Man pages for RaceID
Identification of Cell Types, Inference of Lineage Trees, and Prediction of Noise Dynamics from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data

barplotgeneGene Expression Barplot
baseLineVarBaseline gene expression variability
branchcellsDifferential Gene Expression between Links
calcAlphaGFunction for calculating an aggregated dispersion parameter
calcVarFunction for calculating total variance from VarID fit
calcVarFitFunction for calculating the total variance fit
CCcorrectDimensional Reduction by PCA or ICA
cc_genesCell cycle markers for Mus Muscuus
cellsfromtreeExtract Cells on Differentiation Trajectory
cleanNNFunction for pruning k-nearest neighborhoods based on...
clustdiffgenesInference of differentially expressed genes in a cluster
clustexpClustering of single-cell transcriptome data
clustheatmapPlotting a Heatmap of the Distance Matrix
compdistComputing a distance matrix for cell type inference
compentropyCompute transcriptome entropy of each cell
compfrComputation of a two dimensional Fruchterman-Rheingold...
compMeanFunction for computing local gene expression averages
compmedoidsComputes Medoids from a Clustering Partition
compNoiseFunction for computing local gene expression variability
comppvalueComputing P-values for Link Significance
compscoreCompute StemID2 score
compTBNoiseFunction for fitting a negative binomial noise model of...
comptsneComputation of a two dimensional t-SNE representation
compumapComputation of a two dimensional umap representation
corrVarFunction for regressing out the mean-variance dependence....
createKnnMatrixFunction to create a knn matrix
diffexpnbFunction for differential expression analysis
diffgenesCompute Expression Differences between Clusters
diffNoisyGenesFunction for extracting genes with elevated variability in a...
diffNoisyGenesTBFunction for extracting genes with differential biological...
extractCountsFunction for filtering count data
filterdataData filtering
findoutliersInference of outlier cells and final clustering
fitBackVarFunction for computing a background model of gene expression...
fitGammaRtFitting a Gamma distribution to global cell-to-cell...
fitLogVarLogMeanSecond order polynomial fit of mean-variance dependence This...
fitNBtbFunction for fitting a negative binomial noise model of...
fitNBtbClFunction for fitting a negative binomial noise model of...
fractDotPlotDotplot of gene expression across clusters or samples
getExpDataFunction for extracting a filtered expression matrix from a...
getfdataExtracting filtered expression data
getFilteredCountsFunction for filtering count data
getNodeExtract all genes for a module in a FateID self-orgaizing map
getprojExtract Projections of all Cells from a Cluster
graphClusterFunction for infering clustering of the pruned k nearest...
imputeexpImputed expression matrix
inspectKNNFunction for inspecting pruned k-nearest neighbourhoods
intestinalDataSingle-cell transcriptome data of intestinal epithelial cells
intestinalDataSmallSingle-cell transcriptome data of intestinal epithelial cells
lineagegraphInference of a Lineage Graph
LtreeThe Ltree Class
maxNoisyGenesFunction for extracting genes maximal variability
maxNoisyGenesTBFunction for extracting genes maximal variability
noiseBaseFitFunction for computing a fit to the baseline of gene...
plotBBoxplots for features across clusters
plotbackgroundPlot Background Model
plotBackVarFunction for plottinhg the background model of gene...
plotdiffgenesBarplot of differentially expressed genes
plotdiffgenesnbFunction for plotting differentially expressed genes
plotDiffNoiseFunction for plotting differentially variable genes
plotdimsatPlotting the Saturation of Explained Variance
plotdistanceratioHistogram of Cell-to-Cell Distances in Real versus Embedded...
plotexpmapHighlighting gene expression in a dimensional reduction...
plotExpNoiseNoise-expression scatter plot
plotfeatmapHighlighting feature values in a dimensional reduction...
plotgraphStemID2 Lineage Graph
plotjaccardPlot Jaccard Similarities
plotlabelsmapPlot labels in a dimensional reduction representation
plotlinkpvHeatmap of Link P-values
plotlinkscoreHeatmap of Link Scores
plotmapPlotting a dimensional reduction representation
plotmarkergenesPlotting a Heatmap of Marker Gene Expression
plotMVPlot of Mean-Variance dependence and various fits
plotNoiseModelFunction for plotting the baseline model of gene expression...
plotoutlierprobsPlot Outlier Probabilities
plotPCFunction to plot the selected number of principal components
plotPearsonResFunction for plotting the variance of Pearson residuals
plotPPPlotting function for posterior checks
plotPTPlotting pseudo-time in dimensional reduction representation
plotQQScatter plot of two noise-related quantaties of local pruned...
plotQuantMapPlotting noise-related quantaties of local pruned k-nearest...
plotRegNBFunction for plotting negative binomial regression
plotsaturationPlot Saturation of Within-Cluster Dispersion
plotsensitivityPlot Sensitivity
plotsilhouettePlot Cluster Silhouette
plotspantreeMinimum Spanning Tree of RaceID3 clusters
plotsymbolsmapPlotting groups as different symbols in a dimensional...
plotTrProbsFunction for plotting transition probabilities between...
plotUMINoisePlotting noise dependence on total UMI count
postfntbPosterior probability
priorfnPrior function for maximum a posterior inference
projbackCompute Cell Projections for Randomized Background...
projcellsCompute transcriptome entropy of each cell
projenrichmentEnrichment of cells on inter-cluster links
pruneKnnFunction inferring a pruned knn matrix
pseudoTimeExtract pseudo-time order of cells along a trajectory
quantKnnNoise-related quantaties of local pruned k-nearest...
RaceID-packageIdentification of Cell Types, Inference of Lineage Trees, and...
rcpp_hello_worldSimple function using Rcpp
rfcorrectRandom Forests-based Reclassification
SCseqThe SCseq Class
Seurat2SCseqConverting a Seurat object to a RaceID/VarID object
testPriorPosterior check of the model
transitionProbsFunction for the computation of transition probabilities...
updateSCFunction for updating a RaceID SCseq object with VarID...
varRegressionLinear Regression of Sources of Variability
violinMarkerPlotViolin plot of marker gene expression or noise
RaceID documentation built on Sept. 28, 2023, 5:06 p.m.