
Defines functions ExpressionStatPlot FeatureStatPlot FeatureDimPlot3D CellDimPlot3D FeatureDimPlot CellDimPlot BlendRGBList Blend2Color RGBA2RGB blendcolors adjcolors get_vars slim_data.default slim_data.patchwork slim_data.ggplot slim_data drop_data.default drop_data.patchwork drop_data.ggplot drop_data panel_fix_overall panel_fix show_palettes palette_scp theme_blank theme_scp

Documented in adjcolors blendcolors CellDimPlot CellDimPlot3D drop_data drop_data.default drop_data.ggplot drop_data.patchwork FeatureDimPlot FeatureDimPlot3D FeatureStatPlot get_vars palette_scp panel_fix panel_fix_overall show_palettes slim_data slim_data.ggplot slim_data.patchwork theme_blank theme_scp

#' SCP theme
#' The default theme for SCP plot function.
#' @param aspect.ratio Aspect ratio of the panel.
#' @param base_size Base font size
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}}.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg, colour = factor(cyl))) +
#'   geom_point()
#' p + theme_scp()
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme element_blank element_text element_rect margin
#' @export
theme_scp <- function(aspect.ratio = NULL, base_size = 12, ...) {
  text_size_scale <- base_size / 12
  args1 <- list(
    aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
    text = element_text(size = 12 * text_size_scale, color = "black"),
    plot.title = element_text(size = 14 * text_size_scale, colour = "black", vjust = 1),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 13 * text_size_scale, hjust = 0, margin = margin(b = 3)),
    plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
    axis.line = element_blank(),
    axis.title = element_text(size = 13 * text_size_scale, colour = "black"),
    axis.text = element_text(size = 12 * text_size_scale, colour = "black"),
    strip.text = element_text(size = 12.5 * text_size_scale, colour = "black", hjust = 0.5, margin = margin(3, 3, 3, 3)),
    strip.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", linetype = 0),
    strip.switch.pad.grid = unit(-1, "pt"),
    strip.switch.pad.wrap = unit(-1, "pt"),
    strip.placement = "outside",
    legend.title = element_text(size = 12 * text_size_scale, colour = "black", hjust = 0),
    legend.text = element_text(size = 11 * text_size_scale, colour = "black"),
    legend.key = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = "transparent"),
    legend.key.size = unit(10, "pt"),
    legend.background = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
    panel.border = element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = "black", linewidth = 1)
  args2 <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
  call.envir <- parent.frame(1)
  args2 <- lapply(args2, function(arg) {
    if (is.symbol(arg)) {
      eval(arg, envir = call.envir)
    } else if (is.call(arg)) {
      eval(arg, envir = call.envir)
    } else {
  for (n in names(args2)) {
    args1[[n]] <- args2[[n]]
  args <- args1[names(args1) %in% formalArgs(theme)]
  out <- do.call(
    what = theme,
    args = args

#' Blank theme
#' This function creates a theme with all elements blank except for axis lines and labels.
#' It can optionally add coordinate axes in the plot.
#' @param add_coord Whether to add coordinate arrows. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param xlen_npc The length of the x-axis arrow in "npc".
#' @param ylen_npc The length of the y-axis arrow in "npc".
#' @param xlab x-axis label.
#' @param ylab y-axis label.
#' @param lab_size Label size.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to the \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}}.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg, colour = factor(cyl))) +
#'   geom_point()
#' p + theme_blank()
#' p + theme_blank(xlab = "x-axis", ylab = "y-axis", lab_size = 16)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme element_blank margin annotation_custom coord_cartesian
#' @importFrom grid grobTree gList linesGrob textGrob arrow gpar
#' @export
theme_blank <- function(add_coord = TRUE, xlen_npc = 0.15, ylen_npc = 0.15, xlab = "", ylab = "", lab_size = 12, ...) {
  args1 <- list(
    panel.border = element_blank(),
    panel.grid = element_blank(),
    axis.title = element_blank(),
    axis.line = element_blank(),
    axis.ticks = element_blank(),
    axis.text = element_blank(),
    legend.background = element_blank(),
    legend.box.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0),
    legend.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0),
    legend.key.size = unit(10, "pt"),
    plot.margin = margin(lab_size + 2, lab_size + 2, lab_size + 2, lab_size + 2, unit = "points")
  args2 <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
  call.envir <- parent.frame(1)
  args2 <- lapply(args2, function(arg) {
    if (is.symbol(arg)) {
      eval(arg, envir = call.envir)
    } else if (is.call(arg)) {
      eval(arg, envir = call.envir)
    } else {
  for (n in names(args2)) {
    args1[[n]] <- args2[[n]]
  args <- args1[names(args1) %in% formalArgs(theme)]
  out <- do.call(
    what = theme,
    args = args
  if (isTRUE(add_coord)) {
    g <- grobTree(gList(
      linesGrob(x = unit(c(0, xlen_npc), "npc"), y = unit(c(0, 0), "npc"), arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.02, "npc")), gp = gpar(lwd = 2)),
      textGrob(label = xlab, x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"), vjust = 4 / 3, hjust = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = lab_size)),
      linesGrob(x = unit(c(0, 0), "npc"), y = unit(c(0, ylen_npc), "npc"), arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.02, "npc")), gp = gpar(lwd = 2)),
      textGrob(label = ylab, x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"), vjust = -2 / 3, hjust = 0, rot = 90, gp = gpar(fontsize = lab_size))
      list(theme_scp() + out),
      list(coord_cartesian(clip = "off"))
  } else {
      list(theme_scp() + out)

#' Color palettes collected in SCP.
#' @param x A vector of character/factor or numeric values. If missing, numeric values 1:n will be used as x.
#' @param n The number of colors to return for numeric values.
#' @param palette Palette name. All available palette names can be queried with \code{show_palettes()}.
#' @param palcolor Custom colors used to create a color palette.
#' @param type Type of \code{x}. Can be one of "auto", "discrete" or "continuous". The default is "auto", which automatically detects if \code{x} is a numeric value.
#' @param matched If \code{TRUE}, will return a color vector of the same length as \code{x}.
#' @param reverse Whether to invert the colors.
#' @param NA_keep Whether to keep the color assignment to NA in \code{x}.
#' @param NA_color Color assigned to NA if NA_keep is \code{TRUE}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{show_palettes}} \code{\link{palette_list}}
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1:3, NA, 3:5)
#' (pal1 <- palette_scp(x, palette = "Spectral"))
#' (pal2 <- palette_scp(x, palcolor = c("red", "white", "blue")))
#' (pal3 <- palette_scp(x, palette = "Spectral", n = 10))
#' (pal4 <- palette_scp(x, palette = "Spectral", n = 10, reverse = TRUE))
#' (pal5 <- palette_scp(x, palette = "Spectral", matched = TRUE))
#' (pal6 <- palette_scp(x, palette = "Spectral", matched = TRUE, NA_keep = TRUE))
#' (pal7 <- palette_scp(x, palette = "Paired", type = "discrete"))
#' show_palettes(list(pal1, pal2, pal3, pal4, pal5, pal6, pal7))
#' all_palettes <- show_palettes(return_palettes = TRUE)
#' names(all_palettes)
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @export
palette_scp <- function(x, n = 100, palette = "Paired", palcolor = NULL, type = "auto",
                        matched = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, NA_keep = FALSE, NA_color = "grey80") {
  palette_list <- SCP::palette_list
  if (missing(x)) {
    x <- 1:n
    type <- "continuous"
  if (!palette %in% names(palette_list)) {
    stop("The palette name (", palette, ") is invalid! You can check the available palette names with 'show_palettes()'. Or pass palette colors via the 'palcolor' parameter.")
  if (is.list(palcolor)) {
    palcolor <- unlist(palcolor)
  if (all(palcolor == "")) {
    palcolor <- palette_list[[palette]]
  if (is.null(palcolor) || length(palcolor) == 0) {
    palcolor <- palette_list[[palette]]
  if (!is.null(names(palcolor))) {
    if (all(x %in% names(palcolor))) {
      palcolor <- palcolor[intersect(names(palcolor), x)]
  pal_n <- length(palcolor)

  if (!type %in% c("auto", "discrete", "continuous")) {
    stop("'type' must be one of 'auto','discrete' and 'continuous'.")
  if (type == "auto") {
    if (is.numeric(x)) {
      type <- "continuous"
    } else {
      type <- "discrete"

  if (type == "discrete") {
    if (!is.factor(x)) {
      x <- factor(x, levels = unique(x))
    n_x <- nlevels(x)
    if (isTRUE(attr(palcolor, "type") == "continuous")) {
      color <- colorRampPalette(palcolor)(n_x)
    } else {
      color <- ifelse(rep(n_x, n_x) <= pal_n,
    names(color) <- levels(x)
    if (any(is.na(x))) {
      color <- c(color, setNames(NA_color, "NA"))
    if (isTRUE(matched)) {
      color <- color[x]
      color[is.na(color)] <- NA_color
  } else if (type == "continuous") {
    if (!is.numeric(x) && all(!is.na(x))) {
      stop("'x' must be type of numeric when use continuous color palettes.")
    if (all(is.na(x))) {
      values <- as.factor(rep(0, n))
    } else if (length(unique(na.omit(as.numeric(x)))) == 1) {
      values <- as.factor(rep(unique(na.omit(as.numeric(x))), n))
    } else {
      if (isTRUE(matched)) {
        values <- cut(x, breaks = seq(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = n + 1), include.lowest = TRUE)
      } else {
        values <- cut(1:100, breaks = seq(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = n + 1), include.lowest = TRUE)

    n_x <- nlevels(values)
    color <- ifelse(rep(n_x, n_x) <= pal_n,
    names(color) <- levels(values)
    if (any(is.na(x))) {
      color <- c(color, setNames(NA_color, "NA"))
    if (isTRUE(matched)) {
      if (all(is.na(x))) {
        color <- NA_color
      } else if (length(unique(na.omit(x))) == 1) {
        color <- color[as.character(unique(na.omit(x)))]
        color[is.na(color)] <- NA_color
      } else {
        color <- color[as.character(values)]
        color[is.na(color)] <- NA_color

  if (isTRUE(reverse)) {
    color <- rev(color)
  if (!isTRUE(NA_keep)) {
    color <- color[names(color) != "NA"]

#' Show the color palettes
#' This function displays color palettes using ggplot2.
#' @param palettes A list of color palettes. If `NULL`, uses default palettes.
#' @param type A character vector specifying the type of palettes to include. Default is "discrete".
#' @param index A numeric vector specifying the indices of the palettes to include. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param palette_names A character vector specifying the names of the SCP palettes to include. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param return_names A logical value indicating whether to return the names of the selected palettes. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param return_palettes A logical value indicating whether to return the colors of selected palettes. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @seealso \code{\link{palette_scp}} \code{\link{palette_list}}
#' @examples
#' show_palettes(palettes = list(c("red", "blue", "green"), c("yellow", "purple", "orange")))
#' all_palettes <- show_palettes(return_palettes = TRUE)
#' names(all_palettes)
#' all_palettes[["simspec"]]
#' show_palettes(index = 1:10)
#' show_palettes(type = "discrete", index = 1:10)
#' show_palettes(type = "continuous", index = 1:10)
#' show_palettes(palette_names = c("Paired", "nejm", "simspec", "Spectral", "jet"), return_palettes = TRUE)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_col scale_fill_manual scale_x_continuous element_blank
#' @export
show_palettes <- function(palettes = NULL, type = c("discrete", "continuous"), index = NULL, palette_names = NULL, return_names = TRUE, return_palettes = FALSE) {
  palette_list <- SCP::palette_list
  if (!is.null(palettes)) {
    palette_list <- palettes
  } else {
    palette_list <- palette_list[unlist(lapply(palette_list, function(x) isTRUE(attr(x, "type") %in% type)))]
  index <- index[index %in% seq_along(palette_list)]
  if (!is.null(index)) {
    palette_list <- palette_list[index]
  if (is.null(names(palette_list))) {
    names(palette_list) <- seq_along(palette_list)
  if (is.null(palette_names)) {
    palette_names <- palette_names %||% names(palette_list)
  if (any(!palette_names %in% names(palette_list))) {
    stop(paste("Can not find the palettes: ", paste0(palette_names[!palette_names %in% names(palette_list)], collapse = ",")))
  palette_list <- palette_list[palette_names]

  df <- data.frame(palette = rep(names(palette_list), sapply(palette_list, length)), color = unlist(palette_list))
  df[["palette"]] <- factor(df[["palette"]], levels = rev(unique(df[["palette"]])))
  df[["color_order"]] <- factor(seq_len(nrow(df)), levels = seq_len(nrow(df)))
  df[["proportion"]] <- as.numeric(1 / table(df$palette)[df$palette])

  p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(y = .data[["palette"]], x = .data[["proportion"]], fill = .data[["color_order"]])) +
    geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = df[["color"]]) +
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), trans = "reverse") +
      axis.title = element_blank(),
      axis.ticks = element_blank(),
      axis.text.x = element_blank(),
      panel.border = element_blank()

  if (isTRUE(return_palettes)) {
  if (isTRUE(return_names)) {

#' Set the panel width/height of a plot object to a fixed value.
#' The ggplot object, when stored, can only specify the height and width of the entire plot, not the panel.
#' The latter is obviously more important to control the final result of a plot.
#' This function can set the panel width/height of plot to a fixed value and rasterize it.
#' @param x A ggplot object, a grob object, or a combined plot made by patchwork or cowplot package.
#' @param panel_index Specify the panel to be fixed. If NULL, will fix all panels.
#' @param respect If a logical, this indicates whether row heights and column widths should respect each other.
#' @param width The desired width of the fixed panels.
#' @param height The desired height of the fixed panels.
#' @param margin The margin to add around each panel, in inches. The default is 1 inch.
#' @param padding The padding to add around each panel, in inches. The default is 0 inches.
#' @param units The units in which \code{height}, \code{width} and \code{margin} are given. Can be \code{mm}, \code{cm}, \code{in}, etc. See \code{\link[grid]{unit}}.
#' @param raster Whether to rasterize the panel.
#' @param dpi Plot resolution.
#' @param BPPARAM An \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallelParam}} instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during building the object made by patchwork package.
#' @param return_grob If \code{TRUE} then return a grob object instead of a wrapped \code{patchwork} object.
#' @param save NULL or the file name used to save the plot.
#' @param bg_color Plot background color.
#' @param verbose Whether to print messages.
#' @param ... Unused.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' p <- ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = wt, colour = cyl)) +
#'   geom_point() +
#'   facet_wrap(~gear, nrow = 2)
#' # fix the size of panel
#' panel_fix(p, width = 5, height = 3, units = "cm")
#' # rasterize the panel
#' panel_fix(p, width = 5, height = 3, units = "cm", raster = TRUE, dpi = 30)
#' # panel_fix will build and render the plot when the input is a ggplot object.
#' # so after panel_fix, the size of the object will be changed.
#' object.size(p)
#' object.size(panel_fix(p, width = 5, height = 3, units = "cm"))
#' ## save the plot with appropriate size
#' # p_fix <- panel_fix(p, width = 5, height = 3, units = "cm")
#' # plot_size <- attr(p_fix, "size")
#' # ggsave(
#' #   filename = "p_fix.png", plot = p_fix,
#' #   units = plot_size$units, width = plot_size$width, height = plot_size$height
#' # )
#' ## or save the plot directly
#' # p_fix <- panel_fix(p, width = 5, height = 3, units = "cm", save = "p_fix.png")
#' # fix the panel of the plot combined by patchwork
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' p1 <- CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, "Phase", aspect.ratio = 1) # ggplot object
#' p2 <- FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, "Ins1", aspect.ratio = 0.5) # ggplot object
#' p <- p1 / p2 # plot is combined by patchwork
#' # fix the panel size for each plot, the width will be calculated automatically based on aspect.ratio
#' panel_fix(p, height = 1)
#' # fix the panel of the plot combined by plot_grid
#' if (requireNamespace("cowplot", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   p1 <- CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, c("Phase", "SubCellType"), label = TRUE) # plot is combined by patchwork
#'   p2 <- FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, c("Ins1", "Gcg"), label = TRUE) # plot is combined by patchwork
#'   p <- cowplot::plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow = 2) # plot is combined by plot_grid
#'   # fix the size of panel for each plot
#'   panel_fix(p, height = 1)
#'   # rasterize the panel while keeping all labels and text in vector format
#'   panel_fix(p, height = 1, raster = TRUE, dpi = 30)
#' }
#' # fix the panel of the heatmap
#' ht1 <- GroupHeatmap(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = c(
#'     "Sox9", "Anxa2", "Bicc1", # Ductal
#'     "Neurog3", "Hes6", # EPs
#'     "Fev", "Neurod1", # Pre-endocrine
#'     "Rbp4", "Pyy", # Endocrine
#'     "Ins1", "Gcg", "Sst", "Ghrl" # Beta, Alpha, Delta, Epsilon
#'   ),
#'   group.by = c("CellType", "SubCellType"),
#'   show_row_names = TRUE
#' )
#' # the size of the heatmap is not fixed and can be resized by zooming the viewport.
#' ht1$plot
#' # fix the size of the heatmap according the current viewport
#' panel_fix(ht1$plot)
#' # rasterize the heatmap body
#' panel_fix(ht1$plot, raster = TRUE, dpi = 30)
#' # fix the size of overall heatmap including annotation and legend
#' panel_fix(ht1$plot, height = 4, width = 6)
#' ht2 <- GroupHeatmap(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = pancreas_sub[["RNA"]]@var.features,
#'   group.by = "SubCellType",
#'   n_split = 5, nlabel = 20,
#'   db = "GO_BP", species = "Mus_musculus", anno_terms = TRUE,
#'   height = 4, width = 1 # Heatmap body size for two groups
#' )
#' # the size of the heatmap is already fixed
#' ht2$plot
#' # when no height/width is specified, panel_fix does not change the size of the heatmap.
#' panel_fix(ht2$plot)
#' # rasterize the heatmap body
#' panel_fix(ht2$plot, raster = TRUE, dpi = 30)
#' # however, gene labels on the left and enrichment annotations on the right cannot be adjusted
#' panel_fix(ht2$plot, height = 5, width = 10)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggsave
#' @importFrom grid grob unit convertWidth convertHeight convertUnit is.unit unitType
#' @export
panel_fix <- function(x = NULL, panel_index = NULL, respect = NULL,
                      width = NULL, height = NULL, margin = 1, padding = 0, units = "in",
                      raster = FALSE, dpi = 300, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
                      return_grob = FALSE, bg_color = "white", save = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "gtable")) {
        gtable <- as_gtable(x, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
      error = function(error) {
        stop(error, "\nCannot convert the x to a gtable object.")
  } else {
    gtable <- x
  args <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
  depth <- args[["depth"]]
  if (is.null(depth)) {
    depth <- 1

  if (is.null(panel_index)) {
    non_zero <- grep(pattern = "zeroGrob", vapply(gtable$grobs, as.character, character(1)), invert = TRUE)
    panel_index <- grep("panel|full", gtable[["layout"]][["name"]])
    panel_index <- intersect(panel_index, non_zero)
  if (length(panel_index) == 0 && length(gtable$grobs) == 1) {
    panel_index <- 1
  add_margin <- TRUE
  for (i in panel_index) {
    geom_index <- grep("GeomDrawGrob", names(gtable$grobs[[i]][["children"]]))
    if (length(geom_index) > 0) {
      if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
        message("panel ", i, " is detected as generated by plot_grid.")
      for (j in geom_index) {
        subgrob <- gtable$grobs[[i]][["children"]][[j]][["children"]][[1]][["children"]][[1]]
        # print(subgrob$grobs[[1]][["children"]])
        if (length(subgrob$grobs[[1]][["children"]]) > 0 && all(sapply(subgrob$grobs[[1]][["children"]], function(x) inherits(x, "recordedGrob")))) {
          subgrob <- panel_fix_overall(subgrob$grobs[[1]][["children"]], width = width, height = height, margin = padding, units = units, raster = raster, dpi = dpi, return_grob = TRUE)
        } else {
          subgrob <- panel_fix(subgrob, width = width, height = height, margin = padding, units = units, raster = raster, dpi = dpi, return_grob = TRUE, verbose = verbose, depth = depth + 1)
        gtable$grobs[[i]][["children"]][[j]][["children"]][[1]][["children"]][[1]] <- subgrob
        # print(paste0("plot_width:",plot_width," plot_height:",plot_height))
      sum_width <- convertWidth(sum(subgrob[["widths"]]), unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE) / as.numeric(gtable$grobs[[i]][["children"]][[j]]$vp$width)
      sum_height <- convertHeight(sum(subgrob[["heights"]]), unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE) / as.numeric(gtable$grobs[[i]][["children"]][[j]]$vp$height)
      gtable <- panel_fix_overall(gtable, panel_index = i, width = sum_width, height = sum_height, margin = ifelse(depth == 1, margin, 0), units = units, raster = FALSE, return_grob = TRUE)
    } else if (gtable$grobs[[i]]$name == "layout" || inherits(x, "patchwork")) {
      if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
        message("panel ", i, " is detected as generated by patchwork.")
      # if (i == panel_index[1] && length(panel_index) > 1 && isTRUE(verbose)) {
      #   message("More than 2 panels detected. panel_fix may not work as expected.")
      # }
      subgrob <- gtable$grobs[[i]]
      if (length(subgrob[["children"]]) > 0 && all(sapply(subgrob[["children"]], function(x) inherits(x, "recordedGrob")))) {
        subgrob <- panel_fix_overall(subgrob[["children"]], width = width, height = height, margin = 0, units = units, raster = raster, dpi = dpi, return_grob = TRUE)
      } else {
        subgrob <- panel_fix(subgrob, width = width, height = height, margin = 0, units = units, raster = raster, dpi = dpi, return_grob = TRUE, verbose = verbose, depth = depth + 1)
      gtable$grobs[[i]] <- subgrob
      layout <- gtable$layout
      layout[["rowranges"]] <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(layout)), function(n) layout$t[n]:layout$b[n])
      layout[["colranges"]] <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(layout)), function(n) layout$l[n]:layout$r[n])
      p_row <- c(layout$t[i], layout$b[i])
      p_col <- c(layout$l[i], layout$r[i])
      background_index <- grep("background", layout$name)
      background_index <- background_index[order(layout$z[background_index], decreasing = TRUE)]
      for (bgi in background_index) {
        if (all(p_row %in% layout[["rowranges"]][[bgi]]) && all(p_col %in% layout[["colranges"]][[bgi]])) {
          p_background_index <- bgi
      gtable <- gtable_add_rows(gtable, heights = unit(padding, units), pos = layout$t[p_background_index] - 1)
      gtable <- gtable_add_rows(gtable, heights = unit(padding, units), pos = layout$b[p_background_index])
      gtable <- gtable_add_cols(gtable, widths = unit(padding, units), pos = layout$l[p_background_index] - 1)
      gtable <- gtable_add_cols(gtable, widths = unit(padding, units), pos = layout$r[p_background_index])
      sum_width <- convertWidth(sum(subgrob[["widths"]]), unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE)
      sum_height <- convertHeight(sum(subgrob[["heights"]]), unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE)

      gtable <- panel_fix_overall(gtable, panel_index = i, width = sum_width, height = sum_height, margin = ifelse(depth == 1 & add_margin, margin, 0), units = units, raster = FALSE, respect = TRUE, return_grob = TRUE)
      if (depth == 1 & add_margin) {
        add_margin <- FALSE
    } else {
      # print("fix the gtable")
      gtable <- panel_fix_overall(gtable, panel_index = i, width = width, height = height, margin = margin, units = units, raster = raster, dpi = dpi, return_grob = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(respect)) {
    gtable$respect <- respect

  if (isTRUE(return_grob)) {
  } else {
    p <- wrap_plots(gtable) + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = bg_color, color = bg_color))
    if (units != "null") {
      plot_width <- convertWidth(sum(gtable[["widths"]]), unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE)
      plot_height <- convertHeight(sum(gtable[["heights"]]), unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE)
      attr(p, "size") <- list(width = plot_width, height = plot_height, units = units)

    if (!is.null(save) && is.character(save) && nchar(save) > 0) {
      if (units == "null") {
        stop("units can not be 'null' if want to save the plot.")
      filename <- normalizePath(save)
      if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
        message("Save the plot to the file: ", filename)
      if (!dir.exists(dirname(filename))) {
        dir.create(dirname(filename), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
        plot = p, filename = filename, width = plot_width, height = plot_height, units = units, dpi = dpi, limitsize = FALSE

#' @rdname panel_fix
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggsave zeroGrob
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_padding
#' @importFrom grid grob unit unitType convertWidth convertHeight convertUnit viewport grid.draw rasterGrob grobTree addGrob
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off
#' @export
panel_fix_overall <- function(x, panel_index = NULL, respect = NULL,
                              width = NULL, height = NULL, margin = 1, units = "in",
                              raster = FALSE, dpi = 300, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
                              return_grob = FALSE, bg_color = "white", save = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
  if (!inherits(x, "gtable")) {
    if (inherits(x, "gTree")) {
      x <- x[["children"]]
        gtable <- as_gtable(x, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
      error = function(error) {
        stop(error, "\nCannot convert the x to a gtable object")
  } else {
    gtable <- x

  if (is.null(panel_index)) {
    non_zero <- grep(pattern = "zeroGrob", vapply(gtable$grobs, as.character, character(1)), invert = TRUE)
    panel_index <- grep("panel|full", gtable[["layout"]][["name"]])
    panel_index <- intersect(panel_index, non_zero)
  if (length(panel_index) == 0 && length(gtable$grobs) == 1) {
    panel_index <- 1
  if (!length(width) %in% c(0, 1, length(panel_index)) || !length(height) %in% c(0, 1, length(panel_index))) {
    stop("The length of 'width' and 'height' must be 1 or the length of panels.")

  if (inherits(x, "gList")) {
    panel_index <- 1
    panel_index_h <- panel_index_w <- list(1)
    w_comp <- h_comp <- list(unit(1, "null"))
    w <- h <- list(unit(1, "null"))
  } else if (length(panel_index) > 0) {
    panel_index_w <- panel_index_h <- list()
    w_comp <- h_comp <- list()
    w <- h <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(panel_index)) {
      index <- panel_index[i]
      panel_index_h[[i]] <- sort(unique(c(gtable[["layout"]][["t"]][index], gtable[["layout"]][["b"]][index])))
      panel_index_w[[i]] <- sort(unique(c(gtable[["layout"]][["l"]][index], gtable[["layout"]][["r"]][index])))
      w_comp[[i]] <- gtable[["widths"]][seq(min(panel_index_w[[i]]), max(panel_index_w[[i]]))]
      h_comp[[i]] <- gtable[["heights"]][seq(min(panel_index_h[[i]]), max(panel_index_h[[i]]))]

      if (length(w_comp[[i]]) == 1) {
        w[[i]] <- w_comp[[i]]
      } else if (length(w_comp[[i]]) > 1 && any(unitType(w_comp[[i]]) == "null")) {
        w[[i]] <- unit(1, units = "null")
      } else {
        w[[i]] <- sum(w_comp[[i]])
      if (length(h_comp[[i]]) == 1) {
        h[[i]] <- h_comp[[i]]
      } else if (length(h_comp[[i]]) > 1 && any(unitType(h_comp[[i]]) == "null")) {
        h[[i]] <- unit(1, units = "null")
      } else {
        h[[i]] <- sum(h_comp[[i]])
  } else {
    stop("No panel detected.")

  if (units != "null") {
    raw_w <- sapply(w, function(x) convertWidth(x, unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE))
    raw_h <- sapply(h, function(x) convertHeight(x, unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE))
    for (i in seq_along(w)) {
      if (unitType(w[[i]]) == "null" || convertUnit(w[[i]], unitTo = "cm", valueOnly = TRUE) < 1e-10) {
        raw_w[i] <- 0
    for (i in seq_along(h)) {
      if (unitType(h[[i]]) == "null" || convertUnit(h[[i]], unitTo = "cm", valueOnly = TRUE) < 1e-10) {
        raw_h[i] <- 0
    if (isTRUE(gtable$respect)) {
      raw_aspect <- sapply(h, as.vector) / sapply(w, as.vector)
    } else {
      if (all(raw_w != 0) && all(raw_h != 0)) {
        raw_aspect <- raw_h / raw_w
      } else {
        raw_aspect <- convertHeight(unit(1, "npc"), "cm", valueOnly = TRUE) / convertWidth(unit(1, "npc"), "cm", valueOnly = TRUE)

    if (is.null(width) && is.null(height)) {
      width <- raw_w
      height <- raw_h
      if (all(width == 0) && all(height == 0)) {
        width <- convertWidth(unit(1, "npc"), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
        height <- convertHeight(unit(1, "npc"), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
        if (isTRUE(gtable$respect)) {
          if (raw_aspect <= 1) {
            height <- width * raw_aspect
          } else {
            width <- height / raw_aspect

    for (i in seq_along(raw_aspect)) {
      if (is.finite(raw_aspect[i]) && raw_aspect[i] != 0) {
        if (is.null(width[i]) || is.na(width[i]) || width[i] == 0) {
          width[i] <- height[i] / raw_aspect[i]
        if (is.null(height[i]) || is.na(height[i]) || height[i] == 0) {
          height[i] <- width[i] * raw_aspect[i]

    for (i in seq_along(width)) {
      if (inherits(width[i], "unit")) {
        width[i] <- convertWidth(width[i], unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE)
    for (i in seq_along(height)) {
      if (inherits(height[i], "unit")) {
        height[i] <- convertHeight(height[i], unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE)

  if (length(width) == 1) {
    width <- rep(width, length(panel_index))
  if (length(height) == 1) {
    height <- rep(height, length(panel_index))
  for (i in seq_along(panel_index)) {
    if (!is.null(width)) {
      width_unit <- width[i] / length(w_comp[[i]])
      gtable[["widths"]][seq(min(panel_index_w[[i]]), max(panel_index_w[[i]]))] <- rep(unit(width_unit, units = units), length(w_comp[[i]]))
    if (!is.null(height)) {
      height_unit <- height[i] / length(h_comp[[i]])
      gtable[["heights"]][seq(min(panel_index_h[[i]]), max(panel_index_h[[i]]))] <- rep(unit(height_unit, units = units), length(h_comp[[i]]))
  gtable <- gtable_add_padding(gtable, padding = unit(margin, units = units))

  # print(paste0("width:", width))
  # print(paste0("height:", height))

  if (isTRUE(raster)) {
    check_R(c("png", "ragg"))
    for (i in seq_along(panel_index)) {
      index <- panel_index[i]
      g <- g_new <- gtable$grobs[[index]]
      vp <- g$vp
      childrenOrder <- g$childrenOrder
      if (is.null(g$vp)) {
        g$vp <- viewport()
      # child_list <- NULL
      for (j in seq_along(g[["children"]])) {
        child <- g[["children"]][[j]]
        child_nm <- names(g[["children"]])[j]
        if (!is.null(child$vp) ||
          any(grepl("(text)|(label)", child_nm)) ||
          any(grepl("(text)|(segments)|(legend)", class(child$list[[1]])))) {
          zero <- zeroGrob()
          zero$name <- g[["children"]][[j]]$name
          g[["children"]][[j]] <- zero
          # child_list[[child_nm]] <- child
          # print(j)
        } else if (inherits(child$list[[1]], "grob") || is.null(child$list[[1]])) {
          g_new[["children"]][[j]] <- zeroGrob()
          # print(j)
      temp <- tempfile(fileext = "png")
      ragg::agg_png(temp, width = width[i], height = height[i], bg = "transparent", res = dpi, units = units)
      g_ras <- rasterGrob(png::readPNG(temp, native = TRUE))
      # g <- do.call(grobTree, c(list(g_ras), child_list))
      g <- addGrob(g_new, g_ras)
      g$vp <- vp
      g$childrenOrder <- c(g_ras$name, childrenOrder)
      gtable$grobs[[index]] <- g

      # grid.draw(gtable)

  if (!is.null(respect)) {
    gtable$respect <- respect

  if (isTRUE(return_grob)) {
  } else {
    p <- wrap_plots(gtable) + theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = bg_color, color = bg_color))
    if (units != "null") {
      plot_width <- convertWidth(sum(gtable[["widths"]]), unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE)
      plot_height <- convertHeight(sum(gtable[["heights"]]), unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE)
      attr(p, "size") <- list(width = plot_width, height = plot_height, units = units)

    if (!is.null(save) && is.character(save) && nchar(save) > 0) {
      if (units == "null") {
        stop("units can not be 'null' if want to save the plot.")
      filename <- normalizePath(save)
      if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
        message("Save the plot to the file: ", filename)
      if (!dir.exists(dirname(filename))) {
        dir.create(dirname(filename), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
        plot = p, filename = filename, width = plot_width, height = plot_height, units = units,
        dpi = dpi, limitsize = FALSE

#' Drop all data in the plot (only one observation is kept)
#' @param p A \code{ggplot} object or a \code{patchwork} object.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' p <- ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = wt, colour = cyl)) +
#'   geom_point() +
#'   scale_x_continuous(limits = c(10, 30)) +
#'   scale_y_continuous(limits = c(1, 6)) +
#'   theme_scp()
#' object.size(p)
#' p_drop <- drop_data(p)
#' object.size(p_drop)
#' p / p_drop
#' @export
drop_data <- function(p) {
  UseMethod(generic = "drop_data", object = p)

#' @param p A \code{ggplot} object.
#' @export
#' @rdname drop_data
#' @method drop_data ggplot
drop_data.ggplot <- function(p) {
  p <- ggplot2:::plot_clone(p)

  # fix the scales for x/y axis and 'fill', 'color', 'shape',...
  for (i in seq_along(p$scales$scales)) {
    if (inherits(p$scales$scales[[i]], "ScaleDiscrete")) {
      p$scales$scales[[i]][["drop"]] <- FALSE
    if (inherits(p$scales$scales[[i]], "ScaleContinuous")) {
      limits <- p$scales$scales[[i]]$get_limits()
      if (p$scales$scales[[i]]$aesthetics[1] == "x") {
        p$coordinates$limits$x <- limits
      if (p$scales$scales[[i]]$aesthetics[1] == "y") {
        p$coordinates$limits$y <- limits

  vars <- get_vars(p)
  # drop main data
  if (length(p$data) > 0) {
    vars_modified <- names(which(sapply(p$data[, intersect(colnames(p$data), vars), drop = FALSE], class) == "character"))
    for (v in vars_modified) {
      p$data[[v]] <- as.factor(p$data[[v]])
    p$data <- p$data[1, , drop = FALSE]

  # drop layer data
  for (i in seq_along(p$layers)) {
    if (length(p$layers[[i]]$data) > 0) {
      vars_modified <- names(which(sapply(p$layers[[i]]$data[, intersect(colnames(p$layers[[i]]$data), vars), drop = FALSE], class) == "character"))
      for (v in vars_modified) {
        p$layers[[i]]$data[[v]] <- as.factor(p$layers[[i]]$data[[v]])
      p$layers[[i]]$data <- p$layers[[i]]$data[1, , drop = FALSE]


#' @param p A \code{patchwork} object.
#' @export
#' @rdname drop_data
#' @method drop_data patchwork
drop_data.patchwork <- function(p) {
  for (i in seq_along(p$patches$plots)) {
    p$patches$plots[[i]] <- drop_data(p$patches$plots[[i]])
  p <- drop_data.ggplot(p)

#' @export
#' @rdname drop_data
#' @method drop_data default
drop_data.default <- function(p) {

#' Drop unused data from the plot to reduce the object size
#' @param p A \code{ggplot} object or a \code{patchwork} object.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' p <- ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = wt, colour = cyl)) +
#'   geom_point()
#' object.size(p)
#' colnames(p$data)
#' p_slim <- slim_data(p)
#' object.size(p_slim)
#' colnames(p_slim$data)
#' @export
slim_data <- function(p) {
  UseMethod(generic = "slim_data", object = p)

#' @param p A \code{ggplot} object.
#' @export
#' @rdname slim_data
#' @method slim_data ggplot
slim_data.ggplot <- function(p) {
  vars <- get_vars(p)
  if (length(vars) > 0) {
    p$data <- p$data[, intersect(colnames(p$data), vars), drop = FALSE]
    for (i in seq_along(p$layers)) {
      if (length(p$layers[[i]]$data) > 0) {
        p$layers[[i]]$data <- p$layers[[i]]$data[, intersect(colnames(p$layers[[i]]$data), vars), drop = FALSE]

#' @param p A \code{patchwork} object.
#' @export
#' @rdname slim_data
#' @method slim_data patchwork
slim_data.patchwork <- function(p) {
  for (i in seq_along(p$patches$plots)) {
    p$patches$plots[[i]] <- slim_data(p$patches$plots[[i]])
  p <- slim_data.ggplot(p)

#' @export
#' @method slim_data default
slim_data.default <- function(p) {

#' Get used vars in a ggplot object
#' @param p A \code{ggplot} object.
#' @param reverse If \code{TRUE} then will return unused vars.
#' @param verbose Whether to print messages.
#' @export
get_vars <- function(p, reverse, verbose = FALSE) {
  mappings <- c(
    unlist(lapply(p$layers, function(x) as.character(x$mapping))),
    unlist(lapply(p$layers, function(x) names(p$layers[[1]]$aes_params))),
    names(p$facet$params$facets), names(p$facet$params$rows), names(p$facet$params$cols)
  vars <- unique(unlist(strsplit(gsub("[~\\[\\]\\\"\\(\\)]", " ", unique(mappings), perl = TRUE), " ")))
  vars_used <- intersect(unique(c(colnames(p$data), unlist(lapply(p$layers, function(x) colnames(x$data))))), vars)
  if (verbose) {
      "vars_used: ", paste0(vars_used, collapse = ","), "\n",
      "vars_notused: ", paste0(setdiff(names(p$data), vars), collapse = ",")

#' Convert a color with arbitrary transparency to a fixed color
#' This function takes a vector of colors and an alpha level and converts the colors
#' to fixed colors with the specified alpha level.
#' @param colors Color vectors.
#' @param alpha Alpha level in [0,1]
#' @examples
#' colors <- c("red", "blue", "green")
#' adjcolors(colors, 0.5)
#' ggplot2::alpha(colors, 0.5)
#' show_palettes(list(
#'   "raw" = colors,
#'   "adjcolors" = adjcolors(colors, 0.5),
#'   "ggplot2::alpha" = ggplot2::alpha(colors, 0.5)
#' ))
#' @export
adjcolors <- function(colors, alpha) {
  color_df <- as.data.frame(col2rgb(colors) / 255)
  colors_out <- sapply(color_df, function(color) {
    color_rgb <- RGBA2RGB(list(color, alpha))
    return(rgb(color_rgb[1], color_rgb[2], color_rgb[3]))

#' Blend colors
#' This function blends a list of colors using the specified blend mode.
#' @param colors Color vectors.
#' @param mode Blend mode. One of "blend", "average", "screen", or "multiply".
#' @seealso \code{\link{FeatureDimPlot}}
#' @examples
#' blend <- c("red", "green", blendcolors(c("red", "green"), mode = "blend"))
#' average <- c("red", "green", blendcolors(c("red", "green"), mode = "average"))
#' screen <- c("red", "green", blendcolors(c("red", "green"), mode = "screen"))
#' multiply <- c("red", "green", blendcolors(c("red", "green"), mode = "multiply"))
#' show_palettes(list("blend" = blend, "average" = average, "screen" = screen, "multiply" = multiply))
#' @export
blendcolors <- function(colors, mode = c("blend", "average", "screen", "multiply")) {
  mode <- match.arg(mode)
  colors <- colors[!is.na(colors)]
  if (length(colors) == 0) {
  if (length(colors) == 1) {
  rgb <- as.list(as.data.frame(col2rgb(colors) / 255))
  Clist <- lapply(rgb, function(x) {
    list(x, 1)
  blend_color <- BlendRGBList(Clist, mode = mode)
  blend_color <- rgb(blend_color[1], blend_color[2], blend_color[3])

RGBA2RGB <- function(RGBA, BackGround = c(1, 1, 1)) {
  A <- RGBA[[length(RGBA)]]
  RGB <- RGBA[[-length(RGBA)]] * A + BackGround * (1 - A)

Blend2Color <- function(C1, C2, mode = "blend") {
  c1 <- C1[[1]]
  c1a <- C1[[2]]
  c2 <- C2[[1]]
  c2a <- C2[[2]]
  A <- 1 - (1 - c1a) * (1 - c2a)
  if (A < 1.0e-6) {
    return(list(c(0, 0, 0), 1))
  if (mode == "blend") {
    out <- (c1 * c1a + c2 * c2a * (1 - c1a)) / A
    A <- 1
  if (mode == "average") {
    out <- (c1 + c2) / 2
    out[out > 1] <- 1
  if (mode == "screen") {
    out <- 1 - (1 - c1) * (1 - c2)
  if (mode == "multiply") {
    out <- c1 * c2
  return(list(out, A))

BlendRGBList <- function(Clist, mode = "blend", RGB_BackGround = c(1, 1, 1)) {
  N <- length(Clist)
  ClistUse <- Clist
  while (N != 1) {
    temp <- ClistUse
    ClistUse <- list()
    for (C in temp[1:(length(temp) - 1)]) {
      c1 <- C[[1]]
      a1 <- C[[2]]
      c2 <- temp[[length(temp)]][[1]]
      a2 <- temp[[length(temp)]][[2]]
      ClistUse <- append(ClistUse, list(Blend2Color(C1 = list(c1, a1 * (1 - 1 / N)), C2 = list(c2, a2 * 1 / N), mode = mode)))
    N <- length(ClistUse)
  Result <- list(ClistUse[[1]][[1]], ClistUse[[1]][[2]])
  Result <- RGBA2RGB(Result, BackGround = RGB_BackGround)

#' Visualize cell groups on a 2-dimensional reduction plot
#' Plotting cell points on a reduced 2D plane and coloring according to the groups.
#' @param srt A Seurat object.
#' @param group.by Name of one or more meta.data columns to group (color) cells by (for example, orig.ident).
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use. If not specified, will use the reduction returned by \code{\link{DefaultReduction}}.
#' @param split.by Name of a column in meta.data column to split plot by.
#' @param palette Name of a color palette name collected in SCP. Default is "Paired".
#' @param palcolor Custom colors used to create a color palette.
#' @param bg_color Color value for background(NA) points.
#' @param pt.size Point size.
#' @param pt.alpha Point transparency.
#' @param cells.highlight A vector of cell names to highlight.
#' @param cols.highlight Color used to highlight the cells.
#' @param sizes.highlight Size of highlighted cell points.
#' @param alpha.highlight Transparency of highlighted cell points.
#' @param stroke.highlight Border width of highlighted cell points.
#' @param legend.position The position of legends ("none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top").
#' @param legend.direction Layout of items in legends ("horizontal" or "vertical")
#' @param combine Combine plots into a single \code{patchwork} object. If \code{FALSE}, return a list of ggplot objects.
#' @param nrow Number of rows in the combined plot.
#' @param ncol Number of columns in the combined plot.
#' @param byrow Logical value indicating if the plots should be arrange by row (default) or by column.
#' @param dims Dimensions to plot, must be a two-length numeric vector specifying x- and y-dimensions
#' @param show_na Whether to assign a color from the color palette to NA group. If \code{FALSE}, cell points with NA level will colored by \code{bg_color}.
#' @param show_stat Whether to show statistical information on the plot.
#' @param label Whether to label the cell groups.
#' @param label_insitu Whether to place the raw labels (group names) in the center of the cells with the corresponding group. Default is \code{FALSE}, which using numbers instead of raw labels.
#' @param label.size Size of labels.
#' @param label.fg Foreground color of label.
#' @param label.bg Background color of label.
#' @param label.bg.r Background ratio of label.
#' @param label_repel Logical value indicating whether the label is repel away from the center points.
#' @param label_repulsion Force of repulsion between overlapping text labels. Defaults to 20.
#' @param label_point_size Size of the center points.
#' @param label_point_color Color of the center points.
#' @param label_segment_color Color of the line segment for labels.
#' @param add_density Whether to add a density layer on the plot.
#' @param density_color Color of the density contours lines.
#' @param density_filled Whether to add filled contour bands instead of contour lines.
#' @param density_filled_palette Color palette used to fill contour bands.
#' @param density_filled_palcolor Custom colors used to fill contour bands.
#' @param lineages Lineages/pseudotime to add to the plot. If specified, curves will be fitted using \code{\link[stats]{loess}} method.
#' @param lineages_trim Trim the leading and the trailing data in the lineages.
#' @param lineages_span The parameter α which controls the degree of smoothing in \code{\link[stats]{loess}} method.
#' @param lineages_palette Color palette used for lineages.
#' @param lineages_palcolor Custom colors used for lineages.
#' @param lineages_arrow Set arrows of the lineages. See \code{\link[grid]{arrow}}.
#' @param lineages_linewidth Width of fitted curve lines for lineages.
#' @param lineages_line_bg Background color of curve lines for lineages.
#' @param lineages_line_bg_stroke Border width of curve lines background.
#' @param lineages_whiskers Whether to add whiskers for lineages.
#' @param lineages_whiskers_linewidth Width of whiskers for lineages.
#' @param lineages_whiskers_alpha Transparency of whiskers for lineages.
#' @param stat.by The name of a metadata column to stat.
#' @param stat_type Set stat types ("percent" or "count").
#' @param stat_plot_type Set the statistical plot type.
#' @param stat_plot_size Set the statistical plot size. Defaults to 0.1
#' @param stat_plot_palette Color palette used in statistical plot.
#' @param stat_palcolor Custom colors used in statistical plot
#' @param stat_plot_position Position adjustment in statistical plot.
#' @param stat_plot_alpha Transparency of the statistical plot.
#' @param stat_plot_label Whether to add labels in the statistical plot.
#' @param stat_plot_label_size Label size in the statistical plot.
#' @param graph Specify the graph name to add edges between cell neighbors to the plot.
#' @param edge_size Size of edges.
#' @param edge_alpha Transparency of edges.
#' @param edge_color Color of edges.
#' @param paga Specify the calculated paga results to add a PAGA graph layer to the plot.
#' @param paga_type PAGA plot type. "connectivities" or "connectivities_tree".
#' @param paga_node_size Size of the nodes in PAGA plot.
#' @param paga_edge_threshold Threshold of edge connectivities in PAGA plot.
#' @param paga_edge_size Size of edges in PAGA plot.
#' @param paga_edge_color Color of edges in PAGA plot.
#' @param paga_edge_alpha Transparency of edges in PAGA plot.
#' @param paga_show_transition Whether to show transitions between edges.
#' @param paga_transition_threshold Threshold of transition edges in PAGA plot.
#' @param paga_transition_size Size of transition edges in PAGA plot.
#' @param paga_transition_color Color of transition edges in PAGA plot.
#' @param paga_transition_alpha Transparency of transition edges in PAGA plot.
#' @param velocity Specify the calculated RNA velocity mode to add a velocity layer to the plot.
#' @param velocity_plot_type Set the velocity plot type.
#' @param velocity_n_neighbors Set the number of neighbors used in velocity plot.
#' @param velocity_density Set the density value used in velocity plot.
#' @param velocity_smooth Set the smooth value used in velocity plot.
#' @param velocity_scale Set the scale value used in velocity plot.
#' @param velocity_min_mass Set the min_mass value used in velocity plot.
#' @param velocity_cutoff_perc Set the cutoff_perc value used in velocity plot.
#' @param velocity_arrow_color Color of arrows in velocity plot.
#' @param velocity_arrow_angle Angle of arrows in velocity plot.
#' @param streamline_L Typical length of a streamline in x and y units
#' @param streamline_minL Minimum length of segments to show.
#' @param streamline_res Resolution parameter (higher numbers increases the resolution).
#' @param streamline_n Number of points to draw.
#' @param streamline_width Size of streamline.
#' @param streamline_alpha Transparency of streamline.
#' @param streamline_color Color of streamline.
#' @param streamline_palette Color palette used for streamline.
#' @param streamline_palcolor Custom colors used for streamline.
#' @param streamline_bg_color Background color of streamline.
#' @param streamline_bg_stroke Border width of streamline background.
#' @param hex Whether to chane the plot type from point to the hexagonal bin.
#' @param hex.count Whether show cell counts in each hexagonal bin.
#' @param hex.bins Number of hexagonal bins.
#' @param hex.binwidth Hexagonal bin width.
#' @param hex.linewidth Border width of hexagonal bins.
#' @param raster Convert points to raster format, default is NULL which automatically rasterizes if plotting more than 100,000 cells
#' @param raster.dpi Pixel resolution for rasterized plots, passed to geom_scattermore(). Default is c(512, 512).
#' @param theme_use Theme used. Can be a character string or a theme function. For example, \code{"theme_blank"} or \code{ggplot2::theme_classic}.
#' @param aspect.ratio Aspect ratio of the panel.
#' @param title The text for the title.
#' @param subtitle The text for the subtitle for the plot which will be displayed below the title.
#' @param xlab x-axis label.
#' @param ylab y-axis label.
#' @param force Whether to force drawing regardless of maximum levels in any cell group is greater than 100.
#' @param cells Subset cells to plot.
#' @param theme_args Other arguments passed to the \code{theme_use}.
#' @param seed Random seed set for reproducibility
#' @seealso \code{\link{FeatureDimPlot}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", theme_use = "theme_blank")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", theme_use = ggplot2::theme_classic, theme_args = list(base_size = 16))
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP") %>% panel_fix(height = 2, raster = TRUE, dpi = 30)
#' # Highlight cells
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP",
#'   cells.highlight = colnames(pancreas_sub)[pancreas_sub$SubCellType == "Epsilon"]
#' )
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", split.by = "Phase", reduction = "UMAP",
#'   cells.highlight = TRUE, theme_use = "theme_blank", legend.position = "none"
#' )
#' # Add group labels
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", label = TRUE)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP",
#'   label = TRUE, label.fg = "orange", label.bg = "red", label.size = 5
#' )
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP",
#'   label = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE
#' )
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP",
#'   label = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE, label_repel = TRUE, label_segment_color = "red"
#' )
#' # Add various shape of marks
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", add_mark = TRUE)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", add_mark = TRUE, mark_expand = unit(1, "mm"))
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", add_mark = TRUE, mark_alpha = 0.3)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", add_mark = TRUE, mark_linetype = 2)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", add_mark = TRUE, mark_type = "ellipse")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", add_mark = TRUE, mark_type = "rect")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", add_mark = TRUE, mark_type = "circle")
#' # Add a density layer
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", add_density = TRUE)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", add_density = TRUE, density_filled = TRUE)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP",
#'   add_density = TRUE, density_filled = TRUE, density_filled_palette = "Blues",
#'   cells.highlight = TRUE
#' )
#' # Add statistical charts
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "CellType", reduction = "UMAP", stat.by = "Phase")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "CellType", reduction = "UMAP", stat.by = "Phase", stat_plot_type = "ring", stat_plot_label = TRUE, stat_plot_size = 0.15)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "CellType", reduction = "UMAP", stat.by = "Phase", stat_plot_type = "bar", stat_type = "count", stat_plot_position = "dodge")
#' # Chane the plot type from point to the hexagonal bin
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "CellType", reduction = "UMAP", hex = TRUE)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "CellType", reduction = "UMAP", hex = TRUE, hex.bins = 20)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "CellType", reduction = "UMAP", hex = TRUE, hex.count = FALSE)
#' # Show neighbors graphs on the plot
#' pancreas_sub <- Standard_SCP(pancreas_sub)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "CellType", reduction = "UMAP", graph = "Standardpca_SNN")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "CellType", reduction = "UMAP", graph = "Standardpca_SNN", edge_color = "grey80")
#' # Show lineages on the plot based on the pseudotime
#' pancreas_sub <- RunSlingshot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", show_plot = FALSE)
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = paste0("Lineage", 1:3), reduction = "UMAP")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", lineages = paste0("Lineage", 1:3))
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", lineages = paste0("Lineage", 1:3), lineages_whiskers = TRUE)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", lineages = paste0("Lineage", 1:3), lineages_span = 0.1)
#' # Show PAGA results on the plot
#' pancreas_sub <- RunPAGA(srt = pancreas_sub, group_by = "SubCellType", linear_reduction = "PCA", nonlinear_reduction = "UMAP", return_seurat = TRUE)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", paga = pancreas_sub@misc$paga)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", paga = pancreas_sub@misc$paga, paga_type = "connectivities_tree")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", pt.size = 5, pt.alpha = 0.2,
#'   label = TRUE, label_repel = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE, label_segment_color = "transparent",
#'   paga = pancreas_sub@misc$paga, paga_edge_threshold = 0.1, paga_edge_color = "black", paga_edge_alpha = 1,
#'   legend.position = "none", theme_use = "theme_blank"
#' )
#' # Show RNA velocity results on the plot
#' pancreas_sub <- RunSCVELO(srt = pancreas_sub, group_by = "SubCellType", linear_reduction = "PCA", nonlinear_reduction = "UMAP", mode = "stochastic", return_seurat = TRUE)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", paga = pancreas_sub@misc$paga, paga_show_transition = TRUE)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", pt.size = NA, velocity = "stochastic")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", pt.size = 5, pt.alpha = 0.2, velocity = "stochastic", velocity_plot_type = "grid")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", pt.size = 5, pt.alpha = 0.2, velocity = "stochastic", velocity_plot_type = "grid", velocity_scale = 1.5)
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", pt.size = 5, pt.alpha = 0.2, velocity = "stochastic", velocity_plot_type = "stream")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", pt.size = 5, pt.alpha = 0.2,
#'   label = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE,
#'   velocity = "stochastic", velocity_plot_type = "stream", velocity_arrow_color = "yellow",
#'   velocity_density = 2, velocity_smooth = 1, streamline_n = 20, streamline_color = "black",
#'   legend.position = "none", theme_use = "theme_blank"
#' )
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions Embeddings Key
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by "%>%" .data
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point geom_density_2d stat_density_2d geom_segment labs scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous scale_size_continuous facet_grid scale_color_manual scale_fill_manual guides guide_legend geom_hex geom_path theme_void annotation_custom scale_linewidth_continuous after_stat
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom ggnewscale new_scale_color new_scale_fill new_scale
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_cols gtable_add_grob
#' @importFrom ggforce geom_mark_hull geom_mark_ellipse geom_mark_circle geom_mark_rect
#' @importFrom grid arrow unit
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom stats median loess aggregate
#' @importFrom utils askYesNo
#' @export
CellDimPlot <- function(srt, group.by, reduction = NULL, dims = c(1, 2), split.by = NULL, cells = NULL,
                        show_na = FALSE, show_stat = ifelse(identical(theme_use, "theme_blank"), FALSE, TRUE),
                        pt.size = NULL, pt.alpha = 1, palette = "Paired", palcolor = NULL, bg_color = "grey80",
                        label = FALSE, label.size = 4, label.fg = "white", label.bg = "black", label.bg.r = 0.1,
                        label_insitu = FALSE, label_repel = FALSE, label_repulsion = 20,
                        label_point_size = 1, label_point_color = "black", label_segment_color = "black",
                        cells.highlight = NULL, cols.highlight = "black", sizes.highlight = 1, alpha.highlight = 1, stroke.highlight = 0.5,
                        add_density = FALSE, density_color = "grey80", density_filled = FALSE, density_filled_palette = "Greys", density_filled_palcolor = NULL,
                        add_mark = FALSE, mark_type = c("hull", "ellipse", "rect", "circle"), mark_expand = unit(3, "mm"), mark_alpha = 0.1, mark_linetype = 1,
                        lineages = NULL, lineages_trim = c(0.01, 0.99), lineages_span = 0.75,
                        lineages_palette = "Dark2", lineages_palcolor = NULL, lineages_arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1, "inches")),
                        lineages_linewidth = 1, lineages_line_bg = "white", lineages_line_bg_stroke = 0.5,
                        lineages_whiskers = FALSE, lineages_whiskers_linewidth = 0.5, lineages_whiskers_alpha = 0.5,
                        stat.by = NULL, stat_type = "percent", stat_plot_type = "pie", stat_plot_position = c("stack", "dodge"), stat_plot_size = 0.15,
                        stat_plot_palette = "Set1", stat_palcolor = NULL, stat_plot_alpha = 1, stat_plot_label = FALSE, stat_plot_label_size = 3,
                        graph = NULL, edge_size = c(0.05, 0.5), edge_alpha = 0.1, edge_color = "grey40",
                        paga = NULL, paga_type = "connectivities", paga_node_size = 4,
                        paga_edge_threshold = 0.01, paga_edge_size = c(0.2, 1), paga_edge_color = "grey40", paga_edge_alpha = 0.5,
                        paga_transition_threshold = 0.01, paga_transition_size = c(0.2, 1), paga_transition_color = "black", paga_transition_alpha = 1, paga_show_transition = FALSE,
                        velocity = NULL, velocity_plot_type = "raw", velocity_n_neighbors = ceiling(ncol(srt@assays[[1]]) / 50),
                        velocity_density = 1, velocity_smooth = 0.5, velocity_scale = 1, velocity_min_mass = 1, velocity_cutoff_perc = 5,
                        velocity_arrow_color = "black", velocity_arrow_angle = 20,
                        streamline_L = 5, streamline_minL = 1, streamline_res = 1, streamline_n = 15,
                        streamline_width = c(0, 0.8), streamline_alpha = 1, streamline_color = NULL, streamline_palette = "RdYlBu", streamline_palcolor = NULL,
                        streamline_bg_color = "white", streamline_bg_stroke = 0.5,
                        hex = FALSE, hex.linewidth = 0.5, hex.count = TRUE, hex.bins = 50, hex.binwidth = NULL,
                        raster = NULL, raster.dpi = c(512, 512),
                        aspect.ratio = 1, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                        legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                        theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                        combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE, force = FALSE, seed = 11) {
  mark_type <- match.arg(mark_type)

  if (is.null(split.by)) {
    split.by <- "All.groups"
    srt@meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor("")
  for (i in unique(c(group.by, split.by))) {
    if (!i %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(i, " is not in the meta.data of srt object."))
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[i]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[i]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[i]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[i]]))
    if (isTRUE(show_na) && any(is.na(srt@meta.data[[i]]))) {
      raw_levels <- unique(c(levels(srt@meta.data[[i]]), "NA"))
      srt@meta.data[[i]] <- as.character(srt@meta.data[[i]])
      srt@meta.data[[i]][is.na(srt@meta.data[[i]])] <- "NA"
      srt@meta.data[[i]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[i]], levels = raw_levels)
  for (l in lineages) {
    if (!l %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(l, " is not in the meta.data of srt object."))
  if (!is.null(graph) && !graph %in% names(srt@graphs)) {
    stop("Graph ", graph, " is not exist in the srt object.")
  if (!is.null(graph)) {
    graph <- srt@graphs[[graph]]
  if (is.null(reduction)) {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt)
  } else {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt, pattern = reduction)
  if (!reduction %in% names(srt@reductions)) {
    stop(paste0(reduction, " is not in the srt reduction names."))
  if (!is.null(cells.highlight) && !isTRUE(cells.highlight)) {
    if (!any(cells.highlight %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
      stop("No cells in 'cells.highlight' found in srt.")
    if (!all(cells.highlight %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
      warning("Some cells in 'cells.highlight' not found in srt.", immediate. = TRUE)
    cells.highlight <- intersect(cells.highlight, colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))

  dat_meta <- srt@meta.data[, unique(c(group.by, split.by)), drop = FALSE]
  nlev <- sapply(dat_meta, nlevels)
  nlev <- nlev[nlev > 100]
  if (length(nlev) > 0 && !isTRUE(force)) {
    warning(paste(names(nlev), sep = ","), " have more than 100 levels.", immediate. = TRUE)
    answer <- askYesNo("Are you sure to continue?", default = FALSE)
    if (!isTRUE(answer)) {

  reduction_key <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@key
  dat_dim <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings
  colnames(dat_dim) <- paste0(reduction_key, seq_len(ncol(dat_dim)))
  rownames(dat_dim) <- rownames(dat_dim) %||% colnames(srt@assays[[1]])
  dat_use <- cbind(dat_dim, dat_meta[row.names(dat_dim), , drop = FALSE])
  if (!is.null(cells)) {
    dat_use <- dat_use[intersect(rownames(dat_use), cells), , drop = FALSE]
  if (is.null(pt.size)) {
    pt.size <- min(3000 / nrow(dat_use), 0.5)
  raster <- raster %||% (nrow(dat_use) > 1e5)
  if (isTRUE(raster)) {
  if (!is.null(x = raster.dpi)) {
    if (!is.numeric(x = raster.dpi) || length(x = raster.dpi) != 2) {
      stop("'raster.dpi' must be a two-length numeric vector")
  if (!is.null(stat.by)) {
    subplots <- CellStatPlot(srt,
      cells = cells,
      stat.by = stat.by, group.by = group.by, split.by = split.by,
      stat_type = stat_type, plot_type = stat_plot_type, position = stat_plot_position,
      palette = stat_plot_palette, palcolor = stat_palcolor, alpha = stat_plot_alpha,
      label = stat_plot_label, label.size = stat_plot_label_size,
      legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = legend.direction,
      theme_use = theme_use, theme_args = theme_args,
      individual = TRUE, combine = FALSE
  if (!is.null(lineages)) {
    lineages_layers <- LineagePlot(srt,
      cells = cells,
      lineages = lineages, reduction = reduction, dims = dims,
      trim = lineages_trim, span = lineages_span,
      palette = lineages_palette, palcolor = lineages_palcolor, lineages_arrow = lineages_arrow,
      linewidth = lineages_linewidth, line_bg = lineages_line_bg, line_bg_stroke = lineages_line_bg_stroke,
      whiskers = lineages_whiskers, whiskers_linewidth = lineages_whiskers_linewidth, whiskers_alpha = lineages_whiskers_alpha,
      aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio, title = title, subtitle = subtitle, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = legend.direction,
      theme_use = theme_use, theme_args = theme_args,
      return_layer = TRUE
    lineages_layers <- lineages_layers[!names(lineages_layers) %in% c("lab_layer", "theme_layer")]
  if (!is.null(paga)) {
    if (split.by != "All.groups") {
      stop("paga can only plot on the non-split data")
    paga_layers <- PAGAPlot(srt,
      cells = cells,
      paga = paga, type = paga_type, reduction = reduction, dims = dims,
      node_palette = palette, node_palcolor = palcolor, node_size = paga_node_size,
      edge_threshold = paga_edge_threshold, edge_size = paga_edge_size, edge_color = paga_edge_color, edge_alpha = paga_edge_alpha,
      transition_threshold = paga_transition_threshold, transition_size = paga_transition_size, transition_color = paga_transition_color, transition_alpha = paga_transition_alpha, show_transition = paga_show_transition,
      aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio, title = title, subtitle = subtitle, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = legend.direction,
      theme_use = theme_use, theme_args = theme_args,
      return_layer = TRUE
    paga_layers <- paga_layers[!names(paga_layers) %in% c("lab_layer", "theme_layer")]
  if (!is.null(velocity)) {
    if (split.by != "All.groups") {
      stop("velocity can only plot on the non-split data")
    velocity_layers <- VelocityPlot(srt,
      cells = cells,
      reduction = reduction, dims = dims, velocity = velocity, plot_type = velocity_plot_type, group_by = group.by, group_palette = palette, group_palcolor = palcolor,
      n_neighbors = velocity_n_neighbors, density = velocity_density, smooth = velocity_smooth, scale = velocity_scale, min_mass = velocity_min_mass, cutoff_perc = velocity_cutoff_perc,
      arrow_color = velocity_arrow_color, arrow_angle = velocity_arrow_angle,
      streamline_L = streamline_L, streamline_minL = streamline_minL, streamline_res = streamline_res, streamline_n = streamline_n,
      streamline_width = streamline_width, streamline_alpha = streamline_alpha, streamline_color = streamline_color, streamline_palette = streamline_palette, streamline_palcolor = streamline_palcolor,
      streamline_bg_color = streamline_bg_color, streamline_bg_stroke = streamline_bg_stroke,
      aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio, title = title, subtitle = subtitle, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      legend.position = "bottom", legend.direction = legend.direction,
      theme_use = theme_void, theme_args = theme_args,
      return_layer = TRUE
    velocity_layers <- velocity_layers[!names(velocity_layers) %in% c("lab_layer", "theme_layer")]
  plist <- list()
  xlab <- xlab %||% paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])
  ylab <- ylab %||% paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])
  if (identical(theme_use, "theme_blank")) {
    theme_args[["xlab"]] <- xlab
    theme_args[["ylab"]] <- ylab

  comb <- expand.grid(split = levels(dat_use[[split.by]]), group = group.by, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  rownames(comb) <- paste0(comb[["split"]], ":", comb[["group"]])
  plist <- lapply(setNames(rownames(comb), rownames(comb)), function(i) {
    g <- comb[i, "group"]
    s <- comb[i, "split"]
    colors <- palette_scp(levels(dat_use[[g]]), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, NA_keep = TRUE)
    dat <- dat_use
    cells_mask <- dat[[split.by]] != s
    # dat[[split.by]] <- NULL
    dat[[g]][cells_mask] <- NA
    legend_list <- list()
    labels_tb <- table(dat[[g]])
    labels_tb <- labels_tb[labels_tb != 0]
    cells.highlight_use <- cells.highlight
    if (isTRUE(cells.highlight_use)) {
      cells.highlight_use <- rownames(dat)[!is.na(dat[[g]])]
    if (isTRUE(label_insitu)) {
      if (isTRUE(show_stat)) {
        label_use <- paste0(names(labels_tb), "(", labels_tb, ")")
      } else {
        label_use <- paste0(names(labels_tb))
    } else {
      if (isTRUE(label)) {
        if (isTRUE(show_stat)) {
          label_use <- paste0(seq_along(labels_tb), ": ", names(labels_tb), "(", labels_tb, ")")
        } else {
          label_use <- paste0(seq_along(labels_tb), ": ", names(labels_tb))
      } else {
        if (isTRUE(show_stat)) {
          label_use <- paste0(names(labels_tb), "(", labels_tb, ")")
        } else {
          label_use <- paste0(names(labels_tb))
    dat[["x"]] <- dat[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]]
    dat[["y"]] <- dat[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]]
    dat[["group.by"]] <- dat[[g]]
    dat[, "split.by"] <- s
    dat <- dat[order(dat[, "group.by"], decreasing = FALSE, na.last = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]
    naindex <- which(is.na(dat[, "group.by"]))
    naindex <- ifelse(length(naindex) > 0, max(naindex), 1)
    dat <- dat[c(1:naindex, sample((min(naindex + 1, nrow(dat))):nrow(dat))), , drop = FALSE]
    if (isTRUE(show_stat)) {
      subtitle_use <- subtitle %||% paste0(s, " nCells:", sum(!is.na(dat[["group.by"]])))
    } else {
      subtitle_use <- subtitle

    if (isTRUE(add_mark)) {
      mark_fun <- switch(mark_type,
        "ellipse" = "geom_mark_ellipse",
        "hull" = "geom_mark_hull",
        "rect" = "geom_mark_rect",
        "circle" = "geom_mark_circle"
      mark <- list(
            data = dat[!is.na(dat[["group.by"]]), , drop = FALSE],
            mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["group.by"]], fill = .data[["group.by"]]),
            expand = mark_expand, alpha = mark_alpha, linetype = mark_linetype, show.legend = FALSE, inherit.aes = FALSE
        scale_fill_manual(values = colors[names(labels_tb)]),
        scale_color_manual(values = colors[names(labels_tb)]),
    } else {
      mark <- NULL

    if (!is.null(graph)) {
      net_mat <- as_matrix(graph)[rownames(dat), rownames(dat)]
      net_mat[net_mat == 0] <- NA
      net_mat[upper.tri(net_mat)] <- NA
      net_df <- reshape2::melt(net_mat, na.rm = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      net_df[, "value"] <- as.numeric(net_df[, "value"])
      net_df[, "Var1"] <- as.character(net_df[, "Var1"])
      net_df[, "Var2"] <- as.character(net_df[, "Var2"])
      net_df[, "x"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var1"], "x"]
      net_df[, "y"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var1"], "y"]
      net_df[, "xend"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var2"], "x"]
      net_df[, "yend"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var2"], "y"]
      net <- list(
          data = net_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = value),
          color = edge_color, alpha = edge_alpha, show.legend = FALSE
        scale_linewidth_continuous(range = edge_size)
    } else {
      net <- NULL

    if (isTRUE(add_density)) {
      if (isTRUE(density_filled)) {
        filled_color <- palette_scp(palette = density_filled_palette, palcolor = density_filled_palcolor)
        density <- list(
            geom = "raster", aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], fill = after_stat(density)),
            contour = FALSE, inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
          scale_fill_gradientn(name = "Density", colours = filled_color),
      } else {
        density <- geom_density_2d(aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]),
          color = density_color, inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
    } else {
      density <- NULL

    p <- ggplot(dat) +
      mark +
      net +
      density +
      labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle_use, x = xlab, y = ylab) +
      scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min(dat_dim[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_dim[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])], na.rm = TRUE))) +
      scale_y_continuous(limits = c(min(dat_dim[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_dim[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])], na.rm = TRUE))) +
      do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
        aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
        legend.position = legend.position,
        legend.direction = legend.direction
    if (split.by != "All.groups") {
      p <- p + facet_grid(. ~ split.by)

    if (isTRUE(raster)) {
      p <- p + scattermore::geom_scattermore(
        data = dat[is.na(dat[, "group.by"]), , drop = FALSE],
        mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]), color = bg_color,
        pointsize = ceiling(pt.size), alpha = pt.alpha, pixels = raster.dpi
      ) + scattermore::geom_scattermore(
        data = dat[!is.na(dat[, "group.by"]), , drop = FALSE],
        mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["group.by"]]),
        pointsize = ceiling(pt.size), alpha = pt.alpha, pixels = raster.dpi
    } else if (isTRUE(hex)) {
      if (isTRUE(hex.count)) {
        p <- p + geom_hex(
          mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], fill = .data[["group.by"]], color = .data[["group.by"]], alpha = after_stat(count)),
          linewidth = hex.linewidth, bins = hex.bins, binwidth = hex.binwidth
      } else {
        p <- p + geom_hex(
          mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], fill = .data[["group.by"]], color = .data[["group.by"]]),
          linewidth = hex.linewidth, bins = hex.bins, binwidth = hex.binwidth
    } else {
      p <- p + geom_point(
        mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["group.by"]]),
        size = pt.size, alpha = pt.alpha

    if (!is.null(cells.highlight_use) && !isTRUE(hex)) {
      cell_df <- subset(p$data, rownames(p$data) %in% cells.highlight_use)
      if (nrow(cell_df) > 0) {
        if (isTRUE(raster)) {
          p <- p + scattermore::geom_scattermore(
            data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]), color = cols.highlight,
            pointsize = floor(sizes.highlight) + stroke.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight, pixels = raster.dpi
          ) +
              data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["group.by"]]),
              pointsize = floor(sizes.highlight), alpha = alpha.highlight, pixels = raster.dpi
        } else {
          p <- p + geom_point(
            data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]), color = cols.highlight,
            size = sizes.highlight + stroke.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight
          ) +
              data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["group.by"]]),
              size = sizes.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight
    p <- p + scale_color_manual(
      name = paste0(g, ":"),
      values = colors[names(labels_tb)],
      labels = label_use,
      na.value = bg_color,
      guide = guide_legend(
        title.hjust = 0,
        order = 1,
        override.aes = list(size = 4, alpha = 1)
    ) + scale_fill_manual(
      name = paste0(g, ":"),
      values = colors[names(labels_tb)],
      labels = label_use,
      na.value = bg_color,
      guide = guide_legend(
        title.hjust = 0,
        order = 1
    p_base <- p

    if (!is.null(stat.by)) {
      coor_df <- aggregate(p$data[, c("x", "y")], by = list(p$data[["group.by"]]), FUN = median)
      colnames(coor_df)[1] <- "group"
      x_range <- diff(layer_scales(p)$x$range$range)
      y_range <- diff(layer_scales(p)$y$range$range)
      stat_plot <- subplots[paste0(g, ":", levels(dat[, "group.by"]), ":", s)]
      names(stat_plot) <- levels(dat[, "group.by"])

      stat_plot_list <- list()
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(coor_df))) {
        stat_plot_list[[i]] <- annotation_custom(as_grob(stat_plot[[coor_df[i, "group"]]] + theme_void() + theme(legend.position = "none")),
          xmin = coor_df[i, "x"] - x_range * stat_plot_size / 2, ymin = coor_df[i, "y"] - y_range * stat_plot_size / 2,
          xmax = coor_df[i, "x"] + x_range * stat_plot_size / 2, ymax = coor_df[i, "y"] + y_range * stat_plot_size / 2
      p <- p + stat_plot_list
      legend_list[["stat.by"]] <- get_legend(stat_plot[[coor_df[i, "group"]]] + theme(legend.position = "bottom"))
    if (!is.null(lineages)) {
      lineages_layers <- c(list(new_scale_color()), lineages_layers)
        legend_list[["lineages"]] <- get_legend(ggplot() +
          lineages_layers +
            legend.position = "bottom",
            legend.direction = legend.direction
      p <- suppressWarnings({
        p + lineages_layers + theme(legend.position = "none")
      if (is.null(legend_list[["lineages"]])) {
        legend_list["lineages"] <- list(NULL)
    if (!is.null(paga)) {
      paga_layers <- c(list(new_scale_color()), paga_layers)
      if (g != paga$groups) {
          legend_list[["paga"]] <- get_legend(ggplot() +
            paga_layers +
              legend.position = "bottom",
              legend.direction = legend.direction
      p <- suppressWarnings({
        p + paga_layers + theme(legend.position = "none")
      if (is.null(legend_list[["paga"]])) {
        legend_list["paga"] <- list(NULL)
    if (!is.null(velocity)) {
      velocity_layers <- c(list(new_scale_color()), list(new_scale("size")), velocity_layers)
      if (velocity_plot_type != "raw") {
          legend_list[["velocity"]] <- get_legend(ggplot() +
            velocity_layers +
              legend.position = "bottom",
              legend.direction = legend.direction
      p <- suppressWarnings({
        p + velocity_layers + theme(legend.position = "none")
      if (is.null(legend_list[["velocity"]])) {
        legend_list["velocity"] <- list(NULL)
    if (isTRUE(label)) {
      label_df <- aggregate(p$data[, c("x", "y")], by = list(p$data[["group.by"]]), FUN = median)
      colnames(label_df)[1] <- "label"
      label_df <- label_df[!is.na(label_df[, "label"]), , drop = FALSE]
      if (!isTRUE(label_insitu)) {
        label_df[, "label"] <- seq_len(nrow(label_df))
      if (isTRUE(label_repel)) {
        p <- p + geom_point(
          data = label_df, mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]),
          color = label_point_color, size = label_point_size
        ) + geom_text_repel(
          data = label_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], label = .data[["label"]]),
          fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.color = label_segment_color,
          point.size = label_point_size, max.overlaps = 100, force = label_repulsion,
          color = label.fg, bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size, inherit.aes = FALSE
      } else {
        p <- p + geom_text_repel(
          data = label_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], label = .data[["label"]]),
          fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.color = label_segment_color,
          point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, force = 0,
          color = label.fg, bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size, inherit.aes = FALSE
    if (length(legend_list) > 0) {
      legend_list <- legend_list[!sapply(legend_list, is.null)]
      legend_base <- get_legend(p_base + theme_scp(
        legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.direction = legend.direction
      if (legend.direction == "vertical") {
        legend <- do.call(cbind, c(list(base = legend_base), legend_list))
      } else {
        legend <- do.call(rbind, c(list(base = legend_base), legend_list))
      gtable <- as_grob(p + theme(legend.position = "none"))
      gtable <- add_grob(gtable, legend, legend.position)
      p <- wrap_plots(gtable)

  if (isTRUE(combine)) {
    if (length(plist) > 1) {
      plot <- wrap_plots(plotlist = plist, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow)
    } else {
      plot <- plist[[1]]
  } else {

#' Visualize feature values on a 2-dimensional reduction plot
#' Plotting cell points on a reduced 2D plane and coloring according to the values of the features.
#' @param srt A Seurat object.
#' @param features A character vector or a named list of features to plot. Features can be gene names in Assay or names of numeric columns in meta.data.
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use. If not specified, will use the reduction returned by \code{\link{DefaultReduction}}.
#' @param split.by Name of a column in meta.data to split plot by.
#' @param palette Name of a color palette name collected in SCP.
#' @param palcolor Custom colors used to create a color palette.
#' @param pt.size Point size for plotting.
#' @param pt.alpha Point transparency.
#' @param keep_scale How to handle the color scale across multiple plots. Options are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{NULL (no scaling):}{ Each individual plot is scaled to the maximum expression value of the feature in the condition provided to 'split.by'. Be aware setting NULL will result in color scales that are not comparable between plots.}
#'   \item{"feature" (default; by row/feature scaling):}{ The plots for each individual feature are scaled to the maximum expression of the feature across the conditions provided to 'split.by'.}
#'   \item{"all" (universal scaling):}{ The plots for all features and conditions are scaled to the maximum expression value for the feature with the highest overall expression.}
#' }
#' @param cells.highlight A vector of cell names to highlight.
#' @param cols.highlight Color used to highlight the cells.
#' @param sizes.highlight Size of highlighted cells.
#' @param alpha.highlight Transparency of highlighted cell points.
#' @param stroke.highlight Border width of highlighted cell points.
#' @param legend.position The position of legends ("none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top").
#' @param legend.direction Layout of items in legends ("horizontal" or "vertical")
#' @param combine Combine plots into a single \code{patchwork} object. If \code{FALSE}, return a list of ggplot objects.
#' @param nrow Number of rows in the combined plot.
#' @param ncol Number of columns in the combined plot.
#' @param byrow Logical value indicating if the plots should be arrange by row (default) or by column.
#' @param dims Dimensions to plot, must be a two-length numeric vector specifying x- and y-dimensions.
#' @param slot Which slot to pull expression data from? Default is \code{data}.
#' @param assay Which assay to pull expression data from. If \code{NULL}, will use the assay returned by \code{\link{DefaultAssay}}.
#' @param show_stat Whether to show statistical information on the plot.
#' @param calculate_coexp Whether to calculate the co-expression value (geometric mean) of the features.
#' @param compare_features Whether to show the values of multiple features on a single plot.
#' @param color_blend_mode Blend mode to use when \code{compare_features = TRUE}
#' @param bg_cutoff Background cutoff. Points with feature values lower than the cutoff will be considered as background and will be colored with \code{bg_color}.
#' @param bg_color Color value for background points.
#' @param lower_quantile,upper_quantile,lower_cutoff,upper_cutoff Vector of minimum and maximum cutoff values or quantile values for each feature.
#' @param add_density Whether to add a density layer on the plot.
#' @param density_color Color of the density contours lines.
#' @param density_filled Whether to add filled contour bands instead of contour lines.
#' @param density_filled_palette Color palette used to fill contour bands.
#' @param density_filled_palcolor Custom colors used to fill contour bands.
#' @param label Whether the feature name is labeled in the center of the location of cells wieh high expression.
#' @param label.size Size of labels.
#' @param label.fg Foreground color of label.
#' @param label.bg Background color of label.
#' @param label.bg.r Background ratio of label.
#' @param label_insitu Whether the labels is feature names instead of numbers. Valid only when \code{compare_features = TRUE}.
#' @param label_repel Logical value indicating whether the label is repel away from the center location.
#' @param label_repulsion Force of repulsion between overlapping text labels. Defaults to 20.
#' @param label_point_size Size of the center points.
#' @param label_point_color Color of the center points
#' @param label_segment_color Color of the line segment for labels.
#' @param lineages Lineages/pseudotime to add to the plot. If specified, curves will be fitted using \code{\link[stats]{loess}} method.
#' @param lineages_trim Trim the leading and the trailing data in the lineages.
#' @param lineages_span The parameter α which controls the degree of smoothing in \code{\link[stats]{loess}} method.
#' @param lineages_palette Color palette used for lineages.
#' @param lineages_palcolor Custom colors used for lineages.
#' @param lineages_arrow Set arrows of the lineages. See \code{\link[grid]{arrow}}.
#' @param lineages_linewidth Width of fitted curve lines for lineages.
#' @param lineages_line_bg Background color of curve lines for lineages.
#' @param lineages_line_bg_stroke Border width of curve lines background.
#' @param lineages_whiskers Whether to add whiskers for lineages.
#' @param lineages_whiskers_linewidth Width of whiskers for lineages.
#' @param lineages_whiskers_alpha Transparency of whiskers for lineages.
#' @param graph Specify the graph name to add edges between cell neighbors to the plot.
#' @param edge_size Size of edges.
#' @param edge_alpha Transparency of edges.
#' @param edge_color Color of edges.
#' @param hex Whether to chane the plot type from point to the hexagonal bin.
#' @param hex.bins Number of hexagonal bins.
#' @param hex.binwidth Hexagonal bin width.
#' @param hex.color Border color of hexagonal bins.
#' @param hex.linewidth Border width of hexagonal bins.
#' @param raster Convert points to raster format, default is NULL which automatically rasterizes if plotting more than 100,000 cells
#' @param raster.dpi Pixel resolution for rasterized plots, passed to geom_scattermore(). Default is c(512, 512).
#' @param theme_use Theme used. Can be a character string or a theme function. For example, \code{"theme_blank"} or \code{ggplot2::theme_classic}.
#' @param aspect.ratio Aspect ratio of the panel.
#' @param title The text for the title.
#' @param subtitle The text for the subtitle for the plot which will be displayed below the title.
#' @param xlab x-axis label.
#' @param ylab y-axis label.
#' @param force Whether to force drawing regardless of the number of features greater than 100.
#' @param cells Subset cells to plot.
#' @param theme_args Other arguments passed to the \code{theme_use}.
#' @param seed Random seed set for reproducibility
#' @seealso \code{\link{CellDimPlot}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "G2M_score", reduction = "UMAP")
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "G2M_score", reduction = "UMAP", bg_cutoff = -Inf)
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "G2M_score", reduction = "UMAP", theme_use = "theme_blank")
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "G2M_score", reduction = "UMAP", theme_use = ggplot2::theme_classic, theme_args = list(base_size = 16))
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "G2M_score", reduction = "UMAP") %>% panel_fix(height = 2, raster = TRUE, dpi = 30)
#' pancreas_sub <- Standard_SCP(pancreas_sub)
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = c("StandardPC_1", "StandardPC_2"), reduction = "UMAP", bg_cutoff = -Inf)
#' # Label and highlight cell points
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = "Rbp4", reduction = "UMAP", label = TRUE,
#'   cells.highlight = colnames(pancreas_sub)[pancreas_sub$SubCellType == "Delta"]
#' )
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = "Rbp4", split.by = "Phase", reduction = "UMAP",
#'   cells.highlight = TRUE, theme_use = "theme_blank"
#' )
#' # Add a density layer
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "Rbp4", reduction = "UMAP", label = TRUE, add_density = TRUE)
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "Rbp4", reduction = "UMAP", label = TRUE, add_density = TRUE, density_filled = TRUE)
#' # Chane the plot type from point to the hexagonal bin
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "Rbp4", reduction = "UMAP", hex = TRUE)
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "Rbp4", reduction = "UMAP", hex = TRUE, hex.bins = 20)
#' # Show lineages on the plot based on the pseudotime
#' pancreas_sub <- RunSlingshot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP")
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "Lineage3", reduction = "UMAP", lineages = "Lineage3")
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "Lineage3", reduction = "UMAP", lineages = "Lineage3", lineages_whiskers = TRUE)
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "Lineage3", reduction = "UMAP", lineages = "Lineage3", lineages_span = 0.1)
#' # Input a named feature list
#' markers <- list(
#'   "Ductal" = c("Sox9", "Anxa2", "Bicc1"),
#'   "EPs" = c("Neurog3", "Hes6"),
#'   "Pre-endocrine" = c("Fev", "Neurod1"),
#'   "Endocrine" = c("Rbp4", "Pyy"),
#'   "Beta" = "Ins1", "Alpha" = "Gcg", "Delta" = "Sst", "Epsilon" = "Ghrl"
#' )
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = markers, reduction = "UMAP",
#'   theme_use = "theme_blank",
#'   theme_args = list(plot.subtitle = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10), strip.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 8))
#' )
#' # Plot multiple features with different scales
#' endocrine_markers <- c("Beta" = "Ins1", "Alpha" = "Gcg", "Delta" = "Sst", "Epsilon" = "Ghrl")
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, endocrine_markers, reduction = "UMAP")
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, endocrine_markers, reduction = "UMAP", lower_quantile = 0, upper_quantile = 0.8)
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, endocrine_markers, reduction = "UMAP", lower_cutoff = 1, upper_cutoff = 4)
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, endocrine_markers, reduction = "UMAP", bg_cutoff = 2, lower_cutoff = 2, upper_cutoff = 4)
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, endocrine_markers, reduction = "UMAP", keep_scale = "all")
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub, c("Delta" = "Sst", "Epsilon" = "Ghrl"), split.by = "Phase", reduction = "UMAP", keep_scale = "feature")
#' # Plot multiple features on one picture
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = endocrine_markers, pt.size = 1,
#'   compare_features = TRUE, color_blend_mode = "blend",
#'   label = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE
#' )
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = c("S_score", "G2M_score"), pt.size = 1, palcolor = c("red", "green"),
#'   compare_features = TRUE, color_blend_mode = "blend", title = "blend",
#'   label = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE
#' )
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = c("S_score", "G2M_score"), pt.size = 1, palcolor = c("red", "green"),
#'   compare_features = TRUE, color_blend_mode = "average", title = "average",
#'   label = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE
#' )
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = c("S_score", "G2M_score"), pt.size = 1, palcolor = c("red", "green"),
#'   compare_features = TRUE, color_blend_mode = "screen", title = "screen",
#'   label = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE
#' )
#' FeatureDimPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = c("S_score", "G2M_score"), pt.size = 1, palcolor = c("red", "green"),
#'   compare_features = TRUE, color_blend_mode = "multiply", title = "multiply",
#'   label = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE
#' )
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions Embeddings Key
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by "%>%" .data
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point geom_density_2d stat_density_2d geom_segment labs scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous scale_size_continuous facet_grid scale_color_gradientn scale_fill_gradientn scale_colour_gradient scale_fill_gradient guide_colorbar scale_color_identity scale_fill_identity guide_colorbar geom_hex stat_summary_hex geom_path scale_linewidth_continuous after_stat
#' @importFrom ggnewscale new_scale_color new_scale_fill
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_cols
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel GeomTextRepel
#' @importFrom grid arrow unit
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
FeatureDimPlot <- function(srt, features, reduction = NULL, dims = c(1, 2), split.by = NULL, cells = NULL, slot = "data", assay = NULL,
                           show_stat = ifelse(identical(theme_use, "theme_blank"), FALSE, TRUE),
                           palette = ifelse(isTRUE(compare_features), "Set1", "Spectral"), palcolor = NULL,
                           pt.size = NULL, pt.alpha = 1, bg_cutoff = 0, bg_color = "grey80",
                           keep_scale = "feature", lower_quantile = 0, upper_quantile = 0.99, lower_cutoff = NULL, upper_cutoff = NULL,
                           add_density = FALSE, density_color = "grey80", density_filled = FALSE, density_filled_palette = "Greys", density_filled_palcolor = NULL,
                           cells.highlight = NULL, cols.highlight = "black", sizes.highlight = 1, alpha.highlight = 1, stroke.highlight = 0.5,
                           calculate_coexp = FALSE, compare_features = FALSE, color_blend_mode = c("blend", "average", "screen", "multiply"),
                           label = FALSE, label.size = 4, label.fg = "white", label.bg = "black", label.bg.r = 0.1,
                           label_insitu = FALSE, label_repel = FALSE, label_repulsion = 20,
                           label_point_size = 1, label_point_color = "black", label_segment_color = "black",
                           lineages = NULL, lineages_trim = c(0.01, 0.99), lineages_span = 0.75,
                           lineages_palette = "Dark2", lineages_palcolor = NULL, lineages_arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1, "inches")),
                           lineages_linewidth = 1, lineages_line_bg = "white", lineages_line_bg_stroke = 0.5,
                           lineages_whiskers = FALSE, lineages_whiskers_linewidth = 0.5, lineages_whiskers_alpha = 0.5,
                           graph = NULL, edge_size = c(0.05, 0.5), edge_alpha = 0.1, edge_color = "grey40",
                           hex = FALSE, hex.linewidth = 0.5, hex.color = "grey90", hex.bins = 50, hex.binwidth = NULL,
                           raster = NULL, raster.dpi = c(512, 512),
                           aspect.ratio = 1, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                           legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                           theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                           combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE, force = FALSE, seed = 11) {
  color_blend_mode <- match.arg(color_blend_mode)
  if (!is.null(keep_scale)) {
    keep_scale <- match.arg(keep_scale, choices = c("feature", "all"))

  if (is.list(features)) {
    if (is.null(names(features))) {
      features <- unlist(features)
    } else {
      features <- setNames(unlist(features), nm = rep(names(features), sapply(features, length)))
  if (!inherits(features, "character")) {
    stop("'features' is not a character vectors")

  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt)
  if (is.null(split.by)) {
    split.by <- "All.groups"
    srt@meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor("")
  for (i in c(split.by)) {
    if (!i %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(i, " is not in the meta.data of srt object."))
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[i]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[i]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[i]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[i]]))
  for (l in lineages) {
    if (!l %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(l, " is not in the meta.data of srt object."))
  if (!is.null(graph) && !graph %in% names(srt@graphs)) {
    stop("Graph ", graph, " is not exist in the srt object.")
  if (!is.null(graph)) {
    graph <- srt@graphs[[graph]]
  if (is.null(reduction)) {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt)
  } else {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt, pattern = reduction)
  if (!reduction %in% names(srt@reductions)) {
    stop(paste0(reduction, " is not in the srt reduction names."))
  if (!is.null(cells.highlight) && !isTRUE(cells.highlight)) {
    if (!any(cells.highlight %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
      stop("No cells in 'cells.highlight' found in srt.")
    if (!all(cells.highlight %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
      warning("Some cells in 'cells.highlight' not found in srt.", immediate. = TRUE)
    cells.highlight <- intersect(cells.highlight, colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))

  feature_input <- features
  features <- unique(features)
  embeddings <- lapply(srt@reductions, function(x) colnames(x@cell.embeddings))
  embeddings <- setNames(rep(names(embeddings), sapply(embeddings, length)), nm = unlist(embeddings))
  features_drop <- features[!features %in% c(rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]), colnames(srt@meta.data), names(embeddings))]
  if (length(features_drop) > 0) {
    warning(paste0(features_drop, collapse = ","), " are not in the features of srt.", immediate. = TRUE)
    features <- features[!features %in% features_drop]

  features_gene <- features[features %in% rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])]
  features_meta <- features[features %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)]
  features_embedding <- features[features %in% names(embeddings)]
  if (length(intersect(features_gene, features_meta)) > 0) {
    warning("Features appear in both gene names and metadata names: ", paste0(intersect(features_gene, features_meta), collapse = ","))
  if (length(c(features_gene, features_meta, features_embedding)) == 0) {
    stop("There are no valid features present.")

  if (isTRUE(calculate_coexp) && length(features_gene) > 0) {
    if (length(features_meta) > 0) {
      warning(paste(features_meta, collapse = ","), "is not used when calculating co-expression", immediate. = TRUE)
    status <- check_DataType(srt, slot = slot, assay = assay)
    message("Data type detected in ", slot, " slot: ", status)
    if (status %in% c("raw_counts", "raw_normalized_counts")) {
      srt@meta.data[["CoExp"]] <- apply(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[features_gene, , drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) exp(mean(log(x))))
    } else if (status == "log_normalized_counts") {
      srt@meta.data[["CoExp"]] <- apply(expm1(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[features_gene, , drop = FALSE]), 2, function(x) log1p(exp(mean(log(x)))))
    } else {
      stop("Can not determine the data type.")
    features <- c(features, "CoExp")
    features_meta <- c(features_meta, "CoExp")

  if (length(features_gene) > 0) {
    if (all(rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]) %in% features_gene)) {
      dat_gene <- t(as_matrix(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)))
    } else {
      dat_gene <- t(as_matrix(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[features_gene, , drop = FALSE]))
  } else {
    dat_gene <- matrix(nrow = ncol(srt@assays[[1]]), ncol = 0)
  if (length(features_meta) > 0) {
    dat_meta <- as_matrix(srt@meta.data[, features_meta, drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    dat_meta <- matrix(nrow = ncol(srt@assays[[1]]), ncol = 0)
  if (length(features_embedding) > 0) {
    dat_embedding <- as_matrix(FetchData(srt, vars = features_embedding))
  } else {
    dat_embedding <- matrix(nrow = ncol(srt@assays[[1]]), ncol = 0)
  dat_exp <- as_matrix(do.call(cbind, list(dat_gene, dat_meta, dat_embedding)))
  features <- unique(features[features %in% c(features_gene, features_meta, features_embedding)])

  if (!is.numeric(dat_exp) && !inherits(dat_exp, "Matrix")) {
    stop("'features' must be type of numeric variable.")
  dat_exp[, features][dat_exp[, features] <= bg_cutoff] <- NA

  if (length(features) > 50 && !isTRUE(force)) {
    warning("More than 50 features to be plotted", immediate. = TRUE)
    answer <- askYesNo("Are you sure to continue?", default = FALSE)
    if (!isTRUE(answer)) {

  if (is.null(subtitle)) {
    if (!is.null(names(feature_input))) {
      subtitle <- setNames(names(feature_input), nm = feature_input)
  } else {
    if (length(subtitle) == 1) {
      subtitle <- setNames(rep(subtitle, length(features)), nm = features)
    } else if (length(subtitle) == length(features)) {
      subtitle <- setNames(subtitle, nm = features)
    } else {
      stop(paste0("Subtitle length must be 1 or length of features(", length(features), ")"))

  reduction_key <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@key
  dat_dim <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings
  colnames(dat_dim) <- paste0(reduction_key, seq_len(ncol(dat_dim)))
  rownames(dat_dim) <- rownames(dat_dim) %||% colnames(srt@assays[[1]])
  dat_sp <- srt@meta.data[, split.by, drop = FALSE]
  dat_use <- cbind(dat_dim, dat_sp[row.names(dat_dim), , drop = FALSE])
  if (!is.null(cells)) {
    dat_use <- dat_use[intersect(rownames(dat_use), cells), , drop = FALSE]

  if (is.null(pt.size)) {
    pt.size <- min(3000 / nrow(dat_use), 0.5)
  raster <- raster %||% (nrow(dat_use) > 1e5)
  if (isTRUE(raster)) {
  if (!is.null(x = raster.dpi)) {
    if (!is.numeric(x = raster.dpi) || length(x = raster.dpi) != 2) {
      stop("'raster.dpi' must be a two-length numeric vector")

  if (!is.null(lineages)) {
    lineages_layers <- LineagePlot(srt,
      lineages = lineages, reduction = reduction, dims = dims,
      trim = lineages_trim, span = lineages_span,
      palette = lineages_palette, palcolor = lineages_palcolor, lineages_arrow = lineages_arrow,
      linewidth = lineages_linewidth, line_bg = lineages_line_bg, line_bg_stroke = lineages_line_bg_stroke,
      whiskers = lineages_whiskers, whiskers_linewidth = lineages_whiskers_linewidth, whiskers_alpha = lineages_whiskers_alpha,
      aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      legend.position = legend.position, legend.direction = legend.direction,
      theme_use = theme_use, theme_args = theme_args,
      return_layer = TRUE
    lineages_layers <- lineages_layers[!names(lineages_layers) %in% c("lab_layer", "theme_layer")]

  plist <- list()
  xlab <- xlab %||% paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])
  ylab <- ylab %||% paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])
  if (identical(theme_use, "theme_blank")) {
    theme_args[["xlab"]] <- xlab
    theme_args[["ylab"]] <- ylab

  if (isTRUE(compare_features) && length(features) > 1) {
    dat_all <- cbind(dat_use, dat_exp[row.names(dat_use), features, drop = FALSE])
    dat_split <- split.data.frame(dat_all, dat_all[[split.by]])
    plist <- lapply(levels(dat_sp[[split.by]]), function(s) {
      dat <- dat_split[[ifelse(split.by == "All.groups", 1, s)]][, , drop = FALSE]
      for (f in features) {
        if (any(is.infinite(dat[, f]))) {
          dat[, f][which(dat[, f] == max(dat[, f], na.rm = TRUE))] <- max(dat[, f][is.finite(dat[, f])], na.rm = TRUE)
          dat[, f][which(dat[, f] == min(dat[, f], na.rm = TRUE))] <- min(dat[, f][is.finite(dat[, f])], na.rm = TRUE)
      dat[["x"]] <- dat[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]]
      dat[["y"]] <- dat[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]]
      dat[, "split.by"] <- s
      dat[, "features"] <- paste(features, collapse = "|")
      subtitle_use <- paste0(subtitle, collapse = "|") %||% s
      colors <- palette_scp(features, type = "discrete", palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
      colors_list <- list()
      value_list <- list()
      pal_list <- list()
      temp_geom <- list()
      legend_list <- list()
      for (i in seq_along(colors)) {
        colors_list[[i]] <- palette_scp(dat[, names(colors)[i]], type = "continuous", NA_color = NA, NA_keep = TRUE, matched = TRUE, palcolor = c(adjcolors(colors[i], 0.1), colors[i]))
        pal_list[[i]] <- palette_scp(dat[, names(colors)[i]], type = "continuous", NA_color = NA, NA_keep = FALSE, matched = FALSE, palcolor = c(adjcolors(colors[i], 0.1), colors[i]))
        value_list[[i]] <- seq(min(dat[, names(colors)[i]], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat[, names(colors)[i]], na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 100)
        temp_geom[[i]] <- list(
          geom_point(data = dat, mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[[names(colors)[i]]]))
        if (all(is.na(colors_list[[i]]))) {
          temp_geom[[i]] <- append(temp_geom[[i]], scale_colour_gradient(
            na.value = bg_color,
            guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0)
        } else if (length(colors_list[[i]]) == 1) {
          temp_geom[[i]] <- append(temp_geom[[i]], scale_colour_gradient(
            low = colors_list[[i]], na.value = bg_color,
            guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0)
        } else {
          temp_geom[[i]] <- append(temp_geom[[i]], scale_color_gradientn(
            colours = pal_list[[i]],
            values = rescale(value_list[[i]]), na.value = bg_color,
            guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0)
        legend_list[[i]] <- get_legend(
          ggplot(dat, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]])) +
            temp_geom[[i]] +
            do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
              aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
              legend.position = legend.position,
              legend.direction = legend.direction
      for (j in seq_len(nrow(dat))) {
        dat[j, "color_blend"] <- blendcolors(sapply(colors_list, function(x) x[j]), mode = color_blend_mode)
      dat["color_value"] <- colSums(col2rgb(dat[, "color_blend"]))
      dat[rowSums(is.na(dat[, names(colors)])) == length(colors), "color_value"] <- NA
      dat <- dat[order(dat[, "color_value"], decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]
      dat[rowSums(is.na(dat[, names(colors)])) == length(colors), "color_blend"] <- bg_color
      cells.highlight_use <- cells.highlight
      if (isTRUE(cells.highlight_use)) {
        cells.highlight_use <- rownames(dat)[dat[["color_blend"]] != bg_color]
      if (!is.null(graph)) {
        net_mat <- as_matrix(graph)[rownames(dat), rownames(dat)]
        net_mat[net_mat == 0] <- NA
        net_mat[upper.tri(net_mat)] <- NA
        net_df <- melt(net_mat, na.rm = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        net_df[, "value"] <- as.numeric(net_df[, "value"])
        net_df[, "Var1"] <- as.character(net_df[, "Var1"])
        net_df[, "Var2"] <- as.character(net_df[, "Var2"])
        net_df[, "x"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var1"], "x"]
        net_df[, "y"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var1"], "y"]
        net_df[, "xend"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var2"], "x"]
        net_df[, "yend"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var2"], "y"]
        net <- list(
            data = net_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = value),
            color = edge_color, alpha = edge_alpha, show.legend = FALSE
          scale_linewidth_continuous(range = edge_size)
      } else {
        net <- NULL
      if (isTRUE(add_density)) {
        if (isTRUE(density_filled)) {
          filled_color <- palette_scp(palette = density_filled_palette, palcolor = density_filled_palcolor)
          density <- list(
              geom = "raster", aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], fill = after_stat(density)),
              contour = FALSE, inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
            scale_fill_gradientn(name = "Density", colours = filled_color),
        } else {
          density <- geom_density_2d(aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]),
            color = density_color,
            inherit.aes = FALSE
      } else {
        density <- NULL
      p <- ggplot(dat) +
        net +
        density +
        labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle_use, x = xlab, y = ylab) +
        scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min(dat_use[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_use[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])], na.rm = TRUE))) +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = c(min(dat_use[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_use[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])], na.rm = TRUE)))
      if (split.by == "All.groups") {
        p <- p + facet_grid(. ~ features)
      } else {
        p <- p + facet_grid(split.by ~ features)
      p <- p + do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = "none",
          legend.direction = legend.direction
      if (isTRUE(raster)) {
        p <- p + scattermore::geom_scattermore(
          data = dat[dat[, "color_blend"] == bg_color, , drop = FALSE],
          mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["color_blend"]]),
          pointsize = ceiling(pt.size), alpha = pt.alpha, pixels = raster.dpi
        ) +
            data = dat[dat[, "color_blend"] != bg_color, , drop = FALSE],
            mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["color_blend"]]),
            pointsize = ceiling(pt.size), alpha = pt.alpha, pixels = raster.dpi
          ) +
          scale_color_identity() +
      } else {
        p <- p + geom_point(
          mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["color_blend"]]),
          size = pt.size, alpha = pt.alpha
        ) +
          scale_color_identity() +

      if (!is.null(cells.highlight_use)) {
        cell_df <- subset(p$data, rownames(p$data) %in% cells.highlight_use)
        if (nrow(cell_df) > 0) {
          if (isTRUE(raster)) {
            p <- p + scattermore::geom_scattermore(
              data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]), color = cols.highlight,
              pointsize = floor(sizes.highlight) + stroke.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight, pixels = raster.dpi
            ) +
                data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["color_blend"]]),
                pointsize = floor(sizes.highlight), alpha = alpha.highlight, pixels = raster.dpi
              ) +
              scale_color_identity() +
          } else {
            p <- p +
                data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]), color = cols.highlight,
                size = sizes.highlight + stroke.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight
              ) +
                data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["color_blend"]]),
                size = sizes.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight
              ) +
              scale_color_identity() +

      legend2 <- NULL
      if (isTRUE(label)) {
        label_df <- melt(p$data, measure.vars = features)
        label_df <- label_df %>%
          group_by(variable) %>%
          filter(value >= quantile(value[is.finite(value)], 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) & value <= quantile(value[is.finite(value)], 0.99, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
          reframe(x = median(.data[["x"]]), y = median(.data[["y"]])) %>%
        colnames(label_df)[1] <- "label"
        label_df <- label_df[!is.na(label_df[, "label"]), , drop = FALSE]
        label_df[, "rank"] <- seq_len(nrow(label_df))
        if (isTRUE(label_insitu)) {
          if (isTRUE(label_repel)) {
            p <- p + geom_point(
              data = label_df, mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]),
              color = label_point_color, size = label_point_size
            ) + geom_text_repel(
              data = label_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], label = .data[["label"]], color = .data[["label"]]),
              fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.color = label_segment_color,
              point.size = label_point_size, max.overlaps = 100, force = label_repulsion,
              color = label.fg, bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size, inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
          } else {
            p <- p + geom_text_repel(
              data = label_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], label = .data[["label"]], color = .data[["label"]]),
              fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.color = label_segment_color,
              point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, force = 0,
              color = label.fg, bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size, inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
          p <- p + scale_color_manual(
            name = "Label:",
            values = adjcolors(colors[label_df$label], 0.5),
            labels = label_df$label,
            na.value = bg_color
        } else {
          if (isTRUE(label_repel)) {
            p <- p + geom_point(
              data = label_df, mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]),
              color = "black", size = pt.size + 1
            ) +
                data = label_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], label = .data[["rank"]], color = .data[["label"]]),
                fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.color = label_segment_color,
                point.size = pt.size + 1, max.overlaps = 100, force = label_repulsion,
                bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size, inherit.aes = FALSE, key_glyph = "point"
          } else {
            p <- p + geom_text_repel(
              data = label_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], label = .data[["rank"]], color = .data[["label"]]),
              fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.colour = label_segment_color,
              point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, force = 0,
              bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size, inherit.aes = FALSE, key_glyph = "point"
          p <- p + scale_color_manual(
            name = "Label:",
            values = adjcolors(colors[label_df$label], 0.5),
            labels = paste(label_df$rank, label_df$label, sep = ": "),
            na.value = bg_color
          ) +
            guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(color = colors[label_df$label]), order = 1)) +
            theme(legend.position = "none")
          legend2 <- get_legend(p +
            do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
              aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
              legend.position = legend.position,
              legend.direction = legend.direction

      legend_nrow <- min(ceiling(sqrt(length(legend_list))), 3)
      total <- length(legend_list)
      leg_list <- list()
      n <- 1
      for (i in 1:total) {
        if (i == 1 || is.null(leg)) {
          leg <- legend_list[[i]]
        } else {
          leg <- cbind(leg, legend_list[[i]])
        if (i %% legend_nrow == 0) {
          leg_list[[n]] <- leg
          leg <- NULL
          n <- n + 1
        if (i %% legend_nrow != 0 && i == total) {
          ncol_insert <- dim(leg_list[[n - 1]])[2] - dim(leg)[2]
          for (col_insert in 1:ncol_insert) {
            leg <- gtable_add_cols(leg, sum(leg_list[[n - 1]]$widths) / ncol_insert, -1)
          leg_list[[n]] <- leg
      legend <- do.call(rbind, leg_list)
      if (!is.null(lineages)) {
        lineages_layers <- c(list(new_scale_color()), lineages_layers)
          legend_curve <- get_legend(ggplot() +
            lineages_layers +
        legend <- add_grob(legend, legend_curve, "top")
        p <- suppressMessages({
          p + lineages_layers + theme(legend.position = "none")

      gtable <- as_grob(p)
      gtable <- add_grob(gtable, legend, legend.position)
      if (!is.null(legend2)) {
        gtable <- add_grob(gtable, legend2, legend.position)
      p <- wrap_plots(gtable)
    names(plist) <- paste0(levels(dat_sp[[split.by]]), ":", paste0(features, collapse = "|"))
  } else {
    comb <- expand.grid(split = levels(dat_sp[[split.by]]), feature = features, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    rownames(comb) <- paste0(comb[["split"]], ":", comb[["feature"]])
    dat_all <- cbind(dat_use, dat_exp[row.names(dat_use), features, drop = FALSE])
    dat_split <- split.data.frame(dat_all, dat_all[[split.by]])
    colors <- palette_scp(type = "continuous", palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
    plist <- lapply(setNames(rownames(comb), rownames(comb)), function(i) {
      f <- comb[i, "feature"]
      s <- comb[i, "split"]
      dat <- dat_split[[ifelse(split.by == "All.groups", 1, s)]][, c(colnames(dat_use), f), drop = FALSE]
      if (any(is.infinite(dat[, f]))) {
        dat[, f][dat[, f] == max(dat[, f], na.rm = TRUE)] <- max(dat[, f][is.finite(dat[, f])], na.rm = TRUE)
        dat[, f][dat[, f] == min(dat[, f], na.rm = TRUE)] <- min(dat[, f][is.finite(dat[, f])], na.rm = TRUE)
      dat[["x"]] <- dat[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]]
      dat[["y"]] <- dat[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]]
      dat[["value"]] <- dat[[f]]
      dat <- dat[order(dat[, "value"], method = "radix", decreasing = FALSE, na.last = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]
      dat[, "features"] <- f
      cells.highlight_use <- cells.highlight
      if (isTRUE(cells.highlight_use)) {
        cells.highlight_use <- rownames(dat)[!is.na(dat[["value"]])]
      legend_list <- list()
      if (isTRUE(show_stat)) {
        subtitle_use <- subtitle[f] %||% paste0(s, " nPos:", sum(dat[["value"]] > 0, na.rm = TRUE), ", ", round(sum(dat[["value"]] > 0, na.rm = TRUE) / nrow(dat) * 100, 2), "%")
      } else {
        subtitle_use <- subtitle[f]
      if (all(is.na(dat[["value"]]))) {
        colors_value <- rep(0, 100)
      } else {
        if (is.null(keep_scale)) {
          colors_value <- seq(lower_cutoff %||% quantile(dat[is.finite(dat[, "value"]), "value"], lower_quantile, na.rm = TRUE), upper_cutoff %||% quantile(dat[is.finite(dat[, "value"]), "value"], upper_quantile, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.001, length.out = 100)
        } else {
          if (keep_scale == "feature") {
            colors_value <- seq(lower_cutoff %||% quantile(dat_exp[is.finite(dat_exp[, f]), f], lower_quantile, na.rm = TRUE), upper_cutoff %||% quantile(dat_exp[is.finite(dat_exp[, f]), f], upper_quantile, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.001, length.out = 100)
          if (keep_scale == "all") {
            all_values <- as_matrix(dat_exp[, features])
            colors_value <- seq(lower_cutoff %||% quantile(all_values[is.finite(all_values)], lower_quantile, na.rm = TRUE), upper_cutoff %||% quantile(all_values, upper_quantile, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.001, length.out = 100)
      dat[which(dat[, "value"] > max(colors_value, na.rm = TRUE)), "value"] <- max(colors_value, na.rm = TRUE)
      dat[which(dat[, "value"] < min(colors_value, na.rm = TRUE)), "value"] <- min(colors_value, na.rm = TRUE)
      if (!is.null(graph)) {
        net_mat <- as_matrix(graph)[rownames(dat), rownames(dat)]
        net_mat[net_mat == 0] <- NA
        net_mat[upper.tri(net_mat)] <- NA
        net_df <- melt(net_mat, na.rm = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        net_df[, "value"] <- as.numeric(net_df[, "value"])
        net_df[, "Var1"] <- as.character(net_df[, "Var1"])
        net_df[, "Var2"] <- as.character(net_df[, "Var2"])
        net_df[, "x"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var1"], "x"]
        net_df[, "y"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var1"], "y"]
        net_df[, "xend"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var2"], "x"]
        net_df[, "yend"] <- dat[net_df[, "Var2"], "y"]
        net <- list(
            data = net_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = value),
            color = edge_color, alpha = edge_alpha, show.legend = FALSE
          scale_linewidth_continuous(range = edge_size)
      } else {
        net <- NULL
      if (isTRUE(add_density)) {
        if (isTRUE(density_filled)) {
          filled_color <- palette_scp(palette = density_filled_palette, palcolor = density_filled_palcolor)
          density <- list(
              geom = "raster", aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], fill = after_stat(density)),
              contour = FALSE, inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
            scale_fill_gradientn(name = "Density", colours = filled_color),
        } else {
          density <- geom_density_2d(aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]),
            color = density_color,
            inherit.aes = FALSE
      } else {
        density <- NULL
      p <- ggplot(dat) +
        net +
        density +
        labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle_use, x = xlab, y = ylab) +
        scale_x_continuous(limits = c(min(dat_use[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_use[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])], na.rm = TRUE))) +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = c(min(dat_use[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_use[, paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])], na.rm = TRUE))) +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction
      if (isTRUE(raster)) {
        p <- p + scattermore::geom_scattermore(
          data = dat[is.na(dat[, "value"]), , drop = FALSE],
          mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["value"]]),
          pointsize = ceiling(pt.size), alpha = pt.alpha, pixels = raster.dpi
        ) +
            data = dat[!is.na(dat[, "value"]), , drop = FALSE],
            mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["value"]]),
            pointsize = ceiling(pt.size), alpha = pt.alpha, pixels = raster.dpi
      } else if (isTRUE(hex)) {
        dat_na <- dat[is.na(dat[["value"]]), , drop = FALSE]
        dat_hex <- dat[!is.na(dat[["value"]]), , drop = FALSE]
        if (nrow(dat_na) > 0) {
          p <- p + geom_hex(
            data = dat[is.na(dat[["value"]]), , drop = FALSE],
            mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]),
            fill = bg_color, color = hex.color,
            linewidth = hex.linewidth, bins = hex.bins, binwidth = hex.binwidth
        if (nrow(dat_hex) > 0) {
          p <- p + stat_summary_hex(
            data = dat_hex,
            mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], z = .data[["value"]]),
            color = hex.color, linewidth = hex.linewidth, bins = hex.bins, binwidth = hex.binwidth
          if (all(is.na(dat[["value"]]))) {
            p <- p + scale_fill_gradient(
              name = "", na.value = bg_color
          } else {
            p <- p + scale_fill_gradientn(
              name = "", colours = colors, values = rescale(colors_value), limits = range(colors_value), na.value = bg_color
          p <- p + new_scale_fill()
      } else {
        p <- p + geom_point(
          mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["value"]]),
          size = pt.size, alpha = pt.alpha
      if (!is.null(cells.highlight_use) && !isTRUE(hex)) {
        cell_df <- subset(p$data, rownames(p$data) %in% cells.highlight_use)
        if (nrow(cell_df) > 0) {
          if (isTRUE(raster)) {
            p <- p + scattermore::geom_scattermore(
              data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]), color = cols.highlight,
              pointsize = floor(sizes.highlight) + stroke.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight, pixels = raster.dpi
            ) +
                data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["value"]]),
                pointsize = floor(sizes.highlight), alpha = alpha.highlight, pixels = raster.dpi
          } else {
            p <- p +
                data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]), color = cols.highlight,
                size = sizes.highlight + stroke.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight
              ) +
                data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], color = .data[["value"]]),
                size = sizes.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight
      if (nrow(dat) > 0) {
        if (split.by == "All.groups") {
          p <- p + facet_grid(. ~ features)
        } else {
          p <- p + facet_grid(formula(paste0(split.by, "~features")))
      if (all(is.na(dat[["value"]]))) {
        p <- p + scale_colour_gradient(
          name = "", na.value = bg_color, aesthetics = c("color")
      } else {
        p <- p + scale_color_gradientn(
          name = "", colours = colors, values = rescale(colors_value), limits = range(colors_value), na.value = bg_color, aesthetics = c("color")
      p <- p + guides(
        color = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0, order = 1)
      p_base <- p

      if (!is.null(lineages)) {
        lineages_layers <- c(list(new_scale_color()), lineages_layers)
          legend_list[["lineages"]] <- get_legend(ggplot() +
            lineages_layers +
              legend.position = "bottom",
              legend.direction = legend.direction
        p <- suppressWarnings({
          p + lineages_layers + theme(legend.position = "none")
        if (is.null(legend_list[["lineages"]])) {
          legend_list["lineages"] <- list(NULL)
      if (isTRUE(label)) {
        label_df <- p$data %>%
          filter(value >= quantile(value[is.finite(value)], 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) & value <= quantile(value[is.finite(value)], 0.99, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
          reframe(x = median(.data[["x"]]), y = median(.data[["y"]])) %>%
        label_df[, "label"] <- f
        label_df[, "rank"] <- seq_len(nrow(label_df))
        if (isTRUE(label_repel)) {
          p <- p + annotate(
            geom = "point", x = label_df[["x"]], y = label_df[["y"]],
            color = "black", size = pt.size + 1
          ) + annotate(
            geom = GeomTextRepel, x = label_df[["x"]], y = label_df[["y"]], label = label_df[["label"]],
            fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.color = label_segment_color,
            point.size = pt.size + 1, max.overlaps = 100, force = label_repulsion,
            color = label.fg, bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size
        } else {
          p <- p + annotate(
            geom = GeomTextRepel, x = label_df[["x"]], y = label_df[["y"]], label = label_df[["label"]],
            fontface = "bold",
            point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, force = 0,
            color = label.fg, bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size
      if (length(legend_list) > 0) {
        legend_list <- legend_list[!sapply(legend_list, is.null)]
        legend_base <- get_legend(p_base)
        if (legend.direction == "vertical") {
          legend <- do.call(cbind, c(list(base = legend_base), legend_list))
        } else {
          legend <- do.call(rbind, c(list(base = legend_base), legend_list))
        gtable <- as_grob(p + theme(legend.position = "none"))
        gtable <- add_grob(gtable, legend, legend.position)
        p <- wrap_plots(gtable)

  if (isTRUE(combine)) {
    if (length(plist) > 1) {
      plot <- wrap_plots(plotlist = plist, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow)
    } else {
      plot <- plist[[1]]
  } else {

#' 3D-Dimensional reduction plot for cell classification visualization.
#' Plotting cell points on a reduced 3D space and coloring according to the groups of the cells.
#' @inheritParams CellDimPlot
#' @param dims Dimensions to plot, must be a three-length numeric vector specifying x-, y- and z-dimensions
#' @param axis_labs A character vector of length 3 indicating the labels for the axes.
#' @param span A numeric value specifying the span of the loess smoother for lineages line.
#' @param shape.highlight Shape of the cell to highlight. See \href{https://plotly.com/r/reference/scattergl/#scattergl-marker-symbol}{scattergl-marker-symbol}
#' @param width Width in pixels, defaults to automatic sizing.
#' @param height Height in pixels, defaults to automatic sizing.
#' @param save The name of the file to save the plot to. Must end in ".html".
#' @seealso \code{\link{CellDimPlot}} \code{\link{FeatureDimPlot3D}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- Standard_SCP(pancreas_sub)
#' CellDimPlot3D(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "StandardpcaUMAP3D")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunSlingshot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "StandardpcaUMAP3D")
#' CellDimPlot3D(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "StandardpcaUMAP3D", lineages = "Lineage1")
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions Embeddings Key
#' @importFrom utils askYesNo
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly add_trace layout as_widget
#' @export
CellDimPlot3D <- function(srt, group.by, reduction = NULL, dims = c(1, 2, 3), axis_labs = NULL,
                          palette = "Paired", palcolor = NULL, bg_color = "grey80", pt.size = 1.5,
                          cells.highlight = NULL, cols.highlight = "black", shape.highlight = "circle-open", sizes.highlight = 2,
                          lineages = NULL, lineages_palette = "Dark2", span = 0.75,
                          width = NULL, height = NULL, save = NULL, force = FALSE) {
  bg_color <- col2hex(bg_color)
  cols.highlight <- col2hex(cols.highlight)

  for (i in c(group.by)) {
    if (!i %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(i, " is not in the meta.data of srt object."))
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[i]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[i]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[i]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[i]]))
  for (l in lineages) {
    if (!l %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(l, " is not in the meta.data of srt object."))
  if (is.null(reduction)) {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt, min_dim = 3)
  } else {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt, pattern = reduction, min_dim = 3)
  if (!reduction %in% names(srt@reductions)) {
    stop(paste0(reduction, " is not in the srt reduction names."))
  if (ncol(srt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings) < 3) {
    stop("Reduction must be in three dimensions or higher.")
  if (!is.null(cells.highlight) && !isTRUE(cells.highlight)) {
    if (!any(cells.highlight %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
      stop("No cells in 'cells.highlight' found in srt.")
    if (!all(cells.highlight %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
      warning("Some cells in 'cells.highlight' not found in srt.", immediate. = TRUE)
    cells.highlight <- intersect(cells.highlight, colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))
  reduction_key <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@key
  if (is.null(axis_labs) || length(axis_labs) != 3) {
    xlab <- paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])
    ylab <- paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])
    zlab <- paste0(reduction_key, dims[3])
  } else {
    xlab <- axis_labs[1]
    ylab <- axis_labs[2]
    zlab <- axis_labs[3]
  if ((!is.null(save) && is.character(save) && nchar(save) > 0)) {
    if (!grepl(".html$", save)) {
      stop("'save' must be a string with .html as a suffix.")

  dat_dim <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings
  colnames(dat_dim) <- paste0(reduction_key, seq_len(ncol(dat_dim)))
  rownames(dat_dim) <- rownames(dat_dim) %||% colnames(srt@assays[[1]])
  dat_use <- cbind(dat_dim[colnames(srt@assays[[1]]), , drop = FALSE], srt@meta.data[colnames(srt@assays[[1]]), , drop = FALSE])
  nlev <- sapply(dat_use[, group.by, drop = FALSE], nlevels)
  nlev <- nlev[nlev > 100]
  if (length(nlev) > 0 && !isTRUE(force)) {
    warning(paste(names(nlev), sep = ","), " have more than 100 levels.", immediate. = TRUE)
    answer <- askYesNo("Are you sure to continue?", default = FALSE)
    if (!isTRUE(answer)) {
  if (!is.null(lineages)) {
    dat_lineages <- srt@meta.data[, unique(lineages), drop = FALSE]
    dat_use <- cbind(dat_use, dat_lineages[row.names(dat_use), , drop = FALSE])
  dat_use[["group.by"]] <- dat_use[[group.by]]
  if (any(is.na(dat_use[[group.by]]))) {
    n <- as.character(dat_use[[group.by]])
    n[is.na(n)] <- "NA"
    dat_use[[group.by]] <- factor(n, levels = c(levels(dat_use[[group.by]]), "NA"))

  dat_use[["color"]] <- dat_use[[group.by]]
  colors <- palette_scp(dat_use[["group.by"]], palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, NA_color = bg_color, NA_keep = TRUE)

  dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], "All_cells")]] <- dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]]
  dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], "All_cells")]] <- dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]]
  dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], "All_cells")]] <- dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3])]]
  cells.highlight_use <- cells.highlight
  if (isTRUE(cells.highlight_use)) {
    cells.highlight_use <- rownames(dat_use)[dat_use[[group.by]] != "NA"]
  if (!is.null(cells.highlight_use)) {
    cells.highlight_use <- cells.highlight_use[cells.highlight_use %in% rownames(dat_use)]
    dat_use_highlight <- dat_use[cells.highlight_use, , drop = FALSE]

  p <- plot_ly(data = dat_use, width = width, height = height)
  p <- add_trace(
    p = p,
    data = dat_use,
    x = dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], "All_cells")]],
    y = dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], "All_cells")]],
    z = dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], "All_cells")]],
    text = paste0(
      "Cell:", rownames(dat_use),
      "\ngroup.by:", dat_use[["group.by"]],
      "\ncolor:", dat_use[["color"]]
    type = "scatter3d",
    mode = "markers",
    color = dat_use[[group.by]],
    colors = colors,
    marker = list(size = pt.size),
    showlegend = TRUE,
    visible = TRUE
  if (!is.null(cells.highlight_use)) {
    p <- add_trace(
      p = p,
      x = dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], "All_cells")]],
      y = dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], "All_cells")]],
      z = dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], "All_cells")]],
      text = paste0(
        "Cell:", rownames(dat_use_highlight),
        "\ngroup.by:", dat_use_highlight[["group.by"]],
        "\ncolor:", dat_use_highlight[["color"]]
      type = "scatter3d",
      mode = "markers",
      marker = list(size = sizes.highlight, color = cols.highlight, symbol = shape.highlight),
      name = "highlight",
      showlegend = TRUE,
      visible = TRUE
  if (!is.null(lineages)) {
    for (l in lineages) {
      dat_sub <- dat_use[!is.na(dat_use[[l]]), , drop = FALSE]
      dat_sub <- dat_sub[order(dat_sub[[l]]), , drop = FALSE]

      xlo <- loess(formula(paste(paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], "All_cells"), l, sep = "~")), data = dat_sub, span = span, degree = 2)
      ylo <- loess(formula(paste(paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], "All_cells"), l, sep = "~")), data = dat_sub, span = span, degree = 2)
      zlo <- loess(formula(paste(paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], "All_cells"), l, sep = "~")), data = dat_sub, span = span, degree = 2)
      dat_smooth <- data.frame(x = xlo$fitted, y = ylo$fitted, z = zlo$fitted)
      dat_smooth <- dat_smooth[dat_smooth[["x"]] <= max(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], "All_cells")]], na.rm = TRUE) & dat_smooth[["x"]] >= min(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], "All_cells")]], na.rm = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
      dat_smooth <- dat_smooth[dat_smooth[["y"]] <= max(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], "All_cells")]], na.rm = TRUE) & dat_smooth[["y"]] >= min(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], "All_cells")]], na.rm = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
      dat_smooth <- dat_smooth[dat_smooth[["z"]] <= max(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], "All_cells")]], na.rm = TRUE) & dat_smooth[["z"]] >= min(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], "All_cells")]], na.rm = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
      dat_smooth <- unique(na.omit(dat_smooth))
      p <- add_trace(
        p = p,
        x = dat_smooth[, "x"],
        y = dat_smooth[, "y"],
        z = dat_smooth[, "z"],
        text = paste0(
          "Lineage:", l
        type = "scatter3d",
        mode = "lines",
        line = list(width = 6, color = palette_scp(x = lineages, palette = lineages_palette)[l], reverscale = FALSE),
        name = l,
        showlegend = TRUE,
        visible = TRUE

  p <- layout(
    p = p,
    title = list(
      text = paste0("Total", " (nCells:", nrow(dat_use), ")"),
      font = list(size = 16, color = "black"),
      y = 0.95
    font = list(size = 12, color = "black"),
    showlegend = TRUE,
    legend = list(
      itemsizing = "constant",
      y = 0.5,
      x = 1,
      xanchor = "left",
      alpha = 1
    scene = list(
      xaxis = list(title = xlab, range = c(min(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]], na.rm = TRUE))),
      yaxis = list(title = ylab, range = c(min(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]], na.rm = TRUE))),
      zaxis = list(title = zlab, range = c(min(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3])]], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3])]], na.rm = TRUE))),
      aspectratio = list(x = 1, y = 1, z = 1)
    autosize = FALSE

  if ((!is.null(save) && is.character(save) && nchar(save) > 0)) {
      widget = as_widget(p),
      file = save
    unlink(gsub("\\.html", "_files", save), recursive = TRUE)


#' 3D-Dimensional reduction plot for gene expression visualization.
#' Plotting cell points on a reduced 3D space and coloring according to the gene expression in the cells.
#' @inheritParams FeatureDimPlot
#' @inheritParams CellDimPlot3D
#' @seealso \code{\link{FeatureDimPlot}} \code{\link{CellDimPlot3D}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- Standard_SCP(pancreas_sub)
#' FeatureDimPlot3D(pancreas_sub, features = c("Ghrl", "Ins1", "Gcg", "Ins2"), reduction = "StandardpcaUMAP3D")
#' FeatureDimPlot3D(pancreas_sub, features = c("StandardPC_1", "StandardPC_2"), reduction = "StandardpcaUMAP3D")
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions Embeddings Key FetchData
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom utils askYesNo
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly add_trace layout as_widget
#' @export
FeatureDimPlot3D <- function(srt, features, reduction = NULL, dims = c(1, 2, 3), axis_labs = NULL,
                             split.by = NULL, slot = "data", assay = NULL,
                             calculate_coexp = FALSE,
                             pt.size = 1.5, cells.highlight = NULL, cols.highlight = "black", shape.highlight = "circle-open", sizes.highlight = 2,
                             width = NULL, height = NULL, save = NULL, force = FALSE) {
  cols.highlight <- col2hex(cols.highlight)

  if (is.list(features)) {
    features <- unlist(features)
  if (!inherits(features, "character")) {
    stop("'features' is not a character vectors")

  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt)
  if (is.null(split.by)) {
    split.by <- "All.cells"
    srt@meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor("All.cells")
  for (i in split.by) {
    if (!i %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(i, " is not in the meta.data of srt object."))
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[i]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[i]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[i]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[i]]))
  if (is.null(reduction)) {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt, min_dim = 3)
  } else {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt, pattern = reduction, min_dim = 3)
  if (!reduction %in% names(srt@reductions)) {
    stop(paste0(reduction, " is not in the srt reduction names."))
  if (ncol(srt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings) < 3) {
    stop("Reduction must be in three dimensions or higher.")
  if (!is.null(cells.highlight) && !isTRUE(cells.highlight)) {
    if (!any(cells.highlight %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
      stop("No cells in 'cells.highlight' found in srt.")
    if (!all(cells.highlight %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
      warning("Some cells in 'cells.highlight' not found in srt.", immediate. = TRUE)
    cells.highlight <- intersect(cells.highlight, colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))
  if (isTRUE(cells.highlight)) {
    cells.highlight <- colnames(srt@assays[[1]])
  reduction_key <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@key
  if (is.null(axis_labs) || length(axis_labs) != 3) {
    xlab <- paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])
    ylab <- paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])
    zlab <- paste0(reduction_key, dims[3])
  } else {
    xlab <- axis_labs[1]
    ylab <- axis_labs[2]
    zlab <- axis_labs[3]
  if ((!is.null(save) && is.character(save) && nchar(save) > 0)) {
    if (!grepl(".html$", save)) {
      stop("'save' must be a string with .html as a suffix.")

  features <- unique(features)
  embeddings <- lapply(srt@reductions, function(x) colnames(x@cell.embeddings))
  embeddings <- setNames(rep(names(embeddings), sapply(embeddings, length)), nm = unlist(embeddings))
  features_drop <- features[!features %in% c(rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]), colnames(srt@meta.data), names(embeddings))]
  if (length(features_drop) > 0) {
    warning(paste0(features_drop, collapse = ","), " are not in the features of srt.", immediate. = TRUE)
    features <- features[!features %in% features_drop]

  features_gene <- features[features %in% rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])]
  features_meta <- features[features %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)]
  features_embedding <- features[features %in% names(embeddings)]
  if (length(intersect(features_gene, features_meta)) > 0) {
    warning("Features appear in both gene names and metadata names: ", paste0(intersect(features_gene, features_meta), collapse = ","))
  if (length(c(features_gene, features_meta, features_embedding)) == 0) {
    stop("There are no valid features present.")

  if (isTRUE(calculate_coexp) && length(features_gene) > 0) {
    if (length(features_meta) > 0) {
      warning(paste(features_meta, collapse = ","), "is not used when calculating co-expression", immediate. = TRUE)
    status <- check_DataType(srt, slot = slot, assay = assay)
    message("Data type detected in ", slot, " slot: ", status)
    if (status %in% c("raw_counts", "raw_normalized_counts")) {
      srt@meta.data[["CoExp"]] <- apply(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[features_gene, , drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) exp(mean(log(x))))
    } else if (status == "log_normalized_counts") {
      srt@meta.data[["CoExp"]] <- apply(expm1(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[features_gene, , drop = FALSE]), 2, function(x) log1p(exp(mean(log(x)))))
    } else {
      stop("Can not determine the data type.")
    features <- c(features, "CoExp")
    features_meta <- c(features_meta, "CoExp")

  if (length(features_gene) > 0) {
    if (all(rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]) %in% features_gene)) {
      dat_gene <- t(as_matrix(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)))
    } else {
      dat_gene <- t(as_matrix(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[features_gene, , drop = FALSE]))
  } else {
    dat_gene <- matrix(nrow = ncol(srt@assays[[1]]), ncol = 0)
  if (length(features_meta) > 0) {
    dat_meta <- as_matrix(srt@meta.data[, features_meta, drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    dat_meta <- matrix(nrow = ncol(srt@assays[[1]]), ncol = 0)
  if (length(features_embedding) > 0) {
    dat_embedding <- as_matrix(FetchData(srt, vars = features_embedding))
  } else {
    dat_embedding <- matrix(nrow = ncol(srt@assays[[1]]), ncol = 0)
  dat_exp <- as_matrix(do.call(cbind, list(dat_gene, dat_meta, dat_embedding)))
  features <- unique(features[features %in% c(features_gene, features_meta, features_embedding)])

  if (!is.numeric(dat_exp) && !inherits(dat_exp, "Matrix")) {
    stop("'features' must be type of numeric variable.")
  if (length(features) > 50 && !isTRUE(force)) {
    warning("More than 50 features to be plotted", immediate. = TRUE)
    answer <- askYesNo("Are you sure to continue?", default = FALSE)
    if (!isTRUE(answer)) {

  dat_sp <- srt@meta.data[, split.by, drop = FALSE]
  dat_dim <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings
  colnames(dat_dim) <- paste0(reduction_key, seq_len(ncol(dat_dim)))
  rownames(dat_dim) <- rownames(dat_dim) %||% colnames(srt@assays[[1]])
  dat_use <- cbind(dat_exp, dat_dim[rownames(dat_exp), , drop = FALSE], dat_sp[rownames(dat_exp), , drop = FALSE])

  dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], "All_cells")]] <- dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]]
  dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], "All_cells")]] <- dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]]
  dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], "All_cells")]] <- dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3])]]
  for (i in levels(dat_use[[split.by]])) {
    dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], i)]] <- ifelse(dat_use[[split.by]] == i, dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]], NA)
    dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], i)]] <- ifelse(dat_use[[split.by]] == i, dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]], NA)
    dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], i)]] <- ifelse(dat_use[[split.by]] == i, dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3])]], NA)
  if (!is.null(cells.highlight)) {
    cells.highlight <- cells.highlight[cells.highlight %in% rownames(dat_use)]
    dat_use_highlight <- dat_use[cells.highlight, , drop = FALSE]
    for (i in levels(dat_use_highlight[[split.by]])) {
      dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], i)]] <- ifelse(dat_use_highlight[[split.by]] == i, dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]], NA)
      dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], i)]] <- ifelse(dat_use_highlight[[split.by]] == i, dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]], NA)
      dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], i)]] <- ifelse(dat_use_highlight[[split.by]] == i, dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3])]], NA)

  p <- plot_ly(data = dat_use, width = width, height = height)
  p <- add_trace(
    p = p,
    data = dat_use,
    x = dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], "All_cells")]],
    y = dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], "All_cells")]],
    z = dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], "All_cells")]],
    text = paste0(
      "Cell:", rownames(dat_use),
      "\nExp:", round(dat_use[[features[1]]], 3)
    type = "scatter3d",
    mode = "markers",
    marker = list(
      color = dat_use[[features[1]]],
      colorbar = list(title = list(text = features[1], font = list(color = "black", size = 14)), len = 0.5),
      size = pt.size,
      showscale = TRUE
    name = "All_cells",
    showlegend = TRUE,
    visible = TRUE

  if (!is.null(cells.highlight)) {
    p <- add_trace(
      p = p,
      x = dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], "All_cells")]],
      y = dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], "All_cells")]],
      z = dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], "All_cells")]],
      text = paste0(
        "Cell:", rownames(dat_use_highlight),
        "\nExp:", round(dat_use_highlight[[features[1]]], 3)
      type = "scatter3d",
      mode = "markers",
      marker = list(size = sizes.highlight, color = cols.highlight, symbol = shape.highlight),
      name = "highlight",
      showlegend = TRUE,
      visible = TRUE

  split_option <- list()
  genes_option <- list()
  for (i in 0:nlevels(dat_use[[split.by]])) {
    sp <- ifelse(i == 0, "All.cells", levels(dat_use[[split.by]])[i])
    ncells <- ifelse(i == 0, nrow(dat_use), table(dat_use[[split.by]])[sp])
    if (i != 0 && sp == "All.cells") {
    x <- list(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], sp)]])
    y <- list(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], sp)]])
    z <- list(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], sp)]])
    name <- sp
    if (!is.null(cells.highlight)) {
      x <- c(x, list(dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1], sp)]]))
      y <- c(y, list(dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2], sp)]]))
      z <- c(z, list(dat_use_highlight[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3], sp)]]))
      name <- c(sp, "highlight")
    split_option[[i + 1]] <- list(
      method = "update",
      args = list(list(
        x = x,
        y = y,
        z = z,
        name = name,
        visible = TRUE
      ), list(title = list(
        text = paste0(sp, " (nCells:", ncells, ")"),
        font = list(size = 16, color = "black"),
        y = 0.95
      label = sp
  for (j in seq_along(features)) {
    marker <- list(
      color = dat_use[[features[j]]],
      colorbar = list(title = list(text = features[j], font = list(color = "black", size = 14)), len = 0.5),
      size = pt.size,
      showscale = TRUE

    if (!is.null(cells.highlight)) {
      marker <- list(marker, list(size = sizes.highlight, color = cols.highlight, symbol = shape.highlight))
    genes_option[[j]] <- list(
      method = "update",
      args = list(list(
        text = list(paste0(
          "Cell:", rownames(dat_use),
          "\nExp:", round(dat_use[[features[j]]], 3)
        marker = marker
      label = features[j]

  p <- layout(
    p = p,
    title = list(
      text = paste0("All_cells", " (nCells:", nrow(dat_use), ")"),
      font = list(size = 16, color = "black"),
      y = 0.95
    showlegend = TRUE,
    legend = list(
      itemsizing = "constant",
      y = -0.2,
      x = 0.5,
      xanchor = "center"
    scene = list(
      xaxis = list(title = xlab, range = c(min(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])]], na.rm = TRUE))),
      yaxis = list(title = ylab, range = c(min(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])]], na.rm = TRUE))),
      zaxis = list(title = zlab, range = c(min(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3])]], na.rm = TRUE), max(dat_use[[paste0(reduction_key, dims[3])]], na.rm = TRUE))),
      aspectratio = list(x = 1, y = 1, z = 1)
    updatemenus = list(
        y = 0.67,
        buttons = split_option
        y = 0.33,
        buttons = genes_option
    autosize = FALSE

  if ((!is.null(save) && is.character(save) && nchar(save) > 0)) {
      widget = as_widget(p),
      file = save
    unlink(gsub("\\.html", "_files", save), recursive = TRUE)


#' Statistical plot of features
#' This function generates a statistical plot for features.
#' @param srt A Seurat object.
#' @param stat.by A character vector specifying the features to plot.
#' @param group.by A character vector specifying the groups to group by. Default is NULL.
#' @param split.by A character vector specifying the variable to split the plot by. Default is NULL.
#' @param plot.by A character vector specifying how to plot the data, by group or feature. Possible values are "group", "feature". Default is "group".
#' @param bg.by A character vector specifying the variable to use as the background color. Default is NULL.
#' @param fill.by A string specifying what to fill the plot by. Possible values are "group", "feature", or "expression". Default is "group".
#' @param cells A character vector specifying the cells to include in the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param slot A string specifying which slot of the Seurat object to use. Default is "data".
#' @param assay A string specifying which assay to use. Default is NULL.
#' @param keep_empty A logical indicating whether to keep empty levels in the plot. Default is FALSE.
#' @param individual A logical indicating whether to create individual plots for each group. Default is FALSE.
#' @param plot_type A string specifying the type of plot to create. Possible values are "violin", "box", "bar", "dot", or "col". Default is "violin".
#' @param palette A string specifying the color palette to use for filling. Default is "Paired".
#' @param palcolor A character vector specifying specific colors to use for filling. Default is NULL.
#' @param alpha A numeric value specifying the transparency of the plot. Default is 1.
#' @param bg_palette A string specifying the color palette to use for the background. Default is "Paired".
#' @param bg_palcolor A character vector specifying specific colors to use for the background. Default is NULL.
#' @param bg_alpha A numeric value specifying the transparency of the background. Default is 0.2.
#' @param add_box A logical indicating whether to add a box plot to the plot. Default is FALSE.
#' @param box_color A string specifying the color of the box plot. Default is "black".
#' @param box_width A numeric value specifying the width of the box plot. Default is 0.1.
#' @param box_ptsize A numeric value specifying the size of the points of the box plot. Default is 2.
#' @param add_point A logical indicating whether to add individual data points to the plot. Default is FALSE.
#' @param pt.color A string specifying the color of the data points. Default is "grey30".
#' @param pt.size A numeric value specifying the size of the data points. If NULL, the size is automatically determined. Default is NULL.
#' @param pt.alpha A numeric value specifying the transparency of the data points. Default is 1.
#' @param jitter.width A numeric value specifying the width of the jitter. Default is 0.5.
#' @param jitter.height A numeric value specifying the height of the jitter. Default is 0.1.
#' @param add_trend A logical indicating whether to add a trend line to the plot. Default is FALSE.
#' @param trend_color A string specifying the color of the trend line. Default is "black".
#' @param trend_linewidth A numeric value specifying the width of the trend line. Default is 1.
#' @param trend_ptsize A numeric value specifying the size of the points of the trend line. Default is 2.
#' @param add_stat A string specifying which statistical summary to add to the plot. Possible values are "none", "mean", or "median". Default is "none".
#' @param stat_color A string specifying the color of the statistical summary. Default is "black".
#' @param stat_size A numeric value specifying the size of the statistical summary. Default is 1.
#' @param cells.highlight A logical or character vector specifying the cells to highlight in the plot. If TRUE, all cells are highlighted. If FALSE, no cells are highlighted. Default is NULL.
#' @param cols.highlight A string specifying the color of the highlighted cells. Default is "red".
#' @param sizes.highlight A numeric value specifying the size of the highlighted cells. Default is 1.
#' @param alpha.highlight A numeric value specifying the transparency of the highlighted cells. Default is 1.
#' @param calculate_coexp A logical indicating whether to calculate co-expression values. Default is FALSE.
#' @param same.y.lims A logical indicating whether to use the same y-axis limits for all plots. Default is FALSE.
#' @param y.min A numeric or character value specifying the minimum y-axis limit. If a character value is provided, it must be of the form "qN" where N is a number between 0 and 100 (inclusive) representing the quantile to use for the limit. Default is NULL.
#' @param y.max A numeric or character value specifying the maximum y-axis limit. If a character value is provided, it must be of the form "qN" where N is a number between 0 and 100 (inclusive) representing the quantile to use for the limit. Default is NULL.
#' @param y.trans A string specifying the transformation to apply to the y-axis. Possible values are "identity" or "log2". Default is "identity".
#' @param y.nbreaks An integer specifying the number of breaks to use for the y-axis. Default is 5.
#' @param sort A logical or character value specifying whether to sort the groups on the x-axis. If TRUE, groups are sorted in increasing order. If FALSE, groups are not sorted. If "increasing", groups are sorted in increasing order. If "decreasing", groups are sorted in decreasing order. Default is FALSE.
#' @param stack A logical specifying whether to stack the plots on top of each other. Default is FALSE.
#' @param flip A logical specifying whether to flip the plot vertically. Default is FALSE.
#' @param comparisons A list of length-2 vectors. The entries in the vector are either the names of 2 values on the x-axis or the 2 integers that correspond to the index of the groups of interest, to be compared.
#' @param ref_group A string specifying the reference group for pairwise comparisons. Default is NULL.
#' @param pairwise_method A string specifying the method to use for pairwise comparisons. Default is "wilcox.test".
#' @param multiplegroup_comparisons A logical indicating whether to add multiple group comparisons to the plot. Default is FALSE.
#' @param multiple_method A string specifying the method to use for multiple group comparisons. Default is "kruskal.test".
#' @param sig_label A string specifying the label to use for significant comparisons. Possible values are "p.signif" or "p.format". Default is "p.format".
#' @param sig_labelsize A numeric value specifying the size of the significant comparison labels. Default is 3.5.
#' @param aspect.ratio A numeric value specifying the aspect ratio of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param title A string specifying the title of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param subtitle A string specifying the subtitle of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param xlab A string specifying the label of the x-axis. Default is NULL.
#' @param ylab A string specifying the label of the y-axis. Default is "Expression level".
#' @param legend.position A string specifying the position of the legend. Possible values are "right", "left", "top", "bottom", or "none". Default is "right".
#' @param legend.direction A string specifying the direction of the legend. Possible values are "vertical" or "horizontal". Default is "vertical".
#' @param theme_use A string specifying the theme to use for the plot. Default is "theme_scp".
#' @param theme_args A list of arguments to pass to the theme function. Default is an empty list.
#' @param combine A logical indicating whether to combine the individual plots into a single plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param nrow An integer specifying the number of rows for the combined plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param ncol An integer specifying the number of columns for the combined plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param byrow A logical specifying whether to fill the combined plot by row or by column. Default is TRUE.
#' @param force A logical indicating whether to force the plot creation even if there are more than 100 levels in a variable. Default is FALSE.
#' @param seed An integer specifying the random seed to use for generating jitter. Default is 11.
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType") %>% panel_fix(height = 1, width = 2)
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", plot_type = "box")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", plot_type = "bar")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", plot_type = "dot")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", plot_type = "col")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", add_box = TRUE)
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", add_point = TRUE)
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", add_trend = TRUE)
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", add_stat = "mean")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", add_line = 0.2, line_type = 2)
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", split.by = "Phase")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", split.by = "Phase", add_box = TRUE, add_trend = TRUE)
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("G2M_score", "Fev"), group.by = "SubCellType", split.by = "Phase", comparisons = TRUE)
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("Rbp4", "Pyy"), group.by = "SubCellType", fill.by = "expression", palette = "Blues", same.y.lims = TRUE)
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("Rbp4", "Pyy"), group.by = "SubCellType", multiplegroup_comparisons = TRUE)
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("Rbp4", "Pyy"), group.by = "SubCellType", comparisons = list(c("Alpha", "Beta"), c("Alpha", "Delta")))
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("Rbp4", "Pyy"), group.by = "SubCellType", comparisons = list(c("Alpha", "Beta"), c("Alpha", "Delta")), sig_label = "p.format")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("Rbp4", "Pyy"), group.by = "SubCellType", bg.by = "CellType", add_box = TRUE, stack = TRUE)
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   stat.by = c(
#'     "Sox9", "Anxa2", "Bicc1", # Ductal
#'     "Neurog3", "Hes6", # EPs
#'     "Fev", "Neurod1", # Pre-endocrine
#'     "Rbp4", "Pyy", # Endocrine
#'     "Ins1", "Gcg", "Sst", "Ghrl" # Beta, Alpha, Delta, Epsilon
#'   ),
#'   legend.position = "top", legend.direction = "horizontal",
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", bg.by = "CellType", stack = TRUE
#' )
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   stat.by = c(
#'     "Sox9", "Anxa2", "Bicc1", # Ductal
#'     "Neurog3", "Hes6", # EPs
#'     "Fev", "Neurod1", # Pre-endocrine
#'     "Rbp4", "Pyy", # Endocrine
#'     "Ins1", "Gcg", "Sst", "Ghrl" # Beta, Alpha, Delta, Epsilon
#'   ),
#'   fill.by = "feature", plot_type = "box",
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", bg.by = "CellType", stack = TRUE, flip = TRUE
#' ) %>% panel_fix_overall(width = 8, height = 5) # As the plot is created by combining, we can adjust the overall height and width directly.
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("Neurog3", "Rbp4", "Ins1"), group.by = "CellType", plot.by = "group")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("Neurog3", "Rbp4", "Ins1"), group.by = "CellType", plot.by = "feature")
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   stat.by = c("Neurog3", "Rbp4", "Ins1"), group.by = "CellType", plot.by = "feature",
#'   multiplegroup_comparisons = TRUE, sig_label = "p.format", sig_labelsize = 4
#' )
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   stat.by = c("Neurog3", "Rbp4", "Ins1"), group.by = "CellType", plot.by = "feature",
#'   comparisons = list(c("Neurog3", "Rbp4"), c("Rbp4", "Ins1")),
#'   stack = TRUE
#' )
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c(
#'   "Sox9", "Anxa2", "Bicc1", # Ductal
#'   "Neurog3", "Hes6", # EPs
#'   "Fev", "Neurod1", # Pre-endocrine
#'   "Rbp4", "Pyy", # Endocrine
#'   "Ins1", "Gcg", "Sst", "Ghrl" # Beta, Alpha, Delta, Epsilon
#' ), group.by = "SubCellType", plot.by = "feature", stack = TRUE)
#' library(Matrix)
#' data <- pancreas_sub@assays$RNA@data
#' pancreas_sub@assays$RNA@scale.data <- as_matrix(data / rowMeans(data))
#' FeatureStatPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   stat.by = c("Neurog3", "Rbp4", "Ins1"), group.by = "CellType",
#'   slot = "scale.data", ylab = "FoldChange", same.y.lims = TRUE, y.max = 4
#' )
#' @importFrom Seurat FetchData
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_cols gtable_add_rows gtable_add_grob gtable_add_padding
#' @importFrom grid grobHeight grobWidth
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @export
FeatureStatPlot <- function(srt, stat.by, group.by = NULL, split.by = NULL, bg.by = NULL, plot.by = c("group", "feature"), fill.by = c("group", "feature", "expression"),
                            cells = NULL, slot = "data", assay = NULL, keep_empty = FALSE, individual = FALSE,
                            plot_type = c("violin", "box", "bar", "dot", "col"),
                            palette = "Paired", palcolor = NULL, alpha = 1,
                            bg_palette = "Paired", bg_palcolor = NULL, bg_alpha = 0.2,
                            add_box = FALSE, box_color = "black", box_width = 0.1, box_ptsize = 2,
                            add_point = FALSE, pt.color = "grey30", pt.size = NULL, pt.alpha = 1, jitter.width = 0.4, jitter.height = 0.1,
                            add_trend = FALSE, trend_color = "black", trend_linewidth = 1, trend_ptsize = 2,
                            add_stat = c("none", "mean", "median"), stat_color = "black", stat_size = 1, stat_stroke = 1, stat_shape = 25,
                            add_line = NULL, line_color = "red", line_size = 1, line_type = 1,
                            cells.highlight = NULL, cols.highlight = "red", sizes.highlight = 1, alpha.highlight = 1,
                            calculate_coexp = FALSE,
                            same.y.lims = FALSE, y.min = NULL, y.max = NULL, y.trans = "identity", y.nbreaks = 5,
                            sort = FALSE, stack = FALSE, flip = FALSE,
                            comparisons = NULL, ref_group = NULL, pairwise_method = "wilcox.test",
                            multiplegroup_comparisons = FALSE, multiple_method = "kruskal.test",
                            sig_label = c("p.signif", "p.format"), sig_labelsize = 3.5,
                            aspect.ratio = NULL, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = "Expression level",
                            legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                            theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                            combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE, force = FALSE, seed = 11) {
  if (is.null(group.by)) {
    group.by <- "All.groups" # avoid having the same name with split.by. split.by will be All.groups by default
    xlab <- "All groups"
    srt[[group.by]] <- factor("All groups")

  meta.data <- srt@meta.data
  meta.data[["cells"]] <- rownames(meta.data)
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt)
  exp.data <- slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)
  plot.by <- match.arg(plot.by)

  if (plot.by == "feature") {
    if (length(group.by) > 1) {
      stop("The 'group.by' must have a length of 1 when 'plot.by' is set to 'feature'")
    if (!is.null(bg.by)) {
      message("'bg.by' is invalid when plot.by is set to 'feature'")
    message("Setting 'group.by' to 'Features' as 'plot.by' is set to 'feature'")
    srt@assays[setdiff(names(srt@assays), assay)] <- NULL
    meta.reshape <- FetchData(srt, vars = c(stat.by, group.by, split.by), cells = cells %||% rownames(meta.data), slot = slot)
    meta.reshape[["cells"]] <- rownames(meta.reshape)
    meta.reshape <- melt(meta.reshape, measure.vars = stat.by, variable.name = "Features", value.name = "Stat.by")
    rownames(meta.reshape) <- paste0(meta.reshape[["cells"]], "-", meta.reshape[["Features"]])
    exp.data <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = nrow(meta.reshape), dimnames = list("Stat.by", rownames(meta.reshape)))
    plist <- list()
    for (g in unique(meta.reshape[[group.by]])) {
      if (length(rownames(meta.reshape)[meta.reshape[[group.by]] == g]) > 0) {
        meta.use <- meta.reshape
        meta.use[[group.by]] <- NULL
        colnames(meta.use)[colnames(meta.use) == "Stat.by"] <- g
        p <- ExpressionStatPlot(
          exp.data = exp.data, meta.data = meta.use, stat.by = g, group.by = "Features", split.by = split.by, bg.by = NULL, plot.by = "group", fill.by = fill.by,
          cells = rownames(meta.reshape)[meta.reshape[[group.by]] == g], keep_empty = keep_empty, individual = individual,
          plot_type = plot_type,
          palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, alpha = alpha,
          bg_palette = bg_palette, bg_palcolor = bg_palcolor, bg_alpha = bg_alpha,
          add_box = add_box, box_color = box_color, box_width = box_width, box_ptsize = box_ptsize,
          add_point = add_point, pt.color = pt.color, pt.size = pt.size, pt.alpha = pt.alpha, jitter.width = jitter.width, jitter.height = jitter.height,
          add_trend = add_trend, trend_color = trend_color, trend_linewidth = trend_linewidth, trend_ptsize = trend_ptsize,
          add_stat = add_stat, stat_color = stat_color, stat_size = stat_size, stat_stroke = stat_stroke, stat_shape = stat_shape,
          add_line = add_line, line_color = line_color, line_size = line_size, line_type = line_type,
          cells.highlight = cells.highlight, cols.highlight = cols.highlight, sizes.highlight = sizes.highlight, alpha.highlight = alpha.highlight,
          calculate_coexp = calculate_coexp,
          same.y.lims = same.y.lims, y.min = y.min, y.max = y.max, y.trans = y.trans, y.nbreaks = y.nbreaks,
          sort = sort, stack = stack, flip = flip,
          comparisons = comparisons, ref_group = ref_group, pairwise_method = pairwise_method,
          multiplegroup_comparisons = multiplegroup_comparisons, multiple_method = multiple_method,
          sig_label = sig_label, sig_labelsize = sig_labelsize,
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio, title = title, subtitle = subtitle, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
          legend.position = legend.position, legend.direction = legend.direction,
          theme_use = theme_use, theme_args = theme_args,
          force = force, seed = seed
        plist <- append(plist, p)
    group.by <- "Features"
  } else {
    plist <- ExpressionStatPlot(
      exp.data = exp.data, meta.data = meta.data, stat.by = stat.by, group.by = group.by, split.by = split.by, bg.by = bg.by, plot.by = "group", fill.by = fill.by,
      cells = cells, keep_empty = keep_empty, individual = individual,
      plot_type = plot_type,
      palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, alpha = alpha,
      bg_palette = bg_palette, bg_palcolor = bg_palcolor, bg_alpha = bg_alpha,
      add_box = add_box, box_color = box_color, box_width = box_width, box_ptsize = box_ptsize,
      add_point = add_point, pt.color = pt.color, pt.size = pt.size, pt.alpha = pt.alpha, jitter.width = jitter.width, jitter.height = jitter.height,
      add_trend = add_trend, trend_color = trend_color, trend_linewidth = trend_linewidth, trend_ptsize = trend_ptsize,
      add_stat = add_stat, stat_color = stat_color, stat_size = stat_size, stat_stroke = stat_stroke, stat_shape = stat_shape,
      add_line = add_line, line_color = line_color, line_size = line_size, line_type = line_type,
      cells.highlight = cells.highlight, cols.highlight = cols.highlight, sizes.highlight = sizes.highlight, alpha.highlight = alpha.highlight,
      calculate_coexp = calculate_coexp,
      same.y.lims = same.y.lims, y.min = y.min, y.max = y.max, y.trans = y.trans, y.nbreaks = y.nbreaks,
      sort = sort, stack = stack, flip = flip,
      comparisons = comparisons, ref_group = ref_group, pairwise_method = pairwise_method,
      multiplegroup_comparisons = multiplegroup_comparisons, multiple_method = multiple_method,
      sig_label = sig_label, sig_labelsize = sig_labelsize,
      aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio, title = title, subtitle = subtitle, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      legend.position = legend.position, legend.direction = legend.direction,
      theme_use = theme_use, theme_args = theme_args,
      force = force, seed = seed

  plist_stack <- list()
  if (isTRUE(stack) && length(stat.by) > 1 && isFALSE(individual)) {
    for (g in group.by) {
      plist_g <- plist[sapply(strsplit(names(plist), ":"), function(x) x[2]) == g]
      legend <- get_legend(plist_g[[1]])
      if (isTRUE(flip)) {
        lab <- textGrob(label = ifelse(is.null(ylab), "Expression level", ylab), hjust = 0.5)
        plist_g <- lapply(seq_along(plist_g), FUN = function(i) {
          p <- plist_g[[i]]
          if (i != 1) {
            suppressWarnings(p <- p + theme(
              legend.position = "none",
              panel.grid = element_blank(),
              plot.title = element_blank(),
              plot.subtitle = element_blank(),
              axis.title = element_blank(),
              axis.text.y = element_blank(),
              axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = c(1, 0)),
              axis.ticks.length.y = unit(0, "pt"),
              plot.margin = unit(c(0, -0.5, 0, 0), "mm")
          } else {
            suppressWarnings(p <- p + theme(
              legend.position = "none",
              panel.grid = element_blank(),
              axis.title.x = element_blank(),
              axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = c(1, 0)),
              axis.ticks.length.y = unit(0, "pt"),
              plot.margin = unit(c(0, -0.5, 0, 0), "mm")
        gtable <- do.call(cbind, plist_g)
        gtable <- add_grob(gtable, lab, "bottom", clip = "off")
        gtable <- add_grob(gtable, legend, legend.position)
      } else {
        lab <- textGrob(label = ifelse(is.null(ylab), "Expression level", ylab), rot = 90, hjust = 0.5)
        plist_g <- lapply(seq_along(plist_g), FUN = function(i) {
          p <- plist_g[[i]]
          if (i != length(plist_g)) {
            suppressWarnings(p <- p + theme(
              legend.position = "none",
              panel.grid = element_blank(),
              axis.title = element_blank(),
              axis.text.x = element_blank(),
              axis.text.y = element_text(vjust = c(0, 1)),
              axis.ticks.length.x = unit(0, "pt"),
              plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
            if (i == 1) {
              p <- p + theme(plot.title = element_blank(), plot.subtitle = element_blank())
          } else {
            suppressWarnings(p <- p + theme(
              legend.position = "none",
              panel.grid = element_blank(),
              axis.title.y = element_blank(),
              axis.text.y = element_text(vjust = c(0, 1)),
              axis.ticks.length.x = unit(0, "pt"),
              plot.margin = unit(c(-0.5, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
        gtable <- do.call(rbind, plist_g)
        gtable <- add_grob(gtable, lab, "left", clip = "off")
        gtable <- add_grob(gtable, legend, legend.position)
      gtable <- gtable_add_padding(gtable, unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), units = "cm"))
      plot <- wrap_plots(gtable)
      plist_stack[[g]] <- plot

  if (length(plist_stack) > 0) {
    plist <- plist_stack
  if (isTRUE(combine)) {
    if (length(plist) > 1) {
      plot <- wrap_plots(plotlist = plist, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow)
    } else {
      plot <- plist[[1]]
  } else {

#' @importFrom Seurat DefaultAssay GetAssayData
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_blank geom_violin geom_rect geom_boxplot geom_count geom_col geom_vline geom_hline layer_data layer_scales position_jitterdodge position_dodge stat_summary scale_x_discrete element_line element_text element_blank annotate mean_sdl after_stat scale_shape_identity
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
ExpressionStatPlot <- function(exp.data, meta.data, stat.by, group.by = NULL, split.by = NULL, bg.by = NULL, plot.by = c("group", "feature"), fill.by = c("group", "feature", "expression"),
                               cells = NULL, keep_empty = FALSE, individual = FALSE,
                               plot_type = c("violin", "box", "bar", "dot", "col"),
                               palette = "Paired", palcolor = NULL, alpha = 1,
                               bg_palette = "Paired", bg_palcolor = NULL, bg_alpha = 0.2,
                               add_box = FALSE, box_color = "black", box_width = 0.1, box_ptsize = 2,
                               add_point = FALSE, pt.color = "grey30", pt.size = NULL, pt.alpha = 1, jitter.width = 0.4, jitter.height = 0.1,
                               add_trend = FALSE, trend_color = "black", trend_linewidth = 1, trend_ptsize = 2,
                               add_stat = c("none", "mean", "median"), stat_color = "black", stat_size = 1, stat_stroke = 1, stat_shape = 25,
                               add_line = NULL, line_color = "red", line_size = 1, line_type = 1,
                               cells.highlight = NULL, cols.highlight = "red", sizes.highlight = 1, alpha.highlight = 1,
                               calculate_coexp = FALSE,
                               same.y.lims = FALSE, y.min = NULL, y.max = NULL, y.trans = "identity", y.nbreaks = 5,
                               sort = FALSE, stack = FALSE, flip = FALSE,
                               comparisons = NULL, ref_group = NULL, pairwise_method = "wilcox.test",
                               multiplegroup_comparisons = FALSE, multiple_method = "kruskal.test",
                               sig_label = c("p.signif", "p.format"), sig_labelsize = 3.5,
                               aspect.ratio = NULL, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = "Expression level",
                               legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                               theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                               force = FALSE, seed = 11) {

  plot.by <- match.arg(plot.by)
  plot_type <- match.arg(plot_type)
  fill.by <- match.arg(fill.by)
  sig_label <- match.arg(sig_label)
  add_stat <- match.arg(add_stat)
  if (!is.null(add_line)) {

  if (missing(exp.data)) {
    exp.data <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = nrow(meta.data), dimnames = list("", rownames(meta.data)))

  allfeatures <- rownames(exp.data)
  allcells <- rownames(meta.data)

  if (plot_type == "col") {
    if (isTRUE(add_box) || isTRUE(add_point) || isTRUE(add_trend) || isTRUE(add_stat != "none")) {
      warning("Cannot add other layers when plot_type is 'col'", immediate. = TRUE)
      add_box <- add_point <- add_trend <- FALSE
  if ((isTRUE(multiplegroup_comparisons) || length(comparisons) > 0) && plot_type %in% c("col")) {
    warning("Cannot add comparison when plot_type is 'col'", immediate. = TRUE)
    multiplegroup_comparisons <- FALSE
    comparisons <- NULL
  if (isTRUE(comparisons) && is.null(split.by)) {
    stop("'split.by' must provided when comparisons=TRUE")

  if (nrow(meta.data) == 0) {
    stop("meta.data is empty.")
  if (is.null(group.by)) {
    group.by <- "All.groups"
    xlab <- ""
    meta.data[[group.by]] <- factor("")
  if (is.null(split.by)) {
    split.by <- "All.groups"
    meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor("")
  if (group.by == split.by && group.by == "All.groups") {
    legend.position <- "none"
  for (i in unique(c(group.by, split.by, bg.by))) {
    if (!i %in% colnames(meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(i, " is not in the meta.data."))
    if (!is.factor(meta.data[[i]])) {
      meta.data[[i]] <- factor(meta.data[[i]], levels = unique(meta.data[[i]]))
  bg_map <- NULL
  if (!is.null(bg.by)) {
    for (g in group.by) {
      df_table <- table(meta.data[[g]], meta.data[[bg.by]])
      if (max(rowSums(df_table > 0), na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
        stop("'group.by' must be a part of 'bg.by'")
      } else {
        bg_map[[g]] <- setNames(colnames(df_table)[apply(df_table, 1, function(x) which(x > 0))], rownames(df_table))
  } else {
    for (g in group.by) {
      bg_map[[g]] <- setNames(levels(meta.data[[g]]), levels(meta.data[[g]]))
  if (!is.null(cells.highlight) && !isTRUE(cells.highlight)) {
    if (!any(cells.highlight %in% allcells)) {
      stop("No cells in 'cells.highlight' found.")
    if (!all(cells.highlight %in% allcells)) {
      warning("Some cells in 'cells.highlight' not found.", immediate. = TRUE)
    cells.highlight <- intersect(cells.highlight, allcells)
  if (isTRUE(cells.highlight)) {
    cells.highlight <- allcells
  if (!is.null(cells.highlight) && isFALSE(add_point)) {
    warning("'cells.highlight' is valid only when add_point=TRUE.", immediate. = TRUE)
  if (isTRUE(stack) & isTRUE(sort)) {
    message("Set sort to FALSE when stack is TRUE")
    sort <- FALSE
  if (isTRUE(multiplegroup_comparisons) || length(comparisons) > 0) {
    ncomp <- sapply(comparisons, length)
    if (any(ncomp > 2)) {
      stop("'comparisons' must be a list in which all elements must be vectors of length 2")

  stat.by <- unique(stat.by)
  features_drop <- stat.by[!stat.by %in% c(rownames(exp.data), colnames(meta.data))]
  if (length(features_drop) > 0) {
    warning(paste0(features_drop, collapse = ","), " are not found.", immediate. = TRUE)
    stat.by <- stat.by[!stat.by %in% features_drop]

  features_gene <- stat.by[stat.by %in% rownames(exp.data)]
  features_meta <- stat.by[stat.by %in% colnames(meta.data)]
  if (length(intersect(features_gene, features_meta)) > 0) {
    warning("Features appear in both gene names and metadata names: ", paste0(intersect(features_gene, features_meta), collapse = ","))

  if (isTRUE(calculate_coexp) && length(features_gene) > 1) {
    if (length(features_meta) > 0) {
      warning(paste(features_meta, collapse = ","), "is not used when calculating co-expression", immediate. = TRUE)
    status <- check_DataType(data = exp.data)
    message("Data type: ", status)
    if (status %in% c("raw_counts", "raw_normalized_counts")) {
      meta.data[["CoExp"]] <- apply(exp.data[features_gene, , drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) exp(mean(log(x))))
    } else if (status == "log_normalized_counts") {
      meta.data[["CoExp"]] <- apply(expm1(exp.data[features_gene, , drop = FALSE]), 2, function(x) log1p(exp(mean(log(x)))))
    } else {
      stop("Can not determine the data type.")
    stat.by <- c(stat.by, "CoExp")
    features_meta <- c(features_meta, "CoExp")
  if (length(features_gene) > 0) {
    if (all(allfeatures %in% features_gene)) {
      dat_gene <- t(exp.data)
    } else {
      dat_gene <- t(exp.data[features_gene, , drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    dat_gene <- matrix(nrow = length(allcells), ncol = 0)
  if (length(features_meta) > 0) {
    dat_meta <- as_matrix(meta.data[, features_meta, drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    dat_meta <- matrix(nrow = length(allcells), ncol = 0)
  dat_exp <- cbind(dat_gene, dat_meta)
  stat.by <- unique(stat.by[stat.by %in% c(features_gene, features_meta)])

  if (!is.numeric(dat_exp) && !inherits(dat_exp, "Matrix")) {
    stop("'stat.by' must be type of numeric variable.")
  dat_group <- meta.data[, unique(c("cells", group.by, bg.by, split.by)), drop = FALSE]
  dat_use <- cbind(dat_group, dat_exp[row.names(dat_group), , drop = FALSE])
  if (!is.null(cells)) {
    dat_group <- dat_group[intersect(rownames(dat_group), cells), , drop = FALSE]
    dat_use <- dat_use[intersect(rownames(dat_use), cells), , drop = FALSE]
  if (nrow(dat_group) == 0) {
    stop("No specified cells found.")

  if (is.null(pt.size)) {
    pt.size <- min(3000 / nrow(dat_group), 0.5)

  nlev <- sapply(dat_group, nlevels)
  nlev <- nlev[nlev > 100]
  if (length(nlev) > 0 && !isTRUE(force)) {
    warning(paste(names(nlev), sep = ","), " have more than 100 levels.", immediate. = TRUE)
    answer <- askYesNo("Are you sure to continue?", default = FALSE)
    if (!isTRUE(answer)) {

  if (isTRUE(same.y.lims)) {
    valus <- as_matrix(dat_use[, stat.by, drop = FALSE])[is.finite(as_matrix(dat_use[, stat.by, drop = FALSE]))]
    if (is.null(y.max)) {
      y.max <- max(valus, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else if (is.character(y.max)) {
      q.max <- as.numeric(sub("(^q)(\\d+)", "\\2", y.max)) / 100
      y.max <- quantile(values, q.max, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (is.null(y.min)) {
      y.min <- min(valus, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else if (is.character(y.min)) {
      q.min <- as.numeric(sub("(^q)(\\d+)", "\\2", y.min)) / 100
      y.min <- quantile(values, q.min, na.rm = TRUE)

  plist <- list()

  comb_list <- list()
  comb <- expand.grid(group_name = group.by, stat_name = stat.by, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (isTRUE(individual)) {
    for (g in group.by) {
      comb_list[[g]] <- merge(comb, expand.grid(
        group_name = g, group_element = levels(dat_use[[g]]),
        split_name = levels(dat_use[[split.by]]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      by = "group_name", all = FALSE
  } else {
    for (g in group.by) {
      comb_list[[g]] <- merge(comb, expand.grid(
        group_name = g, group_element = list(levels(dat_use[[g]])),
        split_name = list(levels(dat_use[[split.by]])), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      by = "group_name", all = FALSE
  comb <- do.call(rbind, comb_list)
  rownames(comb) <- paste0(
    comb[["stat_name"]], ":", comb[["group_name"]], ":",
    sapply(comb[["group_element"]], function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ",")), ":",
    sapply(comb[["split_name"]], function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ","))

  plist <- lapply(setNames(rownames(comb), rownames(comb)), function(i) {
    g <- comb[i, "group_name"]
    f <- comb[i, "stat_name"]
    single_group <- comb[[i, "group_element"]]
    sp <- comb[[i, "split_name"]]
    xlab <- xlab %||% g
    ylab <- ylab %||% "Expression level"
    if (identical(theme_use, "theme_blank")) {
      theme_args[["xlab"]] <- xlab
      theme_args[["ylab"]] <- ylab
    if (fill.by == "feature") {
      colors <- palette_scp(stat.by, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
    if (fill.by == "group") {
      if (split.by != "All.groups") {
        colors <- palette_scp(levels(dat_use[[split.by]]), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
      } else {
        colors <- palette_scp(levels(dat_use[[g]]), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
    if (fill.by == "expression") {
      median_values <- aggregate(dat_use[, stat.by, drop = FALSE], by = list(dat_use[[g]], dat_use[[split.by]]), FUN = median)
      rownames(median_values) <- paste0(median_values[, 1], "-", median_values[, 2])
      colors <- palette_scp(unlist(median_values[, stat.by]), type = "continuous", palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
      colors_limits <- range(median_values[, stat.by])

    dat <- dat_use[dat_use[[g]] %in% single_group & dat_use[[split.by]] %in% sp, c(colnames(dat_group), f)]
    dat[[g]] <- factor(dat[[g]], levels = levels(dat[[g]])[levels(dat[[g]]) %in% dat[[g]]])
    if (!is.null(bg.by)) {
      bg <- bg.by
      bg_color <- palette_scp(levels(dat[[bg]]), palette = bg_palette, palcolor = bg_palcolor)
    } else {
      bg <- g
      bg_color <- palette_scp(levels(dat[[bg]]), palcolor = bg_palcolor %||% rep(c("transparent", "grey85"), nlevels(dat[[bg]])))
    dat[["bg.by"]] <- dat[[bg]]
    dat[["value"]] <- dat[[f]]
    dat[["group.by"]] <- dat[[g]]
    dat[["split.by"]] <- dat[[split.by]]
    if (split.by == g) {
      dat[["split.by"]] <- dat[["group.by"]]
    # stat <- table(dat[, "group.by"], dat[, "split.by"])
    # stat_drop <- which(stat == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
    # if (nrow(stat_drop) > 0) {
    #   for (j in 1:nrow(stat_drop)) {
    #     dat <- dat[!(dat[, "group.by"] == rownames(stat)[stat_drop[j, 1]] & dat[, "split.by"] == colnames(stat)[stat_drop[j, 2]]), , drop = FALSE]
    #     rownames(stat)[stat_drop[j, 1]]
    #   }
    # }

    dat[, "features"] <- rep(f, nrow(dat))
    if (nrow(dat) > 0 && ((is.character(x = sort) && nchar(x = sort) > 0) || sort)) {
      df_sort <- aggregate(dat[, "value", drop = FALSE], by = list(dat[["group.by"]]), median)
      if (is.character(sort) && sort == "increasing") {
        decreasing <- FALSE
      } else {
        decreasing <- TRUE
      sortlevel <- as.character(df_sort[order(df_sort[["value"]], decreasing = decreasing), 1])
      dat[, "group.by"] <- factor(dat[, "group.by"], levels = sortlevel)
    if (fill.by == "feature") {
      dat[, "fill.by"] <- rep(f, nrow(dat))
      keynm <- "Features"
    if (fill.by == "group") {
      dat[, "fill.by"] <- if (split.by == "All.groups") dat[, "group.by"] else dat[, "split.by"]
      keynm <- ifelse(split.by == "All.groups", g, split.by)
    if (fill.by == "expression") {
      dat[, "fill.by"] <- median_values[paste0(dat[["group.by"]], "-", dat[["split.by"]]), f]
      keynm <- "Median expression"
    if (split.by != "All.groups") {
      levels_order <- levels(dat[["split.by"]])
    } else {
      levels_order <- levels(dat[["group.by"]])
    if (fill.by == "feature") {
      levels_order <- unique(stat.by)

    group_comb <- expand.grid(x = levels(dat[["split.by"]]), y = levels(dat[["group.by"]]))
    dat[["group.unique"]] <- head(
      factor(paste("sp", dat[["split.by"]], "gp", dat[["group.by"]], sep = "-"),
        levels = paste("sp", group_comb[[1]], "gp", group_comb[[2]], sep = "-")
    dat <- dat[order(dat[["group.unique"]]), , drop = FALSE]

    values <- dat[, "value"][is.finite(x = dat[, "value"])]
    if (is.null(y.max)) {
      y_max_use <- max(values, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else if (is.character(y.max)) {
      q.max <- as.numeric(sub("(^q)(\\d+)", "\\2", y.max)) / 100
      y_max_use <- quantile(values, q.max, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
      y_max_use <- y.max
    if (is.null(y.min)) {
      y_min_use <- min(values, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else if (is.character(y.min)) {
      q.min <- as.numeric(sub("(^q)(\\d+)", "\\2", y.min)) / 100
      y_min_use <- quantile(values, q.min, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
      y_min_use <- y.min

    if (isTRUE(flip)) {
      dat[["group.by"]] <- factor(dat[["group.by"]], levels = rev(levels(dat[["group.by"]])))
      aspect.ratio <- 1 / aspect.ratio
      if (length(aspect.ratio) == 0 || is.na(aspect.ratio)) {
        aspect.ratio <- NULL

    if (plot_type == "col") {
      if (isTRUE(flip)) {
        dat[["cell"]] <- rev(seq_len(nrow(dat)))
      } else {
        dat[["cell"]] <- seq_len(nrow(dat))
      p <- ggplot(dat, aes(
        x = .data[["cell"]], y = .data[["value"]], fill = .data[["fill.by"]]
    } else {
      p <- ggplot(dat, aes(
        x = .data[["group.by"]], y = .data[["value"]], fill = .data[["fill.by"]]

    if (isFALSE(individual)) {
      if (plot_type == "col") {
        x_index <- split(dat[["cell"]], dat[["group.by"]])
        bg_data <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(x_index, range)))
        colnames(bg_data) <- c("xmin", "xmax")
        bg_data[["group.by"]] <- names(x_index)
        bg_data[["xmin"]] <- ifelse(bg_data[["xmin"]] == min(bg_data[["xmax"]]), -Inf, bg_data[["xmin"]] - 0.5)
        bg_data[["xmax"]] <- ifelse(bg_data[["xmax"]] == max(bg_data[["xmax"]]), Inf, bg_data[["xmax"]] + 0.5)
        bg_data[["ymin"]] <- -Inf
        bg_data[["ymax"]] <- Inf
        bg_data[["fill"]] <- bg_color[bg_map[[g]][as.character(bg_data[["group.by"]])]]
      } else {
        bg_data <- unique(dat[, "group.by", drop = FALSE])
        bg_data[["x"]] <- as.numeric(bg_data[["group.by"]])
        bg_data[["xmin"]] <- ifelse(bg_data[["x"]] == min(bg_data[["x"]]), -Inf, bg_data[["x"]] - 0.5)
        bg_data[["xmax"]] <- ifelse(bg_data[["x"]] == max(bg_data[["x"]]), Inf, bg_data[["x"]] + 0.5)
        bg_data[["ymin"]] <- -Inf
        bg_data[["ymax"]] <- Inf
        bg_data[["fill"]] <- bg_color[bg_map[[g]][as.character(bg_data[["group.by"]])]]
      bg_layer <- geom_rect(data = bg_data, xmin = bg_data[["xmin"]], xmax = bg_data[["xmax"]], ymin = bg_data[["ymin"]], ymax = bg_data[["ymax"]], fill = bg_data[["fill"]], alpha = bg_alpha, inherit.aes = FALSE)
      p <- p + bg_layer

    if (plot_type %in% c("bar", "col")) {
      p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 2)
    if (plot_type == "violin") {
      p <- p + geom_violin(scale = "width", trim = TRUE, alpha = alpha, position = position_dodge())
    if (plot_type == "box") {
      add_box <- FALSE
      p <- p + geom_boxplot(
        mapping = aes(group = .data[["group.unique"]]),
        position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = "black", width = 0.8, outlier.shape = NA
      ) +
          fun = median, geom = "point", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]]),
          position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = "black", fill = "white", size = 1.5, shape = 21,
    if (plot_type == "bar") {
      p <- p + stat_summary(
        fun = mean, geom = "col", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]]),
        position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), width = 0.8, color = "black"
      ) +
          fun.data = mean_sdl, fun.args = list(mult = 1), geom = "errorbar", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]]),
          position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), width = 0.2, color = "black"
      y_min_use <- layer_scales(p)$y$range$range[1]
    if (plot_type == "dot") {
      bins <- cut(dat$value, breaks = seq(min(dat$value), max(dat$value), length.out = 15), include.lowest = TRUE)
      bins_median <- sapply(strsplit(levels(bins), ","), function(x) median(as.numeric(gsub("\\(|\\)|\\[|\\]", "", x)), na.rm = TRUE))
      names(bins_median) <- levels(bins)
      dat[["bins"]] <- bins_median[bins]
      p <- p + geom_count(data = dat, aes(y = bins), shape = 21, alpha = alpha, position = position_dodge(width = 0.9)) +
        scale_size_area(name = "Count", max_size = 6, n.breaks = 4) +
        guides(size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "grey30", shape = 21), order = 2))
    if (plot_type == "col") {
      p <- p + geom_col()
      if (flip) {
        p <- p + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
      } else {
        p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
      if (isFALSE(individual) && isTRUE(nlevels(dat[["group.by"]]) > 1)) {
        x_index <- split(dat[["cell"]], dat[["group.by"]])
        border_data <- as.data.frame(sapply(x_index, min) - 0.5)
        colnames(border_data) <- "xintercept"
        border_data <- border_data[2:nrow(border_data), , drop = FALSE]
        border_layer <- geom_vline(xintercept = border_data[["xintercept"]], linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5)
        p <- p + border_layer

    if (length(comparisons) > 0) {
      if (isTRUE(comparisons)) {
        group_use <- names(which(rowSums(table(dat[["group.by"]], dat[["split.by"]]) >= 2) >= 2))
        if (any(rowSums(table(dat[["group.by"]], dat[["split.by"]]) >= 2) >= 3)) {
          message("Detected more than 2 groups. Use multiple_method for comparison")
          method <- multiple_method
        } else {
          method <- pairwise_method
        p <- p + ggpubr::stat_compare_means(
          data = dat[dat[["group.by"]] %in% group_use, , drop = FALSE],
          mapping = aes(x = .data[["group.by"]], y = .data[["value"]], group = .data[["group.unique"]]),
          label = sig_label,
          label.y = y_max_use,
          size = sig_labelsize,
          step.increase = 0.1,
          tip.length = 0.03,
          vjust = 1,
          method = method

        y_max_use <- layer_scales(p)$y$range$range[2]
      } else {
        p <- p + ggpubr::stat_compare_means(
          mapping = aes(x = .data[["group.by"]], y = .data[["value"]], group = .data[["group.unique"]]),
          label = sig_label,
          label.y = y_max_use,
          size = sig_labelsize,
          step.increase = 0.1,
          tip.length = 0.03,
          vjust = 0,
          comparisons = comparisons,
          ref.group = ref_group,
          method = pairwise_method
        y_max_use <- layer_scales(p)$y$range$range[1] + (layer_scales(p)$y$range$range[2] - layer_scales(p)$y$range$range[1]) * 1.15
    if (isTRUE(multiplegroup_comparisons)) {
      p <- p + ggpubr::stat_compare_means(
        aes(x = .data[["group.by"]], y = .data[["value"]], group = .data[["group.unique"]]),
        method = multiple_method,
        label = sig_label,
        label.y = y_max_use,
        size = sig_labelsize,
        vjust = 1.2,
        hjust = 0
      y_max_use <- layer_scales(p)$y$range$range[1] + (layer_scales(p)$y$range$range[2] - layer_scales(p)$y$range$range[1]) * 1.15

    if (isTRUE(add_point)) {
      suppressWarnings(p <- p + geom_point(
        aes(x = .data[["group.by"]], y = .data[["value"]], linetype = rep(f, nrow(dat)), group = .data[["group.unique"]]),
        inherit.aes = FALSE,
        color = pt.color, size = pt.size, alpha = pt.alpha,
        position = position_jitterdodge(jitter.width = jitter.width, jitter.height = jitter.height, dodge.width = 0.9, seed = 11), show.legend = FALSE
      if (!is.null(cells.highlight)) {
        cell_df <- subset(p$data, rownames(p$data) %in% cells.highlight)
        if (nrow(cell_df) > 0) {
          p <- p + geom_point(
            data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[["group.by"]], y = .data[["value"]], linetype = rep(f, nrow(cell_df)), group = .data[["group.unique"]]), inherit.aes = FALSE,
            color = cols.highlight, size = sizes.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight,
            position = position_jitterdodge(jitter.width = jitter.width, jitter.height = jitter.height, dodge.width = 0.9, seed = 11), show.legend = FALSE
    if (isTRUE(add_box)) {
      p <- p + geom_boxplot(aes(group = .data[["group.unique"]]),
        position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = box_color, fill = box_color, width = box_width, show.legend = FALSE, outlier.shape = NA
      ) +
          fun = median, geom = "point", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]]),
          position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = "black", fill = "white", size = box_ptsize, shape = 21,
    if (isTRUE(add_trend)) {
      if (plot_type %in% c("violin", "box")) {
        if (nlevels(dat[["split.by"]]) > 1) {
          point_layer <- stat_summary(
            fun = median, geom = "point", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]], color = .data[["group.by"]]),
            position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), fill = "white", size = trend_ptsize, shape = 21
          p_data <- p + point_layer
          p <- p + geom_line(
            data = layer_data(p_data, length(p_data$layers)),
            aes(x = x, y = y, group = colour),
            color = trend_color, linewidth = trend_linewidth, inherit.aes = FALSE
          ) +
              fun = median, geom = "point", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]]),
              position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = "black", fill = "white", size = trend_ptsize, shape = 21
        } else {
          p <- p + stat_summary(
            fun = median, geom = "line", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]]),
            position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = trend_color, linewidth = trend_linewidth
          ) +
              fun = median, geom = "point", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]]),
              position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = "black", fill = "white", size = trend_ptsize, shape = 21
      if (plot_type %in% c("bar")) {
        if (nlevels(dat[["split.by"]]) > 1) {
          point_layer <- stat_summary(
            fun = mean, geom = "point", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]], color = .data[["group.by"]]),
            position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), fill = "white", size = trend_ptsize, shape = 21
          p_data <- p + point_layer
          p <- p + geom_line(
            data = layer_data(p_data, length(p_data$layers)),
            aes(x = x, y = y, group = colour),
            color = trend_color, linewidth = trend_linewidth, inherit.aes = FALSE
          ) +
              fun = mean, geom = "point", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]]),
              position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = "black", fill = "white", size = trend_ptsize, shape = 21
        } else {
          p <- p + stat_summary(
            fun = mean, geom = "line", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]]),
            position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = trend_color, linewidth = trend_linewidth,
          ) +
              fun = mean, geom = "point", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]]),
              position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = "black", fill = "white", size = trend_ptsize, shape = 21
    if (add_stat != "none") {
      p <- p + stat_summary(
        fun = add_stat, geom = "point", mapping = aes(group = .data[["split.by"]], shape = stat_shape),
        position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), color = stat_color, fill = stat_color, size = stat_size, stroke = stat_stroke,
      ) + scale_shape_identity()
    if (!is.null(add_line)) {
      p <- p + geom_hline(
        yintercept = add_line,
        color = line_color, linetype = line_type, linewidth = line_size

    if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
      p <- p + facet_null()
    } else {
      if (isTRUE(stack) && !isTRUE(flip)) {
        p <- p + facet_grid(features ~ .) + theme(strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0))
      } else {
        p <- p + facet_grid(. ~ features)
    p <- p + labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, x = xlab, y = ylab)
    if (nrow(dat) != 0) {
      p <- p + scale_x_discrete(drop = !keep_empty)

    if (isTRUE(flip)) {
      if (isTRUE(stack)) {
        p <- p + do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
            aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1),
            strip.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),
            panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey", linetype = 2),
            legend.position = legend.position,
            legend.direction = legend.direction
          ) + coord_flip(ylim = c(y_min_use, y_max_use))
      } else {
        p <- p + do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
            aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
            axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
            strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
            panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey", linetype = 2),
            legend.position = legend.position,
            legend.direction = legend.direction
          ) + coord_flip(ylim = c(y_min_use, y_max_use))
    } else {
      p <- p + do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
          strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
          panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey", linetype = 2),
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction
        ) + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(y_min_use, y_max_use))

    if (isTRUE(stack)) {
      p <- p + scale_y_continuous(
        trans = y.trans, breaks = c(y_min_use, y_max_use), labels = c(round(y_min_use, 1), round(y_max_use, 1))
    } else {
      p <- p + scale_y_continuous(trans = y.trans, n.breaks = y.nbreaks)

    if (fill.by != "expression") {
      if (isTRUE(stack)) {
        p <- p + scale_fill_manual(name = paste0(keynm, ":"), values = colors, breaks = levels_order, limits = levels_order, drop = FALSE) +
          scale_color_manual(name = paste0(keynm, ":"), values = colors, breaks = levels_order, limits = levels_order, drop = FALSE)
      } else {
        p <- p + scale_fill_manual(name = paste0(keynm, ":"), values = colors, breaks = levels_order, drop = FALSE) +
          scale_color_manual(name = paste0(keynm, ":"), values = colors, breaks = levels_order, drop = FALSE)
      p <- p + guides(fill = guide_legend(
        title.hjust = 0,
        order = 1,
        override.aes = list(size = 4, color = "black", alpha = 1)
    } else {
      p <- p + scale_fill_gradientn(
        name = paste0(keynm, ":"), colours = colors, limits = colors_limits
      ) + guides(
        fill = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0, order = 1)
    # plist[[paste0(f, ":", g, ":", paste0(single_group, collapse = ","), ":", paste0(sp, collapse = ","))]] <- p


#' Statistical plot of cells
#' @inheritParams StatPlot
#' @param srt A Seurat object.
#' @param cells A character vector specifying the cells to include in the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @seealso \code{\link{StatPlot}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "SubCellType", label = TRUE)
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "SubCellType", label = TRUE) %>% panel_fix(height = 2, width = 3)
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "SubCellType", stat_type = "count", position = "dodge", label = TRUE)
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "SubCellType", bg.by = "CellType", palette = "Set1", stat_type = "count", position = "dodge")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", plot_type = "bar")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", plot_type = "rose")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", plot_type = "ring")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", plot_type = "pie")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", plot_type = "dot")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", plot_type = "bar")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", plot_type = "rose")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", plot_type = "ring")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", plot_type = "area")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", plot_type = "dot")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", plot_type = "trend")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", plot_type = "bar", individual = TRUE)
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", stat_type = "count", plot_type = "bar")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", stat_type = "count", plot_type = "rose")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", stat_type = "count", plot_type = "ring")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", stat_type = "count", plot_type = "area")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", stat_type = "count", plot_type = "dot")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", stat_type = "count", plot_type = "trend")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", stat_type = "count", plot_type = "bar", position = "dodge", label = TRUE)
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", stat_type = "count", plot_type = "rose", position = "dodge", label = TRUE)
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", stat_type = "count", plot_type = "ring", position = "dodge", label = TRUE)
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("CellType", "Phase"), plot_type = "sankey")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("CellType", "Phase"), plot_type = "chord")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   stat.by = c("CellType", "Phase"), plot_type = "venn",
#'   stat_level = list(CellType = c("Ductal", "Ngn3 low EP"), Phase = "S")
#' )
#' pancreas_sub$Progenitor <- pancreas_sub$CellType %in% c("Ngn3 low EP", "Ngn3 high EP")
#' pancreas_sub$G2M <- pancreas_sub$Phase == "G2M"
#' pancreas_sub$Sox9_Expressed <- pancreas_sub[["RNA"]]@counts["Sox9", ] > 0
#' pancreas_sub$Neurog3_Expressed <- pancreas_sub[["RNA"]]@counts["Neurog3", ] > 0
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("Progenitor", "G2M", "Sox9_Expressed", "Neurog3_Expressed"), plot_type = "venn", stat_level = "TRUE")
#' CellStatPlot(pancreas_sub, stat.by = c("Progenitor", "G2M", "Sox9_Expressed", "Neurog3_Expressed"), plot_type = "upset", stat_level = "TRUE")
#' sum(pancreas_sub$Progenitor == "FALSE" &
#'   pancreas_sub$G2M == "FALSE" &
#'   pancreas_sub$Sox9_Expressed == "TRUE" &
#'   pancreas_sub$Neurog3_Expressed == "FALSE")
#' @importFrom Seurat Cells
#' @export
CellStatPlot <- function(srt, stat.by, group.by = NULL, split.by = NULL, bg.by = NULL, cells = NULL, flip = FALSE,
                         NA_color = "grey", NA_stat = TRUE, keep_empty = FALSE, individual = FALSE, stat_level = NULL,
                         plot_type = c("bar", "rose", "ring", "pie", "trend", "area", "dot", "sankey", "chord", "venn", "upset"),
                         stat_type = c("percent", "count"), position = c("stack", "dodge"),
                         palette = "Paired", palcolor = NULL, alpha = 1,
                         bg_palette = "Paired", bg_palcolor = NULL, bg_alpha = 0.2,
                         label = FALSE, label.size = 3.5, label.fg = "black", label.bg = "white", label.bg.r = 0.1,
                         aspect.ratio = NULL, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                         legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                         theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                         combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE, force = FALSE, seed = 11) {
  cells <- cells %||% colnames(srt@assays[[1]])
  meta.data <- srt@meta.data[cells, , drop = FALSE]

  plot <- StatPlot(
    meta.data = meta.data, stat.by = stat.by, group.by = group.by, split.by = split.by, bg.by = bg.by, flip = flip,
    NA_color = NA_color, NA_stat = NA_stat, keep_empty = keep_empty, individual = individual, stat_level = stat_level,
    plot_type = plot_type, stat_type = stat_type, position = position,
    palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, alpha = alpha,
    bg_palette = bg_palette, bg_palcolor = bg_palcolor, bg_alpha = bg_alpha,
    label = label, label.size = label.size, label.fg = label.fg, label.bg = label.bg, label.bg.r = label.bg.r,
    aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio, title = title, subtitle = subtitle, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
    legend.position = legend.position, legend.direction = legend.direction,
    theme_use = theme_use, theme_args = theme_args,
    combine = combine, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow, force = force, seed = seed

#' StatPlot
#' Visualizes data using various plot types such as bar plots, rose plots, ring plots, pie charts, trend plots, area plots, dot plots, sankey plots, chord plots, venn diagrams, and upset plots.
#' @param meta.data The data frame containing the data to be plotted.
#' @param stat.by The column name(s) in \code{meta.data} specifying the variable(s) to be plotted.
#' @param group.by The column name in \code{meta.data} specifying the grouping variable.
#' @param split.by The column name in \code{meta.data} specifying the splitting variable.
#' @param bg.by The column name in \code{meta.data} specifying the background variable for bar plots.
#' @param flip Logical indicating whether to flip the plot.
#' @param NA_color The color to use for missing values.
#' @param NA_stat Logical indicating whether to include missing values in the plot.
#' @param keep_empty Logical indicating whether to keep empty groups in the plot.
#' @param individual Logical indicating whether to plot individual groups separately.
#' @param stat_level The level(s) of the variable(s) specified in \code{stat.by} to include in the plot.
#' @param plot_type The type of plot to create. Can be one of "bar", "rose", "ring", "pie", "trend", "area", "dot", "sankey", "chord", "venn", or "upset".
#' @param stat_type The type of statistic to compute for the plot. Can be one of "percent" or "count".
#' @param position The position adjustment for the plot. Can be one of "stack" or "dodge".
#' @param palette The name of the color palette to use for the plot.
#' @param palcolor The color to use in the color palette.
#' @param alpha The transparency level for the plot.
#' @param bg_palette The name of the background color palette to use for bar plots.
#' @param bg_palcolor The color to use in the background color palette.
#' @param bg_alpha The transparency level for the background color in bar plots.
#' @param label Logical indicating whether to add labels on the plot.
#' @param label.size The size of the labels.
#' @param label.fg The foreground color of the labels.
#' @param label.bg The background color of the labels.
#' @param label.bg.r The radius of the rounded corners of the label background.
#' @param aspect.ratio The aspect ratio of the plot.
#' @param title The main title of the plot.
#' @param subtitle The subtitle of the plot.
#' @param xlab The x-axis label of the plot.
#' @param ylab The y-axis label of the plot.
#' @param legend.position The position of the legend in the plot. Can be one of "right", "left", "bottom", "top", or "none".
#' @param legend.direction The direction of the legend in the plot. Can be one of "vertical" or "horizontal".
#' @param theme_use The name of the theme to use for the plot. Can be one of the predefined themes or a custom theme.
#' @param theme_args A list of arguments to be passed to the theme function.
#' @param combine Logical indicating whether to combine multiple plots into a single plot.
#' @param nrow The number of rows in the combined plot.
#' @param ncol The number of columns in the combined plot.
#' @param byrow Logical indicating whether to fill the plot by row or by column.
#' @param force Logical indicating whether to force the plot even if some variables have more than 100 levels.
#' @param seed The random seed to use for reproducible results.
#' @seealso \code{\link{CellStatPlot}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' head(pancreas_sub@meta.data)
#' StatPlot(pancreas_sub@meta.data, stat.by = "Phase", group.by = "CellType", plot_type = "bar", label = TRUE)
#' head(pancreas_sub[["RNA"]]@meta.features)
#' StatPlot(pancreas_sub[["RNA"]]@meta.features, stat.by = "highly_variable_genes", plot_type = "ring", label = TRUE)
#' pancreas_sub <- AnnotateFeatures(pancreas_sub, species = "Mus_musculus", IDtype = "symbol", db = "GeneType")
#' head(pancreas_sub[["RNA"]]@meta.features)
#' StatPlot(pancreas_sub[["RNA"]]@meta.features,
#'   stat.by = "highly_variable_genes", group.by = "GeneType",
#'   stat_type = "count", plot_type = "bar", position = "dodge", label = TRUE, NA_stat = FALSE
#' )
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by across all_of mutate "%>%" .data summarise
#' @importFrom stats quantile xtabs
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes labs position_identity position_stack position_dodge2 scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous geom_col geom_area geom_vline scale_fill_manual scale_fill_identity scale_color_identity scale_fill_gradientn guides guide_legend element_line coord_polar annotate geom_sf theme_void after_stat scale_size_area
#' @importFrom ggnewscale new_scale_color new_scale_fill
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom circlize chordDiagram circos.clear
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_rows gtable_add_cols gtable_add_grob
#' @importFrom grDevices png dev.control recordPlot dev.off
#' @export
StatPlot <- function(meta.data, stat.by, group.by = NULL, split.by = NULL, bg.by = NULL, flip = FALSE,
                     NA_color = "grey", NA_stat = TRUE, keep_empty = FALSE, individual = FALSE, stat_level = NULL,
                     plot_type = c("bar", "rose", "ring", "pie", "trend", "area", "dot", "sankey", "chord", "venn", "upset"),
                     stat_type = c("percent", "count"), position = c("stack", "dodge"),
                     palette = "Paired", palcolor = NULL, alpha = 1,
                     bg_palette = "Paired", bg_palcolor = NULL, bg_alpha = 0.2,
                     label = FALSE, label.size = 3.5, label.fg = "black", label.bg = "white", label.bg.r = 0.1,
                     aspect.ratio = NULL, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                     legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                     theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                     combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE, force = FALSE, seed = 11) {

  stat_type <- match.arg(stat_type)
  plot_type <- match.arg(plot_type)
  position <- match.arg(position)

  if (nrow(meta.data) == 0) {
    stop("meta.data is empty.")
  if (is.null(group.by)) {
    group.by <- "All.groups"
    xlab <- ""
    meta.data[[group.by]] <- factor("")
  if (is.null(split.by)) {
    split.by <- "All.groups"
    meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor("")

  for (i in unique(c(group.by, split.by, bg.by))) {
    if (!i %in% colnames(meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(i, " is not in the meta.data."))
    if (!is.factor(meta.data[[i]])) {
      meta.data[[i]] <- factor(meta.data[[i]], levels = unique(meta.data[[i]]))
  bg_map <- NULL
  if (!is.null(bg.by)) {
    for (g in group.by) {
      df_table <- table(meta.data[[g]], meta.data[[bg.by]])
      if (max(rowSums(df_table > 0), na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
        stop("'group.by' must be a part of 'bg.by'")
      } else {
        bg_map[[g]] <- setNames(colnames(df_table)[apply(df_table, 1, function(x) which(x > 0))], rownames(df_table))
  } else {
    for (g in group.by) {
      bg_map[[g]] <- setNames(levels(meta.data[[g]]), levels(meta.data[[g]]))
  for (i in unique(stat.by)) {
    if (!i %in% colnames(meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(i, " is not in the meta.data."))
    if (plot_type %in% c("venn", "upset")) {
      if (!is.factor(meta.data[[i]]) && !is.logical(meta.data[[i]])) {
        meta.data[[i]] <- factor(meta.data[[i]], levels = unique(meta.data[[i]]))
    } else if (!is.factor(meta.data[[i]])) {
      meta.data[[i]] <- factor(meta.data[[i]], levels = unique(meta.data[[i]]))

  if (length(stat.by) >= 2) {
    if (!plot_type %in% c("sankey", "chord", "venn", "upset")) {
      stop("plot_type must be one of 'sankey', 'chord', 'venn' and 'upset' whtn multiple 'stat.by' provided.")
    if (length(stat.by) > 2 && plot_type == "chord") {
      stop("'stat.by' can only be a vector of length 2 when 'plot_type' is 'chord'.")
    if (length(stat.by) > 7 && plot_type == "venn") {
      stop("'stat.by' can only be a vector of length <= 7 when 'plot_type' is 'venn'.")
  levels <- unique(unlist(lapply(meta.data[, stat.by, drop = FALSE], function(x) {
    if (is.factor(x)) {
    if (is.logical(x)) {

  if (plot_type %in% c("venn", "upset")) {
    if (is.null(stat_level)) {
      stat_level <- lapply(stat.by, function(stat) {
        levels(meta.data[[stat]])[1] %||% sort(unique(meta.data[[stat]]))[1]
      message("stat_level is set to ", paste0(stat_level, collapse = ","))
    } else {
      if (length(stat_level) == 1) {
        stat_level <- rep(stat_level, length(stat.by))
      if (length(stat_level) != length(stat.by)) {
        stop("'stat_level' must be of length 1 or the same length as 'stat.by'")
    if (is.null(names(stat_level))) {
      names(stat_level) <- stat.by
    for (i in stat.by) {
      meta.data[[i]] <- meta.data[[i]] %in% stat_level[[i]]

  if (plot_type %in% c("rose", "ring", "pie")) {
    aspect.ratio <- 1

  if (any(group.by != "All.groups") && plot_type %in% c("sankey", "chord", "venn", "upset")) {
    warning("group.by is not used when plot sankey, chord, venn or upset", immediate. = TRUE)
  if (stat_type == "percent" && plot_type %in% c("sankey", "chord", "venn", "upset")) {
    warning("stat_type is forcibly set to 'count' when plot sankey, chord, venn or upset", immediate. = TRUE)
    stat_type <- "count"
  dat_all <- meta.data[, unique(c(stat.by, group.by, split.by, bg.by)), drop = FALSE]
  nlev <- sapply(dat_all, nlevels)
  nlev <- nlev[nlev > 100]
  if (length(nlev) > 0 && !isTRUE(force)) {
    warning(paste(names(nlev), sep = ","), " have more than 100 levels.", immediate. = TRUE)
    answer <- askYesNo("Are you sure to continue?", default = FALSE)
    if (!isTRUE(answer)) {
  dat_split <- split.data.frame(dat_all, dat_all[[split.by]])

  plist <- list()
  if (plot_type %in% c("bar", "rose", "ring", "pie", "trend", "area", "dot")) {
    xlab <- xlab %||% group.by
    ylab <- ylab %||% ifelse(stat_type == "count", "Count", "Percentage")
    if (identical(theme_use, "theme_blank")) {
      theme_args[["xlab"]] <- xlab
      theme_args[["ylab"]] <- ylab
      if (plot_type %in% c("rose", "ring", "pie")) {
        theme_args[["add_coord"]] <- FALSE
    colors <- palette_scp(dat_all[[stat.by]], palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, NA_color = NA_color, NA_keep = TRUE)

    comb_list <- list()
    comb <- expand.grid(stat_name = stat.by, group_name = group.by, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (isTRUE(individual)) {
      for (g in group.by) {
        comb_list[[g]] <- merge(comb, expand.grid(
          group_name = g, group_element = levels(dat_all[[g]]),
          split_name = levels(dat_all[[split.by]]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        by = "group_name"
    } else {
      for (g in group.by) {
        comb_list[[g]] <- merge(comb, expand.grid(
          group_name = g, group_element = list(levels(dat_all[[g]])),
          split_name = levels(dat_all[[split.by]]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        by = "group_name"
    comb <- do.call(rbind, comb_list)
    rownames(comb) <- paste0(
      comb[["group_name"]], ":",
      sapply(comb[["group_element"]], function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ",")), ":",

    plist <- lapply(setNames(rownames(comb), rownames(comb)), function(i) {
      stat.by <- comb[i, "stat_name"]
      sp <- comb[i, "split_name"]
      g <- comb[i, "group_name"]
      single_group <- comb[[i, "group_element"]]
      colors_use <- colors[names(colors) %in% dat_split[[ifelse(split.by == "All.groups", 1, sp)]][[stat.by]]]
      if (any(is.na(dat_split[[ifelse(split.by == "All.groups", 1, sp)]][[stat.by]])) && isTRUE(NA_stat)) {
        colors_use <- c(colors_use, colors["NA"])
      if (stat_type == "percent") {
        dat_use <- dat_split[[ifelse(split.by == "All.groups", 1, sp)]] %>%
          xtabs(formula = paste0("~", stat.by, "+", g), addNA = NA_stat) %>%
          as.data.frame() %>%
          group_by(across(all_of(g)), .drop = FALSE) %>%
          mutate(groupn = sum(Freq)) %>%
          group_by(across(all_of(c(stat.by, g))), .drop = FALSE) %>%
          mutate(value = Freq / groupn) %>%
      } else {
        dat_use <- dat_split[[ifelse(split.by == "All.groups", 1, sp)]] %>%
          xtabs(formula = paste0("~", stat.by, "+", g), addNA = NA_stat) %>%
          as.data.frame() %>%
          mutate(value = Freq)
      dat <- dat_use[dat_use[[g]] %in% single_group, , drop = FALSE]
      dat[[g]] <- factor(dat[[g]], levels = levels(dat[[g]])[levels(dat[[g]]) %in% dat[[g]]])
      dat <- dat[!is.na(dat[["value"]]), , drop = FALSE]
      if (!is.null(bg.by)) {
        bg <- bg.by
        bg_color <- palette_scp(levels(dat_all[[bg]]), palette = bg_palette, palcolor = bg_palcolor)
      } else {
        bg <- g
        bg_color <- palette_scp(levels(dat_all[[bg]]), palcolor = bg_palcolor %||% rep(c("transparent", "grey85"), nlevels(dat_all[[bg]])))

      if (isTRUE(flip)) {
        dat[[g]] <- factor(dat[[g]], levels = rev(levels(dat[[g]])))
        aspect.ratio <- 1 / aspect.ratio
        if (length(aspect.ratio) == 0 || is.na(aspect.ratio)) {
          aspect.ratio <- NULL
      if (plot_type == "ring") {
        dat[[g]] <- factor(dat[[g]], levels = c("   ", levels(dat[[g]])))
        dat <- rbind(dat, dat[nrow(dat) + 1, , drop = FALSE])
        dat[nrow(dat), g] <- "   "
      if (plot_type == "dot") {
        position_use <- position_identity()
        scalex <- scale_x_discrete(drop = !keep_empty)
      } else {
        if (position == "stack") {
          position_use <- position_stack(vjust = 0.5)
          scalex <- scale_x_discrete(drop = !keep_empty, expand = c(0, 0))
          scaley <- scale_y_continuous(
            labels = if (stat_type == "count") scales::number else scales::percent,
            expand = c(0, 0)
        } else if (position == "dodge") {
          if (plot_type == "area") {
            position_use <- position_dodge2(width = 0.9, preserve = "total")
          } else {
            position_use <- position_dodge2(width = 0.9, preserve = "single")
          scalex <- scale_x_discrete(drop = !keep_empty)
          scaley <- scale_y_continuous(
            limits = c(0, max(dat[["value"]], na.rm = TRUE) * 1.1),
            labels = if (stat_type == "count") scales::number else scales::percent,
            expand = c(0, 0)
      if (position == "stack") {
        bg_layer <- NULL
      } else {
        bg_data <- na.omit(unique(dat[, g, drop = FALSE]))
        bg_data[["x"]] <- as.numeric(bg_data[[g]])
        bg_data[["xmin"]] <- ifelse(bg_data[["x"]] == min(bg_data[["x"]]), -Inf, bg_data[["x"]] - 0.5)
        bg_data[["xmax"]] <- ifelse(bg_data[["x"]] == max(bg_data[["x"]]), Inf, bg_data[["x"]] + 0.5)
        bg_data[["ymin"]] <- -Inf
        bg_data[["ymax"]] <- Inf
        bg_data[["fill"]] <- bg_color[bg_map[[g]][as.character(bg_data[[g]])]]
        bg_layer <- geom_rect(data = bg_data, xmin = bg_data[["xmin"]], xmax = bg_data[["xmax"]], ymin = bg_data[["ymin"]], ymax = bg_data[["ymax"]], fill = bg_data[["fill"]], alpha = bg_alpha, inherit.aes = FALSE)

      if (plot_type == "bar") {
        p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = .data[[g]], y = value, group = .data[[stat.by]])) +
          bg_layer +
          geom_col(aes(fill = .data[[stat.by]]),
            width = 0.8,
            color = "black",
            alpha = alpha,
            position = position_use
          ) +
          scalex +
      if (plot_type == "trend") {
        dat_area <- dat[rep(seq_len(nrow(dat)), each = 2), , drop = FALSE]
        dat_area[[g]] <- as.numeric(dat_area[[g]])
        dat_area[seq(1, nrow(dat_area), 2), g] <- dat_area[seq(1, nrow(dat_area), 2), g] - 0.3
        dat_area[seq(2, nrow(dat_area), 2), g] <- dat_area[seq(2, nrow(dat_area), 2), g] + 0.3
        p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = .data[[g]], y = value, fill = .data[[stat.by]])) +
          bg_layer +
            data = dat_area, mapping = aes(x = .data[[g]], fill = .data[[stat.by]]),
            alpha = alpha / 2, color = "grey50", position = position_use
          ) +
          geom_col(aes(fill = .data[[stat.by]]),
            width = 0.6,
            color = "black",
            alpha = alpha,
            position = position_use
          ) +
          scalex +
      if (plot_type == "rose") {
        p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = .data[[g]], y = value, group = .data[[stat.by]])) +
          bg_layer +
          geom_col(aes(fill = .data[[stat.by]]),
            width = 0.8,
            color = "black",
            alpha = alpha,
            position = position_use
          ) +
          scalex +
          scaley +
          coord_polar(theta = "x", start = ifelse(flip, pi / 2, 0))
      if (plot_type == "ring" || plot_type == "pie") {
        p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = .data[[g]], y = value, group = .data[[stat.by]])) +
          bg_layer +
          geom_col(aes(fill = .data[[stat.by]]),
            width = 0.8,
            color = "black",
            alpha = alpha,
            position = position_use
          ) +
          scalex +
          scaley +
          coord_polar(theta = "y", start = ifelse(flip, pi / 2, 0))
      if (plot_type == "area") {
        p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = .data[[g]], y = value, group = .data[[stat.by]])) +
          bg_layer +
          geom_area(aes(fill = .data[[stat.by]]),
            color = "black",
            alpha = alpha,
            position = position_use
          ) +
          scalex +
      if (plot_type == "dot") {
        p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = .data[[g]], y = .data[[stat.by]])) +
          bg_layer +
          geom_point(aes(fill = .data[[stat.by]], size = value),
            color = "black",
            alpha = alpha,
            shape = 21,
            position = position_use
          ) +
          scalex +
          scale_size_area(name = capitalize(stat_type), max_size = 12) +
          guides(size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "grey30")))
      if (isTRUE(label)) {
        if (plot_type == "dot") {
          p <- p + geom_text_repel(
              x = .data[[g]], y = .data[[stat.by]],
              label = if (stat_type == "count") value else paste0(round(value * 100, 1), "%"),
            colour = label.fg, size = label.size,
            bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r,
            point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, min.segment.length = 0, force = 0,
            position = position_use
        } else {
          p <- p + geom_text_repel(
              label = if (stat_type == "count") value else paste0(round(value * 100, 1), "%"),
              y = value
            colour = label.fg, size = label.size,
            bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r,
            point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, min.segment.length = 0, force = 0,
            position = position_use
      if (plot_type %in% c("rose")) {
        # angle <- 360 / (2 * pi) * rev(seq(pi / nlevels(dat[[g]]), 2 * pi - pi / nlevels(dat[[g]]), len = nlevels(dat[[g]])))
        # axis.text.x <- element_text(angle = angle)
        axis.text.x <- element_text()
      } else if (plot_type %in% c("ring", "pie")) {
        axis.text.x <- element_text()
      } else {
        axis.text.x <- element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1)
      title <- title %||% sp
      p <- p + labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, x = xlab, y = ylab) +
          name = paste0(stat.by, ":"), values = colors_use, na.value = colors_use["NA"], drop = FALSE,
          limits = names(colors_use), na.translate = T
        ) +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          axis.text.x = axis.text.x,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction,
          panel.grid.major = if (plot_type == "trend" & stat_type == "percent") element_blank() else element_line(colour = "grey80", linetype = 2)
        ) + guides(fill = guide_legend(
          title.hjust = 0,
          order = 1,
          override.aes = list(size = 4, color = "black", alpha = 1)
      if (isTRUE(flip) && !plot_type %in% c("pie", "rose")) {
        p <- p + coord_flip()
  } else if (plot_type %in% c("chord", "sankey", "venn", "upset")) {
    colors <- palette_scp(stat.by, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
    if (plot_type == "chord" && isTRUE(combine)) {
      temp <- tempfile(fileext = "png")
      nlev <- nlevels(dat_all[[split.by]])
      if (is.null(nrow) && is.null(ncol)) {
        nrow <- ceiling(sqrt(nlev))
        ncol <- ceiling(nlev / nrow)
      if (is.null(nrow)) {
        nrow <- ceiling(sqrt(ncol))
      if (is.null(ncol)) {
        ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(nrow))
      par(mfrow = c(nrow, ncol))
    for (sp in levels(dat_all[[split.by]])) {
      dat_use <- dat_split[[ifelse(split.by == "All.groups", 1, sp)]]
      if (plot_type == "venn") {
        check_R(c("ggVennDiagram", "sf"))
        dat_list <- as.list(dat_use[, stat.by])
        dat_list <- lapply(setNames(names(dat_list), names(dat_list)), function(x) {
          lg <- dat_list[[x]]
          names(lg) <- rownames(dat_use)
          cellkeep <- names(lg)[lg]
        venn <- ggVennDiagram::Venn(dat_list)
        data <- ggVennDiagram::process_data(venn)
        dat_venn_region <- ggVennDiagram::venn_region(data)
        idname <- dat_venn_region[["name"]][dat_venn_region[["name"]] %in% stat.by]
        names(idname) <- dat_venn_region[["id"]][dat_venn_region[["name"]] %in% stat.by]
        idcomb <- strsplit(dat_venn_region[["id"]], split = "")
        colorcomb <- lapply(idcomb, function(x) colors[idname[as.character(x)]])
        dat_venn_region[["colors"]] <- sapply(colorcomb, function(x) blendcolors(x, mode = "blend"))
        dat_venn_region[["label"]] <- paste0(
          dat_venn_region[["count"]], "\n",
          round(dat_venn_region[["count"]] / sum(dat_venn_region[["count"]]) * 100, 1), "%"
        dat_venn_setedge <- ggVennDiagram::venn_setedge(data)
        dat_venn_setedge[["colors"]] <- colors[dat_venn_setedge[["name"]]]
        dat_venn_setlabel <- ggVennDiagram::venn_setlabel(data)
        dat_title <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, dat_venn_setlabel$geometry))
        colnames(dat_title) <- c("x", "y")
        dat_title[["label"]] <- paste0(
          dat_venn_setlabel[["name"]], "\n",
          "(", sapply(dat_list, length)[dat_venn_setlabel[["name"]]], ")"
        dat_stat <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(dat_venn_region$geometry, function(x) sf::st_centroid(x))))
        colnames(dat_stat) <- c("x", "y")
        dat_stat[["label"]] <- dat_venn_region[["label"]]
        p <- ggplot() +
          geom_sf(data = dat_venn_region, aes(fill = colors), alpha = alpha) +
          geom_sf(data = dat_venn_setedge, aes(color = colors), size = 1) +
            data = dat_title, aes(label = label, x = x, y = y),
            fontface = "bold",
            colour = label.fg, size = label.size + 0.5,
            bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r,
            point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, force = 0,
            min.segment.length = 0, segment.colour = "black"
          ) +
            data = dat_stat, aes(label = label, x = x, y = y),
            colour = label.fg, size = label.size,
            bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r,
            point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, force = 0,
            min.segment.length = 0, segment.colour = "black"
          ) +
          scale_fill_identity() +
          scale_color_identity() +
            plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
            plot.background = element_blank(),
            panel.background = element_blank(),
            axis.title.y = element_blank(),
            axis.text = element_blank(),
            axis.ticks = element_blank()
        p <- p + labs(x = sp, title = title, subtitle = subtitle)
      if (plot_type == "upset") {
        for (n in seq_len(nrow(dat_use))) {
          dat_use[["intersection"]][n] <- list(stat.by[unlist(dat_use[n, stat.by])])
        dat_use <- dat_use[sapply(dat_use[["intersection"]], length) > 0, , drop = FALSE]
        p <- ggplot(dat_use, aes(x = intersection)) +
          geom_bar(aes(fill = after_stat(count)), color = "black", width = 0.5, show.legend = FALSE) +
          geom_text_repel(aes(label = after_stat(count)),
            stat = "count",
            colour = label.fg, size = label.size,
            bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r,
            point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, force = 0,
            min.segment.length = 0, segment.colour = "black"
          ) +
          labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, x = sp, y = "Intersection size") +
          ggupset::scale_x_upset(sets = stat.by, n_intersections = 20) +
          scale_fill_gradientn(colors = palette_scp(palette = "material-indigo")) +
            aspect.ratio = 0.6,
            panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80", linetype = 2)
          ) +
            combmatrix.label.text = element_text(size = 12, color = "black"),
            combmatrix.label.extra_spacing = 6
        p <- p + labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle)
      if (plot_type == "sankey") {
        colors <- palette_scp(c(unique(unlist(lapply(dat_all[, stat.by, drop = FALSE], levels))), NA), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, NA_keep = TRUE, NA_color = NA_color)
        legend_list <- list()
        for (l in stat.by) {
          df <- data.frame(factor(levels(dat_use[[l]]), levels = levels(dat_use[[l]])))
          colnames(df) <- l
          legend_list[[l]] <- get_legend(ggplot(data = df) +
            geom_col(aes(x = 1, y = 1, fill = .data[[l]]), color = "black") +
            scale_fill_manual(values = colors[levels(dat_use[[l]])]) +
            guides(fill = guide_legend(
              title.hjust = 0,
              title.vjust = 0,
              order = 1,
              override.aes = list(size = 4, color = "black", alpha = 1)
            )) +
              legend.position = "bottom",
              legend.direction = legend.direction
          if (any(is.na(dat_use[[l]]))) {
            raw_levels <- levels(dat_use[[l]])
            dat_use[[l]] <- as.character(dat_use[[l]])
            dat_use[[l]][is.na(dat_use[[l]])] <- "NA"
            dat_use[[l]] <- factor(dat_use[[l]], levels = c(raw_levels, "NA"))
        if (legend.direction == "vertical") {
          legend <- do.call(cbind, legend_list)
        } else {
          legend <- do.call(rbind, legend_list)
        dat <- suppressWarnings(make_long(dat_use, all_of(stat.by)))
        dat$node <- factor(dat$node, levels = rev(names(colors)))
        p0 <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = x, next_x = next_x, node = node, next_node = next_node, fill = node)) +
          geom_sankey(color = "black", flow.alpha = alpha, show.legend = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE) +
          scale_fill_manual(values = colors, drop = FALSE) +
          scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0.2)) +
          theme_void() +
          theme(axis.text.x = element_text())
        gtable <- as_grob(p0)
        gtable <- add_grob(gtable, legend, legend.position)
        p <- wrap_plots(gtable)
      if (plot_type == "chord") {
        colors <- palette_scp(c(unique(unlist(lapply(dat_all[, stat.by, drop = FALSE], levels))), NA), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, NA_keep = TRUE, NA_color = NA_color)
        M <- table(dat_use[[stat.by[1]]], dat_use[[stat.by[2]]], useNA = "ifany")
        m <- matrix(M, ncol = ncol(M), dimnames = dimnames(M))
        colnames(m)[is.na(colnames(m))] <- "NA"
          grid.col = colors,
          transparency = 0.2,
          link.lwd = 1,
          link.lty = 1,
          link.border = 1
        p <- recordPlot()

        # library(grid)
        # library(gridBase)
        # plot.new()
        # pushViewport(
        #   viewport(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = unit(1, "snpc"), height = unit(1, "snpc"), just = c("left", "center"))
        # )
        # par(omi = gridOMI(), new = TRUE)
        # chord()

      plist[[sp]] <- p
  if (isTRUE(combine) && plot_type == "chord") {
    plot <- recordPlot()
  if (isTRUE(combine) && plot_type != "chord") {
    if (length(plist) > 1) {
      plot <- wrap_plots(plotlist = plist, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow)
    } else {
      plot <- plist[[1]]
  } else {

#' Features correlation plot
#' This function creates a correlation plot to visualize the pairwise correlations between selected features in a Seurat object.
#' @param srt A Seurat object.
#' @param features A character vector specifying the features to compare. Should be present in both the assay data and the metadata of the Seurat object.
#' @param group.by A character string specifying the column in the metadata to group cells by.
#' @param split.by A character string specifying the column in the metadata to split the plot by.
#' @param cells A character vector specifying the cells to include in the plot. If NULL (default), all cells will be included.
#' @param slot A character string specifying the slot in the Seurat object to use. Defaults to "data".
#' @param assay A character string specifying the assay to use. Defaults to the default assay in the Seurat object.
#' @param cor_method A character string specifying the correlation method to use. Can be "pearson" (default) or "spearman".
#' @param adjust A numeric value specifying the adjustment factor for the width of the violin plots. Defaults to 1.
#' @param margin A numeric value specifying the margin size for the plot. Defaults to 1.
#' @param reverse A logical value indicating whether to reverse the order of the features in the plot. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param add_equation A logical value indicating whether to add the equation of the linear regression line to each scatter plot. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param add_r2 A logical value indicating whether to add the R-squared value of the linear regression line to each scatter plot. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param add_pvalue A logical value indicating whether to add the p-value of the linear regression line to each scatter plot. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param add_smooth A logical value indicating whether to add a smoothed line to each scatter plot. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param palette A character string specifying the name of the color palette to use for the groups. Defaults to "Paired".
#' @param palcolor A character string specifying the color for the groups. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param cor_palette A character string specifying the name of the color palette to use for the correlation. Defaults to "RuBu".
#' @param cor_palcolor A character string specifying the color for the correlation. Defaults to "RuBu".
#' @param cor_range A two-length numeric vector specifying the range for the correlation.
#' @param pt.size A numeric value specifying the size of the points in the scatter plots. If NULL (default), the size will be automatically determined based on the number of cells.
#' @param pt.alpha A numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the transparency of the points in the scatter plots. Defaults to 1.
#' @param cells.highlight A logical value or a character vector specifying the cells to highlight in the scatter plots. If TRUE, all cells will be highlighted. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param cols.highlight A character string specifying the color for the highlighted cells. Defaults to "black".
#' @param sizes.highlight A numeric value specifying the size of the highlighted cells in the scatter plots. Defaults to 1.
#' @param alpha.highlight A numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the transparency of the highlighted cells in the scatter plots. Defaults to 1.
#' @param stroke.highlight A numeric value specifying the stroke size of the highlighted cells in the scatter plots. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param calculate_coexp A logical value indicating whether to calculate the co-expression of selected features. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param raster A logical value indicating whether to use raster graphics for scatter plots. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param raster.dpi A numeric vector specifying the dpi (dots per inch) resolution for raster graphics in the scatter plots. Defaults to c(512, 512).
#' @param aspect.ratio A numeric value specifying the aspect ratio of the scatter plots. Defaults to 1.
#' @param title A character string specifying the title for the correlation plot. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param subtitle A character string specifying the subtitle for the correlation plot. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param legend.position A character string specifying the position of the legend. Can be "right" (default), "left", "top", or "bottom".
#' @param legend.direction A character string specifying the direction of the legend. Can be "vertical" (default) or "horizontal".
#' @param theme_use A character string specifying the name of the theme to use for the plot. Defaults to "theme_scp".
#' @param theme_args A list of arguments to pass to the theme function. Defaults to an empty list.
#' @param combine A logical value indicating whether to combine the plots into a single plot. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param nrow A numeric value specifying the number of rows in the combined plot. If NULL (default), the number of rows will be automatically determined.
#' @param ncol A numeric value specifying the number of columns in the combined plot. If NULL (default), the number of columns will be automatically determined.
#' @param byrow A logical value indicating whether to fill the combined plot byrow (top to bottom, left to right). Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param force A logical value indicating whether to force the creation of the plot, even if it contains more than 50 subplots. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param seed A numeric value specifying the random seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 11.
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- Seurat::NormalizeData(pancreas_sub)
#' FeatureCorPlot(pancreas_sub, features = c("Neurog3", "Hes6", "Fev", "Neurod1", "Rbp4", "Pyy"), group.by = "SubCellType")
#' FeatureCorPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA", "nFeature_spliced", "nCount_spliced", "nFeature_unspliced", "nCount_unspliced"),
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", cor_palette = "Greys", cor_range = c(0, 1)
#' )
#' FeatureCorPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA"),
#'   group.by = "SubCellType", add_equation = TRUE
#' )
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions Embeddings Key
#' @importFrom SeuratObject as.sparse
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by "%>%" .data
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point geom_smooth geom_density_2d stat_density_2d labs scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous facet_grid scale_color_gradientn scale_fill_gradientn scale_colour_gradient scale_fill_gradient guide_colorbar scale_color_identity scale_fill_identity guide_colorbar geom_hex stat_summary_hex
#' @importFrom ggnewscale new_scale_color new_scale_fill
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel GeomTextRepel
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_cols
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @export
FeatureCorPlot <- function(srt, features, group.by = NULL, split.by = NULL, cells = NULL, slot = "data", assay = NULL,
                           cor_method = "pearson", adjust = 1, margin = 1, reverse = FALSE,
                           add_equation = FALSE, add_r2 = TRUE, add_pvalue = TRUE, add_smooth = TRUE,
                           palette = "Paired", palcolor = NULL, cor_palette = "RdBu", cor_palcolor = NULL, cor_range = c(-1, 1),
                           pt.size = NULL, pt.alpha = 1,
                           cells.highlight = NULL, cols.highlight = "black", sizes.highlight = 1, alpha.highlight = 1, stroke.highlight = 0.5,
                           calculate_coexp = FALSE,
                           raster = NULL, raster.dpi = c(512, 512),
                           aspect.ratio = 1, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL,
                           legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                           theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                           combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE, force = FALSE, seed = 11) {

  if (is.null(features)) {
    stop("'features' must be provided.")
  if (!inherits(features, "character")) {
    stop("'features' is not a character vectors")
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt)
  if (is.null(split.by)) {
    split.by <- "All.groups"
    srt@meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor("")
  if (is.null(group.by)) {
    group.by <- "All.groups"
    srt@meta.data[[group.by]] <- factor("")
  for (i in c(split.by, group.by)) {
    if (!i %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(i, " is not in the meta.data of srt object."))
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[i]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[i]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[i]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[i]]))
  if (!is.null(cells.highlight) & !isTRUE(cells.highlight)) {
    if (!any(cells.highlight %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
      stop("No cells in 'cells.highlight' found in srt.")
    if (!all(cells.highlight %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
      warning("Some cells in 'cells.highlight' not found in srt.", immediate. = TRUE)
    cells.highlight <- intersect(cells.highlight, colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))
  if (isTRUE(cells.highlight)) {
    cells.highlight <- colnames(srt@assays[[1]])

  features_drop <- features[!features %in% c(rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]), colnames(srt@meta.data))]
  if (length(features_drop) > 0) {
    warning(paste0(features_drop, collapse = ","), " are not in the features of srt.", immediate. = TRUE)
    features <- features[!features %in% features_drop]

  features_gene <- features[features %in% rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])]
  features_meta <- features[features %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)]
  if (length(intersect(features_gene, features_meta)) > 0) {
    warning("Features appear in both gene names and metadata names: ", paste0(intersect(features_gene, features_meta), collapse = ","))

  if (isTRUE(calculate_coexp) && length(features_gene) > 0) {
    if (length(features_meta) > 0) {
      warning(paste(features_meta, collapse = ","), "is not used when calculating co-expression", immediate. = TRUE)
    if (status %in% c("raw_counts", "raw_normalized_counts")) {
      srt@meta.data[["CoExp"]] <- apply(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[features_gene, , drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) exp(mean(log(x))))
    } else if (status == "log_normalized_counts") {
      srt@meta.data[["CoExp"]] <- apply(expm1(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[features_gene, , drop = FALSE]), 2, function(x) log1p(exp(mean(log(x)))))
    } else {
      stop("Can not determine the data type.")
    features <- c(features, "CoExp")
    features_meta <- c(features_meta, "CoExp")
  if (length(features_gene) > 0) {
    dat_gene <- t(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[features_gene, , drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    dat_gene <- matrix(nrow = ncol(srt@assays[[1]]), ncol = 0)
  if (length(features_meta) > 0) {
    dat_meta <- as_matrix(srt@meta.data[, features_meta, drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    dat_meta <- matrix(nrow = ncol(srt@assays[[1]]), ncol = 0)
  dat_exp <- cbind(dat_gene, dat_meta)
  features <- unique(features[features %in% c(features_gene, features_meta)])
  if (length(features) < 2) {
    stop("features must be a vector of length at least 2.")

  if (!is.numeric(dat_exp) && !inherits(dat_exp, "Matrix")) {
    stop("'features' must be type of numeric variable.")
  if (!inherits(dat_exp, "dgCMatrix")) {
    dat_exp <- as.sparse(as_matrix(dat_exp))
  if (length(features) > 10 && !isTRUE(force)) {
    warning("More than 10 features to be paired compared which will generate more than 50 plots.", immediate. = TRUE)
    answer <- askYesNo("Are you sure to continue?", default = FALSE)
    if (!isTRUE(answer)) {
  dat_use <- srt@meta.data[, unique(c(split.by, group.by)), drop = FALSE]
  dat_use <- cbind(dat_use, dat_exp[row.names(dat_use), , drop = FALSE])
  if (!is.null(cells)) {
    dat_use <- dat_use[intersect(rownames(dat_use), cells), , drop = FALSE]

  if (is.null(pt.size)) {
    pt.size <- min(3000 / nrow(dat_use), 0.5)
  raster <- raster %||% (nrow(dat_use) * ncol(combn(features, m = 2)) > 1e5)
  if (isTRUE(raster)) {
  if (!is.null(x = raster.dpi)) {
    if (!is.numeric(x = raster.dpi) || length(x = raster.dpi) != 2) {
      stop("'raster.dpi' must be a two-length numeric vector")

  plist <- list()
  colors <- palette_scp(levels(dat_use[[group.by]]), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
  cor_colors <- palette_scp(x = seq(cor_range[1], cor_range[2], length.out = 200), palette = cor_palette, palcolor = cor_palcolor)
  bound <- strsplit(gsub("\\(|\\)|\\[|\\]", "", names(cor_colors)), ",")
  bound <- lapply(bound, as.numeric)
  df_bound <- do.call(rbind, bound)
  rownames(df_bound) <- cor_colors
  df_bound[1, 1] <- df_bound[1, 1] - 0.01

  pair <- as.data.frame(t(combn(features, m = 2)))
  colnames(pair) <- c("feature1", "feature2")
  pair_expand <- expand.grid(features, features, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  colnames(pair_expand) <- c("feature1", "feature2")
  pair_expand[["feature1"]] <- factor(pair_expand[["feature1"]], levels = levels(pair_expand[["feature2"]]))

  for (s in levels(dat_use[[split.by]])) {
    dat <- dat_use[dat_use[[split.by]] == s, , drop = FALSE]
    feature_mat <- t(dat_exp[rownames(dat), features])
    if (cor_method %in% c("pearson", "spearman")) {
      if (cor_method == "spearman") {
        feature_mat <- t(apply(feature_mat, 1, rank))
      cor_method <- "correlation"
    pair_sim <- proxyC::simil(
      x = feature_mat,
      method = cor_method
    if (isTRUE(reverse)) {
      order1 <- rev(pair_expand[, 1])
      order2 <- rev(pair_expand[, 2])
      levels(order1) <- rev(levels(order1))
      levels(order2) <- rev(levels(order2))
    } else {
      order1 <- pair_expand[, 1]
      order2 <- pair_expand[, 2]
    plotlist <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) {
      f1 <- as.character(x)
      f2 <- as.character(y)
      f1_index <- as.numeric(x)
      f2_index <- as.numeric(y)
      p <- ggplot(data = dat) +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          axis.title = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks = element_blank(),
          axis.text = element_blank(),
          plot.margin = margin(margin, margin, margin, margin),
          legend.position = "none"
      if (f1_index == f2_index) {
        p <- p + geom_violin(aes(x = .data[[group.by]], y = .data[[f1]], fill = .data[[group.by]]),
          scale = "width", adjust = adjust, trim = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE
        ) + scale_x_discrete(position = ifelse(isTRUE(reverse), "top", "bottom")) +
          scale_y_continuous(position = ifelse(isTRUE(reverse), "right", "left"))
      } else {
        p <- p + scale_x_continuous(
          n.breaks = 3, labels = scales::number_format(),
          position = ifelse(isTRUE(reverse), "top", "bottom")
        ) +
            n.breaks = 3, labels = scales::number_format(),
            position = ifelse(isTRUE(reverse), "right", "left")
      if (f1_index < f2_index) {
        if (isTRUE(raster)) {
          p <- p + scattermore::geom_scattermore(
            mapping = aes(x = .data[[f1]], y = .data[[f2]], color = .data[[group.by]]),
            pointsize = ceiling(pt.size), alpha = pt.alpha, pixels = raster.dpi
        } else {
          p <- p + geom_point(aes(x = .data[[f1]], y = .data[[f2]], color = .data[[group.by]]),
            alpha = pt.alpha, size = pt.size
        if (isTRUE(add_smooth)) {
          p <- p + geom_smooth(aes(x = .data[[f1]], y = .data[[f2]]),
            alpha = 0.5, method = "lm", color = "red", formula = y ~ x, na.rm = TRUE
        if (any(isTRUE(add_equation), isTRUE(add_r2), isTRUE(add_pvalue))) {
          m <- lm(dat[[f2]] ~ dat[[f1]])
          if (coef(m)[2] >= 0) {
            eq1 <- substitute(
              italic(y) == a + b %.% italic(x),
                a = format(as.numeric(coef(m)[1]), digits = 2),
                b = format(as.numeric(coef(m)[2]), digits = 2)
          } else {
            eq1 <- substitute(
              italic(y) == a - b %.% italic(x),
                a = format(as.numeric(coef(m)[1]), digits = 2),
                b = format(-as.numeric(coef(m)[2]), digits = 2)
          eq1 <- as.character(as.expression(eq1))
          eq2 <- substitute(
            italic(r)^2 ~ "=" ~ r2,
              r2 = format(summary(m)$r.squared, digits = 2)
          eq2 <- as.character(as.expression(eq2))
          eq3 <- substitute(
            italic(p) ~ "=" ~ pvalue,
              pvalue = format(summary(m)$coefficients[2, 4], digits = 2)
          eq3 <- as.character(as.expression(eq3))
          eqs <- c(eq1, eq2, eq3)
          vjusts <- c(1.3, 1.3 * 2, 1.3 * 2^2)
          i <- c(isTRUE(add_equation), isTRUE(add_r2), isTRUE(add_pvalue))
          p <- p + annotate(
            geom = GeomTextRepel, x = -Inf, y = Inf, label = eqs[i],
            color = "black", bg.color = "white", bg.r = 0.1, size = 3.5, point.size = NA,
            max.overlaps = 100, force = 0, min.segment.length = Inf,
            hjust = -0.05, vjust = vjusts[1:sum(i)], parse = TRUE
        if (!is.null(cells.highlight)) {
          cell_df <- subset(p$data, rownames(p$data) %in% cells.highlight)
          if (nrow(cell_df) > 0) {
            # point_size <- p$layers[[1]]$aes_params$size
            if (isTRUE(raster)) {
              p <- p + scattermore::geom_scattermore(
                data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[[f1]], y = .data[[f2]]), color = cols.highlight,
                pointsize = floor(sizes.highlight) + stroke.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight, pixels = raster.dpi
              ) +
                  data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[[f1]], y = .data[[f2]], color = .data[[group.by]]),
                  pointsize = floor(sizes.highlight), alpha = alpha.highlight, pixels = raster.dpi
            } else {
              p <- p +
                  data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[[f1]], y = .data[[f2]]), color = cols.highlight,
                  size = sizes.highlight + stroke.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight
                )) +
                  data = cell_df, aes(x = .data[[f1]], y = .data[[f2]], color = .data[[group.by]]),
                  size = sizes.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight
      if (f1_index > f2_index) {
        label <- paste0(f1, "\n", f2, "\nCor: ", round(pair_sim[f1, f2], 3)) # "\n","f1_index:",f1_index," ","f2_index:",f2_index
        label_pos <- (max(dat_exp[rownames(dat), ], na.rm = TRUE) + min(dat_exp[rownames(dat), ], na.rm = TRUE)) / 2
        fill <- rownames(df_bound)[df_bound[, 1] < pair_sim[f1, f2] & df_bound[, 2] >= pair_sim[f1, f2]]
        p <- p + annotate(geom = "rect", xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf, fill = fill) +
            geom = GeomTextRepel, x = label_pos, y = label_pos, label = label,
            fontface = "bold", color = "black", bg.color = "white", bg.r = 0.1, size = 3.5, point.size = NA

      if (f1_index == 1 & f2_index != 1) {
        p <- p + theme(
          axis.ticks.y = element_line(),
          axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10)
      if (f2_index == length(features) & f1_index != length(features)) {
        p <- p + theme(
          axis.ticks.x = element_line(),
          axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10)
      if (f1_index == 1) {
        p <- p + labs(y = f2) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12))
      if (f2_index == length(features)) {
        p <- p + labs(x = f1) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12))
      p <- p + scale_color_manual(
        name = paste0(group.by, ":"),
        values = colors,
        labels = names(colors)
      ) + scale_fill_manual(
        name = paste0(group.by, ":"),
        values = colors,
        labels = names(colors)
    }, x = order1, y = order2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    legend_list <- NULL
    if (length(features) > 1) {
      legend_list[["correlation"]] <- get_legend(ggplot(data.frame(range = cor_range, x = 1, y = 1), aes(x = x, y = y, fill = range)) +
        geom_point() +
          name = paste0("Correlation"),
          limits = cor_range,
          n.breaks = 3,
          colors = cor_colors,
          guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0)
        ) +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction
    if (nlevels(dat[[group.by]]) > 1) {
      legend_list[["group.by"]] <- suppressWarnings(get_legend(plotlist[[1]] +
        guides(fill = guide_legend(
          title.hjust = 0,
          order = 1,
          override.aes = list(size = 4, color = "black", alpha = 1)
        )) +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction

    grob_row <- list()
    plotlist <- suppressWarnings(lapply(plotlist, as_grob))
    for (i in seq(1, length(plotlist), length(features))) {
      grob_row[[paste0(i:(i + length(features) - 1), collapse = "-")]] <- do.call(cbind, plotlist[i:(i + length(features) - 1)])
    gtable <- do.call(rbind, grob_row)
    if (length(legend_list) > 0) {
      legend_list <- legend_list[!sapply(legend_list, is.null)]
      if (legend.direction == "vertical") {
        legend <- do.call(cbind, legend_list)
      } else {
        legend <- do.call(rbind, legend_list)
      gtable <- add_grob(gtable, legend, legend.position)
    if (nlevels(dat_use[[split.by]]) > 1) {
      split_grob <- textGrob(s, just = "center", gp = gpar(fontface = "bold", fontsize = 13))
      gtable <- add_grob(gtable, split_grob, "top")
    if (!is.null(subtitle)) {
      subtitle_grob <- textGrob(subtitle, x = 0, hjust = 0, gp = gpar(fontface = "italic", fontsize = 13))
      gtable <- add_grob(gtable, subtitle_grob, "top")
    if (!is.null(title)) {
      title_grob <- textGrob(title, x = 0, hjust = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = 14))
      gtable <- add_grob(gtable, title_grob, "top", 2 * grobHeight(title_grob))
    p <- wrap_plots(gtable)
    plist[[paste0(s)]] <- p
  if (isTRUE(combine)) {
    if (length(plist) > 1) {
      plot <- wrap_plots(plotlist = plist, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow)
    } else {
      plot <- plist[[1]]
  } else {

#' CellDensityPlot
#' Plots the density of specified features in a single or multiple groups,
#' grouped by specified variables.
#' @param srt A Seurat object.
#' @param features A character vector specifying the features to plot.
#' @param group.by A character vector specifying the variables to group the data by.
#' @param split.by A character vector specifying the variables to split the data by.
#' Default is NULL, which means no splitting is performed.
#' @param assay A character specifying the assay to use from the Seurat object.
#'   Default is NULL, which means the default assay will be used.
#' @param slot A character specifying the slot to use from the assay. Default is "data".
#' @param flip A logical indicating whether to flip the x-axis. Default is FALSE.
#' @param reverse A logical indicating whether to reverse the y-axis. Default is FALSE.
#' @param x_order A character specifying how to order the x-axis. Can be "value" or "rank". Default is "value".
#' @param decreasing A logical indicating whether to order the groups in decreasing order. Default is NULL.
#' @param palette A character specifying the color palette to use for grouping variables. Default is "Paired".
#' @param palcolor A character specifying the color to use for each group. Default is NULL.
#' @param cells A character vector specifying the cells to plot. Default is NULL, which means all cells are included.
#' @param keep_empty A logical indicating whether to keep empty groups. Default is FALSE.
#' @param y.nbreaks An integer specifying the number of breaks on the y-axis. Default is 4.
#' @param y.min A numeric specifying the minimum value on the y-axis. Default is NULL, which means the minimum value will be automatically determined.
#' @param y.max A numeric specifying the maximum value on the y-axis. Default is NULL, which means the maximum value will be automatically determined.
#' @param same.y.lims A logical indicating whether to use the same y-axis limits for all plots. Default is FALSE.
#' @param aspect.ratio A numeric specifying the aspect ratio of the plot. Default is NULL, which means the aspect ratio will be automatically determined.
#' @param title A character specifying the title of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param subtitle A character specifying the subtitle of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param legend.position A character specifying the position of the legend. Default is "right".
#' @param legend.direction A character specifying the direction of the legend. Default is "vertical".
#' @param theme_use A character specifying the theme to use. Default is "theme_scp".
#' @param theme_args A list of arguments to pass to the theme function.
#' @param combine A logical indicating whether to combine multiple plots into a single plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param nrow An integer specifying the number of rows in the combined plot.
#'   Default is NULL, which means determined automatically based on the number of plots.
#' @param ncol An integer specifying the number of columns in the combined plot.
#'   Default is NULL, which means determined automatically based on the number of plots.
#' @param byrow A logical indicating whether to add plots by row or by column in the combined plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param force A logical indicating whether to continue plotting if there are more than 50 features. Default is FALSE.
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' CellDensityPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "Sox9", group.by = "SubCellType")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunSlingshot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP")
#' CellDensityPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "Lineage1", group.by = "SubCellType", aspect.ratio = 1)
#' CellDensityPlot(pancreas_sub, features = "Lineage1", group.by = "SubCellType", flip = TRUE)
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% group_by_at summarise_at arrange_at pull desc
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot scale_fill_manual labs scale_y_discrete scale_x_continuous facet_grid labs coord_flip element_text element_line
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @export
CellDensityPlot <- function(srt, features, group.by = NULL, split.by = NULL, assay = NULL, slot = "data",
                            flip = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, x_order = c("value", "rank"),
                            decreasing = NULL, palette = "Paired", palcolor = NULL,
                            cells = NULL, keep_empty = FALSE,
                            y.nbreaks = 4, y.min = NULL, y.max = NULL, same.y.lims = FALSE,
                            aspect.ratio = NULL, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL,
                            legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                            theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                            combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE, force = FALSE) {
  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt)
  x_order <- match.arg(x_order)
  if (is.null(features)) {
    stop("'features' must be provided.")
  if (!inherits(features, "character")) {
    stop("'features' is not a character vectors")
  if (is.null(group.by)) {
    group.by <- "All.groups"
    srt@meta.data[[group.by]] <- factor("")
  if (is.null(split.by)) {
    split.by <- "All.groups"
    srt@meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor("")
  if (group.by == split.by & group.by == "All.groups") {
    legend.position <- "none"
  for (i in c(group.by, split.by)) {
    if (!i %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
      stop(paste0(i, " is not in the meta.data of srt object."))
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[i]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[i]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[i]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[i]]))

  features <- unique(features)
  features_drop <- features[!features %in% c(rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]), colnames(srt@meta.data))]
  # print(colnames(srt@meta.data))
  if (length(features_drop) > 0) {
    warning(paste0(features_drop, collapse = ","), " are not in the features of srt.", immediate. = TRUE)
    features <- features[!features %in% features_drop]

  features_gene <- features[features %in% rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])]
  features_meta <- features[features %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)]
  if (length(intersect(features_gene, features_meta)) > 0) {
    warning("Features appear in both gene names and metadata names: ", paste0(intersect(features_gene, features_meta), collapse = ","))

  if (length(features_gene) > 0) {
    dat_gene <- t(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[features_gene, , drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    dat_gene <- matrix(nrow = ncol(srt@assays[[1]]), ncol = 0)
  if (length(features_meta) > 0) {
    dat_meta <- as_matrix(srt@meta.data[, features_meta, drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    dat_meta <- matrix(nrow = ncol(srt@assays[[1]]), ncol = 0)
  dat_exp <- cbind(dat_gene, dat_meta)
  features <- unique(features[features %in% c(features_gene, features_meta)])

  if (!is.numeric(dat_exp) && !inherits(dat_exp, "Matrix")) {
    stop("'features' must be type of numeric variable.")
  if (length(features) > 50 && !isTRUE(force)) {
    warning("More than 50 features to be plotted", immediate. = TRUE)
    answer <- askYesNo("Are you sure to continue?", default = FALSE)
    if (!isTRUE(answer)) {

  dat_use <- cbind(dat_exp, srt@meta.data[row.names(dat_exp), c(group.by, split.by), drop = FALSE])
  if (!is.null(cells)) {
    dat_use <- dat_use[intersect(rownames(dat_use), cells), , drop = FALSE]

  if (isTRUE(same.y.lims) && is.null(y.max)) {
    y.max <- max(as_matrix(dat_exp[, features])[is.finite(as_matrix(dat_exp[, features]))], na.rm = TRUE)
  if (isTRUE(same.y.lims) && is.null(y.min)) {
    y.min <- min(as_matrix(dat_exp[, features])[is.finite(as_matrix(dat_exp[, features]))], na.rm = TRUE)

  plist <- list()
  for (f in features) {
    for (g in group.by) {
      colors <- palette_scp(levels(dat_use[[g]]), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
      for (s in levels(dat_use[[split.by]])) {
        dat <- dat_use[dat_use[[split.by]] == s, , drop = FALSE]
        if (any(is.infinite(dat[, f]))) {
          dat[, f][dat[, f] == max(dat[, f], na.rm = TRUE)] <- max(dat[, f][is.finite(dat[, f])], na.rm = TRUE)
          dat[, f][dat[, f] == min(dat[, f], na.rm = TRUE)] <- min(dat[, f][is.finite(dat[, f])], na.rm = TRUE)
        dat[, "cell"] <- rownames(dat)
        if (x_order == "value") {
          dat[, "value"] <- dat[, f]
        } else {
          dat[, "value"] <- rank(dat[, f])
        dat[, "features"] <- f
        dat[, "split.by"] <- s
        dat <- dat[!is.na(dat[[f]]), , drop = FALSE]
        # stat <- table(dat[[g]])
        # stat_drop <- names(which(stat <= 2))
        # if (length(stat_drop) > 0) {
        #   dat <- dat[!dat[[g]] %in% stat_drop, , drop = FALSE]
        # }
        y_max_use <- y.max %||% suppressWarnings(max(dat[, "value"][is.finite(x = dat[, "value"])], na.rm = TRUE))
        y_min_use <- y.min %||% suppressWarnings(min(dat[, "value"][is.finite(x = dat[, "value"])], na.rm = TRUE))

        if (!is.null(decreasing)) {
          levels <- dat %>%
            group_by_at(g) %>%
            summarise_at(.funs = median, .vars = f, na.rm = TRUE) %>%
            arrange_at(.vars = f, .funs = if (decreasing) desc else list()) %>%
            pull(g) %>%
          dat[["order"]] <- factor(dat[[g]], levels = levels)
        } else {
          dat[["order"]] <- factor(dat[[g]], levels = rev(levels(dat[[g]])))
        if (flip) {
          dat[["order"]] <- factor(dat[[g]], levels = levels(dat[[g]]))
          aspect.ratio <- 1 / aspect.ratio
          if (length(aspect.ratio) == 0 || is.na(aspect.ratio)) {
            aspect.ratio <- NULL
        p <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = .data[["value"]], y = .data[["order"]], fill = .data[[g]])) +
        p <- p + scale_fill_manual(
          name = paste0(g, ":"),
          values = colors
        y.trans <- ifelse(flip, "reverse", "identity")
        y.trans <- ifelse(reverse, setdiff(c("reverse", "identity"), y.trans), y.trans)

        limits <- if (y.trans == "reverse") c(y_max_use, y_min_use) else c(y_min_use, y_max_use)
        p <- p +
          scale_y_discrete(drop = !keep_empty, expand = c(0, 0)) +
            limits = limits, trans = y.trans, n.breaks = y.nbreaks,
            expand = c(0, 0)
        if (split.by != "All.groups") {
          p <- p + facet_grid(. ~ split.by)
        p <- p + labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, x = f, y = g)
        if (isTRUE(flip)) {
          p <- p + do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
              aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
              strip.text.x = element_text(angle = 0),
              axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
              axis.ticks.x = element_line(),
              panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "grey", linetype = 2),
              legend.position = legend.position,
              legend.direction = legend.direction
            ) + coord_flip()
        } else {
          p <- p + do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
              aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
              strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0),
              axis.text.x = element_text(),
              axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 1),
              axis.ticks.y = element_line(),
              panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = "grey", linetype = 2),
              legend.position = legend.position,
              legend.direction = legend.direction
        plist[[paste0(f, ":", g, ":", paste0(s, collapse = ","))]] <- p

  if (isTRUE(combine)) {
    if (length(plist) > 1) {
      plot <- wrap_plots(plotlist = plist, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow)
    } else {
      plot <- plist[[1]]
  } else {

#' LineagePlot
#' Generate a lineage plot based on the pseudotime.
#' @param srt An object of class Seurat.
#' @param lineages A character vector that specifies the lineages to be included. Typically, use the pseudotime of cells.
#' @param reduction An optional string specifying the dimensionality reduction method to use.
#' @param dims A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the dimensions to plot.
#' @param cells An optional character vector specifying the cells to include in the plot.
#' @param trim A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the quantile range of lineages to include in the plot.
#' @param span A numeric value specifying the span of the loess smoother.
#' @param palette A character string specifying the color palette to use for the lineages.
#' @param palcolor An optional string specifying the color for the palette.
#' @param lineages_arrow An arrow object specifying the arrow for lineages.
#' @param linewidth A numeric value specifying the linewidth for the lineages.
#' @param line_bg A character string specifying the color for the background lines.
#' @param line_bg_stroke A numeric value specifying the stroke width for the background lines.
#' @param whiskers A logical value indicating whether to include whiskers in the plot.
#' @param whiskers_linewidth A numeric value specifying the linewidth for the whiskers.
#' @param whiskers_alpha A numeric value specifying the transparency for the whiskers.
#' @param aspect.ratio A numeric value specifying the aspect ratio of the plot.
#' @param title An optional character string specifying the plot title.
#' @param subtitle An optional character string specifying the plot subtitle.
#' @param xlab An optional character string specifying the x-axis label.
#' @param ylab An optional character string specifying the y-axis label.
#' @param legend.position A character string specifying the position of the legend.
#' @param legend.direction A character string specifying the direction of the legend.
#' @param theme_use A character string specifying the theme to use for the plot.
#' @param theme_args A list of additional arguments to pass to the theme function.
#' @param return_layer A logical value indicating whether to return the plot as a layer.
#' @param seed An optional integer specifying the random seed for reproducibility.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunSlingshot}} \code{\link{CellDimPlot}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunSlingshot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", show_plot = FALSE)
#' LineagePlot(pancreas_sub, lineages = paste0("Lineage", 1:3))
#' LineagePlot(pancreas_sub, lineages = paste0("Lineage", 1:3), whiskers = TRUE)
#' @importFrom Seurat Key Embeddings
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_path geom_segment labs
#' @importFrom grid arrow unit
#' @importFrom stats loess quantile
#' @export
LineagePlot <- function(srt, lineages, reduction = NULL, dims = c(1, 2), cells = NULL,
                        trim = c(0.01, 0.99), span = 0.75,
                        palette = "Dark2", palcolor = NULL, lineages_arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1, "inches")),
                        linewidth = 1, line_bg = "white", line_bg_stroke = 0.5,
                        whiskers = FALSE, whiskers_linewidth = 0.5, whiskers_alpha = 0.5,
                        aspect.ratio = 1, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                        legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                        theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                        return_layer = FALSE, seed = 11) {

  if (is.null(reduction)) {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt)
  } else {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt, pattern = reduction)
  if (!reduction %in% names(srt@reductions)) {
    stop(paste0(reduction, " is not in the srt reduction names."))

  reduction_key <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@key
  dat_dim <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings
  colnames(dat_dim) <- paste0(reduction_key, seq_len(ncol(dat_dim)))
  rownames(dat_dim) <- rownames(dat_dim) %||% colnames(srt@assays[[1]])
  dat_lineages <- srt@meta.data[, unique(lineages), drop = FALSE]
  dat <- cbind(dat_dim, dat_lineages[row.names(dat_dim), , drop = FALSE])
  dat[, "cell"] <- rownames(dat)
  if (!is.null(cells)) {
    dat <- dat[intersect(rownames(dat), cells), , drop = FALSE]

  xlab <- xlab %||% paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])
  ylab <- ylab %||% paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])
  if (identical(theme_use, "theme_blank")) {
    theme_args[["xlab"]] <- xlab
    theme_args[["ylab"]] <- ylab

  colors <- palette_scp(lineages, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
  axes <- paste0(reduction_key, dims)
  fitted_list <- lapply(lineages, function(l) {
    trim_pass <- dat[[l]] > quantile(dat[[l]], trim[1], na.rm = TRUE) & dat[[l]] < quantile(dat[[l]], trim[2], na.rm = TRUE)
    na_pass <- !is.na(dat[[l]])
    index <- which(trim_pass & na_pass)
    index <- index[order(dat[index, l])]
    dat_sub <- dat[index, , drop = FALSE]
    # if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights_used <- rep(1, nrow(dat_sub))
    # } else {
    # weights_used <- dat_sub[[weights]]
    # }
    fitted <- lapply(axes, function(x) {
      loess(formula(paste(x, l, sep = "~")), weights = weights_used, data = dat_sub, span = span, degree = 2)$fitted
    names(fitted) <- axes
    fitted[["index"]] <- index
  names(fitted_list) <- lineages

  curve_layer <- lapply(lineages, function(l) {
    dat_smooth <- as.data.frame(fitted_list[[l]])
    colnames(dat_smooth) <- c(paste0("Axis_", 1:(ncol(dat_smooth) - 1)), "index")
    dat_smooth[, "Lineages"] <- factor(l, levels = lineages)
    dat_smooth <- unique(na.omit(dat_smooth))
    curve <- list()
    if (isTRUE(whiskers)) {
      dat_smooth[, "raw_Axis_1"] <- dat[dat_smooth[, "index"], axes[1]]
      dat_smooth[, "raw_Axis_2"] <- dat[dat_smooth[, "index"], axes[2]]
      curve <- c(curve, geom_segment(
        data = dat_smooth, mapping = aes(x = Axis_1, y = Axis_2, xend = raw_Axis_1, yend = raw_Axis_2, color = Lineages),
        linewidth = whiskers_linewidth, alpha = whiskers_alpha,
        show.legend = TRUE, inherit.aes = FALSE
    curve <- c(
        data = dat_smooth, mapping = aes(x = Axis_1, y = Axis_2), color = line_bg,
        linewidth = linewidth + line_bg_stroke, arrow = lineages_arrow,
        show.legend = TRUE, inherit.aes = FALSE
        data = dat_smooth, mapping = aes(x = Axis_1, y = Axis_2, color = Lineages),
        linewidth = linewidth, arrow = lineages_arrow,
        show.legend = TRUE, inherit.aes = FALSE
  curve_layer <- c(unlist(curve_layer), list(scale_color_manual(values = colors)))

  lab_layer <- list(labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, x = xlab, y = ylab))
  theme_layer <- list(do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
      aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
      legend.position = legend.position,
      legend.direction = legend.direction

  if (isTRUE(return_layer)) {
      curve_layer = curve_layer,
      lab_layer = lab_layer,
      theme_layer = theme_layer
  } else {
    return(ggplot() +
      curve_layer +
      lab_layer +

#' PAGA plot
#' This function generates a PAGA plot based on the given Seurat object and PAGA result.
#' @param srt A Seurat object containing a PAGA result.
#' @param paga The PAGA result from the Seurat object. Defaults to \code{srt\$misc\$paga}.
#' @param type The type of plot to generate. Possible values are "connectivities" (default) and "connectivities_tree".
#' @param reduction The type of reduction to use for the plot. Defaults to the default reduction in the Seurat object.
#' @param dims The dimensions of the reduction to use for the plot. Defaults to the first two dimensions.
#' @param cells The cells to include in the plot. Defaults to all cells.
#' @param show_transition A logical value indicating whether to display transitions between different cell states. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param node_palette The color palette to use for node coloring. Defaults to "Paired".
#' @param node_palcolor A vector of colors to use for node coloring. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param node_size The size of the nodes in the plot. Defaults to 4.
#' @param node_alpha The transparency of the nodes in the plot. Defaults to 1.
#' @param node_highlight The group(s) to highlight in the plot. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param node_highlight_color The color to use for highlighting the nodes. Defaults to "red".
#' @param label A logical value indicating whether to display labels for the nodes. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param label.size The size of the labels. Defaults to 3.5.
#' @param label.fg The color of the label text. Defaults to "white".
#' @param label.bg The background color of the labels. Defaults to "black".
#' @param label.bg.r The transparency of the label background color. Defaults to 0.1.
#' @param label_insitu A logical value indicating whether to use in-situ labeling for the nodes. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param label_repel A logical value indicating whether to use repel mode for labeling nodes. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param label_repulsion The repulsion factor for repel mode. Defaults to 20.
#' @param label_point_size The size of the points in the labels. Defaults to 1.
#' @param label_point_color The color of the points in the labels. Defaults to "black".
#' @param label_segment_color The color of the lines connecting the points in the labels. Defaults to "black".
#' @param edge_threshold The threshold for including edges in the plot. Defaults to 0.01.
#' @param edge_line The type of line to use for the edges. Possible values are "straight" and "curved". Defaults to "straight".
#' @param edge_line_curvature The curvature factor for curved edges. Defaults to 0.3.
#' @param edge_line_angle The angle for curved edges. Defaults to 90.
#' @param edge_size The size range for the edges. Defaults to c(0.2, 1).
#' @param edge_color The color of the edges. Defaults to "grey40".
#' @param edge_alpha The transparency of the edges. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param edge_shorten The amount to shorten the edges. Defaults to 0.
#' @param edge_offset The offset for curved edges. Defaults to 0.
#' @param edge_highlight The group(s) to highlight in the plot. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param edge_highlight_color The color to use for highlighting the edges. Defaults to "red".
#' @param transition_threshold The threshold for including transitions in the plot. Defaults to 0.01.
#' @param transition_line The type of line to use for the transitions. Possible values are "straight" and "curved". Defaults to "straight".
#' @param transition_line_curvature The curvature factor for curved transitions. Defaults to 0.3.
#' @param transition_line_angle The angle for curved transitions. Defaults to 90.
#' @param transition_size The size range for the transitions. Defaults to c(0.2, 1).
#' @param transition_color The color of the transitions. Defaults to "black".
#' @param transition_alpha The transparency of the transitions. Defaults to 1.
#' @param transition_arrow_type The type of arrow to use for the transitions. Possible values are "closed", "open", and "triangle". Defaults to "closed".
#' @param transition_arrow_angle The angle of the arrow for transitions. Defaults to 20.
#' @param transition_arrow_length The length of the arrow for transitions. Defaults to unit(0.02, "npc").
#' @param transition_shorten The amount to shorten the transitions. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param transition_offset The offset for curved transitions. Defaults to 0.
#' @param transition_highlight The group(s) to highlight in the plot. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param transition_highlight_color The color to use for highlighting the transitions. Defaults to "red".
#' @param aspect.ratio The aspect ratio of the plot. Defaults to 1.
#' @param title The title of the plot. Defaults to "PAGA".
#' @param subtitle The subtitle of the plot. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param xlab The label for the x-axis. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param ylab The label for the y-axis. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param legend.position The position of the legend. Possible values are "right", "left", "bottom", and "top". Defaults to "right".
#' @param legend.direction The direction of the legend. Possible values are "vertical" and "horizontal". Defaults to "vertical".
#' @param theme_use The name of the theme to use for the plot. Defaults to "theme_scp".
#' @param theme_args A list of arguments to pass to the theme function. Defaults to an empty list.
#' @param return_layer A logical value indicating whether to return the plot as a ggplot2 layer. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunPAGA}} \code{\link{CellDimPlot}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunPAGA(srt = pancreas_sub, group_by = "SubCellType", linear_reduction = "PCA", nonlinear_reduction = "UMAP", return_seurat = TRUE)
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub)
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, type = "connectivities_tree")
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, reduction = "PCA")
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, reduction = "PAGAUMAP2D")
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, edge_shorten = 0.05)
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, label = TRUE)
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, label = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE)
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, label = TRUE, label_insitu = TRUE, label_repel = TRUE)
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, edge_line = "curved")
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, node_size = "GroupSize")
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, node_highlight = "Ductal")
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, edge_highlight = paste("Pre-endocrine", levels(pancreas_sub$SubCellType), sep = "-"))
#' pancreas_sub <- RunSCVELO(srt = pancreas_sub, group_by = "SubCellType", linear_reduction = "PCA", nonlinear_reduction = "UMAP", return_seurat = TRUE)
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, show_transition = TRUE)
#' PAGAPlot(pancreas_sub, show_transition = TRUE, transition_offset = 0.02)
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions Key Embeddings
#' @export
PAGAPlot <- function(srt, paga = srt@misc$paga, type = "connectivities",
                     reduction = NULL, dims = c(1, 2), cells = NULL, show_transition = FALSE,
                     node_palette = "Paired", node_palcolor = NULL, node_size = 4, node_alpha = 1,
                     node_highlight = NULL, node_highlight_color = "red",
                     label = FALSE, label.size = 3.5, label.fg = "white", label.bg = "black", label.bg.r = 0.1,
                     label_insitu = FALSE, label_repel = FALSE, label_repulsion = 20,
                     label_point_size = 1, label_point_color = "black", label_segment_color = "black",
                     edge_threshold = 0.01, edge_line = c("straight", "curved"), edge_line_curvature = 0.3, edge_line_angle = 90,
                     edge_size = c(0.2, 1), edge_color = "grey40", edge_alpha = 0.5,
                     edge_shorten = 0, edge_offset = 0, edge_highlight = NULL, edge_highlight_color = "red",
                     transition_threshold = 0.01, transition_line = c("straight", "curved"), transition_line_curvature = 0.3, transition_line_angle = 90,
                     transition_size = c(0.2, 1), transition_color = "black", transition_alpha = 1,
                     transition_arrow_type = "closed", transition_arrow_angle = 20, transition_arrow_length = unit(0.02, "npc"),
                     transition_shorten = 0.05, transition_offset = 0, transition_highlight = NULL, transition_highlight_color = "red",
                     aspect.ratio = 1, title = "PAGA", subtitle = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                     legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                     theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                     return_layer = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(paga)) {
    stop("Cannot find the paga result.")
  if (type == "connectivities_tree") {
    use_triangular <- "both"
    edge_threshold <- 0
  } else {
    use_triangular <- "upper"
  connectivities <- paga[[type]]
  transition <- paga[["transitions_confidence"]]
  groups <- paga[["groups"]]
  if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[groups]])) {
    srt@meta.data[[groups]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[groups]])
  if (nlevels(srt@meta.data[[groups]]) != nrow(connectivities)) {
    stop("nlevels in ", groups, " is not identical with the group in paga")
  if (is.null(reduction)) {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt)
  } else {
    reduction <- DefaultReduction(srt, pattern = reduction)
  if (!reduction %in% names(srt@reductions)) {
    stop(paste0(reduction, " is not in the srt reduction names."))
  reduction_key <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@key
  dat_dim <- as.data.frame(srt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings)
  colnames(dat_dim) <- paste0(reduction_key, seq_len(ncol(dat_dim)))
  rownames(dat_dim) <- rownames(dat_dim) %||% colnames(srt@assays[[1]])
  dat_dim <- dat_dim[, paste0(reduction_key, dims)]
  dat_dim[[groups]] <- srt@meta.data[rownames(dat_dim), groups]
  dat <- aggregate(dat_dim[, paste0(reduction_key, dims)], by = list(dat_dim[[groups]]), FUN = median)
  colnames(dat)[1] <- groups
  rownames(dat) <- dat[[groups]]
  dat[["GroupSize"]] <- as.numeric(table(dat_dim[[groups]])[rownames(dat)])
  colnames(connectivities) <- rownames(connectivities) <- rownames(dat)
  if (!is.null(transition)) {
    colnames(transition) <- rownames(transition) <- rownames(dat)
  if (!isTRUE(show_transition)) {
    transition <- NULL
  } else if (isTRUE(show_transition) && is.null(transition)) {
    warning("transitions_confidence need to be calculated first.", immediate. = TRUE)
  xlab <- xlab %||% paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])
  ylab <- ylab %||% paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])

  if (!is.null(cells)) {
    dat <- dat[intersect(rownames(dat), cells), , drop = FALSE]
    connectivities <- connectivities[rownames(dat), rownames(dat)]

  out <- GraphPlot(
    node = dat, edge = as_matrix(connectivities), node_coord = paste0(reduction_key, dims),
    node_group = groups, node_palette = node_palette, node_palcolor = node_palcolor, node_size = node_size, node_alpha = node_alpha,
    node_highlight = node_highlight, node_highlight_color = node_highlight_color,
    label = label, label.size = label.size, label.fg = label.fg, label.bg = label.bg, label.bg.r = label.bg.r,
    label_insitu = label_insitu, label_repel = label_repel, label_repulsion = label_repulsion,
    label_point_size = label_point_size, label_point_color = label_point_color, label_segment_color = label_segment_color,
    edge_threshold = edge_threshold, use_triangular = use_triangular,
    edge_line = edge_line, edge_line_curvature = edge_line_curvature, edge_line_angle = edge_line_angle, edge_size = edge_size, edge_color = edge_color, edge_alpha = edge_alpha,
    edge_shorten = edge_shorten, edge_offset = edge_offset,
    edge_highlight = edge_highlight, edge_highlight_color = edge_highlight_color,
    transition = transition, transition_threshold = transition_threshold, transition_line = transition_line, transition_line_curvature = transition_line_curvature, transition_line_angle = transition_line_angle,
    transition_color = transition_color, transition_size = transition_size, transition_alpha = transition_alpha,
    transition_arrow_type = transition_arrow_type, transition_arrow_angle = transition_arrow_angle, transition_arrow_length = transition_arrow_length,
    transition_shorten = transition_shorten, transition_offset = transition_offset,
    transition_highlight = transition_highlight, transition_highlight_color = transition_highlight_color,
    aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio, title = title, subtitle = subtitle, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
    legend.position = legend.position, legend.direction = legend.direction,
    theme_use = theme_use, theme_args = theme_args,
    return_layer = return_layer

#' GraphPlot
#' A function to plot a graph with nodes and edges.
#' @param node A data frame representing the nodes of the graph.
#' @param edge A matrix representing the edges of the graph.
#' @param transition A matrix representing the transitions between nodes.
#' @param node_coord A character vector specifying the names of the columns in \code{node} that represent the x and y coordinates.
#' @param node_group A character vector specifying the name of the column in \code{node} that represents the grouping of the nodes.
#' @param node_palette A character vector specifying the name of the color palette for node groups.
#' @param node_palcolor A character vector specifying the names of the colors for each node group.
#' @param node_size A numeric value or column name of \code{node} specifying the size of the nodes.
#' @param node_alpha A numeric value or column name of \code{node} specifying the transparency of the nodes.
#' @param node_highlight A character vector specifying the names of nodes to highlight.
#' @param node_highlight_color A character vector specifying the color for highlighting nodes.
#' @param label A logical value indicating whether to show labels for the nodes.
#' @param label.size A numeric value specifying the size of the labels.
#' @param label.fg A character vector specifying the foreground color of the labels.
#' @param label.bg A character vector specifying the background color of the labels.
#' @param label.bg.r A numeric value specifying the background color transparency of the labels.
#' @param label_insitu A logical value indicating whether to display the node group labels in situ or as numeric values.
#' @param label_repel A logical value indicating whether to use force-directed label repulsion.
#' @param label_repulsion A numeric value specifying the repulsion force for labels.
#' @param label_point_size A numeric value specifying the size of the label points.
#' @param label_point_color A character vector specifying the color of the label points.
#' @param label_segment_color A character vector specifying the color for the label segments.
#' @param edge_threshold A numeric value specifying the threshold for removing edges.
#' @param use_triangular A character vector specifying which part of the edge matrix to use (upper, lower, both).
#' @param edge_line A character vector specifying the type of line for edges (straight, curved).
#' @param edge_line_curvature A numeric value specifying the curvature of curved edges.
#' @param edge_line_angle A numeric value specifying the angle of curved edges.
#' @param edge_color A character vector specifying the color of the edges.
#' @param edge_size A numeric vector specifying the range of edge sizes.
#' @param edge_alpha A numeric value specifying the transparency of the edges.
#' @param edge_shorten A numeric value specifying the length of the edge shorten.
#' @param edge_offset A numeric value specifying the length of the edge offset.
#' @param edge_highlight A character vector specifying the names of edges to highlight.
#' @param edge_highlight_color A character vector specifying the color for highlighting edges.
#' @param transition_threshold A numeric value specifying the threshold for removing transitions.
#' @param transition_line A character vector specifying the type of line for transitions (straight, curved).
#' @param transition_line_curvature A numeric value specifying the curvature of curved transitions.
#' @param transition_line_angle A numeric value specifying the angle of curved transitions.
#' @param transition_color A character vector specifying the color of the transitions.
#' @param transition_size A numeric vector specifying the range of transition sizes.
#' @param transition_alpha A numeric value specifying the transparency of the transitions.
#' @param transition_arrow_type A character vector specifying the type of arrow for transitions (closed, open).
#' @param transition_arrow_angle A numeric value specifying the angle of the transition arrow.
#' @param transition_arrow_length A numeric value specifying the length of the transition arrow.
#' @param transition_shorten A numeric value specifying the length of the transition shorten.
#' @param transition_offset A numeric value specifying the length of the transition offset.
#' @param transition_highlight A character vector specifying the names of transitions to highlight.
#' @param transition_highlight_color A character vector specifying the color for highlighting transitions.
#' @param aspect.ratio A numeric value specifying the aspect ratio of the plot.
#' @param title A character value specifying the title of the plot.
#' @param subtitle A character value specifying the subtitle of the plot.
#' @param xlab A character value specifying the label for the x-axis.
#' @param ylab A character value specifying the label for the y-axis.
#' @param legend.position A character value specifying the position of the legend.
#' @param legend.direction A character value specifying the direction of the legend.
#' @param theme_use A character value specifying the theme to use.
#' @param theme_args A list of arguments to be passed to the theme.
#' @param return_layer A logical value indicating whether to return the layers of the plot instead of the plot itself.
#' @seealso \code{\link{CellDimPlot}}
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_size_identity scale_size_continuous scale_size_discrete scale_alpha_identity scale_alpha_continuous scale_alpha_discrete geom_curve geom_segment geom_point scale_color_manual guide_legend guides labs aes scale_linewidth_continuous
#' @importFrom ggnewscale new_scale
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom grid arrow
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
GraphPlot <- function(node, edge, transition = NULL,
                      node_coord = c("x", "y"), node_group = NULL, node_palette = "Paired", node_palcolor = NULL, node_size = 4, node_alpha = 1,
                      node_highlight = NULL, node_highlight_color = "red",
                      label = FALSE, label.size = 3.5, label.fg = "white", label.bg = "black", label.bg.r = 0.1,
                      label_insitu = FALSE, label_repel = FALSE, label_repulsion = 20,
                      label_point_size = 1, label_point_color = "black", label_segment_color = "black",
                      edge_threshold = 0.01, use_triangular = c("upper", "lower", "both"), edge_line = c("straight", "curved"), edge_line_curvature = 0.3, edge_line_angle = 90,
                      edge_color = "grey40", edge_size = c(0.2, 1), edge_alpha = 0.5,
                      edge_shorten = 0, edge_offset = 0, edge_highlight = NULL, edge_highlight_color = "red",
                      transition_threshold = 0.01, transition_line = c("straight", "curved"), transition_line_curvature = 0.3, transition_line_angle = 90,
                      transition_color = "black", transition_size = c(0.2, 1), transition_alpha = 1,
                      transition_arrow_type = "closed", transition_arrow_angle = 20, transition_arrow_length = unit(0.02, "npc"),
                      transition_shorten = 0.05, transition_offset = 0, transition_highlight = NULL, transition_highlight_color = "red",
                      aspect.ratio = 1, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                      legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                      theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                      return_layer = FALSE) {
  use_triangular <- match.arg(use_triangular)
  edge_line <- match.arg(edge_line)
  transition_line <- match.arg(transition_line)
  if (!is.data.frame(node)) {
    stop("'node' must be a data.frame object.")
  if (!is.matrix(edge)) {
    stop("'edge' must be a matrix object.")
  if (!identical(nrow(edge), ncol(edge))) {
    stop("nrow and ncol is not identical in edge matrix")
  if (!identical(nrow(edge), nrow(node))) {
    stop("nrow is not identical between edge and node.")
  if (!identical(rownames(edge), rownames(node))) {
    warning("rownames of node is not identical with edge matrix. They will correspond according to the order.", immediate. = TRUE)
    colnames(edge) <- rownames(edge) <- rownames(node) <- rownames(node) %||% colnames(edge) %||% rownames(edge)
  if (!all(node_coord %in% colnames(node))) {
    stop("Cannot find the node_coord ", paste(node_coord[!node_coord %in% colnames(node)], collapse = ","), " in the node column")
  if (!is.null(transition)) {
    if (!identical(nrow(transition), nrow(node))) {
      stop("nrow is not identical between transition and node.")
    if (!identical(rownames(transition), rownames(node))) {
      warning("rownames of node is not identical with transition matrix. They will correspond according to the order.", immediate. = TRUE)
      colnames(transition) <- rownames(transition) <- rownames(node) <- rownames(node) %||% colnames(transition) %||% rownames(transition)
  if (identical(theme_use, "theme_blank")) {
    theme_args[["xlab"]] <- xlab
    theme_args[["ylab"]] <- ylab

  node <- as.data.frame(node)
  node[["x"]] <- node[[node_coord[1]]]
  node[["y"]] <- node[[node_coord[2]]]
  node[["node_name"]] <- rownames(node)
  node_group <- node_group %||% "node_name"
  node_size <- node_size %||% 5
  node_alpha <- node_alpha %||% 1
  if (!node_group %in% colnames(node)) {
    node[["node_group"]] <- node_group
  } else {
    node[["node_group"]] <- node[[node_group]]
  if (!is.factor(node[["node_group"]])) {
    node[["node_group"]] <- factor(node[["node_group"]], levels = unique(node[["node_group"]]))
  if (!node_size %in% colnames(node)) {
    if (!is.numeric(node_size)) {
      node_size <- 5
    node[["node_size"]] <- node_size
    scale_size <- scale_size_identity()
  } else {
    node[["node_size"]] <- node[[node_size]]
    if (is.numeric(node[[node_size]])) {
      scale_size <- scale_size_continuous(name = node_size)
    } else {
      scale_size <- scale_size_discrete()
  if (!node_alpha %in% colnames(node)) {
    if (!is.numeric(node_alpha)) {
      node_alpha <- 1
    node[["node_alpha"]] <- node_alpha
    scale_alpha <- scale_alpha_identity()
  } else {
    node[["node_alpha"]] <- node[[node_alpha]]
    if (is.numeric(node[[node_alpha]])) {
      scale_alpha <- scale_alpha_continuous()
    } else {
      scale_alpha <- scale_alpha_discrete()

  if (isTRUE(label) && !isTRUE(label_insitu)) {
    label_use <- paste0(1:nlevels(node[["node_group"]]), ": ", levels(node[["node_group"]]))
  } else {
    label_use <- levels(node[["node_group"]])
  global_size <- sqrt(max(node[["x"]], na.rm = TRUE)^2 + max(node[["y"]], na.rm = TRUE)^2)

  edge[edge <= edge_threshold] <- NA
  if (use_triangular == "upper") {
    edge[lower.tri(edge)] <- NA
  } else if (use_triangular == "lower") {
    edge[upper.tri(edge)] <- NA
  edge_df <- melt(edge, na.rm = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  if (nrow(edge_df) == 0) {
    edge_layer <- NULL
  } else {
    colnames(edge_df) <- c("from", "to", "size")
    edge_df[, "from"] <- as.character(edge_df[, "from"])
    edge_df[, "to"] <- as.character(edge_df[, "to"])
    edge_df[, "size"] <- as.numeric(edge_df[, "size"])
    edge_df[, "x"] <- node[edge_df[, "from"], "x"]
    edge_df[, "y"] <- node[edge_df[, "from"], "y"]
    edge_df[, "xend"] <- node[edge_df[, "to"], "x"]
    edge_df[, "yend"] <- node[edge_df[, "to"], "y"]
    rownames(edge_df) <- edge_df[, "edge_name"] <- paste0(edge_df[, "from"], "-", edge_df[, "to"])
    edge_df <- segementsDf(edge_df, global_size * edge_shorten, global_size * edge_shorten, global_size * edge_offset)

    linetype <- ifelse(is.null(transition), 1, 2)
    if (edge_line == "straight") {
      edge_layer <- list(
          data = edge_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = size),
          lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", linetype = linetype, color = edge_color, alpha = edge_alpha,
          inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
      if (!is.null(edge_highlight)) {
        edge_df_highlight <- edge_df[edge_df[["edge_name"]] %in% edge_highlight, , drop = FALSE]
        edge_layer <- c(
              data = edge_df_highlight, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = size),
              lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", linetype = linetype, color = edge_highlight_color, alpha = 1,
              inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
    } else {
      edge_layer <- list(
          data = edge_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = size),
          curvature = edge_line_curvature, angle = edge_line_angle,
          lineend = "round", linetype = linetype, color = edge_color, alpha = edge_alpha,
          inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
      if (!is.null(edge_highlight)) {
        edge_df_highlight <- edge_df[edge_df[["edge_name"]] %in% edge_highlight, , drop = FALSE]
        edge_layer <- c(
              data = edge_df_highlight, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = size),
              curvature = edge_line_curvature, angle = edge_line_angle,
              lineend = "round", linetype = linetype, color = edge_highlight_color, alpha = 1,
              inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
    edge_layer <- c(edge_layer, list(
      scale_linewidth_continuous(range = range(edge_size), guide = "none"),

  if (!is.null(transition)) {
    trans2 <- trans1 <- as_matrix(transition)
    trans1[lower.tri(trans1)] <- 0
    trans2[upper.tri(trans2)] <- 0
    trans <- t(trans1) - trans2
    trans[abs(trans) <= transition_threshold] <- NA
    trans_df <- melt(trans, na.rm = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (nrow(trans_df) == 0) {
      trans_layer <- NULL
    } else {
      trans_df <- as.data.frame(t(apply(trans_df, 1, function(x) {
        if (as.numeric(x[3]) < 0) {
          return(c(x[c(2, 1)], -as.numeric(x[3])))
        } else {
      colnames(trans_df) <- c("from", "to", "size")
      trans_df[, "from"] <- as.character(trans_df[, "from"])
      trans_df[, "to"] <- as.character(trans_df[, "to"])
      trans_df[, "size"] <- as.numeric(trans_df[, "size"])
      trans_df[, "x"] <- node[trans_df[, "from"], "x"]
      trans_df[, "y"] <- node[trans_df[, "from"], "y"]
      trans_df[, "xend"] <- node[trans_df[, "to"], "x"]
      trans_df[, "yend"] <- node[trans_df[, "to"], "y"]
      rownames(trans_df) <- trans_df[, "trans_name"] <- paste0(trans_df[, "from"], "-", trans_df[, "to"])
      trans_df <- segementsDf(trans_df, global_size * transition_shorten, global_size * transition_shorten, global_size * transition_offset)

      if (transition_line == "straight") {
        trans_layer <- list(
            data = trans_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = size),
            arrow = arrow(angle = transition_arrow_angle, type = transition_arrow_type, length = transition_arrow_length),
            lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", color = transition_color, alpha = transition_alpha,
            inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
        if (!is.null(transition_highlight)) {
          trans_df_highlight <- trans_df[trans_df[["trans_name"]] %in% transition_highlight, , drop = FALSE]
          trans_layer <- c(
                data = trans_df_highlight, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = size),
                arrow = arrow(angle = transition_arrow_angle, type = transition_arrow_type, length = transition_arrow_length),
                lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", color = transition_highlight_color, alpha = 1,
                inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
      } else {
        trans_layer <- list(
            data = trans_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = size),
            arrow = arrow(angle = transition_arrow_angle, type = transition_arrow_type, length = transition_arrow_length),
            curvature = transition_line_curvature, angle = transition_line_angle,
            lineend = "round", color = transition_color, alpha = transition_alpha,
            inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
        if (!is.null(edge_highlight)) {
          trans_df_highlight <- trans_df[trans_df[["trans_name"]] %in% transition_highlight, , drop = FALSE]
          trans_layer <- c(
                data = trans_df_highlight, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend, linewidth = size),
                arrow = arrow(angle = transition_arrow_angle, type = transition_arrow_type, length = transition_arrow_length),
                curvature = transition_line_curvature, angle = transition_line_angle,
                lineend = "round", color = transition_highlight_color, alpha = 1,
                inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE
      trans_layer <- c(trans_layer, list(
        scale_linewidth_continuous(range = range(transition_size), guide = "none"),
  } else {
    trans_layer <- NULL

  node_layer <- list(
    geom_point(data = node, aes(x = x, y = y, size = node_size * 1.2), color = "black", show.legend = FALSE, inherit.aes = FALSE),
    geom_point(data = node, aes(x = x, y = y, size = node_size, color = node_group, alpha = node_alpha), inherit.aes = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(node_highlight)) {
    node_highlight <- node[node[["node_name"]] %in% node_highlight, , drop = FALSE]
    node_layer <- c(
        geom_point(data = node_highlight, aes(x = x, y = y, size = node_size * 1.3), color = node_highlight_color, show.legend = FALSE, inherit.aes = FALSE),
        geom_point(data = node_highlight, aes(x = x, y = y, size = node_size, color = node_group, alpha = node_alpha), inherit.aes = FALSE)
  node_layer <- c(node_layer, list(
      name = node_group, values = palette_scp(node[["node_group"]], palette = node_palette, palcolor = node_palcolor), labels = label_use,
      guide = guide_legend(
        title.hjust = 0,
        order = 1,
        override.aes = list(size = 4, alpha = 1)

  if (isTRUE(label)) {
    if (isTRUE(label_insitu)) {
      node[, "label"] <- node[["node_group"]]
    } else {
      node[, "label"] <- as.numeric(node[["node_group"]])
    if (isTRUE(label_repel)) {
      label_layer <- list(geom_point(
        data = node, mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]),
        color = label_point_color, size = label_point_size, inherit.aes = FALSE
      ), geom_text_repel(
        data = node, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], label = .data[["label"]]),
        fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.color = label_segment_color,
        point.size = label_point_size, max.overlaps = 100, force = label_repulsion,
        color = label.fg, bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size, inherit.aes = FALSE
    } else {
      label_layer <- list(geom_text_repel(
        data = node, aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]], label = .data[["label"]]),
        fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.color = label_segment_color,
        point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, force = 0,
        color = label.fg, bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size, inherit.aes = FALSE
  } else {
    label_layer <- NULL

  lab_layer <- list(labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, x = xlab, y = ylab))
  theme_layer <- list(do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
      aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
      legend.position = legend.position,
      legend.direction = legend.direction

  if (isTRUE(return_layer)) {
      edge_layer = edge_layer,
      trans_layer = trans_layer,
      node_layer = node_layer,
      label_layer = label_layer,
      lab_layer = lab_layer,
      theme_layer = theme_layer
  } else {
    return(ggplot() +
      edge_layer +
      trans_layer +
      node_layer +
      label_layer +
      lab_layer +

#' Shorten and offset the segment
#' This function takes a data frame representing segments in a plot and shortens
#' and offsets them based on the provided arguments.
#' @param data A data frame containing the segments. It should have columns
#'             'x', 'y', 'xend', and 'yend' representing the start and end points
#'             of each segment.
#' @param shorten_start The amount to shorten the start of each segment by.
#' @param shorten_end The amount to shorten the end of each segment by.
#' @param offset The amount to offset each segment by.
#' @return The modified data frame with the shortened and offset segments.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' tempNodes <- data.frame("x" = c(10, 40), "y" = c(10, 30))
#' data <- data.frame("x" = c(10, 40), "y" = c(10, 30), "xend" = c(40, 10), "yend" = c(30, 10))
#' ggplot(tempNodes, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
#'   geom_point(size = 12) +
#'   xlim(0, 50) +
#'   ylim(0, 50) +
#'   geom_segment(data = data, aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = yend))
#' ggplot(tempNodes, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
#'   geom_point(size = 12) +
#'   xlim(0, 50) +
#'   ylim(0, 50) +
#'   geom_segment(
#'     data = segementsDf(data, shorten_start = 2, shorten_end = 3, offset = 1),
#'     aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = yend)
#'   )
#' @export
segementsDf <- function(data, shorten_start, shorten_end, offset) {
  data$dx <- data$xend - data$x
  data$dy <- data$yend - data$y
  data$dist <- sqrt(data$dx^2 + data$dy^2)
  data$px <- data$dx / data$dist
  data$py <- data$dy / data$dist

  data$x <- data$x + data$px * shorten_start
  data$y <- data$y + data$py * shorten_start
  data$xend <- data$xend - data$px * shorten_end
  data$yend <- data$yend - data$py * shorten_end
  data$x <- data$x - data$py * offset
  data$xend <- data$xend - data$py * offset
  data$y <- data$y + data$px * offset
  data$yend <- data$yend + data$px * offset


#' Velocity Plot
#' This function creates a velocity plot for a given Seurat object. The plot shows the velocity vectors of the cells in a specified reduction space.
#' @param srt A Seurat object.
#' @param reduction Name of the reduction in the Seurat object to use for plotting.
#' @param dims Indices of the dimensions to use for plotting.
#' @param cells Cells to include in the plot. If NULL, all cells will be included.
#' @param velocity Name of the velocity to use for plotting.
#' @param plot_type Type of plot to create. Can be "raw", "grid", or "stream".
#' @param group_by Name of the column in the Seurat object metadata to group the cells by. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param group_palette Name of the palette to use for coloring the groups. Defaults to "Paired".
#' @param group_palcolor Colors to use for coloring the groups. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param n_neighbors Number of neighbors to include for the density estimation. Defaults to ceiling(ncol(srt@assays[[1]]) / 50).
#' @param density Propotion of cells to plot. Defaults to 1 (plot all cells).
#' @param smooth Smoothing parameter for density estimation. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param scale Scaling factor for the velocity vectors. Defaults to 1.
#' @param min_mass Minimum mass value for the density-based cutoff. Defaults to 1.
#' @param cutoff_perc Percentile value for the density-based cutoff. Defaults to 5.
#' @param arrow_angle Angle of the arrowheads. Defaults to 20.
#' @param arrow_color Color of the arrowheads. Defaults to "black".
#' @param streamline_L Length of the streamlines. Defaults to 5.
#' @param streamline_minL Minimum length of the streamlines. Defaults to 1.
#' @param streamline_res Resolution of the streamlines. Defaults to 1.
#' @param streamline_n Number of streamlines to plot. Defaults to 15.
#' @param streamline_width Width of the streamlines. Defaults to c(0, 0.8).
#' @param streamline_alpha Alpha transparency of the streamlines. Defaults to 1.
#' @param streamline_color Color of the streamlines. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param streamline_palette Name of the palette to use for coloring the streamlines. Defaults to "RdYlBu".
#' @param streamline_palcolor Colors to use for coloring the streamlines. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param streamline_bg_color Background color of the streamlines. Defaults to "white".
#' @param streamline_bg_stroke Stroke width of the streamlines background. Defaults to 0.5.
#' @param aspect.ratio Aspect ratio of the plot. Defaults to 1.
#' @param title Title of the plot. Defaults to "Cell velocity".
#' @param subtitle Subtitle of the plot. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param xlab x-axis label. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param ylab y-axis label. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param legend.position Position of the legend. Defaults to "right".
#' @param legend.direction Direction of the legend. Defaults to "vertical".
#' @param theme_use Name of the theme to use for plotting. Defaults to "theme_scp".
#' @param theme_args List of theme arguments for customization. Defaults to list().
#' @param return_layer Whether to return the plot layers as a list. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param seed Random seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 11.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunSCVELO}} \code{\link{CellDimPlot}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunSCVELO(srt = pancreas_sub, group_by = "SubCellType", linear_reduction = "PCA", nonlinear_reduction = "UMAP", return_seurat = TRUE)
#' VelocityPlot(pancreas_sub, reduction = "UMAP")
#' VelocityPlot(pancreas_sub, reduction = "UMAP", group_by = "SubCellType")
#' VelocityPlot(pancreas_sub, reduction = "UMAP", plot_type = "grid")
#' VelocityPlot(pancreas_sub, reduction = "UMAP", plot_type = "stream")
#' VelocityPlot(pancreas_sub, reduction = "UMAP", plot_type = "stream", streamline_color = "black")
#' VelocityPlot(pancreas_sub, reduction = "UMAP", plot_type = "stream", streamline_color = "black", arrow_color = "red")
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions Embeddings Key
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_segment scale_size scale_alpha scale_color_gradientn scale_color_manual guide_legend
#' @importFrom grid arrow unit
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
VelocityPlot <- function(srt, reduction, dims = c(1, 2), cells = NULL, velocity = "stochastic", plot_type = c("raw", "grid", "stream"),
                         group_by = NULL, group_palette = "Paired", group_palcolor = NULL,
                         n_neighbors = ceiling(ncol(srt@assays[[1]]) / 50), density = 1, smooth = 0.5, scale = 1, min_mass = 1, cutoff_perc = 5,
                         arrow_angle = 20, arrow_color = "black",
                         streamline_L = 5, streamline_minL = 1, streamline_res = 1, streamline_n = 15,
                         streamline_width = c(0, 0.8), streamline_alpha = 1, streamline_color = NULL, streamline_palette = "RdYlBu", streamline_palcolor = NULL,
                         streamline_bg_color = "white", streamline_bg_stroke = 0.5,
                         aspect.ratio = 1, title = "Cell velocity", subtitle = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
                         legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                         theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                         return_layer = FALSE, seed = 11) {

  plot_type <- match.arg(plot_type)

  if (!reduction %in% names(srt@reductions)) {
    stop(paste0(reduction, " is not in the srt reduction names."))
  V_reduction <- paste0(velocity, "_", reduction)
  if (!V_reduction %in% names(srt@reductions)) {
    stop("Cannot find the velocity embedding ", V_reduction, ".")
  X_emb <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@cell.embeddings[, dims]
  V_emb <- srt@reductions[[V_reduction]]@cell.embeddings[, dims]
  if (!is.null(cells)) {
    X_emb <- X_emb[intersect(rownames(X_emb), cells), , drop = FALSE]
    V_emb <- V_emb[intersect(rownames(V_emb), cells), , drop = FALSE]

  reduction_key <- srt@reductions[[reduction]]@key
  xlab <- xlab %||% paste0(reduction_key, dims[1])
  ylab <- ylab %||% paste0(reduction_key, dims[2])
  if (identical(theme_use, "theme_blank")) {
    theme_args[["xlab"]] <- xlab
    theme_args[["ylab"]] <- ylab

  if (plot_type == "raw") {
    if (!is.null(density) && (density > 0 && density < 1)) {
      s <- ceiling(density * nrow(X_emb))
      ix_choice <- sample(seq_len(nrow(X_emb)), size = s, replace = FALSE)
      X_emb <- X_emb[ix_choice, ]
      V_emb <- V_emb[ix_choice, ]
    if (!is.null(scale)) {
      V_emb <- V_emb * scale
    df_field <- cbind.data.frame(X_emb, V_emb)
    colnames(df_field) <- c("x", "y", "u", "v")
    df_field[["length"]] <- sqrt(df_field[["u"]]^2 + df_field[["v"]]^2)
    global_size <- sqrt(max(df_field[["x"]], na.rm = TRUE)^2 + max(df_field[["y"]], na.rm = TRUE)^2)
    df_field[["length_perc"]] <- df_field[["length"]] / global_size

    if (!is.null(group_by)) {
      df_field[["group_by"]] <- srt@meta.data[rownames(df_field), group_by, drop = TRUE]
      velocity_layer <- list(
          data = df_field, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x + u, yend = y + v, color = group_by),
          arrow = arrow(length = unit(df_field[["length_perc"]], "npc"), type = "closed", angle = arrow_angle),
          lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", inherit.aes = FALSE
          name = group_by, values = palette_scp(df_field[["group_by"]], palette = group_palette, palcolor = group_palcolor),
          guide = guide_legend(title.hjust = 0, order = 1, override.aes = list(linewidth = 2, alpha = 1))
    } else {
      velocity_layer <- list(
          data = df_field, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x + u, yend = y + v),
          color = arrow_color,
          arrow = arrow(length = unit(df_field[["length_perc"]], "npc"), type = "closed", angle = arrow_angle),
          lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", inherit.aes = FALSE
  if (plot_type == "grid") {
    res <- compute_velocity_on_grid(X_emb, V_emb,
      density = density, smooth = smooth, n_neighbors = n_neighbors,
      min_mass = min_mass, scale = scale
    X_grid <- res$X_grid
    V_grid <- res$V_grid

    df_field <- cbind.data.frame(X_grid, V_grid)
    colnames(df_field) <- c("x", "y", "u", "v")
    df_field[["length"]] <- sqrt(df_field[["u"]]^2 + df_field[["v"]]^2)
    global_size <- sqrt(max(df_field[["x"]], na.rm = TRUE)^2 + max(df_field[["y"]], na.rm = TRUE)^2)
    df_field[["length_perc"]] <- df_field[["length"]] / global_size
    velocity_layer <- list(
        data = df_field, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = x + u, yend = y + v),
        color = arrow_color,
        arrow = arrow(length = unit(df_field[["length_perc"]], "npc"), type = "closed", angle = arrow_angle),
        lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", inherit.aes = FALSE
  if (plot_type == "stream") {
    res <- compute_velocity_on_grid(X_emb, V_emb,
      density = density, smooth = smooth, n_neighbors = n_neighbors,
      min_mass = min_mass, scale = 1, cutoff_perc = cutoff_perc,
      adjust_for_stream = TRUE
    X_grid <- res$X_grid
    V_grid <- res$V_grid

    # if (!is.null(density) && (density > 0 & density < 1)) {
    #   s <- ceiling(density * ncol(X_grid))
    #   ix_choice <- sample(1:ncol(X_grid), size = s, replace = FALSE)
    #   X_grid <- X_grid[, ix_choice]
    #   V_grid <- V_grid[, ix_choice, ix_choice]
    # }

    df_field <- expand.grid(X_grid[1, ], X_grid[2, ])
    colnames(df_field) <- c("x", "y")
    u <- melt(t(V_grid[1, , ]))
    v <- melt(t(V_grid[2, , ]))
    df_field[, "u"] <- u$value
    df_field[, "v"] <- v$value
    df_field[is.na(df_field)] <- 0

    if (!is.null(streamline_color)) {
      velocity_layer <- list(
          data = df_field, aes(x = x, y = y, dx = u, dy = v),
          L = streamline_L, min.L = streamline_minL, res = streamline_res,
          n = streamline_n, size = max(streamline_width, na.rm = TRUE) + streamline_bg_stroke, color = streamline_bg_color, alpha = streamline_alpha,
          arrow.type = "closed", arrow.angle = arrow_angle,
          lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", inherit.aes = FALSE
          data = df_field, aes(x = x, y = y, dx = u, dy = v),
          L = streamline_L, min.L = streamline_minL, res = streamline_res,
          n = streamline_n, size = max(streamline_width, na.rm = TRUE), color = streamline_color, alpha = streamline_alpha,
          arrow.type = "closed", arrow.angle = arrow_angle,
          lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", inherit.aes = FALSE
          data = df_field, aes(x = x, y = y, dx = u, dy = v),
          L = streamline_L, min.L = streamline_minL, res = streamline_res,
          n = streamline_n, linetype = 0, color = arrow_color,
          arrow.type = "closed", arrow.angle = arrow_angle,
          lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", inherit.aes = FALSE
    } else {
      velocity_layer <- list(
          data = df_field, aes(x = x, y = y, dx = u, dy = v),
          L = streamline_L, min.L = streamline_minL, res = streamline_res,
          n = streamline_n, size = max(streamline_width, na.rm = TRUE) + streamline_bg_stroke, color = streamline_bg_color, alpha = streamline_alpha,
          arrow.type = "closed", arrow.angle = arrow_angle,
          lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", inherit.aes = FALSE
          data = df_field, aes(x = x, y = y, dx = u, dy = v, size = after_stat(step), color = sqrt(after_stat(dx)^2 + after_stat(dy)^2)),
          L = streamline_L, min.L = streamline_minL, res = streamline_res,
          n = streamline_n, alpha = streamline_alpha,
          arrow = NULL, lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", inherit.aes = FALSE
          data = df_field, aes(x = x, y = y, dx = u, dy = v),
          L = streamline_L, min.L = streamline_minL, res = streamline_res,
          n = streamline_n, linetype = 0, color = arrow_color,
          arrow.type = "closed", arrow.angle = arrow_angle,
          lineend = "round", linejoin = "mitre", inherit.aes = FALSE
          name = "Velocity", colors = palette_scp(palette = streamline_palette, palcolor = streamline_palcolor),
          guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0, order = 1)
        scale_size(range = range(streamline_width), guide = "none")

  lab_layer <- list(labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, x = xlab, y = ylab))
  theme_layer <- list(do.call(theme_use, theme_args) + theme(
    aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
    legend.position = legend.position,
    legend.direction = legend.direction

  if (isTRUE(return_layer)) {
      velocity_layer = velocity_layer,
      lab_layer = lab_layer,
      theme_layer = theme_layer
  } else {
    return(ggplot() +
      velocity_layer +
      lab_layer +
      lab_layer +

#' Compute velocity on grid
#' The original python code is on https://github.com/theislab/scvelo/blob/master/scvelo/plotting/velocity_embedding_grid.py
#' @param X_emb A matrix of dimension n_obs x n_dim specifying the embedding coordinates of the cells.
#' @param V_emb A matrix of dimension n_obs x n_dim specifying the velocity vectors of the cells.
#' @param density An optional numeric value specifying the density of the grid points along each dimension. Default is 1.
#' @param smooth An optional numeric value specifying the smoothing factor for the velocity vectors. Default is 0.5.
#' @param n_neighbors An optional numeric value specifying the number of nearest neighbors for each grid point. Default is ceiling(n_obs / 50).
#' @param min_mass An optional numeric value specifying the minimum mass required for a grid point to be considered. Default is 1.
#' @param scale An optional numeric value specifying the scaling factor for the velocity vectors. Default is 1.
#' @param adjust_for_stream A logical value indicating whether to adjust the velocity vectors for streamlines. Default is FALSE.
#' @param cutoff_perc An optional numeric value specifying the percentile cutoff for removing low-density grid points. Default is 5.
#' @importFrom SeuratObject as.sparse
#' @importFrom proxyC dist
#' @export
compute_velocity_on_grid <- function(X_emb, V_emb,
                                     density = NULL, smooth = NULL, n_neighbors = NULL, min_mass = NULL,
                                     scale = 1, adjust_for_stream = FALSE, cutoff_perc = NULL) {
  n_obs <- nrow(X_emb)
  n_dim <- ncol(X_emb)

  density <- density %||% 1
  smooth <- smooth %||% 0.5
  n_neighbors <- n_neighbors %||% ceiling(n_obs / 50)
  min_mass <- min_mass %||% 1
  cutoff_perc <- cutoff_perc %||% 5

  grs <- list()
  for (dim_i in 1:n_dim) {
    m <- min(X_emb[, dim_i], na.rm = TRUE)
    M <- max(X_emb[, dim_i], na.rm = TRUE)
    # m <- m - 0.01 * abs(M - m)
    # M <- M + 0.01 * abs(M - m)
    gr <- seq(m, M, length.out = ceiling(50 * density))
    grs <- c(grs, list(gr))
  X_grid <- as_matrix(expand.grid(grs))

  d <- dist(
    x = as.sparse(X_emb),
    y = as.sparse(X_grid),
    method = "euclidean",
    use_nan = TRUE
  neighbors <- t(as_matrix(apply(d, 2, function(x) order(x, decreasing = FALSE)[1:n_neighbors])))
  dists <- t(as_matrix(apply(d, 2, function(x) x[order(x, decreasing = FALSE)[1:n_neighbors]])))

  # ggplot() +
  #   annotate(geom = "point", x = X_grid[, 1], y = X_grid[, 2]) +
  #   annotate(geom = "point", x = X_grid[1, 1], y = X_grid[1, 2], color = "blue") +
  #   annotate(geom = "point", x = X_grid[neighbors[1, ], 1], y = X_grid[neighbors[1, ], 2], color = "red")

  weight <- dnorm(dists, sd = mean(sapply(grs, function(g) g[2] - g[1])) * smooth)
  p_mass <- p_mass_V <- rowSums(weight)
  p_mass_V[p_mass_V < 1] <- 1

  # qplot(dists[,1],weight[,1])
  # qplot(py$dists[,1],py$weight[,1])

  neighbors_emb <- array(V_emb[neighbors, seq_len(ncol(V_emb))],
    dim = c(dim(neighbors), dim(V_emb)[2])
  V_grid <- apply((neighbors_emb * c(weight)), c(1, 3), sum)
  V_grid <- V_grid / p_mass_V

  # qplot(V_grid[,1],V_grid[,2])
  # qplot(py$V_grid[,1],py$V_grid[,2])

  if (isTRUE(adjust_for_stream)) {
    X_grid <- matrix(c(unique(X_grid[, 1]), unique(X_grid[, 2])), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    ns <- floor(sqrt(length(V_grid[, 1])))
    V_grid <- reticulate::array_reshape(t(V_grid), c(2, ns, ns))

    mass <- sqrt(apply(V_grid**2, c(2, 3), sum))
    min_mass <- 10**(min_mass - 6) # default min_mass = 1e-5
    min_mass[min_mass > max(mass, na.rm = TRUE) * 0.9] <- max(mass, na.rm = TRUE) * 0.9
    cutoff <- reticulate::array_reshape(mass, dim = c(ns, ns)) < min_mass

    length <- t(apply(apply(abs(neighbors_emb), c(1, 3), mean), 1, sum))
    length <- reticulate::array_reshape(length, dim = c(ns, ns))
    cutoff <- cutoff | length < quantile(length, cutoff_perc / 100)
    V_grid[1, , ][cutoff] <- NA
  } else {
    min_mass <- min_mass * quantile(p_mass, 0.99) / 100
    X_grid <- X_grid[p_mass > min_mass, ]
    V_grid <- V_grid[p_mass > min_mass, ]
    if (!is.null(scale)) {
      V_grid <- V_grid * scale
  return(list(X_grid = X_grid, V_grid = V_grid))

#' VolcanoPlot
#' Generate a volcano plot based on differential expression analysis results.
#' @param srt An object of class `SummarizedExperiment` containing the results of differential expression analysis.
#' @param group_by A character vector specifying the column in `srt` to group the samples by. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param test.use A character string specifying the type of statistical test to use. Default is "wilcox".
#' @param DE_threshold A character string specifying the threshold for differential expression. Default is "avg_log2FC > 0 & p_val_adj < 0.05".
#' @param x_metric A character string specifying the metric to use for the x-axis. Default is "diff_pct".
#' @param palette A character string specifying the color palette to use for the plot. Default is "RdBu".
#' @param palcolor A character string specifying the color for the palette. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param pt.size A numeric value specifying the size of the points. Default is 1.
#' @param pt.alpha A numeric value specifying the transparency of the points. Default is 1.
#' @param cols.highlight A character string specifying the color for highlighted points. Default is "black".
#' @param sizes.highlight A numeric value specifying the size of the highlighted points. Default is 1.
#' @param alpha.highlight A numeric value specifying the transparency of the highlighted points. Default is 1.
#' @param stroke.highlight A numeric value specifying the stroke width for the highlighted points. Default is 0.5.
#' @param nlabel An integer value specifying the number of labeled points per group. Default is 5.
#' @param features_label A character vector specifying the feature labels to plot. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param label.fg A character string specifying the color for the labels' foreground. Default is "black".
#' @param label.bg A character string specifying the color for the labels' background. Default is "white".
#' @param label.bg.r A numeric value specifying the radius of the rounding of the labels' background. Default is 0.1.
#' @param label.size A numeric value specifying the size of the labels. Default is 4.
#' @param aspect.ratio A numeric value specifying the aspect ratio of the plot. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param xlab A character string specifying the x-axis label. Default is the value of `x_metric`.
#' @param ylab A character string specifying the y-axis label. Default is "-log10(p-adjust)".
#' @param theme_use A character string specifying the theme to use for the plot. Default is "theme_scp".
#' @param theme_args A list of theme arguments to pass to the `theme_use` function. Default is an empty list.
#' @param combine A logical value indicating whether to combine the plots for each group into a single plot. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param nrow An integer value specifying the number of rows in the combined plot. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param ncol An integer value specifying the number of columns in the combined plot. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param byrow A logical value indicating whether to arrange the plots by row in the combined plot. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunDEtest}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunDEtest(pancreas_sub, group_by = "CellType", only.pos = FALSE)
#' VolcanoPlot(pancreas_sub, group_by = "CellType")
#' VolcanoPlot(pancreas_sub, group_by = "CellType", DE_threshold = "abs(diff_pct) > 0.3 & p_val_adj < 0.05")
#' VolcanoPlot(pancreas_sub, group_by = "CellType", x_metric = "avg_log2FC")
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point geom_vline geom_hline labs scale_color_gradientn guide_colorbar facet_wrap position_jitter
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @export
VolcanoPlot <- function(srt, group_by = NULL, test.use = "wilcox", DE_threshold = "avg_log2FC > 0 & p_val_adj < 0.05",
                        x_metric = "diff_pct", palette = "RdBu", palcolor = NULL, pt.size = 1, pt.alpha = 1,
                        cols.highlight = "black", sizes.highlight = 1, alpha.highlight = 1, stroke.highlight = 0.5,
                        nlabel = 5, features_label = NULL, label.fg = "black", label.bg = "white", label.bg.r = 0.1, label.size = 4,
                        aspect.ratio = NULL, xlab = x_metric, ylab = "-log10(p-adjust)",
                        theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                        combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(group_by)) {
    group_by <- "custom"
  slot <- paste0("DEtest_", group_by)
  if (!slot %in% names(srt@tools) || length(grep(pattern = "AllMarkers", names(srt@tools[[slot]]))) == 0) {
    stop("Cannot find the DEtest result for the group '", group_by, "'. You may perform RunDEtest first.")
  index <- grep(pattern = paste0("AllMarkers_", test.use), names(srt@tools[[slot]]))[1]
  if (is.na(index)) {
    stop("Cannot find the 'AllMarkers_", test.use, "' in the DEtest result.")
  de <- names(srt@tools[[slot]])[index]
  de_df <- srt@tools[[slot]][[de]]
  de_df[, "diff_pct"] <- de_df[, "pct.1"] - de_df[, "pct.2"]
  de_df[, "-log10padj"] <- -log10(de_df[, "p_val_adj"])
  de_df[, "DE"] <- FALSE
  de_df[with(de_df, eval(rlang::parse_expr(DE_threshold))), "DE"] <- TRUE

  x_upper <- quantile(de_df[["avg_log2FC"]][is.finite(de_df[["avg_log2FC"]])], c(0.99, 1))
  x_lower <- quantile(de_df[["avg_log2FC"]][is.finite(de_df[["avg_log2FC"]])], c(0.01, 0))
  x_upper <- ifelse(x_upper[1] > 0, x_upper[1], x_upper[2])
  x_lower <- ifelse(x_lower[1] < 0, x_lower[1], x_lower[2])
  if (x_upper > 0 & x_lower < 0) {
    value_range <- min(abs(c(x_upper, x_lower)), na.rm = TRUE)
    x_upper <- value_range
    x_lower <- -value_range

  de_df[, "border"] <- FALSE
  de_df[de_df[["avg_log2FC"]] > x_upper, "border"] <- TRUE
  de_df[de_df[["avg_log2FC"]] > x_upper, "avg_log2FC"] <- x_upper
  de_df[de_df[["avg_log2FC"]] < x_lower, "border"] <- TRUE
  de_df[de_df[["avg_log2FC"]] < x_lower, "avg_log2FC"] <- x_lower

  de_df[, "y"] <- -log10(de_df[, "p_val_adj"])
  if (x_metric == "diff_pct") {
    de_df[, "x"] <- de_df[, "diff_pct"]
    de_df[de_df[, "avg_log2FC"] < 0, "y"] <- -de_df[de_df[, "avg_log2FC"] < 0, "y"]
    de_df <- de_df[order(abs(de_df[, "avg_log2FC"]), decreasing = FALSE, na.last = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]
  } else if (x_metric == "avg_log2FC") {
    de_df[, "x"] <- de_df[, "avg_log2FC"]
    de_df[de_df[, "diff_pct"] < 0, "y"] <- -de_df[de_df[, "diff_pct"] < 0, "y"]
    de_df <- de_df[order(abs(de_df[, "diff_pct"]), decreasing = FALSE, na.last = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]
  de_df[, "distance"] <- de_df[, "x"]^2 + de_df[, "y"]^2

  plist <- list()
  for (group in levels(de_df[["group1"]])) {
    df <- de_df[de_df[["group1"]] == group, , drop = FALSE]
    if (nrow(df) == 0) {
    x_nudge <- diff(range(df$x)) * 0.05
    df[, "label"] <- FALSE
    if (is.null(features_label)) {
      df[df[["y"]] >= 0, ][head(order(df[df[["y"]] >= 0, "distance"], decreasing = TRUE), nlabel), "label"] <- TRUE
      df[df[["y"]] < 0, ][head(order(df[df[["y"]] < 0, "distance"], decreasing = TRUE), nlabel), "label"] <- TRUE
    } else {
      df[df[["gene"]] %in% features_label, "label"] <- TRUE
    jitter <- position_jitter(width = 0.2, height = 0.2, seed = 11)
    color_by <- ifelse(x_metric == "diff_pct", "avg_log2FC", "diff_pct")
    p <- ggplot() +
      geom_point(data = df[!df[["DE"]] & !df[["border"]], , drop = FALSE], aes(x = x, y = y, color = .data[[color_by]]), size = pt.size, alpha = pt.alpha) +
      geom_point(data = df[!df[["DE"]] & df[["border"]], , drop = FALSE], aes(x = x, y = y, color = .data[[color_by]]), size = pt.size, alpha = pt.alpha, position = jitter) +
      geom_point(data = df[df[["DE"]] & !df[["border"]], , drop = FALSE], aes(x = x, y = y), color = cols.highlight, size = sizes.highlight + stroke.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight) +
      geom_point(data = df[df[["DE"]] & df[["border"]], , drop = FALSE], aes(x = x, y = y), color = cols.highlight, size = sizes.highlight + stroke.highlight, alpha = alpha.highlight, position = jitter) +
      geom_point(data = df[df[["DE"]] & !df[["border"]], , drop = FALSE], aes(x = x, y = y, color = .data[[color_by]]), size = pt.size, alpha = pt.alpha) +
      geom_point(data = df[df[["DE"]] & df[["border"]], , drop = FALSE], aes(x = x, y = y, color = .data[[color_by]]), size = pt.size, alpha = pt.alpha, position = jitter) +
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "black", linetype = 1) +
      geom_vline(xintercept = 0, color = "grey", linetype = 2) +
        data = df[df[["label"]], , drop = FALSE], aes(x = x, y = y, label = gene),
        min.segment.length = 0, max.overlaps = 100, segment.colour = "grey40",
        color = label.fg, bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size, force = 20,
        nudge_x = ifelse(df[df[["label"]], "y"] >= 0, -x_nudge, x_nudge)
      ) +
      labs(x = xlab, y = ylab) +
        name = ifelse(x_metric == "diff_pct", "log2FC", "diff_pct"), colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
        values = rescale(unique(c(min(c(df[, color_by], 0), na.rm = TRUE), 0, max(df[, color_by], na.rm = TRUE)))),
        guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0, order = 1)
      ) +
      scale_y_continuous(labels = abs) +
      facet_wrap(~group1) +
      do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
      theme(aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio)
    plist[[group]] <- p
  if (isTRUE(combine)) {
    if (length(plist) > 1) {
      plot <- wrap_plots(plotlist = plist, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow)
    } else {
      plot <- plist[[1]]
  } else {

fc_matrix <- function(matrix) {
  matrix / rowMeans(matrix)
zscore_matrix <- function(matrix, ...) {
  t(scale(t(matrix), ...))
log2fc_matrix <- function(matrix) {
  log2(matrix / rowMeans(matrix))
log1p_matrix <- function(matrix) {
matrix_process <- function(matrix, method = c("raw", "zscore", "fc", "log2fc", "log1p"), ...) {
  if (is.function(method)) {
    matrix_processed <- method(matrix, ...)
  } else if (method == "raw") {
    matrix_processed <- matrix
  } else if (method == "fc") {
    matrix_processed <- fc_matrix(matrix)
  } else if (method == "zscore") {
    matrix_processed <- zscore_matrix(matrix, ...)
  } else if (method == "log2fc") {
    matrix_processed <- log2fc_matrix(matrix)
  } else if (method == "log1p") {
    matrix_processed <- log1p_matrix(matrix)
  if (!identical(dim(matrix_processed), dim(matrix))) {
    stop("The dimensions of the matrix are changed after processing")

extractgrobs <- function(vlnplots, x_nm, y_nm, x, y) {
  grobs <- vlnplots[paste0(x_nm[x], ":", y_nm[y])]
  if (length(grobs) == 1) {
    grobs <- grobs[[1]]

#' @importFrom grid viewport grid.draw is.grob
grid_draw <- function(groblist, x, y, width, height) {
  if (is.grob(groblist)) {
    groblist <- list(groblist)
  for (i in seq_along(groblist)) {
    groblist[[i]]$vp <- viewport(x = x[i], y = y[i], width = width[i], height = height[i])

#' @importFrom stats hclust as.dendrogram order.dendrogram
#' @importFrom proxyC dist
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap merge_dendrogram
cluster_within_group2 <- function(mat, factor) {
  if (!is.factor(factor)) {
    factor <- factor(factor, levels = unique(factor))
  dend_list <- list()
  order_list <- list()
  for (le in unique(levels(factor))) {
    m <- mat[, factor == le, drop = FALSE]
    if (ncol(m) == 1) {
      order_list[[le]] <- which(factor == le)
      dend_list[[le]] <- structure(which(factor == le),
        class = "dendrogram", leaf = TRUE, # height = 0,
        label = 1, members = 1
    } else if (ncol(m) > 1) {
      hc1 <- hclust(as.dist(dist(t(m))))
      dend_list[[le]] <- as.dendrogram(hc1)
      order_list[[le]] <- which(factor == le)[order.dendrogram(dend_list[[le]])]
      dendextend::order.dendrogram(dend_list[[le]]) <- order_list[[le]]
    attr(dend_list[[le]], ".class_label") <- le
  parent <- as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist(dist(t(sapply(
    function(x) rowMeans(mat[, x, drop = FALSE])
  dend_list <- lapply(dend_list, function(dend) {
      function(node) {
        if (is.null(attr(node, "height"))) {
          attr(node, "height") <- 0
  # print(sapply(dend_list, function(x) attr(x, "height")))
  dend <- merge_dendrogram(parent, dend_list)
  order.dendrogram(dend) <- unlist(order_list[order.dendrogram(parent)])

#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap HeatmapAnnotation anno_empty anno_block anno_textbox
#' @importFrom grid gpar unit
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter group_by arrange desc across reframe mutate distinct n .data "%>%"
heatmap_enrichment <- function(geneID, geneID_groups, feature_split_palette = "simspec", feature_split_palcolor = NULL, ha_right = NULL, flip = FALSE,
                               anno_terms = FALSE, anno_keys = FALSE, anno_features = FALSE,
                               terms_width = unit(4, "in"), terms_fontsize = 8,
                               keys_width = unit(2, "in"), keys_fontsize = c(6, 10),
                               features_width = unit(2, "in"), features_fontsize = c(6, 10),
                               IDtype = "symbol", species = "Homo_sapiens", db_update = FALSE, db_combine = FALSE, db_version = "latest", convert_species = FALSE, Ensembl_version = 103, mirror = NULL,
                               db = "GO_BP", TERM2GENE = NULL, TERM2NAME = NULL, minGSSize = 10, maxGSSize = 500,
                               GO_simplify = FALSE, GO_simplify_cutoff = "p.adjust < 0.05", simplify_method = "Wang", simplify_similarityCutoff = 0.7,
                               pvalueCutoff = NULL, padjustCutoff = 0.05, topTerm = 5, show_termid = FALSE, topWord = 20, words_excluded = NULL) {
  res <- NULL
  words_excluded <- words_excluded %||% SCP::words_excluded

  if (isTRUE(anno_keys) || isTRUE(anno_features) || isTRUE(anno_terms)) {
    if (isTRUE(flip)) {
      stop("anno_keys, anno_features and anno_terms can only be used when flip is FALSE.")
    if (all(is.na(geneID_groups))) {
      geneID_groups <- rep(1, length(geneID))
    if (!is.factor(geneID_groups)) {
      geneID_groups <- factor(geneID_groups, levels = unique(geneID_groups))
    fill_split <- palette_scp(levels(geneID_groups), type = "discrete", palette = feature_split_palette, palcolor = feature_split_palcolor)[levels(geneID_groups) %in% geneID_groups]
    res <- RunEnrichment(
      geneID = geneID, geneID_groups = geneID_groups, IDtype = IDtype, species = species,
      db_update = db_update, db_version = db_version, db_combine = db_combine, convert_species = convert_species, Ensembl_version = Ensembl_version, mirror = mirror,
      db = db, TERM2GENE = TERM2GENE, TERM2NAME = TERM2NAME, minGSSize = minGSSize, maxGSSize = maxGSSize,
      GO_simplify = GO_simplify, GO_simplify_cutoff = GO_simplify_cutoff, simplify_method = simplify_method, simplify_similarityCutoff = simplify_similarityCutoff
    if (isTRUE(db_combine)) {
      db <- "Combined"
    if (isTRUE(GO_simplify) && any(db %in% c("GO_BP", "GO_CC", "GO_MF"))) {
      db[db %in% c("GO_BP", "GO_CC", "GO_MF")] <- paste0(db[db %in% c("GO_BP", "GO_CC", "GO_MF")], "_sim")
    if (nrow(res$enrichment) == 0) {
      warning("No enrichment result found.", immediate. = TRUE)
    } else {
      metric <- ifelse(is.null(padjustCutoff), "pvalue", "p.adjust")
      metric_value <- ifelse(is.null(padjustCutoff), pvalueCutoff, padjustCutoff)
      pvalueCutoff <- ifelse(is.null(pvalueCutoff), 1, pvalueCutoff)
      padjustCutoff <- ifelse(is.null(padjustCutoff), 1, padjustCutoff)

      df <- res$enrichment
      df <- df[df[["Database"]] %in% db, , drop = FALSE]
      df <- df[df[[metric]] < metric_value, , drop = FALSE]
      df <- df[order(df[[metric]]), , drop = FALSE]
      if (nrow(df) == 0) {
          "No term enriched using the threshold: ",
          paste0("pvalueCutoff = ", pvalueCutoff), "; ",
          paste0("padjustCutoff = ", padjustCutoff),
          immediate. = TRUE
      } else {
        df_list <- split.data.frame(df, ~ Database + Groups)
        df_list <- df_list[lapply(df_list, nrow) > 0]

        for (enrich in db) {
          nm <- strsplit(names(df_list), "\\.")
          subdf_list <- df_list[unlist(lapply(nm, function(x) x[[1]])) %in% enrich]
          if (length(subdf_list) == 0) {
              "No ", enrich, " term enriched using the threshold: ",
              paste0("pvalueCutoff = ", pvalueCutoff), "; ",
              paste0("padjustCutoff = ", padjustCutoff),
              immediate. = TRUE
          nm <- strsplit(names(subdf_list), "\\.")

          ha_terms <- NULL
          if (isTRUE(anno_terms)) {
            terms_list <- lapply(subdf_list, function(df) {
              if (isTRUE(show_termid)) {
                terms <- paste(head(df$ID, topTerm), head(df$Description, topTerm))
              } else {
                terms <- head(df$Description, topTerm)
                terms <- capitalize(terms)
              df_out <- data.frame(keyword = terms)
              df_out[["col"]] <- palette_scp(-log10(head(df[, metric], topTerm)), type = "continuous", palette = "Spectral", matched = TRUE)
              df_out[["col"]] <- sapply(df_out[["col"]], function(x) blendcolors(c(x, "black")))
              df_out[["fontsize"]] <- rep(terms_fontsize, nrow(df_out))
            names(terms_list) <- unlist(lapply(nm, function(x) x[[2]]))
            if (length(intersect(geneID_groups, names(terms_list))) > 0) {
              ha_terms <- HeatmapAnnotation(
                "terms_empty" = anno_empty(width = unit(0.05, "in"), border = FALSE, which = "row"),
                "terms_split" = anno_block(
                  gp = gpar(fill = fill_split),
                  width = unit(0.1, "in"),
                  which = "row"
                "terms" = anno_textbox(
                  align_to = geneID_groups, text = terms_list, max_width = terms_width,
                  word_wrap = TRUE, add_new_line = TRUE,
                  background_gp = gpar(fill = "grey98", col = "black"), round_corners = TRUE,
                  which = "row"
                which = "row", gap = unit(0, "points")
              names(ha_terms) <- paste0(names(ha_terms), "_", enrich)

          ha_keys <- NULL
          if (isTRUE(anno_keys)) {
            keys_list <- lapply(subdf_list, function(df) {
              if (all(df$Database %in% c("GO", "GO_BP", "GO_CC", "GO_MF"))) {
                df0 <- simplifyEnrichment::keyword_enrichment_from_GO(df[["ID"]])
                if (nrow(df0) > 0) {
                  df <- df0 %>%
                      keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
                      score = -(log10(.data[["padj"]])),
                      count = .data[["n_term"]],
                      Database = df[["Database"]][1],
                      Groups = df[["Groups"]][1]
                    ) %>%
                    filter(!grepl(pattern = "\\[.*\\]", x = .data[["keyword"]])) %>%
                    filter(nchar(.data[["keyword"]]) >= 1) %>%
                    filter(!tolower(.data[["keyword"]]) %in% tolower(words_excluded)) %>%
                    distinct() %>%
                    mutate(angle = 90 * sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE, prob = c(60, 40))) %>%
                  df <- df[head(order(df[["score"]], decreasing = TRUE), topWord), , drop = FALSE]
                } else {
                  df <- NULL
              } else {
                df <- df %>%
                  mutate(keyword = strsplit(tolower(as.character(.data[["Description"]])), " ")) %>%
                  unnest(cols = "keyword") %>%
                  group_by(.data[["keyword"]], Database, Groups) %>%
                    keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
                    score = sum(-(log10(.data[[metric]]))),
                    count = n(),
                    Database = .data[["Database"]],
                    Groups = .data[["Groups"]],
                    .groups = "keep"
                  ) %>%
                  filter(!grepl(pattern = "\\[.*\\]", x = .data[["keyword"]])) %>%
                  filter(nchar(.data[["keyword"]]) >= 1) %>%
                  filter(!tolower(.data[["keyword"]]) %in% tolower(words_excluded)) %>%
                  distinct() %>%
                  mutate(angle = 90 * sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE, prob = c(60, 40))) %>%
                df <- df[head(order(df[["score"]], decreasing = TRUE), topWord), , drop = FALSE]
              if (isTRUE(nrow(df) > 0)) {
                df[["col"]] <- palette_scp(df[, "score"], type = "continuous", palette = "Spectral", matched = TRUE)
                df[["col"]] <- sapply(df[["col"]], function(x) blendcolors(c(x, "black")))
                df[["fontsize"]] <- rescale(df[, "count"], to = keys_fontsize)
              } else {
            names(keys_list) <- unlist(lapply(nm, function(x) x[[2]]))
            keys_list <- keys_list[lapply(keys_list, length) > 0]
            if (length(intersect(geneID_groups, names(keys_list))) > 0) {
              ha_keys <- HeatmapAnnotation(
                "keys_empty" = anno_empty(width = unit(0.05, "in"), border = FALSE, which = "row"),
                "keys_split" = anno_block(
                  gp = gpar(fill = fill_split),
                  width = unit(0.1, "in"),
                  which = "row"
                "keys" = anno_textbox(
                  align_to = geneID_groups, text = keys_list, max_width = keys_width,
                  background_gp = gpar(fill = "grey98", col = "black"), round_corners = TRUE,
                  which = "row"
                which = "row", gap = unit(0, "points")
              names(ha_keys) <- paste0(names(ha_keys), "_", enrich)

          ha_features <- NULL
          if (isTRUE(anno_features)) {
            features_list <- lapply(subdf_list, function(df) {
              df <- df %>%
                mutate(keyword = strsplit(as.character(.data[["geneID"]]), "/")) %>%
                unnest(cols = "keyword") %>%
                group_by(.data[["keyword"]], Database, Groups) %>%
                  keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
                  score = sum(-(log10(.data[[metric]]))),
                  count = n(),
                  Database = .data[["Database"]],
                  Groups = .data[["Groups"]],
                  .groups = "keep"
                ) %>%
                distinct() %>%
                mutate(angle = 90 * sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE, prob = c(60, 40))) %>%
              df <- df[head(order(df[["score"]], decreasing = TRUE), topWord), , drop = FALSE]
              df[["col"]] <- palette_scp(df[, "score"], type = "continuous", palette = "Spectral", matched = TRUE)
              df[["col"]] <- sapply(df[["col"]], function(x) blendcolors(c(x, "black")))
              df[["fontsize"]] <- rescale(df[, "count"], to = features_fontsize)
            names(features_list) <- unlist(lapply(nm, function(x) x[[2]]))
            if (length(intersect(geneID_groups, names(features_list))) > 0) {
              ha_features <- HeatmapAnnotation(
                "features_empty" = anno_empty(width = unit(0.05, "in"), border = FALSE, which = "row"),
                "features_split" = anno_block(
                  gp = gpar(fill = fill_split),
                  width = unit(0.1, "in"),
                  which = "row"
                "features" = anno_textbox(
                  align_to = geneID_groups, text = features_list, max_width = features_width,
                  background_gp = gpar(fill = "grey98", col = "black"), round_corners = TRUE,
                  which = "row"
                which = "row", gap = unit(0, "points")
              names(ha_features) <- paste0(names(ha_features), "_", enrich)

          ha_enrichment <- list(ha_terms, ha_keys, ha_features)
          ha_enrichment <- ha_enrichment[sapply(ha_enrichment, length) > 0]
          ha_enrichment <- do.call(c, ha_enrichment)

          if (is.null(ha_right)) {
            ha_right <- ha_enrichment
          } else {
            ha_right <- c(ha_right, ha_enrichment)
  return(list(ha_right = ha_right, res = res))

#' @importFrom grid convertWidth convertHeight unit
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap width.HeatmapAnnotation height.HeatmapAnnotation width.Legends
heatmap_rendersize <- function(width, height, units, ha_top_list, ha_left, ha_right, ht_list, legend_list, flip) {
  width_annotation <- height_annotation <- 0
  if (isTRUE(flip)) {
    width_sum <- width[1] %||% convertWidth(unit(1, "in"), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
    height_sum <- sum(height %||% convertHeight(unit(1, "in"), units, valueOnly = TRUE))
    if (length(ha_top_list) > 0) {
      width_annotation <- convertWidth(unit(width_annotation, units) + width.HeatmapAnnotation(ha_top_list[[1]]), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(ha_left)) {
      height_annotation <- convertHeight(unit(height_annotation, units) + height.HeatmapAnnotation(ha_left), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(ha_right)) {
      height_annotation <- convertHeight(unit(height_annotation, units) + height.HeatmapAnnotation(ha_right), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
  } else {
    width_sum <- sum(width %||% convertWidth(unit(1, "in"), units, valueOnly = TRUE))
    height_sum <- height[1] %||% convertHeight(unit(1, "in"), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
    if (length(ha_top_list) > 0) {
      height_annotation <- convertHeight(unit(height_annotation, units) + height.HeatmapAnnotation(ha_top_list[[1]]), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(ha_left)) {
      width_annotation <- convertWidth(unit(width_annotation, units) + width.HeatmapAnnotation(ha_left), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(ha_right)) {
      width_annotation <- convertWidth(unit(width_annotation, units) + width.HeatmapAnnotation(ha_right), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
  dend_width <- name_width <- NULL
  dend_height <- name_height <- NULL
  if (inherits(ht_list, "HeatmapList")) {
    for (nm in names(ht_list@ht_list)) {
      ht <- ht_list@ht_list[[nm]]
      dend_width <- max(ht@row_dend_param$width, dend_width)
      dend_height <- max(ht@column_dend_param$height, dend_height)
      name_width <- max(ht@row_names_param$max_width, name_width)
      name_height <- max(ht@column_names_param$max_height, name_height)
  } else if (inherits(ht_list, "Heatmap")) {
    ht <- ht_list
    dend_width <- max(ht@row_dend_param$width, dend_width)
    dend_height <- max(ht@column_dend_param$height, dend_height)
    name_width <- max(ht@row_names_param$max_width, name_width)
    name_height <- max(ht@column_names_param$max_height, name_height)
  } else {
    stop("ht_list is not a class of HeatmapList or Heatmap.")

  lgd_width <- convertWidth(unit(unlist(lapply(legend_list, width.Legends)), unitType(width.Legends(legend_list[[1]]))), unitTo = units, valueOnly = TRUE)
  width_sum <- convertWidth(unit(width_sum, units) +
    unit(width_annotation, units) +
    dend_width +
    name_width, units, valueOnly = TRUE) + sum(lgd_width)
  height_sum <- max(
    convertHeight(unit(height_sum, units) +
      unit(height_annotation, units) +
      dend_height +
      name_height, units, valueOnly = TRUE),
    convertHeight(unit(0.95, "npc"), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
  return(list(width_sum = width_sum, height_sum = height_sum))

#' @importFrom grid convertWidth convertHeight convertUnit unit grid.grabExpr
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap draw
#' @importFrom methods slotNames
heatmap_fixsize <- function(width, width_sum, height, height_sum, units, ht_list, legend_list) {
  gTree <- grid.grabExpr(
      ht <- draw(ht_list, annotation_legend_list = legend_list)
      ht_width <- ComplexHeatmap:::width(ht)
      ht_height <- ComplexHeatmap:::height(ht)
      if (inherits(ht_list, "HeatmapList")) {
        for (nm in names(ht_list@ht_list)) {
          if (is.null(names(width))) {
            width_fix <- width[1]
          } else {
            width_fix <- width[nm]
          if (is.null(names(height))) {
            height_fix <- height[1]
          } else {
            height_fix <- height[nm]
          ht_list@ht_list[[nm]]@matrix_param$width <- unit(width_fix %||% dim(ht_list@ht_list[[nm]]@matrix)[1], units = "null")
          ht_list@ht_list[[nm]]@matrix_param$height <- unit(height_fix %||% dim(ht_list@ht_list[[nm]]@matrix)[2], units = "null")
      } else if (inherits(ht_list, "Heatmap")) {
        ht_list@matrix_param$width <- unit(width[1] %||% dim(ht_list@matrix)[1], units = "null")
        ht_list@matrix_param$height <- unit(height[1] %||% dim(ht_list@matrix)[2], units = "null")
      } else {
        stop("ht_list is not a class of HeatmapList or Heatmap.")
    width = unit(width_sum, units = units),
    height = unit(height_sum, units = units),
    wrap = TRUE,
    wrap.grobs = TRUE
  if (unitType(ht_width) == "npc") {
    ht_width <- unit(width_sum, units = units)
  if (unitType(ht_height) == "npc") {
    ht_height <- unit(height_sum, units = units)
  if (is.null(width)) {
    ht_width <- max(
      convertWidth(ht@layout$max_left_component_width, units, valueOnly = TRUE) +
        convertWidth(ht@layout$max_right_component_width, units, valueOnly = TRUE) +
        convertWidth(sum(ht@layout$max_title_component_width), units, valueOnly = TRUE) +
        convertWidth(ht@annotation_legend_param$size[1], units, valueOnly = TRUE) +
        convertWidth(unit(1, "in"), units, valueOnly = TRUE),
      convertWidth(unit(0.95, "npc"), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
    ht_width <- unit(ht_width, units)
  if (is.null(height)) {
    ht_height <- max(
      convertHeight(ht@layout$max_top_component_height, units, valueOnly = TRUE) +
        convertHeight(ht@layout$max_bottom_component_height, units, valueOnly = TRUE) +
        convertHeight(sum(ht@layout$max_title_component_height), units, valueOnly = TRUE) +
        convertHeight(unit(1, "in"), units, valueOnly = TRUE),
      convertHeight(ht@annotation_legend_param$size[2], units, valueOnly = TRUE),
      convertHeight(unit(0.95, "npc"), units, valueOnly = TRUE)
    ht_height <- unit(ht_height, units)
  ht_width <- convertUnit(ht_width, unitTo = units)
  ht_height <- convertUnit(ht_height, unitTo = units)
  return(list(ht_width = ht_width, ht_height = ht_height))

#' @importFrom stats sd
standardise <- function(data) {
  data[] <- t(apply(data, 1, scale))

mestimate <- function(data) {
  N <- nrow(data)
  D <- ncol(data)
  m.sj <- 1 + (1418 / N + 22.05) * D^(-2) + (12.33 / N + 0.243) *
    D^(-0.0406 * log(N) - 0.1134)

#' GroupHeatmap
#' @param srt A Seurat object.
#' @param features The features to include in the heatmap.
#' @param group.by A character vector specifying the groups to group by. Default is NULL.
#' @param split.by A character vector specifying the variable to split the heatmap by. Default is NULL.
#' @param within_groups A logical value indicating whether to create separate heatmap scales for each group or within each group. Default is FALSE.
#' @param grouping.var A character vector that specifies another variable for grouping, such as certain conditions. The default value is NULL.
#' @param numerator A character vector specifying the value to use as the numerator in the grouping.var grouping. Default is NULL.
#' @param cells A character vector specifying the cells to include in the heatmap. Default is NULL.
#' @param aggregate_fun A function to use for aggregating data within groups. Default is base::mean.
#' @param exp_cutoff A numeric value specifying the threshold for cell counting if \code{add_dot} is TRUE. Default is 0.
#' @param border A logical value indicating whether to add a border to the heatmap. Default is TRUE.
#' @param flip A logical value indicating whether to flip the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param slot A character vector specifying the slot in the Seurat object to use. Default is "counts".
#' @param assay A character vector specifying the assay in the Seurat object to use. Default is NULL.
#' @param exp_method A character vector specifying the method for calculating expression values. Default is "zscore" with options "zscore", "raw", "fc", "log2fc", "log1p".
#' @param exp_legend_title A character vector specifying the title for the legend of expression value. Default is NULL.
#' @param limits A two-length numeric vector specifying the limits for the color scale. Default is NULL.
#' @param lib_normalize A logical value indicating whether to normalize the data by library size.
#' @param libsize A numeric vector specifying the library size for each cell. Default is NULL.
#' @param feature_split A factor specifying how to split the features. Default is NULL.
#' @param feature_split_by A character vector specifying which group.by to use when splitting features (into n_split feature clusters). Default is NULL.
#' @param n_split An integer specifying the number of feature splits (feature clusters) to create. Default is NULL.
#' @param split_order A numeric vector specifying the order of splits. Default is NULL.
#' @param split_method A character vector specifying the method for splitting features. Default is "kmeans" with options "kmeans", "hclust", "mfuzz").
#' @param decreasing A logical value indicating whether to sort feature splits in decreasing order. Default is FALSE.
#' @param fuzzification A numeric value specifying the fuzzification coefficient. Default is NULL.
#' @param cluster_features_by A character vector specifying which group.by to use when clustering features. Default is NULL. By default, this parameter is set to NULL, which means that all groups will be used.
#' @param cluster_rows A logical value indicating whether to cluster rows in the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param cluster_columns A logical value indicating whether to cluster columns in the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param cluster_row_slices A logical value indicating whether to cluster row slices in the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param cluster_column_slices A logical value indicating whether to cluster column slices in the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param show_row_names A logical value indicating whether to show row names in the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param show_column_names A logical value indicating whether to show column names in the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param row_names_side A character vector specifying the side to place row names.
#' @param column_names_side A character vector specifying the side to place column names.
#' @param row_names_rot A numeric value specifying the rotation angle for row names. Default is 0.
#' @param column_names_rot A numeric value specifying the rotation angle for column names. Default is 90.
#' @param row_title A character vector specifying the title for rows. Default is NULL.
#' @param column_title A character vector specifying the title for columns. Default is NULL.
#' @param row_title_side A character vector specifying the side to place row title. Default is "left".
#' @param column_title_side A character vector specifying the side to place column title. Default is "top".
#' @param row_title_rot A numeric value specifying the rotation angle for row title. Default is 0.
#' @param column_title_rot A numeric value specifying the rotation angle for column title.
#' @param anno_terms A logical value indicating whether to include term annotations. Default is FALSE.
#' @param anno_keys A logical value indicating whether to include key annotations. Default is FALSE.
#' @param anno_features A logical value indicating whether to include feature annotations. Default is FALSE.
#' @param terms_width A unit specifying the width of term annotations. Default is unit(4, "in").
#' @param terms_fontsize A numeric vector specifying the font size(s) for term annotations. Default is 8.
#' @param keys_width A unit specifying the width of key annotations. Default is unit(2, "in").
#' @param keys_fontsize A two-length numeric vector specifying the minimum and maximum font size(s) for key annotations. Default is c(6, 10).
#' @param features_width A unit specifying the width of feature annotations. Default is unit(2, "in").
#' @param features_fontsize A two-length numeric vector specifying the minimum and maximum font size(s) for feature annotations. Default is c(6, 10).
#' @param IDtype A character vector specifying the type of IDs for features. Default is "symbol".
#' @param species A character vector specifying the species for features. Default is "Homo_sapiens".
#' @param db_update A logical value indicating whether to update the database. Default is FALSE.
#' @param db_version A character vector specifying the version of the database. Default is "latest".
#' @param db_combine A logical value indicating whether to use a combined database. Default is FALSE.
#' @param convert_species A logical value indicating whether to use a species-converted database if annotation is missing for \code{species}. Default is FALSE.
#' @param Ensembl_version An integer specifying the Ensembl version. Default is 103.
#' @param mirror A character vector specifying the mirror for the Ensembl database. Default is NULL.
#' @param db A character vector specifying the database to use. Default is "GO_BP".
#' @param TERM2GENE A data.frame specifying the TERM2GENE mapping for the database. Default is NULL.
#' @param TERM2NAME A data.frame specifying the TERM2NAME mapping for the database. Default is NULL.
#' @param minGSSize An integer specifying the minimum gene set size for the database. Default is 10.
#' @param maxGSSize An integer specifying the maximum gene set size for the database. Default is 500.
#' @param GO_simplify A logical value indicating whether to simplify gene ontology terms. Default is FALSE.
#' @param GO_simplify_cutoff A character vector specifying the cutoff for GO simplification. Default is "p.adjust < 0.05".
#' @param simplify_method A character vector specifying the method for GO simplification. Default is "Wang".
#' @param simplify_similarityCutoff A numeric value specifying the similarity cutoff for GO simplification. Default is 0.7.
#' @param pvalueCutoff A numeric vector specifying the p-value cutoff(s) for significance. Default is NULL.
#' @param padjustCutoff A numeric value specifying the adjusted p-value cutoff for significance. Default is 0.05.
#' @param topTerm An integer specifying the number of top terms to include. Default is 5.
#' @param show_termid A logical value indicating whether to show term IDs. Default is FALSE.
#' @param topWord An integer specifying the number of top words to include. Default is 20.
#' @param words_excluded A character vector specifying the words to exclude. Default is NULL.
#' @param nlabel An integer specifying the number of labels to include. Default is 0.
#' @param features_label A character vector specifying the features to label. Default is NULL.
#' @param label_size A numeric value specifying the size of labels. Default is 10.
#' @param label_color A character vector specifying the color of labels. Default is "black".
#' @param add_bg A logical value indicating whether to add a background to the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param bg_alpha A numeric value specifying the alpha value for the background color. Default is 0.5.
#' @param add_dot A logical value indicating whether to add dots to the heatmap. The size of dot represents percentage of expressed cells based on the specified \code{exp_cutoff}. Default is FALSE.
#' @param dot_size A unit specifying the base size of the dots. Default is unit(8, "mm").
#' @param add_reticle A logical value indicating whether to add reticles to the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param reticle_color A character vector specifying the color of the reticles. Default is "grey".
#' @param add_violin A logical value indicating whether to add violins to the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param fill.by A character vector specifying what to fill the violin. Possible values are "group", "feature", or "expression". Default is "feature".
#' @param fill_palette A character vector specifying the palette to use for fill. Default is "Dark2".
#' @param fill_palcolor A character vector specifying the fill color to use. Default is NULL.
#' @param heatmap_palette A character vector specifying the palette to use for the heatmap. Default is "RdBu".
#' @param heatmap_palcolor A character vector specifying the heatmap color to use. Default is NULL.
#' @param group_palette A character vector specifying the palette to use for groups. Default is "Paired".
#' @param group_palcolor A character vector specifying the group color to use. Default is NULL.
#' @param cell_split_palette A character vector specifying the palette to use for cell splits. Default is "simspec".
#' @param cell_split_palcolor A character vector specifying the cell split color to use. Default is NULL.
#' @param feature_split_palette A character vector specifying the palette to use for feature splits. Default is "simspec".
#' @param feature_split_palcolor A character vector specifying the feature split color to use. Default is NULL.
#' @param cell_annotation A character vector specifying the cell annotation(s) to include. Default is NULL.
#' @param cell_annotation_palette A character vector specifying the palette to use for cell annotations. The length of the vector should match the number of cell_annotation. Default is "Paired".
#' @param cell_annotation_palcolor A list of character vector specifying the cell annotation color(s) to use. The length of the list should match the number of cell_annotation. Default is NULL.
#' @param cell_annotation_params A list specifying additional parameters for cell annotations. Default is a list with width = unit(1, "cm") if flip is TRUE, else a list with height = unit(1, "cm").
#' @param feature_annotation A character vector specifying the feature annotation(s) to include. Default is NULL.
#' @param feature_annotation_palette A character vector specifying the palette to use for feature annotations. The length of the vector should match the number of feature_annotation. Default is "Dark2".
#' @param feature_annotation_palcolor A list of character vector specifying the feature annotation color to use. The length of the list should match the number of feature_annotation. Default is NULL.
#' @param feature_annotation_params A list specifying additional parameters for feature annotations. Default is an empty list.
#' @param use_raster A logical value indicating whether to use a raster device for plotting. Default is NULL.
#' @param raster_device A character vector specifying the raster device to use. Default is "png".
#' @param raster_by_magick A logical value indicating whether to use the 'magick' package for raster. Default is FALSE.
#' @param height A numeric vector specifying the height(s) of the heatmap body. Default is NULL.
#' @param width A numeric vector specifying the width(s) of the heatmap body. Default is NULL.
#' @param units A character vector specifying the units for the height and width. Default is "inch".
#' @param seed An integer specifying the random seed. Default is 11.
#' @param ht_params A list specifying additional parameters passed to the ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap function. Default is an empty list.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunDEtest}}
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{plot}}{The heatmap plot.}
#'     \item{\code{matrix_list}}{A list of matrix for each \code{group.by} used in the heatmap.}
#'     \item{\code{feature_split}}{NULL or a factor if splitting is performed in the heatmap.}
#'     \item{\code{cell_metadata}}{Meta data of cells used to generate the heatmap.}
#'     \item{\code{cell_metadata}}{Meta data of features used to generate the heatmap.}
#'     \item{\code{enrichment}}{NULL or a enrichment result generated by RunEnrichment when any of the parameters \code{anno_terms}, \code{anno_keys}, or \code{anno_features} is set to TRUE.}
#'   }
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' ht1 <- GroupHeatmap(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = c(
#'     "Sox9", "Anxa2", "Bicc1", # Ductal
#'     "Neurog3", "Hes6", # EPs
#'     "Fev", "Neurod1", # Pre-endocrine
#'     "Rbp4", "Pyy", # Endocrine
#'     "Ins1", "Gcg", "Sst", "Ghrl" # Beta, Alpha, Delta, Epsilon
#'   ),
#'   group.by = c("CellType", "SubCellType")
#' )
#' ht1$plot
#' panel_fix(ht1$plot, height = 4, width = 6, raster = TRUE, dpi = 50)
#' pancreas_sub <- RunDEtest(pancreas_sub, group_by = "CellType")
#' de_filter <- filter(pancreas_sub@tools$DEtest_CellType$AllMarkers_wilcox, p_val_adj < 0.05 & avg_log2FC > 1)
#' ht2 <- GroupHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub, features = de_filter$gene, group.by = "CellType",
#'   split.by = "Phase", cell_split_palette = "Dark2",
#'   cluster_rows = TRUE, cluster_columns = TRUE
#' )
#' ht2$plot
#' ht3 <- GroupHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub, features = de_filter$gene, feature_split = de_filter$group1, group.by = "CellType",
#'   species = "Mus_musculus", db = "GO_BP", anno_terms = TRUE, anno_keys = TRUE, anno_features = TRUE
#' )
#' ht3$plot
#' pancreas_sub <- AnnotateFeatures(pancreas_sub, species = "Mus_musculus", db = c("TF", "CSPA"))
#' de_top <- de_filter %>%
#'   group_by(gene) %>%
#'   top_n(1, avg_log2FC) %>%
#'   group_by(group1) %>%
#'   top_n(3, avg_log2FC)
#' ht4 <- GroupHeatmap(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = de_top$gene, feature_split = de_top$group1, group.by = "CellType",
#'   heatmap_palette = "YlOrRd",
#'   cell_annotation = c("Phase", "G2M_score", "Neurod2"), cell_annotation_palette = c("Dark2", "Paired", "Paired"),
#'   cell_annotation_params = list(height = unit(10, "mm")),
#'   feature_annotation = c("TF", "CSPA"),
#'   feature_annotation_palcolor = list(c("gold", "steelblue"), c("forestgreen")),
#'   add_dot = TRUE, add_bg = TRUE, nlabel = 0, show_row_names = TRUE
#' )
#' ht4$plot
#' ht5 <- GroupHeatmap(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = de_top$gene, feature_split = de_top$group1, group.by = "CellType",
#'   heatmap_palette = "YlOrRd",
#'   cell_annotation = c("Phase", "G2M_score", "Neurod2"), cell_annotation_palette = c("Dark2", "Paired", "Paired"),
#'   cell_annotation_params = list(width = unit(10, "mm")),
#'   feature_annotation = c("TF", "CSPA"),
#'   feature_annotation_palcolor = list(c("gold", "steelblue"), c("forestgreen")),
#'   add_dot = TRUE, add_bg = TRUE,
#'   flip = TRUE, column_title_rot = 45, nlabel = 0, show_row_names = TRUE
#' )
#' ht5$plot
#' ht6 <- GroupHeatmap(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = de_top$gene, feature_split = de_top$group1, group.by = "CellType",
#'   add_violin = TRUE, cluster_rows = TRUE,
#'   nlabel = 0, show_row_names = TRUE
#' )
#' ht6$plot
#' ht7 <- GroupHeatmap(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = de_top$gene, feature_split = de_top$group1, group.by = "CellType",
#'   add_violin = TRUE, fill.by = "expression", fill_palette = "Blues", cluster_rows = TRUE,
#'   nlabel = 0, show_row_names = TRUE
#' )
#' ht7$plot
#' ht8 <- GroupHeatmap(pancreas_sub,
#'   features = de_top$gene, group.by = "CellType", split.by = "Phase", n_split = 4,
#'   cluster_rows = TRUE, cluster_columns = TRUE, cluster_row_slices = TRUE, cluster_column_slices = TRUE,
#'   add_dot = TRUE, add_reticle = TRUE, heatmap_palette = "viridis",
#'   nlabel = 0, show_row_names = TRUE,
#'   ht_params = list(row_gap = unit(0, "mm"), row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10))
#' )
#' ht8$plot
#' @importFrom circlize colorRamp2
#' @importFrom stats aggregate formula quantile sd
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap Legend HeatmapAnnotation anno_block anno_simple anno_customize Heatmap draw pindex restore_matrix %v%
#' @importFrom grid gpar grid.grabExpr grid.lines grid.rect grid.points grid.draw
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_void theme facet_null
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom methods getFunction
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter group_by arrange desc across mutate distinct n .data "%>%"
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom proxyC dist
#' @export
GroupHeatmap <- function(srt, features = NULL, group.by = NULL, split.by = NULL, within_groups = FALSE, grouping.var = NULL, numerator = NULL, cells = NULL,
                         aggregate_fun = base::mean, exp_cutoff = 0, border = TRUE, flip = FALSE,
                         slot = "counts", assay = NULL, exp_method = c("zscore", "raw", "fc", "log2fc", "log1p"), exp_legend_title = NULL, limits = NULL, lib_normalize = identical(slot, "counts"), libsize = NULL,
                         feature_split = NULL, feature_split_by = NULL, n_split = NULL, split_order = NULL,
                         split_method = c("kmeans", "hclust", "mfuzz"), decreasing = FALSE, fuzzification = NULL,
                         cluster_features_by = NULL, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE, cluster_row_slices = FALSE, cluster_column_slices = FALSE,
                         show_row_names = FALSE, show_column_names = FALSE, row_names_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "right"), column_names_side = ifelse(flip, "bottom", "top"), row_names_rot = 0, column_names_rot = 90,
                         row_title = NULL, column_title = NULL, row_title_side = "left", column_title_side = "top", row_title_rot = 0, column_title_rot = ifelse(flip, 90, 0),
                         anno_terms = FALSE, anno_keys = FALSE, anno_features = FALSE,
                         terms_width = unit(4, "in"), terms_fontsize = 8,
                         keys_width = unit(2, "in"), keys_fontsize = c(6, 10),
                         features_width = unit(2, "in"), features_fontsize = c(6, 10),
                         IDtype = "symbol", species = "Homo_sapiens", db_update = FALSE, db_version = "latest", db_combine = FALSE, convert_species = FALSE, Ensembl_version = 103, mirror = NULL,
                         db = "GO_BP", TERM2GENE = NULL, TERM2NAME = NULL, minGSSize = 10, maxGSSize = 500,
                         GO_simplify = FALSE, GO_simplify_cutoff = "p.adjust < 0.05", simplify_method = "Wang", simplify_similarityCutoff = 0.7,
                         pvalueCutoff = NULL, padjustCutoff = 0.05, topTerm = 5, show_termid = FALSE, topWord = 20, words_excluded = NULL,
                         nlabel = 20, features_label = NULL, label_size = 10, label_color = "black",
                         add_bg = FALSE, bg_alpha = 0.5,
                         add_dot = FALSE, dot_size = unit(8, "mm"),
                         add_reticle = FALSE, reticle_color = "grey",
                         add_violin = FALSE, fill.by = "feature", fill_palette = "Dark2", fill_palcolor = NULL,
                         heatmap_palette = "RdBu", heatmap_palcolor = NULL, group_palette = "Paired", group_palcolor = NULL,
                         cell_split_palette = "simspec", cell_split_palcolor = NULL, feature_split_palette = "simspec", feature_split_palcolor = NULL,
                         cell_annotation = NULL, cell_annotation_palette = "Paired", cell_annotation_palcolor = NULL, cell_annotation_params = if (flip) list(width = unit(10, "mm")) else list(height = unit(10, "mm")),
                         feature_annotation = NULL, feature_annotation_palette = "Dark2", feature_annotation_palcolor = NULL, feature_annotation_params = if (flip) list(height = unit(5, "mm")) else list(width = unit(5, "mm")),
                         use_raster = NULL, raster_device = "png", raster_by_magick = FALSE, height = NULL, width = NULL, units = "inch",
                         seed = 11, ht_params = list()) {

  if (isTRUE(raster_by_magick)) {
  if (is.null(features)) {
    stop("No feature provided.")

  split_method <- match.arg(split_method)
  data_nm <- c(ifelse(isTRUE(lib_normalize), "normalized", ""), slot)
  data_nm <- paste(data_nm[data_nm != ""], collapse = " ")
  if (length(exp_method) == 1 && is.function(exp_method)) {
    exp_name <- paste0(as.character(x = formals()$exp_method), "(", data_nm, ")")
  } else {
    exp_method <- match.arg(exp_method)
    exp_name <- paste0(exp_method, "(", data_nm, ")")
  if (!is.null(grouping.var) && exp_method != "log2fc") {
    warning("When 'grouping.var' is specified, 'exp_method' can only be 'log2fc'", immediate. = TRUE)
    exp_method <- "log2fc"
  exp_name <- exp_legend_title %||% exp_name

  if (!is.null(grouping.var)) {
    if (identical(split.by, grouping.var)) {
      stop("'grouping.var' must be different from 'split.by'")
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[grouping.var]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[grouping.var]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[grouping.var]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[grouping.var]]))
    if (is.null(numerator)) {
      numerator <- levels(srt@meta.data[[grouping.var]])[1]
      warning("'numerator' is not specified. Use the first level in 'grouping.var': ", numerator, immediate. = TRUE)
    } else {
      if (!numerator %in% levels(srt@meta.data[, grouping.var])) {
        stop("'", numerator, "' is not an element of the '", grouping.var, "'")
    srt@meta.data[["grouping.var.use"]] <- srt@meta.data[[grouping.var]] == numerator
    add_dot <- FALSE
    exp_name <- paste0(numerator, "/", "other\n", exp_method, "(", data_nm, ")")

  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt)
  if (is.null(group.by)) {
    srt@meta.data[["All.groups"]] <- factor("")
    group.by <- "All.groups"
  if (any(!group.by %in% colnames(srt@meta.data))) {
    stop(group.by[!group.by %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)], " is not in the meta data of the Seurat object.")
  if (!is.null(group.by)) {
    for (g in group.by) {
      if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[g]])) {
        srt@meta.data[[g]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[g]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[g]]))
  if (length(split.by) > 1) {
    stop("'split.by' only support one variable.")
  if (any(!split.by %in% colnames(srt@meta.data))) {
    stop(split.by[!split.by %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)], " is not in the meta data of the Seurat object.")
  if (!is.null(split.by)) {
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[split.by]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[split.by]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]))
  group_elements <- unlist(lapply(srt@meta.data[, group.by, drop = FALSE], function(x) length(unique(x))))
  if (any(group_elements == 1) && exp_method == "zscore") {
      "'zscore' cannot be applied to the group(s) consisting of one element: ",
      paste0(names(group_elements)[group_elements == 1], collapse = ",")
  if (length(group_palette) == 1) {
    group_palette <- rep(group_palette, length(group.by))
  if (length(group_palette) != length(group.by)) {
    stop("'group_palette' must be the same length as 'group.by'")
  group_palette <- setNames(group_palette, nm = group.by)
  raw.group.by <- group.by
  raw.group_palette <- group_palette
  if (isTRUE(within_groups)) {
    new.group.by <- c()
    new.group_palette <- group_palette
    for (g in group.by) {
      groups <- split(colnames(srt), srt[[g, drop = TRUE]])
      new.group_palette[g] <- list(rep(new.group_palette[g], length(groups)))
      for (nm in names(groups)) {
        srt[[make.names(nm)]] <- factor(NA, levels = levels(srt[[g, drop = TRUE]]))
        srt[[make.names(nm)]][colnames(srt) %in% groups[[nm]], ] <- nm
        new.group.by <- c(new.group.by, make.names(nm))
    group.by <- new.group.by
    group_palette <- unlist(new.group_palette)
  if (!is.null(feature_split) && !is.factor(feature_split)) {
    feature_split <- factor(feature_split, levels = unique(feature_split))
  if (length(feature_split) != 0 && length(feature_split) != length(features)) {
    stop("feature_split must be the same length as features")
  if (is.null(feature_split_by)) {
    feature_split_by <- group.by
  if (any(!feature_split_by %in% group.by)) {
    stop("feature_split_by must be a subset of group.by")
  if (!is.null(cell_annotation)) {
    if (length(cell_annotation_palette) == 1) {
      cell_annotation_palette <- rep(cell_annotation_palette, length(cell_annotation))
    if (length(cell_annotation_palcolor) == 1) {
      cell_annotation_palcolor <- rep(cell_annotation_palcolor, length(cell_annotation))
    npal <- unique(c(length(cell_annotation_palette), length(cell_annotation_palcolor), length(cell_annotation)))
    if (length(npal[npal != 0]) > 1) {
      stop("cell_annotation_palette and cell_annotation_palcolor must be the same length as cell_annotation")
    if (any(!cell_annotation %in% c(colnames(srt@meta.data), rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])))) {
      stop("cell_annotation: ", paste0(cell_annotation[!cell_annotation %in% c(colnames(srt@meta.data), rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]))], collapse = ","), " is not in the Seurat object.")
  if (!is.null(feature_annotation)) {
    if (length(feature_annotation_palette) == 1) {
      feature_annotation_palette <- rep(feature_annotation_palette, length(feature_annotation))
    if (length(feature_annotation_palcolor) == 1) {
      feature_annotation_palcolor <- rep(feature_annotation_palcolor, length(feature_annotation))
    npal <- unique(c(length(feature_annotation_palette), length(feature_annotation_palcolor), length(feature_annotation)))
    if (length(npal[npal != 0]) > 1) {
      stop("feature_annotation_palette and feature_annotation_palcolor must be the same length as feature_annotation")
    if (any(!feature_annotation %in% colnames(srt@assays[[assay]]@meta.features))) {
      stop("feature_annotation: ", paste0(feature_annotation[!feature_annotation %in% colnames(srt@assays[[assay]]@meta.features)], collapse = ","), " is not in the meta data of the ", assay, " assay in the Seurat object.")
  if (length(width) == 1) {
    width <- rep(width, length(group.by))
  if (length(height) == 1) {
    height <- rep(height, length(group.by))
  if (length(width) >= 1) {
    names(width) <- group.by
  if (length(height) >= 1) {
    names(height) <- group.by

  if (isTRUE(flip)) {
    cluster_rows_raw <- cluster_rows
    cluster_columns_raw <- cluster_columns
    cluster_row_slices_raw <- cluster_row_slices
    cluster_column_slices_raw <- cluster_column_slices
    cluster_rows <- cluster_columns_raw
    cluster_columns <- cluster_rows_raw
    cluster_row_slices <- cluster_column_slices_raw
    cluster_column_slices <- cluster_row_slices_raw

  if (is.null(cells)) {
    cells <- colnames(srt@assays[[1]])
  if (all(!cells %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
    stop("No cells found.")
  if (!all(cells %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
    warning("Some cells not found.", immediate. = TRUE)
  cells <- intersect(cells, colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))

  if (is.null(features)) {
    features <- VariableFeatures(srt, assay = assay)
  index <- features %in% c(rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]), colnames(srt@meta.data))
  features <- features[index]
  features_unique <- make.unique(features)
  if (!is.null(feature_split)) {
    feature_split <- feature_split[index]
    names(feature_split) <- features_unique

  cell_groups <- list()
  for (cell_group in group.by) {
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[cell_group]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]))
    cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- setNames(srt@meta.data[cells, cell_group], cells)
    cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- na.omit(cell_groups[[cell_group]])
    cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- factor(cell_groups[[cell_group]], levels = levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]])[levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]]) %in% cell_groups[[cell_group]]])

    if (!is.null(split.by)) {
      if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[split.by]])) {
        srt@meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[split.by]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]))
      levels <- apply(expand.grid(levels(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]), levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]])), 1, function(x) paste0(x[2:1], collapse = " : "))
      cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- setNames(paste0(cell_groups[[cell_group]][cells], " : ", srt@meta.data[cells, split.by]), cells)
      cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- factor(cell_groups[[cell_group]], levels = levels[levels %in% cell_groups[[cell_group]]])
    if (!is.null(grouping.var)) {
      levels <- apply(expand.grid(c("TRUE", "FALSE"), levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]])), 1, function(x) paste0(x[2:1], collapse = " ; "))
      cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- setNames(paste0(cell_groups[[cell_group]][cells], " ; ", srt@meta.data[cells, "grouping.var.use"]), cells)
      cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- factor(cell_groups[[cell_group]], levels = levels[levels %in% cell_groups[[cell_group]]])

  gene <- features[features %in% rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])]
  gene_unique <- features_unique[features %in% rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])]
  meta <- features[features %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)]

  mat_raw <- as_matrix(rbind(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[gene, cells, drop = FALSE], t(srt@meta.data[cells, meta, drop = FALSE])))[features, , drop = FALSE]
  rownames(mat_raw) <- features_unique
  if (isTRUE(lib_normalize) && min(mat_raw, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0) {
    if (!is.null(libsize)) {
      libsize_use <- libsize
    } else {
      libsize_use <- colSums(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], "counts")[, colnames(mat_raw), drop = FALSE])
      isfloat <- any(libsize_use %% 1 != 0, na.rm = TRUE)
      if (isTRUE(isfloat)) {
        libsize_use <- rep(1, length(libsize_use))
        warning("The values in the 'counts' slot are non-integer. Set the library size to 1.", immediate. = TRUE)
        if (!is.null(grouping.var)) {
          exp_name <- paste0(numerator, "/", "other\n", exp_method, "(", slot, ")")
        } else {
          exp_name <- paste0(exp_method, "(", slot, ")")
    mat_raw[gene_unique, ] <- t(t(mat_raw[gene_unique, , drop = FALSE]) / libsize_use * median(libsize_use))

  mat_raw_list <- list()
  mat_perc_list <- list()
  for (cell_group in names(cell_groups)) {
    mat_tmp <- t(aggregate(t(mat_raw[features_unique, , drop = FALSE]), by = list(cell_groups[[cell_group]][colnames(mat_raw)]), FUN = aggregate_fun))
    colnames(mat_tmp) <- mat_tmp[1, , drop = FALSE]
    mat_tmp <- mat_tmp[-1, , drop = FALSE]
    class(mat_tmp) <- "numeric"
    mat_raw_list[[cell_group]] <- mat_tmp

    mat_perc <- t(aggregate(t(mat_raw[features_unique, , drop = FALSE]), by = list(cell_groups[[cell_group]][colnames(mat_raw)]), FUN = function(x) {
      sum(x > exp_cutoff) / length(x)
    colnames(mat_perc) <- mat_perc[1, , drop = FALSE]
    mat_perc <- mat_perc[-1, , drop = FALSE]
    class(mat_perc) <- "numeric"
    if (isTRUE(flip)) {
      mat_perc <- t(mat_perc)
    mat_perc_list[[cell_group]] <- mat_perc

  # data used to plot heatmap
  mat_list <- list()
  for (cell_group in group.by) {
    mat_tmp <- mat_raw_list[[cell_group]]
    if (is.null(grouping.var)) {
      mat_tmp <- matrix_process(mat_tmp, method = exp_method)
      mat_tmp[is.infinite(mat_tmp)] <- max(abs(mat_tmp[!is.infinite(mat_tmp)]), na.rm = TRUE) * ifelse(mat_tmp[is.infinite(mat_tmp)] > 0, 1, -1)
      mat_tmp[is.na(mat_tmp)] <- mean(mat_tmp, na.rm = TRUE)
      mat_list[[cell_group]] <- mat_tmp
    } else {
      compare_groups <- strsplit(colnames(mat_tmp), " ; ")
      names_keep <- names(which(table(sapply(compare_groups, function(x) x[[1]])) == 2))
      group_keep <- which(sapply(compare_groups, function(x) x[[1]] %in% names_keep))
      group_TRUE <- intersect(group_keep, which(sapply(compare_groups, function(x) x[[2]]) == "TRUE"))
      group_FALSE <- intersect(group_keep, which(sapply(compare_groups, function(x) x[[2]]) == "FALSE"))
      mat_tmp <- log2(mat_tmp[, group_TRUE] / mat_tmp[, group_FALSE])
      colnames(mat_tmp) <- gsub(" ; .*", "", colnames(mat_tmp))
      mat_tmp[is.infinite(mat_tmp)] <- max(abs(mat_tmp[!is.infinite(mat_tmp)]), na.rm = TRUE) * ifelse(mat_tmp[is.infinite(mat_tmp)] > 0, 1, -1)
      mat_tmp[is.na(mat_tmp)] <- 0
      mat_list[[cell_group]] <- mat_tmp
      cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- factor(gsub(" ; .*", "", cell_groups[[cell_group]]), levels = unique(gsub(" ; .*", "", levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]]))))

  # data used to do clustering
  # if (length(feature_split_by) == 1) {
  #   mat_split <- mat_list[[feature_split_by]]
  # } else {
  #   # mat_split <- do.call(cbind, mat_raw_list[feature_split_by])
  #   # mat_split <- matrix_process(mat_split, method = exp_method)
  #   mat_split <- do.call(cbind, mat_list[feature_split_by])
  #   mat_split[is.infinite(mat_split)] <- max(abs(mat_split[!is.infinite(mat_split)])) * ifelse(mat_split[is.infinite(mat_split)] > 0, 1, -1)
  #   mat_split[is.na(mat_split)] <- mean(mat_split, na.rm = TRUE)
  # }
  mat_split <- do.call(cbind, mat_list[feature_split_by])

  if (is.null(limits)) {
    if (!is.function(exp_method) && exp_method %in% c("zscore", "log2fc")) {
      b <- ceiling(min(abs(quantile(do.call(cbind, mat_list), c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE) * 2) / 2
      colors <- colorRamp2(seq(-b, b, length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))
    } else {
      b <- quantile(do.call(cbind, mat_list), c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm = TRUE)
      colors <- colorRamp2(seq(b[1], b[2], length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))
  } else {
    colors <- colorRamp2(seq(limits[1], limits[2], length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))

  cell_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(
    data.frame(row.names = cells, cells = cells),
      srt@meta.data[cells, c(group.by, intersect(cell_annotation, colnames(srt@meta.data))), drop = FALSE],
      t(srt@assays[[assay]]@data[intersect(cell_annotation, rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])) %||% integer(), cells, drop = FALSE])
  feature_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(
    data.frame(row.names = features_unique, features = features, features_uique = features_unique),
    srt@assays[[assay]]@meta.features[features, intersect(feature_annotation, colnames(srt@assays[[assay]]@meta.features)), drop = FALSE]
  feature_metadata[, "duplicated"] <- feature_metadata[["features"]] %in% features[duplicated(features)]

  lgd <- list()
  lgd[["ht"]] <- Legend(title = exp_name, col_fun = colors, border = TRUE)
  if (isTRUE(add_dot)) {
    lgd[["point"]] <- Legend(
      labels = paste0(seq(20, 100, length.out = 5), "%"),
      title = "Percent",
      type = "points",
      pch = 21,
      size = dot_size * seq(0.2, 1, length.out = 5), # unit(pi * grid_size^2 * seq(0.2, 1, length.out = 5), "cm"),
      grid_height = dot_size * seq(0.2, 1, length.out = 5) * 0.8,
      grid_width = dot_size,
      legend_gp = gpar(fill = "grey30"),
      border = FALSE,
      background = "transparent",
      direction = "vertical"

  ha_top_list <- NULL
  cluster_columns_list <- list()
  column_split_list <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(group.by)) {
    cell_group <- group.by[i]
    cluster_columns_list[[cell_group]] <- cluster_columns
    if (is.null(split.by)) {
      column_split_list[[cell_group]] <- NULL
    } else {
      column_split_list[[cell_group]] <- factor(gsub(" : .*", "", levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]])), levels = levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]))
    if (isTRUE(cluster_column_slices) && !is.null(split.by)) {
      if (!isTRUE(cluster_columns)) {
        if (nlevels(column_split_list[[cell_group]]) == 1) {
          stop("cluster_column_slices=TRUE can not be used when there is only one group.")
        dend <- cluster_within_group(mat_list[[cell_group]], column_split_list[[cell_group]])
        cluster_columns_list[[cell_group]] <- dend
        column_split_list[[cell_group]] <- length(unique(column_split_list[[cell_group]]))
    if (cell_group != "All.groups") {
      funbody <- paste0(
        grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(", paste0("c('", paste0(levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]), collapse = "','"), "')"), ",palette = '", group_palette[i], "',palcolor=c(", paste0("'", paste0(group_palcolor[[i]], collapse = "','"), "'"), "))[nm]))
      funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
      eval(parse(text = paste("panel_fun <- function(index, nm) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())

      anno <- list()
      anno[[cell_group]] <- anno_block(
        align_to = split(seq_along(levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]])), gsub(pattern = " : .*", replacement = "", x = levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]]))),
        panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
        which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
        show_name = FALSE
      ha_cell_group <- do.call("HeatmapAnnotation", args = c(anno, which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left"), border = TRUE))
      ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- ha_cell_group
      #   lgd[[cell_group]] <- Legend(
      #     title = cell_group, labels = levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]),
      #     legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]), palette = group_palette[i], palcolor = group_palcolor[[i]])), border = TRUE
      #   )

    if (!is.null(split.by)) {
      funbody <- paste0(
      grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(", paste0("c('", paste0(levels(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]), collapse = "','"), "')"), ",palette = '", cell_split_palette, "',palcolor=c(", paste0("'", paste0(unlist(cell_split_palcolor), collapse = "','"), "'"), "))[nm]))
      funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
      eval(parse(text = paste("panel_fun <- function(index, nm) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())

      anno <- list()
      anno[[split.by]] <- anno_block(
        align_to = split(seq_along(levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]])), gsub(pattern = ".* : ", replacement = "", x = levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]]))),
        panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
        which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
        show_name = i == 1
      ha_split_by <- do.call("HeatmapAnnotation", args = c(anno, which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left"), border = TRUE))
      if (is.null(ha_top_list[[cell_group]])) {
        ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- ha_split_by
      } else {
        ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- c(ha_top_list[[cell_group]], ha_split_by)

  for (i in seq_along(raw.group.by)) {
    cell_group <- raw.group.by[i]
    if (cell_group != "All.groups") {
      lgd[[cell_group]] <- Legend(
        title = cell_group, labels = levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]),
        legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]), palette = raw.group_palette[i], palcolor = group_palcolor[[i]])), border = TRUE

  if (!is.null(split.by)) {
    lgd[[split.by]] <- Legend(
      title = split.by, labels = levels(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]),
      legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(levels(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]), palette = cell_split_palette, palcolor = cell_split_palcolor)), border = TRUE

  if (!is.null(cell_annotation)) {
    subplots_list <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(cell_annotation)) {
      cellan <- cell_annotation[i]
      palette <- cell_annotation_palette[i]
      palcolor <- cell_annotation_palcolor[[i]]
      cell_anno <- cell_metadata[, cellan]
      names(cell_anno) <- rownames(cell_metadata)
      if (!is.numeric(cell_anno)) {
        if (is.logical(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
        } else if (!is.factor(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = unique(cell_anno))
        for (cell_group in group.by) {
          subplots <- CellStatPlot(srt,
            flip = flip,
            cells = names(cell_groups[[cell_group]]), plot_type = "pie",
            stat.by = cellan, group.by = cell_group, split.by = split.by,
            palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, title = NULL,
            individual = TRUE, combine = FALSE
          subplots_list[[paste0(cellan, ":", cell_group)]] <- subplots
          graphics <- list()
          for (nm in names(subplots)) {
            funbody <- paste0(
              g <- as_grob(subplots_list[['", cellan, ":", cell_group, "']]", "[['", nm, "']]  + facet_null() + theme_void() + theme(plot.title = element_blank(), plot.subtitle = element_blank(), legend.position = 'none'));
              g$name <- '", paste0(cellan, ":", cell_group, "-", nm), "';
            funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
            eval(parse(text = paste("graphics[[nm]] <- function(x, y, w, h) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
          x_nm <- sapply(strsplit(levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]]), " : "), function(x) {
            if (length(x) == 2) {
              paste0(c(cell_group, x[1], x[2]), collapse = ":")
            } else {
              paste0(c(cell_group, x[1], ""), collapse = ":")

          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_customize(
            x = x_nm,
            graphics = graphics,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            border = TRUE,
            verbose = FALSE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            show_annotation_name = cell_group == group.by[1],
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_top <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_top_list[[cell_group]])) {
            ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- ha_top
          } else {
            ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- c(ha_top_list[[cell_group]], ha_top)
        lgd[[cellan]] <- Legend(
          title = cellan, labels = levels(cell_anno),
          legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE
      } else {
        for (cell_group in group.by) {
          subplots <- FeatureStatPlot(srt,
            assay = assay, slot = "data", flip = flip,
            stat.by = cellan, cells = names(cell_groups[[cell_group]]),
            group.by = cell_group, split.by = split.by,
            palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor,
            fill.by = "group", same.y.lims = TRUE,
            individual = TRUE, combine = FALSE
          subplots_list[[paste0(cellan, ":", cell_group)]] <- subplots
          graphics <- list()
          for (nm in names(subplots)) {
            funbody <- paste0(
              g <- as_grob(subplots_list[['", cellan, ":", cell_group, "']]", "[['", nm, "']]  + facet_null() + theme_void() + theme(plot.title = element_blank(), plot.subtitle = element_blank(), legend.position = 'none'));
              g$name <- '", paste0(cellan, ":", cell_group, "-", nm), "';
            funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
            eval(parse(text = paste("graphics[[nm]] <- function(x, y, w, h) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
          x_nm <- sapply(strsplit(levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]]), " : "), function(x) {
            if (length(x) == 2) {
              paste0(c(cellan, cell_group, x[1], x[2]), collapse = ":")
            } else {
              paste0(c(cellan, cell_group, x[1], ""), collapse = ":")
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_customize(
            x = x_nm,
            graphics = graphics,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            border = TRUE,
            verbose = FALSE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            show_annotation_name = cell_group == group.by[1],
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_top <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_top_list[[cell_group]])) {
            ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- ha_top
          } else {
            ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- c(ha_top_list[[cell_group]], ha_top)
        # lgd[[cellan]] <- Legend(
        #   title = cellan, labels = levels(cell_anno),
        #   legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE
        # )

  if (is.null(feature_split)) {
    if (is.null(n_split) || isTRUE(nrow(mat_split) <= n_split)) {
      row_split_raw <- row_split <- feature_split <- NULL
    } else {
      if (n_split == 1) {
        row_split_raw <- row_split <- feature_split <- setNames(rep(1, nrow(mat_split)), rownames(mat_split))
      } else {
        if (split_method == "mfuzz") {
          status <- tryCatch(check_R("e1071"), error = identity)
          if (inherits(status, "error")) {
            warning("The e1071 package was not found. Switch split_method to 'kmeans'", immediate. = TRUE)
            split_method <- "kmeans"
          } else {
            mat_split_tmp <- mat_split
            colnames(mat_split_tmp) <- make.unique(colnames(mat_split_tmp))
            mat_split_tmp <- standardise(mat_split_tmp)
            min_fuzzification <- mestimate(mat_split_tmp)
            if (is.null(fuzzification)) {
              fuzzification <- min_fuzzification + 0.1
            } else {
              if (fuzzification <= min_fuzzification) {
                warning("fuzzification value is samller than estimated:", round(min_fuzzification, 2), immediate. = TRUE)
            cl <- e1071::cmeans(mat_split_tmp, centers = n_split, method = "cmeans", m = fuzzification)
            if (length(cl$cluster) == 0) {
              stop("Clustering with mfuzz failed (fuzzification=", round(fuzzification, 2), "). Please set a larger fuzzification parameter manually.")
            # mfuzz.plot(eset, cl,new.window = FALSE)
            row_split <- feature_split <- cl$cluster
        if (split_method == "kmeans") {
          km <- kmeans(mat_split, centers = n_split, iter.max = 1e4, nstart = 20)
          row_split <- feature_split <- km$cluster
        if (split_method == "hclust") {
          hc <- hclust(as.dist(dist(mat_split)))
          row_split <- feature_split <- cutree(hc, k = n_split)
      groupmean <- aggregate(t(mat_split), by = list(unlist(lapply(cell_groups[feature_split_by], levels))), mean)
      maxgroup <- groupmean[, 1][apply(groupmean[, names(row_split)], 2, which.max)]
      maxgroup <- factor(maxgroup, levels = levels(unlist(cell_groups[feature_split_by])))
      df <- data.frame(row_split = row_split, order_by = maxgroup)
      df_order <- aggregate(df[["order_by"]], by = list(df[, "row_split"]), FUN = function(x) names(sort(table(x), decreasing = TRUE))[1])
      df_order[, "row_split"] <- df_order[, "Group.1"]
      df_order[["order_by"]] <- as.numeric(factor(df_order[["x"]], levels = levels(maxgroup)))
      df_order <- df_order[order(df_order[["order_by"]], decreasing = decreasing), , drop = FALSE]
      if (!is.null(split_order)) {
        df_order <- df_order[split_order, , drop = FALSE]
      split_levels <- c()
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(df_order))) {
        raw_nm <- df_order[i, "row_split"]
        feature_split[feature_split == raw_nm] <- paste0("C", i)
        level <- paste0("C", i, "(", sum(row_split == raw_nm), ")")
        row_split[row_split == raw_nm] <- level
        split_levels <- c(split_levels, level)
      row_split_raw <- row_split <- factor(row_split, levels = split_levels)
      feature_split <- factor(feature_split, levels = paste0("C", seq_len(nrow(df_order))))
  } else {
    row_split_raw <- row_split <- feature_split <- feature_split[row.names(mat_split)]
  if (!is.null(feature_split)) {
    feature_metadata[["feature_split"]] <- feature_split
  } else {
    feature_metadata[["feature_split"]] <- NA

  ha_left <- NULL
  if (!is.null(row_split)) {
    if (isTRUE(cluster_row_slices)) {
      if (!isTRUE(cluster_rows)) {
        dend <- cluster_within_group(t(mat_split), row_split_raw)
        cluster_rows <- dend
        row_split <- length(unique(row_split_raw))
    funbody <- paste0(
      grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(", paste0("c('", paste0(levels(row_split_raw), collapse = "','"), "')"), ",palette = '", feature_split_palette, "',palcolor=c(", paste0("'", paste0(unlist(feature_split_palcolor), collapse = "','"), "'"), "))[nm]))
    funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
    eval(parse(text = paste("panel_fun <- function(index, nm) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
    ha_clusters <- HeatmapAnnotation(
      features_split = anno_block(
        align_to = split(seq_along(row_split_raw), row_split_raw),
        panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
        width = unit(0.1, "in"),
        height = unit(0.1, "in"),
        show_name = FALSE,
        which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row")
      which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
      border = TRUE
    if (is.null(ha_left)) {
      ha_left <- ha_clusters
    } else {
      ha_left <- c(ha_left, ha_clusters)
    lgd[["Cluster"]] <- Legend(
      title = "Cluster", labels = intersect(levels(row_split_raw), row_split_raw),
      legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(intersect(levels(row_split_raw), row_split_raw), type = "discrete", palette = feature_split_palette, palcolor = feature_split_palcolor, matched = TRUE)), border = TRUE

  if (isTRUE(cluster_rows) && !is.null(cluster_features_by)) {
    mat_cluster <- do.call(cbind, mat_list[cluster_features_by])
    if (is.null(row_split)) {
      dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist(dist(mat_cluster))))
      dend_ordered <- reorder(dend, wts = colMeans(mat_cluster), agglo.FUN = mean)
      cluster_rows <- dend_ordered
    } else {
      row_split <- length(unique(row_split_raw))
      dend <- cluster_within_group2(t(mat_cluster), row_split_raw)
      cluster_rows <- dend

  cell_group <- group.by[1]
  ht_args <- list(
    matrix = mat_list[[cell_group]],
    col = colors,
    row_split = row_split,
    column_split = column_split_list[[cell_group]],
    cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
    cluster_columns = cluster_columns_list[[cell_group]],
    cluster_row_slices = cluster_row_slices,
    cluster_column_slices = cluster_column_slices,
    use_raster = TRUE
  ht_args <- c(ht_args, ht_params[setdiff(names(ht_params), names(ht_args))])
  ht_list <- do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
  features_ordered <- rownames(mat_list[[1]])[unlist(suppressWarnings(row_order(ht_list)))]
  feature_metadata[["index"]] <- setNames(object = seq_along(features_ordered), nm = features_ordered)[rownames(feature_metadata)]

  if (is.null(features_label)) {
    if (nlabel > 0) {
      if (length(features) > nlabel) {
        index_from <- ceiling((length(features_ordered) / nlabel) / 2)
        index_to <- length(features_ordered)
        index <- unique(round(seq(from = index_from, to = index_to, length.out = nlabel)))
      } else {
        index <- seq_along(features_ordered)
    } else {
      index <- NULL
  } else {
    index <- which(features_ordered %in% features_label)
    drop <- setdiff(features_label, features_ordered)
    if (length(drop) > 0) {
      warning(paste0(paste0(drop, collapse = ","), "was not found in the features"), immediate. = TRUE)
  if (length(index) > 0) {
    ha_mark <- HeatmapAnnotation(
      gene = anno_mark(
        at = which(rownames(feature_metadata) %in% features_ordered[index]),
        labels = feature_metadata[which(rownames(feature_metadata) %in% features_ordered[index]), "features"],
        side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left"),
        labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = label_size, col = label_color),
        link_gp = gpar(fontsize = label_size, col = label_color),
        which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row")
      which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = FALSE
    if (is.null(ha_left)) {
      ha_left <- ha_mark
    } else {
      ha_left <- c(ha_mark, ha_left)

  ha_right <- NULL
  if (!is.null(feature_annotation)) {
    for (i in seq_along(feature_annotation)) {
      featan <- feature_annotation[i]
      palette <- feature_annotation_palette[i]
      palcolor <- feature_annotation_palcolor[[i]]
      featan_values <- feature_metadata[, featan]
      if (!is.numeric(featan_values)) {
        if (is.logical(featan_values)) {
          featan_values <- factor(featan_values, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
        } else if (!is.factor(featan_values)) {
          featan_values <- factor(featan_values, levels = unique(featan_values))
        ha_feature <- list()
        ha_feature[[featan]] <- anno_simple(
          x = as.character(featan_values),
          col = palette_scp(featan_values, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
          na_col = "transparent",
          which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
          border = TRUE
        anno_args <- c(ha_feature, which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "top"), border = TRUE)
        anno_args <- c(anno_args, feature_annotation_params[setdiff(names(feature_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
        ha_feature <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
        if (is.null(ha_right)) {
          ha_right <- ha_feature
        } else {
          ha_right <- c(ha_right, ha_feature)
        lgd[[featan]] <- Legend(
          title = featan, labels = levels(featan_values),
          legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(featan_values, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE
      } else {
        col_fun <- colorRamp2(
          breaks = seq(min(featan_values, na.rm = TRUE), max(featan_values, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100),
          colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
        ha_feature <- list()
        ha_feature[[featan]] <- anno_simple(
          x = featan_values,
          col = col_fun,
          na_col = "transparent",
          which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
          border = TRUE
        anno_args <- c(ha_feature, which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "top"), border = TRUE)
        anno_args <- c(anno_args, feature_annotation_params[setdiff(names(feature_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
        ha_feature <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
        if (is.null(ha_right)) {
          ha_right <- ha_feature
        } else {
          ha_right <- c(ha_right, ha_feature)
        lgd[[featan]] <- Legend(
          title = featan, col_fun = col_fun, border = TRUE

  enrichment <- heatmap_enrichment(
    geneID = feature_metadata[["features"]], geneID_groups = feature_metadata[["feature_split"]],
    feature_split_palette = feature_split_palette, feature_split_palcolor = feature_split_palcolor,
    ha_right = ha_right, flip = flip,
    anno_terms = anno_terms, anno_keys = anno_keys, anno_features = anno_features,
    terms_width = terms_width, terms_fontsize = terms_fontsize,
    keys_width = keys_width, keys_fontsize = keys_fontsize,
    features_width = features_width, features_fontsize = features_fontsize,
    IDtype = IDtype, species = species, db_update = db_update, db_version = db_version, db_combine = db_combine, convert_species = convert_species, Ensembl_version = Ensembl_version, mirror = mirror,
    db = db, TERM2GENE = TERM2GENE, TERM2NAME = TERM2NAME, minGSSize = minGSSize, maxGSSize = maxGSSize,
    GO_simplify = GO_simplify, GO_simplify_cutoff = GO_simplify_cutoff, simplify_method = simplify_method, simplify_similarityCutoff = simplify_similarityCutoff,
    pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff, padjustCutoff = padjustCutoff, topTerm = topTerm, show_termid = show_termid, topWord = topWord, words_excluded = words_excluded
  res <- enrichment$res
  ha_right <- enrichment$ha_right

  ht_list <- NULL
  vlnplots_list <- NULL
  x_nm_list <- NULL
  y_nm_list <- NULL
  if (fill.by == "group") {
    palette <- group_palette
    palcolor <- group_palcolor
  } else {
    palette <- feature_annotation_palette
    palcolor <- feature_annotation_palcolor
  for (cell_group in group.by) {
    if (cell_group == group.by[1]) {
      left_annotation <- ha_left
    } else {
      left_annotation <- NULL
    if (cell_group == group.by[length(group.by)]) {
      right_annotation <- ha_right
    } else {
      right_annotation <- NULL
    if (isTRUE(add_violin)) {
      vlnplots <- FeatureStatPlot(srt,
        assay = assay, slot = "data", flip = flip,
        stat.by = rownames(mat_list[[cell_group]]),
        cells = names(cell_groups[[cell_group]]),
        group.by = cell_group, split.by = split.by,
        palette = fill_palette, palcolor = fill_palcolor,
        fill.by = fill.by, same.y.lims = TRUE,
        individual = TRUE, combine = FALSE
      lgd[["ht"]] <- NULL
      # legend <- get_legend(vlnplots[[1]])
      # funbody <- paste0(
      #   "
      #         g <- as_grob(subplots_list[['", cellan, ":", cell_group, "']]", "[['", nm, "']] + theme_void() + theme(plot.title = element_blank(), plot.subtitle = element_blank(), legend.position = 'none'));
      #         grid.draw(g)
      #         "
      # )
      # funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
      # eval(parse(text = paste("graphics[[nm]] <- function(x, y, w, h) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
      # graphics = list(
      #   " " = function(x, y, w, h) {
      #     grid_draw(legend,x = x,y = y,width = w,height = h)
      # })
      # lgd[["ht"]] <- Legend(title = " ", at = names(graphics), graphics = graphics, border = TRUE)

      for (nm in names(vlnplots)) {
        gtable <- as_grob(vlnplots[[nm]] + facet_null() + theme_void() + theme(legend.position = "none"))
        gtable$name <- paste0(cell_group, "-", nm)
        vlnplots[[nm]] <- gtable
      vlnplots_list[[paste0("heatmap_group:", cell_group)]] <- vlnplots
      x_nm <- rownames(mat_list[[cell_group]])
      x_nm_list[[paste0("heatmap_group:", cell_group)]] <- x_nm
      y_nm <- sapply(strsplit(levels(cell_groups[[cell_group]]), " : "), function(x) {
        if (length(x) == 2) {
          paste0(c(cell_group, x[1], x[2]), collapse = ":")
        } else {
          paste0(c(cell_group, x[1], ""), collapse = ":")
      y_nm_list[[paste0("heatmap_group:", cell_group)]] <- y_nm

      # popViewport()
      # grid.draw(roundrectGrob())
      # groblist <- extractgrobs(vlnplots = vlnplots_list[[paste0('heatmap_group:' ,cell_group)]],
      #                          x_nm =  x_nm_list[[paste0('heatmap_group:', cell_group)]],
      #                          y_nm= y_nm_list[[paste0('heatmap_group:',cell_group)]],
      #                          x = 1:4,y = 1:4);
      # grid_draw(groblist,
      #   x = unit(c(0.33, 0.67, 0.33, 0.67), "npc"), y = unit(c(0.33, 0.33, 0.67, 0.67), "npc"),
      #   width = rep(unit(1, "in"), 4), height = rep(unit(1, "in"), 4)
      # )

    funbody <- paste0(
      if (isTRUE(add_dot) || isTRUE(add_violin)) {
        "grid.rect(x, y,
          width = width, height = height,
          gp = gpar(col = 'white', lwd = 1, fill = 'white')
      if (isTRUE(add_bg)) {
        grid.rect(x, y,
          width = width, height = height,
          gp = gpar(col = fill, lwd = 1, fill = adjcolors(fill, ", bg_alpha, "))
      if (isTRUE(add_reticle)) {
        ind_mat = restore_matrix(j, i, x, y);
        ind_top = ind_mat[1,];
        ind_left = ind_mat[,1];
        for(col in seq_len(ncol(ind_mat))){
          grid.lines(x = unit(rep(x[ind_top[col]],each=2),'npc'),y = unit(c(0,1),'npc'),gp = gpar(col = '", reticle_color, "', lwd = 1.5));
        for(row in seq_len(nrow(ind_mat))){
          grid.lines(x = unit(c(0,1),'npc'),y = unit(rep(y[ind_left[row]],each=2),'npc'),gp = gpar(col = '", reticle_color, "', lwd = 1.5));
      if (isTRUE(add_dot)) {
        paste0("perc <- pindex(mat_perc_list[['", cell_group, "']]", ", i, j);
        grid.points(x, y,
          pch = 21,
          size = dot_size*perc,
          gp = gpar(col = 'black', lwd = 1, fill = fill)
      if (isTRUE(add_violin)) {
        if (isTRUE(flip)) {
        groblist <- extractgrobs(vlnplots = vlnplots_list[[paste0('heatmap_group:', '", cell_group, "')]],
               x_nm =  x_nm_list[[paste0('heatmap_group:', '", cell_group, "')]],
               y_nm= y_nm_list[[paste0('heatmap_group:', '", cell_group, "')]],
               x = j,y = i);
        grid_draw(groblist, x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height);
        } else {
        groblist <- extractgrobs(vlnplots = vlnplots_list[[paste0('heatmap_group:', '", cell_group, "')]],
               x_nm =  x_nm_list[[paste0('heatmap_group:', '", cell_group, "')]],
               y_nm= y_nm_list[[paste0('heatmap_group:', '", cell_group, "')]],
               x = i,y = j);
        grid_draw(groblist, x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height);
    # groblist <- extractgrobs(vlnplots = vlnplots_list[[paste0("heatmap_group:", cell_group)]],
    #                          x_nm =  x_nm_list[[paste0("heatmap_group:", cell_group)]],
    #                          y_nm= y_nm_list[[paste0("heatmap_group:", cell_group)]],
    #                          x = 1:3,y = 1:3)
    # gtable <- groblist[[paste0(
    #   x_nm_list[[paste0("heatmap_group:", cell_group)]][1],
    #   ":",
    #   y_nm_list[[paste0("heatmap_group:", cell_group)]][1]
    # )]]
    # ind_mat = restore_matrix(j, i, x, y);
    # ind = unique(ind_mat);
    # grid_draw(groblist,x=x[ind],y= y[ind]);
    funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
    eval(parse(text = paste("layer_fun <- function(j, i, x, y, width, height, fill) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
    ht_args <- list(
      name = cell_group,
      matrix = if (flip) t(mat_list[[cell_group]]) else mat_list[[cell_group]],
      col = colors,
      layer_fun = getFunction("layer_fun", where = environment()),
      row_title = row_title %||% if (flip) ifelse(cell_group != "All.groups", cell_group, "") else character(0),
      row_title_side = row_title_side,
      column_title = column_title %||% if (flip) character(0) else ifelse(cell_group != "All.groups", cell_group, ""),
      column_title_side = column_title_side,
      row_title_rot = row_title_rot,
      column_title_rot = column_title_rot,
      row_split = if (flip) column_split_list[[cell_group]] else row_split,
      column_split = if (flip) row_split else column_split_list[[cell_group]],
      cluster_rows = if (flip) cluster_columns_list[[cell_group]] else cluster_rows,
      cluster_columns = if (flip) cluster_rows else cluster_columns_list[[cell_group]],
      cluster_row_slices = if (flip) cluster_column_slices else cluster_row_slices,
      cluster_column_slices = if (flip) cluster_row_slices else cluster_column_slices,
      show_row_names = show_row_names,
      show_column_names = show_column_names,
      row_names_side = row_names_side,
      column_names_side = column_names_side,
      row_names_rot = row_names_rot,
      column_names_rot = column_names_rot,
      top_annotation = if (flip) left_annotation else ha_top_list[[cell_group]],
      left_annotation = if (flip) ha_top_list[[cell_group]] else left_annotation,
      bottom_annotation = if (flip) right_annotation else NULL,
      right_annotation = if (flip) NULL else right_annotation,
      show_heatmap_legend = FALSE,
      border = border,
      use_raster = use_raster,
      raster_device = raster_device,
      raster_by_magick = raster_by_magick,
      width = if (is.numeric(width[cell_group])) unit(width[cell_group], units = units) else NULL,
      height = if (is.numeric(height[cell_group])) unit(height[cell_group], units = units) else NULL
    if (any(names(ht_params) %in% names(ht_args))) {
      warning("ht_params: ", paste0(intersect(names(ht_params), names(ht_args)), collapse = ","), " were duplicated and will not be used.", immediate. = TRUE)
    ht_args <- c(ht_args, ht_params[setdiff(names(ht_params), names(ht_args))])
    if (isTRUE(flip)) {
      if (is.null(ht_list)) {
        ht_list <- do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
      } else {
        ht_list <- ht_list %v% do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
    } else {
      ht_list <- ht_list + do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)

  if ((!is.null(row_split) && length(index) > 0) || any(c(anno_terms, anno_keys, anno_features)) || !is.null(width) || !is.null(height)) {
    fix <- TRUE
    if (is.null(width) || is.null(height)) {
      message("\nThe size of the heatmap is fixed because certain elements are not scalable.\nThe width and height of the heatmap are determined by the size of the current viewport.\nIf you want to have more control over the size, you can manually set the parameters 'width' and 'height'.\n")
  } else {
    fix <- FALSE
  rendersize <- heatmap_rendersize(
    width = width, height = height, units = units,
    ha_top_list = ha_top_list, ha_left = ha_left, ha_right = ha_right,
    ht_list = ht_list, legend_list = lgd, flip = flip
  width_sum <- rendersize[["width_sum"]]
  height_sum <- rendersize[["height_sum"]]
  # cat("width:", width, "\n")
  # cat("height:", height, "\n")
  # cat("width_sum:", width_sum, "\n")
  # cat("height_sum:", height_sum, "\n")

  if (isTRUE(fix)) {
    fixsize <- heatmap_fixsize(
      width = width, width_sum = width_sum, height = height, height_sum = height_sum, units = units,
      ht_list = ht_list, legend_list = lgd
    ht_width <- fixsize[["ht_width"]]
    ht_height <- fixsize[["ht_height"]]
    # cat("ht_width:", ht_width, "\n")
    # cat("ht_height:", ht_height, "\n")

    gTree <- grid.grabExpr(
        draw(ht_list, annotation_legend_list = lgd)
        for (enrich in db) {
          enrich_anno <- names(ha_right)[grep(paste0("_split_", enrich), names(ha_right))]
          if (length(enrich_anno) > 0) {
            for (enrich_anno_element in enrich_anno) {
              enrich_obj <- strsplit(enrich_anno_element, "_split_")[[1]][1]
              decorate_annotation(enrich_anno_element, slice = 1, {
                grid.text(paste0(enrich, " (", enrich_obj, ")"), x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(2.5, "mm"), just = c("left", "bottom"))
      width = ht_width,
      height = ht_height,
      wrap = TRUE,
      wrap.grobs = TRUE
  } else {
    ht_width <- unit(width_sum, units = units)
    ht_height <- unit(height_sum, units = units)
    gTree <- grid.grabExpr(
        draw(ht_list, annotation_legend_list = lgd)
        for (enrich in db) {
          enrich_anno <- names(ha_right)[grep(paste0("_split_", enrich), names(ha_right))]
          if (length(enrich_anno) > 0) {
            for (enrich_anno_element in enrich_anno) {
              enrich_obj <- strsplit(enrich_anno_element, "_split_")[[1]][1]
              decorate_annotation(enrich_anno_element, slice = 1, {
                grid.text(paste0(enrich, " (", enrich_obj, ")"), x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(2.5, "mm"), just = c("left", "bottom"))
      width = ht_width,
      height = ht_height,
      wrap = TRUE,
      wrap.grobs = TRUE

  if (isTRUE(fix)) {
    p <- panel_fix_overall(gTree, width = as.numeric(ht_width), height = as.numeric(ht_height), units = units)
  } else {
    p <- wrap_plots(gTree)

    plot = p,
    matrix_list = mat_list,
    feature_split = feature_split,
    cell_metadata = cell_metadata,
    feature_metadata = feature_metadata,
    enrichment = res

#' FeatureHeatmap
#' @inheritParams GroupHeatmap
#' @param max_cells An integer, maximum number of cells to sample per group, default is 100.
#' @param cell_order A vector of cell names defining the order of cells, default is NULL.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunDEtest}}
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunDEtest(pancreas_sub, group_by = "CellType")
#' de_filter <- filter(pancreas_sub@tools$DEtest_CellType$AllMarkers_wilcox, p_val_adj < 0.05 & avg_log2FC > 1)
#' ht1 <- FeatureHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub, features = de_filter$gene, group.by = "CellType",
#'   split.by = "Phase", cell_split_palette = "Dark2",
#' )
#' ht1$plot
#' panel_fix(ht1$plot, height = 4, width = 6, raster = TRUE, dpi = 50)
#' ht2 <- FeatureHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub, features = de_filter$gene, group.by = c("CellType", "SubCellType"), n_split = 4,
#'   cluster_rows = TRUE, cluster_row_slices = TRUE, cluster_columns = TRUE, cluster_column_slices = TRUE,
#'   ht_params = list(row_gap = unit(0, "mm"))
#' )
#' ht2$plot
#' ht3 <- FeatureHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub, features = de_filter$gene, feature_split = de_filter$group1, group.by = "CellType",
#'   species = "Mus_musculus", db = "GO_BP", anno_terms = TRUE, anno_keys = TRUE, anno_features = TRUE
#' )
#' ht3$plot
#' pancreas_sub <- AnnotateFeatures(pancreas_sub, species = "Mus_musculus", db = c("TF", "CSPA"))
#' ht4 <- FeatureHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub, features = de_filter$gene, n_split = 4, group.by = "CellType",
#'   heatmap_palette = "viridis",
#'   feature_annotation = c("TF", "CSPA"),
#'   feature_annotation_palcolor = list(c("gold", "steelblue"), c("forestgreen")),
#'   cell_annotation = c("Phase", "G2M_score"), cell_annotation_palette = c("Dark2", "Purples")
#' )
#' ht4$plot
#' ht5 <- FeatureHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub, features = de_filter$gene, n_split = 4, group.by = "CellType",
#'   heatmap_palette = "viridis",
#'   feature_annotation = c("TF", "CSPA"),
#'   feature_annotation_palcolor = list(c("gold", "steelblue"), c("forestgreen")),
#'   cell_annotation = c("Phase", "G2M_score"), cell_annotation_palette = c("Dark2", "Purples"),
#'   flip = TRUE, column_title_rot = 45
#' )
#' ht5$plot
#' pancreas_sub <- RunPAGA(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub, assay_X = "RNA", group_by = "SubCellType",
#'   linear_reduction = "PCA", nonlinear_reduction = "UMAP", infer_pseudotime = TRUE, root_group = "Ductal"
#' )
#' ht6 <- FeatureHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub, features = de_filter$gene, nlabel = 10,
#'   cell_order = names(sort(pancreas_sub$dpt_pseudotime)),
#'   cell_annotation = c("CellType", "dpt_pseudotime"),
#'   cell_annotation_palette = c("Paired", "cividis")
#' )
#' ht6$plot
#' @importFrom circlize colorRamp2
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap Heatmap Legend HeatmapAnnotation anno_empty anno_mark anno_simple anno_textbox draw decorate_heatmap_body width.HeatmapAnnotation height.HeatmapAnnotation width.Legends height.Legends cluster_within_group decorate_annotation row_order %v%
#' @importFrom grid unit gpar grid.grabExpr grid.text
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_padding
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom Seurat GetAssayData
#' @importFrom stats hclust order.dendrogram as.dendrogram reorder sd
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter group_by arrange desc across mutate distinct n .data "%>%"
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom proxyC dist
#' @export
FeatureHeatmap <- function(srt, features = NULL, cells = NULL, group.by = NULL, split.by = NULL, within_groups = FALSE, max_cells = 100, cell_order = NULL, border = TRUE, flip = FALSE,
                           slot = "counts", assay = NULL, exp_method = c("zscore", "raw", "fc", "log2fc", "log1p"), exp_legend_title = NULL, limits = NULL,
                           lib_normalize = identical(slot, "counts"), libsize = NULL,
                           feature_split = NULL, feature_split_by = NULL, n_split = NULL, split_order = NULL,
                           split_method = c("kmeans", "hclust", "mfuzz"), decreasing = FALSE, fuzzification = NULL,
                           cluster_features_by = NULL, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE, cluster_row_slices = FALSE, cluster_column_slices = FALSE,
                           show_row_names = FALSE, show_column_names = FALSE, row_names_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "right"), column_names_side = ifelse(flip, "bottom", "top"), row_names_rot = 0, column_names_rot = 90,
                           row_title = NULL, column_title = NULL, row_title_side = "left", column_title_side = "top", row_title_rot = 0, column_title_rot = ifelse(flip, 90, 0),
                           anno_terms = FALSE, anno_keys = FALSE, anno_features = FALSE,
                           terms_width = unit(4, "in"), terms_fontsize = 8,
                           keys_width = unit(2, "in"), keys_fontsize = c(6, 10),
                           features_width = unit(2, "in"), features_fontsize = c(6, 10),
                           IDtype = "symbol", species = "Homo_sapiens", db_update = FALSE, db_version = "latest", db_combine = FALSE, convert_species = FALSE, Ensembl_version = 103, mirror = NULL,
                           db = "GO_BP", TERM2GENE = NULL, TERM2NAME = NULL, minGSSize = 10, maxGSSize = 500,
                           GO_simplify = FALSE, GO_simplify_cutoff = "p.adjust < 0.05", simplify_method = "Wang", simplify_similarityCutoff = 0.7,
                           pvalueCutoff = NULL, padjustCutoff = 0.05, topTerm = 5, show_termid = FALSE, topWord = 20, words_excluded = NULL,
                           nlabel = 20, features_label = NULL, label_size = 10, label_color = "black",
                           heatmap_palette = "RdBu", heatmap_palcolor = NULL, group_palette = "Paired", group_palcolor = NULL,
                           cell_split_palette = "simspec", cell_split_palcolor = NULL, feature_split_palette = "simspec", feature_split_palcolor = NULL,
                           cell_annotation = NULL, cell_annotation_palette = "Paired", cell_annotation_palcolor = NULL, cell_annotation_params = if (flip) list(width = unit(5, "mm")) else list(height = unit(5, "mm")),
                           feature_annotation = NULL, feature_annotation_palette = "Dark2", feature_annotation_palcolor = NULL, feature_annotation_params = if (flip) list(height = unit(5, "mm")) else list(width = unit(5, "mm")),
                           use_raster = NULL, raster_device = "png", raster_by_magick = FALSE, height = NULL, width = NULL, units = "inch",
                           seed = 11, ht_params = list()) {
  if (isTRUE(raster_by_magick)) {

  split_method <- match.arg(split_method)
  data_nm <- c(ifelse(isTRUE(lib_normalize), "normalized", ""), slot)
  data_nm <- paste(data_nm[data_nm != ""], collapse = " ")
  if (length(exp_method) == 1 && is.function(exp_method)) {
    exp_name <- paste0(as.character(x = formals()$exp_method), "(", data_nm, ")")
  } else {
    exp_method <- match.arg(exp_method)
    exp_name <- paste0(exp_method, "(", data_nm, ")")
  exp_name <- exp_legend_title %||% exp_name

  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt)
  if (length(feature_split) != 0 && length(feature_split) != length(features)) {
    stop("feature_split must be the same length as features")
  if (is.null(group.by)) {
    srt@meta.data[["All.groups"]] <- factor("")
    group.by <- "All.groups"
  if (any(!group.by %in% colnames(srt@meta.data))) {
    stop(group.by[!group.by %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)], " is not in the meta data of the Seurat object.")
  if (!is.null(group.by)) {
    for (g in group.by) {
      if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[g]])) {
        srt@meta.data[[g]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[g]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[g]]))
  if (length(split.by) > 1) {
    stop("'split.by' only support one variable.")
  if (any(!split.by %in% colnames(srt@meta.data))) {
    stop(split.by[!split.by %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)], " is not in the meta data of the Seurat object.")
  if (!is.null(split.by)) {
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[split.by]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[split.by]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]))
  if (length(group_palette) == 1) {
    group_palette <- rep(group_palette, length(group.by))
  if (length(group_palette) != length(group.by)) {
    stop("'group_palette' must be the same length as 'group.by'")
  group_palette <- setNames(group_palette, nm = group.by)
  raw.group.by <- group.by
  raw.group_palette <- group_palette
  if (isTRUE(within_groups)) {
    new.group.by <- c()
    new.group_palette <- group_palette
    for (g in group.by) {
      groups <- split(colnames(srt), srt[[g, drop = TRUE]])
      new.group_palette[g] <- list(rep(new.group_palette[g], length(groups)))
      for (nm in names(groups)) {
        srt[[make.names(nm)]] <- factor(NA, levels = levels(srt[[g, drop = TRUE]]))
        srt[[make.names(nm)]][colnames(srt) %in% groups[[nm]], ] <- nm
        new.group.by <- c(new.group.by, make.names(nm))
    group.by <- new.group.by
    group_palette <- unlist(new.group_palette)
  if (is.null(feature_split_by)) {
    feature_split_by <- group.by
  if (any(!feature_split_by %in% group.by)) {
    stop("feature_split_by must be a subset of group.by")
  if (!is.null(feature_split) && !is.factor(feature_split)) {
    feature_split <- factor(feature_split, levels = unique(feature_split))
  if (length(feature_split) != 0 && length(feature_split) != length(features)) {
    stop("feature_split must be the same length as features")
  if (!is.null(cell_annotation)) {
    if (length(cell_annotation_palette) == 1) {
      cell_annotation_palette <- rep(cell_annotation_palette, length(cell_annotation))
    if (length(cell_annotation_palcolor) == 1) {
      cell_annotation_palcolor <- rep(cell_annotation_palcolor, length(cell_annotation))
    npal <- unique(c(length(cell_annotation_palette), length(cell_annotation_palcolor), length(cell_annotation)))
    if (length(npal[npal != 0]) > 1) {
      stop("cell_annotation_palette and cell_annotation_palcolor must be the same length as cell_annotation")
    if (any(!cell_annotation %in% c(colnames(srt@meta.data), rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])))) {
      stop("cell_annotation: ", paste0(cell_annotation[!cell_annotation %in% c(colnames(srt@meta.data), rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]))], collapse = ","), " is not in the Seurat object.")
  if (!is.null(feature_annotation)) {
    if (length(feature_annotation_palette) == 1) {
      feature_annotation_palette <- rep(feature_annotation_palette, length(feature_annotation))
    if (length(feature_annotation_palcolor) == 1) {
      feature_annotation_palcolor <- rep(feature_annotation_palcolor, length(feature_annotation))
    npal <- unique(c(length(feature_annotation_palette), length(feature_annotation_palcolor), length(feature_annotation)))
    if (length(npal[npal != 0]) > 1) {
      stop("feature_annotation_palette and feature_annotation_palcolor must be the same length as feature_annotation")
    if (any(!feature_annotation %in% colnames(srt@assays[[assay]]@meta.features))) {
      stop("feature_annotation: ", paste0(feature_annotation[!feature_annotation %in% colnames(srt@assays[[assay]]@meta.features)], collapse = ","), " is not in the meta data of the ", assay, " assay in the Seurat object.")
  if (length(width) == 1) {
    width <- rep(width, length(group.by))
  if (length(height) == 1) {
    height <- rep(height, length(group.by))
  if (length(width) >= 1) {
    names(width) <- group.by
  if (length(height) >= 1) {
    names(height) <- group.by

  if (isTRUE(flip)) {
    cluster_rows_raw <- cluster_rows
    cluster_columns_raw <- cluster_columns
    cluster_row_slices_raw <- cluster_row_slices
    cluster_column_slices_raw <- cluster_column_slices
    cluster_rows <- cluster_columns_raw
    cluster_columns <- cluster_rows_raw
    cluster_row_slices <- cluster_column_slices_raw
    cluster_column_slices <- cluster_row_slices_raw

  if (is.null(cells)) {
    cells <- colnames(srt@assays[[1]])
  if (all(!cells %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
    stop("No cells found.")
  if (!all(cells %in% colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))) {
    warning("Some cells not found.", immediate. = TRUE)
  cells <- intersect(cells, colnames(srt@assays[[1]]))

  if (is.null(features)) {
    features <- VariableFeatures(srt, assay = assay)
  index <- features %in% c(rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]), colnames(srt@meta.data))
  features <- features[index]
  features_unique <- make.unique(features)
  if (!is.null(feature_split)) {
    feature_split <- feature_split[index]
    names(feature_split) <- features_unique

  cell_groups <- list()
  for (cell_group in group.by) {
    if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]])) {
      srt@meta.data[[cell_group]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]))
    if (is.null(split.by)) {
      cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- unlist(lapply(levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]), function(x) {
        cells_sub <- colnames(srt@assays[[1]])[which(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]] == x)]
        cells_sub <- intersect(cells, cells_sub)
        size <- ifelse(length(cells_sub) > max_cells, max_cells, length(cells_sub))
        cells_sample <- sample(cells_sub, size)
        out <- setNames(rep(x, size), cells_sample)
      }), use.names = TRUE)
      levels <- levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]])
      cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- factor(cell_groups[[cell_group]], levels = levels[levels %in% cell_groups[[cell_group]]])
    } else {
      if (!is.factor(srt@meta.data[[split.by]])) {
        srt@meta.data[[split.by]] <- factor(srt@meta.data[[split.by]], levels = unique(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]))
      cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- unlist(lapply(levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]), function(x) {
        cells_sub <- colnames(srt@assays[[1]])[srt@meta.data[[cell_group]] == x]
        cells_sub <- intersect(cells, cells_sub)
        cells_tmp <- NULL
        for (sp in levels(srt@meta.data[[split.by]])) {
          cells_sp <- cells_sub[srt@meta.data[cells_sub, split.by] == sp]
          size <- ifelse(length(cells_sp) > max_cells, max_cells, length(cells_sp))
          cells_sample <- sample(cells_sp, size)
          cells_tmp <- c(cells_tmp, setNames(rep(paste0(x, " : ", sp), size), cells_sample))
        size <- ifelse(length(cells_tmp) > max_cells, max_cells, length(cells_tmp))
        out <- sample(cells_tmp, size)
      }), use.names = TRUE)
      levels <- apply(expand.grid(levels(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]), levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]])), 1, function(x) paste0(x[2:1], collapse = " : "))
      cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- factor(cell_groups[[cell_group]], levels = levels[levels %in% cell_groups[[cell_group]]])
    if (!is.null(cell_order)) {
      cell_groups[[cell_group]] <- cell_groups[[cell_group]][intersect(cell_order, names(cell_groups[[cell_group]]))]

  gene <- features[features %in% rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])]
  gene_unique <- features_unique[features %in% rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])]
  meta <- features[features %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)]
  all_cells <- unique(unlist(lapply(cell_groups, names)))
  mat_raw <- as_matrix(rbind(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[gene, all_cells, drop = FALSE], t(srt@meta.data[all_cells, meta, drop = FALSE])))[features, , drop = FALSE]
  rownames(mat_raw) <- features_unique
  if (isTRUE(lib_normalize) && min(mat_raw, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0) {
    if (!is.null(libsize)) {
      libsize_use <- libsize
    } else {
      libsize_use <- colSums(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], "counts")[, colnames(mat_raw), drop = FALSE])
      isfloat <- any(libsize_use %% 1 != 0, na.rm = TRUE)
      if (isTRUE(isfloat)) {
        libsize_use <- rep(1, length(libsize_use))
        warning("The values in the 'counts' slot are non-integer. Set the library size to 1.", immediate. = TRUE)
    mat_raw[gene_unique, ] <- t(t(mat_raw[gene_unique, , drop = FALSE]) / libsize_use * median(libsize_use))

  # data used to plot heatmap
  mat_list <- list()
  for (cell_group in group.by) {
    mat_tmp <- mat_raw[, names(cell_groups[[cell_group]])]
    mat_tmp <- matrix_process(mat_tmp, method = exp_method)
    mat_tmp[is.infinite(mat_tmp)] <- max(abs(mat_tmp[!is.infinite(mat_tmp)]), na.rm = TRUE) * ifelse(mat_tmp[is.infinite(mat_tmp)] > 0, 1, -1)
    mat_tmp[is.na(mat_tmp)] <- mean(mat_tmp, na.rm = TRUE)
    mat_list[[cell_group]] <- mat_tmp

  # data used to do clustering
  # if (length(feature_split_by) == 1) {
  #   mat_split <- mat_list[[feature_split_by]]
  # } else {
  #   # mat_split <- mat_list[, unlist(lapply(cell_groups[feature_split_by], names))]
  #   # mat_split <- matrix_process(mat_split, method = exp_method)
  #   mat_split <- do.call(cbind, mat_list[feature_split_by])
  #   mat_split[is.infinite(mat_split)] <- max(abs(mat_split[!is.infinite(mat_split)])) * ifelse(mat_split[is.infinite(mat_split)] > 0, 1, -1)
  #   mat_split[is.na(mat_split)] <- mean(mat_split, na.rm = TRUE)
  # }
  mat_split <- do.call(cbind, mat_list[feature_split_by])

  if (is.null(limits)) {
    if (!is.function(exp_method) && exp_method %in% c("zscore", "log2fc")) {
      b <- ceiling(min(abs(quantile(do.call(cbind, mat_list), c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE) * 2) / 2
      colors <- colorRamp2(seq(-b, b, length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))
    } else {
      b <- quantile(do.call(cbind, mat_list), c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm = TRUE)
      colors <- colorRamp2(seq(b[1], b[2], length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))
  } else {
    colors <- colorRamp2(seq(limits[1], limits[2], length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))

  cell_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(
    data.frame(row.names = colnames(mat_raw), cells = colnames(mat_raw)),
      srt@meta.data[colnames(mat_raw), c(group.by, intersect(cell_annotation, colnames(srt@meta.data))), drop = FALSE],
      t(srt@assays[[assay]]@data[intersect(cell_annotation, rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])) %||% integer(), colnames(mat_raw), drop = FALSE])
  feature_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(
    data.frame(row.names = features_unique, features = features, features_uique = features_unique),
    srt@assays[[assay]]@meta.features[features, c(feature_annotation), drop = FALSE]
  feature_metadata[, "duplicated"] <- feature_metadata[["features"]] %in% features[duplicated(features)]

  lgd <- list()
  lgd[["ht"]] <- Legend(title = exp_name, col_fun = colors, border = TRUE)

  ha_top_list <- NULL
  cluster_columns_list <- list()
  column_split_list <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(group.by)) {
    cell_group <- group.by[i]
    cluster_columns_list[[cell_group]] <- cluster_columns
    column_split_list[[cell_group]] <- cell_groups[[cell_group]]
    if (isTRUE(cluster_column_slices)) {
      if (!isTRUE(cluster_columns)) {
        if (nlevels(column_split_list[[cell_group]]) == 1) {
          stop("cluster_column_slices=TRUE can not be used when there is only one group.")
        dend <- cluster_within_group(mat_list[[cell_group]], column_split_list[[cell_group]])
        cluster_columns_list[[cell_group]] <- dend
        column_split_list[[cell_group]] <- length(unique(column_split_list[[cell_group]]))
    if (cell_group != "All.groups") {
      funbody <- paste0(
        grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(", paste0("c('", paste0(levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]), collapse = "','"), "')"), ",palette = '", group_palette[i], "',palcolor=c(", paste0("'", paste0(group_palcolor[[i]], collapse = "','"), "'"), "))[nm]))
      funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
      eval(parse(text = paste("panel_fun <- function(index, nm) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())

      anno <- list()
      anno[[cell_group]] <- anno_block(
        align_to = split(seq_along(cell_groups[[cell_group]]), gsub(pattern = " : .*", replacement = "", x = cell_groups[[cell_group]])),
        panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
        which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
        show_name = FALSE
      ha_cell_group <- do.call("HeatmapAnnotation", args = c(anno, which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left"), border = TRUE))
      ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- ha_cell_group
      # lgd[[cell_group]] <- Legend(
      #   title = cell_group, labels = levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]),
      #   legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]), palette = group_palette[i], palcolor = group_palcolor[[i]])), border = TRUE
      # )

    if (!is.null(split.by)) {
      funbody <- paste0(
      grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(", paste0("c('", paste0(levels(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]), collapse = "','"), "')"), ",palette = '", cell_split_palette, "',palcolor=c(", paste0("'", paste0(unlist(cell_split_palcolor), collapse = "','"), "'"), "))[nm]))
      funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
      eval(parse(text = paste("panel_fun <- function(index, nm) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())

      anno <- list()
      anno[[split.by]] <- anno_block(
        align_to = split(seq_along(cell_groups[[cell_group]]), gsub(pattern = ".* : ", replacement = "", x = cell_groups[[cell_group]])),
        panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
        which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
        show_name = i == 1
      ha_split_by <- do.call("HeatmapAnnotation", args = c(anno, which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left"), border = TRUE))
      if (is.null(ha_top_list[[cell_group]])) {
        ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- ha_split_by
      } else {
        ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- c(ha_top_list[[cell_group]], ha_split_by)
  for (i in seq_along(raw.group.by)) {
    cell_group <- raw.group.by[i]
    if (cell_group != "All.groups") {
      lgd[[cell_group]] <- Legend(
        title = cell_group, labels = levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]),
        legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(levels(srt@meta.data[[cell_group]]), palette = raw.group_palette[i], palcolor = group_palcolor[[i]])), border = TRUE
  if (!is.null(split.by)) {
    lgd[[split.by]] <- Legend(
      title = split.by, labels = levels(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]),
      legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(levels(srt@meta.data[[split.by]]), palette = cell_split_palette, palcolor = cell_split_palcolor)), border = TRUE

  if (!is.null(cell_annotation)) {
    for (i in seq_along(cell_annotation)) {
      cellan <- cell_annotation[i]
      palette <- cell_annotation_palette[i]
      palcolor <- cell_annotation_palcolor[[i]]
      cell_anno <- cell_metadata[, cellan]
      names(cell_anno) <- rownames(cell_metadata)
      if (!is.numeric(cell_anno)) {
        if (is.logical(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
        } else if (!is.factor(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = unique(cell_anno))
        for (cell_group in group.by) {
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_simple(
            x = as.character(cell_anno[names(cell_groups[[cell_group]])]),
            col = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            na_col = "transparent",
            border = TRUE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            show_annotation_name = cell_group == group.by[1],
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_top <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_top_list[[cell_group]])) {
            ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- ha_top
          } else {
            ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- c(ha_top_list[[cell_group]], ha_top)
        lgd[[cellan]] <- Legend(
          title = cellan, labels = levels(cell_anno),
          legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE
      } else {
        col_fun <- colorRamp2(
          breaks = seq(min(cell_anno, na.rm = TRUE), max(cell_anno, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100),
          colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
        for (cell_group in group.by) {
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_simple(
            x = cell_anno[names(cell_groups[[cell_group]])],
            col = col_fun,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            na_col = "transparent",
            border = TRUE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            show_annotation_name = cell_group == group.by[1],
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_top <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_top_list[[cell_group]])) {
            ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- ha_top
          } else {
            ha_top_list[[cell_group]] <- c(ha_top_list[[cell_group]], ha_top)
        lgd[[cellan]] <- Legend(
          title = cellan, col_fun = col_fun, border = TRUE

  if (is.null(feature_split)) {
    if (is.null(n_split) || isTRUE(nrow(mat_split) <= n_split)) {
      row_split_raw <- row_split <- feature_split <- NULL
    } else {
      if (n_split == 1) {
        row_split_raw <- row_split <- feature_split <- setNames(rep(1, nrow(mat_split)), rownames(mat_split))
      } else {
        if (split_method == "mfuzz") {
          status <- tryCatch(check_R("e1071"), error = identity)
          if (inherits(status, "error")) {
            warning("The e1071 package was not found. Switch split_method to 'kmeans'", immediate. = TRUE)
            split_method <- "kmeans"
          } else {
            mat_split_tmp <- mat_split
            colnames(mat_split_tmp) <- make.unique(colnames(mat_split_tmp))
            mat_split_tmp <- standardise(mat_split_tmp)
            min_fuzzification <- mestimate(mat_split_tmp)
            if (is.null(fuzzification)) {
              fuzzification <- min_fuzzification + 0.1
            } else {
              if (fuzzification <= min_fuzzification) {
                warning("fuzzification value is samller than estimated:", round(min_fuzzification, 2), immediate. = TRUE)
            cl <- e1071::cmeans(mat_split_tmp, centers = n_split, method = "cmeans", m = fuzzification)
            if (length(cl$cluster) == 0) {
              stop("Clustering with mfuzz failed (fuzzification=", round(fuzzification, 2), "). Please set a larger fuzzification parameter manually.")
            # mfuzz.plot(eset, cl,new.window = FALSE)
            row_split <- feature_split <- cl$cluster
        if (split_method == "kmeans") {
          km <- kmeans(mat_split, centers = n_split, iter.max = 1e4, nstart = 20)
          row_split <- feature_split <- km$cluster
        if (split_method == "hclust") {
          hc <- hclust(as.dist(dist(mat_split)))
          row_split <- feature_split <- cutree(hc, k = n_split)
      groupmean <- aggregate(t(mat_split), by = list(unlist(cell_groups[feature_split_by])), mean)
      maxgroup <- groupmean[, 1][apply(groupmean[, names(row_split)], 2, which.max)]
      df <- data.frame(row_split = row_split, order_by = maxgroup)
      df_order <- aggregate(df[["order_by"]], by = list(df[, "row_split"]), FUN = function(x) names(sort(table(x), decreasing = TRUE))[1])
      df_order[, "row_split"] <- df_order[, "Group.1"]
      df_order[["order_by"]] <- as.numeric(factor(df_order[["x"]], levels = levels(maxgroup)))
      df_order <- df_order[order(df_order[["order_by"]], decreasing = decreasing), , drop = FALSE]
      if (!is.null(split_order)) {
        df_order <- df_order[split_order, , drop = FALSE]
      split_levels <- c()
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(df_order))) {
        raw_nm <- df_order[i, "row_split"]
        feature_split[feature_split == raw_nm] <- paste0("C", i)
        level <- paste0("C", i, "(", sum(row_split == raw_nm), ")")
        row_split[row_split == raw_nm] <- level
        split_levels <- c(split_levels, level)
      row_split_raw <- row_split <- factor(row_split, levels = split_levels)
      feature_split <- factor(feature_split, levels = paste0("C", seq_len(nrow(df_order))))
  } else {
    row_split_raw <- row_split <- feature_split <- feature_split[row.names(mat_split)]
  if (!is.null(feature_split)) {
    feature_metadata[["feature_split"]] <- feature_split
  } else {
    feature_metadata[["feature_split"]] <- NA

  ha_left <- NULL
  if (!is.null(row_split)) {
    if (isTRUE(cluster_row_slices)) {
      if (!isTRUE(cluster_rows)) {
        dend <- cluster_within_group(t(mat_split), row_split_raw)
        cluster_rows <- dend
        row_split <- length(unique(row_split_raw))
    funbody <- paste0(
      grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(", paste0("c('", paste0(levels(row_split_raw), collapse = "','"), "')"), ",palette = '", feature_split_palette, "',palcolor=c(", paste0("'", paste0(unlist(feature_split_palcolor), collapse = "','"), "'"), "))[nm]))
    funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
    eval(parse(text = paste("panel_fun <- function(index, nm) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
    ha_clusters <- HeatmapAnnotation(
      features_split = anno_block(
        align_to = split(seq_along(row_split_raw), row_split_raw),
        panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
        width = unit(0.1, "in"),
        height = unit(0.1, "in"),
        show_name = FALSE,
        which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row")
      which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
      border = TRUE
    if (is.null(ha_left)) {
      ha_left <- ha_clusters
    } else {
      ha_left <- c(ha_left, ha_clusters)
    lgd[["Cluster"]] <- Legend(
      title = "Cluster", labels = intersect(levels(row_split_raw), row_split_raw),
      legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(intersect(levels(row_split_raw), row_split_raw), type = "discrete", palette = feature_split_palette, palcolor = feature_split_palcolor, matched = TRUE)), border = TRUE

  if (isTRUE(cluster_rows) && !is.null(cluster_features_by)) {
    mat_cluster <- do.call(cbind, mat_list[cluster_features_by])
    if (is.null(row_split)) {
      dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist(dist(mat_cluster))))
      dend_ordered <- reorder(dend, wts = colMeans(mat_cluster), agglo.FUN = mean)
      cluster_rows <- dend_ordered
    } else {
      row_split <- length(unique(row_split_raw))
      dend <- cluster_within_group2(t(mat_cluster), row_split_raw)
      cluster_rows <- dend

  cell_group <- group.by[1]
  ht_args <- list(
    name = cell_group,
    matrix = mat_list[[cell_group]],
    col = colors,
    row_split = row_split,
    column_split = column_split_list[[cell_group]],
    cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
    cluster_columns = cluster_columns_list[[cell_group]],
    cluster_row_slices = cluster_row_slices,
    cluster_column_slices = cluster_column_slices,
    use_raster = TRUE
  ht_args <- c(ht_args, ht_params[setdiff(names(ht_params), names(ht_args))])
  ht_list <- do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
  features_ordered <- rownames(mat_list[[1]])[unlist(suppressWarnings(row_order(ht_list)))]
  feature_metadata[["index"]] <- setNames(object = seq_along(features_ordered), nm = features_ordered)[rownames(feature_metadata)]

  if (is.null(features_label)) {
    if (nlabel > 0) {
      if (length(features) > nlabel) {
        index_from <- ceiling((length(features_ordered) / nlabel) / 2)
        index_to <- length(features_ordered)
        index <- unique(round(seq(from = index_from, to = index_to, length.out = nlabel)))
      } else {
        index <- seq_along(features_ordered)
    } else {
      index <- NULL
  } else {
    index <- which(features_ordered %in% features_label)
    drop <- setdiff(features_label, features_ordered)
    if (length(drop) > 0) {
      warning(paste0(paste0(drop, collapse = ","), "was not found in the features"), immediate. = TRUE)
  if (length(index) > 0) {
    ha_mark <- HeatmapAnnotation(
      gene = anno_mark(
        at = which(rownames(feature_metadata) %in% features_ordered[index]),
        labels = feature_metadata[which(rownames(feature_metadata) %in% features_ordered[index]), "features"],
        side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left"),
        labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = label_size, col = label_color),
        link_gp = gpar(fontsize = label_size, col = label_color),
        which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row")
      which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = FALSE
    if (is.null(ha_left)) {
      ha_left <- ha_mark
    } else {
      ha_left <- c(ha_mark, ha_left)

  ha_right <- NULL
  if (!is.null(feature_annotation)) {
    for (i in seq_along(feature_annotation)) {
      featan <- feature_annotation[i]
      palette <- feature_annotation_palette[i]
      palcolor <- feature_annotation_palcolor[[i]]
      featan_values <- feature_metadata[, featan]
      if (!is.numeric(featan_values)) {
        if (is.logical(featan_values)) {
          featan_values <- factor(featan_values, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
        } else if (!is.factor(featan_values)) {
          featan_values <- factor(featan_values, levels = unique(featan_values))
        ha_feature <- list()
        ha_feature[[featan]] <- anno_simple(
          x = as.character(featan_values),
          col = palette_scp(featan_values, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
          which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
          na_col = "transparent",
          border = TRUE
        anno_args <- c(ha_feature, which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "top"), border = TRUE)
        anno_args <- c(anno_args, feature_annotation_params[setdiff(names(feature_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
        ha_feature <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
        if (is.null(ha_right)) {
          ha_right <- ha_feature
        } else {
          ha_right <- c(ha_right, ha_feature)
        lgd[[featan]] <- Legend(
          title = featan, labels = levels(featan_values),
          legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(featan_values, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE
      } else {
        col_fun <- colorRamp2(
          breaks = seq(min(featan_values, na.rm = TRUE), max(featan_values, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100),
          colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
        ha_feature <- list()
        ha_feature[[featan]] <- anno_simple(
          x = featan_values,
          col = col_fun,
          which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
          na_col = "transparent",
          border = TRUE
        anno_args <- c(ha_feature, which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "top"), border = TRUE)
        anno_args <- c(anno_args, feature_annotation_params[setdiff(names(feature_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
        ha_feature <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
        if (is.null(ha_right)) {
          ha_right <- ha_feature
        } else {
          ha_right <- c(ha_right, ha_feature)
        lgd[[featan]] <- Legend(
          title = featan, col_fun = col_fun, border = TRUE

  enrichment <- heatmap_enrichment(
    geneID = feature_metadata[["features"]], geneID_groups = feature_metadata[["feature_split"]],
    feature_split_palette = feature_split_palette, feature_split_palcolor = feature_split_palcolor,
    ha_right = ha_right, flip = flip,
    anno_terms = anno_terms, anno_keys = anno_keys, anno_features = anno_features,
    terms_width = terms_width, terms_fontsize = terms_fontsize,
    keys_width = keys_width, keys_fontsize = keys_fontsize,
    features_width = features_width, features_fontsize = features_fontsize,
    IDtype = IDtype, species = species, db_update = db_update, db_version = db_version, db_combine = db_combine, convert_species = convert_species, Ensembl_version = Ensembl_version, mirror = mirror,
    db = db, TERM2GENE = TERM2GENE, TERM2NAME = TERM2NAME, minGSSize = minGSSize, maxGSSize = maxGSSize,
    GO_simplify = GO_simplify, GO_simplify_cutoff = GO_simplify_cutoff, simplify_method = simplify_method, simplify_similarityCutoff = simplify_similarityCutoff,
    pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff, padjustCutoff = padjustCutoff, topTerm = topTerm, show_termid = show_termid, topWord = topWord, words_excluded = words_excluded
  res <- enrichment$res
  ha_right <- enrichment$ha_right

  ht_list <- NULL
  for (cell_group in group.by) {
    if (cell_group == group.by[1]) {
      left_annotation <- ha_left
    } else {
      left_annotation <- NULL
    if (cell_group == group.by[length(group.by)]) {
      right_annotation <- ha_right
    } else {
      right_annotation <- NULL

    ht_args <- list(
      name = cell_group,
      matrix = if (flip) t(mat_list[[cell_group]]) else mat_list[[cell_group]],
      col = colors,
      row_title = row_title %||% if (flip) ifelse(cell_group != "All.groups", cell_group, "") else character(0),
      row_title_side = row_title_side,
      column_title = column_title %||% if (flip) character(0) else ifelse(cell_group != "All.groups", cell_group, ""),
      column_title_side = column_title_side,
      row_title_rot = row_title_rot,
      column_title_rot = column_title_rot,
      row_split = if (flip) column_split_list[[cell_group]] else row_split,
      column_split = if (flip) row_split else column_split_list[[cell_group]],
      cluster_rows = if (flip) cluster_columns_list[[cell_group]] else cluster_rows,
      cluster_columns = if (flip) cluster_rows else cluster_columns_list[[cell_group]],
      cluster_row_slices = if (flip) cluster_column_slices else cluster_row_slices,
      cluster_column_slices = if (flip) cluster_row_slices else cluster_column_slices,
      show_row_names = show_row_names,
      show_column_names = show_column_names,
      row_names_side = row_names_side,
      column_names_side = column_names_side,
      row_names_rot = row_names_rot,
      column_names_rot = column_names_rot,
      top_annotation = if (flip) left_annotation else ha_top_list[[cell_group]],
      left_annotation = if (flip) ha_top_list[[cell_group]] else left_annotation,
      bottom_annotation = if (flip) right_annotation else NULL,
      right_annotation = if (flip) NULL else right_annotation,
      show_heatmap_legend = FALSE,
      border = border,
      use_raster = use_raster,
      raster_device = raster_device,
      raster_by_magick = raster_by_magick,
      width = if (is.numeric(width[cell_group])) unit(width[cell_group], units = units) else NULL,
      height = if (is.numeric(height[cell_group])) unit(height[cell_group], units = units) else NULL
    if (!is.null(split.by) && !isTRUE(cluster_column_slices)) {
      groups_order <- sapply(strsplit(levels(column_split_list[[cell_group]]), " : "), function(x) x[[1]])
      gaps_order <- paste(groups_order[2:length(groups_order)], groups_order[1:(length(groups_order) - 1)], sep = "->")
      gaps <- rep(unit(1, "mm"), length(gaps_order))
      gaps[groups_order[2:length(groups_order)] == groups_order[1:(length(groups_order) - 1)]] <- unit(0, "mm")
      if (isTRUE(flip)) {
        ht_args[["row_gap"]] <- gaps
      } else {
        ht_args[["column_gap"]] <- gaps
    if (any(names(ht_params) %in% names(ht_args))) {
      warning("ht_params: ", paste0(intersect(names(ht_params), names(ht_args)), collapse = ","), " were duplicated and will not be used.", immediate. = TRUE)
    ht_args <- c(ht_args, ht_params[setdiff(names(ht_params), names(ht_args))])
    if (isTRUE(flip)) {
      if (is.null(ht_list)) {
        ht_list <- do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
      } else {
        ht_list <- ht_list %v% do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
    } else {
      ht_list <- ht_list + do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)

  if ((!is.null(row_split) && length(index) > 0) || any(c(anno_terms, anno_keys, anno_features)) || !is.null(width) || !is.null(height)) {
    fix <- TRUE
    if (is.null(width) || is.null(height)) {
      message("\nThe size of the heatmap is fixed because certain elements are not scalable.\nThe width and height of the heatmap are determined by the size of the current viewport.\nIf you want to have more control over the size, you can manually set the parameters 'width' and 'height'.\n")
  } else {
    fix <- FALSE
  rendersize <- heatmap_rendersize(
    width = width, height = height, units = units,
    ha_top_list = ha_top_list, ha_left = ha_left, ha_right = ha_right,
    ht_list = ht_list, legend_list = lgd, flip = flip
  width_sum <- rendersize[["width_sum"]]
  height_sum <- rendersize[["height_sum"]]
  # cat("width:", width, "\n")
  # cat("height:", height, "\n")
  # cat("width_sum:", width_sum, "\n")
  # cat("height_sum:", height_sum, "\n")

  if (isTRUE(fix)) {
    fixsize <- heatmap_fixsize(
      width = width, width_sum = width_sum, height = height, height_sum = height_sum, units = units,
      ht_list = ht_list, legend_list = lgd
    ht_width <- fixsize[["ht_width"]]
    ht_height <- fixsize[["ht_height"]]
    # cat("ht_width:", ht_width, "\n")
    # cat("ht_height:", ht_height, "\n")

    gTree <- grid.grabExpr(
        draw(ht_list, annotation_legend_list = lgd)
        for (enrich in db) {
          enrich_anno <- names(ha_right)[grep(paste0("_split_", enrich), names(ha_right))]
          if (length(enrich_anno) > 0) {
            for (enrich_anno_element in enrich_anno) {
              enrich_obj <- strsplit(enrich_anno_element, "_split_")[[1]][1]
              decorate_annotation(enrich_anno_element, slice = 1, {
                grid.text(paste0(enrich, " (", enrich_obj, ")"), x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(2.5, "mm"), just = c("left", "bottom"))
      width = ht_width,
      height = ht_height,
      wrap = TRUE,
      wrap.grobs = TRUE
  } else {
    ht_width <- unit(width_sum, units = units)
    ht_height <- unit(height_sum, units = units)
    gTree <- grid.grabExpr(
        draw(ht_list, annotation_legend_list = lgd)
        for (enrich in db) {
          enrich_anno <- names(ha_right)[grep(paste0("_split_", enrich), names(ha_right))]
          if (length(enrich_anno) > 0) {
            for (enrich_anno_element in enrich_anno) {
              enrich_obj <- strsplit(enrich_anno_element, "_split_")[[1]][1]
              decorate_annotation(enrich_anno_element, slice = 1, {
                grid.text(paste0(enrich, " (", enrich_obj, ")"), x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(2.5, "mm"), just = c("left", "bottom"))
      width = ht_width,
      height = ht_height,
      wrap = TRUE,
      wrap.grobs = TRUE

  if (isTRUE(fix)) {
    p <- panel_fix_overall(gTree, width = as.numeric(ht_width), height = as.numeric(ht_height), units = units)
  } else {
    p <- wrap_plots(gTree)

    plot = p,
    matrix_list = mat_list,
    feature_split = feature_split,
    cell_metadata = cell_metadata,
    feature_metadata = feature_metadata,
    enrichment = res

FeatureCorHeatmap <- function(srt, features, cells) {


#' CellCorHeatmap
#' This function generates a heatmap to visualize the similarity between different cell types or conditions. It takes in Seurat objects or expression matrices as input and calculates pairwise similarities or distance.
#' @param srt_query A Seurat object or count matrix representing the query dataset. This dataset will be used to calculate the similarities between cells.
#' @param srt_ref A Seurat object or count matrix representing the reference dataset. If provided, the similarities will be calculated between cells from the query and reference datasets. If not provided, the similarities will be calculated within the query dataset.
#' @param bulk_ref A count matrix representing bulk data. If provided, the similarities will be calculated between cells from the query dataset and bulk data.
#' @param query_group The grouping variable in the query dataset. This variable will be used to group cells in the heatmap rows. If not provided, all cells will be treated as one group.
#' @param ref_group The grouping variable in the reference dataset. This variable will be used to group cells in the heatmap columns. If not provided, all cells will be treated as one group.
#' @param query_assay The assay to use for the query dataset. If not provided, the default assay of the query dataset will be used.
#' @param ref_assay The assay to use for the reference dataset. If not provided, the default assay of the reference dataset will be used.
#' @param query_reduction The dimensionality reduction method to use for the query dataset. If not provided, no dimensionality reduction will be applied to the query dataset.
#' @param ref_reduction The dimensionality reduction method to use for the reference dataset. If not provided, no dimensionality reduction will be applied to the reference dataset.
#' @param query_dims The dimensions to use for the query dataset. If not provided, the first 30 dimensions will be used.
#' @param ref_dims The dimensions to use for the reference dataset. If not provided, the first 30 dimensions will be used.
#' @param query_collapsing Whether to collapse cells within each query group before calculating similarities. If set to TRUE, the similarities will be calculated between query groups rather than individual cells.
#' @param ref_collapsing Whether to collapse cells within each reference group before calculating similarities. If set to TRUE, the similarities will be calculated between reference groups rather than individual cells.
#' @param features A vector of feature names to include in the heatmap. If not provided, a default set of highly variable features (HVF) will be used.
#' @param features_type The type of features to use. Options are "HVF" for highly variable features, "DE" for differentially expressed features between query and reference groups.
#' @param feature_source The source of features to use. Options are "query" to use only features from the query dataset, "ref" to use only features from the reference dataset, or "both" to use features from both datasets. If not provided or set to "both", features will be selected from both datasets.
#' @param nfeatures The maximum number of features to include in the heatmap. If not provided, the default is 2000.
#' @param DEtest_param The parameters to use for differential expression testing. This should be a list with two elements: "max.cells.per.ident" specifying the maximum number of cells per group for differential expression testing, and "test.use" specifying the statistical test to use for differential expression testing. If not provided, the default parameters will be used.
#' @param DE_threshold The threshold for differential expression. Only features with adjusted p-values below this threshold will be considered differentially expressed.
#' @param distance_metric The distance metric to use for calculating similarities between cells. This can be any of the following: "cosine", "pearson", "spearman", "correlation", "jaccard", "ejaccard", "dice", "edice", "hamman", "simple matching", or "faith". If not provided, the default is "cosine".
#' @param k The number of nearest neighbors to use for calculating similarities. If not provided, the default is 30.
#' @param filter_lowfreq The minimum frequency threshold for selecting query dataset features. Features with a frequency below this threshold will be excluded from the heatmap. If not provided, the default is 0.
#' @param prefix The prefix to use for the KNNPredict tool slot in the query dataset. This can be used to avoid conflicts with other tools in the Seurat object. If not provided, the default is "KNNPredict".
#' @param exp_legend_title The title for the color legend in the heatmap. If not provided, a default title based on the similarity metric will be used.
#' @param border Whether to add a border around each heatmap cell. If not provided, the default is TRUE.
#' @param flip Whether to flip the orientation of the heatmap. If set to TRUE, the rows and columns of the heatmap will be swapped. This can be useful for visualizing large datasets in a more compact form. If not provided, the default is FALSE.
#' @param limits The limits for the color scale in the heatmap. If not provided, the default is to use the range of similarity values.
#' @param cluster_rows Whether to cluster the rows of the heatmap. If set to TRUE, the rows will be rearranged based on hierarchical clustering. If not provided, the default is FALSE.
#' @param cluster_columns Whether to cluster the columns of the heatmap. If set to TRUE, the columns will be rearranged based on hierarchical clustering. If not provided, the default is FALSE.
#' @param show_row_names Whether to show the row names in the heatmap. If not provided, the default is FALSE.
#' @param show_column_names Whether to show the column names in the heatmap. If not provided, the default is FALSE.
#' @param row_names_side The side of the heatmap to show the row names. Options are "left" or "right". If not provided, the default is "left".
#' @param column_names_side The side of the heatmap to show the column names. Options are "top" or "bottom". If not provided, the default is "top".
#' @param row_names_rot The rotation angle of the row names. If not provided, the default is 0 degrees.
#' @param column_names_rot The rotation angle of the column names. If not provided, the default is 90 degrees.
#' @param row_title The title for the row names in the heatmap. If not provided, the default is to use the query grouping variable.
#' @param column_title The title for the column names in the heatmap. If not provided, the default is to use the reference grouping variable.
#' @param row_title_side The side of the heatmap to show the row title. Options are "top" or "bottom". If not provided, the default is "left".
#' @param column_title_side The side of the heatmap to show the column title. Options are "left" or "right". If not provided, the default is "top".
#' @param row_title_rot The rotation angle of the row title. If not provided, the default is 90 degrees.
#' @param column_title_rot The rotation angle of the column title. If not provided, the default is 0 degrees.
#' @param nlabel The maximum number of labels to show on each side of the heatmap. If set to 0, no labels will be shown. This can be useful for reducing clutter in large heatmaps. If not provided, the default is 0.
#' @param label_cutoff The similarity cutoff for showing labels. Only cells with similarity values above this cutoff will have labels. If not provided, the default is 0.
#' @param label_by The dimension to use for labeling cells. Options are "row" to label cells by row, "column" to label cells by column, or "both" to label cells by both row and column. If not provided, the default is "row".
#' @param label_size The size of the labels in points. If not provided, the default is 10.
#' @param heatmap_palette The color palette to use for the heatmap. This can be any of the palettes available in the circlize package. If not provided, the default is "RdBu".
#' @param heatmap_palcolor The specific colors to use for the heatmap palette. This should be a vector of color names or RGB values. If not provided, the default is NULL.
#' @param query_group_palette The color palette to use for the query group legend. This can be any of the palettes available in the circlize package. If not provided, the default is "Paired".
#' @param query_group_palcolor The specific colors to use for the query group palette. This should be a vector of color names or RGB values. If not provided, the default is NULL.
#' @param ref_group_palette The color palette to use for the reference group legend. This can be any of the palettes available in the circlize package. If not provided, the default is "simspec".
#' @param ref_group_palcolor The specific colors to use for the reference group palette. This should be a vector of color names or RGB values. If not provided, the default is NULL.
#' @param query_cell_annotation A vector of cell metadata column names or assay feature names to use for highlighting specific cells in the heatmap. Each element of the vector will create a separate cell annotation track in the heatmap. If not provided, no cell annotations will be shown.
#' @param query_cell_annotation_palette The color palette to use for the query cell annotation tracks. This can be any of the palettes available in the circlize package. If a single color palette is provided, it will be used for all cell annotation tracks. If multiple color palettes are provided, each track will be assigned a separate palette. If not provided, the default is "Paired".
#' @param query_cell_annotation_palcolor The specific colors to use for the query cell annotation palettes. This should be a list of vectors, where each vector contains the colors for a specific cell annotation track. If a single color vector is provided, it will be used for all cell annotation tracks. If multiple color vectors are provided, each track will be assigned a separate color vector. If not provided, the default is NULL.
#' @param query_cell_annotation_params Additional parameters for customizing the appearance of the query cell annotation tracks. This should be a list with named elements, where the names correspond to parameter names in the heatmaps_annotation() function from the ComplexHeatmap package. If not provided, the default parameters will be used.
#' @param ref_cell_annotation A vector of cell metadata column names or assay feature names to use for highlighting specific cells in the heatmap. Each element of the vector will create a separate cell annotation track in the heatmap. If not provided, no cell annotations will be shown.
#' @param ref_cell_annotation_palette The color palette to use for the reference cell annotation tracks. This can be any of the palettes available in the circlize package. If a single color palette is provided, it will be used for all cell annotation tracks. If multiple color palettes are provided, each track will be assigned a separate palette. If not provided, the default is "Paired".
#' @param ref_cell_annotation_palcolor The specific colors to use for the reference cell annotation palettes. This should be a list of vectors, where each vector contains the colors for a specific cell annotation track. If a single color vector is provided, it will be used for all cell annotation tracks. If multiple color vectors are provided, each track will be assigned a separate color vector. If not provided, the default is NULL.
#' @param ref_cell_annotation_params Additional parameters for customizing the appearance of the reference cell annotation tracks. This should be a list with named elements, where the names correspond to parameter names in the heatmaps_annotation() function from the ComplexHeatmap package. If not provided, the default parameters will be used.
#' @param use_raster Whether to use raster images for rendering the heatmap. If set to TRUE, the heatmap will be rendered as a raster image using the raster_device argument. If not provided, the default is determined based on the number of rows and columns in the heatmap.
#' @param raster_device The raster device to use for rendering the heatmap. This should be a character string specifying the device name, such as "png", "jpeg", or "pdf". If not provided, the default is "png".
#' @param raster_by_magick Whether to use the magick package for rendering rasters. If set to TRUE, the magick package will be used instead of the raster package. This can be useful for rendering large heatmaps more efficiently. If the magick package is not installed, this argument will be ignored.
#' @param width The width of the heatmap in the specified units. If not provided, the width will be automatically determined based on the number of columns in the heatmap and the default unit.
#' @param height The height of the heatmap in the specified units. If not provided, the height will be automatically determined based on the number of rows in the heatmap and the default unit.
#' @param units The units to use for the width and height of the heatmap. Options are "mm", "cm", or "inch". If not provided, the default is "inch".
#' @param seed The random seed to use for reproducible results. If not provided, the default is 11.
#' @param ht_params Additional parameters to customize the appearance of the heatmap. This should be a list with named elements, where the names correspond to parameter names in the Heatmap() function from the ComplexHeatmap package. Any conflicting parameters will override the defaults set by this function.
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item{\code{plot}}{The heatmap plot as a ggplot object.}
#'     \item{\code{features}}{The features used in the heatmap.}
#'     \item{\code{simil_matrix}}{The similarity matrix used to generate the heatmap.}
#'     \item{\code{simil_name}}{The name of the similarity metric used to generate the heatmap.}
#'     \item{\code{cell_metadata}}{The cell metadata used to generate the heatmap.}
#'   }
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunKNNMap}} \code{\link{RunKNNPredict}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- Standard_SCP(pancreas_sub)
#' ht1 <- CellCorHeatmap(srt_query = pancreas_sub, query_group = "SubCellType")
#' ht1$plot
#' data("panc8_sub")
#' # Simply convert genes from human to mouse and preprocess the data
#' genenames <- make.unique(capitalize(rownames(panc8_sub), force_tolower = TRUE))
#' panc8_sub <- RenameFeatures(panc8_sub, newnames = genenames)
#' panc8_sub <- check_srtMerge(panc8_sub, batch = "tech")[["srtMerge"]]
#' ht2 <- CellCorHeatmap(
#'   srt_query = pancreas_sub, srt_ref = panc8_sub, nlabel = 3, label_cutoff = 0.6,
#'   query_group = "SubCellType", ref_group = "celltype",
#'   query_cell_annotation = "Phase", query_cell_annotation_palette = "Set2",
#'   ref_cell_annotation = "tech", ref_cell_annotation_palette = "Set3",
#'   width = 4, height = 4
#' )
#' ht2$plot
#' ht3 <- CellCorHeatmap(
#'   srt_query = pancreas_sub, srt_ref = panc8_sub,
#'   query_group = "SubCellType", query_collapsing = FALSE, cluster_rows = TRUE,
#'   ref_group = "celltype", ref_collapsing = FALSE, cluster_columns = TRUE
#' )
#' ht3$plot
#' ht4 <- CellCorHeatmap(
#'   srt_query = pancreas_sub, srt_ref = panc8_sub,
#'   show_row_names = TRUE, show_column_names = TRUE,
#'   query_group = "SubCellType", ref_group = "celltype",
#'   query_cell_annotation = c("Sox9", "Rbp4", "Gcg"),
#'   ref_cell_annotation = c("Sox9", "Rbp4", "Gcg")
#' )
#' ht4$plot
#' @importFrom circlize colorRamp2
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap Legend HeatmapAnnotation anno_block anno_simple anno_customize Heatmap draw pindex restore_matrix %v%
#' @importFrom grid gpar grid.grabExpr grid.lines grid.rect grid.points grid.draw
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_void theme facet_null
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom methods getFunction
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter group_by arrange desc across mutate distinct n .data "%>%"
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @export
CellCorHeatmap <- function(srt_query, srt_ref = NULL, bulk_ref = NULL,
                           query_group = NULL, ref_group = NULL,
                           query_assay = NULL, ref_assay = NULL,
                           query_reduction = NULL, ref_reduction = NULL,
                           query_dims = 1:30, ref_dims = 1:30,
                           query_collapsing = !is.null(query_group), ref_collapsing = TRUE,
                           features = NULL, features_type = c("HVF", "DE"), feature_source = "both", nfeatures = 2000,
                           DEtest_param = list(max.cells.per.ident = 200, test.use = "wilcox"),
                           DE_threshold = "p_val_adj < 0.05",
                           distance_metric = "cosine", k = 30,
                           filter_lowfreq = 0, prefix = "KNNPredict", exp_legend_title = NULL,
                           border = TRUE, flip = FALSE, limits = NULL,
                           cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
                           show_row_names = FALSE, show_column_names = FALSE, row_names_side = "left", column_names_side = "top", row_names_rot = 0, column_names_rot = 90,
                           row_title = NULL, column_title = NULL, row_title_side = "left", column_title_side = "top", row_title_rot = 90, column_title_rot = 0,
                           nlabel = 0, label_cutoff = 0, label_by = "row", label_size = 10,
                           heatmap_palette = "RdBu", heatmap_palcolor = NULL,
                           query_group_palette = "Paired", query_group_palcolor = NULL,
                           ref_group_palette = "simspec", ref_group_palcolor = NULL,
                           query_cell_annotation = NULL, query_cell_annotation_palette = "Paired", query_cell_annotation_palcolor = NULL, query_cell_annotation_params = if (flip) list(height = unit(10, "mm")) else list(width = unit(10, "mm")),
                           ref_cell_annotation = NULL, ref_cell_annotation_palette = "Paired", ref_cell_annotation_palcolor = NULL, ref_cell_annotation_params = if (flip) list(width = unit(10, "mm")) else list(height = unit(10, "mm")),
                           use_raster = NULL, raster_device = "png", raster_by_magick = FALSE, height = NULL, width = NULL, units = "inch",
                           seed = 11, ht_params = list()) {
  if (isTRUE(raster_by_magick)) {

  ref_legend <- TRUE
  simil_method <- c(
    "cosine", "pearson", "spearman", "correlation", "jaccard", "ejaccard", "dice", "edice",
    "hamman", "simple matching", "faith"
  dist_method <- c(
    "euclidean", "chisquared", "kullback", "manhattan", "maximum", "canberra",
    "minkowski", "hamming"
  if (is.null(srt_ref) && is.null(bulk_ref)) {
    srt_ref <- srt_query
    ref_group <- query_group
    ref_assay <- query_assay
    ref_reduction <- query_reduction
    ref_dims <- query_dims
    ref_collapsing <- query_collapsing
    ref_group_palette <- query_group_palette
    ref_group_palcolor <- query_group_palcolor
    ref_cell_annotation <- query_cell_annotation
    ref_cell_annotation_palette <- query_cell_annotation_palette
    ref_cell_annotation_palcolor <- query_cell_annotation_palcolor
    ref_legend <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(bulk_ref)) {
    srt_ref <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = bulk_ref, meta.data = data.frame(celltype = colnames(bulk_ref)), assay = "RNA")
    ref_group <- "CellType"
    ref_assay <- "RNA"
    ref_reduction <- NULL
    ref_collapsing <- FALSE
  query_assay <- query_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_query)
  ref_assay <- ref_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_ref)
  other_params <- list(
    query_group = query_group, query_reduction = query_reduction, query_assay = query_assay, query_dims = query_dims, query_collapsing = query_collapsing,
    ref_group = ref_group, ref_reduction = ref_reduction, ref_assay = ref_assay, ref_dims = ref_dims, ref_collapsing = ref_collapsing
  if (is.null(srt_query@tools[[paste0(prefix, "_classification")]][["distance_matrix"]]) ||
    !identical(other_params, srt_query@tools[[paste0(prefix, "_classification")]][["other_params"]])) {
    srt_query <- RunKNNPredict(
      srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref,
      query_group = query_group, ref_group = ref_group,
      query_assay = query_assay, ref_assay = ref_assay,
      query_reduction = query_reduction, ref_reduction = ref_reduction, query_dims = query_dims, ref_dims = ref_dims,
      query_collapsing = query_collapsing, ref_collapsing = ref_collapsing,
      features = features, features_type = features_type, feature_source = feature_source, nfeatures = nfeatures,
      DEtest_param = DEtest_param,
      DE_threshold = DE_threshold,
      distance_metric = distance_metric, k = k,
      filter_lowfreq = filter_lowfreq, prefix = prefix,
      nn_method = "raw", return_full_distance_matrix = TRUE
  distance_matrix <- srt_query@tools[[paste0(prefix, "_classification")]][["distance_matrix"]]
  distance_metric <- srt_query@tools[[paste0(prefix, "_classification")]][["distance_metric"]]
  if (distance_metric %in% simil_method) {
    simil_matrix <- t(as_matrix(1 - distance_matrix))
    simil_name <- paste0(capitalize(distance_metric), " similarity")
  } else if (distance_metric %in% dist_method) {
    simil_matrix <- t(as_matrix(1 - distance_matrix / max(distance_matrix, na.rm = TRUE)))
    simil_name <- paste0("1-dist[", distance_metric, "]/max(dist[", distance_metric, "])")
  simil_matrix[is.infinite(simil_matrix)] <- max(abs(simil_matrix[!is.infinite(simil_matrix)]), na.rm = TRUE) * ifelse(simil_matrix[is.infinite(simil_matrix)] > 0, 1, -1)
  simil_matrix[is.na(simil_matrix)] <- 0
  exp_name <- exp_legend_title %||% simil_name

  cell_groups <- list()
  if (is.null(query_group)) {
    srt_query@meta.data[["All.groups"]] <- factor("")
    query_group <- "All.groups"
  if (is.null(ref_group)) {
    srt_ref@meta.data[["All.groups"]] <- factor("")
    ref_group <- "All.groups"
  if (!is.factor(srt_query[[query_group, drop = TRUE]])) {
    srt_query@meta.data[[query_group]] <- factor(srt_query[[query_group, drop = TRUE]], levels = unique(srt_query[[query_group, drop = TRUE]]))
  cell_groups[["query_group"]] <- unlist(lapply(levels(srt_query[[query_group, drop = TRUE]]), function(x) {
    cells_sub <- colnames(srt_query)[which(srt_query[[query_group, drop = TRUE]] == x)]
    out <- setNames(object = rep(x, length(cells_sub)), nm = cells_sub)
  }), use.names = TRUE)
  levels <- levels(srt_query[[query_group, drop = TRUE]])
  cell_groups[["query_group"]] <- factor(cell_groups[["query_group"]], levels = levels[levels %in% cell_groups[["query_group"]]])

  if (!is.factor(srt_ref[[ref_group, drop = TRUE]])) {
    srt_ref@meta.data[[ref_group]] <- factor(srt_ref[[ref_group, drop = TRUE]], levels = unique(srt_ref[[ref_group, drop = TRUE]]))
  cell_groups[["ref_group"]] <- unlist(lapply(levels(srt_ref[[ref_group, drop = TRUE]]), function(x) {
    cells_sub <- colnames(srt_ref)[which(srt_ref[[ref_group, drop = TRUE]] == x)]
    out <- setNames(object = rep(x, length(cells_sub)), nm = cells_sub)
  }), use.names = TRUE)
  levels <- levels(srt_ref[[ref_group, drop = TRUE]])
  cell_groups[["ref_group"]] <- factor(cell_groups[["ref_group"]], levels = levels[levels %in% cell_groups[["ref_group"]]])

  if (isTRUE(query_collapsing)) {
    simil_matrix <- simil_matrix[levels(cell_groups[["query_group"]]), , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    simil_matrix <- simil_matrix[names(cell_groups[["query_group"]]), , drop = FALSE]
  if (isTRUE(ref_collapsing)) {
    simil_matrix <- simil_matrix[, levels(cell_groups[["ref_group"]]), drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    simil_matrix <- simil_matrix[, names(cell_groups[["ref_group"]]), drop = FALSE]

  if (!is.null(query_cell_annotation)) {
    if (length(query_cell_annotation_palette) == 1) {
      query_cell_annotation_palette <- rep(query_cell_annotation_palette, length(query_cell_annotation))
    if (length(query_cell_annotation_palcolor) == 1) {
      query_cell_annotation_palcolor <- rep(query_cell_annotation_palcolor, length(query_cell_annotation))
    npal <- unique(c(length(query_cell_annotation_palette), length(query_cell_annotation_palcolor), length(query_cell_annotation)))
    if (length(npal[npal != 0]) > 1) {
      stop("query_cell_annotation_palette and query_cell_annotation_palcolor must be the same length as query_cell_annotation")
    if (any(!query_cell_annotation %in% c(colnames(srt_query@meta.data), rownames(srt_query[[query_assay]])))) {
      stop("query_cell_annotation: ", paste0(query_cell_annotation[!query_cell_annotation %in% c(colnames(srt_query@meta.data), rownames(srt_query[[query_assay]]))], collapse = ","), " is not in the Seurat object.")
  if (!is.null(ref_cell_annotation)) {
    if (length(ref_cell_annotation_palette) == 1) {
      ref_cell_annotation_palette <- rep(ref_cell_annotation_palette, length(ref_cell_annotation))
    if (length(ref_cell_annotation_palcolor) == 1) {
      ref_cell_annotation_palcolor <- rep(ref_cell_annotation_palcolor, length(ref_cell_annotation))
    npal <- unique(c(length(ref_cell_annotation_palette), length(ref_cell_annotation_palcolor), length(ref_cell_annotation)))
    if (length(npal[npal != 0]) > 1) {
      stop("ref_cell_annotation_palette and ref_cell_annotation_palcolor must be the same length as ref_cell_annotation")
    if (any(!ref_cell_annotation %in% c(colnames(srt_ref@meta.data), rownames(srt_ref[[ref_assay]])))) {
      stop("ref_cell_annotation: ", paste0(ref_cell_annotation[!ref_cell_annotation %in% c(colnames(srt_ref@meta.data), rownames(srt_ref[[ref_assay]]))], collapse = ","), " is not in the Seurat object.")

  if (isTRUE(flip)) {
    cluster_rows_raw <- cluster_rows
    cluster_columns_raw <- cluster_columns
    cluster_rows <- cluster_columns_raw
    cluster_columns <- cluster_rows_raw
  if (is.null(limits)) {
    colors <- colorRamp2(seq(min(simil_matrix, na.rm = TRUE), max(simil_matrix, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))
  } else {
    colors <- colorRamp2(seq(limits[1], limits[2], length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))

  cell_metadata <- data.frame(
    row.names = c(paste0("query_", colnames(srt_query)), paste0("ref_", colnames(srt_ref))),
    cells = c(colnames(srt_query), colnames(srt_ref))
  query_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(
    srt_query@meta.data[cell_metadata[["cells"]], c(query_group, intersect(query_cell_annotation, colnames(srt_query@meta.data))), drop = FALSE],
    as.data.frame(t(srt_query[[query_assay]]@data[intersect(query_cell_annotation, rownames(srt_query[[query_assay]])) %||% integer(), , drop = FALSE]))[cell_metadata[["cells"]], , drop = FALSE]
  colnames(query_metadata) <- paste0("query_", colnames(query_metadata))
  ref_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(
    srt_ref@meta.data[cell_metadata[["cells"]], c(ref_group, intersect(ref_cell_annotation, colnames(srt_ref@meta.data))), drop = FALSE],
    as.data.frame(t(srt_ref[[ref_assay]]@data[intersect(ref_cell_annotation, rownames(srt_ref[[ref_assay]])) %||% integer(), , drop = FALSE]))[cell_metadata[["cells"]], , drop = FALSE]
  colnames(ref_metadata) <- paste0("ref_", colnames(ref_metadata))
  cell_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(cell_metadata, cbind.data.frame(query_metadata, ref_metadata))

  lgd <- list()
  lgd[["ht"]] <- Legend(title = exp_name, col_fun = colors, border = TRUE)

  ha_query_list <- NULL
  if (query_group != "All.groups") {
    if (isFALSE(query_collapsing) && ((isFALSE(flip) & isTRUE(cluster_rows)) || (isTRUE(flip) & isTRUE(cluster_columns)))) {
      query_cell_annotation <- c(query_group, query_cell_annotation)
      query_cell_annotation_palette <- c(query_group_palette, query_cell_annotation_palette)
      query_cell_annotation_palcolor <- c(list(query_group_palcolor), query_cell_annotation_palcolor %||% list(NULL))
    } else {
      funbody <- paste0(
        grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(", paste0("c('", paste0(levels(srt_query[[query_group, drop = TRUE]]), collapse = "','"), "')"), ",palette = '", query_group_palette, "',palcolor=c(", paste0("'", paste0(query_group_palcolor, collapse = "','"), "'"), "))[nm]))
      funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
      eval(parse(text = paste("panel_fun <- function(index, nm) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())

      anno <- list()
      if (isTRUE(query_collapsing)) {
        anno[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- anno_block(
          align_to = split(seq_along(levels(cell_groups[["query_group"]])), levels(cell_groups[["query_group"]])),
          panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
          which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
          show_name = FALSE
      } else {
        anno[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- anno_block(
          align_to = split(seq_along(cell_groups[["query_group"]]), cell_groups[["query_group"]]),
          panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
          which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
          show_name = FALSE
      ha_cell_group <- do.call("HeatmapAnnotation", args = c(anno, which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "bottom"), border = TRUE))
      ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- ha_cell_group
      lgd[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- Legend(
        title = paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":"), labels = levels(srt_query[[query_group, drop = TRUE]]),
        legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(levels(srt_query[[query_group, drop = TRUE]]), palette = query_group_palette, palcolor = query_group_palcolor)), border = TRUE

  ha_ref_list <- NULL
  if (ref_group != "All.groups") {
    if (isFALSE(ref_collapsing) && ((isFALSE(flip) & isTRUE(cluster_columns)) || (isTRUE(flip) & isTRUE(cluster_rows)))) {
      ref_cell_annotation <- c(ref_group, ref_cell_annotation)
      ref_cell_annotation_palette <- c(ref_group_palette, ref_cell_annotation_palette)
      ref_cell_annotation_palcolor <- c(list(ref_group_palcolor), ref_cell_annotation_palcolor %||% list(NULL))
    } else {
      funbody <- paste0(
        grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(", paste0("c('", paste0(levels(srt_ref[[ref_group, drop = TRUE]]), collapse = "','"), "')"), ",palette = '", ref_group_palette, "',palcolor=c(", paste0("'", paste0(ref_group_palcolor, collapse = "','"), "'"), "))[nm]))
      funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
      eval(parse(text = paste("panel_fun <- function(index, nm) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())

      anno <- list()
      if (isTRUE(ref_collapsing)) {
        anno[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- anno_block(
          align_to = split(seq_along(levels(cell_groups[["ref_group"]])), levels(cell_groups[["ref_group"]])),
          panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
          which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"),
          show_name = FALSE
      } else {
        anno[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- anno_block(
          align_to = split(seq_along(cell_groups[["ref_group"]]), cell_groups[["ref_group"]]),
          panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
          which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"),
          show_name = FALSE
      ha_cell_group <- do.call("HeatmapAnnotation", args = c(anno, which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(!flip, "left", "bottom"), border = TRUE))
      ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- ha_cell_group
      lgd[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- Legend(
        title = paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":"), labels = levels(srt_ref[[ref_group, drop = TRUE]]),
        legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(levels(srt_ref[[ref_group, drop = TRUE]]), palette = ref_group_palette, palcolor = ref_group_palcolor)), border = TRUE

  if (!is.null(query_cell_annotation)) {
    query_subplots_list <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(query_cell_annotation)) {
      cellan <- query_cell_annotation[i]
      palette <- query_cell_annotation_palette[i]
      palcolor <- query_cell_annotation_palcolor[[i]]
      cell_anno <- cell_metadata[, paste0("query_", cellan)]
      names(cell_anno) <- rownames(cell_metadata)
      if (!is.numeric(cell_anno)) {
        if (is.logical(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
        } else if (!is.factor(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = unique(cell_anno))
        if (isTRUE(query_collapsing)) {
          subplots <- CellStatPlot(srt_query,
            flip = !flip,
            cells = gsub("query_", "", names(cell_groups[["query_group"]])), plot_type = "pie",
            group.by = query_group, stat.by = cellan,
            palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor,
            individual = TRUE, combine = FALSE
          query_subplots_list[[paste0(cellan, ":", query_group)]] <- subplots
          graphics <- list()
          for (nm in names(subplots)) {
            funbody <- paste0(
              g <- as_grob(query_subplots_list[['", cellan, ":", query_group, "']]", "[['", nm, "']] + theme_void() + theme(plot.title = element_blank(), plot.subtitle = element_blank(), legend.position = 'none'));
              g$name <- '", paste0(cellan, ":", query_group, "-", nm), "';
            funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
            eval(parse(text = paste("graphics[[nm]] <- function(x, y, w, h) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
          x_nm <- sapply(strsplit(levels(cell_groups[["query_group"]]), " : "), function(x) {
            if (length(x) == 2) {
              paste0(c(query_group, x[1], x[2]), collapse = ":")
            } else {
              paste0(c(query_group, x[1], ""), collapse = ":")

          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_customize(
            x = x_nm,
            graphics = graphics,
            which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
            border = TRUE,
            verbose = FALSE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
            show_annotation_name = TRUE,
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "bottom")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, query_cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(query_cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_query <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]])) {
            ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- ha_query
          } else {
            ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- c(ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]], ha_query)
        } else {
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_simple(
            x = as.character(cell_anno[paste0("query_", names(cell_groups[["query_group"]]))]),
            col = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
            which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
            na_col = "transparent",
            border = TRUE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
            show_annotation_name = TRUE,
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "bottom")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, query_cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(query_cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_query <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]])) {
            ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- ha_query
          } else {
            ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- c(ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]], ha_query)
        lgd[[paste0(c("Query", cellan), collapse = ":")]] <- Legend(
          title = paste0(c("Query", cellan), collapse = ":"), labels = levels(cell_anno),
          legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE
      } else {
        if (isTRUE(query_collapsing)) {
          subplots <- FeatureStatPlot(srt_query,
            assay = query_assay, slot = "data", flip = !flip,
            stat.by = cellan, cells = gsub("query_", "", names(cell_groups[["query_group"]])),
            group.by = query_group,
            palette = query_group_palette,
            palcolor = query_group_palcolor,
            fill.by = "group", same.y.lims = TRUE,
            individual = TRUE, combine = FALSE
          query_subplots_list[[paste0(cellan, ":", query_group)]] <- subplots
          graphics <- list()
          for (nm in names(subplots)) {
            funbody <- paste0(
              g <- as_grob(query_subplots_list[['", cellan, ":", query_group, "']]", "[['", nm, "']]  + facet_null() + theme_void() + theme(plot.title = element_blank(), plot.subtitle = element_blank(), legend.position = 'none'));
              g$name <- '", paste0(cellan, ":", query_group, "-", nm), "';
            funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
            eval(parse(text = paste("graphics[[nm]] <- function(x, y, w, h) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
          x_nm <- sapply(strsplit(levels(cell_groups[["query_group"]]), " : "), function(x) {
            if (length(x) == 2) {
              paste0(c(cellan, query_group, x[1], x[2]), collapse = ":")
            } else {
              paste0(c(cellan, query_group, x[1], ""), collapse = ":")
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_customize(
            x = x_nm,
            graphics = graphics,
            which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
            border = TRUE,
            verbose = FALSE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
            show_annotation_name = TRUE,
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "bottom")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, query_cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(query_cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_query <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]])) {
            ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- ha_query
          } else {
            ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- c(ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]], ha_query)
        } else {
          col_fun <- colorRamp2(
            breaks = seq(min(cell_anno, na.rm = TRUE), max(cell_anno, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100),
            colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_simple(
            x = cell_anno[paste0("query_", names(cell_groups[["query_group"]]))],
            col = col_fun,
            which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
            na_col = "transparent",
            border = TRUE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
            show_annotation_name = TRUE,
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "bottom")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, query_cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(query_cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_query <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]])) {
            ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- ha_query
          } else {
            ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]] <- c(ha_query_list[[paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":")]], ha_query)
          lgd[[paste0(c("Query", cellan), collapse = ":")]] <- Legend(
            title = paste0(c("Query", cellan), collapse = ":"), col_fun = col_fun, border = TRUE

  if (!is.null(ref_cell_annotation)) {
    ref_subplots_list <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(ref_cell_annotation)) {
      cellan <- ref_cell_annotation[i]
      palette <- ref_cell_annotation_palette[i]
      palcolor <- ref_cell_annotation_palcolor[[i]]
      cell_anno <- cell_metadata[, paste0("ref_", cellan)]
      names(cell_anno) <- rownames(cell_metadata)
      if (!is.numeric(cell_anno)) {
        if (is.logical(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
        } else if (!is.factor(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = unique(cell_anno))
        if (isTRUE(ref_collapsing)) {
          subplots <- CellStatPlot(srt_ref,
            flip = flip,
            cells = gsub("ref_", "", names(cell_groups[["ref_group"]])), plot_type = "pie",
            group.by = ref_group, stat.by = cellan,
            palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor,
            individual = TRUE, combine = FALSE
          ref_subplots_list[[paste0(cellan, ":", ref_group)]] <- subplots
          graphics <- list()
          for (nm in names(subplots)) {
            funbody <- paste0(
              g <- as_grob(ref_subplots_list[['", cellan, ":", ref_group, "']]", "[['", nm, "']] + theme_void() + theme(plot.title = element_blank(), plot.subtitle = element_blank(), legend.position = 'none'));
              g$name <- '", paste0(cellan, ":", ref_group, "-", nm), "';
            funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
            eval(parse(text = paste("graphics[[nm]] <- function(x, y, w, h) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
          x_nm <- sapply(strsplit(levels(cell_groups[["ref_group"]]), " : "), function(x) {
            if (length(x) == 2) {
              paste0(c(ref_group, x[1], x[2]), collapse = ":")
            } else {
              paste0(c(ref_group, x[1], ""), collapse = ":")

          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_customize(
            x = x_nm,
            graphics = graphics,
            which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"),
            border = TRUE,
            verbose = FALSE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"),
            show_annotation_name = TRUE,
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(!flip, "left", "bottom")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, ref_cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(ref_cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_ref <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]])) {
            ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- ha_ref
          } else {
            ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- c(ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]], ha_ref)
        } else {
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_simple(
            x = as.character(cell_anno[paste0("ref_", names(cell_groups[["ref_group"]]))]),
            col = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
            which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"),
            na_col = "transparent",
            border = TRUE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"),
            show_annotation_name = TRUE,
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(!flip, "left", "bottom")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, ref_cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(ref_cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_ref <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]])) {
            ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- ha_ref
          } else {
            ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- c(ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]], ha_ref)
        lgd[[paste0(c("Ref", cellan), collapse = ":")]] <- Legend(
          title = paste0(c("Ref", cellan), collapse = ":"), labels = levels(cell_anno),
          legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE
      } else {
        if (isTRUE(ref_collapsing)) {
          subplots <- FeatureStatPlot(srt_ref,
            assay = ref_assay, slot = "data", flip = flip,
            stat.by = cellan, cells = gsub("ref_", "", names(cell_groups[["ref_group"]])),
            group.by = ref_group,
            palette = ref_group_palette,
            palcolor = ref_group_palcolor,
            fill.by = "group", same.y.lims = TRUE,
            individual = TRUE, combine = FALSE
          ref_subplots_list[[paste0(cellan, ":", ref_group)]] <- subplots
          graphics <- list()
          for (nm in names(subplots)) {
            funbody <- paste0(
              g <- as_grob(ref_subplots_list[['", cellan, ":", ref_group, "']]", "[['", nm, "']]  + facet_null() + theme_void() + theme(plot.title = element_blank(), plot.subtitle = element_blank(), legend.position = 'none'));
              g$name <- '", paste0(cellan, ":", ref_group, "-", nm), "';
            funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
            eval(parse(text = paste("graphics[[nm]] <- function(x, y, w, h) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
          x_nm <- sapply(strsplit(levels(cell_groups[["ref_group"]]), " : "), function(x) {
            if (length(x) == 2) {
              paste0(c(cellan, ref_group, x[1], x[2]), collapse = ":")
            } else {
              paste0(c(cellan, ref_group, x[1], ""), collapse = ":")
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_customize(
            x = x_nm,
            graphics = graphics,
            which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"),
            border = TRUE,
            verbose = FALSE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"),
            show_annotation_name = TRUE,
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(!flip, "left", "bottom")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, ref_cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(ref_cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_ref <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]])) {
            ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- ha_ref
          } else {
            ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- c(ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]], ha_ref)
        } else {
          col_fun <- colorRamp2(
            breaks = seq(min(cell_anno, na.rm = TRUE), max(cell_anno, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100),
            colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_simple(
            x = cell_anno[paste0("ref_", names(cell_groups[["ref_group"]]))],
            col = col_fun,
            which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"),
            na_col = "transparent",
            border = TRUE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(!flip, "column", "row"),
            show_annotation_name = TRUE,
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(!flip, "left", "bottom")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, ref_cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(ref_cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_ref <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]])) {
            ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- ha_ref
          } else {
            ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]] <- c(ha_ref_list[[paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":")]], ha_ref)
          lgd[[paste0(c("Ref", cellan), collapse = ":")]] <- Legend(
            title = paste0(c("Ref", cellan), collapse = ":"), col_fun = col_fun, border = TRUE

  if (!isTRUE(ref_legend)) {
    lgd <- lgd[grep("Ref", names(lgd), invert = TRUE)]

  layer_fun <- function(j, i, x, y, w, h, fill) {
    if (nlabel > 0) {
      if (flip) {
        mat <- t(simil_matrix)
      } else {
        mat <- simil_matrix
      value <- pindex(mat, i, j)
      ind_mat <- restore_matrix(j, i, x, y)

      inds <- NULL
      if (label_by %in% c("row", "both")) {
        for (row in 1:nrow(ind_mat)) {
          ind <- ind_mat[row, ]
          ind <- ind[which(value[ind] >= max(c(sort(value[ind], decreasing = TRUE)[nlabel]), na.rm = TRUE) & value[ind] >= label_cutoff)]
          inds <- c(inds, ind)
      if (label_by %in% c("column", "both")) {
        for (column in 1:ncol(ind_mat)) {
          ind <- ind_mat[, column]
          ind <- ind[which(value[ind] >= max(c(sort(value[ind], decreasing = TRUE)[nlabel]), na.rm = TRUE) & value[ind] >= label_cutoff)]
          inds <- c(inds, ind)
      if (label_by == "both") {
        inds <- inds[duplicated(inds)]
      if (length(inds) > 0) {
        theta <- seq(pi / 8, 2 * pi, length.out = 16)
        lapply(theta, function(i) {
          x_out <- x[inds] + unit(cos(i) * label_size / 30, "mm")
          y_out <- y[inds] + unit(sin(i) * label_size / 30, "mm")
          grid.text(round(value[inds], 2), x = x_out, y = y_out, gp = gpar(fontsize = label_size, col = "white"))
        grid.text(round(value[inds], 2), x[inds], y[inds], gp = gpar(fontsize = label_size, col = "black"))

  ht_list <- NULL
  ht_args <- list(
    name = exp_name,
    matrix = if (flip) t(simil_matrix) else simil_matrix,
    col = colors,
    layer_fun = layer_fun,
    row_title = row_title %||% if (flip) paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":") else paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":"),
    row_title_side = row_title_side,
    column_title = column_title %||% if (flip) paste0(c("Query", query_group), collapse = ":") else paste0(c("Ref", ref_group), collapse = ":"),
    column_title_side = column_title_side,
    row_title_rot = row_title_rot,
    column_title_rot = column_title_rot,
    cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
    cluster_columns = cluster_columns,
    show_row_names = show_row_names,
    show_column_names = show_column_names,
    row_names_side = row_names_side,
    column_names_side = column_names_side,
    row_names_rot = row_names_rot,
    column_names_rot = column_names_rot,
    top_annotation = if (flip) ha_query_list[[1]] else ha_ref_list[[1]],
    left_annotation = if (flip) ha_ref_list[[1]] else ha_query_list[[1]],
    show_heatmap_legend = FALSE,
    border = border,
    use_raster = use_raster,
    raster_device = raster_device,
    raster_by_magick = raster_by_magick,
    width = if (is.numeric(width)) unit(width, units = units) else NULL,
    height = if (is.numeric(height)) unit(height, units = units) else NULL
  if (any(names(ht_params) %in% names(ht_args))) {
    warning("ht_params: ", paste0(intersect(names(ht_params), names(ht_args)), collapse = ","), " were duplicated and will not be used.", immediate. = TRUE)
  ht_args <- c(ht_args, ht_params[setdiff(names(ht_params), names(ht_args))])
  if (isTRUE(flip)) {
    if (is.null(ht_list)) {
      ht_list <- do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
    } else {
      ht_list <- ht_list %v% do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
  } else {
    ht_list <- ht_list + do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)

  if (!is.null(width) || !is.null(height)) {
    fix <- TRUE
  } else {
    fix <- FALSE
  rendersize <- heatmap_rendersize(
    width = width, height = height, units = units,
    ha_top_list = ha_ref_list, ha_left = ha_query_list[[1]], ha_right = NULL,
    ht_list = ht_list, legend_list = lgd, flip = flip
  width_sum <- rendersize[["width_sum"]]
  height_sum <- rendersize[["height_sum"]]
  # cat("width:", width, "\n")
  # cat("height:", height, "\n")
  # cat("width_sum:", width_sum, "\n")
  # cat("height_sum:", height_sum, "\n")

  if (isTRUE(fix)) {
    fixsize <- heatmap_fixsize(
      width = width, width_sum = width_sum, height = height, height_sum = height_sum, units = units,
      ht_list = ht_list, legend_list = lgd
    ht_width <- fixsize[["ht_width"]]
    ht_height <- fixsize[["ht_height"]]
    # cat("ht_width:", ht_width, "\n")
    # cat("ht_height:", ht_height, "\n")

    gTree <- grid.grabExpr(
        draw(ht_list, annotation_legend_list = lgd)
      width = ht_width,
      height = ht_height,
      wrap = TRUE,
      wrap.grobs = TRUE
  } else {
    ht_width <- unit(width_sum, units = units)
    ht_height <- unit(height_sum, units = units)
    gTree <- grid.grabExpr(
        draw(ht_list, annotation_legend_list = lgd)
      width = ht_width,
      height = ht_height,
      wrap = TRUE,
      wrap.grobs = TRUE

  if (isTRUE(fix)) {
    p <- panel_fix_overall(gTree, width = as.numeric(ht_width), height = as.numeric(ht_height), units = units)
  } else {
    p <- wrap_plots(gTree)

    plot = p,
    features = features,
    simil_matrix = simil_matrix,
    simil_name = simil_name,
    cell_metadata = cell_metadata

#' Heatmap plot for dynamic features along lineages
#' @inheritParams GroupHeatmap
#' @param srt A Seurat object.
#' @param lineages A character vector specifying the lineages to plot.
#' @param features A character vector specifying the features to plot. By default, this parameter is set to NULL, and the dynamic features will be determined by the parameters  \code{min_expcells}, \code{r.sq}, \code{dev.expl}, \code{padjust} and \code{num_intersections}.
#' @param use_fitted A logical indicating whether to use fitted values. Default is FALSE.
#' @param border A logical indicating whether to add a border to the heatmap. Default is TRUE.
#' @param flip A logical indicating whether to flip the heatmap. Default is FALSE.
#' @param min_expcells A numeric value specifying the minimum number of expected cells. Default is 20.
#' @param r.sq A numeric value specifying the R-squared threshold. Default is 0.2.
#' @param dev.expl A numeric value specifying the deviance explained threshold. Default is 0.2.
#' @param padjust A numeric value specifying the p-value adjustment threshold. Default is 0.05.
#' @param num_intersections This parameter is a numeric vector used to determine the number of intersections among lineages. It helps in selecting which dynamic features will be used. By default, when this parameter is set to NULL, all dynamic features that pass the specified threshold will be used for each lineage.
#' @param cell_density A numeric value is used to define the cell density within each cell bin. By default, this parameter is set to 1, which means that all cells will be included within each cell bin.
#' @param cell_bins A numeric value specifying the number of cell bins. Default is 100.
#' @param order_by A character vector specifying the order of the heatmap. Default is "peaktime".
#' @param family A character specifying the model used to calculate the dynamic features if needed. By default, this parameter is set to NULL, and the appropriate family will be automatically determined.
#' @param cluster_features_by A character vector specifying which lineage to use when clustering features. By default, this parameter is set to NULL, which means that all lineages will be used.
#' @param pseudotime_label A numeric vector specifying the pseudotime label. Default is NULL.
#' @param pseudotime_label_color A character string specifying the pseudotime label color. Default is "black".
#' @param pseudotime_label_linetype A numeric value specifying the pseudotime label line type. Default is 2.
#' @param pseudotime_label_linewidth A numeric value specifying the pseudotime label line width. Default is 3.
#' @param pseudotime_palette A character vector specifying the color palette to use for pseudotime.
#' @param pseudotime_palcolor A list specifying the colors to use for the pseudotime in the heatmap.
#' @param separate_annotation A character vector of names of annotations to be displayed in separate annotation blocks. Each name should match a column name in the metadata of the Seurat object.
#' @param separate_annotation_palette A character vector specifying the color palette to use for separate annotations.
#' @param separate_annotation_palcolor A list specifying the colors to use for each level of the separate annotations.
#' @param separate_annotation_params A list of other parameters to be passed to the HeatmapAnnotation function when creating the separate annotation blocks.
#' @param reverse_ht A logical indicating whether to reverse the heatmap. Default is NULL.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunDynamicFeatures}} \code{\link{RunDynamicEnrichment}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunSlingshot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunDynamicFeatures(pancreas_sub, lineages = c("Lineage1", "Lineage2"), n_candidates = 200)
#' ht1 <- DynamicHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub,
#'   lineages = "Lineage1",
#'   n_split = 5,
#'   split_method = "kmeans-peaktime",
#'   cell_annotation = "SubCellType"
#' )
#' ht1$plot
#' panel_fix(ht1$plot, raster = TRUE, dpi = 50)
#' ht2 <- DynamicHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub,
#'   lineages = "Lineage1",
#'   features = c("Sox9", "Neurod2", "Isl1", "Rbp4", "Pyy", "S_score", "G2M_score"),
#'   cell_annotation = "SubCellType"
#' )
#' ht2$plot
#' panel_fix(ht2$plot, height = 5, width = 5, raster = TRUE, dpi = 50)
#' ht3 <- DynamicHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub,
#'   lineages = c("Lineage1", "Lineage2"),
#'   n_split = 5,
#'   split_method = "kmeans",
#'   cluster_rows = TRUE,
#'   cell_annotation = "SubCellType"
#' )
#' ht3$plot
#' pancreas_sub <- AnnotateFeatures(pancreas_sub, species = "Mus_musculus", db = c("TF", "CSPA"))
#' ht4 <- DynamicHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub,
#'   lineages = c("Lineage1", "Lineage2"),
#'   reverse_ht = "Lineage1",
#'   use_fitted = TRUE,
#'   n_split = 6,
#'   split_method = "mfuzz",
#'   heatmap_palette = "viridis",
#'   cell_annotation = c("SubCellType", "Phase", "G2M_score"),
#'   cell_annotation_palette = c("Paired", "simspec", "Purples"),
#'   separate_annotation = list("SubCellType", c("Nnat", "Irx1")),
#'   separate_annotation_palette = c("Paired", "Set1"),
#'   separate_annotation_params = list(height = unit(10, "mm")),
#'   feature_annotation = c("TF", "CSPA"),
#'   feature_annotation_palcolor = list(c("gold", "steelblue"), c("forestgreen")),
#'   pseudotime_label = 25,
#'   pseudotime_label_color = "red"
#' )
#' ht4$plot
#' ht5 <- DynamicHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub,
#'   lineages = c("Lineage1", "Lineage2"),
#'   reverse_ht = "Lineage1",
#'   use_fitted = TRUE,
#'   n_split = 6,
#'   split_method = "mfuzz",
#'   heatmap_palette = "viridis",
#'   cell_annotation = c("SubCellType", "Phase", "G2M_score"),
#'   cell_annotation_palette = c("Paired", "simspec", "Purples"),
#'   separate_annotation = list("SubCellType", c("Nnat", "Irx1")),
#'   separate_annotation_palette = c("Paired", "Set1"),
#'   separate_annotation_params = list(width = unit(10, "mm")),
#'   feature_annotation = c("TF", "CSPA"),
#'   feature_annotation_palcolor = list(c("gold", "steelblue"), c("forestgreen")),
#'   pseudotime_label = 25,
#'   pseudotime_label_color = "red",
#'   flip = TRUE, column_title_rot = 45
#' )
#' ht5$plot
#' ht6 <- DynamicHeatmap(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub,
#'   lineages = c("Lineage1", "Lineage2"),
#'   reverse_ht = "Lineage1",
#'   cell_annotation = "SubCellType",
#'   n_split = 5, split_method = "mfuzz",
#'   species = "Mus_musculus", db = "GO_BP",
#'   anno_terms = TRUE, anno_keys = TRUE, anno_features = TRUE
#' )
#' ht6$plot
#' @importFrom Seurat GetAssayData NormalizeData DefaultAssay
#' @importFrom circlize colorRamp2
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap Heatmap Legend HeatmapAnnotation anno_empty anno_mark anno_simple anno_textbox draw decorate_heatmap_body width.HeatmapAnnotation height.HeatmapAnnotation width.Legends height.Legends decorate_annotation row_order %v%
#' @importFrom stats kmeans sd
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom grid gpar grid.lines grid.text unit
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_padding
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter group_by arrange desc across mutate reframe distinct n .data
#' @importFrom proxyC dist
#' @export
DynamicHeatmap <- function(srt, lineages, features = NULL, use_fitted = FALSE, border = TRUE, flip = FALSE,
                           min_expcells = 20, r.sq = 0.2, dev.expl = 0.2, padjust = 0.05, num_intersections = NULL,
                           cell_density = 1, cell_bins = 100, order_by = c("peaktime", "valleytime"),
                           slot = "counts", assay = NULL, exp_method = c("zscore", "raw", "fc", "log2fc", "log1p"), exp_legend_title = NULL, limits = NULL,
                           lib_normalize = identical(slot, "counts"), libsize = NULL, family = NULL,
                           cluster_features_by = NULL, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_row_slices = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE, cluster_column_slices = FALSE,
                           show_row_names = FALSE, show_column_names = FALSE, row_names_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "right"), column_names_side = ifelse(flip, "bottom", "top"), row_names_rot = 0, column_names_rot = 90,
                           row_title = NULL, column_title = NULL, row_title_side = "left", column_title_side = "top", row_title_rot = 0, column_title_rot = ifelse(flip, 90, 0),
                           feature_split = NULL, feature_split_by = NULL, n_split = NULL, split_order = NULL,
                           split_method = c("mfuzz", "kmeans", "kmeans-peaktime", "hclust", "hclust-peaktime"), decreasing = FALSE,
                           fuzzification = NULL,
                           anno_terms = FALSE, anno_keys = FALSE, anno_features = FALSE,
                           terms_width = unit(4, "in"), terms_fontsize = 8,
                           keys_width = unit(2, "in"), keys_fontsize = c(6, 10),
                           features_width = unit(2, "in"), features_fontsize = c(6, 10),
                           IDtype = "symbol", species = "Homo_sapiens", db_update = FALSE, db_version = "latest", db_combine = FALSE, convert_species = FALSE, Ensembl_version = 103, mirror = NULL,
                           db = "GO_BP", TERM2GENE = NULL, TERM2NAME = NULL, minGSSize = 10, maxGSSize = 500,
                           GO_simplify = FALSE, GO_simplify_cutoff = "p.adjust < 0.05", simplify_method = "Wang", simplify_similarityCutoff = 0.7,
                           pvalueCutoff = NULL, padjustCutoff = 0.05, topTerm = 5, show_termid = FALSE, topWord = 20, words_excluded = NULL,
                           nlabel = 20, features_label = NULL, label_size = 10, label_color = "black",
                           pseudotime_label = NULL, pseudotime_label_color = "black", pseudotime_label_linetype = 2, pseudotime_label_linewidth = 3,
                           heatmap_palette = "viridis", heatmap_palcolor = NULL,
                           pseudotime_palette = "cividis", pseudotime_palcolor = NULL,
                           feature_split_palette = "simspec", feature_split_palcolor = NULL,
                           cell_annotation = NULL, cell_annotation_palette = "Paired", cell_annotation_palcolor = NULL, cell_annotation_params = if (flip) list(width = unit(5, "mm")) else list(height = unit(5, "mm")),
                           feature_annotation = NULL, feature_annotation_palette = "Dark2", feature_annotation_palcolor = NULL, feature_annotation_params = if (flip) list(height = unit(5, "mm")) else list(width = unit(5, "mm")),
                           separate_annotation = NULL, separate_annotation_palette = "Paired", separate_annotation_palcolor = NULL, separate_annotation_params = if (flip) list(width = unit(10, "mm")) else list(height = unit(10, "mm")),
                           reverse_ht = NULL, use_raster = NULL, raster_device = "png", raster_by_magick = FALSE, height = NULL, width = NULL, units = "inch",
                           seed = 11, ht_params = list()) {
  if (isTRUE(raster_by_magick)) {

  split_method <- match.arg(split_method)
  order_by <- match.arg(order_by)
  data_nm <- c(ifelse(isTRUE(lib_normalize), "normalized", ""), slot)
  data_nm <- paste(data_nm[data_nm != ""], collapse = " ")
  if (length(exp_method) == 1 && is.function(exp_method)) {
    exp_name <- paste0(as.character(x = formals()$exp_method), "(", data_nm, ")")
  } else {
    exp_method <- match.arg(exp_method)
    exp_name <- paste0(exp_method, "(", data_nm, ")")
  exp_name <- exp_legend_title %||% exp_name

  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt)
  if (any(!lineages %in% colnames(srt@meta.data))) {
    lineages_missing <- lineages[!lineages %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)]
    for (l in lineages_missing) {
      if (paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l) %in% names(srt@tools)) {
        pseudotime <- srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["lineages"]]
        srt@meta.data[[l]] <- srt@meta.data[[pseudotime]]
      } else {
        stop("lineages: ", l, " is not in the meta data of the Seurat object")
  if (is.null(feature_split_by)) {
    feature_split_by <- lineages
  if (any(!feature_split_by %in% lineages)) {
    stop("'feature_split_by' must be a subset of lineages.")
  if (!split_method %in% c("mfuzz", "kmeans", "kmeans-peaktime", "hclust", "hclust-peaktime")) {
    stop("'split_method' must be one of 'mfuzz', 'kmeans', 'kmeans-peaktime', 'hclust', 'hclust-peaktime'.")
  if (!is.null(feature_split) && is.null(names(feature_split))) {
    stop("'feature_split' must be named.")
  if (!is.null(feature_split) && !is.factor(feature_split)) {
    feature_split <- factor(feature_split, levels = unique(feature_split))
  if (is.numeric(pseudotime_label)) {
    if (length(pseudotime_label_color) == 1) {
      pseudotime_label_color <- rep(pseudotime_label_color, length(pseudotime_label))
    if (length(pseudotime_label_linetype) == 1) {
      pseudotime_label_linetype <- rep(pseudotime_label_linetype, length(pseudotime_label))
    if (length(pseudotime_label_linewidth) == 1) {
      pseudotime_label_linewidth <- rep(pseudotime_label_linewidth, length(pseudotime_label))
    npal <- unique(c(length(pseudotime_label), length(pseudotime_label_color), length(pseudotime_label_linetype), length(pseudotime_label_linewidth)))
    if (length(npal[npal != 0]) > 1) {
      stop("Parameters for the pseudotime_label must be the same length!")
  if (!is.null(cell_annotation)) {
    if (length(cell_annotation_palette) == 1) {
      cell_annotation_palette <- rep(cell_annotation_palette, length(cell_annotation))
    if (length(cell_annotation_palcolor) == 1) {
      cell_annotation_palcolor <- rep(cell_annotation_palcolor, length(cell_annotation))
    npal <- unique(c(length(cell_annotation_palette), length(cell_annotation_palcolor), length(cell_annotation)))
    if (length(npal[npal != 0]) > 1) {
      stop("cell_annotation_palette and cell_annotation_palcolor must be the same length as cell_annotation")
    if (any(!cell_annotation %in% c(colnames(srt@meta.data), rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])))) {
      stop("cell_annotation: ", paste0(cell_annotation[!cell_annotation %in% c(colnames(srt@meta.data), rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]))], collapse = ","), " is not in the Seurat object.")
  if (!is.null(feature_annotation)) {
    if (length(feature_annotation_palette) == 1) {
      feature_annotation_palette <- rep(feature_annotation_palette, length(feature_annotation))
    if (length(feature_annotation_palcolor) == 1) {
      feature_annotation_palcolor <- rep(feature_annotation_palcolor, length(feature_annotation))
    npal <- unique(c(length(feature_annotation_palette), length(feature_annotation_palcolor), length(feature_annotation)))
    if (length(npal[npal != 0]) > 1) {
      stop("feature_annotation_palette and feature_annotation_palcolor must be the same length as feature_annotation")
    if (any(!feature_annotation %in% colnames(srt@assays[[assay]]@meta.features))) {
      stop("feature_annotation: ", paste0(feature_annotation[!feature_annotation %in% colnames(srt@assays[[assay]]@meta.features)], collapse = ","), " is not in the meta data of the ", assay, " assay in the Seurat object.")
  if (!is.null(separate_annotation)) {
    if (length(separate_annotation_palette) == 1) {
      separate_annotation_palette <- rep(separate_annotation_palette, length(separate_annotation))
    if (length(separate_annotation_palcolor) == 1) {
      separate_annotation_palcolor <- rep(separate_annotation_palcolor, length(separate_annotation))
    npal <- unique(c(length(separate_annotation_palette), length(separate_annotation_palcolor), length(separate_annotation)))
    if (length(npal[npal != 0]) > 1) {
      stop("separate_annotation_palette and separate_annotation_palcolor must be the same length as separate_annotation")
    if (any(!unique(unlist(separate_annotation)) %in% c(colnames(srt@meta.data), rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])))) {
      stop("separate_annotation: ", paste0(unique(unlist(separate_annotation))[!unique(unlist(separate_annotation)) %in% c(colnames(srt@meta.data), rownames(srt@assays[[assay]]))], collapse = ","), " is not in the Seurat object.")
  if (length(width) == 1) {
    width <- rep(width, length(lineages))
  if (length(height) == 1) {
    height <- rep(height, length(lineages))
  if (length(width) >= 1) {
    names(width) <- lineages
  if (length(height) >= 1) {
    names(height) <- lineages

  column_split <- NULL
  if (isTRUE(flip)) {
    cluster_rows_raw <- cluster_rows
    cluster_columns_raw <- cluster_columns
    cluster_row_slices_raw <- cluster_row_slices
    cluster_column_slices_raw <- cluster_column_slices
    cluster_rows <- cluster_columns_raw
    cluster_columns <- cluster_rows_raw
    cluster_row_slices <- cluster_column_slices_raw
    cluster_column_slices <- cluster_row_slices_raw

  cell_union <- unique(colnames(srt@assays[[1]])[apply(srt@meta.data[, lineages, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) !all(is.na(x)))])
  Pseudotime_assign <- rowMeans(srt@meta.data[cell_union, lineages, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
  cell_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(data.frame(row.names = cell_union, cells = cell_union),
    Pseudotime_assign = Pseudotime_assign,
    srt@meta.data[cell_union, lineages, drop = FALSE]
  if (cell_density != 1) {
    bins <- cut(Pseudotime_assign, breaks = seq(min(Pseudotime_assign, na.rm = TRUE), max(Pseudotime_assign, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = cell_bins), include.lowest = TRUE)
    ncells <- ceiling(max(table(bins), na.rm = TRUE) * cell_density)
    message("ncell/bin=", ncells, "(", cell_bins, "bins)")
    cell_keep <- unlist(sapply(levels(bins), function(x) {
      cells <- names(Pseudotime_assign)[bins == x]
      out <- sample(cells, size = min(length(cells), ncells))
    cell_metadata <- cell_metadata[cell_keep, , drop = FALSE]
  cell_order_list <- list()
  for (l in lineages) {
    if (!is.null(reverse_ht) && (l %in% lineages[reverse_ht] || l %in% reverse_ht)) {
      cell_metadata_sub <- na.omit(cell_metadata[, l, drop = FALSE])
      cell_metadata_sub <- cell_metadata_sub[order(cell_metadata_sub[[l]], decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      cell_metadata_sub <- na.omit(cell_metadata[, l, drop = FALSE])
      cell_metadata_sub <- cell_metadata_sub[order(cell_metadata_sub[[l]], decreasing = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]
    cell_order_list[[l]] <- paste0(rownames(cell_metadata_sub), l)
  if (!is.null(cell_annotation)) {
    cell_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(
        srt@meta.data[rownames(cell_metadata), c(intersect(cell_annotation, colnames(srt@meta.data))), drop = FALSE],
        t(srt@assays[[assay]]@data[intersect(cell_annotation, rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])) %||% integer(), rownames(cell_metadata), drop = FALSE])

  dynamic <- list()
  if (is.null(features)) {
    for (l in lineages) {
      DynamicFeatures <- srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["DynamicFeatures"]]
      if (is.null(DynamicFeatures)) {
        stop("DynamicFeatures result for ", l, " found in the srt object. Should perform RunDynamicFeatures first!")
      DynamicFeatures <- DynamicFeatures[DynamicFeatures$exp_ncells > min_expcells & DynamicFeatures$r.sq > r.sq & DynamicFeatures$dev.expl > dev.expl & DynamicFeatures$padjust < padjust, , drop = FALSE]
      dynamic[[l]] <- DynamicFeatures
      features <- c(features, DynamicFeatures[["features"]])
    message(length(unique(features)), " features from ", paste0(lineages, collapse = ","), " passed the threshold (exp_ncells>", min_expcells, " & r.sq>", r.sq, " & dev.expl>", dev.expl, " & padjust<", padjust, "): \n", paste0(head(features, 10), collapse = ","), "...")
  } else {
    for (l in lineages) {
      DynamicFeatures <- srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["DynamicFeatures"]]
      if (is.null(DynamicFeatures)) {
        srt <- RunDynamicFeatures(srt, lineages = l, features = features, assay = assay, slot = slot, family = family, libsize = libsize)
        DynamicFeatures <- srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["DynamicFeatures"]]
      if (any(!features %in% rownames(DynamicFeatures))) {
        srt <- RunDynamicFeatures(srt, lineages = l, features = features[!features %in% rownames(DynamicFeatures)], assay = assay, slot = slot, family = family, libsize = libsize)
        DynamicFeatures <- rbind(DynamicFeatures, srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["DynamicFeatures"]])
      DynamicFeatures <- DynamicFeatures[features, , drop = FALSE]
      dynamic[[l]] <- DynamicFeatures

  all_calculated <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(lineages, function(l) rownames(srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["DynamicFeatures"]])))
  features_tab <- table(features)
  features <- names(features_tab)[which(features_tab %in% (num_intersections %||% seq_along(lineages)))]
  if (!all(features %in% all_calculated)) {
    message("Some features were missing in at least one lineage: \n", paste0(head(features[!features %in% all_calculated], 10), collapse = ","), "...")
    features <- intersect(features, all_calculated)
  gene <- features[features %in% rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])]
  meta <- features[features %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)]
  if (length(gene) == 0 && length(meta) == 0) {
    stop("No dynamic features found in the meta.data or in the assay: ", assay)
  feature_metadata <- data.frame(row.names = features, features = features)
  for (l in lineages) {
    feature_metadata[rownames(dynamic[[l]]), paste0(l, order_by)] <- dynamic[[l]][, order_by]
    feature_metadata[rownames(dynamic[[l]]), paste0(l, "exp_ncells")] <- dynamic[[l]][, "exp_ncells"]
    feature_metadata[rownames(dynamic[[l]]), paste0(l, "r.sq")] <- dynamic[[l]][, "r.sq"]
    feature_metadata[rownames(dynamic[[l]]), paste0(l, "dev.expl")] <- dynamic[[l]][, "dev.expl"]
    feature_metadata[rownames(dynamic[[l]]), paste0(l, "padjust")] <- dynamic[[l]][, "padjust"]
  feature_metadata[, order_by] <- apply(feature_metadata[, paste0(lineages, order_by), drop = FALSE], 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)
  feature_metadata <- feature_metadata[order(feature_metadata[, order_by], decreasing = decreasing), , drop = FALSE]
  feature_metadata <- feature_metadata[rownames(feature_metadata) %in% features, , drop = FALSE]
  features <- rownames(feature_metadata)
  if (!is.null(feature_annotation)) {
    feature_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(feature_metadata, srt@assays[[assay]]@meta.features[rownames(feature_metadata), feature_annotation, drop = FALSE])

  if (isTRUE(use_fitted)) {
    mat_list <- list()
    for (l in lineages) {
      fitted_matrix <- srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["fitted_matrix"]][, -1]
      rownames(fitted_matrix) <- paste0(rownames(fitted_matrix), l)
      mat_list[[l]] <- t(fitted_matrix[, features])
    mat_raw <- do.call(cbind, mat_list)
  } else {
    mat_list <- list()
    Y_libsize <- colSums(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], "counts"))
    for (l in lineages) {
      cells <- gsub(pattern = l, replacement = "", x = cell_order_list[[l]])
      mat_tmp <- as_matrix(rbind(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], slot)[gene, cells, drop = FALSE], t(srt@meta.data[cells, meta, drop = FALSE])))[features, , drop = FALSE]
      if (isTRUE(lib_normalize) && min(mat_tmp, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0) {
        if (!is.null(libsize)) {
          libsize_use <- libsize
        } else {
          libsize_use <- Y_libsize[colnames(mat_tmp)]
          isfloat <- any(libsize_use %% 1 != 0, na.rm = TRUE)
          if (isTRUE(isfloat)) {
            libsize_use <- rep(1, length(libsize_use))
            warning("The values in the 'counts' slot are non-integer. Set the library size to 1.", immediate. = TRUE)
        mat_tmp[gene, ] <- t(t(mat_tmp[gene, , drop = FALSE]) / libsize_use * median(Y_libsize))
      colnames(mat_tmp) <- paste0(colnames(mat_tmp), l)
      mat_list[[l]] <- mat_tmp
    mat_raw <- do.call(cbind, mat_list)

  # data used to plot heatmap
  mat <- matrix_process(mat_raw, method = exp_method)
  mat[is.infinite(mat)] <- max(abs(mat[!is.infinite(mat)]), na.rm = TRUE) * ifelse(mat[is.infinite(mat)] > 0, 1, -1)
  mat[is.na(mat)] <- mean(mat, na.rm = TRUE)

  # data used to do spliting
  # if ((!identical(sort(feature_split_by), sort(lineages)) && is.null(feature_split) && n_split < nrow(mat) && n_split > 1) || cell_density != 1) {
  #   mat_split <- mat_raw[, unlist(cell_order_list[feature_split_by]), drop = FALSE]
  #   mat_split <- matrix_process(mat_split, method = exp_method)
  #   mat_split[is.infinite(mat_split)] <- max(abs(mat_split[!is.infinite(mat_split)])) * ifelse(mat_split[is.infinite(mat_split)] > 0, 1, -1)
  #   mat_split[is.na(mat_split)] <- mean(mat_split, na.rm = TRUE)
  # } else {
  #   mat_split <- mat[, unlist(cell_order_list[feature_split_by]), drop = FALSE]
  # }
  mat_split <- mat[, unlist(cell_order_list[feature_split_by]), drop = FALSE]

  if (is.null(limits)) {
    if (!is.function(exp_method) && exp_method %in% c("zscore", "log2fc")) {
      b <- ceiling(min(abs(quantile(mat, c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE) * 2) / 2
      colors <- colorRamp2(seq(-b, b, length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))
    } else {
      b <- quantile(mat, c(0.01, 0.99), na.rm = TRUE)
      colors <- colorRamp2(seq(b[1], b[2], length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))
  } else {
    colors <- colorRamp2(seq(limits[1], limits[2], length = 100), palette_scp(palette = heatmap_palette, palcolor = heatmap_palcolor))

  lgd <- list()
  lgd[["ht"]] <- Legend(title = exp_name, col_fun = colors, border = TRUE)

  ha_top_list <- list()
  pseudotime <- na.omit(unlist(cell_metadata[, lineages]))
  pseudotime_col <- colorRamp2(
    breaks = seq(min(pseudotime, na.rm = TRUE), max(pseudotime, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100),
    colors = palette_scp(palette = pseudotime_palette, palcolor = pseudotime_palcolor)
  for (l in lineages) {
    ha_top_list[[l]] <- HeatmapAnnotation(
      Pseudotime = anno_simple(
        x = cell_metadata[gsub(pattern = l, replacement = "", x = cell_order_list[[l]]), l],
        col = pseudotime_col,
        which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
        na_col = "transparent",
        border = TRUE
      ), which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"), show_annotation_name = l == lineages[1], annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left")
  lgd[["pseudotime"]] <- Legend(title = "Pseudotime", col_fun = pseudotime_col, border = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(cell_annotation)) {
    for (i in seq_along(cell_annotation)) {
      cellan <- cell_annotation[i]
      palette <- cell_annotation_palette[i]
      palcolor <- cell_annotation_palcolor[[i]]
      cell_anno <- cell_metadata[, cellan]
      names(cell_anno) <- rownames(cell_metadata)
      if (!is.numeric(cell_anno)) {
        if (is.logical(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
        } else if (!is.factor(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = unique(cell_anno))
        for (l in lineages) {
          lineage_cells <- gsub(pattern = l, replacement = "", x = cell_order_list[[l]])
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_simple(
            x = as.character(cell_anno[lineage_cells]),
            col = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            na_col = "transparent",
            border = TRUE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell, which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"), show_annotation_name = l == lineages[1], annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left"))
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_top <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_top_list[[l]])) {
            ha_top_list[[l]] <- ha_top
          } else {
            ha_top_list[[l]] <- c(ha_top_list[[l]], ha_top)
        lgd[[cellan]] <- Legend(
          title = cellan, labels = levels(cell_anno),
          legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE
      } else {
        col_fun <- colorRamp2(
          breaks = seq(min(cell_anno, na.rm = TRUE), max(cell_anno, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100),
          colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
        for (l in lineages) {
          lineage_cells <- gsub(pattern = l, replacement = "", x = cell_order_list[[l]])
          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[cellan]] <- anno_simple(
            x = cell_anno[lineage_cells],
            col = col_fun,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            na_col = "transparent",
            border = TRUE
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell, which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"), show_annotation_name = l == lineages[1], annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left"))
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, cell_annotation_params[setdiff(names(cell_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_top <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_top_list[[l]])) {
            ha_top_list[[l]] <- ha_top
          } else {
            ha_top_list[[l]] <- c(ha_top_list[[l]], ha_top)
        lgd[[cellan]] <- Legend(
          title = cellan, col_fun = col_fun, border = TRUE

  if (!is.null(separate_annotation)) {
    subplots_list <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(separate_annotation)) {
      cellan <- separate_annotation[[i]]
      palette <- separate_annotation_palette[i]
      palcolor <- separate_annotation_palcolor[[i]]
      if (length(cellan) == 1 && cellan %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
        cell_anno <- srt@meta.data[[cellan]]
      } else {
        cell_anno <- numeric()
      if (!is.numeric(cell_anno)) {
        if (is.logical(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
        } else if (!is.factor(cell_anno)) {
          cell_anno <- factor(cell_anno, levels = unique(cell_anno))
        for (l in lineages) {
          lineage_cells <- gsub(pattern = l, replacement = "", x = cell_order_list[[l]])
          subplots <- CellDensityPlot(
            srt = srt, cells = lineage_cells, group.by = cellan, features = l,
            decreasing = TRUE, x_order = "rank",
            palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor,
            flip = flip, reverse = l %in% lineages[reverse_ht] || l %in% reverse_ht
          ) + theme_void()
          subplots_list[[paste0(cellan, ":", l)]] <- subplots
          graphics <- list()
          nm <- paste0(cellan, ":", l)
          funbody <- paste0(
            g <- as_grob(subplots_list[['", nm, "']] + theme_void() + theme(plot.title = element_blank(), plot.subtitle = element_blank(), legend.position = 'none'));
            g$name <- '", nm, "';
            grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = 'transparent', col = 'black'));
          funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
          eval(parse(text = paste("block_graphics <- function(index, levels) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())

          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[paste0(cellan, "\n(separate)")]] <- anno_block(
            panel_fun = block_graphics,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            show_name = l == lineages[1]
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            show_annotation_name = l == lineages[1],
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, separate_annotation_params[setdiff(names(separate_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_top <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_top_list[[l]])) {
            ha_top_list[[l]] <- ha_top
          } else {
            ha_top_list[[l]] <- c(ha_top_list[[l]], ha_top)
        lgd[[paste0("separate:", cellan)]] <- Legend(
          title = paste0(cellan, "\n(separate)"), labels = levels(cell_anno),
          legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(cell_anno, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE
      } else {
        for (l in lineages) {
          lineage_cells <- gsub(pattern = l, replacement = "", x = cell_order_list[[l]])
          subplots <- DynamicPlot(
            srt = srt, cells = lineage_cells, lineages = l, group.by = NULL, features = cellan,
            line_palette = palette, line_palcolor = palcolor,
            add_rug = FALSE, legend.position = "none", compare_features = TRUE, x_order = "rank",
            flip = flip, reverse = l %in% lineages[reverse_ht] || l %in% reverse_ht
          ) + theme_void()
          subplots_list[[paste0(paste0(cellan, collapse = ","), ":", l)]] <- subplots
          graphics <- list()
          nm <- paste0(paste0(cellan, collapse = ","), ":", l)
          funbody <- paste0(
            g <- as_grob(subplots_list[['", nm, "']] + theme_void() + theme(plot.title = element_blank(), plot.subtitle = element_blank(), legend.position = 'none'));
            g$name <- '", nm, "';
            grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = 'transparent', col = 'black'));
          funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
          eval(parse(text = paste("block_graphics <- function(index, levels) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())

          ha_cell <- list()
          ha_cell[[paste0(paste0(cellan, collapse = ","), "\n(separate)")]] <- anno_block(
            panel_fun = block_graphics,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            show_name = l == lineages[1]
          anno_args <- c(ha_cell,
            which = ifelse(flip, "row", "column"),
            show_annotation_name = l == lineages[1],
            annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left")
          anno_args <- c(anno_args, separate_annotation_params[setdiff(names(separate_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
          ha_top <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
          if (is.null(ha_top_list[[l]])) {
            ha_top_list[[l]] <- ha_top
          } else {
            ha_top_list[[l]] <- c(ha_top_list[[l]], ha_top)
        lgd[[paste0("separate:", paste0(cellan, collapse = ","))]] <- Legend(
          title = "Features\n(separate)", labels = cellan,
          legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(cellan, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE

  if (is.null(feature_split)) {
    if (is.null(n_split) || isTRUE(nrow(mat) <= n_split)) {
      row_split_raw <- row_split <- feature_split <- NULL
    } else {
      if (n_split == 1) {
        row_split_raw <- row_split <- feature_split <- setNames(rep(1, nrow(mat_split)), rownames(mat_split))
      } else {
        if (split_method == "mfuzz") {
          status <- tryCatch(check_R("e1071"), error = identity)
          if (inherits(status, "error")) {
            warning("The e1071 package was not found. Switch split_method to 'kmeans'", immediate. = TRUE)
            split_method <- "kmeans"
          } else {
            mat_split_tmp <- mat_split
            colnames(mat_split_tmp) <- make.unique(colnames(mat_split_tmp))
            mat_split_tmp <- standardise(mat_split_tmp)
            min_fuzzification <- mestimate(mat_split_tmp)
            if (is.null(fuzzification)) {
              fuzzification <- min_fuzzification + 0.1
            } else {
              if (fuzzification <= min_fuzzification) {
                warning("fuzzification value is samller than estimated:", round(min_fuzzification, 2), immediate. = TRUE)
            cl <- e1071::cmeans(mat_split_tmp, centers = n_split, method = "cmeans", m = fuzzification)
            if (length(cl$cluster) == 0) {
              stop("Clustering with mfuzz failed (fuzzification=", round(fuzzification, 2), "). Please set a larger fuzzification parameter manually.")
            # mfuzz.plot(eset, cl,new.window = FALSE)
            row_split <- feature_split <- cl$cluster
        if (split_method == "kmeans") {
          km <- kmeans(mat_split, centers = n_split, iter.max = 1e4, nstart = 20)
          row_split <- feature_split <- km$cluster
        if (split_method == "kmeans-peaktime") {
          feature_y <- feature_metadata[rownames(mat_split), order_by]
          names(feature_y) <- rownames(mat_split)
          km <- kmeans(feature_y, centers = n_split, iter.max = 1e4, nstart = 20)
          row_split <- feature_split <- km$cluster
        if (split_method == "hclust") {
          hc <- hclust(as.dist(dist(mat_split)))
          row_split <- feature_split <- cutree(hc, k = n_split)
        if (split_method == "hclust-peaktime") {
          feature_y <- feature_metadata[rownames(mat_split), order_by]
          names(feature_y) <- rownames(mat_split)
          hc <- hclust(as.dist(dist(feature_y)))
          row_split <- feature_split <- cutree(hc, k = n_split)
      df <- data.frame(row_split = row_split, order_by = feature_metadata[names(row_split), order_by])
      df_order <- aggregate(df, by = list(row_split), FUN = mean)
      df_order <- df_order[order(df_order[["order_by"]], decreasing = decreasing), , drop = FALSE]
      if (!is.null(split_order)) {
        df_order <- df_order[split_order, , drop = FALSE]
      split_levels <- c()
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(df_order))) {
        raw_nm <- df_order[i, "row_split"]
        feature_split[feature_split == raw_nm] <- paste0("C", i)
        level <- paste0("C", i, "(", sum(row_split == raw_nm), ")")
        row_split[row_split == raw_nm] <- level
        split_levels <- c(split_levels, level)
      row_split_raw <- row_split <- factor(row_split, levels = split_levels)
      feature_split <- factor(feature_split, levels = paste0("C", seq_len(nrow(df_order))))
  } else {
    row_split_raw <- row_split <- feature_split <- feature_split[row.names(mat)]
  if (!is.null(feature_split)) {
    feature_metadata[["feature_split"]] <- feature_split
  } else {
    feature_metadata[["feature_split"]] <- NA

  ha_left <- NULL
  if (!is.null(row_split)) {
    if (isTRUE(cluster_row_slices)) {
      if (!isTRUE(cluster_rows)) {
        dend <- cluster_within_group(t(mat_split), row_split_raw)
        cluster_rows <- dend
        row_split <- length(unique(row_split_raw))
    funbody <- paste0(
      grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(", paste0("c('", paste0(levels(row_split_raw), collapse = "','"), "')"), ",palette = '", feature_split_palette, "',palcolor=c(", paste0("'", paste0(unlist(feature_split_palcolor), collapse = "','"), "'"), "))[nm]))
    funbody <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = funbody)
    eval(parse(text = paste("panel_fun <- function(index, nm) {", funbody, "}", sep = "")), envir = environment())
    ha_clusters <- HeatmapAnnotation(
      features_split = anno_block(
        align_to = split(seq_along(row_split_raw), row_split_raw),
        panel_fun = getFunction("panel_fun", where = environment()),
        width = unit(0.1, "in"),
        height = unit(0.1, "in"),
        show_name = FALSE,
        which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row")
      which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
      border = TRUE
    if (is.null(ha_left)) {
      ha_left <- ha_clusters
    } else {
      ha_left <- c(ha_left, ha_clusters)
    lgd[["Cluster"]] <- Legend(
      title = "Cluster", labels = intersect(levels(row_split_raw), row_split_raw),
      legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(intersect(levels(row_split_raw), row_split_raw), type = "discrete", palette = feature_split_palette, palcolor = feature_split_palcolor, matched = TRUE)), border = TRUE

  if (isTRUE(cluster_rows) && !is.null(cluster_features_by)) {
    mat_cluster <- mat[, unlist(cell_order_list[cluster_features_by]), drop = FALSE]
    if (is.null(row_split)) {
      dend <- as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist(dist(mat_cluster))))
      dend_ordered <- reorder(dend, wts = colMeans(mat_cluster), agglo.FUN = mean)
      cluster_rows <- dend_ordered
    } else {
      row_split <- length(unique(row_split_raw))
      dend <- cluster_within_group2(t(mat_cluster), row_split_raw)
      cluster_rows <- dend

  l <- lineages[1]
  ht_args <- list(
    matrix = mat[, cell_order_list[[l]], drop = FALSE],
    col = colors,
    row_split = row_split,
    cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
    cluster_row_slices = cluster_row_slices,
    column_split = column_split,
    cluster_columns = cluster_columns,
    cluster_column_slices = cluster_column_slices,
    use_raster = TRUE
  ht_args <- c(ht_args, ht_params[setdiff(names(ht_params), names(ht_args))])
  ht_list <- do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
  features_ordered <- rownames(mat)[unlist(suppressWarnings(row_order(ht_list)))]
  feature_metadata[["index"]] <- setNames(object = seq_along(features_ordered), nm = features_ordered)[rownames(feature_metadata)]

  if (is.null(features_label)) {
    if (nlabel > 0) {
      if (length(features) > nlabel) {
        index_from <- ceiling((length(features_ordered) / nlabel) / 2)
        index_to <- length(features_ordered)
        index <- unique(round(seq(from = index_from, to = index_to, length.out = nlabel)))
      } else {
        index <- seq_along(features_ordered)
    } else {
      index <- NULL
  } else {
    index <- which(features_ordered %in% features_label)
    drop <- setdiff(features_label, features_ordered)
    if (length(drop) > 0) {
      warning(paste0(paste0(drop, collapse = ","), "was not found in the features"), immediate. = TRUE)
  if (length(index) > 0) {
    ha_mark <- HeatmapAnnotation(
      gene = anno_mark(
        at = which(rownames(feature_metadata) %in% features_ordered[index]),
        labels = feature_metadata[which(rownames(feature_metadata) %in% features_ordered[index]), "features"],
        side = ifelse(flip, "top", "left"),
        labels_gp = gpar(fontsize = label_size, col = label_color),
        link_gp = gpar(fontsize = label_size, col = label_color),
        which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row")
      which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = FALSE
    if (is.null(ha_left)) {
      ha_left <- ha_mark
    } else {
      ha_left <- c(ha_mark, ha_left)

  ha_right <- NULL
  if (length(lineages) > 1) {
    ha_list <- list()
    for (l in lineages) {
      ha_list[[l]] <- anno_simple(
        x = is.na(feature_metadata[, paste0(l, order_by)]) + 0,
        col = c("0" = "#181830", "1" = "transparent"),
        width = unit(5, "mm"),
        height = unit(5, "mm"),
        which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row")
    ha_lineage <- do.call("HeatmapAnnotation", args = c(ha_list, which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "top"), border = TRUE))
    if (is.null(ha_right)) {
      ha_right <- ha_lineage
    } else {
      ha_right <- c(ha_right, ha_lineage)
  if (!is.null(feature_annotation)) {
    for (i in seq_along(feature_annotation)) {
      featan <- feature_annotation[i]
      palette <- feature_annotation_palette[i]
      palcolor <- feature_annotation_palcolor[[i]]
      featan_values <- feature_metadata[, featan]
      if (!is.numeric(featan_values)) {
        if (is.logical(featan_values)) {
          featan_values <- factor(featan_values, levels = c(TRUE, FALSE))
        } else if (!is.factor(featan_values)) {
          featan_values <- factor(featan_values, levels = unique(featan_values))
        ha_feature <- list()
        ha_feature[[featan]] <- anno_simple(
          x = as.character(featan_values),
          col = palette_scp(featan_values, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
          which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
          na_col = "transparent",
          border = TRUE
        anno_args <- c(ha_feature, which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "top"), border = TRUE)
        anno_args <- c(anno_args, feature_annotation_params[setdiff(names(feature_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
        ha_feature <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
        if (is.null(ha_right)) {
          ha_right <- ha_feature
        } else {
          ha_right <- c(ha_right, ha_feature)
        lgd[[featan]] <- Legend(
          title = featan, labels = levels(featan_values),
          legend_gp = gpar(fill = palette_scp(featan_values, palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)), border = TRUE
      } else {
        col_fun <- colorRamp2(
          breaks = seq(min(featan_values, na.rm = TRUE), max(featan_values, na.rm = TRUE), length = 100),
          colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
        ha_feature <- list()
        ha_feature[[featan]] <- anno_simple(
          x = featan_values,
          col = col_fun,
          which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"),
          na_col = "transparent",
          border = TRUE
        anno_args <- c(ha_feature, which = ifelse(flip, "column", "row"), show_annotation_name = TRUE, annotation_name_side = ifelse(flip, "left", "top"), border = TRUE)
        anno_args <- c(anno_args, feature_annotation_params[setdiff(names(feature_annotation_params), names(anno_args))])
        ha_feature <- do.call(HeatmapAnnotation, args = anno_args)
        if (is.null(ha_right)) {
          ha_right <- ha_feature
        } else {
          ha_right <- c(ha_right, ha_feature)
        lgd[[featan]] <- Legend(
          title = featan, col_fun = col_fun, border = TRUE

  enrichment <- heatmap_enrichment(
    geneID = feature_metadata[["features"]], geneID_groups = feature_metadata[["feature_split"]],
    feature_split_palette = feature_split_palette, feature_split_palcolor = feature_split_palcolor,
    ha_right = ha_right, flip = flip,
    anno_terms = anno_terms, anno_keys = anno_keys, anno_features = anno_features,
    terms_width = terms_width, terms_fontsize = terms_fontsize,
    keys_width = keys_width, keys_fontsize = keys_fontsize,
    features_width = features_width, features_fontsize = features_fontsize,
    IDtype = IDtype, species = species, db_update = db_update, db_version = db_version, db_combine = db_combine, convert_species = convert_species, Ensembl_version = Ensembl_version, mirror = mirror,
    db = db, TERM2GENE = TERM2GENE, TERM2NAME = TERM2NAME, minGSSize = minGSSize, maxGSSize = maxGSSize,
    GO_simplify = GO_simplify, GO_simplify_cutoff = GO_simplify_cutoff, simplify_method = simplify_method, simplify_similarityCutoff = simplify_similarityCutoff,
    pvalueCutoff = pvalueCutoff, padjustCutoff = padjustCutoff, topTerm = topTerm, show_termid = show_termid, topWord = topWord, words_excluded = words_excluded
  res <- enrichment$res
  ha_right <- enrichment$ha_right

  ht_list <- NULL
  for (l in lineages) {
    if (l == lineages[1]) {
      left_annotation <- ha_left
    } else {
      left_annotation <- NULL
    if (l == lineages[length(lineages)]) {
      right_annotation <- ha_right
    } else {
      right_annotation <- NULL
    ht_args <- list(
      name = l,
      matrix = if (flip) t(mat[, cell_order_list[[l]], drop = FALSE]) else mat[, cell_order_list[[l]], drop = FALSE],
      col = colors,
      row_title = row_title %||% if (flip) l else character(0),
      row_title_side = row_title_side,
      column_title = column_title %||% if (flip) character(0) else l,
      column_title_side = if (flip) "top" else column_title_side,
      row_title_rot = row_title_rot,
      column_title_rot = column_title_rot,
      row_split = if (flip) column_split else row_split,
      column_split = if (flip) row_split else column_split,
      cluster_rows = if (flip) cluster_columns else cluster_rows,
      cluster_columns = if (flip) cluster_rows else cluster_columns,
      cluster_row_slices = if (flip) cluster_column_slices else cluster_row_slices,
      cluster_column_slices = if (flip) cluster_row_slices else cluster_column_slices,
      show_row_names = show_row_names,
      show_column_names = show_column_names,
      row_names_side = row_names_side,
      column_names_side = column_names_side,
      row_names_rot = row_names_rot,
      column_names_rot = column_names_rot,
      top_annotation = if (flip) left_annotation else ha_top_list[[l]],
      left_annotation = if (flip) ha_top_list[[l]] else left_annotation,
      bottom_annotation = if (flip) right_annotation else NULL,
      right_annotation = if (flip) NULL else right_annotation,
      show_heatmap_legend = FALSE,
      border = border,
      use_raster = use_raster,
      raster_device = raster_device,
      raster_by_magick = raster_by_magick,
      width = if (is.numeric(width[l])) unit(width[l], units = units) else NULL,
      height = if (is.numeric(height[l])) unit(height[l], units = units) else NULL
    if (any(names(ht_params) %in% names(ht_args))) {
      warning("ht_params: ", paste0(intersect(names(ht_params), names(ht_args)), collapse = ","), " were duplicated and will not be used.", immediate. = TRUE)
    ht_args <- c(ht_args, ht_params[setdiff(names(ht_params), names(ht_args))])
    if (isTRUE(flip)) {
      if (is.null(ht_list)) {
        ht_list <- do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
      } else {
        ht_list <- ht_list %v% do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)
    } else {
      ht_list <- ht_list + do.call(Heatmap, args = ht_args)

  if ((!is.null(row_split) && length(index) > 0) || any(c(anno_terms, anno_keys, anno_features)) || !is.null(width) || !is.null(height)) {
    fix <- TRUE
    if (is.null(width) || is.null(height)) {
      message("\nThe size of the heatmap is fixed because certain elements are not scalable.\nThe width and height of the heatmap are determined by the size of the current viewport.\nIf you want to have more control over the size, you can manually set the parameters 'width' and 'height'.\n")
  } else {
    fix <- FALSE
  rendersize <- heatmap_rendersize(
    width = width, height = height, units = units,
    ha_top_list = ha_top_list, ha_left = ha_left, ha_right = ha_right,
    ht_list = ht_list, legend_list = lgd, flip = flip
  width_sum <- rendersize[["width_sum"]]
  height_sum <- rendersize[["height_sum"]]
  # cat("width:", width, "\n")
  # cat("height:", height, "\n")
  # cat("width_sum:", width_sum, "\n")
  # cat("height_sum:", height_sum, "\n")

  if (isTRUE(fix)) {
    fixsize <- heatmap_fixsize(
      width = width, width_sum = width_sum, height = height, height_sum = height_sum, units = units,
      ht_list = ht_list, legend_list = lgd
    ht_width <- fixsize[["ht_width"]]
    ht_height <- fixsize[["ht_height"]]
    # cat("ht_width:", ht_width, "\n")
    # cat("ht_height:", ht_height, "\n")

    gTree <- grid.grabExpr(
        draw(ht_list, annotation_legend_list = lgd)
        for (enrich in db) {
          enrich_anno <- names(ha_right)[grep(paste0("_split_", enrich), names(ha_right))]
          if (length(enrich_anno) > 0) {
            for (enrich_anno_element in enrich_anno) {
              enrich_obj <- strsplit(enrich_anno_element, "_split_")[[1]][1]
              decorate_annotation(enrich_anno_element, slice = 1, {
                grid.text(paste0(enrich, " (", enrich_obj, ")"), x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(2.5, "mm"), just = c("left", "bottom"))
        if (is.numeric(pseudotime_label)) {
          for (n in seq_along(pseudotime_label)) {
            pse <- pseudotime_label[n]
            col <- pseudotime_label_color[n]
            lty <- pseudotime_label_linetype[n]
            lwd <- pseudotime_label_linewidth[n]
            for (l in lineages) {
              for (slice in 1:max(nlevels(row_split), 1)) {
                    pseudotime <- cell_metadata[gsub(pattern = l, replacement = "", x = cell_order_list[[l]]), l]
                    i <- which.min(abs(pseudotime - pse))
                    if (flip) {
                      x <- 1 - (i / length(pseudotime))
                      grid.lines(c(0, 1), c(x, x), gp = gpar(lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col))
                    } else {
                      i <- which.min(abs(pseudotime - pse))
                      x <- i / length(pseudotime)
                      grid.lines(c(x, x), c(0, 1), gp = gpar(lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col))
                  row_slice = ifelse(flip, 1, slice),
                  column_slice = ifelse(flip, slice, 1)
      width = ht_width,
      height = ht_height,
      wrap = TRUE,
      wrap.grobs = TRUE
  } else {
    ht_width <- unit(width_sum, units = units)
    ht_height <- unit(height_sum, units = units)
    gTree <- grid.grabExpr(
        draw(ht_list, annotation_legend_list = lgd)
        for (enrich in db) {
          enrich_anno <- names(ha_right)[grep(paste0("_split_", enrich), names(ha_right))]
          if (length(enrich_anno) > 0) {
            for (enrich_anno_element in enrich_anno) {
              enrich_obj <- strsplit(enrich_anno_element, "_split_")[[1]][1]
              decorate_annotation(enrich_anno_element, slice = 1, {
                grid.text(paste0(enrich, " (", enrich_obj, ")"), x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(2.5, "mm"), just = c("left", "bottom"))
        if (is.numeric(pseudotime_label)) {
          for (n in seq_along(pseudotime_label)) {
            pse <- pseudotime_label[n]
            col <- pseudotime_label_color[n]
            lty <- pseudotime_label_linetype[n]
            lwd <- pseudotime_label_linewidth[n]
            for (l in lineages) {
              for (slice in 1:max(nlevels(row_split), 1)) {
                    pseudotime <- cell_metadata[gsub(pattern = l, replacement = "", x = cell_order_list[[l]]), l]
                    i <- which.min(abs(pseudotime - pse))
                    if (flip) {
                      x <- 1 - (i / length(pseudotime))
                      grid.lines(c(0, 1), c(x, x), gp = gpar(lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col))
                    } else {
                      i <- which.min(abs(pseudotime - pse))
                      x <- i / length(pseudotime)
                      grid.lines(c(x, x), c(0, 1), gp = gpar(lty = lty, lwd = lwd, col = col))
                  row_slice = ifelse(flip, 1, slice),
                  column_slice = ifelse(flip, slice, 1)
      width = ht_width,
      height = ht_height,
      wrap = TRUE,
      wrap.grobs = TRUE

  if (isTRUE(fix)) {
    p <- panel_fix_overall(gTree, width = as.numeric(ht_width), height = as.numeric(ht_height), units = units)
  } else {
    p <- wrap_plots(gTree)

    plot = p,
    matrix = mat,
    cell_order = cell_order_list,
    feature_split = feature_split,
    cell_metadata = cell_metadata,
    feature_metadata = feature_metadata,
    enrichment = res

#' DynamicPlot
#' Plot dynamic features across pseudotime.
#' @param srt A Seurat object.
#' @param features A character vector specifying the features to plot.
#' @param lineages A character vector specifying the lineages to plot.
#' @param group.by A character specifying a metadata column to group the cells by. Default is NULL.
#' @param cells A character vector specifying the cells to include in the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param slot A character string specifying the slot to use for the analysis. Default is "counts".
#' @param assay A character string specifying the assay to use for the analysis. Default is NULL.
#' @param family A character specifying the model used to calculate the dynamic features if needed. By default, this parameter is set to NULL, and the appropriate family will be automatically determined.
#' @param exp_method A character specifying the method to transform the expression values. Default is "log1p" with options "log1p", "raw", "zscore", "fc", "log2fc".
#' @param lib_normalize A boolean specifying whether to normalize the expression values using library size. By default, if the \code{slot} is counts, this parameter is set to TRUE. Otherwise, it is set to FALSE.
#' @param libsize A numeric vector specifying the library size for each cell. Default is NULL.
#' @param compare_lineages A boolean specifying whether to compare the lineages in the plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param compare_features A boolean specifying whether to compare the features in the plot. Default is FALSE.
#' @param add_line A boolean specifying whether to add lines to the plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param add_interval A boolean specifying whether to add confidence intervals to the plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param line.size A numeric specifying the size of the lines. Default is 1.
#' @param line_palette A character string specifying the name of the palette to use for the line colors. Default is "Dark2".
#' @param line_palcolor A vector specifying the colors to use for the line palette. Default is NULL.
#' @param add_point A boolean specifying whether to add points to the plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param pt.size A numeric specifying the size of the points. Default is 1.
#' @param point_palette A character string specifying the name of the palette to use for the point colors. Default is "Paired".
#' @param point_palcolor A vector specifying the colors to use for the point palette. Default is NULL.
#' @param add_rug A boolean specifying whether to add rugs to the plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param flip A boolean specifying whether to flip the x-axis. Default is FALSE.
#' @param reverse A boolean specifying whether to reverse the x-axis. Default is FALSE.
#' @param x_order A character specifying the order of the x-axis values. Default is c("value", "rank").
#' @param aspect.ratio A numeric specifying the aspect ratio of the plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param legend.position A character string specifying the position of the legend in the plot. Default is "right".
#' @param legend.direction A character string specifying the direction of the legend in the plot. Default is "vertical".
#' @param theme_use A character string specifying the name of the theme to use for the plot. Default is "theme_scp".
#' @param theme_args A list specifying the arguments to pass to the theme function. Default is list().
#' @param combine A boolean specifying whether to combine multiple plots into a single plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param nrow A numeric specifying the number of rows in the combined plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param ncol A numeric specifying the number of columns in the combined plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param byrow A boolean specifying whether to fill plots by row in the combined plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param seed A numeric specifying the random seed. Default is 11.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunDynamicFeatures}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunSlingshot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP")
#' CellDimPlot(pancreas_sub, group.by = "SubCellType", reduction = "UMAP", lineages = paste0("Lineage", 1:3), lineages_span = 0.1)
#' DynamicPlot(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub,
#'   lineages = "Lineage1",
#'   features = c("Nnat", "Irx1", "G2M_score"),
#'   group.by = "SubCellType",
#'   compare_features = TRUE
#' )
#' DynamicPlot(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub,
#'   lineages = c("Lineage1", "Lineage2"),
#'   features = c("Nnat", "Irx1", "G2M_score"),
#'   group.by = "SubCellType",
#'   compare_lineages = TRUE,
#'   compare_features = FALSE
#' )
#' DynamicPlot(
#'   srt = pancreas_sub,
#'   lineages = c("Lineage1", "Lineage2"),
#'   features = c("Nnat", "Irx1", "G2M_score"),
#'   group.by = "SubCellType",
#'   compare_lineages = FALSE,
#'   compare_features = FALSE
#' )
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_line geom_point geom_ribbon geom_rug stat_density2d facet_grid expansion
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom ggnewscale new_scale_fill new_scale_color
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
DynamicPlot <- function(srt, lineages, features, group.by = NULL, cells = NULL, slot = "counts", assay = NULL, family = NULL,
                        exp_method = c("log1p", "raw", "zscore", "fc", "log2fc"), lib_normalize = identical(slot, "counts"), libsize = NULL,
                        compare_lineages = TRUE, compare_features = FALSE,
                        add_line = TRUE, add_interval = TRUE, line.size = 1, line_palette = "Dark2", line_palcolor = NULL,
                        add_point = TRUE, pt.size = 1, point_palette = "Paired", point_palcolor = NULL,
                        add_rug = TRUE, flip = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, x_order = c("value", "rank"),
                        aspect.ratio = NULL,
                        legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                        theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                        combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE, seed = 11) {

  x_order <- match.arg(x_order)
  if (!is.null(group.by) && !group.by %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)) {
    stop(group.by, " is not in the meta.data of srt object.")

  data_nm <- c(ifelse(isTRUE(lib_normalize), "normalized", ""), slot)
  data_nm <- paste(data_nm[data_nm != ""], collapse = " ")
  if (length(exp_method) == 1 && is.function(exp_method)) {
    exp_name <- paste0(as.character(x = formals()$exp_method), "(", data_nm, ")")
  } else {
    exp_method <- match.arg(exp_method)
    exp_name <- paste0(exp_method, "(", data_nm, ")")

  assay <- assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt)
  gene <- features[features %in% rownames(srt@assays[[assay]])]
  meta <- features[features %in% colnames(srt@meta.data)]
  features <- c(gene, meta)
  if (length(features) == 0) {
    stop("No feature found in the srt object.")

  cell_union <- c()
  raw_matrix_list <- list()
  fitted_matrix_list <- list()
  upr_matrix_list <- list()
  lwr_matrix_list <- list()
  for (l in lineages) {
    features_exist <- c()
    raw_matrix <- NULL
    if (paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l) %in% names(srt@tools)) {
      raw_matrix <- srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["raw_matrix"]][, -1]
      fitted_matrix <- srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["fitted_matrix"]][, -1]
      upr_matrix <- srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["upr_matrix"]][, -1]
      lwr_matrix <- srt@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["lwr_matrix"]][, -1]
      features_exist <- colnames(raw_matrix)
    feature_calcu <- features[!features %in% features_exist]
    if (length(feature_calcu) > 0) {
      srt_tmp <- RunDynamicFeatures(srt, lineages = l, features = feature_calcu, assay = assay, slot = slot, family = family, libsize = libsize)
      if (is.null(raw_matrix)) {
        raw_matrix <- fitted_matrix <- upr_matrix <- lwr_matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(srt_tmp@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["raw_matrix"]]), ncol = 0)
      raw_matrix <- cbind(raw_matrix, srt_tmp@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["raw_matrix"]][, feature_calcu, drop = FALSE])
      fitted_matrix <- cbind(fitted_matrix, srt_tmp@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["fitted_matrix"]][, feature_calcu, drop = FALSE])
      upr_matrix <- cbind(upr_matrix, srt_tmp@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["upr_matrix"]][, feature_calcu, drop = FALSE])
      lwr_matrix <- cbind(lwr_matrix, srt_tmp@tools[[paste0("DynamicFeatures_", l)]][["lwr_matrix"]][, feature_calcu, drop = FALSE])
    raw_matrix_list[[l]] <- as_matrix(raw_matrix[, features, drop = FALSE])
    fitted_matrix_list[[l]] <- as_matrix(fitted_matrix[, features, drop = FALSE])
    upr_matrix_list[[l]] <- as_matrix(upr_matrix[, features, drop = FALSE])
    lwr_matrix_list[[l]] <- as_matrix(lwr_matrix[, features, drop = FALSE])
    cell_union <- unique(c(cell_union, rownames(raw_matrix)))

  x_assign <- rowMeans(srt@meta.data[cell_union, lineages, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
  cell_metadata <- cbind.data.frame(data.frame(row.names = cell_union),
    x_assign = x_assign,
    srt@meta.data[cell_union, lineages, drop = FALSE]

  cell_order_list <- list()
  for (l in lineages) {
    cell_metadata_sub <- na.omit(cell_metadata[, l, drop = FALSE])
    cell_metadata_sub <- cell_metadata_sub[order(cell_metadata_sub[[l]], decreasing = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]
    cell_order_list[[l]] <- paste0(rownames(cell_metadata_sub), l)

  df_list <- list()
  Y_libsize <- colSums(slot(srt@assays[[assay]], "counts"))
  for (l in lineages) {
    raw_matrix <- raw_matrix_list[[l]]
    fitted_matrix <- fitted_matrix_list[[l]]
    upr_matrix <- upr_matrix_list[[l]]
    lwr_matrix <- lwr_matrix_list[[l]]
    if (isTRUE(lib_normalize) && min(raw_matrix[, gene], na.rm = TRUE) >= 0) {
      if (!is.null(libsize)) {
        libsize_use <- libsize
      } else {
        libsize_use <- Y_libsize[rownames(raw_matrix)]
        isfloat <- any(libsize_use %% 1 != 0, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (isTRUE(isfloat)) {
          libsize_use <- rep(1, length(libsize_use))
          warning("The values in the 'counts' slot are non-integer. Set the library size to 1.", immediate. = TRUE)
      raw_matrix[, gene] <- raw_matrix[, gene, drop = FALSE] / libsize_use * median(Y_libsize)

    if (is.function(exp_method)) {
      raw_matrix <- t(exp_method(t(raw_matrix)))
      fitted_matrix <- t(exp_method(t(fitted_matrix)))
      upr_matrix <- t(exp_method(t(upr_matrix)))
      lwr_matrix <- t(exp_method(t(lwr_matrix)))
    } else if (exp_method == "raw") {
      raw_matrix <- raw_matrix
      fitted_matrix <- fitted_matrix
      upr_matrix <- upr_matrix
      lwr_matrix <- lwr_matrix
    } else if (exp_method == "zscore") {
      center <- colMeans(raw_matrix)
      sd <- MatrixGenerics::colSds(raw_matrix)
      raw_matrix <- scale(raw_matrix, center = center, scale = sd)
      fitted_matrix <- scale(fitted_matrix, center = center, scale = sd)
      upr_matrix <- scale(upr_matrix, center = center, scale = sd)
      lwr_matrix <- scale(lwr_matrix, center = center, scale = sd)
    } else if (exp_method == "fc") {
      colm <- colMeans(raw_matrix)
      raw_matrix <- t(t(raw_matrix) / colm)
      fitted_matrix <- t(t(fitted_matrix) / colm)
      upr_matrix <- t(t(upr_matrix) / colm)
      lwr_matrix <- t(t(lwr_matrix) / colm)
    } else if (exp_method == "log2fc") {
      colm <- colMeans(raw_matrix)
      raw_matrix <- t(log2(t(raw_matrix) / colm))
      fitted_matrix <- t(log2(t(fitted_matrix) / colm))
      upr_matrix <- t(log2(t(upr_matrix) / colm))
      lwr_matrix <- t(log2(t(lwr_matrix) / colm))
    } else if (exp_method == "log1p") {
      raw_matrix <- log1p(raw_matrix)
      fitted_matrix <- log1p(fitted_matrix)
      upr_matrix <- log1p(upr_matrix)
      lwr_matrix <- log1p(lwr_matrix)
    raw_matrix[is.infinite(raw_matrix)] <- max(abs(raw_matrix[!is.infinite(raw_matrix)]), na.rm = TRUE) * ifelse(raw_matrix[is.infinite(raw_matrix)] > 0, 1, -1)
    fitted_matrix[is.infinite(fitted_matrix)] <- max(abs(fitted_matrix[!is.infinite(fitted_matrix)])) * ifelse(fitted_matrix[is.infinite(fitted_matrix)] > 0, 1, -1)
    upr_matrix[is.infinite(upr_matrix)] <- max(abs(upr_matrix[!is.infinite(upr_matrix)]), na.rm = TRUE) * ifelse(upr_matrix[is.infinite(upr_matrix)] > 0, 1, -1)
    lwr_matrix[is.infinite(lwr_matrix)] <- max(abs(lwr_matrix[!is.infinite(lwr_matrix)]), na.rm = TRUE) * ifelse(lwr_matrix[is.infinite(lwr_matrix)] > 0, 1, -1)

    raw <- as.data.frame(cbind(cell_metadata[rownames(raw_matrix), c(l, "x_assign")], raw_matrix))
    colnames(raw)[1] <- "Pseudotime"
    raw[["Cell"]] <- rownames(raw)
    raw[["Value"]] <- "raw"
    raw <- melt(raw, id.vars = c("Cell", "Pseudotime", "x_assign", "Value"), value.name = "exp", variable.name = "Features")

    fitted <- as.data.frame(cbind(cell_metadata[rownames(fitted_matrix), c(l, "x_assign")], fitted_matrix))
    colnames(fitted)[1] <- "Pseudotime"
    fitted[["Cell"]] <- rownames(fitted)
    fitted[["Value"]] <- "fitted"
    fitted <- melt(fitted, id.vars = c("Cell", "Pseudotime", "x_assign", "Value"), value.name = "exp", variable.name = "Features")

    upr <- as.data.frame(cbind(cell_metadata[rownames(upr_matrix), c(l, "x_assign")], upr_matrix))
    colnames(upr)[1] <- "Pseudotime"
    upr[["Cell"]] <- rownames(upr)
    upr[["Value"]] <- "upr"
    upr <- melt(upr, id.vars = c("Cell", "Pseudotime", "x_assign", "Value"), value.name = "exp", variable.name = "Features")

    lwr <- as.data.frame(cbind(cell_metadata[rownames(lwr_matrix), c(l, "x_assign")], lwr_matrix))
    colnames(lwr)[1] <- "Pseudotime"
    lwr[["Cell"]] <- rownames(lwr)
    lwr[["Value"]] <- "lwr"
    lwr <- melt(lwr, id.vars = c("Cell", "Pseudotime", "x_assign", "Value"), value.name = "exp", variable.name = "Features")

    raw[["upr"]] <- NA
    raw[["lwr"]] <- NA
    fitted[["upr"]] <- upr[["exp"]]
    fitted[["lwr"]] <- lwr[["exp"]]

    df_tmp <- rbind(raw, fitted)
    df_tmp[["Lineages"]] <- factor(l, levels = lineages)
    df_list[[l]] <- df_tmp
  df_all <- do.call(rbind, df_list)
  rownames(df_all) <- NULL

  if (!is.null(group.by)) {
    cell_group <- srt@meta.data[df_all[["Cell"]], group.by, drop = FALSE]
    if (!is.factor(cell_group[, group.by])) {
      cell_group[, group.by] <- factor(cell_group[, group.by], levels = unique(cell_group[, group.by]))
    df_all <- cbind(df_all, cell_group)
  df_all[["LineagesFeatures"]] <- paste(df_all[["Lineages"]], df_all[["Features"]], sep = "-")

  if (!is.null(cells)) {
    df_all <- df_all[df_all[["Cell"]] %in% cells, , drop = FALSE]
  df_all <- df_all[sample(seq_len(nrow(df_all))), , drop = FALSE]

  plist <- list()
  legend <- NULL
  if (isTRUE(compare_lineages)) {
    lineages_use <- list(lineages)
    lineages_formula <- "."
  } else {
    lineages_use <- lineages
    lineages_formula <- "Lineages"
  if (isTRUE(compare_features)) {
    features_use <- list(features)
    features_formula <- "."
  } else {
    features_use <- features
    features_formula <- "Features"
  formula <- paste(lineages_formula, "~", features_formula)
  fill_by <- "Lineages"
  if (lineages_formula == "." && length(lineages) > 1) {
    lineages_guide <- TRUE
  } else {
    lineages_guide <- FALSE
    if (isTRUE(compare_features)) {
      fill_by <- "Features"
  if (features_formula == "." && length(features) > 1) {
    features_guide <- TRUE
  } else {
    features_guide <- FALSE

  for (l in lineages_use) {
    for (f in features_use) {
      df <- subset(df_all, df_all[["Lineages"]] %in% l & df_all[["Features"]] %in% f)
      if (x_order == "rank") {
        df[, "x_assign"] <- rank(df[, "x_assign"])
        df[, "Pseudotime"] <- rank(df[, "Pseudotime"])
      df_point <- unique(df[df[["Value"]] == "raw", c("Cell", "x_assign", "exp", group.by)])
      if (isTRUE(compare_features)) {
        raw_point <- NULL
      } else {
        if (isTRUE(add_point)) {
          if (is.null(group.by)) {
            raw_point <- geom_point(data = df_point, mapping = aes(x = .data[["x_assign"]], y = .data[["exp"]]), size = pt.size, alpha = 0.8)
          } else {
            raw_point <- list(
              geom_point(data = df_point, mapping = aes(x = .data[["x_assign"]], y = .data[["exp"]], color = .data[[group.by]]), size = pt.size, alpha = 0.8),
                values = palette_scp(df[[group.by]], palette = point_palette, palcolor = point_palcolor)
                values = palette_scp(df[[group.by]], palette = point_palette, palcolor = point_palcolor),
                guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1, size = 3), order = 1)
        } else {
          raw_point <- NULL
      if (isTRUE(add_rug)) {
        if (is.null(group.by)) {
          rug <- list(geom_rug(data = df_point, mapping = aes(x = .data[["x_assign"]]), alpha = 1, length = unit(0.05, "npc"), show.legend = FALSE))
        } else {
          rug <- list(
            geom_rug(data = df_point, mapping = aes(x = .data[["x_assign"]], color = .data[[group.by]]), alpha = 1, length = unit(0.05, "npc"), show.legend = isTRUE(compare_features)),
              values = palette_scp(df[[group.by]], palette = point_palette, palcolor = point_palcolor)
      } else {
        rug <- NULL

      if (isTRUE(add_interval)) {
        interval <- list(
            data = subset(df, df[["Value"]] == "fitted"),
            mapping = aes(
              x = .data[["Pseudotime"]], y = .data[["exp"]], ymin = .data[["lwr"]], ymax = .data[["upr"]],
              fill = .data[[fill_by]], group = .data[["LineagesFeatures"]]
            alpha = 0.4, color = "grey90"
            values = palette_scp(df[[fill_by]], palette = line_palette, palcolor = line_palcolor),
            guide = if (fill_by == "Features" || lineages_guide || length(l) == 1) "none" else guide_legend()
      } else {
        interval <- NULL
      if (isTRUE(compare_features)) {
        line <- list(
            data = subset(df, df[["Value"]] == "fitted"),
            mapping = aes(
              x = .data[["Pseudotime"]], y = .data[["exp"]],
              color = .data[["Features"]], group = .data[["LineagesFeatures"]]
            linewidth = line.size, alpha = 0.8
            values = palette_scp(df[["Features"]], palette = line_palette, palcolor = line_palcolor),
            guide = if (features_guide) guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1, size = 2), order = 2) else "none"
      } else {
        if (isTRUE(add_line)) {
          line <- list(
              data = subset(df, df[["Value"]] == "fitted"),
              mapping = aes(x = .data[["Pseudotime"]], y = .data[["exp"]], color = .data[["Lineages"]], group = .data[["LineagesFeatures"]]), linewidth = line.size, alpha = 0.8
              values = palette_scp(df[["Lineages"]], palette = line_palette, palcolor = line_palcolor),
              guide = if (lineages_guide) guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1, size = 2), order = 2) else "none"
        } else {
          line <- NULL

      x_trans <- ifelse(flip, "reverse", "identity")
      x_trans <- ifelse(reverse, setdiff(c("reverse", "identity"), x_trans), x_trans)
      p <- ggplot() +
        scale_x_continuous(trans = x_trans, expand = expansion(c(0, 0))) +
        scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(c(0.1, 0.05))) +
        raw_point +
        rug +
        interval +
        line +
        labs(x = ifelse(x_order == "rank", "Pseudotime(rank)", "Pseudotime"), y = exp_name) +
        facet_grid(formula(formula), scales = "free") +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction

      if (isTRUE(flip)) {
        p <- p + coord_flip()
      if (is.null(legend)) {
        legend <- get_legend(p + theme(legend.position = "bottom"))
      plist[[paste(paste0(l, collapse = "_"), paste0(f, collapse = "_"), sep = ".")]] <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")

  if (isTRUE(combine)) {
    if (length(plist) > 1) {
      plot <- wrap_plots(plotlist = plist, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow)
    } else {
      plot <- plist[[1]]
    if (legend.position != "none") {
      gtable <- as_grob(plot)
      gtable <- add_grob(gtable, legend, legend.position)
      plot <- wrap_plots(gtable)
  } else {

GroupTreePlot <- function() {


#' Projection Plot
#' This function generates a projection plot, which can be used to compare two groups of cells in a dimensionality reduction space.
#' @param srt_query An object of class Seurat storing the query group cells.
#' @param srt_ref An object of class Seurat storing the reference group cells.
#' @param query_group The grouping variable for the query group cells.
#' @param ref_group The grouping variable for the reference group cells.
#' @param query_reduction The name of the reduction in the query group cells.
#' @param ref_reduction The name of the reduction in the reference group cells.
#' @param query_param A list of parameters for customizing the query group plot. Available parameters: palette (color palette for groups) and cells.highlight (whether to highlight cells).
#' @param ref_param A list of parameters for customizing the reference group plot. Available parameters: palette (color palette for groups) and cells.highlight (whether to highlight cells).
#' @param xlim The x-axis limits for the plot. If not provided, the limits will be calculated based on the data.
#' @param ylim The y-axis limits for the plot. If not provided, the limits will be calculated based on the data.
#' @param pt.size The size of the points in the plot.
#' @param stroke.highlight The size of the stroke highlight for cells.
#' @examples
#' data("panc8_sub")
#' srt_ref <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech != "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_query <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech == "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_ref <- Integration_SCP(srt_ref, batch = "tech", integration_method = "Seurat")
#' CellDimPlot(srt_ref, group.by = c("celltype", "tech"))
#' # Projection
#' srt_query <- RunKNNMap(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, ref_umap = "SeuratUMAP2D")
#' ProjectionPlot(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, query_group = "celltype", ref_group = "celltype")
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous ggplot_build theme geom_point aes scale_fill_identity facet_null
#' @importFrom ggnewscale new_scale_fill new_scale_color
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_cols gtable_add_grob
#' @importFrom grid grob
#' @importFrom rlang  %||%
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @export
ProjectionPlot <- function(srt_query, srt_ref,
                           query_group = NULL, ref_group = NULL,
                           query_reduction = "ref.embeddings", ref_reduction = srt_query[[query_reduction]]@misc[["reduction.model"]] %||% NULL,
                           query_param = list(palette = "Set1", cells.highlight = TRUE), ref_param = list(palette = "Paired"),
                           xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, pt.size = 0.8, stroke.highlight = 0.5) {
  if (is.null(ref_reduction)) {
    stop("Please specify the ref_reduction.")
  query_param[["show_stat"]] <- FALSE
  ref_param[["show_stat"]] <- FALSE

  if (is.null(xlim)) {
    ref_xlim <- range(srt_ref[[ref_reduction]]@cell.embeddings[, 1])
    query_xlim <- range(srt_query[[query_reduction]]@cell.embeddings[, 1])
    xlim <- range(c(ref_xlim, query_xlim))
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ref_ylim <- range(srt_ref[[ref_reduction]]@cell.embeddings[, 2])
    query_ylim <- range(srt_query[[query_reduction]]@cell.embeddings[, 2])
    ylim <- range(c(ref_ylim, query_ylim))

  p1 <- do.call(CellDimPlot, args = c(
    srt = srt_ref, reduction = ref_reduction, group.by = ref_group,
  )) +
    guides(color = guide_legend(title = paste0("Ref: ", ref_group), override.aes = list(size = 4)))
  p1legend <- get_legend(p1)
  # p1legend <- gtable_filter(ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p1)), "guide-box")

  p2 <- do.call(CellDimPlot, args = c(
    srt = srt_query, reduction = query_reduction, group.by = query_group,
  )) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits = xlim) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim)
  p2data <- ggplot_build(p2)$data[[1]]
  color <- p2data$colour
  names(color) <- p2$data$group.by
  p2 <- p2 + guides(color = guide_legend(
    title = paste0("Query: ", query_group),
    override.aes = list(size = 4, shape = 21, color = "black", fill = na.omit(color[levels(p2$data$group.by)]))
  p2legend <- get_legend(p2)
  # p2legend <- gtable_filter(ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p2)), "guide-box")

  if (!is.null(p1legend) && !is.null(p2legend)) {
    legend <- cbind(p1legend, p2legend)
  } else {
    legend <- p1legend %||% p2legend

  p3 <- p1 + new_scale_fill() + new_scale_color() +
      data = p2data, aes(x = x, y = y), color = "black",
      size = pt.size + stroke.highlight
    ) +
      data = p2data, aes(x = x, y = y, color = colour),
      size = pt.size
    ) +
    scale_color_identity() +
    facet_null() + theme(legend.position = "none")
  if (is.null(legend)) {
  } else {
    gtable <- as_grob(p3)
    gtable <- add_grob(gtable, legend, "right")
    p <- wrap_plots(gtable)

#' EnrichmentPlot
#' This function generates various types of plots for enrichment (over-representation) analysis.
#' @param srt A Seurat object containing the results of RunDEtest and RunEnrichment.
#' If specified, enrichment results will be extracted from the Seurat object automatically.
#' If not specified, the \code{res} arguments must be provided.
#' @param group_by A character vector specifying the grouping variable in the Seurat object. This argument is only used if \code{srt} is specified.
#' @param test.use A character vector specifying the test to be used in differential expression analysis. This argument is only used if \code{srt} is specified.
#' @param res Enrichment results generated by RunEnrichment function. If provided, 'srt', 'test.use' and 'group_by' are ignored.
#' @param db The database to use for enrichment plot. Default is "GO_BP".
#' @param plot_type The type of plot to generate. Options are: "bar", "dot", "lollipop", "network", "enrichmap", "wordcloud", "comparison". Default is "bar".
#' @param split_by The splitting variable(s) for the plot. Can be "Database", "Groups", or both. Default is c("Database", "Groups") for plots.
#' @param color_by The variable used for coloring. Default is "Database".
#' @param group_use The group(s) to be used for enrichment plot. Default is NULL.
#' @param id_use List of IDs to be used to display specific terms in the enrichment plot. Default value is NULL.
#' @param pvalueCutoff The p-value cutoff. Default is NULL. Only work when \code{padjustCutoff} is NULL.
#' @param padjustCutoff The p-adjusted cutoff. Default is 0.05.
#' @param topTerm The number of top terms to display. Default is 6, or 100 if 'plot_type' is "enrichmap".
#' @param compare_only_sig Whether to compare only significant terms. Default is FALSE.
#' @param topWord The number of top words to display for wordcloud. Default is 100.
#' @param word_type The type of words to display in wordcloud. Options are "term" and "feature". Default is "term".
#' @param word_size The size range for words in wordcloud. Default is c(2, 8).
#' @param words_excluded Words to be excluded from the wordcloud. The default value is NULL, which means that the built-in words (SCP::words_excluded) will be used.
#' @param network_layout The layout algorithm to use for network plot. Options are "fr", "kk","random", "circle", "tree", "grid", or other algorithm from 'igraph' package. Default is "fr".
#' @param network_labelsize The label size for network plot. Default is 5.
#' @param network_blendmode The blend mode for network plot. Default is "blend".
#' @param network_layoutadjust Whether to adjust the layout of the network plot to avoid overlapping words. Default is TRUE.
#' @param network_adjscale The scale for adjusting network plot layout. Default is 60.
#' @param network_adjiter The number of iterations for adjusting network plot layout. Default is 100.
#' @param enrichmap_layout The layout algorithm to use for enrichmap plot. Options are "fr", "kk","random", "circle", "tree", "grid", or other algorithm from 'igraph' package. Default is "fr".
#' @param enrichmap_cluster The clustering algorithm to use for enrichmap plot. Options are "walktrap", "fast_greedy", or other algorithm from 'igraph' package. Default is "fast_greedy".
#' @param enrichmap_label  The label type for enrichmap plot. Options are "term" and "feature". Default is "term".
#' @param enrichmap_labelsize The label size for enrichmap plot. Default is 5.
#' @param enrlichmap_nlabel The number of labels to display for each cluster in enrichmap plot. Default is 4.
#' @param enrichmap_show_keyword Whether to show the keyword of terms or features in enrichmap plot. Default is FALSE.
#' @param enrichmap_mark The mark shape for enrichmap plot. Options are "ellipse" and "hull". Default is "ellipse".
#' @param enrichmap_expand The expansion factor for enrichmap plot. Default is c(0.5, 0.5).
#' @param character_width  The maximum width of character of descriptions. Default is 50.
#' @param lineheight The line height for y-axis labels. Default is 0.5.
#' @param palette The color palette to use. Default is "Spectral".
#' @param palcolor Custom colors for palette. Default is NULL.
#' @param aspect.ratio The aspect ratio of the plot. Default is 1.
#' @param legend.position The position of the legend. Default is "right".
#' @param legend.direction The direction of the legend. Default is "vertical".
#' @param theme_use The theme to use for the plot. Default is "theme_scp".
#' @param theme_args The arguments to pass to the theme. Default is an empty list.
#' @param combine Whether to combine multiple plots into a single plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param nrow The number of rows in the combined plot. Default is NULL, calculated based on the number of plots.
#' @param ncol The number of columns in the combined plot. Default is NULL, calculated based on the number of plots.
#' @param byrow  Whether to fill the combined plot by row. Default is TRUE.
#' @param seed The random seed to use. Default is 11.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunEnrichment}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunDEtest(pancreas_sub, group_by = "CellType")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunEnrichment(srt = pancreas_sub, db = c("GO_BP", "GO_CC"), group_by = "CellType", species = "Mus_musculus")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "bar")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Endocrine",
#'   plot_type = "bar", character_width = 30,
#'   theme_use = ggplot2::theme_classic, theme_args = list(base_size = 10)
#' )
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", plot_type = "bar", color_by = "Groups", ncol = 2)
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", plot_type = "bar",
#'   split_by = "Database", color_by = "Groups", palette = "Set1",
#'   id_use = list(
#'     "Ductal" = c("GO:0002181", "GO:0045787", "GO:0006260", "GO:0050679"),
#'     "Ngn3 low EP" = c("GO:0050678", "GO:0051101", "GO:0072091", "GO:0006631"),
#'     "Ngn3 high EP" = c("GO:0035270", "GO:0030325", "GO:0008637", "GO:0030856"),
#'     "Pre-endocrine" = c("GO:0090276", "GO:0031018", "GO:0030073", "GO:1903532"),
#'     "Endocrine" = c("GO:0009914", "GO:0030073", "GO:0009743", "GO:0042593")
#'   )
#' )
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", topTerm = 3, plot_type = "comparison")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", topTerm = 3, plot_type = "comparison", compare_only_sig = TRUE)
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = c("Ductal", "Endocrine"), plot_type = "comparison")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = c("GO_BP", "GO_CC"), group_by = "CellType", group_use = c("Ductal", "Endocrine"), plot_type = "bar",
#'   split_by = "Groups"
#' )
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = c("GO_BP", "GO_CC"), group_by = "CellType", group_use = c("Ductal", "Endocrine"), plot_type = "bar",
#'   split_by = "Database", color_by = "Groups",
#' )
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = c("GO_BP", "GO_CC"), group_by = "CellType", group_use = c("Ductal", "Endocrine"), plot_type = "bar",
#'   split_by = c("Database", "Groups")
#' )
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = c("GO_BP", "GO_CC"), group_by = "CellType", group_use = c("Ductal", "Endocrine"), plot_type = "bar",
#'   split_by = c("Groups", "Database")
#' )
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = c("GO_BP", "GO_CC"), group_by = "CellType", plot_type = "bar",
#'   split_by = "Database", color_by = "Groups", palette = "Set1"
#' )
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "dot", palette = "GdRd")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "lollipop", palette = "GdRd")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "wordcloud")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "wordcloud", word_type = "feature")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "network")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "network", id_use = c("GO:0050678", "GO:0035270", "GO:0090276", "GO:0030073"))
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "network", network_layoutadjust = FALSE)
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "network",
#'   topTerm = 4, network_blendmode = "average",
#'   theme_use = "theme_blank", theme_args = list(add_coord = FALSE)
#' ) %>% panel_fix(height = 5)
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "enrichmap")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "enrichmap", enrichmap_expand = c(2, 1))
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "enrichmap",
#'   enrichmap_show_keyword = TRUE, character_width = 10
#' )
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", plot_type = "enrichmap",
#'   topTerm = 200, enrichmap_mark = "hull", enrichmap_label = "feature", enrlichmap_nlabel = 3, character_width = 10,
#'   theme_use = "theme_blank", theme_args = list(add_coord = FALSE)
#' ) %>% panel_fix(height = 4)
#' pancreas_sub <- RunEnrichment(srt = pancreas_sub, db = c("MP", "DO"), group_by = "CellType", convert_species = TRUE, species = "Mus_musculus")
#' EnrichmentPlot(pancreas_sub, db = c("MP", "DO"), group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Endocrine", ncol = 1)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_bar geom_text geom_label labs scale_fill_manual scale_y_continuous scale_linewidth facet_grid coord_flip scale_color_gradientn scale_fill_gradientn scale_size guides geom_segment expansion guide_colorbar scale_color_manual guide_none draw_key_point  scale_color_identity scale_fill_identity .pt
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% group_by filter arrange desc across mutate slice_head reframe distinct n .data
#' @importFrom stats formula
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom ggforce geom_mark_ellipse geom_mark_hull
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom grid grobTree convertUnit unit
#' @importFrom igraph as_data_frame graph_from_data_frame V layout_with_dh layout_with_drl layout_with_fr layout_with_gem layout_with_graphopt layout_with_kk layout_with_lgl layout_with_mds layout_in_circle layout_as_tree layout_on_grid cluster_fast_greedy cluster_infomap cluster_leiden cluster_louvain cluster_spinglass cluster_walktrap cluster_fluid_communities
#' @export
EnrichmentPlot <- function(srt, db = "GO_BP", group_by = NULL, test.use = "wilcox", res = NULL,
                           plot_type = c("bar", "dot", "lollipop", "network", "enrichmap", "wordcloud", "comparison"),
                           split_by = c("Database", "Groups"), color_by = "Database",
                           group_use = NULL, id_use = NULL, pvalueCutoff = NULL, padjustCutoff = 0.05,
                           topTerm = ifelse(plot_type == "enrichmap", 100, 6), compare_only_sig = FALSE,
                           topWord = 100, word_type = c("term", "feature"), word_size = c(2, 8), words_excluded = NULL,
                           network_layout = "fr", network_labelsize = 5, network_blendmode = "blend",
                           network_layoutadjust = TRUE, network_adjscale = 60, network_adjiter = 100,
                           enrichmap_layout = "fr", enrichmap_cluster = "fast_greedy", enrichmap_label = c("term", "feature"), enrichmap_labelsize = 5,
                           enrlichmap_nlabel = 4, enrichmap_show_keyword = FALSE, enrichmap_mark = c("ellipse", "hull"), enrichmap_expand = c(0.5, 0.5),
                           character_width = 50, lineheight = 0.5,
                           palette = "Spectral", palcolor = NULL,
                           aspect.ratio = 1, legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                           theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                           combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE, seed = 11) {
  plot_type <- match.arg(plot_type)
  word_type <- match.arg(word_type)
  enrichmap_label <- match.arg(enrichmap_label)
  enrichmap_mark <- match.arg(enrichmap_mark)
  words_excluded <- words_excluded %||% SCP::words_excluded

  if (any(!split_by %in% c("Database", "Groups"))) {
    stop("'split_by' must be either 'Database', 'Groups', or both of them")
  if (plot_type %in% c("network", "enrichmap") & length(split_by) == 1) {
    warning("When 'plot_type' is 'network' or 'enrichmap', the 'split_by' parameter does not take effect.", immediate. = TRUE)
    split_by <- c("Database", "Groups")

  if (is.null(res)) {
    if (is.null(group_by)) {
      stop("'group_by' must be provided.")
    slot <- paste("Enrichment", group_by, test.use, sep = "_")
    if (!slot %in% names(srt@tools)) {
      stop("No enrichment result found. You may perform RunEnrichment first.")
    enrichment <- srt@tools[[slot]][["enrichment"]]
  } else {
    enrichment <- res[["enrichment"]]

  if (is.null(pvalueCutoff) && is.null(padjustCutoff)) {
    stop("One of 'pvalueCutoff' or 'padjustCutoff' must be specified")
  if (!is.factor(enrichment["Groups"])) {
    enrichment[["Groups"]] <- factor(enrichment[["Groups"]], levels = unique(enrichment[["Groups"]]))
  if (length(db[!db %in% enrichment[["Database"]]]) > 0) {
    stop(paste0(db[!db %in% enrichment[["Database"]]], " is not in the enrichment result."))
  if (!is.factor(enrichment[["Database"]])) {
    enrichment[["Database"]] <- factor(enrichment[["Database"]], levels = unique(enrichment[["Database"]]))
  if (!is.null(group_use)) {
    enrichment <- enrichment[enrichment[["Groups"]] %in% group_use, , drop = FALSE]
  if (length(id_use) > 0) {
    topTerm <- Inf
    if (is.list(id_use)) {
      if (is.null(names(id_use))) {
        stop("'id_use' must be named when it is a list.")
      if (!all(names(id_use) %in% enrichment[["Groups"]])) {
        stop(paste0("Names in 'id_use' is invalid: ", paste0(names(id_use)[!names(id_use) %in% enrichment[["Groups"]]], collapse = ",")))
      enrichment_list <- list()
      for (i in seq_along(id_use)) {
        enrichment_list[[i]] <- enrichment[enrichment[["ID"]] %in% id_use[[i]] & enrichment[["Groups"]] %in% names(id_use)[i], , drop = FALSE]
      enrichment <- do.call(rbind, enrichment_list)
    } else {
      enrichment <- enrichment[enrichment[["ID"]] %in% unlist(id_use), , drop = FALSE]

  metric <- ifelse(is.null(padjustCutoff), "pvalue", "p.adjust")
  metric_value <- ifelse(is.null(padjustCutoff), pvalueCutoff, padjustCutoff)

  pvalueCutoff <- ifelse(is.null(pvalueCutoff), Inf, pvalueCutoff)
  padjustCutoff <- ifelse(is.null(padjustCutoff), Inf, padjustCutoff)

  if (any(db %in% c("GO_sim", "GO_BP_sim", "GO_CC_sim", "GO_MF_sim"))) {
    enrichment_sim <- enrichment[enrichment[["Database"]] %in% gsub("_sim", "", db), , drop = FALSE]
  enrichment <- enrichment[enrichment[["Database"]] %in% db, , drop = FALSE]

  enrichment_sig <- enrichment[enrichment[[metric]] < metric_value | enrichment[["ID"]] %in% unlist(id_use), , drop = FALSE]
  enrichment_sig <- enrichment_sig[order(enrichment_sig[[metric]]), , drop = FALSE]
  if (nrow(enrichment_sig) == 0) {
      "No term enriched using the threshold: ",
      paste0("pvalueCutoff = ", pvalueCutoff), "; ",
      paste0("padjustCutoff = ", padjustCutoff)
  df_list <- split(enrichment_sig, formula(paste0("~", split_by, collapse = "+")))
  df_list <- df_list[lapply(df_list, nrow) > 0]

  facet <- switch(paste0(split_by, collapse = "~"),
    "Groups" = formula(paste0("Database ~ Groups")),
    "Database" = formula(paste0("Groups ~ Database")),
    formula(paste0(split_by, collapse = "~"))

  if (plot_type == "comparison") {
    # comparison -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ids <- NULL
    for (i in seq_along(df_list)) {
      df <- df_list[[i]]
      df_groups <- split(df, list(df$Database, df$Groups))
      df_groups <- lapply(df_groups, function(group) {
        filtered_group <- group[head(seq_len(nrow(group)), topTerm), , drop = FALSE]
      df <- do.call(rbind, df_groups)
      ids <- unique(c(ids, df[, "ID"]))
    if (any(db %in% c("GO_sim", "GO_BP_sim", "GO_CC_sim", "GO_MF_sim"))) {
      enrichment_sub <- subset(enrichment_sim, ID %in% ids)
      enrichment_sub[["Database"]][enrichment_sub[["Database"]] %in% c("GO", "GO_BP", "GO_CC", "GO_MF")] <- paste0(enrichment_sub[["Database"]][enrichment_sub[["Database"]] %in% c("GO", "GO_BP", "GO_CC", "GO_MF")], "_sim")
    } else {
      enrichment_sub <- subset(enrichment, ID %in% ids)
    enrichment_sub[["Database"]] <- factor(enrichment_sub[["Database"]], levels = db)
    enrichment_sub[["GeneRatio"]] <- sapply(enrichment_sub[["GeneRatio"]], function(x) {
      sp <- strsplit(x, "/")[[1]]
      GeneRatio <- as.numeric(sp[1]) / as.numeric(sp[2])
    enrichment_sub[["BgRatio"]] <- sapply(enrichment_sub[["BgRatio"]], function(x) {
      sp <- strsplit(x, "/")[[1]]
      BgRatio <- as.numeric(sp[1]) / as.numeric(sp[2])
    enrichment_sub[["EnrichmentScore"]] <- enrichment_sub[["GeneRatio"]] / enrichment_sub[["BgRatio"]]
    enrichment_sub[["Description"]] <- capitalize(enrichment_sub[["Description"]])
    enrichment_sub[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(enrichment_sub[["Description"]], width = character_width)
    terms <- setNames(enrichment_sub[["Description"]], enrichment_sub[["ID"]])
    enrichment_sub[["Description"]] <- factor(enrichment_sub[["Description"]], levels = unique(rev(terms[ids])))
    if (isTRUE(compare_only_sig)) {
      enrichment_sub <- enrichment_sub[enrichment_sub[[metric]] < metric_value, , drop = FALSE]
    p <- ggplot(enrichment_sub, aes(x = Groups, y = Description)) +
      geom_point(aes(size = GeneRatio, fill = .data[[metric]], color = ""), shape = 21) +
      scale_size_area(name = "GeneRatio", max_size = 6, n.breaks = 4) +
      guides(size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "grey30", shape = 21), order = 1)) +
        name = paste0(metric),
        limits = c(0, min(metric_value, 1)),
        n.breaks = 3,
        colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, reverse = TRUE),
        na.value = "grey80",
        guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0, order = 2)
      ) +
      scale_color_manual(values = NA, na.value = "black") +
      guides(colour = if (isTRUE(compare_only_sig)) guide_none() else guide_legend("Non-sig", override.aes = list(colour = "black", fill = "grey80", size = 3))) +
      facet_grid(Database ~ ., scales = "free") +
      do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
        aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
        legend.position = legend.position,
        legend.direction = legend.direction,
        panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80", linetype = 2),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
        axis.text.y = element_text(
          lineheight = lineheight, hjust = 1,
          face = ifelse(grepl("\n", levels(enrichment_sub[["Description"]])), "italic", "plain")
    plist <- list(p)
  } else if (plot_type == "bar") {
    # bar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    plist <- suppressWarnings(lapply(df_list, function(df) {
      df_groups <- split(df, list(df$Database, df$Groups))
      df_groups <- lapply(df_groups, function(group) {
        filtered_group <- group[head(seq_len(nrow(group)), topTerm), , drop = FALSE]
      df <- do.call(rbind, df_groups)

      df[["metric"]] <- -log10(df[[metric]])
      df[["Description"]] <- capitalize(df[["Description"]])
      df[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(df[["Description"]], width = character_width)
      df[["Description"]] <- factor(df[["Description"]], levels = unique(rev(df[["Description"]])))

      p <- ggplot(df, aes(
        x = .data[["Description"]], y = .data[["metric"]],
        fill = .data[[color_by]], label = .data[["Count"]]
      )) +
        geom_bar(width = 0.9, stat = "identity", color = "black") +
        geom_text(hjust = -0.5, size = 3.5, color = "white", fontface = "bold") +
        geom_text(hjust = -0.5, size = 3.5) +
        labs(x = "", y = paste0("-log10(", metric, ")")) +
          values = palette_scp(levels(df[[color_by]]), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
          na.value = "grey80",
          guide = "none"
        ) +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1.3 * max(df[["metric"]], na.rm = TRUE)), expand = expansion(0, 0)) +
        facet_grid(facet, scales = "free") +
        coord_flip() +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction,
          panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80", linetype = 2),
          axis.text.y = element_text(
            lineheight = lineheight, hjust = 1,
            face = ifelse(grepl("\n", levels(df[["Description"]])), "italic", "plain")
  } else if (plot_type == "dot") {
    # dot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    plist <- suppressWarnings(lapply(df_list, function(df) {
      df_groups <- split(df, list(df$Database, df$Groups))
      df_groups <- lapply(df_groups, function(group) {
        filtered_group <- group[head(seq_len(nrow(group)), topTerm), , drop = FALSE]
      df <- do.call(rbind, df_groups)

      df[["GeneRatio"]] <- sapply(df[["GeneRatio"]], function(x) {
        sp <- strsplit(x, "/")[[1]]
        GeneRatio <- as.numeric(sp[1]) / as.numeric(sp[2])
      df <- df[order(df[["GeneRatio"]], decreasing = TRUE), ]
      df[["metric"]] <- -log10(df[[metric]])
      df[["Description"]] <- capitalize(df[["Description"]])
      df[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(df[["Description"]], width = character_width)
      df[["Description"]] <- factor(df[["Description"]], levels = unique(rev(df[["Description"]])))

      p <- ggplot(df, aes(
        x = .data[["Description"]], y = .data[["GeneRatio"]]
      )) +
        geom_point(aes(fill = .data[["metric"]], size = .data[["Count"]]), color = "black", shape = 21) +
        labs(x = "", y = "GeneRatio") +
        scale_size(name = "Count", range = c(3, 6), scales::breaks_extended(n = 4)) +
        guides(size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "grey30", shape = 21), order = 1)) +
          name = paste0("-log10(", metric, ")"),
          n.breaks = 3,
          colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
          na.value = "grey80",
          guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0)
        ) +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1.3 * max(df[["GeneRatio"]], na.rm = TRUE)), expand = expansion(0, 0)) +
        facet_grid(facet, scales = "free") +
        coord_flip() +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction,
          panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80", linetype = 2),
          axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
          axis.text.y = element_text(
            lineheight = lineheight, hjust = 1,
            face = ifelse(grepl("\n", levels(df[["Description"]])), "italic", "plain")
  } else if (plot_type == "lollipop") {
    # lollipop -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    plist <- suppressWarnings(lapply(df_list, function(df) {
      df_groups <- split(df, list(df$Database, df$Groups))
      df_groups <- lapply(df_groups, function(group) {
        filtered_group <- group[head(seq_len(nrow(group)), topTerm), , drop = FALSE]
      df <- do.call(rbind, df_groups)

      df[["GeneRatio"]] <- sapply(df[["GeneRatio"]], function(x) {
        sp <- strsplit(x, "/")[[1]]
        GeneRatio <- as.numeric(sp[1]) / as.numeric(sp[2])
      df[["BgRatio"]] <- sapply(df[["BgRatio"]], function(x) {
        sp <- strsplit(x, "/")[[1]]
        BgRatio <- as.numeric(sp[1]) / as.numeric(sp[2])
      df[["FoldEnrichment"]] <- df[["GeneRatio"]] / df[["BgRatio"]]
      df[["metric"]] <- -log10(df[[metric]])
      df[["Description"]] <- capitalize(df[["Description"]])
      df[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(df[["Description"]], width = character_width)
      df[["Description"]] <- factor(df[["Description"]], levels = unique(df[order(df[["FoldEnrichment"]]), "Description"]))

      p <- ggplot(df, aes(
        x = .data[["Description"]], y = .data[["FoldEnrichment"]],
        fill = .data[["metric"]]
      )) +
        geom_blank() +
          aes(y = 0, xend = .data[["Description"]], yend = .data[["FoldEnrichment"]]),
          color = "black", linewidth = 2
        ) +
          aes(y = 0, xend = .data[["Description"]], yend = .data[["FoldEnrichment"]], color = .data[["metric"]]),
          linewidth = 1
        ) +
        geom_point(aes(size = .data[["GeneRatio"]]), shape = 21, color = "black") +
        scale_size(name = "GeneRatio", range = c(3, 6), scales::breaks_extended(n = 4)) +
        guides(size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "grey30", shape = 21), order = 1)) +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1.2 * max(df[["FoldEnrichment"]], na.rm = TRUE)), expand = expansion(0, 0)) +
        labs(x = "", y = "Fold Enrichment") +
          name = paste0("-log10(", metric, ")"),
          n.breaks = 3,
          colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
          na.value = "grey80",
          guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0),
          aesthetics = c("color", "fill")
        ) +
        facet_grid(facet, scales = "free") +
        coord_flip() +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction,
          panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80", linetype = 2),
          axis.text.y = element_text(
            lineheight = lineheight, hjust = 1,
            face = ifelse(grepl("\n", levels(df[["Description"]])), "italic", "plain")
  } else if (plot_type == "network") {
    # network -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    plist <- suppressWarnings(lapply(df_list, function(df) {
      df_groups <- split(df, list(df$Database, df$Groups))
      df_groups <- lapply(df_groups, function(group) {
        filtered_group <- group[head(seq_len(nrow(group)), topTerm), , drop = FALSE]
      df <- do.call(rbind, df_groups)

      df[["metric"]] <- -log10(df[[metric]])
      df[["Description"]] <- capitalize(df[["Description"]])
      df[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(df[["Description"]], width = character_width)
      df[["Description"]] <- factor(df[["Description"]], levels = unique(df[["Description"]]))
      df$geneID <- strsplit(df$geneID, "/")
      df_unnest <- unnest(df, cols = "geneID")

      nodes <- rbind(
        data.frame("ID" = df[["Description"]], class = "term", metric = df[["metric"]]),
        data.frame("ID" = unique(df_unnest$geneID), class = "gene", metric = 0)
      nodes$Database <- df$Database[1]
      nodes$Groups <- df$Groups[1]
      edges <- as.data.frame(df_unnest[, c("Description", "geneID")])
      colnames(edges) <- c("from", "to")
      edges[["weight"]] <- 1
      graph <- graph_from_data_frame(d = edges, vertices = nodes, directed = FALSE)
      if (network_layout %in% c("circle", "tree", "grid")) {
        layout <- switch(network_layout,
          "circle" = layout_in_circle(graph),
          "tree" = layout_as_tree(graph),
          "grid" = layout_on_grid(graph)
      } else {
        layout <- do.call(paste0("layout_with_", network_layout), list(graph))
      df_graph <- as_data_frame(graph, what = "both")

      df_nodes <- df_graph$vertices
      if (isTRUE(network_layoutadjust)) {
        width <- nchar(df_nodes$name)
        width[df_nodes$class == "term"] <- 8
        layout <- adjustlayout(
          graph = graph, layout = layout, width = width, height = 2,
          scale = network_adjscale, iter = network_adjiter
      df_nodes[["dim1"]] <- layout[, 1]
      df_nodes[["dim2"]] <- layout[, 2]

      df_edges <- df_graph$edges
      df_edges[["from_dim1"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["from"]], "dim1"]
      df_edges[["from_dim2"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["from"]], "dim2"]
      df_edges[["to_dim1"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["to"]], "dim1"]
      df_edges[["to_dim2"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["to"]], "dim2"]

      colors <- palette_scp(levels(df[["Description"]]), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
      df_edges[["color"]] <- colors[df_edges$from]
      node_colors <- aggregate(df_unnest$Description, by = list(df_unnest$geneID), FUN = function(x) blendcolors(colors = colors[x], mode = network_blendmode))
      colors <- c(colors, setNames(node_colors[, 2], node_colors[, 1]))
      label_colors <- ifelse(colSums(col2rgb(colors)) > 255 * 2, "black", "white")
      df_nodes[["color"]] <- colors[df_nodes$name]
      df_nodes[["label_color"]] <- label_colors[df_nodes$name]
      df_nodes[["label"]] <- NA
      df_nodes[levels(df[["Description"]]), "label"] <- seq_len(nlevels(df[["Description"]]))

      draw_key_cust <- function(data, params, size) {
        data_text <- data
        data_text$label <- which(levels(df[["Description"]]) %in% names(colors)[colors == data_text$fill])
        data_text$colour <- "black"
        data_text$alpha <- 1
        data_text$size <- 11 / .pt
          draw_key_point(data, list(color = "white", shape = 21)),
          ggrepel:::shadowtextGrob(label = data_text$label, bg.colour = "black", bg.r = 0.1, gp = gpar(col = "white", fontface = "bold"))

      p <- ggplot() +
        geom_segment(data = df_edges, aes(x = from_dim1, y = from_dim2, xend = to_dim1, yend = to_dim2, color = color), alpha = 1, lineend = "round", show.legend = FALSE) +
        geom_label(data = df_nodes[df_nodes$class == "gene", ], aes(x = dim1, y = dim2, label = name, fill = color, color = label_color), size = 3, show.legend = FALSE) +
        geom_point(data = df_nodes[df_nodes$class == "term", ], aes(x = dim1, y = dim2), size = 8, color = "black", fill = "black", stroke = 1, shape = 21, show.legend = FALSE) +
        geom_point(data = df_nodes[df_nodes$class == "term", ], aes(x = dim1, y = dim2, fill = color), size = 7, color = "white", stroke = 1, shape = 21, key_glyph = draw_key_cust) +
          data = df_nodes[df_nodes$class == "term", ], aes(x = dim1, y = dim2, label = label),
          fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.color = "black",
          point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, force = 0, color = "white", bg.color = "black", bg.r = 0.1, size = network_labelsize
        ) +
        scale_color_identity(guide = "none") +
          name = "Term:", guide = "legend",
          labels = levels(df[["Description"]]),
          breaks = colors[levels(df[["Description"]])]
        ) +
        guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(color = "transparent"))) +
        labs(x = "", y = "") +
        facet_grid(facet, scales = "free") +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction
  } else if (plot_type == "enrichmap") {
    # enrichmap -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    plist <- suppressWarnings(lapply(df_list, function(df) {
      df_groups <- split(df, list(df$Database, df$Groups))
      df_groups <- lapply(df_groups, function(group) {
        filtered_group <- group[head(seq_len(nrow(group)), topTerm), , drop = FALSE]
      df <- do.call(rbind, df_groups)

      df[["metric"]] <- -log10(df[[metric]])
      df[["Description"]] <- capitalize(df[["Description"]])
      df[["Description"]] <- factor(df[["Description"]], levels = unique(df[["Description"]]))
      df$geneID <- strsplit(df$geneID, "/")
      rownames(df) <- df[["ID"]]

      nodes <- df
      edges <- as.data.frame(t(combn(nodes$ID, 2)))
      colnames(edges) <- c("from", "to")
      edges[["weight"]] <- mapply(function(x, y) length(intersect(df[[x, "geneID"]], df[[y, "geneID"]])), edges$from, edges$to)
      edges <- edges[edges[["weight"]] > 0, , drop = FALSE]
      graph <- graph_from_data_frame(d = edges, vertices = nodes, directed = FALSE)
      if (enrichmap_layout %in% c("circle", "tree", "grid")) {
        layout <- switch(enrichmap_layout,
          "circle" = layout_in_circle(graph),
          "tree" = layout_as_tree(graph),
          "grid" = layout_on_grid(graph)
      } else {
        layout <- do.call(paste0("layout_with_", enrichmap_layout), list(graph))
      clusters <- do.call(paste0("cluster_", enrichmap_cluster), list(graph))
      df_graph <- as_data_frame(graph, what = "both")

      df_nodes <- df_graph$vertices
      df_nodes[["dim1"]] <- layout[, 1]
      df_nodes[["dim2"]] <- layout[, 2]
      df_nodes[["clusters"]] <- factor(paste0("C", clusters$membership), paste0("C", unique(sort(clusters$membership))))

      if (isTRUE(enrichmap_show_keyword)) {
        df_keyword1 <- df_nodes %>%
          mutate(keyword = strsplit(tolower(as.character(.data[["Description"]])), "\\s|\\n", perl = TRUE)) %>%
          unnest(cols = "keyword") %>%
          group_by(.data[["keyword"]], Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
            keyword = capitalize(.data[["keyword"]]),
            score = sum(-(log10(.data[[metric]]))),
            count = n(),
            Database = .data[["Database"]],
            Groups = .data[["Groups"]],
            .groups = "keep"
          ) %>%
          filter(!grepl(pattern = "\\[.*\\]", x = .data[["keyword"]])) %>%
          filter(nchar(.data[["keyword"]]) >= 1) %>%
          filter(!tolower(.data[["keyword"]]) %in% tolower(words_excluded)) %>%
          distinct() %>%
          group_by(Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
          arrange(desc(score)) %>%
          slice_head(n = enrlichmap_nlabel) %>%
          reframe(keyword = paste0(.data[["keyword"]], collapse = " ")) %>%
        rownames(df_keyword1) <- as.character(df_keyword1[["clusters"]])
        df_keyword1[["keyword"]] <- str_wrap(df_keyword1[["keyword"]], width = character_width)
        df_keyword1[["label"]] <- paste0(df_keyword1[["clusters"]], ":\n", df_keyword1[["keyword"]])
      } else {
        if (enrichmap_label == "term") {
          df_nodes[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(df_nodes[["Description"]], width = character_width)
        df_keyword1 <- df_nodes %>%
          group_by(Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
          arrange(desc(metric)) %>%
          reframe(keyword = Description) %>%
          distinct() %>%
          group_by(Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
          slice_head(n = enrlichmap_nlabel) %>%
          reframe(keyword = paste0(.data[["keyword"]], collapse = "\n")) %>%
        rownames(df_keyword1) <- as.character(df_keyword1[["clusters"]])
        df_keyword1[["label"]] <- paste0(df_keyword1[["clusters"]], ":\n", df_keyword1[["keyword"]])

      df_keyword2 <- df_nodes %>%
        mutate(keyword = .data[["geneID"]]) %>%
        unnest(cols = "keyword") %>%
        group_by(.data[["keyword"]], Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
          keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
          score = sum(-(log10(.data[[metric]]))),
          count = n(),
          Database = .data[["Database"]],
          Groups = .data[["Groups"]],
          .groups = "keep"
        ) %>%
        distinct() %>%
        group_by(Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
        arrange(desc(score)) %>%
        slice_head(n = enrlichmap_nlabel) %>%
        reframe(keyword = paste0(.data[["keyword"]], collapse = " ")) %>%
      rownames(df_keyword2) <- as.character(df_keyword2[["clusters"]])
      df_keyword2[["keyword"]] <- str_wrap(df_keyword2[["keyword"]], width = character_width)
      df_keyword2[["label"]] <- paste0(df_keyword2[["clusters"]], ":\n", df_keyword2[["keyword"]])

      df_nodes[["keyword1"]] <- df_keyword1[as.character(df_nodes$clusters), "keyword"]
      df_nodes[["keyword2"]] <- df_keyword2[as.character(df_nodes$clusters), "keyword"]

      df_edges <- df_graph$edges
      df_edges[["from_dim1"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["from"]], "dim1"]
      df_edges[["from_dim2"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["from"]], "dim2"]
      df_edges[["to_dim1"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["to"]], "dim1"]
      df_edges[["to_dim2"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["to"]], "dim2"]

      if (enrichmap_mark == "hull") {
      mark_layer <- do.call(
          "ellipse" = "geom_mark_ellipse",
          "hull" = "geom_mark_hull"
          data = df_nodes, aes(
            x = dim1, y = dim2, color = clusters, fill = clusters,
            label = clusters, description = if (enrichmap_label == "term") keyword1 else keyword2
          expand = unit(3, "mm"),
          alpha = 0.1,
          label.margin = margin(1, 1, 1, 1, "mm"),
          label.fontsize = enrichmap_labelsize * 2,
          label.fill = "grey95",
          label.minwidth = unit(character_width, "in"),
          label.buffer = unit(0, "mm"),
          con.size = 1,
          con.cap = 0

      p <- ggplot() +
        mark_layer +
        geom_segment(data = df_edges, aes(x = from_dim1, y = from_dim2, xend = to_dim1, yend = to_dim2, linewidth = weight), alpha = 0.1, lineend = "round") +
        geom_point(data = df_nodes, aes(x = dim1, y = dim2, size = Count, fill = clusters), color = "black", shape = 21) +
        labs(x = "", y = "") +
        scale_size(name = "Count", range = c(2, 6), scales::breaks_extended(n = 4)) +
        guides(size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "grey30", shape = 21), order = 1)) +
        scale_linewidth(name = "Intersection", range = c(0.3, 3), scales::breaks_extended(n = 4)) +
        guides(linewidth = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1, color = "grey"), order = 2)) +
          name = switch(enrichmap_label,
            "term" = "Feature:",
            "feature" = "Term:"
          values = palette_scp(levels(df_nodes[["clusters"]]), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
          labels = if (enrichmap_label == "term") df_keyword2[levels(df_nodes[["clusters"]]), "label"] else df_keyword1[levels(df_nodes[["clusters"]]), "label"],
          na.value = "grey80",
          aesthetics = c("colour", "fill")
        ) +
        guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1, color = "black", shape = NA), byrow = TRUE, order = 3)) +
        guides(color = guide_none()) +
        scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(c(enrichmap_expand[1], enrichmap_expand[1]), 0)) +
        scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(c(enrichmap_expand[2], enrichmap_expand[2]), 0)) +
        facet_grid(facet, scales = "free") +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction
  } else if (plot_type == "wordcloud") {
    # wordcloud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    plist <- lapply(df_list, function(df) {
      if (word_type == "term") {
        df_groups <- split(df, list(df$Database, df$Groups))
        df_groups <- df_groups[sapply(df_groups, nrow) > 0]
        for (i in seq_along(df_groups)) {
          df_sub <- df_groups[[i]]
          if (all(df_sub$Database %in% c("GO", "GO_BP", "GO_CC", "GO_MF"))) {
            df0 <- simplifyEnrichment::keyword_enrichment_from_GO(df_sub[["ID"]])
            if (nrow(df0 > 0)) {
              df_sub <- df0 %>%
                  keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
                  score = -(log10(.data[["padj"]])),
                  count = .data[["n_term"]],
                  Database = df_sub[["Database"]][1],
                  Groups = df_sub[["Groups"]][1]
                ) %>%
                filter(!grepl(pattern = "\\[.*\\]", x = .data[["keyword"]])) %>%
                filter(nchar(.data[["keyword"]]) >= 1) %>%
                filter(!tolower(.data[["keyword"]]) %in% tolower(words_excluded)) %>%
                distinct() %>%
                mutate(angle = 90 * sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE, prob = c(60, 40))) %>%
              df_sub <- df_sub[head(order(df_sub[["score"]], decreasing = TRUE), topWord), , drop = FALSE]
            } else {
              df_sub <- NULL
          } else {
            df_sub <- df_sub %>%
              mutate(keyword = strsplit(tolower(as.character(.data[["Description"]])), " ")) %>%
              unnest(cols = "keyword") %>%
              group_by(.data[["keyword"]], Database, Groups) %>%
                keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
                score = sum(-(log10(.data[[metric]]))),
                count = n(),
                Database = .data[["Database"]],
                Groups = .data[["Groups"]],
                .groups = "keep"
              ) %>%
              filter(!grepl(pattern = "\\[.*\\]", x = .data[["keyword"]])) %>%
              filter(nchar(.data[["keyword"]]) >= 1) %>%
              filter(!tolower(.data[["keyword"]]) %in% tolower(words_excluded)) %>%
              distinct() %>%
              mutate(angle = 90 * sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE, prob = c(60, 40))) %>%
            df_sub <- df_sub[head(order(df_sub[["score"]], decreasing = TRUE), topWord), , drop = FALSE]
          df_groups[[i]] <- df_sub
        df <- do.call(rbind, df_groups)
      } else {
        df <- df %>%
          mutate(keyword = strsplit(as.character(.data[["geneID"]]), "/")) %>%
          unnest(cols = "keyword") %>%
          group_by(.data[["keyword"]], Database, Groups) %>%
            keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
            score = sum(-(log10(.data[[metric]]))),
            count = n(),
            Database = .data[["Database"]],
            Groups = .data[["Groups"]],
            .groups = "keep"
          ) %>%
          distinct() %>%
          mutate(angle = 90 * sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE, prob = c(60, 40))) %>%
        df <- df[head(order(df[["score"]], decreasing = TRUE), topWord), , drop = FALSE]
      colors <- palette_scp(df[["score"]], type = "continuous", palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, matched = FALSE)
      colors_value <- seq(min(df[["score"]], na.rm = TRUE), quantile(df[["score"]], 0.99, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.001, length.out = 100)
      p <- ggplot(df, aes(label = .data[["keyword"]], size = .data[["count"]], color = .data[["score"]], angle = .data[["angle"]])) +
        ggwordcloud::geom_text_wordcloud(rm_outside = TRUE, eccentricity = 1, shape = "square", show.legend = TRUE, grid_margin = 3) +
          name = "Score:", colours = colors, values = rescale(colors_value),
          guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0)
        ) +
        scale_size(name = "Count", range = word_size, breaks = ceiling(seq(min(df[["count"]], na.rm = TRUE), max(df[["count"]], na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 3))) +
        guides(size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(colour = "black", label = "G"), order = 1)) +
        facet_grid(facet, scales = "free") +
        coord_flip() +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction

  if (isTRUE(combine)) {
    if (length(plist) > 1) {
      plot <- wrap_plots(plotlist = plist, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow = byrow)
    } else {
      plot <- plist[[1]]
  } else {

#' @importFrom igraph degree neighbors
adjustlayout <- function(graph, layout, width, height = 2, scale = 100, iter = 100) {
  w <- width / 2
  layout[, 1] <- layout[, 1] / diff(range(layout[, 1])) * scale
  layout[, 2] <- layout[, 2] / diff(range(layout[, 2])) * scale

  adjusted <- c()
  # for (i in seq_len(iter)) {
  for (v in order(degree(graph), decreasing = TRUE)) {
    adjusted <- c(adjusted, v)
    neighbors <- as.numeric(neighbors(graph, V(graph)[v]))
    neighbors <- setdiff(neighbors, adjusted)
    x <- layout[v, 1]
    y <- layout[v, 2]
    r <- w[v]
    for (neighbor in neighbors) {
      nx <- layout[neighbor, 1]
      ny <- layout[neighbor, 2]
      ndist <- sqrt((nx - x)^2 + (ny - y)^2)
      nr <- w[neighbor]
      expect <- r + nr
      if (ndist < expect) {
        dx <- (x - nx) * (expect - ndist) / ndist
        dy <- (y - ny) * (expect - ndist) / ndist
        layout[neighbor, 1] <- nx - dx
        layout[neighbor, 2] <- ny - dy
        adjusted <- c(adjusted, neighbor)
  # }

  for (i in seq_len(iter)) {
    dist_matrix <- as_matrix(dist(layout))
    nearest_neighbors <- apply(dist_matrix, 2, function(x) which(x == min(x[x > 0])), simplify = FALSE)
    # nearest_neighbors <- apply(dist_matrix, 2, function(x) {
    #   head(order(x), 3)[-1]
    # }, simplify = FALSE)
    for (v in sample(seq_len(nrow(layout)))) {
      neighbors <- unique(nearest_neighbors[[v]])
      x <- layout[v, 1]
      y <- layout[v, 2]
      r <- w[v]
      for (neighbor in neighbors) {
        nx <- layout[neighbor, 1]
        ny <- layout[neighbor, 2]
        nr <- w[neighbor]
        if (abs(nx - x) < (r + nr) && abs(ny - y) < height) {
          dx <- r + nr - (nx - x)
          dy <- height - (ny - y)
          if (sample(c(1, 0), 1) == 1) {
            dx <- 0
          } else {
            dy <- 0
          layout[neighbor, 1] <- nx - dx
          layout[neighbor, 2] <- ny - dy

#' GSEA Plot
#' This function generates various types of plots for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) results.
#' @inheritParams EnrichmentPlot
#' @param srt A Seurat object containing the results of RunDEtest and RunGSEA.
#' If specified, GSEA results will be extracted from the Seurat object automatically.
#' If not specified, the \code{res} arguments must be provided.
#' @param res Enrichment results generated by RunGSEA function. If provided, 'srt', 'test.use' and 'group_by' are ignored.
#' @param plot_type The type of plot to generate. Options are: "line", "comparison", "bar", "network", "enrichmap", "wordcloud". Default is "line".
#' @param direction The direction of enrichment to include in the plot. Must be one of "pos", "neg", or "both". The default value is "both".
#' @param line_width The linewidth for the line plot.
#' @param line_alpha The alpha value for the line plot.
#' @param line_color The color for the line plot.
#' @param n_coregene The number of core genes to label in the line plot.
#' @param sample_coregene Whether to randomly sample core genes for labeling in the line plot.
#' @param features_label A character vector of feature names to include as labels in the line plot.
#' @param label.fg The color of the labels.
#' @param label.bg The background color of the labels.
#' @param label.bg.r The radius of the rounding of the label's background.
#' @param label.size The size of the labels.
#' @seealso \code{\link{RunGSEA}}
#' @examples
#' data("pancreas_sub")
#' pancreas_sub <- RunDEtest(pancreas_sub, group_by = "CellType", only.pos = FALSE, fc.threshold = 1)
#' pancreas_sub <- RunGSEA(pancreas_sub, group_by = "CellType", db = "GO_BP", species = "Mus_musculus")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal", id_use = "GO:0006412")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Endocrine", id_use = c("GO:0046903", "GO:0015031", "GO:0007600")) %>%
#'   panel_fix_overall(height = 6) # As the plot is created by combining, we can adjust the overall height and width directly.
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", topTerm = 3, plot_type = "comparison")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", topTerm = 3, plot_type = "comparison", direction = "neg")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", topTerm = 3, plot_type = "comparison", direction = "both")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", topTerm = 3, plot_type = "comparison", compare_only_sig = TRUE)
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", plot_type = "bar")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", plot_type = "bar", direction = "both")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub,
#'   db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Ductal",
#'   plot_type = "bar", topTerm = 20, direction = "both", palcolor = c("red3", "steelblue")
#' )
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Endocrine", plot_type = "network")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Endocrine", plot_type = "enrichmap")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Endocrine", plot_type = "wordcloud")
#' GSEAPlot(pancreas_sub, db = "GO_BP", group_by = "CellType", group_use = "Endocrine", plot_type = "wordcloud", word_type = "feature")
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes theme theme_classic alpha element_blank element_rect margin geom_line geom_point geom_rect geom_linerange geom_hline geom_vline geom_segment annotate ggtitle labs xlab ylab scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous scale_color_manual scale_alpha_manual guides guide_legend guide_none
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRamp
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @importFrom dplyr case_when filter pull %>%
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_add_rows gtable_add_grob
#' @importFrom grid textGrob
#' @export
GSEAPlot <- function(srt, db = "GO_BP", group_by = NULL, test.use = "wilcox", res = NULL,
                     plot_type = c("line", "bar", "network", "enrichmap", "wordcloud", "comparison"),
                     group_use = NULL, id_use = NULL, pvalueCutoff = NULL, padjustCutoff = 0.05,
                     topTerm = ifelse(plot_type == "enrichmap", 100, 6), direction = c("pos", "neg", "both"), compare_only_sig = FALSE,
                     topWord = 100, word_type = c("term", "feature"), word_size = c(2, 8), words_excluded = NULL,
                     line_width = 1.5, line_alpha = 1, line_color = "#6BB82D",
                     n_coregene = 10, sample_coregene = FALSE, features_label = NULL,
                     label.fg = "black", label.bg = "white", label.bg.r = 0.1, label.size = 4,
                     network_layout = "fr", network_labelsize = 5, network_blendmode = "blend",
                     network_layoutadjust = TRUE, network_adjscale = 60, network_adjiter = 100,
                     enrichmap_layout = "fr", enrichmap_cluster = "fast_greedy", enrichmap_label = c("term", "feature"), enrichmap_labelsize = 5,
                     enrlichmap_nlabel = 4, enrichmap_show_keyword = FALSE, enrichmap_mark = c("ellipse", "hull"), enrichmap_expand = c(0.5, 0.5),
                     character_width = 50, lineheight = 0.5,
                     palette = "Spectral", palcolor = NULL,
                     aspect.ratio = NULL, legend.position = "right", legend.direction = "vertical",
                     theme_use = "theme_scp", theme_args = list(),
                     combine = TRUE, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, byrow = TRUE, seed = 11) {
  plot_type <- match.arg(plot_type)
  word_type <- match.arg(word_type)
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  enrichmap_label <- match.arg(enrichmap_label)
  enrichmap_mark <- match.arg(enrichmap_mark)
  words_excluded <- words_excluded %||% SCP::words_excluded

  subplots <- 1:3
  rel_heights <- c(1.5, 0.5, 1)
  rel_width <- 3

  if (is.null(res)) {
    if (is.null(group_by)) {
      stop("'group_by' must be provided.")
    slot <- paste("GSEA", group_by, test.use, sep = "_")
    if (!slot %in% names(srt@tools)) {
      stop("No enrichment result found. You may perform RunGSEA first.")
    enrichment <- srt@tools[[slot]][["enrichment"]]
    res <- srt@tools[[slot]][["results"]]
  } else {
    enrichment <- res[["enrichment"]]
    res <- res[["results"]]
  group_use <- group_use %||% unique(enrichment[["Groups"]])
  comb <- expand.grid(group_use, db)
  use <- names(res)[names(res) %in% paste(comb$Var1, comb$Var2, sep = "-")]
  if (length(use) == 0) {
    stop(paste0(db, " is not in the enrichment result."))
  res <- res[use]
  enrichment <- enrichment[enrichment[["Groups"]] %in% group_use, , drop = FALSE]

  if (is.null(pvalueCutoff) && is.null(padjustCutoff)) {
    stop("One of 'pvalueCutoff' or 'padjustCutoff' must be specified")
  if (!is.factor(enrichment[["Database"]])) {
    enrichment[["Database"]] <- factor(enrichment[["Database"]], levels = unique(enrichment[["Database"]]))
  if (!is.factor(enrichment["Groups"])) {
    enrichment[["Groups"]] <- factor(enrichment[["Groups"]], levels = unique(enrichment[["Groups"]]))
  if (length(db[!db %in% enrichment[["Database"]]]) > 0) {
    stop(paste0(db[!db %in% enrichment[["Database"]]], " is not in the enrichment result."))
  if (length(id_use) > 0) {
    topTerm <- Inf
    if (is.list(id_use)) {
      if (is.null(names(id_use))) {
        stop("'id_use' must be named when it is a list.")
      if (!all(names(id_use) %in% enrichment[["Groups"]])) {
        stop(paste0("Names in 'id_use' is invalid: ", paste0(names(id_use)[!names(id_use) %in% enrichment[["Groups"]]], collapse = ",")))
      enrichment_list <- list()
      for (i in seq_along(id_use)) {
        enrichment_list[[i]] <- enrichment[enrichment[["ID"]] %in% id_use[[i]] & enrichment[["Groups"]] %in% names(id_use)[i], , drop = FALSE]
      enrichment <- do.call(rbind, enrichment_list)
    } else {
      enrichment <- enrichment[enrichment[["ID"]] %in% unlist(id_use), , drop = FALSE]

  metric <- ifelse(is.null(padjustCutoff), "pvalue", "p.adjust")
  metric_value <- ifelse(is.null(padjustCutoff), pvalueCutoff, padjustCutoff)

  pvalueCutoff <- ifelse(is.null(pvalueCutoff), 1, pvalueCutoff)
  padjustCutoff <- ifelse(is.null(padjustCutoff), 1, padjustCutoff)

  if (any(db %in% c("GO_sim", "GO_BP_sim", "GO_CC_sim", "GO_MF_sim"))) {
    enrichment_sim <- enrichment[enrichment[["Database"]] %in% gsub("_sim", "", db), , drop = FALSE]
  enrichment <- enrichment[enrichment[["Database"]] %in% db, , drop = FALSE]

  plist <- NULL
  if (plot_type == "comparison") {
    # comparison -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (length(id_use) > 0) {
      ids <- unlist(id_use)
    } else {
      ids <- NULL
      for (i in group_use) {
        df <- enrichment[enrichment[["Groups"]] == i, , drop = FALSE]
        df <- df[df[[metric]] < metric_value, , drop = FALSE]
        df <- df[order(df[[metric]]), , drop = FALSE]
        df_up <- df[df[["NES"]] > 0, , drop = FALSE]
        ID_up <- df_up[head(order(df_up[[metric]]), topTerm), "ID"]
        df_down <- df[df[["NES"]] < 0, , drop = FALSE]
        ID_down <- df_down[head(order(df_down[[metric]]), topTerm), "ID"]
        ids <- switch(direction,
          "pos" = unique(c(ids, head(ID_up, topTerm))),
          "neg" = unique(c(ids, head(ID_down, topTerm))),
          "both" = unique(c(ids, head(
              head(ID_up, ceiling(topTerm / 2)),
              head(ID_down, ceiling(topTerm / 2))

    if (any(db %in% c("GO_sim", "GO_BP_sim", "GO_CC_sim", "GO_MF_sim"))) {
      enrichment_sub <- subset(enrichment_sim, ID %in% ids)
      enrichment_sub[["Database"]][enrichment_sub[["Database"]] %in% c("GO", "GO_BP", "GO_CC", "GO_MF")] <- paste0(enrichment_sub[["Database"]][enrichment_sub[["Database"]] %in% c("GO", "GO_BP", "GO_CC", "GO_MF")], "_sim")
    } else {
      enrichment_sub <- subset(enrichment, ID %in% ids)
    enrichment_sub[["Database"]] <- factor(enrichment_sub[["Database"]], levels = db)
    enrichment_sub[["Description"]] <- capitalize(enrichment_sub[["Description"]])
    enrichment_sub[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(enrichment_sub[["Description"]], width = character_width)
    terms <- setNames(enrichment_sub[["Description"]], enrichment_sub[["ID"]])
    enrichment_sub[["Description"]] <- factor(enrichment_sub[["Description"]], levels = unique(rev(terms[ids])))
    enrichment_sub[["Significant"]] <- enrichment_sub[[metric]] < metric_value
    enrichment_sub[["Significant"]] <- factor(enrichment_sub[["Significant"]], levels = c("TRUE", "FALSE"))
    if (isTRUE(compare_only_sig)) {
      enrichment_sub <- enrichment_sub[enrichment_sub[["Significant"]] == "TRUE", , drop = FALSE]
    enrichment_sub <- switch(direction,
      "pos" = enrichment_sub[enrichment_sub[["NES"]] > 0, , drop = FALSE],
      "neg" = enrichment_sub[enrichment_sub[["NES"]] < 0, , drop = FALSE],
      "both" = enrichment_sub

    p <- ggplot(enrichment_sub, aes(x = Groups, y = Description)) +
      geom_point(aes(size = setSize, fill = NES, color = Significant), shape = 21, stroke = 0.8) +
      scale_size_area(name = "setSize", max_size = 6, n.breaks = 4) +
      guides(size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "grey30", shape = 21), order = 2)) +
      scale_alpha_manual(values = c("TRUE" = 1, "FALSE" = 0.5)) +
        name = "NES",
        n.breaks = 4,
        limits = c(-max(abs(enrichment_sub[["NES"]])), max(abs(enrichment_sub[["NES"]]))),
        colors = palette_scp(palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
        guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0, order = 1)
      ) +
        name = paste0("Significant\n(", metric, "<", metric_value, ")", collapse = ""), values = c("TRUE" = "black", "FALSE" = "grey90"),
        guide = if (isTRUE(compare_only_sig)) guide_none() else guide_legend()
      ) +
      facet_grid(Database ~ ., scales = "free") +
      do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
        aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
        legend.position = legend.position,
        legend.direction = legend.direction,
        panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey80", linetype = 2),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
        axis.text.y = element_text(
          lineheight = lineheight, hjust = 1,
          face = ifelse(grepl("\n", levels(enrichment_sub[["Description"]])), "italic", "plain")
    plist <- list(p)
  } else if (plot_type == "line") {
    # line -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for (nm in names(res)) {
      res_enrich <- res[[nm]]
      if (is.null(id_use)) {
        geneSetID_filter <- res_enrich@result[res_enrich@result[[metric]] < metric_value, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_filter <- geneSetID_filter[order(geneSetID_filter[[metric]]), , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_up <- geneSetID_filter[geneSetID_filter[["NES"]] > 0, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_up <- geneSetID_up[head(order(geneSetID_up[[metric]]), topTerm), "ID"]
        geneSetID_down <- geneSetID_filter[geneSetID_filter[["NES"]] < 0, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_down <- geneSetID_down[head(order(geneSetID_down[[metric]]), topTerm), "ID"]
        geneSetID_use <- switch(direction,
          "pos" = unique(head(geneSetID_up, topTerm)),
          "neg" = unique(head(geneSetID_down, topTerm)),
          "both" = unique(head(
              head(geneSetID_up, ceiling(topTerm / 2)),
              head(geneSetID_down, ceiling(topTerm / 2))
      } else {
        if (is.list(id_use)) {
          geneSetID_use <- intersect(res_enrich@result[["ID"]], id_use[[unique(res_enrich@result$Groups)]])
        } else {
          geneSetID_use <- id_use
      if (length(geneSetID_use) == 1) {
        gsdata <- gsInfo(object = res_enrich, id_use = geneSetID_use)
      } else {
        gsdata <- do.call(rbind, lapply(geneSetID_use, gsInfo, object = res_enrich))
      if (length(geneSetID_use) == 0) {
        plist[[nm]] <- NULL
      stat <- res_enrich[geneSetID_use, c("Description", "NES", metric)]
      rownames(stat) <- stat[, "Description"]
      stat$p.sig <- case_when(
        stat[[metric]] > 0.05 ~ "ns  ",
        stat[[metric]] <= 0.05 & stat[[metric]] > 0.01 ~ "*   ",
        stat[[metric]] <= 0.01 & stat[[metric]] > 0.001 ~ "**  ",
        stat[[metric]] <= 0.001 & stat[[metric]] > 0.0001 ~ "*** ",
        stat[[metric]] <= 0.0001 ~ "****"
      gsdata[["NES"]] <- stat[gsdata$Description, "NES"]
      gsdata[[metric]] <- stat[gsdata$Description, metric]
      gsdata[["p.sig"]] <- stat[gsdata$Description, "p.sig"]
      gsdata[["DescriptionP"]] <- capitalize(gsdata[["Description"]])
      gsdata[["DescriptionP"]] <- str_wrap(gsdata[["DescriptionP"]], width = character_width)
      gsdata[["DescriptionP"]] <- paste0(gsdata[["DescriptionP"]], "\n(NES=", round(gsdata[["NES"]], 3), ", ", metric, "=", format(gsdata[[metric]], digits = 3, scientific = TRUE), ", ", gsdata[["p.sig"]], ")")
      gsdata[["DescriptionP"]] <- factor(gsdata[["DescriptionP"]], levels = unique(gsdata[["DescriptionP"]]))
      p <- ggplot(gsdata, aes(x = x)) +
        xlab(NULL) +
        theme_classic(base_size = 12) +
          panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90", linetype = 2),
          panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "grey90", linetype = 2)
        ) +
        scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.01, 0))
      es_layer <- geom_line(aes(y = runningScore, color = DescriptionP),
        linewidth = line_width, alpha = line_alpha
      bg_dat <- data.frame(xmin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymin = c(0, -Inf), ymax = c(Inf, 0), fill = c(alpha("#C40003", 0.2), alpha("#1D008F", 0.2)))
      p1 <- p +
        geom_rect(data = bg_dat, mapping = aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = I(fill)), inherit.aes = FALSE) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = 1, color = "grey40") +
        es_layer +
        ylab("Enrichment Score") +
          axis.text.x = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
          axis.line = element_blank(),
          panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = "transparent", linewidth = 1),
          plot.margin = margin(t = 0.2, r = 0.2, b = 0, l = 0.2, unit = "cm"),
          legend.position = "right",
          legend.title = element_blank(),
          legend.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent")

      i <- 0
      for (term in rev(levels(gsdata$DescriptionP))) {
        idx <- which(gsdata$ymin != 0 & gsdata$DescriptionP ==
        gsdata[idx, "ymin"] <- i
        gsdata[idx, "ymax"] <- i + 1
        i <- i + 1
      p2 <- ggplot(gsdata, aes(x = x)) +
        geom_linerange(aes(ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, color = DescriptionP), alpha = line_alpha) +
        xlab(NULL) +
        ylab(NULL) +
        theme_classic(base_size = 12) +
          legend.position = "none",
          plot.margin = margin(t = -0.1, b = 0, r = 0.2, l = 0.2, unit = "cm"),
          panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = "transparent", linewidth = 1),
          axis.line.y = element_blank(), axis.line.x = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank()
        ) +
        scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.01, 0)) +
        scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))
      if (length(geneSetID_use) == 1) {
        subtitle_use <- paste0("(NES=", round(stat[["NES"]], 3), ", ", metric, "=", format(stat[[metric]], digits = 3, scientific = TRUE), ", ", stat[["p.sig"]], ")")
        p1 <- p1 +
            geom = "segment", x = 0, xend = p$data$x[which.max(abs(p$data$runningScore))],
            y = p$data$runningScore[which.max(abs(p$data$runningScore))], yend = p$data$runningScore[which.max(abs(p$data$runningScore))], linetype = 2
          ) +
            geom = "segment", x = p$data$x[which.max(abs(p$data$runningScore))], xend = p$data$x[which.max(abs(p$data$runningScore))],
            y = 0, yend = p$data$runningScore[which.max(abs(p$data$runningScore))], linetype = 2
          ) +
            geom = "point", x = p$data$x[which.max(abs(p$data$runningScore))],
            y = p$data$runningScore[which.max(abs(p$data$runningScore))],
            fill = ifelse(stat[["NES"]] < 0, "#5E34F5", "#F52323"), color = "black", size = 2.5,
            shape = ifelse(stat[["NES"]] < 0, 25, 24)
          ) +
          labs(subtitle = subtitle_use) +
          theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(face = "italic"))

        if ((is.numeric(n_coregene) && n_coregene > 1) || length(features_label) > 0) {
          if (length(features_label) == 0) {
            features_label_tmp <- unlist(strsplit(gsdata$CoreGene[1], "/"))
            n_coregene <- min(n_coregene, length(features_label_tmp))
            if (isTRUE(sample_coregene)) {
              features_label_tmp <- sample(features_label_tmp, n_coregene, replace = FALSE)
            } else {
              features_label_tmp <- gsdata$GeneName[gsdata$GeneName %in% features_label_tmp][1:n_coregene]
          } else {
            features_label_tmp <- features_label
          df_gene <- gsdata[gsdata$position == 1 & gsdata$GeneName %in% features_label_tmp, , drop = FALSE]
          gene_drop <- features_label_tmp[!features_label_tmp %in% df_gene$GeneName]
          if (length(gene_drop) > 0) {
            warning("Gene ", paste(gene_drop, collapse = ","), " is not in the geneset of the ", gsdata$Description[1], immediate. = TRUE)
          x_nudge <- diff(range(gsdata$x)) * 0.05
          y_nudge <- diff(range(gsdata$runningScore)) * 0.05
          p1 <- p1 + geom_point(
            data = df_gene,
            mapping = aes(y = runningScore), color = "black"
          ) +
              data = df_gene,
              mapping = aes(y = runningScore, label = GeneName),
              min.segment.length = 0, max.overlaps = 100, segment.colour = "grey40",
              color = label.fg, bg.color = label.bg, bg.r = label.bg.r, size = label.size,
              nudge_x = ifelse(df_gene$runningScore >= 0, x_nudge, -x_nudge),
              nudge_y = ifelse(df_gene$runningScore > 0, -y_nudge, y_nudge)

        x <- p$data$x
        y <- y_raw <- p$data$geneList
        y[y > quantile(y_raw, 0.98)] <- quantile(y_raw, 0.98)
        y[y < quantile(y_raw, 0.02)] <- quantile(y_raw, 0.02)
        col <- rep("white", length(y))
        y_pos <- which(y > 0)
        if (length(y_pos) > 0) {
          y_pos_i <- cut(y[y_pos],
            breaks = seq(min(y[y_pos], na.rm = TRUE), max(y[y_pos], na.rm = TRUE), len = 100),
            include.lowest = TRUE
          col[y_pos] <- colorRampPalette(c("#F5DCDC", "#C40003"))(100)[y_pos_i]

        y_neg <- which(y < 0)
        if (length(y_neg) > 0) {
          y_neg_i <- cut(y[y_neg],
            breaks = seq(min(y[y_neg], na.rm = TRUE), max(y[y_neg], na.rm = TRUE), len = 100),
            include.lowest = TRUE
          col[y_neg] <- colorRampPalette(c("#1D008F", "#DDDCF5"))(100)[y_neg_i]

        ymin <- min(p2$data$ymin, na.rm = TRUE)
        ymax <- max(p2$data$ymax - p2$data$ymin, na.rm = TRUE) * 0.3
        xmin <- which(!duplicated(col))
        xmax <- xmin + as.numeric(table(col)[as.character(unique(col))])
        d <- data.frame(
          ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, xmin = xmin,
          xmax = xmax, col = unique(col)
        p2 <- p2 + geom_rect(
            xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax,
            ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, fill = I(col)
          data = d,
          alpha = 0.95, inherit.aes = FALSE
      df2 <- p$data
      df2$y <- p$data$geneList[df2$x]
      min_y <- df2$y[which.min(abs(df2$y))]
      corss_x <- median(df2$x[df2$y == min_y])
      p3 <- p + geom_segment(data = df2, aes(
        x = x, xend = x,
        y = y, yend = 0
      ), color = "grey30")

      if (max(df2$y) > 0) {
        p3 <- p3 + annotate(geom = "text", x = 0, y = Inf, vjust = 1.3, hjust = 0, color = "#C81A1F", size = 4, label = " Positively correlated")
      if (min(df2$y) < 0) {
        p3 <- p3 + annotate(geom = "text", x = Inf, y = -Inf, vjust = -0.3, hjust = 1, color = "#3C298C", size = 4, label = "Negtively correlated ")
      if (max(df2$y) > 0 && min(df2$y) < 0) {
        p3 <- p3 + geom_vline(xintercept = corss_x, linetype = 2, color = "black") +
          annotate(geom = "text", y = 0, x = corss_x, vjust = ifelse(diff(abs(range(df2$y))) > 0, -0.3, 1.3), size = 4, label = paste0("Zero cross at ", corss_x))
      p3 <- p3 + ylab("Ranked List Metric") + xlab("Rank in Ordered Dataset") +
          plot.margin = margin(t = -0.1, r = 0.2, b = 0.2, l = 0.2, unit = "cm"),
          axis.line = element_blank(), axis.line.x = element_blank(),
          panel.border = element_rect(color = "black", fill = "transparent", linewidth = 1)
      if (length(geneSetID_use) == 1) {
        p1 <- p1 + ggtitle(gsdata$Description[1], subtitle = subtitle_use)
      if (length(line_color) != length(geneSetID_use)) {
        color_use <- palette_scp(levels(gsdata$DescriptionP), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
      } else {
        color_use <- line_color
      p1 <- p1 + scale_color_manual(values = color_use)
      if (length(color_use) == 1) {
        p1 <- p1 + theme(legend.position = "none")
        p2 <- p2 + scale_color_manual(values = "black")
      } else {
        p2 <- p2 + scale_color_manual(values = color_use)
      legend <- get_legend(
        p1 +
          guides(color = guide_legend(title = "Term:", byrow = TRUE)) +
          do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
            legend.position = legend.position,
            legend.direction = legend.direction
      plotlist <- list(p1 + theme(legend.position = "none"), p2, p3)[subplots]
      if (length(subplots) == 1) {
        plist[[nm]] <- plotlist[[1]] + theme(
          aspect.ratio = rel_heights[subplots] / rel_width,
          plot.margin = margin(t = 0.2, r = 0.2, b = 0.2, l = 0.2, unit = "cm")
      } else {
        plotlist <- lapply(plotlist[subplots], as_grob)
        rel_heights <- rel_heights[subplots]
        for (i in seq_along(plotlist)) {
          plotlist[[i]] <- panel_fix_overall(plotlist[[i]], height = rel_heights[i], units = "null", margin = 0, respect = TRUE, return_grob = TRUE)
          plotlist[[i]] <- panel_fix_overall(plotlist[[i]], width = rel_width, units = "null", margin = 0, respect = TRUE, return_grob = TRUE)
        p_out <- do.call(rbind, c(plotlist, size = "first"))

        if (length(geneSetID_use) > 1) {
          p_out <- add_grob(p_out, legend, legend.position)
        lab <- textGrob(label = nm, rot = -90, hjust = 0.5)
        p_out <- add_grob(p_out, lab, "right", clip = "off")
        p_out <- wrap_plots(p_out)
        plist[[nm]] <- p_out
  } else if (plot_type == "bar") {
    # bar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for (nm in names(res)) {
      res_enrich <- res[[nm]]
      if (is.null(id_use)) {
        geneSetID_filter <- res_enrich@result[res_enrich@result[[metric]] < metric_value, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_filter <- geneSetID_filter[order(geneSetID_filter[[metric]]), , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_up <- geneSetID_filter[geneSetID_filter[["NES"]] > 0, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_up <- geneSetID_up[head(order(geneSetID_up[[metric]]), topTerm), "ID"]
        geneSetID_down <- geneSetID_filter[geneSetID_filter[["NES"]] < 0, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_down <- geneSetID_down[head(order(geneSetID_down[[metric]]), topTerm), "ID"]
        geneSetID_use <- switch(direction,
          "pos" = unique(head(geneSetID_up, topTerm)),
          "neg" = unique(head(geneSetID_down, topTerm)),
          "both" = unique(head(
              head(geneSetID_up, ceiling(topTerm / 2)),
              head(geneSetID_down, ceiling(topTerm / 2))
      } else {
        if (is.list(id_use)) {
          geneSetID_use <- intersect(res_enrich@result[["ID"]], id_use[[unique(res_enrich@result$Groups)]])
        } else {
          geneSetID_use <- id_use
      if (length(geneSetID_use) == 0) {
        plist[[nm]] <- NULL
      stat <- res_enrich[geneSetID_use, , drop = FALSE]
      stat <- stat[order(stat[["NES"]]), , drop = FALSE]
      rownames(stat) <- stat[, "Description"]
      stat[["Description"]] <- capitalize(stat[["Description"]])
      stat[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(stat[["Description"]], width = character_width)
      stat[["Description"]] <- factor(stat[["Description"]], levels = unique(stat[["Description"]]))
      stat[["Direction"]] <- ifelse(stat[["NES"]] > 0, "Pos", "Neg")
      stat[["Direction"]] <- factor(stat[["Direction"]], levels = c("Pos", "Neg"))

      p <- ggplot(stat, aes(
        x = .data[["NES"]], y = .data[["Description"]]
      )) +
        geom_vline(xintercept = 0) +
        geom_col(aes(fill = .data[["Direction"]], alpha = -log10(.data[[metric]])), color = "black") +
            x = 0, y = .data[["Description"]], label = .data[["Description"]],
            hjust = ifelse(.data[["NES"]] > 0, 1, 0),
          nudge_x = ifelse(stat[["NES"]] > 0, -0.05, 0.05),
          lineheight = lineheight,
          fontface = ifelse(grepl("\n", levels(stat[["Description"]])), "italic", "plain")
        ) +
          values = palette_scp(x = rev(levels(stat[["Direction"]])), palette = palette, palcolor = rev(palcolor)),
          guide = if (direction == "both") guide_legend(order = 1) else guide_none()
        ) +
        facet_grid(Database ~ Groups, scales = "free") +
        coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-max(abs(stat[["NES"]])), max(abs(stat[["NES"]])))) +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction,
          axis.text.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank()
      plist[[nm]] <- p
  } else if (plot_type == "network") {
    # network -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for (nm in names(res)) {
      res_enrich <- res[[nm]]
      if (is.null(id_use)) {
        geneSetID_filter <- res_enrich@result[res_enrich@result[[metric]] < metric_value, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_filter <- geneSetID_filter[order(geneSetID_filter[[metric]]), , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_up <- geneSetID_filter[geneSetID_filter[["NES"]] > 0, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_up <- geneSetID_up[head(order(geneSetID_up[[metric]]), topTerm), "ID"]
        geneSetID_down <- geneSetID_filter[geneSetID_filter[["NES"]] < 0, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_down <- geneSetID_down[head(order(geneSetID_down[[metric]]), topTerm), "ID"]
        geneSetID_use <- switch(direction,
          "pos" = unique(head(geneSetID_up, topTerm)),
          "neg" = unique(head(geneSetID_down, topTerm)),
          "both" = unique(head(
              head(geneSetID_up, ceiling(topTerm / 2)),
              head(geneSetID_down, ceiling(topTerm / 2))
      } else {
        if (is.list(id_use)) {
          geneSetID_use <- intersect(res_enrich@result[["ID"]], id_use[[unique(res_enrich@result$Groups)]])
        } else {
          geneSetID_use <- id_use
      if (length(geneSetID_use) == 0) {
        plist[[nm]] <- NULL
      df <- res_enrich[geneSetID_use, , drop = FALSE]
      df$p.sig <- case_when(
        df[[metric]] > 0.05 ~ "ns  ",
        df[[metric]] <= 0.05 & df[[metric]] > 0.01 ~ "*   ",
        df[[metric]] <= 0.01 & df[[metric]] > 0.001 ~ "**  ",
        df[[metric]] <= 0.001 & df[[metric]] > 0.0001 ~ "*** ",
        df[[metric]] <= 0.0001 ~ "****"
      df[["metric"]] <- -log10(df[[metric]])
      df[["Description"]] <- capitalize(df[["Description"]])
      df[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(df[["Description"]], width = character_width)
      df[["Description"]] <- paste0(df[["Description"]], "\n(NES=", round(df[["NES"]], 3), ", ", metric, "=", format(df[[metric]], digits = 3, scientific = TRUE), ", ", df[["p.sig"]], ")")
      df[["Description"]] <- factor(df[["Description"]], levels = unique(df[["Description"]]))
      df[["geneID"]] <- strsplit(df[["core_enrichment"]], "/")
      df_unnest <- unnest(df, cols = "geneID")

      nodes <- rbind(
        data.frame("ID" = df[["Description"]], class = "term", metric = df[["metric"]]),
        data.frame("ID" = unique(df_unnest$geneID), class = "gene", metric = 0)
      nodes$Database <- df$Database[1]
      nodes$Groups <- df$Groups[1]
      edges <- as.data.frame(df_unnest[, c("Description", "geneID")])
      colnames(edges) <- c("from", "to")
      edges[["weight"]] <- 1
      graph <- graph_from_data_frame(d = edges, vertices = nodes, directed = FALSE)
      if (network_layout %in% c("circle", "tree", "grid")) {
        layout <- switch(network_layout,
          "circle" = layout_in_circle(graph),
          "tree" = layout_as_tree(graph),
          "grid" = layout_on_grid(graph)
      } else {
        layout <- do.call(paste0("layout_with_", network_layout), list(graph))
      df_graph <- as_data_frame(graph, what = "both")

      df_nodes <- df_graph$vertices
      if (isTRUE(network_layoutadjust)) {
        width <- nchar(df_nodes$name)
        width[df_nodes$class == "term"] <- 8
        layout <- adjustlayout(
          graph = graph, layout = layout, width = width, height = 2,
          scale = network_adjscale, iter = network_adjiter
      df_nodes[["dim1"]] <- layout[, 1]
      df_nodes[["dim2"]] <- layout[, 2]

      df_edges <- df_graph$edges
      df_edges[["from_dim1"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["from"]], "dim1"]
      df_edges[["from_dim2"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["from"]], "dim2"]
      df_edges[["to_dim1"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["to"]], "dim1"]
      df_edges[["to_dim2"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["to"]], "dim2"]

      colors <- palette_scp(levels(df[["Description"]]), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor)
      df_edges[["color"]] <- colors[df_edges$from]
      node_colors <- aggregate(df_unnest$Description, by = list(df_unnest$geneID), FUN = function(x) blendcolors(colors = colors[x], mode = network_blendmode))
      colors <- c(colors, setNames(node_colors[, 2], node_colors[, 1]))
      label_colors <- ifelse(colSums(col2rgb(colors)) > 255 * 2, "black", "white")
      df_nodes[["color"]] <- colors[df_nodes$name]
      df_nodes[["label_color"]] <- label_colors[df_nodes$name]
      df_nodes[["label"]] <- NA
      df_nodes[levels(df[["Description"]]), "label"] <- seq_len(nlevels(df[["Description"]]))

      draw_key_cust <- function(data, params, size) {
        data_text <- data
        data_text$label <- which(levels(df[["Description"]]) %in% names(colors)[colors == data_text$fill])
        data_text$colour <- "black"
        data_text$alpha <- 1
        data_text$size <- 11 / .pt
          draw_key_point(data, list(color = "white", shape = 21)),
          ggrepel:::shadowtextGrob(label = data_text$label, bg.colour = "black", bg.r = 0.1, gp = gpar(col = "white", fontface = "bold"))

      p <- ggplot() +
        geom_segment(data = df_edges, aes(x = from_dim1, y = from_dim2, xend = to_dim1, yend = to_dim2, color = color), alpha = 1, lineend = "round", show.legend = FALSE) +
        geom_label(data = df_nodes[df_nodes$class == "gene", ], aes(x = dim1, y = dim2, label = name, fill = color, color = label_color), size = 3, show.legend = FALSE) +
        geom_point(data = df_nodes[df_nodes$class == "term", ], aes(x = dim1, y = dim2), size = 8, color = "black", fill = "black", stroke = 1, shape = 21, show.legend = FALSE) +
        geom_point(data = df_nodes[df_nodes$class == "term", ], aes(x = dim1, y = dim2, fill = color), size = 7, color = "white", stroke = 1, shape = 21, key_glyph = draw_key_cust) +
          data = df_nodes[df_nodes$class == "term", ], aes(x = dim1, y = dim2, label = label),
          fontface = "bold", min.segment.length = 0, segment.color = "black",
          point.size = NA, max.overlaps = 100, force = 0, color = "white", bg.color = "black", bg.r = 0.1, size = network_labelsize
        ) +
        scale_color_identity(guide = "none") +
          name = "Term:", guide = "legend",
          labels = levels(df[["Description"]]),
          breaks = colors[levels(df[["Description"]])]
        ) +
        guides(fill = guide_legend(title = "Term:", byrow = TRUE)) +
        labs(x = "", y = "") +
        facet_grid(Database ~ Groups, scales = "free") +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction
      plist[[nm]] <- p
  } else if (plot_type == "enrichmap") {
    # enrichmap -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for (nm in names(res)) {
      res_enrich <- res[[nm]]
      if (is.null(id_use)) {
        geneSetID_filter <- res_enrich@result[res_enrich@result[[metric]] < metric_value, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_filter <- geneSetID_filter[order(geneSetID_filter[[metric]]), , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_up <- geneSetID_filter[geneSetID_filter[["NES"]] > 0, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_up <- geneSetID_up[head(order(geneSetID_up[[metric]]), topTerm), "ID"]
        geneSetID_down <- geneSetID_filter[geneSetID_filter[["NES"]] < 0, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_down <- geneSetID_down[head(order(geneSetID_down[[metric]]), topTerm), "ID"]
        geneSetID_use <- switch(direction,
          "pos" = unique(head(geneSetID_up, topTerm)),
          "neg" = unique(head(geneSetID_down, topTerm)),
          "both" = unique(head(
              head(geneSetID_up, ceiling(topTerm / 2)),
              head(geneSetID_down, ceiling(topTerm / 2))
      } else {
        if (is.list(id_use)) {
          geneSetID_use <- intersect(res_enrich@result[["ID"]], id_use[[unique(res_enrich@result$Groups)]])
        } else {
          geneSetID_use <- id_use
      if (length(geneSetID_use) == 0) {
        plist[[nm]] <- NULL
      df <- res_enrich[geneSetID_use, , drop = FALSE]
      df[["metric"]] <- -log10(df[[metric]])
      df[["Description"]] <- capitalize(df[["Description"]])
      df[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(df[["Description"]], width = character_width)
      df[["Description"]] <- factor(df[["Description"]], levels = unique(df[["Description"]]))
      df[["Direction"]] <- ifelse(df[["NES"]] > 0, "Pos", "Neg")
      df[["Direction"]] <- factor(df[["Direction"]], levels = c("Pos", "Neg"))
      df[["geneID"]] <- strsplit(df[["core_enrichment"]], "/")
      df[["Count"]] <- sapply(df[["geneID"]], length)
      rownames(df) <- df[["ID"]]

      nodes <- df
      edges <- as.data.frame(t(combn(nodes$ID, 2)))
      colnames(edges) <- c("from", "to")
      edges[["weight"]] <- mapply(function(x, y) length(intersect(df[[x, "geneID"]], df[[y, "geneID"]])), edges$from, edges$to)
      edges <- edges[edges[["weight"]] > 0, , drop = FALSE]
      graph <- graph_from_data_frame(d = edges, vertices = nodes, directed = FALSE)
      if (enrichmap_layout %in% c("circle", "tree", "grid")) {
        layout <- switch(enrichmap_layout,
          "circle" = layout_in_circle(graph),
          "tree" = layout_as_tree(graph),
          "grid" = layout_on_grid(graph)
      } else {
        layout <- do.call(paste0("layout_with_", enrichmap_layout), list(graph))
      clusters <- do.call(paste0("cluster_", enrichmap_cluster), list(graph))
      df_graph <- as_data_frame(graph, what = "both")

      df_nodes <- df_graph$vertices
      df_nodes[["dim1"]] <- layout[, 1]
      df_nodes[["dim2"]] <- layout[, 2]
      df_nodes[["clusters"]] <- factor(paste0("C", clusters$membership), paste0("C", unique(sort(clusters$membership))))

      if (isTRUE(enrichmap_show_keyword)) {
        df_keyword1 <- df_nodes %>%
          mutate(keyword = strsplit(tolower(as.character(.data[["Description"]])), "\\s|\\n", perl = TRUE)) %>%
          unnest(cols = "keyword") %>%
          group_by(.data[["keyword"]], Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
            keyword = capitalize(.data[["keyword"]]),
            score = sum(-(log10(.data[[metric]]))),
            count = n(),
            Database = .data[["Database"]],
            Groups = .data[["Groups"]],
            .groups = "keep"
          ) %>%
          filter(!grepl(pattern = "\\[.*\\]", x = .data[["keyword"]])) %>%
          filter(nchar(.data[["keyword"]]) >= 1) %>%
          filter(!tolower(.data[["keyword"]]) %in% tolower(words_excluded)) %>%
          distinct() %>%
          group_by(Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
          arrange(desc(score)) %>%
          slice_head(n = enrlichmap_nlabel) %>%
          reframe(keyword = paste0(.data[["keyword"]], collapse = " ")) %>%
        rownames(df_keyword1) <- as.character(df_keyword1[["clusters"]])
        df_keyword1[["keyword"]] <- str_wrap(df_keyword1[["keyword"]], width = character_width)
        df_keyword1[["label"]] <- paste0(df_keyword1[["clusters"]], ":\n", df_keyword1[["keyword"]])
      } else {
        if (enrichmap_label == "term") {
          df_nodes[["Description"]] <- str_wrap(df_nodes[["Description"]], width = character_width)
        df_keyword1 <- df_nodes %>%
          group_by(Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
          arrange(desc(metric)) %>%
          reframe(keyword = Description) %>%
          distinct() %>%
          group_by(Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
          slice_head(n = enrlichmap_nlabel) %>%
          reframe(keyword = paste0(.data[["keyword"]], collapse = "\n")) %>%
        rownames(df_keyword1) <- as.character(df_keyword1[["clusters"]])
        df_keyword1[["label"]] <- paste0(df_keyword1[["clusters"]], ":\n", df_keyword1[["keyword"]])

      df_keyword2 <- df_nodes %>%
        mutate(keyword = .data[["geneID"]]) %>%
        unnest(cols = "keyword") %>%
        group_by(.data[["keyword"]], Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
          keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
          score = sum(-(log10(.data[[metric]]))),
          count = n(),
          Database = .data[["Database"]],
          Groups = .data[["Groups"]],
          .groups = "keep"
        ) %>%
        distinct() %>%
        group_by(Database, Groups, clusters) %>%
        arrange(desc(score)) %>%
        slice_head(n = enrlichmap_nlabel) %>%
        reframe(keyword = paste0(.data[["keyword"]], collapse = " ")) %>%
      rownames(df_keyword2) <- as.character(df_keyword2[["clusters"]])
      df_keyword2[["keyword"]] <- str_wrap(df_keyword2[["keyword"]], width = character_width)
      df_keyword2[["label"]] <- paste0(df_keyword2[["clusters"]], ":\n", df_keyword2[["keyword"]])

      df_nodes[["keyword1"]] <- df_keyword1[as.character(df_nodes$clusters), "keyword"]
      df_nodes[["keyword2"]] <- df_keyword2[as.character(df_nodes$clusters), "keyword"]

      df_edges <- df_graph$edges
      df_edges[["from_dim1"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["from"]], "dim1"]
      df_edges[["from_dim2"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["from"]], "dim2"]
      df_edges[["to_dim1"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["to"]], "dim1"]
      df_edges[["to_dim2"]] <- df_nodes[df_edges[["to"]], "dim2"]

      if (enrichmap_mark == "hull") {
      mark_layer <- do.call(
          "ellipse" = "geom_mark_ellipse",
          "hull" = "geom_mark_hull"
          data = df_nodes, aes(
            x = dim1, y = dim2, color = clusters, fill = clusters,
            label = clusters, description = if (enrichmap_label == "term") keyword1 else keyword2
          expand = unit(3, "mm"),
          alpha = 0.1,
          label.margin = margin(1, 1, 1, 1, "mm"),
          label.fontsize = enrichmap_labelsize * 2,
          label.fill = "grey95",
          label.minwidth = unit(character_width, "in"),
          label.buffer = unit(0, "mm"),
          con.size = 1,
          con.cap = 0

      p <- ggplot() +
        mark_layer +
        geom_segment(data = df_edges, aes(x = from_dim1, y = from_dim2, xend = to_dim1, yend = to_dim2, linewidth = weight), alpha = 0.1, lineend = "round") +
        geom_point(data = df_nodes, aes(x = dim1, y = dim2, size = Count, fill = clusters), color = "black", shape = 21) +
        labs(x = "", y = "") +
        scale_size(name = "Count", range = c(2, 6), scales::breaks_extended(n = 4)) +
        guides(size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = "grey30", shape = 21), order = 1)) +
        scale_linewidth(name = "Intersection", range = c(0.3, 3), scales::breaks_extended(n = 4)) +
        guides(linewidth = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1, color = "grey"), order = 2)) +
          name = switch(enrichmap_label,
            "term" = "Feature:",
            "feature" = "Term:"
          values = palette_scp(levels(df_nodes[["clusters"]]), palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor),
          labels = if (enrichmap_label == "term") df_keyword2[levels(df_nodes[["clusters"]]), "label"] else df_keyword1[levels(df_nodes[["clusters"]]), "label"],
          na.value = "grey80",
          aesthetics = c("colour", "fill")
        ) +
        guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1, color = "black", shape = NA), byrow = TRUE, order = 3)) +
        guides(color = guide_none()) +
        scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(c(enrichmap_expand[1], enrichmap_expand[1]), 0)) +
        scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(c(enrichmap_expand[2], enrichmap_expand[2]), 0)) +
        facet_grid(Database ~ Groups, scales = "free") +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction
      plist[[nm]] <- p
  } else if (plot_type == "wordcloud") {
    # wordcloud -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for (nm in names(res)) {
      res_enrich <- res[[nm]]
      if (is.null(id_use)) {
        geneSetID_filter <- res_enrich@result[res_enrich@result[[metric]] < metric_value, , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_filter <- geneSetID_filter[order(geneSetID_filter[[metric]]), , drop = FALSE]
        geneSetID_up <- geneSetID_filter[geneSetID_filter[["NES"]] > 0, "ID"]
        geneSetID_down <- geneSetID_filter[geneSetID_filter[["NES"]] < 0, "ID"]
        geneSetID_use <- switch(direction,
          "pos" = unique(geneSetID_up),
          "neg" = unique(geneSetID_down),
          "both" = unique(c(geneSetID_up, geneSetID_down))
      } else {
        if (is.list(id_use)) {
          geneSetID_use <- intersect(res_enrich@result[["ID"]], id_use[[unique(res_enrich@result$Groups)]])
        } else {
          geneSetID_use <- id_use
      if (length(geneSetID_use) == 0) {
        plist[[nm]] <- NULL
      df <- res_enrich[geneSetID_use, , drop = FALSE]

      if (word_type == "term") {
        df_groups <- split(df, list(df$Database, df$Groups))
        df_groups <- df_groups[sapply(df_groups, nrow) > 0]
        for (i in seq_along(df_groups)) {
          df_sub <- df_groups[[i]]
          if (all(df_sub$Database %in% c("GO", "GO_BP", "GO_CC", "GO_MF"))) {
            df0 <- simplifyEnrichment::keyword_enrichment_from_GO(df_sub[["ID"]])
            if (nrow(df0 > 0)) {
              df_sub <- df0 %>%
                  keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
                  score = -(log10(.data[["padj"]])),
                  count = .data[["n_term"]],
                  Database = df_sub[["Database"]][1],
                  Groups = df_sub[["Groups"]][1]
                ) %>%
                filter(!grepl(pattern = "\\[.*\\]", x = .data[["keyword"]])) %>%
                filter(nchar(.data[["keyword"]]) >= 1) %>%
                filter(!tolower(.data[["keyword"]]) %in% tolower(words_excluded)) %>%
                distinct() %>%
                mutate(angle = 90 * sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE, prob = c(60, 40))) %>%
              df_sub <- df_sub[head(order(df_sub[["score"]], decreasing = TRUE), topWord), , drop = FALSE]
            } else {
              df_sub <- NULL
          } else {
            df_sub <- df_sub %>%
              mutate(keyword = strsplit(tolower(as.character(.data[["Description"]])), " ")) %>%
              unnest(cols = "keyword") %>%
              group_by(.data[["keyword"]], Database, Groups) %>%
                keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
                score = sum(-(log10(.data[[metric]]))),
                count = n(),
                Database = .data[["Database"]],
                Groups = .data[["Groups"]],
                .groups = "keep"
              ) %>%
              filter(!grepl(pattern = "\\[.*\\]", x = .data[["keyword"]])) %>%
              filter(nchar(.data[["keyword"]]) >= 1) %>%
              filter(!tolower(.data[["keyword"]]) %in% tolower(words_excluded)) %>%
              distinct() %>%
              mutate(angle = 90 * sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE, prob = c(60, 40))) %>%
            df_sub <- df_sub[head(order(df_sub[["score"]], decreasing = TRUE), topWord), , drop = FALSE]
          df_groups[[i]] <- df_sub
        df <- do.call(rbind, df_groups)
      } else {
        df <- df %>%
          mutate(keyword = strsplit(as.character(.data[["core_enrichment"]]), "/")) %>%
          unnest(cols = "keyword") %>%
          group_by(.data[["keyword"]], Database, Groups) %>%
            keyword = .data[["keyword"]],
            score = sum(-(log10(.data[[metric]]))),
            count = n(),
            Database = .data[["Database"]],
            Groups = .data[["Groups"]],
            .groups = "keep"
          ) %>%
          distinct() %>%
          mutate(angle = 90 * sample(c(0, 1), n(), replace = TRUE, prob = c(60, 40))) %>%
        df <- df[head(order(df[["score"]], decreasing = TRUE), topWord), , drop = FALSE]
      colors <- palette_scp(df[["score"]], type = "continuous", palette = palette, palcolor = palcolor, matched = FALSE)
      colors_value <- seq(min(df[["score"]], na.rm = TRUE), quantile(df[["score"]], 0.99, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.001, length.out = 100)
      p <- ggplot(df, aes(label = .data[["keyword"]], size = .data[["count"]], color = .data[["score"]], angle = .data[["angle"]])) +
        ggwordcloud::geom_text_wordcloud(rm_outside = TRUE, eccentricity = 1, shape = "square", show.legend = TRUE, grid_margin = 3) +
          name = "Score:", colours = colors, values = rescale(colors_value),
          guide = guide_colorbar(frame.colour = "black", ticks.colour = "black", title.hjust = 0)
        ) +
        scale_size(name = "Count", range = word_size, breaks = ceiling(seq(min(df[["count"]], na.rm = TRUE), max(df[["count"]], na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 3))) +
        guides(size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(colour = "black", label = "G"), order = 1)) +
        facet_grid(Database ~ Groups, scales = "free") +
        coord_flip() +
        do.call(theme_use, theme_args) +
          aspect.ratio = aspect.ratio,
          legend.position = legend.position,
          legend.direction = legend.direction
      plist[[nm]] <- p

  if (isTRUE(combine)) {
    if (length(plist) > 1) {
      plot <- wrap_plots(plotlist = plist, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
    } else {
      plot <- plist[[1]]
  } else {

gsInfo <- function(object, id_use) {
  geneList <- object@geneList
  if (is.numeric(id_use)) {
    id_use <- object@result[id_use, "ID"]
  geneSet <- object@geneSets[[id_use]]
  exponent <- object@params[["exponent"]]
  df <- gseaScores(geneList, geneSet, exponent)
  df$ymin <- 0
  df$ymax <- 0
  pos <- df$position == 1
  h <- diff(range(df$runningScore)) / 20
  df$ymin[pos] <- -h
  df$ymax[pos] <- h
  df$geneList <- geneList
  df$Description <- object@result[id_use, "Description"]
  df$CoreGene <- object@result[id_use, "core_enrichment"]
  if (length(object@gene2Symbol) == length(object@geneList)) {
    df$GeneName <- object@gene2Symbol
  } else {
    df$GeneName <- df$gene

gseaScores <- function(geneList, geneSet, exponent = 1) {
  geneSet <- intersect(geneSet, names(geneList))
  N <- length(geneList)
  Nh <- length(geneSet)
  Phit <- Pmiss <- numeric(N)
  hits <- names(geneList) %in% geneSet
  Phit[hits] <- abs(geneList[hits])^exponent
  NR <- sum(Phit)
  Phit <- cumsum(Phit / NR)
  Pmiss[!hits] <- 1 / (N - Nh)
  Pmiss <- cumsum(Pmiss)
  runningES <- Phit - Pmiss
  max.ES <- max(runningES, na.rm = TRUE)
  min.ES <- min(runningES, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (abs(max.ES) > abs(min.ES)) {
    ES <- max.ES
  } else {
    ES <- min.ES
  df <- data.frame(
    x = seq_along(runningES), runningScore = runningES,
    position = as.integer(hits), gene = names(geneList)

#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_build ggplot_gtable panel_rows panel_cols wrap_dims
#' @importFrom gtable gtable
#' @importFrom grid unit unit.pmax is.unit
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
build_patchwork <- function(x, guides = "auto", BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam()) {
  x$layout <- modifyList(patchwork:::default_layout, x$layout[!vapply(x$layout, is.null, logical(1))])

  guides <- if (guides == "collect" && x$layout$guides != "keep") {
  } else {
  # bpprogressbar(BPPARAM) <- TRUE
  gt <- bplapply(x$plots, patchwork:::plot_table, guides = guides, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
  fixed_asp <- vapply(gt, function(x) isTRUE(x$respect), logical(1))
  guide_grobs <- unlist(lapply(gt, `[[`, "collected_guides"), recursive = FALSE)
  gt <- bplapply(gt, patchwork:::simplify_gt, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
  gt <- patchwork:::add_insets(gt)
  if (is.null(x$layout$design)) {
    if (is.null(x$layout$ncol) && !is.null(x$layout$widths) && length(x$layout$widths) > 1) {
      x$layout$ncol <- length(x$layout$widths)
    if (is.null(x$layout$nrow) && !is.null(x$layout$heights) && length(x$layout$heights) > 1) {
      x$layout$nrow <- length(x$layout$heights)
    dims <- wrap_dims(length(gt), nrow = x$layout$nrow, ncol = x$layout$ncol)
    x$layout$design <- patchwork:::create_design(dims[2], dims[1], x$layout$byrow)
  } else {
    dims <- c(

  TABLE_COLS <- patchwork:::TABLE_COLS
  TABLE_ROWS <- patchwork:::TABLE_ROWS
  PANEL_ROW <- patchwork:::PANEL_ROW
  PANEL_COL <- patchwork:::PANEL_COL

  gt_new <- gtable(
    unit(rep(0, TABLE_COLS * dims[2]), "null"),
    unit(rep(0, TABLE_ROWS * dims[1]), "null")
  design <- as.data.frame(unclass(x$layout$design))
  if (nrow(design) < length(gt)) {
    warning("Too few patch areas to hold all plots. Dropping plots", call. = FALSE)
    gt <- gt[seq_len(nrow(design))]
    fixed_asp <- fixed_asp[seq_len(nrow(design))]
  } else {
    design <- design[seq_along(gt), ]
  if (any(design$t < 1)) design$t[design$t < 1] <- 1
  if (any(design$l < 1)) design$l[design$l < 1] <- 1
  if (any(design$b > dims[1])) design$b[design$b > dims[1]] <- dims[1]
  if (any(design$r > dims[2])) design$r[design$r > dims[2]] <- dims[2]
  max_z <- lapply(gt, function(x) max(x$layout$z))
  max_z <- c(0, cumsum(max_z))
  gt_new$layout <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(gt), function(i) {
    loc <- design[i, ]
    lay <- gt[[i]]$layout
    lay$name <- paste0(lay$name, "-", i)
    lay$t <- lay$t + ifelse(lay$t <= PANEL_ROW, (loc$t - 1) * TABLE_ROWS, (loc$b - 1) * TABLE_ROWS)
    lay$l <- lay$l + ifelse(lay$l <= PANEL_COL, (loc$l - 1) * TABLE_COLS, (loc$r - 1) * TABLE_COLS)
    lay$b <- lay$b + ifelse(lay$b < PANEL_ROW, (loc$t - 1) * TABLE_ROWS, (loc$b - 1) * TABLE_ROWS)
    lay$r <- lay$r + ifelse(lay$r < PANEL_COL, (loc$l - 1) * TABLE_COLS, (loc$r - 1) * TABLE_COLS)
    lay$z <- lay$z + max_z[i]
  table_dimensions <- patchwork:::table_dims(
    lapply(gt, `[[`, "widths"),
    lapply(gt, `[[`, "heights"),
  gt_new$grobs <- patchwork:::set_grob_sizes(gt, table_dimensions$widths, table_dimensions$heights, design)
  gt_new$widths <- table_dimensions$widths
  gt_new$heights <- table_dimensions$heights
  widths <- rep(x$layout$widths, length.out = dims[2])
  heights <- rep(x$layout$heights, length.out = dims[1])
  gt_new <- patchwork:::set_panel_dimensions(gt_new, gt, widths, heights, fixed_asp, design)
  if (x$layout$guides == "collect") {
    guide_grobs <- patchwork:::collapse_guides(guide_grobs)
    if (length(guide_grobs) != 0) {
      theme <- x$annotation$theme
      if (!attr(theme, "complete")) {
        theme <- theme_get() + theme
      guide_grobs <- patchwork:::assemble_guides(guide_grobs, theme)
      gt_new <- patchwork:::attach_guides(gt_new, guide_grobs, theme)
  } else {
    gt_new$collected_guides <- guide_grobs

  class(gt_new) <- c("gtable_patchwork", class(gt_new))

#' @importFrom utils modifyList
patchworkGrob <- function(x, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(), ...) {
  annotation <- modifyList(patchwork:::default_annotation, x$patches$annotation[!vapply(x$patches$annotation, is.null, logical(1))])
  x <- patchwork:::recurse_tags(x, annotation$tag_levels, annotation$tag_prefix, annotation$tag_suffix, annotation$tag_sep)$patches
  plot <- patchwork:::get_patches(x)
  gtable <- build_patchwork(plot, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
  gtable <- patchwork:::annotate_table(gtable, annotation)
  class(gtable) <- setdiff(class(gtable), "gtable_patchwork")

#' @importFrom grid grobTree
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplotGrob
as_grob <- function(plot, ...) {
  if (inherits(plot, "gList")) {
  } else if (inherits(plot, "patchwork")) {
    patchworkGrob(plot, ...)
  } else if (inherits(plot, "ggplot")) {
  } else {
    warning("Cannot convert object of class ", paste0(class(plot), collapse = ","), " into a grob.")

#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @importFrom gtable gtable_col
as_gtable <- function(plot, ...) {
  if (inherits(plot, "gtable")) {
  if (inherits(plot, "grob")) {
    u <- unit(1, "null")
    gt <- gtable_col(NULL, list(plot), u, u)
    gt$layout$clip <- "inherit"
  } else {
    grob <- as_grob(plot, ...)
    if (inherits(grob, "gtable")) {
    } else {
      return(as_gtable(grob, ...))

get_legend <- function(plot) {
  plot <- as_gtable(plot)
  grob_names <- plot$layout$name
  grobs <- plot$grobs
  grobIndex <- which(grepl("guide-box", grob_names))
  grobIndex <- grobIndex[1]
  matched_grobs <- grobs[[grobIndex]]

#' @importFrom grid is.grob grobWidth grobHeight
#' @importFrom gtable is.gtable gtable_add_rows gtable_add_cols gtable_add_grob
add_grob <- function(gtable, grob, position = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right", "none"), space = NULL, clip = "on") {
  position <- match.arg(position)
  if (position == "none" || is.null(grob)) {

  if (is.null(space)) {
    if (is.gtable(grob)) {
      if (position %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
        space <- sum(grob$heights)
      } else {
        space <- sum(grob$widths)
    } else if (is.grob(grob)) {
      if (position %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
        space <- grobHeight(grob)
      } else {
        space <- grobWidth(grob)

  if (position == "top") {
    gtable <- gtable_add_rows(gtable, space, 0)
    gtable <- gtable_add_grob(gtable, grob, t = 1, l = mean(gtable$layout[grepl(pattern = "panel", x = gtable$layout$name), "l"]), clip = clip)
  if (position == "bottom") {
    gtable <- gtable_add_rows(gtable, space, -1)
    gtable <- gtable_add_grob(gtable, grob, t = dim(gtable)[1], l = mean(gtable$layout[grepl(pattern = "panel", x = gtable$layout$name), "l"]), clip = clip)
  if (position == "left") {
    gtable <- gtable_add_cols(gtable, space, 0)
    gtable <- gtable_add_grob(gtable, grob, t = mean(gtable$layout[grep("panel", gtable$layout$name), "t"]), l = 1, clip = clip)
  if (position == "right") {
    gtable <- gtable_add_cols(gtable, space, -1)
    gtable <- gtable_add_grob(gtable, grob, t = mean(gtable$layout[grep("panel", gtable$layout$name), "t"]), l = dim(gtable)[2], clip = clip)
zh542370159/SCP documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 2:34 a.m.