
Defines functions find_mascot_psmraws extract_raws

Documented in extract_raws find_mascot_psmraws

#' Extracts RAW MS file names
#' Extract a list of \code{RAW} file names that can be passed to metadata file
#' of \code{expt_smry.xlsx} and/or \code{frac_smry.xlsx}
#' @param raw_dir A character string to the directory of MS data. 
#' @inheritParams load_expts
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Supposed that RAW MS files are stored under "~/my_raw"
#' extract_raws("~/my_raw")
#' }
#' @import dplyr purrr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
#' @importFrom tools md5sum
#' @export
extract_raws <- function(raw_dir = NULL, dat_dir = NULL) 
  if (is.null(raw_dir)) 
    stop("\"raw_dir\" cannot be NULL.", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.null(dat_dir)) 
    dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  fns <- dir(raw_dir, pattern = "\\.raw$", full.names = FALSE)
  message("List of \".raw\" file names stored in ", 
          file.path(dat_dir, "raw_list.txt"))

  data.frame(Index = seq_along(fns), RAW_File = fns) %T>% 
    write.table(file.path(dat_dir, "raw_list.txt"), sep = "\t", 
                col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

#' Finds the names of Mascot PSM files.
#' @param filelist A list of PSM files.
#' @inheritParams load_expts
find_mascot_psmraws <-function(filelist = NULL, dat_dir = NULL) 
  dir.create(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache"), 
             recursive = TRUE, 
             showWarnings = FALSE)
  purrr::walk(filelist, batchPSMheader, 
              TMT_plex = 16, # 18 later?
              proc_extdata = FALSE, 
              warns = FALSE)
  purrr::walk(gsub("\\.csv$", "_hdr_rm.csv", filelist), ~ {
    df <- read.delim(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", .x), 
                     sep = ',', 
                     check.names = FALSE, 
                     header = TRUE, 
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                     quote = "\"", 
                     fill = TRUE , 
                     skip = 0)
    l <- df$pep_scan_title[1]
    if (grepl("File:~", l, fixed = TRUE)) { # MSConvert
      raws <- df[, "pep_scan_title"] %>% 
        gsub("^[^ ]+ File:\\~(.*)\\.(raw|d)\\~.*", "\\1", .) %>% 
    else if (grepl("File: ~", l, fixed = TRUE)) { # PD
      raws <- df[, "pep_scan_title"] %>% 
        gsub("\\\\", "/", .) %>% 
        gsub('^.*/(.*)\\.(raw|d)\\~.*', '\\1', .) %>% 
    else if (grepl(", File:", l, fixed = TRUE)) { # custom from Bruker MGF, add "~" later...
      raws <- df[, "pep_scan_title"] %>% 
        gsub("\\\\", "/", .) %>% 
        gsub('^.*, File:(.*)\\.(raw|d)\\, .*', '\\1', .) %>% 
    else {
      stop("Mascot RAW_File name in \"pep_scan_title\" is not in the format of ", 
           "\"MSConvert\" or \"Proteome DisCoverer\".\n", 
           "Contact the developer about the new format.")
    if (length(raws)) {
      out_nm <- paste0("msraws_in_", 
                       .x %>% 
                         gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", .) %>% 
                         gsub("_hdr_rm$", "", .), 
      data.frame(RAW_File = raws) %>% 
        write.table(file.path(dat_dir, out_nm), 
                    sep = "\t", 
                    col.names = TRUE, 
                    row.names = FALSE, 
                    quote = FALSE)
      message("MS file names stored in ", file.path(dat_dir, out_nm))

#' Finds the names of MaxQuant PSM files.
#' @param filelist A list of PSM files.
#' @inheritParams load_expts
find_mq_psmraws <- function(filelist = NULL, dat_dir = NULL) 
  purrr::walk(filelist, ~ {
    df <- suppressWarnings(
      readr::read_tsv(file.path(dat_dir, .x), 
                      col_types = cols(`Raw file` = col_character())))
    raws <- unique(df$`Raw file`)
    if (length(raws)) {
      out_nm <- paste0("msraws_in_", gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", .x), ".txt")
      data.frame(RAW_File = raws) %>% 
        write.table(file.path(dat_dir, out_nm), 
                    sep = "\t", 
                    col.names = TRUE, 
                    row.names = FALSE, 
                    quote = FALSE)
      message("MS file names stored in ", file.path(dat_dir, out_nm))

#' Finds the names of Spectrum Mill PSM files.
#' @param filelist A list of PSM files.
#' @inheritParams load_expts
find_sm_psmraws <- function(filelist = NULL, dat_dir = NULL) 
  purrr::walk(filelist, ~ {
    df <- suppressWarnings(
      readr::read_delim(file.path(dat_dir, .x), 
                        delim = ";", 
                        col_types = cols(filename = col_character()))) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(filename = gsub("\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$", "", filename))
    raws <- unique(df$filename)
    if (length(raws)) {
      out_nm <- paste0("msraws_in_", gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", .x), ".txt")
      data.frame(RAW_File = raws) %>% 
        write.table(file.path(dat_dir, out_nm), 
                    sep = "\t", 
                    col.names = TRUE, 
                    row.names = FALSE, 
                    quote = FALSE)
      message("MS file names stored in ", file.path(dat_dir, out_nm))

#' Finds the names of MSFragger PSM files.
#' @param filelist A list of PSM files.
#' @inheritParams load_expts
find_mf_psmraws <- function(filelist = NULL, dat_dir = NULL) 
  purrr::walk(filelist, ~ {
    df <- suppressWarnings(
      readr::read_delim(file.path(dat_dir, .x), 
                        delim = "\t", 
                        col_types = cols(Spectrum = col_character())) 
    ) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(Spectrum = gsub("\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$", "", Spectrum))
    raws <- unique(df$Spectrum)
    if (length(raws)) {
      out_nm <- paste0("msraws_in_", gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", .x), ".txt")
      data.frame(RAW_File = raws) %>% 
        write.table(file.path(dat_dir, out_nm), 
                    sep = "\t", 
                    col.names = TRUE, 
                    row.names = FALSE, 
                    quote = FALSE)
      message("MS file names stored in ", file.path(dat_dir, out_nm))

#' Finds the names of proteoQ PSM files.
#' @param filelist A list of PSM files.
#' @inheritParams load_expts
find_pq_psmraws <- function(filelist = NULL, dat_dir = NULL) 
  purrr::walk(filelist, ~ {
    df <- suppressWarnings(
      readr::read_tsv(file.path(dat_dir, .x), 
                      col_types = cols(prot_acc = col_character())) 
    raws <- unique(df$raw_file)
    if (length(raws)) {
      out_nm <- paste0("msraws_in_", gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", .x), ".txt")
      data.frame(RAW_File = raws) %>% 
        write.table(file.path(dat_dir, out_nm), 
                    sep = "\t", 
                    col.names = TRUE, 
                    row.names = FALSE, 
                    quote = FALSE)
      message("MS file names stored in ", file.path(dat_dir, out_nm))

#' Extracts the names of RAW MS files from PSM data
#' \code{extract_psm_raws} extracts the MS file names from the PSM data under
#' the working directory.
#' @inheritParams load_expts
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' extract_psm_raws()
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
#' @export
extract_psm_raws <- function(dat_dir = NULL) 
  if (is.null(dat_dir)) 
    dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
    assign("dat_dir", dat_dir, envir = .GlobalEnv)

  type <- find_search_engine(dat_dir)

  pattern <- switch(type, 
    mascot = "^F[0-9]+.*\\.csv$", 
    mq = "^msms.*\\.txt$",
    sm = "^PSMexport.*\\.ssv$", 
    mf = "^psm.*\\.tsv$", 
    pq = "^psm[QC]{1}.*\\.txt$", 
    stop("Data type needs to be one of \"mascot\", \"maxquant\",", 
         " \"spectrum_mill\", \"msfragger\" or \"mzion\".", 
         call. = FALSE)
  filelist <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir), pattern = pattern)
  if (!length(filelist)) 
    stop("No ", toupper(type), " files(s) under ", dat_dir, call. = FALSE)

  if (type == "pq") {
    fileQ <- filelist %>% 
      .[grepl("^psmQ.*\\.txt$", .)]

    if (length(fileQ)) 
      filelist <- fileQ

  switch (type,
    mascot = find_mascot_psmraws(filelist, dat_dir),
    mq = find_mq_psmraws(filelist, dat_dir),
    sm = find_sm_psmraws(filelist, dat_dir),
    mf = find_mf_psmraws(filelist, dat_dir),
    pq = find_pq_psmraws(filelist, dat_dir), 
    stop("Unknown \"type\".", call. = FALSE)

#' Sets names for Mascot ratio and intensity columns. 
#' Including spacer columns.
#' @param TMT_plex Numeric; the multiplexity of TMT, i.e., 10, 11 etc.
set_mascot_colnms <- function (TMT_plex = 10L) 
  cols_ratio <- find_ratio_cols(TMT_plex)
  cols_int <- find_int_cols(TMT_plex)
  dummy_ratios <- paste0("dummy_", cols_ratio)
  dummy_ints <- paste0("dummy_", cols_int)
  nms_ratio <- purrr::map2(dummy_ratios, cols_ratio, ~ {
    c(.x, .y)
  }) %>% 
  nms_int <- purrr::map2(dummy_ints, cols_int, ~ {
    c(.x, .y)
  }) %>% 
  nms <- paste(
    c(nms_ratio, nms_int),
    collapse = ','

#' Processes Mascot PSMs
#' @param filename The name of a PSM file.
#' @param proc_extdata Logical; if TRUE, processes extended PSM outputs;
#'   otherwise, skips them. Setting the value to FALSE allows bypassing
#'   time-consuming steps.
#' @param warns Logical; if TRUE, show warning message(s).
#' @inheritParams load_expts
#' @inheritParams TMT_levels
batchPSMheader <- function(filename = NULL, dat_dir = NULL, TMT_plex = 10L, 
                           proc_extdata = TRUE, warns = TRUE) 
  output_prefix <- gsub("\\.csv$", "", filename)
  data_all <- readLines(file.path(dat_dir, filename))
  fixed_mod_row <- grep("Fixed modifications", data_all)
  var_mod_row <- grep("Variable modifications", data_all)
  pep_seq_rows <- grep("pep_seq", data_all)
  unassign_hits_row <- grep("Peptide matches not assigned to protein hits", data_all)
  err_msg <- c(
    "\nCheck at least the following items when exporting PSMs:\n", 
    # "[x] - required\n", 
    # "[s] - suggested\n", 
    # "[o] - optional\n", 
    "\n=== Search Information ===\n", 
    "[x] Modification deltas\n", 
    # "\n=== Protein Hit Information ===\n", 
    # "[x] Mass (Da)\n", 
    # "[x] Number of queries matched\n\n", 
    "\n=== Peptide Match Information ===\n", 
    "[x] Sequence\n", 
    "[x] Variable Modifications\n", 
    "[x] Query title\n", 
    "[x] Peptide quantitation (for TMT)\n\n", 
    "Check more applicable items to get more out of your data.\n"
    keys <- list(`Fixed modifications` = fixed_mod_row, 
                 `Variable modifications` = var_mod_row)

    oks <- !purrr::map_lgl(list(fixed_mod_row, var_mod_row), 
    if (!all(oks)) {
      warning("\nNot all of \"", 
              paste(keys, collapse = ", "), 
              "\"\n are present in the header of ", filename, ".\n",
              call. = FALSE)

  if (!length(pep_seq_rows)) {
    stop("Column \"pep_seq\" not found in ", filename, ".\n",
         "(1) \"Sequence\", \"Variable Modifications\", \"Query title\" ", 
         "are required during PSM exports.\n", 
         "(2) \"Peptide quantitation\" is further required for TMT quantitation.", 
         call. = FALSE)
    keys <- c("pep_seq", "pep_var_mod_pos", "pep_scan_title", 
              "prot_acc", "pep_isbold")

    oks <- purrr::map_lgl(keys, ~ grepl(.x, data_all[pep_seq_rows])[1]) %>% 
    if (!all(oks)) {
      stop("\nNot all of \"", 
           paste(keys, collapse = ", "), "\"\n are present in ", 
           filename, ".\n", 
           call. = FALSE)

  if (length(pep_seq_rows) > 2L) {
    stop("Unhandled input formats: more than two \"pep_seq\" found in rows ", 
         pep_seq_rows, " in ", filename, ".", 
         call. = FALSE)

  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18893390/splitting-on-comma-outside-quotes
  pattern <- ",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"
    data_header <- data_all[1 : (pep_seq_rows[1] - 1)]
    data_header <- gsub("\"", "", data_header, fixed = TRUE)
    write.table(data_header, file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache",
                                       paste0(output_prefix, "_header", ".txt")),
                sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
  # --- "Query Level Information" ---
  if (length(pep_seq_rows) > 1L) {
    # seq(), comp(), tag(), etc.: 
    # "StringTitle","Scan number range","Retention time range","qualifiers",
    # [x] Query level Search Parameters (not yet used): 
    # "Peptide Mass Tolerance","Peptide Mass Tolerance Units",
    # "Variable modifications","Instrument type",
    # [x] MS/MS Peak lists: 
    # "StringIons1","StringIons2","StringIons3"
    if (proc_extdata) {
      message("Processing \"Query Level Information\": ", filename)
      queries <- stringr::str_split(data_all[pep_seq_rows[2]:length(data_all)], 
                                    pattern) %>% 
        list_to_dataframe() %>% 
        `names<-`(.[1, ]) %>% 
        `names<-`(gsub("\"", "", names(.))) %>% 
        `[`(-1, ) %>% 
      purrr::walk(c("query_number", "moverz", "charge", "intensity"), ~ {
        if (! .x %in% names(queries)) {
          stop("Column ", .x, " not found in ", filename, 
               call. = FALSE)
      }, queries)
      purrr::walk(c("qualifiers", "charge", "pep_var_mod", "pep_scan_title", 
                    "Scan number range", "Retention time range", 
                    "StringTitle", "StringIons1", "StringIons2", 
                    "StringIons3"), ~ {
                      if (.x %in% names(queries)) {
                        queries[[.x]] <- gsub("\"", "", queries[[.x]])
                        queries[[.x]][stringr::str_length(queries[[.x]]) == 0] <- NA
                        queries <<- queries
                    }, queries)
      purrr::walk(c("query_number", "moverz", "intensity", "pep_index", 
                    "pep_rank", "pep_exp_mz", "pep_exp_mr", "pep_exp_z", 
                    "pep_calc_mr", "pep_delta", "pep_start", "pep_end", 
                    "pep_miss", "pep_score", "pep_homol", "pep_ident", 
                    "Scan number range", 
                    "Retention time range", "TotalIonsIntensity", 
                    "NumVals"), ~ {
                      if (.x %in% names(queries)) {
                        queries[[.x]] <<- as.numeric(queries[[.x]])
                    }, queries)
      purrr::walk(c("pep_isbold", "pep_isunique"), ~ {
        if (.x %in% names(queries)) {
          queries[[.x]] <<- as.logical(queries[[.x]])
      }, queries)
      # note that pep_var_mod_conf: 81.72% ...
      if ("pep_var_mod_conf" %in% names(queries)) {
        queries <- queries %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(pep_var_mod_conf = 
                          as.numeric(sub("%", "", pep_var_mod_conf))) %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(pep_var_mod_conf = pep_var_mod_conf/100)
      else {
        queries <- queries %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(pep_var_mod_conf = NA)
      # assume the same intensity for the same pep_query at different pep_seq
      # pep_query	moverz	intensity	pep_expect	pep_seq	pep_var_mod_pos	pep_var_mod_conf
      # 20107	669.37537	251692.1094	0.0058	FNNVEAGK	0.00200000.0	50.00%
      # 20107	NA	NA	0.0058	FNNVEAGK	0.02000000.0	50.00%
      # 20107	NA	NA	0.45	GFGDVGEAK		
      # 20107	NA	NA	0.45	EAFQEQK		
      ##  --- down-fill values --- 
      # Don't tidyr::fill before dplyr::group as 
      # TRUE NA (not measurable) may occur to "intensity"
      # rows <- queries %>% 
      #   dplyr::filter(!is.na(moverz), is.na(intensity)) %>% 
      #   .[["query_number"]] %>% 
      #   unique()
      queries <- queries %>% 
        dplyr::arrange(query_number, intensity) %>% 
      # same query, same c("moverz", "charge", "intensity")
      purrr::walk(c("moverz", "charge", "intensity"), ~ {
        if (.x %in% names(queries)) {
          queries <<- queries %>% tidyr::fill(!!rlang::sym(.x)) 
      }, queries)
      queries <- queries %>% 
        dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(intensity = round(intensity, digits = 0))
      queries %>% 
        saveRDS(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", 
                          paste0(gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", filename), "_queryInfo.rds")))
      rm(list = c("queries"))
    data_all <- data_all[1:(pep_seq_rows[2] - 4)]

  if (length(unassign_hits_row)) {
    if (proc_extdata) {
      message("Processing \"Unassigned queries\": ", filename)
                         pattern) %>% 
        list_to_dataframe() %>% 
        dplyr::select(-ncol(.)) %>% 
        saveRDS(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", 
                          paste0(gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", filename), "_unassigned.rds")))

    data_all <- data_all[1:(unassign_hits_row - 2)]
  # use "this_plex", not TMT_plex by metadata
  # (not yet channel or column padding)
  this_plex <- find_mascot_tmtplex(data_all)
  if (this_plex != TMT_plex && warns) {
    warning("Mascot PSMs suggest a TMT ", this_plex, "-plex, ", 
            "which is different to the ", TMT_plex, "-plex in \"expt_smry.xlsx\".", 
            call. = FALSE)
  # !!! KEEP quotation marks !!!
  # Do NOT gsub("\"", "", data_psm)
  # e.g., pep_scan_title may contain "Last name, First name" in the file path.

  data_psm <- data_all[pep_seq_rows[1]:length(data_all)]
  data_psm <- gsub("\"---\"", "\"-1\"", data_psm, fixed = TRUE)
  data_psm <- gsub("\"###\"", "\"-1\"", data_psm, fixed = TRUE)
  # --- for simulated data
  data_psm <- gsub("---", "\"-1\"", data_psm, fixed = TRUE)
  data_psm <- gsub("###", "\"-1\"", data_psm, fixed = TRUE)
  if (this_plex) {
    data_psm[1] <- paste0(data_psm[1], ",", set_mascot_colnms(this_plex))
  # [x] emPAI
  # [x] Protein quantitation
  # -> partial columns to the right
  # ..."emPAI",0.80,"Quantitation summary for protein","127N/126","1.139"...
  data_psm <- local({
    # exclude "Protein quantitation"
    for(i in seq_along(data_psm)) {
      data_psm[i] <- gsub(",\"Quantitation summary for protein\".*", 
                          "", data_psm[i])
    empai <- data_psm %>% .[grepl("\"emPAI\"", .)] 
    if (!length(empai)) 
    empai <- c(data_psm[1], empai) %>% 
      stringr::str_split(pattern) %>% 
      list_to_dataframe() %>% 
      `names<-`(.[1, ]) %>% 
      `names<-`(gsub("\"", "", names(.), fixed = TRUE)) %>% 
      `[`(-1, ) 
    cols <- c(which(names(empai) == "prot_acc"), 
              which(empai[1, ] == "\"emPAI\"") + 1)

    stopifnot(length(cols) == 2L)
    empai <- empai[, cols] %>% 
      `names<-`(c("prot_acc", "prot_empai")) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(prot_acc = gsub("[1-9]+::", "", prot_acc)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(prot_acc = gsub("\"", "", prot_acc, fixed = TRUE), 
                    prot_empai = as.numeric(prot_empai)) %T>% 
      saveRDS(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", 
                        paste0(gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", filename), "_empai.rds")))
    for(i in seq_along(data_psm)) {
      data_psm[i] <- gsub(",\"emPAI\".*", "", data_psm[i])

             file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", paste0(output_prefix, "_hdr_rm.csv")))

#' Removes PSM headers
#' \code{rmPSMHeaders} removes the header of PSM from
#' \href{https://http://www.matrixscience.com/}{Mascot} outputs. It also
#' removes the spacer columns in the fields of ratio and intensity values.
#' @inheritParams normPSM
#' @return Intermediate PSM table(s).
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr walk
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
rmPSMHeaders <- function(parallel = TRUE) 
  old_opts <- options(warn = 0L)
  options(warn = 1L)
  on.exit(options(old_opts), add = TRUE)
    if (exists(".savecall", envir = rlang::current_env())) {
      if (.savecall) {
        message("Remove PSM headers --- Completed.")
    add = TRUE
  dat_dir  <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  filelist <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir), pattern = "^F[0-9]+.*\\.csv$")

  if (!length(filelist))
    stop("No PSM files(s) with \".csv\" extension under ", dat_dir)

  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  n_files <- length(filelist)
  if (parallel && (n_files > 1)) {
    n_cores <- min(parallel::detectCores(), n_files)
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", n_cores))
    parallel::clusterMap(cl, batchPSMheader, filelist, 
                         MoreArgs = list(dat_dir, TMT_plex))
  else {
    purrr::walk(filelist, batchPSMheader, dat_dir, TMT_plex)
  .saveCall <- TRUE

#' Adds column "pep_var_mod_conf"
#' Only for Mascot.
#' @param df A data frame of PSMs
#' @inheritParams load_expts
add_mod_conf <- function(df = NULL, dat_dir = NULL) 
  dat_file <- unique(df$dat_file)
  if (length(dat_file) != 1L)
    stop("The number of unique \"dat_file\"s is not one.")

  file <- file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", paste0(dat_file, "_queryInfo.rds"))
  if (!file.exists(file)) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_tot_int = NA_real_, 
                    pep_scan_num = NA_character_, 
                    pep_ret_range = NA_integer_, 
                    pep_ms2_sumint = NA_real_,
                    pep_n_ions = NA_integer_, 
                    pep_locprob = NA_real_,
                    pep_locdiff = NA_real_)
  # (1) no need of "raw_file" being part of "uniq_id" as "pep_query" is 
  #     by each "dat_file" and irrespective to "raw_file"
  # (nevertheless, the same `pep_query` may have multiple `pep_seq`s and 
  #  each `pep_seq` may have multiple `pep_var_mod_pos`s)
  # (2) no need of `dat_file` being part of the `uniq_by` 
  #   as `df` has been split by `dat_file`
  # (3) when left_join(df, queries) by uniq_id = c("pep_query", "pep_seq"), 
  # the same `uniq_id` but different "pep_var_mod_pos" forms different rows; 
  # different rows under the same `uniq_id` are used for `df_first` and `df_second`.

  # Don't: 
  # uniq_by <- c("pep_query", "pep_seq", "pep_var_mod_pos")

  uniq_by <- c("pep_query", "pep_seq")
  queries <- readRDS(file) %>% 
    dplyr::rename(pep_query = query_number) %>% 
    tidyr::unite(uniq_id, uniq_by, sep = ".", remove = FALSE) 
  purrr::walk2(c("intensity", "Scan number range", 
                 "Retention time range", 
                 "TotalIonsIntensity", "NumVals", 
                 "StringIons1", "StringIons2", "StringIons3"), 
               c("pep_tot_int", "pep_scan_num", 
                 "pep_ret_range", "pep_ms2_sumint", 
                 "pep_ions_first", "pep_ions_second", "pep_ions_third"), 
               ~ {
                 if (.x %in% names(queries)) 
                   queries <<- queries %>% 
                     dplyr::rename(!!.y := !!.x)
               }, queries)
  ## === CPTAC phosphopeptides, fractions F5 and F10 ===
  # Senario 1: one `uniq_id`, multiple `pep_var_mod_conf`
  # In `df`:
  # uniq_id           pep_var_mod_pos
  # 48940.SGEGEVSGLMR 0.50000000000.0
  # In `queries`: 
  # uniq_id           pep_tot_int pep_var_mod_pos pep_var_mod_conf
  # 48940.SGEGEVSGLMR    21739660 0.50000000000.0           1.00  
  # 48940.SGEGEVSGLMR    21739660 0.00000050000.0           0.0002
  # `df2` after left_join by `uniq_id`: 
  # uniq_id           pep_var_mod  pep_var_mod_pos pep_var_mod_conf
  # 48940.SGEGEVSGLMR Phospho (ST) 0.50000000000.0           1.00
  # 48940.SGEGEVSGLMR Phospho (ST) 0.50000000000.0           0.0002 <-- 
  # the same `pep_var_mod_pos` but different `pep_var_mod_conf`; 
  # namely, the second `pep_var_mod_pos` etc. do not link to `pep_var_mod_conf`.
  # to avoid clumsiness, one solution is to order data by decreasing 
  #   `pep_var_mod_conf` and only keeps the fist and shows the delta.
  # this are what `df_first` and `df_second` for.
  # Senario 2: one `uniq_id`, multiple `pep_var_mod_conf` and `prot_acc`
  # `df`:
  # prot_acc                  uniq_id       pep_var_mod_pos
  # TIF1B_HUMAN 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER 0.00000500000000000.0
  # TIF1B_MOUSE 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER 0.00000500000000000.0
  # `queries` (`prot_acc` not available)
  # uniq_id                  pep_tot_int pep_var_mod_pos       pep_var_mod_conf
  # 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER     1714404 0.00000500000000000.0           0.493 
  # 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER     1714404 0.00005000000000000.0           0.493 
  # 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER     1714404 0.00000050000000000.0           0.0131
  # 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER     1714404 0.00000000060000000.0           0     
  # `df2` after left_join by `uniq_id`
  # prot_acc    uniq_id                  pep_var_mod  pep_var_mod_pos       pep_var_mod_conf
  # TIF1B_HUMAN 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER Phospho (ST) 0.00000500000000000.0           0.493 
  # TIF1B_HUMAN 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER Phospho (ST) 0.00000500000000000.0           0.493 
  # TIF1B_MOUSE 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER Phospho (ST) 0.00000500000000000.0           0.493 
  # TIF1B_MOUSE 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER Phospho (ST) 0.00000500000000000.0           0.493 
  # TIF1B_HUMAN 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER Phospho (ST) 0.00000500000000000.0           0.0131
  # TIF1B_MOUSE 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER Phospho (ST) 0.00000500000000000.0           0.0131
  # TIF1B_HUMAN 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER Phospho (ST) 0.00000500000000000.0           0     
  # TIF1B_MOUSE 183371.VFPGSTTEDYNLIVIER Phospho (ST) 0.00000500000000000.0           0     
  # Again, `pep_var_mod_pos` values are not exactly correct but OK if only keep the first 
  # in each group of `uniq_id`. 
  # Next calculates the delta; however, rows corresponding to `TIF1B_MOUSE` will be gone. 
  # TIF1B_MOUSE` is considered double-dipping and be later removed when applying parsimony. 
  # However, for better self-containedness, 
  #  join by uniq_id2 <- c("prot_acc", uniq_by) instead of uniq_id. 
  # Note that queries doesn't have column `prot_acc` and a two-stage joining 
  # with `uniq_id` followed by `uniq_id2` is required.

  # two-stage joining and subsetting
  # (1) df + queries by uniq_id
  # (2) grouped by uniq_id2
  uniq_by2 <- c("prot_acc", uniq_by)
  df2 <- df %>% 
    tidyr::unite(uniq_id, uniq_by, sep = ".", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(queries %>% 
                       # be explicit on intended columns
                       dplyr::select(which(names(.) %in% 
                     by = "uniq_id") %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(.n = row_number()) %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(-pep_var_mod_conf) %>% 
    tidyr::unite(uniq_id2, uniq_by2, sep = ".", remove = FALSE) %>% 
  df_first <- df2 %>% 
    dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1L) %>% 
    dplyr::ungroup(uniq_id2) %>% 
  df_second <- df2 %>% 
    dplyr::filter(row_number() == 2L) %>% 
    dplyr::ungroup(uniq_id2) %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(.n) %>% 
    dplyr::select(uniq_id2, pep_var_mod_conf) %>%
    dplyr::rename(pep_var_mod_conf_2 = pep_var_mod_conf)
  ## possible `pep_var_mod_conf` values are all NA; 
  #  thus `pep_locprob` & `pep_locdiff` both be NA 
  # query_number                  pep_seq              pep_var_mod_pos pep_var_mod_conf
  # 1       312209 MDPLSELQDDLTLDDTSQALNQLK 1.400000000000000050002000.0             <NA>
  # 2       312209 MDPLSELQDDLTLDDTSQALNQLK 1.400000000000000500002000.0             <NA>
  # 3       312209 MDPLSELQDDLTLDDTSQALNQLK 1.400000000005000000002000.0             <NA>
  # 4       312209 MDPLSELQDDLTLDDTSQALNQLK 1.400050000000000000002000.0             <NA>
  df_first %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(df_second, by = "uniq_id2") %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_locdiff = pep_var_mod_conf - pep_var_mod_conf_2) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-pep_var_mod_conf_2) %>% 
    dplyr::rename(pep_locprob = pep_var_mod_conf) %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(.n) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-c("uniq_id", "uniq_id2", ".n"))

#' Finds the variable modifications.
#' For Mascot.
#' @param df_header Mascot output header.
find_mascot_vmods <- function (df_header)
  zero_out <- tibble::tibble(Mascot_abbr = character(),
                             Description = character(), 
                             Delta_mass = character(), 
                             Filename = character()) 
  spacer <- "\"\""
  rows_spacer <- which(df_header == spacer)
  row_varmod <- grep("Variable modifications", df_header)[1]
  if (is.na(row_varmod)) 
  row_varmod_next <- row_varmod + 1L
  if (df_header[row_varmod_next] != spacer) 
  row_next_spacer <- rows_spacer[which(rows_spacer > row_varmod_next)][1]
  df_header[(row_varmod_next + 2) : (row_next_spacer - 1)] %>%
    gsub("\"", "", ., fixed = TRUE) %>%
    data.frame() %>%
    tidyr::separate(".", sep = ",", extra = "drop", 
                    c("Mascot_abbr", "Description", "Delta_mass")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Filename = gsub("[\\\\\\/\\:\\*\\?\\'\\<\\>\\|]", ".", Description))

#' Adds the \code{pep_seq_mod} field to Mascot PSMs
#' @inheritParams locate_outliers
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr walk
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
add_mascot_pepseqmod <- function(df = NULL, use_lowercase_aa = TRUE, 
                                 purge_phosphodata = TRUE) 
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  if (!"dat_file" %in% names(df))
    stop("Column \"dat_file\" not found.")

  dat_id <- unique(df$dat_file)
  dat_file <- file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", paste0(dat_id, "_header.txt"))
  if (length(dat_id) != 1L)
    stop("The number of \"dat_file\" is not one.")
  if (!file.exists(dat_file))
    stop(dat_file, " not found.")

  df_header <- readLines(dat_file)

  fixed_mods <- local({
    zero_out <- tibble::tibble(Mascot_abbr = character(),
                               Description = character(), 
                               Delta_mass = character()) 

    spacer <- "\"\""
    rows_spacer <- which(df_header == spacer)
    row_fixmod <- grep("Fixed modifications", df_header)[1]
    if (is.na(row_fixmod)) 
    row_fixmod_next <- row_fixmod + 1L
    if (df_header[row_fixmod_next] != spacer) 

    row_next_spacer <- rows_spacer[which(rows_spacer > row_fixmod_next)][1]

    df_header[(row_fixmod_next + 2L) : (row_next_spacer - 1L)] %>%
      gsub("\"", "", ., fixed = TRUE) %>%
      data.frame() %>%
      tidyr::separate(".", sep = ",", c("Mascot_abbr", "Description", "Delta_mass"))
  var_mods <- find_mascot_vmods(df_header)

  if (is.null(df$pep_seq)) {
    stop("Column \"pep_seq\" not found.", call. = FALSE)

  df <- local({
    is_phospho_expt <- any(grepl("Phospho\\s{1}\\(", var_mods$Description))
    if (is_phospho_expt && purge_phosphodata) {
      if ("pep_var_mod" %in% names(df)) {
        df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(grepl("Phospho\\s{1}\\(", pep_var_mod))
      else {
        warning("Missing column \"pep_var_mod\" for non-phosphopeptide removals.", 
                call. = FALSE)
  if (!nrow(var_mods)) {
    df$pep_seq_mod <- df$pep_seq
    warning("No variable modifications available in the header of \"", 
            dat_id, ".csv\".", 
            call. = FALSE)

  if (!use_lowercase_aa) {
    df <- df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = paste0(pep_seq, "[", pep_var_mod_pos, "]"))
  else {
    df$pep_seq_mod <- df$pep_seq
    # (1) non terminal modifications
    df <- local({
      mod_tbl <- var_mods %>% 
        dplyr::filter(!grepl("N-term", Description, fixed = TRUE), 
                      !grepl("C-term", Description, fixed = TRUE)) 
      if (nrow(mod_tbl)) {
        var_mods <<- var_mods %>% 
          dplyr::filter(! Mascot_abbr %in% mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr)
        for (mod in mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr) {
          df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
          df_rest <- df %>% dplyr::filter(!grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
          if (nrow(df_sub)) {
            # "-2" for the two characters, "0." ..., in 'pep_var_mod_pos'
            pos_matrix  <- gregexpr(mod, df_sub$pep_var_mod_pos) %>% 
              list_to_dataframe() %>% 
              purrr::map(~ {.x - 2}) %>%
              data.frame(check.names = FALSE)
            for (k in 1:ncol(pos_matrix)) {
              rows <- !is.na(pos_matrix[, k])
              locales <- pos_matrix[rows, k]
              lowers <- substr(df_sub$pep_seq_mod[rows], locales, locales) %>% 
              substr(df_sub$pep_seq_mod[rows], locales, locales) <- lowers
            df <- rbind(df_rest, df_sub)

    # (2-1) add "_" to sequences from protein N-terminal acetylation
    df <- local({
      mod_tbl <- var_mods %>% 
        dplyr::filter(grepl("Acetyl (Protein N-term)", Description, fixed = TRUE))
      nrow <- nrow(mod_tbl)
      stopifnot(nrow <= 1L)
      if (nrow == 1L) {
        mod <- mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr[1]
        var_mods <<- var_mods %>% 
          dplyr::filter(! Mascot_abbr %in% mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr)

        df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
        df_rest <- df %>% dplyr::filter(!grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
        if (nrow(df_sub)) {
          df_sub <- df_sub %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = paste0("_", pep_seq_mod))
          df <- rbind(df_rest, df_sub)

    # (2-2) add "_" to sequences from protein C-terminal amidation
    df <- local({
      mod_tbl <- var_mods %>% 
        dplyr::filter(grepl("Amidated (Protein C-term)", Description, fixed = TRUE))

      nrow <- nrow(mod_tbl)
      stopifnot(nrow <= 1L)
      if (nrow == 1L) {
        mod <- mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr[1]
        var_mods <<- var_mods %>% dplyr::filter(! Mascot_abbr %in% mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr)
        df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
        df_rest <- df %>% dplyr::filter(!grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
        if (nrow(df_sub)) {
          df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
            dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = paste0(pep_seq_mod, "_"))
          df <- rbind(df_rest, df_sub)

    # (3-1) "~" for "(Protein N-term)" other than acetylation
    df <- local({
      mod_tbl <- var_mods %>% 
        dplyr::filter(grepl("Protein N-term", Description, fixed = TRUE)) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!grepl("Acetyl (Protein N-term)", Description, fixed = TRUE))
      if (nrow(mod_tbl)) {
        var_mods <<- var_mods %>% dplyr::filter(! Mascot_abbr %in% mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr)
        for (mod in mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr) {
          df_sub <- df %>% 
            dplyr::filter(grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
          df_rest <- df %>% 
            dplyr::filter(!grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
          if (nrow(df_sub)) {
            df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
              dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = paste0("~", pep_seq_mod))
            df <- rbind(df_rest, df_sub)

    # (3-2) "~" for "(Protein C-term)" other than amidation
    df <- local({
      mod_tbl <- var_mods %>% 
        dplyr::filter(grepl("Protein C-term", Description, fixed = TRUE)) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!grepl("Amidated (Protein C-term)", Description, fixed = TRUE))
      if (nrow(mod_tbl)) {
        var_mods <<- var_mods %>% 
          dplyr::filter(! Mascot_abbr %in% mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr)
        for (mod in mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr) {
          df_sub <- df %>% 
            dplyr::filter(grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
          df_rest <- df %>% 
            dplyr::filter(!grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
          if (nrow(df_sub)) {
            df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
              dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = paste0(pep_seq_mod, "~"))
            df <- rbind(df_rest, df_sub)

    # (4-1) "^" for peptide "(N-term)"  
    df <- local({
      mod_tbl <- var_mods %>% 
        dplyr::filter(grepl("N-term", Description, fixed = TRUE)) %>% 
        dplyr::filter(!grepl("Protein N-term", Description, fixed = TRUE))
      if (nrow(mod_tbl)) {
        var_mods <<- var_mods %>% 
          dplyr::filter(! Mascot_abbr %in% mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr)
        for (mod in mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr) {
          df_sub <- df %>% 
            dplyr::filter(grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
          df_rest <- df %>% 
            dplyr::filter(!grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
          if (nrow(df_sub)) {
            df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
              dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                                   paste0("\\1", "^", "\\2"), 
            df <- rbind(df_rest, df_sub)

    # (4-2) "^" peptide "(C-term)" 
    df <- local({
      mod_tbl <- var_mods %>% 
        dplyr::filter(grepl("C-term", Description, fixed = TRUE)) %>% 
        dplyr::filter(!grepl("Protein C-term", Description, fixed = TRUE))
      if (nrow(mod_tbl)) {
        var_mods <<- var_mods %>% 
          dplyr::filter(! Mascot_abbr %in% mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr)
        for (mod in mod_tbl$Mascot_abbr) {
          df_sub <- df %>% 
            dplyr::filter(grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
          df_rest <- df %>% 
            dplyr::filter(!grepl(mod, pep_var_mod_pos))
          if (nrow(df_sub)) {
            df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
              dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("(.)([_~]{0,1}$)", 
                                               paste0("\\1", "^", "\\2"), 
            df <- rbind(df_rest, df_sub)


#' Adds column "prot_empai"
#' @inheritParams add_mod_conf
add_empai <- function(df = NULL, dat_dir = NULL) 
  dat_file <- unique(df$dat_file)
  if (length(dat_file) != 1L)
    stop("The number of unique \"dat_file\"s is not one.")
  file <- file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", paste0(dat_file, "_empai.rds"))
  if (!file.exists(file)) {
    return(df %>% dplyr::mutate(prot_empai = NA))
  empai <- readRDS(file) %>% dplyr::filter(!duplicated(prot_acc))
  df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(.prot_acc = gsub("[1-9]+::", "", prot_acc)) %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(empai, by = c(".prot_acc" = "prot_acc")) %>% 

#' Adds columns \code{pep_n_psm}, \code{prot_n_psm} and \code{prot_n_pep}.
#' @param df A data frame.
#' @param uniq_by A vector of column keys in \code{df} defining the levels of
#'   uniqueness in PSM entries.
#' @inheritParams normPSM
add_quality_cols <- function(df = NULL, group_psm_by = "pep_seq", 
                             group_pep_by = "prot_acc", uniq_by = NULL) 
  # PSMs might be duplicated: one PSM -> multiple rows (by NLs or pep_seq_mod)
  if (!is.null(uniq_by)) 
    df <- unique(df, by = uniq_by)
  group_psm_by <- rlang::enexpr(group_psm_by)
  group_pep_by <- rlang::enexpr(group_pep_by)
  pep_n_psm <- df %>%
    dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym(group_psm_by)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_psm_by)) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(pep_n_psm = n())
  prot_n_psm <- df %>%
    dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(prot_n_psm = n())
  prot_n_pep <- df %>%
    dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), !!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) %>%
    unique() %>% 
    ## primary and same-set proteins (group_pep_by) can share the same peptides
    ## (group_psm_by). the primary or same-set proteins will be removed with the
    ## following filter. Values of prot_n_pep will be NA for the removed proteins 
    ## when joining back with df.
    # dplyr::filter(!duplicated(!!rlang::sym(group_psm_by))) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(prot_n_pep = n())
  df[["pep_n_psm"]] <- NULL
  df[["prot_n_psm"]] <- NULL
  df[["prot_n_pep"]] <- NULL
  df <- df %>% dplyr::left_join(pep_n_psm, by = group_psm_by)
  df <- list(df, prot_n_psm, prot_n_pep) %>%
    purrr::reduce(dplyr::left_join, by = group_pep_by)

#' Parallel splits of PSM tables
#' @param df A list of data frames.
#' @param nm Names of the \code{df}'s.
#' @param fn_lookup A lookup of file names.
#' @inheritParams load_expts
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @inheritParams TMT_levels
psm_msplit <- function(df = NULL, nm = NULL, fn_lookup = NULL, dat_dir = NULL, 
                       plot_rptr_int = TRUE, TMT_plex = 10L) 
  df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-TMT_inj)
  out_fn <- fn_lookup %>%
    dplyr::filter(TMT_inj == nm) %>%
    dplyr::select(filename) %>%
    unique() %>%
    unlist() %>%
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::rename(raw_file = RAW_File) %T>% 
    readr::write_csv(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", out_fn))

  if (plot_rptr_int) {
      df_int <- df %>% 
        dplyr::select(grep("^I[0-9]{3}", names(.))) %>% 
        rptr_violin(filepath = file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/rprt_int/raw", 
                                         gsub("\\.csv", "\\.png", out_fn)), 
                    width = 8, height = 8)

#' Finds peptides that are shared by proteins.
#' Only for PSM tables where the same \code{pep_seq}  duplicated in rows with
#' different \code{prot_acc}'s . This for now means Mascot with same-set and
#' sub-set proteins enabled. Otherwise, e.g. when applying to other search
#' engines without such redundancy, every peptide would turn out to be unique.
#' Output rows are unique at the levels of \code{c("prot_acc", "pep_seq")}. By
#' default, sequences of \code{Protein} terminals will be treated separately.
#' @param df PSM data.
#' @param pep_id the column key of peptide sequences.
#' @param prot_id The column key of protein accessions.
find_shared_prots <- function(df = NULL, pep_id = "pep_seq", prot_id = "prot_acc") 
  # At pep_id == "pep_seq", 
  #   not yet to differentiate interior versus Protein terminal sequences.
  # E.g. "Acetyl (Protein N-term)" versus "Acetyl (N-term)":
  #   where the Protein qualifier in the former is provided by users.
  # The same MS query can, however, often give matches under either specification.
  # In other words, the "Protein" qualifier can remain arbitrary.
    nms <- names(df)
    lapply(c(pep_id, prot_id), function (x) {
      if (! x %in% nms) stop("Column \"", x, "\" not found.")
  if (pep_id == "pep_seq" && "pep_seq_mod" %in% names(df)) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(row_id. = row_number(), 
                    pep_isprotterm = ifelse(grepl("[_~]", pep_seq_mod), TRUE, FALSE))

    pt <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(pep_isprotterm) %>% 
      hfind_shared_prots(pep_id, prot_id) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_isprotterm = 1L)
    npt <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!pep_isprotterm) %>% 
      hfind_shared_prots(pep_id, prot_id) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_isprotterm = 0L)
    cols <- c("pep_seq_term", 
              paste0("shared_", prot_id, "s"), 
              paste0("pep_n_", prot_id, "s"))

    x <- dplyr::bind_rows(pt, npt) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_term = paste(pep_seq, pep_isprotterm, sep = ".")) %>% 
      dplyr::select(which(names(.) %in% cols)) %>% 
    rm(list = c("pt", "npt"))
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_isprotterm = as.integer(pep_isprotterm)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_term = paste(pep_seq, pep_isprotterm, sep = ".")) %>% 
    # "pep_seq_term" needed for Mascot
    ans <- df %>% 
      dplyr::left_join(x, by = "pep_seq_term") %>% 
      dplyr::arrange(row_id.) %>% 
  # should not incur
  else {
    cols <- c("pep_seq", 
              paste0("shared_", prot_id, "s"), 
              paste0("pep_n_", prot_id, "s"))
    x <- df %>% 
      hfind_shared_prots(pep_id, prot_id) %>% 
      dplyr::select(which(names(.) %in% cols)) %>% 
    ans <- df %>% 
      dplyr::left_join(x, by = "pep_seq")

#' Helper of find_shared_prots.
#' @inheritParams find_shared_prots
hfind_shared_prots <- function(df, pep_id = "pep_seq", prot_id = "prot_acc") 
  uniq_by <- c(pep_id, prot_id)
  rows <- !duplicated(df[, uniq_by])
  entries <- df[rows, uniq_by] %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(!!prot_id := gsub("[1-9]+::", "", !!rlang::sym(prot_id))) %>% 
  # Keep the redundancy at `pep_id: 
  # the same peptides under different proteins -> different rows
  # pep_x  prot_a  a, b
  # pep_x  prot_b  b, a
  prot_maps <- entries %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(!!paste0("shared_", prot_id, "s") := 
                       paste(!!rlang::sym(prot_id), collapse  = ", "))
  pep_n_prot <- entries %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(!!paste0("pep_n_", prot_id, "s") :=  n())

  list(entries, prot_maps, pep_n_prot) %>% 
    purrr::reduce(dplyr::left_join, by = pep_id) %>% 

#' Find peptides that are shared by genes.
#' For MaxQuant and MSFragger.
#' @param df PSM data.
#' @param key the column key of mapped proteins.
#' @param sep Character string; the separator of the mapped proteins.
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
add_shared_genes <- function (df = NULL, key = "Proteins", sep = ";", 
                                 fasta = NULL, entrez = NULL) 
  stopifnot(all(c("pep_seq", key) %in% names(df)))

  sep_new = ", "
  if (sep != sep_new) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(shared_prot_accs = gsub(sep, sep_new, !!rlang::sym(key)))

  # don't use preexisted acc_lookuap.rda
  # as many `mapped proteins` in `Proteins` not in the df[["prot_acc"]].
  # instead compile the new list of prot_accs from `Proteins`,
  # for new `acc_lookup`

  pep_seqs <- df[["shared_prot_accs"]] %>% 
    stringr::str_split(sep_new) %>% 
    list_to_dataframe() %>% 
      df %>% dplyr::select(pep_seq), 
    ) %>% 
    # dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = which(names(.) != "pep_seq"), 
    #                  ~ gsub("\\.[0-9]*$", "", .x)) %>% 
    tidyr::gather("id.", "prot_acc", -pep_seq) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-id.) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(prot_acc)) %>% 
    tidyr::unite(pep_prot., pep_seq, prot_acc, sep = "@", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(pep_prot.)) %>% 

  acc_lookup <- pep_seqs %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(prot_acc)) %>% 
    parse_fasta(fasta, entrez, warns = FALSE) 

  out <- dplyr::left_join(pep_seqs, 
                   acc_lookup[, c("prot_acc", "gene")], 
                   by = "prot_acc") %>% 
    dplyr::select(-prot_acc) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(gene)) %>% 
    tidyr::unite(pep_gene., pep_seq, gene, sep = "@", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(pep_gene.)) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-pep_gene.) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(pep_seq) %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(!!paste0("shared_", "gene", "s") := 
                       paste(gene, collapse  = ", ")) %>% 
    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(df, ., by = "pep_seq")

#' Finds the shared protein accessions when using MSFragger.
#' Protein accessions will be used if the mapped accessions are present under
#' \code{prot_acc}; otherwise, \code{fasta_name} will be used. This allows quick
#' distinction whether mapped proteins are same-set/sub-set to the primary
#' entries or not.
#' @param df PSM data.
add_shared_prot_accs_mf <- function (df) 
  stopifnot(all(c("pep_seq", "prot_acc", "Mapped Proteins") %in% names(df)))

  ok <- tryCatch(load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "acc_lookup.rda")),
                 error = function(e) "e")
  if (ok != "acc_lookup") {
    stop("\"acc_lookup.rda\" not found under ", dat_dir, ".", 
         call. = FALSE)
  # no need of `Mapped Proteins` to be part of tidyr::unite
  # (razors are those in fasta but in prot_acc; 
  # namely, `Mapped Proteins` consider all possible fasta entries)
  df_acc <- df %>% 
    dplyr::select(c("pep_seq", "prot_acc", "Mapped Proteins")) %>% 
    tidyr::unite("id.", c("pep_seq", "prot_acc"), sep = "@", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(id.)) %>% 
  # may be later remove "^rev_" and "^REV_" entries...
  df_accs <- df_acc[["Mapped Proteins"]] %>% 
    stringr::str_split(", ") %>% 
  # remove mapped proteins not the primary prot_acc
  prots <- unique(df$prot_acc)
  df_accs_map <- purrr::imap(df_accs, ~ {
    data.frame(fasta_name = .x) %>% 
      dplyr::left_join(acc_lookup[, c("prot_acc", "fasta_name")], 
                       by = "fasta_name") %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(prot_acc. = ifelse(is.na(prot_acc), fasta_name, prot_acc)) %>% 
      dplyr::select(prot_acc.) %>% 
      dplyr::rename(!!.y := prot_acc.)
  }) %>% 
    lapply(function (x) {
      x <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)
      ifelse(x %in% prots, x, NA_character_)
    }) %>% 
    dplyr::bind_cols(df_acc[, c("pep_seq", "prot_acc")])

  df_shared <- df_accs_map %>% 
    tidyr::gather("id.", "maps.", -prot_acc, -pep_seq) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-id.) %>% 
    tidyr::unite(uniq_id, c("pep_seq", "prot_acc", "maps."), sep = "@", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(uniq_id)) %>% 
    tidyr::separate(uniq_id, into = c("pep_seq", "prot_acc", "maps."), 
                    sep = "@", remove = TRUE) %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(pep_seq, prot_acc, maps., na.last = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(maps. = replace(maps., maps. == "NA", NA_character_), 
                  maps. = ifelse(is.na(maps.), prot_acc, maps.)) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(pep_seq) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(prot_acc = dplyr::first(prot_acc), 
                     shared_prot_accs = paste(maps., collapse = ", ")) %>% 
    tidyr::unite(pep_prot, c("pep_seq", "prot_acc"), sep = "@") %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(df %>% 
                       tidyr::unite(pep_prot, c("pep_seq", "prot_acc"), 
                                    sep = "@", 
                                    remove = FALSE), 
                     by = "pep_prot") %>% 

#' Find peptides that are shared by genes.
#' For Spectrum Mill with duplicates, such as P06748|Q61937|P06748|Q61937,
#' removals under \code{accession_numbers}.
#' @param df PSM data.
#' @param key the column key of mapped proteins.
#' @param sep Character string; the separator of the mapped proteins.
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
add_shared_sm_genes <- function (df = NULL, key = "Proteins", sep = ";", 
                                 fasta = NULL, entrez = NULL) 
  stopifnot(all(c("pep_seq", key) %in% names(df)))
  sep_new = ", "
  if (sep != sep_new) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(shared_prot_accs = gsub(sep, sep_new, !!rlang::sym(key)))
  # don't use preexisted acc_lookuap.rda
  # as many `mapped proteins` in `Proteins` not in the df[["prot_acc"]].
  # instead compile the new list of prot_accs from `Proteins`,
  # for new `acc_lookup`
  pep_seqs <- df[["shared_prot_accs"]] %>% 
    stringr::str_split(sep_new) %>% 
    list_to_dataframe() %>% 
      df %>% dplyr::select(pep_seq), 
    ) %>% 
    tidyr::gather("id.", "prot_acc", -pep_seq) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-id.) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(prot_acc)) %>% 
    tidyr::unite(pep_prot., pep_seq, prot_acc, sep = "@", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(pep_prot.)) %>% 
  # need to update `shared_prot_accs` in `df` 
  # (`accession_numbers` redundancy: P06748, Q61937, P06748, Q61937)
  df <- pep_seqs %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(pep_seq) %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(shared_prot_accs. = paste(prot_acc, collapse  = ", ")) %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(df, ., by = "pep_seq") %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(shared_prot_accs = shared_prot_accs.) %>% 

  acc_lookup <- pep_seqs %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(prot_acc)) %>% 
    parse_fasta(fasta, entrez, warns = FALSE) 
  out <- dplyr::left_join(pep_seqs, 
                          acc_lookup[, c("prot_acc", "gene")], 
                          by = "prot_acc") %>% 
    dplyr::select(-prot_acc) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(gene)) %>% 
    tidyr::unite(pep_gene., pep_seq, gene, sep = "@", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(pep_gene.)) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-pep_gene.) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(pep_seq) %>% 
    dplyr::summarise(!!paste0("shared_", "gene", "s") := 
                       paste(gene, collapse  = ", ")) %>% 
    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(df, ., by = "pep_seq")

#' Processes PSMs.
#' Common routines in PSM processing across search engines. 
#' @param df PSM data.
#' @inheritParams normPSM
procPSMs <- function (df = NULL, scale_rptr_int = FALSE, 
                      rptr_intco = 0, rptr_intrange = c(0, 100), 
                      rm_craps = FALSE, rm_krts = FALSE, rm_allna = FALSE, 
                      annot_kinases = FALSE, 
                      plot_rptr_int = TRUE, parallel = TRUE) 
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  if (TMT_plex && scale_rptr_int) {
    df <- local({
      pattern <- "^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}"
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep(pattern, names(.)), 
                         ~ ifelse(.x == -1L, NA_real_, .x)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(.sumint = rowSums(.[grepl(pattern, names(.))], na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(.pep_tot_int = ifelse(is.na(pep_tot_int), 
                                            .sumint, pep_tot_int)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep(pattern, names(.)), 
                         ~ .x * .pep_tot_int / .sumint) %>% 
        dplyr::select(-.sumint, -.pep_tot_int) 
  acc_types <- unique(df$acc_type) %>% .[!is.na(.)]
  if (rm_craps) {
    craps <- load_craps(acc_types)
    df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(! prot_acc %in% craps)
  if (rm_krts) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("^krt[0-9]+", gene, ignore.case = TRUE))
  if (annot_kinases) {
    df <- df %>% 
      split(.$acc_type, drop = TRUE) %>% 
      .[acc_types] %>% 
      purrr::imap( ~ annotKin(.x, .y)) %>% 
      do.call(rbind, .)
  else {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(kin_attr = FALSE, kin_class = NA, kin_order = NA)
  df <- df %>% order_mascot_psm_cols()
  # (1) Shared peptides will be removed in this step if 
  #   checked 'Unique peptide only' during Mascot PSM export and rm_allNA = TRUE;
  # (2) `> 1L` to bypass non-quantitative or LFQ workflows;
  # (3) MaxQuant Bruker no `Precursor Intensity` being filled;
  df <- df %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("^I[0-9]{3}|^R[0-9]{3}", names(.)), 
                     as.numeric) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("^I[0-9]{3}", names(.)), 
                     ~ ifelse(.x <= rptr_intco, NA_real_, .x)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate_at(vars(grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), ~ {
      x <- .x
      qts <- quantile(x, probs = rptr_intrange/100, na.rm = TRUE)
      x <- ifelse((x < qts[1]) | (x > qts[2]), NA_real_, .x)
    }) %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(RAW_File, pep_seq, prot_acc) 
  if (length(grep("^I[0-9]{3}", names(df))) > 1L && rm_allna) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(rowSums(!is.na(.[grep("^R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))])) > 0L, 
                    rowSums(!is.na(.[grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))])) > 0L)
  if (!nrow(df)) {
    stop("No non-trivial reporter-ion intensities/ratios available.\n", 
         "In the case of Mascot ", 
         "Have you forgot to check \"Peptide quantitation\" when exporting PSMs?\n",
         "See also https://proteoq.netlify.app/post/exporting-mascot-psms/.", 
         call. = FALSE)
  # compare experimental and user-provided PSM files
  res <- check_raws(df)
  df <- res$df
  tmtinj_raw_map <- res$lookup
  rm(list = c("res"))

  # split by TMT and LCMS
  if (! "PSM_File" %in% names(tmtinj_raw_map)) {
    df_split <- df %>%
      dplyr::left_join(tmtinj_raw_map, by = "RAW_File") %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(TMT_inj) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(psm_index = row_number()) %>%
      data.frame(check.names = FALSE) %>% 
      split(.$TMT_inj, drop = TRUE)
  else {
    tmtinj_raw_map <- tmtinj_raw_map %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(PSM_File = gsub("\\.csv$", "", PSM_File)) %>% 
      tidyr::unite(RAW_File2, c("RAW_File", "PSM_File"), sep = "@") 
    df_split <- df %>% 
      tidyr::unite(RAW_File2, c("RAW_File", "dat_file"), sep = "@", remove = FALSE) %>% 
      dplyr::left_join(tmtinj_raw_map, by = "RAW_File2") %>% 
      dplyr::select(-RAW_File2) %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(TMT_inj) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(psm_index = row_number()) %>%
      data.frame(check.names = FALSE) %>% 
      split(.$TMT_inj, drop = TRUE)
  missing_tmtinj <- setdiff(names(df_split), unique(tmtinj_raw_map$TMT_inj))
  if (length(missing_tmtinj)) {
    warning("TMT sets and LC/MS injections not have corresponindg PSM files:\n", 
            call. = FALSE)
    message(paste0("  TMT.LCMS: ", missing_tmtinj, "\n"))
    stop("Remove mismatched \"TMT_Set\" and/or \"LCMS_Injection\" ", 
         "from experiment summary file.", 
         call. = FALSE)
  fn_lookup <- label_scheme_full %>%
    dplyr::select(TMT_Set, LCMS_Injection, RAW_File) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(filename = paste(paste0("TMTset", .$TMT_Set),
                                   paste0("LCMSinj", .$LCMS_Injection), 
                                   sep = "_")) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!duplicated(filename)) %>%
    tidyr::unite(TMT_inj, TMT_Set, LCMS_Injection, sep = ".", remove = TRUE) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-RAW_File) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(tmtinj_raw_map, by = "TMT_inj")
  df_split <- df_split %>% .[names(.) %>% sort_tmt_lcms()]
  n_files <- length(df_split)
  if (parallel && (n_files > 1L)) {
    n_cores <- min(parallel::detectCores(), n_files)
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", n_cores))
      silent_out <- parallel::clusterMap(
        cl, psm_msplit, df_split, names(df_split), 
        MoreArgs = list(fn_lookup, dat_dir, plot_rptr_int, TMT_plex)
  else {
    purrr::walk2(df_split, names(df_split), psm_msplit, 
                 fn_lookup, dat_dir, plot_rptr_int, TMT_plex)

#' Finds mismatches in RAW file names
#' \code{check_raws} finds mismatched RAW files between expt_smry.xlsx and
#' PSM outputs.
#' @param df A data frame containing the PSM table from database searches.
check_raws <- function(df) 
  stopifnot ("RAW_File" %in% names(df))
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  # automated frac_smry.xlsx may be based on wrong information 
  # from expt_smry.xlsx (e.g. Sample_ID removals)
    ls_raws <-  unique(label_scheme_full$RAW_File)
    fs_raws <-  unique(fraction_scheme$RAW_File)
    if (!(all(is.na(ls_raws)) || all(ls_raws %in% fs_raws))) {
      expt_smry <- match_call_arg(load_expts, expt_smry)
      frac_smry <- match_call_arg(load_expts, frac_smry)
      unlink(file.path(dat_dir, frac_smry))
      prep_fraction_scheme(dat_dir, expt_smry, frac_smry)

      load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
    ls_tmt <- unique(label_scheme_full$TMT_Set)
    fs_tmt <- unique(fraction_scheme$TMT_Set)
    extra_fs_tmt <- fs_tmt %>% .[! . %in% ls_tmt]
    extra_ls_tmt <- ls_tmt %>% .[! . %in% fs_tmt]
    if (length(extra_fs_tmt)) 
      stop("TMT_Set ", purrr::reduce(extra_fs_tmt, paste, sep = ", "), 
           " in fraction scheme not found in label scheme.", 
           call. = FALSE)
    if (length(extra_ls_tmt)) 
      stop("TMT_Set ", purrr::reduce(extra_ls_tmt, paste, sep = ", "), 
           " in label scheme not found in fraction scheme.", 
           call. = FALSE)
    ls_tmtinj <- label_scheme_full %>% 
      tidyr::unite(TMT_inj, TMT_Set, LCMS_Injection, sep = ".", remove = TRUE) %>% 
      dplyr::select(TMT_inj) %>% 
      unique() %>% 
    fs_tmtinj <- fraction_scheme %>% 
      tidyr::unite(TMT_inj, TMT_Set, LCMS_Injection, sep = ".", remove = TRUE) %>% 
      dplyr::select(TMT_inj) %>% 
      unique() %>% 
    extra_fs_tmt <- fs_tmtinj %>% .[! . %in% ls_tmtinj]
    extra_ls_tmt <- ls_tmtinj %>% .[! . %in% fs_tmtinj]
    if (length(extra_fs_tmt)) 
      stop("The combination of TMT_Set & LCMS_Injection ", 
           paste(extra_fs_tmt, collapse = ", "), 
           " in fraction scheme not found in label scheme.", 
           call. = FALSE)
    if (length(extra_ls_tmt)) 
      stop("The combination of TMT_Set & LCMS ", 
           paste(extra_fs_tmt, collapse = ", "), 
           " in label scheme not found in fraction scheme.", 
           call. = FALSE)
  tmtinj_raw <- fraction_scheme %>% 
    tidyr::unite(TMT_inj, TMT_Set, LCMS_Injection, sep = ".", remove = TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::select(-Fraction) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\.raw$", "", RAW_File)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\.d$", "", RAW_File)) # Bruker
  ms_raws <- unique(df$RAW_File)
  # (sometime due to parsing error, i.e., of unknown formats)
  if (all(is.na(ms_raws)))
    stop("All values of \"RAW_File\" are NA.")
  label_scheme_raws <- unique(tmtinj_raw$RAW_File)
  # ms_raws <- df$RAW_File %>% unique()
  # label_scheme_raws <- tmtinj_raw$RAW_File %>% unique()
  missing_ms_raws <- ms_raws %>% .[! . %in% label_scheme_raws]
  wrong_label_scheme_raws <- label_scheme_raws %>% .[! . %in% ms_raws]
  # --- rm `missing_ms_raws` from `df`
  if (length(missing_ms_raws)) {
    df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(! RAW_File %in% missing_ms_raws)
    warning("RAW file (names) not in metadata and ", 
            "corresponding entries removed from PSM data:\n", 
            paste(missing_ms_raws, collapse = "\n"), 
            call. = FALSE)
  if (length(wrong_label_scheme_raws)) 
         "RAW file name(s) in metadata have no corresponding entries in PSM data:\n", 
         "(Hint: check the possibility that MS file(s) have ", 
         "no PSM contributions.)\n\n", 
         purrr::reduce(wrong_label_scheme_raws, paste, sep = "\n"), 
         call. = FALSE)
  ## RAW_File may not be unique if the same RAW goes into different DAT files (searches)
  # df <- df %>% dplyr::left_join(tmtinj_raw, by = "RAW_File")
  invisible (list(lookup = tmtinj_raw, df = df))

#' Splits PSM tables
#' \code{splitPSM} splits the PSM outputs after \code{rmPSMHeaders()}. It
#' separates PSM data by TMT/LFQ experiment and LC/MS injection.
#' Arguments \code{group_psm_by} and \code{group_pep_by} are used to update
#' \code{prot_matches_sig} and \code{prot_sequences_sig} after data merge.
#' @param fasta Character string(s) to the name(s) of fasta file(s) with
#'   prepended directory path. The \code{fasta} database(s) need to match those
#'   used in MS/MS ion search. There is no default and users need to provide the
#'   correct file path(s) and name(s).
#' @param entrez Character string(s) to the name(s) of entrez file(s) with
#'   prepended directory path. At the \code{NULL} default, a convenience lookup
#'   is available for species among \code{c("human", "mouse", "rat")}. For other
#'   species, users need to provide the file path(s) and name(s) for the lookup
#'   table(s). See also \code{\link{Uni2Entrez}} and \code{\link{Ref2Entrez}}
#'   for preparing custom entrez files.
#'@param pep_unique_by A character string for annotating the uniqueness of
#'  peptides. At the \code{group} default, the uniqueness of peptides is by
#'  groups with the collapses of same-set or sub-set proteins. At a more
#'  stringent criterion of \code{protein}, the uniqueness of peptides is by
#'  protein entries without grouping. On the other extreme of choice
#'  \code{none}, all peptides are treated as unique. A new column of
#'  \code{pep_isunique} with corresponding logical TRUE or FALSE will be added
#'  to the PSM reports. Note that the choice of \code{none} is only for
#'  convenience, as the same may be achieved by setting \code{use_unique_pep =
#'  FALSE} in \link{Pep2Prn}.
#' @param scale_rptr_int Logical; if TRUE, scales (up) MS2 reporter-ion
#'  intensities by MS1 precursor intensity: \eqn{I_{MS1}*(I_{x}/\sum I_{MS2})}.
#'  \eqn{I_{MS1}}, MS1 precursor intensity; \eqn{I_{MS2}}, MS2 reporter-ion
#'  intensity; \eqn{I_{x}}, MS2 reporter-ion intensity under TMT channel
#'  \eqn{x}. Note that the scaling will not affect \code{log2FC}.
#' @param rm_craps Logical; if TRUE,
#'   \href{https://www.thegpm.org/crap/}{cRAP} proteins will be removed.
#'   The default is FALSE.
#' @param rm_krts Logical; if TRUE, keratin entries will be removed. The default
#'   is FALSE.
#' @param annot_kinases Logical; if TRUE, proteins of human or mouse origins
#'   will be annotated with their kinase attributes. The default is FALSE.
#' @param rptr_intco Numeric; the threshold of reporter-ion intensity (TMT:
#'   \code{I126} etc.; LFQ: \code{I000}) being considered non-trivial. The
#'   default is 0 without cut-offs. The data nullification will not be applied
#'   synchronously to the precursor intensity (\code{pep_tot_int}) under the
#'   same PSM query. To guard against odds such as higher MS2 reporter-ion
#'   intensities than their contributing MS1 precursor intensity, employs for
#'   example \code{filter_... = rlang::exprs(pep_tot_int >= my_ms1_cutoff)}
#'   during \link{PSM2Pep}. The rule of thumb is that \code{pep_tot_int} is a
#'   single column; thus the corresponding data filtration against it may be
#'   readily achieved without introducing new arguments. By contrast,
#'   \code{rptr_intco} applies to a set of columns, \code{I126} etc.; it might
#'   be slightly more involved/laborious when applying suitable statements of
#'   \code{filter_} varargs.
#' @param rptr_intrange Numeric vector at length two. The argument specifies the
#'   range of reporter-ion intensities (TMT: \code{I126} etc.; LFQ: \code{I000})
#'   being considered non-trivial. The default is between 0 and 100 percentile
#'   without cut-offs. While argument \code{rptr_intco} employs a universal
#'   cut-off across samples by absolute values, \code{range_int} provides an
#'   alternative means of sample-specific thresholding of intensities by
#'   percentiles. The data nullification will not be applied synchronously to
#'   the precursor intensity under the same PSM query.
#' @param plot_rptr_int Logical; if TRUE, the distributions of reporter-ion
#'   intensities will be plotted. The default is TRUE. The argument is also
#'   applicable to the precursor intensity with MaxQuant LFQ.
#' @param use_lowercase_aa Logical; if TRUE, modifications in amino acid
#'   residues will be abbreviated with lower-case and/or \code{^_~}. See the
#'   table below for details. The default is TRUE. 
#' @param purge_phosphodata Logical; if TRUE and phosphorylation present as
#'   variable modification(s), entries without phosphorylation will be removed.
#'   The default is TRUE.
#' @inheritParams annotPSM
#' @inheritParams normPSM
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
splitPSM <- function(group_psm_by = "pep_seq", group_pep_by = "prot_acc", 
                     fasta = NULL, entrez = NULL, pep_unique_by = "group", 
                     scale_rptr_int = FALSE, 
                     rm_craps = FALSE, rm_krts = FALSE, rm_allna = FALSE, 
                     purge_phosphodata = TRUE, 
                     annot_kinases = FALSE, plot_rptr_int = TRUE, 
                     rptr_intco = 0, rptr_intrange = c(0, 100), 
                     use_lowercase_aa = TRUE, ...) 
  # --- Outlines ---
  # (1.1) row filtration, column padding and psm file combinations
  # (Mascot: not yet available I000 or I126 etc., 
  # as ms1 intensities need to be imported from query data)
  # (1.2) remove spacer columns
  # (1.3) clean up prot_acc (1::, 2::)
  # convenience crap removals where the fasta names ended with "|"
  # (this can affect the uniqueness of peptides: 
  # by excluding the assessment of peptide sharedness with cRAPs)
  # (1.4) add query data & pep_seq_mod
  # dependency: pep_seq_mod for `group_psm_by = ...`
  # (precursor intensity and empai added if available)
  # (`pep_seq` changed from such as MENGQSTAAK to K.MENGQSTAAK.L)
  # (2.1) annotate proteins
  # dependency: `gene` for prot_n_pep etc.
  # (NA genes are replaced with accessions)
  # (not yet prot_cover and prot_icover as they require pep_start and pep_end)
  # (2.2) compile "preferred" columns
  # (2.3) find the shared prot_accs and genes for each peptide
  # (2.4) remove non-essential proteins after shared_prot_accs, shared_genes
  # (2.5) find the levels of uniqueness for peptides
  # uniqueness currently by prot_acc, not gene
  # (2.6) add peptide properties and prot_cover, prot_icover
  # dependency: prot_cover and prot_icover need pep_start and pep_end
  # (2.7) apply parsimony
  # (a) chimeric: 
  #     the same `pep_query` can be assigned to different `pep_seq` at different `pep_rank`
  # (b) positional difference:
  #     the same combination of `pep_query`, `pep_seq` and `pep_var_mod_pos` 
  #     can be assigned to different `prot_acc` 
  # (c) remove redundant peptides under each `dat_file`
  #     dbl-dipping peptides across `dat_file` will be handled in `mergePep`
  # (2.8) add columns pep_n_psm, prot_n_psm, prot_n_pep
  # dependency: after the removals of redundant PSMs, peptides
  # (2.9) other fields
  # for compatibility, updates after data merging etc.
  # --- End ---
    if (exists(".savecall", envir = rlang::current_env())) {
      if (.savecall) {
        message("Split PSMs by TMT experiments and LCMS series --- Completed.")
    add = TRUE
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
	load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
	load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))

	TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  filelist = list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache"),
                        pattern = "^F[0-9]+.*_hdr_rm.csv$")

	if (!length(filelist)) {
	  stop("No intermediate PSM file(s) under: ", file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache"))
  # (1.1) row filtration, column padding and psm file combinations
  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)
  filter_dots <- dots %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dots <- dots %>% .[! . %in% filter_dots]
  message("Primary column keys in \"F[...].csv\" for \"filter_\" varargs.")
  df <- purrr::map(filelist, pad_mascot_channels, !!!filter_dots) %>% 
    pad_mascot_fields() %>% 
    do.call(rbind, .)

  stopifnot(all(c("RAW_File", "dat_file") %in% names(df)))

  # (1.2) remove spacer columns
  df <- local({
    r_start <- grep("^dummy_", names(df))[1]

    if (is.na(r_start)) {
      # placeholder for the "same symmetry" as TMT
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(R000 = 1, I000 = NA_real_) 
    else {
      int_end <- max(grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(df)))
      if (int_end > r_start) df <- df[, -c(seq(r_start, int_end, 2))]

  # (1.3) clean up prot_acc
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::filter(prot_acc != "") %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(prot_acc = gsub("[1-9]+::", "", prot_acc)) %>% 
    { if (rm_craps) dplyr::filter(., !grepl("\\|.*\\|$", prot_acc)) else . } 
  # (1.4) add query data & pep_seq_mod
  df <- df %>% 
    split(.$dat_file, drop = TRUE) %>% 
    purrr::map(add_mod_conf, dat_dir) %>% 
    purrr::map(add_empai, dat_dir) %>% 
    purrr::map(add_mascot_pepseqmod, use_lowercase_aa, purge_phosphodata) %>% 
  nms <- names(df)
  stopifnot("pep_tot_int" %in% nms, "pep_seq_mod" %in% nms)
  rm(list = "nms")

  if (!TMT_plex) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(I000 = pep_tot_int) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(R000 = I000/I000, 
                    R000 = ifelse(is.infinite(R000), NA, R000)) 
  stopifnot(any(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(df))))
  # (1.4.2) phospho
  if (all(c("pep_var_mod", "pep_locprob", "pep_locdiff") %in% names(df))) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_phospho_locprob = 
                      ifelse(grepl("Phospho", pep_var_mod), pep_locprob, NA_real_)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_phospho_locdiff = 
                      ifelse(grepl("Phospho", pep_var_mod), pep_locdiff, NA_real_))
  # (2.1) annotate proteins
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPrn(fasta, entrez) %>%  
    { if (!"gene" %in% names(.)) dplyr::mutate(., gene = prot_acc) else . } %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(gene = ifelse(is.na(gene), prot_acc, gene))

  # (2.2) compile "preferred" columns
  df <- local({
    if (! "prot_hit_num" %in% names(df)) {
      df <- df %>% 
        add_entry_ids("prot_acc", "prot_hit_num") %>% 
        dplyr::arrange(prot_hit_num) %>% 
    else {
      df <- df %>% 
    if (! "prot_family_member" %in% names(df)) {
      warning("PSMs were exported from Mascot without protein grouping.", 
              call. = FALSE)
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(prot_family_member = 0L) %>% 
        reloc_col_after("prot_family_member", "prot_hit_num")
    if (! "pep_isbold" %in% names(df)) {
      df$pep_isbold <- TRUE
    else {
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_isbold = ifelse(pep_isbold == 1, TRUE, FALSE))
    if (! "pep_isunique" %in% names(df)) {
      df$pep_isunique <- TRUE
    else {
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_isunique = ifelse(pep_isunique == 1, TRUE, FALSE))
    if ("pep_index" %in% names(df)) df$pep_index <- NULL
    if ("prot_index" %in% names(df)) df$prot_index <- NULL
    df <- df %>% 
      add_entry_ids("pep_seq", "pep_index") %>% 
      add_entry_ids("prot_acc", "prot_index")

  # (2.3) finds the shared prot_accs and genes for each peptide
  df <- df %>% 
    find_shared_prots("pep_seq", "prot_acc") %>% 
    find_shared_prots("pep_seq", "gene")
  # (2.4) remove non-essential proteins after shared_prot_accs, shared_genes
  # run this asap; otherwise some primary peptides may be removed by other filters
  if ("prot_family_member" %in% names(df)) 
    df <- dplyr::filter(df, !is.na(prot_family_member))
  # (2.5) find the uniqueness of peptides
  df <- local({
    key <- if ("pep_seq_term" %in% names(df)) "pep_seq_term" else "pep_seq"
    cols <- c(key, 
              paste0("shared_", group_pep_by, "s"), 
              paste0("pep_n_", group_pep_by, "s"))
    shared_peps <- df %>% 
      dplyr::select(which(names(.) %in% cols)) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!!rlang::sym(paste0("pep_n_", group_pep_by, "s")) >= 2L) %>% 
      .[[key]] %>% 
      unique() %>% 
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_literal_unique = 
                      ifelse(!!rlang::sym(key) %in% shared_peps, FALSE, TRUE), 
                    pep_razor_unique = pep_isunique) %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_literal_unique", "pep_isunique") %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_razor_unique", "pep_literal_unique")
    if (pep_unique_by == "group") 
      df <- df
    else if (pep_unique_by == "protein") 
      df <- dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = pep_literal_unique)
    else if (pep_unique_by == "none") 
      df <- dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = TRUE)
      df <- df
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c("pep_seq_term", "pep_n_prot_accs", 
  # 0, not NA since we known... even pep_tot_int is NA
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_unique_int = 
                    ifelse(pep_literal_unique, pep_tot_int, 0)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_razor_int = 
                    ifelse(pep_razor_unique, pep_tot_int, 0)) %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_unique_int", "pep_tot_int") %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_razor_int", "pep_unique_int")
  stopifnot(all(c("pep_isunique", "pep_literal_unique", "pep_razor_unique", 
                  "pep_tot_int", "pep_unique_int", "pep_razor_int") %in% 
  # (2.6) add peptide properties and prot_cover, prot_icover
  df$pep_miss <- NULL
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPeppos() %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_len = stringr::str_length(pep_seq)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_miss = ifelse(grepl("[KR]$", pep_seq), 
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]") - 1,
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]"))) %>% 
    add_prot_icover(id = group_pep_by) %>% 
    { if (!("prot_cover" %in% names(.) && length(filelist) == 1L)) 
        calc_cover(., id = !!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) 
        dplyr::mutate(., prot_cover = prot_cover/100) } 

  # (2.7) apply parsimony
  # allow PSM duplicates that are different at `pep_var_mod_pos` if there are any;
  # mostly not with current Mascot but possible later redundancy of 
  #   one query -> multiple `pep_var_mod_pos`
  # uniq_by <- c("RAW_File", "pep_query", "pep_seq")
  uniq_by <- c("RAW_File", "pep_query", "pep_seq", "pep_var_mod_pos")

  if (length(unique(df$dat_file)) >= 1L) 
    uniq_by <- c(uniq_by, "dat_file")
  # redundancy at prot_acc also removed (kept the heaviest one)
  df <- df %>% dplyr::arrange(pep_rank, -pep_isbold, -prot_mass)
  rows <- !duplicated(df[, uniq_by])
  df <- df[rows, ]
  rm(list = c("rows"))
  df <- try(
    dplyr::arrange(df, prot_hit_num, prot_family_member, pep_start, pep_end)
  ## before
  #      prot_acc   I126 I127N   I127C
  # 1  HBB1_MOUSE  29410 20920   27430
  # 2  HBE_MOUSE   29410 20920   27430
  # 3  HBE_MOUSE  137000 38330 1115000
  ## after
  #      prot_acc   I126 I127N   I127C
  # 1  HBB1_MOUSE  29410 20920   27430
  # 2  HBE_MOUSE  137000 38330 1115000
  # remove subset proteins
  ## one example: I <-> L
  # (No prot_family_member)
  # prot_hit_num	prot_family_member	prot_acc	pep_rank	pep_isbold	pep_isunique	pep_seq
  # 1	            1	                  P04114	1	        1	          1	            AAIQALR
  # 1		                              Q9BY43	1	        0	          1	            AALQALR

  # (2.8) adds columns pep_n_psm, prot_n_psm, prot_n_pep
  # prot_n_psm and pep_n_psm may be inflated depends on the PSM redundancy 
  df <- df %>% add_quality_cols(!!group_psm_by, !!group_pep_by, uniq_by = NULL)
  # (2.9) update original Mascot fields
  # (e.g. updated counts after data merging)
  if ("pep_scan_range" %in% names(df))
    df[["pep_scan_range"]] <- NULL
  if ("pep_scan_title" %in% names(df)) {
    df <- dplyr::mutate(df, pep_scan_num = gsub(".* scan\\=(.*)~$", "\\1", pep_scan_title))
  else {
    df[["pep_scan_num"]] <- NA_character_
  df <- reloc_col_after(df, "pep_scan_num", "pep_scan_title")

  .saveCall <- TRUE

#' Finds the plexes according to the Mascot outputs.
#' @param df A data frame of Mascot outputs with headers being removed.
find_mascot_plex <- function (df = NULL) 
  to_126 <- grep("/126", df[1, ], fixed = TRUE)
  len <- length(to_126)
  if (len) len + 1L else 0L

#' Defines the ratio columns of Mascot outputs.
#' @param TMT_plex Numeric; the multiplexity of TMT, i.e., 10, 11 etc.
#' @param nrow Positive integer; the number of rows in the data.
make_mascot_ratios <- function(TMT_plex = 10L, nrow = 1L) 
  if (TMT_plex == 18) {
    col_keys <- c("127N/126", "127C/126", "128N/126", "128C/126", "129N/126", 
                  "129C/126", "130N/126", "130C/126", "131N/126", "131C/126", 
                  "132N/126", "132C/126", "133N/126", "133C/126", "134N/126", 
                  "134C/126", "135N/126")
  else if (TMT_plex == 16) {
    col_keys <- c("127N/126", "127C/126", "128N/126", "128C/126", "129N/126", 
                  "129C/126", "130N/126", "130C/126", "131N/126", "131C/126", 
                  "132N/126", "132C/126", "133N/126", "133C/126", "134N/126")
  else if (TMT_plex == 11) {
    col_keys <- c("127N/126", "127C/126", "128N/126", "128C/126", "129N/126", 
                  "129C/126", "130N/126", "130C/126", "131N/126", "131C/126")
  else if (TMT_plex == 10) {
    col_keys <- c("127N/126", "127C/126", "128N/126", "128C/126", "129N/126", 
                  "129C/126", "130N/126", "130C/126", "131/126")
  else if(TMT_plex == 6) {
    col_keys <- c("127/126", "128/126", "129/126", "130/126", "131/126")
  else {
    col_keys <- NULL
  col_keys <- rep(col_keys, each = 2) 
  col_keys[which(seq_along(col_keys)%%2 == 0)] <- NA
  suppressMessages(purrr::map(col_keys, rep, each = nrow) %>% 
                     dplyr::bind_cols() %>% 

#' Defines the intensity columns of Mascot outputs.
#' @param TMT_plex Numeric; the multiplexity of TMT, i.e., 10, 11 etc.
#' @param nrow Positive integer; the number of rows in the data.
make_mascot_intensities <- function(TMT_plex = 10L, nrow = 1L) 
  if (TMT_plex == 18) {
    col_keys <- c("126", "127N", "127C", "128N", "128C", "129N", 
                  "129C", "130N", "130C", "131N", "131C", 
                  "132N", "132C", "133N", "133C", "134N", 
                  "134C", "135N")
  else if (TMT_plex == 16) {
    col_keys <- c("126", "127N", "127C", "128N", "128C", "129N", 
                  "129C", "130N", "130C", "131N", "131C", 
                  "132N", "132C", "133N", "133C", "134N")
  else if (TMT_plex == 11) {
    col_keys <- c("126", "127N", "127C", "128N", "128C", "129N", 
                  "129C", "130N", "130C", "131N", "131C")
  else if (TMT_plex == 10) {
    col_keys <- c("126", "127N", "127C", "128N", "128C", 
                  "129N", "129C", "130N", "130C", "131")
  else if(TMT_plex == 6) {
    col_keys <- c("126", "127", "128", "129", "130", "131")
  else {
    col_keys <- NULL
  col_keys <- rep(col_keys, each = 2) 
  col_keys[which(seq_along(col_keys)%%2 == 0)] <- -1
  suppressMessages(purrr::map(col_keys, rep, each = nrow) %>% 
                     `names<-`(paste0("nm_", seq_along(.))) %>% 
                     dplyr::bind_cols() %>% 

#' Adds RAW_File column 
#' Mascot only
#' @param df A PSM table
add_mascot_raw <- function (df)
  l <- df$pep_scan_title[1]
  if (grepl("File:~", l, fixed = TRUE)) {
    if (grepl(".d~", l, fixed = TRUE)) { # Bruker .d
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\\\", "/", pep_scan_title), 
                      RAW_File = gsub('^.*,[ ]{0,1}File:~(.*)\\.d~.*', '\\1', RAW_File))
    else { # Thermo .raw
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = pep_scan_title) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("^[^ ]+ File:\\~(.*)\\.raw\\~.*", 
                                      "\\1", RAW_File)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("^[^ ]+ File:\\~(.*)\\.d\\~.*", 
                                      "\\1", RAW_File))
  else if (grepl("File: ~", l, fixed = TRUE)) { # PD
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\\\", "/", pep_scan_title), 
                    RAW_File = gsub('^.*/([^/]*)\\.raw\\~.*', '\\1', RAW_File), 
                    RAW_File = gsub('^.*/([^/]*)\\.d\\~.*', '\\1', RAW_File))
  else if (grepl(", File:", l, fixed = TRUE)) { # custom from Bruker MGF, add "~" later...
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\\\", "/", pep_scan_title), 
                    RAW_File = gsub('^.*, File:(.*)\\.(raw|d)\\, .*', '\\1', RAW_File))
  else if (grepl("~File:", l, fixed = TRUE)) {
    if (grepl(".d~", l, fixed = TRUE)) { # Bruker .d
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\\\", "/", pep_scan_title), 
                      RAW_File = gsub('^.*,[ ]{0,1}~File:(.*)\\.d~.*', '\\1', RAW_File))
    else { # Thermo .raw
      # not yet tested; may not occur at all
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = pep_scan_title) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("^[^ ]+ ~File:(.*)\\.raw\\~.*", 
                                      "\\1", RAW_File)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("^[^ ]+ ~File:(.*)\\.d\\~.*", 
                                      "\\1", RAW_File))
  else {
    stop("Mascot RAW_File name in \"pep_scan_title\" is not in the format of ", 
         "\"MSConvert\" or \"Proteome DisCoverer\".\n", 
         "Contact the developer about the new format.")

#' Pads Mascot TMT channels to the highest plex
#' @param file An intermediate PSM table.
#' @param ... filter_dots.
pad_mascot_channels <- function(file = NULL, ...) 
  filter_dots <- rlang::enexprs(...) %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  base_name <- gsub("_hdr_rm\\.csv$", "", file)
  df <- read.delim(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", file), 
                   sep = ',', check.names = FALSE, 
                   header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                   quote = "\"", fill = TRUE , skip = 0) %>% 
  # parses `RAW_File`
  df <- add_mascot_raw(df)

  # with some refseq_acc
  df <- df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(prot_acc = gsub("\\.[0-9]*$", "", prot_acc)) 
  # compares plexes between Mascot outputs and those in metadata
  this_plex <- find_mascot_plex(df)
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  if (this_plex < 0L)
    stop("The multiplexity of data is less than 0 (i.e., TMT > 0, LFQ = 0).")

  if (this_plex > TMT_plex) {
    stop("\nPSM multiplexity is \"", this_plex, "\" with ", file, ".\n",
         "Metadata multiplexity is however smaller at \"", TMT_plex, "\".\n", 
         "Don't know which channels to exclude from PSM file.", 
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!TMT_plex) {
    if (!file.exists(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache/", 
                               paste0(base_name, "_queryInfo.rds")))) {
      warning("Query file not found for LFQ.\n", 
              "Make sure that \"Query Level Information\" -> \"Raw peptide match data\" ", 
              "was checked \nwhen exporting Mascot PSMs.", 
              call. = FALSE)
  if (this_plex && (this_plex < TMT_plex)) {
    nms <- set_mascot_colnms(TMT_plex) %>% stringr::str_split(",", simplify = TRUE)
    nms_ratio <- nms %>% .[grepl("R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", .)]
    nms_int <- nms %>% .[grepl("I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", .)]
    pos <- find_padding_pos(this_plex, TMT_plex)
    nas <- data.frame(R126 = rep(NA, nrow(df)))

    df_ratio <- local({
      df_ratio <- df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", names(.)))
      df_ratio <- cbind(nas, df_ratio)
      for (idx in seq_along(pos)) {
        df_ratio <- suppressMessages(add_cols_at(df_ratio, nas, pos[idx] - 1))
      holders_ratio <- make_mascot_ratios(TMT_plex, nrow(df))
      holders_ratio <- cbind(rep("126/126", nrow(df)), nas, holders_ratio)
      for (idx in seq_len(TMT_plex)) {
        holders_ratio[, 2*idx] <- df_ratio[, idx]
      holders_ratio <- holders_ratio[, -c(1:2)]
      names(holders_ratio) <- nms_ratio

    df_int <- local({
      df_int <- df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", names(.)))
      for (idx in seq_along(pos)) {
        df_int <- suppressMessages(add_cols_at(df_int, nas, pos[idx] - 1))
      holders_int <- make_mascot_intensities(TMT_plex, nrow(df))
      for (idx in seq_len(TMT_plex)) {
        holders_int[, 2*idx] <- df_int[, idx]
      names(holders_int) <- nms_int
    df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
      df %>% select(-grep("[IR]{1}[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", names(.))), 
  df$dat_file <- base_name


#' Pads Mascot PSM exports
#' Intensity or ratio columns are handled during channel padding and thus
#' excluded.
#' @param df An intermediate PSM table from Mascot export.
pad_mascot_fields <- function(df = NULL) 
    list_a <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir), 
                         pattern = "^F[0-9]+.*\\.csv$")
    list_b <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache"), 
                         pattern = "^F[0-9]+.*\\_hdr_rm\\.csv$")
    len_a <- length(list_a)
    len_b <- length(list_b)
    if (len_a != len_b) {
      stop("\nThe number of PSM files under ", file.path(dat_dir), 
           " is ", len_a, ".\n", 
           "The number of PSM files under ", file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache"), 
           " is ", len_b, ".", 
           call. = FALSE)
  ncols <- purrr::map_dbl(df, ncol)
  nms <- lapply(df, function (x) {
    names(x) %>% 
      .[!grepl("[IR]{1}[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", .)] %>% 
      .[. != "dat_file"]
  nms_union <- purrr::reduce(nms, union) 
  nms_union <- c(nms_union[nms_union != "pep_scan_title"], 
                 nms_union[nms_union == "pep_scan_title"])
  snms_union <- sort(nms_union)
  ok_nms <- purrr::map_lgl(nms, function (x) {
    identical(sort(x), snms_union)
  if (!all(ok_nms)) {
    warning("Inequal numbers or names of columns deteted: \n", 
            paste(ncols, collapse = "\n"), 
            call. = FALSE)
    for (i in seq_along(df)) {
      nms_i <- nms[[i]]
      df_i <- df[[i]]
      missing_nms <- setdiff(nms_union, nms_i)
      if (length(missing_nms)) {
        for (nm in missing_nms) df_i[[nm]] <- NA
      df[[i]] <- dplyr::bind_cols(
        df_i %>% 
          .[, ! names(.) %in% nms_union, drop = FALSE] %>% 
          .[, ! names(.) == "dat_file", drop = FALSE], 

#' Parallel PSM cleanup
#' @param file A PSM file (name).
#' @inheritParams load_expts
#' @inheritParams cleanupPSM
#' @inheritParams TMT_levels
psm_mcleanup <- function(file = NULL, rm_outliers = FALSE, 
                         group_psm_by = "pep_seq", dat_dir = NULL, 
                         TMT_plex = 10L, rm_allna = FALSE) 
  df <- suppressWarnings(
    readr::read_csv(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", file), 
                    col_types = get_col_types(), 
                    show_col_types = FALSE)
  stopifnot(group_psm_by %in% names(df))
  # e.g. TMT_plex is 10 but actually one sample and nine empties
  if (TMT_plex == 0L || sum(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(df))) == 1) {
    fn <- paste0(gsub(".csv", "", file), "_Clean.txt")
    df$psm_index <- NULL
    readr::write_tsv(df, file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", fn))

    message(file, " processed (no PSM cleanup for MS1-based LFQ).")
  # remove all "-1" ratio rows
  df <- local({
    N <- sum(grepl("^R[0-9]{3}", names(df)))
    df <- df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(.n = rowSums(.[grep("^R[0-9]{3}", names(.))] == -1, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
      { if (rm_allna) dplyr::filter(., .n != N) else . } %>% 

  set_idx <- file %>% 
    gsub("TMTset(\\d+)_.*", "\\1", .) %>% 
  injn_idx <- file %>% 
    gsub("^TMTset\\d+_LCMSinj(\\d+)\\.csv$", "\\1", .) %>% 
  channelInfo <- channelInfo(dat_dir = dat_dir, 
                             set_idx = set_idx, 
                             injn_idx = injn_idx)

  # add column "R126"
  df <- local({
    pos_af <- min(grep("^R[0-9]{3}", names(df)))
    df$R126 <- 1
    df <- cbind.data.frame(df[, 1:(pos_af-1)], 
                           R126 = df$R126, 
                           df[, (pos_af):(ncol(df)-1)]) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = which(names(.)=="I126")-1+channelInfo$emptyChannels, 
                       ~ replace(.x, , NA)) %>% 
      { if (rm_allna) dplyr::filter(., rowSums(!is.na(.[grep("^I[0-9]{3}", names(.))])) > 0) 
        else . } %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = which(names(.)=="I126")-1+channelInfo$emptyChannels, 
                       ~ replace(.x, , 0)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = which(names(.)=="R126")-1+channelInfo$emptyChannels, 
                       ~ replace(.x, , NA)) %>%
      # "> 1" not "0" 
      { if (rm_allna) dplyr::filter(., rowSums(!is.na(.[grep("^R[0-9]{3}", names(.))])) > 1) 
        else . }

  if (rm_outliers) {
    df <- local({
      dfw_split <- df %>%
        dplyr::select(grep("^I[0-9]{3}", names(.))) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(RM = rowMeans(.[, grep("^I[0-9]{3}", 
                                    na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("^I[0-9]{3}", names(.)), ~ log2(.x/RM)) %>%
        dplyr::select(-c("RM")) %>%
        `colnames<-`(gsub("I", "X", names(.))) %>%
        dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("^X[0-9]{3}", names(.)), 
                         ~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.x), NA)) %>%
        dplyr::bind_cols(df[, c("psm_index", group_psm_by)], .) %>%
        split(., .[[group_psm_by]], drop = TRUE)
      range_colRatios <- grep("^X[0-9]{3}", names(dfw_split[[1]]))
      dfw_split <- do.call("rbind", 
                           lapply(dfw_split, locate_outliers, range_colRatios)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("^X[0-9]{3}", names(.)), 
                         ~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.x), NA)) %>%
        tidyr::unite(pep_seq_i, !!group_psm_by, psm_index, sep = ":") %>%
        dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("^X[0-9]{3}", names(.)), 
                         ~ replace(.x, !is.na(.x), 1))
      # column order NOT altered other than the removal of "psm_index"
      df <- df %>% 
        tidyr::unite(pep_seq_i, !!group_psm_by, psm_index, sep = ":") %>%
        dplyr::left_join(dfw_split, by = "pep_seq_i") %>%
        tidyr::separate(pep_seq_i, into = c(group_psm_by, "psm_index"), 
                        sep = ":", remove = TRUE) %>%
    df[, grepl("^I[0-9]{3}", names(df))] <-
      purrr::map2(as.list(df[, grepl("^I[0-9]{3}", names(df))]),
                  as.list(df[, grepl("^X[0-9]{3}", names(df))]), `*`) %>%
    df[, grepl("^R[0-9]{3}", names(df))] <-
      purrr::map2(as.list(df[, grepl("^R[0-9]{3}", names(df))]),
                  as.list(df[, grepl("^X[0-9]{3}", names(df))]), `*`) %>%
    df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
      df[, !grepl("^R[0-9]{3}|^I[0-9]{3}|^X[0-9]{3}", names(df)), drop = FALSE],
      df[, grepl("^R[0-9]{3}|^I[0-9]{3}", names(df)), drop = FALSE], 
    ) %>% # "> 1" as "R126 == 1"
      { if (rm_allna) dplyr::filter(., rowSums(!is.na(.[grep("^R[0-9]{3}", names(.))])) > 1) 
        else . } %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = which(names(.) == "I126") - 1 + channelInfo$emptyChannels, 
                       ~ replace(.x, , 0))
  else {
    df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-psm_index)
    df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
      df[, !grepl("^R[0-9]{3}|^I[0-9]{3}", names(df)), drop = FALSE],
      df[, grepl("^R[0-9]{3}|^I[0-9]{3}", names(df)), drop = FALSE], 
    ) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = which(names(.)=="I126") - 1 +
                         channelInfo$emptyChannels, ~ replace(.x, , 0)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = which(names(.)=="R126") - 1 +
                         channelInfo$emptyChannels, ~ replace(.x, , NA)) %>%
      { if (rm_allna) dplyr::filter(., rowSums(!is.na(.[grep("^R[0-9]{3}", names(.))])) > 1) 
        else . }
  fn <- paste0(gsub("\\.csv$", "", file), "_Clean.txt")

  readr::write_tsv(df, file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", fn))
  message(file, " processed.")

#' Cleans Up PSM results
#' \code{cleanupPSM} removes PSM outliers after \code{splitPSM},
#' \code{splitPSM_mq} or \code{splitPSM_sm}. The outlier removals will be
#' assessed at the basis of per peptide per TMT channel.
#' Dixon's method will be used when \eqn{2 < n \le 25}; Rosner's method will be
#' used when \eqn{n > 25}.
#' @param rm_outliers Logical; if TRUE, PSM outlier removals will be performed
#'   for peptides with more than two identifying PSMs. Dixon's method will be
#'   used when \eqn{2 < n \le 25} and Rosner's method will be used when \eqn{n >
#'   25}. The default is FALSE.
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
cleanupPSM <- function(rm_outliers = FALSE, group_psm_by = "pep_seq", 
                       rm_allna = FALSE, parallel = TRUE) 
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  filelist <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache"),
                         pattern = "^TMT.*LCMS.*\\.csv$") %>% 
  n_files <- length(filelist)
  if (parallel && (n_files > 1L)) {
    n_cores <- min(parallel::detectCores(), n_files)
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", n_cores))
      envir = environment(proteoQ:::add_cols_at)
      silent_out <- parallel::clusterApply(
        cl, filelist, psm_mcleanup, 
    rm(list = "silent_out")
  else {
    purrr::walk(filelist, psm_mcleanup, 

#'Median-centering normalization of PSM data
#'\code{mcPSM} adds fields of \code{log2_R, N_log2_R and N_I} to PSM tables.
#'@param df A data frame containing the PSM table from database searches.
#'@inheritParams channelInfo
#'@inheritParams annotPSM
#'@inheritParams calcPeptide
#'@import dplyr tidyr purrr
#'@importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>%
mcPSM <- function(df = NULL, set_idx = 1L, injn_idx = 1L, mc_psm_by = "peptide", 
                  group_psm_by = "pep_seq", group_pep_by = "prot_acc", 
                  rm_allna = FALSE) 
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  channelInfo <- channelInfo(dat_dir = dat_dir, 
                             set_idx = set_idx, 
                             injn_idx = injn_idx)
  label_scheme_sub <- label_scheme_full %>% 
    dplyr::filter(TMT_Set == set_idx, LCMS_Injection == injn_idx) 
  dfw <- df %>% 
    { if (rm_allna) .[rowSums(!is.na(.[grepl("^R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))])) > 1, ] 
      else . } %>%
    dplyr::arrange(pep_seq, prot_acc) 
  if (length(channelInfo$emptyChannels)) {
    dfw <- dfw %>%
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = which(names(.) == "I126") - 1 +
                         channelInfo$emptyChannels, ~ replace(.x, , NaN))

  col_sample <- grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(dfw))
  if (length(channelInfo$refChannels)) {
    ref_index <- channelInfo$refChannels
  else {
    ref_index <- channelInfo$labeledChannels
  dfw <- sweep(dfw[, col_sample], 1,
               rowMeans(dfw[col_sample[ref_index]], na.rm = TRUE), "/") %>%
    log2(.) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate_all(~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.), NA)) %>% 
    `colnames<-`(gsub("I", "log2_R", names(.)))	%>%
    cbind(dfw, .) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("[I|R][0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.)), 
                     ~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.), NA))
  col_log2Ratio <- grepl("^log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(dfw))
  if (mc_psm_by == "peptide") {
    cf <- dfw %>% 
      dplyr::select(group_psm_by, grep("^log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))) %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_psm_by)) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise_all(~ median(.x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise_at(.vars = grep("^log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.)), 
                          ~ median(.x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
  else if (mc_psm_by == "protein") {
    cf <- dfw %>% 
      dplyr::select(group_pep_by, grep("^log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))) %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise_all(~ median(.x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
      dplyr::summarise_at(.vars = grep("^log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.)), 
                          ~ median(.x, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
  else if (mc_psm_by == "psm") {
    cf <- apply(dfw[, col_log2Ratio, drop = FALSE], 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)
  else {
    warning("Unknown setting in \"mc_psm_by\"; the default will be used", 
            call. = FALSE)

  dfw <- sweep(dfw[, col_log2Ratio, drop = FALSE], 2, cf, "-") %>%
    `colnames<-`(paste("N", names(.), sep="_"))	%>%
    cbind(dfw, .)
  dfw <- sweep(dfw[, grepl("^I[0-9]{3}", names(dfw)), drop = FALSE], 2, 2^cf, "/") %>%
    `colnames<-`(paste("N", names(.), sep="_"))	%>%
    cbind(dfw, .)
  # not yet SD scaling at PSM levels
  if (FALSE) {
    sd_coefs <- calc_sd_fcts_psm(df = dfw, range_log2r = c(5, 95), range_int = c(5, 95), 
                                 set_idx = set_idx, injn_idx = injn_idx)
    nm_log2r_n <- names(dfw) %>% .[grepl("^N_log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", .)]
    nm_int_n <- names(dfw) %>% .[grepl("^N_I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", .)]
    df_z <- mapply(normSD, dfw[, nm_log2r_n, drop = FALSE], 
                   center = 0, SD = sd_coefs$fct, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) %>%
      data.frame(check.names = FALSE) %>%
    ref_cols <- label_scheme_sub %>% 
      dplyr::filter(Reference) %>% 
      dplyr::select(TMT_Channel) %>% 
      unlist() %>% 
      gsub("^TMT-", "N_log2_R", .)
    df_z[, ref_cols] <- 0
    dfw[, nm_log2r_n] <- df_z
  dfw %>%
    reorderCols(endColIndex = grep("[RI][0-9]{3}", names(.)), 
                col_to_rn = "pep_seq_mod") %>%

#' Annotates PSM results
#' \code{annotPSM} adds fields of annotation to Mascot PSM tables after
#' \code{rmPSMHeaders}, \code{splitPSM} and \code{cleanupPSM}.
#' @param group_psm_by A character string specifying the method in PSM grouping.
#'   At the \code{pep_seq} default, descriptive statistics will be calculated
#'   based on the same \code{pep_seq} groups. At the \code{pep_seq_mod}
#'   alternative, peptides with different variable modifications will be treated
#'   as different species and descriptive statistics will be calculated based on
#'   the same \code{pep_seq_mod} groups.
#' @param group_pep_by A character string specifying the method in peptide
#'   grouping. At the \code{prot_acc} default, descriptive statistics will be
#'   calculated based on the same \code{prot_acc} groups. At the \code{gene}
#'   alternative, proteins with the same gene name but different accession
#'   numbers will be treated as one group.
#' @param mc_psm_by A character string specifying the method in the median
#'   centering of PSM \code{log2FC} across samples. At the \code{peptide}
#'   default, the median description of PSMs (grouped by \code{pep_seq} or
#'   \code{pep_seq_mod} according to \code{group_psm_by}) will be first
#'   calculated and the offsets to zero (of logarithmic 2) will be used for the
#'   centering of PSMs across samples. At \code{mc_psm_by = protein}, the median
#'   description of PSMs (grouped by \code{prot_acc} or \code{gene} according to
#'   \code{group_pep_by}) will be calculated and the corresponding offsets to
#'   zero will be applied. At the \code{mc_psm_by = psm}, PSMs will be median
#'   centered without grouping.
#' @param plot_log2FC_cv Logical; if TRUE, the distributions of the CV of
#'   peptide \code{log2FC} will be plotted. The default is TRUE.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @inheritParams load_expts
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @inheritParams normPSM
#' @import dplyr tidyr purrr ggplot2 RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>%
annotPSM <- function(group_psm_by = "pep_seq", group_pep_by = "prot_acc", 
                     mc_psm_by = "peptide", 
                     fasta = NULL, expt_smry = "expt_smry.xlsx", 
                     plot_rptr_int = TRUE, plot_log2FC_cv = TRUE, 
                     rm_allna = FALSE, type_sd = "log2_R", ...) 
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  n_TMT_sets <- n_TMT_sets(label_scheme_full)
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  filelist <- list.files(
    path = file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache"),
    pattern = "^TMT.*LCMS.*_Clean.txt$"
  ) |>
  set_indexes <- gsub("^TMTset(\\d+).*", "\\1", filelist) |>
    unique() |>
    as.integer() |>
  for (set_idx in set_indexes) {
    sublist <- filelist[grep(paste0("^TMTset", set_idx, "_"), 
                             filelist, ignore.case = TRUE)]

    out_fn <- sublist %>% 
      purrr::map_chr(~ gsub("_Clean\\.txt$", "_PSM_N.txt", .x))
    # --- LCMS injections under the same TMT experiment ---
    for (idx in seq_along(sublist)) {
      sublist_i <- sublist[idx]
      df <- suppressWarnings(
        readr::read_tsv(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache", sublist_i), 
                        col_types = get_col_types(), 
                        show_col_types = FALSE))
      nms <- names(df)
      nrow <- nrow(df)

        df_sub <- df[, grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", nms)]
        bads <- colSums(is.na(df_sub)) == nrow
        bads <- bads[bads]
        if (length(bads))
          warning(sublist_i, ": all-NA channels detected: ", 
                  paste(names(bads), collapse = ", "))

      df <- df |>
        add_pep_retsd(group_psm_by) |>

      # e.g. TMT 10-plex but 9 are empties
      if (TMT_plex && (sum(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(df))) > 1L)) {
        injn_idx <- sublist[idx] %>% 
          gsub("^TMTset\\d+_LCMSinj(\\d+)_Clean.txt$", "\\1", .) %>% 
        df <- mcPSM(df = df, 
                    set_idx = set_idx, 
                    injn_idx = injn_idx, 
                    mc_psm_by = mc_psm_by, 
                    group_psm_by = group_psm_by, 
                    group_pep_by = group_pep_by, 
                    rm_allna = rm_allna)
        rm(list = "injn_idx")
      else {
        df <- df %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(N_I000 = I000, 
                        R000 = NA_real_, 
                        log2_R000 = NA_real_, 
                        N_log2_R000 = NA_real_)
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(!!group_psm_by := as.character(!!rlang::sym(group_psm_by))) %>% 
        calcSD_Splex(id = group_psm_by, type = type_sd) %>% 
        `names<-`(gsub(paste0("^", type_sd), "sd_log2_R", names(.))) %>% 
        dplyr::right_join(df, by = group_psm_by) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate_at(vars(grep("I[0-9]{3}[NC]*", names(.))), 
                         ~ round(.x, digits = 0)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate_at(vars(grep("^log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]*", names(.))), 
                         ~ round(.x, digits = 3)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate_at(vars(grep("^N_log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]*", names(.))), 
                         ~ round(.x, digits = 3)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate_at(vars(grep("^sd_log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]*", names(.))), 
                         ~ round(.x, digits = 4)) %>% 
        na_genes_by_acc() %>% 
        reloc_col_before("pep_seq", "pep_res_after") %>% 
        reloc_col_after("pep_seq_mod", "pep_seq")

      df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
        df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^prot_", names(.))), 
        df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^pep_", names(.))), 
        df %>% dplyr::select(-grep("^prot_|^pep_", names(.))), 

      df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
        df %>% dplyr::select(-grep("[RI]{1}[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
        df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
        df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^N_I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
        df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
        df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^sd_log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
        df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
        df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^N_log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))),
      ) %>% 
        dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c("pep_index", "prot_index"))) %T>% 
        readr::write_tsv(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM", out_fn[idx]))

      if (plot_rptr_int) {
          df_int <- df %>% 
            dplyr::select(grep("^I[0-9]{3}", names(.))) %>% 
            rptr_violin(filepath = 
                          file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/rprt_int/mc", 
                                    gsub("_PSM_N\\.txt", "_rprt.png", out_fn[idx])), 
                        width = 8, height = 8)

      if (plot_log2FC_cv && TMT_plex) {
                      id = !!group_psm_by, 
                      filepath = 
                        file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/log2FC_cv/raw", 
                                  gsub("_PSM_N\\.txt", "_sd.png", out_fn[idx])), 
                      width = 8, height = 8, type = "log2_R", 
                      adjSD = FALSE, is_psm = TRUE, ...))

#' Standardization of PSM
#' \code{normPSM} standardizes
#' \href{https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/help/archive/search/tables}{PSM} results
#' from database search engines.
#' In each primary output file, "\code{...PSM_N.txt}", values under columns
#' \code{log2_R...} are logarithmic ratios at base 2 in relative to the average
#' intensity of \code{reference(s)} within each multiplex TMT set, or to the
#' row-mean intensity within each plex if no \code{reference(s)} are present.
#' Values under columns \code{N_log2_R...} are \code{log2_R...} with
#' median-centering alignment. Values under columns \code{I...} are raw
#' \code{reporter-ion intensity} from database searches. Values under columns
#' \code{N_I...} are normalized \code{reporter-ion intensity}. Values under
#' columns \code{sd_log2_R...} are the standard deviation of the \code{log2FC}
#' of peptides from ascribing PSMs. Character strings under \code{pep_seq_mod}
#' denote peptide sequences with applicable variable modifications.
#' \cr \strong{Nomenclature of \code{pep_seq_mod}}:
#' \tabular{ll}{ \emph{Variable modification}   \tab \emph{Abbreviation}\cr
#' Non-terminal \tab A letter from upper to lower case, e.g., \code{mtFPEADILLK}
#' \cr N-term \tab A hat to the left of a peptide sequence, e.g.,
#' \code{^QDGTHVVEAVDATHIGK} \cr C-term \tab A hat to the right of a peptide
#' sequence, e.g., \code{DAYYNLCLPQRPnMI^} \cr Acetyl (Protein N-term) \tab A
#' underscore to the left of a peptide sequence, e.g., \code{_mAsGVAVSDGVIK}.
#' \cr Amidated (Protein C-term) \tab A underscore to the right of a peptide
#' sequence, e.g., \code{DAYYNLCLPQRPnMI_}. \cr Other (Protein N-term) \tab A
#' tilde to the left of a peptide sequence, e.g., \code{~mAsGVAVSDGVIK} \cr
#' Other (Protein C-term) \tab An tilde to the right of a peptide sequence, e.g.
#' \code{DAYYNLCLPQRPnMI~} \cr }
#' @section \code{Mascot}: Users will export \code{PSM} data from
#'   \href{https://http://www.matrixscience.com/}{Mascot} at a \code{.csv}
#'   format and store them under the file folder indicated by \code{dat_dir}.
#'   The header information should be included during the \code{.csv} export.
#'   The file name(s) should start with the letter \code{'F'} and ended with a
#'   \code{'.csv'} extension \code{(e.g., F004452.csv, F004453_this.csv etc.)}.
#' @section \code{MaxQuant}: Users will copy over \code{msms.txt} file(s) from
#'   \href{https://www.maxquant.org/}{MaxQuant} to the \code{dat_dir} directory.
#'   The file name(s) should start with \code{'msms'} and end with a
#'   \code{'.txt'} extension \code{(e.g., msms.txt, msms_this.txt etc.)}.
#' @section \code{MSFragger}: Users will copy over \code{psm.tsv} file(s) from
#'   \href{http://msfragger.nesvilab.org/}{MSFragger} to the \code{dat_dir}
#'   directory. The file name(s) should start with \code{'psm'} and end with a
#'   \code{'.tsv'} extension \code{(e.g., psm.tsv, psm_this.tsv etc.)}.
#' @section \code{Spectrum Mill}: Users will copy over \code{PSMexport.1.ssv}
#'   file(s) from
#'   \href{https://www.agilent.com/en/products/software-informatics/masshunter-suite/masshunter-for-life-science-research/spectrum-mill}{Spectrum
#'    Mill} to the \code{dat_dir} directory. The file name(s) should start with
#'   \code{'PSMexport'} and end with a \code{'.ssv'} extension \code{(e.g.,
#'   PSMexport.ssv, PSMexport_this.ssv etc.)}.
#' @param rm_allna Logical; if TRUE, removes data rows that are exclusively NA
#'   across ratio columns of \code{log2_R126} etc. The setting also applies to
#'   \code{log2_R000} in LFQ.
#' @param lfq_mbr Logical; if TRUE, performs match-between-run (MBR) with LFQ
#'   data. Both \code{psmQ.txt} and \code{psmC.txt} are required with the
#'   feature.
#' @param mbr_ret_tol Retention time tolerance (in seconds) for LFQ-MBR.
#' @param type_sd Character string; the type of log2Ratios for SD calculations.
#'   The value is one \code{log2_R}, \code{N_log2_R} or \code{Z_log2_R}.
#' @param ... \code{filter_}: Variable argument statements for the filtration of
#'   data rows. Each statement contains to a list of logical expression(s). The
#'   \code{lhs} needs to start with \code{filter_}. The logical condition(s) at
#'   the \code{rhs} needs to be enclosed in \code{exprs} with round parenthesis.
#'   For example, \code{pep_expect} is a column key present in \code{Mascot} PSM
#'   exports and \code{filter_psms_at = exprs(pep_expect <= 0.1)} will remove
#'   PSM entries with \code{pep_expect > 0.1}.
#' @inheritParams load_expts
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @inheritParams splitPSM_mq
#' @inheritParams splitPSM_mf
#' @inheritParams cleanupPSM
#' @inheritParams annotPSM
#' @seealso \emph{Metadata} \cr \code{\link{load_expts}} for metadata
#'   preparation and a reduced working example in data normalization \cr
#'   \emph{Data normalization} \cr \code{\link{normPSM}} for extended examples
#'   in PSM data normalization \cr \code{\link{PSM2Pep}} for extended examples
#'   in PSM to peptide summarization \cr \code{\link{mergePep}} for extended
#'   examples in peptide data merging \cr \code{\link{standPep}} for extended
#'   examples in peptide data normalization \cr \code{\link{Pep2Prn}} for
#'   extended examples in peptide to protein summarization \cr
#'   \code{\link{standPrn}} for extended examples in protein data normalization.
#'   \cr \code{\link{purgePSM}} and \code{\link{purgePep}} for extended examples
#'   in data purging \cr \code{\link{pepHist}} and \code{\link{prnHist}} for
#'   extended examples in histogram visualization. \cr
#'   \code{\link{extract_raws}} and \code{\link{extract_psm_raws}} for
#'   extracting MS file names \cr
#'   \emph{Variable arguments of \code{filter_...}} \cr
#'   \code{\link{contain_str}}, \code{\link{contain_chars_in}},
#'   \code{\link{not_contain_str}}, \code{\link{not_contain_chars_in}},
#'   \code{\link{start_with_str}}, \code{\link{end_with_str}},
#'   \code{\link{start_with_chars_in}} and \code{\link{ends_with_chars_in}} for
#'   data subsetting by character strings \cr
#'   \emph{Missing values} \cr \code{\link{pepImp}} and \code{\link{prnImp}} for
#'   missing value imputation \cr
#'   \emph{Informatics} \cr \code{\link{pepSig}} and \code{\link{prnSig}} for
#'   significance tests \cr \code{\link{pepVol}} and \code{\link{prnVol}} for
#'   volcano plot visualization \cr \code{\link{prnGSPA}} for gene set
#'   enrichment analysis by protein significance pVals \cr \code{\link{gspaMap}}
#'   for mapping GSPA to volcano plot visualization \cr \code{\link{prnGSPAHM}}
#'   for heat map and network visualization of GSPA results \cr
#'   \code{\link{prnGSVA}} for gene set variance analysis \cr
#'   \code{\link{prnGSEA}} for data preparation for online GSEA. \cr
#'   \code{\link{pepMDS}} and \code{\link{prnMDS}} for MDS visualization \cr
#'   \code{\link{pepPCA}} and \code{\link{prnPCA}} for PCA visualization \cr
#'   \code{\link{pepLDA}} and \code{\link{prnLDA}} for LDA visualization \cr
#'   \code{\link{pepHM}} and \code{\link{prnHM}} for heat map visualization \cr
#'   \code{\link{pepCorr_logFC}}, \code{\link{prnCorr_logFC}},
#'   \code{\link{pepCorr_logInt}} and \code{\link{prnCorr_logInt}}  for
#'   correlation plots \cr \code{\link{anal_prnTrend}} and
#'   \code{\link{plot_prnTrend}} for trend analysis and visualization \cr
#'   \code{\link{anal_pepNMF}}, \code{\link{anal_prnNMF}},
#'   \code{\link{plot_pepNMFCon}}, \code{\link{plot_prnNMFCon}},
#'   \code{\link{plot_pepNMFCoef}}, \code{\link{plot_prnNMFCoef}} and
#'   \code{\link{plot_metaNMF}} for NMF analysis and visualization \cr
#'   \emph{Custom databases} \cr \code{\link{Uni2Entrez}} for lookups between
#'   UniProt accessions and Entrez IDs \cr \code{\link{Ref2Entrez}} for lookups
#'   among RefSeq accessions, gene names and Entrez IDs \cr
#'  \code{\link{prepGO}} for \code{\href{http://current.geneontology.org/products/pages/downloads.html}{gene
#'  ontology}} \cr
#'  \code{\link{prepMSig}} for \href{https://data.broadinstitute.org/gsea-msigdb/msigdb/release/7.0/}{molecular
#'  signatures} \cr
#'   \code{\link{prepString}} and \code{\link{anal_prnString}} for STRING-DB \cr
#'   \emph{Column keys in PSM, peptide and protein outputs} \cr
#'   system.file("extdata", "psm_keys.txt", package = "proteoQ") \cr
#'   system.file("extdata", "peptide_keys.txt", package = "proteoQ") \cr
#'   system.file("extdata", "protein_keys.txt", package = "proteoQ") \cr
#' @section \code{Variable arguments and data files}: Variable argument (vararg)
#'   statements of \code{filter_} and \code{arrange_} are available in
#'   \code{proteoQ} for flexible filtration and ordering of data rows, via
#'   functions at users' interface. To take advantage of the feature, users need
#'   to be aware of the column keys in input files. As indicated by their names,
#'   \code{filter_} and \code{filter2_} perform row filtration against column
#'   keys from a primary data file, \code{df}, and secondary data file(s),
#'   \code{df2}, respectively. The same correspondence is applicable for
#'   \code{arrange_} and \code{arrange2_} varargs. \cr \cr Users will typically
#'   employ either primary or secondary vararg statements, but not both. In the
#'   more extreme case of \code{gspaMap(...)}, it links \code{\link{prnGSPA}}
#'   findings in \code{df2} to the significance \code{pVals} and abundance fold
#'   changes in \code{df} for volcano plot visualizations by gene sets. The
#'   table below summarizes the \code{df} and the \code{df2} for varargs in
#'   \code{proteoQ}.
#'  \tabular{lllll}{
#'  \strong{Utility} \tab \strong{Vararg_} \tab \strong{df} \tab \strong{Vararg2_} \tab \strong{df2} \cr
#'  normPSM \tab filter_ \tab Mascot, \code{F[...].csv}; MaxQuant, \code{msms[...].txt};
#'  SM, \code{PSMexport[...].ssv} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  PSM2Pep \tab NA \tab NA \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  mergePep \tab filter_ \tab \code{TMTset1_LCMSinj1_Peptide_N.txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  standPep \tab slice_ \tab \code{Peptide.txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  Pep2Prn \tab filter_ \tab \code{Peptide.txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  standPrn \tab slice_\tab \code{Protein.txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  pepHist \tab filter_\tab \code{Peptide.tx}t \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  prnHist \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein.txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  pepSig \tab filter_\tab \code{Peptide[_impNA].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  prnSig \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  pepMDS \tab filter_\tab \code{Peptide[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  prnMDS \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  pepPCA \tab filter_\tab \code{Peptide[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  prnPCA \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  pepLDA \tab filter_\tab \code{Peptide[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  prnLDA \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  pepEucDist \tab filter_\tab \code{Peptide[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  prnEucDist \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  pepCorr_logFC \tab filter_\tab \code{Peptide[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  prnCorr_logFC \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  pepHM \tab filter_, arrange_\tab \code{Peptide[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  prnHM \tab filter_, arrange_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  anal_prnTrend \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  plot_prnTrend \tab NA \tab NA \tab filter2_\tab \code{[...]Protein_Trend_{NZ}[_impNA][...].txt} \cr
#'  anal_pepNMF \tab filter_\tab \code{Peptide[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  anal_prnNMF \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  plot_pepNMFCon \tab NA \tab NA \tab filter2_\tab \code{[...]Peptide_NMF[...]_consensus.txt} \cr
#'  plot_prnNMFCon \tab NA \tab NA \tab filter2_\tab \code{[...]Protein_NMF[...]_consensus.txt} \cr
#'  plot_pepNMFCoef \tab NA \tab NA \tab filter2_\tab \code{[...]Peptide_NMF[...]_coef.txt} \cr
#'  plot_prnNMFCoef \tab NA \tab NA \tab filter2_\tab \code{[...]Protein_NMF[...]_coef.txt} \cr
#'  plot_metaNMF \tab filter_, arrange_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA][_pVal].txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  prnGSPA \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA]_pVals.txt} \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  prnGSPAHM \tab NA \tab NA \tab filter2_\tab \code{[...]Protein_GSPA_{NZ}[_impNA]_essmap.txt} \cr
#'  gspaMap \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA]_pVal.txt} \tab filter2_\tab \code{[...]Protein_GSPA_{NZ}[_impNA].txt} \cr
#'  anal_prnString \tab filter_\tab \code{Protein[_impNA][_pVals].tx}t \tab NA \tab NA \cr
#'  }
#' @return Outputs are interim and final PSM tables under the directory of
#'   \code{PSM} sub to \code{dat_dir}. Primary results are in
#'   \emph{standardized} PSM tables of \code{TMTset1_LCMSinj1_PSM_N.txt,
#'   TMTset2_LCMSinj1_PSM_N.txt, etc.} The indexes of TMT experiment and LC/MS
#'   injection are indicated in the file names.
#' @example inst/extdata/examples/normPSM_.R
#' @import dplyr purrr ggplot2 RColorBrewer
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>%
#' @export
normPSM <- function(dat_dir = NULL, 
                    expt_smry = "expt_smry.xlsx", frac_smry = "frac_smry.xlsx", 
                    fasta = NULL, entrez = NULL, 
                    group_psm_by = c("pep_seq", "pep_seq_mod"), 
                    group_pep_by = c("prot_acc", "gene"), 
                    pep_unique_by = c("group", "protein", "none"), 
                    mc_psm_by = c("peptide", "protein", "psm"), 
                    scale_rptr_int = FALSE, 
                    rptr_intco = 0, rptr_intrange = c(0, 100), 
                    rm_craps = FALSE, rm_krts = FALSE, rm_outliers = FALSE, 
                    rm_allna = FALSE, type_sd = c("log2_R", "N_log2_R", "Z_log2_R"), 
                    lfq_mbr = FALSE, mbr_ret_tol = 60, 
                    purge_phosphodata = TRUE, 
                    annot_kinases = FALSE, 
                    plot_rptr_int = TRUE, plot_log2FC_cv = TRUE, 
                    use_lowercase_aa = FALSE, 
                    corrected_int = TRUE, rm_reverses = TRUE, ...)
  old_opts <- options()
  options(warn = 1L)
  on.exit(options(old_opts), add = TRUE)
    if (exists(".savecall", envir = environment())) {
      if (.savecall) {
        mget(names(formals()), envir = environment(), inherits = FALSE) %>% 
          c(dots) %>% 
    else {
      warning("The current call is not saved.", call. = TRUE)
    }, add = TRUE)

  # ---
  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)

  if (is.null(dat_dir)) {
    dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  else {
    assign("dat_dir", dat_dir, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    message("Variable \"dat_dir\" added to the Global Environment.")

  if (is.null(fasta)) 
    stop("Path(s) to fasta file(s) cannot be empty.")
  lapply(fasta, function (x) if (!file.exists(x)) stop("FASTA not found: ", x))

  # ---
  group_psm_by <- rlang::enexpr(group_psm_by)
  oks <- eval(formals()[["group_psm_by"]])
  group_psm_by <- if (length(group_psm_by) > 1L) 
  if (!group_psm_by %in% oks)
    stop("\"group_psm_by\" is not one of ", paste(oks, collapse = ", "))
  if (length(group_psm_by) != 1L) 
    stop("Length of \"group_psm_by\" is not one.")

  rm(list = c("oks"))

  # ---
  group_pep_by <- rlang::enexpr(group_pep_by)
  oks <- eval(formals()[["group_pep_by"]])
  group_pep_by <- if (length(group_pep_by) > 1L) 
  if (!group_pep_by %in% oks)
    stop("\"group_pep_by\" is not one of ", paste(oks, collapse = ", "))
  if (length(group_pep_by) != 1L) 
    stop("Length of \"group_pep_by\" is not one.")
  rm(list = c("oks"))
  # ---
  type_sd <- rlang::enexpr(type_sd)
  type_sd <- if (length(type_sd) > 1L) "log2_R" else rlang::as_string(type_sd)
  alw_type_sd <- c("log2_R", "N_log2_R", "Z_log2_R")
  if (! type_sd %in% alw_type_sd)
    stop("The `type_sd` is not one of ", paste(alw_type_sd, collapse = ", "))
  if (length(type_sd) != 1L)
    stop("The length of `type_sd` needs to be one.")
  rm(list = c("alw_type_sd"))

  # ---
  dir.create(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache"), 
             recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  dir.create(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/rprt_int/raw"), 
             recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  dir.create(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/rprt_int/mc"), 
             recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  dir.create(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/log2FC_cv/raw"), 
             recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  dir.create(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/log2FC_cv/purged"), 
             recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  dir.create(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/individual_mods"), 
             recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  type <- find_search_engine(dat_dir)
  # ---
  pep_unique_by <- rlang::enexpr(pep_unique_by)
  oks <- eval(formals()[["pep_unique_by"]])
  pep_unique_by <- if (length(pep_unique_by) > 1L) 
  if (!pep_unique_by %in% oks)
    stop("\"pep_unique_by\" is not one of ", paste(oks, collapse = ", "))
  if (length(pep_unique_by) != 1L) 
    stop("Length of \"pep_unique_by\" is not 1L.")
  rm(list = c("oks"))
  # ---
  mc_psm_by <- rlang::enexpr(mc_psm_by)
  oks <- eval(formals()[["mc_psm_by"]])
  mc_psm_by <- if (length(mc_psm_by) > 1L) oks[[1]] else rlang::as_string(mc_psm_by)

  if (!mc_psm_by %in% oks)
    stop("\"mc_psm_by\" is not one of ", paste(oks, collapse = ", "))
  if (length(mc_psm_by) != 1L) 
    stop("Length of \"mc_psm_by\" is not 1L.")
  rm(list = c("oks"))

  # ---
  expt_smry <- rlang::as_string(rlang::enexpr(expt_smry))
  frac_smry <- rlang::as_string(rlang::enexpr(frac_smry))
  stopifnot(vapply(c(rptr_intco), is.numeric, logical(1)))
                   rlang::is_logical, logical(1)))
  if (type == "pq") {
    df <- splitPSM_pq(group_psm_by = group_psm_by, 
                      group_pep_by = group_pep_by, 
                      fasta = fasta, 
                      entrez = entrez, 
                      pep_unique_by = pep_unique_by, 
                      scale_rptr_int = scale_rptr_int, 
                      rm_craps = rm_craps, 
                      rm_krts = rm_krts, 
                      rm_allna = rm_allna, 
                      lfq_mbr = lfq_mbr, 
                      mbr_ret_tol = mbr_ret_tol, 
                      purge_phosphodata = purge_phosphodata, 
                      annot_kinases = annot_kinases, 
                      plot_rptr_int = plot_rptr_int, 
                      rptr_intco = rptr_intco, 
                      rptr_intrange = rptr_intrange, 
                      use_lowercase_aa = use_lowercase_aa, 
  else if (type == "mascot") {
    df <- splitPSM(group_psm_by = group_psm_by, 
                   group_pep_by = group_pep_by, 
                   fasta = fasta, 
                   entrez = entrez, 
                   pep_unique_by = pep_unique_by, 
                   scale_rptr_int = scale_rptr_int, 
                   rm_craps = rm_craps, 
                   rm_krts = rm_krts, 
                   rm_allna = rm_allna, 
                   purge_phosphodata = purge_phosphodata, 
                   annot_kinases = annot_kinases, 
                   plot_rptr_int = plot_rptr_int, 
                   rptr_intco = rptr_intco, 
                   rptr_intrange = rptr_intrange, 
                   use_lowercase_aa = use_lowercase_aa, 
  else if (type == "mq") {
    df <- splitPSM_mq(group_psm_by = group_psm_by, 
                      group_pep_by = group_pep_by, 
                      fasta = fasta, 
                      entrez = entrez, 
                      pep_unique_by = pep_unique_by, 
                      scale_rptr_int = scale_rptr_int, 
                      corrected_int = corrected_int, 
                      rm_craps = rm_craps, 
                      rm_krts = rm_krts, 
                      rm_allna = rm_allna, 
                      rm_reverses = rm_reverses, 
                      purge_phosphodata = purge_phosphodata, 
                      annot_kinases = annot_kinases, 
                      plot_rptr_int = plot_rptr_int, 
                      rptr_intco = rptr_intco, 
                      rptr_intrange = rptr_intrange, 
                      use_lowercase_aa = use_lowercase_aa, 
  else if (type == "sm") {
    df <- splitPSM_sm(group_psm_by = group_psm_by, 
                      group_pep_by = group_pep_by, 
                      fasta = fasta, 
                      entrez = entrez, 
                      pep_unique_by = pep_unique_by, 
                      scale_rptr_int = scale_rptr_int, 
                      rm_craps = rm_craps, 
                      rm_krts = rm_krts, 
                      rm_allna = rm_allna, 
                      purge_phosphodata = purge_phosphodata, 
                      annot_kinases = annot_kinases, 
                      plot_rptr_int = plot_rptr_int, 
                      rptr_intco = rptr_intco, 
                      rptr_intrange = rptr_intrange, 
                      use_lowercase_aa = use_lowercase_aa, 
  else if (type == "mf") {
    df <- splitPSM_mf(group_psm_by = group_psm_by, 
                      group_pep_by = group_pep_by, 
                      fasta = fasta, 
                      entrez = entrez, 
                      pep_unique_by = pep_unique_by, 
                      scale_rptr_int = scale_rptr_int, 
                      rm_craps = rm_craps, 
                      rm_krts = rm_krts, 
                      rm_allna = rm_allna, 
                      purge_phosphodata = purge_phosphodata, 
                      annot_kinases = annot_kinases, 
                      plot_rptr_int = plot_rptr_int, 
                      rptr_intco = rptr_intco, 
                      rptr_intrange = rptr_intrange, 
                      use_lowercase_aa = use_lowercase_aa, 
  else if (type == "msgf") {
    df <- splitPSM_msgf(group_psm_by = group_psm_by, 
                        group_pep_by = group_pep_by, 
                        fasta = fasta, 
                        entrez = entrez, 
                        pep_unique_by = pep_unique_by, 
                        scale_rptr_int = scale_rptr_int, 
                        rm_craps = rm_craps, 
                        rm_krts = rm_krts, 
                        rm_allna = rm_allna, 
                        rm_reverses = rm_reverses, 
                        purge_phosphodata = purge_phosphodata, 
                        annot_kinases = annot_kinases, 
                        plot_rptr_int = plot_rptr_int, 
                        rptr_intco = rptr_intco, 
                        rptr_intrange = rptr_intrange, 
                        use_lowercase_aa = use_lowercase_aa, 

  procPSMs(df = df, 
           scale_rptr_int = scale_rptr_int, 
           rptr_intco = rptr_intco, 
           rptr_intrange = rptr_intrange, 
           rm_craps = rm_craps, 
           rm_krts = rm_krts, 
           rm_allna = rm_allna, 
           annot_kinases = annot_kinases, 
           plot_rptr_int = plot_rptr_int)
  cleanupPSM(rm_outliers = rm_outliers, 
             group_psm_by = group_psm_by, 
             rm_allna = rm_allna)
  annotPSM(group_psm_by = group_psm_by, 
           group_pep_by = group_pep_by, 
           mc_psm_by = mc_psm_by, 
           fasta = fasta, 
           expt_smry = expt_smry, 
           plot_rptr_int = plot_rptr_int, 
           plot_log2FC_cv = plot_log2FC_cv, 
           rm_allna = rm_allna, 
           type_sd = type_sd, 
  .savecall <- TRUE

#' Removes columns from PSM table
#' @param df PSM data
#' @inheritParams annotPSM
#' @inheritParams channelInfo
rm_cols_mqpsm <- function(df = NULL, group_psm_by = "pep_seq", set_idx = 1L) 
  df <- local({
    uniq_by <- c("pep_seq_mod", "Charge", "pep_ret_range", "raw_file")
    df %>% 
      tidyr::unite(uniq_id, uniq_by, sep = "@", remove = FALSE) %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(uniq_id) %>% 
      dplyr::arrange(-pep_expect) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1) %>% 
      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
      dplyr::select(-uniq_id) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(TMT_Set = set_idx)
  df <- local({
    if ("Proteins" %in% names(df)) {
      if ("TMT_Set" %in% names(df)) {
        df <- df %>% reloc_col_before("Proteins", "TMT_Set")
      else {
        df <- df %>% reloc_col_after_last("Proteins")
    if ("Protein Group Ids" %in% names(df)) {
      if ("TMT_Set" %in% names(df)) {
        df <- df %>% reloc_col_before("Protein Group Ids", "TMT_Set")
      else {
        df <- df %>% reloc_col_after_last("Protein Group Ids")
    col_start <- which(names(df) == "Scan Number")
    col_end <- which(names(df) == "Retention Time")
    if (length(col_start) && length(col_end)) {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-(col_start : col_end))
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("\\s{1}Probabilities$", names(.))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("\\s{1}Score\\s{1}Diffs$", names(.))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% stringr::str_to_title(
        "Scan number", "Scan index", 
        "Deamidation (N) Probabilities", "Oxidation (M) Probabilities", 
        "Deamidation (N) Score Diffs", "Oxidation (M) Score Diffs", 
        "Acetyl (Protein N-term)", "Deamidation (N)", "Gln->pyro-Glu", "Oxidation (M)", 
        "Fragmentation", "Mass analyzer", "Type", 
        "Scan event number", "Isotope index", "Simple mass error [ppm]", 
        "Retention time", "Delta score", "Score diff", 
        "Localization prob", "Precursor Full ScanNumber", 
        "Precursor Apex Offset", "Precursor Apex Offset Time", 
        "Matches", "Intensities", 
        "Mass Deviations [Da]", "Mass Deviations [ppm]", 
        "Masses", "Number of Matches", 
        "Neutral loss level", "ETD identification type", 
        "Reverse", "All scores", 
        "All sequences", "All modified sequences", 
        "Reporter PIF", "Reporter fraction", 
        "ID", # "Protein Group Ids", 
        "Peptide ID", "Mod. peptide ID", "Evidence ID", 
        "Precursor full scan number", "Precursor apex fraction", 
        "Precursor apex offset", "Precursor apex offset time", 
        "Number of matches")
    ))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep(str_to_title("site IDs$"), names(.))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c("m/z", stringr::str_to_title("PIF")))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% str_to_title(
        "Mass", "Mass error [ppm]", "Mass error [Da]", 
        "Fraction of total spectrum", 
        "Base peak fraction", 
        "Precursor Apex Fraction", 
        "Intensity coverage", "Peak coverage")
    ))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep(str_to_title("^Reporter mass deviation "), names(.))) 
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c("raw_file")))
  if (group_psm_by == "pep_seq_mod") {
    df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-pep_seq)
  } else {
    df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-pep_seq_mod)

#' Calculates peptide data for individual TMT experiments
#' Argument \code{injn_idx} does not currently used.
#' @param lfq_ret_tol The tolerance of retention time (in seconds) for the
#'   aggregation of LFQ data.
#' @inheritParams mcPSM
#' @inheritParams PSM2Pep
#' @inheritParams annotPSM
#' @inheritParams channelInfo
#' @inheritParams locate_outliers
#' @inheritParams TMT_levels
calcPeptide <- function(df = NULL, group_psm_by = "pep_seq", 
                        method_psm_pep = "median", group_pep_by = "prot_acc", 
                        dat_dir = NULL, set_idx = 1L, injn_idx = 1L, 
                        TMT_plex = 10L, lfq_ret_tol = 60L, rm_allna = FALSE, 
                        type_sd = "log2_R") 
  nms <- names(df)
  if (!"prot_acc" %in% nms)
    stop("Column \"prot_acc\" not found.")
  if (length(group_psm_by) != 1L)
    stop("Length of \"group_psm_by\" is not one.")
  if (!group_psm_by %in% nms)
    stop("Column \"", group_psm_by, "\" not found.")
  if (!any(grepl("log2_R[0-9]{3}|I[0-9]{3}", nms)))
    stop("Columns of log2 ratios or intensity not found.")
  group_psm_by0 <- group_psm_by
  group_ids <- if ("pep_group" %in% nms) unique(df$pep_group) else NULL

  if (length(group_ids) >= 2L) {
    group_psm_by <- c(group_psm_by, "pep_group")
    save(group_ids, file = file.path(dat_dir, "group_ids.rds"))
  channelInfo <- channelInfo(dat_dir = dat_dir, 
                             set_idx = set_idx, 
                             injn_idx = injn_idx)
  # (currently no rm_allna for LFQ: Maxquant timsTOF LFQ intensities are all NA)
  if (TMT_plex && rm_allna) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(rowSums(!is.na(.[grepl("^N_log2_R[0-9]{3}", names(.))])) > 0) 
    if (!nrow(df)) {
      stop("Fields 'N_log2_R' are all NA at TMT_plex = ", TMT_plex, ".\n", 
           "Is this an error-tolerant search ", 
           "without intensity/ratio values in the psm table?", 
           "May consider replacing 'NA' with '1' to proceed.", 
           call. = FALSE)
  df <- df %>%
    dplyr::arrange_at(c(group_psm_by, "prot_acc")) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("^R[0-9]{3}", names(.)))
  # --- Mascot ---
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c(
      # "prot_score", 
      "prot_matches", "prot_sequences", 
      "pep_var_mod", "pep_var_mod_pos", "pep_scan_title", 
      "raw_file", "pep_query", "pep_summed_mod_pos", "pep_local_mod_pos", 
      "pep_rank", "pep_isbold", "pep_exp_mz", "pep_exp_mr", "pep_exp_z", 
      "pep_delta", "pep_calc_mr", "pep_homol", "pep_ident", 
      "pep_ms2_sumint", "pep_n_ions", 
      "pep_scan_num", "pep_mod_group", "pep_fmod", "pep_vmod", "pep_ivmod", 
      "pep_n_ms2", "pep_rank_nl", 
      "pep_ms2_moverzs", "pep_ms2_ints", 
      "pep_ms2_theos", "pep_ms2_theos2", 
      "pep_ms2_exptints", "pep_ms2_exptints2", 
      "pep_n_matches", "pep_n_matches2", "pep_ms2_deltas", 
      "pep_ms2_ideltas", "pep_ms2_deltas2", "pep_ms2_ideltas2", 
      "pep_ms2_deltas_mean", "pep_ms2_deltas_sd", 
      "pep_ions_first", "pep_ions_second", "pep_ions_third")))
  # --- MaxQuant ---
  # ("Charge" also in MSFragger)
  df <- local({
    col_start <- which(names(df) == "Scan Number")
    col_end <- which(names(df) == "Retention Time")
    if (length(col_start) && length(col_end)) {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-(col_start : col_end))
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("\\s{1}Probabilities$", names(.))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("\\s{1}Score\\s{1}Diffs$", names(.))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% stringr::str_to_title(
      c("Scan number", "Scan index", 
        "Deamidation (N) Probabilities", "Oxidation (M) Probabilities", 
        "Deamidation (N) Score Diffs", "Oxidation (M) Score Diffs", 
        "Acetyl (Protein N-term)", "Deamidation (N)", "Gln->pyro-Glu", "Oxidation (M)", 
        "Fragmentation", "Mass analyzer", "Type", 
        "Scan event number", "Isotope index", "Simple mass error [ppm]", 
        "Retention time", "Delta score", "Score diff", 
        "Localization prob", "Precursor Full ScanNumber", 
        "Precursor Apex Offset", "Precursor Apex Offset Time", 
        "Matches", "Intensities", 
        "Mass Deviations [Da]", "Mass Deviations [ppm]", 
        "Masses", "Number of Matches", 
        "Neutral loss level", "ETD identification type", 
        "Reverse", "All scores", 
        "All sequences", "All modified sequences", 
        "Reporter PIF", "Reporter fraction", 
        "ID", # "Protein Group Ids", 
        "Peptide ID", "Mod. peptide ID", "Evidence ID", 
    ))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep(stringr::str_to_title("site IDs$"), names(.))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c("m/z", "PIF", "Pif"))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% stringr::str_to_title(
      c("Charge", "Mass", "Mass error [ppm]", 
        "Mass error [Da]", 
        "Fraction of total spectrum", 
        "Base peak fraction", "Precursor Intensity", 
        "Precursor Apex Fraction", 
        "Intensity coverage", "Peak coverage")
    ))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep(stringr::str_to_title("^Reporter mass deviation "), 
  # --- Spectrum Mill ---
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c(
      "number", "modifications", 
      "variableSites", "nterm", "previous_aa", "sequence", "next_aa", 
      "cys", "searchCycle", "L/H", "accession_numbers", "entry_name", 
      "matched_parent_mass", "parent_charge", 
      "deltaForwardReverseScore", "percent_scored_peak_intensity", 
      "totalIntensity", "precursorAveragineChiSquared", 
      "precursorIsolationIntensity", "ratioReporterIonToPrecursor", 
      "delta_parent_mass", "delta_parent_mass_ppm"))) 
  # --- MSFragger ---
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c(
      "Spectrum", "Spectrum File", "Ion Mobility", "raw_file", "Peptide Length", 
      "Charge", "Retention", "Observed Mass", "Calibrated Observed Mass", 
      "Observed M/Z", "Calibrated Observed M/Z", "Calculated Peptide Mass", 
      "Calculated M/Z", "Delta Mass", "Number of Missed Cleavages", 
      "Number of Enzymatic Termini", 
      "Ion Mobility", "Assigned Modifications", "Observed Modifications", 
      "Entry Name", "Protein Description")))
  # summarizes log2FC and intensity from the same `set_idx` 
  #   at one or multiple LCMS series
  if (!TMT_plex) {
    cols <- grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(df))
    if (length(cols))
      ok_intensity <- TRUE
    else {
      warning("Columns of precursor intensities not found.")
      ok_intensity <- FALSE
    if ("pep_ret_range" %in% names(df))
      ok_ret <- TRUE
    else {
      warning("\"pep_ret_range\" not found.")
      ok_ret <- FALSE
    if (!all(is.na(df[["pep_ret_range"]]))) 
      ok_ret2 <- TRUE
    else {
      warning("Values of \"pep_ret_range\" are all NA.")
      ok_ret2 <- FALSE
    ok_lfq_ret <- ok_intensity && ok_ret && ok_ret2

    if (ok_lfq_ret) {
      # subset by top_n intensity
      df <- local({
        n <- switch(method_psm_pep, 
                    lfq_max = 1, 
                    lfq_top_2_sum = 2, 
                    lfq_top_3_sum = 3, 
                    lfq_all = Inf, 
        # since I000 are all NA with MaxQuant timsTOF 
        #  -> would have to replace NA with 0
        df <- df %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(I000 = ifelse(is.na(I000), 0, I000)) %>% 

        if (!is.infinite(n)) {
          df <- df  %>% dplyr::slice_max(I000, n = n)
        df <- df %>%
          dplyr::arrange(-I000) %>% 
      # subset by retention time
      df <- local({
        uniq_by <- c(group_psm_by, "pep_ret_range")

        # 1.1 no yet differentiation of neutral losses at different pep_ivmod
        # 1.2 no yet differentiation of different charge states
        # 1.2 no differentiation by raw_file
        # 1.3 no differentiation by dat_file
        # 2.1 the same pep_seq at different prot_acc makes no difference
        df_uniq <- unique(df[, c(group_psm_by, "pep_ret_range")])

        # (group_psm_by0 not group_psm_by)
        df_split <- split(df_uniq, df_uniq[[group_psm_by0]])

        rows <- unlist(lapply(df_split, function (x) nrow(x) == 1L))
        dfu <- dplyr::bind_rows(df_split[rows])
        df_split <- df_split[!rows]
        dfm <- lapply(df_split, function (x) {
          a <- x$pep_ret_range
          m <- median(a, na.rm = TRUE)
          d <- c(0, abs(a[2:length(a)] - m))
          rows <- ifelse(d <= lfq_ret_tol, TRUE, FALSE)
          x[rows, ]
        }) |>
        dfx <- dplyr::bind_rows(dfu, dfm) |>
          tidyr::unite(uniq_id, uniq_by, sep = ".", remove = TRUE) |>
          dplyr::mutate(keep. = TRUE)
        df <- df %>% 
          tidyr::unite(uniq_id, uniq_by, sep = ".", remove = FALSE) |>
          dplyr::left_join(dfx, by = "uniq_id") |>
          dplyr::filter(keep.) |>
          dplyr::select(-c("keep.", "uniq_id"))
      # df_num <- aggrLFQs(sum)(df, group_psm_by, na.rm = TRUE) |>
      #   dplyr::mutate(log2_R000 = NA_real_, N_log2_R000 = NA_real_)
      df_num <- aggrTopn(sum)(df, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), 1, na.rm = TRUE) |>
        dplyr::mutate(log2_R000 = NA_real_, N_log2_R000 = NA_real_)
  # works even without precursor intensity (in MaxQuant)
  if (!exists("df_num", envir = environment())) {
    df_num <- switch(method_psm_pep, 
                     mean = 
                       aggrNums(mean)(df, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), na.rm = TRUE), 
                     median = 
                       aggrNums(median)(df, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), na.rm = TRUE), 
                     weighted_mean = 
                       tmt_wtmean(df, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), na.rm = TRUE), 
                     top_3_mean = 
                       TMT_top_n(df_num, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), na.rm = TRUE), 
                     lfq_max = 
                       aggrTopn(sum)(df, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), 1, na.rm = TRUE), 
                     lfq_top_2_sum = 
                       aggrTopn(sum)(df, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), 2, na.rm = TRUE), 
                     lfq_top_3_sum = 
                       aggrTopn(sum)(df, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), 3, na.rm = TRUE), 
                     lfq_all = 
                       aggrTopn(sum)(df, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), Inf, na.rm = TRUE), 
                     aggrNums(median)(df, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), na.rm = TRUE))

  # `pep_unique_int` and `pep_razor_int` recalculated  
  #   from the newly derived `pep_tot_int` (always by sum over `group_psm_by`). 
  # `pep_tot_int` is different to the summary of I000, I126 etc. 
  #   which is according to `method_psm_pep`
  # if were to calculate the statistics of `pep_ret_range` using the 
  # PSM with most intensity `pep_tot_int` or `pep_unique_int`,
  # ARRANGE DATA HERE and then summarize...
  # form PSM to peptide, median statistics of `pep_n_nl` and `pep_n_exp_z` 
  #   is the same as "the first" statistics (at a small cost of computation, 
  #   but allow the reuse of med_summarise_keys in mergePep)
  df_first <- df %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c("pep_unique_int", 
                                         "pep_razor_int"))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("log2_R[0-9]{3}|I[0-9]{3}", names(.))) %>% 
  df <- local({
    colnm_before <- find_preceding_colnm(df, "pep_tot_int")
    list(df_first, df_num) %>%
      purrr::reduce(dplyr::left_join, by = group_psm_by) %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_score", "pep_razor_unique") %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_expect", "pep_score") %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_ret_sd", "pep_ret_range") %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_tot_int", colnm_before)
  df <- local({
    stopifnot(all(c("pep_tot_int", "shared_prot_accs", "shared_genes") %in% 
    col_map <- if (group_pep_by == "gene") "shared_genes" else "shared_prot_accs"

    # floating `pep_isunique` can be either `pep_razor_unique` or `pep_literal_unique`
    # so don't use `pep_isunique`
    df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_unique_int = ifelse(pep_literal_unique, pep_tot_int, 0), 
                    pep_razor_int = ifelse(pep_razor_unique, pep_tot_int, 0))
  df <- df %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_unique_int", "pep_tot_int") %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_razor_int", "pep_unique_int")
  df <- cbind.data.frame(df[, !grepl("I[0-9]{3}|log2_R[0-9]{3}", names(df)), 
                            drop = FALSE],
                         df[, grepl("I[0-9]{3}", names(df)), 
                            drop = FALSE], 
                         df[, grepl("log2_R[0-9]{3}", names(df)), 
                            drop = FALSE]) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("I[0-9]{3}|log2_R[0-9]{3}", names(.)),
                     list(~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.x), NA_real_)))
  if (TMT_plex) {
    df <- local({
      col_r <- grepl("^log2_R[0-9]{3}", names(df))
      cf <- apply(df[, col_r, drop = FALSE], 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)
      df <- cbind(df[, -grep("^N_log2_R[0-9]{3}", names(df))],
                  sweep(df[, col_r, drop = FALSE], 2, cf, "-") %>%
                    `colnames<-`(paste("N", colnames(.), sep="_")))
      col_int <- grepl("^I[0-9]{3}", names(df))
      cbind(df[, -grep("^N_I[0-9]{3}", names(df))],
            sweep(df[, col_int, drop = FALSE], 2, 2^cf, "/") %>%
              `colnames<-`(paste("N", colnames(.), sep = "_")))

  df <- df |>
    dplyr::mutate(!!group_pep_by := as.character(!!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)))
  df <- local({
    res <- df %>% 
      calcSD_Splex(id = group_pep_by, type = type_sd) %>% 
      `names<-`(gsub(paste0("^", type_sd), "sd_log2_R", names(.)))
    res %>% 
      dplyr::right_join(df, by = group_pep_by) %>% 
      na_zeroIntensity() %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(TMT_Set = set_idx)


#' Helper of PSM2Pep
#' @param file The name of a PSM file.
#' @param ... filter_dots.
#' @inheritParams PSM2Pep
#' @inheritParams load_expts
#' @inheritParams n_TMT_sets
#' @inheritParams normPSM
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
psm_to_pep <- function (file = NULL, dat_dir = NULL, label_scheme_full = NULL, 
                        group_psm_by = "pep_seq", group_pep_by = "prot_acc", 
                        method_psm_pep = "median", lfq_ret_tol = 60L, 
                        rm_allna = FALSE, type_sd = "log2_R", ...) 
  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)
  filter_dots <- dots %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dots <- dots %>% .[! . %in% filter_dots]
  fn_prx <- gsub("_PSM_N.txt", "", file, fixed = TRUE)
  set_idx <- as.integer(gsub(".*TMTset(\\d+)_.*", "\\1", fn_prx))
  injn_idx <- as.integer(gsub(".*LCMSinj(\\d+).*", "\\1", fn_prx))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  TMT_levels <- TMT_levels(TMT_plex)
  df <- suppressWarnings(
    readr::read_tsv(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM", file), 
                    col_types = get_col_types(), 
                    show_col_types = FALSE)

  df <- df %>% 
    filters_in_call(!!!filter_dots) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("^sd_log2_R", names(.)))
  # special handling for MaxQuant; no `Precursor Intensity` for .d files
  is_mq_lfq <- if (find_search_engine(dat_dir) == "mq" && 
                   TMT_plex == 0L && 
                   all(is.nan(df[["I000"]]))) TRUE else FALSE
  if (is_mq_lfq) {
    message("Precursor intensity not available at PSM levels (.d files).\n",  
            "(LFQ) intensity from MaxQuant \"peptides[...].txt\" will be used.")
    df <- rm_cols_mqpsm(df, group_psm_by, set_idx)
  else {
    df <- calcPeptide(df = df, group_psm_by = group_psm_by, 
                      method_psm_pep = method_psm_pep, 
                      group_pep_by = group_pep_by, dat_dir = dat_dir, 
                      set_idx = set_idx, injn_idx = injn_idx, 
                      TMT_plex = TMT_plex, 
                      lfq_ret_tol = lfq_ret_tol, rm_allna = rm_allna, 
                      type_sd = type_sd)
  df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
    df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^prot_", names(.))), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^pep_", names(.))), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(-grep("^prot_|^pep_", names(.))), 
  df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
    df %>% dplyr::select(-grep("[RI]{1}[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^N_I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^sd_log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^N_log2_R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))),
  ) %T>% 
    readr::write_tsv(file.path(dat_dir, "Peptide", paste0(fn_prx, "_Peptide_N.txt")))

#' Interim peptide tables
#' \code{PSM2Pep} summarizes
#' \href{https://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/help/archive/search/tables}{PSMs} to
# 'peptides by individual TMT (or LFQ) experiments and LC/MS series.
#' In general, fields other than \code{log2FC} and \code{intensity} are
#' summarized with median statistics. One exception is with \code{pep_expect} in
#' Mascot or \code{PEP} in MaxQuant where geometric mean is applied.
#' @param method_psm_pep Character string; the method to summarize the
#'   \code{log2FC} and the \code{intensity} of \code{PSMs} by peptide entries.
#'   The descriptive statistics includes \code{c("mean", "median",
#'   "weighted_mean", "top_3_mean", "lfq_max", "lfq_top_2_sum", "lfq_top_3_sum",
#'   "lfq_all")} with \code{median} being the default for TMT and
#'   \code{lfq_top_2_sum} for LFQ. The \code{log10-intensity} of reporter (or
#'   LFQ) ions at the \code{PSMs} levels will be the weight when summarizing
#'   \code{log2FC} with various \code{"top_n"} statistics or
#'   \code{"weighted_mean"}.
#' @param lfq_ret_tol The tolerance of retention time (in seconds) for the
#'   aggregation of LFQ data.
#' @inheritParams normPSM
#' @inheritParams calcPeptide
#' @param ... \code{filter_}: Variable argument statements for the filtration of
#'   data rows. See also \code{\link{normPSM}}.
#' @seealso 
#'  \emph{Metadata} \cr 
#'  \code{\link{load_expts}} for metadata preparation and a reduced working example in data normalization \cr
#'  \emph{Data normalization} \cr 
#'  \code{\link{normPSM}} for extended examples in PSM data normalization \cr
#'  \code{\link{PSM2Pep}} for extended examples in PSM to peptide summarization \cr 
#'  \code{\link{mergePep}} for extended examples in peptide data merging \cr 
#'  \code{\link{standPep}} for extended examples in peptide data normalization \cr
#'  \code{\link{Pep2Prn}} for extended examples in peptide to protein summarization \cr
#'  \code{\link{standPrn}} for extended examples in protein data normalization. \cr 
#'  \code{\link{purgePSM}} and \code{\link{purgePep}} for extended examples in data purging \cr
#'  \code{\link{pepHist}} and \code{\link{prnHist}} for extended examples in histogram visualization. \cr 
#'  \code{\link{extract_raws}} and \code{\link{extract_psm_raws}} for extracting MS file names \cr 
#'  \emph{Variable arguments of \code{filter_...}} \cr 
#'  \code{\link{contain_str}}, \code{\link{contain_chars_in}}, \code{\link{not_contain_str}}, 
#'  \code{\link{not_contain_chars_in}}, \code{\link{start_with_str}}, 
#'  \code{\link{end_with_str}}, \code{\link{start_with_chars_in}} and 
#'  \code{\link{ends_with_chars_in}} for data subsetting by character strings \cr 
#'  \emph{Missing values} \cr 
#'  \code{\link{pepImp}} and \code{\link{prnImp}} for missing value imputation \cr 
#'  \emph{Informatics} \cr 
#'  \code{\link{pepSig}} and \code{\link{prnSig}} for significance tests \cr 
#'  \code{\link{pepVol}} and \code{\link{prnVol}} for volcano plot visualization \cr 
#'  \code{\link{prnGSPA}} for gene set enrichment analysis by protein significance pVals \cr 
#'  \code{\link{gspaMap}} for mapping GSPA to volcano plot visualization \cr 
#'  \code{\link{prnGSPAHM}} for heat map and network visualization of GSPA results \cr 
#'  \code{\link{prnGSVA}} for gene set variance analysis \cr 
#'  \code{\link{prnGSEA}} for data preparation for online GSEA. \cr 
#'  \code{\link{pepMDS}} and \code{\link{prnMDS}} for MDS visualization \cr 
#'  \code{\link{pepPCA}} and \code{\link{prnPCA}} for PCA visualization \cr 
#'  \code{\link{pepLDA}} and \code{\link{prnLDA}} for LDA visualization \cr 
#'  \code{\link{pepHM}} and \code{\link{prnHM}} for heat map visualization \cr 
#'  \code{\link{pepCorr_logFC}}, \code{\link{prnCorr_logFC}}, \code{\link{pepCorr_logInt}} and 
#'  \code{\link{prnCorr_logInt}}  for correlation plots \cr 
#'  \code{\link{anal_prnTrend}} and \code{\link{plot_prnTrend}} for trend analysis and visualization \cr 
#'  \code{\link{anal_pepNMF}}, \code{\link{anal_prnNMF}}, \code{\link{plot_pepNMFCon}}, 
#'  \code{\link{plot_prnNMFCon}}, \code{\link{plot_pepNMFCoef}}, \code{\link{plot_prnNMFCoef}} and 
#'  \code{\link{plot_metaNMF}} for NMF analysis and visualization \cr 
#' @family custom database preparation
#' @seealso 
#'  \emph{Custom databases} \cr 
#'  \code{\link{Uni2Entrez}} for lookups between UniProt accessions and Entrez IDs \cr 
#'  \code{\link{Ref2Entrez}} for lookups among RefSeq accessions, gene names and Entrez IDs \cr 
#'  \code{\link{prepGO}} for \code{\href{http://current.geneontology.org/products/pages/downloads.html}{gene 
#'  ontology}} \cr 
#'  \code{\link{prepMSig}} for \href{https://data.broadinstitute.org/gsea-msigdb/msigdb/release/7.0/}{molecular 
#'  signatures} \cr 
#'  \code{\link{prepString}} and \code{\link{anal_prnString}} for STRING-DB \cr
#'  \emph{Column keys in PSM, peptide and protein outputs} \cr 
#'  system.file("extdata", "psm_keys.txt", package = "proteoQ") \cr
#'  system.file("extdata", "peptide_keys.txt", package = "proteoQ") \cr
#'  system.file("extdata", "protein_keys.txt", package = "proteoQ") \cr
#' @return Tables under \code{Peptide} folder for each TMT experiment and LC/MS
#'   series: \code{TMTset1_LCMSinj1_Peptide_N.txt} etc.
#' @example inst/extdata/examples/PSM2Pep_.R
#' @import stringr dplyr purrr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>%
#' @export
PSM2Pep <- function(method_psm_pep = c("median", "mean", "weighted_mean", 
                                       "top_3_mean", "lfq_max", "lfq_top_2_sum", 
                                       "lfq_top_3_sum", "lfq_all"), 
                    lfq_ret_tol = 60L, rm_allna = FALSE, 
                    type_sd = c("log2_R", "N_log2_R", "Z_log2_R"), ...) 
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  old_opts <- options()
  on.exit(options(old_opts), add = TRUE)
  options(warn = 1)
    if (exists(".savecall", envir = rlang::current_env())) {
      if (.savecall) {
        mget(names(formals()), envir = rlang::current_env(), inherits = FALSE) %>% 
          c(dots) %>% save_call("PSM2Pep")
    add = TRUE)

  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)
  group_psm_by <- match_call_arg(normPSM, group_psm_by)
  group_pep_by <- match_call_arg(normPSM, group_pep_by)
  # ---
  method_psm_pep <- rlang::enexpr(method_psm_pep)
  if (TMT_plex) {
    if (length(method_psm_pep) > 1L) 
      method_psm_pep <- "median"
      method_psm_pep <- rlang::as_string(method_psm_pep)
  else {
    if (length(method_psm_pep) > 1L)
      method_psm_pep <- "lfq_max"
      method_psm_pep <- rlang::as_string(method_psm_pep)
  if (method_psm_pep == "top.3") {
    stop("Method \"top.3\" depreciated; instead use \"top_3_mean\".", 
         call. = FALSE)
  else if (method_psm_pep == "weighted.mean") {
    stop("Method \"weighted.mean\" depreciated; instead use \"weighted_mean\".", 
         call. = FALSE)
  stopifnot(method_psm_pep %in% c("median", "mean", "weighted_mean", "top_3_mean", 
                                  "lfq_max", "lfq_top_2_sum", "lfq_top_3_sum", 
            length(method_psm_pep) == 1L)
  # ---
  type_sd <- rlang::enexpr(type_sd)
  if (length(type_sd) > 1L) 
    type_sd <- "log2_R"
    type_sd <- rlang::as_string(type_sd)
  stopifnot(type_sd %in% c("log2_R", "N_log2_R", "Z_log2_R"), 
            length(type_sd) == 1L)
  # ---
  stopifnot(vapply(c(lfq_ret_tol), is.numeric, logical(1)))
  stopifnot(vapply(c(rm_allna), rlang::is_logical, logical(1)))
  dir.create(file.path(dat_dir, "Peptide/cache"), 
             recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  filelist <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir, "PSM"), 
                         pattern = "_PSM_N\\.txt$") %>%
  if (!length(filelist)) 
    stop("Files of \"_PSM_N.txt\" not found.")
  message("Primary column keys in \"PSM/TMTset1_LCMSinj1_PSM_N.txt\" etc. ", 
          "for \"filter_\" varargs.")
  n_files <- length(filelist)
  if (n_files > 1L) {
    n_cores <- min(parallel::detectCores(), n_files)
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", n_cores))
    parallel::clusterExport(cl, list("add_cols_at", "reloc_col_before"), 
                            envir = environment(proteoQ:::add_cols_at))
    parallel::clusterExport(cl, list("exprs"), 
                            envir = environment(rlang::exprs))
      silent_out <- parallel::clusterApply(
        cl, filelist, psm_to_pep, 
        dat_dir = dat_dir, label_scheme_full = label_scheme_full, 
        group_psm_by = group_psm_by, group_pep_by = group_pep_by, 
        method_psm_pep = method_psm_pep, lfq_ret_tol = lfq_ret_tol, 
        rm_allna = rm_allna, type_sd = type_sd, ...)
  else {
    psm_to_pep(filelist, dat_dir = dat_dir, label_scheme_full = label_scheme_full, 
               group_psm_by = group_psm_by, group_pep_by = group_pep_by, 
               method_psm_pep = method_psm_pep, lfq_ret_tol = lfq_ret_tol, 
               rm_allna = rm_allna, type_sd = type_sd, ...)
  .saveCall <- TRUE

#' To lower cases
#' @param x A character string of amino acid sequence.
#' @param ch A tag before the letter to conversion to its lower case.
my_tolower <- function(x = "", ch = "^") 
  locales <- gregexpr(ch, x) %>% .[[1]] %>% `+`(., 1)
  lowers <- purrr::map(locales, ~ substr(x, .x, .x)) %>% tolower()
  for (i in seq_along(lowers)) 
    substr(x, locales[i], locales[i]) <- lowers[i]

  gsub(ch, "", x)

#' To upper cases
#' @param x A character string of amino acid sequence.
#' @param ch A tag before the letter to conversion to its upper case.
my_upper <- function(x = "", ch = "@") 
  locs <- gregexpr(ch, x)[[1]] %>% `+`(1)
  uprs <- purrr::map(locs, ~ substr(x, .x, .x)) %>% toupper()
  for (i in seq_along(uprs)) 
    substr(x, locs[i], locs[i]) <- uprs[i]
  gsub(ch, "", x)

#' Adds the \code{pep_seq_mod} field to MaxQuant PSMs
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @inheritParams locate_outliers
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr walk
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
add_maxquant_pepseqmod <- function(df = NULL, use_lowercase_aa = TRUE) 
  if (!use_lowercase_aa) 
  # (1) all non-terminal modifications: M(Oxidation (M)) -> m ...
  # assume "(Acetyl (Protein N-term))" goes before peptide N-term modifications etc.
  # note: residues before and after not yet included; only added dots to both ends.
  # "_(Acetyl (Protein N-term))(Gln->pyro-Glu)QAAAAQGSN(Deamidation (N))GPVK_" -> 
  # ".(Acetyl (Protein N-term))(Gln->pyro-Glu)QAAAAQGSnGPVK."
  # "(Hex(1)HexNAc(1) (ST))", "(Hex(5) HexNAc(4) NeuAc(2) Sodium (N))"
  # No cases like: X(YYY (zzz) xxx) but X(YYY (zzz) xxx (kkk)) ends with "))"
  df <- df %>% 
    tidyr::separate("pep_seq_mod", c("nt", "interior", "ct"), sep = "_") %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(interior = gsub("([A-Z]){1}\\([^\\(\\)]*\\)", 
                                  paste0("@", "\\1"), interior)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(interior = gsub("([A-Z]{1})\\(.*\\s+?\\(+?.*\\){2}", 
                                  paste0("@", "\\1"), interior)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate_at(vars("interior"), ~ purrr::map_chr(.x, my_tolower, "@")) %>% 
    tidyr::unite(pep_seq_mod, nt, interior, ct, sep = ".", remove = TRUE)
  # (2-1) add "_" to sequences from protein N-terminal acetylation
  # ".(Acetyl (Protein N-term))(Gln->pyro-Glu)QAAAAQGSnGPVK." -> 
  # "._(Gln->pyro-Glu)QAAAAQGSnGPVK."
  df <- local({
    n_ac <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(grepl("Acetyl (Protein N-term)", Modifications, 
                          fixed = TRUE))
    rest <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("Acetyl (Protein N-term)", Modifications, 
                           fixed = TRUE))
    if (nrow(n_ac)) {
      n_ac <- n_ac %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                        gsub("(Acetyl (Protein N-term))", "_", pep_seq_mod, 
                             fixed = TRUE))
      df <- rbind(rest, n_ac)
  # (2-2) add "_" to sequences from protein C-terminal amidation
  # ".AAASNGPVK(Xxx->Yyy)(Amidated (Protein C-term))." -> 
  # ".AAASNGPVK(Xxx->Yyy)_."
  df <- local({
    c_am <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(grepl("Amidated (Protein C-term)", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    rest <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("Amidated (Protein C-term)", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    if (nrow(c_am)) {
      c_am <- c_am %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("(Amidated (Protein C-term))", "_", 
                                         pep_seq_mod, fixed = TRUE))
      df <- rbind(rest, c_am)
  # (3-1) "~" for "(Protein N-term)" other than acetylation
  # assume no dual (My (Protein N-term)) + "Acetyl": "._(My (Protein N-term))AAASSLTK."    
  # ".(My (Protein N-term))(Gln->pyro-Glu)QAAAAQGSnGPVK." -> 
  # ".~(Gln->pyro-Glu)QAAAAQGSnGPVK."
  df <- local({
    n_ac <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(grepl("Acetyl (Protein N-term)", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    other_n <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(grepl("Protein N-term", Modifications, fixed = TRUE)) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("Acetyl (Protein N-term)", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    rest <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("Protein N-term", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    if (nrow(other_n)) {
      other_n <- other_n %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                        gsub("^\\.\\(.*\\s+?\\(+?.*\\){2}", ".~", pep_seq_mod))
      df <- rbind(rest, n_ac, other_n)
  # (3-2) "~" for "(Protein C-term)" other than amidation
  # ".AGALAPGPL(Yyy->Xxx)(Other (Protein C-term))." -> ".AGALAPGPL(Yyy->Xxx)~."
  df <- local({
    c_am <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(grepl("Amidated (Protein C-term)", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    other_c <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(grepl("Protein C-term", Modifications, fixed = TRUE)) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("Amidated (Protein C-term)", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    rest <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("Protein C-term", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    if (nrow(other_c)) {
      other_c <- other_c %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                        gsub("^(.*)\\(.*\\s+?\\(+?.*\\){2}\\.$", paste0("\\1", "~."),
      df <- rbind(rest, c_am, other_c)
  # (4-1) "^" for peptide "(N-term)" modification
  df <- local({
    nt <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(grepl("(N-term)", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    rest <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("(N-term)", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    if (nrow(nt)) {
      nt <- nt %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("(^\\.[_~]{0,1})\\(.*\\s+?\\(+?.*\\){2}", 
                                         paste0("\\1", "^"), pep_seq_mod))
      df <- rbind(rest, nt)
  # (4-2) "^" for peptide "(C-term)" modification
  # ".AAAANLCPGQDR(My (C-term))_." -> ".AAAANLCPGQDR^_."
  df <- local({
    ct <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(grepl("(C-term)", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    rest <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!grepl("(C-term)", Modifications, fixed = TRUE))
    if (nrow(ct)) {
      ct <- ct %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("^(.*)\\(.*\\s+?\\(+?.*\\){2}([_~]{0,1}\\.$)", 
                                         paste0("\\1", "^", "\\2"), pep_seq_mod)) 
      df <- rbind(rest, ct)
  # (5) remove "." at both ends
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("\\.", "", pep_seq_mod))
  # (6) other N- or C-terminal modifications better 
  # but not named with "N-term" or "C-term": 
  # i.e. (Gln->pyro-Glu)
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                         paste0("\\1", "^"), 
                         pep_seq_mod)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                         paste0("\\1", "^"), 
                         pep_seq_mod)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                         paste0("^", "\\1"), 
                         pep_seq_mod)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                         paste0("^", "\\1"), 

#' Adds the \code{pep_seq_mod} field to MSFragger PSMs
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @inheritParams locate_outliers
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr walk
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
add_msfragger_pepseqmod <- function(df = NULL, use_lowercase_aa = TRUE) 
  if (!use_lowercase_aa) 
  # is.na(pep_start) if peptides not in FASTA (e.g. the "contam_" entries)
  # or not belong to proteins (incorrectly assigned by search engine)
  #   (e.g. DAQIFIQK not in P24270)
  df <- local({
    protnac_ok1 <- (df[["pep_start"]] == 1L)
    protnac_ok2 <- (df[["pep_start"]] == 2L) & (df[["pep_res_before"]] == "M")
    not_protnac <- !(protnac_ok1 | protnac_ok2)
    bad_pnts <- not_protnac & grepl("^n\\[43\\]", df[["pep_seq_mod"]])
    bad_pnts[is.na(bad_pnts)] <- FALSE
    df[!bad_pnts, ]

  # (1) all non-terminal modifications
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("([A-Z]){1}\\[[^\\(\\)]*\\]", 
                                     paste0("@", "\\1"), pep_seq_mod)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate_at(vars("pep_seq_mod"), ~ purrr::map_chr(.x, my_tolower, "@")) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(.n = row_number())
  # (2-1) add "_" to sequences from protein N-terminal acetylation
  df <- local({
    df_sub <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(pep_start <= 2)
    df_rest <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(! .n %in% df_sub$.n)
    df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("^n\\[43\\]", "_", pep_seq_mod))
    dplyr::bind_rows(df_sub, df_rest)
  # (2-2) add "_" to sequences from protein C-terminal amidation
  df <- local({
    df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(pep_end == prot_len)
    df_rest <- df %>% dplyr::filter(! .n %in% df_sub$.n)
    df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("c\\[17\\]$", "_", pep_seq_mod))
    dplyr::bind_rows(df_sub, df_rest) 
  # (3-1) "~" for "(Protein N-term)" other than acetylation
  df <- local({
    df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(pep_start <= 2)
    df_rest <- df %>% dplyr::filter(! .n %in% df_sub$.n)
    df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("^n\\[.*\\]", "~", pep_seq_mod))
    dplyr::bind_rows(df_sub, df_rest)
  # (3-2) "~" for "(Protein C-term)" other than amidation
  df <- local({
    df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(pep_end == prot_len)
    df_rest <- df %>% dplyr::filter(! .n %in% df_sub$.n)
    df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("c\\[.*\\]$", "~", pep_seq_mod))
    dplyr::bind_rows(df_sub, df_rest) 
  # (4-1) "^" for peptide "(N-term)" modification
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("n\\[.*\\].*?", "^", pep_seq_mod))
  # (4-2) "^" for peptide "(C-term)" modification
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("c\\[.*\\]$", "^", pep_seq_mod))
  # (5) cleanup
  df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-.n) 

#' Pads columns to a placeholder data frame.
#' @param df The original data frame.
#' @param df2 The data frame to be inserted.
#' @param idx The index of \code{df} column for \code{df2} to be inserted
#'   (after).
add_cols_at <- function(df = NULL, df2 = NULL, idx = 0L) 
  stopifnot(idx >= 0L)
  if (idx == 0L) {
    bf <- NULL
  else {
    bf <- df[, seq_len(idx), drop = FALSE]
  if ((idx + 1) <= ncol(df)) {
    af <- df[, (idx + 1) : ncol(df), drop = FALSE]
  else {
    af <- NULL

#' Replaces columns in the original PSM table.
#' The column index(es) need to be continuous.
#' @param df The original data frame.
#' @param df2 The data columns to replace those in \code{df}.
#' @param idxs The sequences of column indexes in \code{df}. Note that
#'   \code{idxs} need to be a continuous sequences.
replace_cols_at <- function(df = NULL, df2 = NULL, idxs = 1L) 
  ncol <- ncol(df)
  stopifnot(all(idxs >= 1L), all(idxs <= ncol))
  idxs <- sort(idxs)
  stopifnot(all.equal(idxs - idxs[1] + 1, seq_along(idxs)))
  if (idxs[1] >= 2L) {
    bf <- df[, 1:(idxs[1]-1), drop = FALSE]
  else {
    bf <- NULL
  if (idxs[length(idxs)] < ncol(df)) {
    af <- df[, (idxs[length(idxs)]+1):ncol(df), drop = FALSE]
  else {
    af <- NULL

#' Relocates column "m/z" to be immediately before column "Mass".
#' Not currently used.
#' @param df The original data frame.
#' @param from The column to be moved from.
#' @param to The column to which the \code{from} will be moved before.
reloc_col <- function (df = NULL, from = "m/z", to = "Mass") 
  df0 <- df
  df2 <- suppressWarnings(df %>% dplyr::select(one_of(from)))
  if (!ncol(df2)) 
  df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-one_of(from))
  idx <- which(names(df) == to) - 1
  if (!length(idx)) 
  df <- add_cols_at(df, df2, idx)

#' Relocates column "to_move" immediately after column "col_before".
#' @param df The original data frame.
#' @param to_move The column to be moved.
#' @param col_before The anchor column to which the \code{to_move} will be moved
#'   after.
reloc_col_after <- function(df = NULL, to_move = "after_anchor", 
                            col_before = "anchor") 
  if (!(to_move %in% names(df) && col_before %in% names(df))) return(df)
  if (to_move == col_before) 
  df2 <- df %>% dplyr::select(one_of(to_move))
  df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-one_of(to_move))
  idx <- which(names(df) == col_before)
  add_cols_at(df, df2, idx)

#' Relocates column "to_move" immediately after the last column.
#' @inheritParams reloc_col_after
reloc_col_after_last <- function (df = NULL, to_move = "after_anchor") 
  col_last <- names(df)[ncol(df)]
  reloc_col_after(df, to_move, col_last)

#' Relocates column "to_move" immediately after the first column.
#' @inheritParams reloc_col_after
reloc_col_after_first <- function(df = NULL, to_move = "after_anchor") 
  col_first <- names(df)[1]
  reloc_col_after(df, to_move, col_first)

#' Relocates column "to_move" immediately before anchor column "col_after".
#' The same as \code{reloc_col}.
#' @param df The original data frame.
#' @param to_move The column to be moved.
#' @param col_after The anchor column to which the \code{to_move} will be moved
#'   before.
reloc_col_before <- function(df = NULL, to_move = "before_anchor", 
                             col_after = "anchor") 
  if (!(to_move %in% names(df) && col_after %in% names(df))) 

  df2 <- df %>% dplyr::select(one_of(to_move))
  df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-one_of(to_move))
  idx <- which(names(df) == col_after)
  add_cols_at(df, df2, idx - 1)

#' Relocates column "to_move" immediately before the last column.
#' @inheritParams reloc_col_after
reloc_col_before_last <- function(df = NULL, to_move = "after_anchor") 
  col_last <- names(df)[ncol(df)]
  reloc_col_before(df, to_move, col_last)

#' Relocates column "to_move" immediately before the first column.
#' @inheritParams reloc_col_after
reloc_col_before_first <- function (df = NULL, to_move = "after_anchor") 
  col_first <- names(df)[1]
  reloc_col_before(df, to_move, col_first)

#' Helper: finds the column name before \code{to_move}.
#' To keep columns at the same order after descriptive summary.
#' @inheritParams reloc_col_after
find_preceding_colnm <- function(df = NULL, to_move = NULL) 
  if (!to_move %in% names(df)) {
    stop("Column ", to_move, " not found.", 
         call. = FALSE)
  ind_bf <- which(names(df) == to_move) - 1
  if (ind_bf == 0) {
  else {

#' Orders PSM columns.
#' Only for certain columns.
#' @param df A PSM data frame.
#' @param cols A vector; the names of columns to be moved to the front of
#'   \code{df}.
order_psm_cols <- function(df = NULL, cols = NULL) 
  purrr::walk(cols, ~ {
    if (is.null(df[[.x]])) df[[.x]] <- NA
    df <<- df
  }, df)
    df %>% dplyr::select(-cols), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(cols),

#' Orders Mascot PSM columns
#' Columns indicated by \code{psm_cols} will be moved to the front, and columns
#' of ratios and ratios and intensities to the end. 
#' @param df A data frame of PSM.
#' @param psm_cols A character string of column names.
#' @param rm_na_cols Logical; if TRUE, remove columns of all NAs.
order_mascot_psm_cols <- function(df, psm_cols = NULL, rm_na_cols = FALSE) 
  if (is.null(psm_cols)) {
    psm_cols <- c("prot_hit_num", "prot_family_member", "prot_acc", 
                  "prot_desc", "prot_score", "prot_mass", 
                  "prot_matches",	"prot_matches_sig",	
                  "prot_sequences", "prot_sequences_sig",	
                  "prot_n_psm", "prot_n_pep", 
                  "prot_len",	"prot_pi", "prot_tax_str", "prot_tax_id", 
                  "prot_seq",	"prot_empai",	"prot_icover",	"prot_cover",
                  "pep_query",	"pep_rank",	"pep_n_psm", "pep_isbold",	
                  "pep_isunique",	"pep_literal_unique",	"pep_razor_unique",	
                  "pep_tot_int", "pep_unique_int",	"pep_razor_int", 
                  "pep_exp_mz",	"pep_exp_mr",	"pep_exp_z",	"pep_calc_mr", 
                  "pep_delta",	"pep_score", "pep_homol",	"pep_ident",
                  "pep_expect",	"pep_res_before", "pep_seq",
                  "pep_seq_mod",	"pep_res_after",	"pep_start", 
                  "pep_end",	"pep_len",	"pep_miss",	
                  "pep_istryptic", "pep_semitryptic", 
                  "pep_frame", "pep_var_mod",	"pep_var_mod_pos", 
                  "pep_summed_mod_pos",	"pep_local_mod_pos",
                  "pep_num_match",	"pep_scan_title",	"pep_index",	
                  "pep_ms2_sumint",	"pep_n_ions",	"pep_locprob",	"pep_locdiff",
                  "pep_phospho_locprob", "pep_phospho_locdiff", 
                  "pep_ions_first", "pep_ions_second", "pep_ions_third", 
                  "gene",	"fasta_name",	"uniprot_acc",	"uniprot_id",
                  "refseq_acc",	"other_acc",	"entrez",	"species",
                  "acc_type",	"shared_prot_accs",	"shared_genes",	"kin_attr",
                  "kin_class",	"kin_order",	

                  "dat_file",	"psm_index")
  # if ("pep_scan_range" %in% names(df)) df[["pep_scan_range"]] <- NULL

  df <- df %>% 
  if (FALSE) {
    if ("pep_scan_title" %in% names(df) && 
        all(is.na(df$pep_scan_num)) && 
        !all(is.na(df$pep_scan_title))) {
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_scan_num = gsub(".* scan\\=(.*)~$", "\\1", pep_scan_title)) %>% 
        reloc_col_after("pep_scan_num", "pep_scan_title")

  df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
    df %>% dplyr::select(psm_cols), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(-psm_cols), 
  df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
    df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^prot_", names(.))), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^pep_", names(.))), 
    df %>% dplyr::select(-grep("^prot_|^pep_", names(.))),
  df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
    df %>% dplyr::select(-grep("^[IR]{1}[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))),
    df %>% dplyr::select(grep("^[IR]{1}[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))),
  df <- df %>% 
    { if (rm_na_cols) dplyr::select(., not_all_NA(.)) else . }

#' Pads MaxQuant TMT channels to the highest plex. 
#' @param ... filter_dots.
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @inheritParams splitPSM_mq
#' @inheritParams pad_mascot_channels
pad_mq_channels <- function(file = NULL, fasta = NULL, entrez = NULL, 
                            corrected_int = TRUE, ...) 
  filter_dots <- rlang::enexprs(...) %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  base_name <- gsub("\\.txt$", "", file)
  # (QE, timsTOF: different cases in column keys)
  df <- read.csv(file.path(dat_dir, file), 
                 check.names = FALSE, header = TRUE, 
                 sep = "\t", comment.char = "#") %>% 

  load(file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  # interim solution; wait till the column keys become consistent with MQ
  df <- df %>% 
    { if ("Precursor intensity" %in% names(.)) 
      dplyr::rename(., `Precursor Intensity` = `Precursor intensity`) else . } %>% 
    { if ("Precursor apex fraction" %in% names(.)) 
      dplyr::rename(., `Precursor Apex Fraction` = `Precursor apex fraction`) else . }
  if (! "Precursor Intensity" %in% names(df)) {
    stop("Column \"Precursor Intensity\" not found.\n", 
         "May need to change the case: \"Precursor intensity -> Precursor Intensity\".",
         call. = FALSE)
  else if (! "Precursor Apex Fraction" %in% names(df)) {
    stop("Column \"Precursor Apex Fraction\" not found.\n", 
         "May need to change the case: \"Precursor apex fraction -> Precursor Apex Fraction\".",
         call. = FALSE)
  else {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(`Precursor Intensity` = `Precursor Intensity`/`Precursor Apex Fraction`)

  # --- A patch for inconsistency in MaxQuant msms.txt columns ---
  # TMT: no `Gene Names` and `Protein Names` columns for RefSeq etc.
  # LFQ: 
  #  (1) UniProt identifiers: with `Gene Names` and `Protein Names` columns
  #  (2) RefSeq identifiers: without `Gene Names` and `Protein Names` columns

  if (!all(c("Gene Names", "Protein Names") %in% stringr::str_to_title(names(df))) ) {
    stopifnot("Proteins" %in% names(df))
    df$"Gene names" <- df$"Gene Names" <- df$"Protein names" <- df$"Protein Names" <- NULL

    # some proteins were not annotated...
    df <- local({
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(Proteins = gsub("\\.[0-9]*", "", Proteins)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(prot_acc = gsub(";.*$", "", Proteins))
      old_opts <- options()
      options(warn = -1)
      tempdata <- suppressMessages(
        df %>% 
          dplyr::select(prot_acc) %>% 
          dplyr::filter(!duplicated(prot_acc)) %>% 
          annotPrn(fasta, entrez) %>% 
          dplyr::select(prot_acc, gene, prot_desc) %>% 
          dplyr::rename(`Gene Names` = "gene", "Protein Names" = "prot_desc")
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::left_join(tempdata, by = "prot_acc") %>% 
      col <- which(names(df) == "Proteins")
        df[, 1:col],
        df[, c("Gene Names", "Protein Names")],
        df %>% 
          dplyr::select(-c("Gene Names", "Protein Names")) %>% 
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  if (!TMT_plex) {
    # no "Corrected" intensity for LFQ
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(dat_file = base_name, 
                    I000 = `Precursor Intensity`)

  ## TMT only (no LFQ) from this point on
  if (! "PSM_File" %in% names(fraction_scheme)) {
    # raw_files and tmt_sets may be later used for error messages
    raw_files <- unique(df$`Raw file`) %>% 
      gsub("\\.raw$", "", .) %>% 
      gsub("\\.d$", "", .)
    tmt_sets <- fraction_scheme %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\.raw$", "", RAW_File), 
                    RAW_File = gsub("\\.d$", "", RAW_File)) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(RAW_File %in% raw_files, !duplicated(TMT_Set)) %>% 
      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
      dplyr::select(TMT_Set) %>% 
    label_scheme_sub <- label_scheme_full %>% 
      dplyr::filter(TMT_Set %in% tmt_sets)
  else {
    raw_files <- NULL
    tmt_sets <- fraction_scheme %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(PSM_File = gsub("\\.txt$", "", PSM_File)) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(PSM_File == base_name, !duplicated(TMT_Set)) %>% 
      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
      dplyr::select(TMT_Set) %>% 
    label_scheme_sub <- label_scheme_full %>% 
      dplyr::filter(TMT_Set %in% tmt_sets)

  if (!nrow(label_scheme_sub))
    stop("No RAW_Files(s) matched between PSM and metadata.", call. = FALSE)
  nas <- data.frame(rep(NA, nrow(df)))
  sample_ids <- as.character(label_scheme_sub$Sample_ID)

  str_int1 <- "^Reporter Intensity [0-9]+"
  str_int2 <- "^Reporter Intensity Corrected [0-9]+"
  str_dev <- "^Reporter Mass Deviation \\[Mda\\] [0-9]+"

  df_int <- df %>% dplyr::select(grep(str_int1, stringr::str_to_title(names(.))))
  df_int2 <- df %>% dplyr::select(grep(str_int2, stringr::str_to_title(names(.))))
  df_dev <- df %>% dplyr::select(grep(str_dev, stringr::str_to_title(names(.))))
  this_plex <- ncol(df_int)
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  stopifnot(this_plex <= TMT_plex, this_plex >= 0)
  # Empty.xxx can be due to either channel padding or removals
  if ((this_plex > 0) && (this_plex < TMT_plex)) {
    pos <- find_padding_pos(this_plex, TMT_plex)

    for (idx in seq_along(pos)) {
      df_int <- suppressMessages(add_cols_at(df_int, nas, pos[idx] - 1))
      df_int2 <- suppressMessages(add_cols_at(df_int2, nas, pos[idx] - 1))
      df_dev <- suppressMessages(add_cols_at(df_dev, nas, pos[idx] - 1))
    rm(list = c("idx"))

    len <- length(sample_ids)
    if (ncol(df_int) == len && ncol(df_int2) == len && ncol(df_dev) == len) {
      names(df_int) <- paste("Reporter intensity", seq_len(len))
      df <- replace_cols_at(df, df_int, 
                            grep(str_int1, stringr::str_to_title(names(df))))
      names(df_int2) <- paste("Reporter intensity corrected", seq_len(len))
      df <- replace_cols_at(df, df_int2, 
                            grep(str_int2, stringr::str_to_title(names(df))))
      names(df_dev) <- paste("Reporter mass deviation [mDa]", seq_len(len))
      df <- replace_cols_at(df, df_dev, 
                            grep(str_dev, stringr::str_to_title(names(df))))

  # add I126 etc. and remove `Reporter Intensity ...`
  if (!corrected_int) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::bind_cols(df_int %>% `names<-`(find_int_cols(TMT_plex)))
  else {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::bind_cols(df_int2 %>% `names<-`(find_int_cols(TMT_plex)))

  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("^Reporter Intensity [0-9]+", 
                        stringr::str_to_title(names(.)))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("^Reporter Intensity Corrected [0-9]+", 

  # the same `raw_file` may be at different `dat_file`s
  df$dat_file <- base_name

#'Splits PSM tables
#'\code{splitPSM_mq} splits the PSM outputs by TMT experiment and LC/MS
#'Different to \code{splitPSM} used in \code{Mascot} processes,
#'\code{pep_seq_mod}, \code{prot_n_psm}, \code{prot_n_pep} and \code{pep_n_psm}
#'are calculated later in \code{annotPSM}. This is suitable mainly because there
#'is no columns like \code{prot_matches_sig} and \code{prot_sequences_sig} need
#'to be updated after data merging in \code{splitPSM_mq}.
#'@param corrected_int A logical argument for uses with \code{MaxQuant} TMT. At
#'  the TRUE default, values under columns "Reporter intensity corrected..." in
#'  \code{MaxQuant} PSM results (\code{msms.txt}) will be used. Otherwise,
#'  "Reporter intensity" values without corrections will be used.
#'@param rm_reverses A logical argument for uses with \code{MaxQuant} TMT and
#'  LFQ. At the TRUE default, \code{Reverse} entries will be removed.
#'@inheritParams splitPSM
#'@import dplyr tidyr stringr
#'@importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% equals
splitPSM_mq <- function(group_psm_by = "pep_seq", group_pep_by = "prot_acc", 
                        fasta = NULL, entrez = NULL, 
                        pep_unique_by = "group", 
                        scale_rptr_int = FALSE, corrected_int = TRUE, 
                        rm_craps = FALSE, rm_krts = FALSE, rm_allna = FALSE, 
                        rm_reverses = TRUE, purge_phosphodata = TRUE, 
                        annot_kinases = FALSE, plot_rptr_int = TRUE, 
                        rptr_intco = 0, rptr_intrange = c(0, 100), 
                        use_lowercase_aa = TRUE, 
                        parallel = TRUE, ...) 
    if (exists(".savecall", envir = rlang::current_env())) {
      if (.savecall) {
        message("Split PSMs by TMT experiments and LCMS series --- Completed.")
    add = TRUE

  old_opts <- options()
  on.exit(options(old_opts), add = TRUE)
  options(warn = 1, warning.length = 5000L)
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  TMT_levels <- TMT_levels(TMT_plex)
  filelist <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir), pattern = "^msms.*\\.txt$")
  if (!length(filelist)) {
    stop("No PSM files of \"msms[...].txt\" under", file.path(dat_dir), ".",
         "\nMake sure that the names of PSM files start with \"msms\".", 
         call. = FALSE)
  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)
  filter_dots <- dots %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dots <- dots %>% .[! . %in% filter_dots]
  message("Primary column keys in \"msms[...].txt\" for \"filter_\" varargs.")
  # (1.1) row filtration, column padding and psm file combinations
  # (make also `RAW_File`, I000 or I126 etc.; 
  # not yet `RAW_File`: need to first change MaxQuant names to the title case)
  df <- purrr::map(filelist, pad_mq_channels, fasta, entrez, 
                   corrected_int, !!!filter_dots)
  df <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(df))
  if (!"dat_file" %in% names(df)) 
    stop("Column \"dat_file\" not found.")
  if (!any(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(df))))
    stop("Intensity columns not found.")

  # (1.2.1) handle inconsistent column keys 
  # (after `filter_dots`)
  df <- local({
    nms_old <- names(df)

    df_int <- df %>% 
      dplyr::select(grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", names(.)))
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::select(-grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", names(.))) %>% 
      `names<-`(stringr::str_to_title(names(.))) %>% 
      dplyr::rename(dat_file = Dat_file, 
                    pep_expect = Pep, 
                    pep_exp_mz = `M/Z`, 
                    pep_seq = Sequence, 
                    pep_score = Score,
                    RAW_File = `Raw File`) %>% 

    data.frame(original_name = nms_old, title_case_name = names(df)) %>% 
      readr::write_excel_csv(file.path(dat_dir, "PSM/cache/psm_colkeys_lookup.csv"))
            "Column keys in \"msms[...].txt\" ", 
            "may be changed to a \"Title Case\":\n",
            "( ) \"Protein Names\" <-> \"Protein Names\"... \n", 
            "(x) \"Protein names\" -> \"Protein Names\"... \n", 
            "(Lookups in \"~/PSM/cache/MQ_colkey_lookup.csv\".)\n", 
            call. = FALSE)
  stopifnot("RAW_File" %in% names(df))
  # (1.2.2) add ratio columns
  if (TMT_plex && (sum(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(df))) > 1L)) {
    df <- sweep(df[, find_int_cols(TMT_plex), drop = FALSE], 
                1, df[["I126"]], "/") %>% 
      `colnames<-`(gsub("I", "R", names(.))) %>% 
      dplyr::select(-R126) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_at(vars(grep("^R[0-9]{3}", names(.))), 
                       ~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.x), NA)) %>% 
      dplyr::bind_cols(df, .) 
  else {
    # (1) `Modified sequence` not yet available in MaxQuant `peptides.txt` 
    #     for matching with those in `msms.ttx`
    # (2) `Precursor intensity` not available in `msms.txt`
      if (all(is.nan(df[["I000"]]))) {
        if (group_psm_by == "pep_seq_mod") {
          stop("Currently with MaxQuant timsTOF, only \"group_psm_by = pep_seq\" ", 
               "to match queries in `peptides.txt`.", 
               call. = FALSE)
        filelist <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir), 
                               pattern = "^peptides.*\\.txt$")
        if (!isTRUE(file.exists(file.path(dat_dir, filelist)))) {
          stop("All NA values under \"Precursor Intensity\" in \"msms[...].txt\".\n", 
               "To proceed, provide \"peptides[...].txt\" for intensity back-filling.", 
               call. = FALSE)
    df <- df %>% 
      reloc_col_after_last("I000") %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(R000 = I000/I000, 
                    R000 = ifelse(is.infinite(R000), NA_real_, R000)) 
  # (1.3) clean up prot_acc
  # zero-char exception in `Proteins` and not necessarily "Reverse" entries
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::filter(as.character(.[["Proteins"]]) > 0) %>% 
    { if (rm_craps) dplyr::filter(., !grepl("^CON_", .[["Proteins"]])) else . } %>% 
    { if (rm_reverses) dplyr::filter(., is.na(Reverse) | Reverse != "+") else . } %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(prot_acc = gsub("\\;.*", "", Proteins)) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(prot_acc != "") %>% 
    { if (rm_craps) dplyr::filter(., !grepl("\\|.*\\|$", prot_acc)) else . } 

  # (1.4.1) add pep_seq_mod
  stopifnot("Modified Sequence" %in% names(df))
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::rename(pep_seq_mod = `Modified Sequence`) %>%
  # (1.4.2) phospho
  df <- local({
    nms_phospho <- stringr::str_to_title("Phospho (STY) Probabilities")
    phos_idx <- grep(nms_phospho, names(df), fixed = TRUE)
    if (length(phos_idx) >= 2L) 
      phos_idx <- phos_idx[1]
    if (length(phos_idx) >= 1L) {
      if (purge_phosphodata) {
        df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(!nchar(as.character(.[[nms_phospho]])) == 0) 
      phos <- df %>% 
        dplyr::select(phos_idx) %>% 
        purrr::map(~ stringr::str_extract_all(.x, "\\([^()]+\\)")) %>% 
        .[[1]] %>% 
        purrr::map(~ substring(.x, 2, nchar(.x) - 1)) %>% 
        purrr::map(as.numeric) %>% 
        purrr::map(sort, decreasing = TRUE)
      # may contain numeric(0) from non phospho entries
      phos_max <- suppressWarnings(phos %>% purrr::map(`[`, 1)) %>% unlist()
      sec_max <- suppressWarnings(phos %>% purrr::map(`[`, 2)) %>% unlist()
      df <- dplyr::bind_cols(df, 
                             pep_phospho_locprob = phos_max, 
                             pep_phospho_locdiff = phos_max - sec_max) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(is_locprob_one = magrittr::equals(1, pep_phospho_locprob)) %>% 
                         ~ replace(.x, is_locprob_one, 1)) %>% 
                         ~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.x), NA)) %>% 
  # (2.1a) annotate proteins
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(prot_acc = gsub("\\.[0-9]*$", "", prot_acc)) %>% 
    annotPrn(fasta, entrez) %>%  
    { if (!"gene" %in% names(.)) dplyr::mutate(., gene = prot_acc) else .} %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(gene = ifelse(is.na(gene), prot_acc, gene)) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c("Gene Names", "Gene names", 
                                         "Protein Names", "Protein names")))
  # (2.1b) add `pep_res_before` and `pep_res_after`
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPeppos() %>% 
    reloc_col_before("pep_seq", "pep_res_after") %>% 
    reloc_col_before("pep_res_before", "pep_seq")

  # (2.2) compile "preferred" columns
  df <- local({
    df <- df %>% 
      { if("Scan Number" %in% names(.)) . 
        else dplyr::mutate(., `Scan Number` = NA) } %>% 
      { if("Retention Time" %in% names(.)) . 
        else dplyr::mutate(., `Retention Time` = NA) } %>% 
      { if("Intensities" %in% names(.)) . 
        else dplyr::mutate(., `Intensities` = NA) } %>% 
      { if("Number Of Matches" %in% names(.)) . 
        else dplyr::mutate(., `Number Of Matches` = NA) } %>% 
      { if("Localization Prob" %in% names(.)) . 
        else dplyr::mutate(., `Localization Prob` = NA) } 
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_scan_num = `Scan Number`,
                    pep_ret_range = `Retention Time`, 
                    pep_ms2_sumint = .[, "Intensities"] %>% 
                      stringr::str_split(., pattern = ";") %>% 
                      purrr::map_dbl(~ .x %>% as.numeric() %>% sum(na.rm = TRUE)) ,
                    pep_n_ions = `Number Of Matches`,
                    pep_locprob = `Localization Prob`, 
                    pep_locdiff = NA) %>% 
      # `Scan Number` and `Retention Time` kept as anchors 
      # for column removals during `psm_to_pep`
      dplyr::select(-c("Number Of Matches", "Localization Prob"))
    if ("pep_index" %in% names(df)) df$pep_index <- NULL
    if ("prot_index" %in% names(df)) df$prot_index <- NULL
    df <- df %>% 
      add_entry_ids("pep_seq", "pep_index") %>% 
      add_entry_ids("prot_acc", "prot_index")

  # (2.4) find the shared prot_accs and genes for each peptide
  message("\nParsing shared proteins...\n")
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(Proteins = gsub("\\.[0-9]*", "", Proteins)) %>% 
    add_shared_genes(key = "Proteins", sep = ";", fasta, entrez)

  # (2.5) find the uniqueness of peptides
  df <- local({
    stopifnot(all(c("Protein Group Ids", "Proteins") %in% names(df)))
    # Not possible (provided one prot_acc one gene):
    # pep1 | acc1  | gn1, gn2
    # Unique by protein  <=> unique by gene
    # df %>% filter(!grepl(";", `Proteins`)) %>% filter(grepl(",", `shared_genes`))
    # df %>% filter(grepl(",", `shared_genes`)) %>% filter(!grepl(";", `Proteins`))
    # NOT unique by prot_acc group -> can still be unique by gene group
    # acc_1, acc_2 group are in C3 group 
    # Unique by prot_acc group  -> unique by gene group
    # (by definition, gn2 must be razor as no evidence of unique presence of acc2 
    # -> no evidence of gn2)
    # (1) grp1 | acc1, (razor acc2) | gn1 
    # (2) grp1 | acc1, (razor acc2) | gn1 gn2
    # Could simply use `Protein Group Ids` as indicators of razor genes. 
    # However, there are a few discrepant examples in MQ 
    # With SINGLE msms.txt file: 
    # shouldn't be any below, but there are a few MQ cases of one gene multiple groups 
    # gn_grp_maps %>% dplyr::filter(!grepl(";", gene_groups), grepl(", ", gene_groups))
    # gene   grpid_gene
    # POLR2M 4094
    # POLR2M 1286
    ## new calculations (not yet for multiple msms.txt): 
    # likely to have different `Protein Group Ids` 
    #   for the same gene at different msms.txt files
    # MAP4K3  3431;5721, 3415, 3392, 3617
    # Elf2 9951;13287, 10127;13596
    if (FALSE) {
      gn_grp_maps <- local({
        uniq_by <- c("Protein Group Ids", "gene")
        gn_grp_maps <- df %>% 
          dplyr::select(uniq_by) %>% 
          tidyr::unite(uniq_id, uniq_by, sep = "@", remove = FALSE) %>% 
          dplyr::filter(!duplicated(uniq_id)) %>% 
          dplyr::select(-uniq_id) %>% 
        # keep the first longest
        gn_grp_maps <- gn_grp_maps %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(n_commas = stringr::str_count(`Protein Group Ids`, ";")) %>% 
          dplyr::arrange(-n_commas) %>% 
          dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1)
        gn_grp_maps <- gn_grp_maps %>% 
          dplyr::summarise(gene_groups = paste(`Protein Group Ids`, collapse  = ", ")) %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(gene_groups = gsub(";", ", ", gene_groups))
        # non-redundant map
        # (would be redundant at multiple msms.txt(s))
        gn_grp_maps <- gn_grp_maps[["gene_groups"]] %>% 
          stringr::str_split(", ") %>% 
          list_to_dataframe() %>% 
            gn_grp_maps %>% dplyr::select("gene"), 
          ) %>% 
          tidyr::gather("id.", "gene_groups", -gene) %>% 
          dplyr::select(-id.) %>% 
          dplyr::filter(!is.na(gene_groups)) %>% 
          tidyr::unite(gn_grp., gene, gene_groups, sep = "@", remove = FALSE) %>% 
          dplyr::filter(!duplicated(gn_grp.)) %>% 
      # ??? redundancy
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::left_join(gn_grp_maps, by = "gene") 
    if (FALSE) {
      df <- local({
        df_grpids <- df %>% 
          split(.$dat_file, drop = TRUE) %>% 
          purrr::imap(~ {
            # length(unique(.x$gene)); 7932
            # MQ: the same gene in the same dat_file, 
            #   indexes in group_ids can still not unique
            # ABLIM1  457;5779
            # ABLIM1  457;5779;1649
            x_s <- .x %>% 
              dplyr::select(gene, `Protein Group Ids`) %>% 
              dplyr::filter(grepl(";", `Protein Group Ids`)) %>% 
              tidyr::unite(uniq_id, c("gene", "Protein Group Ids"), sep = "@", 
                           remove = FALSE) %>% 
              dplyr::filter(!duplicated(uniq_id)) %>% 
              dplyr::select(-uniq_id) %>% 
              dplyr::group_by(gene) %>% 
              dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1)
            # length(unique(x_s$gene)); 2465
            # MQ: the same gene in the same dat_file, can be both unique and shared
            # THADA 9717               
            # THADA 9717;13107
            # perhaps in MQ, group IDs calculated based on invidual RAW files

            x_u <- .x %>% 
              dplyr::select(gene, `Protein Group Ids`) %>% 
              dplyr::filter(!grepl(";", `Protein Group Ids`)) %>% 
              dplyr::filter(! .data$gene %in% x_s$gene) %>% 
              tidyr::unite(uniq_id, c("gene", "Protein Group Ids"), sep = "@", 
                           remove = FALSE) %>% 
              dplyr::filter(!duplicated(uniq_id)) %>% 
              dplyr::select(-uniq_id) %>% 
              dplyr::group_by(gene) %>% 
              dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1)
            # length(unique(x_u$gene)); 5467
            x <- dplyr::bind_rows(x_u, x_s) %>% 
              dplyr::mutate(dat_file = .y)
            # given that x_s calculated earlier than x_u;
            # a gene found shared once is considered shared.
          }) %>% 
          dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
          tidyr::unite(gn_dat., c("gene", "dat_file"), sep = "@", 
                       remove = TRUE)
        # updata `Protein Group Ids`
        df <- df %>% 
          tidyr::unite(gn_dat., c("gene", "dat_file"), sep = "@", 
                       remove = FALSE) %>% 
          dplyr::select(-`Protein Group Ids`) %>% 
          dplyr::left_join(df_grpids, by = "gn_dat.") %>% 
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(prot_acc_groups = gsub(";", ", ", `Protein Group Ids`)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(gene_groups = prot_acc_groups)
    if (group_pep_by == "prot_acc") {
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_literal_unique = ifelse(grepl(", ", shared_prot_accs), 
                                                  FALSE, TRUE)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_razor_unique = ifelse(grepl(", ", prot_acc_groups), 
                                                FALSE, TRUE))
    else if (group_pep_by == "gene") {
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_literal_unique = ifelse(grepl(", ", shared_genes), 
                                                  FALSE, TRUE)) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_razor_unique = ifelse(grepl(", ", gene_groups), 
                                                FALSE, TRUE))
    else {
      stop("\"group_pep_by\" is not one of \"prot_acc\" or \"gene\".", 
           call. = FALSE)
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_razor_unique = ifelse(pep_literal_unique, 

    # (keeps the original columns for examination) 
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::select(-c("prot_acc_groups", "gene_groups"))
    if (pep_unique_by == "group") {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_isunique = pep_razor_unique)
    else if (pep_unique_by == "protein") {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_isunique = pep_literal_unique)
    else if (pep_unique_by == "none") {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_isunique = TRUE)
    else {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_isunique = pep_razor_unique)
    df <- df %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_literal_unique", "pep_isunique") %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_razor_unique", "pep_literal_unique")
    # An unknown MQ case: "single protein but multiple groups"
    #   unique at protein but not at group
    # Sequence	Proteins	Gene Names	Protein Group Ids	
    # EAEDSLRR	NP_004530	NARS1	4870;13627
  df <- local({
    colnm_int <- "Precursor Intensity"
    df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_tot_int = !!rlang::sym(colnm_int)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_unique_int = 
                      ifelse(pep_literal_unique, pep_tot_int, 0)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_razor_int = 
                      ifelse(pep_razor_unique, pep_tot_int, 0)) %>% 
      dplyr::select(-!!rlang::sym(colnm_int)) %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_unique_int", "pep_tot_int") %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_razor_int", "pep_unique_int")
  stopifnot(all(c("pep_isunique", "pep_literal_unique", "pep_razor_unique", 
                  "pep_tot_int", "pep_unique_int", "pep_razor_int") %in% 
  # (2.6) add peptide properties and prot_cover, prot_icover
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_len = stringr::str_length(pep_seq)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_miss = ifelse(grepl("[KR]$", pep_seq), 
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]") - 1,
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]"))) %>% 
    add_prot_icover(id = group_pep_by) %>% 
    { if (!("prot_cover" %in% names(.) && length(filelist) == 1)) 
        calc_cover(., id = !!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) 
      else . } %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c("Length", "Missed cleavages", "Missed Clevages"))) 
  # (2.3) add columns pep_n_psm, prot_n_psm, prot_n_pep
  df <- df %>% add_quality_cols(!!group_psm_by, !!group_pep_by)
  .saveCall <- TRUE

#' Pads Spectrum Mill TMT channels to the highest plex
#' @param ... filter_dots.
#' @inheritParams pad_mascot_channels
pad_sm_channels <- function(file = NULL, ...) 
  filter_dots <- rlang::enexprs(...) %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  base_name <- file %>% gsub("\\.ssv$", "", .)
  df <- suppressWarnings(
    readr::read_delim(file.path(dat_dir, file), delim = ";", 
                      col_types = cols(filename = col_character()))
  ) %>% 
    filters_in_call(!!!filter_dots) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = which(names(.) %in% c("accession_number", 
                     ~ gsub("\\.[0-9]$", "", .x))
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  if (TMT_plex == 0L) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(dat_file = base_name, 
                    I000 = `totalIntensity`)
  if (! "PSM_File" %in% names(fraction_scheme)) {
    raw_files <- df$filename %>% 
      gsub("\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$", "", .) %>% 
      unique() %>% 
      gsub("\\.raw$", "", .) %>% 
      gsub("\\.d$", "", .)
    tmt_sets <- fraction_scheme %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\.raw$", "", RAW_File), 
                    RAW_File = gsub("\\.d$", "", RAW_File)) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(RAW_File %in% raw_files, !duplicated(TMT_Set)) %>% 
      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
      dplyr::select(TMT_Set) %>% 
    label_scheme_sub <- label_scheme_full %>% 
      dplyr::filter(TMT_Set %in% tmt_sets)
  } else {
    raw_files <- NULL
    tmt_sets <- fraction_scheme %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(PSM_File = gsub("\\.ssv$", "", PSM_File)) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(PSM_File == base_name, !duplicated(TMT_Set)) %>% 
      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
      dplyr::select(TMT_Set) %>% 
    label_scheme_sub <- label_scheme_full %>% 
      dplyr::filter(TMT_Set %in% tmt_sets)
  if (!nrow(label_scheme_sub))
    stop("No RAW_Files(s) matched between PSM and metadata.", call. = FALSE)

  nas <- data.frame(rep(NA, nrow(df)))
  sample_ids <- as.character(label_scheme_sub$Sample_ID)
  str_ratio <- "^TMT_[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}_[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}"
  str_int <- "^TMT_[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$"
  df_int <- df %>% dplyr::select(grep(str_int, names(.)))
  ref <- names(df) %>% 
    .[grepl(str_ratio, .)] %>% 
    gsub(".*_([0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1})$", "\\1", .) %>% 
  stopifnot(length(ref) == 1L)
  this_plex <- ncol(df_int)
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  stopifnot(this_plex <= TMT_plex, this_plex >= 0L)
  if ((this_plex > 0L) && (this_plex < TMT_plex)) {
    if (TMT_plex == 18) {
      keys_int <- paste0("TMT_", c("126", "127N", "127C", "128N", "128C", "129N", 
                                   "129C", "130N", "130C", "131N", "131C", "132N", 
                                   "132C", "133N", "133C", "134N", 
                                   "134C", "135N"))
    else if (TMT_plex == 16) {
      keys_int <- paste0("TMT_", c("126", "127N", "127C", "128N", "128C", "129N", 
                                   "129C", "130N", "130C", "131N", "131C", "132N", 
                                   "132C", "133N", "133C", "134N"))
    else if (TMT_plex == 11) {
      keys_int <- paste0("TMT_", c("126", "127N", "127C", "128N", "128C", "129N", 
                                   "129C", "130N", "130C", "131N", "131C"))
    else if (TMT_plex == 10) {
      keys_int <- paste0("TMT_", c("126", "127N", "127C", "128N", "128C", "129N", 
                                   "129C", "130N", "130C", "131"))
    else if(TMT_plex == 6) {
      keys_int <- paste0("TMT_", c("126", "127", "128", "129", "130", "131"))
    else {
      keys_int <- NULL
    keys_ratio <- paste0(keys_int, "_", ref) %>% 
      .[!grepl(paste0("_", ref, "_", ref), .)]
    pos <- find_padding_pos(this_plex, TMT_plex)

    for (idx in seq_along(pos)) {
      df_int <- suppressMessages(add_cols_at(df_int, nas, pos[idx] - 1))
    rm(list = "idx")

    if (ncol(df_int) == length(sample_ids)) {
      names(df_int) <- keys_int
      df <- replace_cols_at(df, df_int, grep(str_int, names(df)))
    df_ratio <- local({
      df_int <- as.data.frame(df_int)
      sweep(df_int, 1, df_int[, paste0("TMT_", ref)], "/") %>% 
        `colnames<-`(paste0(names(.), "_", ref)) %>% 
        dplyr::select(-grep(paste0("^TMT_", ref, "_", ref, "$"), names(.))) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate_all(~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.x), NA))    
    if ((ncol(df_ratio) + 1) == TMT_plex) {
      names(df_ratio) <- keys_ratio
      df <- replace_cols_at(df, df_ratio, grep(str_ratio, names(df)))
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::bind_cols(df_int %>% `names<-`(find_int_cols(TMT_plex)))
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("^TMT_[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", names(.))) %>% 
    dplyr::select(-grep("^TMT_[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}_[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", names(.)))

  df$dat_file <- base_name

#' Adds the \code{pep_seq_mod} field to MaxQuant PSMs
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @inheritParams locate_outliers
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr walk
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
add_sm_pepseqmod <- function(df = NULL, use_lowercase_aa = TRUE) 
  if (!use_lowercase_aa) return(df)
  if (! "pep_start" %in% names(df)) {
    stop("Need \"pep_start\" for \"pep_seq_mod\".", call. = FALSE)
  # (1) mods under column `variableSites`
  df <- local({
    if (length(which(names(df) == "variableSites"))) {
      df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(variableSites))
      if (nrow(df_sub)) {
        pos_matrix <- df_sub %>% 
          dplyr::select(variableSites) %>% 
          dplyr::mutate(variableSites = as.character(variableSites)) %$% 
          stringr::str_split(.$variableSites, " ") %>% 
          list_to_dataframe() %>% 
          `names<-`(paste0("mod_", names(.))) %>% 
          purrr::map(~ gsub("[A-z]", "", .)) %>% 
          dplyr::bind_cols() %>% 
          dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("^mod_", names(.)), as.numeric) %>% 
          dplyr::bind_cols(df_sub %>% dplyr::select(pep_seq, pep_start)) %>% 
          dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = grep("^mod_", names(.)), ~ {.x + 1 - pep_start}) %>% 
          dplyr::select(-pep_seq, -pep_start) %>% 
          data.frame(check.names = FALSE)
        for (k in seq_along(pos_matrix)) {
          rows <- !is.na(pos_matrix[, k])
          locales <- pos_matrix[rows, k]
          lowers <- substr(df_sub$pep_seq_mod[rows], locales, locales) %>% tolower()
          substr(df_sub$pep_seq_mod[rows], locales, locales) <- lowers
        df <- dplyr::bind_rows(
          df %>% dplyr::filter(is.na(variableSites)), 
  # (2-1) protein n-term acetylation
  if (length(which(names(df) == "nterm"))) {
    df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(nterm == "Acetyl")
    if (nrow(df_sub)) {
      df_sub$pep_seq_mod <- paste0("_", df_sub$pep_seq_mod)
      df <- dplyr::bind_rows(
        df %>% dplyr::filter(nterm != "Acetyl"), 
  # (2-2) protein C-terminal amidation
  if (length(which(names(df) == "cterm"))) {
    # hypothetical; no yet known how it will be named in SM
    df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(grepl("^Amidate", cterm))
    if (nrow(df_sub)) {
      df_sub$pep_seq_mod <- paste0(df_sub$pep_seq_mod, "_")
      df <- dplyr::bind_rows(
        df %>% dplyr::filter(!grepl("^Amidate", cterm)), 
  # (3-1) other protien n-term not yet defined in SM
  # ...
  # (3-2) other protien c-term not yet defined in SM
  # ...
  # (4-1) peptide "(N-term)" modification: 
  #   only "Pyroglutamic acid (N-termQ)" and under column `variableSites`;
  #   as a result, becomes lower-case `q` after step (1)
  # (4-2) peptide "(C-term)" modification not yet defined in SM
  # ...

#' Splits PSM tables from \code{Spectrum Mill}
#' \code{splitPSM_sm} splits the PSM outputs from \code{Spectrum Mill}. It
#' separates PSM data by TMT experiment and LC/MS injection.
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @inheritParams splitPSM_mq
#' @inheritParams normPSM
#' @import dplyr tidyr readr
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
splitPSM_sm <- function(group_psm_by = "pep_seq", group_pep_by = "prot_acc", 
                        fasta = NULL, entrez = NULL, pep_unique_by = "group", 
                        scale_rptr_int = FALSE, 
                        rm_craps = FALSE, rm_krts = FALSE, rm_allna = FALSE, 
                        purge_phosphodata = TRUE, 
                        annot_kinases = FALSE, plot_rptr_int = TRUE, 
                        rptr_intco = 0, rptr_intrange = c(0, 100), 
                        use_lowercase_aa = TRUE, parallel = TRUE, ...) 
    if (exists(".savecall", envir = rlang::current_env())) {
      if (.savecall) {
        message("Split PSMs by TMT experiments and LCMS series --- Completed.")
    add = TRUE
  if (is.null(fasta)) 
    stop("FASTA file(s) not provided.", call. = FALSE)
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  TMT_levels <- TMT_levels(TMT_plex)
  filelist <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir), pattern = "^PSMexport.*\\.ssv$")
  if (!length(filelist)) 
    stop("No PSM files were found under", file.path(dat_dir), 
         "\nCheck that the names of PSM files start with \"PSMexport\".", 
         call. = FALSE)
  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)
  filter_dots <- dots %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dots <- dots %>% .[! . %in% filter_dots]
  message("Primary column keys in \"PSMexport[...].ssv\" for \"filter_\" varargs.")
  # (1.1) row filtration, column padding and psm file combinations
  # (make also `RAW_File`, I000 or I126 etc.)
  df <- purrr::map(filelist, pad_sm_channels, !!!filter_dots)
  df <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(df))
  stopifnot(c("sequence", "accession_numbers") %in% names(df))
  stopifnot("dat_file" %in% names(df))
  stopifnot(any(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(df))))

  nms_sm <- names(df) %>% .[! . %in% c("dat_file")]
  # (1.2.1) handle inconsistent column keys 
  # ...

  # (1.2.2) add ratio columns
  if ((TMT_plex > 0L) && (sum(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(df))) > 1L)) {
    df <- sweep(df[, find_int_cols(TMT_plex), drop = FALSE], 
                1, df[["I126"]], "/") %>% 
      `colnames<-`(gsub("I", "R", names(.))) %>% 
      dplyr::select(-R126) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_at(vars(grep("^R[0-9]{3}", names(.))), 
                       ~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.x), NA)) %>% 
      dplyr::bind_cols(df, .) 
  else {
    df <- df %>% 
      reloc_col_after_last("I000") %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(R000 = I000/I000, 
                    R000 = ifelse(is.infinite(R000), NA, R000)) 
  # (1.3) clean up prot_acc
  # (no craps removal by grepl("\\|.*\\|$", accession_number); ending "|" not present)
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq = toupper(sequence), 
                  prot_acc = accession_number) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(prot_acc != "") %>% 
    { if (rm_craps && "Protein" %in% names(.)) 
      dplyr::filter(., !grepl("\\|.*\\|$", Protein)) else . } 
  # (2.1a) annotate proteins
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPrn(fasta, entrez) %>%  
    { if (!"gene" %in% names(.)) dplyr::mutate(., gene = prot_acc) else .} %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(gene = ifelse(is.na(gene), prot_acc, gene))
  # (2.1b) add pep_res_before and pep_res_after
  # (needed before adding pep_seq_mod)
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPeppos() %>% 
    reloc_col_before("pep_seq", "pep_res_after") %>% 
    reloc_col_before("pep_res_before", "pep_seq")
  # (1.4.1) add pep_seq_mod
  # (need `pep_start`)
  df <- df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = as.character(pep_seq)) %>% 
  # (1.4.2) phospho
  df <- local({
    is_phospho_expt <- any(grepl("Phosphorylated", df$modifications))
    if (is_phospho_expt && purge_phosphodata) {
      if ("modifications" %in% names(df)) {
        df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(grepl("Phosphorylated", modifications))
      else {
        warning("Missing column \"modifications\" for non-phosphopeptide removals.", 
                call. = FALSE)
  # (2.2) compile "preferred" columns
  df <- local({
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_scan_num = NA,
                    pep_ret_range = NA, 
                    pep_ms2_sumint = NA,
                    pep_n_ions = NA,
                    pep_locprob = NA, 
                    pep_locdiff = NA) 
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::rename(RAW_File = `filename`) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$", "", RAW_File)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_expect = NA) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_isunique = NA) %>% 
      dplyr::rename(pep_score = score) 

    if ("pep_index" %in% names(df)) df$pep_index <- NULL
    if ("prot_index" %in% names(df)) df$prot_index <- NULL
    df <- df %>% 
      add_entry_ids("pep_seq", "pep_index") %>% 
      add_entry_ids("prot_acc", "prot_index")
  # (2.4) find the shared prot_accs and genes for each peptide
  df <- df %>% 
    add_shared_sm_genes(key = "accession_numbers", sep = "\\|", fasta, entrez)
  # (2.5) find the uniqueness of peptides
  df <- local({
    warning("No protein grouping yet available; ", 
            "all peptide sequences are treated as razor unique.", 
            call. = FALSE)
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_literal_unique = ifelse(grepl(", ", shared_prot_accs), 
                                                FALSE, TRUE), 
                    pep_razor_unique = TRUE)
    if (pep_unique_by == "group") {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_isunique = pep_razor_unique)
    else if (pep_unique_by == "protein") {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_isunique = pep_literal_unique)
    else if (pep_unique_by == "none") {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_isunique = TRUE)
    else {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_isunique = pep_razor_unique)
    df %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_literal_unique", "pep_isunique") %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_razor_unique", "pep_literal_unique")
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_tot_int = NA, 
                  pep_scan_num = NA, 
                  pep_ret_range = NA, 
                  pep_ms2_sumint = NA,
                  pep_n_ions = NA, 
                  pep_locprob = NA,
                  pep_locdiff = NA) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_tot_int = totalIntensity) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_unique_int = 
                    ifelse(pep_literal_unique, pep_tot_int, 0)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_razor_int = 
                    ifelse(pep_razor_unique, pep_tot_int, 0)) %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_unique_int", "pep_tot_int") %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_razor_int", "pep_unique_int")
  stopifnot(all(c("pep_isunique", "pep_literal_unique", "pep_razor_unique", 
                  "pep_tot_int", "pep_unique_int", "pep_razor_int") %in% 
  # (2.6) add peptide properties and prot_cover, prot_icover
  # M._sequence.c; -._sequence.c; n.sequence.c; -.sequence.c
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_len = stringr::str_length(pep_seq)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_miss = ifelse(grepl("[KR]$", pep_seq), 
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]") - 1,
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]"))) %>% 
    add_prot_icover(id = group_pep_by) %>% 
    { if (!("prot_cover" %in% names(.) && length(filelist) == 1)) 
        calc_cover(., id = !!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) 
      else . }
  # (2.3) add columns pep_n_psm, prot_n_psm, prot_n_pep
  df <- df %>% add_quality_cols(!!group_psm_by, !!group_pep_by)
  .saveCall <- TRUE

#' Pads MSFragger TMT channels to the highest plex. 
#' @param ... filter_dots.
#' @inheritParams pad_mascot_channels
pad_mf_channels <- function(file = NULL, ...) 
  filter_dots <- rlang::enexprs(...) %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]

  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  base_name <- gsub("\\.tsv$", "", file)
  df <- suppressWarnings(
    readr::read_tsv(file.path(dat_dir, file), 
                    col_types = cols(`Is Unique` = col_logical()))
  ) %>% 
    filters_in_call(!!!filter_dots) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = which(names(.) %in% c("Protein", "Protein ID",	
                                                   "Entry Name", "Mapped Genes", 
                                                   "Mapped Proteins")), 
                     ~ gsub("\\.[0-9]$", "", .x))

  nms_df <- names(df)
  if (!"Spectrum" %in% nms_df)
    stop("Column 'Spectrum' not found.")

  # !!! "Intensity" in both TMT and LFQ
  # "Purity" only with TMT
  mf_cols <- c("Spectrum", "Spectrum File", "Peptide", "Modified Peptide", 
               "Prev AA", "Next AA", "Peptide Length", "Charge",                   
               "Retention", "Observed Mass", "Calibrated Observed Mass", 
               "Observed M/Z", "Calibrated Observed M/Z", 
               "Calculated Peptide Mass", "Calculated M/Z", 
               "Delta Mass", "Expectation", "Hyperscore", "Nextscore", 
               "PeptideProphet Probability", "Number of Enzymatic Termini", 
               "Number of Missed Cleavages", "Protein Start", "Protein End", 
               "Intensity", "Assigned Modifications", "Observed Modifications", 
               "Purity", "Is Unique", "Protein", "Protein ID", "Entry Name", 
               "Gene", "Protein Description", "Mapped Genes", "Mapped Proteins", 
               "Quan Usage")
  if ("Purity" %in% nms_df) {
    df_int <- local({
      df_int <- df[(which(nms_df == "Purity") + 1):ncol(df)]
      nums <- purrr::map_lgl(df_int, is.numeric)
      csum <- cumsum(nums)
      cols <- diff(csum, 1)
      df_int[, names(cols[cols == 1]), drop = FALSE]
    # (Assumed MSFragger still uses MGF from MSConvert)
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$", "", Spectrum))
  else if ("Intensity" %in% nms_df) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(dat_file = base_name, I000 = Intensity) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$", "", Spectrum))
  else {
    stop("Neither column 'Purity' or 'Intensity' were found.", call. = FALSE)
  rm(list = "nms_df")

  ## TMT only (no LFQ) from this point on
  if (!"PSM_File" %in% names(fraction_scheme)) {
    # raw_files and tmt_sets may be later used for error messages
    raw_files <- unique(df$RAW_File) %>% 
      gsub("\\.raw$", "", .) %>% 
      gsub("\\.d$", "", .)
    tmt_sets <- fraction_scheme %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(RAW_File = gsub("\\.raw$", "", RAW_File), 
                    RAW_File = gsub("\\.d$", "", RAW_File)) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(RAW_File %in% raw_files, !duplicated(TMT_Set)) %>% 
      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
      dplyr::select(TMT_Set) %>% 
    label_scheme_sub <- label_scheme_full %>% 
      dplyr::filter(TMT_Set %in% tmt_sets)
  else {
    raw_files <- NULL
    tmt_sets <- fraction_scheme %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(PSM_File = gsub("\\.tsv$", "", PSM_File)) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(PSM_File == base_name, !duplicated(TMT_Set)) %>% 
      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
      dplyr::select(TMT_Set) %>% 
    label_scheme_sub <- label_scheme_full %>% 
      dplyr::filter(TMT_Set %in% tmt_sets)
  if (!nrow(label_scheme_sub))
    stop("No RAW_Files(s) matched between PSM and metadata.", call. = FALSE)

  sample_ids <- as.character(label_scheme_sub$Sample_ID)
  this_plex <- ncol(df_int)
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  stopifnot(this_plex <= TMT_plex, this_plex >= 0L)

  # Empty.xxx can be due to either channel padding or removals
  if (this_plex && (this_plex < TMT_plex)) {
    pos <- find_padding_pos(this_plex, TMT_plex)
    nas <- data.frame(rep(NA_real_, nrow(df)))
    for (idx in seq_along(pos))
      df_int <- suppressMessages(add_cols_at(df_int, nas, pos[idx] - 1))

    rm(list = c("idx", "nas"))
  # new column names
  df <- local({
    n_ints <- ncol(df_int)
    n_samples <- length(sample_ids)
    stopifnot(n_ints >= 1L, n_samples >= n_ints)
    if (n_ints < n_samples) {
      if (!((n_samples %% n_ints) == 0)) {
        stop("Number of intensity columns: ", n_ints, 
             " is not a multiple of number of samples: ", n_samples, "\n",
             call. = FALSE)
      else {
        warning("In TMT plex(es) ", 
                paste(tmt_sets, collapse = ", "), ": \n", 
                "number of intensity columns: ", n_ints, "\n",
                "number of samples: ", n_samples, ".\n",
                "Assume a merged search at folds: ", n_samples/n_ints, ".", 
                call. = FALSE)
    nms_old <- names(df_int)
    names(df_int) <- find_int_cols(TMT_plex)
    # OK that sample IDs from MSFragger may be named differently to 
    # those in label_scheme

    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% nms_old), 
                    -which(names(.) %in% names(df_int))) %>% 

  # the same `raw_file` may be at different `dat_file`s
  df$dat_file <- base_name

#'Splits MSFragger PSM tables
#'\code{splitPSM_mf} splits the PSM outputs by TMT experiment and LC/MS
#'@inheritParams splitPSM
#'@import dplyr tidyr
#'@importFrom stringr str_split
#'@importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% equals
splitPSM_mf <- function(group_psm_by = "pep_seq", group_pep_by = "prot_acc", 
                        fasta = NULL, entrez = NULL, 
                        pep_unique_by = "group", 
                        scale_rptr_int = FALSE, 
                        rm_craps = FALSE, rm_krts = FALSE, rm_allna = FALSE, 
                        purge_phosphodata = TRUE, 
                        annot_kinases = FALSE, plot_rptr_int = TRUE, 
                        rptr_intco = 0, rptr_intrange = c(0, 100), 
                        use_lowercase_aa = TRUE, 
                        parallel = TRUE, ...) 
    if (exists(".savecall", envir = rlang::current_env())) {
      if (.savecall) {
        message("Split PSMs by TMT experiments and LCMS series --- Completed.")
    add = TRUE
  # the same pep_seq_mod may have different
  # (1) `Charge`, (2) `Retention` and (3) `Delta Mass`
  # use top-3 intensities for the same pep_seq_mod with 
  # (1) isotope effect of `Delta Mass` ignored
  # (2) `Retention` difference ignored for now
  # (3) `Charge` difference ignored; may later be distinguished
  # numeric column `top_n_used` after top-3; the higher the more ambiguous
  # logical column `multi_charge_states`
  # argument for aligning charge states `align_lfq_cs` 
  #   in Pep2PSM -> pep_seq_mod@2, pep_seq_mod@3
  # ... -> Pep2Prn top-3 pep_seq_mod@2 pep_seq_mod@3 etc. 
  # may be column `pep_seq_mod_more` K.peptidek.-@2 for charge 
  # `Total Intensity`,	`Unique Intensity`,	`Razor Intensity`
  # `Unique Intensity`: NA under `Mapped Genes`,	`Mapped Proteins`

  # filename: 3 or 2 additional fields after Raw file???
  # assume it is always 3 for now (as by MSConvert).
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file = file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  TMT_levels <- TMT_levels(TMT_plex)
  filelist <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir), pattern = "^psm.*\\.tsv$")
  if (!length(filelist)) {
    stop("No PSM files of \"psm[...].tsv\" under", file.path(dat_dir), ".",
         "\nMake sure that the names of PSM files start with \"psm\".", 
         call. = FALSE)
  message("Primary column keys in \"psm[...].tsv\" for \"filter_\" varargs.")
  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)
  filter_dots <- dots %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dots <- dots %>% .[! . %in% filter_dots]

  # (1.1) row filtration, column padding and psm file combinations
  # (make also `RAW_File`, I000 or I126 etc.)
  df <- purrr::map(filelist, pad_mf_channels, !!!filter_dots)
  df <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(df))
  stopifnot(c("Is Unique", # razor uniqueness
              "Mapped Proteins", # literal and razor uniqueness
              "Intensity", # precursor intensity
              "Modified Peptide" # pep_seq_mod
  ) %in% names(df))
  # (1.2.1) handle inconsistent column keys 
  # (Not applicable)
  # (1.2.2) add ratio columns
  if (TMT_plex && (sum(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(df))) > 1)) {
    df <- sweep(df[, find_int_cols(TMT_plex), drop = FALSE], 
                1, df[["I126"]], "/") %>% 
      `colnames<-`(gsub("I", "R", names(.))) %>% 
      dplyr::select(-R126) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_at(vars(grep("^R[0-9]{3}", names(.))), 
                       ~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.x), NA_real_)) %>% 
      dplyr::bind_cols(df, .) 
  else {
    df <- df %>% 
      reloc_col_after_last("I000") %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(R000 = I000/I000, 
                    R000 = ifelse(is.infinite(R000), NA_real_, R000)) 
  # (1.3) clean up prot_acc
  # (no craps removal by grepl("\\|.*\\|$", Protein); ending "|" not present)
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::rename(pep_seq = Peptide, 
                  prot_acc = `Protein ID`, 
                  ) %>% 
    dplyr::filter(prot_acc != "") %>% 
    { if (rm_craps && "Protein" %in% names(.)) 
      dplyr::filter(., !grepl("\\|.*\\|$", Protein)) else . } 
  # (2.1a) annotate proteins
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPrn(fasta, entrez) %>%  
    { if (!"gene" %in% names(.)) dplyr::mutate(., gene = prot_acc) else .} %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(gene = ifelse(is.na(gene), prot_acc, gene))

  # (2.1b) add pep_res_before and pep_res_after
  # (needed before adding pep_seq_mod)
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPeppos() %>% 
    reloc_col_before("pep_seq", "pep_res_after") %>% 
    reloc_col_before("pep_res_before", "pep_seq")
  # (1.4.1) add pep_seq_mod
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(`Modified Peptide` = ifelse(is.na(`Modified Peptide`), 
                                              pep_seq, `Modified Peptide`)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = `Modified Peptide`) %>% 
  # (1.4.2) phospho
  df <- local({
    # assumed use_lowercase_aa = TRUE; otherwise on lower-case sty?
    is_phospho_expt <- any(grepl("[sty]", df$pep_seq_mod))
    if (is_phospho_expt && purge_phosphodata)
      df <- dplyr::filter(df, grepl("[sty]", pep_seq_mod))
    if ("STY:79.9663" %in% names(df)) {
      prs <- stringr::str_extract_all(df[["STY:79.9663"]], "\\([^()]+\\)")
      prs <- lapply(prs, function (x) as.numeric(substring(x, 2L, nchar(x) - 1L)))
      prs <- lapply(prs, sort, decreasing = TRUE)
      df$pep_phospho_locprob <- unlist(lapply(prs, `[`, 1), recursive = FALSE)
      df$pep_phospho_locdiff <- lapply(prs, function (x) {
        if (length(x) <= 1L) 0 else x[1] - x[2]
      }) %>% 
        unlist(recursive = FALSE)
      rm(list = "prs")

  # (2.2) compile "preferred" columns
  df <- local({
    df <- df %>% 
      { if("Retention" %in% names(.)) . else dplyr::mutate(., Retention = NA_real_) } %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_scan_num = NA_character_,
                    pep_ret_range = Retention, 
                    pep_ms2_sumint = NA_real_,
                    pep_n_ions = NA_integer_,
                    pep_locprob = NA_real_, 
                    pep_locdiff = NA_real_) %>% 
      dplyr::select(-which(names(.) == "Retention"))
    df <- df %>% 
      mutate(pep_scan_num = gsub("[^\\.]+?\\.(.*)", "\\1", Spectrum)) %>% 
      mutate(pep_scan_num = gsub("([^\\.]+?)\\..*", "\\1", pep_scan_num)) %>% 
      mutate(pep_scan_num = gsub("^0+", "", pep_scan_num)) # may be leading zeros
    df <- df %>% 
        pep_expect = Expectation, 
        pep_score = Hyperscore, 
        pep_exp_mz = `Observed M/Z`, 
        pep_exp_mr = `Observed Mass`, 
        pep_exp_z = Charge,
        pep_n_exp_z = NA_integer_, 
        pep_calc_mr = `Calculated M/Z`, 
        pep_delta = `Delta Mass`, 
      ) %>% 

    if ("pep_index" %in% names(df)) 
      df$pep_index <- NULL
    if ("prot_index" %in% names(df)) 
      df$prot_index <- NULL
    df <- df %>% 
      add_entry_ids("pep_seq", "pep_index") %>% 
      add_entry_ids("prot_acc", "prot_index")
  # (2.4) find the shared prot_accs and genes for each peptide
  # (the original uniqueness of peptides by MSFragger may not holder after 
  # the joining of PSM files)
  df <- add_shared_prot_accs_mf(df)

  if (all(is.na(df$Gene))) {
    df <- add_shared_genes(df, key = "shared_prot_accs", sep = ", ", fasta, entrez)
  else {
    df <- dplyr::mutate(df, shared_genes = 
                          ifelse(is.na(`Mapped Genes`), 
                                 paste(gene, `Mapped Genes`, sep = ", ")))

  # (2.5) find the uniqueness of peptides
  df <- local({
    if (group_pep_by == "prot_acc") {
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_literal_unique = `Is Unique`, 
                      pep_razor_unique = 
                        ifelse(grepl(", ", shared_prot_accs), FALSE, TRUE))
    else if (group_pep_by == "gene") {
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_literal_unique = `Is Unique`, 
                      pep_razor_unique = 
                        ifelse(grepl(", ", shared_genes), FALSE, TRUE))
    else {
      stop("\"group_pep_by\" is not one of \"prot_acc\" or \"gene\".")
    if (pep_unique_by == "group") {
      df <- dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = pep_razor_unique)
    else if (pep_unique_by == "protein") {
      df <- dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = pep_literal_unique)
    else if (pep_unique_by == "none") {
      df <- dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = TRUE)
    else {
      df <- dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = pep_razor_unique)
    df <- df %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_literal_unique", "pep_isunique") %>% 
      reloc_col_after("pep_razor_unique", "pep_literal_unique")

  # proteins:
  # (1) prot_tot_int: Gene == Ckap5 | Mapped Genes == Ckap5
  # (2) prot_razor_int: Gene == Ckap5
  # (3) prot_uniq_int: Gene == Ckap5 & void Mapped Genes
  # top3 for each
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_tot_int = Intensity) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_unique_int = ifelse(pep_literal_unique, Intensity, 0)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_razor_int = ifelse(pep_razor_unique, Intensity, 0)) %>% 

  # (2.6) add peptide properties and prot_cover, prot_icover
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_len = stringr::str_length(pep_seq)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_miss = ifelse(grepl("[KR]$", pep_seq), 
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]") - 1,
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]"))) %>% 
    add_prot_icover(id = group_pep_by) %>% 
    { if (!("prot_cover" %in% names(.) && length(filelist) == 1L)) 
        calc_cover(., id = !!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) 
      else . } 
  # (2.3) add columns pep_n_psm, prot_n_psm, prot_n_pep
  df <- add_quality_cols(df, !!group_psm_by, !!group_pep_by)
  .saveCall <- TRUE

#'Splits MSGF PSM tables
#'\code{splitPSM_msgf} splits the PSM outputs by TMT experiment and LC/MS
#'@inheritParams splitPSM
#'@import dplyr tidyr
#'@importFrom stringr str_split
#'@importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% equals
splitPSM_msgf <- function(group_psm_by = "pep_seq", group_pep_by = "prot_acc", 
                          fasta = NULL, entrez = NULL, pep_unique_by = "group", 
                          scale_rptr_int = FALSE, 
                          rm_craps = FALSE, rm_krts = FALSE, rm_allna = FALSE, 
                          rm_reverses = TRUE, purge_phosphodata = TRUE, 
                          annot_kinases = FALSE, plot_rptr_int = TRUE, 
                          rptr_intco = 0, rptr_intrange = c(0, 100), 
                          use_lowercase_aa = TRUE, parallel = TRUE, 
                          lfq_mbr = FALSE, mbr_ret_tol = 60L, ...) 
    if (exists(".savecall", envir = environment())) {
      if (.savecall) 
        message("Split PSMs by TMT experiments and LCMS series --- Completed.")
    add = TRUE
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  TMT_plex   <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  TMT_levels <- TMT_levels(TMT_plex)
  filelist <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir), pattern = "^psmMSGF.*\\.txt$")
  if (!length(filelist))
    stop("No PSM files of \"psmMSGF[...].tsv\" under", file.path(dat_dir), ".",
         "\nMake sure that the names of PSM files start with \"psmMSGF\".")
  message("Primary column keys in \"psmMSGF[...].txt\" for \"filter_\" varargs.", "\n")
  message("Found PSM files: \n  ", paste(filelist, collapse = ", \n  "), "\n")
  # (1.1) row filtration, column padding and combination of PSMs
  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)
  filter_dots <- dots %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dots <- dots %>% .[! . %in% filter_dots]
  df <- filelist %>% 
    purrr::map(pad_tmt_channels, !!!filter_dots) %>% 
    pad_psm_fields() %>% 
  # check essential columns
  col_nms <- names(df)
  if (FALSE) {
    lapply(c("RAW_File", "dat_file", 
             # "pep_vmod", "pep_ivmod", 
             "prot_hit_num", "prot_family_member"), 
           function (x) {
             if (! x %in% col_nms) stop("Column \"", x, "\" not found.")
  # maybe new set cover of pep_seq's by prot_acc's here at length(filelist) > 1L; 
  # add_prot_acc(df) to avoid dependency w.r.t. terminal vs interior sequences,
  #   but need path info to access the cached lookups
  # (1.2) add ratio columns
  if (TMT_plex) {
    if (!"I126" %in% col_nms)
      stop("Column \"I126\" not found.")
    if (!TMT_plex %in% c(6L, 10L, 11L, 16L, 18L)) {
      stop("For TMT-plexes other than 6, 10, 11, 16 and 18, \n", 
           "  pad channels to the applicble higher plexes (e.g., 8 -> 10 or 11).")
    df <- sweep(df[, find_int_cols(TMT_plex), drop = FALSE], 
                1, df[["I126"]], "/") %>% 
      `colnames<-`(gsub("I", "R", names(.))) %>% 
      dplyr::select(-R126) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_at(vars(grep("^R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
                       ~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.x), NA_real_)) %>% 
      dplyr::bind_cols(df, .) 
  else {
    if (! "I000" %in% col_nms)
      stop("Column `I000` not found.")
    df <- df %>% 
      reloc_col_after_last("I000") %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(R000 = I000/I000, 
                    R000 = ifelse(is.infinite(R000), NA_real_, R000)) 
  rm(list = "col_nms")
  col_nms2 <- names(df)
  if (!any(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", col_nms2)))
    stop("Intensity column(s) \"I[...]\" not found.")
  if (!any(grepl("^R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", col_nms2)))
    stop("Ratio column(s) \"R[...]\" not found.")
  # (1.3) clean up prot_acc
  df <- df %>% 
    { if (rm_craps) dplyr::filter(., !grepl("\\|$", prot_acc)) else . } 
  if (rm_reverses) {
    df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(!pep_isdecoy)
  # (1.4) add pep_seq_mod
  # (removals NL indicators at the end of `pep_ivmod`; 
  # df$pep_ivmod <- with(df, gsub(" .*", "", pep_ivmod))
  # (2.1a) annotate proteins
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPrn(fasta, entrez) %>%  
    { if (! "gene" %in% names(.)) dplyr::mutate(., gene = prot_acc) else . } %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(gene = ifelse(is.na(gene), prot_acc, gene))
  # (2.1b) add `pep_res_before` and `pep_res_after`
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPeppos() %>% 
    reloc_col_before("pep_seq", "pep_res_after") %>% 
    reloc_col_before("pep_res_before", "pep_seq")
  df <- df %>% 
    split(.$dat_file, drop = TRUE) %>% 
    purrr::map(add_msgf_pepseqmod, use_lowercase_aa, purge_phosphodata) %>% 
  # (1.4.2) phospho
  # (not used)
  if (all(c("pep_vmod", "pep_locprob", "pep_locdiff") %in% col_nms2)) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_phospho_locprob = 
                      ifelse(grepl("Phospho", pep_vmod), 
                             NA_real_)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_phospho_locdiff = 
                      ifelse(grepl("Phospho", pep_vmod), 
  rm(list = c("col_nms2"))
  # (2.2) compile "preferred" columns
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(prot_hit_num, prot_family_member)
  # (2.3) find the shared prot_accs and genes for each peptide
  df <- df %>% 
    find_shared_prots("pep_seq", "prot_acc") %>% 
    find_shared_prots("pep_seq", "gene") %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c("pep_seq_term", "pep_n_prot_accs", 
  # (2.4) remove non-essential proteins after shared_prot_accs, shared_genes
  df <- df %>% 
  # (2.5) find the uniqueness of peptides
  df <- if (pep_unique_by == "group") 
    dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = pep_razor_unique)
  else if (pep_unique_by == "protein") 
    dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = pep_literal_unique)
  else if (pep_unique_by == "none") 
    dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = TRUE)
  # 0, not NA, since we known... even pep_tot_int is NA
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_unique_int = 
                    ifelse(pep_literal_unique, pep_tot_int, 0)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_razor_int = 
                    ifelse(pep_razor_unique, pep_tot_int, 0)) %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_unique_int", "pep_tot_int") %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_razor_int", "pep_unique_int")
  stopifnot(all(c("pep_isunique", "pep_literal_unique", "pep_razor_unique", 
                  "pep_tot_int", "pep_unique_int", "pep_razor_int") %in% 
  # (2.6) add peptide properties and prot_cover, prot_icover
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_miss = ifelse(grepl("[KR]$", pep_seq), 
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]") - 1L,
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]"))) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_istryptic = as.logical(pep_istryptic), 
                  pep_miss = as.integer(pep_miss)) %>% 
    add_prot_icover(id = group_pep_by) %>% 
    calc_cover(id = !!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) 
  # (2.7) apply parsimony
  # pep_scan_range
  uniq_by <- c("RAW_File", "pep_scan_num", "pep_seq")
  if (length(unique(df[["dat_file"]]))) 
    uniq_by <- c("dat_file", uniq_by)
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(QValue) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by_at(uniq_by) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_rank = row_number()) %>% 
    dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(pep_rank, -prot_mass)
  # (often `pep_rank_nl == 1` after this step)
  df <- df[!duplicated(df[, uniq_by]), ] %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(prot_hit_num, prot_family_member, pep_start, pep_end)
  # (2.8) add columns pep_n_psm, prot_n_psm, prot_n_pep
  # (after the non-redundant PSM entries)
  df <- df %>% 
    add_quality_cols(!!group_psm_by, !!group_pep_by, uniq_by)
  .saveCall <- TRUE

#' Processes MSGF modifications.
#' @param filename The file name that contains MSGF modifications.
#' @param dat_dir The working directory.
procMSGFmods <- function (filename = "MSGF_mods.txt", dat_dir = NULL)
  if (is.null(dat_dir))
    dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  lines <- readLines(file.path(dat_dir, filename))
  lines <- lines[!grepl("^#", lines)]
  lines <- gsub("[\t].*", "", lines)
  lines <- gsub(" .*", "", lines)
  lines <- gsub("#.*", "", lines)
  fmods <- lines[grepl("fix", lines)]
  vmods <- lines[grepl("opt", lines)]
  fmasses <- fml2mass(fmods)
  vmasses <- fml2mass(vmods)
  list(fmasses = fmasses, vmasses = vmasses)

#' Standarizes mixtured MSGF formulas and masses to monoisotopic masses.
#' @param mods Fixed or variable modifications.
fml2mass <- function (mods)
  # need more work of sites and positions for generalization
  xs <- gsub("([^,]+?),.*", "\\1", mods) # formulas or masses
  ys <- gsub("[^,]+?\\,(.*)", "\\1", mods) # sites
  ys <- gsub(",.*", "", ys)
  oks <- grepl("[A-Z]", xs) # formulas
  xsa <- as.character(round(as.numeric(xs[!oks]), 3L))
  xsb <- xs[oks]
  ysa <- ys[!oks]
  ysb <- ys[oks]
  if (length(xsb)) {
    xsb <- gsub("([+-]*[0-9]+)", paste0("(", "\\1", ")"), xsb)
    # HO(3)P -> H(1)O(3)P(1)
    xsb <- gsub("([A-Z]){1}", paste0("\\1", "(1)"), xsb)
    xsb <- gsub("\\(1\\)(\\([+-]{0,1}\\d+\\))", "\\1", xsb)

    xsm <- lapply(xsb, mzion::calc_unimod_compmass)
    xsm <- lapply(xsm, `[[`, "mono_mass")
    xsm <- round(unlist(xsm), digits = 3L)
    xs <- c(xsa, xsm)
    names(xs) <- c(ysa, ysb)
    names(xs) <- ys
  # multiple sites under the same modification
  ans <- mapply(function (x, y) {
    x <- rep(x, length(y))
    names(x) <- y
  }, xs, strsplit(names(xs), ""), 
  ans <- unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE)

#' Joins MGF data to MSGF outputs.
#' @param dat_dir The working directory.
#' @param mgf_path The path to MGF files. The default is
#'   \code{file.path(dat_dir, "mgf")}.
#' @param mod_file The name of the file specifying the MSGF+ modifications. The
#'   \code{mod_file} needs be under the \code{dat_dir}.
#' @param fdr_type The type of FDR control. The default is \code{psm}.
#' @param target_fder A targeted false-discovery rate (FDR).
#' @param ... varargs; not currently used.
#' @inheritParams normPSM
#' @export
join_mgfs <- function (dat_dir = NULL, mgf_path = NULL, 
                       mod_file = "MSGF_mods.txt", 
                       rm_reverses = FALSE, fdr_type = c("psm", "peptide"), 
                       target_fdr = 0.01, ...)
  # fdr_type
  fdr_type <- rlang::enexpr(fdr_type)
  oks <- eval(formals()[["fdr_type"]])
  fdr_type <- if (length(fdr_type) > 1L) oks[[1]] else rlang::as_string(fdr_type)

  if (!fdr_type %in% oks)
    stop("\"fdr_type\" is not one of ", paste(oks, collapse = ", "))
  # dots
  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)
  filter_dots <- rlang::enexprs(...) %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dots <- dots %>% .[! . %in% filter_dots]
  # preprocessing
  if (is.null(dat_dir)) 
    dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  if (is.null(mgf_path)) 
    mgf_path <- file.path(dat_dir, "mgf")
  mod_path <- file.path(dat_dir, mod_file)
  if (!file.exists(mod_path)) 
    warning("MSGF+ modification file not found: ", mod_path)
  rm(list = c("mod_path"))
  expts <- file.path(file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  if (!file.exists(expts))
    stop("Run `load_expts()` first.")
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  quant    <- if (TMT_plex) paste0("tmt", TMT_plex) else "none"
  mgf_file <- file.path(mgf_path, "mgf_queries.rds")
  if (!dir.exists(mgf_path))
    stop("MGF files not found under ", mgf_path)
  if (!file.exists(mgf_file))
    mzion:::load_mgfs(out_path = dat_dir, 
                      mgf_path = mgf_path, 
                      min_mass = 200L, max_mass = Inf, 
                      min_ms2mass = 115L, max_ms2mass = 4500L, 
                      topn_ms2ions = 100L,
                      min_ms1_charge = 2L, max_ms1_charge = 6L, 
                      min_scan_num = 1L, max_scan_num = .Machine$integer.max, 
                      min_ret_time = 0, max_ret_time = Inf, 
                      ppm_ms1 = 20L, ppm_ms2 = 20L,
                      tmt_reporter_lower = 126.1, tmt_reporter_upper = 135.2,
                      exclude_reporter_region = FALSE, index_mgf_ms2 = FALSE, 
                      mgf_cutmzs = numeric(), mgf_cutpercs = numeric(),
                      quant = quant, 
                      digits = 4L)
    message("Cached MGF results found: ", mgf_file)
  mgfs <- mzion:::map_raw_n_scan(qs::qread(mgf_file), mgf_path)
  mgfs[["raw_file"]] <- gsub("\\.raw$", "", mgfs[["raw_file"]], ignore.case = TRUE)
  mgfs <- split(mgfs, mgfs[["raw_file"]])
  mgf_raws <- names(mgfs)
  msgf_files <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir), pattern = "\\.tsv$")
  msgf_raws  <- gsub("\\.[^.]*$", "", msgf_files)
  n_msgf     <- length(msgf_raws)
  if (!n_msgf)
    stop("No MSGF+ tsv files found under: ", dat_dir)
  if (length(mgf_raws) != n_msgf)
    stop("Unequal number of raw_files between MGF and MSGF+ outputs")
  if (!all(msgf_raws %in% mgf_raws))
    stop("Not all `raw_files`s found in MGF.")

  # ensure the same order between files and mgfs
  mgfs <- mgfs[msgf_raws]
  mgf_raws <- names(mgfs)
  # identical(mgf_raws, msgf_raws)
  df <- mapply(function (file, mgf) {
    readr::read_tsv(file.path(dat_dir, file)) %>% 
      dplyr::rename(scan_num = ScanNum) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(scan_num = as.character(scan_num)) %>% 
      dplyr::left_join(mgf, by = "scan_num") # %>% 
    # dplyr::filter(!is.na(ms1_int))
  }, msgf_files, mgfs,
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_delta = round(`PrecursorError(ppm)` * `ms1_moverz` / 1E6, 
                                    digits = 4L)) %>% 
    dplyr::rename(prot_acc = Protein, 
                  pep_score = MSGFScore, 
                  pep_expect = SpecEValue, 
                  pep_scan_num = scan_num) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_isdecoy = ifelse(grepl("XXX_", prot_acc), TRUE, FALSE))

  if (rm_reverses) 
    df <- dplyr::filter(df, !pep_isdecoy)

  df <- if (fdr_type == "psm")
    dplyr::filter(df, QValue <= .01)
  else if (fdr_type == "peptide")
    dplyr::filter(df, PepQValue <= .01)

  df[["pep_seq"]] <- gsub("[+-]\\d+\\.\\d+", "", df[["Peptide"]])
  lens <- stringi::stri_length(df[["pep_seq"]]) # - 4L
  df[["pep_res_before"]] <- substring(df[["Peptide"]], 1L, 1L)
  df[["pep_res_after"]] <- substring(df[["pep_seq"]], lens)
  df[["pep_seq"]] <- substring(df[["pep_seq"]], 3L, lens - 2L)
  df[["pep_len"]] <- lens - 4L
  lens <- stringi::stri_length(df[["Peptide"]])
  df[["pep_seq_mod"]] <- substring(df[["Peptide"]], 3L, lens - 2L)
  df[["PrecursorError(ppm)"]] <- df[["Precursor"]] <- df[["#SpecFile"]] <- 
    df[["Peptide"]] <- df[["SpecID"]] <- df[["FragMethod"]] <- 
    df[["frame"]] <- NULL
  prps <- mzion:::groupProts(unique(df[, c("prot_acc", "pep_seq")]), 
                             out_path = dat_dir) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(prot_tier = 1L) %>% # place holder
    tidyr::unite(uniq_id, prot_acc, pep_seq, sep = ".", remove = TRUE)
  df <- df %>% 
    tidyr::unite(uniq_id, prot_acc, pep_seq, sep = ".", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    dplyr::left_join(prps, by = "uniq_id") %>% 
  # if (length(dots)) df <- filters_in_call(df, !!!filter_dots)

  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::rename(pep_tot_int = ms1_int, 
                  pep_scan_title = scan_title, 
                  pep_exp_mz = ms1_moverz, 
                  pep_exp_mr = ms1_mass, 
                  pep_exp_z = ms1_charge, 
                  pep_ret_range = ret_time, 
                  pep_ms2_moverzs = ms2_moverz, 
                  pep_ms2_ints = ms2_int, 
                  pep_n_ms2 = ms2_n)
  df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
    df[grepl("^prot_", names(df))],
    df[grepl("^pep_",  names(df))],
    df[grepl("^psm_",  names(df))],
    df[!grepl("^prot_|^pep_|^psm_", names(df))], )
  if (TMT_plex)
    df <- mzion:::calc_tmtint(df, quant = quant)
  readr::write_tsv(df, file.path(dat_dir, "psmMSGF.txt"))

#' Finds the padding positions of TMT channels.
#' @param this_plex Numeric; the multiplexity of TMT, i.e., 10, 11 etc. before
#'   padding.
#' @param Numeric; the maximum multiplexity of TMT indicated in metadata of
#'   \code{label_scheme.xlsx}.
find_padding_pos <- function (this_plex = 10L, TMT_plex = 10L) 
  if (!((this_plex > 0L) && (this_plex < TMT_plex)))

  if (this_plex == 6L) {
    if (TMT_plex == 10L)
      pos <- c(3, 5, 7, 9)
    else if (TMT_plex == 11L) 
      pos <- c(3, 5, 7, 9, 11)
    else if (TMT_plex == 16L)
      pos <- c(3, 5, 7, 9, 11:16)
    else if (TMT_plex == 18L)
      pos <- c(3, 5, 7, 9, 11:18)
      stop("TMT_plex is not one of c(10, 11, 16, 18).", call. = FALSE)
  else if (this_plex == 10L) {
    if (TMT_plex == 11L)
      pos <- 11
    else if (TMT_plex == 16L)
      pos <- c(11:16)
    else if (TMT_plex == 18L)
      pos <- c(11:18)
      stop("TMT_plex is not one of c(11, 16, 18).", call. = FALSE)
  else if (this_plex == 11L) {
    if (TMT_plex == 16L)
      pos <- c(12:16)
    else if (TMT_plex == 18L)
      pos <- c(12:18)
      stop("TMT_plex is not one of c(16, 18).", call. = FALSE)
  else if (this_plex == 16L) {
    if (TMT_plex == 18L)
      pos <- c(17:18)
      stop("TMT_plex is not one of c(18).", call. = FALSE)
  else {
    stop("TMT_plex is not one of c(6, 10, 11, 16, 18).", call. = FALSE)

#' Pads TMT channels to the highest multiplex.
#' For mzion.
#' @param file An intermediate PSM table.
#' @param ... filter_dots.
pad_tmt_channels <- function(file = NULL, ...) 
  filter_dots <- rlang::enexprs(...) %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  base_name <- gsub("\\.txt$", "", file)
  df <- suppressWarnings(
    readr::read_tsv(file.path(dat_dir, file), 
                    col_types = cols(
                      prot_acc = col_character(), 
                      prot_issig = col_logical(), 
                      prot_isess = col_logical(),
                      prot_tier = col_integer(), 
                      prot_hit_num = col_integer(), 
                      prot_family_member = col_integer(), 
                      prot_es = col_number(), 
                      prot_es_co = col_number(), 
                      pep_seq = col_character(), 
                      pep_n_ms2 = col_integer(), 
                      pep_scan_title = col_character(), 
                      pep_exp_mz = col_number(),
                      pep_exp_mr = col_number(), 
                      pep_exp_z = col_character(), 
                      pep_calc_mr = col_number(), 
                      pep_delta = col_number(),
                      pep_tot_int = col_number(), 
                      pep_ret_range = col_number(), 
                      pep_scan_num = col_character(), # timsTOF
                      pep_mod_group = col_integer(), 
                      pep_frame = col_integer(), 
                      pep_fmod = col_character(),
                      pep_vmod = col_character(),
                      pep_isdecoy = col_logical(),
                      pep_ivmod = col_character(),
                      pep_len = col_integer(), 
                      pep_issig = col_logical(),
                      pep_score = col_double(),
                      pep_expect = col_double(),
                      pep_rank = col_integer(), 
                      pep_locprob = col_double(),
                      pep_locdiff = col_double(),
                      pep_rank_nl = col_integer(), 
                      pep_literal_unique = col_logical(),
                      pep_razor_unique = col_logical(),
                      raw_file = col_character(), ), 
                    show_col_types = FALSE)
  ) %>% 
  df <- add_col_rawfile(df)
  this_plex <- sum(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", names(df)))
  TMT_plex  <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  if (this_plex < 0L)
    stop("Multiplicity need to be one or greater.")

  if (!this_plex)
    return(dplyr::mutate(df, dat_file = base_name, I000 = pep_tot_int))

  ## TMT only (not LFQ) from this point on
  if (this_plex > TMT_plex)
    stop("\nPSM multiplexity is \"", this_plex, "\" with ", file, ".\n",
         "Metadata multiplexity is however smaller at \"", TMT_plex, "\".\n", 
         "Don't know which channels to exclude from PSM file.")

  # (Empty.xxx can be due to either channel padding or removals)
  if ((this_plex > 0L) && (this_plex < TMT_plex)) {
    df <- local({
      df_int <- df[, grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", names(df))]
      pos <- find_padding_pos(this_plex, TMT_plex)
      nas <- data.frame(rep(NA, nrow(df)))
      for (idx in seq_along(pos))
        df_int <- suppressMessages(add_cols_at(df_int, nas, pos[idx] - 1L))

      names(df_int) <- find_int_cols(TMT_plex)

      df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
        df %>% select(-grep("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", names(.))), 

  df$dat_file <- base_name

#' Pads PSM exports.
#' Intensity or ratio columns are handled during channel padding and thus
#' excluded.
#' @param dfs Intermediate PSM tables.
pad_psm_fields <- function(dfs = NULL) 
  ncols <- purrr::map_dbl(dfs, ncol)
  nms <- lapply(dfs, function (x) {
    names(x) %>% 
      .[!grepl("[IR]{1}[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}$", .)] %>% 
      .[. != "dat_file"]
  nms_union <- purrr::reduce(nms, union)
  nms_union <- c(nms_union[nms_union != "pep_scan_title"], 
                 nms_union[nms_union == "pep_scan_title"])
  snms_union <- sort(nms_union)
  ok_nms <- purrr::map_lgl(nms, function (x) {
    identical(sort(x), snms_union)
  if (!all(ok_nms)) {
    warning("Inequal numbers or names of columns deteted: \n", 
            paste(ncols, collapse = "\n"), 
            call. = FALSE)
    for (i in seq_along(dfs)) {
      nms_i <- nms[[i]]
      df_i <- dfs[[i]]
      missing_nms <- setdiff(nms_union, nms_i)
      if (length(missing_nms)) {
        for (nm in missing_nms) df_i[[nm]] <- NA
      dfs[[i]] <- dplyr::bind_cols(
        df_i %>% 
          .[, ! names(.) %in% nms_union, drop = FALSE] %>% 
          .[, ! names(.) == "dat_file", drop = FALSE], 
        df_i["dat_file"], )

#' Adds the \code{pep_seq_mod} field to PSMs.
#' For mzion.
#' @inheritParams locate_outliers
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr walk
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
add_pepseqmod <- function(df, use_lowercase_aa = TRUE, purge_phosphodata = TRUE) 
  col_nms <- names(df)
  lapply(c("pep_seq", "pep_ivmod"), function (x) {
    if (! x %in% col_nms)
      stop("Column \"", x, "\" not found.", call. = FALSE)
  if ("pep_seq_mod" %in% col_nms) {
    warning("Recompiling column \"pep_seq_mod\".")

  df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = pep_seq)

  fmods <- unique(df$pep_fmod)
  vmods <- unique(df$pep_vmod) %>% 
    .[! . == ""] %>% 
  fixedmods <- unique(unlist(strsplit(fmods, ", ")))
  varmods <- unique(unlist(strsplit(vmods, ", ")))
  varmods <- varmods[!varmods %in% fixedmods]

  df <- local({
    pat <- "Phospho\\s{1}\\("
    is_phos <- any(grepl(pat, c(fmods, vmods)))
    if (is_phos && purge_phosphodata) {
      df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(grepl(pat, pep_vmod) | grepl(pat, pep_fmod))

  if (!length(vmods)) {

  if (use_lowercase_aa) {
    # (1) non-terminal modifications
    pos_matrix  <- gregexpr("[1-f]", df$pep_ivmod)
    pos_matrix <- pos_matrix %>%
      list_to_dataframe() %>% 
      data.frame(check.names = FALSE)
    pos_matrix[pos_matrix < 0L] <- NA

    for (k in 1:ncol(pos_matrix)) {
      rows <- !is.na(pos_matrix[, k])
      locales <- pos_matrix[rows, k]
      lowers <- tolower(substr(df$pep_seq_mod[rows], locales, locales))
      substr(df$pep_seq_mod[rows], locales, locales) <- lowers
    # (2-1) add "_" to sequences from protein N-terminal acetylation
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                      ifelse(grepl("Acetyl (Protein N-term)", pep_vmod, fixed = TRUE), 
                             paste0("_", pep_seq_mod), 
    # (2-2) add "_" to sequences from protein C-terminal amidation
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                      ifelse(grepl("Amidated (Protein C-term)", pep_vmod, fixed = TRUE), 
                             paste0(pep_seq_mod, "_"), 
    # (3-1) "~" for "(Protein N-term)" other than acetylation
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                      ifelse(grepl("Protein N-term", pep_vmod) & 
                               !grepl("Acetyl (Protein N-term)", pep_vmod, fixed = TRUE), 
                             paste0("~", pep_seq_mod), 
    # (3-2) "~" for "(Protein C-term)" other than amidation
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                      ifelse(grepl("Protein C-term", pep_vmod) & 
                               !grepl("Amidated (Protein C-term)", pep_vmod, fixed = TRUE), 
                             paste0(pep_seq_mod, "~"), 
    # (4-1) "^" for peptide "(N-term)"
    # note: 
    # (1) only ONE terminal site per combination of fixed and variable modifications;
    # (2) fixed Protein N-term unlikely
    fixedn <- fixedmods[grepl("N-term", fixedmods)]
    len_n <- length(fixedn)

    if (len_n == 1L) {
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                        ifelse(!grepl(fixedn, pep_vmod, fixed = TRUE) & 
                                 grepl("N-term", pep_vmod) & 
                                 !grepl("Protein N-term", pep_vmod, fixed = TRUE), 
                               gsub("(^[_~]{0,1})", paste0("\\1", "^"), pep_seq_mod), 
    else if (len_n > 1L) {
      warning("Multiple N-terms not supposed in a set of ", 
              "fixed and variable modifications: ", 
              paste(fixedn, collapse = ", "), 
              "\nContact the developer of \"mzion\" for fixes.")
      warning("Indicator of N-term modification not added.")

    rm(list = c("fixedn", "len_n"))

    # (4-2) "^" peptide "(C-term)"
    fixedc <- fixedmods[grepl("C-term", fixedmods)]
    len_c <- length(fixedc)
    if (len_c == 1L) {
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = 
                        ifelse(!grepl(fixedc, pep_vmod, fixed = TRUE) & 
                                 grepl("C-term", pep_vmod) & 
                                 !grepl("Protein C-term", pep_vmod, fixed = TRUE), 
                               gsub("([_~]{0,1}$)", paste0("^", "\\1"), pep_seq_mod), 
    else if (len_c > 1L) {
      warning("Multiple C-terms not supposed in a set of ", 
              "fixed and variable modifications: ", 
              paste(fixedc, collapse = ", "), 
              "\nContact the developer of \"mzion\" for fixes.")
      warning("Indicator of C-term modification not added.")
    rm(list = c("fixedc", "len_c"))
  else {
    df <- df %>%
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = paste0(pep_seq, "[", pep_ivmod, "]"))

#' Adds the \code{pep_seq_mod} field to PSMs.
#' For MSGF.
#' @param df PSM data.
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %T>% %$% %<>% 
add_msgf_pepseqmod <- function(df = NULL, use_lowercase_aa = TRUE, 
                               purge_phosphodata = FALSE) 
  if (!use_lowercase_aa) 
  masses  <- procMSGFmods()
  fmasses <- masses[["fmasses"]]
  vmasses <- masses[["vmasses"]]
  rm(list = "masses")
  fmasses <- unique(fmasses)
  fmasses <- ifelse(grepl("^-", fmasses), fmasses, paste0("+", fmasses))
  vmasses <- ifelse(grepl("^-", vmasses), vmasses, paste0("+", vmasses))
  # low priority and prefer use_lowercase_aa = FALSE
  # need more works for generalization
  #  differentiates Anywhere and terminal sites
  #  can have multiple sites in the names of fmasses and vmasses
  for (i in seq_along(fmasses)) {
    df[["pep_seq_mod"]] <- gsub(fmasses[[i]], "", df[["pep_seq_mod"]], fixed = TRUE)
  # (1) all non-terminal modifications
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("([A-Z]){1}[+-]\\d*\\.\\d{3}", 
                                     paste0("@", "\\1"), pep_seq_mod)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate_at(vars("pep_seq_mod"), ~ purrr::map_chr(.x, my_tolower, "@")) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(.n = row_number())
  # (2-1) add "_" to sequences from protein N-terminal acetylation
  df <- local({
    df_sub <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(pep_start <= 2L)
    df_rest <- df %>% 
      dplyr::filter(! .n %in% df_sub$.n)
    # +229.163-187.152ADIQTER: +229.163 with fmasses already removed
    #   -> -187.152ADIQTER
    df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("^[+-]\\d*\\.\\d{3}", "_", pep_seq_mod))
    # df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
    #   dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("^[+-]\\d*\\.\\d{3}", "_", pep_seq_mod)) %>% 
    #   dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("^_[+-]\\d*\\.\\d{3}", "_", pep_seq_mod))
    dplyr::bind_rows(df_sub, df_rest)
  # (2-2) add "_" to sequences from protein C-terminal amidation
  if (FALSE) {
    df <- local({
      df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(pep_end == prot_len)
      df_rest <- df %>% dplyr::filter(! .n %in% df_sub$.n)
      df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("c\\[17\\]$", "_", pep_seq_mod))
      dplyr::bind_rows(df_sub, df_rest) 
  # (3-1) "~" for "(Protein N-term)" other than acetylation
  if (FALSE) {
    df <- local({
      df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(pep_start <= 2L)
      df_rest <- df %>% dplyr::filter(! .n %in% df_sub$.n)
      df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("^n\\[.*\\]", "~", pep_seq_mod))
      dplyr::bind_rows(df_sub, df_rest)
  # (3-2) "~" for "(Protein C-term)" other than amidation
  if (FALSE) {
    df <- local({
      df_sub <- df %>% dplyr::filter(pep_end == prot_len)
      df_rest <- df %>% dplyr::filter(! .n %in% df_sub$.n)
      df_sub <- df_sub %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("c\\[.*\\]$", "~", pep_seq_mod))
      dplyr::bind_rows(df_sub, df_rest) 
  # (4-1) "^" for peptide "(N-term)" modification
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("([_~]{0,1})[+-]\\d+\\.\\d{3}", paste0("\\1", "^"), 
  # (4-2) "^" for peptide "(C-term)" modification
  if (FALSE) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_seq_mod = gsub("c\\[.*\\]$", "^", pep_seq_mod))
  # (5) cleanup
  df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-.n)

#' Checks duplicated \code{Anywhere} variable modifications.
#' A helper for the option of \code{use_lowercase_aa}.
#' @param varmods A vector of variable modifications.
check_dup_unimods <- function (varmods)
  if (requireNamespace("mzion", quietly = TRUE)) {
    ums <- lapply(varmods, mzion::parse_unimod)
    sites <- unlist(lapply(ums, `[[`, "site"))
    dups <- sites[duplicated(sites)]
    if (length(dups)) {
      warning("Multiple variable modifications to the same site: ", 
              paste(dups, collapse = ", "), "\n", 
              "May consider setting \"use_lowercase_aa\" to FALSE.")
  else {
            "\nPackage \"mzion\" needed to check duplicated Unimods.",
            call. = FALSE)

#' Splits PSM tables from \link{matchMS}.
#' @inheritParams splitPSM
#' @inheritParams PSM2Pep
#' @inheritParams normPSM
splitPSM_pq <- function(group_psm_by = "pep_seq", group_pep_by = "prot_acc", 
                        fasta = NULL, entrez = NULL, pep_unique_by = "group", 
                        scale_rptr_int = FALSE, 
                        rm_craps = FALSE, rm_krts = FALSE, rm_allna = FALSE, 
                        purge_phosphodata = TRUE, 
                        annot_kinases = FALSE, plot_rptr_int = TRUE, 
                        rptr_intco = 0, rptr_intrange = c(0, 100), 
                        use_lowercase_aa = TRUE, parallel = TRUE, 
                        lfq_mbr = FALSE, mbr_ret_tol = 60L, ...) 
  # --- Outlines ---
  # (1.1) row filtration, column padding and psm file combinations
  # (1.2) add ratio columns
  # (1.3) clean up prot_acc (1::, 2::)
  # convenience crap removals where the fasta names ended with "|"
  # (this can affect the uniqueness of peptides: 
  # by excluding the assessment of peptide sharedness with cRAPs)
  # (1.4) add pep_seq_mod
  # (2.1) annotate proteins
  # dependency: `gene` for prot_n_pep etc.
  # (NA genes are replaced with accessions)
  # (not yet prot_cover and prot_icover as they require pep_start and pep_end)
  # (2.2) compile "preferred" columns
  # (2.3) find the shared prot_accs and genes for each peptide
  # (2.4) remove non-essential proteins after shared_prot_accs, shared_genes
  # (2.5) find the levels of uniqueness for peptides
  # uniqueness currently by prot_acc, not gene
  # (2.6) add peptide properties and prot_cover, prot_icover
  # dependency: prot_cover and prot_icover need pep_start and pep_end
  # (2.7) apply parsimony
  # (a) chimeric: 
  #     the same `pep_query` can be assigned to different `pep_seq` at different `pep_rank`
  # (b) positional difference:
  #     the same combination of `pep_query`, `pep_seq` and `pep_var_mod_pos` 
  #     can be assigned to different `prot_acc` 
  # (c) remove redundant peptides under each `dat_file`
  #     dbl-dipping peptides across `dat_file` will be handled in `mergePep`
  # (2.8) add columns pep_n_psm, prot_n_psm, prot_n_pep
  # dependency: after the removal of duplicated PSM entries (under the same 
  #   dat_file + RAW_File + pep_scan_num + pep_seq)
  # (2.x) other fields
  # for compatibility, updates after data merging etc.
  # --- End ---
    if (exists(".savecall", envir = environment())) {
      if (.savecall) 
        message("Split PSMs by TMT experiments and LCMS series --- Completed.")
    add = TRUE
  # ---
  dat_dir <- get_gl_dat_dir()
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "label_scheme_full.rda"))
  load(file.path(dat_dir, "fraction_scheme.rda"))
  TMT_plex <- TMT_plex(label_scheme_full)
  filelist <- find_psmQ_files(dat_dir)

  # (1.1) row filtration, column padding and psm file combinations
  dots <- rlang::enexprs(...)
  filter_dots <- dots %>% 
    .[purrr::map_lgl(., is.language)] %>% 
    .[grepl("^filter_", names(.))]
  dots <- dots %>% .[! . %in% filter_dots]
  message("Primary column keys in \"psmQ[...].txt\" for \"filter_\" varargs.", "\n")
  message("Found PSM files: \n  ", paste(filelist, collapse = ", \n  "), "\n")
  df <- filelist %>% 
    purrr::map(pad_tmt_channels, !!!filter_dots) %>% 
    pad_psm_fields() %>% 
  if (lfq_mbr) {
    filelistC <- list.files(path = file.path(dat_dir), pattern = "^psmC.*\\.txt$")
    if (!length(filelistC)) {
      warning("\"psmC[...].txt\" not found for MBR.")
      dfC <- NULL
    else {
      if (TMT_plex) {
        warning("No MBR for TMT.")
        dfC <- NULL
      else {
        dfC <- filelistC %>% 
          lapply(load_psmC) %>% 
  else {
    dfC <- NULL

  # for psmC.txt to bypass
  not_psmC <- c("prot_hit_num", "prot_family_member", "prot_isess", "prot_tier")
  if (!all(not_psmC %in% names(df))) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(prot_acc) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(prot_hit_num = n(), prot_family_member = 1L,
                    prot_isess = TRUE, prot_tier = 1L, 
                    pep_razor_unique = TRUE, pep_literal_unique = TRUE) %>% 
  rm(list = "not_psmC")
  # check essential columns
  col_nms <- names(df)
  lapply(c("RAW_File", "dat_file", 
           "pep_tot_int", "pep_vmod", "pep_ivmod", 
           "prot_hit_num", "prot_family_member"), 
         function (x) {
           if (! x %in% col_nms) stop("Column \"", x, "\" not found.")
  # (has different meaning in Mascot)
  if ("pep_frame" %in% col_nms) 
    df$pep_frame <- NULL
  # (back-compatibility)
  if ("pep_ret_time" %in% col_nms)
    df <- dplyr::rename(df, pep_ret_range = pep_ret_time)
  if ("pep_ms2_n" %in% col_nms)
    df <- dplyr::rename(df, pep_n_ms2 = pep_ms2_n)
  # maybe new set cover of pep_seq's by prot_acc's here at length(filelist) > 1L; 
  # add_prot_acc(df) to avoid dependency w.r.t. terminal vs interior sequences,
  #   but need path info to access the cached lookups

  # (1.2) add ratio columns
  if (TMT_plex) {
    if (! "I126" %in% col_nms)
      stop("Column \"I126\" not found.", call. = FALSE)

    if (! TMT_plex %in% c(6L, 10L, 11L, 16L, 18L)) {
      stop("For TMT-plexes other than 6, 10, 11, 16 and 18, \n", 
           "  pad channels to the applicble higher plexes (e.g., 8 -> 10 or 11).", 
           call. = FALSE)

    df <- sweep(df[, find_int_cols(TMT_plex), drop = FALSE], 
                1, df[["I126"]], "/") %>% 
      `colnames<-`(gsub("I", "R", names(.))) %>% 
      dplyr::select(-R126) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate_at(vars(grep("^R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", names(.))), 
                       ~ replace(.x, is.infinite(.x), NA_real_)) %>% 
      dplyr::bind_cols(df, .) 
  else {
    if (! "I000" %in% col_nms)
      stop("Column `I000` not found.", call. = FALSE)

    df <- df %>% 
      reloc_col_after_last("I000") %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(R000 = I000/I000, 
                    R000 = ifelse(is.infinite(R000), NA_real_, R000)) 
  rm(list = "col_nms")
  col_nms2 <- names(df)
  if (!any(grepl("^I[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", col_nms2)))
    stop("Intensity column(s) \"I[...]\" not found.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!any(grepl("^R[0-9]{3}[NC]{0,1}", col_nms2)))
    stop("Ratio column(s) \"R[...]\" not found.", call. = FALSE)
  # (1.3) clean up prot_acc
  df <- df %>% 
    { if (rm_craps) dplyr::filter(., !grepl("\\|$", prot_acc)) else . } 
  # (1.4) add pep_seq_mod
  # (removals NL indicators at the end of `pep_ivmod`; 
  df$pep_ivmod <- with(df, gsub(" .*", "", pep_ivmod))

  df <- df %>% 
    split(.$dat_file, drop = TRUE) %>% 
    purrr::map(add_pepseqmod, use_lowercase_aa, purge_phosphodata) %>% 
  if (!is.null(dfC)) {
    dfC$pep_ivmod <- with(dfC, gsub(" .*", "", pep_ivmod))
    dfC <- dfC %>% 
      split(.$dat_file, drop = TRUE) %>% 
      purrr::map(add_pepseqmod, use_lowercase_aa, purge_phosphodata) %>% 
      dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
      dplyr::filter(pep_seq_mod %in% unique(df[["pep_seq_mod"]]))

  # (1.4.2) phospho
  # (may be deleted later)
  if (all(c("pep_vmod", "pep_locprob", "pep_locdiff") %in% col_nms2)) {
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_phospho_locprob = 
                      ifelse(grepl("Phospho", pep_vmod), 
                             NA_real_)) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(pep_phospho_locdiff = 
                      ifelse(grepl("Phospho", pep_vmod), 
  rm(list = c("col_nms2"))
  # (2.1) annotate proteins
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPrn(fasta, entrez) %>%  
    { if (! "gene" %in% names(.)) dplyr::mutate(., gene = prot_acc) else . } %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(gene = ifelse(is.na(gene), prot_acc, gene))

  # (2.2) compile "preferred" columns
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(prot_hit_num, prot_family_member)
  # (2.3) find the shared prot_accs and genes for each peptide
  df <- df %>% 
    find_shared_prots("pep_seq", "prot_acc") %>% 
    find_shared_prots("pep_seq", "gene") %>% 
    dplyr::select(-which(names(.) %in% c("pep_seq_term", "pep_n_prot_accs", 
  # (2.4) remove non-essential proteins after shared_prot_accs, shared_genes
  df <- df %>% 

  # (2.5) find the uniqueness of peptides
  df <- if (pep_unique_by == "group") 
    dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = pep_razor_unique)
  else if (pep_unique_by == "protein") 
    dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = pep_literal_unique)
  else if (pep_unique_by == "none") 
    dplyr::mutate(df, pep_isunique = TRUE)
  # 0, not NA, since we known... even pep_tot_int is NA
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_unique_int = 
                    ifelse(pep_literal_unique, pep_tot_int, 0)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_razor_int = 
                    ifelse(pep_razor_unique, pep_tot_int, 0)) %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_unique_int", "pep_tot_int") %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_razor_int", "pep_unique_int")
  stopifnot(all(c("pep_isunique", "pep_literal_unique", "pep_razor_unique", 
                  "pep_tot_int", "pep_unique_int", "pep_razor_int") %in% 
  # (2.6) add peptide properties and prot_cover, prot_icover
  df <- df %>% 
    annotPeppos() %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_len = stringr::str_length(pep_seq)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_miss = ifelse(grepl("[KR]$", pep_seq), 
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]") - 1L,
                                    stringr::str_count(pep_seq, "[KR]"))) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_istryptic = as.logical(pep_istryptic), 
                  pep_miss = as.integer(pep_miss)) %>% 
    add_prot_icover(id = group_pep_by) %>% 
    calc_cover(id = !!rlang::sym(group_pep_by)) 

  # (2.7) apply parsimony
  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(pep_rank, -prot_mass)

  uniq_by <- c("RAW_File", "pep_scan_num", "pep_seq")
  if (length(unique(df$dat_file))) 
    uniq_by <- c("dat_file", uniq_by)
  # (often `pep_rank_nl == 1` after this step)
  df <- df[!duplicated(df[, uniq_by]), ]

  if (!is.null(dfC)) {
    dfC <- dfC[!duplicated(dfC[, uniq_by]), ]

    # remove dfC entries that are already in df (no need for MBR)
    # (timsTOF mgf: possible with one query at multiple scan numbers)
    uids <- df %>% 
      tidyr::unite(uniq_id, uniq_by, sep = ".", remove = FALSE) %>% 
    dfC <- dfC %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(dat_file. = dat_file, 
                    dat_file  = gsub("^psmC", "psmQ", dat_file)) %>% 
      tidyr::unite(uniq_id, uniq_by, sep = ".", remove = FALSE) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(!uniq_id %in% uids) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(dat_file = dat_file.) %>% 
    rm(list = c("uids"))
    df <- add_mbr_psms(df, dfC, mbr_ret_tol = mbr_ret_tol)

  # only for the demonstration of finer redundancy being kept at 
  #   "pep_seq_mod" and/or "neuloss"
  if (FALSE) {
    uniq_by2 <- c("RAW_File", "pep_scan_num", "pep_seq", "pep_ivmod")
    if (length(unique(df$dat_file))) 
      uniq_by2 <- c("dat_file", uniq_by2)

    ## handle ties in NL
    # the same `pep_ivmod` at different NLs with ties in `pep_rank` 
    #   -> keeps the best NL at EACH rank
    # 000050050, NL(1), 1; 000050050, NL(2), 1; 000050050, NL(3), 1
    # 000050050, NL(1), 2; 000050050, NL(2), 2
    #   -> pep_rank == 1: 000050050, NL(1), 1
    #   -> pep_rank == 2: 000050050, NL(1), 2
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::arrange(-pep_score) %>% 
      dplyr::group_by_at(c(uniq_by2, "pep_rank")) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1L) %>% 
    ## keep the best pep_ivmod
    # (since the same raw, scan, pep_seq, & pep_ivmod, non-best NL are trivial)
    # 000050050, NL(1), 1
    # 000050050, NL(1), 2
    #   -> 000050050, NL(1), 1
    df <- df %>% 
      dplyr::group_by_at(c(uniq_by2)) %>% 
      dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1L)
    ## handle ties in pep_seq_mod
    if (psm_redundancy_at == "pep_seq_mod") {
      uniq_by3 <- uniq_by2[uniq_by2 != "pep_ivmod"]
      # keeps the first pep_seq_mod at each rank
      # pep_seq, 000050050, 1; pep_seq, 000050500, 1, pep_seq, 000055000, 1
      # pep_seq, 000050060, 2; pep_seq, 000050600, 2
      #   -> pep_seq, 000050050, 1
      #   -> pep_seq, 000050060, 2
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::group_by_at(c(uniq_by3, "pep_rank")) %>% 
        # dplyr::arrange(-pep_score) %>% 
        dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1L) %>% 
      # keeps the best `pep_seq_mod` under the same scan
      # (since the same raw, scan & pep_seq, non-best pep_ivmod are trivial)
      # pep_seq, 000050050, 1
      # pep_seq, 000050060, 2
      #   -> pep_seq, 000050050, 1
      df <- df %>% 
        dplyr::group_by_at(c(uniq_by3)) %>% 
        # dplyr::arrange(-pep_score) %>% 
        dplyr::filter(row_number() == 1L) 

  df <- df %>% 
    dplyr::arrange(prot_hit_num, prot_family_member, pep_start, pep_end)
  # (2.8) add columns pep_n_psm, prot_n_psm, prot_n_pep
  # (after the non-redundant PSM entries)
  df <- df %>% 
    add_quality_cols(!!group_psm_by, !!group_pep_by, uniq_by)

  .saveCall <- TRUE

#' Adds the standard deviation in the retention times of peptides.
#' @param df A data frame.
#' @param use_unique Logical; if TRUE, filter data by uniqueness.
#' @inheritParams normPSM
add_pep_retsd <- function (df, group_psm_by = "pep_seq", use_unique = TRUE) 
  if (!group_psm_by %in% names(df)) {
    # warning("Column \"", group_psm_by, "\" not found.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!"pep_ret_range" %in% names(df)) {
    # warning("Column \"pep_ret_range\" not available for assessing ", 
    #         "the standard deviations of peptide retention times.", 
    #         call. = FALSE)
    return (df)
  if (all(is.na(df$pep_ret_range))) {
    # warning("All NA values under \"pep_ret_range\".", call. = FALSE)
    df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_ret_sd = NA_real_)
  else {
    pep_ret <- calc_pep_retsd(df, group_psm_by, use_unique)

    df <- df %>% 
      # in case `pep_ret_sd` already in `df`
      dplyr::select(-which(names(df) == "pep_ret_sd")) %>% 
      dplyr::left_join(pep_ret, by = group_psm_by) 
  df <- df %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_ret_sd", "pep_ret_range") %>% 

#' Calculates the standard deviation in the retention times of peptides.
#' Sets \code{use_unique = TRUE} when used with normPSM where the same
#' \code{group_psm_by} can be redundant by \code{prot_acc}. Sets
#' \code{use_unique = FALSE} when used with mergePep where the same
#' \code{group_psm_by} from different samples and LCMS series are all taken into
#' account.
#' @inheritParams normPSM
#' @inheritParams add_pep_retsd
calc_pep_retsd <- function (df, group_psm_by = "pep_seq", use_unique = TRUE) 
  pep_ret <- df[, c(group_psm_by, "pep_ret_range")] %>% 
    { if (use_unique) unique(.) else . } %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_psm_by)) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(pep_ret_sd = sd(pep_ret_range, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_ret_sd = round(pep_ret_sd, digits = 2L)) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(pep_ret_sd = ifelse(is.na(pep_ret_sd), 0, pep_ret_sd))

#' Calculates the number of unique charge states of peptides.
#' @param df A data frame.
#' @param use_unique Logical; if TRUE, filter data by uniqueness.
#' @inheritParams normPSM
add_n_pepexpz <- function (df, group_psm_by = "pep_seq", use_unique = TRUE) 
  if (!group_psm_by %in% names(df)) {
    # warning("Column \"", group_psm_by, "\" not found.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!"pep_exp_z" %in% names(df)) {
    # warning("Column \"pep_exp_z\" not available for assessing ", 
    #         "the number of unique peptide charge states.", 
    #         call. = FALSE)
    return (df)
  if (all(is.na(df$pep_exp_z))) {
    # warning("All NA values under `pep_exp_z`.", call. = FALSE)
    df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(pep_n_exp_z = NA_integer_)
  else {
    pep_z <- df[, c(group_psm_by, "pep_exp_z")] %>% 
      { if (use_unique) unique(.) else . } %>% 
      dplyr::select(group_psm_by) %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(group_psm_by)) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(pep_n_exp_z = n())
    df <- df %>% 
      # in case `pep_n_exp_z` already in `df`
      dplyr::select(-which(names(df) == "pep_n_exp_z")) %>% 
      dplyr::left_join(pep_z, by = group_psm_by) 
  df <- df %>% 
    reloc_col_after("pep_n_exp_z", "pep_exp_z") %>% 

#' Adds MBR PSMs from psmC
#' The field of \code{pep_scan_title} from MBR does not contain new information
#' and purposely left as NA.
#' @param dfq psmQ data.
#' @param dfc psmC data.
#' @param cols Columns for use as unique identifiers of PSMs.
#' @inheritParams normPSM
#' @importFrom fastmatch %fin%
add_mbr_psms <- function (dfq, dfc, group_psm_by = "pep_seq_mod", 
                          # cols = c("pep_ret_range", "pep_exp_z"), 
                          cols = c("pep_ret_range"), 
                          mbr_ret_tol = 60) 
  cols_mbr <- c("pep_seq", "I000", "pep_ret_range", "pep_scan_num", 
                "pep_ivmod", "pep_fmod", "pep_vmod", "pep_exp_z", "dat_file", 
                "pep_n_ms2", "pep_exp_mz", "pep_exp_mr", "pep_delta", "pep_issig", 
                "pep_score", "pep_locprob", "pep_locdiff", "pep_rank", 
                "pep_expect", "R000")
  cols_dfq <- c("prot_acc", "prot_mass", "prot_issig", "prot_isess", "prot_hit_num", 
                "prot_family_member", "prot_tier", "prot_es", "prot_es_co", 
                "pep_literal_unique", "pep_razor_unique", "pep_calc_mr", 
                "pep_ivmod", "pep_fmod", "pep_vmod", "pep_exp_z", "pep_len", 
                "pep_mod_group", "pep_isdecoy", 
                "fasta_name", "uniprot_acc", "uniprot_id", "refseq_acc", 
                "other_acc", "entrez", "species", "acc_type", "shared_prot_accs", 
                "shared_genes", "pep_isunique", "pep_start", "pep_end", 
                "pep_res_before", "pep_res_after", "pep_istryptic", 
                "pep_semitryptic", "pep_miss", "prot_icover", "prot_cover", 
                "gene", "prot_desc", "prot_len")
  # separate dfq into dfq0 and dfq1
  qnotc <- setdiff(unique(dfq[[group_psm_by]]), unique(dfc[[group_psm_by]]))
  qonly <- dfq[[group_psm_by]] %fin% qnotc
  dfq0 <- dfq[qonly, ]
  dfq1 <- dfq[!qonly, ]
  rm(list = c("qonly", "qnotc", "dfq"))
  # separate dfq1 into complete (dfqu) and incomplete (dfqm) groups
  # dfqm: missing results in some RAW_Files and seeks for MBR
  dfq1 <- tidyr::complete(dfq1, !!rlang::sym(group_psm_by), RAW_File)
  dfqs <- split(dfq1, dfq1[[group_psm_by]])
  rows <- unlist(lapply(dfqs, function (x) any(is.na(x[["prot_acc"]]))))
  dfqu <- dplyr::bind_rows(dfqs[!rows])
  dfqm <- dfqs[rows] 
  pepsq <- names(dfqm)
  rm(list = "rows")
  # subset dfc
  uniq_by <- c(group_psm_by, cols)
  dfc <- dfc[!duplicated(dfc[, uniq_by]), ]
  # remove dfc pep_seq_mod that are not found in dfq
  cnotq <- setdiff(dfc[[group_psm_by]], pepsq)
  oks <- ! dfc[[group_psm_by]] %fin% cnotq
  dfc <- dfc[oks, ]
  rm(list = c("cnotq", "oks"))
  # order dfc and dfqm by `group_psm_by`
  ords <- order(dfc[[group_psm_by]])
  dfc  <- dfc[ords, ]
  rm(list = c("ords"))
  ords <- order(pepsq)
  dfqm <- dfqm[ords]
  pepsq <- pepsq[ords]
  rm(list = c("ords"))
  # split dfc by pep_seq_mod
  dfc <- split(dfc, dfc[[group_psm_by]])
  pepsc <- names(dfc)
  if (!identical(pepsc, pepsq)) {
    stop("Unhandled situation; please use \"lfq_mbr = FALSE\".\n", 
         "Report the bug: ", 
         "mismatches in the order \"pep_seq_mod\" between psmC and psmQ.")

  n_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", n_cores))
    c("smbr_psms", "mmbr_psms"), 
    envir = environment(proteoQ:::smbr_psms)
  ans <- parallel::clusterMap(
    cl, mmbr_psms, 
    mzion:::chunksplit(dfqm, n_cores, "list"), 
    mzion:::chunksplit(dfc,  n_cores, "list"), 
    MoreArgs = list(cols_mbr = cols_mbr, 
                    cols_dfq = cols_dfq, 
                    mbr_ret_tol = mbr_ret_tol), 
    .scheduling = "dynamic")
  ans <- dplyr::bind_rows(ans)
  ans <- bind_rows(ans, dfqu, dfq0)
  ans <- ans[!is.na(ans[["prot_acc"]]), ]

#' Helper of \link{smbr_psms}.
#' Batch processing of \link{smbr_psms}.
#' @param dfqm psmQ subset with missing intensity values for MBR.
#' @param dfc Data from psmC.
#' @param cols_mbr Columns for MBR information borrowing.
#' @param cols_dfq Columns for copying from dfq.
#' @inheritParams add_mbr_psms
mmbr_psms <- function (dfqm, dfc, cols_mbr, cols_dfq, mbr_ret_tol = 60)
  ans <- mapply(smbr_psms, dfqm, dfc, 
                MoreArgs = list(
                  cols_mbr = cols_mbr, 
                  cols_dfq = cols_dfq, 
                  mbr_ret_tol = mbr_ret_tol), 
                SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)

#' Single MBR.
#' At the same \code{group_psm_by}.
#' @param dfqi An i-th entry of dfq.
#' @param dfci An i-th entry of dfc.
#' @param cols_mbr Columns for MBR information borrowing.
#' @param cols_dfq Columns for copying from dfq.
#' @inheritParams add_mbr_psms
smbr_psms <- function (dfqi, dfci, cols_mbr, cols_dfq, mbr_ret_tol = 60)
  rows <- is.na(dfqi[["pep_ret_range"]])
  retq <- median(dfqi[["pep_ret_range"]], na.rm = TRUE)
  dfqi_first <- dfqi[!rows, ][1, ]
  is_razor <- dfqi_first[["pep_literal_unique"]]
  is_uniq  <- dfqi_first[["pep_razor_unique"]]
  for (j in seq_len(nrow(dfqi))) {
    if (rows[j]) {
      dfqj <- dfqi[j, ]
      dfcj <- dplyr::filter(dfci, RAW_File == dfqj[["RAW_File"]])

      okrets <- abs(dfcj[["pep_ret_range"]] - retq) <= mbr_ret_tol
      dfcj <- dfcj[okrets, ]
      dfcj <- dfcj[1, ]
      dfqj[, cols_mbr] <- dfcj[, cols_mbr]
      dfqj[, cols_dfq] <- dfqi_first[, cols_dfq]
      dfqj[["pep_unique_int"]] <- if (is_uniq) dfqj[["pep_tot_int"]] else 0
      dfqj[["pep_razor_int"]]  <- if (is_razor) dfqj[["pep_tot_int"]] else 0
      dfqi[j, ] <- dfqj

theme_psm_violin <- theme_bw() +
    axis.text.x  = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, size = 24),
    axis.ticks.x  = element_blank(),
    axis.text.y  = element_text(angle = 0, vjust = 0.5, size = 24),
    axis.title.x = element_text(colour = "black", size = 24),
    axis.title.y = element_text(colour = "black", size = 24),
    plot.title = element_text(colour = "black", size  =24, hjust = .5, vjust = .5),
    strip.text.x = element_text(size = 18, colour = "black", angle = 0),
    strip.text.y = element_text(size = 18, colour = "black", angle = 90),
    panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
    legend.key = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = 'transparent'),
    legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA,  fill = "transparent"),
    legend.position = "none",
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    legend.text = element_text(colour = "black", size = 18),
    legend.text.align = 0,
    legend.box = NULL
qzhang503/proteoQ documentation built on March 16, 2024, 5:27 a.m.