Man pages for wolski/prolfqua
Proteomics Label Free Quantification

adjust_p_valuesadjust columns
aggregate_intensity_topNAggregates top N intensities
AnalysisConfigurationAnalysis Configuration
AnalysisParametersAnalysis parameters
AnalysisTableAnnotationCreate Annotation
apply_to_response_matrixApply function requiring a matrix to tidy table
BenchmarkBenchmark R6 class
build_modelBuild protein models from data
complete_casesComplete cases
concrete_AnalysisConfigurationCenerate instances of AnalysisTableAnnotation
ContrastsEstimate contrasts using Wald Test
contrasts_fisher_exactFishers exact test on a datframe
ContrastsInterfaceBase class for all Contrasts classes
contrasts_linfctcompute group averages
ContrastsMissingCompute contrasts with group mean imputation
ContrastsModeratedLimma moderated contrasts
ContrastsPlotterplot contrasts
ContrastsProDAContrastsProDA Wrapper to results produced by proDA
ContrastsROPECAROPECA reproducibility-optimization method
ContrastsTableholds results when contrasts are added.
cor_jackknife_matrixCompute correlation matrix with jackknife resampling
cor_orderCompute correlation matrix
data_benchmarkExampleBenchmark data Example
data_checksummarizationrobust87example data for check
data_checksummarizerobustexample data for check
data_checksummarizerobust69example data for check
data_correlatedPeptideListexample data for check
data_ionstarexample data for check
data_IonstarProtein_subsetNormexample data for check
data_SAINTe_outputSAINT express output
data_skylinePRMSample_Aexample data for check
data_skylineSRM_HL_Aexample data for check
data_spectronautDIA250_Aexample data for check
data_test_confusion_matrix_scoresexample data for check of scores produced based on confusion...
dot-get_robscalescompute median and mad on matrix
estimate_intensityAggregates e.g. protein abundances from peptide abundances
filter_byQValueFilter data by individual and experiment wide thresholds
filter_differenceget the difference of two dataset where one is a subset of...
filter_proteins_by_peptide_countKeep only those proteins with 2 IDENTIFIED peptides
find_package_filefind file stored in package
get_anova_dfanova returning dataframe
get_complete_model_fitretrieve complete models.
get_contrastCompute fold changes given Contrasts
get_p_values_pbetap-value of protein from p.value of the median fold change...
get_robscalescompute median and standard deviation for each sample
get_UniprotID_from_fasta_headerExtracts uniprot ID
hierarchy_countsCount distinct elements for each level of hierarchy and...
hierarchy_counts_sampleCount distinct elements for each level of hierarchy per...
intensity_summary_by_hkeysSummarizes the intensities within hierarchy
interaction_missing_statscompute missingness statistics per hierarchy and factor level
INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS_BY_FAMILYInternal Functions by category
ionstar_bench_preprocessprepare benchmark data
isSingular_lmcheck if lm model is singular
jackknifeCompute jackknive resampling on matrix
jackknife_matrixCompute correlation matrix with jack
LFQDataLFQData R6 class
LFQDataAggregatorDecorates LFQData with methods to aggregate protein...
LFQDataPlotterLFQDataPlotter – Create various visualization of the LFQdata
LFQDataStatsDecorates LFQData with methods to compute statistics of...
LFQDataSummariserSummarize LFQData
LFQDataToSummarizedExperimentconverts LFQData object to SummarizedExperiment
LFQDataTransformerDecorate LFQData with Methods for transforming Intensities
LFQDataWriterWrite LFQData, or provide outputs for writing.
lfq_power_t_test_proteinsCompute theoretical sample sizes from factor level standard...
lfq_power_t_test_quantilesCompute theoretical sample sizes from factor level standard...
lfq_power_t_test_quantiles_V2estimate sample sizes
lfq_write_tableFacade to writing data frame into various file formats.
linfct_all_possible_contrastscreate all possible contrasts
linfct_factors_contrastscreate contrasts between factor levels
linfct_from_modelget linfct from model
LR_testLikelihood ratio test
make_benchmarkmake Benchmark
make_interaction_columncreate interaction column from factors
make_reduced_hierarchy_configMake reduced hierarchy configuration
matrix_to_tibblematrix or data.frame to tibble (taken from tidyquant)
medpolish_estimateMedian polish estimate of e.g. protein from peptide...
medpolish_estimate_dfMedian polish estimates of e.g. protein abundances for entire...
medpolish_estimate_dfconfigMedian polish estimates of e.g. protein abundances for entire...
medpolish_protein_estimatesmedian polish from normalized peptide intensities
merge_contrasts_resultsMerge contrast results coming from two different model.
missigness_histogramHistogram summarizing missigness
MissingHelperscompute group mean by LOD
missingness_per_conditionSummarize missing in condtion as barplot
missingness_per_condition_cumsumcumulative sums of missing
ModelR6 class representing modelling result
model_analyseanalyses lmer4 and lm models created using help function...
ModelInterfaceR6 interface class representing modelling result
model_summarySummarize modelling and error reporting
moderated_p_limmaModerate p-values - limma approach
moderated_p_limma_longModerate p-value for long table
ms_bench_add_scoresadds FDR, TPR and FDP to data.
ms_bench_auccomputes auc and pauc using trapez rule
multigroup_volcanoplot volcano given multiple contrasts
my_contestapplies contrast computation using lmerTest::contest function
my_contrastcompute contrasts for full models
my_contrast_V1handles incomplete models by setting coefficients to 0
my_contrast_V2handles incomplete models
my_glhtapply multcomp::glht method to linfct
names_to_matrixsplits names and creates a matrix
normalize_log2_robscalenormalize data by log2 and robust scaling
nr_B_in_ACompute nr of B per A
nr_B_in_A_per_samplehow many peptides per protein in each sample
nr_obs_experimentAggregates e.g. protein abundances from peptide abundances
nr_obs_sampleAggregates e.g. protein abundances from peptide abundances
old2newConvert old proflqua configurations (prolfqua 0.4) to new...
pairs_smoothsmoothScatter pairs
pairs_w_ablinenormal pairs plot with different pch and plus abline
panel_corcorrelation panel for pairs plot function (used as default in...
panel_histhistogram panel for pairs function (used as default in...
pivot_model_contrasts_2_Widepivot model contrasts matrix to wide format produced by...
plot_estimatePlot feature data and result of aggregation
plot_heatmapplot heatmap with annotations
plot_heatmap_corplot correlation heatmap with annotations
plot_heatmap_cor_iheatmapplot correlation heatmap with annotations
plot_hierarchies_add_quantlineAdd protein estimate to plot of peptide intensities
plot_hierarchies_boxplotplot peptides by factors and it's levels.
plot_hierarchies_boxplot_dfgenerates peptide level plots for all Proteins
plot_hierarchies_linePlot peptide intensities of protein as a function of the...
plot_hierarchies_line_dfGenerates peptide level plots for all proteins
plot_intensity_distribution_violinvisualize intensity distributions
plot_lmer_peptide_predictionsPlot prdictions
plot_NA_heatmapplot heatmap of NA values
plot_pcaplot PCA
plot_rasterplot heatmap without any clustering (use to show NA's)
plot_sample_correlationvisualize correlation among samples
plot_screeplotplot screeplot
plot_stat_densityplot density distribution or ecdf of sd, mean or CV
plot_stat_density_medianplot density distribution or ecdf of sd, mean or cv given...
plot_stat_violinplot Violin plot of sd CV or mean
plot_stat_violin_medianplot Violin plot of sd CV or mean given intensity lower or...
plot_stdv_vs_meanplot stddev vs mean to asses stability of variance
pooled_varcompute pooled variance
prolfqua_dataload data from prolfqua
R6_extract_valuesExtract all value slots in an R6 object
rank_by_NARanks peptides/precursors of a protein by NAs (adds new...
rank_peptide_by_intensityranks precursor - peptide by intensity.
remove_large_QValuesRemove rows when qVal_individual_threshold is exceeded
remove_NA_rowsRemoves rows with more than thresh NA's from matrix
remove_small_intensitiesRemove rows when intensity lower then threshold
render_MQSummary_rmdrender MQ Summary.
response_as_matrixExtract response column of a protein into matrix
response_matrix_as_tibbleTakes matrix of responses and converts into tibble
rlm_estimateEstimate e.g. protein abundance from peptides using MASS:rlm
rlm_estimate_dfconfigEstimate protein abundance from peptide abundances using...
robust_scalerobust scale wrapper
sample_subsetSample subset of proteins/peptides/precursors
scale_with_subsetScale data using a subset of the data
scale_with_subset_by_factorsScale using a subset of the data, within factor levels (e.g....
scriptCopyHelperVeccopy script files and other from a package to workdir
separate_factorsSeparates factor columns into starting columns
separate_hierarchySeparates hierarchy columns into starting columns
setup_analysisSetup a tidy table compatible with a 'AnalysisConfiguration'
sim_build_models_lmbuild dataframe with models for testing
sim_build_models_lmerbuild lmer model from simulated data
sim_lfq_datasimulate protein level data with two groups
sim_lfq_data_2Factor_configSimulate data, protein, with config with 2 factros Treatment...
sim_lfq_data_peptide_configSimulate data, protein and peptide, with config
sim_lfq_data_protein_configSimulate data, protein, with config
sim_make_model_lmmake interaction model for examples
sim_make_model_lmermake interaction model for examples
spread_response_by_IsotopeLabelSpreads isotope label heavy and light into two columns
squeezeVarRobRobustly Squeeze Sample Variances
strategyCreate custom lmer model
summarise_QValuesCompute QValue summaries for each precursor or peptide or...
summarize_hierarchySummarize hierarchy counts
summarize_statsCompute mean, sd, and CV for all Peptides, or proteins, for...
summarize_stats_factorscompute var sd etc for all factor levels
summary_ROPECA_median_p.scaledcompute protein level fold changes and p.values (using beta...
table_facadetable facade to easily switch implementations
table_factorsTable of distinct factors (sample annotation)
table_factors_sizeTable of distinct factors (sample annotation)
tidy_to_wideTransform tidy table into a table with a column of responses...
tidy_to_wide_configtransform long to wide
transform_work_intensityTransform intensity
UpSet_interaction_missing_statsUpSetR plot from interaction_missing_stats
UpSet_missing_statsprepare dataframe for UpSetR plot for all samples
volcano_Plotlyvolcano plotly
which_missingadd missing values to x vector based on the values of x
wolski/prolfqua documentation built on Feb. 14, 2025, 5:02 a.m.