
Defines functions nichenet_main

Documented in nichenet_main

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

#  This file is part of the `OmnipathR` R package
#  Copyright
#  2018-2024
#  Saez Lab, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  File author(s): Alberto Valdeolivas
#                  Dénes Türei (turei.denes@gmail.com)
#                  Attila Gábor
#  Distributed under the MIT (Expat) License.
#  See accompanying file `LICENSE` or find a copy at
#      https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Expat
#  Website: https://r.omnipathdb.org/
#  Git repo: https://github.com/saezlab/OmnipathR

#' Executes the full NicheNet pipeline
#' Builds all prior knowledge data required by NicheNet. For this it calls
#' a multitude of methods to download and combine data from various
#' databases according to the settings. The content of the prior knowledge
#' data is highly customizable, see the documentation of the related
#' functions. After the prior knowledge is ready, it performs parameter
#' optimization to build a NicheNet model. This results a weighted ligand-
#' target matrix. Then, considering the expressed genes from user provided
#' data, a gene set of interest and background genes, it executes the
#' NicheNet ligand activity analysis.
#' @param only_omnipath Logical: use only OmniPath for network knowledge.
#'     This is a simple switch for convenience, further options are available
#'     by the other arguments. By default we use all available resources.
#'     The networks can be customized on a resource by resource basis, as
#'     well as providing custom parameters for individual resources, using
#'     the parameters `signaling_network`, `lr_network` and `gr_network`.
#' @param expressed_genes_transmitter Character vector with the gene symbols
#'     of the genes expressed in the cells transmitting the signal.
#' @param expressed_genes_receiver Character vector with the gene symbols
#'     of the genes expressed in the cells receiving the signal.
#' @param genes_of_interest Character vector with the gene symbols of the
#'     genes of interest. These are the genes in the receiver cell population
#'     that are potentially affected by ligands expressed by interacting
#'     cells (e.g. genes differentially expressed upon cell-cell interaction).
#' @param background_genes Character vector with the gene symbols of the
#'     genes to be used as background.
#' @param use_weights Logical: calculate and use optimized weights for
#'     resources (i.e. one resource seems to be better than another, hence
#'     the former is considered with a higher weight).
#' @param n_top_ligands How many of the top ligands to include in the
#'     ligand-target table.
#' @param n_top_targets How many of the top targets (for each of the top
#'     ligands) to consider in the ligand-target table.
#' @param signaling_network A list of parameters for building the signaling
#'     network, passed to \code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network}}.
#' @param lr_network A list of parameters for building the ligand-receptor
#'     network, passed to \code{\link{nichenet_lr_network}}.
#' @param gr_network A list of parameters for building the gene regulatory
#'     network, passed to \code{\link{nichenet_gr_network}}.
#' @param small Logical: build a small network for testing purposes, using
#'     only OmniPath data. It is also a high quality network, it is
#'     reasonable to try the analysis with this small network.
#' @param tiny Logical: build an even smaller network for testing
#'     purposes. As this involves random subsetting, it's not recommended
#'     to use this network for analysis.
#' @param make_multi_objective_function_param Override parameters for
#'     \code{smoof::makeMultiObjectiveFunction}.
#' @param objective_function_param Override additional arguments passed to
#'     the objective function.
#' @param mlrmbo_optimization_param Override arguments for
#'     \code{nichenetr::mlrmbo_optimization}.
#' @param construct_ligand_target_matrix_param Override parameters for
#'     \code{nichenetr::construct_ligand_target_matrix}.
#' @param results_dir Character: path to the directory to save intermediate
#'     and final outputs from NicheNet methods.
#' @param quality_filter_param Arguments for \code{
#'     \link{filter_intercell_network}} (quality filtering of the OmniPath
#'     ligand-receptor network). It is recommended to check these parameters
#'     and apply some quality filtering. The defaults already ensure certain
#'     filtering, but you might want more relaxed or stringent options.
#' @return A named list with the intermediate and final outputs of the
#'     pipeline: `networks`, `expression`, `optimized_parameters`,
#'     `weighted_networks` and `ligand_target_matrix`.
#' @details
#' About \emph{small} and \emph{tiny} networks: Building a NicheNet model
#' is computationally demanding, taking several hours to run. As this is
#' related to the enormous size of the networks, to speed up testing we can
#' use smaller networks, around 1,000 times smaller, with few thousands of
#' interactions instead of few millions. Random subsetting of the whole
#' network would result disjunct fragments, instead we load only a few
#' resources. To run the whole pipeline with tiny networks use \code{
#' \link{nichenet_test}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' nichenet_results <- nichenet_main(
#'     # altering some network resource parameters, the rest
#'     # of the resources will be loaded according to the defaults
#'     signaling_network = list(
#'         cpdb = NULL, # this resource will be excluded
#'         inbiomap = NULL,
#'         evex = list(min_confidence = 1.0) # override some parameters
#'     ),
#'     gr_network = list(only_omnipath = TRUE),
#'     n_top_ligands = 20,
#'     # override the default number of CPU cores to use
#'     mlrmbo_optimization_param = list(ncores = 4)
#' )
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>%
#' @importFrom logger log_success
#' @importFrom rlang exec !!!
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_networks}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_lr_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_test}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_workarounds}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_results_dir}}}
#' }
nichenet_main <- function(
    only_omnipath = FALSE,
    expressed_genes_transmitter = NULL,
    expressed_genes_receiver = NULL,
    genes_of_interest = NULL,
    background_genes = NULL,
    use_weights = TRUE,
    n_top_ligands = 42,
    n_top_targets = 250,
    signaling_network = list(),
    lr_network = list(),
    gr_network = list(),
    small = FALSE,
    tiny = FALSE,
    make_multi_objective_function_param = list(),
    objective_function_param = list(),
    mlrmbo_optimization_param = list(),
    construct_ligand_target_matrix_param = list(),
    results_dir = NULL,
    quality_filter_param = list()

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    optimization_results <- optimized_parameters <- use_weights_networks <-
    ligand_target_matrix <- NULL

    top_env <- environment()

    results_dir %>%
    if_null(getOption('omnipath.nichenet_results_dir')) %>%
    options(omnipath.nichenet_results_dir = .)

    log_success('Building NicheNet prior knowledge.')

    networks <-
            signaling_network = signaling_network,
            lr_network = lr_network,
            gr_network = gr_network,
            only_omnipath = only_omnipath,
            small = small,
            tiny = tiny,
            quality_filter_param = quality_filter_param

    expression <-
        nichenet_expression_data() %>%
        nichenet_remove_orphan_ligands(lr_network = networks$lr_network)

    log_success('Finished building NicheNet prior knowledge.')
    log_success('Building NicheNet model.')

    optimization_results <-
        networks %>%
            expression = expression,
            make_multi_objective_function_param =
            objective_function_param = objective_function_param,
            mlrmbo_optimization_param = mlrmbo_optimization_param

    optimized_parameters <-
            networks = networks,
            optimization_results = optimization_results,
            use_weights = use_weights

    ligand_target_matrix <-
            lr_network = networks$lr_network,
            optimized_parameters = optimized_parameters,
            construct_ligand_target_matrix_param =
            use_weights = use_weights

    log_success('Finished building NicheNet model.')

        ligand_target_matrix = ligand_target_matrix,
        lr_network = networks$lr_network,
        expressed_genes_transmitter = expressed_genes_transmitter,
        expressed_genes_receiver = expressed_genes_receiver,
        genes_of_interest = genes_of_interest,
        background_genes = background_genes
    ) %>%
        any(map_lgl(., is.null)),
        list(ligand_activities = NULL, ligand_target_links = NULL),
        exec(nichenet_ligand_activities, !!!.)
    )} %>%
            networks = networks,
            expression = expression,
            optimized_parameters = optimized_parameters,
            use_weights_networks = use_weights_networks,
            ligand_target_matrix = ligand_target_matrix
    ) %T>%
    {log_success('Completed NicheNet pipeline.')}


#' Removes experiments with orphan ligands
#' Removes from the expression data the perturbation experiments involving
#' ligands without connections.
#' @param expression Expression data as returned by
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_expression_data}}.
#' @param lr_network A NicheNet format ligand-recptor network data frame as
#'     produced by \code{\link{nichenet_lr_network}}.
#' @return The same list as `expression` with certain elements removed.
#' @examples
#' lr_network <- nichenet_lr_network()
#' expression <- nichenet_expression_data()
#' expression <- nichenet_remove_orphan_ligands(expression, lr_network)
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom purrr keep
nichenet_remove_orphan_ligands <- function(expression, lr_network){


    all_ligands <- lr_network$from %>% unique

    expression %>%
            all(record$from %in% all_ligands)
    ) %T>%
        'Expression experiments after removing unconnected ligands: %d',


#' Optimizes NicheNet model parameters
#' Optimize NicheNet method parameters, i.e. PageRank parameters and source
#' weights, basedon a collection of experiments where the effect of a ligand
#' on gene expression was measured.
#' @param networks A list with NicheNet format signaling, ligand-receptor
#'     and gene regulatory networks as produced by
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_networks}}.
#' @param expression A list with expression data from ligand perturbation
#'     experiments, as produced by \code{\link{nichenet_expression_data}}.
#' @param make_multi_objective_function_param Override parameters for
#'     \code{smoof::makeMultiObjectiveFunction}.
#' @param objective_function_param Override additional arguments passed to
#'     the objective function.
#' @param mlrmbo_optimization_param Override arguments for
#'     \code{nichenetr::mlrmbo_optimization}.
#' @return A result object from the function \code{mlrMBO::mbo}. Among other
#'     things, this contains the optimal parameter settings, the output
#'     corresponding to every input etc.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' networks <- nichenet_networks()
#' expression <- nichenet_expression_data()
#' optimization_results <- nichenet_optimization(networks, expression)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %<>%
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
nichenet_optimization <- function(
    make_multi_objective_function_param = list(),
    objective_function_param = list(),
    mlrmbo_optimization_param = list()

    # R CMD check workaround
    nichenetr <- convert_expression_settings_evaluation <-
    mlrmbo_optimization <- model_evaluation_optimization <- NULL

    resources <-
        networks %>%
        map(list('source', unique)) %>%
        unlist %>%

    n_resources <- resources %>% length

    optimization_results_rds_path <-
        nichenet_results_dir() %>%

    mof_topology_correction <-
        make_multi_objective_function_param %>%
            fun = smoof::makeMultiObjectiveFunction,
            defaults = list(
                name = 'nichenet_optimization',
                description = paste(
                    'Data source weight and hyperparameter optimization:',
                    'expensive black-box function'
                fn = nichenetr%::%model_evaluation_optimization,
                par.set = ParamHelpers::makeParamSet(
                        len = n_resources,
                        lower = 0,
                        upper = 1,
                        tunable = FALSE
                        len = 1,
                        lower = 0,
                        upper = 1,
                        tunable = TRUE
                        len = 1,
                        lower = 0,
                        upper = 1,
                        tunable = TRUE
                        len = 1,
                        lower = 0.9,
                        upper = 0.999,
                        tunable = TRUE
                        len = 1,
                        lower = 0.01,
                        upper = 0.99,
                        tunable = TRUE
                has.simple.signature = FALSE,
                n.objectives = 4,
                noisy = FALSE,
                minimize = rep(FALSE, 4)
        ) %>%
        do.call(what = smoof::makeMultiObjectiveFunction)

    objective_function_param %<>%
            fun = mof_topology_correction,
            defaults = list(
                source_names = resources,
                algorithm = 'PPR',
                correct_topology = FALSE,
                lr_network = networks$lr_network,
                sig_network = networks$signaling_network,
                gr_network = networks$gr_network,
                settings = expression %>% map(
                secondary_targets = FALSE,
                remove_direct_links = 'no',
                cutoff_method = 'quantile'

    mlrmbo_optimization_param %>%
        fun = nichenetr%::%mlrmbo_optimization,
        defaults = list(
            run_id = 1,
            obj_fun = mof_topology_correction,
            niter = 8,
            ncores = 8,
            nstart = 160,
            additional_arguments = objective_function_param
    ) %T>%
        'Running multi-objective model-based optimization'
    )} %>%
    do.call(what = nichenetr%::%mlrmbo_optimization) %T>%
    saveRDS(optimization_results_rds_path) %T>%
            'Multi-objective model-based optimization ready, ',
            'saved results to `%s`.'


#' Construct a NicheNet ligand-target model
#' @param optimization_results The outcome of NicheNet parameter optimization
#'     as produced by \code{\link{nichenet_optimization}}.
#' @param networks A list with NicheNet format signaling, ligand-receptor
#'     and gene regulatory networks as produced by
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_networks}}.
#' @param use_weights Logical: whether to use the optimized weights.
#' @return A named list with two elements: `weighted_networks` and
#'     `optimized_parameters`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' expression <- nichenet_expression_data()
#' networks <- nichenet_networks()
#' optimization_results <- nichenet_optimization(networks, expression)
#' nichenet_model <- nichenet_build_model(optimization_results, networks)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>%
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
nichenet_build_model <- function(
    use_weights = TRUE

    # R CMD check workaround
    nichenetr <- process_mlrmbo_nichenet_optimization <-
    construct_weighted_networks <- apply_hub_corrections <- NULL

    # all resources with initial weights of 1
    resource_weights <-
        networks %>%
        map(list('source', unique)) %>%
        unlist %>%
        unique %>%
        {tibble(source = .)} %>%
        mutate(weight = 1)

    optimized_parameters <-
        optimization_results %T>%
        {logger::log_success('Processing MLRMBO parameters.')} %>%
            source_names = resource_weights %>% pull(source) %>% unique
        ) %T>%
        {logger::log_success('Finished processing MLRMBO parameters.')}

    weighted_networks_rds_path <-
        nichenet_results_dir() %>%
                `if`(use_weights, '_weighted', '')

    logger::log_success('Creating weighted networks.')

        lr_network = networks$lr_network,
        sig_network = networks$signaling_network,
        gr_network = networks$gr_network,
        source_weights_df = `if`(
    ) %T>%
    {logger::log_success('Applying hub corrections.')} %>%
        lr_sig_hub = optimized_parameters$lr_sig_hub,
        gr_hub = optimized_parameters$gr_hub
    ) %T>%
    saveRDS(weighted_networks_rds_path) %T>%
        'Created weighted networks, saved to `%s`.',
    )} %>%
        weighted_networks = .,
        optimized_parameters = optimized_parameters


#' Creates a NicheNet ligand-target matrix
#' @param weighted_networks Weighted networks as provided by
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_build_model}}.
#' @param lr_network A data frame with ligand-receptor interactions, as
#'     produced by \code{\link{nichenet_lr_network}}.
#' @param optimized_parameters The outcome of NicheNet parameter optimization
#'     as produced by \code{\link{nichenet_build_model}}.
#' @param use_weights Logical: wether the network sources are weighted. In this
#'     function it only affects the output file name.
#' @param construct_ligand_target_matrix_param Override parameters for
#'     \code{nichenetr::construct_ligand_target_matrix}.
#' @return A matrix containing ligand-target probability scores.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' networks <- nichenet_networks()
#' expression <- nichenet_expression_data()
#' optimization_results <- nichenet_optimization(networks, expression)
#' nichenet_model <- nichenet_build_model(optimization_results, networks)
#' lt_matrix <- nichenet_ligand_target_matrix(
#'     nichenet_model$weighted_networks,
#'     networks$lr_network,
#'     nichenet_model$optimized_parameters
#' )
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>%
nichenet_ligand_target_matrix <- function(
    use_weights = TRUE,
    construct_ligand_target_matrix_param = list()

    # R CMD check workaround
    nichenetr <- construct_ligand_target_matrix <- NULL

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    from <- NULL

    ligands <- lr_network %>% pull(from) %>% unique %>% as.list

    ligand_target_matrix_rds_path <-
        nichenet_results_dir() %>%
                `if`(use_weights, '_weighted', '')

    construct_ligand_target_matrix_param %>%
        fun = (nichenetr%::%construct_ligand_target_matrix),
        defaults = list(
            weighted_networks = weighted_networks,
            ligands = ligands,
            algorithm = 'PPR',
            damping_factor = optimized_parameters$damping_factor,
            ltf_cutoff = optimized_parameters$ltf_cutoff
    ) %T>%
    {logger::log_success('Creating ligand-target matrix.')} %>%
    do.call(what = nichenetr%::%construct_ligand_target_matrix) %T>%
    saveRDS(ligand_target_matrix_rds_path) %T>%
        'Created ligand-target matrix, saved to `%s`.',


#' Calls the NicheNet ligand activity analysis
#' @param ligand_target_matrix A matrix with rows and columns corresponding
#'     to ligands and targets, respectively. Produced by
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_ligand_target_matrix}} or
#'     \code{nichenetr::construct_ligand_target_matrix}.
#' @param lr_network A data frame with ligand-receptor interactions, as
#'     produced by \code{\link{nichenet_lr_network}}.
#' @param expressed_genes_transmitter Character vector with the gene symbols
#'     of the genes expressed in the cells transmitting the signal.
#' @param expressed_genes_receiver Character vector with the gene symbols
#'     of the genes expressed in the cells receiving the signal.
#' @param genes_of_interest Character vector with the gene symbols of the
#'     genes of interest. These are the genes in the receiver cell population
#'     that are potentially affected by ligands expressed by interacting
#'     cells (e.g. genes differentially expressed upon cell-cell interaction).
#' @param background_genes Character vector with the gene symbols of the
#'     genes to be used as background.
#' @param n_top_ligands How many of the top ligands to include in the
#'     ligand-target table.
#' @param n_top_targets For each ligand, how many of the top targets to
#'     include in the ligand-target table.
#' @return A named list with `ligand_activities` (a tibble giving several
#'     ligand activity scores; following columns in the tibble: $test_ligand,
#'     $auroc, $aupr and $pearson) and `ligand_target_links` (a tibble with
#'     columns ligand, target and weight (i.e. regulatory potential score)).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' networks <- nichenet_networks()
#' expression <- nichenet_expression_data()
#' optimization_results <- nichenet_optimization(networks, expression)
#' nichenet_model <- nichenet_build_model(optimization_results, networks)
#' lt_matrix <- nichenet_ligand_target_matrix(
#'     nichenet_model$weighted_networks,
#'     networks$lr_network,
#'     nichenet_model$optimized_parameters
#' )
#' ligand_activities <- nichenet_ligand_activities(
#'     ligand_target_matrix = lt_matrix,
#'     lr_network = networks$lr_network,
#'     # the rest of the parameters should come
#'     # from your transcriptomics data:
#'     expressed_genes_transmitter = expressed_genes_transmitter,
#'     expressed_genes_receiver = expressed_genes_receiver,
#'     genes_of_interest = genes_of_interest
#' )
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>% %T>%
#' @importFrom dplyr pull filter arrange
#' @importFrom logger log_success
nichenet_ligand_activities <- function(
    background_genes = NULL,
    n_top_ligands = 42,
    n_top_targets = 250

    # R CMD check workaround
    nichenetr <- predict_ligand_activities <- NULL

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    from <- to <- pearson <- NULL

    log_success('Running ligand activity analysis.')

    ligand_activites_rds_path <-
        nichenet_results_dir() %>%

    potential_ligands <-
        lr_network %>%
            from %in% expressed_genes_transmitter &
            to %in% expressed_genes_receiver
        ) %>%
        pull(from) %>%

    genes_of_interest %<>%
        intersect(rownames(ligand_target_matrix)) %>%

    background_genes %<>%
            expressed_genes_receiver %>%
            # shouldn't we also remove the genes of interest?

        geneset = genes_of_interest,
        background_expressed_genes = background_genes,
        ligand_target_matrix = ligand_target_matrix,
        potential_ligands = potential_ligands
    ) %>%
    arrange(-pearson) %>%
        ligand_activities = .,
        ligand_target_links = nichenet_ligand_target_links(
            ligand_activities = .,
            ligand_target_matrix = ligand_target_matrix,
            genes_of_interest = genes_of_interest,
            n_top_ligands = n_top_ligands,
            n_top_targets = n_top_targets
    ) %T>%
    {saveRDS(.$ligand_activities, ligand_activites_rds_path)} %T>%
        'Finished running ligand activity analysis, saved to `%s`.',


#' Compiles a table with weighted ligand-target links
#' A wrapper around \code{nichenetr::get_weighted_ligand_target_links} to
#' compile a data frame with weighted links from the top ligands to their
#' top targets.
#' @param ligand_activities Ligand activity table as produced by
#'     \code{nichenetr::predict_ligand_activities}.
#' @param ligand_target_matrix Ligand-target matrix as produced by
#'     \code{nichenetr::construct_ligand_target_matrix} or the wrapper
#'     around it in the current package:
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_ligand_target_matrix}}.
#' @param genes_of_interest Character vector with the gene symbols of the
#'     genes of interest. These are the genes in the receiver cell population
#'     that are potentially affected by ligands expressed by interacting
#'     cells (e.g. genes differentially expressed upon cell-cell interaction).
#' @param n_top_ligands How many of the top ligands to include in the
#'     ligand-target table.
#' @param n_top_targets For each ligand, how many of the top targets to
#'     include in the ligand-target table.
#' @return A tibble with columns ligand, target and weight (i.e. regulatory
#'     potential score).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' networks <- nichenet_networks()
#' expression <- nichenet_expression_data()
#' optimization_results <- nichenet_optimization(networks, expression)
#' nichenet_model <- nichenet_build_model(optimization_results, networks)
#' lt_matrix <- nichenet_ligand_target_matrix(
#'     nichenet_model$weighted_networks,
#'     networks$lr_network,
#'     nichenet_model$optimized_parameters
#' )
#' ligand_activities <- nichenet_ligand_activities(
#'     ligand_target_matrix = lt_matrix,
#'     lr_network = networks$lr_network,
#'     # the rest of the parameters should come
#'     # from your transcriptomics data:
#'     expressed_genes_transmitter = expressed_genes_transmitter,
#'     expressed_genes_receiver = expressed_genes_receiver,
#'     genes_of_interest = genes_of_interest
#' )
#' lt_links <- nichenet_ligand_target_links(
#'     ligand_activities = ligand_activities,
#'     ligand_target_matrix = lt_matrix,
#'     genes_of_interest = genes_of_interest,
#'     n_top_ligands = 20,
#'     n_top_targets = 100
#' )
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr slice_max pull bind_rows
#' @importFrom purrr map
nichenet_ligand_target_links <- function(
    n_top_ligands = 42,
    n_top_targets = 250

    # R CMD check workaround
    nichenetr <- get_weighted_ligand_target_links <- NULL

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    pearson <- test_ligand <- NULL

    ligand_activities %>%
    slice_max(abs(pearson), n = n_top_ligands) %>%
    pull(test_ligand) %>%
        geneset = genes_of_interest,
        ligand_target_matrix = ligand_target_matrix,
        n = n_top_targets
    ) %>%


#' Path to the current NicheNet results directory
#' Path to the directory to save intermediate and final outputs from NicheNet
#' methods.
#' @return Character: path to the NicheNet results directory.
#' @examples
#' nichenet_results_dir()
#' # [1] "nichenet_results"
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>%
nichenet_results_dir <- function(){

    'omnipath.nichenet_results_dir' %>%
    options %>%
    `[[`(1) %T>%
    dir.create(showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)


#' Builds NicheNet network prior knowledge
#' Builds network knowledge required by NicheNet. For this it calls
#' a multitude of methods to download and combine data from various
#' databases according to the settings. The content of the prior knowledge
#' data is highly customizable, see the documentation of the related
#' functions.
#' @param signaling_network A list of parameters for building the signaling
#'     network, passed to \code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network}}
#' @param lr_network A list of parameters for building the ligand-receptor
#'     network, passed to \code{\link{nichenet_lr_network}}
#' @param gr_network A list of parameters for building the gene regulatory
#'     network, passed to \code{\link{nichenet_gr_network}}
#' @param only_omnipath Logical: a shortcut to use only OmniPath as network
#'     resource.
#' @param small Logical: build a small network for testing purposes, using
#'     only OmniPath data. It is also a high quality network, it is
#'     reasonable to try the analysis with this small network.
#' @param tiny Logical: build an even smaller network for testing
#'     purposes. As this involves random subsetting, it's not recommended
#'     to use this network for analysis.
#' @param quality_filter_param Arguments for \code{
#'     \link{filter_intercell_network}} (quality filtering of the OmniPath
#'     ligand-receptor network). It is recommended to check these parameters
#'     and apply some quality filtering. The defaults already ensure certain
#'     filtering, but you might want more relaxed or stringent options.
#' @return A named list with three network data frames (tibbles): the
#'     signaling, the ligand-receptor (lr) and the gene regulatory (gr)
#'     networks.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' networks <- nichenet_networks()
#' dplyr::sample_n(networks$gr_network, 10)
#' # # A tibble: 10 x 4
#' #    from    to       source               database
#' #    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>                <chr>
#' #  1 MAX     ALG3     harmonizome_ENCODE   harmonizome
#' #  2 MAX     IMPDH1   harmonizome_ENCODE   harmonizome
#' #  3 SMAD5   LCP1     Remap_5              Remap
#' #  4 HNF4A   TNFRSF19 harmonizome_CHEA     harmonizome
#' #  5 SMC3    FAP      harmonizome_ENCODE   harmonizome
#' #  6 E2F6    HIST1H1B harmonizome_ENCODE   harmonizome
#' #  7 TFAP2C  MAT2B    harmonizome_ENCODE   harmonizome
#' #  8 USF1    TBX4     harmonizome_TRANSFAC harmonizome
#' #  9 MIR133B FETUB    harmonizome_TRANSFAC harmonizome
#' # 10 SP4     HNRNPH2  harmonizome_ENCODE   harmonizome
#' }
#' # use only OmniPath:
#' omnipath_networks <- nichenet_networks(only_omnipath = TRUE)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>%
#' @importFrom purrr map2 keep
#' @importFrom logger log_success
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_lr_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network}}}
#' }
nichenet_networks <- function(
    signaling_network = list(),
    lr_network = list(),
    gr_network = list(),
    only_omnipath = FALSE,
    small = FALSE,
    tiny = FALSE,
    quality_filter_param = list()

    networks_rds_path <-
        nichenet_results_dir() %>%

        small || tiny,
        nichenet_networks_small(tiny = tiny),
        environment() %>%
        as.list() %T>%
        {logger::log_success('Building NicheNet network knowledge')} %>%
        keep(names(.) %>% endsWith('_network')) %>%
            function(args, network_type){
                if(!('only_omnipath' %in% names(args))){
                    args$only_omnipath <- only_omnipath
                if(network_type == 'lr_network'){
                    args$quality_filter_param <- quality_filter_param
                network_type %>%
                sprintf('nichenet_%s', .) %>%
                get() %>%
        ) %T>%
        {log_success('Finished building NicheNet network knowledge')}
    ) %T>%
    saveRDS(networks_rds_path) %T>%
    {log_success('Saved networks to `%s`.', networks_rds_path)}


#' Builds a NicheNet signaling network
#' Builds signaling network prior knowledge for NicheNet using multiple
#' resources.
#' @param omnipath List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_omnipath}}.
#' @param pathwaycommons List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_pathwaycommons}}.
#' @param harmonizome List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_harmonizome}}.
#' @param vinayagam List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_vinayagam}}.
#' @param cpdb List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_cpdb}}.
#' @param evex List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_evex}}.
#' @param inbiomap List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_inbiomap}}.
#' @param only_omnipath Logical: a shortcut to use only OmniPath as network
#'     resource.
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with signaling interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' # load everything with the default parameters:
#' # we don't load inBio Map due to the - hopefully
#' # temporary - issues of their server
#' sig_network <- nichenet_signaling_network(inbiomap = NULL, cpdb = NULL)
#' # override parameters for some resources:
#' sig_network <- nichenet_signaling_network(
#'     omnipath = list(resources = c('SIGNOR', 'SignaLink3', 'SPIKE')),
#'     pathwaycommons = NULL,
#'     harmonizome = list(datasets = c('phosphositeplus', 'depod')),
#'     # we can not include this in everyday tests as it takes too long:
#'     # cpdb = list(complex_max_size = 1, min_score = .98),
#'     cpdb = NULL,
#'     evex = list(min_confidence = 1.5),
#'     inbiomap = NULL
#' )
#' # use only OmniPath:
#' sig_network_omnipath <- nichenet_signaling_network(only_omnipath = TRUE)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_omnipath}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_pathwaycommons}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_harmonizome}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_vinayagam}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_cpdb}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_evex}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network_inbiomap}}}
#' }
nichenet_signaling_network <- function(
    omnipath = list(),
    pathwaycommons = list(),
    harmonizome = list(),
    vinayagam = list(),
    cpdb = list(),
    evex = list(),
    inbiomap = list(),
    only_omnipath = FALSE


    environment() %>%
    as.list() %>%
    `[[<-`('network_type', 'signaling') %>%
    do.call(nichenet_network, .)


#' Builds a NicheNet ligand-receptor network
#' Builds ligand-receptor network prior knowledge for NicheNet using multiple
#' resources.
#' @param omnipath List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_lr_network_omnipath}}.
#' @param guide2pharma List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_lr_network_guide2pharma}}.
#' @param ramilowski List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_lr_network_ramilowski}}.
#' @param only_omnipath Logical: a shortcut to use only OmniPath as network
#'     resource.
#' @param quality_filter_param Arguments for \code{
#'     \link{filter_intercell_network}} (quality filtering of the OmniPath
#'     ligand-receptor network). It is recommended to check these parameters
#'     and apply some quality filtering. The defaults already ensure certain
#'     filtering, but you might want more relaxed or stringent options.
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with ligand-receptor interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' # load everything with the default parameters:
#' lr_network <- nichenet_lr_network()
#' # don't use Ramilowski:
#' lr_network <- nichenet_lr_network(ramilowski = NULL)
#' # use only OmniPath:
#' lr_network_omnipath <- nichenet_lr_network(only_omnipath = TRUE)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_lr_network_omnipath}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_lr_network_guide2pharma}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_lr_network_ramilowski}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{filter_intercell_network}}}
#' }
nichenet_lr_network <- function(
    omnipath = list(),
    guide2pharma = list(),
    ramilowski = list(),
    only_omnipath = FALSE,
    quality_filter_param = list()


    environment() %>%
    as.list() %>%
    `[[<-`('network_type', 'lr') %>%
    do.call(nichenet_network, .)


#' Builds a NicheNet gene regulatory network
#' Builds gene regulatory network prior knowledge for NicheNet using multiple
#' resources.
#' @param omnipath List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_omnipath}}.
#' @param harmonizome List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_harmonizome}}.
#' @param regnetwork List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_regnetwork}}.
#' @param htridb List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_htridb}}.
#' @param remap List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_remap}}.
#' @param evex List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_evex}}.
#' @param pathwaycommons List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_pathwaycommons}}.
#' @param trrust List with paramaters to be passed to
#'     \code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_trrust}}.
#' @param only_omnipath Logical: a shortcut to use only OmniPath as network
#'     resource.
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with gene regulatory interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' # load everything with the default parameters:
#' gr_network <- nichenet_gr_network()
#' # less targets from ReMap, not using RegNetwork:
#' gr_network <- nichenet_gr_network(
#'     # I needed to disable ReMap here due to some issues
#'     # of one of the Bioconductor build servers
#'     # remap = list(top_targets = 200),
#'     remap = NULL,
#'     regnetwork = NULL,
#' )
#' # use only OmniPath:
#' gr_network_omnipath <- nichenet_gr_network(only_omnipath = TRUE)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_evex}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_harmonizome}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_htridb}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_omnipath}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_pathwaycommons}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_regnetwork}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_remap}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_trrust}}}
#' }
nichenet_gr_network <- function(
    omnipath = list(),
    harmonizome = list(),
    regnetwork = list(),
    htridb = list(),
    remap = list(),
    evex = list(),
    pathwaycommons = list(),
    trrust = list(),
    only_omnipath = FALSE


    environment() %>%
    as.list() %>%
    `[[<-`('network_type', 'gr') %>%
    do.call(nichenet_network, .)


#' Common method to build NicheNet network prior knowledge
#' @param network_type Character: type of the interactions, either
#'     "signaling", "lr" (ligand-receptor) or "gr" (gene regulatory).
#' @param only_omnipath Logical: a shortcut to use only OmniPath as network
#'     resource.
#' @param quality_filter_param Arguments for \code{
#'     \link{filter_intercell_network}} (quality filtering of the OmniPath
#'     ligand-receptor network). It is recommended to check these parameters
#'     and apply some quality filtering. The defaults already ensure certain
#'     filtering, but you might want more relaxed or stringent options.
#' @param ... Argument names are the name of the resources to download (all
#'     lowercase), while their values are lists of arguments to the resource
#'     specific nichenet import methods (an empty list if no arguments should
#'     be overridden). If the value is NULL the resource will be omitted.
#' @return A data frame (tibble) with interactions suitable for use with
#'     NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' # load the ligand-receptor network with the default parameters:
#' lr_network <- nichenet_network(network_type = 'lr')
#' @importFrom purrr map2 discard keep
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows filter
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
#' @importFrom logger log_info log_success
#' @noRd
nichenet_network <- function(
    only_omnipath = FALSE,
    quality_filter_param = list(),


    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    from <- to <- NULL

    network_types <- list(
        signaling = 'signaling',
        lr = 'ligand-receptor',
        gr = 'gene regulatory'

    list(...) %>%
        length(.) == 0,
        sprintf('nichenet_%s_network', network_type) %>%
        get() %>%
        formals() %>%
        discard(names(.) == 'only_omnipath'),
    )} %>%
    discard(is.null) %>%
        keep(., names(.) == 'omnipath'),
    )} %T>%
        'Starting to build NicheNet %s network',
    )} %>%
        function(args, resource){
            args$quality_filter_param <- `if`(
                network_type == 'lr' && resource == 'OmniPath',
            resource %T>%
            {log_info('Loading resource `%s`.', .)} %>%
            sprintf('nichenet_%s_network_%s', network_type, .) %>%
            get() %>%
    ) %>%
    # add an empty tibble just to avoid error in case of using no resources
            character() %>%
            list() %>%
            rep(4) %>%
            set_names(c('from', 'to', 'source', 'database')) %>%
            do.call(what = tibble)
    ) %>%
    bind_rows %>%
    filter(from != to) %>%
    filter(!is.na(from) & !is.na(to)) %>%
    as_tibble %T>%
        'Finished building NicheNet %s network: %d records total',


#' Builds signaling network for NicheNet using OmniPath
#' Retrieves network prior knowledge from OmniPath and provides it in
#' a format suitable for NicheNet.
#' This method never downloads the `ligrecextra` dataset because the
#' ligand-receptor interactions are supposed to come from \code{
#' \link{nichenet_lr_network_omnipath}}.
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with signaling interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @param min_curation_effort Lower threshold for curation effort
#' @param ... Passed to \code{\link{import_post_translational_interactions}}
#' @examples
#' # use interactions with at least 2 evidences (reference or database)
#' op_signaling_network <- nichenet_signaling_network_omnipath(
#'     min_curation_effort = 2
#' )
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network}}}
#' }
nichenet_signaling_network_omnipath <- function(
    min_curation_effort = 0,

    args <- list(...)
    args$exclude %<>% union('ligrecextra')
    args$entity_types <- 'protein'

    do.call(import_post_translational_interactions, args) %>%
    omnipath_interactions_postprocess(type = 'signaling')


#' Builds ligand-receptor network for NicheNet using OmniPath
#' Retrieves network prior knowledge from OmniPath and provides it in
#' a format suitable for NicheNet.
#' This method never downloads the `ligrecextra` dataset because the
#' ligand-receptor interactions are supposed to come from \code{
#' \link{nichenet_lr_network_omnipath}}.
#' @param quality_filter_param List with arguments for \code{
#'     \link{filter_intercell_network}}. It is recommended to check these
#'     parameters and apply some quality filtering. The defaults already
#'     ensure certain  filtering, but you might want more relaxed or
#'     stringent options.
#' @param ... Passed to \code{\link{import_intercell_network}}
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with ligand-receptor interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' # use only ligand-receptor interactions (not for example ECM-adhesion):
#' op_lr_network <- nichenet_lr_network_omnipath(ligand_receptor = TRUE)
#' # use only CellPhoneDB and Guide to Pharmacology:
#' op_lr_network <- nichenet_lr_network_omnipath(
#'     resources = c('CellPhoneDB', 'Guide2Pharma')
#' )
#' # only interactions where the receiver is a transporter:
#' op_lr_network <- nichenet_lr_network_omnipath(
#'     receiver_param = list(parent = 'transporter')
#' )
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang exec !!!
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_lr_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{import_intercell_network}}}
#' }
nichenet_lr_network_omnipath <- function(
    quality_filter_param = list(),


    import_intercell_network(...) %>%
    {exec(filter_intercell_network, ., !!!quality_filter_param)} %>%
    omnipath_interactions_postprocess(type = 'lr')


#' Builds gene regulatory network for NicheNet using OmniPath
#' Retrieves network prior knowledge from OmniPath and provides it in
#' a format suitable for NicheNet.
#' This method never downloads the `ligrecextra` dataset because the
#' ligand-receptor interactions are supposed to come from \code{
#' \link{nichenet_lr_network_omnipath}}.
#' @param min_curation_effort Lower threshold for curation effort
#' @param ... Passed to \code{\link{import_transcriptional_interactions}}
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with gene regulatory interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' # use interactions up to confidence level "C" from DoRothEA:
#' op_gr_network <- nichenet_gr_network_omnipath(
#'     dorothea_levels = c('A', 'B', 'C')
#' )
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom rlang exec !!!
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_evex}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_harmonizome}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_htridb}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_omnipath}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_pathwaycommons}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_regnetwork}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_remap}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network_trrust}}}
#' }
nichenet_gr_network_omnipath <- function(
    min_curation_effort = 0,

    args <- list(...)
    args$exclude %<>% union('ligrecextra')
    args$entity_types <- 'protein'

    exec(import_transcriptional_interactions, !!!args) %>%
    omnipath_interactions_postprocess(type = 'gr')


#' Processes OmniPath interactions table into NicheNet format
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate distinct
#' @importFrom tidyr separate_rows
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @noRd
omnipath_interactions_postprocess <- function(interactions, type){

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    from <- to <- is_directed <- NULL

    interactions %>%
    select(from = source_genesymbol, to = target_genesymbol, is_directed) %>%
    # expanding complexes
    separate_rows(from, sep = '_') %>%
    separate_rows(to, sep = '_') %>%
        source = sprintf(
            ifelse(is_directed, '', 'un'),
        database = sprintf('omnipath_%s', type)
    ) %>%
    distinct() %>%


#' NicheNet signaling network from PathwayCommons
#' Builds signaling network prior knowledge for NicheNet using PathwayCommons.
#' @param interaction_types Character vector with PathwayCommons interaction
#'     types. Please refer to the default value and the PathwayCommons
#'     webpage.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with signaling interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' # use only the "controls-transport-of" interactions:
#' pc_signaling_network <- nichenet_signaling_network_pathwaycommons(
#'     interaction_types = 'controls-transport-of'
#' )
#' @export
nichenet_signaling_network_pathwaycommons <- function(
    interaction_types = c(


        interaction_types = interaction_types,
        label = 'signaling'


#' NicheNet signaling network from Harmonizome
#' Builds signaling network prior knowledge for NicheNet using Harmonizome
#' @param datasets The datasets to use. For possible values please refer to
#'     default value and the Harmonizome webpage.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with signaling interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' # use only KEA and PhosphoSite:
#' hz_signaling_network <- nichenet_signaling_network_harmonizome(
#'     datasets = c('kea', 'phosphositeplus')
#' )
#' @export
nichenet_signaling_network_harmonizome <- function(
    datasets = c(


    dataset_names <- list(
        phosphositeplus = 'PhosphoSite',
        kea = 'KEA',
        depod = 'DEPOD'

    harmonizome_nichenet(datasets, dataset_names)


#' Combines multiple Harmonizome datasets and converts them to NicheNet format
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with signaling interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate bind_rows
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @seealso \code{\link{harmonizome_download},
#'     \link{harmonizome_nichenet_process}}
#' @noRd
harmonizome_nichenet <- function(datasets, dataset_names){

    datasets %>%
    map(harmonizome_nichenet_process) %>%
    bind_rows() %>%
        source = sprintf('harmonizome_%s', dataset_names[source]),
        database = 'harmonizome'


#' Processes a table downloaded from Harmonizome to NicheNet format
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate
#' @importFrom stringr str_split_fixed
#' @seealso \code{\link{harmonizome_download}, \link{harmonizome_nichenet}}
#' @noRd
harmonizome_nichenet_process <- function(dataset){

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    to <- NULL

    target_desc_col <- c('geotf', 'geokinase', 'geogene')
    to_col <- `if`(
        dataset %in% target_desc_col,
    target_proc <- list(
        geotf = toupper,
        msigdbonc = function(x){
            x %>% str_split_fixed('[._]', 2) %>% `[`(,1)

    dataset %>%
    harmonizome_download() %>%
    select(from = source, to = !!to_col) %>%
        dataset %in% names(target_proc),
        mutate(., to = target_proc[[dataset]](to)),
    )} %>%
    mutate(source = dataset)


#' NicheNet signaling network from Vinayagam
#' Builds signaling network prior knowledge for NicheNet using Vinayagam 2011
#' Supplementary Table S6. Find out more at
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1126/scisignal.2001699}.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with signaling interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' vi_signaling_network <- nichenet_signaling_network_vinayagam()
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select rename distinct
#' @export
nichenet_signaling_network_vinayagam <- function(...){


    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    `Input-node Gene Symbol` <- `Output-node Gene Symbol` <- NULL

    vinayagam_download() %>%
        from_col = `Input-node Gene Symbol`,
        to_col = `Output-node Gene Symbol`,
        source = 'vinayagam_ppi',
        database = 'vinayagam'


#' Builds signaling network for NicheNet using ConsensusPathDB
#' Builds signaling network prior knowledge using ConsensusPathDB (CPDB)
#' data. Note, the interactions from CPDB are not directed and many of them
#' comes from complex expansion. Find out more at
#' \url{http://cpdb.molgen.mpg.de/}.
#' @param ... Passed to \code{\link{consensuspathdb_download}}.
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with signaling interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' # use some parameters stricter than default:
#' cpdb_signaling_network <- nichenet_signaling_network_cpdb(
#'     complex_max_size = 2,
#'     min_score = .99
#' )
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate distinct
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{consensuspathdb_download}}}
#' }
nichenet_signaling_network_cpdb <- function(...){


    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    in_complex <- genesymbol_a <- genesymbol_b <- from <- to <- NULL

    consensuspathdb_download(...) %>%
        source = sprintf(
            ifelse(in_complex, 'complex', 'interaction')
        database = 'cpdb'
    ) %>%
    rename(from = genesymbol_a, to = genesymbol_b) %>%
    select(from, to, source, database) %>%


#' NicheNet signaling network from EVEX
#' Builds signaling network prior knowledge for NicheNet from the EVEX
#' database.
#' @param top_confidence Double, between 0 and 1. Threshold based on the
#'     quantile of the confidence score.
#' @param indirect Logical: whether to include indirect interactions.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with signaling interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' ev_signaling_network <- nichenet_signaling_network_evex(
#'     top_confidence = .9
#' )
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate filter
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{evex_download}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network}}}
#' }
nichenet_signaling_network_evex <- function(
    top_confidence = .75,
    indirect = FALSE,


    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    coarse_type <- refined_type <- NULL

    categories <- list(
        Binding = 'binding',
        `Regulation of binding` = 'regulation_binding',
        Regulation_of_phosphorylation = 'phosphorylation'

    evex_download(top_confidence = top_confidence, ...) %>%
        from = source_genesymbol,
        to = target_genesymbol,
    ) %>%
        filter(., coarse_type != 'Indirect_regulation')
    )} %>%
        !(refined_type %in% c(
            # these belong to transcriptional regulation
            'Regulation of expression',
            'Regulation of transcription',
            'Catalysis of DNA methylation'
    ) %>%
        source = sprintf(
                refined_type %in% names(categories),
                    startsWith(refined_type, 'Catalysis'),
                        coarse_type == 'Regulation',
        database = 'evex_signaling'
    ) %>%
    select(-coarse_type, -refined_type)


#' NicheNet signaling network from InWeb InBioMap
#' Builds signaling network prior knowledge for NicheNet from the InWeb
#' InBioMap database.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A network data frame (tibble) with signaling interactions
#'     suitable for use with NicheNet.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ib_signaling_network <- nichenet_signaling_network_inbiomap()
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{nichenet_signaling_network}, \link{inbiomap_download}}
nichenet_signaling_network_inbiomap <- function(...){

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    genesymbol_a <- genesymbol_b <- NULL

    inbiomap_download(...) %>%
        from_col = genesymbol_a,
        to_col = genesymbol_b,
        source = 'inweb_interaction',
        database = 'inweb_inbiomap'


#' Ligand-receptor network from Guide to Pharmacology
#' Downloads ligand-receptor interactions from the Guide to Pharmacology
#' database and converts it to a format suitable for NicheNet.
#' @return Data frame with ligand-receptor interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @examples
#' g2p_lr_network <- nichenet_lr_network_guide2pharma()
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom logger log_trace
#' @importFrom purrr map map2
#' @seealso \code{\link{nichenet_lr_network}, \link{guide2pharma_download}}
nichenet_lr_network_guide2pharma <- function(){


    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    target_species <- ligand_species <- ligand_gene_symbol <-
        target_gene_symbol <- NULL

    g <- guide2pharma_download()

    logger::log_trace('Size of G2P data: %s', paste(dim(g), collapse = ', '))
        'Column names of G2P data: %s',
        paste(colnames(g), collapse= ', ')
        'Cache versions: %s',
            collapse = ', '
                'Download info: %s',
                this_version %>%
                    function(v, k){sprintf('%s=%s', k, v)}
                ) %>%
                paste(collapse = ', ')

    g %>%
        target_species == 'Human' &
        ligand_species == 'Human'
    ) %>%
        source = 'pharmacology',
        database = 'guide2pharmacology',
        from_col = ligand_gene_symbol,
        to_col = target_gene_symbol


#' Ligand-receptor network from Ramilowski 2015
#' Downloads ligand-receptor interactions from Supplementary Table 2 of the
#' paper 'A draft network of ligand–receptor-mediated multicellular signalling
#' in human' (Ramilowski et al. 2015,
#' \url{https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms8866}). It converts the
#' downloaded table to a format suitable for NicheNet.
#' @param evidences Character: evidence types, "literature supported",
#'     "putative" or both.
#' @return Data frame with ligand-receptor interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @examples
#' # use only the literature supported data:
#' rami_lr_network <- nichenet_lr_network_ramilowski(
#'     evidences = 'literature supported'
#' )
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_lr_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{ramilowski_download}}}
#' }
nichenet_lr_network_ramilowski <- function(
    evidences = c('literature supported', 'putative')


    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    Pair.Evidence <- Ligand.ApprovedSymbol <- Receptor.ApprovedSymbol <- NULL

    ramilowski_download() %>%
    filter(Pair.Evidence %in% evidences) %>%
        source = 'ramilowski_known',
        database = 'ramilowski',
        from_col = Ligand.ApprovedSymbol,
        to_col = Receptor.ApprovedSymbol


#' NicheNet gene regulatory network from Harmonizome
#' Builds gene regulatory network prior knowledge for NicheNet using
#' Harmonizome
#' @param datasets The datasets to use. For possible values please refer to
#'     default value and the Harmonizome webpage.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return Data frame with gene regulatory interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @examples
#' # use only JASPAR and TRANSFAC:
#' hz_gr_network <- nichenet_gr_network_harmonizome(
#'     datasets = c('jasparpwm', 'transfac', 'transfacpwm')
#' )
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{harmonizome_download}}}
#' }
nichenet_gr_network_harmonizome <- function(
    datasets = c(


    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    to <- from <- NULL

    dataset_names <- list(
        cheappi = 'CHEA',
        encodetfppi = 'ENCODE',
        jaspar = 'JASPAR',
        transfac = 'TRANSFAC_CUR',
        transfacpwm = 'TRANSFAC',
        motifmap = 'MOTIFMAP',
        geotf = 'GEO_TF',
        geokinase = 'GEO_KINASE',
        geogene = 'GEO_GENE',
        msigdbonc = 'MSIGDB_GENE'

    harmonizome_nichenet(datasets, dataset_names) %>%
    rename(from = to, to = from)


#' NicheNet gene regulatory network from RegNetwork
#' Builds a gene regulatory network using data from the RegNetwork database
#' and converts it to a format suitable for NicheNet.
#' @return Data frame with gene regulatory interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @examples
#' regn_gr_network <- nichenet_gr_network_regnetwork()
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{regnetwork_download}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network}}}
#' }
nichenet_gr_network_regnetwork <- function(){


    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    source_type <- target_type <- NULL

    regnetwork_download() %>%
        source_type == 'protein' &
        target_type == 'protein'
    ) %>%
        source = 'regnetwork_source',
        database = 'regnetwork'


#' NicheNet gene regulatory network from TRRUST
#' Builds a gene regulatory network using data from the TRRUST database
#' and converts it to a format suitable for NicheNet.
#' @return Data frame with gene regulatory interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @examples
#' trrust_gr_network <- nichenet_gr_network_trrust()
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{trrust_download}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network}}}
#' }
nichenet_gr_network_trrust <- function(){


    trrust_download() %>%
        source = 'trrust',
        database = 'trrust'


#' NicheNet gene regulatory network from HTRIdb
#' Builds a gene regulatory network using data from the HTRIdb database
#' and converts it to a format suitable for NicheNet.
#' @return Data frame with gene regulatory interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @examples
#' htri_gr_network <- nichenet_gr_network_htridb()
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @seealso \code{\link{htridb_download}, \link{nichenet_gr_network}}
nichenet_gr_network_htridb <- function(){


    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround

    htridb_download() %>%
        source = 'HTRIDB',
        database = 'HTRIDB',
        from_col = SYMBOL_TF,
        to_col = SYMBOL_TG


#' NicheNet gene regulatory network from ReMap
#' Builds a gene regulatory network using data from the ReMap database
#' and converts it to a format suitable for NicheNet.
#' @return Data frame with gene regulatory interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @param score Numeric: a minimum score between 0 and 1000, records with
#'     lower scores will be excluded. If NULL no filtering performed.
#' @param top_targets Numeric: the number of top scoring targets for each
#'     TF. Essentially the maximum number of targets per TF. If NULL the
#'     number of targets is not restricted.
#' @param only_known_tfs Logical: whether to exclude TFs which are not in
#'     TF census.
#' @examples
#' # use only max. top 100 targets for each TF:
#' remap_gr_network <- nichenet_gr_network_remap(top_targets = 100)
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{remap_filtered}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network}}}
#' }
nichenet_gr_network_remap <- function(
    score = 100,
    top_targets = 500,
    only_known_tfs = TRUE


        score = score,
        top_targets = top_targets,
        only_known_tfs = only_known_tfs
    ) %>%
        source = 'Remap_5',
        database = 'Remap'


#' NicheNet gene regulatory network from EVEX
#' Builds a gene regulatory network using data from the EVEX database
#' and converts it to a format suitable for NicheNet.
#' @return Data frame of interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @param top_confidence Double, between 0 and 1. Threshold based on the
#' quantile of the confidence score.
#' @param indirect Logical: whether to include indirect interactions.
#' @param regulation_of_expression Logical: whether to include also the
#'     "regulation of expression" type interactions.
#' @return Data frame with gene regulatory interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @examples
#' # use only the 10% with the highest confidence:
#' evex_gr_network <- nichenet_gr_network_evex(top_confidence = .9)
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom dplyr filter select mutate
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{evex_download}}}
#' }
nichenet_gr_network_evex <- function(
    top_confidence = .75,
    indirect = FALSE,
    regulation_of_expression = FALSE


    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    confidence <- coarse_type <- refined_type <- NULL

    gr_types <- `if`(
        c('Regulation of expression', 'Regulation of transcription'),
        'Regulation of transcription'

    evex_download() %>%
    filter(confidence > quantile(confidence, top_confidence)) %>%
        filter(., coarse_type != 'Indirect_regulation')
    )} %>%
        refined_type %in% gr_types
    ) %>%
        source = 'evex_regulation_expression',
        database = 'evex_expression'


#' NicheNet gene regulatory network from PathwayCommons
#' Builds gene regulation prior knowledge for NicheNet using PathwayCommons.
#' @param interaction_types Character vector with PathwayCommons interaction
#'     types. Please refer to the default value and the PathwayCommons
#'     webpage.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return Data frame with gene regulatory interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @examples
#' pc_gr_network <- nichenet_gr_network_pathwaycommons()
#' @export
#' @seealso \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{\link{nichenet_gr_network}}}
#'     \item{\code{\link{pathwaycommons_download}}}
#' }
nichenet_gr_network_pathwaycommons <- function(
    interaction_types = 'controls-expression-of',


        interaction_types = interaction_types,
        label = 'expression'


#' Retrieves interactions from PathwayCommons and converts them to NicheNet
#' format
#' @param interaction_types Character vector with PathwayCommons interaction
#'     types. Please refer to the default value and the PathwayCommons
#'     webpage.
#' @param label Character: suffix for the NicheNet `database` field:
#'     "signaling" for the signaling network and "expression" for gene
#'     regulatory network.
#' @return Data frame with gene regulatory interactions in NicheNet format.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate filter relocate select
#' @noRd
nichenet_pathwaycommons_common <- function(interaction_types, label){

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    type <- from <- to <- NULL

    pathwaycommons_download() %>%
        type %in% interaction_types
    ) %>%
        source = sprintf(
            gsub('-', '_', type, fixed = TRUE)
        database = sprintf('pathwaycommons_%s', label)
    ) %>%
    relocate(from, to) %>%


#' Common postprocessing from building a NicheNet format network table
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang !! enquo
#' @importFrom dplyr select distinct mutate
#' @noRd
nichenet_common_postprocess <- function(
    from_col = source_genesymbol,
    to_col = target_genesymbol

    from_col <- enquo(from_col)
    to_col <- enquo(to_col)

    data %>%
        from = !!from_col,
        to = !!to_col
    ) %>%
    distinct() %>%
        source = source,
        database = database


#' Expression data from ligand-receptor perturbation experiments used by
#' NicheNet
#' NicheNet uses expression data from a collection of published ligand or
#' receptor KO or perturbation experiments to build its model. This function
#' retrieves the original expression data, deposited in Zenodo
#' (\url{https://zenodo.org/record/3260758}).
#' @return Nested list, each element contains a data frame of processed
#'     expression data and key variables about the experiment.
#' @examples
#' exp_data <- nichenet_expression_data()
#' head(names(exp_data))
#' # [1] "bmp4_tgfb"     "tgfb_bmp4"     "nodal_Nodal"   "spectrum_Il4"
#' # [5] "spectrum_Tnf"  "spectrum_Ifng"
#' purrr::map_chr(head(exp_data), 'from')
#' #     bmp4_tgfb     tgfb_bmp4   nodal_Nodal  spectrum_Il4  spectrum_Tnf
#' #       "BMP4"       "TGFB1"       "NODAL"         "IL4"         "TNF"
#' # spectrum_Ifng
#' #       "IFNG"
#' @importFrom magrittr %T>%
#' @export
nichenet_expression_data <- function(){


        url_key = 'nichenet_expression',
        reader = url_rds,
        reader_param = list(),
        resource = 'NicheNet expression data'
    ) %T>%


#' Small networks for testing
#' Building a NicheNet model is computationally demanding, taking several
#' hours to run. As this is related to the enormous size of the networks,
#' to speed up testing we can use smaller networks, around 1,000 times
#' smaller, with few thousands of interactions instead of few millions.
#' Random subsetting of the whole network would result disjunct fragments,
#' instead we load only a few resources.
#' @param tiny Logical: compile an even smaller network.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' networks <- nichenet_networks_small(tiny = TRUE)
#' expression <- nichenet_expression_data()
#' expression <- nichenet_remove_orphan_ligands(
#'     expression,
#'     networks$lr_network
#' )
#' optimized_parameters <- nichenet_build_model(
#'     networks = networks,
#'     expression = expression,
#'     mlrmbo_optimization_param = list(niter = 2, nstart = 16, ncores = 4)
#' )
#' }
#' @importFrom dplyr sample_frac filter bind_rows
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom purrr map_dbl map2_chr
#' @noRd
nichenet_networks_small <- function(tiny = FALSE){

    # NSE vs. R CMD check workaround
    from <- NULL

    networks <-
            signaling_network = list(
                omnipath = list(
                    resources = `if`(tiny, 'SignaLink3', 'SIGNOR')
            lr_network = list(
                omnipath = list(
                    high_confidence = TRUE
            gr_network = list(
                omnipath = list(
                    dorothea_levels = `if`(tiny, 'A', c('A', 'B')),
                    datasets = 'dorothea'
            only_omnipath = TRUE


        pseudo_sources <- function(d){

                source = sprintf(
                    sample(c(1, 2), nrow(d), TRUE)
                database = source


        ligands <-
            nichenet_expression_data() %>%
            map('from') %>%
            unlist %>%

        networks$lr_network %<>%
                weight = .$from %in% ligands + 1
            ) %>%

        sig_net <- networks$signaling_network

        networks$signaling_network <-
            sig_net %>%
            filter(from %in% networks$lr_network$to) %>%
            bind_rows(filter(sig_net, from %in% .$to)) %>%
            bind_rows(filter(sig_net, from %in% .$to)) %>%

        networks$gr_network %<>%
            filter(from %in% networks$signaling_network$to) %>%

            'Tiny network sizes: %s.',
            networks %>%
                function(netw, name){sprintf('%s: %d', name, nrow(netw))}
            ) %>%
            paste(collapse = ', ')




#' Run the NicheNet pipeline with a little dummy network
#' Loads a tiny network and runs the NicheNet pipeline with low number of
#' iterations in the optimization process. This way the pipeline runs in
#' a reasonable time in order to test the code. Due to the random subsampling
#' disconnected networks might be produced sometimes. If you see an error
#' like "Error in if (sd(prediction_vector) == 0) ... missing value
#' where TRUE/FALSE needed", the random subsampled input is not appropriate.
#' In this case just interrupt and call again. This test ensures the
#' computational integrity of the pipeline. If it fails during the
#' optimization process, try to start it over several times, even
#' restarting R. The unpredictability is related to \code{mlrMBO} and
#' \code{nichenetr} not being prepared to handle certain conditions, and
#' it's also difficult to find out which conditions lead to which errors.
#' At least 3 different errors appear time to time, depending on the input.
#' It also seems like restarting R sometimes helps, suggesting that the
#' entire system might be somehow stateful. You can ignore the \code{
#' Parallelization was not stopped} warnings on repeated runs.
#' @param ... Passed to \code{\link{nichenet_main}}.
#' @return A named list with the intermediate and final outputs of the
#'     pipeline: `networks`, `expression`, `optimized_parameters`,
#'     `weighted_networks` and `ligand_target_matrix`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' nnt <- nichenet_test()
#' }
#' @importFrom rlang exec !!!
#' @export
nichenet_test <- function(...){

    args <- list(...)

    args$mlrmbo_optimization_param <- merge_lists(
        list(niter = 2, nstart = 16, ncores = 4)

    exec(nichenet_main, tiny = TRUE, !!!args)


#' Workarounds using NicheNet without attaching the package
#' NicheNet requires the availability of some lazy loaded external data
#' which are not available if the package is not loaded and attached. Also,
#' the \code{BBmisc::convertToShortString} used for error reporting in
#' \code{mlrMBO::evalTargetFun.OptState} is patched here to print longer
#' error messages. Maybe it's a better solution to attach \code{nichenetr}
#' before running the NicheNet pipeline. Alternatively you can try to call
#' this function in the beginning. Why we don't call this automatically is
#' just because we don't want to load datasets from another package without
#' the user knowing about it.
#' @return Returns \code{NULL}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' nichenet_workarounds()
#' }
#' @importFrom rlang %||%
#' @export
nichenet_workarounds <- function(){

    # R CMD check workaround
    nichenetr <- BBmisc <- ncitations <-
    geneinfo_human <- convertToShortString <- NULL

    assign('ncitations', nichenetr%::%ncitations, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign('geneinfo_human', nichenetr%::%geneinfo_human, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    assign('lr_network', NULL, .GlobalEnv)

    ns <- load_namespace('BBmisc')
    convertToShortString_original <- (BBmisc%::%convertToShortString)

    args <- formals(convertToShortString_original)

    if(args$clip.len %||% 300L != 300L){

        convertToShortString_new <- function(...){

            convertToShortString_original(..., clip.len = 300L)


        patch_ns('convertToShortString', convertToShortString_new, ns)


saezlab/OmnipathR documentation built on July 13, 2024, 6:18 p.m.