
Defines functions mppt.tree bootstrap.ppt cor.mat euclidean.mat wcr ppt.tree sig.explore lambda.explore plotppt plotpptl cleanup.branches setroot project.cells.onto.ppt test.associated.genes fit.associated.genes fit.ts classify.genes loc.opt visualise.trajectory visualise.clusters test.fork.genes branch.specific.genes activation.statistics activation.fork extract.subtree fork.pt activity.lasso decompose

Documented in activation.fork activation.statistics activity.lasso bootstrap.ppt branch.specific.genes classify.genes cleanup.branches cor.mat decompose euclidean.mat extract.subtree fit.associated.genes fit.ts fork.pt lambda.explore loc.opt mppt.tree plotppt plotpptl ppt.tree project.cells.onto.ppt setroot sig.explore test.associated.genes test.fork.genes visualise.clusters visualise.trajectory wcr

#' @useDynLib crestree

##' Sample pptree objects using different seeds
##' @param  n.samples a number of seed samplings.
##' @param seeds a vector of seeds to use. Overwrites n.samples.
##' @return a list of pptree objects
##' @export
mppt.tree <- function( ... , n.cores=parallel::detectCores()/2,n.samples=n.cores, seed=NULL,seeds=NULL) {
  if(!is.null(seed)) {
  # sample seeds
  if(is.null(seeds)) {
    seeds <- round(runif(n.samples,0,.Machine$integer.max))
  mclapply(seeds,function(i) ppt.tree(..., seed=i),mc.cores=n.cores)

##' Sample pptree objects using bootstrap
##' @param X expression matrix of genes (rows) and cells (columns).
##' @param M number of principal points of pptree.
##' @param n.samples a number of seed samplings.
##' @param replace sampling with replacement (logical).
##' @return a list of pptree objects
##' @export
bootstrap.ppt <- function( ..., X, M=ncol(X),n.cores=parallel::detectCores()/2,n.samples=n.cores, seed=NULL,replace=T) {
  if(!is.null(seed)) {
  parallel::mclapply(1:n.samples,function(i) {
    # take a bootstrap sample
    b.X <- X[,sample(1:ncol(X),M,replace=replace)];
    ppt.tree(..., X=b.X, M=M, init=b.X)

##' Calculate weighted pairwise correlations between columns of matrices A and B
##' @export
cor.mat <- function(A,B){
  A1 <- t(t(A)-colMeans(A))
  B1 <- t(t(B)-colMeans(B))
  res <- (crossprod(A1,B1))/sqrt( tcrossprod(colSums(A1^2),(colSums(B1^2))) )

##' Calculate pairwise euclidean distances between columns of matrices A and B
euclidean.mat <- function(A,B){
  x <- do.call(cbind,rep(list(colSums(A^2)),ncol(B)))
  y <- do.call(rbind,rep(list(colSums(B^2)),ncol(A)))
  suppressWarnings(res <- sqrt(x + y - 2*crossprod(A,B)))
  res[is.na(res) | is.nan(res)] <- 0

##' calculate weighted correlation between columns of a matrix and a given vector
wcr <- function(X,y,w){
  w <- w/sum(w)
  X1 <- X*w
  y1 <- y*w
  X2 <- t(t(X)-colSums(X1))
  y2 <- y - sum(y1)

  cv1 <- (y2*w)%*%X2
  cv2 <- sqrt(colSums(X2^2*w)*sum(y2^2*w))
  cvv <- cv1/cv2

##' Reconstruction of the tree
##' Using SimplePPT approach to model principal tree (pptree) of the data
##' @name ppt.tree
##' @param X gene (row) vs cell (columns) expression matrix
##' @param emb embdedding to visalize cells and principal tree together
##' @param M number of principal points to use (more than zero, no more than number of cells)
##' @param init matrix of initial gene coordinates of principal points
##' @param plot plot or not intermediate trees
##' @param lambda penalty for the tree  length, as used in SimplePPT
##' @param sigma parameter as used in SimplePPT
##' @param seed used to make initial assignment of principal points to a subset of cells
##' @param n.steps number of iteraions
##' @param metrics metrics used to calculated distances between cells or principal points. "euclidean" or "cosine"
##' @param p.power if cosine metrics used, option p.power allows to use (1-cor)^p.power (p.power=1 by default)
##' @param err.cut stop algorithm if proximity of principal points between iterations less than err.cut
##' @return pptree object
##' @export
ppt.tree <- function(X,W=NA,emb=NA,M,init=NULL,plot=TRUE,output=TRUE,lambda=1e1,sigma=0.1,seed=NULL,n.steps=50,err.cut = 5e-2,metrics="cosine",p.power=1,knn=NULL,...) {

  if ( metrics!="euclidean" & metrics!="cosine" ){ stop("metrics paramterer is nethier 'euclidean' nor 'cosine'") }
  if ( M < 0 | M > ncol(X)) { stop("M should be more than zero and less or equal than the number of cells") }
  if (!is.na(emb)){
    if ( sum(!colnames(X)%in%rownames(emb))>0 ) { stop("column names of gene expression matrix (X) are not consistent with row names of embedding (emb)") }

  X <- as.matrix(X)
  wt <- TRUE
  if (is.na(W)) {
    wt <- FALSE
    W <- matrix(1,nrow=nrow(X),ncol=ncol(X))
    W <- as.matrix(W[rownames(X),colnames(X)])

    F.mat <- X[,sample(1:ncol(X),M)]; rownames(F.mat) <- NULL; colnames(F.mat) <- NULL;
  } else {
    F.mat <- init;

  # row-normalize W
  rwm <- matrix(rowSums(W),nrow=nrow(F.mat),ncol(F.mat))
  W <- W/rowSums(W)*ncol(W);

  # repeat untile convergence
  j=1; err=100;
  while(j <= n.steps & err > err.cut) {
    # calculate R
    if (metrics=="euclidean"){
      # simple correlation or column-wise weighted correlation.
      if (wt==FALSE) {
        R <- euclidean.mat(F.mat,X)^p.power
        R <- do.call(cbind,lapply(1:ncol(X),function(i) {
      R <- t(exp(-R/sigma))
    }else if(metrics=="cosine"){
      # simple correlation or column-wise weighted correlation.
      if (wt==FALSE) {
        cordist <- (1-cor.mat(F.mat,X))^p.power
        cordist <- do.call(cbind,lapply(1:ncol(X),function(i) {
        colnames(cordist) <- colnames(X)

      cordist <- (cordist-mean(cordist))
      R <- t(exp( -(cordist)/sigma ))
    R[is.na(R) | is.nan(R)] <- 0
    if (!is.null(knn)){
      R = apply(R,2,function(x){
        x[ x < sort(x,decreasing = TRUE)[knn] ] <- 0
    R <- R/rowSums(R)
    R[is.na(R) | is.nan(R)] <- 0

    # calculate distance between principal points
    if (metrics=="euclidean"){
      d <- euclidean.mat(F.mat,F.mat)
    }else if (metrics=="cosine"){
      if (wt==FALSE) {
        d <-  1-cor.mat(F.mat,F.mat)
        d <- do.call(cbind,lapply(1:ncol(F.mat),function(i) {
      d <- abs(d)^p.power*sign(d)
    bt <- minimum.spanning.tree(graph.adjacency(as.matrix(d),weighted=T,mode="undirected"))

    B <- as.matrix(get.adjacency(bt))
    D <- diag(nrow(B))*rowSums(B)
    L <- D-B
    M <- L*lambda + diag(ncol(R))*colSums(R)

    old.F <- F.mat;
    #F.mat <- (X%*%R) %*% chol2inv(chol(M))
    F.mat <- t(solve( t(M),t((X*W)%*%R) ))# slightly faster, 15%
    F.mat <- as.matrix(F.mat)

    if (plot==TRUE){plotppt(list(F=F.mat,B=B,R=R,L=L,lambda=lambda,sigma=sigma),emb,...)}

    if (output==TRUE){
      err = max(sqrt(colSums(F.mat-old.F)^2)/apply(F.mat,2,function(x)sqrt(sum(x^2))))

  if (plot==TRUE){plotppt(list(F=F.mat,B=B,R=R,L=L,lambda=lambda,sigma=sigma),emb,...)}

  g = graph.adjacency(B,mode="undirected");tips = V(g)[igraph::degree(g)==1];forks = V(g)[igraph::degree(g)>2]

  score = c( sum( t(1-cor.mat(F.mat,X))*R)/nrow(R), sigma/nrow(R)*sum(R*log(R),na.rm=T),lambda/2*sum(d*B))

  colnames(R) <- colnames(F.mat) <- rownames(B) <- colnames(B) <- as.character(1:nrow(B))

##' Estimate optimal sigma parameter.
##' Using cross-validation criteria to select sigma parameter.
##' @param X gene (rows) vs cell (columns) expression matrix
##' @param M number of principal points in pptree modeling
##' @param n.sample number of sampled trees per each sigma
##' @param sig.lims a vector of sigma for which cross-validation estimated
##' @param metrics similarity measure. "cosine" or "euclidean"
##' @return optimal sigma parameter
##' @export
sig.explore <- function(X,W=NA,M=as.integer(ncol(X)/2),n.sample=1,sig.lims=seq(0.01,0.2,0.03),metrics="cosine",p.power = 1,plot=TRUE,err.cut=5e-1,n.steps=20,n.cores=1){
  if (is.na(X)) {stop("matrix X should be specified")}
  if (is.na(M)) {stop("number of principal points M should be specified")}
  cells <- colnames(X)
  for (i in 1:n.sample){
    cv <- do.call(rbind,mclapply(sig.lims,function(sig){
      x <- ppt.tree(X = X,W,M=M,err.cut=err.cut,metrics=metrics,n.steps=n.steps,p.power = p.power,lambda=0,sigma=sig,plot=FALSE,output=FALSE,seed=sample(100,1))
      y <- cor(X,x$F)
    },mc.cores = n.cores))
    if (i==1){
      cv.tot <- cv
      cv.tot <- cv.tot + cv
  cv.tot <- cv.tot/n.sample

  sig.opt <- sig.lims[which.max(apply(cv.tot,1,mean))]
  if (plot==TRUE){
    plot( sig.lims, apply(cv.tot,1,mean),lty=2,lwd=2,type="l",xlab="sigma",ylab="CV",cex.lab=1.5)
    points( sig.lims, apply(cv.tot,1,mean),pch=19,cex=1)
  #return( cbind(sig.lims,apply(cv.tot,1,mean)) )


##' Explore lambda
##' Explores multiple lambda and choose the optimal
##' @param X gene (rows) vs cell (columns) expression matrix
##' @param M number of principal points in pptree modeling
##' @param sigma fixed parameter sigma used in pptree modeling
##' @param emb embdedding to visalize cells and principal tree together. If emb is given than pptrees for a range of lambda are shown
##' @export
lambda.explore <- function(X=NA,M=ncol(X),sigma=0.1,emb=NA,metrics="cosine",tips.min=2,tips.max=10,base=2,lambda.init=100,err.cut=5e-3,n.steps=40,p.power=1){
  if (is.na(X)) {stop("matrix X should be specified")}
  if (is.na(M)) {stop("number of principal points M should be specified")}
  cells <- colnames(X)

  min.reached <- FALSE;max.reached <- FALSE
  lambda <- round(lambda.init)
  tr.list <- list()
  while (min.reached==FALSE | max.reached==FALSE){
    print(paste("lambda:",round(lambda,2) ))
    tr <- ppt.tree(X=X,M=M,lambda=lambda,sigma=sig,err.cut=err.cut,metrics=metrics,n.steps=n.steps,p.power = p.power,plot=FALSE,output=FALSE,seed=sample(100,1))
    tr <- setroot(tr,root=as.character(tr$tips[1]))
    tr.list[[as.character(round(lambda,1))]] <- tr#c(tr.list,tr)

    tips <- length(tr$tips);
    len <- sum(tr$pp.segments$d)
    entropy.ind <- sum(tr$pp.segments$d*log(tr$pp.segments$d))
    # add entry to the lambda.info matrix
    if (lambda == lambda.init){
      lambda.info <- matrix(c(lambda=lambda,tips=tips,length=len,entropy=entropy.ind),nrow=1,ncol=4)
      #tr.list[[as.character(lambda)]] <- tr
      if (lambda < lambda.info[1,1]){
        lambda.info <- rbind(c(lambda=lambda,tips=tips,length=len,entropy=entropy.ind),lambda.info)
        #tr.list[[as.character(lambda)]] <- tr#c(tr,tr.list)
        lambda.info <- rbind(lambda.info,c(lambda=lambda,tips=tips,length=len,entropy=entropy.ind))
        #tr.list[[as.character(lambda)]] <- #c(tr.list,tr)
    # update lambda
    if (min.reached == FALSE & tips < tips.max){
      lambda <- lambda/base
    }else if (min.reached == FALSE & tips >= tips.max){
      min.reached <- TRUE
      lambda <- lambda.info[nrow(lambda.info),1]*base
    }else if (tips <= tips.min ){# | tips >= lambda.info[nrow(lambda.info)-1,2]){
      max.reached <- TRUE
      lambda <- lambda.info[nrow(lambda.info),1]*base

  ent.per.tip <- lambda.info[,4]/lambda.info[,2]
  i.opt <- which.min(ent.per.tip)
  if (!is.na(emb)){
    plot( lambda.info[,1], ent.per.tip,log="x",lty=2,lwd=2,type="l",xlab="lambda",ylab="entropy per tip",cex.lab=1.5)
    points(lambda.info[,1], ent.per.tip,pch=19,cex=1)
    lamb <- lambda.info[i.opt,1]; lamb <- round(lamb,1)
    plotppt(tr.list[[as.character(lamb)]],emb,cex.tree = 0.1,lwd.tree = 3,main=paste("lambda =",lamb))
    lamb <- lambda.info[median(1:i.opt),1]; lamb <- round(lamb,1)
    plotppt(tr.list[[as.character(lamb)]],emb,cex.tree = 0.1,lwd.tree = 3,main=paste("lambda =",lamb))
    lamb <- lambda.info[median((i.opt+1):nrow(lambda.info)),1]; lamb <- round(lamb,1)
    plotppt(tr.list[[as.character(lamb)]],emb,cex.tree = 0.1,lwd.tree = 3,main=paste("lambda =",lamb))

##' Visualize pptree onto embedding
##' Projects pptree onto embedding (e.g. tSNE)
##' @name plotppt
##' @param r - pptree object
##' @param emb - (x,y) coordinates data frame (e.g Rtsne $Y result)
##' @param F - coordinates of principal points (optional)
##' @param gene - a gene to show expression of (optional)
##' @param mat - gene vs cell expression matrix (needed if option 'gene' is activated)
##' @param pattern.cell - numeric profile of a quantity for each cell (e.g. expression of a gene or cell cycle stage)
##' @param pattern.tree - numeric profile of a quantity for each principal point (e.g. expression of a gene or cell cycle stage)
##' @param cex.main - cex of points
##' @param cex.col - color of points
##' @param cex.title - cex of title
##' @param cex.tree - cex of principal points
##' @param tips - logical, to draw indecies of tips of the tree. Usefull before usage of cleanup.branches()
##' @export
plotppt <- function(r,emb,F=NULL, gene=NULL, main=gene, mat=NULL, pattern.cell=NULL, pattern.tree=NULL,
                    cex.col=NA, tree.col = NULL,
                    cex.main=0.5, cex.title=1,
                    cex.tree=1.5,lwd.tree=1,par=TRUE,tips=FALSE,forks=FALSE,subtree=NA,pallete=NULL,...) {
  if ( sum(!rownames(r$R)%in%rownames(emb))>0 ) { stop("cell names used for tree reconstruction are not consistent with row names of embedding (emb)") }
  if (sum(!is.na(cex.col))==0 ) {cex.col=rep("grey70",nrow(emb)); names(cex.col) <- rownames(emb)}
  vi = rownames(emb)%in%rownames(r$R); names(vi) <- rownames(emb)
  if(is.null(F)) { F <- t(t(t(emb[rownames(r$R),])%*%r$R)/colSums(r$R)) }
  if ( is.null(pattern.cell) & !is.null(gene) ){
    if (is.null(mat)) { stop("mat expression matrix should be defined together with gene parameter") }
    if (gene %in% rownames(mat) == FALSE) { stop("gene is not in mat matrix") }
    if ( sum(!rownames(r$R) %in% colnames(mat)) > 0 ) { stop("cell names used for tree reconstruction are not consistent with mat column names") }
    pattern.cell = mat[gene,rownames(r$R)]#mat[gene,rownames(r$R)]
  if (is.null(pallete)) {pallete <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","gray50","red"))(1024)}else{pallete <- pallete(1024)}

  if ( !is.null(pattern.tree) & length(pattern.tree) != ncol(r$R) ) { stop("length of pattern.tree vector is inconsistent with cell number used for tree reconstruction") }
  if ( !is.null(pattern.cell) & is.null(pattern.tree) ){
    if ( sum(!names(pattern.cell) %in% rownames(r$R)) > 0 ){ stop("pattern.cell vector should contain names for all cells used to reconstruct the tree")}
    pattern.cell <- pattern.cell[rownames(r$R)] ## is it correct?
    aggr <- colSums(r$R)
    pattern.tree <- t(r$R)%*%pattern.cell[rownames(r$R)]/aggr
    pattern.tree[aggr==0] <- NA

  if (is.null(tree.col)) {tree.col = "black"}
  if( !is.null(pattern.cell) ){
    cex.col <- rep("black",nrow(emb)); names(cex.col) <- rownames(emb)
    cex.col[names(pattern.cell)] <- pallete[round((pattern.cell-min(pattern.cell))/diff(range(pattern.cell))*1023)+1]
    #cex.col <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","gray50","red"))(1024)[round((pattern.cell-min(pattern.cell))/diff(range(pattern.cell))*1023)+1]
  if ( !is.null(pattern.tree) ){
    tree.col <- pallete[round((pattern.tree-min(pattern.tree,na.rm=T))/diff(range(pattern.tree,na.rm = T))*1023)+1]

  if (!is.na(subtree)){
    #cex.col[rownames(r$cell.summary)][!r$cell.summary$seg %in% subtree$seg] <- "black"
    tree.col[!r$pp.info$seg %in% subtree$seg] <- "grey80"
    vi[vi==TRUE][rownames(r$cell.summary)][!r$cell.summary$seg %in% subtree$seg] <- FALSE
  if ( sum(names(cex.col)%in%rownames(emb))==0 ) {stop('cex.col names do not match row names of emb')}

  cols <- rep("black",nrow(emb)); names(cols) <- rownames(emb)
  cols[ intersect(names(cex.col),rownames(emb)) ] <- cex.col[intersect(names(cex.col),rownames(emb))]
  if (par==TRUE) {par(mar=rep(1,4))}
  plot(emb,pch=ifelse(vi,19,1),cex=cex.main,col = adjustcolor(cols,ifelse(is.null(pattern.tree),1,0.1)),xlab=NA,ylab=NA,xaxt='n',yaxt='n',main=main,cex.main=cex.title,font.main=1)

  al <- get.edgelist(graph.adjacency(r$B>0))
  al <- matrix(as.integer(al),ncol=2)

  if (tips==TRUE){
    coord = do.call(rbind,lapply(r$tips,function(tip){
      x1 = F[1,tip]; y1 = F[2,tip]
      x2 = F[1,which(r$B[tip,]>0)]; y2 = F[2,which(r$B[tip,]>0)]
      xnew = x1 + 1.5*sign(x1-x2)#(1+sign(x1-x2)/0.5)*sign(x1-x2)#alpha*(x1-x2)
      ynew = y1 + 1.5*sign(y1-y2)#xnew*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) + (y1*x2-y2*x1)/(x2-x1)
    text((coord),col=1,cex=1,adj=c(0,0),labels=r$tips,font=2);#text(t(F[, r$tips ]),col=1,cex=1.2,adj=c(0,0),labels=r$tips);
  if (forks==TRUE & length(r$forks) > 0){
    coord = do.call(rbind,lapply(r$forks,function(fork){
      x1 = F[1,fork]; y1 = F[2,fork]
      x2 = F[1,which(r$B[fork,]>0)]; y2 = F[2,which(r$B[fork,]>0)]
      xnew = x1 #+ 1.5*sign(x1-x2)#(1+sign(x1-x2)/0.5)*sign(x1-x2)#alpha*(x1-x2)
      ynew = y1 #+ 1.5*sign(y1-y2)#xnew*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) + (y1*x2-y2*x1)/(x2-x1)
    text((coord),col=1,cex=1,adj=c(0,0),labels=r$forks,font=2);#text(t(F[, r$tips ]),col=1,cex=1.2,adj=c(0,0),labels=r$tips);

##' Visualize list of pptree objects onto embedding
##' Projects pptree objects onto embedding (e.g. tSNE)
##' @param rl list of pptree objects (as calculated using bootstrap.tree or mppt.tree)
##' @param emb (x,y) coordinates data frame (e.g Rtsne $Y result)
##' @param cols vector of colors for cells in emb.
##' @export
plotpptl <- function(rl,emb, cols=adjustcolor(1,alpha=0.3),alpha=1, lwd =1, ...) {
  par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar = c(3.5,3.5,2.0,0.5), mgp = c(2,0.65,0), cex = 0.8);
  plot(emb,col=cols,cex=1,pch=19,xlab="",ylab="", ...)
  lapply(rl,function(r) {
    F <- t(t(t(emb[rownames(r$R),])%*%r$R)/colSums(r$R))
    al <- get.edgelist(graph.adjacency(r$B>0))
    al <- matrix(as.integer(al),ncol=2)
    #points( t(F),col=adjustcolor(cols,alpha=0.1),lwd=1,cex=0.2 )

##' Remove spurious branches of pptree
##' @param r ppt.tree result
##' @param tips.number select and retain only fixed number of tips (tips.number) that explain the most cell-cell variation.
##' @param tips.remove vector of tips indices to remove
##' @param min.branch.length remove all branches with length less or equal than min.branch.length principal points
##' @return modified ppt.tree object with cleaned up structure
##' @export
cleanup.branches <- function(r,tips.remove=NULL,min.branch.length=3) {
  #colnames(r$F) <- NULL; colnames(r$B) <- rownames(r$B) <- NULL;
  repeat {
    g <- graph.adjacency(r$B>0,mode="undirected")
    leaves <- V(g)[igraph::degree(g)==1]
    branches <- V(g)[igraph::degree(g)>2]
    bd <-shortest.paths(g,v=leaves,to=branches)
    ivi <- which(apply(bd,1,min)<=min.branch.length)
    ivi <- unique( c(ivi, which( leaves %in% tips.remove) ) )
    if(length(ivi)==0) { break }
    toremove <- c();
    for(x in ivi) {
      bdp <- get.shortest.paths(g,leaves[x],to=branches[which.min(bd[x,])])
      toremove <- c(toremove,bdp$vpath[[1]][-length(bdp$vpath[[1]])])

    # remove from the graph (B)
    r$B <- r$B[-toremove,-toremove]
    # remove from F
    r$F <- r$F[,-toremove];
    # remove from lRu
    r$lRu <- r$lRu[,-toremove]
    # remove from R and renormalize
    r$R <- r$R[,-toremove];
    r$R <- r$R/rowSums(r$R);
  colnames(r$F) <- colnames(r$B) <- rownames(r$B) <- as.character(1:nrow(r$B));

  g = graph.adjacency(r$B,mode="undirected");r$tips = V(g)[igraph::degree(g)==1];r$forks = V(g)[igraph::degree(g)>2]


##' Orient the tree by setting up the root
##' Assign root, pseudotime and segment to each principal point of the tree
##' @param r pptree object
##' @param root root principal point (plotppt(tips=TRUE,..) can be used to visualize candidate tips for a root)
##' @return modified ppt.tree object with new fields r$pp.info (estimated pseudotime and branch of principal points), r$pp.segments (segments information), r$root (root id).
##' @export
setroot <- function(r,root=NULL,plot=TRUE) {
  if (is.null(root)) { stop("Assign correct root number") }
  if ( ! root %in% r$tips ) {stop("Root should be one of the tree tips")}
  # calculate time of each PP
  if (r$metrics=="euclidean"){d <- 1e-6+euclidean.mat(r$F,r$F)
  }else if (r$metrics=="cosine"){
    d <-  abs( 1e-2 + 1-cor.mat(r$F,r$F))
  g <- graph.adjacency(r$B*d,weighted=T,mode="undirected")
  pp.info <- data.frame( cbind( V(g),as.double(shortest.paths(g,root,V(g))),rep(0,length(V(g))) ));

  # infer all segments (and put in segs) of the tree
  nodes <- V(g)[ igraph::degree(g)!=2 ]
  pp.segs = data.frame(n=numeric(),from=character(),to=character(),d=numeric())
  for (i in 1:(length(nodes)-1) ){
    for (j in (i+1):length(nodes)){
      node1 = nodes[i];node2=nodes[j];
      path12 = unlist(get.shortest.paths(g,from=as.character(node1),to=as.character(node2)))
      if ( sum(nodes %in% path12) == 2  ) {
        from = node1$name;to=node2$name
        if ( !is.null(root)){
          path_root = shortest.paths(g,root,c(node1,node2))
          from = colnames(path_root)[which.min(path_root)]
          to = colnames(path_root)[which.max(path_root)]
        pp.info[path12,]$seg = nrow(pp.segs)+1

  r$pp.segments <- pp.segs;
  r$root <- root;
  r$pp.info <- pp.info

##' Project cells onto the principal tree
##' @param r pptree object
##' @param emb if not NULL than cell branch assignment and color code of branches are shown
##' @param n.mapping number of probabilistic mapping of cells onto the tree to use. If n.mapping=1 then likelihood cell mapping is used.
##' @return modified pptree object with new fields r$cell.summary, r$cell.info and r$img.list. r$cell.summary contains information about cells projected onto the tree, including pseudotime and branch.
##' @export
project.cells.onto.ppt <- function(r,emb=NULL,n.mapping=1) {
  if (is.null(r$root)) { stop("Assign root first") }

  g <- graph.adjacency(r$B,weighted=TRUE,mode="undirected")

  df.list <- pblapply(1:n.mapping,function(nm){
    # assign nearest principal point for each cell
    if (nm > 1){
      rrm = apply(r$R,1,function(v){sample(1:length(v),size=1,prob=v/sum(v))})
      rrm <- apply(r$R,1,which.max)

    # idenfity edge onto which each cell lies
    df <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:ncol(r$R),function(v) {
      vcells <- which(rrm==v);
      if(length(vcells)>0) {
        # determine which edge the cells belong to neighboring PPs
        nv <- as.integer(neighborhood(g,1,nodes=c(v))[[1]])
        nvd <- shortest.paths(g,v,nv)
        spi <- apply(r$R[vcells,nv[-1],drop=FALSE],1,which.max)+1
        ndf <- data.frame(cell=vcells,v0=v,v1=nv[spi],d=nvd[spi])

        p0 <- r$R[vcells,v]
        p1 <- unlist(lapply(1:length(vcells),function(i) r$R[vcells[i],ndf$v1[i]] ))
        alpha <- runif(length(vcells))
        f <- abs( (sqrt(alpha*p1^2+(1-alpha)*p0^2)-p0)/(p1-p0) )
        ndf$t <- r$pp.info[ndf$v0,]$time+(r$pp.info[ndf$v1,]$time-r$pp.info[ndf$v0,]$time)*alpha
        ndf$seg <- ifelse( r$pp.info[ndf$v0,]$PP %in% r$forks,r$pp.info[ndf$v1,]$seg,r$pp.info[ndf$v0,]$seg)
        ndf$color <- ifelse( r$pp.info[ndf$v0,]$PP %in% r$forks,r$pp.info[ndf$v1,]$color,r$pp.info[ndf$v0,]$color)

      } else {
    df$edge <- apply(df,1,function(x) paste(sort(as.numeric(x[c(2,3)])),collapse="|"))
    df <- df[order(df$t,decreasing=FALSE),]

    ### assign data from ndf table of z.ensemble1
    #ndf <- z.ensemble1[[nm]]$ndf[,1:5]
    #ndf[,6:8] <-  z.ensemble1[[nm]]$cell.pseudotime[match(z.ensemble1[[nm]]$ndf$cell,z.ensemble1[[nm]]$cell.pseudotime$cell),2:4]
    #colnames(ndf)[6] <- "t"
    #rownames(ndf) <- nc.cells[ndf$cell]
    #df <- ndf
    #df <- df[order(df$t,decreasing=FALSE),]


  # generate graph of cells and PPs for each mapping
  img.list <- pblapply(df.list,function(df){
    img <- g#graph.adjacency(r$B,weighted=TRUE,mode="undirected")
    img <- set.vertex.attribute(img,"type",value="pp")
    for(e in unique(df$edge)){
      ii <- which(df$edge==e);
      vc <- as.integer(strsplit(e,'\\|')[[1]]);
      imin <- which.min(r$pp.info$time[vc])
      #imin <- 1
      # insert the cells
      if (imin==1){
        img <- add_vertices(img,length(ii),type="cell",name=paste('c',df[ii,]$cell,sep=''))
        img <- add_vertices(img,length(ii),type="cell",name=paste('c',rev(df[ii,]$cell),sep=''))
      tw <- 1-E(g,path=c(vc[1],vc[2]))$weight
      img <- delete_edges(img,e)
      if (imin==1){
        img <- add_edges(img,c(vc[1],rep(paste0('c',df$cell[ii]),each=2),vc[2]), weight=1-tw*diff(c(0,df$t[ii],1)) )
        img <- add_edges(img,c(vc[1],rep(paste0('c',rev(df$cell[ii])),each=2),vc[2]), weight=1-tw*diff(c(0,df$t[ii],1)) )

  if (n.mapping > 1) {
    df.sd <- apply(do.call(cbind,lapply(df.list,function(el)el[rownames(r$R),]$t)),1,sd)
  }else {df.sd <- NA}
  df.summary <- cbind(df.list[[1]],t.sd=df.sd)

  if (!is.null(emb)){
    cols <- adjustcolor(df.summary[rownames(r$R),]$color,0.2); names(cols) <- rownames(r$R)
    plotppt(r,emb,cex.col=cols, tree.col = r$pp.info$color,cex.main=0.5, cex.title=1,cex.tree=1,lwd.tree=1)

  r$cell.summary <- df.summary
  r$cell.info <- df.list
  r$img.list <- img.list
  #r$mg <- mg;

##' Determine a set of genes significantly associated with the tree
##' @param r pptree object
##' @param X expressinon matrix of genes (row) vs cells (column)
##' @param fdr.cut FDR (Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment) cutoff on significance; significance if FDR < fdr.cut
##' @param A.cut cmplitude cutoff on significance; significance if A > A.cut
##' @param st.cut cutoff on stability (fraction of mappings with significant (fdr,A) pair) of association; significance, significance if A > A.cut
##' @param summary show plot of amplitude vs FDR of each gene's association. By default FALSE.
##' @param subtree restrict statistical assesment to a subtree
##' @param fdr.method a method to adjust for multiple testing. Default - Bonferroni. Alternatively, "BH" can be used.
##' @return modified pptree object with a new field r$stat.association that includes pvalue, amplitude, fdr, stability and siginificane (TRUE/FALSE) of gene associations
##' @export
test.associated.genes <- function(r,X,n.map=1,n.cores=(parallel::detectCores()/2),spline.df=3,fdr.cut=1e-4,A.cut=1,st.cut=0.8,summary=FALSE,subtree=NA,fdr.method=NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(r$root)) {stop("assign root first")}
  if (is.null(r$cell.summary) | is.null(r$cell.info)) {stop("project cells onto the tree first")}
  X <- X[,intersect(colnames(X),rownames(r$cell.summary))]
  if (sum(!colnames(X) %in% rownames(r$cell.summary)) > 0) {stop( paste("Expression matrix X contains cells not mapped onto the tree, e.g. cell",colnames(X)[!colnames(X) %in% rownames(r$cell.summary)][1]) )}
  if (n.map < 0 | n.map > length(r$cell.info)) {stop("n.map should be more than 0 and less than number of mappings")}

  genes <- rownames(X)
  subseg <- unique(r$cell.summary$seg);
  if (!is.na(subtree)) {subseg <- subtree$segs}
  # for every gene
  gtl <- lapply(1:n.map,function(ix){
    if (n.map==1){ inf <- r$cell.summary}else{
      inf <- r$cell.info[[ix]]
    gt <- do.call(rbind,mclapply(genes,function(gene) {
      #sdf <- inf; sdf$exp <- X[gene,rownames(inf)]
      sdf <- inf[inf$seg%in%subseg,]; sdf$exp <- X[gene,rownames(sdf)]#[inf$seg%in%subseg]
      # time-based models
      mdl <- tapply(1:nrow(sdf),as.factor(sdf$seg),function(ii) {
        # TODO: adjust df according to branch length?
        m <- mgcv::gam(exp~s(t,k=spline.df),data=sdf[ii,],familly=gaussian())
        rl <- list(d=deviance(m),df=df.residual(m))
        rl$p <- predict(m);
      mdf <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,lapply(mdl,function(x) c(d=x$d,df=x$df))))
      # background model
      odf <- sum(mdf$df)-nrow(mdf); # correct for multiple segments
      m0 <- mgcv::gam(exp~1,data=sdf,familly=gaussian())
      if (sum(mdf$d)==0){ fstat <- 0}else{
        fstat <- (deviance(m0) - sum(mdf$d))/(df.residual(m0)-odf)/(sum(mdf$d)/odf)
      pval <-  pf(fstat,df.residual(m0)-odf,odf,lower.tail = FALSE);#1-pf(fstat,df.residual(m0)-odf,odf,lower.tail = T);
      pr <- unlist(lapply(mdl,function(x) x$p))
    gt <- data.frame(gt); rownames(gt) <- genes
    if (is.null(fdr.method)) {
      gt$fdr <- p.adjust(gt$pval)
      gt$fdr <- p.adjust(gt$pval,method=fdr.method)

  stat.association <- data.frame(cbind( apply(do.call(cbind,lapply(gtl,function(gt)gt$pval)),1,median),
                                        apply(do.call(cbind,lapply(gtl,function(gt) gt$fdr < fdr.cut & gt$A > A.cut )),1,sum)/length(gtl)
  rownames(stat.association) <- genes; colnames(stat.association) <- c("pval","A","fdr","st")
  stat.association$sign <- stat.association$fdr < fdr.cut & stat.association$A > A.cut & stat.association$st > st.cut

  # plot amplitude vs FDR and color genes that were idenfitied as significantly associated with the tree
  if (summary==TRUE){
    plot(stat.association$A,stat.association$fdr,xlab="Amplitude",ylab="FDR, log",log="y",pch=19,cex=0.5,
         col=adjustcolor( ifelse(stat.association$sign==TRUE,"red","black") ,0.4),cex.lab=1.5)
    legend("bottomleft", legend=c( paste("DE,",sum(stat.association$sign)), paste("non-DE,",sum(!stat.association$sign))),
           col=c("red", "black"), bty="n",pch=19,cex=1,pt.cex=1)
  if (is.na(subtree)){
    r$stat.association <- stat.association

##' Model gene expression levels as a function of tree positions.
##' @param r pptree object
##' @param X expressinon matrix of genes (rows) vs cells (columns)
##' @param n.map number of probabilistic cell-to-tree mappings to use
##' @param method method of modeling. Currently only splines with option 'ts' are supported.
##' @param knn use expression averaging among knn cells
##' @param gamma stringency of penalty.
##' @return modified pptree object with new fields r$fit.list, r$fit.summary and r$fit.pattern. r$fit.pattern contains matrix of fitted gene expression levels
##' @export
fit.associated.genes <- function(r,X,n.map=1,n.cores=parallel::detectCores()/2,method="ts",knn=1,gamma=1.5) {
  if (is.null(r$root)) {stop("assign root first")}
  if (is.null(r$cell.summary) | is.null(r$cell.info)) {stop("project cells onto the tree first")}
  X <- X[,intersect(colnames(X),rownames(r$cell.summary))]
  if (sum(!colnames(X) %in% rownames(r$cell.summary)) > 0) {stop( paste("Expression matrix X contains cells not mapped onto the tree, e.g. cell",colnames(X)[!colnames(X) %in% rownames(r$cell.summary)][1]) )}
  if (n.map < 0 | n.map > length(r$cell.info)) {stop("n.map should be more than 0 and less than number of mappings")}
  if ( is.null(r$stat.association) ) {stop("identify significantly associated genes using test.associated.genes()")}
  genes <- intersect(rownames(X),rownames(r$stat.association)[r$stat.association$sign])

  #gtl <- lapply(1:n.map,function(ix){
  #  print(paste("mapping",ix,"of",n.map))
  #  if (n.map==1){ inf <- r$cell.summary}else{
  #    inf <- r$cell.info[[ix]]
  #  }

  if (method=="ts"){
    gtl <- fit.ts(r,X[genes,],n.map,n.cores,gamma,knn)
  }else if (method=="sf"){
    gtl <- t.fit.sf(r,X[genes,],n.map,n.cores,gamma)
  }else if (method=="av"){
    gtl <- t.fit.av(r,X[genes,],n.map,n.cores)
  }else{stop("please choose correct method name")}

  ft.summary <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(gtl[[1]]),ncol=ncol(gtl[[1]]))
  rownames(ft.summary) <- rownames(gtl[[1]]); colnames(ft.summary) <- colnames(gtl[[1]])
  if (length(gtl)>=1){
    for (k in 1:length(gtl)){
      #indx <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(r$cell.summary),function(i) {
      #  #ind <- rownames(r$cell.info[[k]])[r$cell.info[[k]]$seg==r$cell.summary$seg[i]]
      #  #ind[which.min(abs(r$cell.info[[k]][ind,]$t-r$cell.summary$t[i]))]
      #  ind <- rownames(r$cell.summary)[r$cell.summary$seg==r$cell.summary$seg[i]]
      #  ind[which.min(abs(r$cell.summary[ind,]$t-r$cell.summary$t[i]))]
      ft.summary <- ft.summary + gtl[[k]]#[,indx]
  ft.summary <- ft.summary/length(gtl)
  #colnames(ft.summary) <- rownames(r$cell.summary)
  r$fit.list <- gtl
  r$fit.summary <- ft.summary
  r$fit.pattern <- classify.genes(r)


##' Model gene expression levels as a brancing spline function of tree positions.
##' @param r pptree object
##' @param X expressinon matrix of genes (rows) vs cells (columns)
##' @param n.map number of probabilistic cell-to-tree mappings to use
##' @param knn use expression averaging among knn cells
##' @param gamma stringency of penalty.
##' @return matrix of fitted gene expression levels to the tree
##' @export
fit.ts <- function(r,X,n.map,n.cores=parallel::detectCores()/2,gamma=1.5,knn=1) {
  ix <- 1
  img = r$img.list[[ix]];
  root = r$root
  tips = r$tips[r$tips != root]
  branches.ll = do.call(rbind,lapply(tips, function(tip){
    b = get.shortest.paths(img,from=as.character(root),to=as.character(tip))$vpath[[1]]$name
    b = b[grepl("^c",b)]
    ind <- paste('c',r$cell.info[[ix]]$cell,sep="") %in% b
    cbind( ids=rownames(r$cell.info[[ix]])[ind], r$cell.info[[ix]][ind,],branch=rep( which(tips==tip),length(b)) )
  # calculate knn for each vertex along the tree
  for (v in r$pp.info$PP){img <- delete_vertices(img,as.character(v))}
  dst.tree <- distances(img,v=V(img),to=V(img));
  dst.tree <- dst.tree[ paste("c",r$cell.summary$cell,sep=""),paste("c",r$cell.summary$cell,sep="") ]
  rownames(dst.tree) <- colnames(dst.tree) <- rownames(r$cell.summary)
  dst.tree[dst.tree <= knn] <- 1; dst.tree[dst.tree > knn] <- 0

  gtl <- lapply(1:n.map,function(ix){
    print(paste("fit gene expression for mapping",ix))
    img = r$img.list[[ix]];
    root = r$root
    tips = r$tips[r$tips != root]
    branches = do.call(rbind,lapply(tips, function(tip){
      b = get.shortest.paths(img,from=as.character(root),to=as.character(tip))$vpath[[1]]$name
      b = b[grepl("^c",b)]
      ind <- paste('c',r$cell.info[[ix]]$cell,sep="") %in% b
      cbind( ids=rownames(r$cell.info[[ix]])[ind], r$cell.info[[ix]][ind,],branch=rep( which(tips==tip),length(b)) )

    #branches.ll <- branches
    #genes <- intersect(rownames(X),rownames(r$stat.association)[r$stat.association$sign])
    genes <- rownames(X)
    gt <- do.call(rbind,mclapply(genes,function(gene) {
      expr.fitted <- unlist(lapply(unique(branches$branch),function(br){
        branches1 <- branches[branches$branch==br,]
        expr <- X[gene,as.character(branches1$ids)]
        #gene.fit1 = gam( expr ~ s( branches1$time,k=length(branches1$time),bs="ts"),knots=list(branches1$time) )
        tt <- branches1$t
        #tt <- 1:length(tt)
        gene.fit1 = mgcv::gam( expr ~ s(tt,bs="ts"),gamma=gamma)
        td <- data.frame(matrix(branches.ll[branches.ll$branch==br,]$t,nrow=sum(branches.ll$branch==br)));
        rownames(td) <- branches.ll[branches.ll$branch==br,]$ids; colnames(td) <- "tt"
        predict(gene.fit1,td )

      # old version - averaging along shared branches
      #for( cell in names(which(table(branches.ll$ids) > 1))){
      #  expr.fitted[branches.ll$ids==cell] <- mean(expr.fitted[branches.ll$ids==cell])

      # new version - knn smoothing, where knns are estimated along the tree.
      expr.fitted <- (dst.tree[names(expr.fitted),names(expr.fitted)] %*% expr.fitted) / (apply(dst.tree[names(expr.fitted),names(expr.fitted)],1,sum))
      expr.fitted <- expr.fitted[,1]
    },mc.cores = n.cores))
    rownames(gt) <- genes

##' Classify tree-associated genes
##' Tree-associated genes are classified in branch-monotonous, transiently expressed and having complex patterns.
##' @param r tree
##' @param X expressinon matrix of genes (rows) vs cell (columns)
##' @param cutoff expression in local optimum should be higher/lower than both terminal branch values by cutoff.
##' @return vector of predicted classification for fitted genes.
##' @export
classify.genes <- function(r,n.cores=parallel::detectCores()/2,cutoff=0.2) {
  if (is.null(r$fit.summary)) {stop("fit gene expression to the tree first")}
  a <- do.call(cbind,lapply(unique(r$cell.summary$seg),function(seg){
    seg.summary <- r$cell.summary[r$cell.summary$seg==seg,]
    tt <- r$fit.summary[,rownames(seg.summary)][,order(seg.summary$t)]
    # calculate number of inner local optima
    apply(tt,1,function(x) {
      res <- loc.opt(x)
      if ( sum(!is.na(res))==0 ){0}else{nrow(res)}
    if (sum(v)==0) {return("branch-monotonous")}else
      if (sum(v)==1) {return("transiently expressed")}else
        if (sum(v)>1) {return("complex patterns")}

##' Identify all local optima for a time series data
##' @name loc.opt
##' @param series - time series data
##' @param cutoff - expression in local optimum should be on cutoff higher/lower than nearby local optima. This parameter allows to eliminate small local optimas that are likely artifacts
##' @return data frame containing type of local optima (min/max) and time index.
##' @export
loc.opt <- function(series,cutoff=0.1){
  dx <- diff(series)
  cand <- (-dx[1:(length(dx)-1)]*dx[2:length(dx)]) > 0
  # remove multiple rupture-related optima
  cand[1:(length(cand)-1)][cand[1:(length(cand)-1)]&cand[2:length(cand)]] <- FALSE
  if (sum(cand)>0){
    cand <- c(TRUE,cand,TRUE)
    ds <- diff(series[cand])
    opt.type <- unlist(lapply(1:(sum(cand)-2),function(i){
      if (ds[i] > cutoff & (-ds[i+1]) > cutoff ) {
      }else if (ds[i] < -cutoff & (-ds[i+1]) < -cutoff ){
    if ( sum(!is.na(opt.type))>0  ){
      opt.inf <- data.frame(cbind( opt.type[!is.na(opt.type)],as.numeric(which(cand))[2:(sum(cand)-1)][!is.na(opt.type)]),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      colnames(opt.inf) <- c("type","index"); opt.inf$index <- as.numeric(opt.inf$index)

##' Visualize branching trajectories of a particular gene.
##' @param r pptree object
##' @param gene gene name
##' @param X matrix with a single row containing a gene expression levels (could be a vector of gene's expression). Columns of X reflect gene names.
##' @param cex.cell size of cells
##' @param cex.lab size of axis titles
##' @param cex.axis size of axis labels
##' @param cex.main size of title showing a gene name
##' @param lwd.t1 width of the main branching trajectory
##' @param lwd.t2 width of ensemble trajectories, typically thiner than that of main trajectory.
##' @param lwd.erbar width of error bars for uncertainty of cell pseudotime assignment
##' @param subtree visualise trajectory along a given subtree
##' @export
visualise.trajectory = function(r,gene,X,cex.cell=0.3,cex.lab=2,cex.axis=1.5,cex.main=1,lwd.erbar=0.0,lwd.t1=3,lwd.t2=0.2,switch.point=NA,subtree=NA){

  if (is.null(dim(X))){
    Xgene <- X
    if ( gene %in% rownames(X) == FALSE ) {stop("gene is not in matrix X")}
    Xgene <- X[gene,]
  Xgene <- Xgene[intersect(names(Xgene),rownames(r$cell.summary))]
  if ( sum(!names(Xgene)%in%rownames(r$cell.summary)) > 0 ) {stop("matrix/vector X does not contain some cells used to recostruct tree")}

  segs <- unique(r$cell.summary$seg)
  # restrict considered segments to subtree if given
  if (!is.na(subtree)){
    segs <- intersect(segs,subtree$seg)

  # draw cells
  ind <- r$cell.summary$seg%in%segs
  plot(r$cell.summary$t[ind],Xgene[rownames(r$cell.summary)][ind],type = "n",
  # draw error bars of pseudotime uncertainty if given
  if ( sum(!is.na(r$cell.summary$t.sd))>0 ){
    segments( r$cell.summary$t[ind]-r$cell.summary$t.sd[ind], Xgene[rownames(r$cell.summary)][ind], r$cell.summary$t[ind]+r$cell.summary$t.sd[ind], y1 = Xgene[rownames(r$cell.summary)][ind],
  # draw ensemble of sampled trajectries if given
  if (length(r$fit.list)>1){
    for (j in 2:length(r$fit.list)){
      for(seg in segs ){
        #ind <- r$cell.info[[j]]$seg == seg
        #t.ord <- order(r$cell.info[[j]]$t[ind])
        #      col=adjustcolor(r$cell.info[[j]]$color[ind][t.ord],0.4),lwd=lwd.t2)

        ind <- r$cell.summary$seg == seg
        t.ord <- order(r$cell.summary$t[ind])

  # draw likelihood trajectory
  for(seg in segs ){
    ind <- r$cell.summary$seg == seg
    t.ord <- order(r$cell.summary$t[ind])
  if (!is.na(switch.point)){
  # connect boundary cells from different branches
  g <- r$img.list[[1]]
  for (seg in segs){

    ind <- r$cell.summary$seg==seg
    c2.name <- rownames(r$cell.summary[ind,])[which.min(r$cell.summary$t[ind])]
    c2 <- r$cell.summary$cell[ind][which.min(r$cell.summary$t[ind])]
    c2.seg <- r$cell.summary$seg[ind][which.min(r$cell.summary$t[ind])]

    c2.path <- names(shortest_paths(g,r$root,paste("c",c2,sep="") )$vpath[[1]])
    c2.path <- c2.path[unlist(lapply(1:length(c2.path),function(i) grepl("c",c2.path[i])))]
    c2.path <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(c2.path,"c"),function(x)x[2])))
    ind <- r$cell.summary$cell %in% c2.path & r$cell.summary$cell != c2 #& !(r$cell.summary$seg %in% r$cell.summary[c2.name,]$seg)

    if (sum(ind)>0){
      c1.name <- rownames(r$cell.summary[ind,])[which.max(r$cell.summary$t[ind])]


##' Visualize clusters of genes using heatmap and consensus tree-projected pattern.
##' @param r pptree object
##' @param emb cells embedding
##' @param clust a vector of cluster numbers named by genes
##' @param n.best show n.best the most representative genes on the heatmap for each cluster
##' @param best.method use method to select the most representative genes. Current options: "pca" selects genes with the highest loading on pc1 component reconstructed using genes from a cluster, "cor" selects genes that have the highest average correlation with other genes from a cluster.
##' @param cex.gene size of gene names
##' @param cex.cell size of cells on embedding
##' @param cex.tree width of line of tree on embedding
##' @param reclust whether to reorder cells inside individual clusters on heatmap according to hierarchical clustering using Ward linkage and 1-Pearson as a distance between genes. By default is FALSE.
##' @param subtree visualize clusters for a given subtree
##' @export
visualise.clusters <-function(r,emb,clust=NA,clust.n=5,n.best=4,best.method="cor",cex.gene=1,cex.cell=0.1,cex.tree=2,subtree=NA, reclust=TRUE){

  if ( !is.na(clust) & sum(!names(clust)%in%rownames(r$fit.summary))>0) {stop( paste("Expression is not fitted for",sum(!names(clust)%in%rownames(r$fit.summary)),"genes" ))}
  if (best.method!="pca" & best.method!="cor") {stop(paste("incorrect best.method option",best.method) )}
  tseg <- unlist(lapply( unique(r$cell.summary$seg),function(seg)mean(r$cell.summary$t[r$cell.summary$seg==seg]))); names(tseg) <-  unique(r$cell.summary$seg)
  tseg <- tseg[as.character(r$cell.summary$seg)]

  gns <- rownames(ppt$fit.summary)
  if (!is.na(clust)){gns <- names(clust)}
  emat <- r$fit.summary[gns,rownames(r$cell.summary)][,order(tseg,r$cell.summary$t)]
  emat <- t(apply(emat,1,function(x) (x-mean(x))/sd(x) ))
  cols <- r$cell.summary$col[order(tseg,r$cell.summary$t)]
  subcells = TRUE; if (!is.na(subtree)){subcells <- r$cell.summary$seg[order(tseg,r$cell.summary$t)]%in%subtree$seg}

  # cluster genes if necessary
  if (is.na(clust)){
    gns <- rownames(emat)#names(clust)[clust==cln]
    dst.cor <- 1-cor(t(emat[gns,]))
    hcl <- hclust(as.dist(dst.cor),method="ward.D")
    clust <- cutree(hcl,clust.n)

  k <- length(unique(clust))
  genes.show <- unlist(lapply(1:k,function(i){
    n <- n.best; if ( sum(clust==i) < n) {n <- sum(clust==i)}
    if (best.method=="pca"){
      pr <- pca(t(emat[clust==i,]),center = TRUE, scale = "uv")
      pr.best <- rep(i,n); names(pr.best) <- names(sort(pr@loadings[,1],decreasing = T))[1:n]
    }else if (best.method=="cor"){
      cr <- cor(t(emat[clust==i,]))
      cr.best <- rep(i,n); names(cr.best) <- names(sort(apply(cr,1,mean),decreasing = TRUE))[1:n]

  nf <- layout( matrix(unlist(lapply(1:k,function(i) 5*(i-1)+c(1,2,3,1,4,5))),2*k,3, byrow=T),respect = T,width=c(1,1,0.1),heights=rep(c(0.1,1),k) )
  for (cln in 1:k){
    # recluster genes inside module if necessary
    gns <- names(clust)[clust==cln]
    if (reclust==TRUE){
      dst.cor <- 1-cor(t(emat[gns,]))
      hclust.cor <- hclust(as.dist(dst.cor),method="ward.D")
      gns <- gns[hclust.cor$order]

    # draw cluster-wise pattern
    plotppt(r,emb,pattern.cell = apply(emat[clust==cln,],2,mean),cex.main=cex.cell,cex.tree = cex.tree,lwd.tree = 0.1,subtree=subtree)
    # draw color-scheme for branches
    col.ind <- 1:length(unique(cols)); names(col.ind) = unique(cols)
    image( t(rbind( col.ind[cols[subcells]] )),axes=FALSE,col=(unique(cols[subcells])) )


    image( t(emat[gns,subcells]),axes=FALSE,col=colorRampPalette(c("blue","grey80","red"))(n = 60))
    #axis( 4, at=seq(0,1,length.out=sum(clust==cln)),col.axis="black", labels=gns,hadj=0.1,xaxt="s",cex.axis=1.5,font = 3,las= 1,tick=FALSE)

    gns[! gns %in% names(genes.show)[genes.show==cln] ] <- ""
    ### calculate coordinates of genes.show with QP
    coord <- which( names(clust)[clust==cln] %in% names(genes.show)[genes.show==cln] )/sum(clust==cln)
    del <- 1/(sum(genes.show==cln))#0.1
    Dmat <- diag(1,length(coord),length(coord))
    dvec <- rep(0,length(coord))
    Amat <- matrix(0,nrow= 3*length(coord)-1,ncol=length(coord)); bvec = rep(0,3*length(coord)-1)
    for (i in 1:(length(coord)-1)){Amat[i,i] <- -1; Amat[i,i+1] <- 1; bvec[i] <- del - (coord[i+1]-coord[i])}
    for (i in 1:(length(coord))){j <- i+length(coord)-1; Amat[j,i] <- 1; bvec[j] <- -coord[i]+0 }
    for (i in 1:(length(coord))){j <- i+2*length(coord)-1; Amat[j,i] <- -1; bvec[j] <- coord[i]-1}
    qp = solve.QP(Dmat, dvec, t(Amat), bvec, meq=0, factorized=FALSE)
    coord_new = qp$solution + coord
    axis(side = 4, at = coord_new,lwd=0.0,lwd.ticks=0,font=3,cex.axis=cex.gene,labels=gns[gns!=""],tck=0.0,hadj=0.0,line=-0.9,las=1)
    for (i in 1:length(coord)){
      arrows( 0,coord[i],1,coord_new[i],length=0.0,lwd=0.7 )


##' Determine genes differentially upregulated after bifurcation point
##' @param r pptree object
##' @param mat expression matrix of genes (rows) and cells (columnts)
##' @param root a principal point of fork root
##' @param leaves vector of two principal points of fork leaves
##' @param genes optional set of genes to estimate association with fork
##' @param n.mapping number of probabilistic cell-to-tree projections to use for robustness
##' @param n.mapping.up number of probabilistic cell-to-tree projections to estimate the amount of upregulation relative to progenitor branch
##' @return summary statistics of size effect and p-value of association with bifurcaiton fork.
##' @export
test.fork.genes <- function(r,mat,matw=NULL,root,leaves,genes=rownames(mat),n.mapping=1,n.mapping.up=1,n.cores=parallel::detectCores()/2) {
  g <- graph.adjacency(r$B>0,mode="undirected")
  vpath = get.shortest.paths(g,root,leaves)
  interPP = intersection(vpath$vpath[[1]],vpath$vpath[[2]])
  vpath = get.shortest.paths(g, r$pp.info[interPP,]$PP[which.max(r$pp.info[interPP,]$time)],leaves)
  cat("testing differential expression between branches ..");cat("\n")
  gtll <- lapply( 1:n.mapping,function(nm){
    cat("mapping ");cat(nm);cat("\n")
    cell.info <- r$cell.info[[nm]]
    brcells = do.call(rbind,lapply( 1:length(vpath$vpath), function(i){
      segs = as.numeric(names(table(r$pp.info[x,]$seg))[table(r$pp.info[x,]$seg)>1])
      return(cbind(cell.info[cell.info$seg %in% segs,],i))
    # for every gene
    gtl <- do.call(rbind,mclapply(genes,function(gene) {
      brcells$exp <- mat[gene,rownames(brcells)]
      if (is.null(matw)) {brcells$w = 1
      }else {brcells$w <- matw[gene,r$cells][as.integer(gsub("c","",brcells$node))]}
      # time-based models
      m <- mgcv::gam(exp ~ s(t)+s(t,by=as.factor(i))+as.factor(i),data=brcells,familly=gaussian(),weights=brcells$w)
      return( c(mean(brcells$exp[brcells$i==1])-mean(brcells$exp[brcells$i==2]) , min(summary(m)$p.pv[2]) ) )

      #m <- mgcv::gam(exp ~ s(t)+as.factor(i),data=brcells,familly=gaussian(),weights=brcells$w)
      #return( c(mean(brcells$exp[brcells$i==2])-mean(brcells$exp[brcells$i==1]) , min(summary(m)$s.pv[2:3]) ) )
    colnames(gtl) = c("effect","p"); rownames(gtl) = genes; gtl = as.data.frame(gtl)

  effect = do.call(cbind,lapply(gtll,function(gtl) gtl$effect ))
  if (length(gtll) > 1) {effect <- apply(effect,1,median)}
  pval = do.call(cbind,lapply(gtll,function(gtl) gtl$p ))
  if (length(gtll) > 1) {pval <- apply(pval,1,median)}
  fdr = do.call(cbind,lapply(gtll,function(gtl) p.adjust(gtl$p,"BH") ))
  if (length(gtll) > 1) {fdr <- apply(fdr,1,median)}
  st = do.call(cbind,lapply(gtll,function(gtl) gtl$p < 5e-2 ))
  if (length(gtll) > 1) {st <- apply(st,1,mean)}
  stf = do.call(cbind,lapply(gtll,function(gtl) p.adjust(gtl$p,"BH") < 5e-2 ))
  if (length(gtll) > 1) {stf <- apply(stf,1,mean)}

  ### here add a code that estimates the amount of upregulation relative to progenitor branch.
  cat("testing upregulation in derivative relative to progenitor branch ..");cat("\n")
  # n.mapping.up
  eu <- do.call(cbind,lapply(leaves[1:2],function(leave){
    segs = extract.subtree(ppt,c(root,leave))
    posit = do.call(rbind,(mclapply(genes,function(gene){
      eu <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:n.mapping.up,function(j){
        cells = rownames(r$cell.info[[j]])[r$cell.info[[j]]$seg %in% segs$segs]
        ft = lm( mat[gene,cells] ~ r$cell.info[[j]][cells,]$t   )
        return( c(ft$coefficients[2],summary(ft)$coefficients[2,4] ) )
      if (n.mapping.up > 1) {eu <- apply(eu,2,median)}
    },mc.cores = n.cores,mc.preschedule = TRUE)))
  colnames(eu) <- c("pd1.a","pd1.p","pd2.a","pd2.p")

  res <- as.data.frame(cbind(effect = effect, p = pval, fdr = fdr, st = st,stf = stf))
  colnames(res) <- c("effect","p","fdr","st","stf")
  rownames(res) <- genes
  res <- cbind(res,eu)

##' Assign genes differentially expressed between two post-bifurcation branches
##' @param fork.de statistics on expression differences betwee post-bifurcation branches, return of test.fork.genes
##' @param stf.cut fraction of projections when gene passed fdr < 0.05
##' @param effect.b1 expression differences to call gene as differentially upregulated at branch 1
##' @param effect.b2 expression differences to call gene as differentially upregulated at branch 2
##' @param pd.a  minium expression increase at derivative compared to progenitor branches to call gene as branch-specific
##' @param pd.p p-value of expression changes of derivative compared to progenitor branches to call gene as branch-specific
##' @return table fork.de  with added column stat, which classfies genes in branch-specifc (1 or 2) and non-branch-specific (0)
##' @export
branch.specific.genes <- function(fork.de,stf.cut = 0.7, effect.b1 = 0.1,effect.b2 = 0.3, pd.a = 0, pd.p = 5e-2){
  ind <- fork.de$stf >= stf.cut & fork.de$effect  > effect.b1 & fork.de$pd1.a > pd.a & fork.de$pd1.p < pd.p
  gns1 <- rownames(fork.de)[ind]

  ind <- fork.de$stf >= stf.cut & fork.de$effect  < -effect.b2 & fork.de$pd2.a > pd.a & fork.de$pd2.p < pd.p
  gns2 <- rownames(fork.de)[ind]

  state <- rep(0,nrow(fork.de)); names(state) <- rownames(fork.de)
  state[gns1] <- 1
  state[gns2] <- 2


##' Estimate optimum of expression and time of activation
##' @param r ppt.tree object
##' @param mat expression matrix
##' @param root root of progenitor branch of bifurcation
##' @param leaves leaves of derivative branches of bifurcation
##' @param genes genes to estimate parameters
##' @param deriv.cutoff a first passage of derivative through cutoff 'deriv.cutoff' to predict activation timing
##' @param gamma gamma parameter in gam function
##' @param n.mapping results are averaged among n.mapping number of probabilsitic cell projections
##' @param n.cores number of cores to use
##' @return per gene timing of optimum and activation
##' @export
activation.statistics <- function(r,mat,root,leave,genes=rownames(mat),deriv.cutoff = 0.015,gamma=1,n.mapping=1,n.cores=parallel::detectCores()/2){
  xx = do.call(rbind,(mclapply(genes,function(gene){
    gres <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:n.mapping,function(i){
      segs = extract.subtree(ppt,c(root,leave))
      cell.summary <- r$cell.info[[i]]
      cells <- rownames(cell.summary)[cell.summary$seg %in% segs$segs]

      ft = gam( mat[gene,cells] ~ s(cell.summary[cells,]$t),gamma=gamma)
      ord <- order(cell.summary[cells,]$t)
      deriv.n <- ft$fitted.values[ord][-1]-ft$fitted.values[ord][-length(ord)]
      #deriv.d <- r$cell.summary[cells,]$t[-1]-r$cell.summary[cells,]$t[-length(ord)]
      deriv.d <- max(ft$fitted.values[ord]) - min(ft$fitted.values[ord])
      deriv <- deriv.n/deriv.d

        min(c(cell.summary[cells,]$t[-1][ deriv > deriv.cutoff ],max(cell.summary[cells,]$t))) )
    c( median(gres[,1]),median(gres[,2]) )
  },mc.cores = n.cores,mc.preschedule = TRUE)))
  rownames(xx) <- genes
  colnames(xx) <- c("optimum","activation")

##' Estimate optimum of expression and time of activation
##' @param r ppt.tree object
##' @param fork.de outcome of test.fork.genes function
##' @param mat expression matrix
##' @param root root of progenitor branch of bifurcation
##' @param leaves leaves of derivative branches of bifurcation
##' @param deriv.cutoff a first passage of derivative through cutoff 'deriv.cutoff' to predict activation timing
##' @param gamma gamma parameter in gam function
##' @param n.mapping results are averaged among n.mapping number of probabilsitic cell projections
##' @param n.cores number of cores to use
##' @return table fork.de with added per gene timing of optimum and activation
##' @export
activation.fork <- function(r,fork.de,mat,root,leaves,deriv.cutoff = 0.015,gamma=1,n.mapping=1,n.cores=parallel::detectCores()/2){
  cat("estimate activation patterns .. branch 1"); cat("\n")
  gg1 <- rownames(fork.de)[fork.de$state==1]
  act1 <- activation.statistics(r,mat,root,leaves[1],genes=gg1,deriv.cutoff = deriv.cutoff,gamma=gamma,n.mapping=n.mapping,n.cores=n.cores)

  cat("estimate activation patterns .. branch 2"); cat("\n")
  gg2 <- rownames(fork.de)[fork.de$state==2]
  act2 <- activation.statistics(r,fpm,root,leaves[2],genes=gg2,deriv.cutoff = deriv.cutoff,gamma=gamma,n.mapping=n.mapping,n.cores=n.cores)

  act <- cbind( rep(NA,nrow(fork.de)),rep(NA,nrow(fork.de)) );
  rownames(act) <- rownames(fork.de); colnames(act) <- colnames(act1)
  act[gg1,] <- act1
  act[gg2,] <- act2
  return( cbind(fork.de,act) )

##' Extract subtree of the tree
##' @param r ppt.tree object
##' @param nodes set tips or internal nodes (bifurcations) to extract subtree
##' @return list of segments comprising a subtree.
##' @export
extract.subtree = function(r,nodes){
  g <- graph.adjacency(r$B>0,mode="undirected")
  if ( sum(!nodes%in%V(g)) > 0 ) {stop(paste("the following nodes are not in the tree:",nodes[!nodes%in%V(g)],collapse = " ") )}
  if ( sum( igraph::degree(g)==2 & (V(g) %in% nodes) ) > 0 ) {stop( paste("the following nodes are nethier terminal nor fork:",nodes[nodes %in% V(g)[V(g)==2] ],collapse=" ") )}
  vpath = get.shortest.paths(g,nodes[1],nodes)
  v = c()
  for (i in 1:length(vpath$vpath)){
  segs = r$pp.info$seg[r$pp.info$PP %in% v]
  segs = segs[segs %in% names(table(segs))[table(segs) > 1]]
  #v=v[ r$pp.info[v,]$seg %in% unique(segs)  ] #list( segs = unique(segs), pp = v )
  list( segs = unique(segs) )

##' Extract subtree of the tree
##' @param r ppt.tree object
##' @param nodes set tips or internal nodes (bifurcations) to extract subtree
##' @return list of segments comprising a subtree.
##' @export
fork.pt = function(r,root,leaves){
  b1 <- extract.subtree(r,c(root,leaves[1]))
  b2 <- extract.subtree(r,c(root,leaves[2]))
  segs.prog <- intersect(b1$segs,b2$segs)
  segs.b1 <- setdiff(b1$segs,segs.prog)
  segs.b2 <- setdiff(b2$segs,segs.prog)

  time.stat <- c( min(r$pp.info$time[r$pp.info$seg %in% segs.prog]),
                  max(r$pp.info$time[r$pp.info$seg %in% segs.prog]),
                  max(r$pp.info$time[r$pp.info$seg %in% segs.b1]),
                  max(r$pp.info$time[r$pp.info$seg %in% segs.b2])
  names(time.stat) <- c("root","bifurcation","leave 1","leave 2")

##' Predict regulatory impact (activity) of transcription factors
##' @param em matrix of expression levels
##' @param motmat matrix of target-TF scores
##' @param perm boolean, do permutations if TRUE.
##' @param n.cores number of cores to use
##' @return matrix of predited TF activities in cells.
##' @export
activity.lasso <- function(em,motmat,perm=FALSE,n.cores=1){
  gns <- intersect(rownames(em),rownames(motmat))

  # center expression and TF-target scores
  em.norm = em[gns,]-apply(em[gns,],1,mean)
  motmat.norm <- motmat[gns,]-apply(motmat[gns,],2,mean)

  poss <- 1:nrow(em.norm)
  if (perm==TRUE) {poss <- sample(1:nrow(em.norm))}
  # lasso regression for each cell
  cv.lasso = do.call(cbind, mclapply(1:ncol(em.norm),function(i){
    cv.lasso <- cv.glmnet( motmat.norm,em.norm[poss,i],alpha=1,intercept=FALSE, standardize=TRUE)#,type.measure='auc')
    return( coef(cv.lasso,s=cv.lasso$lambda.min)[2:(ncol(motmat)+1),1] )
  },mc.cores = n.cores))
  rownames(cv.lasso) = colnames(motmat); colnames(cv.lasso) = colnames(em.norm)

##' Decompose a number by degrees of 2.
##' @param n number
decompose <- function(n){
  base.binary = c()
  while (n > 0){
    x <- as.integer(log2(n))
    base.binary <- c(base.binary,x)
    n = n - 2^x
hms-dbmi/crestree documentation built on July 11, 2019, 8:04 p.m.