# writeResults.R
# description: provides methods to write obejcts to files
# Author: stefan <>
# library(seqinr)
# generic function for writing a complete configuration object into an folder(=file)
setMethod ("write" , signature("configuration", file="character"),
function (x, file, ncolumns = NULL, append = FALSE, sep = " ") {
file = removeSpecialCharacters(paste(x@experiment_description,gsub(":","-",gsub(" ","",x@id)),"config","yml",sep="."))
msg = cat('existing file ',file, ' was overwritten ...\n')
vals.lst = vector(mode='list')
for(x.val in slotNames(x)) {
if( length(slot(x, x.val)) > 1 )
vals.lst = append(vals.lst,list(slot(x, x.val)))
else if( length(slot(x, x.val)) == 1 )
vals.lst = append(vals.lst,slot(x, x.val))
vals.lst = append(vals.lst,NA)
names(vals.lst) = slotNames(x)
# convert configuration list to yaml
x.yml = as.yaml(vals.lst)
# write to file
res = try(write(x.yml, file = file))
# catch errors
cat('could not save configuration to file...\n')
# generic function for writing a complete run object into an folder(=file)
setMethod ("write" , signature("cobindr", file="character"),
function (x, file , ncolumns = NULL, append = FALSE, sep = " ") {
# file is used as path that will be the taregt dir bfor all written files
if(is.null(file) || file==""){
file = getwd()
# print(x)
dir.create(file, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = FALSE, mode = "0755")
uid = slot(x, "uid")
name = slot(x, "name")
f = removeSpecialCharacters(paste(name,gsub(":","-",gsub(" ","",uid)),sep=".")) #general file part for all files
file = paste(file, f,sep="/") #added path to file
#write single parts of object:
print(paste('writing sequences to:', paste(file, "sequences","fasta",sep="."), '...',sep=" "))
write.sequences(x, "sequences", paste(file, "sequences","fasta",sep="."))
print(paste('writting bg_sequences to:', paste(file, "bg_sequences","fasta",sep="."), '...',sep=" "))
write.sequences(x, "bg_sequences", paste(file, "bg_sequences","fasta",sep="."))
print(paste('writing tfbs pairs to:', paste(file, "pairs","bed",sep="."), '...',sep=" "))
write.table(get.pairs(x), paste(file, "pairs","bed",sep="."),sep="\t")
print(paste('writing binding sites to:', paste(file, "bindingsites","bed",sep="."), '...',sep=" "))
write.bindingsites(x, paste(file, "bindingsites","bed",sep="."))
print(paste('writing configuration to:', paste(file, "config","yml",sep="."), '...',sep=" "))
write(x@configuration, paste(file, "config","yml",sep="."))
print(paste('writing description to:', paste(file, "description","txt",sep="."), '...',sep=" "))
write(x@desc, paste(file, "description","txt",sep="."))
print(paste('wrote', class(x)[1],':', x@name))
# generic function for writing a complete SeqObj into an file
# based on write.fasta of library seqinr - no definition of generic method necessary
setMethod ("write.fasta", signature(sequence="SeqObj"),
function (sequences,names, file.out, open, nbchar) {
#fasta sequence
seqs = as.character(slot(sequences, "sequence"))
#additional information for fasta header
uid = slot(sequences, "uid")
name = slot(sequences, "name")
if (exists(as.character(substitute(slot(sequences, "location"))))) {
tmp_loc = slot(sequences, "location")
} else {tmp_loc = NA}
if( {
header = paste(slot(sequences, "uid"),
slot(sequences, "name"),
slot(sequences, "species"),
slot(sequences, "comment"),
} else {header=names}
#create filename
if ( {
file.out = removeSpecialCharacters(paste(gsub(":","-",gsub(" ","",uid)), name,"fasta",sep="."))
file.out = uniqueFilename(file.out)
# Write the sequences TO file:
write.fasta(sequences = seqs, names = header, nbchar = nbchar, file.out = file.out, open=open)
#write output of findPairs to file
# setMethod ("write.pairs", signature(x="cobindr"),
# function(x, file=NULL, background=FALSE) {
# if(is.null(file)){
# file = removeSpecialCharacters(paste(x@name,gsub(":","-",gsub(" ","",x@uid)),"pairs","tsv",sep="."))
# #check if filename exists and change if so
# file = uniqueFilename(file)
# }
# if(exists(as.character(substitute(x@pairs))) && length(x@pairs)>0){
# seq_slot = "sequences"
# pair_slot = "pairs"
# bs_slot = "binding_sites"
# seq_type = "sequence_type"
# if (background) {
# seq_slot = "bg_sequences"
# pair_slot = "bg_pairs"
# bs_slot = "bg_binding_sites"
# seq_type = "bg_sequence_type"
# }
# if (any(grep('\\.bed', file))) {
# # get locations from orig. sequences and extract position of TFBS:
# seqUIDs = slot(x, pair_slot)$seqObj_uid
# bed_locs = lapply(slot(x, seq_slot), function(i) c(i@uid,i@location))
# bed_locs = matrix(unlist(bed_locs),ncol=2, byrow=T)
# bed_locs = matrix(unlist(strsplit(bed_locs[match(seqUIDs, bed_locs[,1]),2],":")), ncol=3, byrow=T)
# bed_locs = data.frame(as.character(bed_locs[,1]),as.numeric(bed_locs[,2]),as.numeric(bed_locs[,3]))
# # names
# bed_names = paste(slot(x, pair_slot)$seqObj_uid,gsub(' ' ,'-',slot(x, pair_slot)$pair),sep="-")
# # score = distance between pairs
# bed_distance = slot(x, pair_slot)$distance
# # strand - always set "+"
# bed_strand = rep("+",dim(slot(x, pair_slot))[1])
# # thickstart
# bs1 = slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid1,]
# bs2 = slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid2,]
# bed_thickstart = sapply(1:dim(bs1)[1],function(i) min(bs1$start[i], bs1$end[i], bs2$start[i], bs2$end[i])+bed_locs[i,2])
# # thickend
# bed_thickend = sapply(1:dim(bs1)[1],function(i) max(bs1$start[i], bs1$end[i], bs2$start[i], bs2$end[i])+bed_locs[i,2])
# # blockcounts
# bed_bc = 2
# # blockSizes
# bed_bs =apply(data.frame(
# slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid1,]$end - slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid1,]$start,
# # slot(x,pair_slot)$distance,
# slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid2,]$end - slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid2,]$start),1, function(i) paste(i, collapse=","))
# # blockStarts
# bed_bstarts = apply(data.frame(
# # bed_locs[,2] +
# slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid1,]$start,
# # slot(x,pair_slot)$distance,
# # bed_locs[,2] +
# slot(x, bs_slot)[slot(x, pair_slot)$bs_uid2,]$start ),1, function(i) paste(i, collapse=","))
# bed_rgb = rep("255,255,255", nrow(bed_locs))
# # compose final BED table
# bed.output = data.frame(bed_locs,
# bed_names,
# bed_distance,
# bed_strand,
# bed_thickstart,
# bed_thickend,
# bed_rgb
# # , bed_bc, bed_bs, bed_bstarts
# )
# colsBed = paste("#chr","start", "end"
# , "name", "distance", "strand"
# ,"areaOfInterest_start", "areaOfInterest_end", "color",sep="\t")
# #if somethings runs out of defined ranges:
# bed.output[which(bed.output$end < bed.output$areaOfInterest_end),]$areaOfInterest_end = bed.output[which(bed.output$end < bed.output$areaOfInterest_end),]$end
# #first write BED-Header
# write(paste("track name=\"pairs_",x@name,"\" description=\"detected pairs of motifs. ",x@desc,"\" useScore=1\n",colsBed, sep=""),file=file)
# #write data to BED file
# write.table(bed.output, file=file, sep="\t", quote=F,row.names=F,col.names=F,append=TRUE)
# print(paste('wrote pairs to: ',file,sep=""))
# } else {
# pair_tab = cbind(x@pairs, x@uid, x@name)
# colnames(pair_tab)[c(dim(pair_tab)[2]-1,dim(pair_tab)[2])] = c("uid","name")
# write.table(x@pairs, file=file, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep="\t", dec=".")
# print(paste('wrote pairs to: ',file,sep=""))
# }
# }else{
# cat('no pairs to write')
# }
# }
# )
#write bindings sites as table
setMethod ("write.bindingsites.table", signature(x="cobindr"),
function(x, file=NULL){
stop('object does not contain any binding sites')
file = removeSpecialCharacters(paste(x@name,gsub(":","-",gsub(" ","",x@uid)),"bindingsites","csv",sep="."))
file = uniqueFilename(file)
bs.ranges = get.bindingsite.ranges(x)
bs_tab = data.frame(as.character(x@binding_sites$seqObj_uid),
colnames(bs_tab) = c("seqObj_uid", "seqObj_name", "pwm", "hit_start", "hit_end", "hit_width", "hit_strand", "hit_score", "hit_sequence")
write.table(bs_tab, file=file, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep="\t", dec=".", quote=F)
print(paste('wrote binding sites as table to: ',file,sep=""))
cat('Object contains no binding sites.\n')
#write binding sites as BED file
setMethod ("write.bindingsites", signature(x="cobindr"),
function(x, file=NULL, background=FALSE){
fname = "bindingsites"
bs_slot = "binding_sites"
seq_slot = "sequences"
seq_type = "sequence_type"
if (background) {
fname = "bg_bindingsites"
bs_slot = "bg_binding_sites"
seq_slot = "bg_sequences"
seq_type = "bg_sequence_type"
if (length(slot(x, bs_slot))==0) {
print('object does not contain any binding sites')
else {
if (is.null(file)) {
file = removeSpecialCharacters(paste(x@name,gsub(":","-", gsub(" ","",x@uid)),x@configuration@species,fname,"bed",sep="."))
file = uniqueFilename(file)
if (exists(as.character(substitute(slot(x, bs_slot)))) && length(slot(x, bs_slot)) > 0) {
if(slot(slot(x, "configuration"), seq_type) =="geneid"){
# get locations from orig. sequences and extract position of TFBS:
locs = lapply(slot(x, seq_slot)[slot(x, bs_slot)$seqObj_uid], function(i) slot(i, "location"))
locs = matrix(unlist(strsplit(as.character(locs),":")), ncol=4, byrow=T)
locs = data.frame(locs[,1],as.numeric(locs[,2]),as.numeric(locs[,3]),locs[,4])
# create BED formatted table
bed.output = data.frame(
locs[,2] + slot(x, bs_slot)$start,
locs[,2] + slot(x, bs_slot)$end,
# name:
paste(slot(x, bs_slot)$seqObj_uid,
as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$pwm),as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$seq),as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$source),sep="-"),
# score ad strand
as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$score),
ifelse (slot(x, bs_slot)$strand==1, "+","-"))
colnames(bed.output) = c("# chr","start", "end", "source_sequence_uid-name","hit_score", "source_strand") #"seq", "start_pos", "end_pos", "identified_by")
#first write BED-Header
write(paste("track name=\"",x@name,"\" description=\"",x@desc,"\" useScore=1",sep=""),file=file)
#write data to BED file
write.table(bed.output, file=file, sep="\t", quote=F,row.names=F,append=TRUE)
print(paste('wrote binding sites to: ',file,sep=""))
} else if (slot(slot(x, "configuration"), seq_type) =="chipseq") {
# get locations from orig. sequences and extract position of TFBS:
#extract seqObj information
locs = lapply(slot(x, seq_slot), function(i) c(i@uid,i@location))
locs = matrix(unlist(locs),ncol=2, byrow=T)
seqs = slot(x, bs_slot)$seqObj_uid
locs = matrix(unlist(strsplit(locs[match(seqs, locs[,1]),2],":")), ncol=3, byrow=T)
locs = data.frame(as.character(locs[,1]),as.numeric(locs[,2]),as.numeric(locs[,3]))
# create BED formatted table
bed.output = data.frame(
locs[,2] + slot(x, bs_slot)$start,
locs[,2] + slot(x, bs_slot)$end,
# name:
paste(slot(x, bs_slot)$seqObj_uid,
as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$pwm),as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$seq),as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$source),sep="-"),
# score ad strand
as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$score),
ifelse (slot(x, bs_slot)$strand==1, "+","-"))
colsBed = paste("# chr","start", "end", "source_sequence_uid-name","hit_score", "source_strand",sep="\t")
# write output to file:
write(paste("track name=\"",x@name,"\"\n#description=\"",bs_slot,"; ",x@desc,"\"\n",colsBed, sep=""),file=file)
# write data to BED file
write.table(bed.output, file=file, sep="\t", quote=F,row.names=F, col.names=F,append=TRUE)
print(paste('wrote binding sites to: ',file,sep=""))
} else {
bed.output = data.frame(
slot(x, bs_slot)$seqObj_uid,
slot(x, bs_slot)$start,
slot(x, bs_slot)$end,
as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$pwm),
slot(x, bs_slot)$score,
ifelse (slot(x, bs_slot)$strand==1, "+","-"),
as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$seq),
as.character(slot(x, bs_slot)$source))
colnames(bed.output) = c("# source_sequence_uid", "hit_start","hit_end", "pwm", "hit_score", "source_strand", "pwm_sequence", "identified_by")
# write output to file:
write(paste("track name=\"",x@name,"\"\n#description=\"",bs_slot,"; ",x@desc,"\"",sep=""),file=file)
# write data to BED file
write.table(bed.output, file=file, sep="\t", quote=F,row.names=F, col.names=T,append=TRUE)
print(paste('wrote binding sites to: ',file,sep=""))
#write the sequences of a cobindr object (object@sequences) into fasta file:
#writeSequences = function(object, slotname= "sequences", file=NULL){
setMethod ("write.sequences", signature(x="cobindr"),
function(x, slotname= "sequences", file=NULL){
if(length(slot(x, slotname))> 0){
uid = slot(x, "uid")
name = slot(x, "name")
file = removeSpecialCharacters(paste(name,gsub(":","-",gsub(" ","",uid)),slotname,"fasta",sep="."))
file = uniqueFilename(file)
# write all seqObj of list into a single file:
seqs = lapply(slot(x, slotname), function(seqObj) as.character(slot(seqObj, "sequence")))
fasta_header = lapply(slot(x, slotname), function(seqObj) {
uid = slot(seqObj, "uid")
name = slot(seqObj, "name")
if (exists(as.character(substitute(slot(seqObj, "location"))))) {
tmp_loc = slot(seqObj, "location")
} else {tmp_loc = NA}
header = paste(slot(seqObj, "uid"),
slot(seqObj, "name"),
slot(seqObj, "species"),
slot(seqObj, "comment"),
} )
names(seqs) = fasta_header
# Write the sequences TO file:
write.fasta(sequences = seqs, names = names(seqs), nbchar = 80, file.out = file, open="w")
} else cat("Error, object is empty!\n")
# create a unique file for a given string
# 2013-01-08: This method does not belong to a class
# This should be an internal method.
uniqueFilename = function(file){
parts = unlist(strsplit(file,"\\."))
prefix = paste(parts[1:length(parts)-1], collapse = '.')
suffix = parts[length(parts)]
file = paste(prefix,"_",i,".",suffix,sep="")
# remove all special character from string to avoid problems
# 2013-01-08: This method does not belong to a class
# This should be an internal method
removeSpecialCharacters = function(string){
string = gsub(" ","",string)
string = gsub("[^[:alnum:]\\._-]","_",string)
# function returns binding site as GRanges object (package: GenomicFeatures) which is easy to
# write to bed or gff files ( export(get.bindingsite.ranges(object), "tfbs_hits.gff3") )
setMethod ("get.bindingsite.ranges", signature(x="cobindr"),
function(x) {
if(sum(sapply(c('GenomicFeatures'), require, character.only=T))!=1) {
warning('package GenomicFeatures required for this function, returning...')
#get binding sites from object
bs.df = x@binding_sites
#convert strand into expecetd symbols
bs.df$strand = rep('+', nrow(bs.df))
bs.df$strand[which(x@binding_sites$strand==2)] = '-'
#assign external sequence names
bs.df$sequence_names = sapply(bs.df$seqObj_uid, function(uid) slot(x@sequences[[which(sapply(x@sequences, slot, 'uid')==uid)]], 'name')
# assign sequence lengths
sequence_lengths = sapply(x@sequences, function(s) nchar(slot(s, 'sequence')))
names(sequence_lengths) = sapply(x@sequences, function(s) slot(s, 'name'))
# create GRanges object
res = with(bs.df, GRanges(seqnames=sequence_names,
ranges=IRanges(start, end, names=uid),
mcols=data.frame(pwm=pwm, score=score, source = source, seq=seq)) )
# # write.significant.pairs writes all binding sites of found significant pairs into a
# # tsv file. If locations for the sequences are given, binding site locations
# # will be mapped to these locations.
# setMethod ("write.significant.pairs", signature(x="cobindr"),
# function(x, pwm1, pwm2, out.file, bin_length=20, z_value=3, overlap=0, abs.distance=FALSE) {
# results = detrending(x, pwm1, pwm2, bin_length, overlap, abs.distance)
# if(is.null(results)) return() #if detrending failed stop here
# x_coord = results[[1]]
# occurrences = results[[2]]
# bg_occurrences = results[[3]]
# yy = results[[4]]
# y = results[[5]]
# # check if candidate pairs were found
# #if (TRUE %in% (y > z_value*sd(y)) || TRUE %in% (y < -z_value*sd(y))) {
# if (TRUE %in% (y > z_value*sd(y))) {
# pair_bs = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=9)
# colnames(pair_bs) = c('seqUID', paste('seq1(', pwm1, ')', sep=''), 'loc1', 'strand1', paste('seq2(', pwm2, ')', sep=''), 'loc2', 'strand2', 'distance', 'source')
# candidates = matrix(nrow=0, ncol=5)
# colnames(candidates) = c('Pair', 'start', 'end', 'Z-value', 'source')
# for (i in 1:length(x_coord)) {
# if (y[i] > z_value*sd(y)) {
# # foreground
# more_results = writeDetrending_intern(pwm1, pwm2, x@sequences, abs.distance, x@pairs, x_coord[i], bin_length, overlap, x@binding_sites, pair_bs, candidates, y[i]/sd(y), 'FOREGROUND')
# pair_bs = more_results[[1]]
# candidates = more_results[[2]]
# }
# #else if (y[i] < -z_value*sd(y)) {
# # background
# # more_results = writeDetrending_intern(pwm1, pwm2, x@bg_sequences, abs.distance, x@bg_pairs, x[i], bin_length, overlap, x@bg_binding_sites, pair_bs, candidates, y[i]/sd(y), 'BACKGROUND')
# # pair_bs = more_results[[1]]
# # candidates = more_results[[2]]
# #}
# }
# # write binding_sites
# if (nrow(candidates) > 0) {
# filename1 = paste(out.file, 'binding_sites.tsv', sep='_')
# filename2 = paste(out.file, 'candidate_pairs.tsv', sep='_')
# write.table(pair_bs, file=filename1, sep="\t", row.names=F)
# write.table(candidates, file=filename2, sep="\t", row.names=F)
# }
# }
# else {
# cat('No overrepresented distances were found for pair', pwm1, pwm2, '.\n')
# }
# }
# )
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