redundant for normalize_expt()
#' @param surrogates Number of surrogates or method to estimate them.
#' @param low_to_zero Send <0 entries to 0 to avoid shenanigans.
#' @param cpus Parallelize intensive operations.
#' @param batch2 Column in the design table describing the second covariant to
#' remove (only used by limma at the moment).
#' @param noscale Used for combatmod, when true it removes the scaling
#' parameter from the invocation of the modified combat.
#' @param ... More options for you!
#' @return The 'batch corrected' count table and new library size. Please
#' remember that the library size which comes out of this may not be what you
#' want for voom/limma and would therefore lead to spurious differential
#' expression values.
#' @seealso [limma] [edgeR] [RUVSeq] [sva]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' limma_batch <- batch_counts(table, design, batch1='batch', batch2='strain')
#' sva_batch <- batch_counts(table, design, batch='sva')
#' }
#' @export
batch_counts <- function(count_table, method = TRUE, expt_design = NULL, batch1 = "batch",
current_state = NULL, current_design = NULL, expt_state = NULL,
surrogate_method = NULL, surrogates = NULL, low_to_zero = FALSE,
cpus = 4, batch2 = NULL, noscale = TRUE, ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
if (!is.null(arglist[["batch"]])) {
method <- arglist[["batch"]]
chosen_surrogates <- NULL
if (is.null(surrogates) && is.null(surrogate_method)) {
chosen_surrogates <- "be"
} else if (!is.null(surrogates)) {
chosen_surrogates <- surrogates
} else {
chosen_surrogates <- surrogate_method
if (is.null(cpus)) {
cpus <- parallel::detectCores() - 2
if (cpus < 0) {
cpus <- 1
prior.plots <- FALSE
if (!is.null(arglist[["prior.plots"]])) {
message("When using ComBat, using prior.plots may result in an error due to infinite ylim.")
prior.plots <- arglist[["prior.plots"]]
## Lets use expt_state to make sure we know if the data is already log2/cpm/whatever.
## We want to use this to back-convert or reconvert data to the appropriate
## scale on return. Note that there are two possible variables, expt_state and current_state,
## I am using current_state to keep track of changes made on scale/etc during each step
## of the normalization process.
used_state <- list(
"filter" = "raw",
"normalization" = "raw",
"conversion" = "raw",
"batch" = "raw",
"transform" = "raw")
if (is.null(expt_state) && is.null(current_state)) {
mesg("Assuming a completely raw expressionset.")
} else if (!is.null(current_state)) {
used_state <- current_state
mesg("Using the current state of normalization.")
} else {
used_state <- expt_state
mesg("Using the initial state of the expressionset.")
design <- NULL
if (is.null(expt_design) && is.null(current_design)) {
stop("I require an experimental design.")
} else if (!is.null(current_design)) {
design <- current_design
} else {
design <- expt_design
## These droplevels calls are required to avoid errors like 'confounded by batch'
batches <- droplevels(as.factor(design[[batch1]]))
conditions <- droplevels(as.factor(design[["condition"]]))
if (isTRUE(method)) {
method <- "limma"
count_df <- data.frame(count_table)
count_mtrx <- as.matrix(count_df)
conditional_model <- model.matrix(~conditions, data = count_df)
null_model <- conditional_model[, 1]
## Set the number of surrogates for sva/ruv based methods.
method_class <- "estimate type."
##if (grep(pattern = "combat", x = method)) {
## method_class <- "batch correction."
mesg("Passing the data to all_adjusters using the ", method, " ", method_class)
new_material <- all_adjusters(count_table, design = design, estimate_type = method,
cpus = cpus, batch1 = batch1, batch2 = batch2,
expt_state = used_state, noscale = noscale,
chosen_surrogates = chosen_surrogates,
surrogates = surrogates,
low_to_zero = low_to_zero)
count_table <- new_material[["new_counts"]]
na_idx <- is.na(count_table)
num_na <- sum(na_idx)
if (num_na > 0) {
message("Found ", num_na, " na entries in the new table, setting them to 0.")
count_table[na_idx] <- 0
num_low <- sum(count_table <= 0)
if (is.null(num_low)) {
num_low <- 0
if (num_low > 0) {
elements <- nrow(count_table) * ncol(count_table)
low_pct <- scales::percent(num_low / elements)
mesg("There are ", num_low, " (", low_pct,
") elements which are < 0 after batch correction.")
if (isTRUE(low_to_zero)) {
message("Setting ", num_low, " low elements to zero.")
count_table[count_table < 0] <- 0
libsize <- colSums(count_table)
counts <- list(count_table = count_table, libsize = libsize, result = new_material)
#' A function suggested by Hector Corrada Bravo and Kwame Okrah for batch
#' removal.
#' During a lab meeting, the following function was suggested as a quick and
#' dirty batch removal tool. It takes data and a model including a 'batch'
#' factor, invokes limma on them, removes the batch factor, does a cross
#' product of the fitted data and modified model and uses that with residuals to
#' get a new data set.
#' @param normalized_counts Data frame of log2cpm counts.
#' @param model Balanced experimental model containing condition and batch
#' factors.
#' @param conditional_model Experimental model with the conditional factor.
#' @param batch_model Experimental model with the batch factor.
#' @param batch1 Column containing the first batch's metadata in the experimental design.
#' @param condition Column containing the condition information in the metadata.
#' @param matrix_scale Is the data on a linear or log scale?
#' @param return_scale Do you want the data returned on the linear or log scale?
#' @param method I found a couple ways to apply the surrogates to the data. One
#' method subtracts the residuals of a batch model, the other adds the
#' conditional.
#' @return Dataframe of residuals after subtracting batch from the model.
#' @seealso [limma::voom()] [limma::lmFit()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' newdata <- cbcb_batch_effect(counts, expt_model)
#' }
#' @export
cbcb_batch <- function(normalized_counts, model,
conditional_model = NULL,
batch_model = NULL,
batch1="batch", condition = "condition",
matrix_scale = "linear", return_scale = "linear",
method = "subtract") {
batch_idx <- grep(pattern = batch1, x = colnames(model))
cond_idx <- grep(pattern = condition, x = colnames(model))
if (is.null(batch_model)) {
batch_model <- model[, batch_idx] <- 0
if (is.null(conditional_model)) {
conditional_model <- model[, cond_idx] <- 0
## Voom takes counts on the linear scale, so change them if they are log.
## It also does a log2(counts + 0.5), so take that into account as well.
if (matrix_scale == "log2") {
normalized_counts <- (2 ^ normalized_counts) - 0.5
} else if (matrix_scale != "linear") {
stop("I do not understand the scale: ", matrix_scale, ".")
normal_voom <- limma::voom(normalized_counts, design = model, plot = FALSE)
cond_voom <- limma::voom(normalized_counts, design = conditional_model, plot = FALSE)
batch_voom <- limma::voom(normalized_counts, design = batch_model, plot = FALSE)
if (method == "subtract") {
modified_fit <- limma::lmFit(batch_voom)
new_data <- residuals(modified_fit, batch_voom)
} else if (method == "add") {
fit <- limma::lmFit(normal_voom)
## I got confusered here, this might be incorrect.
##new_data <- tcrossprod(normal_voom[["coefficient"]], cond_modified_model) +
## residuals(normal_voom, normalized_counts)
new_data <- tcrossprod(normal_voom[["coefficient"]], conditional_model) +
residuals(normal_voom, normalized_counts)
} else {
stop("This currently only understands 'add' or 'subtract'.")
## The new_data is on the log scale, so switch back assuming linear is required.
if (return_scale == "linear") {
## 0.5 is used here due to limma::voom()
new_data <- (2 ^ new_data) - 0.5
} else if (return_scale != "log2") {
stop("I do not understand the return scale: ", return_scale, ".")
#' Attempt to compare the results from the various batch/sv methods.
#' Given an expressionset and list of methods, try to find out how
#' well the various methods agree via correlation.
#' @param expt Input expressionset
#' @param methods Set of methods to try out.
compare_batches <- function(expt = NULL, methods = NULL) {
if (is.null(methods)) {
## writing this oddly until I work out which ones to include
methods <- c(
## "combat_noprior",
## "combat_noprior_scale",
## "limmaresid",
## "varpart")
if (is.null(expt)) {
message("Going to make an spombe expressionSet from the fission data set.")
expt <- make_pombe_expt()
combined <- data.frame()
lst <- list()
for (m in seq_along(methods)) {
method <- methods[m]
res <- exprs(normalize_expt(expt, filter = TRUE, batch = method))
lst[[method]] <- res
column <- c()
names <- c()
for (c in seq_along(colnames(res))) {
names <- c(names, rownames(res))
column <- c(column, res[, c])
column <- as.data.frame(column)
rownames(column) <- make.unique(names)
if (m == 1) {
combined <- column
} else {
combined <- merge(combined, column, by = "row.names")
combined[["Row.names"]] <- NULL
colnames(combined)[m] <- method
## fun <- corrplot::corrplot(cor(combined), method = "ellipse", type = "lower", tl.pos = "d")
## tt <- cor(combined)
something <- plot_disheat(combined)
#' Perform a comparison of the surrogate estimators demonstrated by Jeff Leek.
#' This is entirely derivative, but seeks to provide similar estimates for one's
#' own actual data and catch corner cases not taken into account in that
#' document (for example if the estimators don't converge on a surrogate
#' variable). This will attempt each of the surrogate estimators described by
#' Leek: pca, sva supervised, sva unsupervised, ruv supervised, ruv residuals,
#' ruv empirical. Upon completion it will perform the same limma expression
#' analysis and plot the ranked t statistics as well as a correlation plot
#' making use of the extracted estimators against condition/batch/whatever
#' else. Finally, it does the same ranking plot against a linear fitting Leek
#' performed and returns the whole pile of information as a list.
#' @param expt Experiment containing a design and other information.
#' @param extra_factors Character list of extra factors which may be included in
#' the final plot of the data.
#' @param filter_it Most of the time these surrogate methods get mad if there
#' are 0s in the data. Filter it?
#' @param filter_type Type of filter to use when filtering the input data.
#' @param do_catplots Include the catplots? They don't make a lot of sense yet,
#' so probably no.
#' @param surrogates Use 'be' or 'leek' surrogate estimates, or choose a
#' number.
#' @param ... Extra arguments when filtering.
#' @return List of the results.
#' @seealso [normalize_expt()] [plot_pca()] [all_adjuster()] [corrplot] [ffpe]
#' @export
compare_surrogate_estimates <- function(expt, extra_factors = NULL,
filter_it = TRUE, filter_type = TRUE,
do_catplots = FALSE, surrogates = "be", ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
design <- pData(expt)
do_batch <- TRUE
if (length(levels(design[["batch"]])) == 1) {
mesg("There is 1 batch in the data, fitting condition+batch will fail.")
do_batch <- FALSE
if (isTRUE(filter_it) && expt[["state"]][["filter"]] == "raw") {
mesg("The expt has not been filtered, ",
"set filter_type/filter_it if you want other options.")
expt <- normalize_expt(expt, filter = filter_type,
pca_plots <- list()
pca_plots[["null"]] <- plot_pca(expt)[["plot"]]
pca_adjust <- all_adjusters(expt, estimate_type = "pca",
surrogates = surrogates)
pca_plots[["pca"]] <- plot_pca(pca_adjust[["new_counts"]],
design = design,
plot_colors = expt[["colors"]])[["plot"]]
sva_supervised <- sm(all_adjusters(expt, estimate_type = "sva_supervised",
surrogates = surrogates))
pca_plots[["svasup"]] <- plot_pca(sva_supervised[["new_counts"]],
design = design,
plot_colors = expt[["colors"]])[["plot"]]
sva_unsupervised <- sm(all_adjusters(expt, estimate_type = "sva_unsupervised",
surrogates = surrogates))
pca_plots[["svaunsup"]] <- plot_pca(sva_unsupervised[["new_counts"]],
design = design,
plot_colors = expt[["colors"]])[["plot"]]
ruv_supervised <- sm(all_adjusters(expt, estimate_type = "ruv_supervised",
surrogates = surrogates))
pca_plots[["ruvsup"]] <- plot_pca(ruv_supervised[["new_counts"]],
design = design,
plot_colors = expt[["colors"]])[["plot"]]
ruv_residuals <- sm(all_adjusters(expt, estimate_type = "ruv_residuals",
surrogates = surrogates))
pca_plots[["ruvresid"]] <- plot_pca(ruv_residuals[["new_counts"]],
design = design,
plot_colors = expt[["colors"]])[["plot"]]
ruv_empirical <- sm(all_adjusters(expt, estimate_type = "ruv_empirical",
surrogates = surrogates))
pca_plots[["ruvemp"]] <- plot_pca(ruv_empirical[["new_counts"]],
design = design,
plot_colors = expt[["colors"]])[["plot"]]
first_svs <- data.frame(
"condition" = as.numeric(as.factor(expt[["conditions"]])),
"batch" = as.numeric(as.factor(expt[["batches"]])),
"pca_adjust" = pca_adjust[["model_adjust"]][, 1],
"sva_supervised" = sva_supervised[["model_adjust"]][, 1],
"sva_unsupervised" = sva_unsupervised[["model_adjust"]][, 1],
"ruv_supervised" = ruv_supervised[["model_adjust"]][, 1],
"ruv_residuals" = ruv_residuals[["model_adjust"]][, 1],
"ruv_empirical" = ruv_empirical[["model_adjust"]][, 1])
batch_adjustments <- list(
"condition" = as.factor(expt[["conditions"]]),
"batch" = as.factor(expt[["batches"]]),
"pca_adjust" = pca_adjust[["model_adjust"]],
"sva_supervised" = sva_supervised[["model_adjust"]],
"sva_unsupervised" = sva_unsupervised[["model_adjust"]],
"ruv_supervised" = ruv_supervised[["model_adjust"]],
"ruv_residuals" = ruv_residuals[["model_adjust"]],
"ruv_empirical" = ruv_empirical[["model_adjust"]])
batch_names <- c("condition", "batch", "pca", "sva_sup", "sva_unsup",
"ruv_sup", "ruv_resid", "ruv_emp")
first_samples <- data.frame(
"pca_adjust" = pca_adjust[["new_counts"]][, 1],
"sva_supervised" = sva_supervised[["new_counts"]][, 1],
"sva_unsupervised" = sva_unsupervised[["new_counts"]][, 1],
"ruv_supervised" = ruv_supervised[["new_counts"]][, 1],
"ruv_residuals" = ruv_residuals[["new_counts"]][, 1],
"ruv_empirical" = ruv_empirical[["new_counts"]][, 1])
if (!is.null(extra_factors)) {
for (fact in extra_factors) {
if (!is.null(design[, fact])) {
batch_names <- append(x = batch_names, values = fact)
first_svs[[fact]] <- as.numeric(as.factor(design[, fact]))
batch_adjustments[[fact]] <- as.numeric(as.factor(design[, fact]))
correlations <- cor(first_svs)
corrplot::corrplot(correlations, type = "lower", method = "ellipse", tl.pos = "d")
ret_plot <- grDevices::recordPlot()
sample_correlations <- cor(first_samples)
corrplot::corrplot(sample_correlations, method = "ellipse", type = "upper", tl.pos = "d")
sample_dist <- plot_disheat(first_samples)
sample_corplot <- grDevices::recordPlot()
adjustments <- c("+ batch_adjustments$batch", "+ batch_adjustments$pca",
"+ batch_adjustments$sva_sup", "+ batch_adjustments$sva_unsup",
"+ batch_adjustments$ruv_sup", "+ batch_adjustments$ruv_resid",
"+ batch_adjustments$ruv_emp")
adjust_names <- gsub(
pattern = "^.*adjustments\\$(.*)$", replacement = "\\1", x = adjustments)
starter <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = exprs(expt))
norm_start <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(starter)
## Create a baseline to compare against.
null_formula <- as.formula("~ condition ")
null_limma_design <- model.matrix(null_formula, data = design)
null_voom_result <- limma::voom(norm_start, null_limma_design, plot = FALSE)
null_limma_fit <- limma::lmFit(null_voom_result, null_limma_design)
null_fit <- limma::eBayes(null_limma_fit)
null_tstat <- null_fit[["t"]]
null_catplot <- NULL
if (isTRUE(do_catplots)) {
null_catplot <- ffpe::CATplot(-rank(null_tstat), -rank(null_tstat),
maxrank = 1000, make.plot = TRUE)
} else {
catplots[[adjust_name]] <- NULL
catplots <- vector("list", length(adjustments)) ## add 1 for a null adjustment
names(catplots) <- adjust_names
tstats <- list()
oldpar <- par(mar = c(5, 5, 5, 5))
num_adjust <- length(adjust_names)
## Now perform other adjustments
for (a in seq_len(num_adjust)) {
adjust_name <- adjust_names[a]
adjust <- adjustments[a]
if (adjust_name == "batch" && !isTRUE(do_batch)) {
message("A friendly reminder that there is only 1 batch in the data.")
tstats[[adjust_name]] <- null_tstat
catplots[[adjust_name]] <- null_catplot
} else {
mesg(a, "/", num_adjust, ": Performing lmFit(data) etc. with ",
adjust_name, " in the model.")
modified_formula <- as.formula(glue("~ condition {adjust}"))
limma_design <- model.matrix(modified_formula, data = design)
voom_result <- limma::voom(norm_start, limma_design, plot = FALSE)
limma_fit <- limma::lmFit(voom_result, limma_design)
modified_fit <- limma::eBayes(limma_fit)
tstats[[adjust_name]] <- modified_fit[["t"]]
##names(tstats[[counter]]) <- as.character(1:dim(data)[1])
catplot_together <- NULL
if (isTRUE(do_catplots)) {
if (!isTRUE("ffpe" %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE))) {
## ffpe has some requirements which do not install all the time.
tt <- please_install("ffpe")
if (isTRUE("ffpe" %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE))) {
catplots[[adjust_name]] <- ffpe::CATplot(
rank(tstats[[adjust_name]]), rank(null_tstat),
maxrank = 1000, make.plot = TRUE)
} else {
catplots[[adjust_name]] <- NULL
} ## End for a in 2:length(adjustments)
## Final catplot plotting, if necessary.
if (isTRUE(do_catplots)) {
catplot_df <- as.data.frame(catplots[[1]][[2]])
for (c in seq(from = 2, to = length(catplots))) {
cat <- catplots[[c]]
catplot_df <- cbind(catplot_df, cat[["concordance"]])
colnames(catplot_df) <- names(catplots)
catplot_df[["x"]] <- rownames(catplot_df)
gg_catplot <- reshape2::melt(data = catplot_df, id.vars = "x")
colnames(gg_catplot) <- c("x", "adjust", "y")
gg_catplot[["x"]] <- as.numeric(gg_catplot[["x"]])
gg_catplot[["y"]] <- as.numeric(gg_catplot[["y"]])
cat_plot <- ggplot(data = gg_catplot,
mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]],
color = .data[["adjust"]])) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::geom_jitter() +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
ggplot2::xlab("Rank") +
ggplot2::ylab("Concordance") +
} else {
cat_plot <- NULL
ret <- list(
"pca_adjust" = pca_adjust,
"sva_supervised_adjust" = sva_supervised,
"sva_unsupervised_adjust" = sva_unsupervised,
"ruv_supervised_adjust" = ruv_supervised,
"ruv_residual_adjust" = ruv_residuals,
"ruv_empirical_adjust" = ruv_empirical,
"adjustments" = batch_adjustments,
"correlations" = correlations,
"plot" = ret_plot,
"sample_corplot" = sample_corplot,
"pca_plots" = pca_plots,
"catplots" = cat_plot)
#' A single place to extract count tables from a set of surrogate variables.
#' Given an initial set of counts and a series of surrogates, what would the
#' resulting count table look like? Hopefully this function answers that
#' question.
#' @param data Original count table, may be an expt/expressionset or df/matrix.
#' @param adjust Surrogates with which to adjust the data.
#' @param design Experimental design if it is not included in the expressionset.
#' @param method Which methodology to follow, ideally these agree but that seems untrue.
#' @param cond_column design column containing the condition data.
#' @param batch_column design column with the batch data, used for
#' subtractive methods.
#' @param matrix_scale Was the input for the surrogate estimator on a log or linear scale?
#' @param return_scale Does one want the output linear or log?
#' @param ... Arguments passed to downstream functions.
#' @return A data frame of adjusted counts.
#' @seealso [sva] [RUVSeq] [crossprod()] [tcrossprod()] [solve()]
#' @export
counts_from_surrogates <- function(data, adjust = NULL, design = NULL, method = "ruv",
cond_column = "condition", batch_column = "batch",
matrix_scale = "linear", return_scale = "linear", ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
data_mtrx <- NULL
my_design <- NULL
conditions <- NULL
batches <- NULL
if (class(data)[1] == "expt") {
my_design <- pData(data)
conditions <- droplevels(as.factor(pData(data)[[cond_column]]))
batches <- droplevels(as.factor(pData(data)[[batch_column]]))
data_mtrx <- exprs(data)
} else if (class(data)[1] == "ExpressionSet") {
my_design <- pData(data)
conditions <- droplevels(as.factor(pData(data)[[cond_column]]))
batches <- droplevels(as.factor(pData(data)[[batch_column]]))
data_mtrx <- exprs(data)
} else {
my_design <- design
conditions <- droplevels(as.factor(design[[cond_column]]))
batches <- droplevels(as.factor(design[[batch_column]]))
data_mtrx <- as.matrix(data)
conditional_model <- model.matrix(~ conditions, data = my_design)
new_model <- conditional_model
## Explicitly append columns of the adjust matrix to the conditional model.
## In the previous code, this was: 'X <- cbind(conditional_model, sva$sv)'
## new_model <- cbind(conditional_model, adjust)
new_colnames <- colnames(conditional_model)
if (is.null(adjust)) {
message("No adjust was provided, leaving the data alone.")
adjust <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(my_design))
adjust[["SV1"]] <- 1
adjust_mtrx <- as.matrix(adjust)
full_models <- sm(choose_model(data, conditions = conditions, batches = batches,
model_batch = adjust_mtrx))
full_model <- full_models[["noint_model"]]
## FIXME: Reverse this, it looks weird.
batch_model <- full_models[["model_batch"]]
cond_model <- sm(choose_model(data, conditions = conditions,
batches = batches)[["noint_model"]])
switchret <- switch(
"cbcb_add" = {
## we also have conditional_model which may make this easier
new_counts <- cbcb_batch(data_mtrx, full_model,
conditional_model = cond_model,
batch_model = batch_model,
method = "add",
matrix_scale = matrix_scale,
return_scale = return_scale,
"cbcb_subtract" = {
##new_counts <- cbcb_batch(data_mtrx, my_design, method = "subtract",
## matrix_scale = matrix_scale, return_scale = return_scale,
## ...)
new_counts <- cbcb_batch(data_mtrx, new_model,
conditional_model = cond_model,
batch_model = batch_model,
method = "subtract",
matrix_scale = matrix_scale, return_scale = return_scale,
"ruv" = {
## Here is the original code, as a reminder: W is the matrix of surrogates.
## W <- svdWa$u[, (first:k), drop = FALSE]
## alpha <- solve(t(W) %*% W) %*% t(W) %*% Y
## correctedY <- Y - W %*% alpha
## if(!isLog & all(.isWholeNumber(x))) {
## if(round) {
## correctedY <- round(exp(correctedY) - epsilon)
## correctedY[correctedY<0] <- 0
## } else {
## correctedY <- exp(correctedY) - epsilon
## }
## }
## colnames(W) <- paste("W", seq(1, ncol(W)), sep = "_")
## return(list(W = W, normalizedCounts = t(correctedY)))
##alpha <- try(solve(t(adjust_mtrx) %*% adjust_mtrx))
## Y <- t(data_mtrx)
## W <- ruv_model
log_data_mtrx <- NULL
if (matrix_scale != "log2") {
## Note that we are actually going on scale e.
log_data_mtrx <- log(data_mtrx + 1)
## original_alpha <- solve(t(adjust_mtrx) %*% adjust_mtrx) %*% t(adjust_mtrx) %*% t(data_mtrx)
alpha <- try(solve(crossprod(adjust_mtrx)))
if (class(alpha)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("Data modification by the model failed. Leaving counts untouched.")
beta <- tcrossprod(t(adjust_mtrx), log_data_mtrx)
gamma <- alpha %*% beta
delta <- t(log_data_mtrx) - (adjust_mtrx %*% gamma)
new_counts <- t(delta)
if (return_scale == "log2") {
new_counts <- new_counts / log(2)
} else if (return_scale == "linear") {
new_counts <- exp(new_counts) - 1
} else {
stop("I do not understand the scale: ", return_scale, ".")
"solve_crossproducts" = {
## I think that if I did the math out, this is the same as ruv above.
##data_modifier <- try(solve(t(new_model) %*% new_model) %*% t(new_model))
## In the previous code, this was: 'Hat <- solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X)'
## Now it is in two separate lines, first the solve operation:
if (matrix_scale != "log2") {
## Note that we are actually going on scale e.
data_mtrx <- log2(data_mtrx + 1)
data_solve <- try(solve(t(new_model) %*% new_model), silent = TRUE)
if (class(data_solve)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("Data modification by the model failed. Leaving counts untouched.")
## If the solve operation passes, then the '%*% t(X)' is allowed to happen.
data_modifier <- data_solve %*% t(new_model)
transformation <- (data_modifier %*% t(data_mtrx))
conds <- ncol(conditional_model)
new_counts <- data_mtrx - t(as.matrix(new_model[, -c(1:conds)]) %*%
transformation[-c(1:conds), ])
if (return_scale == "linear") {
new_counts <- (2 ^ new_counts) - 1
} else if (return_scale != "log2") {
stop("I do not understand the return scale: ", return_scale, ".")
stop("I do not understand method: ", method, ".")
) ## End the switch
## If the matrix state and return state are not the same, fix it.
## It appears to me that the logic of this is wrong, but I am not yet certain why.
#' A modified version of comBatMod.
#' This is a hack of Kwame Okrah's combatMod to make it not fail on corner-cases.
#' This was mostly copy/pasted from
#' https://github.com/kokrah/cbcbSEQ/blob/master/R/transform.R
#' @param dat Df to modify.
#' @param batch Factor of batches.
#' @param mod Factor of conditions.
#' @param noscale The normal 'scale' option squishes the data too much, so this
#' defaults to TRUE.
#' @param prior.plots Print out prior plots?
#' @param ... Extra options are passed to arglist
#' @return Df of batch corrected data
#' @seealso [sva] [sva::ComBat()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df_new = cbcb_combat(df, batches, model)
#' }
#' @export
cbcb_combat <- function(dat, batch, mod, noscale = TRUE, prior.plots = FALSE, ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
par.prior <- TRUE
numCovs <- NULL
mod <- cbind(mod, batch)
check <- apply(mod, 2, function(x) all(x == 1))
mod <- as.matrix(mod[, !check])
colnames(mod)[ncol(mod)] <- "Batch"
if (sum(check) > 0 && !is.null(numCovs)) {
numCovs <- numCovs - 1
design <- survJamda::design.mat(mod)
batches <- survJamda::list.batch(mod)
n.batch <- length(batches)
n.batches <- sapply(batches, length)
n.array <- sum(n.batches)
NAs <- any(is.na(dat))
B.hat <- NULL
## This is taken from sva's github repository in helper.R
Beta.NA <- function(y, X) {
des <- X[!is.na(y), ]
y1 <- y[!is.na(y)]
B <- solve(t(des)%*%des)%*%t(des)%*%y1
var.pooled <- NULL
mesg("Standardizing data across genes\n")
if (NAs) {
warning(glue("Found {sum(is.na(dat))} missing data values."))
warning("The original combatMod uses an undefined variable Beta.NA here,
I set it to 1 not knowing what its purpose is.")
B.hat <- apply(dat, 1, Beta.NA)
} else {
## There are no NAs in the data, this is a good thing(Tm)!
B.hat <- solve(t(design) %*% design) %*% t(design) %*% t(as.matrix(dat))
grand.mean <- t(n.batches/n.array) %*% B.hat[1:n.batch, ]
if (NAs) {
var.pooled <- apply(dat - t(design %*% B.hat), 1, var, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
transposed <- t(design %*% B.hat)
subtracted <- dat - transposed
second_half <- rep(1 / n.array, n.array)
var.pooled <- as.matrix(subtracted ^ 2) %*% as.matrix(second_half)
stand.mean <- t(grand.mean) %*% t(rep(1, n.array))
if (!is.null(design)) {
tmp <- design
tmp[, c(1:n.batch)] <- 0
stand.mean <- stand.mean + t(tmp %*% B.hat)
s.data <- (dat - stand.mean) / (sqrt(var.pooled) %*% t(rep(1, n.array)))
if (isTRUE(noscale)) {
m.data <- dat - stand.mean
second_half <- as.matrix(rep(1 / (n.array - ncol(design)), n.array))
mse <- as.matrix((dat - t(design %*% B.hat)) ^ 2) %*% second_half
hld <- NULL
bayesdata <- dat
for (k in seq_len(n.batch)) {
mesg("Fitting 'shrunk' batch ", k, " effects.")
sel <- batches[[k]]
gammaMLE <- rowMeans(m.data[, sel])
mprior <- mean(gammaMLE, na.rm = TRUE)
vprior <- var(gammaMLE, na.rm = TRUE)
prop <- vprior / (mse / (length(sel)) + vprior)
gammaPost <- prop * gammaMLE + (1 - prop) * mprior
for (i in sel) {
bayesdata[, i] <- bayesdata[, i] - gammaPost
stats <- data.frame(gammaPost = gammaPost, gammaMLE = gammaMLE, prop = prop)
hld[[paste("Batch", k, sep = ".")]] <- list(
"stats" = stats,
"indices" = sel,
"mprior" = mprior,
"vprior" = vprior)
mesg("Adjusting data for batch effects.")
} else {
mesg("Fitting L/S model and finding priors.")
batch.design <- design[, 1:n.batch]
if (NAs) {
gamma.hat <- apply(s.data, 1, Beta.NA, batch.design)
} else {
gamma.hat <- solve(t(batch.design) %*% batch.design) %*%
t(batch.design) %*% t(as.matrix(s.data))
delta.hat <- NULL
for (i in batches) {
delta.hat <- rbind(delta.hat, apply(s.data[, i], 1, var, na.rm = TRUE))
gamma.bar <- apply(gamma.hat, 1, mean)
t2 <- apply(gamma.hat, 1, var)
a.prior <- apply(delta.hat, 1, aprior)
b.prior <- apply(delta.hat, 1, bprior)
if (prior.plots && par.prior) {
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
tmp <- density(gamma.hat[1, ], na.rm = TRUE)
plot(tmp, type = "l", main = "Density Plot")
xx <- seq(min(tmp$x), max(tmp$x), length = 100)
lines(xx, dnorm(xx, gamma.bar[1], sqrt(t2[1])), col = 2)
stats::qqnorm(gamma.hat[1, ])
stats::qqline(gamma.hat[1, ], col = 2)
tmp <- stats::density(delta.hat[1, ], na.rm = TRUE)
invgam <- 1 / stats::rgamma(ncol(delta.hat), a.prior[1], b.prior[1])
tmp1 <- try(stats::density(invgam, na.rm = TRUE))
plot(tmp, typ = "l", main = "Density Plot", ylim = c(0, max(tmp$y, tmp1$y)))
if (class(tmp1)[1] != "try-error") {
lines(tmp1, col = 2)
try(stats::qqplot(delta.hat[1, ], invgam,
xlab = "Sample Quantiles",
ylab = "Theoretical Quantiles"))
lines(c(0, max(invgam)), c(0, max(invgam)), col = 2)
title("Q-Q Plot")
newpar <- par(oldpar)
gamma.star <- delta.star <- NULL
if (par.prior) {
mesg("Finding parametric adjustments.")
for (i in 1:n.batch) {
temp <- it.sol(s.data[, batches[[i]]], gamma.hat[i, ],
delta.hat[i, ], gamma.bar[i],
t2[i], a.prior[i], b.prior[i])
gamma.star <- rbind(gamma.star, temp[1, ])
delta.star <- rbind(delta.star, temp[2, ])
} else {
mesg("Finding nonparametric adjustments.")
for (i in seq_len(n.batch)) {
temp <- int.eprior(as.matrix(s.data[, batches[[i]]]),
gamma.hat[i, ], delta.hat[i, ])
gamma.star <- rbind(gamma.star, temp[1, ])
delta.star <- rbind(delta.star, temp[2, ])
mesg("Adjusting the Data.")
bayesdata <- s.data
j <- 1
for (i in batches) {
bayesdata[, i] <- (bayesdata[, i] - t(batch.design[i, ] %*% gamma.star)) /
(sqrt(delta.star[j, ]) %*% t(rep(1, n.batches[j])))
j <- j + 1
bayesdata <- (bayesdata * (sqrt(var.pooled) %*% t(rep(1, n.array)))) + stand.mean
#' There are some funky scoping problems in isva::DoISVA().
#' Thus I copy/pasted the function and attempted to address them here.
#' @param data.m Input matrix.
#' @param pheno.v Vector of conditions of interest in the data.
#' @param cf.m Matrix of confounded conditions in the data.
#' @param factor.log I forget.
#' @param pvthCF Minimal p-value for considering.
#' @param th threshold for inclusion.
#' @param ncomp Number of SVA components to estimate.
#' @param icamethod Which ICA implementation to use?
#' @seealso [isva]
my_isva <- function(data.m, pheno.v, cf.m = NULL, factor.log = FALSE, pvthCF = 0.01,
th = 0.05, ncomp = NULL, icamethod = "fastICA") {
isva.o <- isva::isvaFn(data.m, pheno.v, ncomp, icamethod)
## The default values of selisv.idx and pv.m
selisv.idx <- 1:ncol(isva.o[["isv"]])
pv.m <- NULL
## These change if cf.m is set.
if (!is.null(cf.m)) {
tmp.m <- cbind(pheno.v, cf.m)
treatfactor <- c(FALSE, factor.log)
pv.m <- matrix(nrow = ncol(isva.o$isv), ncol = 1 + ncol(cf.m))
colnames(pv.m) <- c("POI", colnames(cf.m))
for (c in seq_len(ncol(tmp.m))) {
if (treatfactor[c] == FALSE) {
for (sv in seq_len(ncol(isva.o[["isv"]]))) {
lm.o <- lm(isva.o[["isv"]][, sv] ~ as.numeric(tmp.m[, c]))
pv.m[sv, c] <- summary(lm.o)[["coefficients"]][2, 4]
} else {
for (sv in seq_len(ncol(isva.o$isv))) {
lm.o <- lm(
isva.o$isv[, sv] ~ as.factor(tmp.m[, c]))
pv.m[sv, c] <- stats::pf(summary(lm.o)$fstat[1], summary(lm.o)$fstat[2],
summary(lm.o)$fstat[3], lower.tail = FALSE)
selisv.idx <- vector()
for (sv in seq_len(nrow(pv.m))) {
ncf <- length(which(pv.m[sv, 2:ncol(pv.m)] < pvthCF))
minpv <- min(pv.m[sv, 2:ncol(pv.m)])
phpv <- pv.m[sv, 1]
if (ncf > 0) {
if (minpv < phpv) {
selisv.idx <- c(selisv.idx, sv)
if (length(selisv.idx) == 0) {
mesg("No ISVs selected because none correlated with the given confounders.
Rerun ISVA with cf.m = NULL option")
mesg("Running final multivariate regressions with selected ISVs")
selisv.m <- matrix(isva.o[["isv"]][, selisv.idx], ncol = length(selisv.idx))
mod <- model.matrix(~ pheno.v + selisv.m)
modNULL <- model.matrix(~ selisv.m)
isv_fit <- limma::lmFit(data.m, design = modNULL)
new_counts <- limma::residuals.MArrayLM(isv_fit, data.m)
df1 <- dim(mod)[2]
df0 <- dim(modNULL)[2]
pv.v <- rep(0, nrow(data.m))
Id <- diag(ncol(data.m))
resid <- data.m %*%
(Id - mod %*% solve(t(mod) %*% mod) %*% t(mod))
rss1 <- rowSums(resid * resid)
residNULL <- data.m %*%
(Id - modNULL %*% solve(t(modNULL) %*% modNULL) %*% t(modNULL))
rssNULL <- rowSums(residNULL * residNULL)
fstats <- ((rssNULL - rss1) / (df1 - df0)) /
(rss1 / (ncol(data.m) - df1))
pv.v <- 1 - isva::pf(fstats,
df1 = (df1 - df0),
df2 = (ncol(data.m) - df1))
pv.s <- sort(pv.v, decreasing = FALSE, index.return = TRUE)
qv.v <- p.adjust(pv.s[["x"]])
ntop <- length(which(qv.v < th))
sig_mtrx <- as.matrix(data.m[pred.idx, ])
mesg("Number of DEGs after ISV adjustment = ", ntop)
if (ntop > 0) {
pred.idx <- pv.s[["ix"]][1:ntop]
lm.o <- lm(t(data.m) ~ pheno.v + selisv.m)
lm_sum <- summary(lm.o)
tstats.v <- unlist(lapply(lm_sum,
function(x) {
x[["coefficients"]][2, 3]
lm.m <- cbind(tstats.v, pv.s$x, qv.v)
colnames(lm.m) <- c("t-stat", "P-value", "q-value")
retlist <- list(
"spv" = pv.s[["x"]],
"qv" = qv.v,
"rk" = pv.s[["ix"]],
"ndeg" = ntop,
"deg" = pred.idx,
"lm" = lm.m,
"isv" = selisv.m,
"nsv" = length(selisv.idx),
"pvCF" = pv.m,
"selisv" = selisv.idx)
## return(list(spv = pv.s$x, qv = qv.v, rk = pv.s$ix, ndeg = ntop,
## deg = pred.idx, lm = lm.m, isv = selisv.m, nsv = length(selisv.idx),
## pvCF = pv.m, selisv = selisv.idx))
## EOF
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