#' Perform a simplified topgo analysis.
#' This will attempt to make it easier to run topgo on a set of genes.
#' The way I organized these data structures is completely stupid. I
#' want to convert the data from topgo to clusterprofiler for ease of
#' plotting, but because of the terrible way I organized everything
#' that is likely to be difficult.
#' @param sig_genes Data frame of differentially expressed genes, containing IDs
#' any other columns.
#' @param goid_map File containing mappings of genes to goids in the format
#' expected by topgo.
#' @param go_db Data frame of the goids which may be used to make the goid_map.
#' @param pvals Set of pvalues in the DE data which may be used to improve the
#' topgo results.
#' @param limitby Test to index the results by.
#' @param limit Ontology pvalue to use as the lower limit.
#' @param signodes I don't remember right now.
#' @param sigforall Provide the significance for all nodes?
#' @param numchar Character limit for the table of results.
#' @param selector Function name for choosing genes to include.
#' @param pval_column Column from which to acquire scores.
#' @param overwrite Yeah I do not remember this one either.
#' @param densities Densities, yeah, the densities...
#' @param pval_plots Include pvalue plots of the results a la clusterprofiler?
#' @param excel Print the results to an excel file?
#' @param ... Other options which I do not remember right now!
#' @return Big list including the various outputs from topgo
#' @seealso [topGO]
#' @export
simple_topgo <- function(sig_genes, goid_map = "id2go.map", go_db = NULL,
pvals = NULL, limitby = "fisher", limit = 0.1, signodes = 100,
sigforall = TRUE, numchar = 300, selector = "topDiffGenes",
pval_column = "deseq_adjp", overwrite = FALSE, densities = FALSE,
pval_plots = TRUE, excel = NULL, ...) {
## Some neat ideas from the topGO documentation:
## geneList <- getPvalues(exprs(eset), classlabel = y, alternative = "greater")
## A variant of these operations make it possible to give topGO scores so that
## a larger array of tests may be performed
## x <- topDiffGenes(geneList)
## sum(x) ## the number of selected genes
## If we do something like above to give scores to all the 'DEgenes', then we
## set up the GOdata object like this: mf_GOdata = new("topGOdata",
## description = "something", ontology = "BP", allGenes = entire_geneList,
## geneSel = topDiffGenes, annot = annFUN.gene2GO, gene2GO = geneID2GO, nodeSize = 2)
if (isTRUE(overwrite) && file.exists(goid_map)) {
removed <- file.remove(goid_map)
gomap_info <- make_id2gomap(goid_map = goid_map, go_db = go_db, overwrite = overwrite)
if (is.null(gomap_info)) {
warning("There appears to have been a problem generating the gomap.")
geneID2GO <- topGO::readMappings(file = goid_map)
annotated_genes <- names(geneID2GO)
if (is.null(go_db)) {
go_db <- reshape2::melt(geneID2GO)
go_db <- go_db[, c("L1", "value")]
colnames(go_db) <- c("ID", "GO")
if (is.null(sig_genes[["ID"]])) {
sig_genes[["ID"]] <- make.names(rownames(sig_genes), unique = TRUE)
fisher_interesting_genes <- as.factor(
as.integer(annotated_genes %in% sig_genes[["ID"]]))
names(fisher_interesting_genes) <- annotated_genes
ks_interesting_genes <- as.integer(!annotated_genes %in% sig_genes[["ID"]])
if (!is.null(sig_genes[[pval_column]])) {
## I think this needs to include the entire gene universe, not only the set
## of x differentially expressed genes, making this an explicit
## as.vector(as.numeric()) because it turns out the values from DESeq are
## characters.
pvals <- as.vector(as.numeric(sig_genes[[pval_column]]))
names(pvals) <- rownames(sig_genes)
for (p in seq_along(pvals)) {
name <- names(pvals)[p]
ks_interesting_genes[[name]] <- pvals[p]
ks_interesting_genes <- as.vector(ks_interesting_genes)
names(ks_interesting_genes) <- annotated_genes
## Instead of invoking library(topGO), I can requireNamespace && attachNamespace.
## "GOMFTerm not found"
## Ergo, requireNamespace() is insufficient!
ontology_result <- list(
"BP" = list(),
"MF" = list(),
"CC" = list())
returns <- list()
methods <- c("fisher", "KS", "EL", "weight")
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(4)
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("parallel"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("doParallel"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("iterators"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("foreach"))
res <- foreach(c = seq_along(methods),
## .combine = "c", .multicombine = TRUE,
.packages = c("hpgltools", "Hmisc", "topGO")) %dopar% {
type <- methods[c]
returns[[type]] <- do_topgo(type, go_map = geneID2GO,
fisher_genes = fisher_interesting_genes,
ks_genes = ks_interesting_genes)
stopped <- parallel::stopCluster(cl)
if (class(stopped)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("There was a problem stopping the parallel cluster.")
for (r in seq_along(methods)) {
a_result <- res[[r]]
type <- a_result[["MF"]][["type"]]
ontology_result[["MF"]][[type]] <- a_result[["MF"]]
ontology_result[["BP"]][[type]] <- a_result[["BP"]]
ontology_result[["CC"]][[type]] <- a_result[["CC"]]
p_dists <- list()
for (o in c("BP", "MF", "CC")) {
for (m in methods) {
name <- glue::glue("{tolower(o)}_{limitby}")
p_dists[[name]] <- try(plot_histogram(
bins = 20))
godata = list(
## The full godata structures
"fisher_bp" = ontology_result[["BP"]][["fisher"]][["godata"]],
"fisher_mf" = ontology_result[["MF"]][["fisher"]][["godata"]],
"fisher_cc" = ontology_result[["CC"]][["fisher"]][["godata"]],
"ks_bp" = ontology_result[["BP"]][["KS"]][["godata"]],
"ks_mf" = ontology_result[["MF"]][["KS"]][["godata"]],
"ks_cc" = ontology_result[["CC"]][["KS"]][["godata"]],
"el_bp" = ontology_result[["BP"]][["EL"]][["godata"]],
"el_mf" = ontology_result[["MF"]][["EL"]][["godata"]],
"el_cc" = ontology_result[["CC"]][["EL"]][["godata"]],
"weight_bp" = ontology_result[["BP"]][["weight"]][["godata"]],
"weight_mf" = ontology_result[["MF"]][["weight"]][["godata"]],
"weight_cc" = ontology_result[["CC"]][["weight"]][["godata"]])
results <- list(
## The test results
"fisher_bp" = ontology_result[["BP"]][["fisher"]][["test_result"]],
"fisher_mf" = ontology_result[["MF"]][["fisher"]][["test_result"]],
"fisher_cc" = ontology_result[["CC"]][["fisher"]][["test_result"]],
"ks_bp" = ontology_result[["BP"]][["KS"]][["test_result"]],
"ks_mf" = ontology_result[["MF"]][["KS"]][["test_result"]],
"ks_cc" = ontology_result[["CC"]][["KS"]][["test_result"]],
"el_bp" = ontology_result[["BP"]][["EL"]][["test_result"]],
"el_mf" = ontology_result[["MF"]][["EL"]][["test_result"]],
"el_cc" = ontology_result[["CC"]][["EL"]][["test_result"]],
"weight_bp" = ontology_result[["BP"]][["weight"]][["test_result"]],
"weight_mf" = ontology_result[["MF"]][["weight"]][["test_result"]],
"weight_cc" = ontology_result[["CC"]][["weight"]][["test_result"]])
tables <- try(topgo_tables(results, godata, limitby = limitby, limit = limit))
if (class(tables)[1] == "try-error") {
tables <- NULL
mf_densities <- bp_densities <- cc_densities <- list()
if (isTRUE(densities)) {
bp_densities <- sm(
plot_topgo_densities(results[["fisher_bp"]], tables[["bp_interesting"]]))
mf_densities <- sm(
plot_topgo_densities(results[["fmf_godata"]], tables[["mf_interesting"]]))
cc_densities <- sm(
plot_topgo_densities(results[["fcc_godata"]], tables[["cc_interesting"]]))
} else {
message("simple_topgo(): Set densities = TRUE for ontology density plots.")
retlist <- list(
"go_db" = go_db,
"input" = sig_genes,
"godata" = godata,
"results" = results,
"tables" = tables,
"mf_densities" = mf_densities,
"bp_densities" = bp_densities,
"cc_densities" = cc_densities,
"pdists" = p_dists)
enrich_results <- list()
for (ont in c("bp", "mf", "cc")) {
message("Getting enrichResult for ontology: ", ont, ".")
enrich_results[[ont]] <- topgo2enrich(retlist, ontology = ont, pval = limit,
column = limitby)
retlist[["enrich_results"]] <- enrich_results
pval_histograms <- list()
fisher_ps <- c(retlist[["tables"]][["mf_subset"]][["fisher"]],
pval_histograms[["fisher"]] <- sm(try(plot_histogram(fisher_ps, bins = 50))) +
ggplot2::ylab("Number of ontologies observed.") +
ggplot2::xlab("Fisher exact test score.")
ks_ps <- c(retlist[["tables"]][["mf_subset"]][["KS"]],
pval_histograms[["KS"]] <- sm(try(plot_histogram(ks_ps, bins = 50))) +
ggplot2::ylab("Number of ontologies observed.") +
ggplot2::xlab("KS test score.")
el_ps <- c(retlist[["tables"]][["mf_subset"]][["EL"]],
pval_histograms[["EL"]] <- sm(try(plot_histogram(el_ps, bins = 50))) +
ggplot2::ylab("Number of ontologies observed.") +
ggplot2::xlab("EL test score.")
weight_ps <- c(retlist[["tables"]][["mf_subset"]][["weight"]],
pval_histograms[["weight"]] <- sm(try(plot_histogram(weight_ps, bins = 50))) +
ggplot2::ylab("Number of ontologies observed.") +
ggplot2::xlab("Weighted test score.")
retlist[["pvalue_histograms"]] <- pval_histograms
if (!is.null(excel)) {
message("Writing data to: ", excel, ".")
excel_ret <- sm(try(write_topgo_data(retlist, excel = excel)))
retlist[["excel"]] <- excel_ret
class(retlist) <- "topgo_result"
#' An attempt to make topgo invocations a bit more standard.
#' My function 'simple_topgo()' was excessively long and a morass of copy/pasted
#' fragments. This attempts to simplify that and converge on a single piece
#' of code for all the methodologies provided by topgo.
#' @param type Type of topgo search to perform: fisher, KS, EL, or weight.
#' @param go_map Mappings of gene and GO IDs.
#' @param fisher_genes List of genes used for fisher analyses.
#' @param ks_genes List of genes used for KS analyses.
#' @param selector Function to use when selecting genes.
#' @param sigforall Provide significance metrics for all ontologies observed,
#' not only the ones deemed statistically significant.
#' @param numchar A limit on characters printed when printing topgo tables
#' (used?)
#' @param pval_column Column from which to extract DE p-values.
#' @param overwrite Overwrite an existing gene ID/GO mapping?
#' @param cutoff Define 'significant'?
#' @param densities Perform gene density plots by ontology?
#' @param pval_plots Print p-values plots as per clusterProfiler?
#' @return List of results from the various tests in topGO.
#' @seealso [topGO]
#' @export
do_topgo <- function(type, go_map = NULL, fisher_genes = NULL, ks_genes = NULL,
selector = "topDiffGenes", sigforall = TRUE, numchar = 300,
pval_column = "adj.P.Val", overwrite = FALSE,
cutoff = 0.05, densities = FALSE, pval_plots = TRUE) {
tt <- try(sm(requireNamespace("topGO")), silent = TRUE)
tt <- try(sm(attachNamespace("topGO")), silent = TRUE)
retlist <- list(
"BP" = list(),
"MF" = list(),
"CC" = list())
for (ont in names(retlist)) {
switchret <- switch(
"fisher" = {
retlist[[ont]][["type"]] <- "fisher"
retlist[[ont]][["godata"]] <- new(
description = ont,
ontology = ont,
allGenes = fisher_genes,
annot = topGO::annFUN.gene2GO,
gene2GO = go_map)
retlist[[ont]][["test_stat"]] <- new(
testStatistic = topGO::GOFisherTest,
name = "Fisher test")
retlist[[ont]][["test_result"]] <- topGO::getSigGroups(
"KS" = {
retlist[[ont]][["type"]] <- "KS"
retlist[[ont]][["godata"]] <- new(
description = ont,
ontology = ont,
allGenes = ks_genes,
geneSel = get(selector),
annot = topGO::annFUN.gene2GO,
gene2GO = go_map)
retlist[[ont]][["test_stat"]] <- new(
testStatistic = topGO::GOKSTest,
name = "KS test")
retlist[[ont]][["test_result"]] <- topGO::getSigGroups(
"EL" = {
retlist[[ont]][["type"]] <- "EL"
retlist[[ont]][["godata"]] <- new(
description = ont,
ontology = ont,
allGenes = ks_genes,
geneSel = get(selector),
annot = topGO::annFUN.gene2GO,
gene2GO = go_map)
retlist[[ont]][["test_stat"]] <- new(
testStatistic = topGO::GOKSTest,
name = "KS test",
cutOff = cutoff)
retlist[[ont]][["test_result"]] <- topGO::getSigGroups(
"weight" = {
retlist[[ont]][["type"]] <- "weight"
retlist[[ont]][["godata"]] <- new(
description = ont,
ontology = ont,
allGenes = fisher_genes,
annot = topGO::annFUN.gene2GO,
gene2GO = go_map)
retlist[[ont]][["test_stat"]] <- new(
testStatistic = topGO::GOFisherTest,
name = "Fisher test",
sigRatio = "ratio")
retlist[[ont]][["test_result"]] <- topGO::getSigGroups(
message("I do not know that type.")
) ## End of the switch
} ## End of for BP/MF/CC
##retlist[["pdists"]] <- try(plot_histogram(retlist[["test_result"]]@score, bins = 20))
class(retlist) <- c("topgo_result", "list")
#' Make pretty tables out of topGO data
#' The topgo function GenTable is neat, but it needs some simplification to not
#' be obnoxious.
#' @param result Topgo result.
#' @param godata The ontology database.
#' @param limit Pvalue limit defining 'significant'.
#' @param limitby Type of test to perform.
#' @param numchar How many characters to allow in the description?
#' @param orderby Which of the available columns to order the table by?
#' @param ranksof Which of the available columns are used to rank the data?
#' @return prettier tables
#' @seealso [topGO]
#' @export
topgo_tables <- function(result, godata, limit = 0.1, limitby = "fisher",
numchar = 300, orderby = "fisher", ranksof = "fisher") {
## The following if statement could be replaced by get(limitby)
## But I am leaving it as a way to ensure that no shenanigans ensue
if (limitby == "fisher") {
mf_siglist <- names(which(result[["fisher_mf"]]@score <= limit))
bp_siglist <- names(which(result[["fisher_bp"]]@score <= limit))
cc_siglist <- names(which(result[["fisher_bp"]]@score <= limit))
} else if (limitby == "KS") {
mf_siglist <- names(which(result[["ks_mf"]]@score <= limit))
bp_siglist <- names(which(result[["ks_bp"]]@score <= limit))
cc_siglist <- names(which(result[["ks_bp"]]@score <= limit))
} else if (limitby == "EL") {
mf_siglist <- names(which(result[["el_mf"]]@score <= limit))
bp_siglist <- names(which(result[["el_bp"]]@score <= limit))
cc_siglist <- names(which(result[["el_bp"]]@score <= limit))
} else if (limitby == "weight") {
mf_siglist <- names(which(result[["weight_mf"]]@score <= limit))
bp_siglist <- names(which(result[["weight_bp"]]@score <= limit))
cc_siglist <- names(which(result[["weight_bp"]]@score <= limit))
} else {
stop("I can only limit by: fisher, KS, EL, or weight.")
siglist <- list(
"mf" = mf_siglist,
"bp" = bp_siglist,
"cc" = cc_siglist)
topnode_list <- list(
"mf" = length(siglist[["mf"]]),
"bp" = length(siglist[["bp"]]),
"cc" = length(siglist[["cc"]]))
interest_lst <- list()
allres_lst <- list()
for (ont in c("mf", "bp", "cc")) {
fisher_name <- glue::glue("fisher_{ont}")
ks_name <- glue::glue("ks_{ont}")
el_name <- glue::glue("el_{ont}")
weight_name <- glue::glue("weight_{ont}")
if (topnode_list[[ont]] > 0) {
allres <- try(topGO::GenTable(
godata[[fisher_name]], fisher = result[[fisher_name]],
KS = result[[ks_name]], EL = result[[el_name]],
weight = result[[weight_name]], orderBy = orderby,
ranksOf = ranksof, topNodes = topnode_list[[ont]], numChar = numchar))
allres[["GO.ID"]] <- gsub(
pattern = "GO\\.", replacement = "GO:", x = allres[["GO.ID"]])
rownames(allres) <- allres[["GO.ID"]]
allres[["fisher"]] <- gsub(x = allres[["fisher"]], pattern = "^< ", replacement = "")
allres[["fisher"]] <- as.numeric(allres[["fisher"]])
allres[["KS"]] <- gsub(x = allres[["KS"]], pattern = "^< ", replacement = "")
allres[["KS"]] <- as.numeric(allres[["KS"]])
allres[["EL"]] <- gsub(x = allres[["EL"]], pattern = "^< ", replacement = "")
allres[["EL"]] <- as.numeric(allres[["EL"]])
allres[["weight"]] <- gsub(x = allres[["weight"]], pattern = "^< ", replacement = "")
allres[["weight"]] <- as.numeric(allres[["weight"]])
allres_lst[[ont]] <- allres
if (class(allres) != "try-error") {
qvalues <- as.data.frame(
## qvalue::qvalue returns the adjusted pvalues out of order.
## Perhaps I should stop with stupid qvalue::qvalue() and just use p.adjust!!
allres <- merge(allres, qvalues, by.x = "GO.ID", by.y = "row.names")
colnames(allres)[length(colnames(allres))] <- "qvalue"
order_idx <- order(allres[["fisher"]])
allres <- allres[order_idx, ]
interest_idx <- allres[[limitby]] <= limit
interesting <- allres[interest_idx, ]
interesting[["ont"]] <- "MF"
interesting <- interesting[, c("GO.ID", "ont", "Annotated", "Significant",
"Expected", "fisher", "qvalue", "KS", "EL",
"weight", "Term")]
interesting[["GO.ID"]] <- gsub(
pattern = "GO\\.", replacement = "GO:", x = interesting[["GO.ID"]])
rownames(interesting) <- interesting[["GO.ID"]]
interest_lst[[ont]] <- interesting
} ## End for mf/bp/cc
tables <- list(
"mf_subset" = allres_lst[["mf"]],
"bp_subset" = allres_lst[["bp"]],
"cc_subset" = allres_lst[["cc"]],
"mf_interesting" = interest_lst[["mf"]],
"bp_interesting" = interest_lst[["bp"]],
"cc_interesting" = interest_lst[["cc"]])
#' Make a go mapping from IDs in a format suitable for topGO.
#' When using a non-supported organism, one must write out mappings in the
#' format expected by topgo. This handles that process and gives a summary of
#' the new table.
#' @param goid_map TopGO mapping file.
#' @param go_db If there is no goid_map, create it with this data frame.
#' @param overwrite Rewrite the mapping file?
#' @return Summary of the new goid table.
#' @seealso [topGO]
#' @export
make_id2gomap <- function(goid_map = "reference/go/id2go.map", go_db = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE) {
id2go_test <- file.info(goid_map)
goids_dir <- dirname(goid_map)
new_go <- NULL
if (!file.exists(goids_dir)) {
dir.create(goids_dir, recursive = TRUE)
if (isTRUE(overwrite)) {
if (is.null(go_db)) {
stop("There is neither a id2go file nor a data frame of goids.")
} else {
message("Generating a id2go file in the format expected by topGO.")
new_go <- reshape2::dcast(go_db, ID ~ ., value.var = "GO",
fun.aggregate = paste, collapse = ",")
write.table(new_go, file = goid_map, sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
} else {
## overwrite is not true
if (is.na(id2go_test[["size"]])) {
if (is.null(go_db)) {
stop("There is neither a id2go file nor a data frame of goids.")
} else {
message("Attempting to generate a id2go file in the format expected by topGO.")
new_go <- reshape2::dcast(go_db, ID~., value.var = "GO",
fun.aggregate = paste, collapse = ",")
write.table(new_go, file = goid_map, sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
id2go_test <- file.info(goid_map)
} else {
## There already exists a file, so return its stats
## new_go = id2go_test
new_go <- goid_map
## Pass back an easier to handle go database.
hpgl_topdiffgenes <- function(scores, df = get0("sig_genes"), direction = "up") {
## Testing parameters
##scores = pvals
##df = epi_cl14clbr_high
## Here is the original topDiffGenes
## topDiffGenes <- function(allScore) {
## return(allScore < 0.01)
## my version of this will expect a limma result table from which I will
## extract the entries with low p-values and logFCs which are high or low
quartiles <- summary(df)
#' A very simple selector of strong scoring genes (by p-value)
#' This function was provided in the topGO documentation, but not defined.
#' It was copied/pasted here. I have ideas for including up/down expression
#' but have so far deemed them not needed because I am feeding topGO
#' already explicit lists of genes which are up/down/whatever.
#' But it still is likely to be useful to be able to further subset the data.
#' @param allScore The scores of the genes
#' @export
topDiffGenes <- function(allScore) { return(allScore < 0.01) }
#' Plot the ontology DAG.
#' This function was stolen from topgo in order to figure out where it was failing.
#' @param graph Graph from topGO
#' @return Weights!
#' @export
getEdgeWeights <- function(graph) {
weightsList <- graph::edgeWeights(graph)
to <- lapply(weightsList, names)
from <- graph::nodes(graph)
if (any(is.na(unlist(to))) || any(is.na(from))) {
stop("Edge names do not match node names.")
edge.names <- paste(rep(from, Biobase::listLen(to)), unlist(to), sep = "~")
edge.weights <- unlist(weightsList)
names(edge.weights) <- edge.names
#' A minor hack of the topGO GOplot function.
#' This allows me to change the line widths from the default.
#' @param dag DAG tree of ontologies.
#' @param sigNodes Set of significant ontologies (with p-values).
#' @param dag.name Name for the graph.
#' @param edgeTypes Types of the edges for graphviz.
#' @param nodeShape.type Shapes on the tree.
#' @param genNodes Generate the nodes?
#' @param wantedNodes Subset of the ontologies to plot.
#' @param showEdges Show the arrows?
#' @param useFullNames Full names of the ontologies (they can get long).
#' @param oldSigNodes I dunno.
#' @param nodeInfo Hmm.
#' @param maxchars Maximum characters per line inside the shapes.
#' @return Topgo plot!
#' @seealso [topGO]
#' @export
hpgl_GOplot <- function(dag, sigNodes, dag.name = "GO terms", edgeTypes = TRUE,
nodeShape.type = c("box", "circle", "ellipse", "plaintext")[3],
genNodes = NULL, wantedNodes = NULL, showEdges = TRUE,
useFullNames = TRUE, oldSigNodes = NULL, nodeInfo = NULL,
maxchars = 30) {
## Original function definition had nodeInfo = nodeInfo
if(!missing(sigNodes)) {
sigNodeInd <- TRUE
} else {
sigNodeInd <- FALSE
## we set the global Graphviz attributes
## graphAttrs <- getDefaultAttrs(layoutType = 'dot')
graphAttrs <- Rgraphviz::getDefaultAttrs(layoutType = 'dot')
graphAttrs[["cluster"]] <- NULL
graphAttrs[["edge"]][["arrowsize"]] <- "0.4"
graphAttrs[["edge"]][["weight"]] <- "0.01"
##graphAttrs[["graph"]][["splines"]] <- FALSE
graphAttrs[["graph"]][["size"]] <- "12.0,12.0"
graphAttrs[["graph"]][["margin"]] <- "0.0,0.0"
## graphAttrs[["graph"]][["ranksep"]] <- "0.02"
## graphAttrs[["graph"]][["nodesep"]] <- "0.30"
## set the node shape
graphAttrs[["node"]][["shape"]] <- nodeShape.type
##graphAttrs[["node"]][["fixedsize"]] <- FALSE
## set the fontsize for the nodes labels
graphAttrs[["node"]][["fontsize"]] <- "20.0"
graphAttrs[["node"]][["height"]] <- "2.0"
graphAttrs[["node"]][["width"]] <- "3.0"
graphAttrs[["graph"]][["size"]] <- "12,12"
graphAttrs[["node"]][["color"]] <- "lightblue"
graphAttrs[["node"]][["fontname"]] <- "arial"
graphAttrs[["node"]][["style"]] <- "invis"
## set the local attributes lists
nodeAttrs <- list()
edgeAttrs <- list()
## try to use adaptive node size
##nodeAttrs[["fixedsize"]][nodes(dag)] <- rep(FALSE, numNodes(dag))
if(is.null(nodeInfo)) {
nodeInfo <- character(graph::numNodes(dag))
names(nodeInfo) <- graph::nodes(dag)
} else {
## nodeInfo <- paste('\\\n', nodeInfo, sep = '')
nodeInfo <- gsub(pattern = "(\\w.{18}).*(\\\\\\n)",
replacement = "\\1\\2", x = nodeInfo, perl = TRUE)
nodeInfo <- glue("\\\n{nodeInfo}")
## a good idea is to use xxxxxxx instead of GO:xxxxxxx as node labes
node.names <- graph::nodes(dag)
if(!useFullNames) {
nodeAttrs[["label"]] <- sapply(node.names,
function(x) {
return(paste(substr(x, 4, nchar(node.names[1])),
nodeInfo[x], sep = ''))
} else {
nodeAttrs[["label"]] <- glue("{node.names}{nodeInfo}")
names(nodeAttrs[["label"]]) <- node.names
## we will change the shape and the color of the nodes that generated the dag
if(!is.null(wantedNodes)) {
diffNodes <- setdiff(wantedNodes, genNodes)
if(length(diffNodes) > 0) {
nodeAttrs[["color"]][diffNodes] <- rep("lightblue", .ln <- length(diffNodes))
nodeAttrs[["shape"]][diffNodes] <- rep("circle", .ln)
nodeAttrs[["height"]][diffNodes] <- rep("0.45", .ln)
## nodeAttrs[["width"]][diffNodes] <- rep("0.6", .ln)
## nodeAttrs[["fixedsize"]][wantedNodes] <- rep(TRUE, .ln)
## we will change the shape and the color of the nodes we want back
if(!is.null(genNodes)) {
nodeAttrs[["color"]][genNodes] <- rep("lightblue", .ln <- length(genNodes))
nodeAttrs[["shape"]][genNodes] <- rep("box", .ln)
## nodeAttrs[["fixedsize"]][genNodes] <- rep(FALSE, .ln)
## we will use different fillcolors for the nodes
if(sigNodeInd) {
if(!is.null(oldSigNodes)) {
old.logSigNodes <- log10(sort(oldSigNodes[graph::nodes(dag)]))
old.range <- range(old.logSigNodes)
logSigNodes <- log10(sort(sigNodes))
logSigNodes[logSigNodes < old.range[1]] <- old.range[1]
logSigNodes[logSigNodes > old.range[2]] <- old.range[2]
## debug: old.range == range(logSigNodes)
## if(!identical(all.equal(old.range, range(logSigNodes)), TRUE)) {
## stop('some stupid error here :)')
## }
} else {
old.logSigNodes <- logSigNodes <- log10(sort(sigNodes))
sigColor <- round(logSigNodes - range(logSigNodes)[1] + 1)
old.sigColor <- round(old.logSigNodes - range(old.logSigNodes)[1] + 1)
mm <- max(sigColor, old.sigColor)
sigColor <- sigColor + (mm - max(sigColor))
colorMap <- heat.colors(mm)
nodeAttrs[["fillcolor"]] <- unlist(
lapply(sigColor, function(x) return(colorMap[x])))
if(!showEdges) {
graphAttrs[["edge"]][["color"]] <- "white"
} else {
## if we want to differentiate between 'part-of' and 'is-a' edges
if (edgeTypes) {
## 0 for a is_a relation, 1 for a part_of relation
## edgeAttrs[["color"]] <- ifelse(getEdgeWeights(dag) == 0, 'black', 'red')
edgeAttrs[["color"]] <- ifelse(
hpgltools::getEdgeWeights(dag) == 0, "black", "black")
final_dag <- Rgraphviz::agopen(graph = dag, name = dag.name, attrs = graphAttrs,
nodeAttrs = nodeAttrs, edgeAttrs = edgeAttrs)
#' A hack of topGO's groupDensity()
#' This just adds a couple wrappers to avoid errors in groupDensity.
#' @param object TopGO enrichment object.
#' @param whichGO Individual ontology group to compare against.
#' @param ranks Rank order the set of ontologies?
#' @param rm.one Remove pvalue = 1 groups?
#' @return plot of group densities.
hpgl_GroupDensity <- function(object, whichGO, ranks = TRUE, rm.one = FALSE) {
groupMembers <- try(topGO::genesInTerm(object, whichGO)[[1]])
if (class(groupMembers)[1] == "try-error") {
allS <- topGO::geneScore(object, use.names = TRUE)
if (rm.one) {
allS <- allS[allS < 0.99]
xlab <- "Gene' score"
if (ranks) {
allS <- BiocGenerics::rank(allS, ties.method = "random")
xlab <- "Gene's rank"
group <- as.integer(names(allS) %in% groupMembers)
xx <- data.frame(
"score" = allS,
"group" = factor(
group, labels = paste0(c('complementary', whichGO), " (", table(group), ")")))
plot <- lattice::densityplot(
~ score | group, data = xx, layout = c(1, 2), xlab = xlab)
## EOF
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