#' @title
#' Analyze DNA methylation data
#' @description
#' SEnsible and step-wise analysis of DNA methylation data
#' @details
#' This package complements array functionalities that allow
#' processing >10,000 samples in parallel on clusters.
#' @aliases sesame
#' @author
#' Wanding Zhou \email{},
#' Hui Shen \email{}
#' Timothy J Triche Jr \email{}
## @references To appear
## @seealso To appear
#' @examples
#' sset <- readIDATpair(sub('_Grn.idat','',system.file(
#' 'extdata','4207113116_A_Grn.idat',package='sesameData')))
#' ## The OpenSesame pipeline
#' betas <- openSesame(sset)
#' @keywords DNAMethylation Microarray QualityControl
#' SigSet class
#' This is the main data class for SeSAMe. The class holds different
#' classes of signal intensities.
#' @slot IG intensity table for type I probes in green channel
#' @slot IR intensity table for type I probes in red channel
#' @slot II intensity table for type II probes
#' @slot oobG out-of-band probes in green channel
#' @slot oobR out-of-band probes in red channel
#' @slot ctl all the control probe intensities
#' @slot pval named numeric vector of p-values
#' @slot extra extra data, currently,
#' IGG => Type-I green that is inferred to be green
#' IRR => Type-I red that is inferred to be red
#' pvals => list of other pvals
#' @slot platform "EPIC", "HM450" or "HM27"
#' @return a \code{SigSet} object
#' @name SigSet-class
#' @rdname SigSet-class
#' @examples
#' ## Create an empty EPIC object.
#' SigSet("EPIC")
#' @exportClass SigSet
IG = 'matrix',
IR = 'matrix',
II = 'matrix',
oobG = 'matrix',
oobR = 'matrix',
ctl = 'data.frame',
pval = 'numeric',
extra = 'list', # extra data, extended to allow additional data
platform = 'character'))
## update old SigSet without slot extra
updateSigSet <- function(sset) {
sset2 <- SigSet(sset@platform)
for(sname in c("IG", "IR", "II", "oobG", "oobR", "ctl", "pval", "extra", "platform")) {
if (sname == 'extra')
slot(sset2, sname) <- list()
slot(sset2, sname) <- slot(sset, sname)
#' Constructor method of SigSet class.
#' The function takes a string describing the platform of the data. It can be
#' one of "HM27", "HM450" or "EPIC".
#' @name SigSet
#' @param .Object target object
#' @param platform "EPIC", "HM450", "HM27" or other strings for custom arrays
#' @rdname SigSet-class
#' @return a \code{SigSet} object
#' @aliases initialize,SigSet-method
"initialize", "SigSet",
function(.Object, platform, ...) {
.Object <- callNextMethod()
.Object@extra <- list()
.Object@platform <- platform # match.arg(platform)
#' Wrapper function for building a new \code{SigSet}
#' The function takes a string describing the platform of the data. It can be
#' one of "HM27", "HM450" or "EPIC".
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @name SigSet
#' @rdname SigSet-class
#' @examples
#' SigSet('EPIC')
#' @import methods
#' @export
SigSet <- function(...) new("SigSet", ...)
#' The display method for SigSet
#' The function outputs the number of probes in each category and the first
#' few signal measurements.
#' @param object displayed object
#' @return message of number of probes in each category.
#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show,SigSet-method
#' @examples
#' sset <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.LNCaP')$sset
#' print(sset)
"show", "SigSet",
function(object) {
cat("SigSet", object@platform, "\n - @IG probes:",
nrow(object@IG), '-', as.numeric(head(object@IG, n=3)),
"...\n - @IR probes:", nrow(object@IR),
'-', as.numeric(head(object@IR, n=3)),
"...\n - @II probes:", nrow(object@II),
'-', as.numeric(head(object@II, n=3)),
"...\n - @oobG probes:", nrow(object@oobG),
'-', as.numeric(head(object@oobG, n=3)),
"...\n - @oobR probes:", nrow(object@oobR),
'-', as.numeric(head(object@oobR, n=3)),
"...\n - @ctl probes:", nrow(object@ctl),
"...\n - @pval:", length(object@pval),
"-", as.numeric(head(object@pval, n=3)), "...\n")
#' Select a subset of probes
#' The function takes a \code{SigSet} as input and output another
#' \code{SigSet} with probes from the given probe selection.
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet}
#' @param probes target probes
#' @return another sset with probes specified
#' @examples
#' sset <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.LNCaP')$sset
#' subsetSignal(sset, rownames(slot(sset, 'IR')))
#' @export
subsetSignal <- function(sset, probes) {
stopifnot(is(sset, "SigSet"))
IR(sset) <- IR(sset)[rownames(IR(sset)) %in% probes,,drop=FALSE]
IG(sset) <- IG(sset)[rownames(IG(sset)) %in% probes,,drop=FALSE]
II(sset) <- II(sset)[rownames(II(sset)) %in% probes,,drop=FALSE]
oobR(sset) <- oobR(sset)[rownames(oobR(sset)) %in% probes,,drop=FALSE]
oobG(sset) <- oobG(sset)[rownames(oobG(sset)) %in% probes,,drop=FALSE]
## get negative control probes
negControls <- function(sset) {
stopifnot(is(sset, "SigSet"))
negctls <- ctl(sset)[grep('negative', tolower(rownames(ctl(sset)))),]
negctls <- subset(negctls, col!=-99)
#' report M and U for regular probes
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet}
#' @return a data frame of M and U columns
#' @examples
#' sset <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.LNCaP')$sset
#' signalMU(sset)
#' @export
signalMU <- function(sset) {
rbind(IR(sset), IG(sset), II(sset))
#' Mean Intensity
#' The function takes one single \code{SigSet} and computes mean
#' intensity of all the in-band measurements. This includes all Type-I
#' in-band measurements and all Type-II probe measurements. Both methylated
#' and unmethylated alleles are considered. This function outputs a single
#' numeric for the mean.
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet}
#' @return mean of all intensities
#' @examples
#' sset <- makeExampleSeSAMeDataSet()
#' meanIntensity(sset)
#' @export
meanIntensity <- function(sset) {
stopifnot(is(sset, "SigSet"))
mean(c(IG(sset), IR(sset), II(sset)), na.rm=TRUE)
#' M+U Intensities for All Probes
#' The function takes one single \code{SigSet} and computes total
#' intensity of all the in-band measurements by summing methylated and
#' unmethylated alleles. This function outputs a single numeric for the mean.
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet}
#' @return a vector of M+U signal for each probe
#' @examples
#' sset <- makeExampleSeSAMeDataSet()
#' intensities <- totalIntensities(sset)
#' @export
totalIntensities <- function(sset) {
rowSums(rbind(IG(sset), IR(sset), II(sset)))
#' Calculate intensity Z-score
#' This function compute intensity Z-score with respect to the mean.
#' Log10 transformation is done first. Probes of each design type are
#' grouped before Z-scores are computed.
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet}
#' @return a vector of Z-score for each probe
#' @examples
#' sset <- sesameDataGet('HM450.1.TCGA.PAAD')$sset
#' head(totalIntensityZscore(sset))
#' @export
totalIntensityZscore <- function(sset) {
Zscore <- rbind(
#' Get sex-related information
#' The function takes a \code{SigSet} and returns a vector of three
#' numerics: the median intensity of chrY probes; the median intensity of
#' chrX probes; and fraction of intermediate chrX probes. chrX and chrY
#' probes excludes pseudo-autosomal probes.
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet}
#' @return medianY and medianX, fraction of XCI, methylated and unmethylated X
#' probes, median intensities of auto-chromosomes.
#' @examples
#' sset <- makeExampleSeSAMeDataSet()
#' getSexInfo(sset)
#' @export
getSexInfo <- function(sset) {
if (is(sset, "SigSetList"))
return(, lapply(sset, getSexInfo)))
stopifnot(is(sset, "SigSet"))
cleanY <- sesameDataGet(paste0(
xLinked <- sesameDataGet(paste0(
probe2chr <- sesameDataGet(paste0(
xLinkedBeta <- getBetas(subsetSignal(sset, xLinked), mask=FALSE)
intens <- totalIntensities(sset)
probes <- intersect(names(intens), names(probe2chr))
intens <- intens[probes]
probe2chr <- probe2chr[probes]
medianY=median(totalIntensities(subsetSignal(sset, cleanY))),
medianX=median(totalIntensities(subsetSignal(sset, xLinked))),
xLinkedBeta>0.3 & xLinkedBeta<0.7, na.rm = TRUE) /
sum(xLinkedBeta > 0.7, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(!(,
sum(xLinkedBeta < 0.3, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(!(,
tapply(intens, probe2chr, median))
#' Infer Sex Karyotype
#' The function takes a \code{SigSet} and infers the sex chromosome Karyotype
#' and presence/absence of X-chromosome inactivation (XCI). chrX, chrY and XCI
#' are inferred relatively independently. This function gives a more detailed
#' look of potential sex chromosome aberrations.
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet}
#' @return Karyotype string, with XCI
#' @examples
#' sset <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.LNCaP')$sset
#' inferSexKaryotypes(sset)
#' @export
inferSexKaryotypes <- function(sset) {
stopifnot(is(sset, "SigSet")) <- getSexInfo(sset)
auto.median <- median([paste0('chr',seq_len(22))], na.rm=TRUE)
XdivAuto <-['medianX'] / auto.median
YdivAuto <-['medianY'] / auto.median
if (XdivAuto > 1.2) {
if (['fracXlinked'] >= 0.5)
sexX <- 'XaXi'
else if (['fracXmeth'] >['fracXunmeth'])
sexX <- 'XiXi'
sexX <- 'XaXa'
} else {
if (['fracXmeth'] >['fracXunmeth'])
sexX <- 'Xi'
sexX <- 'Xa'
## adjust X copy number by fraction of XCI
if ((sexX == 'Xi' || sexX == 'Xa') && XdivAuto >= 1.0 &&['fracXlinked'] >= 0.5)
sexX <- 'XaXi'
if (YdivAuto > 0.3 ||['medianY'] > 2000)
sexY <- 'Y'
sexY <- ''
karyotype <- paste0(sexX, sexY)
#' Infer Sex
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet}
#' @return 'F' or 'M'
#' We established our sex calling based on the median intensity of
#' chromosome X, Y and the fraction of intermediately methylated probes
#' among the identified X-linked probes. This is similar to the
#' approach by Minfi (Aryee et al., 2014) but also different in that
#' we used the fraction of intermediate beta value rather than
#' median intensity for all chromosome X probes. Instead of using
#' all probes from the sex chromosomes, we used our curated set of Y
#' chromosome probes and X-linked probes which exclude potential
#' cross-hybridization and pseudo-autosomal effect.
#' XXY male (Klinefelter's), 45,X female (Turner's) can confuse the
#' model sometimes.
#' Our function works on a single sample.
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @import sesameData
#' @examples
#' sset <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.LNCaP')$sset
#' inferSex(sset)
#' @export
inferSex <- function(sset) {
stopifnot(is(sset, "SigSet"))
stopifnot(sset@platform %in% c('EPIC','HM450')) <- getSexInfo(sset)[seq_len(3)]
#' Infer Ethnicity
#' This function uses both the built-in rsprobes as well as the type I
#' Color-Channel-Switching probes to infer ethnicity.
#' sset better be background subtracted and dyebias corrected for
#' best accuracy
#' Please note: the betas should come from sigset *without*
#' channel inference.
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet}
#' @return string of ethnicity
#' @importFrom randomForest randomForest
#' @import sesameData
#' @examples
#' sset <- makeExampleSeSAMeDataSet("HM450")
#' inferEthnicity(sset)
#' @export
inferEthnicity <- function(sset) {
if (is(sset, "SigSetList"))
return(vapply(sset, inferEthnicity, character(1)))
stopifnot(is(sset, 'SigSet'))
stopifnot(sset@platform %in% c('EPIC','HM450'))
ethnicity.inference <- sesameDataGet('ethnicity.inference')
ccsprobes <- ethnicity.inference$ccs.probes
rsprobes <- ethnicity.inference$rs.probes
ethnicity.model <- ethnicity.inference$model
af <- c(
getBetas(sset, mask=FALSE)[rsprobes],
subsetSignal(sset, ccsprobes)))
as.character(predict(ethnicity.model, af))
#' Mask beta values by design quality
#' Currently quality masking only supports three platforms
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet} object
#' @param mask.use.tcga whether to use TCGA masking, only applies to HM450
#' @return a filtered \code{SigSet}
#' @examples
#' sset <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.LNCaP')$sset
#' sset.masked <- qualityMask(sset)
#' @export
qualityMask <- function(
mask.use.tcga=FALSE) {
if(!(sset@platform %in% c('HM27','HM450','EPIC'))) {
"Quality masking is not supported for %s.", sset@platform))
if (mask.use.tcga) {
stopifnot(sset@platform == 'HM450')
mask <- sesameDataGet('HM450.probeInfo')$mask.tcga
} else {
mask <- sesameDataGet(paste0(sset@platform, '.probeInfo'))$mask
sset@extra$mask <- union(sset@extra$mask, mask)
#' Mask Sigset by detection p-value
#' @param sset a \code{SigSet}
#' @param pval.method which method to use in calculating p-values
#' @param pval.threshold the p-value threshold
#' @return a filtered \code{SigSet}
#' @examples
#' sset <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.LNCaP')$sset
#' sset.masked <- detectionMask(sset)
#' @export
detectionMask <- function(
sset, pval.method=NULL, pval.threshold=0.05) {
if (is.null(pval.method)) {
pv <- pval(sset)
} else {
stopifnot('pvals' %in% sset@extra && pval.method %in% sset@extra$pvals)
pv <- sset@extra$pvals[[pval.method]]
mask <- names(pv)[pv > pval.threshold]
sset@extra$mask <- union(sset@extra$mask, mask)
#' Get beta Values
#' sum.typeI is used for rescuing beta values on
#' Color-Channel-Switching CCS probes. The function takes a \code{SigSet}
#' and returns beta value except that Type-I in-band signal and out-of-band
#' signal are combined. This prevents color-channel switching due to SNPs.
#' @param sset \code{SigSet}
#' @param sum.TypeI whether to sum type I channels
#' @param mask whether to use mask
#' @return a numeric vector, beta values
#' @examples
#' sset <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.LNCaP')$sset
#' betas <- getBetas(sset)
#' @export
getBetas <- function(sset, mask=TRUE, sum.TypeI = FALSE) {
if (is(sset, "SigSetList")) {
return(, lapply(
sset, getBetas, mask=mask, sum.TypeI=sum.TypeI)))
stopifnot(is(sset, "SigSet"))
IGs <- IG(sset)
IRs <- IR(sset)
## optionally summing channels protects
## against channel misspecification
if (sum.TypeI) {
IGs <- IGs + oobR2(sset)
IRs <- IRs + oobG2(sset)
} else if (!is.null(sset@extra$IGG) && !is.null(sset@extra$IRR)) {
IGs[!sset@extra$IGG,] <- sset@oobR[!sset@extra$IGG,]
IRs[!sset@extra$IRR,] <- sset@oobG[!sset@extra$IRR,]
betas <- c(
pmax(IGs[,'M'],1) / pmax(IGs[,'M']+IGs[,'U'],2),
pmax(IRs[,'M'],1) / pmax(IRs[,'M']+IRs[,'U'],2),
pmax(II(sset)[,'M'],1) / pmax(II(sset)[,'M']+II(sset)[,'U'],2))
if (mask)
betas[!, sset@extra$mask))] <- NA
#' Get allele frequency treating type I by summing alleles
#' Takes a \code{SigSet} as input and returns a numeric vector containing
#' extra allele frequencies based on Color-Channel-Switching (CCS) probes.
#' If no CCS probes exist in the \code{SigSet}, then an numeric(0) is
#' returned.
#' @param sset \code{SigSet}
#' @param known.ccs.only consider only known CCS probes
#' @return beta values
#' @examples
#' sset <- sesameDataGet('EPIC.1.LNCaP')$sset
#' betas <- getAFTypeIbySumAlleles(sset)
#' @export
getAFTypeIbySumAlleles <- function(sset, known.ccs.only = TRUE) {
stopifnot(is(sset, "SigSet"))
if (any(rownames(oobR(sset)) != rownames(IG(sset))))
stop("oobR-IG not matched. Likely a malformed sset.");
if (any(rownames(oobG(sset)) != rownames(IR(sset))))
stop("oobG-IR not matched. Likely a malformed sset.");
## .oobG <- oobG[rownames(IR),]
af <- c(
if (known.ccs.only)
af <- af[intersect(
## res is the output of illuminaio::readIDAT
inferPlatform <- function(res) {
'BeadChip 8x5'='EPIC',
'BeadChip 12x8'='HM450',
'BeadChip 12x1'='HM27',
## Import one IDAT file
## return a data frame with 2 columns, corresponding to
## cy3 (Grn) and cy5 (Red) color channel signal
readIDAT1 <- function(,, platform='') {
ida.grn <- suppressWarnings(illuminaio::readIDAT(; <- suppressWarnings(illuminaio::readIDAT(;
d <- cbind(
colnames(d) <- c('G', 'R')
if (platform != '') {
attr(d, 'platform') <- platform
} else {
## this is not always accurate
## TODO should identify unique tengo IDs.
attr(d, 'platform') <- inferPlatform(
#' Import a pair of IDATs from one sample
#' The function takes a prefix string that are shared with _Grn.idat
#' and _Red.idat. The function returns a \code{SigSet}.
#' @param prefix.path sample prefix without _Grn.idat and _Red.idat
#' @param manifest optional design manifest file
#' @param controls optional control probe manifest file
#' @param verbose be verbose? (FALSE)
#' @param platform EPIC, HM450 and HM27 etc.
#' @return a \code{SigSet}
#' @examples
#' sset <- readIDATpair(sub('_Grn.idat','',system.file(
#' "extdata", "4207113116_A_Grn.idat", package = "sesameData")))
#' @export
readIDATpair <- function(
prefix.path, platform = '', manifest = NULL,
controls = NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
if (file.exists(paste0(prefix.path, '_Grn.idat'))) { <- paste0(prefix.path, '_Grn.idat')
} else if (file.exists(paste0(prefix.path, '_Grn.idat.gz'))) { <- paste0(prefix.path, '_Grn.idat.gz')
} else {
stop('Grn IDAT does not exist')
if (file.exists(paste0(prefix.path, '_Red.idat'))) { <- paste0(prefix.path, '_Red.idat')
} else if (file.exists(paste0(prefix.path, '_Red.idat.gz'))) { <- paste0(prefix.path, '_Red.idat.gz')
} else {
stop('Red IDAT does not exist')
if (verbose == TRUE) {
message("Reading IDATs for ", basename(prefix.path), "...")
dm <- readIDAT1(,, platform=platform)
if (is.null(manifest)) { # pre-built platforms, EPIC, HM450, HM27 etc
df_address <- sesameDataGet(paste0(
attr(dm, 'platform'), '.address'))
manifest <- df_address$ordering
controls <- df_address$controls
## this is critical, sset must have default one p-value
sset <- pOOBAH(chipAddressToSignal(dm, manifest, controls))
pval(sset) <- extra(sset)[['pvals']][['pOOBAH']]
#' Identify IDATs from a directory
#' The input is the directory name as a string. The function identifies all
#' the IDAT files under the directory. The function returns a vector of such
#' IDAT prefixes under the directory.
#' @param the directory containing the IDAT files.
#' @param recursive search IDAT files recursively
#' @param use.basename basename of each IDAT path is used as sample name
#' This won't work in rare situation where there are duplicate IDAT files.
#' @return the IDAT prefixes (a vector of character strings).
#' @examples
#' ## only search what are directly under
#' IDATprefixes <- searchIDATprefixes(
#' system.file("extdata", "", package = "sesameData"))
#' ## search files recursively is by default
#' IDATprefixes <- searchIDATprefixes(
#' system.file(package = "sesameData"), recursive=TRUE)
#' @export
searchIDATprefixes <- function(,
recursive = TRUE, use.basename = TRUE) {
paths <- list.files(, '\\.idat(.gz)?$', recursive = recursive)
prefixes <- unique(sub('_(Grn|Red).idat(.gz)?', '', paths))
df <- data.frame(
prefix=sub('_(Grn|Red).idat.*', '', paths),
channel=sub('.*_(Grn|Red).idat.*', '\\1', paths))
byprefix <- split(df, df$prefix)
## valid IDAT should has both Grn and Red
is.valid <- vapply(byprefix, function(x) all(
sort(x[,'channel']) == c('Grn','Red')), logical(1))
prefixes <- names(is.valid)[is.valid]
if (length(prefixes) == 0)
stop("No IDAT file found.")
prefixes <- file.path(, prefixes)
## set name attributes so that names are auto-assigned for
## lapply and mclapply
if (use.basename) {
names(prefixes) <- basename(prefixes)
} else {
names(prefixes) <- prefixes
#' Lookup address in one sample
#' Lookup address and transform address to probe
#' Translate data in chip address to probe address.
#' Type I probes can be separated into Red and Grn channels. The
#' methylated allele and unmethylated allele are at different
#' addresses. For type II probes methylation allele and unmethylated allele are
#' at the same address. Grn channel is for methylated allele and Red channel is
#' for unmethylated allele. The out-of-band signals are type I probes measured
#' using the other channel.
#' @param dm data frame in chip address, 2 columns: cy3/Grn and cy5/Red
#' @param manifest a data frame with columns Probe_ID, M, U and col
#' @param controls a data frame with columns Address and Name. This is optional
#' but might be necessary for some preprocessing methods that depends on these
#' control probes. This is left for backward compatibility. Updated version
#' should have controls consolidated into manifest.
#' @return a SigSet, indexed by probe ID address
chipAddressToSignal <- function(
dm, manifest, controls = NULL) {
platform <- attr(dm, 'platform')
sset <- SigSet(platform)
## type I green channel / oob red channel
## IordG <- manifest[((manifest$DESIGN=='I')&(manifest$col=='G')),]
IordG <- manifest[(!$col))&(manifest$col=='G'),]
## 2-channel for green probes' M allele
IuG2ch <- dm[match(IordG$U, rownames(dm)),]
## 2-channel for green probes' U allele
ImG2ch <- dm[match(IordG$M, rownames(dm)),]
oobR(sset) <- as.matrix(
data.frame(M=ImG2ch[,'R'], U=IuG2ch[,'R'], row.names=IordG$Probe_ID))
IG(sset) <- as.matrix(data.frame(
M = ImG2ch[,'G'], U = IuG2ch[,'G'],
row.names = IordG$Probe_ID))
## type I red channel / oob green channel
## IordR <- manifest[((manifest$DESIGN=='I')&(manifest$col=='R')),]
IordR <- manifest[(!$col))&(manifest$col=='R'),]
## 2-channel for red probes' m allele
IuR2ch <- dm[match(IordR$U, rownames(dm)),]
## 2-channel for red probes' u allele
ImR2ch <- dm[match(IordR$M, rownames(dm)),]
oobG(sset) <- as.matrix(
data.frame(M=ImR2ch[,'G'], U=IuR2ch[,'G'], row.names=IordR$Probe_ID))
IR(sset) <- as.matrix(data.frame(
M = ImR2ch[,'R'], U = IuR2ch[,'R'],
row.names = IordR$Probe_ID))
IR(sset)[rowSums( > 0] <- 0
## type II
## IIord <- manifest[manifest$DESIGN=="II",]
IIord <- manifest[$col),]
signal.II <- dm[match(IIord$U, rownames(dm)),c('G','R')]
colnames(signal.II) <- c('M', 'U')
rownames(signal.II) <- IIord$Probe_ID
II(sset) <- signal.II
## control probes
ctl_idx <- grep('^ctl',manifest$Probe_ID)
if (length(ctl_idx) > 0) { # control probes are included in manifest
ctl_ord <- manifest[ctl_idx,]
ctl <-[match(ctl_ord$U, rownames(dm)),])
ctl <- cbind(ctl, ctl_ord$col, ctl_ord$Probe_ID)
rownames(ctl) <- ctl_ord$Probe_ID
colnames(ctl) <- c('G','R','col','type')
ctl(sset) <- ctl
} else if (!is.null(controls)) {
ctl <-[match(controls$Address, rownames(dm)),])
rownames(ctl) <- make.names(controls$Name, unique=TRUE)
ctl <- cbind(ctl, controls[, c("Color_Channel","Type")])
colnames(ctl) <- c('G','R','col','type')
ctl(sset) <- ctl
#' Compute internal bisulfite conversion control
#' Compute GCT score for internal bisulfite conversion control. The function
#' takes a \code{SigSet} as input. The higher the GCT score, the more likely
#' the incomplete conversion.
#' @param sset signal set
#' @param use.median use median to compute GCT instead of mean
#' @return GCT score (the higher, the more incomplete conversion)
#' @examples
#' sset <- makeExampleSeSAMeDataSet('HM450')
#' bisConversionControl(sset)
#' @export
bisConversionControl <- function(sset, use.median=FALSE) {
stopifnot(sset@platform %in% c('EPIC','HM450'))
extC <- sesameDataGet(paste0(sset@platform, '.probeInfo'))$typeI.extC
extT <- sesameDataGet(paste0(sset@platform, '.probeInfo'))$typeI.extT
prbs <- rownames(oobG(sset))
extC <- intersect(prbs, extC)
extT <- intersect(prbs, extT)
if (use.median) {
median(oobG(sset)[extC,], na.rm=TRUE) /
median(oobG(sset)[extT,], na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
mean(oobG(sset)[extC,], na.rm=TRUE) /
mean(oobG(sset)[extT,], na.rm=TRUE)
## R6 utility functions deleted after 1.5.0
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