Man pages for sagrudd/nanopoRe
Accessory Methods for the Analysis of Oxford Nanopore Technologies DNA Sequence Data

addCachedYAMLValueadd a stored parameter value for the named config field
bamSummarisesummarise mapping observations from a BAM file
bamSummariseByChrsummarise mapping observations from a BAM file by chromosome
bamSummaryToCoverageget depth of coverage information from across the genome
buildPositionMapprepares a matrix of operations and coordinates from a CIGAR
cachedYAMLToYAMLexport the stored config parameters parsed from YAML file
chromosomeMappingSummaryprepare mapping summary information by chromosome
cigarQ2Opextracts cigar operations based on query coordinates
cigarQ2Rmaps query coordinates to the reference sequence
cigarR2Opextracts cigar operations based on reference coordinates
cigarR2Qmaps reference coordinates back to the query sequence
cleanReferenceGenomecleanup the reference genome data
enrichmentCoverageTypeOverChromosomesprepare a barchart showing number of bases per chromosome...
enrichmentExecutiveSummaryprepare executive summary infographic for the cas9 tutorial
enrichmentGetTargetListreturn list of defined cas9 target regions
enrichmentMappingByGenomicSegmentprepare a table of cas9 target mapping types
enrichmentMultiGeneCoveragePanelprepare a plot of depth-of-coverage across each of the...
enrichmentOffTargetKaryogramprepare a karyogram shaded with regions of off-target mapping
enrichmentOffTargetTableprepare a table of cas9 off-target mapping locations
enrichmentSingleTargetPlotprepare a plot of sequence coverage over a cas9 target region
enrichmentStrandedTargetPlotprepare a plot of sequence coverage shaded by strand over a...
enrichmentTargetPerformanceTablesummarise cas9 target performance
enrichmentWriteExcelOffTargetwrite summary of off-target mapping results to an excel...
enrichmentWriteExcelOnTargetwrite summary of on-target mapping results to an excel format...
extract5mCprepares a data.frame of per-read methylC bases from provided...
extract5mCProbabilitiesprepares a data.frame of per-read methylC probability counts
extractMethylatedBasesprepares a data.frame of read mapping context for methylation...
fastqCheckupperform a sanity check and prepare summary info on fastq file
fastqValidatorparse a fastq file aiming to validate sequences
fixFastqfix a corrupted fastq file (if fastq-like)
getCachedYAMLFieldslist the parameter fields stored in a cached YAML config file
getCachedYAMLValueget the stored parameter value from named field
getChromosomeIdsget chromosome identifiers from reference genome
getChromosomeSequencereturns a DNAStringSet object corresponding to specified...
getFastqBasesreturn the number of fastq bases previously parsed from...
getFastqCountreturn the number of fastq entries previously parsed from...
getFastqPlusErrorCountcount of fastq elements rejected due to line 3 plus separator
getFlongleChannelMapproduce the channelMap for a flongle flowcell for spatial...
getGitDescriptionget git metadata for current project
getMalformedFastqHeaderCountcount of fastq elements rejected due to malformed fastq...
getMinIONChannelMapproduce the channelMap for a MinION flowcell for spatial...
getOutputFormatget the defined output format for ggplot2 figures
getPlotDimensionsreturn defined dimensions for an allowed ggplot2 object
getPromethIONChannelMapproduce the channelMap for a PromethION flowcell for spatial...
getReferenceGenomeget path reference genome object
getReferenceGenomeGRreturns a GRanges object corresponding to the currently...
getRpathget path for R results
getSeqLengthsget chromosome lengths for a named set of chromosomes
getSequenceQualityMismatchCountcount of fastq elements rejected due to mismatch between...
getSkippedLineCountcount of lines of fastq file skipped to enable fastq entry...
getStringSetIdaccessory method for mapping named chromosomes to their...
getZeroLengthSequenceCountcount of fastq elements rejected due to zero length sequence
ggbiosavesave a ggbio plot to file
hasCachedYAMLFieldcheck for available named cas9 parameter field
importConfigYAMLimport the cas9 parameters from YAML file
importEnrichmentResultsimports the R target output generated by the...
importSequencingSummaryload a sequencing_summary.txt file into memory
infoGraphicPlot3prepare an 3x infographic-styled summary plot
infoGraphicPlot4prepare a 4x infographic-styled summary plot
infoGraphicPlot5prepare a 5x infographic-styled summary plot
initInitialise the nanopoRe environment
isEnrichmentAnalysisCompleteaccessory method to test whether the cas9 data indexing has...
isInitialisedcheck nanopoRe environment
lcalccalculate Lstatistics (e.g. L50) for given sequence...
LeftRightPlotplot two ggplot2 figures side by side
listCachedObjectslist objects that are stored within the nanopoRe working...
listOutputFormatlist available output frameworks for ggplot2 figures
loadMethylationBamFileprepares a data.frame of read mapping context for methylation...
loadReferenceGenomeload reference genome into memory
md5sumcalculate md5sum checksum for qualified file
ncalccalculate Nstatistics (e.g. N50) for given sequence...
parallelBamSummarisesummarise mapping observations from a BAM file using parallel...
phredmeancalculate mean Phred scores from list of Q values
plotAlignmentAccuracyplot a histogram of mapping accuracies
plotAlignmentIdentityplot a histogram of mapping identities
plotDepthOfCoverageMegablockplot a tiled panel of chromosomal depths-of-coverage
plotOverallCovHistogramplot a histogram of whole genome depth-of-coverage
qualToMeanQcalculate mean Phred score from an ASCII encoded phred string
RepeatMaskerGRextract GRanges object corresponding to RepeatMasker...
RunEnrichmentAnalysisperform an R-based enrichment analysis for a target region of...
SequenceSummaryBarcodeHistogrampresent a histogram of read count by sorted barcode Id
SequenceSummaryBarcodeInfoGraphicpresents an emojifont based infographic for barcode...
SequenceSummaryBarcodeTabletabulate information on the SequencingSummary barcode fields...
SequenceSummaryBasicInfoPlotpresent an infographic styled basic characteristics plot of...
SequenceSummaryExecutiveSummarypresent an infographic styled executive summary of...
SequencingSummaryActiveChannelPlotplot number of observed channels actively producing data...
SequencingSummaryBarcodeMergemerge sequencing summary and barcode summary files
SequencingSummaryBase50calculates the fractional number of bases according to...
SequencingSummaryChannelActivityprepare a channel activity plot from sequencing_summary reads...
SequencingSummaryCumulativeBasesplot cumulative volumes of sequence bases
SequencingSummaryCumulativeReadsplot cumulative volumes of sequence reads
SequencingSummaryExtractRuntimefrom sequencing_summary.txt return integer describing runtime...
SequencingSummaryFlowCellIDget flowcell id from sequencing_summary file
SequencingSummaryGetPlatformidentify the most likely sequencing platform used to create...
SequencingSummaryHasBarcodeInfodoes the SequencingSummary information define a barcode?
SequencingSummaryPassGaugeprepare a gauge plot of sequencing_summary reads passing QC
SequencingSummaryReadLengthHistogramplot a histogram of sequence read lengths
SequencingSummaryReadLengthQualityDensityplot a density map of sequence lengths and quality scores
SequencingSummaryReadQualityHistogramplot a histogram of sequence quality scores
SequencingSummarySpeedPlotplot speed of sequencing against time (bases per second...
SequencingSummaryT50calculates the timepoint within a sequencing run where...
SequencingSummaryTemporalThroughputplot a sequence throughput against time for specified...
SequencingSummaryWeightedReadLengthplot a weighted histogram of sequence read lengths
setCachedYAMLValueupdate the stored parameter value from named config field
setLogFilemethod to mask R output by writing to a log file
setOutputFormatset the defined output format for ggplot2 figures
setPlotDimensionsset dimension definitions for an allowed ggplot2 object
setReferenceGenomeset path for reference genome object
setRpathset path for R results
snifflesKaryogramprepare karyogram of annotated SVs
svLengthDistributionprepare figure of SV length distribution
SVMappingCharacteristicTableont_tutorial_sv = summarise the mapping characteristics from...
testBamextract content from a BAM file
unsetLogmethod to output capture to log file
Vcf2FilteredGrangesextract SV variants from a sniffles VCF file by SVTYPE
Vcf2GRangesconvert VCF content into a GRanges object for nanopoRe usage
sagrudd/nanopoRe documentation built on June 7, 2020, 10:20 p.m.