
Defines functions cellsfromtree branchcells compscore projenrichment getproj plotdistanceratio plotgraph plotspantree plotlinkscore plotlinkpv comppvalue lineagegraph projback projcells compentropy

Documented in branchcells cellsfromtree compentropy comppvalue compscore getproj lineagegraph plotdistanceratio plotgraph plotlinkpv plotlinkscore plotspantree projback projcells projenrichment

#' @import Matrix

## class definition

#' @title The Ltree Class
#' @description The Ltree class is the central object storing all information generated during lineage tree inference by the StemID algorithm.
#' It comprises a number of slots for a variety of objects.
#' @slot sc An \code{SCseq} object with the RaceID3 analysis of the single-cell RNA-seq data for which a lineage tree should be derived.
#' @slot ldata List object storing information on the clustering partition, the distance matrix, and the cluster centers in dimensionally-reduced
#' input space and in two-dimensional t-sne space. Elements:
#' \code{lp}: vector with the filtered partition into clusters after discarding clusters with cthr cells or less.
#' \code{pdi}:matrix with the coordinates of all cells in the embedded space. Clusters with \code{cthr} transcripts or less were discarded (see function \code{projcells}).
#' Rows are medoids and columns are coordinates.
#' \code{cn}: data.frame with the coordinates of the cluster medoids in the embedded space. Clusters with \code{cthr} transcripts or less were discarded.
#' Rows are medoids and columns are coordinates.
#' \code{m}: vector with the numbers of the clusters which survived the filtering.
#' \code{pdil}:	data.frame with coordinates of cells in the two-dimensional t-SNE representation computed by RaceID3. Clusters with \code{cthr} transcripts or less were
#' discarded. Rows are cells and columns are coordinates.
#' \code{cnl}:	data.frame with the coordinates of the cluster medoids in the two-dimensional t-SNE representation computed by RaceID3. Clusters with \code{cthr}
#' transcripts or less were discarded. Rows are medoids and columns are coordinates.
#' @slot entropy Vector with transcriptome entropy computed for each cell.
#' @slot trproj List containing two data.frames. Elements:
#' \code{res}:	data.frame with three columns for each cell. The first column \code{o} shows the cluster of a cell,
#' the second column \code{l} shows the cluster number for the link the cell is assigned to, and the third column \code{h} shows the projection as a fraction of the length
#' of the inter-cluster link. Parallel projections are positive, while anti-parallel projections are negative.
#' \code{rma}: data.frame with all projection coordinates for each cell. Rows are cells and columns are clusters. Projections are given as a fraction of the length of the
#' inter-cluster link. Parallel projections are positive, while anti-parallel projections are negative. The column corresponding to the originating cluster of a cell
#' shows \code{NA}.
#' @slot par List of parameters used for the StemID2 analysis.
#' @slot prback data.frame of the same structure as the \code{trproj$res}. In case randomizations are used to compute significant projections, the projections of all
#' \code{pdishuff} randomizations are appended to this data.frame and therefore the number of rows corresponds to the number of cells multiplied by \code{pdishuf}. See
#' function \code{projback}.
#' @slot prbacka data.frame reporting the aggregated results of the randomizations with four columns. Column \code{n} denotes the number of the randomization sample,
#' column \code{o} and \code{l} contain the numbers of the originating and the terminal cluster, respectively, for each inter-cluster link and column \code{count} shows
#' the number of cells assigned to this link in randomization sample \code{n}. The discrete distribution for the computation of the link p-value is given by the data
#' contained in this object (if \code{nmode=FALSE}).
#' @slot ltcoord Matrix storing projection coordinates of all cells in the two-dimensional t-SNE space, used for visualization.
#' @slot prtree List with two elements. The first element \code{l} stores a list with the projection coordinates for each link. The name of each element identifies the
#' link and is composed of two cluster numbers separated by a dot. The second element \code{n} is a list of the same structure and contains the cell names corresponding
#' to the projection coordinates stored in \code{l}.
#' @slot cdata list of data.frames, each with cluster ids as rows and columns:
#' \code{counts} data.frame indicating the number of cells on the links connecting the cluster of origin (rows) to other clusters (columns).
#' \code{counts.br} data.frame containing the cell counts on cluster connections averaged across the randomized background samples (if \code{nmode = FALSE}) or as derived
#' from sampling statistics (if \code{nmode = TRUE}).
#' \code{pv.e} matrix of enrichment p-values estimated from sampling statistics (if \code{nmode = TRUE}); entries are 0 if the observed number of cells on the respective
#' link exceeds the \code{(1 – pethr)}-quantile of the randomized background distribution and 0.5 otherwise (if \code{nmode = FALSE}).
#' \code{pv.d} matrix of depletion p-values estimated from sampling statistics (if \code{nmode = TRUE}); entries are 0 if the observed number of cells on the respective
#' link is lower than the \code{pethr}-quantile of the randomized background distribution and 0.5 otherwise (if \code{nmode = FALSE}).
#' \code{pvn.e} matrix of enrichment p-values estimated from sampling statistics (if \code{nmode = TRUE}); 1- quantile, with the quantile estimated from the number of cells on a link as derived from the randomized background distribution (if \code{nmode = FALSE}). 
#' \code{pvn.d} matrix of depletion p-values estimated from sampling statistics (if \code{nmode = TRUE}); quantile estimated from the number of cells on a link as derived from the randomized background distribution (if \code{nmode = FALSE}).
#' @rdname Ltree
#' @aliases Ltree-class
#' @exportClass Ltree
#' @export
Ltree <- setClass("Ltree", slots = c(sc = "SCseq", ldata = "list", entropy = "vector", trproj = "list", par = "list", prback = "data.frame", prbacka = "data.frame", ltcoord = "matrix", prtree = "list", cdata = "list"  ))

#' validity function for Ltree
#' @param object An Ltree object.
#' @name Ltree
#' @export
            function(object) {
              msg <- NULL
              if ( class(object@sc)[1] != "SCseq" ){
                msg <- c(msg, "input data must be of class SCseq")
              if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
              else msg

          signature = "Ltree",
          definition = function(.Object, sc ){
              .Object@sc <- sc

#' @title Compute transcriptome entropy of each cell
#' @description This function computes the transcriptome entropy for each cell.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @return An Ltree class object with a vector of entropies for each cell in the same order as column names in slot sc@ndata.
#' @examples
#' sc <- SCseq(intestinalDataSmall)
#' sc <- filterdata(sc)
#' sc <- compdist(sc)
#' sc <- clustexp(sc)
#' sc <- findoutliers(sc)
#' sc <- comptsne(sc)
#' ltr <- Ltree(sc)
#' ltr <- compentropy(ltr)
#' @export
compentropy <- function(object){
    probs   <- t(t(object@sc@ndata)/apply(object@sc@ndata,2,sum))
    object@entropy <- -apply(probs*log(probs + 1e-10)/log(nrow(object@sc@ndata)),2,sum)

#' @title Compute transcriptome entropy of each cell
#' @description This function computes the projections of cells onto inter-cluster links in a high-dimensional embedded space.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @param cthr Positive integer number. Clusters to be included into the StemID2 analysis must contain more than \code{cthr} cells. Default is 5.
#' @param nmode logical. If \code{TRUE}, then a cell of given cluster is assigned to the link to the cluster with the smallest average distance of
#' the \code{knn} nearest neighbours within this cluster. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param knn Positive integer number. See \code{nmode}. Default is 3.
#' @param fr logical. Use Fruchterman-Rheingold layout instead of t-SNE for dimensional-reduction representation of the lineage graph. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param um logical. Use umap representation instead of t-SNE for dimensional-reduction representation of the lineage graph. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return An Ltree class object with all information on cell projections onto links stored in the \code{ldata} slot.
#' @examples
#' sc <- SCseq(intestinalDataSmall)
#' sc <- filterdata(sc)
#' sc <- compdist(sc)
#' sc <- clustexp(sc)
#' sc <- findoutliers(sc)
#' sc <- comptsne(sc)
#' ltr <- Ltree(sc)
#' ltr <- compentropy(ltr)
#' ltr <- projcells(ltr)
#' @export
projcells <- function(object,cthr=5,nmode=TRUE,knn=3,fr=FALSE,um=FALSE){
    if ( ! is.numeric(cthr) ) stop( "cthr has to be a non-negative number" ) else if ( cthr < 0 ) stop( "cthr has to be a non-negative number" )
    if ( ! is.numeric(knn) ) stop( "knn has to be a non-negative number" ) else if ( knn < 0 ) stop( "knn has to be a non-negative number" )
    if ( ! length(object@sc@cpart == 0) ) stop( "please run findoutliers on the SCseq input object before initializing Ltree" )
    if ( !is.numeric(nmode) & !is.logical(nmode) ) stop("argument nmode has to be logical (TRUE/FALSE)")
    if ( !is.logical(fr) ) stop("fr has to be TRUE or FALSE")
    if ( !is.logical(um) ) stop("um has to be TRUE or FALSE")  

    if ( fr == FALSE & um == FALSE & dim(object@sc@tsne)[1] == 0 ){
        if ( dim(object@sc@fr)[1] != 0 ){
            fr <- TRUE
        }else if ( dim(object@sc@umap)[1] != 0 ){
            um <- TRUE
    knn <- max(1,round(knn,0))
    object@par$cthr  <- cthr
    object@par$knn   <- knn
    object@par$nmode <- nmode
    object@par$fast  <- FALSE
    object@par$fr    <- fr
    object@par$um    <- um
    lp <- object@sc@cpart
    ld <- object@sc@distances
    n  <- aggregate(rep(1,length(lp)),list(lp),sum)
    n  <- as.vector(n[order(n[,1],decreasing=FALSE),-1])
    ##n1 <- n[,1]
    ##n  <- as.vector(n[order(n[,1],decreasing=FALSE),-1])
    ##m  <- n1[n>cthr]
    m  <- (1:length(n))[n>cthr]
    f  <- lp %in% m
    lp <- lp[f]
    ld <- ld[f,f]
    if ( fr ){
        pdil <- object@sc@fr[f,]
    }else if ( um ){
        pdil <- object@sc@umap[f,]
        pdil <- object@sc@tsne[f,]
    cnl  <- aggregate(pdil,by=list(lp),median)
    cnl  <- cnl[order(cnl[,1],decreasing=FALSE),-1]
    pdi <- suppressWarnings( cmdscale(as.matrix(ld),k=min(length(object@sc@cluster$features),ncol(ld)-1)) )
    fdata <- getfdata(object@sc)
    cn <- as.data.frame(pdi[compmedoids(object@sc,lp),])
    rownames(cn) <- 1:nrow(cn)
    x <- compproj(pdi,lp,cn,m)
    res <- x$res
    if ( nmode ){
        rma <- x$rma
        ##z <- paste("X",t(as.vector(apply(cbind(lp,ld),1,function(x){ f <- lp != x[1]; lp[f][which(x[-1][f] == min(x[-1][f]))[1]] }))),sep="")
        z <- paste("X",t(as.vector(apply(cbind(lp,ld),1,function(x){ di <- x[-1]; names(di) <- names(lp); f <- lp != x[1]; di <- di[f];  y <- head(di[order(di,decreasing=F)],knn); u <- aggregate(y,by=list(lp[names(y)]),mean); u[which(u[,2] == min(u[,2]))[1],1]}))),sep="")
        ##med <- compmedoids(object@sc,lp)
        ##z <- paste("X",t(as.vector(apply(cbind(lp,ld[,med]),1,function(x){ f <- lp[med] != x[1]; lp[med][f][which(x[-1][f] == min(x[-1][f]))[1]] }))),sep="")
        k <- apply(cbind(z,rma),1,function(x) (x[-1])[names(rma) == x[1]])
        rn <- res
        rn$l <- as.numeric(sub("X","",z))
        rn$h <- as.numeric(k)
        res <- rn
        x$res <- res
    object@ldata  <- list(lp=lp,ld=ld,m=m,pdi=pdi,pdil=pdil,cn=cn,cnl=cnl)
    object@trproj <- x

#' @title Compute Cell Projections for Randomized Background Distribution
#' @description This function computes the projections of cells onto inter-cluster links for randomized cell positions in a high-dimensional embedded space. Significance
#' of link based on an increased number of cells on a link is inferred based on this background model.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @param pdishuf Number of randomizations of cell positions for which to compute projections of cells on inter-cluster links. Default is 2000.
#' No randomizations are needed in this mode and the function will do nothing. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param fast logical. If \code{TRUE} and \code{nmode=FALSE} cells will still be assigned to links based on maximum projections but a fast approximate background model
#' will be used to infer significance. The function will do nothing in this case. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param rseed Integer number used as seed to ensure reproducibility of randomizations. Defaut is 17000.
#' @param verbose logical. If \code{FALSE} then status output messages are disabled. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return An Ltree class object with all information on randomized cell projections onto links stored in the \code{prbacka} slot.
#' @examples
#' sc <- SCseq(intestinalDataSmall)
#' sc <- filterdata(sc)
#' sc <- compdist(sc)
#' sc <- clustexp(sc)
#' sc <- findoutliers(sc)
#' sc <- comptsne(sc)
#' ltr <- Ltree(sc)
#' ltr <- compentropy(ltr)
#' ltr <- projcells(ltr,nmode=FALSE)
#' ltr <- projback(ltr,pdishuf=50)
#' @export
projback <- function(object,pdishuf=500,fast=FALSE,rseed=17000,verbose=TRUE){
    if ( !is.numeric(fast) & !is.logical(fast) ) stop("argument fast has to be logical (TRUE/FALSE)")
    if ( ! is.numeric(pdishuf) ) stop( "pdishuf has to be a non-negative integer number" ) else if ( round(pdishuf) != pdishuf | pdishuf < 0 ) stop( "pdishuf has to be a non-negative integer number" )
    if ( length(object@trproj) == 0 ) stop("run projcells before projback")
    object@par$pdishuf  <- pdishuf
    object@par$rseed    <- rseed
    object@par$fast     <- fast
    if ( ! object@par$nmode & ! fast ){
        for ( i in 1:pdishuf ){
            if ( verbose ) cat("pdishuffle:",i,"\r")
            x <- compproj(pdishuffle(object@ldata$pdi,object@ldata$lp,object@ldata$cn,object@ldata$m,all=TRUE),object@ldata$lp,object@ldata$cn,object@ldata$m,d=object@trproj$d)$res
            y <- if ( i == 1 ) t(x) else cbind(y,t(x))
        object@prback <- as.data.frame(t(y))
        x <- object@prback
        x$n <- as.vector(t(matrix(rep(1:(nrow(x)/nrow(object@ldata$pdi)),nrow(object@ldata$pdi)),ncol=nrow(object@ldata$pdi))))
        object@prbacka <- aggregate(data.frame(count=rep(1,nrow(x))),by=list(n=x$n,o=x$o,l=x$l),sum)
        if ( verbose) cat("pdishuffle:done.\n")

    return( object )

#' @title Inference of a Lineage Graph
#' @description This function assembles a lineage graph based on the cell projections onto inter-cluster links.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @param verbose logical. If \code{FALSE} then status output messages are disabled. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return An Ltree class object with lineage graph-related data stored in slots \code{ltcoord}, \code{prtree}, and \code{cdata}.
#' @examples
#' sc <- SCseq(intestinalDataSmall)
#' sc <- filterdata(sc)
#' sc <- compdist(sc)
#' sc <- clustexp(sc)
#' sc <- findoutliers(sc)
#' sc <- comptsne(sc)
#' ltr <- Ltree(sc)
#' ltr <- compentropy(ltr)
#' ltr <- projcells(ltr)
#' ltr <- lineagegraph(ltr)
#' @export
lineagegraph <- function(object,verbose=TRUE){
    if ( length(object@trproj) == 0 ) stop("run projcells before lineagegraph")
    if ( max(dim(object@prback)) == 0 & ! object@par$nmode & ! object@par$fast  ) stop("run projback before lineagegraph")
    tcnl    <- t(object@ldata$cnl)
    tpdil   <- t(object@ldata$pdil)
    tcn     <- t(object@ldata$cn)
    tpdi    <- t(object@ldata$pdi)
    m       <- object@ldata$m
    lp      <- object@ldata$lp
    res     <- object@trproj$res
    rma     <- object@trproj$rma
    prback  <- object@prback
    cm <- as.matrix(dist(t(tcnl)))*0
    linl <- list()
    linn <- list()
    for ( i in 1:length(m) ){
        for ( j in i:length(m) ){
            linl[[paste(m[i],m[j],sep=".")]] <- c()
            linn[[paste(m[i],m[j],sep=".")]] <- c()
    for ( i in 1:nrow(res) ){
        if ( verbose ) cat("Building tree: ", i,"\r")
        a <- which( m == res$o[i])
        if ( sum( lp == m[a] ) == 1 ){
            k <- tcnl[,a]
            k <- NA
            b <- which(m == res$l[i] )
            h <- res$h[i]
            if ( !is.na(res$h[i]) ){
                w <- tpdil[,i] - tcnl[,a]
                v <- tcnl[,b] - tcnl[,a]
                wo <- tpdi[,i] - tcn[,a]
                vo <-  tcn[,b] - tcn[,a]
                df <-( h*sqrt(sum(wo*wo)) )/sqrt(sum(vo*vo))*v
                k <- df + tcnl[,a]
                cm[a,b] <- cm[a,b] + 1
                so <- m[sort(c(a,b))]
                dfl <-  sign(h)*sqrt( sum( df*df ) )/sqrt(sum(v*v))
                if ( a > b ) dfl <-  1 - dfl
                linn[[paste(so[1],so[2],sep=".")]] <- append( linn[[paste(so[1],so[2],sep=".")]], colnames(tpdi)[i] )
                linl[[paste(so[1],so[2],sep=".")]] <- append( linl[[paste(so[1],so[2],sep=".")]], dfl ) 
                k <- tcnl[,a]
                for ( j in unique(lp[lp != m[a]]) ){
                    b <- which(j == m)
                    so <- m[sort(c(a,b))]
                    dfl <- 0
                    if ( a > b ) dfl <-  1 - dfl
                    linn[[paste(so[1],so[2],sep=".")]] <- append( linn[[paste(so[1],so[2],sep=".")]], colnames(tpdi)[i] )
                    linl[[paste(so[1],so[2],sep=".")]] <- append( linl[[paste(so[1],so[2],sep=".")]], dfl ) 
        lt <- if ( i == 1 ) data.frame(k) else cbind(lt,k)
    lt <- t(lt)
    cm <- as.data.frame(cm)
    names(cm) <- paste("cl",m,sep=".")
    rownames(cm) <- paste("cl",m,sep=".")
    lt <- as.data.frame(lt)
    rownames(lt) <- rownames(res)
    object@ltcoord <- as.matrix(lt)
    object@prtree  <- list(n=linn,l=linl)
    object@cdata$counts <- cm
    if ( verbose ) cat("Building tree: done. \n")
    return( object )

#' @title Computing P-values for Link Significance
#' @description This function computes a p-value for the significance (i.e. over-representation of assigned cells) of each inter-cluster link.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @param pthr p-value cutoff for link significance. This threshold is applied for the calculation of link scores reflecting how uniformly a link is occupied by cells.
#' @param sensitive logical. Only relevant when \code{nmode=TRUE} in function \code{projcell}. If \code{TRUE}, then all cells on the most highly significant link are
#' and the link itself are disregard to test significance of the remaining links with a binomial p-value. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return An Ltree class object with link p-value and occupancy data stored in slot \code{cdata}.
#' @examples
#' sc <- SCseq(intestinalDataSmall)
#' sc <- filterdata(sc)
#' sc <- compdist(sc)
#' sc <- clustexp(sc)
#' sc <- findoutliers(sc)
#' sc <- comptsne(sc)
#' ltr <- Ltree(sc)
#' ltr <- compentropy(ltr)
#' ltr <- projcells(ltr)
#' ltr <- lineagegraph(ltr)
#' ltr <- comppvalue(ltr)
#' @export
comppvalue <- function(object,pthr=0.01,sensitive=FALSE){
    if ( length(object@prtree) == 0 ) stop("run lineagegraph before comppvalue")
    if ( ! is.numeric(pthr) ) stop( "pthr has to be a non-negative number" ) else if ( pthr < 0 ) stop( "pthr has to be a non-negative number" )
    object@par$pthr <- pthr
    cm <- object@cdata$counts
    cmpv   <- cm*NA
    cmpvd  <- cm*NA
    cmbr   <- cm*NA
    cmpvn  <- cm*NA
    cmpvnd <- cm*NA
    cmfr   <- cm/apply(cm,1,sum)
    pvl <- list()
    pvdl <- list()
    if ( object@par$nmode ){
        for ( i in 1:2 ){
            if ( i == 2 ){
                cm <- cm - (cmpv < pthr)*cm
            N <- apply(cm,1,sum) + 1
            N0 <- sum(N) - N
            n0 <- t(matrix(rep(N,length(N)),ncol=length(N)))
            p <- n0/N0
            n <- cm
            k <- cbind(N,p,n)
            cmpv   <- t(apply(k,1,function(x){N <- x[1]; p <- x[2:( ncol(cm) + 1 )];  n <- x[( ncol(cm) + 2 ):( 2*ncol(cm) + 1)]; apply(cbind(n,p),1,function(x,N) binom.test(x[1],N,min(1,x[2]),alternative="g")$p.value,N=N)}))
            cmpvd  <- t(apply(k,1,function(x){N <- x[1]; p <- x[2:( ncol(cm) + 1 )];  n <- x[( ncol(cm) + 2 ):( 2*ncol(cm) + 1)]; apply(cbind(n,p),1,function(x,N) binom.test(x[1],N,min(1,x[2]),alternative="l")$p.value,N=N)}))
            pvl[[i]] <- cmpv
            pvdl[[i]] <- cmpvd
            if ( i == 1 ) cmbr <- as.data.frame(n0/N0*N)
        ## To remove highly populated links for secondary analysis
        if (sensitive){
            cmpv <- (pvl[[1]] < pthr)*pvl[[1]] + (pvl[[1]] >= pthr)*pvl[[2]]
            cmpvd <- (pvl[[1]] < pthr)*pvdl[[1]] + (pvl[[1]] >= pthr)*pvdl[[2]]
            cmpv <- pvl[[1]] 
            cmpvd <- pvdl[[1]]
        cmpvn  <- cmpv
        cmpvnd <- cmpvd
        names(cmbr)    <- names(cm)
        rownames(cmbr) <- rownames(cm)
    }else if ( object@par$fast ){
        p <- sort(unique(object@ldata$lp))
        for ( i in 1:length(p) ){
            mm <- 1
            dloc <- object@trproj$d
            dloc$v <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(as.matrix(dloc$v),mm),ncol=ncol(dloc$v)))
            dloc$pdcn <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(as.matrix(dloc$pdcn),mm),ncol=ncol(dloc$pdcn)))
            lploc <- rep(p[i] + object@ldata$lp*0,mm)
            names(lploc) <- 1:length(lploc)
            x <- compproj(pdishuffle(matrix(rep(t(object@ldata$pdi),mm),ncol=ncol(object@ldata$pdi)),object@ldata$lp,object@ldata$cn,object@ldata$m,all=TRUE),lploc,object@ldata$cn,object@ldata$m,d=dloc)$res
            ##x <- compproj(pdishuffle(object@ldata$pdi,object@ldata$lp,object@ldata$cn,object@ldata$m,all=TRUE),p[i] + object@ldata$lp*0,object@ldata$cn,object@ldata$m,d=object@trproj$d)$res
            z <-merge(data.frame(p=p),aggregate(rep(1,nrow(x)),by=list(x$l),sum),by.x="p",by.y="Group.1",all.x=T)
            z$x[is.na(z$x)] <- 0
            pr <- z$x/sum(z$x)
            if ( i == 1 ) d <- data.frame(z) else d[,i] <- pr
        N <- apply(cm,1,sum) + 1
        k <- cbind(N,d,cm)
        cmpv   <- t(apply(k,1,function(x){N <- x[1]; p <- x[2:( ncol(cm) + 1 )];  n <- x[( ncol(cm) + 2 ):( 2*ncol(cm) + 1)]; apply(cbind(n,p),1,function(x,N) binom.test(x[1],N,min(1,x[2]),alternative="g")$p.value,N=N)}))
        cmpvd   <- t(apply(k,1,function(x){N <- x[1]; p <- x[2:( ncol(cm) + 1 )];  n <- x[( ncol(cm) + 2 ):( 2*ncol(cm) + 1)]; apply(cbind(n,p),1,function(x,N) binom.test(x[1],N,min(1,x[2]),alternative="l")$p.value,N=N)}))
        cmpvn  <- cmpv
        cmpvnd <- cmpvd
        cmbr   <- as.data.frame(d*N)
        names(cmbr)    <- names(cm)
        rownames(cmbr) <- rownames(cm)
        for ( i in 1:nrow(cm) ){
            for ( j in 1:ncol(cm) ){
                f <- object@prbacka$o == object@ldata$m[i] & object@prbacka$l == object@ldata$m[j]
                x <- object@prbacka$count[f]
                if ( sum(f) < object@par$pdishuf ) x <- append(x,rep(0, object@par$pdishuf - sum(f)))
                cmbr[i,j]   <- if ( sum(f) > 0 ) mean(x) else 0
                cmpv[i,j]   <- if ( quantile(x,1 - pthr) < cm[i,j] ) 0 else 0.5
                cmpvd[i,j]  <- if ( quantile(x,pthr) > cm[i,j] ) 0 else 0.5
                cmpvn[i,j]  <- sum( x >= cm[i,j])/length(x)
                cmpvnd[i,j] <- sum( x <= cm[i,j])/length(x)
    diag(cmpv)   <- .5
    diag(cmpvd)  <- .5
    diag(cmpvn)  <- NA
    diag(cmpvnd) <- NA
    object@cdata$counts.br <- cmbr
    object@cdata$pv.e <- cmpv
    object@cdata$pv.d <- cmpvd
    object@cdata$pvn.e <- cmpvn
    object@cdata$pvn.d <- cmpvnd
    m    <- object@ldata$m
    linl <- object@prtree$l
    ls   <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(NA,length(m)**2),ncol=length(m)))
    names(ls) <- rownames(ls) <- paste("cl",m,sep=".")
    for ( i in 1:( length(m) - 1 )){
        for ( j in (i + 1):length(m) ){
            na <- paste(m[i],m[j],sep=".")
            if ( na %in% names(linl) &  min(cmpv[i,j],cmpv[j,i],na.rm=TRUE) < pthr ){
                nc <- c()
                NN <- 10
                for ( ii in 1:NN){
                    nc[ii] <- if ( sum( linl[[na]] > (ii-1)/NN & linl[[na]] <= ii/NN ) > 0 ) 1 else 0
                ##nc[[NN]] <- 0
                nn <- mean(nc)
                ##y <- sort(linl[[na]])
                ##nn <- ( 1 - max(y[-1] - y[-length(y)]) )
                nn <- 0
            ls[i,j] <- nn
    object@cdata$linkscore <- ls

#' @title Heatmap of Link P-values
#' @description This function plots a heatmap of link p-values.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @return None.
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @export
plotlinkpv <- function(object){
    if ( length(object@cdata) <= 0 ) stop("run comppvalue before plotlinkpv")
    pheatmap(-log2(object@cdata$pvn.e + 1e-5),cluster_rows=FALSE,cluster_cols=FALSE)

#' @title Heatmap of Link Scores
#' @description This function plots a heatmap of link score.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @return None.
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @export
plotlinkscore <- function(object){
    if ( length(object@cdata) <= 0 ) stop("run comppvalue before plotlinkscore")

#' @title Minimum Spanning Tree of RaceID3 clusters
#' @description This function plots a minimum spanning tree of the RaceID3 cluster medoids in a two-dimensional reduction representation.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @param projections logical. If \code{TRUE}, then the projections of the cells onto the inter-medoid links as computed by StemID
#' are shown. Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param tp Real number between zero and one. Level of transparency of the t-SNE map. Deafault is 0.5.
#' @param cex real positive number. Size of data points. Deault is 1.
#' @return None.
#' @importFrom vegan spantree
#' @export
plotspantree <- function(object,tp=.5,cex=1,projections=FALSE){
    if ( length(object@cdata) <= 0 ) stop("run comppvalue before plotspantree")
    fdata <- getfdata(object@sc)
    cent <- fdata[object@sc@cluster$features,compmedoids(object@sc,object@sc@cpart)]
    dc <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(dist.gen(t(as.matrix(cent)),method=object@sc@clusterpar$metric)))
    names(dc) <- sort(unique(object@sc@cpart))
    rownames(dc) <- sort(unique(object@sc@cpart))
    trl <- spantree(dc[object@ldata$m,object@ldata$m])
    if ( projections ){
        u <- object@ltcoord[,1]
        v <- object@ltcoord[,2]
        u <- object@ldata$pdil[,1]
        v <- object@ldata$pdil[,2]
    cnl <- object@ldata$cnl
    xlim <- c(min(u),max(u))
    ylim <- c(min(v),max(v))
    part <- object@ldata$lp
    for ( i in 1:max(part) ){
        if ( sum(part == i) > 0 ) points(u[part == i],v[part == i],col=adjustcolor(object@sc@fcol[i],tp),pch=20,cex=cex)
    for ( i in 1:length(trl$kid) ){

#' @title StemID2 Lineage Graph
#' @description This function plots a graph of lineage trajectories connecting RaceID3 cluster medoids as inferred by StemID2 to approximate the lineage tree. The plot
#' highlights significant links, where colour indicates the level of significance and width indicates the link score. The node colour reflects the level
#' of transcriptome entropy.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @param showCells logical. If \code{TRUE}, then projections of cells are shown in the plot. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param showMap logical. Tf \code{TRUE}, then show transparent t-SNE map (with transparency \code{tp}) of cells in the background. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param tp Real number between zero and one. Level of transparency of the t-SNE map. Deafault is 0.5. See \code{showMap}.
#' @param scthr Real number between zero and one. Score threshold for links to be shown in the graph. For \code{scthr=0} all significant links are shown.
#' The maximum score is one. Default is 0.
#' @param cex real positive number. Size of data points. Deault is 1.
#' @return None.
#' @export
plotgraph <- function(object,showCells=FALSE,showMap=TRUE,tp=.5,scthr=0,cex=1){
    if ( length(object@cdata) <= 0 ) stop("run comppvalue before plotgraph")
    if ( !is.numeric(showCells) & !is.logical(showCells) ) stop("argument showCells has to be logical (TRUE/FALSE)")
    if ( ! is.numeric(scthr) ) stop( "scthr has to be a non-negative number" ) else if ( scthr < 0 | scthr > 1 ) stop( "scthr has to be a number between 0 and 1" )
    ramp <- colorRamp(c("darkgreen", "yellow", "brown"))
    mcol <- rgb( ramp(seq(0, 1, length = 101)), maxColorValue = 255)
    co <- object@cdata
    fc <- (co$counts/( co$counts.br + .5))*(co$pv.e < object@par$pthr)
    fc <- fc*(fc > t(fc)) + t(fc)*(t(fc) >= fc)
    fc <- log2(fc + (fc == 0))
    if ( object@par$nmode | object@par$fast){
        k <- -log10(sort(unique(as.vector(t(co$pvn.e))[as.vector(t(co$pv.e))<object@par$pthr])) + 1e-5)
        if (length(k) == 1) k <- c(k - k/100,k)
        mlpv <- -log10(co$pvn.e + 1e-5)
        k <- -log10(sort(unique(as.vector(t(co$pvn.e))[as.vector(t(co$pv.e))<object@par$pthr])) + 1/object@par$pdishuf)
        if (length(k) == 1) k <- c(k - k/100,k)
        mlpv <- -log10(co$pvn.e + 1/object@par$pdishuf)
    diag(mlpv) <- min(mlpv,na.rm=TRUE)
            dcc <- t(apply(round(100*(mlpv - min(k))/(max(k) - min(k)),0) + 1,1,function(x){y <- c(); for ( n in x ) y <- append(y,if ( n < 1 ) NA else mcol[n]); y }))
    cx <- c()
    cy <- c()
    va <- c()
    m <- object@ldata$m
    for ( i in 1:( length(m) - 1 ) ){
        for ( j in ( i + 1 ):length(m) ){
            if ( min(co$pv.e[i,j],co$pv.e[j,i],na.rm=TRUE) < object@par$pthr ){
                if ( mlpv[i,j] > mlpv[j,i] ){
                    va <- append(va,dcc[i,j])
                    va <- append(va,dcc[j,i])
                cx <- append(cx,i)
                cy <- append(cy,j)
    cnl <- object@ldata$cnl
    u <- object@ltcoord[,1]
    v <- object@ltcoord[,2]
    pardefault <- par()
    layout( cbind(c(1, 1), c(2, 3)),widths=c(5,1,1),heights=c(5,5,1))
    par(mar = c(10,5,1,1))
    xlim <- c(min(u),max(u))
    ylim <- c(min(v),max(v))
    if ( showMap ){
        part <- object@ldata$lp
        f <- object@sc@cpart %in% unique(part)
        if ( object@par$fr ){
            d <- object@sc@fr[f,]
        }else if ( object@par$um ){
            d <- object@sc@umap[f,]
            d <- object@sc@tsne[f,]
        xlim <- c(min(u,d[,1]),max(u,d[,1]))
        ylim <- c(min(v,d[,2]),max(v,d[,2]))
    if ( showMap ){
        for ( i in 1:max(part) ){
            #if ( sum(part == i) > 0 ) text(d[part == i,1],d[part == i,2],i,col=adjustcolor(object@sc@fcol[i],tp),cex=.75,font=4)
            if ( sum(part == i) > 0 ) points(d[part == i,1],d[part == i,2],col=adjustcolor(object@sc@fcol[i],tp),pch=20,cex=cex)
    if ( showCells ) points(u,v,cex=1.5,col="grey",pch=20)
    if ( length(va) > 0 ){
        f <- order(va,decreasing=TRUE)
        for ( i in 1:length(va) ){
            if ( object@cdata$linkscore[cx[i],cy[i]] > scthr ){
                if ( showCells ){
                    ##nn <- min(10,fc[cx[i],cy[i]])
    en <- aggregate(object@entropy,list(object@sc@cpart),median)
    en <- en[en$Group.1 %in% m,]
    mi <- min(en[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
    ma <- max(en[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
    w <- round((en[,2] - mi)/(ma - mi)*99 + 1,0)
    ramp <- colorRamp(c("red","orange", "pink","purple", "blue"))
    ColorRamp <- rgb( ramp(seq(0, 1, length = 101)), maxColorValue = 255)
    ColorLevels <- seq(mi, ma, length=length(ColorRamp))
    if ( mi == ma ){
        ColorLevels <- seq(0.99*mi, 1.01*ma, length=length(ColorRamp))
    for ( i in m ){
        f <- en[,1] == m
    par(mar = c(5, 4, 1, 2))
    image(1, ColorLevels,
          matrix(data=ColorLevels, ncol=length(ColorLevels),nrow=1),
    coll <- seq(min(k), max(k), length=length(mcol))
    image(1, coll,
          matrix(data=coll, ncol=length(mcol),nrow=1),

#' @title Histogram of Cell-to-Cell Distances in Real versus Embedded Space
#' @description This function plots a histogram of the ratios of cell-to-cell distances in the original versus the high-dimensional embedded space used as input for
#' the StemID2 inferences. The embedded space approximates correlation-based distances by Euclidean distances obtained by classical multi-dimensional scaling.
#' A minimum spanning tree of the cluster centers is overlaid for comparison.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @return None.
#' @export
plotdistanceratio <- function(object){
    if ( length(object@ldata) <= 0 ) stop("run projcells before plotdistanceratio")
    l <- as.matrix(dist(object@ldata$pdi))
    z <- (l/object@ldata$ld)
    hist(log2(z),breaks=100,xlab=" log2 emb. distance/distance",main="")

#' @title Extract Projections of all Cells from a Cluster
#' @description This function extracts projections of all cells in a cluster and plots a heatmap of these hierarchically clustered projections (rows)
#' to all other clusters (columns). A minimum spanning tree of the cluster centers is overlaid for comparison.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @param i Cluster number. This number has to correspond to one of the RaceID3 clusters included for the StemID2 inference, i.e. to a number present
#' in slot \code{ldata$lp}.
#' @param show logical. If \code{TRUE}, then plot heatmap of projections. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param zscore logical. If \code{TRUE} and \code{show=TRUE}, then plot z-score-transformed projections. If \code{TRUE} and \code{show=FALSE},
#' then plot untransformed projections. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A list ot two components:
#'   \item{pr}{a data.frame of projections for all cells in cluster \code{i} (rows) onto all other clusters (columns).}
#'   \item{prz}{a data.frame of z-transformed projections for all cells in cluster \code{i} (rows) onto all other clusters (columns).}
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @export
getproj <- function(object,i,show=TRUE,zscore=FALSE){
    if ( length(object@ldata) <= 0 ) stop("run projcells before plotdistanceratio")
    if ( ! i %in% object@ldata$m )  stop(paste("argument i has to be one of",paste(object@ldata$m,collapse=",")))
    x <- object@trproj$rma[names(object@ldata$lp)[object@ldata$lp == i],]
    x <- x[,names(x) != paste("X",i,sep="")]
    f <- !is.na(x[,1])
    x <- x[f,]
    if ( nrow(x) > 1 ){
        y <- x
        y <- as.data.frame(t(apply(y,1,function(x) (x - mean(x))/sqrt(var(x)))))
    names(x) = sub("X","cl.",names(x))
    names(y) = sub("X","cl.",names(y))

    if ( show ){
        if ( zscore ){

#' @title Enrichment of cells on inter-cluster links
#' @description This function plots a heatmap of the enrichment ratios of cells on significant links.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @return None.
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @export
projenrichment <- function(object){
    if ( length(object@cdata) <= 0 ) stop("run comppvalue before projenrichment")
    ze <- ( object@cdata$pv.e < object@par$pthr | object@cdata$pv.d < object@par$pthr) * (object@cdata$counts + .1)/( object@cdata$counts.br + .1 )
    pheatmap(log2(ze + ( ze == 0 ) ),cluster_rows=FALSE,cluster_cols=FALSE)

#' @title Compute StemID2 score
#' @description This function extracts the number of links connecting a given cluster to other cluster, the delta median entropy of each cluster
#' (median entropy of a cluster after subtracting the minimum median entropy across all clusters), and the StemID2 score which is the product of both quantities for
#' each cluster.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @param nn Positive integer number. Number of higher order neighbors to be included for the determination of links: indirect connections via \code{n-1} intermittant
#' neighbors are allowed. Default is 1.
#' @param scthr Real number between zero and one. Score threshold for links to be included in the calculation. For \code{scthr=0} all significant links are included. The
#' maximum score is one.
#' @param show logical. If \code{TRUE}, then plot heatmap of projections. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A list ot three components:
#'   \item{links}{a vector with the number of significant links for each cluster.}
#'   \item{entropy}{a vector with the delta entropy for each cluster.}
#'   \item{StemIDscore}{a vector with the StemID score for each cluster.}
#' @export
compscore <- function(object,nn=1,scthr=0,show=TRUE){
    if ( length(object@cdata) <= 0 ) stop("run comppvalue before compscore")
    if ( ! is.numeric(nn) ) stop( "nn has to be a non-negative integer number" ) else if ( round(nn) != nn | nn < 0 ) stop( "nn has to be a non-negative integer number" )
    if ( ! is.numeric(scthr) ) stop( "scthr has to be a non-negative number" ) else if ( scthr < 0 | scthr > 1 ) stop( "scthr has to be a number between 0 and 1" )
    scm <- as.matrix(object@cdata$linkscore)
    diag(scm) <- rep(0,ncol(scm))
    for ( i in 1:ncol(scm)) scm[i:nrow(scm),i] <- scm[i,i:ncol(scm)]
    x <- object@cdata$counts*(object@cdata$pv.e < object@par$pthr)*(scm > scthr)>0
    y <- x | t(x)
    if ( max(y) > 0 ){
        z <- apply(y,1,sum)
        nl <- list()
        n <- list()
        for ( i in 1:nn ){
            if ( i == 1 ){
                n[[i]] <- as.list(apply(y,1,function(x) grep(TRUE,x)))
                nl <- data.frame( apply(y,1,sum) )
            if ( i > 1 ){
                v <- rep(0,nrow(nl))
                n[[i]] <- list()
                for ( j in 1:length(n[[i-1]]) ){
                    cl <- n[[i-1]][[j]]
                    if ( length(cl) == 0 ){
                        n[[i]][[paste("d",j,sep="")]] <- NA
                        v[j] <- 0
                        k  <- if ( length(cl) > 1 ) apply(y[cl,],2,sum) > 0 else if ( length(cl) == 1 ) y[cl,]
                        n[[i]][[paste("d",j,sep="")]] <- sort(unique(c(cl,grep(TRUE,k))))
                        v[j] <- length(n[[i]][[paste("d",j,sep="")]])
                names(n[[i]]) <- names(z)
                nl <- cbind(nl,v)
        x <- nl[,i]
        names(x) <- rownames(nl)
        x <- rep(0,length(object@ldata$m))
        names(x) <- paste("cl",object@ldata$m,sep=".")
    v <- aggregate(object@entropy,list(object@sc@cpart),median)
    v <- v[v$Group.1 %in% object@ldata$m,]
    w <- as.vector(v[,-1])
    names(w) <- paste("cl.",v$Group.1,sep="")
    w <- w - min(w)

    if ( show ){
        barplot(x,names.arg=sub("cl\\.","",object@ldata$m),xlab="Cluster",ylab="Number of links",cex.names=1)
        barplot(x*w,names.arg=sub("cl\\.","",object@ldata$m),xlab="Cluster",ylab="Number of links * Delta-Entropy",cex.names=1)

#' @title Differential Gene Expression between Links
#' @description This function computes expression z-score between groups of cells from the same cluster residing on different links
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @param br List containing two branches, where each component has to be two valid cluster numbers seperated by a \code{.} and with one common cluster in the two components. The lower number precedes the larger one, i.e. \code{1.3}.
#' For each component, the cluster number need to be ordered in increasing order.
#' @return A list ot four components:
#'   \item{n}{a vector with the number of significant links for each cluster.}
#'   \item{scl}{a vector with the delta entropy for each cluster.}
#'   \item{k}{a vector with the StemID score for each cluster.}
#'   \item{diffgenes}{a vector with the StemID score for each cluster.}
#' @examples
#' sc <- SCseq(intestinalDataSmall)
#' sc <- filterdata(sc)
#' sc <- compdist(sc)
#' sc <- clustexp(sc)
#' sc <- findoutliers(sc)
#' sc <- comptsne(sc)
#' ltr <- Ltree(sc)
#' ltr <- compentropy(ltr)
#' ltr <- projcells(ltr)
#' ltr <- lineagegraph(ltr)
#' ltr <- comppvalue(ltr)
#' x <- branchcells(ltr,list("1.3","3.6"))
#' head(x$diffgenes$z)
#' plotmap(x$scl)
#' plotdiffgenes(x$diffgenes,names(x$diffgenes$z)[1])
#' @export
branchcells <- function(object,br){
    if ( length(object@ldata) <= 0 ) stop("run projcells before branchcells")
    msg <- paste("br needs to be list of length two containing two branches, where each has to be one of", paste(names(object@prtree$n),collapse=","))
    if ( !is.list(br) ) stop(msg) else if ( length(br) != 2 ) stop(msg) else if ( ! br[[1]] %in% names(object@prtree$n) | ! br[[2]] %in% names(object@prtree$n) ) stop(msg)
    n <- list()
    scl <- object@sc
    k <- c()
    cl <- intersect( as.numeric(strsplit(br[[1]],"\\.")[[1]]), as.numeric(strsplit(br[[2]],"\\.")[[1]]))
    if ( length(cl) == 0 ) stop("the two branches in br need to have one cluster in common.")
    for ( i in 1:length(br) ){
        f <- object@sc@cpart[ object@prtree$n[[br[[i]]]] ] %in% cl
        if ( sum(f) > 0 ){
            n[[i]] <- names(object@sc@cpart[ object@prtree$n[[br[[i]]]] ])[f]
            k <- append(k, max( scl@cpart ) + 1)
            scl@cpart[n[[i]]] <- max( scl@cpart ) + 1
            stop(paste("no cells on branch",br[[i]],"fall into clusters",cl))
    scl@medoids <- compmedoids(scl,scl@cpart)
    scl@fcol <- sample(rainbow(max(scl@cpart)))
    z <- diffgenes(scl,k[1],k[2])
    return( list(n=n,scl=scl,k=k,diffgenes=z) )

#' @title Extract Cells on Differentiation Trajectory
#' @description This function extracts a vector of cells on a given differentiation trajectory in pseudo-temporal order determined from the projection coordinates.
#' @param object \code{Ltree} class object.
#' @param z Vector of valid cluster numbers ordered along the trajectory.
#' @return A list ot four components:
#'   \item{f}{a vector of cells ids ordered along the trajectory defined by \code{z}.}
#'   \item{g}{a vector of integer number. Number \code{i} indicates that a cell resides on the link between the i-th and (i+1)-th cluster in \code{z}.}
#' @examples
#' sc <- SCseq(intestinalDataSmall)
#' sc <- filterdata(sc)
#' sc <- compdist(sc)
#' sc <- clustexp(sc)
#' sc <- findoutliers(sc)
#' sc <- comptsne(sc)
#' ltr <- Ltree(sc)
#' ltr <- compentropy(ltr)
#' ltr <- projcells(ltr)
#' ltr <- lineagegraph(ltr)
#' ltr <- comppvalue(ltr)
#' x <- cellsfromtree(ltr,c(1,3,6,2))
#' @export
cellsfromtree <- function(object,z){
    prtr <- object@prtree
    f <- c()
    g <- c()
    for ( i in 1:( length(z) - 1 ) ){
        rf <- if ( z[i+1] > z[i] ) FALSE else TRUE
        k <- if ( rf ) paste(z[i + 1],z[i],sep=".") else paste(z[i],z[i+1],sep=".")
        p <- prtr$l[[k]]
        n <- prtr$n[[k]]
        if ( rf ){
            ##h <- p < Inf & p > -Inf
            if ( i == 1 & i + 1 == length(z) ) h <- p < Inf & p > -Inf
            if ( i == 1 & i + 1 <  length(z) ) h <- p < Inf & p >= 0
            if ( i >  1 & i + 1 == length(z) ) h <- p <= 1  & p > -Inf
            if ( i >  1 & i + 1 <  length(z) ) h <- p <= 1  & p >= 0
            ##h <- p > -Inf & p <  Inf
            if ( i == 1 & i + 1 == length(z) ) h <- p > -Inf & p <  Inf
            if ( i == 1 & i + 1 <  length(z) ) h <- p > -Inf & p <= 1
            if ( i >  1 & i + 1 == length(z) ) h <- p >= 0   & p <  Inf
            if ( i >  1 & i + 1 <  length(z) ) h <- p >= 0   & p <= 1
        v <- n[h][order(p[h],decreasing=FALSE)]
        if ( rf ) v <- rev(v)
        v <- v[! v %in% f ]
        f <- append(f,v)
        g <- append(g,rep(i,length(v)))

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