Man pages for tanaylab/metacell
Meta cell analysis for single cell RNA-seq data

allrow_corcomputing correlations between all rows in two matrices
gen_10x_mars_gene_matchGenerate mapping of 10x to mars names
gset_add_genesAdd specific genes to the set
gset_get_feat_matextract umi matrix for the genes in the set, possibly...
gset_get_genesGet genes of one set
gset_import_tableImport gene set for a text table
gset_new_gsetGenerating a new gset
gset_new_restrict_gsetGenerate a new gene set from an existing one, filtered by a...
gset_new_restrict_nmsGenerate a new gene set from an existing one, filtered by a...
gset_write_tableExprt gene set to a table
initialize-tgCellGraph-methodThis constructs graph object from a data frame on columns...
initialize-tgCoClust-methodConstruct a coclust object
initialize-tgGeneSets-methodtgGeneSets public constructor
initialize-tgMC2D-methodConstruct a meta cell 2D embedding
initialize-tgMCAtlas-methodConstruct a meta cell reference atlas
initialize-tgMCCov-methodConstruct a meta cell object
initialize-tgMCManifGraph-methodConstruct a meta cell manifold graph
initialize-tgMCTNetwork-methodConstruct a meta cell time network
mcatlas_annotate_mc_by_mc2mc_projectionAnnotate query metacell with atlas by comparing query...
mcatlas_annotate_mc_by_sc2mc_projectionAnnotate query metacell with atlas by comparing query cells...
mcatlas_annotate_mc_by_sc2sc_projectionAnnotate query metacell with atlas by comparing query cells...
mcatlas_comp_adj_type_nCompute the summary matrix of cell type adjacencies
mcatlas_project_queryCompute association of query umi matrix and atlas
mc_colorizecolorize metacell using a set of prefered markers and their...
mc_colorize_defaultcolorize metacell using an ugly default color spectrum, or a...
mc_colorize_from_ref_mccolorize metacell by projecting colors from another metacell...
mc_colorize_sup_hierarchycolorize metacells using a set of super MCs derived by...
mc_compute_cov_gcCompute fraction of non zero expressing cells per gene and mc
mc_compute_e_gcCompute metacell absolute mean umi per cell
mc_compute_fpCompute metacell gene footprint
mc_compute_n_bcCompute distribution of cells over batches and metacell
mc_compute_outlier_fcCompute log fold change expression of each gene given its...
mcell_add_cgraph_bknn_norm_mcBuild a cell graph using balanced knn after normalizing over...
mcell_add_cgraph_from_distmatBuild a cell graph using blanacing of an extrenal distance...
mcell_add_cgraph_from_mat_bknnBuild a cell graph using balanced knn graph on given gene...
mcell_add_cgraph_from_mat_raw_knnBuild a cell graph using raw knn graph on given gene features
mcell_add_gene_names_xref_mars10xCreate a gene name xref for heuristc map of mars/10x
mcell_add_mars_facs_dataCreates a new matrix object from a given one by adding FACS...
mcell_add_mc_from_graphCompute metacell using a native implementation of a graph...
mcell_batch_statsgenerate a batch stat table for a given single cell umi...
mcell_calc_one_batch_statscalc batch stats - essentially umi distribution
mcell_cgraph_norm_gcorComputing gene-gene correlation normaized over a similarity...
mcell_coclust_filt_by_k_degReturn a filter (boolean vector) selecting only coclust edges...
mcell_coclust_from_graph_resampCompute metacell using resampling iterations of graph cover...
mcell_compare_bulkUtility plot function to compare bulk expression of two...
mcell_gen_atlaswrap up an atlas object from mc, mc2d and matrix ids
mcell_gen_cell_cor_gsetCompute a cell cell correlation matrix using features defined...
mcell_graph_pred_corrCompute predictive value of MC cover as correlation of MC...
mcell_gset_add_geneadding genes to a gene set
mcell_gset_filter_covgnereate/filter gene features from coverage threshold in...
mcell_gset_filter_multiSelect/filter gene features from using multiple statistics...
mcell_gset_filter_szcorgnereate/filter gene features from statistics on correlation...
mcell_gset_filter_varmeangnereate/filter gene features from gstat normalized var/mean
mcell_gset_from_mc_markersGenerate a gene set of markers from a metacell cover
mcell_gset_remove_clustsadd new gene set based on an existing one with filtering...
mcell_gset_split_by_dsmatsplit gene set into several modules using clustering of genes...
mcell_import_multi_marsLoad a matrix from a MARS-seq multi-batch dataset. The scdb...
mcell_import_multi_scmat_10xLoad a matrix from a 10x multi-batch dataset. The scdb...
mcell_import_scmat_10xLoad a matrix from a 10x dataset. The scdb version of...
mcell_import_scmat_tsvLoad a matrix from a simple dense table with genes in rows...
mcell_mat_ignore_cellsGenerate a new matrix object with a given ignore cell list
mcell_mat_ignore_genesGenerate a new matrix object with a given ignore gene list
mcell_mat_ignore_small_cellsGenerate a new matrix object after removing cells without...
mcell_mat_rpt_cor_anchorsFind and report naive gene gene correlation over umi matrix
mcell_mc2d_force_knnMetacell layout using force directed projection of a low...
mcell_mc2d_force_knn_on_cellsCompute cells 2d coordinates based on the mc graph when the...
mcell_mc2d_plotPlot mc+cell graph using pre-defined mc colorization
mcell_mc2d_plot_by_factorPlot mc+cells using pre-defined mc colorization, breakdown by...
mcell_mc2d_plot_genePlot the (log2) metacell footprint value of the selected gene...
mcell_mc2d_rotateRotatae/invert projection
mcell_mc_add_annotUpdate metacell annotation
mcell_mc_add_colorUpdate metacells colors
mcell_mc_cell_homogeneityCompute cell homogeneity - the fraction of intra mc edges per...
mcell_mc_coclust_confusion_matCompute confusion matrix on metacells using a coclustering...
mcell_mc_confusion_matCompute confusion matrix on metacells
mcell_mc_edge_densityfor each MC we compute mean and variance of the intra-MC edge...
mcell_mc_export_tabOutput genes cell modules footprint matrix with metadata on...
mcell_mc_from_coclust_balancedbuild a metacell cover from co-clust data through filtering...
mcell_mc_from_coclust_hcbuild a metacell cover from a co-clust object using a simple...
mcell_mc_from_coclust_louv_subbuild a metacell cover from a big co-clust using louvain...
mcell_mc_hclust_confucomput mc hierarchucal clustering using the normalized...
mcell_mc_hierarchyidentify super structure in an mc cover, based on hcluster of...
mcell_mc_match_graphTEst if a graph object cover all cells in the mc
mcell_mc_plot_by_factorplot a heatmap of number of cells per metacell and metadata...
mcell_mc_plot_confusionplot a metacel confusion matrix
mcell_mc_plot_ggUtility plot function to compare two genes based on mc_fp
mcell_mc_plot_hierarchyplot super strucutre: super clust mc footprint, and selected...
mcell_mc_plot_marksplot a marker heat map give a metacell object
mcell_mc_plot_submc_marksplot a marker heat map for a subset of metacells - selecting...
mcell_mc_plot_vgelsplot a "gel" like diagram showing expression of a gene of...
mcell_mc_pred_corrCompute predictive value of MC cover as correlation of MC...
mcell_mc_reorder_hcReorder metacells using hierarchical clustering
mcell_mc_screen_outliers_1gene_foldSimple screen for outlier cells in a metacell cover, finding...
mcell_mc_split_by_color_groupSplits input metacell object into sub-objects by color group,...
mcell_mc_split_filtSplit and filter metacells using dbscan and outlier gene...
mcell_merge_matsncell_merge_mats: Merge two matrix using their ids in scdb....
mcell_mgraph_knnCompute metacell manifod graph using the confusion matrix of...
mcell_mgraph_logisticCompute metacell manifold graph using logistic distances and...
mcell_new_mcGenerate a new metacell in scdb
mcell_new_mc2dGenerate a new metacell in scdb
mcell_new_mcatlasGenerate a new atlas in scdb
mcell_new_mc_mgraphGenerate a new metacell manifold graph object
mcell_new_mctnetworkGenerate a new network in scdb
mcell_pipe_mat2mc2dLinear simple pipeline for turning a matrix to a MC and...
mcell_plot_batch_statsplot batches stats
mcell_plot_cross_mcPlotting a matrix of co-occurences between two metacell...
mcell_plot_gset_cor_matsPlot gene set correlation matrices given a an scamt. See...
mcell_plot_gstatsplot gene/feature statistics
mcell_plot_outlier_heatmapPlot and outlier heat map.
mcell_plot_umis_per_cellPlot histogram of total number of umis per cell in the umis...
mcell_proj_on_atlasProject a metacell object on a reference "atlas"
mcell_read_multi_scmat_10xread multiple 10x umi matrices and merge them, based on a...
mcell_read_multi_scmat_marsread multiple MARS umi matrices and merge them, based on a...
mcell_scmat_plot_cmp_kcorAnalyze cell cell cor
mcell_wgtmc_pred_corrCompute predictive value of MC cover as correlation of...
mc_reorderReorder metacell data given defined order
mc_restrictCreate a metacell object on a subset of the MCs, with all...
mc_set_outlier_mcMove all cels from specific metacells to the outliers
mctnetwork_clust_flowsClustring MCs based on the flow graph
mctnetwork_comp_manifold_costsCompute and update manifold costs for a mc time network
mctnetwork_comp_propagationCompute matrices for forward and backwrd propagation using...
mctnetwork_gen_e_gmt_pThis generate two large matrices showing expression of genes...
mctnetwork_gen_gmod_mc_tGiven a list of genes and a matrix, this compute mean umi per...
mctnetwork_gen_mincost_flowsCompute mincost flow and update the mct objects with flows...
mctnetwork_gen_networkCompute and update network strcuture from mc, manifodld costs
mctnetwork_get_flow_matCompute matrix of flows between MCs in a given time point
mctnetwork_get_type_flowsCompute matrix of flows over cell types
mctnetwork_propogate_from_tCompute backward and forward flow propgation of metacell...
mc_update_statsCompute stats over metacell and update the object
pipePipe operator
plot_color_barPlot a color bar with values
port_corport_cor matrix correlation wrap. Parameter selects which...
rescale_sparse_mat_colsEfficient version for scaling all columns in a sparse matrix
scdb_add_cgraphscdb_add_cgraph - add cgraph to the DB and cahce
scdb_add_coclustscdb_add_coclust - add coclust to the DB and cahce
scdb_add_gene_names_xrefscdb_add_gene_names_xref - add a gene name xref tab to the DB...
scdb_add_gsetscdb_add_gset - add gset to the DB and cahce
scdb_add_gstatscdb_add_gstat - add gstat to the DB and cahce
scdb_add_matscdb_add_mat - add amatrix to the DB - will save it and cache
scdb_add_mcscdb_add_mc - add mc to the DB and cahce
scdb_add_mc2dscdb_add_mc2d - add mc2d to the DB and cahce
scdb_add_mcatlasscdb_add_mcatlas - add mcatlas to the DB and cahce
scdb_add_mctnetworkscdb_add_mctnetwork - add mctnetwork to the DB and cahce
scdb_add_mgraphscdb_add_mgraph - add mgraph to the DB and cahce
scdb_cgraphscdb_cgraph - get a cgraph object
scdb_coclustscdb_coclust - get a coclust object
scdb_del_cgraphscdb_del_cgraph - del cgraph from the DB and cahce
scdb_del_coclustscdb_del_coclust - del coclust from the DB and cahce
scdb_del_gene_names_xrefscdb_del_gene_names_xref - remove a gene names xref from the...
scdb_del_gsetscdb_del_gset - del gset from the DB and cahce
scdb_del_gstatscdb_del_gstat - del gstat from the DB and cahce
scdb_del_matscdb_del_mat - remove a matrix from the DB (not just the...
scdb_del_mcscdb_del_mc - del mc from the DB and cahce
scdb_del_mc2dscdb_del_mc2d - del mc2d from the DB and cahce
scdb_del_mcatlasscdb_del_mcatlas - del mcatlas from the DB and cahce
scdb_del_mctnetworkscdb_del_mctnetwork - del mctnetwork from the DB and cahce
scdb_del_mgraphscdb_del_mgraph - del mgraph from the DB and cahce
scdb_gene_names_xrefscdb_gene_names_xref - get gene names convertor table from db
scdb_gsetscdb_gset - get a gene set
scdb_gstatscdb_gstat - get a gstat data frame. If it is missing and the...
scdb_initInitializing scdb
scdb_is_validTesting is scdb is initialized
scdb_lsList all object of a given type from the current scdb
scdb_ls_loadedscdb_ls_loaded - list loaded object of a certain type
scdb_matscdb_mat - get matrix from db, load it if needed
scdb_mcscdb_mc - get a mc object
scdb_mc2dscdb_mc2d - get a mc2d object
scdb_mcatlasscdb_mcatlas - get a mcatlas object
scdb_mctnetworkscdb_mctnetwork - get a mctnetwork object
scdb_mgraphscdb_mgraph - get a mgraph object
scfigs_dirGenerate a standard figure dir name igven and object and...
scfigs_fnGenerate a standard figure name igven and object and figure...
scfigs_initscgfig_set_base - set base directory for metacell figures,...
scm_add_mars_facs_dataAdds FACS index sorting data to matrix metadata table
scmat_read_scmat_10xRead a matrix from the output of a 10x run. Batches can be...
scmat_read_scmat_10x_customRead a custom count matrix from the output of a 10x run....
scm_export_mat_to_sceExport a mat object (umi matrix and metadata table) to a...
scm_gene_statCalculate basic statistics on a matrix
scm_ignore_cellsSet ignored (i.e. blacklisted) cells
scm_ignore_genesSet ignored (i.e. blacklisted) genes
scm_import_sce_to_matImport a umi count matrix with metadata per cell from a...
scm_merge_matsMerge multiple single cell matrix object.
scm_new_matrixConstract a tgScMat
scm_sub_matExtract sub-matrix. This return a matrix object on a subset...
scm_which_downsamp_nDetermine recommended downsampling depth.
tgCellGraph-classCell graph
tgCoClust-classMetacell colustering object
tgGeneSets-classGene sets interface
tgMC2D-classMeta cell 2d projection
tgMCAtlas-classwrap up an atlas object from mc, mc2d and matrix ids
tgMCCov-classMeta cell cover
tgMCManifGraph-classmanifold graph structure over a metacell object
tgMCTNetwork-classtemporal netwrok over metacells
tgScMat-classSingle cell RNA-seq matrix
tgs_cor_graphwrapping tgs functions to compute balanced graph from a...
tanaylab/metacell documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 1:34 a.m.