AddErrMsg | Adds an error message |
analyze.lipids | Lipid analysis pipeliner |
ANOVA2.Anal | Perform Two-way ANOVA |
ANOVA.Anal | Perform ANOVA analysis |
aof | ANOVA |
aov.1wayrep | Perform Two-way ANOVA |
aov.2way | Perform Two-way ANOVA |
aov.mixed | Perform Two-way ANOVA |
ASCAfun1 | Function to perform ASCA Adapted from online R script with... |
ASCAfun2 | Function to perform ASCA |
ASCAfun.res | Function to perform ASCA |
calculateConcISO | Calculate Concentration ISO |
CalculateFeatureRanking | Calculates feature importance |
CalculateGlobalTestScore | Quantitative enrichment analysis with globaltest |
CalculateHyperScore | Over-representation analysis using hypergeometric tests |
CalculateImpVarCutoff | Calculate the Important Variable Cutoff |
CalculateOraScore | Calculate ORA score |
CalculatePairwiseDiff | Calculate Pairwise Differences |
CalculateQeaScore | Calculate quantitative enrichment score |
CalculateSSP | Single sample profiling to compare with |
CentroidCheck | CentroidCheck |
CheckMetaDataConsistency | Check if data are ready for meta-analysis |
CleanData | Perform data cleaning |
CleanDataMatrix | Clean the data matrix |
CleanNumber | Replace infinite numbers |
ClearStrings | Remove spaces |
ComputeAverageCurve | Compute average ROC curve |
computeConc | Lipid analysis |
ComputeHighLow | Compute the 95 percent interval for threshold ROC |
ContainMissing | Check for missing data |
Convert2AnalObject | Convert2AnalObject This function is used to convert mSet... |
Convert2Mummichog | Convert mSetObj to proper format for MS Peaks to Pathways... |
Convert2MummichogMetaPath | Convert mSetObj to proper format for MS Peaks to Pathways... |
CovariateScatter.Anal | CovariateScatter.Anal |
CreateAnalNullMsg | Create null message for analysis Creates a message for the... |
CreateANOVAdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateAOV2doc | Create report of analyses |
CreateASCAdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateBiomarkerInputDoc | Create biomarker analysis report: Data Input |
CreateBiomarkerIntr | Create biomarker analysis report: Introduction |
CreateBiomarkerOverview | Create biomarker analysis report: Overview |
CreateBiomarkerRatioOverview | Create biomarker analysis report: Normalization, ratio |
CreateBiomarkerRnwReport | Create report of analyses (Biomarker) |
CreateCorAnalysis | Create report of analyses |
CreateCorHeatmap | Create report of analyses |
CreateCorrDoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateCovAdj | Create report of analyses |
createCVset | Separate data set using k-fold cross validation (CV) |
CreateEBAMdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateEnrichAnalDoc | Create report of analyses (Met Enrichment) |
CreateEnrichInputDoc | Create report of analyses (Met Enrichment) |
CreateEnrichIntr | Create report of analyses (Met Enrichment) |
CreateEnrichORAdoc | Create report of analyses (Met Enrichment) |
CreateEnrichOverview | Create report of analyses (Met Enrichment) |
CreateEnrichProcessDoc | Create report of analyses (Met Enrichment) |
CreateEnrichQEAdoc | Create report of analyses (Met Enrichment) |
CreateEnrichRnwReport | Create report of analyses (Met Enrichment) |
CreateEnrichSSPdoc | Create report of analyses (Met Enrichment) |
CreateFooter | Create report of analyses (Met Enrichment) |
CreateGraph | Create igraph from the edgelist saved from graph DB and... |
CreateGSEAAnalTable | Create Mummichog report of analyses |
CreateHCdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateIntegMatchingTable | CreateIntegMatchingTable |
CreateIntegPathwayAnalysisRnwReport | Create report of analyses (IntegPathwayAnalysis) |
CreateIntegratedPathwayAnalInputDoc | Create integrated pathway report: Data Input |
CreateIntegratedPathwayAnalIntr | Create integrated pathway analysis report: Introduction |
CreateIntegratedPathwayDoc | Create integrated pathway analysis report |
CreateIntegratedPathwayGeneMapTable | Create a x-table for gene name mapping |
CreateIntegratedPathwayNameMapTable | Create a x-table for compound name mapping |
CreateIntegratedPathwayResultsTable | Create a x-table for pathway results |
CreateiPCAdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateKMdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateLadder | R-code for R-SVM |
CreateMappingResultTable | Creates the mapping result table |
CreateMBdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateMetaAnalTable | Create Mummichog report of analyses |
CreateMetaAnalysisDEdoc | Create MetaAnalysis analysis report: Data Normalization |
CreateMetaAnalysisInputDoc | Create MetaAnalysis analysis report: Data Input |
CreateMetaAnalysisIntr | Create MetaAnalysis analysis report: Introduction |
CreateMetaAnalysisNORMdoc | Create MetaAnalysis analysis report: Data Normalization |
CreateMetaAnalysisOutput | Create MetaAnalysis analysis report: Data Normalization |
CreateMetaAnalysisOverview | Create MetaAnalysis analysis report: Overview |
CreateMetaAnalysisRnwReport | Create report of analyses (Meta-Analysis) |
CreateMetaMummichogInputDoc | Create analysis report: Functional Meta-Analysis Data Input |
CreateMetaMummichogIntro | Create analysis report: Functional Meta-Analysis Introduction |
CreateMetaMummichogResults | Create analysis report: Functional Meta-Analysis Results |
CreateMetaOverview | Create report of analyses |
CreateMetaPathRnwReport | Create report of analyses (Biomarker) |
CreateMetaTable | Create MetaAnalysis table of results |
CreateModelBiomarkersDoc | Create biomarker analysis report: ROC Curve Based Model... |
CreateMultiBiomarkersDoc | Create biomarker analysis report: Multivariate Biomarker... |
CreateMummichogAnalTable | Create Mummichog report of analyses |
CreateMummichogAnalysisDoc | Create mummichog analysis report |
CreateMummichogInputDoc | Create Mummichog analysis report: Data Input |
CreateMummichogIntro | Create mummichog analysis report: Introduction |
CreateMummichogLibs | Create Mummichog Libraries from KEGG |
CreateMummichogMetaAnalPathTable | Create analysis report: Functional Meta-Analysis Results... |
CreateMummichogMetaAnalReport | Create analysis report: Functional Meta-Analysis |
CreateMummichogOverview | Create Mummichog analysis report: Overview |
CreateMummichogRnwReport | Create report of analyses (Biomarker) |
CreateNetworkExplorerDoc | Create integrated pathway analysis report |
CreateNetworkExplorerInputDoc | Create network explorer: Data Input |
CreateNetworkExplorerIntr | Create integrated pathway analysis report: Introduction |
CreateNetworkExplorerOverview | Create network explorer report: Overview |
CreateNetworkExplorerRnwReport | Create report of analyses (Network Explorer) |
CreateNetworkGeneMapTable | Create a x-table for gene name mapping |
CreateNetworkNameMapTable | Create a x-table for compound name mapping |
CreateNORMdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateOPLSDAdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreatePathAnalDoc | Create report of analyses (Met Pathway) |
CreatePathInputDoc | Create report of analyses (Met Pathway) |
CreatePathIntr | Create report of analyses (Met Pathway) |
CreatePathProcessDoc | Create report of analyses (Met Pathway) |
CreatePathResultDoc | Create report of analyses (Met Pathway) |
CreatePathRnwReport | Create report of analyses (Met Pathway) |
CreatePCAdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreatePLSdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreatePowerAnalDoc | Create power analysis report: Power Analysis |
CreatePowerInputDoc | Create power analysis report: Data Input |
CreatePowerIntr | Create power analysis report: Introduction |
CreatePowerOverview | Create power analysis report: Overview |
CreatePowerParametersDoc | Create power analysis report: Power Parameter Selection |
CreatePowerRnwReport | Create report of analyses (Power) |
CreateRandomForest | Create report of analyses |
CreateRatioTable | Create report of analyses |
CreateRawAnalysisRnwReport | Create report for raw spectra module |
CreateRFdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateRHistAppendix | Create report of analyses |
CreateROCLabelsTable | Create a x-table for newly classified samples |
CreateSAMdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateSemiTransColors | Create semitransparant colors |
CreateSOMdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateSPLSDAdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateStatIntr | Create report of analyses |
CreateStatIOdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateStatRnwReport | Create report for statistical analysis module |
CreateSummaryTable | Create report of analyses |
CreateSVMdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateTimeSeriesAnalNullMsg | Create null analysis message for time-series sweave report |
CreateTimeSeriesIOdoc | Create report of analyses (Met Pathway) |
CreateTimeSeriesRnwReport | Create report of analyses (Met Pathway) |
CreateUnivarBiomarkersDoc | Create power analysis report: Biomarker Univariate Analysis |
CreateUNIVdoc | Create report of analyses |
CreateUnivROCTable | Create summary table for univariate ROC analysis |
CreateVennMetaTable | Create MetaAnalysis table of results for Venn Diagram |
CrossReferencing | Various functions for mapping b/w names & database... |
descendMin | Perform utilities for peak grouping |
doCompoundMapping | Perform compound mapping |
doGeneIDMapping | Convert different gene IDs into entrez IDs for downstream... |
doKEGG2NameMapping | Perform KEGG to compound name mapping |
doKOFiltering | Utility function |
doLogisticRegMdl | Develop a Logistic Regression Model with all of the combined... |
dot-do.CVTest.LRmodel | Calculate ROC performance with CV An internal function called... | | Read RDS files from the internet |
dot-readDataTable | Read data table |
EBAM.Init | For EBAM analysis |
FC.Anal | Fold change analysis, unpaired |
FeatureCorrelation | Pattern hunter |
FilterVariable | Methods for non-specific filtering of variables |
findEqualGreaterM | Perform utilities for peak grouping |
FisherLSD | Fisher for ANOVA |
GeneratePeakList | GeneratePeakList |
GetAbundanceLabel | Determine value label for plotting |
GetAccuracyInfo | Export biomarker accuracy information |
GetAllDataNames | Get all meta-analysis name data |
GetAllKMClusterMembers | K-means analysis - cluster |
GetAllSOMClusterMembers | SOM analysis |
Get.asca.tss | Function for ASCA permutation |
Get.bwss | Compute within group and between group sum of squares... |
GetCandidateList | Get all candidate compound names for a given index |
GetCircleInfo | Export information about selected circle |
GetCIs | Get confidence intervals |
GetCMD | Retrieve last command from the Rhistory.R file |
GetCompoundDetails | Function to get adduct details from a specified compound |
Get.ConcRef | Get the concentration reference |
GetConvertFullPath | Perform utilities for cropping images |
getDataFromTextArea | Transform two column text to data matrix |
GetExtendRange | Extend axis |
GetFC | Used by higher functions to calculate fold change |
GetFeatureNumbers | Numbers for subset selection |
GetFinalNameMap | Return the final (after user selection) map as dataframe |
GetFisherPvalue | Get fisher p-values |
GetGroupNames | Get all group names |
GetHTMLMetSet | Given a metset inx, return hmtl highlighted metset cmpds and... |
GetHTMLPathSet | Given a metset inx, return hmtl highlighted pathway cmpds |
GetImpFeatureMat | Get important feature matrix |
GetKEGGNodeInfo | Retrieves KEGG node information |
GetKMClusterMembers | K-means analysis - cluster |
GetLassoFreqs | Compute lasso frequency |
Get.Leverage | Fast leverage calculation for permutation purpose |
GetLimmaResTable | Get result table from eBayes fit object |
GetMapTable | Get mapping table |
GetMaxPCAComp | For plotting PCA, selects max top 9 components |
GetMeanROC | Compute data points on the ROC curve |
GetMetaResultMatrix | Single.type return logFC or p value for individual data... |
GetMetSetName | Given a metset inx, give its name |
GetMsetLibCheckMsg | Get the library check messages |
GetMsetNames | Return the selected metset library to java for display |
GetMummichogPathSetDetails | Function to get compound details from a specified pathway |
GetNetworkGeneMappingResultTable | Exports Gene-Mapping result into a table |
GetNewSampleNames | Obtain sample names and their class labels |
GetNMDRStudy | Function to retrieve dataset from the Metabolomics Workbench. |
GetORA.pathNames | Export pathway names from ORA analysis |
GetORA.smpdbIDs | Only for human pathways (SMPDB) |
GetORATable | Get ORA table |
Get.pAUC | Calculate partial area under ROC curve |
Get.pred | Get predicted class probability |
GetQEA.keggIDs | Only for human pathways (KEGG) |
GetQEA.pathNames | Export pathway names from QEA analysis |
GetQEATable | QEA table |
GetRCommandHistory | Export R Command History |
GetRFConfMat | Random Forest Confusion Matrix |
GetRFConf.Table | Classification performance table for random forest analysis |
GetRFOOB | Random Forest OOB |
GetRFSigMat | Random Forest Significance matrix |
GetROC.coords | Return ROC corodinates with confidence intervals |
GetROCLassoFreq | Get p-values from lasso |
GetROCTtestP | Get p-values for ROC |
Get.rpart.summary | Get the text description of a recursive partitioning (rpart)... |
GetSampleSizeLadder | Retrieve sample size ladder |
GetSigTable | Create Latex table |
GetSigTable.Anova | Sig Table for Anova |
GetSigTable.Aov2 | Sig table for AOV2 |
GetSigTable.ASCA | Table of features well modelled by ASCA |
GetSigTable.Corr | Sig table for Correlation Analysis |
GetSigTable.Dose | Sig Table for Anova |
GetSigTable.EBAM | Sig table for EBAM |
GetSigTable.FC | Sig Table for Fold-Change Analysis |
GetSigTable.MB | Sig table for MB analysis |
GetSigTable.RF | Sig table for random forest analysis |
GetSigTable.SAM | Sig table for SAM |
GetSigTable.SVM | Sig table for SVM |
GetSigTable.TT | Sig Table for T-test Analysis |
GetSigTable.Volcano | Sig table for Volcano Analysis |
GetSOMClusterMembers | SOM analysis |
GetSSPTable | Replace the last column of the ssp.mat with the final... |
GetSuggestedSAMDelta | For SAM analysis |
GetSVMSigMat | Recursive Support Vector Machine (R-SVM) Significance Measure |
GetTopInx | Volcano indices |
GetTrainTestSplitMat | Make random partitions |
GetTtestRes | Retrieve T-test p-values |
GetTTSigMat | T-test matrix |
GetUnivReport | Utility method to perform the univariate analysis... |
GetVariableLabel | Determine variable label for plotting |
Get.VIP | Calculate variable importance of projection (VIP) score for... |
GetXYCluster | Determine row/column number for plotting |
GroupPeakList | Group peak list |
heckbert | Heckbert algorithm |
HMDBID2KEGGID | Given a vector of HMDBIDs, return a vector of KEGG IDs |
HMDBID2Name | Given a vector of HMDBIDs, return a vector of HMDB compound... |
ImputeMissingVar | Data processing: Replace missing variables |
InitDataObjects | Constructs a dataSet object for storing data |
InitializaPlan | InitializePlan |
InitMSObjects | InitMSObjects |
InitPowerAnal | Function for power analysis |
InitStatAnalMode | Introduction for statistical analysis module report... |
InitTimeSeriesAnal | Create report of analyses (Met Pathway) |
iPCA.Anal | Perform PCA analysis, prepare file for interactive... |
isEmptyMatrix | Sig table matrix is empty |
IsSmallSmplSize | Check if the sample size is small |
KEGGID2HMDBID | Given a vector of KEGGIDs, return a vector of HMDB ID |
KEGGID2Name | Given a vector containing KEGGIDs, returns a vector of KEGG... |
KEGGPATHID2SMPDBIDs | Given a vector containing KEGG pathway IDs, return a vector... |
Kmeans.Anal | K-means analysis |
kwtest | Kruskal-Wallis |
ListNMDRStudies | Function to retrieve all available datasets from the... |
LoadKEGGKO_lib | Utility function for PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_KO01100 |
LogNorm | Column-wise Normalization |
make_cpdlist | Utility function to create compound lists for permutation... |
make_ecpdlist | Utility function to create compound lists for permutation... |
map | sPLS-DA Map |
MapCmpd2KEGGNodes | Utility function for PrepareKeggQueryJson |
MapKO2KEGGEdges | Utility function for PrepareKeggQueryJson |
Match.Pattern | Match pattern for correlation analysis |
melt | melt Convert an object into a molten data frame. This... |
MergeDatasets | Utility function for PrepareKeggQueryJson |
MergeDuplicates | Merge duplicated columns or rows by their mean |
MetaboAnalystR | MetaboAnalystR: A package for computating the notorious bar... |
MetaboliteMappingExact | Mapping from different metabolite IDs |
MetaPathNormalization | MetaPathNormalization |
multi.stat | Get multiple category statistics |
my.lsd.test | Calculate Fisher's Least Significant Difference (LSD) |
my.parse.peaklist | my.parse.peaklist |
Normalization | Normalization |
OPLSDA.Permut | Perform OPLS-DA permutation |
OPLSR.Anal | Perform OPLS-DA |
parseFisher | Return only the signicant comparison names |
parseTukey | Return only the signicant comparison names |
PCA.Anal | Perform PCA analysis |
PCA.Flip | Rotate PCA analysis |
PCA.GENES | Obtain principal components into a matrix that has more... |
PerformAdductMapping | PerformAdductMapping |
PerformApproxMatch | Perform approximate compound matches |
Perform.ASCA | Perform ASCA |
Perform.ASCA.permute | Perform ASCA model validation by permutation |
PerformBatchCorrection | Batch Effect Correction |
PerformCmpdMapping | Perform compound mapping for integrative analysis methods |
PerformCurrencyMapping | Map currency metabolites to KEGG & BioCyc |
PerformCV.explore | Perform Monte-Carlo Cross Validation (MCCV) |
PerformCV.test | Perform MCCV for manually selected features |
PerformDataInspect | PerformDataInspect |
PerformDataTrimming | Perform ROI Extraction from raw MS data (PerformDataTrimming) |
PerformDetailMatch | Perform detailed name match |
PerformEachDEAnal | Performs differential expression analysis on individual data |
PerformGeneMapping | Perform integrated gene mapping |
PerformIndNormalization | Perform normalization for individually-uploaded datasets for... |
PerformIntegPathwayAnalysis | Perform integrative pathway analysis |
PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_KO01100 | Performs KO enrichment analysis based on the KO01100 map |
PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_List | Utility function for PerformKOEnrichAnalysis_KO01100 |
PerformLimmaDE | Perform differential expression analysis using Limma for... |
PerformMapping_ko01100 | Utility function for PrepareKeggQueryJson geneIDs is text one... |
performMB | Timecourse analysis |
PerformMetaMerge | Meta-Analysis Method: Direct merging of datasets |
PerformMetaPSEA | PerformMetaPSEA Function to perform peak set enrichment... |
PerformMirrorPlotting | PerformMirrorPlotting |
PerformMirrorPlottingWeb | PerformMirrorPlottingWeb |
PerformMS1ResultsFormatting | PerformMS1ResultsFormatting This function is used to format... |
PerformMS2ResultsFormatting | PerformMS2ResultsFormatting This function is used to format... |
performMS2searchBatch | performMS2searchBatch |
performMS2searchSingle | performMS2searchSingle |
PerformMultiMatch | Perform multiple name matches |
PerformParamsOptimization | Perform Parameters Optimization |
PerformPeakProfiling | PerformPeakProfiling |
Perform.Permut | Perform permutation tests only for ROC Tester |
Perform.permutation | Permutation |
PerformPowerProfiling | Perform power profiling |
PerformPSEA | Function to perform peak set enrichment analysis |
PerformPvalCombination | Meta-Analysis Method: Combining p-values |
PerformROIExtraction | Perform ROI Extraction from raw MS data (PerformDataTrimming) |
PerformSignalDriftCorrection | Signal Drift Correction |
Perform.UnivROC | Perform Classical Univariate ROC |
PerformVoteCounting | Meta-Analysis Method: Vote Counting |
PlotAccuracy | Plot classification performance using different features for... |
PlotANOVA | Plot ANOVA |
PlotANOVA2 | Plot Venn diagram of ANOVA results |
PlotAscaImpVar | Plot the important variables for each factor |
PlotASCAModel | Plot score plots of each ASCA model for component 1 against... |
PlotASCA.Permutation | Plot ASCA permutation |
PlotClustPCA | Plot K-means summary PCA plot |
PlotCmpdSummary | Plot compound summary change to use dataSet$proc instead of... |
PlotCmpdView | Plot Compound View |
PlotConcRange | Plot the compound concentration data compared to the... |
PlotCorr | Pattern hunter, correlation plot |
PlotCorrHeatMap | Pattern hunter, corr heatmap |
PlotDetailROC | Plot detailed ROC |
plot_dist | Batch Distance Plotting |
PlotEBAM.Cmpd | Plot EBAM |
PlotEnrichDotPlot | Plot MSEA Dot Plot |
PlotEnrichNet.Overview | PlotEnrichNet.Overview |
PlotEnrichPieChart | Create a pie chart for compound classes |
PlotFC | Plot fold change |
PlotHCTree | Plot Dendrogram |
PlotHeatMap | Create Heat Map Plot |
PlotHeatMap2 | Plot heatmap visualization for time-series data |
PlotImpBiomarkers | Plot selected compounds by their percentage frequency |
PlotImpVar | Plot PLS important variables, |
PlotImpVarMeta | Plot PLS important variables, |
PlotInmexGraph | Plot an igraph object and return the node information... |
PlotInmexPath | Plot integrated methods pathway analysis |
PlotInteraction | Plot ASCA interaction plots |
PlotKEGGPath | Plot metabolome pathway |
PlotKmeans | Plot K-means analysis |
PlotMBTimeProfile | Plot MB Time Profile |
PlotMetaCorrHeatmap | Generate correlation heatmap for metadata |
PlotMetaHeatmap | Generate heatmaps for metadata table |
PlotMetpaPath | Plot KEGG pathway |
plotMirror | plotMirror |
PlotModelScree | Plot scree plots for each model in ASCA |
PlotMSEA.Overview | Plot MSEA overview |
plotMSfeature | plotMSfeature |
PlotMultiFacCmpdSummary | Plot compound summary for multi-linear regression tool |
PlotNormSummary | Two plot summary plot: Feature View of before and after... |
PlotOPLS2DScore | Create OPLS-DA score plot |
PlotOPLS.Imp | PlotOPLS.Imp OPLS VIP plotting function |
PlotOPLS.MDL | Plot OPLS |
PlotOPLS.Permutation | Plot OPLS-DA permutation |
PlotOPLS.Splot | S-plot for OPLS-DA |
PlotORA | Plot over-representation analysis (ORA) |
PlotPathSummary | Plot a scatterplot (circle) overview of the matched pathways |
PlotPathwayMetaAnalysis | PlotPathwayMetaAnalysis |
PlotPCA2DScore | Create 2D PCA score plot |
PlotPCA3DLoading | PlotPCA3DLoading |
PlotPCA3DScore | Create 3D PCA score plot |
PlotPCA3DScoreImg | Create 3D PCA score plot |
PlotPCABiplot | Create PCA Biplot, set xpd = T to plot outside margin |
PlotPCALoading | Plot PCA loadings and also set up the matrix for display |
PlotPCA.overview | Scatter plot colored by different batches |
PlotPCAPairSummary | Plot PCA pair summary, format image in png, tiff, pdf, ps,... |
PlotPCAScree | Plot PCA scree plot |
PlotPeaks2Paths | PlotPeaks2Paths |
Plot.Permutation | Plot results of permutation tests |
PlotPLS2DScore | Plot PLS score plot |
PlotPLS3DLoading | PlotPLS3DLoading |
PlotPLS3DScore | Plot PLS 3D score plot |
PlotPLS3DScoreImg | Plot PLS 3D score plot |
PlotPLS.Classification | Plot PLS-DA classification performance using different... |
PlotPLS.Imp | Plot PLS important features |
PlotPLSLoading | Plot PLS loading plot, also set the loading matrix for... |
PlotPLSPairSummary | Plot PLS pairwise summary |
PlotPLS.Permutation | Plot PLS-DA classification performance using different... |
PlotPowerProfile | Plot power profile |
PlotPowerStat | Plot power statistics |
PlotProbView | Plot a summary view of the classification result |
PlotProbViewTest | Plot a summary view of the classification result of tester... |
plotProfile | Plot the variable across time points (x) |
PlotPSEAIntegPaths | PlotPSEAIntegPaths |
PlotQEA.MetSet | View individual compounds related to a given metabolite set |
PlotQEA.Overview | Plot QEA overview |
PlotRF.Classify | Plot Random Forest |
PlotRF.ClassifyMeta | Plot Random Forest |
PlotRF.Outlier | Plot Random Forest outliers |
PlotRF.VIP | Plot Random Forest variable importance |
PlotRF.VIPMeta | Plot Random Forest variable importance |
PlotROC | Plot ROC |
PlotROC.LRmodel | Plot ROC for the logistic regression model |
PlotROCTest | Plot ROC for the ROC Curve Based Model Creation and... |
PlotRocUnivBoxPlot | Plot a boxplot view of a selected compound |
PlotRSVM.Classification | Recursive Support Vector Machine (R-SVM) plot |
PlotRSVM.Cmpd | Recursive Support Vector Machine (R-SVM) plot of important... |
PlotSAM.Cmpd | Plot SAM |
PlotSAM.FDR | Plot SAM Delta Plot |
PlotSampleNormSummary | Two plot summary plot: Sample View of before and after... |
Plot.sampletrend | Sample Trend Scatter |
PlotSelectedFeature | Create a box-plot of a feature's expression pattern across... |
PlotSigVar | Supporting function for plotting important variables for each... |
plotSingleTIC | plotSingleTIC |
PlotSOM | SOM Plot |
PlotSPLS2DScore | Score Plot SPLS-DA |
PlotSPLS3DLoading | PlotSPLS3DLoading |
PlotSPLS3DScore | 3D SPLS-DA score plot |
PlotSPLS3DScoreImg | Plot sPLS-DA 3D score plot |
PlotSPLSDA.Classification | Create SPLS-DA classification plot |
PlotSPLSLoading | Create SPLS-DA loading plot |
PlotSPLSPairSummary | Plot SPLS-DA |
PlotStaticCorrHeatMap | Create high resolution static HeatMap for download only |
PlotStaticHeatMap | Create high resolution static HeatMap for download only |
PlotStaticHeatMap2 | Create high resolution static HeatMap for download only |
PlotStaticMetaHeatmap | Create high resolution static HeatMap for download only |
PlotSubHeatMap | Create Sub Heat Map Plot |
PlotTestAccuracy | Plot classification performance using different features for... |
PlotTT | Plot t-test |
PlotVolcano | Create volcano plot |
PlotXIC | PlotXIC |
PLSDA.CV | PLS-DA classification and feature selection |
PLSDA.Permut | Perform PLS-DA permutation |
PLSR.Anal | PLS analysis using oscorespls (Orthogonal scores algorithm)... |
Predict.class | Get predicted class probability |
PrepareIntegData | Prepare integrated data |
PrepareKeggQueryJson | Prepare user's query for mapping KEGG Global Metabolic... |
PrepareMetaPath | PrepareMetaPath |
PrepareNetworkData | Prepare data for network exploration |
PreparePDFReport | Create report of analyses |
PreparePeakTable4PSEA | PreparePeakTable4PSEA |
PreparePermResult | Prepare report for permutation tests |
PreparePrenormData | Prepare data for normalization |
PrepareROCData | Prepare data for ROC analysis |
PrepareROCDetails | ROC with CI for AUC |
PrepareUpsetData | Prepare data for Upset diagram |
processMSMSupload | processMSMSupload |
RankFeatures | Rank features based on different importance measures |
Read.BatchDataBC | Data I/O for batch effect checking |
Read.BatchDataTB | Data I/O for batch effect checking |
ReadIndData | Read in individual data |
ReadMetaData | ReadMetaData |
ReadMetaPathTable | ReadMetaPathTable |
ReadMetaPathTableMix | ReadMetaPathTableMix |
Read.mzTab | Read an mzTab tab separated file from the passed in file.... |
ReadPairFile | Read paired peak or spectra files |
Read.PeakList | Read peak list files |
Read.PeakListData | Constructor to read uploaded user files into the mummichog... |
Read.SignalDriftData | Data I/O for signal drift checking |
Read.TextData | Read.TextData Constructor to read uploaded CSV or TXT files... |
Read.TextDataTs | Read.TextDataTs |
RecordRCommand | Record R Commands |
rectUnique | Perform utilities for peak grouping |
RegisterData | Register data in R |
RemoveCmpd | Remove selected compounds |
RemoveData | Remove data object, the current dataSet will be the last one... |
RemoveDuplicates | Given a data with duplicates, remove duplicates |
RemoveFile | Remove file |
RemoveFolder | Remove folder |
RemoveGene | Remove selected genes |
RemoveMissingPercent | Data processing: remove variables with missing values |
ReplaceMin | Replace missing or zero values |
RerenderMetPAGraph | Redraw current graph for zooming or clipping then return a... |
RF.Anal | Perform Random Forest Analysis |
RF.AnalMeta | Perform Random Forest Analysis |
ROCPredSamplesTable | Create a table of newly classified samples |
RSVM | R-SVM core code |
RSVM.Anal | Recursive Support Vector Machine (R-SVM) |
SaintyCheckMSPfile | SaintyCheckMSPfile |
SAM.Anal | Perform Signifiance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) analysis |
SanityCheckData | Sanity Check Data |
SanityCheckIndData | Sanity check of individual datasets for meta-analysis |
SanityCheckMeta | SanityCheckMeta#' |
SanityCheckMetaPathTable | SanityCheckMetaPathTable |
SanityCheckMummichogData | Sanity Check Data |
savePeakListMetaData | Function to save each mSetObj as a RDS file to be used later... |
SaveTransformedData | Save the processed data with class names |
SearchByCompound | Search for compound from all member compounds of metabolite... |
SearchByName | Given a metabolite set name, search its index |
SearchMsetLibraries | Search metabolite set libraries |
SearchNetDB | Perform mapping of user's data to interaction network |
SelectMultiData | Select one or more datasets for meta-analysis |
SetAnalysisMode | Set biomarker analysis mode |
SetCachexiaSetUsed | Set the cachexia set used |
SetCandidate | Set matched name based on user selection from all potential... |
SetCurrentGroups | To choose from two groups |
SetCurrentMsetLib | Set current user selected metset library for search |
SetCustomData | Set custom data |
SetDataTypeOfMeta | SetDataTypeOfMeta |
SetDesignType | For two factor time series only |
setInclusionDataSets | setInclusionDataSets#' |
SetKEGG.PathLib | Set KEGG pathway library |
SetMetabolomeFilter | Set metabolome filter |
setMS2DBOpt | setMS2DBOpt |
SetMummichogPval | Set the cutoff for mummichog analysis |
SetMummichogPvalFromPercent | Set the cutoff for mummichog analysis |
SetOrganism | Set organism for further analysis |
SetPeakEnrichMethod | Set the peak enrichment method for the MS Peaks to Paths... |
SetPeakFormat | Set the peak format for the mummichog analysis |
SetPeakList.GroupValues | Set peak list group values |
SetPeakParam | SetPeakParam |
SetRTincluded | SetRTincluded |
SetSMPDB.PathLib | Set SMPDB pathway library |
Setup.AdductData | Save adduct names for mapping |
Setup.BiofluidType | Save biofluid type for SSP |
Setup.ConcData | Save concentration data |
Setup.HMDBReferenceMetabolome | Read user uploaded metabolome as a list of HMDB compound... |
SetupKEGGLinks | Only works for human (hsa.rda) data |
Setup.KEGGReferenceMetabolome | Read user uploaded metabolome as a list of KEGG pathway ids |
Setup.MapData | Save compound name for mapping |
SetupSMPDBLinks | Only works for human (hsa.rda) data |
Setup.UserMsetLibData | Read user upload metabolite set library file |
SOM.Anal | SOM analysis | | Perform Sparse Generalized Canonical Correlation (sgccak) |
splsda | Perform sPLS-DA |
SPLSR.Anal | Perform SPLS-DA |
SumNorm | Row-wise Normalization |
template.match | Pattern hunter |
Ttests.Anal | Perform t-test analysis |
UnzipUploadedFile | Unzip .zip files |
UpdateData | Update data for filtering |
UpdateEC_Rules | Update the mSetObj with user-selected parameters for MS Peaks... |
UpdateGraphSettings | Update graph settings |
UpdateInstrumentParameters | Update the mSetObj with user-selected parameters for MS Peaks... |
UpdateIntegPathwayAnalysis | Update integrative pathway analysis for new input list |
UpdateOPLS.Splot | Update OPLS loadings |
UpdatePCA.Loading | Update PCA loadings |
UpdatePLS.Loading | Update PLS loadings |
usr2png | Perform utilities for MetPa |
Volcano.Anal | Perform Volcano Analysis |
XSet2MSet | Converts xset object from XCMS to mSet object for... |
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