Man pages for TRON-Bioinformatics/splice2neo
Aberrant splice junction analysis with associated mutations

add_context_seqAnnotate splice junctions with resulting transcript sequence
add_identified_in_RNAThis is a wrapper function to directly map the information if...
add_peptideAnnotate splice junctions with resulting CDS and peptide...
add_txAnnotate splice junctions with all possible transcript IDs in...
annotate_exon_idxAnnotate splice junctions- transcripts combination and...
annotate_junc_in_orfTests if junction position is in ORF...
annotate_mmspliceAnnotates the mmsplice output with additional columns...
annotate_mut_effectAnnotate splice variants effects with resulting junctions
annotate_truncated_cdsTests if junction leads to truncated mutated gene product...
bed_to_juncTransform a bed file into junction format
breakpoint2juncTransforms breakpoint IDs (BPID) with given transcription...
canonical_juncsA tibble with canonical junctions and their source (comma,...
canonical_junctionsBuild canonical junctions from transcripts
choose_txSelect a subset of transcripts per junction that are more...
classify_junc_txClassify splice junctions- transcripts combinations based on...
combine_mut_juncCombines data sets with junctions from several different...
effect_to_junction_rulesRules on how a splicing affecting variant creates a junction
effect_to_junction_rules_wo_irRules on how a splicing affecting variant creates a junction...
exon_in_intronAnnotate if there is an exon within an intron
filter_irfinder_txtFilter IRFinder intermediate table to remove likely false...
format_cispliceai_threshFormats CI-SpliceAI with -t flag output and filter for...
format_pangolinFormats pangolin output and filter for predicted effects
format_spliceaiFormats spliceAI output and filter for predicted effects
format_spliceai_threshFormats SpliceAI with -T flag output and filter for predicted...
generate_combined_datasetCombines tibbles with junctions from any number of RNA-seq...
generate_junction_idGiven the chromosome, junction start, junction end and...
get_exon_inclusion_junctionCompute the resulting junctions (junc_id) for exon inclusion...
get_exon_skipping_junctionCompute the resulting junction (junc_id) for exon skipping of...
get_intronretention_alt_posGet the alternative position of input junction from an intron...
get_intronretention_genomic_alt_posGet the alternative position of input junction from an intron...
get_junc_posGet the position of input junction in the transcript...
get_normalized_protein_junc_posAnnotate the normalized junction position in the protein,...
get_peptide_contextGet peptide context sequence given a tibble with...
get_unknown_exon_intron_retentionGet the exon range flanking the other side of an intron...
import_irfinder_txtImports tabular IRFinder retained introns predictions
import_leafcutter_countsImports "_perind.counts.gz" from LeafCutter output.
import_regtools_juncImports Regtools junctions annotate table
import_spladderImports SplAdder output from a given path with...
import_star_sjImports tabular STAR splice junctions
import_stringtie_gtfImports StringTie GTF file
is_canonicaltest if junction is canonical junction
is_first_reading_frameDetermine if transcript is in first reading frame, given a...
is_in_rnaseqtest if junction was found in corresponding RNA-seq data
is_start_on_exonTests if start or and end of junc is on exon.
junc2breakpointTransforms the junction id into the breakpoint id of the...
junc_to_grConvert a splice junction ID into a GRanges object
leafcutter_transformImports "*perind.counts.gz" from LeafCutter output and...
liftover_junc_idLiftOver junction IDs using the liftOver tool
map_requantMaps the re-quantification result from EasyQuant. on the...
modify_txModify transcript by introducing splice junctions
next_junctionsGet genomic coordinates of possible next donor and acceptor...
pangolin_effect_translationThis dataset translates the increase/decrease splicing score...
parse_cispliceai_threshParse VCF output file from CI-SpliceAI with -t flag as table
parse_gtfParse a GFF/GTF file as 'GRangesList' of exons
parse_irfinder_txtImports "IRFinder-IR-nondir.txt" from IRFinder short mode and...
parse_mmspliceParse .csv file from MMsplice output as data.frame
parse_pangolinParse VCF output file from pangolin as table
parse_spliceaiParse VCF output file from spliceAI as table
parse_spliceai_threshParse VCF output file from SpliceAI with -T flag as table
parse_star_sjImports "*" from STAR and transforms the raw output...
pipePipe operator
read_requantImports the re-quantification results from analysis with...
read_suppa_ioeImports "_strict.ioe" from SUPPA2 output.
regtools_transformImports Regtools junctions annotate output and transforms the...
seq_truncate_nonstopTruncate input sequence after input position before next stop...
sort_columnsSorts columns of junction output file in the following order:...
spladder_transformImports SplAdder output from a given path and transforms it...
spladder_transform_assTransforms events from alternative 3' or 5' splice sites from...
spladder_transform_exon_skippingTransforms events resulting from exon skipping from SplAdder...
spladder_transform_formatTransforms SplAdder output into standardized junction format
spladder_transform_intron_retentionTransforms events resulting from intron retention from...
spladder_transform_mutex_exonTransforms events resulting from mutually exclusive exons...
stringtie_transformImports StringTie assembled transcripts and transforms the...
stringtie_transform_formatTransforms StringTie intermediate table into standardized...
suppa_importImports SUPPA2 output from a given path with "_strict.ioe"...
suppa_transformImports SUPPA2 output from a given path and transforms it...
suppa_transform_formatTransforms SUPPA2 ioe event files file into standardized...
toy_cdsAn example CDS annotation GRangesList from a subset of human...
toy_junc_dfAn example dataset of 18 splice junctions from human (hg19)...
toy_junc_idAn example dataset of 18 splice junctions in 'junc_id' format...
toy_junc_id_enstAn example dataset of 18 transcript IDs matching to the...
toy_transcriptsAn example transcript annotation GRangesList from a subset of...
toy_transcripts_grAn example dataset of full transcript ranges from a subset of...
transform_for_requantCreates a table with context sequences for re-quantification...
transform_irfinder_txtTransforms IRFinder intermediate table into standardized...
transform_leafcutter_countsTransforms LeafCutter counts file into standardized junction...
transform_regtools_juncTransforms Regtools intermediate files into standardized...
transform_star_sjTransforms STAR intermediate table into standardized junction...
transform_suppa_ass_eventsTransforms events from alternative 3' or 5' splice sites from...
transform_suppa_ir_eventsTransforms events resulting from intron retention from SUPPA2...
transform_suppa_mxe_eventsTransforms events resulting from mutually exclusive exons...
transform_suppa_se_eventsTransforms events resulting from exon skipping from SUPPA2...
unique_junc_mmspliceFilter junction datasets for unique 'mut_id', 'junc_id',...
unique_mut_juncFilter junctions for unique combinations of mutation,...
unsorted_junc_dfA tibble in junction format but unsorted columns
TRON-Bioinformatics/splice2neo documentation built on July 1, 2024, 7:57 p.m.