000==.Alphabet | Check if two alaphabet objects have the same symbol set |
000==.Process | Check whether the two supplied Process objects are identical |
Alphabet | The Alphabet class |
AminoAcidAlphabet | The AminoAcidAlphabet class |
AminoAcidSequence | The AminoAcidSequence class |
AminoAcidSubst | The AminoAcidSubst class |
AnyAlphabet | The AnyAlphabet class |
areSynonymous.CodonAlphabet | Check whether two codons are synonymous |
as.character.Alphabet | Get the character representation of an Alphabet object |
as.character.Event | Get the character representation of an Event object |
as.character.GeneralSubstitution | Return the character representation of a GeneralSubstitution... |
as.character.PhyloSim | Return the character representation of a PhyloSim object |
as.character.Process | Get the character representation of a Process object |
as.character.QMatrix | Return the character representation of a QMatrix object |
as.character.Sequence | Get the string representation of a Sequence object |
as.character.Site | Get the character representation of a Site object |
as.character.ToleranceSubstitution | Return the character representation of a... |
attachHookToNode.PhyloSim | Attach a callback function to a given node of a phylo object... |
attachProcess.Sequence | Attach a Process object to a set of Site objects aggregated... |
attachProcess.Site | Attach a Process object to a Site object |
attachSeqToNode.PhyloSim | Assotiate a Sequence object with a given node of a phylo... |
BinaryAlphabet | The BinaryAlphabet class |
BinarySequence | The BinarySequence class |
BinarySubst | The BinarySubst class |
BrownianInsertor | The BrownianInsertor class |
BrownianPath.BrownianInsertor | Generate a Brownian path |
buildFromPAML.AminoAcidSubst | Build rate matrix from PAML file |
buildFromPAML.CodonSubst | Build rate matrix from PAML file |
checkConsistency.Alphabet | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.AminoAcidSubst | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.BinarySubst | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.BrownianInsertor | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.CodonAlphabet | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.CodonSequence | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.CodonSubst | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.CodonUNREST | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.ContinuousDeletor | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.ContinuousInsertor | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.DiscreteDeletor | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.DiscreteInsertor | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.Event | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.F81 | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.F84 | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.FastFieldDeletor | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.GeneralDeletor | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.GeneralInDel | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.GeneralInsertor | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.GeneralSubstitution | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.GTR | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.GY94 | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.HKY | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.JC69 | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.K80 | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.K81 | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.PhyloSim | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.Process | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.PSRoot | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.PSRootSummary | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.QMatrix | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.Sequence | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.Site | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.T92 | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.TN93 | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.ToleranceSubstitution | Check object consistency |
checkConsistency.UNREST | Check object consistency |
clearStates.Sequence | Set the states of a collection of Site objects aggregated by... |
clone.GeneralSubstitution | Clone a GeneralSubstitution object |
clone.Process | Clone a process object |
clone.Sequence | Clone a Sequence object |
clone.ToleranceSubstitution | Clone a ToleranceSubstitution object |
CodonAlphabet | The CodonAlphabet class |
CodonSequence | The CodonSequence class |
CodonSubst | The CodonSubst class |
CodonUNREST | The CodonUNREST class |
ContinuousDeletor | The ContinuousDeletor class |
ContinuousInsertor | The ContinuousInsertor class |
copySubSequence.Sequence | Copy a collection of Site objects aggregated by a Sequence... |
cpREV | The cpREV empirical amino acid substitution model |
Debug.PhyloSim | Save a debug message in the PhyloSim log file |
deleteSubSequence.Sequence | Delete a collection of sites aggregated by a Sequence object |
detachHookFromNode.PhyloSim | Detach a node hook function from a given node of a phylo... |
detachProcess.Sequence | Detach a Process object from a set of Site objects aggregated... |
detachProcess.Site | Site |
detachSeqFromNode.PhyloSim | Detach a Sequence object from a given node of a phylo object... |
DiscreteDeletor | The DiscreteDeletor class |
DiscreteInsertor | The DiscreteInsertor class |
ECMrest | The ECMrest empirical codon substitution model |
ECMunrest | The ECMunrest empirical codon substitution model |
enableVirtual.PSRoot | Enable the use of virtual fields for a given object |
Event | The Event class |
exportStatTree.PhyloSim | Export the per-branch counts of an event as a phylo object |
F81 | The F81 class |
F84 | The F84 class |
FastFieldDeletor | The FastFieldDeletor class |
flagTotalRate.Site | Flag the total event rate |
GeneralDeletor | The GeneralDeletor class |
GeneralInDel | The GeneralInDel class |
GeneralInsertor | The GeneralInsertor class |
GeneralSubstitution | The GeneralSubstitution class |
generateInsert.GeneralInsertor | Generate an insert |
getAcceptBy.GeneralInDel | Get the function used for accepting/rejecting indel events |
getAcceptWin.GeneralInsertor | Get the size of the acceptance window |
getAlignmentLength.PhyloSim | Get the alignment length from a PhyloSim object |
getAlignment.PhyloSim | Get the alignment stored in a PhyloSim object |
getAlphabet.GeneralSubstitution | Get the Alphabet object aggregated by a GeneralSubstitution... |
getAlphabet.Process | Get the Alphabet object associated with a given Process... |
getAlphabet.QMatrix | Get the Alphabet object associated with a QMatrix object |
getAlphabet.Site | Get the Alphabet object attached to a Site object |
getAlphabets.Sequence | Get the list of the Alphabet objects attached to the Site... |
getAlphabet.ToleranceSubstitution | Get the Alphabet object aggregated by a ToleranceSubstitution... |
getAncestral.Sequence | Get the ancestral object of a Sequence object |
getAncestral.Site | Get the ancestral object of a Site object |
getBaseFreqs.F81 | Get the base frequency parameters |
getBaseFreqs.F84 | Get the base frequency parameters |
getBaseFreqs.GTR | Get the base frequency parameters |
getBaseFreqs.HKY | Get the base frequency parameters |
getBaseFreqs.K80 | Get the base frequency parameters |
getBaseFreqs.K81 | Get the base frequency parameters |
getBaseFreqs.TN93 | Get the base frequency parameters |
getBigRate.Sequence | Get the sum of all active event rates from a Sequence object |
getBranchEvents.PhyloSim | Get the list of events having per-branch statistics recorded |
getCodonFreqs.GY94 | Get codon frequencies |
getComments.PSRoot | Get the comments associated with an object |
getCumulativeRatesFromRange.Sequence | Get the cumulative site rates for a collection of Site... |
getCumulativeRates.Sequence | Get the total site rates from a Sequence object |
getDeletionTolerance.Sequence | Get the deletion tolerance site-process specific parameter... |
getDist.ContinuousDeletor | Get the length sampling expression |
getDist.ContinuousInsertor | Get the length sampling expression |
getEdge.PhyloSim | Get and edge from the edge matrix |
getEdges.PhyloSim | Get the edge matrix from a phylo object aggregated by a... |
getEquDist.GeneralSubstitution | Get the equilibrium distribution from a GeneralSubstitution... |
getEquDist.ToleranceSubstitution | Get the equilibrium distribution from a ToleranceSubstitution... |
getEventRateAtSite.GeneralSubstitution | Get the site spcific rate of an event from a... |
getEventRateAtSite.ToleranceSubstitution | Get the site spcific rate of an event from a... |
getEventRate.GeneralSubstitution | Get the scaled rate of an event from a GeneralSubstitution... |
getEventRate.QMatrix | Get the unscaled rate of an event from a QMatrix object |
getEventRate.ToleranceSubstitution | Get the scaled rate of an event from a ToleranceSubstitution... |
getEventsAtSite.FastFieldDeletor | Generate a deletion event object given the state of the... |
getEventsAtSite.GeneralDeletor | Title |
getEventsAtSite.GeneralInsertor | Generate insertion event object given the state of the target... |
getEventsAtSite.GeneralSubstitution | Generate the list of active Event objects for a given... |
getEventsAtSite.GY94 | Generate the list of active Event objects for a given... |
getEventsAtSite.Process | Generate the list of active Event objects given a Site object |
getEventsAtSite.ToleranceSubstitution | Generate the list of active Event objects for a given... |
getEvents.Sequence | Get the list of active Event objects for a set of Site... |
getEvents.Site | Get the list of active event objects given the current state... |
getGenerateBy.GeneralInsertor | Get the function object used for generating inserts |
getHandler.Event | Get the handler function of an Event object |
getId.PhyloSim | Get the unique identifier of a PhyloSim object |
getId.Process | Get the unique identifier of a Process object |
getId.QMatrix | Get the unique identifier of a QMatrix object |
getId.Sequence | Get the unique identifier of a Sequence object |
getInsertHook.GeneralInsertor | Get the insert hook function |
getInsertionTolerance.Sequence | Get the insertion tolerance site-process specific parameter... |
getKappa.F84 | Get the transition transversion rate ratio |
getKappa.GY94 | Get the transition/transversion rate ratio |
getLengthParam1.FastFieldDeletor | Get the first length parameter |
getLengthParam2.FastFieldDeletor | Get the second length parameter |
getLength.Sequence | Get the number of Site objects aggregated in a Sequence... |
getLogFile.PhyloSim | Get the name of the file used for logging |
getLogLevel.PhyloSim | Get the log level from a PhyloSim object |
getMatrix.QMatrix | Get the unscaled rate matrix form a QMatrix object |
getMaxLength.ContinuousDeletor | Get the maximum length |
getMaxLength.ContinuousInsertor | Get the maximum length |
getMethodsList.PSRoot | Get the list of applicable methods for an object |
getName.Event | Get the name of an Event object |
getName.PhyloSim | Get the name of a PhyloSim object |
getName.Process | Get the name of a Process object |
getName.QMatrix | Get the name of a QMatrix object |
getName.Sequence | Get the name of a Sequence object |
getNedges.PhyloSim | Get the number of edges from phylo object aggregated by a... |
getNodes.PhyloSim | Get the node identifiers from a PhyloSim object |
getNtips.PhyloSim | Get the number of the tips form a phylo object aggregated by... |
getOmegaScalingFactor.GY94 | Get the omega scaling factor |
getOmegas.CodonSequence | Get the omegas from a collection of sites |
getParameterAtSite.Process | Get the value of a site-process specific paramter from a Site... |
getParameterAtSites.Sequence | Get the values of a site-process specific paramater for a... |
getPhylo.PhyloSim | Get the phylo object aggregated in a PhyloSim object |
getPosition.Event | Get the position of the Site object associated to an Event... |
getProbs.DiscreteDeletor | Get the deletion length probabilities |
getProbs.DiscreteInsertor | Get the insertion length probabilities |
getProcesses.Sequence | Get the Process objects attached to the Site objects... |
getProcesses.Site | Get the list of Process objects attached to a Site object |
getProcess.Event | Get the Process object which generated an Event object |
getProcess.QMatrix | Get the process object associated with a QMatrix object |
getProposeBy.GeneralInDel | Get the function used for proposing indel lengths |
getQMatrix.GeneralSubstitution | Get the QMatrix object aggregated by a GeneralSubstitution... |
getQMatrix.ToleranceSubstitution | Get the QMatrix object aggregated by a ToleranceSubstitution... |
getRate.Event | Get the rate of an Event object |
getRate.GeneralInDel | Get the general rate |
getRate.GeneralSubstitution | Get an unscaled rate of an event from a GeneralSubstitution... |
getRateList.GeneralSubstitution | Get a list of events and their unscaled rates from a... |
getRateList.QMatrix | Get a list of events and their unscaled rates from a QMatrix... |
getRateList.ToleranceSubstitution | Get a list of events and their unscaled rates from a... |
getRateMultipliers.Sequence | Get the values of the rate multiplier parameters for a given... |
getRateParam.F81 | Forbidden action: the value of a rate parameters |
getRateParam.F84 | Get the value of a rate parameter |
getRateParam.GTR | Get the value of a rate parameter |
getRateParam.HKY | Get the value of a rate parameter |
getRateParam.K80 | Get the value of a rate parameter |
getRateParam.K81 | Get the value of a rate parameter |
getRateParamList.F81 | Forbidden action: getting the list of rate parameters |
getRateParamList.F84 | Get the rate parameters |
getRateParamList.GTR | Get the rate parameters |
getRateParamList.HKY | Get the rate parameters |
getRateParamList.K80 | Get the rate parameters |
getRateParamList.K81 | Get the rate parameters |
getRateParamList.T92 | Get the rate parameters |
getRateParamList.TN93 | Get the rate parameters |
getRateParam.T92 | Get the value of a rate parameter |
getRateParam.TN93 | Get the value of a rate parameter |
getRate.QMatrix | Get an unscaled rate of an event from a QMatrix object |
getRate.ToleranceSubstitution | Get an unscaled rate of an event from a ToleranceSubstitution... |
getRootNode.PhyloSim | Get the identifier of the root node from a PhyloSim object |
getRootSeq.PhyloSim | Get the root sequence aggregated by a PhyloSim object |
getScale.BrownianInsertor | Get scale parameter |
getScaledMatrix.QMatrix | Get the scaled rate matrix form a QMatrix object |
getSeqFromNode.PhyloSim | Get the Sequence object associated with a given node of a... |
getSequence.Site | Get the Sequence object associated with a given Site object |
getSequences.PhyloSim | Gets all the Sequence objects associated with the nodes of a... |
getSite.Event | Get the Site object associated with an Event object |
getSiteSpecificParamIds.Process | Get the site specific paramter identifiers from a Process... |
getSiteSpecificParamList.Process | Get the list of site specific parameters of a Process object |
getSites.Sequence | Get the list of the Site object aggregated in a Sequence... |
getSize.Alphabet | Get the number of symbols in an Alphabet object |
getSizes.DiscreteDeletor | Get the sizes of the proposed deletions |
getSizes.DiscreteInsertor | Get the sizes of the proposed insertions |
getState.Site | Get the current state of a Site object |
getStates.Sequence | Get the states of a set of Site objects aggregated by a... |
getString.Sequence | Get the string representation of a Sequence object |
getSymbolFreqs.Sequence | Get a table with the frequencies of the states of a... |
getSymbolLength.Alphabet | Get the length of the symbols in a given alphabet object |
getSymbols.Alphabet | Get the symbol set from an Alphabet object |
getTableId.CodonAlphabet | Get the genetic code id |
getTemplateSeq.GeneralInsertor | Get the template sequence object |
getTheta.T92 | Get the GC content |
getTipLabels.PhyloSim | Get the tip labels from a phylo object aggregated by a... |
getTips.PhyloSim | Get the node identifiers of the tip nodes from a PhyloSim... |
getToleranceMargin.FastFieldDeletor | Get the tolerance margin |
getTotalRatesFromRange.Sequence | Get the vector of total site rates for a collection of Site... |
getTotalRate.Site | Get the total active event rate |
getTotalRates.Sequence | Get the total site rates from a Sequence object |
getTransTable.CodonAlphabet | Get the list storing the genetic code table |
getTreeLength.PhyloSim | Get the tree length from a PhyloSim object |
getType.Alphabet | Get Alphabet obejct type |
getType.BrownianInsertor | Get the type of the BrownianInsertor process |
getType.FastFieldDeletor | Get the type of a FastFieldDeletor object |
getUniqueAlphabets.Sequence | Get the list of unique Alphabet objects associated to Site... |
getUniqueProcesses.Sequence | Get the list of unique Process instances attached to the Site... |
getWriteProtected.Alphabet | Check if the object is write protected |
getWriteProtected.Event | Check if the object is write protected |
getWriteProtected.Process | Check if the object is write protected |
getWriteProtected.QMatrix | Check if the object is write protected |
getWriteProtected.Sequence | Check if the object is write protected |
globalConsistencyCheck.PSRoot | Check the consistency of all objects inheriting form PSRoot... |
GTR | The GTR class |
GY94 | The GY94 class |
hasSiteSpecificParameter.Process | Check if a Process object has the site-process specific... |
hasSymbols.Alphabet | Check if an Alphabet object has a given set of symbols |
hasUndefinedRate.GeneralInDel | Check whether the general rate of a GeneralInDel object is... |
hasUndefinedRate.GeneralSubstitution | Check if a GeneralSubstitution object has undefined rates |
hasUndefinedRate.Process | Check if the Process object has undefined rate parameters |
hasUndefinedRate.ToleranceSubstitution | Check if a ToleranceSubstitution object has undefined rates |
HKY | The HKY class |
insertSequence.Sequence | Insert a Sequence object into another Sequence object after a... |
intersect.list.PSRoot | Utility method returning the intersection of two lists |
is.Alphabet | Check if an object is an instance of the Alphabet class |
isAttached.Site | Check whether a Process object is attached to a Site object |
is.CodonAlphabet | Check if an object inherits from CodonAlphabet |
is.CodonUNREST | Check whether an object inherits from CodonUNREST |
isEmpty.Alphabet | Check if the symbol set is empty |
is.Event | Check whether an object inherits from the class Event |
is.GeneralDeletor | Check whether an object inherits from GeneralDeletor |
is.GeneralInDel | Check if an object inherits from the GeneralInDel class |
is.GeneralInsertor | Check whether an object inherits from GeneralInsertor |
is.GeneralSubstitution | Check if an object is an instance of the GeneralSubstitution... |
is.GY94 | Check whether an object inherits from GY94 |
is.na.PSRoot | Check if a PSRoot object is NA |
is.phylo | Check if an object is an instance of the phylo class |
is.Process | Check if an object is an instance of the Process class |
is.PSRoot | Check if an object inherits from PSRoot |
is.QMatrix | Check if an object is an instance of the QMatrix class |
is.Sequence | Check whether an object inherits from the Sequence class |
is.Site | Check if an object is an instance of the Site class |
isStartCodon.CodonAlphabet | Check if a codon is a start codon |
isStopCodon.CodonAlphabet | Check if a codon is a stop codon |
is.tip.PhyloSim | Check if a node is a tip |
is.ToleranceSubstitution | Check if an object is an instance of the... |
JC69 | The JC69 class |
JTT | The JTT empirical amino acid substitution model |
JTT.dcmut | The JTT.dcmut empirical amino acid substitution model |
K80 | The K80 class |
K81 | The K81 class |
LG | The LG empirical amino acid substitution model |
ll.PSRoot | Display detailed information about the virtual fields and... |
Log.PhyloSim | Save a message in the PhyloSim log file |
mtArt | The mtArt empirical amino acid substitution model |
mtMam | The mtMam empirical amino acid substitution model |
mtREV24 | The mtREV24 empirical amino acid substitution model |
MtZoa | The MtZoa empirical amino acid substitution model |
my.all.equal.PSRoot | Test if two objects are nearly equal |
newAAMatrix.AminoAcidSubst | Undocumented method |
newMatrix.CodonSubst | New codon substitution matrix from PAML file |
NucleotideAlphabet | The NucleotideAlphabet class |
NucleotideSequence | The NucleotideSequence class |
omegaHist.CodonSequence | Plot a histogram of omega values from a range |
omegaVarM0.CodonSequence | The M0 (one-ratio) model of variable omega ratios among sites |
omegaVarM1.CodonSequence | The M1 (neutral) model of variable omega ratios among sites |
omegaVarM2.CodonSequence | The M2 (selection) model of variable omega ratios among sites |
omegaVarM3.CodonSequence | The M3 (discrete) model of variable omega ratios among sites |
omegaVarM4.CodonSequence | The M4 (freqs) model of variable omega ratios among sites |
PAM | The PAM empirical amino acid substitution model |
PAM.dcmut | The PAM.dcmut empirical amino acid substitution model |
Perform.Event | Perform an event |
PhyloSim | The PhyloSim class |
plot.ContinuousDeletor | Plot the density of proposed lengths |
plot.ContinuousInsertor | Plot the density of proposed lengths |
plot.DiscreteDeletor | Plot the deletion length distribution |
plot.DiscreteInsertor | Plot the insertion length distribution |
plot.GeneralSubstitution | Create a bubble plot of the substitution process |
plotParametersAtSites.Sequence | Plot the value of a site-process specifc paramter for a... |
plot.PhyloSim | Plot a PhyloSim object |
plot.Sequence | Plot the total site rates for a collection of Site objects... |
plot.ToleranceSubstitution | Create a bubble plot of the substitution process |
plusGamma.Sequence | Sample the rate multiplier parameters of a Process from a... |
plusInvGamma.Sequence | Sample the rate multiplier parameters of a Process from an... |
print.PSRootSummary | Print out a PSRootSummary object |
print.QMatrix | Print the character representation of a QMatrix object |
Process | The Process class |
proposeLength.GeneralInDel | Propose indel length |
PSRoot | The root class for all phylosim objects |
PSRootSummary | The PSRootSummary class |
QMatrix | The QMatrix class |
readAlignment.PhyloSim | Read alignment from file |
readTree.PhyloSim | Read tree from file |
rescaleQMatrix.GeneralSubstitution | Rescale the scaled rate matrix of a QMatrix object aggregated... |
rescaleQMatrix.ToleranceSubstitution | Rescale the scaled rate matrix of a QMatrix object aggregated... |
revComp.NucleotideSequence | Reverse complmenet a NucleotideSequence object |
sampleState.GeneralSubstitution | Sample a state from the equlibrium distribution of a... |
sampleStates.Sequence | Sample the states for a collection of Site objects aggregated... |
sampleState.ToleranceSubstitution | Sample a state from the equlibrium distribution of a... |
saveAlignment.PhyloSim | Save the alignment stored in a PhyloSim object in a Fasta... |
Scale.QMatrix | Scale the scaled rate matrix stored in a QMatrix object by... |
scaleTree.PhyloSim | Scale the branch lengths of a phylo object aggragted by a... |
Sequence | The Sequence class |
setAcceptBy.GeneralInDel | Set the function used for accepting/rejecting indel events |
setAcceptWin.GeneralInsertor | Set the size of the acceptance window |
setAlignment.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the alignment stored in a PhyloSim... |
setAlphabet.GeneralSubstitution | Set the Alphabet object aggregated by a GeneralSubstitution... |
setAlphabet.Process | Assotiate an Alphabet object with a Process object |
setAlphabet.QMatrix | Set the Alphabet object for a QMatrix object |
setAlphabet.Site | Attach an Alphabet object to a Site object |
setAlphabets.Sequence | Assotiate Alphabet objects to a set of Site objects... |
setAlphabet.ToleranceSubstitution | Set the Alphabet object aggregated by a ToleranceSubstitution... |
setAncestral.Sequence | Set the ancestral object of a Sequence object |
setAncestral.Site | Forbidden action: setting the ancestral object for a Site... |
setBaseFreqs.F81 | Set the base frequency parameters |
setBaseFreqs.F84 | Set the base frequency parameters |
setBaseFreqs.GTR | Set the base frequency parameters |
setBaseFreqs.HKY | Set the base frequency parameters |
setBaseFreqs.K80 | Forbidden action: setting the base frequency parameters for a... |
setBaseFreqs.K81 | Forbidden action: setting the base frequency parameters for a... |
setBaseFreqs.TN93 | Set the base frequency parameters |
setBigRate.Sequence | Forbidden action: setting the sum of total active event rates... |
setBranchEvents.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the list of events having... |
setCodonFreqs.GY94 | Get codon frequencies |
setComments.PSRoot | Set the comments associated with an object |
setCumulativeRates.Sequence | Forbidden action: setting the cumulative rates for the sites... |
setDeletionTolerance.Sequence | Set the deletion tolerance site-process specific parameter... |
setDist.ContinuousDeletor | Set the length sampling expression |
setDist.ContinuousInsertor | Set the length sampling expression |
setEdges.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the edge matrix for a phylo object... |
setEquDist.GeneralSubstitution | Set the equilibrium distribution for a GeneralSubstitution... |
setEquDist.ToleranceSubstitution | Set the equilibrium distribution for a ToleranceSubstitution... |
setEvents.Site | Forbidden action: setting the list of active events for a... |
setGenerateBy.GeneralInsertor | Set the function object used for generating inserts |
setHandler.Event | Forbidden action: setting the handler function of an Event... |
setId.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the unique identifier of a PhyloSim... |
setId.Process | Forbidden action: setting the unique Process object... |
setId.QMatrix | Forbidden action: setting the unique identifier for a QMatrix... |
setId.Sequence | Forbidden action: setting the unique identifier of a Sequence... |
setInsertHook.GeneralInsertor | Set the insert hook function |
setInsertionTolerance.Sequence | Set the insertion tolerance site-process specific parameter... |
setKappa.F84 | Get the transition transversion rate ratio |
setKappa.GY94 | Set the transition/transversion rate ratio |
setLengthParam1.FastFieldDeletor | Set the first length parameter |
setLengthParam2.FastFieldDeletor | Set the second length parameter |
setLength.Sequence | Forbidden action: setting the length of a Sequence object |
setLogFile.PhyloSim | Set the name of the file used for logging |
setLogLevel.PhyloSim | Set the log level for a given PhyloSim object |
setMatrix.QMatrix | Forbidden action: setting the unscaled rate matrix for a... |
setMaxLength.ContinuousDeletor | Set the maximum length |
setMaxLength.ContinuousInsertor | Set the maximum length |
setMethodsList.PSRoot | Forbidden action: setting the list of applicable methods for... |
setName.Event | Set the name of an Event object |
setName.PhyloSim | Set the name of a PhyloSim object |
setName.Process | Set the name of a Process object |
setName.QMatrix | Set the name of a QMatrix object |
setName.Sequence | Set the name of a Sequence object |
setNedges.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the number of edges for phylo... |
setNodes.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the node identifiers for a PhyloSim... |
setNtips.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the number of the tips for a phylo... |
setOmegas.CodonSequence | Set the omegas for a collection of sites |
setParameterAtSite.Process | Set the value of a site-process specific paramter in a Site... |
setParameterAtSites.Sequence | Set the values of a site-process specific paramater for a... |
setPhylo.PhyloSim | Set the phylo object for a PhyloSim object |
setPosition.Event | Set the position of the Site object associated to an Event... |
setProbs.DiscreteDeletor | Set the deletion length probabilities |
setProbs.DiscreteInsertor | Set the insertion length probabilities |
setProcesses.Sequence | Specify a set of Process objects to be attached to a set of... |
setProcesses.Site | Specify the list of Process objects attached to a Site object |
setProcess.Event | Set the generator process for an Event object |
setProcess.QMatrix | Assotiate a process object with a QMatrix object |
setProposeBy.GeneralInDel | Set the function used for proposing indel lengths |
setQMatrix.GeneralSubstitution | Set the QMatrix object aggregated by a GeneralSubstitution... |
setQMatrix.ToleranceSubstitution | Set the QMatrix object aggregated by a ToleranceSubstitution... |
setRate.Event | Set the rate of an Event object |
setRate.GeneralInDel | Set the general rate |
setRate.GeneralSubstitution | Set an unscaled rate for an event from a GeneralSubstitution... |
setRate.GY94 | Set an unscaled rate for an event from a GY94 object |
setRateList.GeneralSubstitution | Setting the rates for a GeneralSubstitution object |
setRateList.QMatrix | Setting the unscaled rates stored in a QMatrix object |
setRateList.ToleranceSubstitution | Setting the rates for a ToleranceSubstitution object |
setRateMultipliers.Sequence | Set the values of the rate multiplier parameters for a given... |
setRateParam.F81 | Forbidden action: getting the list of rate parameters |
setRateParam.F84 | Set the value of a rate parameter |
setRateParam.GTR | Set the value of a rate parameter |
setRateParam.HKY | Set the value of a rate parameter |
setRateParam.K80 | Set the value of a rate parameter |
setRateParam.K81 | Set the value of a rate parameter |
setRateParamList.F81 | Forbidden action: getting the list of rate parameters |
setRateParamList.F84 | Set the rate parameters |
setRateParamList.GTR | Set the rate parameters |
setRateParamList.HKY | Set the rate parameters |
setRateParamList.K80 | Set the rate parameters |
setRateParamList.K81 | Set the rate parameters |
setRateParamList.T92 | Set the rate parameters |
setRateParamList.TN93 | Set the rate parameters |
setRateParam.T92 | Set the value of a rate parameter |
setRateParam.TN93 | Set the value of a rate parameter |
setRate.QMatrix | Set an unscaled rate in a QMatrix object |
setRate.ToleranceSubstitution | Set an unscaled rate for an event from a... |
setRootNode.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the identifier of the root node for... |
setRootSeq.PhyloSim | Set the root sequence for a PhyloSim object |
setScale.BrownianInsertor | Set scale parameter |
setScaledMatrix.QMatrix | Forbidden action: setting the scaled rate matrix for a... |
setSequence.Site | Assotiate a Sequence object with a Site object |
setSequences.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the Sequence objects associated... |
setSite.Event | Assotiate an Event object with a Site object |
setSiteSpecificParamIds.Process | Forbidden action: setting the paramter identifiers of the... |
setSiteSpecificParamList.Process | Forbidden action: setting the site specific paramter list for... |
setSize.Alphabet | Forbidden action: setting the symbol set size of an Alphabet... |
setSizes.DiscreteDeletor | Set the sizes of the proposed deletions |
setSizes.DiscreteInsertor | Set the sizes of the proposed insertions |
setState.Site | Set the state of a Site object |
setStates.Sequence | Set the states for a set of Site objects aggregated by a... |
setString.Sequence | Forbidden action: setting the string representation of a... |
setSymbolLength.Alphabet | Forbidden action: setting the symbol length for an Alphabet... |
setSymbols.Alphabet | Specify a new symbol set for an Alphabet object |
setTableId.CodonAlphabet | Forbidden action: setting the genetic code id |
setTemplateSeq.GeneralInsertor | Set the template sequence object |
setTheta.T92 | Set the GC content |
setTipLabels.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the tip labels for a phylo object... |
setTips.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the node identifiers of the tip... |
setToleranceMargin.FastFieldDeletor | Set the tolerance margin |
setTotalRate.Site | Forbidden action: setting the total active event rate for a... |
setTotalRates.Sequence | Forbidden action: setting the list of total site rates for a... |
setTransTable.CodonAlphabet | Forbidden action: setting the genetic code table for a... |
setTreeLength.PhyloSim | Forbidden action: setting the tree length for a PhyloSim... |
setType.Alphabet | Set Alphabet object type |
setType.BrownianInsertor | Forbidden action: setting the type of a BrownianInsertor... |
setType.FastFieldDeletor | Forbidden action: setting the type of a FastFieldDeletor... |
setUniqueAlphabets.Sequence | Forbidden action: setting the list of unique Alphabet objects... |
setUniqueProcesses.Sequence | Forbidden action: setting the list of unique Process... |
setWriteProtected.Alphabet | Set the write protection field for an object |
setWriteProtected.Event | Set the write protection field for an object |
setWriteProtected.Process | Set the write protection field for an object |
setWriteProtected.QMatrix | Set the write protection field for a QMatrix object |
setWriteProtected.Sequence | Set the write protection field for an object |
Simulate.PhyloSim | Run a simulation according to a PhyloSim object |
Site | The Site class |
stringLength | Returns the string length of the character representation of... |
stringLengthVector | Returns the string lengths of the character represenations of... |
summary.Alphabet | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.AminoAcidSubst | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.BinarySubst | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.BrownianInsertor | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.CodonAlphabet | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.CodonSubst | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.ContinuousDeletor | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.ContinuousInsertor | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.DiscreteDeletor | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.DiscreteInsertor | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.Event | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.F81 | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.F84 | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.FastFieldDeletor | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.GeneralDeletor | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.GeneralInDel | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.GeneralInsertor | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.GeneralSubstitution | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.GTR | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.GY94 | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.HKY | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.JC69 | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.K80 | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.K81 | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.PhyloSim | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.Process | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.PSRoot | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.QMatrix | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.Sequence | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.Site | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.T92 | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.TN93 | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.ToleranceSubstitution | Summarize the properties of an object |
summary.UNREST | Summarize the properties of an object |
T92 | The T92 class |
TN93 | The TN93 class |
ToleranceSubstitution | The ToleranceSubstitution class |
translateCodon.CodonAlphabet | Translate a codon |
Translate.CodonSequence | Translate a CodonSequence object |
Undocumented.PhyloSim | Undocumented object (PhyloSim package) |
UNREST | The UNREST class |
virtualAssignmentForbidden.PSRoot | Throws an error message informing the user about forbidden... |
WAG | The WAG empirical amino acid substitution model |
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