Man pages for ICAMS
In-Depth Characterization and Analysis of Mutational Signatures ('ICAMS')

AddAndCheckDBSClassInVCFAdd and check DBS class in an annotated VCF with the...
AddAndCheckSBSClassInVCFAdd and check SBS class in an annotated VCF with the...
AddDBSClassAdd DBS mutation class to an annotated DBS VCF
AddRunInformationCreate a run information text file from generating zip...
AddSBSClassAdd SBS mutation class to an annotated SBS VCF
AddSeqContextAdd sequence context to a data frame with mutation records
AddTranscriptAdd transcript information to a data frame with mutation...
all.abundanceK-mer abundances
AnnotateDBSVCFAdd sequence context and transcript information to an...
AnnotateIDVCFAdd sequence context to an in-memory ID (insertion/deletion)...
AnnotateSBSVCFAdd sequence context and transcript information to an...
as.catalogCreate a catalog from a 'matrix', 'data.frame', or 'vector'
CalBaseCountsFrom3MerAbundanceCalculate base counts from three mer abundance
CalculateNumberOfSpaceCalculate the number of space needed to add strand bias...
Canonicalize1DelGiven a deletion and its sequence context, categorize it
Canonicalize1IDGiven a single insertion or deletion in context categorize...
Canonicalize1INSGiven an insertion and its sequence context, categorize it.
CanonicalizeIDDetermine the mutation types of insertions and deletions.
CatalogRowOrderStandard order of row names in a catalog
CheckAndFixChrNamesCheck and, if possible, correct the chromosome names in a VCF...
CheckAndFixChrNamesForTransRangesCheck and, if possible, correct the chromosome names in a...
CheckAndReorderRownamesCheck whether the rownames of 'object' are correct, if yes...
CheckAndReturnDBSCatalogsCheck and return DBS catalogs
CheckAndReturnDBSMatrixCheck and return the DBS mutation matrix
CheckAndReturnIDCatalogCheck and return ID catalog
CheckAndReturnIDMatrixCheck and return the ID mutation matrix
CheckAndReturnSBSCatalogsCheck and return SBS catalogs
CheckAndReturnSBSMatrixCheck and return the SBS mutation matrix
CheckDBSClassInVCFCheck DBS mutation class in VCF with the corresponding DBS...
CheckSBSClassInVCFCheck SBS mutation class in VCF with the corresponding SBS...
CheckSeqContextInVCFCheck that the sequence context information is consistent...
CollapseCatalog"Collapse" a catalog
ConvertICAMSCatalogToSigProSBS96Covert an ICAMS SBS96 Catalog to SigProfiler format
CreateDinucAbundanceCreate dinucleotide abundance
CreateExomeStrandedRangesCreate exome transcriptionally stranded regions
CreateOneColDBSMatrixCreate the matrix a DBS catalog for *one* sample from an...
CreateOneColIDMatrixCreate one column of the matrix for an indel catalog from...
CreateOneColSBSMatrixCreate the matrix an SBS catalog for *one* sample from an...
CreateOnePPMFromSBSVCFCreate position probability matrix (PPM) for *one* sample...
CreatePentanucAbundanceCreate pentanucleotide abundance
CreatePPMFromSBSVCFsCreate position probability matrices (PPM) from a list of SBS...
CreateStrandedDinucAbundanceCreate stranded dinucleotide abundance
CreateStrandedTrinucAbundanceCreate stranded trinucleotide abundance
CreateTetranucAbundanceCreate tetranucleotide abundance
CreateTransRangesCreate a transcript range file from the raw GFF3 File
CreateTrinucAbundanceCreate trinucleotide abundance
FindDelMHReturn the length of microhomology at a deletion
FindMaxRepeatDelReturn the number of repeat units in which a deletion is...
FindMaxRepeatInsReturn the number of repeat units in which an insertion is...
GeneExpressionDataExample gene expression data from two cell lines
GenerateEmptyKmerCountsGenerate an empty matrix of k-mer abundance
GenerateKmerGenerate all possible k-mers of length k.
GetConsensusVAFAnalogous to 'GetMutectVAF', calculating VAF and read depth...
GetCustomKmerCountsGenerate custom k-mer abundance from a given reference genome
GetGenomeKmerCountsGenerate k-mer abundance from a given genome
GetMutationLoadsFromMutectVCFsGet mutation loads information from Mutect VCF files.
GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaIDVCFsGet mutation loads information from Strelka ID VCF files.
GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaSBSVCFsGet mutation loads information from Strelka SBS VCF files.
GetSequenceKmerCountsGenerate k-mer abundance from given nucleotide sequences
GetStrandedKmerCountsGenerate stranded k-mer abundance from a given genome and...
GetVAFExtract the VAFs (variant allele frequencies) and read depth...
ICAMSICAMS: In-depth Characterization and Analysis of Mutational...
InferAbundanceInfer 'abundance' given a matrix-like 'object' and additional...
InferCatalogClassPrefixThese two functions is applicable only for internal...
InferCatalogInfoThis function converts an data.table imported from external...
InferRownamesInfer the correct rownames for a matrix based on its number...
IsGRCh37Test if object is 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genome.hs37d5'.
IsGRCh38Test if object is 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38'.
IsGRCm38Test if object is 'BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10'.
MakeDataFrameFromVCFRead in the data lines of a Variant Call Format (VCF) file
MakeVCFDBSdfMakeVCFDBSdf Take DBS ranges and the original VCF and...
MutectVCFFilesToCatalogCreate SBS, DBS and Indel catalogs from Mutect VCF files
MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdfCreate SBS, DBS and Indel catalogs from Mutect VCF files and...
MutectVCFFilesToZipFileCreate a zip file which contains catalogs and plot PDFs from...
NormalizeGenomeArgTake strings representing a genome and return the 'BSgenome'...
Plot96PartOfCompositeToPDFPlot the SBS96 part of a SignatureAnalyzer COMPOSITE...
PlotCatalogPlot *one* spectrum or signature
PlotCatalogToPdfPlot catalog to a PDF file
PlotPPMPlot position probability matrix (PPM) for *one* sample from...
PlotPPMToPdfPlot position probability matrices (PPM) to a PDF file
PlotTransBiasGeneExpPlot transcription strand bias with respect to gene...
PlotTransBiasGeneExpToPdfPlot transcription strand bias with respect to gene...
ReadAndSplitMutectVCFsRead and split Mutect VCF files
ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFsRead and split Strelka SBS VCF files
ReadAndSplitVCFsRead and split VCF files
ReadBedRangesRead chromosome and position information from a bed format...
ReadCatalogRead catalog
ReadCatalogErrReturnGet error message and either stop or create a null error...
ReadCatalogInternalInternal read catalog function to be wrapped in a tryCatch
ReadDukeNUSCat192Read a 192-channel spectra (or signature) catalog in Duke-NUS...
ReadMutectVCFRead in the data lines of a Variant Call Format (VCF) file...
ReadMutectVCFsRead Mutect VCF files.
ReadStapleGT96SBSRead a 96-channel spectra (or signature) catalog where...
ReadStrelkaIDVCFRead in the data lines of an ID VCF created by Strelka...
ReadStrelkaIDVCFsRead Strelka ID (small insertion and deletion) VCF files
ReadStrelkaSBSVCFRead in the data lines of an SBS VCF created by Strelka...
ReadStrelkaSBSVCFsRead Strelka SBS (single base substitutions) VCF files.
ReadTranscriptRangesRead transcript ranges and strand information from a gff3...
ReadVCFRead in the data lines of a Variant Call Format (VCF) file
ReadVCFsRead VCF files
RemoveRangesOnBothStrandRemove ranges that fall on both strands
RenameColumnsWithNameStrandIs there any column in 'df' with name "strand"? If there is,...
RenameColumnsWithNameVAFIs there any column in df1 with name "VAF"? If there is,...
Restaple1536Convert 1536-channel mutation-type identifiers like this...
Restaple96Convert 96-channel mutation-type identifiers like this...
revcReverse complement every string in 'string.vec'
RevcDBS144Reverse complement strings that represent stranded DBSs
RevcSBS96Reverse complement strings that represent stranded SBSs
SplitListOfMutectVCFsSplit each Mutect VCF into SBS, DBS, and ID VCFs (plus...
SplitListOfStrelkaSBSVCFsSplit a list of in-memory Strelka SBS VCF into SBS, DBS, and...
SplitListOfVCFsSplit each VCF into SBS, DBS, and ID VCFs (plus VCF-like data...
SplitOneMutectVCFSplit a mutect2 VCF into SBS, DBS, and ID VCFs, plus a list...
SplitOneVCFSplit a VCF into SBS, DBS, and ID VCFs, plus a list of other...
SplitSBSVCFSplit an in-memory SBS VCF into pure SBSs, pure DBSs, and...
SplitStrelkaSBSVCFSplit an in-memory Strelka VCF into SBS, DBS, and variants...
StandardChromNameStandardize the chromosome name annotations for a data frame.
StandardChromNameNewStandardize the chromosome name annotations for a data frame.
StopIfCatalogTypeIllegalStop if 'catalog.type' is illegal.
StopIfNrowIllegalStop if the number of rows in 'object' is illegal
StopIfRegionIllegalStop if 'region' is illegal.
StopIfTranscribedRegionIllegalStop if 'region' is illegal for an in-transcript catalogs
StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogCreate ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog from Strelka...
StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdfCreate ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog from Strelka...
StrelkaIDVCFFilesToZipFileCreate a zip file which contains ID (small insertion and...
StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogCreate SBS and DBS catalogs from Strelka SBS VCF files
StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdfCreate SBS and DBS catalogs from Strelka SBS VCF files and...
StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFileCreate a zip file which contains catalogs and plot PDFs from...
TCFromCouSigCouSource catalog type is counts or counts.signature
TCFromDenSigDendensity -> <anything> density.signature -> density.signature,...
TestMakeCatalogFromMutectVCFsThis function makes catalogs from the sample Mutect VCF file...
TestMakeCatalogFromStrelkaIDVCFsThis function is to make catalogs from the sample Strelka ID...
TestMakeCatalogFromStrelkaSBSVCFsThis function is to make catalogs from the sample Strelka SBS...
TestPlotCatCOMPOSITEPlot the a SignatureAnalyzer COMPOSITE signature or catalog...
TranscriptRangesTranscript ranges data
TransformCatalogTransform between counts and density spectrum catalogs and...
TransRownames.ID.PCAWG.SigProFor indels, convert ICAMS/PCAWG7 rownames into SigProfiler...
TransRownames.ID.SigPro.PCAWGFor indels, convert SigProfiler rownames into ICAMS/PCAWG7...
Unstaple1536Convert SBS1536-channel mutations-type identifiers like this...
Unstaple78Convert DBS78-channel mutations-type identifiers like this...
Unstaple96Convert SBS96-channel mutations-type identifiers like this...
VCFsToCatalogsCreate SBS, DBS and Indel catalogs from VCFs
VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdfCreate SBS, DBS and Indel catalogs from VCFs and plot them to...
VCFsToDBSCatalogsCreate DBS catalogs from VCFs
VCFsToIDCatalogsCreate ID (small insertion and deletion) catalog from ID VCFs
VCFsToSBSCatalogsCreate SBS catalogs from SBS VCFs
VCFsToZipFileCreate a zip file which contains catalogs and plot PDFs from...
VCFsToZipFileXtraAnalogous to 'VCFsToZipFile', also generates density CSV and...
WriteCatWrite a catalog to a file.
WriteCatalogWrite a catalog
WriteCatalogIndelSigProWrite Indel Catalogs in SigProExtractor format
ICAMS documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:47 p.m.