AddAndCheckDBSClassInVCF | Add and check DBS class in an annotated VCF with the... |
AddAndCheckSBSClassInVCF | Add and check SBS class in an annotated VCF with the... |
AddDBSClass | Add DBS mutation class to an annotated DBS VCF |
AddRunInformation | Create a run information text file from generating zip... |
AddSBSClass | Add SBS mutation class to an annotated SBS VCF |
AddSeqContext | Add sequence context to a data frame with mutation records |
AddTranscript | Add transcript information to a data frame with mutation... |
all.abundance | K-mer abundances |
AnnotateDBSVCF | Add sequence context and transcript information to an... |
AnnotateIDVCF | Add sequence context to an in-memory ID (insertion/deletion)... |
AnnotateSBSVCF | Add sequence context and transcript information to an... |
as.catalog | Create a catalog from a 'matrix', 'data.frame', or 'vector' |
CalBaseCountsFrom3MerAbundance | Calculate base counts from three mer abundance |
CalculateNumberOfSpace | Calculate the number of space needed to add strand bias... |
Canonicalize1Del | Given a deletion and its sequence context, categorize it |
Canonicalize1ID | Given a single insertion or deletion in context categorize... |
Canonicalize1INS | Given an insertion and its sequence context, categorize it. |
CanonicalizeID | Determine the mutation types of insertions and deletions. |
CatalogRowOrder | Standard order of row names in a catalog |
CheckAndFixChrNames | Check and, if possible, correct the chromosome names in a VCF... |
CheckAndFixChrNamesForTransRanges | Check and, if possible, correct the chromosome names in a... |
CheckAndReorderRownames | Check whether the rownames of 'object' are correct, if yes... |
CheckAndReturnDBSCatalogs | Check and return DBS catalogs |
CheckAndReturnDBSMatrix | Check and return the DBS mutation matrix |
CheckAndReturnIDCatalog | Check and return ID catalog |
CheckAndReturnIDMatrix | Check and return the ID mutation matrix |
CheckAndReturnSBSCatalogs | Check and return SBS catalogs |
CheckAndReturnSBSMatrix | Check and return the SBS mutation matrix |
CheckDBSClassInVCF | Check DBS mutation class in VCF with the corresponding DBS... |
CheckSBSClassInVCF | Check SBS mutation class in VCF with the corresponding SBS... |
CheckSeqContextInVCF | Check that the sequence context information is consistent... |
CollapseCatalog | "Collapse" a catalog |
ConvertICAMSCatalogToSigProSBS96 | Covert an ICAMS SBS96 Catalog to SigProfiler format |
CreateDinucAbundance | Create dinucleotide abundance |
CreateExomeStrandedRanges | Create exome transcriptionally stranded regions |
CreateOneColDBSMatrix | Create the matrix a DBS catalog for *one* sample from an... |
CreateOneColIDMatrix | Create one column of the matrix for an indel catalog from... |
CreateOneColSBSMatrix | Create the matrix an SBS catalog for *one* sample from an... |
CreateOnePPMFromSBSVCF | Create position probability matrix (PPM) for *one* sample... |
CreatePentanucAbundance | Create pentanucleotide abundance |
CreatePPMFromSBSVCFs | Create position probability matrices (PPM) from a list of SBS... |
CreateStrandedDinucAbundance | Create stranded dinucleotide abundance |
CreateStrandedTrinucAbundance | Create stranded trinucleotide abundance |
CreateTetranucAbundance | Create tetranucleotide abundance |
CreateTransRanges | Create a transcript range file from the raw GFF3 File |
CreateTrinucAbundance | Create trinucleotide abundance |
FindDelMH | Return the length of microhomology at a deletion |
FindMaxRepeatDel | Return the number of repeat units in which a deletion is... |
FindMaxRepeatIns | Return the number of repeat units in which an insertion is... |
GeneExpressionData | Example gene expression data from two cell lines |
GenerateEmptyKmerCounts | Generate an empty matrix of k-mer abundance |
GenerateKmer | Generate all possible k-mers of length k. |
GetConsensusVAF | Analogous to 'GetMutectVAF', calculating VAF and read depth... |
GetCustomKmerCounts | Generate custom k-mer abundance from a given reference genome |
GetGenomeKmerCounts | Generate k-mer abundance from a given genome |
GetMutationLoadsFromMutectVCFs | Get mutation loads information from Mutect VCF files. |
GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaIDVCFs | Get mutation loads information from Strelka ID VCF files. |
GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaSBSVCFs | Get mutation loads information from Strelka SBS VCF files. |
GetSequenceKmerCounts | Generate k-mer abundance from given nucleotide sequences |
GetStrandedKmerCounts | Generate stranded k-mer abundance from a given genome and... |
GetVAF | Extract the VAFs (variant allele frequencies) and read depth... |
ICAMS | ICAMS: In-depth Characterization and Analysis of Mutational... |
InferAbundance | Infer 'abundance' given a matrix-like 'object' and additional... |
InferCatalogClassPrefix | These two functions is applicable only for internal... |
InferCatalogInfo | This function converts an data.table imported from external... |
InferRownames | Infer the correct rownames for a matrix based on its number... |
IsGRCh37 | Test if object is 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genome.hs37d5'. |
IsGRCh38 | Test if object is 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38'. |
IsGRCm38 | Test if object is 'BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10'. |
MakeDataFrameFromVCF | Read in the data lines of a Variant Call Format (VCF) file |
MakeVCFDBSdf | MakeVCFDBSdf Take DBS ranges and the original VCF and... |
MutectVCFFilesToCatalog | Create SBS, DBS and Indel catalogs from Mutect VCF files |
MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf | Create SBS, DBS and Indel catalogs from Mutect VCF files and... |
MutectVCFFilesToZipFile | Create a zip file which contains catalogs and plot PDFs from... |
NormalizeGenomeArg | Take strings representing a genome and return the 'BSgenome'... |
Plot96PartOfCompositeToPDF | Plot the SBS96 part of a SignatureAnalyzer COMPOSITE... |
PlotCatalog | Plot *one* spectrum or signature |
PlotCatalogToPdf | Plot catalog to a PDF file |
PlotPPM | Plot position probability matrix (PPM) for *one* sample from... |
PlotPPMToPdf | Plot position probability matrices (PPM) to a PDF file |
PlotTransBiasGeneExp | Plot transcription strand bias with respect to gene... |
PlotTransBiasGeneExpToPdf | Plot transcription strand bias with respect to gene... |
ReadAndSplitMutectVCFs | Read and split Mutect VCF files |
ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs | Read and split Strelka SBS VCF files |
ReadAndSplitVCFs | Read and split VCF files |
ReadBedRanges | Read chromosome and position information from a bed format... |
ReadCatalog | Read catalog |
ReadCatalogErrReturn | Get error message and either stop or create a null error... |
ReadCatalogInternal | Internal read catalog function to be wrapped in a tryCatch |
ReadDukeNUSCat192 | Read a 192-channel spectra (or signature) catalog in Duke-NUS... |
ReadMutectVCF | Read in the data lines of a Variant Call Format (VCF) file... |
ReadMutectVCFs | Read Mutect VCF files. |
ReadStapleGT96SBS | Read a 96-channel spectra (or signature) catalog where... |
ReadStrelkaIDVCF | Read in the data lines of an ID VCF created by Strelka... |
ReadStrelkaIDVCFs | Read Strelka ID (small insertion and deletion) VCF files |
ReadStrelkaSBSVCF | Read in the data lines of an SBS VCF created by Strelka... |
ReadStrelkaSBSVCFs | Read Strelka SBS (single base substitutions) VCF files. |
ReadTranscriptRanges | Read transcript ranges and strand information from a gff3... |
ReadVCF | Read in the data lines of a Variant Call Format (VCF) file |
ReadVCFs | Read VCF files |
RemoveRangesOnBothStrand | Remove ranges that fall on both strands |
RenameColumnsWithNameStrand | Is there any column in 'df' with name "strand"? If there is,... |
RenameColumnsWithNameVAF | Is there any column in df1 with name "VAF"? If there is,... |
Restaple1536 | Convert 1536-channel mutation-type identifiers like this... |
Restaple96 | Convert 96-channel mutation-type identifiers like this... |
revc | Reverse complement every string in 'string.vec' |
RevcDBS144 | Reverse complement strings that represent stranded DBSs |
RevcSBS96 | Reverse complement strings that represent stranded SBSs |
SplitListOfMutectVCFs | Split each Mutect VCF into SBS, DBS, and ID VCFs (plus... |
SplitListOfStrelkaSBSVCFs | Split a list of in-memory Strelka SBS VCF into SBS, DBS, and... |
SplitListOfVCFs | Split each VCF into SBS, DBS, and ID VCFs (plus VCF-like data... |
SplitOneMutectVCF | Split a mutect2 VCF into SBS, DBS, and ID VCFs, plus a list... |
SplitOneVCF | Split a VCF into SBS, DBS, and ID VCFs, plus a list of other... |
SplitSBSVCF | Split an in-memory SBS VCF into pure SBSs, pure DBSs, and... |
SplitStrelkaSBSVCF | Split an in-memory Strelka VCF into SBS, DBS, and variants... |
StandardChromName | Standardize the chromosome name annotations for a data frame. |
StandardChromNameNew | Standardize the chromosome name annotations for a data frame. |
StopIfCatalogTypeIllegal | Stop if 'catalog.type' is illegal. |
StopIfNrowIllegal | Stop if the number of rows in 'object' is illegal |
StopIfRegionIllegal | Stop if 'region' is illegal. |
StopIfTranscribedRegionIllegal | Stop if 'region' is illegal for an in-transcript catalogs |
StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog | Create ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog from Strelka... |
StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf | Create ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog from Strelka... |
StrelkaIDVCFFilesToZipFile | Create a zip file which contains ID (small insertion and... |
StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog | Create SBS and DBS catalogs from Strelka SBS VCF files |
StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf | Create SBS and DBS catalogs from Strelka SBS VCF files and... |
StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile | Create a zip file which contains catalogs and plot PDFs from... |
TCFromCouSigCou | Source catalog type is counts or counts.signature |
TCFromDenSigDen | density -> <anything> density.signature -> density.signature,... |
TestMakeCatalogFromMutectVCFs | This function makes catalogs from the sample Mutect VCF file... |
TestMakeCatalogFromStrelkaIDVCFs | This function is to make catalogs from the sample Strelka ID... |
TestMakeCatalogFromStrelkaSBSVCFs | This function is to make catalogs from the sample Strelka SBS... |
TestPlotCatCOMPOSITE | Plot the a SignatureAnalyzer COMPOSITE signature or catalog... |
TranscriptRanges | Transcript ranges data |
TransformCatalog | Transform between counts and density spectrum catalogs and... |
TransRownames.ID.PCAWG.SigPro | For indels, convert ICAMS/PCAWG7 rownames into SigProfiler... |
TransRownames.ID.SigPro.PCAWG | For indels, convert SigProfiler rownames into ICAMS/PCAWG7... |
Unstaple1536 | Convert SBS1536-channel mutations-type identifiers like this... |
Unstaple78 | Convert DBS78-channel mutations-type identifiers like this... |
Unstaple96 | Convert SBS96-channel mutations-type identifiers like this... |
VCFsToCatalogs | Create SBS, DBS and Indel catalogs from VCFs |
VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf | Create SBS, DBS and Indel catalogs from VCFs and plot them to... |
VCFsToDBSCatalogs | Create DBS catalogs from VCFs |
VCFsToIDCatalogs | Create ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog from ID VCFs |
VCFsToSBSCatalogs | Create SBS catalogs from SBS VCFs |
VCFsToZipFile | Create a zip file which contains catalogs and plot PDFs from... |
VCFsToZipFileXtra | Analogous to 'VCFsToZipFile', also generates density CSV and... |
WriteCat | Write a catalog to a file. |
WriteCatalog | Write a catalog |
WriteCatalogIndelSigPro | Write Indel Catalogs in SigProExtractor format |
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