aa_residues | Masses of amino acid residues. |
addApexes | Add retention time apex for a chunk of PSMs under a single... |
addApexRTs | Helper of adding apex retention times for one RAW |
add_col_rawfile | Adds column 'raw_file'. |
add_cols_at | Pads columns to a placeholder data frame. |
add_custom_entrez | Adds custom Entrez IDs and optional overwriting species |
add_empai | Adds column "prot_empai" |
add_entrez | Adds Entrez IDs |
add_entry_ids | Adds numeric indices for peptides or proteins |
add_fasta_attrs | Helper of parse_fasta. |
add_mascot_pepseqmod | Adds the 'pep_seq_mod' field to Mascot PSMs |
add_mascot_raw | Adds RAW_File column |
add_maxquant_pepseqmod | Adds the 'pep_seq_mod' field to MaxQuant PSMs |
addMBRpeps | Add MBR peptide intensities |
add_mean_dev | Adds mean-deviation |
add_mod_conf | Adds column "pep_var_mod_conf" |
add_msfragger_pepseqmod | Adds the 'pep_seq_mod' field to MSFragger PSMs |
add_msgf_pepseqmod | Adds the 'pep_seq_mod' field to PSMs. |
add_n_pepexpz | Calculates the number of unique charge states of peptides. |
add_pep_n_apexes | Add column 'pep_n_apexes' |
add_pep_retsd | Helper of calc_pep_retsd |
add_pepseqmod | Adds the 'pep_seq_mod' field to PSMs. |
add_prot_desc | Helper of parse_fasta. |
add_prot_icover | Finds peptide abundance indexes. |
add_quality_cols | Adds columns 'pep_n_psm', 'prot_n_psm' and 'prot_n_pep'. |
add_refseq_gene | Adds gene IDs for RefSeq |
add_scan_id | Add 'pep_scan_id' |
add_shared_genes | Find peptides that are shared by genes. |
add_shared_prot_accs_mf | Finds the shared protein accessions when using MSFragger. |
add_shared_sm_genes | Find peptides that are shared by genes. |
add_sm_pepseqmod | Adds the 'pep_seq_mod' field to MaxQuant PSMs |
add_spec_counts | Add spectrum counts |
aggrLFQs | Aggregation of LFQ intensity. |
aggrNumLCMS | Aggregates data from the same TMT_Set at different... |
aggrNums | Summarizes numeric values |
aggrTopn | Sums top_n |
alignPSMApexs | Align PSM apex retention times |
anal_KinSub | PSP outputs of kinase-substrate interactions |
analNMF | NMF analysis |
anal_pepNMF | NMF Classification |
anal_prnString | STRING outputs of protein-protein interactions |
anal_prnTrend | Trend analysis of protein data |
analTrend | Trend analysis |
annot_from_to | Helper to map 'SYMBOL' to 'ENTREZID' |
annotKin | Adds kinase annotation |
annot_KinSub | Annotates kinase-substrate interactions |
annotPeppos | Annotation of peptide positions and adjacent amino acid... |
annotPrn | Adds protein annotation |
annotPSM | Annotates PSM results |
annot_stringdb | Annotates protein STRING ids |
arrangers_in_call | Arranges rows |
assign_duppeps | Assign duplicated peptides to a leading protein |
batchPSMheader | Processes Mascot PSMs |
byfile_gspahm | A helper function for gspaHM by input file names |
byfile_plotVolcano | Plot volcanos |
byfml_gspahm | A helper function for gspaHM by formula names |
byfml_volcano | Formula specific volcano plots |
c2_msig_hs | Entrez IDs of human molecular signatures. |
c2_msig_mm | Entrez IDs of mouse molecular signatures. |
c2_msig_rn | Entrez IDs of rat molecular signatures. |
calc_avgpep | Averaged peptide molecular weight (for proteins) |
calc_cover | Calculates protein percent coverage |
calc_lfq_log2r | Helper: calculates LFQ log2FC. |
calclfqPepInts | Calculates 'pep_tot_int', 'pep_razor_int' and... |
calclfqPepNums | Calculates log2FC of peptides based on LFQ intensity. |
calcLFQPeptide | Calculates Mzion peptide data for individual samples |
calcLFQprnnums | Adds the 'total', 'razor' and 'unique' intensities of... |
calc_mat_log2s_to_refs | LFQ helper: calculate log2FC values from a matrix of samples... |
calc_mat_sds | LFQ helper: calculate SD for matrix data |
calc_mq_log2r | Helper of calculating MaxQuang log2FC |
calc_pep_retsd | Calculates the standard deviation in the retention times of... |
calc_sd_fcts | Calculates standard deviations and the corresponding factors... |
calc_sd_fcts_psm | Calculates PSM SDs |
calcSD_Splex | Calculates CV per TMT_Set and LCMS_injection |
calcTMTLabs | Calculates labeling efficiency |
calcTMTLFQPeptide | Calculates peptide data for individual TMT experiments |
calc_tmt_prnnums | Helper: calculates the TMT log2FC and reporter-ion intensity... |
calc_vec_log2s_to_refs | LFQ helper: calculate log2FC values from a vector of samples... |
calibPSMApexs2 | Calibrate PSM apex retention times under 'apex_ts' |
center_df | Updates df after normalization. |
channelInfo | Extracts the channel information in TMT experiments |
check_aes_length | Checks lengths of aesthetics. |
check_channel_prefix | Adds the 'TMT-' prefix. |
check_depreciated_args | Checks depreciated arguments |
check_dots | Checks duplicate argments in 'dots' |
checkdots_analTrend | Check the dot-dot-dot of anal_prnTrend. |
check_dups_at_lcms_and_sid | Checks duplicated Sample_IDs in different LCMS_Injection's... |
check_dup_unimods | Checks duplicated 'Anywhere' variable modifications. |
check_empty_rows | Removes rows of all NA values |
check_exptfrac_raws | Checks the consistency in RAW_File between expt_smry.xlsx and... |
check_formalArgs | Checks conflicts in function arguments. |
check_formalArgs2 | Checks conflicts in function arguments. |
check_frac_multipsms | Checks the PSM_File in frac_smry.xlsx |
check_ggplot_aes | Checks missing values in a ggplot2 object. |
check_gset_nms | Checks 'gset_nms' |
check_lfq_exptraws | Checks duplicated RAW_Files in expt_smry.xlsx for LFQ. |
check_metadata_integers | Checks the integerish of columns. |
check_mq_df | Compare sample IDS between MaxQuant results and... |
checkmzLFQRT | Check the RT requirement of Mzion LFQ |
check_optional_cols | Checks the default columns in metadata. |
check_raws | Finds mismatches in RAW file names |
check_required_cols | Checks the presence of required columns in metadata. |
check_tmt126_row | Checks the rows TMT-126 in metadata. |
check_tmt_chans_vs_levs | Checks the consistency between TMT_Channel's and TMT_level's. |
check_tmt_emptyids | Checks the uniqueness of Sample_ID for Empty's. |
check_tmt_mixplexes | Checks TMT_Channel after check_channel_prefix where "126"... |
check_tmt_nc | Standardizes TMT channel name. |
check_tmt_plex | Standardizes TMT-plexes. |
check_tmt_rawfiles | Checks the uniqueness of RAW_File per TMT_Set and... |
check_tmt_ref | Checks the 'Reference' channels in metadata |
check_tmt_sampleids | Checks the counts of Sample_ID under each TMT_Set and... |
check_unnamed_cols | Checks the columns without names in metadata. |
cleanPSMYTS | Clean up PSM intensity (Y), retention time (T) and scan... |
cleanRTChim | Clean PSM data with multiple precursors |
cleanupPSM | Cleans Up PSM results |
cluego | ClueGO via API |
cmbn_meta | Combines data with metadata |
colAnnot | Sets up the column annotation in heat maps |
collapse_psm_charges | Collapse PSMs at good proximity of retention times |
collapseSTY | Make MS1 S, T and Y matrices across adjacent scans |
combine_lfq123 | Combine values before or after when collapsing adjacent bins... |
compile_hdr_mods | Compiles Mascot modification indexes. |
concat_fml_dots | Concatenates formula(s) to varargs of dots |
contain_str | Helper of row filtration |
cos_sim | Cosine similarity. |
count_pepmiss | Peptide mis-cleavage counts |
count_phosphopeps | Counts phospho. |
countSpecs | Spectrum counts at peptide levels |
create_db_path | Helper to create 'db_path' |
create_os_lookup | create a lookup table and remove duplicated entries |
dblTrim | Data normalization |
deduce_mod_indexes | Deduces mod_indexes. |
Dixon_outliers | Outlier removals with Dixon's method |
dixon_test | Outlier removals with Dixon's method |
dl_msig | Helper to download 'gmt' |
env_where | Finds the environment of a function |
extract_mbry | Extract MBR intensities |
extract_mq_ints | Extracts MaxQuant intensity values and calculates log2FC. |
extract_psm_raws | Extracts the names of RAW MS files from PSM data |
extract_raws | Extracts RAW MS file names |
fillMBRnaRTs | Fill NA retention times with the MS2 triggering retention... |
fillMFprnnums | Adds MSFragger intensity and ratio columns |
fillMQprnnums | Adds MSFragger intensity and ratio columns |
filterData | Filters rows by variance quantiles |
filters_in_call | Filters rows |
find_abbr_species | Helper to find the two-letter character string of abbreviated... |
find_best_lfqvec | Find the best LFQ vector |
find_delim | Finds the deliminator of a file. |
find_fit_nms | Finds sample IDS for used in the current fitting. |
find_fn_bases | Finds the base names of files |
find_fn_exts | Finds the extensions of files |
find_human_orthologs | Helper to find human orthologs |
find_int_cols | Finds the columns of reporter-ion intensity. |
find_mascot_plex | Finds the plexes according to the Mascot outputs. |
find_mascot_psmraws | Finds the names of Mascot PSM files. |
find_mascot_tmtplex | Finds the TMT-plex from Mascot PSM exports |
find_mascot_vmods | Finds the variable modifications. |
find_mbr_ms1files | Find MBR MS1 files |
find_mf_psmraws | Finds the names of MSFragger PSM files. |
find_mod_indexesQ | Finds mod_indexes. |
find_mq_psmraws | Finds the names of MaxQuant PSM files. |
find_ms1filepath | Finds the filepath of MS1 traces |
find_n_comp | Checks 'n_comp' |
find_NorZ | Finds the patterns of log2FC columns. |
find_padding_pos | Finds the padding positions of TMT channels. |
find_path_ms1 | Find the path of MS1 data |
find_pep_pos | Finds peptide start and end positions |
find_pq_psmraws | Finds the names of proteoQ PSM files. |
find_preceding_colnm | Helper: finds the column name before 'to_move'. |
find_pri_df | helper for finding input 'df' |
find_prot_family_rows | Helper: finds the row indexes of a protein within a family |
find_psmQ_files | Finds the list of psmQ files. |
find_ratio_cols | Finds the columns of reporter-ion ratios. |
find_search_engine | Finds the type of search engine |
find_sec_df | Helper for finding input 'df' (not currently used). |
find_shared_prots | Finds peptides that are shared by proteins. |
find_sm_psmraws | Finds the names of Spectrum Mill PSM files. |
find_species_centers | Finds the data center of log2FC by species and samples |
find_species_centers2 | Finds the data center of log2FC by species and samples |
fitKernelDensity | Data normalization |
fitMS1RT | Calibrate MS1 retention times |
fixBrukerMGF | Fix the 'File' field in 'Title' lines. |
fml2mass | Standarizes mixtured MSGF formulas and masses to monoisotopic... |
fml_gsea | Protein GSEA by formula(s) in 'pepSig' or 'prnSig' |
fml_gspa | Helper of GSPA. |
fmt_num_cols | Formats numeric columns |
fullVolcano | Volcano plots for all proteins or peptides in a data set |
geom_lower_text | Geom plot for ggpairs |
geom_table | Prints table in ggplot2 images |
get_col_types | Gets column types. |
get_full_entrez | Helper to get a complete list of 'ENTREZID' from 'egUNIPROT' |
get_gl_dat_dir | Fetches global 'dat_dir'. |
gg_imgname | Checks file names for ggsave |
gn_rollup | Rolls up genes |
go_sets_hs | Entrez IDs of human gene-ontology annotations. |
go_sets_mm | Entrez IDs of mouse gene-ontology annotations. |
go_sets_rn | Entrez IDs of rat gene-ontology annotations. |
greedysetcover | Greedy set cover. |
groupMZPepZ | Group Mzion peptides by charge states |
groupMZPepZ2 | Group Mzion peptides by charge states |
groupMZPSM0 | Group PSMs |
groupMZPSM1 | Group PSMs |
Grubbs_outliers | Outlier removals with Grubbs's method |
grubbs_test | Outlier removals with Grubbs' method |
gspa_colAnnot | Sets up the column annotation in heat maps |
gspaHM | Plots distance heat map of GSPA |
gspaMap | Volcano plots of protein 'log2FC' under gene sets |
gspa_summary_limma | GSPA pVal calculations using limma |
gspa_summary_mean | gspa pVal calculations using geomean |
gspaTest | Perform GSPA tests |
gsvaTest | Perform GSVA tests |
gsVolcano | Volcano plots of protein 'log2FC' under given gene sets |
haddApexRTs_allsets | Helper of adding apex retention times for all PSM tables |
haddApexRTs_oneset | Helper of adding apex retention times for one PSM table |
hdeduce_mod_indexes | Helper of deduce_mod_indexes. |
hfind_fit_nms | Helper of find_fit_nms. |
hfind_shared_prots | Helper of find_shared_prots. |
hparse_fasta | Helper of parse_fasta by accession type. |
hpepLFQ | Spreads Mzion peptide numbers. |
hrm_lowIntPSMs | Helper for removals of low-intensity PSMs |
hsubColnames | Helper of newColnames. |
identical_dots | Compares dot-dot-dot between prior and current |
impPepNA | Imputes NA values in a peptide table |
impRefNA | Impute NA for references |
imputeNA | Imputation of NA values |
info_anal | Function factories for informatic analysis |
ins_cols_after | Re-order columns in a data frame |
is_all_nan | Finds all-NaN column(s) |
is_trivial_col | Finds a trivial column |
is_trivial_dbl | Finds a trivial vector |
join_mgfs | Joins MGF data to MSGF outputs. |
keep_psm_bestint | Keep the highest intensity PSM |
kegg_sets_hs | Entrez IDs of human KEGG annotations. |
kegg_sets_mm | Entrez IDs of mouse KEGG annotations. |
kegg_sets_rn | Entrez IDs of rat KEGG annotations. |
kinase_lookup | Lookups of human or mouse kinases. |
kinsub_hs | Kinase (in gene name) and the the entrez IDs of substrates |
kinsub_mm | Kinase (in gene name) and the the entrez IDs of substrates |
kinsub_rn | Kinase (in gene name) and the the entrez IDs of substrates |
KinSubTest | Analysis of kinase-substrate interactions |
labEffPSM | TMT labeling efficiency |
lgl_cleanup | Updates data groups of 'log2_R_' and 'I_' etc. by logical... |
list_to_dataframe | Lists to a data frame |
lm_gspa | significance tests of pVals between the up and the down... |
lm_summary | Model summary |
load_craps | Loads cRAPs |
load_dbs | Loads species-specific Databases |
load_expts | Loads TMT or LFQ experiments |
load_fasta | Loads fasta |
load_ls_group | Loads label_scheme or label_scheme_group. |
load_prior | Loads prior Peptide.txt |
load_psmC | Loads psmC.txt |
load_stringdbs | Loads species-specific databases of STRING |
locate_outliers | Locates the positions of outliers |
make_cls | Make GSEA cls |
make_frac_smry | Makes new frac_smry.xlsx. |
make_gct | Make GSEA gct |
makeLFQSpecies | Makes the look-ups of shared peptides across species |
makeLFQXYTS | Prepare the XYTS matrices for LFQ |
make_mascot_intensities | Defines the intensity columns of Mascot outputs. |
make_mascot_ratios | Defines the ratio columns of Mascot outputs. |
make_mq_meta | Processes MaxQuant mqpar.xml |
make_mq_meta2 | Processes MaxQuant mqpar.xml |
map_essential | Helper for mapping between gene sets and essential gene sets |
map_peps_prots | Helper: maps peptides to possible proteins |
map_to_entrez | Map UniProt or Refseq accessions to Entrez IDs |
map_to_entrez_os_name | Map uniprot or refseq to entrez (not currently used) |
mart_hs | BioMart-Ensembl databases for human proteins. |
mart_mm | BioMart-Ensembl for mouse proteins. |
mart_rn | BioMart-Ensembl for rat proteins. |
mascot_refseq2uniprot | Helper function |
match_call_arg | Matches the arg to anal_prnGSPA |
match_fmls | Matches formulas to those in calls to pepSig or prnSig |
match_gset_nms | Matches gset_nms to prnGSPA. |
match_logi_gv | A match to a global logical variable |
match_pepSig_scale_log2r | Matches scale_log2r |
match_prnSig_scale_log2r | Matches scale_log2r |
maxquant_refseq2uniprot | Helper function |
mcPSM | Median-centering normalization of PSM data |
med_summarise_keys | Summary of peptide keys by mean or geomean |
mergePep | Merge peptide table(s) into one |
mergeSTY | Make MS1 S, T and Y matrices across adjacent scans |
mfixBrukerMGF | Batch-fixing of Bruker MGF files. |
model_onechannel | Factorial model formula for interaction terms. All factors... |
mpepLFQ | LFQ of peptides |
mprocBrukerMGF | Batch-reprocessing of Bruker MGF files. |
mq_mods | A list of MaxQuant modifications. |
msubsetBrukerMGF | Parallel subsetBrukerMGF |
my_complete_cases | Complete cases among sample IDs in label_scheme_sub, not... |
my_custom_cor | Custom correlation plots |
my_dist | A wrapper of dist with the handling of partial argument... |
my_geomean | Geometric mean |
my_padj | Adjusted pVal |
my_pheatmap | A wrapper of pheatmap |
my_split1 | Split with NA values |
my_split2 | Split with NA values |
my_sum_n | Sums top-n. |
my_tolower | To lower cases |
my_toupper | To upper cases |
my_union | The union of named list |
my_which_max | Finds the x at max density. |
na_genes_by_acc | Helper of parse_fasta. |
names_pos-set | Prefix form of colnames(x)[c(2, 5, ...)] for use in pipes |
na_single_lfq | Trivializes data rows with single LFQ intensity |
na_species_by_org | Helper of parse_fasta. |
na_zeroIntensity | Replaces zero intensity with NA |
newColnames | Make new column names |
n_LCMS | Finds the maximum number of LCMS injections under the same... |
nmix_params | Helper of fitKernelDensity. |
normMulGau | Data normalization |
normPep | Combines peptide reports across multiple experiments. |
normPSM | Standardization of PSM |
normSD | Data normalization |
not_all_NA | Finds not-all-NA column(s) |
not_all_nan | Finds non-all-NaN column(s) |
not_all_zero | Finds not-all-zero column(s) |
not_allzero_rows | Finds all zero rows |
n_TMT_sets | Finds the number of multiplex TMT experiments |
ok_existing_params | Checks the suitability of existing param files for MGKernel |
ok_file_ncomp | Compares to prior n_comp value. |
ok_min_size | checks the size of a gene set |
order_mascot_psm_cols | Orders Mascot PSM columns |
order_psm_cols | Orders PSM columns. |
pad_grp_samples | Pads sample groups. |
pad_mascot_channels | Pads Mascot TMT channels to the highest plex |
pad_mascot_fields | Pads Mascot PSM exports |
pad_mf_channels | Pads MSFragger TMT channels to the highest plex. |
pad_mq_channels | Pads MaxQuant TMT channels to the highest plex. |
pad_psm_fields | Pads PSM exports. |
pad_sm_channels | Pads Spectrum Mill TMT channels to the highest plex |
pad_tmt_channels | Pads TMT channels to the highest multiplex. |
parse_acc | Determines the protein accession type from PSM tables |
parse_col_select | Parses 'col_select'. |
parse_fasta | Parses FASTA for accession lookups |
parse_filename | Parses file name. |
p_dixon | Outlier removals with Dixon's method |
Pep2Prn | Interim protein data |
pepLFQ | LFQ of peptides |
pepLFQ2 | LFQ of peptides |
pep_mf_lfq | Handling of MSFragger peptide table |
pep_mq_lfq | Handling of MaxQuant peptide.txt |
pep_to_prn | Helper of Pep2Prn |
p_grubbs | Outlier removals with Grubbs' method |
plotCorr | Correlation plots |
plot_corr_sub | Make correlation plots |
plotEucDist | Plots EucDist |
plotHisto | Plots histograms |
plotHM | Makes heat maps |
plotLDA | Plots LDA |
plotMDS | Plots MDS |
plot_metaNMF | Heat maps of metagenes from NMF |
plotNMFCoef | Plots coef results from NMF analysis |
plotNMFCon | Plots consensus results from NMF analysis |
plotNMFmeta | Plots coef results from NMF analysis |
plotPCA | Plots PCA |
plot_pepNMFCon | NMF plots |
plot_prnTrend | Visualization of trend results |
plotTrend | Plots trends |
plot_venn | Plots Venn. |
plotVolcano | Volcano plots |
point_in_polygon | Find points within a contour |
postMZpepLFQ | Post-processing of Mzion PSM tables. |
pre_mq_meta | Updates MaxQuant experimentalDesignTemplate.txt |
preMZpepLFQ | Pre-processing of Mzion PSM tables |
prepDM | Prepares data for analysis |
prepFml | Prepare formulas |
prep_folded_tdata | Prepares folded, transposed data |
prep_fraction_scheme | Loads the information of analyte prefractionation |
prepGO | Download and prepare gene ontology |
prep_gspa | Helper of GSPA |
prep_label_scheme | Processes the metadata of TMT experiments |
prepMSig | Preparation of Molecular Signatures |
prep_range | Standardizes range values. |
prepString | Downloads and prepares STRING databases |
prn_annot_crap | Lookups of cRAP proteins. |
prnCorr_logFC | Correlation plots |
prnEucDist | Distance plots |
prnGSEA | Protein GSEA |
prnGSPA | GSPA of peptide data |
prnGSPAHM | Heat map visualization of GSPA results |
prnGSVA | GSVA of protein data |
prnHist | Histogram visualization |
prnHM | Visualization of heat maps |
prnLDA | LDA plots |
prnMDS | MDS plots |
prnPCA | PCA plots |
prnSig | Significance tests of peptide/protein log2FC |
prnVol | Volcano plots |
procBrukerMGF | Reprocesses of Bruker MGF files. |
procBrukerMGF_v1 | Reprocesses of Bruker MGF files. |
proc_gaf | Helper to save 'gaf' without header |
proc_gmt | Helper to save 'gmt' |
procMSGFmods | Processes MSGF modifications. |
proc_obo | Helper to save 'obo' without header |
procPSMs | Processes PSMs. |
procTMT0 | Helper in reading TMTzero |
proteo_hm | Makes heat maps |
proteoQ | proteoQ: A package for processing mass spectrometry data. |
PSM2Pep | Interim peptide tables |
psm_mcleanup | Parallel PSM cleanup |
psm_mpurge | Helper of purgePSM |
psm_msplit | Splits of PSM tables |
psm_to_pep | Helper of PSM2Pep |
purge_by_cv | Filters data groups by a CV cut-off |
purge_by_n | Filters data groups by a minimal number of observations... |
purge_by_qt | Filters data groups by quantiles of CV |
purgePep | Purges peptide data |
purgePSM | Purges PSM data |
pval_complete_cases | Helper of comeplet cases. |
q_dixon | Distribution function |
q_grubbs | Distribution function |
q_table | Distribution table |
ratio_toCtrl | Calculate the log2-ratio to the control group of samples |
read_fasta | Reads a file in fasta format |
read_metadata | Reads the metadata of expt_smry or frac_smry. |
recheck_tmt_channels | Rechecks the completeness of TMT_Channel. |
recur_flatten | Flattens lists recursively |
reduce_lfq_rtstep | Reduce the step size of retention times for binning |
refseq_entrez_hs | Lookups among RefSeq accessions, Entrez IDs and gene names... |
refseq_entrez_mm | Lookups among RefSeq accessions, Entrez IDs and gene names... |
refseq_entrez_rn | Lookups among RefSeq accessions, Entrez IDs and gene names... |
reload_expts | Reloads the "expt_smry.xlsx" and "frac_smry.xlsx" |
reloc_col | Relocates column "m/z" to be immediately before column... |
reloc_col_after | Relocates column "to_move" immediately after column... |
reloc_col_after_first | Relocates column "to_move" immediately after the first... |
reloc_col_after_last | Relocates column "to_move" immediately after the last column. |
reloc_col_before | Relocates column "to_move" immediately before anchor column... |
reloc_col_before_first | Relocates column "to_move" immediately before the first... |
reloc_col_before_last | Relocates column "to_move" immediately before the last... |
reorderCols | Re-order columns in a data frame |
reorderCols2 | Re-order columns in a data frame |
reorder_files2 | Re-order file names |
replace_by_rowone | Replaces values by the first row. |
replace_cols_at | Replaces columns in the original PSM table. |
replace_empty_with_na | Replaces 'Empty' 'Sample_ID"s with NA. |
replace_na_genes | Replaces NA genes (not currently used) |
replace_na_with_empty | Replaces NA sample IDs with Empty.1 etc. |
replace_NorZ_names | Replaces column names to get Sample_ID(s). |
replace_trivial_with_na | Replaces a trivial vector with NA values. |
rep_ls_groups | Replicates new label_scheme with new Sample_IDs by group_ids. |
rm_2RToutliers | Remove retention-time outliers between two |
rm_apexrt_outliers | Remove PSM retention outliers |
rm_cols_mqpsm | Removes columns from PSM table |
rm_fully_empty_tmt_sets | Removes fully empty TMT sets. |
rm_lowIntPSMs | Remove PSM spikes by a group of 'pep_seq_modz' |
rm_nRToutliers | Remove retention-time outliers for more than two values |
rmPSMHeaders | Removes PSM headers |
rm_psm_spikes | Remove PSM spikes by a group of 'pep_seq_modz' |
rm_pval_whitespace | Checks file names for ggsave |
rm_RToutliers | Cross-file removals of retention outliers |
rm_sglval_cols | Removes single-value columns |
Rosner_outliers | Outlier removals with Rosner's method |
round_msfmod_decimals | For MSFragger |
rowVars | Row Variance |
rptr_violin | Violin plots of reporter-ion intensity per TMT_Set and... |
saddMBR | MBR of peptides |
save_call | Saves the arguments in a function call |
scoreEucDist | Scores Euclidean distance |
scoreLDA | Scores LDA |
scoreMDS | Scores MDS |
scorePCA | Scores PCA |
sd_violin | Violin plots of CV per TMT_Set and LCMS_injection |
sep_mbrfiles | Separate MBR file names by samples |
set_cutpoints | Generates cut points. |
set_cutpoints2 | A wrapper of 'set_cutpoint'. |
set_dat_dir | Sets global 'dat_dir' |
set_db_outname | Helper to set the output file name for a data base |
set_ggsave_dots | Sets dot-dot-dot for ggsave. |
setHMColor | Customizes the colors in column annotation |
setHMlims | Sets the upper and the lower limits in the range of heat maps |
set_mascot_colnms | Sets names for Mascot ratio and intensity columns. |
sigTest | Significance tests |
simple_label_scheme | Simplifies label schemes from 'label_scheme_full' |
simulUniprotPSM | Generate simulated UniProt results from RefSeq PSM data |
sort_tmt_lcms | Sorts by the indexes of TMT_Set and LCMS_Injection |
spline_coefs | calculates the median-centered x's positions by spline points |
splitPSM_ma | Splits PSM tables |
splitPSM_mf | Splits MSFragger PSM tables |
splitPSM_mq | Splits PSM tables |
splitPSM_mz | Splits PSM tables from matchMS. |
sp_lookup | Species lookup |
sp_lookup_go | Helper to look up GO species |
sp_lookup_Ul | Species lookup UpperLower (Ul) |
spreadPepNums | Spreads peptide numbers. |
standPep | Standardize peptide results |
standPrn | Standardize protein results |
stringTest | String analysis |
subsetBrukerMGF | Subsets Bruker's MGF data |
subset_fasta | Subsets fasta by accession type |
subset_keepattr | Subsets elements with attributes kept. |
subset_volcano_df | Sets data for volcano plots. |
sumdnorm | Data normalization |
summ_venn | Venn counts. |
syn_empty_channels | Synchronizes Sample_ID(s) for Empty samples. |
taxid_lookup | Taxonomy lookup |
taxid_lookup_rev | Reversed taxonomy lookup |
TMT_levels | Finds the factor levels of TMT labels |
TMT_plex | Finds the multiplexity of TMT labels |
TMT_plex2 | Finds the multiplexity of TMT labels from previously made... |
TMT_top_n | Average top_n |
tmt_wtmean | Calculates weighted mean |
to_complete_cases | Forces 'complete_cases = TRUE' at 'impute_na = FALSE' |
to_csv_ | Converts a data frame column to a csv vector |
to_linfc | Converts log2FC to linear fold changes |
triv_optcols_at_empty | Trivializes optional columns for Empty samples. |
Uni2Entrez | Map UniProt accessions to Entrez IDs |
uniprot_entrez_hs | Lookups between UniProt accessions and Entrez IDs for human... |
uniprot_entrez_mm | Lookups between UniProt accessions and Entrez IDs for mouse... |
uniprot_entrez_rn | Lookups between UniProt accessions and Entrez IDs for rat... |
uniprot_species | A list of UniProt taxon IDs and Species names. |
update_frac_smry | Updates pre-existed frac_smry.xlsx. |
update_nodes | Helper of make_mq_meta2 |
updatePSMsd | Update cross-sample PSM standard deviation |
use_mf_peptable | Check the single presence of MSFragger peptide table |
use_mf_prottable | Check the single presence of MSFragger... |
use_mq_peptable | Check the single presence of MaxQuant peptides[...].txt. |
use_mq_prottable | Check the single presence of MaxQuant... |
vararg_secmsg | Helper for finding input 'df'. |
write_excel_wb | Wrapper of writing Excel |
write_fasta | Writes fasta |
write_metadata | Writes the metadata of label_scheme or fraction_scheme. |
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