
Defines functions getLegend removeLegend gridArrangeSharedLegend plotFOV plotFOV0 plotFOV1 plotCellTypeLocations getPlotTheme plotInfiltrationDensity plotTotalFOVMarkerDensity densityBoxPlots makeSampleInfiltrationDensityPlots getSampleBandMaxY stackable getAllInfiltrationPlots sampleInfiltrationPlotsSingleFile printInfiltrationDensityPlots makeSampleTotalFOVDensityPlots getAllTotalFOVPlots printTotalFOVDensityPlots makeDensityHeatmap

Documented in densityBoxPlots getAllInfiltrationPlots getAllTotalFOVPlots getLegend getPlotTheme getSampleBandMaxY makeDensityHeatmap makeSampleInfiltrationDensityPlots makeSampleTotalFOVDensityPlots plotCellTypeLocations plotInfiltrationDensity plotTotalFOVMarkerDensity printInfiltrationDensityPlots printTotalFOVDensityPlots removeLegend sampleInfiltrationPlotsSingleFile stackable

#' Extract a legend from a gplot
#' Extract a legend from a plot generated with ggplot
#' @param plt    a plot generated with ggplot 
getLegend <- function(plt){
    tmp <- tryCatch({ 
             }, error=function(e){
    leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box") 
    legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]] 

#' Remove a legend from a gplot
#' Remove a legend from a gplot
#' @param plt    a plot generated with ggplot 
removeLegend <- function(plt){
    tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(plt))
    leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
    tmp$grobs[[leg]] <- NULL

gridArrangeSharedLegend <- function(..., ncol = length(list(...)), nrow = 1, position = c("bottom", "right")) {

  plots <- list(...)
  position <- match.arg(position)
  g <- ggplotGrob(plots[[1]] + theme(legend.position = position))$grobs
  legend <- g[[which(sapply(g, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]]
  lheight <- sum(legend$height)
  lwidth <- sum(legend$width)
  gl <- lapply(plots, function(x) x + theme(legend.position="none"))
  gl <- c(gl, ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow)

  combined <- switch(position,
                     "bottom" = arrangeGrob(do.call(arrangeGrob, gl),
                                            ncol = 1,
                                            heights = unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lheight, lheight)),
                     "right" = arrangeGrob(do.call(arrangeGrob, gl),
                                           ncol = 2,
                                           widths = unit.c(unit(1, "npc") - lwidth, lwidth)))


  # return gtable invisibly


######### "SPATIAL" PLOTS ########

plotFOV<-function(bbData,bnd,sampleName,spot,interfaceSize=boundaryInterfaceSize) {
    bb=getBoundingBoxL(bnd %>% bind_rows)



    ## type="n": blank canvas

    ## col 8 = gray





plotFOV0<-function(bbData,sampleName,spot,bbPlot,bbFOV0) {

    ## solid gray rectangle


    ## black dotted line


plotFOV1<-function(bbData,sampleName,spot,bbPlot,bbFOV0) {
    ## solid gray rectangle





#' Plot location of given cell types within one FOV
#' Given a halo data *.rda file with XML annotations and a list of cell types, 
#' plot the X and Y coordinates of those cells showing locations relative to
#' each other and to tissue boundary
#' @param dataFiles        *.rda file containing ObjectAnalysisData
#' @param annotationsDirs  directory of *.annotations XML files from Halo for one sample
#' @param cellTypesFile    text file containing a list of cell type markers, one on each line; 
#'                         each cell type marker may consist of an indivdual marker or a comma-
#                          separated list of markers (e.g., 'CD3,CD8,SOX10-')
#' @param pad              amount to trim from each FOV
#' @param boundaryColors   a list of hexadecimal color codes for Tum, Exc, and Epi boundaries 
#' @param cellTypeColors   a list of hexadecimal color codes for each cell type in cellTypesFile
#' @param pdfFile          name of output PDF file
#' @return  nothing  
#' @export
plotCellTypeLocations <- function(dataFiles, annotationsDirs, cellTypesFile,
                                  boundaryColors, cellTypeColors, pad=30, 

    aFiles <- dir(annotationsDir)[grep("\\.annotations",dir(annotationsDir))]
    epiFiles <- grep("epi",aFiles)
    if(length(epiFiles) > 0){
        aFiles <- aFiles[-epiFiles]
    aFiles <- file.path(annotationsDir,aFiles)
    aFileSpots <- as.numeric(gsub(".*_Spot|\\.annotations","",aFiles))

    ## process rda file
    flog.info("Reading data file %s",dataFile)
    dd <- readRDS(dataFile)
    sampleName <- getSampleFromFileName(dataFile)

    flog.debug("Getting FOVs")
    spots <- dd %>% dplyr::select(SPOT) %>% distinct(SPOT) %>% arrange(SPOT) %>% pull(SPOT) 

    cellTypes <- scan(cellTypesFile,"")

    for(i in seq(spots)){
        spot = spots[i]
        flog.debug("Getting data for spot %s",spot)
        ds=dd %>%
            filter(SPOT==spot & ValueType=="Positive") %>%
            mutate(X=(XMax+XMin)/2,Y=-(YMax+YMin)/2) %>%
            dplyr::select(Sample,SPOT,UUID,X,Y,Marker,Value) %>%

         bbFOV <- getBoundingBoxL(ds)
         bbPlot <- list(X0=bbFOV$X0-500, X1=bbFOV$X1+500, Y0=bbFOV$Y0-500, Y1=bbFOV$Y1+500) 
         bbData <- bbFOV
         if(pad > 0){
           bbData <- padBoundingBox(bbFOV,-pad/pixel2um)

        flog.debug("  plotting...")
        ## bbPlot = black solid (entire plot)
        ## bbFOV0 = gray solid  (fov max/min from Halo)
        ## bbData = gray dotted (fov minus padding)
        ## draw boundaries
        sTag <- paste(sampleName, paste0("Spot",spot,".annotations"),sep="_")
        aai <- grep(sTag,aFiles)
            flog.debug("Found boundary annotation file %s. Adding boundaries..",aFiles[aai])
            boundaries %>%

        ## draw locations of all cells

        ## draw locations of cells matching cell types in file
        for(ci in seq(cellTypes)) {
            ds %>%
                filter_(markerStringToPredicate(cellTypes[ci])) %$%


#' Get legend from a gplot
#' Given a plot generated with ggplot(), separate and return only
#' the legend component
#' @param a.gplot  a plot generated by ggplot()
#' @return  the legend of a.gplot 
g_legend <- getLegend 

#' Get plot theme for a given type of halo plot
#' Depending on what type of plot you're making, get a theme()
#' object with the elements standard to that plot type
#' @param plotType  character string indicating which type of plot youre making;
#'                  options: ["infiltration density"]
#' @return theme() object with standard theme elements
#' @export
getPlotTheme <- function(plotType){

    if(plotType == "infiltration density"){
        return(theme(legend.title = element_blank(),
                  legend.position = "right",
                  legend.text = element_text(size=12),
                  axis.text = element_text(size=12),
                  axis.text.x = element_text(size=8),
                  axis.title.y = element_text(size=14),
                  axis.title.x = element_text(size=14),
                  axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                  axis.line = element_line(color = "black", size=0.75),
                  strip.text.x = element_text(size=12, margin=margin(.1, .1, .1, .1, "cm")),
                  strip.placement = "outside",
                  plot.background = element_blank(),
                  plot.title = element_text(size=20, margin=margin(b=0.5, t=0.2, r=0, l=0.1, "cm")),
                  panel.background = element_blank(),
                  panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                  panel.grid.minor = element_blank()

    if(plotType == "infiltration density single page"){
                     axis.text.x = element_text(size = 8),
                     axis.text.y = element_text(size = 8),
                     axis.title.x = element_text(size = 8),
                     axis.title.y = element_text(size = 8),
                     plot.title = element_text(size = 12)

    if(plotType == "total FOV density"){
        return(theme(legend.title = element_text(size=12, face="bold"),
                  legend.position = "right",
                  legend.text = element_text(size=12),
                  axis.text = element_text(size=12),
                  axis.text.x = element_text(size=8,hjust=1,angle=45),
                  axis.title.y = element_text(size=14),
                  axis.title.x = element_text(size=14),
                  axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                  axis.line = element_line(color = "black", size=0.75),
                  strip.text.x = element_text(size=12, margin=margin(.1, .1, .1, .1, "cm")),
                  strip.placement = "outside",
                  plot.background = element_blank(),
                  plot.title = element_text(size=20, margin=margin(b=0.5, t=0.2, r=0, l=0.1, "cm")),
                  panel.background = element_blank(),
                  panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                  panel.grid.minor = element_blank()


#' Plot and print absolute density or density percentages of cell types near tumor
#' interface
#' Plot and print absolute density or density percentages of cell types near tumor
#' interface
#' @param mDen             tibble containing 
#' @param densityMarkers   a vector of markers for which density is to be plotted
#' @param bandWidth        if plotting by distance intervals from infiltration boundary, this is the size of 
#'                         each interval
#' @param clrs             a list of colors, named by either by CellType from mDen tibble, 
#'                         or cellTypeLabels if specified
#' @param plotTitle        title of plot
#' @param cellTypeLabels   a list of labels for each marker being plotted, if different
#'                         than CellType in mDen tibble; default: NULL
#' @param sampleOrder      order in which samples should appear on the plot; default=NULL
#' @param yMax             if specified, y axis will span from zero to this number; default=NULL
#' @param separateLegend   logical; when TRUE, legend will be separated from plot. if printLegend is TRUE, 
#'                         will be printed first, before plot. if printLegend is FALSE, will not be printed at all; default=FALSE
#' @param printLegend      logical; when separateLegend is TRUE, if printLegend is FALSE, no legend will be printed at all; default=TRUE
#' @param legendOnly       logical; when separateLegend is TRUE, if legendOnly is TRUE, only legend will be printed, no plot
#' @param yCol             character string specifying which of the columns in mDen is to be used for y values; default="Density"
#' @param pct              logical; values being plotted are percentages; default=FALSE
#' @param facetByFOV       logical; plot each FOV separately; default=TRUE
#' @param facetByCellType  logical; plot each cell type separately; default=FALSE
#' @param yAxisTitle       character string to be used as title of the y axis
#' @param xAxisTitle       character string to be used as title of the x axis
#' @return nothing
#' @export
plotInfiltrationDensity <- function(mDen, densityMarkers, bandWidth, clrs, plotTitle="", cellTypeLabels=NULL, sampleOrder=NULL,
                               yMax=NULL, separateLegend=FALSE, printLegend=TRUE, legendOnly=FALSE, yCol="Density",
                               pct=FALSE, facetByFOV=TRUE, facetByCellType=FALSE, yAxisTitle="Density (counts/mm^2)",
                               xAxisTitle="Distance to Tumor Interface"){

    selVars <- c("Sample","Band","BandLabels","CellTypeLabels",yCol) 
        selVars <- c(selVars, "SPOT")
    flog.debug("setting up labels")
    mDen$CellTypeLabels <- unlist(mDen$CellType)
        for(x in names(cellTypeLabels)){
            mDen$CellTypeLabels[which(mDen$CellType == x)] <- cellTypeLabels[[x]]

    mDen$BandLabels <- factor(as.vector(sapply(as.vector(mDen$Band), function(x){
                         tmp <- unlist(strsplit(x,",",fixed=TRUE))
                         lbl <- as.numeric(gsub("\\(|\\]","",tmp[2]))
                         if(!is.null(bandWidth)){ lbl <- lbl - bandWidth/2 } ## shift half the width of a bar to make zero 
                                                                             ## the exact middle of plot

        clrs <- rep("grey",length(unique(mDen$CellTypeLabels)))
        names(clrs) <- unique(mDen$CellTypeLabels)

    ## spread density table to get to get a column for each cell type
    mt <- tryCatch({ mDen %>%
                     dplyr::select_(.dots = selVars) %>%
                     spread_("CellTypeLabels",yCol) },
              error = function(){ mDen$CellTypeLabels <- mDen$CellType
                                  mDen %>%
                                  dplyr::select_(.dots = selVars) %>%

    ## if faceting by FOV, mt includes SPOT but if not, it doesn't
    firstCol <- ifelse(facetByFOV, 5, 4)
    mtd <- gather(mt, firstCol:ncol(mt), key="CellType", value="Density")

    ## sort samples and FOV
        flog.debug("Sorting samples in this order: %s", paste(sampleOrder,   collapse=", "))
        mtd$Sample2 <- factor(mtd$Sample, levels=sampleOrder)
        mtd$SPOT2 <- factor(mtd$SPOT, levels=sort(unique(as.vector(mtd$SPOT))))

        mtd$CellTypeLabels <- factor(mtd$CellType, levels=names(clrs))
    } else {
        mtd$CellTypeLabels <- factor(mtd$CellType)

    ## finally, PLOT! 
    flog.debug("getting plot theme")
    plotTheme <- getPlotTheme("infiltration density")
    numBars <- length(unique(mtd$BandLabels))
    middle <- numBars/2
    p1 <- ggplot(mtd, aes(x=BandLabels, y=Density, fill=CellTypeLabels)) +
         geom_vline(xintercept=seq(floor(numBars/10),numBars,10)-0.5, color="white") +
         geom_vline(xintercept=middle+0.5, linetype="dotted", size=1) +
         geom_bar(stat="identity", position="stack", size=0.05, width=0.75) +
         plotTheme +
         scale_fill_manual(values=clrs, labels=names(clrs)) +
                          expand = c(0.04, 0)) +
         ylab(yAxisTitle) +
         xlab(xAxisTitle) +
         labs(title=plotTitle) + 
         theme(axis.text.x = element_text(hjust=0), 

    if(facetByFOV & facetByCellType){
        p1 <- p1 + facet_wrap(SPOT2 ~ CellType, ncol=3)
    } else if(facetByFOV){
        p1 <- p1 + facet_wrap(~SPOT2, ncol=3)
    } else if(facetByCellType){
        p1 <- p1 + facet_wrap(~CellTypeLabel, ncol=3)
    } else {
        p1 <- p1 + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=14))

        p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, expand = c(0,0))
    } else {
            yMax <- max(mtd$Density)*1.1
        p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,yMax), expand=c(0,0))


#' Plot and print absolute density or density percentages of cell types in entire FOVs
#' Plot and print absolute density or density percentages of cell types in entire FOVs
#' @param mDen             tibble containing density data 
#' @param densityMarkers   a vector of markers for which density is to be plotted
#' @param clrs             a list of colors, named by either by CellType from mDen tibble, 
#'                         or cellTypeLabels if specified
#' @param plotTitle        title of plot
#' @param cellTypeLabels   a list of labels for each marker being plotted, if different
#'                         than CellType in mDen tibble; default: NULL
#' @param sampleOrder      order in which samples should appear on the plot; default=NULL
#' @param yMax             if specified, y axis will span from zero to this number; default=NULL
#' @param separateLegend   logical; when TRUE, legend will be separated from plot. if printLegend is TRUE, 
#'                         will be printed first, before plot. if printLegend is FALSE, will not be printed at all; default=FALSE
#' @param printLegend      logical; when separateLegend is TRUE, if printLegend is FALSE, no legend will be printed at all; default=TRUE
#' @param legendOnly       logical; when separateLegend is TRUE, if legendOnly is TRUE, only legend will be printed, no plot
#' @param yCol             character string specifying which of the columns in mDen is to be used for y values; default="Density"
#' @param pct              logical; values being plotted are percentages; default=FALSE
#' @param yAxisTitle       character string to be used as title of the y axis
#' @param xAxisTitle       character string to be used as title of the x axis
#' @param annotationCols   vector of column names to use for annotation
#' @return plot 
#' @export
plotTotalFOVMarkerDensity <- function(mDen, densityMarkers, clrs, plotTitle="", cellTypeLabels=NULL, sampleOrder=NULL,
                               yMax=NULL, separateLegend=FALSE, printLegend=TRUE, legendOnly=FALSE, xCol="Sample", 
                               yCol="Total", pct=FALSE, groupBy=NULL, yAxisTitle="Density (counts/mm^2)", 
                               xAxisTitle="Sample", annotationCols=NULL){

    ## PREP DATA
    flog.debug("setting up labels")
    mDen$CellTypeLabels <- as.vector(unlist(mDen$CellType))
        for(x in names(cellTypeLabels)){
            mDen$CellTypeLabels[which(mDen$CellType == x)] <- cellTypeLabels[[x]]
    if(!is.null(annotationCols) && any(grepl(" ",annotationCols))){
        for(x in grep(" ",annotationCols)){
            chars <- unlist(strsplit(annotationCols[x],""))
            if(chars[1] != "`" && chars[length(chars)] != "`"){
                annotationCols[x] <- paste0("`",annotationCols[x],"`") 
    selVars <- paste0("`",names(mDen),"`")
        clrs <- rep("grey",length(unique(mDen$CellTypeLabels)))
        names(clrs) <- unique(mDen$CellTypeLabels)
    mt <- tryCatch({ mDen %>%
                     dplyr::select_(.dots = selVars)
                   }, error = function(err){ mDen$CellTypeLabels <- mDen$CellType
                                  mDen %>%
                                  dplyr::select_(.dots = selVars)
    if(!yCol == "Total"){
        mt$Total <- mt[[yCol]]

    ## summarize by Sample, CellTypeLabels, and any group specified
        annCols <- gsub("`","",annotationCols)
        groupByL <- tolower(groupBy)
        groupVars <- c("Sample","CellTypeLabels")
        addlGrpVars <- switch(groupByL,
                              "fov_type" = unique(c("SPOT","FOV_type", annCols)),
                              "patient"  = unique(c("Patient", annCols)),
                              "lesion response" = unique(c("Lesion Response", annCols)), 
                              flog.warn(paste0("Code does not currently support grouping/annotating by ",groupBy))
        groupVars <- unique(c(groupVars, addlGrpVars))

        mt <- mt %>% group_by_at(groupVars) %>% 

        mtd <- mt %>%
               select(Density=SampleTotal, everything())
    } else {
        mtd <- mt %>%
               select(Density=Total, everything())
    ## factor all vars except density, making any of them ready for facetting
    for(nm in names(mtd)[-which(names(mtd) == "Density")]){
        mtd[[nm]] <- factor(mtd[[nm]])

    ## set colors for cell type labels
        mtd$CellTypeLabels <- factor(mtd$CellTypeLabels, levels=names(clrs))

    ## sort samples and FOV
        mtd$Sample <- factor(mtd$Sample, levels=sampleOrder)

    ## finally, PLOT! 
    flog.debug("getting plot theme")
    plotTheme <- getPlotTheme("total FOV density")
    p1 <- ggplot(mtd, aes_string(x=xCol, y="Density", fill="CellTypeLabels")) +
          geom_bar(stat="identity", position="stack", size=0.5) +
          plotTheme +
          scale_fill_manual("Cell type", values=clrs, labels=names(clrs)) +
          scale_linetype_manual(values=c("solid","twodash","solid")) +
          scale_color_manual(values=c("white","black","black")) +
          ylab(yAxisTitle) +
          xlab(xAxisTitle) +
          labs(title=plotTitle, fill="Cell type") +
                axis.text.x = element_text(size=14), 
                strip.text.x = element_text(size=9, face="bold"),
                strip.background.x = element_rect(fill="#F8F8F8"))

        p1 <- p1 + facet_grid(as.formula(paste0(". ~ `",groupBy, "`")), scales="free_x", space="free", switch="both")

        p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, expand = c(0,0))
    } else {
            yMax <- mtd %>% group_by_at(groupBy) %>% summarise(TotDen=sum(Density)) %>% pull(TotDen) %>% max()*1.1
        p1 <- p1 + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,yMax), expand=c(0,0))

    gt <- NULL

        p1 <- p1 + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())

        mtdL <- mtd[1,]
        mtdL[[groupBy]] <- ""
        mtdL[["lbl"]][1] <- groupBy
        size <- 3.5
        y <- yMax *.025
        p1 <- p1 + geom_text(data=mtdL, aes(x=-1.2, y=y, label=lbl), vjust=3.5, hjust=1, size=size, fontface="bold")

        size <- 3.5
        for(x in seq(annotationCols)){
            mtdL[["lbl"]] <- ""
            mtdL[["lbl"]][1] <- gsub("`","",annotationCols[x])
            vjust <- 3.5 + 2*x
            annCol <- ifelse((grepl(" ",annotationCols[x]) && !grepl("`",annotationCols[x])), paste0("`",annotationCols[x],"`"), annotationCols[x])
            p1 <- p1 + geom_text(data=mtd, aes_string(x="Sample", y=y, label=annCol), vjust=vjust, hjust=0.5, size=size)
            p1 <- p1 + geom_text(data=mtdL, aes(x=-1.2, y=y, label=lbl), vjust=vjust, hjust=1, size=size, fontface="bold")
        gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p1))

        ## change the color of the NA strip to white 
        strps <- which(grepl("strip-",gt$layout$name))
        fills <- rep("#F8F8F8", length(strps))
        fills[1] <- "white"

        k <- 1
        for (i in strps) {
            j <- which(grepl('rect', gt$grobs[[i]]$grobs[[1]]$childrenOrder))
            gt$grobs[[i]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[j]]$gp$fill <- fills[k]
            k <- k+1
        # Code to override clipping
        gt$layout$clip[grep("panel",gt$layout$name)] <- "off"

    } else {
        gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p1))

#' Box plots of densities showing differences between samples for different cell types
#' Box plots of densities showing differences between samples for different cell types
#' @param markers     vector of markers, for each of which a plot will be generated
#' @param density     tibble of density data, including columns for at least Sample, CellType
#'                    and [Total|Density]
#' @param sampleOrder if specified, sample boxes will appear in this order; default=NULL
#' @param starSize    text size, specifically for significance starts; default=8
#' @param pdfFile     if specified, plots will be printed to this file; default=NULL 
#' @return nothing
densityBoxPlots <- function(markers, density, sampleOrder=NULL, starSize=8, pdfFile=NULL){

    plotTheme = theme(legend.title=element_blank(),
                     axis.ticks = element_blank(),
                     strip.text.x = element_text(face="bold", size=12, margin = margin(.4, .2, .4, .2, "cm")),
                     strip.text.y = element_text(margin = margin(.4, .2, .4, .2, "cm")),
                     strip.placement = "outside",
                     plot.background = element_blank(),
                     panel.background = element_blank(),
                     panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                     panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                     axis.line = element_line(color = "black", size=0.5),

    ## density may have "Total" or "Density" as column name; make sure it's Density
    if(!"Density" %in% names(density)){
        if(!"Total" %in% names(density)){
            warning("Data passed to densityBoxPlot() does not contain either 'Density' or 'Total' columns. Skipping")
        density <- rename(density, Density=Total)

    for(marker in markers){
        if(!(marker %in% density$CellType)){
            warning(paste0("Marker ",marker," not in data"))
        den <- filter(density, CellType == marker)
             den$Sample <- factor(den$Sample, levels=sampleOrder)
        ## we want to compare means of all pairwise combinations
        comparisons <- as.tibble(combn(as.vector(unique(den$Sample)),m=2))
        g <- ggplot(den, aes(Sample, Density)) +
           geom_boxplot(width=0.5) +
           stat_compare_means(comparisons=comparisons,label="p.signif",hide.ns=TRUE) +
           plotTheme +
           ggtitle(marker) +
           xlab("") +
        ## change size of significance stars
        g$layers[[2]]$aes_params$textsize <- starSize


#' Generate all infiltration density plots for a single sample
#' Generate all infiltration density plots for a single sample
#' @param den                tibble with columns for Sample,SPOT,Band,Counts,Density
#' @param config             parsed marker config (return value from getMarkerConfig())
#' @param markers            vector of marker combinations to plot
#' @param bandWidth          width of each band around tumor interface
#' @param sampleOrder        vector of sample names in order they should appear on plots
#' @param plotTitle          title to appear on plot
#' @param yMax               maximum y value for all plots
#' @param byFOV              logical indicating whether to generate plots for each individual FOV (default=TRUE)
#' @param absoluteDensity    logical indicating whether to plot density values on absolute scale (default=TRUE)
#' @param densityPercentage  logical indicating whether to plot density percentages (default=TRUE)
#' @param summarize          logical indicating whether to generate summary plots of total band densities (ALL FOVs; default=TRUE)
#' @param stacked            logical indicating whether to generate plots of all cell types for a single marker set
#'                           in a stacked bar chart (default=TRUE)
#' @param summaryTitle       title to appear on summary plots 
#' @return list of sample plots
#' @export
makeSampleInfiltrationDensityPlots <- function(den, config, markers, bandWidth, 
                                               sampleOrder=NULL, plotTitle=NULL, yMax=NULL,sumYmax=NULL, 
                                               byFOV=TRUE, absoluteDensity=TRUE, 
                                               densityPercentage=TRUE, summarize=TRUE, 
                                               summaryTitle=NULL, forceStack=FALSE){
    plotList <- list()

    ## set up labels and colors based on config
    ctLabels <- config$Label
    names(ctLabels) <- config$CellType
    clrLbls <- unique(config[,c("Color","Label")])
    ctClrs <- pull(clrLbls[,"Color"])
    names(ctClrs) <- pull(clrLbls[,"Label"])

    ## first, plot individual FOV

            flog.info("      plotting absolute infiltration density")
            if(is.null(yMax)){ yMax <- max(den$Density) * 1.25 }
            plotList[["sep_fov"]][["absolute"]] <- plotInfiltrationDensity(den, markers, bandWidth, ctClrs, 
                                                              plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=yMax, separateLegend=FALSE,
                                                              facetByFOV=TRUE, facetByCellType=FALSE, 
        if(densityPercentage && length(unique(den$CellType)) > 1){
            if(length(which(den$Density > 0)) > 1){
                ctToStack <- stackable(unique(den$CellType))
                if(!is.null(ctToStack) && length(ctToStack) > 1){
                    den <- den %>% filter(CellType %in% ctToStack)
                    flog.info("      plotting infiltration density percentages")
                    tmp <- den %>% select(Sample,SPOT,Band,CellType,Counts) %>%
                           group_by(Sample,SPOT,Band) %>% summarise(TotalCountsPerBandPerFOV=sum(Counts)) %>% ungroup()
                    sDenPct <- den %>% left_join(tmp, by=c("Sample","SPOT","Band")) %>%
                    sDenPct$Percent[is.na(sDenPct$Percent)] <- 0
                    plotList[["sep_fov"]][["percentage"]] <- plotInfiltrationDensity(sDenPct, markers, 
                                                           bandWidth, ctClrs, sampleOrder=sampleOrder,
                                                           plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=yMax, separateLegend=FALSE,
                                                           printLegend=TRUE, yCol="Percent", facetByFOV=TRUE,
                                                           facetByCellType=FALSE, yAxisTitle="Percent Total Density",
      }, error = function(){
            warning(paste0("Could not plot sample ",s,", for cell population ",pop))

    ## then, summarize each band over all FOV
          if(!"BandArea" %in% names(den) && "Area" %in% names(den)){
              den <- den %>% select(BandArea=Area, everything())

          ssum <- den %>% 
                  mutate(Density=SampleBandCellTypeDensity) %>% 
                  select(Sample,Band,CellType,SampleBandCellTypeCounts,Density) %>% 

          ssum[is.na(ssum)] <- 0
              sumYmax <- max(ssum$Density) * 1.25
          if(length(which(!is.na(ssum$Density))) == 0){
              flog.info(paste0("Could not plot summary for sample ",s,", cell population ",pop))
          } else {
              flog.info("      plotting infiltration summary")
                  plotList[["summary"]][["absolute"]] <- plotInfiltrationDensity(ssum, densityMarkers,
                                                                             bandWidth, ctClrs, plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=sumYmax,
                                                                             separateLegend=FALSE, printLegend=TRUE, facetByFOV=FALSE,
                                                                             facetByCellType=FALSE, yCol="Density",cellTypeLabels=ctLabels)
              if(densityPercentage && length(unique(ssum$CellType)) > 1){
                  ctToStack <- stackable(unique(ssum$CellType))
                  if(!is.null(ctToStack) && length(ctToStack) > 1){
                      flog.info("      plotting infiltration summary percentages")
                      tmp <- ssum %>% group_by(Sample,Band) %>% 
                                      summarise(TotalSampleBandCounts=sum(SampleBandCellTypeCounts)) %>% 
                      ssumPct <- ssum %>% left_join(tmp, by=c("Sample","Band")) %>%
                                 mutate(Percent=SampleBandCellTypeCounts/TotalSampleBandCounts) %>% unique()
                      plotList[["summary"]][["percentage"]] <- plotInfiltrationDensity(ssumPct, densityMarkers,
                                                                                       bandWidth, ctClrs, sampleOrder=sampleOrder,
                                                                                       plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=sumYmax, separateLegend=FALSE,
                                                                                       printLegend=TRUE, yCol="Percent", facetByFOV=FALSE,
                                                                                       facetByCellType=FALSE, yAxisTitle="Percent Total Density",
         }, error = function(){
               warning(paste0("Could not plot summary for sample ",s,", cell population ",pop))
    } # end if summarize

#' Get maximum density value from all Sample+Band combos in a data set
#' Get maximum density value from all Sample+Band combos in a data set
#' @param den       density tibble
#' @param markers   markers to consider
#' @param ia        infiltration area tibble (Sample,Band,Area)
#' @return  double; maximum density value from all Sample+band groups
#' @export
getSampleBandMaxY <- function(den, markers, ia){
    sDen <- den %>% filter(CellType %in% markers) %>%
            group_by(Sample,Band) %>%
    sDen <- sDen %>% full_join(ia, by=c("Sample","Band")) %>%

#' Determine whether a set of markers is 'stackable' in a bar chart
#' Extract from a set of markers only those combinations that are mutually exlusive and therefore 
#' 'stackable' in a bar chart
#' @param markers  vector of marker combinations to be tested for stackability
#' @return subset of markers including only the ones that ARE stackable 
#' @export
stackable <- function(markers){

    pos <- lapply(markers, function(x){ unlist(strsplit(x,","))[-grep("-",unlist(strsplit(x,",")))] })
    posMarkers <- unique(unlist(pos))

    neg <- lapply(markers, function(x){ unlist(strsplit(x,","))[grep("-",unlist(strsplit(x,",")))] })
    negMarkers <- unique(unlist(neg))

    unstackable <- c()

    for(m in posMarkers){

        ps <- pos[grep(m,pos)]
        ns <- neg[grep(m,pos)]
        for(x in 1:(length(ps))){
            combo <- ps[[x]]
            comboNegs <- gsub("-","",ns[[x]])
            others <- ps[-x]
            if(length(others) == 0){ next }
            othersNegs <- ns[-x]
            for(o in 1:length(others)){
                addlMarkers <- others[[o]][-which(others[[o]] %in% combo)]
                if(!all(addlMarkers %in% comboNegs)){
                    warning(paste0("Cell types [",paste(c(ps[[x]],ns[[x]]),collapse=","), 
                                   "] and [",   
                                   "] are not stackable"))
                    unstackable <- c(unstackable, paste(c(ps[[x]],ns[[x]]),collapse=","))

    ## for any markers that are never positive, make sure they are negative
    ## in ALL populations
    for(m in negMarkers){
        if(gsub("-","",m) %in% posMarkers){ next }
        for(x in 1:length(ns)){
            if(!m %in% ns[[x]]){
                warning(paste0("Marker ",m," is negative in only some combos and is never positive. Must be negative in ALL. Excluding all combos with this marker from stacking."))
                unstackable <- c(unstackable, markers[grep(m,markers)])

    if(!is.null(unstackable) && length(unstackable) > 0){
        return(markers[-which(markers %in% unstackable)])
    } else {

#' Create and store all infiltration plots in a list to be printed later
#' Create and store all infiltration plots in a list to be printed later
#' @param den                tibble with columns for Sample,SPOT,Band,Counts,Density
#' @param bandWidth          width of each band around tumor interface
#' @param config             parsed marker config (return value from getMarkerConfig())
#' @param yScaleConsistency  possible values: "population", "all", or "sample" indicating which
#'                           subset of values to use to set maximum for all plots
#' @param indivPopulations   plot populations individually; default=TRUE; if set to FALSE, ONLY stacked plots
#'                           will be created
#' @param absoluteDensity    logical indicating whether to plot density values on absolute scale (default=TRUE)
#' @param densityPercentage  logical indicating whether to plot density percentages (default=TRUE)
#' @param byFOV              logical indicating whether to generate plots for each individual FOV (default=TRUE)
#' @param summarize          logical indicating whether to generate summary plots of total band densities (ALL FOVs; default=TRUE)
#' @param stacked            logical indicating whether to generate plots of all cell types for a single marker set
#'                           in a stacked bar chart (default=TRUE)
#' @param sampleOrder        vector of sample names in order they should appear on plots
#' @param infiltrationAreas  area data for each sample/spot/band
#' @return list of all plots
#' @export
getAllInfiltrationPlots <- function(den, bandWidth=NULL, config, yScaleConsistency="population", absoluteDensity=TRUE,
                              densityPercentage=TRUE, byFOV=TRUE, summarize=TRUE, stacked=TRUE,
                              sampleOrder=NULL, infiltrationAreas=NULL, indivPopulations=TRUE, forceStack=FALSE){

    allPlots <- list()

    ## get sample/band level density info
    den <- getAllInfiltrationDensityValues(den, infiltrationAreas)

    if(!"Density" %in% names(den) && "Total" %in% names(den)){
        den <- den %>% select(Density=Total, everything())

    yMax <- NULL
        yMax <- max(den$Density)
    for(ms in unique(config$MarkerSet)){
        flog.info(paste0("MARKER SET: ",ms))

        msCfg <- config %>% filter(MarkerSet == ms)
        densityMarkers <- unique(msCfg$CellType)
        msDen <- den %>% filter(CellType %in% densityMarkers)
        msYmax <- msDen %>% 
                  group_by(Sample,Band) %>% 
                  mutate(TotalSampBandDensity=sum(Counts)/SampleBandArea) %>% 
                  ungroup() %>% 
                  summarise(max(TotalSampBandDensity)) %>% 

            for(pop in unique(msCfg$Population)){
                flog.info(paste0("  POPULATION: ",pop))

                popCfg <- msCfg %>% filter(Population == pop)
                ## extract density for this population
                densityMarkers <- unique(popCfg$CellType)
                popDen <- msDen %>% filter(CellType %in% densityMarkers)
                popYmax <- popDen %>% 
                           group_by(Sample,Band) %>% 
                           mutate(TotalSampBandDensity=sum(Counts)/SampleBandArea) %>% 
                           ungroup() %>% 
                           summarise(max(TotalSampBandDensity)) %>% 
                for(s in unique(popDen$Sample)){
                    flog.info(paste0("    SAMPLE: ",s))
                    sDen <- popDen %>% filter(Sample == s) %>% ungroup()
                    plotTitle <- paste0(s, " Interface FOVs:\n",pop)
                    summaryTitle <- paste0(s, " Interface All FOVs (total density):\n",pop) 

                    allPlots[[ms]][[pop]][[s]] <- makeSampleInfiltrationDensityPlots(sDen, popCfg, densityMarkers, bandWidth,
                                                                              plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=yMax, sumYmax=popYmax, 
                                                                              summarize=summarize, summaryTitle=summaryTitle,
                } #end each sample
            } #end each population
        } # end if indivPops

        ### if all negatives are set, making densities mutually exclusive, we can stack
        ### all cell types for a single marker set
        if(stacked && (length(unique(msCfg$Label)) == nrow(msCfg))){
            ctToStack <- stackable(unique(msCfg$CellType))
            if(is.null(ctToStack) || length(ctToStack) == 0){ 
                    flog.warn("Cell types do not appear to be stackable, but forcing stacking. Plot MAY not be accurate.")
                    densityMarkers <- unique(msCfg$CellType)
                } else {
                    flog.warn("Cell types are not stackable. No stacked plot made")
            } else {
                ## get stacked version
                densityMarkers <- ctToStack
            tDen <- msDen %>% filter(CellType %in% densityMarkers) %>% ungroup()

            for(s in unique(tDen$Sample)){
                flog.debug(paste0("  ",s))
                sDen <- tDen %>% filter(Sample == s)
                #sDen <- getAllInfiltrationDensityValues(sDen, ia)
                plotTitle <- paste0(s, " Interface FOVs: ",unique(msCfg$MarkerSetAlias))
                summaryTitle <- paste0(s, " Interface All FOVs (total density): ",unique(msCfg$MarkerSetAlias)) 
                allPlots[[ms]][["stacked"]][[s]] <- makeSampleInfiltrationDensityPlots(sDen, msCfg, densityMarkers, bandWidth,
                                                                              plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=yMax, sumYmax=msYmax, 
                                                                              summarize=summarize, summaryTitle=summaryTitle, 
            } # end for each sample
        } # end if stacked
    } # end for each marker set

#' Organize and print multiple sample summaries on a page or two
#' For each marker set in list of plots organized by markerSet, population, then sample,
#' gather all sample plots for a single population, organizing with each row including
#' a single patient and each column including a treatment
#' @param den            density table including Sample_name, Patient, and Response in addition to standard density data
#'                       NOTE: currently Sample_name MUST be in the form "Pt[X]_[ResponseX]", e.g., "Pt1_UT1" or "Pt1_PR"
#' @param allPlots       list of plots organized by markerSet, population, sample, [summary], [absolute|percentage]
#' @param numPtsPerPage  number of cases to plot on each page
#' @return nothing
#' @export
sampleInfiltrationPlotsSingleFile <- function(den, allPlots, numPtsPerPage=4, ncol=NULL, nrow=NULL){

    ptInfo <- den %>%
           ungroup() %>% 
           select(Sample,Patient,`Lesion Response`) %>% 
           unique() %>% 
           arrange(Patient,desc(`Lesion Response`))

    nColEachResp <- ptInfo %>% 
                    group_by(Patient,`Lesion Response`) %>% 
                    summarize(NumEach=n()) %>% 
                    ungroup() %>% 
                    group_by(`Lesion Response`) %>% 
                    summarize(MaxEach=max(NumEach)) %>% 
                    ungroup() %>% 
                    arrange(desc(`Lesion Response`))
    ncol <- sum(nColEachResp$MaxEach) 
    nColEachResp <- nColEachResp %>% mutate(FirstCol=cumsum(MaxEach)+1 - MaxEach[1])

        nrow <- length(unique(ptInfo$Patient))
    numPages <- ceiling(length(unique(ptInfo$Patient))/nrow)

    lgnd <- title <- xtitle <- ytitle <- NULL
    for(pltType in c("absolute","percentage")){

        tmp <- list()
        pgs <- list()

        for(x in 1:numPages){
            tmp[[x]] <- list()
            pgs[[x]] <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow)
            cnames <- c()
            for(y in 1:length(nColEachResp$`Lesion Response`)){
                for(z in 1:nColEachResp$MaxEach[y]){
                    cnames <- c(cnames, paste0(nColEachResp$`Lesion Response`[y],z))
            colnames(pgs[[x]]) <- cnames
            rownames(pgs[[x]]) <- paste0("Pt_",sort(unique(ptInfo$Patient)))      

        for(x in seq(names(allPlots))){
            sl <- names(allPlots)[x]
            if(!pltType %in% names(allPlots[[sl]][["summary"]])){ next }

            plt <- allPlots[[sl]][["summary"]][[pltType]] +
                         legend.background=element_rect(color="gray", size=0.5))

            if(is.null(plt)){ next }

                tryCatch({ lgnd <- g_legend(plt) },error = function(e){ warning(e) })
                  title <- paste0(gsub(".*? (.+)","\\1",plt$labels$title),"\n")
                  xtitle <- plt$labels$x
                  ytitle <- plt$labels$y

            plt <- plt + theme(legend.position="none",
            plt$labels$title <- NULL
            plt$labels$x <- plt$labels$y <- ""

            sname <- unlist(strsplit(sl,"\\."))[1]
            resp <- ptInfo %>% filter(Sample == sl) %>% pull(`Lesion Response`)
            plRow <- sname

            ## find right layoutMatrix
            page <- 1
            for(pg in seq(pgs)){
                if(plRow %in% rownames(pgs[[pg]])){
                    page <- pg

            plCol <- paste0(resp, min(which(is.na(pgs[[pg]][sname,grep(resp, colnames(pgs[[pg]]))]))))

            tmp[[page]][[length(tmp[[page]])+1]] <- plt
            pgs[[pg]][plRow,plCol] <- length(tmp[[pg]])
        } # end for each samp

            tmp[[numPages]][[length(tmp[[numPages]])+1]] <- lgnd

            ### if there are no empty (NA) spaces in matrix, add another column
            ### for legend
            lastPg <- pgs[[numPages]]
            if(!(is.na(lastPg[nrow(lastPg),ncol(lastPg)]) || is.na(lastPg[1,ncol(lastPg)]))){
                lgndCol <- rep(length(tmp[[numPages]]),nrow(pgs[[numPages]]))
                pgs[[numPages]] <- cbind(pgs[[numPages]],lgndCol)
            } else {
                lastCol <- lastPg[,ncol(lastPg)]
                ## find longest stretch of NA at bottom or top of last column and fit legend there
                    x = nrow(lastPg)
                    inc <- -1
                } else {
                    x <- 1
                    inc <- 1
                lastCol[x] <- length(tmp[[numPages]])
                while((x + inc) %in% seq(1,nrow) && is.na(lastCol[x + inc])){
                    lastCol[x + inc] <- length(tmp[[numPages]])
                    x <- x + inc
                pgs[[numPages]][,ncol(pgs[[numPages]])] <- lastCol 
            for(pg in seq(pgs)){
                             top=textGrob(title, gp=gpar(fontsize=12, lineheight=1)))
    } # end each pltType

#' Print density plots 
#' Print density plots
#' @param den                tibble containing densities for all markers to be plotted
#' @param areaDat            tibble containing area data for all Samples, FOVs and Bands
#' @param config             tibble containing marker configureation (returned from getMarkerConfig())
#' @param bandWidth          if plotting by distance intervals from infiltration boundary, this is the size of 
#'                           each interval
#' @param yScaleConsistency  level on which y-scales should be the same; choices: ["byPopulation"|"all"|"markerSet"]
#' @param indivPopulations   logical; print a plot for each individual population; default=TRUE
#' @param absoluteDensity    logical; print plots of absolute density values; default=TRUE
#' @param densityPercentage  logical; print plots of density percentage values; default=TRUE
#' @param byFOV              logical; print plots of each FOV (all FOV on one panel); default=TRUE
#' @param summarize          logical; print summary plots, showing density of ALL FOV together; default=TRUE
#' @param stacked            logical; for plots with all exclusive markers, print stacked bar plots; default=TRUE
#' @param forceStack         force stacking of cell types even if they appear to be unstackable
#' @param sampleOrder        vector of samples in order that they should appear on plot
#' @param outDir             directory where all plots will be printed, organized by marker set
#' @param sampleSummaryRows  number of rows to include on each page of sample summary file; default=NULL
#' @param sampleSummaryCols  number of cols to include on each page of sample summary file; default=NULL
#' @param sampleSummaryPtsPerPage  number of patients to include on each page of sample summary file; can be used instead
#'                                 of sampleSummary[Rows|Cols]; default=NULL
#' @return nothing 
#' @export
printInfiltrationDensityPlots <- function(den, bandWidth=NULL, config, yScaleConsistency="population", 
                                     indivPopulations=TRUE, absoluteDensity=TRUE, densityPercentage=TRUE, byFOV=TRUE, 
                                     summarize=TRUE, stacked=TRUE, forceStack=FALSE, sampleOrder=NULL, separateLegend=TRUE, 
                                     infiltrationAreas=NULL, outDir=NULL, sampleSummaryRows=NULL, sampleSummaryCols=NULL, 

        outDir <- getwd()

    flog.info("Getting all plots")
    allPlots <- getAllInfiltrationPlots(den, config, bandWidth=bandWidth, indivPopulations=indivPopulations, 
                                        absoluteDensity=absoluteDensity, densityPercentage=densityPercentage, 
                                        byFOV=byFOV, summarize=summarize, stacked=stacked, 
                                        infiltrationAreas=infiltrationAreas, forceStack=forceStack) 

    if(is.null(allPlots) || length(allPlots) == 0){
        flog.info("No plots made.")

    for(ms in names(allPlots)){

        if(is.null(allPlots[[ms]]) || length(allPlots[[ms]]) == 0){
            flog.info(paste0("No plots made for marker set ",ms))
        ## create directories 
        msOutDir <- file.path(outDir,ms)
        dir.create(msOutDir, showWarnings=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)

        fovOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "individual_populations_individual_fovs")
        ctSumOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "individual_populations_whole_samples")
        stackedOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "stacked_populations_individual_fovs")
        stackedSumOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "stacked_population_whole_samples")
        sampleOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "individual_populations_sample_summary")
        sampleSumOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "stacked_populations_sample_summary")

        flog.info(paste0("Printing plots for marker set: ",ms))

        for(ct in names(allPlots[[ms]])){
            flog.info(paste0("  CellType/Population: ",ct))

            if(length(allPlots[[ms]][[ct]]) == 0){
                flog.info(paste0("No plots made for marker set ",ms," cell type ",ct))

            ## print sample plots separately (single page each)
            for(s in names(allPlots[[ms]][[ct]])){
                if(length(allPlots[[ms]][[ct]][[s]]) == 0){
                    flog.info(paste0("No plots made for marker set ",ms," cell type ",ct," sample ",s))
                flog.info(paste0("    Sample: ",s))

                p1 <- allPlots[[ms]][[ct]][[s]][[1]][[1]]
                lgnd <- g_legend(p1) ## automatically get legend from first plot
                for(plotType in names(allPlots[[ms]][[ct]][[s]])){
                    if(ct == "stacked"){
                        if(plotType == "sep_fov"){
                            if(!file.exists(stackedOutDir)){ dir.create(stackedOutDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }
                            fileName <- file.path(stackedOutDir, paste0(ms,"_",s,"_by_fov.pdf"))
                        } else {
                            if(!file.exists(stackedSumOutDir)){ dir.create(stackedSumOutDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }
                            fileName <- file.path(stackedSumOutDir, paste0(ms,"_",s,".pdf"))
                   } else {
                        if(plotType == "sep_fov"){
                            if(!file.exists(fovOutDir)){ dir.create(fovOutDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }
                            fileName <- file.path(fovOutDir, paste0(ct,"_",s,"_by_fov.pdf"))
                        } else {
                            if(!file.exists(ctSumOutDir)){ dir.create(ctSumOutDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }
                            fileName <- file.path(ctSumOutDir, paste0(ct,"_",s,".pdf"))
                    plts <- allPlots[[ms]][[ct]][[s]][[plotType]]
                    if(is.null(lgnd) || is.null(plts)){ next }
                    pdf(fileName, height=8.5, width=11)
                    flog.debug("drawing legend")
                    if(!is.null(lgnd)) { grid.draw(lgnd) }
                    for(p in names(plts)){ 
                        p1 <- plts[[p]] + theme(legend.position="none")
                        if(!is.null(p1)){ print(p1) }

            ## print summaries for each sample on one page
            if(!ct == "stacked"){
                if(!file.exists(sampleOutDir)){ dir.create(sampleOutDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }
                flog.info(paste0("  Printing single-page summary for cell type: ",ct))
                fileName <- file.path(sampleOutDir, paste0(ct, "__combined_summary.pdf"))
            } else {
                if(!file.exists(sampleSumOutDir)){ dir.create(sampleSumOutDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }
                flog.info(paste0("Printing single-page summary for marker set: ",ms))
                fileName <- file.path(sampleSumOutDir, paste0(ms, "__combined_summary.pdf"))
            pdf(fileName, height=11, width=8.5)
            sampleInfiltrationPlotsSingleFile(den, allPlots[[ms]][[ct]], numPtsPerPage=sampleSummaryPtsPerPage, 
                                              ncol=sampleSummaryCols, nrow=sampleSummaryRows)

#' Generate all infiltration density plots for a single sample
#' Generate all infiltration density plots for a single sample
#' @param den                tibble with columns for Sample,SPOT,Band,Counts,Density
#' @param config             parsed marker config (return value from getMarkerConfig())
#' @param densityMarkers     vector of marker combinations to plot
#' @param sampleOrder        vector of sample names in order they should appear on plots
#' @param plotTitle          title to appear on plot
#' @param yMax               maximum y value for all plots
#' @param sumYmax            maximum y value for summary plots
#' @param byFOV              logical indicating whether to generate plots for each individual FOV (default=TRUE)
#' @param absoluteDensity    logical indicating whether to plot density values on absolute scale (default=TRUE)
#' @param densityPercentage  logical indicating whether to plot density percentages (default=TRUE)
#' @param summarize          logical indicating whether to generate summary plots of total band densities (ALL FOVs; default=TRUE)
#' @param stacked            logical indicating whether to generate plots of all cell types for a single marker set
#'                           in a stacked bar chart (default=TRUE)
#' @param forceStack         force stacking of cell types even if they appear to be unstackable
#' @param summaryTitle       title to appear on summary plots 
#' @return list of sample plots
#' @export
makeSampleTotalFOVDensityPlots <- function(den, config, densityMarkers, sampleOrder=NULL,
                                           plotTitle="", yMax=NULL, sumYmax=NULL, byFOV=TRUE,
                                           absoluteDensity=TRUE, densityPercentage=TRUE,
                                           summarize=TRUE, summaryTitle="", forceStack=FALSE, 

    plotList <- list()

    ## set up labels and colors based on config
    ctLabels <- config$Label
    names(ctLabels) <- config$CellType
    clrLbls <- unique(config[,c("Color","Label")])
    ctClrs <- pull(clrLbls[,"Color"])
    names(ctClrs) <- pull(clrLbls[,"Label"])

    ## first, plot individual FOV
                flog.info("      plotting absolute total FOV density")
                plotList[["sep_fov"]][["absolute"]] <- plotTotalFOVMarkerDensity(den, densityMarkers, ctClrs,
                                                              sampleOrder=sampleOrder, xCol="SPOT", yCol="Total",
                                                              plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=yMax, separateLegend=FALSE,
                                                              groupBy="FOV_type", cellTypeLabels=ctLabels, xAxisTitle="FOV")
            if(densityPercentage && length(unique(den$CellType)) > 1){
                ctToStack <- stackable(unique(den$CellType))
                if(!is.null(ctToStack) && length(ctToStack) > 1){
                    den <- den %>% filter(CellType %in% ctToStack)
                    if(length(which(den$Total > 0)) > 1){
                        flog.info("      plotting total FOV density percentages")
                        sDenPct <- den %>% group_by(Sample,SPOT) %>% mutate(Pct=Counts/sum(Counts))                

                        sDenPct$Pct[is.na(sDenPct$Pct)] <- 0
                        plotList[["sep_fov"]][["percentage"]] <- plotTotalFOVMarkerDensity(sDenPct, markers,
                                                               ctClrs, sampleOrder=sampleOrder, xCol="SPOT",
                                                               plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=yMax, separateLegend=FALSE,
                                                               printLegend=TRUE, yCol="Pct", groupBy="FOV_type", 
                                                               yAxisTitle="Percent Total FOV Density", xAxisTitle="FOV",
                                                               cellTypeLabels=ctLabels, pct=TRUE)
          }, error = function(){
                warning(paste0("Could not plot sample ",s,", for cell population ",pop))

    ### summarize each band over all FOV
        plotTitle <- gsub(".*\\s","",summaryTitle) 
              ssum <- den %>% 
                      select_at(c("CellType","Sample","SampleCounts","CellTypeSampleDensity","Patient",annotationCols)) %>% 
          } else {
              ssum <- den %>% select(CellType,matches("Sample"),Patient) %>% unique()
          if(!is.null(sampleOrder)){ ssum$Sample <- factor(ssum$Sample, levels=sampleOrder) }
          ssum[is.na(ssum)] <- 0
              sumYmax <- max(sum(ssum$CellTypeSampleDensity)) * 1.25
          if(length(which(!is.na(ssum$CellTypeSampleDensity))) == 0){
              flog.info(paste0("Could not plot summary for sample ",s,", cell population ",pop))
          } else {
              flog.info("      plotting total FOV density summary")
                  plotList[["summary"]][["absolute"]] <- plotTotalFOVMarkerDensity(ssum, densityMarkers,
                                                                    ctClrs, plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=sumYmax,
                                                                    separateLegend=FALSE, printLegend=TRUE, groupBy="Patient",
                                                                    yCol="CellTypeSampleDensity", xCol="Sample",
                                                                    cellTypeLabels=ctLabels, sampleOrder=sampleOrder,
                                                                    annotationCols=annotationCols, xAxisTitle="")
              if(densityPercentage & length(unique(ssum$CellType)) > 1){
                  ctToStack <- stackable(unique(den$CellType))
                  if(!is.null(ctToStack) && length(ctToStack) > 1){
                      ssum <- ssum %>% filter(CellType %in% ctToStack)
                      flog.info("      plotting total FOV summary percentages")
                      ssumPct <- ssum %>% group_by(Sample) %>% mutate(Pct=SampleCounts/sum(SampleCounts)) 
                      ssumPct$Pct[is.na(ssumPct$Pct)] <- 0
                      plotList[["summary"]][["percentage"]] <- plotTotalFOVMarkerDensity(ssumPct, densityMarkers,
                                                                          ctClrs, sampleOrder=sampleOrder, xCol="Sample",
                                                                          plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=sumYmax, separateLegend=FALSE,
                                                                          printLegend=TRUE, yCol="Pct", groupBy="Patient",
                                                                          yAxisTitle="Percent Total Sample Density",
                                                                          cellTypeLabels=ctLabels, pct=TRUE) 
         }, error = function(){
               warning(paste0("Could not plot summary for sample ",s,", cell population ",pop))
    } # end if summarize

#' Create and store all infiltration plots in a list to be printed later
#' Create and store all infiltration plots in a list to be printed later
#' @param den                tibble with columns for Sample,SPOT,Band,Counts,Density
#' @param config             parsed marker config (return value from getMarkerConfig())
#' @param indivPopulations   plot populations individually; default=TRUE; if set to FALSE, ONLY stacked plots
#'                           will be created
#' @param absoluteDensity    logical indicating whether to plot density values on absolute scale (default=TRUE)
#' @param densityPercentage  logical indicating whether to plot density percentages (default=TRUE)
#' @param summarize          logical indicating whether to generate summary plots of total band densities (ALL FOVs; default=TRUE)
#' @param stacked            logical indicating whether to generate plots of all cell types for a single marker set
#'                           in a stacked bar chart (default=TRUE)
#' @param forceStack         force stacking of cell types even if they appear to be unstackable
#' @param sampleOrder        vector of sample names in order they should appear on plots
#' @param fovAreas           area data for each sample/spot
#' @param yMax               maximum y value for all plots
#' @param annotationCols     vector of column names to use for annotation
#' @return list of all plots
#' @export
getAllTotalFOVPlots <- function(den, config, indivPopulations=TRUE, absoluteDensity=TRUE,
                                densityPercentage=TRUE, summarize=TRUE, stacked=TRUE,
                                fovAreas=NULL, forceStack=FALSE, yMax=NULL, annotationCols=NULL){

    allPlots <- list()

    ## get sample/band level density info
    den <- getAllFOVDensityValues(den, fovAreas)

    if(!"Total" %in% names(den) && "Density" %in% names(den)){
        den <- den %>% select(Total=Density, everything())
    for(ms in unique(config$MarkerSet)){
        flog.info(paste0("MARKER SET: ",ms))

        msCfg <- config %>% filter(MarkerSet == ms)
        densityMarkers <- unique(msCfg$CellType)
        msDen <- den %>% filter(CellType %in% densityMarkers)
        msYmax <- msDen %>% 
                  select(Sample,CellType,CellTypeSampleDensity) %>% 
                  unique() %>% 
                  group_by(Sample) %>% 
                  summarise(TMP=sum(CellTypeSampleDensity)) %>% 
                  pull(TMP) %>% 

            for(pop in unique(msCfg$Population)){
                flog.info(paste0("  POPULATION: ",pop))

                popCfg <- msCfg %>% filter(Population == pop)
                ## extract density for this population
                densityMarkers <- unique(popCfg$CellType)
                popDen <- msDen %>% filter(CellType %in% densityMarkers)
                popYmax <- popDen %>% 
                           select(Sample,CellType,CellTypeSampleDensity) %>% 
                           unique() %>% 
                           group_by(Sample) %>% 
                           summarise(TMP=sum(CellTypeSampleDensity)) %>% 
                           pull(TMP) %>% 

                for(s in unique(popDen$Sample)){
                    flog.info(paste0("    SAMPLE: ",s))
                    sDen <- popDen %>% filter(Sample == s) %>% ungroup()
                    plotTitle <- paste0(s, " All FOVs:\n",pop)
                    summaryTitle <- paste0(s, " All FOVs (total density):\n",pop)
                    dm <- intersect(densityMarkers, unique(sDen$CellType))
                    allPlots[[ms]][[pop]][[s]] <- makeSampleTotalFOVDensityPlots(sDen, popCfg, dm, byFOV=TRUE,
                                                                              sampleOrder=sampleOrder, plotTitle=plotTitle, 
                                                                              yMax=yMax, sumYmax=popYmax,
                                                                              summarize=FALSE, summaryTitle=summaryTitle,
                                                                              forceStack=FALSE, annotationCols=annotationCols)
                } #end each sample

                    #### complete summary (all samples one plot)
                        sDen <- popDen %>% 
                                ungroup() %>% 
                                select_at(c("Sample","CellType","CellTypeSampleDensity","SampleCounts","Patient",annotationCols)) %>% 
                    } else {
                        sDen <- popDen %>% ungroup() %>% select(Sample,CellType,CellTypeSampleDensity,SampleCounts,Patient) %>% unique()
                        sDen$Sample <- factor(sDen$Sample, levels=sampleOrder)
                    sumMax <- sDen %>% group_by(Sample) %>% summarise(TMP=sum(CellTypeSampleDensity)) %>% pull(TMP) %>% max()
                    summaryTitle <- pop
                    allPlots[[ms]][[pop]][["full_summary"]] <- makeSampleTotalFOVDensityPlots(sDen, popCfg, densityMarkers,
                                                                                  sampleOrder=sampleOrder, plotTitle=plotTitle, 
                                                                                  yMax=yMax, sumYmax=sumMax, byFOV=FALSE,
                                                                                  summarize=summarize, summaryTitle=summaryTitle,
                                                                                  forceStack=TRUE, annotationCols=annotationCols)

            } #end each population
        } # end if indivPops

        ### if all negatives are set, making densities mutually exclusive, we can stack
        ### all cell types for a single marker set
               ### if all negatives are set, making densities mutually exclusive, we can stack
        ### all cell types for a single marker set
        if(stacked && (length(unique(msCfg$Label)) == nrow(msCfg))){
            ctToStack <- stackable(unique(msCfg$CellType))
            if(is.null(ctToStack) || length(ctToStack) == 0){ 
                    flog.warn("Cell types do not appear to be stackable, but forcing stacking. Plot MAY not be accurate.")
                    densityMarkers <- unique(msCfg$CellType)
                } else {
                    flog.warn("Cell types are not stackable. No stacked plot made")
            } else {
                ## get stacked version
                densityMarkers <- ctToStack
            tDen <- msDen %>% filter(CellType %in% densityMarkers) %>% ungroup()

            for(s in unique(tDen$Sample)){
                flog.debug(paste0("  ",s))
                sDen <- tDen %>% filter(Sample == s)
                plotTitle <- paste0(s, " All FOVs: ",unique(msCfg$MarkerSetAlias))
                summaryTitle <- paste0(s, " All FOVs (total density): ",unique(msCfg$MarkerSetAlias))

                allPlots[[ms]][["stacked"]][[s]] <- makeSampleTotalFOVDensityPlots(sDen, msCfg, densityMarkers,
                                                                              sampleOrder=sampleOrder, byFOV=FALSE,
                                                                              plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=yMax, sumYmax=msYmax,
                                                                              summarize=FALSE, summaryTitle=summaryTitle,
                                                                              forceStack=forceStack, annotationCols=annotationCols)
            } # end for each sample

                tDen <- tDen %>% 
                        select_at(c("Sample","CellType","CellTypeSampleDensity","SampleCounts","Patient",annotationCols)) %>% 
            } else {
                tDen <- tDen %>%
                        select(Sample,CellType,CellTypeSampleDensity,SampleCounts,Patient) %>%
                tDen$Sample <- factor(tDen$Sample, levels=sampleOrder)
            plotTitle <- paste0("All FOV")
            summaryTitle <- "All FOV"
            allPlots[[ms]][["stacked"]][["full_summary"]] <- makeSampleTotalFOVDensityPlots(tDen, msCfg, densityMarkers,
                                                                              sampleOrder=sampleOrder, byFOV=FALSE,
                                                                              plotTitle=plotTitle, yMax=yMax, sumYmax=msYmax,
                                                                              summarize=TRUE, summaryTitle=summaryTitle,
                                                                              forceStack=forceStack, annotationCols=annotationCols)
        } # end if stacked
    } # end for each marker set


#' Print plots of total FOV marker density plots 
#' Print plots of total FOV marker density plots
#' @param den                tibble containing densities for all markers to be plotted
#' @param fovAreas           tibble containing area data for all Samples and FOVs
#' @param config             tibble containing marker configuration (returned from getMarkerConfig())
#' @param yScaleConsistency  level on which y-scales should be the same; choices: ["byPopulation"|"all"|"markerSet"]
#' @param indivPopulations   logical; print a plot for each individual population; default=TRUE
#' @param absoluteDensity    logical; print plots of absolute density values; default=TRUE
#' @param densityPercentage  logical; print plots of density percentage values; default=TRUE
#' @param summarize          logical; print summary plots, showing density of ALL FOV together; default=TRUE
#' @param stacked            logical; for plots with all exclusive markers, print stacked bar plots; default=TRUE
#' @param forceStack         force stacking of cell types even if they appear to be unstackable
#' @param sampleOrder        vector of samples in order that they should appear on plot
#' @param annotationCols     vector of column names to use for annotation
#' @param outDir             directory where all plots will be printed, organized by marker set
#' @return nothing 
#' @export
printTotalFOVDensityPlots <- function(den, fovAreas, config, yScaleConsistency="population",indivPopulations=TRUE, 
                                      absoluteDensity=TRUE, densityPercentage=TRUE, summarize=TRUE, 
                                      stacked=TRUE, forceStack=FALSE, sampleOrder=NULL, outDir=NULL, 

        outDir <- getwd()

    flog.info("Getting all plots")
    allPlots <- getAllTotalFOVPlots(den, config, indivPopulations=indivPopulations,
                                    absoluteDensity=absoluteDensity, densityPercentage=densityPercentage,
                                    summarize=summarize, stacked=stacked,
                                    fovAreas=fovAreas, forceStack=forceStack, annotationCols=annotationCols)

    if(is.null(allPlots) || length(allPlots) == 0){
        flog.info("No plots made.")

    for(ms in names(allPlots)){

        if(is.null(allPlots[[ms]]) || length(allPlots[[ms]]) == 0){
            flog.info(paste0("No plots made for marker set ",ms))
        ## create directories 
        msOutDir <- file.path(outDir,ms)
        dir.create(msOutDir, showWarnings=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)

        fovOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "individual_populations_individual_fovs")
        ctSumOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "individual_populations_whole_samples")
        stackedOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "stacked_populations_individual_fovs")
        stackedSumOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "stacked_population_whole_samples")
        sampleOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "individual_populations_sample_summary")
        sampleSumOutDir <- file.path(msOutDir, "stacked_populations_sample_summary")

        flog.info(paste0("Printing plots for marker set: ",ms))

        for(ct in names(allPlots[[ms]])){
            flog.info(paste0("  CellType/Population: ",ct))

            if(length(allPlots[[ms]][[ct]]) == 0){
                flog.info(paste0("No plots made for marker set ",ms," cell type ",ct))

            ## print sample plots separately (single page each)
            for(s in names(allPlots[[ms]][[ct]])){
                if(length(allPlots[[ms]][[ct]][[s]]) == 0){
                    flog.info(paste0("No plots made for marker set ",ms," cell type ",ct," sample ",s))
                flog.info(paste0("    Sample: ",s))

                p1 <- allPlots[[ms]][[ct]][[s]][[1]][[1]]
                lgnd <- g_legend(p1) ## automatically get legend from first plot

                for(plotType in names(allPlots[[ms]][[ct]][[s]])){
                    if(ct == "stacked"){
                        if(plotType == "sep_fov"){
                            if(!file.exists(stackedOutDir)){ dir.create(stackedOutDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }
                            fileName <- file.path(stackedOutDir, paste0(ms,"_",s,"_by_fov.pdf"))
                        } else {
                            if(!file.exists(stackedSumOutDir)){ dir.create(stackedSumOutDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }
                            fileName <- file.path(stackedSumOutDir, paste0(ms,"_",s,".pdf"))
                   } else {
                        if(plotType == "sep_fov"){
                            if(!file.exists(fovOutDir)){ dir.create(fovOutDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }
                            fileName <- file.path(fovOutDir, paste0(ct,"_",s,"_by_fov.pdf"))
                        } else {
                            if(!file.exists(ctSumOutDir)){ dir.create(ctSumOutDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE) }
                            fileName <- file.path(ctSumOutDir, paste0(ct,"_",s,".pdf"))
                    plts <- allPlots[[ms]][[ct]][[s]][[plotType]]
                    if(is.null(lgnd) || is.null(plts)){ next }
                    pdf(fileName, height=8.5, width=14, onefile=TRUE)
                    flog.debug("drawing legend")
                    if(!is.null(lgnd)) { grid.arrange(lgnd) }
                    for(p in names(plts)){
                        p1 <- plts[[p]] 
                            p1$grobs[[which(sapply(p1$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")]] <- zeroGrob()

#' Make annotated heatmap of cell type densities
#' Make annotated heatmap of cell type densities
#' @param den              table containing total FOV cell type densities with basic FOV/Sample annotations
#' @param annot            table of additional FOV annotation to include in annot tracks
#' @param annotColors      list of annotation legend colors, where keys match column names in annot, and
#'                         each value is a vector of colors named by the respective annotation values 
#' @param msToSummarize    a vector of marker set names to collapse into one "cell type"; if given, must 
#'                         provide a parsed cell type configuration and FOV area table; any mutually-exclusive 
#'                         (stackable) cell types belonging to a marker set in this vector will be converted to 
#'                         a single density value for each FOV.
#' @param ctConfig         if summarizing any marker sets, must provide a cell type config returned by
#'                         getMarkerConfig()
#' @param areas            if summarizing any marker sets, must provide table of FOV areas in order to calculate
#'                         new density. 
#' @export
makeDensityHeatmap <- function(den, annot=NULL, annotColors=NULL, msToSummarize=NULL, ctConfig=NULL, 
                               areas=NULL, separateLegend=FALSE, bySample=TRUE, byFOV=TRUE, clusterFOVs=TRUE,

    den <- den %>% 
           filter(!is.na(Counts)) %>%
           select(-(SampleLabel)) %>%
           mutate(SampleLabel = paste0(Patient,".",Sample_number,".",SPOT)) %>%
           filter(CellType %in% ctConfig$CellType) %>%

    den <- getAllFOVDensityValues(den, areas)

    ## collapse any marker sets marked for summarization
    if(!is.null(msToSummarize) && length(msToSummarize) > 0){
        areas$SampleLabel <- paste0(areas$Patient,".",areas$Sample_number,".",fovAreas$SPOT)
        areas <- areas %>% select(SampleLabel, Area)
        areas$Sample <- areas$SampleLabel
        for(ms in msToSummarize){
            msCfg <- ctConfig %>% filter(MarkerSet == ms)
            msDen <- den %>% filter(CellType %in% stackable(unique(msCfg$CellType)))
            msCounts <- msDen %>% group_by(Sample,SPOT) %>% summarize(msCounts=sum(Counts), msSampCounts=sum(SampleCounts))
            msDen <- msDen %>% 
                     left_join(msCounts, by=c("Sample","SPOT")) %>%
                     mutate(msDensity=msCounts/Area, msSampDensity=msSampCounts/SampleArea) %>%
                     select(-c(CellType,Counts,Total,SampleCounts,CellTypeSampleDensity)) %>%
                     select(Counts=msCounts, Total=msDensity, SampleCounts=msSampCounts, CellTypeSampleDensity=msSampDensity, everything()) %>%
                     mutate(CellType=ms) %>%
                     select(names(den)) %>% 

            den <- den %>% 
                   filter(!CellType %in% stackable(unique(msCfg$CellType))) %>%

    den$Total <- log2(den$Total+1)
    den <- den %>% filter(!is.na(Total)) 

    if("CellTypeSampleDensity" %in% names(den)){
        den$CellTypeSampleDensity <- log2(den$CellTypeSampleDensity + 1)        

    for(statLevel in c("byFOV","bySample")){

        if(!get(statLevel)){ next }

        if(statLevel == "bySample"){
            den2 <- den %>% 
                    mutate(SampleLabel=paste0(Patient,".",Sample_number)) %>%
                    filter(!is.na(CellTypeSampleDensity)) %>% 
                    select(-c(Counts,Total,SPOT,FOV_type,Sample_number,Sample,Area)) %>% 
                    select(Total=CellTypeSampleDensity, Counts=SampleCounts, everything()) %>% 
            clusterCols <- clusterSamples
        } else {
            den2 <- den
            clusterCols <- clusterFOVs

        ## format data into numeric matrix for plotting
        htmpDen <- den2 %>% 
                   select(SampleLabel, CellType, Total) %>% 
        dups <- which(duplicated(htmpDen %>% select(SampleLabel,CellType)))
        if(length(dups) > 0){
            htmpDen <- htmpDen[-dups,] 
        htmpDen <- htmpDen %>%
                   filter(!is.na(Total)) %>%

        tmp <- as.matrix(htmpDen)
        rownames(tmp) <- htmpDen$SampleLabel
        tmp <- tmp[,-1]
        tmp2 <- apply(tmp, 2, as.numeric)
        rownames(tmp2) <- rownames(tmp)
        idxs <- grep("-", colnames(tmp2))
        colnames(tmp2)[idxs] <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(tmp2)[idxs],","), function(x){ paste(x[-grep("-",x)],collapse=",") }))
        tmp2 <- t(tmp2) 

        ## prep annotation tracks
            annot2 <- annot 
                selVars <- unique(c(names(annotColors),"Patient","Sample_number","SampleLabel"))
                if(statLevel == "byFOV"){
                    selVars <- c(selVars, "SPOT")
                    annot2 <- annot2 %>% 
                } else {
                    annot2 <- annot2 %>%
            annot2 <- annot2 %>% select(selVars) %>% unique()
            annot2 <- annot2 %>% 
                     filter(SampleLabel %in% colnames(tmp2)) %>%
            annot2[is.na(annot2)] <- "None"
            for(x in names(annot2)){
                lvls <- unique(annot2[[x]])
                addNA <- "NA" %in% lvls 
                    lvls <- lvls[-which(lvls == "NA")]
                    lvls <- as.numeric(lvls)
                lvls <- sort(lvls)
                if(addNA){ lvls <- c(lvls, "NA") }                    
                annot2[[x]] <- factor(annot2[[x]], levels=lvls)

            rn <- as.vector(annot2$SampleLabel)
            annot2 <- as.data.frame(annot2)
            rownames(annot2) <- rn
            annot2 <- annot2[,-which(colnames(annot2) %in% c("SampleLabel","Sample_number","SPOT"))]
            annot2 <- annot2 %>% select(rev(names(annot2)))

        breaks <- (0:ceiling(max(den2$Total)))
        col2 <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "navy"))(length(breaks))

            tmp4 <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(tmp2), nrow=nrow(tmp2))
            rownames(tmp4) <- rownames(tmp2)
            colnames(tmp4) <- colnames(tmp2)
            pheatmap(mat = tmp4, 
                     fontsize=8, color=col2, 

        binned <- apply(tmp2, 2, function(x){ cut(x, breaks, include.lowest=TRUE, labels=breaks[-length(breaks)])  }) 
        rownames(binned) <- rownames(tmp2)
        binned <- apply(binned, 2, as.numeric)
        rownames(binned) <- rownames(tmp2)    

        cellwidth <- ifelse(statLevel == "bySample", 600/dim(binned)[2], 2)
        cellheight <- ifelse(statLevel == "bySample", cellwidth, 600/dim(binned)[1])
        pheatmap(mat = binned, 
                 color = col2,
                 main = paste0("Total FOV cell type density (log2)\n", tolower(gsub("by","by ",statLevel))),
                 legend = !separateLegend, 
                 legend_breaks = breaks[-length(breaks)],
                 #legend_labels = llabels, 
                 annotation_legend = !separateLegend, 
                 annotation_col = annot2, 
                 annotation_colors = annotColors, 
                 fontsize = 8, 
                 breaks = breaks, 
                 show_colnames = FALSE, 
                 cellwidth = cellwidth,
                 cellheight = cellheight, 
                 scale = "none",
caitlinjones/halo documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8 a.m.