
Defines functions bisConversionControl SigSetToSigDF chipAddressToSignal searchIDATprefixes readControls readIDATpair readIDAT1 inferPlatformFromTango getAFs getAFTypeIbySumAlleles getBetas betasCollapseToPfx SDFcollapseToPfx totalIntensities probeSuccessRate medianTotalIntensity meanIntensity

Documented in betasCollapseToPfx bisConversionControl chipAddressToSignal getAFs getAFTypeIbySumAlleles getBetas meanIntensity medianTotalIntensity probeSuccessRate readIDATpair SDFcollapseToPfx searchIDATprefixes totalIntensities

#' @title
#' Analyze DNA methylation data
#' @description
#' SEnsible and step-wise analysis of DNA methylation data
#' @details
#' This package complements array functionalities that allow
#' processing >10,000 samples in parallel on clusters.
#' @aliases sesame
#' @author
#' Wanding Zhou \email{Wanding.Zhou@vai.org},
#' Hui Shen \email{Hui.Shen@vai.org}
#' Timothy J Triche Jr \email{Tim.Triche@vai.org}
#' @references Zhou W, Triche TJ, Laird PW, Shen H (2018)
## @seealso To appear
#' @examples
#' sdf <- readIDATpair(sub('_Grn.idat','',system.file(
#'     'extdata','4207113116_A_Grn.idat',package='sesameData')))
#' ## The OpenSesame pipeline
#' betas <- openSesame(sdf)
#' @keywords DNAMethylation Microarray QualityControl
#' @return package

#' Whole-dataset-wide Mean Intensity
#' The function takes one single \code{SigDF} and computes mean
#' intensity of all the in-band measurements. This includes all Type-I
#' in-band measurements and all Type-II probe measurements. Both methylated
#' and unmethylated alleles are considered. This function outputs a single
#' numeric for the mean.
#' Note: mean in this case is more informative than median because
#' methylation level is mostly bimodal.
#' @param sdf a \code{SigDF}
#' @param mask whether to mask probes using mask column
#' @return mean of all intensities
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' meanIntensity(sdf)
#' @export
meanIntensity <- function(sdf, mask = TRUE) {
    stopifnot(all(c("MG","UG","MR","UR") %in% colnames(sdf)))
    s <- signalMU(sdf, mask = mask)
    mean(c(s$M,s$U), na.rm=TRUE)

#' Whole-dataset-wide Median Total Intensity (M+U)
#' The function takes one single \code{SigDF} and computes median
#' intensity of M+U for each probe. This function outputs a single
#' numeric for the median.
#' @param sdf a \code{SigDF}
#' @param mask whether to mask probes using mask column
#' @return median of all intensities
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' medianTotalIntensity(sdf)
#' @export
medianTotalIntensity <- function(sdf, mask = TRUE) {
    stopifnot(all(c("MG","UG","MR","UR") %in% colnames(sdf)))
    s <- signalMU(sdf, mask = mask)
    median(c(s$M + s$U), na.rm=TRUE)

#' Whole-dataset-wide Probe Success Rate
#' This function calculates the probe success rate using
#' pOOBAH detection p-values. Probes that has a detection p-value
#' higher than a specific threshold are considered failed probes.
#' @param sdf a \code{SigDF}
#' @param max_pval the maximum p-value to consider detection success
#' @param mask whether or not we count the masked probes in SigDF
#' @return a fraction number as probe success rate
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' probeSuccessRate(sdf)
#' @export
probeSuccessRate <- function(sdf, mask = TRUE, max_pval = 0.05) {
    pval <- pOOBAH(sdf, return.pval = TRUE)
    if (mask) { pval <- pval[!sdf$mask] }
    pval <- na.omit(pval)
    stopifnot(length(pval) > 100)
    sum(pval < max_pval) / length(pval)

#' M+U Intensities Array
#' The function takes one single \code{SigDF} and computes total
#' intensity of all the in-band measurements by summing methylated and
#' unmethylated alleles. This function outputs a single numeric for the mean.
#' @param sdf a \code{SigDF}
#' @param mask whether to mask probes using mask column
#' @return a vector of M+U signal for each probe
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' intensities <- totalIntensities(sdf)
#' @export
totalIntensities <- function(sdf, mask = FALSE) {
    stopifnot(all(c("MG","UG","MR","UR") %in% colnames(sdf)))
    s <- signalMU(sdf, mask = mask)
    setNames(s$M+s$U, s$Probe_ID)

#' collapse to probe prefix
#' @param sdf a SigDF object
#' @return a data frame with updated Probe_ID
#' @importFrom dplyr slice_min
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
SDFcollapseToPfx <- function(sdf) {
    sdf$Probe_ID <- vapply(strsplit(sdf$Probe_ID, '_'),
        function(x) x[1], character(1))
    sdf$pval <- pOOBAH(sdf, return.pval = TRUE)
    ## take the best by p-value
    ## Note that mask = FALSE will override p-value
    slice_min(group_by(sdf, .data[['Probe_ID']]),
        .data[['mask']] + .data[['pval']], n=1, with_ties = FALSE)

#' Collapse betas by averagng probes with common probe ID prefix
#' @param betas either a named numeric vector or a numeric matrix
#' (row: probes, column: samples)
#' @param BPPARAM use MulticoreParam(n) for parallel processing
#' @return either named numeric vector or a numeric matrix of collapsed
#' beta value matrix
#' @examples
#' ## input is a matrix
#' m <- matrix(seq(0,1,length.out=9), nrow=3)
#' rownames(m) <- c("cg00004963_TC21", "cg00004963_TC22", "cg00004747_TC21")
#' colnames(m) <- c("A","B","C")
#' betasCollapseToPfx(m)
#' ## input is a vector
#' m <- setNames(seq(0,1,length.out=3),
#'     c("cg00004963_TC21", "cg00004963_TC22", "cg00004747_TC21"))
#' betasCollapseToPfx(m)
#' @export
betasCollapseToPfx <- function(betas, BPPARAM=SerialParam()) {
    if (is.matrix(betas)) {
        pfxes <- vapply(strsplit(rownames(betas), "_"),
            function(x) x[1], character(1))
        out <- do.call(cbind, bplapply(
            seq_len(ncol(betas)), function(i) {
                vapply(split(betas[,i], pfxes), mean, numeric(1), na.rm=TRUE)
            }, BPPARAM=BPPARAM))
        colnames(out) <- colnames(betas)
    } else {
        pfxes <- vapply(strsplit(names(betas), "_"),
            function(x) x[1], character(1))
        vapply(split(betas, pfxes), mean, numeric(1), na.rm=TRUE)

#' Get beta Values
#' sum.typeI is used for rescuing beta values on
#' Color-Channel-Switching CCS probes. The function takes a \code{SigDF}
#' and returns beta value except that Type-I in-band signal and out-of-band
#' signal are combined. This prevents color-channel switching due to SNPs.
#' @param sdf \code{SigDF}
#' @param sum.TypeI whether to sum type I channels
#' @param mask whether to use mask
#' @param collapseToPfx remove replicate to prefix (e.g., cg number) and
#' remove the suffix
#' @param collapseMethod mean or minPval
#' @return a numeric vector, beta values
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' betas <- getBetas(sdf)
#' @export
getBetas <- function(
    sdf, mask=TRUE, sum.TypeI = FALSE, collapseToPfx = FALSE,
    collapseMethod = c("mean", "minPval")) {

    ## TODO: document collapseToPfx = T feature
    stopifnot(all(c("MG","UG","MR","UR") %in% colnames(sdf)))
    collapseMethod <- match.arg(collapseMethod)
    if (collapseToPfx && collapseMethod == "minPval") {
        sdf <- SDFcollapseToPfx(sdf)

    if (sum.TypeI) {
        d1 <- InfI(sdf); d2 <- InfII(sdf)
        betas <- c(setNames(
            pmax(d1$MG+d1$MR,1)/pmax(d1$MG+d1$MR+d1$UG+d1$UR,2), d1$Probe_ID),
            setNames(pmax(d2$UG,1) / pmax(d2$UG+d2$UR,2), d2$Probe_ID))
    } else {
        dG <- InfIG(sdf); dR <- InfIR(sdf); d2 <- InfII(sdf)
        betas <- c(
            setNames(pmax(dG$MG,1) / pmax(dG$MG+dG$UG,2), dG$Probe_ID),
            setNames(pmax(dR$MR,1) / pmax(dR$MR+dR$UR,2), dR$Probe_ID),
            setNames(pmax(d2$UG,1) / pmax(d2$UG+d2$UR,2), d2$Probe_ID))
    ## always use the original order
    betas <- setNames(betas[match(sdf$Probe_ID, names(betas))], sdf$Probe_ID)
    if (mask) { betas[sdf$mask] <- NA }

    if (collapseToPfx && collapseMethod == "mean") {
        betas <- betasCollapseToPfx(betas)


#' Get allele frequency treating type I by summing alleles
#' Takes a \code{SigDF} as input and returns a numeric vector containing
#' extra allele frequencies based on Color-Channel-Switching (CCS) probes.
#' If no CCS probes exist in the \code{SigDF}, then an numeric(0) is
#' returned.
#' @param sdf \code{SigDF}
#' @param known.ccs.only consider only known CCS probes
#' @return beta values
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' af <- getAFTypeIbySumAlleles(sdf)
#' @export
getAFTypeIbySumAlleles <- function(sdf, known.ccs.only = TRUE) {

    stopifnot(all(c("MG","UG","MR","UR") %in% colnames(sdf)))

    dG <- InfIG(sdf); dR <- InfIR(sdf)
    af <- c(setNames(
        pmax(dG$MR+dG$UR,1)/pmax(dG$MR+dG$UR+dG$MG+dG$UG,2), dG$Probe_ID),
            pmax(dR$MG+dR$UG,1)/pmax(dR$MR+dR$UR+dR$MG+dR$UG,2), dR$Probe_ID))

    if (known.ccs.only) {
        af <- af[intersect(
            names(af), sesameDataGet('ethnicity.inference')$ccs.probes)]
    af[order(names(af))] # TODO: avoid sorting

#' Get allele frequency
#' @param sdf \code{SigDF}
#' @param ... additional options to getBetas
#' @return allele frequency
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' af <- getAFs(sdf)
#' @export
getAFs <- function(sdf, ...) {
    betas <- getBetas(sdf, ...)
    c(betas[startsWith(names(betas), "rs")], getAFTypeIbySumAlleles(sdf))

## return NULL if failed
inferPlatformFromTango <- function(res) {
    sig <- sesameDataGet('idatSignature')
    cnts <- vapply(
        sig, function(x) sum(x %in% rownames(res$Quants)), integer(1))
    if (max(cnts) < min(vapply(sig, length, numeric(1)))) {

## Import one IDAT file
## return a data frame with 2 columns, corresponding to
## cy3 (Grn) and cy5 (Red) color channel signal
readIDAT1 <- function(grn.name, red.name) {
    ida.grn <- suppressWarnings(readIDAT(grn.name))
    ida.red <- suppressWarnings(readIDAT(red.name))
    d <- cbind(
        cy3 = ida.grn$Quants[,"Mean"],
        cy5 = ida.red$Quants[,"Mean"],
        cy3n = ida.grn$Quants[,"NBeads"],
        cy5n = ida.red$Quants[,"NBeads"])
    colnames(d) <- c('G', 'R', "GN", "RN")

    ## this is not always accurate
    ## TODO should identify unique tango IDs.
    attr(d, 'platform') <- inferPlatformFromTango(ida.red)


#' Import a pair of IDATs from one sample
#' The function takes a prefix string that are shared with _Grn.idat
#' and _Red.idat. The function returns a \code{SigDF}.
#' @param prefix.path sample prefix without _Grn.idat and _Red.idat
#' @param manifest optional design manifest file
#' @param min_beads minimum bead number, probes with R or G smaller than
#' this threshold will be masked. If NULL, no filtering based on bead
#' count will be applied.
#' @param controls optional control probe manifest file
#' @param verbose be verbose?  (FALSE)
#' @param platform EPIC, HM450 and HM27 etc.
#' @return a \code{SigDF}
#' @examples
#' sdf <- readIDATpair(sub('_Grn.idat','',system.file(
#'     "extdata", "4207113116_A_Grn.idat", package = "sesameData")))
#' @export
readIDATpair <- function(
    prefix.path, manifest = NULL, platform = '', min_beads = NULL,
    controls = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
    if (file.exists(paste0(prefix.path, '_Grn.idat'))) {
        grn.name <- paste0(prefix.path, '_Grn.idat')
    } else if (file.exists(paste0(prefix.path, '_Grn.idat.gz'))) {
        grn.name <- paste0(prefix.path, '_Grn.idat.gz')
    } else {
        stop('Grn IDAT does not exist')
    if (file.exists(paste0(prefix.path, '_Red.idat'))) {
        red.name <- paste0(prefix.path, '_Red.idat')
    } else if (file.exists(paste0(prefix.path, '_Red.idat.gz'))) {
        red.name <- paste0(prefix.path, '_Red.idat.gz')
    } else {
        stop('Red IDAT does not exist')

    if (verbose == TRUE) {
        message("Reading IDATs for ", basename(prefix.path), "...")

    dm <- readIDAT1(grn.name, red.name)
    if (platform != "") { # override inferred platform
        attr(dm, "platform") <- platform
    } else if (is.null(attr(dm, "platform"))) { # cannot infer
        if (!is.null(manifest)) {               # manifest is provided
            attr(dm, "platform") <- "custom"
        } else { # no manifest provided
            stop("Cannot infer platform. Please provide custom manifest.")
    if (is.null(manifest)) { # pre-built platforms, EPIC, HM450, HM27 etc
        df_address <- sesameDataGet(paste0(
            attr(dm, 'platform'), '.address'))
        manifest <- df_address$ordering
        controls <- df_address$controls

    sdf <- sdfMsg(chipAddressToSignal(dm, manifest, min_beads), verbose,
        "IDAT platform: %s", attr(dm, "platform"))
    ## Probe IDs might not fully resolve platform
    attr(sdf, "platform") <- attr(dm, "platform")
    if (!is.null(controls) && nrow(controls) > 0) {
        attr(sdf, "controls") <- readControls(dm, controls)

readControls <- function(dm, controls) {
    if ("Color_Channel" %in% colnames(controls)) { # legacy control data
        ctl <- as.data.frame(dm[match(controls$Address, rownames(dm)),])
        rownames(ctl) <- make.names(controls$Name, unique=TRUE)
        ctl <- cbind(ctl, controls[, c("Color_Channel","Type")])
        colnames(ctl) <- c('G','R','col','type')
        ctl <- ctl[!(is.na(ctl$G)|is.na(ctl$R)),] # no NA in controls
    } else {
        ctl <- as.data.frame(chipAddressToSignal(dm, controls))

#' Identify IDATs from a directory
#' The input is the directory name as a string. The function identifies all
#' the IDAT files under the directory. The function returns a vector of such
#' IDAT prefixes under the directory.
#' @param dir.name the directory containing the IDAT files.
#' @param recursive search IDAT files recursively
#' @param use.basename basename of each IDAT path is used as sample name
#' This won't work in rare situation where there are duplicate IDAT files.
#' @return the IDAT prefixes (a vector of character strings).
#' @examples
#' ## only search what are directly under
#' IDATprefixes <- searchIDATprefixes(
#'     system.file("extdata", "", package = "sesameData"))
#' ## search files recursively is by default
#' IDATprefixes <- searchIDATprefixes(
#'     system.file(package = "sesameData"), recursive=TRUE)
#' @export
searchIDATprefixes <- function(dir.name,
    recursive = TRUE, use.basename = TRUE) {


    paths <- list.files(dir.name, '\\.idat(.gz)?$', recursive = recursive)
    prefixes <- unique(sub('_(Grn|Red).idat(.gz)?', '', paths))

    df <- data.frame(
        prefix=sub('_(Grn|Red).idat.*', '', paths),
        channel=sub('.*_(Grn|Red).idat.*', '\\1', paths))
    byprefix <- split(df, df$prefix)
    ## valid IDAT should has both Grn and Red
    is.valid <- vapply(byprefix, function(x) all(
        sort(x[,'channel']) == c('Grn','Red')), logical(1))
    prefixes <- names(is.valid)[is.valid]
    if (length(prefixes) == 0)
        stop("No IDAT file found.")

    prefixes <- file.path(dir.name, prefixes)
    ## set name attributes so that names are auto-assigned for
    ## lapply and mclapply
    if (use.basename) {
        names(prefixes) <- basename(prefixes)
    } else {
        names(prefixes) <- prefixes

#' Lookup address in one sample
#' Lookup address and transform address to probe
#' Translate data in chip address to probe address.
#' Type I probes can be separated into Red and Grn channels. The
#' methylated allele and unmethylated allele are at different
#' addresses. For type II probes methylation allele and unmethylated allele are
#' at the same address. Grn channel is for methylated allele and Red channel is
#' for unmethylated allele. The out-of-band signals are type I probes measured
#' using the other channel.
#' @param dm data frame in chip address, 2 columns: cy3/Grn and cy5/Red
#' @param mft a data frame with columns Probe_ID, M, U and col
#' @param min_beads minimum bead counts, otherwise masked
#' @return a SigDF, indexed by probe ID address
chipAddressToSignal <- function(dm, mft, min_beads = NULL) {

    ## Infinium-I
    mft1 <- mft[!is.na(mft$col),]
    tmpM <- dm[match(mft1$M, rownames(dm)),]
    tmpU <- dm[match(mft1$U, rownames(dm)),]
    sdf <- data.frame(
        col=mft1$col, mask=FALSE)

    if (!is.null(min_beads)) {
        sdf$mask <- (
            is.na(tmpM[,"GN"]) | is.na(tmpM[,"RN"]) |
            is.na(tmpU[,"GN"]) | is.na(tmpU[,"RN"]) |
            tmpM[,"GN"] < min_beads | tmpM[,"RN"] < min_beads |
            tmpU[,"GN"] < min_beads | tmpU[,"RN"] < min_beads)

    ## Infinium-II
    mft2 <- mft[is.na(mft$col),]
    if (nrow(mft2) > 0) {
        tmp <- dm[match(mft2$U, rownames(dm)),]
        s2 <- data.frame(
            MG=NA, MR=NA,
            col="2", mask=FALSE)

        if (!is.null(min_beads)) {
            s2$mask <- (
                is.na(tmp[,"GN"]) | is.na(tmp[,"RN"]) |
                tmp[,"GN"] < min_beads | tmp[,"RN"] < min_beads)
        sdf <- rbind(sdf, s2)
    sdf$col <- factor(sdf$col, levels=c("G","R","2"))
    sdf <- sdf[match(mft$Probe_ID, sdf$Probe_ID),] # always the mft order
    sdf <- structure(sdf, class=c("SigDF", "data.frame"))
    rownames(sdf) <- NULL

SigSetToSigDF <- function(sset) {
    df <- rbind(
            Probe_ID = rownames(sset@IG),
            MG = sset@IG[,"M"], MR = sset@oobR[,"M"],
            UG = sset@IG[,"U"], UR = sset@oobR[,"U"], col="G", mask=FALSE),
            Probe_ID = rownames(sset@IR),
            MG = sset@oobG[,"M"], MR = sset@IR[,"M"],
            UG = sset@oobG[,"U"], UR = sset@IR[,"U"], col="R", mask=FALSE),
            Probe_ID = rownames(sset@II),
            MG = NA, MR = NA,
            UG = sset@II[,"M"], UR = sset@II[,"U"], col="2", mask=FALSE))
    sdf <- structure(df, class=c("SigDF", "data.frame"))
    sdf$col <- factor(sdf$col, levels=c("G","R","2"))
    attr(sdf, "platform") <- sset@platform
    attr(sdf, "controls") <- sset@ctl
    rownames(sdf) <- NULL

#' Compute internal bisulfite conversion control
#' Compute GCT score for internal bisulfite conversion control. The function
#' takes a \code{SigSet} as input. The higher the GCT score, the more likely
#' the incomplete conversion.
#' @param sdf a SigDF
#' @param extR a vector of probe IDs for Infinium-I probes that extend to
#' converted A
#' @param extA a vector of probe IDs for Infinium-I probes that extend to
#' original A
#' @param verbose print more messages
#' @return GCT score (the higher, the more incomplete conversion)
#' @examples
#' sesameDataCache() # if not done yet
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.SigDF')
#' bisConversionControl(sdf)
#' ## For more recent platforms like EPICv2, MSA:
#' ## One need extR and extA of other arrays using the sesameAnno
#' \dontrun{
#' mft = sesameAnno_buildManifestGRanges(sprintf(
#'   "%s/EPICv2/EPICv2.hg38.manifest.tsv.gz",
#'   "https://github.com/zhou-lab/InfiniumAnnotationV1/raw/main/Anno/"),
#'   columns="nextBase")
#' extR = names(mft)[!is.na(mft$nextBase) & mft$nextBase=="R"]
#' extA = names(mft)[!is.na(mft$nextBase) & mft$nextBase=="A"]
#' }
#' @export
bisConversionControl <- function(sdf, extR=NULL, extA=NULL, verbose = FALSE) {

    platform <- sdfPlatform(sdf, verbose = verbose)
    if (platform %in% c('EPICplus','EPIC','HM450')) {
        extR <- sesameDataGet(paste0(platform, '.probeInfo'))$typeI.extC
        extA <- sesameDataGet(paste0(platform, '.probeInfo'))$typeI.extT
    stopifnot(!is.null(extR) && !is.null(extA))
    df <- InfIR(sdf)
    extR <- intersect(df$Probe_ID, extR)
    extA <- intersect(df$Probe_ID, extA)
    dR <- df[match(extR, df$Probe_ID),]
    dA <- df[match(extA, df$Probe_ID),]
    mean(c(dR$MG, dR$UG), na.rm=TRUE) / mean(c(dA$MG, dA$UG), na.rm=TRUE)

## retired functions:
## after 1.11
## bisConversionControl, SigSet class, updateSigSet, subsetSignal,
## makeExampleSeSAMeDataSet, makeExampleTinyEPICDataSet, saveMask, 
## restoreMask, buildControlMatrix450k, detectionPoobEcdf2,
## detectionPnegNormTotal, detectionPnegNormGS, detectionPfixedNorm,
## detectionPnegNorm, noobsb, IG2,IGR2,oobG2, oobR2ļ¼ŒSigSetMethod,
## SigSetList, SigSetsToRGChannelSet, RGChannelSetToSigSets,
## SigSetToRatioSet, parseGEOSignalABFile
## after 1.5.0
## R6 utility functions
zwdzwd/sesame documentation built on June 24, 2024, 6:34 p.m.