addCachedYAMLValue | add a stored parameter value for the named config field |
bamSummarise | summarise mapping observations from a BAM file |
bamSummariseByChr | summarise mapping observations from a BAM file by chromosome |
bamSummaryToCoverage | get depth of coverage information from across the genome |
buildPositionMap | prepares a matrix of operations and coordinates from a CIGAR |
cachedYAMLToYAML | export the stored config parameters parsed from YAML file |
chromosomeMappingSummary | prepare mapping summary information by chromosome |
cigarQ2Op | extracts cigar operations based on query coordinates |
cigarQ2R | maps query coordinates to the reference sequence |
cigarR2Op | extracts cigar operations based on reference coordinates |
cigarR2Q | maps reference coordinates back to the query sequence |
cleanReferenceGenome | cleanup the reference genome data |
enrichmentCoverageTypeOverChromosomes | prepare a barchart showing number of bases per chromosome... |
enrichmentExecutiveSummary | prepare executive summary infographic for the cas9 tutorial |
enrichmentGetTargetList | return list of defined cas9 target regions |
enrichmentMappingByGenomicSegment | prepare a table of cas9 target mapping types |
enrichmentMultiGeneCoveragePanel | prepare a plot of depth-of-coverage across each of the... |
enrichmentOffTargetKaryogram | prepare a karyogram shaded with regions of off-target mapping |
enrichmentOffTargetTable | prepare a table of cas9 off-target mapping locations |
enrichmentSingleTargetPlot | prepare a plot of sequence coverage over a cas9 target region |
enrichmentStrandedTargetPlot | prepare a plot of sequence coverage shaded by strand over a... |
enrichmentTargetPerformanceTable | summarise cas9 target performance |
enrichmentWriteExcelOffTarget | write summary of off-target mapping results to an excel... |
enrichmentWriteExcelOnTarget | write summary of on-target mapping results to an excel format... |
extract5mC | prepares a data.frame of per-read methylC bases from provided... |
extract5mCProbabilities | prepares a data.frame of per-read methylC probability counts |
extractMethylatedBases | prepares a data.frame of read mapping context for methylation... |
fastqCheckup | perform a sanity check and prepare summary info on fastq file |
fastqValidator | parse a fastq file aiming to validate sequences |
fixFastq | fix a corrupted fastq file (if fastq-like) |
getCachedYAMLFields | list the parameter fields stored in a cached YAML config file |
getCachedYAMLValue | get the stored parameter value from named field |
getChromosomeIds | get chromosome identifiers from reference genome |
getChromosomeSequence | returns a DNAStringSet object corresponding to specified... |
getFastqBases | return the number of fastq bases previously parsed from... |
getFastqCount | return the number of fastq entries previously parsed from... |
getFastqPlusErrorCount | count of fastq elements rejected due to line 3 plus separator |
getFlongleChannelMap | produce the channelMap for a flongle flowcell for spatial... |
getGitDescription | get git metadata for current project |
getMalformedFastqHeaderCount | count of fastq elements rejected due to malformed fastq... |
getMinIONChannelMap | produce the channelMap for a MinION flowcell for spatial... |
getOutputFormat | get the defined output format for ggplot2 figures |
getPlotDimensions | return defined dimensions for an allowed ggplot2 object |
getPromethIONChannelMap | produce the channelMap for a PromethION flowcell for spatial... |
getReferenceGenome | get path reference genome object |
getReferenceGenomeGR | returns a GRanges object corresponding to the currently... |
getRpath | get path for R results |
getSeqLengths | get chromosome lengths for a named set of chromosomes |
getSequenceQualityMismatchCount | count of fastq elements rejected due to mismatch between... |
getSkippedLineCount | count of lines of fastq file skipped to enable fastq entry... |
getStringSetId | accessory method for mapping named chromosomes to their... |
getZeroLengthSequenceCount | count of fastq elements rejected due to zero length sequence |
ggbiosave | save a ggbio plot to file |
hasCachedYAMLField | check for available named cas9 parameter field |
importConfigYAML | import the cas9 parameters from YAML file |
importEnrichmentResults | imports the R target output generated by the... |
importSequencingSummary | load a sequencing_summary.txt file into memory |
infoGraphicPlot3 | prepare an 3x infographic-styled summary plot |
infoGraphicPlot4 | prepare a 4x infographic-styled summary plot |
infoGraphicPlot5 | prepare a 5x infographic-styled summary plot |
init | Initialise the nanopoRe environment |
isEnrichmentAnalysisComplete | accessory method to test whether the cas9 data indexing has... |
isInitialised | check nanopoRe environment |
lcalc | calculate Lstatistics (e.g. L50) for given sequence... |
LeftRightPlot | plot two ggplot2 figures side by side |
listCachedObjects | list objects that are stored within the nanopoRe working... |
listOutputFormat | list available output frameworks for ggplot2 figures |
loadMethylationBamFile | prepares a data.frame of read mapping context for methylation... |
loadReferenceGenome | load reference genome into memory |
md5sum | calculate md5sum checksum for qualified file |
nanopoRe | nanopoRe |
ncalc | calculate Nstatistics (e.g. N50) for given sequence... |
parallelBamSummarise | summarise mapping observations from a BAM file using parallel... |
phredmean | calculate mean Phred scores from list of Q values |
plotAlignmentAccuracy | plot a histogram of mapping accuracies |
plotAlignmentIdentity | plot a histogram of mapping identities |
plotDepthOfCoverageMegablock | plot a tiled panel of chromosomal depths-of-coverage |
plotOverallCovHistogram | plot a histogram of whole genome depth-of-coverage |
qualToMeanQ | calculate mean Phred score from an ASCII encoded phred string |
RepeatMaskerGR | extract GRanges object corresponding to RepeatMasker... |
RunEnrichmentAnalysis | perform an R-based enrichment analysis for a target region of... |
SequenceSummaryBarcodeHistogram | present a histogram of read count by sorted barcode Id |
SequenceSummaryBarcodeInfoGraphic | presents an emojifont based infographic for barcode... |
SequenceSummaryBarcodeTable | tabulate information on the SequencingSummary barcode fields... |
SequenceSummaryBasicInfoPlot | present an infographic styled basic characteristics plot of... |
SequenceSummaryExecutiveSummary | present an infographic styled executive summary of... |
SequencingSummaryActiveChannelPlot | plot number of observed channels actively producing data... |
SequencingSummaryBarcodeMerge | merge sequencing summary and barcode summary files |
SequencingSummaryBase50 | calculates the fractional number of bases according to... |
SequencingSummaryChannelActivity | prepare a channel activity plot from sequencing_summary reads... |
SequencingSummaryCumulativeBases | plot cumulative volumes of sequence bases |
SequencingSummaryCumulativeReads | plot cumulative volumes of sequence reads |
SequencingSummaryExtractRuntime | from sequencing_summary.txt return integer describing runtime... |
SequencingSummaryFlowCellID | get flowcell id from sequencing_summary file |
SequencingSummaryGetPlatform | identify the most likely sequencing platform used to create... |
SequencingSummaryHasBarcodeInfo | does the SequencingSummary information define a barcode? |
SequencingSummaryPassGauge | prepare a gauge plot of sequencing_summary reads passing QC |
SequencingSummaryReadLengthHistogram | plot a histogram of sequence read lengths |
SequencingSummaryReadLengthQualityDensity | plot a density map of sequence lengths and quality scores |
SequencingSummaryReadQualityHistogram | plot a histogram of sequence quality scores |
SequencingSummarySpeedPlot | plot speed of sequencing against time (bases per second... |
SequencingSummaryT50 | calculates the timepoint within a sequencing run where... |
SequencingSummaryTemporalThroughput | plot a sequence throughput against time for specified... |
SequencingSummaryWeightedReadLength | plot a weighted histogram of sequence read lengths |
setCachedYAMLValue | update the stored parameter value from named config field |
setLogFile | method to mask R output by writing to a log file |
setOutputFormat | set the defined output format for ggplot2 figures |
setPlotDimensions | set dimension definitions for an allowed ggplot2 object |
setReferenceGenome | set path for reference genome object |
setRpath | set path for R results |
snifflesKaryogram | prepare karyogram of annotated SVs |
svLengthDistribution | prepare figure of SV length distribution |
SVMappingCharacteristicTable | ont_tutorial_sv = summarise the mapping characteristics from... |
testBam | extract content from a BAM file |
unsetLog | method to output capture to log file |
Vcf2FilteredGranges | extract SV variants from a sniffles VCF file by SVTYPE |
Vcf2GRanges | convert VCF content into a GRanges object for nanopoRe usage |
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