
Defines functions bioNetLegend bioMatrixLegend convertToZScores plotHeatmapColorScale getHeatmapColorScales showSupportedBioNetCircosPlotType sortOmicsDataByRow sortOmicsDataByColumn sortClinicalData getRelatedPlotData getPlotSummaryData getPlotOmicsData getPlotSampleData getPlotDataSet getCaOmicsVPlotTypes setCaOmicsVColors getCaOmicsVColors setDefaultNaStrings getDefaultNaStrings plotBioMatrix plotBioNetCircos

Documented in bioMatrixLegend bioNetLegend convertToZScores getCaOmicsVColors getCaOmicsVPlotTypes getDefaultNaStrings getHeatmapColorScales getPlotDataSet getPlotOmicsData getPlotSampleData getPlotSummaryData getRelatedPlotData plotBioMatrix plotBioNetCircos plotHeatmapColorScale setCaOmicsVColors setDefaultNaStrings showSupportedBioNetCircosPlotType sortClinicalData sortOmicsDataByColumn sortOmicsDataByRow

#    R Package for Cancer Genomic Data Visualization (caOmicsV) 
#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    Data types to  be visualized included:
#    1). Clinical information
#    2). Gene expression from microarray or Next Generation Sequencing
#    3). Copy number variations (deletions, insertions, and amplifications)
#    4). Mutations (mutation status presented with binary 0/1)
#    5). Methylations
#    Layouts included:
#    1)    BioNetCircos:    circos plot on network layout 
#    2)    Biomatix:        matrix layout
#    Created on August 8, 2014
#    Revised on March 18, 2015 in compliance with Bioconductor coding style
#    by Hongen Zhang, Ph.D. (hzhang@mail.nih.gov)
#    Genetics Branch
#    Center for Cancer Research 
#    National Cancer Institute
#    National Institutes of Health
#    Bethesda, Maryland 20892

#    Private Environment to hold caOmicsV objects such as node diameters, 
#    coordinates of each node center, coordinates of each data point ...
#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************

CA_OMICS_ENV  <- new.env()

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    A easy way to plot cancer genomic data with bioNetCircos layout
#    Arguments:
#    dataSet:        A list of objects containing all plot datasets, include:
#    sampleNames:    character vector, sample names to be plotted
#    geneNames:      character vector, names of genes for each row
#    sampleInfo:     data frame, sample information such as tissue type, 
#                    diagnosis, gender, age, et al.
#    heatmapData:    list of data frames, numeric data, maximum number
#                    of datasets included: 2, values should be log2
#                    transformed. The first column in each dataset must 
#                    be gene names same as geneNames above and column 
#                    names must be same as sampleNames above
#    categoryData:   list of data frames with categorical data, maximum
#                    number of datasets included: 2. The first column of 
#                    each dataset must be gene names same as geneNames 
#                    above and column names must be same as sampleNames
#    binaryData:     list of data frames with binary data (0/1), maximum
#                    number of datasets included: 3. The first column in  
#                    each dataset must be gene names same as geneNames  
#                    ablove and column names must be same as sampleNames
#    summaryData:    list of data frames, summarization for genes or for
#                    samples. Summary data for gene must have length of 
#                    sampleNames and summary data for samples must have 
#                    length of geneNames
#    graph:          an igraph object for customized graph plot. Total 
#                    number of nodes cannot be less than total number of 
#                    genes in each dataset.
#    heatmapColor:   character vector, one of
#                    BlueWhiteRed:   from blue to white then red
#                    GreenWhiteRed:  from green to white then red
#                    GreenYellowRed: from green to yellow then red
#                    GreenBlackRed:  from green to black then red
#                    YellowToRed:     from yellow to red
#                    BlackOnly:      default black colors
#    Returned value:    None
#    example:             plotBioNetCircos(dataSet)
#    Last revised on January 26, 2015

plotBioNetCircos<-function(dataSet, graph=NULL, heatmapMax=NULL, 
            heatmapMin=NULL, heatmapColor="BlueWhiteRed") {

    sampleNames  <- dataSet$sampleNames
    geneNames    <- dataSet$geneNames
    numOfSamples <- length(sampleNames)

    widthOfSample    <- 100
    widthBetweenNode <- 3
    lengthOfRadius   <- 10;

    numOfSampleInfo <- nrow(dataSet$sampleInfo) - 1
    numOfSummary <- ifelse(dataSet$summaryByRow, 0, col(dataSet$summaryInfo)-1)
    numOfHeatmap <- length(dataSet$heatmapData)
    numOfCategory <- length(dataSet$categoryData)
    numOfBinary <- length(dataSet$binaryData)

    dataNum <- sum(numOfSampleInfo, numOfSummary, numOfHeatmap, 
        numOfCategory, numOfBinary)

    trackheight <- 1.5
    widthOfPlotArea  <- dataNum*2*trackheight

    if(is.igraph(graph))  { 
            bioNet <- graph;
    } else { 
        if(numOfHeatmap<1) {stop("Data for graph not found.") }
        expr <- dataSet$heatmapData[[1]]
        bioNet <- bc3net(expr) 

    initializeBioNetCircos(bioNet, numOfSamples, widthOfSample, 
            lengthOfRadius, widthBetweenNode, widthOfPlotArea)
    caOmicsVColors <- getCaOmicsVColors()
    supportedType  <- getCaOmicsVPlotTypes()

        labelColor=caOmicsVColors[3], labelLocation="bottom", 

    inner <- lengthOfRadius/2
    outer <- inner + trackheight

    # sample data is in a data frame. First row is sample ID
    for(aSam in seq_len(nrow(dataSet$sampleInfo))[-1]) {

        print(paste("plot", supportedType[1]))
        groupInfo  <- as.character(dataSet$sampleInfo[aSam, ])
        sampleType <- unique(groupInfo)

        colorSet <- caOmicsVColors
                colorSet <- rainbow(length(sampleType))
        sampleColors <- rep(colorSet[1], length(sampleNames))

        for(colorItem in seq_len(length(sampleType))[-1]) {
            smapleIndex <- which(groupInfo == sampleType[colorItem])
            sampleColors[smapleIndex] <- colorSet[colorItem]

        groupInfo <- matrix(groupInfo, nrow=1)
        bioNetCircosPlot(dataValues=groupInfo, supportedType[1], 
                    outer, inner, sampleColors)

        inner <- outer + 0.5;  
        outer <- inner +  trackheight  

    for(aMap in seq_along(dataSet$heatmapData)) {
        print(paste("plot", supportedType[4]))

        exprData <- dataSet$heatmapData[[aMap]]
        bioNetCircosPlot(exprData, supportedType[4], outer, inner, 
                plotColors=heatmapColor, heatmapMax, heatmapMin)
        inner <- outer + 0.5;
        outer <- inner +  trackheight  

    for(aGroup in seq_along(dataSet$categoryData)) {

        print(paste("plot", supportedType[2]))

        categoryData <- dataSet$categoryData[[aGroup]]
        plotColors <- rep(caOmicsVColors[1], ncol(categoryData))
        bioNetCircosPlot(categoryData, supportedType[2], outer, 
            inner, plotColors)

        inner <- outer + 0.5;
        outer <- inner +  trackheight;  

    for(aGroup in seq_along(dataSet$binaryData)) {

        print(paste("plot", supportedType[3]))

        binaryData <- dataSet$binaryData[[aGroup]]
        plotColors <- rep(caOmicsVColors[1], ncol(binaryData))
        bioNetCircosPlot(binaryData, supportedType[3], outer, 
            inner, plotColors)

        inner <- outer + 0.5;
        outer <- inner +  trackheight  

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    A easy way to plot cancer genomic data with bioMAtrix layout
#    Arguments:
#    dataSet:       A list object containing all plot datasets, include:
#    sampleNames:    character vector, sample names to be plotted
#    geneNames:      character vector, names of genes for each row
#    sampleInfo:     data frame, sample information such as tissue type, 
#                    diagnosis, gender, age, et al.
#    heatmapData:    list of data frames, numeric data, maximum number
#                    of datasets included: 2, values should be log2
#                    transformed. The first column in each dataset must 
#                    be gene names same as geneNames above and column 
#                    names must be same as sampleNames above
#    categoryData:   list of data frames with categorical data, maximum
#                    number of datasets included: 2. The first column of 
#                    each dataset must be gene names same as geneNames 
#                    above and column names must be same as sampleNames
#    binaryData:     list of data frames with binary data (0/1), maximum
#                    number of datasets included: 3. The first column in  
#                    each dataset must be gene names same as geneNames  
#                    ablove and column names must be same as sampleNames
#    summaryData:    list of data frames, summarization for genes or for
#                    samples. Summary data for gene must have length of 
#                    sampleNames and summary data for samples must have 
#                    length of geneNames
#    graph:          an igraph object for customized graph plot. Total 
#                    number of nodes cannot be less than total number of 
#                    genes in each dataset.
#    heatmapColor:   character vector, one of
#                   BlueWhiteRed:   from blue to white then red
#                   GreenWhiteRed:  from green to white then red
#                   GreenYellowRed: from green to yellow then red
#                   GreenBlackRed:  from green to black then red
#                   YellowToRed:    from yellow to red
#                   BlackOnly:      default black colors
#    Returned value: None
#    Example:   plotBioMatrix(dataSet, summaryType="text", summarybyRow=TRUE);
#   Last revised on November 24, 2014

plotBioMatrix <- function(dataSet, summaryType=c("text", "bar"), 
            summarybyRow=TRUE, heatmapMax=NULL, heatmapMin=NULL, 
            heatmapColor="BlueWhiteRed") {

    if(is.null(dataSet$geneNames)) stop("Gene names must be provided.")
    numOfGenes <- length(dataSet$geneNames);

    if(is.null(dataSet$sampleNames)) stop("Sample names must be provided.")
    numOfSamples <- length(dataSet$sampleNames); 

    numOfPhenotypes <- nrow(dataSet$sampleInfo)-1;
    if(numOfPhenotypes<1) stop("Sample info must have two or more columns.")

    numOfHeatmap    <- length(dataSet$heatmapData);
    if(numOfHeatmap>2) stop("Number of headmap data is limited to 2.")

    numOfSummary    <- length(dataSet$summaryData);
    phenotypes      <- rownames(dataSet$sampleInfo)[-1];


    initializeBioMatrixPlot(numOfGenes, numOfSamples, numOfPhenotypes, 
        sampleHeight, sampleWidth, samplePadding,  rowPadding, 
        geneNameWidth, remarkWidth, summaryWidth, sampleNameHeight);

    showBioMatrixPlotLayout(dataSet$geneNames, dataSet$sampleNames, 
        phenotypes, dataSet$secondGeneNames);
    caOmicsVColors <- getCaOmicsVColors()

    for(aType in seq_len(numOfPhenotypes)) {

        rowIndex <- aType+1;
        sampleGroup <- as.character(dataSet$sampleInfo[rowIndex,])
        sampleTypes <- unique(sampleGroup);

        plotColors <- caOmicsVColors
        if (length(sampleTypes)>length(plotColors)) 
            plotColors <- rainbow(length(sampleTypes))

        sampleColors <- rep(plotColors[1], length(sampleGroup))
        for(aColor in seq_len(length(sampleTypes))[-1]) {  
            sampleIndex <- grep(sampleTypes[aColor], sampleGroup)
            sampleColors[sampleIndex] <- plotColors[aColor]   

        plotBioMatrixSampleData(aType, "phenotype", sampleColors)

        geneLabelX <- getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth()
        maxAreaX   <- getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()
        legendH    <- getBioMatrixLegendHeight()
        plotAreaH  <- getBioMatrixPlotAreaHeigth()
        sampleH    <- getBioMatrixSampleHeight()

        sampleLegendX <- geneLabelX + maxAreaX 
        sampleLegendY <- plotAreaH + legendH - length(sampleTypes)*sampleH
        colors <- plotColors[1:length(sampleTypes)]
        legend(sampleLegendX, sampleLegendY, legend=sampleTypes, 
                    fill=colors,  bty="n", xjust=0)

    for(aHeatmap in seq_len(numOfHeatmap)) {

        topStart <- ifelse(aHeatmap==1, 0, sampleHeight/2)

        heatmapData <- dataSet$heatmapData[[aHeatmap]]
        plotBioMatrixHeatmap(heatmapData, topAdjust=topStart,
                    maxValue=heatmapMax, minValue=heatmapMin)

    for(aCat in seq_along(dataSet$categoryData)) {
        categoryData <- dataSet$categoryData[[aCat]]
        totalCategory <- length(unique(as.numeric(categoryData)))

        plotColors <- rev(getCaOmicsVColors())
        if(totalCategory > length(plotColors)) { 
            stop("Too many categories to plot.") 

        plotBioMatrixCategoryData(categoryData, areaName="omicsData", 

    for(aBinary in seq_along(dataSet$binaryData)) {

        binaryData <- dataSet$binaryData[[aBinary]];
        plotBioMatrixBinaryData(binaryData, sampleColor=caOmicsVColors[4]);
        if(length(dataSet$binaryData)>1) {
            binaryData <- dataSet$binaryData[[2]];
            binaryData <- as.matrix(binaryData[,-1])
            plotBioMatrixBinaryData(binaryData, sampleColor=caOmicsVColors[3])

    for(aSum in seq_along(dataSet$summaryInfo)) {

        summaryData  <- dataSet$summaryInfo[[aSum]][, 2];
        summaryTitle <- colnames(dataSet$summaryInfo[[aSum]])[2];

        if(length(dataSet$heatmapData)>1) {
                remarkWidth <- getBioMatrixRemarkWidth();
                sampleWidth <- getBioMatrixSampleWidth();
                col2skip <- remarkWidth/sampleWidth + 2;
        } else {  col2skip <- 1; }

        plotBioMatrixRowNames(summaryTitle, areaName="phenotype", 
            colors="black", side="right", skipPlotColumns=col2skip);
        if(summaryType == "text") {
            plotBioMatrixRowNames(summaryData, "omicsData", 
                colors=caOmicsVColors[3], side="right", 
        }  else {
            plotBioMatrixBars(summaryData, caOmicsVColors[1], 
                areaName="omicsData", byRow=TRUE);

#   ________________________________________________________________________
#   ************************************************************************
#   Methods to get and set NA strings used by caOmicsV package

getDefaultNaStrings <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())

    return (caOmicsVEnvironment[["CA_OMICS_NA_STRING"]])

setDefaultNaStrings <- function(nullStrings) {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["CA_OMICS_NA_STRING"]] <- nullStrings

#   ________________________________________________________________________
#   ************************************************************************
#   Methods to get and set default plot colors for caOmicsV plot

getCaOmicsVColors <- function() {

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())


setCaOmicsVColors <- function(colorList=NULL)
    if(is.null(colorList)) {  
        colorList <- c("red", "blue", "black", "green", "cyan", 
                "brown", "magenta", "gold") 

    caOmicsVEnvironment <- NULL
    caOmicsVEnvironment <- get(CA_OMICS_NAME, envir=globalenv())
    caOmicsVEnvironment[["CA_OMICS_COLORS"]] <- colorList

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Method to get supported plot types

getCaOmicsVPlotTypes <- function() {

    supportedPlotTypes <- c("polygon", "bar", "points", "heatmap", 
        "line", "category", "binary")

    return (supportedPlotTypes)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Make plot dataset from data frames so that the plot could be handled 
#    automatically.
#    The input data should included:
#    1.  Sample information: required
#    2.  Continue (expression) numeric data for heatmap plot. Maximum two 
#        for bioMatrix layout
#    3.  One or more categorical dataset for colored outline of samples 
#        for bioMatrix layout or colored polygons for bioNetCircos layout
#    4.  One or more (total no more than 3) of binary dataset for point 
#        plots in bioMatrix layout or colored polygons in bioNetCircos layout
#    5.  Summary data (usually percentage in number or text) for extra rows  
#        below omics data area or extra columns on remark area in biomatrix 
#        layout or bar plot in bioNetCircos layout
#    All dataset should be sorted by row names and column names where apply. 
#    This could be done with supplemented methods in this script.
#    Arguments:
#        sampleNames:   character vector, names of samples to plot
#        geneNames:     character vector, names of genes to plot
#        sampleData:    data frame, sample information, with rows for samples 
#                       and columns for features. The first column must be 
#                       sample names
#        heatmapData: list of data frames, continue numeric data, maximum of 2
#        categoryData: list of data frames, categorical data, maximum of 2 
#        binaryData:  list of data frames, binary data (0/1), maximum of 2
#        summaryData: list of data frames, summarization for genes or samples
#        secondGeneNames: character vector, names of second set of genes to 
#                     select
#   Returned value: A list containing all data objects. Omics data will 
#                      be in data matrix with row and column names
#   Example:    dataSet <- getPlotDataSet(sampleNames, geneNames, sampleData, 
#                            heatmapData=list(A, B), categoryData=list(C, D), 
#                            binaryData=list(E, F), summaryData=list(G, H))
#   Last revised on March 4, 2015

getPlotDataSet<-function(sampleNames, geneNames, sampleData, heatmapData=list(), 
            categoryData=list(), binaryData=list(), summaryData=list(),
            secondGeneNames=NULL ) {

    numDataset <- c(length(heatmapData),length(categoryData),
    if(sum(numDataset) == 0) { 
        stop("There is at least one omics data to plot.") 

    if(is.null(sampleNames) || is.null(geneNames)) 
    { stop("Missing sampleNames or geneNames.") }

    sampleData <- data.frame(t(sampleData))
    sampleData <- as.matrix(sampleData)

    numOfHeatmapData <- length(heatmapData);
    if(numOfHeatmapData>0) {
        for(aData in 1:numOfHeatmapData) {
            theData <- heatmapData[[aData]]
            rownames(theData) <- as.character(theData[,1])
            heatmapData[[aData]] <- as.matrix(theData[,-1])

    numOfCategoryData <- length(categoryData);
    if(numOfCategoryData>0) {
        for(aData in 1:numOfCategoryData) {
            theData <- categoryData[[aData]]
            rownames(theData) <- as.character(theData[,1])
            categoryData[[aData]] <- as.matrix(theData[,-1])

    numOfBianryData <- length(binaryData)
    if(numOfBianryData>0) {
        for(aData in 1:numOfBianryData) {
            theData <- binaryData[[aData]]
            rownames(theData) <- as.character(theData[,1])
            binaryData[[aData]] <- as.matrix(theData[,-1])

    numOfSummaryData <- length(summaryData)
    if(numOfSummaryData>0) {
        for(aData in 1:numOfSummaryData) {
            theData <- summaryData[[aData]]
            rownames(theData) <- as.character(theData[,1])
            summaryData[[aData]] <- as.matrix(theData)

    return (list(sampleNames=sampleNames, geneNames=geneNames, 
                secondGeneNames=secondGeneNames, sampleInfo=sampleData, 
                heatmapData=heatmapData, categoryData=categoryData, 
                binaryData=binaryData, summaryInfo=summaryData) )

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Extract subset of sample information.
#    Arguments:
#        sampleNames: character vector, names of samples to select
#        sampleData:  data frame, column 1 must be sample names
#    Returned value:    a data frame with subset of input sample data with the 
#                       order same as sample names
#    Example:    sampleNames <- colnames(sampleData)[1:10]
#                sampleInfor <- getPlotSampleData(sampleData, sampleNames)
#    Last revised on October 24, 2014

getPlotSampleData<-function(sampleData, sampleNames) {

    if(is.data.frame(sampleData) == FALSE ) { 
        stop("sampleData must be a data frame.") 

    if(length(sampleNames) == 0)  stop("Sample names missing.") 

    columns <- which(as.character(sampleData[,1]) %in% sampleNames)
        stop("Missing or redundant samples found in sample data.")

    sampleData   <- sampleData[columns,]

    sampleNameOrder <- order(sampleNames);
    rowOrder <- order(as.character(sampleData[,1]))

    sampleData <- sampleData[rowOrder , ]
    sampleData <- sampleData[order(sampleNameOrder) , ]

    return (sampleData)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Extract required rows and columns from a omics data set and sort both row 
#    and columns based on the order of gene names and sample names.
#    Arguments:
#        omicsData: data frame with all samples and all genes
#        colNames:  character vector, names of columns to be extracted
#        rowNames:  character vector, names of rows to be extracted
#    Returned value:    data frame with subset of input data
#    Example:   exprData <- getPlotData(omicsData, colNames, rowNames)
#    Last revised on September 12, 2014

getPlotOmicsData<-function(omicsData, sampleNames, geneNames) {

    if(!is.data.frame(omicsData)) stop("OmicsData must be in data frame.")

    totalSamples <- length(sampleNames)
    totalGenes <- length(geneNames)

    columns <- which(colnames(omicsData) %in% sampleNames)
    if(length(columns)!=totalSamples) stop("Unable to match all samples.")
    subSet <- omicsData[, c(1, columns)]

    rows <- which(as.character(subSet[,1]) %in% geneNames)
    if(length(rows)!=totalGenes) stop("Unable to match all genes.")
    subSet <- subSet[rows, ]

    subSet <- sortOmicsDataByColumn(subSet, sampleNames)
    subSet <- sortOmicsDataByRow(subSet, geneNames)

    return (subSet)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Extract required rows and columns from a summary data set sorted by the 
#    order of genes names or the order of sample names
#    Arguments:
#        summaryData: data frame with summary data for each gene (rows are for
#                     genes and columns are summary values) or for each sample
#                     (rows are summary values and columns are sample names)
#        sampleNames: character vector, names of samples to be extracted
#        geneNames:  character vector, names of gene to be extracted
#   Returned value: data frame with subset of input data 
#   Example: mutatPercentage <- getPlotSummaryData(summaryData, 
#                                    sampleNames, geneNames)
#   Last revised on September 12, 2014

getPlotSummaryData <- function(summaryData, sampleNames=NULL, geneNames=NULL) {

    if(is.data.frame(summaryData) == FALSE) 
    { stop("Summary data must be in data frame.") }

    if(is.null(sampleNames) && is.null(geneNames))
    { stop("Either sample names or gene names must be defined.") }

    sampleID <- colnames(summaryData)[-1]
    geneID   <- as.character(summaryData[,1])

    if(is.null(geneNames)) {
        columns <- which(sampleID %in% sampleNames)
    if(length(columns) == 0) { stop("No column found.") }

        subSet  <- summaryData[, c(1, columns+1)]
        subSet  <- sortOmicsDataByColumn(subSet, sampleNames)

    } else if(is.null(sampleNames)) {

        rows <- which(geneID %in% geneNames)
    if(length(rows) == 0) { stop("No row found.") }

        subSet  <- summaryData[rows, ]
        subSet <- sortOmicsDataByRow(subSet, geneNames)

    } else { stop("Unable to get subset from summary data.") }

    return (subSet);

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Extract a subset of plot data that are associated to other plot data such 
#    as miRNA expression or DNA copy number variants that are related to a set 
#    of differentially expressed genes 
#    Arguments:
#    omicsData:   data frame, the dataset from which subset is extracted
#    linkData:    data frame, gene names and their related items. The first
#                 column must be the item to which the second is linked to
#    geneNames:   character vector, names of genes to which the second item
#                 are linked
#    Returned value:    a data frame of subset data
#    Example: plotdata <- getRelatedPlotData(omicsData=miRNASeq, 
#                           linkData=RNA_miRNA_link, geneNames=deGenes);

getRelatedPlotData<-function(omicsData, linkData, geneNames) {

    if(is.data.frame(omicsData) == FALSE || is.data.frame(linkData) == FALSE) 
        stop("OmicsData and link data must be in data frame.")

    if(is.character(geneNames) == FALSE || is.vector(geneNames) == FALSE ||
        length(geneNames) == 0) {
            stop("Incorrect gene names defined."); 

    totalGenes <- length(geneNames);
    totalSams  <- ncol(omicsData)-1;
    totalCol   <-  ncol(omicsData);

    subset <- data.frame(linkData[, 2], matrix(rep(0, totalGenes*totalSams), 
    colnames(subset) <- colnames(omicsData);

    for(aRow in 1:length(geneNames)) {

        aGene <- as.character(geneNames[aRow]);
        linkRow <- which(as.character(linkData[,1]) == aGene);
        anItem <- as.character(linkData[linkRow , 2])

        omicsRow <- which(as.character(omicsData[,1]) == anItem);
        if(length(omicsRow)!=1) stop("Incorrect defined items in omicsData.")

        subset[aRow, ] <- omicsData[omicsRow, ]

    return (subset);

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Sort the clinical data by one column defined by the byItem. 
#    Arguments:
#        clinicalData: A data frame with rows for samples and columns for 
#                        features. Sample names must be in the first column.
#        byItem: Character vector of a group feature (column header)
#    Return value: ordered clinical dataset
#    Example:   clinicalData <- sortClinicalData(clinicalData,"diagnosis")
#    Last revisited on June 19, 2014

sortClinicalData <- function(clinicalData, byItem) {

    if(is.null(clinicalData) || is.null(byItem))
        stop("Missing input data or sort item.\n") 

    if(is.data.frame(clinicalData) == FALSE)
        stop("Input dataset must be data frame!\n") 

    if(is.character(byItem) == FALSE || is.vector(byItem) == FALSE)
        stop("Sort item must be a character vector.\n") 

    theCol <- which(colnames(clinicalData) == byItem)
    if(length(theCol) == 0) 
        stop(paste(byItem, "column not find!\n"))

        stop(paste("Find more than one column for", byItem, "!\n"))

    groupData <- clinicalData[order(as.character(clinicalData[, 1])), ]
    clinicalData <- groupData[order(groupData[, theCol]), ]


#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Sort the omics data by column header so that the columns of omics data  
#    will be in a specific order, e.g, all tumors followed by all normals.
#    Arguments:
#        omicsData: A data frame that holds genomic data such as gene 
#                    expression, SNV, RNASeq ....  The column must be 
#                    the sample names that are same as the sample names 
#                    in clinical data.
#        sampleNames: Character vector, sample names in a given order 
#                     (such as diagnosis). No redundant allowed
#    Return value: Ordered omics dataset in a data frame
#    Example:   omicsData <- sortOmicsDataByColumn(omicsData, sampleNames)
#    Last revisited on October 20, 2014

sortOmicsDataByColumn <- function(omicsData, sampleNames) {

    if( is.null(omicsData) || length(sampleNames) == 0) 
            stop("Missing input data or sort item.\n") 

    if( is.data.frame(omicsData) == FALSE)  
            stop("Input data must be in a data frame!\n") 

    if((ncol(omicsData)-1) != length(sampleNames))  
            stop("Sample sizes different!\n") 

    if(length(unique(sampleNames)) != length(sampleNames))
            stop("Find redundant column headers!\n")

    omicsSamples <- colnames(omicsData)[-1]
    if(length(unique(omicsSamples)) != length(omicsSamples))
        stop("Find redundent sample names in omics data!\n")

    sampleNameOrder <- order(sampleNames)
    omicsSampleOrder <- order(omicsSamples);

    groupSamples <- sampleNames[sampleNameOrder ]
    omicsSamples  <- omicsSamples[omicsSampleOrder];
    if(sum(groupSamples == omicsSamples) != length(sampleNames))
        stop("Sample name mismatch Found."); 

    omicsData <- omicsData[, c(1, omicsSampleOrder+1)]
    omicsData <- omicsData[, c(1, order(sampleNameOrder)+1)]

    omicsSamples <- colnames(omicsData)[-1]
    if(sum(sampleNames == omicsSamples) != length(sampleNames)) 
        stop("This message should never be reported!\n") 

    return (omicsData)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Sort omics data by row (genes) so that the rows of omics data is in an  
#    specific order same as the geneNames
#    Arguments:
#        omicsData: A data frame that holds genomic data such as gene 
#                   expression, SNV, RNASeq ....  The column must be the 
#                   sample names that are same as the sample names in 
#                   clinical data.
#        geneNames: Character vector, gene names in a given order (such as by
#                    p values). Redundant gene names is allowed.
#    Return value:  Ordered omics dataset in a data frame
#    Example:   omicsData <- sortOmicsDataByRow(omicsData, geneNames)
#    Last revisited on October 20, 2014

sortOmicsDataByRow <- function(omicsData, geneNames) {

    if( is.null(omicsData) || length(geneNames) == 0) 
        stop("Missing input data or sort item.\n") 

    if( is.data.frame(omicsData) == FALSE)  
        stop("Input data must be in a data frame!\n") 

    if(nrow(omicsData) != length(geneNames))  
        stop("Row sizes different!\n") 

    omicsGenes <- as.character(omicsData[, 1])
    geneNameOrder <- order(geneNames)
    omicsGeneOrder <- order(omicsGenes)

    theGeneNames <- geneNames[geneNameOrder]
    theomicsGenes  <- omicsGenes[omicsGeneOrder];
    if(sum(theGeneNames == theomicsGenes) != length(geneNames))
        stop("Gene name mismatch Found.")

    omicsData <- omicsData[omicsGeneOrder, ]
    omicsData <- omicsData[order(geneNameOrder), ]

    omicsGenes <- as.character(omicsData[, 1])
    if(sum(geneNames == omicsGenes) != length(geneNames)) 
        stop("This message should never be reported!\n")

    return (omicsData)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Print out supported circos plot types for biological network plot
#    Arguments:     None
#    Returned value:    None
#    Example:   supportedBioNetCircosPlotType()
#    Last revised on July 14, 2014

showSupportedBioNetCircosPlotType <- function() {

    cat("Currently supported plot type:\n\n")
    cat("1. group (for sample inforamtion, such as case/control),\n")
    cat("2. bar (for data values between 0 an 1),\n")
    cat("3. points (such as copy number variation),\n")
    cat("4. heatmap (such as gene expression),\n")
    cat("5. line\n")

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Create color map for heatmap plot. This is adopted from RCircos package
#    Arguments:
#        colorType: character vector, one of following:
#            BlueWhiteRed:  colors from blue to white then red
#            GreenWhiteRed: colors from green to white then red
#            GreenYellowRed: colors from green to yellow then red
#            GreenBlackRed: colors from green to black then red
#            YellowToRed:   colors from yellow to red
#            BlackOnly: default black colors
#    Example:   internal use only
#    Last revised on October 28, 2013 

getHeatmapColorScales<-function(colorType) {

    allOnes  <- seq(1, 1, length=256)
    allZeros <- seq(0, 0, length=256)
    one2zeor <- seq(1, 0, length=256)
    zero2one <- seq(0, 1, length=256)

    #   Blue, White, and Red
    #   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    if(colorType == "BlueWhiteRed") {

        blueRamp <- rgb(zero2one, zero2one, allOnes)
        redRamp  <- rgb(allOnes, one2zeor, one2zeor)
        colorRamp <- cbind(blueRamp, redRamp)

    #   Green, White, and Red
    #   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    } else if (colorType == "GreenWhiteRed") {

        redRamp   <- rgb(allOnes, one2zeor, one2zeor)
        greenRamp <- rgb(zero2one, allOnes, zero2one)
        colorRamp <- cbind(greenRamp, redRamp)

    #   Green, Yellow, and Red
    #   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    } else if (colorType == "GreenYellowRed"){

        redRamp <- rgb(allOnes, one2zeor, allZeros)
        greenRamp <- rgb(zero2one, allOnes, allZeros)
        colorRamp <- cbind(greenRamp, redRamp)

    #   Green, Black, and Red
    #   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    } else if (colorType == "GreenBlackRed"){

        redRamp <- rgb( zero2one, allZeros, allZeros)
        greenRamp <- rgb(allZeros, one2zeor, allZeros)
        colorRamp <- cbind(greenRamp, redRamp)

    #   Yellow to Red
    #   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    } else if (colorType == "YellowToRed") {
        colorRamp <- rgb(allOnes, one2zeor, allZeros)

    #   black only
    #   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    } else {
        colorRamp <- rgb(one2zeor, one2zeor, one2zeor)
        cat(paste("Warning: an unsupported color type",
                "defined and black will be used!\n"))

    return (colorRamp)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Plot a color scale for heatmap. This function is called by legend plot 
#    function and is not intended for direct call by users.
#    Arguments:
#        coorX:  numeric, x coordinates for the top left of color scale
#        coorY:  numeric, y coordinates for the top left of color scale
#        scaleWidth:  non-negative numeric, width of color scale
#        scaleHeight: non-negative numeric, height of color scale
#        colorType: character vector, one of following:
#            BlueWhiteRed:  colors from blue to white then red
#            GreenWhiteRed:  colors from green to white then red
#            GreenYellowRed: colors from green to yellow then red
#            GreenBlackRed:  colors from green to black then red
#            YellowToRed:    colors from yellow to red
#            BlackOnly:      default black colors
#        minValue:  The smallest value associated with the lowest color
#        maxValue:  The highest value associated with the highest color
#        direction: character, either "h" for horizotal or "v" for vertical
#    Returned value: None
#    Example:   plotHeatmapColorScale(coorX=100, coorY=-300, 
#                    scaleWidth=100, scaleHeight=10, 
#                    colorType="BlueWhiteRed", 
#                    minValue=-10, maxValue=10)
#   Last revised on September 24, 2014

plotHeatmapColorScale <- function(coorX, coorY, colorType="BlueWhiteRed", 
        scaleWidth, scaleHeight, minValue, maxValue, direction="h") {

    if(length(coorX) == 0 || length(coorY) == 0)
        stop("x and y coordinatges for color scale must be defined.")

    if(length(scaleWidth) == 0 || length(scaleHeight) == 0 || 
        scaleWidth<0 || scaleHeight<0)
        stop("scaleWidth and scaleHeight must be defined as non-negative.")

    if(is.null(minValue) || is.null(maxValue) ) {
        stop("minValue and maxValue must be defined.")

    direction <- tolower(direction)
    if(direction != "h" && direction != "v") 
        stop("Color scale direction should be h or v")

    colorRamp <- getHeatmapColorScales(colorType)
    totalRect <- nrow(colorRamp)*ncol(colorRamp)

    if(direction == "h") {

        rectWidth <- scaleWidth/totalRect
        rectHeight <- scaleHeight

        yTop <- coorY
        yBottom <- yTop - scaleHeight

        for(aRect in 1:totalRect) {

            xLeft <-  coorX + (aRect-1)*rectWidth
            xRight <- xLeft + rectWidth

            rect(xLeft, yBottom, xRight, yTop, col=colorRamp[aRect],  
                        border = NA)

        text(coorX, coorY-(scaleHeight/2), minValue, pos=2)
        text(coorX+scaleWidth, coorY-(scaleHeight/2), maxValue, pos=4)

    } else {
        rectWidth  <- scaleHeight
        rectHeight <- scaleWidth/totalRect

        xLeft <-  coorX
        xRight <- xLeft + rectWidth

        for(aRect in totalRect:1) {

            yTop <- coorY - (aRect-1)*rectHeight
            yBottom <- yTop - rectHeight
            rect(xLeft, yBottom, xRight, yTop, col=colorRamp[aRect],  
                border = NA)

        text(coorX+(rectWidth/2), coorY, minValue, pos=3)
        text(coorX+(rectWidth/2), coorY-scaleHeight, maxValue, pos=1)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Convert numeric matrix to z-scores by row
#    Argument: a data frame with first column as row ID
#    Returned value:    A data frame with z scores for each row
#    Example:        zscores <- getZScores(exprData);
#    Last revised on Dec 16, 2014

convertToZScores <- function(exprData) {

    if(is.data.frame(exprData) == FALSE) 
        stop("Input data must be data frame with first column as row ID.")

    zscore <- as.matrix(exprData[,-1])
    for(aRow in 1:nrow(exprData)) {
        theExpr <- as.numeric(zscore[aRow,]);
        aMean <- mean(theExpr);
        aSD   <- sd(theExpr);
        zscore[aRow,] <- (theExpr-aMean)/aSD;

    return (data.frame(Gene=as.character(exprData[,1]), zscore));

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Add legend to biomatrix layout to show heatmap scale, category definition,
#    and binary data definition.  
#    Arguments:
#        heatmapNames:  character vector, names of heatmap data
#        categoryNames: character vector, definition of categories
#        bionaryNames:  character vector, definition of binary items
#        HeatmapMin:    numeric, minimum value for heatmap
#        HeatmapMax:    numeric, maximum value for heatmap
#        colorType: character vector, default: "BlueWhiteRed", 
#                    other valid values are "GreenWhiteRed", "GreenYellowRed",
#                    "GreenBlackRed", "YellowToRed", and "BlackOnly"
#    Returned value: none
#    Example: bioMatrixLegend(heatmapNames=c("RNA", "miRNA"),
#            categoryNames=c("Methylation High", "Methylation Low")
#            binaryNames=c("DNA Amplification", "DNA deletion") )
#   Last revised on: January 30, 2015

bioMatrixLegend <- function(heatmapNames=NULL, categoryNames=NULL, 
            binaryNames=NULL, heatmapMin=-3, heatmapMax=3,
            colorType="BlueWhiteRed") {

    if(length(heatmapNames)>0) {

        colScalePosX <- getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth();
        colScalePosY <- 0.25;
        scaleLength <- floor(getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()/3);

        plotHeatmapColorScale(coorX=colScalePosX, coorY=colScalePosY, 
            colorType=colorType, scaleWidth=scaleLength, scaleHeight=0.4,
            minValue=heatmapMin, maxValue=heatmapMax);

            textPosX <- getBioMatrixGeneLabelWidth();
            textPosY <- -0.45;

            if (length(heatmapNames) == 1) {
                    scaleText <- heatmapNames;
            } else if(length(heatmapNames) == 2) {
                    scaleText <- paste("Top: ", heatmapNames[1], "  ", 
                                    "Bottom: ", heatmapNames[2])
            } else { stop("Incorrect heatmap names defined.") }

            text(textPosX, textPosY, scaleText, pos=4, offset=0)

    if(length(categoryNames)>0) {
        legendX <- floor(getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()/2) + 1
        legendY <- 0.5
        borderColors <- rev(getCaOmicsVColors())
        legend(legendX, legendY, legend=categoryNames, fill="white",  
            border=borderColors[1:length(categoryNames)], bty="n",
            xjust=0, yjust=1)

    if(length(binaryNames)>0) {
        legendX <- floor(getBioMatrixDataAreaWidth()/4*3) + 2
        legendY <- 0.5
        caOmicsVColors <- getCaOmicsVColors()
        legend(legendX, legendY, legend=binaryNames, pch=19, 
            col=c(caOmicsVColors[4], caOmicsVColors[3]), 
            bty="n", xjust=0, yjust=1)

#    __________________________________________________________________________
#    **************************************************************************
#    Add legend to bioNetCircos layout to show heatmap scale, category 
#    definition, and binary data definition. 
#    Arguments:
#        dataNames:     character vector, names of dataset(s) to be ploted
#        textCoor:      numeric vector of length 2, x and y coordinates to
#                       plot text
#        heatmapCoor:   numeric vector of length 2, x and y coordinates to
#                      plot color scale
#        scaleWidth:    non-negative numeric , width of color scale in inch
#        scaleHeight:   non-negative numeric , height of color scale in inch 
#        minHeatmap:    numeric, minimum value for heatmap, default -3
#        maxHeatmap:    numeric, maximum value for heatmap, default 3 
#        colorType:     character vector, default: "BlueWhiteRed", other valid 
#                       values are "GreenWhiteRed", "GreenYellowRed",
#                       "GreenBlackRed", "YellowToRed", and "BlackOnly"
#        direction:     character, either "h" for horizontal or "v" for vertical
#   Returned value: none
#   Example: bioMatrixLegend(dataNames=c("RNASeq", "miRNASeq",
#                    "Methylation", "DNA Amplification"), textCoor=c(10, 10)
#                    scaleWidth=4, scaleHeight=0.25)
#   Last revised on: January 30, 2015

bioNetLegend <- function(dataNames, textCoor=NULL, heatmapCoor=NULL, 
            scaleWidth, scaleHeight, heatmapMin=-3, heatmapMax=3, 
            colorType="BlueWhiteRed", direction="h") {

    bioNetGraph <- getBioNetGraph()
    if(is.null(bioNetGraph$layout) == TRUE)
        stop("Node layout has not been initialized.\n") 

    RangeX <- range(bioNetGraph$layout[,1])
    RangeY <- range(bioNetGraph$layout[,2])

    if(length(heatmapCoor) != 2) {
        heatmapCoor <- c(RangeX[2], RangeY[2])
        scaleWidth <- RangeX[2]*0.25
        scaleHeight <- RangeY[2]*0.05
            coorY=heatmapCoor[2], colorType=colorType, 
            scaleWidth=scaleWidth, scaleHeight=scaleHeight, 
            minValue=heatmapMin, maxValue=heatmapMax, 

    if(length(textCoor) !=2 ) 
        textCoor <- c(RangeX[2], RangeY[2]-scaleHeight*2)

    text(textCoor[1], textCoor[2], "From center to outer:", pos=4)
    legend(textCoor[1], textCoor[2], legend=dataNames, pch=19, 
            bty="n", xjust=0, yjust=1);

#   Last modified on May 18, 2015
#   __________________________________________________________________________

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caOmicsV documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:23 p.m.