
Defines functions processData updateOverlapMatrices updateOverlapMatrix compute_overlap_matrix2 compute_overlap_matrix findAnalyteHasPathway

Documented in compute_overlap_matrix findAnalyteHasPathway processData updateOverlapMatrices updateOverlapMatrix

# ProcessNewRamp.R - is ONLY FOR DEVELOPERS to generate data required for Ramp internal functions(findCluster(), fisherTest()) to perform calculations.

#' Find table of analyte has pathway from given pathway IDs
#' Aggregate ramp Id to ramp pathway Id
#' GC is C or G
#' @param pathwayRampId a vector of ramp Pathway ID
#' @param GC the analytes type that is either "C" for compound or "G" for gene
#' @param n minimum analytes of which pathway to considered computing overlap
#' @return A list with pathway rampID as name, a vector of analytes from this pathway as content.
findAnalyteHasPathway <- function(db = RaMP(), pathwayRampId,GC = "C",n = 10){

  con <- connectToRaMP()
  p_id <- unique(pathwayRampId)
  p_id <- sapply(p_id,shQuote)
  p_id <- paste(p_id,collapse = ",")
  query <-paste0("select * from analytehaspathway where pathwayRampId in (",

  df <- RMariaDB::dbGetQuery(con, query)

  if(GC == 'both'){
    df2 <- stats::aggregate(df$rampId,list(df$pathwayRampId),FUN = function(x){
      if(length(x) >= n){
        paste(x,collapse = ',')
      } else{
        x <- 0
  else if (GC %in% c('G','C')){
    df2 <- stats::aggregate(df$rampId,list(df$pathwayRampId),FUN = function(x){
      x <- x[grepl(paste0("RAMP_",GC,"_"),x)]
      if(length(x) >= n ){
        paste(x,collapse = ",")
      } else {
        x <- 0
  fdf <- df2[df2$x!=0,]
  fdf2 <- data.frame(fdf[,-1],row.names = fdf[,1],stringsAsFactors = F)
  df.list <- stats::setNames(split(fdf2, seq(nrow(fdf2))), rownames(fdf2))
  df.list <- lapply(df.list,FUN = function(x){
    text <- x[[1]]
    text <- strsplit(text,split = ",")
  df.list <- lapply(df.list,unlist)
#'Compute overlaping matrix based on given list return by findAnalyteHasPathway()
#'@param pathwayid a vector that has all ramp pathway id in the pathwaysWithAnalytes
#'@param pathwaysWithAnalytes a list that has pathways ramp Id as name, analytes (ramp compound id only
#' or gene id only or both) as content. Return by findAnalyteHasPathway
#' @param overlapmethod must be in c('balanced','weighted') to determine which way to calculate this matrix
#' @return the overlap matrix that has the overlap
compute_overlap_matrix <- function(pathwayid,
  if(!(overlapmethod %in% c('balanced','weighted')))
    stop('Wrong option for the input')
  analyte_result <- matrix(NA,nrow = length(pathwayid),ncol = length(pathwayid))
  colnames(analyte_result) <- pathwayid
  rownames(analyte_result) <- pathwayid
  # First method compute intersection over the union
  if(overlapmethod == 'balanced'){
    for(i in 1:length(pathwayid)){
      id <- pathwayid[i]
      cid <- pathwaysWithAnalytes[[i]]
      for (j in 1:length(pathwayid)) {
            analyte_result[i,j] <- 1
            cid2 <- pathwaysWithAnalytes[[j]]
            shared_metabolite <- unique(intersect(cid,cid2))
            total <- unique(union(cid,cid2))
            analyte_result[i,j] <- length(shared_metabolite)/length(total)
              analyte_result[j,i] <- analyte_result[i,j]
        #print(paste("Compute for ",i,",",j))
  }else if (overlapmethod == 'weighted'){
    # second method
    for(i in 1:length(pathwayid)){
      id <- pathwayid[i]
      cid <- pathwaysWithAnalytes[[i]]
      for (j in 1:length(pathwayid)) {
            analyte_result[i,j] <- 1
            cid2 <- pathwaysWithAnalytes[[j]]
            shared_metabolite <- unique(intersect(cid,cid2))
            total <- unique(union(cid,cid2))
            analyte_result[i,j] <- length(shared_metabolite)/length(unique(cid2))
            # print(analyte_result[i,j])
              analyte_result[j,i] <- length(shared_metabolite)/length(unique(cid))
        # print(paste("Compute for ",i,",",j))


compute_overlap_matrix2 <- function(pathwayid,
  if(!(overlapmethod %in% c('balanced','weighted')))
    stop('Wrong option for the input')
  analyte_result <- matrix(NA,nrow = length(pathwayid),ncol = length(pathwayid))
  colnames(analyte_result) <- pathwayid
  rownames(analyte_result) <- pathwayid
  # First method compute intersection over the union
  if(overlapmethod == 'balanced'){
    for(i in 1:length(pathwayid)){
      id <- pathwayid[i]
      cid <- pathwaysWithAnalytes[[i]]
      for (j in i:length(pathwayid)) {
            analyte_result[i,j] <- 1
            cid2 <- pathwaysWithAnalytes[[j]]
            shared_metabolite <- intersect(cid,cid2)
            total <- union(cid,cid2)
            analyte_result[i,j] <- length(shared_metabolite)/length(total)
            analyte_result[j,i] <- analyte_result[i,j]
              analyte_result[j,i] <- analyte_result[i,j]
        #print(paste("Compute for ",i,",",j))
  }else if (overlapmethod == 'weighted'){
    # second method
    for(i in 1:length(pathwayid)){
      id <- pathwayid[i]
      cid <- pathwaysWithAnalytes[[i]]
      for (j in 1:length(pathwayid)) {
            analyte_result[i,j] <- 1
            cid2 <- pathwaysWithAnalytes[[j]]
            shared_metabolite <- unique(intersect(cid,cid2))
            total <- union(cid,cid2)
            analyte_result[i,j] <- length(shared_metabolite)/length(unique(cid2))
            # print(analyte_result[i,j])
              analyte_result[j,i] <- length(shared_metabolite)/length(unique(cid))
        # print(paste("Compute for ",i,",",j))


#' Update the overlap matrix for store in the shiny app directory
#' @param min_analyte a int that specifies the minimum of analytes the
#' pathway should have to be considered compute for overlap matrix
#' @param overlapmethod a string that specifies the way to compute overlap matrix,
#' must be 'balanced' or 'weighted'
#' @param together a boolean value to compute overlap matrix for
#' gene/metabolites separatly or together
updateOverlapMatrix <- function(min_analyte, overlapmethod, together){

  print("Start updateOverlapMatrix()")

    con <- connectToRaMP()
    pathways<- RMariaDB::dbGetQuery(con,'select * from pathway;')
    source <- RMariaDB::dbGetQuery(con,'select * from source;')

    # dbname <- unique(pathways$type)

    # pathwayInHmdb <- pathways[pathways$type == 'hmdb',]
    pathwayInKegg <- pathways[pathways$type == 'kegg',]
    pathwayInWiki <- pathways[pathways$type == 'wiki',]
    pathwayInReac <- pathways[pathways$type == 'reactome',]

    # define the minimum metabolites/genes

    # Store Compound Ids in List
    # listOfHmdbC <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInHmdb$pathwayRampId)
    listOfKeggC <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInKegg$pathwayRampId,n = min_analyte)

    listOfWikiC <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInWiki$pathwayRampId,n = min_analyte)
    listOfReacC <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInReac$pathwayRampId,n = min_analyte)
    # Store Gene Ids in List
    # listOfHmdbG <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInHmdb$pathwayRampId,GC="G")
    listOfKeggG <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInKegg$pathwayRampId,GC="G",n = min_analyte)
    listOfWikiG <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInWiki$pathwayRampId,GC="G",n = min_analyte)
    listOfReacG <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInReac$pathwayRampId,GC="G",n = min_analyte)

    # Setup minimum number of analytes that will be considered

    # May need to filter out that pathway that has less than 5 metabolites
    # Output to a matrix
    # In order of HMDB Kegg Wiki Reac

    pathwayid <- c(#names(listOfHmdbC),

    pathToanalC <- do.call(c,list(#listOfHmdbC,

    if(overlapmethod == 'balanced' ){
      metabolite_result <- compute_overlap_matrix(pathwayid = pathwayid,
                                                  pathwaysWithAnalytes =  pathToanalC,
                                                  overlapmethod = 'balanced')

    }else if(overlapmethod == 'weighted'){
      metabolite_result <- compute_overlap_matrix(pathwayid = pathwayid,
                                                  pathwaysWithAnalytes = pathToanalC,
                                                  overlapmethod = 'weighted')

    # Output to a matrix
    ### Part for genes ...
    pathwayidG <- c(#names(listOfHmdbG),

    pathToanalG <- do.call(c,list(#listOfHmdbG,
    # compute for matrix
    if(overlapmethod == 'balanced' ){
      gene_result <- compute_overlap_matrix2(pathwayid = pathwayidG,pathToanalG,overlapmethod = 'balanced')
    } else if(overlapmethod == 'weighted' ){
      gene_result <- compute_overlap_matrix2(pathwayid = pathwayidG,pathToanalG,overlapmethod = 'weighted')

    print("End updateOverlapMatrix()")

      metabolite = metabolite_result,
      gene = gene_result
  } else if(together) {
    con <- connectToRaMP()
    pathways<- RMariaDB::dbGetQuery(con,'select * from pathway;')

    # dbname <- unique(pathways$type)

    # pathwayInHmdb <- pathways[pathways$type == 'hmdb',]
    pathwayInKegg <- pathways[pathways$type == 'kegg',]
    pathwayInWiki <- pathways[pathways$type == 'wiki',]
    pathwayInReac <- pathways[pathways$type == 'reactome',]

    # double minimum number of analytes in the pathway
    min_analyte <- min_analyte * 2

    # Store Compound Ids in List
    # listOfHmdbC <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInHmdb$pathwayRampId)
    # use both to save metabolites/genes in the list

    listOfKegg <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInKegg$pathwayRampId,GC = 'both',n = min_analyte)
    listOfWiki <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInWiki$pathwayRampId,GC = 'both',n = min_analyte)
    listOfReac <- findAnalyteHasPathway(pathwayInReac$pathwayRampId,GC = 'both',n = min_analyte)
    # Append all pathways id together

    pathwayid <- c(#names(listOfHmdbC),

    pathToanal <- do.call(c,list(#listOfHmdbC,
    if(overlapmethod == 'balanced'){
      analyte_result <- compute_overlap_matrix2(pathwayid = pathwayid,
                                               pathwaysWithAnalytes =  pathToanal,
                                               overlapmethod = 'balanced')
    } else if(overlapmethod == 'weighted'){
      analyte_result <- compute_overlap_matrix2(pathwayid = pathwayid,
                                               pathwaysWithAnalytes =  pathToanal,
                                               overlapmethod = 'weighted')

    print("End updateOverlapMatrix()")

#' Update and save the overlap matrices based on current version of RaMP
#' @param method a string that specifies algorithm to compute overlap matrix
#' should be 'balanced' or 'weighted'
#' @param all a string that specifies which matrices to compute, should be in
#' 'all','analyte'
updateOverlapMatrices <- function(method,all){

  if(!(method %in% c('balanced','weighted'))){
    stop('Wrong input for argument method')
  if(!(all %in%c('all','metabolite','gene','analyte'))){
    stop('Wrong input for argument all')

  if(all == 'all'){
    result <- updateOverlapMatrix(min_analyte = 5,overlapmethod = 'balanced',together = F)
    metabolites_result <- result[[1]]
    genes_result <- result[[2]]


    save(metabolites_result, file = system.file(package = "RaMP",... = "extdata/metabolites_overlap_matrix.RData"))
    save(genes_result, file = system.file(package = "RaMP",... = "extdata/genes_overlap_matrix.RData"))
  } else if(all == 'analyte'){
    analyte_result <- updateOverlapMatrix(min_analyte = 5,overlapmethod = 'balanced',together = T)
    save(analyte_result, file = system.file(package = "RaMP",... = "extdata/analytes_overlap_matrix.RData"))

#' processData function generates pathway RampId frequency (gene or metabolite) based on pathway source (hmdb,kegg,reactome,wiki)
#'@return R object (FT_data.Rdata) with dataframes (hmdb_metab,hmdb_gene,kegg_gene,kegg_metab,reactome_gene,reactome_metab,wiki_gene,wiki_metab)
processData <- function(){

  # get all rows form analytehaspathway
  query <- "select * from analytehaspathway"
  con <- connectToRaMP()
  allRampIds <- RMariaDB::dbGetQuery(con,query)

  if(is.null(allRampIds)) {

    stop("Data doesn't exist")

  } else {

    # length(unique(allRampIds$pathwayRampId))
    # total unique pathwayRampIDs - 51,526

    # data frames for metabolites with pathawayRampID, Freq based  on Source(kegg, reactome, wiki, hmdb)

    allRampId_C <- allRampIds[grep("RAMP_C", allRampIds$rampId), ]
    unique_allRampId_C <- unique(allRampId_C[,c("rampId", "pathwayRampId")])
    unique_pathwayRampId_source <- unique(allRampId_C[,c("pathwayRampId", "pathwaySource")])

    # length(unique_pathwayRampId_source$pathwayRampId) - 36,039

    freq_unique_allRampId_C <- as.data.frame(table(unique_allRampId_C[,"pathwayRampId"]))

    # length of total RAMP_C pathwayRampIDs - 36,039

    names(freq_unique_allRampId_C)[1] = 'pathwayRampId'
    merge_Pathwayfreq_source <- merge(freq_unique_allRampId_C, unique_pathwayRampId_source, by="pathwayRampId")

    # subset data based on source -  kegg, reactome, wiki, hmdb

    kegg_metab <- subset(merge_Pathwayfreq_source, merge_Pathwayfreq_source$pathwaySource == "kegg")
    #length(kegg_metab$pathwayRampId) - 264
    reactome_metab <- subset(merge_Pathwayfreq_source, merge_Pathwayfreq_source$pathwaySource == "reactome")
    #length(reactome_metab$pathwayRampId) - 1866
    wiki_metab <- subset(merge_Pathwayfreq_source, merge_Pathwayfreq_source$pathwaySource == "wiki")
    #length(wiki_metab$pathwayRampId) - 213
    hmdb_metab <- subset(merge_Pathwayfreq_source, merge_Pathwayfreq_source$pathwaySource == "hmdb")
    #length(hmdb_metab$pathwayRampId) - 33,696

    # data frames for Genes with pathawayRampID, Freq based  on Source(kegg, reactome, wiki, hmdb)

    allRampId_G <- allRampIds[grep("RAMP_G", allRampIds$rampId), ]
    unique_allRampId_G <- unique(allRampId_G[,c("rampId", "pathwayRampId")])
    unique_pathwayG_source <- unique(allRampId_G[,c("pathwayRampId", "pathwaySource")])

    # length(unique(unique_pathwayG_source$pathwayRampId)) - 51,461

    freq_unique_allRampId_G <- as.data.frame(table(unique_allRampId_G[,"pathwayRampId"]))

    # length of total RAMP_G pathwayRampIDs - 51,461

    names(freq_unique_allRampId_G)[1] = 'pathwayRampId'
    merge_PathwayG_source <- merge(freq_unique_allRampId_G, unique_pathwayG_source, by="pathwayRampId")

    # subset data based on source -  kegg, reactome, wiki, hmdb

    kegg_gene <- subset(merge_PathwayG_source, merge_PathwayG_source$pathwaySource == "kegg")
    #length(kegg_gene$pathwayRampId) - 323
    reactome_gene <- subset(merge_PathwayG_source, merge_PathwayG_source$pathwaySource == "reactome")
    #length(reactome_gene$pathwayRampId) - 2155
    wiki_gene <- subset(merge_PathwayG_source, merge_PathwayG_source$pathwaySource == "wiki")
    #length(wiki_gene$pathwayRampId) - 408
    hmdb_gene <- subset(merge_PathwayG_source, merge_PathwayG_source$pathwaySource == "hmdb")
    #length(hmdb_gene$pathwayRampId) - 48575

         file = paste0(system.file(package = "RaMP"),"/extdata/FT_data.Rdata"))

#' sysdataObject() generates sysdata.rda object from exdata dir (genes_overlap_matrix.RData,metabolites_overlap_matrix.RData,analytes_overlap_matrix.RData,FT_data.Rdata)
#' the output is availble only for RaMP internal functions (runFisherTest() & findCluster())
#' @return sysdata.rda object in R directory with 3 Overlap Matrices (genes_result, metabolites_result, analyte_result) & dataframes generated from processData function.

# sysdataObject <- function() {
#   load(system.file(package = "RaMP",... = "extdata/genes_overlap_matrix.RData"))
#   load(system.file(package = "RaMP",... = "extdata/metabolites_overlap_matrix.RData"))
#   load(system.file(package = "RaMP",... = "extdata/analytes_overlap_matrix.RData"))
#   load(system.file(package = "RaMP",... = "extdata/FT_data.Rdata"))
#   stopifnot(is.matrix(genes_result),
#             is.matrix(metabolites_result),
#             is.matrix(analyte_result),
#             is.data.frame(hmdb_gene),
#             is.data.frame(hmdb_metab),
#             is.data.frame(kegg_gene),
#             is.data.frame(kegg_metab),
#             is.data.frame(reactome_gene),
#             is.data.frame(reactome_metab),
#             is.data.frame(wiki_gene),
#             is.data.frame(wiki_metab))
#   #uncomment usethis::use_data function to create sysdata.rda object
#   rampdb_version = 'v2.3,0'
#   usethis::use_data(genes_result,
#                      metabolites_result,
#                      analyte_result,
#                      hmdb_gene,
#                      hmdb_metab,
#                      kegg_gene,
#                      kegg_metab,
#                      reactome_gene,
#                      reactome_metab,
#                      wiki_gene,
#                      wiki_metab,
#                      rampdb_version,
#                      overwrite = TRUE,
#                      internal = TRUE)
# }

# STEP 1
# Run these methods to update 4 RData files for overlapMatricies(mets, genes, and analytes) and for fisher exact base pathway stats.
# Check time stamps. These WILL be updated within your RaMP package, in  <your-R-dir>/library/RaMP/extdata.

# Set these for login then run three methods
#hostname = <db_host_name>
#dbname = <db_name>
#username = <username>
#conpass = <connection_password>

# run these 3 methods, these generate files in the R RaMP library area
# if commiting to git, then copy the new files into your R git project inst/extdata

# pkg.globals <- setConnectionToRaMP(dbname=dbname,username=username,conpass=conpass,host=hostname)

# RaMP:::updateOverlapMatrices(method="balanced" ,all="all")
# RaMP:::updateOverlapMatrices(method="balanced" ,all="analyte")
# RaMP:::processData()

# STEP 2
# The 4 Rdata files will be loaded to create objects, then stored to sysdata.Rda which is loaded to support package functions.
# uncomment usethis::use_data in the function just above. This command will builds sysdata.Rda to contain the objects
# Then execute the function definition above to establish the updated function. Then execute the method to save R/sysdata.rda.
ncats/RaMP-DB documentation built on June 1, 2024, 9:34 p.m.