
Defines functions createProject loadProject setGenomeReference configure_project getConfig getConfigDir getConfigFile assignConfig loadImmportTables getAndConnectSRAdb detectAspera downloadSRA devel_truncateData annotateSRA SRAOverview convertSRAtoFastQ concatenateFastq stripExtension runFastQC .collectFastqcFiles summarizeFastQC summarizeDuplication RSEMCalculateExpression RSEMAssembleExpressionMatrix RSEMSummarizeMapping pipelineReport saveConfig readConfig getExpressionSet MiTCR pear getDataFromSRX annotationsFromSRX sequenceAlignmentTopHat .createSampleFile .createGenomeDict qualityRNASeQC QualityControl AlignmentSTAR sumDuplicates buildReference annotateUCSC mergeData getDir

Documented in AlignmentSTAR annotateSRA annotateUCSC annotationsFromSRX assignConfig buildReference concatenateFastq configure_project convertSRAtoFastQ createProject detectAspera devel_truncateData downloadSRA getAndConnectSRAdb getConfig getConfigDir getConfigFile getDataFromSRX getDir getExpressionSet loadImmportTables loadProject mergeData MiTCR pear pipelineReport QualityControl qualityRNASeQC readConfig RSEMAssembleExpressionMatrix RSEMCalculateExpression RSEMSummarizeMapping runFastQC saveConfig sequenceAlignmentTopHat setGenomeReference SRAOverview sumDuplicates summarizeDuplication summarizeFastQC

#' Simplify pipelining RNASeq data
#' RNASeqPipeline allows you to standardize the processing of your RNASeq data.
#' RNASeqPipeline simplifies the process of pipelining the processing of RNASeq
#' data by helping you organize the raw, intermediate and processed data in a consistent
#' manner. 
#' @docType package
#' @name RNASeqPipeline
#' @author Raphael Gottardo and Greg Finak
#' @import data.table
#' @import RSQLite
#' @import GEOquery
#' @import SRAdb
#' @import stringr
#' @import utils
#' @import stats
#' @import Biobase
#' @import biomaRt
#' @import parallel

## silence complaints about variables not found in calls that use non-standard evaluation
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c(
                  'transcript_ids', # RSEMAssembleExpressionMatrix, BioCAnnotate
                  'transcript_id',  #BioCAnnotate
                  'record', #summarizeDuplication
                  'duplication level',
                  'qresult', #summarizeFastQC

dir.exists<-function (x)
  res <- file.exists(x) & file.info(x)$isdir
  setNames(res, x)

#' Create a new RNASeqPipeline project
#' Create the skeleton for a new RNASeqPipeline project.
#' createProject will create a new RNASeqPipeline 
#' project under directory 'project_name' in the path specified by 'path'.
#' The function creates the directory structure libraryd by RNASeqPipeline
#' within the new project directory, including locations for fastQ files, 
#' fastQC output, RSEM quantification, and optionally GEO and SRA files if the data
#' must be downloaded or linked to a GEO accession. Standard locations will also be provided 
#' to annotate the data utilizing the Immport schema. If the project exists, it will load the configuration 
#' if it can find it, otherwise it will proceed to re-configure the project.
#' @param project_name \code{character} name (ie, subdirectory) for project
#' @param path \code{character} Root directory for project
#' @param verbose \code{logical} Should verbose output be given?
#' @param load_from_immport \code{logical} Creates a 'Tab' directory for Immport tables if the data are loaded from Immport.
#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # construct a projects skeleton in a new folder titled "myproject".
#' createProject("myproject",path=".")
#' createProject("myproject",path=".",verbose=TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' createProject("myproject",path=".",load_from_immport=TRUE) #won't work unless immport is set up
#' }
createProject <- function(project_name, path=".", verbose=FALSE, 
  project_dir <- file.path(path,project_name)
    #load the configuration and return
    message("Project exists, loading configuration.")
  cmnd_prefix <- "mkdir -p "
  ## add Kallisto log and error directories
  dirs <- c(dirs, "KALLISTO/log", "KALLISTO/error")
  subdirs <- file.path(project_dir,dirs)
    for(i in seq_along(results)){
      cat(names(results)[i], ": ",ifelse(results[i]==0,"success!","failed!"),"\n")
        cat("Failed at: ",x,"\n")
      cat("Project successfully created.\n")

#' Load an RNASeqPipelineR project
#' Load an RNASeqPipelineR project
#' Load an RNASeqPipelineR project from disk.
#' @param project_dir \code{character} the path to the project
#' @param name \code{character} the name of the project
#' @export
loadProject <- function(project_dir=NULL,name=NULL){
    success <- FALSE
    pathy <- normalizePath(file.path(project_dir,name), mustWork=FALSE)
        ## load the configuration and return
        message("Loading configuration for ",name, " from ", project_dir);
        success <- readConfig(pathy)      
    } else {
         stop(paste("ERROR:", pathy, "does not exist."))
    } ## end if else
    if(success) {
    }else {
        stop("Can't load project.")

#' Set path to reference genome index
#' @param utils \code{character} the path to the directory containing reference genome.
#' @param refName \code{character)} name of reference index or genome
#' @export
setGenomeReference <- function(utils, refName) {
  subdirs <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]]
  subdirs[["Utils"]] <- utils
  assignConfig("subdirs", subdirs)
  assignConfig("reference_genome_name", refName)

#global config in package namespace
rnaseqpipeliner_configuration <- list()

#' Configure the project and store info in namespace
#' Configures the project based on the directories created in the project path
#' Stores the project configuration in the rnaseqpipeliner_configuration 
#' variable in the packge namespace.
#' Generally, this function shouldn't be called by the user.
#' @param subdirectories a \code{character} vector of subdirectories passed from \code{createProject}, or a path to an existing project.
#' @param fromDisk \code{logical} specifying whether to load the configuration of an existing proejct, in which case the path to the proejct is given by \code{subdirectories} argument
configure_project <- function(subdirectories=NULL,fromDisk=FALSE){
  ns <- getNamespace("RNASeqPipelineR")
    obj$subdirs <- normalizePath(subdirectories)
    obj$immport_files<- c(file_info="file_info.txt", expsample="expsample.txt", biosample="biosample.txt",bio_to_exp="biosample_2_expsample.txt",arm_to_subject="arm_2_subject.txt", arm_to_cohort="arm_or_cohort.txt",subject="subject.txt")
    message("Reading existing configuration from disk not yet implemented")
  unlockBinding(sym = "rnaseqpipeliner_configuration",ns)
  assign("rnaseqpipeliner_configuration", obj, envir = ns)
  #detect aspera 

#' Get the configuration for the project from the namespace
#' Retrieve the configuration for the project from the namespace. If
#' configuration not found exit with error.
#' @param create /code{logical} If TRUE then this will return empty list that can be used
#' to create new configuration. If FALSE then standard error checking will be run.
#' @return Returns configuration structure or stops with error if not found
#' @export
  ns <- getNamespace("RNASeqPipelineR")
  config <- get("rnaseqpipeliner_configuration", ns)
  if(!create & length(config) == 0) {
       stop("Configuration not found: Have you run loadProject or buildReference (for Utils directory)?")

#' Retrieve full path to 'dir' in project configuration structure
#' Retrieve full path to 'dir' in project configuration structure. If 'dir'
#' not found exit with error.
#' @param dir \code{character} directory that path is required for
#' @return \code{character} full path to directory
#' @export
getConfigDir <- function(dir) {

    path <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]]

    if(is.null(path)) stop("subdirs list not found. Configuration corrupted!")
    if( is.na(match(dir, names(path))) ) {
        stop(paste("directory", dir, "not found in project configuration"))

} ## end getConfigDir

#' Retrieve full path to 'dir/file' in project configuration structure
#' Retrieve full path to 'dir/file' in project configuration structure. If
#' file not found exit with error.
#' @param dir \code{character} directory containing file
#' @param file \code{character} file sought after
#' @return \code{character} full path to directory
#' @export
getConfigFile <- function(dir, file) {

    ## construct path
    path <- getConfigDir(dir)
    filey <- paste(path, file, sep="/")

    ## error check
    if(!file.exists(filey)) {
        stop(paste(filey, "not found"))
    ## return file path
} ## end getConfigFile

#' Assign a new element to the RNASeqPipelineR configuration
#' Assign value to name in `rnaseqpipeliner_configuration` object
#' Convenience function to assign a new or reassign an element named \code{name} to the \code{rnaseqpipeliner_configuration} object with the value \code{value}
#' @param name \code{character} assign element with this name
#' @param value \code{value} an R object that assigned to the 'rnaseqpipeliner_configuration' \code{list} with name 'name'
#' @export
  unlockBinding(sym = "rnaseqpipeliner_configuration",ns)

#' Load data from Immport tables
#' Loads the GEO accession numbers from Immport tables
#' Load data from Immport tables in the \code{Tab} directory.
#' Stores the tables in the configuration in the namespace.
#' @param warn \code{integer} specifies whether to print warnings. -1 suppresses warnings (default)
#' @param verbose \code{integer} how verbose should we be about what's happening. 0 (default) is quiet.
#' @export
loadImmportTables <- function(warn=-1,verbose=0){
  immport_files <- getConfig()$immport_files
  subdirs <- getConfig()$subdirs
  #test whether this is an immport project by looking for a Tab directory.
    stop("Can't load Immport data as this project is not configured for Immport")
  #check if files exist
  for(i in names(immport_files)){
      message("File ",immport_files[i]," in ./Tab directory ",c("doesn't exist","exists")[itexists+1])
    stop("Populate the Immport Tab directory before continuing.")
  #No errors, go ahead and load the data
  #Populate a named list
  for(i in names(immport_files)){
    immport_tables[[i]] <- fread(file.path(tabdir,immport_files[i]),verbose=FALSE)
  #names are file_info, expsample, biosample, bio_to_exp, arm_to_subject, arm_to_cohort, subject
  #the following are created
  immport_tables$arm <- with(immport_tables,merge(arm_to_subject, arm_to_cohort, by="ARM_ACCESSION"))
  immport_tables$GSM_table <- with(immport_tables,expsample[DESCRIPTION%like%"GSM",GSM:=gsub(".*:", "", DESCRIPTION)][DESCRIPTION%like%"GSM"])
  immport_tables$pData <- with(immport_tables,merge(GSM_table[,c("EXPSAMPLE_ACCESSION","GSM","EXPERIMENT_ACCESSION"),with=FALSE], bio_to_exp[,c("BIOSAMPLE_ACCESSION","EXPSAMPLE_ACCESSION"), with=FALSE], by="EXPSAMPLE_ACCESSION"))
  immport_tables$pData <- with(immport_tables,merge(pData, biosample[,c("BIOSAMPLE_ACCESSION","STUDY_TIME_COLLECTED","STUDY_TIME_COLLECTED_UNIT","SUBJECT_ACCESSION"), with=FALSE], by="BIOSAMPLE_ACCESSION"))
  immport_tables$pData <- with(immport_tables,merge(pData, arm[,c("SUBJECT_ACCESSION","ARM_ACCESSION","NAME"),with=FALSE], by="SUBJECT_ACCESSION"))
  immport_tables$pData <- with(immport_tables,merge(pData, subject[,c("SUBJECT_ACCESSION", "AGE_REPORTED", "GENDER", "ETHNICITY"), with=FALSE], by="SUBJECT_ACCESSION"))
  immport_tables$pData<-with(immport_tables,setnames(pData, names(pData), tolower(names(pData))))
  #assign immport_tables to the configuration object

#' Checks if the SRAdb sqlite database is available
#' If the database files is not available, it is downloaded.
#' Downloads and stores the SRAdb sqlite database if necessary and stores it in 
#' the Utils folder.
#' @param path \code{character} path to SRAmetadb.sqlite file exists or will be placed
#' @export
getAndConnectSRAdb <- function(path=NULL){
    stop("You must specify a path to the SRAmetadb.sqlite file, or a path where the file will be placed.")
  #set the path to the Utils directory, doesn't actually have to be named Utils.
  #store the path
  #create if necessary
  system(paste0("mkdir -p ",file.path(path,"SRAdb")))  
  #download SRA db if necessary
  if(!file.exists(file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]]["Utils"],"SRAdb",'SRAmetadb.sqlite'))) {
    sqlfile <- getSRAdbFile(destdir = file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]]["Utils"],"SRAdb"))
    message("SRAmetadb.sqlite found")
  #connect and grab the data
  sra_con <- dbConnect(SQLite(),file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]]["Utils"],"SRAdb",'SRAmetadb.sqlite'))
  sra_tables <- dbListTables(sra_con)

#' Detect and configure the aspera client location
#' Detect the installation location of aspera client based on expected defaults
#' Sets the location of aspera client based on expected defaults. Or pass the installation path
#' @note Needs to be tested on linux and modified to locate the identity keys for aspera on linux
#' @param path \code{character} path to the aspera client. If NULL, will try to detect the location based on the OS
#' @export
  #get OS
  #detect installation
    if(file.exists(file.path(homedir,"Applications/Aspera Connect.app"))){
      path <- file.path(homedir,"Applications/Aspera Connect.app","Contents","Resources")
    else if(file.exists(file.path("/Applications/Aspera Connect.app/Contents/Resources"))){
      path <- file.path("/Applications/Aspera Connect.app/Contents/Resources")
      stop("Can't detect aspera installation for Mac OS. Pass a path variable to configure.")
    message("aspera detected at ", path)
      message("Run detectAspera with the path argument to configure the aspera client for your OS.")

#' Download FastQ files based on Immport data and SRA db, unless they already exist.
#' Based on the SRA db, download the FastQ files, unless they already exist.
#' Conditionally download the FastQ files in the SRA db based on Immport tables.
#' If the files are already present, they will not be downloaded.
#' @param GSE_accession (not implemented)
#' @export
downloadSRA <- function(GSE_accession=NULL){
  #Two branches.. if immport_tables exists and if they don't
    n = nrow(getConfig()[["immport_tables"]][["GSM_table"]])
      stop("Must supply a GEO accession to download SRA files.")
    stop("Support for SRA from non-immport data is pending.")
  cond_eval <- length(list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["SRA"]], pattern=".sra")) < n
      stop("Support for SRA from non-immport data is pending.")
    for(file in GSM_table[,GSM]) {
      gd <- getGEO(file, destdir=getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["GEO"]])
      SRX_number <- gsub(".*=SRX", "SRX", gd@header$relation[1])
      # Convert to aspera address
      run_accession <- listSRAfile(SRX_number, sra_con, fileType = "sra" )$run
      aspera_url <- paste0("anonftp@ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:/sra/sra-instant/reads/ByRun/sra", "/", substr(run_accession,1,3), "/", substr(run_accession,1,6), "/", run_accession, "/", run_accession, ".sra")
      out<-system(paste0('ascp -i ',gsub(" ","\\\\ ",getConfig()[["aspera_path"]]),'/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh -k 1 -T -l200m ', aspera_url, " ",getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["SRA"]]))
    message("Downloaded ", successes, " files")
    message("SRA files already downloaded")

#' Utility function to truncate the test data to `n` SRA files for testing
#' This will truncate the GSM_table to `n` files for testing purposes.
#' Since there is over 100Gb of data, we truncate to n (default 2) files for testing.
#' @param n \code{integer} the number of files to limit
#' @export
devel_truncateData <- function(n=2){
  obj <- getConfig()
  #Truncate to download only two files
  immport_tables <- obj[["immport_tables"]]
  immport_tables[["GSM_table"]] <- immport_tables[["GSM_table"]][1:n,]
  message("Truncating data to first ", n, " SRA files.")

#' Annotate the SRA file pData
#' Set the pData to reflect the downloaded SRA files
#' @export
annotateSRA <- function(){
  #SRX_number <- pData[,gsm]
  for(file in pData[,gsm]) {
    gd <- getGEO(file, destdir=getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["GEO"]])
    number <- gsub(".*=SRX", "SRX", gd@header$relation[1]) 
    run_accession <- listSRAfile(number, getConfig()[["sra_con"]], fileType = "sra" )$run
    SRX_number[SRX_number==file] <- run_accession
  pData$srr <- SRX_number
  setnames(pData, c("name", "ethnicity"), c("arm_name", "race"))
  setcolorder(pData, neworder = c("subject_accession", "age_reported", "gender", "race", "study_time_collected", "study_time_collected_unit", "arm_name", "gsm", "srr","biosample_accession"))
  write.csv(pData, file=file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]],"rsem_pdata.csv"), row.names=FALSE) 
  #save the changes
  immport_tables[["pData"]] <- pData
  immport_tables[["GSM_table"]] <- GSM_table
  message("Wrote pData to RSEM directory")

#' Overview of downloaded files
#' Prints an overview of the SRA files
#' Generates a table of the downloaded files for an overview to be included
#' in reports.
#' @export
#' @importFrom knitr kable
SRAOverview <- function(){
  pData <- getConfig()[["immport_tables"]][["pData"]]
  kable(utils::head(pData), format = "markdown")

#' Convert SRA files to FastQ
#' Uses CLI SRA Toolkit to convert SRA files to FastQ if they don't already exist.
#' Converts SRA files to FastQ using the SRA Toolkit. The function checks whether the FastQ files exist, and if not, performs the conversion.
#' @export
#' @param ncores \code{integer} how many threads to use
convertSRAtoFastQ <- function(ncores=8){
  convertFastQ <- length(list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]]))<length(list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["SRA"]]))
  convert_command <-  paste0("parallel -j ",ncores," fastq-dump {} -O ",getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]]," ::: ", file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["SRA"]],"*.sra"))
      message("Finished converting ",length(list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["SRA"]])), " files.")
      warning("Something went wrong when converting FastQ files.")
    message("FASTQ Files already present.")

#' Concatenate FastQ files
#' Combine several fastq.gz files into one fastq.gz file for each library
#' Decompress the fastq.gz 
#' Copy the fastQ files into FASTQ folder
#' @export
#' @param infile \code{character} specify the path to the individual fastq.gz directory.
#' @param outfile \code{character} specify the path to the FASTQ directory
#' @param pattern \code{character} the string want to remove in the fastq.gz files name
concatenateFastq = function(infile, outfile, pattern)
  samples <- system(paste0("ls ", infile), intern = T)
  sample.name <- unique(sub(pattern, "", samples))
  fastq.name <- paste0(sample.name, ".fastq.gz")
  system(paste0("cat ", infile,  "/", sample.name, "_*.fastq.gz > ", infile, "/", fastq.name))
  system(paste0("gunzip ", infile,  "/", fastq.name))
  system(paste0("mv ", infile, "/*.fastq ", outfile))

stripExtension <- function(finame, pattern='([.][A-Za-z]+$)'){
    sub(pattern, '', finame)

#' Perform FastQC quality control
#' Runs fastqc quality control on the FASTQ files. Parallel processing is run using fastqc
#' internal threading (-t option). Each thread requires 250MB of memory.
#' Produces FASTQC reports for each FASTQ file using fastqc. FASTQ input files must have 
#' extension \code{fastqc} or \code{fq} (capitalization sensitive). FASTQC output will be
#' written to FASTQC directory.
#' @param ncores \code{integer} how many threads to use. Must be less than or equal to number
#' of cores on machine.
#' @export
runFastQC <- function(ncores=4){
  ## make sure we have enough threads to run locally
  avail_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
  if(ncores > avail_cores){
    stop(paste(ncores, "cores required but only", avail_cores, " cores found on local machine"))
  fastQCout <- list.files(getDir("FASTQC"))
  stripFQC <- unique(stripExtension(fastQCout, '\\.(fastq|fq)_fastqc.*$')) #expanded fastqc generates at least 3 files per input
  FQfile <- list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]], pattern="*\\.(fastq|fq)$", ignore.case=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
  FQfile <- data.frame(file=FQfile, done=stripExtension(basename(FQfile)) %in% stripFQC, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  notrun <- FQfile[!FQfile$done,]
  run_command <- paste0("fastqc -o ", getDir("FASTQC"), " --extract -t ", ncores, " ",
                 noquote(paste(notrun$file, sep="", collapse=" ")))
  if(nrow(notrun) > 0){
      message('Running fastqc process on ', nrow(notrun), ' files.')
      message("Finished fastqc process for ", nrow(notrun), " files.")
        warning("encountered an error unzipping fastqc reports")
      warning("Something went wrong when running fastqc")
    message("FASTQC already run")  

.collectFastqcFiles <- function(pattern){
  # Put the FASTQC results together
  # List sudirs
  fastqc_subdirs <- grep("_fastqc", list.dirs(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQC"]], recursive = FALSE), value=TRUE)
  # Find reports
  sapply(fastqc_subdirs, list.files, pattern=pattern, full.names = TRUE)

#' Summarize the fastQC results
#' Summarize the fastqc results
#' Function to be run after `runFastQC` that will summarize the fastQC results
#' and generate a plot.
#' @return prints a plot and invisibly returns the data.table used to generate the plot
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
summarizeFastQC <- function(){
  fastqc_summary_files <- .collectFastqcFiles("summary.txt")
  # Read all files and create a list of data.tables
  fastqc_list <- lapply(fastqc_summary_files, function(x, ...){
    y <- fread(x, header=FALSE);
    setnames(y, colnames(y), c("result", "test", "file"))
  fastqc_data <- rbindlist(fastqc_list)
  fastqc_data[,qresult:=ifelse(result=="FAIL",0, ifelse(result=="PASS", 1, 1/2))]
  fastqc_data[,sum_qresult:=sum(qresult), by="file"]
  fastqc_data <- fastqc_data[order(-sum_qresult)]
  # Let's reorder by overall fastqc score
  fastqc_data$file <- reorder(fastqc_data$file, -fastqc_data$sum_qresult)
  print(ggplot(fastqc_data, aes(x=test, y=file, fill=result))+geom_raster()+theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,hjust=1)))
  #tidy up
  #sapply(fastqc_subdirs,function(x)system(paste0("rm -rf ",x)))

##' Summarize duplication statistics from fastqc
##' Prints plots of the duplication distribution and % duplication across libraries
##' @return data.table of source data, invisbly
##' @export
summarizeDuplication <- function(){
  fastqc_complete <- .collectFastqcFiles("fastqc_data.txt")
  fastqc_list <- lapply(fastqc_complete, function(x, ...){
    header <- read.table(x, skip=3, nrows=7, sep='\t', colClasses='character')
    setnames(header, c('record', 'value'))
    setkey(header, record)
    totaldup <- fread(x, skip='#Total Deduplicated Percentage', nrows=1, sep='\t', header=F, colClasses=c('character', 'numeric'))
    y <- fread(x, skip='#Duplication Level', nrows=15, sep='\t', autostart=4, header=TRUE, colClasses=c('character', 'numeric', 'numeric'))        
    setnames(y, colnames(y), c("duplication level", "pct dedup", "pct total"))
    y[,file:=header['Filename', value]]
  fastqc_data <- rbindlist(fastqc_list, fill=TRUE)
  fastqc_data[,`duplication level`:=factor(`duplication level`, levels=c(1:9, c('>10', '>50', '>100', '>500', '>1k', '>5k')))]
  M <- data.table::melt.data.table(fastqc_data, measure.vars=c('pct dedup', 'pct total'))
  print(ggplot(M, aes(x=`duplication level`, y=value))+geom_boxplot() + facet_wrap(~variable))
  U <- unique(fastqc_data[,list(file, totaldup)])
  print(ggplot(U, aes(x=totaldup)) + geom_density() + geom_text(aes(x=totaldup, y=0, label=file), size=2, angle=90, hjust=0))

#' Build a reference genome 2
#' Builds a reference genome at `Utils/Reference_Genome`
#' You must specify the Utils path if it is not already defined, and have your genome in a folder titled
#' `Reference_Genome`. This function will construct the reference genome using RSEM tools.
#' The command line is the default shown in the documentation.
#' `rsem-prepare-reference --gtf gtf_file --transcript-to-gene-map knownIsoforms.txt --bowtie2 fasta_file name`
#' If the gtf_file is not give, then the transcript-to-gene-map option is not used either. A fasta_file and a name must be provided.
#' @param path \code{character} specifying an \emph{absolute path} path to the Utils directory.
#' @param gtf_file \code{character} the name of the gtf file. Empty by default. If specified the function will look for a file named `knownIsoforms.txt`
#' @param fasta_file \code{character} the name of the fasta file, must be specified
#' @param star_threads \code{integer} number of threads to use when building index
#' @param name \code{character} the name of the genome output.
#' @param gff3 \code{logical} when gtf_file is gff3 format set it to TRUE to add "--sjdbGTFtagExonParentTranscript gene".
#' @param additional_param \code{character} default "".  Additional parameters to pass.
#' @export

buildGenomeIndexSTAR2 = function (path = NULL, gtf_file = "", fasta_file = NULL, star_threads = 1, name=NULL, gff3 = FALSE, additional_param = ""){
  if (is.null(fasta_file)){
    stop("You must provide a fasta_file")

  if (is.null(path) & inherits(try(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
    stop("Please specify where to build the reference genome")
  else if (is.null(path)) {
    path <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], "Reference_Genome/STARIndex")
  else {
    subdirs <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]]
    subdirs[["Utils"]] <- path
    assignConfig("subdirs", subdirs)
    path <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], "Reference_Genome/STARIndex")
  if (substr(path, 1, 1) != "/") {
    stop("'path' must be an absolute path")
  dir.create(path, showWarnings=FALSE)
  if (gtf_file == "") {
    gtfopt <- ""
  else {
    gtfopt <- "--sjdbGTFfile"
    gtf.file <- file.path(paste0(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], "/Reference_Genome/", gtf_file))
    gffopt<- "--sjdbGTFtagExonParentTranscript gene"
  fasta.file <- file.path(paste0(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], "/Reference_Genome/", fasta_file))
  if (length(fasta.file) > 1) {
    fasta.file <- paste(fasta.file, collapse = ",")
  if (length(list.files(pattern="SAindex", path=path)) == 0) {
    command = paste0("STAR --runThreadN ", star_threads, " --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir ", path, " --genomeFastaFiles ", fasta.file, " ", gtfopt, " ", gtf.file, " ", gffopt , " ", additional_param  )
  else {
    message("Reference Genome Found")
  assignConfig("reference_genome_name", name)

#' Use the RSEM tool to annotate and quantify the reads
#' Use the RSEM tool to annotate and quantify the reads
#' Uses RSEM to quantify reads in FASTQ files against the reference genome. Optionally you can specify paired end reads. The code assumes
#' paired reads have fastq files that differ by one character (i.e. sampleA_read1.fastq, sampleA_read2.fastq) and will perform
#' matching of paired fastq files based on that assumption using string edit distance. Read 1 is assumed to be upstream
#' and read 2 is assumed to be downstream.
#' The number of parallel_threads*bowtie_threads should not be more than the number of cores available on your system.
#' @param parallel_threads \code{integer} specify how many parallel processes to spawn
#' @param bowtie_threads \code{integer} specify how many threads bowtie should use.
#' @param paired \code{logical} specify whether you have paried reads or not.
#' @param frag_mean \code{numeric}
#' @param frag_sd \code{numeric} For single ended reads, specifying these might make calculations of effect length more effective. Optional.
#' @param nchunks \code{integer} number of chunks to split the files for a slurm job. Ignored if slurm = FALSE
#' @param days_requested \code{integer} number of days requested for the job (when submitting a slurm job). Ignored if slurm = FALSE
#' @param slurm \code{logical} if \code{TRUE} job is submitted as a slurm batch job, otherwise it's run on the local machine. Slurm jobs will honour the nchunks and days_requested arguments.
#' @param slurm_partition \code{character} the slurm partition to submit to. Ignored if slurm=FALSE
#' @param ram_per_node \code{numeric} The number of Mb per node. Ignored if slurm=FALSE. Default of \code{parallel_threads*bowtie_threads*1000}
#' @param fromBAM \code{logical} if \code{TRUE} then RSEM will attempt to use previously aligned BAM files, in the \code{BAM} directory, rather than fastq files. The file names expected to end with \code{.transcript.bam}. See RSEM documentation for the format these files must obey.
#' @param fromSTAR \code{logical} if \code{TRUE} then RSEM will use the
#' STAR notation for the BAM files
#' @note The amount of memory requested should be set to bowtie_threads*parallel_threads*1G 
#' as this is the default requested by samtools for sorting. If insufficient memory is 
#' requested, the bam files will not be created successfully.
#' @param mail email address to send failure message to, if desired.
#' @param force If TRUE then quantify all FASTQ/BAM files else only quantify those
#'  files that have not been quantified. 
#' @export
RSEMCalculateExpression <- function(parallel_threads=6,bowtie_threads=1,paired=FALSE, frag_mean=NULL, frag_sd=NULL,
                                    slurm_partition=NULL, #slurm_partition="gottardo_r",
                                    fromBAM=FALSE, fromSTAR=FALSE, mail=NULL, force=FALSE){
    stop("The number of parallel_threads*bowite_threads is more than the number of cores detected by detectCores() on the local machine for non-slurm jobs")
  #Chunking for slurm
  rsem_dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]]
  ## parse RSEM output to get names of fastq files which have already been annotated.
  done <- stringr::str_replace(list.files(path=rsem_dir,pattern="\\.genes\\.results$"), 'Aligned\\.toTranscriptome\\.out\\.genes\\.results$', '')

    fastq_dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]]
    todo <- unique(stringr::str_replace(list.files(path=fastq_dir,pattern="\\.fastq$"), '(_[12])?\\.fastq$', ''))
    extension <- if(paired) c('_1.fastq', '_2.fastq') else '.fastq'
  } else if(!fromSTAR){
    fastq_dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["BAM"]]
    orig <- list.files(path=fastq_dir,pattern="\\.bam$")
    todo <- stringr::str_replace(orig, '(\\.transcript)?\\.bam$', '')
    extension <- stringr::str_match(orig[1], '(\\.transcript)?\\.bam$')[1,1]
    fastq_dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["BAM"]]
    orig <- list.files(path=fastq_dir,pattern="Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam$")
    todo <- stringr::str_replace(orig, 'Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam$', '')
    extension <- stringr::str_match(orig[1], 'Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam$')[1,1]
  keep <- todo
  if(!force) {
      keep <- setdiff(todo, done)
        warning("Expression already calculated. Set force=TRUE to force quantification")
  reference_genome_path <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]],"Reference_Genome")
  reference_genome_name <- file.path(getConfig()[["reference_genome_name"]])
  keep <- outer(keep, extension, paste0)
  ## Write slurm preamble to a shell script
    ## set up email section if email address is given
    mail_string <- mail_address <- ""
      mail_string <- "#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL"
      mail_address <- paste0("#SBATCH --mail-user=", mail)
    con<-file(file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"batchSubmitJob.sh"),open = "w")
                 paste0("#SBATCH -n ",ncores," # Number of cores"),
                 "#SBATCH -N 1 # Ensure that all cores are on one machine",
                 paste0("#SBATCH -t ",days_requested,"-00:00 # Runtime in D-HH:MM"),
                 ifelse(is.null(slurm_partition),"", paste0("#SBATCH -p ",slurm_partition," # Partition to submit to")),
                 paste0("#SBATCH --mem=",ram_requested," # Memory pool for all cores (see also --mem-per-cpu)"),
                 paste0("#SBATCH -o ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"rsem_%a.out")," # File to which STDOUT will be written"),
                 paste0("#SBATCH -e ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"rsem_%a.err"), " # File to which STDERR will be written"),
                 'module add bowtie2'),
    argumentFile <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]], "arguments_chunk_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.txt")
  } else{
    #If we aren't using slurm, set the number of chunks to one.
    argumentFile <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]], "arguments_chunk_1.txt")
  } ## end if slurm
    #get file names, commandline for single-end
    # keep<-paste0(keep,".fastq")
    fragLenArg <- ''
    bamArg <- ''
    if(!is.null(frag_mean) && !is.null(frag_sd)){
      fragLenArg <- paste0(" --fragment-length-mean ", frag_mean, " --fragment-length-sd ", frag_sd)
      command<-paste0("cd ",rsem_dir," && parallel -j ",parallel_threads*bowtie_threads," rsem-calculate-expression --no-bam-output --bam {} ",file.path(reference_genome_path,reference_genome_name)," {/.} :::: ", argumentFile)
    } else{
      command<-paste0("cd ",rsem_dir," && parallel -j ",parallel_threads," rsem-calculate-expression --bowtie2 -p ", bowtie_threads," {} ",file.path(reference_genome_path,reference_genome_name)," {/.} :::: ", argumentFile)
  } else {
    #get file names, commandline for Paired end
    if(!is.null(frag_mean) || !is.null(frag_sd)){
      warning('`frag_mean` and `frag_sd` ignored for paired-end reads.')
      command<-paste0("cd ",rsem_dir," && parallel -j ",parallel_threads*bowtie_threads," rsem-calculate-expression --no-bam-output --paired-end --bam {} ",file.path(reference_genome_path,reference_genome_name)," {/.} :::: ", argumentFile)
    } else{
      command<-paste0("cd ",rsem_dir," && parallel -n 3 -j ",parallel_threads," rsem-calculate-expression --bowtie2 -p ", bowtie_threads," --paired-end {1} {2} ",file.path(reference_genome_path,reference_genome_name)," {3.} :::: ", argumentFile)
  ## for both, divide split the files into chunks (maybe just 1) and write the argument chunks
  for(i in seq_along(chunked)){
    ## add the rsem command to the shell script
    message('Using ', nchunks , 'clusters ')
    message("Sending ", command)
    slurm_command<-paste0("sbatch --array=1-",nchunks," ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"batchSubmitJob.sh"))
  } else{
    bamDir <- getDir("BAM")
    runRSEM <- function(b_name, b_dir=bamDir) {
      bamOut <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(b_name)
      rsemCommand <- paste0("rsem-calculate-expression --no-bam-output --paired-end --bam ",
                            file.path(b_dir, b_name), " ", 
                            file.path(reference_genome_path, reference_genome_name), " ",
    } ## end run RSEM
    nothing <- mclapply(keep, runRSEM, mc.cores=ncores)

#' Assemble an expression matrix of all results
#' Put all the counts from the individual libraries into a single matrix result
#' Assemble an expression matrix from the individual libraries.
#' @param force \code{logical} rerun even if output exists
RSEMAssembleExpressionMatrix <- function(force=FALSE){
  cond_eval <- length(list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]], pattern="rsem_"))<4
  if(cond_eval | force){
    message("Assembling counts matrix")
    rsem_files <- list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]], pattern="genes.results", full.names = TRUE)
    # Read all files and create a list of data.tables
    rsem_list <- lapply(rsem_files, function(x, ...){
      y<-fread(x, drop=c("length", "FPKM")); 
      y$sample_name <- gsub(".genes.results", "", basename(x));
    # Bind all the data.tables to create a long data.table
    rsem_data_long <- rbindlist(rsem_list)

    ## remove 'Aligned.toTranscriptome.out' from rsem file names
    rsem_data_long[,sample_name := gsub("Aligned.toTranscriptome.out", "", sample_name)]
    # Rename a column, so that it's a bit R friendly
    setnames(rsem_data_long, "transcript_id(s)", "transcript_ids")
    # Reshape the long data.table to create a matrix
    # Assume that missing entries would have a TPM value of 0
    rsem_tpm_matrix <- dcast.data.table(rsem_data_long, gene_id+transcript_ids~sample_name, value.var = "TPM", fill=0)
    rsem_count_matrix <- dcast.data.table(rsem_data_long, gene_id+transcript_ids~sample_name, value.var = "expected_count", fill=0)
    # Keep track of the gene_id - transcript mapping 
    rsem_txs_table <- rsem_tpm_matrix[, c("gene_id","transcript_ids"), with=FALSE]
    # Remove the transcript column (we create an annotation table in the next chunk)
    rsem_tpm_matrix <- rsem_tpm_matrix[, transcript_ids:=NULL][order(gene_id)]
    rsem_count_matrix <- rsem_count_matrix[, transcript_ids:=NULL][order(gene_id)]
    rsem_effective_length_matrix <- rsem_effective_length_matrix[, transcript_ids:=NULL][order(gene_id)]
    # Write to disk
    write.csv(rsem_tpm_matrix, file=file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]],"rsem_tpm_matrix.csv"), row.names=FALSE)
    write.csv(rsem_effective_length_matrix, file=file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]],"rsem_effective_length_matrix.csv"), row.names=FALSE)
    write.csv(rsem_count_matrix, file=file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]],"rsem_count_matrix.csv"), row.names=FALSE)

##' Summarize the number of mapped, unmapped and ambiguous reads from RSEM output
##' @param dir Directory containing RSEM cnt files.  If missing, use the RSEM directory from project.
##' @param log return log of reads?
##' @param plot print a ggplot summary
##' @return returns a data table of # reads per library, invisibly
RSEMSummarizeMapping <- function(dir, log=TRUE, plot=TRUE){
    if(missing(dir)) dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]]
    cnt_files <- list.files(dir, pattern="*.cnt", full.names = TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
    fastqc_list <- lapply(cnt_files, function(x, ...){
        y <- fread(x, skip=3)
        setnames(y, c('nmap', 'reads'))
        file <- stringr::str_replace(basename(x), fixed('.cnt'), '')
        total <- y[nmap==Inf,curead]
        mapped <- total-y[nmap==0,reads]
        unique <- max(y[nmap==1,reads], 0)
        z <- data.table(file, total, mapped, unique)
    fql <- rbindlist(fastqc_list)
    fqlM <- data.table::melt.data.table(fql, id.vars='file')
        bs <- boxplot.stats(value)
        value<bs$stats[1] | value > bs$stats[5]

    ggp <- ggplot(fqlM, aes(x=variable, y=value))+geom_boxplot() + geom_text(aes(label=ifelse(outlier, file, "")), size=2) + ylab(if(log) 'log10(reads+1)' else 'reads')
    if(plot) print(ggp)

#' Produce a report listing the tools and packages used by the pipeline.
#' Produce a report listing the tools and packages used by the pipeline.
#' Helps with reproducibility by producing a report listing the tools and packages used by the pipeline.
#' This needs to be run on the system that produced the results. Output to project directory OUTPUT/pipeline_report.md.
#' @export
  #save the configuration, since we're probably done.
  command <- c("ascp --version",
               "fastq-dump --version",
               "bowtie2 --version",
               "fastqc --version",
               "rsem-calculate-expression --version")
  #output to OUTPUT/pipeline_report.md
  f<-file(open = "a",description = (file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["OUTPUT"]],"pipeline_report.md")))
  sapply(versions,function(x)cat(paste0(x,"\n"),"\n",file = f))
  cat(paste0(session,"\n"),file = f)

#' Save the configuration for a project
#' Save the configuration for a project
#' Save the configuration from a project, stored in the CONFIG directory
#' @export
saveConfig <- function(){
  #TODO blindly stores configuration info. 
  #Wanto to use YAML eventually.

#' Read the configuration for a project
#' Read the configuration for a project
#' Read the configuration from a project, stored in the CONFIG directory
#' @param project \code{character} the path to the project folder
#' @export
readConfig <- function(project=NULL){
  #TODO this just blindly reads the config info. Some error checking needs to be done, ensuring the configuration matches what's in the project directory.
  #Ideally should call configure_project as well. 
  #Want to also store human-readable config information ultimately, perhaps using YAML.
  confdir <- file.path(project,"CONFIG")
    message("No configuration information found")
  #store in the namespace
  ns <- getNamespace("RNASeqPipelineR")
  unlockBinding(sym = "rnaseqpipeliner_configuration",ns)
  assign("rnaseqpipeliner_configuration", obj, envir = ns) 

#' Return and expression set of the counts or TPM values
#' Construct and return an expression set of counts or TPM values
#' Constructs an expression set of counts or tpm values depending on the value of which parameter.
#' @param which \code{character} \code{c("counts","tpm")} specifies what to return.
#' @export
getExpressionSet <- function(which="counts"){
  which<-match.arg(arg = which, c("counts","tpm"))
    mat <- fread(list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]],pattern="rsem_count_matrix.csv",full.names=TRUE))
    mat <- fread(list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]],pattern="rsem_tpm_matrix.csv",full.names=TRUE))
  featuredata <- fread(list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]],pattern="rsem_fdata.csv",full.names=TRUE))
  pdata <- fread(list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]],pattern="rsem_pdata.csv",full.names=TRUE))
  #Construct an Eset and return
  rownames(pdata) <- pdata$srr  
  eset<-ExpressionSet(assayData = matr,phenoData = pdata, featureData = featuredata, annotation = getConfig()[["annotation_library"]])

#' Run MiTCR on each fastQ file
#' Run the MiTCR tool on each fastQ file
#' Runs MiTCR on each fastQ file. 
#' @param gene \code{character} c("TRB","TRA")
#' @param species \code{character} c("hs","mm")
#' @param ec \code{integer}, c(0,1,2)
#' @param pset \code{character} c("flex")
#' @param ncores \code{integer} number of cores for running in parallel
#' @param output_format \code{character} either "txt" or "cls". cls files can be viewed in the MiTCR viewer. Txt files can be parsed and used to annotate libraries.
#' @param paired \code{logical} specify whether data is paired (in which case the fastq files in PEAR directory are used). Defaults to FALSE.
#' @export
MiTCR <- function(gene="TRB",species=NULL,ec=2,pset="flex",ncores=1,output_format="text",paired=FALSE){
    stop("Invalid value of ec")
  if(length(system("which mitcr",intern=TRUE))==0){
    stop("mitcr can't be found on the path")
  command <-  paste0("mitcr -pset ",pset)
  command <- paste0(command," -gene ",gene," ")
    command <- paste0(command,"-species ",species," ")
    command <- paste0(command,"-ec ",ec," ")
  #Run on each fastq file and output to TCR directory
    fastqdir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["PEAR"]]
      stop("paired is TRUE, but PEAR directory not found. Did you run pear?")
    fastqdir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]]
  tcrdir <- file.path(dirname(fastqdir),"TCR")
  system(paste0("mkdir -p ",tcrdir))
    for(i in fastqfiles){
    inargs<-paste(as.vector(apply(cbind(fastqfiles,outpath),1,function(x)paste(x,collapse=" "))),collapse=" ")
    system(paste0("parallel -j ",ncores," -n 2 ",command," {} ::: ",inargs))
    for(i in fastqfiles){
      commandi<-paste0(command, i, " ", outpath)

#' Run PEAR to assemble paired-end fastq files into one files.
#' Run the pear tool to assemble paired end fastq files into a single output fastq file.
#' Use this as a preliminary preprocessing step to running MiTCR if you have paired-end data.
#' @param ncores \code{integer} number of cores to use
#' @export
  fastq_dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]]
  #We just assume that paired fastq files differ by one character, that there are an even number of them, and that the operating system
  #will return them to us in lexicographical order. 
  writeLines(files,con = connection)
  command<-paste0("cd ", fastq_dir, " && parallel -j ",ncores, " -n2 pear -f {1} -r {2} -o ",file.path(pear_directory,"{1}")," :::: < ",file.path(pear_directory,"pear_arguments.txt"))

#' Download SRA files from SRX accessions
#' Download SRA files from SRX accessions. Downloads asynchronously. Won't message you when complete, so can't be run in 
#' batch mode at the moment.
#' @param x \code{character} a vector of SRX accession numbers
#' @export
    stop("Please pass a vector of SRX numbers.")
  run_accession <- listSRAfile(x, sra_con, fileType = "sra" )$run
  aspera_url <- paste0("anonftp@ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:/sra/sra-instant/reads/ByRun/sra", "/", substr(run_accession,1,3), "/", substr(run_accession,1,6), "/", run_accession, "/", run_accession, ".sra")
  out<-paste0('ascp -i ',gsub(" ","\\\\ ",getConfig()[["aspera_path"]]),'/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh -k 1 -T -l200m ', aspera_url, " ",getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["SRA"]])
  for(i in out){
  message("Files are downloading. Wait and check your downloads before proceeding")

#'Quick and dirty annotations from SRAmetadb
#'Gets annotations for SRR files based on SRAmetadb contents
#'@param x \code{character} vector of SRX accessions
  src<-src_sqlite(getConfig()[["sra_con"]]@dbname, create = F)
  sample_table<-tbl(src, sql("SELECT * FROM sample"))
    matrix_entries<-gsub(" +$","",gsub("^ +","",gsub("^.+?:(.*)","\\1",x)))
  write.csv(annotations, file=file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]],"rsem_pdata.csv"), row.names=FALSE) 
  message("Wrote pData to RSEM/rsem_pdata.csv")

#' Use the Tophat tool to align reads
#' Uses Tophat to align reads in FASTQ files against the reference genome hg38 from UCSC database. Optionally you can specify paired end reads. The code assumes 
#' paired reads have fastq files that differ by one character (i.e. sampleA_read1.fastq, sampleA_read2.fastq) and will perform
#' matching of paired fastq files based on that assumption using string edit distance. Read 1 is assumed to be upstream
#' and read 2 is assumed to be downstream. 
#' The number of parallel_threads*tophat_threads should not be more than the number of cores available on your system.
#' @param path \code{character} specifying an \emph{absolute path} path to the iGenome directory.
#' @param parallel_threads \code{integer} specify how many parallel processes to spawn
#' @param tophat_threads \code{integer} specify how many threads bowtie should use.
#' @param paired \code{logical} specify whether you have paried reads or not.
#' @param nchunks \code{integer} number of chunks to split the files for a slurm job. Ignored if slurm = FALSE
#' @param days_requested \code{integer} number of days requested for the job (when submitting a slurm job). Ignored if slurm = FALSE
#' @param slurm \code{logical} if \code{TRUE} job is submitted as a slurm batch job, otherwise it's run on the local machine. Slurm jobs will honour the nchunks and days_requested arguments. 
#' @param slurm_partition \code{character} the slurm partition to submit to. Ignored if slurm=FALSE
#' @param ram_per_node \code{numeric} The number of Mb per node. Ignored if slurm=FALSE. Default of \code{parallel_threads*bowtie_threads*1000}
#' @note The amount of memory requested should be set to bowtie_threads*parallel_threads*1G as this is the default requested by samtools for sorting. If insufficient memory is requested, the bam files will not be created successfully.
#' @export
sequenceAlignmentTopHat = function(path="/shared/silo_researcher/Gottardo_R/jingyuan_working/iGenome/Mus_musculus/UCSC/mm10", 
                                   parallel_threads=1,tophat_threads=6, paired=FALSE, nchunks=10,days_requested=5,
    stop("The number of parallel_threads*bowite_threads is more than the number of cores detected by detectCores() on the local machine for non-slurm jobs")
    #If we aren't using slurm, set the number of chunks to one.
  #Chunking for slurm
  tophat_dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["TOPHAT"]]
  fastq_dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]]
  genome.gtf <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["iGenome"]],"genes.gtf")
  genome.index <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["iGenome"]],"genome")
  fastq.files <- list.files(fastq_dir, ".fastq$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
    samples <- unique(sub("_..fastq", "", basename(fastq.files)))
    f1 <- fastq.files[match(paste0(samples,"_1.fastq"), basename(fastq.files))]
    f2 <- fastq.files[match(paste0(samples,"_2.fastq"), basename(fastq.files))]
    pairs <- cbind(f1, f2, samples)
    for(i in seq_along(chunked)){
      #With chunking enabled this is meant to be submitted as a slurm batch job with the --array option set to 1-nchunks
      con<-file(file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"batchSubmitJob.sh"),open = "w")
      command<-paste0("cd ",tophat_dir," && parallel -n 3 -j ",parallel_threads," tophat -p ", tophat_threads," -G ", genome.gtf, " --keep-fasta-order --no-novel-junc -o {3} ",
                      genome.index, " {1} {2} :::: ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],paste0("arguments_chunk_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.txt","\n")))
      #Before writing the command we need to  preamble for the slurm job
      # We'll request 1Gb of RAM per parallel thread per node
                   paste0("#SBATCH -n ",ncores,"                 # Number of cores"),
                   "#SBATCH -N 1                 # Ensure that all cores are on one machine",
                   paste0("#SBATCH -t ",days_requested,"-00:00           # Runtime in D-HH:MM"),
                   paste0("#SBATCH -p ",slurm_partition,"    # Partition to submit to"),
                   paste0("#SBATCH --mem=",ram_requested,"            # Memory pool for all cores (see also --mem-per-cpu)"),
                   paste0("#SBATCH -o ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"tophat_%a.out"),"      # File to which STDOUT will be written"),
                   paste0("#SBATCH -e ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"tophat_%a.err"),"      # File to which STDERR will be written")),con=con)
      #Now the command to launch the job is sbatch batchSubmitJob.sh
      command<-paste0("sbatch --array=1-",nchunks," ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"batchSubmitJob.sh"))
      # Command for a non-slurm job
      command<-paste0("cd ",tophat_dir," && parallel -n 3 -j ",parallel_threads," tophat -p ", tophat_threads," -G ", genome.gtf, " --keep-fasta-order --no-novel-junc -o {3} ", 
                      genome.index, " {1} {2} :::: ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],paste0("arguments_chunk_1.txt","\n")))        
    myfiles <- cbind(fastq.files, gsub(".fastq", "", basename(fastq.files)))
    for(i in seq_along(chunked)){
      #With chunking enabled this is meant to be submitted as a slurm batch job with the --array option set to 1-nchunks
      con<-file(file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"batchSubmitJob.sh"),open = "w")
      command<-paste0("cd ",tophat_dir," && parallel -n 2 -j ",parallel_threads," tophat -p ", tophat_threads," -G ", genome.gtf, " --keep-fasta-order --no-novel-junc -o {2} ",
                      genome.index, " {1} :::: ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],paste0("arguments_chunk_${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.txt","\n")))
      #Before writing the command we need to  preamble for the slurm job
      # We'll request 1Gb of RAM per parallel thread per node
                   paste0("#SBATCH -n ",ncores,"                 # Number of cores"),
                   "#SBATCH -N 1                 # Ensure that all cores are on one machine",
                   paste0("#SBATCH -t ",days_requested,"-00:00           # Runtime in D-HH:MM"),
                   paste0("#SBATCH -p ",slurm_partition,"    # Partition to submit to"),
                   paste0("#SBATCH --mem=",ram_requested,"            # Memory pool for all cores (see also --mem-per-cpu)"),
                   paste0("#SBATCH -o ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"tophat_%a.out"),"      # File to which STDOUT will be written"),
                   paste0("#SBATCH -e ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"tophat_%a.err"),"      # File to which STDERR will be written")),con=con)
      #Now the command to launch the job is sbatch batchSubmitJob.sh
      command<-paste0("sbatch --array=1-",nchunks," ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],"batchSubmitJob.sh"))
      # Command for a non-slurm job
      command<-paste0("cd ",tophat_dir," && parallel -n 2 -j ",parallel_threads," tophat -p ", tophat_threads," -G ", genome.gtf, " --keep-fasta-order --no-novel-junc -o {2} ", 
                      genome.index, " {1} :::: ",file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]],paste0("arguments_chunk_1.txt","\n")))        

#' Create Sample file required as the input of RNASeQC
#' The sample file is the tab-delimited description of samples and their bams. The header of the file should be: SampleID BamFile Notes
#' The BamFile should be the path to the input file
.createSampleFile = function(){
  bam.files <- list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["TOPHAT"]], "accepted_hits_added.bam$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  sampleid <- sapply(strsplit(bam.files, "/"), function(x) x[length(x)-1])
  note <- sapply(strsplit(sampleid, "_"), function(x) x[1])  
  dat <- data.frame("Sample ID" = sampleid, "Bam File" = bam.files, "Notes" = note, stringsAsFactors = F)
  write.table(dat, file = paste0(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RAWANNOTATIONS"]],"/samplefile"), col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep = "\t")

#' Create a dict (dictionary) file for the refrence genome required as the input of RNASeQC
#' This dict file should be within the same folder as the refrence genome
#' @param fasta_file \code{character} the name of the fasta file, must be specified
#' @param picard.path \code{character} specifying an \emph{absolute path} path to the PICARD software directory.
  genome.fa <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["iGenome"]], "genome.fa")
  cmd=paste("java -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -jar ",picard.path,"/CreateSequenceDictionary.jar REFERENCE=",genome.fa," OUTPUT=",gsub(".fa.*",".dict",genome.fa),sep="")

#' Run RNASeQC quality control
#' Pre-run Checklist
#' 1. Are the contig names consistent betwen BAM, Refrence and GTF file? 
#' 2. Is the BAM indexed? we index the bam files in the prepareBamFiles
#' 3. Is you reference Indexed? We index the refrence genome before runing the tophat
#' 4. Dose the reference genome have a dict file? we generated the dict file in the createGenomeDict
#' @param rna_seqc.path \code{character} specifying an \emph{absolute path} path to the RNASeQC directory.
#' @param picard.path \code{character} specifying an \emph{absolute path} path to the PICARD software directory.
#' @param paired \code{logical} specify whether data is paired. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ncores \code{integer} number of cores for running in parallel
#' @export
qualityRNASeQC = function(picard.path="/home/jdeng/bin/picard-tools-1.110/", ncores=6, rna_seqc.path="/home/jdeng/bin/RNA-SeQC_v1.1.7.jar", paired=FALSE){
  print("Step 1: Prepare bam files")
  genome.fa <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["iGenome"]], "genome.fa")
  bam.files <- list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["TOPHAT"]], "accepted_hits.bam$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  mclapply(bam.files, function(s){
    # add read group to bam
    cmd <- paste0("nohup java -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -jar ", picard.path, "AddOrReplaceReadGroups.jar I=", s, " O=", sub(".bam", "_added.bam", s), " SORT_ORDER=coordinate RGID=1 RGLB=1 RGPL=illumina RGPU=barcode RGSM=1")
    # index bam
    cmd <- paste0("samtools index ", sub(".bam", "_added.bam", s))
  }, mc.preschedule = F, mc.cores = ncores)
  print("Step2: Create Sample file\n")
  print("step3: Greate Genome dict")
  print("step4: Run RNASeQC")
  rnaseqc.dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RNASEQC"]]
  genome.gtf <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["iGenome"]],"genes.gtf")
  samplefile <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RAWANNOTATIONS"]],"samplefile")
    cmd <- paste0("nohup java -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -jar ", rna_seqc.path, " -o ", rnaseqc.dir, " -r ", genome.fa, " -s ", samplefile, " -t ", genome.gtf)                        
    cmd <- paste0("nohup java -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m -jar ", rna_seqc.path, " -o ", rnaseqc.dir, " -r ", genome.fa, " -s ", samplefile, " -singleEnd -t ", genome.gtf)

#' Generate QualityControl Matric.
#' calculate qc statistics: nGenesOn, librarySize, alignment percentage to reference genome, exon mapping rate,
#' and per base sequence quality output by FASTQC software
#' @param paired \code{logical} specify whether you have paried reads or not.
#' @export
QualityControl <- function(paired=FALSE){
  countMatrix <- fread(list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]],pattern="rsem_count_matrix.csv",full.names=TRUE))[ ,-1,with=FALSE]
  sample <- gsub("Aligned.toTranscriptome.out", "", colnames(countMatrix))
  result <- data.table(Sample=sample, nGeneOn = colSums(countMatrix>5))
  ### alignment rate
  bam.dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["BAM"]]
  rsem.dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]]
  # starAlignSummary <- list.files(bam.dir, "Log.final.out$", full.names=TRUE, recursive=FALSE)
  rsemAlignSummary <- list.files(rsem.dir, ".cnt$", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
  rsemFileNames <- gsub("Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.cnt", "", basename(rsemAlignSummary))
  starFileNames <- gsub("Log.final.out", "", basename(starAlignSummary))
  rsemAlignSummary <- rsemAlignSummary[match(starFileNames, rsemFileNames)]
  res <- t(sapply(seq(starAlignSummary), function(i) {
    starIn <- read.delim(starAlignSummary[i], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    libSize <- as.numeric(starIn[4,2])
    alignRate <- (as.numeric(sub("%","",starIn[8,2]))+as.numeric(sub("%","",starIn[23,2])))/100
    rsemIn <- scan(rsemAlignSummary[i], what = "", nlines=1)
    exonRate <- as.numeric(rsemIn[2])/libSize
    cbind(libSize, alignRate, exonRate)}))
  res <- data.table(Sample=starFileNames, libSize=res[,1], alignRate=res[,2], exonRate=res[,3])
  result <- merge(result, res, by="Sample")
  ###### Fastqc
  fastqc <- list.files(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQC"]], "summary.txt", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
  ## remove R[12]...fastqc suffix from file name. Initial (.*) causes right hand semantics so non-greedy matches and
  ## captures the fle name without the suffix.
  ## Extra complicated regexp just in case someone has inserted an R1 or R2 in file name before the read pair identifier
  ## added ? after R as it is possible for fastq files to not have the R. (? matches 0 or 1)
  fastqcFileNames <- sub("(.*)_R?[12].*_fastqc$", "\\1", sapply(strsplit(fastqc, "/"), function(x) x[length(x)-1]), perl=TRUE)

    res_fastqc <- sapply(fastqc, function(i) read.delim(i, header=FALSE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[2,1])
    res_fastqc[res_fastqc == "WARN"] <- "PASS"
    res_fastqc <- data.table(Sample=fastqcFileNames, fastqc=res_fastqc)
    res_fastqc$Sample <- gsub("_fastqc", "", res_fastqc$Sample)
    result <- merge(result, res_fastqc, by="Sample")
    res_fastqc <- sapply(fastqc, function(i) read.delim(i, header=FALSE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[2,1])
    res_fastqc[res_fastqc == "WARN"] <- "PASS"
    res_fastqc <- data.table(Sample=fastqcFileNames, fastqc=res_fastqc)
    res_fastqc <- res_fastqc[,.SD[,paste(fastqc, collapse="_"), by=Sample]]
    res_fastqc$Sample <- gsub("_fastqc", "", res_fastqc$Sample)
    result <- merge(result, res_fastqc, by="Sample")
  write.csv(result, file=file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["OUTPUT"]],"quality_control_matrix.csv"), row.names=FALSE)

#' Build a genome index for STAR
#' Builds a genome Index at `Utils/Reference_Genome/STARIndex`
#' You must specify the Utils path if it is not already defined, and have your genome and annotation file in a folder titled
#' `Reference_Genome`. This function will construct the genome index using STAR tools.
#' The command line is the default shown in the documentation.
#' A fasta_file must be provided.
#' gtf_file is highly recommended, and if not provided, STAR will run without annotations.
#' @param path \code{character} specifying an \emph{absolute path} path to the Utils directory.
#' @param gtf_file \code{character} the name of the gtf file.
#' @param fasta_file \code{character} the name of the fasta file, must be specified
#' @param star_threads \code{integer} specify how many threads star should use.
#' @param name \code{character} the name of the genome output
#' @export

buildGenomeIndexSTAR = function (path = NULL, gtf_file = "", fasta_file = NULL, star_threads = 1, name=NULL){
  if (is.null(fasta_file)){
    stop("You must provide a fasta_file")
  if (is.null(path) & inherits(try(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {
    stop("Please specify where to build the reference genome")
  else if (is.null(path)) {
    path <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], "Reference_Genome/STARIndex")
  else {
    subdirs <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]]
    subdirs[["Utils"]] <- path
    assignConfig("subdirs", subdirs)
    path <- file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], "Reference_Genome/STARIndex")
  if (substr(path, 1, 1) != "/") {
    stop("'path' must be an absolute path")
  dir.create(path, showWarnings=FALSE)
  if (gtf_file == "") {
    gtfopt <- ""
  else {
    gtfopt <- "--sjdbGTFfile"
    gtf.file <- file.path(paste0(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], "/Reference_Genome/", gtf_file))
  fasta.file <- file.path(paste0(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], "/Reference_Genome/", fasta_file))
  if (length(fasta.file) > 1) {
    fasta.file <- paste(fasta.file, collapse = ",")
  if (length(list.files(pattern="SAindex", path=path)) == 0) {
    command = paste0("STAR --runThreadN ", star_threads, " --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir ", path, " --genomeFastaFiles ", fasta.file, " ", gtfopt, " ", gtf.file)
  else {
    message("Reference Genome Found")
  assignConfig("reference_genome_name", name)

#' Use the STAR tool to align the reads 
#' Use the STAR tool to align reads and generate transcriptome bam files
#' Uses STAR to align reads in FASTQ files against the reference genome. Optionally you can specify paired end reads. The code assumes
#' paired reads have fastq files that differ by one character (i.e. sampleA_read1.fastq, sampleA_read2.fastq) and will perform
#' matching of paired fastq files based on that assumption using string edit distance. Read 1 is assumed to be upstream
#' and read 2 is assumed to be downstream.
#' The number of parallel_threads*star_threads should not be more than the number of cores available on your system.
#' @param parallel_threads  specify how many parallel processes to spawn
#' @param star_threads  specify how many threads star should use.
#' @param SJ_num argument for STAR parameter 'limitOutSJcollapsed' which is number of
#' collapsed splice junctions allowed. Must be integer > 0
#' @param paired  specify whether you have paried reads or not.
#' @param force force STAR to align all FASTQ files
#' @param paired_pattern  specify the suffix of the paired-end fastq file names. If not 
#' paired then use only a single suffix.
#' @param fastqPath specify path to FASTQ files if different than default
#' @export
AlignmentSTAR <- function(parallel_threads=1, star_threads=1, SJ_num=5000000, paired=TRUE, 
                          paired_pattern=c("_1.fastq", "_2.fastq"), fastqPath=""){
    stop("The number of parallel_threads*bowite_threads is more than the number of cores detected by detectCores() on the local machine for non-slurm jobs")

  star_dir <- getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["BAM"]]
  done <- stringr::str_replace(list.files(path = star_dir, pattern = "\\Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam$"), "Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam", "")

  fastq_dir <- ifelse(fastqPath=="",  getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["FASTQ"]], fastqPath)
  if(!file.exists(fastq_dir)) {
    stop(paste(fastq_dir, "doesn't exist\n"))
  ## get names of fastq files
  orig <- list.files(fastq_dir, pattern="fastq|fq")
  ## check that there are fastq files in directory
  if(length(orig) == 0) {
    stop(paste("No fastq files found in", fastq_dir))
  ## extract sample names without suffix
  sufLength <- nchar(paired_pattern[1])
  sampleNames <- unique(substr(orig, start=1, stop=nchar(orig) - (sufLength)))
  ## obtain names of fastq files that have not been aligned.
  keep <- sampleNames
  if(!force) {
    keep <- setdiff(sampleNames, done)
      message("All FASTQ files already aligned. Use 'force=TRUE' to force realignment")
  } ## end if force
  index <-  file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]], "Reference_Genome/")
    ## run STAR for all fastq files on workstation
    runSTAR <- function(fastqName, f_dir=fastq_dir, r_path=index,
                        s_threads=star_threads, s_dir=star_dir,
                        p_pattern=paired_pattern, paired=TRUE) {
      starCommand<-paste0("cd ", s_dir," && STAR --runThreadN ", star_threads, 
                          " --outFileNamePrefix", fastqName, " --genomeDir ", r_path, 
                          " --readFilesIn", f_dir, "/", fastqName, p_pattern[1],
          " --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM",
          " --limitOutSJcollapsed ", format(SJ_num, scientific=FALSE))
    } ## end runSTAR
  } else {
    ## run STAR for all fastq files on workstation
    runSTAR <- function(fastqName, f_dir=fastq_dir, r_path=index,
                            s_threads=star_threads, s_dir=star_dir,
                            p_pattern=paired_pattern) {
      starCommand <- paste0("cd ", s_dir, " && STAR --runThreadN ", star_threads, 
                             " --outFileNamePrefix ", fastqName, " --genomeDir ", r_path, 
                             " --readFilesIn ", f_dir, "/", fastqName, p_pattern[1], 
                              " ", f_dir, "/", fastqName, p_pattern[2], 
 " --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --outReadsUnmapped Fastx --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM",
 " --limitOutSJcollapsed ", format(SJ_num, scientific=FALSE))
     } ## end runSTAR
   } ## end if !paired
    nothing <- mclapply(keep, runSTAR, mc.cores=parallel_threads)

#' Sum all read counts for multiple instances of a single gene symbol.
#' A gene symbol can map to multiple UCSC gene cluster ids so in those
#' instances all read counts mapped to a single gene symbol are summed.
#' The summed read counts are returned in an Expression Set along with
#' the feature data table and optionally an experimental design table.
#' @param counts \code{matrix} table of read counts or tpms. Rows are genes and columns are
#' samples
#' @param fDat \code{data.frame} feature data - rows map to counts rows
#' @param cDat \code{data.frame}. experimental design or phenotype data - rows map to counts columns
#' @return ExpressionSet containing the summed counts data (counts), the feature data which will map to the summed counts data (fDat), and optionally, the experimental data (cDat)
#' @export
sumDuplicates <- function(counts, fDat, cDat=NULL) {

    ## apply basic QC
    if (!is.numeric(as.matrix(counts))) 
        stop("`counts` must be numeric")
    if(!is.null(cDat)) {
        if (ncol(counts) != nrow(cDat)) 
            stop("`cDat` must contain as many rows as `counts` columns")
    if (nrow(counts) != nrow(fDat)) 
        stop("`fDat` must contain as many rows as `counts` rows")
    ## sum read counts across identical gene symbols by sample
    sumGenes <- function(x, indy=fInd) {
         sums <- tapply(x, indy, sum, na.rm=TRUE)

    ## extract index of gene symbols
    fInd <- as.character(fDat$gene_symbol)
    ## sum read counts of identical gene symbols for each sample. Orders
    ## by gene symbol
    newDat <- apply(counts, 2, sumGenes)

    ## remove duplicate gene symbols
    newfDat <- fDat[!duplicated(fDat$gene_symbol),]
    ## order feature data by gene symbol
    newfDat <- newfDat[order(newfDat$gene_symbol),]
    rownames(newfDat) <- newfDat$gene_symbol
    ## check that order is correct for both data objects
    if(sum(rownames(newDat) != newfDat$gene_symbol) != 0) {
        stop("sumDuplicates: feature and assay data not in correct order")

    ## construct ExpressionSet for return object
    if(!is.null(cDat)) {
        newEset <- ExpressionSet(assayData=newDat,
    } else {
        newEset <- ExpressionSet(assayData=newDat,
} ## end sumDuplicates

#' Build a reference genome
#' Builds a reference genome at `path/Reference_Genome/`
#' You must specify the Utils path if it is not already defined, and have your genome in a folder titled
#' `Reference_Genome`. This function will construct the reference genome using RSEM tools.
#' The command line is the default shown in the documentation.
#' `rsem-prepare-reference --gtf gtf_file --transcript-to-gene-map knownIsoforms.txt --bowtie2 fasta_file name`
#' or if doSTAR=TRUE
#'  `rsem-prepare-reference --gtf gtf_file --transcript-to-gene-map knownIsoforms.txt --star --star-path starPath fasta_file name`
#' If the gtf_file is not give, then the transcript-to-gene-map option is not used either. A fasta_file and a name must be provided.
#' @param path \code{character} specifying an \emph{absolute path} path to the Reference_Genome directory.
#' @param gtf_file \code{character} the name of the gtf file. Empty by default. If specified the function will look for the named file in the 'path' directory
#' @param fasta_file \code{character} the name of the fasta file, must be specified and located in the 'path' directory
#' @param isoformsFile \code{character} the name if the known isoforms file (optional). If specified it must be located in the 'path' file.
#' @param name \code{character} the prefix of the genome output.
#' @param doSTAR \code{logical} logical showing whether to build genome with STAR index.
#' @param starPath \code{character}  full path to the 'star' executable.
#' @param threads \code{integer} number of threads to use
#' @export
buildReference <- function(path=NULL, gtf_file=NULL, fasta_file=NULL, isoformsFile=NULL, name=NULL, doSTAR=TRUE, starPath=NULL, threads=1){
    stop("You must provide a fasta_file  and a genome name")
    stop("Please specify where to build the reference genome")
  }else if(is.null(path)){
    path = file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["Utils"]],"Reference_Genome")
  } else{
    assignConfig("subdirs",subdirs) #save the user-provided path
    path = file.path(path,"Reference_Genome")
  if(substr(path, 1, 1) != '/') stop("'path' must be an absolute path")

  ## check that gtf file is provided with known isoforms file
  if(is.null(gtf_file) & !is.null(isoformsFile)) {
     stop("Must provide a .gtf file if knownIsoforms file is provided")

  ## set up gtf and known isoforms arguments if they exist
  gtfopt <- ""
  isoformsOpt <- ""

  if(!is.null(gtf_file)) {
      gtfopt <- "--gtf"

  if(!is.null(isoformsFile)) {

      fasta_file <- paste(fasta_file,collapse=",")

  ## build genome with STAR
  if(doSTAR) {

      ## get path to STAR if not provided
      if(is.null(starPath)) {
          starPath <- dirname(Sys.which("STAR"))
      ## check if the reference genome has already been built
      if(length(list.files(pattern="SAindex", path=file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]]["Utils"],"Reference_Genome")))==0){
          command = paste("cd ",path," && rsem-prepare-reference ", gtfopt , gtf_file, isoformsOpt, isoformsFile, "--p", threads, "--star --star-path", starPath, fasta_file, name)
          message("Reference Genome Found")

  ## bulid genome with RSEM
  } else { 
          command = paste0("cd ",path," && rsem-prepare-reference ",gtfopt," ",gtf_file," ",isoformsOpt, " ",isoformsFile, " --bowtie2 ",fasta_file," ",name," ")
          message("Reference Genome Found")
  } ## end if doSTAR
  #set the reference genome name

} ## end BuildReference

#' Annotate features: map UCSC gene cluster id to gene symbols
#' Annotate features by mapping UCSC gene cluster ids to gene symbols.
#' @param genome specify the genome and version of
#' annotation
#' @param annotateTable Each row is a transcript and the
#' columns are: transcript ID, Ensemble gene ID, gene symbol, UCSC
#' clusterId. The clusterId column must have 'clusterId' in column name and
#' not be present in any other column.
#' @param force if TRUE force the annoation even if the
#' feature file already exists
#' @export
annotateUCSC <- function(genome="hg38", annotateTable=NULL, force=TRUE) {

    ## get annotation table - passed in or read internal data
    if(is.null(annotateTable)) {
       ## read in UCSC annotation file mapping cluster id to gene symbol
        if(genome == "hg38") {
                 annoFile <- ucschg38Table
        } else if(genome == "mm10") {
                 annoFile <- ucscmm10Table
         } else {
            stop(cat("Genome", genome, "is not supported."))
    } else {
        annoFile <- annotateTable
   featuredata_outfile <- "rsem_fdata.csv"
    if (!force & file.exists(file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]], 
        featuredata_outfile))) {
        message("Annotation already done, skipping. Use force=TRUE to rerun.")
    message("Annotating transcripts.")

    ## get experimental annotation file which maps cluster ids to count rows
    rsem_txs_table <- fread(file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]], 

    ## rename clusterID column to match clusterId column in rsem_txs_table
    colnames(annoFile)[grep("clusterId", colnames(annoFile))] <- "gene_id"

    ## map UCSC cluster ids from rsem to gene symbols in anno file
    joiny <- plyr::join(rsem_txs_table, annoFile, by="gene_id", type="left",
    ## remove irrelevant columns
    removeCols <- grep("knownGene", colnames(joiny))
    joiny[, removeCols] <- NULL
    joiny$V1 <- NULL
    ## make human friendly column labels
    colnames(joiny) <- c("gene_clusterID", "transcript_ids","gene_symbol")
    message("Writing feature data to rsem_fdata.csv")
    write.csv(joiny, file = file.path(getConfig()[["subdirs"]][["RSEM"]], featuredata_outfile), row.names = FALSE)
} ## end annotateUCSC

#' Map the annotation file to the count and tpm data
#' Match the count, tpm, and feature data to the annotation file. Remove
#' samples in count and tpm that are not found in the annotation file and
#' ensure that the count and tpm columns match the rows of the annoation
#' file. Also attach the results of the quality_control table to the
#' annotation file.
#' @param annotationMatch Column name of annotation file
#' that maps to the column names of the count and tpm data sets (fastq
#' file names with the suffixes removed including paired end identifiers
#' if they exist). Default column name used is 'Sample'. Each row is a
#' sample library and the columns are the  annotation information
#' @param mergeAnnotation If TRUE add annotation information
#' contained in a .csv file in RAW_ANNOTATIONS directory.
#' @return \code{list} list containing the count, tpm, feature, and
#' annotation data. list names are counts, tpms, featureData, annoData.
#' The annotation file, which contains the experimental design information,
#' must be constructed by the user and placed in the RAW_ANNOTATIONS
#' directory. It must be a .csv file and be the only .csv file in the
#' RAW_ANNOTATION directory. By default 'mergeData' will look for a column
#' called 'Sample' that maps each row of the annotation file to the columns
#' of the counts and tpm columns.
#' The quality control matrix is generated by running 'runFASTQ' and then
#' 'QualityControl'
#' @export
mergeData <- function(annotationMatch=NULL, mergeAnnotation=TRUE) {

    ## read feature, counts, and tpm data files - ensure all in same order
    fd <- fread(getConfigFile("RSEM", "rsem_fdata.csv"), data.table=FALSE)
    indy <- order(fd$gene_clusterID)
    count <- fread(getConfigFile("RSEM", "rsem_count_matrix.csv"),
                   data.table=FALSE)[indy, ]
    tpm <- fread(getConfigFile("RSEM", "rsem_tpm_matrix.csv"),
                 data.table=FALSE)[indy, ]
    ## double check everyting is ordered correctly
    if(sum(fd$gene_clusterID != count[,1]) != 0 | sum(fd$gene_clusterID != tpm[,1]) != 0) {
        stop("count or tpm matrices are not ordered the same as feature data matrix")

    ## remove gene_id columns
    count <- count[,-1]
    tpm <- tpm[,-1]

    fd <- data.frame(fd)
    rownames(fd) <- rownames(count) <- rownames(tpm) <- fd$gene_ClusterID

    ## add expiremental design information to return object
    anno <- fread(list.files(getConfigDir("RAWANNOTATIONS"), pattern="*.csv$", full.names=TRUE), data.table=TRUE)
    cd <- data.frame(anno)
    if(mergeAnnotation) {
         qc <- fread(getConfigFile("OUTPUT", "quality_control_matrix.csv"))

         ## rename column that maps to fastq file prefixes
         if(!is.null(annotationMatch)) {
             setnames(anno, "Sample", annotationMatch)
        ## remove samples with descrepancies between fastq and anno
        inter <- intersect(anno$Sample, qc$Sample)
        anno <- anno[Sample %in% inter,]
        qc <- qc[Sample %in% inter,]
        count <- count[,colnames(count) %in% inter]
        tpm <- tpm[,colnames(tpm) %in% inter]
        samples <- colnames(count)

        ## merge
        anno <- merge(anno, qc, by="Sample")
        anno <- anno[match(samples, Sample)]
        cd <- data.frame(wellKey=samples, anno)
        rownames(cd) <- cd$wellKey
        ## match sample order with annotation file
        count <- count[,cd$wellKey]
        tpm <- tpm[,cd$wellKey]
        if(sum(colnames(count) == cd$wellKey) != dim(count)[[2]]) {stop("ERROR: colnames don't match")}
        if(sum(colnames(tpm) == cd$wellKey) != dim(tpm)[[2]]) {stop("ERROR: colnames don't match")}
    } ## end merge Annotation
    ## return the updated data
    return(list(counts=count, tpms=tpm, featureData=fd, annoData=cd))

} ## end mergeData

#' Obtain directory path for configuration variable.
#' @param directory configuration label
getDir <- function(directory) {

  ns <- getNamespace("RNASeqPipelineR")
  config <- get("rnaseqpipeliner_configuration", ns)
  if(length(config) == 0) {
    stop("Configuration not found: Have you run loadProject or buildReference (for Utils directory)?")

  if(!(directory %in% names(config$subdirs))) {
     stop(paste(directory, "not found in configuration"))

} ## end getDir
RGLab/RNASeqPipelineR documentation built on Jan. 19, 2020, 12:31 a.m.