
Defines functions check.samplesheet meffil.read.samplesheet

Documented in meffil.read.samplesheet

#' @title Function to read Illumina "Sample Sheet" adapted from \code{read.450k.sheet} in \code{R/minfi}
#' @description
#' Reading an Illumina methylation sample sheet, containing pheno-data 
#' information for the samples in an experiment.
#' @param  base The base directory from which the search is started.
#' @param  basenames Output from \code{\link{meffil.basenames}}
#' @param  pattern = "csv$" What pattern is used to identify a sample sheet file, see \code{list.files}
#' @param  ignore.case = TRUE Should the file search be case sensitive?
#' @param  recursive = TRUE Should the file search be recursive, see \code{list.files}?
#' @param  verbose = TRUE Should the function be verbose?
#' @details
#' This function search the directory \code{base} (possibly including
#' subdirectories depending on the argument \code{recursive} for
#' \dQuote{sample sheet} files (see below).  These files are identified
#' solely on the base of their filename given by the arguments
#' \code{pattern} and \code{ignore.case} (note the use of a dollarsign to
#' mean end of file name).#' 
#' In case multiple sheet files are found, they are all read and the
#' return object will contain the concatenation of the files.
#' A sample sheet file is essentially a CSV (comma-separated) file
#' containing one line per sample, with a number of columns describing
#' pheno-data or other important information about the sample.  The file
#' may contain a header, in which case it is assumed that all lines up to
#' and including a line starting with \code{\[Data\]} should be dropped.
#' This is modelled after a sample sheet file Illumina provides.  It is
#' also very similar to the \code{targets} file made used by the popular
#' \code{limma} package (see the extensive package vignette).#' 
#' An attempt at guessing the file path to the IDAT files represented in
#' the sheet is made.  This should be doublechecked and might need to
#' manually changed.
#' @export
#' @return
#' A \code{data.frame} containing the columns of all the sample sheets. 
#' As described in details, a column named \code{Sentrix_Position} is renamed 
#' to \code{Array} and \code{Sentrix_ID} is renamed to \code{Slide}.  In addition 
#' the \code{data.frame} will contain a column named \code{Basename}.
meffil.read.samplesheet <- function(base, pattern = "csv$", ignore.case = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
	readSheet <- function(file) {
		dataheader <- grep("^\\[DATA\\]", readLines(file), ignore.case = TRUE)
		if(length(dataheader) == 0)
			dataheader <- 0
		df <- read.csv(file, stringsAsFactor = FALSE, skip = dataheader, na.strings=c("NA","NaN", " "))
		if(length(nam <- grep("Sentrix_Position", names(df), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE)) == 1) {
			df$Array <- df[, nam]
			df[, nam] <- NULL
		if(length(nam <- grep("Array[\\._]ID", names(df), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE)) == 1) {
			df$Array <- df[, nam]
			df[, nam] <- NULL
		if(! "Array" %in% names(df))
			warning(sprintf("Could not infer array name for file: %s", file))
		if(length(nam <- grep("Sentrix_ID", names(df), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE)) == 1) {
			df$Slide <- df[, nam]
			df[, nam] <- NULL
		if(length(nam <- grep("Slide[\\._]ID", names(df), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE)) == 1) {
			df$Slide <- df[, nam]
			df[, nam] <- NULL
		if(! "Slide" %in% names(df))
			warning(sprintf("Could not infer slide name for file: %s", file))
			df[, "Slide"] <- as.character(df[, "Slide"])
		if(length(nam <- grep("Plate[\\._]ID", names(df), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE)) == 1) {
			df$Plate <- df[, nam]
			df[, nam] <- NULL
		if(!is.null(df$Array)) {
			patterns <- sprintf("%s_%s_Grn.idat", df$Slide, df$Array)
			allfiles <- list.files(dirname(file), recursive = recursive, full.names = TRUE)
			mbasenames <- sapply(patterns, function(xx) grep(xx, allfiles, value = TRUE))
			names(mbasenames) <- NULL
			mbasenames <- sub("_Grn\\.idat(|\\.gz)", "", mbasenames, ignore.case = TRUE)
			df$Basename <- mbasenames
			sapply(df$Basename, function(x) {
                            nom <- paste(x, "_Grn.idat", sep="")
                            if(!file.exists(nom) && !file.exists(paste(nom, "gz", sep=".")))
                                warning(paste("Inferred basename", nom, "does not exist"))
                            nom <- paste(x, "_Red.idat", sep="")
                            if(!file.exists(nom) && !file.exists(paste(nom, "gz", sep=".")))
                                warning(paste("Inferred basename", nom, "does not exist"))
		stop("'base' does not exists")
	info <- file.info(base)
	if(!all(info$isdir) && !all(!info$isdir))
		stop("'base needs to be either directories or files")
	if(all(info$isdir)) {
		csvfiles <- list.files(base, recursive = recursive, pattern = pattern,
							   ignore.case = ignore.case, full.names = TRUE)
		if(verbose) {
			cat("[read.450k.sheet] Found the following CSV files:\n")
	} else
		csvfiles <- list.files(base, full.names = TRUE)

        if (length(csvfiles) == 0)
	dfs <- lapply(csvfiles, readSheet)

	namesUnion <- Reduce(union, lapply(dfs, names))
	df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(dfs, function(df) {
		newnames <- setdiff(namesUnion, names(df))
		newdf <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(newnames), nrow = nrow(df), dimnames = list(NULL, newnames))
		cbind(df, as.data.frame(newdf))
	# Check that Sex column is present in sample sheet
	# Avoid case issues
	if(length(nam <- grep("Sex", names(df), ignore.case = TRUE)) == 1)
		names(df)[nam] <- "Sex"
		if (is.logical(df[[nam]]))
		  df[[nam]] <- substring(as.character(df[[nam]]), 1, 1)
	} else {
		warning("There should be one 'Sex' column")
                df$Sex <- NA

	# Check Sample_Name column
	if(length(nam <- grep("Sample_Name", names(df), ignore.case = TRUE)) == 1)
		names(df)[nam] <- "Sample_Name"
	} else if(length(nam) > 1) {
		warning("Multiple Sample_Name columns. Keeping first column only.")
		temp <- df[,nam]
		df[,nam] <- NULL
		df$Sample_Name <- temp[,1]
	} else if("Slide" %in% names(df) & "Array" %in% names(df)) {
		warning("No 'Sample_Name' column in samplesheet. Creating Sample_Name using <Slide>_<Array>")
		df$Sample_Name <- paste(df$Slide, df$Array, sep="_")
	} else {
		warning("No Sample_Name column, and no Slide and Array columns to generate Sample_Name column. Using IDAT basenames.")
		df$Sample_Name <- make.samplename.from.basename(df$Basename)


check.samplesheet <- function(samplesheet)
  if(!"Sample_Name" %in% names(samplesheet))
    stop("No 'Sample_Name' column in samplesheet")
    stop("Duplicate IDs in samplesheet")
  if(!"Sex" %in% names(samplesheet))
    stop("No 'Sex' column in samplesheet")
  if(any(! samplesheet$Sex %in% c("M", "F", NA)))
    stop("Sex column must only contain 'M', 'F' or NA values")
perishky/meffil documentation built on June 9, 2024, 5:59 p.m.