Man pages for
'Amazon Web Services' Security, Identity, & Compliance Services

accessanalyzerAccess Analyzer
accessanalyzer_apply_archive_ruleRetroactively applies the archive rule to existing findings...
accessanalyzer_cancel_policy_generationCancels the requested policy generation
accessanalyzer_check_access_not_grantedChecks whether the specified access isn't allowed by a policy
accessanalyzer_check_no_new_accessChecks whether new access is allowed for an updated policy...
accessanalyzer_check_no_public_accessChecks whether a resource policy can grant public access to...
accessanalyzer_create_access_previewCreates an access preview that allows you to preview IAM...
accessanalyzer_create_analyzerCreates an analyzer for your account
accessanalyzer_create_archive_ruleCreates an archive rule for the specified analyzer
accessanalyzer_delete_analyzerDeletes the specified analyzer
accessanalyzer_delete_archive_ruleDeletes the specified archive rule
accessanalyzer_generate_finding_recommendationCreates a recommendation for an unused permissions finding
accessanalyzer_get_access_previewRetrieves information about an access preview for the...
accessanalyzer_get_analyzed_resourceRetrieves information about a resource that was analyzed
accessanalyzer_get_analyzerRetrieves information about the specified analyzer
accessanalyzer_get_archive_ruleRetrieves information about an archive rule
accessanalyzer_get_findingRetrieves information about the specified finding
accessanalyzer_get_finding_recommendationRetrieves information about a finding recommendation for the...
accessanalyzer_get_finding_v2Retrieves information about the specified finding
accessanalyzer_get_generated_policyRetrieves the policy that was generated using...
accessanalyzer_list_access_preview_findingsRetrieves a list of access preview findings generated by the...
accessanalyzer_list_access_previewsRetrieves a list of access previews for the specified...
accessanalyzer_list_analyzed_resourcesRetrieves a list of resources of the specified type that have...
accessanalyzer_list_analyzersRetrieves a list of analyzers
accessanalyzer_list_archive_rulesRetrieves a list of archive rules created for the specified...
accessanalyzer_list_findingsRetrieves a list of findings generated by the specified...
accessanalyzer_list_findings_v2Retrieves a list of findings generated by the specified...
accessanalyzer_list_policy_generationsLists all of the policy generations requested in the last...
accessanalyzer_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieves a list of tags applied to the specified resource
accessanalyzer_start_policy_generationStarts the policy generation request
accessanalyzer_start_resource_scanImmediately starts a scan of the policies applied to the...
accessanalyzer_tag_resourceAdds a tag to the specified resource
accessanalyzer_untag_resourceRemoves a tag from the specified resource
accessanalyzer_update_archive_ruleUpdates the criteria and values for the specified archive...
accessanalyzer_update_findingsUpdates the status for the specified findings
accessanalyzer_validate_policyRequests the validation of a policy and returns a list of...
accountAWS Account
account_accept_primary_email_updateAccepts the request that originated from...
account_delete_alternate_contactDeletes the specified alternate contact from an Amazon Web...
account_disable_regionDisables (opts-out) a particular Region for an account
account_enable_regionEnables (opts-in) a particular Region for an account
account_get_alternate_contactRetrieves the specified alternate contact attached to an...
account_get_contact_informationRetrieves the primary contact information of an Amazon Web...
account_get_primary_emailRetrieves the primary email address for the specified account
account_get_region_opt_statusRetrieves the opt-in status of a particular Region
account_list_regionsLists all the Regions for a given account and their...
account_put_alternate_contactModifies the specified alternate contact attached to an...
account_put_contact_informationUpdates the primary contact information of an Amazon Web...
account_start_primary_email_updateStarts the process to update the primary email address for...
acmAWS Certificate Manager
acm_add_tags_to_certificateAdds one or more tags to an ACM certificate
acm_delete_certificateDeletes a certificate and its associated private key
acm_describe_certificateReturns detailed metadata about the specified ACM certificate
acm_export_certificateExports a private certificate issued by a private certificate...
acm_get_account_configurationReturns the account configuration options associated with an...
acm_get_certificateRetrieves a certificate and its certificate chain
acm_import_certificateImports a certificate into Certificate Manager (ACM) to use...
acm_list_certificatesRetrieves a list of certificate ARNs and domain names
acm_list_tags_for_certificateLists the tags that have been applied to the ACM certificate
acmpcaAWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority
acmpca_create_certificate_authorityCreates a root or subordinate private certificate authority...
acmpca_create_certificate_authority_audit_reportCreates an audit report that lists every time that your CA...
acmpca_create_permissionGrants one or more permissions on a private CA to the...
acmpca_delete_certificate_authorityDeletes a private certificate authority (CA)
acmpca_delete_permissionRevokes permissions on a private CA granted to the...
acmpca_delete_policyDeletes the resource-based policy attached to a private CA
acmpca_describe_certificate_authorityLists information about your private certificate authority...
acmpca_describe_certificate_authority_audit_reportLists information about a specific audit report created by...
acmpca_get_certificateRetrieves a certificate from your private CA or one that has...
acmpca_get_certificate_authority_certificateRetrieves the certificate and certificate chain for your...
acmpca_get_certificate_authority_csrRetrieves the certificate signing request (CSR) for your...
acmpca_get_policyRetrieves the resource-based policy attached to a private CA
acmpca_import_certificate_authority_certificateImports a signed private CA certificate into Amazon Web...
acmpca_issue_certificateUses your private certificate authority (CA), or one that has...
acmpca_list_certificate_authoritiesLists the private certificate authorities that you created by...
acmpca_list_permissionsList all permissions on a private CA, if any, granted to the...
acmpca_list_tagsLists the tags, if any, that are associated with your private...
acmpca_put_policyAttaches a resource-based policy to a private CA
acmpca_restore_certificate_authorityRestores a certificate authority (CA) that is in the DELETED...
acmpca_revoke_certificateRevokes a certificate that was issued inside Amazon Web...
acmpca_tag_certificate_authorityAdds one or more tags to your private CA
acmpca_untag_certificate_authorityRemove one or more tags from your private CA
acmpca_update_certificate_authorityUpdates the status or configuration of a private certificate...
acm_put_account_configurationAdds or modifies account-level configurations in ACM
acm_remove_tags_from_certificateRemove one or more tags from an ACM certificate
acm_renew_certificateRenews an eligible ACM certificate
acm_request_certificateRequests an ACM certificate for use with other Amazon Web...
acm_resend_validation_emailResends the email that requests domain ownership validation
acm_update_certificate_optionsUpdates a certificate
clouddirectoryAmazon CloudDirectory
clouddirectory_add_facet_to_objectAdds a new Facet to an object
clouddirectory_apply_schemaCopies the input published schema, at the specified version,...
clouddirectory_attach_objectAttaches an existing object to another object
clouddirectory_attach_policyAttaches a policy object to a regular object
clouddirectory_attach_to_indexAttaches the specified object to the specified index
clouddirectory_attach_typed_linkAttaches a typed link to a specified source and target object
clouddirectory_batch_readPerforms all the read operations in a batch
clouddirectory_batch_writePerforms all the write operations in a batch
clouddirectory_create_directoryCreates a Directory by copying the published schema into the...
clouddirectory_create_facetCreates a new Facet in a schema
clouddirectory_create_indexCreates an index object
clouddirectory_create_objectCreates an object in a Directory
clouddirectory_create_schemaCreates a new schema in a development state
clouddirectory_create_typed_link_facetCreates a TypedLinkFacet
clouddirectory_delete_directoryDeletes a directory
clouddirectory_delete_facetDeletes a given Facet
clouddirectory_delete_objectDeletes an object and its associated attributes
clouddirectory_delete_schemaDeletes a given schema
clouddirectory_delete_typed_link_facetDeletes a TypedLinkFacet
clouddirectory_detach_from_indexDetaches the specified object from the specified index
clouddirectory_detach_objectDetaches a given object from the parent object
clouddirectory_detach_policyDetaches a policy from an object
clouddirectory_detach_typed_linkDetaches a typed link from a specified source and target...
clouddirectory_disable_directoryDisables the specified directory
clouddirectory_enable_directoryEnables the specified directory
clouddirectory_get_applied_schema_versionReturns current applied schema version ARN, including the...
clouddirectory_get_directoryRetrieves metadata about a directory
clouddirectory_get_facetGets details of the Facet, such as facet name, attributes,...
clouddirectory_get_link_attributesRetrieves attributes that are associated with a typed link
clouddirectory_get_object_attributesRetrieves attributes within a facet that are associated with...
clouddirectory_get_object_informationRetrieves metadata about an object
clouddirectory_get_schema_as_jsonRetrieves a JSON representation of the schema
clouddirectory_get_typed_link_facet_informationReturns the identity attribute order for a specific...
clouddirectory_list_applied_schema_arnsLists schema major versions applied to a directory
clouddirectory_list_attached_indicesLists indices attached to the specified object
clouddirectory_list_development_schema_arnsRetrieves each Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of schemas in the...
clouddirectory_list_directoriesLists directories created within an account
clouddirectory_list_facet_attributesRetrieves attributes attached to the facet
clouddirectory_list_facet_namesRetrieves the names of facets that exist in a schema
clouddirectory_list_incoming_typed_linksReturns a paginated list of all the incoming...
clouddirectory_list_indexLists objects attached to the specified index
clouddirectory_list_managed_schema_arnsLists the major version families of each managed schema
clouddirectory_list_object_attributesLists all attributes that are associated with an object
clouddirectory_list_object_childrenReturns a paginated list of child objects that are associated...
clouddirectory_list_object_parent_pathsRetrieves all available parent paths for any object type such...
clouddirectory_list_object_parentsLists parent objects that are associated with a given object...
clouddirectory_list_object_policiesReturns policies attached to an object in pagination fashion
clouddirectory_list_outgoing_typed_linksReturns a paginated list of all the outgoing...
clouddirectory_list_policy_attachmentsReturns all of the ObjectIdentifiers to which a given policy...
clouddirectory_list_published_schema_arnsLists the major version families of each published schema
clouddirectory_list_tags_for_resourceReturns tags for a resource
clouddirectory_list_typed_link_facet_attributesReturns a paginated list of all attribute definitions for a...
clouddirectory_list_typed_link_facet_namesReturns a paginated list of TypedLink facet names for a...
clouddirectory_lookup_policyLists all policies from the root of the Directory to the...
clouddirectory_publish_schemaPublishes a development schema with a major version and a...
clouddirectory_put_schema_from_jsonAllows a schema to be updated using JSON upload
clouddirectory_remove_facet_from_objectRemoves the specified facet from the specified object
clouddirectory_tag_resourceAn API operation for adding tags to a resource
clouddirectory_untag_resourceAn API operation for removing tags from a resource
clouddirectory_update_facetDoes the following:
clouddirectory_update_link_attributesUpdates a given typed link’s attributes
clouddirectory_update_object_attributesUpdates a given object's attributes
clouddirectory_update_schemaUpdates the schema name with a new name
clouddirectory_update_typed_link_facetUpdates a TypedLinkFacet
clouddirectory_upgrade_applied_schemaUpgrades a single directory in-place using the...
clouddirectory_upgrade_published_schemaUpgrades a published schema under a new minor version...
cloudhsmAmazon CloudHSM
cloudhsm_add_tags_to_resourceThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_create_hapgThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_create_hsmThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_create_luna_clientThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_delete_hapgThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_delete_hsmThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_delete_luna_clientThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_describe_hapgThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_describe_hsmThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_describe_luna_clientThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_get_configThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_list_available_zonesThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_list_hapgsThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_list_hsmsThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_list_luna_clientsThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_list_tags_for_resourceThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_modify_hapgThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_modify_hsmThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_modify_luna_clientThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsm_remove_tags_from_resourceThis is documentation for AWS CloudHSM Classic
cloudhsmv2AWS CloudHSM V2
cloudhsmv2_copy_backup_to_regionCopy an CloudHSM cluster backup to a different region
cloudhsmv2_create_clusterCreates a new CloudHSM cluster
cloudhsmv2_create_hsmCreates a new hardware security module (HSM) in the specified...
cloudhsmv2_delete_backupDeletes a specified CloudHSM backup
cloudhsmv2_delete_clusterDeletes the specified CloudHSM cluster
cloudhsmv2_delete_hsmDeletes the specified HSM
cloudhsmv2_delete_resource_policyDeletes an CloudHSM resource policy
cloudhsmv2_describe_backupsGets information about backups of CloudHSM clusters
cloudhsmv2_describe_clustersGets information about CloudHSM clusters
cloudhsmv2_get_resource_policyRetrieves the resource policy document attached to a given...
cloudhsmv2_initialize_clusterClaims an CloudHSM cluster by submitting the cluster...
cloudhsmv2_list_tagsGets a list of tags for the specified CloudHSM cluster
cloudhsmv2_modify_backup_attributesModifies attributes for CloudHSM backup
cloudhsmv2_modify_clusterModifies CloudHSM cluster
cloudhsmv2_put_resource_policyCreates or updates an CloudHSM resource policy
cloudhsmv2_restore_backupRestores a specified CloudHSM backup that is in the...
cloudhsmv2_tag_resourceAdds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified...
cloudhsmv2_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tag or tags from the specified CloudHSM...
cognitoidentityAmazon Cognito Identity
cognitoidentity_create_identity_poolCreates a new identity pool
cognitoidentity_delete_identitiesDeletes identities from an identity pool
cognitoidentity_delete_identity_poolDeletes an identity pool
cognitoidentity_describe_identityReturns metadata related to the given identity, including...
cognitoidentity_describe_identity_poolGets details about a particular identity pool, including the...
cognitoidentity_get_credentials_for_identityReturns credentials for the provided identity ID
cognitoidentity_get_idGenerates (or retrieves) a Cognito ID
cognitoidentity_get_identity_pool_rolesGets the roles for an identity pool
cognitoidentity_get_open_id_tokenGets an OpenID token, using a known Cognito ID
cognitoidentity_get_open_id_token_for_developer_identityRegisters (or retrieves) a Cognito IdentityId and an OpenID...
cognitoidentity_get_principal_tag_attribute_mapUse GetPrincipalTagAttributeMap to list all mappings between...
cognitoidentity_list_identitiesLists the identities in an identity pool
cognitoidentity_list_identity_poolsLists all of the Cognito identity pools registered for your...
cognitoidentity_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags that are assigned to an Amazon Cognito...
cognitoidentity_lookup_developer_identityRetrieves the IdentityID associated with a...
cognitoidentity_merge_developer_identitiesMerges two users having different IdentityIds, existing in...
cognitoidentityproviderAmazon Cognito Identity Provider
cognitoidentityprovider_add_custom_attributesAdds additional user attributes to the user pool schema
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_add_user_to_groupAdds a user to a group
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_confirm_sign_upThis IAM-authenticated API operation confirms user sign-up as...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_create_userCreates a new user in the specified user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_delete_userDeletes a user as an administrator
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_delete_user_attributesDeletes the user attributes in a user pool as an...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_disable_provider_for_userPrevents the user from signing in with the specified external...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_disable_userDeactivates a user and revokes all access tokens for the user
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_enable_userEnables the specified user as an administrator
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_forget_deviceForgets the device, as an administrator
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_get_deviceGets the device, as an administrator
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_get_userGets the specified user by user name in a user pool as an...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_initiate_authInitiates the authentication flow, as an administrator
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_link_provider_for_userLinks an existing user account in a user pool...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_list_devicesLists devices, as an administrator
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_list_groups_for_userLists the groups that a user belongs to
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_list_user_auth_eventsA history of user activity and any risks detected as part of...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_remove_user_from_groupRemoves the specified user from the specified group
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_reset_user_passwordResets the specified user's password in a user pool as an...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_respond_to_auth_challengeSome API operations in a user pool generate a challenge, like...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_set_user_mfa_preferenceThe user's multi-factor authentication (MFA) preference,...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_set_user_passwordSets the specified user's password in a user pool as an...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_set_user_settingsThis action is no longer supported
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_update_auth_event_feedbackProvides feedback for an authentication event indicating if...
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_update_device_statusUpdates the device status as an administrator
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_update_user_attributesThis action might generate an SMS text message
cognitoidentityprovider_admin_user_global_sign_outInvalidates the identity, access, and refresh tokens that...
cognitoidentityprovider_associate_software_tokenBegins setup of time-based one-time password (TOTP)...
cognitoidentityprovider_change_passwordChanges the password for a specified user in a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_confirm_deviceConfirms tracking of the device
cognitoidentityprovider_confirm_forgot_passwordAllows a user to enter a confirmation code to reset a...
cognitoidentityprovider_confirm_sign_upThis public API operation provides a code that Amazon Cognito...
cognitoidentityprovider_create_groupCreates a new group in the specified user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_create_identity_providerAdds a configuration and trust relationship between a...
cognitoidentityprovider_create_resource_serverCreates a new OAuth2
cognitoidentityprovider_create_user_import_jobCreates a user import job
cognitoidentityprovider_create_user_poolThis action might generate an SMS text message
cognitoidentityprovider_create_user_pool_clientCreates the user pool client
cognitoidentityprovider_create_user_pool_domainCreates a new domain for a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_delete_groupDeletes a group
cognitoidentityprovider_delete_identity_providerDeletes an IdP for a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_delete_resource_serverDeletes a resource server
cognitoidentityprovider_delete_userAllows a user to delete their own user profile
cognitoidentityprovider_delete_user_attributesDeletes the attributes for a user
cognitoidentityprovider_delete_user_poolDeletes the specified Amazon Cognito user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_delete_user_pool_clientAllows the developer to delete the user pool client
cognitoidentityprovider_delete_user_pool_domainDeletes a domain for a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_describe_identity_providerGets information about a specific IdP
cognitoidentityprovider_describe_resource_serverDescribes a resource server
cognitoidentityprovider_describe_risk_configurationDescribes the risk configuration
cognitoidentityprovider_describe_user_import_jobDescribes the user import job
cognitoidentityprovider_describe_user_poolReturns the configuration information and metadata of the...
cognitoidentityprovider_describe_user_pool_clientClient method for returning the configuration information and...
cognitoidentityprovider_describe_user_pool_domainGets information about a domain
cognitoidentityprovider_forget_deviceForgets the specified device
cognitoidentityprovider_forgot_passwordCalling this API causes a message to be sent to the end user...
cognitoidentityprovider_get_csv_headerGets the header information for the comma-separated value...
cognitoidentityprovider_get_deviceGets the device
cognitoidentityprovider_get_groupGets a group
cognitoidentityprovider_get_identity_provider_by_identifierGets the specified IdP
cognitoidentityprovider_get_log_delivery_configurationGets the logging configuration of a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_get_signing_certificateThis method takes a user pool ID, and returns the signing...
cognitoidentityprovider_get_ui_customizationGets the user interface (UI) Customization information for a...
cognitoidentityprovider_get_userGets the user attributes and metadata for a user
cognitoidentityprovider_get_user_attribute_verification_codeGenerates a user attribute verification code for the...
cognitoidentityprovider_get_user_pool_mfa_configGets the user pool multi-factor authentication (MFA)...
cognitoidentityprovider_global_sign_outInvalidates the identity, access, and refresh tokens that...
cognitoidentityprovider_initiate_authInitiates sign-in for a user in the Amazon Cognito user...
cognitoidentityprovider_list_devicesLists the sign-in devices that Amazon Cognito has registered...
cognitoidentityprovider_list_groupsLists the groups associated with a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_list_identity_providersLists information about all IdPs for a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_list_resource_serversLists the resource servers for a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags that are assigned to an Amazon Cognito user...
cognitoidentityprovider_list_user_import_jobsLists user import jobs for a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_list_user_pool_clientsLists the clients that have been created for the specified...
cognitoidentityprovider_list_user_poolsLists the user pools associated with an Amazon Web Services...
cognitoidentityprovider_list_usersLists users and their basic details in a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_list_users_in_groupLists the users in the specified group
cognitoidentityprovider_resend_confirmation_codeResends the confirmation (for confirmation of registration)...
cognitoidentityprovider_respond_to_auth_challengeSome API operations in a user pool generate a challenge, like...
cognitoidentityprovider_revoke_tokenRevokes all of the access tokens generated by, and at the...
cognitoidentityprovider_set_log_delivery_configurationSets up or modifies the logging configuration of a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_set_risk_configurationConfigures actions on detected risks
cognitoidentityprovider_set_ui_customizationSets the user interface (UI) customization information for a...
cognitoidentityprovider_set_user_mfa_preferenceSet the user's multi-factor authentication (MFA) method...
cognitoidentityprovider_set_user_pool_mfa_configSets the user pool multi-factor authentication (MFA)...
cognitoidentityprovider_set_user_settingsThis action is no longer supported
cognitoidentityprovider_sign_upRegisters the user in the specified user pool and creates a...
cognitoidentityprovider_start_user_import_jobStarts the user import
cognitoidentityprovider_stop_user_import_jobStops the user import job
cognitoidentityprovider_tag_resourceAssigns a set of tags to an Amazon Cognito user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tags from an Amazon Cognito user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_update_auth_event_feedbackProvides the feedback for an authentication event, whether it...
cognitoidentityprovider_update_device_statusUpdates the device status
cognitoidentityprovider_update_groupUpdates the specified group with the specified attributes
cognitoidentityprovider_update_identity_providerUpdates IdP information for a user pool
cognitoidentityprovider_update_resource_serverUpdates the name and scopes of resource server
cognitoidentityprovider_update_user_attributesWith this operation, your users can update one or more of...
cognitoidentityprovider_update_user_poolThis action might generate an SMS text message
cognitoidentityprovider_update_user_pool_clientUpdates the specified user pool app client with the specified...
cognitoidentityprovider_update_user_pool_domainUpdates the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for the...
cognitoidentityprovider_verify_software_tokenUse this API to register a user's entered time-based one-time...
cognitoidentityprovider_verify_user_attributeVerifies the specified user attributes in the user pool
cognitoidentity_set_identity_pool_rolesSets the roles for an identity pool
cognitoidentity_set_principal_tag_attribute_mapYou can use this operation to use default (username and...
cognitoidentity_tag_resourceAssigns a set of tags to the specified Amazon Cognito...
cognitoidentity_unlink_developer_identityUnlinks a DeveloperUserIdentifier from an existing identity
cognitoidentity_unlink_identityUnlinks a federated identity from an existing account
cognitoidentity_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tags from the specified Amazon Cognito...
cognitoidentity_update_identity_poolUpdates an identity pool
cognitosyncAmazon Cognito Sync
cognitosync_bulk_publishInitiates a bulk publish of all existing datasets for an...
cognitosync_delete_datasetDeletes the specific dataset
cognitosync_describe_datasetGets meta data about a dataset by identity and dataset name
cognitosync_describe_identity_pool_usageGets usage details (for example, data storage) about a...
cognitosync_describe_identity_usageGets usage information for an identity, including number of...
cognitosync_get_bulk_publish_detailsGet the status of the last BulkPublish operation for an...
cognitosync_get_cognito_eventsGets the events and the corresponding Lambda functions...
cognitosync_get_identity_pool_configurationGets the configuration settings of an identity pool
cognitosync_list_datasetsLists datasets for an identity
cognitosync_list_identity_pool_usageGets a list of identity pools registered with Cognito
cognitosync_list_recordsGets paginated records, optionally changed after a particular...
cognitosync_register_deviceRegisters a device to receive push sync notifications
cognitosync_set_cognito_eventsSets the AWS Lambda function for a given event type for an...
cognitosync_set_identity_pool_configurationSets the necessary configuration for push sync
cognitosync_subscribe_to_datasetSubscribes to receive notifications when a dataset is...
cognitosync_unsubscribe_from_datasetUnsubscribes from receiving notifications when a dataset is...
cognitosync_update_recordsPosts updates to records and adds and deletes records for a...
detectiveAmazon Detective
detective_accept_invitationAccepts an invitation for the member account to contribute...
detective_batch_get_graph_member_datasourcesGets data source package information for the behavior graph
detective_batch_get_membership_datasourcesGets information on the data source package history for an...
detective_create_graphCreates a new behavior graph for the calling account, and...
detective_create_membersCreateMembers is used to send invitations to accounts
detective_delete_graphDisables the specified behavior graph and queues it to be...
detective_delete_membersRemoves the specified member accounts from the behavior graph
detective_describe_organization_configurationReturns information about the configuration for the...
detective_disable_organization_admin_accountRemoves the Detective administrator account in the current...
detective_disassociate_membershipRemoves the member account from the specified behavior graph
detective_enable_organization_admin_accountDesignates the Detective administrator account for the...
detective_get_investigationDetective investigations lets you investigate IAM users and...
detective_get_membersReturns the membership details for specified member accounts...
detective_list_datasource_packagesLists data source packages in the behavior graph
detective_list_graphsReturns the list of behavior graphs that the calling account...
detective_list_indicatorsGets the indicators from an investigation
detective_list_investigationsDetective investigations lets you investigate IAM users and...
detective_list_invitationsRetrieves the list of open and accepted behavior graph...
detective_list_membersRetrieves the list of member accounts for a behavior graph
detective_list_organization_admin_accountsReturns information about the Detective administrator account...
detective_list_tags_for_resourceReturns the tag values that are assigned to a behavior graph
detective_reject_invitationRejects an invitation to contribute the account data to a...
detective_start_investigationDetective investigations lets you investigate IAM users and...
detective_start_monitoring_memberSends a request to enable data ingest for a member account...
detective_tag_resourceApplies tag values to a behavior graph
detective_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a behavior graph
detective_update_datasource_packagesStarts a data source packages for the behavior graph
detective_update_investigation_stateUpdates the state of an investigation
detective_update_organization_configurationUpdates the configuration for the Organizations integration...
directoryserviceAWS Directory Service
directoryservice_accept_shared_directoryAccepts a directory sharing request that was sent from the...
directoryservice_add_ip_routesIf the DNS server for your self-managed domain uses a...
directoryservice_add_regionAdds two domain controllers in the specified Region for the...
directoryservice_add_tags_to_resourceAdds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified...
directoryservice_cancel_schema_extensionCancels an in-progress schema extension to a Microsoft AD...
directoryservice_connect_directoryCreates an AD Connector to connect to a self-managed...
directoryservice_create_aliasCreates an alias for a directory and assigns the alias to the...
directoryservice_create_computerCreates an Active Directory computer object in the specified...
directoryservice_create_conditional_forwarderCreates a conditional forwarder associated with your Amazon...
directoryservice_create_directoryCreates a Simple AD directory
directoryservice_create_log_subscriptionCreates a subscription to forward real-time Directory Service...
directoryservice_create_microsoft_adCreates a Microsoft AD directory in the Amazon Web Services...
directoryservice_create_snapshotCreates a snapshot of a Simple AD or Microsoft AD directory...
directoryservice_create_trustDirectory Service for Microsoft Active Directory allows you...
directoryservice_delete_conditional_forwarderDeletes a conditional forwarder that has been set up for your...
directoryservice_delete_directoryDeletes an Directory Service directory
directoryservice_delete_log_subscriptionDeletes the specified log subscription
directoryservice_delete_snapshotDeletes a directory snapshot
directoryservice_delete_trustDeletes an existing trust relationship between your Managed...
directoryservice_deregister_certificateDeletes from the system the certificate that was registered...
directoryservice_deregister_event_topicRemoves the specified directory as a publisher to the...
directoryservice_describe_certificateDisplays information about the certificate registered for...
directoryservice_describe_client_authentication_settingsRetrieves information about the type of client authentication...
directoryservice_describe_conditional_forwardersObtains information about the conditional forwarders for this...
directoryservice_describe_directoriesObtains information about the directories that belong to this...
directoryservice_describe_domain_controllersProvides information about any domain controllers in your...
directoryservice_describe_event_topicsObtains information about which Amazon SNS topics receive...
directoryservice_describe_ldaps_settingsDescribes the status of LDAP security for the specified...
directoryservice_describe_regionsProvides information about the Regions that are configured...
directoryservice_describe_settingsRetrieves information about the configurable settings for the...
directoryservice_describe_shared_directoriesReturns the shared directories in your account
directoryservice_describe_snapshotsObtains information about the directory snapshots that belong...
directoryservice_describe_trustsObtains information about the trust relationships for this...
directoryservice_describe_update_directoryDescribes the updates of a directory for a particular update...
directoryservice_disable_client_authenticationDisables alternative client authentication methods for the...
directoryservice_disable_ldapsDeactivates LDAP secure calls for the specified directory
directoryservice_disable_radiusDisables multi-factor authentication (MFA) with the Remote...
directoryservice_disable_ssoDisables single-sign on for a directory
directoryservice_enable_client_authenticationEnables alternative client authentication methods for the...
directoryservice_enable_ldapsActivates the switch for the specific directory to always use...
directoryservice_enable_radiusEnables multi-factor authentication (MFA) with the Remote...
directoryservice_enable_ssoEnables single sign-on for a directory
directoryservice_get_directory_limitsObtains directory limit information for the current Region
directoryservice_get_snapshot_limitsObtains the manual snapshot limits for a directory
directoryservice_list_certificatesFor the specified directory, lists all the certificates...
directoryservice_list_ip_routesLists the address blocks that you have added to a directory
directoryservice_list_log_subscriptionsLists the active log subscriptions for the Amazon Web...
directoryservice_list_schema_extensionsLists all schema extensions applied to a Microsoft AD...
directoryservice_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags on a directory
directoryservice_register_certificateRegisters a certificate for a secure LDAP or client...
directoryservice_register_event_topicAssociates a directory with an Amazon SNS topic
directoryservice_reject_shared_directoryRejects a directory sharing request that was sent from the...
directoryservice_remove_ip_routesRemoves IP address blocks from a directory
directoryservice_remove_regionStops all replication and removes the domain controllers from...
directoryservice_remove_tags_from_resourceRemoves tags from a directory
directoryservice_reset_user_passwordResets the password for any user in your Managed Microsoft AD...
directoryservice_restore_from_snapshotRestores a directory using an existing directory snapshot
directoryservice_share_directoryShares a specified directory (DirectoryId) in your Amazon Web...
directoryservice_start_schema_extensionApplies a schema extension to a Microsoft AD directory
directoryservice_unshare_directoryStops the directory sharing between the directory owner and...
directoryservice_update_conditional_forwarderUpdates a conditional forwarder that has been set up for your...
directoryservice_update_directory_setupUpdates the directory for a particular update type
directoryservice_update_number_of_domain_controllersAdds or removes domain controllers to or from the directory
directoryservice_update_radiusUpdates the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service...
directoryservice_update_settingsUpdates the configurable settings for the specified directory
directoryservice_update_trustUpdates the trust that has been set up between your Managed...
directoryservice_verify_trustDirectory Service for Microsoft Active Directory allows you...
fmsFirewall Management Service
fms_associate_admin_accountSets a Firewall Manager default administrator account
fms_associate_third_party_firewallSets the Firewall Manager policy administrator as a tenant...
fms_batch_associate_resourceAssociate resources to a Firewall Manager resource set
fms_batch_disassociate_resourceDisassociates resources from a Firewall Manager resource set
fms_delete_apps_listPermanently deletes an Firewall Manager applications list
fms_delete_notification_channelDeletes an Firewall Manager association with the IAM role and...
fms_delete_policyPermanently deletes an Firewall Manager policy
fms_delete_protocols_listPermanently deletes an Firewall Manager protocols list
fms_delete_resource_setDeletes the specified ResourceSet
fms_disassociate_admin_accountDisassociates an Firewall Manager administrator account
fms_disassociate_third_party_firewallDisassociates a Firewall Manager policy administrator from a...
fms_get_admin_accountReturns the Organizations account that is associated with...
fms_get_admin_scopeReturns information about the specified account's...
fms_get_apps_listReturns information about the specified Firewall Manager...
fms_get_compliance_detailReturns detailed compliance information about the specified...
fms_get_notification_channelInformation about the Amazon Simple Notification Service...
fms_get_policyReturns information about the specified Firewall Manager...
fms_get_protection_statusIf you created a Shield Advanced policy, returns policy-level...
fms_get_protocols_listReturns information about the specified Firewall Manager...
fms_get_resource_setGets information about a specific resource set
fms_get_third_party_firewall_association_statusThe onboarding status of a Firewall Manager admin account to...
fms_get_violation_detailsRetrieves violations for a resource based on the specified...
fms_list_admin_accounts_for_organizationReturns a AdminAccounts object that lists the Firewall...
fms_list_admins_managing_accountLists the accounts that are managing the specified...
fms_list_apps_listsReturns an array of AppsListDataSummary objects
fms_list_compliance_statusReturns an array of PolicyComplianceStatus objects
fms_list_discovered_resourcesReturns an array of resources in the organization's accounts...
fms_list_member_accountsReturns a MemberAccounts object that lists the member...
fms_list_policiesReturns an array of PolicySummary objects
fms_list_protocols_listsReturns an array of ProtocolsListDataSummary objects
fms_list_resource_set_resourcesReturns an array of resources that are currently associated...
fms_list_resource_setsReturns an array of ResourceSetSummary objects
fms_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieves the list of tags for the specified Amazon Web...
fms_list_third_party_firewall_firewall_policiesRetrieves a list of all of the third-party firewall policies...
fms_put_admin_accountCreates or updates an Firewall Manager administrator account
fms_put_apps_listCreates an Firewall Manager applications list
fms_put_notification_channelDesignates the IAM role and Amazon Simple Notification...
fms_put_policyCreates an Firewall Manager policy
fms_put_protocols_listCreates an Firewall Manager protocols list
fms_put_resource_setCreates the resource set
fms_tag_resourceAdds one or more tags to an Amazon Web Services resource
fms_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from an Amazon Web Services resource
guarddutyAmazon GuardDuty
guardduty_accept_administrator_invitationAccepts the invitation to be a member account and get...
guardduty_accept_invitationAccepts the invitation to be monitored by a GuardDuty...
guardduty_archive_findingsArchives GuardDuty findings that are specified by the list of...
guardduty_create_detectorCreates a single GuardDuty detector
guardduty_create_filterCreates a filter using the specified finding criteria
guardduty_create_ip_setCreates a new IPSet, which is called a trusted IP list in the...
guardduty_create_malware_protection_planCreates a new Malware Protection plan for the protected...
guardduty_create_membersCreates member accounts of the current Amazon Web Services...
guardduty_create_publishing_destinationCreates a publishing destination to export findings to
guardduty_create_sample_findingsGenerates sample findings of types specified by the list of...
guardduty_create_threat_intel_setCreates a new ThreatIntelSet
guardduty_decline_invitationsDeclines invitations sent to the current member account by...
guardduty_delete_detectorDeletes an Amazon GuardDuty detector that is specified by the...
guardduty_delete_filterDeletes the filter specified by the filter name
guardduty_delete_invitationsDeletes invitations sent to the current member account by...
guardduty_delete_ip_setDeletes the IPSet specified by the ipSetId
guardduty_delete_malware_protection_planDeletes the Malware Protection plan ID associated with the...
guardduty_delete_membersDeletes GuardDuty member accounts (to the current GuardDuty...
guardduty_delete_publishing_destinationDeletes the publishing definition with the specified...
guardduty_delete_threat_intel_setDeletes the ThreatIntelSet specified by the ThreatIntelSet ID
guardduty_describe_malware_scansReturns a list of malware scans
guardduty_describe_organization_configurationReturns information about the account selected as the...
guardduty_describe_publishing_destinationReturns information about the publishing destination...
guardduty_disable_organization_admin_accountRemoves the existing GuardDuty delegated administrator of the...
guardduty_disassociate_from_administrator_accountDisassociates the current GuardDuty member account from its...
guardduty_disassociate_from_master_accountDisassociates the current GuardDuty member account from its...
guardduty_disassociate_membersDisassociates GuardDuty member accounts (from the current...
guardduty_enable_organization_admin_accountDesignates an Amazon Web Services account within the...
guardduty_get_administrator_accountProvides the details of the GuardDuty administrator account...
guardduty_get_coverage_statisticsRetrieves aggregated statistics for your account
guardduty_get_detectorRetrieves an Amazon GuardDuty detector specified by the...
guardduty_get_filterReturns the details of the filter specified by the filter...
guardduty_get_findingsDescribes Amazon GuardDuty findings specified by finding IDs
guardduty_get_findings_statisticsLists Amazon GuardDuty findings statistics for the specified...
guardduty_get_invitations_countReturns the count of all GuardDuty membership invitations...
guardduty_get_ip_setRetrieves the IPSet specified by the ipSetId
guardduty_get_malware_protection_planRetrieves the Malware Protection plan details associated with...
guardduty_get_malware_scan_settingsReturns the details of the malware scan settings
guardduty_get_master_accountProvides the details for the GuardDuty administrator account...
guardduty_get_member_detectorsDescribes which data sources are enabled for the member...
guardduty_get_membersRetrieves GuardDuty member accounts (of the current GuardDuty...
guardduty_get_organization_statisticsRetrieves how many active member accounts have each feature...
guardduty_get_remaining_free_trial_daysProvides the number of days left for each data source used in...
guardduty_get_threat_intel_setRetrieves the ThreatIntelSet that is specified by the...
guardduty_get_usage_statisticsLists Amazon GuardDuty usage statistics over the last 30 days...
guardduty_invite_membersInvites Amazon Web Services accounts to become members of an...
guardduty_list_coverageLists coverage details for your GuardDuty account
guardduty_list_detectorsLists detectorIds of all the existing Amazon GuardDuty...
guardduty_list_filtersReturns a paginated list of the current filters
guardduty_list_findingsLists GuardDuty findings for the specified detector ID
guardduty_list_invitationsLists all GuardDuty membership invitations that were sent to...
guardduty_list_ip_setsLists the IPSets of the GuardDuty service specified by the...
guardduty_list_malware_protection_plansLists the Malware Protection plan IDs associated with the...
guardduty_list_membersLists details about all member accounts for the current...
guardduty_list_organization_admin_accountsLists the accounts designated as GuardDuty delegated...
guardduty_list_publishing_destinationsReturns a list of publishing destinations associated with the...
guardduty_list_tags_for_resourceLists tags for a resource
guardduty_list_threat_intel_setsLists the ThreatIntelSets of the GuardDuty service specified...
guardduty_start_malware_scanInitiates the malware scan
guardduty_start_monitoring_membersTurns on GuardDuty monitoring of the specified member...
guardduty_stop_monitoring_membersStops GuardDuty monitoring for the specified member accounts
guardduty_tag_resourceAdds tags to a resource
guardduty_unarchive_findingsUnarchives GuardDuty findings specified by the findingIds
guardduty_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a resource
guardduty_update_detectorUpdates the GuardDuty detector specified by the detector ID
guardduty_update_filterUpdates the filter specified by the filter name
guardduty_update_findings_feedbackMarks the specified GuardDuty findings as useful or not...
guardduty_update_ip_setUpdates the IPSet specified by the IPSet ID
guardduty_update_malware_protection_planUpdates an existing Malware Protection plan resource
guardduty_update_malware_scan_settingsUpdates the malware scan settings
guardduty_update_member_detectorsContains information on member accounts to be updated
guardduty_update_organization_configurationConfigures the delegated administrator account with the...
guardduty_update_publishing_destinationUpdates information about the publishing destination...
guardduty_update_threat_intel_setUpdates the ThreatIntelSet specified by the ThreatIntelSet ID
iamAWS Identity and Access Management
iam_add_client_id_to_open_id_connect_providerAdds a new client ID (also known as audience) to the list of...
iam_add_role_to_instance_profileAdds the specified IAM role to the specified instance profile
iam_add_user_to_groupAdds the specified user to the specified group
iam_attach_group_policyAttaches the specified managed policy to the specified IAM...
iam_attach_role_policyAttaches the specified managed policy to the specified IAM...
iam_attach_user_policyAttaches the specified managed policy to the specified user
iam_change_passwordChanges the password of the IAM user who is calling this...
iam_create_access_keyCreates a new Amazon Web Services secret access key and...
iam_create_account_aliasCreates an alias for your Amazon Web Services account
iam_create_groupCreates a new group
iam_create_instance_profileCreates a new instance profile
iam_create_login_profileCreates a password for the specified IAM user
iam_create_open_id_connect_providerCreates an IAM entity to describe an identity provider (IdP)...
iam_create_policyCreates a new managed policy for your Amazon Web Services...
iam_create_policy_versionCreates a new version of the specified managed policy
iam_create_roleCreates a new role for your Amazon Web Services account
iam_create_saml_providerCreates an IAM resource that describes an identity provider...
iam_create_service_linked_roleCreates an IAM role that is linked to a specific Amazon Web...
iam_create_service_specific_credentialGenerates a set of credentials consisting of a user name and...
iam_create_userCreates a new IAM user for your Amazon Web Services account
iam_create_virtual_mfa_deviceCreates a new virtual MFA device for the Amazon Web Services...
iam_deactivate_mfa_deviceDeactivates the specified MFA device and removes it from...
iam_delete_access_keyDeletes the access key pair associated with the specified IAM...
iam_delete_account_aliasDeletes the specified Amazon Web Services account alias
iam_delete_account_password_policyDeletes the password policy for the Amazon Web Services...
iam_delete_groupDeletes the specified IAM group
iam_delete_group_policyDeletes the specified inline policy that is embedded in the...
iam_delete_instance_profileDeletes the specified instance profile
iam_delete_login_profileDeletes the password for the specified IAM user, For more...
iam_delete_open_id_connect_providerDeletes an OpenID Connect identity provider (IdP) resource...
iam_delete_policyDeletes the specified managed policy
iam_delete_policy_versionDeletes the specified version from the specified managed...
iam_delete_roleDeletes the specified role
iam_delete_role_permissions_boundaryDeletes the permissions boundary for the specified IAM role
iam_delete_role_policyDeletes the specified inline policy that is embedded in the...
iam_delete_saml_providerDeletes a SAML provider resource in IAM
iam_delete_server_certificateDeletes the specified server certificate
iam_delete_service_linked_roleSubmits a service-linked role deletion request and returns a...
iam_delete_service_specific_credentialDeletes the specified service-specific credential
iam_delete_signing_certificateDeletes a signing certificate associated with the specified...
iam_delete_ssh_public_keyDeletes the specified SSH public key
iam_delete_userDeletes the specified IAM user
iam_delete_user_permissions_boundaryDeletes the permissions boundary for the specified IAM user
iam_delete_user_policyDeletes the specified inline policy that is embedded in the...
iam_delete_virtual_mfa_deviceDeletes a virtual MFA device
iam_detach_group_policyRemoves the specified managed policy from the specified IAM...
iam_detach_role_policyRemoves the specified managed policy from the specified role
iam_detach_user_policyRemoves the specified managed policy from the specified user
iam_enable_mfa_deviceEnables the specified MFA device and associates it with the...
iam_generate_credential_reportGenerates a credential report for the Amazon Web Services...
iam_generate_organizations_access_reportGenerates a report for service last accessed data for...
iam_generate_service_last_accessed_detailsGenerates a report that includes details about when an IAM...
iam_get_access_key_last_usedRetrieves information about when the specified access key was...
iam_get_account_authorization_detailsRetrieves information about all IAM users, groups, roles, and...
iam_get_account_password_policyRetrieves the password policy for the Amazon Web Services...
iam_get_account_summaryRetrieves information about IAM entity usage and IAM quotas...
iam_get_context_keys_for_custom_policyGets a list of all of the context keys referenced in the...
iam_get_context_keys_for_principal_policyGets a list of all of the context keys referenced in all the...
iam_get_credential_reportRetrieves a credential report for the Amazon Web Services...
iam_get_groupReturns a list of IAM users that are in the specified IAM...
iam_get_group_policyRetrieves the specified inline policy document that is...
iam_get_instance_profileRetrieves information about the specified instance profile,...
iam_get_login_profileRetrieves the user name for the specified IAM user
iam_get_mfa_deviceRetrieves information about an MFA device for a specified...
iam_get_open_id_connect_providerReturns information about the specified OpenID Connect (OIDC)...
iam_get_organizations_access_reportRetrieves the service last accessed data report for...
iam_get_policyRetrieves information about the specified managed policy,...
iam_get_policy_versionRetrieves information about the specified version of the...
iam_get_roleRetrieves information about the specified role, including the...
iam_get_role_policyRetrieves the specified inline policy document that is...
iam_get_saml_providerReturns the SAML provider metadocument that was uploaded when...
iam_get_server_certificateRetrieves information about the specified server certificate...
iam_get_service_last_accessed_detailsRetrieves a service last accessed report that was created...
iam_get_service_last_accessed_details_with_entitiesAfter you generate a group or policy report using the...
iam_get_service_linked_role_deletion_statusRetrieves the status of your service-linked role deletion
iam_get_ssh_public_keyRetrieves the specified SSH public key, including metadata...
iam_get_userRetrieves information about the specified IAM user, including...
iam_get_user_policyRetrieves the specified inline policy document that is...
iam_list_access_keysReturns information about the access key IDs associated with...
iam_list_account_aliasesLists the account alias associated with the Amazon Web...
iam_list_attached_group_policiesLists all managed policies that are attached to the specified...
iam_list_attached_role_policiesLists all managed policies that are attached to the specified...
iam_list_attached_user_policiesLists all managed policies that are attached to the specified...
iam_list_entities_for_policyLists all IAM users, groups, and roles that the specified...
iam_list_group_policiesLists the names of the inline policies that are embedded in...
iam_list_groupsLists the IAM groups that have the specified path prefix
iam_list_groups_for_userLists the IAM groups that the specified IAM user belongs to
iam_list_instance_profilesLists the instance profiles that have the specified path...
iam_list_instance_profiles_for_roleLists the instance profiles that have the specified...
iam_list_instance_profile_tagsLists the tags that are attached to the specified IAM...
iam_list_mfa_devicesLists the MFA devices for an IAM user
iam_list_mfa_device_tagsLists the tags that are attached to the specified IAM virtual...
iam_list_open_id_connect_providersLists information about the IAM OpenID Connect (OIDC)...
iam_list_open_id_connect_provider_tagsLists the tags that are attached to the specified OpenID...
iam_list_policiesLists all the managed policies that are available in your...
iam_list_policies_granting_service_accessRetrieves a list of policies that the IAM identity (user,...
iam_list_policy_tagsLists the tags that are attached to the specified IAM...
iam_list_policy_versionsLists information about the versions of the specified managed...
iam_list_role_policiesLists the names of the inline policies that are embedded in...
iam_list_rolesLists the IAM roles that have the specified path prefix
iam_list_role_tagsLists the tags that are attached to the specified role
iam_list_saml_providersLists the SAML provider resource objects defined in IAM in...
iam_list_saml_provider_tagsLists the tags that are attached to the specified Security...
iam_list_server_certificatesLists the server certificates stored in IAM that have the...
iam_list_server_certificate_tagsLists the tags that are attached to the specified IAM server...
iam_list_service_specific_credentialsReturns information about the service-specific credentials...
iam_list_signing_certificatesReturns information about the signing certificates associated...
iam_list_ssh_public_keysReturns information about the SSH public keys associated with...
iam_list_user_policiesLists the names of the inline policies embedded in the...
iam_list_usersLists the IAM users that have the specified path prefix
iam_list_user_tagsLists the tags that are attached to the specified IAM user
iam_list_virtual_mfa_devicesLists the virtual MFA devices defined in the Amazon Web...
iam_put_group_policyAdds or updates an inline policy document that is embedded in...
iam_put_role_permissions_boundaryAdds or updates the policy that is specified as the IAM...
iam_put_role_policyAdds or updates an inline policy document that is embedded in...
iam_put_user_permissions_boundaryAdds or updates the policy that is specified as the IAM...
iam_put_user_policyAdds or updates an inline policy document that is embedded in...
iam_remove_client_id_from_open_id_connect_providerRemoves the specified client ID (also known as audience) from...
iam_remove_role_from_instance_profileRemoves the specified IAM role from the specified Amazon EC2...
iam_remove_user_from_groupRemoves the specified user from the specified group
iam_reset_service_specific_credentialResets the password for a service-specific credential
iam_resync_mfa_deviceSynchronizes the specified MFA device with its IAM resource...
iamrolesanywhereIAM Roles Anywhere
iamrolesanywhere_create_profileCreates a profile, a list of the roles that Roles Anywhere...
iamrolesanywhere_create_trust_anchorCreates a trust anchor to establish trust between IAM Roles...
iamrolesanywhere_delete_attribute_mappingDelete an entry from the attribute mapping rules enforced by...
iamrolesanywhere_delete_crlDeletes a certificate revocation list (CRL)
iamrolesanywhere_delete_profileDeletes a profile
iamrolesanywhere_delete_trust_anchorDeletes a trust anchor
iamrolesanywhere_disable_crlDisables a certificate revocation list (CRL)
iamrolesanywhere_disable_profileDisables a profile
iamrolesanywhere_disable_trust_anchorDisables a trust anchor
iamrolesanywhere_enable_crlEnables a certificate revocation list (CRL)
iamrolesanywhere_enable_profileEnables temporary credential requests for a profile
iamrolesanywhere_enable_trust_anchorEnables a trust anchor
iamrolesanywhere_get_crlGets a certificate revocation list (CRL)
iamrolesanywhere_get_profileGets a profile
iamrolesanywhere_get_subjectGets a subject, which associates a certificate identity with...
iamrolesanywhere_get_trust_anchorGets a trust anchor
iamrolesanywhere_import_crlImports the certificate revocation list (CRL)
iamrolesanywhere_list_crlsLists all certificate revocation lists (CRL) in the...
iamrolesanywhere_list_profilesLists all profiles in the authenticated account and Amazon...
iamrolesanywhere_list_subjectsLists the subjects in the authenticated account and Amazon...
iamrolesanywhere_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags attached to the resource
iamrolesanywhere_list_trust_anchorsLists the trust anchors in the authenticated account and...
iamrolesanywhere_put_attribute_mappingPut an entry in the attribute mapping rules that will be...
iamrolesanywhere_put_notification_settingsAttaches a list of notification settings to a trust anchor
iamrolesanywhere_reset_notification_settingsResets the custom notification setting to IAM Roles Anywhere...
iamrolesanywhere_tag_resourceAttaches tags to a resource
iamrolesanywhere_untag_resourceRemoves tags from the resource
iamrolesanywhere_update_crlUpdates the certificate revocation list (CRL)
iamrolesanywhere_update_profileUpdates a profile, a list of the roles that IAM Roles...
iamrolesanywhere_update_trust_anchorUpdates a trust anchor
iam_set_default_policy_versionSets the specified version of the specified policy as the...
iam_set_security_token_service_preferencesSets the specified version of the global endpoint token as...
iam_simulate_custom_policySimulate how a set of IAM policies and optionally a...
iam_simulate_principal_policySimulate how a set of IAM policies attached to an IAM entity...
iam_tag_instance_profileAdds one or more tags to an IAM instance profile
iam_tag_mfa_deviceAdds one or more tags to an IAM virtual multi-factor...
iam_tag_open_id_connect_providerAdds one or more tags to an OpenID Connect (OIDC)-compatible...
iam_tag_policyAdds one or more tags to an IAM customer managed policy
iam_tag_roleAdds one or more tags to an IAM role
iam_tag_saml_providerAdds one or more tags to a Security Assertion Markup Language...
iam_tag_server_certificateAdds one or more tags to an IAM server certificate
iam_tag_userAdds one or more tags to an IAM user
iam_untag_instance_profileRemoves the specified tags from the IAM instance profile
iam_untag_mfa_deviceRemoves the specified tags from the IAM virtual multi-factor...
iam_untag_open_id_connect_providerRemoves the specified tags from the specified OpenID Connect...
iam_untag_policyRemoves the specified tags from the customer managed policy
iam_untag_roleRemoves the specified tags from the role
iam_untag_saml_providerRemoves the specified tags from the specified Security...
iam_untag_server_certificateRemoves the specified tags from the IAM server certificate
iam_untag_userRemoves the specified tags from the user
iam_update_access_keyChanges the status of the specified access key from Active to...
iam_update_account_password_policyUpdates the password policy settings for the Amazon Web...
iam_update_assume_role_policyUpdates the policy that grants an IAM entity permission to...
iam_update_groupUpdates the name and/or the path of the specified IAM group
iam_update_login_profileChanges the password for the specified IAM user
iam_update_open_id_connect_provider_thumbprintReplaces the existing list of server certificate thumbprints...
iam_update_roleUpdates the description or maximum session duration setting...
iam_update_role_descriptionUse UpdateRole instead
iam_update_saml_providerUpdates the metadata document for an existing SAML provider...
iam_update_server_certificateUpdates the name and/or the path of the specified server...
iam_update_service_specific_credentialSets the status of a service-specific credential to Active or...
iam_update_signing_certificateChanges the status of the specified user signing certificate...
iam_update_ssh_public_keySets the status of an IAM user's SSH public key to active or...
iam_update_userUpdates the name and/or the path of the specified IAM user
iam_upload_server_certificateUploads a server certificate entity for the Amazon Web...
iam_upload_signing_certificateUploads an X
iam_upload_ssh_public_keyUploads an SSH public key and associates it with the...
identitystoreAWS SSO Identity Store
identitystore_create_groupCreates a group within the specified identity store
identitystore_create_group_membershipCreates a relationship between a member and a group
identitystore_create_userCreates a user within the specified identity store
identitystore_delete_groupDelete a group within an identity store given GroupId
identitystore_delete_group_membershipDelete a membership within a group given MembershipId
identitystore_delete_userDeletes a user within an identity store given UserId
identitystore_describe_groupRetrieves the group metadata and attributes from GroupId in...
identitystore_describe_group_membershipRetrieves membership metadata and attributes from...
identitystore_describe_userRetrieves the user metadata and attributes from the UserId in...
identitystore_get_group_idRetrieves GroupId in an identity store
identitystore_get_group_membership_idRetrieves the MembershipId in an identity store
identitystore_get_user_idRetrieves the UserId in an identity store
identitystore_is_member_in_groupsChecks the user's membership in all requested groups and...
identitystore_list_group_membershipsFor the specified group in the specified identity store,...
identitystore_list_group_memberships_for_memberFor the specified member in the specified identity store,...
identitystore_list_groupsLists all groups in the identity store
identitystore_list_usersLists all users in the identity store
identitystore_update_groupFor the specified group in the specified identity store,...
identitystore_update_userFor the specified user in the specified identity store,...
inspectorAmazon Inspector
inspector2_associate_memberAssociates an Amazon Web Services account with an Amazon...
inspector2_batch_get_account_statusRetrieves the Amazon Inspector status of multiple Amazon Web...
inspector2_batch_get_code_snippetRetrieves code snippets from findings that Amazon Inspector...
inspector2_batch_get_finding_detailsGets vulnerability details for findings
inspector2_batch_get_free_trial_infoGets free trial status for multiple Amazon Web Services...
inspector2_batch_get_member_ec_2_deep_inspection_statusRetrieves Amazon Inspector deep inspection activation status...
inspector2_batch_update_member_ec_2_deep_inspection_statusActivates or deactivates Amazon Inspector deep inspection for...
inspector2_cancel_findings_reportCancels the given findings report
inspector2_cancel_sbom_exportCancels a software bill of materials (SBOM) report
inspector2_create_cis_scan_configurationCreates a CIS scan configuration
inspector2_create_filterCreates a filter resource using specified filter criteria
inspector2_create_findings_reportCreates a finding report
inspector2_create_sbom_exportCreates a software bill of materials (SBOM) report
inspector2_delete_cis_scan_configurationDeletes a CIS scan configuration
inspector2_delete_filterDeletes a filter resource
inspector2_describe_organization_configurationDescribe Amazon Inspector configuration settings for an...
inspector2_disableDisables Amazon Inspector scans for one or more Amazon Web...
inspector2_disable_delegated_admin_accountDisables the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for...
inspector2_disassociate_memberDisassociates a member account from an Amazon Inspector...
inspector2_enableEnables Amazon Inspector scans for one or more Amazon Web...
inspector2_enable_delegated_admin_accountEnables the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for your...
inspector2_get_cis_scan_reportRetrieves a CIS scan report
inspector2_get_cis_scan_result_detailsRetrieves CIS scan result details
inspector2_get_configurationRetrieves setting configurations for Inspector scans
inspector2_get_delegated_admin_accountRetrieves information about the Amazon Inspector delegated...
inspector2_get_ec_2_deep_inspection_configurationRetrieves the activation status of Amazon Inspector deep...
inspector2_get_encryption_keyGets an encryption key
inspector2_get_findings_report_statusGets the status of a findings report
inspector2_get_memberGets member information for your organization
inspector2_get_sbom_exportGets details of a software bill of materials (SBOM) report
inspector2_list_account_permissionsLists the permissions an account has to configure Amazon...
inspector2_list_cis_scan_configurationsLists CIS scan configurations
inspector2_list_cis_scan_resul_aggre_by_targe_resouLists scan results aggregated by a target resource
inspector2_list_cis_scan_results_aggregated_by_checksLists scan results aggregated by checks
inspector2_list_cis_scansReturns a CIS scan list
inspector2_list_coverageLists coverage details for you environment
inspector2_list_coverage_statisticsLists Amazon Inspector coverage statistics for your...
inspector2_list_delegated_admin_accountsLists information about the Amazon Inspector delegated...
inspector2_list_filtersLists the filters associated with your account
inspector2_list_finding_aggregationsLists aggregated finding data for your environment based on...
inspector2_list_findingsLists findings for your environment
inspector2_list_membersList members associated with the Amazon Inspector delegated...
inspector2_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags attached to a given resource
inspector2_list_usage_totalsLists the Amazon Inspector usage totals over the last 30 days
inspector2_reset_encryption_keyResets an encryption key
inspector2_search_vulnerabilitiesLists Amazon Inspector coverage details for a specific...
inspector2_send_cis_session_healthSends a CIS session health
inspector2_send_cis_session_telemetrySends a CIS session telemetry
inspector2_start_cis_sessionStarts a CIS session
inspector2_stop_cis_sessionStops a CIS session
inspector2_tag_resourceAdds tags to a resource
inspector2_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a resource
inspector2_update_cis_scan_configurationUpdates a CIS scan configuration
inspector2_update_configurationUpdates setting configurations for your Amazon Inspector...
inspector2_update_ec_2_deep_inspection_configurationActivates, deactivates Amazon Inspector deep inspection, or...
inspector2_update_encryption_keyUpdates an encryption key
inspector2_update_filterSpecifies the action that is to be applied to the findings...
inspector2_update_organization_configurationUpdates the configurations for your Amazon Inspector...
inspector2_update_org_ec_2_deep_inspection_configurationUpdates the Amazon Inspector deep inspection custom paths for...
inspector_add_attributes_to_findingsAssigns attributes (key and value pairs) to the findings that...
inspector_create_assessment_targetCreates a new assessment target using the ARN of the resource...
inspector_create_assessment_templateCreates an assessment template for the assessment target that...
inspector_create_exclusions_previewStarts the generation of an exclusions preview for the...
inspector_create_resource_groupCreates a resource group using the specified set of tags (key...
inspector_delete_assessment_runDeletes the assessment run that is specified by the ARN of...
inspector_delete_assessment_targetDeletes the assessment target that is specified by the ARN of...
inspector_delete_assessment_templateDeletes the assessment template that is specified by the ARN...
inspector_describe_assessment_runsDescribes the assessment runs that are specified by the ARNs...
inspector_describe_assessment_targetsDescribes the assessment targets that are specified by the...
inspector_describe_assessment_templatesDescribes the assessment templates that are specified by the...
inspector_describe_cross_account_access_roleDescribes the IAM role that enables Amazon Inspector to...
inspector_describe_exclusionsDescribes the exclusions that are specified by the...
inspector_describe_findingsDescribes the findings that are specified by the ARNs of the...
inspector_describe_resource_groupsDescribes the resource groups that are specified by the ARNs...
inspector_describe_rules_packagesDescribes the rules packages that are specified by the ARNs...
inspector_get_assessment_reportProduces an assessment report that includes detailed and...
inspector_get_exclusions_previewRetrieves the exclusions preview (a list of ExclusionPreview...
inspector_get_telemetry_metadataInformation about the data that is collected for the...
inspector_list_assessment_run_agentsLists the agents of the assessment runs that are specified by...
inspector_list_assessment_runsLists the assessment runs that correspond to the assessment...
inspector_list_assessment_targetsLists the ARNs of the assessment targets within this AWS...
inspector_list_assessment_templatesLists the assessment templates that correspond to the...
inspector_list_event_subscriptionsLists all the event subscriptions for the assessment template...
inspector_list_exclusionsList exclusions that are generated by the assessment run
inspector_list_findingsLists findings that are generated by the assessment runs that...
inspector_list_rules_packagesLists all available Amazon Inspector rules packages
inspector_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags associated with an assessment template
inspector_preview_agentsPreviews the agents installed on the EC2 instances that are...
inspector_register_cross_account_access_roleRegisters the IAM role that grants Amazon Inspector access to...
inspector_remove_attributes_from_findingsRemoves entire attributes (key and value pairs) from the...
inspector_set_tags_for_resourceSets tags (key and value pairs) to the assessment template...
inspector_start_assessment_runStarts the assessment run specified by the ARN of the...
inspector_stop_assessment_runStops the assessment run that is specified by the ARN of the...
inspector_subscribe_to_eventEnables the process of sending Amazon Simple Notification...
inspector_unsubscribe_from_eventDisables the process of sending Amazon Simple Notification...
inspector_update_assessment_targetUpdates the assessment target that is specified by the ARN of...
kmsAWS Key Management Service
kms_cancel_key_deletionCancels the deletion of a KMS key
kms_connect_custom_key_storeConnects or reconnects a custom key store to its backing key...
kms_create_aliasCreates a friendly name for a KMS key
kms_create_custom_key_storeCreates a custom key store backed by a key store that you own...
kms_create_grantAdds a grant to a KMS key
kms_create_keyCreates a unique customer managed KMS key in your Amazon Web...
kms_decryptDecrypts ciphertext that was encrypted by a KMS key using any...
kms_delete_aliasDeletes the specified alias
kms_delete_custom_key_storeDeletes a custom key store
kms_delete_imported_key_materialDeletes key material that was previously imported
kms_derive_shared_secretDerives a shared secret using a key agreement algorithm
kms_describe_custom_key_storesGets information about custom key stores in the account and...
kms_describe_keyProvides detailed information about a KMS key
kms_disable_keySets the state of a KMS key to disabled
kms_disable_key_rotationDisables automatic rotation of the key material of the...
kms_disconnect_custom_key_storeDisconnects the custom key store from its backing key store
kms_enable_keySets the key state of a KMS key to enabled
kms_enable_key_rotationEnables automatic rotation of the key material of the...
kms_encryptEncrypts plaintext of up to 4,096 bytes using a KMS key
kms_generate_data_keyReturns a unique symmetric data key for use outside of KMS
kms_generate_data_key_pairReturns a unique asymmetric data key pair for use outside of...
kms_generate_data_key_pair_without_plaintextReturns a unique asymmetric data key pair for use outside of...
kms_generate_data_key_without_plaintextReturns a unique symmetric data key for use outside of KMS
kms_generate_macGenerates a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) for...
kms_generate_randomReturns a random byte string that is cryptographically secure
kms_get_key_policyGets a key policy attached to the specified KMS key
kms_get_key_rotation_statusProvides detailed information about the rotation status for a...
kms_get_parameters_for_importReturns the public key and an import token you need to import...
kms_get_public_keyReturns the public key of an asymmetric KMS key
kms_import_key_materialImports or reimports key material into an existing KMS key...
kms_list_aliasesGets a list of aliases in the caller's Amazon Web Services...
kms_list_grantsGets a list of all grants for the specified KMS key
kms_list_key_policiesGets the names of the key policies that are attached to a KMS...
kms_list_key_rotationsReturns information about all completed key material...
kms_list_keysGets a list of all KMS keys in the caller's Amazon Web...
kms_list_resource_tagsReturns all tags on the specified KMS key
kms_list_retirable_grantsReturns information about all grants in the Amazon Web...
kms_put_key_policyAttaches a key policy to the specified KMS key
kms_re_encryptDecrypts ciphertext and then reencrypts it entirely within...
kms_replicate_keyReplicates a multi-Region key into the specified Region
kms_retire_grantDeletes a grant
kms_revoke_grantDeletes the specified grant
kms_rotate_key_on_demandImmediately initiates rotation of the key material of the...
kms_schedule_key_deletionSchedules the deletion of a KMS key
kms_signCreates a digital signature for a message or message digest...
kms_tag_resourceAdds or edits tags on a customer managed key
kms_untag_resourceDeletes tags from a customer managed key
kms_update_aliasAssociates an existing KMS alias with a different KMS key
kms_update_custom_key_storeChanges the properties of a custom key store
kms_update_key_descriptionUpdates the description of a KMS key
kms_update_primary_regionChanges the primary key of a multi-Region key
kms_verifyVerifies a digital signature that was generated by the Sign...
kms_verify_macVerifies the hash-based message authentication code (HMAC)...
macie2Amazon Macie 2
macie2_accept_invitationAccepts an Amazon Macie membership invitation that was...
macie2_batch_get_custom_data_identifiersRetrieves information about one or more custom data...
macie2_batch_update_automated_discovery_accountsChanges the status of automated sensitive data discovery for...
macie2_create_allow_listCreates and defines the settings for an allow list
macie2_create_classification_jobCreates and defines the settings for a classification job
macie2_create_custom_data_identifierCreates and defines the criteria and other settings for a...
macie2_create_findings_filterCreates and defines the criteria and other settings for a...
macie2_create_invitationsSends an Amazon Macie membership invitation to one or more...
macie2_create_memberAssociates an account with an Amazon Macie administrator...
macie2_create_sample_findingsCreates sample findings
macie2_decline_invitationsDeclines Amazon Macie membership invitations that were...
macie2_delete_allow_listDeletes an allow list
macie2_delete_custom_data_identifierSoft deletes a custom data identifier
macie2_delete_findings_filterDeletes a findings filter
macie2_delete_invitationsDeletes Amazon Macie membership invitations that were...
macie2_delete_memberDeletes the association between an Amazon Macie administrator...
macie2_describe_bucketsRetrieves (queries) statistical data and other information...
macie2_describe_classification_jobRetrieves the status and settings for a classification job
macie2_describe_organization_configurationRetrieves the Amazon Macie configuration settings for an...
macie2_disable_macieDisables Amazon Macie and deletes all settings and resources...
macie2_disable_organization_admin_accountDisables an account as the delegated Amazon Macie...
macie2_disassociate_from_administrator_accountDisassociates a member account from its Amazon Macie...
macie2_disassociate_from_master_account(Deprecated) Disassociates a member account from its Amazon...
macie2_disassociate_memberDisassociates an Amazon Macie administrator account from a...
macie2_enable_macieEnables Amazon Macie and specifies the configuration settings...
macie2_enable_organization_admin_accountDesignates an account as the delegated Amazon Macie...
macie2_get_administrator_accountRetrieves information about the Amazon Macie administrator...
macie2_get_allow_listRetrieves the settings and status of an allow list
macie2_get_automated_discovery_configurationRetrieves the configuration settings and status of automated...
macie2_get_bucket_statisticsRetrieves (queries) aggregated statistical data about all the...
macie2_get_classification_export_configurationRetrieves the configuration settings for storing data...
macie2_get_classification_scopeRetrieves the classification scope settings for an account
macie2_get_custom_data_identifierRetrieves the criteria and other settings for a custom data...
macie2_get_findingsRetrieves the details of one or more findings
macie2_get_findings_filterRetrieves the criteria and other settings for a findings...
macie2_get_findings_publication_configurationRetrieves the configuration settings for publishing findings...
macie2_get_finding_statisticsRetrieves (queries) aggregated statistical data about...
macie2_get_invitations_countRetrieves the count of Amazon Macie membership invitations...
macie2_get_macie_sessionRetrieves the status and configuration settings for an Amazon...
macie2_get_master_account(Deprecated) Retrieves information about the Amazon Macie...
macie2_get_memberRetrieves information about an account that's associated with...
macie2_get_resource_profileRetrieves (queries) sensitive data discovery statistics and...
macie2_get_reveal_configurationRetrieves the status and configuration settings for...
macie2_get_sensitive_data_occurrencesRetrieves occurrences of sensitive data reported by a finding
macie2_get_sensitive_data_occurrences_availabilityChecks whether occurrences of sensitive data can be retrieved...
macie2_get_sensitivity_inspection_templateRetrieves the settings for the sensitivity inspection...
macie2_get_usage_statisticsRetrieves (queries) quotas and aggregated usage data for one...
macie2_get_usage_totalsRetrieves (queries) aggregated usage data for an account
macie2_list_allow_listsRetrieves a subset of information about all the allow lists...
macie2_list_automated_discovery_accountsRetrieves the status of automated sensitive data discovery...
macie2_list_classification_jobsRetrieves a subset of information about one or more...
macie2_list_classification_scopesRetrieves a subset of information about the classification...
macie2_list_custom_data_identifiersRetrieves a subset of information about all the custom data...
macie2_list_findingsRetrieves a subset of information about one or more findings
macie2_list_findings_filtersRetrieves a subset of information about all the findings...
macie2_list_invitationsRetrieves information about Amazon Macie membership...
macie2_list_managed_data_identifiersRetrieves information about all the managed data identifiers...
macie2_list_membersRetrieves information about the accounts that are associated...
macie2_list_organization_admin_accountsRetrieves information about the delegated Amazon Macie...
macie2_list_resource_profile_artifactsRetrieves information about objects that Amazon Macie...
macie2_list_resource_profile_detectionsRetrieves information about the types and amount of sensitive...
macie2_list_sensitivity_inspection_templatesRetrieves a subset of information about the sensitivity...
macie2_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieves the tags (keys and values) that are associated with...
macie2_put_classification_export_configurationAdds or updates the configuration settings for storing data...
macie2_put_findings_publication_configurationUpdates the configuration settings for publishing findings to...
macie2_search_resourcesRetrieves (queries) statistical data and other information...
macie2_tag_resourceAdds or updates one or more tags (keys and values) that are...
macie2_test_custom_data_identifierTests criteria for a custom data identifier
macie2_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags (keys and values) from an Amazon...
macie2_update_allow_listUpdates the settings for an allow list
macie2_update_automated_discovery_configurationChanges the configuration settings and status of automated...
macie2_update_classification_jobChanges the status of a classification job
macie2_update_classification_scopeUpdates the classification scope settings for an account
macie2_update_findings_filterUpdates the criteria and other settings for a findings filter
macie2_update_macie_sessionSuspends or re-enables Amazon Macie, or updates the...
macie2_update_member_sessionEnables an Amazon Macie administrator to suspend or re-enable...
macie2_update_organization_configurationUpdates the Amazon Macie configuration settings for an...
macie2_update_resource_profileUpdates the sensitivity score for an S3 bucket
macie2_update_resource_profile_detectionsUpdates the sensitivity scoring settings for an S3 bucket
macie2_update_reveal_configurationUpdates the status and configuration settings for retrieving...
macie2_update_sensitivity_inspection_templateUpdates the settings for the sensitivity inspection template...
pcaconnectorad_create_connectorCreates a connector between Amazon Web Services Private CA...
pcaconnectorad_create_directory_registrationCreates a directory registration that authorizes...
pcaconnectorad_create_service_principal_nameCreates a service principal name (SPN) for the service...
pcaconnectorad_create_templateCreates an Active Directory compatible certificate template
pcaconnectorad_create_template_group_access_control_entryCreate a group access control entry
pcaconnectorad_delete_connectorDeletes a connector for Active Directory
pcaconnectorad_delete_directory_registrationDeletes a directory registration
pcaconnectorad_delete_service_principal_nameDeletes the service principal name (SPN) used by a connector...
pcaconnectorad_delete_templateDeletes a template
pcaconnectorad_delete_template_group_access_control_entryDeletes a group access control entry
pcaconnectorad_get_connectorLists information about your connector
pcaconnectorad_get_directory_registrationA structure that contains information about your directory...
pcaconnectorad_get_service_principal_nameLists the service principal name that the connector uses to...
pcaconnectorad_get_templateRetrieves a certificate template that the connector uses to...
pcaconnectorad_get_template_group_access_control_entryRetrieves the group access control entries for a template
pcaconnectorad_list_connectorsLists the connectors that you created by using the...
pcaconnectorad_list_directory_registrationsLists the directory registrations that you created by using...
pcaconnectorad_list_service_principal_namesLists the service principal names that the connector uses to...
pcaconnectorad_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags, if any, that are associated with your...
pcaconnectorad_list_template_group_access_control_entriesLists group access control entries you created
pcaconnectorad_list_templatesLists the templates, if any, that are associated with a...
pcaconnectorad_tag_resourceAdds one or more tags to your resource
pcaconnectorad_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from your resource
pcaconnectorad_update_templateUpdate template configuration to define the information...
pcaconnectorad_update_template_group_access_control_entryUpdate a group access control entry you created using...
ramAWS Resource Access Manager
ram_accept_resource_share_invitationAccepts an invitation to a resource share from another Amazon...
ram_associate_resource_shareAdds the specified list of principals and list of resources...
ram_associate_resource_share_permissionAdds or replaces the RAM permission for a resource type...
ram_create_permissionCreates a customer managed permission for a specified...
ram_create_permission_versionCreates a new version of the specified customer managed...
ram_create_resource_shareCreates a resource share
ram_delete_permissionDeletes the specified customer managed permission in the...
ram_delete_permission_versionDeletes one version of a customer managed permission
ram_delete_resource_shareDeletes the specified resource share
ram_disassociate_resource_shareRemoves the specified principals or resources from...
ram_disassociate_resource_share_permissionRemoves a managed permission from a resource share
ram_enable_sharing_with_aws_organizationEnables resource sharing within your organization in...
ram_get_permissionRetrieves the contents of a managed permission in JSON format
ram_get_resource_policiesRetrieves the resource policies for the specified resources...
ram_get_resource_share_associationsRetrieves the lists of resources and principals that...
ram_get_resource_share_invitationsRetrieves details about invitations that you have received...
ram_get_resource_sharesRetrieves details about the resource shares that you own or...
ram_list_pending_invitation_resourcesLists the resources in a resource share that is shared with...
ram_list_permission_associationsLists information about the managed permission and its...
ram_list_permissionsRetrieves a list of available RAM permissions that you can...
ram_list_permission_versionsLists the available versions of the specified RAM permission
ram_list_principalsLists the principals that you are sharing resources with or...
ram_list_replace_permission_associations_workRetrieves the current status of the asynchronous tasks...
ram_list_resourcesLists the resources that you added to a resource share or the...
ram_list_resource_share_permissionsLists the RAM permissions that are associated with a resource...
ram_list_resource_typesLists the resource types that can be shared by RAM
ram_promote_permission_created_from_policyWhen you attach a resource-based policy to a resource, RAM...
ram_promote_resource_share_created_from_policyWhen you attach a resource-based policy to a resource, RAM...
ram_reject_resource_share_invitationRejects an invitation to a resource share from another Amazon...
ram_replace_permission_associationsUpdates all resource shares that use a managed permission to...
ram_set_default_permission_versionDesignates the specified version number as the default...
ram_tag_resourceAdds the specified tag keys and values to a resource share or...
ram_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tag key and value pairs from the...
ram_update_resource_shareModifies some of the properties of the specified resource...
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
secretsmanagerAWS Secrets Manager
secretsmanager_batch_get_secret_valueRetrieves the contents of the encrypted fields SecretString...
secretsmanager_cancel_rotate_secretTurns off automatic rotation, and if a rotation is currently...
secretsmanager_create_secretCreates a new secret
secretsmanager_delete_resource_policyDeletes the resource-based permission policy attached to the...
secretsmanager_delete_secretDeletes a secret and all of its versions
secretsmanager_describe_secretRetrieves the details of a secret
secretsmanager_get_random_passwordGenerates a random password
secretsmanager_get_resource_policyRetrieves the JSON text of the resource-based policy document...
secretsmanager_get_secret_valueRetrieves the contents of the encrypted fields SecretString...
secretsmanager_list_secretsLists the secrets that are stored by Secrets Manager in the...
secretsmanager_list_secret_version_idsLists the versions of a secret
secretsmanager_put_resource_policyAttaches a resource-based permission policy to a secret
secretsmanager_put_secret_valueCreates a new version with a new encrypted secret value and...
secretsmanager_remove_regions_from_replicationFor a secret that is replicated to other Regions, deletes the...
secretsmanager_replicate_secret_to_regionsReplicates the secret to a new Regions
secretsmanager_restore_secretCancels the scheduled deletion of a secret by removing the...
secretsmanager_rotate_secretConfigures and starts the asynchronous process of rotating...
secretsmanager_stop_replication_to_replicaRemoves the link between the replica secret and the primary...
secretsmanager_tag_resourceAttaches tags to a secret
secretsmanager_untag_resourceRemoves specific tags from a secret
secretsmanager_update_secretModifies the details of a secret, including metadata and the...
secretsmanager_update_secret_version_stageModifies the staging labels attached to a version of a secret
secretsmanager_validate_resource_policyValidates that a resource policy does not grant a wide range...
securityhubAWS SecurityHub
securityhub_accept_administrator_invitationAccepts the invitation to be a member account and be...
securityhub_accept_invitationThis method is deprecated
securityhub_batch_delete_automation_rulesDeletes one or more automation rules
securityhub_batch_disable_standardsDisables the standards specified by the provided...
securityhub_batch_enable_standardsEnables the standards specified by the provided StandardsArn
securityhub_batch_get_automation_rulesRetrieves a list of details for automation rules based on...
securityhub_batch_get_configuration_policy_associationsReturns associations between an Security Hub configuration...
securityhub_batch_get_security_controlsProvides details about a batch of security controls for the...
securityhub_batch_get_standards_control_associationsFor a batch of security controls and standards, identifies...
securityhub_batch_import_findingsImports security findings generated by a finding provider...
securityhub_batch_update_automation_rulesUpdates one or more automation rules based on rule Amazon...
securityhub_batch_update_findingsUsed by Security Hub customers to update information about...
securityhub_batch_update_standards_control_associationsFor a batch of security controls and standards, this...
securityhub_create_action_targetCreates a custom action target in Security Hub
securityhub_create_automation_ruleCreates an automation rule based on input parameters
securityhub_create_configuration_policyCreates a configuration policy with the defined configuration
securityhub_create_finding_aggregatorUsed to enable finding aggregation
securityhub_create_insightCreates a custom insight in Security Hub
securityhub_create_membersCreates a member association in Security Hub between the...
securityhub_decline_invitationsDeclines invitations to become a member account
securityhub_delete_action_targetDeletes a custom action target from Security Hub
securityhub_delete_configuration_policyDeletes a configuration policy
securityhub_delete_finding_aggregatorDeletes a finding aggregator
securityhub_delete_insightDeletes the insight specified by the InsightArn
securityhub_delete_invitationsDeletes invitations received by the Amazon Web Services...
securityhub_delete_membersDeletes the specified member accounts from Security Hub
securityhub_describe_action_targetsReturns a list of the custom action targets in Security Hub...
securityhub_describe_hubReturns details about the Hub resource in your account,...
securityhub_describe_organization_configurationReturns information about the way your organization is...
securityhub_describe_productsReturns information about product integrations in Security...
securityhub_describe_standardsReturns a list of the available standards in Security Hub
securityhub_describe_standards_controlsReturns a list of security standards controls
securityhub_disable_import_findings_for_productDisables the integration of the specified product with...
securityhub_disable_organization_admin_accountDisables a Security Hub administrator account
securityhub_disable_security_hubDisables Security Hub in your account only in the current...
securityhub_disassociate_from_administrator_accountDisassociates the current Security Hub member account from...
securityhub_disassociate_from_master_accountThis method is deprecated
securityhub_disassociate_membersDisassociates the specified member accounts from the...
securityhub_enable_import_findings_for_productEnables the integration of a partner product with Security...
securityhub_enable_organization_admin_accountDesignates the Security Hub administrator account for an...
securityhub_enable_security_hubEnables Security Hub for your account in the current Region...
securityhub_get_administrator_accountProvides the details for the Security Hub administrator...
securityhub_get_configuration_policyProvides information about a configuration policy
securityhub_get_configuration_policy_associationReturns the association between a configuration and a target...
securityhub_get_enabled_standardsReturns a list of the standards that are currently enabled
securityhub_get_finding_aggregatorReturns the current finding aggregation configuration
securityhub_get_finding_historyReturns history for a Security Hub finding in the last 90...
securityhub_get_findingsReturns a list of findings that match the specified criteria
securityhub_get_insight_resultsLists the results of the Security Hub insight specified by...
securityhub_get_insightsLists and describes insights for the specified insight ARNs
securityhub_get_invitations_countReturns the count of all Security Hub membership invitations...
securityhub_get_master_accountThis method is deprecated
securityhub_get_membersReturns the details for the Security Hub member accounts for...
securityhub_get_security_control_definitionRetrieves the definition of a security control
securityhub_invite_membersInvites other Amazon Web Services accounts to become member...
securityhub_list_automation_rulesA list of automation rules and their metadata for the calling...
securityhub_list_configuration_policiesLists the configuration policies that the Security Hub...
securityhub_list_configuration_policy_associationsProvides information about the associations for your...
securityhub_list_enabled_products_for_importLists all findings-generating solutions (products) that you...
securityhub_list_finding_aggregatorsIf finding aggregation is enabled, then...
securityhub_list_invitationsLists all Security Hub membership invitations that were sent...
securityhub_list_membersLists details about all member accounts for the current...
securityhub_list_organization_admin_accountsLists the Security Hub administrator accounts
securityhub_list_security_control_definitionsLists all of the security controls that apply to a specified...
securityhub_list_standards_control_associationsSpecifies whether a control is currently enabled or disabled...
securityhub_list_tags_for_resourceReturns a list of tags associated with a resource
securityhub_start_configuration_policy_associationAssociates a target account, organizational unit, or the root...
securityhub_start_configuration_policy_disassociationDisassociates a target account, organizational unit, or the...
securityhub_tag_resourceAdds one or more tags to a resource
securityhub_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from a resource
securityhub_update_action_targetUpdates the name and description of a custom action target in...
securityhub_update_configuration_policyUpdates a configuration policy
securityhub_update_finding_aggregatorUpdates the finding aggregation configuration
securityhub_update_findingsUpdateFindings is a deprecated operation
securityhub_update_insightUpdates the Security Hub insight identified by the specified...
securityhub_update_organization_configurationUpdates the configuration of your organization in Security...
securityhub_update_security_controlUpdates the properties of a security control
securityhub_update_security_hub_configurationUpdates configuration options for Security Hub
securityhub_update_standards_controlUsed to control whether an individual security standard...
securitylakeAmazon Security Lake
securitylake_create_aws_log_sourceAdds a natively supported Amazon Web Service as an Amazon...
securitylake_create_custom_log_sourceAdds a third-party custom source in Amazon Security Lake,...
securitylake_create_data_lakeInitializes an Amazon Security Lake instance with the...
securitylake_create_data_lake_exception_subscriptionCreates the specified notification subscription in Amazon...
securitylake_create_data_lake_organization_configurationAutomatically enables Amazon Security Lake for new member...
securitylake_create_subscriberCreates a subscription permission for accounts that are...
securitylake_create_subscriber_notificationNotifies the subscriber when new data is written to the data...
securitylake_delete_aws_log_sourceRemoves a natively supported Amazon Web Service as an Amazon...
securitylake_delete_custom_log_sourceRemoves a custom log source from Amazon Security Lake, to...
securitylake_delete_data_lakeWhen you disable Amazon Security Lake from your account,...
securitylake_delete_data_lake_exception_subscriptionDeletes the specified notification subscription in Amazon...
securitylake_delete_data_lake_organization_configurationTurns off automatic enablement of Amazon Security Lake for...
securitylake_delete_subscriberDeletes the subscription permission and all notification...
securitylake_delete_subscriber_notificationDeletes the specified notification subscription in Amazon...
securitylake_deregister_data_lake_delegated_administratorDeletes the Amazon Security Lake delegated administrator...
securitylake_get_data_lake_exception_subscriptionRetrieves the details of exception notifications for the...
securitylake_get_data_lake_organization_configurationRetrieves the configuration that will be automatically set up...
securitylake_get_data_lake_sourcesRetrieves a snapshot of the current Region, including whether...
securitylake_get_subscriberRetrieves the subscription information for the specified...
securitylake_list_data_lake_exceptionsLists the Amazon Security Lake exceptions that you can use to...
securitylake_list_data_lakesRetrieves the Amazon Security Lake configuration object for...
securitylake_list_log_sourcesRetrieves the log sources in the current Amazon Web Services...
securitylake_list_subscribersList all subscribers for the specific Amazon Security Lake...
securitylake_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieves the tags (keys and values) that are associated with...
securitylake_register_data_lake_delegated_administratorDesignates the Amazon Security Lake delegated administrator...
securitylake_tag_resourceAdds or updates one or more tags that are associated with an...
securitylake_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags (keys and values) from an Amazon...
securitylake_update_data_lakeSpecifies where to store your security data and for how long
securitylake_update_data_lake_exception_subscriptionUpdates the specified notification subscription in Amazon...
securitylake_update_subscriberUpdates an existing subscription for the given Amazon...
securitylake_update_subscriber_notificationUpdates an existing notification method for the subscription...
shieldAWS Shield
shield_associate_drt_log_bucketAuthorizes the Shield Response Team (SRT) to access the...
shield_associate_drt_roleAuthorizes the Shield Response Team (SRT) using the specified...
shield_associate_health_checkAdds health-based detection to the Shield Advanced protection...
shield_associate_proactive_engagement_detailsInitializes proactive engagement and sets the list of...
shield_create_protectionEnables Shield Advanced for a specific Amazon Web Services...
shield_create_protection_groupCreates a grouping of protected resources so they can be...
shield_create_subscriptionActivates Shield Advanced for an account
shield_delete_protectionDeletes an Shield Advanced Protection
shield_delete_protection_groupRemoves the specified protection group
shield_delete_subscriptionRemoves Shield Advanced from an account
shield_describe_attackDescribes the details of a DDoS attack
shield_describe_attack_statisticsProvides information about the number and type of attacks...
shield_describe_drt_accessReturns the current role and list of Amazon S3 log buckets...
shield_describe_emergency_contact_settingsA list of email addresses and phone numbers that the Shield...
shield_describe_protectionLists the details of a Protection object
shield_describe_protection_groupReturns the specification for the specified protection group
shield_describe_subscriptionProvides details about the Shield Advanced subscription for...
shield_disable_application_layer_automatic_responseDisable the Shield Advanced automatic application layer DDoS...
shield_disable_proactive_engagementRemoves authorization from the Shield Response Team (SRT) to...
shield_disassociate_drt_log_bucketRemoves the Shield Response Team's (SRT) access to the...
shield_disassociate_drt_roleRemoves the Shield Response Team's (SRT) access to your...
shield_disassociate_health_checkRemoves health-based detection from the Shield Advanced...
shield_enable_application_layer_automatic_responseEnable the Shield Advanced automatic application layer DDoS...
shield_enable_proactive_engagementAuthorizes the Shield Response Team (SRT) to use email and...
shield_get_subscription_stateReturns the SubscriptionState, either Active or Inactive
shield_list_attacksReturns all ongoing DDoS attacks or all DDoS attacks during a...
shield_list_protection_groupsRetrieves ProtectionGroup objects for the account
shield_list_protectionsRetrieves Protection objects for the account
shield_list_resources_in_protection_groupRetrieves the resources that are included in the protection...
shield_list_tags_for_resourceGets information about Amazon Web Services tags for a...
shield_tag_resourceAdds or updates tags for a resource in Shield
shield_untag_resourceRemoves tags from a resource in Shield
shield_update_application_layer_automatic_responseUpdates an existing Shield Advanced automatic application...
shield_update_emergency_contact_settingsUpdates the details of the list of email addresses and phone...
shield_update_protection_groupUpdates an existing protection group
shield_update_subscriptionUpdates the details of an existing subscription
ssoAWS Single Sign-On
ssoadminAWS Single Sign-On Admin
ssoadmin_attac_custo_manag_polic_refer_to_permi_setAttaches the specified customer managed policy to the...
ssoadmin_attach_managed_policy_to_permission_setAttaches an Amazon Web Services managed policy ARN to a...
ssoadmin_create_account_assignmentAssigns access to a principal for a specified Amazon Web...
ssoadmin_create_applicationCreates an application in IAM Identity Center for the given...
ssoadmin_create_application_assignmentGrant application access to a user or group
ssoadmin_create_instanc_access_control_attribu_configuEnables the attributes-based access control (ABAC) feature...
ssoadmin_create_instanceCreates an instance of IAM Identity Center for a standalone...
ssoadmin_create_permission_setCreates a permission set within a specified IAM Identity...
ssoadmin_create_trusted_token_issuerCreates a connection to a trusted token issuer in an instance...
ssoadmin_delete_account_assignmentDeletes a principal's access from a specified Amazon Web...
ssoadmin_delete_applicationDeletes the association with the application
ssoadmin_delete_application_access_scopeDeletes an IAM Identity Center access scope from an...
ssoadmin_delete_application_assignmentRevoke application access to an application by deleting...
ssoadmin_delete_application_authentication_methodDeletes an authentication method from an application
ssoadmin_delete_application_grantDeletes a grant from an application
ssoadmin_delete_inline_policy_from_permission_setDeletes the inline policy from a specified permission set
ssoadmin_delete_instanc_access_control_attribu_configuDisables the attributes-based access control (ABAC) feature...
ssoadmin_delete_instanceDeletes the instance of IAM Identity Center
ssoadmin_delete_permissions_boundary_from_permission_setDeletes the permissions boundary from a specified...
ssoadmin_delete_permission_setDeletes the specified permission set
ssoadmin_delete_trusted_token_issuerDeletes a trusted token issuer configuration from an instance...
ssoadmin_describe_account_assignment_creation_statusDescribes the status of the assignment creation request
ssoadmin_describe_account_assignment_deletion_statusDescribes the status of the assignment deletion request
ssoadmin_describe_applicationRetrieves the details of an application associated with an...
ssoadmin_describe_application_assignmentRetrieves a direct assignment of a user or group to an...
ssoadmin_describe_application_providerRetrieves details about a provider that can be used to...
ssoadmin_describe_instanceReturns the details of an instance of IAM Identity Center
ssoadmin_describe_permission_setGets the details of the permission set
ssoadmin_describe_permission_set_provisioning_statusDescribes the status for the given permission set...
ssoadmin_describe_trusted_token_issuerRetrieves details about a trusted token issuer configuration...
ssoadmin_describ_instanc_access_control_attribu_configuReturns the list of IAM Identity Center identity store...
ssoadmin_detac_custo_manag_polic_refer_from_permi_setDetaches the specified customer managed policy from the...
ssoadmin_detach_managed_policy_from_permission_setDetaches the attached Amazon Web Services managed policy ARN...
ssoadmin_get_application_access_scopeRetrieves the authorized targets for an IAM Identity Center...
ssoadmin_get_application_assignment_configurationRetrieves the configuration of...
ssoadmin_get_application_authentication_methodRetrieves details about an authentication method used by an...
ssoadmin_get_application_grantRetrieves details about an application grant
ssoadmin_get_inline_policy_for_permission_setObtains the inline policy assigned to the permission set
ssoadmin_get_permissions_boundary_for_permission_setObtains the permissions boundary for a specified...
ssoadmin_list_account_assignment_creation_statusLists the status of the Amazon Web Services account...
ssoadmin_list_account_assignment_deletion_statusLists the status of the Amazon Web Services account...
ssoadmin_list_account_assignmentsLists the assignee of the specified Amazon Web Services...
ssoadmin_list_account_assignments_for_principalRetrieves a list of the IAM Identity Center associated Amazon...
ssoadmin_list_accounts_for_provisioned_permission_setLists all the Amazon Web Services accounts where the...
ssoadmin_list_application_access_scopesLists the access scopes and authorized targets associated...
ssoadmin_list_application_assignmentsLists Amazon Web Services account users that are assigned to...
ssoadmin_list_application_assignments_for_principalLists the applications to which a specified principal is...
ssoadmin_list_application_authentication_methodsLists all of the authentication methods supported by the...
ssoadmin_list_application_grantsList the grants associated with an application
ssoadmin_list_application_providersLists the application providers configured in the IAM...
ssoadmin_list_applicationsLists all applications associated with the instance of IAM...
ssoadmin_list_custo_manag_polic_refer_in_permi_setLists all customer managed policies attached to a specified...
ssoadmin_list_instancesLists the details of the organization and account instances...
ssoadmin_list_managed_policies_in_permission_setLists the Amazon Web Services managed policy that is attached...
ssoadmin_list_permission_set_provisioning_statusLists the status of the permission set provisioning requests...
ssoadmin_list_permission_setsLists the PermissionSets in an IAM Identity Center instance
ssoadmin_list_permission_sets_provisioned_to_accountLists all the permission sets that are provisioned to a...
ssoadmin_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags that are attached to a specified resource
ssoadmin_list_trusted_token_issuersLists all the trusted token issuers configured in an instance...
ssoadmin_provision_permission_setThe process by which a specified permission set is...
ssoadmin_put_application_access_scopeAdds or updates the list of authorized targets for an IAM...
ssoadmin_put_application_assignment_configurationConfigure how users gain access to an application
ssoadmin_put_application_authentication_methodAdds or updates an authentication method for an application
ssoadmin_put_application_grantAdds a grant to an application
ssoadmin_put_inline_policy_to_permission_setAttaches an inline policy to a permission set
ssoadmin_put_permissions_boundary_to_permission_setAttaches an Amazon Web Services managed or customer managed...
ssoadmin_tag_resourceAssociates a set of tags with a specified resource
ssoadmin_untag_resourceDisassociates a set of tags from a specified resource
ssoadmin_update_applicationUpdates application properties
ssoadmin_update_instanc_access_control_attribu_configuUpdates the IAM Identity Center identity store attributes...
ssoadmin_update_instanceUpdate the details for the instance of IAM Identity Center...
ssoadmin_update_permission_setUpdates an existing permission set
ssoadmin_update_trusted_token_issuerUpdates the name of the trusted token issuer, or the path of...
sso_get_role_credentialsReturns the STS short-term credentials for a given role name...
sso_list_account_rolesLists all roles that are assigned to the user for a given AWS...
sso_list_accountsLists all AWS accounts assigned to the user
sso_logoutRemoves the locally stored SSO tokens from the client-side...
ssooidc_create_tokenCreates and returns access and refresh tokens for clients...
ssooidc_create_token_with_iamCreates and returns access and refresh tokens for clients and...
ssooidc_register_clientRegisters a client with IAM Identity Center
ssooidc_start_device_authorizationInitiates device authorization by requesting a pair of...
stsAWS Security Token Service
sts_assume_roleReturns a set of temporary security credentials that you can...
sts_assume_role_with_samlReturns a set of temporary security credentials for users who...
sts_assume_role_with_web_identityReturns a set of temporary security credentials for users who...
sts_decode_authorization_messageDecodes additional information about the authorization status...
sts_get_access_key_infoReturns the account identifier for the specified access key...
sts_get_caller_identityReturns details about the IAM user or role whose credentials...
sts_get_federation_tokenReturns a set of temporary security credentials (consisting...
sts_get_session_tokenReturns a set of temporary credentials for an Amazon Web...
verifiedpermissionsAmazon Verified Permissions
verifiedpermissions_batch_is_authorizedMakes a series of decisions about multiple authorization...
verifiedpermissions_batch_is_authorized_with_tokenMakes a series of decisions about multiple authorization...
verifiedpermissions_create_identity_sourceAdds an identity source to a policy store–an Amazon Cognito...
verifiedpermissions_create_policyCreates a Cedar policy and saves it in the specified policy...
verifiedpermissions_create_policy_storeCreates a policy store
verifiedpermissions_create_policy_templateCreates a policy template
verifiedpermissions_delete_identity_sourceDeletes an identity source that references an identity...
verifiedpermissions_delete_policyDeletes the specified policy from the policy store
verifiedpermissions_delete_policy_storeDeletes the specified policy store
verifiedpermissions_delete_policy_templateDeletes the specified policy template from the policy store
verifiedpermissions_get_identity_sourceRetrieves the details about the specified identity source
verifiedpermissions_get_policyRetrieves information about the specified policy
verifiedpermissions_get_policy_storeRetrieves details about a policy store
verifiedpermissions_get_policy_templateRetrieve the details for the specified policy template in the...
verifiedpermissions_get_schemaRetrieve the details for the specified schema in the...
verifiedpermissions_is_authorizedMakes an authorization decision about a service request...
verifiedpermissions_is_authorized_with_tokenMakes an authorization decision about a service request...
verifiedpermissions_list_identity_sourcesReturns a paginated list of all of the identity sources...
verifiedpermissions_list_policiesReturns a paginated list of all policies stored in the...
verifiedpermissions_list_policy_storesReturns a paginated list of all policy stores in the calling...
verifiedpermissions_list_policy_templatesReturns a paginated list of all policy templates in the...
verifiedpermissions_put_schemaCreates or updates the policy schema in the specified policy...
verifiedpermissions_update_identity_sourceUpdates the specified identity source to use a new identity...
verifiedpermissions_update_policyModifies a Cedar static policy in the specified policy store
verifiedpermissions_update_policy_storeModifies the validation setting for a policy store
verifiedpermissions_update_policy_templateUpdates the specified policy template
waf_create_byte_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_geo_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_ip_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_rate_based_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_regex_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_regex_pattern_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_rule_groupThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_size_constraint_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_sql_injection_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_web_aclThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_create_web_acl_migration_stackCreates an AWS CloudFormation WAFV2 template for the...
waf_create_xss_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_byte_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_geo_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_ip_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_logging_configurationThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_permission_policyThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_rate_based_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_regex_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_regex_pattern_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_rule_groupThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_size_constraint_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_sql_injection_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_web_aclThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_delete_xss_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_byte_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_change_tokenThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_change_token_statusThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_geo_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_ip_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_logging_configurationThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_permission_policyThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_rate_based_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_rate_based_rule_managed_keysThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_regex_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_regex_pattern_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_rule_groupThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_sampled_requestsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_size_constraint_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_sql_injection_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_web_aclThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_get_xss_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_activated_rules_in_rule_groupThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_byte_match_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_geo_match_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_ip_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_logging_configurationsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_rate_based_rulesThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_regex_match_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_regex_pattern_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_rule_groupsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_rulesThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_size_constraint_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_sql_injection_match_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_subscribed_rule_groupsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_tags_for_resourceThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_web_ac_lsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_list_xss_match_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_put_logging_configurationThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_put_permission_policyThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregionalAWS WAF Regional
wafregional_associate_web_aclThis is AWS WAF Classic Regional documentation
wafregional_create_byte_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_geo_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_ip_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_rate_based_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_regex_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_regex_pattern_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_rule_groupThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_size_constraint_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_sql_injection_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_web_aclThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_create_web_acl_migration_stackCreates an AWS CloudFormation WAFV2 template for the...
wafregional_create_xss_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_delete_byte_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_delete_geo_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_delete_ip_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_delete_logging_configurationThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_delete_web_aclThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_get_byte_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_get_change_tokenThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_get_geo_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_get_ip_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_get_logging_configurationThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_get_permission_policyThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_get_regex_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_get_regex_pattern_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_get_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_get_sql_injection_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_get_web_aclThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_get_xss_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_list_activated_rules_in_rule_groupThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_list_byte_match_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_list_size_constraint_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_list_sql_injection_match_setsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_list_subscribed_rule_groupsThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_list_tags_for_resourceThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_put_logging_configurationThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_untag_resourceThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_update_byte_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_update_ip_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
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wafregional_update_sql_injection_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_update_web_aclThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafregional_update_xss_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_tag_resourceThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_untag_resourceThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_byte_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_geo_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_ip_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_rate_based_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_regex_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_regex_pattern_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_ruleThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_rule_groupThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_size_constraint_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_sql_injection_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_web_aclThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
waf_update_xss_match_setThis is AWS WAF Classic documentation
wafv2AWS WAFV2
wafv2_associate_web_aclAssociates a web ACL with a regional application resource, to...
wafv2_check_capacityReturns the web ACL capacity unit (WCU) requirements for a...
wafv2_create_api_keyCreates an API key that contains a set of token domains
wafv2_create_ip_setCreates an IPSet, which you use to identify web requests that...
wafv2_create_regex_pattern_setCreates a RegexPatternSet, which you reference in a...
wafv2_create_rule_groupCreates a RuleGroup per the specifications provided
wafv2_create_web_aclCreates a WebACL per the specifications provided
wafv2_delete_api_keyDeletes the specified API key
wafv2_delete_firewall_manager_rule_groupsDeletes all rule groups that are managed by Firewall Manager...
wafv2_delete_ip_setDeletes the specified IPSet
wafv2_delete_logging_configurationDeletes the LoggingConfiguration from the specified web ACL
wafv2_delete_permission_policyPermanently deletes an IAM policy from the specified rule...
wafv2_delete_regex_pattern_setDeletes the specified RegexPatternSet
wafv2_delete_rule_groupDeletes the specified RuleGroup
wafv2_delete_web_aclDeletes the specified WebACL
wafv2_describe_all_managed_productsProvides high-level information for the Amazon Web Services...
wafv2_describe_managed_products_by_vendorProvides high-level information for the managed rule groups...
wafv2_describe_managed_rule_groupProvides high-level information for a managed rule group,...
wafv2_disassociate_web_aclDisassociates the specified regional application resource...
wafv2_generate_mobile_sdk_release_urlGenerates a presigned download URL for the specified release...
wafv2_get_decrypted_api_keyReturns your API key in decrypted form
wafv2_get_ip_setRetrieves the specified IPSet
wafv2_get_logging_configurationReturns the LoggingConfiguration for the specified web ACL
wafv2_get_managed_rule_setRetrieves the specified managed rule set
wafv2_get_mobile_sdk_releaseRetrieves information for the specified mobile SDK release,...
wafv2_get_permission_policyReturns the IAM policy that is attached to the specified rule...
wafv2_get_rate_based_statement_managed_keysRetrieves the IP addresses that are currently blocked by a...
wafv2_get_regex_pattern_setRetrieves the specified RegexPatternSet
wafv2_get_rule_groupRetrieves the specified RuleGroup
wafv2_get_sampled_requestsGets detailed information about a specified number of...
wafv2_get_web_aclRetrieves the specified WebACL
wafv2_get_web_acl_for_resourceRetrieves the WebACL for the specified resource
wafv2_list_api_keysRetrieves a list of the API keys that you've defined for the...
wafv2_list_available_managed_rule_groupsRetrieves an array of managed rule groups that are available...
wafv2_list_available_managed_rule_group_versionsReturns a list of the available versions for the specified...
wafv2_list_ip_setsRetrieves an array of IPSetSummary objects for the IP sets...
wafv2_list_logging_configurationsRetrieves an array of your LoggingConfiguration objects
wafv2_list_managed_rule_setsRetrieves the managed rule sets that you own
wafv2_list_mobile_sdk_releasesRetrieves a list of the available releases for the mobile SDK...
wafv2_list_regex_pattern_setsRetrieves an array of RegexPatternSetSummary objects for the...
wafv2_list_resources_for_web_aclRetrieves an array of the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for...
wafv2_list_rule_groupsRetrieves an array of RuleGroupSummary objects for the rule...
wafv2_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieves the TagInfoForResource for the specified resource
wafv2_list_web_ac_lsRetrieves an array of WebACLSummary objects for the web ACLs...
wafv2_put_logging_configurationEnables the specified LoggingConfiguration, to start logging...
wafv2_put_managed_rule_set_versionsDefines the versions of your managed rule set that you are...
wafv2_put_permission_policyUse this to share a rule group with other accounts
wafv2_tag_resourceAssociates tags with the specified Amazon Web Services...
wafv2_untag_resourceDisassociates tags from an Amazon Web Services resource
wafv2_update_ip_setUpdates the specified IPSet
wafv2_update_managed_rule_set_version_expiry_dateUpdates the expiration information for your managed rule set
wafv2_update_regex_pattern_setUpdates the specified RegexPatternSet
wafv2_update_rule_groupUpdates the specified RuleGroup
wafv2_update_web_aclUpdates the specified WebACL documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:30 a.m.