addPoints | Add points to a plotly object |
addTextLabels | Add permanent text labels to points in a plotly graph |
adjustLayout | Apply layout adjustments to plotly object |
annotatedHeatmap | Make a heatmap with annotations by experimental variable |
anova_pca_metadata | Generate a matrix of anova values for associating principal... |
assaydatatable | The server function of the assaydatatable module |
assaydatatableInput | The UI input function of the assaydatatable module |
assaydatatableOutput | The output function of the assaydatatable module |
barcode_plot | Make a gene set barcode plot using Limma |
barplot | Server function of the 'barplot' module |
barplotInput | Input function of the 'barplot' module |
barplotOutput | Output function of the 'barplot' module |
bootstrapMedian | Bootstrap the standard error of the median |
boxplot | The server function of the boxplot module |
boxplotInput | The input function of the boxplot module |
boxplotOutput | The output function of the boxplot module |
calculateDendrogram | Calculate a clustering dendgrogram based on correlation |
calculateDist | Calculate a distance matrix based on correlation |
calculatePCAFractionExplained | Extract the percent variance from a PCA analysis |
cardinalNumericField | Make a numeric field with selectable associated cardinality... |
checkListIsSubset | Check one list is a subset of another and throw an error if... |
chipseq | The server function of the chipseq module. Currently a... |
chipseqInput | The input function of the chipseq module. Currently a... |
chooseGroupingVariables | Choose a valid set of grouping variables from a targets/... |
clustering | The server function of the clustering module |
clusteringDendrogram | Make a clustering dendrogram with coloring by experimental... |
clusteringInput | The input function of the clustering module |
clusteringOutput | The output function of the clustering module |
colGeomMeans | Geometric means by matrix column |
colMedians | Medians by matrix column |
colormaker | The output function of the colorby module |
colormakerInput | The input function of the colorby module |
compile_contrast_data | Compile contrast stats for inclusion in shinyngs |
compilePCAData | Run PCA on a given matrix, expected to be variance stabilised... |
cond_log2_transform_assays | Conditionally apply log2 transformation on assay data based... |
cond_log2_transform_matrix | Apply log2 transformation on a matrix. |
contrasts | The server function of the contrasts module |
contrastsInput | The input function of the contrasts module |
contrastsOutput | The output function of the contrasts module |
convertIds | Convert row names to metadata identifiers |
dendro | The server function of the dendrogram module |
dendroInput | The input function of the dendrogram module |
dendroOutput | The output function of the dendro module |
dexseqplot | The server function of the dexseqplot Shiny module |
dexseqplotInput | The UI input function of the dexseqplot Shiny module |
dexseqplotOutput | The UI output function of the dexseqplot Shiny module.... |
dexseqtable | The server function of the dexseqtable module |
dexseqtableInput | The UI input function of the dexseqtable module |
dexseqtableInputFields | Make input fields for producing a table of differential exon... |
dexseqtableOutput | The output function of the dexseqtable module |
differentialtable | The server function of the differentialtable module |
differentialtableInput | The UI input function of the differentialtable module |
differentialtableOutput | The output function of the differentialtable module |
drawLines | Overlay lines on a plotly-generated plot |
eselistfromConfig | Build an ExploratorySummarisedExperimentList from a... |
eselistFromYAML | Build an ExploratorySummarisedExperimentList from a YAML... |
evaluateCardinalFilter | Evaluate a vector of values with respect to a limit and a... |
experimenttable | The server function of the experimenttable module |
experimenttableInput | The UI input function of the experimenttable module |
experimenttableOutput | The output function of the experimenttable module |
ExploratorySummarizedExperiment | ExploratorySummarizedExperiments |
ExploratorySummarizedExperiment-class | The ExploratorySummarizedExperiment class |
ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList | ExploratorySummarizedExperimentLists, containers for... |
ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList-class | The ExploratorySummaizedExperimentList class |
fieldSets | Create sets of fields for display |
foldChange | Calculate fold change between two vectors |
foldchangeplot | The server function of the 'foldchangeplot' module |
foldchangeplotInput | The UI input function of the 'foldchangeplot' module |
foldchangeplotOutput | The output function of the 'foldchangeplot' module |
gene | The server function of the gene module |
geneBarplot | Main function for drawing the bar plot with plotly |
geneInput | The input function of the gene module |
geneModelPlot | Make a gene model plot for a chromosomal location |
geneOutput | The input function of the gene module |
geneselect | The server function of the geneselect module |
geneselectInput | The UI input function of the geneselect module |
genesetanalysistable | The server function of the genesetanalysistable module |
genesetanalysistableInput | The UI input function of the genesetanalysistable module |
genesetanalysistableOutput | The output function of the genesetanalysistable module |
genesetbarcodeplot | The server function of the genesetbarcodeplot module |
genesetbarcodeplotInput | The UI input function of the genesetbarcodeplot module |
genesetbarcodeplotOutput | The output function of the genesetbarcodeplot module |
genesetselect | The server function of the genesetselect module |
genesetselectInput | The UI function of the genesetselect module |
geom_mean | Geometric mean |
getExtension | Extract the extension of a file |
getSeparator | Infer a separator from the extension of an input file |
ggplot_boxplot | Make a boxplot with coloring by experimental variable |
ggplot_densityplot | Make a static density plot with ggplot2 |
ggplotify | Reshape data to the way 'ggplot2' likes it |
groupby | The server function of the groupby module |
groupbyInput | The UI function of the groupby module |
heatmap | The server function of the heatmap module |
heatmapInput | The input function of the heatmap module |
heatmapOutput | The output function of the heatmap module |
hiddenInput | Make a hidden input field. Handy for replacing superfluous... |
idToLabel | Create row labels based on the settings of 'labelfield' in... |
illuminaarray | The server function of the illuminaarray module |
illuminaarrayInput | The input function of the illuminaarray module |
illuminaarrayqc | The server function of the illuminaarrayqc module |
illuminaarrayqcInput | The input function of the illuminaarrayqc module |
illuminaarrayqcOutput | The output function of the illuminaarrayqc module |
inlineField | Wrap a Shiny input so its label is displayed inline |
interactiveHeatmap | Make a ineractive heatmap with d3heatmap |
interleaveColumns | Interleave the columns of two matrices of equal dimensions |
is_valid_positive_integer_vector | Check if a comma-separated string can be parsed to an integer... |
labelMatrix | Add columns to display ID and label in a table |
labelselectfield | The server function of the 'labelselectfield' module |
labelselectfieldInput | The input function of the 'labelselectfield' module |
linkMatrix | Add links to a table |
madScore | Calculate MAD scores as per OmicSoft |
makeAnnotationColors | Make color sets to use in heatmap annotation |
makeColorScale | Make a color palette of a specified length |
makeContrastControl | Make a select field for picking one or more contrasts |
makeContrastFilterSet | Make a complete set of filters for a contrast: the contrast... |
makePackageCitation | Return a usable citation string for a package |
maplot | The server function of the 'maplot' module |
maplotInput | The UI input function of the 'maplot' module |
maplotOutput | The output function of the 'maplot' module |
modalInput | The input function for the 'modal' module |
modalOutput | The output function of the 'modal' module |
na.replace | Replace NAs with a string for convenience |
nlines | Count the number of lines in a string |
pca | The server function of the pca module |
pcaInput | The input function of the pca module |
pcaOutput | The output function of the pca module |
plotdownload | The server function of the gene set module |
plotdownloadInput | The input function of the gene plotdownload module |
plotly_boxplot | Make a boxplot with coloring by experimental variable |
plotly_densityplot | Make a dynamic density plot with plotly |
plotly_quartiles | Make a line-based alternative to boxplots |
plotly_scatterplot | Make scatterplots with 'plot_ly()' |
prepareApp | Make UI and server functions for Shiny apps based on data... |
prettifyGeneSetName | Prettify gene set names like those from MSigDB |
prettifyVariablename | Make machine variable names pretty for display |
pushToList | Simple list push |
read_contrasts | Read and validate a contrasts file against sample metadata |
read_differential | Read tables of differential statistics |
read_matrix | Read an expression matrix file and match to specified samples... |
read_metadata | Read a metadata file |
readreports | Server function of the 'readreports' module |
readreportsInput | Input function of the 'readreports' module |
readreportsOutput | Output function of the 'readreports' module |
rnaseq | The server function of the rnaseq module |
rnaseqInput | The input function of the rnaseq module |
rowmetatable | The server function of the rowmetatable module |
rowmetatableInput | The UI input function of the rowmetatable module |
rowmetatableOutput | The output function of the rowmetatable module |
runPCA | Run a simple PCA analysis |
sampleselect | The server function of the sampleselect module |
sampleselectInput | The UI input function of the sampleselect module |
scatterplot | Server function for the scatterplot module |
scatterplotcontrols | Server function for scatterplotcontrols module |
scatterplotcontrolsInput | Input function for scatterplotcontrols module |
scatterplotInput | Input function for the scatterplot module |
scatterplotOutput | Output function for the scatterplot module |
selectmatrix | The server function of the selectmatrix module |
selectmatrixInput | The UI input function of the selectmarix module |
selectVariableGenes | Generate an integer ordering to select the n most variable... |
shinyngs | Interactive downstream analysis with ShinyNGS. |
simpleApp | Produce a simple app with controls and layout for a single... |
simpleSplit | Convenience interface to strsplit() |
simpletable | The server function of the simpletable module |
simpletableInput | The UI input function of the simpletable module |
simpletableOutput | The output function of the simpletable module |
simplifyContrastTable | Simplify a contrast table |
singleValidMatrix | Is there only one matrix to plot from this object? |
splitStringToFixedwidthLines | Given a string with spaces, try to split into multiple lines... |
static_scatterplot | Make scatterplots with 'ggplot()' or 'scatterplot3d' |
stringsToNamedVector | Take two delimiter-separated strings and generate a named... |
summarisematrix | The server function of the summarisematrix module |
summarisematrixInput | The input function of the summarizematrix module |
summarizeMatrix | Summarise the rows of a matrix, applying a function to groups... |
summarySE | Summarise an input matrix |
ucfirst | Capitalise the first letter of a string |
unpack.list | Unpack a list to the environment. Handy when many reactive... |
upset | The server function of the upstart module |
upsetInput | The input function of the upset module |
upsetOutput | The output function of the clustering module |
validate_indices | Validate assay indices based on a given string. |
validate_inputs | Call the various read/ validate methods for input data... |
volcanoplot | The server function of the 'volcanoplot' module |
volcanoplotInput | The UI input function of the 'volcanoplot' module |
volcanoplotOutput | The output function of the 'volcanoplot' module |
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