
Defines functions groupIDs.fn ingroup.fn summaryStats flashfm.input JAMexpanded.multi marg.snps.vecs makemod marg.snps SNPprior calcABF multibeta JAM_PointEstimates_Xcov JAM_PointEstimates expand.mod mod.fn refdata.fn myr2 group.tags tag prune_maximal makeplink score2alleles

Documented in calcABF expand.mod flashfm.input groupIDs.fn JAMexpanded.multi JAM_PointEstimates JAM_PointEstimates_Xcov makemod makeplink marg.snps marg.snps.vecs mod.fn multibeta prune_maximal refdata.fn score2alleles summaryStats tag

#' @title internal function for makeplink
#' @param snp column index of snp in genotype matrix
#' @param G genotype matrix (SNPs in columns, individuals in rows)
#' @param alleles data,frame of two columns where each row gives the alleles for each SNP in G 
#' @author Jenn Asimit
score2alleles <- function(snp,G,alleles) {
 g <- G[,snp] 
 g0 <- which(g==0)
 g1 <- which(g==1)
 g2 <- which(g==2)
 N <- length(g)
 out <- matrix("A",nrow=N,ncol=2)
 out[g0,] <- rep(alleles[snp,2],2) # hom allele 2
 out[g1,1] <- alleles[snp,1]			# het 
 out[g1,2] <- alleles[snp,2]			# het 
 out[g2,] <- rep(alleles[snp,1],2)  # hom allele 1

#' @title Convert genotype score data to plink ped-map format
#' @param Gmat matrix of genotypes scores: SNPs are columns, individuals are rows; could be dosages, which will be rounded
#' @param snpinfo a data.frame with columns: snpid, BP, allele1, allele2; BP is base pair position, allele1 is reference allele 
#' @param chr chromosome number
#' @return list with two components: ped and map, which are the plink format files
#' @author Jenn Asimit
#' @export
makeplink <- function(Gmat,snpinfo,chr) { 
 Gmat <- round(Gmat)
 AA <- as.data.frame(snpinfo[,3:4]) 
 nsnps <- ncol(Gmat)
 vlist <- vector("list",nsnps)
 vlist[1:nsnps] <- 1:nsnps 
 N <- nrow(Gmat)

 out <- lapply(vlist,score2alleles,G=Gmat,alleles=AA) 
 out2 <- rlist::list.cbind(out)
 FID <- paste0("F",1:N)
 IID <- paste0("I",1:N)
 PID <- rep(0,N)
 ped <- data.frame(FID,IID,PID,PID,PID,PID,out2)

 CHR <- rep(chr,nsnps)
 snpid <- colnames(Gmat)
 GD <- rep(0,nsnps)
 BP <- snpinfo[,2]
 map <- data.frame(CHR,snpid,GD,BP)


#' @title internal function for ref.data.fn
#' @param genotype_matrix SNP matrix where SNPS are columns
#' @author Simon Schoenbuchner 
prune_maximal <- function(genotype_matrix) {  
    if (any(is.na(genotype_matrix))) {
        genotype_matrix <- na.omit(genotype_matrix)
        warning("Omitting samples with missing data")
    gm_qr <- qr(genotype_matrix)
    genotype_matrix[, gm_qr$pivot[seq(gm_qr$rank)]]

##' Derive tag SNPs for a SnpMatrix object using heirarchical clustering
##' Uses complete linkage and the \code{\link{hclust}} function to define clusters,
##' then cuts the tree at 1-tag.threshold
##' @title tag
##' @param X SnpMatrix object
##' @param tag.threshold threshold to cut tree, default=0.99
##' @param snps colnames of the SnpMatrix object to be used
##' @param samples optional, subset of samples to use
##' @param strata optional, return a list of tag vectors, one for each stratum defined by as.factor(strata)
##' @param quiet if FALSE (default), show progress messages
##' @param method method used for heirarchical clustering.  See hclust for options.
##' @param split.at for large numbers of SNPs, tag first splits them into subsets of size split.at with similar MAF, then groups tag groups in high LD between subsets.  If you wish to avoid this, at additional computational cost, set split.at=NULL
##' @return character vector, names are \code{snps}, values are the tag for each SNP
##' @author Chris Wallace
##' @export
tag <- function(X,tag.threshold=0.99, snps=NULL, samples=NULL, strata=NULL,quiet=FALSE,method="single",split.at=500) {
    X <- as(X,"SnpMatrix")
  if(!is.null(snps) && !is.null(samples)) {
    X <- X[samples,snps]
  } else {
      X <- X[,snps]
      X <- X[samples,]
  if(!is.null(strata)) {
    strata <- factor(strata)
    tags <- lapply(levels(strata), function(l) {
      wh <- which(strata==l)
      return(tag(X[wh,], tag.threshold=tag.threshold, method=method))

  cs <- col.summary(X)
    stop("some SNPs have zero standard deviation (missing HWE stat). Please fix and rerun")
  ## X <- X[,order(cs$MAF)]

  ## if too large, split first, then join
  if(!is.null(split.at) && ncol(X)>split.at) {
    cs <- col.summary(X)
    Q <- quantile(cs$MAF,seq(0,1,length=ceiling(ncol(X)/split.at)+1))
    maf <- cut(cs$MAF,breaks=unique(Q),include.lowest=TRUE)
    tags <- mclapply(levels(maf), function(l) {
      wh <- which(maf==l)
      return(tag(X, snps=wh, tag.threshold=tag.threshold, method=method, split.at=NULL))

    ## merge any high-LD groups between tag sets
    TAGS <- tags[[1]]
    for(i in 2:length(tags)) {
      tg.0 <- unique(tags(tags[[i-1]]))
      tg.1 <- unique(tags(tags[[i]]))
      r2 <-   ld(X[,tg.0],
      wh <- which(r2 >= tag.threshold, arr.ind=TRUE)
      if(nrow(wh)) {
        wh <- wh[!duplicated(wh[,2]),,drop=FALSE] # just in case
        for(j in 1:nrow(wh)) {
          tags[[i]]@tags[ tags[[i]]@tags==tg.1[wh[j,2]] ] <- tg.0[wh[j,1]]
      TAGS <- new("tags", .Data=c(TAGS@.Data,tags[[i]]@.Data),
  r2 <- myr2(X)
  D <- as.dist(1-r2)
  hc <- hclust(D, method=method)
  clusters <- cutree(hc, h=1-tag.threshold)
  snps.use <- names(clusters)[!duplicated(clusters)]
  groups <- split(names(clusters),clusters)
  ## now process each group, picking best tag
  n <- sapply(groups,length)
  names(groups)[n==1] <- unlist(groups[n==1])
  for(i in which(n>1)) {
    g <- groups[[i]]
##     cat(i,g,"\n")
##     print(r2[g,g])
    a <- apply(r2[g,g],1,mean)
    names(groups)[i] <- g[ which.max(a) ]
  groups <- new("groups",groups,tags=names(groups))
  ## check
  r2 <- r2[tags(groups),tags(groups)]
  diag(r2) <- 0
##   if(max(r2)==1) 
##     stop("max r2 still 1!")
    message("max r2 is now",max(r2),"\n")
group.tags <- function(tags, keep) {
    groups <- tags[ names(tags) %in% keep ]
    groups <- split(names(groups), groups)
myr2 <- function(X) {
  r2 <- ld(X,
  if(any(is.na(r2))) {
    r2.na <- as(is.na(r2),"matrix")
    use <- rowSums(r2.na)>0
    ## work around for r2=NA bug.  
    r2.cor <- as(cor(as(X[,use,drop=FALSE],"numeric"), use="pairwise.complete.obs")^2,"Matrix")
    r2[ which(r2.na) ] <- r2.cor[ which(r2.na[use,use]) ]
  diag(r2) <- 1

#' @title Thin genotype matrix for JAM input
#' @param X matrix of genotypes scores: SNPs are columns, individuals are rows; could be dosages
#' @param r2 r.squared threshold for thinning SNPs
#' @return genotype matrix of SNPs thinned at r2 and with colinearity removed
#' @author Jenn Asimit
#' @export
refdata.fn <- function(X,r2=.99) {
 Gmat <- prune_maximal(X)
 snpdata <-  new("SnpMatrix",(round(Gmat)+1))
 tags2 <- tag(snpdata,tag.threshold=r2)
 tmp <- snpdata[,unique(tags(tags2))]
 refG <- as(tmp,"numeric")
 m <- apply(refG,2,mean)
 Mmat <- matrix(m,ncol=length(m),nrow=nrow(refG),byrow=TRUE)
 r0 <- refG - Mmat
 rtr <- t(r0)%*%r0
 rtr_qr <- qr(rtr)
 tmp <- refG[,rtr_qr$pivot[seq(rtr_qr$rank)]]	# columns are SNPs

#' @title internal processing function for JAMexpanded.multi
#' @param binout named vector of indicators for SNP presence in model; names are snp ids
#' @return snp model represented by snps separated by \code{"\%"}
#' @author Jenn Asimit
mod.fn <- function(binout) {
 msnps <- names(binout)
 ind <- which(binout==1)
 if(length(ind) > 1) { 
 m <-  paste(msnps[ind],collapse="%")
 } else if(length(ind) == 1) { 
   m <- msnps[ind]
  } else {m <- "1"}

#' @title internal function for expanding models by tag SNPs in JAMexpanded.multi
#' @param snpmod intial snp model with snps separated by \code{"\%"}
#' @param taglist list of tag snps for each snp
#' @author Jenn Asimit
expand.mod<- function(snpmod,taglist) {
 if(snpmod == "1") {
  df <- data.frame(str=snpmod,snps=snpmod,size=0,tag=FALSE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 } else { 
 snps <- unlist(strsplit(snpmod,"%"))
 ns <- length(snps)
 tsnps <- vector("list",ns)
 for(i in 1:ns) {
  tmp <- taglist[taglist$SNP==snps[i],"TAGS"]
  if(tmp == "NONE") {
    tsnps[[i]] <- snps[i]
     } else {
      tsnps[[i]] <- c(snps[i],unlist(strsplit(tmp,"[|]"))) 
 emods <- expand.grid(tsnps,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  
 out <- apply(emods,1,function(x){paste0(x,collapse="%")})
 Imod <- which(out==snpmod)
 istag <- rep(TRUE,length(out))
 istag[Imod] <- FALSE
 df <- data.frame(str=snpmod,snps=out,size=ns,tag=istag,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' @title internal function for multibeta, modified from JAM_PointEstimates_Package_Simplified of R2BGLiMS package (Paul Newcombe)
#' @param marginal.betas vector of single snp effect estimates from GWAS
#' @param X.ref genotype matrix 
#' @param n sample size of GWAS
#' @param ybar trait mean
#' @return joint effect estimates of snps
JAM_PointEstimates <- function(marginal.betas=NULL,X.ref=NULL,n=NULL,ybar) {
  # --- Setup sample sizes
  n.ref <- nrow(X.ref)
  if (is.null(n)) {
    n <- n.ref
  # --- Construct the z = X'y outcome vector --- #
  # The element for each SNP is constructed from:
  # 1) Infer predicted y-values from the marginal.betas. Then mean-center for 0-intercept model
  # 2) Matrix multiply X.ref by the predicted y-values
  z <- rep(NA,length(marginal.betas))
  names(z) <- names(marginal.betas)
  for (v in 1:length(marginal.betas)) {
    y.pred <- X.ref[,v]*marginal.betas[v]
    y.pred.centered <- y.pred - mean(y.pred)
    z[v] <- X.ref[,v] %*% y.pred.centered # t(X.ref)%*%y
  z <- z*n/n.ref
  # --- Construct multivariate beta estimates --- #
  # 1) Mean-centre X.ref
  xbar <- apply(X.ref,2,mean)
  for (v in 1:ncol(X.ref)) {
    X.ref[,v] <- X.ref[,v] - xbar[v] # MUST mean-center since z is constructed under 0 intercept 
  # 2) Calculate MLE corresponding to the summary model
  xtx <- (t(X.ref) %*% X.ref)*n/n.ref
  multivariate.beta.hat <- solve(xtx) %*% z
  b0 <- ybar-sum(xbar*multivariate.beta.hat)
  out <- rbind(b0,multivariate.beta.hat)
  rownames(out) <- c("one",names(marginal.betas))


#' @title internal function for multibeta, modified from JAM_PointEstimates_Package_Simplified of R2BGLiMS package
#' @param marginal.betas vector of single snp effect estimates from GWAS
#' @param Xcov genotype covariance matrix
#' @param raf vector of reference allele frequencies 
#' @param n sample size of GWAS
#' @param ybar trait mean
#' @return joint effect estimates of snps
#' @author Jenn Asimit
JAM_PointEstimates_Xcov <- function(marginal.betas=NULL,Xcov=NULL,raf,n,ybar) {
  xbar <- 2*raf
  # --- Construct the z = X'y outcome vector --- #
  # The element for each SNP is constructed from:
  # 1) cov(x,y) = beta.hat[x]*V(x)
  # 2) x'y = n*E[XY] = n*(cov(x,y)) under zero intercept model
  z <- rep(NA,length(marginal.betas))
  names(z) <- names(marginal.betas)
  for (v in 1:length(marginal.betas)) {
	z[v] <- n*(marginal.betas[v]*Xcov[v,v])
  # --- Construct multivariate beta estimates --- #
  # under zero intercept model
  xtx <- n*(Xcov)
  multivariate.beta.hat <- as.vector(solve(xtx) %*% z)
  # add in intercept
  b0 <- ybar-sum(as.vector(xbar)*multivariate.beta.hat)
  out <- matrix(c(b0,multivariate.beta.hat),ncol=1)
  rownames(out) <- c("one",names(marginal.betas))


#' @title Using summary statistics, calculates joint effect estimates
#' @param mod joint SNP model with snps separated by \code{"\%"} e.g. \code{"snp1\%snp2"}
#' @param beta1 named vector single-SNP effect estimates; each effect estimate has name given by SNP id and ids must appear in Gmat columns
#' @param Gmat genotype matrix with SNP columns and individuals rows; could be reference matrix or from sample
#' @param N sample size for trait 
#' @param ybar trait mean
#' @param is.snpmat logical taking value TRUE when Gmat is a genotype matrix and FALSE when Gmat is a SNP covariance matrix
#' @param raf named vector of SNP reference allele frequencies (must match SNP coding used for effect estimates); only needed if Gmat is a covariance matrix
#' @return joint effect estimates for SNPs in model given by mod
#' @author Jenn Asimit
#' @export
multibeta <- function(mod,beta1,Gmat,N,ybar,is.snpmat,raf=NULL) {

 if(mod == "1") {
  mbeta <- ybar; names(mbeta) <- "one"
 } else {
  msnps <- unlist(strsplit(mod,"%"))
  if(all(msnps %in% names(beta1))) { 
   B <- beta1[msnps]
   if(is.snpmat) {  
     if(all(msnps %in% colnames(Gmat))){ mbeta <- JAM_PointEstimates(B,X.ref=as.matrix(Gmat[,msnps]),n=N,ybar=ybar)
       } else { mbeta <- NA}
     } else { 
 	       colnames(Gmat) <- names(raf)
 	       rownames(Gmat) <- names(raf)
 	       if(all(msnps %in% colnames(Gmat))) { mbeta <- JAM_PointEstimates_Xcov(B,Xcov=as.matrix(Gmat[msnps,msnps]),raf=raf[msnps],n=N,ybar=ybar)  
 	       } else { mbeta <- NA}
   } else {mbeta <- NA }

#' @title Calculate approximate Bayes' factor (ABF) 
#' @param mod joint SNP model with snps separated by \code{"\%"} e.g. \code{"snp1\%snp2"}
#' @param mbeta joint effect estimates for SNPs in model given by mod; output from multibeta
#' @param SSy sum(y.squared) for trait y
#' @param Sxy vector of sum(xy) for snp x, trait y
#' @param Vy trait variance
#' @param N sample size
#' @return ABF for model mod
#' @author Jenn Asimit
#' @export
calcABF <- function(mod,mbeta,SSy,Sxy,Vy,N) {
 if(mod=="1") { msnps <- "one"
 } else {msnps <- c("one",unlist(strsplit(mod,"%")))}
 beta <- mbeta[[mod]]
 num <- SSy-sum(Sxy[msnps]*beta)
 den <- (N-1)*Vy
 k <- length(msnps)-1
 out <- -N*.5*log(num/den)-0.5*k*log(N)

# SNP prior based on binomial distribution; modification of snpprior function (Chris Wallace)
SNPprior <- function(x=0:10, n, expected, overdispersion=1, pi0=NA, truncate=NA, overdispersion.warning=TRUE) {
  if(overdispersion < 1 & overdispersion.warning)
    stop("overdispersion parameter should be >= 1")
  x <- as.integer(x)
    stop("x should be an integer vector >= 0")
    x <- seq(min(x), max(min(truncate,n),x))
    stop("max x should be <= n")
  p <- expected/n
    rho <- (overdispersion - 1)/(n-1)
	prob <- log(dbinom(x, size=n, prob=p))
#    prob <- if(rho==0) {
#                log(dbinom(x, size=n, prob=p))
#            } else {
#                log(dbetabinom(x, size=n, prob=p, rho=rho))
#            }

  if(!is.na(pi0) && 0 %in% x)
    prob[x==0] <- log(pi0)
    prob <- prob - logsum(prob)
  prob <- prob - lchoose(n,x)  
  names(prob) <- as.character(x)

# converts data.frame of abfs to snpmod object; modified abf2snpmod (Chris Wallace)
makesnpmod <- function (abf, expected, overdispersion = 1, nsnps = NULL) {
    tmp <- new("snpmod")
    msize <- nchar(gsub("[^%]", "", abf$model)) + 1
    msize[abf$model == "1"] <- 0
    prior <- SNPprior(x = 0:max(msize), expected = expected, 
        n = nsnps, truncate = max(c(msize, 20)), overdispersion = overdispersion)
    mprior <- prior[as.character(msize)]
    mpp <- log(mprior) + abf$lBF
    mpp <- mpp - logsum(mpp)
    message("creating snpmod data.frame")
    tmp@models <- data.frame(str = abf$model, logABF = abf$lBF, 
        by.tagging = abf$tag, size = msize, prior = mprior, 
        lPP = mpp, PP = exp(mpp), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    tmp@model.snps <- strsplit(tmp@models$str, "%")
    message("calculating marginal SNP inclusion probabilities")

#' internal function marg.snps 
#' @param d snpmod object
#' @author Chris Wallace
marg.snps <- function(d) {
    mod <- makemod(d@models$str)
    marg.pp <- (d@models$PP %*% mod)[1,,drop=TRUE]
    d@snps <- marg.snps.vecs(d@models$str, d@models$PP)

#' internal function makemod 
#' @param snps model given by snp ids separated by \code{"\%"}
#' @author Chris Wallace
makemod <- function(snps) {
  snps <- strsplit(snps,"%")
  all.snps <- unique(unlist(snps))
  mod <- Matrix::Matrix(0,length(snps),length(all.snps),dimnames=list(NULL,all.snps),doDiag=FALSE)
  snum <- lapply(snps, function(s) which(all.snps %in% s))
  I <- rep(1:length(snum),times=sapply(snum,length))
  J <- unlist(snum)
  mod[cbind(I,J)] <- 1

#' internal function marg.snps.vec 
#' @param str models given by snp ids separated by \code{"\%"}
#' @param pp posterior probabilities
#' @author Chris Wallace
marg.snps.vecs <- function(str,pp) {
    mod <- makemod(str)
    marg.pp <- (pp %*% mod)[1,,drop=TRUE]
    data.frame(Marg_Prob_Incl=marg.pp, var=names(marg.pp), rownames=names(marg.pp), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#' @title Expanded version of JAM (a single-trait fine-mapping approach) that first runs on thinned SNPs and then expands models on tag SNPs; this can run independently on multiple traits
#' @param beta1 list where each component is a named vector
#' @param Gmat genotype matrix (reference or from sample) where SNPs are columns, indivudals are rows
#' @param snpinfo a data.frame with columns: snpid, BP, allele1, allele2; BP is base pair position, allele1 is reference allele 
#' @param ybar vector of trait means; if related samples, this should be based on unrelated samples; if traits are transformed to be standard Normal, could set ybar as 0-vector
#' @param Vy vector of trait variances; if related samples, this should be based on unrelated samples; if traits are transformed to be standard Normal, could set Vy as 1-vector
#' @param N vector of sample sizes for each trait; if related samples then give effective sample sizes
#' @param chr chromosome number
#' @param fstub file stub for path with file prefix to save intermediate files (plink format and tag snp list)
#' @param mafthr MAF threshold for filtering SNPs to include in fine-mapping; default is 0, assuming pre-filterec 
#' @param path2plink file path to plink
#' @param r2 r.squared threshold for thinning SNPs before JAM
#' @param save.path path to save JAM output files; tmp files and could delete these later
#' @param related logical indicating if samples are related (TRUE) or not (FALSE); default is FALSE
#' @param y if available, matrix of trait measurements or indicators of non-NA trait measurements (columns are traits); 
#' used to get joint sample counts; default is NULL and if not provided an approximation is used based on vector of trait sample sizes
#' @author Jenn Asimit
#' @return list with 3 components: SM a list of snpmod objects giving fine-mapping results for each trait; mbeta a list of joint effect estimates for each trait; nsnps number of SNPs
#' @export
JAMexpanded.multi <- function(beta1,Gmat,snpinfo,ybar,Vy,N,chr=10,fstub,mafthr=0.005,path2plink,r2=0.99,save.path,related=FALSE,y=NULL) {

    if(!related) Nlist <- makeNlist(Nall=N,y=y,Nsame=NULL)
	if(related) Nlist <- makeNlist.rel(Ne=N,y=y,Nsame=NULL)
   N <-  diag(Nlist$Nqq)

 M <- length(beta1) #  number of traits
 if(is.null(names(beta1))) { ts <- paste0("T",1:M); names(ybar) <- ts
  } else  { ts <- names(ybar) }

 snps <- NULL
 for(i in 1:M) snps <- union(snps,names(beta1[[i]]))
 snps <- intersect(snps,colnames(Gmat))
 Gmat <- Gmat[,snps]
 for(i in 1:M) beta1[[i]] <- beta1[[i]][snps]

 if(is.null(colnames(Gmat))) colnames(Gmat) <- snpinfo[,1]
 raf <- apply(Gmat,2,function(x) mean(x)/2)
 maf <- raf*(raf<=0.5) + (1-raf)*(raf>0.5)
 keep <- which(maf>mafthr)
 message(length(keep), " SNPs have MAF > ", mafthr, "; ",length(maf)-length(keep), " are excluded.")
 Gmat <- Gmat[,keep]
 snpinfo <- snpinfo[keep,]
 raf <- raf[keep]
 maf <- maf[keep]

BP <- snpinfo[,2]

 reglen <- max(BP)-min(BP)
 pedmap <- makeplink(Gmat,snpinfo,chr)
 fped <- paste0(fstub,".ped")
 message("Plink ped file written to ",fped)
 fmap <- paste0(fstub,".map")
 message("Plink map file written to ",fmap)
 nsnps <- ncol(Gmat)
 if(nsnps < nrow(Gmat)) {  
 refG <- refdata.fn(Gmat,r2) # to get ref data that will run in JAM
 tname <- paste0(fstub,"-pruned.txt")
 message("Tag SNPs written to ",tname)
 out <- list(SM=NULL,mbeta=NULL,Nlist=Nlist)
 out$SM <- vector("list",M)
 names(out$SM) <- ts
 out$mbeta <- vector("list",M)
 names(out$mbeta) <- ts
 dd <- vector("list",M)
 SSy <- vector("list",M)
 Sxy <- vector("list",M)
 for(j in 1:M) {
 if(nsnps < nrow(Gmat)) {
 BETA <- beta1[[j]][colnames(refG)] # extract beta for SNPs in refG
 jam.results <-  R2BGLiMS::JAM(marginal.betas=BETA,trait.variance=Vy[j],X.ref=refG, model.space.priors = list("a"=1, "b"=length(BETA), "Variables"=names(BETA)), n=N[j],xtx.ridge.term=0,save.path=save.path)
 } else {
   refG <- Gmat
   BETA <- beta1[[j]][colnames(refG)] # extract beta for SNPs in refG
  jam.results <-  R2BGLiMS::JAM(marginal.betas=BETA,trait.variance=Vy[j],X.ref=refG, model.space.priors = list("a"=1, "b"=length(BETA), "Variables"=names(BETA)), n=N[j],xtx.ridge.term=0.01,save.path=save.path)
 topmods <- R2BGLiMS::TopModels(jam.results,n.top.models = 1000)

 binout <- as.matrix(topmods[,-ncol(topmods)])
 colnames(binout) <- colnames(topmods)[-ncol(topmods)]
 snpmods <- apply(binout,1,mod.fn)
 nmod <- apply(binout,1,sum)
 PP <- topmods[,ncol(topmods)]
 snpPP <- data.frame(rank=1:length(nmod),size=nmod,logPP=log(PP),PP=PP,str=snpmods,snps=snpmods,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
 snpPP <- snpPP[order(snpPP$PP, decreasing = TRUE), ]

if(nsnps < nrow(Gmat)) {
 # Match excluded SNPs to their tag SNPs and expand models
 pname <- paste0(fstub,"-pruned-tags")
 pline <- paste0(path2plink, " --file ", fstub," --tag-r2 ",r2," --show-tags ",tname," --list-all --tag-kb ",reglen ," --out ",pname)

 tlist <- read.table(paste0(fstub,"-pruned-tags.tags.list"),header=TRUE,as.is=TRUE)

 expmods <- rlist::list.stack(lapply(snpPP$snps,expand.mod,taglist=tlist))
 wh <- which(duplicated(expmods$snps))
 if(length(wh)>0){ expmods <- expmods[-wh,] } # some expanded models appear twice because ld(snp1, snp2) <.99 and snp1 and snp2 both tag snp3
 row.names(expmods) <- expmods$snps

 check <- sapply(strsplit(expmods[,2],"%"),function(x) length(x)>length(unique(x)))
 if(sum(check)>0) expmods <- expmods[-which(check),]

 mbeta <- lapply(expmods[,2],multibeta,beta1[[j]],Gmat,N=N[j],ybar=ybar[j],is.snpmat=TRUE)
 names(mbeta) <- expmods[,2]

 # find log(ABF) for all snp models in expmods using mbeta
 SSy[[j]] <- Vy[j]*(N[j]-1) + N[j]*ybar[j]^2
 Vx <- apply(Gmat,2,var)
 Mx <- 2*raf
 Sxy[[j]] <- c(Sxy.hat(beta1=beta1[[j]],Mx=Mx,N=N[j],Vx=Vx,muY=ybar[j]),"1"=ybar[j]*N[j]) 
 names(Sxy[[j]])[length(Sxy[[j]])] <- "one"

 nsnps <- ncol(Gmat)

 lABF <- sapply(expmods$snps,calcABF,mbeta,SSy=SSy[[j]],Sxy=Sxy[[j]],Vy=Vy[j],N=N[j]) 
 names(lABF) <- expmods$snps

 # add in null model if not included
 wh <- which(expmods$snps == "1")
        if(!length(wh)) {
        	dd[[j]] <- data.frame(model=c("1",expmods$snps),tag = c(FALSE,expmods$tag),lBF=c(0,lABF),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        	l1 <- multibeta("1",beta1[[j]],Gmat,N=N[j],ybar=ybar[j],is.snpmat=TRUE)
        	mbeta <- rlist::list.append(mbeta,"1"=l1)
        } else {
            dd[[j]] <- data.frame(model=expmods$snps,tag = expmods$tag,lBF=lABF,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 SM <- makesnpmod(dd[[j]],expected=2,nsnps=nsnps)
	} # if nsnps <- nrow(Gmat)
 else { 
   mbeta <- lapply(snpPP$snps,multibeta,beta1[[j]],Gmat,N=N[j],ybar=ybar[j],is.snpmat=TRUE)
   names(mbeta) <- snpPP$snps
   ppdf <- snpPP[,c("snps","PP")]
   names(ppdf) <- c("str","PP")
   SM <- PP2snpmod(ppdf)

 out$SM[[j]] <- SM
 out$mbeta[[j]] <- mbeta
 names(out$SM) <- ts
 names(out$mbeta) <- ts

 out$Nlist <- Nlist
 out$nsnps <- ncol(Gmat)
 names(raf) <- colnames(Gmat)

#' @title Key input for flashfm - constructs snpmod object list and joint effect estimates list for all trait if have external single trait fine-mapping results
#' @param modPP.list list of data.frame objects for each trait, containing a column named "snps": snp models of the form \code{"snp1,snp2"} and "PP": snp model posterior probabliity from single trait fine-mapping
#' @param beta1.list list of single SNP effect estimates for each trait in the form of a named vector; name of each effect estimate should appear in Gmat
#' @param Gmat genotype matrix with SNP columns; could be from sample or reference panel; use unrelated samples
#' @param Nall vector of sample sizes; if related samples then give effective sample sizes
#' @param ybar.all vector of trait means; if related samples, this should be based on unrelated samples; if traits are transformed to be standard Normal, could set ybar as 0-vector
#' @param related logical indicating if samples are related (TRUE) or not (FALSE); default is FALSE
#' @param y (optional) matrix of trait values (trait columns) or indicators of trait measured; used to get joint sample counts; default is NULL and if not provided an approximation is used based on vector of trait sample sizes
#' @param Nsame (optional) single sample size value, if all traits measured on all individuals
#' @param is.snpmat logical taking value TRUE when Gmat is a genotype matrix and FALSE when Gmat is a SNP covariance matrix
#' @param raf named vector of SNP reference allele frequencies where name is snp id (must match SNP coding used for effect estimates); only needed if Gmat is a covariance matrix and MUST be in same order ans snps in covariance matrix
#' @return list containing the main input for flashfm
#' @author Jenn Asimit
#' @export
flashfm.input <- function(modPP.list,beta1.list,Gmat,Nall,ybar.all,related=FALSE,y=NULL,Nsame=NULL,is.snpmat,raf=NULL) {
   M <- length(Nall)
   if(!is.snpmat) {
     if(is.null(raf)) stop("When is.snpmat=FALSE, both a covariance matrix and vector of SNP RAFs must be provided.")
     rownames(Gmat) <- colnames(Gmat) <- names(raf)
   # filter snps to include only snps present for all traits and in snp reference/covariance matrix
	snps <- NULL
 	for(i in 1:M) snps <- union(snps,names(beta1.list[[i]]))
 	snps <- intersect(snps,colnames(Gmat))
 	for(i in 1:M) beta1.list[[i]] <- beta1.list[[i]][snps]
 	if(is.snpmat) {Gmat <- Gmat[,snps]
 	} else{ Gmat <- Gmat[snps,snps]; raf <- raf[snps] }
   mbeta <- vector("list",M)
   SM <- vector("list",M) 
   for(i in 1:M) {
    modsnps <- strsplit(modPP.list[[i]]$snps, ",")
    snpmods <- sapply(modsnps,function(x) paste(x,collapse="%"))
    modPP.list[[i]]$snps <- snpmods
    modPP.list[[i]]$str <- snpmods
    mbeta[[i]] <- lapply(modPP.list[[i]]$snps,multibeta,beta1.list[[i]],Gmat,Nall[i],ybar.all[i],is.snpmat=is.snpmat,raf=raf)	
    names(mbeta[[i]]) <- modPP.list[[i]]$snps
    mod.keep <- which(!is.na(mbeta[[i]]))
    mbeta[[i]] <- mbeta[[i]][mod.keep]
    ppdf <- modPP.list[[i]][mod.keep,c("str","PP")]
    ppdf$PP <- ppdf$PP/sum(ppdf$PP) # adjust to account for any removed models, so that PPs still sum to 1 
    SM[[i]] <- PP2snpmod(ppdf)
   nsnps <- ncol(Gmat)
   names(SM) <- names(modPP.list)
   names(mbeta) <- names(modPP.list)
   	if(!related) Nlist <- makeNlist(Nall,y,Nsame)
	if(related) Nlist <- makeNlist.rel(Nall,y,Nsame)
   if(is.null(raf)) raf <- apply(Gmat,2,mean)

#' @title Summary statistics needed for flashfm input
#' @param Xmat logical, TRUE if main.input is based on genotype matrix (reference or from sample); FALSE if main.input based on covariance matrix 
#' @param ybar.all vector of trait means
#' @param main.input output from flashfm.input
#' @return list of 4 components: Mx = mean of SNPs, xcovo = covariance matrix of SNPs including column and row of 0s for intercept term, Sxy = matrix of Sxy values (column traits), ybar=vector of trait means
#' @author Jenn Asimit
#' @export
summaryStats <- function(Xmat=TRUE,ybar.all,main.input) {

 Nall <- diag(main.input$N$Nqq)
 Xinfo <- main.input$Gmat
 Xmean <- 2*main.input$raf
 beta1.list <- main.input$beta1.list

  if(Xmat==TRUE) {
  Mx <- c("one"=1,apply(Xinfo,2,mean))
  xcov <- var(Xinfo)
  xcovo <- matrix(0,nrow=length(Mx),ncol=length(Mx),dimnames=list(names(Mx),names(Mx)))
  xcovo[2:ncol(xcovo),2:ncol(xcovo)] <- xcov
  xcovo[,1] <- 0; xcovo[1,] <- 0
  Vx <- diag(xcov)
  } else {
  Mx <- c("one"=1, Xmean)
  xcovo <- matrix(0,nrow=length(Mx),ncol=length(Mx),dimnames=list(names(Mx),names(Mx)))
  xcovo[2:length(Mx), 2:length(Mx)] <- as.matrix(Xinfo)
  xcovo[,1] <- 0; xcovo[1,] <- 0
  Vx <- diag(as.matrix(Xinfo))
  M <- length(beta1.list)
  Sxy <- NULL
  for(i in 1:M) Sxy <- cbind(Sxy, c(Sxy.hat(beta1=beta1.list[[i]],Mx=Mx[-1],N=Nall[i],Vx=Vx,muY=ybar.all[i]),"1"=ybar.all[i]*Nall[i]))
  rownames(Sxy)[nrow(Sxy)] <- "one"
  colnames(Sxy) <- names(beta1.list)
  return(list(Mx=Mx, xcovo=xcovo, Sxy=Sxy,ybar=ybar.all))

# internal function for groupIDs.fn
ingroup.fn <- function(snp,group) {
 ind <- grep(snp,group)

#' @title Find SNP group ids for a set of SNPs
#' @param snpgroups  list of snpgroups
#' @param Msnps vector of snps
#' @return vector same length of msnps that gives the SNP group containing each SNP, or the SNP id if it does not belong to a group
#' @author Jenn Asimit
#' @export
groupIDs.fn <- function(snpgroups,Msnps) {
# outputs snp group for each snp in Msnps; if not in a group, output rsid
 ng <- length(snpgroups)
 ns <- length(Msnps)
 G <- character(ns)
 for(i in 1:ns) {
  if(Msnps[i]=="1") {
    G[i] <- "null"
  } else {
  check <- unlist(lapply(snpgroups,ingroup.fn,snp=Msnps[i]))
  if(sum(check)>0) { G[i] <- names(which(unlist(check)>0))
  } else {
          	G[i] <- Msnps[i]
jennasimit/flashfm documentation built on July 31, 2022, 7:32 p.m.