
Defines functions clustering.kmeans clustering.pam get_edges clustering.graph clustering.hc triangle clustering.consensus clustering.tight celltype.enrichment.initKB diff.test.samseq cluster.ordering pa.distance.helper pa.helper cluster.permutation.analysis.1 clusterings.compare specificity.criterion.selection specificity.helper exprs.specificity specificity.thresholdSelection

Documented in celltype.enrichment.initKB clusterings.compare cluster.ordering cluster.permutation.analysis.1 exprs.specificity specificity.criterion.selection specificity.thresholdSelection

#' Selecting a threshold value for specificity
#' @param object A sincera object
#' @param genes The set of housekeeping genes used to determine the specificity threshold
#' @export
specificity.thresholdSelection <- function(object, genes) {

    ES <- getES(object)
    ref.idx <- which(rownames(fData(ES)) %in% genes)
    specificity.threshold=specificity.criterion.selection(ES, group.by="SAMPLE", groups=NULL, ref.idx=ref.idx, exp.t=5, exp.p = 0.95, tolerance=0.05, step=0.01)


#' Per group expression specificity calculation
#' @param ES (ExpressionSet) an ExpressionSet object containing the single cell RNA-seq data
#' @param group.by (character) the name of the column that contains the sample information
#' @param groups (character) samples for measuring specificity
#' @param specificity.prefix (character) the prefix for labeling the columns encoding the results of expression specificity calculation for each group
#' @return an ExpressionSet object with calculated specificities encoded in fData attributes
#' @details if a gene has zero expression across all cells, its specificity is zero
#' @note This function is from SINCERA version a10242015. It will be upgraded soon.
exprs.specificity <- function(ES, group.by=SAMPLE.LABEL, groups=NULL, specificity.prefix=EXPR.SPECIFICITY.PREFIX) {
  if (is.null(groups)) {
    groups <- sort(unique(pData(ES)[,group.by]))
  for (i in groups) { # per group
    i.cells <- rownames(subset(pData(ES), pData(ES)[,group.by] %in% i))
    i.name <- paste(specificity.prefix,i,sep="")
    if (length(i.cells) <=1) {
      i.specificity <- rep(1, dim(Biobase::exprs(ES))[1])
      fData(ES)[,i.name] <- i.specificity
    } else {
      i.specificity <- apply(Biobase::exprs(ES[,i.cells]), 1, function(y) specificity.helper(y))
      fData(ES)[,i.name] <- i.specificity
# This function is from SINCERA version a10242015. It will be upgraded soon.
specificity.helper <- function(x) {
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  if (!any(x!=0)) { # if all zeros, return zero
  specificity <- 0
  ma <- max(x)
  x <- x/ma
  x <- 1-x
  specificity <- sum(x)/(length(x)-1)

#' Determine the threshold for specificity filter based on a set of reference genes
#' @param ES (ExpressionSet) an ExpressionSet object containing the single cell RNA-seq data
#' @param group.by (character) the name of the column that contains the sample information
#' @param groups (character) samples involves in determining the threshold
#' @param ref.idx (numeric) a vectorcontaining the row indices of the set of reference genes
#' @param exp.t (numeric) min expression value for the reference genes
#' @param exp.p (numeric) min expression percentage per sample for the reference genes
#' @param tolerance (numeric) percentage of reference genes that will be allowed to pass the specificity filters
#' @param step (numeric) a numeric value between 0 and 1, specifying the granularity of
#' @param do.plot (logical) plotting the distribution of specificity, the specificities of the reference genes (green lines), and the selected threshold (red line, if exists)
#' @param verbose (logical) verbose the function output
#' @return a numeric value between 0 and 1 if a threshold exists, otherwise, -1

specificity.criterion.selection <- function(ES, group.by=SAMPLE.LABEL, groups=NULL, ref.idx=NULL, exp.t=5, exp.p = 0.95, tolerance=0.05, step=0.1, do.plot=FALSE, verbose=T) {
  if (!is.null(ref.idx)) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Sincera: determining a threshold for specificity filter..\n")
    n.ref <- length(ref.idx)
    if (is.null(groups)) {
      groups <- sort(unique(pData(ES)[, group.by]))
    n <- length(groups)
    # keep reference genes with expression >= exp.t in at least exp.p percentage of cells per sample
    temp <- matrix(0, nrow=length(ref.idx), ncol=n)
    cnames <- paste("exp.", groups, sep="")
    colnames(temp) <- cnames
    ref.exp <- data.frame(IDX=ref.idx, temp)
    if (n==1) {
      col.idx <- 1:dim(pData(ES))[1]
      ref.exp[which(rowSums(Biobase::exprs(ES)[ref.idx, col.idx] > exp.t) > floor(length(col.idx)*exp.p)), paste("exp.", groups, sep="")] <- 1
      ref.idx <- ref.idx[which(ref.exp[, cnames]>=length(groups))]
    } else if (n>1) { # more than one sample
      for (g in 1:n) {
        col.idx <- which(pData(ES)[, group.by] %in% groups[g])
        ref.exp[which(rowSums(Biobase::exprs(ES)[ref.idx, col.idx] > exp.t) > floor(length(col.idx)*exp.p)), paste("exp.", groups[g], sep="")] <- 1
      ref.idx <- ref.idx[which(rowSums(ref.exp[, cnames])>=length(groups))]
    if (length(ref.idx) > 0) {
      if (verbose) {
        cat("\t", length(ref.idx), "/", n.ref, " reference genes passed the abundancy criteria and are used for determining the specificity threshold\n", sep="")
      # measure the specificity of ref genes
      ES <- exprs.specificity(ES, group.by=group.by, groups=groups, specificity.prefix = "specificity_")
      specificity.cols <- paste("specificity_", groups, sep="")
      criterion.candidates <- seq(0, 1, by=step)
      specificity <- fData(ES)[ref.idx, specificity.cols]
      for (i in 1:length(criterion.candidates)) {
        if (n==1) {
          if (length(which(as.numeric(specificity) < criterion.candidates[i])) > floor(length(ref.idx)*(1-tolerance))) {
            if (do.plot) {
              plot.exprs.specificity(ES, group.by=group.by, groups=groups, specificity.prefix="specificity_", fig.filename="Determine Specificity Criterion.tiff", ref.idx=ref.idx, criterion=criterion.candidates[i])
            if (verbose) {
              cat("Threshold determined:", criterion.candidates[i],"\n")
        } else if (n>1) {
          if (length((which(rowSums(specificity > criterion.candidates[i]) < length(groups)))) > floor(length(ref.idx)*(1-tolerance))) {
            if (do.plot) {
              plot.exprs.specificity(ES, group.by=group.by, groups=groups, specificity.prefix="specificity_", fig.filename="Determine Specificity Criterion.tiff", ref.idx=ref.idx, criterion=criterion.candidates[i])
            if (verbose) {
              cat("Threshold determined:", criterion.candidates[i],"\n")
    } else {
      stop("No reference genes are ubiquitously. Please change the settings for exp.t or exp.p.")
  } else {
    stop("Please set the indices of reference genes through ref.idx.\n")
  if (verbose) {
    cat("No threshold found\n")

#' Selecting genes for cell cluster identification
#' Currently support the specificity metric (Guo et al., PLoS Comp Bio 2015); other metrics will be supported soon
#' @param object A sincera object
#' @param method The selection method, possible values include specificity
#' @param pergroup If TRUE, calculate metrics for each cell groups (samples)
#' @param min.sample The selected genes must pass the selection criteria in at least min.sample samples
#' @param specifity.thresh The specificity threshold
#' @param do.plot If TRUE, plot figures of selection
#' @return The updated sincera object with the selected genes in the genes.forclustering slot
setGeneric("cluster.geneSelection", function(object, method="specificity",
                                             pergroup=TRUE, min.samples=2,
                                             ...) standardGeneric("cluster.geneSelection"))
#' @export
          function(object, method="specificity", 
                   pergroup=TRUE, min.samples=2,
                   ...) {

            genes.selected <- as.character(getGenes(object))
            n <- length(genes.selected)
            cellsample <- getCellMeta(object, name="GROUP")

            if (TRUE==pergroup) {
              samples <- sort(unique(as.character(cellsample)))
            } else {
              samples <- c("sample1")
              cellsample <- rep("sample1", getCellNum(object))
              min.samples <- 1

            if (method=="specificity") {

              specificity.helper <- function(x) {
                x <- as.numeric(x)
                if (!any(x!=0)) { # if all zeros, return zero
                specificity <- 0
                ma <- max(x)
                x <- x/ma
                x <- 1-x
                specificity <- sum(x)/(length(x)-1)

              cat("\nUse expression specificity to select genes for cluster identification\n")

              stats <- data.frame(SYMBOL=genes.selected)
              rownames(stats) <- stats$SYMBOL
              for (s in samples) {
                s.idx <- which(cellsample == s)
                if (length(s.idx)==1) {
                  stats[, s] <- rep(1, dim(stats)[1]) # singleton cluster has no effect on selection
                } else {
                  stats[, s] <- apply(Biobase::exprs(object@data)[, s.idx], 1, function(x) specificity.helper(x))

              if (length(samples)>1) {
                nsamples <- rowSums(stats[, -1] >= specifity.thresh)
              } else {
                nsamples <- rep(0, length(genes.selected))
                nsamples[which(as.numeric(stats[, 2]) >= specifity.thresh)] <- 1

              genes.selected <- which(nsamples >= min.samples)
              n <- length(genes.selected)
              if (n<2) {
                stop("Too few number of genes passed the selection criteria.")

              if (TRUE==do.plot) {
                cat("\nPlot distributions of expression specificity\n")
                stats.melt <- melt(stats, i.vars="SYMBOL")
                colnames(stats.melt) <- c("SYMBOL", "Group", "Specificity")
                g <- ggplot(stats.melt, aes(x=Specificity))
                g <- g + geom_histogram(col="grey")
                g <- g + facet_wrap(~Group)
                g <- g + geom_vline(xintercept=specifity.thresh, col="red")
                g <- g + ggtitle(label="Distribution of expression specificity")
                g <- g + sincera_theme()

            } else if (method=="cv-mean") {
              #TODO: check CV-avg calculation

            object <- setGenesForClustering(object, value=getGenes(object)[genes.selected])

            cat(n, " genes selected for identifying cell clusters\n", sep="")
            cat("Use getGenesForClustering() to view the selected genes\n\n")


#' Partition cells into disjoint clusters
#' @param object A sincera object
#' @param feature.type The feature space used for clustering: "gene" - means gene expression space, "pca" - means reduced dimension space using PCA
#' @param rds.dims A numberic vector specified the reduced dimensions used for clustering. Only take effect when the feature.type is "pca" or "tsne"
#' @param update.cellgroup The clustering result will be saved to the "CLUSTER" meta data. If TRUE, the GROUP meta data will be updated as well.
#' @param clustering.method The cluster identification algorithm, possible values include pam, kmeans, hc, graph, tight, consensus
#' @param verbose If TRUE, print the verbose messages
#' @return The update sincera object with clustering results in the "CLUSTER" meta data, use getCellMeata with name="CLUSTER" to assess the result
#' @details
#' The default clustering method is hc - hierarchical clustering with Pearson's correlation based distance and average linkage. 
#' Possible parameters include:
#'   h - if not NULL, cut dendrogram tree at the height h;
#'   k - if not NULL, cut dendrogram tree to generate k clusters; if both k and h are not NULL, k will be used; If both k and h are NULL, the algorithm will find the largest k that contains no more than num.singleton singleton clusters; 
#'   num.singleton - the number of singleton clusters allowed;
#'   distance.method - the method to calculate cell distance, possible values include pearson, spearman, euclidean;
#'   linkage.method - linkage method, possible values include average, complete, ward.D2;
#'   do.shift - if TRUE, shit column mean to 0.
#' When clustering.method is graph, the function utilizes the graph based method described in Shekhar et al., 2016, which first constructs a kNN graph of cells and then applies a community detection algorithm to partition cells.
#' Possible parameters include:
#'   num.nn - The number of nearest neighbors considered during the kNN graph construction; 
#'   do.jaccard - If TRUE, weigh kNN graph edges using Jaccard similarity;
#'   community.method - The community detection method, possible values include louvain, infomap, walktrap, spinglass, edge_betweenness, label_prop, optimal, fast_greedy.
#' When clustering.method is tight, the function utilizes tightClust::tight.clust() to perform tight clustering. Note that this algorithm may produce a partial partition of cells. Cells will be assigned with "-1" membership if they are not assigned to any found tight clusters. please refer to ?tightClust::tight.clust for more informaiton.
#' When clustering.method is consensus, the function utilizes ConsensusClusterPlus::ConsensusClusterPlus() to perform consensus clustering; the parameter "min.area.increase" is a threshold value for determining the number of clusters; let k be the current choice of the number of clusters, if the delta area from k-1 to k is greater than min.area.increase, k will be increased by 1 until the delta area increase is below min.area.increase or k=maxK. The calculation of delta area is defined in the original paper of ConsensusClusterPlus (Wilkerson et al., Bioinformatics 2010). Please refer to ?ConsensusClusterPlus::ConsensusClusterPlus for the setting of other parameters.
#' When clustering.method is kmeans, the function utilizes stats::kmeans() to perform k-means clustering; please refer to ?kmeans for parameters and more informaiton.
#' When clustering.method is pam, the function utilizes cluster::pam() to perform Partitioning Around Medoids clustering; please refer to ?cluster::pam for parameters and more information.
setGeneric("cluster.assignment", function(object, feature.type="gene", rds.dims=1:3,
                                          verbose=T, ...) standardGeneric("cluster.assignment"))
#' @export
          function(object, feature.type="gene", rds.dims=1:3,
                   verbose=T, ...) {

            ft.valid <- c("gene","pca", "tsne")
            if (!(feature.type %in% ft.valid)) {
              stop("Please select a valid feature type: ", paste(ft.valid, collapse=", ", sep=""))
            if (feature.type=="gene") {
              if (length(object@genes.forclustering)<2) {
                stop("The feature.type is set to \'gene\'. But too few genes were selected for clustering.\nPlease use cluster.geneSelection() to select more genes or use setGenesForClustering() to set the \'genes.forclustering\' slot")
            } else if (feature.type=="pca") {
              if (dim(object@pca$rds)[1]==0) {
                stop("The feature.type is set to \'pca\'. But no PCA dimensions were found. \nPlease run doPCA() or use setPCAScores() to set the \'pca.scores\' slot\n")
              } else {
                rds.dims.notfound <- rds.dims[which(!(paste("PC", rds.dims, sep="") %in% colnames(object@pca$rds)))]
                if (length(rds.dims.notfound)>0) {
                  stop("The following PCA dimensions are not found: ", paste(rds.dims.notfound, collapse = ",", sep=""))
            } else if (feature.type=="tsne") {
              if (dim(object@tsne$rds)[1]==0) {
                stop("The feature.type is set to \'tsne\'. But no tSNE dimensions were found. \nPlease run doTSNE() or use setTSNE() to set the rds element of tsne slot\n")
              } else {
                rds.dims.notfound <- rds.dims[which(!(paste("tSNE", rds.dims, sep="") %in% colnames(object@tsne$rds)))]
                if (length(rds.dims.notfound)>0) {
                  stop("The following tSNE dimensions are not found: ", paste(rds.dims.notfound, collapse = ",", sep=""))

            cmethods <- c("tight", "hc","consensus","ihc","graph","pam", "kmeans")
            cmethod.idx <- pmatch(clustering.method, cmethods)
            if (is.na(cmethod.idx)) {
              stop("invalid clustering method")
            clustering.method <- cmethods[cmethod.idx]

            if (clustering.method=="tight") {
              if (!require(tightClust)) {
                stop("The package 'tightClust' is required for tight clustering.")
            } else if (clustering.method=="consensus") {
              if (!require(ConsensusClusterPlus)) {
                stop("The package 'ConsensusClusterPlus' is required for consensus clustering.")
            } else if (clustering.method=="pam") {
              if (!require(cluster)) {
                stop("The package 'cluster' is required for pam clustering.")
            } else if (clustering.method=="graph") {
              if (!require(RANN)) {
                stop("The package 'RANN' is required for graph based clustering.")

            data.use <- NULL
            if (feature.type=="gene") {
              data.use <- getExpression(object, scaled=TRUE, genes=getGenesForClustering(object))
              if (all(is.na(data.use))) {
                stop("The scaled expression profiles of the genes for clustering were empty\n")
            } else if (feature.type=="pca") {
              data.use <- t(object@pca$rds[, rds.dims])
            } else if (feature.type=="tsne") {
              data.use <- t(object@tsne$rds[, rds.dims])

            clusters <- NULL
            hc.obj <- NULL
            hc.k <- 1

            if (clustering.method=="tight") {

              if (verbose) {
                cat("\tUsing tight clustering to find cell clusters\n", sep="")

              ret <- NULL
              clusters <- clustering.tight(t(data.use), ...)

              object <- setCellMeta(object, name="CLUSTER", value=clusters)

            } else if (clustering.method=="consensus") {

              if (verbose) {
                cat("Using consensus clustering to find cell clusters\n", sep="")

              clusters <- clustering.consensus(data.use, ...)

              object <- setCellMeta(object, name="CLUSTER", value=clusters)

            } else if (clustering.method=="hc") {

              if (verbose) {
                cat("Using hierarchical clustering to find cell clusters\n", sep="")

              ret <- clustering.hc(data.use, ...)

              object@hc.obj <- ret$hc.obj
              object@hc.k <- ret$kk

              object <- setCellMeta(object, name="CLUSTER", value=ret$clusters)


            } else if (clustering.method=="graph") {
              if (verbose) {
                cat("Using kNN + Community dection algorithm to find cell clusters\n", sep="")
              clusters <- clustering.graph(data.use, ...)
              object <- setCellMeta(object, name="CLUSTER", value=clusters)

            } else if (clustering.method=="pam") {
              if (verbose) {
                cat("Using PAM algorithm to find cell clusters\n", sep="")
              clusters <- clustering.pam(data.use, ...)
              object <- setCellMeta(object, name="CLUSTER", value=clusters)

            } else if (clustering.method=="kmeans") {
              if (verbose) {
                cat("Using k-means algorithm to find cell clusters\n", sep="")
              clusters <- clustering.kmeans(data.use, ...)
              object <- setCellMeta(object, name="CLUSTER", value=clusters)


            if (update.cellgroup==TRUE) {
              object <- copyCellMeta(object, from="CLUSTER", to="GROUP")


#' Compare and visualze multiple clustering assignments
#' @param m The data.frame encoding different clustering results. Rows are cells, Columns are clustering results. Column names denote different clustering assignments.
#' @param consistency.thresh For a cell, if less than consistency.thresh percent of its neighbors in clustering A remains in clustering B, the instability of the clustering assignment of the cell will increase
#' @param show.cell If TRUE, show cell names in the plot
#' @param bar.width The width of bar
#' @param font.size The font size of text in the plot
#' @return The data frame containing cell clustering assignments and instability scores
#' @export
#' @details
#' The similarity between two clustering assignments is measured based on the metric proposed in Torres et al., International Journal of Electrical, Computer & Systems Engineer, 2009.
clusterings.compare <- function(m, consistency.thresh=0.5, do.plot=T, show.cell=FALSE, bar.width=1, font.size=12) {

  #description: plots cluster tracking plot
  #input: m - matrix where rows are k, columns are samples, and values are cluster assignments.
  mt <- apply(m, 2, function(x) factor(x))
  colnames(mt) <- colnames(m)
  rownames(mt) <- rownames(m)
  for (i in 1:dim(mt)[2]) {mt <- mt[order(mt[, i]), ]}

  mnames <- colnames(mt)
  mnames.pairs <- combn(mnames, 2)

  mi <- data.frame(Cell=1:dim(mt)[1], Instability=0)

  clusterings.sim <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(mnames), ncol=length(mnames))
  rownames(clusterings.sim) <- colnames(clusterings.sim) <- mnames

  clusterings.sim.helper <- function(x,y) {

    ret <- 0

    x.groups <- unique(x)
    y.groups <- unique(x)

    jsim <- matrix(0, ncol=length(y.groups), nrow=length(x.groups))
    colnames(jsim) <- paste("C", y.groups, sep="")
    rownames(jsim) <- paste("C", x.groups, sep="")

    for (i in 1:length(x.groups)) {
      for (j in 1:length(y.groups)) {
        i.set <- which(x==x.groups[i])
        j.set <- which(y==y.groups[j])
        jsim[i, j] <- length(intersect(i.set, j.set))/length(union(i.set, j.set))

    ret <- sum(jsim)/max(dim(jsim))


  for (j in 1:dim(mt)[1]) {

    for (i in 1:dim(mnames.pairs)[2]) {
      i.m1 <- mnames.pairs[1, i]
      i.m2 <- mnames.pairs[2, i]

      i.n1 <- length(unique(mt[, i.m1]))
      i.n2 <- length(unique(mt[, i.m2]))

      if (i.n1 < i.n2) {
        tmp <- i.m1
        i.m1 <- i.m2
        i.m2 <- tmp

      j.m1 <- mt[j, i.m1]
      j.m2 <- mt[j, i.m2]

      j.set1 <- which(mt[, i.m1]==j.m1)
      j.set2 <- which(mt[, i.m2]==j.m2)
      j.set1in2 <- which(j.set1 %in% j.set2)

      j.set1in2.p <- length(j.set1in2)/length(j.set1)

      if (j.set1in2.p < consistency.thresh) {
        mi$Instability[j] <- mi$Instability[j]+1

      i.m1.clustering <- mt[, i.m1]
      i.m2.clustering <- mt[, i.m2]

      clusterings.sim[i.m1, i.m2] <- clusterings.sim[i.m2, i.m1] <- clusterings.sim.helper(i.m1.clustering, i.m2.clustering)


  mi$Instability <- mi$Instability/dim(mnames.pairs)[2]

  if (do.plot) {

    viz <- as.data.frame(mt)
    viz$ID <- 1:dim(viz)[1]
    viz <- melt(viz, id.vars="ID")
    colnames(viz) <- c("ID","Clustering", "Cluster")
    g <- ggplot(viz, aes(x=ID, y=0.5)) + facet_wrap(~Clustering, ncol=1, strip.position = "left")
    #g <- g + ggtitle("Clustering comparison")
    #g <- g + geom_point(aes(x=Cell, y=1, col=Cluster))
    g <- g + geom_bar(stat="identity",aes(fill=Cluster, col=Cluster), width=bar.width)
    g <- g + ylab("Method") + xlab("Cell")
    g <- g + scale_fill_discrete(guide=FALSE) + scale_color_discrete(guide=FALSE)
    g <- g + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
    g <- g + theme(text=element_text(size=font.size))
    if (show.cell) {
      g <- g + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 90, vjust=0.5, hjust = 1))
    } else {
      g <- g + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
    g <- g + theme(axis.text.y=element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
    g <- g + theme(panel.spacing = unit(0.1, "lines"))
    #g <- g + theme(panel.border = element_blank())
    g1 <- g

    g <- ggplot(mi, aes(x=Cell, y=Instability)) + geom_line(col="grey") + geom_area(fill="grey")
    g <- g + ggtitle("Clustering comparison") + ylab("Co-assignment Instability")
    g <- g + theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
    g <- g + theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank())
    #g <- g + theme(panel.border = element_blank())
    g2 <- g

    instability.dist <- data.frame(table(factor(round(mi$Instability, 2))))
    colnames(instability.dist) <- c("Instability","Count")
    instability.dist$Percent <- round(instability.dist$Count/sum(instability.dist$Count), 3)

    g <- ggplot(instability.dist, aes(x=Instability, y=Percent, fill=Instability))
    g <- g + geom_bar( stat="identity")
    g <- g + ggtitle("Distribution of cell cluster assignment instability")
    g <- g + sincera_theme()
    g3 <- g

    if (dim(m)[2]>2) {
      colors <- colorRampPalette( (brewer.pal(9, "Blues")) )(255)
      g4 <- pheatmap(clusterings.sim, silent=T, col=colors)$gtable
    } else {
      g4 <- NULL

    if (is.null(g4)) {
      grid.arrange(g2, g3, g1, ncol=2)
    } else {
      grid.arrange(g2, g3, g1, g4, ncol=2)


  mt <- as.data.frame(mt)
  mt$Instability <- mi$Instability


#' Perform PCA based dimension reduction
#' @param object A sincera object
#' @param genes The set of genes used for PCA
#' @param use.scaled If TRUE, use the scaled expression for PCA. 
#' @param use.fast If TRUE, use gmodels::fast.prcomp(); otherwise, use stats::prcomp()
#' @return The update sincera object with PCA results in the pca slot
#' @details 
#' When use.fast is TRUE, please refer to ?gmodels::fast.prcomp for more parameters to control the PCA
#' When use.fast is FALSE, please refer to ?stats:prcomp for more parameters to control the PCA
setGeneric("doPCA", function(object, genes=NULL, use.scaled=T, use.fast=T, ...) standardGeneric("doPCA"))
#' @export
          function(object, genes=NULL, use.scaled=T, use.fast=T, ...) {

            cat("\nPerforming dimension reduction using PCA\n")

            expr=getExpression(object, scaled=use.scaled)

            pc.genes = getGenes(object)
            if (!is.null(genes)) {
              genes <- genes[which(genes %in% pc.genes)]
              if (length(genes)<3) stop("Too few genes selected for PCA")
              pc.genes <- genes

            #Remove genes with zero variation
            pc.genes.var = apply(expr[pc.genes,],1,function(x) var(x))
            pc.genes = pc.genes[pc.genes.var>0]
            if (length(pc.genes)<3) stop("Too few non-zero-variance genes for PCA")
            expr = expr[pc.genes,]

            if (use.fast==T) {
              pca.obj = gmodels::fast.prcomp(t(expr), ...)
            } else {
              pca.obj <- stats::prcomp(t(expr), ...)
            object <- setPCA(object, name="rds", value=pca.obj$x)
            object <- setPCA(object, name="loadings", value=pca.obj$rotation)
            object <- setPCA(object, name="sdev", value=pca.obj$sdev)


#' Perform tSNE based dimension reduction
#' Perform tSNE analysis on gene expression space or pca space
#' @param object A sincera object
#' @param n The number of tSNE dimensions to be extracted
#' @param use.scaled If TRUE, use the scaled expression for tSNE
#' @param use.fast If TRUE, use Rtsne::Rtsne; otherwise, use tsne::tsne
#' @param max.iter The maximum number of iteration
#' @param seed The seed of randomness
#' @param feature.type The input feature type for tSNE reduction, possible values include gene and pca
#' @param dims If feature.type is pca, the pca components for tSNE
#' @param genes If feature.type is genes, the set of genes for tSNE; if NULL, set to all genes
#' @param use.scaled If TRUE, use the scaled expression values of genes for tSNE; only take effect when the feature.type is gene
#' @return The update sincera object with tsne results in the tsne slot
#' @details
#' When feature.type is "gene", genes with zero variance will be excluded prior to calling tSNE functions.
#' When use.fast is TRUE, please refer to ?Rtsne::Rtsne for more parameters to control tSNE reduction.
#' When use.fast is FALSE, please refer to ?tsne::tsne for more parameters to control tSNE reduction.
setGeneric("doTSNE", function(object, n=2, use.fast=T, max.iter=2000, seed=0, feature.type="pca", dims=1:3, genes=NULL, use.scaled=F, ...) standardGeneric("doTSNE"))
#' @export
          function(object, n=2, use.fast=T, max.iter=2000, seed=0, feature.type="pca", dims=1:3, genes=NULL, use.scaled=F, ...) {

            cat("\nPerforming dimension reduction using tSNE\n")

            if (feature.type=="gene") {
              data.use=getExpression(object, scaled=use.scaled)
              pc.genes = getGenes(object)
              if (!is.null(genes)) {
                genes <- genes[which(genes %in% pc.genes)]
                if (length(genes)<3) stop("Too few genes selected for tSNE")
                pc.genes <- genes
              #Remove genes with zero variation
              pc.genes.var = apply(data.use[pc.genes,],1,function(x) var(x))
              pc.genes = pc.genes[pc.genes.var>0]
              if (length(pc.genes)<3) stop("Too few non-zero-variance genes for tSNE")
              data.use = data.use[pc.genes,]
              data.use <- t(data.use)
            } else if (feature.type=="pca") {
              data.use <- getPCA(object, name="rds")
              data.use <- data.use[, dims]

            if (use.fast==T) {
              tsne.obj <- tsne.obj$Y
            } else {
              tsne.obj=tsne::tsne(data.use,k=n, max_iter = max.iter,...)
            tsne.obj <- data.frame(tsne.obj, check.names=FALSE)
            rownames(tsne.obj) <- rownames(data.use)
            colnames(tsne.obj) <- paste("tSNE", 1:n, sep="")
            object <- setTSNE(object, name="rds", value= tsne.obj)


#' Validating clustering results using permutation analysis
#' @param object A sincera object
#' @param n The number of random permutations
#' @param distance.method The method to calculate cell expression profile distance, possible values include pearson and euclidean
setGeneric("cluster.permutation.analysis", function(object, n=20, distance.method="euclidean", ...) standardGeneric("cluster.permutation.analysis"))
#' @export
          function(object, n=20, distance.method="euclidean", ...) {

            es <- getES(object)
            es <- es[getGenesForClustering(object), ]
            cluster.permutation.analysis.1(es, group.by="GROUP", n=n, distance.method=distance.method, log.base=2, verbose=TRUE)


#' Permutation Analysis for determining significance of cluster assignments
#' @param ES (ExpressionSet) an ExpressionSet object containing the single cell RNA-seq data
#' @param group.by (character) the name of the column that contains the cluster information
#' @param n (numeric) the number of permutations
#' @param distance.method (character) the distance method: pearson or spearman - (1-correlation)/2; euclidean - euclidean distance
#' @param log.base (numeric) the base of logorithm; if log.base <=1 or log.base is NULL, no log transformations will be applied
#' @param verbose (logical)
#' @return NULL
#' @note This function is from SINCERA version a10242015. It will be upgraded soon.
cluster.permutation.analysis.1 <- function(ES, group.by="GROUP", n=20, distance.method="euclidean", log.base=2, verbose=TRUE) {
  if (!(n > 1)) {
    stop("invalid number of permutations. n should be an integer and greater than 1")
  dmethods <- c("pearson", "euclidean")
  dmethod.id <- pmatch(distance.method, dmethods)
  if (is.na(dmethod.id)) {
    stop("invalid distance method")
  distance.method <- dmethods[dmethod.id]
  if (is.null(log.base)) {
  if (log.base>1 & any(Biobase::exprs(ES)<=0)) {
    stop("There are zero or negative expression values. Please set log.base to NULL\n")
  cat("Sincera: permutation analysis of cluster assignment\n")
  cat("\tgenerating", n, "random assignments for obtaining a background distribution\n")
  # order expression profile
  cell_order <- rownames(pData(ES))[order(pData(ES)[,group.by])]
  ES <- cluster.ordering(ES, col.order=cell_order, row.order=NULL, verbose=FALSE)
  # cluster size info
  cs <- as.data.frame(table(pData(ES)[, group.by]))
  colnames(cs) <- c(group.by, "SIZE")
  # vector to store quality scores
  qs <- rep(NA, n+1)
  # observed assignment
  oa <- 1:dim(pData(ES))[1]
  # quality of observed assignment
  qs[1] <- pa.helper(ES, group.by=group.by, log.base=log.base, cs, oa,  distance.method=distance.method)
  # generate random assignments and evaluate their quality score
  for (i in 2:(n+1)) {
    # obtains a random permutation
    ra <- sample(oa, replace=FALSE)
    qs[i] <- pa.helper(ES, group.by=group.by, log.base=log.base, cs, ra, distance.method=distance.method)
  qs.sd <- sd(qs[-1])
  qs.mu <- mean(qs[-1])
  cat("\tThe quality scores of random assignments has a mean=", qs.mu, " and standard deviation=", qs.sd, "\n", sep="")
  cat("\tThe quality score of the input cluster assignment is", qs[1],"\n")
  # using approximated normal distribution to compute p-value
  p.value <- NA
  if (qs[1]>qs.mu) {
    p.value <- 1-pnorm(qs[1], mean=qs.mu, sd=qs.sd)
  } else {
    p.value <- pnorm(qs[1], mean=qs.mu, sd=qs.sd)
  cat("\tThe p-value of the quality of the input cluster assignment is ", p.value, "\n")
  cat("sincera: permutation analysis completed\n\n")

# This function is from SINCERA version a10242015. It will be upgraded soon.
pa.helper <- function(ES, group.by="GROUP", log.base=2, cs, a, distance.method="euclidean") {
  s <- 0
  idx <- 1
  x.mu <- matrix(0, nrow=dim(Biobase::exprs(ES))[1], ncol=length(cs[, group.by]))
  # obtain cluster centroids
  for (i in 1:length(cs[, group.by])) {
    i.x.mu <- apply(Biobase::exprs(ES)[, a[idx:(idx+cs$SIZE[i]-1)]], 1, mean)
    i.s <- sum(apply(Biobase::exprs(ES)[, a[idx:(idx+cs$SIZE[i]-1)]], 2, function(z) pa.distance.helper(mu=as.numeric(i.x.mu), y=as.numeric(z), log.base=log.base, distance.method=distance.method)))
    s <- s + i.s
    idx <- idx+cs$SIZE[i]

# This function is from SINCERA version a10242015. It will be upgraded soon.
pa.distance.helper <- function(mu, y, log.base=2, distance.method="euclidean") {
  d <- NULL
  if (log.base > 1) {
    mu <- log(mu, log.base)
    y <- log(y, log.base)
  if (distance.method == "pearson" | distance.method=="spearman") {
    d <- (1-cor(mu, y, method="pearson"))/2
  } else if (distance.method == "euclidean") {
    d <- sqrt(sum((y-mu)^2))

#' Ordering rows or columns according to a specified order
#' @param ES (ExpressionSet) an ExpressionSet object containing the single cell RNA-seq data
#' @param col.order (numeric) the names of columns in the new order
#' @param row.order (numeric) the names of rows in the new order
#' @param verbose (logical)
#' @return an ExpressionSet object with re-ordered data
#' @note This function is from SINCERA version a10242015. It will be upgraded soon.
cluster.ordering <- function(ES, col.order=NULL, row.order=NULL, verbose=TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(col.order)) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Sincera: ordering columns... ")
    exprs.m <- Biobase::exprs(ES)[,col.order]
    cells <- pData(ES)[col.order,]
    Biobase::exprs(ES) <- exprs.m
    pData(ES) <- cells
    if (verbose) {
  if (!is.null(row.order)) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("Sincera: ordering rows... ")
    exprs.m <- Biobase::exprs(ES)[row.order,]
    genes <- fData(ES)[row.order,]
    Biobase::exprs(ES) <- exprs.m
    fData(ES) <- genes
    if (verbose) {

#' Detect cluster specific differentially expressed genes
#' @param object A sincera object
#' @param groups The cell groups included in the differential expression analysis; if NULL, set to all groups defined in the object
#' @param genes The set of genes included in the analysis; if NULL, set to all genes in the object
#' @param method The method for differential test, possible values include welch - one tailed welch's t-test, wilcoxon - one-tailed wilcoxon rank sum test
#' @param do.fdr If TRUE, do the FDR correction
#' @param thresh The threshold for significance
#' @return The update sincera object with diff test results in the difftests slot and the significant diff genes in the diffgenes slot
setGeneric("cluster.diffgenes", function(object, groups=NULL, genes=NULL, method="welch", do.fdr=FALSE, thresh=0.05, ...) standardGeneric("cluster.diffgenes"))
#' @export
          function(object, groups=NULL, genes=NULL, method="welch", do.fdr=FALSE, thresh=0.05, ...) {

            cellgroup <- getCellMeta(object, name="GROUP")
            if (is.null(groups)) {
              groups <- sort(unique(cellgroup))
            ng <- length(groups)

            if (is.null(genes)) {
                genes <- getGenes(object)

            welch.test.helper <- function(a, idx.i, idx.o) {
              a <- as.numeric(a)
              a_p <- 1
              if (sd(a[idx.i]) == 0 && sd(a[idx.o]) == 0 ) {
                a_p <- 1
              } else {
                a_p <- t.test(a[idx.i], a[idx.o], alternative="greater", paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE)$p.value

            wilcoxon.test.helper <- function(a, idx.i, idx.o) {
              a <- as.numeric(a)
              a_p <- 1
              if (sd(a[idx.i]) == 0 && sd(a[idx.o]) == 0 ) {
                a_p <- 1
              } else {
                a_p <- wilcox.test(a[idx.i], a[idx.o], alternative="greater")$p.value

            expr <- getExpression(object)
            expr <- expr[which(rownames(expr) %in% genes), ]

            results <- data.frame(SYMBOL=rownames(expr))
            rownames(results) <- results$SYMBOL

            cat("\nPerforming differential expression using ", method, " test for groups: ", sep="")

            idx.all <- 1:getCellNum(object)
            if (method=="welch") {
                for(g in groups) {
                    idx.g <- which(cellgroup == g)
                    idx.ng <- setdiff(idx.all, idx.g)
                    if (length(idx.g)>=2 & length(idx.ng)>=2) {
                        g.name <- paste(method, ".", g, sep="")
                        results[, g.name] <- NA
                        results[, g.name] <- apply(expr, 1, FUN=welch.test.helper, idx.i=idx.g, idx.o=idx.ng)
                    } else {
                        warning(paste("Skip group ", g, " since it only contains one cell\n", sep=""))
                    cat(" ", g)

            } else if (method=="wilcox") {
                for(g in groups) {
                  idx.g <- which(cellgroup == g)
                  idx.ng <- setdiff(idx.all, idx.g)
                  if (length(idx.g)>=2 & length(idx.ng)>=2) {
                    g.name <- paste(method, ".", g, sep="")
                    results[, g.name] <- NA
                    results[, g.name] <- apply(expr, 1, FUN=wilcoxon.test.helper, idx.i=idx.g, idx.o=idx.ng)
                  } else {
                    warning(paste("Skip group ", g, " since it only contains one cell\n", sep=""))
                  cat(" ", g)

            if (do.fdr==T) {
              test.cols <- grep(paste("^",method, sep=""), colnames(results), value=T)

              fdr.in <- NULL
              if (length(test.cols)==1) {
                fdr.in <- data.frame(v1=results[, test.cols], check.names=FALSE)
                colnames(fdr.in)[1] <- test.cols
              } else if (length(test.cols)>1){
                fdr.in <- results[, test.cols]
              if (!is.null(fdr.in)) {
                fdr <- apply(fdr.in, 2, function(x) p.adjust(x, method="BH"))
                colnames(fdr) <- paste(test.cols, ".fdr", sep="")
                rownames(fdr) <- rownames(results)
                results <- cbind(results, fdr)


            object <- setDiffTest(object, value=results, method=method)

            diffgenes <- getDiffGenes(object, groups=groups, method=method, use.fdr=do.fdr, thresh=thresh, print.summary = T)
            object <- setDiffGenes(object, value=diffgenes)


# This function is from SINCERA version a10242015. It will be upgraded soon.
diff.test.samseq <- function(ES, group.by=CLUSTER.LABEL, groups=NULL, samseq.fdr=0.2, samseq.nperms=10, samseq.nresamp=20, diffexpr.prefix=DIFF.EXPR.PREFIX, verbose=T) {
  if (is.null(groups)) {
    groups <- sort(unique(pData(ES)[,group.by]))
  cells <- rownames(pData(ES))
  for (i in groups) {
    if (verbose) {
      cat("\nDifferential expression testing for group", i, "using SAMseq ...\n")
    i.cells <- rownames(subset(pData(ES), pData(ES)[, group.by] %in% i))
    i.cells.o <- setdiff(cells, i.cells)
    if (length(i.cells)>1 & length(i.cells.o)>1) {
      i.cells.idx <- which(colnames(Biobase::exprs(ES)) %in% i.cells)
      i.cells.o.idx <- which(colnames(Biobase::exprs(ES)) %in% i.cells.o)
      x <- Biobase::exprs(ES)
      x <- ceiling(x)
      y <- rep(-1, length(cells))
      y[i.cells.idx] <- 2
      y[i.cells.o.idx] <- 1
      samfit <- SAMseq(x, y, resp.type = "Two class unpaired", nperms = 10, random.seed = NULL, nresamp = 20, fdr.output = samseq.fdr)
      i.tt <- samfit$samr.obj$tt
      i.tt.name <- paste(diffexpr.prefix,i,sep="")
      fData(ES)[,i.tt.name] <- i.tt
      i.fc <- samfit$samr.obj$foldchange
      i.fc.name <- paste(diffexpr.prefix,"fc_", i,sep="")
      fData(ES)[,i.fc.name] <- i.fc
      if (samfit$siggenes.table$ngenes.up>0) {
        i.up.name <- paste(diffexpr.prefix,"genesup_", i,sep="")
        fData(ES)[,i.up.name] <- 0
        fData(ES)[as.numeric(samfit$siggenes.table$genes.up[,2]), i.up.name] <- 1
      if (samfit$siggenes.table$ngenes.lo>0) {
        i.lo.name <- paste(diffexpr.prefix,"geneslo_", i,sep="")
        fData(ES)[,i.lo.name] <- 0
        fData(ES)[as.numeric(samfit$siggenes.table$genes.lo[,2]), i.lo.name] <- 1
    if (verbose) {
      cat(" done\n")

#' Perform cell type enrichment
#' Perform cell type enrichment
#' @param object A sincera oject
#' @param species The species of the data, possible values include MUSMU - mouse, HOMSA - human
#' @param id.type The type of gene identifier, possible values include SYMBOL - Entrez SYMBOL, EG - Entrez ID, ENSEMBL - Ensembl ID
#' @param do.plot If TRUE, plot top enriched cell types per group at the end of the analysis
#' @param top.k The number of top enriched cell types to be plotted at the end of the analysis
#' @param verbose If TRUE, print verbose messages
#' @return The updated sincera object with enrichment results in the cte slot
#' @details 
#' Please note that the default gene-celltype association table was constructed based on mouse genes. The use of this function for human single cell analysis is still under testing. 
setGeneric("celltype.enrichment", function(object, species="MUSMU", id.type="SYMBOL", do.plot=T, top.k=5, verbose=T, ...) standardGeneric("celltype.enrichment"))
#' @export
          function(object, species="MUSMU", id.type="SYMBOL", do.plot=T, top.k=5, verbose=T, ...) {
            if (verbose) {
              cat("Sincera: cell type enrichment analysis ... \n")
            cat("\nUsing differentially expressed genes for cell type enrichment analysis\n")
            diffgenes <- getDiffGenes(object, print.summary = TRUE)
            #wd <- paste(getwd(), dir.delim, "sincera.celltype.enrichment.", getTimestamp(), dir.delim, sep="")

            # initialize knowledge base for cell type enrichment analysis

            genome <- NULL
            associations <- NULL
            KB <- NULL

            genome <- rownames(object@rexprs)
            associations <- getAssociationTable(object)

            #' Contruct the knowledge base for cell type enrichment analysis
            #' associations (data.frame) a data frame containing the gene and cell type associations
            #' genome (character) the full set of genes in a scRNA-seq data
            #' species (character) the species of the genome: MUSMU - mouse, HOMSA - human
            #' id.type (character) the type of ids of the genes in the genome: ENSEMBL - ENSEMBL gene id, SYMBOL -  Entrez Gene Symbol, EG - Entrez Gene Id
            #' return a list of 3 items: celltype.gene.association - genome related associations, celltype.genome.count - genome-wide cell type associations, genome - symbol mapping for the genome
            KB <- celltype.enrichment.initKB(associations, genome, species=species, id.type=id.type)

            #' Contruct the knowledge base for cell type enrichment analysis
            #' ES (ExpressionSet) an ExpressionSet object containing the single cell RNA-seq data
            #' KB (list) the knowledge base prepared by celltype.enrichment.initKB()
            #' group.by (character) the name of the column that contains the cluster information
            #' groups (character) the clusters for cell type enrichment
            #' species (character) the species of the genome: MUSMU - mouse, HOMSA - human
            #' id.type (character) the type of ids of the genes in the genome: ENSEMBL - ENSEMBL gene id, SYMBOL -  Entrez Gene Symbol, EG - Entrez Gene Id
            #' celltype.enrichment.prefix (character) the prefix of columns encoding the cluster-specific gene list for cell type enrichment analysis
            # ret <- celltype.enrichment.old(ES, KB, group.by="GROUP", groups=NULL, species=species, id.type=id.type, celltype.enrichment.prefix="use_for_celltype_", verbose=TRUE)
            groups <- sort(unique(as.character(getCellMeta(object, name="GROUP"))))
            x <- KB$celltype.gene.association
            types.count <- KB$celltype.genome.count
            genome.type <- paste(species,".", id.type, sep="")
            ret <- list()
            for (i in groups) {
              if (verbose) {
                cat("Enriching cell types for group", i, "...")
              #i.de.name <- paste(celltype.enrichment.prefix, i, sep="")
              #i.de <- rownames(fData(ES))[which(fData(ES)[, i.de.name]==1)]
              i.de <- as.character(diffgenes$SYMBOL[which(diffgenes$GROUP == i)])
              if (!(genome.type == "MUSMU.ENSEMBL")) { # if not MUSMU.ENSEMBL, map to MUSMU.ENSEMBL
                i.de <- unique(KB$genome[which(KB$genome[, genome.type] %in% i.de),"MUSMU.ENSEMBL"])
              i.x.idx <- NULL
              if (length(i.de) > 0) {
                i.x.idx <- which(x$GENE.ID %in% i.de)
              if (length(i.x.idx) > 0 ) {
                i.x <- x[i.x.idx,]
                i.types <- unique(i.x$ANNOTATION.ID)
                i.types.count <- data.frame(TYPE=i.types, CL.1=NA, CL.0=NA, ALL.1=NA, ALL.0=NA, Fisher.PV=NA, Hits_SYMBOL=NA, Hits_MUSMU_ENSEMBL=NA)
                h <- 1
                for (j in 1:dim(i.types.count)[1]) {
                  j.type <- i.types.count$TYPE[j]
                  i.j.idx <- which(i.x$ANNOTATION.ID %in% j.type)
                  i.j.de <- unique(i.x$GENE.ID[i.j.idx])
                  j.idx <- which(types.count$TYPE %in% j.type)
                  i.types.count$CL.1[j] <- length(i.j.de)
                  i.types.count$ALL.1[j] <- types.count$COUNT[j.idx]
                  i.types.count$CL.0[j] <- length(i.de)-length(i.j.idx)
                  i.types.count$ALL.0[j] <- length(unique(x$GENE.ID)) - types.count$COUNT[j.idx]
                  f <- fisher.test(matrix(c(i.types.count$CL.1[j],i.types.count$CL.0[j],i.types.count$ALL.1[j],i.types.count$ALL.0[j]), nrow=2), alternative="greater")
                  i.types.count$Fisher.PV[j] <- f$p.value
                  i.types.count$Hits[j] <- paste(i.j.de, collapse=",")

                  if (FALSE) { #%%
                    if (genome.type =="MUSMU.ENSEMBL") {
                      i.j.de.originalid <- i.j.de
                    } else {
                      i.j.de.originalid <- unique(KB$genome[which(KB$genome[,"MUSMU.ENSEMBL"] %in% i.j.de),genome.type])
                    i.j.de.symbols <- unique(fData(ES)[which(rownames(fData(ES)) %in% i.j.de.originalid), GENE.SYMBOL.LABEL]) #%%
                    i.types.count$Hits_MUSMU_ENSEMBL[j] <- paste(i.j.de, collapse=",")
                    i.types.count$Hits_SYMBOL[j] <- paste(i.j.de.symbols, collapse=",")
                  h <- h+1
              i.types.count <- i.types.count[order(i.types.count$Fisher.PV), ]
              ret[[as.character(i)]] <- i.types.count
              # write.table(i.types.count, file=paste(wd, i, "-celltype-enrichment.txt", sep=""), sep="\t", col.name=T, row.name=F)
              if (verbose) {
            cat("\nTop 5 enriched cell type annotations per cluster:\n")
            for (i in 1:length(ret)) {
              cat("\nCluster", names(ret)[i],":\n")
              tmp <- ret[[i]]
              rownames(tmp) <- NULL
              i.viz <- tmp[1:5, c("TYPE","Fisher.PV")]
            object <- setCellTypeEnrichment(object, groups=names(ret), ret)
            plotCellTypeEnrichment(object, top.k=top.k)

            cat("Please use getCellTypeEnrichment() to assess full enrichment results.")

#' Contruct the knowledge base for cell type enrichment analysis
#' @param associations (data.frame) a data frame containing the gene and cell type associations
#' @param genome (character) the full set of genes in a scRNA-seq data
#' @param species (character) the species of the genome: MUSMU - mouse, HOMSA - human
#' @param id.type (character) the type of ids of the genes in the genome: ENSEMBL - ENSEMBL gene id, SYMBOL -  Entrez Gene Symbol, EG - Entrez Gene Id
#' @param verbose (logical)
#' @return a list of 3 items: celltype.gene.association - genome related associations, celltype.genome.count - genome-wide cell type associations, genome - symbol mapping for the genome
celltype.enrichment.initKB <- function(associations, genome, species="MUSMU", id.type="ENSEMBL", verbose=T) {
  species.supported <- c("MUSMU", "HOMSA")
  s.id <- pmatch(species, species.supported)
  if (is.na(s.id)) {
    stop("invalid species")
  species <- species.supported[s.id]
  id.supported <- c("ENSEMBL", "SYMBOL", "EG")
  id.id <- pmatch(id.type, id.supported)
  if (is.na(id.id)) {
    stop("invalid id type")
  id.type <- id.supported[id.id]
  # convert the genome to MUSMU ENSEMBL
  if (!(species=="MUSMU" & id.type=="ENSEMBL")) {
    if (species=="MUSMU") {
      if (!require(AnnotationDbi)) {
      if (!require(org.Mm.eg.db)) {
      if (id.type=="SYMBOL") {
        y <- org.Mm.egSYMBOL2EG
        mapped_seqs <- mappedkeys(y)
        yy <- as.list(y[mapped_seqs])
        symbol2eg <- unlist(yy[genome])
        eg2ensembl <- idConverter(symbol2eg, srcSpecies="MUSMU", destSpecies="MUSMU", srcIDType="EG", destIDType="ENSEMBL")
        df1 <- data.frame(MUSMU.SYMBOL=names(symbol2eg), MUSMU.EG=as.character(symbol2eg))
        df2 <- data.frame(MUSMU.EG=names(eg2ensembl), MUSMU.ENSEMBL=as.character(eg2ensembl))
        genome.mapping <- merge(df1, df2, by.x="MUSMU.EG", by.y="MUSMU.EG")
      } else if (id.type=="EG") {
        eg2ensembl <- idConverter(genome, srcSpecies="MUSMU", destSpecies="MUSMU", srcIDType="EG", destIDType="ENSEMBL")
        genome.mapping <- data.frame(MUSMU.EG=names(eg2ensembl), MUSMU.ENSEMBL=as.character(eg2ensembl))
    } else if (species=="HOMSA") {
      if (!require(AnnotationDbi)) {
      if (!require(org.Mm.eg.db)) {
      if (!require(hom.Hs.inp.db)) {
      if (!require(hom.Mm.inp.db)) {
      if (!require(org.Hs.eg.db)) {
      if (id.type=="SYMBOL") {
        y <- org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG
        mapped_seqs <- mappedkeys(y)
        yy <- as.list(y[mapped_seqs])
        symbol2eg <- unlist(yy[genome])
        eg2ensembl <- idConverter(symbol2eg, srcSpecies="HOMSA", destSpecies="MUSMU", srcIDType="EG", destIDType="ENSEMBL")
        # MouseEGs = inpIDMapper(symbol2eg, "HOMSA", "MUSMU",  srcIDType="EG",
        #                         destIDType="EG", keepMultGeneMatches=FALSE, keepMultProtMatches=FALSE,
        #                         keepMultDestIDMatches = TRUE)
        df1 <- data.frame(HOMSA.SYMBOL=names(symbol2eg), HOMSA.EG=as.character(symbol2eg))
        df2 <- data.frame(HOMSA.EG=names(eg2ensembl), MUSMU.ENSEMBL=as.character(eg2ensembl))
        genome.mapping <- merge(df1, df2, by.x="HOMSA.EG", by.y="HOMSA.EG")
      } else if (id.type=="EG") {
        eg2ensembl <- idConverter(genome, srcSpecies="HOMSA", destSpecies="MUSMU", srcIDType="EG", destIDType="ENSEMBL")
        genome.mapping <- data.frame(HOMSA.EG=names(eg2ensembl), MUSMU.ENSEMBL=as.character(eg2ensembl))
      } else if (id.type=="ENSEMBL") {
        ensembl2ensembl <- idConverter(genome, srcSpecies="HOMSA", destSpecies="MUSMU", srcIDType="ENSEMBL", destIDType="ENSEMBL")
        genome.mapping <- data.frame(HOMSA.ENSEMBL=names(eg2ensembl), MUSMU.ENSEMBL=as.character(eg2ensembl))
  } else {
    genome.mapping <- data.frame(MUSMU.ENSEMBL=genome)
  if (!is.null(genome.mapping) > 0 && !is.null(associations)) {
    associations <- associations[which(associations$GENE.ID %in% genome.mapping$MUSMU.ENSEMBL),]
    genome.mapping <- genome.mapping[which(genome.mapping$MUSMU.ENSEMBL %in% associations$GENE.ID), ]
    # genome association
    celltype.genome.count <- data.frame(table(associations$ANNOTATION.ID))
    colnames(celltype.genome.count) <- c("TYPE","COUNT")
  return(list(celltype.gene.association=associations, celltype.genome.count=celltype.genome.count, genome=genome.mapping))

#' Performing rank-aggregation based cell type validation using marker expression
#' Performing rank-aggregation based cell type validation using marker expression
#' @param object A sincera object
#' @param use.scaled If TRUE, use zscore scaled data
#' @param thresh The expression threshold to include cells in individual rankings
#' @return The updated sincera object
setGeneric("celltype.validation", function(object, use.scaled=T, thresh=0,  ...) standardGeneric("celltype.validation"))
#' @export
          function(object, use.scaled=T, thresh=0, ...) {
            cat("Use \"TYPE\" metadata as the source of cell type assignments\n")
            markers <- getCellTypeMarkers(object)
            if ((!is.data.frame(markers)) | (dim(markers)[1]<2) | (dim(markers)[2]<2)) {
              stop("Invalid cell type marker definition. Please use getCellTypeMarkers() to check the current marker definition or use setCellTypeMarkers() to update it.")
            types <- sort(unique(as.character(markers[, 1])))
            types <- types[which(types %in% getCellMeta(object, "TYPE"))]
            if (length(types)==0) {
              stop("The defined markers cannot find any corresponding cell types in the object.\nPlease use getCellTypeMarkers() and getCellType() to check the defined markers and cell types in the object.")
            cat("The algorithm is validating the following cell types that are defined in the object and have defined markers: ", paste(types, collapse=", ", sep=""), "\n", sep="")
            cells <- getCells(object)
            type_validation <- data.frame(Name=NULL, Score=NULL, PREDICTION=NULL, GD=NULL, TYPE=NULL)
            n <- length(types)
            plot.dims <- getPlotDims(n)
            par.defaults <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
            par(mfrow=c(plot.dims$nrow, plot.dims$ncol))
            for (i in 1:length(types)) {
              cat("\tValidating cell type", types[i], ":")
              i.markers <- as.character(markers$SYMBOL[which(markers$TYPE==types[i])])
              if (length(i.markers)<2) {
                cat("skipped due to only one marker was defined.\n")
              } else {
                i.x <- getExpression(object, scaled=use.scaled, genes=i.markers)
                i.list <- list()
                for (j in 1:dim(i.x)[1]) {
                  i.j.cells <- i.x[j,]
                  i.j.cells <- i.j.cells[i.j.cells > thresh]
                  if(length(i.j.cells) > 0) {
                    i.j.cells <- sort(i.j.cells, decreasing=T)
                    i.list[[as.character(rownames(i.x)[j])]] <- names(i.j.cells)
                i.cells <- aggregateRanks(glist = i.list, N = length(cells))
                i.cells.not.idx <- which(!(cells %in% i.cells$Name))
                if (length(i.cells.not.idx) > 0) {
                  i.cells.not <- cells[i.cells.not.idx]
                  i.cells.not.df <- data.frame(Name=i.cells.not, Score=1)
                  rownames(i.cells.not.df) <- i.cells.not
                  i.cells <- rbind(i.cells, i.cells.not.df)
                i.cells$PREDICTION <- -log(i.cells$Score)
                i.cells$PREDICTION <- i.cells$PREDICTION/max(i.cells$PREDICTION)
                i.cells$GD <- 0
                i.cells.gold_standard <- cells[which(getCellMeta(object, "TYPE") %in% types[i])]
                i.p.idx <- which(i.cells$Name %in% i.cells.gold_standard)
                if (length(i.p.idx) > 0) {
                  i.cells$GD[i.p.idx] <- 1
                i.pred <- prediction(i.cells$PREDICTION, i.cells$GD)
                i.perf <- performance(i.pred,"auc")
                i.auc <- i.perf@y.values[[1]]
                i.perf <- performance(i.pred, "tpr", "fpr")
                #tiff(file=paste(wd, "celltype.validation.", types[i], ".tiff",sep=""), width = 1100, height =1200, units = "px", res = 300, compression="lzw", bg = "white")
                plot(i.perf, lwd=6, main=paste("ROC of ", as.character(types[i]), " (AUC:", round(i.auc,digit=6), ")", sep=""), cex.lab=1.2, colorize=T)
                axis(side=2, at=seq(0,1,0.1), font=2, lwd=3)
                axis(side=1, at=seq(0,1,0.1), font=2, lwd=3)
                i.cells$TYPE <- as.character(types[i])
                type_validation <- rbind(type_validation, i.cells)
            colnames(type_validation) <- c("CELL", "PVALUE", "SCORE", "TYPE.ASSIGNMENT", "TYPE")
            object <- setCellTypeValidation(object, value=type_validation)

########## clustering algorithms #####################

clustering.tight <- function(x, target=1, k.min=25, ...) {
  ret <- NULL

  ret <- tight.clust(x, target=target, k.min=k.min, ...)

  clusters <- ret$cluster
  names(clusters) <- rownames(x)


clustering.consensus <- function(x, min.area.increase=0.2, ...) {

  ret <- NULL
  ret <- ConsensusClusterPlus(x, ...)

  kk <- length(ret)
  areaK <- c()
  breaks <- 100

  for (i in 2:kk) {
    v <- triangle(ret[[i]][["ml"]], mode=1)
    h = hist(v, plot=FALSE, breaks=seq(0,1,by=1/breaks))
    h$counts = cumsum(h$counts)/sum(h$counts)

    thisArea <- 0
    for (bi in 1:(length(h$breaks)-1)){
      thisArea = thisArea + h$counts[bi]*(h$breaks[bi+1]-h$breaks[bi]) #increment by height by width
      bi = bi + 1
    areaK = c(areaK,thisArea)
  deltaK=areaK[1] #initial auc at k=2
  for(i in 2:(length(areaK))){
    #proportional increase relative to prior K.
    deltaK = c(deltaK,(areaK[i] - areaK[i-1])/areaK[i-1])

  i <- 3
  while(deltaK[i] > min.area.increase && i<kk) {
    i <- i+1
  #◙☻plot(1+(1:length(deltaK)),y=deltaK,xlab="k",ylab="relative change in area under CDF curve",main="Delta area",type="b")

  clusters <- as.character(ret[[i]][["consensusClass"]])
  names(clusters) <- colnames(x)


# this function is borrowed from the package: ConsensusClusterPlus
triangle = function(m,mode=1){
  #mode=1 for CDF, vector of lower triangle.
  #mode==3 for full matrix.
  #mode==2 for calcICL; nonredundant half matrix coun
  #mode!=1 for summary
  nm = matrix(0,ncol=n,nrow=n)
  fm = m
  nm[upper.tri(nm)] = m[upper.tri(m)] #only upper half
  fm = t(nm)+nm
  diag(fm) = diag(m)
  nm[upper.tri(nm)] = NA
  diag(nm) = NA
  vm = m[lower.tri(nm)]
    return(vm) #vector
  }else if(mode==3){
    return(fm) #return full matrix
  }else if(mode == 2){
    return(nm) #returns lower triangle and no diagonal. no double counts.

clustering.hc <- function(x, h=NULL, k=NULL, num.singleton=0, distance.method="pearson", linkage.method="average",  do.shift=TRUE) {

  if (do.shift) {
    x <- apply(x, 2, function(y) y-mean(y))

  if (distance.method=="euclidean") {
    dd <- dist(t(x), method=distance.method)
  } else  {
    dd <- as.dist((1-cor(x, method=distance.method))/2)

  hc <- hclust(dd, method=linkage.method)

  cell_order <- hc$labels[hc$order]

  if (is.null(k)) {
    if (is.null(h) || h<=0) {
      kk <- 1
      for (i in 2:dim(x)[2]) {
        clusters <- cutree(hc, k=i)
        clustersizes <- as.data.frame(table(clusters))
        singleton.clusters <- which(clustersizes$Freq < 2)
        if (length(singleton.clusters) <= num.singleton) {
          kk <- i
        } else {
      clusters <- cutree(hc, k=kk)
    } else {
      clusters <- cutree(hc, h=h)
      kk <- length(unique(clusters))
  } else {
    if (k>0) {
      kk <- k
      clusters <- cutree(hc, k=kk)

  names(clusters) <- colnames(x)

  return(list(clusters=clusters, kk=kk, hc.obj=hc))


# From Shekhar et al., Cell 2016
clustering.graph <- function(x, do.jaccard=T, num.nn=30, community.method="louvain") {

  if (do.jaccard){

  Adj = get_edges(t(x), nn=num.nn, do.jaccard=do.jaccard)

  g=igraph::graph.adjacency(Adj, mode = "undirected", weighted=weights)
  if (community.method=="louvain") graph.out = igraph::cluster_louvain(g)
  if (community.method=="infomap") graph.out = igraph::cluster_infomap(g)
  if (community.method=="fast_greedy") graph.out = igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(g)
  # if (community.method=="leading_eigen") graph.out = igraph::cluster_leading_eigen(g)
  if (community.method=="optimal") graph.out = igraph::cluster_optimal(g)
  if (community.method=="spinglass") graph.out = igraph::cluster_spinglass(g)
  if (community.method=="label_prop") graph.out = igraph::cluster_label_prop(g)
  if (community.method=="edge_betweenness") graph.out = igraph::cluster_edge_betweenness(g)
  if (community.method=="walktrap") graph.out = igraph::cluster_walktrap(g)

  clust.assign = factor(graph.out$membership, levels=sort(unique(graph.out$membership)))
  names(clust.assign) = graph.out$names
  k=order(table(clust.assign), decreasing = TRUE)
  new.levels = rep(1,length(unique(graph.out$membership)))
  new.levels[k] = 1:length(unique(graph.out$membership))
  levels(clust.assign) = new.levels
  clust.assign = factor(clust.assign, levels=1:length(unique(graph.out$membership)))


# From Shekhar et al., Cell 2016
# Build a nearest neighbor graph with or without edge weights, and return an adjacency matrix
get_edges=function(X,nn=30,do.jaccard=TRUE) {
  nearest=RANN::nn2(X,X,k=nn+1, treetype = "bd", searchtype="priority")
  print("Found nearest neighbors")
  nearest$nn.idx = nearest$nn.idx[,-1]
  nearest$nn.dists = nearest$nn.dists[,-1] #Convert to a similarity score
  nearest$nn.sim = 1*(nearest$nn.dists >= 0 )

  edges = melt(t(nearest$nn.idx)); colnames(edges) = c("B", "A", "C"); edges = edges[,c("A","B","C")]
  edges$B = edges$C; edges$C=1

  #Remove repetitions
  edges = unique(transform(edges, A = pmin(A,B), B=pmax(A,B)))

  if (do.jaccard){

    NN = nearest$nn.idx
    jaccard_dist = apply(edges, 1, function(x) length(intersect(NN[x[1], ],NN[x[2], ]))/length(union(NN[x[1], ], NN[x[2], ])) )

    edges$C = jaccard_dist
    edges = subset(edges, C != 0)
    edges$C = edges$C/max(edges$C)

  Adj = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(X), ncol=nrow(X))
  rownames(Adj) = rownames(X); colnames(Adj) = rownames(X)
  Adj[cbind(edges$A,edges$B)] = edges$C
  Adj[cbind(edges$B,edges$A)] = edges$C


clustering.pam <- function(x, k=4, ...) {
  pam.obj <- pam(t(x), k=k, ...)
  clusters <- pam.obj$clustering

clustering.kmeans <- function(x, k=4, ...) {
  km.obj <- kmeans(t(x), centers=k, ...)
  clusters <- km.obj$cluster
minzheguo/SINCERA documentation built on Feb. 3, 2021, 2:31 p.m.