# These functions are
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
# All rights reserved.
simslotVGAMcat <- function(object, nsim) {
pwts <- if (length(pwts <- object@prior.weights) > 0)
pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
if (max(abs(pwts - round(pwts))) > 0.001 ||
any(pwts < 0.5))
stop("prior weights seem not to be ",
"positive or integer-valued")
pwts <- c(round(pwts)) # Make sure, a vector
nn <- nobs(object)
M <- npred(object)
fv <- fitted(object) <- length(colnames(fv)) &&
ansarr <- array(NA_real_, c(M + 1, nsim, nn))
if (
dimnames(ansarr) <-
paste("sim", seq_len(nsim), sep = "_"),
if (object@misc$intercept.only &&
all(pwts == pwts[1]) &&
all(object@offset == 0)) {
tmp2 <- c(rmultinom(nsim * nn, pwts[1], fv[1, ]))
ansarr[] <- tmp2
} else {
for (i in seq(nn))
ansarr[,, i] <- rmultinom(nsim, pwts[i], fv[i, ])
ansarr <- aperm(ansarr, c(3, 1, 2))
attr(ansarr, "Verbatim") <- TRUE # Removed later
} # simslotVGAMcat
rdiag <- function(...) {
a <- as.vector(unlist(list(...)))
if (length(a) == 1) {
m <- matrix(0, a, a)
m[cbind(a:1, 1:a)] <- 1
} else {
m <- matrix(0, length(a), length(a))
m[cbind(length(a):1, 1:length(a))] <- a
} # rdiag <- function(M, Trev = FALSE, Tref = 1) {
} #
CM.ones <- function(M, Trev = FALSE, Tref = 1) {
matrix(1, M, 1)
} # CM.ones
CM.qnorm <- function(M, Trev = FALSE, Tref = 1) {
matrix(qnorm(seq(M) / (M + 1)) *
ifelse(Trev, -1, 1), M, 1)
} # CM.qnorm
CM.qlogis <- function(M, Trev = FALSE, Tref = 1) {
matrix(qlogis(seq(M) / (M + 1)) *
ifelse(Trev, -1, 1), M, 1)
} # CM.qlogis
CM.symm1 <- function(M, Trev = FALSE, Tref = 1) {
if (M < 1)
stop("argument 'M' should never be < 1")
if (M == 1)
if (M == 2)
return(cbind(1, c(-1, 1)))
Modd <- 1 + floor(M / 2)
H1 <- matrix(0, M, Modd)
if (M %% 2 == 0) # Add another row
H1 <- rbind(0, H1)
H1[, 1] <- 1
for (jay in 1:(Modd - 1)) {
H1[Modd - jay, 1 + jay] <- -1
H1[Modd + jay, 1 + jay] <- 1
if (M %% 2 == 0)
H1 <- H1[-Modd, , drop = FALSE]
} # CM.symm1
CM.symm0 <- function(M, Trev = FALSE, Tref = 1) {
H1 <- CM.symm1(M)
if (M == 1)
stop("cannot have 'symm0' when M == 1")
H1[, -1, drop = FALSE]
} # CM.symm0
CM.equid <-
Trev = FALSE,
Tref = 1) {
if (!is.logical(Trev) && length(Trev) != 1)
stop("bad input for argument 'Trev'")
if (is.character(Tref) && Tref == "M")
Tref <- M
if (!is.numeric(Tref))
Tref <- as.numeric(Tref)
if (M < 1)
stop("argument 'M' should never be less than 1")
if (M == 1)
H1 <- matrix(1, M, 2)
H1[, 2] <- if (Trev) rev(seq(M)) else seq(M)
H1[, 2] <- H1[, 2] - H1[Tref, 2]
} # CM.equid
multinomial <-
function(zero = NULL, parallel = FALSE,
nointercept = NULL, refLevel = "(Last)",
ynames = FALSE, # 20240216
imethod = 1,
imu = NULL, byrow.arg = FALSE, # 20211105
Thresh = NULL, # "free",
Trev = FALSE, # reverse (propodds())
Tref = if (Trev) "M" else 1,
whitespace = FALSE) {
if (length( Thresh ) &&
!exists(paste0("CM.", Thresh),
mode = "function"))
stop("No function ", paste0("CM.", Thresh))
if (length(refLevel) != 1)
stop("the length of 'refLevel' must be one")
if ( is.numeric(refLevel) &&
!is.Numeric(refLevel, integer.valued = TRUE,
positive = TRUE))
stop("arg 'refLevel' not a positive integer")
if (is.character(refLevel)) {
if (refLevel == "(Last)")
refLevel <- -1
if (is.factor(refLevel)) {
if (is.ordered(refLevel))
warning("argument 'refLevel' is from an ",
"ordered factor")
refLevel <- as.character(refLevel) == levels(refLevel)
refLevel <- (seq_along(refLevel))[refLevel]
if (!is.Numeric(refLevel, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
stop("could not coerce 'refLevel' into a",
" single positive integer")
if (!is.logical(ynames) || length(ynames) != 1)
stop("bad input for 'ynames'")
stopifnot(is.logical(whitespace) &&
length(whitespace) == 1)
fillerChar <- ifelse(whitespace, " ", "")
blurb = c("Multinomial logit model\n\n",
"Links: ",
if (is.numeric(refLevel)) {
if (refLevel < 0) {
"log(mu[,j] / mu[,M+1]), j = 1:M,\n",
"log(mu[,j]/mu[,M+1]), j=1:M,\n")
} else {
if (refLevel == 1) {
paste0("log(mu[,", "j]",
fillerChar, "/", fillerChar,
"mu[,", refLevel, "]), j",
fillerChar, "=", fillerChar,
} else {
paste0("log(mu[,", "j]", fillerChar,
"mu[,", refLevel, "]), j",
fillerChar, "=",
"c(1:", refLevel-1,
",", fillerChar, refLevel+1,
} else { # refLevel is character
paste0("log(mu[,", "j]", fillerChar,
"mu[,'", refLevel, "']), j",
fillerChar, " != '",
refLevel, "',\n")
"Variance: ",
"mu[,j] * (1 - mu[,j]); -mu[,j] * mu[,k]",
"mu[,j]*(1-mu[,j]); -mu[,j]*mu[,k]")),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
bool = .parallel , = TRUE,
constraints = constraints)
constraints <-, x = x,
.zero , M = M, M1 = M,
predictors.names = predictors.names)
constraints <- cm.nointercept.VGAM(constraints, x,
.nointercept , M)
if (length( .Thresh ))
constraints[["(Intercept)"]] <-"CM.", .Thresh ),
list(M = M, Trev = .Trev ,
Tref = .Tref ))
list( .parallel = parallel, .zero = zero,
.Thresh = Thresh, .Tref = Tref,
.Trev = Trev,
.nointercept = nointercept ))),
deviance =,
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(parallel = .parallel ,
refLevel = .refLevel , # original
M1 = -1,
link = "multilogitlink",
link1parameter = FALSE, # multiparameter
mixture.links = FALSE, # Not a mixture.
expected = TRUE,
imethod = .imethod ,
multipleResponses = FALSE,
parameters.names = as.character(NA),
Thresh = .Thresh ,
Tref = .Tref ,
Trev = .Trev ,
ynames = .ynames ,
zero = .zero )
list( .zero = zero, .ynames = ynames,
.refLevel = refLevel, .imethod = imethod,
.Thresh = Thresh,
.Tref = Tref ,
.Trev = Trev ,
.parallel = parallel ))),
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
if (is.factor(y) && is.ordered(y))
warning("response should be nominal, not ordinal") <- TRUE
if ( .imethod == 2) { # MLE for intercept-only.
mustart <- matrix(colMeans(y), n, NCOL(y), byrow = TRUE)
if ( .imethod > 2) stop("argument 'imethod' unmatched")
M <- ncol(y) - 1
use.refLevel <- if (is.numeric( .refLevel )) {
if ( .refLevel < 0) M + 1 else ( .refLevel )
} else { # Is character. Match it with the response levels.
tmp6 <- match( .refLevel , colnames(y))
if (
stop("could not match 'refLevel' with ",
"any columns of the response matrix")
if (use.refLevel > (M + 1))
stop("argument 'refLevel' has a value that is too high")
extra$use.refLevel <- use.refLevel # Used in
pmone <- rep_len(1, M + 1)
allbut.refLevel <- seq(M + 1)[-use.refLevel]
if ( .ynames )
if (is.null(cnsy <- colnames(y)))
stop("response matrix has no colnames")
choice1 <- if ( .ynames )
cnsy[allbut.refLevel] else allbut.refLevel
choice2 <- if ( .ynames )
cnsy[use.refLevel] else use.refLevel
choice3 <- if ( .ynames ) "P[" else "mu[,"
predictors.names <-
paste0("log(", choice3, choice1, "]",
.fillerChar, "/", .fillerChar,
choice3, choice2, "])")
extra$colnames.y <- colnames(y)
imu <- as.vector( .imu )
if (length(imu)) {
mustart <- matrix(imu, n, NCOL(y), byrow = .byrow.arg )
list( .refLevel = refLevel,
.ynames = ynames,
.fillerChar = fillerChar,
.imu = imu, .byrow.arg = byrow.arg,
.imethod = imethod,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
if (anyNA(eta))
warning("there are NAs in eta in slot inverse")
ans <-
multilogitlink(eta, # .refLevel ,
refLevel = extra$use.refLevel,
inverse = TRUE)
if (anyNA(ans))
warning("there are NAs here in slot linkinv")
if (min(ans) == 0 || max(ans) == 1)
warning("fitted probabilities numerically ",
"0 or 1 occurred")
label.cols.y(ans, colnames.y = extra$colnames.y, NOS = 1)
}), list( .refLevel = refLevel )),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
misc$link <- "multilogitlink"
misc$earg <- list(multilogitlink = list(
M = M,
refLevel = use.refLevel
dy <- dimnames(y)
if (!is.null(dy[[2]]))
dimnames(fit$fitted.values) <- dy
misc$nointercept <- ( .nointercept )
misc$parallel <- ( .parallel )
misc$refLevel <- use.refLevel
misc$refLevel.orig <- ( .refLevel )
misc$zero <- ( .zero )
list( .refLevel = refLevel, .nointercept = nointercept,
.parallel = parallel,
.zero = zero ))),
linkfun = eval(substitute( function(mu, extra = NULL) {
refLevel = extra$use.refLevel)
}), list( .refLevel = refLevel )),
loglikelihood =
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE) {
if (residuals) {
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
y * w / extra$orig.w else
y * w # Convert proportions to counts
nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
round(w / extra$orig.w) else round(w)
smallno <- 1.0e4 * .Machine$double.eps
if (max(abs(ycounts - round(ycounts))) > smallno)
warning("converting 'ycounts' to integer in ",
ycounts <- round(ycounts)
ll.elts <-
(if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) extra$orig.w else 1) *
dmultinomial(x = ycounts, size = nvec, prob = mu,
log = TRUE, dochecking = FALSE)
if (summation) {
} else {
vfamily = c("multinomial", "VGAMcategorical"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
simslotVGAMcat(object, nsim)
}, list( .refLevel = refLevel ))),
hadof = eval(substitute(
function(eta, extra = list(),
linpred.index = 1, w = 1,
dim.wz = c(NROW(eta), NCOL(eta) * (NCOL(eta)+1)/2),
deriv = 1, ...) {
multinomial.eim.deriv1 <- function(mu, jay, w) {
M <- ncol(mu) # Not ncol(mu)-1 coz 1 coln has been deleted
MM12 <- M * (M + 1) / 2 # Full matrix
wz1 <- matrix(0, NROW(mu), MM12)
ind5 <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE)
for (i in 1:MM12) {
i1 <- ind5$row.index[i]
j1 <- ind5$col.index[i]
if (i1 == jay && j1 == jay) {
wz1[, iam(i1, j1, M = M)] <- (1 - 2 * mu[, i1]) # *
if (i1 == jay && j1 != jay) {
wz1[, iam(i1, j1, M = M)] <- -mu[, j1] # -
if (i1 != jay && j1 == jay) {
wz1[, iam(i1, j1, M = M)] <- -mu[, i1] # -(1 - ...) *
} # for (i)
c(w) * wz1
} # multinomial.eim.deriv1
multinomial.eim.deriv2 <- function(mu, jay, w) {
M <- ncol(mu) # Not ncol(mu)-1 coz 1 coln has been deleted
zz.yettodo <- 0 # NA_real_
MM12 <- M * (M + 1) / 2 # Full matrix
wz1 <- matrix(NA_real_, NROW(mu), MM12)
ind5 <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE)
for (i in 1:MM12) {
i1 <- ind5$row.index[i]
j1 <- ind5$col.index[i]
if (i1 == jay && j1 == jay) {
wz1[, iam(i1, j1, M = M)] <- zz.yettodo
if (i1 != jay && j1 == i1) {
wz1[, iam(i1, j1, M = M)] <- -mu[, i1] * mu[, jay] *
(1 - 2 * mu[, i1] - 2 * mu[, jay] +
6 * mu[, i1] * mu[, jay])
if (i1 == jay && j1 != jay) {
wz1[, iam(i1, j1, M = M)] <- zz.yettodo
if (i1 != jay && j1 == jay) {
wz1[, iam(i1, j1, M = M)] <- zz.yettodo
if (any([, iam(i1, j1, M = M)]))) {
wz1[, iam(i1, j1, M = M)] <- 2 * mu[, i1] *
mu[, j1] * mu[, jay] *
(1 - 3 * mu[, jay])
} # for (i)
c(w) * wz1
} # multinomial.eim.deriv2
M <- NCOL(eta)
use.refLevel <- extra$use.refLevel # Restore its value
if (!is.numeric(use.refLevel)) {
warning("variable 'use.refLevel' cannot be found. ",
"Trying the original value.")
use.refLevel <- .refLevel # Only if numeric...
if (use.refLevel == "(Last)")
use.refLevel <- M+1
mu.use <- multilogitlink(eta, refLevel = use.refLevel,
inverse = TRUE)
mu.use <- pmax(mu.use, .Machine$double.eps * 1.0e-0)
index <- iam(NA, NA, M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
myinc <- (index$row.index >= use.refLevel)
index$row.index[myinc] <- index$row.index[myinc] + 1
myinc <- (index$col.index >= use.refLevel)
index$col.index[myinc] <- index$col.index[myinc] + 1
"0" = {
wz <- -mu.use[, index$row] * mu.use[, index$col]
wz[, 1:M] <- wz[, 1:M] + mu.use[, -use.refLevel ]
c(w) * wz
"1" = {
multinomial.eim.deriv1(mu.use[, -use.refLevel,
drop = FALSE],
jay = linpred.index, w = w)
"2" = {
multinomial.eim.deriv2(mu.use[, -use.refLevel,
drop = FALSE],
jay = linpred.index, w = w)
stop("argument 'deriv' must be 0 or 1 or 2"))
}, list( .refLevel = refLevel # End of @hadof
validparams =
eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
probs <-
multilogitlink(eta, refLevel = extra$use.refLevel,
inverse = TRUE) # ( .refLevel )
okay1 <- all(is.finite(probs)) &&
all(0 < probs & probs < 1)
}, list( .refLevel = refLevel ))),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
use.refLevel <- extra$use.refLevel # Restore its value
ansd <- ( y[, -use.refLevel, drop = FALSE] -
mu[, -use.refLevel, drop = FALSE]) # AMLM
c(w) * ansd
}), list( .refLevel = refLevel ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
mytiny <- (mu < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) |
(mu > 1.0 - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (M == 1) {
wz <- mu[, 3 - use.refLevel] * (1 - mu[, 3 - use.refLevel])
} else { # M > 1
index <- iam(NA, NA, M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
myinc <- (index$row.index >= use.refLevel)
index$row.index[myinc] <- index$row.index[myinc] + 1
myinc <- (index$col.index >= use.refLevel)
index$col.index[myinc] <- index$col.index[myinc] + 1
wz <- -mu[, index$row, drop = FALSE] *
mu[, index$col, drop = FALSE]
wz[, 1:M] <- wz[, 1:M] + mu[, -use.refLevel ] # AMLM
atiny <- (mytiny %*% rep(1, ncol(mu))) > 0
if (any(atiny)) {
if (M == 1)
wz[atiny] <- wz[atiny] * (1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5) +
.Machine$double.eps else
wz[atiny, 1:M] <- .Machine$double.eps +
wz[atiny, 1:M] * (1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
} # atiny
c(w) * wz
}), list( .refLevel = refLevel ))))
} # multinomial() <- expression({
extra$y.integer <- TRUE
if (!all(w == 1))
extra$orig.w <- w
if (!is.matrix(y)) {
yf <- as.factor(y)
lev <- levels(yf)
llev <- length(lev)
nn <- length(yf)
y <- matrix(0, nn, llev)
y[cbind(1:nn,as.vector(unclass(yf)))] <- 1
dimnames(y) <- list(names(yf), lev)
if (llev <= 1)
stop("the response matrix does not have ",
"2 or more columns")
} else {
nn <- nrow(y)
nvec <- rowSums(y)
if (min(y) < 0 || any(round(y) != y))
stop("the response must be non-negative ",
"counts (integers)")
if (!exists("") ||
(exists("") && {
sumy2 <- colSums(y)
if (any(index <- sumy2 == 0)) {
y <- y[, !index, drop = FALSE]
sumy2 <- sumy2[!index]
if (all(index) || ncol(y) <= 1)
stop("'y' matrix has 0 or 1 columns")
warning("Deleted ", sum(!index), " columns of the",
" response matrix due to zero counts")
if (any(miss <- (nvec == 0))) {
smiss <- sum(miss)
warning("Deleted ", smiss,
" rows of the response matrix due to zero counts")
x <- x[!miss,, drop = FALSE]
y <- y[!miss,, drop = FALSE]
w <- cbind(w)
w <- w[!miss,, drop = FALSE]
nvec <- nvec[!miss]
nn <- nn - smiss
w <- w * nvec
nvec[nvec == 0] <- 1
y <- prop.table(y, 1) # Convert to proportions
if (length(mustart) + length(etastart) == 0) {
mustart <- y + (1 / ncol(y) - y) / nvec
}) <-
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE) {
if (ncol(y) == 1 || ncol(mu) == 1)
stop("arguments 'y' and 'mu' must have at ",
"least 2 columns")
double.eps <- sqrt( .Machine$double.xmin )
devy <- y
nonz <- (y != 0)
devy[nonz] <- y[nonz] * log(y[nonz])
devmu <- 0 * y # filler; y*log(mu) gives a warning
if (any(smallmu <- (mu * (1 - mu) < double.eps))) {
warning("fitted values close to 0 or 1")
smu <- mu[smallmu]
smy <- y[smallmu]
smu <- ifelse(smu < double.eps, double.eps, smu)
devmu[smallmu] <- smy * log(smu)
devmu[!smallmu] <- y[!smallmu] * log(mu[!smallmu])
devi <- 2 * (devy - devmu)
if (residuals) {
M <- if (is.matrix(eta)) ncol(eta) else 1
if (M > 1)
devi <- devi %*% rep_len(1, ncol(devi)) #Dev=\sum_i devi[i]
return(c(sign(y[, 1] - mu[, 1]) * sqrt(abs(devi) * w)))
} else {
dev.elts <- c(w) * devi
if (summation) {
} else {
dmultinomial <-
function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
dochecking = TRUE, smallno = 1.0e-7) {
if (!is.logical(log.arg <- log) || length(log) != 1)
stop("bad input for argument 'log'")
x <- as.matrix(x)
prob <- as.matrix(prob)
if (((K <- ncol(x)) <= 1) ||
ncol(prob) != K)
stop("arguments 'x' and 'prob' must be matrices with ",
"two or more columns")
if (dochecking) {
if (min(prob) < 0)
stop("argument 'prob' contains some negative values")
if (any(abs((rsprob <- rowSums(prob)) - 1) > smallno))
stop("some rows of 'prob' do not add to unity")
if (any(abs(x - round(x)) > smallno))
stop("argument 'x' should be integer-valued")
if (length(size)) {
if (any(abs(size - rowSums(x)) > smallno))
stop("rowSums(x) does not agree with argument 'size'")
} else {
size <- round(rowSums(x))
} else {
if (!length(size))
size <- round(rowSums(prob))
logdensity <- lfactorial(size) +
rowSums(x * log(prob) - lfactorial(x))
if (log.arg) logdensity else exp(logdensity)
} # dmultinomial()
sratio <-
function(link = "logitlink",
parallel = FALSE, reverse = FALSE,
zero = NULL,
ynames = FALSE,
Thresh = NULL, # "free",
Trev = reverse,
Tref = if (Trev) "M" else 1,
whitespace = FALSE) {
link <- as.list(substitute(link))
earg <- link2list(link)
link <- attr(earg, "")
if (length( Thresh ) &&
!exists(paste0("CM.", Thresh),
mode = "function"))
stop("No function ", paste0("CM.", Thresh))
if (!is.logical(reverse) || length(reverse) != 1)
stop("arg 'reverse' not a single logical")
stopifnot(is.logical(whitespace) &&
length(whitespace) == 1)
fillerChar <- ifelse(whitespace, " ", "")
if (!is.logical(ynames) || length(ynames) != 1)
stop("bad input for 'ynames'")
blurb = c("Stopping ratio model\n\n",
"Links: ",
namesof(if (reverse)
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y = j+1|Y <= j+1]",
"P[Y=j+1|Y<=j+1]") else
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y = j|Y >= j]",
link, earg = earg), "\n",
"Variance: ",
"mu[,j] * (1 - mu[,j]); -mu[,j] * mu[,k]",
"mu[,j]*(1-mu[,j]); -mu[,j]*mu[,k]")),
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
Q1 = NA,
expected = TRUE,
multipleResponses = FALSE,
parameters.names = as.character(NA),
parallel = .parallel ,
reverse = .reverse ,
Thresh = .Thresh ,
Tref = .Tref ,
Trev = .Trev ,
whitespace = .whitespace ,
ynames = .ynames ,
zero = .zero ,
link = .link )
list( .link = link, .ynames = ynames,
.zero = zero,
.parallel = parallel,
.reverse = reverse,
.Thresh = Thresh,
.Tref = Tref,
.Trev = Trev,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
bool = .parallel ,
constraints = constraints)
constraints <-, x = x,
.zero , M = M, M1 = M,
predictors.names = predictors.names)
if (names(constraints)[1] != "(Intercept)")
stop("the model has no intercept term")
if (length( .Thresh ))
constraints[["(Intercept)"]] <-"CM.", .Thresh ),
list(M = M, Trev = .Trev ,
Tref = .Tref ))
list( .parallel = parallel,
.Thresh = Thresh,
.Tref = Tref ,
.Trev = Trev ,
.zero = zero ))),
deviance =,
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
if (is.factor(y) && !is.ordered(y))
warning("response should be ordinal---see ordered()") <- TRUE
extra$ <- TRUE
M <- ncol(y) - 1
if ( .ynames ) # overwrite mynames
if (is.null(cnsy <- colnames(y)))
stop("response matrix has no colnames")
choice1 <- if ( .ynames ) cnsy[1:M] else
choice2 <- if ( .ynames ) cnsy[2:(M+1)] else
choice3 <- ifelse( .ynames , "P[", "P[Y")
choice3 <- if ( .ynames ) paste0(choice3,
if ( .reverse ) choice2 else choice1) else
.fillerChar, "=", .fillerChar ,
if ( .reverse ) choice2 else choice1)
mynames <- if ( .reverse )
ifelse( .ynames , "|", "|Y"),
.fillerChar , "<=", .fillerChar ,
choice2, "]") else
ifelse( .ynames , "|", "|Y"),
.fillerChar , ">=", .fillerChar ,
choice1, "]")
predictors.names <-
namesof(mynames, .link , short = TRUE, earg = .earg )
y.names <- param.names("mu", M+1)
extra$mymat <- if ( .reverse )
tapplymat1(y, "cumsum") else
tapplymat1(y[, ncol(y):1, drop = FALSE],
"cumsum")[, ncol(y):1, drop = FALSE]
extra$colnames.y <- colnames(y)
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.reverse = reverse, .ynames = ynames,
.fillerChar = fillerChar,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
if (!is.matrix(eta))
eta <- as.matrix(eta)
fv.mat <- if ( .reverse ) {
M <- NCOL(eta)
djr <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
temp <- tapplymat1(1 - djr[, M:1, drop = FALSE],
"cumprod")[, M:1, drop = FALSE]
cbind(1, djr) * cbind(temp, 1)
} else {
dj <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
temp <- tapplymat1(1 - dj, "cumprod")
cbind(dj, 1) * cbind(1, temp)
label.cols.y(fv.mat, colnames.y = extra$colnames.y,
NOS = 1)
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.reverse = reverse) )),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
misc$link <- rep_len( .link , M)
names(misc$link) <- mynames
misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
for (ii in 1:M)
misc$earg[[ii]] <- .earg
misc$parameters <- mynames
misc$reverse <- .reverse
misc$fillerChar <- .fillerChar
misc$whitespace <- .whitespace
extra <- list() # kill what was used
list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse,
.fillerChar = fillerChar,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
linkfun = eval(substitute( function(mu, extra = NULL) {
cump <- tapplymat1(mu, "cumsum")
if ( .reverse ) {
djr <- mu[, -1, drop = FALSE] / cump[, -1, drop = FALSE]
theta2eta(djr, .link , earg = .earg )
} else {
M <- ncol(mu) - 1
dj <- if (M == 1)
mu[, 1, drop = FALSE] else
mu[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] / (
1 - cbind(0, cump[, 1:(M-1), drop = FALSE]))
theta2eta(dj, .link , earg = .earg )
list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse) )),
loglikelihood =
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE)
if (residuals) {
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
y * w / extra$orig.w else
y * w # Convert proportions to counts
nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
round(w / extra$orig.w) else round(w)
smallno <- 1.0e4 * .Machine$double.eps
if (max(abs(ycounts - round(ycounts))) > smallno)
warning("converting 'ycounts' to integer ",
"in @loglikelihood")
ycounts <- round(ycounts)
ll.elts <-
(if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) extra$orig.w else 1) *
dmultinomial(x = ycounts, size = nvec, prob = mu,
log = TRUE, dochecking = FALSE)
if (summation) {
} else {
vfamily = c("sratio", "VGAMordinal", "VGAMcategorical"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
simslotVGAMcat(object, nsim)
}, list(.link = link, .earg = earg ))),
validparams =
eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
djr <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg ) # dj or djr
okay1 <- all(is.finite(djr)) && all(0 < djr & djr < 1)
}, list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse) )),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
if (!length(extra$mymat)) {
extra$mymat <-
if ( .reverse )
tapplymat1(y, "cumsum") else
tapplymat1(y[, ncol(y):1, drop = FALSE],
"cumsum")[, ncol(y):1, drop = FALSE]
ans <- if ( .reverse ) {
djr <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
ddjr.deta <- dtheta.deta(djr, .link , earg = .earg )
Mp1 <- ncol(extra$mymat)
if ( .link == "logitlink") {
ans2 <- c(w) * # New
(y[, -1, drop = FALSE] * (1 - djr) -
extra$mymat[, -Mp1, drop = FALSE] * djr)
} else { # Not the default link
c(w) * ddjr.deta *
(y[, -1, drop = FALSE] / djr -
extra$mymat[, -Mp1, drop = FALSE] / (1 - djr))
} else { # Not reverse
dj <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
ddj.deta <- dtheta.deta(dj, .link , earg = .earg )
if ( .link == "logitlink") {
ans2 <- c(w) * # New
(y[, -ncol(y), drop = FALSE] * (1 - dj) -
extra$mymat[, -1, drop = FALSE] * dj)
} else { # Not "logitlink"
c(w) * ddj.deta * # Orig.
(y[, -ncol(y), drop = FALSE] / dj -
extra$mymat[, -1, drop = FALSE] / (1 - dj))
list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse) )),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
if ( .reverse ) {
cump <- tapplymat1(mu, "cumsum")
wz <- if ( .link == "logitlink") {
ans2 <- c(w) * # New
(mu[, -1, drop = FALSE] * (1 - djr)^2 +
cump[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] * djr^2)
} else { # Not "logitlink"
c(w) * ddjr.deta^2 *
(mu[, -1, drop = FALSE] / djr^2 +
cump[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] / (1 - djr)^2)
} else { # Not reversed
ccump <- tapplymat1(mu[, ncol(mu):1, drop = FALSE],
"cumsum")[, ncol(mu):1, drop = FALSE]
wz <- if ( .link == "logitlink") {
ans2 <- c(w) * # New
(mu[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] * (1 - dj)^2 +
ccump[, -1, drop = FALSE] * dj^2)
} else { # Not "logitlink"
c(w) * ddj.deta^2 *
(mu[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] / dj^2 +
ccump[, -1, drop = FALSE] / (1 - dj)^2)
list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse ))))
} # sratio()
cratio <-
function(link = "logitlink",
parallel = FALSE, reverse = FALSE,
zero = NULL,
ynames = FALSE,
Thresh = NULL, # "free",
Trev = reverse,
Tref = if (Trev) "M" else 1,
whitespace = FALSE) {
link <- as.list(substitute(link))
earg <- link2list(link)
link <- attr(earg, "")
if (length( Thresh ) &&
!exists(paste0("CM.", Thresh),
mode = "function"))
stop("No function ", paste0("CM.", Thresh))
if (!is.logical(reverse) || length(reverse) != 1)
stop("argument 'reverse' not a single logical")
stopifnot(is.logical(whitespace) &&
length(whitespace) == 1)
fillerChar <- ifelse(whitespace, " ", "")
if (!is.logical(ynames) || length(ynames) != 1)
stop("bad input for 'ynames'")
blurb = c("Continuation ratio model\n\n",
"Links: ",
namesof(if (reverse)
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y < j+1|Y <= j+1]",
"P[Y<j+1|Y<=j+1]") else
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y > j|Y >= j]",
link, earg = earg),
"Variance: ",
"mu[,j] * (1 - mu[,j]); -mu[,j] * mu[,k]",
"mu[,j]*(1-mu[,j]); -mu[,j]*mu[,k]")),
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
Q1 = NA,
expected = TRUE,
multipleResponses = FALSE,
parameters.names = as.character(NA),
parallel = .parallel ,
reverse = .reverse ,
Thresh = .Thresh ,
Tref = .Tref ,
Trev = .Trev ,
whitespace = .whitespace ,
ynames = .ynames ,
zero = .zero ,
link = .link )
list( .link = link, .ynames = ynames,
.zero = zero,
.parallel = parallel,
.reverse = reverse,
.Thresh = Thresh,
.Tref = Tref,
.Trev = Trev,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
bool = .parallel ,
constraints = constraints)
constraints <-, x = x,
.zero , M = M, M1 = M,
predictors.names = predictors.names)
if (names(constraints)[1] != "(Intercept)")
stop("the model needs an intercept term")
if (length( .Thresh ))
constraints[["(Intercept)"]] <-"CM.", .Thresh ),
list(M = M, Trev = .Trev ,
Tref = .Tref ))
list( .parallel = parallel,
.Thresh = Thresh,
.Tref = Tref,
.Trev = Trev,
.zero = zero ))),
deviance =,
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
if (is.factor(y) && !is.ordered(y))
warning("response should be ordinal---",
"see ordered()") <- TRUE
M <- ncol(y) - 1
if ( .ynames ) # overwrite mynames
if (is.null(cnsy <- colnames(y)))
stop("response matrix has no colnames")
choice1 <- if ( .ynames ) cnsy[1:M] else
choice2 <- if ( .ynames ) cnsy[2:(M+1)] else
choice3 <- ifelse( .ynames , "P[", "P[Y")
choice3 <- if ( .ynames ) paste0(choice3,
.fillerChar ,
if ( .reverse ) "<" else ">",
.fillerChar ) else
if ( .reverse ) "<" else ">",
.fillerChar )
choice3 <-
if ( .reverse ) choice2 else choice1,
choice3 <- if ( .ynames ) paste0(choice3,
.fillerChar ,
if ( .reverse ) "<=" else ">=",
.fillerChar ,
if ( .reverse ) choice2 else choice1) else
paste0(choice3, "Y",
if ( .reverse ) "<=" else ">=",
if ( .reverse ) choice2 else choice1)
mynames <- paste0(choice3, "]")
if (F) # orig.
mynames <- if ( .reverse )
paste0("P[Y", .fillerChar , "<",
.fillerChar , choice2,
"|Y", .fillerChar , "<=",
.fillerChar , choice2, "]") else
paste0("P[Y", .fillerChar , ">",
.fillerChar , choice1,
"|Y", .fillerChar , ">=",
.fillerChar , choice1, "]")
predictors.names <-
namesof(mynames, .link , .earg , short = TRUE)
y.names <- param.names("mu", M+1)
extra$mymat <- if ( .reverse )
tapplymat1(y, "cumsum") else
tapplymat1(y[, ncol(y):1, drop = FALSE],
"cumsum")[, ncol(y):1, drop = FALSE]
extra$colnames.y <- colnames(y)
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.reverse = reverse, .ynames = ynames,
.fillerChar = fillerChar,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
if (!is.matrix(eta))
eta <- as.matrix(eta)
fv.mat <- if ( .reverse ) {
M <- ncol(eta)
djrs <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
temp <- tapplymat1(djrs[, M:1, drop = FALSE],
"cumprod")[, M:1, drop = FALSE]
cbind(1, 1 - djrs) * cbind(temp, 1)
} else {
djs <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
temp <- tapplymat1(djs, "cumprod")
cbind(1 - djs, 1) * cbind(1, temp)
label.cols.y(fv.mat, NOS = 1,
colnames.y = extra$colnames.y)
list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse) )),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
misc$link <- rep_len( .link , M)
names(misc$link) <- mynames
misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
for (ii in 1:M)
misc$earg[[ii]] <- .earg
misc$parameters <- mynames
misc$reverse <- ( .reverse )
misc$fillerChar <- ( .fillerChar )
misc$whitespace <- ( .whitespace )
extra <- list() # kill what was used
list( .earg = earg, .reverse = reverse,
.fillerChar = fillerChar, .link = link,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
linkfun = eval(substitute( function(mu, extra = NULL) {
cump <- tapplymat1(mu, "cumsum")
if ( .reverse ) {
djrs <- 1 - mu[, -1, drop = FALSE] / (
cump[, -1, drop = FALSE])
theta2eta(djrs, .link , earg = .earg )
} else {
M <- ncol(mu) - 1
djs <- if (M == 1)
1 - mu[, 1, drop = FALSE] else
1 - mu[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] / (
1 - cbind(0, cump[, 1:(M-1), drop = FALSE]))
theta2eta(djs, .link , earg = .earg )
list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse) )),
loglikelihood =
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE) {
if (residuals) {
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
y * w / extra$orig.w else
y * w # Convert proportions to counts
nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
round(w / extra$orig.w) else round(w)
smallno <- 1.0e4 * .Machine$double.eps
if (max(abs(ycounts - round(ycounts))) > smallno)
warning("converting 'ycounts' to integer ",
"in @loglikelihood")
ycounts <- round(ycounts)
ll.elts <-
(if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) extra$orig.w else 1) *
dmultinomial(x = ycounts, size = nvec, prob = mu,
log = TRUE, dochecking = FALSE)
if (summation) {
} else {
vfamily = c("cratio", "VGAMordinal", "VGAMcategorical"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
simslotVGAMcat(object, nsim)
}, list(.link = link, .earg = earg ))),
validparams = eval(substitute(
function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
djrs <- eta2theta(eta, .link , .earg ) # djs or djrs
okay1 <- all(is.finite(djrs)) && all(0 < djrs & djrs < 1)
}, list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse) )),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
if (!length(extra$mymat)) {
extra$mymat <-
if ( .reverse )
tapplymat1(y, "cumsum") else
tapplymat1(y[, ncol(y):1, drop = FALSE],
"cumsum")[, ncol(y):1, drop = FALSE]
if ( .reverse ) {
djrs <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
ddjrs.deta <- dtheta.deta(djrs, .link , earg = .earg )
Mp1 <- ncol(extra$mymat)
if ( .link == "logitlink") {
ans2 <- -c(w) * # New
(y[, -1, drop = FALSE] * djrs -
extra$mymat[, -Mp1, drop = FALSE] * (1 - djrs))
} else { # Not the default link
-c(w) * ddjrs.deta * # Orig.
(y[, -1, drop = FALSE] / (1 - djrs) -
extra$mymat[, -Mp1, drop = FALSE] / djrs)
} else { # Not reverse
djs <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
ddjs.deta <- dtheta.deta(djs, .link , earg = .earg )
if ( .link == "logitlink") {
ans2 <- -c(w) * # New
(y[, -ncol(y), drop = FALSE] * djs -
extra$mymat[, -1, drop = FALSE] * (1 - djs))
} else { # Not "logitlink"
-c(w) * (y[, -ncol(y), drop = FALSE] / (1 - djs) -
extra$mymat[, -1, drop = FALSE] / djs) *
list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse) )),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
if ( .reverse ) {
cump <- tapplymat1(mu, "cumsum")
wz <- if ( .link == "logitlink") {
ans2 <- c(w) * # New
(mu[, -1, drop = FALSE] * djrs^2 +
cump[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] * (1 - djrs)^2)
} else { # Not "logitlink"
c(w) * ddjrs.deta^2 *
(mu[, -1, drop = FALSE] / (1 - djrs)^2 +
cump[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] / djrs^2)
} else { # Not reversed
ccump <- tapplymat1(mu[, ncol(mu):1, drop = FALSE],
"cumsum")[, ncol(mu):1, drop = FALSE]
wz <- if ( .link == "logitlink") {
ans2 <- c(w) * # New
(mu[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] * djs^2 +
ccump[, -1, drop = FALSE] * (1 - djs)^2)
} else { # Not "logitlink"
c(w) * ddjs.deta^2 *
(mu[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] / (1 - djs)^2 +
ccump[, -1, drop = FALSE] / djs^2)
list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse ))))
} # cratio()
vglm.multinomial.deviance.control <-
function(maxit = 31, panic = FALSE, ...) {
if (maxit < 1) {
warning("bad value of maxit; using 31 instead")
maxit <- 31
list(maxit = maxit, panic = as.logical(panic)[1])
vglm.multinomial.control <-
function(maxit = 21, panic = FALSE,
criterion = c("aic1", "aic2",
names( .min.criterion.VGAM )),
...) {
if (mode(criterion) != "character" &&
mode(criterion) != "name")
criterion <- as.character(substitute(criterion))
criterion <- match.arg(criterion,
c("aic1", "aic2", names( .min.criterion.VGAM )))[1]
if (maxit < 1) {
warning("bad value of maxit; using 21 instead")
maxit <- 21
list(maxit = maxit,
panic = as.logical(panic)[1],
criterion = criterion,
min.criterion = c("aic1" = FALSE, "aic2" = TRUE,
vglm.VGAMcategorical.control <-
function(maxit = 30,
trace = FALSE,
panic = TRUE, ...) {
if (maxit < 1) {
warning("bad value of maxit; using 200 instead")
maxit <- 200
list(maxit = maxit,
trace = as.logical(trace)[1],
panic = as.logical(panic)[1])
} # vglm.VGAMcategorical.control()
cumulative <-
function(link = "logitlink",
parallel = FALSE, # Doesnt apply 2 intercept
reverse = FALSE,
multiple.responses = FALSE,
ynames = FALSE, # 20240216
Thresh = NULL, # "free",
Trev = reverse,
Tref = if (Trev) "M" else 1,
whitespace = FALSE) {
if (length( Thresh ) &&
!exists(paste0("CM.", Thresh),
mode = "function"))
stop("No function ", paste0("CM.", Thresh))
if (multiple.responses && !(Thresh == "free" ||
stop("'Thresh' must be NULL or 'free'")
if (!is.logical(ynames) || length(ynames) != 1)
stop("bad input for 'ynames'")
apply.parint <- FALSE
link <- as.list(substitute(link))
earg <- link2list(link)
link <- attr(earg, "")
stopifnot(is.logical(whitespace) &&
length(whitespace) == 1)
fillerChar <- ifelse(whitespace, " ", "")
if (!is.logical(multiple.responses) ||
length(multiple.responses) != 1)
stop("argument 'multiple.responses' must be ",
"a single logical")
if (!is.logical(reverse) || length(reverse) != 1)
stop("'reverse' must be a single logical")
blurb = if ( multiple.responses )
c(paste("Multivariate cumulative", link, "model\n\n"),
"Links: ",
namesof(if (reverse)
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y1 >= j+1]", "P[Y1>=j+1]") else
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y1 <= j]", "P[Y1<=j]"),
link, earg = earg),
", ...") else
c(paste("Cumulative", link, "model\n\n"),
"Links: ",
namesof(if (reverse)
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y >= j+1]", "P[Y>=j+1]") else
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y <= j]", "P[Y<=j]"),
link, earg = earg)),
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
Q1 = NA,
expected = TRUE,
hadof = TRUE,
multipleResponses = .multiple.responses ,
parameters.names = as.character(NA),
parallel = .parallel ,
reverse = .reverse ,
Thresh = .Thresh ,
Tref = .Tref ,
Trev = .Trev ,
whitespace = .whitespace ,
ynames = .ynames ,
link = .link )
list( .link = link, .ynames = ynames,
.parallel = parallel,
.multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
.reverse = reverse,
.Thresh = Thresh,
.Tref = Tref,
.Trev = Trev,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
if ( .multiple.responses ) {
if ( !length(constraints) ) {
Llevels <- extra$Llevels
NOS <- extra$NOS
Hk.matrix <- kronecker(diag(NOS),
matrix(1, Llevels - 1, 1))
constraints <- cm.VGAM(Hk.matrix, x = x,
bool = .parallel , = .apply.parint ,
constraints = constraints)
} else {
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
bool = .parallel , = .apply.parint ,
constraints = constraints)
if (names(constraints)[1] != "(Intercept)")
stop("the model needs an intercept term")
if (length( .Thresh ))
constraints[["(Intercept)"]] <-"CM.", .Thresh ),
list(M = M, Trev = .Trev ,
Tref = .Tref ))
list( .parallel = parallel,
.multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
.Thresh = Thresh,
.Tref = Tref,
.Trev = Trev,
.apply.parint = apply.parint ))),
deviance = eval(substitute(
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL) {
answer <-
if ( .multiple.responses ) {
totdev <- 0
NOS <- extra$NOS
Llevels <- extra$Llevels
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
cindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels-1) + 1:(Llevels-1)
aindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels ) + 1:(Llevels)
totdev <- totdev +
mu = mu[, aindex, drop = FALSE],
y = y[, aindex, drop = FALSE], w = w,
residuals = residuals,
eta = eta[, cindex, drop = FALSE],
extra = extra,
summation = TRUE)
} else { = mu,
y = y, w = w, residuals = residuals,
eta = eta, extra = extra,
summation = TRUE)
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.multiple.responses = multiple.responses
) )),
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
if (colnames(x)[1] != "(Intercept)")
warning("there seems to be no intercept term!")
if (is.factor(y) && !is.ordered(y))
warning("response should be ordinal---see ordered()")
extra$multiple.responses <- .multiple.responses
if ( .multiple.responses ) {
if ( .ynames )
stop("multiple.responses = T: cannot ",
"have 'ynames = T' too")
checkCut(y) # Check input; stops if an error
if (any(w != 1) || NCOL(w) != 1)
stop("the 'weights' argument must be a ",
"vector of all 1s")
Llevels <- max(y) <- FALSE
orig.y <- cbind(y) # Convert y into a matrix if necsry
NOS <- NCOL(orig.y)
use.y <- use.mustart <- NULL
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
y <- as.factor(orig.y[,iii])
use.y <- cbind(use.y, y)
use.mustart <- cbind(use.mustart, mustart)
mustart <- use.mustart
y <- use.y # n x (Llevels*NOS)
M <- NOS * (Llevels - 1)
mynames <- y.names <- NULL
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
Y.names <- paste0("Y", iii)
mu.names <- paste0("mu", iii, ".")
mynames <- c(mynames, if ( .reverse )
paste0("P[", Y.names, ">=",
2:Llevels, "]") else
paste0("P[", Y.names, "<=",
1:(Llevels - 1), "]"))
y.names <- c(y.names,
predictors.names <-
namesof(mynames, .link , short = TRUE, earg = .earg )
extra$NOS <- NOS
extra$Llevels <- Llevels
} else { <- TRUE
M <- ncol(y) - 1
if ( .ynames ) # overwrite mynames
if (is.null(cnsy <- colnames(y)))
stop("response matrix has no colnames")
choice1 <- if ( .ynames ) cnsy[1:M] else
choice2 <- if ( .ynames ) cnsy[2:(M+1)] else
choice3 <- ifelse( .ynames , "P[", "P[Y")
choice4 <- ifelse( .ynames , "", "=")
mynames <- if ( .reverse )
paste0(choice3, # "P[Y",
.fillerChar ,
.fillerChar, choice2, "]") else
paste0(choice3, # "P[Y",
.fillerChar ,
.fillerChar, choice1, "]")
predictors.names <-
namesof(mynames, .link , short = TRUE,
earg = .earg )
if (NCOL(w) == 1) {
if (length(mustart) && all(c(y) %in% c(0, 1)))
for (iii in 1:ncol(y))
mustart[,iii] <- weighted.mean(y[,iii], w)
extra$colnames.y <- colnames(y)
list( .reverse = reverse, .ynames = ynames,
.multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
.link = link, .earg = earg,
.fillerChar = fillerChar,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
answer <-
if ( .multiple.responses ) {
NOS <- extra$NOS
Llevels <- extra$Llevels
fv.mat <- matrix(0, nrow(eta), NOS * Llevels)
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
cindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels-1) + 1:(Llevels-1)
aindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels) + 1:(Llevels)
if ( .reverse ) {
ccump <- cbind(1,
eta2theta(eta[, cindex, drop = FALSE],
.link , earg = .earg ))
fv.mat[, aindex] <-
cbind(-tapplymat1(ccump, "diff"),
ccump[, ncol(ccump)])
} else {
cump <- cbind(eta2theta(eta[, cindex, drop = FALSE],
.link ,
earg = .earg ),
fv.mat[, aindex] <-
cbind(cump[, 1], tapplymat1(cump, "diff"))
label.cols.y(fv.mat, NOS = NOS,
colnames.y = if (is.null(extra$colnames.y))
NULL else
rep_len(extra$colnames.y, ncol(fv.mat)))
} else {
fv.mat <- if ( .reverse ) {
ccump <- cbind(1, eta2theta(eta, .link ,
earg = .earg ))
cbind(-tapplymat1(ccump, "diff"),
ccump[, ncol(ccump)])
} else {
cump <- cbind(eta2theta(eta, .link ,
earg = .earg ), 1)
cbind(cump[, 1], tapplymat1(cump, "diff"))
label.cols.y(fv.mat, NOS = 1,
colnames.y = extra$colnames.y)
list( .reverse = reverse,
.multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
.link = link, .earg = earg))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
if ( .multiple.responses ) {
misc$link <- .link
misc$earg <- list( .earg )
} else {
misc$link <- rep_len( .link , M)
names(misc$link) <- mynames
misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
for (ii in 1:M)
misc$earg[[ii]] <- .earg
misc$fillerChar <- .fillerChar
misc$whitespace <- .whitespace
misc$parameters <- mynames
misc$reverse <- .reverse
misc$parallel <- .parallel
misc$multiple.responses <- .multiple.responses
list( .reverse = reverse, .parallel = parallel,
.link = link, .earg = earg,
.fillerChar = fillerChar,
.multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
linkfun = eval(substitute( function(mu, extra = NULL) {
answer <-
if ( .multiple.responses ) {
NOS <- extra$NOS
Llevels <- extra$Llevels
eta.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow(mu), NOS*(Llevels-1))
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
cindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels-1) + 1:(Llevels-1)
aindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels) + 1:(Llevels)
cump <- tapplymat1(as.matrix(mu[, aindex]), "cumsum")
eta.matrix[, cindex] <-
theta2eta(if ( .reverse )
1-cump[, 1:(Llevels-1)] else
cump[, 1:(Llevels-1)], .link , earg = .earg )
} else {
cump <- tapplymat1(as.matrix(mu), "cumsum")
M <- NCOL(mu) - 1
theta2eta(if ( .reverse ) 1-cump[, 1:M] else cump[, 1:M],
.link , earg = .earg )
if (nrow(mu) == 1)
answer <- rbind(answer)
list( .link = link, .earg = earg,
.multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
.reverse = reverse ))),
loglikelihood =
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE) {
if (residuals) {
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
y * w / extra$orig.w else
y * w # Convert proportions to counts
nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
round(w / extra$orig.w) else
smallno <- 1.0e4 * .Machine$double.eps
if (max(abs(ycounts - round(ycounts))) > smallno)
warning("converting 'ycounts' to integer ",
"in @loglikelihood")
ycounts <- round(ycounts)
ll.elts <-
(if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) extra$orig.w else 1) *
dmultinomial(x = ycounts, size = nvec, prob = mu,
log = TRUE, dochecking = FALSE)
if (summation) {
} else {
vfamily = c("cumulative", "VGAMordinal", "VGAMcategorical"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
simslotVGAMcat(object, nsim)
}, list(.link = link, .earg = earg ))),
hadof = eval(substitute(
function(eta, extra = list(),
linpred.index = 1, w = 1,
dim.wz = c(NROW(eta), NCOL(eta) * (NCOL(eta)+1)/2),
deriv = 1, ...) {
if ( .multiple.responses )
return(NA_real_, dim.wz[1], dim.wz[2])
cumulative.eim.deriv1 <-
function(mu, jay, w, reverse = FALSE) {
M <- ncol(mu) - 1
wz1 <- matrix(0, NROW(mu), M + M-1) # Tridiagonal
wz1[, iam(jay, jay, M = M)] <- 1 / (mu[, jay+1])^2 -
1 / (mu[, jay ])^2
if (1 <= jay-1)
wz1[, iam(jay-1, jay-1, M = M)] <- -1 / (mu[, jay ])^2
if (jay+1 <= M)
wz1[, iam(jay+1, jay+1, M = M)] <- 1 / (mu[, jay+1])^2
if (1 < M && jay+1 <= M)
wz1[, iam(jay, jay+1, M = M)] <- -1 / (mu[, jay+1])^2
if (1 < M && 1 <= jay-1)
wz1[, iam(jay-1, jay, M = M)] <- 1 / (mu[, jay ])^2
(if (reverse) -c(w) else c(w)) * wz1
} # cumulative.eim.deriv1
cumulative.eim.deriv2 <- function(mu, jay, w) {
M <- ncol(mu) - 1
wz2 <- matrix(0, NROW(mu), M + M-1) # Tridiagonal
wz2[, iam(jay, jay, M = M)] <- 1 / (mu[, jay+1])^3 +
1 / (mu[, jay ])^3
if (1 <= jay-1)
wz2[, iam(jay-1, jay-1, M = M)] <- 1 / (mu[, jay ])^3
if (jay+1 <= M)
wz2[, iam(jay+1, jay+1, M = M)] <- 1 / (mu[, jay+1])^3
if (1 < M && jay+1 <= M)
wz2[, iam(jay, jay+1, M = M)] <- -1 / (mu[, jay+1])^3
if (1 < M && 1 <= jay-1)
wz2[, iam(jay-1, jay, M = M)] <- -1 / (mu[, jay ])^3
2 * c(w) * wz2
} # cumulative.eim.deriv2
probs <- if ( .reverse ) {
ccump <- cbind(1, eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg ))
cbind(-tapplymat1(ccump, "diff"), ccump[, ncol(ccump)])
} else {
cump <- cbind(eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg ), 1)
cbind(cump[, 1], tapplymat1(cump, "diff"))
mu.use <- pmax(probs, .Machine$double.eps * 1.0e-0)
"0" = {
M <- ncol(eta)
wz <- c(w) * (1 / mu.use[, 1:M] + 1 / mu.use[, -1])
if (M > 1)
wz <- cbind(wz, -c(w) / mu.use[, 2:M])
"1" = {
cumulative.eim.deriv1(mu = mu.use,
jay = linpred.index, w = w,
reverse = .reverse )
"2" = {
cumulative.eim.deriv2(mu = mu.use,
jay = linpred.index, w = w)
stop("argument 'deriv' must be 0 or 1 or 2"))
list( .link = link, .earg = earg,
.multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
.reverse = reverse ))),
validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
if ( .multiple.responses ) {
probs <-
if ( .reverse ) {
ccump <- cbind(1, eta2theta(eta, .link , .earg ))
cbind(-tapplymat1(ccump, "diff"),
ccump[, ncol(ccump)])
} else {
cump <- cbind(eta2theta(eta, .link , .earg ), 1)
cbind(cump[, 1], tapplymat1(cump, "diff"))
okay1 <- all(is.finite(probs)) &&
all(0 < probs & probs < 1)
if (!okay1)
warning("It seems that the nonparallelism assumption ",
"has resulted in intersecting linear/additive ",
"predictors. Try propodds() or fitting a partial ",
"nonproportional odds model or choosing ",
"some other link function, etc.")
list( .link = link, .earg = earg,
.multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
.reverse = reverse ))),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
prob.lo <- .Machine$double.eps * 1.0e-0
prob.hi <- 1 - prob.lo
mu.use <- pmax(mu, prob.lo)
mu.use <- pmin(mu.use, prob.hi) # 20230701 <- range(mu)
if ([1] < prob.lo)
warning("some probabilities are very close to 0")
if ([2] > prob.hi)
warning("some probabilities are very close to 1")
deriv.answer <-
if ( .multiple.responses ) {
NOS <- extra$NOS
Llevels <- extra$Llevels
dcump.deta <- resmat <- matrix(0, n, NOS * (Llevels-1))
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
cindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels-1) + 1:(Llevels-1)
aindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels) + 1:(Llevels-1)
cump <- eta2theta(eta[,cindex, drop = FALSE],
.link , earg = .earg )
dcump.deta[,cindex] <- dtheta.deta(cump, .link ,
earg = .earg )
resmat[,cindex] <-
(y[, aindex, drop = FALSE] / mu.use[, aindex,
drop = FALSE] -
y[, 1+aindex, drop = FALSE] / mu.use[, 1+aindex,
drop = FALSE])
(if ( .reverse ) -c(w) else c(w)) * dcump.deta * resmat
} else {
cump <- eta2theta(eta , .link , earg = .earg )
dcump.deta <- dtheta.deta(cump, .link , earg = .earg )
c(if ( .reverse ) -c(w) else c(w)) *
dcump.deta *
( y[, -(M+1), drop = FALSE] /
mu.use[, -(M+1), drop = FALSE] -
y[, -1, drop = FALSE] /
mu.use[, -1, drop = FALSE])
list( .link = link, .earg = earg,
.multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
.reverse = reverse ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
if ( .multiple.responses ) {
NOS <- extra$NOS
Llevels <- extra$Llevels
wz <- matrix(0, n,
NOS*(Llevels-1)) # Diag elts only for a start
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
cindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels-1) + 1:(Llevels-1)
aindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels) + 1:(Llevels-1)
wz[, cindex] <-
c(w) * dcump.deta[, cindex, drop = FALSE]^2 *
(1 / mu.use[, aindex, drop = FALSE] +
1 / mu.use[, 1+aindex, drop = FALSE])
if (Llevels - 1 > 1) {
iii <- 1
oindex <- (iii-1) * (Llevels-1) + 1:(Llevels-2)
wz <- cbind(wz, -c(w) *
dcump.deta[, oindex] * dcump.deta[, 1+oindex])
if (NOS > 1) {
cptrwz <- ncol(wz) # Like a pointer
wz <- cbind(wz,
matrix(0, nrow(wz),
(NOS-1) * (Llevels-1)))
for (iii in 2:NOS) {
oindex <- (iii-1) * (Llevels-1) + 1:(Llevels-2)
wz[,cptrwz + 1 + (1:(Llevels-2))] <-
-c(w) * dcump.deta[, oindex] *
dcump.deta[, 1 + oindex]
cptrwz <- cptrwz + Llevels - 1 # Move it along a bit
} else { # Not .multiple.responses here
wz <- c(w) * dcump.deta^2 *
(1 / mu.use[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] +
1 / mu.use[, -1, drop = FALSE])
if (M > 1)
wz <- cbind(wz,
-c(w) *
dcump.deta[, -M, drop = FALSE] *
dcump.deta[, 2:M, drop = FALSE] / (
mu.use[, 2:M, drop = FALSE]))
} # End of not .multiple.responses here
list( .multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
.earg = earg, .link = link ))))
} # cumulative()
propodds <-
function(reverse = TRUE,
whitespace = FALSE,
ynames = FALSE,
Thresh = NULL, # "free",
Trev = reverse,
Tref = if (Trev) "M" else 1) {
if (!is.logical(reverse) ||
length(reverse) != 1)
stop("'reverse' not a single logical")
if (length( Thresh ) &&
!exists(paste0("CM.", Thresh),
mode = "function"))
stop("No function ", paste0("CM.", Thresh))
cumulative(parallel = TRUE, reverse = reverse,
ynames = ynames,
Thresh = Thresh,
Trev = Trev, Tref = Tref,
whitespace = whitespace)
acat <-
function(link = "loglink", parallel = FALSE,
reverse = FALSE, zero = NULL,
ynames = FALSE, # 20240216
Thresh = NULL, # "free",
Trev = reverse,
Tref = if (Trev) "M" else 1,
whitespace = FALSE) {
link <- as.list(substitute(link))
earg <- link2list(link)
link <- attr(earg, "")
if (length( Thresh ) &&
!exists(paste0("CM.", Thresh),
mode = "function"))
stop("No function ", paste0("CM.", Thresh))
if (!is.logical(reverse) || length(reverse) != 1)
stop("'reverse' not a single logical")
stopifnot(is.logical(whitespace) &&
length(whitespace) == 1)
fillerChar <- ifelse(whitespace, " ", "")
if (!is.logical(ynames) || length(ynames) != 1)
stop("bad input for 'ynames'")
blurb = c("Adjacent-categories model\n\n",
"Links: ",
namesof(if (reverse)
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y = j] / P[Y = j + 1]",
"P[Y=j]/P[Y=j+1]") else
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y = j + 1] / P[Y = j]",
link, earg = earg), "\n",
"Variance: ",
"mu[,j] * (1 - mu[,j]); -mu[,j] * mu[,k]",
"mu[,j]*(1-mu[,j]); -mu[,j]*mu[,k]")),
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
Q1 = NA,
expected = TRUE,
multipleResponses = FALSE,
parameters.names = as.character(NA),
parallel = .parallel ,
reverse = .reverse ,
Thresh = .Thresh ,
Tref = .Tref ,
Trev = .Trev ,
whitespace = .whitespace ,
ynames = .ynames ,
zero = .zero ,
link = .link )
list( .link = link,
.zero = zero, .ynames = ynames,
.parallel = parallel,
.reverse = reverse,
.Thresh = Thresh,
.Tref = Tref,
.Trev = Trev,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
bool = .parallel ,
constraints = constraints)
constraints <-, x = x,
.zero , M = M, M1 = M,
predictors.names = predictors.names)
if (names(constraints)[1] != "(Intercept)")
stop("the model needs an intercept term")
if (length( .Thresh ))
constraints[["(Intercept)"]] <-"CM.", .Thresh ),
list(M = M, Trev = .Trev ,
Tref = .Tref ))
list( .parallel = parallel,
.Thresh = Thresh,
.Tref = Tref,
.Trev = Trev,
.zero = zero ))),
deviance =,
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
if (is.factor(y) && !is.ordered(y))
warning("response should be ordinal---see ordered()") <- TRUE
M <- ncol(y) - 1
if ( .ynames ) # overwrite mynames
if (is.null(cnsy <- colnames(y)))
stop("response matrix has no colnames")
choice1 <- if ( .ynames ) cnsy[1:M] else
choice2 <- if ( .ynames ) cnsy[2:(M+1)] else
choice3 <- ifelse( .ynames , "P[", "P[Y")
choice4 <- ifelse( .ynames , "", "=")
mynames <- if ( .reverse )
paste0(choice3, # .fillerChar ,
choice4, .fillerChar ,
choice1, .fillerChar , "]",
.fillerChar , "/", .fillerChar ,
choice3, .fillerChar ,
choice4, .fillerChar ,
choice2, .fillerChar , "]") else
paste0(choice3, # .fillerChar ,
choice4, .fillerChar ,
choice2, .fillerChar , "]",
.fillerChar , "/", .fillerChar ,
choice3, # .fillerChar ,
choice4, .fillerChar ,
choice1, .fillerChar , "]")
predictors.names <-
namesof(mynames, .link , short = TRUE, earg = .earg )
y.names <- param.names("mu", M+1)
extra$colnames.y <- colnames(y)
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.reverse = reverse, .ynames = ynames,
.fillerChar = fillerChar,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
if (!is.matrix(eta))
eta <- as.matrix(eta)
M <- ncol(eta)
fv.mat <- if ( .reverse ) {
zetar <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
temp <- tapplymat1(zetar[, M:1],
"cumprod")[, M:1, drop = FALSE]
cbind(temp, 1) / drop(1 + temp %*% rep(1, ncol(temp)))
} else {
zeta <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
temp <- tapplymat1(zeta, "cumprod")
cbind(1, temp) / drop(1 + temp %*% rep(1, ncol(temp)))
label.cols.y(fv.mat, NOS = 1,
colnames.y = extra$colnames.y)
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.reverse = reverse) )),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
misc$link <- rep_len( .link , M)
names(misc$link) <- mynames
misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
for (ii in 1:M)
misc$earg[[ii]] <- .earg
misc$parameters <- mynames
misc$reverse <- .reverse
misc$fillerChar <- .fillerChar
misc$whitespace <- .whitespace
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.reverse = reverse,
.fillerChar = fillerChar,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
linkfun = eval(substitute( function(mu, extra = NULL) {
M <- ncol(mu) - 1
theta2eta(if ( .reverse )
mu[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] / mu[, -1, drop = FALSE] else
mu[, -1, drop = FALSE] / mu[, 1:M, drop = FALSE],
.link , earg = .earg )
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.reverse = reverse) )),
loglikelihood =
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE) {
if (residuals) {
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
y * w / extra$orig.w else
y * w # Convert proportions to counts
nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
round(w / extra$orig.w) else round(w)
smallno <- 1.0e4 * .Machine$double.eps
if (max(abs(ycounts - round(ycounts))) > smallno)
warning("converting 'ycounts' to ",
"integer in @loglikelihood")
ycounts <- round(ycounts)
ll.elts <-
(if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) extra$orig.w else 1) *
dmultinomial(x = ycounts, size = nvec, prob = mu,
log = TRUE, dochecking = FALSE)
if (summation) {
} else {
vfamily = c("acat", "VGAMordinal", "VGAMcategorical"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
simslotVGAMcat(object, nsim)
}, list(.link = link, .earg = earg ))),
validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
if (!is.matrix(eta))
eta <- as.matrix(eta)
M <- ncol(eta)
probs <- if ( .reverse ) {
zetar <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
temp <- tapplymat1(zetar[, M:1],
"cumprod")[, M:1, drop = FALSE]
cbind(temp, 1) / drop(1 + temp %*% rep(1, ncol(temp)))
} else {
zeta <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
temp <- tapplymat1(zeta, "cumprod")
cbind(1, temp) / drop(1 + temp %*% rep(1, ncol(temp)))
okay1 <- all(is.finite(probs)) && all(0 < probs & probs < 1)
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.reverse = reverse) )),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
zeta <- eta2theta(eta, .link , .earg ) # May be zetar
dzeta.deta <- dtheta.deta(zeta, .link , earg = .earg )
d1 <- acat.deriv(zeta, M = M, n = n, reverse = .reverse )
score <- attr(d1, "gradient") / d1
answer <- if ( .reverse ) {
cumy <- tapplymat1(y, "cumsum")
c(w) * dzeta.deta * (cumy[, 1:M] / zeta - score)
} else {
ccumy <- tapplymat1(y[, ncol(y):1, drop = FALSE],
"cumsum")[, ncol(y):1, drop = FALSE]
c(w) * dzeta.deta * (ccumy[, -1, drop = FALSE] / zeta -
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.reverse = reverse) )),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
wz <- matrix(NA_real_, n, dimm(M))
hess <- attr(d1, "hessian") / d1
if (M > 1)
for (jay in 1:(M - 1))
for (kay in (jay + 1):M)
wz[, iam(jay, kay, M)] <-
(hess[, jay, kay] -
score[, jay] * score[, kay]) *
dzeta.deta[, jay] * dzeta.deta[, kay]
if ( .reverse ) {
cump <- tapplymat1(mu, "cumsum")
wz[, 1:M] <- (cump[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] / zeta^2 -
score^2) * dzeta.deta^2
} else {
ccump <- tapplymat1(mu[, ncol(mu):1, drop = FALSE],
"cumsum")[, ncol(mu):1, drop = FALSE]
wz[, 1:M] <- (ccump[, -1, drop = FALSE] / zeta^2 -
score^2) * dzeta.deta^2
c(w) * wz
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.reverse = reverse ))))
} # acat()
acat.deriv <- function(zeta, reverse, M, n) {
alltxt <- NULL
for (ii in 1:M) {
index <- if (reverse) ii:M else 1:ii
vars <- paste0("zeta", index)
txt <- paste(vars, collapse = "*")
alltxt <- c(alltxt, txt)
alltxt <- paste(alltxt, collapse = " + ")
alltxt <- paste(" ~ 1 +", alltxt)
txt.f <- as.formula(alltxt)
allvars <- param.names("zeta", M)
d1 <- deriv3(txt.f, allvars, hessian = TRUE)
zeta <- as.matrix(zeta)
for (ii in 1:M)
assign(paste0("zeta", ii), zeta[, ii])
ans <- eval(d1)
} # acat.deriv()
brat <- function(refgp = "last",
refvalue = 1,
ialpha = 1) {
if (!is.Numeric(ialpha, positive = TRUE))
stop("'ialpha' must contain positive values only")
if (!is.Numeric(refvalue, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE))
stop("'refvalue' must be a single positive value")
if (!is.character(refgp) &&
!is.Numeric(refgp, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
stop("'refgp' must be a single positive integer")
blurb = c(paste("Bradley-Terry model (without ties)\n\n"),
"Links: ",
namesof("alpha's", "loglink")),
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
Q1 = NA,
expected = TRUE,
multipleResponses = FALSE,
parameters.names = as.character(NA),
refvalue = .refvalue ,
refgp = .refgp ,
ialpha = .ialpha )
}, list( .ialpha = ialpha,
.refgp = refgp,
.refvalue = refvalue ))),
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
are.ties <- attr(y, "are.ties") # If Brat() was used
if (is.logical(are.ties) && are.ties)
stop("use bratt(), not brat(), when there are ties")
try.index <- 1:400
M <- (seq_along(try.index))[(try.index+1)*(try.index) ==
if (!is.finite(M))
stop("cannot determine 'M'")
ialpha <- matrix(rep_len( .ialpha , M), n, M, byrow = TRUE)
etastart <- matrix(theta2eta(ialpha, "loglink",
earg = list(theta = NULL)),
n, M, byrow = TRUE)
refgp <- .refgp
if (!intercept.only)
warning("this function only works with ",
"intercept-only models")
extra$ybrat.indices <- .brat.indices(NCo = M+1,
are.ties = FALSE)
uindex <- if ( .refgp == "last")
1:M else (1:(M+1))[-( .refgp ) ]
predictors.names <-
namesof(paste0("alpha", uindex), "loglink",
short = TRUE)
list( .refgp = refgp, .ialpha = ialpha ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
probs <- NULL
eta <- as.matrix(eta) # in case M = 1; prior to 20171227
for (ii in 1:nrow(eta)) {
alpha <- .brat.alpha(eta2theta(eta[ii, ], "loglink",
earg = list(theta = NULL)),
.refvalue , .refgp )
alpha1 <- alpha[extra$ybrat.indices[, "rindex"]]
alpha2 <- alpha[extra$ybrat.indices[, "cindex"]]
probs <- rbind(probs, alpha1 / (alpha1 + alpha2))
if (NROW(probs) == NROW(eta) &&
NCOL(probs) == NCOL(eta))
dimnames(probs) <- dimnames(eta)
list( .refgp = refgp, .refvalue = refvalue) )),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
misc$link <- rep_len("loglink", M)
names(misc$link) <- paste0("alpha", uindex)
misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
for (ii in 1:M)
misc$earg[[ii]] <- list(theta = NULL)
misc$refgp <- .refgp
misc$refvalue <- .refvalue
list( .refgp = refgp, .refvalue = refvalue ))),
loglikelihood =
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE) {
if (residuals) {
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
y * w / extra$orig.w else
y * w # Convert proportions to counts
nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w))
round(w / extra$orig.w) else round(w)
smallno <- 1.0e4 * .Machine$double.eps
if (max(abs(ycounts - round(ycounts))) > smallno)
warning("converting 'ycounts' to integer ",
"in @loglikelihood")
ycounts <- round(ycounts)
ll.elts <-
(if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) extra$orig.w else 1) *
dmultinomial(x = ycounts, size = nvec, prob = mu,
log = TRUE, dochecking = FALSE)
if (summation) {
} else {
vfamily = c("brat", "VGAMcategorical"),
validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
probs <- NULL
eta <- as.matrix(eta) # in case M = 1
for (ii in 1:nrow(eta)) {
alpha <- .brat.alpha(eta2theta(eta[ii, ], "loglink",
earg = list(theta = NULL)),
.refvalue , .refgp )
alpha1 <- alpha[extra$ybrat.indices[, "rindex"]]
alpha2 <- alpha[extra$ybrat.indices[, "cindex"]]
probs <- rbind(probs, alpha1 / (alpha1 + alpha2))
okay1 <- all(is.finite(probs)) && all(0 < probs & probs < 1)
list( .refvalue = refvalue, .refgp = refgp) )),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
ans <- NULL
uindex <- if ( .refgp == "last")
1:M else (1:(M+1))[-( .refgp ) ]
eta <- as.matrix(eta) # in case M = 1
for (ii in 1:nrow(eta)) {
alpha <- .brat.alpha(eta2theta(eta[ii, ], "loglink",
earg = list(theta = NULL)),
.refvalue, .refgp )
ymat <- InverseBrat(y[ii, ], NCo = M+1, diag = 0)
answer <- rep_len(0, M)
for (aa in 1:(M+1)) {
answer <- answer + (1 - (aa == uindex)) *
(ymat[uindex, aa] * alpha[aa] - ymat[aa, uindex] *
alpha[uindex]) / (alpha[aa] + alpha[uindex])
ans <- rbind(ans, w[ii] * answer)
dimnames(ans) <- dimnames(eta)
list( .refvalue = refvalue, .refgp = refgp) )),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
wz <- matrix(0, n, dimm(M))
for (ii in 1:nrow(eta)) {
alpha <- .brat.alpha(eta2theta(eta[ii, ], "loglink",
earg = list(theta = NULL)),
.refvalue, .refgp)
ymat <- InverseBrat(y[ii, ], NCo = M+1, diag = 0)
for (aa in 1:(M+1)) {
wz[ii, 1:M] <- wz[ii, 1:M] + (1 - (aa == uindex)) *
(ymat[aa, uindex] + ymat[uindex, aa]) *
alpha[aa] * alpha[uindex] / (
alpha[aa] + alpha[uindex])^2
if (M > 1) {
ind5 <- iam(1, 1, M, both = TRUE, diag = FALSE)
wz[ii, (M+1):ncol(wz)] <-
-(ymat[cbind(uindex[ind5$row], uindex[ind5$col])] +
ymat[cbind(uindex[ind5$col], uindex[ind5$row])]) *
alpha[uindex[ind5$col]] * alpha[uindex[ind5$row]] / (
alpha[uindex[ind5$row]] + alpha[uindex[ind5$col]])^2
wz <- c(w) * wz
list( .refvalue = refvalue, .refgp = refgp ))))
} # brat()
bratt <- function(refgp = "last",
refvalue = 1,
ialpha = 1,
i0 = 0.01) {
if (!is.Numeric(i0, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE))
stop("'i0' must be a single positive value")
if (!is.Numeric(ialpha, positive = TRUE))
stop("'ialpha' must contain positive values only")
if (!is.Numeric(refvalue, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE))
stop("'refvalue' must be a single positive value")
if (!is.character(refgp) &&
!is.Numeric(refgp, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
stop("'refgp' must be a single positive integer")
blurb = c(paste("Bradley-Terry model (with ties)\n\n"),
"Links: ",
namesof("alpha's", "loglink"), ", log(alpha0)"),
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
Q1 = NA,
expected = TRUE,
multipleResponses = FALSE,
parameters.names = as.character(NA),
refvalue = .refvalue ,
refgp = .refgp ,
i0 = .i0 ,
ialpha = .ialpha )
}, list( .ialpha = ialpha,
.i0 = i0,
.refgp = refgp,
.refvalue = refvalue ))),
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
try.index <- 1:400
M <- (seq_along(try.index))[(try.index*(try.index-1)) ==
if (!is.Numeric(M, length.arg = 1, integer.valued = TRUE))
stop("cannot determine 'M'")
NCo <- M # Number of contestants
are.ties <- attr(y, "are.ties") # If Brat() was used
if (is.logical(are.ties)) {
if (!are.ties)
stop("use brat(), not bratt(), when there are no ties")
ties <- attr(y, "ties")
} else {
are.ties <- FALSE
ties <- 0 * y
ialpha <- rep_len( .ialpha, NCo-1)
ialpha0 <- .i0
etastart <-
list(theta = NULL)),
n, NCo-1, byrow = TRUE),
theta2eta(rep_len(ialpha0, n), "loglink",
list(theta = NULL)))
refgp <- .refgp
if (!intercept.only)
warning("this function only works with ",
"intercept-only models")
extra$ties <- ties # Flat (1-row) matrix
extra$ybrat.indices <-
.brat.indices(NCo = NCo, are.ties = FALSE)
extra$tbrat.indices <- .brat.indices(NCo = NCo,
are.ties = TRUE)
extra$dnties <- dimnames(ties)
uindex <- if (refgp == "last")
1:(NCo-1) else (1:(NCo))[-refgp ]
predictors.names <- c(
namesof(paste0("alpha", uindex), "loglink",
short = TRUE),
namesof("alpha0", "loglink", short = TRUE))
list( .refgp = refgp,
.i0 = i0,
.ialpha = ialpha ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
probs <- qprobs <- NULL
M <- ncol(eta)
for (ii in 1:nrow(eta)) {
alpha <- .brat.alpha(eta2theta(eta[ii, -M],
.refvalue , .refgp )
alpha0 <- loglink(eta[ii, M], inverse = TRUE)
alpha1 <- alpha[extra$ybrat.indices[, "rindex"]]
alpha2 <- alpha[extra$ybrat.indices[, "cindex"]]
probs <- rbind( probs,
alpha1 / (alpha1 + alpha2 + alpha0))
qprobs <- rbind(qprobs,
alpha0 / (alpha1 + alpha2 + alpha0))
if (length(extra$dnties))
dimnames(qprobs) <- extra$dnties
attr(probs, "probtie") <- qprobs
list( .refgp = refgp, .refvalue = refvalue) )),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
misc$link <- rep_len("loglink", M)
names(misc$link) <- c(paste0("alpha", uindex),
misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
for (ii in 1:M)
misc$earg[[ii]] <- list(theta = NULL)
misc$refgp <- .refgp
misc$refvalue <- .refvalue
misc$alpha <- alpha
misc$alpha0 <- alpha0
list( .refgp = refgp, .refvalue = refvalue ))),
loglikelihood =
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE) {
if (residuals) {
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ll.elts <- c(w) * (y * log(mu) +
0.5 * extra$ties * log(attr(mu, "probtie")))
if (summation) {
} else {
vfamily = c("bratt", "VGAMcategorical"),
validparams = eval(substitute(function(eta, y, extra = NULL) {
probs <- qprobs <- NULL
M <- ncol(eta)
for (ii in 1:nrow(eta)) {
alpha <- .brat.alpha(eta2theta(eta[ii, -M],
.refvalue , .refgp )
alpha0 <- loglink(eta[ii, M], inverse = TRUE)
alpha1 <- alpha[extra$ybrat.indices[, "rindex"]]
alpha2 <- alpha[extra$ybrat.indices[, "cindex"]]
probs <- rbind( probs,
alpha1 / (alpha1 + alpha2 + alpha0))
qprobs <- rbind(qprobs,
alpha0 / (alpha1 + alpha2 + alpha0))
okay1 <-
all(is.finite( probs)) && all(0 < probs & probs < 1) &&
all(is.finite(qprobs)) && all(0 < qprobs & qprobs < 1)
list( .refvalue = refvalue, .refgp = refgp) )),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
ans <- NULL
ties <- extra$ties
NCo <- M
uindex <- if ( .refgp == "last")
1:(M-1) else (1:(M))[-( .refgp )]
eta <- as.matrix(eta)
for (ii in 1:nrow(eta)) {
alpha <- .brat.alpha(eta2theta(eta[ii, -M], "loglink",
list(theta = NULL)),
.refvalue, .refgp )
alpha0 <- loglink(eta[ii, M], inverse = TRUE)
ymat <- InverseBrat( y[ii, ], NCo = M, diag = 0)
tmat <- InverseBrat(ties[ii, ], NCo = M, diag = 0)
answer <- rep_len(0, NCo-1) # deriv wrt eta[-M]
for (aa in 1:NCo) {
Daj <- alpha[aa] + alpha[uindex] + alpha0
pja <- alpha[uindex] / Daj
answer <- answer + alpha[uindex] *
(-ymat[aa, uindex] + ymat[uindex, aa] *
(1 - pja) / pja - tmat[uindex, aa]) / Daj
deriv0 <- 0 # deriv wrt eta[M]
for (aa in 1:(NCo-1))
for (bb in (aa+1):NCo) {
Dab <- alpha[aa] + alpha[bb] + alpha0
qab <- alpha0 / Dab
deriv0 <- deriv0 + alpha0 *
(-ymat[aa, bb] - ymat[bb,aa] +
tmat[aa, bb] * (1 - qab) / qab) / Dab
ans <- rbind(ans, w[ii] * c(answer, deriv0))
dimnames(ans) <- dimnames(eta)
list( .refvalue = refvalue, .refgp = refgp) )),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
wz <- matrix(0, n, dimm(M)) # includes diagonal
for (ii in 1:nrow(eta)) {
alpha <- .brat.alpha(eta2theta(eta[ii, -M], "loglink",
earg = list(theta = NULL)),
.refvalue, .refgp)
alpha0 <- loglink(eta[ii, M], inverse = TRUE)
ymat <- InverseBrat( y[ii, ], NCo = M, diag = 0)
tmat <- InverseBrat(ties[ii, ], NCo = M, diag = 0)
for (aa in 1:(NCo)) {
Daj <- alpha[aa] + alpha[uindex] + alpha0
pja <- alpha[uindex] / Daj
nja <- ymat[aa, uindex] + ymat[uindex, aa] +
tmat[uindex, aa]
wz[ii, 1:(NCo-1)] <- wz[ii, 1:(NCo - 1)] +
alpha[uindex]^2 * nja *
(1 - pja) / (pja * Daj^2)
if (aa < NCo)
for (bb in (aa+1):(NCo)) {
nab <- ymat[aa,bb] + ymat[bb,aa] + tmat[bb,aa]
Dab <- alpha[aa] + alpha[bb] + alpha0
qab <- alpha0 / Dab
wz[ii, NCo] <- wz[ii,NCo] + alpha0^2 * nab *
(1-qab) / (qab * Dab^2)
if (NCo > 2) {
ind5 <- iam(1, 1, M = NCo, both = TRUE, diag = FALSE)
alphajunk <- c(alpha, junk = NA)
mat4 <- cbind(uindex[ind5$row],uindex[ind5$col])
wz[ii,(M+1):ncol(wz)] <-
-(ymat[mat4] + ymat[mat4[, 2:1]] +
tmat[mat4]) * alphajunk[uindex[ind5$col]] *
alphajunk[uindex[ind5$row]] / (alpha0 +
alphajunk[uindex[ind5$row]] +
for (sss in seq_along(uindex)) {
jay <- uindex[sss]
naj <- ymat[, jay] + ymat[jay, ] + tmat[, jay]
Daj <- alpha[jay] + alpha + alpha0
wz[ii, iam(sss, NCo, M = NCo, diag = TRUE)] <-
-alpha[jay] * alpha0 * sum(naj / Daj^2)
wz <- c(w) * wz
list( .refvalue = refvalue, .refgp = refgp ))))
} # bratt()
.brat.alpha <- function(vec, value, posn) {
if (is.character(posn))
if (posn != "last")
stop("can only handle \"last\"") else
return(c(vec, value))
c(if (posn == 1) NULL else vec[1:(posn-1)], value,
if (posn == length(vec) + 1) NULL else
.brat.indices <- function(NCo, are.ties = FALSE) {
if (!is.Numeric(NCo, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE) ||
NCo < 2)
stop("bad input for 'NCo'")
m <- diag(NCo)
if (are.ties) {
cbind(rindex = row(m)[col(m) < row(m)],
cindex = col(m)[col(m) < row(m)])
} else
cbind(rindex = row(m)[col(m) != row(m)],
cindex = col(m)[col(m) != row(m)])
Brat <- function(mat,
ties = 0 * mat,
string = c(">", "=="),
whitespace = FALSE) {
stopifnot(is.logical(whitespace) &&
length(whitespace) == 1)
fillerChar <- ifelse(whitespace, " ", "")
string <- paste0(fillerChar, string, fillerChar)
allargs <- list(mat) # ,...
callit <- if (length(names(allargs))) names(allargs) else
ans <- ans.ties <- NULL
for (ii in seq_along(allargs)) {
m <- allargs[[ii]]
if (!is.matrix(m) || dim(m)[1] != dim(m)[2])
stop("m must be a square matrix")
diag(ties) <- 0
if (!all(ties == t(ties)))
stop("ties must be a symmetric matrix")
are.ties <- any(ties > 0)
diag(ties) <- NA
diag(m) <- 0 # Could have been NAs
if (anyNA(m))
stop("missing values not allowed ",
"(except on the diagonal)")
diag(m) <- NA
dm <-
dt <-
dm <- dm[!$Freq), ]
dt <- dt[!$Freq), ]
usethis1 <- paste0(dm[, 1], string[1], dm[, 2])
usethis2 <- paste0(dm[, 1], string[2], dm[, 2])
ans <- rbind(ans, matrix(dm$Freq, nrow = 1))
ans.ties <- rbind(ans.ties, matrix(dt$Freq, nrow = 1))
dimnames(ans) <- list(callit, usethis1)
dimnames(ans.ties) <- list(callit, usethis2)
attr(ans, "ties") <- ans.ties
attr(ans, "are.ties") <- are.ties
} # Brat()
InverseBrat <-
NCo = (1:900)[(1:900)*((1:900)-1) == ncol(rbind(yvec))],
multiplicity = if (is.matrix(yvec)) nrow(yvec) else 1,
diag = NA,
string = c(">", "=="),
whitespace = FALSE) {
stopifnot(is.logical(whitespace) &&
length(whitespace) == 1)
fillerChar <- ifelse(whitespace, " ", "")
string <- paste0(fillerChar, string, fillerChar)
ans <- array(diag, c(NCo, NCo, multiplicity))
yvec.orig <- yvec
yvec <- c(yvec)
ptr <- 1
for (mul in 1:multiplicity)
for (i1 in 1:(NCo))
for (i2 in 1:(NCo))
if (i1 != i2) {
ans[i2, i1, mul] <- yvec[ptr]
ptr <- ptr + 1
ans <- if (multiplicity > 1) ans else matrix(ans, NCo, NCo)
if (is.array(yvec.orig) ||
is.matrix(yvec.orig)) {
names.yvec <- dimnames(yvec.orig)[[2]]
ii <- strsplit(names.yvec, string[1])
cal <- NULL
for (kk in c(NCo, 1:(NCo-1)))
cal <- c(cal, (ii[[kk]])[1])
if (multiplicity>1) {
dimnames(ans) <- list(cal, cal, dimnames(yvec.orig)[[1]])
} else {
dimnames(ans) <- list(cal, cal)
} # InverseBrat()
ordpoisson <-
countdata = FALSE, NOS = NULL, Levels = NULL, = NULL, parallel = FALSE,
zero = NULL,
link = "loglink") {
link <- as.list(substitute(link))
earg <- link2list(link)
link <- attr(earg, "")
fcutpoints <- cutpoints[is.finite(cutpoints)]
if (!is.Numeric(fcutpoints, integer.valued = TRUE) ||
any(fcutpoints < 0))
stop("'cutpoints' must have non-negative integer or Inf ",
"values only")
if (is.finite(cutpoints[length(cutpoints)]))
cutpoints <- c(cutpoints, Inf)
if (!is.logical(countdata) || length(countdata) != 1)
stop("argument 'countdata' must be a single logical")
if (countdata) {
if (!is.Numeric(NOS, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
stop("'NOS' must have integer values only")
if (!is.Numeric(Levels, integer.valued = TRUE,
positive = TRUE) ||
any(Levels < 2))
stop("'Levels' must have integer values (>= 2) only")
Levels <- rep_len(Levels, NOS)
blurb = c(paste("Ordinal Poisson model\n\n"),
"Link: ", namesof("mu", link, earg)),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
bool = .parallel , = TRUE,
constraints = constraints)
constraints <-,
x = x, .zero , M = M, M1 = 1,
predictors.names = predictors.names)
list( .parallel = parallel, .zero = zero ))),
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
list(M1 = 1,
Q1 = 1,
expected = TRUE,
multipleResponses = TRUE,
parameters.names = c("mu"),
lmu = .link ,
zero = .zero )
}, list( .zero = zero, .link = link ))),
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
orig.y <- cbind(y) # Convert y into a matrix if necessary
if ( .countdata ) {
extra$NOS <- M <- NOS <- .NOS
extra$Levels <- Levels <- .Levels
y.names <- dimnames(y)[[2]] # Hopefully
} else {
if (any(w != 1) || NCOL(w) != 1)
stop("the 'weights' argument must be ",
"a vector of all ones")
extra$NOS <- M <- NOS <- if (is.Numeric( .NOS ))
.NOS else
Levels <- rep_len(if (is.Numeric( .Levels ))
.Levels else 0, NOS)
if (!is.Numeric( .Levels ))
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
Levels[iii] <- length(unique(sort(orig.y[,iii])))
extra$Levels <- Levels
initmu <- if (is.Numeric( ))
rep_len( , NOS) else NULL
cutpoints <- rep_len( .cutpoints, sum(Levels)) <- FALSE
use.y <- if ( .countdata ) y else matrix(0, n, sum(Levels))
use.etastart <- matrix(0, n, M)
cptr <- 1
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
y <- factor(orig.y[,iii], levels=(1:Levels[iii]))
if ( !( .countdata )) {
eval( # Creates mustart & y
use.y[,cptr:(cptr+Levels[iii]-1)] <- y
use.etastart[,iii] <- if (is.Numeric(initmu))
initmu[iii] else
cptr <- cptr + Levels[iii]
mustart <- NULL # Overwrite it
etastart <- theta2eta(use.etastart, .link , earg = .earg )
y <- use.y # n x sum(Levels)
M <- NOS
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
mu.names <- paste0("mu", iii, ".")
ncoly <- extra$ncoly <- sum(Levels)
cp.vector <- rep_len( .cutpoints , ncoly)
extra$countdata <- .countdata
extra$cutpoints <- cp.vector
extra$n <- n
mynames <- param.names("mu", M, skip1 = TRUE)
predictors.names <-
namesof(mynames, .link , earg = .earg , tag = FALSE)
list( .link = link, .countdata = countdata,
.earg = earg,
.cutpoints = cutpoints, .NOS = NOS,
.Levels = Levels, =,
linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
mu <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg ) # Pois means
mu <- cbind(mu)
list( .link = link,
.earg = earg,
.countdata = countdata ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
if ( .countdata ) {
misc$link <- .link
misc$earg <- list( .earg )
} else {
misc$link <- rep_len( .link , M)
names(misc$link) <- mynames
misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
for (ii in 1:M)
misc$earg[[ii]] <- .earg
misc$parameters <- mynames
misc$countdata <- .countdata
misc$ = FALSE # $fitted is not a true mu
list( .link = link,
.countdata = countdata, .earg = earg ))),
loglikelihood =
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE) {
if (residuals) {
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
probs <- ordpoissonProbs(extra, mu)
index0 <- y == 0
probs[index0] <- 1
pindex0 <- probs == 0
probs[pindex0] <- 1
if (summation) {
sum(pindex0) * (-1.0e+10) + sum(w * y * log(probs))
} else {
stop("20140311; 'summation=F' not done yet")
vfamily = c("ordpoisson", "VGAMcategorical"),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
probs <- ordpoissonProbs(extra, mu)
probs.use <- pmax(probs, .Machine$double.eps * 1.0e-0)
cp.vector <- extra$cutpoints
NOS <- extra$NOS
Levels <- extra$Levels
resmat <- matrix(0, n, M)
dl.dprob <- y / probs.use
dmu.deta <- dtheta.deta(mu, .link , earg = .earg )
dprob.dmu <- ordpoissonProbs(extra, mu, deriv = 1)
cptr <- 1
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
for (kkk in 1:Levels[iii]) {
resmat[,iii] <- resmat[,iii] +
dl.dprob[,cptr] * dprob.dmu[,cptr]
cptr <- cptr + 1
resmat <- c(w) * resmat * dmu.deta
list( .link = link,
.earg = earg, .countdata = countdata ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
d2l.dmu2 <- matrix(0, n, M) # Diagonal matrix
cptr <- 1
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
for (kkk in 1:Levels[iii]) {
d2l.dmu2[,iii] <- d2l.dmu2[,iii] +
dprob.dmu[,cptr]^2 / probs.use[,cptr]
cptr <- cptr + 1
wz <- c(w) * d2l.dmu2 * dmu.deta^2
list( .earg = earg, .link = link,
.countdata = countdata ))))
ordpoissonProbs <- function(extra, mu, deriv = 0) {
cp.vector <- extra$cutpoints
NOS <- extra$NOS
if (deriv == 1) {
dprob.dmu <- matrix(0, extra$n, extra$ncoly)
} else {
probs <- matrix(0, extra$n, extra$ncoly)
mu <- cbind(mu)
cptr <- 1
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
if (deriv == 1) {
dprob.dmu[,cptr] <- -dpois(x = cp.vector[cptr],
lambda = mu[,iii])
} else {
probs[,cptr] <- ppois(q = cp.vector[cptr],
lambda = mu[,iii])
cptr <- cptr + 1
while (is.finite(cp.vector[cptr])) {
if (deriv == 1) {
dprob.dmu[,cptr] <-
dpois(x = cp.vector[cptr-1], lambda = mu[,iii]) -
dpois(x = cp.vector[cptr ], lambda = mu[,iii])
} else {
probs[,cptr] <-
ppois(q = cp.vector[cptr ], lambda = mu[,iii]) -
ppois(q = cp.vector[cptr-1], lambda = mu[,iii])
cptr <- cptr + 1
if (deriv == 1) {
dprob.dmu[,cptr] <-
dpois(x = cp.vector[cptr-1], lambda = mu[,iii]) -
dpois(x = cp.vector[cptr ], lambda = mu[,iii])
} else {
probs[,cptr] <-
ppois(q = cp.vector[cptr ], lambda = mu[,iii]) -
ppois(q = cp.vector[cptr-1], lambda = mu[,iii])
cptr <- cptr + 1
if (deriv == 1) dprob.dmu else probs
findFirstMethod <- function(methodsfn, charvec) {
answer <- NULL
for (ii in seq_along(charvec)) {
if (existsMethod(methodsfn,
signature(VGAMff = charvec[ii]))) {
answer <- charvec[ii]
margeff <- function(object, subset = NULL, ...) {
try.this <- findFirstMethod("margeffS4VGAM",
if (length(try.this)) {
margeffS4VGAM(object = object,
subset = subset,
VGAMff = new(try.this),
} else {
stop("Could not find a methods function for ",
"'margeffS4VGAM' emanating ",
"from '", object@family@vfamily[1], "'")
subsetarray3 <- function(array3, subset = NULL) {
if (is.null(subset)) {
} else
if (is.numeric(subset) && (length(subset) == 1)) {
return(array3[, , subset])
} else {
return(array3[, , subset])
warning("argument 'subset' unmatched. Doing nothing")
setClass("VGAMcategorical", contains = "vglmff")
setClass("VGAMordinal", contains = "VGAMcategorical")
setClass("multinomial", contains = "VGAMcategorical")
setClass("acat", contains = "VGAMordinal")
setClass("cumulative", contains = "VGAMordinal")
setClass("cratio", contains = "VGAMordinal")
setClass("sratio", contains = "VGAMordinal")
signature(VGAMff = "VGAMcategorical"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
object@post$M <- M <- object@misc$M
object@post$n <- nnn <- object@misc$n
}) # "VGAMcategorical"
setMethod("margeffS4VGAM", signature(VGAMff ="multinomial"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
object <- callNextMethod(VGAMff = VGAMff,
object = object,
subset = subset,
M <- object@misc$M
nnn <- object@misc$n
cfit <- coefvlm(object, matrix.out = TRUE)
rlev <- object@misc$refLevel
if (!length(rlev))
relev <- M+1 # Default
Bmat <- matrix(0, nrow(cfit), 1 + ncol(cfit))
Bmat[, -rlev] <- cfit
ppp <- nrow(Bmat)
pvec1 <- fitted(object)[1, ]
rownames(Bmat) <- rownames(cfit)
colnames(Bmat) <-
if (length(names(pvec1))) names(pvec1) else
param.names("mu", M+1)
BB <- array(Bmat, c(ppp, M+1, nnn))
pvec <- c(t(fitted(object)))
pvec <- rep(pvec, each = ppp)
temp1 <- array(BB * pvec, c(ppp, M+1, nnn))
temp2 <- aperm(temp1, c(2, 1, 3)) # (M+1) x ppp x nnn
temp2 <- colSums(temp2) # ppp x nnn
temp2 <- array(rep(temp2, each = M+1), c(M+1, ppp, nnn))
temp2 <- aperm(temp2, c(2, 1, 3)) # ppp x (M+1) x nnn
temp3 <- pvec
ans.mlm <- array((BB - temp2) * temp3, c(ppp, M+1, nnn),
dimnames = list(dimnames(Bmat)[[1]],
return(subsetarray3(ans.mlm, subset = subset))
}) # "multinomial"
setMethod("margeffS4VGAM", signature(VGAMff = "VGAMordinal"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
M <- object@misc$M
nnn <- object@misc$n
object@post$reverse <- object@misc$reverse
object@post$linkfunctions <-
linkfunctions <- object@misc$link
object@post$all.eargs <- all.eargs <- object@misc$earg
object@post$Bmat <- Bmat <- coefvlm(object,
matrix.out = TRUE)
object@post$ppp <- nrow(Bmat)
etamat <- predict(object)
hdot <- Thetamat <- etamat
for (jlocal in 1:M) {
Thetamat[, jlocal] <- eta2theta(etamat[, jlocal],
hdot[, jlocal] <- dtheta.deta(Thetamat[, jlocal],
} # jlocal
object@post$hdot <- hdot
object@post$Thetamat <- Thetamat
}) # "VGAMordinal"
setClass("poissonff", contains = "VGAMcategorical")
setMethod("margeffS4VGAM", signature(VGAMff = "poissonff"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
etamat <- predict(object) # nnn x M
nnn <- nrow(etamat)
M <- ncol(etamat)
if (!all(linkfunvlm(object) == "loglink"))
stop("Only objects using 'loglink' are permitted here")
mustar <- fitted(object) # nnn x NOS
M1 <- npred(object, type = "one.response")
if (M1 != 1) stop("M1 should be one")
NOS <- M / M1
ymat <- depvar(object)
cnymat <- colnames(ymat)
rnymat <- rownames(ymat)
coefmat <- coef(object, matrix = TRUE) # ppp x NOS
ppp <- nrow(coefmat)
betamat <- matrix(c(coefmat), nnn, ppp * NOS, byrow = TRUE)
ans <- betamat * kronecker(mustar, matrix(1, 1, ppp))
dim(ans) <- c(nnn, ppp, NOS)
ans <- aperm(ans, c(2, 3, 1)) # ppp x NOS x nnn
dimnames(ans) <- list(rownames(coefmat), cnymat, rnymat)
}) # poissonff
setClass("negbinomial", contains = "VGAMcategorical")
setMethod("margeffS4VGAM", signature(VGAMff = "negbinomial"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
etamat <- predict(object) # nnn x M
nnn <- nrow(etamat)
M <- ncol(etamat)
if (!all(linkfunvlm(object)[c(TRUE, FALSE)] == "loglink"))
stop("Only objects whose mean is modelled using ",
"'loglink' are permitted here")
mustar <- fitted(object) # nnn x NOS
M1 <- npred(object, type = "one.response")
if (M1 != 2) stop("M1 should be two")
NOS <- M / M1
ymat <- depvar(object)
cnymat <- colnames(ymat)
rnymat <- rownames(ymat)
coefmat <- coef(object, matrix = TRUE)[, c(TRUE, FALSE),
drop = FALSE] # ppp x NOS
ppp <- nrow(coefmat)
betamat <- matrix(c(coefmat), nnn, ppp * NOS, byrow = TRUE)
ans <- betamat * kronecker(mustar, matrix(1, 1, ppp))
dim(ans) <- c(nnn, ppp, NOS)
ans <- aperm(ans, c(2, 3, 1)) # ppp x NOS x nnn
dimnames(ans) <- list(rownames(coefmat), cnymat, rnymat)
}) # negbinomial
setClass("posnegbinomial", contains = "VGAMcategorical")
signature(VGAMff = "posnegbinomial"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
etamat <- predict(object) # nnn x M
nnn <- nrow(etamat)
M <- ncol(etamat)
if (!all(linkfunvlm(object)[c(TRUE, FALSE)] == "loglink"))
stop("Only objects whose mean is modelled using ",
"'loglink' are permitted here")
mustar <- fitted(object) # nnn x NOS
M1 <- npred(object, type = "one.response")
if (M1 != 2) stop("M1 should be two")
NOS <- M / M1
ymat <- depvar(object)
cnymat <- colnames(ymat)
rnymat <- rownames(ymat)
coefmat <- coef(object, matrix = TRUE)[, c(TRUE, FALSE),
drop = FALSE] # ppp x NOS
ppp <- nrow(coefmat)
betamat <- matrix(c(coefmat), nnn, ppp * NOS, byrow = TRUE)
ans <- betamat * kronecker(mustar, matrix(1, 1, ppp))
dim(ans) <- c(nnn, ppp, NOS)
ans <- aperm(ans, c(2, 3, 1)) # ppp x NOS x nnn
dimnames(ans) <- list(rownames(coefmat), cnymat, rnymat)
}) # posnegbinomial
setClass("tobit", contains = "VGAMcategorical")
setMethod("margeffS4VGAM", signature(VGAMff = "tobit"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
object <- callNextMethod(VGAMff = VGAMff,
object = object,
subset = subset,
etamat <- predict(object) # nnn x M
nnn <- nrow(etamat)
M <- ncol(etamat)
Lowmat <- object@misc$Lower
Uppmat <- object@misc$Upper
censoL <- object@extra$censoredL
censoU <- object@extra$censoredU
mustar <- fitted(object, type.fitted = "uncensored")
M1 <- npred(object, type = "one.response")
NOS <- M / M1
sigmahat <- matrix(NA_real_, nnn, NOS)
for (jay in seq(NOS))
sigmahat[, jay] <-
eta2theta(etamat[, M1 * jay],
link = object@misc$link[[M1 * jay]],
earg = object@misc$earg[[M1 * jay]])
ymat <- depvar(object)
cnymat <- colnames(ymat)
rnymat <- rownames(ymat)
ymat[censoL] <- Lowmat[censoL]
ymat[censoU] <- Uppmat[censoU]
zedd <- (ymat - mustar) / sigmahat # nnn x NOS
coefmat <- coef(object, matrix = TRUE)[, c(TRUE, FALSE),
drop = FALSE]
ppp <- nrow(coefmat)
betamat <- matrix(c(coefmat), nnn, ppp * NOS, byrow = TRUE)
ans <- betamat *
kronecker(dnorm(zedd) / sigmahat, matrix(1, 1, ppp))
uncens <- !censoL && !censoU
ans[uncens] <- ans[uncens] * zedd[uncens] / sigmahat[uncens]
ans[censoL] <- -ans[censoL]
dim(ans) <- c(nnn, ppp, NOS)
ans <- aperm(ans, c(2, 3, 1)) # ppp x NOS x nnn
dimnames(ans) <- list(rownames(coefmat), cnymat, rnymat)
}) # "tobit"
setMethod("margeffS4VGAM", signature(VGAMff = "cumulative"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
object <- callNextMethod(VGAMff = VGAMff,
object = object,
subset = subset,
reverse <- object@post$reverse
linkfunctions <- object@post$linkfunctions
all.eargs <- object@post$all.eargs
Bmat <- cfit <- object@post$Bmat
ppp <- object@post$ppp
etamat <- predict(object) # nnn x M
fitmat <- fitted(object) # nnn x (M + 1)
nnn <- nrow(etamat)
M <- ncol(etamat)
hdot <- object@post$hdot
Thetamat <- object@post$Thetamat
hdot.big <- kronecker(hdot, matrix(1, ppp, 1)) # Enlarged
resmat <- cbind(hdot.big, 1)
resmat[, 1] <- ifelse(reverse, -1, 1) *
hdot.big[, 1] * cfit[, 1]
if (M > 1) {
for (jlocal in 2:M) {
resmat[, jlocal] <- ifelse(reverse, -1, 1) *
(hdot.big[, jlocal ] * cfit[, jlocal ] -
hdot.big[, jlocal - 1] * cfit[, jlocal - 1])
} # jlocal
} # if
resmat[, M+1] <- ifelse(reverse, 1, -1) *
hdot.big[, M] * cfit[, M]
ans.cum <- array(resmat, c(ppp, nnn, M+1),
dimnames = list(dimnames(Bmat)[[1]],
ans.cum <- aperm(ans.cum, c(1, 3, 2)) # ppp x (M+1) x nnn
subsetarray3(ans.cum, subset = subset)
}) # "cumulative"
setMethod("margeffS4VGAM", signature(VGAMff = "acat"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
object <- callNextMethod(VGAMff = VGAMff,
object = object,
subset = subset,
reverse <- object@post$reverse
linkfunctions <- object@post$linkfunctions
all.eargs <- object@post$all.eargs
Bmat <- cfit <- object@post$Bmat
ppp <- object@post$ppp
etamat <- predict(object) # nnn x M
fitmat <- fitted(object) # nnn x (M + 1)
nnn <- nrow(etamat)
M <- ncol(etamat)
hdot <- object@post$hdot
Thetamat <- object@post$Thetamat
expcs.etamat <- if (reverse)
exp(tapplymat1(etamat[, M:1, drop = FALSE],
"cumsum")[, M:1, drop = FALSE]) else
exp(tapplymat1(etamat, "cumsum"))
csexpcs.etavec <- rowSums(expcs.etamat)
if (!all(object@misc$link == "loglink"))
stop("currently only the 'loglink' link is supported")
acat.derivs <- function(jay, tee,
M, expcs.etamat, Thetamat,
prob1, probMplus1,
reverse = FALSE) {
if (jay > M+1) stop("argument 'jay' out of range")
if (M < tee) stop("argument 'tee' out of range")
if (reverse) { # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dpMplus1.detat <- -(probMplus1^2) *
rowSums(expcs.etamat[, 1:tee,
drop = FALSE])
if (jay == M+1) {
if (jay <= tee) {
return((probMplus1 + dpMplus1.detat) *
expcs.etamat[, jay])
if (tee < jay) {
return(dpMplus1.detat * expcs.etamat[, jay])
} else { # reverse = FALSE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dp1.detat <-
-(prob1^2) * rowSums(expcs.etamat[, tee:M,
drop = FALSE])
if (jay == 1) {
if (jay <= tee) {
return(dp1.detat * expcs.etamat[, jay-1])
if (tee < jay) {
return((prob1 + dp1.detat) * expcs.etamat[, jay-1])
} # reverse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
} # acat.derivs
A <- array(0, c(i = nnn, vars = ppp, probs = M + 1,
etas = M))
ansarray <- array(0, c(vars = ppp, i = nnn, probs = M + 1))
if (reverse) {
probMplus1 <- 1 / (1 + csexpcs.etavec) # Last level of Y
} else {
prob1 <- 1 / (1 + csexpcs.etavec) # First level of Y
for (jlocal in 1:(M+1)) {
for (tlocal in 1:M) {
A[, , jlocal, tlocal] <-
acat.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = tlocal,
M = M, expcs.etamat = expcs.etamat,
Thetamat = Thetamat,
prob1 = prob1, probMplus1 = probMplus1,
reverse = reverse)
A <- aperm(A, c(2, 1, 3, 4)) # c(ppp, nnn, M+1, M)
for (jlocal in 1:(M + 1)) {
for (tlocal in 1:M) {
ansarray[,, jlocal] <- ansarray[,, jlocal] +
A[,, jlocal, tlocal] * Bmat[, tlocal]
ans.acat <- aperm(ansarray, c(1, 3, 2)) # c(ppp,M+1,nnn)
dimnames(ans.acat) <- list(rownames(Bmat),
subsetarray3(ans.acat, subset = subset)
}) # "acat"
cratio.derivs <-
function(jay, tee,
hdot, M, cpThetamat, Thetamat,
reverse = FALSE) {
if (jay >= M+1) stop("argument 'jay' out of range")
if (M < tee) stop("argument 'tee' out of range")
if (reverse) { # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
if (jay == 1) {
return(hdot[, tee] * cpThetamat[, 1] / Thetamat[, tee])
if (jay-1 == tee) {
return(-hdot[, jay-1] * cpThetamat[, jay])
if (jay <= tee) {
return((1 - Thetamat[, jay-1]) *
hdot[, tee] *
cpThetamat[, jay] / Thetamat[, tee])
return(rep_len(0, nrow(Thetamat))) # Since jay-1 > tee
} else { # reverse = FALSE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
if (jay == 1 && tee == 1) {
return(-hdot[, 1])
if (jay == tee) {
return(-hdot[, jay] * cpThetamat[, jay-1])
if (tee < jay) {
return((1 - Thetamat[, jay]) *
hdot[, tee] *
cpThetamat[, jay-1] / Thetamat[, tee])
return(rep_len(0, nrow(Thetamat))) # Since jay < tee
} # reverse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
} # cratio.derivs
setMethod("margeffS4VGAM", signature(VGAMff = "cratio"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
object <- callNextMethod(VGAMff = VGAMff,
object = object,
subset = subset,
reverse <- object@post$reverse
linkfunctions <- object@post$linkfunctions
all.eargs <- object@post$all.eargs
Bmat <- cfit <- object@post$Bmat
ppp <- object@post$ppp
etamat <- predict(object) # nnn x M
fitmat <- fitted(object) # nnn x (M + 1)
nnn <- nrow(etamat)
M <- ncol(etamat)
hdot <- object@post$hdot
Thetamat <- object@post$Thetamat
vfamily <- object@family@vfamily
c.nots <- any(vfamily == "cratio")
if (any(vfamily == "cratio")) {
cpThetamat <- if (reverse)
tapplymat1( Thetamat[, M:1, drop = FALSE],
"cumprod")[, M:1, drop = FALSE] else
tapplymat1( Thetamat, "cumprod")
A <- array(0, c(i = nnn, vars = ppp, probs = M + 1,
etas = M))
ansarray <- array(0, c(vars = ppp, i = nnn, probs = M + 1))
choosemat <- if (c.nots) Thetamat else 1 - Thetamat
if (min(choosemat) <= 0)
warning("division by 0 may occur")
if (reverse) {
for (tlocal in 1:M) {
for (jlocal in 1:tlocal) {
A[, , jlocal, tlocal] <-
cratio.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = tlocal,
hdot = ifelse(c.nots, 1, -1) * hdot,
M = M, cpThetamat = cpThetamat,
Thetamat = choosemat,
reverse = reverse)
if (M > 1)
for (jlocal in 2:M) {
A[, , jlocal, jlocal-1] <-
cratio.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = jlocal-1,
hdot = ifelse(c.nots, 1, -1) * hdot,
M = M, cpThetamat = cpThetamat,
Thetamat = choosemat,
reverse = reverse)
} else {
for (jlocal in 1:M) {
for (tlocal in 1:jlocal) {
A[, , jlocal, tlocal] <-
cratio.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = tlocal,
hdot = ifelse(c.nots, 1, -1) * hdot,
M = M, cpThetamat = cpThetamat,
Thetamat = choosemat,
reverse = reverse)
if (reverse) {
A[, , M+1, M] <- ifelse(c.nots, -1, 1) * hdot[, M]
} else {
for (jlocal in 1:M) {
for (tlocal in 1:jlocal) {
A[, , M+1, tlocal] <- if (c.nots) {
A[, , M+1, tlocal] - A[, , jlocal, tlocal]
} else {
-hdot[, tlocal] *
cpThetamat[, M] / choosemat[, tlocal]
A <- aperm(A, c(2, 1, 3, 4)) # c(ppp, nnn, M+1, M)
for (jlocal in 1:(M + 1)) {
for (tlocal in 1:M) {
ansarray[,, jlocal] <- ansarray[,, jlocal] +
A[,, jlocal, tlocal] * Bmat[, tlocal]
ans.csratio <- aperm(ansarray, c(1, 3, 2)) # c(ppp,M+1,nnn)
dimnames(ans.csratio) <- list(rownames(Bmat),
subset = subset) # "cratio" & "sratio"
}) # "cratio"
setMethod("margeffS4VGAM", signature(VGAMff = "sratio"),
subset = NULL,
...) {
object <- callNextMethod(VGAMff = VGAMff,
object = object,
subset = subset,
reverse <- object@post$reverse
linkfunctions <- object@post$linkfunctions
all.eargs <- object@post$all.eargs
Bmat <- cfit <- object@post$Bmat
ppp <- object@post$ppp
etamat <- predict(object) # nnn x M
fitmat <- fitted(object) # nnn x (M + 1)
nnn <- nrow(etamat)
M <- ncol(etamat)
hdot <- object@post$hdot
Thetamat <- object@post$Thetamat
vfamily <- object@family@vfamily
c.nots <- any(vfamily == "cratio")
if (any(vfamily == "sratio")) {
cpThetamat <- if (reverse)
tapplymat1(1 - Thetamat[, M:1, drop = FALSE],
"cumprod")[, M:1, drop = FALSE] else
tapplymat1(1 - Thetamat, "cumprod")
A <- array(0, c(i = nnn, vars = ppp, probs = M + 1,
etas = M))
ansarray <- array(0, c(vars = ppp, i = nnn, probs = M + 1))
choosemat <- if (c.nots) Thetamat else 1 - Thetamat
if (min(choosemat) <= 0)
warning("division by 0 may occur")
if (reverse) {
for (tlocal in 1:M) {
for (jlocal in 1:tlocal) {
A[, , jlocal, tlocal] <-
cratio.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = tlocal,
hdot = ifelse(c.nots, 1, -1) * hdot,
M = M, cpThetamat = cpThetamat,
Thetamat = choosemat,
reverse = reverse)
if (M > 1)
for (jlocal in 2:M) {
A[, , jlocal, jlocal-1] <-
cratio.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = jlocal-1,
hdot = ifelse(c.nots, 1, -1) * hdot,
M = M, cpThetamat = cpThetamat,
Thetamat = choosemat,
reverse = reverse)
} else {
for (jlocal in 1:M) {
for (tlocal in 1:jlocal) {
A[, , jlocal, tlocal] <-
cratio.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = tlocal,
hdot = ifelse(c.nots, 1, -1) * hdot,
M = M, cpThetamat = cpThetamat,
Thetamat = choosemat,
reverse = reverse)
if (reverse) {
A[, , M+1, M] <- ifelse(c.nots, -1, 1) * hdot[, M]
} else {
for (jlocal in 1:M) {
for (tlocal in 1:jlocal) {
A[, , M+1, tlocal] <- if (c.nots) {
A[, , M+1, tlocal] - A[, , jlocal, tlocal]
} else {
-hdot[, tlocal] *
cpThetamat[, M] / choosemat[, tlocal]
A <- aperm(A, c(2, 1, 3, 4)) # c(ppp, nnn, M+1, M)
for (jlocal in 1:(M + 1)) {
for (tlocal in 1:M) {
ansarray[,, jlocal] <- ansarray[,, jlocal] +
A[,, jlocal, tlocal] * Bmat[, tlocal]
ans.csratio <- aperm(ansarray, c(1, 3, 2)) # c(ppp,M+1,nnn)
dimnames(ans.csratio) <- list(rownames(Bmat),
subset = subset) # "cratio" & "sratio"
}) # "sratio"
margefff <- function(object, subset = NULL) {
ii <- subset
if (!is(object, "vglm"))
stop("'object' is not a vglm() object")
if (!any(temp.logical <-
is.element(c("multinomial", "cumulative", "acat",
"cratio", "sratio"),
stop("'object' is not a 'multinomial' or 'acat' ",
"or 'cumulative' or 'cratio' or 'sratio' VGLM!")
vfamily <- object@family@vfamily
if (is(object, "vgam"))
stop("'object' is a vgam() object")
if (length(object@control$xij))
stop("'object' contains 'xij' terms")
if (length(object@misc$form2))
stop("'object' contains 'form2' terms")
oassign <- object@misc$orig.assign
if (any(unlist(lapply(oassign, length)) > 1))
warning("some terms in 'object' create more than one ",
"column of the LM design matrix")
nnn <- object@misc$n
M <- object@misc$M # ncol(B) # length(pvec) - 1
if (any(vfamily == "multinomial")) {
rlev <- object@misc$refLevel
cfit <- coefvlm(object, matrix.out = TRUE)
B <- if (!length(rlev)) {
cbind(cfit, 0)
} else {
if (rlev == M+1) { # Default
cbind(cfit, 0)
} else if (rlev == 1) {
cbind(0, cfit)
} else {
cbind(cfit[, 1:(rlev-1)], 0, cfit[, rlev:M])
ppp <- nrow(B)
pvec1 <- fitted(object)[1, ]
colnames(B) <- if (length(names(pvec1))) names(pvec1) else
param.names("mu", M+1)
if (is.null(ii)) {
BB <- array(B, c(ppp, M+1, nnn))
pvec <- c(t(fitted(object)))
pvec <- rep(pvec, each = ppp)
temp1 <- array(BB * pvec, c(ppp, M+1, nnn))
temp2 <- aperm(temp1, c(2, 1, 3)) # (M+1) x ppp x nnn
temp2 <- colSums(temp2) # ppp x nnn
temp2 <- array(rep(temp2, each = M+1), c(M+1, ppp, nnn))
temp2 <- aperm(temp2, c(2, 1, 3)) # ppp x (M+1) x nnn
temp3 <- pvec
ans <- array((BB - temp2) * temp3, c(ppp, M+1, nnn),
dimnames = list(dimnames(B)[[1]],
} else if (is.numeric(ii) && length(ii) == 1) {
pvec <- fitted(object)[ii, ]
temp1 <- B * matrix(pvec, ppp, M+1, byrow = TRUE)
temp2 <- matrix(rowSums(temp1), ppp, M+1)
temp3 <- matrix(pvec, nrow(B), M+1, byrow = TRUE)
return((B - temp2) * temp3)
} else {
if (is.logical(ii))
ii <- (1:nnn)[ii]
ans <- array(0, c(ppp, M+1, length(ii)),
dimnames = list(dimnames(B)[[1]],
dimnames(fitted(object)[ii, ])[[1]]))
for (ilocal in seq_along(ii)) {
pvec <- fitted(object)[ii[ilocal], ]
temp1 <- B * matrix(pvec, ppp, M+1, byrow = TRUE)
temp2 <- matrix(rowSums(temp1), ppp, M+1)
temp3 <- matrix(pvec, nrow(B), M+1, byrow = TRUE)
ans[ , , ilocal] <- (B - temp2) * temp3
} # "multinomial"
reverse <- object@misc$reverse
linkfunctions <- object@misc$link
all.eargs <- object@misc$earg
B <- cfit <- coefvlm(object, matrix.out = TRUE)
ppp <- nrow(B)
etamat <- predict(object) # nnn x M
fitmat <- fitted(object) # nnn x (M + 1)
nnn <- nrow(etamat)
hdot <- Thetamat <- etamat
for (jlocal in 1:M) {
Thetamat[, jlocal] <- eta2theta(etamat[, jlocal],
hdot[, jlocal] <- dtheta.deta(Thetamat[, jlocal],
} # jlocal
if (any(vfamily == "acat")) {
expcs.etamat <- if (reverse)
exp(tapplymat1(etamat[, M:1, drop = FALSE],
"cumsum")[, M:1, drop = FALSE]) else
exp(tapplymat1(etamat, "cumsum"))
csexpcs.etavec <- rowSums(expcs.etamat)
if (any(vfamily == "cratio")) {
cpThetamat <- if (reverse)
tapplymat1( Thetamat[, M:1, drop = FALSE],
"cumprod")[, M:1, drop = FALSE] else
tapplymat1( Thetamat, "cumprod")
if (any(vfamily == "sratio")) {
cpThetamat <- if (reverse)
tapplymat1(1 - Thetamat[, M:1, drop = FALSE],
"cumprod")[, M:1, drop = FALSE] else
tapplymat1(1 - Thetamat, "cumprod")
if (is.logical(is.multivariateY <-
object@misc$multiple.responses) && is.multivariateY)
stop("cannot handle ",
"cumulative(multiple.responses = TRUE)")
if (any(vfamily == "cumulative")) {
hdot.big <- kronecker(hdot, matrix(1, ppp, 1)) # Enlarged
resmat <- cbind(hdot.big, 1)
resmat[, 1] <- ifelse(reverse, -1, 1) *
hdot.big[, 1] * cfit[, 1]
if (M > 1) {
for (jlocal in 2:M)
resmat[, jlocal] <- ifelse(reverse, -1, 1) *
(hdot.big[, jlocal ] * cfit[, jlocal ] -
hdot.big[, jlocal - 1] * cfit[, jlocal - 1])
} # jlocal
resmat[, M+1] <- ifelse(reverse, 1, -1) *
hdot.big[, M] * cfit[, M]
temp1 <- array(resmat, c(ppp, nnn, M+1),
dimnames = list(dimnames(B)[[1]],
temp1 <- aperm(temp1, c(1, 3, 2)) # ppp x (M+1) x nnn
if (is.null(ii)) {
} else
if (is.numeric(ii) && (length(ii) == 1)) {
return(temp1[, , ii])
} else {
return(temp1[, , ii])
} # "cumulative"
if (any(vfamily == "acat")) {
if (!all(object@misc$link == "loglink"))
stop("currently only the 'loglink' link is supported")
acat.derivs <- function(jay, tee,
M, expcs.etamat, Thetamat,
prob1, probMplus1,
reverse = FALSE) {
if (jay > M+1) stop("argument 'jay' out of range")
if (M < tee) stop("argument 'tee' out of range")
if (reverse) { # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dpMplus1.detat <- -(probMplus1^2) *
rowSums(expcs.etamat[, 1:tee, drop = FALSE])
if (jay == M+1) {
if (jay <= tee) {
return((probMplus1 + dpMplus1.detat) *
expcs.etamat[, jay])
if (tee < jay) {
return(dpMplus1.detat * expcs.etamat[, jay])
} else { # reverse = FALSE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dp1.detat <-
-(prob1^2) * rowSums(expcs.etamat[, tee:M,
drop = FALSE])
if (jay == 1) {
if (jay <= tee) {
return(dp1.detat * expcs.etamat[, jay-1])
if (tee < jay) {
return((prob1 + dp1.detat) * expcs.etamat[, jay-1])
} # reverse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
} # acat.derivs
A <- array(0, c(i = nnn, vars = ppp, probs = M + 1,
etas = M))
ansarray <- array(0, c(vars = ppp, i = nnn, probs = M + 1))
if (reverse) {
probMplus1 <- 1 / (1 + csexpcs.etavec) # Last level of Y
} else {
prob1 <- 1 / (1 + csexpcs.etavec) # First level of Y
for (jlocal in 1:(M+1)) {
for (tlocal in 1:M) {
A[, , jlocal, tlocal] <-
acat.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = tlocal,
M = M, expcs.etamat = expcs.etamat,
Thetamat = Thetamat,
prob1 = prob1, probMplus1 = probMplus1,
reverse = reverse)
A <- aperm(A, c(2, 1, 3, 4)) # c(ppp, nnn, M+1, M)
for (jlocal in 1:(M + 1)) {
for (tlocal in 1:M) {
ansarray[,, jlocal] <- ansarray[,, jlocal] +
A[,, jlocal, tlocal] * B[, tlocal]
ans.acat <- aperm(ansarray, c(1, 3, 2)) # c(ppp, M+1, nnn)
dimnames(ans.acat) <- list(rownames(B),
} # "acat"
c.nots <- any(vfamily == "cratio")
cratio.derivs <-
function(jay, tee,
hdot, M, cpThetamat, Thetamat,
reverse = FALSE) {
if (jay >= M+1) stop("argument 'jay' out of range")
if (M < tee) stop("argument 'tee' out of range")
if (reverse) { # ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
if (jay == 1) {
return(hdot[, tee] *
cpThetamat[, 1] / Thetamat[, tee])
if (jay-1 == tee) {
return(-hdot[, jay-1] * cpThetamat[, jay])
if (jay <= tee) {
return((1 - Thetamat[, jay-1]) *
hdot[, tee] *
cpThetamat[, jay] / Thetamat[, tee])
return(rep_len(0, nrow(Thetamat))) # Since jay-1 > tee
} else { # reverse = FALSE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
if (jay == 1 && tee == 1) {
return(-hdot[, 1])
if (jay == tee) {
return(-hdot[, jay] * cpThetamat[, jay-1])
if (tee < jay) {
return((1 - Thetamat[, jay]) *
hdot[, tee] * cpThetamat[, jay-1] / Thetamat[, tee])
return(rep_len(0, nrow(Thetamat))) # Since jay < tee
} # reverse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
} # cratio.derivs
A <- array(0, c(i = nnn, vars = ppp, probs = M + 1,
etas = M))
ansarray <- array(0, c(vars = ppp, i = nnn, probs = M + 1))
choosemat <- if (c.nots) Thetamat else 1 - Thetamat
if (min(choosemat) <= 0)
warning("division by 0 may occur")
if (any(vfamily == "cratio" | vfamily == "sratio")) {
if (reverse) {
for (tlocal in 1:M) {
for (jlocal in 1:tlocal) {
A[, , jlocal, tlocal] <-
cratio.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = tlocal,
hdot = ifelse(c.nots, 1, -1) * hdot,
M = M, cpThetamat = cpThetamat,
Thetamat = choosemat,
reverse = reverse)
if (M > 1)
for (jlocal in 2:M) {
A[, , jlocal, jlocal-1] <-
cratio.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = jlocal-1,
hdot = ifelse(c.nots, 1, -1) * hdot,
M = M, cpThetamat = cpThetamat,
Thetamat = choosemat,
reverse = reverse)
} else {
for (jlocal in 1:M) {
for (tlocal in 1:jlocal) {
A[, , jlocal, tlocal] <-
cratio.derivs(jay = jlocal, tee = tlocal,
hdot = ifelse(c.nots, 1, -1) * hdot,
M = M, cpThetamat = cpThetamat,
Thetamat = choosemat,
reverse = reverse)
if (reverse) {
A[, , M+1, M] <- ifelse(c.nots, -1, 1) * hdot[, M]
} else {
for (jlocal in 1:M) {
for (tlocal in 1:jlocal) {
A[, , M+1, tlocal] <- if (c.nots) {
A[, , M+1, tlocal] - A[, , jlocal, tlocal]
} else {
-hdot[, tlocal] * cpThetamat[, M] / choosemat[, tlocal]
A <- aperm(A, c(2, 1, 3, 4)) # c(ppp, nnn, M+1, M)
for (jlocal in 1:(M + 1)) {
for (tlocal in 1:M) {
ansarray[,, jlocal] <- ansarray[,, jlocal] +
A[,, jlocal, tlocal] * B[, tlocal]
ans.csratio <- aperm(ansarray, c(1, 3, 2)) # c(ppp,M+1,nnn)
dimnames(ans.csratio) <- list(rownames(B),
} # "cratio" and "sratio"
} # margefff
prplot <- function(object,
control = prplot.control(...), ...) {
if (!any(slotNames(object) == "family") ||
!any(object@family@vfamily == "VGAMcategorical"))
stop("'object' does not seem to be a VGAM categorical ",
"model object")
if (!any(object@family@vfamily == "cumulative"))
stop("'object' does not seem to be a VGAM categorical ",
"model object")
control <- prplot.control(...)
object <- plot.vgam(object, plot.arg = FALSE,
raw = FALSE) # , ...
if (length(names(object@preplot)) != 1)
stop("object needs to have only one term")
MM <- object@misc$M
use.y <- cbind((object@preplot[[1]])$y)
Constant <- attr(object@preplot, "Constant")
if (is.numeric(Constant) && length(Constant) == ncol(use.y))
use.y <- use.y + matrix(Constant, nrow(use.y), ncol(use.y),
byrow = TRUE)
for (ii in 1:MM) {
use.y[, ii] <- eta2theta(use.y[, ii],
link = object@misc$link[[ii]],
earg = object@misc$earg[[ii]])
if (ncol(use.y) != MM) use.y = use.y[, 1:MM, drop = FALSE]
use.x <- (object@preplot[[1]])$x
myxlab <- if (length(control$xlab))
control$xlab else (object@preplot[[1]])$xlab
mymain <- if (MM <= 3)
collapse = ", ") else
paste(object@misc$parameters[c(1, MM)],
collapse = ",...,")
if (length(control$main)) mymain = control$main
if (length(control$ylab)) myylab = control$ylab
matplot(use.x, use.y, type = "l",
xlab = myxlab, ylab = myylab,
lty = control$lty,
col = control$col, las = control$las,
xlim = if (is.Numeric(control$xlim))
control$xlim else range(use.x),
ylim = if (is.Numeric(control$ylim))
control$ylim else range(use.y),
if (control$rug.arg)
rug(use.x, col=control$rcol, lwd=control$rlwd)
} # prplot
prplot.control <-
function(xlab = NULL, ylab = "Probability",
main = NULL,
xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
lty = par()$lty,
col = par()$col,
rcol = par()$col,
lwd = par()$lwd,
rlwd = par()$lwd,
las = par()$las,
rug.arg = FALSE,
...) {
list(xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
lty = lty, col = col, rcol = rcol,
lwd = lwd, rlwd = rlwd, rug.arg = rug.arg,
las = las, main = main)
is.parallel.matrix <- function(object, ...)
is.matrix(object) && all(! &&
all(c(object) == 1) && ncol(object) == 1
is.parallel.vglm <-
function(object, type = c("term", "lm"), ...) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("term", "lm"))[1]
Hlist <- constraints(object, type = type)
unlist(lapply(Hlist, is.parallel.matrix))
if (!isGeneric("is.parallel"))
setGeneric("is.parallel", function(object, ...)
package = "VGAM")
setMethod("is.parallel", "matrix", function(object, ...)
is.parallel.matrix(object, ...))
setMethod("is.parallel", "vglm", function(object, ...)
is.parallel.vglm(object, ...)) <- function(object, ...) {
rnames <- rownames(object)
intercept.index <- if (length(rnames)) {
if (any(rnames == "(Intercept)")) {
(seq_along(rnames))[rnames == "(Intercept)"]
} else {
stop("the matrix doesnt have an intercept")
} else {
stop("the matrix doesnt have an intercept")
if (nrow(object) <= 1)
stop("the matrix needs to have more than one row",
", i.e., more than ",
"an intercept on the RHS of the formula")
cfit <- object[-intercept.index, , drop = FALSE]
foo <- function(conmat.col)
all(! &&
all(c(conmat.col) == 0)
unlist(apply(cfit, 2, foo))
} # <- function(object, ...) {, matrix = TRUE))
if (!isGeneric(""))
setGeneric("", function(object, ...)
package = "VGAM")
setMethod("", "matrix", function(object, ...), ...))
setMethod("", "NULL",
function(object, ...)
setMethod("", "character",
function(object, ...)
is.character(object) &&
length(object) == 1 &&
object == "")
setMethod("", "logical",
function(object, ...)
length(object) == 1 && # Based on class(NA)
setMethod("", "vglm", function(object, ...), ...))
signature(VGAMff = "acat"),
...) {
cat("\nThis is an adjacent categories model with",
1 + object@misc$M, "levels\n")
signature(VGAMff = "acat"),
...) {
cat("\nThis is an adjacent categories model with",
1 + object@misc$M, "levels\n")
signature(VGAMff = "multinomial"),
...) {
cat("\nThis is a multinomial logit model with",
1 + object@misc$M, "levels\n")
signature(VGAMff = "multinomial"),
...) {
cat("\nThis is a multinomial logit model with",
1 + object@misc$M, "levels\n")
R2latvar <- function(object) {
if (!is(object, "vglm"))
stop("argument 'object' is not a vglm() fit")
vfam <- object@family@vfamily
fam.permitted <- c("cumulative", "propodds",
if (!(vfam[1] %in% fam.permitted))
stop("the family function must be one of ",
linkfn <- linkfun(object)[1]
link.permitted <- c("logitlink", "probitlink",
"clogloglink") # "cauchitlink"
if (!(linkfn %in% link.permitted))
stop("allowable link functions supported are ",
infos <- object@family@infos()
if (length(infos$parallel) == 1 &&
if (!infos$parallel)
stop("the linear predictors are not parallel")
if (!all(unlist(constraints(object)[-1]) == 1))
stop("the linear predictors are not parallel")
eta1 <- predict(object)[, 1]
offset <- switch(linkfn,
logitlink = (pi^2)/3,
probitlink = 1,
clogloglink = (pi^2) / 6,
stop("link unrecognized"))
veta1 <- var(eta1)
veta1 / (veta1 + offset)
} # R2latvar
ordsup.vglm <-
function(object, all.vars = FALSE, confint = FALSE, ...) {
if (!is(object, "vglm"))
stop("argument 'object' is not a vglm() fit")
vfam <- object@family@vfamily
fam.permitted <- c("uninormal", "propodds", "cumulative")
if (!(vfam[1] %in% fam.permitted))
stop("the family function must be one of ",
paste(fam.permitted, collapse = ", "))
linkfns <- linkfun(object)
link.permitted <- c("identitylink", "logitlink", "probitlink")
if (!any(linkfns %in% link.permitted))
stop("allowable link functions supported are ",
paste("'", link.permitted, "'",
sep = "", collapse = ", "))
R <- npred(object) / npred(object, type = "one.response")
if (R > 1)
stop("currently cannot handle multiple responses")
infos <- object@family@infos()
cobj <- coef(object)
cobj.mat <- coef(object, matrix = TRUE)
x.LM <- model.matrix(object, type = "lm")
is.binary <- apply(if (has.intercept(object))
x.LM[, -1, drop = FALSE] else x.LM,
2, function(coln)
length(unique(coln)) == 2)
if (all.vars) {
is.binary[] <- TRUE
} else {
if (sum(is.binary) == 0) {
warning("no binary explanatory variables; ",
"returning a NULL")
is.binary <- names(is.binary)[is.binary]
uninormal = {
if (!all(linkfns[c(TRUE, FALSE)] == "identitylink"))
stop("must use 'identitylink' for the mean parameter")
if (!all(cobj.mat[-1, c(FALSE, TRUE)] == 0))
stop("the sdev or var parameter must be intercept-only")
sdev <- numeric(ncol(cobj.mat) / 2)
for (jay in 1:(ncol(cobj.mat) / 2))
sdev[jay] <- eta2theta(cobj.mat["(Intercept)", 2*jay],
link = object@misc$link[2*jay],
earg = object@misc$earg[2*jay])
if (infos$parameters.names[2] == "var")
sdev <- sqrt(sdev) # It was actually the variance before
cumulative = {
if (length(infos$parallel) == 1 &&
if (!infos$parallel)
stop("the linear predictors are not parallel")
if (!all(unlist(constraints(object)[-1]) == 1))
stop("the linear predictors are not parallel")
reverse <- infos$reverse
if (FALSE)
if (!reverse) {
stop("the 'reverse' argument must be TRUE")
stop("family unrecognized")
}) <- function(cobj, is.binary, vfam,
reverse, linkfns = NULL) {
uninormal = {
gamma <- pnorm(cobj[ is.binary ] / (sqrt(2) * sdev))
cumulative = {
gamma <-
clogloglink = clogloglink(ifelse(reverse, 1, -1) * # Unsure
cobj[ is.binary ], inverse = TRUE),
logitlink = logitlink(ifelse(reverse, 1, -1) *
cobj[ is.binary ] / sqrt(2),
inverse = TRUE),
probitlink = probitlink(ifelse(reverse, 1, -1) *
cobj[ is.binary ] / sqrt(2),
inverse = TRUE))
zzzz = {
gamma <-, is.binary, vfam, reverse, linkfns)
Delta <- 2 * gamma - 1
if (confint) {
ans2 <- confint(object, parm = is.binary, ...)
if (!is.matrix(ans2))
ans2 <- matrix(ans2, 1, 2,
dimnames = list(is.binary, names(ans2)))
ans2.low <-[, 1], TRUE,
vfam, reverse, linkfns)
ans2.upp <-[, 2], TRUE,
vfam, reverse, linkfns)
Delta.low <- 2 * ans2.low - 1
Delta.upp <- 2 * ans2.upp - 1
names(ans2.low) <- names(ans2.upp) <-
names(Delta.low) <- names(Delta.upp) <- is.binary
list(gamma = gamma,
Delta = Delta),
if (confint) {
list(lower.gamma = ans2.low,
upper.gamma = ans2.upp,
Lower.Delta = Delta.low,
Upper.Delta = Delta.upp)
} else NULL)
} # ordsup.vglm
if (!isGeneric("ordsup"))
function(object, ...) standardGeneric("ordsup"))
setMethod("ordsup", "vglm",
function(object, ...) ordsup.vglm(object, ...))
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